diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027bdb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# EditorConfig is awesome: https://EditorConfig.org
+root = true
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+charset = utf-8
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
+max_line_length = 88
diff --git a/.git-blame-ignore-revs b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..befa060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Run code through yapf
+# Run code through black
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c3e857d..9321436 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,89 +1,48 @@
+# OS-specific
-# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# Language specific
+# Python
-# C extensions
-# Distribution / packaging
-# PyInstaller
-#  Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
-#  before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
-# Installer logs
-# Unit test / coverage reports
-# Translations
-# Django stuff:
-# Sphinx documentation
-# PyBuilder
-#Ipython Notebook
-# pyenv
-# PyCharm
-# IntelliJ
-# VSCode
-# Python virtual environment
-# antlion configuration files
+# Editors
+# antlion
+# Configuration
-# antlion runtime files
+# Generated during run-time
 # Local development scripts
+# third_party
diff --git a/BUILD.gn b/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b38fdbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Declare Fuchsia build targets for using antlion from the Fuchsia tree.
+# Requires additional configuration of jiri fetch attributes from your Fuchsia
+# checkout:
+#   `jiri init -fetch-optional=antlion`
+# Tests for full build validation
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [ "tests:e2e_tests" ]
+# Subset of tests to validate builds in under 15 minutes.
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [ "tests:e2e_tests_quick" ]
+# Tests for at-desk custom validation
+group("e2e_tests_manual") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [ "tests:e2e_tests_manual" ]
+# deprecated: prefer e2e_tests_quick
+group("smoke_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [ ":e2e_tests_quick" ]
+# Unit tests only
+group("tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [ "runner:tests" ]
+python_library("antlion") {
+  source_root = "//third_party/antlion/packages/antlion"
+  testonly = true
+  sources = [
+    "__init__.py",
+    "base_test.py",
+    "bin/__init__.py",
+    "bin/act.py",
+    "capabilities/__init__.py",
+    "capabilities/ssh.py",
+    "config_parser.py",
+    "context.py",
+    "controllers/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/access_point.py",
+    "controllers/adb.py",
+    "controllers/adb_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/adb_lib/error.py",
+    "controllers/android_device.py",
+    "controllers/android_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/android_lib/errors.py",
+    "controllers/android_lib/events.py",
+    "controllers/android_lib/logcat.py",
+    "controllers/android_lib/services.py",
+    "controllers/android_lib/tel/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/ap_get_interface.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/ap_iwconfig.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/bridge_interface.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_server.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/extended_capabilities.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/hostapd.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_ap_preset.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_bss_settings.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_config.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_constants.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_security.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_utils.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/radvd.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/radvd_config.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/radvd_constants.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/regulatory_channels.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/actiontec.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/asus.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/belkin.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/linksys.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/netgear.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/securifi.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/tplink.py",
+    "controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/telnet.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py",
+    "controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/telnet.py",
+    "controllers/fastboot.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_device.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/base_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/device_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/ffx.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_controller.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_policy_controller.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/logging_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/netstack_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/package_server.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/sl4f.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/ssh.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/utils_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_ap_policy_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_lib.py",
+    "controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_policy_lib.py",
+    "controllers/iperf_client.py",
+    "controllers/iperf_server.py",
+    "controllers/openwrt_ap.py",
+    "controllers/openwrt_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/openwrt_lib/network_const.py",
+    "controllers/openwrt_lib/network_settings.py",
+    "controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_constants.py",
+    "controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_config.py",
+    "controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_settings_applier.py",
+    "controllers/packet_capture.py",
+    "controllers/packet_sender.py",
+    "controllers/pdu.py",
+    "controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py",
+    "controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/error_reporter.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/event_dispatcher.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_ports.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session.py",
+    "controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_types.py",
+    "controllers/sniffer.py",
+    "controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.py",
+    "controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py",
+    "controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/commands/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/commands/ip.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/commands/shell.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/host_utils.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/ssh/__init__.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/ssh/connection.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/ssh/formatter.py",
+    "controllers/utils_lib/ssh/settings.py",
+    "decorators.py",
+    "dict_object.py",
+    "error.py",
+    "event/__init__.py",
+    "event/decorators.py",
+    "event/event.py",
+    "event/event_bus.py",
+    "event/event_subscription.py",
+    "event/subscription_bundle.py",
+    "event/subscription_handle.py",
+    "keys.py",
+    "libs/__init__.py",
+    "libs/logging/__init__.py",
+    "libs/logging/log_stream.py",
+    "libs/ota/__init__.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool.py",
+    "libs/ota/ota_updater.py",
+    "libs/proc/__init__.py",
+    "libs/proc/job.py",
+    "libs/proc/process.py",
+    "libs/yaml_writer.py",
+    "logger.py",
+    "net.py",
+    "records.py",
+    "runner.py",
+    "signals.py",
+    "test_decorators.py",
+    "test_runner.py",
+    "test_utils/__init__.py",
+    "test_utils/abstract_devices/__init__.py",
+    "test_utils/abstract_devices/wlan_device.py",
+    "test_utils/abstract_devices/wmm_transceiver.py",
+    "test_utils/dhcp/__init__.py",
+    "test_utils/dhcp/base_test.py",
+    "test_utils/fuchsia/__init__.py",
+    "test_utils/fuchsia/utils.py",
+    "test_utils/fuchsia/wmm_test_cases.py",
+    "test_utils/net/__init__.py",
+    "test_utils/net/connectivity_const.py",
+    "test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py",
+    "test_utils/wifi/__init__.py",
+    "test_utils/wifi/base_test.py",
+    "test_utils/wifi/wifi_constants.py",
+    "test_utils/wifi/wifi_test_utils.py",
+    "tracelogger.py",
+    "utils.py",
+    "validation.py",
+  ]
+  library_deps = [
+    "third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity",
+    "//src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew",
+    "//third_party/mobly",
+    "//third_party/pyyaml:yaml",
+  ]
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 54f6914..0c36022 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -10,14 +10,125 @@
 ## [Unreleased]
-Nothing yet!
+[unreleased]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/antlion/+/refs/tags/v0.3.0..refs/heads/main
-[unreleased]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/antlion/+/refs/tags/v0.1.0..refs/heads/main
+### Removed
+- [BREAKING CHANGE] Support for Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. The minimum supported
+version of Python is now 3.11. If running antlion as part of the Fuchsia tree,
+nothing is required; Python 3.11 is vendored with Fuchsia and will be found by
+GN. If running antlion out of tree, ensure your Python version is at least 3.11.
+- `WlanRvrTest` user params `debug_pre_traffic_cmd` and `debug_post_traffic_cmd`
+## [0.3.0] - 2023-05-17
+[0.3.0]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/antlion/+/refs/tags/v0.2.0..refs/tags/v0.3.0
+### Deprecated
+- **Support for ACTS JSON configs; instead, use Mobly YAML configs.** To
+ease this transition, upon running `act.py`, a compatible YAML config will be
+generated for you and placed next to your JSON config.
+- **The `act.py` binary; instead, invoke tests directly.** Upon running
+`act.py`, a deprecation warning will provide instructions for how to invoke
+antlion tests without act.py and with the newly generated YAML config.
+### Added
+- Presubmit testing in [CV] (aka CQ). All tests specified with the `qemu_env`
+environment will run before every antlion CL is submitted.
+- Postsubmit testing in [CI]. See [Milo] for an exhaustive list of builders.
+- [EditorConfig] file for consistent coding styles.
+Installing an EditorConfig plugin for your editor is highly recommended.
+[CV]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-go/+/refs/heads/main/cv/README.md
+[CI]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/tour_of_luci_ui.md
+[Milo]: https://luci-milo.appspot.com/ui/search?q=antlion
+[EditorConfig]: https://editorconfig.org
+### Changed
+- Default test execution from ACTS to Mobly. `antlion_host_test()` now invokes
+the test file directly using the Mobly test runner, rather than using `act.py`.
+  - All tests have been refactored to allow direct running with the Mobly test
+  runner.
+  - `act.py` now converts ACTS JSON config to compatible Mobly YAML config. The
+  resulting config is passed directly to Mobly's config parser. See notes for
+  this release's deprecations above.
+- Generate YAML config instead of JSON config from antlion-runner.
+- `FuchsiaDevice.authorized_file_loc` config field is now optional. This field
+is only used during `FlashTest`; it is not used when the device is already
+provisioned (e.g. when tests are dispatched in Fuchsia infrastructure).
+### Removed
+- Unused controllers and tests (full list)
+### Fixed
+- Failure to stop session_manager using ffx in `WlanRebootTest` ([@patricklu],
+- Failure to parse 'test_name' in DHCP configuration file in `Dhcpv4InteropTest`
+(invalid option) introduced by previous refactor ([@patricklu],
+- Logging for `Dhcpv4InteropTest` changed to utilize a temp file instead of
+/var/log/messages to fix test error with duplicate PID log messages
+([@patricklu], [bug](http://b/232574848))
+## [0.2.0] - 2023-01-03
+[0.2.0]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/antlion/+/refs/tags/v0.1.0..refs/tags/v0.2.0
+### Added
+- Added snapshots before reboot and during test teardown in `WlanRebootTest`
+([@patricklu], [bug](http://b/273923552))
+- Download radvd logs from AP for debugging IPv6 address allocation
+- Optional `wlan_features` config field to `FuchsiaDevice` for declaring which
+WLAN features the device supports, such as BSS Transition Management
+### Changed
+- All path config options in `FuchsiaDevice` expand the home directory (`~`) and
+environmental variables
+  - Used by `ssh_priv_key`, `authorized_file_loc`, and `ffx_binary_path` for
+  sensible defaults using `$FUCHSIA_DIR`
+- Running tests works out of the box without specifying `--testpaths`
+  - Moved `tests` and `unit_tests` to the `antlion` package, enabling
+  straight-forward packaging of tests.
+  - Merged `antlion` and `antlion_contrib` packages
+- Converted several required dependencies to optional dependencies:
+  - `bokeh` is only needed for producing HTML graphing. If this feature is
+  desired, install antlion with the bokeh option: `pip install ".[bokeh]"`
+  - `usbinfo` and `psutil` are not needed when a static IP address is assigned
+  to the Fuchsia DUT. If assigning a static IP address is not an optional,
+  install antlion with the mdns option: `pip install ".[mdns]"`
+### Removed
+- [BREAKING CHANGE] Dependencies for Python versions older than 3.8. Please
+upgrade your system to a newer version of Python to run antlion tests.
+- `ssh_config` from `FuchsiaDevice` config. SSH configs are generated to provide
+a reproducible connection method and ease initial setup.
+### Fixed
+- Failure to acquire IPv6 address in `WlanRebootTest` ([bug](http://b/256009189))
+- Typo in `ChannelSweepTest` preventing use of iPerf ([@patricklu])
+- "Country code never updated" error affecting all Fuchsia ToT builds
+([@karlward], [bug](https://fxbug.dev/42067674))
+- Parsing new stderr format from `ffx component destroy` ([@karlward],
+- "Socket operation on non-socket" error during initialization of ffx on MacOS
+([@karlward], [bug](https://fxbug.dev/42067812))
+- Python 3.8 support for IPv6 scope IDs ([bug](http://b/261746355))
 ## [0.1.0] - 2022-11-28
 Forked from ACTS with the following changes
+[0.1.0]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/antlion/+/refs/tags/v0.1.0
 ### Added
 - A modern approach to installation using `pyproject.toml` via `pip install .`
@@ -28,6 +139,8 @@
 - Package and import names from ACTS to antlion
 - Copyright notice from AOSP to Fuchsia Authors
+[src-layout]: https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html#src-layout
 ### Deprecated
 - Use of the `setup.py` script. This is only used to keep infrastructure
@@ -46,7 +159,6 @@
 - KeyError for 'mac_addr' in WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest ([@sakuma],
-[0.1.0]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/antlion/+/refs/tags/v0.1.0
-[src-layout]: https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html#src-layout
 [@sakuma]: https://fuchsia-review.git.corp.google.com/q/owner:sakuma%2540google.com
+[@patricklu]: https://fuchsia-review.git.corp.google.com/q/owner:patricklu%2540google.com
+[@karlward]: https://fuchsia-review.git.corp.google.com/q/owner:karlward%2540google.com
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 8918387..a6caf7f 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 include setup.py README.md
-recursive-include src/antlion *
-recursive-include src/antlion_contrib *
-recursive-include tests *
+recursive-include packages/antlion *
 global-exclude .DS_Store
 global-exclude *.pyc
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 374b5fa..74c5a6d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,13 +7,91 @@
-[Docs]: http://go/fxca
+[Docs]: http://go/antlion
 [Report Bug]: http://go/conn-test-bug
 [Request Feature]: http://b/issues/new?component=1182297&template=1680893
-## Getting Started
+## Getting started with QEMU
-Requires Python 3.8+
+The quickest way to run antlion is by using the Fuchsia QEMU emulator. This
+enables antlion tests that do not require hardware-specific capabilities like
+WLAN. This is especially useful to verify if antlion builds and runs without
+syntax errors. If you require WLAN capabilities, see
+1. [Checkout Fuchsia](https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/get-started/get_fuchsia_source)
+2. Configure and build Fuchsia to run antlion tests virtually on QEMU
+   ```sh
+   fx set core.qemu-x64 \
+      --with //src/testing/sl4f \
+      --with //src/sys/bin/start_sl4f \
+      --args 'core_realm_shards += [ "//src/testing/sl4f:sl4f_core_shard" ]' \
+      --with-host //third_party/antlion:e2e_tests_quick
+   fx build
+   ```
+3. In a separate terminal, run the emulator with networking enabled
+   ```sh
+   ffx emu stop && ffx emu start -H --net tap && ffx log
+   ```
+4. In a separate terminal, run a package server
+   ```sh
+   fx serve
+   ```
+5. Run an antlion test
+   ```sh
+   fx test --e2e --output //third_party/antlion/tests/examples:sl4f_sanity_test
+   ```
+## Running with a local physical device
+A physical device is required for most antlion tests, which rely on physical I/O
+such as WLAN and Bluetooth. Antlion is designed to make testing physical devices
+as easy, reliable, and reproducible as possible. The device will be discovered
+using mDNS, so make sure your host machine has a network connection to the
+1. Configure and build Fuchsia for your target with the following extra
+   arguments:
+   ```sh
+   fx set core.my-super-cool-product \
+      --with //src/testing/sl4f \
+      --with //src/sys/bin/start_sl4f \
+      --args='core_realm_shards += [ "//src/testing/sl4f:sl4f_core_shard" ]' \
+      --with-host //third_party/antlion:e2e_tests
+   fx build
+   ```
+2. Flash your device with the new build
+3. In a separate terminal, run a package server
+   ```sh
+   fx serve
+   ```
+4. Run an antlion test
+   ```sh
+   fx test --e2e --output //third_party/antlion/tests/functional:ping_stress_test
+   ```
+> Local auxiliary devices are not yet support by `antlion-runner`, which is
+> responsible for generating Mobly configs. In the meantime, see the
+> section below for manually crafting Mobly configs to support auxiliary
+> devices.
+## Running without a Fuchsia checkout
+Requires Python 3.11+
 1. Clone the repo
@@ -21,57 +99,85 @@
    git clone https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/antlion
-2. Install dependencies
+2. Install dependencies using [venv](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html#how-venvs-work)
    cd antlion
-   python3 -m venv .venv
-   source .venv/bin/activate
-   pip install --editable .[dev] # development mode
+   python3 -m venv .venv      # Create a virtual environment in the `.venv` directory
+   source .venv/bin/activate  # Activate the virtual environment
+   pip install --editable ".[mdns]"
+   # Run `deactivate` later to exit the virtual environment
 3. Write the sample config and update the Fuchsia controller to match your
    development environment
-   cat <<EOF > config.json
-   {
-      "testbed": [{
-         "name": "simple_testbed",
-         "FuchsiaDevice": [{
-            "ip": "fuchsia-00e0-4c01-04df",
-            "ssh_config": "/home/fuchsia/out/default/ssh-keys/ssh_config",
-            "ffx_binary_path": "/home/fuchsia/out/default/host_x64/ffx"
-         }]
-      }],
-      "logpath": "logs",
-      "testpaths": [ "tests" ]
-   }
+   cat <<EOF > simple-config.yaml
+   TestBeds:
+   - Name: antlion-runner
+     Controllers:
+       FuchsiaDevice:
+       - ip: fuchsia-00e0-4c01-04df
+   MoblyParams:
+     LogPath: logs
+   Replace `fuchsia-00e0-4c01-04df` with your device's nodename, or
+   `fuchsia-emulator` if using an emulator. The nodename can be found by looking
+   for a log similar to the one below.
+   ```text
+   [0.524][klog][klog][I] netsvc: nodename='fuchsia-emulator'
+   ```
 4. Run the sanity test
-   antlion -c config.json -tc Sl4fSanityTest
+   python tests/examples/Sl4fSanityTest.py -c simple-config.yaml
-See `antlion -h` for more full usage.
 ## Contributing
-Contributions are what make open source a great place to learn, inspire, and
-create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.
+Contributions are what make open source projects a great place to learn,
+inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.
+If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please create a CL.
-If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please create a pull
+Before contributing, additional setup is necessary:
-1. Create a feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature`)
-2. Commit changes (`git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'`)
-3. Upload CL (`git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main`)
+- Install developer Python packages for formatting and linting
+  ```sh
+  pip install --editable ".[dev]"
+  ```
+- Install an [EditorConfig](https://editorconfig.org/) plugin for consistent
+  whitespace
+- Complete the steps in '[Contribute source changes]' to gain authorization to
+  upload CLs to Fuchsia's Gerrit.
+To create a CL:
+1. Create a branch (`git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature`)
+2. Make changes
+3. Document the changes in `CHANGELOG.md`
+4. Auto-format changes (`./format.sh`)
+   > Note: antlion follows the [Black code style] (rather than the
+   > [Google Python Style Guide])
+5. Verify no typing errors (`mypy .`)
+6. Commit changes (`git add . && git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'`)
+7. Upload CL (`git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main`)
 > A public bug tracker is not (yet) available.
+[Black code style]: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/current_style.html
+[Google Python Style Guide]: https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html
+[Contribute source changes]: https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/development/source_code/contribute_changes#prerequisites
 ### Recommended git aliases
 There are a handful of git commands that will be commonly used throughout the
@@ -88,6 +194,13 @@
   uc = push origin HEAD:refs/for/main%l=Commit-Queue+1,l=Fuchsia-Auto-Submit+1,publish-comments,r=sbalana
+You may also want to add a section to ignore the project's large formatting changes:
+  ignoreRevsFile = .git-blame-ignore-revs
 ## License
 Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See `LICENSE` for more information.
diff --git a/antlion_host_test.gni b/antlion_host_test.gni
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9bdd89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antlion_host_test.gni
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Declares a host-side antlion test.
+# Examples
+# ```
+# antlion_host_test("sl4f_sanity_test") {
+#   main_source = "Sl4fSanityTest.py"
+# }
+# antlion_host_test("wlan_rvr_test_2g") {
+#   main_source = "WlanRvrTest.py"
+#   test_params = "rvr_settings.yaml"
+#   test_cases = [ "test_rvr_11n_2g_*" ]
+# }
+# ```
+# Parameters
+#  main_source
+#    The .py file defining the antlion test.
+#    Type: path
+#  sources (optional)
+#    Other files that are used in the test.
+#    Type: list(path)
+#    Default: empty list
+#  test_params (optional)
+#    Path to a YAML file with additional test parameters. This will be provided
+#    to the test in the antlion config under the "test_params" key.
+#    Type: string
+#  test_cases (optional)
+#    List of test cases to run. Defaults to running all test cases.
+#    Type: list(string)
+#  enable_honeydew (optional)
+#    Flag to enable using honeydew package
+#    Type: bool
+#  test_data_deps (optional)
+#    List of test data GN targets that are needed at runtime.
+#    Type: list(string)
+#    Default: empty list
+#   deps
+#   environments
+#   visibility
+template("antlion_host_test") {
+  assert(defined(invoker.main_source), "main_source is required")
+  #
+  # Define antlion test python_binary().
+  #
+  _python_binary_name = "${target_name}.pyz"
+  _python_binary_target = "${target_name}_python_binary"
+  python_binary(_python_binary_target) {
+    forward_variables_from(invoker,
+                           [
+                             "main_source",
+                             "sources",
+                           ])
+    output_name = _python_binary_name
+    main_callable = "test_runner.main" # Mobly-specific entry point.
+    deps = [ "//third_party/antlion" ]
+    testonly = true
+    visibility = [ ":*" ]
+  }
+  _test_dir = "${root_out_dir}/test_data/" + get_label_info(target_name, "dir")
+  #
+  # Define antlion test host_test_data().
+  #
+  _host_test_data_target = "${target_name}_test_data"
+  host_test_data(_host_test_data_target) {
+    testonly = true
+    visibility = [ ":*" ]
+    sources = [ get_label_info(":${_python_binary_target}", "target_out_dir") +
+                "/${_python_binary_name}" ]
+    outputs = [ "${_test_dir}/${_python_binary_name}" ]
+    deps = [ ":${_python_binary_target}" ]
+    if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
+      deps += invoker.deps
+    }
+  }
+  #
+  # Define SSH binary host_test_data().
+  #
+  _host_test_data_ssh = "${target_name}_test_data_ssh"
+  host_test_data(_host_test_data_ssh) {
+    testonly = true
+    visibility = [ ":*" ]
+    sources = [ "//prebuilt/third_party/openssh-portable/${host_os}-${host_cpu}/bin/ssh" ]
+    outputs = [ "${_test_dir}/ssh" ]
+  }
+  #
+  # Define Mobly test params YAML host_test_data().
+  #
+  if (defined(invoker.test_params)) {
+    _host_test_data_test_params = "${target_name}_test_data_test_params"
+    host_test_data(_host_test_data_test_params) {
+      testonly = true
+      visibility = [ ":*" ]
+      sources = [ invoker.test_params ]
+      outputs = [ "${_test_dir}/${invoker.test_params}" ]
+    }
+  }
+  #
+  # Define FFX binary host_test_data().
+  #
+  _host_test_data_ffx = "${target_name}_test_data_ffx"
+  host_test_data(_host_test_data_ffx) {
+    testonly = true
+    visibility = [ ":*" ]
+    sources = [ get_label_info("//src/developer/ffx", "root_out_dir") + "/ffx" ]
+    outputs = [ "${_test_dir}/ffx" ]
+    deps = [ "//src/developer/ffx:ffx_bin($host_toolchain)" ]
+  }
+  #
+  # Define the antlion host_test() using antlion-runner.
+  #
+  host_test(target_name) {
+    forward_variables_from(invoker,
+                           [
+                             "environments",
+                             "visibility",
+                           ])
+    binary_path = "${root_out_dir}/antlion-runner"
+    args = [
+      "--python-bin",
+      rebase_path(python_exe_src, root_build_dir),
+      "--antlion-pyz",
+      rebase_path("${_test_dir}/${_python_binary_name}", root_build_dir),
+      "--out-dir",
+      rebase_path("${_test_dir}", root_build_dir),
+      "--ffx-binary",
+      rebase_path("${_test_dir}/ffx", root_build_dir),
+      "--ffx-subtools-search-path",
+      rebase_path(host_tools_dir, root_build_dir),
+      "--ssh-binary",
+      rebase_path("${_test_dir}/ssh", root_build_dir),
+    ]
+    if (defined(invoker.test_cases)) {
+      args += invoker.test_cases
+    }
+    if (defined(invoker.enable_honeydew) && invoker.enable_honeydew) {
+      args += ["--enable-honeydew"]
+    }
+    data_deps = [ "//src/developer/ffx:suite_test_data" ]
+    deps = [
+      ":${_host_test_data_ffx}",
+      ":${_host_test_data_ssh}",
+      ":${_host_test_data_target}",
+      "//build/python:interpreter",
+      "//third_party/antlion/runner",
+    ]
+    if (defined(invoker.test_params)) {
+      args += [
+        "--test-params",
+        rebase_path("${_test_dir}/${invoker.test_params}", root_build_dir),
+      ]
+      deps += [ ":${_host_test_data_test_params}" ]
+    }
+    if (defined(invoker.enable_honeydew) && invoker.enable_honeydew) {
+      deps += [ "//src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew" ]
+    }
+    if (defined(invoker.test_data_deps)) {
+      deps += invoker.test_data_deps
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/environments.gni b/environments.gni
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d19b903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/environments.gni
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+astro_ap_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Astro"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+astro_ap_iperf_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Astro"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+astro_ap_iperf_attenuator_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    attenuators = "1"
+    device_type = "Astro"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+sherlock_ap_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Sherlock"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+sherlock_ap_iperf_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Sherlock"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+sherlock_ap_iperf_attenuator_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    attenuators = "1"
+    device_type = "Sherlock"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+nelson_ap_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Nelson"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+nelson_ap_iperf_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Nelson"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+nelson_ap_iperf_attenuator_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    attenuators = "1"
+    device_type = "Nelson"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+nuc11_ap_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Intel NUC Kit NUC11TNHv5"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+nuc11_ap_iperf_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Intel NUC Kit NUC11TNHv5"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+nuc11_ap_iperf_attenuator_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    attenuators = "1"
+    device_type = "Intel NUC Kit NUC11TNHv5"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+vim3_ap_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Vim3"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+vim3_ap_iperf_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    device_type = "Vim3"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+vim3_ap_iperf_attenuator_env = {
+  dimensions = {
+    access_points = "1"
+    attenuators = "1"
+    device_type = "Vim3"
+    iperf_servers = "1"
+    pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
+  }
+  tags = [ "antlion" ]
+# Display environments supported by antlion.
+display_envs = [
+  astro_env,
+  sherlock_env,
+  nelson_env,
+  nuc11_env,
+  vim3_env,
+display_ap_envs = [
+  astro_ap_env,
+  sherlock_ap_env,
+  nelson_ap_env,
+  nuc11_ap_env,
+  vim3_ap_env,
+display_ap_iperf_envs = [
+  astro_ap_iperf_env,
+  sherlock_ap_iperf_env,
+  nelson_ap_iperf_env,
+  nuc11_ap_iperf_env,
+  vim3_ap_iperf_env,
+display_ap_iperf_attenuator_envs = [
+  astro_ap_iperf_attenuator_env,
+  sherlock_ap_iperf_attenuator_env,
+  nelson_ap_iperf_attenuator_env,
+  nuc11_ap_iperf_attenuator_env,
+  vim3_ap_iperf_attenuator_env,
diff --git a/format.sh b/format.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d6341f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/format.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Detect trivial unused code.
+# Automatically removal is possible, but is considered an unsafe operation. When a
+# change hasn't been commited, automatic removal could cause unintended irreversible
+# loss of in-progress code.
+# Note: This cannot detect unused code between modules or packages. For complex unused
+# code detection, vulture should be used.
+autoflake \
+	--quiet \
+	--check-diff \
+	--remove-duplicate-keys \
+	--remove-unused-variables \
+	--remove-all-unused-imports \
+	--recursive .
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+	echo "No unused code found"
+	echo ""
+	echo "====================="
+	echo "Unused code detected!"
+	echo "====================="
+	echo ""
+	echo "If these changes are trivial, consider running:"
+	echo "\"autoflake --in-place --remove-unused-variables --remove-all-unused-imports -r .\""
+	echo ""
+	read -p "Run this command to remove all unused code? [y/n] " -n 1 -r
+	echo ""
+	echo ""
+	if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
+		autoflake --in-place --remove-unused-variables --remove-all-unused-imports -r .
+	else
+		exit 1
+	fi
+# Sort imports to avoid bikeshedding.
+isort .
+# Format code; also to avoid bikeshedding.
+black .
diff --git a/src/antlion/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/base_test.py b/packages/antlion/base_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d2206c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/base_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1027 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import fnmatch
+import functools
+import importlib
+import inspect
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import traceback
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from typing import Callable
+from mobly import asserts
+from mobly.base_test import BaseTestClass as MoblyBaseTest
+from mobly.base_test import Error as MoblyError
+from mobly.records import ExceptionRecord
+from antlion import error, keys, logger, records, signals, tracelogger, utils
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.event import event_bus, subscription_bundle
+from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
+from antlion.event.event import (
+    TestCaseBeginEvent,
+    TestCaseEndEvent,
+    TestClassBeginEvent,
+    TestClassEndEvent,
+from antlion.event.subscription_bundle import SubscriptionBundle
+# Macro strings for test result reporting
+TEST_CASE_TOKEN = "[Test Case]"
+def _logcat_log_test_begin(event):
+    """Ensures that logcat is running. Write a logcat line indicating test case
+    begin."""
+    test_instance = event.test_class
+    try:
+        for ad in getattr(test_instance, "android_devices", []):
+            if not ad.is_adb_logcat_on:
+                ad.start_adb_logcat()
+            # Write test start token to adb log if android device is attached.
+            if not ad.skip_sl4a and ad.droid:
+                ad.droid.logV(f"{TEST_CASE_TOKEN} BEGIN {event.test_case_name}")
+    except error.ActsError as e:
+        test_instance.results.error.append(
+            ExceptionRecord(e, f"Logcat for test begin: {event.test_case_name}")
+        )
+        test_instance.log.error(f"BaseTest setup_test error: {e.details}")
+    except Exception as e:
+        test_instance.log.warning("Unable to send BEGIN log command to all devices.")
+        test_instance.log.warning(f"Error: {e}")
+def _logcat_log_test_end(event):
+    """Write a logcat line indicating test case end."""
+    test_instance = event.test_class
+    try:
+        # Write test end token to adb log if android device is attached.
+        for ad in getattr(test_instance, "android_devices", []):
+            if not ad.skip_sl4a and ad.droid:
+                ad.droid.logV(f"{TEST_CASE_TOKEN} END {event.test_case_name}")
+    except error.ActsError as e:
+        test_instance.results.error.append(
+            ExceptionRecord(e, f"Logcat for test end: {event.test_case_name}")
+        )
+        test_instance.log.error(f"BaseTest teardown_test error: {e.details}")
+    except Exception as e:
+        test_instance.log.warning("Unable to send END log command to all devices.")
+        test_instance.log.warning(f"Error: {e}")
+def _syslog_log_test_begin(event):
+    """This adds a BEGIN log message with the test name to the syslog of any
+    Fuchsia device"""
+    test_instance = event.test_class
+    try:
+        fd: FuchsiaDevice
+        for fd in getattr(test_instance, "fuchsia_devices", []):
+            if hasattr(fd, "_sl4f"):
+                fd.sl4f.logging_lib.logI(
+                    f"{TEST_CASE_TOKEN} BEGIN {event.test_case_name}"
+                )
+    except Exception as e:
+        test_instance.log.warning("Unable to send BEGIN log command to all devices.")
+        test_instance.log.warning(f"Error: {e}")
+def _syslog_log_test_end(event):
+    """This adds a END log message with the test name to the syslog of any
+    Fuchsia device"""
+    test_instance = event.test_class
+    try:
+        fd: FuchsiaDevice
+        for fd in getattr(test_instance, "fuchsia_devices", []):
+            if hasattr(fd, "_sl4f"):
+                fd.sl4f.logging_lib.logI(
+                    f"{TEST_CASE_TOKEN} END {event.test_case_name}"
+                )
+    except Exception as e:
+        test_instance.log.warning("Unable to send END log command to all devices.")
+        test_instance.log.warning(f"Error: {e}")
+class Error(Exception):
+    """Raised for exceptions that occured in BaseTestClass."""
+class BaseTestClass(MoblyBaseTest):
+    """Base class for all test classes to inherit from. Inherits some
+    functionality from Mobly's base test class.
+    This class gets all the controller objects from test_runner and executes
+    the test cases requested within itself.
+    Most attributes of this class are set at runtime based on the configuration
+    provided.
+    Attributes:
+        tests: A list of strings, each representing a test case name.
+        TAG: A string used to refer to a test class. Default is the test class
+             name.
+        log: A logger object used for logging.
+        results: A records.TestResult object for aggregating test results from
+                 the execution of test cases.
+        controller_configs: A dict of controller configs provided by the user
+                            via the testbed config.
+        consecutive_failures: Tracks the number of consecutive test case
+                              failures within this class.
+        consecutive_failure_limit: Number of consecutive test failures to allow
+                                   before blocking remaining tests in the same
+                                   test class.
+        size_limit_reached: True if the size of the log directory has reached
+                            its limit.
+        current_test_name: A string that's the name of the test case currently
+                           being executed. If no test is executing, this should
+                           be None.
+    """
+    TAG = None
+    def __init__(self, configs):
+        """Initializes a BaseTestClass given a TestRunConfig, which provides
+        all of the config information for this test class.
+        Args:
+            configs: A config_parser.TestRunConfig object.
+        """
+        super().__init__(configs)
+        self.__handle_file_user_params()
+        self.class_subscriptions = SubscriptionBundle()
+        self.class_subscriptions.register()
+        self.all_subscriptions = [self.class_subscriptions]
+        self.current_test_name = None
+        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(logging.getLogger())
+        # TODO: remove after converging log path definitions with mobly
+        self.log_path = configs.log_path
+        self.consecutive_failures = 0
+        self.consecutive_failure_limit = self.user_params.get(
+            "consecutive_failure_limit", -1
+        )
+        self.size_limit_reached = False
+        self.retryable_exceptions = signals.TestFailure
+    def _import_builtin_controllers(self):
+        """Import built-in controller modules.
+        Go through the testbed configs, find any built-in controller configs
+        and import the corresponding controller module from antlion.controllers
+        package.
+        Returns:
+            A list of controller modules.
+        """
+        builtin_controllers = []
+        for ctrl_name in keys.Config.builtin_controller_names.value:
+            if ctrl_name in self.controller_configs:
+                module_name = keys.get_module_name(ctrl_name)
+                module = importlib.import_module(f"antlion.controllers.{module_name}")
+                builtin_controllers.append(module)
+        return builtin_controllers
+    def __handle_file_user_params(self):
+        """For backwards compatibility, moves all contents of the "files" dict
+        into the root level of user_params.
+        This allows existing tests to run with the new Mobly-style format
+        without needing to make changes.
+        """
+        for key, value in self.user_params.items():
+            if key.endswith("files") and isinstance(value, dict):
+                new_user_params = dict(value)
+                new_user_params.update(self.user_params)
+                self.user_params = new_user_params
+                break
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_module_reference_name(a_module):
+        """Returns the module's reference name.
+        This is largely for backwards compatibility with log parsing. If the
+        module defines ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME, it will return that
+        value, or the module's submodule name.
+        Args:
+            a_module: Any module. Ideally, a controller module.
+        Returns:
+            A string corresponding to the module's name.
+        """
+        if hasattr(a_module, "ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME"):
+            return a_module.ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME
+        else:
+            return a_module.__name__.split(".")[-1]
+    def register_controller(self, controller_module, required=True, builtin=False):
+        """Registers an ACTS controller module for a test class. Invokes Mobly's
+        implementation of register_controller.
+        An ACTS controller module is a Python lib that can be used to control
+        a device, service, or equipment. To be ACTS compatible, a controller
+        module needs to have the following members:
+            def create(configs):
+                [Required] Creates controller objects from configurations.
+                Args:
+                    configs: A list of serialized data like string/dict. Each
+                             element of the list is a configuration for a
+                             controller object.
+                Returns:
+                    A list of objects.
+            def destroy(objects):
+                [Required] Destroys controller objects created by the create
+                function. Each controller object shall be properly cleaned up
+                and all the resources held should be released, e.g. memory
+                allocation, sockets, file handlers etc.
+                Args:
+                    A list of controller objects created by the create function.
+            def get_info(objects):
+                [Optional] Gets info from the controller objects used in a test
+                run. The info will be included in test_result_summary.json under
+                the key "ControllerInfo". Such information could include unique
+                ID, version, or anything that could be useful for describing the
+                test bed and debugging.
+                Args:
+                    objects: A list of controller objects created by the create
+                             function.
+                Returns:
+                    A list of json serializable objects, each represents the
+                    info of a controller object. The order of the info object
+                    should follow that of the input objects.
+        Registering a controller module declares a test class's dependency the
+        controller. If the module config exists and the module matches the
+        controller interface, controller objects will be instantiated with
+        corresponding configs. The module should be imported first.
+        Args:
+            controller_module: A module that follows the controller module
+                interface.
+            required: A bool. If True, failing to register the specified
+                controller module raises exceptions. If False, returns None upon
+                failures.
+            builtin: Specifies that the module is a builtin controller module in
+                ACTS. If true, adds itself to test attributes.
+        Returns:
+            A list of controller objects instantiated from controller_module, or
+            None.
+        Raises:
+            When required is True, ControllerError is raised if no corresponding
+            config can be found.
+            Regardless of the value of "required", ControllerError is raised if
+            the controller module has already been registered or any other error
+            occurred in the registration process.
+        """
+        module_ref_name = self.get_module_reference_name(controller_module)
+        module_config_name = controller_module.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
+        # Get controller objects from Mobly's register_controller
+        controllers = self._controller_manager.register_controller(
+            controller_module, required=required
+        )
+        if not controllers:
+            return None
+        # Log controller information
+        # Implementation of "get_info" is optional for a controller module.
+        if hasattr(controller_module, "get_info"):
+            controller_info = controller_module.get_info(controllers)
+            self.log.info("Controller %s: %s", module_config_name, controller_info)
+        if builtin:
+            setattr(self, module_ref_name, controllers)
+        return controllers
+    def _setup_class(self):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_class
+        is called.
+        """
+        event_bus.post(TestClassBeginEvent(self))
+        # Import and register the built-in controller modules specified
+        # in testbed config.
+        for module in self._import_builtin_controllers():
+            self.register_controller(module, builtin=True)
+        return self.setup_class()
+    def _teardown_class(self):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of teardown_class
+        is called.
+        """
+        super()._teardown_class()
+        event_bus.post(TestClassEndEvent(self, self.results))
+    def _setup_test(self, test_name):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_test is
+        called.
+        """
+        self.current_test_name = test_name
+        # Skip the test if the consecutive test case failure limit is reached.
+        if self.consecutive_failures == self.consecutive_failure_limit:
+            raise signals.TestError("Consecutive test failure")
+        return self.setup_test()
+    def setup_test(self):
+        """Setup function that will be called every time before executing each
+        test case in the test class.
+        To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
+        exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
+        exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
+        Implementation is optional.
+        """
+        return True
+    def _teardown_test(self, test_name):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of teardown_test
+        is called.
+        """
+        self.log.debug(f"Tearing down test {test_name}")
+        self.teardown_test()
+    def _on_fail(self, record):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_fail is
+        called.
+        Args:
+            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the failed test
+                    case.
+        """
+        self.consecutive_failures += 1
+        if record.details:
+            self.log.error(record.details)
+        self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result)
+        self.on_fail(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
+        """A function that is executed upon a test case failure.
+        User implementation is optional.
+        Args:
+            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
+            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
+        """
+    def _on_pass(self, record):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_pass is
+        called.
+        Args:
+            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the passed test
+                    case.
+        """
+        self.consecutive_failures = 0
+        msg = record.details
+        if msg:
+            self.log.info(msg)
+        self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result)
+        self.on_pass(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
+    def on_pass(self, test_name, begin_time):
+        """A function that is executed upon a test case passing.
+        Implementation is optional.
+        Args:
+            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
+            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
+        """
+    def _on_skip(self, record):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_skip is
+        called.
+        Args:
+            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the skipped test
+                    case.
+        """
+        self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result)
+        self.log.info("Reason to skip: %s", record.details)
+        self.on_skip(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
+    def on_skip(self, test_name, begin_time):
+        """A function that is executed upon a test case being skipped.
+        Implementation is optional.
+        Args:
+            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
+            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
+        """
+    def _on_exception(self, record):
+        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_exception
+        is called.
+        Args:
+            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the failed test
+                    case.
+        """
+        self.log.exception(record.details)
+        self.on_exception(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
+    def on_exception(self, test_name, begin_time):
+        """A function that is executed upon an unhandled exception from a test
+        case.
+        Implementation is optional.
+        Args:
+            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
+            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
+        """
+    def on_retry(self):
+        """Function to run before retrying a test through get_func_with_retry.
+        This function runs when a test is automatically retried. The function
+        can be used to modify internal test parameters, for example, to retry
+        a test with slightly different input variables.
+        """
+    def _exec_procedure_func(self, func, tr_record):
+        """Executes a procedure function like on_pass, on_fail etc.
+        This function will alternate the 'Result' of the test's record if
+        exceptions happened when executing the procedure function.
+        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all
+        procedure functions.
+        Args:
+            func: The procedure function to be executed.
+            tr_record: The TestResultRecord object associated with the test
+                       case executed.
+        """
+        try:
+            func(tr_record)
+        except signals.TestAbortAll:
+            raise
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception(
+                "Exception happened when executing %s for %s.",
+                func.__name__,
+                self.current_test_name,
+            )
+            tr_record.add_error(func.__name__, e)
+    def exec_one_testcase(self, test_name, test_func):
+        """Executes one test case and update test results.
+        Executes one test case, create a records.TestResultRecord object with
+        the execution information, and add the record to the test class's test
+        results.
+        Args:
+            test_name: Name of the test.
+            test_func: The test function.
+        """
+        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
+        tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, class_name)
+        tr_record.test_begin()
+        self.begin_time = int(tr_record.begin_time)
+        self.log_begin_time = tr_record.log_begin_time
+        self.test_name = tr_record.test_name
+        event_bus.post(TestCaseBeginEvent(self, self.test_name))
+        self.log.info("%s %s", TEST_CASE_TOKEN, test_name)
+        # Enable test retry if specified in the ACTS config
+        retry_tests = self.user_params.get("retry_tests", [])
+        full_test_name = f"{class_name}.{self.test_name}"
+        if any(name in retry_tests for name in [class_name, full_test_name]):
+            test_func = self.get_func_with_retry(test_func)
+        verdict = None
+        test_signal = None
+        try:
+            try:
+                ret = self._setup_test(self.test_name)
+                asserts.assert_true(ret is not False, f"Setup for {test_name} failed.")
+                verdict = test_func()
+            finally:
+                try:
+                    self._teardown_test(self.test_name)
+                except signals.TestAbortAll:
+                    raise
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+                    tr_record.add_error("teardown_test", e)
+        except (signals.TestFailure, AssertionError) as e:
+            test_signal = e
+            if self.user_params.get(
+                keys.Config.key_test_failure_tracebacks.value, False
+            ):
+                self.log.exception(e)
+            tr_record.test_fail(e)
+        except signals.TestSkip as e:
+            # Test skipped.
+            test_signal = e
+            tr_record.test_skip(e)
+        except (signals.TestAbortClass, signals.TestAbortAll) as e:
+            # Abort signals, pass along.
+            test_signal = e
+            tr_record.test_fail(e)
+            raise e
+        except signals.TestPass as e:
+            # Explicit test pass.
+            test_signal = e
+            tr_record.test_pass(e)
+        except Exception as e:
+            test_signal = e
+            self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            # Exception happened during test.
+            tr_record.test_error(e)
+        else:
+            if verdict or (verdict is None):
+                # Test passed.
+                tr_record.test_pass()
+                return
+            tr_record.test_fail()
+        finally:
+            tr_record.update_record()
+            try:
+                # Execute post-test procedures
+                result = tr_record.result
+                if result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS:
+                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_pass, tr_record)
+                elif result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL:
+                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record)
+                elif result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP:
+                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_skip, tr_record)
+                elif result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_ERROR:
+                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_exception, tr_record)
+                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record)
+            finally:
+                self.results.add_record(tr_record)
+                self.summary_writer.dump(
+                    tr_record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD
+                )
+                self.current_test_name = None
+                event_bus.post(TestCaseEndEvent(self, self.test_name, test_signal))
+    def get_func_with_retry(self, func, attempts=2):
+        """Returns a wrapped test method that re-runs after failure. Return test
+        result upon success. If attempt limit reached, collect all failure
+        messages and raise a TestFailure signal.
+        Params:
+            func: The test method
+            attempts: Number of attempts to run test
+        Returns: result of the test method
+        """
+        exceptions = self.retryable_exceptions
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            error_msgs = []
+            extras = {}
+            retry = False
+            for i in range(attempts):
+                try:
+                    if retry:
+                        self.teardown_test()
+                        self.setup_test()
+                        self.on_retry()
+                    return func(*args, **kwargs)
+                except exceptions as e:
+                    retry = True
+                    msg = f"Failure on attempt {i + 1}: {e.details}"
+                    self.log.warning(msg)
+                    error_msgs.append(msg)
+                    if e.extras:
+                        extras[f"Attempt {i + 1}"] = e.extras
+            raise signals.TestFailure("\n".join(error_msgs), extras)
+        return wrapper
+    def run_generated_testcases(
+        self,
+        test_func,
+        settings,
+        args=None,
+        kwargs=None,
+        tag="",
+        name_func=None,
+        format_args=False,
+    ):
+        """Deprecated. Please use pre_run and generate_tests.
+        Generated test cases are not written down as functions, but as a list
+        of parameter sets. This way we reduce code repetition and improve
+        test case scalability.
+        Args:
+            test_func: The common logic shared by all these generated test
+                       cases. This function should take at least one argument,
+                       which is a parameter set.
+            settings: A list of strings representing parameter sets. These are
+                      usually json strings that get loaded in the test_func.
+            args: Iterable of additional position args to be passed to
+                  test_func.
+            kwargs: Dict of additional keyword args to be passed to test_func
+            tag: Name of this group of generated test cases. Ignored if
+                 name_func is provided and operates properly.
+            name_func: A function that takes a test setting and generates a
+                       proper test name. The test name should be shorter than
+                       utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN. Names over the limit will be
+                       truncated.
+            format_args: If True, args will be appended as the first argument
+                         in the args list passed to test_func.
+        Returns:
+            A list of settings that did not pass.
+        """
+        args = args or ()
+        kwargs = kwargs or {}
+        failed_settings = []
+        for setting in settings:
+            test_name = f"{tag} {setting}"
+            if name_func:
+                try:
+                    test_name = name_func(setting, *args, **kwargs)
+                except:
+                    self.log.exception(
+                        (
+                            "Failed to get test name from "
+                            "test_func. Fall back to default %s"
+                        ),
+                        test_name,
+                    )
+            self.results.requested.append(test_name)
+            if len(test_name) > utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
+                test_name = test_name[: utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN]
+            previous_success_cnt = len(self.results.passed)
+            if format_args:
+                self.exec_one_testcase(
+                    test_name,
+                    functools.partial(test_func, *(args + (setting,)), **kwargs),
+                )
+            else:
+                self.exec_one_testcase(
+                    test_name,
+                    functools.partial(test_func, *((setting,) + args), **kwargs),
+                )
+            if len(self.results.passed) - previous_success_cnt != 1:
+                failed_settings.append(setting)
+        return failed_settings
+    def _exec_func(self, func, *args):
+        """Executes a function with exception safeguard.
+        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all
+        procedure functions.
+        Args:
+            func: Function to be executed.
+            args: Arguments to be passed to the function.
+        Returns:
+            Whatever the function returns, or False if unhandled exception
+            occured.
+        """
+        try:
+            return func(*args)
+        except signals.TestAbortAll:
+            raise
+        except:
+            self.log.exception(
+                "Exception happened when executing %s in %s.", func.__name__, self.TAG
+            )
+            return False
+    def _block_all_test_cases(self, tests, reason="Failed class setup"):
+        """
+        Block all passed in test cases.
+        Args:
+            tests: The tests to block.
+            reason: Message describing the reason that the tests are blocked.
+                Default is 'Failed class setup'
+        """
+        for test_name, test_func in tests:
+            signal = signals.TestError(reason)
+            record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG)
+            record.test_begin()
+            if hasattr(test_func, "gather"):
+                signal.extras = test_func.gather()
+            record.test_error(signal)
+            self.results.add_record(record)
+            self.summary_writer.dump(
+                record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD
+            )
+            self._on_skip(record)
+    def run(self, test_names=None):
+        """Runs test cases within a test class by the order they appear in the
+        execution list.
+        One of these test cases lists will be executed, shown here in priority
+        order:
+        1. The test_names list, which is passed from cmd line.
+        2. The self.tests list defined in test class. Invalid names are
+           ignored.
+        3. All function that matches test case naming convention in the test
+           class.
+        Args:
+            test_names: A list of string that are test case names/patterns
+             requested in cmd line.
+        Returns:
+            The test results object of this class.
+        """
+        # Executes pre-setup procedures, like generating test methods.
+        if not self._pre_run():
+            return self.results
+        self.register_test_class_event_subscriptions()
+        self.log.info("==========> %s <==========", self.TAG)
+        # Devise the actual test cases to run in the test class.
+        if self.tests:
+            # Specified by run list in class.
+            valid_tests = list(self.tests)
+        else:
+            # No test case specified by user, gather the run list automatically.
+            valid_tests = self.get_existing_test_names()
+        if test_names:
+            # Match test cases with any of the user-specified patterns
+            matches = []
+            for test_name in test_names:
+                for valid_test in valid_tests:
+                    if (
+                        fnmatch.fnmatch(valid_test, test_name)
+                        and valid_test not in matches
+                    ):
+                        matches.append(valid_test)
+        else:
+            matches = valid_tests
+        self.results.requested = matches
+        self.summary_writer.dump(
+            self.results.requested_test_names_dict(),
+            records.TestSummaryEntryType.TEST_NAME_LIST,
+        )
+        tests = self._get_test_methods(matches)
+        # Setup for the class.
+        setup_fail = False
+        try:
+            if self._setup_class() is False:
+                self.log.error("Failed to setup %s.", self.TAG)
+                self._block_all_test_cases(tests)
+                setup_fail = True
+        except signals.TestAbortClass:
+            self.log.exception(f"Test class {self.TAG} aborted")
+            setup_fail = True
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception(f"Failed to setup {self.TAG}: {e}")
+            self._block_all_test_cases(tests)
+            setup_fail = True
+        if setup_fail:
+            self._exec_func(self._teardown_class)
+            self.log.info(
+                "Summary for test class %s: %s", self.TAG, self.results.summary_str()
+            )
+            return self.results
+        # Run tests in order.
+        test_case_iterations = self.user_params.get(
+            keys.Config.key_test_case_iterations.value, 1
+        )
+        if any(
+            [
+                substr in self.__class__.__name__
+                for substr in ["Preflight", "Postflight"]
+            ]
+        ):
+            test_case_iterations = 1
+        try:
+            for test_name, test_func in tests:
+                for _ in range(test_case_iterations):
+                    self.exec_one_testcase(test_name, test_func)
+            return self.results
+        except signals.TestAbortClass:
+            self.log.exception(f"Test class {self.TAG} aborted")
+            return self.results
+        except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
+            # Piggy-back test results on this exception object so we don't lose
+            # results from this test class.
+            setattr(e, "results", self.results)
+            raise e
+        finally:
+            self._exec_func(self._teardown_class)
+            self.log.info(
+                "Summary for test class %s: %s", self.TAG, self.results.summary_str()
+            )
+    def _ad_take_bugreport(self, ad, test_name, begin_time):
+        for i in range(3):
+            try:
+                ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
+                return True
+            except Exception as e:
+                ad.log.error("bugreport attempt %s error: %s", i + 1, e)
+    def _ad_take_extra_logs(self, ad, test_name, begin_time):
+        result = True
+        if getattr(ad, "qxdm_log", False):
+            # Gather qxdm log modified 3 minutes earlier than test start time
+            if begin_time:
+                qxdm_begin_time = begin_time - 1000 * 60 * 3
+            else:
+                qxdm_begin_time = None
+            try:
+                ad.get_qxdm_logs(test_name, qxdm_begin_time)
+            except Exception as e:
+                ad.log.error(
+                    "Failed to get QXDM log for %s with error %s", test_name, e
+                )
+                result = False
+        try:
+            ad.check_crash_report(test_name, begin_time, log_crash_report=True)
+        except Exception as e:
+            ad.log.error(
+                "Failed to check crash report for %s with error %s", test_name, e
+            )
+            result = False
+        return result
+    def _skip_bug_report(self, test_name):
+        """A function to check whether we should skip creating a bug report.
+        Args:
+            test_name: The test case name
+        Returns: True if bug report is to be skipped.
+        """
+        if "no_bug_report_on_fail" in self.user_params:
+            return True
+        # If the current test class or test case is found in the set of
+        # problematic tests, we skip bugreport and other failure artifact
+        # creation.
+        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
+        quiet_tests = self.user_params.get("quiet_tests", [])
+        if class_name in quiet_tests:
+            self.log.info("Skipping bug report, as directed for this test class.")
+            return True
+        full_test_name = f"{class_name}.{test_name}"
+        if full_test_name in quiet_tests:
+            self.log.info("Skipping bug report, as directed for this test case.")
+            return True
+        # Once we hit a certain log path size, it's not going to get smaller.
+        # We cache the result so we don't have to keep doing directory walks.
+        if self.size_limit_reached:
+            return True
+        try:
+            max_log_size = int(
+                self.user_params.get("soft_output_size_limit") or "invalid"
+            )
+            log_path = getattr(logging, "log_path", None)
+            if log_path:
+                curr_log_size = utils.get_directory_size(log_path)
+                if curr_log_size > max_log_size:
+                    self.log.info(
+                        "Skipping bug report, as we've reached the size limit."
+                    )
+                    self.size_limit_reached = True
+                    return True
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        return False
+    def _take_bug_report(self, test_name, begin_time):
+        if self._skip_bug_report(test_name):
+            return
+        executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)
+        for ad in getattr(self, "android_devices", []):
+            executor.submit(self._ad_take_bugreport, ad, test_name, begin_time)
+            executor.submit(self._ad_take_extra_logs, ad, test_name, begin_time)
+        executor.shutdown()
+    def _reboot_device(self, ad):
+        ad.log.info("Rebooting device.")
+        ad = ad.reboot()
+    def _cleanup_logger_sessions(self):
+        for mylogger, session in self.logger_sessions:
+            self.log.info("Resetting a diagnostic session %s, %s", mylogger, session)
+            mylogger.reset()
+        self.logger_sessions = []
+    def _pull_diag_logs(self, test_name, begin_time):
+        for mylogger, session in self.logger_sessions:
+            self.log.info("Pulling diagnostic session %s", mylogger)
+            mylogger.stop(session)
+            diag_path = os.path.join(
+                self.log_path, logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(begin_time)
+            )
+            os.makedirs(diag_path, exist_ok=True)
+            mylogger.pull(session, diag_path)
+    def register_test_class_event_subscriptions(self):
+        self.class_subscriptions = subscription_bundle.create_from_instance(self)
+        self.class_subscriptions.register()
+    def unregister_test_class_event_subscriptions(self):
+        for package in self.all_subscriptions:
+            package.unregister()
+class AntlionBaseTest(MoblyBaseTest):
+    # TODO(https://github.com/google/mobly/issues/887): Remove this once similar
+    # functionality is merged into Mobly.
+    def _get_test_methods(
+        self, test_names: list[str]
+    ) -> list[tuple[str, Callable[[], None]]]:
+        """Resolves test method names to bound test methods.
+        Args:
+            test_names: Test method names.
+        Returns:
+            List of tuples containing the test method name and the function implementing
+            its logic.
+        Raises:
+            MoblyError: test_names does not match any tests.
+        """
+        test_table: dict[str, Callable[[], None]] = {**self._generated_test_table}
+        for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(type(self), callable):
+            if name.startswith("test_"):
+                test_table[name] = getattr(self, name)
+        test_methods: list[tuple[str, Callable[[], None]]] = []
+        for test_name in test_names:
+            if test_name in test_table:
+                test_methods.append((test_name, test_table[test_name]))
+            else:
+                try:
+                    pattern = re.compile(test_name)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    raise MoblyError(
+                        f'"{test_name}" is not a valid regular expression'
+                    ) from e
+                for name in test_table:
+                    if pattern.fullmatch(name.strip()):
+                        test_methods.append((name, test_table[name]))
+        if len(test_methods) == 0:
+            all_patterns = '" or "'.join(test_names)
+            all_tests = "\n - ".join(test_table.keys())
+            raise MoblyError(
+                f"{self.TAG} does not declare any tests matching "
+                f'"{all_patterns}". Please verify the correctness of '
+                f"{self.TAG} test names: \n - {all_tests}"
+            )
+        return test_methods
diff --git a/src/antlion/bin/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/bin/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/bin/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/bin/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/bin/act.py b/packages/antlion/bin/act.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2726d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/bin/act.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+import traceback
+from mobly import config_parser as mobly_config_parser
+from antlion import config_parser, keys, signals, test_runner, utils
+from antlion.config_parser import ActsConfigError
+def _run_test(parsed_config, test_identifiers, repeat=1):
+    """Instantiate and runs test_runner.TestRunner.
+    This is the function to start separate processes with.
+    Args:
+        parsed_config: A mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig that is a set of
+                       configs for one test_runner.TestRunner.
+        test_identifiers: A list of tuples, each identifies what test case to
+                          run on what test class.
+        repeat: Number of times to iterate the specified tests.
+    Returns:
+        True if all tests passed without any error, False otherwise.
+    """
+    runner = _create_test_runner(parsed_config, test_identifiers)
+    try:
+        for i in range(repeat):
+            runner.run()
+        return runner.results.is_all_pass
+    except signals.TestAbortAll:
+        return True
+    except:
+        print(f"Exception when executing {runner.testbed_name}, iteration {i}.")
+        print(traceback.format_exc())
+    finally:
+        runner.stop()
+def _create_test_runner(parsed_config, test_identifiers):
+    """Instantiates one test_runner.TestRunner object and register termination
+    signal handlers that properly shut down the test_runner.TestRunner run.
+    Args:
+        parsed_config: A mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig that is a set of
+                       configs for one test_runner.TestRunner.
+        test_identifiers: A list of tuples, each identifies what test case to
+                          run on what test class.
+    Returns:
+        A test_runner.TestRunner object.
+    """
+    try:
+        t = test_runner.TestRunner(parsed_config, test_identifiers)
+    except:
+        print("Failed to instantiate test runner, abort.")
+        print(traceback.format_exc())
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Register handler for termination signals.
+    handler = config_parser.gen_term_signal_handler([t])
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
+    return t
+def _run_tests(parsed_configs, test_identifiers, repeat):
+    """Executes requested tests sequentially.
+    Requested test runs will commence one after another according to the order
+    of their corresponding configs.
+    Args:
+        parsed_configs: A list of mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig, each is a
+                        set of configs for one test_runner.TestRunner.
+        test_identifiers: A list of tuples, each identifies what test case to
+                          run on what test class.
+        repeat: Number of times to iterate the specified tests.
+    Returns:
+        True if all test runs executed successfully, False otherwise.
+    """
+    ok = True
+    for c in parsed_configs:
+        try:
+            ret = _run_test(c, test_identifiers, repeat)
+            ok = ok and ret
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(f"Exception occurred when executing test bed {c.testbed_name}. {e}")
+    return ok
+def main():
+    """This is the default implementation of a cli entry point for ACTS test
+    execution.
+    Or you could implement your own cli entry point using acts.config_parser
+    functions and acts.test_runner.execute_one_test_class.
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description=(
+            "Specify tests to run. If nothing specified, " "run all test cases found."
+        )
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-c",
+        "--config",
+        type=str,
+        required=True,
+        metavar="<PATH>",
+        help="Path to the test configuration file.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-ci",
+        "--campaign_iterations",
+        metavar="<CAMPAIGN_ITERATIONS>",
+        nargs="?",
+        type=int,
+        const=1,
+        default=1,
+        help="Number of times to run the campaign or a group of test cases.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-tb",
+        "--testbed",
+        nargs="+",
+        type=str,
+        metavar="[<TEST BED NAME1> <TEST BED NAME2> ...]",
+        help="Specify which test beds to run tests on.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-lp",
+        "--logpath",
+        type=str,
+        metavar="<PATH>",
+        help="Root path under which all logs will be placed.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-tp",
+        "--testpaths",
+        nargs="*",
+        type=str,
+        metavar="<PATH> <PATH>",
+        help="One or more non-recursive test class search paths.",
+    )
+    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    group.add_argument(
+        "-tc",
+        "--testclass",
+        nargs="+",
+        type=str,
+        metavar="[TestClass1 TestClass2:test_xxx ...]",
+        help="A list of test classes/cases to run.",
+    )
+    group.add_argument(
+        "-tf",
+        "--testfile",
+        nargs=1,
+        type=str,
+        metavar="<PATH>",
+        help=(
+            "Path to a file containing a comma delimited list of test "
+            "classes to run."
+        ),
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-ti",
+        "--test_case_iterations",
+        metavar="<TEST_CASE_ITERATIONS>",
+        nargs="?",
+        type=int,
+        help="Number of times to run every test case.",
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+    test_list = None
+    if args.testfile:
+        test_list = config_parser.parse_test_file(args.testfile[0])
+    elif args.testclass:
+        test_list = args.testclass
+    config = args.config
+    if config.endswith(".json"):
+        print(
+            "DEPRECATION NOTICE: Converting ACTS JSON to Mobly YAML. ACTS is "
+            + "deprecated. Support will be removed in the next release."
+        )
+        config = utils.acts_json_to_mobly_yaml(config)
+        print(f"Wrote YAML config to {config}")
+    parsed_configs = mobly_config_parser.load_test_config_file(config, args.testbed)
+    for test_run_config in parsed_configs:
+        if args.testpaths:
+            tp_key = keys.Config.key_test_paths.value
+            test_run_config.controller_configs[tp_key] = args.testpaths
+        if args.logpath:
+            test_run_config.log_path = args.logpath
+        if args.test_case_iterations:
+            ti_key = keys.Config.key_test_case_iterations.value
+            test_run_config.user_params[ti_key] = args.test_case_iterations
+        # Sets the --testpaths flag to the default test directory if left unset.
+        testpath_key = keys.Config.key_test_paths.value
+        if (
+            testpath_key not in test_run_config.controller_configs
+            or test_run_config.controller_configs[testpath_key] is None
+        ):
+            test_run_config.controller_configs[testpath_key] = [
+                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../tests/"),
+            ]
+        for path in test_run_config.controller_configs[testpath_key]:
+            path = utils.abs_path(path)
+        # TODO(markdr): Find a way to merge this with the validation done in
+        # Mobly's load_test_config_file.
+        if not test_run_config.log_path:
+            raise ActsConfigError(
+                f"Required key {keys.Config.key_log_path.value} missing in test config."
+            )
+        test_run_config.log_path = utils.abs_path(test_run_config.log_path)
+    # Prepare args for test runs
+    test_identifiers = config_parser.parse_test_list(test_list)
+    print(
+        "\n\nDEPRECATION NOTICE: Running antlion tests with act.py is "
+        "deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please migrate "
+        "by using Mobly YAML configs and executing the test class directly:\n\n"
+    )
+    for test_class, _ in test_identifiers:
+        print(f"   python {test_class}.py -c {config}")
+    print("\n")
+    exec_result = _run_tests(parsed_configs, test_identifiers, args.campaign_iterations)
+    if exec_result is False:
+        # return 1 upon test failure.
+        sys.exit(1)
+    sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/capabilities/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/__init__.py
copy to packages/antlion/capabilities/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/capabilities/ssh.py b/packages/antlion/capabilities/ssh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca94d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/capabilities/ssh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Mapping
+from antlion import logger, signals
+from antlion.net import wait_for_port
+# The default package repository for all components.
+class SSHResult:
+    """Result of an SSH command."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        process: subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]
+        | subprocess.CompletedProcess[str]
+        | subprocess.CalledProcessError,
+    ) -> None:
+        if isinstance(process.stdout, bytes):
+            self._stdout_bytes = process.stdout
+        elif isinstance(process.stdout, str):
+            self._stdout = process.stdout
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "Expected process.stdout to be either bytes or str, "
+                f"got {type(process.stdout)}"
+            )
+        if isinstance(process.stderr, bytes):
+            self._stderr_bytes = process.stderr
+        elif isinstance(process.stderr, str):
+            self._stderr = process.stderr
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "Expected process.stderr to be either bytes or str, "
+                f"got {type(process.stderr)}"
+            )
+        self._exit_status = process.returncode
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.exit_status == 0:
+            return self.stdout
+        return f'status {self.exit_status}, stdout: "{self.stdout}", stderr: "{self.stderr}"'
+    @property
+    def stdout(self) -> str:
+        if not hasattr(self, "_stdout"):
+            self._stdout = self._stdout_bytes.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+        return self._stdout
+    @property
+    def stdout_bytes(self) -> bytes:
+        if not hasattr(self, "_stdout_bytes"):
+            self._stdout_bytes = self._stdout.encode()
+        return self._stdout_bytes
+    @property
+    def stderr(self) -> str:
+        if not hasattr(self, "_stderr"):
+            self._stderr = self._stderr_bytes.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+        return self._stderr
+    @property
+    def exit_status(self) -> int:
+        return self._exit_status
+class SSHError(signals.TestError):
+    """A SSH command returned with a non-zero status code."""
+    def __init__(self, command: str, result: SSHResult):
+        super().__init__(f'SSH command "{command}" unexpectedly returned {result}')
+        self.result = result
+class SSHTimeout(signals.TestError):
+    """A SSH command timed out."""
+    def __init__(self, err: subprocess.TimeoutExpired):
+        super().__init__(
+            f'SSH command "{err.cmd}" timed out after {err.timeout}s, '
+            f"stdout={err.stdout!r}, stderr={err.stderr!r}"
+        )
+class SSHTransportError(signals.TestError):
+    """Failure to send an SSH command."""
+class SSHConfig:
+    """SSH client config."""
+    # SSH flags. See ssh(1) for full details.
+    user: str
+    host_name: str
+    identity_file: str
+    ssh_binary: str = "ssh"
+    config_file: str = "/dev/null"
+    port: int = 22
+    # SSH options. See ssh_config(5) for full details.
+    connect_timeout: int = DEFAULT_SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC
+    server_alive_interval: int = DEFAULT_SSH_SERVER_ALIVE_INTERVAL
+    strict_host_key_checking: bool = False
+    user_known_hosts_file: str = "/dev/null"
+    log_level: str = "ERROR"
+    def full_command(self, command: str, force_tty: bool = False) -> list[str]:
+        """Generate the complete command to execute command over SSH.
+        Args:
+            command: The command to run over SSH
+            force_tty: Force pseudo-terminal allocation. This can be used to
+                execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine,
+                which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services.
+        Returns:
+            Arguments composing the complete call to SSH.
+        """
+        optional_flags = []
+        if force_tty:
+            # Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local
+            # tty. This is necessary for launching ssh with subprocess without
+            # shell=True.
+            optional_flags.append("-tt")
+        return (
+            [
+                self.ssh_binary,
+                # SSH flags
+                "-i",
+                self.identity_file,
+                "-F",
+                self.config_file,
+                "-p",
+                str(self.port),
+                # SSH configuration options
+                "-o",
+                f"ConnectTimeout={self.connect_timeout}",
+                "-o",
+                f"ServerAliveInterval={self.server_alive_interval}",
+                "-o",
+                f'StrictHostKeyChecking={"yes" if self.strict_host_key_checking else "no"}',
+                "-o",
+                f"UserKnownHostsFile={self.user_known_hosts_file}",
+                "-o",
+                f"LogLevel={self.log_level}",
+            ]
+            + optional_flags
+            + [f"{self.user}@{self.host_name}"]
+            + command.split()
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_config(config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> "SSHConfig":
+        ssh_binary_path = config.get("ssh_binary_path", None)
+        if ssh_binary_path is None:
+            ssh_binary_path = shutil.which("ssh")
+        if type(ssh_binary_path) != str:
+            raise ValueError(f"ssh_binary_path must be a string, got {ssh_binary_path}")
+        user = config.get("user", None)
+        if type(user) != str:
+            raise ValueError(f"user must be a string, got {user}")
+        host = config.get("host", None)
+        if type(host) != str:
+            raise ValueError(f"host must be a string, got {host}")
+        port = config.get("port", 22)
+        if type(port) != int:
+            raise ValueError(f"port must be an integer, got {port}")
+        identity_file = config.get("identity_file", None)
+        if type(identity_file) != str:
+            raise ValueError(f"identity_file must be a string, got {identity_file}")
+        ssh_config = config.get("ssh_config", "/dev/null")
+        if type(ssh_config) != str:
+            raise ValueError(f"ssh_config must be a string, got {ssh_config}")
+        connect_timeout = config.get("connect_timeout", 30)
+        if type(connect_timeout) != int:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"connect_timeout must be an integer, got {connect_timeout}"
+            )
+        return SSHConfig(
+            user=user,
+            host_name=host,
+            identity_file=identity_file,
+            ssh_binary=ssh_binary_path,
+            config_file=ssh_config,
+            port=port,
+            connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
+        )
+class SSHProvider:
+    """Device-specific provider for SSH clients."""
+    def __init__(self, config: SSHConfig) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            config: SSH client config
+        """
+        logger_tag = f"ssh | {config.host_name}"
+        if config.port != DEFAULT_SSH_PORT:
+            logger_tag += f":{config.port}"
+        # Check if the private key exists
+        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(logger_tag)
+        self.config = config
+        try:
+            self.wait_until_reachable()
+            self.log.info("sshd is reachable")
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise TimeoutError("sshd is unreachable") from e
+    def wait_until_reachable(self) -> None:
+        """Wait for the device to become reachable via SSH.
+        Raises:
+            TimeoutError: connect_timeout has expired without a successful SSH
+                connection to the device
+            SSHTransportError: SSH is available on the device but
+                connect_timeout has expired and SSH fails to run
+            SSHTimeout: SSH is available on the device but connect_timeout has
+                expired and SSH takes too long to run a command
+        """
+        timeout_sec = self.config.connect_timeout
+        timeout = time.time() + timeout_sec
+        wait_for_port(self.config.host_name, self.config.port, timeout_sec=timeout_sec)
+        while True:
+            try:
+                self._run("echo", timeout_sec, False, None)
+                return
+            except SSHTransportError as e:
+                # Repeat if necessary; _run() can exit prematurely by receiving
+                # SSH transport errors. These errors can be caused by sshd not
+                # being fully initialized yet.
+                if time.time() < timeout:
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    raise e
+    def wait_until_unreachable(
+        self, interval_sec: int = 1, timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC
+    ) -> None:
+        """Wait for the device to become unreachable via SSH.
+        Args:
+            interval_sec: Seconds to wait between unreachability attempts
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait until raising TimeoutError
+        Raises:
+            TimeoutError: when timeout_sec has expired without an unsuccessful
+                SSH connection to the device
+        """
+        timeout = time.time() + timeout_sec
+        while True:
+            try:
+                wait_for_port(
+                    self.config.host_name, self.config.port, timeout_sec=interval_sec
+                )
+            except TimeoutError:
+                return
+            if time.time() < timeout:
+                raise TimeoutError(
+                    f"Connection to {self.config.host_name} is still reachable "
+                    f"after {timeout_sec}s"
+                )
+    def run(
+        self,
+        command: str,
+        timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT_SEC,
+        connect_retries: int = 3,
+        force_tty: bool = False,
+    ) -> SSHResult:
+        """Run a command on the device then exit.
+        Args:
+            command: String to send to the device.
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for the command to complete.
+            connect_retries: Amount of times to retry connect on fail.
+            force_tty: Force pseudo-terminal allocation.
+        Raises:
+            SSHError: if the SSH command returns a non-zero status code
+            SSHTransportError: if SSH fails to run the command
+            SSHTimeout: if there is no response within timeout_sec
+        Returns:
+            SSHResults from the executed command.
+        """
+        return self._run_with_retry(
+            command, timeout_sec, connect_retries, force_tty, stdin=None
+        )
+    def _run_with_retry(
+        self,
+        command: str,
+        timeout_sec: int,
+        connect_retries: int,
+        force_tty: bool,
+        stdin: BinaryIO | None,
+    ) -> SSHResult:
+        err: Exception = ValueError("connect_retries cannot be 0")
+        for i in range(0, connect_retries):
+            try:
+                return self._run(command, timeout_sec, force_tty, stdin)
+            except SSHTransportError as e:
+                err = e
+                self.log.warn(f"Connect failed: {e}")
+        raise err
+    def _run(
+        self, command: str, timeout_sec: int, force_tty: bool, stdin: BinaryIO | None
+    ) -> SSHResult:
+        full_command = self.config.full_command(command, force_tty)
+        self.log.debug(
+            f'Running "{command}" (full command: "{" ".join(full_command)}")'
+        )
+        try:
+            process = subprocess.run(
+                full_command,
+                capture_output=True,
+                timeout=timeout_sec,
+                check=True,
+                stdin=stdin,
+            )
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            if e.returncode == 255:
+                stderr = e.stderr.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+                if (
+                    "Name or service not known" in stderr
+                    or "Host does not exist" in stderr
+                ):
+                    raise SSHTransportError(
+                        f"Hostname {self.config.host_name} cannot be resolved to an address"
+                    ) from e
+                if "Connection timed out" in stderr:
+                    raise SSHTransportError(
+                        f"Failed to establish a connection to {self.config.host_name} within {timeout_sec}s"
+                    ) from e
+                if "Connection refused" in stderr:
+                    raise SSHTransportError(
+                        f"Connection refused by {self.config.host_name}"
+                    ) from e
+            raise SSHError(command, SSHResult(e)) from e
+        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
+            raise SSHTimeout(e) from e
+        return SSHResult(process)
+    def upload_file(
+        self,
+        local_path: str,
+        remote_path: str,
+        timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT_SEC,
+        connect_retries: int = 3,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Upload a file to the device.
+        Args:
+            local_path: Path to the file to upload
+            remote_path: Path on the remote device to place the uploaded file.
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for the command to complete.
+            connect_retries: Amount of times to retry connect on fail.
+        Raises:
+            SSHError: if the SSH upload returns a non-zero status code
+            SSHTransportError: if SSH fails to run the upload command
+            SSHTimeout: if there is no response within timeout_sec
+        """
+        with open(local_path, "rb") as file:
+            self._run_with_retry(
+                f"cat > {remote_path}",
+                timeout_sec,
+                connect_retries,
+                force_tty=False,
+                stdin=file,
+            )
+    def download_file(
+        self,
+        remote_path: str,
+        local_path: str,
+        timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT_SEC,
+        connect_retries: int = 3,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Upload a file to the device.
+        Args:
+            remote_path: Path on the remote device to download.
+            local_path: Path on the host to the place the downloaded file.
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for the command to complete.
+            connect_retries: Amount of times to retry connect on fail.
+        Raises:
+            SSHError: if the SSH command returns a non-zero status code
+            SSHTransportError: if SSH fails to run the command
+            SSHTimeout: if there is no response within timeout_sec
+        """
+        with open(local_path, "rb") as file:
+            self._run_with_retry(
+                f"cat > {remote_path}",
+                timeout_sec,
+                connect_retries,
+                force_tty=False,
+                stdin=file,
+            )
diff --git a/packages/antlion/config_parser.py b/packages/antlion/config_parser.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf8dc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/config_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import itertools
+import os
+import sys
+import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
+from antlion import keys, utils
+# An environment variable defining the base location for ACTS logs.
+# An environment variable that enables test case failures to log stack traces.
+# An environment variable defining the test search paths for ACTS.
+class ActsConfigError(Exception):
+    """Raised when there is a problem in test configuration file."""
+def _validate_test_config(test_config):
+    """Validates the raw configuration loaded from the config file.
+    Making sure all the required fields exist.
+    """
+    for k in keys.Config.reserved_keys.value:
+        # TODO(markdr): Remove this continue after merging this with the
+        # validation done in Mobly's load_test_config_file.
+        if k == keys.Config.key_test_paths.value or k == keys.Config.key_log_path.value:
+            continue
+        if k not in test_config:
+            raise ActsConfigError(f"Required key {k} missing in test config.")
+def _validate_testbed_name(name):
+    """Validates the name of a test bed.
+    Since test bed names are used as part of the test run id, it needs to meet
+    certain requirements.
+    Args:
+        name: The test bed's name specified in config file.
+    Raises:
+        If the name does not meet any criteria, ActsConfigError is raised.
+    """
+    if not name:
+        raise ActsConfigError("Test bed names can't be empty.")
+    if not isinstance(name, str):
+        raise ActsConfigError("Test bed names have to be string.")
+    for l in name:
+        if l not in utils.valid_filename_chars:
+            raise ActsConfigError(f"Char '{l}' is not allowed in test bed names.")
+def _validate_testbed_configs(testbed_configs):
+    """Validates the testbed configurations.
+    Args:
+        testbed_configs: A list of testbed configuration json objects.
+    Raises:
+        If any part of the configuration is invalid, ActsConfigError is raised.
+    """
+    # Cross checks testbed configs for resource conflicts.
+    for name in testbed_configs:
+        _validate_testbed_name(name)
+def gen_term_signal_handler(test_runners):
+    def termination_sig_handler(signal_num, frame):
+        print(f"Received sigterm {signal_num}.")
+        for t in test_runners:
+            t.stop()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return termination_sig_handler
+def _parse_one_test_specifier(item):
+    """Parse one test specifier from command line input.
+    Args:
+        item: A string that specifies a test class or test cases in one test
+            class to run.
+    Returns:
+        A tuple of a string and a list of strings. The string is the test class
+        name, the list of strings is a list of test case names. The list can be
+        None.
+    """
+    tokens = item.split(":")
+    if len(tokens) > 2:
+        raise ActsConfigError(f"Syntax error in test specifier {item}")
+    if len(tokens) == 1:
+        # This should be considered a test class name
+        test_cls_name = tokens[0]
+        return test_cls_name, None
+    elif len(tokens) == 2:
+        # This should be considered a test class name followed by
+        # a list of test case names.
+        test_cls_name, test_case_names = tokens
+        clean_names = [elem.strip() for elem in test_case_names.split(",")]
+        return test_cls_name, clean_names
+def parse_test_list(test_list):
+    """Parse user provided test list into internal format for test_runner.
+    Args:
+        test_list: A list of test classes/cases.
+    """
+    result = []
+    for elem in test_list:
+        result.append(_parse_one_test_specifier(elem))
+    return result
+def load_test_config_file(test_config_path, tb_filters=None):
+    """Processes the test configuration file provided by the user.
+    Loads the configuration file into a json object, unpacks each testbed
+    config into its own TestRunConfig object, and validate the configuration in
+    the process.
+    Args:
+        test_config_path: Path to the test configuration file.
+        tb_filters: A subset of test bed names to be pulled from the config
+                    file. If None, then all test beds will be selected.
+    Returns:
+        A list of mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig objects to be passed to
+        test_runner.TestRunner.
+    """
+    configs = utils.load_config(test_config_path)
+    testbeds = configs[keys.Config.key_testbed.value]
+    if type(testbeds) is list:
+        tb_dict = dict()
+        for testbed in testbeds:
+            tb_dict[testbed[keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value]] = testbed
+        testbeds = tb_dict
+    elif type(testbeds) is dict:
+        # For compatibility, make sure the entry name is the same as
+        # the testbed's "name" entry
+        for name, testbed in testbeds.items():
+            testbed[keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value] = name
+    if tb_filters:
+        tbs = {}
+        for name in tb_filters:
+            if name in testbeds:
+                tbs[name] = testbeds[name]
+            else:
+                raise ActsConfigError(
+                    'Expected testbed named "%s", but none was found. Check '
+                    "if you have the correct testbed names." % name
+                )
+        testbeds = tbs
+    if (
+        keys.Config.key_log_path.value not in configs
+        and _ENV_ACTS_LOGPATH in os.environ
+    ):
+        print(f"Using environment log path: {os.environ[_ENV_ACTS_LOGPATH]}")
+        configs[keys.Config.key_log_path.value] = os.environ[_ENV_ACTS_LOGPATH]
+    if (
+        keys.Config.key_test_paths.value not in configs
+        and _ENV_ACTS_TESTPATHS in os.environ
+    ):
+        print(f"Using environment test paths: {os.environ[_ENV_ACTS_TESTPATHS]}")
+        configs[keys.Config.key_test_paths.value] = os.environ[
+            _ENV_ACTS_TESTPATHS
+        ].split(_PATH_SEPARATOR)
+    if (
+        keys.Config.key_test_failure_tracebacks not in configs
+        and _ENV_TEST_FAILURE_TRACEBACKS in os.environ
+    ):
+        configs[keys.Config.key_test_failure_tracebacks.value] = os.environ[
+        ]
+    # TODO: See if there is a better way to do this: b/29836695
+    config_path, _ = os.path.split(utils.abs_path(test_config_path))
+    configs[keys.Config.key_config_path.value] = config_path
+    _validate_test_config(configs)
+    _validate_testbed_configs(testbeds)
+    # Unpack testbeds into separate json objects.
+    configs.pop(keys.Config.key_testbed.value)
+    test_run_configs = []
+    for _, testbed in testbeds.items():
+        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
+        test_run_config.testbed_name = testbed[keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value]
+        test_run_config.controller_configs = testbed
+        test_run_config.controller_configs[
+            keys.Config.key_test_paths.value
+        ] = configs.get(keys.Config.key_test_paths.value, None)
+        test_run_config.log_path = configs.get(keys.Config.key_log_path.value, None)
+        if test_run_config.log_path is not None:
+            test_run_config.log_path = utils.abs_path(test_run_config.log_path)
+        user_param_pairs = []
+        for item in itertools.chain(configs.items(), testbed.items()):
+            if item[0] not in keys.Config.reserved_keys.value:
+                user_param_pairs.append(item)
+        test_run_config.user_params = dict(user_param_pairs)
+        test_run_configs.append(test_run_config)
+    return test_run_configs
+def parse_test_file(fpath):
+    """Parses a test file that contains test specifiers.
+    Args:
+        fpath: A string that is the path to the test file to parse.
+    Returns:
+        A list of strings, each is a test specifier.
+    """
+    with open(fpath, "r") as f:
+        tf = []
+        for line in f:
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            if len(tf) and (tf[-1].endswith(":") or tf[-1].endswith(",")):
+                tf[-1] += line
+            else:
+                tf.append(line)
+        return tf
diff --git a/packages/antlion/context.py b/packages/antlion/context.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61a6b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/context.py
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import enum
+import logging
+import os
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+from antlion.event.event import (
+    Event,
+    TestCaseBeginEvent,
+    TestCaseEndEvent,
+    TestCaseEvent,
+    TestClassBeginEvent,
+    TestClassEndEvent,
+    TestClassEvent,
+class ContextLevel(enum.IntEnum):
+    ROOT = 0
+    TESTCLASS = 1
+    TESTCASE = 2
+def get_current_context(depth=None):
+    """Get the current test context at the specified depth.
+    Pulls the most recently created context, with a level at or below the given
+    depth, from the _contexts stack.
+    Args:
+        depth: The desired context level. For example, the TESTCLASS level would
+            yield the current test class context, even if the test is currently
+            within a test case.
+    Returns: An instance of TestContext.
+    """
+    if depth is None:
+        return _contexts[-1]
+    return _contexts[min(depth, len(_contexts) - 1)]
+def get_context_for_event(event):
+    """Creates and returns a TestContext from the given event.
+    A TestClassContext is created for a TestClassEvent, and a TestCaseContext
+    is created for a TestCaseEvent.
+    Args:
+        event: An instance of TestCaseEvent or TestClassEvent.
+    Returns: An instance of TestContext corresponding to the event.
+    Raises: TypeError if event is neither a TestCaseEvent nor TestClassEvent
+    """
+    if isinstance(event, TestCaseEvent):
+        return _get_context_for_test_case_event(event)
+    if isinstance(event, TestClassEvent):
+        return _get_context_for_test_class_event(event)
+    raise TypeError("Unrecognized event type: %s %s", event, event.__class__)
+def _get_context_for_test_case_event(event):
+    """Generate a TestCaseContext from the given TestCaseEvent."""
+    return TestCaseContext(event.test_class, event.test_case)
+def _get_context_for_test_class_event(event):
+    """Generate a TestClassContext from the given TestClassEvent."""
+    return TestClassContext(event.test_class)
+class NewContextEvent(Event):
+    """The event posted when a test context has changed."""
+class NewTestClassContextEvent(NewContextEvent):
+    """The event posted when the test class context has changed."""
+class NewTestCaseContextEvent(NewContextEvent):
+    """The event posted when the test case context has changed."""
+def _update_test_class_context(event):
+    """Pushes a new TestClassContext to the _contexts stack upon a
+    TestClassBeginEvent. Pops the most recent context off the stack upon a
+    TestClassEndEvent. Posts the context change to the event bus.
+    Args:
+        event: An instance of TestClassBeginEvent or TestClassEndEvent.
+    """
+    if isinstance(event, TestClassBeginEvent):
+        _contexts.append(_get_context_for_test_class_event(event))
+    if isinstance(event, TestClassEndEvent):
+        if _contexts:
+            _contexts.pop()
+    event_bus.post(NewTestClassContextEvent())
+def _update_test_case_context(event):
+    """Pushes a new TestCaseContext to the _contexts stack upon a
+    TestCaseBeginEvent. Pops the most recent context off the stack upon a
+    TestCaseEndEvent. Posts the context change to the event bus.
+    Args:
+        event: An instance of TestCaseBeginEvent or TestCaseEndEvent.
+    """
+    if isinstance(event, TestCaseBeginEvent):
+        _contexts.append(_get_context_for_test_case_event(event))
+    if isinstance(event, TestCaseEndEvent):
+        if _contexts:
+            _contexts.pop()
+    event_bus.post(NewTestCaseContextEvent())
+event_bus.register(TestClassEvent, _update_test_class_context)
+event_bus.register(TestCaseBeginEvent, _update_test_case_context, order=-100)
+event_bus.register(TestCaseEndEvent, _update_test_case_context, order=100)
+class TestContext(object):
+    """An object representing the current context in which a test is executing.
+    The context encodes the current state of the test runner with respect to a
+    particular scenario in which code is being executed. For example, if some
+    code is being executed as part of a test case, then the context should
+    encode information about that test case such as its name or enclosing
+    class.
+    The subcontext specifies a relative path in which certain outputs,
+    e.g. logcat, should be kept for the given context.
+    The full output path is given by
+    <base_output_path>/<context_dir>/<subcontext>.
+    Attributes:
+        _base_output_paths: a dictionary mapping a logger's name to its base
+                            output path
+        _subcontexts: a dictionary mapping a logger's name to its
+                      subcontext-level output directory
+    """
+    _base_output_paths = {}
+    _subcontexts = {}
+    def get_base_output_path(self, log_name=None):
+        """Gets the base output path for this logger.
+        The base output path is interpreted as the reporting root for the
+        entire test runner.
+        If a path has been added with add_base_output_path, it is returned.
+        Otherwise, a default is determined by _get_default_base_output_path().
+        Args:
+            log_name: The name of the logger.
+        Returns:
+            The output path.
+        """
+        if log_name in self._base_output_paths:
+            return self._base_output_paths[log_name]
+        return self._get_default_base_output_path()
+    @classmethod
+    def add_base_output_path(cls, log_name, base_output_path):
+        """Store the base path for this logger.
+        Args:
+            log_name: The name of the logger.
+            base_output_path: The base path of output files for this logger.
+        """
+        cls._base_output_paths[log_name] = base_output_path
+    def get_subcontext(self, log_name=None):
+        """Gets the subcontext for this logger.
+        The subcontext is interpreted as the directory, relative to the
+        context-level path, where all outputs of the given logger are stored.
+        If a path has been added with add_subcontext, it is returned.
+        Otherwise, the empty string is returned.
+        Args:
+            log_name: The name of the logger.
+        Returns:
+            The output path.
+        """
+        return self._subcontexts.get(log_name, "")
+    @classmethod
+    def add_subcontext(cls, log_name, subcontext):
+        """Store the subcontext path for this logger.
+        Args:
+            log_name: The name of the logger.
+            subcontext: The relative subcontext path of output files for this
+                        logger.
+        """
+        cls._subcontexts[log_name] = subcontext
+    def get_full_output_path(self, log_name=None):
+        """Gets the full output path for this context.
+        The full path represents the absolute path to the output directory,
+        as given by <base_output_path>/<context_dir>/<subcontext>
+        Args:
+            log_name: The name of the logger. Used to specify the base output
+                      path and the subcontext.
+        Returns:
+            The output path.
+        """
+        path = os.path.join(
+            self.get_base_output_path(log_name),
+            self._get_default_context_dir(),
+            self.get_subcontext(log_name),
+        )
+        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
+        return path
+    @property
+    def identifier(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _get_default_base_output_path(self):
+        """Gets the default base output path.
+        This will attempt to use the ACTS logging path set up in the global
+        logger.
+        Returns:
+            The logging path.
+        Raises:
+            EnvironmentError: If the ACTS logger has not been initialized.
+        """
+        try:
+            return logging.log_path
+        except AttributeError as e:
+            raise EnvironmentError(
+                "The ACTS logger has not been set up and"
+                ' "base_output_path" has not been set.'
+            ) from e
+    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
+        """Gets the default output directory for this context."""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+class RootContext(TestContext):
+    """A TestContext that represents a test run."""
+    @property
+    def identifier(self):
+        return "root"
+    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
+        """Gets the default output directory for this context.
+        Logs at the root level context are placed directly in the base level
+        directory, so no context-level path exists."""
+        return ""
+class TestClassContext(TestContext):
+    """A TestContext that represents a test class.
+    Attributes:
+        test_class: The test class instance that this context represents.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_class):
+        """Initializes a TestClassContext for the given test class.
+        Args:
+            test_class: A test class object. Must be an instance of the test
+                        class, not the class object itself.
+        """
+        self.test_class = test_class
+    @property
+    def test_class_name(self):
+        return self.test_class.__class__.__name__
+    @property
+    def identifier(self):
+        return self.test_class_name
+    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
+        """Gets the default output directory for this context.
+        For TestClassContexts, this will be the name of the test class. This is
+        in line with the ACTS logger itself.
+        """
+        return self.test_class_name
+class TestCaseContext(TestContext):
+    """A TestContext that represents a test case.
+    Attributes:
+        test_case: The string name of the test case.
+        test_class: The test class instance enclosing the test case.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_class, test_case):
+        """Initializes a TestCaseContext for the given test case.
+        Args:
+            test_class: A test class object. Must be an instance of the test
+                        class, not the class object itself.
+            test_case: The string name of the test case.
+        """
+        self.test_class = test_class
+        self.test_case = test_case
+    @property
+    def test_case_name(self):
+        return self.test_case
+    @property
+    def test_class_name(self):
+        return self.test_class.__class__.__name__
+    @property
+    def identifier(self):
+        return f"{self.test_class_name}.{self.test_case_name}"
+    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
+        """Gets the default output directory for this context.
+        For TestCaseContexts, this will be the name of the test class followed
+        by the name of the test case. This is in line with the ACTS logger
+        itself.
+        """
+        return os.path.join(self.test_class_name, self.test_case_name)
+# stack for keeping track of the current test context
+_contexts = [RootContext()]
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/OWNERS b/packages/antlion/controllers/OWNERS
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/OWNERS
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/OWNERS
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py
copy to packages/antlion/controllers/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/access_point.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/access_point.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9789a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/access_point.py
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import datetime
+import ipaddress
+import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Any, FrozenSet, Mapping
+from antlion import logger, utils
+from antlion.capabilities.ssh import SSHConfig, SSHProvider
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.ap_get_interface import ApInterfaces
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.ap_iwconfig import ApIwconfig
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.bridge_interface import BridgeInterface
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.dhcp_config import DhcpConfig, Subnet
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.dhcp_server import DhcpServer, NoInterfaceError
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.extended_capabilities import ExtendedCapabilities
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd import Hostapd
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_ap_preset import create_ap_preset
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_config import HostapdConfig
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd import Radvd
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd_config import RadvdConfig
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import (
+    BssTransitionManagementRequest,
+from antlion.controllers.pdu import PduDevice, get_pdu_port_for_device
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import ip, route
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection, settings
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+class Error(Exception):
+    """Error raised when there is a problem with the access point."""
+class _ApInstance:
+    hostapd: Hostapd
+    subnet: Subnet
+# These ranges were split this way since each physical radio can have up
+# to 8 SSIDs so for the 2GHz radio the DHCP range will be
+# 192.168.1 - 8 and the 5Ghz radio will be 192.168.9 - 16
+# The last digit of the ip for the bridge interface
+class AccessPoint(object):
+    """An access point controller.
+    Attributes:
+        ssh: The ssh connection to this ap.
+        ssh_settings: The ssh settings being used by the ssh connection.
+        dhcp_settings: The dhcp server settings being used.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, configs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            configs: configs for the access point from config file.
+        """
+        self.ssh_settings = settings.from_config(configs["ssh_config"])
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(
+            lambda msg: f"[Access Point|{self.ssh_settings.hostname}] {msg}"
+        )
+        self.device_pdu_config = configs.get("PduDevice", None)
+        self.identifier = self.ssh_settings.hostname
+        if "ap_subnet" in configs:
+            self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR: str = configs["ap_subnet"]["2g"]
+            self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR: str = configs["ap_subnet"]["5g"]
+        else:
+        self._AP_2G_SUBNET = Subnet(ipaddress.IPv4Network(self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR))
+        self._AP_5G_SUBNET = Subnet(ipaddress.IPv4Network(self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR))
+        self.ssh = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
+        # TODO(http://b/278758876): Replace self.ssh with self.ssh_provider
+        self.ssh_provider = SSHProvider(
+            SSHConfig(
+                self.ssh_settings.username,
+                self.ssh_settings.hostname,
+                self.ssh_settings.identity_file,
+                port=self.ssh_settings.port,
+                ssh_binary=self.ssh_settings.executable,
+                connect_timeout=90,
+            )
+        )
+        # Singleton utilities for running various commands.
+        self._ip_cmd = ip.LinuxIpCommand(self.ssh)
+        self._route_cmd = route.LinuxRouteCommand(self.ssh)
+        # A map from network interface name to _ApInstance objects representing
+        # the hostapd instance running against the interface.
+        self._aps: dict[str, _ApInstance] = dict()
+        self._dhcp: DhcpServer | None = None
+        self._dhcp_bss: dict[Any, Subnet] = dict()
+        self._radvd: Radvd | None = None
+        self.bridge = BridgeInterface(self)
+        self.iwconfig = ApIwconfig(self)
+        # Check to see if wan_interface is specified in acts_config for tests
+        # isolated from the internet and set this override.
+        self.interfaces = ApInterfaces(self, configs.get("wan_interface"))
+        # Get needed interface names and initialize the unnecessary ones.
+        self.wan = self.interfaces.get_wan_interface()
+        self.wlan = self.interfaces.get_wlan_interface()
+        self.wlan_2g = self.wlan[0]
+        self.wlan_5g = self.wlan[1]
+        self.lan = self.interfaces.get_lan_interface()
+        self._initial_ap()
+        self.setup_bridge = False
+        # Access points are not given internet access, so their system time needs to be
+        # manually set to be accurate.
+        self._sync_time()
+    def _initial_ap(self) -> None:
+        """Initial AP interfaces.
+        Bring down hostapd if instance is running, bring down all bridge
+        interfaces.
+        """
+        # This is necessary for Gale/Whirlwind flashed with dev channel image
+        # Unused interfaces such as existing hostapd daemon, guest, mesh
+        # interfaces need to be brought down as part of the AP initialization
+        # process, otherwise test would fail.
+        try:
+            self.ssh.run("stop wpasupplicant")
+        except job.Error:
+            self.log.info("No wpasupplicant running")
+        try:
+            self.ssh.run("stop hostapd")
+        except job.Error:
+            self.log.info("No hostapd running")
+        # Bring down all wireless interfaces
+        for iface in self.wlan:
+            WLAN_DOWN = f"ip link set {iface} down"
+            self.ssh.run(WLAN_DOWN)
+        # Bring down all bridge interfaces
+        bridge_interfaces = self.interfaces.get_bridge_interface()
+        for iface in bridge_interfaces:
+            BRIDGE_DOWN = f"ip link set {iface} down"
+            BRIDGE_DEL = f"brctl delbr {iface}"
+            self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DOWN)
+            self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DEL)
+    def _sync_time(self) -> None:
+        """Synchronize the system time.
+        Allows for better synchronization between antlion host logs and AP logs.
+        Useful for when the device does not have internet connection.
+        """
+        now = datetime.datetime.now().astimezone().isoformat()
+        self.ssh.run(f'date -s "{now}"')
+    def start_ap(
+        self,
+        hostapd_config: HostapdConfig,
+        radvd_config: RadvdConfig | None = None,
+        setup_bridge: bool = False,
+        is_nat_enabled: bool = True,
+        additional_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
+    ) -> list[str]:
+        """Starts as an ap using a set of configurations.
+        This will start an ap on this host. To start an ap the controller
+        selects a network interface to use based on the configs given. It then
+        will start up hostapd on that interface. Next a subnet is created for
+        the network interface and dhcp server is refreshed to give out ips
+        for that subnet for any device that connects through that interface.
+        Args:
+            hostapd_config: The configurations to use when starting up the ap.
+            radvd_config: The IPv6 configuration to use when starting up the ap.
+            setup_bridge: Whether to bridge the LAN interface WLAN interface.
+                Only one WLAN interface can be bridged with the LAN interface
+                and none of the guest networks can be bridged.
+            is_nat_enabled: If True, start NAT on the AP to allow the DUT to be
+                able to access the internet if the WAN port is connected to the
+                internet.
+            additional_parameters: Parameters that can sent directly into the
+                hostapd config file.  This can be used for debugging and or
+                adding one off parameters into the config.
+        Returns:
+            An identifier for each ssid being started. These identifiers can be
+            used later by this controller to control the ap.
+        Raises:
+            Error: When the ap can't be brought up.
+        """
+        if additional_parameters is None:
+            additional_parameters = {}
+        if hostapd_config.frequency < 5000:
+            interface = self.wlan_2g
+            subnet = self._AP_2G_SUBNET
+        else:
+            interface = self.wlan_5g
+            subnet = self._AP_5G_SUBNET
+        # radvd requires the interface to have a IPv6 link-local address.
+        if radvd_config:
+            self.ssh.run(f"sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.{interface}.disable_ipv6=0")
+            self.ssh.run(f"sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.{interface}.forwarding=1")
+        # In order to handle dhcp servers on any interface, the initiation of
+        # the dhcp server must be done after the wlan interfaces are figured
+        # out as opposed to being in __init__
+        self._dhcp = DhcpServer(self.ssh, interface=interface)
+        # For multi bssid configurations the mac address
+        # of the wireless interface needs to have enough space to mask out
+        # up to 8 different mac addresses. So in for one interface the range is
+        # hex 0-7 and for the other the range is hex 8-f.
+        interface_mac_orig = None
+        cmd = f"ip link show {interface}|grep ether|awk -F' ' '{{print $2}}'"
+        interface_mac_orig = self.ssh.run(cmd)
+        if interface == self.wlan_5g:
+            hostapd_config.bssid = f"{interface_mac_orig.stdout[:-1]}0"
+            last_octet = 1
+        if interface == self.wlan_2g:
+            hostapd_config.bssid = f"{interface_mac_orig.stdout[:-1]}8"
+            last_octet = 9
+        if interface in self._aps:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "No WiFi interface available for AP on "
+                f"channel {hostapd_config.channel}"
+            )
+        apd = Hostapd(self.ssh, interface)
+        new_instance = _ApInstance(hostapd=apd, subnet=subnet)
+        self._aps[interface] = new_instance
+        # Turn off the DHCP server, we're going to change its settings.
+        self.stop_dhcp()
+        # Clear all routes to prevent old routes from interfering.
+        self._route_cmd.clear_routes(net_interface=interface)
+        # Add IPv6 link-local route so packets destined to the AP will be
+        # processed by the AP. This is necessary if an iperf server is running
+        # on the AP, but not for traffic handled by the Linux networking stack
+        # such as ping.
+        if radvd_config:
+            self._route_cmd.add_route(interface, "fe80::/64")
+        self._dhcp_bss = dict()
+        if hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
+            # The self._dhcp_bss dictionary is created to hold the key/value
+            # pair of the interface name and the ip scope that will be
+            # used for the particular interface.  The a, b, c, d
+            # variables below are the octets for the ip address.  The
+            # third octet is then incremented for each interface that
+            # is requested.  This part is designed to bring up the
+            # hostapd interfaces and not the DHCP servers for each
+            # interface.
+            counter = 1
+            for bss in hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
+                if interface_mac_orig:
+                    hostapd_config.bss_lookup[bss].bssid = (
+                        interface_mac_orig.stdout[:-1] + hex(last_octet)[-1:]
+                    )
+                self._route_cmd.clear_routes(net_interface=str(bss))
+                if interface is self.wlan_2g:
+                    starting_ip_range = self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR
+                else:
+                    starting_ip_range = self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR
+                a, b, c, d = starting_ip_range.split(".")
+                self._dhcp_bss[bss] = Subnet(
+                    ipaddress.IPv4Network(f"{a}.{b}.{int(c) + counter}.{d}")
+                )
+                counter = counter + 1
+                last_octet = last_octet + 1
+        apd.start(hostapd_config, additional_parameters=additional_parameters)
+        # The DHCP serer requires interfaces to have ips and routes before
+        # the server will come up.
+        interface_ip = ipaddress.ip_interface(
+            f"{subnet.router}/{subnet.network.netmask}"
+        )
+        if setup_bridge is True:
+            bridge_interface_name = "eth_test"
+            interfaces = [interface]
+            if self.lan:
+                interfaces.append(self.lan)
+            self.create_bridge(bridge_interface_name, interfaces)
+            self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(bridge_interface_name, interface_ip)
+        else:
+            self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(interface, interface_ip)
+        if hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
+            # This loop goes through each interface that was setup for
+            # hostapd and assigns the DHCP scopes that were defined but
+            # not used during the hostapd loop above.  The k and v
+            # variables represent the interface name, k, and dhcp info, v.
+            for k, v in self._dhcp_bss.items():
+                bss_interface_ip = ipaddress.ip_interface(
+                    f"{self._dhcp_bss[k].router}/{self._dhcp_bss[k].network.netmask}"
+                )
+                self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(str(k), bss_interface_ip)
+        # Restart the DHCP server with our updated list of subnets.
+        configured_subnets = self.get_configured_subnets()
+        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig(subnets=configured_subnets)
+        self.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
+        if is_nat_enabled:
+            self.start_nat()
+            self.enable_forwarding()
+        else:
+            self.stop_nat()
+            self.enable_forwarding()
+        if radvd_config:
+            radvd_interface = bridge_interface_name if setup_bridge else interface
+            self._radvd = Radvd(self.ssh, radvd_interface)
+            self._radvd.start(radvd_config)
+        else:
+            self._radvd = None
+        bss_interfaces = [bss for bss in hostapd_config.bss_lookup]
+        bss_interfaces.append(interface)
+        return bss_interfaces
+    def get_configured_subnets(self) -> list[Subnet]:
+        """Get the list of configured subnets on the access point.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects create custom DHCP
+        configs with the correct subnets.
+        Returns: a list of Subnet objects
+        """
+        configured_subnets = [x.subnet for x in self._aps.values()]
+        for k, v in self._dhcp_bss.items():
+            configured_subnets.append(v)
+        return configured_subnets
+    def start_dhcp(self, dhcp_conf: DhcpConfig) -> None:
+        """Start a DHCP server for the specified subnets.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects to control DHCP.
+        Args:
+            dhcp_conf: A DhcpConfig object.
+        Raises:
+            Error: Raised when a dhcp server error is found.
+        """
+        if self._dhcp is not None:
+            self._dhcp.start(config=dhcp_conf)
+    def stop_dhcp(self) -> None:
+        """Stop DHCP for this AP object.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects to control DHCP.
+        """
+        if self._dhcp is not None:
+            self._dhcp.stop()
+    def get_systemd_journal(self) -> str:
+        """Get systemd journal logs from this current boot."""
+        return self.ssh.run(f"journalctl --boot").stdout
+    def get_dhcp_logs(self) -> str | None:
+        """Get DHCP logs for this AP object.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects to validate DHCP
+        behavior.
+        Returns:
+            A string of the dhcp server logs, or None is a DHCP server has not
+            been started.
+        """
+        if self._dhcp is not None:
+            return self._dhcp.get_logs()
+        return None
+    def get_hostapd_logs(self) -> dict[str, str]:
+        """Get hostapd logs for all interfaces on AP object.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects to validate hostapd
+        behavior.
+        Returns: A dict with {interface: log} from hostapd instances.
+        """
+        hostapd_logs: dict[str, str] = dict()
+        for identifier in self._aps:
+            hostapd_logs[identifier] = self._aps[identifier].hostapd.pull_logs()
+        return hostapd_logs
+    def get_radvd_logs(self) -> str | None:
+        """Get radvd logs for this AP object.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects to validate radvd
+        behavior.
+        Returns:
+            A string of the radvd logs, or None is a radvd server has not been
+            started.
+        """
+        if self._radvd:
+            return self._radvd.pull_logs()
+        return None
+    def enable_forwarding(self) -> None:
+        """Enable IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding on the AP.
+        When forwarding is enabled, the access point is able to route IP packets
+        between devices in the same subnet.
+        """
+        self.ssh.run("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward")
+        self.ssh.run("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding")
+    def start_nat(self) -> None:
+        """Start NAT on the AP.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects to enable NAT
+        on the AP.
+        Note that this is currently a global setting, since we don't
+        have per-interface masquerade rules.
+        """
+        # The following three commands are needed to enable NAT between
+        # the WAN and LAN/WLAN ports.  This means anyone connecting to the
+        # WLAN/LAN ports will be able to access the internet if the WAN port
+        # is connected to the internet.
+        self.ssh.run("iptables -t nat -F")
+        self.ssh.run(f"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o {self.wan} -j MASQUERADE")
+    def stop_nat(self) -> None:
+        """Stop NAT on the AP.
+        This allows consumers of the access point objects to disable NAT on the
+        AP.
+        Note that this is currently a global setting, since we don't have
+        per-interface masquerade rules.
+        """
+        self.ssh.run("iptables -t nat -F")
+    def create_bridge(self, bridge_name: str, interfaces: list[str]) -> None:
+        """Create the specified bridge and bridge the specified interfaces.
+        Args:
+            bridge_name: The name of the bridge to create.
+            interfaces: A list of interfaces to add to the bridge.
+        """
+        # Create the bridge interface
+        self.ssh.run(f"brctl addbr {bridge_name}")
+        for interface in interfaces:
+            self.ssh.run(f"brctl addif {bridge_name} {interface}")
+        self.ssh.run(f"ip link set {bridge_name} up")
+    def remove_bridge(self, bridge_name: str) -> None:
+        """Removes the specified bridge
+        Args:
+            bridge_name: The name of the bridge to remove.
+        """
+        # Check if the bridge exists.
+        #
+        # Cases where it may not are if we failed to initialize properly
+        #
+        # Or if we're doing 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz SSIDs and we've already torn
+        # down the bridge once, but we got called for each band.
+        result = self.ssh.run(f"brctl show {bridge_name}", ignore_status=True)
+        # If the bridge exists, we'll get an exit_status of 0, indicating
+        # success, so we can continue and remove the bridge.
