blob: 217f17b693aaeae10266670cc914e9968f30117a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::fidl_helpers::clone_state;
use crate::ime_service::ImeService;
use failure::ResultExt;
use fidl::encoding::OutOfLine;
use fidl::endpoints::RequestStream;
use fidl_fuchsia_ui_input as uii;
use fidl_fuchsia_ui_input::InputMethodEditorRequest as ImeReq;
use fidl_fuchsia_ui_text as txt;
use fuchsia_syslog::{fx_log_err, fx_log_warn};
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use regex::Regex;
use std::char;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use unicode_segmentation::{GraphemeCursor, UnicodeSegmentation};
// TODO(lard): move constants into common, centralized location?
pub const HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE: u32 = 0x2a;
pub const HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT: u32 = 0x4f;
pub const HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT: u32 = 0x50;
pub const HID_USAGE_KEY_ENTER: u32 = 0x28;
pub const HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE: u32 = 0x2e;
/// The internal state of the IME, usually held within the IME behind an Arc<Mutex>
/// so it can be accessed from multiple places.
pub struct ImeState {
text_state: uii::TextInputState,
/// A handle to call methods on the text field.
client: Box<uii::InputMethodEditorClientProxyInterface>,
keyboard_type: uii::KeyboardType,
action: uii::InputMethodAction,
ime_service: ImeService,
/// We expose a TextField interface to an input method. There are also legacy
/// input methods that just send key events through inject_input — in this case,
/// input_method would be None, and these events would be handled by the
/// inject_input method. ImeState can only handle talking to one input_method
/// at a time; it's the responsibility of some other code (likely inside
/// ImeService) to multiplex multiple TextField interfaces into this one.
input_method: Option<txt::TextFieldControlHandle>,
/// A number used to serve the TextField interface. It increments any time any
/// party makes a change to the state.
revision: u64,
/// A TextPoint is a u64 token that represents a character position in the new
/// TextField interface. Each token is a unique ID; this represents the ID we
/// will assign to the next TextPoint that is created. It increments every time
/// a TextPoint is created. This is never reset, even when TextPoints are
/// invalidated; TextPoints have globally unique IDs.
next_text_point_id: u64,
/// A TextPoint is a u64 token that represents a character position in the new
/// TextField interface. This maps TextPoint IDs to byte indexes inside
/// `text_state.text`. When a new revision is created, all preexisting TextPoints
/// are deleted, which means we clear this out.
text_points: HashMap<u64, usize>,
/// We don't actually apply any edits in a transaction until CommitEdit() is called.
/// This is a queue of edit requests that will get applied on commit.
transaction_changes: Vec<txt::TextFieldRequest>,
/// If there is an inflight transaction started with `TextField.BeginEdit()`, this
/// contains the revision number specified in the `BeginEdit` call. If there is no
/// inflight transaction, this is `None`.
transaction_revision: Option<u64>,
/// A service that talks to a text field, providing it edits and cursor state updates
/// in response to user input.
pub struct Ime(Arc<Mutex<ImeState>>);
impl Ime {
pub fn new<I: 'static + uii::InputMethodEditorClientProxyInterface>(
keyboard_type: uii::KeyboardType,
action: uii::InputMethodAction,
initial_state: uii::TextInputState,
client: I,
ime_service: ImeService,
) -> Ime {
let state = ImeState {
text_state: initial_state,
client: Box::new(client),
revision: 0,
next_text_point_id: 0,
text_points: HashMap::new(),
input_method: None,
transaction_changes: Vec::new(),
transaction_revision: None,
pub fn downgrade(&self) -> Weak<Mutex<ImeState>> {
pub fn upgrade(weak: &Weak<Mutex<ImeState>>) -> Option<Ime> {
weak.upgrade().map(|arc| Ime(arc))
pub fn bind_text_field(&self, mut stream: txt::TextFieldRequestStream) {
let control_handle = stream.control_handle();
let mut state = self.0.lock();
let res = control_handle.send_on_update(&mut state.as_text_field_state());
if let Err(e) = res {
fx_log_err!("{}", e);
} else {
state.input_method = Some(control_handle);
let mut self_clone = self.clone();
async move {
while let Some(msg) = await!(stream.try_next())
.context("error reading value from text field request stream")?
if let Err(e) = self_clone.handle_text_field_msg(msg) {
fx_log_err!("error when replying to TextFieldRequest: {}", e);
.unwrap_or_else(|e: failure::Error| fx_log_err!("{:?}", e)),
pub fn bind_ime(&self, chan: fuchsia_async::Channel) {
let self_clone = self.clone();
let self_clone_2 = self.clone();
async move {
let mut stream = uii::InputMethodEditorRequestStream::from_channel(chan);
while let Some(msg) = await!(stream.try_next())
.context("error reading value from IME request stream")?
