blob: 0034057240ec3915fb6f0b4125a7206bcb7516fd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
source_set("lib") {
sources = [
public_deps = [
defines = [ "_ALL_SOURCE=1" ]
source_set("appmgr_for_test") {
testonly = true
sources = [
public_deps = [
executable("bin") {
output_name = "appmgr"
sources = [
deps = [
# appmgr starts early in the boot sequence before shared libraries from
# packages are available, so it has to avoid dynamically linking against
# libraries outside of /boot/lib. These rules ensure that appmgr statically
# links against the C++ standard library and prevents dependencies on some
# shared library targets that are easy to pull in unintentionally.
configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:static_cpp_standard_library" ]
assert_no_deps = [ "//garnet/public/lib/fostr/*" ]
executable("unittest_bin") {
testonly = true
output_name = "appmgr_unittests"
sources = [
deps = [
package("appmgr") {
deps = [ ":bin" ]
binaries = [
name = "appmgr"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/appmgr.cml")
dest = ""
config_data("appmgr_scheme_config") {
for_pkg = "appmgr"
sources = [ "scheme_map.config" ]
outputs = [ "scheme_map/default.config" ]
config_data("appmgr_global_data_allowlist") {
for_pkg = "appmgr"
sources = [ "global_data_allowlist.txt" ]
outputs = [ "allowlist/global_data.txt" ]
config_data("appmgr_deprecated_shell_allowlist") {
for_pkg = "appmgr"
sources = [ "deprecated_shell_allowlist.txt" ]
outputs = [ "allowlist/deprecated_shell.txt" ]
config_data("appmgr_deprecated_ambient_replace_as_executable_allowlist") {
for_pkg = "appmgr"
sources = [ "deprecated_ambient_replace_as_executable_allowlist.txt" ]
outputs = [ "allowlist/deprecated_ambient_replace_as_executable.txt" ]
config_data("appmgr_component_event_provider_allowlist") {
for_pkg = "appmgr"
sources = [ "component_event_provider_allowlist.txt" ]
outputs = [ "allowlist/component_event_provider.txt" ]
group("unittests") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
test_package("appmgr_unittests") {
deps = [ ":unittest_bin" ]
tests = [
name = "appmgr_unittests"
environments = basic_envs
package("system_data_file") {
deprecated_system_image = true
resources = [
path = "test_file.txt"
dest = "test_file.txt"
path = "test_file.txt"
dest = "subdir/test_file.txt"
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [