blob: 174777bffe7411972afaeacd6e6822f9a8f2f048 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use failure::{bail, err_msg, Error, ResultExt};
use fidl_fuchsia_ui_text as txt;
use fuchsia_async::TimeoutExt;
use futures::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashSet;
pub struct TextFieldWrapper {
proxy: txt::TextFieldProxy,
last_state: txt::TextFieldState,
defunct_point_ids: HashSet<u64>,
current_point_ids: HashSet<u64>,
/// This wraps the TextFieldProxy, and provides convenient features like storing the last state
/// update, various validation functions for tests. It also a great place to add checks that work
/// across all tests; for instance, right now, it validates that all TextPoints in all function
/// calls are not reused across revisions, and that any distance or contents check works even if
/// the range is inverted.
impl TextFieldWrapper {
/// Creates a new TextFieldWrapper from a proxy. This is a async function and can fail, since it
/// waits for the initial state update to come from the TextField.
pub async fn new(proxy: txt::TextFieldProxy) -> Result<TextFieldWrapper, Error> {
let state = await!(get_update(&proxy)).context("Receiving initial state.")?;
Ok(TextFieldWrapper {
current_point_ids: all_point_ids_for_state(&state),
defunct_point_ids: HashSet::new(),
last_state: state,
/// Returns a cloned version of the latest state from the server. To update this, either use one
/// of the editing methods on the TextFieldWrapper, or if making calls on the proxy directly,
/// call `await!(text_field_wrapper.wait_for_update())` after you expect a new state update from
/// the TextField.
pub fn state(&self) -> txt::TextFieldState {
fn clone_range(range: &txt::TextRange) -> txt::TextRange {
txt::TextRange {
start: txt::TextPoint { id: },
end: txt::TextPoint { id: },
txt::TextFieldState {
document: clone_range(&self.last_state.document),
selection: self.last_state.selection.as_ref().map(|selection| {
Box::new(txt::TextSelection {
range: clone_range(&selection.range),
anchor: selection.anchor,
affinity: selection.affinity,
composition: self.last_state.composition.as_ref().map(|v| Box::new(clone_range(v))),
composition_highlight: self
.map(|v| Box::new(clone_range(v))),
dead_key_highlight: self
.map(|v| Box::new(clone_range(v))),
revision: self.last_state.revision,
/// Waits for an on_update event from the TextFieldProxy, and updates the last state tracked
/// by TextFieldWrapper. Edit functions on TextFieldWrapper itself already call this; only
/// use it if you're doing something with the TextFieldProxy directly.
pub async fn wait_for_update(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.defunct_point_ids =
&self.defunct_point_ids | &all_point_ids_for_state(&self.last_state);
self.last_state = match await!(get_update(&self.proxy)) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => bail!(format!("{}", e)),
self.current_point_ids = all_point_ids_for_state(&self.last_state);
/// An internal function that validates the current_point_ids and defunct_point_ids are
/// disjoint sets. If they aren't disjoint, then the TextField incorrectly reused a
/// point ID between two revisions.
fn validate_point_ids(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let in_both_sets = &self.current_point_ids & &self.defunct_point_ids;
if in_both_sets.len() != 0 {
let as_strings: Vec<String> =
in_both_sets.into_iter().map(|i| format!("{}", i)).collect();
"Expected TextPoint ids to not be reused between revisions: {}",
as_strings.join(", ")
/// Returns a handle to the raw TextFieldProxy, useful for sending it weird unexpected
/// input and making sure it responds correctly.
pub fn proxy(&self) -> &txt::TextFieldProxy {
/// Inserts text as though the user just typed it, at the caret, replacing any selected text.
/// Also waits for an on_update state update event before returning.
pub async fn simple_insert<'a>(&mut self, contents: &'static str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let rev = self.last_state.revision;
let selection = match &mut self.last_state.selection {
Some(v) => v,
None => bail!("Expected state to contain a selection"),
self.proxy.replace(&mut selection.range, contents)?;
if await!(self.proxy.commit_edit())? != txt::TextError::Ok {
bail!("Expected commit_edit to succeed");
/// Returns a new TextPoint offset from the specified one. Use this function instead of
/// `text_field_wrapper.proxy().point_offset()` when possible, since it also double checks
/// any points returned aren't used across revisions. You may need the proxy's
/// point_offset method when giving weird data to the proxy, though, like incorrect
/// revision numbers.
pub async fn point_offset<'a>(
&'a mut self,
mut point: &'a mut txt::TextPoint,
offset: i64,
) -> Result<txt::TextPoint, Error> {
let (new_point, err) =
await!(self.proxy.point_offset(&mut point, offset, self.last_state.revision))?;
if err != txt::TextError::Ok {
bail!(format!("Expected point_offset request to succeed, returned {:?} instead", err));
if let Err(e) = self.validate_point_ids() {
return Err(e);
/// A convenience function that returns the string contents of a range.
pub async fn contents<'a>(
&'a mut self,
range: &'a mut txt::TextRange,
) -> Result<(String, txt::TextPoint), Error> {
let (contents, actual_start, err) =
await!(self.proxy.contents(range, self.last_state.revision))?;
if err != txt::TextError::Ok {
bail!(format!("Expected contents request to succeed, returned {:?} instead", err));
Ok((contents, actual_start))
/// A convenience function that returns the distance of a range.
pub async fn distance<'a>(&'a mut self, range: &'a mut txt::TextRange) -> Result<i64, Error> {
let (length, err) = await!(self.proxy.distance(range, self.last_state.revision))?;
if err != txt::TextError::Ok {
bail!(format!("Expected length request to succeed, returned {:?} instead", err));
/// A convenience function that validates that a distance call returns an expected value. Also
/// double checks that inverting the range correctly negates the returned distance.
