blob: 65ebb30de07855f9ce04464d966d594ed45241c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/wlan/common/c/banjo.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <wlan/common/band.h>
#include <wlan/common/channel.h>
#include <wlan/mlme/debug.h>
#include <wlan/mlme/mac_frame.h>
#include "fidl/fuchsia.wlan.common/cpp/wire_types.h"
namespace wlan {
namespace debug {
const size_t kBytesLenLimit = 16;
// This macro is local within wlan::debug namespace,
// and requires char buf[] and size_t offset variable definitions
// in each function.
#define BUFFER(args...) \
do { \
offset += snprintf(buf + offset, sizeof(buf) - offset, " " args); \
if (offset >= sizeof(buf)) { \
snprintf(buf + sizeof(buf) - 12, 12, " ..(trunc)"); \
offset = sizeof(buf); \
} \
} while (false)
std::string Describe(const FrameControl& fc) {
char buf[128];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("val:0x%04x", fc.val());
BUFFER("proto:%u", fc.protocol_version());
BUFFER("type:%u", fc.type());
BUFFER("subtype:%u", fc.subtype());
BUFFER("to_ds:%u", fc.to_ds());
BUFFER("from_ds:%u", fc.from_ds());
BUFFER("more_frag:%u", fc.more_frag());
BUFFER("retry:%u", fc.retry());
BUFFER("pwr_mgmt:%u", fc.pwr_mgmt());
BUFFER("more_data:%u", fc.more_data());
BUFFER("protect:%u", fc.protected_frame());
BUFFER("htc_order:%u", fc.htc_order());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const QosControl& qc) {
char buf[80];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("tid:0x%02x", qc.tid());
BUFFER("eosp:0x%02x", qc.eosp());
BUFFER("ack_policy:0x%02x", qc.ack_policy());
BUFFER("amsdu:%u", qc.amsdu_present());
BUFFER("byte:0x%02x", qc.byte());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const LlcHeader& hdr) {
char buf[80];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("dsap:0x%02x", hdr.dsap);
BUFFER("ssap:0x%02x", hdr.ssap);
BUFFER("ctrl:0x%02x", hdr.control);
BUFFER("oui:[%02x:%02x:%02x]", hdr.oui[0], hdr.oui[1], hdr.oui[2]);
BUFFER("proto:0x%04x", hdr.protocol_id_be);
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const SequenceControl& sc) {
char buf[40];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("frag:%u", sc.frag());
BUFFER("seq:%u", sc.seq());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const FrameControl& fc, const common::MacAddr& addr1,
const common::MacAddr& addr2, const common::MacAddr& addr3) {
// TODO(porce): Support A-MSDU case
char buf[1024];
size_t offset = 0;
buf[0] = 0;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016, Table 9-26
uint8_t ds = (fc.to_ds() << 1) + fc.from_ds();
switch (ds) {
case 0x0:
BUFFER("[ra(da)] %s [ta(sa)] %s [bssid] %s", addr1.ToString().c_str(),
addr2.ToString().c_str(), addr3.ToString().c_str());
case 0x1:
BUFFER("[ra(da)] %s [ta(bssid)] %s [sa] %s", addr1.ToString().c_str(),
addr2.ToString().c_str(), addr3.ToString().c_str());
case 0x2:
BUFFER("[ra(bssid)] %s [ta(sa)] %s [da] %s", addr1.ToString().c_str(),
addr2.ToString().c_str(), addr3.ToString().c_str());
case 0x3:
BUFFER("[ra] %s [ta] %s [da] %s", addr1.ToString().c_str(), addr2.ToString().c_str(),
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const MgmtFrameHeader& hdr) {
char buf[1024];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("[fc] %s dur:%u", Describe(hdr.fc).c_str(), hdr.duration);
BUFFER("[seq] %s", Describe(;
BUFFER("\n ");
BUFFER("%s", Describe(hdr.fc, hdr.addr1, hdr.addr2, hdr.addr3).c_str());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const DataFrameHeader& hdr) {
