blob: df759fa06a9edc8ba033b0776a9c34e1dfd54f16 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Create a GN directory, and build an `sdk_collection` target for a particular
# target_cpu and api_level by calling `gn gen` and then `ninja` in that
# directory.
template("_subbuild") {
_build_dir = root_build_dir + "/${invoker.build_dir_prefix}"
_build_dir_stamp = _build_dir + ".stamp"
_sdk_collection_dir = get_label_info(invoker.sdk_collection, "dir")
_sdk_collection_name = get_label_info(invoker.sdk_collection, "name")
_sdk_collection = "${_sdk_collection_dir}:${_sdk_collection_name}"
_collection_dir = _build_dir + "/sdk/exported/${_sdk_collection_name}"
_collection_dir_manifest = "${_collection_dir}/meta/manifest.json"
action(target_name) {
script = "//build/sdk/"
outputs = [
# //sdk:idk_build_tools contains the host tools that must be used in the
# subbuilds. Make sure those (and any extra deps) are built first.
deps = [ "//sdk:idk_build_tools" ] + invoker.extra_deps
args = [
rebase_path(_build_dir_stamp, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_build_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("$root_build_dir/sdk/idk_build_tools", _build_dir),
if (sdk_sub_build_parallelism != "") {
args += [
if (sdk_sub_build_max_load_average != "") {
args += [
if (sdk_sub_build_verbose) {
args += [ "--verbose" ]
if (cxx_rbe_enable) {
args += [ "--cxx-rbe-enable" ]
if (link_rbe_enable) {
args += [ "--link-rbe-enable" ]
if (rust_rbe_enable) {
args += [ "--rust-rbe-enable" ]
pool = "//sdk:subbuild_pool"
# This script cannot be hermetic.
hermetic_deps = false
# Calling this template generates a set of action() targets, each one building
# the atoms of a given sdk_collection() for a specific CPU architecture and API
# levels. This is used by the idk() template.
# The generated actions are named as follows:
# ${target_name}-${cpu}
# For the default API level, and each supported ${cpu}
# Uses ${root_build_dir}/${subbuild_prefix}-${cpu} as its build directory.
# ${target_name}-api${api_level}-${cpu}
# For individual API levels and cpu values.
# Uses ${root_build_dir}/${subbuild_prefix}-api${api_level}-${cpu} as
# its build directory.
# Each action will depend on sdk_collection_label as well as //sdk:idk_build_tools.
# Note that this does not define a top-level group() target that depends on all of
# them. Instead, users like the idk() template should pick the sub-build targets
# they need directly.
# Args:
# sdk_collection_label (required)
# [GN Label] Label of sdk_collection() target to generate sub-builds for.
# subbuild_prefix (optional)
# [string] A name prefix for all sub-build directories. Default is
# "idk_subbuild.<name>" where <name> is the name of the sdk_collection_label
# target. This is useful to differentiatte idk_subbuilds() instances that
# reference collections with the same name, but different directories
# (e.g. `//sdk:core` and `//vendor/acme/sdk:core`).
template("idk_subbuilds") {
main_target_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.subbuild_prefix)) {
subbuild_prefix = invoker.subbuild_prefix
} else {
subbuild_prefix =
"idk_subbuild." + get_label_info(invoker.sdk_collection_label, "name")
_api_levels = platform_version.build_time_supported_api_levels
_target_cpus = idk_target_cpus_default
# First, define subbuild targets for the default API level.
foreach(target_cpu, _target_cpus) {
_subbuild_target = "${main_target_name}-${target_cpu}"
_subbuild_dir_prefix = "${subbuild_prefix}-${target_cpu}"
_subbuild(_subbuild_target) {
sdk_collection = invoker.sdk_collection_label
target_cpu = target_cpu
api_level = "PLATFORM"
build_dir_prefix = _subbuild_dir_prefix
# Each subbuild depends on the `sdk_collection` in the main build, so
# that when a change happens that would cause the `sdk_collection` to be
# rebuilt, that also triggers the subbuilds to be rerun.
extra_deps = [ invoker.sdk_collection_label ]
# Now do them for all individual API levels.
foreach(api_level, _api_levels) {
foreach(target_cpu, _target_cpus) {
_subbuild_target = "${main_target_name}-api${api_level}-${target_cpu}"
_subbuild_dir_prefix = "${subbuild_prefix}-api${api_level}-${target_cpu}"
_subbuild(_subbuild_target) {
sdk_collection = invoker.sdk_collection_label
target_cpu = target_cpu
api_level = "$api_level"
build_dir_prefix = _subbuild_dir_prefix
# Each subbuild depends on the `sdk_collection` in the main build, so
# that when a change happens that would cause the `sdk_collection` to be
# rebuilt, that also triggers the subbuilds to be rerun.
extra_deps = [ invoker.sdk_collection_label ]