pub async fn validate_distance<'a>(
&'a mut self,
range: &'a txt::TextRange,
expected_result: i64,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// try forwards
let mut new_range = txt::TextRange {
start: txt::TextPoint { id: },
end: txt::TextPoint { id: },
let length = await!(self.distance(&mut new_range))?;
if length != expected_result {
"Expected distance request to return {:?}, instead got {:?}",
expected_result, length
// try backwards
let inverted_expected_result = -expected_result;
let mut new_range = txt::TextRange {
start: txt::TextPoint { id: },
end: txt::TextPoint { id: },
let length = await!(self.distance(&mut new_range))?;
if length != inverted_expected_result {
"Expected distance request to return {:?}, instead got {:?}",
inverted_expected_result, length
/// A convenience function that validates that a contents call returns an expected value. Also
/// double checks that inverting the range correctly returns an identical string.
pub async fn validate_contents<'a>(
&'a mut self,
range: &'a txt::TextRange,
expected_result: &'a str,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// try forwards
let mut new_range = txt::TextRange {
start: txt::TextPoint { id: },
end: txt::TextPoint { id: },
let (contents, _true_start_point) = await!(self.contents(&mut new_range))?;
if contents != expected_result {
"Expected contents request to return {:?}, instead got {:?}",
expected_result, contents
// try backwards
let mut new_range = txt::TextRange {
start: txt::TextPoint { id: },
end: txt::TextPoint { id: },
let (contents, _true_start_point) = await!(self.contents(&mut new_range))?;
if contents != expected_result {
"Expected contents request to return {:?}, instead got {:?}",
expected_result, contents
async fn get_update(text_field: &txt::TextFieldProxy) -> Result<txt::TextFieldState, Error> {
let mut stream = text_field.take_event_stream();
let msg_future = stream
.map_err(|e| err_msg(format!("{}", e)))
.on_timeout(*crate::TEST_TIMEOUT, || Err(err_msg("Waiting for on_update event timed out")));
let msg = await!(msg_future)?.ok_or(err_msg("TextMgr event stream unexpectedly closed"))?;
match msg {
txt::TextFieldEvent::OnUpdate { state, .. } => Ok(state),
fn all_point_ids_for_state(state: &txt::TextFieldState) -> HashSet<u64> {
let mut point_ids = HashSet::new();
let mut point_ids_for_range = |range: &txt::TextRange| {
state.selection.as_ref().map(|selection| point_ids_for_range(&selection.range));
state.composition.as_ref().map(|range| point_ids_for_range(&*range));
state.composition_highlight.as_ref().map(|range| point_ids_for_range(&*range));
state.dead_key_highlight.as_ref().map(|range| point_ids_for_range(&*range));
mod test {
use super::*;
fn default_range(n: u64) -> txt::TextRange {
txt::TextRange { start: txt::TextPoint { id: n }, end: txt::TextPoint { id: n + 1 } }
fn default_state(n: u64) -> txt::TextFieldState {
txt::TextFieldState {
document: default_range(n),
selection: Some(Box::new(txt::TextSelection {
range: default_range(n + 2),
anchor: txt::TextSelectionAnchor::AnchoredAtStart,
affinity: txt::TextAffinity::Upstream,
composition: None,
composition_highlight: None,
dead_key_highlight: None,
revision: n + 4,
async fn test_wrapper_insert() {
let (proxy, server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<txt::TextFieldMarker>()
.expect("Should have created proxy");
let (mut stream, control_handle) = server_end
.expect("Should have created stream and control handle");
control_handle.send_on_update(&mut default_state(0)).expect("Should have sent update");
async {
let mut wrapper = await!(TextFieldWrapper::new(proxy))
.expect("Should have created text field wrapper");
await!(wrapper.simple_insert("meow!")).expect("Should have inserted successfully");
if let txt::TextFieldRequest::BeginEdit { revision, .. } = await!(stream.try_next())
.expect("Waiting for message failed")
.expect("Should have sent message")
assert_eq!(revision, 4);
} else {
panic!("Expected BeginEdit");
if let txt::TextFieldRequest::Replace { new_text, .. } = await!(stream.try_next())
.expect("Waiting for message failed")
.expect("Should have sent message")
assert_eq!(new_text, "meow!");
} else {
panic!("Expected Replace");
if let txt::TextFieldRequest::CommitEdit { .. } = await!(stream.try_next())
.expect("Waiting for message failed")
.expect("Should have sent message")
// ok!
} else {
panic!("Expected CommitEdit");
async fn test_duplicate_points_cause_error() {
let (proxy, server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<txt::TextFieldMarker>()
.expect("Should have created proxy");
let (_stream, control_handle) = server_end
.expect("Should have created stream and control handle");
control_handle.send_on_update(&mut default_state(0)).expect("Should have sent update");
let mut wrapper =
await!(TextFieldWrapper::new(proxy)).expect("Should have created text field wrapper");
// send a valid update and make sure it works as expected
let mut state = default_state(10);
control_handle.send_on_update(&mut state).expect("Should have sent update");
let res = await!(wrapper.wait_for_update());
assert_eq!(wrapper.state(), 10);
// send an update with the same points but an incremented revision
state.revision += 1;
control_handle.send_on_update(&mut state).expect("Should have sent update");
let res = await!(wrapper.wait_for_update());
assert!(res.is_err()); // should fail since some points were reused