.unwrap_or_else(|e: failure::Error| fx_log_err!("{:?}", e))
.then(async move |()| {
// this runs when IME stream closes
// clone to ensure we only hold one lock at a time
let ime_service = self_clone_2.0.lock().ime_service.clone();
ime_service.update_keyboard_visibility_from_ime(&self_clone_2.0, false);
/// Handles a TextFieldRequest, returning a FIDL error if one occurred when sending a reply.
fn handle_text_field_msg(&mut self, msg: txt::TextFieldRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
let mut ime_state = self.0.lock();
match msg {
txt::TextFieldRequest::PointOffset { old_point, offset, revision, responder } => {
if revision != ime_state.revision {
return responder
.send(&mut txt::TextPoint { id: 0 }, txt::TextError::BadRevision);
let old_byte_index =
if let Some(old_byte_index) = get_point(&ime_state.text_points, &old_point) {
} else {
return responder
.send(&mut txt::TextPoint { id: 0 }, txt::TextError::BadRequest);
let char_to_byte = ime_state.char_to_byte();
let old_char_index = if let Ok(v) = char_to_byte.binary_search(&old_byte_index) {
} else {
"was unable to find char index for byte index {:?} from {:?}",
return responder
.send(&mut txt::TextPoint { id: 0 }, txt::TextError::BadRequest);
let new_char_index =
(old_char_index as i64 + offset).max(0).min(char_to_byte.len() as i64) as usize;
let new_byte_index = char_to_byte[new_char_index];
let mut new_point = ime_state.new_point(new_byte_index);
return responder.send(&mut new_point, txt::TextError::Ok);
txt::TextFieldRequest::Distance { range, revision, responder } => {
if revision != ime_state.revision {
return responder.send(0, txt::TextError::BadRevision);
match get_range(&ime_state.text_points, &range, false) {
Some((byte_start, byte_end)) => {
let char_to_byte = ime_state.char_to_byte();
let char_start = if let Ok(v) = char_to_byte.binary_search(&byte_start) {
} else {
"was unable to find char index for byte index {:?} in range {:?}",
return responder.send(0, txt::TextError::BadRequest);
let char_end = if let Ok(v) = char_to_byte.binary_search(&byte_end) {
} else {
"was unable to find char index for byte index {:?} in range {:?}",
return responder.send(0, txt::TextError::BadRequest);
return responder
.send(char_end as i64 - char_start as i64, txt::TextError::Ok);
None => {
return responder.send(0, txt::TextError::BadRequest);
txt::TextFieldRequest::Contents { range, revision, responder } => {
if revision != ime_state.revision {
return responder.send(
&mut txt::TextPoint { id: 0 },
match get_range(&ime_state.text_points, &range, true) {
Some((start, end)) => {
let mut start_point = ime_state.new_point(start);
match ime_state.text_state.text.get(start..end) {
Some(contents) => {
return responder.send(
&mut start_point,
None => {
return responder.send(
&mut txt::TextPoint { id: 0 },
None => {
return responder.send(
&mut txt::TextPoint { id: 0 },
txt::TextFieldRequest::BeginEdit { revision, .. } => {
ime_state.transaction_changes = Vec::new();
ime_state.transaction_revision = Some(revision);
return Ok(());
txt::TextFieldRequest::CommitEdit { responder, .. } => {
if ime_state.transaction_revision != Some(ime_state.revision) {
return responder.send(txt::TextError::BadRevision);
let res = if ime_state.apply_transaction() {
ime_state.increment_revision(None, true);
} else {
ime_state.transaction_changes = Vec::new();
ime_state.transaction_revision = None;
return res;
txt::TextFieldRequest::AbortEdit { .. } => {
ime_state.transaction_changes = Vec::new();
ime_state.transaction_revision = None;
return Ok(());
req @ txt::TextFieldRequest::Replace { .. }
| req @ txt::TextFieldRequest::SetSelection { .. }
| req @ txt::TextFieldRequest::SetComposition { .. }
| req @ txt::TextFieldRequest::ClearComposition { .. }
| req @ txt::TextFieldRequest::SetDeadKeyHighlight { .. }
| req @ txt::TextFieldRequest::ClearDeadKeyHighlight { .. } => {
if ime_state.transaction_revision.is_some() {
return Ok(());
/// Handles a request from the legancy IME API, an InputMethodEditorRequest.
