blob: 5bd78e179ba43e4c93c22333719972be7ce5869c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.math;
using zx;
// [START ordinals]
protocol A {
B(struct {
s string;
b bool;
// [END ordinals]
// [START semantics]
type Ipv4Address = struct {
octets array<uint8, 4>;
// [END semantics]
type SuccessValue = struct {};
// [START errors]
// Only erroneous statuses are listed
type MyErrorCode = strict enum {
MISSING_FOO = 1; // avoid using 0
NO_BAR = 2;
protocol Frobinator {
Frobinate() -> (struct {
value SuccessValue;
}) error MyErrorCode;
// [END errors]
// [START empty-error-enum]
type MyEmptyErrorCode = flexible enum {};
protocol Frobinator2 {
Frobinate() -> (struct {
value SuccessValue;
}) error MyEmptyErrorCode;
BadFrobinate() -> (struct {
value SuccessValue;
}) error flexible enum {}; // avoid anonymous enum
// [END empty-error-enum]
// [START optional-error]
type MyStatusCode = strict enum {
OK = 0; // The success value should be 0,
MISSING_FOO = 1; // with erroneous status next.
NO_BAR = 2;
protocol Frobinator3 {
Frobinate() -> (struct {
value box<SuccessValue>;
err MyStatusCode;
// [END optional-error]
// [START constants]
const MAX_BATCH_SIZE int32 = 128;
protocol Sender {
Emit(struct {
batch vector<uint8>:MAX_BATCH_SIZE;
// [END constants]
// [START bits-hex]
type InfoFeaturesHex = strict bits : uint32 {
WLAN = 0x00000001; // If present, this device represents WLAN hardware
SYNTH = 0x00000002; // If present, this device is synthetic (not backed by h/w)
LOOPBACK = 0x00000004; // If present, this device receives all messages it sends
// [END bits-hex]
// [START bits-binary]
type InfoFeaturesBits = strict bits : uint32 {
WLAN = 0b00000001; // If present, this device represents WLAN hardware
SYNTH = 0b00000010; // If present, this device is synthetic (not backed by h/w)
LOOPBACK = 0b00000100; // If present, this device receives all messages it sends
// [END bits-binary]
// [START method-strictness]
open protocol Logger {
flexible AddRecord(struct {
message string;
strict EnablePIIMode();
flexible DisablePIIMode();
flexible Flush() -> ();
// [END method-strictness]
// [START ajar-tear-off]
ajar protocol BazTransaction {
flexible Add(resource struct {
bars vector<client_end:Bar>;
strict Commit() -> (struct {
args Args;
open protocol Foo3 {
flexible StartBazTransaction(resource struct {
transaction server_end:BazTransaction;
// [END ajar-tear-off]
// [START pipelining-1]
// GOOD:
protocol GoodFoo {
GetBar(resource struct {
name string;
bar server_end:Bar;
// BAD:
protocol BadFoo {
GetBar(struct {
name string;
}) -> (resource struct {
bar client_end:Bar;
// [END pipelining-1]
type CodecParams = struct {};
protocol Codec {};
// [START pipelining-2]
protocol CodecProvider {
TryToCreateCodec(resource struct {
params CodecParams;
codec server_end:Codec;
}) -> (struct {
succeed bool;
// [END pipelining-2]
// [START pipelining-3]
protocol Codec2 {
-> OnReady();
protocol CodecProvider2 {
TryToCreateCodec(resource struct {
params CodecParams;
codec server_end:Codec2;
// [END pipelining-3]
type Args = struct {};
// [START hanging-gets]
protocol FooProvider {
WatchFoo(struct {
args Args;
}) -> (resource struct {
foo client_end:Foo;
// [END hanging-gets]
// [START throttle-push]
protocol Listener {
OnBar(struct {
args Args;
}) -> ();
// [END throttle-push]
// [START events-1]
protocol DeathWish {
-> OnFatalError(struct {
error_code zx.Status;
// [END events-1]
// [START events-2]
protocol NetworkScanner {
-> OnNetworkDiscovered(struct {
network string;
-> OnScanFinished();
// [END events-2]
type InputEvent = struct {};
// [START ack-1]
protocol View1 {
-> OnInputEvent(struct {
event InputEvent;
// [END ack-1]
type FocusChangedEvent = struct {};
// [START ack-2]
protocol View2 {
-> OnInputEvent(struct {
event InputEvent;
seq uint64;
-> OnFocusChangedEvent(struct {
event FocusChangedEvent;
seq uint64;
NotifyEventsHandled(struct {
last_seq uint64;
// [END ack-2]
type Image = struct {};
// [START feed-forward]
protocol Canvas {
Flush() -> (struct {
code zx.Status;
UploadImage(struct {
image_id uint32;
image Image;
PaintImage(struct {
image_id uint32;
x float32;
y float32;
DiscardImage(struct {
image_id uint32;
PaintSmileyFace(struct {
x float32;
