blob: 60918be34bc7a3b2eed020bedb63e978cf55763f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# This is the directory where host tools intended for manual use by
# developers get installed. It's something a developer might put
# into their shell's $PATH. Host tools that are just needed as part
# of the build do not get copied here. This directory is only for
# things that are generally useful for testing or debugging or
# whatnot outside of the GN build itself. These are only installed
# by an explicit install_host_tools() rule (see //build/host.gni).
host_tools_dir = "$root_build_dir/host-tools"
# Set this to the path of a directory containing prebuilt binaries for
# the host tools generated by compiled_action(). This is useful when
# performing sub-builds (e.g. when generating the IDK which requires
# rebuilding SDK collections for different API levels and CPU architectures)
# to avoid rebuilding the host tools every time.
host_tools_base_path_override = ""
# This declares that a host tool (a target built in host_toolchain)
# should be installed in host_tools_dir. This target can be used in
# any toolchain, and it will forward to host_toolchain.
# Parameters
# outputs (required)
# [files list] Simple file name of each tool, should be the
# same as the output_name in the executable() or similar rule
# (which is usually just that target's name).
# deps (recommended)
# [label list] Should list each target that actually builds each output.
# It does not need to use explicit toolchain suffixes; the only target
# using the deps will be instantiated only in host_toolchain.
# allow_previously_built_tools (optional)
# [boolean] Set to false to prevent the use of previously built host tools
# when performing IDK sub-builds.
# testonly (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# Standard GN meaning.
# Example of usage:
# executable("frob") { ... }
# install_host_tools("fiddlers") {
# deps = [ ":frob", "//some/other/dir:twiddle" ]
# outputs = [ "frob", "twiddle" ]
# }
template("install_host_tools") {
assert(defined(invoker.outputs), "install_host_tools() must define outputs")
# There is more than one host_toolchain when variants are involved, or when
# building tools for multiple host environments, so we only want to do this
# copy in "our" host toolchain (ie, `host_toolchain).
# When variants are involved, they copy their executables to the base
# host_toolchain's output dir (which toolchain_variant.base points to in every
# host_toolchain).
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain &&
current_toolchain == toolchain_variant.base) {
copy(target_name) {
if (defined(visibility)) {
visibility += [ ":$target_name" ]
outputs = [ "$host_tools_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
sources = []
_allow_previously_built_tools =
!defined(invoker.allow_previously_built_tools) ||
if (_allow_previously_built_tools &&
host_tools_base_path_override != "") {
not_needed(invoker, [ "deps" ])
foreach(output_name, invoker.outputs) {
# Compute location of prebuilt host binary, relative to the current
# build directory first, then compute its GN unrebased path to list
# it as a proper input.
source_rebased =
"${host_tools_base_path_override}/" +
rebase_path("$root_out_dir/$output_name", root_build_dir)
sources +=
[ "//" + rebase_path(source_rebased, "//", root_build_dir) ]
} else {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
foreach(output_name, invoker.outputs) {
sources += [ "$root_out_dir/$output_name" ]
} else {
# Redirect to the base host_toolchain, where the copy rule above is.
# In a variant host_toolchain context, toolchain_variant.base points
# there, while host_toolchain always matches current_toolchain.
group(target_name) {
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
toolchain = toolchain_variant.base
} else {
toolchain = host_toolchain
public_deps = [ ":$target_name($toolchain)" ]