fn handle_ime_message(&self, msg: uii::InputMethodEditorRequest) {
match msg {
ImeReq::SetKeyboardType { keyboard_type, .. } => {
let mut state = self.0.lock();
state.keyboard_type = keyboard_type;
ImeReq::SetState { state, .. } => {
ImeReq::InjectInput { event, .. } => {
ImeReq::Show { .. } => {
// clone to ensure we only hold one lock at a time
let ime_service = self.0.lock().ime_service.clone();
ImeReq::Hide { .. } => {
// clone to ensure we only hold one lock at a time
let ime_service = self.0.lock().ime_service.clone();
fn set_state(&self, input_state: uii::TextInputState) {
let mut state = self.0.lock();
state.text_state = input_state;
// the old C++ IME implementation didn't call did_update_state here, so this second argument is false.
state.increment_revision(None, false);
pub fn inject_input(&self, event: uii::InputEvent) {
let mut state = self.0.lock();
let keyboard_event = match event {
uii::InputEvent::Keyboard(e) => e,
_ => return,
if keyboard_event.phase == uii::KeyboardEventPhase::Pressed
|| keyboard_event.phase == uii::KeyboardEventPhase::Repeat
if keyboard_event.code_point != 0 {
state.increment_revision(Some(keyboard_event), true)
} else {
match keyboard_event.hid_usage {
state.increment_revision(Some(keyboard_event), true);
state.increment_revision(Some(keyboard_event), true);
state.cursor_horizontal_move(keyboard_event.modifiers, false);
state.increment_revision(Some(keyboard_event), true);
state.cursor_horizontal_move(keyboard_event.modifiers, true);
state.increment_revision(Some(keyboard_event), true);
state.client.on_action(state.action).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
fx_log_warn!("error sending action to ImeClient: {:?}", e)
_ => {
// Not an editing key, forward the event to clients.
state.increment_revision(Some(keyboard_event), true);
/// Horizontal motion type for the cursor.
enum HorizontalMotion {
/// How the cursor should traverse grapheme clusters.
enum GraphemeTraversal {
/// Move by whole grapheme clusters at a time.
/// This traversal mode should be used when using arrow keys, or when deleting forward (with the
/// <kbd>Delete</kbd> key).
/// Generally move by whole grapheme clusters, but allow moving through individual combining
/// characters, if present at the end of the grapheme cluster.
/// This traversal mode should be used when deleting backward (<kbd>Backspace</kbd>), but not
/// when deleting forward or using arrow keys.
/// This ensures that when a user is typing text and composes a character out of individual
/// combining diacritics, it should be possible to correct a mistake by pressing
/// <kbd>Backspace</kbd>. If we were to allow _moving the cursor_ left and right through
/// diacritics, that would only cause user confusion, as the blinking caret would not move
/// visibly while within a single grapheme cluster.
/// Looks up a TextPoint's byte index from a list of points. Usually this list will be
/// `ImeState.text_points`, but in the middle of a transaction, we clone it to a temporary list
/// so that we can mutate them without mutating the original list. That way, if the transaction
/// gets rejected, the original list is left intact.
fn get_point(point_list: &HashMap<u64, usize>, point: &txt::TextPoint) -> Option<usize> {
/// Looks up a TextRange's byte indices from a list of points. If `fix_inversion` is true, we
/// also will sort the result so that start <= end. You almost always want to sort the result,
/// although sometimes you want to know if the range was inverted. The Distance function, for
/// instance, returns a negative result if the range given was inverted.
fn get_range(
point_list: &HashMap<u64, usize>,
range: &txt::TextRange,
fix_inversion: bool,
) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
match (get_point(point_list, &range.start), get_point(point_list, &range.end)) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) if a >= b && fix_inversion => Some((b, a)),
(Some(a), Some(b)) => Some((a, b)),
_ => None,
impl ImeState {
/// Any time the state is updated, this method is called, which allows ImeState to inform any
/// listening clients (either TextField or InputMethodEditorClientProxy) that state has updated.