char buf[1024];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("[fc] %s dur:%u", Describe(hdr.fc).c_str(), hdr.duration);
BUFFER("[seq] %s", Describe(;
BUFFER("\n ");
BUFFER("%s", Describe(hdr.fc, hdr.addr1, hdr.addr2, hdr.addr3).c_str());
if (hdr.HasAddr4()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(hdr.addr4() != nullptr);
BUFFER("[addr4] %s", hdr.addr4()->ToString().c_str());
if (hdr.HasQosCtrl()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(hdr.qos_ctrl() != nullptr);
BUFFER("\n qos_ctrl: %s", Describe(*hdr.qos_ctrl()).c_str());
return std::string(buf);
struct wlan_phy_name {
wlan_phy_type_t phy;
const char* name;
static struct wlan_phy_name phy_names[] = {
const char* Describe(const wlan_phy_type_t& phy) {
if (phy == 0 || phy > fuchsia_wlan_common_MAX_SUPPORTED_PHY_TYPES) {
return "UNKNOWN";
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(phy_names[phy - 1].phy == phy);
return phy_names[phy - 1].name;
std::string Describe(const wlan_gi_t& gi) {
switch (gi) {
case WLAN_GI_G_800NS:
return "GI800";
case WLAN_GI_G_400NS:
return "GI400";
case WLAN_GI_G_200NS:
return "GI200";
case WLAN_GI_G_1600NS:
return "GI1600";
case WLAN_GI_G_3200NS:
return "GI3200";
return "GI---";
std::string Describe(const TxVector& tx_vec, tx_vec_idx_t tx_vec_idx) {
if (tx_vec_idx == kInvalidTxVectorIdx) {
zx_status_t status = tx_vec.ToIdx(&tx_vec_idx);
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setfill(' ');
oss << std::setw(3) << +tx_vec_idx << ": ";
oss << Describe(tx_vec.phy) << " ";
oss << Describe( << " ";
oss << ::wlan::common::CbwStr(
<< " ";
oss << "NSS " << +tx_vec.nss << " ";
oss << "MCS " << std::setw(2) << +tx_vec.mcs_idx;
if (!tx_vec.IsValid()) {
oss << "(x)";
return oss.str();
std::string Describe(tx_vec_idx_t tx_vec_idx) {
TxVector tx_vec;
TxVector::FromIdx(tx_vec_idx, &tx_vec);
return Describe(tx_vec, tx_vec_idx);
std::string DumpToAscii(const uint8_t bytes[], size_t bytes_len) {
char buf[kBytesLenLimit + 2];
size_t dump_len = std::min(kBytesLenLimit, bytes_len);
std::memset(buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kBytesLenLimit; i++) {
offset = (i < 8) ? i : i + 1;
if (offset == 8) {
if (i >= dump_len) {
buf[offset] = std::isprint(bytes[i]) ? bytes[i] : '.';
return std::string(buf);
std::string HexDump(const uint8_t bytes[], size_t bytes_len) { return HexDump({bytes, bytes_len}); }
std::string HexDump(cpp20::span<const uint8_t> bytes) {
// Generate a string in following format
// First 64 of 1500 bytes
// 0x0000: b8 ac 6f 2e 57 b3 00 01 6c 99 14 68 08 00 45 10 ..o.W...
// l..h..E. 0x0010: 00 ec 87 83 40 00 40 06 27 5d ac 10 19 7e ac 10
// ....@.@. ']...~.. 0x0020: 19 7d 00 16 11 29 d1 2a af 51 d9 b6 d5 ee 50
// 18 .}...).* .Q....P. 0x0030: 49 48 8b fa 00 00 0e 12 ea 4d 22 d1 67 c0
// f1 23 IH...... .M".g..#
if (bytes.empty()) {
return "(empty)";
// TODO(porce): Support other than 64
const size_t kLenLimit = 400;
char buf[kLenLimit * 8];
size_t offset = 0;
size_t dump_len = std::min(kLenLimit, bytes.size());
BUFFER("First %zu of %zu bytes\n", dump_len, bytes.size());
for (size_t line_beg = 0; line_beg < dump_len; line_beg += kBytesLenLimit) {
size_t line_len = std::min(kBytesLenLimit, dump_len - line_beg);
BUFFER("0x%04lx: ", line_beg);
BUFFER("%s", HexDumpOneline(bytes.subspan(line_beg, line_len)).c_str());
if (line_beg + kBytesLenLimit < dump_len) {
BUFFER("\n"); // More lines to print
return std::string(buf);
std::string HexDumpOneline(cpp20::span<const uint8_t> bytes) {
// Generate a string in following format
// b8 ac 6f 2e 57 b3 00 01 6c 99 14 68 08 00 45 10 ..o.W... l..h..E.
