blob: 1e51c695adb814124487a8a3e1b391fccfd9f99d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/data/domain.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/gap.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/low_energy_interrogator.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/gatt.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/command_channel.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/control_packets.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/low_energy_connector.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/status.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/types.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt {
namespace hci {
class LocalAddressDelegate;
class Transport;
} // namespace hci
namespace gap {
namespace internal {
class LowEnergyConnection;
} // namespace internal
// TODO(armansito): Document the usage pattern.
class LowEnergyConnectionManager;
class PairingDelegate;
class Peer;
class PeerCache;
class LowEnergyConnectionRef final {
// Destroying this object releases its reference to the underlying connection.
// Releases this object's reference to the underlying connection.
void Release();
// Returns true if the underlying connection is still active.
bool active() const { return active_; }
// Sets a callback to be called when the underlying connection is closed.
void set_closed_callback(fit::closure callback) { closed_cb_ = std::move(callback); }
// Returns the operational bondable mode of the underlying connection. See spec V5.1 Vol 3 Part
// C Section 9.4 for more details.
sm::BondableMode bondable_mode() const;
PeerId peer_identifier() const { return peer_id_; }
hci::ConnectionHandle handle() const { return handle_; }
friend class LowEnergyConnectionManager;
friend class internal::LowEnergyConnection;
LowEnergyConnectionRef(PeerId peer_id, hci::ConnectionHandle handle,
fxl::WeakPtr<LowEnergyConnectionManager> manager);
// Called by LowEnergyConnectionManager when the underlying connection is
// closed. Notifies |closed_cb_|.
void MarkClosed();
bool active_;
PeerId peer_id_;
hci::ConnectionHandle handle_;
fxl::WeakPtr<LowEnergyConnectionManager> manager_;
fit::closure closed_cb_;
fxl::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
using LowEnergyConnectionRefPtr = std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyConnectionRef>;
class LowEnergyConnectionManager final {
// |hci|: The HCI transport used to track link layer connection events from
// the controller.
// |addr_delegate|: Used to obtain local identity information during pairing
// procedures.
// |connector|: Adapter object for initiating link layer connections. This
// object abstracts the legacy and extended HCI command sets.
// |peer_cache|: The cache that stores peer peer data. The connection
// manager stores and retrieves pairing data and connection
// parameters to/from the cache. It also updates the
// connection and bonding state of a peer via the cache.
// |data_domain|: Used to interact with the L2CAP layer.
// |gatt|: Used to interact with the GATT profile layer.
LowEnergyConnectionManager(fxl::RefPtr<hci::Transport> hci,
hci::LocalAddressDelegate* addr_delegate,
hci::LowEnergyConnector* connector, PeerCache* peer_cache,
fbl::RefPtr<data::Domain> data_domain, fbl::RefPtr<gatt::GATT> gatt);
// Allows a caller to claim shared ownership over a connection to the
// requested remote LE peer identified by |peer_id|. Returns
// false, if |peer_id| is not recognized, otherwise:
// * If the requested peer is already connected, this method
// asynchronously returns a LowEnergyConnectionRef after interrogation (if necessary).
// This is done for both local and remote initiated connections (i.e. the local adapter
// can either be in the LE central or peripheral roles).
// * If the requested peer is NOT connected, then this method initiates a
// connection to the requested peer using one of the GAP central role
// connection establishment procedures described in Core Spec v5.0, Vol 3,
// Part C, Section 9.3. The peer is then interrogated. A LowEnergyConnectionRef is
// asynchronously returned to the caller once the connection has been set up.
// The status of the procedure is reported in |callback| in the case of an
// error.
// |callback| is posted on the creation thread's dispatcher.
using ConnectionResultCallback = fit::function<void(hci::Status, LowEnergyConnectionRefPtr)>;
bool Connect(PeerId peer_id, ConnectionResultCallback callback,
sm::BondableMode bondable_mode = sm::BondableMode::Bondable);
PeerCache* peer_cache() { return peer_cache_; }
hci::LocalAddressDelegate* local_address_delegate() const { return local_address_delegate_; }
// Disconnects any existing LE connection to |peer_id|, invalidating all
// active LowEnergyConnectionRefs. Returns false if the peer can not be
// disconnected.
bool Disconnect(PeerId peer_id);
// Initializes a new connection over the given |link| and asynchronously returns a connection
// reference.
// |link| must be the result of a remote initiated connection.
// |callback| will be called with a connection status and connection reference. The connection
// reference will be nullptr if the connection was rejected (as indicated by a failure status).
// TODO(armansito): Add an |own_address| parameter for the locally advertised
// address that was connected to.
// A link with the given handle should not have been previously registered.
void RegisterRemoteInitiatedLink(hci::ConnectionPtr link, sm::BondableMode bondable_mode,
ConnectionResultCallback callback);
// Returns the PairingDelegate currently assigned to this connection manager.
PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate() const { return pairing_delegate_.get(); }
// Assigns a new PairingDelegate to handle LE authentication challenges.
// Replacing an existing pairing delegate cancels all ongoing pairing
// procedures. If a delegate is not set then all pairing requests will be
// rejected.
void SetPairingDelegate(fxl::WeakPtr<PairingDelegate> delegate);
// TODO(armansito): Add a PeerCache::Observer interface and move these
// callbacks there.
// Called when the connection parameters on a link have been updated.
using ConnectionParametersCallback = fit::function<void(const Peer&)>;
void SetConnectionParametersCallbackForTesting(ConnectionParametersCallback callback);
// Called when a link with the given handle gets disconnected. This event is
// guaranteed to be called before invalidating connection references.
// |callback| is run on the creation thread.
// NOTE: This is intended ONLY for unit tests. Clients should watch for
// disconnection events using LowEnergyConnectionRef::set_closed_callback()
// instead. DO NOT use outside of tests.
using DisconnectCallback = fit::function<void(hci::ConnectionHandle)>;
void SetDisconnectCallbackForTesting(DisconnectCallback callback);
// Sets the timeout interval to be used on future connect requests. The
// default value is kLECreateConnectionTimeout.
void set_request_timeout_for_testing(zx::duration value) { request_timeout_ = value; }
// Callback for hci::Connection, called when the peer disconnects.
void OnPeerDisconnect(const hci::Connection* connection);
// Initiates the pairing process. Expected to only be called during higher-level testing.
// |peer_id|: the peer to pair to - if the peer is not connected, |cb| is called with an error.
// |pairing_level|: determines the security level of the pairing. **Note**: If the security
// level of the link is already >= |pairing level|, no pairing takes place.
// |bondable_mode|: sets the bonding mode of this connection. A device in bondable mode forms a
// bond to the peer upon pairing, assuming the peer is also in bondable mode.
// A device in non-bondable mode will not allow pairing that forms a bond.
// |cb|: callback called upon completion of this function, whether pairing takes place or not.
void Pair(PeerId peer_id, sm::SecurityLevel pairing_level, sm::BondableMode bondable_mode,
sm::StatusCallback cb);
friend class LowEnergyConnectionRef;
// Mapping from peer identifiers to open LE connections.
using ConnectionMap = std::unordered_map<PeerId, std::unique_ptr<internal::LowEnergyConnection>>;
class PendingRequestData {
PendingRequestData(const DeviceAddress& address, ConnectionResultCallback first_callback,
sm::BondableMode bondable_mode);
PendingRequestData() = default;
~PendingRequestData() = default;
PendingRequestData(PendingRequestData&&) = default;
PendingRequestData& operator=(PendingRequestData&&) = default;
void AddCallback(ConnectionResultCallback cb) { callbacks_.push_back(std::move(cb)); }
// Notifies all elements in |callbacks| with |status| and the result of
// |func|.
using RefFunc = fit::function<LowEnergyConnectionRefPtr()>;
void NotifyCallbacks(hci::Status status, const RefFunc& func);
const DeviceAddress& address() const { return address_; }
sm::BondableMode bondable_mode() const { return bondable_mode_; }
DeviceAddress address_;
std::list<ConnectionResultCallback> callbacks_;
sm::BondableMode bondable_mode_;
// Called by LowEnergyConnectionRef::Release().
void ReleaseReference(LowEnergyConnectionRef* conn_ref);
// Called when |connector_| completes a pending request. Initiates a new
// connection attempt for the next peer in the pending list, if any.
void TryCreateNextConnection();
// Initiates a connection attempt to |peer|.
void RequestCreateConnection(Peer* peer, sm::BondableMode bondable_mode);
// Initializes the connection to the peer with the given identifier, performs interrogation,
// and returns the initial reference to it via |callback|. This method is responsible for setting
// up all data bearers.
void InitializeConnection(PeerId peer_id, hci::ConnectionPtr link, sm::BondableMode bondable_mode,
ConnectionResultCallback callback);
// Adds a new connection reference to an existing connection to the peer
// with the ID |peer_id| and returns it. Returns nullptr if
// |peer_id| is not recognized.
LowEnergyConnectionRefPtr AddConnectionRef(PeerId peer_id);
// Cleans up a connection state. This results in a HCI_Disconnect command if the connection has
// not already been disconnected, and notifies any referenced LowEnergyConnectionRefs of the
// disconnection. Marks the corresponding PeerCache entry as disconnected and cleans up all data
// bearers.
// |conn_state| will have been removed from the underlying map at the time of
// a call. Its ownership is passed to the method for disposal.
