blob: 6d4f9f5e719d2926568970c72bc05f0ce05bf9be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/shader_program.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/defaults/default_shader_program_factory.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/flatland/flatland_static_config.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/impl/vulkan_utils.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/mesh/tessellation.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/paper/paper_renderer_static_config.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/renderer/batch_gpu_uploader.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/shaders/util/spirv_file_util.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/shape/mesh.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/test/gtest_escher.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/test/vk/vulkan_tester.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/image_utils.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/string_utils.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/command_buffer.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/shader_module_template.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/shader_variant_args.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/texture.h"
// This include requires a nogncheck to workaround a known GN issue that doesn't
// take ifdefs into account when checking includes, meaning that even when
// ESCHER_USE_RUNTIME_GLSL is false, GN will check the validity of this include
// and find that it shouldn't be allowed, since there is no shaderc when that
// macro is false. "nogncheck" prevents this.
#include "third_party/shaderc/libshaderc/include/shaderc/shaderc.hpp" // nogncheck
namespace {
using namespace escher;
// TODO(SCN-1387): This number needs to be queried via sysmem or vulkan.
const uint32_t kYuvSize = 64;
class ShaderProgramTest : public ::testing::Test, public VulkanTester {
: vk_debug_report_callback_registry_(
? nullptr
: test::EscherEnvironment::GetGlobalTestEnvironment()->GetVulkanInstance(),
test::impl::VkDebugReportCollector::HandleDebugReport, &vk_debug_report_collector_),
vk_debug_report_collector_() {}
const MeshPtr& ring_mesh1() const { return ring_mesh1_; }
const MeshPtr& ring_mesh2() const { return ring_mesh2_; }
const MeshPtr& sphere_mesh() const { return sphere_mesh_; }
test::impl::VkDebugReportCallbackRegistry& vk_debug_report_callback_registry() {
return vk_debug_report_callback_registry_;
test::impl::VkDebugReportCollector& vk_debug_report_collector() {
return vk_debug_report_collector_;
void SetUp() override {
auto escher = test::GetEscher();
// TODO(ES-183): remove PaperRenderer shader dependency.
auto factory = escher->shader_program_factory();
bool success = factory->filesystem()->InitializeWithRealFiles({
BatchGpuUploader gpu_uploader(escher->GetWeakPtr());
ring_mesh1_ = NewRingMesh(escher, &gpu_uploader,
MeshSpec{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D | MeshAttribute::kUV}, 8,
vec2(0.f, 0.f), 300.f, 200.f);
ring_mesh2_ = NewRingMesh(escher, &gpu_uploader,
MeshSpec{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D | MeshAttribute::kUV}, 8,
vec2(0.f, 0.f), 400.f, 300.f);
sphere_mesh_ = NewSphereMesh(escher, &gpu_uploader,
MeshSpec{MeshAttribute::kPosition3D | MeshAttribute::kUV}, 8,
vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), 300.f);
void TearDown() override {
ring_mesh1_ = ring_mesh2_ = sphere_mesh_ = nullptr;
auto escher = test::GetEscher();
MeshPtr ring_mesh1_;
MeshPtr ring_mesh2_;
MeshPtr sphere_mesh_;
test::impl::VkDebugReportCallbackRegistry vk_debug_report_callback_registry_;
test::impl::VkDebugReportCollector vk_debug_report_collector_;
// Test to make sure that the shader data constants located in
// paper_renderer_static_config.h can be used to properly load
// vulkan shader programs.
VK_TEST_F(ShaderProgramTest, ShaderConstantsTest) {
auto escher = test::GetEscher();
auto program1 = escher->GetProgram(kAmbientLightProgramData);
auto program2 = escher->GetProgram(kAmbientLightProgramData);
auto program3 = escher->GetProgram(kShadowVolumeGeometryDebugProgramData);
auto program4 = escher->GetProgram(kShadowVolumeGeometryDebugProgramData);
// The first two programs use the same variant args, so should be identical,
// and similarly with the last two.
