blob: f8692beeedb2aa2361eb945a595555eb7dcd97ca [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
- workstream: Bazel integration with Fuchsia SDK.
area: Developer
category: [Platform Evolution]
- workstream: Revamp docs on to be SDK focused development.
area: Developer
category: [Platform Evolution]
- workstream: |
Continuous improvements to diagnostics tools including Rust tracing support,
VS Code logging/triaging, and implementation of CPU profiler.
area: Diagnostics
category: [Platform Evolution, Product Support, Simplicity and Tech Debt]
- workstream: |
Enable Rust development via SDK and improve automated testing of Rust support.
area: Rust
category: [Platform Evolution, Product Support, Simplicity and Tech Debt]
bug: []
- workstream: |
Driver Framework (DFv2) and Driver Runtime enablement and migrating drivers
to DFv2.
area: Driver Framework
category: [Platform Evolution]
bug: []
- workstream: |
Migrating Intel WLAN driver out-of-tree and transitioning to DFv2.
area: Driver Framework
category: [Platform Evolution]
- workstream: |
Composite drivers support.
area: Driver Framework
category: [Platform Evolution]
- workstream: |
Testing frameworks for driver authors.
area: Driver Framework
category: [Quality]
- workstream: |
FIDL versioning support and various system components using FIDL interfaces.
area: Driver Framework
category: [Quality]
bug: [,]
- workstream: |
UEFI productionization (including Secure Boot).
area: Firmware
category: [Platform Evolution]
- workstream: |
USB Camera support.
area: Media
category: [Platform Evolution]
- workstream: |
Continuous improvements to Fuchsia Emulator to support latest platform and
product specifications.
area: Graphics
category: [Platform Evolution]
- workstream: |
Kernel improvements such as I/O optimizations to reduce latency, and virtual
memory compression support.
area: Kernel
category: [Kernel]
- workstream: |
Packaging workflows for out-of-tree development.
area: Software Delivery
category: [Platform Evolution]
bug: []
- workstream: |
Fxfs and storage performance.
area: Storage
category: [Performance, Quality]
bug: [,,]
- workstream: |
Continuous improvements to virtualization stack including an execution model
for Starnix, file sharing support, and moving virtual devices and VMM to
area: Virtualization
category: [Platform Evolution, Simplicity and Tech Debt]
bug: [,]
- workstream: |
Fuchsia toolchain improvements such as using LLVM IFS for ELF ABI tracking,
revamping Fuchsia libc, and implementing HWASan and TSan support.
area: Developer
category: [Platform Evolution, Quality]