+        if result.returncode == 0:
+            self.ssh.run(f"ip link set {bridge_name} down")
+            self.ssh.run(f"brctl delbr {bridge_name}")
+    def get_bssid_from_ssid(self, ssid: str, band: str) -> str | None:
+        """Gets the BSSID from a provided SSID
+        Args:
+            ssid: An SSID string.
+            band: 2G or 5G Wifi band.
+        Returns: The BSSID if on the AP or None if SSID could not be found.
+        """
+        if band == hostapd_constants.BAND_2G:
+            interfaces = [self.wlan_2g, ssid]
+        else:
+            interfaces = [self.wlan_5g, ssid]
+        # Get the interface name associated with the given ssid.
+        for interface in interfaces:
+            iw_output = self.ssh.run(
+                f"iw dev {interface} info|grep ssid|awk -F' ' '{{print $2}}'"
+            )
+            if "command failed: No such device" in iw_output.stderr:
+                continue
+            else:
+                # If the configured ssid is equal to the given ssid, we found
+                # the right interface.
+                if iw_output.stdout == ssid:
+                    iw_output = self.ssh.run(
+                        f"iw dev {interface} info|grep addr|awk -F' ' '{{print $2}}'"
+                    )
+                    return iw_output.stdout
+        return None
+    def stop_ap(self, identifier: str) -> None:
+        """Stops a running ap on this controller.
+        Args:
+            identifier: The identify of the ap that should be taken down.
+        """
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        if self._radvd:
+            self._radvd.stop()
+        try:
+            self.stop_dhcp()
+        except NoInterfaceError:
+            pass
+        self.stop_nat()
+        instance.hostapd.stop()
+        self._ip_cmd.clear_ipv4_addresses(identifier)
+        del self._aps[identifier]
+        bridge_interfaces = self.interfaces.get_bridge_interface()
+        for iface in bridge_interfaces:
+            BRIDGE_DOWN = f"ip link set {iface} down"
+            BRIDGE_DEL = f"brctl delbr {iface}"
+            self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DOWN)
+            self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DEL)
+    def stop_all_aps(self) -> None:
+        """Stops all running aps on this device."""
+        for ap in list(self._aps.keys()):
+            self.stop_ap(ap)
+    def close(self) -> None:
+        """Called to take down the entire access point.
+        When called will stop all aps running on this host, shutdown the dhcp
+        server, and stop the ssh connection.
+        """
+        if self._aps:
+            self.stop_all_aps()
+        self.ssh.close()
+    def generate_bridge_configs(self, channel: int) -> tuple[str, str | None, str]:
+        """Generate a list of configs for a bridge between LAN and WLAN.
+        Args:
+            channel: the channel WLAN interface is brought up on
+            iface_lan: the LAN interface to bridge
+        Returns:
+            configs: tuple containing iface_wlan, iface_lan and bridge_ip
+        """
+        if channel < 15:
+            iface_wlan = self.wlan_2g
+            subnet_str = self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR
+        else:
+            iface_wlan = self.wlan_5g
+            subnet_str = self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR
+        iface_lan = self.lan
+        a, b, c, _ = subnet_str.strip("/24").split(".")
+        bridge_ip = f"{a}.{b}.{c}.{BRIDGE_IP_LAST}"
+        return (iface_wlan, iface_lan, bridge_ip)
+    def ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 56,
+        additional_ping_params: str = "",
+    ) -> utils.PingResult:
+        """Pings from AP to dest_ip, returns dict of ping stats (see utils.ping)"""
+        return utils.ping(
+            self.ssh,
+            dest_ip,
+            count=count,
+            interval=interval,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            size=size,
+            additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params,
+        )
+    def can_ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 1,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 56,
+        additional_ping_params: str = "",
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Returns whether ap can ping dest_ip (see utils.can_ping)"""
+        return utils.can_ping(
+            self.ssh,
+            dest_ip,
+            count=count,
+            interval=interval,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            size=size,
+            additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params,
+        )
+    def hard_power_cycle(
+        self,
+        pdus: list[PduDevice],
+        hostapd_configs: list[HostapdConfig] | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Kills, then restores power to AccessPoint, verifying it goes down and
+        comes back online cleanly.
+        Args:
+            pdus: PDUs in the testbed
+            hostapd_configs: Hostapd settings. If present, these networks will
+                be spun up after the AP has rebooted. This list can either
+                contain HostapdConfig objects, or dictionaries with the start_ap
+                params
+                    (i.e  { 'hostapd_config': <HostapdConfig>,
+                            'setup_bridge': <bool>,
+                            'additional_parameters': <dict> } ).
+        Raise:
+            Error, if no PduDevice is provided in AccessPoint config.
+            ConnectionError, if AccessPoint fails to go offline or come back.
+        """
+        if not self.device_pdu_config:
+            raise Error("No PduDevice provided in AccessPoint config.")
+        if hostapd_configs is None:
+            hostapd_configs = []
+        self.log.info(f"Power cycling")
+        ap_pdu, ap_pdu_port = get_pdu_port_for_device(self.device_pdu_config, pdus)
+        self.log.info(f"Killing power")
+        ap_pdu.off(ap_pdu_port)
+        self.log.info("Verifying AccessPoint is unreachable.")
+        self.ssh_provider.wait_until_unreachable()
+        self.log.info("AccessPoint is unreachable as expected.")
+        self._aps.clear()
+        self.log.info(f"Restoring power")
+        ap_pdu.on(ap_pdu_port)
+        self.log.info("Waiting for AccessPoint to become available via SSH.")
+        self.ssh_provider.wait_until_reachable()
+        self.log.info("AccessPoint responded to SSH.")
+        # Allow 5 seconds for OS to finish getting set up
+        time.sleep(5)
+        self._initial_ap()
+        self.log.info("Power cycled successfully")
+        for settings in hostapd_configs:
+            if isinstance(settings, HostapdConfig):
+                config = settings
+                setup_bridge = False
+                additional_parameters: dict[str, Any] = {}
+            elif isinstance(settings, dict):
+                config = settings["hostapd_config"]
+                setup_bridge = settings.get("setup_bridge", False)
+                additional_parameters = settings.get("additional_parameters", {})
+            else:
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "Items in hostapd_configs list must either be "
+                    "HostapdConfig objects or dictionaries."
+                )
+            self.log.info(f"Restarting network {config.ssid}")
+            self.start_ap(
+                config,
+                setup_bridge=setup_bridge,
+                additional_parameters=additional_parameters,
+            )
+    def channel_switch(self, identifier: str, channel_num: int) -> None:
+        """Switch to a different channel on the given AP."""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        self.log.info(f"channel switch to channel {channel_num}")
+        instance.hostapd.channel_switch(channel_num)
+    def get_current_channel(self, identifier: str) -> int:
+        """Find the current channel on the given AP."""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        return instance.hostapd.get_current_channel()
+    def get_stas(self, identifier: str) -> set[str]:
+        """Return MAC addresses of all associated STAs on the given AP."""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        return instance.hostapd.get_stas()
+    def sta_authenticated(self, identifier: str, sta_mac: str) -> bool:
+        """Is STA authenticated?"""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        return instance.hostapd.sta_authenticated(sta_mac)
+    def sta_associated(self, identifier: str, sta_mac: str) -> bool:
+        """Is STA associated?"""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        return instance.hostapd.sta_associated(sta_mac)
+    def sta_authorized(self, identifier: str, sta_mac: str) -> bool:
+        """Is STA authorized (802.1X controlled port open)?"""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        return instance.hostapd.sta_authorized(sta_mac)
+    def get_sta_extended_capabilities(
+        self, identifier: str, sta_mac: str
+    ) -> ExtendedCapabilities:
+        """Get extended capabilities for the given STA, as seen by the AP."""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        return instance.hostapd.get_sta_extended_capabilities(sta_mac)
+    def send_bss_transition_management_req(
+        self, identifier: str, sta_mac: str, request: BssTransitionManagementRequest
+    ) -> None:
+        """Send a BSS Transition Management request to an associated STA."""
+        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
+        if instance is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier {identifier} given")
+        instance.hostapd.send_bss_transition_management_req(sta_mac, request)
+def setup_ap(
+    access_point: AccessPoint,
+    profile_name: str,
+    channel: int,
+    ssid: str,
+    mode: str | None = None,
+    preamble: bool | None = None,
+    beacon_interval: int | None = None,
+    dtim_period: int | None = None,
+    frag_threshold: int | None = None,
+    rts_threshold: int | None = None,
+    force_wmm: bool | None = None,
+    hidden: bool | None = False,
+    security: Security | None = None,
+    pmf_support: int | None = None,
+    additional_ap_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
+    n_capabilities: list[Any] | None = None,
+    ac_capabilities: list[Any] | None = None,
+    vht_bandwidth: int | None = None,
+    wnm_features: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset(),
+    setup_bridge: bool = False,
+    is_ipv6_enabled: bool = False,
+    is_nat_enabled: bool = True,
+) -> list[str]:
+    """Creates a hostapd profile and runs it on an ap. This is a convenience
+    function that allows us to start an ap with a single function, without first
+    creating a hostapd config.
+    Args:
+        access_point: An ACTS access_point controller
+        profile_name: The profile name of one of the hostapd ap presets.
+        channel: What channel to set the AP to.
+        preamble: Whether to set short or long preamble
+        beacon_interval: The beacon interval
+        dtim_period: Length of dtim period
+        frag_threshold: Fragmentation threshold
+        rts_threshold: RTS threshold
+        force_wmm: Enable WMM or not
+        hidden: Advertise the SSID or not
+        security: What security to enable.
+        pmf_support: Whether pmf is not disabled, enabled, or required
+        additional_ap_parameters: Additional parameters to send the AP.
+        check_connectivity: Whether to check for internet connectivity.
+        wnm_features: WNM features to enable on the AP.
+        setup_bridge: Whether to bridge the LAN interface WLAN interface.
+            Only one WLAN interface can be bridged with the LAN interface
+            and none of the guest networks can be bridged.
+        is_ipv6_enabled: If True, start a IPv6 router advertisement daemon
+        is_nat_enabled: If True, start NAT on the AP to allow the DUT to be able
+            to access the internet if the WAN port is connected to the internet.
+    Returns:
+        An identifier for each ssid being started. These identifiers can be
+        used later by this controller to control the ap.
+    Raises:
+        Error: When the ap can't be brought up.
+    """
+    if additional_ap_parameters is None:
+        additional_ap_parameters = {}
+    ap = create_ap_preset(
+        profile_name=profile_name,
+        iface_wlan_2g=access_point.wlan_2g,
+        iface_wlan_5g=access_point.wlan_5g,
+        channel=channel,
+        ssid=ssid,
+        mode=mode,
+        short_preamble=preamble,
+        beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+        dtim_period=dtim_period,
+        frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
+        rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
+        force_wmm=force_wmm,
+        hidden=hidden,
+        bss_settings=[],
+        security=security,
+        pmf_support=pmf_support,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_bandwidth=vht_bandwidth,
+        wnm_features=wnm_features,
+    )
+    return access_point.start_ap(
+        hostapd_config=ap,
+        radvd_config=RadvdConfig() if is_ipv6_enabled else None,
+        setup_bridge=setup_bridge,
+        is_nat_enabled=is_nat_enabled,
+        additional_parameters=additional_ap_parameters,
+    )
+def create(configs: Any) -> list[AccessPoint]:
+    """Creates ap controllers from a json config.
+    Creates an ap controller from either a list, or a single
+    element. The element can either be just the hostname or a dictionary
+    containing the hostname and username of the ap to connect to over ssh.
+    Args:
+        The json configs that represent this controller.
+    Returns:
+        A new AccessPoint.
+    """
+    return [AccessPoint(c) for c in configs]
+def destroy(aps: list[AccessPoint]) -> None:
+    """Destroys a list of access points.
+    Args:
+        aps: The list of access points to destroy.
+    """
+    for ap in aps:
+        ap.close()
+def get_info(aps: list[AccessPoint]) -> list[str]:
+    """Get information on a list of access points.
+    Args:
+        aps: A list of AccessPoints.
+    Returns:
+        A list of all aps hostname.
+    """
+    return [ap.ssh_settings.hostname for ap in aps]
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/adb.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/adb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61597ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/adb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import re
+import shlex
+import shutil
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError, AdbError
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+ADB_REGEX = re.compile("adb:")
+# Uses a regex to be backwards compatible with previous versions of ADB
+# (N and above add the serial to the error msg).
+DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_REGEX = re.compile("error: device (?:'.*?' )?not found")
+DEVICE_OFFLINE_REGEX = re.compile("error: device offline")
+# Raised when adb forward commands fail to forward a port.
+CANNOT_BIND_LISTENER_REGEX = re.compile("error: cannot bind listener:")
+# Expected output is "Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.XX
+ADB_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile("Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.(\d+)")
+GREP_REGEX = re.compile("grep(\s+)")
+SHELL_USER_ID = "2000"
+def parsing_parcel_output(output):
+    """Parsing the adb output in Parcel format.
+    Parsing the adb output in format:
+      Result: Parcel(
+        0x00000000: 00000000 00000014 00390038 00340031 '........'
+        0x00000010: 00300038 00300030 00300030 00340032 ''
+        0x00000020: 00350034 00330035 00320038 00310033 ''
+        0x00000030: 00000000                            '....            ')
+    """
+    output = "".join(re.findall(r"'(.*)'", output))
+    return re.sub(r"[.\s]", "", output)
+class AdbProxy(object):
+    """Proxy class for ADB.
+    For syntactic reasons, the '-' in adb commands need to be replaced with
+    '_'. Can directly execute adb commands on an object:
+    >> adb = AdbProxy(<serial>)
+    >> adb.start_server()
+    >> adb.devices() # will return the console output of "adb devices".
+    """
+    def __init__(self, serial="", ssh_connection=None):
+        """Construct an instance of AdbProxy.
+        Args:
+            serial: str serial number of Android device from `adb devices`
+            ssh_connection: SshConnection instance if the Android device is
+                            connected to a remote host that we can reach via SSH.
+        """
+        self.serial = serial
+        self._server_local_port = None
+        adb_path = shutil.which("adb")
+        adb_cmd = [shlex.quote(adb_path)]
+        if serial:
+            adb_cmd.append(f"-s {serial}")
+        if ssh_connection is not None:
+            # Kill all existing adb processes on the remote host (if any)
+            # Note that if there are none, then pkill exits with non-zero status
+            ssh_connection.run("pkill adb", ignore_status=True)
+            # Copy over the adb binary to a temp dir
+            temp_dir = ssh_connection.run("mktemp -d").stdout.strip()
+            ssh_connection.send_file(adb_path, temp_dir)
+            # Start up a new adb server running as root from the copied binary.
+            remote_adb_cmd = "%s/adb %s root" % (
+                temp_dir,
+                "-s %s" % serial if serial else "",
+            )
+            ssh_connection.run(remote_adb_cmd)
+            # Proxy a local port to the adb server port
+            local_port = ssh_connection.create_ssh_tunnel(5037)
+            self._server_local_port = local_port
+        if self._server_local_port:
+            adb_cmd.append(f"-P {local_port}")
+        self.adb_str = " ".join(adb_cmd)
+        self._ssh_connection = ssh_connection
+    def get_user_id(self):
+        """Returns the adb user. Either 2000 (shell) or 0 (root)."""
+        return self.shell("id -u")
+    def is_root(self, user_id=None):
+        """Checks if the user is root.
+        Args:
+            user_id: if supplied, the id to check against.
+        Returns:
+            True if the user is root. False otherwise.
+        """
+        if not user_id:
+            user_id = self.get_user_id()
+        return user_id == ROOT_USER_ID
+    def ensure_root(self):
+        """Ensures the user is root after making this call.
+        Note that this will still fail if the device is a user build, as root
+        is not accessible from a user build.
+        Returns:
+            False if the device is a user build. True otherwise.
+        """
+        self.ensure_user(ROOT_USER_ID)
+        return self.is_root()
+    def ensure_user(self, user_id=SHELL_USER_ID):
+        """Ensures the user is set to the given user.
+        Args:
+            user_id: The id of the user.
+        """
+        if self.is_root(user_id):
+            self.root()
+        else:
+            self.unroot()
+        self.wait_for_device()
+        return self.get_user_id() == user_id
+    def _exec_cmd(self, cmd, ignore_status=False, timeout=DEFAULT_ADB_TIMEOUT):
+        """Executes adb commands in a new shell.
+        This is specific to executing adb commands.
+        Args:
+            cmd: A string or list that is the adb command to execute.
+        Returns:
+            The stdout of the adb command.
+        Raises:
+            AdbError for errors in ADB operations.
+            AdbCommandError for errors from commands executed through ADB.
+        """
+        if isinstance(cmd, list):
+            cmd = " ".join(cmd)
+        result = job.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, timeout_sec=timeout)
+        ret, out, err = result.exit_status, result.stdout, result.stderr
+        if any(
+            pattern.match(err)
+            for pattern in [
+                ADB_REGEX,
+                DEVICE_OFFLINE_REGEX,
+                DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_REGEX,
+            ]
+        ):
+            raise AdbError(cmd=cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret)
+        if "Result: Parcel" in out:
+            return parsing_parcel_output(out)
+        if ignore_status or (ret == 1 and GREP_REGEX.search(cmd)):
+            return out or err
+        if ret != 0:
+            raise AdbCommandError(cmd=cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret)
+        return out
+    def _exec_adb_cmd(self, name, arg_str, **kwargs):
+        return self._exec_cmd(f"{self.adb_str} {name} {arg_str}", **kwargs)
+    def _exec_cmd_nb(self, cmd, **kwargs):
+        """Executes adb commands in a new shell, non blocking.
+        Args:
+            cmds: A string that is the adb command to execute.
+        """
+        return job.run_async(cmd, **kwargs)
+    def _exec_adb_cmd_nb(self, name, arg_str, **kwargs):
+        return self._exec_cmd_nb(f"{self.adb_str} {name} {arg_str}", **kwargs)
+    def tcp_forward(self, host_port, device_port):
+        """Starts tcp forwarding from localhost to this android device.
+        Args:
+            host_port: Port number to use on localhost
+            device_port: Port number to use on the android device.
+        Returns:
+            Forwarded port on host as int or command output string on error
+        """
+        if self._ssh_connection:
+            # We have to hop through a remote host first.
+            #  1) Find some free port on the remote host's localhost
+            #  2) Setup forwarding between that remote port and the requested
+            #     device port
+            remote_port = self._ssh_connection.find_free_port()
+            host_port = self._ssh_connection.create_ssh_tunnel(
+                remote_port, local_port=host_port
+            )
+        output = self.forward(f"tcp:{host_port} tcp:{device_port}", ignore_status=True)
+        # If hinted_port is 0, the output will be the selected port.
+        # Otherwise, there will be no output upon successfully
+        # forwarding the hinted port.
+        if not output:
+            return host_port
+        try:
+            output_int = int(output)
+        except ValueError:
+            return output
+        return output_int
+    def remove_tcp_forward(self, host_port):
+        """Stop tcp forwarding a port from localhost to this android device.
+        Args:
+            host_port: Port number to use on localhost
+        """
+        if self._ssh_connection:
+            remote_port = self._ssh_connection.close_ssh_tunnel(host_port)
+            if remote_port is None:
+                logging.warning(
+                    "Cannot close unknown forwarded tcp port: %d", host_port
+                )
+                return
+            # The actual port we need to disable via adb is on the remote host.
+            host_port = remote_port
+        self.forward(f"--remove tcp:{host_port}")
+    def getprop(self, prop_name):
+        """Get a property of the device.
+        This is a convenience wrapper for "adb shell getprop xxx".
+        Args:
+            prop_name: A string that is the name of the property to get.
+        Returns:
+            A string that is the value of the property, or None if the property
+            doesn't exist.
+        """
+        return self.shell(f"getprop {prop_name}")
+    # TODO: This should be abstracted out into an object like the other shell
+    # command.
+    def shell(self, command, ignore_status=False, timeout=DEFAULT_ADB_TIMEOUT):
+        return self._exec_adb_cmd(
+            "shell", shlex.quote(command), ignore_status=ignore_status, timeout=timeout
+        )
+    def shell_nb(self, command):
+        return self._exec_adb_cmd_nb("shell", shlex.quote(command))
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        def adb_call(*args, **kwargs):
+            clean_name = name.replace("_", "-")
+            if clean_name in ["pull", "push", "remount"] and "timeout" not in kwargs:
+                kwargs["timeout"] = DEFAULT_ADB_PULL_TIMEOUT
+            arg_str = " ".join(str(elem) for elem in args)
+            return self._exec_adb_cmd(clean_name, arg_str, **kwargs)
+        return adb_call
+    def get_version_number(self):
+        """Returns the version number of ADB as an int (XX in 1.0.XX).
+        Raises:
+            AdbError if the version number is not found/parsable.
+        """
+        version_output = self.version()
+        match = re.search(ADB_VERSION_REGEX, version_output)
+        if not match:
+            logging.error(
+                "Unable to capture ADB version from adb version "
+                "output: %s" % version_output
+            )
+            raise AdbError("adb version", version_output, "", "")
+        return int(match.group(1))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/error.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/error.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9599214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/error.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion import error
+class AdbError(error.ActsError):
+    """Raised when there is an error in adb operations."""
+    def __init__(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, ret_code):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.cmd = cmd
+        self.stdout = stdout
+        self.stderr = stderr
+        self.ret_code = ret_code
+    def __str__(self):
+        return ("Error executing adb cmd '%s'. ret: %d, stdout: %s, stderr: %s") % (
+            self.cmd,
+            self.ret_code,
+            self.stdout,
+            self.stderr,
+        )
+class AdbCommandError(AdbError):
+    """Raised when there is an error in the command being run through ADB."""
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/android_device.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_device.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd679ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_device.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1808 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import socket
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from antlion import context
+from antlion import logger as acts_logger
+from antlion import tracelogger, utils
+from antlion.controllers import adb, fastboot
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import errors
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import events as android_events
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import logcat, services
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import sl4a_manager
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection, settings
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+from antlion.runner import Runner
+# Key name for SL4A extra params in config file
+# Key name for adb logcat extra params in config file.
+ANDROID_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration is empty, abort!"
+ANDROID_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration should be a list, abort!"
+    "/data/tombstones/",
+    "/data/vendor/ramdump/",
+    "/data/ramdump/",
+    "/data/vendor/ssrdump",
+    "/data/vendor/ramdump/bluetooth",
+    "/data/vendor/log/cbd",
+    "bluetooth",
+ALWAYS_ON_LOG_PATH = "/data/vendor/radio/logs/always-on"
+DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH = "/data/vendor/radio/diag_logs"
+DEFAULT_SDM_LOG_PATH = "/data/vendor/slog/"
+DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_PATH = "/sdcard/Pictures/screencap"
+SL4A_APK_NAME = "com.googlecode.android_scripting"
+RELEASE_ID_REGEXES = [re.compile(r"\w+\.\d+\.\d+"), re.compile(r"N\w+")]
+def create(configs):
+    """Creates AndroidDevice controller objects.
+    Args:
+        configs: A list of dicts, each representing a configuration for an
+                 Android device.
+    Returns:
+        A list of AndroidDevice objects.
+    """
+    if not configs:
+        raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(ANDROID_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG)
+    elif configs == ANDROID_DEVICE_PICK_ALL_TOKEN:
+        ads = get_all_instances()
+    elif not isinstance(configs, list):
+        raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(ANDROID_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG)
+    elif isinstance(configs[0], str):
+        # Configs is a list of serials.
+        ads = get_instances(configs)
+    else:
+        # Configs is a list of dicts.
+        ads = get_instances_with_configs(configs)
+    ads[0].log.info(f'The primary device under test is "{ads[0].serial}".')
+    for ad in ads:
+        if not ad.is_connected():
+            raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
+                ("Android device %s is specified in config" " but is not attached.")
+                % ad.serial,
+                serial=ad.serial,
+            )
+    _start_services_on_ads(ads)
+    for ad in ads:
+        if ad.droid:
+            utils.set_location_service(ad, False)
+            utils.sync_device_time(ad)
+    return ads
+def destroy(ads):
+    """Cleans up AndroidDevice objects.
+    Args:
+        ads: A list of AndroidDevice objects.
+    """
+    for ad in ads:
+        try:
+            ad.clean_up()
+        except:
+            ad.log.exception("Failed to clean up properly.")
+def get_info(ads):
+    """Get information on a list of AndroidDevice objects.
+    Args:
+        ads: A list of AndroidDevice objects.
+    Returns:
+        A list of dict, each representing info for an AndroidDevice objects.
+    """
+    device_info = []
+    for ad in ads:
+        info = {"serial": ad.serial, "model": ad.model}
+        info.update(ad.build_info)
+        device_info.append(info)
+    return device_info
+def _start_services_on_ads(ads):
+    """Starts long running services on multiple AndroidDevice objects.
+    If any one AndroidDevice object fails to start services, cleans up all
+    existing AndroidDevice objects and their services.
+    Args:
+        ads: A list of AndroidDevice objects whose services to start.
+    """
+    running_ads = []
+    for ad in ads:
+        running_ads.append(ad)
+        try:
+            ad.start_services()
+        except:
+            ad.log.exception("Failed to start some services, abort!")
+            destroy(running_ads)
+            raise
+def _parse_device_list(device_list_str, key):
+    """Parses a byte string representing a list of devices. The string is
+    generated by calling either adb or fastboot.
+    Args:
+        device_list_str: Output of adb or fastboot.
+        key: The token that signifies a device in device_list_str.
+    Returns:
+        A list of android device serial numbers.
+    """
+    return re.findall(r"(\S+)\t%s" % key, device_list_str)
+def list_adb_devices():
+    """List all android devices connected to the computer that are detected by
+    adb.
+    Returns:
+        A list of android device serials. Empty if there's none.
+    """
+    out = adb.AdbProxy().devices()
+    return _parse_device_list(out, "device")
+def list_fastboot_devices():
+    """List all android devices connected to the computer that are in in
+    fastboot mode. These are detected by fastboot.
+    Returns:
+        A list of android device serials. Empty if there's none.
+    """
+    out = fastboot.FastbootProxy().devices()
+    return _parse_device_list(out, "fastboot")
+def get_instances(serials):
+    """Create AndroidDevice instances from a list of serials.
+    Args:
+        serials: A list of android device serials.
+    Returns:
+        A list of AndroidDevice objects.
+    """
+    results = []
+    for s in serials:
+        results.append(AndroidDevice(s))
+    return results
+def get_instances_with_configs(configs):
+    """Create AndroidDevice instances from a list of json configs.
+    Each config should have the required key-value pair "serial".
+    Args:
+        configs: A list of dicts each representing the configuration of one
+            android device.
+    Returns:
+        A list of AndroidDevice objects.
+    """
+    results = []
+    for c in configs:
+        try:
+            serial = c.pop("serial")
+        except KeyError:
+            raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
+                f"Required value 'serial' is missing in AndroidDevice config {c}."
+            )
+        client_port = 0
+            try:
+                client_port = int(c.pop(ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_CLIENT_PORT_KEY))
+            except ValueError:
+                raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
+                    "'%s' is not a valid number for config %s"
+                    % (ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_CLIENT_PORT_KEY, c)
+                )
+        server_port = None
+            try:
+                server_port = int(c.pop(ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_SERVER_PORT_KEY))
+            except ValueError:
+                raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
+                    "'%s' is not a valid number for config %s"
+                    % (ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_SERVER_PORT_KEY, c)
+                )
+        forwarded_port = 0
+            try:
+                forwarded_port = int(c.pop(ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_FORWARDED_PORT_KEY))
+            except ValueError:
+                raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
+                    "'%s' is not a valid number for config %s"
+                    % (ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_FORWARDED_PORT_KEY, c)
+                )
+        ssh_config = c.pop("ssh_config", None)
+        ssh_connection = None
+        if ssh_config is not None:
+            ssh_settings = settings.from_config(ssh_config)
+            ssh_connection = connection.SshConnection(ssh_settings)
+        ad = AndroidDevice(
+            serial,
+            ssh_connection=ssh_connection,
+            client_port=client_port,
+            forwarded_port=forwarded_port,
+            server_port=server_port,
+        )
+        ad.load_config(c)
+        results.append(ad)
+    return results
+def get_all_instances(include_fastboot=False):
+    """Create AndroidDevice instances for all attached android devices.
+    Args:
+        include_fastboot: Whether to include devices in bootloader mode or not.
+    Returns:
+        A list of AndroidDevice objects each representing an android device
+        attached to the computer.
+    """
+    if include_fastboot:
+        serial_list = list_adb_devices() + list_fastboot_devices()
+        return get_instances(serial_list)
+    return get_instances(list_adb_devices())
+def filter_devices(ads, func):
+    """Finds the AndroidDevice instances from a list that match certain
+    conditions.
+    Args:
+        ads: A list of AndroidDevice instances.
+        func: A function that takes an AndroidDevice object and returns True
+            if the device satisfies the filter condition.
+    Returns:
+        A list of AndroidDevice instances that satisfy the filter condition.
+    """
+    results = []
+    for ad in ads:
+        if func(ad):
+            results.append(ad)
+    return results
+def get_device(ads, **kwargs):
+    """Finds a unique AndroidDevice instance from a list that has specific
+    attributes of certain values.
+    Example:
+        get_device(android_devices, label="foo", phone_number="1234567890")
+        get_device(android_devices, model="angler")
+    Args:
+        ads: A list of AndroidDevice instances.
+        kwargs: keyword arguments used to filter AndroidDevice instances.
+    Returns:
+        The target AndroidDevice instance.
+    Raises:
+        AndroidDeviceError is raised if none or more than one device is
+        matched.
+    """
+    def _get_device_filter(ad):
+        for k, v in kwargs.items():
+            if not hasattr(ad, k):
+                return False
+            elif getattr(ad, k) != v:
+                return False
+        return True
+    filtered = filter_devices(ads, _get_device_filter)
+    if not filtered:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"Could not find a target device that matches condition: {kwargs}."
+        )
+    elif len(filtered) == 1:
+        return filtered[0]
+    else:
+        serials = [ad.serial for ad in filtered]
+        raise ValueError(f"More than one device matched: {serials}")
+def take_bug_reports(ads, test_name, begin_time):
+    """Takes bug reports on a list of android devices.
+    If you want to take a bug report, call this function with a list of
+    android_device objects in on_fail. But reports will be taken on all the
+    devices in the list concurrently. Bug report takes a relative long
+    time to take, so use this cautiously.
+    Args:
+        ads: A list of AndroidDevice instances.
+        test_name: Name of the test case that triggered this bug report.
+        begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
+    """
+    def take_br(test_name, begin_time, ad):
+        ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
+    args = [(test_name, begin_time, ad) for ad in ads]
+    utils.concurrent_exec(take_br, args)
+class AndroidDevice:
+    """Class representing an android device.
+    Each object of this class represents one Android device in ACTS, including
+    handles to adb, fastboot, and sl4a clients. In addition to direct adb
+    commands, this object also uses adb port forwarding to talk to the Android
+    device.
+    Attributes:
+        serial: A string that's the serial number of the Android device.
+        log_path: A string that is the path where all logs collected on this
+                  android device should be stored.
+        log: A logger adapted from root logger with added token specific to an
+             AndroidDevice instance.
+        adb_logcat_process: A process that collects the adb logcat.
+        adb: An AdbProxy object used for interacting with the device via adb.
+        fastboot: A FastbootProxy object used for interacting with the device
+                  via fastboot.
+        client_port: Preferred client port number on the PC host side for SL4A
+        forwarded_port: Preferred server port number forwarded from Android
+                        to the host PC via adb for SL4A connections
+        server_port: Preferred server port used by SL4A on Android device
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        serial: str = "",
+        ssh_connection: Runner | None = None,
+        client_port: int = 0,
+        forwarded_port: int = 0,
+        server_port: int | None = None,
+    ):
+        self.serial = serial
+        # logging.log_path only exists when this is used in an ACTS test run.
+        log_path_base = getattr(logging, "log_path", "/tmp/logs")
+        self.log_dir = f"AndroidDevice{serial}"
+        self.log_path = os.path.join(log_path_base, self.log_dir)
+        self.client_port = client_port
+        self.forwarded_port = forwarded_port
+        self.server_port = server_port
+        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(
+            AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(), {"serial": serial})
+        )
+        self._event_dispatchers = {}
+        self._services = []
+        self.register_service(services.AdbLogcatService(self))
+        self.register_service(services.Sl4aService(self))
+        self.adb_logcat_process = None
+        self.adb = adb.AdbProxy(serial, ssh_connection=ssh_connection)
+        self.fastboot = fastboot.FastbootProxy(serial, ssh_connection=ssh_connection)
+        if not self.is_bootloader:
+            self.root_adb()
+        self._ssh_connection = ssh_connection
+        self.skip_sl4a = False
+        self.crash_report = None
+        self.data_accounting = collections.defaultdict(int)
+        self._sl4a_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(self.adb)
+        self.last_logcat_timestamp = None
+        # Device info cache.
+        self._user_added_device_info = {}
+        self._sdk_api_level = None
+    def clean_up(self):
+        """Cleans up the AndroidDevice object and releases any resources it
+        claimed.
+        """
+        self.stop_services()
+        for service in self._services:
+            service.unregister()
+        self._services.clear()
+        if self._ssh_connection:
+            self._ssh_connection.close()
+    def recreate_services(self, serial):
+        """Clean up the AndroidDevice object and re-create adb/sl4a services.
+        Unregister the existing services and re-create adb and sl4a services,
+        call this method when the connection break after certain API call
+        (e.g., enable USB tethering by #startTethering)
+        Args:
+            serial: the serial number of the AndroidDevice
+        """
+        # Clean the old services
+        for service in self._services:
+            service.unregister()
+        self._services.clear()
+        if self._ssh_connection:
+            self._ssh_connection.close()
+        self._sl4a_manager.stop_service()
+        # Wait for old services to stop
+        time.sleep(5)
+        # Re-create the new adb and sl4a services
+        self.register_service(services.AdbLogcatService(self))
+        self.register_service(services.Sl4aService(self))
+        self.adb.wait_for_device()
+        self.terminate_all_sessions()
+        self.start_services()
+    def register_service(self, service):
+        """Registers the service on the device."""
+        service.register()
+        self._services.append(service)
+    # TODO(angli): This function shall be refactored to accommodate all services
+    # and not have hard coded switch for SL4A when b/29157104 is done.
+    def start_services(self, skip_setup_wizard=True):
+        """Starts long running services on the android device.
+        1. Start adb logcat capture.
+        2. Start SL4A if not skipped.
+        Args:
+            skip_setup_wizard: Whether or not to skip the setup wizard.
+        """
+        if skip_setup_wizard:
+            self.exit_setup_wizard()
+        event_bus.post(android_events.AndroidStartServicesEvent(self))
+    def stop_services(self):
+        """Stops long running services on the android device.
+        Stop adb logcat and terminate sl4a sessions if exist.
+        """
+        event_bus.post(
+            android_events.AndroidStopServicesEvent(self), ignore_errors=True
+        )
+    def is_connected(self):
+        out = self.adb.devices()
+        devices = _parse_device_list(out, "device")
+        return self.serial in devices
+    @property
+    def build_info(self):
+        """Get the build info of this Android device, including build id and
+        build type.
+        This is not available if the device is in bootloader mode.
+        Returns:
+            A dict with the build info of this Android device, or None if the
+            device is in bootloader mode.
+        """
+        if self.is_bootloader:
+            self.log.error("Device is in fastboot mode, could not get build " "info.")
+            return
+        build_id = self.adb.getprop("ro.build.id")
+        incremental_build_id = self.adb.getprop("ro.build.version.incremental")
+        valid_build_id = False
+        for regex in RELEASE_ID_REGEXES:
+            if re.match(regex, build_id):
+                valid_build_id = True
+                break
+        if not valid_build_id:
+            build_id = incremental_build_id
+        info = {
+            "build_id": build_id,
+            "incremental_build_id": incremental_build_id,
+            "build_type": self.adb.getprop("ro.build.type"),
+        }
+        return info
+    @property
+    def device_info(self):
+        """Information to be pulled into controller info.
+        The latest serial, model, and build_info are included. Additional info
+        can be added via `add_device_info`.
+        """
+        info = {
+            "serial": self.serial,
+            "model": self.model,
+            "build_info": self.build_info,
+            "user_added_info": self._user_added_device_info,
+            "flavor": self.flavor,
+        }
+        return info
+    def add_device_info(self, name, info):
+        """Add custom device info to the user_added_info section.
+        Adding the same info name the second time will override existing info.
+        Args:
+          name: string, name of this info.
+          info: serializable, content of the info.
+        """
+        self._user_added_device_info.update({name: info})
+    def sdk_api_level(self):
+        if self._sdk_api_level is not None:
+            return self._sdk_api_level
+        if self.is_bootloader:
+            self.log.error("Device is in fastboot mode. Cannot get build info.")
+            return
+        self._sdk_api_level = int(self.adb.shell("getprop ro.build.version.sdk"))
+        return self._sdk_api_level
+    @property
+    def is_bootloader(self):
+        """True if the device is in bootloader mode."""
+        return self.serial in list_fastboot_devices()
+    @property
+    def is_adb_root(self):
+        """True if adb is running as root for this device."""
+        try:
+            return "0" == self.adb.shell("id -u")
+        except AdbError:
+            # Wait a bit and retry to work around adb flakiness for this cmd.
+            time.sleep(0.2)
+            return "0" == self.adb.shell("id -u")
+    @property
+    def model(self):
+        """The Android code name for the device."""
+        # If device is in bootloader mode, get mode name from fastboot.
+        if self.is_bootloader:
+            out = self.fastboot.getvar("product").strip()
+            # "out" is never empty because of the "total time" message fastboot
+            # writes to stderr.
+            lines = out.split("\n", 1)
+            if lines:
+                tokens = lines[0].split(" ")
+                if len(tokens) > 1:
+                    return tokens[1].lower()
+            return None
+        model = self.adb.getprop("ro.build.product").lower()
+        if model == "sprout":
+            return model
+        else:
+            return self.adb.getprop("ro.product.name").lower()
+    @property
+    def flavor(self):
+        """Returns the specific flavor of Android build the device is using."""
+        return self.adb.getprop("ro.build.flavor").lower()
+    @property
+    def droid(self):
+        """Returns the RPC Service of the first Sl4aSession created."""
+        if len(self._sl4a_manager.sessions) > 0:
+            session_id = sorted(self._sl4a_manager.sessions.keys())[0]
+            return self._sl4a_manager.sessions[session_id].rpc_client
+        else:
+            return None
+    @property
+    def ed(self):
+        """Returns the event dispatcher of the first Sl4aSession created."""
+        if len(self._sl4a_manager.sessions) > 0:
+            session_id = sorted(self._sl4a_manager.sessions.keys())[0]
+            return self._sl4a_manager.sessions[session_id].get_event_dispatcher()
+        else:
+            return None
+    @property
+    def sl4a_sessions(self):
+        """Returns a dictionary of session ids to sessions."""
+        return list(self._sl4a_manager.sessions)
+    @property
+    def is_adb_logcat_on(self):
+        """Whether there is an ongoing adb logcat collection."""
+        if self.adb_logcat_process:
+            if self.adb_logcat_process.is_running():
+                return True
+            else:
+                # if skip_sl4a is true, there is no sl4a session
+                # if logcat died due to device reboot and sl4a session has
+                # not restarted there is no droid.
+                if self.droid:
+                    self.droid.logI("Logcat died")
+                self.log.info("Logcat to %s died", self.log_path)
+                return False
+        return False
+    @property
+    def device_log_path(self):
+        """Returns the directory for all Android device logs for the current
+        test context and serial.
+        """
+        return context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(self.serial)
+    def update_sdk_api_level(self):
+        self._sdk_api_level = None
+        self.sdk_api_level()
+    def load_config(self, config):
+        """Add attributes to the AndroidDevice object based on json config.
+        Args:
+            config: A dictionary representing the configs.
+        Raises:
+            AndroidDeviceError is raised if the config is trying to overwrite
+            an existing attribute.
+        """
+        for k, v in config.items():
+            # skip_sl4a value can be reset from config file
+            if hasattr(self, k) and k != "skip_sl4a":
+                raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
+                    f"Attempting to set existing attribute {k} on {self.serial}",
+                    serial=self.serial,
+                )
+            setattr(self, k, v)
+    def root_adb(self):
+        """Change adb to root mode for this device if allowed.
+        If executed on a production build, adb will not be switched to root
+        mode per security restrictions.
+        """
+        if self.is_adb_root:
+            return
+        for attempt in range(ADB_ROOT_RETRY_COUNT):
+            try:
+                self.log.debug(f"Enabling ADB root mode: attempt {attempt}.")
+                self.adb.root()
+            except AdbError:
+                if attempt == ADB_ROOT_RETRY_COUNT:
+                    raise
+                time.sleep(ADB_ROOT_RETRY_INTERVAL)
+        self.adb.wait_for_device()
+    def get_droid(self, handle_event=True):
+        """Create an sl4a connection to the device.
+        Return the connection handler 'droid'. By default, another connection
+        on the same session is made for EventDispatcher, and the dispatcher is
+        returned to the caller as well.
+        If sl4a server is not started on the device, try to start it.
+        Args:
+            handle_event: True if this droid session will need to handle
+                events.
+        Returns:
+            droid: Android object used to communicate with sl4a on the android
+                device.
+            ed: An optional EventDispatcher to organize events for this droid.
+        Examples:
+            Don't need event handling:
+            >>> ad = AndroidDevice()
+            >>> droid = ad.get_droid(False)
+            Need event handling:
+            >>> ad = AndroidDevice()
+            >>> droid, ed = ad.get_droid()
+        """
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Creating RPC client_port={}, forwarded_port={}, server_port={}".format(
+                self.client_port, self.forwarded_port, self.server_port
+            )
+        )
+        session = self._sl4a_manager.create_session(
+            client_port=self.client_port,
+            forwarded_port=self.forwarded_port,
+            server_port=self.server_port,
+        )
+        droid = session.rpc_client
+        if handle_event:
+            ed = session.get_event_dispatcher()
+            return droid, ed
+        return droid
+    def get_package_pid(self, package_name):
+        """Gets the pid for a given package. Returns None if not running.
+        Args:
+            package_name: The name of the package.
+        Returns:
+            The first pid found under a given package name. None if no process
+            was found running the package.
+        Raises:
+            AndroidDeviceError if the output of the phone's process list was
+            in an unexpected format.
+        """
+        for cmd in ("ps -A", "ps"):
+            try:
+                out = self.adb.shell(
+                    f'{cmd} | grep "S {package_name}"', ignore_status=True
+                )
+                if package_name not in out:
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    pid = int(out.split()[1])
+                    self.log.info("apk %s has pid %s.", package_name, pid)
+                    return pid
+                except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
+                    # Possible ValueError from string to int cast.
+                    # Possible IndexError from split.
+                    self.log.warning(
+                        'Command "%s" returned output line: ' '"%s".\nError: %s',
+                        cmd,
+                        out,
+                        e,
+                    )
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.warning(
+                    'Device fails to check if %s running with "%s"\n' "Exception %s",
+                    package_name,
+                    cmd,
+                    e,
+                )
+        self.log.debug("apk %s is not running", package_name)
+        return None
+    def get_dispatcher(self, droid):
+        """Return an EventDispatcher for an sl4a session
+        Args:
+            droid: Session to create EventDispatcher for.
+        Returns:
+            ed: An EventDispatcher for specified session.
+        """
+        return self._sl4a_manager.sessions[droid.uid].get_event_dispatcher()
+    def _is_timestamp_in_range(self, target, log_begin_time, log_end_time):
+        low = acts_logger.logline_timestamp_comparator(log_begin_time, target) <= 0
+        high = acts_logger.logline_timestamp_comparator(log_end_time, target) >= 0
+        return low and high
+    def cat_adb_log(self, tag, begin_time, end_time=None, dest_path="AdbLogExcerpts"):
+        """Takes an excerpt of the adb logcat log from a certain time point to
+        current time.
+        Args:
+            tag: An identifier of the time period, usually the name of a test.
+            begin_time: Epoch time of the beginning of the time period.
+            end_time: Epoch time of the ending of the time period, default None
+            dest_path: Destination path of the excerpt file.
+        """
+        log_begin_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(begin_time)
+        if end_time is None:
+            log_end_time = acts_logger.get_log_line_timestamp()
+        else:
+            log_end_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(end_time)
+        self.log.debug("Extracting adb log from logcat.")
+        logcat_path = os.path.join(
+            self.device_log_path, f"adblog_{self.serial}_debug.txt"
+        )
+        if not os.path.exists(logcat_path):
+            self.log.warning(f"Logcat file {logcat_path} does not exist.")
+            return
+        adb_excerpt_dir = os.path.join(self.log_path, dest_path)
+        os.makedirs(adb_excerpt_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        out_name = "%s,%s.txt" % (
+            acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(log_begin_time),
+            self.serial,
+        )
+        tag_len = utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN - len(out_name)
+        out_name = f"{tag[:tag_len]},{out_name}"
+        adb_excerpt_path = os.path.join(adb_excerpt_dir, out_name)
+        with open(adb_excerpt_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out:
+            in_file = logcat_path
+            with open(in_file, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") as f:
+                while True:
+                    line = None
+                    try:
+                        line = f.readline()
+                        if not line:
+                            break
+                    except:
+                        continue
+                    line_time = line[: acts_logger.log_line_timestamp_len]
+                    if not acts_logger.is_valid_logline_timestamp(line_time):
+                        continue
+                    if self._is_timestamp_in_range(
+                        line_time, log_begin_time, log_end_time
+                    ):
+                        if not line.endswith("\n"):
+                            line += "\n"
+                        out.write(line)
+        return adb_excerpt_path
+    def search_logcat(
+        self, matching_string, begin_time=None, end_time=None, logcat_path=None
+    ):
+        """Search logcat message with given string.
+        Args:
+            matching_string: matching_string to search.
+            begin_time: only the lines with time stamps later than begin_time
+                will be searched.
+            end_time: only the lines with time stamps earlier than end_time
+                will be searched.
+            logcat_path: the path of a specific file in which the search should
+                be performed. If None the path will be the default device log
+                path.
+        Returns:
+            A list of dictionaries with full log message, time stamp string,
+            time object and message ID. For example:
+            [{"log_message": "05-03 17:39:29.898   968  1001 D"
+                              "ActivityManager: Sending BOOT_COMPLETE user #0",
+              "time_stamp": "2017-05-03 17:39:29.898",
+              "datetime_obj": datetime object,
+              "message_id": None}]
+            [{"log_message": "08-12 14:26:42.611043  2360  2510 D RILJ    : "
+                             "[0853]< DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL  [PHONE0]",
+              "time_stamp": "2020-08-12 14:26:42.611043",
+              "datetime_obj": datetime object},
+              "message_id": "0853"}]
+        """
+        if not logcat_path:
+            logcat_path = os.path.join(
+                self.device_log_path, f"adblog_{self.serial}_debug.txt"
+            )
+        if not os.path.exists(logcat_path):
+            self.log.warning(f"Logcat file {logcat_path} does not exist.")
+            return
+        output = job.run(f"grep '{matching_string}' {logcat_path}", ignore_status=True)
+        if not output.stdout or output.exit_status != 0:
+            return []
+        if begin_time:
+            if not isinstance(begin_time, datetime):
+                log_begin_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(begin_time)
+                begin_time = datetime.strptime(log_begin_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
+        if end_time:
+            if not isinstance(end_time, datetime):
+                log_end_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(end_time)
+                end_time = datetime.strptime(log_end_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
+        result = []
+        logs = re.findall(r"(\S+\s\S+)(.*)", output.stdout)
+        for log in logs:
+            time_stamp = log[0]
+            time_obj = datetime.strptime(time_stamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
+            if begin_time and time_obj < begin_time:
+                continue
+            if end_time and time_obj > end_time:
+                continue
+            res = re.findall(r".*\[(\d+)\]", log[1])
+            try:
+                message_id = res[0]
+            except:
+                message_id = None
+            result.append(
+                {
+                    "log_message": "".join(log),
+                    "time_stamp": time_stamp,
+                    "datetime_obj": time_obj,
+                    "message_id": message_id,
+                }
+            )
+        return result
+    def start_adb_logcat(self):
+        """Starts a standing adb logcat collection in separate subprocesses and
+        save the logcat in a file.
+        """
+        if self.is_adb_logcat_on:
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Android device %s already has a running adb logcat thread. "
+                % self.serial
+            )
+            return
+        # Disable adb log spam filter. Have to stop and clear settings first
+        # because 'start' doesn't support --clear option before Android N.
+        self.adb.shell("logpersist.stop --clear", ignore_status=True)
+        self.adb.shell("logpersist.start", ignore_status=True)
+        if hasattr(self, "adb_logcat_param"):
+            extra_params = self.adb_logcat_param
+        else:
+            extra_params = "-b all"
+        self.adb_logcat_process = logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process(
+            self.serial, self.log_dir, extra_params
+        )
+        self.adb_logcat_process.start()
+    def stop_adb_logcat(self):
+        """Stops the adb logcat collection subprocess."""
+        if not self.is_adb_logcat_on:
+            self.log.warning(
+                f"Android device {self.serial} does not have an ongoing adb logcat "
+            )
+            return
+        # Set the last timestamp to the current timestamp. This may cause
+        # a race condition that allows the same line to be logged twice,
+        # but it does not pose a problem for our logging purposes.
+        self.adb_logcat_process.stop()
+        self.adb_logcat_process = None
+    def get_apk_uid(self, apk_name):
+        """Get the uid of the given apk.
+        Args:
+        apk_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
+        Returns:
+        Linux UID for the apk.
+        """
+        output = self.adb.shell(
+            f"dumpsys package {apk_name} | grep userId=", ignore_status=True
+        )
+        result = re.search(r"userId=(\d+)", output)
+        if result:
+            return result.group(1)
+        else:
+            None
+    def get_apk_version(self, package_name):
+        """Get the version of the given apk.
+        Args:
+            package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
+        Returns:
+            Version of the given apk.
+        """
+        try:
+            output = self.adb.shell(
+                f"dumpsys package {package_name} | grep versionName"
+            )
+            pattern = re.compile(r"versionName=(.+)", re.I)
+            result = pattern.findall(output)
+            if result:
+                return result[0]
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Fail to get the version of package %s: %s", package_name, e
+            )
+        self.log.debug("apk %s is not found", package_name)
+        return None
+    def is_apk_installed(self, package_name):
+        """Check if the given apk is already installed.
+        Args:
+        package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
+        Returns:
+        True if package is installed. False otherwise.
+        """
+        try:
+            return bool(
+                self.adb.shell(
+                    f'(pm list packages | grep -w "package:{package_name}") || true'
+                )
+            )
+        except Exception as err:
+            self.log.error(
+                "Could not determine if %s is installed. " "Received error:\n%s",
+                package_name,
+                err,
+            )
+            return False
+    def is_sl4a_installed(self):
+        return self.is_apk_installed(SL4A_APK_NAME)
+    def is_apk_running(self, package_name):
+        """Check if the given apk is running.
+        Args:
+            package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
+        Returns:
+        True if package is installed. False otherwise.
+        """
+        for cmd in ("ps -A", "ps"):
+            try:
+                out = self.adb.shell(
+                    f'{cmd} | grep "S {package_name}"', ignore_status=True
+                )
+                if package_name in out:
+                    self.log.info("apk %s is running", package_name)
+                    return True
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.warning(
+                    "Device fails to check is %s running by %s " "Exception %s",
+                    package_name,
+                    cmd,
+                    e,
+                )
+                continue
+        self.log.debug("apk %s is not running", package_name)
+        return False
+    def is_sl4a_running(self):
+        return self.is_apk_running(SL4A_APK_NAME)
+    def force_stop_apk(self, package_name):
+        """Force stop the given apk.
+        Args:
+        package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
+        Returns:
+        True if package is installed. False otherwise.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.adb.shell(f"am force-stop {package_name}", ignore_status=True)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.warning("Fail to stop package %s: %s", package_name, e)
+    def take_bug_report(self, test_name=None, begin_time=None):
+        """Takes a bug report on the device and stores it in a file.
+        Args:
+            test_name: Name of the test case that triggered this bug report.
+            begin_time: Epoch time when the test started. If none is specified,
+                the current time will be used.
+        """
+        self.adb.wait_for_device(timeout=WAIT_FOR_DEVICE_TIMEOUT)
+        new_br = True
+        try:
+            stdout = self.adb.shell("bugreportz -v")
+            # This check is necessary for builds before N, where adb shell's ret
+            # code and stderr are not propagated properly.
+            if "not found" in stdout:
+                new_br = False
+        except AdbError:
+            new_br = False
+        br_path = self.device_log_path
+        os.makedirs(br_path, exist_ok=True)
+        epoch = begin_time if begin_time else utils.get_current_epoch_time()
+        time_stamp = acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
+            acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch)
+        )
+        out_name = f"AndroidDevice{self.serial}_{time_stamp}"
+        out_name = f"{out_name}.zip" if new_br else f"{out_name}.txt"
+        full_out_path = os.path.join(br_path, out_name)
+        # in case device restarted, wait for adb interface to return
+        self.wait_for_boot_completion()
+        if test_name:
+            self.log.info("Taking bugreport for %s.", test_name)
+        else:
+            self.log.info("Taking bugreport.")
+        if new_br:
+            out = self.adb.shell("bugreportz", timeout=BUG_REPORT_TIMEOUT)
+            if not out.startswith("OK"):
+                raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
+                    f"Failed to take bugreport on {self.serial}: {out}",
+                    serial=self.serial,
+                )
+            br_out_path = out.split(":")[1].strip().split()[0]
+            self.adb.pull(f"{br_out_path} {full_out_path}")
+        else:
+            self.adb.bugreport(f" > {full_out_path}", timeout=BUG_REPORT_TIMEOUT)
+        if test_name:
+            self.log.info("Bugreport for %s taken at %s.", test_name, full_out_path)
+        else:
+            self.log.info("Bugreport taken at %s.", test_name, full_out_path)
+        self.adb.wait_for_device(timeout=WAIT_FOR_DEVICE_TIMEOUT)
+    def get_file_names(
+        self, directory, begin_time=None, skip_files=[], match_string=None
+    ):
+        """Get files names with provided directory."""
+        cmd = f"find {directory} -type f"
+        if begin_time:
+            current_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
+            seconds = int(math.ceil((current_time - begin_time) / 1000.0))
+            cmd = f"{cmd} -mtime -{seconds}s"
+        if match_string:
+            cmd = f"{cmd} -iname {match_string}"
+        for skip_file in skip_files:
+            cmd = f"{cmd} ! -iname {skip_file}"
+        out = self.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)
+        if (
+            not out
+            or "No such" in out
+            or "Permission denied" in out
+            or "Not a directory" in out
+        ):
+            return []
+        files = out.split("\n")
+        self.log.debug("Find files in directory %s: %s", directory, files)
+        return files
+    @property
+    def external_storage_path(self):
+        """
+        The $EXTERNAL_STORAGE path on the device. Most commonly set to '/sdcard'
+        """
+        return self.adb.shell("echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE")
+    def file_exists(self, file_path):
+        """Returns whether a file exists on a device.
+        Args:
+            file_path: The path of the file to check for.
+        """
+        cmd = f"(test -f {file_path} && echo yes) || echo no"
+        result = self.adb.shell(cmd)
+        if result == "yes":
+            return True
+        elif result == "no":
+            return False
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Couldn't determine if %s exists. "
+            "Expected yes/no, got %s" % (file_path, result[cmd])
+        )
+    def pull_files(self, device_paths, host_path=None):
+        """Pull files from devices.
+        Args:
+            device_paths: List of paths on the device to pull from.
+            host_path: Destination path
+        """
+        if isinstance(device_paths, str):
+            device_paths = [device_paths]
+        if not host_path:
+            host_path = self.log_path
+        for device_path in device_paths:
+            self.log.info(f"Pull from device: {device_path} -> {host_path}")
+            self.adb.pull(f"{device_path} {host_path}", timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT)
+    def check_crash_report(
+        self, test_name=None, begin_time=None, log_crash_report=False
+    ):
+        """check crash report on the device."""
+        crash_reports = []
+        for crash_path in CRASH_REPORT_PATHS:
+            try:
+                cmd = f"cd {crash_path}"
+                self.adb.shell(cmd)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.debug("received exception %s", e)
+                continue
+            crashes = self.get_file_names(
+                crash_path, skip_files=CRASH_REPORT_SKIPS, begin_time=begin_time
+            )
+            if crash_path == "/data/tombstones/" and crashes:
+                tombstones = crashes[:]
+                for tombstone in tombstones:
+                    if self.adb.shell(
+                        f'cat {tombstone} | grep "crash_dump failed to dump process"'
+                    ):
+                        crashes.remove(tombstone)
+            if crashes:
+                crash_reports.extend(crashes)
+        if crash_reports and log_crash_report:
+            crash_log_path = os.path.join(
+                self.device_log_path, f"Crashes_{self.serial}"
+            )
+            os.makedirs(crash_log_path, exist_ok=True)
+            self.pull_files(crash_reports, crash_log_path)
+        return crash_reports
+    def get_qxdm_logs(self, test_name="", begin_time=None):
+        """Get qxdm logs."""
+        # Sleep 10 seconds for the buffered log to be written in qxdm log file
+        time.sleep(10)
+        log_path = getattr(self, "qxdm_log_path", DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH)
+        qxdm_logs = self.get_file_names(
+            log_path, begin_time=begin_time, match_string="*.qmdl"
+        )
+        if qxdm_logs:
+            qxdm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path, f"QXDM_{self.serial}")
+            os.makedirs(qxdm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
+            self.log.info("Pull QXDM Log %s to %s", qxdm_logs, qxdm_log_path)
+            self.pull_files(qxdm_logs, qxdm_log_path)
+            self.adb.pull(
+                f"/firmware/image/qdsp6m.qdb {qxdm_log_path}",
+                timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT,
+                ignore_status=True,
+            )
+            # Zip Folder
+            utils.zip_directory(f"{qxdm_log_path}.zip", qxdm_log_path)
+            shutil.rmtree(qxdm_log_path)
+        else:
+            self.log.error(f"Didn't find QXDM logs in {log_path}.")
+        if "Verizon" in self.adb.getprop("gsm.sim.operator.alpha"):
+            omadm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path, f"OMADM_{self.serial}")
+            os.makedirs(omadm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
+            self.log.info("Pull OMADM Log")
+            self.adb.pull(
+                f"/data/data/com.android.omadm.service/files/dm/log/ {omadm_log_path}",
+                timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT,
+                ignore_status=True,
+            )
+    def get_sdm_logs(self, test_name="", begin_time=None):
+        """Get sdm logs."""
+        # Sleep 10 seconds for the buffered log to be written in sdm log file
+        time.sleep(10)
+        log_paths = [
+            ALWAYS_ON_LOG_PATH,
+            getattr(self, "sdm_log_path", DEFAULT_SDM_LOG_PATH),
+        ]
+        sdm_logs = []
+        for path in log_paths:
+            sdm_logs += self.get_file_names(
+                path, begin_time=begin_time, match_string="*.sdm*"
+            )
+        if sdm_logs:
+            sdm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path, f"SDM_{self.serial}")
+            os.makedirs(sdm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
+            self.log.info("Pull SDM Log %s to %s", sdm_logs, sdm_log_path)
+            self.pull_files(sdm_logs, sdm_log_path)
+        else:
+            self.log.error(f"Didn't find SDM logs in {log_paths}.")
+        if "Verizon" in self.adb.getprop("gsm.sim.operator.alpha"):
+            omadm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path, f"OMADM_{self.serial}")
+            os.makedirs(omadm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
+            self.log.info("Pull OMADM Log")
+            self.adb.pull(
+                f"/data/data/com.android.omadm.service/files/dm/log/ {omadm_log_path}",
+                timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT,
+                ignore_status=True,
+            )
+    def start_new_session(self, max_connections=None, server_port=None):
+        """Start a new session in sl4a.
+        Also caches the droid in a dict with its uid being the key.
+        Returns:
+            An Android object used to communicate with sl4a on the android
+                device.
+        Raises:
+            Sl4aException: Something is wrong with sl4a and it returned an
+            existing uid to a new session.
+        """
+        session = self._sl4a_manager.create_session(
+            max_connections=max_connections, server_port=server_port
+        )
+        self._sl4a_manager.sessions[session.uid] = session
+        return session.rpc_client
+    def terminate_all_sessions(self):
+        """Terminate all sl4a sessions on the AndroidDevice instance.
+        Terminate all sessions and clear caches.
+        """
+        self._sl4a_manager.terminate_all_sessions()
+    def run_iperf_client_nb(
+        self, server_host, extra_args="", timeout=IPERF_TIMEOUT, log_file_path=None
+    ):
+        """Start iperf client on the device asynchronously.
+        Return status as true if iperf client start successfully.
+        And data flow information as results.
+        Args:
+            server_host: Address of the iperf server.
+            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments for iperf client,
+                e.g. "-i 1 -t 30".
+            log_file_path: The complete file path to log the results.
+        """
+        cmd = f"iperf3 -c {server_host} {extra_args}"
+        if log_file_path:
+            cmd += f" --logfile {log_file_path} &"
+        self.adb.shell_nb(cmd)
+    def run_iperf_client(self, server_host, extra_args="", timeout=IPERF_TIMEOUT):
+        """Start iperf client on the device.
+        Return status as true if iperf client start successfully.
+        And data flow information as results.
+        Args:
+            server_host: Address of the iperf server.
+            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments for iperf client,
+                e.g. "-i 1 -t 30".
+        Returns:
+            status: true if iperf client start successfully.
+            results: results have data flow information
+        """
+        out = self.adb.shell(f"iperf3 -c {server_host} {extra_args}", timeout=timeout)
+        clean_out = out.split("\n")
+        if "error" in clean_out[0].lower():
+            return False, clean_out
+        return True, clean_out
+    def run_iperf_server(self, extra_args=""):
+        """Start iperf server on the device
+        Return status as true if iperf server started successfully.
+        Args:
+            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments for iperf server.
+        Returns:
+            status: true if iperf server started successfully.
+            results: results have output of command
+        """
+        out = self.adb.shell(f"iperf3 -s {extra_args}")
+        clean_out = out.split("\n")
+        if "error" in clean_out[0].lower():
+            return False, clean_out
+        return True, clean_out
+    def wait_for_boot_completion(self, timeout=900.0):
+        """Waits for Android framework to broadcast ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED.
+        Args:
+            timeout: Seconds to wait for the device to boot. Default value is
+            15 minutes.
+        """
+        timeout_start = time.time()
+        self.log.debug("ADB waiting for device")
+        self.adb.wait_for_device(timeout=timeout)
+        self.log.debug("Waiting for  sys.boot_completed")
+        while time.time() < timeout_start + timeout:
+            try:
+                completed = self.adb.getprop("sys.boot_completed")
+                if completed == "1":
+                    self.log.debug("Device has rebooted")
+                    return
+            except AdbError:
+                # adb shell calls may fail during certain period of booting
+                # process, which is normal. Ignoring these errors.
+                pass
+            time.sleep(5)
+        raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
+            f"Device {self.serial} booting process timed out.", serial=self.serial
+        )
+    def reboot(
+        self, stop_at_lock_screen=False, timeout=180, wait_after_reboot_complete=1
+    ):
+        """Reboots the device.
+        Terminate all sl4a sessions, reboot the device, wait for device to
+        complete booting, and restart an sl4a session if restart_sl4a is True.
+        Args:
+            stop_at_lock_screen: whether to unlock after reboot. Set to False
+                if want to bring the device to reboot up to password locking
+                phase. Sl4a checking need the device unlocked after rebooting.
+            timeout: time in seconds to wait for the device to complete
+                rebooting.
+            wait_after_reboot_complete: time in seconds to wait after the boot
+                completion.
+        """
+        if self.is_bootloader:
+            self.fastboot.reboot()
+            return
+        self.stop_services()
+        self.log.info("Rebooting")
+        self.adb.reboot()
+        timeout_start = time.time()
+        # b/111791239: Newer versions of android sometimes return early after
+        # `adb reboot` is called. This means subsequent calls may make it to
+        # the device before the reboot goes through, return false positives for
+        # getprops such as sys.boot_completed.
+        while time.time() < timeout_start + timeout:
+            try:
+                self.adb.get_state()
+                time.sleep(0.1)
+            except AdbError:
+                # get_state will raise an error if the device is not found. We
+                # want the device to be missing to prove the device has kicked
+                # off the reboot.
+                break
+        self.wait_for_boot_completion(timeout=(timeout - time.time() + timeout_start))
+        self.log.debug("Wait for a while after boot completion.")
+        time.sleep(wait_after_reboot_complete)
+        self.root_adb()
+        skip_sl4a = self.skip_sl4a
+        self.skip_sl4a = self.skip_sl4a or stop_at_lock_screen
+        self.start_services()
+        self.skip_sl4a = skip_sl4a
+    def restart_runtime(self):
+        """Restarts android runtime.
+        Terminate all sl4a sessions, restarts runtime, wait for framework
+        complete restart, and restart an sl4a session if restart_sl4a is True.
+        """
+        self.stop_services()
+        self.log.info("Restarting android runtime")
+        self.adb.shell("stop")
+        # Reset the boot completed flag before we restart the framework
+        # to correctly detect when the framework has fully come up.
+        self.adb.shell("setprop sys.boot_completed 0")
+        self.adb.shell("start")
+        self.wait_for_boot_completion()
+        self.root_adb()
+        self.start_services()
+    def get_ipv4_address(self, interface="wlan0", timeout=5):
+        for timer in range(0, timeout):
+            try:
+                ip_string = self.adb.shell(f"ifconfig {interface}|grep inet")
+                break
+            except adb.AdbError as e:
+                if timer + 1 == timeout:
+                    self.log.warning(f"Unable to find IP address for {interface}.")
+                    return None
+                else:
+                    time.sleep(1)
+        result = re.search("addr:(.*) Bcast", ip_string)
+        if result != None:
+            ip_address = result.group(1)
+            try:
+                socket.inet_aton(ip_address)
+                return ip_address
+            except socket.error:
+                return None
+        else:
+            return None
+    def get_ipv4_gateway(self, timeout=5):
+        for timer in range(0, timeout):
+            try:
+                gateway_string = self.adb.shell("dumpsys wifi | grep mDhcpResults")
+                break
+            except adb.AdbError as e:
+                if timer + 1 == timeout:
+                    self.log.warning("Unable to find gateway")
+                    return None
+                else:
+                    time.sleep(1)
+        result = re.search("Gateway (.*) DNS servers", gateway_string)
+        if result != None:
+            ipv4_gateway = result.group(1)
+            try:
+                socket.inet_aton(ipv4_gateway)
+                return ipv4_gateway
+            except socket.error:
+                return None
+        else:
+            return None
+    def send_keycode(self, keycode):
+        self.adb.shell(f"input keyevent KEYCODE_{keycode}")
+    def get_my_current_focus_window(self):
+        """Get the current focus window on screen"""
+        output = self.adb.shell(
+            "dumpsys window displays | grep -E mCurrentFocus | grep -v null",
+            ignore_status=True,
+        )
+        if not output or "not found" in output or "Can't find" in output:
+            result = ""
+        else:
+            result = output.split(" ")[-1].strip("}")
+        self.log.debug("Current focus window is %s", result)
+        return result
+    def get_my_current_focus_app(self):
+        """Get the current focus application"""
+        dumpsys_cmd = [
+            "dumpsys window | grep -E mFocusedApp",
+            "dumpsys window displays | grep -E mFocusedApp",
+        ]
+        for cmd in dumpsys_cmd:
+            output = self.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)
+            if (
+                not output
+                or "not found" in output
+                or "Can't find" in output
+                or ("mFocusedApp=null" in output)
+            ):
+                result = ""
+            else:
+                result = output.split(" ")[-2]
+                break
+        self.log.debug("Current focus app is %s", result)
+        return result
+    def is_window_ready(self, window_name=None):
+        current_window = self.get_my_current_focus_window()
+        if window_name:
+            return window_name in current_window
+        return current_window and ENCRYPTION_WINDOW not in current_window
+    def wait_for_window_ready(
+        self, window_name=None, check_interval=5, check_duration=60
+    ):
+        elapsed_time = 0
+        while elapsed_time < check_duration:
+            if self.is_window_ready(window_name=window_name):
+                return True
+            time.sleep(check_interval)
+            elapsed_time += check_interval
+        self.log.info("Current focus window is %s", self.get_my_current_focus_window())
+        return False
+    def is_user_setup_complete(self):
+        return "1" in self.adb.shell("settings get secure user_setup_complete")
+    def is_screen_awake(self):
+        """Check if device screen is in sleep mode"""
+        return "Awake" in self.adb.shell("dumpsys power | grep mWakefulness=")
+    def is_screen_emergency_dialer(self):
+        """Check if device screen is in emergency dialer mode"""
+        return "EmergencyDialer" in self.get_my_current_focus_window()
+    def is_screen_in_call_activity(self):
+        """Check if device screen is in in-call activity notification"""
+        return "InCallActivity" in self.get_my_current_focus_window()
+    def is_setupwizard_on(self):
+        """Check if device screen is in emergency dialer mode"""
+        return "setupwizard" in self.get_my_current_focus_app()
+    def is_screen_lock_enabled(self):
+        """Check if screen lock is enabled"""
+        cmd = "dumpsys window policy | grep showing="
+        out = self.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)
+        return "true" in out
+    def is_waiting_for_unlock_pin(self):
+        """Check if device is waiting for unlock pin to boot up"""
+        current_window = self.get_my_current_focus_window()
+        current_app = self.get_my_current_focus_app()
+        if ENCRYPTION_WINDOW in current_window:
+            self.log.info("Device is in CrpytKeeper window")
+            return True
+        if "StatusBar" in current_window and (
+            (not current_app) or "FallbackHome" in current_app
+        ):
+            self.log.info("Device is locked")
+            return True
+        return False
+    def ensure_screen_on(self):
+        """Ensure device screen is powered on"""
+        if self.is_screen_lock_enabled():
+            for _ in range(2):
+                self.unlock_screen()
+                time.sleep(1)
+                if self.is_waiting_for_unlock_pin():
+                    self.unlock_screen(password=DEFAULT_DEVICE_PASSWORD)
+                    time.sleep(1)
+                if (
+                    not self.is_waiting_for_unlock_pin()
+                    and self.wait_for_window_ready()
+                ):
+                    return True
+            return False
+        else:
+            self.wakeup_screen()
+            return True
+    def wakeup_screen(self):
+        if not self.is_screen_awake():
+            self.log.info("Screen is not awake, wake it up")
+            self.send_keycode("WAKEUP")
+    def go_to_sleep(self):
+        if self.is_screen_awake():
+            self.send_keycode("SLEEP")
+    def send_keycode_number_pad(self, number):
+        self.send_keycode(f"NUMPAD_{number}")
+    def unlock_screen(self, password=None):
+        self.log.info("Unlocking with %s", password or "swipe up")
+        # Bring device to SLEEP so that unlock process can start fresh
+        self.send_keycode("SLEEP")
+        time.sleep(1)
+        self.send_keycode("WAKEUP")
+        if ENCRYPTION_WINDOW not in self.get_my_current_focus_app():
+            self.send_keycode("MENU")
+        if password:
+            self.send_keycode("DEL")
+            for number in password:
+                self.send_keycode_number_pad(number)
+            self.send_keycode("ENTER")
+            self.send_keycode("BACK")
+    def screenshot(self, name=""):
+        """Take a screenshot on the device.
+        Args:
+            name: additional information of screenshot on the file name.
+        """
+        if name:
+            file_name = f"{DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_PATH}_{name}"
+        file_name = f"{file_name}_{utils.get_current_epoch_time()}.png"
+        self.ensure_screen_on()
+        self.log.info("Log screenshot to %s", file_name)
+        try:
+            self.adb.shell(f"screencap -p {file_name}")
+        except:
+            self.log.error("Fail to log screenshot to %s", file_name)
+    def exit_setup_wizard(self):
+        # Handling Android TV's setupwizard is ignored for now.
+        if "feature:android.hardware.type.television" in self.adb.shell(
+            "pm list features"
+        ):
+            return
+        if not self.is_user_setup_complete() or self.is_setupwizard_on():
+            # b/116709539 need this to prevent reboot after skip setup wizard
+            self.adb.shell(
+                "am start -a com.android.setupwizard.EXIT", ignore_status=True
+            )
+            self.adb.shell(
+                f"pm disable {self.get_setupwizard_package_name()}",
+                ignore_status=True,
+            )
+        # Wait up to 5 seconds for user_setup_complete to be updated
+        end_time = time.time() + 5
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            if self.is_user_setup_complete() or not self.is_setupwizard_on():
+                return
+        # If fail to exit setup wizard, set local.prop and reboot
+        if not self.is_user_setup_complete() and self.is_setupwizard_on():
+            self.adb.shell("echo ro.test_harness=1 > /data/local.prop")
+            self.adb.shell("chmod 644 /data/local.prop")
+            self.reboot(stop_at_lock_screen=True)
+    def get_setupwizard_package_name(self):
+        """Finds setupwizard package/.activity
+        Bypass setupwizard or setupwraith depending on device.
+         Returns:
+            packageName/.ActivityName
+        """
+        packages_to_skip = "'setupwizard|setupwraith'"
+        android_package_name = "com.google.android"
+        package = self.adb.shell(
+            "pm list packages -f | grep -E {} | grep {}".format(
+                packages_to_skip, android_package_name
+            )
+        )
+        wizard_package = package.split("=")[1]
+        activity = package.split("=")[0].split("/")[-2]
+        self.log.info(f"{wizard_package}/.{activity}Activity")
+        return f"{wizard_package}/.{activity}Activity"
+    def push_system_file(self, src_file_path, dst_file_path, push_timeout=300):
+        """Pushes a file onto the read-only file system.
+        For speed, the device is left in root mode after this call, and leaves
+        verity disabled. To re-enable verity, call ensure_verity_enabled().
+        Args:
+            src_file_path: The path to the system app to install.
+            dst_file_path: The destination of the file.
+            push_timeout: How long to wait for the push to finish.
+        Returns:
+            Whether or not the install was successful.
+        """
+        self.adb.ensure_root()
+        try:
+            self.ensure_verity_disabled()
+            self.adb.remount()
+            out = self.adb.push(
+                f"{src_file_path} {dst_file_path}", timeout=push_timeout
+            )
+            if "error" in out:
+                self.log.error(
+                    "Unable to push system file %s to %s due to %s",
+                    src_file_path,
+                    dst_file_path,
+                    out,
+                )
+                return False
+            return True
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.error(
+                "Unable to push system file %s to %s due to %s",
+                src_file_path,
+                dst_file_path,
+                e,
+            )
+            return False
+    def ensure_verity_enabled(self):
+        """Ensures that verity is enabled.
+        If verity is not enabled, this call will reboot the phone. Note that
+        this only works on debuggable builds.
+        """
+        user = self.adb.get_user_id()
+        # The below properties will only exist if verity has been enabled.
+        system_verity = self.adb.getprop("partition.system.verified")
+        vendor_verity = self.adb.getprop("partition.vendor.verified")
+        if not system_verity or not vendor_verity:
+            self.adb.ensure_root()
+            self.adb.enable_verity()
+            self.reboot()
+            self.adb.ensure_user(user)
+    def ensure_verity_disabled(self):
+        """Ensures that verity is disabled.
+        If verity is enabled, this call will reboot the phone.
+        """
+        user = self.adb.get_user_id()
+        # The below properties will only exist if verity has been enabled.
+        system_verity = self.adb.getprop("partition.system.verified")
+        vendor_verity = self.adb.getprop("partition.vendor.verified")
+        if system_verity or vendor_verity:
+            self.adb.ensure_root()
+            self.adb.disable_verity()
+            self.reboot()
+            self.adb.ensure_user(user)
+class AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
+        msg = f"[AndroidDevice|{self.extra['serial']}] {msg}"
+        return (msg, kwargs)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/errors.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/errors.py
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/events.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/events.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/logcat.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/logcat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aab7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/logcat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import re
+from antlion.libs.logging import log_stream
+from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import LogStyles
+from antlion.libs.proc.process import Process
+TIMESTAMP_REGEX = r"((?:\d+-)?\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+.\d+)"
+class TimestampTracker(object):
+    """Stores the last timestamp outputted by the Logcat process."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._last_timestamp = None
+    @property
+    def last_timestamp(self):
+        return self._last_timestamp
+    def read_output(self, message):
+        """Reads the message and parses all timestamps from it."""
+        all_timestamps = re.findall(TIMESTAMP_REGEX, message)
+        if len(all_timestamps) > 0:
+            self._last_timestamp = all_timestamps[0]
+def _get_log_level(message):
+    """Returns the log level for the given message."""
+    if message.startswith("-") or len(message) < 37:
+        return logging.ERROR
+    else:
+        log_level = message[36]
+        if log_level in ("V", "D"):
+            return logging.DEBUG
+        elif log_level == "I":
+            return logging.INFO
+        elif log_level == "W":
+            return logging.WARNING
+        elif log_level == "E":
+            return logging.ERROR
+    return logging.NOTSET
+def _log_line_func(log, timestamp_tracker):
+    """Returns a lambda that logs a message to the given logger."""
+    def log_line(message):
+        timestamp_tracker.read_output(message)
+        log.log(_get_log_level(message), message)
+    return log_line
+def _on_retry(serial, extra_params, timestamp_tracker):
+    def on_retry(_):
+        begin_at = '"%s"' % (timestamp_tracker.last_timestamp or 1)
+        additional_params = extra_params or ""
+        return f"adb -s {serial} logcat -T {begin_at} -v year {additional_params}"
+    return on_retry
+def create_logcat_keepalive_process(serial, logcat_dir, extra_params=""):
+    """Creates a Logcat Process that automatically attempts to reconnect.
+    Args:
+        serial: The serial of the device to read the logcat of.
+        logcat_dir: The directory used for logcat file output.
+        extra_params: Any additional params to be added to the logcat cmdline.
+    Returns:
+        A acts.libs.proc.process.Process object.
+    """
+    logger = log_stream.create_logger(
+        f"adblog_{serial}",
+        log_name=serial,
+        subcontext=logcat_dir,
+        log_styles=(LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG),
+    )
+    process = Process(f"adb -s {serial} logcat -T 1 -v year {extra_params}")
+    timestamp_tracker = TimestampTracker()
+    process.set_on_output_callback(_log_line_func(logger, timestamp_tracker))
+    process.set_on_terminate_callback(
+        _on_retry(serial, extra_params, timestamp_tracker)
+    )
+    return process
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/services.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/services.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..098f524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/services.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import errors
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import events as android_events
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+class AndroidService(object):
+    """The base class for Android long-running services.
+    The _start method is registered to an AndroidStartServicesEvent, and
+    the _stop method is registered to an AndroidStopServicesEvent.
+    Attributes:
+        ad: The AndroidDevice instance associated with the service.
+        serial: The serial of the device.
+        _registration_ids: List of registration IDs for the event subscriptions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ad):
+        self.ad = ad
+        self._registration_ids = []
+    @property
+    def serial(self):
+        return self.ad.serial
+    def register(self):
+        """Registers the _start and _stop methods to their corresponding
+        events.
+        """
+        def check_serial(event):
+            return self.serial == event.ad.serial
+        self._registration_ids = [
+            event_bus.register(
+                android_events.AndroidStartServicesEvent,
+                self._start,
+                filter_fn=check_serial,
+            ),
+            event_bus.register(
+                android_events.AndroidStopServicesEvent,
+                self._stop,
+                filter_fn=check_serial,
+            ),
+        ]
+    def unregister(self):
+        """Unregisters all subscriptions in this service."""
+        event_bus.unregister_all(from_list=self._registration_ids)
+        self._registration_ids.clear()
+    def _start(self, start_event):
+        """Start the service. Called upon an AndroidStartServicesEvent.
+        Args:
+            start_event: The AndroidStartServicesEvent instance.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _stop(self, stop_event):
+        """Stop the service. Called upon an AndroidStopServicesEvent.
+        Args:
+            stop_event: The AndroidStopServicesEvent instance.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class AdbLogcatService(AndroidService):
+    """Service for adb logcat."""
+    def _start(self, _):
+        self.ad.start_adb_logcat()
+    def _stop(self, _):
+        self.ad.stop_adb_logcat()
+class Sl4aService(AndroidService):
+    """Service for SL4A."""
+    def _start(self, start_event):
+        if self.ad.skip_sl4a:
+            return
+        if not self.ad.is_sl4a_installed():
+            self.ad.log.error("sl4a.apk is not installed")
+            raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
+                "The required sl4a.apk is not installed", serial=self.serial
+            )
+        if not self.ad.ensure_screen_on():
+            self.ad.log.error("User window cannot come up")
+            raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
+                "User window cannot come up", serial=self.serial
+            )
+        droid, ed = self.ad.get_droid()
+        ed.start()
+    def _stop(self, _):
+        self.ad.terminate_all_sessions()
+        self.ad._sl4a_manager.stop_service()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..745189d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Generic telephony utility functions. Cloned from test_utils.tel."""
+import re
+import struct
+import time
+from queue import Empty
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
+from antlion.logger import epoch_to_log_line_timestamp
+# Max time to wait after caller make a call and before
+# callee start ringing
+# Max time to wait after toggle airplane mode and before
+# get expected event
+# Wait time between state check retry
+# Constant for Data Roaming State
+# Constant for Telephony Manager Call State
+# Constant for Service State
+# Constant for Network Mode
+# Constant for Events
+class CallStateContainer:
+    INCOMING_NUMBER = "incomingNumber"
+    SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "subscriptionId"
+    CALL_STATE = "callState"
+class ServiceStateContainer:
+    VOICE_REG_STATE = "voiceRegState"
+    VOICE_NETWORK_TYPE = "voiceNetworkType"
+    DATA_REG_STATE = "dataRegState"
+    DATA_NETWORK_TYPE = "dataNetworkType"
+    OPERATOR_NAME = "operatorName"
+    OPERATOR_ID = "operatorId"
+    IS_MANUAL_NW_SELECTION = "isManualNwSelection"
+    ROAMING = "roaming"
+    IS_EMERGENCY_ONLY = "isEmergencyOnly"
+    NETWORK_ID = "networkId"
+    SYSTEM_ID = "systemId"
+    SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "subscriptionId"
+    SERVICE_STATE = "serviceState"
+def dumpsys_last_call_info(ad):
+    """Get call information by dumpsys telecom."""
+    num = dumpsys_last_call_number(ad)
+    output = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys telecom")
+    result = re.search(r"Call TC@%s: {(.*?)}" % num, output, re.DOTALL)
+    call_info = {"TC": num}
+    if result:
+        result = result.group(1)
+        for attr in (
+            "startTime",
+            "endTime",
+            "direction",
+            "isInterrupted",
+            "callTechnologies",
+            "callTerminationsReason",
+            "isVideoCall",
+            "callProperties",
+        ):
+            match = re.search(r"%s: (.*)" % attr, result)
+            if match:
+                if attr in ("startTime", "endTime"):
+                    call_info[attr] = epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(int(match.group(1)))
+                else:
+                    call_info[attr] = match.group(1)
+    ad.log.debug("call_info = %s", call_info)
+    return call_info
+def dumpsys_last_call_number(ad):
+    output = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys telecom")
+    call_nums = re.findall("Call TC@(\d+):", output)
+    if not call_nums:
+        return 0
+    else:
+        return int(call_nums[-1])
+def get_device_epoch_time(ad):
+    return int(1000 * float(ad.adb.shell("date +%s.%N")))
+def get_outgoing_voice_sub_id(ad):
+    """Get outgoing voice subscription id"""
+    if hasattr(ad, "outgoing_voice_sub_id"):
+        return ad.outgoing_voice_sub_id
+    else:
+        return ad.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultVoiceSubId()
+def get_rx_tx_power_levels(log, ad):
+    """Obtains Rx and Tx power levels from the MDS application.
+    The method requires the MDS app to be installed in the DUT.
+    Args:
+        log: logger object
+        ad: an android device
+    Return:
+        A tuple where the first element is an array array with the RSRP value
+        in Rx chain, and the second element is the transmitted power in dBm.
+        Values for invalid Rx / Tx chains are set to None.
+    """
+    cmd = (
+        'am instrument -w -e request "80 00 e8 03 00 08 00 00 00" -e '
+        'response wait "com.google.mdstest/com.google.mdstest.instrument.'
+        'ModemCommandInstrumentation"'
+    )
+    try:
+        output = ad.adb.shell(cmd)
+    except AdbCommandError as e:
+        log.error(e)
+        output = None
+    if not output or "result=SUCCESS" not in output:
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            "Could not obtain Tx/Rx power levels from MDS. Is " "the MDS app installed?"
+        )
+    response = re.search(r"(?<=response=).+", output)
+    if not response:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid response from the MDS app:\n{output}")
+    # Obtain a list of bytes in hex format from the response string
+    response_hex = response.group(0).split(" ")
+    def get_bool(pos):
+        """Obtain a boolean variable from the byte array."""
+        return response_hex[pos] == "01"
+    def get_int32(pos):
+        """Obtain an int from the byte array. Bytes are printed in
+        little endian format."""
+        return struct.unpack(
+            "<i", bytearray.fromhex("".join(response_hex[pos : pos + 4]))
+        )[0]
+    rx_power = []
+    RX_CHAINS = 4
+    for i in range(RX_CHAINS):
+        # Calculate starting position for the Rx chain data structure
+        start = 12 + i * 22
+        # The first byte in the data structure indicates if the rx chain is
+        # valid.
+        if get_bool(start):
+            rx_power.append(get_int32(start + 2) / 10)
+        else:
+            rx_power.append(None)
+    # Calculate the position for the tx chain data structure
+    tx_pos = 12 + RX_CHAINS * 22
+    tx_valid = get_bool(tx_pos)
+    if tx_valid:
+        tx_power = get_int32(tx_pos + 2) / -10
+    else:
+        tx_power = None
+    return rx_power, tx_power
+def get_telephony_signal_strength(ad):
+    # {'evdoEcio': -1, 'asuLevel': 28, 'lteSignalStrength': 14, 'gsmLevel': 0,
+    # 'cdmaAsuLevel': 99, 'evdoDbm': -120, 'gsmDbm': -1, 'cdmaEcio': -160,
+    # 'level': 2, 'lteLevel': 2, 'cdmaDbm': -120, 'dbm': -112, 'cdmaLevel': 0,
+    # 'lteAsuLevel': 28, 'gsmAsuLevel': 99, 'gsmBitErrorRate': 0,
+    # 'lteDbm': -112, 'gsmSignalStrength': 99}
+    try:
+        signal_strength = ad.droid.telephonyGetSignalStrength()
+        if not signal_strength:
+            signal_strength = {}
+    except Exception as e:
+        ad.log.error(e)
+        signal_strength = {}
+    return signal_strength
+def initiate_call(
+    log,
+    ad,
+    callee_number,
+    emergency=False,
+    incall_ui_display=INCALL_UI_DISPLAY_FOREGROUND,
+    video=False,
+    """Make phone call from caller to callee.
+    Args:
+        log: log object.
+        ad: Caller android device object.
+        callee_number: Callee phone number.
+        emergency : specify the call is emergency.
+            Optional. Default value is False.
+        incall_ui_display: show the dialer UI foreground or background
+        video: whether to initiate as video call
+    Returns:
+        result: if phone call is placed successfully.
+    """
+    ad.ed.clear_events(EVENT_CALL_STATE_CHANGED)
+    sub_id = get_outgoing_voice_sub_id(ad)
+    begin_time = get_device_epoch_time(ad)
+    ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingCallStateForSubscription(sub_id)
+    try:
+        # Make a Call
+        ad.log.info("Make a phone call to %s", callee_number)
+        if emergency:
+            ad.droid.telecomCallEmergencyNumber(callee_number)
+        else:
+            ad.droid.telecomCallNumber(callee_number, video)
+        # Verify OFFHOOK state
+        if not wait_for_call_offhook_for_subscription(
+            log, ad, sub_id, event_tracking_started=True
+        ):
+            ad.log.info("sub_id %s not in call offhook state", sub_id)
+            last_call_drop_reason(ad, begin_time=begin_time)
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    finally:
+        if hasattr(ad, "sdm_log") and getattr(ad, "sdm_log"):
+            ad.adb.shell("i2cset -fy 3 64 6 1 b", ignore_status=True)
+            ad.adb.shell("i2cset -fy 3 65 6 1 b", ignore_status=True)
+        ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingCallStateChangeForSubscription(sub_id)
+        if incall_ui_display == INCALL_UI_DISPLAY_FOREGROUND:
+            ad.droid.telecomShowInCallScreen()
+        elif incall_ui_display == INCALL_UI_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND:
+            ad.droid.showHomeScreen()
+def is_event_match(event, field, value):
+    """Return if <field> in "event" match <value> or not.
+    Args:
+        event: event to test. This event need to have <field>.
+        field: field to match.
+        value: value to match.
+    Returns:
+        True if <field> in "event" match <value>.
+        False otherwise.
+    """
+    return is_event_match_for_list(event, field, [value])
+def is_event_match_for_list(event, field, value_list):
+    """Return if <field> in "event" match any one of the value
+        in "value_list" or not.
+    Args:
+        event: event to test. This event need to have <field>.
+        field: field to match.
+        value_list: a list of value to match.
+    Returns:
+        True if <field> in "event" match one of the value in "value_list".
+        False otherwise.
+    """
+    try:
+        value_in_event = event["data"][field]
+    except KeyError:
+        return False
+    for value in value_list:
+        if value_in_event == value:
+            return True
+    return False
+def is_phone_in_call(log, ad):
+    """Return True if phone in call.
+    Args:
+        log: log object.
+        ad:  android device.
+    """
+    try:
+        return ad.droid.telecomIsInCall()
+    except:
+        return "mCallState=2" in ad.adb.shell(
+            "dumpsys telephony.registry | grep mCallState"
+        )
+def last_call_drop_reason(ad, begin_time=None):
+    reasons = ad.search_logcat(
+        "qcril_qmi_voice_map_qmi_to_ril_last_call_failure_cause", begin_time
+    )
+    reason_string = ""
+    if reasons:
+        log_msg = "Logcat call drop reasons:"
+        for reason in reasons:
+            log_msg = f"{log_msg}\n\t{reason['log_message']}"
+            if "ril reason str" in reason["log_message"]:
+                reason_string = reason["log_message"].split(":")[-1].strip()
+        ad.log.info(log_msg)
+    reasons = ad.search_logcat("ACTION_FORBIDDEN_NO_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION", begin_time)
+    if reasons:
+        ad.log.warning("ACTION_FORBIDDEN_NO_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION is seen")
+    ad.log.info("last call dumpsys: %s", sorted(dumpsys_last_call_info(ad).items()))
+    return reason_string
+def toggle_airplane_mode(log, ad, new_state=None, strict_checking=True):
+    """Toggle the state of airplane mode.
+    Args:
+        log: log handler.
+        ad: android_device object.
+        new_state: Airplane mode state to set to.
+            If None, opposite of the current state.
+        strict_checking: Whether to turn on strict checking that checks all features.
+    Returns:
+        result: True if operation succeed. False if error happens.
+    """
+    if ad.skip_sl4a:
+        return toggle_airplane_mode_by_adb(log, ad, new_state)
+    else:
+        return toggle_airplane_mode_msim(
+            log, ad, new_state, strict_checking=strict_checking
+        )
+def toggle_airplane_mode_by_adb(log, ad, new_state=None):
+    """Toggle the state of airplane mode.
+    Args:
+        log: log handler.
+        ad: android_device object.
+        new_state: Airplane mode state to set to.
+            If None, opposite of the current state.
+    Returns:
+        result: True if operation succeed. False if error happens.
+    """
+    cur_state = bool(int(ad.adb.shell("settings get global airplane_mode_on")))
+    if new_state == cur_state:
+        ad.log.info("Airplane mode already in %s", new_state)
+        return True
+    elif new_state is None:
+        new_state = not cur_state
+    ad.log.info("Change airplane mode from %s to %s", cur_state, new_state)
+    try:
+        ad.adb.shell(f"settings put global airplane_mode_on {int(new_state)}")
+        ad.adb.shell("am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE")
+    except Exception as e:
+        ad.log.error(e)
+        return False
+    changed_state = bool(int(ad.adb.shell("settings get global airplane_mode_on")))
+    return changed_state == new_state
+def toggle_airplane_mode_msim(log, ad, new_state=None, strict_checking=True):
+    """Toggle the state of airplane mode.
+    Args:
+        log: log handler.
+        ad: android_device object.
+        new_state: Airplane mode state to set to.
+            If None, opposite of the current state.
+        strict_checking: Whether to turn on strict checking that checks all features.
+    Returns:
+        result: True if operation succeed. False if error happens.
+    """
+    cur_state = ad.droid.connectivityCheckAirplaneMode()
+    if cur_state == new_state:
+        ad.log.info("Airplane mode already in %s", new_state)
+        return True
+    elif new_state is None:
+        new_state = not cur_state
+        ad.log.info("Toggle APM mode, from current tate %s to %s", cur_state, new_state)
+    sub_id_list = []
+    active_sub_info = ad.droid.subscriptionGetAllSubInfoList()
+    if active_sub_info:
+        for info in active_sub_info:
+            sub_id_list.append(info["subscriptionId"])
+    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+    service_state_list = []
+    if new_state:
+        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_POWER_OFF)
+        ad.log.info("Turn on airplane mode")
+    else:
+        # If either one of these 3 events show up, it should be OK.
+        # Normal SIM, phone in service
+        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_IN_SERVICE)
+        # NO SIM, or Dead SIM, or no Roaming coverage.
+        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE)
+        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY)
+        ad.log.info("Turn off airplane mode")
+    for sub_id in sub_id_list:
+        ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingServiceStateChangeForSubscription(sub_id)
+    timeout_time = time.time() + MAX_WAIT_TIME_AIRPLANEMODE_EVENT
+    ad.droid.connectivityToggleAirplaneMode(new_state)
+    try:
+        try:
+            event = ad.ed.wait_for_event(
+                is_event_match_for_list,
+                timeout=MAX_WAIT_TIME_AIRPLANEMODE_EVENT,
+                field=ServiceStateContainer.SERVICE_STATE,
+                value_list=service_state_list,
+            )
+            ad.log.info("Got event %s", event)
+        except Empty:
+            ad.log.warning(
+                "Did not get expected service state change to %s", service_state_list
+            )
+        finally:
+            for sub_id in sub_id_list:
+                ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingServiceStateChangeForSubscription(sub_id)
+    except Exception as e:
+        ad.log.error(e)
+    # APM on (new_state=True) will turn off bluetooth but may not turn it on
+    try:
+        if new_state and not _wait_for_bluetooth_in_state(
+            log, ad, False, timeout_time - time.time()
+        ):
+            ad.log.error("Failed waiting for bluetooth during airplane mode toggle")
+            if strict_checking:
+                return False
+    except Exception as e:
+        ad.log.error("Failed to check bluetooth state due to %s", e)
+        if strict_checking:
+            raise
+    # APM on (new_state=True) will turn off wifi but may not turn it on
+    if new_state and not _wait_for_wifi_in_state(
+        log, ad, False, timeout_time - time.time()
+    ):
+        ad.log.error("Failed waiting for wifi during airplane mode toggle on")
+        if strict_checking:
+            return False
+    if ad.droid.connectivityCheckAirplaneMode() != new_state:
+        ad.log.error("Set airplane mode to %s failed", new_state)
+        return False
+    return True
+def toggle_cell_data_roaming(ad, state):
+    """Enable cell data roaming for default data subscription.
+    Wait for the data roaming status to be DATA_STATE_CONNECTED
+    Args:
+        ad: Android Device Object.
+        state: True or False for enable or disable cell data roaming.
+    Returns:
+        True if success.
+        False if failed.
+    """
+    state_int = {True: DATA_ROAMING_ENABLE, False: DATA_ROAMING_DISABLE}[state]
+    action_str = {True: "Enable", False: "Disable"}[state]
+    if ad.droid.connectivityCheckDataRoamingMode() == state:
+        ad.log.info("Data roaming is already in state %s", state)
+        return True
+    if not ad.droid.connectivitySetDataRoaming(state_int):
+        ad.error.info("Fail to config data roaming into state %s", state)
+        return False
+    if ad.droid.connectivityCheckDataRoamingMode() == state:
+        ad.log.info("Data roaming is configured into state %s", state)
+        return True
+    else:
+        ad.log.error("Data roaming is not configured into state %s", state)
+        return False
+def wait_for_call_offhook_event(
+    log,
+    ad,
+    sub_id,
+    event_tracking_started=False,
+    """Wait for an incoming call on specified subscription.
+    Args:
+        log: log object.
+        ad: android device object.
+        event_tracking_started: True if event tracking already state outside
+        timeout: time to wait for event
+    Returns:
+        True: if call offhook event is received.
+        False: if call offhook event is not received.
+    """
+    if not event_tracking_started:
+        ad.ed.clear_events(EVENT_CALL_STATE_CHANGED)
+        ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingCallStateForSubscription(sub_id)
+    try:
+        ad.ed.wait_for_event(
+            is_event_match,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            field=CallStateContainer.CALL_STATE,
+            value=TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK,
+        )
+        ad.log.info("Got event %s", TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK)
+    except Empty:
+        ad.log.info("No event for call state change to OFFHOOK")
+        return False
+    finally:
+        if not event_tracking_started:
+            ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingCallStateChangeForSubscription(sub_id)
+    return True
+def wait_for_call_offhook_for_subscription(
+    log,
+    ad,
+    sub_id,
+    event_tracking_started=False,
+    """Wait for an incoming call on specified subscription.
+    Args:
+        log: log object.
+        ad: android device object.
+        sub_id: subscription ID
+        timeout: time to wait for ring
+        interval: checking interval
+    Returns:
+        True: if incoming call is received and answered successfully.
+        False: for errors
+    """
+    if not event_tracking_started:
+        ad.ed.clear_events(EVENT_CALL_STATE_CHANGED)
+        ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingCallStateForSubscription(sub_id)
+    offhook_event_received = False
+    end_time = time.time() + timeout
+    try:
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            if not offhook_event_received:
+                if wait_for_call_offhook_event(log, ad, sub_id, True, interval):
+                    offhook_event_received = True
+            telephony_state = ad.droid.telephonyGetCallStateForSubscription(sub_id)
+            telecom_state = ad.droid.telecomGetCallState()
+            if telephony_state == TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK and (
+                telecom_state == TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK
+            ):
+                ad.log.info("telephony and telecom are in OFFHOOK state")
+                return True
+            else:
+                ad.log.info(
+                    "telephony in %s, telecom in %s, expecting OFFHOOK state",
+                    telephony_state,
+                    telecom_state,
+                )
+            if offhook_event_received:
+                time.sleep(interval)
+    finally:
+        if not event_tracking_started:
+            ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingCallStateChangeForSubscription(sub_id)
+def _wait_for_bluetooth_in_state(log, ad, state, max_wait):
+    # FIXME: These event names should be defined in a common location
+    _BLUETOOTH_STATE_ON_EVENT = "BluetoothStateChangedOn"
+    _BLUETOOTH_STATE_OFF_EVENT = "BluetoothStateChangedOff"
+    ad.ed.clear_events(_BLUETOOTH_STATE_ON_EVENT)
+    ad.ed.clear_events(_BLUETOOTH_STATE_OFF_EVENT)
+    ad.droid.bluetoothStartListeningForAdapterStateChange()
+    try:
+        bt_state = ad.droid.bluetoothCheckState()
+        if bt_state == state:
+            return True
+        if max_wait <= 0:
+            ad.log.error(
+                "Time out: bluetooth state still %s, expecting %s", bt_state, state
+            )
+            return False
+            state
+        ]
+        event = ad.ed.pop_event(event, max_wait)
+        ad.log.info("Got event %s", event["name"])
+        return True
+    except Empty:
+        ad.log.error(
+            "Time out: bluetooth state still in %s, expecting %s", bt_state, state
+        )
+        return False
+    finally:
+        ad.droid.bluetoothStopListeningForAdapterStateChange()
+def wait_for_droid_in_call(log, ad, max_time):
+    """Wait for android to be in call state.
+    Args:
+        log: log object.
+        ad:  android device.
+        max_time: maximal wait time.
+    Returns:
+        If phone become in call state within max_time, return True.
+        Return False if timeout.
+    """
+    return _wait_for_droid_in_state(log, ad, max_time, is_phone_in_call)
+def _wait_for_droid_in_state(log, ad, max_time, state_check_func, *args, **kwargs):
+    while max_time >= 0:
+        if state_check_func(log, ad, *args, **kwargs):
+            return True
+        time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_STATE_CHECK)
+        max_time -= WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_STATE_CHECK
+    return False
+# TODO: replace this with an event-based function
+def _wait_for_wifi_in_state(log, ad, state, max_wait):
+    return _wait_for_droid_in_state(
+        log,
+        ad,
+        max_wait,
+        lambda log, ad, state: (True if ad.droid.wifiCheckState() == state else False),
+        state,
+    )
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_get_interface.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_get_interface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7836644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_get_interface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+    from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint
+GET_ALL_INTERFACE = "ls /sys/class/net"
+GET_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE = "ls /sys/devices/virtual/net"
+BRCTL_SHOW = "brctl show"
+class ApInterfacesError(Exception):
+    """Error related to AP interfaces."""
+class ApInterfaces(object):
+    """Class to get network interface information for the device."""
+    def __init__(
+        self, ap: "AccessPoint", wan_interface_override: str | None = None
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize the ApInterface class.
+        Args:
+            ap: the ap object within ACTS
+            wan_interface_override: wan interface to use if specified by config
+        """
+        self.ssh = ap.ssh
+        self.wan_interface_override = wan_interface_override
+    def get_all_interface(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Get all network interfaces on the device.
+        Returns:
+            interfaces_all: list of all the network interfaces on device
+        """
+        output = self.ssh.run(GET_ALL_INTERFACE)
+        interfaces_all = output.stdout.split("\n")
+        return interfaces_all
+    def get_virtual_interface(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Get all virtual interfaces on the device.
+        Returns:
+            interfaces_virtual: list of all the virtual interfaces on device
+        """
+        output = self.ssh.run(GET_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE)
+        interfaces_virtual = output.stdout.split("\n")
+        return interfaces_virtual
+    def get_physical_interface(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Get all the physical interfaces of the device.
+        Get all physical interfaces such as eth ports and wlan ports
+        Returns:
+            interfaces_phy: list of all the physical interfaces
+        """
+        interfaces_all = self.get_all_interface()
+        interfaces_virtual = self.get_virtual_interface()
+        interfaces_phy = list(set(interfaces_all) - set(interfaces_virtual))
+        return interfaces_phy
+    def get_bridge_interface(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Get all the bridge interfaces of the device.
+        Returns:
+            interfaces_bridge: the list of bridge interfaces, return None if
+                bridge utility is not available on the device
+        Raises:
+            ApInterfaceError: Failing to run brctl
+        """
+        try:
+            output = self.ssh.run(BRCTL_SHOW)
+        except job.Error as e:
+            raise ApInterfacesError(f'failed to execute "{BRCTL_SHOW}"') from e
+        lines = output.stdout.split("\n")
+        interfaces_bridge = []
+        for line in lines:
+            interfaces_bridge.append(line.split("\t")[0])
+        interfaces_bridge.pop(0)
+        return [x for x in interfaces_bridge if x != ""]
+    def get_wlan_interface(self) -> tuple[str, str]:
+        """Get all WLAN interfaces and specify 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz interfaces.
+        Returns:
+            interfaces_wlan: all wlan interfaces
+        Raises:
+            ApInterfacesError: Missing at least one WLAN interface
+        """
+        wlan_2g = None
+        wlan_5g = None
+        interfaces_phy = self.get_physical_interface()
+        for iface in interfaces_phy:
+            output = self.ssh.run(f"iwlist {iface} freq")
+            if "Channel 06" in output.stdout and "Channel 36" not in output.stdout:
+                wlan_2g = iface
+            elif "Channel 36" in output.stdout and "Channel 06" not in output.stdout:
+                wlan_5g = iface
+        if wlan_2g is None or wlan_5g is None:
+            raise ApInterfacesError("Missing at least one WLAN interface")
+        return (wlan_2g, wlan_5g)
+    def get_wan_interface(self) -> str:
+        """Get the WAN interface which has internet connectivity. If a wan
+        interface is already specified return that instead.
+        Returns:
+            wan: the only one WAN interface
+        Raises:
+            ApInterfacesError: no running WAN can be found
+        """
+        if self.wan_interface_override:
+            return self.wan_interface_override
+        wan = None
+        interfaces_phy = self.get_physical_interface()
+        interfaces_wlan = self.get_wlan_interface()
+        interfaces_eth = list(set(interfaces_phy) - set(interfaces_wlan))
+        for iface in interfaces_eth:
+            network_status = self.check_ping(iface)
+            if network_status == 1:
+                wan = iface
+                break
+        if wan:
+            return wan
+        output = self.ssh.run("ifconfig")
+        interfaces_all = output.stdout.split("\n")
+        logging.info(f"IFCONFIG output = {interfaces_all}")
+        raise ApInterfacesError("No WAN interface available")
+    def get_lan_interface(self) -> str | None:
+        """Get the LAN interface connecting to local devices.
+        Returns:
+            lan: the only one running LAN interface of the devices
+            None, if nothing was found.
+        """
+        lan = None
+        interfaces_phy = self.get_physical_interface()
+        interfaces_wlan = self.get_wlan_interface()
+        interfaces_eth = list(set(interfaces_phy) - set(interfaces_wlan))
+        interface_wan = self.get_wan_interface()
+        interfaces_eth.remove(interface_wan)
+        for iface in interfaces_eth:
+            output = self.ssh.run(f"ifconfig {iface}")
+            if "RUNNING" in output.stdout:
+                lan = iface
+                break
+        return lan
+    def check_ping(self, iface: str) -> int:
+        """Check the ping status on specific interface to determine the WAN.
+        Args:
+            iface: the specific interface to check
+        Returns:
+            network_status: the connectivity status of the interface
+        """
+        try:
+            self.ssh.run(f"ping -c 3 -I {iface}")
+            return 1
+        except job.Error:
+            return 0
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_iwconfig.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_iwconfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01346b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_iwconfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from antlion.runner import CompletedProcess
+    from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint
+class ApIwconfigError(Exception):
+    """Error related to configuring the wireless interface via iwconfig."""
+class ApIwconfig(object):
+    """Class to configure wireless interface via iwconfig"""
+    PROGRAM_FILE = "/usr/local/sbin/iwconfig"
+    def __init__(self, ap: "AccessPoint") -> None:
+        """Initialize the ApIwconfig class.
+        Args:
+            ap: the ap object within ACTS
+        """
+        self.ssh = ap.ssh
+    def ap_iwconfig(
+        self, interface: str, arguments: str | None = None
+    ) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Configure the wireless interface using iwconfig.
