blob: e963462f3f875d6bfe16eb8a10b02e772330b0e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
model::runner::{Runner, RunnerError},
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
fidl::endpoints::{ClientEnd, ServerEnd},
DirectoryMarker, DirectoryProxy, NodeMarker, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE, OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE,
fidl_fuchsia_process as fproc, fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_runtime::{job_default, HandleInfo, HandleType},
directory::entry::DirectoryEntry, directory::entry_container::DirectlyMutable,
directory::immutable::simple as pfs, execution_scope::ExecutionScope,
file::pcb::asynchronous::read_only_static, path::Path as fvfsPath, pseudo_directory,
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef, HandleBased, Job, Task},
std::{path::Path, sync::Arc},
// Simple directory type which is used to implement `ComponentStartInfo.runtime_directory`.
type RuntimeDirectory = Arc<pfs::Simple>;
/// Errors produced by `ElfRunner`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum ElfRunnerError {
#[error("failed to retrieve process koid for component with url \"{}\": {}", url, err)]
ComponentProcessIdError {
url: String,
err: ClonableError,
#[error("failed to retrieve job koid for component with url \"{}\": {}", url, err)]
ComponentJobIdError {
url: String,
err: ClonableError,
#[error("failed to add runtime/elf directory for component with url \"{}\".", url)]
ComponentElfDirectoryError { url: String },
impl ElfRunnerError {
pub fn component_process_id_error(
url: impl Into<String>,
err: impl Into<Error>,
) -> ElfRunnerError {
ElfRunnerError::ComponentProcessIdError { url: url.into(), err: err.into().into() }
pub fn component_job_id_error(url: impl Into<String>, err: impl Into<Error>) -> ElfRunnerError {
ElfRunnerError::ComponentJobIdError { url: url.into(), err: err.into().into() }
pub fn component_elf_directory_error(url: impl Into<String>) -> ElfRunnerError {
ElfRunnerError::ComponentElfDirectoryError { url: url.into() }
impl From<ElfRunnerError> for RunnerError {
fn from(err: ElfRunnerError) -> Self {
/// Runs components with ELF binaries.
pub struct ElfRunner {
launcher_connector: ProcessLauncherConnector,
fn handle_info_from_fd(fd: i32) -> Result<Option<fproc::HandleInfo>, Error> {
// TODO(CF-592): fdio is not guaranteed to be asynchronous, replace with native rust solution
unsafe {
let mut fd_handle = zx::sys::ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
let status = fdio_sys::fdio_fd_clone(fd, &mut fd_handle as *mut zx::sys::zx_handle_t);
if status == zx::sys::ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS || status == zx::sys::ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED {
// This file descriptor is closed or not clone-able.
// We just skip it rather than generating an error.
return Ok(None);
if status != zx::sys::ZX_OK {
return Err(format_err!("failed to clone fd {}: {}", fd, status));
Ok(Some(fproc::HandleInfo {
handle: zx::Handle::from_raw(fd_handle),
id: HandleInfo::new(HandleType::FileDescriptor, fd as u16).as_raw(),
impl ElfRunner {
pub fn new(launcher_connector: ProcessLauncherConnector) -> ElfRunner {
ElfRunner { launcher_connector }
async fn create_runtime_directory<'a>(
&'a self,
runtime_dir: ServerEnd<DirectoryMarker>,
args: &'a Vec<String>,
) -> RuntimeDirectory {
let mut runtime_tree_builder = TreeBuilder::empty_dir();
let mut count: u32 = 0;
for arg in args.iter() {
let arg_copy = arg.clone();
.add_entry(["args", &count.to_string()], read_only_static(arg_copy.clone()))
.expect("Failed to add arg to runtime directory");
count += 1;
let runtime_directory =;
async fn create_elf_directory(
runtime_dir: &RuntimeDirectory,
resolved_url: &String,
process_id: u64,
job_id: u64,
) -> Result<(), RunnerError> {
let elf_dir = pseudo_directory!(
"process_id" => read_only_static(process_id.to_string()),
"job_id" => read_only_static(job_id.to_string()),
.add_entry("elf", elf_dir)
.map_err(|_| ElfRunnerError::component_elf_directory_error(resolved_url.clone()))?;
async fn load_launch_info(
url: &str,
start_info: fsys::ComponentStartInfo,
launcher: &fproc::LauncherProxy,
) -> Result<(Option<RuntimeDirectory>, fproc::LaunchInfo), Error> {
let bin_path = runner::get_program_binary(&start_info)
.map_err(|e| RunnerError::invalid_args(url, e))?;
let bin_arg = &[String::from(
PKG_PATH.join(&bin_path).to_str().ok_or(format_err!("invalid binary path"))?,
let args = runner::get_program_args(&start_info)?;
let name = Path::new(url)
.ok_or(format_err!("invalid url"))?
