blob: 1f48b25bb04da20134f17a0679f1566bd88e2e45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <wlan/mlme/ht.h>
#include <wlan/mlme/mac_frame.h>
#include <wlan/mlme/ps_cfg.h>
#include "fidl/fuchsia.wlan.common/cpp/wire_types.h"
namespace wlan {
enum class BeaconBssType { kInfrastructure = 0, kIndependent, kMesh };
struct BeaconConfig {
common::MacAddr bssid;
BeaconBssType bss_type;
const uint8_t* ssid;
size_t ssid_len;
const uint8_t* rsne;
size_t rsne_len;
uint16_t beacon_period;
fuchsia_wlan_common::wire::WlanChannel channel;
const PsCfg* ps_cfg;
uint64_t timestamp;
HtConfig ht;
MeshConfiguration* mesh_config;
const uint8_t* mesh_id;
size_t mesh_id_len;
cpp20::span<const SupportedRate> rates; // covers both Supported Rates and Ext Sup Rates elements
zx_status_t BuildBeacon(const BeaconConfig& config, MgmtFrame<Beacon>* buffer,
size_t* tim_ele_offset);
zx_status_t BuildProbeResponse(const BeaconConfig& config, const common::MacAddr& recv_addr,
MgmtFrame<ProbeResponse>* buffer);
} // namespace wlan