blob: 014580d0c26a5df90564cb322c5109e88da8025b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
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# Every new addition to this gni file is an instance of tech-debt that must be
# cleaned up to have a proper platform+product interface. Instead add new items
# to the the board definition in:
# //boards/vim3/
# NOTE: if you touch this file, please add this line to your commit
# description so that the vim3 tests are run as we do not run vim3 tests in CQ
# by default.
# Cq-Include-Trybots:,core.vim3-debug,core.vim3-vg-debug
has_board = true
target_cpu = "arm64"
# Board configuration for Product Assembly
board_configuration_label = "//boards/vim3"
board_name = "vim3"
board_description = "A generic vim3 device"
partitions_config_label = "//boards/partitions/vim3:vim3"
bazel_product_bundle_board = "vim3"
# Items below here are duplicating information assembly, and are used by targets
# that need to switch using assembly outputs as their source of truth.
firmware_prebuilts_path_suffix = ""
firmware_prebuilts = [
type = ""
path = "//prebuilt/third_party/firmware/vim3/u-boot.bin.unsigned"
partition = "bootloader"
use_gigaboot = false
use_vbmeta = true
avb_key = "//src/firmware/avb_keys/vim3/vim3-dev-key/vim3_devkey_atx_psk.pem"
avb_atx_metadata =
blobfs_capacity = 10485760000 # 10000 MiB
max_blob_contents_size =
5216665600 # 4975 MiB. Leaves 50 MiB for the update package.
# partitions for fx flash to flash
zircon_a_partition = "zircon_a"
zircon_b_partition = "zircon_b"
zircon_r_partition = "zircon_r"
vbmeta_a_partition = "vbmeta_a"
vbmeta_b_partition = "vbmeta_b"
vbmeta_r_partition = "vbmeta_r"
fvm_partition = "fvm"
fxfs_partition = "fvm"
active_partition = "a"
fastboot_product = "galilei"
assembly_generate_fvm_fastboot = true
# Supports only physical devices.
board_is_emu = false