if (bytes.empty()) {
return "";
char buf[80];
size_t offset = 0;
memset(buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(bytes.size(), kBytesLenLimit); i++) {
BUFFER("%02x", bytes[i]);
if (i == 7) {
BUFFER(" ");
buf[offset] = ' ';
offset = 3 * kBytesLenLimit + 2 + 2; // Fast-forward to align to the ASCII start position
BUFFER("%s", DumpToAscii(, bytes.size()).c_str());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const BlockAckParameters& params) {
char buf[128];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("amsdu:%u", params.amsdu());
BUFFER("policy:%u", params.policy());
BUFFER("tid:0x%x", params.tid());
BUFFER("buffer_size:%u", params.buffer_size());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const AddBaRequestFrame& req) {
char buf[256];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("addbareq frame:");
BUFFER("dialog_token:0x%02x", req.dialog_token);
BUFFER("params: %s", Describe(req.params).c_str());
BUFFER("timeout:%u", req.timeout);
BUFFER("fragment:%u", req.seq_ctrl.fragment());
BUFFER("starting_seq:%u", req.seq_ctrl.starting_seq());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const AddBaResponseFrame& resp) {
char buf[256];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("addbaresp frame:");
BUFFER("dialog_token:0x%02x", resp.dialog_token);
BUFFER("status_code:%u", resp.status_code);
BUFFER("params: %s", Describe(resp.params).c_str());
BUFFER("timeout:%u", resp.timeout);
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const wlan_rx_info_t& rxinfo) {
char buf[256];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("flags:0x%0x8", rxinfo.rx_flags);
BUFFER("valid_fields:0x%0x8", rxinfo.valid_fields);
BUFFER("phy:%u", rxinfo.phy);
BUFFER("data_rate:%u", rxinfo.data_rate);
fuchsia_wlan_common::wire::WlanChannel ch = {
.primary =,
.cbw = static_cast<fuchsia_wlan_common::wire::ChannelBandwidth>(,
.secondary80 =,
BUFFER("channel:%s", common::ChanStr(ch).c_str());
BUFFER("mcs:%u", rxinfo.mcs);
BUFFER("rssi_dbm:%d", rxinfo.rssi_dbm);
BUFFER("snr_dbh:%d", rxinfo.snr_dbh);
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(Packet::Peer peer) {
switch (peer) {
case Packet::Peer::kUnknown:
return "Unknown";
case Packet::Peer::kDevice:
return "Device";
case Packet::Peer::kWlan:
return "WLAN";
case Packet::Peer::kEthernet:
return "Ethernet";
case Packet::Peer::kService:
return "Service";
return "Undefined";
std::string Describe(const Packet& p) {
std::string suppress_msg = DescribeSuppressed(p);
if (!suppress_msg.empty()) {
return suppress_msg;
char buf[2048];
size_t offset = 0;
auto has_rxinfo = p.has_ctrl_data<wlan_rx_info_t>();
BUFFER("len:%zu", p.len());
BUFFER("peer:%s", Describe(p.peer()).c_str());
BUFFER("has_ext_data:%u", p.has_ext_data());
BUFFER("ext_offset:%u", p.ext_offset());
BUFFER("has_rxinfo:%u", has_rxinfo);
if (has_rxinfo) {
auto rxinfo = p.ctrl_data<wlan_rx_info_t>();
BUFFER("\n rxinfo:%s", Describe(*rxinfo).c_str());
switch (p.peer()) {
case Packet::Peer::kWlan: {
if (auto mgmt_frame = MgmtFrameView<>::CheckType(&p).CheckLength()) {
BUFFER("\n wlan hdr:%s ", Describe(*mgmt_frame.hdr()).c_str());
} else if (auto data_frame = DataFrameView<>::CheckType(&p).CheckLength()) {
BUFFER("\n wlan hdr:%s ", Describe(*data_frame.hdr()).c_str());
BUFFER("\n packet data: %s", debug::HexDump(, p.len()).c_str());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const AmsduSubframeHeader& hdr) {
char buf[128];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("[da] %s [sa] %s [msdu_len] %u", hdr.da.ToString().c_str(),,
return std::string(buf);
std::string DescribeSuppressed(const Packet& p) {
if (auto bcn_frame = MgmtFrameView<Beacon>::CheckType(&p)) {