/// If InputMethodEditorClient caused the update with SetState, set call_did_update_state so that
/// we don't send its own edit back to it. Otherwise, set to true.
pub fn increment_revision(
&mut self,
e: Option<uii::KeyboardEvent>,
call_did_update_state: bool,
) {
self.revision += 1;
self.text_points = HashMap::new();
let mut state = self.as_text_field_state();
if let Some(input_method) = &self.input_method {
if let Err(e) = input_method.send_on_update(&mut state) {
fx_log_err!("error when sending update to TextField listener: {}", e);
if call_did_update_state {
if let Some(ev) = e {
&mut self.text_state,
Some(OutOfLine(&mut uii::InputEvent::Keyboard(ev))),
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
fx_log_warn!("error sending state update to ImeClient: {:?}", e)
} else {
self.client.did_update_state(&mut self.text_state, None).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
fx_log_warn!("error sending state update to ImeClient: {:?}", e)
/// Generates a map of char indices to byte indices for the current text. Definitely would not be ~very performant
/// on large strings, but this is on legacy state objects, which crash if they get larger than the max FIDL message
/// size anyway.
fn char_to_byte(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut char_to_byte: Vec<usize> =
self.text_state.text.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| i).collect();
char_to_byte.push(self.text_state.text.len()); // Add final valid code point position at end of string
/// Converts the current self.text_state (the IME API v1 representation of the text field's state)
/// into the v2 representation txt::TextFieldState.
fn as_text_field_state(&mut self) -> txt::TextFieldState {
let anchor_first = self.text_state.selection.base < self.text_state.selection.extent;
let composition = if self.text_state.composing.start < 0
|| self.text_state.composing.end < 0
} else {
let start = self.new_point(self.text_state.composing.start as usize);
let end = self.new_point(self.text_state.composing.end as usize);
let text_range = if self.text_state.composing.start < self.text_state.composing.end {
txt::TextRange { start, end }
} else {
txt::TextRange { start: end, end: start }
let selection =
if self.text_state.selection.base < 0 || self.text_state.selection.extent < 0 {
} else {
Some(Box::new(txt::TextSelection {
range: txt::TextRange {
start: self.new_point(if anchor_first {
self.text_state.selection.base as usize
} else {
self.text_state.selection.extent as usize
end: self.new_point(if anchor_first {
self.text_state.selection.extent as usize
} else {
self.text_state.selection.base as usize
anchor: if anchor_first {
} else {
affinity: txt::TextAffinity::Upstream,
txt::TextFieldState {
document: txt::TextRange {
start: self.new_point(0),
end: self.new_point(self.text_state.text.len()),
// unfortunately, since the old API doesn't support these, we have to set highlights to None.
composition_highlight: None,
dead_key_highlight: None,
revision: self.revision,
/// Creates a new TextPoint corresponding to the byte index `index`.
