blob: 631f943e4cd148cd72469a4acceac8f81f318682 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "examples/fidl/calculator/cpp/client/calc_parser.h"
#include <iostream>
// A very brittle parser for input to the calculator, and not thread safe. This will eventually go
// away when we can use dynamic input to components, e.g. with `ffx component explore`
namespace calc {
// Default constructor that takes in a string with the input in the form:
// "<floating point number> <operator [+,-,/,^]> <floating point number>"
Expression::Expression(const std::string &input_text) {
// Initialize the member variables
left_ = 0;
right_ = 0;
operator_ = Operator::PlaceHolderError;
// Don't attempt to parse if the string is empty
if (input_text.empty() || input_text == " " || input_text == "\n") {
size_t index = 0;
// Find the first space, which indicates the end of the first floating point number. Don't
// iterate past the end of the string.
while (input_text[index] != ' ' && (index + 1) < input_text.length()) {
// If the loop reached the end of the string, we had invalid input.
if ((index + 1) >= input_text.length()) {
operator_ = Operator::PlaceHolderError;
left_ = 0;
right_ = 0;
// Parse the floating point number
left_ = atof(input_text.substr(0, index + 1).c_str());
// Move forward to the operator
// Set the Operator
switch (input_text[index]) {
case '+':
operator_ = Operator::Add;
case '-':
operator_ = Operator::Subtract;
case '/':
operator_ = Operator::Divide;
case '^':
operator_ = Operator::Pow;
case '*':
operator_ = Operator::Multiply;
std::string error_note("unkown input character '");
error_note += input_text[index];
// Just print to stdout, as we can't return an error code and don't want to throw an exception
std::cout << error_note << std::endl;
operator_ = Operator::PlaceHolderError;
left_ = 0;
right_ = 0;
// Move forward to the right operand
auto right_start = index++;
// Parse the right operand
right_ = atof(input_text.substr(right_start, input_text.length()).c_str());
Expression::Expression(double left, Operator op, double right)
: left_(left), operator_(op), right_(right) {}
} // namespace calc