blob: b31fee8ab6c8f4862ee457c597139b7e864bdd4e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# ________ _________ ________ ________
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# This gni import only exists because we need to build the GN platform artifacts
# before passing them to Bazel. Workbench still has some artifacts which need to
# come from a legacy bundle. It uses the legacy bundle defined for the minimal
# image to minimize the number of legacy bundles we need to maintain. We will
# eventually delete the minimal legacy bundle altogether.
# Every new addition to this gni file is an instance of tech-debt that must be
# cleaned up to have a proper platform+product interface. If you need to add a
# specific artifact to the workbench product, please either add it to the bazel
# rules:
# //products/workbench/BUILD.bazel
# or to the platform AIBs: //build/assembly/
# If the artifact is incapable of being put inside either of these locations,
# reach out to the assembly team for guidance: //src/lib/assembly/OWNERS. The
# assembly team may allow an exception so that artifacts can be added directly
# to this file, but each entry needs a ticket assigned to the assembly team with
# an agreed upon solution for how to address the tech-debt.
include_shell_commands_package = true
# Use Bazel-built images
use_bazel_images_only = true
bazel_product_bundle_prefix = "//products/workbench:workbench_eng"
# TODO( Remove the need to specify this
# config as well as bazel_product_bundle_prefix
fuchsia_product_assembly_config_label = "//products/minimal"
zedboot_product_assembly_config_label = "//products/zedboot"
extra_bazel_assembly_targets =
[ "//build/bazel/assembly/assembly_outputs:verifications" ]
extra_gn_labels_for_bazel_inputs =
[ "//products/workbench/workbench_session:workbench_session_bazel_inputs" ]
fxfs_blob = true
# BEGIN: Baseline eng support
# Support for `ffx`, `fx log`, and `fx shell`, and devhost registration.
# TODO( Delete this section and do the equivalent via
# assembly.
legacy_base_package_labels = [ "//src/connectivity:tools" ]
# Debugging support
discoverable_package_labels = [
# END: Baseline eng support