blob: 4205b3b3d83d99bf38f24366b8ba9fbca9ff5718 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_host) {
# Attempting to put these in a shared `python_library` target
# confuses IDEs and python3 command line usage.
common_sources = [
python_binary("generated_licenses_spdx_tool") {
enable_mypy = true
main_source = ""
sources = common_sources
enable_mypy = true
deps = [
# The following tests can be run conveniently also via:
# `python3 -m unittest discover -s build/licenses/python -p '*'`
# or individually:
# `python3 build/licenses/python/[name].py`
# Alternatively, run via:
# `fx test --host [name]`
# but may require `fx set ... --with-host //build/licenses:tests`
# on user/userdebug builds.
host_test_deps = []
]) {
python_host_test(test_name) {
enable_mypy = true
main_source = "${test_name}.py"
sources = common_sources
libraries = [ "//build/bazel_sdk/bazel_rules_fuchsia/fuchsia/tools/licenses:spdx_types" ]
host_test_deps += [ ":${test_name}" ]
group("host_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = host_test_deps