+        Returns:
+            output: the output of the command, if any
+        """
+        return self.ssh.run(f"{self.PROGRAM_FILE} {interface} {arguments}")
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/bridge_interface.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/bridge_interface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b060267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/bridge_interface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import time
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+_BRCTL = "brctl"
+BRIDGE_NAME = "br-lan"
+BRING_DOWN_BRIDGE = f"ifconfig {BRIDGE_NAME} down"
+class BridgeInterfaceConfigs(object):
+    """Configs needed for creating bridge interface between LAN and WLAN."""
+    def __init__(self, iface_wlan, iface_lan, bridge_ip):
+        """Set bridge interface configs based on the channel info.
+        Args:
+            iface_wlan: the wlan interface as part of the bridge
+            iface_lan: the ethernet LAN interface as part of the bridge
+            bridge_ip: the ip address assigned to the bridge interface
+        """
+        self.iface_wlan = iface_wlan
+        self.iface_lan = iface_lan
+        self.bridge_ip = bridge_ip
+class BridgeInterface(object):
+    """Class object for bridge interface betwen WLAN and LAN"""
+    def __init__(self, ap):
+        """Initialize the BridgeInterface class.
+        Bridge interface will be added between ethernet LAN port and WLAN port.
+        Args:
+            ap: AP object within ACTS
+        """
+        self.ssh = ap.ssh
+    def startup(self, brconfigs):
+        """Start up the bridge interface.
+        Args:
+            brconfigs: the bridge interface config, type BridgeInterfaceConfigs
+        """
+        logging.info("Create bridge interface between LAN and WLAN")
+        # Create the bridge
+        try:
+            self.ssh.run(CREATE_BRIDGE)
+        except job.Error:
+            logging.warning(
+                f"Bridge interface {BRIDGE_NAME} already exists, no action needed"
+            )
+        # Enable 4addr mode on for the wlan interface
+        ENABLE_4ADDR = f"iw dev {brconfigs.iface_wlan} set 4addr on"
+        try:
+            self.ssh.run(ENABLE_4ADDR)
+        except job.Error:
+            logging.warning(f"4addr is already enabled on {brconfigs.iface_wlan}")
+        # Add both LAN and WLAN interfaces to the bridge interface
+        for interface in [brconfigs.iface_lan, brconfigs.iface_wlan]:
+            ADD_INTERFACE = f"{_BRCTL} addif {BRIDGE_NAME} {interface}"
+            try:
+                self.ssh.run(ADD_INTERFACE)
+            except job.Error:
+                logging.warning(f"{interface} has already been added to {BRIDGE_NAME}")
+        time.sleep(5)
+        # Set IP address on the bridge interface to bring it up
+        SET_BRIDGE_IP = f"ifconfig {BRIDGE_NAME} {brconfigs.bridge_ip}"
+        self.ssh.run(SET_BRIDGE_IP)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        # Bridge interface is up
+        logging.info("Bridge interface is up and running")
+    def teardown(self, brconfigs):
+        """Tear down the bridge interface.
+        Args:
+            brconfigs: the bridge interface config, type BridgeInterfaceConfigs
+        """
+        logging.info("Bringing down the bridge interface")
+        # Delete the bridge interface
+        self.ssh.run(BRING_DOWN_BRIDGE)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        self.ssh.run(DELETE_BRIDGE)
+        # Bring down wlan interface and disable 4addr mode
+        BRING_DOWN_WLAN = f"ifconfig {brconfigs.iface_wlan} down"
+        self.ssh.run(BRING_DOWN_WLAN)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        DISABLE_4ADDR = f"iw dev {brconfigs.iface_wlan} set 4addr off"
+        self.ssh.run(DISABLE_4ADDR)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        logging.info("Bridge interface is down")
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa8cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import copy
+from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Network
+_ROUTER_DNS = ","
+class Subnet(object):
+    """Configs for a subnet  on the dhcp server.
+    Attributes:
+        network: ipaddress.IPv4Network, the network that this subnet is in.
+        start: ipaddress.IPv4Address, the start ip address.
+        end: ipaddress.IPv4Address, the end ip address.
+        router: The router to give to all hosts in this subnet.
+        lease_time: The lease time of all hosts in this subnet.
+        additional_parameters: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP parameters.
+        additional_options: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP options.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        subnet: IPv4Network,
+        start: IPv4Address | None = None,
+        end: IPv4Address | None = None,
+        router: IPv4Address | None = None,
+        lease_time: int | None = None,
+        additional_parameters: dict[str, str] = {},
+        additional_options: dict[str, int | str] = {},
+    ):
+        """
+        Args:
+            subnet: ipaddress.IPv4Network, The address space of the subnetwork
+                    served by the DHCP server.
+            start: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The start of the address range to
+                   give hosts in this subnet. If not given, the second ip in
+                   the network is used, under the assumption that the first
+                   address is the router.
+            end: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The end of the address range to give
+                 hosts. If not given then the address prior to the broadcast
+                 address (i.e. the second to last ip in the network) is used.
+            router: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The router hosts should use in this
+                    subnet. If not given the first ip in the network is used.
+            lease_time: int, The amount of lease time in seconds
+                        hosts in this subnet have.
+            additional_parameters: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP parameters.
+            additional_options: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP options.
+        """
+        self.network = subnet
+        if start:
+            self.start = start
+        else:
+            self.start = self.network[2]
+        if not self.start in self.network:
+            raise ValueError("The start range is not in the subnet.")
+        if self.start.is_reserved:
+            raise ValueError("The start of the range cannot be reserved.")
+        if end:
+            self.end = end
+        else:
+            self.end = self.network[-2]
+        if not self.end in self.network:
+            raise ValueError("The end range is not in the subnet.")
+        if self.end.is_reserved:
+            raise ValueError("The end of the range cannot be reserved.")
+        if self.end < self.start:
+            raise ValueError("The end must be an address larger than the start.")
+        if router:
+            if router >= self.start and router <= self.end:
+                raise ValueError("Router must not be in pool range.")
+            if not router in self.network:
+                raise ValueError("Router must be in the given subnet.")
+            self.router = router
+        else:
+            # TODO: Use some more clever logic so that we don't have to search
+            # every host potentially.
+            # This is especially important if we support IPv6 networks in this
+            # configuration. The improved logic that we can use is:
+            #    a) erroring out if start and end encompass the whole network, and
+            #    b) picking any address before self.start or after self.end.
+            for host in self.network.hosts():
+                if host < self.start or host > self.end:
+                    self.router = host
+                    break
+            if not hasattr(self, "router"):
+                raise ValueError("No useable host found.")
+        self.lease_time = lease_time
+        self.additional_parameters = additional_parameters
+        self.additional_options = additional_options
+        if "domain-name-servers" not in self.additional_options:
+            self.additional_options["domain-name-servers"] = _ROUTER_DNS
+class StaticMapping(object):
+    """Represents a static dhcp host.
+    Attributes:
+        identifier: How id of the host (usually the mac addres
+                    e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55).
+        address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The ipv4 address to give the host.
+        lease_time: How long to give a lease to this host.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, identifier, address, lease_time=None):
+        self.identifier = identifier
+        self.ipv4_address = address
+        self.lease_time = lease_time
+class DhcpConfig(object):
+    """The configs for a dhcp server.
+    Attributes:
+        subnets: A list of all subnets for the dhcp server to create.
+        static_mappings: A list of static host addresses.
+        default_lease_time: The default time for a lease.
+        max_lease_time: The max time to allow a lease.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        subnets=None,
+        static_mappings=None,
+        default_lease_time=600,
+        max_lease_time=7200,
+    ):
+        self.subnets = copy.deepcopy(subnets) if subnets else []
+        self.static_mappings = copy.deepcopy(static_mappings) if static_mappings else []
+        self.default_lease_time = default_lease_time
+        self.max_lease_time = max_lease_time
+    def render_config_file(self):
+        """Renders the config parameters into a format compatible with
+        the ISC DHCP server (dhcpd).
+        """
+        lines = []
+        if self.default_lease_time:
+            lines.append(f"default-lease-time {self.default_lease_time};")
+        if self.max_lease_time:
+            lines.append(f"max-lease-time {self.max_lease_time};")
+        for subnet in self.subnets:
+            address = subnet.network.network_address
+            mask = subnet.network.netmask
+            router = subnet.router
+            start = subnet.start
+            end = subnet.end
+            lease_time = subnet.lease_time
+            additional_parameters = subnet.additional_parameters
+            additional_options = subnet.additional_options
+            lines.append("subnet %s netmask %s {" % (address, mask))
+            lines.append("\tpool {")
+            lines.append(f"\t\toption subnet-mask {mask};")
+            lines.append(f"\t\toption routers {router};")
+            lines.append(f"\t\trange {start} {end};")
+            if lease_time:
+                lines.append(f"\t\tdefault-lease-time {lease_time};")
+                lines.append(f"\t\tmax-lease-time {lease_time};")
+            for param, value in additional_parameters.items():
+                lines.append(f"\t\t{param} {value};")
+            for option, value in additional_options.items():
+                lines.append(f"\t\toption {option} {value};")
+            lines.append("\t}")
+            lines.append("}")
+        for mapping in self.static_mappings:
+            identifier = mapping.identifier
+            fixed_address = mapping.ipv4_address
+            host_fake_name = f"host{identifier.replace(':', '')}"
+            lease_time = mapping.lease_time
+            lines.append("host %s {" % host_fake_name)
+            lines.append(f"\thardware ethernet {identifier};")
+            lines.append(f"\tfixed-address {fixed_address};")
+            if lease_time:
+                lines.append(f"\tdefault-lease-time {lease_time};")
+                lines.append(f"\tmax-lease-time {lease_time};")
+            lines.append("}")
+        config_str = "\n".join(lines)
+        return config_str
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_server.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d123acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+from tenacity import retry, retry_if_exception_type, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.dhcp_config import DhcpConfig
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
+class Error(Exception):
+    """An error caused by the dhcp server."""
+class NoInterfaceError(Exception):
+    """Error thrown when the dhcp server has no interfaces on any subnet."""
+class DhcpServer(object):
+    """Manages the dhcp server program.
+    Only one of these can run in an environment at a time.
+    Attributes:
+        config: The dhcp server configuration that is being used.
+    """
+    PROGRAM_FILE = "dhcpd"
+    def __init__(self, runner, interface, working_dir="/tmp"):
+        """
+        Args:
+            runner: Object that has a run_async and run methods for running
+                    shell commands.
+            interface: string, The name of the interface to use.
+            working_dir: The directory to work out of.
+        """
+        self._log = logger.create_logger(lambda msg: f"[DHCP Server|{interface}] {msg}")
+        self._runner = runner
+        self._working_dir = working_dir
+        self._shell = shell.ShellCommand(runner, working_dir)
+        self._stdio_log_file = f"dhcpd_{interface}.log"
+        self._config_file = f"dhcpd_{interface}.conf"
+        self._lease_file = f"dhcpd_{interface}.leases"
+        self._pid_file = f"dhcpd_{interface}.pid"
+        self._identifier = f"{self.PROGRAM_FILE}.*{self._config_file}"
+    # There is a slight timing issue where if the proc filesystem in Linux
+    # doesn't get updated in time as when this is called, the NoInterfaceError
+    # will happening.  By adding this retry, the error appears to have gone away
+    # but will still show a warning if the problem occurs.  The error seems to
+    # happen more with bridge interfaces than standard interfaces.
+    @retry(
+        retry=retry_if_exception_type(NoInterfaceError),
+        stop=stop_after_attempt(3),
+        wait=wait_fixed(1),
+    )
+    def start(self, config: DhcpConfig, timeout_sec: int = 60) -> None:
+        """Starts the dhcp server.
+        Starts the dhcp server daemon and runs it in the background.
+        Args:
+            config: Configs to start the dhcp server with.
+        Raises:
+            Error: Raised when a dhcp server error is found.
+        """
+        if self.is_alive():
+            self.stop()
+        self._write_configs(config)
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._stdio_log_file)
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._pid_file)
+        self._shell.touch_file(self._lease_file)
+        dhcpd_command = (
+            f"{self.PROGRAM_FILE} "
+            f'-cf "{self._config_file}" '
+            f"-lf {self._lease_file} "
+            f'-pf "{self._pid_file}" '
+            "-f -d"
+        )
+        base_command = f'cd "{self._working_dir}"; {dhcpd_command}'
+        job_str = f'{base_command} > "{self._stdio_log_file}" 2>&1'
+        self._runner.run_async(job_str)
+        try:
+            self._wait_for_process(timeout=timeout_sec)
+            self._wait_for_server(timeout=timeout_sec)
+        except:
+            self._log.warn("Failed to start DHCP server.")
+            self._log.info(f"DHCP configuration:\n{config.render_config_file()}\n")
+            self._log.info(f"DHCP logs:\n{self.get_logs()}\n")
+            self.stop()
+            raise
+    def stop(self):
+        """Kills the daemon if it is running."""
+        if self.is_alive():
+            self._shell.kill(self._identifier)
+    def is_alive(self):
+        """
+        Returns:
+            True if the daemon is running.
+        """
+        return self._shell.is_alive(self._identifier)
+    def get_logs(self) -> str:
+        """Pulls the log files from where dhcp server is running.
+        Returns:
+            A string of the dhcp server logs.
+        """
+        return self._shell.read_file(self._stdio_log_file)
+    def _wait_for_process(self, timeout=60):
+        """Waits for the process to come up.
+        Waits until the dhcp server process is found running, or there is
+        a timeout. If the program never comes up then the log file
+        will be scanned for errors.
+        Raises: See _scan_for_errors
+        """
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() - start_time < timeout and not self.is_alive():
+            self._scan_for_errors(False)
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+        self._scan_for_errors(True)
+    def _wait_for_server(self, timeout=60):
+        """Waits for dhcp server to report that the server is up.
+        Waits until dhcp server says the server has been brought up or an
+        error occurs.
+        Raises: see _scan_for_errors
+        """
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
+            success = self._shell.search_file(
+                "Wrote [0-9]* leases to leases file", self._stdio_log_file
+            )
+            if success:
+                return
+            self._scan_for_errors(True)
+    def _scan_for_errors(self, should_be_up):
+        """Scans the dhcp server log for any errors.
+        Args:
+            should_be_up: If true then dhcp server is expected to be alive.
+                          If it is found not alive while this is true an error
+                          is thrown.
+        Raises:
+            Error: Raised when a dhcp server error is found.
+        """
+        # If this is checked last we can run into a race condition where while
+        # scanning the log the process has not died, but after scanning it
+        # has. If this were checked last in that condition then the wrong
+        # error will be thrown. To prevent this we gather the alive state first
+        # so that if it is dead it will definitely give the right error before
+        # just giving a generic one.
+        is_dead = not self.is_alive()
+        no_interface = self._shell.search_file(
+            "Not configured to listen on any interfaces", self._stdio_log_file
+        )
+        if no_interface:
+            raise NoInterfaceError(
+                "Dhcp does not contain a subnet for any of the networks the"
+                " current interfaces are on."
+            )
+        if should_be_up and is_dead:
+            raise Error("Dhcp server failed to start.", self)
+    def _write_configs(self, config):
+        """Writes the configs to the dhcp server config file."""
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
+        config_str = config.render_config_file()
+        self._shell.write_file(self._config_file, config_str)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/extended_capabilities.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/extended_capabilities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4570409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/extended_capabilities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from enum import IntEnum, unique
+class ExtendedCapability(IntEnum):
+    """All extended capabilities present in IEEE 802.11-2020 Table 9-153.
+    Each name has a value corresponding to that extended capability's bit offset
+    in the specification's extended capabilities field.
+    Note that most extended capabilities are represented by a single bit, which
+    indicates whether the extended capability is advertised by the STA; but
+    some are represented by multiple bits. In the enum, each extended capability
+    has the value of its offset; comments indicate capabilities that use
+    multiple bits.
+    """
+    GLK = 1
+    GLK_GCR = 3
+    # 5 reserved
+    EVENT = 7
+    FMS = 11
+    TFS = 16
+    WNM_SLEEP_MODE = 17
+    SSID_LIST = 25
+    DMS = 26
+    UTC_TSF_OFFSET = 27
+    QOS_MAP = 32
+    EBR = 33
+    # 35 reserved
+    TDLS_SUPPORT = 37
+    # Bits 41-43 contain SERVICE_INTERVAL_GRANULARITY value
+    UTF_8_SSID = 48
+    ADVANCED_GCR = 52
+    MESH_GCR = 53
+    SCS = 54
+    QLOAD_REPORT = 55
+    # 59 reserved
+    # 63-64 contain MAX_NUMBER_OF_MSDUS_IN_A_MSDU value
+    PAD = 75
+    # 76-79 reserved
+    # 83 reserved
+    MIRRORED_SCS = 85
+    # 86 reserved
+    # 88-n reserved
+def _offsets(ext_cap_offset: ExtendedCapability) -> tuple[int, int]:
+    """For given capability, return the byte and bit offsets within the field.
+    802.11 divides the extended capability field into bytes, as does the
+    ExtendedCapabilities class below. This function returns the index of the
+    byte that contains the given extended capability, as well as the bit offset
+    inside that byte (all offsets zero-indexed). For example,
+    MULTICAST_DIAGNOSTICS is bit 9, which is within byte 1 at bit offset 1.
+    """
+    byte_offset = ext_cap_offset // 8
+    bit_offset = ext_cap_offset % 8
+    return byte_offset, bit_offset
+class ExtendedCapabilities:
+    """Extended capability parsing and representation.
+    See IEEE 802.11-2020
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ext_cap: bytearray = bytearray()):
+        """Represent the given extended capabilities field.
+        Args:
+            ext_cap: IEEE 802.11-2020 extended capabilities field.
+            Default is an empty field, meaning no extended capabilities are
+            advertised.
+        """
+        self._ext_cap = ext_cap
+    def _capability_advertised(self, ext_cap: ExtendedCapability) -> bool:
+        """Whether an extended capability is advertised.
+        Args:
+            ext_cap: an extended capability.
+        Returns:
+            True if the bit is present and its value is 1, otherwise False.
+        Raises:
+            NotImplementedError: for extended capabilities that span more than
+            a single bit. These could be supported, but no callers need them
+            at this time.
+        """
+        if ext_cap in [
+            ExtendedCapability.SERVICE_INTERVAL_GRANULARITY,
+            ExtendedCapability.MAX_NUMBER_OF_MSDUS_IN_A_MSDU,
+        ]:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                f"{ext_cap.name} not implemented yet by {self.__class__}"
+            )
+        byte_offset, bit_offset = _offsets(ext_cap)
+        if len(self._ext_cap) > byte_offset:
+            # Use bit_offset to derive a mask that will check the correct bit.
+            if self._ext_cap[byte_offset] & 2**bit_offset > 0:
+                return True
+        return False
+    @property
+    def bss_transition(self) -> bool:
+        return self._capability_advertised(ExtendedCapability.BSS_TRANSITION)
+    @property
+    def proxy_arp_service(self) -> bool:
+        return self._capability_advertised(ExtendedCapability.PROXY_ARP_SERVICE)
+    @property
+    def utc_tsf_offset(self) -> bool:
+        return self._capability_advertised(ExtendedCapability.UTC_TSF_OFFSET)
+    @property
+    def wnm_sleep_mode(self) -> bool:
+        return self._capability_advertised(ExtendedCapability.WNM_SLEEP_MODE)
+    # Other extended capability property methods can be added as needed by callers.
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba7eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import itertools
+import logging
+import re
+import time
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+from typing import Any, Iterable
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.extended_capabilities import ExtendedCapabilities
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_config import HostapdConfig
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import (
+    BssTransitionManagementRequest,
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
+from antlion.runner import Runner
+PROGRAM_FILE = "/usr/sbin/hostapd"
+CLI_PROGRAM_FILE = "/usr/bin/hostapd_cli"
+class Error(Exception):
+    """An error caused by hostapd."""
+class Hostapd(object):
+    """Manages the hostapd program.
+    Attributes:
+        config: The hostapd configuration that is being used.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, runner: Runner, interface: str, working_dir: str = "/tmp"
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            runner: Object that has run_async and run methods for executing
+                    shell commands (e.g. connection.SshConnection)
+            interface: The name of the interface to use (eg. wlan0).
+            working_dir: The directory to work out of.
+        """
+        self._runner = runner
+        self._interface = interface
+        self._working_dir = working_dir
+        self.config: HostapdConfig | None = None
+        self._shell = shell.ShellCommand(runner, working_dir)
+        self._log_file = f"hostapd-{self._interface}.log"
+        self._ctrl_file = f"hostapd-{self._interface}.ctrl"
+        self._config_file = f"hostapd-{self._interface}.conf"
+        self._identifier = f"{PROGRAM_FILE}.*{self._config_file}"
+    def start(
+        self,
+        config: HostapdConfig,
+        timeout: int = 60,
+        additional_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Starts hostapd
+        Starts the hostapd daemon and runs it in the background.
+        Args:
+            config: Configs to start the hostapd with.
+            timeout: Time to wait for DHCP server to come up.
+            additional_parameters: A dictionary of parameters that can sent
+                                   directly into the hostapd config file.  This
+                                   can be used for debugging and or adding one
+                                   off parameters into the config.
+        Returns:
+            True if the daemon could be started. Note that the daemon can still
+            start and not work. Invalid configurations can take a long amount
+            of time to be produced, and because the daemon runs indefinitely
+            it's impossible to wait on. If you need to check if configs are ok
+            then periodic checks to is_running and logs should be used.
+        """
+        if additional_parameters is None:
+            additional_parameters = {}
+        if self.is_alive():
+            self.stop()
+        self.config = config
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._ctrl_file)
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._log_file)
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
+        self._write_configs(additional_parameters)
+        hostapd_command = f'{PROGRAM_FILE} -dd -t "{self._config_file}"'
+        base_command = f'cd "{self._working_dir}"; {hostapd_command}'
+        job_str = f'rfkill unblock all; {base_command} > "{self._log_file}" 2>&1'
+        self._runner.run_async(job_str)
+        try:
+            self._wait_for_process(timeout=timeout)
+            self._wait_for_interface(timeout=timeout)
+        except:
+            self.stop()
+            raise
+    def stop(self) -> None:
+        """Kills the daemon if it is running."""
+        if self.is_alive():
+            self._shell.kill(self._identifier)
+    def channel_switch(self, channel_num: int) -> None:
+        """Switches to the given channel.
+        Returns:
+            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
+        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
+        """
+        try:
+            channel_freq = hostapd_constants.FREQUENCY_MAP[channel_num]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid channel number {channel_num}")
+        csa_beacon_count = 10
+        channel_switch_cmd = f"chan_switch {csa_beacon_count} {channel_freq}"
+        self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(channel_switch_cmd)
+    def get_current_channel(self) -> int:
+        """Returns the current channel number.
+        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
+        """
+        status_cmd = "status"
+        result = self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(status_cmd)
+        match = re.search(r"^channel=(\d+)$", result, re.MULTILINE)
+        if not match:
+            raise Error("Current channel could not be determined")
+        try:
+            channel = int(match.group(1))
+        except ValueError:
+            raise Error("Internal error: current channel could not be parsed")
+        return channel
+    def get_stas(self) -> set[str]:
+        """Return MAC addresses of all associated STAs."""
+        list_sta_result = self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd("list_sta")
+        stas = set()
+        for line in list_sta_result.splitlines():
+            # Each line must be a valid MAC address. Capture it.
+            m = re.match(r"((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})", line)
+            if m:
+                stas.add(m.group(1))
+        return stas
+    def _sta(self, sta_mac: str) -> str:
+        """Return hostapd's detailed info about an associated STA.
+        Returns:
+            Results of the command.
+        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
+        """
+        return self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(f"sta {sta_mac}")
+    def get_sta_extended_capabilities(self, sta_mac: str) -> ExtendedCapabilities:
+        """Get extended capabilities for the given STA, as seen by the AP.
+        Args:
+            sta_mac: MAC address of the STA in question.
+        Returns:
+            Extended capabilities of the given STA.
+        Raises:
+            Error if extended capabilities for the STA cannot be obtained.
+        """
+        sta_result = self._sta(sta_mac)
+        # hostapd ext_capab field is a hex encoded string representation of the
+        # 802.11 extended capabilities structure, each byte represented by two
+        # chars (each byte having format %02x).
+        m = re.search(r"ext_capab=([0-9A-Faf]+)", sta_result, re.MULTILINE)
+        if not m:
+            raise Error("Failed to get ext_capab from STA details")
+        raw_ext_capab = m.group(1)
+        try:
+            return ExtendedCapabilities(bytearray.fromhex(raw_ext_capab))
+        except ValueError:
+            raise Error(f"ext_capab contains invalid hex string repr {raw_ext_capab}")
+    def sta_authenticated(self, sta_mac: str) -> bool:
+        """Is the given STA authenticated?
+        Args:
+            sta_mac: MAC address of the STA in question.
+        Returns:
+            True if AP sees that the STA is authenticated, False otherwise.
+        Raises:
+            Error if authenticated status for the STA cannot be obtained.
+        """
+        sta_result = self._sta(sta_mac)
+        m = re.search(r"flags=.*\[AUTH\]", sta_result, re.MULTILINE)
+        return bool(m)
+    def sta_associated(self, sta_mac: str) -> bool:
+        """Is the given STA associated?
+        Args:
+            sta_mac: MAC address of the STA in question.
+        Returns:
+            True if AP sees that the STA is associated, False otherwise.
+        Raises:
+            Error if associated status for the STA cannot be obtained.
+        """
+        sta_result = self._sta(sta_mac)
+        m = re.search(r"flags=.*\[ASSOC\]", sta_result, re.MULTILINE)
+        return bool(m)
+    def sta_authorized(self, sta_mac: str) -> bool:
+        """Is the given STA authorized (802.1X controlled port open)?
+        Args:
+            sta_mac: MAC address of the STA in question.
+        Returns:
+            True if AP sees that the STA is 802.1X authorized, False otherwise.
+        Raises:
+            Error if authorized status for the STA cannot be obtained.
+        """
+        sta_result = self._sta(sta_mac)
+        m = re.search(r"flags=.*\[AUTHORIZED\]", sta_result, re.MULTILINE)
+        return bool(m)
+    def _bss_tm_req(
+        self, client_mac: str, request: BssTransitionManagementRequest
+    ) -> None:
+        """Send a hostapd BSS Transition Management request command to a STA.
+        Args:
+            client_mac: MAC address that will receive the request.
+            request: BSS Transition Management request that will be sent.
+        Returns:
+            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
+        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
+        """
+        bss_tm_req_cmd = f"bss_tm_req {client_mac}"
+        if request.abridged:
+            bss_tm_req_cmd += " abridged=1"
+        if request.bss_termination_included and request.bss_termination_duration:
+            bss_tm_req_cmd += f" bss_term={request.bss_termination_duration.duration}"
+        if request.disassociation_imminent:
+            bss_tm_req_cmd += " disassoc_imminent=1"
+        if request.disassociation_timer is not None:
+            bss_tm_req_cmd += f" disassoc_timer={request.disassociation_timer}"
+        if request.preferred_candidate_list_included:
+            bss_tm_req_cmd += " pref=1"
+        if request.session_information_url:
+            bss_tm_req_cmd += f" url={request.session_information_url}"
+        if request.validity_interval:
+            bss_tm_req_cmd += f" valid_int={request.validity_interval}"
+        # neighbor= can appear multiple times, so it requires special handling.
+        if request.candidate_list is not None:
+            for neighbor in request.candidate_list:
+                bssid = neighbor.bssid
+                bssid_info = hex(neighbor.bssid_information)
+                op_class = neighbor.operating_class
+                chan_num = neighbor.channel_number
+                phy_type = int(neighbor.phy_type)
+                bss_tm_req_cmd += (
+                    f" neighbor={bssid},{bssid_info},{op_class},{chan_num},{phy_type}"
+                )
+        self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(bss_tm_req_cmd)
+    def send_bss_transition_management_req(
+        self, sta_mac: str, request: BssTransitionManagementRequest
+    ) -> None:
+        """Send a BSS Transition Management request to an associated STA.
+        Args:
+            sta_mac: MAC address of the STA in question.
+            request: BSS Transition Management request that will be sent.
+        Returns:
+            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
+        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
+        """
+        self._bss_tm_req(sta_mac, request)
+    def is_alive(self) -> bool:
+        """
+        Returns:
+            True if the daemon is running.
+        """
+        return self._shell.is_alive(self._identifier)
+    def pull_logs(self) -> str:
+        """Pulls the log files from where hostapd is running.
+        Returns:
+            A string of the hostapd logs.
+        """
+        # TODO: Auto pulling of logs when stop is called.
+        return self._shell.read_file(self._log_file)
+    def _run_hostapd_cli_cmd(self, cmd: str) -> str:
+        """Run the given hostapd_cli command.
+        Runs the command, waits for the output (up to default timeout), and
+            returns the result.
+        Returns:
+            Results of the ssh command.
+        Raises:
+            subprocess.TimeoutExpired: When the remote command took too
+                long to execute.
+            antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection.Error: When the ssh
+                connection failed to be created.
+            subprocess.CalledProcessError: Ssh worked, but the command had an
+                error executing.
+        """
+        hostapd_cli_job = (
+            f"cd {self._working_dir}; " f"{CLI_PROGRAM_FILE} -p {self._ctrl_file} {cmd}"
+        )
+        proc = self._runner.run(hostapd_cli_job)
+        if proc.returncode:
+            raise CalledProcessError(
+                proc.returncode, hostapd_cli_job, proc.stdout, proc.stderr
+            )
+        return proc.stdout
+    def _wait_for_process(self, timeout: int = 60) -> None:
+        """Waits for the process to come up.
+        Waits until the hostapd process is found running, or there is
+        a timeout. If the program never comes up then the log file
+        will be scanned for errors.
+        Raises: See _scan_for_errors
+        """
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() - start_time < timeout and not self.is_alive():
+            self._scan_for_errors(False)
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+    def _wait_for_interface(self, timeout: int = 60) -> None:
+        """Waits for hostapd to report that the interface is up.
+        Waits until hostapd says the interface has been brought up or an
+        error occurs.
+        Raises: see _scan_for_errors
+        """
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            success = self._shell.search_file("Setup of interface done", self._log_file)
+            if success:
+                return
+            self._scan_for_errors(False)
+        self._scan_for_errors(True)
+    def _scan_for_errors(self, should_be_up: bool) -> None:
+        """Scans the hostapd log for any errors.
+        Args:
+            should_be_up: If true then hostapd program is expected to be alive.
+                          If it is found not alive while this is true an error
+                          is thrown.
+        Raises:
+            Error: Raised when a hostapd error is found.
+        """
+        # Store this so that all other errors have priority.
+        is_dead = not self.is_alive()
+        bad_config = self._shell.search_file(
+            "Interface initialization failed", self._log_file
+        )
+        if bad_config:
+            raise Error("Interface failed to start", self)
+        bad_config = self._shell.search_file(
+            f"Interface {self._interface} wasn't started", self._log_file
+        )
+        if bad_config:
+            raise Error("Interface failed to start", self)
+        if should_be_up and is_dead:
+            raise Error("Hostapd failed to start", self)
+    def _write_configs(self, additional_parameters: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        """Writes the configs to the hostapd config file."""
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
+        interface_configs = collections.OrderedDict()
+        interface_configs["interface"] = self._interface
+        interface_configs["ctrl_interface"] = self._ctrl_file
+        pairs: Iterable[str] = (f"{k}={v}" for k, v in interface_configs.items())
+        packaged_configs = self.config.package_configs() if self.config else []
+        if additional_parameters:
+            packaged_configs.append(additional_parameters)
+        for packaged_config in packaged_configs:
+            config_pairs = (
+                f"{k}={v}" for k, v in packaged_config.items() if v is not None
+            )
+            pairs = itertools.chain(pairs, config_pairs)
+        hostapd_conf = "\n".join(pairs)
+        logging.info(f"Writing {self._config_file}")
+        logging.debug("******************Start*******************")
+        logging.debug(f"\n{hostapd_conf}")
+        logging.debug("*******************End********************")
+        self._shell.write_file(self._config_file, hostapd_conf)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_ap_preset.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_ap_preset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c15792a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_ap_preset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Any, FrozenSet, TypeVar
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles import (
+    actiontec,
+    asus,
+    belkin,
+    linksys,
+    netgear,
+    securifi,
+    tplink,
+T = TypeVar("T")
+def _get_or_default(var: T | None, default_value: T) -> T:
+    """Check variable and return non-null value.
+    Args:
+         var: Any variable.
+         default_value: Value to return if the var is None.
+    Returns:
+         Variable value if not None, default value otherwise.
+    """
+    return var if var is not None else default_value
+def create_ap_preset(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    profile_name: str = "whirlwind",
+    channel: int | None = None,
+    mode: str | None = None,
+    frequency: int | None = None,
+    security: Security | None = None,
+    pmf_support: int | None = None,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+    hidden: bool | None = None,
+    dtim_period: int | None = None,
+    frag_threshold: int | None = None,
+    rts_threshold: int | None = None,
+    force_wmm: bool | None = None,
+    beacon_interval: int | None = None,
+    short_preamble: bool | None = None,
+    n_capabilities: list[Any] | None = None,
+    ac_capabilities: list[Any] | None = None,
+    vht_bandwidth: int | None = None,
+    wnm_features: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset(),
+    bss_settings: list[Any] = [],
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    """AP preset config generator.  This a wrapper for hostapd_config but
+       but supplies the default settings for the preset that is selected.
+        You may specify channel or frequency, but not both.  Both options
+        are checked for validity (i.e. you can't specify an invalid channel
+        or a frequency that will not be accepted).
+    Args:
+        profile_name: The name of the device want the preset for.
+                      Options: whirlwind
+        channel: Channel number.
+        dtim: DTIM value of the AP, default is 2.
+        frequency: Frequency of channel.
+        security: The security settings to use.
+        ssid: The name of the ssid to broadcast.
+        pmf_support: Whether pmf is disabled, enabled, or required
+        vht_bandwidth: VHT bandwidth for 11ac operation.
+        bss_settings: The settings for all bss.
+        iface_wlan_2g: the wlan 2g interface name of the AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: the wlan 5g interface name of the AP.
+        mode: The hostapd 802.11 mode of operation.
+        ssid: The ssid for the wireless network.
+        hidden: Whether to include the ssid in the beacons.
+        dtim_period: The dtim period for the BSS
+        frag_threshold: Max size of packet before fragmenting the packet.
+        rts_threshold: Max size of packet before requiring protection for
+            rts/cts or cts to self.
+        n_capabilities: 802.11n capabilities for for BSS to advertise.
+        ac_capabilities: 802.11ac capabilities for for BSS to advertise.
+        wnm_features: WNM features to enable on the AP.
+    Returns: A hostapd_config object that can be used by the hostapd object.
+    """
+    if security is None:
+        security = Security()
+    # Verify interfaces
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    if channel is not None:
+        frequency = hostapd_config.get_frequency_for_channel(channel)
+    elif frequency is not None:
+        channel = hostapd_config.get_channel_for_frequency(frequency)
+    if channel is None or frequency is None:
+        raise ValueError("Must specify channel or frequency")
+    if profile_name == "whirlwind":
+        # profile indicates phy mode is 11bgn for 2.4Ghz or 11acn for 5Ghz
+        hidden = _get_or_default(hidden, False)
+        force_wmm = _get_or_default(force_wmm, True)
+        beacon_interval = _get_or_default(beacon_interval, 100)
+        short_preamble = _get_or_default(short_preamble, True)
+        dtim_period = _get_or_default(dtim_period, 2)
+        frag_threshold = _get_or_default(frag_threshold, 2346)
+        rts_threshold = _get_or_default(rts_threshold, 2347)
+        if frequency < 5000:
+            interface = iface_wlan_2g
+            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED)
+            n_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                n_capabilities,
+                [
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+                ],
+            )
+            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+                ssid=ssid,
+                hidden=hidden,
+                security=security,
+                pmf_support=pmf_support,
+                interface=interface,
+                mode=mode,
+                force_wmm=force_wmm,
+                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+                dtim_period=dtim_period,
+                short_preamble=short_preamble,
+                frequency=frequency,
+                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
+                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
+                wnm_features=wnm_features,
+                bss_settings=bss_settings,
+            )
+        else:
+            interface = iface_wlan_5g
+            vht_bandwidth = _get_or_default(vht_bandwidth, 80)
+            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED)
+            if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
+                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS
+            elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
+                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS
+            # Channel 165 operates in 20MHz with n or ac modes.
+            if channel == 165:
+                mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
+            # Define the n capability vector for 20 MHz and higher bandwidth
+            if not vht_bandwidth:
+                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(n_capabilities, [])
+            elif vht_bandwidth >= 40:
+                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                    n_capabilities,
+                    [
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+                        extended_channel,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+                    ],
+                )
+            else:
+                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                    n_capabilities,
+                    [
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20,
+                    ],
+                )
+            ac_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                ac_capabilities,
+                [
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+                ],
+            )
+            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+                ssid=ssid,
+                hidden=hidden,
+                security=security,
+                pmf_support=pmf_support,
+                interface=interface,
+                mode=mode,
+                force_wmm=force_wmm,
+                vht_channel_width=vht_bandwidth,
+                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+                dtim_period=dtim_period,
+                short_preamble=short_preamble,
+                frequency=frequency,
+                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
+                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
+                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+                ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+                bss_settings=bss_settings,
+            )
+    elif profile_name == "whirlwind_11ab_legacy":
+        if frequency < 5000:
+            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11B
+        else:
+            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
+        config = create_ap_preset(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            channel=channel,
+            mode=mode,
+            security=security,
+            pmf_support=pmf_support,
+            hidden=hidden,
+            force_wmm=force_wmm,
+            beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+            short_preamble=short_preamble,
+            dtim_period=dtim_period,
+            rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
+            frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
+            n_capabilities=[],
+            ac_capabilities=[],
+            vht_bandwidth=None,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "whirlwind_11ag_legacy":
+        if frequency < 5000:
+            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
+        else:
+            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
+        config = create_ap_preset(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            channel=channel,
+            mode=mode,
+            security=security,
+            pmf_support=pmf_support,
+            hidden=hidden,
+            force_wmm=force_wmm,
+            beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+            short_preamble=short_preamble,
+            dtim_period=dtim_period,
+            rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
+            frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
+            n_capabilities=[],
+            ac_capabilities=[],
+            vht_bandwidth=None,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "mistral":
+        hidden = _get_or_default(hidden, False)
+        force_wmm = _get_or_default(force_wmm, True)
+        beacon_interval = _get_or_default(beacon_interval, 100)
+        short_preamble = _get_or_default(short_preamble, True)
+        dtim_period = _get_or_default(dtim_period, 2)
+        frag_threshold = None
+        rts_threshold = None
+        # Google IE
+        # Country Code IE ('us' lowercase)
+        vendor_elements = {
+            "vendor_elements": "dd0cf4f5e80505ff0000ffffffff" "070a75732024041e95051e00"
+        }
+        default_configs = {"bridge": "br-lan", "iapp_interface": "br-lan"}
+        additional_params = (
+            vendor_elements
+            | default_configs
+            | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT
+            | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT
+        )
+        if frequency < 5000:
+            interface = iface_wlan_2g
+            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED)
+            n_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                n_capabilities,
+                [
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+                ],
+            )
+            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+                ssid=ssid,
+                hidden=hidden,
+                security=security,
+                pmf_support=pmf_support,
+                interface=interface,
+                mode=mode,
+                force_wmm=force_wmm,
+                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+                dtim_period=dtim_period,
+                short_preamble=short_preamble,
+                frequency=frequency,
+                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
+                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
+                wnm_features=wnm_features,
+                bss_settings=bss_settings,
+                additional_parameters=additional_params,
+                set_ap_defaults_profile=profile_name,
+            )
+        else:
+            interface = iface_wlan_5g
+            vht_bandwidth = _get_or_default(vht_bandwidth, 80)
+            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED)
+            if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
+                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS
+            elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
+                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS
+            # Channel 165 operates in 20MHz with n or ac modes.
+            if channel == 165:
+                mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
+            if vht_bandwidth >= 40:
+                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                    n_capabilities,
+                    [
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+                        extended_channel,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+                    ],
+                )
+            else:
+                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                    n_capabilities,
+                    [
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+                        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20,
+                    ],
+                )
+            ac_capabilities = _get_or_default(
+                ac_capabilities,
+                [
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SU_BEAMFORMER,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SU_BEAMFORMEE,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MU_BEAMFORMER,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SOUNDING_DIMENSION_4,
+                    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_BF_ANTENNA_4,
+                ],
+            )
+            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+                ssid=ssid,
+                hidden=hidden,
+                security=security,
+                pmf_support=pmf_support,
+                interface=interface,
+                mode=mode,
+                force_wmm=force_wmm,
+                vht_channel_width=vht_bandwidth,
+                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+                dtim_period=dtim_period,
+                short_preamble=short_preamble,
+                frequency=frequency,
+                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
+                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
+                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+                ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+                wnm_features=wnm_features,
+                bss_settings=bss_settings,
+                additional_parameters=additional_params,
+                set_ap_defaults_profile=profile_name,
+            )
+    elif profile_name == "actiontec_pk5000":
+        config = actiontec.actiontec_pk5000(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g, channel=channel, ssid=ssid, security=security
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "actiontec_mi424wr":
+        config = actiontec.actiontec_mi424wr(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g, channel=channel, ssid=ssid, security=security
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "asus_rtac66u":
+        config = asus.asus_rtac66u(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "asus_rtac86u":
+        config = asus.asus_rtac86u(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "asus_rtac5300":
+        config = asus.asus_rtac5300(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "asus_rtn56u":
+        config = asus.asus_rtn56u(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "asus_rtn66u":
+        config = asus.asus_rtn66u(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "belkin_f9k1001v5":
+        config = belkin.belkin_f9k1001v5(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g, channel=channel, ssid=ssid, security=security
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "linksys_ea4500":
+        config = linksys.linksys_ea4500(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "linksys_ea9500":
+        config = linksys.linksys_ea9500(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "linksys_wrt1900acv2":
+        config = linksys.linksys_wrt1900acv2(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "netgear_r7000":
+        config = netgear.netgear_r7000(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "netgear_wndr3400":
+        config = netgear.netgear_wndr3400(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "securifi_almond":
+        config = securifi.securifi_almond(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g, channel=channel, ssid=ssid, security=security
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "tplink_archerc5":
+        config = tplink.tplink_archerc5(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "tplink_archerc7":
+        config = tplink.tplink_archerc7(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "tplink_c1200":
+        config = tplink.tplink_c1200(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
+            iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+    elif profile_name == "tplink_tlwr940n":
+        config = tplink.tplink_tlwr940n(
+            iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g, channel=channel, ssid=ssid, security=security
+        )
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid ap model specified ({profile_name})")
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_bss_settings.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_bss_settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f4d261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_bss_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
+class BssSettings(object):
+    """Settings for a bss.
+    Settings for a bss to allow multiple network on a single device.
+    Attributes:
+        name: The name that this bss will go by.
+        ssid: The name of the ssid to broadcast.
+        hidden: If true then the ssid will be hidden.
+        security: The security settings to use.
+        bssid: The bssid to use.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        ssid: str,
+        security: Security,
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        bssid: str | None = None,
+    ):
+        self.name = name
+        self.ssid = ssid
+        self.security = security
+        self.hidden = hidden
+        self.bssid = bssid
+    def generate_dict(self) -> dict[str, str | int]:
+        """Returns: A dictionary of bss settings."""
+        settings: dict[str, str | int] = collections.OrderedDict()
+        settings["bss"] = self.name
+        if self.bssid:
+            settings["bssid"] = self.bssid
+        if self.ssid:
+            settings["ssid"] = self.ssid
+            settings["ignore_broadcast_ssid"] = 1 if self.hidden else 0
+        security_settings = self.security.generate_dict()
+        for k, v in security_settings.items():
+            settings[k] = v
+        return settings
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_config.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cce604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import logging
+from typing import Any, FrozenSet
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_bss_settings import BssSettings
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def ht40_plus_allowed(channel: int):
+    """Returns: True iff HT40+ is enabled for this configuration."""
+    channel_supported = (
+        channel
+        in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
+            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS_CHANNELS
+        ]
+    )
+    return channel_supported
+def ht40_minus_allowed(channel: int):
+    """Returns: True iff HT40- is enabled for this configuration."""
+    channel_supported = (
+        channel
+        in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
+            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS_CHANNELS
+        ]
+    )
+    return channel_supported
+def get_frequency_for_channel(channel: int):
+    """The frequency associated with a given channel number.
+    Args:
+        value: channel number.
+    Returns:
+        int, frequency in MHz associated with the channel.
+    """
+    for frequency, channel_iter in hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP.items():
+        if channel == channel_iter:
+            return frequency
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Unknown channel value: {channel!r}.")
+def get_channel_for_frequency(frequency: int):
+    """The channel number associated with a given frequency.
+    Args:
+        value: frequency in MHz.
+    Returns:
+        int, frequency associated with the channel.
+    """
+    return hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP[frequency]
+class HostapdConfig(object):
+    """The root settings for the router.
+    All the settings for a router that are not part of an ssid.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        interface: str | None = None,
+        mode: str | None = None,
+        channel: int | None = None,
+        frequency: int | None = None,
+        n_capabilities: list[Any] | None = None,
+        beacon_interval: int | None = None,
+        dtim_period: int | None = None,
+        frag_threshold: int | None = None,
+        rts_threshold: int | None = None,
+        short_preamble: bool | None = None,
+        ssid: str | None = None,
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        security: Security | None = None,
+        bssid: str | None = None,
+        force_wmm: bool | None = None,
+        pmf_support: int | None = None,
+        obss_interval: int | None = None,
+        vht_channel_width: Any | None = None,
+        vht_center_channel: int | None = None,
+        ac_capabilities: list[Any] | None = None,
+        beacon_footer: str = "",
+        spectrum_mgmt_required: bool | None = None,
+        scenario_name: str | None = None,
+        min_streams: int | None = None,
+        wnm_features: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset(),
+        bss_settings: list[Any] | None = None,
+        additional_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
+        set_ap_defaults_profile: str = "whirlwind",
+    ) -> None:
+        """Construct a HostapdConfig.
+        You may specify channel or frequency, but not both.  Both options
+        are checked for validity (i.e. you can't specify an invalid channel
+        or a frequency that will not be accepted).
+        Args:
+            interface: The name of the interface to use.
+            mode: MODE_11x defined above.
+            channel: Channel number.
+            frequency: Frequency of channel.
+            n_capabilities: List of N_CAPABILITY_x defined above.
+            beacon_interval: Beacon interval of AP.
+            dtim_period: Include a DTIM every |dtim_period| beacons.
+            frag_threshold: Maximum outgoing data frame size.
+            rts_threshold: Maximum packet size without requiring explicit
+                protection via rts/cts or cts to self.
+            short_preamble: Whether to use a short preamble.
+            ssid: string, The name of the ssid to broadcast.
+            hidden: Should the ssid be hidden.
+            security: The security settings to use.
+            bssid: A MAC address like string for the BSSID.
+            force_wmm: True if we should force WMM on, False if we should
+                force it off, None if we shouldn't force anything.
+            pmf_support: One of PMF_SUPPORT_* above.  Controls whether the
+                client supports/must support 802.11w. If None, defaults to
+                required with wpa3, else defaults to disabled.
+            obss_interval: Interval in seconds that client should be
+                required to do background scans for overlapping BSSes.
+            vht_channel_width: Object channel width
+            vht_center_channel: Center channel of segment 0.
+            ac_capabilities: List of AC_CAPABILITY_x defined above.
+            beacon_footer: Containing (not validated) IE data to be
+                placed at the end of the beacon.
+            spectrum_mgmt_required: True if we require the DUT to support
+                spectrum management.
+            scenario_name: To be included in file names, instead
+                of the interface name.
+            min_streams: Number of spatial streams required.
+            wnm_features: WNM features to enable on the AP.
+            control_interface: The file name to use as the control interface.
+            bss_settings: The settings for all bss.
+            additional_parameters: A dictionary of additional parameters to add
+                to the hostapd config.
+            set_ap_defaults_profile: profile name to load defaults from
+        """
+        if n_capabilities is None:
+            n_capabilities = []
+        if ac_capabilities is None:
+            ac_capabilities = []
+        if bss_settings is None:
+            bss_settings = []
+        if additional_parameters is None:
+            additional_parameters = {}
+        if security is None:
+            security = Security()
+        self.set_ap_defaults_profile = set_ap_defaults_profile
+        self._interface = interface
+        if channel is not None and frequency is not None:
+            raise ValueError("Specify either frequency or channel " "but not both.")
+        unknown_caps = [
+            cap
+            for cap in n_capabilities
+            if cap not in hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING
+        ]
+        if unknown_caps:
+            raise ValueError(f"Unknown capabilities: {unknown_caps!r}")
+        if channel:
+            self.channel = channel
+        elif frequency:
+            self.frequency = frequency
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Specify either frequency or channel.")
+        self._n_capabilities = set(n_capabilities)
+        if force_wmm is not None:
+            self._wmm_enabled = force_wmm
+        elif self._n_capabilities:
+            self._wmm_enabled = True
+        if self._n_capabilities and mode is None:
+            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_PURE
+        self._mode = mode
+        if not self.supports_frequency(self.frequency):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Configured a mode %s that does not support "
+                "frequency %d" % (self._mode, self.frequency)
+            )
+        self._beacon_interval = beacon_interval
+        self._dtim_period = dtim_period
+        self._frag_threshold = frag_threshold
+        self._rts_threshold = rts_threshold
+        self._short_preamble = short_preamble
+        self._ssid = ssid
+        self._hidden = hidden
+        self._security = security
+        self._bssid = bssid
+        # Default PMF Values
+        if pmf_support is None:
+            if self.security and self.security.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA3:
+                # Set PMF required for WP3
+                self._pmf_support = hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED
+            elif self.security and self.security.security_mode.is_wpa3():
+                # Default PMF to enabled for WPA3 mixed modes (can be
+                # overwritten by explicitly provided value)
+                self._pmf_support = hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_ENABLED
+            else:
+                # Default PMD to disabled for all other modes (can be
+                # overwritten by explicitly provided value)
+                self._pmf_support = hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_DISABLED
+        elif pmf_support not in hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_VALUES:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for pmf_support: {pmf_support!r}")
+        elif (
+            pmf_support != hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED
+            and self.security
+            and self.security.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA3
+        ):
+            raise ValueError("PMF support must be required with wpa3.")
+        else:
+            self._pmf_support = pmf_support
+        self._obss_interval = obss_interval
+        if self.is_11ac:
+            if str(vht_channel_width) == "40" or str(vht_channel_width) == "20":
+                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40
+            elif str(vht_channel_width) == "80":
+                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80
+            elif str(vht_channel_width) == "160":
+                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160
+            elif str(vht_channel_width) == "80+80":
+                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80_80
+            elif vht_channel_width is not None:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid channel width")
+            else:
+                logging.warning(
+                    "No channel bandwidth specified.  Using 80MHz for 11ac."
+                )
+                self._vht_oper_chwidth = 1
+            if vht_center_channel is not None:
+                self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = vht_center_channel
+            elif vht_channel_width == 20 and channel is not None:
+                self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = channel
+            else:
+                self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = (
+                    self._get_11ac_center_channel_from_channel(self.channel)
+                )
+            self._ac_capabilities = set(ac_capabilities)
+        self._beacon_footer = beacon_footer
+        self._spectrum_mgmt_required = spectrum_mgmt_required
+        self._scenario_name = scenario_name
+        self._min_streams = min_streams
+        self._wnm_features = wnm_features
+        self._additional_parameters = additional_parameters
+        self._bss_lookup: dict[str, BssSettings] = collections.OrderedDict()
+        for bss in bss_settings:
+            if bss.name in self._bss_lookup:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Cannot have multiple bss settings with the same name."
+                )
+            self._bss_lookup[bss.name] = bss
+    def _get_11ac_center_channel_from_channel(self, channel: int) -> int:
+        """Returns the center channel of the selected channel band based
+        on the channel and channel bandwidth provided.
+        """
+        channel = int(channel)
+        center_channel_delta = hostapd_constants.CENTER_CHANNEL_MAP[
+            self._vht_oper_chwidth
+        ]["delta"]
+        for channel_map in hostapd_constants.CENTER_CHANNEL_MAP[self._vht_oper_chwidth][
+            "channels"
+        ]:
+            lower_channel_bound, upper_channel_bound = channel_map
+            if lower_channel_bound <= channel <= upper_channel_bound:
+                return lower_channel_bound + center_channel_delta
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid channel for {self._vht_oper_chwidth}.")
+    @property
+    def _get_default_config(self):
+        """Returns: dict of default options for hostapd."""
+        if self.set_ap_defaults_profile == "mistral":
+            return collections.OrderedDict(
+                [
+                    ("logger_syslog", "-1"),
+                    ("logger_syslog_level", "0"),
+                    # default RTS and frag threshold to ``off''
+                    ("rts_threshold", None),
+                    ("fragm_threshold", None),
+                    ("driver", hostapd_constants.DRIVER_NAME),
+                ]
+            )
+        else:
+            return collections.OrderedDict(
+                [
+                    ("logger_syslog", "-1"),
+                    ("logger_syslog_level", "0"),
+                    # default RTS and frag threshold to ``off''
+                    ("rts_threshold", "2347"),
+                    ("fragm_threshold", "2346"),
+                    ("driver", hostapd_constants.DRIVER_NAME),
+                ]
+            )
+    @property
+    def _hostapd_ht_capabilities(self):
+        """Returns: string suitable for the ht_capab= line in a hostapd config."""
+        ret = []
+        for cap in hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
+            if cap in self._n_capabilities:
+                ret.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
+        return "".join(ret)
+    @property
+    def _hostapd_vht_capabilities(self):
+        """Returns: string suitable for the vht_capab= line in a hostapd config."""
+        ret = []
+        for cap in hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
+            if cap in self._ac_capabilities:
+                ret.append(hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
+        return "".join(ret)
+    @property
+    def _require_ht(self):
+        """Returns: True iff clients should be required to support HT."""
+        return self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_PURE
+    @property
+    def _require_vht(self):
+        """Returns: True if clients should be required to support VHT."""
+        return self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_PURE
+    @property
+    def hw_mode(self):
+        """Returns: string hardware mode understood by hostapd."""
+        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11A:
+            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
+        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11B:
+            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11B
+        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11G:
+            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
+        if self.is_11n or self.is_11ac:
+            # For their own historical reasons, hostapd wants it this way.
+            if self._frequency > 5000:
+                return hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
+            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
+        raise ValueError("Invalid mode.")
+    @property
+    def is_11n(self):
+        """Returns: True if we're trying to host an 802.11n network."""
+        return self._mode in (
+            hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+            hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_PURE,
+        )
+    @property
+    def is_11ac(self):
+        """Returns: True if we're trying to host an 802.11ac network."""
+        return self._mode in (
+            hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED,
+            hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_PURE,
+        )
+    @property
+    def channel(self):
+        """Returns: int channel number for self.frequency."""
+        return get_channel_for_frequency(self.frequency)
+    @channel.setter
+    def channel(self, value):
+        """Sets the channel number to configure hostapd to listen on.
+        Args:
+            value: int, channel number.
+        """
+        self.frequency = get_frequency_for_channel(value)
+    @property
+    def bssid(self) -> str | None:
+        return self._bssid
+    @bssid.setter
+    def bssid(self, value: str):
+        self._bssid = value
+    @property
+    def frequency(self) -> int:
+        """Returns: frequency for hostapd to listen on."""
+        return self._frequency
+    @frequency.setter
+    def frequency(self, value: int):
+        """Sets the frequency for hostapd to listen on.
+        Args:
+            value: int, frequency in MHz.
+        """
+        if value not in hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP:
+            raise ValueError(f"Tried to set an invalid frequency: {value!r}.")
+        self._frequency = value
+    @property
+    def bss_lookup(self) -> dict[str, BssSettings]:
+        return self._bss_lookup
+    @property
+    def ssid(self) -> str | None:
+        """Returns: SsidSettings, The root Ssid settings being used."""
+        return self._ssid
+    @ssid.setter
+    def ssid(self, value: str):
+        """Sets the ssid for the hostapd.
+        Args:
+            value: SsidSettings, new ssid settings to use.
+        """
+        self._ssid = value
+    @property
+    def hidden(self):
+        """Returns: bool, True if the ssid is hidden, false otherwise."""
+        return self._hidden
+    @hidden.setter
+    def hidden(self, value: bool):
+        """Sets if this ssid is hidden.
+        Args:
+            value: If true the ssid will be hidden.
+        """
+        self.hidden = value
+    @property
+    def security(self) -> Security:
+        """Returns: The security type being used."""
+        return self._security
+    @security.setter
+    def security(self, value: Security):
+        """Sets the security options to use.
+        Args:
+            value: The type of security to use.
+        """
+        self._security = value
+    @property
+    def ht_packet_capture_mode(self) -> str | None:
+        """Get an appropriate packet capture HT parameter.
+        When we go to configure a raw monitor we need to configure
+        the phy to listen on the correct channel.  Part of doing
+        so is to specify the channel width for HT channels.  In the
+        case that the AP is configured to be either HT40+ or HT40-,
+        we could return the wrong parameter because we don't know which
+        configuration will be chosen by hostap.
+        Returns:
+            string, HT parameter for frequency configuration.
+        """
+        if not self.is_11n:
+            return None
+        if ht40_plus_allowed(self.channel):
+            return "HT40+"
+        if ht40_minus_allowed(self.channel):
+            return "HT40-"
+        return "HT20"
+    @property
+    def beacon_footer(self) -> str:
+        return self._beacon_footer
+    @beacon_footer.setter
+    def beacon_footer(self, value: str):
+        """Changes the beacon footer.
+        Args:
+            value: The beacon footer value.
+        """
+        self._beacon_footer = value
+    @property
+    def scenario_name(self) -> str | None:
+        return self._scenario_name
+    @property
+    def min_streams(self) -> int | None:
+        return self._min_streams
+    @property
+    def wnm_features(self) -> FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature]:
+        return self._wnm_features
+    @wnm_features.setter
+    def wnm_features(self, value: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature]):
+        self._wnm_features = value
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return (
+            "%s(mode=%r, channel=%r, frequency=%r, "
+            "n_capabilities=%r, beacon_interval=%r, "
+            "dtim_period=%r, frag_threshold=%r, ssid=%r, bssid=%r, "
+            "wmm_enabled=%r, security_config=%r, "
+            "spectrum_mgmt_required=%r)"
+            % (
+                self.__class__.__name__,
+                self._mode,
+                self.channel,
+                self.frequency,
+                self._n_capabilities,
+                self._beacon_interval,
+                self._dtim_period,
+                self._frag_threshold,
+                self._ssid,
+                self._bssid,
+                self._wmm_enabled,
+                self._security,
+                self._spectrum_mgmt_required,
+            )
+        )
+    def supports_channel(self, value: int) -> bool:
+        """Check whether channel is supported by the current hardware mode.
+        @param value: channel to check.
+        @return True iff the current mode supports the band of the channel.
+        """
+        for freq, channel in hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP.items():
+            if channel == value:
+                return self.supports_frequency(freq)
+        return False
+    def supports_frequency(self, frequency: int) -> bool:
+        """Check whether frequency is supported by the current hardware mode.
+        @param frequency: frequency to check.
+        @return True iff the current mode supports the band of the frequency.
+        """
+        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11A and frequency < 5000:
+            return False
+        if (
+            self._mode in (hostapd_constants.MODE_11B, hostapd_constants.MODE_11G)
+            and frequency > 5000
+        ):
+            return False
+        if frequency not in hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP:
+            return False
+        channel = hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP[frequency]
+        supports_plus = (
+            channel
+            in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
+                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS_CHANNELS
+            ]
+        )
+        supports_minus = (
+            channel
+            in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
+                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS_CHANNELS
+            ]
+        )
+        if (
+            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS in self._n_capabilities
+            and not supports_plus
+        ):
+            return False
+        if (
+            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS in self._n_capabilities
+            and not supports_minus
+        ):
+            return False
+        return True
+    def add_bss(self, bss: BssSettings) -> None:
+        """Adds a new bss setting.
+        Args:
+            bss: The bss settings to add.
+        """
+        if bss.name in self._bss_lookup:
+            raise ValueError("A bss with the same name already exists.")
+        self._bss_lookup[bss.name] = bss
+    def remove_bss(self, bss_name: str) -> None:
+        """Removes a bss setting from the config."""
+        del self._bss_lookup[bss_name]
+    def package_configs(self) -> list[dict[str, str | int]]:
+        """Package the configs.
+        Returns:
+            A list of dictionaries, one dictionary for each section of the
+            config.
+        """
+        # Start with the default config parameters.
+        conf = self._get_default_config
+        if self._interface:
+            conf["interface"] = self._interface
+        if self._bssid:
+            conf["bssid"] = self._bssid
+        if self._ssid:
+            conf["ssid"] = self._ssid
+            conf["ignore_broadcast_ssid"] = 1 if self._hidden else 0
+        conf["channel"] = self.channel
+        conf["hw_mode"] = self.hw_mode
+        if self.is_11n or self.is_11ac:
+            conf["ieee80211n"] = 1
+            conf["ht_capab"] = self._hostapd_ht_capabilities
+        if self.is_11ac:
+            conf["ieee80211ac"] = 1
+            conf["vht_oper_chwidth"] = self._vht_oper_chwidth
+            conf["vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx"] = self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx
+            conf["vht_capab"] = self._hostapd_vht_capabilities
+        if self._wmm_enabled is not None:
+            conf["wmm_enabled"] = 1 if self._wmm_enabled else 0
+        if self._require_ht:
+            conf["require_ht"] = 1
+        if self._require_vht:
+            conf["require_vht"] = 1
+        if self._beacon_interval:
+            conf["beacon_int"] = self._beacon_interval
+        if self._dtim_period:
+            conf["dtim_period"] = self._dtim_period
+        if self._frag_threshold:
+            conf["fragm_threshold"] = self._frag_threshold
+        if self._rts_threshold:
+            conf["rts_threshold"] = self._rts_threshold
+        if self._pmf_support:
+            conf["ieee80211w"] = self._pmf_support
+        if self._obss_interval:
+            conf["obss_interval"] = self._obss_interval
+        if self._short_preamble:
+            conf["preamble"] = 1
+        if self._spectrum_mgmt_required:
+            # To set spectrum_mgmt_required, we must first set
+            # local_pwr_constraint. And to set local_pwr_constraint,
+            # we must first set ieee80211d. And to set ieee80211d, ...
+            # Point being: order matters here.
+            conf["country_code"] = "US"  # Required for local_pwr_constraint
+            conf["ieee80211d"] = 1  # Required for local_pwr_constraint
+            conf["local_pwr_constraint"] = 0  # No local constraint
+            conf["spectrum_mgmt_required"] = 1  # Requires local_pwr_constraint
+        for k, v in self._security.generate_dict().items():
+            conf[k] = v
+        all_conf = [conf]
+        for bss in self._bss_lookup.values():
+            bss_conf = collections.OrderedDict()
+            for k, v in (bss.generate_dict()).items():
+                bss_conf[k] = v
+            all_conf.append(bss_conf)
+        for wnm_feature in self._wnm_features:
+            if wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.TIME_ADVERTISEMENT:
+                conf.update(hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_TIME_ADVERTISEMENT)
+            elif wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.WNM_SLEEP_MODE:
+                conf.update(hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_SLEEP_MODE)
+            elif wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT:
+                conf.update(hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT)
+            elif wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.PROXY_ARP:
+                conf.update(hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_PROXY_ARP)
+            elif (
+                wnm_feature
+                == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.IPV6_NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST
+            ):
+                conf.update(
+                )
+        if self._additional_parameters:
+            all_conf.append(self._additional_parameters)
+        return all_conf
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_constants.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_constants.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea6fdb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import itertools
+from enum import Enum, StrEnum, auto, unique
+from typing import TypedDict
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace with BandType
+BAND_2G = "2g"
+BAND_5G = "5g"
+class BandType(StrEnum):
+    BAND_2G = "2g"
+    BAND_5G = "5g"
+    def default_channel(self) -> int:
+        match self:
+            case BandType.BAND_2G:
+                return 6
+            case BandType.BAND_5G:
+                return 36
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace with SecurityModeInt
+WEP = 0
+WPA1 = 1
+WPA2 = 2
+WPA3 = 2  # same as wpa2 and wpa2/wpa3, distinguished by wpa_key_mgmt
+MIXED = 3  # applies to wpa/wpa2, and wpa/wpa2/wpa3, distinguished by wpa_key_mgmt
+ENT = 4  # get the correct constant
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace these with SecurityMode enum
+WEP_STRING = "wep"
+WPA_STRING = "wpa"
+WPA2_STRING = "wpa2"
+WPA_MIXED_STRING = "wpa/wpa2"
+WPA3_STRING = "wpa3"
+WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING = "wpa2/wpa3"
+WPA_WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING = "wpa/wpa2/wpa3"
+ENT_STRING = "ent"
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace with KeyManagement
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace with SecurityMode.security_mode_int
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace with SecurityMode.key_management
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace with SecurityMode.fuchsia_security_type
+IEEE8021X = 1
+WLAN0_STRING = "wlan0"
+WLAN1_STRING = "wlan1"
+WLAN2_STRING = "wlan2"
+WLAN3_STRING = "wlan3"
+WLAN0_GALE = "wlan-2400mhz"
+WLAN1_GALE = "wlan-5000mhz"
+WEP_HEX_LENGTH = [10, 26, 32, 58]
+WEP_STR_LENGTH = [5, 13, 16]
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): Replace with BandType.default_channel()
+# A mapping of frequency to channel number.  This includes some
+# frequencies used outside the US.
+    2412: 1,
+    2417: 2,
+    2422: 3,
+    2427: 4,
+    2432: 5,
+    2437: 6,
+    2442: 7,
+    2447: 8,
+    2452: 9,
+    2457: 10,
+    2462: 11,
+    # 12, 13 are only legitimate outside the US.
+    2467: 12,
+    2472: 13,
+    # 14 is for Japan, DSSS and CCK only.
+    2484: 14,
+    # 34 valid in Japan.
+    5170: 34,
+    # 36-116 valid in the US, except 38, 42, and 46, which have
+    # mixed international support.
+    5180: 36,
+    5190: 38,
+    5200: 40,
+    5210: 42,
+    5220: 44,
+    5230: 46,
+    5240: 48,
+    # DFS channels.
+    5260: 52,
+    5280: 56,
+    5300: 60,
+    5320: 64,
+    5500: 100,
+    5520: 104,
+    5540: 108,
+    5560: 112,
+    5580: 116,
+    # 120, 124, 128 valid in Europe/Japan.
+    5600: 120,
+    5620: 124,
+    5640: 128,
+    # 132+ valid in US.
+    5660: 132,
+    5680: 136,
+    5700: 140,
+    # 144 is supported by a subset of WiFi chips
+    # (e.g. bcm4354, but not ath9k).
+    5720: 144,
+    # End DFS channels.
+    5745: 149,
+    5755: 151,
+    5765: 153,
+    5775: 155,
+    5795: 159,
+    5785: 157,
+    5805: 161,
+    5825: 165,
+FREQUENCY_MAP = {v: k for k, v in CHANNEL_MAP.items()}
+US_CHANNELS_2G = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
+    36,
+    40,
+    44,
+    48,
+    52,
+    56,
+    60,
+    64,
+    100,
+    104,
+    108,
+    112,
+    116,
+    120,
+    124,
+    128,
+    132,
+    136,
+    140,
+    144,
+    149,
+    153,
+    157,
+    161,
+    165,
+MODE_11A = "a"
+MODE_11B = "b"
+MODE_11G = "g"
+MODE_11N_MIXED = "n-mixed"
+MODE_11N_PURE = "n-only"
+MODE_11AC_MIXED = "ac-mixed"
+MODE_11AC_PURE = "ac-only"
+N_CAPABILITY_HT20 = object()
+N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS = object()
+N_CAPABILITY_SGI20 = object()
+N_CAPABILITY_SGI40 = object()
+N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC12 = object()
+N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC123 = object()
+N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40 = object()
+N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935 = object()
+    N_CAPABILITY_HT20: "[HT20]",
+    N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS: "[HT40+]",
+    N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS: "[HT40-]",
+AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160 = object()
+AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160_80PLUS80 = object()
+AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_160 = object()
+AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_12 = object()
+AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_123 = object()
+AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1234 = object()
+AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_7991 = object()
+AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454 = object()
+    AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160: "[VHT160]",
+    AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160_80PLUS80: "[VHT160-80PLUS80]",
+    AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_123: "[RX-STBC-123]",
+    AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1234: "[RX-STBC-1234]",
+    AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454: "[MAX-MPDU-11454]",
+    AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_7991: "[MAX-MPDU-7991]",
+    40: VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40,
+    80: VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80,
+    160: VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160,
+# This is a loose merging of the rules for US and EU regulatory
+# domains as taken from IEEE Std 802.11-2012 Appendix E.  For instance,
+# we tolerate HT40 in channels 149-161 (not allowed in EU), but also
+# tolerate HT40+ on channel 7 (not allowed in the US).  We take the loose
+# definition so that we don't prohibit testing in either domain.
+        itertools.chain(range(6, 14), range(40, 65, 8), range(104, 145, 8), [153, 161])
+    ),
+        itertools.chain(range(1, 8), range(36, 61, 8), range(100, 141, 8), [149, 157])
+    ),
+DRIVER_NAME = "nl80211"
+class VHTChannelWidth(TypedDict):
+    delta: int
+    channels: list[tuple[int, int]]
+    VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40: VHTChannelWidth(
+        delta=2,
+        channels=[
+            (36, 40),
+            (44, 48),
+            (52, 56),
+            (60, 64),
+            (100, 104),
+            (108, 112),
+            (116, 120),
+            (124, 128),
+            (132, 136),
+            (140, 144),
+            (149, 153),
+            (157, 161),
+        ],
+    ),
+    VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80: VHTChannelWidth(
+        delta=6,
+        channels=[
+            (36, 48),
+            (52, 64),
+            (100, 112),
+            (116, 128),
+            (132, 144),
+            (149, 161),
+        ],
+    ),
+    VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160: VHTChannelWidth(
+        delta=14,
+        channels=[(36, 64), (100, 128)],
+    ),
+OFDM_DATA_RATES = {"supported_rates": "60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540"}
+CCK_DATA_RATES = {"supported_rates": "10 20 55 110"}
+    "supported_rates": "10 20 55 110 60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540"
+OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES = {"basic_rates": "60 120 240"}
+CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES = {"basic_rates": "10 20 55 110"}
+    "open": {"auth_algs": 1},
+    "shared": {"auth_algs": 2},
+    "open_and_shared": {"auth_algs": 3},
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmin": 5,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmax": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_aifs": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_be_aifs": 3,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmin": 5,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmax": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_be_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmin": 4,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmax": 5,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit": 188,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmin": 3,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmax": 4,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit": 102,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmin": 4,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmax": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_aifs": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_be_aifs": 3,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmin": 4,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmax": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_be_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmin": 3,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmax": 4,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit": 94,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmin": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmax": 3,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit": 47,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmin": 5,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmax": 9,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_aifs": 3,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit": 94,
+    "wmm_ac_be_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmin": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmax": 8,
+    "wmm_ac_be_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_aifs": 1,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmax": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit": 47,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_aifs": 1,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmin": 6,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmax": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit": 94,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_be_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_be_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit": 94,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit": 47,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_be_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_be_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit": 94,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit": 47,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_be_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_be_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit": 94,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit": 47,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_aifs": 2,
+    "wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_be_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_be_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_be_txop_limit": 0,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit": 94,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_aifs": 10,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmin": 7,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_cwmax": 15,
+    "wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit": 47,
+WMM_ACM_BK = {"wmm_ac_bk_acm": 1}
+WMM_ACM_BE = {"wmm_ac_be_acm": 1}
+WMM_ACM_VI = {"wmm_ac_vi_acm": 1}
+WMM_ACM_VO = {"wmm_ac_vo_acm": 1}
+UAPSD_ENABLED = {"uapsd_advertisement_enabled": 1}
+UTF_8_SSID = {"utf8_ssid": 1}
+ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT = {"rrm_beacon_report": 1}
+ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT = {"rrm_neighbor_report": 1}
+# Wireless Network Management (AKA 802.11v) features.
+ENABLE_WNM_TIME_ADVERTISEMENT = {"time_advertisement": 2, "time_zone": "EST5"}
+ENABLE_WNM_SLEEP_MODE = {"wnm_sleep_mode": 1}
+ENABLE_WNM_PROXY_ARP = {"proxy_arp": 1}
+    "correct_length_beacon": {"vendor_elements": "dd0411223301"},
+    "too_short_length_beacon": {"vendor_elements": "dd0311223301"},
+    "too_long_length_beacon": {"vendor_elements": "dd0511223301"},
+    "zero_length_beacon_with_data": {"vendor_elements": "dd0011223301"},
+    "zero_length_beacon_without_data": {"vendor_elements": "dd00"},
+    "simliar_to_wpa": {"vendor_elements": "dd040050f203"},
+    "correct_length_association_response": {"assocresp_elements": "dd0411223301"},
+    "too_short_length_association_response": {"assocresp_elements": "dd0311223301"},
+    "too_long_length_association_response": {"assocresp_elements": "dd0511223301"},
+    "zero_length_association_response_with_data": {
+        "assocresp_elements": "dd0011223301"
+    },
+    "zero_length_association_response_without_data": {"assocresp_elements": "dd00"},
+ENABLE_IEEE80211D = {"ieee80211d": 1}
+    "ALL": {"country3": "0x20"},
+    "OUTDOOR": {"country3": "0x4f"},
+    "INDOOR": {"country3": "0x49"},
+    "NONCOUNTRY": {"country3": "0x58"},
+    "GLOBAL": {"country3": "0x04"},
+    "AFGHANISTAN": {"country_code": "AF"},
+    "ALAND_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "AX"},
+    "ALBANIA": {"country_code": "AL"},
+    "ALGERIA": {"country_code": "DZ"},
+    "AMERICAN_SAMOA": {"country_code": "AS"},
+    "ANDORRA": {"country_code": "AD"},
+    "ANGOLA": {"country_code": "AO"},
+    "ANGUILLA": {"country_code": "AI"},
+    "ANTARCTICA": {"country_code": "AQ"},
+    "ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA": {"country_code": "AG"},
+    "ARGENTINA": {"country_code": "AR"},
+    "ARMENIA": {"country_code": "AM"},
+    "ARUBA": {"country_code": "AW"},
+    "AUSTRALIA": {"country_code": "AU"},
+    "AUSTRIA": {"country_code": "AT"},
+    "AZERBAIJAN": {"country_code": "AZ"},
+    "BAHAMAS": {"country_code": "BS"},
+    "BAHRAIN": {"country_code": "BH"},
+    "BANGLADESH": {"country_code": "BD"},
+    "BARBADOS": {"country_code": "BB"},
+    "BELARUS": {"country_code": "BY"},
+    "BELGIUM": {"country_code": "BE"},
+    "BELIZE": {"country_code": "BZ"},
+    "BENIN": {"country_code": "BJ"},
+    "BERMUDA": {"country_code": "BM"},
+    "BHUTAN": {"country_code": "BT"},
+    "BOLIVIA": {"country_code": "BO"},
+    "BONAIRE": {"country_code": "BQ"},
+    "BOSNIA_AND_HERZEGOVINA": {"country_code": "BA"},
+    "BOTSWANA": {"country_code": "BW"},
+    "BOUVET_ISLAND": {"country_code": "BV"},
+    "BRAZIL": {"country_code": "BR"},
+    "BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY": {"country_code": "IO"},
+    "BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM": {"country_code": "BN"},
+    "BULGARIA": {"country_code": "BG"},
+    "BURKINA_FASO": {"country_code": "BF"},
+    "BURUNDI": {"country_code": "BI"},
+    "CAMBODIA": {"country_code": "KH"},
+    "CAMEROON": {"country_code": "CM"},
+    "CANADA": {"country_code": "CA"},
+    "CAPE_VERDE": {"country_code": "CV"},
+    "CAYMAN_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "KY"},
+    "CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC": {"country_code": "CF"},
+    "CHAD": {"country_code": "TD"},
+    "CHILE": {"country_code": "CL"},
+    "CHINA": {"country_code": "CN"},
+    "CHRISTMAS_ISLAND": {"country_code": "CX"},
+    "COCOS_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "CC"},
+    "COLOMBIA": {"country_code": "CO"},
+    "COMOROS": {"country_code": "KM"},
+    "CONGO": {"country_code": "CG"},
+    "DEMOCRATIC_REPUBLIC_CONGO": {"country_code": "CD"},
+    "COOK_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "CK"},
+    "COSTA_RICA": {"country_code": "CR"},
+    "COTE_D_IVOIRE": {"country_code": "CI"},
+    "CROATIA": {"country_code": "HR"},
+    "CUBA": {"country_code": "CU"},
+    "CURACAO": {"country_code": "CW"},
+    "CYPRUS": {"country_code": "CY"},
+    "CZECH_REPUBLIC": {"country_code": "CZ"},
+    "DENMARK": {"country_code": "DK"},
+    "DJIBOUTI": {"country_code": "DJ"},
+    "DOMINICA": {"country_code": "DM"},
+    "DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC": {"country_code": "DO"},
+    "ECUADOR": {"country_code": "EC"},
+    "EGYPT": {"country_code": "EG"},
+    "EL_SALVADOR": {"country_code": "SV"},
+    "EQUATORIAL_GUINEA": {"country_code": "GQ"},
+    "ERITREA": {"country_code": "ER"},
+    "ESTONIA": {"country_code": "EE"},
+    "ETHIOPIA": {"country_code": "ET"},
+    "FALKLAND_ISLANDS_(MALVINAS)": {"country_code": "FK"},
+    "FAROE_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "FO"},
+    "FIJI": {"country_code": "FJ"},
+    "FINLAND": {"country_code": "FI"},
+    "FRANCE": {"country_code": "FR"},
+    "FRENCH_GUIANA": {"country_code": "GF"},
+    "FRENCH_POLYNESIA": {"country_code": "PF"},
+    "FRENCH_SOUTHERN_TERRITORIES": {"country_code": "TF"},
+    "GABON": {"country_code": "GA"},
+    "GAMBIA": {"country_code": "GM"},
+    "GEORGIA": {"country_code": "GE"},
+    "GERMANY": {"country_code": "DE"},
+    "GHANA": {"country_code": "GH"},
+    "GIBRALTAR": {"country_code": "GI"},
+    "GREECE": {"country_code": "GR"},
+    "GREENLAND": {"country_code": "GL"},
+    "GRENADA": {"country_code": "GD"},
+    "GUADELOUPE": {"country_code": "GP"},
+    "GUAM": {"country_code": "GU"},
+    "GUATEMALA": {"country_code": "GT"},
+    "GUERNSEY": {"country_code": "GG"},
+    "GUINEA": {"country_code": "GN"},
+    "GUINEA-BISSAU": {"country_code": "GW"},
+    "GUYANA": {"country_code": "GY"},
+    "HAITI": {"country_code": "HT"},
+    "HEARD_ISLAND_AND_MCDONALD_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "HM"},
+    "VATICAN_CITY_STATE": {"country_code": "VA"},
+    "HONDURAS": {"country_code": "HN"},
+    "HONG_KONG": {"country_code": "HK"},
+    "HUNGARY": {"country_code": "HU"},
+    "ICELAND": {"country_code": "IS"},
+    "INDIA": {"country_code": "IN"},
+    "INDONESIA": {"country_code": "ID"},
+    "IRAN": {"country_code": "IR"},
+    "IRAQ": {"country_code": "IQ"},
+    "IRELAND": {"country_code": "IE"},
+    "ISLE_OF_MAN": {"country_code": "IM"},
+    "ISRAEL": {"country_code": "IL"},
+    "ITALY": {"country_code": "IT"},
+    "JAMAICA": {"country_code": "JM"},
+    "JAPAN": {"country_code": "JP"},
+    "JERSEY": {"country_code": "JE"},
+    "JORDAN": {"country_code": "JO"},
+    "KAZAKHSTAN": {"country_code": "KZ"},
+    "KENYA": {"country_code": "KE"},
+    "KIRIBATI": {"country_code": "KI"},
+    "DEMOCRATIC_PEOPLE_S_REPUBLIC_OF_KOREA": {"country_code": "KP"},
+    "REPUBLIC_OF_KOREA": {"country_code": "KR"},
+    "KUWAIT": {"country_code": "KW"},
+    "KYRGYZSTAN": {"country_code": "KG"},
+    "LAO": {"country_code": "LA"},
+    "LATVIA": {"country_code": "LV"},
+    "LEBANON": {"country_code": "LB"},
+    "LESOTHO": {"country_code": "LS"},
+    "LIBERIA": {"country_code": "LR"},
+    "LIBYA": {"country_code": "LY"},
+    "LIECHTENSTEIN": {"country_code": "LI"},
+    "LITHUANIA": {"country_code": "LT"},
+    "LUXEMBOURG": {"country_code": "LU"},
+    "MACAO": {"country_code": "MO"},
+    "MACEDONIA": {"country_code": "MK"},
+    "MADAGASCAR": {"country_code": "MG"},
+    "MALAWI": {"country_code": "MW"},
+    "MALAYSIA": {"country_code": "MY"},
+    "MALDIVES": {"country_code": "MV"},
+    "MALI": {"country_code": "ML"},
+    "MALTA": {"country_code": "MT"},
+    "MARSHALL_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "MH"},
+    "MARTINIQUE": {"country_code": "MQ"},
+    "MAURITANIA": {"country_code": "MR"},
+    "MAURITIUS": {"country_code": "MU"},
+    "MAYOTTE": {"country_code": "YT"},
+    "MEXICO": {"country_code": "MX"},
+    "MICRONESIA": {"country_code": "FM"},
+    "MOLDOVA": {"country_code": "MD"},
+    "MONACO": {"country_code": "MC"},
+    "MONGOLIA": {"country_code": "MN"},
+    "MONTENEGRO": {"country_code": "ME"},
+    "MONTSERRAT": {"country_code": "MS"},
+    "MOROCCO": {"country_code": "MA"},
+    "MOZAMBIQUE": {"country_code": "MZ"},
+    "MYANMAR": {"country_code": "MM"},
+    "NAMIBIA": {"country_code": "NA"},
+    "NAURU": {"country_code": "NR"},
+    "NEPAL": {"country_code": "NP"},
+    "NETHERLANDS": {"country_code": "NL"},
+    "NEW_CALEDONIA": {"country_code": "NC"},
+    "NEW_ZEALAND": {"country_code": "NZ"},
+    "NICARAGUA": {"country_code": "NI"},
+    "NIGER": {"country_code": "NE"},
+    "NIGERIA": {"country_code": "NG"},
+    "NIUE": {"country_code": "NU"},
+    "NORFOLK_ISLAND": {"country_code": "NF"},
+    "NORTHERN_MARIANA_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "MP"},
+    "NORWAY": {"country_code": "NO"},
+    "OMAN": {"country_code": "OM"},
+    "PAKISTAN": {"country_code": "PK"},
+    "PALAU": {"country_code": "PW"},
+    "PALESTINE": {"country_code": "PS"},
+    "PANAMA": {"country_code": "PA"},
+    "PAPUA_NEW_GUINEA": {"country_code": "PG"},
+    "PARAGUAY": {"country_code": "PY"},
+    "PERU": {"country_code": "PE"},
+    "PHILIPPINES": {"country_code": "PH"},
+    "PITCAIRN": {"country_code": "PN"},
+    "POLAND": {"country_code": "PL"},
+    "PORTUGAL": {"country_code": "PT"},
+    "PUERTO_RICO": {"country_code": "PR"},
+    "QATAR": {"country_code": "QA"},
+    "RÉUNION": {"country_code": "RE"},
+    "ROMANIA": {"country_code": "RO"},
+    "RUSSIAN_FEDERATION": {"country_code": "RU"},
+    "RWANDA": {"country_code": "RW"},
+    "SAINT_BARTHELEMY": {"country_code": "BL"},
+    "SAINT_KITTS_AND_NEVIS": {"country_code": "KN"},
+    "SAINT_LUCIA": {"country_code": "LC"},
+    "SAINT_MARTIN": {"country_code": "MF"},
+    "SAINT_PIERRE_AND_MIQUELON": {"country_code": "PM"},
+    "SAINT_VINCENT_AND_THE_GRENADINES": {"country_code": "VC"},
+    "SAMOA": {"country_code": "WS"},
+    "SAN_MARINO": {"country_code": "SM"},
+    "SAO_TOME_AND_PRINCIPE": {"country_code": "ST"},
+    "SAUDI_ARABIA": {"country_code": "SA"},
+    "SENEGAL": {"country_code": "SN"},
+    "SERBIA": {"country_code": "RS"},
+    "SEYCHELLES": {"country_code": "SC"},
+    "SIERRA_LEONE": {"country_code": "SL"},
+    "SINGAPORE": {"country_code": "SG"},
+    "SINT_MAARTEN": {"country_code": "SX"},
+    "SLOVAKIA": {"country_code": "SK"},
+    "SLOVENIA": {"country_code": "SI"},
+    "SOLOMON_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "SB"},
+    "SOMALIA": {"country_code": "SO"},
+    "SOUTH_AFRICA": {"country_code": "ZA"},
+    "SOUTH_GEORGIA": {"country_code": "GS"},
+    "SOUTH_SUDAN": {"country_code": "SS"},
+    "SPAIN": {"country_code": "ES"},
+    "SRI_LANKA": {"country_code": "LK"},
+    "SUDAN": {"country_code": "SD"},
+    "SURINAME": {"country_code": "SR"},
+    "SVALBARD_AND_JAN_MAYEN": {"country_code": "SJ"},
+    "SWAZILAND": {"country_code": "SZ"},
+    "SWEDEN": {"country_code": "SE"},
+    "SWITZERLAND": {"country_code": "CH"},
+    "SYRIAN_ARAB_REPUBLIC": {"country_code": "SY"},
+    "TAIWAN": {"country_code": "TW"},
+    "TAJIKISTAN": {"country_code": "TJ"},
+    "TANZANIA": {"country_code": "TZ"},
+    "THAILAND": {"country_code": "TH"},
+    "TIMOR-LESTE": {"country_code": "TL"},
+    "TOGO": {"country_code": "TG"},
+    "TOKELAU": {"country_code": "TK"},
+    "TONGA": {"country_code": "TO"},
+    "TRINIDAD_AND_TOBAGO": {"country_code": "TT"},
+    "TUNISIA": {"country_code": "TN"},
+    "TURKEY": {"country_code": "TR"},
+    "TURKMENISTAN": {"country_code": "TM"},
+    "TURKS_AND_CAICOS_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "TC"},
+    "TUVALU": {"country_code": "TV"},
+    "UGANDA": {"country_code": "UG"},
+    "UKRAINE": {"country_code": "UA"},
+    "UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES": {"country_code": "AE"},
+    "UNITED_KINGDOM": {"country_code": "GB"},
+    "UNITED_STATES": {"country_code": "US"},
+    "UNITED_STATES_MINOR_OUTLYING_ISLANDS": {"country_code": "UM"},
+    "URUGUAY": {"country_code": "UY"},
+    "UZBEKISTAN": {"country_code": "UZ"},
+    "VANUATU": {"country_code": "VU"},
+    "VENEZUELA": {"country_code": "VE"},
+    "VIETNAM": {"country_code": "VN"},
+    "VIRGIN_ISLANDS_BRITISH": {"country_code": "VG"},
+    "VIRGIN_ISLANDS_US": {"country_code": "VI"},
+    "WALLIS_AND_FUTUNA": {"country_code": "WF"},
+    "WESTERN_SAHARA": {"country_code": "EH"},
+    "YEMEN": {"country_code": "YE"},
+    "ZAMBIA": {"country_code": "ZM"},
+    "ZIMBABWE": {"country_code": "ZW"},
+    "NON_COUNTRY": {"country_code": "XX"},
+    1: {20, 40},
+    2: {20, 40},
+    3: {20, 40},
+    4: {20, 40},
+    5: {20, 40},
+    6: {20, 40},
+    7: {20, 40},
+    8: {20, 40},
+    9: {20, 40},
+    10: {20, 40},
+    11: {20, 40},
+    12: {20, 40},
+    13: {20, 40},
+    14: {20},
+    36: {20, 40, 80},
+    40: {20, 40, 80},
+    44: {20, 40, 80},
+    48: {20, 40, 80},
+    52: {20, 40, 80},
+    56: {20, 40, 80},
+    60: {20, 40, 80},
+    64: {20, 40, 80},
+    100: {20, 40, 80},
+    104: {20, 40, 80},
+    108: {20, 40, 80},
+    112: {20, 40, 80},
+    116: {20, 40, 80},
+    120: {20, 40, 80},
+    124: {20, 40, 80},
+    128: {20, 40, 80},
+    132: {20, 40, 80},
+    136: {20, 40, 80},
+    140: {20, 40, 80},
+    144: {20, 40, 80},
+    149: {20, 40, 80},
+    153: {20, 40, 80},
+    157: {20, 40, 80},
+    161: {20, 40, 80},
+    165: {20},
+class WnmFeature(Enum):
+    """Wireless Network Management (AKA 802.11v) features hostapd supports."""
+    WNM_SLEEP_MODE = auto()
+    PROXY_ARP = auto()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_security.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_security.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918ba26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_security.py
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import string
+from enum import Enum, StrEnum, auto, unique
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+class SecurityModeInt(int, Enum):
+    """Possible values for hostapd's "wpa" config option.
+    The int value is a bit field that can enable WPA and/or WPA2.
+    bit0 = enable WPA defined by IEEE 802.11i/D3.0
+    bit1 = enable RNA (WPA2) defined by IEEE 802.11i/RSN
+    bit2 = enable WAPI (rejected/withdrawn)
+    bit3 = enable OSEN (ENT)
+    """
+    WEP = 0
+    WPA1 = 1
+    WPA2 = 2
+    WPA3 = 2  # same as wpa2 and wpa2/wpa3; distinguished by wpa_key_mgmt
+    MIXED = 3  # applies to wpa/wpa2 and wpa/wpa2/wpa3; distinguished by wpa_key_mgmt
+    ENT = 8
+    def __str__(self):
+        return str(self.value)
+class KeyManagement(StrEnum):
+    SAE = "SAE"
+    WPA_PSK = "WPA-PSK"
+    ENT = "WPA-EAP"
+# TODO(http://b/286584981): This is currently only being used for OpenWRT.
+# Investigate whether we can replace KeyManagement with OpenWRTEncryptionMode.
+class OpenWRTEncryptionMode(StrEnum):
+    """Combination of Wi-Fi encryption mode and ciphers.
+    Only used by OpenWRT.
+    Besides the encryption mode, the encryption option also specifies the group and peer
+    ciphers to use. To override the cipher, the value of encryption must be given in the
+    form "mode+cipher". This enum contains all possible combinations.
+    See https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wifi/basic#encryption_modes.
+    """
+    NONE = "none"
+    """No authentication, no ciphers"""
+    SAE = "sae"
+    """WPA3 Personal (SAE) using CCMP cipher"""
+    SAE_MIXED = "sae-mixed"
+    """WPA2/WPA3 Personal (PSK/SAE) mixed mode using CCMP cipher"""
+    PSK2_TKIP_CCMP = "psk2+tkip+ccmp"
+    """WPA2 Personal (PSK) using TKIP and CCMP ciphers"""
+    PSK2_TKIP_AES = "psk2+tkip+aes"
+    """WPA2 Personal (PSK) using TKIP and AES ciphers"""
+    PSK2_TKIP = "psk2+tkip"
+    """WPA2 Personal (PSK) using TKIP cipher"""
+    PSK2_CCMP = "psk2+ccmp"
+    """WPA2 Personal (PSK) using CCMP cipher"""
+    PSK2_AES = "psk2+aes"
+    """WPA2 Personal (PSK) using AES cipher"""
+    PSK2 = "psk2"
+    """WPA2 Personal (PSK) using CCMP cipher"""
+    PSK_TKIP_CCMP = "psk+tkip+ccmp"
+    """WPA Personal (PSK) using TKIP and CCMP ciphers"""
+    PSK_TKIP_AES = "psk+tkip+aes"
+    """WPA Personal (PSK) using TKIP and AES ciphers"""
+    PSK_TKIP = "psk+tkip"
+    """WPA Personal (PSK) using TKIP cipher"""
+    PSK_CCMP = "psk+ccmp"
+    """WPA Personal (PSK) using CCMP cipher"""
+    PSK_AES = "psk+aes"
+    """WPA Personal (PSK) using AES cipher"""
+    PSK = "psk"
+    """WPA Personal (PSK) using CCMP cipher"""
+    PSK_MIXED_TKIP_CCMP = "psk-mixed+tkip+ccmp"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode using TKIP and CCMP ciphers"""
+    PSK_MIXED_TKIP_AES = "psk-mixed+tkip+aes"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode using TKIP and AES ciphers"""
+    PSK_MIXED_TKIP = "psk-mixed+tkip"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode using TKIP cipher"""
+    PSK_MIXED_CCMP = "psk-mixed+ccmp"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode using CCMP cipher"""
+    PSK_MIXED_AES = "psk-mixed+aes"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode using AES cipher"""
+    PSK_MIXED = "psk-mixed"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode using CCMP cipher"""
+    WEP = "wep"
+    """defaults to “open system” authentication aka wep+open using RC4 cipher"""
+    WEP_OPEN = "wep+open"
+    """“open system” authentication using RC4 cipher"""
+    WEP_SHARED = "wep+shared"
+    """“shared key” authentication using RC4 cipher"""
+    WPA3 = "wpa3"
+    """WPA3 Enterprise using CCMP cipher"""
+    WPA3_MIXED = "wpa3-mixed"
+    """WPA3/WPA2 Enterprise using CCMP cipher"""
+    WPA2_TKIP_CCMP = "wpa2+tkip+ccmp"
+    """WPA2 Enterprise using TKIP and CCMP ciphers"""
+    WPA2_TKIP_AES = "wpa2+tkip+aes"
+    """WPA2 Enterprise using TKIP and AES ciphers"""
+    WPA2_CCMP = "wpa2+ccmp"
+    """WPA2 Enterprise using CCMP cipher"""
+    WPA2_AES = "wpa2+aes'"
+    """WPA2 Enterprise using AES cipher"""
+    WPA2 = "wpa2"
+    """WPA2 Enterprise using CCMP cipher"""
+    WPA2_TKIP = "wpa2+tkip"
+    """WPA2 Enterprise using TKIP cipher"""
+    WPA_TKIP_CCMP = "wpa+tkip+ccmp"
+    """WPA Enterprise using TKIP and CCMP ciphers"""
+    WPA_TKIP_AES = "wpa+tkip+aes"
+    """WPA Enterprise using TKIP and AES ciphers"""
+    WPA_CCMP = "wpa+ccmp"
+    """WPA Enterprise using CCMP cipher"""
+    WPA_AES = "wpa+aes"
+    """WPA Enterprise using AES cipher"""
+    WPA_TKIP = "wpa+tkip"
+    """WPA Enterprise using TKIP cipher"""
+    WPA = "wpa"
+    """WPA Enterprise using CCMP cipher"""
+    WPA_MIXED_TKIP_CCMP = "wpa-mixed+tkip+ccmp"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode using TKIP and CCMP ciphers"""
+    WPA_MIXED_TKIP_AES = "wpa-mixed+tkip+aes"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode using TKIP and AES ciphers"""
+    WPA_MIXED_TKIP = "wpa-mixed+tkip"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode using TKIP cipher"""
+    WPA_MIXED_CCMP = "wpa-mixed+ccmp"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode using CCMP cipher"""
+    WPA_MIXED_AES = "wpa-mixed+aes"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode using AES cipher"""
+    WPA_MIXED = "wpa-mixed"
+    """WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode using CCMP cipher"""
+    OWE = "owe"
+    """Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (OWE) using CCMP cipher"""
+class FuchsiaSecurityType(StrEnum):
+    """Fuchsia supported security types.
+    Defined by the fuchsia.wlan.policy.SecurityType FIDL.
+    https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:sdk/fidl/fuchsia.wlan.policy/types.fidl
+    """
+    NONE = "none"
+    WEP = "wep"
+    WPA = "wpa"
+    WPA2 = "wpa2"
+    WPA3 = "wpa3"
+class SecurityMode(StrEnum):
+    OPEN = auto()
+    WEP = auto()
+    WPA = auto()
+    WPA2 = auto()
+    WPA_WPA2 = auto()
+    WPA3 = auto()
+    WPA2_WPA3 = auto()
+    WPA_WPA2_WPA3 = auto()
+    ENT = auto()
+    def security_mode_int(self) -> SecurityModeInt:
+        match self:
+            case SecurityMode.OPEN:
+                raise TypeError("Open security doesn't have a SecurityModeInt")
+            case SecurityMode.WEP:
+                return SecurityModeInt.WEP
+            case SecurityMode.WPA:
+                return SecurityModeInt.WPA1
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2:
+                return SecurityModeInt.WPA2
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2:
+                return SecurityModeInt.MIXED
+            case SecurityMode.WPA3:
+                return SecurityModeInt.WPA3
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3:
+                return SecurityModeInt.WPA3
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2_WPA3:
+                return SecurityModeInt.MIXED
+            case SecurityMode.ENT:
+                return SecurityModeInt.ENT
+    def key_management(self) -> KeyManagement | None:
+        match self:
+            case SecurityMode.OPEN:
+                return None
+            case SecurityMode.WEP:
+                return None
+            case SecurityMode.WPA:
+                return KeyManagement.WPA_PSK
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2:
+                return KeyManagement.WPA_PSK
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2:
+                return KeyManagement.WPA_PSK
+            case SecurityMode.WPA3:
+                return KeyManagement.SAE
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3:
+                return KeyManagement.WPA_PSK_SAE
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2_WPA3:
+                return KeyManagement.WPA_PSK_SAE
+            case SecurityMode.ENT:
+                return KeyManagement.ENT
+    def fuchsia_security_type(self) -> FuchsiaSecurityType:
+        match self:
+            case SecurityMode.OPEN:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.NONE
+            case SecurityMode.WEP:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.WEP
+            case SecurityMode.WPA:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.WPA
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.WPA2
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.WPA2
+            case SecurityMode.WPA3:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.WPA3
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.WPA3
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2_WPA3:
+                return FuchsiaSecurityType.WPA3
+            case SecurityMode.ENT:
+                raise NotImplementedError(
+                    f'Fuchsia has not implemented support for security mode "{self}"'
+                )
+    def is_wpa3(self) -> bool:
+        match self:
+            case SecurityMode.OPEN:
+                return False
+            case SecurityMode.WEP:
+                return False
+            case SecurityMode.WPA:
+                return False
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2:
+                return False
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2:
+                return False
+            case SecurityMode.WPA3:
+                return True
+            case SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3:
+                return True
+            case SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2_WPA3:
+                return True
+            case SecurityMode.ENT:
+                return False
+        raise TypeError("Unknown security mode")
+class Security(object):
+    """The Security class for hostapd representing some of the security
+    settings that are allowed in hostapd.  If needed more can be added.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        security_mode: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.OPEN,
+        password: str | None = None,
+        wpa_cipher: str | None = hostapd_constants.WPA_DEFAULT_CIPHER,
+        wpa2_cipher: str | None = hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER,
+        wpa_group_rekey: int = hostapd_constants.WPA_GROUP_KEY_ROTATION_TIME,
+        wpa_strict_rekey: bool = hostapd_constants.WPA_STRICT_REKEY_DEFAULT,
+        wep_default_key: int = hostapd_constants.WEP_DEFAULT_KEY,
+        radius_server_ip: str | None = None,
+        radius_server_port: int | None = None,
+        radius_server_secret: str | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Gather all of the security settings for WPA-PSK.  This could be
+           expanded later.
+        Args:
+            security_mode: Type of security mode.
+            password: The PSK or passphrase for the security mode.
+            wpa_cipher: The cipher to be used for wpa.
+                        Options: TKIP, CCMP, TKIP CCMP
+                        Default: TKIP
+            wpa2_cipher: The cipher to be used for wpa2.
+                         Options: TKIP, CCMP, TKIP CCMP
+                         Default: CCMP
+            wpa_group_rekey: How often to refresh the GTK regardless of network
+                             changes.
+                             Options: An integer in seconds, None
+                             Default: 600 seconds
+            wpa_strict_rekey: Whether to do a group key update when client
+                              leaves the network or not.
+                              Options: True, False
+                              Default: True
+            wep_default_key: The wep key number to use when transmitting.
+            radius_server_ip: Radius server IP for Enterprise auth.
+            radius_server_port: Radius server port for Enterprise auth.
+            radius_server_secret: Radius server secret for Enterprise auth.
+        """
+        self.security_mode = security_mode
+        self.wpa_cipher = wpa_cipher
+        self.wpa2_cipher = wpa2_cipher
+        self.wpa_group_rekey = wpa_group_rekey
+        self.wpa_strict_rekey = wpa_strict_rekey
+        self.wep_default_key = wep_default_key
+        self.radius_server_ip = radius_server_ip
+        self.radius_server_port = radius_server_port
+        self.radius_server_secret = radius_server_secret
+        if password:
+            if self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WEP:
+                if len(password) in hostapd_constants.WEP_STR_LENGTH:
+                    self.password = f'"{password}"'
+                elif len(password) in hostapd_constants.WEP_HEX_LENGTH and all(
+                    c in string.hexdigits for c in password
+                ):
+                    self.password = password
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "WEP key must be a hex string of %s characters"
+                        % hostapd_constants.WEP_HEX_LENGTH
+                    )
+            else:
+                if (
+                    len(password) < hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH
+                    or len(password) > hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH
+                ):
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "Password must be a minumum of %s characters and a maximum of %s"
+                        % (
+                            hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH,
+                            hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH,
+                        )
+                    )
+                else:
+                    self.password = password
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return self.security_mode
+    def generate_dict(self) -> dict[str, str | int]:
+        """Returns: an ordered dictionary of settings"""
+        if self.security_mode is SecurityMode.OPEN:
+            return {}
+        settings: dict[str, str | int] = collections.OrderedDict()
+        if self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WEP:
+            settings["wep_default_key"] = self.wep_default_key
+            settings[f"wep_key{self.wep_default_key}"] = self.password
+        elif self.security_mode == SecurityMode.ENT:
+            if self.radius_server_ip is not None:
+                settings["auth_server_addr"] = self.radius_server_ip
+            if self.radius_server_port is not None:
+                settings["auth_server_port"] = self.radius_server_port
+            if self.radius_server_secret is not None:
+                settings["auth_server_shared_secret"] = self.radius_server_secret
+            settings["wpa_key_mgmt"] = hostapd_constants.ENT_KEY_MGMT
+            settings["ieee8021x"] = hostapd_constants.IEEE8021X
+            settings["wpa"] = hostapd_constants.WPA2
+        else:
+            settings["wpa"] = self.security_mode.security_mode_int().value
+            if len(self.password) == hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH:
+                settings["wpa_psk"] = self.password
+            else:
+                settings["wpa_passphrase"] = self.password
+            # For wpa, wpa/wpa2, and wpa/wpa2/wpa3, add wpa_pairwise
+            if self.wpa_cipher and (
+                self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA
+                or self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2
+                or self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2_WPA3
+            ):
+                settings["wpa_pairwise"] = self.wpa_cipher
+            # For wpa/wpa2, wpa2, wpa3, and wpa2/wpa3, and wpa/wpa2, wpa3, add rsn_pairwise
+            if self.wpa2_cipher and (
+                self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2
+                or self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA2
+                or self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3
+                or self.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA3
+            ):
+                settings["rsn_pairwise"] = self.wpa2_cipher
+            # Add wpa_key_mgmt based on security mode string
+            wpa_key_mgmt = self.security_mode.key_management()
+            if wpa_key_mgmt is not None:
+                settings["wpa_key_mgmt"] = str(wpa_key_mgmt)
+            if self.wpa_group_rekey:
+                settings["wpa_group_rekey"] = self.wpa_group_rekey
+            if self.wpa_strict_rekey:
+                settings["wpa_strict_rekey"] = hostapd_constants.WPA_STRICT_REKEY
+        return settings
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_utils.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..060777e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion import utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def generate_random_password(
+    security_mode: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.OPEN,
+    length: int | None = None,
+    hex: int | None = None,
+) -> str:
+    """Generates a random password. Defaults to an 8 character ASCII password.
+    Args:
+        security_mode: Used to determine if length should be WEP compatible
+            (useful for generated tests to simply pass in security mode)
+        length: Length of password to generate. Defaults to 8, unless
+            security_mode is WEP, then 13
+        hex: If True, generates a hex string, else ascii
+    """
+    if hex:
+        generator_func = utils.rand_hex_str
+    else:
+        generator_func = utils.rand_ascii_str
+    if length:
+        return generator_func(length)
+    if security_mode is SecurityMode.WEP:
+        return generator_func(hostapd_constants.WEP_DEFAULT_STR_LENGTH)
+    else:
+        return generator_func(hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH)
+def verify_interface(interface: str, valid_interfaces: list[str]) -> None:
+    """Raises error if interface is missing or invalid
+    Args:
+        interface: interface name
+        valid_interfaces: valid interface names
+    """
+    if interface not in valid_interfaces:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid interface name was passed: {interface}")
+def verify_security_mode(
+    security_profile: Security, valid_security_modes: list[SecurityMode]
+) -> None:
+    """Raises error if security mode is not in list of valid security modes.
+    Args:
+        security_profile: Security to verify
+        valid_security_modes: Valid security modes for a profile.
+    """
+    if security_profile.security_mode not in valid_security_modes:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"Invalid Security Mode: {security_profile.security_mode}; "
+            f"Valid Security Modes for this profile: {valid_security_modes}"
+        )
+def verify_cipher(security_profile: Security, valid_ciphers: list[str]) -> None:
+    """Raise error if cipher is not in list of valid ciphers.
+    Args:
+        security_profile: Security profile to verify
+        valid_ciphers: A list of valid ciphers for security_profile.
+    """
+    if security_profile.security_mode is SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        raise ValueError("Security mode is open.")
+    elif security_profile.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA:
+        if security_profile.wpa_cipher not in valid_ciphers:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Invalid WPA Cipher: {security_profile.wpa_cipher}. "
+                f"Valid WPA Ciphers for this profile: {valid_ciphers}"
+            )
+    elif security_profile.security_mode is SecurityMode.WPA2:
+        if security_profile.wpa2_cipher not in valid_ciphers:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Invalid WPA2 Cipher: {security_profile.wpa2_cipher}. "
+                f"Valid WPA2 Ciphers for this profile: {valid_ciphers}"
+            )
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid Security Mode: {security_profile.security_mode}")
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c7f2e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement.py
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from enum import IntEnum, unique
+class ApReachability(IntEnum):
+    """Neighbor Report AP Reachability values.