fn new_point(&mut self, index: usize) -> txt::TextPoint {
let id = self.next_text_point_id;
self.next_text_point_id += 1;
self.text_points.insert(id, index);
txt::TextPoint { id }
// gets start and len, and sets base/extent to start of string if don't exist
pub fn selection(&mut self) -> Range<usize> {
let s = &mut self.text_state.selection;
s.base = s.base.max(0).min(self.text_state.text.len() as i64);
s.extent = s.extent.max(0).min(self.text_state.text.len() as i64);
let start = s.base.min(s.extent) as usize;
let end = s.base.max(s.extent) as usize;
/// Return bool indicates if transaction was successful and valid
fn apply_transaction(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut moved_points = self.text_points.clone();
let mut new_state = clone_state(&self.text_state);
for edit in &self.transaction_changes {
match edit {
txt::TextFieldRequest::Replace { range, new_text, .. } => {
let (start, end) = match get_range(&moved_points, &range, true) {
Some(v) => v,
None => return false,
let first_half = if let Some(v) = new_state.text.get(..start) {
} else {
"IME: out of bounds string request for range (..{}) on string {:?}",
return false;
let second_half = if let Some(v) = new_state.text.get(end..) {
} else {
"IME: out of bounds string request for range ({}..) on string {:?}",
return false;
new_state.text = format!("{}{}{}", first_half, new_text, second_half);
// adjust char index of points after the insert
let delete_len = end as i64 - start as i64;
let insert_len = new_text.len() as i64;
for (_, byte_index) in moved_points.iter_mut() {
if start < *byte_index && *byte_index <= end {
*byte_index = start + insert_len as usize;
} else if end < *byte_index {
*byte_index = (*byte_index as i64 - delete_len as i64
+ insert_len as i64)
as usize;
start as i64,
end as i64,
new_text.len() as i64,
&mut new_state.selection.extent,
&mut new_state.selection.base,
if new_state.composing.start >= 0 && new_state.composing.end >= 0 {
start as i64,
end as i64,
new_text.len() as i64,
&mut new_state.composing.start,
&mut new_state.composing.end,
txt::TextFieldRequest::SetSelection { selection, .. } => {
let (start, end) = match get_range(&moved_points, &selection.range, false) {
Some(v) => v,
None => return false,
if selection.anchor == txt::TextSelectionAnchor::AnchoredAtStart {
new_state.selection.base = start as i64;
new_state.selection.extent = end as i64;
} else {
new_state.selection.extent = start as i64;
new_state.selection.base = end as i64;
txt::TextFieldRequest::SetComposition { composition_range, .. } => {
let (start, end) = match get_range(&moved_points, &composition_range, true) {
Some(v) => v,
None => return false,
new_state.composing.start = start as i64;
new_state.composing.end = end as i64;
txt::TextFieldRequest::ClearComposition { .. } => {
new_state.composing.start = -1;
new_state.composing.end = -1;
_ => {
fx_log_warn!("the input method tried to an unsupported TextFieldRequest on this proxy to InputMethodEditorClient");
self.text_state = new_state;
pub fn type_keycode(&mut self, code_point: u32) {
self.text_state.revision += 1;
let replacement = match char::from_u32(code_point) {
Some(v) => v.to_string(),
None => return,
let selection = self.selection();
self.text_state.text.replace_range(selection.clone(), &replacement);
self.text_state.selection.base = selection.start as i64 + replacement.len() as i64;
self.text_state.selection.extent = self.text_state.selection.base;
/// Calculates an adjacent cursor position to left or right of the current position.
/// * `start`: Starting position in the string, as a byte offset.
/// * `motion`: Whether to go right or left, and whether to allow entering grapheme clusters.
fn adjacent_cursor_position(&self, start: usize, motion: HorizontalMotion) -> usize {
match motion {
HorizontalMotion::GraphemeRight => self.adjacent_cursor_position_grapheme_right(start),
HorizontalMotion::GraphemeLeft(traversal) => {
self.adjacent_cursor_position_grapheme_left(start, traversal)
HorizontalMotion::WordLeft => self.adjacent_cursor_position_word_left(start),
HorizontalMotion::WordRight => self.adjacent_cursor_position_word_right(start),
fn adjacent_cursor_position_word_left(&self, start: usize) -> usize {
if start == 0 {
return 0;
let text = &self.text_state.text[0..start];
// Find the next word to the left.
let word = match UnicodeSegmentation::unicode_words(text).rev().next() {
Some(word) => word,
// No words - go to the string start.
None => return 0,
// Find start of the next word.
if let Some((pos, _)) = UnicodeSegmentation::split_word_bound_indices(text)
.find(|(_, next_word)| next_word == &word)
} else {
fn adjacent_cursor_position_word_right(&self, start: usize) -> usize {
let text = &self.text_state.text[start..];
let text_length = text.len();
if text_length == 0 {
return start;
let mut words_iter = UnicodeSegmentation::unicode_words(text);
// Find the next word to the right.
let word = match {
Some(word) => word,
// No words - go the end of the string.
