blob: a7a54111bf656c2cf9e20efa602b7b329abda8ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:fxtest/exceptions.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
abstract class StandardOut {
void write(String line);
void writeln(String line);
Future<dynamic> get done;
Future<dynamic> close();
Future<dynamic> flush();
class RealStandardOut implements StandardOut {
void write(String line) => io.stdout.write(line);
void writeln(String line) => io.stdout.writeln(line);
Future<dynamic> get done => io.stdout.done;
// We should not close io.stdout, instead just flush it.
Future<dynamic> close() => io.stdout.flush();
Future<dynamic> flush() => io.stdout.flush();
/// Implementation of an [OutputBuffer]'s [StandardOut] that writes all content
/// to a file on disk.
class FileStandardOut implements StandardOut {
final bool deleteIfExisting;
/// If true, we create the full path as a folder and then place our test
/// file in there.
final Completer<bool> _closedCompleter;
String path;
io.File? _file;
io.IOSink? _sink;
FileStandardOut(this.path, {this.deleteIfExisting = false})
: _closedCompleter = Completer<bool>(),
assert(path != '');
void initPath() {
if (_file == null && io.Directory(path).existsSync()) {
// If the path points to a directory, create a timestamped file.
path = p.join(path, 'fxtest-${}.log');
void initFile() {
if (_file == null) {
if (deleteIfExisting && io.File(path).existsSync()) {
// If the path points to an existing file, delete it if requested.
// (Otherwise, we'll append our output.)
_file = io.File(path);
_sink = _file!.openWrite(mode: io.FileMode.append);
Future<dynamic> flush() async {
await _sink?.flush();
Future<dynamic> close() async {
await flush();
await _sink?.close();
Future get done => _closedCompleter.future;
void write(String line) {
void writeln(String line) {
// not possible to await on flush in non-async function, else we can
// flush more often.
class LocMemStandardOut implements StandardOut {
bool isOpen;
final List<String> buffer;
final Completer<dynamic> _done;
: isOpen = true,
buffer = [],
_done = Completer<dynamic>();
void write(String line) => isOpen
// If the buffer is empty,
? buffer.isEmpty //
// add the line as the first element
? buffer.add(line)
// otherwise, append the line
: buffer.last += line
// And if we weren't even open, raise an error
: throw io.StdoutException('IO is closed.');
void writeln(String line) =>
isOpen ? buffer.add(line) : throw io.StdoutException('IO is closed.');
Future<dynamic> get done => _done.future;
Future<dynamic> close() {
isOpen = false;
? _done.complete()
: throw io.StdoutException('IO is already closed.');
return _done.future;
Future<dynamic> flush() async {
// do nothing
/// Wrapper around iteratively build command line output.
/// Uses control/escape sequences to reset output when necessary, but otherwise
/// simply appends new output to the end of previously written messages.
/// Usage:
/// ```dart
/// OutputBuffer outputBuffer = OutputBuffer(stdout: stdout);
/// // Prints "this will appear on its own line\n"
/// outputBuffer.addLine('this will appear on its own line');
/// // Prints "this will be added to an in-progress line" (no newline!)
/// outputBuffer.addSubstring('this will be added to');
/// outputBuffer.addSubstring(' an in-progress line');
/// // Prints "\nbut now back to whole lines\n" (leading newline bc it followed
/// // a partial line, plus trailing)
/// outputBuffer.addLine('but now back to whole lines')
/// ```
class OutputBuffer {
/// The actual stuff of our output. Can be built and flushed iteratively.
final List<String> content;
/// Helper which implements all necessary functions of [io.stdout].
final StandardOut stdout;
/// Set to `true` if we previously entered a trailing newline for cosmetic
/// purposes. Useful when we hope to emit whole lines after emitting
/// substrings.
bool _isCursorOnNewline;
/// Driver used to programmatically resolve a future that approximates
/// `_stdout.done`.
/// This is important because if the user runs `fx test | -head X`, where X
/// is greater than the number of lines of output, then having awaited the
/// future from `_stdout.done` will cause the program to hang. On the other
/// hand, not awaiting that future causes the error to not be caught and
/// bubble up as an unhandled exception.
/// Thus, the only way to drive this ourselves is to expose both, 1) a future
/// inside a completer, and 2) a method external actors can use to close said
/// future. Calling classes make use of the [close] method once the test suite
/// reaches its natural conclusion.
final Completer _stdoutCompleter;
/// OS-aware line splitting resource.
final _splitter = LineSplitter();
final _ansiEscape = String.fromCharCode(27);
required this.stdout,
// Controls how the buffer should receive its first content. Does not have
// immediate visual impact.
bool cursorStartsOnNewLine = false,
}) : content = [],
_stdoutCompleter = Completer(),
_isCursorOnNewline = cursorStartsOnNewLine {
/// Listen to the actual `stdout.done` future and resolve our approximation
/// with an error if that closes before the test suite completes.
stdout.done.catchError((err) => _closeFutureWithError());
factory OutputBuffer.realIO({bool cursorStartsOnNewLine = false}) {
return OutputBuffer._(
cursorStartsOnNewLine: cursorStartsOnNewLine,
stdout: RealStandardOut(),
factory OutputBuffer.fileIO({required String path}) {
return OutputBuffer._(
cursorStartsOnNewLine: false,
stdout: FileStandardOut(path),
factory OutputBuffer.locMemIO({bool cursorStartsOnNewLine = false}) {
return OutputBuffer._(
cursorStartsOnNewLine: cursorStartsOnNewLine,
stdout: LocMemStandardOut(),
void _closeFutureWithError() => !_stdoutCompleter.isCompleted
? _stdoutCompleter.completeError(OutputClosedException())
: null;
/// Future used to approximate when the stdout is closed
Future stdOutClosedFuture() => _stdoutCompleter.future;
Future<void> flushOutput() async {
await stdout.flush();
/// Resolves the future that waits for the stdout to close. Use this when
/// the test suite has reached its natural conclusion.
