blob: e325d8597dddfbc5ef4c9cbb7ad92773c0210647 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Enable incremental rust compilation. Takes a path to the directory to use
# as the cache.
rust_incremental = ""
declare_args() {
# Place lengthy rustdeps and externs (GN) into ninja response files.
# Response files are needed to get around command line length limitations.
# rustc support for response files (as needed in our GN build) was
# added with revision 'git_revision:dfe53afaebd817f334d8ef9dc75a5cd2562cf6e6'.
rustc_use_response_files = true
# To avoid build nondeterminism due to extern search paths resolving
# to more than one path during a build, this option places every rlib
# into its own exclusive directory. This requires
# `rustc_use_response_file = true` due to the command-line bloat this causes.
rust_one_rlib_per_dir = true
# Controls whether the build runs the depfile verifier
verify_depfile = true
# Enables a rustc wrapper that detects timeouts and ICEs
# TODO(pineapple): enable by default when using rust_incremental after
# b/345596983 is resolved
ice_detection = false
# A timeout to catch rustc hangs, expressed in seconds. A value of zero
# means no timeout
rustc_timeout = 0
!rust_one_rlib_per_dir || rustc_use_response_files,
"rust_one_rlib_per_dir requires rustc_use_response_files, due to command-line length limits.")