None => return start + text_length,
let mut word_bound_indices = UnicodeSegmentation::split_word_bound_indices(text);
// Skip over boundaries until a next word is found.
let word_bound = word_bound_indices.find(|(_, next_word)| next_word == &word);
// Return start of the next boundary after the word, if there is one.
if let Some((next_boundary_pos, _)) = {
start + next_boundary_pos
} else if let Some((pos, next_word)) = word_bound {
// Last word - go to end of the word.
start + pos + next_word.len()
} else {
// No more words - go to the end of the line.
start + text_length
fn get_grapheme_boundary(&self, start: usize, next: bool) -> Option<usize> {
let text_length = self.text_state.text.len();
let mut cursor = GraphemeCursor::new(start, text_length, true);
let result = if next {
cursor.next_boundary(&self.text_state.text, 0)
} else {
cursor.prev_boundary(&self.text_state.text, 0)
fn adjacent_cursor_position_grapheme_right(&self, start: usize) -> usize {
self.get_grapheme_boundary(start, true).unwrap_or(self.text_state.text.len())
fn adjacent_cursor_position_grapheme_left(
start: usize,
traversal: GraphemeTraversal,
) -> usize {
let prev_boundary = self.get_grapheme_boundary(start, false);
if let Some(offset) = prev_boundary {
if let GraphemeTraversal::CombiningCharacters = traversal {
let grapheme_str = &self.text_state.text[offset..start];
let last_char_str = match grapheme_str.char_indices().last() {
Some((last_char_offset, _c)) => Some(&grapheme_str[last_char_offset..]),
None => None,
if let Some(last_char_str) = last_char_str {
lazy_static! {
/// A regex that matches combining characters, e.g. accents and other
/// diacritics. Rust does not provide a way to check the Unicode categories
/// of `char`s directly, so this is the simplest workaround for now.
static ref COMBINING_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"\p{M}$").unwrap();
if COMBINING_REGEX.is_match(last_char_str) {
return start - last_char_str.len();
} else {
// Can't go left from the beginning of the string.
pub fn delete_backward(&mut self) {
self.text_state.revision += 1;
// set base and extent to 0 if either is -1, to ensure there is a selection/cursor
if self.text_state.selection.base == self.text_state.selection.extent {
// Select one grapheme or character to the left, so that it can be uniformly handled by
// the selection-deletion code below.
self.text_state.selection.base = self.adjacent_cursor_position(
self.text_state.selection.base as usize,
) as i64;
pub fn delete_forward(&mut self) {
self.text_state.revision += 1;
// Ensure valid selection/cursor.
if self.text_state.selection.base == self.text_state.selection.extent {
// Select one grapheme to the right so that it can be handled by the selection-deletion
// code below.
self.text_state.selection.extent = self.adjacent_cursor_position(
self.text_state.selection.base as usize,
) as i64;
/// Deletes the selected text if the selection isn't empty.
/// Does not increment revision number. Should only be called from methods that do.
fn delete_selection(&mut self) {
// Delete the current selection.
let selection = self.selection();
if selection.start != selection.end {
self.text_state.text.replace_range(selection.clone(), "");
self.text_state.selection.extent = selection.start as i64;
self.text_state.selection.base = self.text_state.selection.extent;
pub fn cursor_horizontal_move(&mut self, modifiers: u32, go_right: bool) {
self.text_state.revision += 1;
let shift_pressed = modifiers & uii::MODIFIER_SHIFT != 0;
let ctrl_pressed = modifiers & uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL != 0;
let selection = self.selection();
let text_is_selected = selection.start != selection.end;
let mut new_position = self.text_state.selection.extent;
if !shift_pressed && text_is_selected {
// canceling selection, new position based on start/end of selection
if go_right {
new_position = selection.end as i64;
} else {
new_position = selection.start as i64;
if ctrl_pressed {
new_position = self.adjacent_cursor_position(
new_position as usize,
if go_right { HorizontalMotion::WordRight } else { HorizontalMotion::WordLeft },
) as i64;
} else {
// new position based previous value of extent
new_position = self.adjacent_cursor_position(
new_position as usize,
match (go_right, ctrl_pressed) {
(true, true) => HorizontalMotion::WordRight,
(false, true) => HorizontalMotion::WordLeft,
(true, false) => HorizontalMotion::GraphemeRight,
(false, false) => {
) as i64;
self.text_state.selection.extent = new_position;
if !shift_pressed {
self.text_state.selection.base = new_position;
self.text_state.selection.affinity = uii::TextAffinity::Downstream;
/// This function modifies a range in response to an edit.
