blob: ee9b2b3a5e8231b409a1c208ad71a2dcd0ba6396 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <libgen.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <list>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <acpica/acpi.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/devices/board/lib/acpi/acpi-impl.h"
#include "src/devices/board/lib/acpi/device-args.h"
#include "src/devices/board/lib/acpi/device-for-host.h"
#include "src/devices/board/lib/acpi/manager-host.h"
#include "src/devices/board/tests/acpi-host-tests/table-manager.h"
#include "third_party/acpica/source/include/actypes.h"
// Path to the compiled tables in out/, passed in argv[1].
std::string test_data_dir;
namespace acpi_host_test {
class AcpiHostTest : public testing::Test {
void InitAcpiWithTables(const char* table_name) {
auto* tables = acpi::AcpiTableManager::LoadFromDir(test_data_dir + "/" + table_name);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, tables);
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, AcpiInitializeSubsystem());
AcpiHostTest::MemoryHandlerThunk, nullptr, this);
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, AcpiInitializeTables(NULL, 32, FALSE));
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, AcpiLoadTables());
void MemoryHandler(uint32_t func, ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS addr, uint32_t width, uint64_t* value) {
if (func == ACPI_READ) {
uint8_t* value_bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(value);
for (size_t i = 0; i < width; i++) {
auto entry = fake_mmio_.find(addr + i);
if (entry == fake_mmio_.end()) {
value_bytes[i] = entry->second;
} else {
uint8_t* value_bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(value);
for (size_t i = 0; i < width; i++) {
fake_mmio_.emplace(addr + i, value_bytes[i]);
static ACPI_STATUS MemoryHandlerThunk(uint32_t func, ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS addr, uint32_t width,
uint64_t* value, void* ctx, void* region_ctx) {
static_cast<AcpiHostTest*>(ctx)->MemoryHandler(func, addr, width, value);
return AE_OK;
void TearDown() override {
// Normally the DDK would free things, but we don't have the DDK, so we have to do it ourselves.
for (auto value : manager_.zx_devices_) {
auto dev = static_cast<acpi::Device*>(value.second);
delete dev;
acpi::AcpiImpl acpi_;
acpi::Device root_device_{acpi::DeviceArgs(nullptr, &manager_, nullptr, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT)};
acpi::HostManager manager_{&acpi_, root_device_.zxdev()};
std::unordered_map<ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, uint8_t> fake_mmio_;
TEST_F(AcpiHostTest, DeviceIsChildOfScopeTest) {
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, manager_.DiscoverDevices().status_value());
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, manager_.ConfigureDiscoveredDevices().status_value());
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, manager_.PublishDevices(nullptr, nullptr).status_value());
auto root_hnd = manager_.acpi()->GetHandle(nullptr, "\\");
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, root_hnd.status_value());
auto root = manager_.LookupDevice(*root_hnd);
auto hnd = manager_.acpi()->GetHandle(ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT, "_GPE.DEV0");
ASSERT_EQ(AE_OK, hnd.status_value());
auto child = manager_.LookupDevice(*hnd);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, child);
ASSERT_EQ(root, child->parent())
<< "Child of scope should end up as a child of the nearest ancestor device";
} // namespace acpi_host_test
zx_status_t pci_init(zx_device_t* parent, ACPI_HANDLE object,
acpi::UniquePtr<ACPI_DEVICE_INFO> info, acpi::Manager* acpi,
std::vector<pci_bdf_t> acpi_bdfs) {
return ZX_OK;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Usage: %s <path/to/tables>\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
test_data_dir = argv[1];
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();