blob: 6e0e090ef14f0c31d0a21114cb7ec89942ae15b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.examples/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace {
// [START wire-external-object]
TEST(WireTypes, BorrowExternalObject) {
fidl::StringView str("hello");
// |object_view| is a view that borrows the string view.
// Destroying |str| will invalidate |object_view|.
fidl::ObjectView object_view = fidl::ObjectView<fidl::StringView>::FromExternal(&str);
// |object_view| may be dereferenced to access the pointee.
ASSERT_EQ(object_view->begin(), str.begin());
// [END wire-external-object]
// [START wire-external-vector]
TEST(WireTypes, BorrowExternalVector) {
std::vector<uint32_t> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4};
// |vv| is a view that borrows the vector contents of |vec|.
// Destroying the contents in |vec| will invalidate |vv|.
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vv = fidl::VectorView<uint32_t>::FromExternal(vec);
ASSERT_EQ(vv.count(), 4UL);
// [END wire-external-vector]
// [START wire-external-string]
TEST(WireTypes, BorrowExternalString) {
std::string string = "hello";
// |sv| is a view that borrows the string contents of |string|.
// Destroying the contents in |string| will invalidate |sv|.
fidl::StringView sv = fidl::StringView::FromExternal(string);
ASSERT_EQ(sv.size(), 5UL);
// [END wire-external-string]
// [START wire-external-string-literal]
TEST(WireTypes, BorrowExternalStringLiteral) {
fidl::StringView sv1 = "hello world";
fidl::StringView sv2("Hello");
ASSERT_EQ(sv1.size(), 11UL);
ASSERT_EQ(sv2.size(), 5UL);
// [END wire-external-string-literal]
// [START wire-union-external-member]
TEST(WireUnion, BorrowExternalMember) {
fidl::StringView sv = "hello world";
fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue val = fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue::WithStringValue(
// [END wire-union-external-member]
// [START wire-table-external-frame-inline]
TEST(WireTables, BorrowExternalFrameInline) {
fidl::WireTableFrame<fuchsia_examples::wire::User> frame;
// Construct a table creating a builder borrowing the |frame|.
auto builder = fuchsia_examples::wire::User::ExternalBuilder(
// Small values <= 4 bytes are inlined inside the frame of the table.
// The builder is turned into an actual instance by calling |Build|.
auto user = builder.Build();
ASSERT_EQ(user.age(), 30);
// [END wire-table-external-frame-inline]
// [START wire-table-external-frame-out-of-line]
TEST(WireTables, BorrowExternalFrameOutOfLine) {
fidl::WireTableFrame<fuchsia_examples::wire::User> frame;
// Construct a table creating a builder borrowing the |frame|.
auto builder = fuchsia_examples::wire::User::ExternalBuilder(
// Larger values > 4 bytes are still stored out of line, i.e. outside the
// frame of the table. One needs to make an |ObjectView| pointing to larger
// fields separately, using an arena or with unsafe borrowing here.
fidl::StringView str("hello");
fidl::ObjectView object_view = fidl::ObjectView<fidl::StringView>::FromExternal(&str);;
// The builder is turned into an actual instance by calling |Build|.
auto user = builder.Build();
ASSERT_EQ(, "hello");
// [END wire-table-external-frame-out-of-line]
} // namespace