return "Beacon. Decoding suppressed.";
return "";
std::string DescribeChannel(const uint8_t arr[], size_t size) {
char buf[1024];
size_t offset = 0;
buf[0] = 0;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < size && arr[idx] != 0; idx++) {
BUFFER("%u", arr[idx]);
return std::string(buf);
std::string DescribeArray(const uint8_t arr[], size_t size) {
char buf[1024];
buf[0] = 0;
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
BUFFER("%02x", arr[idx]);
return std::string(buf);
std::string DescribeVector(const std::vector<uint8_t> vec) {
char buf[1024];
buf[0] = 0;
size_t offset = 0;
for (auto const& v : vec) {
BUFFER("%02x", v);
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const HtCapabilityInfo& hci) {
char buf[256];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("ldcp:%u", hci.ldpc_coding_cap());
BUFFER("chanwidth:%u", hci.chan_width_set());
BUFFER("smps:%u", hci.sm_power_save());
BUFFER("gf:%u", hci.greenfield());
BUFFER("sgi20:%u", hci.short_gi_20());
BUFFER("sgi40:%u", hci.short_gi_40());
BUFFER("tx_stbc:%u", hci.tx_stbc());
BUFFER("rx_stbc:%u", hci.rx_stbc());
BUFFER("delayed_back:%u", hci.delayed_block_ack());
BUFFER("max_amsdu_len:%u", hci.max_amsdu_len());
BUFFER("dsss40:%u", hci.dsss_in_40());
BUFFER("int40:%u", hci.intolerant_40());
BUFFER("lsig_txop:%u", hci.lsig_txop_protect());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const AmpduParams& ampdu) {
char buf[128];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("exp:%u", ampdu.exponent());
BUFFER("min_start:%u", ampdu.min_start_spacing());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const SupportedMcsSet& mcs_set) {
char buf[256];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("rx1:0x%016lx", mcs_set.rx_mcs_bitmask1());
BUFFER("rx2:0x%04x", mcs_set.rx_mcs_bitmask2());
BUFFER("high_rate:%u", mcs_set.rx_highest_rate());
BUFFER("tx_set:%u", mcs_set.tx_set_defined());
BUFFER("tx_rx_diff:%u", mcs_set.tx_rx_diff());
BUFFER("max_ss:%u", mcs_set.tx_max_ss());
BUFFER("ueqm:%u", mcs_set.tx_unequal_mod());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const HtExtCapabilities& hec) {
char buf[256];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("pco:%u", hec.pco());
BUFFER("pco_trans:%u", hec.pco_transition());
BUFFER("mcs_feedback:%u", hec.mcs_feedback());
BUFFER("htc_ht:%u", hec.htc_ht_support());
BUFFER("rd:%u", hec.rd_responder());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const TxBfCapability& txbf) {
char buf[512];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("imp_rx:%u", txbf.implicit_rx());
BUFFER("rx_stag:%u", txbf.rx_stag_sounding());
BUFFER("tx_stag:%u", txbf.tx_stag_sounding());
BUFFER("rx_ndp:%u", txbf.rx_ndp());
BUFFER("tx_ndp:%u", txbf.tx_ndp());
BUFFER("imp:%u", txbf.implicit());
BUFFER("cal:%u", txbf.calibration());
BUFFER("csi:%u", txbf.csi());
BUFFER("noncomp_steer:%u", txbf.noncomp_steering());
BUFFER("comp_steer:%u", txbf.comp_steering());
BUFFER("min_grp:%u", txbf.min_grouping());
BUFFER("csi_ant:%u", txbf.csi_antennas());
BUFFER("noncomp_steer:%u", txbf.noncomp_steering_ants());
BUFFER("comp_steer:%u", txbf.comp_steering_ants());
BUFFER("csi_rows:%u", txbf.csi_rows());
BUFFER("est:%u", txbf.chan_estimation());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const AselCapability& asel) {
char buf[512];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("asel:%u", asel.asel());
BUFFER("csi_tx:%u", asel.csi_feedback_tx_asel());
BUFFER("ant_idx_tx:%u", asel.ant_idx_feedback_tx_asel());
BUFFER("exp_csi:%u", asel.explicit_csi_feedback());
BUFFER("ant_idx:%u", asel.antenna_idx_feedback());