.ok_or(format_err!("invalid url"))?;
// Convert the directories into proxies, so we can find "/pkg" and open "lib" and bin_path
let ns = start_info
.unwrap_or(fsys::ComponentNamespace { paths: vec![], directories: vec![] });
let mut paths = ns.paths;
let directories: Result<Vec<DirectoryProxy>, fidl::Error> =
ns.directories.into_iter().map(|d| d.into_proxy()).collect();
let mut directories = directories?;
// Start the library loader service
let pkg_str = PKG_PATH.to_str().unwrap();
let (ll_client_chan, ll_service_chan) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let (_, pkg_proxy) = paths
.find(|(p, _)| p.as_str() == pkg_str)
.ok_or(format_err!("/pkg missing from namespace"))?;
let lib_proxy = io_util::open_directory(pkg_proxy, &Path::new("lib"), OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE)?;
// The loader service should only be able to load files from `/pkg/lib`. Giving it a larger
// scope is potentially a security vulnerability, as it could make it trivial for parts of
// applications to get handles to things the application author didn't intend.
library_loader::start(lib_proxy, ll_service_chan);
let executable_vmo = library_loader::load_vmo(pkg_proxy, &bin_path)
.context("error loading executable")?;
let child_job = job_default().create_child_job()?;
.context("error setting job policy to configure timer slack")?;
// TODO(fxb/39947): The hermetic-decompressor library used in fshost requires the ability
// to directly create new processes, and this policy breaks that.
if url != "fuchsia-boot:///#meta/" {
vec![(zx::JobCondition::NewProcess, zx::JobAction::Deny)],
.context("error setting job policy to deny new processes")?;
let child_job_dup = child_job.duplicate_handle(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS)?;
let mut string_iters: Vec<_> =
bin_arg.iter().chain(args.iter()).map(|s| s.bytes()).collect();
&mut string_iters.iter_mut().map(|iter| iter as &mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = u8>),
// TODO: launcher.AddEnvirons
let mut handle_infos = vec![];
for fd in 0..3 {
handle_infos.append(&mut vec![
fproc::HandleInfo {
handle: ll_client_chan.into_handle(),
id: HandleInfo::new(HandleType::LdsvcLoader, 0).as_raw(),
fproc::HandleInfo {
handle: child_job_dup.into_handle(),
id: HandleInfo::new(HandleType::DefaultJob, 0).as_raw(),
if let Some(outgoing_dir) = start_info.outgoing_dir {
handle_infos.push(fproc::HandleInfo {
handle: outgoing_dir.into_handle(),
id: HandleInfo::new(HandleType::DirectoryRequest, 0).as_raw(),
launcher.add_handles(&mut handle_infos.iter_mut())?;
let mut name_infos = vec![];
while let Some(path) = paths.pop() {
if let Some(directory) = directories.pop() {
let directory = ClientEnd::new(
.map_err(|_| format_err!("into_channel failed"))?
name_infos.push(fproc::NameInfo { path, directory });
launcher.add_names(&mut name_infos.iter_mut())?;
let mut runtime_dir = None;
// TODO(fsamuel): runtime_dir may be unavailable in tests. We should fix tests so
// that we don't have to have this check here.
if let Some(dir) = start_info.runtime_dir {
runtime_dir = Some(self.create_runtime_directory(dir, &args).await);
fproc::LaunchInfo { executable: executable_vmo, job: child_job, name: name.to_owned() },
async fn start_component(
start_info: fsys::ComponentStartInfo,
server_end: ServerEnd<fsys::ComponentControllerMarker>,
) -> Result<Option<runner::component::Controller<ElfComponent>>, RunnerError> {
let resolved_url =
runner::get_resolved_url(&start_info).map_err(|e| RunnerError::invalid_args("", e))?;
let launcher = self
.context("failed to connect to launcher service")
.map_err(|e| RunnerError::component_load_error(&*resolved_url, e))?;
// Load the component
let (runtime_dir, mut launch_info) = self
.load_launch_info(&resolved_url, start_info, &launcher)
.context("loading launch info failed")
.map_err(|e| RunnerError::component_load_error(&*resolved_url, e))?;
let job_koid = launch_info
.map_err(|e| ElfRunnerError::component_job_id_error(resolved_url.clone(), e))?