+    See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-172.
+    """
+    UNKNOWN = 2
+    REACHABLE = 3
+class BssidInformationCapabilities:
+    """Representation of Neighbor Report BSSID Information Capabilities.
+    See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-338 and
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        spectrum_management: bool = False,
+        qos: bool = False,
+        apsd: bool = False,
+        radio_measurement: bool = False,
+    ):
+        """Create a capabilities object.
+        Args:
+            spectrum_management: whether spectrum management is required.
+            qos: whether QoS is implemented.
+            apsd: whether APSD is implemented.
+            radio_measurement: whether radio measurement is activated.
+        """
+        self._spectrum_management = spectrum_management
+        self._qos = qos
+        self._apsd = apsd
+        self._radio_measurement = radio_measurement
+    def __index__(self) -> int:
+        """Convert to numeric representation of the field's bits."""
+        return (
+            self.spectrum_management << 5
+            | self.qos << 4
+            | self.apsd << 3
+            | self.radio_measurement << 2
+        )
+    @property
+    def spectrum_management(self) -> bool:
+        return self._spectrum_management
+    @property
+    def qos(self) -> bool:
+        return self._qos
+    @property
+    def apsd(self) -> bool:
+        return self._apsd
+    @property
+    def radio_measurement(self) -> bool:
+        return self._radio_measurement
+class BssidInformation:
+    """Representation of Neighbor Report BSSID Information field.
+    BssidInformation contains info about a neighboring AP, to be included in a
+    neighbor report element. See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-337.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ap_reachability: ApReachability = ApReachability.UNKNOWN,
+        security: bool = False,
+        key_scope: bool = False,
+        capabilities: BssidInformationCapabilities = BssidInformationCapabilities(),
+        mobility_domain: bool = False,
+        high_throughput: bool = False,
+        very_high_throughput: bool = False,
+        ftm: bool = False,
+    ):
+        """Create a BSSID Information object for a neighboring AP.
+        Args:
+            ap_reachability: whether this AP is reachable by the STA that
+                requested the neighbor report.
+            security: whether this AP is known to support the same security
+                provisioning as used by the STA in its current association.
+            key_scope: whether this AP is known to have the same
+                authenticator as the AP sending the report.
+            capabilities: selected capabilities of this AP.
+            mobility_domain: whether the AP is including an MDE in its beacon
+                frames and the contents of that MDE are identical to the MDE
+                advertised by the AP sending the report.
+            high_throughput: whether the AP is an HT AP including the HT
+                Capabilities element in its Beacons, and that the contents of
+                that HT capabilities element are identical to the HT
+                capabilities element advertised by the AP sending the report.
+            very_high_throughput: whether the AP is a VHT AP and the VHT
+                capabilities element, if included as a subelement, is
+                identical in content to the VHT capabilities element included
+                in the AP’s beacon.
+            ftm: whether the AP is known to have the Fine Timing Measurement
+                Responder extended capability.
+        """
+        self._ap_reachability = ap_reachability
+        self._security = security
+        self._key_scope = key_scope
+        self._capabilities = capabilities
+        self._mobility_domain = mobility_domain
+        self._high_throughput = high_throughput
+        self._very_high_throughput = very_high_throughput
+        self._ftm = ftm
+    def __index__(self) -> int:
+        """Convert to numeric representation of the field's bits."""
+        return (
+            self._ap_reachability << 30
+            | self.security << 29
+            | self.key_scope << 28
+            | int(self.capabilities) << 22
+            | self.mobility_domain << 21
+            | self.high_throughput << 20
+            | self.very_high_throughput << 19
+            | self.ftm << 18
+        )
+    @property
+    def security(self) -> bool:
+        return self._security
+    @property
+    def key_scope(self) -> bool:
+        return self._key_scope
+    @property
+    def capabilities(self) -> BssidInformationCapabilities:
+        return self._capabilities
+    @property
+    def mobility_domain(self) -> bool:
+        return self._mobility_domain
+    @property
+    def high_throughput(self) -> bool:
+        return self._high_throughput
+    @property
+    def very_high_throughput(self) -> bool:
+        return self._very_high_throughput
+    @property
+    def ftm(self) -> bool:
+        return self._ftm
+class PhyType(IntEnum):
+    """PHY type values, see dot11PhyType in 802.11-2020 Annex C."""
+    DSSS = 2
+    OFDM = 4
+    HRDSS = 5
+    ERP = 6
+    HT = 7
+    DMG = 8
+    VHT = 9
+    TVHT = 10
+    S1G = 11
+    CDMG = 12
+    CMMG = 13
+class NeighborReportElement:
+    """Representation of Neighbor Report element.
+    See IEEE 802.11-2020
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        bssid: str,
+        bssid_information: BssidInformation,
+        operating_class: int,
+        channel_number: int,
+        phy_type: PhyType,
+    ):
+        """Create a neighbor report element.
+        Args:
+            bssid: MAC address of the neighbor.
+            bssid_information: BSSID Information of the neigbor.
+            operating_class: operating class of the neighbor.
+            channel_number: channel number of the neighbor.
+            phy_type: dot11PhyType of the neighbor.
+        """
+        self._bssid = bssid
+        self._bssid_information = bssid_information
+        # Operating Class, IEEE 802.11-2020 Annex E.
+        self._operating_class = operating_class
+        self._channel_number = channel_number
+        # PHY Type, IEEE 802.11-2020 Annex C.
+        self._phy_type = phy_type
+    @property
+    def bssid(self) -> str:
+        return self._bssid
+    @property
+    def bssid_information(self) -> BssidInformation:
+        return self._bssid_information
+    @property
+    def operating_class(self) -> int:
+        return self._operating_class
+    @property
+    def channel_number(self) -> int:
+        return self._channel_number
+    @property
+    def phy_type(self) -> PhyType:
+        return self._phy_type
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07af019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import shlex
+import tempfile
+import time
+from typing import Any
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd_config import RadvdConfig
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+class Error(Exception):
+    """An error caused by radvd."""
+class Radvd(object):
+    """Manages the radvd program.
+    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radvd
+    This implements the Router Advertisement Daemon of IPv6 router addresses
+    and IPv6 routing prefixes using the Neighbor Discovery Protocol.
+    Attributes:
+        config: The radvd configuration that is being used.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        runner: Any,
+        interface: str,
+        working_dir: str | None = None,
+        radvd_binary: str | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            runner: Object that has run_async and run methods for executing
+                    shell commands (e.g. connection.SshConnection)
+            interface: Name of the interface to use (eg. wlan0).
+            working_dir: Directory to work out of.
+            radvd_binary: Location of the radvd binary
+        """
+        if not radvd_binary:
+            logging.debug(
+                "No radvd binary specified.  " "Assuming radvd is in the path."
+            )
+            radvd_binary = "radvd"
+        else:
+            logging.debug(f"Using radvd binary located at {radvd_binary}")
+        if working_dir is None and runner == job.run:
+            working_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+        else:
+            working_dir = "/tmp"
+        self._radvd_binary = radvd_binary
+        self._runner = runner
+        self._interface = interface
+        self._working_dir = working_dir
+        self.config: RadvdConfig | None = None
+        self._shell = shell.ShellCommand(runner, working_dir)
+        self._log_file = f"{working_dir}/radvd-{self._interface}.log"
+        self._config_file = f"{working_dir}/radvd-{self._interface}.conf"
+        self._pid_file = f"{working_dir}/radvd-{self._interface}.pid"
+        self._ps_identifier = f"{self._radvd_binary}.*{self._config_file}"
+    def start(self, config: RadvdConfig, timeout: int = 60) -> None:
+        """Starts radvd
+        Starts the radvd daemon and runs it in the background.
+        Args:
+            config: Configs to start the radvd with.
+            timeout: Time to wait for radvd  to come up.
+        Returns:
+            True if the daemon could be started. Note that the daemon can still
+            start and not work. Invalid configurations can take a long amount
+            of time to be produced, and because the daemon runs indefinitely
+            it's impossible to wait on. If you need to check if configs are ok
+            then periodic checks to is_running and logs should be used.
+        """
+        if self.is_alive():
+            self.stop()
+        self.config = config
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._log_file)
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
+        self._write_configs(self.config)
+        command = (
+            f"{self._radvd_binary} -C {shlex.quote(self._config_file)} "
+            f"-p {shlex.quote(self._pid_file)} -m logfile -d 5 "
+            f'-l {self._log_file} > "{self._log_file}" 2>&1'
+        )
+        self._runner.run_async(command)
+        try:
+            self._wait_for_process(timeout=timeout)
+        except Error:
+            self.stop()
+            raise
+    def stop(self):
+        """Kills the daemon if it is running."""
+        self._shell.kill(self._ps_identifier)
+    def is_alive(self):
+        """
+        Returns:
+            True if the daemon is running.
+        """
+        return self._shell.is_alive(self._ps_identifier)
+    def pull_logs(self) -> str:
+        """Pulls the log files from where radvd is running.
+        Returns:
+            A string of the radvd logs.
+        """
+        # TODO: Auto pulling of logs when stop is called.
+        return self._shell.read_file(self._log_file)
+    def _wait_for_process(self, timeout: int = 60) -> None:
+        """Waits for the process to come up.
+        Waits until the radvd process is found running, or there is
+        a timeout. If the program never comes up then the log file
+        will be scanned for errors.
+        Raises: See _scan_for_errors
+        """
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() - start_time < timeout and not self.is_alive():
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            self._scan_for_errors(False)
+        self._scan_for_errors(True)
+    def _scan_for_errors(self, should_be_up: bool) -> None:
+        """Scans the radvd log for any errors.
+        Args:
+            should_be_up: If true then radvd program is expected to be alive.
+                          If it is found not alive while this is true an error
+                          is thrown.
+        Raises:
+            Error: Raised when a radvd error is found.
+        """
+        # Store this so that all other errors have priority.
+        is_dead = not self.is_alive()
+        exited_prematurely = self._shell.search_file("Exiting", self._log_file)
+        if exited_prematurely:
+            raise Error("Radvd exited prematurely.", self)
+        if should_be_up and is_dead:
+            raise Error("Radvd failed to start", self)
+    def _write_configs(self, config: RadvdConfig) -> None:
+        """Writes the configs to the radvd config file.
+        Args:
+            config: a RadvdConfig object.
+        """
+        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
+        conf = config.package_configs()
+        lines = ["interface %s {" % self._interface]
+        for interface_option_key, interface_option in conf["interface_options"].items():
+            lines.append(f"\t{str(interface_option_key)} {str(interface_option)};")
+        lines.append(f"\tprefix {conf['prefix']}")
+        lines.append("\t{")
+        for prefix_option in conf["prefix_options"].items():
+            lines.append(f"\t\t{' '.join(map(str, prefix_option))};")
+        lines.append("\t};")
+        if conf["clients"]:
+            lines.append("\tclients")
+            lines.append("\t{")
+            for client in conf["clients"]:
+                lines.append(f"\t\t{client};")
+            lines.append("\t};")
+        if conf["route"]:
+            lines.append("\troute %s {" % conf["route"])
+            for route_option in conf["route_options"].items():
+                lines.append(f"\t\t{' '.join(map(str, route_option))};")
+            lines.append("\t};")
+        if conf["rdnss"]:
+            lines.append(
+                "\tRDNSS %s {" % " ".join([str(elem) for elem in conf["rdnss"]])
+            )
+            for rdnss_option in conf["rdnss_options"].items():
+                lines.append(f"\t\t{' '.join(map(str, rdnss_option))};")
+            lines.append("\t};")
+        lines.append("};")
+        output_config = "\n".join(lines)
+        logging.info(f"Writing {self._config_file}")
+        logging.debug("******************Start*******************")
+        logging.debug(f"\n{output_config}")
+        logging.debug("*******************End********************")
+        self._shell.write_file(self._config_file, output_config)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_config.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d6d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+from typing import Any
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd_constants
+class RadvdConfig(object):
+    """The root settings for the router advertisement daemon.
+    All the settings for a router advertisement daemon.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        prefix: str = radvd_constants.DEFAULT_PREFIX,
+        clients: list[str] = [],
+        route: Any | None = None,
+        rdnss: list[str] = [],
+        ignore_if_missing: str | None = None,
+        adv_send_advert: str = radvd_constants.ADV_SEND_ADVERT_ON,
+        unicast_only: str | None = None,
+        max_rtr_adv_interval: int | None = None,
+        min_rtr_adv_interval: int | None = None,
+        min_delay_between_ras: int | None = None,
+        adv_managed_flag: str | None = None,
+        adv_other_config_flag: str | None = None,
+        adv_link_mtu: int | None = None,
+        adv_reachable_time: int | None = None,
+        adv_retrans_timer: int | None = None,
+        adv_cur_hop_limit: int | None = None,
+        adv_default_lifetime: int | None = None,
+        adv_default_preference: str | None = None,
+        adv_source_ll_address: str | None = None,
+        adv_home_agent_flag: str | None = None,
+        adv_home_agent_info: str | None = None,
+        home_agent_lifetime: int | None = None,
+        home_agent_preference: int | None = None,
+        adv_mob_rtr_support_flag: str | None = None,
+        adv_interval_opt: str | None = None,
+        adv_on_link: str = radvd_constants.ADV_ON_LINK_ON,
+        adv_autonomous: str = radvd_constants.ADV_AUTONOMOUS_ON,
+        adv_router_addr: str | None = None,
+        adv_valid_lifetime: int | None = None,
+        adv_preferred_lifetime: int | None = None,
+        base_6to4_interface: str | None = None,
+        adv_route_lifetime: int | None = None,
+        adv_route_preference: str | None = None,
+        adv_rdnss_preference: int | None = None,
+        adv_rdnss_open: str | None = None,
+        adv_rdnss_lifetime: int | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Construct a RadvdConfig.
+        Args:
+            prefix: IPv6 prefix and length, ie fd::/64
+            clients: A list of IPv6 link local addresses that will be the only
+                clients served.  All other IPv6 addresses will be ignored if
+                this list is present.
+            route: A route for the router advertisement with prefix.
+            rdnss: A list of recursive DNS servers
+            ignore_if_missing: A flag indicating whether or not the interface
+                is ignored if it does not exist at start-up. By default,
+                radvd exits.
+            adv_send_advert: A flag indicating whether or not the router sends
+                periodic router advertisements and responds to router
+                solicitations.
+            unicast_only: Indicates that the interface link type only supports
+                unicast.
+            max_rtr_adv_interval:The maximum time allowed between sending
+                unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface,
+                in seconds. Must be no less than 4 seconds and no greater than
+                1800 seconds.
+            min_rtr_adv_interval: The minimum time allowed between sending
+                unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface,
+                in seconds. Must be no less than 3 seconds and no greater than
+                0.75 * max_rtr_adv_interval.
+            min_delay_between_ras: The minimum time allowed between sending
+                multicast router advertisements from the interface, in seconds.,
+            adv_managed_flag: When set, hosts use the administered (stateful)
+                protocol for address autoconfiguration in addition to any
+                addresses autoconfigured using stateless address
+                autoconfiguration. The use of this flag is described in
+                RFC 4862.
+            adv_other_config_flag: When set, hosts use the administered
+                (stateful) protocol for autoconfiguration of other (non-address)
+                information. The use of this flag is described in RFC 4862.
+            adv_link_mtu: The MTU option is used in router advertisement
+                messages to insure that all nodes on a link use the same MTU
+                value in those cases where the link MTU is not well known.
+            adv_reachable_time: The time, in milliseconds, that a node assumes
+                a neighbor is reachable after having received a reachability
+                confirmation. Used by the Neighbor Unreachability Detection
+                algorithm (see Section 7.3 of RFC 4861). A value of zero means
+                unspecified (by this router).
+            adv_retrans_timer: The time, in milliseconds, between retransmitted
+                Neighbor Solicitation messages. Used by address resolution and
+                the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm (see Sections
+                7.2 and 7.3 of RFC 4861). A value of zero means unspecified
+                (by this router).
+            adv_cur_hop_limit: The default value that should be placed in the
+                Hop Count field of the IP header for outgoing (unicast) IP
+                packets. The value should be set to the current diameter of the
+                Internet. The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
+            adv_default_lifetime: The lifetime associated with the default
+                router in units of seconds. The maximum value corresponds to
+                18.2 hours. A lifetime of 0 indicates that the router is not a
+                default router and should not appear on the default router list.
+                The router lifetime applies only to the router's usefulness as
+                a default router; it does not apply to information contained in
+                other message fields or options. Options that need time limits
+                for their information include their own lifetime fields.
+            adv_default_preference: The preference associated with the default
+                router, as either "low", "medium", or "high".
+            adv_source_ll_address: When set, the link-layer address of the
+                outgoing interface is included in the RA.
+            adv_home_agent_flag: When set, indicates that sending router is able
+                to serve as Mobile IPv6 Home Agent. When set, minimum limits
+                specified by Mobile IPv6 are used for MinRtrAdvInterval and
+                MaxRtrAdvInterval.
+            adv_home_agent_info: When set, Home Agent Information Option
+                (specified by Mobile IPv6) is included in Router Advertisements.
+                adv_home_agent_flag must also be set when using this option.
+            home_agent_lifetime: The length of time in seconds (relative to the
+                time the packet is sent) that the router is offering Mobile IPv6
+                 Home Agent services. A value 0 must not be used. The maximum
+                 lifetime is 65520 seconds (18.2 hours). This option is ignored,
+                 if adv_home_agent_info is not set.
+            home_agent_preference: The preference for the Home Agent sending
+                this Router Advertisement. Values greater than 0 indicate more
+                preferable Home Agent, values less than 0 indicate less
+                preferable Home Agent. This option is ignored, if
+                adv_home_agent_info is not set.
+            adv_mob_rtr_support_flag: When set, the Home Agent signals it
+                supports Mobile Router registrations (specified by NEMO Basic).
+                adv_home_agent_info must also be set when using this option.
+            adv_interval_opt: When set, Advertisement Interval Option
+                (specified by Mobile IPv6) is included in Router Advertisements.
+                When set, minimum limits specified by Mobile IPv6 are used for
+                MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval.
+            adv_on_linkWhen set, indicates that this prefix can be used for
+                on-link determination. When not set the advertisement makes no
+                statement about on-link or off-link properties of the prefix.
+                For instance, the prefix might be used for address configuration
+                 with some of the addresses belonging to the prefix being
+                 on-link and others being off-link.
+            adv_autonomous: When set, indicates that this prefix can be used for
+                autonomous address configuration as specified in RFC 4862.
+            adv_router_addr: When set, indicates that the address of interface
+                is sent instead of network prefix, as is required by Mobile
+                IPv6. When set, minimum limits specified by Mobile IPv6 are used
+                for MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval.
+            adv_valid_lifetime: The length of time in seconds (relative to the
+                time the packet is sent) that the prefix is valid for the
+                purpose of on-link determination. The symbolic value infinity
+                represents infinity (i.e. a value of all one bits (0xffffffff)).
+                 The valid lifetime is also used by RFC 4862.
+            adv_preferred_lifetimeThe length of time in seconds (relative to the
+                time the packet is sent) that addresses generated from the
+                prefix via stateless address autoconfiguration remain preferred.
+                The symbolic value infinity represents infinity (i.e. a value of
+                all one bits (0xffffffff)). See RFC 4862.
+            base_6to4_interface: If this option is specified, this prefix will
+                be combined with the IPv4 address of interface name to produce
+                a valid 6to4 prefix. The first 16 bits of this prefix will be
+                replaced by 2002 and the next 32 bits of this prefix will be
+                replaced by the IPv4 address assigned to interface name at
+                configuration time. The remaining 80 bits of the prefix
+                (including the SLA ID) will be advertised as specified in the
+                configuration file.
+            adv_route_lifetime: The lifetime associated with the route in units
+                of seconds. The symbolic value infinity represents infinity
+                (i.e. a value of all one bits (0xffffffff)).
+            adv_route_preference: The preference associated with the default
+                router, as either "low", "medium", or "high".
+            adv_rdnss_preference: The preference of the DNS server, compared to
+                other DNS servers advertised and used. 0 to 7 means less
+                important than manually configured nameservers in resolv.conf,
+                while 12 to 15 means more important.
+            adv_rdnss_open: "Service Open" flag. When set, indicates that RDNSS
+                continues to be available to hosts even if they moved to a
+                different subnet.
+            adv_rdnss_lifetime: The maximum duration how long the RDNSS entries
+                are used for name resolution. A value of 0 means the nameserver
+                should no longer be used. The maximum duration how long the
+                RDNSS entries are used for name resolution. A value of 0 means
+                the nameserver should no longer be used. The value, if not 0,
+                must be at least max_rtr_adv_interval. To ensure stale RDNSS
+                info gets removed in a timely fashion, this should not be
+                greater than 2*max_rtr_adv_interval.
+        """
+        self._prefix = prefix
+        self._clients = clients
+        self._route = route
+        self._rdnss = rdnss
+        self._ignore_if_missing = ignore_if_missing
+        self._adv_send_advert = adv_send_advert
+        self._unicast_only = unicast_only
+        self._max_rtr_adv_interval = max_rtr_adv_interval
+        self._min_rtr_adv_interval = min_rtr_adv_interval
+        self._min_delay_between_ras = min_delay_between_ras
+        self._adv_managed_flag = adv_managed_flag
+        self._adv_other_config_flag = adv_other_config_flag
+        self._adv_link_mtu = adv_link_mtu
+        self._adv_reachable_time = adv_reachable_time
+        self._adv_retrans_timer = adv_retrans_timer
+        self._adv_cur_hop_limit = adv_cur_hop_limit
+        self._adv_default_lifetime = adv_default_lifetime
+        self._adv_default_preference = adv_default_preference
+        self._adv_source_ll_address = adv_source_ll_address
+        self._adv_home_agent_flag = adv_home_agent_flag
+        self._adv_home_agent_info = adv_home_agent_info
+        self._home_agent_lifetime = home_agent_lifetime
+        self._home_agent_preference = home_agent_preference
+        self._adv_mob_rtr_support_flag = adv_mob_rtr_support_flag
+        self._adv_interval_opt = adv_interval_opt
+        self._adv_on_link = adv_on_link
+        self._adv_autonomous = adv_autonomous
+        self._adv_router_addr = adv_router_addr
+        self._adv_valid_lifetime = adv_valid_lifetime
+        self._adv_preferred_lifetime = adv_preferred_lifetime
+        self._base_6to4_interface = base_6to4_interface
+        self._adv_route_lifetime = adv_route_lifetime
+        self._adv_route_preference = adv_route_preference
+        self._adv_rdnss_preference = adv_rdnss_preference
+        self._adv_rdnss_open = adv_rdnss_open
+        self._adv_rdnss_lifetime = adv_rdnss_lifetime
+    def package_configs(self):
+        conf: dict[str, Any] = dict()
+        conf["prefix"] = self._prefix
+        conf["clients"] = self._clients
+        conf["route"] = self._route
+        conf["rdnss"] = self._rdnss
+        conf["interface_options"] = collections.OrderedDict(
+            filter(
+                lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
+                (
+                    ("IgnoreIfMissing", self._ignore_if_missing),
+                    ("AdvSendAdvert", self._adv_send_advert),
+                    ("UnicastOnly", self._unicast_only),
+                    ("MaxRtrAdvInterval", self._max_rtr_adv_interval),
+                    ("MinRtrAdvInterval", self._min_rtr_adv_interval),
+                    ("MinDelayBetweenRAs", self._min_delay_between_ras),
+                    ("AdvManagedFlag", self._adv_managed_flag),
+                    ("AdvOtherConfigFlag", self._adv_other_config_flag),
+                    ("AdvLinkMTU", self._adv_link_mtu),
+                    ("AdvReachableTime", self._adv_reachable_time),
+                    ("AdvRetransTimer", self._adv_retrans_timer),
+                    ("AdvCurHopLimit", self._adv_cur_hop_limit),
+                    ("AdvDefaultLifetime", self._adv_default_lifetime),
+                    ("AdvDefaultPreference", self._adv_default_preference),
+                    ("AdvSourceLLAddress", self._adv_source_ll_address),
+                    ("AdvHomeAgentFlag", self._adv_home_agent_flag),
+                    ("AdvHomeAgentInfo", self._adv_home_agent_info),
+                    ("HomeAgentLifetime", self._home_agent_lifetime),
+                    ("HomeAgentPreference", self._home_agent_preference),
+                    ("AdvMobRtrSupportFlag", self._adv_mob_rtr_support_flag),
+                    ("AdvIntervalOpt", self._adv_interval_opt),
+                ),
+            )
+        )
+        conf["prefix_options"] = collections.OrderedDict(
+            filter(
+                lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
+                (
+                    ("AdvOnLink", self._adv_on_link),
+                    ("AdvAutonomous", self._adv_autonomous),
+                    ("AdvRouterAddr", self._adv_router_addr),
+                    ("AdvValidLifetime", self._adv_valid_lifetime),
+                    ("AdvPreferredLifetime", self._adv_preferred_lifetime),
+                    ("Base6to4Interface", self._base_6to4_interface),
+                ),
+            )
+        )
+        conf["route_options"] = collections.OrderedDict(
+            filter(
+                lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
+                (
+                    ("AdvRouteLifetime", self._adv_route_lifetime),
+                    ("AdvRoutePreference", self._adv_route_preference),
+                ),
+            )
+        )
+        conf["rdnss_options"] = collections.OrderedDict(
+            filter(
+                lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
+                (
+                    ("AdvRDNSSPreference", self._adv_rdnss_preference),
+                    ("AdvRDNSSOpen", self._adv_rdnss_open),
+                    ("AdvRDNSSLifetime", self._adv_rdnss_lifetime),
+                ),
+            )
+        )
+        return conf
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_constants.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b02a694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+DEFAULT_PREFIX = "fd00::/64"
+ADV_ON_LINK_ON = "on"
+ADV_ON_LINK_OFF = "off"
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/regulatory_channels.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/regulatory_channels.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432607c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/regulatory_channels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+Channel = int
+Bandwidth = int
+# TODO(http://b/281728764): Add device requirements to each frequency e.g.
+# "MUST be used indoors only" or "MUST be used with DFS".
+ChannelBandwidthMap = dict[Channel, list[Bandwidth]]
+class CountryChannels:
+    country_code: str
+    allowed_channels: ChannelBandwidthMap
+# All antlion-supported channels and frequencies for use in regulatory testing.
+TEST_CHANNELS: ChannelBandwidthMap = {
+    1: [20],
+    2: [20],
+    3: [20],
+    4: [20],
+    5: [20],
+    6: [20],
+    7: [20],
+    8: [20],
+    9: [20],
+    10: [20],
+    11: [20],
+    12: [20],
+    13: [20],
+    14: [20],
+    36: [20, 40, 80],
+    40: [20, 40, 80],
+    44: [20, 40, 80],
+    48: [20, 40, 80],
+    52: [20, 40, 80],
+    56: [20, 40, 80],
+    60: [20, 40, 80],
+    64: [20, 40, 80],
+    100: [20, 40, 80],
+    104: [20, 40, 80],
+    108: [20, 40, 80],
+    112: [20, 40, 80],
+    116: [20, 40, 80],
+    120: [20, 40, 80],
+    124: [20, 40, 80],
+    128: [20, 40, 80],
+    132: [20, 40, 80],
+    136: [20, 40, 80],
+    140: [20, 40, 80],
+    144: [20, 40, 80],
+    149: [20, 40, 80],
+    153: [20, 40, 80],
+    157: [20, 40, 80],
+    161: [20, 40, 80],
+    165: [20],
+# All universally accepted 2.4GHz channels and frequencies.
+WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS: ChannelBandwidthMap = {
+    1: [20],
+    2: [20],
+    3: [20],
+    4: [20],
+    5: [20],
+    6: [20],
+    7: [20],
+    8: [20],
+    9: [20],
+    10: [20],
+    11: [20],
+# List of supported channels and frequencies by country.
+# Please keep this alphabetically ordered. Thanks!
+# TODO: Add missing countries: Russia, Israel, Korea, Turkey, South Africa,
+# Brazil, Bahrain, Vietnam
+    "Australia": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="AU",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Austria": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="AT",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Belgium": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="BE",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Canada": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="CA",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
+    "China": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="CH",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Denmark": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="DK",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "France": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="FR",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Germany": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="DE",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "India": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="IN",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Ireland": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="IE",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Italy": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="IT",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Japan": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="JP",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Mexico": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="MX",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Netherlands": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="NL",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "New Zealand": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="NZ",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Norway": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="NO",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Singapore": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="SG",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Spain": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="ES",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Sweden": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="SE",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "Taiwan": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="TW",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
+    "United Kingdom of Great Britain": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="GB",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            11: [20],
+            12: [20],
+            13: [20],
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+        },
+    ),
+    "United States of America": CountryChannels(
+        country_code="US",
+        allowed_channels=WORLD_WIDE_2G_CHANNELS
+        | {
+            36: [20, 40, 80],
+            40: [20, 40, 80],
+            44: [20, 40, 80],
+            48: [20, 40, 80],
+            52: [20, 40, 80],
+            56: [20, 40, 80],
+            60: [20, 40, 80],
+            64: [20, 40, 80],
+            100: [20, 40, 80],
+            104: [20, 40, 80],
+            108: [20, 40, 80],
+            112: [20, 40, 80],
+            116: [20, 40, 80],
+            120: [20, 40, 80],
+            124: [20, 40, 80],
+            128: [20, 40, 80],
+            132: [20, 40, 80],
+            136: [20, 40, 80],
+            140: [20, 40, 80],
+            144: [20, 40, 80],
+            149: [20, 40, 80],
+            153: [20, 40, 80],
+            157: [20, 40, 80],
+            161: [20, 40, 80],
+            165: [20],
+        },
+    ),
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/actiontec.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/actiontec.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04f60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/actiontec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def actiontec_pk5000(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str, channel: int, security: Security, ssid: str | None = None
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    """A simulated implementation of what a Actiontec PK5000 AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4 interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.  Only 2.4Ghz is supported for this profile
+        security: A security profile.  Must be open or WPA2 as this is what is
+            supported by the PK5000.
+        ssid: Network name
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config
+    Differences from real pk5000:
+        Supported Rates IE:
+            PK5000: Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54
+            Simulated: Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                       Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+    """
+    if channel > 11:
+        # Technically this should be 14 but since the PK5000 is a US only AP,
+        # 11 is the highest allowable channel.
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"The Actiontec PK5000 does not support 5Ghz. Invalid channel ({channel})"
+        )
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    interface = iface_wlan_2g
+    short_preamble = False
+    force_wmm = False
+    beacon_interval = 100
+    dtim_period = 3
+    # Sets the basic rates and supported rates of the PK5000
+    additional_params = (
+        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES
+        | hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    )
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11G,
+        force_wmm=force_wmm,
+        beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
+        dtim_period=dtim_period,
+        short_preamble=short_preamble,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def actiontec_mi424wr(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str, channel: int, security: Security, ssid: str | None = None
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    """A simulated implementation of an Actiontec MI424WR AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use (2.4Ghz or 5Ghz).
+        security: A security profile.
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real MI424WR:
+        HT Capabilities:
+            MI424WR:
+                HT Rx STBC: Support for 1, 2, and 3
+            Simulated:
+                HT Rx STBC: Support for 1
+        HT Information:
+            MI424WR:
+                RIFS: Premitted
+            Simulated:
+                RIFS: Prohibited
+    """
+    if channel > 11:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"The Actiontec MI424WR does not support 5Ghz. Invalid channel ({channel})"
+        )
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+    ]
+    rates = (
+        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+        | hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES
+    )
+    # Proprietary Atheros Communication: Adv Capability IE
+    # Proprietary Atheros Communication: Unknown IE
+    # Country Info: US Only IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd0900037f01010000ff7f"
+        "dd0a00037f04010000000000"
+        "0706555320010b1b"
+    }
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=True,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/asus.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/asus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a9ae27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/asus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def asus_rtac66u(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTAC66U AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile.  Must be open or WPA2 as this is what is
+            supported by the RTAC66U.
+        ssid: Network name
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config
+    Differences from real RTAC66U:
+        2.4 GHz:
+            Rates:
+                RTAC66U:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+            HT Capab:
+                Info
+                    RTAC66U: Green Field supported
+                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
+        5GHz:
+            VHT Capab:
+                RTAC66U:
+                    SU Beamformer Supported,
+                    SU Beamformee Supported,
+                    Beamformee STS Capability: 3,
+                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 3,
+                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
+                Simulated:
+                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
+            VHT Operation Info:
+                RTAC66U: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
+                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
+            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
+                RTAC66U: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
+                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
+        Both:
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    RTAC66U: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+            HT Info:
+                RTAC66U: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    vht_channel_width = 20
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    ]
+    # WPS IE
+    # Broadcom IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd310050f204104a00011010440001021047001093689729d373c26cb1563c6c570f33"
+        "d7103c0001031049000600372a000120"
+        "dd090010180200001c0000"
+    }
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+        ac_capabilities = None
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
+        ac_capabilities = [
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+        ]
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=3,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def asus_rtac86u(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTAC86U AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile.  Must be open or WPA2 as this is what is
+            supported by the RTAC86U.
+        ssid: Network name
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config
+    Differences from real RTAC86U:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                RTAC86U:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+        5GHz:
+            Country Code:
+                Simulated: Has two country code IEs, one that matches
+                the actual, and another explicit IE that was required for
+                hostapd's 802.11d to work.
+        Both:
+            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
+                RTAC86U:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+                Simulated:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    qbss = {"bss_load_update_period": 50, "chan_util_avg_period": 600}
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        spectrum_mgmt = False
+        # Measurement Pilot Transmission IE
+        vendor_elements = {"vendor_elements": "42020000"}
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        spectrum_mgmt = True
+        # Country Information IE (w/ individual channel info)
+        # TPC Report Transmit Power IE
+        # Measurement Pilot Transmission IE
+        vendor_elements = {
+            "vendor_elements": "074255532024011e28011e2c011e30011e34011e38011e3c011e40011e64011e"
+            "68011e6c011e70011e74011e84011e88011e8c011e95011e99011e9d011ea1011e"
+            "a5011e"
+            "23021300"
+            "42020000"
+        }
+    additional_params = rates | qbss | vendor_elements
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=False,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=3,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        spectrum_mgmt_required=spectrum_mgmt,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def asus_rtac5300(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTAC5300 AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile.  Must be open or WPA2 as this is what is
+            supported by the RTAC5300.
+        ssid: Network name
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config
+    Differences from real RTAC5300:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                RTAC86U:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+        5GHz:
+            VHT Capab:
+                RTAC5300:
+                    SU Beamformer Supported,
+                    SU Beamformee Supported,
+                    Beamformee STS Capability: 4,
+                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 4,
+                    MU Beamformer Supported,
+                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
+                Simulated:
+                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
+            VHT Operation Info:
+                RTAC5300: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
+                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
+            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
+                RTAC5300: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
+                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
+        Both:
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    RTAC5300: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+            HT Info:
+                RTAC5300: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    vht_channel_width = 20
+    qbss = {"bss_load_update_period": 50, "chan_util_avg_period": 600}
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    ]
+    # Broadcom IE
+    vendor_elements = {"vendor_elements": "dd090010180200009c0000"}
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+        # AsusTek IE
+        # Epigram 2.4GHz IE
+        vendor_elements["vendor_elements"] += (
+            "dd25f832e4010101020100031411b5"
+            "2fd437509c30b3d7f5cf5754fb125aed3b8507045aed3b85"
+            "dd1e00904c0418bf0cb2798b0faaff0000aaff0000c0050001000000c3020002"
+        )
+        ac_capabilities = None
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
+        # Epigram 5GHz IE
+        vendor_elements["vendor_elements"] += "dd0500904c0410"
+        ac_capabilities = [
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+        ]
+    additional_params = rates | qbss | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=3,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def asus_rtn56u(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTN56U AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile.  Must be open or WPA2 as this is what is
+            supported by the RTN56U.
+        ssid: Network name
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config
+    Differences from real RTN56U:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                RTN56U:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+        Both:
+            Fixed Parameters:
+                RTN56U: APSD Implemented
+                Simulated: APSD Not Implemented
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    RTN56U: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
+                RTN56U:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+                Simulated:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    qbss = {"bss_load_update_period": 50, "chan_util_avg_period": 600}
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+    ]
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        # Ralink Technology IE
+        # US Country Code IE
+        # AP Channel Report IEs (2)
+        # WPS IE
+        vendor_elements = {
+            "vendor_elements": "dd07000c4307000000"
+            "0706555320010b14"
+            "33082001020304050607"
+            "33082105060708090a0b"
+            "dd270050f204104a000110104400010210470010bc329e001dd811b286011c872c"
+            "d33448103c000101"
+        }
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        # Ralink Technology IE
+        # US Country Code IE
+        vendor_elements = {"vendor_elements": "dd07000c4307000000" "0706555320010b14"}
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements | qbss | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def asus_rtn66u(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTN66U AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile.  Must be open or WPA2 as this is what is
+            supported by the RTN66U.
+        ssid: Network name
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config
+    Differences from real RTN66U:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                RTN66U:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+        Both:
+            HT Info:
+                RTN66U: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+            HT Capab:
+                Info:
+                    RTN66U: Green Field supported
+                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
+                A-MPDU
+                    RTN66U: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+    ]
+    # Broadcom IE
+    vendor_elements = {"vendor_elements": "dd090010180200001c0000"}
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40)
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=3,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/belkin.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/belkin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62a9d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/belkin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def belkin_f9k1001v5(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str, channel: int, security: Security, ssid: str | None = None
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    """A simulated implementation of what a Belkin F9K1001v5 AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real F9K1001v5:
+        Rates:
+            F9K1001v5:
+                Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+            Simulated:
+                Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+        HT Info:
+            F9K1001v5:
+                RIFS: Permitted
+            Simulated:
+                RIFS: Prohibited
+        RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
+            F9K1001v5:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+            Simulated:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+    """
+    if channel > 11:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"The Belkin F9k1001v5 does not support 5Ghz. Invalid channel ({channel})"
+        )
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+    ]
+    rates = (
+        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES
+        | hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    )
+    # Broadcom IE
+    # WPS IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd090010180200100c0000"
+        "dd180050f204104a00011010440001021049000600372a000120"
+    }
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=3,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/linksys.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/linksys.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f3fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/linksys.py
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def linksys_ea4500(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of what a Linksys EA4500 AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real EA4500:
+        CF (Contention-Free) Parameter IE:
+            EA4500: has CF Parameter IE
+            Simulated: does not have CF Parameter IE
+        HT Capab:
+            Info:
+                EA4500: Green Field supported
+                Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
+            A-MPDU
+                RTAC66U: MPDU Density 4
+                Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+        RSN Capab (w/ WPA2):
+            EA4500:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+            Simulated:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+    ]
+    # Epigram HT Capabilities IE
+    # Epigram HT Additional Capabilities IE
+    # Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd1e00904c33fc0117ffffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+        "dd1a00904c3424000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+        "dd06005043030000"
+    }
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        obss_interval = 180
+        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        obss_interval = None
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=True,
+        obss_interval=obss_interval,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def linksys_ea9500(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    """A simulated implementation of what a Linksys EA9500 AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real EA9500:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                EA9500:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+        RSN Capab (w/ WPA2):
+            EA9500:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+            Simulated:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    qbss = {"bss_load_update_period": 50, "chan_util_avg_period": 600}
+    # Measurement Pilot Transmission IE
+    vendor_elements = {"vendor_elements": "42020000"}
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+    additional_params = rates | qbss | vendor_elements
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=False,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def linksys_wrt1900acv2(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of what a Linksys WRT1900ACV2 AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real WRT1900ACV2:
+        5 GHz:
+            Simulated: Has two country code IEs, one that matches
+                the actual, and another explicit IE that was required for
+                hostapd's 802.11d to work.
+        Both:
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    WRT1900ACV2: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+            VHT Capab:
+                WRT1900ACV2:
+                    SU Beamformer Supported,
+                    SU Beamformee Supported,
+                    Beamformee STS Capability: 4,
+                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 4,
+                Simulated:
+                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
+            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
+                WRT1900ACV2:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+                Simulated:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+    ]
+    ac_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+    ]
+    vht_channel_width = 20
+    # Epigram, Inc. HT Capabilities IE
+    # Epigram, Inc. HT Additional Capabilities IE
+    # Marvell Semiconductor IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd1e00904c336c0017ffffff0001000000000000000000000000001fff071800"
+        "dd1a00904c3424000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+        "dd06005043030000"
+    }
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        obss_interval = 180
+        spectrum_mgmt = False
+        local_pwr_constraint = {}
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        obss_interval = None
+        spectrum_mgmt = True
+        local_pwr_constraint = {"local_pwr_constraint": 3}
+        # Country Information IE (w/ individual channel info)
+        vendor_elements["vendor_elements"] += (
+            "071e5553202401112801112c011130" "01119501179901179d0117a10117a50117"
+        )
+    additional_params = (
+        rates | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED | local_pwr_constraint
+    )
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=True,
+        obss_interval=obss_interval,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
+        spectrum_mgmt_required=spectrum_mgmt,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/netgear.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/netgear.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69c1845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/netgear.py
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def netgear_r7000(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of what a Netgear R7000 AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real R7000:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                R7000:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48,
+        5GHz:
+            VHT Capab:
+                R7000:
+                    SU Beamformer Supported,
+                    SU Beamformee Supported,
+                    Beamformee STS Capability: 3,
+                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 3,
+                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
+                Simulated:
+                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
+            VHT Operation Info:
+                R7000: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
+                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
+            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
+                R7000: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
+                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
+        Both:
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    R7000: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+            HT Info:
+                R7000: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+            RM Capabilities:
+                R7000:
+                    Beacon Table Measurement: Not Supported
+                    Statistic Measurement: Enabled
+                    AP Channel Report Capability: Enabled
+                Simulated:
+                    Beacon Table Measurement: Supported
+                    Statistic Measurement: Disabled
+                    AP Channel Report Capability: Disabled
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    vht_channel_width = 80
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    ]
+    # Netgear IE
+    # WPS IE
+    # Epigram, Inc. IE
+    # Broadcom IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd0600146c000000"
+        "dd310050f204104a00011010440001021047001066189606f1e967f9c0102048817a7"
+        "69e103c0001031049000600372a000120"
+        "dd1e00904c0408bf0cb259820feaff0000eaff0000c0050001000000c3020002"
+        "dd090010180200001c0000"
+    }
+    qbss = {"bss_load_update_period": 50, "chan_util_avg_period": 600}
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+        obss_interval = 300
+        ac_capabilities = None
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
+        n_capabilities += [
+            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+        ]
+        if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
+            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
+        elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
+            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS)
+        obss_interval = None
+        ac_capabilities = [
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+        ]
+    additional_params = (
+        rates
+        | vendor_elements
+        | qbss
+        | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT
+        | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT
+        | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    )
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=2,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        obss_interval=obss_interval,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def netgear_wndr3400(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS on 5GHz once it is supported
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of what a Netgear WNDR3400 AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real WNDR3400:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                WNDR3400:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48,
+        5GHz:
+            HT Info:
+                WNDR3400: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+        Both:
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    WNDR3400: MPDU Density 16
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+                Info
+                    WNDR3400: Green Field supported
+                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+    ]
+    # WPS IE
+    # Broadcom IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd310050f204104a0001101044000102104700108c403eb883e7e225ab139828703ade"
+        "dc103c0001031049000600372a000120"
+        "dd090010180200f0040000"
+    }
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        obss_interval = 300
+        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40)
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        obss_interval = None
+        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=2,
+        short_preamble=False,
+        obss_interval=obss_interval,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/securifi.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/securifi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b2d0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/securifi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def securifi_almond(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str, channel: int, security: Security, ssid: str | None = None
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    """A simulated implementation of a Securifi Almond AP
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real Almond:
+            Rates:
+                Almond:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    Almond: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+            RSN Capab (w/ WPA2):
+                Almond:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+                Simulated:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+    """
+    if channel > 11:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"The Securifi Almond does not support 5Ghz. Invalid channel ({channel})"
+        )
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
+    ]
+    rates = (
+        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES
+        | hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    )
+    # Ralink Technology IE
+    # Country Information IE
+    # AP Channel Report IEs
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd07000c4307000000"
+        "0706555320010b14"
+        "33082001020304050607"
+        "33082105060708090a0b"
+    }
+    qbss = {"bss_load_update_period": 50, "chan_util_avg_period": 600}
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements | qbss
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=True,
+        obss_interval=300,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/tplink.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/tplink.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a01303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/tplink.py
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants, hostapd_utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+def tplink_archerc5(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink ArcherC5 AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real ArcherC5:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                ArcherC5:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+            HT Capab:
+                Info:
+                    ArcherC5: Green Field supported
+                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
+        5GHz:
+            VHT Capab:
+                ArcherC5:
+                    SU Beamformer Supported,
+                    SU Beamformee Supported,
+                    Beamformee STS Capability: 3,
+                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 3,
+                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
+                Simulated:
+                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
+            VHT Operation Info:
+                ArcherC5: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
+                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
+            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
+                ArcherC5: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
+                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
+        Both:
+            HT Capab:
+                A-MPDU
+                    ArcherC5: MPDU Density 4
+                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
+            HT Info:
+                ArcherC5: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    vht_channel_width = 20
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+    ]
+    # WPS IE
+    # Broadcom IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd310050f204104a000110104400010210470010d96c7efc2f8938f1efbd6e5148bfa8"
+        "12103c0001031049000600372a000120"
+        "dd090010180200001c0000"
+    }
+    qbss = {"bss_load_update_period": 50, "chan_util_avg_period": 600}
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        short_preamble = True
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40)
+        ac_capabilities = None
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        short_preamble = False
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
+        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC)
+        ac_capabilities = [
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+        ]
+    additional_params = (
+        rates
+        | vendor_elements
+        | qbss
+        | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT
+        | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT
+        | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    )
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=short_preamble,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def tplink_archerc7(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink ArcherC7 AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real ArcherC7:
+        5GHz:
+            Country Code:
+                Simulated: Has two country code IEs, one that matches
+                the actual, and another explicit IE that was required for
+                hostapd's 802.11d to work.
+        Both:
+            HT Info:
+                ArcherC7: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
+                ArcherC7:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+                Simulated:
+                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    vht_channel_width: int | None = 80
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+    ]
+    # Atheros IE
+    # WPS IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd0900037f01010000ff7f"
+        "dd180050f204104a00011010440001021049000600372a000120"
+    }
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        short_preamble = True
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+        spectrum_mgmt = False
+        pwr_constraint = {}
+        ac_capabilities = None
+        vht_channel_width = None
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        short_preamble = False
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
+        spectrum_mgmt = True
+        # Country Information IE (w/ individual channel info)
+        vendor_elements["vendor_elements"] += (
+            "074255532024011e28011e2c011e30"
+            "011e3401173801173c01174001176401176801176c0117700117740117840117"
+            "8801178c011795011e99011e9d011ea1011ea5011e"
+        )
+        pwr_constraint = {"local_pwr_constraint": 3}
+        n_capabilities += [
+            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+        ]
+        if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
+            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
+        elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
+            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS)
+        ac_capabilities = [
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
+        ]
+    additional_params = (
+        rates | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED | pwr_constraint
+    )
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=short_preamble,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
+        spectrum_mgmt_required=spectrum_mgmt,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def tplink_c1200(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str,
+    iface_wlan_5g: str,
+    channel: int,
+    security: Security,
+    ssid: str | None = None,
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
+    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink C1200 AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real C1200:
+        2.4GHz:
+            Rates:
+                C1200:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
+                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
+                Simulated:
+                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
+                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
+            HT Capab:
+                Info:
+                    C1200: Green Field supported
+                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
+        5GHz:
+            VHT Operation Info:
+                C1200: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
+                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
+            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
+                C1200: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 7.0 dBm
+                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
+        Both:
+            HT Info:
+                C1200: RIFS Permitted
+                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+    """
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    # Common Parameters
+    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    vht_channel_width = 20
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
+    ]
+    # WPS IE
+    # Broadcom IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd350050f204104a000110104400010210470010000000000000000000000000000000"
+        "00103c0001031049000a00372a00012005022688"
+        "dd090010180200000c0000"
+    }
+    # 2.4GHz
+    if channel <= 11:
+        interface = iface_wlan_2g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
+        short_preamble = True
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
+        ac_capabilities = None
+    # 5GHz
+    else:
+        interface = iface_wlan_5g
+        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
+        short_preamble = False
+        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
+        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC)
+        ac_capabilities = [
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
+            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+        ]
+    additional_params = (
+        rates
+        | vendor_elements
+        | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT
+        | hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT
+        | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    )
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=interface,
+        mode=mode,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=short_preamble,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
+        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
+def tplink_tlwr940n(
+    iface_wlan_2g: str, channel: int, security: Security, ssid: str | None = None
+) -> hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
+    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
+    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink TLWR940N AP.
+    Args:
+        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
+        channel: What channel to use.
+        security: A security profile (open or WPA2).
+        ssid: The network name.
+    Returns:
+        A hostapd config.
+    Differences from real TLWR940N:
+        HT Info:
+            TLWR940N: RIFS Permitted
+            Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
+        RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
+            TLWR940N:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
+            Simulated:
+                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
+    """
+    if channel > 11:
+        raise ValueError(
+            "The mock TP-Link TLWR940N does not support 5Ghz. "
+            "Invalid channel (%s)" % channel
+        )
+    # Verify interface and security
+    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g, hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
+    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security, [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2])
+    if security.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security, [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
+    n_capabilities = [
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+    ]
+    rates = (
+        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES
+        | hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
+    )
+    # Atheros Communications, Inc. IE
+    # WPS IE
+    vendor_elements = {
+        "vendor_elements": "dd0900037f01010000ff7f"
+        "dd260050f204104a0001101044000102104900140024e2600200010160000002000160"
+        "0100020001"
+    }
+    additional_params = rates | vendor_elements | hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED
+    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
+        ssid=ssid,
+        channel=channel,
+        hidden=False,
+        security=security,
+        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
+        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+        force_wmm=True,
+        beacon_interval=100,
+        dtim_period=1,
+        short_preamble=True,
+        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+        additional_parameters=additional_params,
+    )
+    return config
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..848cf5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from typing import NewType
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import NeighborReportElement
+BssTransitionCandidateList = NewType(
+    "BssTransitionCandidateList", list[NeighborReportElement]
+class BssTerminationDuration:
+    """Representation of BSS Termination Duration subelement.
+    See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-341.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, duration: int):
+        """Create a BSS Termination Duration subelement.
+        Args:
+            duration: number of minutes the BSS will be offline.
+        """
+        # Note: hostapd does not currently support setting BSS Termination TSF,
+        # which is the other value held in this subelement.
+        self._duration = duration
+    @property
+    def duration(self) -> int:
+        return self._duration
+class BssTransitionManagementRequest:
+    """Representation of BSS Transition Management request.
+    See IEEE 802.11-2020
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        preferred_candidate_list_included: bool = False,
+        abridged: bool = False,
+        disassociation_imminent: bool = False,
+        ess_disassociation_imminent: bool = False,
+        disassociation_timer: int = 0,
+        validity_interval: int = 1,
+        bss_termination_duration: BssTerminationDuration | None = None,
+        session_information_url: str | None = None,
+        candidate_list: BssTransitionCandidateList | None = None,
+    ):
+        """Create a BSS Transition Management request.
+        Args:
+            preferred_candidate_list_included: whether the candidate list is a
+                preferred candidate list, or (if False) a list of known
+                candidates.
+            abridged: whether a preference value of 0 is assigned to all BSSIDs
+                that do not appear in the candidate list, or (if False) AP has
+                no recommendation for/against anything not in the candidate
+                list.
+            disassociation_imminent: whether the STA is about to be
+                disassociated by the AP.
+            ess_disassociation_imminent: whether the STA will be disassociated
+                from the ESS.
+            disassociation_timer: the number of beacon transmission times
+                (TBTTs) until the AP disassociates this STA (default 0, meaning
+                AP has not determined when it will disassociate this STA).
+            validity_interval: number of TBTTs until the candidate list is no
+                longer valid (default 1).
+            bss_termination_duration: BSS Termination Duration subelement.
+            session_information_url: this URL is included if ESS disassociation
+                is immiment.
+            candidate_list: zero or more neighbor report elements.
+        """
+        # Request mode field, see IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-924.
+        self._preferred_candidate_list_included = preferred_candidate_list_included
+        self._abridged = abridged
+        self._disassociation_imminent = disassociation_imminent
+        self._ess_disassociation_imminent = ess_disassociation_imminent
+        # Disassociation Timer, see IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-925
+        self._disassociation_timer = disassociation_timer
+        # Validity Interval, see IEEE 802.11-2020
+        self._validity_interval = validity_interval
+        # BSS Termination Duration, see IEEE 802.11-2020 and Figure 9-341
+        self._bss_termination_duration = bss_termination_duration
+        # Session Information URL, see IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-926
+        self._session_information_url = session_information_url
+        # BSS Transition Candidate List Entries, IEEE 802.11-2020
+        self._candidate_list = candidate_list
+    @property
+    def preferred_candidate_list_included(self) -> bool:
+        return self._preferred_candidate_list_included
+    @property
+    def abridged(self) -> bool:
+        return self._abridged
+    @property
+    def disassociation_imminent(self) -> bool:
+        return self._disassociation_imminent
+    @property
+    def bss_termination_included(self) -> bool:
+        return self._bss_termination_duration is not None
+    @property
+    def ess_disassociation_imminent(self) -> bool:
+        return self._ess_disassociation_imminent
+    @property
+    def disassociation_timer(self) -> int | None:
+        if self.disassociation_imminent:
+            return self._disassociation_timer
+        # Otherwise, field is reserved.
+        return None
+    @property
+    def validity_interval(self) -> int:
+        return self._validity_interval
+    @property
+    def bss_termination_duration(self) -> BssTerminationDuration | None:
+        return self._bss_termination_duration
+    @property
+    def session_information_url(self) -> str | None:
+        return self._session_information_url
+    @property
+    def candidate_list(self) -> BssTransitionCandidateList | None:
+        return self._candidate_list
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3dd7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import importlib
+import logging
+from antlion.keys import Config
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+def create(configs):
+    objs = []
+    for c in configs:
+        attn_model = c["Model"]
+        # Default to telnet.
+        protocol = c.get("Protocol", "telnet")
+        module_name = f"antlion.controllers.attenuator_lib.{attn_model}.{protocol}"
+        module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
+        inst_cnt = c["InstrumentCount"]
+        attn_inst = module.AttenuatorInstrument(inst_cnt)
+        attn_inst.model = attn_model
+        ip_address = c[Config.key_address.value]
+        port = c[Config.key_port.value]
+        for attempt_number in range(1, _ATTENUATOR_OPEN_RETRIES + 1):
+            try:
+                attn_inst.open(ip_address, port)
+            except Exception as e:
+                logging.error(
+                    "Attempt %s to open connection to attenuator "
+                    "failed: %s" % (attempt_number, e)
+                )
+                if attempt_number == _ATTENUATOR_OPEN_RETRIES:
+                    ping_output = job.run(
+                        f"ping {ip_address} -c 1 -w 1", ignore_status=True
+                    )
+                    if ping_output.returncode == 1:
+                        logging.error(f"Unable to ping attenuator at {ip_address}")
+                    else:
+                        logging.error(f"Able to ping attenuator at {ip_address}")
+                        job.run(
+                            f'echo "q" | telnet {ip_address} {port}',
+                            ignore_status=True,
+                        )
+                    raise
+        for i in range(inst_cnt):
+            attn = Attenuator(attn_inst, idx=i)
+            if "Paths" in c:
+                try:
+                    setattr(attn, "path", c["Paths"][i])
+                except IndexError:
+                    logging.error("No path specified for attenuator %d.", i)
+                    raise
+            objs.append(attn)
+    return objs
+def get_info(attenuators):
+    """Get information on a list of Attenuator objects.
+    Args:
+        attenuators: A list of Attenuator objects.
+    Returns:
+        A list of dict, each representing info for Attenuator objects.
+    """
+    device_info = []
+    for attenuator in attenuators:
+        info = {
+            "Address": attenuator.instrument.address,
+            "Attenuator_Port": attenuator.idx,
+        }
+        device_info.append(info)
+    return device_info
+def destroy(objs):
+    for attn in objs:
+        attn.instrument.close()
+def get_attenuators_for_device(device_attenuator_configs, attenuators, attenuator_key):
+    """Gets the list of attenuators associated to a specified device and builds
+    a list of the attenuator objects associated to the ip address in the
+    device's section of the ACTS config and the Attenuator's IP address.  In the
+    example below the access point object has an attenuator dictionary with
+    IP address associated to an attenuator object.  The address is the only
+    mandatory field and the 'attenuator_ports_wifi_2g' and
+    'attenuator_ports_wifi_5g' are the attenuator_key specified above.  These
+    can be anything and is sent in as a parameter to this function.  The numbers
+    in the list are ports that are in the attenuator object.  Below is an
+    standard Access_Point object and the link to a standard Attenuator object.
+    Notice the link is the IP address, which is why the IP address is mandatory.
+    "AccessPoint": [
+        {
+          "ssh_config": {
+            "user": "root",
+            "host": ""
+          },
+          "Attenuator": [
+            {
+              "Address": "",
+              "attenuator_ports_wifi_2g": [
+                0,
+                1,
+                3
+              ],
+              "attenuator_ports_wifi_5g": [
+                0,
+                1
+              ]
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "Attenuator": [
+        {
+          "Model": "minicircuits",
+          "InstrumentCount": 4,
+          "Address": "",
+          "Port": 23
+        }
+      ]
+    Args:
+        device_attenuator_configs: A list of attenuators config information in
+            the acts config that are associated a particular device.
+        attenuators: A list of all of the available attenuators objects
+            in the testbed.
+        attenuator_key: A string that is the key to search in the device's
+            configuration.
+    Returns:
+        A list of attenuator objects for the specified device and the key in
+        that device's config.
+    """
+    attenuator_list = []
+    for device_attenuator_config in device_attenuator_configs:
+        for attenuator_port in device_attenuator_config[attenuator_key]:
+            for attenuator in attenuators:
+                if (
+                    attenuator.instrument.address == device_attenuator_config["Address"]
+                    and attenuator.idx is attenuator_port
+                ):
+                    attenuator_list.append(attenuator)
+    return attenuator_list
+"""Classes for accessing, managing, and manipulating attenuators.
+Users will instantiate a specific child class, but almost all operation should
+be performed on the methods and data members defined here in the base classes
+or the wrapper classes.
+class AttenuatorError(Exception):
+    """Base class for all errors generated by Attenuator-related modules."""
+class InvalidDataError(AttenuatorError):
+    """ "Raised when an unexpected result is seen on the transport layer.
+    When this exception is seen, closing an re-opening the link to the
+    attenuator instrument is probably necessary. Something has gone wrong in
+    the transport.
+    """
+class InvalidOperationError(AttenuatorError):
+    """Raised when the attenuator's state does not allow the given operation.
+    Certain methods may only be accessed when the instance upon which they are
+    invoked is in a certain state. This indicates that the object is not in the
+    correct state for a method to be called.
+    """
+class AttenuatorInstrument(object):
+    """Defines the primitive behavior of all attenuator instruments.
+    The AttenuatorInstrument class is designed to provide a simple low-level
+    interface for accessing any step attenuator instrument comprised of one or
+    more attenuators and a controller. All AttenuatorInstruments should override
+    all the methods below and call AttenuatorInstrument.__init__ in their
+    constructors. Outside of setup/teardown, devices should be accessed via
+    this generic "interface".
+    """
+    model = None
+    INVALID_MAX_ATTEN = 999.9
+    def __init__(self, num_atten=0):
+        """This is the Constructor for Attenuator Instrument.
+        Args:
+            num_atten: The number of attenuators contained within the
+                instrument. In some instances setting this number to zero will
+                allow the driver to auto-determine the number of attenuators;
+                however, this behavior is not guaranteed.
+        Raises:
+            NotImplementedError if initialization is called from this class.
+        """
+        if type(self) is AttenuatorInstrument:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be instantiated directly!")
+        self.num_atten = num_atten
+        self.max_atten = AttenuatorInstrument.INVALID_MAX_ATTEN
+        self.properties = None
+    def set_atten(self, idx, value, strict=True, retry=False):
+        """Sets the attenuation given its index in the instrument.
+        Args:
+            idx: A zero based index used to identify a particular attenuator in
+                an instrument.
+            value: a floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
+            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
+                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
+                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
+            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def get_atten(self, idx, retry=False):
+        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at index idx.
+        Args:
+            idx: A zero based index used to identify a particular attenuator in
+                an instrument.
+            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
+        Returns:
+            The current attenuation value as a floating point value
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+class Attenuator(object):
+    """An object representing a single attenuator in a remote instrument.
+    A user wishing to abstract the mapping of attenuators to physical
+    instruments should use this class, which provides an object that abstracts
+    the physical implementation and allows the user to think only of attenuators
+    regardless of their location.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, instrument, idx=0, offset=0):
+        """This is the constructor for Attenuator
+        Args:
+            instrument: Reference to an AttenuatorInstrument on which the
+                Attenuator resides
+            idx: This zero-based index is the identifier for a particular
+                attenuator in an instrument.
+            offset: A power offset value for the attenuator to be used when
+                performing future operations. This could be used for either
+                calibration or to allow group operations with offsets between
+                various attenuators.
+        Raises:
+            TypeError if an invalid AttenuatorInstrument is passed in.
+            IndexError if the index is out of range.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(instrument, AttenuatorInstrument):
+            raise TypeError("Must provide an Attenuator Instrument Ref")
+        self.model = instrument.model
+        self.instrument = instrument
+        self.idx = idx
+        self.offset = offset
+        if self.idx >= instrument.num_atten:
+            raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range for attenuator instrument")
+    def set_atten(self, value, strict=True, retry=False):
+        """Sets the attenuation.
+        Args:
+            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
+            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
+                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
+                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
+            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
+        Raises:
+            ValueError if value + offset is greater than the maximum value.
+        """
+        if value + self.offset > self.instrument.max_atten and strict:
+            raise ValueError("Attenuator Value+Offset greater than Max Attenuation!")
+        self.instrument.set_atten(
+            self.idx, value + self.offset, strict=strict, retry=retry
+        )
+    def get_atten(self, retry=False):
+        """Returns the attenuation as a float, normalized by the offset."""
+        return self.instrument.get_atten(self.idx, retry) - self.offset
+    def get_max_atten(self):
+        """Returns the max attenuation as a float, normalized by the offset."""
+        if self.instrument.max_atten == AttenuatorInstrument.INVALID_MAX_ATTEN:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid Max Attenuator Value")
+        return self.instrument.max_atten - self.offset
+class AttenuatorGroup(object):
+    """An abstraction for groups of attenuators that will share behavior.
+    Attenuator groups are intended to further facilitate abstraction of testing
+    functions from the physical objects underlying them. By adding attenuators
+    to a group, it is possible to operate on functional groups that can be
+    thought of in a common manner in the test. This class is intended to provide
+    convenience to the user and avoid re-implementation of helper functions and
+    small loops scattered throughout user code.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name=""):
+        """This constructor for AttenuatorGroup
+        Args:
+            name: An optional parameter intended to further facilitate the
+                passing of easily tracked groups of attenuators throughout code.
+                It is left to the user to use the name in a way that meets their
+                needs.
+        """
+        self.name = name
+        self.attens = []
+        self._value = 0
+    def add_from_instrument(self, instrument, indices):
+        """Adds an AttenuatorInstrument to the group.
+        This function will create Attenuator objects for all of the indices
+        passed in and add them to the group.
+        Args:
+            instrument: the AttenuatorInstrument to pull attenuators from.
+                indices: The index or indices to add to the group. Either a
+                range, a list, or a single integer.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        TypeError
+            Requires a valid AttenuatorInstrument to be passed in.
+        """
+        if not instrument or not isinstance(instrument, AttenuatorInstrument):
+            raise TypeError("Must provide an Attenuator Instrument Ref")
+        if type(indices) is range or type(indices) is list:
+            for i in indices:
+                self.attens.append(Attenuator(instrument, i))
+        elif type(indices) is int:
+            self.attens.append(Attenuator(instrument, indices))
+    def add(self, attenuator):
+        """Adds an already constructed Attenuator object to this group.
+        Args:
+            attenuator: An Attenuator object.
+        Raises:
+            TypeError if the attenuator parameter is not an Attenuator.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(attenuator, Attenuator):
+            raise TypeError("Must provide an Attenuator")
+        self.attens.append(attenuator)
+    def synchronize(self):
+        """Sets all grouped attenuators to the group's attenuation value."""
+        self.set_atten(self._value)
+    def is_synchronized(self):
+        """Returns true if all attenuators have the synchronized value."""
+        for att in self.attens:
+            if att.get_atten() != self._value:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def set_atten(self, value):
+        """Sets the attenuation value of all attenuators in the group.
+        Args:
+            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
+        """
+        value = float(value)
+        for att in self.attens:
+            att.set_atten(value)
+        self._value = value
+    def get_atten(self):
+        """Returns the current attenuation setting of AttenuatorGroup."""
+        return float(self._value)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa8ffae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""A helper module to communicate over telnet with AttenuatorInstruments.
+User code shouldn't need to directly access this class.
+import logging
+import re
+import telnetlib
+from antlion.controllers import attenuator
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+def _ascii_string(uc_string):
+    return str(uc_string).encode("ASCII")
+class _TNHelper(object):
+    """An internal helper class for Telnet+SCPI command-based instruments.
+    It should only be used by those implementation control libraries and not by
+    any user code directly.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tx_cmd_separator="\n", rx_cmd_separator="\n", prompt=""):
+        self._tn = None
+        self._ip_address = None
+        self._port = None
+        self.tx_cmd_separator = tx_cmd_separator
+        self.rx_cmd_separator = rx_cmd_separator
+        self.prompt = prompt
+    def open(self, host, port=23):
+        self._ip_address = host
+        self._port = port
+        if self._tn:
+            self._tn.close()
+        logging.debug(f"Telnet Server IP = {host}")
+        self._tn = telnetlib.Telnet()
+        self._tn.open(host, port, 10)
+    def is_open(self):
+        return bool(self._tn)
+    def close(self):
+        if self._tn:
+            self._tn.close()
+            self._tn = None
+    def diagnose_telnet(self):
+        """Function that diagnoses telnet connections.
+        This function diagnoses telnet connections and can be used in case of
+        command failures. The function checks if the devices is still reachable
+        via ping, and whether or not it can close and reopen the telnet
+        connection.
+        Returns:
+            False when telnet server is unreachable or unresponsive
+            True when telnet server is reachable and telnet connection has been
+            successfully reopened
+        """
+        logging.debug("Diagnosing telnet connection")
+        try:
+            job_result = job.run(f"ping {self._ip_address} -c 5 -i 0.2")
+        except:
+            logging.error("Unable to ping telnet server.")
+            return False
+        ping_output = job_result.stdout
+        if not re.search(r" 0% packet loss", ping_output):
+            logging.error(f"Ping Packets Lost. Result: {ping_output}")
+            return False
+        try:
+            self.close()
+        except:
+            logging.error("Cannot close telnet connection.")
+            return False
+        try:
+            self.open(self._ip_address, self._port)
+        except:
+            logging.error("Cannot reopen telnet connection.")
+            return False
+        logging.debug("Telnet connection likely recovered")
+        return True
+    def cmd(self, cmd_str, wait_ret=True, retry=False):
+        if not isinstance(cmd_str, str):
+            raise TypeError("Invalid command string", cmd_str)
+        if not self.is_open():
+            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError(
+                "Telnet connection not open for commands"
+            )
+        cmd_str.strip(self.tx_cmd_separator)
+        self._tn.read_until(_ascii_string(self.prompt), 2)
+        self._tn.write(_ascii_string(cmd_str + self.tx_cmd_separator))
+        if wait_ret is False:
+            return None
+        match_idx, match_val, ret_text = self._tn.expect(
+            [_ascii_string(f"\\S+{self.rx_cmd_separator}")], 1
+        )
+        logging.debug(f"Telnet Command: {cmd_str}")
+        logging.debug(f"Telnet Reply: ({match_idx},{match_val},{ret_text})")
+        if match_idx == -1:
+            telnet_recovered = self.diagnose_telnet()
+            if telnet_recovered and retry:
+                logging.debug("Retrying telnet command once.")
+                return self.cmd(cmd_str, wait_ret, retry=False)
+            else:
+                raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
+                    "Telnet command failed to return valid data"
+                )
+        ret_text = ret_text.decode()
+        ret_text = ret_text.strip(
+            self.tx_cmd_separator + self.rx_cmd_separator + self.prompt
+        )
+        return ret_text
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/telnet.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/telnet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88e310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/telnet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Class for Telnet control of Aeroflex 832X and 833X Series Attenuator Modules
+This class provides a wrapper to the Aeroflex attenuator modules for purposes
+of simplifying and abstracting control down to the basic necessities. It is
+not the intention of the module to expose all functionality, but to allow
+interchangeable HW to be used.
+See http://www.aeroflex.com/ams/weinschel/PDFILES/IM-608-Models-8320-&-8321-preliminary.pdf
+from antlion.controllers import attenuator
+from antlion.controllers.attenuator_lib import _tnhelper
+class AttenuatorInstrument(attenuator.AttenuatorInstrument):
+    def __init__(self, num_atten=0):
+        super(AttenuatorInstrument, self).__init__(num_atten)
+        self._tnhelper = _tnhelper._TNHelper(
+            tx_cmd_separator="\r\n", rx_cmd_separator="\r\n", prompt=">"
+        )
+        self.properties = None
+        self.address = None
+    def open(self, host, port=23):
+        """Opens a telnet connection to the desired AttenuatorInstrument and
+        queries basic information.
+        Args:
+            host: A valid hostname (IP address or DNS-resolvable name) to an
+            MC-DAT attenuator instrument.
+            port: An optional port number (defaults to telnet default 23)
+        """
+        self._tnhelper.open(host, port)
+        # work around a bug in IO, but this is a good thing to do anyway
+        self._tnhelper.cmd("*CLS", False)
+        self.address = host
+        if self.num_atten == 0:
+            self.num_atten = int(self._tnhelper.cmd("RFCONFIG? CHAN"))
+        configstr = self._tnhelper.cmd("RFCONFIG? ATTN 1")
+        self.properties = dict(
+            zip(
+                ["model", "max_atten", "min_step", "unknown", "unknown2", "cfg_str"],
+                configstr.split(", ", 5),
+            )
+        )
+        self.max_atten = float(self.properties["max_atten"])
+    def is_open(self):
+        """Returns True if the AttenuatorInstrument has an open connection."""
+        return bool(self._tnhelper.is_open())
+    def close(self):
+        """Closes the telnet connection.
+        This should be called as part of any teardown procedure prior to the
+        attenuator instrument leaving scope.
+        """
+        self._tnhelper.close()
+    def set_atten(self, idx, value, **_):
+        """This function sets the attenuation of an attenuator given its index
+        in the instrument.
+        Args:
+            idx: A zero-based index that identifies a particular attenuator in
+                an instrument. For instruments that only have one channel, this
+                is ignored by the device.
+            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
+            IndexError if the index is not valid for this instrument.
+            ValueError if the requested set value is greater than the maximum
+                attenuation value.
+        """
+        if not self.is_open():
+            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError("Connection not open!")
+        if idx >= self.num_atten:
+            raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range!", self.num_atten, idx)
+        if value > self.max_atten:
+            raise ValueError("Attenuator value out of range!", self.max_atten, value)
+        self._tnhelper.cmd(f"ATTN {idx + 1} {value}", False)
+    def get_atten(self, idx, **_):
+        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at the given index.
+        Args:
+            idx: The index of the attenuator.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
+        Returns:
+            the current attenuation value as a float
+        """
+        if not self.is_open():
+            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError("Connection not open!")
+        #       Potentially redundant safety check removed for the moment
+        #       if idx >= self.num_atten:
+        #           raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range!", self.num_atten, idx)
+        atten_val = self._tnhelper.cmd(f"ATTN? {idx + 1}")
+        return float(atten_val)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02577e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Class for HTTP control of Mini-Circuits RCDAT series attenuators
+This class provides a wrapper to the MC-RCDAT attenuator modules for purposes
+of simplifying and abstracting control down to the basic necessities. It is
+not the intention of the module to expose all functionality, but to allow
+interchangeable HW to be used.
+See http://www.minicircuits.com/softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf
+import urllib
+from antlion.controllers import attenuator
+class AttenuatorInstrument(attenuator.AttenuatorInstrument):
+    """A specific HTTP-controlled implementation of AttenuatorInstrument for
+    Mini-Circuits RC-DAT attenuators.
+    With the exception of HTTP-specific commands, all functionality is defined
+    by the AttenuatorInstrument class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, num_atten=1):
+        super(AttenuatorInstrument, self).__init__(num_atten)
+        self._ip_address = None
+        self._port = None
+        self._timeout = None
+        self.address = None
+    def open(self, host, port=80, timeout=2):
+        """Initializes the AttenuatorInstrument and queries basic information.
+        Args:
+            host: A valid hostname (IP address or DNS-resolvable name) to an
+            MC-DAT attenuator instrument.
+            port: An optional port number (defaults to http default 80)
+            timeout: An optional timeout for http requests
+        """
+        self._ip_address = host
+        self._port = port
+        self._timeout = timeout
+        self.address = host
+        att_req = urllib.request.urlopen(f"http://{self._ip_address}:{self._port}/MN?")
+        config_str = att_req.read().decode("utf-8").strip()
+        if not config_str.startswith("MN="):
+            raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
+                f"Attenuator returned invalid data. Attenuator returned: {config_str}"
+            )
+        config_str = config_str[len("MN=") :]
+        self.properties = dict(
+            zip(["model", "max_freq", "max_atten"], config_str.split("-", 2))
+        )
+        self.max_atten = float(self.properties["max_atten"])
+    def is_open(self):
+        """Returns True if the AttenuatorInstrument has an open connection.
+        Since this controller is based on HTTP requests, there is no connection
+        required and the attenuator is always ready to accept requests.
+        """
+        return True
+    def close(self):
+        """Closes the connection to the attenuator.
+        Since this controller is based on HTTP requests, there is no connection
+        teardowns required.
+        """
+    def set_atten(self, idx, value, strict=True, retry=False, **_):
+        """This function sets the attenuation of an attenuator given its index
+        in the instrument.
+        Args:
+            idx: A zero-based index that identifies a particular attenuator in
+                an instrument. For instruments that only have one channel, this
+                is ignored by the device.
+            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
+            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
+                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
+                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
+            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
+        Raises:
+            InvalidDataError if the attenuator does not respond with the
+            expected output.
+        """
+        if not (0 <= idx < self.num_atten):
+            raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range!", self.num_atten, idx)
+        if value > self.max_atten and strict:
+            raise ValueError("Attenuator value out of range!", self.max_atten, value)
+        # The actual device uses one-based index for channel numbers.
+        adjusted_value = min(max(0, value), self.max_atten)
+        att_req = urllib.request.urlopen(
+            "http://{}:{}/CHAN:{}:SETATT:{}".format(
+                self._ip_address, self._port, idx + 1, adjusted_value
+            ),
+            timeout=self._timeout,
+        )
+        att_resp = att_req.read().decode("utf-8").strip()
+        if att_resp != "1":
+            if retry:
+                self.set_atten(idx, value, strict, retry=False)
+            else:
+                raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
+                    f"Attenuator returned invalid data. Attenuator returned: {att_resp}"
+                )
+    def get_atten(self, idx, retry=False, **_):
+        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at the given index.
+        Args:
+            idx: The index of the attenuator.
+            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
+        Raises:
+            InvalidDataError if the attenuator does not respond with the
+            expected outpu
+        Returns:
+            the current attenuation value as a float
+        """
+        if not (0 <= idx < self.num_atten):
+            raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range!", self.num_atten, idx)
+        att_req = urllib.request.urlopen(
+            f"http://{self._ip_address}:{self.port}/CHAN:{idx + 1}:ATT?",
+            timeout=self._timeout,
+        )
+        att_resp = att_req.read().decode("utf-8").strip()
+        try:
+            atten_val = float(att_resp)
+        except:
+            if retry:
+                self.get_atten(idx, retry=False)
+            else:
+                raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
+                    f"Attenuator returned invalid data. Attenuator returned: {att_resp}"
+                )
+        return atten_val
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/telnet.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/telnet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40395cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/telnet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Class for Telnet control of Mini-Circuits RCDAT series attenuators
+This class provides a wrapper to the MC-RCDAT attenuator modules for purposes
+of simplifying and abstracting control down to the basic necessities. It is
+not the intention of the module to expose all functionality, but to allow
+interchangeable HW to be used.
+See http://www.minicircuits.com/softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf
+from antlion.controllers import attenuator
+from antlion.controllers.attenuator_lib import _tnhelper
+class AttenuatorInstrument(attenuator.AttenuatorInstrument):
+    """A specific telnet-controlled implementation of AttenuatorInstrument for
+    Mini-Circuits RC-DAT attenuators.
+    With the exception of telnet-specific commands, all functionality is defined
+    by the AttenuatorInstrument class. Because telnet is a stateful protocol,
+    the functionality of AttenuatorInstrument is contingent upon a telnet
+    connection being established.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, num_atten=0):
+        super(AttenuatorInstrument, self).__init__(num_atten)
+        self._tnhelper = _tnhelper._TNHelper(
+            tx_cmd_separator="\r\n", rx_cmd_separator="\r\n", prompt=""
+        )
+        self.address = None
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.is_open():
+            self.close()
+    def open(self, host, port=23):
+        """Opens a telnet connection to the desired AttenuatorInstrument and
+        queries basic information.
+        Args:
+            host: A valid hostname (IP address or DNS-resolvable name) to an
+            MC-DAT attenuator instrument.
+            port: An optional port number (defaults to telnet default 23)
+        """
+        self._tnhelper.open(host, port)
+        self.address = host
+        if self.num_atten == 0:
+            self.num_atten = 1
+        config_str = self._tnhelper.cmd("MN?")
+        if config_str.startswith("MN="):
+            config_str = config_str[len("MN=") :]
+        self.properties = dict(
+            zip(["model", "max_freq", "max_atten"], config_str.split("-", 2))
+        )
+        self.max_atten = float(self.properties["max_atten"])
+    def is_open(self):
+        """Returns True if the AttenuatorInstrument has an open connection."""
+        return bool(self._tnhelper.is_open())
+    def close(self):
+        """Closes the telnet connection.
+        This should be called as part of any teardown procedure prior to the
+        attenuator instrument leaving scope.
+        """
+        self._tnhelper.close()
+    def set_atten(self, idx, value, strict=True, retry=False):
+        """This function sets the attenuation of an attenuator given its index
+        in the instrument.
+        Args:
+            idx: A zero-based index that identifies a particular attenuator in
+                an instrument. For instruments that only have one channel, this
+                is ignored by the device.
+            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
+            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
+                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
+                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
+            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
+        Raises:
+            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
+            IndexError if the index is not valid for this instrument.
+            ValueError if the requested set value is greater than the maximum
+                attenuation value.
+        """
+        if not self.is_open():
+            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError("Connection not open!")
+        if idx >= self.num_atten:
+            raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range!", self.num_atten, idx)
+        if value > self.max_atten and strict:
+            raise ValueError("Attenuator value out of range!", self.max_atten, value)
+        # The actual device uses one-based index for channel numbers.
+        adjusted_value = min(max(0, value), self.max_atten)
+        self._tnhelper.cmd(f"CHAN:{idx + 1}:SETATT:{adjusted_value}", retry=retry)
+    def get_atten(self, idx, retry=False):
+        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at the given index.
+        Args:
+            idx: The index of the attenuator.
+            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
+        Raises:
+            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
+        Returns:
+            the current attenuation value as a float
+        """
+        if not self.is_open():
+            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError("Connection not open!")
+        if idx >= self.num_atten or idx < 0:
+            raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range!", self.num_atten, idx)
+        if self.num_atten == 1:
+            atten_val_str = self._tnhelper.cmd(":ATT?", retry=retry)
+        else:
+            atten_val_str = self._tnhelper.cmd(f"CHAN:{idx + 1}:ATT?", retry=retry)
+        atten_val = float(atten_val_str)
+        return atten_val
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fastboot.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fastboot.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..40fa702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fastboot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion import error
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+class FastbootError(error.ActsError):
+    """Raised when there is an error in fastboot operations."""
+    def __init__(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, ret_code):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.cmd = cmd
+        self.stdout = stdout
+        self.stderr = stderr
+        self.ret_code = ret_code
+    def __str__(self):
+        return (
+            "Error executing fastboot cmd '%s'. ret: %d, stdout: %s," " stderr: %s"
+        ) % (self.cmd, self.ret_code, self.stdout, self.stderr)
+class FastbootProxy:
+    """Proxy class for fastboot.
+    For syntactic reasons, the '-' in fastboot commands need to be replaced
+    with '_'. Can directly execute fastboot commands on an object:
+    >> fb = FastbootProxy(<serial>)
+    >> fb.devices() # will return the console output of "fastboot devices".
+    """
+    def __init__(self, serial="", ssh_connection=None):
+        self.serial = serial
+        if serial:
+            self.fastboot_str = f"fastboot -s {serial}"
+        else:
+            self.fastboot_str = "fastboot"
+        self.ssh_connection = ssh_connection
+    def _exec_fastboot_cmd(self, name, arg_str, ignore_status=False, timeout=60):
+        command = f"{self.fastboot_str} {name} {arg_str}"
+        if self.ssh_connection:
+            result = self.ssh_connection.run(
+                command, ignore_status=True, timeout_sec=timeout
+            )
+        else:
+            result = job.run(command, ignore_status=True, timeout_sec=timeout)
+        ret, out, err = result.exit_status, result.stdout, result.stderr
+        # TODO: This is only a temporary workaround for b/34815412.
+        # fastboot getvar outputs to stderr instead of stdout
+        if "getvar" in command:
+            out = err
+        if ret == 0 or ignore_status:
+            return out
+        else:
+            raise FastbootError(cmd=command, stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret)
+    def args(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return job.run(" ".join((self.fastboot_str,) + args), **kwargs).stdout
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        def fastboot_call(*args, **kwargs):
+            clean_name = name.replace("_", "-")
+            arg_str = " ".join(str(elem) for elem in args)
+            return self._exec_fastboot_cmd(clean_name, arg_str, **kwargs)
+        return fastboot_call
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_device.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_device.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a0a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_device.py
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import textwrap
+import time
+from typing import Any, Mapping
+import fuchsia_controller_py as fuchsia_controller
+import honeydew
+from honeydew.interfaces.device_classes.fuchsia_device import (
+    FuchsiaDevice as HdFuchsiaDevice,
+from honeydew.typing.custom_types import TRANSPORT, FFXConfig
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import CountryCode
+from antlion import context
+from antlion import logger as acts_logger
+from antlion import signals, utils
+from antlion.capabilities.ssh import DEFAULT_SSH_PORT, SSHConfig, SSHError
+from antlion.controllers import pdu
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ffx import FFX
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_controller import (
+    WlanController,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_policy_controller import (
+    WlanPolicyController,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.package_server import PackageServer
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f import SL4F
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import (
+    FuchsiaSSHProvider,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.utils_lib import flash
+from antlion.decorators import cached_property
+from antlion.utils import (
+    PingResult,
+    get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address,
+    get_interface_ip_addresses,
+from antlion.validation import MapValidator
+# Duration to wait for the Fuchsia device to acquire an IP address after
+# requested to join a network.
+# Acquiring an IP address after connecting to a WLAN network could take up to
+# 15 seconds if we get unlucky:
+#  1. An outgoing passive scan just started (~7s)
+#  2. An active scan is queued for the newly saved network (~7s)
+#  3. The initial connection attempt fails (~1s)
+class FuchsiaDeviceError(signals.ControllerError):
+    pass
+class FuchsiaConfigError(signals.ControllerError):
+    """Incorrect FuchsiaDevice configuration."""
+def create(configs: object) -> list[FuchsiaDevice]:
+    if not configs:
+        raise FuchsiaDeviceError("Configuration is empty, abort!")
+    elif not isinstance(configs, list):
+        raise FuchsiaDeviceError("Configuration should be a list, abort!")
+    for index, config in enumerate(configs):
+        if isinstance(config, str):
+            configs[index] = {"ip": config}
+        elif not isinstance(config, dict):
+            raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
+                "Fuchsia device config must be either a str or dict. abort! "
+                f"Invalid element {index} in {configs}"
+            )
+    return [FuchsiaDevice(config) for config in configs]
+def destroy(fds: list[FuchsiaDevice]) -> None:
+    for fd in fds:
+        fd.clean_up()
+        del fd
+def get_info(fds: list[FuchsiaDevice]) -> list[dict[str, str]]:
+    """Get information on a list of FuchsiaDevice objects."""
+    device_info = []
+    for fd in fds:
+        info = {"ip": fd.ip}
+        device_info.append(info)
+    return device_info
+class FuchsiaDevice:
+    """Class representing a Fuchsia device.
+    Each object of this class represents one Fuchsia device in ACTS.
+    Attributes:
+        ip: The full address or Fuchsia abstract name to contact the Fuchsia
+            device at
+        log: A logger object.
+        ssh_port: The SSH TCP port number of the Fuchsia device.
+        sl4f_port: The SL4F HTTP port number of the Fuchsia device.
+        ssh_config: The ssh_config for connecting to the Fuchsia device.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, fd_conf_data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
+        self.conf_data = fd_conf_data
+        config = MapValidator(fd_conf_data)
+        if "ip" not in fd_conf_data:
+            raise FuchsiaDeviceError("No IP address specified, abort!")
+        self.ip = config.get(str, "ip")
+        self.orig_ip = self.ip
+        self.sl4f_port = config.get(int, "sl4f_port", 80)
+        self.ssh_username = config.get(str, "ssh_username", DEFAULT_SSH_USER)
+        self.ssh_port = config.get(int, "ssh_port", DEFAULT_SSH_PORT)
+        self.ssh_binary_path = config.get(str, "ssh_binary_path", "ssh")
+        def expand(path: str) -> str:
+            return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path))
+        def path_from_config(name: str, default: str | None = None) -> str | None:
+            path = config.get(str, name, default)
+            return None if path is None else expand(path)
+        def assert_exists(name: str, path: str | None) -> None:
+            if path is None:
+                raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
+                    f'Please specify "${name}" in your configuration file'
+                )
+            if not os.path.exists(path):
+                raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
+                    f'Please specify a correct "${name}" in your configuration '
+                    f'file: "{path}" does not exist'
+                )
+        self.specific_image: str | None = path_from_config("specific_image")
+        if self.specific_image:
+            assert_exists("specific_image", self.specific_image)
+        # Path to a tar.gz archive with pm and amber-files, as necessary for
+        # starting a package server.
+        self.packages_archive_path: str | None = path_from_config(
+            "packages_archive_path"
+        )
+        if self.packages_archive_path:
+            assert_exists("packages_archive_path", self.packages_archive_path)
+        def required_path_from_config(name: str, default: str | None = None) -> str:
+            path = path_from_config(name, default)
+            if path is None:
+                raise FuchsiaConfigError(f"{name} is a required config field")
+            assert_exists(name, path)
+            return path
+        self.ssh_priv_key: str = required_path_from_config(
+            "ssh_priv_key", DEFAULT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
+        )
+        self.ffx_binary_path: str = required_path_from_config(
+            "ffx_binary_path", "${FUCHSIA_DIR}/.jiri_root/bin/ffx"
+        )
+        self.ffx_subtools_search_path: str | None = path_from_config(
+            "ffx_subtools_search_path"
+        )
+        self.authorized_file = config.get(str, "authorized_file_loc", None)
+        self.serial_number = config.get(str, "serial_number", None)
+        self.device_type = config.get(str, "device_type", None)
+        self.product_type = config.get(str, "product_type", None)
+        self.board_type = config.get(str, "board_type", None)
+        self.build_number = config.get(str, "build_number", None)
+        self.build_type = config.get(str, "build_type", None)
+        self.mdns_name = config.get(str, "mdns_name", None)
+        self.enable_honeydew = config.get(bool, "enable_honeydew", False)
+        self.hard_reboot_on_fail = config.get(bool, "hard_reboot_on_fail", False)
+        self.take_bug_report_on_fail = config.get(
+            bool, "take_bug_report_on_fail", False
+        )
+        self.device_pdu_config = fd_conf_data.get("PduDevice", None)
+        self.config_country_code = config.get(
+            str, "country_code", FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODE_US
+        ).upper()
+        output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
+        self.ssh_config = os.path.join(output_path, f"ssh_config_{self.ip}")
+        self._generate_ssh_config(self.ssh_config)
+        # WLAN interface info is populated inside configure_wlan
+        self.wlan_client_interfaces: dict[str, Any] = {}
+        self.wlan_ap_interfaces: dict[str, Any] = {}
+        self.wlan_client_test_interface_name = config.get(
+            str, "wlan_client_test_interface", None
+        )
+        self.wlan_ap_test_interface_name = config.get(
+            str, "wlan_ap_test_interface", None
+        )
+        self.wlan_features: list[str] = fd_conf_data.get("wlan_features", [])
+        # Whether to use 'policy' or 'drivers' for WLAN connect/disconnect calls
+        # If set to None, wlan is not configured.
+        self.association_mechanism: str | None = None
+        # Defaults to policy layer, unless otherwise specified in the config
+        self.default_association_mechanism = config.get(
+            str, "association_mechanism", "policy"
+        )
+        # Whether to clear and preserve existing saved networks and client
+        # connections state, to be restored at device teardown.
+        self.default_preserve_saved_networks = config.get(
+            bool, "preserve_saved_networks", True
+        )
+        if not utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(self.ip) and not utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(
+            self.ip
+        ):
+            mdns_ip = None
+            for retry_counter in range(MDNS_LOOKUP_RETRY_MAX):
+                mdns_ip = get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address(self.ip)
+                if mdns_ip:
+                    break
+                else:
+                    time.sleep(1)
+            if mdns_ip and utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(mdns_ip):
+                # self.ip was actually an mdns name. Use it for self.mdns_name
+                # unless one was explicitly provided.
+                self.mdns_name = self.mdns_name or self.ip
+                self.ip = mdns_ip
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid IP: {self.ip}")
+        self.log = acts_logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
+            f"FuchsiaDevice | {self.orig_ip}"
+        )
+        self.ping_rtt_match = re.compile(
+            r"RTT Min/Max/Avg = \[ ([0-9.]+) / ([0-9.]+) / ([0-9.]+) \] ms"
+        )
+        self.serial = re.sub("[.:%]", "_", self.ip)
+        self.package_server: PackageServer | None = None
+        # Create honeydew fuchsia_device if the flag "use_honeydew" is True.
+        self.honeydew_fd: HdFuchsiaDevice | None = None
+        if self.enable_honeydew:
+            if not self.mdns_name:
+                raise FuchsiaConfigError(
+                    'Must provide "mdns_name: <device mDNS name>" in the device config '
+                    "if use_honeydew is True"
+                )
+            hd_ffx_config = FFXConfig(
+                binary_path=self.ffx_binary_path,
+                isolate_dir=fuchsia_controller.IsolateDir(None),
+                # TODO(http://b/324454126): Remove type ignore
+                logs_dir=f"{logging.log_path}/ffx/",  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+                logs_level="None",
+                mdns_enabled=False,
+                subtools_search_path=None,
+            )
+            self.honeydew_fd = honeydew.create_device(
+                device_name=self.mdns_name,
+                ffx_config=hd_ffx_config,
+                ssh_private_key=self.ssh_priv_key,
+            )
+    @cached_property
+    def sl4f(self) -> SL4F:
+        """Get the sl4f module configured for this device."""
+        self.log.info("Started SL4F server")
+        return SL4F(self.ssh, self.sl4f_port, self.honeydew_fd)
+    @cached_property
+    def ssh(self) -> FuchsiaSSHProvider:
+        """Get the SSH provider module configured for this device."""
+        if not self.ssh_port:
+            raise FuchsiaConfigError(
+                'Must provide "ssh_port: <int>" in the device config'
+            )
+        if not self.ssh_priv_key:
+            raise FuchsiaConfigError(
+                'Must provide "ssh_priv_key: <file path>" in the device config'
+            )
+        return FuchsiaSSHProvider(
+            SSHConfig(
+                self.ssh_username,
+                self.ip,
+                self.ssh_priv_key,
+                port=self.ssh_port,
+                ssh_binary=self.ssh_binary_path,
+            )
+        )
+    @cached_property
+    def ffx(self) -> FFX:
+        """Get the ffx module configured for this device.
+        The ffx module uses lazy-initialization; it will initialize an ffx
+        connection to the device when it is required.
+        If ffx needs to be reinitialized, delete the "ffx" property and attempt
+        access again. Note re-initialization will interrupt any running ffx
+        calls.
+        """
+        if not self.mdns_name:
+            raise FuchsiaConfigError(
+                'Must provide "mdns_name: <device mDNS name>" in the device config'
+            )
+        return FFX(
+            self.ffx_binary_path,
+            self.mdns_name,
+            self.ip,
+            self.ssh_priv_key,
+            self.ffx_subtools_search_path,
+        )
+    @ffx.deleter
+    # TODO(https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11008): Rename to ffx
+    def ffx_deleter(self, ffx: FFX) -> None:
+        self.log.debug("Cleaning up ffx")
+        ffx.clean_up()
+    @cached_property
+    def wlan_policy_controller(self) -> WlanPolicyController:
+        return WlanPolicyController(self.sl4f, self.ssh)
+    @cached_property
+    def wlan_controller(self) -> WlanController:
+        return WlanController(self.sl4f)
+    def _generate_ssh_config(self, file_path: str) -> None:
+        """Generate and write an SSH config for Fuchsia to disk.
+        Args:
+            file_path: Path to write the generated SSH config
+        """
+        content = textwrap.dedent(
+            f"""\
+            Host *
+                CheckHostIP no
+                StrictHostKeyChecking no
+                ForwardAgent no
+                ForwardX11 no
+                GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
+                UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
+                User fuchsia
+                IdentitiesOnly yes
+                IdentityFile {self.ssh_priv_key}
+                ControlPersist yes
+                ControlMaster auto
+                ControlPath /tmp/fuchsia--%r@%h:%p
+                ServerAliveInterval 1
+                ServerAliveCountMax 1
+                LogLevel ERROR
+            """
+        )
+        with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+            file.write(content)
+    def start_package_server(self) -> None:
+        if not self.packages_archive_path:
+            self.log.warn(
+                "packages_archive_path is not specified. "
+                "Assuming a package server is already running and configured on "
+                "the DUT. If this is not the case, either run your own package "
+                "server, or configure these fields appropriately. "
+                "This is usually required for the Fuchsia iPerf3 client or "
+                "other testing utilities not on device cache."
+            )
+            return
+        if self.package_server:
+            self.log.warn(
+                "Skipping to start the package server since is already running"
+            )
+            return
+        self.package_server = PackageServer(self.packages_archive_path)
+        self.package_server.start()
+        self.package_server.configure_device(self.ssh)
+    def update_wlan_interfaces(self) -> None:
+        """Retrieves WLAN interfaces from device and sets the FuchsiaDevice
+        attributes.
+        """
+        wlan_interfaces = self.wlan_controller.get_interfaces_by_role()
+        self.wlan_client_interfaces = wlan_interfaces.client
+        self.wlan_ap_interfaces = wlan_interfaces.ap
+        # Set test interfaces to value from config, else the first found
+        # interface, else None
+        if self.wlan_client_test_interface_name is None:
+            self.wlan_client_test_interface_name = next(
+                iter(self.wlan_client_interfaces), None
+            )
+        if self.wlan_ap_test_interface_name is None:
+            self.wlan_ap_test_interface_name = next(iter(self.wlan_ap_interfaces), None)
+    def configure_wlan(
+        self,
+        association_mechanism: str | None = None,
+        preserve_saved_networks: bool | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Readies device for WLAN functionality. If applicable, connects to the
+        policy layer and clears/saves preexisting saved networks.
+        Args:
+            association_mechanism: either 'policy' or 'drivers'. If None, uses
+                the default value from init (can be set by ACTS config)
+            preserve_saved_networks: whether to clear existing saved
+                networks, and preserve them for restoration later. If None, uses
+                the default value from init (can be set by ACTS config)
+        Raises:
+            FuchsiaDeviceError, if configuration fails
+        """
+        self.wlan_controller.set_country_code(CountryCode(self.config_country_code))
+        # If args aren't provided, use the defaults, which can be set in the
+        # config.
+        if association_mechanism is None:
+            association_mechanism = self.default_association_mechanism
+        if preserve_saved_networks is None:
+            preserve_saved_networks = self.default_preserve_saved_networks
+        if association_mechanism not in {None, "policy", "drivers"}:
+            raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
+                f"Invalid FuchsiaDevice association_mechanism: {association_mechanism}"
+            )
+        # Allows for wlan to be set up differently in different tests
+        if self.association_mechanism:
+            self.log.info("Deconfiguring WLAN")
+            self.deconfigure_wlan()
+        self.association_mechanism = association_mechanism
+        self.log.info(
+            "Configuring WLAN w/ association mechanism: " f"{association_mechanism}"
+        )
+        if association_mechanism == "drivers":
+            self.log.warn(
+                "You may encounter unusual device behavior when using the "
+                "drivers directly for WLAN. This should be reserved for "
+                "debugging specific issues. Normal test runs should use the "
+                "policy layer."
+            )
+            if preserve_saved_networks:
+                self.log.warn(
+                    "Unable to preserve saved networks when using drivers "
+                    "association mechanism (requires policy layer control)."
+                )
+        else:
+            # This requires SL4F calls, so it can only happen with actual
+            # devices, not with unit tests.
+            self.wlan_policy_controller.configure_wlan(preserve_saved_networks)
+        # Retrieve WLAN client and AP interfaces
+        self.update_wlan_interfaces()
+    def deconfigure_wlan(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Stops WLAN functionality (if it has been started). Used to allow
+        different tests to use WLAN differently (e.g. some tests require using
+        wlan policy, while the abstract wlan_device can be setup to use policy
+        or drivers)
+        Raises:
+            FuchsiaDeviveError, if deconfigure fails.
+        """
+        if not self.association_mechanism:
+            self.log.debug("WLAN not configured before deconfigure was called.")
+            return
+        # If using policy, stop client connections. Otherwise, just clear
+        # variables.
+        if self.association_mechanism != "drivers":
+            self.wlan_policy_controller._deconfigure_wlan()
+        self.association_mechanism = None
+    def reboot(
+        self,
+        use_ssh: bool = False,
+        unreachable_timeout: int = FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
+        reboot_type: str = FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_SOFT,
+        testbed_pdus: list[pdu.PduDevice] | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Reboot a FuchsiaDevice.
+        Soft reboots the device, verifies it becomes unreachable, then verifies
+        it comes back online. Re-initializes services so the tests can continue.
+        Args:
+            use_ssh: if True, use fuchsia shell command via ssh to reboot
+                instead of SL4F.
+            unreachable_timeout: time to wait for device to become unreachable.
+            reboot_type: 'soft', 'hard' or 'flash'.
+            testbed_pdus: all testbed PDUs.
+        Raises:
+            ConnectionError, if device fails to become unreachable or fails to
+                come back up.
+        """
+        if reboot_type == FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_SOFT:
+            if use_ssh:
+                self.log.info("Soft rebooting via SSH")
+                try:
+                    self.ssh.run(
+                        "dm reboot", timeout_sec=FUCHSIA_RECONNECT_AFTER_REBOOT_TIME
+                    )
+                except SSHError as e:
+                    if "closed by remote host" not in e.result.stderr:
+                        raise e
+            else:
+                self.log.info("Soft rebooting via SL4F")
+                self.sl4f.hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.suspendReboot(timeout=3)
+            self.ssh.wait_until_unreachable(timeout_sec=unreachable_timeout)
+        elif reboot_type == FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_HARD:
+            self.log.info("Hard rebooting via PDU")
+            if not testbed_pdus:
+                raise AttributeError(
+                    "Testbed PDUs must be supplied " "to hard reboot a fuchsia_device."
+                )
+            device_pdu, device_pdu_port = pdu.get_pdu_port_for_device(
+                self.device_pdu_config, testbed_pdus
+            )
+            self.log.info("Killing power to FuchsiaDevice")
+            device_pdu.off(device_pdu_port)
+            self.ssh.wait_until_unreachable(timeout_sec=unreachable_timeout)
+            self.log.info("Restoring power to FuchsiaDevice")
+            device_pdu.on(device_pdu_port)
+        elif reboot_type == FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_SOFT_AND_FLASH:
+            flash(self, use_ssh, FUCHSIA_RECONNECT_AFTER_REBOOT_TIME)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid reboot type: {reboot_type}")
+        # Cleanup services
+        self.stop_services()
+        # TODO(http://b/246852449): Move configure_wlan to other controllers.
+        # If wlan was configured before reboot, it must be configured again
+        # after rebooting, as it was before reboot. No preserving should occur.
+        if self.association_mechanism:
+            pre_reboot_association_mechanism = self.association_mechanism
+            # Prevent configure_wlan from thinking it needs to deconfigure first
+            self.association_mechanism = None
+            self.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism=pre_reboot_association_mechanism,
+                preserve_saved_networks=False,
+            )
+        self.log.info("Device has rebooted")
+    def version(self) -> str:
+        """Return the version of Fuchsia running on the device."""
+        resp = self.sl4f.device_lib.get_version()
+        return MapValidator(resp).get(str, "result")
+    def device_name(self) -> str:
+        """Return the name of the device."""
+        resp = self.sl4f.device_lib.get_device_name()
+        return MapValidator(resp).get(str, "result")
+    def product_name(self) -> str:
+        """Return the product name of the device."""
+        resp = self.sl4f.device_lib.get_product_name()
+        return MapValidator(resp).get(str, "result")
+    def ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> PingResult:
+        """Pings from a Fuchsia device to an IPv4 address or hostname
+        Args:
+            dest_ip: (str) The ip or hostname to ping.
+            count: (int) How many icmp packets to send.
+            interval: (int) How long to wait between pings (ms)
+            timeout: (int) How long to wait before having the icmp packet
+                timeout (ms).
+            size: (int) Size of the icmp packet.
+            additional_ping_params: (str) command option flags to
+                append to the command string
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary for the results of the ping.  The dictionary contains
+            the following items:
+                status: Whether the ping was successful.
+                rtt_min: The minimum round trip time of the ping.
+                rtt_max: The minimum round trip time of the ping.
+                rtt_avg: The avg round trip time of the ping.
+                stdout: The standard out of the ping command.
+                stderr: The standard error of the ping command.
+        """
+        self.log.debug(f"Pinging {dest_ip}...")
+        if not additional_ping_params:
+            additional_ping_params = ""
+        try:
+            ping_result = self.ssh.run(
+                f"ping -c {count} -i {interval} -t {timeout} -s {size} "
+                f"{additional_ping_params} {dest_ip}"
+            )
+        except SSHError as e:
+            ping_result = e.result
+        rtt_stats: re.Match[str] | None = None
+        if not ping_result.stderr:
+            rtt_lines = ping_result.stdout.split("\n")[:-1]
+            rtt_line = rtt_lines[-1]
+            rtt_stats = re.search(self.ping_rtt_match, rtt_line)
+            if rtt_stats is None:
+                raise FuchsiaDeviceError(f'Unable to parse ping output: "{rtt_line}"')
+        return PingResult(
+            exit_status=ping_result.exit_status,
+            stdout=ping_result.stdout,
+            stderr=ping_result.stderr,
+            transmitted=None,
+            received=None,
+            time_ms=None,
+            rtt_min_ms=float(rtt_stats.group(1)) if rtt_stats else None,
+            rtt_avg_ms=float(rtt_stats.group(3)) if rtt_stats else None,
+            rtt_max_ms=float(rtt_stats.group(2)) if rtt_stats else None,
+            rtt_mdev_ms=None,
+        )
+    def can_ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 1,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Returns whether fuchsia device can ping a given dest address"""
+        ping_result = self.ping(
+            dest_ip,
+            count=count,
+            interval=interval,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            size=size,
+            additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params,
+        )
+        return ping_result.exit_status == 0
+    def clean_up(self) -> None:
+        """Cleans up the FuchsiaDevice object, releases any resources it
+        claimed, and restores saved networks if applicable. For reboots, use
+        clean_up_services only.
+        Note: Any exceptions thrown in this method must be caught and handled,
+        ensuring that clean_up_services is run. Otherwise, the syslog listening
+        thread will never join and will leave tests hanging.
+        """
+        # If and only if wlan is configured, and using the policy layer
+        if self.association_mechanism == "policy":
+            try:
+                self.wlan_policy_controller.clean_up()
+            except Exception as err:
+                self.log.warning(f"Unable to clean up WLAN Policy layer: {err}")
+        self.stop_services()
+        if self.package_server:
+            self.package_server.clean_up()
+    def get_interface_ip_addresses(self, interface: str) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
+        return get_interface_ip_addresses(self, interface)
+    def wait_for_ipv4_addr(self, interface: str) -> None:
+        """Checks if device has an ipv4 private address. Sleeps 1 second between
+        retries.
+        Args:
+            interface: name of interface from which to get ipv4 address.
+        Raises:
+            ConnectionError, if device does not have an ipv4 address after all
+            timeout.
+        """
+        self.log.info(
+            f"Checking for valid ipv4 addr. Retry {IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT} seconds."
+        )
+        timeout = time.time() + IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT
+        while time.time() < timeout:
+            ip_addrs = self.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
+            if len(ip_addrs["ipv4_private"]) > 0:
+                self.log.info(
+                    "Device has an ipv4 address: " f"{ip_addrs['ipv4_private'][0]}"
+                )
+                break
+            else:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Device does not yet have an ipv4 address...retrying in 1 "
+                    "second."
+                )
+                time.sleep(1)
+        else:
+            raise ConnectionError("Device failed to get an ipv4 address.")
+    def wait_for_ipv6_addr(self, interface: str) -> None:
+        """Checks if device has an ipv6 private local address. Sleeps 1 second
+        between retries.
+        Args:
+            interface: name of interface from which to get ipv6 address.
+        Raises:
+            ConnectionError, if device does not have an ipv6 address after all
+            timeout.
+        """
+        self.log.info(
+            f"Checking for valid ipv6 addr. Retry {IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT} seconds."
+        )
+        timeout = time.time() + IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT
+        while time.time() < timeout:
+            ip_addrs = self.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
+            if len(ip_addrs["ipv6_private_local"]) > 0:
+                self.log.info(
+                    "Device has an ipv6 private local address: "
+                    f"{ip_addrs['ipv6_private_local'][0]}"
+                )
+                break
+            else:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Device does not yet have an ipv6 address...retrying in 1 "
+                    "second."
+                )
+                time.sleep(1)
+        else:
+            raise ConnectionError("Device failed to get an ipv6 address.")
+    def stop_services(self) -> None:
+        """Stops all host-side clients to the Fuchsia device.