fn adjust_range(
edit_start: i64,
edit_end: i64,
insert_len: i64,
range_a: &mut i64,
range_b: &mut i64,
) {
let (range_start, range_end) =
if *range_a < *range_b { (*range_a, *range_b) } else { (*range_b, *range_a) };
if edit_end <= range_start {
// if replace happened strictly before selection, push selection forwards
*range_b += insert_len + edit_start - edit_end;
*range_a += insert_len + edit_start - edit_end;
} else if edit_start < range_end {
// if our replace intersected with the selection at all, set the selection to the end of the insert
*range_b = edit_start + insert_len;
*range_a = edit_start + insert_len;
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::fidl_helpers::default_state;
use fidl;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
fn set_up(
text: &str,
base: i64,
extent: i64,
) -> (Ime, Receiver<uii::TextInputState>, Receiver<uii::InputMethodAction>) {
let (client, statechan, actionchan) = MockImeClient::new();
let mut state = default_state();
state.text = text.to_string();
state.selection.base = base;
state.selection.extent = extent;
let ime = Ime::new(
(ime, statechan, actionchan)
fn simulate_keypress<K: Into<u32> + Copy>(
ime: &mut Ime,
key: K,
hid_key: bool,
modifiers: u32,
) {
let hid_usage = if hid_key { key.into() } else { 0 };
let code_point = if hid_key { 0 } else { key.into() };
ime.inject_input(uii::InputEvent::Keyboard(uii::KeyboardEvent {
event_time: 0,
device_id: 0,
phase: uii::KeyboardEventPhase::Pressed,
ime.inject_input(uii::InputEvent::Keyboard(uii::KeyboardEvent {
event_time: 0,
device_id: 0,
phase: uii::KeyboardEventPhase::Released,
struct MockImeClient {
pub state: Mutex<Sender<uii::TextInputState>>,
pub action: Mutex<Sender<uii::InputMethodAction>>,
impl MockImeClient {
fn new() -> (MockImeClient, Receiver<uii::TextInputState>, Receiver<uii::InputMethodAction>)
let (s_send, s_rec) = channel();
let (a_send, a_rec) = channel();
let client = MockImeClient { state: Mutex::new(s_send), action: Mutex::new(a_send) };
(client, s_rec, a_rec)
impl uii::InputMethodEditorClientProxyInterface for MockImeClient {
fn did_update_state(
state: &mut uii::TextInputState,
mut _event: Option<fidl::encoding::OutOfLine<uii::InputEvent>>,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
let state2 = clone_state(state);
.map_err(|_| fidl::Error::ClientWrite(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED))
fn on_action(&self, action: uii::InputMethodAction) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
.map_err(|_| fidl::Error::ClientWrite(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED))
fn test_mock_ime_channels() {
let (client, statechan, actionchan) = MockImeClient::new();
let mut ime = Ime::new(
assert_eq!(true, statechan.try_recv().is_err());
assert_eq!(true, actionchan.try_recv().is_err());
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'a', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
assert_eq!(false, statechan.try_recv().is_err());
assert_eq!(true, actionchan.try_recv().is_err());
fn test_delete_backward_empty_string() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("", -1, -1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
// a second delete still does nothing, but increments revision
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_forward_empty_string() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("", -1, -1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
// a second delete still does nothing, but increments revision
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_backward_beginning_string() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 0, 0);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_forward_beginning_string() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 0, 0);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("bcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_backward_first_char_selected() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 0, 1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("bcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_forward_last_char_selected() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 8, 9);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefgh", state.text);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_backward_end_string() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 9, 9);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefgh", state.text);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_forward_end_string() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 9, 9);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_backward_combining_diacritic() {
// U+0301: combining acute accent. 2 bytes.
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi\u{0301}", 11, 11);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_forward_combining_diacritic() {
// U+0301: combining acute accent. 2 bytes.