// This is also responsible for unregistering the link from managed subsystems
// (e.g. L2CAP).
void CleanUpConnection(std::unique_ptr<internal::LowEnergyConnection> conn);
// Called by |connector_| when a new locally initiated LE connection has been
// created. Notifies pending connection request callbacks when connection initialization
// completes.
void RegisterLocalInitiatedLink(hci::ConnectionPtr link, sm::BondableMode bondable_mode);
// Called by RegisterLocalInitiatedLink() when connection has been initialized.
void OnLocalInitiatedLinkInitialized(hci::Status status, LowEnergyConnectionRefPtr conn_ref,
PeerId peer_id);
// Updates |peer_cache_| with the given |link| and returns the corresponding
// Peer.
// Creates a new Peer if |link| matches a peer that did not
// previously exist in the cache. Otherwise this updates and returns an
// existing Peer.
// The returned peer is marked as non-temporary and its connection
// parameters are updated.
// Called by RegisterRemoteInitiatedLink() and RegisterLocalInitiatedLink().
Peer* UpdatePeerWithLink(const hci::Connection& link);
// Called by |connector_| to indicate the result of a connect request.
void OnConnectResult(PeerId peer_id, hci::Status status, hci::ConnectionPtr link,
sm::BondableMode bondable_mode);
// Event handler for the HCI LE Connection Update Complete event.
hci::CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnLEConnectionUpdateComplete(
const hci::EventPacket& event);
// Called when the preferred connection parameters have been received for a LE
// peripheral. This can happen in the form of:
// 1. <<Slave Connection Interval Range>> advertising data field
// 2. "Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters" GATT characteristic
// (under "GAP" service)
// 3. HCI LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Event
// 4. L2CAP Connection Parameter Update request
// TODO(armansito): Support #1, #2, and #3 above.
// This method caches |params| for later connection attempts and sends the
// parameters to the controller if the initializing procedures are complete
// (since we use more agressing initial parameters for pairing and service
// discovery, as recommended by the specification in v5.0, Vol 3, Part C,
// Section
// |peer_id| uniquely identifies the peer. |handle| represents
// the logical link that |params| should be applied to.
void OnNewLEConnectionParams(PeerId peer_id, hci::ConnectionHandle handle,
const hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters& params);
// Tells the controller to use the given connection |params| on the given
// logical link |handle|.
void UpdateConnectionParams(hci::ConnectionHandle handle,
const hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters& params);
// Returns an iterator into |connections_| if a connection is found that
// matches the given logical link |handle|. Otherwise, returns an iterator
// that is equal to |connections_.end()|.
// The general rules of validity around std::unordered_map::iterator apply to
// the returned value.
ConnectionMap::iterator FindConnection(hci::ConnectionHandle handle);
fxl::RefPtr<hci::Transport> hci_;
// The pairing delegate used for authentication challenges. If nullptr, all
// pairing requests will be rejected.
fxl::WeakPtr<PairingDelegate> pairing_delegate_;
// Time after which a connection attempt is considered to have timed out. This
// is configurable to allow unit tests to set a shorter value.
zx::duration request_timeout_;
// The dispatcher for all asynchronous tasks.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
// The peer cache is used to look up and persist remote peer data that is
// relevant during connection establishment (such as the address, preferred
// connection parameters, etc). Expected to outlive this instance.
PeerCache* peer_cache_; // weak
// The reference to the data domain, used to interact with the L2CAP layer to
// manage LE logical links, fixed channels, and LE-specific L2CAP signaling
// events (e.g. connection parameter update).
fbl::RefPtr<data::Domain> data_domain_;
// The GATT layer reference, used to add and remove ATT data bearers and
// service discovery.
fbl::RefPtr<gatt::GATT> gatt_;
// Local GATT service registry.
std::unique_ptr<gatt::LocalServiceManager> gatt_registry_;
// Event handler ID for the HCI LE Connection Update Complete event.
hci::CommandChannel::EventHandlerId conn_update_cmpl_handler_id_;
// Callbacks used by unit tests to observe connection state events.
ConnectionParametersCallback test_conn_params_cb_;
DisconnectCallback test_disconn_cb_;
// Outstanding connection requests based on remote peer ID.
std::unordered_map<PeerId, PendingRequestData> pending_requests_;
// Mapping from peer identifiers to currently open LE connections.
ConnectionMap connections_;
// Performs the Direct Connection Establishment procedure. |connector_| must
// out-live this connection manager.
hci::LowEnergyConnector* connector_; // weak
// Address manager is used to obtain local identity information during pairing
// procedures. Expected to outlive this instance.
hci::LocalAddressDelegate* local_address_delegate_; // weak
// Sends HCI commands that request version and feature support information from peer
// controllers.
LowEnergyInterrogator interrogator_;
// Keep this as the last member to make sure that all weak pointers are
// invalidated before other members get destroyed.
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<LowEnergyConnectionManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace gap
} // namespace bt