blob: 0db9d19c52c44c6783a7c8c045ea586173502501 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.block.partition/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include "src/lib/storage/fs_management/cpp/mount.h"
#include "src/storage/fshost/copier.h"
namespace fshost {
constexpr char kFVMDriverPath[] = "";
constexpr char kGPTDriverPath[] = "";
constexpr char kMBRDriverPath[] = "";
constexpr char kZxcryptDriverPath[] = "";
constexpr char kBootpartDriverPath[] = "";
constexpr char kBlockVerityDriverPath[] = "";
constexpr char kNandBrokerDriverPath[] = "";
// An abstract class representing the operations which may be performed
// on a block device, from the perspective of fshost.
class BlockDeviceInterface {
virtual ~BlockDeviceInterface() = default;
zx_status_t Add(bool format_on_corruption = true);
// Opens a block device at the given topological path.
// This is effectively a factory method; it is an instance method for overridability but it
// doesn't interact with the instance.
virtual zx::status<std::unique_ptr<BlockDeviceInterface>> OpenBlockDevice(
const char* topological_path) const = 0;
// When the filesystem inside the device is mounted, this data will be inserted into the
// filesystem. If called repeatedly, only the most recent data is inserted.
virtual void AddData(Copier) = 0;
// Attempt to extract the data out of the block device (which should be formatted as a mutable
// filesystem, e.g. minfs).
virtual zx::status<Copier> ExtractData() = 0;
// Returns the format that the content appears to be. Avoid using this unless
// there is no other way to determine the format of the device.
virtual fs_management::DiskFormat content_format() const = 0;
// The topological path for the device.
virtual const std::string& topological_path() const = 0;
// The partition name for this device (if it happens to be part of a partiiton scheme).
virtual const std::string& partition_name() const = 0;
// Returns the expected on-disk format of the underlying device.
// If unknown or unreadable, fs_management::kDiskFormatUnknown should be returned.
virtual fs_management::DiskFormat GetFormat() = 0;
// Modifies the expected on-disk format of the underlying device.
// This may be useful if the block device data was corrupted, and we want
// to force a new format based on external information.
virtual void SetFormat(fs_management::DiskFormat format) = 0;
// Queries (using the block interface) for info about the underlying device.
virtual zx::status<fuchsia_hardware_block::wire::BlockInfo> GetInfo() const = 0;
// Queries (using the partition interface) for the instance/type GUID of the underlying device.
// Returns a GUID with all 0 bytes on failure, normally this means the device doesn't support the
// Partition interface.
virtual const fuchsia_hardware_block_partition::wire::Guid& GetInstanceGuid() const = 0;
virtual const fuchsia_hardware_block_partition::wire::Guid& GetTypeGuid() const = 0;
// Attempts to directly bind a driver to the device. This is typically used
// by partition drivers, which may be loaded on top of a device exposing the
// block interface.
virtual zx_status_t AttachDriver(const std::string_view& driver) = 0;
// Unseals the underlying zxcrypt volume.
virtual zx_status_t UnsealZxcrypt() = 0;
// Creates the zxcrypt partition.
virtual zx_status_t FormatZxcrypt() = 0;
// Returns true if the consistency of filesystems should be validated before
// mounting.
virtual bool ShouldCheckFilesystems() = 0;
// Validates the state of the filesystem, and returns ZX_OK if it appears
// consistent (or if the consistency check should be skipped).
virtual zx_status_t CheckFilesystem() = 0;
// Reformats the underlying block device with the format returned by |GetFormat()|.
virtual zx_status_t FormatFilesystem() = 0;
// Attempts to mount the filesystem with the format returned by |GetFormat()|.
virtual zx_status_t MountFilesystem() = 0;
// Queries the seal used to open the verity device.
virtual zx::status<std::string> VeritySeal() = 0;
// Opens the block-verity device for reading.
virtual zx_status_t OpenBlockVerityForVerifiedRead(std::string seal_hex) = 0;
// Queries if we should allow factory partition modifications.
virtual bool ShouldAllowAuthoringFactory() = 0;
// Sets the maximum size in FVM (at the given device path) for this device.
virtual zx_status_t SetPartitionMaxSize(const std::string& fvm_path, uint64_t max_size) = 0;
// Queries if the device is a block device or a NAND device.
virtual bool IsNand() const = 0;
// Sets the partitio name in FVM (at the given device path) for this device.
virtual zx_status_t SetPartitionName(const std::string& fvm_path, std::string_view name) = 0;
} // namespace fshost