blob: 62aa39a1b0fc02a724660c422dff91b2530c3d0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.spiimpl;
using zx;
/// Low-level protocol for spi drivers.
[BanjoLayout = "ddk-protocol"]
protocol SpiImpl {
/// Returns the number of chip select lines available or provided by the driver instance.
/// To be used as a limit on the acceptable values for the `chip_select' field in the Exchange()
/// and ExchangeVmo() methods.
GetChipSelectCount() -> (uint32 count);
/// Perform a SPI bus transaction of the specified length. Either txdata or rxdata may be
/// NULL, in which case the transaction will be half-duplex in the appropriate direction.
/// Regardless, both vectors must have the same length.
Exchange(uint32 chip_select, vector<uint8> txdata) -> (zx.status status, vector<uint8> rxdata);
RegisterVmo(uint32 chip_select, uint32 vmo_id, zx.handle:VMO vmo, uint64 offset, uint64 size)
-> (zx.status status);
UnregisterVmo(uint32 chip_select, uint32 vmo_id) -> (zx.status status, zx.handle:VMO vmo);
TransmitVmo(uint32 chip_select, uint32 vmo_id, uint64 offset, uint64 size)
-> (zx.status status);
ReceiveVmo(uint32 chip_select, uint32 vmo_id, uint64 offset, uint64 size)
-> (zx.status status);
ExchangeVmo(uint32 chip_select, uint32 tx_vmo_id, uint64 tx_offset, uint32 rx_vmo_id,
uint64 rx_offset, uint64 size) -> (zx.status status);