blob: a58483718e0b7ee192c9f9902a34828744525749 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::Error;
use inspect_rust_codelab_testing::{IntegrationTest, TestOptions};
// [START include_test_stuff]
use anyhow::format_err;
use diagnostics_assertions::{assert_data_tree, AnyProperty};
use diagnostics_reader::{ArchiveReader, DiagnosticsHierarchy, Inspect};
// [END include_test_stuff]
// [START get_inspect]
async fn get_inspect_hierarchy(test: &IntegrationTest) -> Result<DiagnosticsHierarchy, Error> {
let moniker = test.reverser_moniker_for_selectors();
.add_selector(format!("{}:root", moniker))
.and_then(|result| result.payload)
.ok_or(format_err!("expected one inspect hierarchy"))
// [END get_inspect]
async fn start_with_fizzbuzz() -> Result<(), Error> {
let test = IntegrationTest::start(5, TestOptions::default()).await?;
let reverser = test.connect_to_reverser()?;
let result = reverser.reverse("hello").await?;
assert_eq!(result, "olleh");
// [START result_hierarchy]
let hierarchy = get_inspect_hierarchy(&test).await?;
// [END result_hierarchy]
assert_data_tree!(hierarchy, root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": contains {
status: "OK",
// The metric with a timestamp has an unpredictable value, so
// we only assert that it is present.
start_timestamp_nanos: AnyProperty,
async fn start_without_fizzbuzz() -> Result<(), Error> {
let test = IntegrationTest::start(5, TestOptions { include_fizzbuzz: false }).await?;
let reverser = test.connect_to_reverser()?;
let result = reverser.reverse("hello").await?;
assert_eq!(result, "olleh");
let hierarchy = get_inspect_hierarchy(&test).await?;
assert_data_tree!(hierarchy, root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": contains {
status: "UNHEALTHY",
message: "FizzBuzz connection closed",
// Not inspecting the metric `start_timestamp_nanos` which is also
// present here.