y float32;
PaintMoustache(struct {
x float32;
y float32;
// [END feed-forward]
type MyStatus = struct {};
// [START command-union]
type PokeCmd = struct {
x int32;
y int32;
type ProdCmd = struct {
message string:64;
type MyCommand = strict union {
1: poke PokeCmd;
2: prod ProdCmd;
protocol HighVolumeSink {
Enqueue(struct {
commands vector<MyCommand>;
Commit() -> (struct {
result MyStatus;
// [END command-union]
// [START paginate-write-1]
protocol Foo1 {
AddBars(resource struct {
bars vector<client_end:Bar>;
UseTheBars() -> (struct {
args Args;
// [END paginate-write-1]
// [START paginate-write-2]
protocol BarTransaction {
Add(resource struct {
bars vector<client_end:Bar>;
Commit() -> (struct {
args Args;
protocol Foo2 {
StartBarTransaction(resource struct {
transaction server_end:BarTransaction;
// [END paginate-write-2]
// [START paginate-read-1]
protocol EventBasedGetter {
-> OnBars(resource struct {
bars vector<client_end:Bar>;
-> OnBarsDone();
// [END paginate-read-1]
// [START paginate-read-2]
protocol BarIterator {
GetNext() -> (resource struct {
bars vector<client_end:Bar>;
protocol ChannelBasedGetter {
GetBars(resource struct {
iterator server_end:BarIterator;
// [END paginate-read-2]
type Entry = struct {};
// [START paginate-read-3]
type Token = struct {
opaque array<uint8, 16>;
protocol TokenBasedGetter {
/// If token is null, fetch the first N entries. If token is not null,
/// return the N items starting at token. Returns as many entries as it can
/// in results and populates next_token if more entries are available.
GetEntries(struct {
token box<Token>;
}) -> (struct {
entries vector<Entry>;
next_token box<Token>;
// [END paginate-read-3]
// [START eventpair]
protocol Exporter {
ExportThing(resource struct {
client_assigned_id uint32;
export_token zx.Handle:EVENTPAIR;
protocol Importer {
ImportThing(resource struct {
some_other_client_assigned_id uint32;
import_token zx.Handle:EVENTPAIR;
// [END eventpair]
// [START empty]
protocol FooController {};
// [END empty]
type ColorCorrection = struct {};
// [START settings]
type Settings = table {
1: magnification_enabled bool;
2: magnification_zoom_factor float32;
3: screen_reader_enabled bool;
4: color_inversion_enabled bool;
5: color_correction ColorCorrection;
6: color_adjustment_matrix array<float32, 9>;
// [END settings]
// [START settings-partial]
protocol TheManagerOfSomeSorts {
/// Description how the update modifies the behavior.
/// Only fields present in the settings value will be changed.
Update(struct {
settings Settings;
}) -> (struct {
args Args;
// [END settings-partial]
// [START settings-replace]
protocol TheManagerOfOtherSorts {
/// Description how the override modifies the behavior.
/// This replaces the setting.
Replace(struct {
settings Settings;
}) -> (struct {
args Args;
// [END settings-replace]
// [START enum-variants-for-union]
type MyCommandVariant = strict enum {
POKE = 1;
PROD = 2;
// ...
protocol HighVolumeSinkContinued {
SupportedCommands() -> (struct {
supported_commands vector<MyCommandVariant>;
// [END enum-variants-for-union]
// [START bits-fields-for-table]
type MetadataFields = flexible bits {
VERSION = 0b1;
COUNT = 0b10;
type Metadata = table {
1: version string;
2: count uint32;
// ...
protocol MetadataGetter {
Get(struct {
fields MetadataFields;
}) -> (struct {
metadata Metadata;
// [END bits-fields-for-table]
// [START service-hub-1]
// BAD
protocol ServiceHub {
GetFoo(resource struct {
foo server_end:Foo;
GetBar(resource struct {
bar server_end:Bar;
GetBaz(resource struct {
baz server_end:Baz;
GetQux(resource struct {
qux server_end:Qux;
// [END service-hub-1]
// [START service-hub-2]
protocol Foo {};
protocol Bar {};
protocol Baz {};
protocol Qux {};
// [END service-hub-2]
// [START boolean-enum]
type FileType = strict enum {
GIF = 1;
// [END boolean-enum]
// [START absence-1]
// BAD
protocol View3 {
ReplaceHitRegion(struct {
id uint64;
// Set to { -1, -1 } to remove.
size fuchsia.math.Rect;
ReplaceName(struct {
// Set to "" to remove.
name string;
// [END absence-1]
// [START absence-2]
protocol View4 {
ReplaceHitRegion(struct {
id uint64;
size box<fuchsia.math.Rect>;
ReplaceName(struct {
name string:optional;
// [END absence-2]