blob: 1c2a6d9e05d88c57af9adfed0739fb0555930ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# ________ _________ ________ ________
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# Here to enable an unstable feature? All unstable features require special
# approval because they create risk and may have stable alternatives that better
# fit our needs. See the "Unstable features" section for more information.
declare_args() {
# Controls whether the rust compiler uses v0 symbol mangling scheme
# (see
rust_v0_symbol_mangling = true
# Enable debug assertions, e.g. for overflow checking.
rust_debug_assertions = is_debug
# Enable the rust parallel front-end with N threads
rust_parallel_frontend_threads = false
# Turns on the rust compilation analysis generator. This will produce a
# directory $OUT/save-analysis-temp, which will dump all the source analysis
# that the compiler collected while analyzing the source. This config is
# included conditionally, see //build/config/ for details.
config("analysis") {
rustflags = [ "-Zsave-analysis" ]
config("self-profile") {
rustflags = [
config("time-passes") {
rustflags = [ "-Ztime-passes" ]
config("edition_2021") {
rustflags = [ "--edition=2021" ]
config("edition_2018") {
rustflags = [ "--edition=2018" ]
config("edition_2015") {
rustflags = [ "--edition=2015" ]
config("no_features") {
rustflags = [ "-Zallow-features=" ]
config("incremental") {
if (rust_incremental != "") {
if (rust_rbe_enable) {
# Hide incremental mode from remote execution; do not attempt to
# use any local incremental cache state (which would surely
# result in a cache miss).
# Caveat: Local and remote outputs may no longer be bit-identical
# when adding such local-only options. Use with care.
rustflags = [ "--local-only=-Cincremental=" + rust_incremental ]
} else {
rustflags = [ "-Cincremental=" + rust_incremental ]
config("one_codegen_unit") {
# Disable codegen parallelism.
# Trades incremental rebuild speed for smaller code size.
# See:,
if (rust_incremental == "") {
rustflags = [ "-Ccodegen-units=1" ]
config("codegen_units_16") {
# Enable default codegen parallelism (rustc default).
# This will increase code size over `:one_codegen_unit` above.
# Used without any lto option, this will also enable thin-local lto.
if (rust_incremental == "") {
rustflags = [ "-Ccodegen-units=16" ]
config("parallel_frontend_threads") {
if (rust_parallel_frontend_threads != false) {
# Use the parallel front-end with up to N threads, set by the
# rust_parallel_frontend_threads GN arg.
rustflags = [
config("debug_assertions") {
rustflags = [ "-Cdebug-assertions=yes" ]
config("no_debug_assertions") {
rustflags = [ "-Cdebug-assertions=no" ]
config("default_debug_assertions") {
if (rust_debug_assertions) {
configs = [ ":debug_assertions" ]
} else {
configs = [ ":no_debug_assertions" ]
# Enables linker plugin LTO.
# If an rlib is only ever going to get used later with a -Clto compilation then
# you can pass -Clinker-plugin-lto to speed up compilation and avoid generating
# object files that aren't used.
# See
# for details.
config("linker_plugin_lto") {
rustflags = [
# Best practices for Rust binaries that go into size-constrained bootfs.
config("bootfs") {
# Optimize for size.
# TODO( use "z" when resolved.
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
if (target_cpu == "arm64" && is_debug) {
# Debug builds produce large Rust binaries.
# So large they might not fit in the ZBI.
# Force ThinLTO to squeeze Rust binaries further.
# See:
# See:
configs = [ "//build/config/lto:thinlto" ]
# Multiple codegen units on vim3 with debug push bootfs over the limit.
if (board_name == "vim3") {
configs += [ ":one_codegen_unit" ]
# Can't dynamically link libstd and libtest for ZBI binaries.
# TODO( reconsider this.
rustflags += [ "-Cprefer-dynamic=no" ]
config("proc_macro_test") {
rustflags = [
config("2018_idioms") {
rustflags = [ "-Wrust-2018-idioms" ]
config("target") {
rustflags = [
config("panic_abort") {
rustflags = [
config("v0_symbol_mangling") {
if (rust_v0_symbol_mangling) {
rustflags = [ "-Csymbol-mangling-version=v0" ]
config("allow_unknown_lints") {
rustflags = [ "-Aunknown-lints" ]
# TODO( remove this allowance
config("allow_legacy_derive_helpers") {
rustflags = [ "-Alegacy-derive-helpers" ]
config("coverage") {
rustflags = [ "-Cinstrument-coverage" ]
# TODO( Eliminate or identify all sources of output dir leaks.
# This option makes it explicit that a particular build action is sensitive
# to the output dir path, and informs remote execution to refrain from
# normalizing the output dir, which improves caching.
# As a goal, we should aim to minimize the need for this config.
config("output_dir_sensitive") {
if (rust_rbe_enable) {
# --remote-flag=* is a pseudo flag that is intercepted by
# build/rbe/ and forwarded to rewrapper (reclient).
rustflags = [ "--remote-flag=--canonicalize_working_dir=false" ]
# Force local compilation for Rust.
# This could be suitable for actions that run OOM on RBE workers.
# See also options for running on bigger remote workers
# in //build/toolchain/concurrent_jobs.gni.
config("rbe_disable") {
if (rust_rbe_enable) {
# --remote-disable is a pseudo flag intercepted by
# build/rbe/, and never exposed to rustc.
rustflags = [ "--remote-disable" ]
# On remote-cache miss, execute locally.
# This mode will not attempt any remote execution, and thus,
# not warm the remote cache.
# This may be an attractive option for targets that are large,
# frequently miss the cache, frequently on the critical path and
# thus, benefit from local build speeds.
config("rbe_strategy_local") {
if (rust_rbe_enable) {
# --remote-flag=* is a pseudo flag that is intercepted by
# build/rbe/ and forwarded to rewrapper (reclient).
rustflags = [ "--remote-flag=--exec_strategy=local" ]
# On cache-miss, use whichever succeeds first between local and remote.
# There is a limited number of local execution slots.
# The remote cache is warmed by this mode, so the next time the same
# action is encountered, it will cache hit.
config("rbe_strategy_racing") {
if (rust_rbe_enable) {
# --remote-flag=* is a pseudo flag that is intercepted by
# build/rbe/ and forwarded to rewrapper (reclient).
rustflags = [ "--remote-flag=--exec_strategy=racing" ]
# Disable downloading outputs, and instead write download stubs that can be
# used to fetch remote outputs later as needed.
# Even in this mode, depfiles are always still downloaded.
config("no_download") {
if (rust_rbe_enable) {
# --remote-flag=* is a pseudo flag that is intercepted by
# build/rbe/ and forwarded to rewrapper (reclient).
rustflags = [ "--remote-flag=--download_outputs=false" ]
# Unstable features
# These configs enable unstable Rust features. Configs that enable unstable
# features must go through an approval process before they may be added. See:
# When adding a new config, make sure to add a TODO with a link to the tracking
# issue.