blob: 02c83f152c00ac5a12309194344bdf5cdd28835e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ultrasound/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "src/lib/testing/loop_fixture/real_loop_fixture.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/audio_buffer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/format.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/inspect.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/test_fixture.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/vmo_backed_buffer.h"
namespace media::audio::test {
namespace internal {
// These IDs are scoped to the lifetime of this process.
extern size_t renderer_shim_next_inspect_id;
} // namespace internal
// This class is thread hostile: none of its methods can be called concurrently.
class RendererShimImpl {
static constexpr uint32_t kPacketMs = 10;
fuchsia::media::AudioRendererPtr& renderer() { return renderer_; }
VmoBackedBuffer& payload() { return payload_buffer_; }
size_t num_packet_frames() const { return format_.frames_per_second() / 1000 * kPacketMs; }
size_t num_packet_samples() const { return num_packet_frames() * format_.channels(); }
size_t num_packet_bytes() const { return num_packet_frames() * format_.bytes_per_frame(); }
size_t num_payload_frames() const { return payload_frame_count_; }
size_t num_payload_packets() const { return payload_frame_count_ / num_packet_frames(); }
size_t num_payload_samples() const { return payload_frame_count_ * format_.channels(); }
size_t num_payload_bytes() const { return payload_frame_count_ * format_.bytes_per_frame(); }
// Minimum lead time for the AudioRenderer.
int64_t GetMinLeadTime() const { return min_lead_time_; }
// Sets the units used by the presentation (media) timeline.
// By default, we use format.frames_per_second / 1, which means 1 PTS tick = 1 frame.
void SetPtsUnits(uint32_t ticks_per_second_numerator, uint32_t ticks_per_second_denominator);
// Send a Play command to the renderer and wait until it is processed.
void Play(TestFixture* fixture, int64_t reference_time, int64_t media_time);
struct Packet {
int64_t start_pts; // starting frame of the packet (PTS has units frames)
int64_t end_pts; // one past the last frame of the packet
bool returned = false; // set after the packet was returned from AudioCore
using PacketVector = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Packet>>;
// Submit the given slices as a sequence of timestamped packets of length at most kPacketMs.
// The packets are appended to the payload buffer after the last call to ClearPayload().
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
PacketVector AppendPackets(const std::vector<AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat>>& slices,
int64_t initial_pts = 0);
// Wait until the given packets are rendered. |packets| must be non-empty and must be ordered by
// start_pts. The reference_time refers to the time at which the first frame of packets[0] should
// be rendered, using the same clock as the reference_time passed to Play().
// If |ring_out_frames| > 0, we wait for all |packets| to be rendered, plus an additional
// |ring_out_frames|.
void WaitForPackets(TestFixture* fixture, int64_t reference_time, const PacketVector& packets,
size_t ring_out_frames = 0);
// Reset the payload buffer to all zeros and seek back to the start.
void ClearPayload() { payload_buffer_.Clear(); }
// For validating properties exported by inspect.
// By default, there are no expectations.
size_t inspect_id() const { return inspect_id_; }
ExpectedInspectProperties& expected_inspect_properties() { return expected_inspect_properties_; }
RendererShimImpl(Format format, size_t payload_frame_count)
: format_(format),
payload_buffer_(format, payload_frame_count) {}
void ResetEvents();
void WatchEvents();
const Format format_;
const size_t payload_frame_count_;
const size_t inspect_id_;
VmoBackedBuffer payload_buffer_;
fuchsia::media::AudioRendererPtr renderer_;
bool received_min_lead_time_ = false;
int64_t min_lead_time_ = -1;
TimelineRate pts_ticks_per_second_;
TimelineRate pts_ticks_per_frame_;
ExpectedInspectProperties expected_inspect_properties_;
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
class AudioRendererShim : public RendererShimImpl {
using SampleT = typename AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>::SampleT;
PacketVector AppendPackets(const std::vector<AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat>>& slices,
int64_t initial_pts = 0) {
return RendererShimImpl::AppendPackets<SampleFormat>(slices, initial_pts);
// Don't call this directly. Use HermeticAudioTest::CreateAudioRenderer so the object is
// appropriately bound into the test environment.
AudioRendererShim(TestFixture* fixture, fuchsia::media::AudioCorePtr& audio_core, Format format,
size_t payload_frame_count, fuchsia::media::AudioRenderUsage usage)
: RendererShimImpl(format, payload_frame_count) {
fixture->AddErrorHandler(renderer_, "AudioRenderer");
renderer_->SetPcmStreamType({.sample_format = format_.sample_format(),
.channels = format_.channels(),
.frames_per_second = format_.frames_per_second()});
SetPtsUnits(format_.frames_per_second(), 1);
renderer_->AddPayloadBuffer(0, payload_buffer_.CreateAndMapVmo(false));
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
class UltrasoundRendererShim : public RendererShimImpl {
using SampleT = typename AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>::SampleT;
const zx::clock& reference_clock() const { return reference_clock_; }
PacketVector AppendPackets(const std::vector<AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat>>& slices,
int64_t initial_pts = 0) {
return RendererShimImpl::AppendPackets<SampleFormat>(slices, initial_pts);
// Don't call this directly. Use HermeticAudioTest::CreateUltrasoundRenderer so the object is
// appropriately bound into the test environment.
UltrasoundRendererShim(TestFixture* fixture, fuchsia::ultrasound::FactoryPtr& ultrasound_factory,
Format format, size_t payload_frame_count)
: RendererShimImpl(format, payload_frame_count), fixture_(fixture) {
renderer_.NewRequest(), [this](auto ref_clock, auto stream_type) {
created_ = true;
reference_clock_ = std::move(ref_clock);
EXPECT_EQ(stream_type.sample_format, format_.sample_format());
EXPECT_EQ(stream_type.channels, format_.channels());
EXPECT_EQ(stream_type.frames_per_second, format_.frames_per_second());
fixture->AddErrorHandler(renderer_, "UltrasoundRenderer");
SetPtsUnits(format_.frames_per_second(), 1);
renderer_->AddPayloadBuffer(0, payload_buffer_.CreateAndMapVmo(false));
void WaitForDevice() {
fixture_->RunLoopUntil([this] { return created_ || fixture_->ErrorOccurred(); });
bool created() const { return created_; }
bool created_ = false;
TestFixture* fixture_;
zx::clock reference_clock_;
} // namespace media::audio::test