blob: 06fdd00d90cd4c2842e262f1fa3ee5766b4fdd47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/test/vk/fake_gpu_allocator.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/image_utils.h"
namespace {
class FakeGpuMem : public escher::GpuMem {
FakeGpuMem(vk::DeviceSize size, escher::test::FakeGpuAllocator* allocator)
: GpuMem(vk::DeviceMemory(), size, 0, new uint8_t[size]), allocator_(allocator) {
~FakeGpuMem() {
delete[] mapped_ptr();
escher::test::FakeGpuAllocator* allocator_;
class FakeBuffer : public escher::Buffer {
FakeBuffer(escher::ResourceManager* manager, vk::DeviceSize vk_buffer_size,
const escher::GpuMemPtr& mem)
: Buffer(manager, vk::Buffer(), vk_buffer_size, mem->mapped_ptr()), memory_(mem) {}
escher::GpuMemPtr memory_;
class FakeImage : public escher::Image {
FakeImage(escher::ResourceManager* manager, escher::ImageInfo info, const escher::GpuMemPtr& mem)
: Image(manager, info, vk::Image(), mem->size(), mem->mapped_ptr(),
memory_(mem) {}
escher::GpuMemPtr memory_;
} // namespace
namespace escher {
namespace test {
FakeGpuAllocator::FakeGpuAllocator() {}
FakeGpuAllocator::~FakeGpuAllocator() {}
GpuMemPtr FakeGpuAllocator::AllocateMemory(vk::MemoryRequirements reqs,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags flags) {
return fxl::AdoptRef(new FakeGpuMem(reqs.size, this));
BufferPtr FakeGpuAllocator::AllocateBuffer(ResourceManager* manager, vk::DeviceSize size,
vk::BufferUsageFlags usage_flags,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags memory_property_flags,
GpuMemPtr* out_ptr) {
auto memory = fxl::AdoptRef(new FakeGpuMem(size, this));
FX_DCHECK(memory->size() >= size)
<< "Size of allocated memory should not be less than requested size";
if (out_ptr)
*out_ptr = memory;
return fxl::AdoptRef(new FakeBuffer(manager, size, memory));
ImagePtr FakeGpuAllocator::AllocateImage(ResourceManager* manager, const ImageInfo& info,
GpuMemPtr* out_ptr) {
size_t bytes_per_pixel = image_utils::BytesPerPixel(info.format);
size_t size = info.width * info.height * info.sample_count * bytes_per_pixel;
auto memory = fxl::AdoptRef(new FakeGpuMem(size, this));
if (out_ptr)
*out_ptr = memory;
return fxl::AdoptRef(new FakeImage(manager, info, memory));
size_t FakeGpuAllocator::GetTotalBytesAllocated() const { return bytes_allocated_; }
void FakeGpuAllocator::OnAllocation(uint64_t size) { bytes_allocated_ += size; }
void FakeGpuAllocator::OnDeallocation(uint64_t size) { bytes_allocated_ -= size; }
} // namespace test
} // namespace escher