+        This is necessary whenever the device's state is unknown. These cases can be
+        found after device reboots, for example.
+        """
+        self.log.info("Stopping host device services.")
+        del self.wlan_policy_controller
+        del self.wlan_controller
+        del self.sl4f
+        del self.ssh
+        del self.ffx
+    def take_bug_report(self) -> None:
+        """Takes a bug report on the device and stores it in a file."""
+        self.log.info(f"Taking snapshot of {self.mdns_name}")
+        time_stamp = acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
+            acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(utils.get_current_epoch_time())
+        )
+        out_dir = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
+        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{self.mdns_name}_{time_stamp}.zip")
+        try:
+            with open(out_path, "wb") as file:
+                bytes = self.ssh.run("snapshot").stdout_bytes
+                file.write(bytes)
+            self.log.info(f"Snapshot saved to {out_path}")
+        except Exception as err:
+            self.log.error(f"Failed to take snapshot: {err}")
+    def take_bt_snoop_log(self, custom_name: str | None = None) -> None:
+        """Takes a the bt-snoop log from the device and stores it in a file
+        in a pcap format.
+        """
+        bt_snoop_path = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
+        time_stamp = acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
+            acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(time.time())
+        )
+        out_name = "FuchsiaDevice%s_%s" % (
+            self.serial,
+            time_stamp.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-"),
+        )
+        out_name = f"{out_name}.pcap"
+        if custom_name:
+            out_name = f"{self.serial}_{custom_name}.pcap"
+        else:
+            out_name = f"{out_name}.pcap"
+        full_out_path = os.path.join(bt_snoop_path, out_name)
+        with open(full_out_path, "wb") as file:
+            bytes = self.ssh.run("bt-snoop-cli -d -f pcap").stdout_bytes
+            file.write(bytes)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/OWNERS b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/OWNERS
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/OWNERS
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/OWNERS
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/base_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/base_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1171d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/base_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import logging
+from typing import Any, Mapping
+from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
+from mobly.logger import PrefixLoggerAdapter
+class DeviceOffline(Exception):
+    """Exception if the device is no longer reachable via the network."""
+class SL4FCommandFailed(Exception):
+    """A SL4F command to the server failed."""
+class BaseLib:
+    def __init__(self, addr: str, logger_tag: str) -> None:
+        self.address = addr
+        self.log = PrefixLoggerAdapter(
+            logging.getLogger(),
+            {
+                PrefixLoggerAdapter.EXTRA_KEY_LOG_PREFIX: f"SL4F | {self.address} | {logger_tag}"
+            },
+        )
+    def send_command(
+        self,
+        cmd: str,
+        args: Mapping[str, object] | None = None,
+        response_timeout: float = DEFAULT_SL4F_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC,
+    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """Builds and sends a JSON command to SL4F server.
+        Args:
+            cmd: SL4F method name of command.
+            args: Arguments required to execute cmd.
+            response_timeout: Seconds to wait for a response before
+                throwing an exception.
+        Returns:
+            Response from SL4F server.
+        Throws:
+            TimeoutError: The HTTP request timed out waiting for a response
+        """
+        data = {
+            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+            # id is required by the SL4F server to parse test_data but is not
+            # currently used.
+            "id": "",
+            "method": cmd,
+            "params": args,
+        }
+        data_json = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
+        req = Request(
+            self.address,
+            data=data_json,
+            headers={
+                "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
+                "Content-Length": str(len(data_json)),
+            },
+        )
+        self.log.debug(
+            f'Sending request "{cmd}" with args: {args} with timeout {response_timeout}'
+        )
+        response = urlopen(req, timeout=response_timeout)
+        response_body = response.read().decode("utf-8")
+        try:
+            response_json = json.loads(response_body)
+            self.log.debug(f'Received response for "{cmd}": {response_json}')
+        except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
+            raise SL4FCommandFailed(response_body) from e
+        # If the SL4F command fails it returns a str, without an 'error' field
+        # to get.
+        if not isinstance(response_json, dict):
+            raise SL4FCommandFailed(response_json)
+        return response_json
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/device_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/device_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b6768c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/device_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from typing import Any
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
+class DeviceLib(BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "device")
+    def get_device_name(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """Get the device name."""
+        return self.send_command("device_facade.GetDeviceName", {})
+    def get_product_name(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """Get the product name."""
+        return self.send_command("device_facade.GetProduct", {})
+    def get_version(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """Get the device version."""
+        return self.send_command("device_facade.GetVersion", {})
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ffx.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ffx.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c51f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ffx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import enum
+import io
+import json
+import os
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import time
+from pathlib import Path, PurePath
+from shutil import rmtree
+from antlion import context, logger, signals, utils
+class FFXError(signals.TestError):
+    """Non-zero error code returned from a ffx command."""
+    def __init__(self, command: str, process: subprocess.CalledProcessError) -> None:
+        self.command = command
+        self.stdout: str = process.stdout.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+        self.stderr: str = process.stderr.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+        self.exit_status = process.returncode
+        super().__init__(self.__str__())
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f'ffx subcommand "{self.command}" returned {self.exit_status}, stdout: "{self.stdout}", stderr: "{self.stderr}"'
+class FFXTimeout(signals.TestError):
+    """Timed out running a ffx command."""
+class OutputFormat(enum.StrEnum):
+    TEXT = "text"
+    JSON = "json"
+    JSON_PRETTY = "json-pretty"
+class FFX:
+    """Device-specific controller for the ffx tool.
+    Attributes:
+        log: Logger for the device-specific instance of ffx.
+        binary_path: Path to the ffx binary.
+        mdns_name: mDNS nodename of the default Fuchsia target.
+        ip: IP address of the default Fuchsia target.
+        ssh_private_key_path: Path to Fuchsia DUT SSH private key.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        binary_path: str,
+        mdns_name: str,
+        ip: str | None = None,
+        ssh_private_key_path: str | None = None,
+        subtools_search_path: str | None = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Args:
+            binary_path: Path to ffx binary.
+            target: Fuchsia mDNS nodename of default target.
+            ssh_private_key_path: Path to SSH private key for talking to the
+                Fuchsia DUT.
+        """
+        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(f"ffx | {mdns_name}")
+        self._binary_path = binary_path
+        self._mdns_name = mdns_name
+        self._ip = ip
+        self._ssh_private_key_path = ssh_private_key_path
+        self._subtools_search_path = subtools_search_path
+        self._daemon: subprocess.Popen | None = None
+        self._daemon_log: io.TextIOWrapper | None = None
+        self._isolate_dir: str | None = None
+        self._sock_dir: str | None = None
+        self._ssh_auth_sock_path: str | None = None
+        self._overnet_socket_path: str | None = None
+        self._has_been_reachable = False
+        self._has_logged_version = False
+    def clean_up(self) -> None:
+        self._stop_daemon()
+        self._has_been_reachable = False
+        self._has_logged_version = False
+    def run(
+        self,
+        command: list[str],
+        timeout_sec: float = FFX_DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT,
+        skip_status_code_check: bool = False,
+        skip_reachability_check: bool = False,
+        output_format: OutputFormat = OutputFormat.TEXT,
+    ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
+        """Runs an ffx command.
+        Verifies reachability before running, if it hasn't already.
+        Args:
+            command: Command to run with ffx.
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for a command to complete.
+            skip_status_code_check: Whether to check for the status code.
+            verify_reachable: Whether to verify reachability before running.
+            output_format: Desired output format; useful for parsing output.
+        Raises:
+            FFXTimeout: when the command times out.
+            FFXError: when the command returns non-zero and skip_status_code_check is False.
+        Returns:
+            The results of the command. Note subprocess.CompletedProcess returns
+            stdout and stderr as a byte-array, not a string. Treat these members
+            as such or convert to a string using bytes.decode('utf-8').
+        """
+        if not self._daemon:
+            self._start_daemon()
+        if not self._has_been_reachable and not skip_reachability_check:
+            self.log.info(f'Verifying reachability before running "{command}"')
+            self.verify_reachable()
+        return self._exec(
+            command,
+            timeout_sec,
+            check=not skip_status_code_check,
+            output_format=output_format,
+        )
+    def _exec(
+        self,
+        command: list[str],
+        timeout_sec: float,
+        check: bool = True,
+        output_format: OutputFormat = OutputFormat.TEXT,
+    ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]:
+        """Execute a ffx command without any other arguments.
+        Args:
+            command: Command to run with ffx.
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for a command to complete.
+            check: Whether to check for the status code.
+        Raises:
+            FFXTimeout: when the command times out.
+            FFXError: when the command returns non-zero and skip_status_code_check is False.
+        Returns:
+            The results of the command. Note subprocess.CompletedProcess returns
+            stdout and stderr as a byte-array, not a string. Treat these members
+            as such or convert to a string using bytes.decode('utf-8').
+        """
+        if not self._isolate_dir:
+            raise TypeError(
+                f"Expected _isolate_dir to be a str, got {type(self._isolate_dir)}"
+            )
+        self.log.debug(f'Running "{" ".join(command)}".')
+        full_command = [self._binary_path, "--isolate-dir", self._isolate_dir]
+        match output_format:
+            case OutputFormat.TEXT:
+                full_command += command
+            case OutputFormat.JSON:
+                full_command += ["--machine", "json"] + command
+            case OutputFormat.JSON_PRETTY:
+                full_command += ["--machine", "json-pretty"] + command
+        try:
+            return subprocess.run(
+                full_command,
+                capture_output=True,
+                timeout=timeout_sec,
+                check=check,
+            )
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            raise FFXError(" ".join(command), e) from e
+        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
+            raise FFXTimeout(f'Timed out running "{" ".join(command)}"') from e
+    def _start_daemon(self) -> None:
+        """Create a new isolated environment for ffx.
+        This is needed to avoid overlapping ffx daemons while testing in
+        parallel, causing the ffx invocations to “upgrade” one daemon to
+        another, which appears as a flap/restart to another test.
+        """
+        # Store ffx files in a unique directory. Timestamp is used to prevent
+        # files from being overwritten in the case when a test intentionally
+        # reboots or resets the device such that a new isolated ffx environment
+        # is created.
+        root_dir = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
+        epoch = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
+        time_stamp = logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
+            logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch)
+        )
+        self._isolate_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, f"{self._mdns_name}_{time_stamp}")
+        os.makedirs(self._isolate_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        # Sockets need to be created in a different directory to be guaranteed
+        # to stay under the maximum socket path length of 104 characters.
+        # See https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/367008
+        self._sock_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        # On MacOS, the socket paths need to be just paths (not pre-created
+        # Python tempfiles, which are not socket files).
+        self._ssh_auth_sock_path = str(PurePath(self._sock_dir, "ssh_auth_sock"))
+        self._overnet_socket_path = str(PurePath(self._sock_dir, "overnet_socket"))
+        cmds = [
+            ["config", "set", "log.dir", os.path.join(self._isolate_dir, "ffx_logs")],
+            ["config", "set", "log.level", "debug"],
+            ["config", "set", "target.default", self._mdns_name],
+            # Use user-specific and device-specific locations for sockets.
+            # Avoids user permission errors in a multi-user test environment.
+            # Avoids daemon upgrades when running tests in parallel in a CI
+            # environment.
+            ["config", "set", "ssh.auth-sock", self._ssh_auth_sock_path],
+            ["config", "set", "overnet.socket", self._overnet_socket_path],
+            # Alias to disable metrics, device discovery, device auto connection, etc.
+            ["config", "set", "ffx.isolated", "true"],
+            # Control the daemon's lifecycle directly
+            ["config", "set", "daemon.autostart", "false"],
+        ]
+        if not self._ip:
+            cmds.append(["config", "set", "discovery.mdns.enabled", "true"])
+        # ffx looks for the private key in several default locations. For
+        # testbeds which have the private key in another location, set it now.
+        if self._ssh_private_key_path:
+            cmds.append(
+                ["config", "set", "ssh.priv", f'["{self._ssh_private_key_path}"]']
+            )
+        if self._subtools_search_path:
+            cmds.append(
+                [
+                    "config",
+                    "set",
+                    "ffx.subtool-search-paths",
+                    self._subtools_search_path,
+                ]
+            )
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            self._exec(cmd, FFX_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_SEC)
+        self._daemon_log = open(
+            os.path.join(self._isolate_dir, "daemon.log"), "a+", encoding="utf-8"
+        )
+        # Start the daemon
+        self._daemon = subprocess.Popen(
+            [self._binary_path, "--isolate-dir", self._isolate_dir, "daemon", "start"],
+            stdout=self._daemon_log,
+        )
+        if self._ip:
+            self._exec(
+                ["target", "add", self._ip, "--nowait"], FFX_TARGET_ADD_TIMEOUT_SEC
+            )
+        result = self._exec(["config", "get"], FFX_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_SEC)
+        self.log.debug(f'Config:\n{result.stdout.decode("utf-8")}')
+    def _stop_daemon(self) -> None:
+        if self._daemon:
+            self.run(
+                # TODO(b/332983529): Add the following arguments once ffx daemon
+                # stops correctly.
+                # ["-t", str(FFX_DAEMON_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000)]
+                ["daemon", "stop"],
+                skip_reachability_check=True,
+            )
+            self._daemon.wait(timeout=FFX_DAEMON_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC)
+            self._daemon = None
+        if self._daemon_log:
+            self._daemon_log.close()
+            self._daemon_log = None
+        if self._ssh_auth_sock_path:
+            Path(self._ssh_auth_sock_path).unlink(missing_ok=True)
+            self._ssh_auth_sock_path = None
+        if self._overnet_socket_path:
+            Path(self._overnet_socket_path).unlink(missing_ok=True)
+            self._overnet_socket_path = None
+        if self._sock_dir:
+            rmtree(self._sock_dir)
+            self._sock_dir = None
+        self._isolate_dir = None
+    def verify_reachable(self, timeout_sec: int = FFX_DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) -> None:
+        """Verify the target is reachable via RCS and various services.
+        Blocks until the device allows for an RCS connection. If the device
+        isn't reachable within a short time, logs a warning before waiting
+        longer.
+        Verifies the RCS connection by fetching information from the device,
+        which exercises several debug and informational FIDL services.
+        When called for the first time, the versions will be checked for
+        compatibility.
+        Args:
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for reachability check
+        Raises:
+            FFXError: when an unknown error occurs
+            FFXTimeout: when the target is unreachable
+        """
+        last_err: Exception | None = None
+        timeout = time.perf_counter() + timeout_sec
+        while True:
+            try:
+                self.run(
+                    ["target", "wait"],
+                    timeout_sec=FFX_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_SEC,
+                    skip_reachability_check=True,
+                )
+                break
+            except FFXError as e:
+                if "took too long connecting to ascendd socket" in e.stderr:
+                    last_err = e
+                else:
+                    raise e
+            except FFXTimeout as e:
+                last_err = e
+            if time.perf_counter() > timeout:
+                raise FFXTimeout(
+                    f"Waited over {timeout_sec}s for ffx to become reachable"
+                ) from last_err
+        # Use a shorter timeout than default because device information
+        # gathering can hang for a long time if the device is not actually
+        # connectable.
+        try:
+            result = self.run(
+                ["target", "show"],
+                timeout_sec=15,
+                skip_reachability_check=True,
+                output_format=OutputFormat.JSON_PRETTY,
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.error(
+                f'Failed to reach target device. Try running "{self._binary_path}'
+                + ' doctor" to diagnose issues.'
+            )
+            raise e
+        self._has_been_reachable = True
+        if not self._has_logged_version:
+            self._has_logged_version = True
+            self.compare_version(result)
+    def compare_version(self, target_show_result: subprocess.CompletedProcess) -> None:
+        """Compares the version of Fuchsia with the version of ffx.
+        Args:
+            target_show_result: Result of the target show command with JSON
+                output mode enabled
+        """
+        result_json = json.loads(target_show_result.stdout)
+        build_info = next(filter(lambda s: s.get("label") == "build", result_json))
+        version_info = next(
+            filter(lambda s: s.get("label") == "version", build_info["child"])
+        )
+        device_version = version_info.get("value")
+        ffx_version = self.run(["version"]).stdout.decode("utf-8")
+        self.log.info(f"Device version: {device_version}, ffx version: {ffx_version}")
+        if device_version != ffx_version:
+            self.log.warning(
+                "ffx versions that differ from device versions may"
+                + " have compatibility issues. It is recommended to"
+                + " use versions within 6 weeks of each other."
+            )
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df2b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import http
+import logging
+import antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib as base_lib
+class FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib(base_lib.BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "hardware_power_statecontrol")
+    def send_command(self, test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout=30):
+        """Wrap send_command to allow disconnects after sending the request."""
+        try:
+            response = super().send_command(test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout)
+        except (
+            TimeoutError,
+            http.client.RemoteDisconnected,
+            base_lib.DeviceOffline,
+        ) as e:
+            logging.warn(f"Error while sending power command: {e}")
+            return
+        return response
+    def suspendReboot(self, timeout=HW_PWR_STATE_CONTROL_TIMEOUT):
+        """Call Suspend Reboot.
+        Returns:
+            None if success.
+        """
+        test_cmd = "hardware_power_statecontrol_facade.SuspendReboot"
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {}, response_timeout=timeout)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_controller.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8791c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import CountryCode, QueryIfaceResponse, WlanMacRole
+from antlion import logger, signals, utils
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f import SL4F
+from antlion.validation import MapValidator
+class WlanInterfaces:
+    client: dict[str, QueryIfaceResponse]
+    ap: dict[str, QueryIfaceResponse]
+class WlanControllerError(signals.ControllerError):
+    pass
+class WlanController:
+    """Contains methods related to wlan core, to be used in FuchsiaDevice object"""
+    def __init__(self, sl4f: SL4F) -> None:
+        self.sl4f = sl4f
+        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
+            f"WlanController | {self.sl4f.address}"
+        )
+    def get_interfaces_by_role(self) -> WlanInterfaces:
+        """Retrieves WLAN interface information."""
+        # Retrieve WLAN interface IDs
+        wlan_iface_ids = self.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_iface_id_list()
+        if len(wlan_iface_ids) < 1:
+            return WlanInterfaces(client={}, ap={})
+        # Use IDs to get WLAN interface info and mac addresses
+        wlan_ifaces_by_mac: dict[str, QueryIfaceResponse] = {}
+        for id in wlan_iface_ids:
+            result = self.sl4f.wlan_lib.query_iface(id)
+            mac = utils.mac_address_list_to_str(bytes(result.sta_addr))
+            wlan_ifaces_by_mac[mac] = result
+        # Use mac addresses to query the interfaces from the netstack view,
+        # which allows us to supplement the interface information with the name,
+        # netstack_id, etc.
+        # TODO(fxb/75909): This tedium is necessary to get the interface name
+        # because only netstack has that information. The bug linked here is
+        # to reconcile some of the information between the two perspectives, at
+        # which point we can eliminate step.
+        net_ifaces_response = self.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
+        if net_ifaces_response.get("error"):
+            raise WlanControllerError(
+                f"Failed to get network interfaces list: {net_ifaces_response['error']}"
+            )
+        net_ifaces = net_ifaces_response["result"]
+        client: dict[str, QueryIfaceResponse] = {}
+        ap: dict[str, QueryIfaceResponse] = {}
+        for iface in net_ifaces:
+            iface = MapValidator(iface)
+            try:
+                # Some interfaces might not have a MAC
+                mac_raw = iface.list("mac").all(int)
+                iface_mac = utils.mac_address_list_to_str(bytes(mac_raw))
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.debug(f"Error {e} getting MAC for iface {iface}")
+                continue
+            if iface_mac in wlan_ifaces_by_mac:
+                result = wlan_ifaces_by_mac[iface_mac]
+                name = iface.get(str, "name")
+                match result.role:
+                    case WlanMacRole.CLIENT:
+                        client[name] = result
+                    case WlanMacRole.AP:
+                        ap[name] = result
+                    case _:
+                        raise ValueError(f'Unexpected WlanMacRole "{result.role}"')
+        return WlanInterfaces(client, ap)
+    def set_country_code(self, country_code: CountryCode) -> None:
+        """Sets country code through the regulatory region service and waits
+        for the code to be applied to WLAN PHY.
+        Args:
+            country_code: the 2 character country code to set
+        Raises:
+            EnvironmentError - failure to get/set regulatory region
+            ConnectionError - failure to query PHYs
+        """
+        self.log.info(f"Setting DUT country code to {country_code}")
+        self.sl4f.wlan_lib.set_region(country_code)
+        self.log.info(
+            f"Verifying DUT country code was correctly set to {country_code}."
+        )
+        phy_ids_response = self.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_phy_id_list()
+        end_time = time.time() + TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_COUNTRY_CODE
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            for id in phy_ids_response:
+                resp = self.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_country(id)
+                if resp == country_code:
+                    return
+                time.sleep(TIME_TO_SLEEP_BETWEEN_RETRIES)
+        else:
+            raise EnvironmentError(f"Failed to set DUT country code to {country_code}.")
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_policy_controller.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_policy_controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88a6f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_policy_controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import (
+    ConnectionState,
+    DisconnectStatus,
+    NetworkConfig,
+    NetworkState,
+    RequestStatus,
+    WlanClientState,
+from antlion import logger, signals
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import FuchsiaSecurityType
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f import SL4F
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import FuchsiaSSHProvider
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_policy_lib import WlanPolicyError
+class WlanPolicyControllerError(signals.ControllerError):
+    pass
+class PreservedState:
+    saved_networks: list[NetworkConfig] | None
+    client_connections_state: WlanClientState | None
+class ClientState:
+    state: str
+    networks: list[dict[str, object]]
+# TODO(http://b/309854439): Add a ClientStateWatcher and refactor tests to allow test
+# developers more control when update listeners are set and the client update state is
+# reset.
+class WlanPolicyController:
+    """Contains methods related to the wlan policy layer, to be used in the
+    FuchsiaDevice object.
+    Attributes:
+        sl4f: sl4f module for communicating to the WLAN policy controller.
+        ssh: transport to fuchsia device to stop component processes.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sl4f: SL4F, ssh: FuchsiaSSHProvider) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            sl4f: sl4f module for communicating to the WLAN policy controller.
+            ssh: transport to fuchsia device to stop component processes.
+        """
+        self.preserved_networks_and_client_state: PreservedState | None = None
+        self.policy_configured = False
+        self.sl4f = sl4f
+        self.ssh = ssh
+        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
+            f"WlanPolicyController | {self.ssh.config.host_name}"
+        )
+    def configure_wlan(
+        self,
+        preserve_saved_networks: bool,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Sets up wlan policy layer.
+        Args:
+            preserve_saved_networks: whether to clear existing saved
+                networks and client state, to be restored at test close.
+            timeout_sec: time to wait for device to configure WLAN.
+        """
+        # We need to stop session manager to free control of
+        # fuchsia.wlan.policy.ClientController, which can only be used by a
+        # single caller at a time. SL4F needs the ClientController to trigger
+        # WLAN policy state changes. On eng builds the session_manager can be
+        # restarted after being stopped during reboot so we attempt killing the
+        # session manager process for 10 seconds.
+        # See https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:sdk/fidl/fuchsia.wlan.policy/client_provider.fidl
+        if "cast_agent.cm" in self.ssh.run("ps").stdout:
+            session_manager_expiration = time.time() + SESSION_MANAGER_TIMEOUT_SEC
+            while time.time() < session_manager_expiration:
+                self.ssh.stop_component("session_manager", is_cfv2_component=True)
+        # Acquire control of policy layer
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.create_client_controller()
+        self.log.info("ACTS tests now have control of the WLAN policy layer.")
+        if preserve_saved_networks and not self.preserved_networks_and_client_state:
+            self.preserved_networks_and_client_state = (
+                self.remove_and_preserve_networks_and_client_state()
+            )
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+        self.policy_configured = True
+    def _deconfigure_wlan(self) -> None:
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+        self.policy_configured = False
+    def clean_up(self) -> None:
+        if self.preserved_networks_and_client_state is not None:
+            # It is possible for policy to have been configured before, but
+            # deconfigured before test end. In this case, in must be setup
+            # before restoring networks
+            if not self.policy_configured:
+                self.configure_wlan(False)
+        self.restore_preserved_networks_and_client_state()
+    def save_and_connect(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        security_type: FuchsiaSecurityType,
+        target_pwd: str | None = None,
+        timeout_sec: int = 30,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Saves and connects to the network.
+        This is the policy version of connect and check_connect_response because the
+        policy layer requires a saved network and the policy connect does not return
+        success or failure
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: The network name to connect to.
+            security_type: Security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
+            target_pwd: The credential of the network if applicable.
+            timeout_sec: Time in seconds to wait for connection.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyControllerError if fails to connect.
+        """
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+            target_ssid, security_type, target_pwd=target_pwd
+        )
+        status = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.connect(target_ssid, security_type)
+        if status is RequestStatus.ACKNOWLEDGED:
+            self.wait_for_network_state(
+                target_ssid, ConnectionState.CONNECTED, timeout_sec=timeout_sec
+            )
+        else:
+            self.log.error(
+                f"Failed to connect to {target_ssid}, request status: {status}"
+            )
+            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
+                f"Failed to connect to {target_ssid}, request status: {status}"
+            )
+    def _find_network(
+        self, ssid: str, networks: list[NetworkState]
+    ) -> NetworkState | None:
+        """Helper method to find network in list of network states.
+        Args:
+            ssid: The network name to look for.
+            networks: The list of network states to look in.
+        Returns:
+            Network state of target ssid or None if not found in networks.
+        """
+        for network in networks:
+            if network.network_identifier.ssid == ssid:
+                return network
+        return None
+    def wait_for_network_state(
+        self,
+        ssid: str,
+        expected_state: ConnectionState,
+        expected_status: DisconnectStatus | None = None,
+        timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_GET_UPDATE_TIMEOUT,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Waits until the device returns with expected network state.
+        Args:
+            ssid: The network name to check the state of.
+            expected_state: The network state we are waiting to see.
+            expected_status: The disconnect status of the network.
+            timeout_sec: The number of seconds to wait for a update showing connection.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyControllerError: If client update has no networks, if network not
+             present in update network states, or if network fails to converge to
+             expected state or status at end of timeout.
+        """
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.set_new_update_listener()
+        last_err: WlanPolicyError | None = None
+        end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            time_left = max(1, int(end_time - time.time()))
+            try:
+                client = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.get_update(timeout=time_left)
+            except WlanPolicyError as e:
+                # WlanPolicyError can be thrown if the SL4F command was not successfully
+                # sent, if the command timed out, or if the command returned with an
+                # error code in the 'error' field. We retry here to handle the cases
+                # in negative testing where we expect to recieve an 'error'.
+                last_err = e
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            network = self._find_network(ssid, client.networks)
+            if network is None:
+                self.log.debug(f"{ssid} not found in client networks")
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            if network.connection_state is not expected_state:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    f'Expected connection state "{expected_state}", '
+                    f'got "{network.connection_state}"'
+                )
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            match network.connection_state:
+                case ConnectionState.FAILED | ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED:
+                    if (
+                        expected_status
+                        and network.disconnect_status is not expected_status
+                    ):
+                        raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
+                            f"Disconnect status is not {expected_status}"
+                        )
+                case ConnectionState.CONNECTED | ConnectionState.CONNECTING:
+                    # Normally these network states do not have disconnect status, but
+                    # we are setting a default value to CONNECTION_STOPPED
+                    if (
+                        network.disconnect_status
+                        is not DisconnectStatus.CONNECTION_STOPPED
+                    ):
+                        raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
+                            f"Expected default disconnect status, "
+                            f'got "{network.disconnect_status}"'
+                        )
+            # Successfully converged on expected state/status
+            return
+        else:
+            self.log.error(
+                f'Timed out waiting for "{ssid}" to reach state {expected_state} and '
+                f"status {expected_status}"
+            )
+            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
+                f'Timed out waiting for "{ssid}" to reach state {expected_state} and '
+                f"status {expected_status}"
+            ) from last_err
+    def wait_for_client_state(
+        self,
+        expected_state: WlanClientState,
+        timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_GET_UPDATE_TIMEOUT,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Waits until the client converges to expected state.
+        Args:
+            expected_state: The client state we are waiting to see.
+            timeout_sec: Duration to wait for the desired_state.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyControllerError: If client still has not converged to expected
+                state at end of timeout.
+        """
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.set_new_update_listener()
+        last_err: WlanPolicyError | None = None
+        end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            time_left = max(1, int(end_time - time.time()))
+            try:
+                client = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.get_update(timeout=time_left)
+            except WlanPolicyError as e:
+                # WlanPolicyError can be thrown if the SL4F command was not successfully
+                # sent, if the command timed out, or if the command returned with an
+                # error code in the 'error' field. We retry here to handle the cases
+                # in negative testing where we expect to recieve an 'error'.
+                last_err = e
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            if client.state is not expected_state:
+                # Continue getting updates.
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            else:
+                return
+        else:
+            self.log.error(
+                f"Client state did not converge to the expected state: {expected_state}"
+                f" Waited:{timeout_sec}s"
+            )
+            raise WlanPolicyControllerError from last_err
+    def wait_for_no_connections(
+        self, timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_GET_UPDATE_TIMEOUT
+    ) -> None:
+        """Waits to see that there are no connections to the device.
+        Args:
+            timeout_sec: The time to wait to see no connections.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyControllerError: If client update has no networks or if client
+                still has connections at end of timeout.
+        """
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.set_new_update_listener()
+        last_err: WlanPolicyError | None = None
+        end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            curr_connected_networks: list[NetworkState] = []
+            time_left = max(1, int(end_time - time.time()))
+            try:
+                client = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.get_update(timeout=time_left)
+            except WlanPolicyError as e:
+                # WlanPolicyError can be thrown if the SL4F command was not successfully
+                # sent, if the command timed out, or if the command returned with an
+                # error code in the 'error' field. We retry here to handle the cases
+                # in negative testing where we expect to recieve an 'error'.
+                last_err = e
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            # Iterate through networks checking to see if any are still connected.
+            for network in client.networks:
+                if network.connection_state in {
+                    ConnectionState.CONNECTING,
+                    ConnectionState.CONNECTED,
+                }:
+                    curr_connected_networks.append(network)
+            if len(curr_connected_networks) != 0:
+                # Continue getting updates.
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            else:
+                return
+        else:
+            self.log.error(f"Networks still connected. Waited: {timeout_sec}s")
+            raise WlanPolicyControllerError from last_err
+    def remove_and_preserve_networks_and_client_state(self) -> PreservedState:
+        """Preserves networks already saved on devices before removing them.
+        This method is used to set up a clean test environment. Records the state of
+        client connections before tests.
+        Returns:
+            PreservedState: State of the client containing NetworkConfigs and client
+                connection state.
+        """
+        client = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.get_update()
+        networks = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.get_saved_networks()
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
+        self.log.info("Saved networks cleared and preserved.")
+        return PreservedState(
+            saved_networks=networks, client_connections_state=client.state
+        )
+    def restore_preserved_networks_and_client_state(self) -> None:
+        """Restore preserved networks and client state onto device."""
+        if self.preserved_networks_and_client_state is None:
+            self.log.info("No preserved networks or client state to restore")
+            return
+        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
+        saved_networks = self.preserved_networks_and_client_state.saved_networks
+        if saved_networks is not None:
+            for network in saved_networks:
+                try:
+                    self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                        network.ssid,
+                        network.security_type,
+                        network.credential_value,
+                    )
+                except WlanPolicyError:
+                    self.log.warn(f'Failed to restore network "{network.ssid}"')
+        client_state = self.preserved_networks_and_client_state.client_connections_state
+        if client_state is not None:
+            if client_state is WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED:
+                self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+            else:
+                self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+        self.log.info("Preserved networks and client state restored.")
+        self.preserved_networks_and_client_state = None
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/logging_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/logging_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2f280d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/logging_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import datetime
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
+class FuchsiaLoggingLib(BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "logging")
+    def logE(self, message):
+        """Log a message of level Error directly to the syslog.
+        Args:
+            message: The message to log.
+        Returns:
+            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
+        """
+        test_cmd = "logging_facade.LogErr"
+        test_args = {
+            "message": f"[{datetime.datetime.now()}] {message}",
+        }
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
+    def logI(self, message):
+        """Log a message of level Info directly to the syslog.
+        Args:
+            message: The message to log.
+        Returns:
+            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
+        """
+        test_cmd = "logging_facade.LogInfo"
+        test_args = {"message": f"[{datetime.datetime.now()}] {message}"}
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
+    def logW(self, message):
+        """Log a message of level Warning directly to the syslog.
+        Args:
+            message: The message to log.
+        Returns:
+            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
+        """
+        test_cmd = "logging_facade.LogWarn"
+        test_args = {"message": f"[{datetime.datetime.now()}] {message}"}
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/netstack_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/netstack_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..732b180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/netstack_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
+class FuchsiaNetstackLib(BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "netstack")
+    def netstackListInterfaces(self):
+        """ListInterfaces command
+        Returns:
+            List of interface paths
+        """
+        test_cmd = "netstack_facade.ListInterfaces"
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/package_server.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/package_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c785cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/package_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import TextIO
+from antlion import context, logger, signals, utils
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import SSHError, SSHProvider
+from antlion.net import wait_for_port
+from antlion.tracelogger import TraceLogger
+class PackageServerError(signals.TestAbortClass):
+    pass
+def random_port() -> int:
+    s = socket.socket()
+    s.bind(("", 0))
+    return int(s.getsockname()[1])
+class Route:
+    """Represent a route in the routing table."""
+    preferred_source: str | None
+def find_routes_to(dest_ip) -> list[Route]:
+    """Find the routes used to reach a destination.
+    Look through the routing table for the routes that would be used without
+    sending any packets. This is especially helpful for when the device is
+    currently unreachable.
+    Only natively supported on Linux. MacOS has iproute2mac, but it doesn't
+    support JSON formatted output.
+    TODO(http://b/238924195): Add support for MacOS.
+    Args:
+        dest_ip: IP address of the destination
+    Throws:
+        CalledProcessError: if the ip command returns a non-zero exit code
+        JSONDecodeError: if the ip command doesn't return JSON
+    Returns:
+        Routes with destination to dest_ip.
+    """
+    resp = subprocess.run(
+        f"ip -json route get {dest_ip}".split(), capture_output=True, check=True
+    )
+    routes = json.loads(resp.stdout)
+    return [Route(r.get("prefsrc")) for r in routes]
+def find_host_ip(device_ip: str) -> str:
+    """Find the host's source IP used to reach a device.
+    Not all host interfaces can talk to a given device. This limitation can
+    either be physical through hardware or virtual through routing tables.
+    Look through the routing table without sending any packets then return the
+    preferred source IP address.
+    Args:
+        device_ip: IP address of the device
+    Raises:
+        PackageServerError: if there are multiple or no routes to device_ip, or
+            if the route doesn't contain "prefsrc"
+    Returns:
+        The host IP used to reach device_ip.
+    """
+    routes = find_routes_to(device_ip)
+    if len(routes) != 1:
+        raise PackageServerError(
+            f"Expected only one route to {device_ip}, got {routes}"
+        )
+    route = routes[0]
+    if not route.preferred_source:
+        raise PackageServerError(f'Route does not contain "prefsrc": {route}')
+    return route.preferred_source
+class PackageServer:
+    """Package manager for Fuchsia; an interface to the "pm" CLI tool."""
+    def __init__(self, packages_archive_path: str) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            packages_archive_path: Path to an archive containing the pm binary
+                and amber-files.
+        """
+        self.log: TraceLogger = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger("pm")
+        self._server_log: TextIO | None = None
+        self._server_proc: subprocess.Popen | None = None
+        self._log_path: str | None = None
+        self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="packages-")
+        tar = tarfile.open(packages_archive_path, "r:gz")
+        tar.extractall(self._tmp_dir)
+        self._binary_path = os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, "pm")
+        self._packages_path = os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, "amber-files")
+        self._port = random_port()
+        self._assert_repo_has_not_expired()
+    def clean_up(self) -> None:
+        if self._server_proc:
+            self.stop_server()
+        if self._tmp_dir:
+            shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir)
+    def _assert_repo_has_not_expired(self) -> None:
+        """Abort if the repository metadata has expired.
+        Raises:
+            TestAbortClass: when the timestamp.json file has expired
+        """
+        with open(f"{self._packages_path}/repository/timestamp.json", "r") as f:
+            data = json.load(f)
+            expiresAtRaw = data["signed"]["expires"]
+            expiresAt = datetime.strptime(expiresAtRaw, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+            if expiresAt <= datetime.now():
+                raise signals.TestAbortClass(
+                    f"{self._packages_path}/repository/timestamp.json has expired on {expiresAtRaw}"
+                )
+    def start(self) -> None:
+        """Start the package server.
+        Does not check for errors; view the log file for any errors.
+        """
+        if self._server_proc:
+            self.log.warn(
+                "Skipping to start the server since it has already been started"
+            )
+            return
+        pm_command = f"{self._binary_path} serve -c 2 -repo {self._packages_path} -l :{self._port}"
+        root_dir = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
+        epoch = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
+        time_stamp = logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
+            logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch)
+        )
+        self._log_path = os.path.join(root_dir, f"pm_server.{time_stamp}.log")
+        self._server_log = open(self._log_path, "a+")
+        self._server_proc = subprocess.Popen(
+            pm_command.split(),
+            preexec_fn=os.setpgrp,
+            stdout=self._server_log,
+            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+        )
+        try:
+            wait_for_port("", self._port)
+        except TimeoutError as e:
+            if self._server_log:
+                self._server_log.close()
+            if self._log_path:
+                with open(self._log_path, "r") as f:
+                    logs = f.read()
+            raise TimeoutError(
+                f"pm serve failed to expose port {self._port}. Logs:\n{logs}"
+            ) from e
+        self.log.info(f"Serving packages on port {self._port}")
+    def configure_device(
+        self, ssh: SSHProvider, repo_name=DEFAULT_FUCHSIA_REPO_NAME
+    ) -> None:
+        """Configure the device to use this package server.
+        Args:
+            ssh: Device SSH transport channel
+            repo_name: Name of the repo to alias this package server
+        """
+        # Remove any existing repositories that may be stale.
+        try:
+            ssh.run(f"pkgctl repo rm fuchsia-pkg://{repo_name}")
+        except SSHError as e:
+            if "NOT_FOUND" not in e.result.stderr:
+                raise e
+        # Configure the device with the new repository.
+        host_ip = find_host_ip(ssh.config.host_name)
+        repo_url = f"http://{host_ip}:{self._port}"
+        ssh.run(f"pkgctl repo add url -f 2 -n {repo_name} {repo_url}/config.json")
+        self.log.info(
+            f'Added repo "{repo_name}" as {repo_url} on device {ssh.config.host_name}'
+        )
+    def stop_server(self) -> None:
+        """Stop the package server."""
+        if not self._server_proc:
+            self.log.warn(
+                "Skipping to stop the server since it hasn't been started yet"
+            )
+            return
+        self._server_proc.terminate()
+        try:
+            self._server_proc.wait(timeout=PM_SERVE_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC)
+        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+            self.log.warn(
+                f"Taking over {PM_SERVE_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC}s to stop. Killing the server"
+            )
+            self._server_proc.kill()
+            self._server_proc.wait(timeout=PM_SERVE_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC)
+        finally:
+            if self._server_log:
+                self._server_log.close()
+        self._server_proc = None
+        self._log_path = None
+        self._server_log = None
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/sl4f.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/sl4f.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8da0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/sl4f.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import ipaddress
+from honeydew.interfaces.device_classes.fuchsia_device import (
+    FuchsiaDevice as HdFuchsiaDevice,
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.device_lib import DeviceLib
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.hardware_power_statecontrol_lib import (
+    FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.logging_lib import FuchsiaLoggingLib
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.netstack.netstack_lib import FuchsiaNetstackLib
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import FuchsiaSSHProvider, SSHError
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_ap_policy_lib import FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib import (
+    FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_lib import FuchsiaWlanLib
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_policy_lib import FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib
+from antlion.net import wait_for_port
+START_SL4F_V2_CMD = "start_sl4f"
+class SL4F:
+    """Module for Fuchsia devices to interact with the SL4F tool.
+    Attributes:
+        ssh: Transport to start and stop SL4F.
+        address: http address for SL4F server including SL4F port.
+        log: Logger for the device-specific instance of SL4F.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ssh: FuchsiaSSHProvider,
+        port: int = DEFAULT_SL4F_PORT,
+        honeydew_fd: HdFuchsiaDevice | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            ssh: Transport to start and stop SL4F.
+            port: Port for the SL4F server to listen on.
+        """
+        self.honeydew_fd = honeydew_fd
+        ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ssh.config.host_name)
+        if ip.version == 4:
+            self.address = f"http://{ip}:{port}"
+        elif ip.version == 6:
+            self.address = f"http://[{ip}]:{port}"
+        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(f"SL4F | {self.address}")
+        try:
+            ssh.stop_component("sl4f")
+            ssh.run(START_SL4F_V2_CMD).stdout
+        except SSHError:
+            # TODO(fxbug.dev/42181764) Remove support to run SL4F in CFv1 mode
+            # once ACTS no longer use images that comes with only CFv1 SL4F.
+            self.log.warn(
+                "Running SL4F in CFv1 mode, "
+                "this is deprecated for images built after 5/9/2022, "
+                "see https://fxbug.dev/42157029 for more info."
+            )
+            ssh.stop_component("sl4f")
+            ssh.start_v1_component("sl4f")
+        if not self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                wait_for_port(ssh.config.host_name, port)
+                self.log.info("SL4F server is reachable")
+            except TimeoutError as e:
+                raise TimeoutError("SL4F server is unreachable") from e
+        else:
+            # Honeydew has its own transport-specific logic
+            self.log.info("Using Honeydew controller")
+        self._init_libraries(self.honeydew_fd)
+    def _init_libraries(self, honeydew_fd: HdFuchsiaDevice | None = None) -> None:
+        # Grab commands from DeviceLib
+        self.device_lib = DeviceLib(self.address)
+        # Grab commands from FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib
+        self.hardware_power_statecontrol_lib = FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib(
+            self.address
+        )
+        # Grab commands from FuchsiaLoggingLib
+        self.logging_lib = FuchsiaLoggingLib(self.address)
+        # Grab commands from FuchsiaNetstackLib
+        self.netstack_lib = FuchsiaNetstackLib(self.address)
+        # Grab commands from FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib
+        self.wlan_ap_policy_lib = FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib(self.address)
+        # Grabs command from FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib
+        self.wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib = FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib(
+            self.address
+        )
+        # Grab commands from FuchsiaWlanLib
+        self.wlan_lib = FuchsiaWlanLib(self.address)
+        # Grab commands from FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib
+        self.wlan_policy_lib = FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib(self.address, honeydew_fd)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ssh.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ssh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d1f421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ssh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+from antlion.capabilities.ssh import SSHError, SSHProvider
+DEFAULT_SSH_USER: str = "fuchsia"
+DEFAULT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: str = "~/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519"
+# The default package repository for all components.
+class FuchsiaSSHProvider(SSHProvider):
+    """Device-specific provider for SSH clients."""
+    def start_v1_component(
+        self,
+        component: str,
+        timeout_sec: int = 5,
+        repo: str = FUCHSIA_PACKAGE_REPO_NAME,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Start a CFv1 component in the background.
+        Args:
+            component: Name of the component without ".cmx".
+            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for the process to show up in 'ps'.
+            repo: Default package repository for all components.
+        Raises:
+            TimeoutError: when the component doesn't launch within timeout_sec
+        """
+        # The "run -d" command will hang when executed without a pseudo-tty
+        # allocated.
+        self.run(
+            f"run -d fuchsia-pkg://{repo}/{component}#meta/{component}.cmx",
+            force_tty=True,
+        )
+        timeout = time.perf_counter() + timeout_sec
+        while True:
+            ps_cmd = self.run("ps")
+            if f"{component}.cmx" in ps_cmd.stdout:
+                return
+            if time.perf_counter() > timeout:
+                raise TimeoutError(
+                    f'Failed to start "{component}.cmx" after {timeout_sec}s'
+                )
+    def stop_component(self, component: str, is_cfv2_component: bool = False) -> None:
+        """Stop all instances of a CFv1 or CFv2 component.
+        Args:
+            component: Name of the component without suffix("cm" or "cmx").
+            is_cfv2_component: Determines the component suffix to use.
+        """
+        suffix = "cm" if is_cfv2_component else "cmx"
+        try:
+            self.run(f"killall {component}.{suffix}")
+            self.log.info(f"Stopped component: {component}.{suffix}")
+        except SSHError as e:
+            if "no tasks found" in e.result.stderr:
+                self.log.debug(f"Could not find component: {component}.{suffix}")
+                return
+            raise e
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/utils_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/utils_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90030f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/utils_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# TODO(http://b/259746643): Remove this file once we no longer rely on antlion for
+# flashing the device. This should be the responsibility of the person or software
+# dispatching antlion; removing flashing from antlion increases opportunities for
+# runtime optimization and increases device lifetime.
+import logging
+import os
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import time
+from antlion import utils
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+from antlion.utils import get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address
+FLASH_TIMEOUT_SEC = 60 * 5  # 5 minutes
+FUCHSIA_SDK_URL = "gs://fuchsia-sdk/development"
+FUCHSIA_RELEASE_TESTING_URL = "gs://fuchsia-release-testing/images"
+def flash(fuchsia_device, use_ssh=False, fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time=5):
+    """A function to flash, not pave, a fuchsia_device
+    Args:
+        fuchsia_device: An ACTS fuchsia_device
+    Returns:
+        True if successful.
+    """
+    if not fuchsia_device.authorized_file:
+        raise ValueError(
+            "A ssh authorized_file must be present in the "
+            "ACTS config to flash fuchsia_devices."
+        )
+    # This is the product type from the fx set command.
+    # Do 'fx list-products' to see options in Fuchsia source tree.
+    if not fuchsia_device.product_type:
+        raise ValueError(
+            "A product type must be specified to flash " "fuchsia_devices."
+        )
+    # This is the board type from the fx set command.
+    # Do 'fx list-boards' to see options in Fuchsia source tree.
+    if not fuchsia_device.board_type:
+        raise ValueError("A board type must be specified to flash " "fuchsia_devices.")
+    if not fuchsia_device.build_number:
+        fuchsia_device.build_number = "LATEST"
+    if not fuchsia_device.mdns_name:
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Either fuchsia_device mdns_name must be specified or "
+            "ip must be the mDNS name to be able to flash."
+        )
+    file_to_download = None
+    image_archive_path = None
+    image_path = None
+    if not fuchsia_device.specific_image:
+        product_build = fuchsia_device.product_type
+        if fuchsia_device.build_type:
+            product_build = f"{product_build}_{fuchsia_device.build_type}"
+        if "LATEST" in fuchsia_device.build_number:
+            sdk_version = "sdk"
+            if "LATEST_F" in fuchsia_device.build_number:
+                f_branch = fuchsia_device.build_number.split("LATEST_F", 1)[1]
+                sdk_version = f"f{f_branch}_sdk"
+            file_to_download = (
+                f"{FUCHSIA_RELEASE_TESTING_URL}/"
+                f"{sdk_version}-{product_build}.{fuchsia_device.board_type}-release.tgz"
+            )
+        else:
+            # Must be a fully qualified build number (e.g. 5.20210721.4.1215)
+            file_to_download = (
+                f"{FUCHSIA_SDK_URL}/{fuchsia_device.build_number}/images/"
+                f"{product_build}.{fuchsia_device.board_type}-release.tgz"
+            )
+    elif "gs://" in fuchsia_device.specific_image:
+        file_to_download = fuchsia_device.specific_image
+    elif os.path.isdir(fuchsia_device.specific_image):
+        image_path = fuchsia_device.specific_image
+    elif tarfile.is_tarfile(fuchsia_device.specific_image):
+        image_archive_path = fuchsia_device.specific_image
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f'Invalid specific_image "{fuchsia_device.specific_image}"')
+    if image_path:
+        reboot_to_bootloader(
+            fuchsia_device, use_ssh, fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time
+        )
+        logging.info(
+            f'Flashing {fuchsia_device.mdns_name} with {image_path} using authorized keys "{fuchsia_device.authorized_file}".'
+        )
+        run_flash_script(fuchsia_device, image_path)
+    else:
+        suffix = fuchsia_device.board_type
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=suffix) as image_path:
+            if file_to_download:
+                logging.info(f"Downloading {file_to_download} to {image_path}")
+                job.run(f"gsutil cp {file_to_download} {image_path}")
+                image_archive_path = os.path.join(
+                    image_path, os.path.basename(file_to_download)
+                )
+            if image_archive_path:
+                # Use tar command instead of tarfile.extractall, as it takes too long.
+                job.run(
+                    f"tar xfvz {image_archive_path} -C {image_path}", timeout_sec=120
+                )
+            reboot_to_bootloader(
+                fuchsia_device, use_ssh, fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time
+            )
+            logging.info(
+                f'Flashing {fuchsia_device.mdns_name} with {image_archive_path} using authorized keys "{fuchsia_device.authorized_file}".'
+            )
+            run_flash_script(fuchsia_device, image_path)
+    return True
+def reboot_to_bootloader(
+    fuchsia_device, use_ssh=False, fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time=5
+    import psutil  # type: ignore
+    import usbinfo  # type: ignore
+    from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import SSHError
+    if use_ssh:
+        logging.info("Sending reboot command via SSH to " "get into bootloader.")
+        # Sending this command will put the device in fastboot
+        # but it does not guarantee the device will be in fastboot
+        # after this command.  There is no check so if there is an
+        # expectation of the device being in fastboot, then some
+        # other check needs to be done.
+        try:
+            fuchsia_device.ssh.run(
+                "dm rb", timeout_sec=fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time
+            )
+        except SSHError as e:
+            if "closed by remote host" not in e.result.stderr:
+                raise e
+    else:
+        pass
+        ## Todo: Add elif for SL4F if implemented in SL4F
+    time_counter = 0
+    while time_counter < FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT:
+        logging.info(
+            "Checking to see if fuchsia_device(%s) SN: %s is in "
+            "fastboot. (Attempt #%s Timeout: %s)"
+            % (
+                fuchsia_device.mdns_name,
+                fuchsia_device.serial_number,
+                str(time_counter + 1),
+                FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT,
+            )
+        )
+        for usb_device in usbinfo.usbinfo():
+            if (
+                usb_device["iSerialNumber"] == fuchsia_device.serial_number
+                and usb_device["iProduct"] == "USB_download_gadget"
+            ):
+                logging.info(
+                    "fuchsia_device(%s) SN: %s is in fastboot."
+                    % (fuchsia_device.mdns_name, fuchsia_device.serial_number)
+                )
+                time_counter = FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT
+        time_counter = time_counter + 1
+        if time_counter == FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT:
+            for fail_usb_device in usbinfo.usbinfo():
+                logging.debug(fail_usb_device)
+            raise TimeoutError(
+                "fuchsia_device(%s) SN: %s "
+                "never went into fastboot"
+                % (fuchsia_device.mdns_name, fuchsia_device.serial_number)
+            )
+        time.sleep(1)
+    end_time = time.time() + WAIT_FOR_EXISTING_FLASH_TO_FINISH_SEC
+    # Attempt to wait for existing flashing process to finish
+    while time.time() < end_time:
+        flash_process_found = False
+        for proc in psutil.process_iter():
+            if "bash" in proc.name() and "flash.sh" in proc.cmdline():
+                logging.info("Waiting for existing flash.sh process to complete.")
+                time.sleep(PROCESS_CHECK_WAIT_TIME_SEC)
+                flash_process_found = True
+        if not flash_process_found:
+            break
+def run_flash_script(fuchsia_device, flash_dir):
+    try:
+        flash_output = job.run(
+            f"bash {flash_dir}/flash.sh --ssh-key={fuchsia_device.authorized_file} -s {fuchsia_device.serial_number}",
+            timeout_sec=FLASH_TIMEOUT_SEC,
+        )
+        logging.debug(flash_output.stderr)
+    except job.TimeoutError as err:
+        raise TimeoutError(err)
+    logging.info(
+        "Waiting %s seconds for device"
+        " to come back up after flashing." % AFTER_FLASH_BOOT_TIME
+    )
+    time.sleep(AFTER_FLASH_BOOT_TIME)
+    logging.info("Updating device to new IP addresses.")
+    mdns_ip = None
+    for retry_counter in range(MDNS_LOOKUP_RETRY_MAX):
+        mdns_ip = get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address(fuchsia_device.mdns_name)
+        if mdns_ip:
+            break
+        else:
+            time.sleep(1)
+    if mdns_ip and utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(mdns_ip):
+        logging.info(
+            "IP for fuchsia_device(%s) changed from %s to %s"
+            % (fuchsia_device.mdns_name, fuchsia_device.ip, mdns_ip)
+        )
+        fuchsia_device.ip = mdns_ip
+        fuchsia_device.address = "http://[{}]:{}".format(
+            fuchsia_device.ip, fuchsia_device.sl4f_port
+        )
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid IP: {fuchsia_device.mdns_name} after flashing.")
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_ap_policy_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_ap_policy_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f801046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_ap_policy_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from enum import StrEnum, unique
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import FuchsiaSecurityType
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
+class ConnectivityMode(StrEnum):
+    """Connectivity operating mode for the AP.
+    Defined by the fuchsia.wlan.policy FIDL and mapped by the SL4F wlan_policy facade.
+    https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/48dd18fe663ad902ecb7f70a45ce19fa605e96b6:sdk/fidl/fuchsia.wlan.policy/access_point_provider.fidl;l=100
+    https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/48dd18fe663ad902ecb7f70a45ce19fa605e96b6:src/testing/sl4f/src/wlan_policy/commands.rs;l=200
+    """
+    LOCAL_ONLY = "local_only"
+    """Allows for connectivity between co-located devices; does not forward traffic to
+    other network connections."""
+    UNRESTRICTED = "unrestricted"
+    """Allows for full connectivity with traffic potentially being forwarded
+    to other network connections (e.g. tethering mode)."""
+class OperatingBand(StrEnum):
+    """Operating band for wlan control request and status updates.
+    Defined by the fuchsia.wlan.policy FIDL and mapped by the SL4F wlan_policy facade.
+    https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/48dd18fe663ad902ecb7f70a45ce19fa605e96b6:sdk/fidl/fuchsia.wlan.policy/types.fidl;l=54
+    https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/48dd18fe663ad902ecb7f70a45ce19fa605e96b6:src/testing/sl4f/src/wlan_policy/commands.rs;l=183
+    """
+    ANY = "any"
+    """Allows for band switching depending on device operating mode and environment."""
+    ONLY_2G = "only_2_4_ghz"
+    """Restricted to 2.4 GHz bands only."""
+    ONLY_5G = "only_5_ghz"
+    """Restricted to 5 GHz bands only."""
+class FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib(BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "wlan_ap_policy")
+    def wlanStartAccessPoint(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        security_type: FuchsiaSecurityType,
+        target_pwd: str | None,
+        connectivity_mode: ConnectivityMode,
+        operating_band: OperatingBand,
+    ):
+        """Start an Access Point.
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
+            security_type: the security protocol of the network
+            target_pwd: Credential being saved with the network. None is equivalent to
+                empty string.
+            connectivity_mode: the connectivity mode to use
+            operating_band: The operating band to use
+        Returns:
+            boolean indicating if the action was successful
+        """
+        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.start_access_point"
+        # The SoftAP API uses "open" security instead of None and "" password
+        # instead of None.
+        test_args = {
+            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
+            "security_type": str(security_type),
+            "target_pwd": target_pwd or "",
+            "connectivity_mode": str(connectivity_mode),
+            "operating_band": str(operating_band),
+        }
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
+    def wlanStopAccessPoint(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        security_type: FuchsiaSecurityType,
+        target_pwd: str | None = None,
+    ):
+        """Stops an active Access Point.
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
+            security_type: the security protocol of the network
+            target_pwd: credential being saved with the network. No password
+                is equivalent to empty string.
+        Returns:
+            boolean indicating if the action was successful
+        """
+        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.stop_access_point"
+        test_args = {
+            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
+            "security_type": str(security_type),
+            "target_pwd": "" if target_pwd is None else target_pwd,
+        }
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
+    def wlanStopAllAccessPoint(self):
+        """Stops all Access Points
+        Returns:
+            boolean indicating if the actions were successful
+        """
+        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.stop_all_access_points"
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
+    def wlanSetNewListener(self):
+        """Sets the update listener stream of the facade to a new stream so that updates will be
+        reset. Intended to be used between tests so that the behaviour of updates in a test is
+        independent from previous tests.
+        """
+        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.set_new_update_listener"
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
+    def wlanGetUpdate(self, timeout=30):
+        """Gets a list of AP state updates. This call will return with an update immediately the
+        first time the update listener is initialized by setting a new listener or by creating
+        a client controller before setting a new listener. Subsequent calls will hang until
+        there is an update.
+        Returns:
+            A list of AP state updated. If there is no error, the result is a list with a
+            structure that matches the FIDL AccessPointState struct given for updates.
+        """
+        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.get_update"
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {}, response_timeout=timeout)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3f66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
+class FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib(BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "wlan_deprecated")
+    def wlanSuggestAccessPointMacAddress(self, addr):
+        """Suggests a mac address to soft AP interface, to support
+        cast legacy behavior.
+        Args:
+            addr: string of mac address to suggest (e.g. '12:34:56:78:9a:bc')
+        """
+        test_cmd = "wlan_deprecated.suggest_ap_mac"
+        test_args = {"mac": addr}
+        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_lib.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e37c20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from dataclasses import asdict
+from enum import StrEnum
+from honeydew import errors
+from honeydew.interfaces.device_classes.fuchsia_device import (
+    FuchsiaDevice as HdFuchsiaDevice,
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import (
+    BssDescription,
+    BssType,
+    ChannelBandwidth,
+    ClientStatusConnected,
+    ClientStatusConnecting,
+    ClientStatusIdle,
+    ClientStatusResponse,
+    CountryCode,
+    Protection,
+    QueryIfaceResponse,
+    WlanChannel,
+    WlanMacRole,
+from mobly import signals
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
+from antlion.validation import MapValidator
+# We need to convert the string we receive from the wlan facade to an intEnum
+# because serde gives us a string.
+string_to_int_enum_map: dict[str, Protection] = {
+    "Unknown": Protection.UNKNOWN,
+    "Open": Protection.OPEN,
+    "Wep": Protection.WEP,
+    "Wpa1": Protection.WPA1,
+    "Wpa1Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly": Protection.WPA1_WPA2_PERSONAL_TKIP_ONLY,
+    "Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly": Protection.WPA2_PERSONAL_TKIP_ONLY,
+    "Wpa1Wpa2Personal": Protection.WPA1_WPA2_PERSONAL,
+    "Wpa2Personal": Protection.WPA2_PERSONAL,
+    "Wpa2Wpa3Personal": Protection.WPA2_WPA3_PERSONAL,
+    "Wpa3Personal": Protection.WPA3_PERSONAL,
+    "Wpa2Enterprise": Protection.WPA2_ENTERPRISE,
+    "Wpa3Enterprise": Protection.WPA3_ENTERPRISE,
+class WlanFailure(signals.TestFailure):
+    """Exception for SL4F commands executed by WLAN lib."""
+class Command(StrEnum):
+    """Sl4f Server Commands."""
+    SCAN_FOR_BSS_INFO = "wlan.scan_for_bss_info"
+    CONNECT = "wlan.connect"
+    DISCONNECT = "wlan.disconnect"
+    STATUS = "wlan.status"
+    GET_IFACE_ID_LIST = "wlan.get_iface_id_list"
+    GET_PHY_ID_LIST = "wlan.get_phy_id_list"
+    CREATE_IFACE = "wlan.create_iface"
+    DESTROY_IFACE = "wlan.destroy_iface"
+    GET_COUNTRY = "wlan_phy.get_country"
+    QUERY_IFACE = "wlan.query_iface"
+    SET_REGION = "location_regulatory_region_facade.set_region"
+class FuchsiaWlanLib(BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str, honeydew_fd: HdFuchsiaDevice | None = None) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "wlan")
+        self.honeydew_fd = honeydew_fd
+    def _check_response_error(
+        self, cmd: Command, response_json: dict[str, object]
+    ) -> object | None:
+        """Helper method to process errors from SL4F calls.
+        Args:
+            cmd: SL4F command sent.
+            response_json: Response from SL4F server.
+        Returns:
+            Response json or None if error.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure if the response_json has something in the 'error' field.
+        """
+        resp = MapValidator(response_json)
+        error = resp.get(str, "error", None)
+        if error:
+            # We sometimes expect to catch WlanFailure so we include a log here for
+            # when we do retries.
+            self.log.debug(f"SL4F call: {cmd} failed with Error: '{error}'.")
+            raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call: {cmd} failed with Error: '{error}'.")
+        else:
+            return response_json.get("result")
+    def scan_for_bss_info(self) -> dict[str, list[BssDescription]]:
+        """Scans and returns BSS info
+        Returns:
+            A dict mapping each seen SSID to a list of BSS Description IE
+            blocks, one for each BSS observed in the network
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.scan_for_bss_info()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(
+                    f"SL4F call {Command.SCAN_FOR_BSS_INFO} failed."
+                ) from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.SCAN_FOR_BSS_INFO)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.SCAN_FOR_BSS_INFO, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, dict):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be dict, got {type(result)}')
+            ssid_bss_desc_map: dict[str, list[BssDescription]] = {}
+            for ssid_key, bss_list in result.items():
+                if not isinstance(bss_list, list):
+                    raise TypeError(
+                        f'Expected "bss_list" to be list, got {type(bss_list)}'
+                    )
+                # Create BssDescription type out of return values
+                bss_descriptions: list[BssDescription] = []
+                for bss in bss_list:
+                    bss_map = MapValidator(bss)
+                    bssid = bss_map.list("bssid").all(int)
+                    ies = bss_map.list("ies").all(int)
+                    channel_map = MapValidator(bss_map.get(dict, "channel"))
+                    wlan_channel = WlanChannel(
+                        primary=channel_map.get(int, "primary"),
+                        cbw=ChannelBandwidth(channel_map.get(str, "cbw")),
+                        secondary80=channel_map.get(int, "secondary80"),
+                    )
+                    bss_block = BssDescription(
+                        bssid=bssid,
+                        bss_type=BssType(bss_map.get(str, "bss_type")),
+                        beacon_period=bss_map.get(int, "beacon_period"),
+                        capability_info=bss_map.get(int, "capability_info"),
+                        ies=ies,
+                        channel=wlan_channel,
+                        rssi_dbm=bss_map.get(int, "rssi_dbm"),
+                        snr_db=bss_map.get(int, "snr_db"),
+                    )
+                    bss_descriptions.append(bss_block)
+                ssid_bss_desc_map[ssid_key] = bss_descriptions
+            return ssid_bss_desc_map
+    def connect(
+        self, target_ssid: str, target_pwd: str | None, target_bss_desc: BssDescription
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Triggers a network connection
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: The network to connect to.
+            target_pwd: The password for the network.
+            target_bss_desc: The basic service set for target network.
+        Returns:
+            boolean indicating if the connection was successful
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        method_params = {
+            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
+            "target_pwd": target_pwd,
+            "target_bss_desc": asdict(target_bss_desc),
+        }
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.connect(
+                    target_ssid, target_pwd, target_bss_desc
+                )
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.CONNECT} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.CONNECT, method_params)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.CONNECT, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, bool):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be bool, got {type(result)}')
+            return result
+    def disconnect(self) -> None:
+        """Disconnect any current wifi connections
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan.disconnect()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.DISCONNECT} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.DISCONNECT)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.DISCONNECT, resp)
+    def create_iface(
+        self, phy_id: int, role: WlanMacRole, sta_addr: str | None = None
+    ) -> int:
+        """Create a new WLAN interface.
+        Args:
+            phy_id: The interface id.
+            role: The role of new interface.
+            sta_addr: MAC address for softAP interface only.
+        Returns:
+            Iface id of newly created interface.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        method_params = {
+            "phy_id": phy_id,
+            "role": role,
+            "sta_addr": sta_addr,
+        }
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.create_iface(phy_id, role, sta_addr)
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.CREATE_IFACE} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.CREATE_IFACE, method_params)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.CREATE_IFACE, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, int):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be int, got {type(result)}')
+            return result
+    def destroy_iface(self, iface_id: int) -> None:
+        """Destroy WLAN interface by ID.
+        Args:
+            iface_id: The interface to destroy.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        method_params = {"identifier": iface_id}
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan.destroy_iface(iface_id)
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.DESTROY_IFACE} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.DESTROY_IFACE, method_params)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.DESTROY_IFACE, resp)
+    def get_iface_id_list(self) -> list[int]:
+        """Get list of wlan iface IDs on device.
+        Returns:
+            A list of wlan iface IDs that are present on the device.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.get_iface_id_list()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(
+                    f"SL4F call {Command.GET_IFACE_ID_LIST} failed."
+                ) from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.GET_IFACE_ID_LIST)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.GET_IFACE_ID_LIST, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, list):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be list, got {type(result)}')
+            return result
+    def get_phy_id_list(self) -> list[int]:
+        """Get list of phy ids on device.
+        Returns:
+            A list of phy ids that is present on the device.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.get_phy_id_list()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.GET_PHY_ID_LIST} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.GET_PHY_ID_LIST)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.GET_PHY_ID_LIST, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, list):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be list, got {type(result)}')
+            return result
+    def status(self) -> ClientStatusResponse:
+        """Request connection status
+        Returns:
+            ClientStatusResponse state summary and
+            status of various networks connections.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.status()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.STATUS} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.STATUS)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.STATUS, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, dict):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be dict, got {type(result)}')
+            result_map = MapValidator(result)
+            # Only one of these keys in result should be present.
+            if STATUS_IDLE_KEY in result:
+                return ClientStatusIdle()
+            elif STATUS_CONNECTING_KEY in result:
+                ssid = result.get("Connecting")
+                if not isinstance(ssid, list):
+                    raise TypeError(
+                        f'Expected "connecting" to be list, got "{type(ssid)}"'
+                    )
+                return ClientStatusConnecting(ssid=ssid)
+            else:
+                connected_map = MapValidator(result_map.get(dict, "Connected"))
+                channel_map = MapValidator(connected_map.get(dict, "channel"))
+                bssid = connected_map.list("bssid").all(int)
+                ssid = connected_map.list("ssid").all(int)
+                protection = connected_map.get(str, "protection")
+                channel = WlanChannel(
+                    primary=channel_map.get(int, "primary"),
+                    cbw=ChannelBandwidth(channel_map.get(str, "cbw")),
+                    secondary80=channel_map.get(int, "secondary80"),
+                )
+                return ClientStatusConnected(
+                    bssid=bssid,
+                    ssid=ssid,
+                    rssi_dbm=connected_map.get(int, "rssi_dbm"),
+                    snr_db=connected_map.get(int, "snr_db"),
+                    channel=channel,
+                    protection=Protection(string_to_int_enum_map.get(protection, 0)),
+                )
+    def get_country(self, phy_id: int) -> CountryCode:
+        """Reads the currently configured country for `phy_id`.
+        Args:
+            phy_id: unsigned 16-bit integer.
+        Returns:
+            The currently configured country code from phy_id.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        method_params = {"phy_id": phy_id}
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.get_country(phy_id)
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.GET_COUNTRY} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.GET_COUNTRY, method_params)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.GET_COUNTRY, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, list):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be list, got {type(result)}')
+            set_code = "".join([chr(ascii_char) for ascii_char in result])
+            return CountryCode(set_code)
+    def query_iface(self, iface_id: int) -> QueryIfaceResponse:
+        """Retrieves interface info for given wlan iface id.
+        Args:
+            iface_id: The iface_id to query
+        Returns:
+            QueryIfaceResults from the SL4F server
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        method_params = {"iface_id": iface_id}
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan.query_iface(iface_id)
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.QUERY_IFACE} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.QUERY_IFACE, method_params)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.QUERY_IFACE, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, dict):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "network" to be dict, got {type(result)}')
+            iface_results = MapValidator(result)
+            sta_addr = iface_results.list("sta_addr")
+            return QueryIfaceResponse(
+                role=WlanMacRole(iface_results.get(str, "role")),
+                id=iface_results.get(int, "id"),
+                phy_id=iface_results.get(int, "phy_id"),
+                phy_assigned_id=iface_results.get(int, "phy_assigned_id"),
+                sta_addr=sta_addr.all(int),
+            )
+    def set_region(self, region_code: CountryCode) -> None:
+        """Set regulatory region.
+        Args:
+            region_code: CountryCode which is a 2-byte ASCII string.
+        Raises:
+            WlanFailure: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        method_params = {"region": region_code.value}
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan.set_region(region_code)
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanFailure(f"SL4F call {Command.SET_REGION} failed.") from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.SET_REGION, method_params)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.SET_REGION, resp)
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index 0000000..ff16637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_policy_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+# Lint as: python3
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+#   This class provides pipeline betweem python tests and WLAN policy facade.
+from enum import StrEnum
+from honeydew import errors
+from honeydew.interfaces.device_classes.fuchsia_device import (
+    FuchsiaDevice as HdFuchsiaDevice,
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import (
+    ClientStateSummary,
+    ConnectionState,
+    DisconnectStatus,
+    NetworkConfig,
+    NetworkIdentifier,
+    NetworkState,
+    RequestStatus,
+    SecurityType,
+    WlanClientState,
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import FuchsiaSecurityType
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
+from antlion.validation import MapValidator
+class WlanPolicyError(Exception):
+    """Exception for SL4F commands executed by WLAN Policy."""
+class Command(StrEnum):
+    """Sl4f Server Commands."""
+    CONNECT = "wlan_policy.connect"
+    CREATE_CLIENT_CONTROLLER = "wlan_policy.create_client_controller"
+    GET_SAVED_NETWORKS = "wlan_policy.get_saved_networks"
+    GET_UPDATE = "wlan_policy.get_update"
+    REMOVE_ALL_NETWORKS = "wlan_policy.remove_all_networks"
+    REMOVE_NETWORK = "wlan_policy.remove_network"
+    SAVE_NETWORK = "wlan_policy.save_network"
+    SCAN_FOR_NETWORKS = "wlan_policy.scan_for_networks"
+    SET_NEW_UPDATE_LISTENER = "wlan_policy.set_new_update_listener"
+    START_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = "wlan_policy.start_client_connections"
+    STOP_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = "wlan_policy.stop_client_connections"
+class FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib(BaseLib):
+    def __init__(self, addr: str, honeydew_fd: HdFuchsiaDevice | None = None) -> None:
+        super().__init__(addr, "wlan_policy")
+        self.honeydew_fd = honeydew_fd
+    def _check_response_error(
+        self, cmd: Command, response_json: dict[str, object]
+    ) -> object | None:
+        """Helper method to process errors from SL4F calls.
+        Args:
+            cmd: SL4F command sent.
+            response_json: Response from SL4F server.
+        Returns:
+            Response json or None if error.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError if the response_json has something in the 'error' field.
+        """
+        resp = MapValidator(response_json)
+        error = resp.get(str, "error", None)
+        if error:
+            # We sometimes expect to catch WlanPolicyError so we include a log here for
+            # when we do retries.
+            self.log.debug(f"SL4F call: {cmd} failed with Error: '{error}'.")
+            raise WlanPolicyError(f"SL4F call: {cmd} failed with Error: '{error}'.")
+        else:
+            return response_json.get("result")
+    def connect(
+        self, target_ssid: str, security_type: SecurityType | FuchsiaSecurityType
+    ) -> RequestStatus:
+        """Triggers connection to a network.
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: The network to connect to. Must have been previously
+                saved in order for a successful connection to happen.
+            security_type: The security protocol of the network.
+        Returns:
+            A RequestStatus response to the connect request.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+            TypeError: Return value not a string.
+        """
+        # TODO(b/308807691): Change other uses of FuchsiaSecurityType to Honeydew's
+        # SecurityType
+        hd_security_type = SecurityType(security_type.value)
+        method_params = {
+            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
+            "security_type": str(hd_security_type),
+        }
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.connect(
+                    target_ssid, hd_security_type
+                )
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.CONNECT, method_params)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.CONNECT, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, str):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be str, got {type(result)}')
+            return RequestStatus(result)
+    def create_client_controller(self) -> None:
+        """Initializes the client controller.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.create_client_controller()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.CREATE_CLIENT_CONTROLLER)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.CREATE_CLIENT_CONTROLLER, resp)
+    def get_saved_networks(self) -> list[NetworkConfig]:
+        """Gets networks saved on device.
+        Returns:
+            A list of NetworkConfigs.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+            TypeError: Return values not correct types.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.get_saved_networks()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.GET_SAVED_NETWORKS)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.GET_SAVED_NETWORKS, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, list):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be list, got {type(result)}')
+            networks: list[NetworkConfig] = []
+            for n in result:
+                if not isinstance(n, dict):
+                    raise TypeError(f'Expected "network" to be dict, got {type(n)}')
+                network = MapValidator(n)
+                security_type = network.get(str, "security_type", "None")
+                networks.append(
+                    NetworkConfig(
+                        ssid=network.get(str, "ssid"),
+                        security_type=SecurityType(security_type.lower()),
+                        credential_type=network.get(str, "credential_type"),
+                        credential_value=network.get(str, "credential_value"),
+                    )
+                )
+            return networks
+    def get_update(
+        self, timeout: float = DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SEC
+    ) -> ClientStateSummary:
+        """Gets one client listener update.
+        This call will return with an update immediately the
+        first time the update listener is initialized by setting a new listener
+        or by creating a client controller before setting a new listener.
+        Subsequent calls will hang until there is a change since the last
+        update call.
+        Args:
+            timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for the get_update command to
+                return.
+        Returns:
+            An update of connection status. If there is no error, the result is
+            a WlanPolicyUpdate with a structure that matches the FIDL
+            ClientStateSummary struct given for updates.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+            TypeError: Return values not correct types.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.get_update(response_timeout=timeout)
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.GET_UPDATE, response_timeout=timeout)
+            result_raw = self._check_response_error(Command.GET_UPDATE, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result_raw, dict):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be dict, got {type(result_raw)}')
+            result = MapValidator(result_raw)
+            networks = result.get(list, "networks", [])
+            network_states: list[NetworkState] = []
+            for n in networks:
+                network = MapValidator(n)
+                state = network.get(str, "state")
+                status = network.get(str, "status", None)
+                if status is None:
+                    status = DisconnectStatus.CONNECTION_STOPPED
+                id = MapValidator(network.get(dict, "id"))
+                ssid = id.get(str, "ssid")
+                security_type = id.get(str, "type_")
+                network_states.append(
+                    NetworkState(
+                        network_identifier=NetworkIdentifier(
+                            ssid=ssid,
+                            security_type=SecurityType(security_type.lower()),
+                        ),
+                        connection_state=ConnectionState(state),
+                        disconnect_status=DisconnectStatus(status),
+                    )
+                )
+            client_state = result.get(str, "state")
+            return ClientStateSummary(
+                state=WlanClientState(client_state), networks=network_states
+            )
+    def remove_all_networks(self) -> None:
+        """Deletes all saved networks on the device.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.remove_all_networks()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.REMOVE_ALL_NETWORKS)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.REMOVE_ALL_NETWORKS, resp)
+    def remove_network(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        security_type: SecurityType,
+        target_pwd: str | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Removes or "forgets" a network from saved networks.
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: The network to remove.
+            security_type: The security protocol of the network.
+            target_pwd: The credential being saved with the network. No password
+                is equivalent to an empty string.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if not target_pwd:
+            target_pwd = ""
+        method_params = {
+            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
+            "security_type": str(security_type),
+            "target_pwd": target_pwd,
+        }
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.remove_network(
+                    target_ssid, security_type, target_pwd
+                )
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.REMOVE_NETWORK, method_params)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.REMOVE_NETWORK, resp)
+    def save_network(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        security_type: SecurityType | FuchsiaSecurityType,
+        target_pwd: str | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Saves a network to the device.
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: The network to save.
+            security_type: The security protocol of the network.
+            target_pwd: The credential being saved with the network. No password
+                is equivalent to an empty string.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        # TODO(b/308807691): Change other uses of FuchsiaSecurityType to Honeydew's
+        # SecurityType
+        hd_security_type = SecurityType(security_type.value)
+        if not target_pwd:
+            target_pwd = ""
+        method_params = {
+            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
+            "security_type": str(hd_security_type.value),
+            "target_pwd": target_pwd,
+        }
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.save_network(
+                    target_ssid, hd_security_type, target_pwd
+                )
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.SAVE_NETWORK, method_params)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.SAVE_NETWORK, resp)
+    def scan_for_networks(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Scans for networks.
+        Returns:
+            A list of network SSIDs that can be connected to.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+            TypeError: Return value not a list.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                return self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.scan_for_network()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.SCAN_FOR_NETWORKS)
+            result = self._check_response_error(Command.SCAN_FOR_NETWORKS, resp)
+            if not isinstance(result, list):
+                raise TypeError(f'Expected "result" to be list, got {type(result)}')
+            return result
+    def set_new_update_listener(self) -> None:
+        """Sets the update listener stream of the facade to a new stream.
+        This causes updates to be reset. Intended to be used between tests so
+        that the behaviour of updates in a test is independent from previous
+        tests.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.set_new_update_listener()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.SET_NEW_UPDATE_LISTENER)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.SET_NEW_UPDATE_LISTENER, resp)
+    def start_client_connections(self) -> None:
+        """Enables device to initiate connections to networks.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.start_client_connections()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.START_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.START_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS, resp)
+    def stop_client_connections(self) -> None:
+        """Disables device for initiating connections to networks.
+        Raises:
+            WlanPolicyError: Sl4f run command failed.
+        """
+        if self.honeydew_fd:
+            try:
+                self.honeydew_fd.wlan_policy.stop_client_connections()
+            except errors.Sl4fError as e:
+                raise WlanPolicyError from e
+        else:
+            resp = self.send_command(Command.STOP_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS)
+            self._check_response_error(Command.STOP_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS, resp)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_client.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517afab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import threading
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from antlion import context
+from antlion.capabilities.ssh import SSHConfig
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
+from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import SSHProvider
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import _AndroidDeviceBridge
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+class IPerfError(Exception):
+    """Raised on execution errors of iPerf."""
+def create(configs):
+    """Factory method for iperf clients.
+    The function creates iperf clients based on at least one config.
+    If configs contain ssh settings or and AndroidDevice, remote iperf clients
+    will be started on those devices, otherwise, a the client will run on the
+    local machine.
+    Args:
+        configs: config parameters for the iperf server
+    """
+    results: list[IPerfClientBase] = []
+    for c in configs:
+        if type(c) is dict and "AndroidDevice" in c:
+            results.append(
+                IPerfClientOverAdb(
+                    c["AndroidDevice"], test_interface=c.get("test_interface")
+                )
+            )
+        elif type(c) is dict and "ssh_config" in c:
+            results.append(
+                IPerfClientOverSsh(
+                    SSHProvider(SSHConfig.from_config(c["ssh_config"])),
+                    test_interface=c.get("test_interface"),
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            results.append(IPerfClient())
+    return results
+def get_info(iperf_clients):
+    """Placeholder for info about iperf clients
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    return None
+def destroy(_):
+    # No cleanup needed.
+    pass
+class RouteNotFound(ConnectionError):
+    """Failed to find a route to the iperf server."""
+class IPerfClientBase(ABC):
+    """The Base class for all IPerfClients.
+    This base class is responsible for synchronizing the logging to prevent
+    multiple IPerfClients from writing results to the same file, as well
+    as providing the interface for IPerfClient objects.
+    """
+    # Keeps track of the number of IPerfClient logs to prevent file name
+    # collisions.
+    __log_file_counter = 0
+    __log_file_lock = threading.Lock()
+    @property
+    @abstractmethod
+    def test_interface(self) -> str | None:
+        """Find the test interface.
+        Returns:
+            Name of the interface used to communicate with server_ap, or None if
+            not set.
+        """
+        ...
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_full_file_path(tag: str = ""):
+        """Returns the full file path for the IPerfClient log file.
+        Note: If the directory for the file path does not exist, it will be
+        created.
+        Args:
+            tag: The tag passed in to the server run.
+        """
+        current_context = context.get_current_context()
+        full_out_dir = os.path.join(
+            current_context.get_full_output_path(), "iperf_client_files"
+        )
+        with IPerfClientBase.__log_file_lock:
+            os.makedirs(full_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
+            tags = ["IPerfClient", tag, IPerfClientBase.__log_file_counter]
+            out_file_name = "%s.log" % (
+                ",".join([str(x) for x in tags if x != "" and x is not None])
+            )
+            IPerfClientBase.__log_file_counter += 1
+        return os.path.join(full_out_dir, out_file_name)
+    def start(self, ip, iperf_args, tag, timeout=3600, iperf_binary=None):
+        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
+        Args:
+            ip: iperf server ip address.
+            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
+                client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
+            tag: A string to further identify iperf results file
+            timeout: the maximum amount of time the iperf client can run.
+            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
+                the binary is in the path.
+        Returns:
+            full_out_path: iperf result path.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("start() must be implemented.")
+class IPerfClient(IPerfClientBase):
+    """Class that handles iperf3 client operations."""
+    @property
+    def test_interface(self) -> str | None:
+        return None
+    def start(self, ip, iperf_args, tag, timeout=3600, iperf_binary=None):
+        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
+        Args:
+            ip: iperf server ip address.
+            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
+            client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
+            tag: tag to further identify iperf results file
+            timeout: unused.
+            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
+                the binary is in the path.
+        Returns:
+            full_out_path: iperf result path.
+        """
+        if not iperf_binary:
+            logging.debug(
+                "No iperf3 binary specified.  " "Assuming iperf3 is in the path."
+            )
+            iperf_binary = "iperf3"
+        else:
+            logging.debug(f"Using iperf3 binary located at {iperf_binary}")
+        iperf_cmd = [str(iperf_binary), "-c", ip] + iperf_args.split(" ")
+        full_out_path = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
+        with open(full_out_path, "w") as out_file:
+            subprocess.call(iperf_cmd, stdout=out_file)
+        return full_out_path
+class IPerfClientOverSsh(IPerfClientBase):
+    """Class that handles iperf3 client operations on remote machines."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ssh_provider: SSHProvider,
+        test_interface: str | None = None,
+    ):
+        self._ssh_provider = ssh_provider
+        self._test_interface = test_interface
+    @property
+    def test_interface(self) -> str | None:
+        return self._test_interface
+    def start(
+        self,
+        ip: str,
+        iperf_args: str,
+        tag: str,
+        timeout: int = 3600,
+        iperf_binary: str | None = None,
+    ):
+        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
+        Args:
+            ip: iperf server ip address.
+            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
+            client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
+            tag: tag to further identify iperf results file
+            timeout: the maximum amount of time to allow the iperf client to run
+            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
+                the binary is in the path.
+        Returns:
+            full_out_path: iperf result path.
+        """
+        if not iperf_binary:
+            logging.debug(
+                "No iperf3 binary specified.  " "Assuming iperf3 is in the path."
+            )
+            iperf_binary = "iperf3"
+        else:
+            logging.debug(f"Using iperf3 binary located at {iperf_binary}")
+        iperf_cmd = f"{iperf_binary} -c {ip} {iperf_args}"
+        full_out_path = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
+        try:
+            iperf_process = self._ssh_provider.run(iperf_cmd, timeout_sec=timeout)
+            iperf_output = iperf_process.stdout
+            with open(full_out_path, "w") as out_file:
+                out_file.write(iperf_output)
+        except socket.timeout:
+            raise TimeoutError(
+                "Socket timeout. Timed out waiting for iperf " "client to finish."
+            )
+        except Exception as err:
+            logging.exception(f"iperf run failed: {err}")
+        return full_out_path
+class IPerfClientOverAdb(IPerfClientBase):
+    """Class that handles iperf3 operations over ADB devices."""
+    def __init__(
+        self, android_device_or_serial: object, test_interface: str | None = None
+    ):
+        """Creates a new IPerfClientOverAdb object.
+        Args:
+            android_device_or_serial: Either an AndroidDevice object, or the
+                serial that corresponds to the AndroidDevice. Note that the
+                serial must be present in an AndroidDevice entry in the ACTS
+                config.
+            test_interface: The network interface that will be used to send
+                traffic to the iperf server.
+        """
+        self._android_device_or_serial = android_device_or_serial
+        self._test_interface = test_interface
+    @property
+    def test_interface(self) -> str | None:
+        return self._test_interface
+    @property
+    def _android_device(self):
+        if isinstance(self._android_device_or_serial, AndroidDevice):
+            return self._android_device_or_serial
+        else:
+            return _AndroidDeviceBridge.android_devices()[
+                self._android_device_or_serial
+            ]
+    def start(self, ip, iperf_args, tag, timeout=3600, iperf_binary=None):
+        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
+        Args:
+            ip: iperf server ip address.
+            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
+            client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
+            tag: tag to further identify iperf results file
+            timeout: the maximum amount of time to allow the iperf client to run
+            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
+                the binary is in the path.
+        Returns:
+            The iperf result file path.
+        """
+        clean_out = ""
+        try:
+            if not iperf_binary:
+                logging.debug(
+                    "No iperf3 binary specified.  " "Assuming iperf3 is in the path."
+                )
+                iperf_binary = "iperf3"
+            else:
+                logging.debug(f"Using iperf3 binary located at {iperf_binary}")
+            iperf_cmd = f"{iperf_binary} -c {ip} {iperf_args}"
+            out = self._android_device.adb.shell(str(iperf_cmd), timeout=timeout)
+            clean_out = out.split("\n")
+            if "error" in clean_out[0].lower():
+                raise IPerfError(clean_out)
+        except (job.TimeoutError, AdbCommandError):
+            logging.warning("TimeoutError: Iperf measurement failed.")
+        full_out_path = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
+        with open(full_out_path, "w") as out_file:
+            out_file.write("\n".join(clean_out))
+        return full_out_path
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5851ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import threading
+import time
+from antlion import context
+from antlion import logger as acts_logger
+from antlion import utils
+from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection, settings
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
+from antlion.event.event import TestClassBeginEvent, TestClassEndEvent
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+KILOBITS = 1024
+def create(configs):
+    """Factory method for iperf servers.
+    The function creates iperf servers based on at least one config.
+    If configs only specify a port number, a regular local IPerfServer object
+    will be created. If configs contains ssh settings or and AndroidDevice,
+    remote iperf servers will be started on those devices
+    Args:
+        configs: config parameters for the iperf server
+    """
+    results = []
+    for c in configs:
+        if type(c) in (str, int) and str(c).isdigit():
+            results.append(IPerfServer(int(c)))
+        elif type(c) is dict and "AndroidDevice" in c and "port" in c:
+            results.append(IPerfServerOverAdb(c["AndroidDevice"], c["port"]))
+        elif type(c) is dict and "ssh_config" in c and "port" in c:
+            results.append(
+                IPerfServerOverSsh(
+                    settings.from_config(c["ssh_config"]),
+                    c["port"],
+                    test_interface=c.get("test_interface"),
+                    use_killall=c.get("use_killall"),
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Config entry %s in %s is not a valid IPerfServer "
+                "config." % (repr(c), configs)
+            )
+    return results
+def get_info(iperf_servers):
+    """Placeholder for info about iperf servers
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    return None
+def destroy(iperf_server_list):
+    for iperf_server in iperf_server_list:
+        try:
+            iperf_server.stop()
+        except Exception:
+            logging.exception(f"Unable to properly clean up {iperf_server}.")
+class IPerfResult(object):
+    def __init__(self, result_path, reporting_speed_units="Mbytes"):
+        """Loads iperf result from file.
+        Loads iperf result from JSON formatted server log. File can be accessed
+        before or after server is stopped. Note that only the first JSON object
+        will be loaded and this funtion is not intended to be used with files
+        containing multiple iperf client runs.
+        """
+        # if result_path isn't a path, treat it as JSON
+        self.reporting_speed_units = reporting_speed_units
+        if not os.path.exists(result_path):
+            self.result = json.loads(result_path)
+        else:
+            try:
+                with open(result_path, "r") as f:
+                    iperf_output = f.readlines()
+                    if "}\n" in iperf_output:
+                        iperf_output = iperf_output[: iperf_output.index("}\n") + 1]
+                    iperf_string = "".join(iperf_output)
+                    iperf_string = iperf_string.replace("nan", "0")
+                    self.result = json.loads(iperf_string)
+            except ValueError:
+                with open(result_path, "r") as f:
+                    # Possibly a result from interrupted iperf run,
+                    # skip first line and try again.
+                    lines = f.readlines()[1:]
+                    self.result = json.loads("".join(lines))
+    def _has_data(self):
+        """Checks if the iperf result has valid throughput data.
+        Returns:
+            True if the result contains throughput data. False otherwise.
+        """
+        return ("end" in self.result) and (
+            "sum_received" in self.result["end"] or "sum" in self.result["end"]
+        )
+    def _get_reporting_speed(
+        self, network_speed_in_bits_per_second: int | float
+    ) -> float:
+        """Sets the units for the network speed reporting based on how the
+        object was initiated.  Defaults to Megabytes per second.  Currently
+        supported, bits per second (bits), kilobits per second (kbits), megabits
+        per second (mbits), gigabits per second (gbits), bytes per second
+        (bytes), kilobits per second (kbytes), megabits per second (mbytes),
+        gigabytes per second (gbytes).
+        Args:
+            network_speed_in_bits_per_second: The network speed from iperf in
+                bits per second.
+        Returns:
+            The value of the throughput in the appropriate units.
+        """
+        speed_divisor = 1
+        if self.reporting_speed_units[1:].lower() == "bytes":
+            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * BITS_IN_BYTE
+        if self.reporting_speed_units[0:1].lower() == "k":
+            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * KILOBITS
+        if self.reporting_speed_units[0:1].lower() == "m":
+            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * MEGABITS
+        if self.reporting_speed_units[0:1].lower() == "g":
+            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * GIGABITS
+        return network_speed_in_bits_per_second / speed_divisor
+    def get_json(self):
+        """Returns the raw json output from iPerf."""
+        return self.result
+    @property
+    def error(self):
+        return self.result.get("error", None)
+    @property
+    def avg_rate(self):
+        """Average UDP rate in MB/s over the entire run.
+        This is the average UDP rate observed at the terminal the iperf result
+        is pulled from. According to iperf3 documentation this is calculated
+        based on bytes sent and thus is not a good representation of the
+        quality of the link. If the result is not from a success run, this
+        property is None.
+        """
+        if not self._has_data() or "sum" not in self.result["end"]:
+            return None
+        bps = self.result["end"]["sum"]["bits_per_second"]
+        return self._get_reporting_speed(bps)
+    @property
+    def avg_receive_rate(self):
+        """Average receiving rate in MB/s over the entire run.
+        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
+        from a success run, this property is None.
+        """
+        if not self._has_data() or "sum_received" not in self.result["end"]:
+            return None
+        bps = self.result["end"]["sum_received"]["bits_per_second"]
+        return self._get_reporting_speed(bps)
+    @property
+    def avg_send_rate(self):
+        """Average sending rate in MB/s over the entire run.
+        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
+        from a success run, this property is None.
+        """
+        if not self._has_data() or "sum_sent" not in self.result["end"]:
+            return None
+        bps = self.result["end"]["sum_sent"]["bits_per_second"]
+        return self._get_reporting_speed(bps)
+    @property
+    def instantaneous_rates(self):
+        """Instantaneous received rate in MB/s over entire run.
+        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
+        from a success run, this property is None.
+        """
+        if not self._has_data():
+            return None
+        intervals = [
+            self._get_reporting_speed(interval["sum"]["bits_per_second"])
+            for interval in self.result["intervals"]
+        ]
+        return intervals
+    @property
+    def std_deviation(self):
+        """Standard deviation of rates in MB/s over entire run.
+        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
+        from a success run, this property is None.
+        """
+        return self.get_std_deviation(0)
+    def get_std_deviation(self, iperf_ignored_interval):
+        """Standard deviation of rates in MB/s over entire run.
+        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
+        from a success run, this property is None. A configurable number of
+        beginning (and the single last) intervals are ignored in the
+        calculation as they are inaccurate (e.g. the last is from a very small
+        interval)
+        Args:
+            iperf_ignored_interval: number of iperf interval to ignored in
+            calculating standard deviation
+        Returns:
+            The standard deviation.
+        """
+        if not self._has_data():
+            return None
+        instantaneous_rates = self.instantaneous_rates[iperf_ignored_interval:-1]
+        avg_rate = math.fsum(instantaneous_rates) / len(instantaneous_rates)
+        sqd_deviations = [(rate - avg_rate) ** 2 for rate in instantaneous_rates]
+        std_dev = math.sqrt(math.fsum(sqd_deviations) / (len(sqd_deviations) - 1))
+        return std_dev
+class IPerfServerBase(object):
+    # Keeps track of the number of IPerfServer logs to prevent file name
+    # collisions.
+    __log_file_counter = 0
+    __log_file_lock = threading.Lock()
+    def __init__(self, port: int):
+        self._port = port
+        # TODO(markdr): We shouldn't be storing the log files in an array like
+        # this. Nobody should be reading this property either. Instead, the
+        # IPerfResult should be returned in stop() with all the necessary info.
+        # See aosp/1012824 for a WIP implementation.
+        self.log_files = []
+    @property
+    def port(self) -> int:
+        raise NotImplementedError("port must be specified.")
+    @property
+    def started(self) -> bool:
+        raise NotImplementedError("started must be specified.")
+    def start(self, extra_args: int = "", tag: str = "") -> None:
+        """Starts an iperf3 server.
+        Args:
+            extra_args: Extra arguments to start iperf server with.
+            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
+                iperf runs.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("start() must be specified.")
+    def stop(self) -> str:
+        """Stops the iperf server.
+        Returns:
+            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("stop() must be specified.")
+    def _get_full_file_path(self, tag: str | None = None) -> str:
+        """Returns the full file path for the IPerfServer log file.
+        Note: If the directory for the file path does not exist, it will be
+        created.
+        Args:
+            tag: The tag passed in to the server run.
+        """
+        out_dir = self.log_path
+        with IPerfServerBase.__log_file_lock:
+            tags = [tag, IPerfServerBase.__log_file_counter]
+            out_file_name = "IPerfServer,%s.log" % (
+                ",".join([str(x) for x in tags if x != "" and x is not None])
+            )
+            IPerfServerBase.__log_file_counter += 1
+        file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_file_name)
+        self.log_files.append(file_path)
+        return file_path
+    @property
+    def log_path(self) -> str:
+        current_context = context.get_current_context()
+        full_out_dir = os.path.join(
+            current_context.get_full_output_path(), f"IPerfServer{self.port}"
+        )
+        # Ensure the directory exists.
+        os.makedirs(full_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        return full_out_dir
+def _get_port_from_ss_output(ss_output, pid):
+    pid = str(pid)
+    lines = ss_output.split("\n")
+    for line in lines:
+        if pid in line:
+            # Expected format:
+            # tcp LISTEN  0 5 *:<PORT>  *:* users:(("cmd",pid=<PID>,fd=3))
+            return line.split()[4].split(":")[-1]
+    else:
+        raise ProcessLookupError("Could not find started iperf3 process.")
+class IPerfServer(IPerfServerBase):
+    """Class that handles iperf server commands on localhost."""
+    def __init__(self, port=5201):
+        super().__init__(port)
+        self._hinted_port = port
+        self._current_log_file = None
+        self._iperf_process = None
+        self._last_opened_file = None
+    @property
+    def port(self):
+        return self._port
+    @property
+    def started(self):
+        return self._iperf_process is not None
+    def start(self, extra_args="", tag=""):
+        """Starts iperf server on local machine.
+        Args:
+            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments to start iperf
+                server with.
+            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
+                iperf runs.
+        """
+        if self._iperf_process is not None:
+            return
+        self._current_log_file = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
+        # Run an iperf3 server on the hinted port with JSON output.
+        command = ["iperf3", "-s", "-p", str(self._hinted_port), "-J"]
+        command.extend(shlex.split(extra_args))
+        if self._last_opened_file:
+            self._last_opened_file.close()
+        self._last_opened_file = open(self._current_log_file, "w")
+        self._iperf_process = subprocess.Popen(
+            command, stdout=self._last_opened_file, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL
+        )
+        for attempts_left in reversed(range(3)):
+            try:
+                self._port = int(
+                    _get_port_from_ss_output(
+                        job.run("ss -l -p -n | grep iperf").stdout,
+                        self._iperf_process.pid,
+                    )
+                )
+                break
+            except ProcessLookupError:
+                if attempts_left == 0:
+                    raise
+                logging.debug("iperf3 process not started yet.")
+                time.sleep(0.01)
+    def stop(self):
+        """Stops the iperf server.
+        Returns:
+            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
+        """
+        if self._iperf_process is None:
+            return
+        if self._last_opened_file:
+            self._last_opened_file.close()
+            self._last_opened_file = None
+        self._iperf_process.terminate()
+        self._iperf_process = None
+        return self._current_log_file
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.stop()
+class IPerfServerOverSsh(IPerfServerBase):
+    """Class that handles iperf3 operations on remote machines."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ssh_settings: settings.SshSettings,
+        port: int,
+        test_interface: str | None = None,
+        use_killall: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(port)
+        self.ssh_settings = ssh_settings
+        self.log = acts_logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
+            f"IPerfServer | {self.ssh_settings.hostname}"
+        )
+        self._ssh_session = None
+        self.start_ssh()
+        self._iperf_pid = None
+        self._current_tag = None
+        self.hostname = self.ssh_settings.hostname
+        self._use_killall = str(use_killall).lower() == "true"
+        if test_interface:
+            self.test_interface = test_interface
+        else:
+            # A test interface can only be found if an ip address is specified.
+            # A fully qualified hostname will get_interface_based_on_ip to fail,
+            # raising RuntimeError.
+            self.test_interface = utils.get_interface_based_on_ip(
+                self._ssh_session, self.hostname
+            )
+    @property
+    def port(self) -> int:
+        return self._port
+    @property
+    def started(self) -> bool:
+        return self._iperf_pid is not None
+    def _get_remote_log_path(self) -> str:
+        return f"/tmp/iperf_server_port{self.port}.log"
+    def get_interface_ip_addresses(self, interface: str) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
+        """Gets all of the ip addresses, ipv4 and ipv6, associated with a
+           particular interface name.
+        Args:
+            interface: The interface name on the device, ie eth0
+        Returns:
+            A list of dictionaries of the various IP addresses. See
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses.
+        """
+        if not self._ssh_session:
+            self.start_ssh()
+        return utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(self._ssh_session, interface)
+    def renew_test_interface_ip_address(self) -> None:
+        """Renews the test interface's IPv4 address.
+        Necessary for changing DHCP scopes during a test.
+        """
+        if not self._ssh_session:
+            self.start_ssh()
+        utils.renew_linux_ip_address(self._ssh_session, self.test_interface)
+    def get_addr(
+        self, addr_type: str = "ipv4_private", timeout_sec: int | None = None
+    ) -> str:
+        """Wait until a type of IP address on the test interface is available
+        then return it.
+        """
+        if not self._ssh_session:
+            self.start_ssh()
+        return utils.get_addr(
+            self._ssh_session, self.test_interface, addr_type, timeout_sec
+        )
+    def _cleanup_iperf_port(self) -> None:
+        """Checks and kills zombie iperf servers occupying intended port."""
+        iperf_check_cmd = (
+            "netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | grep iperf3" " | grep :{}"
+        ).format(self.port)
+        iperf_check = self._ssh_session.run(iperf_check_cmd, ignore_status=True)
+        iperf_check = iperf_check.stdout
+        if iperf_check:
+            logging.debug(f"Killing zombie server on port {self.port}")
+            iperf_pid = iperf_check.split(" ")[-1].split("/")[0]
+            self._ssh_session.run(f"kill -9 {str(iperf_pid)}")
+    def start(
+        self, extra_args: str = "", tag: str = "", iperf_binary: str | None = None
+    ) -> None:
+        """Starts iperf server on specified machine and port.
+        Args:
+            extra_args: Extra arguments to start iperf server with.
+            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
+                iperf runs.
+            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
+                the binary is in the path.
+        """
+        if self.started:
+            return
+        if not self._ssh_session:
+            self.start_ssh()
+        self._cleanup_iperf_port()
+        if not iperf_binary:
+            logging.debug(
+                "No iperf3 binary specified.  " "Assuming iperf3 is in the path."
+            )
+            iperf_binary = "iperf3"
+        else:
+            logging.debug(f"Using iperf3 binary located at {iperf_binary}")
+        iperf_command = f"{iperf_binary} -s -J -p {self.port}"
+        cmd = f"{iperf_command} {extra_args} > {self._get_remote_log_path()}"
+        job_result = self._ssh_session.run_async(cmd)
+        self._iperf_pid = job_result.stdout
+        self._current_tag = tag
+    def stop(self) -> str:
+        """Stops the iperf server.
+        Returns:
+            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
+        """
+        if not self.started:
+            return
+        if self._use_killall:
+            self._ssh_session.run("killall iperf3", ignore_status=True)
+        else:
+            self._ssh_session.run_async(f"kill -9 {str(self._iperf_pid)}")
+        iperf_result = self._ssh_session.run(f"cat {self._get_remote_log_path()}")
+        log_file = self._get_full_file_path(self._current_tag)
+        with open(log_file, "w") as f:
+            f.write(iperf_result.stdout)
+        self._ssh_session.run_async(f"rm {self._get_remote_log_path()}")
+        self._iperf_pid = None
+        return log_file
+    def start_ssh(self) -> None:
+        """Starts an ssh session to the iperf server."""
+        if not self._ssh_session:
+            self._ssh_session = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
+    def close_ssh(self) -> None:
+        """Closes the ssh session to the iperf server, if one exists, preventing
+        connection reset errors when rebooting server device.
+        """
+        if self.started:
+            self.stop()
+        if self._ssh_session:
+            self._ssh_session.close()
+            self._ssh_session = None
+# TODO(markdr): Remove this after automagic controller creation has been
+# removed.
+class _AndroidDeviceBridge(object):
+    """A helper class for connecting serial numbers to AndroidDevices."""
+    _test_class = None
+    @staticmethod
+    @subscribe_static(TestClassBeginEvent)
+    def on_test_begin(event):
+        _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class = event.test_class
+    @staticmethod
+    @subscribe_static(TestClassEndEvent)
+    def on_test_end(_):
+        _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def android_devices():
+        """A dict of serial -> AndroidDevice, where AndroidDevice is a device
+        found in the current TestClass's controllers.
+        """
+        if not _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class:
+            return {}
+        return {
+            device.serial: device
+            for device in _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class.android_devices
+        }
+class IPerfServerOverAdb(IPerfServerBase):
+    """Class that handles iperf3 operations over ADB devices."""
+    def __init__(self, android_device_or_serial, port):
+        """Creates a new IPerfServerOverAdb object.
+        Args:
+            android_device_or_serial: Either an AndroidDevice object, or the
+                serial that corresponds to the AndroidDevice. Note that the
+                serial must be present in an AndroidDevice entry in the ACTS
+                config.
+            port: The port number to open the iperf server on.
+        """
+        super().__init__(port)
+        self._android_device_or_serial = android_device_or_serial
+        self._iperf_process = None
+        self._current_tag = ""
+    @property
+    def port(self):
+        return self._port
+    @property
+    def started(self):
+        return self._iperf_process is not None
+    @property
+    def _android_device(self):
+        if isinstance(self._android_device_or_serial, AndroidDevice):
+            return self._android_device_or_serial
+        else:
+            return _AndroidDeviceBridge.android_devices()[
+                self._android_device_or_serial
+            ]
+    def _get_device_log_path(self):
+        return f"~/data/iperf_server_port{self.port}.log"
+    def start(self, extra_args="", tag="", iperf_binary=None):
+        """Starts iperf server on an ADB device.
+        Args:
+            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments to start iperf
+                server with.
+            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
+                iperf runs.
+            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
+                the binary is in the path.
+        """
+        if self._iperf_process is not None:
+            return
+        if not iperf_binary:
+            logging.debug(
+                "No iperf3 binary specified.  " "Assuming iperf3 is in the path."
+            )
+            iperf_binary = "iperf3"
+        else:
+            logging.debug(f"Using iperf3 binary located at {iperf_binary}")
+        iperf_command = f"{iperf_binary} -s -J -p {self.port}"
+        self._iperf_process = self._android_device.adb.shell_nb(
+            f"{iperf_command} {extra_args} > {self._get_device_log_path()} 2>&1"
+        )
+        self._iperf_process_adb_pid = ""
+        while len(self._iperf_process_adb_pid) == 0:
+            self._iperf_process_adb_pid = self._android_device.adb.shell(
+                "pgrep iperf3 -n"
+            )
+        self._current_tag = tag
+    def stop(self):
+        """Stops the iperf server.
+        Returns:
+            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
+        """
+        if self._iperf_process is None:
+            return
+        job.run(f"kill -9 {self._iperf_process.pid}")
+        # TODO(markdr): update with definitive kill method
+        while True:
+            iperf_process_list = self._android_device.adb.shell("pgrep iperf3")
+            if iperf_process_list.find(self._iperf_process_adb_pid) == -1:
+                break
+            else:
+                self._android_device.adb.shell(f"kill -9 {self._iperf_process_adb_pid}")
+        iperf_result = self._android_device.adb.shell(
+            f"cat {self._get_device_log_path()}"
+        )
+        log_file = self._get_full_file_path(self._current_tag)
+        with open(log_file, "w") as f:
+            f.write(iperf_result)
+        self._android_device.adb.shell(f"rm {self._get_device_log_path()}")
+        self._iperf_process = None
+        return log_file
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_ap.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_ap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d778c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_ap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+"""Controller for Open WRT access point."""
+import random
+import re
+import time
+from typing import Literal
+import yaml
+from antlion import logger, signals
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib import (
+    network_settings,
+    wireless_config,
+    wireless_settings_applier,
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.openwrt_constants import SYSTEM_INFO_CMD
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.openwrt_constants import (
+    OpenWrtModelMap as modelmap,
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.openwrt_constants import OpenWrtWifiSetting
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection, settings
+SAEMIXED_SECURITY = "sae-mixed"
+DEFAULT_RADIOS = ("radio0", "radio1")
+def create(configs):
+    """Creates ap controllers from a json config.
+    Creates an ap controller from either a list, or a single element. The element
+    can either be just the hostname or a dictionary containing the hostname and
+    username of the AP to connect to over SSH.
+    Args:
+      configs: The json configs that represent this controller.
+    Returns:
+      AccessPoint object
+    Example:
+      Below is the config file entry for OpenWrtAP as a list. A testbed can have
+      1 or more APs to configure. Each AP has a "ssh_config" key to provide SSH
+      login information. OpenWrtAP#__init__() uses this to create SSH object.
+        "OpenWrtAP": [
+          {
+            "ssh_config": {
+              "user" : "root",
+              "host" : ""
+            }
+          },
+          {
+            "ssh_config": {
+              "user" : "root",
+              "host" : ""
+            }
+          }
+        ]
+    """
+    return [OpenWrtAP(c) for c in configs]
+def destroy(aps):
+    """Destroys a list of AccessPoints.
