blob: 13eddfd21879370283d505dcd2625f157a8e152f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/wlan/common/c/banjo.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
// TODO(hahnr): Allow change of logging prefix.
// TODO(tkilbourn): use standard logging infrastructure
namespace wlan {
constexpr uint64_t kLogLevelError = 1 << 0;
constexpr uint64_t kLogLevelWarning = 1 << 1;
constexpr uint64_t kLogLevelInfo = 1 << 2;
constexpr uint64_t kLogLevelDebug = 1 << 3;
constexpr uint64_t kLogLevelVerbose = 1 << 4;
constexpr uint64_t kLogErrors = kLogLevelError;
constexpr uint64_t kLogWarnings = kLogErrors | kLogLevelWarning;
constexpr uint64_t kLogInfos = kLogWarnings | kLogLevelInfo;
constexpr uint64_t kLogDebugs = kLogInfos | kLogLevelDebug;
constexpr uint64_t kLogVerboses = kLogDebugs | kLogLevelVerbose;
#define LOG_CATEGORY(name, value) constexpr uint64_t name = (1 << value)
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogDataFuncTrace, 16);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogDataJoinTrace, 17);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogDataHeaderTrace, 18);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogDataPacketTrace, 19);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogDataBeaconTrace, 20);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogWlanFrameTrace, 21);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogBss, 23);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogClt, 25);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogBuffer, 26);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogScan, 27);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogMinstrel, 28);
LOG_CATEGORY(kLogFlags, 29);
// Set this to tune log output
constexpr uint64_t kLogLevel = kLogInfos | kLogBuffer;
constexpr bool kBufferDebugEnabled = kLogLevel & kLogBuffer;
#define wlogf(level, level_prefix, args...) \
do { \
if (level & wlan::kLogLevel) { \
std::printf("wlan: " level_prefix args); \
} \
} while (false)
// clang-format off
#define errorf(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogLevelError, "[E] ", args)
#define warnf(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogLevelWarning, "[W] ", args)
#define infof(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogLevelInfo, "[I] ", args)
#define debugf(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogLevelDebug, "[D] ", args)
#define verbosef(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogLevelVerbose, "[V] ", args)
#define debugfn() wlogf(wlan::kLogDataFuncTrace, "[V:fn ] ", "%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
#define debugjoin(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogDataJoinTrace, "[V:join] ", args)
#define debughdr(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogDataHeaderTrace, "[V:hdr ] ", args)
#define debugbcn(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogDataBeaconTrace, "[V:bcn ] ", args)
#define debugbss(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogBss, "[V:bss ] ", args)
#define debugps(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogPs, "[V:PS ] ", args)
#define debugclt(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogClt, "[V:clt ] ", args)
#define debugbuf(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogBuffer, "[V:buf ]", args)
#define debugscan(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogScan, "[V:scan]", args)
#define debugmstl(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogMinstrel, "[V:mstl] ", args)
#define debugflags(args...) wlogf(wlan::kLogFlags, "[V:flags] ", args)
// clang-format on
void DebugSoftmacHardwareCapabilityFlags(wlan_softmac_hardware_capability_t flags);
#define MAC_ADDR_FMT "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
#define MAC_ADDR_ARGS(a) ((a)[0]), ((a)[1]), ((a)[2]), ((a)[3]), ((a)[4]), ((a)[5])
} // namespace wlan