blob: cb3bc79038eaab7de99c151d9aab45c9f74b2e96 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines an in-tree package for distribution in the SDK, landing
# the end package manifest at
# `sdk://packages/{arch}/release/${distribution_name}/package_manifest.json`.
# May only be used in the default_toolchain.
# Example:
# ```
# fuchsia_package("my-package") {
# deps = [
# ":main_component",
# ]
# }
# sdk_fuchsia_package("my-sdk-package") {
# distribution_name = "my-package"
# package_label = ":my-package"
# category = "public"
# expected_files_exact = [
# "relative/path/to/file_a",
# ]
# }
# ```
# Parameters
# package_label
# The fuchsia_package to distribute. Must point to a fuchsia_package() target, or
# one of its wrappers (e.g. fuchsia_test_package()).
# Type: label.
# distribution_name
# Distribution name of the package. The package manifest will be edited to use this
# name.
# Type: string.
# category
# The SDK category for the package. Must be either "public" or "partner".
# See //build/sdk/sdk_atom.gni for more.
# Type: string.
# sdk_area (optional)
# [string] The API area responsible for maintaining this package.
# See //build/sdk/sdk_atom.gni.
# api_level_added
# API level at which the package was added to the SDK. API level defined at:
# Type: unsigned integer.
# api_level_removed (optional)
# API level at which the package was removed from the SDK. If unspecified,
# we assume the package is available at all API levels after
# `api_level_added`. API level defined at:
# Type: unsigned integer.
# expected_files_exact (optional)
# List of paths, relative to the package's root, for all files that
# participate in that package's content checklist file. Their content hash will be
# compared to the ones in
# //sdk/packages/${distribution_name}/${target_cpu}/release/content_checklist.api.
# Any paths specified in this list that are not found, or do not have hashes that match
# their golden content checklist file equivalent, will cause an error during checklist
# file generation.
# Type: list of relative package paths.
# expected_files_present (optional)
# List of paths, relative to the package's root, for all files that
# do not participate in that package's content checklist file. Their content
# does not matter for verification, but these paths must appear in
# the golden
# //sdk/packages/${distribution_name}/${target_cpu}/release/content_checklist.api file
# and in the same order.
# Any paths specified in this list that are not found in the specified
# manifest will cause an error during checklist file generation.
# Type: list of relative package paths.
template("sdk_fuchsia_package") {
"Must specify the API level at which the package was added")
current_toolchain == default_toolchain,
"Unexpected use of `sdk_fuchsia_package` template with non-default toolchain `${current_toolchain}`.")
if (current_build_target_api_level == "PLATFORM") {
# While we do not ship packages targeting "PLATFORM" in the SDK, they can be
# built. See //sdk:sdk for an example.
# Ignore the range of supported API levels and
package_in_target_api_level = true
# For historical reasons, -1 is used for platform builds.
# TODO( Consider changing this once fixed.
_api_level_arg_for_manifest_script = -1
} else {
# Build the package for supported API levels.
package_in_target_api_level =
invoker.api_level_added <= current_build_target_api_level_as_integer
if (package_in_target_api_level && defined(invoker.api_level_removed)) {
package_in_target_api_level =
current_build_target_api_level_as_integer < invoker.api_level_removed
_api_level_arg_for_manifest_script = current_build_target_api_level
if (package_in_target_api_level) {
"Must define a package to distribute.")
"Must define a distribution name for this package.")