EXPECT_EQ(program1, program2);
EXPECT_EQ(program3, program4);
EXPECT_NE(program1, program3);
// Go through all of the shader programs in |paper_renderer_static_config.h| and make
// sure that all their spirv can be properly found on disk.
VK_TEST_F(ShaderProgramTest, SpirVReadFileTest) {
auto escher = test::GetEscher();
auto base_path = *escher->shader_program_factory()->filesystem()->base_path() + "/shaders/";
auto load_and_check_program = [&](const ShaderProgramData& program) {
for (const auto& iter : program.source_files) {
std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;
if (iter.second.size() == 0) {
EXPECT_TRUE(shader_util::ReadSpirvFromDisk(program.args, base_path, iter.second, &spirv))
<< iter.second;
EXPECT_TRUE(spirv.size() > 0);
// Test to check to the "SpirvExistsOnDisk" function, which determines
// if the spirv contents of a file on disk have changed relative to a
// different spirv vector.
// This test checks against real Escher shader files, which means that
// it will fail if someone modifies a shader source file for Escher but
// forgets to run the precompile script to generate the spirv. This will
// help in keeping the precompiled shaders up to date.
// This test is only meant to be run locally by the Escher development team,
// as such it is not included on CQ at all, which has ESCHER_USE_RUNTIME_GLSL
// set to false by default. This is because it is possible for other teams
// (e.g. Spinel) to update the SpirV compiler, which would cause the new
// shader spirv to differ from that on disk, causing this test to fail. Since
// we do not want other teams to be burned with having to run the shader
// precompile script, it is the job of the Escher team to run this test locally
// when making shader changes to make sure all precompiled shaders are checked
// in successfully.
VK_TEST_F(ShaderProgramTest, SpirvNotChangedTest) {
auto escher = test::GetEscher();
auto filesystem = escher->shader_program_factory()->filesystem();
auto check_spirv_change = [&](const ShaderProgramData& program_data) {
// Loop over all the shader stages for the provided program.
for (const auto& iter : program_data.source_files) {
// Skip if path is empty.
if (iter.second.length() == 0) {
ShaderStage stage = iter.first;
auto compiler = std::make_unique<shaderc::Compiler>();
std::string shader_name = iter.second;
auto shader = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ShaderModuleTemplate>(vk::Device(), compiler.get(), stage,
shader_name, filesystem);
// The shader source code should still compile properly.
std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;
EXPECT_TRUE(shader->CompileVariantToSpirv(program_data.args, &spirv));
// The new spirv should not be any different than the spirv that is already on disk.
program_data.args, *filesystem->base_path() + "/shaders/", shader_name, spirv));
VK_TEST_F(ShaderProgramTest, CachedVariants) {
auto escher = test::GetEscher();
// TODO(ES-183): remove PaperRenderer shader dependency.
ShaderVariantArgs variant1({{"NO_SHADOW_LIGHTING_PASS", "1"},
ShaderVariantArgs variant2({{"NO_SHADOW_LIGHTING_PASS", "1"},
const char* kMainVert = "shaders/model_renderer/main.vert";
const char* kMainFrag = "shaders/model_renderer/main.frag";
auto program1 = escher->GetGraphicsProgram(kMainVert, kMainFrag, variant1);
auto program2 = escher->GetGraphicsProgram(kMainVert, kMainFrag, variant1);
auto program3 = escher->GetGraphicsProgram(kMainVert, kMainFrag, variant2);
auto program4 = escher->GetGraphicsProgram(kMainVert, kMainFrag, variant2);
// The first two programs use the same variant args, so should be identical,
// and similarly with the last two.
EXPECT_EQ(program1, program2);
EXPECT_EQ(program3, program4);
EXPECT_NE(program1, program3);
// TODO(ES-83): we need to set up so many meshes, materials, framebuffers, etc.