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi\u{0301}jkl", 8, 8);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghjkl", state.text);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_backward_emoji() {
// Emoji with a color modifier.
let text = "abcdefghi👦🏻";
let len = text.len() as i64;
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up(text, len, len);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_forward_emoji() {
// Emoji with a color modifier.
let text = "abcdefghi👦🏻";
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up(text, 9, 9);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
/// Flags are more complicated because they consist of two REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTERs.
fn test_delete_backward_flag() {
// French flag
let text = "abcdefghi🇫🇷";
let len = text.len() as i64;
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up(text, len, len);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_forward_flag() {
// French flag
let text = "abcdefghi🇫🇷";
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up(text, 9, 9);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 3, 6);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_selection_inverted() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 6, 3);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_no_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", -1, -1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_with_zero_width_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 3, 3);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abdefghi", state.text);
assert_eq!(2, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(2, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_with_zero_width_selection_at_end() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 9, 9);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefgh", state.text);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.extent);
fn test_delete_selection_out_of_bounds() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 20, 24);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcdefgh", state.text);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_left_on_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 1, 5);
// right with shift
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_SHIFT);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(6, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(4, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(5, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_left_on_inverted_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 6, 3);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_right_on_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdefghi", 3, 9);
// left with shift
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_SHIFT);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(4, state.revision);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(5, state.revision);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_word_left_no_words() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("¿ - _ - ?", 5, 5);
// left with control
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_word_left() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("4.2 . foobar", 7, 7);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(6, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(6, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_word_right_no_words() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("¿ - _ - ?", 5, 5);
// right with control
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(10, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(10, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_word_right() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("4.2 . foobar", 1, 1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(12, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(12, state.selection.extent);
// Try to navigate off text limits.
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(4, state.revision);
assert_eq!(12, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(12, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_word_off_limits() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("word", 1, 1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(4, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(4, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(4, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(4, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(4, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(5, state.revision);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_cursor_word() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("a.c 2.2 ¿? x yz", 8, 8);
&mut ime,
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(9, state.selection.extent);
&mut ime,
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!(8, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(15, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT, true, uii::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(4, state.revision);
assert_eq!(6, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(6, state.selection.extent);
&mut ime,
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(5, state.revision);
assert_eq!(6, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(0, state.selection.extent);
fn test_type_empty_string() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("", 0, 0);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'a', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("a", state.text);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'b', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!("ab", state.text);
assert_eq!(2, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(2, state.selection.extent);
fn test_type_at_beginning() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("cde", 0, 0);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'a', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("acde", state.text);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.extent);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'b', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abcde", state.text);
assert_eq!(2, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(2, state.selection.extent);
fn test_type_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdef", 2, 5);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'x', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abxf", state.text);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.extent);
fn test_type_inverted_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdef", 5, 2);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'x', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("abxf", state.text);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(3, state.selection.extent);
fn test_type_invalid_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdef", -10, 1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, 'x', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("xbcdef", state.text);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.extent);
fn test_set_state() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("abcdef", 1, 1);
let mut override_state = default_state();
override_state.text = "meow?".to_string();
override_state.selection.base = 4;
override_state.selection.extent = 5;
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, '!', false, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("meow!", state.text);
assert_eq!(5, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(5, state.selection.extent);
fn test_action() {
let (mut ime, statechan, actionchan) = set_up("abcdef", 1, 1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_ENTER, true, uii::MODIFIER_NONE);
assert!(statechan.try_recv().is_err()); // assert did not update state
assert!(actionchan.try_recv().is_ok()); // assert DID send action
fn test_unicode_selection() {
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("m😸eow", 1, 1);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT, true, uii::MODIFIER_SHIFT);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_SHIFT);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, state.revision);
assert_eq!("meow", state.text);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.extent);
fn test_unicode_backspace() {
let base: i64 = "m😸".len() as i64;
let (mut ime, statechan, _actionchan) = set_up("m😸eow", base, base);
simulate_keypress(&mut ime, HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE, true, uii::MODIFIER_SHIFT);
let state = statechan.try_recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, state.revision);
assert_eq!("meow", state.text);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.base);
assert_eq!(1, state.selection.extent);