tree: 176320c37d2a33e2a9adbc696c7fa4d413ba3a19 [path history] [tgz]
  1. meta/
  2. tests/
  3. BUILD.bazel
  5. component-info.json
  8. template_driver.h

Template Driver

Reviewed on: 2024-02-26

Template driver is an minimal driver written in DFv2, and built with SDK rules, which can be used either in-tree or out-of-tree.


To include the driver to your build, append --with //examples/drivers:drivers to your fx set command. For example:

$ fx set core.x64 --with //examples/drivers:drivers
$ fx build



Start a package server for adding the driver to:

$ fx serve

Register the driver by running this command in-tree

$ ffx driver register fuchsia-pkg://


To get an SDK provisioned out of tree repository, make a request for a new Fuchsia managed repository to Infra. See go/fuchsia-oot-driver-migration for further instructions. From an SDK provisioned repository bazel can run the driver:

$ bazel run //examples/drivers/template:pkg.publish

Verify that fuchsia-pkg:// shows up in the list after running this command

ffx driver list

Add a test node that binds to the driver:

$ ffx driver test-node add my_node gizmo.example.TEST_NODE_ID=template

Run the following command to verify that the driver is bound to the node:

$ ffx driver list-devices -v my_node

You should see something like this:

Name     : my_node
Moniker  : dev.my_node
Driver   : fuchsia-pkg://
2 Properties
[ 1/  2] : Key "gizmo.example.TEST_NODE_ID"   Value "template"
[ 2/  2] : Key "fuchsia.platform.DRIVER_FRAMEWORK_VERSION" Value 0x000002
0 Offers


This template has unit tests that can be run in-tree and OOT

In-Tree Testing

fx bazel does not support running Bazel based tests, to run tests in-tree the test targets are wrapped in gn as a bazel-fuchsia-test-package, and executed with fx test e.g.

  1. Start the emulator ffx emu start --headless

  2. Start a package server fx serve

  3. Run the test fx test //examples/drivers/template:template-test

Out-of-tree Testing

To get an SDK provisioned out of tree repository, make a request for a new Fuchsia managed repository to Infra. See go/fuchsia-oot-driver-migration for further instructions. From a provisioned repository, bazel can run the Fuchsia test workflows. Tests can be invoked with:

  1. Start the emulator ffx emu start --headless

  2. Run the test bazel test //examples/drivers/template:template-test --test_output=streamed


bazel run //examples/drivers/template:template-test

Note: The Fuchsia Bazel workflows set up an server automatically, having fx serve running will occupy the package server port and cause the test to fail.

Source layout

The core implementation is in Unit test implementation is in /tests/