+    Args:
+      aps: The list of AccessPoints to destroy.
+    """
+    for ap in aps:
+        ap.close()
+        ap.close_ssh()
+def get_info(aps):
+    """Get information on a list of access points.
+    Args:
+      aps: A list of AccessPoints.
+    Returns:
+      A list of all aps hostname.
+    """
+    return [ap.ssh_settings.hostname for ap in aps]
+BSSIDMap = dict[Literal["2g", "5g"], dict[str, str]]
+class OpenWrtAP(object):
+    """An AccessPoint controller.
+    Attributes:
+      ssh: The ssh connection to the AP.
+      ssh_settings: The ssh settings being used by the ssh connection.
+      log: Logging object for AccessPoint.
+      wireless_setting: object holding wireless configuration.
+      network_setting: Object for network configuration.
+      model: OpenWrt HW model.
+      radios: Fit interface for test.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        """Initialize AP."""
+        self.ssh_settings = settings.from_config(config["ssh_config"])
+        self.ssh = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(
+            lambda msg: f"[OpenWrtAP|{self.ssh_settings.hostname}] {msg}"
+        )
+        self.wireless_setting: wireless_settings_applier.WirelessSettingsApplier | None = (
+            None
+        )
+        self.network_setting = network_settings.NetworkSettings(
+            self.ssh, self.ssh_settings, self.log
+        )
+        self.model = self.get_model_name()
+        if self.model in modelmap.__dict__:
+            self.radios = modelmap.__dict__[self.model]
+        else:
+            self.radios = DEFAULT_RADIOS
+    def configure_ap(
+        self,
+        wireless_configs: list[wireless_config.WirelessConfig],
+        channel_2g: int,
+        channel_5g: int,
+    ):
+        """Configure AP with the required settings.
+        Each test class inherits WifiBaseTest. Based on the test, we may need to
+        configure PSK, WEP, OPEN, ENT networks on 2G and 5G bands in any
+        combination. We call WifiBaseTest methods get_psk_network(),
+        get_open_network(), get_wep_network() and get_ent_network() to create
+        dictionaries which contains this information. 'wifi_configs' is a list of
+        such dictionaries. Example below configures 2 WiFi networks - 1 PSK 2G and
+        1 Open 5G on one AP. configure_ap() is called from WifiBaseTest to
+        configure the APs.
+        wifi_configs = [
+          {
+            '2g': {
+              'SSID': '2g_AkqXWPK4',
+              'security': 'psk2',
+              'password': 'YgYuXqDO9H',
+              'hiddenSSID': False
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            '5g': {
+              'SSID': '5g_8IcMR1Sg',
+              'security': 'none',
+              'hiddenSSID': False
+            },
+          }
+        ]
+        Args:
+          wifi_configs: list of network settings for 2G and 5G bands.
+          channel_2g: channel for 2G band.
+          channel_5g: channel for 5G band.
+        """
+        self.wireless_setting = wireless_settings_applier.WirelessSettingsApplier(
+            self.ssh,
+            wireless_configs,
+            channel_2g,
+            channel_5g,
+            self.radios[1],
+            self.radios[0],
+        )
+        self.wireless_setting.apply_wireless_settings()
+    def start_ap(self):
+        """Starts the AP with the settings in /etc/config/wireless."""
+        self.ssh.run("wifi up")
+        curr_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() < curr_time + WAIT_TIME:
+            if self.get_wifi_status():
+                return
+            time.sleep(3)
+        if not self.get_wifi_status():
+            raise ValueError("Failed to turn on WiFi on the AP.")
+    def stop_ap(self):
+        """Stops the AP."""
+        self.ssh.run("wifi down")
+        curr_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() < curr_time + WAIT_TIME:
+            if not self.get_wifi_status():
+                return
+            time.sleep(3)
+        if self.get_wifi_status():
+            raise ValueError("Failed to turn off WiFi on the AP.")
+    def get_bssids_for_wifi_networks(self) -> BSSIDMap:
+        """Get BSSIDs for wifi networks configured.
+        Returns:
+          Dictionary of SSID - BSSID map for both bands.
+        """
+        bssid_map: BSSIDMap = {"2g": {}, "5g": {}}
+        for radio in self.radios:
+            ssid_ifname_map = self.get_ifnames_for_ssids(radio)
+            if radio == self.radios[0]:
+                for ssid, ifname in ssid_ifname_map.items():
+                    bssid_map["5g"][ssid] = self.get_bssid(ifname)
+            elif radio == self.radios[1]:
+                for ssid, ifname in ssid_ifname_map.items():
+                    bssid_map["2g"][ssid] = self.get_bssid(ifname)
+        return bssid_map
+    def get_ifnames_for_ssids(self, radio) -> dict[str, str]:
+        """Get interfaces for wifi networks.
+        Args:
+          radio: 2g or 5g radio get the bssids from.
+        Returns:
+          dictionary of ssid - ifname mappings.
+        """
+        ssid_ifname_map: dict[str, str] = {}
+        str_output = self.ssh.run(f"wifi status {radio}").stdout
+        wifi_status = yaml.load(
+            str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader
+        )
+        wifi_status = wifi_status[radio]
+        if wifi_status["up"]:
+            interfaces = wifi_status["interfaces"]
+            for config in interfaces:
+                ssid = config["config"]["ssid"]
+                ifname = config["ifname"]
+                ssid_ifname_map[ssid] = ifname
+        return ssid_ifname_map
+    def get_bssid(self, ifname):
+        """Get MAC address from an interface.
+        Args:
+          ifname: interface name of the corresponding MAC.
+        Returns:
+          BSSID of the interface.
+        """
+        ifconfig = self.ssh.run(f"ifconfig {ifname}").stdout
+        mac_addr = ifconfig.split("\n")[0].split()[-1]
+        return mac_addr
+    def set_wpa_encryption(self, encryption):
+        """Set different encryptions to wpa or wpa2.
+        Args:
+          encryption: ccmp, tkip, or ccmp+tkip.
+        """
+        str_output = self.ssh.run("wifi status").stdout
+        wifi_status = yaml.load(
+            str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader
+        )
+        # Counting how many interface are enabled.
+        total_interface = 0
+        for radio in self.radios:
+            num_interface = len(wifi_status[radio]["interfaces"])
+            total_interface += num_interface
+        # Iterates every interface to get and set wpa encryption.
+        default_extra_interface = 2
+        for i in range(total_interface + default_extra_interface):
+            origin_encryption = self.ssh.run(
+                f"uci get wireless.@wifi-iface[{i}].encryption"
+            ).stdout
+            origin_psk_pattern = re.match(r"psk\b", origin_encryption)
+            target_psk_pattern = re.match(r"psk\b", encryption)
+            origin_psk2_pattern = re.match(r"psk2\b", origin_encryption)
+            target_psk2_pattern = re.match(r"psk2\b", encryption)
+            if origin_psk_pattern == target_psk_pattern:
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{i}].encryption={encryption}"
+                )
+            if origin_psk2_pattern == target_psk2_pattern:
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{i}].encryption={encryption}"
+                )
+        self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
+        self.ssh.run("wifi")
+    def set_password(self, pwd_5g=None, pwd_2g=None):
+        """Set password for individual interface.
+        Args:
+            pwd_5g: 8 ~ 63 chars, ascii letters and digits password for 5g network.
+            pwd_2g: 8 ~ 63 chars, ascii letters and digits password for 2g network.
+        """
+        if pwd_5g:
+            if len(pwd_5g) < 8 or len(pwd_5g) > 63:
+                self.log.error("Password must be 8~63 characters long")
+            # Only accept ascii letters and digits
+            elif not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]*$", pwd_5g):
+                self.log.error("Password must only contains ascii letters and digits")
+            else:
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{3}].key={pwd_5g}")
+                self.log.info(f"Set 5G password to :{pwd_5g}")
+        if pwd_2g:
+            if len(pwd_2g) < 8 or len(pwd_2g) > 63:
+                self.log.error("Password must be 8~63 characters long")
+            # Only accept ascii letters and digits
+            elif not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]*$", pwd_2g):
+                self.log.error("Password must only contains ascii letters and digits")
+            else:
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{2}].key={pwd_2g}")
+                self.log.info(f"Set 2G password to :{pwd_2g}")
+        self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
+        self.ssh.run("wifi")
+    def set_ssid(self, ssid_5g=None, ssid_2g=None):
+        """Set SSID for individual interface.
+        Args:
+            ssid_5g: 8 ~ 63 chars for 5g network.
+            ssid_2g: 8 ~ 63 chars for 2g network.
+        """
+        if ssid_5g:
+            if len(ssid_5g) < 8 or len(ssid_5g) > 63:
+                self.log.error("SSID must be 8~63 characters long")
+            # Only accept ascii letters and digits
+            else:
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{3}].ssid={ssid_5g}")
+                self.log.info(f"Set 5G SSID to :{ssid_5g}")
+        if ssid_2g:
+            if len(ssid_2g) < 8 or len(ssid_2g) > 63:
+                self.log.error("SSID must be 8~63 characters long")
+            # Only accept ascii letters and digits
+            else:
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{2}].ssid={ssid_2g}")
+                self.log.info(f"Set 2G SSID to :{ssid_2g}")
+        self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
+        self.ssh.run("wifi")
+    def generate_mobility_domain(self):
+        """Generate 4-character hexadecimal ID.
+        Returns:
+          String; a 4-character hexadecimal ID.
+        """
+        md = f"{random.getrandbits(16):04x}"
+        self.log.info(f"Mobility Domain ID: {md}")
+        return md
+    def enable_80211r(self, iface, md):
+        """Enable 802.11r for one single radio.
+        Args:
+          iface: index number of wifi-iface.
+                  2: radio1
+                  3: radio0
+          md: mobility domain. a 4-character hexadecimal ID.
+        Raises:
+          TestSkip if 2g or 5g radio is not up or 802.11r is not enabled.
+        """
+        str_output = self.ssh.run("wifi status").stdout
+        wifi_status = yaml.load(
+            str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader
+        )
+        # Check if the radio is up.
+        if iface == OpenWrtWifiSetting.IFACE_2G:
+            if wifi_status[self.radios[1]]["up"]:
+                self.log.info("2g network is ENABLED")
+            else:
+                raise signals.TestSkip("2g network is NOT ENABLED")
+        elif iface == OpenWrtWifiSetting.IFACE_5G:
+            if wifi_status[self.radios[0]]["up"]:
+                self.log.info("5g network is ENABLED")
+            else:
+                raise signals.TestSkip("5g network is NOT ENABLED")
+        # Setup 802.11r.
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{iface}].ieee80211r='1'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{iface}].ft_psk_generate_local='1'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{iface}].mobility_domain='{md}'")
+        self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
+        self.ssh.run("wifi")
+        # Check if 802.11r is enabled.
+        result = self.ssh.run(
+            f"uci get wireless.@wifi-iface[{iface}].ieee80211r"
+        ).stdout
+        if result == "1":
+            self.log.info("802.11r is ENABLED")
+        else:
+            raise signals.TestSkip("802.11r is NOT ENABLED")
+    def get_wifi_network(self, security=None, band=None):
+        """Return first match wifi interface's config.
+        Args:
+          security: psk2 or none
+          band: '2g' or '5g'
+        Returns:
+          A dict contains match wifi interface's config.
+        """
+        if not self.wireless_setting:
+            raise RuntimeError("The AP has not been configured yet; run configure_ap()")
+        for wifi_iface in self.wireless_setting.wireless_configs:
+            match_list = []
+            wifi_network = wifi_iface.__dict__
+            if security:
+                match_list.append(security == wifi_network["security"])
+            if band:
+                match_list.append(band == wifi_network["band"])
+            if all(match_list):
+                wifi_network["SSID"] = wifi_network["ssid"]
+                if not wifi_network["password"]:
+                    del wifi_network["password"]
+                return wifi_network
+        return None
+    def get_wifi_status(self):
+        """Check if radios are up. Default are 2G and 5G bands.
+        Returns:
+          True if both radios are up. False if not.
+        """
+        status = True
+        for radio in self.radios:
+            try:
+                str_output = self.ssh.run(f"wifi status {radio}").stdout
+                wifi_status = yaml.load(
+                    str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""),
+                    Loader=yaml.SafeLoader,
+                )
+                status = wifi_status[radio]["up"] and status
+            except:
+                self.log.info("Failed to make ssh connection to the OpenWrt")
+                return False
+        return status
+    def verify_wifi_status(self, timeout=20):
+        """Ensure wifi interfaces are ready.
+        Args:
+          timeout: An integer that is the number of times to try
+                   wait for interface ready.
+        Returns:
+          True if both radios are up. False if not.
+        """
+        start_time = time.time()
+        end_time = start_time + timeout
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            if self.get_wifi_status():
+                return True
+            time.sleep(1)
+        return False
+    def get_model_name(self):
+        """Get Openwrt model name.
+        Returns:
+          A string include device brand and model. e.g. NETGEAR_R8000
+        """
+        out = self.ssh.run(SYSTEM_INFO_CMD).stdout.split("\n")
+        for line in out:
+            if "board_name" in line:
+                model = line.split()[1].strip('",').split(",")
+                return "_".join(map(lambda i: i.upper(), model))
+        self.log.info("Failed to retrieve OpenWrt model information.")
+        return None
+    def close(self):
+        """Reset wireless and network settings to default and stop AP."""
+        if self.network_setting.config:
+            self.network_setting.cleanup_network_settings()
+        if self.wireless_setting:
+            self.wireless_setting.cleanup_wireless_settings()
+    def close_ssh(self):
+        """Close SSH connection to AP."""
+        self.ssh.close()
+    def reboot(self):
+        """Reboot Openwrt."""
+        self.ssh.run("reboot")
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/OWNERS b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/OWNERS
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/OWNERS
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/OWNERS
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_const.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7375ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# params for ipsec.conf
+    "config setup": {
+        "charondebug": "chd 2,ike 2,knl 2,net 2,esp 2,dmn 2,"
+        "mgr 2,lib 1,cfg 2,enc 1".__repr__(),
+        "uniqueids": "never",
+    },
+    "conn %default": {"ike": "aes128-sha-modp1024", "esp": "aes128-sha1"},
+    "conn L2TP_PSK": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
+        "type": "transport",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftprotoport": "17/1701",
+        "leftauth": "psk",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightprotoport": "17/%any",
+        "rightsubnet": "",
+        "rightauth": "psk",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn L2TP_RSA": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
+        "type": "transport",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftprotoport": "17/1701",
+        "leftauth": "pubkey",
+        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightprotoport": "17/%any",
+        "rightsubnet": "",
+        "rightauth": "pubkey",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn HYBRID_RSA": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "leftauth": "pubkey",
+        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
+        "leftsendcert": "always",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightsubnet": "",
+        "rightauth": "pubkey",
+        "rightauth2": "xauth",
+        "xauth": "server",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn XAUTH_PSK": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "leftauth": "psk",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightsubnet": "",
+        "rightauth": "psk",
+        "rightauth2": "xauth",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn XAUTH_RSA": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
+        "leftsendcert": "always",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightsubnet": "",
+        "rightauth": "xauth",
+        "xauth": "server",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn IKEV2_MSCHAPV2": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftid": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "leftauth": "pubkey",
+        "leftsendcert": "always",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightid": "vpntest",
+        "rightauth": "eap-mschapv2",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn IKEV2_PSK": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftid": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftauth": "psk",
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightid": "vpntest",
+        "rightauth": "psk",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn IKEV2_RSA": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftid": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "leftauth": "pubkey",
+        "leftsendcert": "always",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightid": f"vpntest@{LOCALHOST}",
+        "rightauth": "pubkey",
+        "rightcert": "clientCert.pem",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn IKEV2_MSCHAPV2_HOSTNAME": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftid": "strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
+        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "leftauth": "pubkey",
+        "leftsendcert": "always",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightid": "vpntest",
+        "rightauth": "eap-mschapv2",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn IKEV2_PSK_HOSTNAME": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftid": "strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
+        "leftauth": "psk",
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightid": "vpntest",
+        "rightauth": "psk",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+    "conn IKEV2_RSA_HOSTNAME": {
+        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
+        "left": LOCALHOST,
+        "leftid": "strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
+        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
+        "leftsubnet": "",
+        "leftauth": "pubkey",
+        "leftsendcert": "always",
+        "right": "%any",
+        "rightid": "vpntest@strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
+        "rightauth": "pubkey",
+        "rightcert": "clientCert.pem",
+        "auto": "add",
+    }
+# parmas for lx2tpd
+    "[global]",
+    "ipsec saref = no",
+    "debug tunnel = no",
+    "debug avp = no",
+    "debug network = no",
+    "debug state = no",
+    "access control = no",
+    "rand source = dev",
+    "port = 1701",
+    "[lns default]",
+    "require authentication = yes",
+    "pass peer = yes",
+    "ppp debug = no",
+    "length bit = yes",
+    "refuse pap = yes",
+    "refuse chap = yes",
+    "require-mschap-v2",
+    "refuse-mschap",
+    "ms-dns",
+    "ms-dns",
+    "asyncmap 0",
+    "auth",
+    "crtscts",
+    "idle 1800",
+    "mtu 1410",
+    "mru 1410",
+    "connect-delay 5000",
+    "lock",
+    "hide-password",
+    "local",
+    "debug",
+    "modem",
+    "proxyarp",
+    "lcp-echo-interval 30",
+    "lcp-echo-failure 4",
+    "nomppe",
+# iptable rules for vpn_pptp
+    "iptables -A input_rule -i ppp+ -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A output_rule -o ppp+ -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A forwarding_rule -i ppp+ -j ACCEPT",
+# iptable rules for vpn_l2tp
+    "iptables -I INPUT  -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -I FORWARD  -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -I FORWARD  -m policy --dir out --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -I OUTPUT   -m policy --dir out --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -m policy --pol ipsec --dir out -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A INPUT -p esp -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0.2 -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0.2 -p tcp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0.2 -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec -m udp --dport 1701 -j ACCEPT",
+    "iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j DROP",
+    "iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 53 -j DROP",
+    "ip6tables -I OUTPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j DROP",
+    "ip6tables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 53 -j DROP",
+# Object for vpn profile
+class VpnL2tp(object):
+    """Profile for vpn l2tp type.
+    Attributes:
+        hostname: vpn server domain name
+        address: vpn server address
+        username: vpn user account
+        password: vpn user password
+        psk_secret: psk for ipsec
+        name: vpn server name for register in OpenWrt
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        vpn_server_hostname,
+        vpn_server_address,
+        vpn_username,
+        vpn_password,
+        psk_secret,
+        server_name,
+    ):
+        self.name = server_name
+        self.hostname = vpn_server_hostname
+        self.address = vpn_server_address
+        self.username = vpn_username
+        self.password = vpn_password
+        self.psk_secret = psk_secret
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_settings.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46632cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1152 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import re
+import time
+from antlion import signals, utils
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib import network_const
+SERVICE_DNSMASQ = "dnsmasq"
+SERVICE_STUNNEL = "stunnel"
+SERVICE_NETWORK = "network"
+SERVICE_PPTPD = "pptpd"
+SERVICE_FIREWALL = "firewall"
+SERVICE_IPSEC = "ipsec"
+SERVICE_XL2TPD = "xl2tpd"
+SERVICE_ODHCPD = "odhcpd"
+SERVICE_OPENNDS = "opennds"
+SERVICE_UHTTPD = "uhttpd"
+PPTP_PACKAGE = "pptpd kmod-nf-nathelper-extra"
+L2TP_PACKAGE = "strongswan-full openssl-util xl2tpd"
+NAT6_PACKAGE = "ip6tables kmod-ipt-nat6"
+CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PACKAGE = "opennds php7-cli php7-mod-openssl php7-cgi php7"
+MDNS_PACKAGE = "avahi-utils avahi-daemon-service-http avahi-daemon-service-ssh libavahi-client avahi-dbus-daemon"
+STUNNEL_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/stunnel/DoTServer.conf"
+HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/dirty_configs"
+PPTPD_OPTION_PATH = "/etc/ppp/options.pptpd"
+XL2TPD_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf"
+XL2TPD_OPTION_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd"
+FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH = "/etc/firewall.user"
+PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH = "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets"
+IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH = "/var/ikev2_cert.sh"
+TCPDUMP_DIR = "/tmp/tcpdump/"
+class NetworkSettings(object):
+    """Class for network settings.
+    Attributes:
+        ssh: ssh connection object.
+        ssh_settings: ssh settings for AccessPoint.
+        service_manager: Object manage service configuration.
+        user: username for ssh.
+        ip: ip address for AccessPoint.
+        log: Logging object for AccessPoint.
+        config: A list to store changes on network settings.
+        firewall_rules_list: A list of firewall rule name list.
+        l2tp: profile for vpn l2tp server.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ssh, ssh_settings, logger):
+        """Initialize wireless settings.
+        Args:
+            ssh: ssh connection object.
+            ssh_settings: ssh settings for AccessPoint.
+            logger: Logging object for AccessPoint.
+        """
+        self.ssh = ssh
+        self.service_manager = ServiceManager(ssh)
+        self.ssh_settings = ssh_settings
+        self.user = self.ssh_settings.username
+        self.ip = self.ssh_settings.hostname
+        self.log = logger
+        self.config = set()
+        self.firewall_rules_list = []
+        # This map contains cleanup functions to restore the configuration to
+        # its default state. We write these keys to HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH prior to
+        # making any changes to that subsystem.
+        # This makes it easier to recover after an aborted test.
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        self.cleanup_network_settings()
+        self.clear_tcpdump()
+    def cleanup_network_settings(self):
+        """Reset all changes on Access point."""
+        # Detect if any changes that is not clean up.
+        if self.file_exists(HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH):
+            out = self.ssh.run(f"cat {HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH}").stdout
+            if out:
+                self.config = set(out.split("\n"))
+        if self.config:
+            temp = self.config.copy()
+            for change in temp:
+                change_list = change.split()
+                command = change_list[0]
+                args = change_list[1:]
+                if command == "setup_dns_server":
+                    self.remove_dns_server()
+                elif command == "setup_vpn_pptp_server":
+                    self.remove_vpn_pptp_server()
+                elif command == "setup_vpn_l2tp_server":
+                    self.remove_vpn_l2tp_server()
+                elif command == "disable_ipv6":
+                    self.enable_ipv6()
+                elif command == "setup_ipv6_bridge":
+                    self.remove_ipv6_bridge()
+                elif command == "default_dns":
+                    addr_list = str(change_list[1])
+                    self.del_default_dns(addr_list)
+                elif command == "default_v6_dns":
+                    addr_list = str(change_list[1])
+                    self.del_default_v6_dns(addr_list)
+                elif command == "ipv6_prefer_option":
+                    self.remove_ipv6_prefer_option()
+                elif command == "block_dns_response":
+                    self.unblock_dns_response()
+                elif command == "setup_mdns":
+                    self.remove_mdns()
+                elif command == "add_dhcp_rapid_commit":
+                    self.remove_dhcp_rapid_commit()
+                elif command == "setup_captive_portal":
+                    try:
+                        fas_port = int(change_list[1])
+                    except IndexError:
+                        fas_port = 1000
+                    self.remove_cpative_portal(fas_port)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError(f'Unknown command "{change}"')
+            self.config = set()
+        if self.file_exists(HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH):
+            out = self.ssh.run(f"cat {HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH}").stdout
+            if not out:
+                self.ssh.run(f"rm {HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH}")
+    def commit_changes(self):
+        """Apply changes on Access point."""
+        self.ssh.run("uci commit")
+        self.service_manager.restart_services()
+        self.create_config_file("\n".join(self.config), HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH)
+    def package_install(self, package_list):
+        """Install packages on OpenWrtAP via opkg If not installed.
+        Args:
+            package_list: package list to install.
+                          e.g. "pptpd kmod-mppe kmod-nf-nathelper-extra"
+        """
+        self.ssh.run("opkg update")
+        for package_name in package_list.split(" "):
+            if not self._package_installed(package_name):
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    f"opkg install {package_name}",
+                    timeout=DEFAULT_PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT,
+                )
+                self.log.info(f"Package: {package_name} installed.")
+            else:
+                self.log.info(f"Package: {package_name} skipped (already installed).")
+    def package_remove(self, package_list):
+        """Remove packages on OpenWrtAP via opkg If existed.
+        Args:
+            package_list: package list to remove.
+        """
+        for package_name in package_list.split(" "):
+            if self._package_installed(package_name):
+                self.ssh.run(f"opkg remove {package_name}")
+                self.log.info(f"Package: {package_name} removed.")
+            else:
+                self.log.info(f"No exist package {package_name} found.")
+    def _package_installed(self, package_name):
+        """Check if target package installed on OpenWrtAP.
+        Args:
+            package_name: package name want to check.
+        Returns:
+            True if installed.
+        """
+        if self.ssh.run(f"opkg list-installed {package_name}").stdout:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def file_exists(self, abs_file_path):
+        """Check if target file exist on specific path on OpenWrt.
+        Args:
+            abs_file_path: Absolute path for the file.
+        Returns:
+            True if Existed.
+        """
+        path, file_name = abs_file_path.rsplit("/", 1)
+        if self.ssh.run(f"ls {path} | grep {file_name}", ignore_status=True).stdout:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def path_exists(self, abs_path):
+        """Check if dir exist on OpenWrt.
+        Args:
+            abs_path: absolutely path for create folder.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.ssh.run(f"ls {abs_path}")
+        except:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def create_folder(self, abs_path):
+        """If dir not exist, create it.
+        Args:
+            abs_path: absolutely path for create folder.
+        """
+        if not self.path_exists(abs_path):
+            self.ssh.run(f"mkdir {abs_path}")
+        else:
+            self.log.info(f"{abs_path} already existed.")
+    def count(self, config, key):
+        """Count in uci config.
+        Args:
+            config: config or section to research
+            key: keywords to  e.g. rule, domain
+        Returns:
+            Numbers of the count.
+        """
+        count = self.ssh.run(
+            f"uci show {config} | grep ={key}", ignore_status=True
+        ).stdout
+        return len(count.split("\n"))
+    def create_config_file(self, config, file_path):
+        """Create config file. Overwrite if file already exist.
+        Args:
+            config: A string of content of config.
+            file_path: Config's abs_path.
+        """
+        self.ssh.run(f'echo -e "{config}" > {file_path}')
+    def replace_config_option(self, old_option, new_option, file_path):
+        """Replace config option if pattern match.
+        If find match pattern with old_option, then replace it with new_option.
+        Else add new_option to the file.
+        Args:
+            old_option: the regexp pattern to replace.
+            new_option: the option to add.
+            file_path: Config's abs_path.
+        """
+        config = self.ssh.run(f"cat {file_path}").stdout
+        config, count = re.subn(old_option, new_option, config)
+        if not count:
+            config = f"{config}\n{new_option}"
+        self.create_config_file(config, file_path)
+    def remove_config_option(self, option, file_path):
+        """Remove option from config file.
+        Args:
+            option: Option to remove. Support regular expression.
+            file_path: Config's abs_path.
+        Returns:
+            Boolean for find option to remove.
+        """
+        config = self.ssh.run(f"cat {file_path}").stdout.split("\n")
+        for line in config:
+            count = re.subn(option, "", line)[1]
+            if count > 0:
+                config.remove(line)
+                self.create_config_file("\n".join(config), file_path)
+                return True
+        self.log.warning("No match option to remove.")
+        return False
+    def setup_dns_server(self, domain_name):
+        """Setup DNS server on OpenWrtAP.
+        Args:
+            domain_name: Local dns domain name.
+        """
+        self.config.add("setup_dns_server")
+        self.log.info(f"Setup DNS server with domain name {domain_name}")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local='/{domain_name}/'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain='{domain_name}'")
+        self.add_resource_record(domain_name, self.ip)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.commit_changes()
+        # Check stunnel package is installed
+        self.package_install("stunnel")
+        self.service_manager.stop(SERVICE_STUNNEL)
+        self.service_manager.disable(SERVICE_STUNNEL)
+        # Enable stunnel
+        self.create_stunnel_config()
+        self.ssh.run("stunnel /etc/stunnel/DoTServer.conf")
+    def remove_dns_server(self):
+        """Remove DNS server on OpenWrtAP."""
+        if self.file_exists("/var/run/stunnel.pid"):
+            self.ssh.run("kill $(cat /var/run/stunnel.pid)")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local='/lan/'")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain='lan'")
+        self.clear_resource_record()
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.config.discard("setup_dns_server")
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def add_resource_record(self, domain_name, domain_ip):
+        """Add resource record.
+        Args:
+            domain_name: A string for domain name.
+            domain_ip: A string for domain ip.
+        """
+        self.ssh.run("uci add dhcp domain")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set dhcp.@domain[-1].name='{domain_name}'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set dhcp.@domain[-1].ip='{domain_ip}'")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+    def del_resource_record(self):
+        """Delete the last resource record."""
+        self.ssh.run("uci delete dhcp.@domain[-1]")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+    def clear_resource_record(self):
+        """Delete the all resource record."""
+        rr = self.ssh.run("uci show dhcp | grep =domain", ignore_status=True).stdout
+        if rr:
+            for _ in rr.split("\n"):
+                self.del_resource_record()
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+    def create_stunnel_config(self):
+        """Create config for stunnel service."""
+        stunnel_config = [
+            "pid = /var/run/stunnel.pid",
+            "[dns]",
+            "accept = 853",
+            "connect =",
+            "cert = /etc/stunnel/fullchain.pem",
+            "key = /etc/stunnel/privkey.pem",
+        ]
+        config_string = "\n".join(stunnel_config)
+        self.create_config_file(config_string, STUNNEL_CONFIG_PATH)
+    def setup_vpn_pptp_server(self, local_ip, user, password):
+        """Setup pptp vpn server on OpenWrt.
+        Args:
+            local_ip: local pptp server ip address.
+            user: username for pptp user.
+            password: password for pptp user.
+        """
+        #  Install pptp service
+        self.package_install(PPTP_PACKAGE)
+        self.config.add("setup_vpn_pptp_server")
+        # Edit /etc/config/pptpd & /etc/ppp/options.pptpd
+        self.setup_pptpd(local_ip, user, password)
+        # Edit /etc/config/firewall & /etc/firewall.user
+        self.setup_firewall_rules_for_pptp()
+        # Enable service
+        self.service_manager.enable(SERVICE_PPTPD)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_vpn_pptp_server(self):
+        """Remove pptp vpn server on OpenWrt."""
+        # Edit /etc/config/pptpd
+        self.restore_pptpd()
+        # Edit /etc/config/firewall & /etc/firewall.user
+        self.restore_firewall_rules_for_pptp()
+        # Disable service
+        self.service_manager.disable(SERVICE_PPTPD)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+        self.config.discard("setup_vpn_pptp_server")
+        self.commit_changes()
+        self.package_remove(PPTP_PACKAGE)
+        self.ssh.run("rm /etc/ppp/options.pptpd")
+        self.ssh.run("rm /etc/config/pptpd")
+    def setup_pptpd(self, local_ip, username, password, ms_dns=""):
+        """Setup pptpd config for ip addr and account.
+        Args:
+            local_ip: vpn server address
+            username: pptp vpn username
+            password: pptp vpn password
+            ms_dns: DNS server
+        """
+        # Calculate remote ip address
+        # e.g. local_ip =
+        # remote_ip = -250
+        remote_ip = local_ip.split(".")
+        remote_ip.append(str(int(remote_ip.pop(-1)) + 1))
+        remote_ip = ".".join(remote_ip)
+        # Enable pptp service and set ip addr
+        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.pptpd.enabled=1")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set pptpd.pptpd.localip='{local_ip}'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set pptpd.pptpd.remoteip='{remote_ip}-250'")
+        # Setup pptp service account
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set pptpd.@login[0].username='{username}'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set pptpd.@login[0].password='{password}'")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
+        self.replace_config_option(
+            r"#*ms-dns \d+.\d+.\d+.\d+", f"ms-dns {ms_dns}", PPTPD_OPTION_PATH
+        )
+        self.replace_config_option("(#no)*proxyarp", "proxyarp", PPTPD_OPTION_PATH)
+    def restore_pptpd(self):
+        """Disable pptpd."""
+        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.pptpd.enabled=0")
+        self.remove_config_option(r"\S+ pptp-server \S+ \*", PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
+    def setup_vpn_l2tp_server(
+        self,
+        vpn_server_hostname,
+        vpn_server_address,
+        vpn_username,
+        vpn_password,
+        psk_secret,
+        server_name,
+        country,
+        org,
+    ):
+        """Setup l2tp vpn server on OpenWrt.
+        Args:
+            vpn_server_hostname: vpn server domain name
+            vpn_server_address: vpn server addr
+            vpn_username: vpn account
+            vpn_password: vpn password
+            psk_secret: psk for ipsec
+            server_name: vpn server name for register in OpenWrt
+            country: country code for generate cert keys.
+            org: Organization name for generate cert keys.
+        """
+        self.l2tp = network_const.VpnL2tp(
+            vpn_server_hostname,
+            vpn_server_address,
+            vpn_username,
+            vpn_password,
+            psk_secret,
+            server_name,
+        )
+        self.package_install(L2TP_PACKAGE)
+        self.config.add("setup_vpn_l2tp_server")
+        # /etc/strongswan.conf: Strongswan configuration file
+        self.setup_strongswan()
+        # /etc/ipsec.conf /etc/ipsec.secrets
+        self.setup_ipsec()
+        # /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf & /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd
+        self.setup_xl2tpd()
+        # /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
+        self.setup_ppp_secret()
+        # /etc/config/firewall & /etc/firewall.user
+        self.setup_firewall_rules_for_l2tp()
+        # setup vpn server local ip
+        self.setup_vpn_local_ip()
+        # generate cert and key for rsa
+        if self.l2tp.name == "ikev2-server":
+            self.generate_ikev2_vpn_cert_keys(country, org)
+            self.add_resource_record(self.l2tp.hostname, LOCALHOST)
+        else:
+            self.generate_vpn_cert_keys(country, org)
+        # restart service
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_IPSEC)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_XL2TPD)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_vpn_l2tp_server(self):
+        """Remove l2tp vpn server on OpenWrt."""
+        self.config.discard("setup_vpn_l2tp_server")
+        self.restore_firewall_rules_for_l2tp()
+        self.remove_vpn_local_ip()
+        if self.l2tp.name == "ikev2-server":
+            self.clear_resource_record()
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_IPSEC)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_XL2TPD)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+        self.commit_changes()
+        self.package_remove(L2TP_PACKAGE)
+        if hasattr(self, "l2tp"):
+            delattr(self, "l2tp")
+    def setup_strongswan(self, dns=""):
+        """Setup strongswan config."""
+        config = [
+            "charon {",
+            "   load_modular = yes",
+            "   plugins {",
+            "       include strongswan.d/charon/*.conf",
+            "   }",
+            f"   dns1={dns}",
+            "}",
+        ]
+        self.create_config_file("\n".join(config), "/etc/strongswan.conf")
+    def setup_ipsec(self):
+        """Setup ipsec config."""
+        config: list[str] = []
+        def load_ipsec_config(data, rightsourceip=False):
+            for i in data.keys():
+                config.append(i)
+                for j in data[i].keys():
+                    config.append(f"\t {j}={data[i][j]}")
+                if rightsourceip:
+                    config.append(
+                        f"\t rightsourceip={self.l2tp.address.rsplit('.', 1)[0]}.16/26"
+                    )
+                config.append("")
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_MSCHAPV2, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_PSK, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_RSA, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_MSCHAPV2_HOSTNAME, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_PSK_HOSTNAME, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_RSA_HOSTNAME, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_CONF)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_L2TP_PSK)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_L2TP_RSA)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_HYBRID_RSA, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_XAUTH_PSK, True)
+        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_XAUTH_RSA, True)
+        self.create_config_file("\n".join(config), "/etc/ipsec.conf")
+        ipsec_secret = []
+        ipsec_secret.append(r": PSK \"%s\"" % self.l2tp.psk_secret)
+        ipsec_secret.append(r": RSA \"%s\"" % "serverKey.der")
+        ipsec_secret.append(
+            r"%s : XAUTH \"%s\"" % (self.l2tp.username, self.l2tp.password)
+        )
+        self.create_config_file("\n".join(ipsec_secret), "/etc/ipsec.secrets")
+    def setup_xl2tpd(self, ip_range=20):
+        """Setup xl2tpd config."""
+        net_id, host_id = self.l2tp.address.rsplit(".", 1)
+        xl2tpd_conf = list(network_const.XL2TPD_CONF_GLOBAL)
+        xl2tpd_conf.append(f"auth file = {PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH}")
+        xl2tpd_conf.extend(network_const.XL2TPD_CONF_INS)
+        xl2tpd_conf.append(
+            f"ip range = {net_id}.{host_id}-{net_id}.{str(int(host_id) + ip_range)}"
+        )
+        xl2tpd_conf.append(f"local ip = {self.l2tp.address}")
+        xl2tpd_conf.append(f"name = {self.l2tp.name}")
+        xl2tpd_conf.append(f"pppoptfile = {XL2TPD_OPTION_CONFIG_PATH}")
+        self.create_config_file("\n".join(xl2tpd_conf), XL2TPD_CONFIG_PATH)
+        xl2tpd_option = list(network_const.XL2TPD_OPTION)
+        xl2tpd_option.append(f"name {self.l2tp.name}")
+        self.create_config_file("\n".join(xl2tpd_option), XL2TPD_OPTION_CONFIG_PATH)
+    def setup_ppp_secret(self):
+        self.replace_config_option(
+            r"\S+ %s \S+ \*" % self.l2tp.name,
+            f"{self.l2tp.username} {self.l2tp.name} {self.l2tp.password} *",
+            PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH,
+        )
+    def generate_vpn_cert_keys(self, country, org):
+        """Generate cert and keys for vpn server."""
+        rsa = "--type rsa"
+        lifetime = "--lifetime 365"
+        size = "--size 4096"
+        self.ssh.run(f"ipsec pki --gen {rsa} {size} --outform der > caKey.der")
+        self.ssh.run(
+            "ipsec pki --self --ca %s --in caKey.der %s --dn "
+            '"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s" --outform der > caCert.der'
+            % (lifetime, rsa, country, org, self.l2tp.hostname)
+        )
+        self.ssh.run(f"ipsec pki --gen {size} {rsa} --outform der > serverKey.der")
+        self.ssh.run(
+            "ipsec pki --pub --in serverKey.der %s | ipsec pki "
+            "--issue %s --cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der "
+            '--dn "C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s" --san %s --flag serverAuth'
+            " --flag ikeIntermediate --outform der > serverCert.der"
+            % (rsa, lifetime, country, org, self.l2tp.hostname, LOCALHOST)
+        )
+        self.ssh.run(f"ipsec pki --gen {size} {rsa} --outform der > clientKey.der")
+        self.ssh.run(
+            "ipsec pki --pub --in clientKey.der %s | ipsec pki "
+            "--issue %s --cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der "
+            '--dn "C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s@%s" --outform der > '
+            "clientCert.der"
+            % (rsa, lifetime, country, org, self.l2tp.username, self.l2tp.hostname)
+        )
+        self.ssh.run(
+            "openssl rsa -inform DER -in clientKey.der"
+            " -out clientKey.pem -outform PEM"
+        )
+        self.ssh.run(
+            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in clientCert.der"
+            " -out clientCert.pem -outform PEM"
+        )
+        self.ssh.run(
+            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in caCert.der" " -out caCert.pem -outform PEM"
+        )
+        self.ssh.run(
+            "openssl pkcs12 -in clientCert.pem -inkey  clientKey.pem"
+            " -certfile caCert.pem -export -out clientPkcs.p12 -passout pass:"
+        )
+        self.ssh.run("mv caCert.pem /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/")
+        self.ssh.run("mv *Cert* /etc/ipsec.d/certs/")
+        self.ssh.run("mv *Key* /etc/ipsec.d/private/")
+        if not self.path_exists("/www/downloads/"):
+            self.ssh.run("mkdir /www/downloads/")
+        self.ssh.run("mv clientPkcs.p12 /www/downloads/")
+        self.ssh.run("chmod 664 /www/downloads/clientPkcs.p12")
+    def generate_ikev2_vpn_cert_keys(self, country, org):
+        rsa = "--type rsa"
+        lifetime = "--lifetime 365"
+        size = "--size 4096"
+        if not self.path_exists("/www/downloads/"):
+            self.ssh.run("mkdir /www/downloads/")
+        ikev2_vpn_cert_keys = [
+            f"ipsec pki --gen {rsa} {size} --outform der > caKey.der",
+            "ipsec pki --self --ca %s --in caKey.der %s --dn "
+            '"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s" --outform der > caCert.der'
+            % (lifetime, rsa, country, org, self.l2tp.hostname),
+            f"ipsec pki --gen {size} {rsa} --outform der > serverKey.der",
+            "ipsec pki --pub --in serverKey.der %s | ipsec pki --issue %s "
+            r"--cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der --dn \"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s\" "
+            "--san %s --san %s --flag serverAuth --flag ikeIntermediate "
+            "--outform der > serverCert.der"
+            % (
+                rsa,
+                lifetime,
+                country,
+                org,
+                self.l2tp.hostname,
+                LOCALHOST,
+                self.l2tp.hostname,
+            ),
+            f"ipsec pki --gen {size} {rsa} --outform der > clientKey.der",
+            "ipsec pki --pub --in clientKey.der %s | ipsec pki --issue %s "
+            r"--cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der --dn \"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s@%s\" "
+            r"--san \"%s\" --san \"%s@%s\" --san \"%s@%s\" --outform der "
+            "> clientCert.der"
+            % (
+                rsa,
+                lifetime,
+                country,
+                org,
+                self.l2tp.username,
+                self.l2tp.hostname,
+                self.l2tp.username,
+                self.l2tp.username,
+                LOCALHOST,
+                self.l2tp.username,
+                self.l2tp.hostname,
+            ),
+            "openssl rsa -inform DER -in clientKey.der "
+            "-out clientKey.pem -outform PEM",
+            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in clientCert.der "
+            "-out clientCert.pem -outform PEM",
+            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in caCert.der " "-out caCert.pem -outform PEM",
+            "openssl pkcs12 -in clientCert.pem -inkey  clientKey.pem "
+            "-certfile caCert.pem -export -out clientPkcs.p12 -passout pass:",
+            "mv caCert.pem /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/",
+            "mv *Cert* /etc/ipsec.d/certs/",
+            "mv *Key* /etc/ipsec.d/private/",
+            "mv clientPkcs.p12 /www/downloads/",
+            "chmod 664 /www/downloads/clientPkcs.p12",
+        ]
+        file_string = "\n".join(ikev2_vpn_cert_keys)
+        self.create_config_file(file_string, IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH)
+        self.ssh.run(f"chmod +x {IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH}")
+        self.ssh.run(f"{IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH}")
+    def update_firewall_rules_list(self):
+        """Update rule list in /etc/config/firewall."""
+        new_rules_list = []
+        for i in range(self.count("firewall", "rule")):
+            rule = self.ssh.run(f"uci get firewall.@rule[{i}].name").stdout
+            new_rules_list.append(rule)
+        self.firewall_rules_list = new_rules_list
+    def setup_firewall_rules_for_pptp(self):
+        """Setup firewall for vpn pptp server."""
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        if "pptpd" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='pptpd'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='tcp'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_port='1723'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].family='ipv4'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
+        if "GRP" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='GRP'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='47'")
+        iptable_rules = list(network_const.FIREWALL_RULES_FOR_PPTP)
+        self.add_custom_firewall_rules(iptable_rules)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+    def restore_firewall_rules_for_pptp(self):
+        """Restore firewall for vpn pptp server."""
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        if "pptpd" in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run(
+                f"uci del firewall.@rule[{self.firewall_rules_list.index('pptpd')}]"
+            )
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        if "GRP" in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run(
+                f"uci del firewall.@rule[{self.firewall_rules_list.index('GRP')}]"
+            )
+        self.remove_custom_firewall_rules()
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+    def setup_firewall_rules_for_l2tp(self):
+        """Setup firewall for vpn l2tp server."""
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        if "ipsec esp" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='ipsec esp'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='esp'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
+        if "ipsec nat-t" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='ipsec nat-t'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='udp'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_port='4500'")
+        if "auth header" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='auth header'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='ah'")
+        net_id = self.l2tp.address.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
+        iptable_rules = list(network_const.FIREWALL_RULES_FOR_L2TP)
+        iptable_rules.append(f"iptables -A FORWARD -s {net_id}.0/24  -j ACCEPT")
+        iptable_rules.append(
+            f"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s {net_id}.0/24 -o eth0.2 -j MASQUERADE"
+        )
+        self.add_custom_firewall_rules(iptable_rules)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+    def restore_firewall_rules_for_l2tp(self):
+        """Restore firewall for vpn l2tp server."""
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        if "ipsec esp" in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run(
+                f"uci del firewall.@rule[{self.firewall_rules_list.index('ipsec esp')}]"
+            )
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        if "ipsec nat-t" in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run(
+                "uci del firewall.@rule[%s]"
+                % self.firewall_rules_list.index("ipsec nat-t")
+            )
+        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
+        if "auth header" in self.firewall_rules_list:
+            self.ssh.run(
+                "uci del firewall.@rule[%s]"
+                % self.firewall_rules_list.index("auth header")
+            )
+        self.remove_custom_firewall_rules()
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+    def add_custom_firewall_rules(self, rules):
+        """Backup current custom rules and replace with arguments.
+        Args:
+            rules: A list of iptable rules to apply.
+        """
+        backup_file_path = f"{FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH}.backup"
+        if not self.file_exists(backup_file_path):
+            self.ssh.run(f"mv {FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH} {backup_file_path}")
+        for rule in rules:
+            self.ssh.run(f"echo {rule} >> {FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH}")
+    def remove_custom_firewall_rules(self):
+        """Clean up and recover custom firewall rules."""
+        backup_file_path = f"{FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH}.backup"
+        if self.file_exists(backup_file_path):
+            self.ssh.run(f"mv {backup_file_path} {FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH}")
+        else:
+            self.log.debug(f"Did not find {backup_file_path}")
+            self.ssh.run(f"echo  > {FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH}")
+    def disable_pptp_service(self):
+        """Disable pptp service."""
+        self.package_remove(PPTP_PACKAGE)
+    def setup_vpn_local_ip(self):
+        """Setup VPN Server local ip on OpenWrt for client ping verify."""
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2=interface")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.type=bridge")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.ifname=eth1.2")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.proto=static")
+        self.ssh.run(f'uci set network.lan2.ipaddr="{self.l2tp.address}"')
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.netmask=")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2=interface")
+        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_vpn_local_ip(self):
+        """Discard vpn local ip on OpenWrt."""
+        self.ssh.run("uci delete network.lan2")
+        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def enable_ipv6(self):
+        """Enable ipv6 on OpenWrt."""
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan.ipv6=1")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.wan.ipv6=1")
+        self.service_manager.enable("odhcpd")
+        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
+        self.config.discard("disable_ipv6")
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def disable_ipv6(self):
+        """Disable ipv6 on OpenWrt."""
+        self.config.add("disable_ipv6")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan.ipv6=0")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set network.wan.ipv6=0")
+        self.service_manager.disable("odhcpd")
+        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def setup_ipv6_bridge(self):
+        """Setup ipv6 bridge for client have ability to access network."""
+        self.config.add("setup_ipv6_bridge")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.dhcpv6=relay")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.ra=relay")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.ndp=relay")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6=dhcp")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.dhcpv6=relay")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.ra=relay")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.ndp=relay")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.master=1")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.interface=wan6")
+        # Enable service
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_ipv6_bridge(self):
+        """Discard ipv6 bridge on OpenWrt."""
+        if "setup_ipv6_bridge" in self.config:
+            self.config.discard("setup_ipv6_bridge")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.dhcpv6=server")
+            self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.ra=server")
+            self.ssh.run("uci delete dhcp.lan.ndp")
+            self.ssh.run("uci delete dhcp.wan6")
+            self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
+            self.commit_changes()
+    def _add_dhcp_option(self, args):
+        self.ssh.run(f'uci add_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option="{args}"')
+    def _remove_dhcp_option(self, args):
+        self.ssh.run(f'uci del_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option="{args}"')
+    def add_default_dns(self, addr_list):
+        """Add default dns server for client.
+        Args:
+            addr_list: dns ip address for Openwrt client.
+        """
+        self._add_dhcp_option(f'6,{",".join(addr_list)}')
+        self.config.add(f"default_dns {addr_list}")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def del_default_dns(self, addr_list: str):
+        """Remove default dns server for client.
+        Args:
+            addr_list: list of dns ip address for Openwrt client.
+        """
+        self._remove_dhcp_option(f"6,{addr_list}")
+        self.config.discard(f"default_dns {addr_list}")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def add_default_v6_dns(self, addr_list: str):
+        """Add default v6 dns server for client.
+        Args:
+            addr_list: list of dns ip address for Openwrt client.
+        """
+        self.ssh.run(f'uci add_list dhcp.lan.dns="{addr_list}"')
+        self.config.add(f"default_v6_dns {addr_list}")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def del_default_v6_dns(self, addr_list: str):
+        """Del default v6 dns server for client.
+        Args:
+            addr_list: list of dns ip address for Openwrt client.
+        """
+        self.ssh.run(f'uci del_list dhcp.lan.dns="{addr_list}"')
+        self.config.add(f"default_v6_dns {addr_list}")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def add_ipv6_prefer_option(self):
+        self._add_dhcp_option("108,1800i")
+        self.config.add("ipv6_prefer_option")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_ipv6_prefer_option(self):
+        self._remove_dhcp_option("108,1800i")
+        self.config.discard("ipv6_prefer_option")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def add_dhcp_rapid_commit(self):
+        self.create_config_file("dhcp-rapid-commit\n", "/etc/dnsmasq.conf")
+        self.config.add("add_dhcp_rapid_commit")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_dhcp_rapid_commit(self):
+        self.create_config_file("", "/etc/dnsmasq.conf")
+        self.config.discard("add_dhcp_rapid_commit")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def start_tcpdump(self, test_name, args="", interface="br-lan"):
+        """ "Start tcpdump on OpenWrt.
+        Args:
+            test_name: Test name for create tcpdump file name.
+            args: Option args for tcpdump.
+            interface: Interface to logging.
+        Returns:
+            tcpdump_file_name: tcpdump file name on OpenWrt.
+            pid: tcpdump process id.
+        """
+        self.package_install("tcpdump")
+        if not self.path_exists(TCPDUMP_DIR):
+            self.ssh.run(f"mkdir {TCPDUMP_DIR}")
+        now = (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime(time.time())),)
+        tcpdump_file_name = f"openwrt_{test_name}_{now}.pcap"
+        tcpdump_file_path = f"{TCPDUMP_DIR}{tcpdump_file_name}"
+        cmd = f"tcpdump -i {interface} -s0 {args} -w {tcpdump_file_path}"
+        self.ssh.run_async(cmd)
+        pid = self._get_tcpdump_pid(tcpdump_file_name)
+        if not pid:
+            raise signals.TestFailure("Fail to start tcpdump on OpenWrt.")
+        # Set delay to prevent tcpdump fail to capture target packet.
+        time.sleep(15)
+        return tcpdump_file_name
+    def stop_tcpdump(self, tcpdump_file_name, pull_dir=None):
+        """Stop tcpdump on OpenWrt and pull the pcap file.
+        Args:
+            tcpdump_file_name: tcpdump file name on OpenWrt.
+            pull_dir: Keep none if no need to pull.
+        Returns:
+            tcpdump abs_path on host.
+        """
+        # Set delay to prevent tcpdump fail to capture target packet.
+        time.sleep(15)
+        pid = self._get_tcpdump_pid(tcpdump_file_name)
+        self.ssh.run(f"kill -9 {pid}", ignore_status=True)
+        if self.path_exists(TCPDUMP_DIR) and pull_dir:
+            tcpdump_path = f"{TCPDUMP_DIR}{tcpdump_file_name}"
+            tcpdump_remote_path = f"{pull_dir}/{tcpdump_file_name}"
+            tcpdump_local_path = f"{self.user}@{self.ip}:{tcpdump_path}"
+            utils.exe_cmd(f"scp {tcpdump_local_path} {tcpdump_remote_path}")
+        if self._get_tcpdump_pid(tcpdump_file_name):
+            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to stop tcpdump on OpenWrt.")
+        if self.file_exists(tcpdump_path):
+            self.ssh.run(f"rm -f {tcpdump_path}")
+        return tcpdump_remote_path if pull_dir else None
+    def clear_tcpdump(self):
+        self.ssh.run("killall tcpdump", ignore_status=True)
+        if self.ssh.run("pgrep tcpdump", ignore_status=True).stdout:
+            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to clean up tcpdump process.")
+        if self.path_exists(TCPDUMP_DIR):
+            self.ssh.run(f"rm -f  {TCPDUMP_DIR}/*")
+    def _get_tcpdump_pid(self, tcpdump_file_name):
+        """Check tcpdump process on OpenWrt."""
+        return self.ssh.run(f"pgrep -f {tcpdump_file_name}", ignore_status=True).stdout
+    def setup_mdns(self):
+        self.config.add("setup_mdns")
+        self.package_install(MDNS_PACKAGE)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_mdns(self):
+        self.config.discard("setup_mdns")
+        self.package_remove(MDNS_PACKAGE)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def block_dns_response(self):
+        self.config.add("block_dns_response")
+        iptable_rules = list(network_const.FIREWALL_RULES_DISABLE_DNS_RESPONSE)
+        self.add_custom_firewall_rules(iptable_rules)
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def unblock_dns_response(self):
+        self.config.discard("block_dns_response")
+        self.remove_custom_firewall_rules()
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def setup_captive_portal(self, fas_fdqn, fas_port=2080):
+        """Create captive portal with Forwarding Authentication Service.
+        Args:
+             fas_fdqn: String for captive portal page's fdqn add to local dns server.
+             fas_port: Port for captive portal page.
+        """
+        self.package_install(CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PACKAGE)
+        self.config.add(f"setup_captive_portal {fas_port}")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].fas_secure_enabled=2")
+        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].gatewayport=2050")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set opennds.@opennds[0].fasport={fas_port}")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set opennds.@opennds[0].fasremotefqdn={fas_fdqn}")
+        self.ssh.run('uci set opennds.@opennds[0].faspath="/nds/fas-aes.php"')
+        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].faskey=1234567890")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_OPENNDS)
+        # Config uhttpd
+        self.ssh.run("uci set uhttpd.main.interpreter=.php=/usr/bin/php-cgi")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_http={fas_port}")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_http=[::]:{fas_port}")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_UHTTPD)
+        # cp fas-aes.php
+        self.create_folder("/www/nds/")
+        self.ssh.run("cp /etc/opennds/fas-aes.php /www/nds")
+        # Add fdqn
+        self.add_resource_record(fas_fdqn, LOCALHOST)
+        self.commit_changes()
+    def remove_cpative_portal(self, fas_port: int = 2080):
+        """Remove captive portal.
+        Args:
+             fas_port: Port for captive portal page.
+        """
+        # Remove package
+        self.package_remove(CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PACKAGE)
+        # Clean up config
+        self.ssh.run("rm /etc/config/opennds")
+        # Remove fdqn
+        self.clear_resource_record()
+        # Restore uhttpd
+        self.ssh.run("uci del uhttpd.main.interpreter")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_http='{fas_port}'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_http='[::]:{fas_port}'")
+        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_UHTTPD)
+        # Clean web root
+        self.ssh.run("rm -r /www/nds")
+        self.config.discard(f"setup_captive_portal {fas_port}")
+        self.commit_changes()
+class ServiceManager(object):
+    """Class for service on OpenWrt.
+    Attributes:
+    ssh: ssh object for the AP.
+    _need_restart: Record service need to restart.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ssh):
+        self.ssh = ssh
+        self._need_restart = set()
+    def enable(self, service_name):
+        """Enable service auto start."""
+        self.ssh.run(f"/etc/init.d/{service_name} enable")
+    def disable(self, service_name):
+        """Disable service auto start."""
+        self.ssh.run(f"/etc/init.d/{service_name} disable")
+    def restart(self, service_name):
+        """Restart the service."""
+        self.ssh.run(f"/etc/init.d/{service_name} restart")
+    def reload(self, service_name):
+        """Restart the service."""
+        self.ssh.run(f"/etc/init.d/{service_name} reload")
+    def restart_services(self):
+        """Restart all services need to restart."""
+        for service in self._need_restart:
+            if service == SERVICE_NETWORK:
+                self.reload(service)
+            self.restart(service)
+        self._need_restart = set()
+    def stop(self, service_name):
+        """Stop the service."""
+        self.ssh.run(f"/etc/init.d/{service_name} stop")
+    def need_restart(self, service_name):
+        self._need_restart.add(service_name)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_constants.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b591d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+SYSTEM_INFO_CMD = "ubus call system board"
+class OpenWrtWifiSecurity:
+    # Used by OpenWrt AP
+    WPA_PSK_DEFAULT = "psk"
+    WPA_PSK_CCMP = "psk+ccmp"
+    WPA_PSK_TKIP = "psk+tkip"
+    WPA_PSK_TKIP_AND_CCMP = "psk+tkip+ccmp"
+    WPA2_PSK_DEFAULT = "psk2"
+    WPA2_PSK_CCMP = "psk2+ccmp"
+    WPA2_PSK_TKIP = "psk2+tkip"
+    WPA2_PSK_TKIP_AND_CCMP = "psk2+tkip+ccmp"
+class OpenWrtWifiSetting:
+    IFACE_2G = 2
+    IFACE_5G = 3
+class OpenWrtModelMap:
+    NETGEAR_R8000 = ("radio2", "radio1")
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_config.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cbcd19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"""Class for Wireless config."""
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import OpenWRTEncryptionMode
+class WirelessConfig(object):
+    """Creates an object to hold wireless config.
+    Attributes:
+      name: name of the wireless config
+      ssid: SSID of the network.
+      security: security of the wifi network.
+      band: band of the wifi network.
+      iface: network interface of the wifi network.
+      password: password for psk network.
+      wep_key: wep keys for wep network.
+      wep_key_num: key number for wep network.
+      radius_server_ip: IP address of radius server.
+      radius_server_port: Port number of radius server.
+      radius_server_secret: Secret key of radius server.
+      hidden: Boolean, if the wifi network is hidden.
+      ieee80211w: PMF bit of the wifi network.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        ssid: str,
+        security: OpenWRTEncryptionMode,
+        band: str,
+        iface: str = "lan",
+        password: str | None = None,
+        wep_key: list[str] | None = None,
+        wep_key_num: int = 1,
+        radius_server_ip: str | None = None,
+        radius_server_port: int | None = None,
+        radius_server_secret: str | None = None,
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        ieee80211w: int | None = None,
+    ):
+        self.name = name
+        self.ssid = ssid
+        self.security = security
+        self.band = band
+        self.iface = iface
+        self.password = password
+        self.wep_key = wep_key
+        self.wep_key_num = wep_key_num
+        self.radius_server_ip = radius_server_ip
+        self.radius_server_port = radius_server_port
+        self.radius_server_secret = radius_server_secret
+        self.hidden = hidden
+        self.ieee80211w = ieee80211w
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_settings_applier.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_settings_applier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da0d2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_settings_applier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+"""Class to configure wireless settings."""
+import time
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.network_settings import (
+    ServiceManager,
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.wireless_config import WirelessConfig
+LEASE_FILE = "/tmp/dhcp.leases"
+PSK1_SECURITY = "psk"
+PSK_SECURITY = "psk2"
+ENT_SECURITY = "wpa2"
+SAEMIXED_SECURITY = "sae-mixed"
+RADIO_2G = "radio1"
+RADIO_5G = "radio0"
+class WirelessSettingsApplier(object):
+    """Class for wireless settings.
+    Attributes:
+      ssh: ssh object for the AP.
+      service_manager: Object manage service configuration
+      wireless_configs: a list of
+        antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.wireless_config.WirelessConfig.
+      channel_2g: channel for 2G band.
+      channel_5g: channel for 5G band.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, ssh, configs, channel_2g, channel_5g, radio_2g=RADIO_2G, radio_5g=RADIO_5G
+    ):
+        """Initialize wireless settings.
+        Args:
+          ssh: ssh connection object.
+          configs: a list of
+            antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.wireless_config.WirelessConfig.
+          channel_2g: channel for 2G band.
+          channel_5g: channel for 5G band.
+        """
+        self.ssh = ssh
+        self.service_manager = ServiceManager(ssh)
+        self.wireless_configs: list[WirelessConfig] = configs
+        self.channel_2g = channel_2g
+        self.channel_5g = channel_5g
+        self.radio_2g = radio_2g
+        self.radio_5g = radio_5g
+    def apply_wireless_settings(self):
+        """Configure wireless settings from a list of configs."""
+        default_2g_iface = f"default_{self.radio_2g}"
+        default_5g_iface = f"default_{self.radio_5g}"
+        # set channels for 2G and 5G bands
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{self.radio_2g}.channel='{self.channel_2g}'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{self.radio_5g}.channel='{self.channel_5g}'")
+        if self.channel_5g == 165:
+            self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{self.radio_5g}.htmode='VHT20'")
+        elif self.channel_5g == 132 or self.channel_5g == 136:
+            self.ssh.run("iw reg set ZA")
+            self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{self.radio_5g}.htmode='VHT40'")
+        if self.channel_2g == 13:
+            self.ssh.run("iw reg set AU")
+        # disable default OpenWrt SSID
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{default_2g_iface}.disabled='{DISABLE_RADIO}'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{default_5g_iface}.disabled='{DISABLE_RADIO}'")
+        # Enable radios
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{self.radio_2g}.disabled='{ENABLE_RADIO}'")
+        self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{self.radio_5g}.disabled='{ENABLE_RADIO}'")
+        for config in self.wireless_configs:
+            # configure open network
+            if config.security == OPEN_SECURITY:
+                if config.band == hostapd_constants.BAND_2G:
+                    self.ssh.run(
+                        f"uci set wireless.{default_2g_iface}.ssid='{config.ssid}'"
+                    )
+                    self.ssh.run(
+                        f"uci set wireless.{default_2g_iface}.disabled='{ENABLE_RADIO}'"
+                    )
+                    if config.hidden:
+                        self.ssh.run(
+                            "uci set wireless.%s.hidden='%s'"
+                            % (default_2g_iface, ENABLE_HIDDEN)
+                        )
+                elif config.band == hostapd_constants.BAND_5G:
+                    self.ssh.run(
+                        f"uci set wireless.{default_5g_iface}.ssid='{config.ssid}'"
+                    )
+                    self.ssh.run(
+                        f"uci set wireless.{default_5g_iface}.disabled='{ENABLE_RADIO}'"
+                    )
+                    if config.hidden:
+                        self.ssh.run(
+                            "uci set wireless.%s.hidden='%s'"
+                            % (default_5g_iface, ENABLE_HIDDEN)
+                        )
+                continue
+            self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}='wifi-iface'")
+            if config.band == hostapd_constants.BAND_2G:
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.device='{self.radio_2g}'")
+            else:
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.device='{self.radio_5g}'")
+            self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.network='{config.iface}'")
+            self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.mode='ap'")
+            self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.ssid='{config.ssid}'")
+            self.ssh.run(
+                f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.encryption='{config.security}'"
+            )
+            if (
+                config.security == PSK_SECURITY
+                or config.security == SAE_SECURITY
+                or config.security == PSK1_SECURITY
+                or config.security == SAEMIXED_SECURITY
+            ):
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.key='{config.password}'")
+            elif config.security == WEP_SECURITY:
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    "uci set wireless.%s.key%s='%s'"
+                    % (config.name, config.wep_key_num, config.wep_key)
+                )
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.key='{config.wep_key_num}'"
+                )
+            elif config.security == ENT_SECURITY:
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    "uci set wireless.%s.auth_secret='%s'"
+                    % (config.name, config.radius_server_secret)
+                )
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    "uci set wireless.%s.auth_server='%s'"
+                    % (config.name, config.radius_server_ip)
+                )
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    "uci set wireless.%s.auth_port='%s'"
+                    % (config.name, config.radius_server_port)
+                )
+            if config.ieee80211w:
+                self.ssh.run(
+                    f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.ieee80211w='{config.ieee80211w}'"
+                )
+            if config.hidden:
+                self.ssh.run(f"uci set wireless.{config.name}.hidden='{ENABLE_HIDDEN}'")
+        self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
+        self.ssh.run(f"cp {LEASE_FILE} {LEASE_FILE}.tmp")
+    def cleanup_wireless_settings(self):
+        """Reset wireless settings to default."""
+        self.ssh.run("wifi down")
+        self.ssh.run("rm -f /etc/config/wireless")
+        self.ssh.run("wifi config")
+        if self.channel_5g == 132:
+            self.ssh.run("iw reg set US")
+        self.ssh.run(f"cp {LEASE_FILE}.tmp {LEASE_FILE}")
+        self.service_manager.restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
+        time.sleep(9)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/packet_capture.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/packet_capture.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..124f021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/packet_capture.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import threading
+import time
+from mobly import asserts
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import (
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection, formatter, settings
+from antlion.libs.proc.process import Process
+BSS = "BSS"
+FREQ = "freq"
+FREQUENCY = "frequency"
+LEVEL = "level"
+MON_2G = "mon0"
+MON_5G = "mon1"
+BAND_IFACE = {"2G": MON_2G, "5G": MON_5G}
+SCAN_IFACE = "wlan2"
+SEP = ":"
+SIGNAL = "signal"
+def create(configs):
+    return [PacketCapture(c) for c in configs]
+def destroy(pcaps):
+    for pcap in pcaps:
+        pcap.close()
+def get_info(pcaps):
+    return [pcap.ssh_settings.hostname for pcap in pcaps]
+class PcapProperties(object):
+    """Class to maintain packet capture properties after starting tcpdump.
+    Attributes:
+        proc: Process object of tcpdump
+        pcap_fname: File name of the tcpdump output file
+        pcap_file: File object for the tcpdump output file
+    """
+    def __init__(self, proc, pcap_fname, pcap_file):
+        """Initialize object."""
+        self.proc = proc
+        self.pcap_fname = pcap_fname
+        self.pcap_file = pcap_file
+class PacketCaptureError(Exception):
+    """Error related to Packet capture."""
+class PacketCapture(object):
+    """Class representing packet capturer.
+    An instance of this class creates and configures two interfaces for monitor
+    mode; 'mon0' for 2G and 'mon1' for 5G and one interface for scanning for
+    wifi networks; 'wlan2' which is a dual band interface.
+    Attributes:
+        pcap_properties: dict that specifies packet capture properties for a
+            band.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, configs):
+        """Initialize objects.
+        Args:
+            configs: config for the packet capture.
+        """
+        self.ssh_settings = settings.from_config(configs["ssh_config"])
+        self.ssh = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(
+            lambda msg: "[%s|%s] %s"
+            % (MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME, self.ssh_settings.hostname, msg)
+        )
+        self._create_interface(MON_2G, "monitor")
+        self._create_interface(MON_5G, "monitor")
+        self.managed_mode = True
+        result = self.ssh.run("ifconfig -a", ignore_status=True)
+        if result.stderr or SCAN_IFACE not in result.stdout:
+            self.managed_mode = False
+        if self.managed_mode:
+            self._create_interface(SCAN_IFACE, "managed")
+        self.pcap_properties = dict()
+        self._pcap_stop_lock = threading.Lock()
+    def _create_interface(self, iface, mode):
+        """Create interface of monitor/managed mode.
+        Create mon0/mon1 for 2G/5G monitor mode and wlan2 for managed mode.
+        """
+        if mode == "monitor":
+            self.ssh.run(f"ifconfig wlan{iface[-1]} down", ignore_status=True)
+        self.ssh.run(f"iw dev {iface} del", ignore_status=True)
+        self.ssh.run(
+            f"iw phy{iface[-1]} interface add {iface} type {mode}",
+            ignore_status=True,
+        )
+        self.ssh.run(f"ip link set {iface} up", ignore_status=True)
+        result = self.ssh.run(f"iw dev {iface} info", ignore_status=True)
+        if result.stderr or iface not in result.stdout:
+            raise PacketCaptureError(f"Failed to configure interface {iface}")
+    def _cleanup_interface(self, iface):
+        """Clean up monitor mode interfaces."""
+        self.ssh.run(f"iw dev {iface} del", ignore_status=True)
+        result = self.ssh.run(f"iw dev {iface} info", ignore_status=True)
+        if not result.stderr or "No such device" not in result.stderr:
+            raise PacketCaptureError(f"Failed to cleanup monitor mode for {iface}")
+    def _parse_scan_results(self, scan_result):
+        """Parses the scan dump output and returns list of dictionaries.
+        Args:
+            scan_result: scan dump output from scan on mon interface.
+        Returns:
+            Dictionary of found network in the scan.
+            The attributes returned are
+                a.) SSID - SSID of the network.
+                b.) LEVEL - signal level.
+                c.) FREQUENCY - WiFi band the network is on.
+                d.) BSSID - BSSID of the network.
+        """
+        scan_networks = []
+        network = {}
+        for line in scan_result.splitlines():
+            if SEP not in line:
+                continue
+            if BSS in line:
+                network[BSSID] = line.split("(")[0].split()[-1]
+            field, value = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(SEP)[0:2]
+            value = value.lstrip()
+            if SIGNAL in line:
+                network[LEVEL] = int(float(value.split()[0]))
+            elif FREQ in line:
+                network[FREQUENCY] = int(value)
+            elif SSID in line:
+                network[SSID] = value
+                scan_networks.append(network)
+                network = {}
+        return scan_networks
+    def get_wifi_scan_results(self):
+        """Starts a wifi scan on wlan2 interface.
+        Returns:
+            List of dictionaries each representing a found network.
+        """
+        if not self.managed_mode:
+            raise PacketCaptureError("Managed mode not setup")
+        result = self.ssh.run(f"iw dev {SCAN_IFACE} scan")
+        if result.stderr:
+            raise PacketCaptureError("Failed to get scan dump")
+        if not result.stdout:
+            return []
+        return self._parse_scan_results(result.stdout)
+    def start_scan_and_find_network(self, ssid):
+        """Start a wifi scan on wlan2 interface and find network.
+        Args:
+            ssid: SSID of the network.
+        Returns:
+            True/False if the network if found or not.
+        """
+        curr_time = time.time()
+        while time.time() < curr_time + SCAN_TIMEOUT:
+            found_networks = self.get_wifi_scan_results()
+            for network in found_networks:
+                if network[SSID] == ssid:
+                    return True
+            time.sleep(3)  # sleep before next scan
+        return False
+    def configure_monitor_mode(self, band, channel, bandwidth=20):
+        """Configure monitor mode.
+        Args:
+            band: band to configure monitor mode for.
+            channel: channel to set for the interface.
+            bandwidth : bandwidth for VHT channel as 40,80,160
+        Returns:
+            True if configure successful.
+            False if not successful.
+        """
+        band = band.upper()
+        if band not in BAND_IFACE:
+            self.log.error("Invalid band. Must be 2g/2G or 5g/5G")
+            return False
+        iface = BAND_IFACE[band]
+        if bandwidth == 20:
+            self.ssh.run(f"iw dev {iface} set channel {channel}", ignore_status=True)
+        else:
+            center_freq = None
+            for i, j in CENTER_CHANNEL_MAP[VHT_CHANNEL[bandwidth]]["channels"]:
+                if channel in range(i, j + 1):
+                    center_freq = (FREQUENCY_MAP[i] + FREQUENCY_MAP[j]) / 2
+                    break
+            asserts.assert_true(center_freq, "No match channel in VHT channel list.")
+            self.ssh.run(
+                "iw dev %s set freq %s %s %s"
+                % (iface, FREQUENCY_MAP[channel], bandwidth, center_freq),
+                ignore_status=True,
+            )
+        result = self.ssh.run(f"iw dev {iface} info", ignore_status=True)
+        if result.stderr or f"channel {channel}" not in result.stdout:
+            self.log.error(f"Failed to configure monitor mode for {band}")
+            return False
+        return True
+    def start_packet_capture(self, band, log_path, pcap_fname):
+        """Start packet capture for band.
+        band = 2G starts tcpdump on 'mon0' interface.
+        band = 5G starts tcpdump on 'mon1' interface.
+        Args:
+            band: '2g' or '2G' and '5g' or '5G'.
+            log_path: test log path to save the pcap file.
+            pcap_fname: name of the pcap file.
+        Returns:
+            pcap_proc: Process object of the tcpdump.
+        """
+        band = band.upper()
+        if band not in BAND_IFACE.keys() or band in self.pcap_properties:
+            self.log.error("Invalid band or packet capture already running")
+            return None
+        pcap_name = f"{pcap_fname}_{band}.pcap"
+        pcap_fname = os.path.join(log_path, pcap_name)
+        pcap_file = open(pcap_fname, "w+b")
+        tcpdump_cmd = f"tcpdump -i {BAND_IFACE[band]} -w - -U 2>/dev/null"
+        cmd = formatter.SshFormatter().format_command(
+            tcpdump_cmd, None, self.ssh_settings, extra_flags={"-q": None}
+        )
+        pcap_proc = Process(cmd)
+        pcap_proc.set_on_output_callback(lambda msg: pcap_file.write(msg), binary=True)
+        pcap_proc.start()
+        self.pcap_properties[band] = PcapProperties(pcap_proc, pcap_fname, pcap_file)
+        return pcap_proc
+    def stop_packet_capture(self, proc):
+        """Stop the packet capture.
+        Args:
+            proc: Process object of tcpdump to kill.
+        """
+        for key, val in self.pcap_properties.items():
+            if val.proc is proc:
+                break
+        else:
+            self.log.error("Failed to stop tcpdump. Invalid process.")
+            return
+        proc.stop()
+        with self._pcap_stop_lock:
+            self.pcap_properties[key].pcap_file.close()
+            del self.pcap_properties[key]
+    def close(self):
+        """Cleanup.
+        Cleans up all the monitor mode interfaces and closes ssh connections.
+        """
+        self._cleanup_interface(MON_2G)
+        self._cleanup_interface(MON_5G)
+        self.ssh.close()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ba3e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Collection of utility functions to generate and send custom packets.
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import socket
+import time
+# http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/
+# On ubuntu, sudo pip3 install scapy
+import scapy.all as scapy
+import antlion.signals
+MAC_BROADCAST = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
+ARP_DST = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
+RA_MAC = "33:33:00:00:00:01"
+RA_IP = "ff02::1"
+RA_PREFIX = "d00d::"
+DHCP_TRANS_ID = 0x01020304
+DNS_LEN = 3
+MDNS_TTL = 255
+MDNS_V4_IP_DST = ""
+MDNS_V4_MAC_DST = "01:00:5E:00:00:FB"
+MDNS_V6_IP_DST = "FF02::FB"
+MDNS_V6_MAC_DST = "33:33:00:00:00:FB"
+ETH_TYPE_IP = 2048
+SNAP_OUI = 12
+SNAP_SSAP = 170
+SNAP_DSAP = 170
+def create(configs):
+    """Creates PacketSender controllers from a json config.
+    Args:
+        The json configs that represent this controller
+    Returns:
+        A new PacketSender
+    """
+    return [PacketSender(c) for c in configs]
+def destroy(objs):
+    """Destroys a list of PacketSenders and stops sending (if active).
+    Args:
+        objs: A list of PacketSenders
+    """
+    for pkt_sender in objs:
+        pkt_sender.stop_sending(True)
+    return
+def get_info(objs):
+    """Get information on a list of packet senders.
+    Args:
+        objs: A list of PacketSenders
+    Returns:
+        Network interface name that is being used by each packet sender
+    """
+    return [pkt_sender.interface for pkt_sender in objs]
+class ThreadSendPacket(multiprocessing.Process):
+    """Creates a thread that keeps sending the same packet until a stop signal.
+    Attributes:
+        stop_signal: signal to stop the thread execution
+        packet: desired packet to keep sending
+        interval: interval between consecutive packets (s)
+        interface: network interface name (e.g., 'eth0')
+        log: object used for logging
+    """
+    def __init__(self, signal, packet, interval, interface, log):
+        multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)
+        self.stop_signal = signal
+        self.packet = packet
+        self.interval = interval
+        self.interface = interface
+        self.log = log
+    def run(self):
+        self.log.info("Packet Sending Started.")
+        while True:
+            if self.stop_signal.is_set():
+                # Poison pill means shutdown
+                self.log.info("Packet Sending Stopped.")
+                break
+            try:
+                scapy.sendp(self.packet, iface=self.interface, verbose=0)
+                time.sleep(self.interval)
+            except Exception:
+                self.log.exception("Exception when trying to send packet")
+                return
+        return
+class PacketSenderError(antlion.signals.ControllerError):
+    """Raises exceptions encountered in packet sender lib."""
+class PacketSender(object):
+    """Send any custom packet over a desired interface.
+    Attributes:
+        log: class logging object
+        thread_active: indicates whether or not the send thread is active
+        thread_send: thread object for the concurrent packet transmissions
+        stop_signal: event to stop the thread
+        interface: network interface name (e.g., 'eth0')
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ifname):
+        """Initiallize the PacketGenerator class.
+        Args:
+            ifname: network interface name that will be used packet generator
+        """
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.packet = None
+        self.thread_active = False
+        self.thread_send = None
+        self.stop_signal = multiprocessing.Event()
+        self.interface = ifname
+    def send_ntimes(self, packet, ntimes, interval):
+        """Sends a packet ntimes at a given interval.
+        Args:
+            packet: custom built packet from Layer 2 up to Application layer
+            ntimes: number of packets to send
+            interval: interval between consecutive packet transmissions (s)
+        """
+        if packet is None:
+            raise PacketSenderError(
+                "There is no packet to send. Create a packet first."
+            )
+        for _ in range(ntimes):
+            try:
+                scapy.sendp(packet, iface=self.interface, verbose=0)
+                time.sleep(interval)
+            except socket.error as excpt:
+                self.log.exception(f"Caught socket exception : {excpt}")
+                return
+    def send_receive_ntimes(self, packet, ntimes, interval):
+        """Sends a packet and receives the reply ntimes at a given interval.
+        Args:
+            packet: custom built packet from Layer 2 up to Application layer
+            ntimes: number of packets to send
+            interval: interval between consecutive packet transmissions and
+                      the corresponding reply (s)
+        """
+        if packet is None:
+            raise PacketSenderError(
+                "There is no packet to send. Create a packet first."
+            )
+        for _ in range(ntimes):
+            try:
+                scapy.srp1(packet, iface=self.interface, timeout=interval, verbose=0)
+                time.sleep(interval)
+            except socket.error as excpt:
+                self.log.exception(f"Caught socket exception : {excpt}")
+                return
+    def start_sending(self, packet, interval):
+        """Sends packets in parallel with the main process.
+        Creates a thread and keeps sending the same packet at a given interval
+        until a stop signal is received
+        Args:
+            packet: custom built packet from Layer 2 up to Application layer
+            interval: interval between consecutive packets (s)
+        """
+        if packet is None:
+            raise PacketSenderError(
+                "There is no packet to send. Create a packet first."
+            )
+        if self.thread_active:
+            raise PacketSenderError(
+                (
+                    "There is already an active thread. Stop it"
+                    "before starting another transmission."
+                )
+            )
+        self.thread_send = ThreadSendPacket(
+            self.stop_signal, packet, interval, self.interface, self.log
+        )
+        self.thread_send.start()
+        self.thread_active = True
+    def stop_sending(self, ignore_status=False):
+        """Stops the concurrent thread that is continuously sending packets."""
+        if not self.thread_active:
+            if ignore_status:
+                return
+            else:
+                raise PacketSenderError(
+                    "Error: There is no acive thread running to stop."
+                )
+        # Stop thread
+        self.stop_signal.set()
+        self.thread_send.join()
+        # Just as precaution
+        if self.thread_send.is_alive():
+            self.thread_send.terminate()
+            self.log.warning("Packet Sending forced to terminate")
+        self.stop_signal.clear()
+        self.thread_send = None
+        self.thread_active = False
+class ArpGenerator(object):
+    """Creates a custom ARP packet
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+        dst_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: a dictionary with all the necessary packet fields.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        self.dst_ipv4 = config_params["dst_ipv4"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv4"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv4 = config_params["src_ipv4"]
+    def generate(
+        self,
+        op="who-has",
+        ip_dst=None,
+        ip_src=None,
+        hwsrc=None,
+        hwdst=None,
+        eth_dst=None,
+    ):
+        """Generates a custom ARP packet.
+        Args:
+            op: ARP type (request or reply)
+            ip_dst: ARP ipv4 destination (Optional)
+            ip_src: ARP ipv4 source address (Optional)
+            hwsrc: ARP hardware source address (Optional)
+            hwdst: ARP hardware destination address (Optional)
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Create IP layer
+        hw_src = hwsrc if hwsrc is not None else self.src_mac
+        hw_dst = hwdst if hwdst is not None else ARP_DST
+        ipv4_dst = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv4
+        ipv4_src = ip_src if ip_src is not None else self.src_ipv4
+        ip4 = scapy.ARP(op=op, pdst=ipv4_dst, psrc=ipv4_src, hwdst=hw_dst, hwsrc=hw_src)
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        mac_dst = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else MAC_BROADCAST
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=mac_dst)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip4
+        return self.packet
+class DhcpOfferGenerator(object):
+    """Creates a custom DHCP offer packet
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        subnet_mask: local network subnet mask
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        dst_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the destination node
+        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+        dst_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
+        gw_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the Gateway
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        self.subnet_mask = config_params["subnet_mask"]
+        self.dst_mac = config_params["dst_mac"]
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        self.dst_ipv4 = config_params["dst_ipv4"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv4"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv4 = config_params["src_ipv4"]
+        self.gw_ipv4 = config_params["gw_ipv4"]
+    def generate(self, cha_mac=None, dst_ip=None):
+        """Generates a DHCP offer packet.
+        Args:
+            cha_mac: hardware target address for DHCP offer (Optional)
+            dst_ip: ipv4 address of target host for renewal (Optional)
+        """
+        # Create DHCP layer
+        dhcp = scapy.DHCP(
+            options=[
+                ("message-type", "offer"),
+                ("subnet_mask", self.subnet_mask),
+                ("server_id", self.src_ipv4),
+                ("end"),
+            ]
+        )
+        # Overwrite standard DHCP fields
+        sta_hw = cha_mac if cha_mac is not None else self.dst_mac
+        sta_ip = dst_ip if dst_ip is not None else self.dst_ipv4
+        # Create Boot
+        bootp = scapy.BOOTP(
+            op=DHCP_OFFER_OP,
+            yiaddr=sta_ip,
+            siaddr=self.src_ipv4,
+            giaddr=self.gw_ipv4,
+            chaddr=scapy.mac2str(sta_hw),
+            xid=DHCP_TRANS_ID,
+        )
+        # Create UDP
+        udp = scapy.UDP(sport=DHCP_OFFER_SRC_PORT, dport=DHCP_OFFER_DST_PORT)
+        # Create IP layer
+        ip4 = scapy.IP(src=self.src_ipv4, dst=IPV4_BROADCAST)
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(dst=MAC_BROADCAST, src=self.src_mac)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip4 / udp / bootp / dhcp
+        return self.packet
+class NsGenerator(object):
+    """Creates a custom Neighbor Solicitation (NS) packet
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
+        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+        dst_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        self.dst_ipv6 = config_params["dst_ipv6"]
+        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params["src_ipv6_type"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv6"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv6 = config_params["src_ipv6"]
+    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
+        """Generates a Neighbor Solicitation (NS) packet (ICMP over IPv6).
+        Args:
+            ip_dst: NS ipv6 destination (Optional)
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Compute IP addresses
+        target_ip6 = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv6
+        ndst_ip = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, target_ip6)
+        nnode_mcast = scapy.in6_getnsma(ndst_ip)
+        node_mcast = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, nnode_mcast)
+        # Compute MAC addresses
+        hw_dst = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else scapy.in6_getnsmac(nnode_mcast)
+        # Create IPv6 layer
+        base = scapy.IPv6(dst=node_mcast, src=self.src_ipv6)
+        neighbor_solicitation = scapy.ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=target_ip6)
+        src_ll_addr = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=self.src_mac)
+        ip6 = base / neighbor_solicitation / src_ll_addr
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=hw_dst)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip6
+        return self.packet
+class RaGenerator(object):
+    """Creates a custom Router Advertisement (RA) packet
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
+        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params["src_ipv6_type"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv6"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv6 = config_params["src_ipv6"]
+    def generate(
+        self, lifetime, enableDNS=False, dns_lifetime=0, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None
+    ):
+        """Generates a Router Advertisement (RA) packet (ICMP over IPv6).
+        Args:
+            lifetime: RA lifetime
+            enableDNS: Add RDNSS option to RA (Optional)
+            dns_lifetime: Set DNS server lifetime (Optional)
+            ip_dst: IPv6 destination address (Optional)
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
+        ip6_dst = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else RA_IP
+        hw_dst = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else RA_MAC
+        # Create IPv6 layer
+        base = scapy.IPv6(dst=ip6_dst, src=self.src_ipv6)
+        router_solicitation = scapy.ICMPv6ND_RA(routerlifetime=lifetime)
+        src_ll_addr = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=self.src_mac)
+        prefix = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(prefixlen=RA_PREFIX_LEN, prefix=RA_PREFIX)
+        if enableDNS:
+            rndss = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(
+                lifetime=dns_lifetime, dns=[self.src_ipv6], len=DNS_LEN
+            )
+            ip6 = base / router_solicitation / src_ll_addr / prefix / rndss
+        else:
+            ip6 = base / router_solicitation / src_ll_addr / prefix
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=hw_dst)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip6
+        return self.packet
+class Ping6Generator(object):
+    """Creates a custom Ping v6 packet (i.e., ICMP over IPv6)
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        dst_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the destination node
+        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
+        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+        dst_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        self.dst_mac = config_params["dst_mac"]
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        self.dst_ipv6 = config_params["dst_ipv6"]
+        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params["src_ipv6_type"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv6"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv6 = config_params["src_ipv6"]
+    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
+        """Generates a Ping6 packet (i.e., Echo Request)
+        Args:
+            ip_dst: IPv6 destination address (Optional)
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
+        ip6_dst = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv6
+        hw_dst = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else self.dst_mac
+        # Create IPv6 layer
+        base = scapy.IPv6(dst=ip6_dst, src=self.src_ipv6)
+        echo_request = scapy.ICMPv6EchoRequest(data=PING6_DATA)
+        ip6 = base / echo_request
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=hw_dst)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip6
+        return self.packet
+class Ping4Generator(object):
+    """Creates a custom Ping v4 packet (i.e., ICMP over IPv4)
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        dst_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the destination node
+        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+        dst_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        self.dst_mac = config_params["dst_mac"]
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        self.dst_ipv4 = config_params["dst_ipv4"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv4"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv4 = config_params["src_ipv4"]
+    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
+        """Generates a Ping4 packet (i.e., Echo Request)
+        Args:
+            ip_dst: IP destination address (Optional)
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
+        sta_ip = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv4
+        sta_hw = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else self.dst_mac
+        # Create IPv6 layer
+        base = scapy.IP(src=self.src_ipv4, dst=sta_ip)
+        echo_request = scapy.ICMP(type=PING4_TYPE)
+        ip4 = base / echo_request
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip4
+        return self.packet
+class Mdns6Generator(object):
+    """Creates a custom mDNS IPv6 packet
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
+        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params["src_ipv6_type"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv6"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv6 = config_params["src_ipv6"]
+    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
+        """Generates a mDNS v6 packet for multicast DNS config
+        Args:
+            ip_dst: IPv6 destination address (Optional)
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
+        sta_ip = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else MDNS_V6_IP_DST
+        sta_hw = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else MDNS_V6_MAC_DST
+        # Create mDNS layer
+        qdServer = scapy.DNSQR(qname=self.src_ipv6, qtype=MDNS_QTYPE)
+        mDNS = scapy.DNS(rd=MDNS_RECURSIVE, qd=qdServer)
+        # Create UDP
+        udp = scapy.UDP(sport=MDNS_UDP_PORT, dport=MDNS_UDP_PORT)
+        # Create IP layer
+        ip6 = scapy.IPv6(src=self.src_ipv6, dst=sta_ip)
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip6 / udp / mDNS
+        return self.packet
+class Mdns4Generator(object):
+    """Creates a custom mDNS v4 packet
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+        if config_params["src_ipv4"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_ipv4 = config_params["src_ipv4"]
+    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
+        """Generates a mDNS v4 packet for multicast DNS config
+        Args:
+            ip_dst: IP destination address (Optional)
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
+        sta_ip = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else MDNS_V4_IP_DST
+        sta_hw = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else MDNS_V4_MAC_DST
+        # Create mDNS layer
+        qdServer = scapy.DNSQR(qname=self.src_ipv4, qtype=MDNS_QTYPE)
+        mDNS = scapy.DNS(rd=MDNS_RECURSIVE, qd=qdServer)
+        # Create UDP
+        udp = scapy.UDP(sport=MDNS_UDP_PORT, dport=MDNS_UDP_PORT)
+        # Create IP layer
+        ip4 = scapy.IP(src=self.src_ipv4, dst=sta_ip, ttl=255)
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
+        self.packet = ethernet / ip4 / udp / mDNS
+        return self.packet
+class Dot3Generator(object):
+    """Creates a custom 802.3 Ethernet Frame
+    Attributes:
+        packet: desired built custom packet
+        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
+        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **config_params):
+        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
+        Args:
+            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
+              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
+              {'subnet_mask': '',
+               'dst_ipv4': '',
+               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
+              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
+              and use the local interface parameters
+        """
+        interf = config_params["interf"]
+        self.packet = None
+        self.dst_mac = config_params["dst_mac"]
+        if config_params["src_mac"] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
+            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
+        else:
+            self.src_mac = config_params["src_mac"]
+    def _build_ether(self, eth_dst=None):
+        """Creates the basic frame for 802.3
+        Args:
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
+        sta_hw = eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else self.dst_mac
+        # Create Ethernet layer
+        dot3_base = scapy.Dot3(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
+        return dot3_base
+    def _pad_frame(self, frame):
+        """Pads the frame with default length and values
+        Args:
+            frame: Ethernet (layer 2) to be padded
+        """
+        frame.len = PAD_LEN_BYTES
+        pad = scapy.Padding()
+        pad.load = "\x00" * PAD_LEN_BYTES
+        return frame / pad
+    def generate(self, eth_dst=None):
+        """Generates the basic 802.3 frame and adds padding
+        Args:
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+        """
+        # Create 802.3 Base
+        ethernet = self._build_ether(eth_dst)
+        self.packet = self._pad_frame(ethernet)
+        return self.packet
+    def generate_llc(self, eth_dst=None, dsap=2, ssap=3, ctrl=LLC_XID_CONTROL):
+        """Generates the 802.3 frame with LLC and adds padding
+        Args:
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+            dsap: Destination Service Access Point (Optional)
+            ssap: Source Service Access Point (Optional)
+            ctrl: Control (Optional)
+        """
+        # Create 802.3 Base
+        ethernet = self._build_ether(eth_dst)
+        # Create LLC layer
+        llc = scapy.LLC(dsap=dsap, ssap=ssap, ctrl=ctrl)
+        # Append and create packet
+        self.packet = self._pad_frame(ethernet / llc)
+        return self.packet
+    def generate_snap(
+        self,
+        eth_dst=None,
+        dsap=SNAP_DSAP,
+        ssap=SNAP_SSAP,
+        ctrl=SNAP_CTRL,
+        oui=SNAP_OUI,
+        code=ETH_TYPE_IP,
+    ):
+        """Generates the 802.3 frame with LLC and SNAP and adds padding
+        Args:
+            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
+            dsap: Destination Service Access Point (Optional)
+            ssap: Source Service Access Point (Optional)
+            ctrl: Control (Optional)
+            oid: Protocol Id or Org Code (Optional)
+            code: EtherType (Optional)
+        """
+        # Create 802.3 Base
+        ethernet = self._build_ether(eth_dst)
+        # Create 802.2 LLC header
+        llc = scapy.LLC(dsap=dsap, ssap=ssap, ctrl=ctrl)
+        # Create 802.3 SNAP header
+        snap = scapy.SNAP(OUI=oui, code=code)
+        # Append and create packet
+        self.packet = self._pad_frame(ethernet / llc / snap)
+        return self.packet
+def get_if_addr6(intf, address_type):
+    """Returns the Ipv6 address from a given local interface.
+    Returns the desired IPv6 address from the interface 'intf' in human
+    readable form. The address type is indicated by the IPv6 constants like
+    IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL, IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL, etc. If no address is found,
+    None is returned.
+    Args:
+        intf: desired interface name
+        address_type: addrees typle like LINKLOCAL or GLOBAL
+    Returns:
+        Ipv6 address of the specified interface in human readable format
+    """
+    for if_list in scapy.in6_getifaddr():
+        if if_list[2] == intf and if_list[1] == address_type:
+            return if_list[0]
+    return None
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb38111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import enum
+import logging
+import time
+from enum import IntEnum, unique
+from typing import Protocol
+from antlion import tracelogger
+from antlion.validation import MapValidator
+# Allow time for capacitors to discharge.
+class PduType(enum.StrEnum):
+    NP02B = "synaccess.np02b"
+    WEBPOWERSWITCH = "digital_loggers.webpowerswitch"
+class PduError(Exception):
+    """An exception for use within PduDevice implementations"""
+def create(configs: list[dict[str, object]]) -> list[PduDevice]:
+    """Creates a PduDevice for each config in configs.
+    Args:
+        configs: List of configs from PduDevice field.
+            Fields:
+                device: a string "<brand>.<model>" that corresponds to module
+                    in pdu_lib/
+                host: a string of the device ip address
+                username (optional): a string of the username for device sign-in
+                password (optional): a string of the password for device sign-in
+    Return:
+        A list of PduDevice objects.
+    """
+    pdus: list[PduDevice] = []
+    for config in configs:
+        c = MapValidator(config)
+        device = c.get(str, "device")
+        pduType = PduType(device)
+        host = c.get(str, "host")
+        username = c.get(str, "username", None)
+        password = c.get(str, "password", None)
+        match pduType:
+            case PduType.NP02B:
+                from antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b import (
+                    PduDevice as NP02B,
+                )
+                pdus.append(NP02B(host, username, password))
+            case PduType.WEBPOWERSWITCH:
+                from antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.digital_loggers.webpowerswitch import (
+                    PduDevice as WebPowerSwitch,
+                )
+                pdus.append(WebPowerSwitch(host, username, password))
+    return pdus
+def destroy(pdu_list: list[PduDevice]) -> None:
+    """Ensure any connections to devices are closed.
+    Args:
+        pdu_list: A list of PduDevice objects.
+    """
+    for pdu in pdu_list:
+        pdu.close()
+def get_info(pdu_list: list[PduDevice]) -> list[dict[str, str | None]]:
+    """Retrieves info from a list of PduDevice objects.
+    Args:
+        pdu_list: A list of PduDevice objects.
+    Return:
+        A list containing a dictionary for each PduDevice, with keys:
+            'host': a string of the device ip address
+            'username': a string of the username
+            'password': a string of the password
+    """
+    info = []
+    for pdu in pdu_list:
+        info.append(
+            {"host": pdu.host, "username": pdu.username, "password": pdu.password}
+        )
+    return info
+def get_pdu_port_for_device(
+    device_pdu_config: dict[str, object], pdus: list[PduDevice]
+) -> tuple[PduDevice, int]:
+    """Retrieves the pdu object and port of that PDU powering a given device.
+    This is especially necessary when there are multilpe devices on a single PDU
+    or multiple PDUs registered.
+    Args:
+        device_pdu_config: a dict, representing the config of the device.
+        pdus: a list of registered PduDevice objects.
+    Returns:
+        A tuple: (PduObject for the device, string port number on that PDU).
+    Raises:
+        ValueError, if there is no PDU matching the given host in the config.
+    Example ACTS config:
+        ...
+        "testbed": [
+            ...
+            "FuchsiaDevice": [
+                {
+                    "ip": "<device_ip>",
+                    "ssh_config": "/path/to/sshconfig",
+                    "PduDevice": {
+                        "host": "",
+                        "port": 2
+                    }
+                }
+            ],
+            "AccessPoint": [
+                {
+                    "ssh_config": {
+                        ...
+                    },
+                    "PduDevice": {
+                        "host": "",
+                        "port" 1
+                    }
+                }
+            ],
+            "PduDevice": [
+                {
+                    "device": "synaccess.np02b",
+                    "host": ""
+                }
+            ]
+        ],
+        ...
+    """
+    config = MapValidator(device_pdu_config)
+    pdu_ip = config.get(str, "host")
+    port = config.get(int, "port")
+    for pdu in pdus:
+        if pdu.host == pdu_ip:
+            return pdu, port
+    raise ValueError(f"No PduDevice with host: {pdu_ip}")
+class PDU(Protocol):
+    """Control power delivery to a device with a PDU."""
+    def port(self, index: int) -> Port:
+        """Access a single port.
+        Args:
+            index: Index of the port, likely the number identifier above the outlet.
+        Returns:
+            Controller for the specified port.
+        """
+        ...
+    def __len__(self) -> int:
+        """Count the number of ports.
+        Returns:
+            Number of ports on this PDU.
+        """
+        ...
+class Port(Protocol):
+    """Controlling the power delivery to a single port of a PDU."""
+    def status(self) -> PowerState:
+        """Return the power state for this port.
+        Returns:
+            Power state
+        """
+        ...
+    def set(self, state: PowerState) -> None:
+        """Set the power state for this port.
+        Args:
+            state: Desired power state
+        """
+        ...
+    def reboot(self, delay_sec: float = DEFAULT_REBOOT_DELAY_SEC) -> None:
+        """Set the power state OFF then ON after a delay.
+        Args:
+            delay_sec: Length to wait before turning back ON. This is important to allow
+                the device's capacitors to discharge.
+        """
+        self.set(PowerState.OFF)
+        time.sleep(delay_sec)
+        self.set(PowerState.ON)
+class PowerState(IntEnum):
+    OFF = 0
+    ON = 1
+class PduDevice(object):
+    """An object that defines the basic Pdu functionality and abstracts
+    the actual hardware.
+    This is a pure abstract class. Implementations should be of the same
+    class name (eg. class PduDevice(pdu.PduDevice)) and exist in
+    pdu_lib/<brand>/<device_name>.py. PduDevice objects should not be
+    instantiated by users directly.
+    TODO(http://b/318877544): Replace PduDevice with PDU
+    """
+    def __init__(self, host: str, username: str | None, password: str | None) -> None:
+        if type(self) is PduDevice:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be instantiated directly")
+        self.host = host
+        self.username = username
+        self.password = password
+        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(logging.getLogger())
+    def on_all(self) -> None:
+        """Turns on all outlets on the device."""
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
+    def off_all(self) -> None:
+        """Turns off all outlets on the device."""
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
+    def on(self, outlet: int) -> None:
+        """Turns on specific outlet on the device.
+        Args:
+            outlet: index of the outlet to turn on.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
+    def off(self, outlet: int) -> None:
+        """Turns off specific outlet on the device.
+        Args:
+            outlet: index of the outlet to turn off.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
+    def reboot(self, outlet: int) -> None:
+        """Toggles a specific outlet on the device to off, then to on.
+        Args:
+            outlet: index of the outlet to reboot.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
+    def status(self) -> dict[str, bool]:
+        """Retrieves the status of the outlets on the device.
+        Return:
+            A dictionary matching outlet string to:
+                True: if outlet is On
+                False: if outlet is Off
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
+    def close(self) -> None:
+        """Closes connection to the device."""
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c2d6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion import signals
+from antlion.controllers import pdu
+# Create an optional dependency for dlipower since it has a transitive
+# dependency on beautifulsoup4. This library is difficult to maintain as a
+# third_party dependency in Fuchsia since it is hosted on launchpad.
+# TODO(b/246999212): Explore alternatives to the dlipower package
+    import dlipower
+except ImportError:
+class PduDevice(pdu.PduDevice):
+    """Implementation of pure abstract PduDevice object for the Digital Loggers
+    WebPowerSwitch PDUs.
+    This controller supports the following Digital Loggers PDUs:
+        - Pro (VII)
+        - WebPowerSwitch V
+        - WebPowerSwitch IV
+        - WebPowerSwitch III
+        - WebPowerSwitch II
+        - Ethernet Power Controller III
+    """
+    def __init__(self, host: str, username: str | None, password: str | None) -> None:
+        """
+        Note: This may require allowing plaintext password sign in on the
+        power switch, which can be configure in the device's control panel.
+        """
+        super(PduDevice, self).__init__(host, username, password)
+        if not HAS_IMPORT_DLIPOWER:
+            raise signals.ControllerError(
+                "Digital Loggers PDUs are not supported with current installed "
+                "packages; install the dlipower package to add support"
+            )
+        self.power_switch = dlipower.PowerSwitch(
+            hostname=host, userid=username, password=password
+        )
+        # Connection is made at command execution, this verifies the device
+        # can be reached before continuing.
+        if not self.power_switch.statuslist():
+            raise pdu.PduError(
+                "Failed to connect get WebPowerSwitch status. Incorrect host, "
+                "userid, or password?"
+            )
+        else:
+            self.log.info(f"Connected to WebPowerSwitch ({host}).")
+    def on_all(self):
+        """Turn on power to all outlets."""
+        for outlet in self.power_switch:
+            outlet.on()
+            self._verify_state(outlet.name, "ON")
+    def off_all(self):
+        """Turn off power to all outlets."""
+        for outlet in self.power_switch:
+            outlet.off()
+            self._verify_state(outlet.name, "OFF")
+    def on(self, outlet):
+        """Turn on power to given outlet
+        Args:
+            outlet: string or int, the outlet name/number
+        """
+        self.power_switch.command_on_outlets("on", str(outlet))
+        self._verify_state(outlet, "ON")
+    def off(self, outlet):
+        """Turn off power to given outlet
+        Args:
+            outlet: string or int, the outlet name/number
+        """
+        self.power_switch.command_on_outlets("off", str(outlet))
+        self._verify_state(outlet, "OFF")
+    def reboot(self, outlet):
+        """Cycle the given outlet to OFF and back ON.
+        Args:
+            outlet: string or int, the outlet name/number
+        """
+        self.power_switch.command_on_outlets("cycle", str(outlet))
+        self._verify_state(outlet, "ON")
+    def status(self):
+        """Return the status of the switch outlets.
+        Return:
+            a dict mapping outlet string numbers to:
+                True if outlet is ON
+                False if outlet is OFF
+        """
+        status_list = self.power_switch.statuslist()
+        return {str(outlet): state == "ON" for outlet, _, state in status_list}
+    def close(self):
+        # Since there isn't a long-running connection, close is not applicable.
+        pass
+    def _verify_state(self, outlet, expected_state, timeout=3):
+        """Verify that the state of a given outlet is at an expected state.
+        There can be a slight delay in when the device receives the
+        command and when the state actually changes (especially when powering
+        on). This function is used to verify the change has occurred before
+        exiting.
+        Args:
+            outlet: string, the outlet name or number to check state.
+            expected_state: string, 'ON' or 'OFF'
+        Returns if actual state reaches expected state.
+        Raises:
+            PduError: if state has not reached expected state at timeout.
+        """
+        for _ in range(timeout):
+            actual_state = self.power_switch.status(str(outlet))
+            if actual_state == expected_state:
+                return
+            else:
+                self.log.debug(f"Outlet {outlet} not yet in state {expected_state}")
+        raise pdu.PduError(
+            "Outlet %s on WebPowerSwitch (%s) failed to reach expected state. \n"
+            "Expected State: %s\n"
+            "Actual State: %s" % (outlet, self.host, expected_state, actual_state)
+        )
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3672f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b.py
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+import urllib.parse
+import urllib.request
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import StrEnum, unique
+from typing import Protocol
+from mobly import signals
+from antlion.controllers import pdu
+from mobly.logger import PrefixLoggerAdapter
+class PduDevice(pdu.PduDevice):
+    """Implementation of pure abstract PduDevice object for the Synaccess np02b
+    Pdu.
+    TODO(http://b/318877544): Replace with NP02B
+    """
+    def __init__(self, host: str, username: str | None, password: str | None) -> None:
+        username = username or "admin"  # default username
+        password = password or "admin"  # default password
+        super().__init__(host, username, password)
+        self.np02b = NP02B(host, username, password)
+    def on_all(self) -> None:
+        for i in range(len(self.np02b)):
+            self.np02b.port(i).set(pdu.PowerState.ON)
+    def off_all(self) -> None:
+        for i in range(len(self.np02b)):
+            self.np02b.port(i).set(pdu.PowerState.OFF)
+    def on(self, outlet: int) -> None:
+        self.np02b.port(outlet).set(pdu.PowerState.ON)
+    def off(self, outlet: int) -> None:
+        self.np02b.port(outlet).set(pdu.PowerState.OFF)
+    def reboot(self, outlet: int) -> None:
+        self.np02b.port(outlet).reboot()
+    def status(self) -> dict[str, bool]:
+        """Returns the status of the np02b outlets.
+        Return:
+            Mapping of outlet index ('1' and '2') to true if ON, otherwise
+            false.
+        """
+        return {
+            "1": self.np02b.port(1).status() is pdu.PowerState.ON,
+            "2": self.np02b.port(2).status() is pdu.PowerState.ON,
+        }
+    def close(self) -> None:
+        """Ensure connection to device is closed.
+        In this implementation, this shouldn't be necessary, but could be in
+        others that open on creation.
+        """
+        return
+class NP02B(pdu.PDU):
+    """Controller for a Synaccess netBooter NP-02B.
+    See https://www.synaccess-net.com/np-02b
+    """
+    def __init__(self, host: str, username: str, password: str) -> None:
+        self.client = Client(host, username, password)
+    def port(self, index: int) -> pdu.Port:
+        return Port(self.client, index)
+    def __len__(self) -> int:
+        return 2
+class ParsePDUResponseError(signals.TestError):
+    """Error when the PDU returns an unexpected response."""
+class Client:
+    def __init__(self, host: str, user: str, password: str) -> None:
+        self._url = f"http://{host}/cmd.cgi"
+        password_manager = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
+        password_manager.add_password(None, host, user, password)
+        auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager)
+        self._opener = urllib.request.build_opener(auth_handler)
+        self.log = PrefixLoggerAdapter(
+            logging.getLogger(),
+            {
+                PrefixLoggerAdapter.EXTRA_KEY_LOG_PREFIX: f"[pdu | {host}]"
+            },
+        )
+    def request(self, command: Command) -> Response:
+        cmd = command.code()
+        args = command.args()
+        if args:
+            cmd += f' {" ".join(args)}'
+        url = f"{self._url}?{urllib.parse.quote_plus(cmd)}"
+        self.log.debug(f"Sending request {url}")
+        with self._opener.open(url) as res:
+            body = res.read().decode("utf-8")
+        self.log.debug(f"Received response: {body}")
+        # Syntax for the response should be in the form:
+        #    "<StatusCode>[,<PowerStatus>]"
+        # For example, StatusCommand returns "$A5,01" when Port 1 is ON and
+        # Port 2 is OFF.
