blob: 5b3072ffcca0dfb976cdd659fdaeda918a1693c2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@available(platform="examples", added=1)
library fuchsia.examples.notificationhub;
/// The name of the Application.
alias AppName = string:64;
/// Number of milliseconds since the unix epoch.
alias Timestamp = uint64;
/// A URL.
alias Url = string:60000;
/// The settings for a Hub.
type Settings = flexible bits {
/// Set to true if you want incoming messages to a hub to be rate-limited.
SLOW_MODE = 0x1;
/// A message in the hub.
type Message = table {
/// A unique id for the message.
1: id uint64;
/// The name of the Application that sent the message.
2: from AppName;
/// The time the message was sent, in unix time.
3: time Timestamp;
/// The contents of the message.
4: content Content;
/// The contents of a message.
type Content = flexible union {
/// The text contents of a message.
1: text string:140;
/// The contents of a banner message, supporting a banner image and text.
2: banner table {
/// The URL to the banner image.
1: image Url;
/// The text contents of the banner.
2: text string:80;
/// A representation of a single notification hub.
type Hub = table {
/// The settings for the hub.
1: settings Settings;
/// The messages in the hub.
2: messages vector<Message>:64;
/// All possible connection errors.
type ConnectionError = flexible enum {
/// An error when the user is already connected to a given hub.
/// The NotificationHub protocol. Allows users to connect to a notification hub,
/// to recieve notifications. Supports multiple concurrent connections to
/// separate hubs.
protocol NotificationHub {
/// Connect to a given app's notification hub.
Connect(struct {
/// The name of the app to connect to.
app AppName;
}) -> (Hub) error ConnectionError;
/// Close all open connections to notification hubs.
// We return a table for future flexibility. We can update this in the
// future to return additional keyed data.
Close() -> (table {});