blob: 21cb52be0293c289727d979663087301b7556956 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/mmu.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <vm/page.h>
// Flags
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_CACHED = (0u << 0);
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_UNCACHED = (1u << 0);
(2u << 0); // Only exists on some arches, otherwise UNCACHED
(3u << 0); // Only exists on some arches, otherwise UNCACHED
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_CACHE_MASK = (3u << 0);
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_USER = (1u << 2);
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ = (1u << 3);
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE = (1u << 4);
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_EXECUTE = (1u << 5);
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_NS = (1u << 6); // NON-SECURE
const uint ARCH_MMU_FLAG_INVALID = (1u << 7); // Indicates that flags are not specified
const uint ARCH_ASPACE_FLAG_KERNEL = (1u << 0);
const uint ARCH_ASPACE_FLAG_GUEST = (1u << 1);
// per arch base class api to encapsulate the mmu routines on an aspace
class ArchVmAspaceInterface {
ArchVmAspaceInterface() = default;
virtual ~ArchVmAspaceInterface() = default;
// Function pointer to allocate a single page that the mmu routine uses to allocate
// page tables.
using page_alloc_fn_t = zx_status_t (*)(uint alloc_flags, vm_page** p, paddr_t* pa);
virtual zx_status_t Init(vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint mmu_flags, page_alloc_fn_t paf) = 0;
// ::Destroy expects the aspace to be fully unmapped, as any mapped regions
// indicate incomplete cleanup at the higher layers.
virtual zx_status_t Destroy() = 0;
// main methods
// Map a physically contiguous region into the virtual address space
virtual zx_status_t MapContiguous(vaddr_t vaddr, paddr_t paddr, size_t count, uint mmu_flags,
size_t* mapped) = 0;
// Map the given array of pages into the virtual address space starting at
// |vaddr|, in the order they appear in |phys|.
// If any address in the range [vaddr, vaddr + count * PAGE_SIZE) is already
// mapped when this is called, this returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS.
virtual zx_status_t Map(vaddr_t vaddr, paddr_t* phys, size_t count, uint mmu_flags,
size_t* mapped) = 0;
// Unmap the given virtual address range
virtual zx_status_t Unmap(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t count, size_t* unmapped) = 0;
// Change the page protections on the given virtual address range
// If this requires splitting a large page and the next level page table
// allocation fails, it will instead unmap the entire large page and rely
// on subsequent page faults to reestablish the mapping.
// TODO: Handle allocation failure more gracefully.
virtual zx_status_t Protect(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t count, uint mmu_flags) = 0;
virtual zx_status_t Query(vaddr_t vaddr, paddr_t* paddr, uint* mmu_flags) = 0;
virtual vaddr_t PickSpot(vaddr_t base, uint prev_region_mmu_flags, vaddr_t end,
uint next_region_mmu_flags, vaddr_t align, size_t size,
uint mmu_flags) = 0;
// Walks the given range of pages and for any pages that are mapped and have their access bit set
// * Calls the provided callback with the page information
// * If callback returns true, clears the accessed bit
// The callback may be invoked whilst the aspace is holding arbitrary mutexes and spinlocks and
// the callback there must not
// * Acquire additional mutexes
// * Call any aspace functions
// TODO: It is possible that HarvestAccessed only gets called from a single code path, at which
// point we could consider removing the dynamic callback function pointer with a static global
// callback routine.
using HarvestCallback = fbl::Function<bool(paddr_t paddr, vaddr_t vaddr, uint mmu_flags)>;
virtual zx_status_t HarvestAccessed(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t count,
const HarvestCallback& accessed_callback) = 0;
// Marks any pages in the given virtual address range as being accessed.
virtual zx_status_t MarkAccessed(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t count) = 0;
// Physical address of the backing data structure used for translation.
// This should be treated as an opaque value outside of
// architecture-specific components.
virtual paddr_t arch_table_phys() const = 0;