blob: 0a2478e7c49c2714c45525e693d4a5f81303a995 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generate the manifest for the client component.
fuchsia_component_manifest("client_manifest") {
component_name = "keyvaluestore_usegenericvalues_client"
manifest =
# Set structured configuration values for the client component manifest specified above. This
# provides a means by which to pass arguments to our client component. Such arguments may be set at
# compile-time, as seen here, or altered for testing purposes via a RealmBuilder. In this case,
# because this is an example, and will thus only ever be executed as a test, we intentionally ignore
# the compile-time values set here and overwrite them via the RealmBuilder when running the test.
fuchsia_structured_config_values("client_config_values") {
cm_label = ":client_manifest"
values = {
set_overwrite_option = false
set_concat_option = false
write_bytes = []
write_strings = []
write_uint64s = []
write_int64s = []
write_uint128s = []
group("tests") {
testonly = true
# TODO( Add per-binding `:tests` target after building out each implementation.
deps = [
# DO_NOT_REMOVE_COMMENT (Why? See: /tools/fidl/scripts/canonical_example/
# /DO_NOT_REMOVE_COMMENT (Why? See: /tools/fidl/scripts/canonical_example/