BUFFER("rx_asel:%u", asel.rx_asel());
BUFFER("tx_sound:%u", asel.tx_sounding_ppdu());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const HtCapabilities& ht_cap) {
char buf[2048];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("hci:[%s]", Describe(ht_cap.ht_cap_info).c_str());
BUFFER("ampdu:[%s]", Describe(ht_cap.ampdu_params).c_str());
BUFFER("mcs_set:[%s]", Describe(ht_cap.mcs_set).c_str());
BUFFER("ext_cap:[%s]", Describe(ht_cap.ht_ext_cap).c_str());
BUFFER("txbf_cap:[%s]", Describe(ht_cap.txbf_cap).c_str());
BUFFER("asel_cap:[%s]", Describe(ht_cap.asel_cap).c_str());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const ht_capabilities_t& ht_caps) {
return Describe(HtCapabilities::FromDdk(ht_caps));
std::string Describe(const VhtCapabilitiesInfo& vci) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setfill(' '); // TODO( Delete this line
oss << "max_mpdu_len:" << +vci.max_mpdu_len();
oss << " supported_cbw_set:" << +vci.supported_cbw_set();
oss << " rx_ldpc:" << +vci.rx_ldpc();
oss << " sgi_cbw80:" << +vci.sgi_cbw80();
oss << " sgi_cbw160:" << +vci.sgi_cbw160();
oss << " tx_stbc:" << +vci.tx_stbc();
oss << " rx_stbc:" << +vci.rx_stbc();
oss << " su_bfer:" << +vci.su_bfer();
oss << " su_bfee:" << +vci.su_bfee();
oss << " bfee_sts:" << +vci.bfee_sts();
oss << " num_sounding:" << +vci.num_sounding();
oss << " mu_bfer:" << +vci.mu_bfer();
oss << " mu_bfee:" << +vci.mu_bfee();
oss << " txop_ps:" << +vci.txop_ps();
oss << " htc_vht:" << +vci.htc_vht();
oss << " max_ampdu_exp:" << +vci.max_ampdu_exp();
oss << " link_adapt:" << +vci.link_adapt();
oss << " rx_ant_pattern:" << +vci.rx_ant_pattern();
oss << " tx_ant_pattern:" << +vci.tx_ant_pattern();
oss << " ext_nss_bw:" << +vci.ext_nss_bw();
return oss.str();
std::string Describe(const VhtMcsNss& vmn) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setfill(' '); // TODO( Delete this line
oss << " [rx_max_mcs]";
oss << " ss1:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss1();
oss << " ss2:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss2();
oss << " ss3:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss3();
oss << " ss4:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss4();
oss << " ss5:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss5();
oss << " ss6:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss6();
oss << " ss7:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss7();
oss << " ss8:" << +vmn.rx_max_mcs_ss8();
oss << " rx_max_data_rate:" << +vmn.rx_max_data_rate();
oss << " max_nsts:" << +vmn.max_nsts();
oss << " [tx_max_mcs]";
oss << " ss1:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss1();
oss << " ss2:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss2();
oss << " ss3:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss3();
oss << " ss4:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss4();
oss << " ss5:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss5();
oss << " ss6:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss6();
oss << " ss7:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss7();
oss << " ss8:" << +vmn.tx_max_mcs_ss8();
oss << " tx_max_data_rate:" << +vmn.tx_max_data_rate();
oss << " ext_nss_bw:" << +vmn.ext_nss_bw();
return oss.str();
std::string Describe(const VhtCapabilities& vht_cap) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setfill(' '); // TODO( Delete this line
oss << "vci:[" << Describe(vht_cap.vht_cap_info).c_str() << "] ";
oss << "mcs_nss:[" << Describe(vht_cap.vht_mcs_nss).c_str() << "]";
return oss.str();
std::string Describe(const BasicVhtMcsNss& bvmn) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setfill(' '); // TODO( Delete this line