// before we can obtain pipelines, we might as well just make this an end-to-end
// test and actually render. Or, go the other direction and manually set up
// state in a standalone CommandBufferPipelineState object.
VK_TEST_F(ShaderProgramTest, GeneratePipelines) {
auto escher = test::GetEscher();
// TODO(ES-183): remove PaperRenderer shader dependency.
auto program = escher->GetProgram(escher::kNoLightingProgramData);
auto cb = CommandBuffer::NewForGraphics(escher, /*use_protected_memory=*/false);
auto depth_format_result = escher->device()->caps().GetMatchingDepthFormat();
bool has_depth_attachment = depth_format_result.result != vk::Result::eSuccess;
auto color_attachment =
escher->NewAttachmentTexture(vk::Format::eB8G8R8A8Unorm, 512, 512, 1, vk::Filter::eNearest);
auto depth_attachment = has_depth_attachment
? escher->NewAttachmentTexture(depth_format_result.value, 512, 512, 1,
: TexturePtr();
// TODO(ES-83): add support for setting an initial image layout (is there
// already a bug for this? If not, add one). Then, use this so we don't need
// to immediately set a barrier on the new color attachment.
// Alternately/additionally, note that we don't need to do this for the depth
// attachment (because we aren't loading it we can treat it as initially
// eUndefined)... there's no reason that we shouldn't be able to do this for
// the color attachment too.
color_attachment->image(), vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined,
vk::ImageLayout::eColorAttachmentOptimal, vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eTopOfPipe,
vk::AccessFlags(), vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eColorAttachmentOutput,
vk::AccessFlagBits::eColorAttachmentRead | vk::AccessFlagBits::eColorAttachmentWrite);
RenderPassInfo render_pass_info;
render_pass_info.color_attachments[0] = color_attachment;
render_pass_info.num_color_attachments = 1;
// Clear and store color attachment 0, the sole color attachment.
render_pass_info.clear_attachments = 1u;
render_pass_info.store_attachments = 1u;
render_pass_info.depth_stencil_attachment = depth_attachment;
render_pass_info.op_flags = RenderPassInfo::kOptimalColorLayoutOp;
if (depth_attachment) {
render_pass_info.op_flags |=
RenderPassInfo::kClearDepthStencilOp | RenderPassInfo::kOptimalDepthStencilLayoutOp;
// TODO(ES-83): move into ShaderProgramTest.
BatchGpuUploader gpu_uploader(escher->GetWeakPtr(), 0);
auto noise_image = image_utils::NewNoiseImage(escher->image_cache(), &gpu_uploader, 512, 512);
auto upload_semaphore = escher::Semaphore::New(escher->vk_device());
cb->AddWaitSemaphore(std::move(upload_semaphore), vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eFragmentShader);
auto noise_texture = escher->NewTexture(noise_image, vk::Filter::eLinear);
// Setting the program doesn't immediately result in a pipeline being set.
EXPECT_EQ(GetCurrentVkPipeline(cb), vk::Pipeline());
// We'll use the same texture for both meshes.
cb->BindTexture(1, 1, noise_texture);
auto mesh = ring_mesh1();
auto ab = &mesh->attribute_buffer(0);
cb->BindIndices(mesh->index_buffer(), mesh->index_buffer_offset(), vk::IndexType::eUint32);
cb->BindVertices(0, ab->buffer, ab->offset, ab->stride);
cb->SetVertexAttributes(0, 0, vk::Format::eR32G32Sfloat,
mesh->spec().attribute_offset(0, MeshAttribute::kPosition2D));
cb->SetVertexAttributes(0, 2, vk::Format::eR32G32Sfloat,
mesh->spec().attribute_offset(0, MeshAttribute::kUV));
// Set the command buffer to a known default state, and obtain a pipeline.
auto depth_read_write_pipeline = ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb);
EXPECT_NE(depth_read_write_pipeline, vk::Pipeline());
// Requesting another pipeline with the same state returns the same cached
// pipeline.