Future<void> close() async {
await stdout.close();
!_stdoutCompleter.isCompleted ? _stdoutCompleter.complete(true) : null;
void forcefullyClose() => _closeFutureWithError();
void _clearLines([int lines = 1]) {
if (_isCursorOnNewline) {
_isCursorOnNewline = false;
int counter = 0;
while (counter < lines) {
if (counter < lines - 1) {
void _clearLine() {
..write('$_ansiEscape[2K') // clear line
..write('$_ansiEscape[0G'); // cursor to 0-index on current line
void _cursorUp() {
stdout.write('$_ansiEscape[1A'); // cursor up
/// Appends additional characters to the last line of the buffer
void addSubstring(String msg, {bool shouldFlush = true}) {
if (content.isEmpty) {
content.last += msg;
if (shouldFlush) {
_isCursorOnNewline = false;
/// Adds an additional line to the end of the buffer
void addLine(String msg, {bool shouldFlush = true}) {
addLines(_splitter.convert(msg), shouldFlush: shouldFlush);
/// Adds N additional lines to the end of the buffer
void addLines(List<String> msgs, {bool shouldFlush = true}) {
if (!_isCursorOnNewline) {
_isCursorOnNewline = true;
if (shouldFlush) {
/// Gracefully handles adding lines that themselves contain newlines, since
/// otherwise that breaks some assumptions.
void _registerLine(String line) {
/// Replaces the content of individual lines in the buffer and, optionally,
/// reflushes them to the [stdout].
/// Assumes the passed list of strings should overlay the end of [buffer].
/// Thus, if [buffer] is a list of 10 strings, and this function is invoked
/// with a list of 3 strings, indices 7, 8, and 9 (the last three elements)
/// will be replaced.
void updateLines(List<String> msgs, {bool shouldFlush = true}) {
while (msgs.length > content.length) {
List<String> replacedLines = content.sublist(content.length - msgs.length);
for (int count in Iterable<int>.generate(msgs.length)) {
int indexToReplace = content.length - msgs.length + count;
content[indexToReplace] = msgs[count];
if (shouldFlush) {
var numToFlush = _getTerminalRowsFromLines(replacedLines);
/// Calculates how much various strings had to wrap on the current terminal.
/// This is important because printing one extra long sentence will wrap onto
/// multiple rows in the terminal, but then clearing "a line" does not go back
/// to the last newline -- but instead just clears a given terminal row.
int _getTerminalRowsFromLines(List<String> lines) {
if (!io.stdout.hasTerminal) {
return lines.length;
var rowsPerLine = lines.fold<int>(0, (previousValue, line) {
var bareLine = _stripAnsi(line).length;
var numWholeLines = bareLine ~/ io.stdout.terminalColumns;
var numPartialLines = bareLine % io.stdout.terminalColumns > 0 ? 1 : 0;
return previousValue + numWholeLines + numPartialLines;
return max(rowsPerLine, lines.length);
String _stripAnsi(String val) {
var re = RegExp(r'(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -\/]*[@-~]');
return val.replaceAll(re, '');
/// Sends a list of strings to the [stdout]. Is completely unaware of the
/// [buffer], so calling this directly can desync the internal state from what
/// is rendered in the terminal.
void _flushLines(List<String> lines) {
_isCursorOnNewline = true;
/// Scans the end of the buffer and sets the amount of trailing newlines
/// (represented by empty strings in our list of strings) to the desired level.
/// If the passed number is greater than the current number of empty lines,
/// an appropriate amount of newlines are added.
void reduceEmptyRowsTo(int number) {
bool stillLookingForLineWithContent = true;
int depth = 0;
while (stillLookingForLineWithContent) {
if (content[content.length - depth - 1].isEmpty) {
depth += 1;
} else {
stillLookingForLineWithContent = false;
if (depth > number) {
_clearLines(depth - number);
} else if (depth <= number) {
var emptyLines = <String>[];
for (var counter = 0; counter < (number - depth + 1); counter++) {
/// Writes the entire [buffer] to the [stdout].
void flush({int? start, int? end}) {
_flushLines(content.sublist(start ?? 0, end ?? content.length));
/// Clears the [stdout], without touching the [buffer]. If you are not
/// planning to re-flush, you should consider also resetting [buffer].
void clear() {
int allRows = _getTerminalRowsFromLines(content);
// If the cursor is currently on a new line, deleting *all* the lines will
// go so far back as to delete the original prompt
_clearLines(_isCursorOnNewline ? allRows : allRows - 1);