oss << " ss1:" << +bvmn.ss1();
oss << " ss2:" << +bvmn.ss2();
oss << " ss3:" << +bvmn.ss3();
oss << " ss4:" << +bvmn.ss4();
oss << " ss5:" << +bvmn.ss5();
oss << " ss6:" << +bvmn.ss6();
oss << " ss7:" << +bvmn.ss7();
oss << " ss8:" << +bvmn.ss8();
return oss.str();
std::string Describe(const VhtOperation& vht_op) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setfill(' '); // TODO( Delete this line
oss << "vht_cbw:" << +vht_op.vht_cbw;
oss << " center_freq_seg0:" << +vht_op.center_freq_seg0;
oss << " center_freq_seg1:" << +vht_op.center_freq_seg1;
oss << " [basic_vht_mcs_nss] " << Describe(vht_op.basic_mcs).c_str();
return oss.str();
std::string Describe(const wlan_softmac_band_capability& bc) {
char buf[1024];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("band:%s", common::WlanBandStr(;
BUFFER("ht_caps:[%s]", Describe(bc.ht_caps).c_str());
BUFFER("vht_supported:%u", bc.vht_supported);
BUFFER("vht_caps:[to implement]");
BUFFER("rates:[%s]", DescribeArray(bc.basic_rate_list, bc.basic_rate_count).c_str());
DescribeArray(bc.operating_channel_list, bc.operating_channel_count).c_str());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const wlan_softmac_info& wi) {
char buf[2048];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("mac:[%s]", common::MacAddr(wi.sta_addr).ToString().c_str());
BUFFER("role:%u", wi.mac_role);
BUFFER("#phys:%u", wi.supported_phys_count);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < wi.supported_phys_count; i++) {
BUFFER("[phy %u]%s", i, Describe(wi.supported_phys_list[i]));
BUFFER("hardware_capability:0x%08x", wi.hardware_capability);
BUFFER("#bands:%du", wi.band_cap_count);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < wi.band_cap_count; i++) {
BUFFER("[band %u]%s", i, Describe(wi.band_cap_list[i]).c_str());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const CapabilityInfo& capability_info) {
char buf[512];
size_t offset = 0;
BUFFER("ess:%u", capability_info.ess());
BUFFER("ibss:%u", capability_info.ibss());
BUFFER("cf_pollable:%u", capability_info.cf_pollable());
BUFFER("cf_poll_req:%u", capability_info.cf_poll_req());
BUFFER("privacy:%u", capability_info.privacy());
BUFFER("short_preamble:%u", capability_info.short_preamble());
BUFFER("spectrum_mgmt:%u", capability_info.spectrum_mgmt());
BUFFER("qos:%u", capability_info.qos());
BUFFER("short_slot_time:%u", capability_info.short_slot_time());
BUFFER("apsd:%u", capability_info.apsd());
BUFFER("radio_msmt:%u", capability_info.radio_msmt());
BUFFER("delayed_block_ack:%u", capability_info.delayed_block_ack());
BUFFER("immediate_block_ack:%u", capability_info.immediate_block_ack());
return std::string(buf);
std::string Describe(const std::vector<SupportedRate> rates) {
char buf[1024];
size_t offset = 0;
buf[0] = 0;
for (auto const& rate : rates) {
BUFFER("%s%u", rate.is_basic() ? "*" : "", rate.rate());
return std::string(buf);
bool IsPrint(const uint8_t bytes[], size_t len) {
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
if (!std::isprint(bytes[idx])) {
return false;
return true;
std::string ToAsciiOrHexStr(const uint8_t bytes[], size_t len) {
if (IsPrint(bytes, len)) {
return std::string(bytes, bytes + len);
constexpr size_t kMaxLenToPrint = 64;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < std::min(len, kMaxLenToPrint); ++idx) {
oss << std::setw(2) << static_cast<unsigned>(bytes[idx]) << " ";
if (len > kMaxLenToPrint) {
oss << "..(+" << (kMaxLenToPrint - len) << " bytes)";
return oss.str();
std::string ToAsciiOrHexStr(const std::vector<uint8_t>& vec) {
return ToAsciiOrHexStr(, vec.size());
} // namespace debug
} // namespace wlan