+        try:
+            tokens = body.split(",", 1)
+            if len(tokens) == 0:
+                raise ParsePDUResponseError(f'Expected a response, found "{body}"')
+            code = tokens[0]
+            status_code = StatusCode(code)
+            power_status = PowerStatus(tokens[1]) if len(tokens) == 2 else None
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise ParsePDUResponseError(
+                f'Failed to parse response from "{body}"'
+            ) from e
+        return Response(status_code, power_status)
+class Port(pdu.Port):
+    def __init__(self, client: Client, port: int) -> None:
+        if port == 0:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid port index 0: ports are 1-indexed")
+        if port > 2:
+            raise TypeError(f"Invalid port index {port}: NP-02B only has 2 ports")
+        self.client = client
+        self.port = port
+    def status(self) -> pdu.PowerState:
+        resp = self.client.request(StatusCommand())
+        if resp.status != StatusCode.OK:
+            raise ParsePDUResponseError(
+                f"Expected PDU response to be {StatusCode.OK}, got {resp.status}"
+            )
+        if not resp.power:
+            raise ParsePDUResponseError(
+                "Expected PDU response to contain power, got None"
+            )
+        return resp.power.state(self.port)
+    def set(self, state: pdu.PowerState) -> None:
+        """Set the power state for this port on the PDU.
+        Args:
+            state: Desired power state
+        """
+        resp = self.client.request(SetCommand(self.port, state))
+        if resp.status != StatusCode.OK:
+            raise ParsePDUResponseError(
+                f"Expected PDU response to be {StatusCode.OK}, got {resp.status}"
+            )
+        # Verify the newly set power state.
+        status = self.status()
+        if status is not state:
+            raise ParsePDUResponseError(
+                f"Expected PDU port {self.port} to be {state}, got {status}"
+            )
+class Response:
+    status: StatusCode
+    power: PowerStatus | None
+class StatusCode(StrEnum):
+    OK = "$A0"
+    FAILED = "$AF"
+class Command(Protocol):
+    def code(self) -> str:
+        """Return the cmdCode for this command."""
+        ...
+    def args(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Return the list of arguments for this command."""
+        ...
+class PowerStatus:
+    """State of all ports"""
+    def __init__(self, states: str) -> None:
+        self.states: list[pdu.PowerState] = []
+        for state in states:
+            self.states.insert(0, pdu.PowerState(int(state)))
+    def ports(self) -> int:
+        return len(self.states)
+    def state(self, port: int) -> pdu.PowerState:
+        return self.states[port - 1]
+class SetCommand(Command):
+    def __init__(self, port: int, state: pdu.PowerState) -> None:
+        self.port = port
+        self.state = state
+    def code(self) -> str:
+        return "$A3"
+    def args(self) -> list[str]:
+        return [str(self.port), str(self.state)]
+class RebootCommand(Command):
+    def __init__(self, port: int) -> None:
+        self.port = port
+    def code(self) -> str:
+        return "$A4"
+    def args(self) -> list[str]:
+        return [str(self.port)]
+class StatusCommand(Command):
+    def code(self) -> str:
+        return "$A5"
+    def args(self) -> list[str]:
+        return []
+class SetAllCommand(Command):
+    def __init__(self, state: pdu.PowerState) -> None:
+        self.state = state
+    def code(self) -> str:
+        return "$A7"
+    def args(self) -> list[str]:
+        return [str(self.state)]
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/error_reporter.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/error_reporter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0829d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/error_reporter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import re
+import threading
+import time
+from antlion import utils
+class ErrorLogger(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+    """A logger for a given error report."""
+    def __init__(self, label):
+        self.label = label
+        super(ErrorLogger, self).__init__(logging.getLogger(), {})
+    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
+        """Transforms a log message to be in a given format."""
+        return f"[Error Report|{self.label}] {msg}", kwargs
+class ErrorReporter(object):
+    """A class that reports errors and diagnoses possible points of failure.
+    Attributes:
+        max_reports: The maximum number of reports that should be reported.
+            Defaulted to 1 to prevent multiple reports from reporting at the
+            same time over one another.
+        name: The name of the report to be used in the error logs.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, max_reports=1):
+        """Creates an error report.
+        Args:
+            name: The name of the error report.
+            max_reports: Sets the maximum number of reports to this value.
+        """
+        self.name = name
+        self.max_reports = max_reports
+        self._ticket_number = 0
+        self._ticket_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._current_request_count = 0
+        self._accept_requests = True
+    def create_error_report(self, sl4a_manager, sl4a_session, rpc_connection):
+        """Creates an error report, if possible.
+        Returns:
+            False iff a report cannot be created.
+        """
+        if not self._accept_requests:
+            return False
+        self._current_request_count += 1
+        try:
+            ticket = self._get_report_ticket()
+            if not ticket:
+                return False
+            report = ErrorLogger(f"{self.name}|{ticket}")
+            report.info("Creating error report.")
+            (
+                self.report_on_adb(sl4a_manager.adb, report)
+                and self.report_device_processes(sl4a_manager.adb, report)
+                and self.report_sl4a_state(rpc_connection, sl4a_manager.adb, report)
+                and self.report_sl4a_session(sl4a_manager, sl4a_session, report)
+            )
+            return True
+        finally:
+            self._current_request_count -= 1
+    def report_on_adb(self, adb, report):
+        """Creates an error report for ADB. Returns false if ADB has failed."""
+        adb_uptime = utils.get_command_uptime('"adb .* server"')
+        if adb_uptime:
+            report.info(
+                f"The adb daemon has an uptime of {adb_uptime} ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss)."
+            )
+        else:
+            report.warning(
+                "The adb daemon (on the host machine) is not "
+                "running. All forwarded ports have been removed."
+            )
+            return False
+        devices_output = adb.devices()
+        if adb.serial not in devices_output:
+            report.warning(
+                "This device cannot be found by ADB. The device may have shut "
+                "down or disconnected."
+            )
+            return False
+        elif re.findall(r"%s\s+offline" % adb.serial, devices_output):
+            report.warning(
+                "The device is marked as offline in ADB. We are no longer able "
+                "to access the device."
+            )
+            return False
+        else:
+            report.info("The device is online and accessible through ADB calls.")
+        return True
+    def report_device_processes(self, adb, report):
+        """Creates an error report for the device's required processes.
+        Returns:
+            False iff user-apks cannot be communicated with over tcp.
+        """
+        zygote_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(adb, "zygote")
+        if zygote_uptime:
+            report.info(
+                "Zygote has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this "
+                "value is low, the phone may have recently crashed." % zygote_uptime
+            )
+        else:
+            report.warning(
+                "Zygote has been killed. It is likely the Android Runtime has "
+                "crashed. Check the bugreport/logcat for more information."
+            )
+            return False
+        netd_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(adb, "netd")
+        if netd_uptime:
+            report.info(
+                "Netd has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this "
+                "value is low, the phone may have recently crashed." % zygote_uptime
+            )
+        else:
+            report.warning(
+                "Netd has been killed. The Android Runtime may have crashed. "
+                "Check the bugreport/logcat for more information."
+            )
+            return False
+        adbd_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(adb, "adbd")
+        if netd_uptime:
+            report.info(
+                "Adbd has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this "
+                "value is low, the phone may have recently crashed." % adbd_uptime
+            )
+        else:
+            report.warning("Adbd is not running.")
+            return False
+        return True
+    def report_sl4a_state(self, rpc_connection, adb, report):
+        """Creates an error report for the state of SL4A."""
+        report.info(f"Diagnosing Failure over connection {rpc_connection.ports}.")
+        ports = rpc_connection.ports
+        forwarded_ports_output = adb.forward("--list")
+        expected_output = "%s tcp:%s tcp:%s" % (
+            adb.serial,
+            ports.forwarded_port,
+            ports.server_port,
+        )
+        if expected_output not in forwarded_ports_output:
+            formatted_output = re.sub(
+                "^", "    ", forwarded_ports_output, flags=re.MULTILINE
+            )
+            report.warning(
+                "The forwarded port for the failed RpcConnection is missing.\n"
+                "Expected:\n    %s\nBut found:\n%s"
+                % (expected_output, formatted_output)
+            )
+            return False
+        else:
+            report.info(
+                "The connection port has been properly forwarded to " "the device."
+            )
+        sl4a_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(
+            adb, "com.googlecode.android_scripting"
+        )
+        if sl4a_uptime:
+            report.info(
+                "SL4A has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this "
+                "value is lower than the test case, it must have been "
+                "restarted during the test." % sl4a_uptime
+            )
+        else:
+            report.warning(
+                "The SL4A scripting service is not running. SL4A may have "
+                "crashed, or have been terminated by the Android Runtime."
+            )
+            return False
+        return True
+    def report_sl4a_session(self, sl4a_manager, session, report):
+        """Reports the state of an SL4A session."""
+        if session.server_port not in sl4a_manager.sl4a_ports_in_use:
+            report.warning(
+                "SL4A server port %s not found in set of open "
+                "ports %s" % (session.server_port, sl4a_manager.sl4a_ports_in_use)
+            )
+            return False
+        if session not in sl4a_manager.sessions.values():
+            report.warning(
+                "SL4A session %s over port %s is not managed by "
+                "the SL4A Manager. This session is already dead."
+                % (session.uid, session.server_port)
+            )
+            return False
+        return True
+    def finalize_reports(self):
+        self._accept_requests = False
+        while self._current_request_count > 0:
+            # Wait for other threads to finish.
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+    def _get_report_ticket(self):
+        """Returns the next ticket, or none if all tickets have been used."""
+        logging.debug("Getting ticket for SL4A error report.")
+        with self._ticket_lock:
+            self._ticket_number += 1
+            ticket_number = self._ticket_number
+        if ticket_number <= self.max_reports:
+            return ticket_number
+        else:
+            return None
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/event_dispatcher.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/event_dispatcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea0e84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/event_dispatcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import queue
+import re
+import threading
+import time
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
+class EventDispatcherError(Exception):
+    """The base class for all EventDispatcher exceptions."""
+class IllegalStateError(EventDispatcherError):
+    """Raise when user tries to put event_dispatcher into an illegal state."""
+class DuplicateError(EventDispatcherError):
+    """Raise when two event handlers have been assigned to an event name."""
+class EventDispatcher:
+    """A class for managing the events for an SL4A Session.
+    Attributes:
+        _serial: The serial of the device.
+        _rpc_client: The rpc client for that session.
+        _started: A bool that holds whether or not the event dispatcher is
+                  running.
+        _executor: The thread pool executor for running event handlers and
+                   polling.
+        _event_dict: A dictionary of str eventName = Queue<Event> eventQueue
+        _handlers: A dictionary of str eventName => (lambda, args) handler
+        _lock: A lock that prevents multiple reads/writes to the event queues.
+        log: The EventDispatcher's logger.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, serial, rpc_client):
+        self._serial = serial
+        self._rpc_client = rpc_client
+        self._started = False
+        self._executor = None
+        self._event_dict = {}
+        self._handlers = {}
+        self._lock = threading.RLock()
+        def _log_formatter(message):
+            """Defines the formatting used in the logger."""
+            return f"[E Dispatcher|{self._serial}|{self._rpc_client.uid}] {message}"
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
+    def poll_events(self):
+        """Continuously polls all types of events from sl4a.
+        Events are sorted by name and store in separate queues.
+        If there are registered handlers, the handlers will be called with
+        corresponding event immediately upon event discovery, and the event
+        won't be stored. If exceptions occur, stop the dispatcher and return
+        """
+        while self._started:
+            try:
+                # 60000 in ms, timeout in second
+                event_obj = self._rpc_client.eventWait(60000, timeout=120)
+            except rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError as e:
+                if self._rpc_client.is_alive:
+                    self.log.warning("Closing due to closed session.")
+                    break
+                else:
+                    self.log.warning(f"Closing due to error: {e}.")
+                    self.close()
+                    raise e
+            if not event_obj:
+                continue
+            elif "name" not in event_obj:
+                self.log.error(f"Received Malformed event {event_obj}")
+                continue
+            else:
+                event_name = event_obj["name"]
+            # if handler registered, process event
+            if event_name == "EventDispatcherShutdown":
+                self.log.debug("Received shutdown signal.")
+                # closeSl4aSession has been called, which closes the event
+                # dispatcher. Stop execution on this polling thread.
+                return
+            if event_name in self._handlers:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Using handler %s for event: %r"
+                    % (self._handlers[event_name].__name__, event_obj)
+                )
+                self.handle_subscribed_event(event_obj, event_name)
+            else:
+                self.log.debug(f"Queuing event: {event_obj!r}")
+                self._lock.acquire()
+                if event_name in self._event_dict:  # otherwise, cache event
+                    self._event_dict[event_name].put(event_obj)
+                else:
+                    q = queue.Queue()
+                    q.put(event_obj)
+                    self._event_dict[event_name] = q
+                self._lock.release()
+    def register_handler(self, handler, event_name, args):
+        """Registers an event handler.
+        One type of event can only have one event handler associated with it.
+        Args:
+            handler: The event handler function to be registered.
+            event_name: Name of the event the handler is for.
+            args: User arguments to be passed to the handler when it's called.
+        Raises:
+            IllegalStateError: Raised if attempts to register a handler after
+                the dispatcher starts running.
+            DuplicateError: Raised if attempts to register more than one
+                handler for one type of event.
+        """
+        if self._started:
+            raise IllegalStateError(
+                "Cannot register service after polling is " "started."
+            )
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if event_name in self._handlers:
+                raise DuplicateError(f"A handler for {event_name} already exists")
+            self._handlers[event_name] = (handler, args)
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    def start(self):
+        """Starts the event dispatcher.
+        Initiates executor and start polling events.
+        Raises:
+            IllegalStateError: Can't start a dispatcher again when it's already
+                running.
+        """
+        if not self._started:
+            self._started = True
+            self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32)
+            self._executor.submit(self.poll_events)
+        else:
+            raise IllegalStateError("Dispatcher is already started.")
+    def close(self):
+        """Clean up and release resources.
+        This function should only be called after a
+        rpc_client.closeSl4aSession() call.
+        """
+        if not self._started:
+            return
+        self._started = False
+        self._executor.shutdown(wait=True)
+        self.clear_all_events()
+    def pop_event(self, event_name, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """Pop an event from its queue.
+        Return and remove the oldest entry of an event.
+        Block until an event of specified name is available or
+        times out if timeout is set.
+        Args:
+            event_name: Name of the event to be popped.
+            timeout: Number of seconds to wait when event is not present.
+                Never times out if None.
+        Returns:
+            event: The oldest entry of the specified event. None if timed out.
+        Raises:
+            IllegalStateError: Raised if pop is called before the dispatcher
+                starts polling.
+        """
+        if not self._started:
+            raise IllegalStateError("Dispatcher needs to be started before popping.")
+        e_queue = self.get_event_q(event_name)
+        if not e_queue:
+            raise IllegalStateError(f"Failed to get an event queue for {event_name}")
+        try:
+            # Block for timeout
+            if timeout:
+                return e_queue.get(True, timeout)
+            # Non-blocking poll for event
+            elif timeout == 0:
+                return e_queue.get(False)
+            else:
+                # Block forever on event wait
+                return e_queue.get(True)
+        except queue.Empty:
+            msg = f"Timeout after {timeout}s waiting for event: {event_name}"
+            self.log.info(msg)
+            raise queue.Empty(msg)
+    def wait_for_event(
+        self, event_name, predicate, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, *args, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Wait for an event that satisfies a predicate to appear.
+        Continuously pop events of a particular name and check against the
+        predicate until an event that satisfies the predicate is popped or
+        timed out. Note this will remove all the events of the same name that
+        do not satisfy the predicate in the process.
+        Args:
+            event_name: Name of the event to be popped.
+            predicate: A function that takes an event and returns True if the
+                predicate is satisfied, False otherwise.
+            timeout: Number of seconds to wait.
+            *args: Optional positional args passed to predicate().
+            **kwargs: Optional keyword args passed to predicate().
+                consume_ignored_events: Whether or not to consume events while
+                    searching for the desired event. Defaults to True if unset.
+        Returns:
+            The event that satisfies the predicate.
+        Raises:
+            queue.Empty: Raised if no event that satisfies the predicate was
+                found before time out.
+        """
+        deadline = time.time() + timeout
+        ignored_events = []
+        consume_events = kwargs.pop("consume_ignored_events", True)
+        while True:
+            event = None
+            try:
+                event = self.pop_event(event_name, 1)
+                if consume_events:
+                    self.log.debug(f"Consuming event: {event!r}")
+                else:
+                    self.log.debug(f"Peeking at event: {event!r}")
+                    ignored_events.append(event)
+            except queue.Empty:
+                pass
+            if event and predicate(event, *args, **kwargs):
+                for ignored_event in ignored_events:
+                    self.get_event_q(event_name).put(ignored_event)
+                self.log.debug(f"Matched event: {event!r} with {predicate.__name__}")
+                return event
+            if time.time() > deadline:
+                for ignored_event in ignored_events:
+                    self.get_event_q(event_name).put(ignored_event)
+                msg = f"Timeout after {timeout}s waiting for event: {event_name}"
+                self.log.info(msg)
+                raise queue.Empty(msg)
+    def pop_events(self, regex_pattern, timeout, freq=1):
+        """Pop events whose names match a regex pattern.
+        If such event(s) exist, pop one event from each event queue that
+        satisfies the condition. Otherwise, wait for an event that satisfies
+        the condition to occur, with timeout.
+        Results are sorted by timestamp in ascending order.
+        Args:
+            regex_pattern: The regular expression pattern that an event name
+                should match in order to be popped.
+            timeout: Number of seconds to wait for events in case no event
+                matching the condition exits when the function is called.
+        Returns:
+            results: Pop events whose names match a regex pattern.
+                Empty if none exist and the wait timed out.
+        Raises:
+            IllegalStateError: Raised if pop is called before the dispatcher
+                starts polling.
+            queue.Empty: Raised if no event was found before time out.
+        """
+        if not self._started:
+            raise IllegalStateError("Dispatcher needs to be started before popping.")
+        deadline = time.time() + timeout
+        while True:
+            # TODO: fix the sleep loop
+            results = self._match_and_pop(regex_pattern)
+            if len(results) != 0 or time.time() > deadline:
+                break
+            time.sleep(freq)
+        if len(results) == 0:
+            msg = f"Timeout after {timeout}s waiting for event: {regex_pattern}"
+            self.log.error(msg)
+            raise queue.Empty(msg)
+        return sorted(results, key=lambda event: event["time"])
+    def _match_and_pop(self, regex_pattern):
+        """Pop one event from each of the event queues whose names
+        match (in a sense of regular expression) regex_pattern.
+        """
+        results = []
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        for name in self._event_dict.keys():
+            if re.match(regex_pattern, name):
+                q = self._event_dict[name]
+                if q:
+                    try:
+                        results.append(q.get(False))
+                    except queue.Empty:
+                        pass
+        self._lock.release()
+        return results
+    def get_event_q(self, event_name):
+        """Obtain the queue storing events of the specified name.
+        If no event of this name has been polled, wait for one to.
+        Returns: A queue storing all the events of the specified name.
+        """
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        if event_name not in self._event_dict or self._event_dict[event_name] is None:
+            self._event_dict[event_name] = queue.Queue()
+        self._lock.release()
+        event_queue = self._event_dict[event_name]
+        return event_queue
+    def handle_subscribed_event(self, event_obj, event_name):
+        """Execute the registered handler of an event.
+        Retrieve the handler and its arguments, and execute the handler in a
+            new thread.
+        Args:
+            event_obj: Json object of the event.
+            event_name: Name of the event to call handler for.
+        """
+        handler, args = self._handlers[event_name]
+        self._executor.submit(handler, event_obj, *args)
+    def _handle(
+        self, event_handler, event_name, user_args, event_timeout, cond, cond_timeout
+    ):
+        """Pop an event of specified type and calls its handler on it. If
+        condition is not None, block until condition is met or timeout.
+        """
+        if cond:
+            cond.wait(cond_timeout)
+        event = self.pop_event(event_name, event_timeout)
+        return event_handler(event, *user_args)
+    def handle_event(
+        self,
+        event_handler,
+        event_name,
+        user_args,
+        event_timeout=None,
+        cond=None,
+        cond_timeout=None,
+    ):
+        """Handle events that don't have registered handlers
+        In a new thread, poll one event of specified type from its queue and
+        execute its handler. If no such event exists, the thread waits until
+        one appears.
+        Args:
+            event_handler: Handler for the event, which should take at least
+                one argument - the event json object.
+            event_name: Name of the event to be handled.
+            user_args: User arguments for the handler; to be passed in after
+                the event json.
+            event_timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the event to come.
+            cond: A condition to wait on before executing the handler. Should
+                be a threading.Event object.
+            cond_timeout: Number of seconds to wait before the condition times
+                out. Never times out if None.
+        Returns:
+            worker: A concurrent.Future object associated with the handler.
+                If blocking call worker.result() is triggered, the handler
+                needs to return something to unblock.
+        """
+        worker = self._executor.submit(
+            self._handle,
+            event_handler,
+            event_name,
+            user_args,
+            event_timeout,
+            cond,
+            cond_timeout,
+        )
+        return worker
+    def pop_all(self, event_name):
+        """Return and remove all stored events of a specified name.
+        Pops all events from their queue. May miss the latest ones.
+        If no event is available, return immediately.
+        Args:
+            event_name: Name of the events to be popped.
+        Returns:
+           results: List of the desired events.
+        Raises:
+            IllegalStateError: Raised if pop is called before the dispatcher
+                starts polling.
+        """
+        if not self._started:
+            raise IllegalStateError(
+                ("Dispatcher needs to be started before " "popping.")
+            )
+        results = []
+        try:
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            while True:
+                e = self._event_dict[event_name].get(block=False)
+                results.append(e)
+        except (queue.Empty, KeyError):
+            return results
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    def clear_events(self, event_name):
+        """Clear all events of a particular name.
+        Args:
+            event_name: Name of the events to be popped.
+        """
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            q = self.get_event_q(event_name)
+            q.queue.clear()
+        except queue.Empty:
+            return
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    def clear_all_events(self):
+        """Clear all event queues and their cached events."""
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        self._event_dict.clear()
+        self._lock.release()
+    def is_event_match(self, event, field, value):
+        return self.is_event_match_for_list(event, field, [value])
+    def is_event_match_for_list(self, event, field, value_list):
+        try:
+            value_in_event = event["data"][field]
+        except KeyError:
+            return False
+        for value in value_list:
+            if value_in_event == value:
+                return True
+        return False
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f4c92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import socket
+import threading
+import time
+from concurrent import futures
+from antlion import error, logger
+# The default timeout value when no timeout is set.
+# The Session UID when a UID has not been received yet.
+class Sl4aException(error.ActsError):
+    """The base class for all SL4A exceptions."""
+class Sl4aStartError(Sl4aException):
+    """Raised when sl4a is not able to be started."""
+class Sl4aApiError(Sl4aException):
+    """Raised when remote API reports an error.
+    This error mirrors the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec for Error Response objects.
+    Attributes:
+        code: The error code returned by SL4A. Not to be confused with
+            ActsError's error_code.
+        message: The error message returned by SL4A.
+        data: The extra data, if any, returned by SL4A.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message, code=-1, data=None, rpc_name=""):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.message = message
+        self.code = code
+        if data is None:
+            self.data = {}
+        else:
+            self.data = data
+        self.rpc_name = rpc_name
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.data:
+            return "Error in RPC %s %s:%s:%s" % (
+                self.rpc_name,
+                self.code,
+                self.message,
+                self.data,
+            )
+        else:
+            return f"Error in RPC {self.rpc_name} {self.code}:{self.message}"
+class Sl4aConnectionError(Sl4aException):
+    """An error raised upon failure to connect to SL4A."""
+class Sl4aProtocolError(Sl4aException):
+    """Raised when there an error in exchanging data with server on device."""
+    NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE = "No response from handshake."
+    NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER = "No response from server."
+    MISMATCHED_API_ID = "Mismatched API id."
+class Sl4aNotInstalledError(Sl4aException):
+    """An error raised when an Sl4aClient is created without SL4A installed."""
+class Sl4aRpcTimeoutError(Sl4aException):
+    """An error raised when an SL4A RPC has timed out."""
+class RpcClient(object):
+    """An RPC client capable of processing multiple RPCs concurrently.
+    Attributes:
+        _free_connections: A list of all idle RpcConnections.
+        _working_connections: A list of all working RpcConnections.
+        _lock: A lock used for accessing critical memory.
+        max_connections: The maximum number of RpcConnections at a time.
+            Increasing or decreasing the number of max connections does NOT
+            modify the thread pool size being used for self.future RPC calls.
+        _log: The logger for this RpcClient.
+    """
+    """The default value for the maximum amount of connections for a client."""
+    class AsyncClient(object):
+        """An object that allows RPC calls to be called asynchronously.
+        Attributes:
+            _rpc_client: The RpcClient to use when making calls.
+            _executor: The ThreadPoolExecutor used to keep track of workers
+        """
+        def __init__(self, rpc_client):
+            self._rpc_client = rpc_client
+            self._executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
+                max_workers=max(rpc_client.max_connections - 2, 1)
+            )
+        def rpc(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+            future = self._executor.submit(name, *args, **kwargs)
+            return future
+        def __getattr__(self, name):
+            """Wrapper for python magic to turn method calls into RPC calls."""
+            def rpc_call(*args, **kwargs):
+                future = self._executor.submit(
+                    self._rpc_client.__getattr__(name), *args, **kwargs
+                )
+                return future
+            return rpc_call
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        uid,
+        serial,
+        on_error_callback,
+        _create_connection_func,
+        max_connections=None,
+    ):
+        """Creates a new RpcClient object.
+        Args:
+            uid: The session uid this client is a part of.
+            serial: The serial of the Android device. Used for logging.
+            on_error_callback: A callback for when a connection error is raised.
+            _create_connection_func: A reference to the function that creates a
+                new session.
+            max_connections: The maximum number of connections the RpcClient
+                can have.
+        """
+        self._serial = serial
+        self.on_error = on_error_callback
+        self._create_connection_func = _create_connection_func
+        self._free_connections = [self._create_connection_func(uid)]
+        self.uid = self._free_connections[0].uid
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+        def _log_formatter(message):
+            """Formats the message to be logged."""
+            return f"[RPC Service|{self._serial}|{self.uid}] {message}"
+        self._log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
+        self._working_connections = []
+        if max_connections is None:
+            self.max_connections = RpcClient.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION
+        else:
+            self.max_connections = max_connections
+        self._async_client = RpcClient.AsyncClient(self)
+        self.is_alive = True
+    def terminate(self):
+        """Terminates all connections to the SL4A server."""
+        if len(self._working_connections) > 0:
+            self._log.warning(
+                "%s connections are still active, and waiting on "
+                "responses.Closing these connections now."
+                % len(self._working_connections)
+            )
+        connections = self._free_connections + self._working_connections
+        for connection in connections:
+            self._log.debug(f"Closing connection over ports {connection.ports}")
+            connection.close()
+        self._free_connections = []
+        self._working_connections = []
+        self.is_alive = False
+    def _get_free_connection(self):
+        """Returns a free connection to be used for an RPC call.
+        This function also adds the client to the working set to prevent
+        multiple users from obtaining the same client.
+        """
+        while True:
+            if len(self._free_connections) > 0:
+                with self._lock:
+                    # Check if another thread grabbed the remaining connection.
+                    # while we were waiting for the lock.
+                    if len(self._free_connections) == 0:
+                        continue
+                    client = self._free_connections.pop()
+                    self._working_connections.append(client)
+                    return client
+            client_count = len(self._free_connections) + len(self._working_connections)
+            if client_count < self.max_connections:
+                with self._lock:
+                    client_count = len(self._free_connections) + len(
+                        self._working_connections
+                    )
+                    if client_count < self.max_connections:
+                        client = self._create_connection_func(self.uid)
+                        self._working_connections.append(client)
+                        return client
+            time.sleep(0.01)
+    def _release_working_connection(self, connection):
+        """Marks a working client as free.
+        Args:
+            connection: The client to mark as free.
+        Raises:
+            A ValueError if the client is not a known working connection.
+        """
+        # We need to keep this code atomic because the client count is based on
+        # the length of the free and working connection list lengths.
+        with self._lock:
+            self._working_connections.remove(connection)
+            self._free_connections.append(connection)
+    def rpc(self, method, *args, timeout=None, retries=3):
+        """Sends an rpc to sl4a.
+        Sends an rpc call to sl4a over this RpcClient's corresponding session.
+        Args:
+            method: str, The name of the method to execute.
+            args: any, The args to send to sl4a.
+            timeout: The amount of time to wait for a response.
+            retries: Misnomer, is actually the number of tries.
+        Returns:
+            The result of the rpc.
+        Raises:
+            Sl4aProtocolError: Something went wrong with the sl4a protocol.
+            Sl4aApiError: The rpc went through, however executed with errors.
+        """
+        connection = self._get_free_connection()
+        ticket = connection.get_new_ticket()
+        timed_out = False
+        if timeout:
+            connection.set_timeout(timeout)
+        data = {"id": ticket, "method": method, "params": args}
+        request = json.dumps(data)
+        response = ""
+        try:
+            for i in range(1, retries + 1):
+                connection.send_request(request)
+                response = connection.get_response()
+                if not response:
+                    if i < retries:
+                        self._log.warning(
+                            "No response for RPC method %s on iteration %s", method, i
+                        )
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        self._log.exception(
+                            "No response for RPC method %s on iteration %s", method, i
+                        )
+                        self.on_error(connection)
+                        raise Sl4aProtocolError(
+                            Sl4aProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER
+                        )
+                else:
+                    break
+        except BrokenPipeError as e:
+            if self.is_alive:
+                self._log.exception(
+                    "The device disconnected during RPC call "
+                    "%s. Please check the logcat for a crash "
+                    "or disconnect.",
+                    method,
+                )
+                self.on_error(connection)
+            else:
+                self._log.warning("The connection was killed during cleanup:")
+                self._log.warning(e)
+            raise Sl4aConnectionError(e)
+        except socket.timeout as err:
+            # If a socket connection has timed out, the socket can no longer be
+            # used. Close it out and remove the socket from the connection pool.
+            timed_out = True
+            self._log.warning(
+                'RPC "%s" (id: %s) timed out after %s seconds.',
+                method,
+                ticket,
+                timeout or SOCKET_TIMEOUT,
+            )
+            self._log.debug(f"Closing timed out connection over {connection.ports}")
+            connection.close()
+            self._working_connections.remove(connection)
+            # Re-raise the error as an SL4A Error so end users can process it.
+            raise Sl4aRpcTimeoutError(err)
+        finally:
+            if not timed_out:
+                if timeout:
+                    connection.set_timeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
+                self._release_working_connection(connection)
+        result = json.loads(str(response, encoding="utf8"))
+        if result["error"]:
+            error_object = result["error"]
+            if isinstance(error_object, dict):
+                # Uses JSON-RPC 2.0 Format
+                sl4a_api_error = Sl4aApiError(
+                    error_object.get("message", None),
+                    error_object.get("code", -1),
+                    error_object.get("data", {}),
+                    rpc_name=method,
+                )
+            else:
+                # Fallback on JSON-RPC 1.0 Format
+                sl4a_api_error = Sl4aApiError(error_object, rpc_name=method)
+            self._log.warning(sl4a_api_error)
+            raise sl4a_api_error
+        if result["id"] != ticket:
+            self._log.error(
+                "RPC method %s with mismatched api id %s", method, result["id"]
+            )
+            raise Sl4aProtocolError(Sl4aProtocolError.MISMATCHED_API_ID)
+        return result["result"]
+    @property
+    def future(self):
+        """Returns a magic function that returns a future running an RPC call.
+        This function effectively allows the idiom:
+        >>> rpc_client = RpcClient(...)
+        >>> # returns after call finishes
+        >>> rpc_client.someRpcCall()
+        >>> # Immediately returns a reference to the RPC's future, running
+        >>> # the lengthy RPC call on another thread.
+        >>> future = rpc_client.future.someLengthyRpcCall()
+        >>> rpc_client.doOtherThings()
+        >>> ...
+        >>> # Wait for and get the returned value of the lengthy RPC.
+        >>> # Can specify a timeout as well.
+        >>> value = future.result()
+        The number of concurrent calls to this method is limited to
+        (max_connections - 2), to prevent future calls from exhausting all free
+        connections.
+        """
+        return self._async_client
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """Wrapper for python magic to turn method calls into RPC calls."""
+        def rpc_call(*args, **kwargs):
+            return self.rpc(name, *args, **kwargs)
+        if not self.is_alive:
+            raise Sl4aStartError(
+                "This SL4A session has already been terminated. You must "
+                "create a new session to continue."
+            )
+        return rpc_call
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43ffe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import socket
+import threading
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
+# The Session UID when a UID has not been received yet.
+class Sl4aConnectionCommand(object):
+    """Commands that can be invoked on the sl4a client.
+    INIT: Initializes a new sessions in sl4a.
+    CONTINUE: Creates a connection.
+    """
+    INIT = "initiate"
+    CONTINUE = "continue"
+class RpcConnection(object):
+    """A single RPC Connection thread.
+    Attributes:
+        _client_socket: The socket this connection uses.
+        _socket_file: The file created over the _client_socket.
+        _ticket_counter: The counter storing the current ticket number.
+        _ticket_lock: A lock on the ticket counter to prevent ticket collisions.
+        adb: A reference to the AdbProxy of the AndroidDevice. Used for logging.
+        log: The logger for this RPC Client.
+        ports: The Sl4aPorts object that stores the ports this connection uses.
+        uid: The SL4A session ID.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adb, ports, client_socket, socket_fd, uid=UNKNOWN_UID):
+        self._client_socket = client_socket
+        self._socket_file = socket_fd
+        self._ticket_counter = 0
+        self._ticket_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.adb = adb
+        self.uid = uid
+        def _log_formatter(message):
+            """Defines the formatting used in the logger."""
+            return "[SL4A Client|%s|%s|%s] %s" % (
+                self.adb.serial,
+                self.ports.client_port,
+                self.uid,
+                message,
+            )
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
+        self.ports = ports
+        self.set_timeout(rpc_client.SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
+    def open(self):
+        if self.uid != UNKNOWN_UID:
+            start_command = Sl4aConnectionCommand.CONTINUE
+        else:
+            start_command = Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT
+        self._initiate_handshake(start_command)
+    def _initiate_handshake(self, start_command):
+        """Establishes a connection with the SL4A server.
+        Args:
+            start_command: The command to send. See Sl4aConnectionCommand.
+        """
+        try:
+            resp = self._cmd(start_command)
+        except socket.timeout as e:
+            self.log.error("Failed to open socket connection: %s", e)
+            raise
+        if not resp:
+            raise rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError(
+                rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE
+            )
+        result = json.loads(str(resp, encoding="utf8"))
+        if result["status"]:
+            self.uid = result["uid"]
+        else:
+            self.log.warning(f"UID not received for connection {self.ports}.")
+            self.uid = UNKNOWN_UID
+        self.log.debug(f"Created connection over: {self.ports}.")
+    def _cmd(self, command):
+        """Sends an session protocol command to SL4A to establish communication.
+        Args:
+            command: The name of the command to execute.
+        Returns:
+            The line that was written back.
+        """
+        self.send_request(json.dumps({"cmd": command, "uid": self.uid}))
+        return self.get_response()
+    def get_new_ticket(self):
+        """Returns a ticket for a new request."""
+        with self._ticket_lock:
+            self._ticket_counter += 1
+            ticket = self._ticket_counter
+        return ticket
+    def set_timeout(self, timeout):
+        """Sets the socket's wait for response timeout."""
+        self._client_socket.settimeout(timeout)
+    def send_request(self, request):
+        """Sends a request over the connection."""
+        self._socket_file.write(request.encode("utf8") + b"\n")
+        self._socket_file.flush()
+        self.log.debug(f"Sent: {request}")
+    def get_response(self):
+        """Returns the first response sent back to the client."""
+        data = self._socket_file.readline()
+        bytes = data.decode("utf8", errors="replace")
+        self.log.debug(f"Received: {bytes}")
+        return data
+    def close(self):
+        """Closes the connection gracefully."""
+        self._client_socket.close()
+        self.adb.remove_tcp_forward(self.ports.forwarded_port)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b87fcaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import threading
+import time
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import error_reporter, rpc_client, sl4a_session
+SL4A_PKG_NAME = "com.googlecode.android_scripting"
+    "am startservice -a com.googlecode.android_scripting.action.LAUNCH_SERVER "
+    "--ei com.googlecode.android_scripting.extra.USE_SERVICE_PORT %s "
+    "com.googlecode.android_scripting/.service.ScriptingLayerService"
+    "am startservice -a com.googlecode.android_scripting.action.KILL_PROCESS "
+    "--ei com.googlecode.android_scripting.extra.PROXY_PORT %s "
+    "com.googlecode.android_scripting/.service.ScriptingLayerService"
+# The command for finding SL4A's server port as root.
+    # Get all open, listening ports, and their process names
+    "ss -l -p -n | "
+    # Find all open TCP ports for SL4A
+    'grep "tcp.*droid_scripting" | '
+    # Shorten all whitespace to a single space character
+    'tr -s " " | '
+    # Grab the 5th column (which is server:port)
+    'cut -d " " -f 5 |'
+    # Only grab the port
+    "sed s/.*://g"
+# The command for finding SL4A's server port without root.
+    # Get all open, listening ports, and their process names
+    "ss -l -p -n | "
+    # Find all open ports exposed to the public. This can produce false
+    # positives since users cannot read the process associated with the port.
+    'grep -e "tcp.*::ffff:127\.0\.0\.1:" | '
+    # Shorten all whitespace to a single space character
+    'tr -s " " | '
+    # Grab the 5th column (which is server:port)
+    'cut -d " " -f 5 |'
+    # Only grab the port
+    "sed s/.*://g"
+# The command that begins the SL4A ScriptingLayerService.
+    "am startservice " "com.googlecode.android_scripting/.service.ScriptingLayerService"
+# Maps device serials to their SL4A Manager. This is done to prevent multiple
+# Sl4aManagers from existing for the same device.
+_all_sl4a_managers = {}
+def create_sl4a_manager(adb):
+    """Creates and returns an SL4AManager for the given device.
+    Args:
+        adb: A reference to the device's AdbProxy.
+    """
+    if adb.serial in _all_sl4a_managers:
+        _all_sl4a_managers[adb.serial].log.warning(
+            "Attempted to return multiple SL4AManagers on the same device. "
+            "Returning pre-existing SL4AManager instead."
+        )
+        return _all_sl4a_managers[adb.serial]
+    else:
+        manager = Sl4aManager(adb)
+        _all_sl4a_managers[adb.serial] = manager
+        return manager
+class Sl4aManager(object):
+    """A manager for SL4A Clients to a given AndroidDevice.
+    SL4A is a single APK that can host multiple RPC servers at a time. This
+    class manages each server connection over ADB, and will gracefully
+    terminate the apk during cleanup.
+    Attributes:
+        _listen_for_port_lock: A lock for preventing multiple threads from
+            potentially mixing up requested ports.
+        _sl4a_ports: A set of all known SL4A server ports in use.
+        adb: A reference to the AndroidDevice's AdbProxy.
+        log: The logger for this object.
+        sessions: A dictionary of session_ids to sessions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adb):
+        self._listen_for_port_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._sl4a_ports = set()
+        self.adb = adb
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(
+            lambda msg: f"[SL4A Manager|{adb.serial}] {msg}"
+        )
+        self.sessions = {}
+        self._started = False
+        self.error_reporter = error_reporter.ErrorReporter(f"SL4A {adb.serial}")
+    @property
+    def sl4a_ports_in_use(self):
+        """Returns a list of all server ports used by SL4A servers."""
+        return set([session.server_port for session in self.sessions.values()])
+    def diagnose_failure(self, session, connection):
+        """Diagnoses all potential known reasons SL4A can fail.
+        Assumes the failure happened on an RPC call, which verifies the state
+        of ADB/device."""
+        self.error_reporter.create_error_report(self, session, connection)
+    def start_sl4a_server(self, device_port, try_interval=ATTEMPT_INTERVAL):
+        """Opens a server socket connection on SL4A.
+        Args:
+            device_port: The expected port for SL4A to open on. Note that in
+                many cases, this will be different than the port returned by
+                this method.
+            try_interval: The amount of seconds between attempts at finding an
+                opened port on the AndroidDevice.
+        Returns:
+            The port number on the device the SL4A server is open on.
+        Raises:
+            Sl4aConnectionError if SL4A's opened port cannot be found.
+        """
+        # Launch a server through SL4A.
+        self.adb.shell(_SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD % device_port)
+        # There is a chance that the server has not come up yet by the time the
+        # launch command has finished. Try to read get the listening port again
+        # after a small amount of time.
+        time_left = MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
+        while time_left > 0:
+            port = self._get_open_listening_port()
+            if port is None:
+                time.sleep(try_interval)
+                time_left -= try_interval
+            else:
+                return port
+        raise rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError(
+            "Unable to find a valid open port for a new server connection. "
+            "Expected port: %s. Open ports: %s" % (device_port, self._sl4a_ports)
+        )
+    def _get_all_ports_command(self):
+        """Returns the list of all ports from the command to get ports."""
+        is_root = True
+        if not self.adb.is_root():
+            is_root = self.adb.ensure_root()
+        if is_root:
+            return _SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD
+        else:
+            # TODO(markdr): When root is unavailable, search logcat output for
+            #               the port the server has opened.
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Device cannot be put into root mode. SL4A "
+                "server connections cannot be verified."
+            )
+            return _SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD
+    def _get_all_ports(self):
+        return self.adb.shell(self._get_all_ports_command()).split()
+    def _get_open_listening_port(self):
+        """Returns any open, listening port found for SL4A.
+        Will return none if no port is found.
+        """
+        possible_ports = self._get_all_ports()
+        self.log.debug(f"SL4A Ports found: {possible_ports}")
+        # Acquire the lock. We lock this method because if multiple threads
+        # attempt to get a server at the same time, they can potentially find
+        # the same port as being open, and both attempt to connect to it.
+        with self._listen_for_port_lock:
+            for port in possible_ports:
+                if port not in self._sl4a_ports:
+                    self._sl4a_ports.add(port)
+                    return int(port)
+        return None
+    def is_sl4a_installed(self):
+        """Returns True if SL4A is installed on the AndroidDevice."""
+        return bool(self.adb.shell(f"pm path {SL4A_PKG_NAME}", ignore_status=True))
+    def start_sl4a_service(self):
+        """Starts the SL4A Service on the device.
+        For starting an RPC server, use start_sl4a_server() instead.
+        """
+        # Verify SL4A is installed.
+        if not self._started:
+            self._started = True
+            if not self.is_sl4a_installed():
+                raise rpc_client.Sl4aNotInstalledError(
+                    f"SL4A is not installed on device {self.adb.serial}"
+                )
+            if self.adb.shell(f'(ps | grep "S {SL4A_PKG_NAME}") || true'):
+                # Close all SL4A servers not opened by this manager.
+                # TODO(markdr): revert back to closing all ports after
+                # b/76147680 is resolved.
+                self.adb.shell(f"kill -9 $(pidof {SL4A_PKG_NAME})")
+            self.adb.shell('settings put global hidden_api_blacklist_exemptions "*"')
+            # Start the service if it is not up already.
+            self.adb.shell(_SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD)
+    def obtain_sl4a_server(self, server_port):
+        """Obtain an SL4A server port.
+        If the port is open and valid, return it. Otherwise, open an new server
+        with the hinted server_port.
+        """
+        if server_port not in self.sl4a_ports_in_use:
+            return self.start_sl4a_server(server_port)
+        else:
+            return server_port
+    def create_session(
+        self, max_connections=None, client_port=0, forwarded_port=0, server_port=None
+    ):
+        """Creates an SL4A server with the given ports if possible.
+        The ports are not guaranteed to be available for use. If the port
+        asked for is not available, this will be logged, and the port will
+        be randomized.
+        Args:
+            client_port: The client port on the host machine
+            forwarded_port: The server port on the host machine forwarded
+                            by adb from the Android device
+            server_port: The port on the Android device.
+            max_connections: The max number of client connections for the
+                session.
+        Returns:
+            A new Sl4aServer instance.
+        """
+        if server_port is None:
+            # If a session already exists, use the same server.
+            if len(self.sessions) > 0:
+                server_port = self.sessions[sorted(self.sessions.keys())[0]].server_port
+            # Otherwise, open a new server on a random port.
+            else:
+                server_port = 0
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Creating SL4A session client_port={}, forwarded_port={}, server_port={}".format(
+                client_port, forwarded_port, server_port
+            )
+        )
+        self.start_sl4a_service()
+        session = sl4a_session.Sl4aSession(
+            self.adb,
+            client_port,
+            server_port,
+            self.obtain_sl4a_server,
+            self.diagnose_failure,
+            forwarded_port,
+            max_connections=max_connections,
+        )
+        self.sessions[session.uid] = session
+        return session
+    def stop_service(self):
+        """Stops The SL4A Service. Force-stops the SL4A apk."""
+        try:
+            self.adb.shell(f"am force-stop {SL4A_PKG_NAME}", ignore_status=True)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.warning("Fail to stop package %s: %s", SL4A_PKG_NAME, e)
+        self._started = False
+    def terminate_all_sessions(self):
+        """Terminates all SL4A sessions gracefully."""
+        self.error_reporter.finalize_reports()
+        for _, session in self.sessions.items():
+            session.terminate()
+        self.sessions = {}
+        self._close_all_ports()
+    def _close_all_ports(self, try_interval=ATTEMPT_INTERVAL):
+        """Closes all ports opened on SL4A."""
+        ports = self._get_all_ports()
+        for port in set.union(self._sl4a_ports, ports):
+            self.adb.shell(_SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD % port)
+        time_left = MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
+        while time_left > 0 and self._get_open_listening_port():
+            time.sleep(try_interval)
+            time_left -= try_interval
+        if time_left <= 0:
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Unable to close all un-managed servers! Server ports that are "
+                "still open are %s" % self._get_open_listening_port()
+            )
+        self._sl4a_ports = set()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_ports.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_ports.py
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index 0000000..8ac0b98
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+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_ports.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class Sl4aPorts(object):
+    """A container for the three ports needed for an SL4A connection.
+    Attributes:
+        client_port: The port on the host associated with the SL4A client
+        forwarded_port: The port forwarded to the Android device.
+        server_port: The port on the device associated with the SL4A server.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, client_port=0, forwarded_port=0, server_port=0):
+        self.client_port = client_port
+        self.forwarded_port = forwarded_port
+        self.server_port = server_port
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"({self.client_port}, {self.forwarded_port}, {self.server_port})"
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session.py
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import errno
+import socket
+import threading
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import (
+    event_dispatcher,
+    rpc_client,
+    rpc_connection,
+    sl4a_ports,
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.rpc_client import Sl4aStartError
+# The SL4A Session UID when a UID has not been received yet.
+class Sl4aSession(object):
+    """An object that tracks the state of an SL4A Session.
+    Attributes:
+        _event_dispatcher: The EventDispatcher instance, if any, for this
+            session.
+        _terminate_lock: A lock that prevents race conditions for multiple
+            threads calling terminate()
+        _terminated: A bool that stores whether or not this session has been
+            terminated. Terminated sessions cannot be restarted.
+        adb: A reference to the AndroidDevice's AdbProxy.
+        log: The logger for this Sl4aSession
+        server_port: The SL4A server port this session is established on.
+        uid: The uid that corresponds the the SL4A Server's session id. This
+            value is only unique during the lifetime of the SL4A apk.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        adb,
+        host_port,
+        device_port,
+        get_server_port_func,
+        on_error_callback,
+        forwarded_port=0,
+        max_connections=None,
+    ):
+        """Creates an SL4A Session.
+        Args:
+            adb: A reference to the adb proxy
+            get_server_port_func: A lambda (int) that returns the corrected
+                server port. The int passed in hints at which port to use, if
+                possible.
+            host_port: The port the host machine uses to connect to the SL4A
+                server for its first connection.
+            device_port: The SL4A server port to be used as a hint for which
+                SL4A server to connect to.
+            forwarded_port: The server port on host machine forwarded by adb
+                            from Android device to accept SL4A connection
+        """
+        self._event_dispatcher = None
+        self._terminate_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._terminated = False
+        self.adb = adb
+        def _log_formatter(message):
+            return f"[SL4A Session|{self.adb.serial}|{self.uid}] {message}"
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
+        self.forwarded_port = forwarded_port
+        self.server_port = device_port
+        self.uid = UNKNOWN_UID
+        self.obtain_server_port = get_server_port_func
+        self._on_error_callback = on_error_callback
+        connection_creator = self._rpc_connection_creator(host_port)
+        self.rpc_client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            self.uid,
+            self.adb.serial,
+            self.diagnose_failure,
+            connection_creator,
+            max_connections=max_connections,
+        )
+    def _rpc_connection_creator(self, host_port):
+        def create_client(uid):
+            return self._create_rpc_connection(
+                ports=sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(
+                    host_port, self.forwarded_port, self.server_port
+                ),
+                uid=uid,
+            )
+        return create_client
+    @property
+    def is_alive(self):
+        return not self._terminated
+    def _create_forwarded_port(self, server_port, hinted_port=0):
+        """Creates a forwarded port to the specified server port.
+        Args:
+            server_port: (int) The port to forward to.
+            hinted_port: (int) The port to use for forwarding, if available.
+                         Otherwise, the chosen port will be random.
+        Returns:
+            The chosen forwarded port.
+        Raises AdbError if the version of ADB is too old, or the command fails.
+        """
+        if self.adb.get_version_number() < 37 and hinted_port == 0:
+            self.log.error(
+                "The current version of ADB does not automatically provide a "
+                "port to forward. Please upgrade ADB to version 1.0.37 or "
+                "higher."
+            )
+            raise Sl4aStartError("Unable to forward a port to the device.")
+        else:
+            try:
+                return self.adb.tcp_forward(hinted_port, server_port)
+            except AdbError as e:
+                if "cannot bind listener" in e.stderr:
+                    self.log.warning(
+                        "Unable to use %s to forward to device port %s due to: "
+                        '"%s". Attempting to choose a random port instead.'
+                        % (hinted_port, server_port, e.stderr)
+                    )
+                    # Call this method again, but this time with no hinted port.
+                    return self._create_forwarded_port(server_port)
+                raise e
+    def _create_rpc_connection(self, ports=None, uid=UNKNOWN_UID):
+        """Creates an RPC Connection with the specified ports.
+        Args:
+            ports: A Sl4aPorts object or a tuple of (host/client_port,
+                   forwarded_port, device/server_port). If any of these are
+                   zero, the OS will determine their values during connection.
+                   Note that these ports are only suggestions. If they are not
+                   available, the a different port will be selected.
+            uid: The UID of the SL4A Session. To create a new session, use
+                 UNKNOWN_UID.
+        Returns:
+            An Sl4aClient.
+        """
+        if ports is None:
+            ports = sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 0, 0)
+        # Open a new server if a server cannot be inferred.
+        ports.server_port = self.obtain_server_port(ports.server_port)
+        self.server_port = ports.server_port
+        # Forward the device port to the host.
+        ports.forwarded_port = self._create_forwarded_port(
+            ports.server_port, hinted_port=ports.forwarded_port
+        )
+        client_socket, fd = self._create_client_side_connection(ports)
+        client = rpc_connection.RpcConnection(
+            self.adb, ports, client_socket, fd, uid=uid
+        )
+        client.open()
+        if uid == UNKNOWN_UID:
+            self.uid = client.uid
+        return client
+    def diagnose_failure(self, connection):
+        """Diagnoses any problems related to the SL4A session."""
+        self._on_error_callback(self, connection)
+    def get_event_dispatcher(self):
+        """Returns the EventDispatcher for this Sl4aSession."""
+        if self._event_dispatcher is None:
+            self._event_dispatcher = event_dispatcher.EventDispatcher(
+                self.adb.serial, self.rpc_client
+            )
+        return self._event_dispatcher
+    def _create_client_side_connection(self, ports):
+        """Creates and connects the client socket to the forward device port.
+        Args:
+            ports: A Sl4aPorts object or a tuple of (host_port,
+            forwarded_port, device_port).
+        Returns:
+            A tuple of (socket, socket_file_descriptor).
+        """
+        client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        client_socket.settimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
+        client_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+        if ports.client_port != 0:
+            try:
+                client_socket.bind((socket.gethostname(), ports.client_port))
+            except OSError as e:
+                # If the port is in use, log and ask for any open port.
+                if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:
+                    self.log.warning(
+                        "Port %s is already in use on the host. "
+                        "Generating a random port." % ports.client_port
+                    )
+                    ports.client_port = 0
+                    return self._create_client_side_connection(ports)
+                raise
+        # Verify and obtain the port opened by SL4A.
+        try:
+            # Connect to the port that has been forwarded to the device.
+            client_socket.connect(("", ports.forwarded_port))
+        except socket.timeout:
+            raise rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError(
+                "SL4A has not connected over the specified port within the "
+                "timeout of %s seconds." % SOCKET_TIMEOUT
+            )
+        except socket.error as e:
+            # In extreme, unlikely cases, a socket error with
+            # errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL can be raised when a desired host_port is
+            # taken by a separate program between the bind and connect calls.
+            # Note that if host_port is set to zero, there is no bind before
+            # the connection is made, so this error will never be thrown.
+            if e.errno == errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL:
+                ports.client_port = 0
+                return self._create_client_side_connection(ports)
+            raise
+        ports.client_port = client_socket.getsockname()[1]
+        return client_socket, client_socket.makefile(mode="brw")
+    def terminate(self):
+        """Terminates the session.
+        The return of process execution is blocked on completion of all events
+        being processed by handlers in the Event Dispatcher.
+        """
+        with self._terminate_lock:
+            if not self._terminated:
+                self.log.debug("Terminating Session.")
+                try:
+                    self.rpc_client.closeSl4aSession()
+                except Exception as e:
+                    if "SL4A session has already been terminated" not in str(e):
+                        self.log.warning(e)
+                # Must be set after closeSl4aSession so the rpc_client does not
+                # think the session has closed.
+                self._terminated = True
+                if self._event_dispatcher:
+                    try:
+                        self._event_dispatcher.close()
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        self.log.warning(e)
+                try:
+                    self.rpc_client.terminate()
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.log.warning(e)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_types.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_types.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..434ff92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.dict_object import DictObject
+class Sl4aEvent(DictObject):
+    """Event returned by sl4a calls to eventPoll() and eventWait()
+    The 'name' field uniquely identifies the contents of 'data'.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name=None, time=None, data=None):
+        DictObject.__init__(self, name=name, time=time, data=data)
+class Sl4aNetworkInfo(DictObject):
+    """SL4A equivalent of an Android NetworkInfo Object"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        isAvailable=None,
+        isConnected=None,
+        isFailover=None,
+        isRoaming=None,
+        ExtraInfo=None,
+        FailedReason=None,
+        TypeName=None,
+        SubtypeName=None,
+        State=None,
+    ):
+        DictObject.__init__(
+            self,
+            isAvailable=isAvailable,
+            isConnected=isConnected,
+            isFailover=isFailover,
+            isRoaming=isRoaming,
+            ExtraInfo=ExtraInfo,
+            FailedReason=FailedReason,
+            TypeName=TypeName,
+            SubtypeName=SubtypeName,
+            State=State,
+        )
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e87a547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import importlib
+import logging
+def create(configs):
+    """Initializes the sniffer structures based on the JSON configuration. The
+    expected keys are:
+    Type: A first-level type of sniffer. Planned to be 'local' for sniffers
+        running on the local machine, or 'remote' for sniffers running
+        remotely.
+    SubType: The specific sniffer type to be used.
+    Interface: The WLAN interface used to configure the sniffer.
+    BaseConfigs: A dictionary specifying baseline configurations of the
+        sniffer. Configurations can be overridden when starting a capture.
+        The keys must be one of the Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_* values.
+    """
+    objs = []
+    for c in configs:
+        sniffer_type = c["Type"]
+        sniffer_subtype = c["SubType"]
+        interface = c["Interface"]
+        base_configs = c["BaseConfigs"]
+        module_name = "antlion.controllers.sniffer_lib.{}.{}".format(
+            sniffer_type, sniffer_subtype
+        )
+        module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
+        objs.append(
+            module.Sniffer(interface, logging.getLogger(), base_configs=base_configs)
+        )
+    return objs
+def destroy(objs):
+    """Destroys the sniffers and terminates any ongoing capture sessions."""
+    for sniffer in objs:
+        try:
+            sniffer.stop_capture()
+        except SnifferError:
+            pass
+class SnifferError(Exception):
+    """This is the Exception class defined for all errors generated by
+    Sniffer-related modules.
+    """
+class InvalidDataError(Exception):
+    """This exception is thrown when invalid configuration data is passed
+    to a method.
+    """
+class ExecutionError(SnifferError):
+    """This exception is thrown when trying to configure the capture device
+    or when trying to execute the capture operation.
+    When this exception is seen, it is possible that the sniffer module is run
+    without sudo (for local sniffers) or keys are out-of-date (for remote
+    sniffers).
+    """
+class InvalidOperationError(SnifferError):
+    """Certain methods may only be accessed when the instance upon which they
+    are invoked is in a certain state. This indicates that the object is not
+    in the correct state for a method to be called.
+    """
+class Sniffer(object):
+    """This class defines an object representing a sniffer.
+    The object defines the generic behavior of sniffers - irrespective of how
+    they are implemented, or where they are located: on the local machine or on
+    the remote machine.
+    """
+    CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL = "channel"
+    def __init__(self, interface, logger, base_configs=None):
+        """The constructor for the Sniffer. It constructs a sniffer and
+        configures it to be ready for capture.
+        Args:
+            interface: A string specifying the interface used to configure the
+                sniffer.
+            logger: ACTS logger object.
+            base_configs: A dictionary containing baseline configurations of the
+                sniffer. These can be overridden when staring a capture. The
+                keys are specified by Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_*.
+        Returns:
+            self: A configured sniffer.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidDataError: if the config_path is invalid.
+            NoPermissionError: if an error occurs while configuring the
+                sniffer.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def get_descriptor(self):
+        """This function returns a string describing the sniffer. The specific
+        string (and its format) is up to each derived sniffer type.
+        Returns:
+            A string describing the sniffer.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def get_type(self):
+        """This function returns the type of the sniffer.
+        Returns:
+            The type (string) of the sniffer. Corresponds to the 'Type' key of
+            the sniffer configuration.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def get_subtype(self):
+        """This function returns the sub-type of the sniffer.
+        Returns:
+            The sub-type (string) of the sniffer. Corresponds to the 'SubType'
+            key of the sniffer configuration.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def get_interface(self):
+        """This function returns The interface used to configure the sniffer,
+        e.g. 'wlan0'.
+        Returns:
+            The interface (string) used to configure the sniffer. Corresponds to
+            the 'Interface' key of the sniffer configuration.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def get_capture_file(self):
+        """The sniffer places a capture in the logger directory. This function
+        enables the caller to obtain the path of that capture.
+        Returns:
+            The full path of the current or last capture.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def start_capture(
+        self,
+        override_configs=None,
+        additional_args=None,
+        duration=None,
+        packet_count=None,
+    ):
+        """This function starts a capture which is saved to the specified file
+        path.
+        Depending on the type/subtype and configuration of the sniffer the
+        capture may terminate on its own or may require an explicit call to the
+        stop_capture() function.
+        This is a non-blocking function so a terminating function must be
+        called - either explicitly or implicitly:
+        - Explicitly: call either stop_capture() or wait_for_capture()
+        - Implicitly: use with a with clause. The wait_for_capture() function
+                      will be called if a duration is specified (i.e. is not
+                      None), otherwise a stop_capture() will be called.
+        The capture is saved to a file in the log path of the logger. Use
+        the get_capture_file() to get the full path to the current or most
+        recent capture.
+        Args:
+            override_configs: A dictionary which is combined with the
+                base_configs ("BaseConfigs" in the sniffer configuration). The
+                keys (specified by Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_*) determine the
+                configuration of the sniffer for this specific capture.
+            additional_args: A string specifying additional raw
+                command-line arguments to pass to the underlying sniffer. The
+                interpretation of these flags is sniffer-dependent.
+            duration: An integer specifying the number of seconds over which to
+                capture packets. The sniffer will be terminated after this
+                duration. Used in implicit mode when using a 'with' clause. In
+                explicit control cases may have to be performed using a
+                sleep+stop or as the timeout argument to the wait function.
+            packet_count: An integer specifying the number of packets to capture
+                before terminating. Should be used with duration to guarantee
+                that capture terminates at some point (even if did not capture
+                the specified number of packets).
+        Returns:
+            An ActiveCaptureContext process which can be used with a 'with'
+            clause.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidDataError: for invalid configurations
+            NoPermissionError: if an error occurs while configuring and running
+                the sniffer.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def stop_capture(self):
+        """This function stops a capture and guarantees that the capture is
+        saved to the capture file configured during the start_capture() method.
+        Depending on the type of the sniffer the file may previously contain
+        partial results (e.g. for a local sniffer) or may not exist until the
+        stop_capture() method is executed (e.g. for a remote sniffer).
+        Depending on the type/subtype and configuration of the sniffer the
+        capture may terminate on its own without requiring a call to this
+        function. In such a case it is still necessary to call either this
+        function or the wait_for_capture() function to make sure that the
+        capture file is moved to the correct location.
+        Raises:
+            NoPermissionError: No permission when trying to stop a capture
+                and save the capture file.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def wait_for_capture(self, timeout=None):
+        """This function waits for a capture to terminate and guarantees that
+        the capture is saved to the capture file configured during the
+        start_capture() method. Depending on the type of the sniffer the file
+        may previously contain partial results (e.g. for a local sniffer) or
+        may not exist until the stop_capture() method is executed (e.g. for a
+        remote sniffer).
+        Depending on the type/subtype and configuration of the sniffer the
+        capture may terminate on its own without requiring a call to this
+        function. In such a case it is still necessary to call either this
+        function or the stop_capture() function to make sure that the capture
+        file is moved to the correct location.
+        Args:
+            timeout: An integer specifying the number of seconds to wait for
+                the capture to terminate on its own. On expiration of the
+                timeout the sniffer is stopped explicitly using the
+                stop_capture() function.
+        Raises:
+            NoPermissionError: No permission when trying to stop a capture and
+                save the capture file.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+class ActiveCaptureContext(object):
+    """This class defines an object representing an active sniffer capture.
+    The object is returned by a Sniffer.start_capture() command and terminates
+    the capture when the 'with' clause exits. It is syntactic sugar for
+    try/finally.
+    """
+    _sniffer = None
+    _timeout = None
+    def __init__(self, sniffer, timeout=None):
+        self._sniffer = sniffer
+        self._timeout = timeout
+    def __enter__(self):
+        pass
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        if self._sniffer is not None:
+            if self._timeout is None:
+                self._sniffer.stop_capture()
+            else:
+                self._sniffer.wait_for_capture(self._timeout)
+        self._sniffer = None
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a037d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Class for Local sniffers - i.e. running on the local machine.
+This class provides configuration for local interfaces but leaves
+the actual capture (sniff) to sub-classes.
+import os
+import shutil
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+from antlion import logger, utils
+from antlion.controllers import sniffer
+class SnifferLocalBase(sniffer.Sniffer):
+    """This class defines the common behaviors of WLAN sniffers running on
+    WLAN interfaces of the local machine.
+    Specific mechanisms to capture packets over the local WLAN interfaces are
+    implemented by sub-classes of this class - i.e. it is not a final class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, interface, logger, base_configs=None):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        self._base_configs = None
+        self._capture_file_path = ""
+        self._interface = ""
+        self._logger = logger
+        self._process = None
+        self._temp_capture_file_path = ""
+        if interface == "":
+            raise sniffer.InvalidDataError("Empty interface provided")
+        self._interface = interface
+        self._base_configs = base_configs
+        try:
+            utils.exe_cmd("ifconfig", self._interface, "down")
+            utils.exe_cmd("iwconfig", self._interface, "mode", "monitor")
+            utils.exe_cmd("ifconfig", self._interface, "up")
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise sniffer.ExecutionError(err)
+    def get_interface(self):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        return self._interface
+    def get_type(self):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        return "local"
+    def get_capture_file(self):
+        return self._capture_file_path
+    def _pre_capture_config(self, override_configs=None):
+        """Utility function which configures the wireless interface per the
+        specified configurations. Operation is performed before every capture
+        start using baseline configurations (specified when sniffer initialized)
+        and override configurations specified here.
+        """
+        final_configs = {}
+        if self._base_configs:
+            final_configs.update(self._base_configs)
+        if override_configs:
+            final_configs.update(override_configs)
+        if sniffer.Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL in final_configs:
+            try:
+                utils.exe_cmd(
+                    "iwconfig",
+                    self._interface,
+                    "channel",
+                    str(final_configs[sniffer.Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL]),
+                )
+            except Exception as err:
+                raise sniffer.ExecutionError(err)
+    def _get_command_line(self, additional_args=None, duration=None, packet_count=None):
+        """Utility function to be implemented by every child class - which
+        are the concrete sniffer classes. Each sniffer-specific class should
+        derive the command line to execute its sniffer based on the specified
+        arguments.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
+    def _post_process(self):
+        """Utility function which is executed after a capture is done. It
+        moves the capture file to the requested location.
+        """
+        self._process = None
+        shutil.move(self._temp_capture_file_path, self._capture_file_path)
+    def start_capture(
+        self,
+        override_configs=None,
+        additional_args=None,
+        duration=None,
+        packet_count=None,
+    ):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        if self._process is not None:
+            raise sniffer.InvalidOperationError(
+                "Trying to start a sniff while another is still running!"
+            )
+        capture_dir = os.path.join(self._logger.log_path, f"Sniffer-{self._interface}")
+        os.makedirs(capture_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        self._capture_file_path = os.path.join(
+            capture_dir, f"capture_{logger.get_log_file_timestamp()}.pcap"
+        )
+        self._pre_capture_config(override_configs)
+        _, self._temp_capture_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".pcap")
+        cmd = self._get_command_line(
+            additional_args=additional_args,
+            duration=duration,
+            packet_count=packet_count,
+        )
+        self._process = utils.start_standing_subprocess(cmd)
+        return sniffer.ActiveCaptureContext(self, duration)
+    def stop_capture(self):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        if self._process is None:
+            raise sniffer.InvalidOperationError("Trying to stop a non-started process")
+        utils.stop_standing_subprocess(self._process, kill_signal=signal.SIGINT)
+        self._post_process()
+    def wait_for_capture(self, timeout=None):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        if self._process is None:
+            raise sniffer.InvalidOperationError(
+                "Trying to wait on a non-started process"
+            )
+        try:
+            utils.wait_for_standing_subprocess(self._process, timeout)
+            self._post_process()
+        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+            self.stop_capture()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..326adc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import shutil
+from antlion.controllers import sniffer
+from antlion.controllers.sniffer_lib.local import local_base
+class Sniffer(local_base.SnifferLocalBase):
+    """This class defines a sniffer which uses tcpdump as its back-end"""
+    def __init__(self, config_path, logger, base_configs=None):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        self._executable_path = None
+        super(local_base.SnifferLocalBase).__init__(
+            config_path, logger, base_configs=base_configs
+        )
+        self._executable_path = shutil.which("tcpdump")
+        if self._executable_path is None:
+            raise sniffer.SnifferError("Cannot find a path to the 'tcpdump' executable")
+    def get_descriptor(self):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        return f"local-tcpdump-{self._interface}"
+    def get_subtype(self):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        return "tcpdump"
+    def _get_command_line(self, additional_args=None, duration=None, packet_count=None):
+        cmd = "{} -i {} -w {}".format(
+            self._executable_path, self._interface, self._temp_capture_file_path
+        )
+        if packet_count is not None:
+            cmd = f"{cmd} -c {packet_count}"
+        if additional_args is not None:
+            cmd = f"{cmd} {additional_args}"
+        return cmd
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b873fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import shutil
+from antlion.controllers import sniffer
+from antlion.controllers.sniffer_lib.local import local_base
+class Sniffer(local_base.SnifferLocalBase):
+    """This class defines a sniffer which uses tshark as its back-end"""
+    def __init__(self, config_path, logger, base_configs=None):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        self._executable_path = None
+        super().__init__(config_path, logger, base_configs=base_configs)
+        self._executable_path = shutil.which("tshark") or shutil.which(
+            "/usr/local/bin/tshark"
+        )
+        if self._executable_path is None:
+            raise sniffer.SnifferError(
+                "Cannot find a path to the 'tshark' "
+                "executable (or to '/usr/local/bin/tshark')"
+            )
+    def get_descriptor(self):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        return "local-tshark-{}-ch{}".format(self._interface)
+    def get_subtype(self):
+        """See base class documentation"""
+        return "tshark"
+    def _get_command_line(self, additional_args=None, duration=None, packet_count=None):
+        cmd = "{} -i {} -w {}".format(
+            self._executable_path, self._interface, self._temp_capture_file_path
+        )
+        if duration is not None:
+            cmd = f"{cmd} -a duration:{duration}"
+        if packet_count is not None:
+            cmd = f"{cmd} -c {packet_count}"
+        if additional_args is not None:
+            cmd = f"{cmd} {additional_args}"
+        return cmd
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ip.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ip.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c538e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ip.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import ipaddress
+import re
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+class LinuxIpCommand(object):
+    """Interface for doing standard IP commands on a linux system.
+    Wraps standard shell commands used for ip into a python object that can
+    be interacted with more easily.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, runner):
+        """
+        Args:
+            runner: Object that can take unix commands and run them in an
+                    enviroment (eg. connection.SshConnection).
+        """
+        self._runner = runner
+    def get_ipv4_addresses(self, net_interface):
+        """Gets all ipv4 addresses of a network interface.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: string, The network interface to get info on
+                           (eg. wlan0).
+        Returns: An iterator of tuples that contain (address, broadcast).
+                 where address is a ipaddress.IPv4Interface and broadcast
+                 is an ipaddress.IPv4Address.
+        """
+        results = self._runner.run(f"ip addr show dev {net_interface}")
+        lines = results.stdout.splitlines()
+        # Example stdout:
+        # 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
+        #   link/ether 48:0f:cf:3c:9d:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+        #   inet brd scope global eth0
+        #       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+        #   inet6 2620:0:1000:1500:a968:a776:2d80:a8b3/64 scope global temporary dynamic
+        #       valid_lft 599919sec preferred_lft 80919sec
+        for line in lines:
+            line = line.strip()
+            match = re.search("inet (?P<address>[^\s]*) brd (?P<bcast>[^\s]*)", line)
+            if match:
+                d = match.groupdict()
+                address = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(d["address"])
+                bcast = ipaddress.IPv4Address(d["bcast"])
+                yield (address, bcast)
+            match = re.search("inet (?P<address>[^\s]*)", line)
+            if match:
+                d = match.groupdict()
+                address = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(d["address"])
+                yield (address, None)
+    def add_ipv4_address(self, net_interface, address, broadcast=None):
+        """Adds an ipv4 address to a net_interface.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: string, The network interface
+                           to get the new ipv4 (eg. wlan0).
+            address: ipaddress.IPv4Interface, The new ipaddress and netmask
+                     to add to an interface.
+            broadcast: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The broadcast address to use for
+                       this net_interfaces subnet.
+        """
+        if broadcast:
+            self._runner.run(
+                f"ip addr add {address} broadcast {broadcast} dev {net_interface}"
+            )
+        else:
+            self._runner.run(f"ip addr add {address} dev {net_interface}")
+    def remove_ipv4_address(self, net_interface, address, ignore_status=False):
+        """Remove an ipv4 address.
+        Removes an ipv4 address from a network interface.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: string, The network interface to remove the
+                           ipv4 address from (eg. wlan0).
+            address: ipaddress.IPv4Interface or ipaddress.IPv4Address,
+                     The ip address to remove from the net_interface.
+            ignore_status: True if the exit status can be ignored
+        Returns:
+            The job result from a the command
+        """
+        return self._runner.run(
+            f"ip addr del {address} dev {net_interface}",
+            ignore_status=ignore_status,
+        )
+    def set_ipv4_address(self, net_interface, address, broadcast=None):
+        """Set the ipv4 address.
+        Sets the ipv4 address of a network interface. If the network interface
+        has any other ipv4 addresses these will be cleared.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: string, The network interface to set the ip address
+                           on (eg. wlan0).
+            address: ipaddress.IPv4Interface, The ip address and subnet to give
+                     the net_interface.
+            broadcast: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The broadcast address to use for
+                       the subnet.
+        """
+        self.clear_ipv4_addresses(net_interface)
+        self.add_ipv4_address(net_interface, address, broadcast)
+    def clear_ipv4_addresses(self, net_interface):
+        """Clears all ipv4 addresses registered to a net_interface.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: string, The network interface to clear addresses from
+                           (eg. wlan0).
+        """
+        ip_info = self.get_ipv4_addresses(net_interface)
+        for address, _ in ip_info:
+            result = self.remove_ipv4_address(
+                net_interface, address, ignore_status=True
+            )
+            # It is possible that the address has already been removed by the
+            # time this command has been called. In such a case, we would get
+            # this error message.
+            error_msg = "RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address"
+            if result.exit_status != 0:
+                if error_msg in result.stderr:
+                    # If it was removed by another process, log a warning
+                    if address not in self.get_ipv4_addresses(net_interface):
+                        self._runner.log.warning(
+                            "Unable to remove address %s. The address was "
+                            "removed by another process." % address
+                        )
+                        continue
+                    # If it was not removed, raise an error
+                    self._runner.log.error(
+                        "Unable to remove address %s. The address is still "
+                        "registered to %s, despite call for removal."
+                        % (address, net_interface)
+                    )
+                raise job.Error(result)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54fa4d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import ipaddress
+import re
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
+class Error(Exception):
+    """Exception thrown when a valid ip command experiences errors."""
+class NetworkInterfaceDown(Error):
+    """Exception thrown when a network interface is down."""
+class LinuxRouteCommand(object):
+    """Interface for doing standard ip route commands on a linux system."""
+    DEFAULT_ROUTE = "default"
+    def __init__(self, runner):
+        """
+        Args:
+            runner: Object that can take unix commands and run them in an
+                    environment.
+        """
+        self._runner = runner
+    def add_route(self, net_interface, address, proto="static"):
+        """Add an entry to the ip routing table.
+        Will add a route for either a specific ip address, or a network.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: string, Any packet that sends through this route
+                           will be sent using this network interface
+                           (eg. wlan0).
+            address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network,
+                     or DEFAULT_ROUTE. The address to use. If a network
+                     is given then the entire subnet will be routed.
+                     If DEFAULT_ROUTE is given then this will set the
+                     default route.
+            proto: string, Routing protocol identifier of this route
+                   (e.g. kernel, redirect, boot, static, ra).
+                   See `man ip-route(8)` for details.
+        Raises:
+            NetworkInterfaceDown: Raised when the network interface is down.
+        """
+        try:
+            self._runner.run(
+                f"ip route add {address} dev {net_interface} proto {proto}"
+            )
+        except connection.CommandError as e:
+            if "File exists" in e.result.stderr:
+                raise Error("Route already exists.")
+            if "Network is down" in e.result.stderr:
+                raise NetworkInterfaceDown("Device must be up for adding a route.")
+            raise
+    def get_routes(self, net_interface=None):
+        """Get the routes in the ip routing table.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: string, If given, only retrieve routes that have
+                           been registered to go through this network
+                           interface (eg. wlan0).
+        Returns: An iterator that returns a tuple of (address, net_interface).
+                 If it is the default route then address
+                 will be the DEFAULT_ROUTE. If the route is a subnet then
+                 it will be a ipaddress.IPv4Network otherwise it is a
+                 ipaddress.IPv4Address.
+        """
+        result_ipv4 = self._runner.run("ip -4 route show")
+        result_ipv6 = self._runner.run("ip -6 route show")
+        lines = result_ipv4.stdout.splitlines() + result_ipv6.stdout.splitlines()
+        # Scan through each line for valid route entries
+        # Example output:
+        # default via dev eth0  proto static
+        # dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 1
+        # dev eth2 proto kernel scope link metric 1
+        # fe80::/64 dev wlan0 proto static metric 1024
+        for line in lines:
+            if not "dev" in line:
+                continue
+            if line.startswith(self.DEFAULT_ROUTE):
+                # The default route entry is formatted differently.
+                match = re.search("dev (?P<net_interface>\S+)", line)
+                pair = None
+                if match:
+                    # When there is a match for the route entry pattern create
+                    # A pair to hold the info.
+                    pair = (self.DEFAULT_ROUTE, match.groupdict()["net_interface"])
+            else:
+                # Test the normal route entry pattern.
+                match = re.search(
+                    "(?P<address>[0-9A-Fa-f\.\:/]+) dev (?P<net_interface>\S+)", line
+                )
+                pair = None
+                if match:
+                    # When there is a match for the route entry pattern create
+                    # A pair to hold the info.
+                    d = match.groupdict()
+                    # Route can be either a network or specific address
+                    try:
+                        address = ipaddress.ip_address(d["address"])
+                    except ValueError:
+                        address = d["address"]
+                    pair = (address, d["net_interface"])
+            # No pair means no pattern was found.
+            if not pair:
+                continue
+            if net_interface:
+                # If a net_interface was passed in then only give the pair when it is
+                # The correct net_interface.
+                if pair[1] == net_interface:
+                    yield pair
+            else:
+                # No net_interface given give all valid route entries.
+                yield pair
+    def is_route(self, address, net_interface=None):
+        """Checks to see if a route exists.
+        Args:
+            address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network,
+                     or DEFAULT_ROUTE, The address to use.
+            net_interface: string, If specified, the route must be
+                           registered to go through this network interface
+                           (eg. wlan0).
+        Returns: True if the route is found, False otherwise.
+        """
+        for route, _ in self.get_routes(net_interface):
+            if route == address:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def remove_route(self, address, net_interface=None):
+        """Removes a route from the ip routing table.
+        Removes a route from the ip routing table. If the route does not exist
+        nothing is done.
+        Args:
+            address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network,
+                     or DEFAULT_ROUTE, The address of the route to remove.
+            net_interface: string, If specified the route being removed is
+                           registered to go through this network interface
+                           (eg. wlan0)
+        """
+        try:
+            if net_interface:
+                self._runner.run(f"ip route del {address} dev {net_interface}")
+            else:
+                self._runner.run(f"ip route del {address}")
+        except connection.CommandError as e:
+            if "No such process" in e.result.stderr:
+                # The route didn't exist.
+                return
+            raise
+    def clear_routes(self, net_interface=None):
+        """Clears all routes.
+        Args:
+            net_interface: The network interface to clear routes on.
+            If not given then all routes will be removed on all network
+            interfaces (eg. wlan0).
+        """
+        routes = self.get_routes(net_interface)
+        for a, d in routes:
+            self.remove_route(a, d)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/shell.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/shell.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c0358e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/shell.py
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import shlex
+import signal
+import time
+from typing import Iterator
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+from antlion.runner import CompletedProcess, Runner
+class ShellCommand(object):
+    """Wraps basic commands that tend to be tied very closely to a shell.
+    This class is a wrapper for running basic shell commands through
+    any object that has a run command. Basic shell functionality for managing
+    the system, programs, and files in wrapped within this class.
+    Note: At the moment this only works with the ssh runner.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, runner: Runner, working_dir: str | None = None) -> None:
+        """Creates a new shell command invoker.
+        Args:
+            runner: The object that will run the shell commands.
+            working_dir: The directory that all commands should work in,
+                         if None then the runners enviroment default is used.
+        """
+        self._runner = runner
+        self._working_dir = working_dir
+    def run(self, command: str, timeout_sec: int = 60) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Runs a generic command through the runner.
+        Takes the command and prepares it to be run in the target shell using
+        this objects settings.
+        Args:
+            command: The command to run.
+            timeout_sec: How long to wait for the command.
+        Returns:
+            A CmdResult object containing the results of the shell command.
+        Raises:
+            job.Error: When the command executed but had an error.
+        """
+        if self._working_dir:
+            command_str = f"cd {self._working_dir}; {command}"
+        else:
+            command_str = command
+        return self._runner.run(command_str, timeout_sec=timeout_sec)
+    def is_alive(self, identifier: str | int) -> bool:
+        """Checks to see if a program is alive.
+        Checks to see if a program is alive on the shells enviroment. This can
+        be used to check on generic programs, or a specific program using
+        a pid.
+        Args:
+            identifier: string or int, Used to identify the program to check.
+                        if given an int then it is assumed to be a pid. If
+                        given a string then it will be used as a search key
+                        to compare on the running processes.
+        Returns:
+            True if a process was found running, false otherwise.
+        """
+        try:
+            if isinstance(identifier, str):
+                self.run(f"ps aux | grep -v grep | grep {identifier}")
+            elif isinstance(identifier, int):
+                self.signal(identifier, 0)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Bad type was given for identifier")
+            return True
+        except job.Error:
+            return False
+    def get_pids(self, identifier: str) -> Iterator[int]:
+        """Gets the pids of a program.
+        Searches for a program with a specific name and grabs the pids for all
+        programs that match.
+        Args:
+            identifier: A search term that identifies the program.
+        Returns: An array of all pids that matched the identifier, or None
+                  if no pids were found.
+        """
+        try:
+            result = self.run(f"ps aux | grep -v grep | grep {identifier}")
+        except job.Error as e:
+            if e.result.exit_status == 1:
+                # Grep returns exit status 1 when no lines are selected. This is
+                # an expected return code.
+                return
+            raise e
+        lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
+        # The expected output of the above command is like so:
+        # bob    14349  0.0  0.0  34788  5552 pts/2    Ss   Oct10   0:03 bash
+        # bob    52967  0.0  0.0  34972  5152 pts/4    Ss   Oct10   0:00 bash
+        # Where the format is:
+        # USER    PID  ...
+        for line in lines:
+            pieces = line.split()
+            try:
+                yield int(pieces[1])
+            except StopIteration:
+                return
+    def search_file(self, search_string: str, file_name: str) -> bool:
+        """Searches through a file for a string.
+        Args:
+            search_string: The string or pattern to look for.
+            file_name: The name of the file to search.
+        Returns:
+            True if the string or pattern was found, False otherwise.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.run(f"grep {shlex.quote(search_string)} {file_name}")
+            return True
+        except job.Error:
+            return False
+    def read_file(self, file_name: str) -> str:
+        """Reads a file through the shell.
+        Args:
+            file_name: The name of the file to read.
+        Returns:
+            A string of the files contents.
+        """
+        return self.run(f"cat {file_name}").stdout
+    def write_file(self, file_name: str, data: str) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Writes a block of data to a file through the shell.
+        Args:
+            file_name: The name of the file to write to.
+            data: The string of data to write.
+        """
+        return self.run(f"echo {shlex.quote(data)} > {file_name}")
+    def append_file(self, file_name: str, data: str) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Appends a block of data to a file through the shell.
+        Args:
+            file_name: The name of the file to write to.
+            data: The string of data to write.
+        """
+        return self.run(f"echo {shlex.quote(data)} >> {file_name}")
+    def touch_file(self, file_name: str) -> None:
+        """Creates a file through the shell.
+        Args:
+            file_name: The name of the file to create.
+        """
+        self.write_file(file_name, "")
+    def delete_file(self, file_name: str) -> None:
+        """Deletes a file through the shell.
+        Args:
+            file_name: The name of the file to delete.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.run(f"rm -r {file_name}")
+        except job.Error as e:
+            if "No such file or directory" in e.result.stderr:
+                return
+            raise e
+    def kill(self, identifier: str, timeout_sec: int = 10) -> None:
+        """Kills a program or group of programs through the shell.
+        Kills all programs that match an identifier through the shell. This
+        will send an increasing queue of kill signals to all programs
+        that match the identifier until either all are dead or the timeout
+        finishes.
+        Programs are guaranteed to be killed after running this command.
+        Args:
+            identifier: A string used to identify the program.
+            timeout_sec: The time to wait for all programs to die. Each signal
+                will take an equal portion of this time.
+        """
+        if isinstance(identifier, int):
+            pids = [identifier]
+        else:
+            pids = list(self.get_pids(identifier))
+        signal_queue = [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL]
+        signal_duration = timeout_sec / len(signal_queue)
+        for sig in signal_queue:
+            for pid in pids:
+                try:
+                    self.signal(pid, sig)
+                except job.Error:
+                    pass
+            start_time = time.time()
+            while pids and time.time() - start_time < signal_duration:
+                time.sleep(0.1)
+                pids = [pid for pid in pids if self.is_alive(pid)]
+            if not pids:
+                break
+    def signal(self, pid: int, sig: int) -> None:
+        """Sends a specific signal to a program.
+        Args:
+            pid: The process id of the program to kill.
+            sig: The signal to send.
+        Raises:
+            job.Error: Raised when the signal fail to reach
+                       the specified program.
+        """
+        self.run(f"kill -{sig} {pid}")
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/host_utils.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/host_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b66089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/host_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import socket
+def get_available_host_port():
+    """Finds a semi-random available port.
+    A race condition is still possible after the port number is returned, if
+    another process happens to bind it.
+    Returns:
+        A port number that is unused on both TCP and UDP.
+    """
+    # On the 2.6 kernel, calling _try_bind() on UDP socket returns the
+    # same port over and over. So always try TCP first.
+    while True:
+        # Ask the OS for an unused port.
+        port = _try_bind(0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
+        # Check if this port is unused on the other protocol.
+        if port and _try_bind(port, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP):
+            return port
+def is_port_available(port):
+    """Checks if a given port number is available on the system.
+    Args:
+        port: An integer which is the port number to check.
+    Returns:
+        True if the port is available; False otherwise.
+    """
+    return _try_bind(port, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) and _try_bind(
+        port, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP
+    )
+def _try_bind(port, socket_type, socket_proto):
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket_type, socket_proto)
+    try:
+        try:
+            s.bind(("", port))
+            # The result of getsockname() is protocol dependent, but for both
+            # IPv4 and IPv6 the second field is a port number.
+            return s.getsockname()[1]
+        except socket.error:
+            return None
+    finally:
+        s.close()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/connection.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/connection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a11f8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/connection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import threading
+import time
+import uuid
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib import host_utils
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import formatter
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+from antlion.runner import CompletedProcess, Runner
+class Error(Exception):
+    """An error occurred during an ssh operation."""
+class CommandError(Exception):
+    """An error occurred with the command.
+    Attributes:
+        result: The results of the ssh command that had the error.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, result):
+        """
+        Args:
+            result: The result of the ssh command that created the problem.
+        """
+        self.result = result
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "cmd: %s\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s" % (
+            self.result.command,
+            self.result.stdout,
+            self.result.stderr,
+        )
+_Tunnel = collections.namedtuple("_Tunnel", ["local_port", "remote_port", "proc"])
+class SshConnection(Runner):
+    """Provides a connection to a remote machine through ssh.
+    Provides the ability to connect to a remote machine and execute a command
+    on it. The connection will try to establish a persistent connection When
+    a command is run. If the persistent connection fails it will attempt
+    to connect normally.
+    """
+    @property
+    def socket_path(self):
+        """Returns: The os path to the master socket file."""
+        if self._master_ssh_tempdir is None:
+            raise AttributeError(
+                "socket_path is not available yet; run setup_master_ssh() first"
+            )
+        return os.path.join(self._master_ssh_tempdir, "socket")
+    def __init__(self, settings):
+        """
+        Args:
+            settings: The ssh settings to use for this connection.
+            formatter: The object that will handle formatting ssh command
+                       for use with the background job.
+        """
+        self._settings = settings
+        self._formatter = formatter.SshFormatter()
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._master_ssh_proc = None
+        self._master_ssh_tempdir: str | None = None
+        self._tunnels = list()
+        def log_line(msg):
+            return f"[SshConnection | {self._settings.hostname}] {msg}"
+        self.log = logger.create_logger(log_line)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, _, __, ___):
+        self.close()
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
+    def setup_master_ssh(self, timeout_sec: int = 5):
+        """Sets up the master ssh connection.
+        Sets up the initial master ssh connection if it has not already been
+        started.
+        Args:
+            timeout_sec: The time to wait for the master ssh connection to
+                be made.
+        Raises:
+            Error: When setting up the master ssh connection fails.
+        """
+        with self._lock:
+            if self._master_ssh_proc is not None:
+                socket_path = self.socket_path
+                if (
+                    not os.path.exists(socket_path)
+                    or self._master_ssh_proc.poll() is not None
+                ):
+                    self.log.debug(
+                        "Master ssh connection to %s is down.", self._settings.hostname
+                    )
+                    self._cleanup_master_ssh()
+            if self._master_ssh_proc is None:
+                # Create a shared socket in a temp location.
+                self._master_ssh_tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="ssh-master")
+                # Setup flags and options for running the master ssh
+                # -N: Do not execute a remote command.
+                # ControlMaster: Spawn a master connection.
+                # ControlPath: The master connection socket path.
+                extra_flags = {"-N": None}
+                extra_options = {
+                    "ControlMaster": True,
+                    "ControlPath": self.socket_path,
+                    "BatchMode": True,
+                }
+                # Construct the command and start it.
+                master_cmd = self._formatter.format_ssh_local_command(
+                    self._settings, extra_flags=extra_flags, extra_options=extra_options
+                )
+                self.log.info("Starting master ssh connection.")
+                self._master_ssh_proc = job.run_async(master_cmd)
+                end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
+                while time.time() < end_time:
+                    if os.path.exists(self.socket_path):
+                        break
+                    time.sleep(0.2)
+                else:
+                    self._cleanup_master_ssh()
+                    raise Error("Master ssh connection timed out.")
+    def run(
+        self,
+        command: str | list[str],
+        timeout_sec: int | None = 60,
+        ignore_status: bool = False,
+        env: dict[str, str] | None = None,
+        io_encoding: str = "utf-8",
+        attempts: int = 2,
+    ) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Runs a remote command over ssh.
+        Will ssh to a remote host and run a command. This method will
+        block until the remote command is finished.
+        Args:
+            command: The command to execute over ssh.
+            timeout_sec: seconds to wait for command to finish.
+            ignore_status: True to ignore the exit code of the remote
+                           subprocess.  Note that if you do ignore status codes,
+                           you should handle non-zero exit codes explicitly.
+            env: environment variables to setup on the remote host.
+            io_encoding: unicode encoding of command output.
+            attempts: Number of attempts before giving up on command failures.
+        Returns:
+            Results of the ssh command.
+        Raises:
+            job.TimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
+            job.Error: When the ssh connection failed to be created.
+            CommandError: Ssh worked, but the command had an error executing.
+        """
+        if attempts < 1:
+            raise TypeError("attempts must be a positive, non-zero integer")
+        if env is None:
+            env = {}
+        try:
+            self.setup_master_ssh(self._settings.connect_timeout)
+        except Error:
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Failed to create master ssh connection, using "
+                "normal ssh connection."
+            )
+        extra_options: dict[str, str | bool] = {"BatchMode": True}
+        if self._master_ssh_proc:
+            extra_options["ControlPath"] = self.socket_path
+        identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        full_command = f'echo "CONNECTED: {identifier}"; {command}'
+        terminal_command = self._formatter.format_command(
+            full_command, env, self._settings, extra_options=extra_options
+        )
+        dns_retry_count = 2
+        while True:
+            result = job.run(
+                terminal_command,
+                ignore_status=True,
+                timeout_sec=timeout_sec,
+                io_encoding=io_encoding,
+            )
+            output = result.stdout
+            # Check for a connected message to prevent false negatives.
+            valid_connection = re.search(
+                f"^CONNECTED: {identifier}", output, flags=re.MULTILINE
+            )
+            if valid_connection:
+                # Remove the first line that contains the connect message.
+                line_index = output.find("\n") + 1
+                if line_index == 0:
+                    line_index = len(output)
+                real_output = output[line_index:].encode(io_encoding)
+                result._raw_stdout = real_output
+                result._stdout_str = None
+                if result.exit_status and not ignore_status:
+                    raise job.Error(result)
+                return result
+            error_string = result.stderr
+            had_dns_failure = result.exit_status == 255 and re.search(
+                r"^ssh: .*: Name or service not known", error_string, flags=re.MULTILINE
+            )
+            if had_dns_failure:
+                dns_retry_count -= 1
+                if not dns_retry_count:
+                    raise Error("DNS failed to find host.", result)
+                self.log.debug("Failed to connect to host, retrying...")
+            else:
+                break
+        had_timeout = re.search(
+            r"^ssh: connect to host .* port .*: " r"Connection timed out\r$",
+            error_string,
+            flags=re.MULTILINE,
+        )
+        if had_timeout:
+            raise Error("Ssh timed out.", result)
+        permission_denied = "Permission denied" in error_string
+        if permission_denied:
+            raise Error("Permission denied.", result)
+        unknown_host = re.search(
+            r"ssh: Could not resolve hostname .*: " r"Name or service not known",
+            error_string,
+            flags=re.MULTILINE,
+        )
+        if unknown_host:
+            raise Error("Unknown host.", result)
+        self.log.error(f"An unknown error has occurred. Job result: {result}")
+        ping_output = job.run(
+            f"ping {self._settings.hostname} -c 3 -w 1", ignore_status=True
+        )
+        self.log.error(f"Ping result: {ping_output}")
+        if attempts > 1:
+            self._cleanup_master_ssh()
+            self.run(
+                command, timeout_sec, ignore_status, env, io_encoding, attempts - 1
+            )
+        raise Error("The job failed for unknown reasons.", result)
+    def run_async(self, command, env=None) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Starts up a background command over ssh.
+        Will ssh to a remote host and startup a command. This method will
+        block until there is confirmation that the remote command has started.
+        Args:
+            command: The command to execute over ssh. Can be either a string
+                     or a list.
+            env: A dictionary of environment variables to setup on the remote
+                 host.
+        Returns:
+            The result of the command to launch the background job.
+        Raises:
+            CmdTimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
+            SshTimeoutError: When the connection took to long to established.
+            SshPermissionDeniedError: When permission is not allowed on the
+                                      remote host.
+        """
+        return self.run(
+            f"({command}) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n $!", env=env
+        )
+    def close(self):
+        """Clean up open connections to remote host."""
+        self._cleanup_master_ssh()
+        while self._tunnels:
+            self.close_ssh_tunnel(self._tunnels[0].local_port)
+    def _cleanup_master_ssh(self):
+        """
+        Release all resources (process, temporary directory) used by an active
+        master SSH connection.
+        """
+        # If a master SSH connection is running, kill it.
+        if self._master_ssh_proc is not None:
+            self.log.debug("Nuking master_ssh_job.")
+            self._master_ssh_proc.kill()
+            self._master_ssh_proc.wait()
+            self._master_ssh_proc = None
+        # Remove the temporary directory for the master SSH socket.
+        if self._master_ssh_tempdir is not None:
+            self.log.debug("Cleaning master_ssh_tempdir.")
+            shutil.rmtree(self._master_ssh_tempdir)
+            self._master_ssh_tempdir = None
+    def create_ssh_tunnel(self, port, local_port=None):
+        """Create an ssh tunnel from local_port to port.
+        This securely forwards traffic from local_port on this machine to the
+        remote SSH host at port.
+        Args:
+            port: remote port on the host.
+            local_port: local forwarding port, or None to pick an available
+                        port.
+        Returns:
+            the created tunnel process.
+        """
+        if not local_port:
+            local_port = host_utils.get_available_host_port()
+        else:
+            for tunnel in self._tunnels:
+                if tunnel.remote_port == port:
+                    return tunnel.local_port
+        extra_flags = {
+            "-n": None,  # Read from /dev/null for stdin
+            "-N": None,  # Do not execute a remote command
+            "-q": None,  # Suppress warnings and diagnostic commands
+            "-L": f"{local_port}:localhost:{port}",
+        }
+        extra_options = dict()
+        if self._master_ssh_proc:
+            extra_options["ControlPath"] = self.socket_path
+        tunnel_cmd = self._formatter.format_ssh_local_command(
+            self._settings, extra_flags=extra_flags, extra_options=extra_options
+        )
+        self.log.debug("Full tunnel command: %s", tunnel_cmd)
+        # Exec the ssh process directly so that when we deliver signals, we
+        # deliver them straight to the child process.
+        tunnel_proc = job.run_async(tunnel_cmd)
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Started ssh tunnel, local = %d remote = %d, pid = %d",
+            local_port,
+            port,
+            tunnel_proc.pid,
+        )
+        self._tunnels.append(_Tunnel(local_port, port, tunnel_proc))
+        return local_port
+    def close_ssh_tunnel(self, local_port):
+        """Close a previously created ssh tunnel of a TCP port.
+        Args:
+            local_port: int port on localhost previously forwarded to the remote
+                        host.
+        Returns:
+            integer port number this port was forwarded to on the remote host or
+            None if no tunnel was found.
+        """
+        idx = None
+        for i, tunnel in enumerate(self._tunnels):
+            if tunnel.local_port == local_port:
+                idx = i
+                break
+        if idx is not None:
+            tunnel = self._tunnels.pop(idx)
+            tunnel.proc.kill()
+            tunnel.proc.wait()
+            return tunnel.remote_port
+        return None
+    def send_file(self, local_path, remote_path, ignore_status=False):
+        """Send a file from the local host to the remote host.
+        Args:
+            local_path: string path of file to send on local host.
+            remote_path: string path to copy file to on remote host.
+            ignore_status: Whether or not to ignore the command's exit_status.
+        """
+        # TODO: This may belong somewhere else: b/32572515
+        user_host = self._formatter.format_host_name(self._settings)
+        job.run(
+            f"scp {local_path} {user_host}:{remote_path}",
+            ignore_status=ignore_status,
+        )
+    def pull_file(self, local_path, remote_path, ignore_status=False):
+        """Send a file from remote host to local host
+        Args:
+            local_path: string path of file to recv on local host
+            remote_path: string path to copy file from on remote host.
+            ignore_status: Whether or not to ignore the command's exit_status.
+        """
+        user_host = self._formatter.format_host_name(self._settings)
+        job.run(
+            f"scp {user_host}:{remote_path} {local_path}",
+            ignore_status=ignore_status,
+        )
+    def find_free_port(self, interface_name="localhost"):
+        """Find a unused port on the remote host.
+        Note that this method is inherently racy, since it is impossible
+        to promise that the remote port will remain free.
+        Args:
+            interface_name: string name of interface to check whether a
+                            port is used against.
+        Returns:
+            integer port number on remote interface that was free.
+        """
+        # TODO: This may belong somewhere else: b/3257251
+        free_port_cmd = (
+            'python -c "import socket; s=socket.socket(); '
+            "s.bind(('%s', 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()\""
+        ) % interface_name
+        port = int(self.run(free_port_cmd).stdout)
+        # Yield to the os to ensure the port gets cleaned up.
+        time.sleep(0.001)
+        return port
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/formatter.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/formatter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb2ed09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/formatter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class SshFormatter(object):
+    """Handles formatting ssh commands.
+    Handler for formatting chunks of the ssh command to run.
+    """
+    def format_ssh_executable(self, settings):
+        """Format the executable name.
+        Formats the executable name as a string.
+        Args:
+            settings: The ssh settings being used.
+        Returns:
+            A string for the ssh executable name.
+        """
+        return settings.executable
+    def format_host_name(self, settings):
+        """Format hostname.
+        Formats the hostname to connect to.
+        Args:
+            settings: The ssh settings being used.
+        Returns:
+            A string of the connection host name to connect to.
+        """
+        return f"{settings.username}@{settings.hostname}"
+    def format_value(self, value):
+        """Formats a command line value.
+        Takes in a value and formats it so it can be safely used in the
+        command line.
+        Args:
+            value: The value to format.
+        Returns:
+            A string representation of the formatted value.
+        """
+        if isinstance(value, bool):
+            return "yes" if value else "no"
+        return str(value)
+    def format_options_list(self, options):
+        """Format the option list.
+        Formats a dictionary of options into a list of strings to be used
+        on the command line.
+        Args:
+            options: A dictionary of options.
+        Returns:
+            An iterator of strings that should go on the command line.
+        """
+        for option_name in options:
+            option = options[option_name]
+            yield "-o"
+            yield f"{option_name}={self.format_value(option)}"
+    def format_flag_list(self, flags):
+        """Format the flags list.
+        Formats a dictionary of flags into a list of strings to be used
+        on the command line.
+        Args:
+            flags: A dictonary of options.
+        Returns:
+            An iterator of strings that should be used on the command line.
+        """
+        for flag_name in flags:
+            flag = flags[flag_name]
+            yield flag_name
+            if flag is not None:
+                yield self.format_value(flag)
+    def format_ssh_local_command(self, settings, extra_flags={}, extra_options={}):
+        """Formats the local part of the ssh command.
+        Formats the local section of the ssh command. This is the part of the
+        command that will actual launch ssh on our local machine with the
+        specified settings.
+        Args:
+            settings: The ssh settings.
+            extra_flags: Extra flags to inlcude.
+            extra_options: Extra options to include.
+        Returns:
+            An array of strings that make up the command and its local
+            arguments.
+        """
+        options = settings.construct_ssh_options()
+        for extra_option_name in extra_options:
+            options[extra_option_name] = extra_options[extra_option_name]
+        options_list = list(self.format_options_list(options))
+        flags = settings.construct_ssh_flags()
+        for extra_flag_name in extra_flags:
+            flags[extra_flag_name] = extra_flags[extra_flag_name]
+        flags_list = list(self.format_flag_list(flags))
+        all_options = options_list + flags_list
+        host_name = self.format_host_name(settings)
+        executable = self.format_ssh_executable(settings)
+        base_command = [executable] + all_options + [host_name]
+        return base_command
+    def format_ssh_command(
+        self, remote_command, settings, extra_flags={}, extra_options={}
+    ):
+        """Formats the full ssh command.
+        Creates the full format for an ssh command.
+        Args:
+            remote_command: A string that represents the remote command to
+                            execute.
+            settings: The ssh settings to use.
+            extra_flags: Extra flags to include in the settings.
+            extra_options: Extra options to include in the settings.
+        Returns:
+            A list of strings that make up the total ssh command.
+        """
+        local_command = self.format_ssh_local_command(
+            settings, extra_flags, extra_options
+        )
+        local_command.append(remote_command)
+        return local_command
+    def format_remote_command(self, command, env):
+        """Formats the remote part of the ssh command.
+        Formatts the command that will run on the remote machine.
+        Args:
+            command: string, The command to be executed.
+            env: Enviroment variables to add to the remote envirment.
+        Returns:
+            A string that represents the command line to execute on the remote
+            machine.
+        """
+        if not env:
+            env_str = ""
+        else:
+            env_str = "export "
+            for name in env:
+                value = env[name]
+                env_str += f"{name}={str(value)} "
+            env_str += ";"
+        execution_line = f"{env_str} {command};"
+        return execution_line
+    def format_command(self, command, env, settings, extra_flags={}, extra_options={}):
+        """Formats a full command.
+        Formats the full command to run in order to run a command on a remote
+        machine.
+        Args:
+            command: The command to run on the remote machine. Can either be
+                     a string or a list.
+            env: The enviroment variables to include on the remote machine.
+            settings: The ssh settings to use.
+            extra_flags: Extra flags to include with the settings.
+            extra_options: Extra options to include with the settings.
+        """
+        remote_command = self.format_remote_command(command, env)
+        return self.format_ssh_command(
+            remote_command, settings, extra_flags, extra_options
+        )
diff --git a/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/settings.py b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045b782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Create a SshSettings from a dictionary from an ACTS config
+    config dict instance from an ACTS config
+    An instance of SshSettings or None
+from typing import Mapping
+class SshSettings(object):
+    """Contains settings for ssh.
+    Container for ssh connection settings.
+    Attributes:
+        username: The name of the user to log in as.
+        hostname: The name of the host to connect to.
+        executable: The ssh executable to use.
+        port: The port to connect through (usually 22).
+        host_file: The known host file to use.
+        connect_timeout: How long to wait on a connection before giving a
+                         timeout.
+        alive_interval: How long between ssh heartbeat signals to keep the
+                        connection alive.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        hostname: str,
+        username: str,
+        identity_file: str,
+        port: int = 22,
+        host_file: str = "/dev/null",
+        connect_timeout: int = 30,
+        alive_interval: int = 300,
+        executable: str = "/usr/bin/ssh",
+        ssh_config: str | None = None,
+    ):
+        self.username = username
+        self.hostname = hostname
+        self.executable = executable
+        self.port = port
+        self.host_file = host_file
+        self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
+        self.alive_interval = alive_interval
+        self.identity_file = identity_file
+        self.ssh_config = ssh_config
+    def construct_ssh_options(self) -> dict[str, str | int | bool]:
+        """Construct the ssh options.
+        Constructs a dictionary of option that should be used with the ssh
+        command.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary of option name to value.
+        """
+        current_options: dict[str, str | int | bool] = {}
+        current_options["StrictHostKeyChecking"] = False
+        current_options["UserKnownHostsFile"] = self.host_file
+        current_options["ConnectTimeout"] = self.connect_timeout
+        current_options["ServerAliveInterval"] = self.alive_interval
+        return current_options
+    def construct_ssh_flags(self) -> dict[str, None | str | int]:
+        """Construct the ssh flags.
+        Constructs what flags should be used in the ssh connection.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary of flag name to value. If value is none then it is
+            treated as a binary flag.
+        """
+        current_flags: dict[str, None | str | int] = {}
+        current_flags["-a"] = None
+        current_flags["-x"] = None
+        current_flags["-p"] = self.port
+        if self.identity_file:
+            current_flags["-i"] = self.identity_file
+        if self.ssh_config:
+            current_flags["-F"] = self.ssh_config
+        return current_flags
+def from_config(config: Mapping[str, str | int]) -> SshSettings:
+    ssh_binary_path = config.get("ssh_binary_path", "/usr/bin/ssh")
+    if type(ssh_binary_path) != str:
+        raise ValueError(f"ssh_binary_path must be a string, got {ssh_binary_path}")
+    user = config.get("user", None)
+    if type(user) != str:
+        raise ValueError(f"user must be a string, got {user}")
+    host = config.get("host", None)
+    if type(host) != str:
+        raise ValueError(f"host must be a string, got {host}")
+    port = config.get("port", 22)
+    if type(port) != int:
+        raise ValueError(f"port must be an integer, got {port}")
+    identity_file = config.get("identity_file", None)
+    if identity_file is None or type(identity_file) != str:
+        raise ValueError(f"identity_file must be a string, got {identity_file}")
+    ssh_config = config.get("ssh_config", None)
+    if ssh_config is not None and type(ssh_config) != str:
+        raise ValueError(f"ssh_config must be a string, got {ssh_config}")
+    connect_timeout = config.get("connect_timeout", 30)
+    if type(connect_timeout) != int:
+        raise ValueError(f"connect_timeout must be an integer, got {connect_timeout}")
+    return SshSettings(
+        host,
+        user,
+        identity_file,
+        port=port,
+        ssh_config=ssh_config,
+        connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
+        executable=ssh_binary_path,
+    )
diff --git a/packages/antlion/decorators.py b/packages/antlion/decorators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac7875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/decorators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import typing
+from threading import RLock
+from typing import Callable, Generic, TypeVar
+S = TypeVar("S")
+T = TypeVar("T")
+O = TypeVar("O")
+_NOT_FOUND = object()
+class cached_property(Generic[T]):
+    """A property whose value is computed then cached; deleter can be overridden.