let component_job = launch_info
.expect("handle duplication failed!");
// Launch the component
let process_koid = async {
let (status, process) = launcher.launch(&mut launch_info).await?;
if zx::Status::from_raw(status) != zx::Status::OK {
return Err(format_err!("failed to launch component: {}", status));
let mut process_koid = 0;
if let Some(process) = &process {
process_koid = process
.map_err(|e| {
ElfRunnerError::component_process_id_error(resolved_url.clone(), e)
.map_err(|e| RunnerError::component_launch_error(resolved_url.clone(), e))?;
if let Some(runtime_dir) = runtime_dir {
self.create_elf_directory(&runtime_dir, &resolved_url, process_koid, job_koid).await?;
let server_stream = server_end.into_stream().expect("failed to convert");
let controller = runner::component::Controller::new(
ElfComponent::new(runtime_dir, Job::from(component_job)),
} else {
async fn start_async(
start_info: fsys::ComponentStartInfo,
server_end: ServerEnd<fsys::ComponentControllerMarker>,
) -> Result<(), RunnerError> {
// start the component and move any Controller into a new async
// execution context. This future completes when the
// Controller is told to stop/kill the component.
self.start_component(start_info, server_end)
.map(|controller_opt| -> Option<()> {
controller_opt.and_then(|controller| {
fasync::spawn(async move {
let _ = controller.serve().await;
.map(|_option_unit| ())
/// Structure representing a running elf component.
struct ElfComponent {
/// namespace directory for this component, kept just as a reference to
/// keep the namespace alive
_runtime_dir: RuntimeDirectory,
/// job in which the underlying process is running.
job: Job,
impl ElfComponent {
pub fn new(_runtime_dir: RuntimeDirectory, job: Job) -> Self {
Self { _runtime_dir, job }
impl runner::component::Killable for ElfComponent {
async fn kill(self) {
let _ = self.job.kill();
impl Runner for ElfRunner {
/// Starts a component by creating a new Job and Process for the component.
/// The Runner also creates and hosts a namespace for the component. The
/// namespace and other runtime state of the component will live until the
/// Future returned is dropped or the `server_end` is sent either
/// `ComponentController.Stop` or `ComponentController.Kill`. Sending
/// `ComponentController.Stop` or `ComponentController.Kill` causes the
/// Future to complete.
fn start(
start_info: fsys::ComponentStartInfo,
server_end: ServerEnd<fsys::ComponentControllerMarker>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<(), RunnerError>> {
Box::pin(self.start_async(start_info, server_end))
/// Connects to the appropriate `fuchsia.process.Launcher` service based on the options provided in
/// `ProcessLauncherConnector::new`.
/// This exists so that callers can make a new connection to `fuchsia.process.Launcher` for each use
/// because the service is stateful per connection, so it is not safe to share a connection between
/// multiple asynchronous process launchers.
/// If `LibraryOpts::use_builtin_process_launcher` is true, this will connect to the built-in
/// `fuchsia.process.Launcher` service using the provided `ProcessLauncher`. Otherwise, this connects
/// to the launcher service under /svc in component_manager's namespace.
pub struct ProcessLauncherConnector {
use_builtin: bool,
impl ProcessLauncherConnector {
pub fn new(args: &Arguments) -> Self {
Self { use_builtin: args.use_builtin_process_launcher }
pub fn connect(&self) -> Result<fproc::LauncherProxy, Error> {
let proxy = if self.use_builtin {
let (proxy, stream) =
fasync::spawn(async move {
let result = ProcessLauncher::serve(stream).await;
if let Err(e) = result {
warn!("ProcessLauncherConnector.connect failed: {}", e);
} else {
.context("failed to connect to external launcher service")?
mod tests {
use {
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy, ClientEnd, Proxy},
fidl_fuchsia_data as fdata, fuchsia_async as fasync, io_util,
// Rust's test harness does not allow passing through arbitrary arguments, so to get coverage
// for the different LibraryOpts configurations (which would normally be set based on
// arguments) we switch based on the test binary name.
fn should_use_builtin_process_launcher() -> bool {
// This is somewhat fragile but intentionally so, so that this will fail if the binary
// names change and get updated properly.