EXPECT_EQ(depth_read_write_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
// Changing the state results in a different pipeline being returned.
cb->SetDepthTestAndWrite(true, false);
auto depth_readonly_pipeline = ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb);
EXPECT_NE(depth_readonly_pipeline, vk::Pipeline());
EXPECT_NE(depth_readonly_pipeline, depth_read_write_pipeline);
// Requesting another pipeline with the same state returns the same cached
// pipeline.
EXPECT_EQ(depth_readonly_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
// Changing to a different mesh with the same layout doesn't change the
// obtained pipeline.
mesh = ring_mesh2();
ab = &mesh->attribute_buffer(0);
cb->BindIndices(mesh->index_buffer(), mesh->index_buffer_offset(), vk::IndexType::eUint32);
cb->BindVertices(0, ab->buffer, ab->offset, ab->stride);
cb->SetVertexAttributes(0, 0, vk::Format::eR32G32Sfloat,
mesh->spec().attribute_offset(0, MeshAttribute::kPosition2D));
cb->SetVertexAttributes(0, 2, vk::Format::eR32G32Sfloat,
mesh->spec().attribute_offset(0, MeshAttribute::kUV));
EXPECT_EQ(depth_readonly_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
// Changing to a mesh with a different layout results in a different pipeline.
mesh = sphere_mesh();
ab = &mesh->attribute_buffer(0);
cb->BindIndices(mesh->index_buffer(), mesh->index_buffer_offset(), vk::IndexType::eUint32);
cb->BindVertices(0, ab->buffer, ab->offset, ab->stride);
cb->SetVertexAttributes(0, 0, vk::Format::eR32G32B32Sfloat,
mesh->spec().attribute_offset(0, MeshAttribute::kPosition3D));
cb->SetVertexAttributes(2, 0, vk::Format::eR32G32Sfloat,
mesh->spec().attribute_offset(0, MeshAttribute::kUV));
EXPECT_NE(depth_readonly_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
EXPECT_NE(vk::Pipeline(), ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
vk::Pipeline last_pipeline = ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb);
// Switching to an immutable sampler changes the pipeline.
ImageInfo info;
info.width = kYuvSize;
info.height = kYuvSize;
info.format = vk::Format::eG8B8R82Plane420Unorm;
info.usage = vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eSampled;
info.is_mutable = false;
auto yuv_image = escher->image_cache()->NewImage(info);
auto yuv_texture = escher->NewTexture(yuv_image, vk::Filter::eLinear);
cb->SetShaderProgram(program, yuv_texture->sampler());
EXPECT_NE(last_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
EXPECT_NE(vk::Pipeline(), ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
auto yuv_pipeline = ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb);
last_pipeline = ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb);
// Using the same sampler does not.
cb->SetShaderProgram(program, yuv_texture->sampler());
EXPECT_EQ(last_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
EXPECT_NE(vk::Pipeline(), ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
last_pipeline = ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb);
// Using a different sampler does cause the pipeline to change, because
// immutable samplers require custom descriptor sets, and pipelines are bound
// to specific descriptor sets at construction time.
cb->SetShaderProgram(program, noise_texture->sampler());
EXPECT_NE(last_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
EXPECT_NE(vk::Pipeline(), ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
last_pipeline = ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb);
// Using the previous YUV sampler reuses the old pipeline.
cb->SetShaderProgram(program, yuv_texture->sampler());
EXPECT_NE(last_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
EXPECT_NE(vk::Pipeline(), ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
EXPECT_EQ(yuv_pipeline, ObtainGraphicsPipeline(cb));
// TODO(ES-83): ideally only submitted CommandBuffers would need to be
// cleaned up: if a never-submitted CB is destroyed, then it shouldn't
// keep anything alive, and it shouldn't cause problems in e.g.
// CommandBufferPool due to a forever-straggling buffer.
} // anonymous namespace