"Must define an SDK category for this package.")
valid_categories = [
valid_categories + [ invoker.category ] - [ invoker.category ] !=
"Invalid SDK category ${invoker.category}, must be one of ${valid_categories}")
if (defined(invoker.expected_files_exact)) {
expected_files_exact = invoker.expected_files_exact
} else {
expected_files_exact = []
if (defined(invoker.expected_files_present)) {
expected_files_present = invoker.expected_files_present
} else {
expected_files_present = []
# Label of package to be included in the SDK. Used for tracking `package_manifest.json`
_full_package_label =
get_label_info(invoker.package_label, "label_no_toolchain")
package_manifest_file =
get_label_info(_full_package_label, "target_out_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(_full_package_label, "name") + "/package_manifest.json"
# End output directory, different for each arch and API level.
base = "${target_cpu_dir_name_for_target_api_level}"
_sdk_package_dir = "${target_out_dir}/sdk_packages/${base}/release"
_distribution_name = invoker.distribution_name
# Note: Golden file does not support multiple API level currently.
golden_content_checklist_file =
computed_content_checklist_file =
_content_checklist_target = "${target_name}.content_checklist"
_content_checklist_depfile =
_tool_deps = []
_ffx_package_bin = "${host_out_dir}/ffx-package_unversioned"
_far_tool_bin = "${host_out_dir}/far"
if (host_tools_base_path_override == "") {
_tool_deps += [
} else {
_host_tool_dir = "${root_build_dir}/${host_tools_base_path_override}"
_ffx_package_bin =
_host_tool_dir + "/" + rebase_path(_ffx_package_bin, root_build_dir)
_far_tool_bin =
_host_tool_dir + "/" + rebase_path(_far_tool_bin, root_build_dir)
# Generates content checklist file using input package manifest, and runs checks
# against golden. See
# `//build/packages/` for more.
action(_content_checklist_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
script = "//build/packages/"
inputs = [
outputs = [ computed_content_checklist_file ]
deps = [ _full_package_label ] + _tool_deps
depfile = _content_checklist_depfile
args = [
rebase_path(package_manifest_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(computed_content_checklist_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("${golden_content_checklist_file}", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_ffx_package_bin, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_far_tool_bin, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (is_coverage) {
args += [ "--is-coverage" ]
foreach(exact_file, expected_files_exact) {
args += [
foreach(present_file, expected_files_present) {
args += [
_sdk_package_file_list = "${_sdk_package_dir}/file_list.fini"
_sdk_package_metadata = "${_sdk_package_dir}/metadata"
_sdk_manifest_target = "${target_name}.sdk_manifest"
_sdk_package_depfile = "${target_gen_dir}/${_sdk_manifest_target}.d"
# Generates SDK primitives, including `file_list`, `metadata`, and
# package manifests (both target package and subpackages) with
# files structured relative to SDK directories. See
# `//build/packages/` for more.
action(_sdk_manifest_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
script = "//build/packages/"
inputs = [ package_manifest_file ]
outputs = [
deps = [ _full_package_label ]
depfile = _sdk_package_depfile
# Ensure the manifest is rebuilt in the odd case that the package is
# newly `package_in_target_api_level` at this target level but the Fuchsia
# package (`_full_package_label`) is not dirty. Without this dependency,
# manifest verification can fail in such cases because the manifest does
# already exists and does not get regenerated because
# `_full_package_label` is not dirty.
deps += [ ":${_content_checklist_target}" ]
args = [
rebase_path(package_manifest_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_sdk_package_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
sdk_atom(target_name) {
id = "sdk://packages/${_distribution_name}"
meta = {
schema = "package"
dest = "packages/${_distribution_name}/meta.json"
source = "${_sdk_package_metadata}"
file_list = _sdk_package_file_list
non_sdk_deps = [
# Barrier enforced to prevent assembly from adding to `base` set,
# keeping this target as an SDK-only addition.
metadata = {
package_barrier = []
} else {
# Current API level is not supported, so create an empty atom.
"Empty IDK atom created for package `${target_name}`, which is not supported in API level ${override_target_api_level}.")
sdk_noop_atom(target_name) {
id = "sdk://packages/${invoker.distribution_name}"
type = "package"
# Suppress unused variable warnings.
not_needed(invoker, "*")
not_needed([ "_api_level_arg_for_manifest_script" ])
} # end if (package_in_target_api_level)