let bin = std::env::args().next();
match bin.as_ref().map(String::as_ref) {
Some("/pkg/test/component_manager_tests") => false,
Some("/pkg/test/component_manager_boot_env_tests") => true,
_ => panic!("Unexpected test binary name {:?}", bin),
fn hello_world_startinfo(
runtime_dir: Option<ServerEnd<DirectoryMarker>>,
) -> fsys::ComponentStartInfo {
// Get a handle to /pkg
let pkg_path = "/pkg".to_string();
let pkg_chan = io_util::open_directory_in_namespace("/pkg", OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE)
let pkg_handle = ClientEnd::new(pkg_chan);
let ns = fsys::ComponentNamespace { paths: vec![pkg_path], directories: vec![pkg_handle] };
fsys::ComponentStartInfo {
resolved_url: Some(
program: Some(fdata::Dictionary {
entries: vec![
fdata::Entry {
key: "binary".to_string(),
value: Some(Box::new(fdata::Value::Str("bin/hello_world".to_string()))),
fdata::Entry {
key: "args".to_string(),
value: Some(Box::new(fdata::Value::Vec(fdata::Vector {
values: vec![
ns: Some(ns),
outgoing_dir: None,
// TODO(fsamuel): A variation of this is used in a couple of places. We should consider
// refactoring this into a test util file.
async fn read_file<'a>(root_proxy: &'a DirectoryProxy, path: &'a str) -> String {
let file_proxy =
io_util::open_file(&root_proxy, &Path::new(path), io_util::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE)
.expect("Failed to open file.");
let res = io_util::read_file(&file_proxy).await;
res.expect("Unable to read file.")
async fn hello_world_test() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (runtime_dir_client, runtime_dir_server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let start_info = hello_world_startinfo(Some(ServerEnd::new(runtime_dir_server)));
let runtime_dir_proxy = DirectoryProxy::from_channel(
let args = Arguments {
use_builtin_process_launcher: should_use_builtin_process_launcher(),
let launcher_connector = ProcessLauncherConnector::new(&args);
let runner = ElfRunner::new(launcher_connector);
let (controller, server_controller) = create_proxy::<fsys::ComponentControllerMarker>()
.expect("could not create component controller endpoints");
// TODO: This test currently results in a bunch of log spew when this test process exits
// because this does not stop the component, which means its loader service suddenly goes
// away. Stop the component when the Runner trait provides a way to do so.
.start_async(start_info, server_controller)
.expect("hello_world_test start failed");
// Verify that args are added to the runtime directory.
assert_eq!("foo", read_file(&runtime_dir_proxy, "args/0").await);
assert_eq!("bar", read_file(&runtime_dir_proxy, "args/1").await);
// Process Id and Job Id will vary with every run of this test. Here we verify that
// they exist in the runtime directory, they can be parsed as unsigned integers, they're
// greater than zero and they are not the same value. Those are about the only invariants
// we can verify across test runs.
let process_id = read_file(&runtime_dir_proxy, "elf/process_id").await.parse::<u64>()?;
let job_id = read_file(&runtime_dir_proxy, "elf/job_id").await.parse::<u64>()?;
assert!(process_id > 0);
assert!(job_id > 0);
assert_ne!(process_id, job_id);
// Kill the process before finishing the test so that it doesn't pagefault due to an
// invalid stdout handle.
controller.kill().expect("kill failed");
fasync::OnSignals::new(&controller.as_handle_ref(), zx::Signals::CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED)
.expect("failed waiting for channel to close");
// This test checks that starting a component fails if we use the wrong built-in process
// launcher setting for the test environment. This helps ensure that the test above isn't
// succeeding for an unexpected reason, e.g. that it isn't using a fuchsia.process.Launcher
// from the test's namespace instead of serving and using a built-in one.
async fn hello_world_fail_test() -> Result<(), Error> {
let start_info = hello_world_startinfo(None);
// Note that value of should_use... is negated
let args = Arguments {
use_builtin_process_launcher: !should_use_builtin_process_launcher(),
let launcher_connector = ProcessLauncherConnector::new(&args);
let runner = ElfRunner::new(launcher_connector);
let (_controller, server_controller) = create_proxy::<fsys::ComponentControllerMarker>()
.expect("could not create component controller endpoints");
match runner.start_async(start_info, server_controller).await {
Ok(_) => Err(format_err!("hello_world_fail_test succeeded unexpectedly")),
Err(_) => Ok(()),
async fn test_kill_component() -> Result<(), Error> {
let job = job_default().create_child_job()?;
// create a nested job as empty job can't be killed for some reason.
let _child_job = job.create_child_job()?;
let job_copy = Job::from(
.expect("job handle duplication failed"),
let component = ElfComponent::new(TreeBuilder::empty_dir().build(), job);
let job_info =;
if job_info.exited {
return Err(format_err!("job exited unexpectedly."));
let h = job_copy.as_handle_ref();
fasync::OnSignals::new(&h, zx::Signals::TASK_TERMINATED)
.expect("failed waiting for termination signal");
let job_info =;
if !job_info.exited {
return Err(format_err!("job should have exited, but did not."));