+    Similar to functools.cached_property(), with the addition of deleter function that
+    can be overridden to provide custom clean up. The deleter function doesn't throw an
+    AttributeError if the value doesn't already exist.
+    Useful for properties that are tied to the lifetime of a device and need to be
+    recomputed upon reboot of said device.
+    Example:
+    ```
+    class LinuxDevice:
+        @cached_property
+        def ssh(self) -> SSH:
+            return SSH(self.ip)
+        @ssh.deleter
+        def ssh(self, ssh: SSH) -> None:
+            ssh.terminate_connections()
+    ```
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, func: Callable[[S], T], deleter: Callable[[S, T], None] | None = None
+    ) -> None:
+        self.func = func
+        self._deleter = deleter
+        self.name: str | None = None
+        self.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+        self.lock = RLock()
+    def __set_name__(self, owner: O, name: str) -> None:
+        if self.name is None:
+            self.name = name
+        elif name != self.name:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "Cannot assign the same cached_property to two different names "
+                f"({self.name!r} and {name!r})."
+            )
+    def _cache(self, instance: S) -> dict[str, object]:
+        if self.name is None:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it."
+            )
+        try:
+            return instance.__dict__
+        except (
+            AttributeError
+        ):  # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots)
+            msg = (
+                f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} "
+                f"instance to cache {self.name!r} property."
+            )
+            raise TypeError(msg) from None
+    def __get__(self, instance: S, owner: O | None = None) -> T:
+        cache = self._cache(instance)
+        assert self.name is not None
+        val = cache.get(self.name, _NOT_FOUND)
+        if val is _NOT_FOUND:
+            with self.lock:
+                # check if another thread filled cache while we awaited lock
+                val = cache.get(self.name, _NOT_FOUND)
+                if val is _NOT_FOUND:
+                    val = self.func(instance)
+                    try:
+                        cache[self.name] = val
+                    except TypeError:
+                        msg = (
+                            f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance "
+                            f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.name!r} property."
+                        )
+                        raise TypeError(msg) from None
+                    return val
+        return typing.cast(T, val)
+    def __delete__(self, instance: S) -> None:
+        cache = self._cache(instance)
+        assert self.name is not None
+        with self.lock:
+            val = cache.pop(self.name, _NOT_FOUND)
+            if val is _NOT_FOUND:
+                return
+            if self._deleter:
+                self._deleter(instance, typing.cast(T, val))
+    def deleter(self, deleter: Callable[[S, T], None]) -> cached_property:
+        self._deleter = deleter
+        prop = type(self)(self.func, deleter)
+        prop.name = self.name
+        prop.__doc__ = self.__doc__
+        prop.lock = self.lock
+        return prop
diff --git a/packages/antlion/dict_object.py b/packages/antlion/dict_object.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a46939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/dict_object.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class DictObject(dict):
+    """Optional convenient base type for creating simple objects that are
+    naturally serializable.
+    A DictObject provides object-oriented access semantics to a dictionary,
+    allowing it to look like a class with defined members. By ensuring that
+    all of the class members are serializable, the object can be serialized
+    as a dictionary/de-serialized from a dictionary.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Constructor for a dictionary-as-object representation of kwargs
+        Args:
+            args: Currently unused - included for completeness
+            kwargs: keyword arguments used to construct the underlying dict
+        Returns:
+            Instance of DictObject
+        """
+        super(DictObject, self).update(**kwargs)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """Returns a key from the superclass dictionary as an attribute
+        Args:
+            name: name of the pseudo class attribute
+        Returns:
+            Dictionary item stored at "name"
+        Raises:
+            AttributeError if the item is not found
+        """
+        try:
+            return self[name]
+        except KeyError as ke:
+            raise AttributeError(ke)
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        """Updates the value of a key=name to a given value
+        Args:
+            name: name of the pseudo class attribute
+            value: value of the key
+        Raises:
+            AttributeError if the item is not found
+        """
+        if name in super(DictObject, self).keys():
+            super(DictObject, self).__setitem__(name, value)
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError(f"Class does not have attribute {value}")
+    @classmethod
+    def from_dict(cls, dictionary):
+        """Factory method for constructing a DictObject from a dictionary
+        Args:
+            dictionary: Dictionary used to construct the DictObject
+        Returns:
+            Instance of DictObject
+        """
+        c = cls()
+        c.update(dictionary)
+        return c
diff --git a/packages/antlion/error.py b/packages/antlion/error.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf69b7d
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+++ b/packages/antlion/error.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+"""This class is where error information will be stored.
+from antlion.signals import TestError
+class ActsError(TestError):
+    """Base Acts Error"""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
+        self.error_doc = self.__class__.__doc__
+        self.error_code = getattr(ActsErrorCode, class_name, ActsErrorCode.UNKNOWN)
+        extras = dict(**kwargs, error_doc=self.error_doc, error_code=self.error_code)
+        details = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else ""
+        super().__init__(details, extras)
+class ActsErrorCode:
+    # Framework Errors 0-999
+    UNKNOWN = 0
+    # This error code is used to implement unittests for this class.
+    ActsError = 100
+    AndroidDeviceError = 101
+    # Controllers Errors 1000-3999
+    Sl4aStartError = 1001
+    Sl4aApiError = 1002
+    Sl4aConnectionError = 1003
+    Sl4aProtocolError = 1004
+    Sl4aNotInstalledError = 1005
+    Sl4aRpcTimeoutError = 1006
+    # Util Errors 4000-9999
+    FastbootError = 9000
+    AdbError = 9001
+    AdbCommandError = 9002
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/event/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/event/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/event/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/event/decorators.py b/packages/antlion/event/decorators.py
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index 0000000..eb90ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/event/decorators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.event import subscription_bundle
+from antlion.event.subscription_handle import (
+    InstanceSubscriptionHandle,
+    StaticSubscriptionHandle,
+def subscribe_static(event_type, event_filter=None, order=0):
+    """A decorator that subscribes a static or module-level function.
+    This function must be registered manually.
+    """
+    class InnerSubscriptionHandle(StaticSubscriptionHandle):
+        def __init__(self, func):
+            super().__init__(event_type, func, event_filter=event_filter, order=order)
+    return InnerSubscriptionHandle
+def subscribe(event_type, event_filter=None, order=0):
+    """A decorator that subscribes an instance method."""
+    class InnerSubscriptionHandle(InstanceSubscriptionHandle):
+        def __init__(self, func):
+            super().__init__(event_type, func, event_filter=event_filter, order=order)
+    return InnerSubscriptionHandle
+def register_static_subscriptions(decorated):
+    """Registers all static subscriptions in decorated's attributes.
+    Args:
+        decorated: The object being decorated
+    Returns:
+        The decorated.
+    """
+    subscription_bundle.create_from_static(decorated).register()
+    return decorated
+def register_instance_subscriptions(obj):
+    """A decorator that subscribes all instance subscriptions after object init."""
+    old_init = obj.__init__
+    def init_replacement(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        subscription_bundle.create_from_instance(self).register()
+    obj.__init__ = init_replacement
+    return obj
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/event.py b/packages/antlion/event/event.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/event/event.py
rename to packages/antlion/event/event.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/event/event_bus.py b/packages/antlion/event/event_bus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ec9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/event/event_bus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import bisect
+import inspect
+import logging
+from threading import RLock
+from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
+from antlion.event.subscription_handle import SubscriptionHandle
+class _EventBus(object):
+    """
+    Attributes:
+        _subscriptions: A dictionary of {EventType: list<EventSubscription>}.
+        _registration_id_map: A dictionary of
+                             {RegistrationID: EventSubscription}
+        _subscription_lock: The lock to prevent concurrent removal or addition
+                            to events.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subscriptions = {}
+        self._registration_id_map = {}
+        self._subscription_lock = RLock()
+    def register(self, event_type, func, filter_fn=None, order=0):
+        """Subscribes the given function to the event type given.
+        Args:
+            event_type: The type of the event to subscribe to.
+            func: The function to call when the event is posted.
+            filter_fn: An option function to be called before calling the
+                       subscribed func. If this function returns falsy, then the
+                       function will not be invoked.
+            order: The order the the subscription should run in. Lower values
+                   run first, with the default value set to 0. In the case of a
+                   tie between two subscriptions of the same event type, the
+                   subscriber added first executes first. In the case of a tie
+                   between two subscribers of a different type, the type of the
+                   subscription that is more specific goes first (i.e.
+                   BaseEventType will execute after ChildEventType if they share
+                   the same order).
+        Returns:
+            A registration ID.
+        """
+        subscription = EventSubscription(
+            event_type, func, event_filter=filter_fn, order=order
+        )
+        return self.register_subscription(subscription)
+    def register_subscriptions(self, subscriptions):
+        """Registers all subscriptions to the event bus.
+        Args:
+            subscriptions: an iterable that returns EventSubscriptions
+        Returns:
+            The list of registration IDs.
+        """
+        registration_ids = []
+        for subscription in subscriptions:
+            registration_ids.append(self.register_subscription(subscription))
+        return registration_ids
+    def register_subscription(self, subscription):
+        """Registers the given subscription to the event bus.
+        Args:
+            subscription: An EventSubscription object
+        Returns:
+            A registration ID.
+        """
+        with self._subscription_lock:
+            if subscription.event_type in self._subscriptions.keys():
+                subscription_list = self._subscriptions[subscription.event_type]
+                subscription_list.append(subscription)
+                subscription_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.order)
+            else:
+                subscription_list = list()
+                bisect.insort(subscription_list, subscription)
+                self._subscriptions[subscription.event_type] = subscription_list
+            registration_id = id(subscription)
+            self._registration_id_map[registration_id] = subscription
+        return registration_id
+    def post(self, event, ignore_errors=False):
+        """Posts an event to its subscribers.
+        Args:
+            event: The event object to send to the subscribers.
+            ignore_errors: Deliver to all subscribers, ignoring any errors.
+        """
+        listening_subscriptions = []
+        for current_type in inspect.getmro(type(event)):
+            if current_type not in self._subscriptions.keys():
+                continue
+            for subscription in self._subscriptions[current_type]:
+                listening_subscriptions.append(subscription)
+        # The subscriptions will be collected in sorted runs of sorted order.
+        # Running timsort here is the optimal way to sort this list.
+        listening_subscriptions.sort(key=lambda x: x.order)
+        for subscription in listening_subscriptions:
+            try:
+                subscription.deliver(event)
+            except Exception:
+                if ignore_errors:
+                    logging.exception(
+                        "An exception occurred while handling " "an event."
+                    )
+                    continue
+                raise
+    def unregister(self, registration_id):
+        """Unregisters an EventSubscription.
+        Args:
+            registration_id: the Subscription or registration_id to unsubscribe.
+        """
+        if type(registration_id) is SubscriptionHandle:
+            subscription = registration_id.subscription
+            registration_id = id(registration_id.subscription)
+        elif type(registration_id) is EventSubscription:
+            subscription = registration_id
+            registration_id = id(registration_id)
+        elif registration_id in self._registration_id_map.keys():
+            subscription = self._registration_id_map[registration_id]
+        elif type(registration_id) is not int:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'Subscription ID "%s" is not a valid ID. This value'
+                "must be an integer ID returned from subscribe()." % registration_id
+            )
+        else:
+            # The value is a "valid" id, but is not subscribed. It's possible
+            # another thread has unsubscribed this value.
+            logging.warning(
+                "Attempted to unsubscribe %s, but the matching "
+                "subscription cannot be found." % registration_id
+            )
+            return False
+        event_type = subscription.event_type
+        with self._subscription_lock:
+            self._registration_id_map.pop(registration_id, None)
+            if (
+                event_type in self._subscriptions
+                and subscription in self._subscriptions[event_type]
+            ):
+                self._subscriptions[event_type].remove(subscription)
+        return True
+    def unregister_all(self, from_list=None, from_event=None):
+        """Removes all event subscriptions.
+        Args:
+            from_list: Unregisters all events from a given list.
+            from_event: Unregisters all events of a given event type.
+        """
+        if from_list is None:
+            from_list = list(self._registration_id_map.values())
+        for subscription in from_list:
+            if from_event is None or subscription.event_type == from_event:
+                self.unregister(subscription)
+_event_bus = _EventBus()
+def register(event_type, func, filter_fn=None, order=0):
+    """Subscribes the given function to the event type given.
+    Args:
+        event_type: The type of the event to subscribe to.
+        func: The function to call when the event is posted.
+        filter_fn: An option function to be called before calling the subscribed
+                   func. If this function returns falsy, then the function will
+                   not be invoked.
+        order: The order the the subscription should run in. Lower values run
+               first, with the default value set to 0. In the case of a tie
+               between two subscriptions of the same event type, the
+               subscriber added first executes first. In the case of a tie
+               between two subscribers of a different type, the type of the
+               subscription that is more specific goes first (i.e. BaseEventType
+               will execute after ChildEventType if they share the same order).
+    Returns:
+        A registration ID.
+    """
+    return _event_bus.register(event_type, func, filter_fn=filter_fn, order=order)
+def register_subscriptions(subscriptions):
+    """Registers all subscriptions to the event bus.
+    Args:
+        subscriptions: an iterable that returns EventSubscriptions
+    Returns:
+        The list of registration IDs.
+    """
+    return _event_bus.register_subscriptions(subscriptions)
+def register_subscription(subscription):
+    """Registers the given subscription to the event bus.
+    Args:
+        subscription: An EventSubscription object
+    Returns:
+        A registration ID.
+    """
+    return _event_bus.register_subscription(subscription)
+def post(event, ignore_errors=False):
+    """Posts an event to its subscribers.
+    Args:
+        event: The event object to send to the subscribers.
+        ignore_errors: Deliver to all subscribers, ignoring any errors.
+    """
+    _event_bus.post(event, ignore_errors)
+def unregister(registration_id):
+    """Unregisters an EventSubscription.
+    Args:
+        registration_id: the Subscription or registration_id to unsubscribe.
+    """
+    # null check for the corner case where the _event_bus is destroyed before
+    # the subscribers unregister. In such case there is nothing else to
+    # be done.
+    if _event_bus is None:
+        return True
+    return _event_bus.unregister(registration_id)
+def unregister_all(from_list=None, from_event=None):
+    """Removes all event subscriptions.
+    Args:
+        from_list: Unregisters all events from a given list.
+        from_event: Unregisters all events of a given event type.
+    """
+    return _event_bus.unregister_all(from_list=from_list, from_event=from_event)
+class listen_for(object):
+    """A context-manager class (with statement) for listening to an event within
+    a given section of code.
+    Usage:
+    with listen_for(EventType, event_listener):
+        func_that_posts_event()  # Will call event_listener
+    func_that_posts_event()  # Will not call event_listener
+    """
+    def __init__(self, event_type, func, filter_fn=None, order=0):
+        self.event_type = event_type
+        self.func = func
+        self.filter_fn = filter_fn
+        self.order = order
+        self.registration_id = None
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.registration_id = _event_bus.register(
+            self.event_type, self.func, filter_fn=self.filter_fn, order=self.order
+        )
+    def __exit__(self, *_):
+        _event_bus.unregister(self.registration_id)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/event/event_subscription.py b/packages/antlion/event/event_subscription.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee8720c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/event/event_subscription.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class EventSubscription(object):
+    """A class that defines the way a function is subscribed to an event.
+    Attributes:
+        event_type: The type of the event.
+        _func: The subscribed function.
+        _event_filter: A lambda that returns True if an event should be passed
+                       to the subscribed function.
+        order: The order value in which this subscription should be called.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, event_type, func, event_filter=None, order=0):
+        self._event_type = event_type
+        self._func = func
+        self._event_filter = event_filter
+        self.order = order
+    @property
+    def event_type(self):
+        return self._event_type
+    def deliver(self, event):
+        """Delivers an event to the subscriber.
+        This function will not deliver the event if the event filter rejects the
+        event.
+        Args:
+            event: The event to send to the subscriber.
+        """
+        if self._event_filter and not self._event_filter(event):
+            return
+        self._func(event)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/event/subscription_bundle.py b/packages/antlion/event/subscription_bundle.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a156d2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/event/subscription_bundle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import logging
+import threading
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
+from antlion.event.subscription_handle import (
+    InstanceSubscriptionHandle,
+    StaticSubscriptionHandle,
+class SubscriptionBundle(object):
+    """A class for maintaining a set of EventSubscriptions in the event bus.
+    Attributes:
+        subscriptions: A dictionary of {EventSubscription: RegistrationID}
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.subscriptions = {}
+        self._subscription_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._registered = False
+    @property
+    def registered(self):
+        """True if this SubscriptionBundle has been registered."""
+        return self._registered
+    def add(self, event_type, func, event_filter=None, order=0):
+        """Adds a new Subscription to this SubscriptionBundle.
+        If this SubscriptionBundle is registered, the added Subscription will
+        also be registered.
+        Returns:
+            the EventSubscription object created.
+        """
+        subscription = EventSubscription(
+            event_type, func, event_filter=event_filter, order=order
+        )
+        return self.add_subscription(subscription)
+    def add_subscription(self, subscription):
+        """Adds an existing Subscription to the subscription bundle.
+        If this SubscriptionBundle is registered, the added subscription will
+        also be registered.
+        Returns:
+            the subscription object.
+        """
+        registration_id = None
+        with self._subscription_lock:
+            if self.registered:
+                registration_id = event_bus.register_subscription(subscription)
+            self.subscriptions[subscription] = registration_id
+        return subscription
+    def remove_subscription(self, subscription):
+        """Removes a subscription from the SubscriptionBundle.
+        If the SubscriptionBundle is registered, removing the subscription will
+        also unregister it.
+        """
+        if subscription not in self.subscriptions.keys():
+            return False
+        with self._subscription_lock:
+            if self.registered:
+                event_bus.unregister(self.subscriptions[subscription])
+            del self.subscriptions[subscription]
+        return True
+    def register(self):
+        """Registers all subscriptions found within this object."""
+        if self.registered:
+            return
+        with self._subscription_lock:
+            self._registered = True
+            for subscription, registration_id in self.subscriptions.items():
+                if registration_id is not None:
+                    logging.warning(
+                        "Registered subscription found in "
+                        "unregistered SubscriptionBundle: %s, %s"
+                        % (subscription, registration_id)
+                    )
+                self.subscriptions[subscription] = event_bus.register_subscription(
+                    subscription
+                )
+    def unregister(self):
+        """Unregisters all subscriptions managed by this SubscriptionBundle."""
+        if not self.registered:
+            return
+        with self._subscription_lock:
+            self._registered = False
+            for subscription, registration_id in self.subscriptions.items():
+                if registration_id is None:
+                    logging.warning(
+                        "Unregistered subscription found in "
+                        "registered SubscriptionBundle: %s, %s"
+                        % (subscription, registration_id)
+                    )
+                event_bus.unregister(subscription)
+                self.subscriptions[subscription] = None
+def create_from_static(obj):
+    """Generates a SubscriptionBundle from @subscribe_static functions on obj.
+    Args:
+        obj: The object that contains @subscribe_static functions. Can either
+             be a module or a class.
+    Returns:
+        An unregistered SubscriptionBundle.
+    """
+    return _create_from_object(obj, obj, StaticSubscriptionHandle)
+def create_from_instance(instance):
+    """Generates a SubscriptionBundle from an instance's @subscribe functions.
+    Args:
+        instance: The instance object that contains @subscribe functions.
+    Returns:
+        An unregistered SubscriptionBundle.
+    """
+    return _create_from_object(instance, instance.__class__, InstanceSubscriptionHandle)
+def _create_from_object(obj, obj_to_search, subscription_handle_type):
+    """Generates a SubscriptionBundle from an object's SubscriptionHandles.
+    Note that instance variables do not have the class's functions as direct
+    attributes. The attributes are resolved from the type of the object. Here,
+    we need to search through the instance's class to find the correct types,
+    and subscribe the instance-specific subscriptions.
+    Args:
+        obj: The object that contains SubscriptionHandles.
+        obj_to_search: The class to search for SubscriptionHandles from.
+        subscription_handle_type: The type of the SubscriptionHandles to
+                                  capture.
+    Returns:
+        An unregistered SubscriptionBundle.
+    """
+    bundle = SubscriptionBundle()
+    for attr_name, attr_value in obj_to_search.__dict__.items():
+        if isinstance(attr_value, subscription_handle_type):
+            bundle.add_subscription(getattr(obj, attr_name).subscription)
+        if isinstance(attr_value, staticmethod):
+            if isinstance(getattr(obj, attr_name), subscription_handle_type):
+                bundle.add_subscription(getattr(obj, attr_name).subscription)
+    return bundle
diff --git a/packages/antlion/event/subscription_handle.py b/packages/antlion/event/subscription_handle.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aa9c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/event/subscription_handle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
+class SubscriptionHandle(object):
+    """The object created by a method decorated with an event decorator."""
+    def __init__(self, event_type, func, event_filter=None, order=0):
+        self._event_type = event_type
+        self._func = func
+        self._event_filter = event_filter
+        self._order = order
+        self._subscription = None
+        self._owner = None
+    @property
+    def subscription(self):
+        if self._subscription:
+            return self._subscription
+        self._subscription = EventSubscription(
+            self._event_type,
+            self._func,
+            event_filter=self._event_filter,
+            order=self._order,
+        )
+        return self._subscription
+    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
+        # If our owner has been initialized, or do not have an instance owner,
+        # return self.
+        if self._owner is not None or instance is None:
+            return self
+        # Otherwise, we create a new SubscriptionHandle that will only be used
+        # for the instance that owns this SubscriptionHandle.
+        ret = SubscriptionHandle(
+            self._event_type, self._func, self._event_filter, self._order
+        )
+        ret._owner = instance
+        ret._func = ret._wrap_call(ret._func)
+        for attr, value in owner.__dict__.items():
+            if value is self:
+                setattr(instance, attr, ret)
+                break
+        return ret
+    def _wrap_call(self, func):
+        def _wrapped_call(*args, **kwargs):
+            if self._owner is None:
+                return func(*args, **kwargs)
+            else:
+                return func(self._owner, *args, **kwargs)
+        return _wrapped_call
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._func(*args, **kwargs)
+class InstanceSubscriptionHandle(SubscriptionHandle):
+    """A SubscriptionHandle for instance methods."""
+class StaticSubscriptionHandle(SubscriptionHandle):
+    """A SubscriptionHandle for static methods."""
diff --git a/packages/antlion/keys.py b/packages/antlion/keys.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b545d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/keys.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import enum
+"""This module has the global key values that are used across framework
+class Config(enum.Enum):
+    """Enum values for test config related lookups."""
+    # Keys used to look up values from test config files.
+    # These keys define the wording of test configs and their internal
+    # references.
+    key_log_path = "logpath"
+    key_testbeds_under_test = "testbeds_under_test"
+    key_testbed = "testbed"
+    key_testbed_name = "name"
+    # configpath is the directory. key_config_full_path is the file path.
+    key_config_path = "configpath"
+    key_config_full_path = "config_full_path"
+    key_test_paths = "testpaths"
+    key_port = "Port"
+    key_address = "Address"
+    key_test_case_iterations = "test_case_iterations"
+    key_test_failure_tracebacks = "test_failure_tracebacks"
+    # Config names for controllers packaged in ACTS.
+    key_access_point = "AccessPoint"
+    key_android_device = "AndroidDevice"
+    key_attenuator = "Attenuator"
+    key_bluetooth_pts_device = "BluetoothPtsDevice"
+    key_fuchsia_device = "FuchsiaDevice"
+    key_iperf_client = "IPerfClient"
+    key_iperf_server = "IPerfServer"
+    key_openwrt_ap = "OpenWrtAP"
+    key_packet_capture = "PacketCapture"
+    key_packet_sender = "PacketSender"
+    key_pdu = "PduDevice"
+    key_sniffer = "Sniffer"
+    # Internal keys, used internally, not exposed to user's config files.
+    ikey_user_param = "user_params"
+    ikey_testbed_name = "testbed_name"
+    ikey_logger = "log"
+    ikey_logpath = "log_path"
+    ikey_summary_writer = "summary_writer"
+    # module name of controllers packaged in ACTS.
+    m_key_access_point = "access_point"
+    m_key_android_device = "android_device"
+    m_key_attenuator = "attenuator"
+    m_key_bluetooth_pts_device = "bluetooth_pts_device"
+    m_key_fuchsia_device = "fuchsia_device"
+    m_key_iperf_client = "iperf_client"
+    m_key_iperf_server = "iperf_server"
+    m_key_openwrt_ap = "openwrt_ap"
+    m_key_packet_capture = "packet_capture"
+    m_key_packet_sender = "packet_sender"
+    m_key_pdu = "pdu"
+    m_key_sniffer = "sniffer"
+    # A list of keys whose values in configs should not be passed to test
+    # classes without unpacking first.
+    reserved_keys = (key_testbed, key_log_path, key_test_paths)
+    # Controller names packaged with ACTS.
+    builtin_controller_names = [
+        key_access_point,
+        key_android_device,
+        key_attenuator,
+        key_bluetooth_pts_device,
+        key_fuchsia_device,
+        key_iperf_client,
+        key_iperf_server,
+        key_openwrt_ap,
+        key_packet_capture,
+        key_packet_sender,
+        key_pdu,
+        key_sniffer,
+    ]
+def get_name_by_value(value):
+    for name, member in Config.__members__.items():
+        if member.value == value:
+            return name
+    return None
+def get_module_name(name_in_config):
+    """Translates the name of a controller in config file to its module name."""
+    return value_to_value(name_in_config, "m_%s")
+def value_to_value(ref_value, pattern):
+    """Translates the value of a key to the value of its corresponding key. The
+    corresponding key is chosen based on the variable name pattern.
+    """
+    ref_key_name = get_name_by_value(ref_value)
+    if not ref_key_name:
+        return None
+    target_key_name = pattern % ref_key_name
+    try:
+        return getattr(Config, target_key_name).value
+    except AttributeError:
+        return None
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/libs/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/libs/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/libs/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/logging/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/libs/logging/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/libs/logging/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/libs/logging/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/logging/log_stream.py b/packages/antlion/libs/logging/log_stream.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25a412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/logging/log_stream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from logging import FileHandler, Handler, StreamHandler
+from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
+from antlion import context
+from antlion.context import ContextLevel
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
+# yapf: disable
+class LogStyles:
+    NONE         = 0x00
+    LOG_DEBUG    = 0x01
+    LOG_INFO     = 0x02
+    LOG_WARNING  = 0x04
+    LOG_ERROR    = 0x08
+    LOG_CRITICAL = 0x10
+    MONOLITH_LOG  = 0x0100
+    TESTCLASS_LOG = 0x0200
+    TESTCASE_LOG  = 0x0400
+    TO_STDOUT     = 0x0800
+    TO_ACTS_LOG   = 0x1000
+    ROTATE_LOGS   = 0x2000
+    LEVEL_NAMES = {
+        LOG_DEBUG: 'debug',
+        LOG_INFO: 'info',
+        LOG_WARNING: 'warning',
+        LOG_ERROR: 'error',
+        LOG_CRITICAL: 'critical',
+    }
+    LOG_LEVELS = [
+        LOG_DEBUG,
+        LOG_INFO,
+        LOG_WARNING,
+        LOG_ERROR,
+        LOG_CRITICAL,
+    ]
+        TO_STDOUT,
+        TO_ACTS_LOG,
+        MONOLITH_LOG,
+    ]
+    LEVEL_TO_NO = {
+        LOG_DEBUG: logging.DEBUG,
+        LOG_INFO: logging.INFO,
+        LOG_WARNING: logging.WARNING,
+        LOG_ERROR: logging.ERROR,
+        LOG_CRITICAL: logging.CRITICAL,
+    }
+        MONOLITH_LOG: ContextLevel.ROOT,
+        TESTCLASS_LOG: ContextLevel.TESTCLASS,
+        TESTCASE_LOG: ContextLevel.TESTCASE
+    }
+# yapf: enable
+_log_streams = dict()
+_null_handler = logging.NullHandler()
+def _update_handlers(event):
+    for log_stream in _log_streams.values():
+        log_stream.update_handlers(event)
+def create_logger(
+    name,
+    log_name=None,
+    base_path="",
+    subcontext="",
+    log_styles=LogStyles.NONE,
+    stream_format=None,
+    file_format=None,
+    """Creates a Python Logger object with the given attributes.
+    Creation through this method will automatically manage the logger in the
+    background for test-related events, such as TestCaseBegin and TestCaseEnd
+    Events.
+    Args:
+        name: The name of the LogStream. Used as the file name prefix.
+        log_name: The name of the underlying logger. Use LogStream name as
+            default.
+        base_path: The base path used by the logger.
+        subcontext: Location of logs relative to the test context path.
+        log_styles: An integer or array of integers that are the sum of
+            corresponding flag values in LogStyles. Examples include:
+            >>> LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG
+            >>> LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+            >>> [LogStyles.DEFAULT_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG]
+            >>>  LogStyles.LOG_ERROR + LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG]
+        stream_format: Format used for log output to stream
+        file_format: Format used for log output to files
+    """
+    if name in _log_streams:
+        _log_streams[name].cleanup()
+    log_stream = _LogStream(
+        name, log_name, base_path, subcontext, log_styles, stream_format, file_format
+    )
+    _set_logger(log_stream)
+    return log_stream.logger
+def _set_logger(log_stream):
+    _log_streams[log_stream.name] = log_stream
+    return log_stream
+class AlsoToLogHandler(Handler):
+    """Logs a message at a given level also to another logger.
+    Used for logging messages at a high enough level to the main log, or another
+    logger.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, to_logger=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self._log = logging.getLogger(to_logger)
+    def emit(self, record):
+        self._log.log(record.levelno, record.getMessage())
+class MovableFileHandler(FileHandler):
+    """FileHandler implementation that allows the output file to be changed
+    during operation.
+    """
+    def set_file(self, file_name):
+        """Set the target output file to file_name.
+        Args:
+            file_name: path to the new output file
+        """
+        self.baseFilename = os.path.abspath(file_name)
+        if self.stream is not None:
+            new_stream = self._open()
+            # An atomic operation redirects the output and closes the old file
+            os.dup2(new_stream.fileno(), self.stream.fileno())
+            self.stream = new_stream
+class MovableRotatingFileHandler(RotatingFileHandler):
+    """RotatingFileHandler implementation that allows the output file to be
+    changed during operation. Rotated files will automatically adopt the newest
+    output path.
+    """
+    set_file = MovableFileHandler.set_file
+class InvalidStyleSetError(Exception):
+    """Raised when the given LogStyles are an invalid set."""
+class _LogStream(object):
+    """A class that sets up a logging.Logger object.
+    The LogStream class creates a logging.Logger object. LogStream is also
+    responsible for managing the logger when events take place, such as
+    TestCaseEndedEvents and TestCaseBeginEvents.
+    Attributes:
+        name: The name of the LogStream.
+        logger: The logger created by this LogStream.
+        base_path: The base path used by the logger. Use logging.log_path
+            as default.
+        subcontext: Location of logs relative to the test context path.
+        stream_format: Format used for log output to stream
+        file_format: Format used for log output to files
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name,
+        log_name=None,
+        base_path="",
+        subcontext="",
+        log_styles=LogStyles.NONE,
+        stream_format=None,
+        file_format=None,
+    ):
+        """Creates a LogStream.
+        Args:
+            name: The name of the LogStream. Used as the file name prefix.
+            log_name: The name of the underlying logger. Use LogStream name
+                as default.
+            base_path: The base path used by the logger. Use logging.log_path
+                as default.
+            subcontext: Location of logs relative to the test context path.
+            log_styles: An integer or array of integers that are the sum of
+                corresponding flag values in LogStyles. Examples include:
+                >>> LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG
+                >>> LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+                >>> [LogStyles.DEFAULT_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG]
+                >>>  LogStyles.LOG_ERROR + LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG]
+            stream_format: Format used for log output to stream
+            file_format: Format used for log output to files
+        """
+        self.name = name
+        if log_name is not None:
+            self.logger = logging.getLogger(log_name)
+        else:
+            self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
+        # Add a NullHandler to suppress unwanted console output
+        self.logger.addHandler(_null_handler)
+        self.logger.propagate = False
+        self.base_path = base_path or getattr(logging, "log_path", "/tmp/acts_logs")
+        self.subcontext = subcontext
+        context.TestContext.add_base_output_path(self.logger.name, self.base_path)
+        context.TestContext.add_subcontext(self.logger.name, self.subcontext)
+        self.stream_format = stream_format
+        self.file_format = file_format
+        self._testclass_handlers = []
+        self._testcase_handlers = []
+        if not isinstance(log_styles, list):
+            log_styles = [log_styles]
+        self.__validate_styles(log_styles)
+        for log_style in log_styles:
+            self.__handle_style(log_style)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __validate_styles(_log_styles_list):
+        """Determines if the given list of styles is valid.
+        Terminology:
+            Log-level: any of [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL].
+            Log Location: any of [MONOLITH_LOG, TESTCLASS_LOG,
+                                  TESTCASE_LOG, TO_STDOUT, TO_ACTS_LOG].
+        Styles are invalid when any of the below criteria are met:
+            A log-level is not set within an element of the list.
+            A log location is not set within an element of the list.
+            A log-level, log location pair appears twice within the list.
+            A log-level has both TESTCLASS and TESTCASE locations set
+                within the list.
+            ROTATE_LOGS is set without MONOLITH_LOG,
+                TESTCLASS_LOG, or TESTCASE_LOG.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidStyleSetError if the given style cannot be achieved.
+        """
+        def invalid_style_error(message):
+            raise InvalidStyleSetError(
+                "{LogStyle Set: %s} %s" % (_log_styles_list, message)
+            )
+        # Store the log locations that have already been set per level.
+        levels_dict = {}
+        for log_style in _log_styles_list:
+            for level in LogStyles.LOG_LEVELS:
+                if log_style & level:
+                    levels_dict[level] = levels_dict.get(level, LogStyles.NONE)
+                    # Check that a log-level, log location pair has not yet
+                    # been set.
+                    for log_location in LogStyles.LOG_LOCATIONS:
+                        if log_style & log_location:
+                            if log_location & levels_dict[level]:
+                                invalid_style_error(
+                                    "The log location %s for log level %s has "
+                                    "been set multiple times" % (log_location, level)
+                                )
+                            else:
+                                levels_dict[level] |= log_location
+                    # Check that for a given log-level, not more than one
+                    # of MONOLITH_LOG, TESTCLASS_LOG, TESTCASE_LOG is set.
+                    locations = levels_dict[level] & LogStyles.ALL_FILE_LOGS
+                    valid_locations = [
+                        LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
+                        LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG,
+                        LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG,
+                        LogStyles.NONE,
+                    ]
+                    if locations not in valid_locations:
+                        invalid_style_error(
+                            "More than one of MONOLITH_LOG, TESTCLASS_LOG, "
+                            "TESTCASE_LOG is set for log level %s." % level
+                        )
+            if log_style & LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS == 0:
+                invalid_style_error(f"LogStyle {log_style} needs to set a log level.")
+            if log_style & ~LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS == 0:
+                invalid_style_error(
+                    f"LogStyle {log_style} needs to set a log location."
+                )
+            if log_style & LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS and not log_style & (
+                LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+                | LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG
+                | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG
+            ):
+                invalid_style_error(
+                    "LogStyle %s has ROTATE_LOGS set, but does "
+                    "not specify a log type." % log_style
+                )
+    @staticmethod
+    def __create_rotating_file_handler(filename):
+        """Generates a callable to create an appropriate RotatingFileHandler."""
+        # Magic number explanation: 10485760 == 10MB
+        return MovableRotatingFileHandler(filename, maxBytes=10485760, backupCount=5)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __get_file_handler_creator(log_style):
+        """Gets the callable to create the correct FileLogHandler."""
+        create_file_handler = MovableFileHandler
+        if log_style & LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS:
+            create_file_handler = _LogStream.__create_rotating_file_handler
+        return create_file_handler
+    @staticmethod
+    def __get_lowest_log_level(log_style):
+        """Returns the lowest log level's LogStyle for the given log_style."""
+        for log_level in LogStyles.LOG_LEVELS:
+            if log_level & log_style:
+                return log_level
+        return LogStyles.NONE
+    def __get_current_output_dir(self, depth=ContextLevel.TESTCASE):
+        """Gets the current output directory from the context system. Make the
+        directory if it doesn't exist.
+        Args:
+            depth: The desired level of the output directory. For example,
+                the TESTCLASS level would yield the directory associated with
+                the current test class context, even if the test is currently
+                within a test case.
+        """
+        curr_context = context.get_current_context(depth)
+        return curr_context.get_full_output_path(self.logger.name)
+    def __create_handler(self, creator, level, location):
+        """Creates the FileHandler.
+        Args:
+            creator: The callable that creates the FileHandler
+            level: The logging level (INFO, DEBUG, etc.) for this handler.
+            location: The log location (MONOLITH, TESTCLASS, TESTCASE) for this
+                handler.
+        Returns: A FileHandler
+        """
+        directory = self.__get_current_output_dir(
+            LogStyles.LOCATION_TO_CONTEXT_LEVEL[location]
+        )
+        base_name = f"{self.name}_{LogStyles.LEVEL_NAMES[level]}.txt"
+        handler = creator(os.path.join(directory, base_name))
+        handler.setLevel(LogStyles.LEVEL_TO_NO[level])
+        if self.file_format:
+            handler.setFormatter(self.file_format)
+        return handler
+    def __handle_style(self, log_style):
+        """Creates the handlers described in the given log_style."""
+        handler_creator = self.__get_file_handler_creator(log_style)
+        # Handle streaming logs to STDOUT or the ACTS Logger
+        if log_style & (LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG | LogStyles.TO_STDOUT):
+            lowest_log_level = self.__get_lowest_log_level(log_style)
+            if log_style & LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG:
+                handler = AlsoToLogHandler()
+            else:  # LogStyles.TO_STDOUT:
+                handler = StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+                if self.stream_format:
+                    handler.setFormatter(self.stream_format)
+            handler.setLevel(LogStyles.LEVEL_TO_NO[lowest_log_level])
+            self.logger.addHandler(handler)
+        # Handle streaming logs to log-level files
+        for log_level in LogStyles.LOG_LEVELS:
+            log_location = log_style & LogStyles.ALL_FILE_LOGS
+            if not (log_style & log_level and log_location):
+                continue
+            handler = self.__create_handler(handler_creator, log_level, log_location)
+            self.logger.addHandler(handler)
+            if log_style & LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG:
+                self._testclass_handlers.append(handler)
+            if log_style & LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG:
+                self._testcase_handlers.append(handler)
+    def __remove_handler(self, handler):
+        """Removes a handler from the logger, unless it's a NullHandler."""
+        if handler is not _null_handler:
+            handler.close()
+            self.logger.removeHandler(handler)
+    def update_handlers(self, event):
+        """Update the output file paths for log handlers upon a change in
+        the test context.
+        Args:
+            event: An instance of NewContextEvent.
+        """
+        handlers = []
+        if isinstance(event, context.NewTestClassContextEvent):
+            handlers = self._testclass_handlers + self._testcase_handlers
+        if isinstance(event, context.NewTestCaseContextEvent):
+            handlers = self._testcase_handlers
+        if not handlers:
+            return
+        new_dir = self.__get_current_output_dir()
+        for handler in handlers:
+            filename = os.path.basename(handler.baseFilename)
+            handler.set_file(os.path.join(new_dir, filename))
+    def cleanup(self):
+        """Removes all LogHandlers from the logger."""
+        for handler in self.logger.handlers:
+            self.__remove_handler(handler)
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/libs/ota/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/libs/ota/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..848290a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+from zipfile import ZipFile
+"""The setup time in seconds."""
+"""The path to the metadata found within the OTA package."""
+OTA_PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH = "META-INF/com/android/metadata"
+class OtaError(Exception):
+    """Raised when an error in the OTA Update process occurs."""
+class InvalidOtaUpdateError(OtaError):
+    """Raised when the update from one version to another is not valid."""
+class OtaRunner(object):
+    """The base class for all OTA Update Runners."""
+    def __init__(self, ota_tool, android_device):
+        self.ota_tool = ota_tool
+        self.android_device = android_device
+        self.serial = self.android_device.serial
+    def _update(self):
+        post_build_id = self.get_post_build_id()
+        log = self.android_device.log
+        old_info = self.android_device.adb.getprop("ro.build.fingerprint")
+        log.info("Starting Update. Beginning build info: %s", old_info)
+        log.info("Stopping services.")
+        self.android_device.stop_services()
+        log.info("Beginning tool.")
+        self.ota_tool.update(self)
+        log.info("Tool finished. Waiting for boot completion.")
+        self.android_device.wait_for_boot_completion()
+        new_info = self.android_device.adb.getprop("ro.build.fingerprint")
+        if not old_info or old_info == new_info:
+            raise OtaError(
+                "The device was not updated to a new build. "
+                "Previous build: %s. Current build: %s. "
+                "Expected build: %s" % (old_info, new_info, post_build_id)
+            )
+        log.info("Boot completed. Rooting adb.")
+        self.android_device.root_adb()
+        log.info("Root complete.")
+        if self.android_device.skip_sl4a:
+            self.android_device.log.info("Skipping SL4A install.")
+        else:
+            for _ in range(3):
+                self.android_device.log.info(
+                    'Re-installing SL4A from "%s".', self.get_sl4a_apk()
+                )
+                self.android_device.adb.install(
+                    f"-r -g {self.get_sl4a_apk()}", ignore_status=True
+                )
+                time.sleep(SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME)
+                if self.android_device.is_sl4a_installed():
+                    break
+        log.info("Starting services.")
+        self.android_device.start_services()
+        self.android_device.update_sdk_api_level()
+        log.info("Services started. Running ota tool cleanup.")
+        self.ota_tool.cleanup(self)
+        log.info("Cleanup complete.")
+    def get_ota_package_metadata(self, requested_field):
+        """Returns a variable found within the OTA package's metadata.
+        Args:
+            requested_field: the name of the metadata field
+        Will return None if the variable cannot be found.
+        """
+        ota_zip = ZipFile(self.get_ota_package(), "r")
+        if OTA_PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH in ota_zip.namelist():
+            with ota_zip.open(OTA_PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH) as metadata:
+                timestamp_line = requested_field.encode("utf-8")
+                timestamp_offset = len(timestamp_line) + 1
+                for line in metadata.readlines():
+                    if line.startswith(timestamp_line):
+                        return line[timestamp_offset:].decode("utf-8").strip()
+        return None
+    def validate_update(self):
+        """Raises an error if updating to the next build is not valid.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidOtaUpdateError if the ota version is not valid, or cannot be
+                validated.
+        """
+        # The timestamp the current device build was created at.
+        cur_img_timestamp = self.android_device.adb.getprop("ro.build.date.utc")
+        ota_img_timestamp = self.get_ota_package_metadata("post-timestamp")
+        if ota_img_timestamp is None:
+            raise InvalidOtaUpdateError(
+                "Unable to find the timestamp " "for the OTA build."
+            )
+        try:
+            if int(ota_img_timestamp) <= int(cur_img_timestamp):
+                cur_fingerprint = self.android_device.adb.getprop(
+                    "ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint"
+                )
+                ota_fingerprint = self.get_post_build_id()
+                raise InvalidOtaUpdateError(
+                    "The OTA image comes from an earlier build than the "
+                    "source build. Current build: Time: %s -- %s, "
+                    "OTA build: Time: %s -- %s"
+                    % (
+                        cur_img_timestamp,
+                        cur_fingerprint,
+                        ota_img_timestamp,
+                        ota_fingerprint,
+                    )
+                )
+        except ValueError:
+            raise InvalidOtaUpdateError(
+                "Unable to parse timestamps. Current timestamp: %s, OTA "
+                "timestamp: %s" % (ota_img_timestamp, cur_img_timestamp)
+            )
+    def get_post_build_id(self):
+        """Returns the post-build ID found within the OTA package metadata.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidOtaUpdateError if the post-build ID cannot be found.
+        """
+        return self.get_ota_package_metadata("post-build")
+    def can_update(self):
+        """Whether or not an update package is available for the device."""
+        return NotImplementedError()
+    def get_ota_package(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+class SingleUseOtaRunner(OtaRunner):
+    """A single use OtaRunner.
+    SingleUseOtaRunners can only be ran once. If a user attempts to run it more
+    than once, an error will be thrown. Users can avoid the error by checking
+    can_update() before calling update().
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ota_tool, android_device, ota_package, sl4a_apk):
+        super(SingleUseOtaRunner, self).__init__(ota_tool, android_device)
+        self._ota_package = ota_package
+        self._sl4a_apk = sl4a_apk
+        self._called = False
+    def can_update(self):
+        return not self._called
+    def update(self):
+        """Starts the update process."""
+        if not self.can_update():
+            raise OtaError(
+                "A SingleUseOtaTool instance cannot update a device " "multiple times."
+            )
+        self._called = True
+        self._update()
+    def get_ota_package(self):
+        return self._ota_package
+    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
+        return self._sl4a_apk
+class MultiUseOtaRunner(OtaRunner):
+    """A multiple use OtaRunner.
+    MultiUseOtaRunner can only be ran for as many times as there have been
+    packages provided to them. If a user attempts to run it more than the number
+    of provided packages, an error will be thrown. Users can avoid the error by
+    checking can_update() before calling update().
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ota_tool, android_device, ota_packages, sl4a_apks):
+        super(MultiUseOtaRunner, self).__init__(ota_tool, android_device)
+        self._ota_packages = ota_packages
+        self._sl4a_apks = sl4a_apks
+        self.current_update_number = 0
+    def can_update(self):
+        return not self.current_update_number == len(self._ota_packages)
+    def update(self):
+        """Starts the update process."""
+        if not self.can_update():
+            raise OtaError(
+                "This MultiUseOtaRunner has already updated all "
+                "given packages onto the phone."
+            )
+        self._update()
+        self.current_update_number += 1
+    def get_ota_package(self):
+        return self._ota_packages[self.current_update_number]
+    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
+        return self._sl4a_apks[self.current_update_number]
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc391a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from antlion.config_parser import ActsConfigError
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import adb_sideload_ota_tool, ota_tool_factory
+_bound_devices = {}
+DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL = adb_sideload_ota_tool.AdbSideloadOtaTool.__name__
+def create_all_from_configs(config, android_devices):
+    """Creates a new OtaTool for each given AndroidDevice.
+    After an OtaTool is assigned to a device, another OtaTool cannot be created
+    for that device. This will prevent OTA Update tests that accidentally flash
+    the same build onto a device more than once.
+    Args:
+        config: the ACTS config user_params.
+        android_devices: The devices to run an OTA Update on.
+    Returns:
+        A list of OtaRunners responsible for updating the given devices. The
+        indexes match the indexes of the corresponding AndroidDevice in
+        android_devices.
+    """
+    return [create_from_configs(config, ad) for ad in android_devices]
+def create_from_configs(config, android_device):
+    """Creates a new OtaTool for the given AndroidDevice.
+    After an OtaTool is assigned to a device, another OtaTool cannot be created
+    for that device. This will prevent OTA Update tests that accidentally flash
+    the same build onto a device more than once.
+    Args:
+        config: the ACTS config user_params.
+        android_device: The device to run the OTA Update on.
+    Returns:
+        An OtaRunner responsible for updating the given device.
+    """
+    # Default to adb sideload
+    try:
+        ota_tool_class_name = get_ota_value_from_config(
+            config, "ota_tool", android_device
+        )
+    except ActsConfigError:
+        ota_tool_class_name = DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL
+    if ota_tool_class_name not in config:
+        if ota_tool_class_name is not DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL:
+            raise ActsConfigError(
+                "If the ota_tool is overloaded, the path to the tool must be "
+                'added to the ACTS config file under {"OtaToolName": '
+                '"path/to/tool"} (in this case, {"%s": "path/to/tool"}.'
+                % ota_tool_class_name
+            )
+        else:
+            command = DEFAULT_OTA_COMMAND
+    else:
+        command = config[ota_tool_class_name]
+        if type(command) is list:
+            # If file came as a list in the config.
+            if len(command) == 1:
+                command = command[0]
+            else:
+                raise ActsConfigError(
+                    'Config value for "%s" must be either a string or a list '
+                    "of exactly one element" % ota_tool_class_name
+                )
+    ota_package = get_ota_value_from_config(config, "ota_package", android_device)
+    ota_sl4a = get_ota_value_from_config(config, "ota_sl4a", android_device)
+    if type(ota_sl4a) != type(ota_package):
+        raise ActsConfigError(
+            "The ota_package and ota_sl4a must either both be strings, or "
+            'both be lists. Device with serial "%s" has mismatched types.'
+            % android_device.serial
+        )
+    return create(ota_package, ota_sl4a, android_device, ota_tool_class_name, command)
+def create(
+    ota_package,
+    ota_sl4a,
+    android_device,
+    ota_tool_class_name=DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL,
+    use_cached_runners=True,
+    """
+    Args:
+        ota_package: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
+            update.zip package location(s) for running an OTA update.
+        ota_sl4a: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
+            sl4a.apk package location(s) for running an OTA update.
+        ota_tool_class_name: The class name for the desired ota_tool
+        command: The command line tool name for the updater
+        android_device: The AndroidDevice to run the OTA Update on.
+        use_cached_runners: Whether or not to use runners cached by previous
+            create calls.
+    Returns:
+        An OtaRunner with the given properties from the arguments.
+    """
+    ota_tool = ota_tool_factory.create(ota_tool_class_name, command)
+    return create_from_package(
+        ota_package, ota_sl4a, android_device, ota_tool, use_cached_runners
+    )
+def create_from_package(
+    ota_package, ota_sl4a, android_device, ota_tool, use_cached_runners=True
+    """
+    Args:
+        ota_package: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
+            update.zip package location(s) for running an OTA update.
+        ota_sl4a: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
+            sl4a.apk package location(s) for running an OTA update.
+        ota_tool: The OtaTool to be paired with the returned OtaRunner
+        android_device: The AndroidDevice to run the OTA Update on.
+        use_cached_runners: Whether or not to use runners cached by previous
+            create calls.
+    Returns:
+        An OtaRunner with the given properties from the arguments.
+    """
+    if android_device in _bound_devices and use_cached_runners:
+        logging.warning(
+            "Android device %s has already been assigned an "
+            "OtaRunner. Returning previously created runner."
+        )
+        return _bound_devices[android_device]
+    if type(ota_package) != type(ota_sl4a):
+        raise TypeError(
+            "The ota_package and ota_sl4a must either both be strings, or "
+            'both be lists. Device with serial "%s" has requested mismatched '
+            "types." % android_device.serial
+        )
+    if type(ota_package) is str:
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(
+            ota_tool, android_device, ota_package, ota_sl4a
+        )
+    elif type(ota_package) is list:
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            ota_tool, android_device, ota_package, ota_sl4a
+        )
+    else:
+        raise TypeError(
+            'The "ota_package" value in the acts config must be '
+            "either a list or a string."
+        )
+    _bound_devices[android_device] = runner
+    return runner
+def get_ota_value_from_config(config, key, android_device):
+    """Returns a key for the given AndroidDevice.
+    Args:
+        config: The ACTS config
+        key: The base key desired (ota_tool, ota_sl4a, or ota_package)
+        android_device: An AndroidDevice
+    Returns: The value at the specified key.
+    Throws: ActsConfigError if the value cannot be determined from the config.
+    """
+    suffix = ""
+    if "ota_map" in config:
+        if android_device.serial in config["ota_map"]:
+            suffix = f"_{config['ota_map'][android_device.serial]}"
+    ota_package_key = f"{key}{suffix}"
+    if ota_package_key not in config:
+        if suffix != "":
+            raise ActsConfigError(
+                "Asked for an OTA Update without specifying a required value. "
+                '"ota_map" has entry {"%s": "%s"}, but there is no '
+                'corresponding entry {"%s":"/path/to/file"} found within the '
+                "ACTS config." % (android_device.serial, suffix[1:], ota_package_key)
+            )
+        else:
+            raise ActsConfigError(
+                "Asked for an OTA Update without specifying a required value. "
+                '"ota_map" does not exist or have a key for serial "%s", and '
+                'the default value entry "%s" cannot be found within the ACTS '
+                "config." % (android_device.serial, ota_package_key)
+            )
+    return config[ota_package_key]
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad9e883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool import OtaTool
+# OTA Packages can be upwards of 1 GB. This may take some time to transfer over
+# USB 2.0.
+PUSH_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60
+class AdbSideloadOtaTool(OtaTool):
+    """Updates an AndroidDevice using adb sideload."""
+    def __init__(self, ignored_command):
+        # "command" is ignored. The ACTS adb version is used to prevent
+        # differing adb versions from constantly killing adbd.
+        super(AdbSideloadOtaTool, self).__init__(ignored_command)
+    def update(self, ota_runner):
+        logging.info("Rooting adb")
+        ota_runner.android_device.root_adb()
+        logging.info("Rebooting to sideload")
+        ota_runner.android_device.adb.reboot("sideload")
+        ota_runner.android_device.adb.wait_for_sideload()
+        logging.info("Sideloading ota package")
+        package_path = ota_runner.get_ota_package()
+        logging.info(f'Running adb sideload with package "{package_path}"')
+        ota_runner.android_device.adb.sideload(package_path, timeout=PUSH_TIMEOUT)
+        logging.info("Sideload complete. Waiting for device to come back up.")
+        ota_runner.android_device.adb.wait_for_recovery()
+        ota_runner.android_device.reboot(stop_at_lock_screen=True)
+        logging.info("Device is up. Update complete.")
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool.py
rename to packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eff707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.adb_sideload_ota_tool import AdbSideloadOtaTool
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.update_device_ota_tool import UpdateDeviceOtaTool
+    AdbSideloadOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: AdbSideloadOtaTool(command),
+    UpdateDeviceOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: UpdateDeviceOtaTool(command),
+_constructed_tools = {}
+def create(ota_tool_class, command):
+    """Returns an OtaTool with the given class name.
+    If the tool has already been created, the existing instance will be
+    returned.
+    Args:
+        ota_tool_class: the class/type of the tool you wish to use.
+        command: the command line tool being used.
+    Returns:
+        An OtaTool.
+    """
+    if ota_tool_class in _constructed_tools:
+        return _constructed_tools[ota_tool_class]
+    if ota_tool_class not in _CONSTRUCTORS:
+        raise KeyError(
+            "Given Ota Tool class name does not match a known "
+            'name. Found "%s". Expected any of %s. If this tool '
+            "does exist, add it to the _CONSTRUCTORS dict in this "
+            "module." % (ota_tool_class, _CONSTRUCTORS.keys())
+        )
+    new_update_tool = _CONSTRUCTORS[ota_tool_class](command)
+    _constructed_tools[ota_tool_class] = new_update_tool
+    return new_update_tool
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e4f709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+from antlion import utils
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+# OTA Packages can be upwards of 1 GB. This may take some time to transfer over
+# USB 2.0. A/B devices must also complete the update in the background.
+UPDATE_LOCATION = "/data/ota_package/update.zip"
+class UpdateDeviceOtaTool(ota_tool.OtaTool):
+    """Runs an OTA Update with system/update_engine/scripts/update_device.py."""
+    def __init__(self, command):
+        super(UpdateDeviceOtaTool, self).__init__(command)
+        self.unzip_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        utils.unzip_maintain_permissions(self.command, self.unzip_path)
+        self.command = os.path.join(self.unzip_path, "update_device.py")
+    def update(self, ota_runner):
+        logging.info("Forcing adb to be in root mode.")
+        ota_runner.android_device.root_adb()
+        update_command = "python3 %s -s %s %s" % (
+            self.command,
+            ota_runner.serial,
+            ota_runner.get_ota_package(),
+        )
+        logging.info(f"Running {update_command}")
+        result = job.run(update_command, timeout_sec=UPDATE_TIMEOUT)
+        logging.info(f"Output: {result.stdout}")
+        logging.info("Rebooting device for update to go live.")
+        ota_runner.android_device.reboot(stop_at_lock_screen=True)
+        logging.info("Reboot sent.")
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Delete the unzipped update_device folder before ACTS exits."""
+        shutil.rmtree(self.unzip_path)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_updater.py b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_updater.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db9649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_updater.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion import utils
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner_factory
+"""Maps AndroidDevices to OtaRunners."""
+ota_runners = {}
+def initialize(user_params, android_devices):
+    """Initialize OtaRunners for each device.
+    Args:
+        user_params: The user_params from the ACTS config.
+        android_devices: The android_devices in the test.
+    """
+    for ad in android_devices:
+        ota_runners[ad] = ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(user_params, ad)
+def _check_initialization(android_device):
+    """Check if a given device was initialized."""
+    if android_device not in ota_runners:
+        raise KeyError(
+            'Android Device with serial "%s" has not been '
+            "initialized for OTA Updates. Did you forget to call"
+            "ota_updater.initialize()?" % android_device.serial
+        )
+def update(android_device, ignore_update_errors=False):
+    """Update a given AndroidDevice.
+    Args:
+        android_device: The device to update
+        ignore_update_errors: Whether or not to ignore update errors such as
+           no more updates available for a given device. Default is false.
+    Throws:
+        OtaError if ignore_update_errors is false and the OtaRunner has run out
+        of packages to update the phone with.
+    """
+    _check_initialization(android_device)
+    ota_runners[android_device].validate_update()
+    try:
+        ota_runners[android_device].update()
+    except Exception as e:
+        if ignore_update_errors:
+            return
+        android_device.log.error(e)
+        android_device.take_bug_report("ota_update", utils.get_current_epoch_time())
+        raise e
+def can_update(android_device):
+    """Whether or not a device can be updated."""
+    _check_initialization(android_device)
+    return ota_runners[android_device].can_update()
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/proc/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/libs/proc/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/libs/proc/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/libs/proc/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/proc/job.py b/packages/antlion/libs/proc/job.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9eab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/proc/job.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+import time
+from antlion.runner import CompletedProcess
+class Error(Exception):
+    """Indicates that a command failed, is fatal to the test unless caught."""
+    def __init__(self, result):
+        super(Error, self).__init__(result)
+        self.result: Result = result
+class TimeoutError(Error):
+    """Thrown when a BackgroundJob times out on wait."""
+class Result(CompletedProcess):
+    """Command execution result.
+    Contains information on subprocess execution after it has exited.
+    Attributes:
+        command: An array containing the command and all arguments that
+                 was executed.
+        exit_status: Integer exit code of the process.
+        stdout_raw: The raw bytes output from standard out.
+        stderr_raw: The raw bytes output from standard error
+        duration: How long the process ran for.
+        did_timeout: True if the program timed out and was killed.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        command: str | list[str],
+        stdout: bytes,
+        stderr: bytes,
+        exit_status: int,
+        duration: float = 0,
+        did_timeout: bool = False,
+        encoding: str = "utf-8",
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Args:
+            command: The command that was run. This will be a list containing
+                     the executed command and all args.
+            stdout: The raw bytes that standard output gave.
+            stderr: The raw bytes that standard error gave.
+            exit_status: The exit status of the command.
+            duration: How long the command ran.
+            did_timeout: True if the command timed out.
+            encoding: The encoding standard that the program uses.
+        """
+        self.command = command
+        self.exit_status = exit_status
+        self._raw_stdout = stdout
+        self._raw_stderr = stderr
+        self._stdout_str: str | None = None
+        self._stderr_str: str | None = None
+        self._encoding = encoding
+        self.duration = duration
+        self.did_timeout = did_timeout
+    @property
+    def stdout(self) -> str:
+        """String representation of standard output."""
+        if not self._stdout_str:
+            self._stdout_str = self._raw_stdout.decode(
+                encoding=self._encoding, errors="replace"
+            )
+            self._stdout_str = self._stdout_str.strip()
+        return self._stdout_str
+    @property
+    def stderr(self) -> str:
+        """String representation of standard error."""
+        if not self._stderr_str:
+            self._stderr_str = self._raw_stderr.decode(
+                encoding=self._encoding, errors="replace"
+            )
+            self._stderr_str = self._stderr_str.strip()
+        return self._stderr_str
+    @property
+    def returncode(self) -> int:
+        return self.exit_status
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        if self.did_timeout:
+            prefix = f"Command timed out"
+        else:
+            prefix = f"Command exited with {self.exit_status}"
+        return (
+            f'{prefix} after {self.duration}s: {" ".join(self.command)}\n'
+            f"stdout: {self._raw_stdout}\n"
+            f"stderr: {self._raw_stderr}"
+        )
+def run(
+    command: str | list[str],
+    timeout_sec: float | None = 60,
+    ignore_status: bool = False,
+    env: dict[str, str] | None = None,
+    io_encoding: str = "utf-8",
+) -> Result:
+    """Execute a command in a subprocess and return its output.
+    Commands can be either shell commands (given as strings) or the
+    path and arguments to an executable (given as a list).  This function
+    will block until the subprocess finishes or times out.
+    Args:
+        command: The command to execute.
+        timeout_sec: number seconds to wait for command to finish.
+        ignore_status: True to ignore the exit code of the remote
+                       subprocess.  Note that if you do ignore status codes,
+                       you should handle non-zero exit codes explicitly.
+        env: environment variables to setup on the remote host.
+        io_encoding: unicode encoding of command output.
+    Returns:
+        Result of the ssh command.
+    Raises:
+        job.TimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
+        Error: When the command had an error executing and ignore_status==False.
+    """
+    start_time = time.time()
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(
+        command,
+        env=env,
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        shell=not isinstance(command, list),
+    )
+    # Wait on the process terminating
+    timed_out = False
+    out = bytes()
+    err = bytes()
+    try:
+        (out, err) = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout_sec)
+    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+        timed_out = True
+        proc.kill()
+        proc.wait()
+    result = Result(
+        command=command,
+        stdout=out,
+        stderr=err,
+        exit_status=proc.returncode,
+        duration=time.time() - start_time,
+        encoding=io_encoding,
+        did_timeout=timed_out,
+    )
+    logging.debug(result)
+    if timed_out:
+        raise TimeoutError(result)
+    if not ignore_status and proc.returncode != 0:
+        raise Error(result)
+    return result
+def run_async(command, env=None):
+    """Execute a command in a subproccess asynchronously.
+    It is the callers responsibility to kill/wait on the resulting
+    subprocess.Popen object.
+    Commands can be either shell commands (given as strings) or the
+    path and arguments to an executable (given as a list).  This function
+    will not block.
+    Args:
+        command: The command to execute. Can be either a string or a list.
+        env: dict enviroment variables to setup on the remote host.
+    Returns:
+        A subprocess.Popen object representing the created subprocess.
+    """
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(
+        command,
+        env=env,
+        preexec_fn=os.setpgrp,
+        shell=not isinstance(command, list),
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+    )
+    logging.debug("command %s started with pid %s", command, proc.pid)
+    return proc
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/proc/process.py b/packages/antlion/libs/proc/process.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b86d941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/proc/process.py
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import shlex
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+from threading import Thread
+_on_windows = sys.platform == "win32"
+class ProcessError(Exception):
+    """Raised when invalid operations are run on a Process."""
+class Process(object):
+    """A Process object used to run various commands.
+    Attributes:
+        _command: The initial command to run.
+        _subprocess_kwargs: The kwargs to send to Popen for more control over
+                            execution.
+        _process: The subprocess.Popen object currently executing a process.
+        _listening_thread: The thread that is listening for the process to stop.
+        _redirection_thread: The thread that is redirecting process output.
+        _on_output_callback: The callback to call when output is received.
+        _on_terminate_callback: The callback to call when the process terminates
+                                without stop() being called first.
+        _started: Whether or not start() was called.
+        _stopped: Whether or not stop() was called.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, command, **kwargs):
+        """Creates a Process object.
+        Note that this constructor does not begin the process. To start the
+        process, use Process.start().
+        """
+        # Split command string into list if shell=True is not specified
+        self._use_shell = kwargs.get("shell", False)
+        if not self._use_shell and isinstance(command, str):
+            command = shlex.split(command)
+        self._command = command
+        self._subprocess_kwargs = kwargs
+        if _on_windows:
+            self._subprocess_kwargs[
+                "creationflags"
+            ] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
+        else:
+            self._subprocess_kwargs["start_new_session"] = True
+        self._process = None
+        self._listening_thread = None
+        self._redirection_thread = None
+        self._on_output_callback = lambda *args, **kw: None
+        self._binary_output = False
+        self._on_terminate_callback = lambda *args, **kw: ""
+        self._started = False
+        self._stopped = False
+    def set_on_output_callback(self, on_output_callback, binary=False):
+        """Sets the on_output_callback function.
+        Args:
+            on_output_callback: The function to be called when output is sent to
+                the output. The output callback has the following signature:
+                >>> def on_output_callback(output_line):
+                >>>     return None
+            binary: If True, read the process output as raw binary.
+        Returns:
+            self
+        """
+        self._on_output_callback = on_output_callback
+        self._binary_output = binary
+        return self
+    def set_on_terminate_callback(self, on_terminate_callback):
+        """Sets the on_self_terminate callback function.
+        Args:
+            on_terminate_callback: The function to be called when the process
+                has terminated on its own. The callback has the following
+                signature:
+                >>> def on_self_terminate_callback(popen_process):
+                >>>     return 'command to run' or None
+                If a string is returned, the string returned will be the command
+                line used to run the command again. If None is returned, the
+                process will end without restarting.
+        Returns:
+            self
+        """
+        self._on_terminate_callback = on_terminate_callback
+        return self
+    def start(self):
+        """Starts the process's execution."""
+        if self._started:
+            raise ProcessError("Process has already started.")
+        self._started = True
+        self._process = None
+        self._listening_thread = Thread(target=self._exec_loop)
+        self._listening_thread.start()
+        time_up_at = time.time() + 1
+        while self._process is None:
+            if time.time() > time_up_at:
+                raise OSError("Unable to open process!")
+        self._stopped = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_timeout_left(timeout, start_time):
+        return max(0.1, timeout - (time.time() - start_time))
+    def is_running(self):
+        """Checks that the underlying Popen process is still running
+        Returns:
+            True if the process is running.
+        """
+        return self._process is not None and self._process.poll() is None
+    def _join_threads(self):
+        """Waits for the threads associated with the process to terminate."""
+        if self._listening_thread is not None:
+            self._listening_thread.join()
+            self._listening_thread = None
+        if self._redirection_thread is not None:
+            self._redirection_thread.join()
+            self._redirection_thread = None
+    def _kill_process(self):
+        """Kills the underlying process/process group. Implementation is
+        platform-dependent."""
+        if _on_windows:
+            subprocess.check_call(f"taskkill /F /T /PID {self._process.pid}")
+        else:
+            self.signal(signal.SIGKILL)
+    def wait(self, kill_timeout=60.0):
+        """Waits for the process to finish execution.
+        If the process has reached the kill_timeout, the process will be killed
+        instead.
+        Note: the on_self_terminate callback will NOT be called when calling
+        this function.
+        Args:
+            kill_timeout: The amount of time to wait until killing the process.
+        """
+        if self._stopped:
+            raise ProcessError("Process is already being stopped.")
+        self._stopped = True
+        try:
+            self._process.wait(kill_timeout)
+        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+            self._kill_process()
+        finally:
+            self._join_threads()
+            self._started = False
+    def signal(self, sig):
+        """Sends a signal to the process.
+        Args:
+            sig: The signal to be sent.
+        """
+        if _on_windows:
+            raise ProcessError("Unable to call Process.signal on windows.")
+        pgid = os.getpgid(self._process.pid)
+        os.killpg(pgid, sig)
+    def stop(self):
+        """Stops the process.
+        This command is effectively equivalent to kill, but gives time to clean
+        up any related work on the process, such as output redirection.
+        Note: the on_self_terminate callback will NOT be called when calling
+        this function.
+        """
+        self.wait(0)
+    def _redirect_output(self):
+        """Redirects the output from the command into the on_output_callback."""
+        if self._binary_output:
+            while True:
+                data = self._process.stdout.read(1024)
+                if not data:
+                    return
+                else:
+                    self._on_output_callback(data)
+        else:
+            while True:
+                line = self._process.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+                if not line:
+                    return
+                else:
+                    # Output the line without trailing \n and whitespace.
+                    self._on_output_callback(line.rstrip())
+    @staticmethod
+    def __start_process(command, **kwargs):
+        """A convenient wrapper function for starting the process."""
+        acts_logger = logging.getLogger()
+        acts_logger.debug('Starting command "%s" with kwargs %s', command, kwargs)
+        return subprocess.Popen(command, **kwargs)
+    def _exec_loop(self):
+        """Executes Popen in a loop.
+        When Popen terminates without stop() being called,
+        self._on_terminate_callback() will be called. The returned value from
+        _on_terminate_callback will then be used to determine if the loop should
+        continue and start up the process again. See set_on_terminate_callback()
+        for more information.
+        """
+        command = self._command
+        while True:
+            self._process = self.__start_process(
+                command,
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                bufsize=1,
+                **self._subprocess_kwargs,
+            )
+            self._redirection_thread = Thread(target=self._redirect_output)
+            self._redirection_thread.start()
+            self._process.wait()
+            if self._stopped:
+                logging.debug("The process for command %s was stopped.", command)
+                break
+            else:
+                logging.debug("The process for command %s terminated.", command)
+                # Wait for all output to be processed before sending
+                # _on_terminate_callback()
+                self._redirection_thread.join()
+                logging.debug("Beginning on_terminate_callback for %s.", command)
+                retry_value = self._on_terminate_callback(self._process)
+                if retry_value:
+                    if not self._use_shell and isinstance(retry_value, str):
+                        retry_value = shlex.split(retry_value)
+                    command = retry_value
+                else:
+                    break
diff --git a/packages/antlion/libs/yaml_writer.py b/packages/antlion/libs/yaml_writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc26a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/libs/yaml_writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import yaml
+# Allow yaml to dump OrderedDict
+    collections.OrderedDict,
+    lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_dict(data),
+    Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper,
+def _str_representer(dumper, data):
+    if len(data.splitlines()) > 1:
+        data = "\n".join(
+            line.replace("\t", "    ").rstrip() for line in data.splitlines()
+        )
+        return dumper.represent_scalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", data, style="|")
+    return dumper.represent_scalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", data)
+# Automatically convert multiline strings into block literals
+yaml.add_representer(str, _str_representer, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
+_DUMP_KWARGS = dict(explicit_start=True, allow_unicode=True, indent=4)
+if yaml.__version__ >= "5.1":
+    _DUMP_KWARGS.update(sort_keys=False)
+def safe_dump(content, file):
+    """Calls yaml.safe_dump to write content to the file, with additional
+    parameters from _DUMP_KWARGS."""
+    yaml.safe_dump(content, file, **_DUMP_KWARGS)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/logger.py b/packages/antlion/logger.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..58da43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import datetime
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+from copy import copy
+from typing import Any, Callable, MutableMapping
+from antlion import tracelogger
+from antlion.libs.logging import log_stream
+from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import LogStyles
+log_line_format = "%(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(levelname)s %(message)s"
+# The micro seconds are added by the format string above,
+# so the time format does not include ms.
+log_line_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+log_line_timestamp_len = 23
+logline_timestamp_re = re.compile("\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d\d")
+# yapf: disable
+class Style:
+    RESET  = '\033[0m'
+    BRIGHT = '\033[1m'
+    DIM    = '\033[2m'
+    NORMAL = '\033[22m'
+class Fore:
+    BLACK   = '\033[30m'
+    RED     = '\033[31m'
+    GREEN   = '\033[32m'
+    YELLOW  = '\033[33m'
+    BLUE    = '\033[34m'
+    MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
+    CYAN    = '\033[36m'
+    WHITE   = '\033[37m'
+    RESET   = '\033[39m'
+class Back:
+    BLACK   = '\033[40m'
+    RED     = '\033[41m'
+    GREEN   = '\033[42m'
+    YELLOW  = '\033[43m'
+    BLUE    = '\033[44m'
+    MAGENTA = '\033[45m'
+    CYAN    = '\033[46m'
+    WHITE   = '\033[47m'
+    RESET   = '\033[49m'
+  'DEBUG':     {'level': 10, 'style': Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT},
+  'CASE':      {'level': 11, 'style': Back.BLUE + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
+  'SUITE':     {'level': 12, 'style': Back.MAGENTA + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
+  'INFO':      {'level': 20, 'style': Style.NORMAL},
+  'STEP':      {'level': 15, 'style': Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
+  'WARNING':   {'level': 30, 'style': Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT},
+  'ERROR':     {'level': 40, 'style': Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT},
+  'EXCEPTION': {'level': 45, 'style': Back.RED + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
+  'DEVICE':    {'level': 51, 'style': Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT},
+# yapf: enable
+class ColoredLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+    def format(self, record):
+        colored_record = copy(record)
+        level_name = colored_record.levelname
+        style = LOG_LEVELS[level_name]["style"]
+        formatted_level_name = f"{style}{level_name}{Style.RESET}"
+        colored_record.levelname = formatted_level_name
+        return super().format(colored_record)
+def _parse_logline_timestamp(t):
+    """Parses a logline timestamp into a tuple.
+    Args:
+        t: Timestamp in logline format.
+    Returns:
+        An iterable of date and time elements in the order of month, day, hour,
+        minute, second, microsecond.
+    """
+    date, time = t.split(" ")
+    year, month, day = date.split("-")
+    h, m, s = time.split(":")
+    s, ms = s.split(".")
+    return year, month, day, h, m, s, ms
+def is_valid_logline_timestamp(timestamp):
+    if len(timestamp) == log_line_timestamp_len:
+        if logline_timestamp_re.match(timestamp):
+            return True
+    return False
+def logline_timestamp_comparator(t1, t2):
+    """Comparator for timestamps in logline format.
+    Args:
+        t1: Timestamp in logline format.
+        t2: Timestamp in logline format.
+    Returns:
+        -1 if t1 < t2; 1 if t1 > t2; 0 if t1 == t2.
+    """
+    dt1 = _parse_logline_timestamp(t1)
+    dt2 = _parse_logline_timestamp(t2)
+    for u1, u2 in zip(dt1, dt2):
+        if u1 < u2:
+            return -1
+        elif u1 > u2:
+            return 1
+    return 0
+def _get_timestamp(time_format, delta=None):
+    t = datetime.datetime.now()
+    if delta:
+        t = t + datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
+    return t.strftime(time_format)[:-3]
+def epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch_time):
+    """Converts an epoch timestamp in ms to log line timestamp format, which
+    is readable for humans.
+    Args:
+        epoch_time: integer, an epoch timestamp in ms.
+    Returns:
+        A string that is the corresponding timestamp in log line timestamp
+        format.
+    """
+    s, ms = divmod(epoch_time, 1000)
+    d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(s)
+    return d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.") + str(ms)
+def get_log_line_timestamp(delta=None):
+    """Returns a timestamp in the format used by log lines.
+    Default is current time. If a delta is set, the return value will be
+    the current time offset by delta seconds.
+    Args:
+        delta: Number of seconds to offset from current time; can be negative.
+    Returns:
+        A timestamp in log line format with an offset.
+    """
+    return _get_timestamp("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", delta)
+def get_log_file_timestamp(delta=None):
+    """Returns a timestamp in the format used for log file names.
+    Default is current time. If a delta is set, the return value will be
+    the current time offset by delta seconds.
+    Args:
+        delta: Number of seconds to offset from current time; can be negative.
+    Returns:
+        A timestamp in log file name format with an offset.
+    """
+    return _get_timestamp("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f", delta)
+def _setup_test_logger(log_path, prefix=None):
+    """Customizes the root logger for a test run.
+    The logger object has a stream handler and a file handler. The stream
+    handler logs INFO level to the terminal, the file handler logs DEBUG
+    level to files.
+    Args:
+        log_path: Location of the log file.
+        prefix: A prefix for each log line in terminal.
+    """
+    logging.log_path = log_path
+    log_styles = [
+        LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TO_STDOUT,
+        LogStyles.DEFAULT_LEVELS + LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
+    ]
+    terminal_format = log_line_format
+    if prefix:
+        terminal_format = f"[{prefix}] {log_line_format}"
+    stream_formatter = ColoredLogFormatter(terminal_format, log_line_time_format)
+    file_formatter = logging.Formatter(log_line_format, log_line_time_format)
+    log = log_stream.create_logger(
+        "test_run",
+        "",
+        log_styles=log_styles,
+        stream_format=stream_formatter,
+        file_format=file_formatter,
+    )
+    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    _enable_additional_log_levels()
+def _enable_additional_log_levels():
+    """Enables logging levels used for tracing tests and debugging devices."""
+    for log_type, log_data in LOG_LEVELS.items():
+        logging.addLevelName(log_data["level"], log_type)
+def kill_test_logger(logger):
+    """Cleans up a test logger object by removing all of its handlers.
+    Args:
+        logger: The logging object to clean up.
+    """
+    for h in list(logger.handlers):
+        logger.removeHandler(h)
+        if isinstance(h, logging.FileHandler):
+            h.close()
+def create_latest_log_alias(actual_path):
+    """Creates a symlink to the latest test run logs.
+    Args:
+        actual_path: The source directory where the latest test run's logs are.
+    """
+    link_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(actual_path), "latest")
+    if os.path.islink(link_path):
+        os.remove(link_path)
+    try:
+        os.symlink(actual_path, link_path)
+    except OSError:
+        logging.warning("Failed to create symlink to latest logs dir.", exc_info=True)
+def setup_test_logger(log_path, prefix=None):
+    """Customizes the root logger for a test run.
+    Args:
+        log_path: Location of the report file.
+        prefix: A prefix for each log line in terminal.
+        filename: Name of the files. The default is the time the objects
+            are requested.
+    """
+    os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
+    _setup_test_logger(log_path, prefix)
+    create_latest_log_alias(log_path)
+def normalize_log_line_timestamp(log_line_timestamp):
+    """Replace special characters in log line timestamp with normal characters.
+    Args:
+        log_line_timestamp: A string in the log line timestamp format. Obtained
+            with get_log_line_timestamp.
+    Returns:
+        A string representing the same time as input timestamp, but without
+        special characters.
+    """
+    norm_tp = log_line_timestamp.replace(" ", "_")
+    norm_tp = norm_tp.replace(":", "-")
+    return norm_tp
+class LoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+    """A LoggerAdapter class that takes in a lambda for transforming logs."""
+    def __init__(self, logging_lambda: Callable[[str], str]) -> None:
+        self.logging_lambda = logging_lambda
+        super(LoggerAdapter, self).__init__(logging.getLogger(), {})
+    def process(
+        self, msg: Any, kwargs: MutableMapping[str, Any]
+    ) -> tuple[Any, MutableMapping[str, Any]]:
+        return super().process(self.logging_lambda(msg), kwargs)
+def create_logger(
+    logging_lambda: Callable[[str], str] = lambda message: message
+) -> tracelogger.TraceLogger:
+    """Returns a logger with logging defined by a given lambda.
+    Args:
+        logging_lambda: A lambda of the form:
+            >>> lambda log_message: return 'string'
+    """
+    return tracelogger.TraceLogger(LoggerAdapter(logging_lambda))
+def create_tagged_trace_logger(tag: str = "") -> tracelogger.TraceLogger:
+    """Returns a logger that logs each line with the given prefix.
+    Args:
+        tag: The tag of the log line, E.g. if tag == tag123, the output
+            line would be:
+            <TESTBED> <TIME> <LOG_LEVEL> [tag123] logged message
+    """
+    def logging_lambda(msg: str) -> str:
+        return f"[{tag}] {msg}"
+    return create_logger(logging_lambda)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/net.py b/packages/antlion/net.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a1851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/net.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import errno
+import socket
+import time
+def wait_for_port(host: str, port: int, timeout_sec: int = 5) -> None:
+    """Wait for the host to start accepting connections on the port.
+    Some services take some time to start. Call this after launching the service
+    to avoid race conditions.
+    Args:
+        host: IP of the running service.
+        port: Port of the running service.
+        timeout_sec: Seconds to wait until raising TimeoutError
+    Raises:
+        TimeoutError: when timeout_sec has expired without a successful
+            connection to the service
+    """
+    last_error: OSError | None = None
+    timeout = time.perf_counter() + timeout_sec
+    while True:
+        try:
+            time_left = max(timeout - time.perf_counter(), 0)
+            with socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=time_left):
+                return
+        except ConnectionRefusedError as e:
+            # Occurs when the host is online but not ready to accept connections
+            # yet; wait to see if the host becomes ready.
+            last_error = e
+        except TimeoutError as e:
+            last_error = e
+        except OSError as e:
+            if e.errno == errno.EHOSTUNREACH:
+                # No route to host. Occurs when the interface to the host is
+                # torn down; wait to see if the interface comes back.
+                last_error = e
+            else:
+                # Unexpected error
+                raise e
+        if time.perf_counter() >= timeout:
+            raise TimeoutError(
+                f"Waited over {timeout_sec}s for the service to start "
+                f"accepting connections at {host}:{port}"
+            ) from last_error
diff --git a/src/antlion/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/py.typed
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/__init__.py
copy to packages/antlion/py.typed
diff --git a/packages/antlion/records.py b/packages/antlion/records.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db493c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/records.py
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""This module is where all the record definitions and record containers live.
+import collections
+import copy
+import io
+import json
+from mobly.records import TestSummaryEntryType  # noqa
+from mobly.records import OUTPUT_FILE_SUMMARY, ExceptionRecord  # noqa
+from mobly.records import TestResult as MoblyTestResult
+from mobly.records import TestResultEnums as MoblyTestResultEnums
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord as MoblyTestResultRecord
+from mobly.records import TestSummaryWriter as MoblyTestSummaryWriter
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.libs import yaml_writer
+class TestSummaryWriter(MoblyTestSummaryWriter):
+    """Writes test results to a summary file in real time. Inherits from Mobly's
+    TestSummaryWriter.
+    """
+    def dump(self, content, entry_type):
+        """Update Mobly's implementation of dump to work on OrderedDict.
+        See MoblyTestSummaryWriter.dump for documentation.
+        """
+        new_content = collections.OrderedDict(copy.deepcopy(content))
+        new_content["Type"] = entry_type.value
+        new_content.move_to_end("Type", last=False)
+        # Both user code and Mobly code can trigger this dump, hence the lock.
+        with self._lock:
+            # For Python3, setting the encoding on yaml.safe_dump does not work
+            # because Python3 file descriptors set an encoding by default, which
+            # PyYAML uses instead of the encoding on yaml.safe_dump. So, the
+            # encoding has to be set on the open call instead.
+            with io.open(self._path, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+                # Use safe_dump here to avoid language-specific tags in final
+                # output.
+                yaml_writer.safe_dump(new_content, f)
+class TestResultEnums(MoblyTestResultEnums):
+    """Enums used for TestResultRecord class. Inherits from Mobly's
+    TestResultEnums.
+    Includes the tokens to mark test result with, and the string names for each
+    field in TestResultRecord.
+    """
+    RECORD_LOG_BEGIN_TIME = "Log Begin Time"
+    RECORD_LOG_END_TIME = "Log End Time"
+class TestResultRecord(MoblyTestResultRecord):
+    """A record that holds the information of a test case execution. This class
+    inherits from Mobly's TestResultRecord class.
+    Attributes:
+        test_name: A string representing the name of the test case.
+        begin_time: Epoch timestamp of when the test case started.
+        end_time: Epoch timestamp of when the test case ended.
+        self.uid: Unique identifier of a test case.
+        self.result: Test result, PASS/FAIL/SKIP.
+        self.extras: User defined extra information of the test result.
+        self.details: A string explaining the details of the test case.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, t_name, t_class=None):
+        super().__init__(t_name, t_class)
+        self.log_begin_time = None
+        self.log_end_time = None
+    def test_begin(self):
+        """Call this when the test case it records begins execution.
+        Sets the begin_time of this record.
+        """
+        super().test_begin()
+        self.log_begin_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(self.begin_time)
+    def _test_end(self, result, e):
+        """Class internal function to signal the end of a test case execution.
+        Args:
+            result: One of the TEST_RESULT enums in TestResultEnums.
+            e: A test termination signal (usually an exception object). It can
+                be any exception instance or of any subclass of
+                acts.signals.TestSignal.
+        """
+        super()._test_end(result, e)
+        if self.end_time:
+            self.log_end_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(self.end_time)
+    def to_dict(self):
+        """Gets a dictionary representing the content of this class.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary representing the content of this class.
+        """
+        d = collections.OrderedDict()
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_NAME] = self.test_name
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_CLASS] = self.test_class
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_BEGIN_TIME] = self.begin_time
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_END_TIME] = self.end_time
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_LOG_BEGIN_TIME] = self.log_begin_time
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_LOG_END_TIME] = self.log_end_time
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_RESULT] = self.result
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_UID] = self.uid
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRAS] = self.extras
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS] = self.details
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRA_ERRORS] = {
+            key: value.to_dict() for (key, value) in self.extra_errors.items()
+        }
+        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_STACKTRACE] = self.stacktrace
+        return d
+    def json_str(self):
+        """Converts this test record to a string in json format.
+        Format of the json string is:
+            {
+                'Test Name': <test name>,
+                'Begin Time': <epoch timestamp>,
+                'Details': <details>,
+                ...
+            }
+        Returns:
+            A json-format string representing the test record.
+        """
+        return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+class TestResult(MoblyTestResult):
+    """A class that contains metrics of a test run. This class inherits from
+    Mobly's TestResult class.
+    This class is essentially a container of TestResultRecord objects.
+    Attributes:
+        self.requested: A list of strings, each is the name of a test requested
+            by user.
+        self.failed: A list of records for tests failed.
+        self.executed: A list of records for tests that were actually executed.
+        self.passed: A list of records for tests passed.
+        self.skipped: A list of records for tests skipped.
+    """
+    def __add__(self, r):
+        """Overrides '+' operator for TestResult class.
+        The add operator merges two TestResult objects by concatenating all of
+        their lists together.
+        Args:
+            r: another instance of TestResult to be added
+        Returns:
+            A TestResult instance that's the sum of two TestResult instances.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(r, MoblyTestResult):
+            raise TypeError(f"Operand {r} of type {type(r)} is not a TestResult.")
+        sum_result = TestResult()
+        for name in sum_result.__dict__:
+            r_value = getattr(r, name)
+            l_value = getattr(self, name)
+            if isinstance(r_value, list):
+                setattr(sum_result, name, l_value + r_value)
+        return sum_result
+    def json_str(self):
+        """Converts this test result to a string in json format.
+        Format of the json string is:
+            {
+                "Results": [
+                    {<executed test record 1>},
+                    {<executed test record 2>},
+                    ...
+                ],
+                "Summary": <summary dict>
+            }
+        Returns:
+            A json-format string representing the test results.
+        """
+        d = collections.OrderedDict()
+        d["ControllerInfo"] = {
+            record.controller_name: record.controller_info
+            for record in self.controller_info
+        }
+        d["Results"] = [record.to_dict() for record in self.executed]
+        d["Summary"] = self.summary_dict()
+        d["Error"] = self.errors_list()
+        json_str = json.dumps(d, indent=4)
+        return json_str
+    def summary_str(self):
+        """Gets a string that summarizes the stats of this test result.
+        The summary provides the counts of how many test cases fall into each
+        category, like "Passed", "Failed" etc.
+        Format of the string is:
+            Requested <int>, Executed <int>, ...
+        Returns:
+            A summary string of this test result.
+        """
+        l = [f"{k} {v}" for k, v in self.summary_dict().items()]
+        msg = ", ".join(l)
+        return msg
+    def errors_list(self):
+        l = list()
+        for record in self.error:
+            if isinstance(record, TestResultRecord):
+                keys = [
+                    TestResultEnums.RECORD_NAME,
+                    TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS,
+                    TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRA_ERRORS,
+                ]
+            elif isinstance(record, ExceptionRecord):
+                keys = [TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS, TestResultEnums.RECORD_POSITION]
+            else:
+                return []
+            l.append({k: record.to_dict()[k] for k in keys})
+        return l
diff --git a/packages/antlion/runner.py b/packages/antlion/runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58daf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Protocol
+class Runner(Protocol):
+    """A command runner."""
+    def run(
+        self,
+        command: str | list[str],
+        timeout_sec: int | None = None,
+        ignore_status: bool = False,
+    ) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Run command with arguments.
+        Args:
+            command: Command to execute
+            timeout: Seconds to wait for command to finish
+            ignore_status: Ignore the exit code of command. Non-zero exit codes
+                need to be handled manually.
+        Returns:
+            Result of the completed command.
+        Raises:
+            subprocess.CalledProcessError: when the process exits with a non-zero status
+            subprocess.TimeoutExpired: when the timeout expires while waiting
+                for a child process
+        """
+        ...
+    def run_async(self, command: str) -> CompletedProcess:
+        """Run command asynchronously.
+        Args:
+            command: Command to execute
+        Returns:
+            Results of the dispatched command.
+        """
+        ...
+class CompletedProcess(Protocol):
+    @property
+    def returncode(self) -> int:
+        """Exit status."""
+        ...
+    @property
+    def stdout(self) -> str:
+        """Output stream."""
+        ...
+    @property
+    def stderr(self) -> str:
+        """Error output stream."""
+        ...
diff --git a/packages/antlion/signals.py b/packages/antlion/signals.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eacf214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/signals.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""This module is where all the test signal classes and related utilities live.
+from mobly.signals import *  # noqa
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_decorators.py b/packages/antlion/test_decorators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a152f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_decorators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from antlion import signals
+def __select_last(test_signals, _):
+    return test_signals[-1]
+def repeated_test(num_passes, acceptable_failures=0, result_selector=__select_last):
+    """A decorator that runs a test case multiple times.
+    This decorator can be used to run a test multiple times and aggregate the
+    data into a single test result. By setting `result_selector`, the user can
+    access the returned result of each run, allowing them to average results,
+    return the median, or gather and return standard deviation values.
+    This decorator should be used on test cases, and should not be used on
+    static or class methods. The test case must take in an additional argument,
+    `attempt_number`, which returns the current attempt number, starting from
+    1.
+    Note that any TestSignal intended to abort or skip the test will take
+    abort or skip immediately.
+    Args:
+        num_passes: The number of times the test needs to pass to report the
+            test case as passing.
+        acceptable_failures: The number of failures accepted. If the failures
+            exceeds this number, the test will stop repeating. The maximum
+            number of runs is `num_passes + acceptable_failures`. If the test
+            does fail, result_selector will still be called.
+        result_selector: A lambda that takes in the list of TestSignals and
+            returns the test signal to report the test case as. Note that the
+            list also contains any uncaught exceptions from the test execution.
+    """
+    def decorator(func):
+        if not func.__name__.startswith("test_"):
+            raise ValueError('Tests must start with "test_".')
+        def test_wrapper(self):
+            num_failures = 0
+            num_seen_passes = 0
+            test_signals_received = []
+            for i in range(num_passes + acceptable_failures):
+                try:
+                    func(self, i + 1)
+                except (
+                    signals.TestFailure,
+                    signals.TestError,
+                    AssertionError,
+                ) as signal:
+                    test_signals_received.append(signal)
+                    num_failures += 1
+                except signals.TestPass as signal:
+                    test_signals_received.append(signal)
+                    num_seen_passes += 1
+                except (signals.TestSignal, KeyboardInterrupt):
+                    raise
+                except Exception as signal:
+                    test_signals_received.append(signal)
+                    num_failures += 1
+                else:
+                    num_seen_passes += 1
+                    test_signals_received.append(
+                        signals.TestPass(
+                            "Test iteration %s of %s passed without details."
+                            % (i, func.__name__)
+                        )
+                    )
+                if num_failures > acceptable_failures:
+                    break
+                elif num_seen_passes == num_passes:
+                    break
+                else:
+                    self.teardown_test()
+                    self.setup_test()
+            raise result_selector(test_signals_received, self)
+        return test_wrapper
+    return decorator
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_runner.py b/packages/antlion/test_runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd7bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import fnmatch
+import importlib
+import inspect
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from mobly.records import ExceptionRecord
+from antlion import base_test, error, keys, logger, records, signals, utils
+def _find_test_class():
+    """Finds the test class in a test script.
+    Walk through module members and find the subclass of BaseTestClass. Only
+    one subclass is allowed in a test script.
+    Returns:
+        The test class in the test module.
+    """
+    test_classes = []
+    main_module_members = sys.modules["__main__"]
+    for _, module_member in main_module_members.__dict__.items():
+        if inspect.isclass(module_member):
+            if issubclass(module_member, base_test.BaseTestClass):
+                test_classes.append(module_member)
+    if len(test_classes) != 1:
+        logging.error(
+            "Expected 1 test class per file, found %s.",
+            [t.__name__ for t in test_classes],
+        )
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return test_classes[0]
+def execute_one_test_class(test_class, test_config, test_identifier):
+    """Executes one specific test class.
+    You could call this function in your own cli test entry point if you choose
+    not to use act.py.
+    Args:
+        test_class: A subclass of acts.base_test.BaseTestClass that has the test
+                    logic to be executed.
+        test_config: A dict representing one set of configs for a test run.
+        test_identifier: A list of tuples specifying which test cases to run in
+                         the test class.
+    Returns:
+        True if all tests passed without any error, False otherwise.
+    Raises:
+        If signals.TestAbortAll is raised by a test run, pipe it through.
+    """
+    tr = TestRunner(test_config, test_identifier)
+    try:
+        tr.run(test_class)
+        return tr.results.is_all_pass
+    except signals.TestAbortAll:
+        raise
+    except:
+        logging.exception("Exception when executing %s.", tr.testbed_name)
+    finally:
+        tr.stop()
+class TestRunner(object):
+    """The class that instantiates test classes, executes test cases, and
+    report results.
+    Attributes:
+        test_run_config: The TestRunConfig object specifying what tests to run.
+        id: A string that is the unique identifier of this test run.
+        log: The logger object used throughout this test run.
+        test_classes: A dictionary where we can look up the test classes by name
+            to instantiate. Supports unix shell style wildcards.
+        run_list: A list of tuples specifying what tests to run.
+        results: The test result object used to record the results of this test
+            run.
+        running: A boolean signifies whether this test run is ongoing or not.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_configs, run_list):
+        self.test_run_config = test_configs
+        self.testbed_name = self.test_run_config.testbed_name
+        start_time = logger.get_log_file_timestamp()
+        self.id = f"{self.testbed_name}@{start_time}"
+        self.test_run_config.log_path = os.path.abspath(
+            os.path.join(self.test_run_config.log_path, self.testbed_name, start_time)
+        )
+        logger.setup_test_logger(self.log_path, self.testbed_name)
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.test_run_config.summary_writer = records.TestSummaryWriter(
+            os.path.join(self.log_path, records.OUTPUT_FILE_SUMMARY)
+        )
+        self.run_list = run_list
+        self.dump_config()
+        self.results = records.TestResult()
+        self.running = False
+    @property
+    def log_path(self):
+        """The path to write logs of this test run to."""
+        return self.test_run_config.log_path
+    @property
+    def summary_writer(self):
+        """The object responsible for writing summary and results data."""
+        return self.test_run_config.summary_writer
+    def import_test_modules(self, test_paths):
+        """Imports test classes from test scripts.
+        1. Locate all .py files under test paths.
+        2. Import the .py files as modules.
+        3. Find the module members that are test classes.
+        4. Categorize the test classes by name.
+        Args:
+            test_paths: A list of directory paths where the test files reside.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary where keys are test class name strings, values are
+            actual test classes that can be instantiated.
+        """
+        def is_testfile_name(name, ext):
+            if ext == ".py":
+                if name.endswith("Test") or name.endswith("_test"):
+                    return True
+            return False
+        file_list = utils.find_files(test_paths, is_testfile_name)
+        test_classes = {}
+        for path, name, _ in file_list:
+            sys.path.append(path)
+            try:
+                with utils.SuppressLogOutput(log_levels=[logging.INFO, logging.ERROR]):
+                    module = importlib.import_module(name)
+            except Exception as e:
+                logging.debug("Failed to import %s: %s", path, str(e))
+                for test_cls_name, _ in self.run_list:
+                    alt_name = name.replace("_", "").lower()
+                    alt_cls_name = test_cls_name.lower()
+                    # Only block if a test class on the run list causes an
+                    # import error. We need to check against both naming
+                    # conventions: AaaBbb and aaa_bbb.
+                    if name == test_cls_name or alt_name == alt_cls_name:
+                        msg = (
+                            "Encountered error importing test class %s, " "abort."
+                        ) % test_cls_name
+                        # This exception is logged here to help with debugging
+                        # under py2, because "raise X from Y" syntax is only
+                        # supported under py3.
+                        self.log.exception(msg)
+                        raise ValueError(msg)
+                continue
+            for member_name in dir(module):
+                if not member_name.startswith("__"):
+                    if member_name.endswith("Test"):
+                        test_class = getattr(module, member_name)
+                        if inspect.isclass(test_class):
+                            test_classes[member_name] = test_class
+        return test_classes
+    def run_test_class(self, test_cls_name, test_cases=None):
+        """Instantiates and executes a test class.
+        If test_cases is None, the test cases listed by self.tests will be
+        executed instead. If self.tests is empty as well, no test case in this
+        test class will be executed.
+        Args:
+            test_cls_name: Name of the test class to execute.
+            test_cases: List of test case names to execute within the class.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError is raised if the requested test class could not be found
+            in the test_paths directories.
+        """
+        matches = fnmatch.filter(self.test_classes.keys(), test_cls_name)
+        if not matches:
+            self.log.info(
+                "Cannot find test class %s or classes matching pattern, "
+                "skipping for now." % test_cls_name
+            )
+            record = records.TestResultRecord("*all*", test_cls_name)
+            record.test_skip(signals.TestSkip("Test class does not exist."))
+            self.results.add_record(record)
+            return
+        if matches != [test_cls_name]:
+            self.log.info(
+                "Found classes matching pattern %s: %s", test_cls_name, matches
+            )
+        for test_cls_name_match in matches:
+            test_cls = self.test_classes[test_cls_name_match]
+            test_cls_instance = test_cls(self.test_run_config)
+            try:
+                cls_result = test_cls_instance.run(test_cases)
+                self.results += cls_result
+            except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
+                self.results += e.results
+                raise e
+    def run(self, test_class=None):
+        """Executes test cases.
+        This will instantiate controller and test classes, and execute test
+        classes. This can be called multiple times to repeatedly execute the
+        requested test cases.
+        A call to TestRunner.stop should eventually happen to conclude the life
+        cycle of a TestRunner.
+        Args:
+            test_class: The python module of a test class. If provided, run this
+                        class; otherwise, import modules in under test_paths
+                        based on run_list.
+        """
+        if not self.running:
+            self.running = True
+        if test_class:
+            self.test_classes = {test_class.__name__: test_class}
+        else:
+            t_paths = self.test_run_config.controller_configs[
+                keys.Config.key_test_paths.value
+            ]
+            self.test_classes = self.import_test_modules(t_paths)
+        self.log.debug("Executing run list %s.", self.run_list)
+        for test_cls_name, test_case_names in self.run_list:
+            if not self.running:
+                break
+            if test_case_names:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Executing test cases %s in test class %s.",
+                    test_case_names,
+                    test_cls_name,
+                )
+            else:
+                self.log.debug("Executing test class %s", test_cls_name)
+            try:
+                self.run_test_class(test_cls_name, test_case_names)
+            except error.ActsError as e:
+                self.results.error.append(ExceptionRecord(e))
+                self.log.error(f"Test Runner Error: {e.details}")
+            except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
+                self.log.warning("Abort all subsequent test classes. Reason: %s", e)
+                raise
+    def stop(self):
+        """Releases resources from test run. Should always be called after
+        TestRunner.run finishes.
+        This function concludes a test run and writes out a test report.
+        """
+        if self.running:
+            msg = f"\nSummary for test run {self.id}: {self.results.summary_str()}\n"
+            self._write_results_to_file()
+            self.log.info(msg.strip())
+            logger.kill_test_logger(self.log)
+            self.running = False
+    def _write_results_to_file(self):
+        """Writes test results to file(s) in a serializable format."""
+        # Old JSON format
+        path = os.path.join(self.log_path, "test_run_summary.json")
+        with open(path, "w") as f:
+            f.write(self.results.json_str())
+        # New YAML format
+        self.summary_writer.dump(
+            self.results.summary_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.SUMMARY
+        )
+    def dump_config(self):
+        """Writes the test config to a JSON file under self.log_path"""
+        config_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, "test_configs.json")
+        with open(config_path, "a") as f:
+            json.dump(
+                dict(
+                    itertools.chain(
+                        self.test_run_config.user_params.items(),
+                        self.test_run_config.controller_configs.items(),
+                    )
+                ),
+                f,
+                skipkeys=True,
+                indent=4,
+            )
+    def write_test_campaign(self):
+        """Log test campaign file."""
+        path = os.path.join(self.log_path, "test_campaign.log")
+        with open(path, "w") as f:
+            for test_class, test_cases in self.run_list:
+                f.write("%s:\n%s" % (test_class, ",\n".join(test_cases)))
+                f.write("\n\n")
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/OWNERS b/packages/antlion/test_utils/OWNERS
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/OWNERS
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/OWNERS
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/wlan_device.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/wlan_device.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0d608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/wlan_device.py
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import enum
+from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import (
+    ClientStatusConnected,
+    ClientStatusConnecting,
+    ClientStatusIdle,
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
+from antlion.controllers import iperf_client
+from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import SecurityMode
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_policy_controller import (
+    WlanPolicyControllerError,
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import IPerfClientBase
+from antlion.controllers.pdu import PduDevice
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as awutils
+from antlion.utils import PingResult, adb_shell_ping
+FUCHSIA_VALID_SECURITY_TYPES = {"none", "wep", "wpa", "wpa2", "wpa3"}
+class SupportsWLAN(Protocol):
+    """A generic WLAN device."""
+    @property
+    def identifier(self) -> str:
+        """Unique identifier for this device."""
+        ...
+    def take_bug_report(self, record: TestResultRecord) -> None:
+        """Take a bug report on the device and stores it on the host.
+        Will store the bug report in the output directory for the currently running
+        test, as specified by `record`.
+        Args:
+            record: Information about the current running test.
+        """
+        ...
+    def associate(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        target_pwd: str | None = None,
+        key_mgmt: str | None = None,
+        check_connectivity: bool = True,
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        target_security: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.OPEN,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Associate to a target network.
+        Args:
+            target_ssid: SSID to associate to.
+            target_pwd: Password for the SSID, if necessary.
+            key_mgmt: The hostapd wpa_key_mgmt, if specified.
+            check_connectivity: Whether to check for internet connectivity.
+            hidden: Whether the network is hidden.
+            target_security: Target security for network, used to
+                save the network in policy connects (see wlan_policy_lib)
+        Returns:
+            True if successfully connected to WLAN, False if not.
+        """
+        ...
+    def disconnect(self) -> None:
+        """Disconnect from all WLAN networks."""
+        ...
+    def get_default_wlan_test_interface(self) -> str:
+        """Name of default WLAN interface to use for testing."""
+        ...
+    def is_connected(self, ssid: str | None = None) -> bool:
+        """Determines if wlan_device is connected to wlan network.
+        Args:
+            ssid: If specific, check if device is connect to a specific network.
+        Returns:
+            True if connected to requested network or if ssid not specified connected to
+            any network; otherwise, False.
+        """
+        ...
+    def can_ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Pings from a device to an IP address or hostname
+        Args:
+            dest_ip: IP or hostname to ping
+            count: How many icmp packets to send
+            interval: Milliseconds to wait between pings
+            timeout: Milliseconds to wait before having the icmp packet timeout
+            size: Size of the icmp packet in bytes
+            additional_ping_params: Command option flags to append to the command string
+        Returns:
+            True if the ping was successful; otherwise, False.
+        """
+        ...
+    def create_iperf_client(self, test_interface: str | None = None) -> IPerfClientBase:
+        """Create an iPerf3 client on this device.
+        Args:
+            test_interface: Name of test interface. Defaults to first found wlan client
+                interface.
+        Returns:
+            IPerfClient object
+        """
+        ...
+    def get_wlan_interface_id_list(self) -> list[int]:
+        """List available WLAN interfaces.
+        Returns:
+            A list of wlan interface IDs.
+        """
+        ...
+    def destroy_wlan_interface(self, iface_id: int) -> None:
+        """Destroy the specified WLAN interface.
+        Args:
+            iface_id: ID of the interface to destroy.
+        """
+        ...
+    def ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> PingResult:
+        """Pings from a device to an IP address or hostname
+        Args:
+            dest_ip: IP or hostname to ping
+            count: How many icmp packets to send
+            interval: Milliseconds to wait between pings
+            timeout: Milliseconds to wait before having the icmp packet timeout
+            size: Size of the icmp packet in bytes
+            additional_ping_params: Command option flags to append to the command string
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary for the results of the ping. The dictionary contains
+            the following items:
+                status: Whether the ping was successful.
+                rtt_min: The minimum round trip time of the ping.
+                rtt_max: The minimum round trip time of the ping.
+                rtt_avg: The avg round trip time of the ping.
+                stdout: The standard out of the ping command.
+                stderr: The standard error of the ping command.
+        """
+        ...
+    def hard_power_cycle(self, pdus: list[PduDevice]) -> None:
+        """Reboot a device abruptly without notification.
+        Args:
+            pdus: All testbed PDUs
+        """
+        ...
+    def feature_is_present(self, feature: str) -> bool:
+        """Check if a WLAN feature is present.
+        Args:
+            feature: WLAN feature to query
+        Returns:
+            True if `feature` is present; otherwise, False.
+        """
+        ...
+    def wifi_toggle_state(self, state: bool | None) -> None:
+        """Toggle the state of Wi-Fi.
+        Args:
+            state: Wi-Fi state to set to. If None, opposite of the current state.
+        """
+        ...
+    def reset_wifi(self) -> None:
+        """Clears all saved Wi-Fi networks on a device.
+        This will turn Wi-Fi on.
+        """
+        ...
+    def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self) -> None:
+        """Turn off Wi-Fi location scans."""
+        ...
+class AndroidWlanDevice(SupportsWLAN):
+    """Android device that supports WLAN."""
+    def __init__(self, android_device: AndroidDevice) -> None:
+        self.device = android_device
+    @property
+    def identifier(self) -> str:
+        return self.device.serial
+    def wifi_toggle_state(self, state: bool | None) -> None:
+        awutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.device, state)
+    def reset_wifi(self) -> None:
+        awutils.reset_wifi(self.device)
+    def take_bug_report(self, record: TestResultRecord) -> None:
+        self.device.take_bug_report(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
+    def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self) -> None:
+        awutils.turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self.device)
+    def associate(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        target_pwd: str | None = None,
+        key_mgmt: str | None = None,
+        check_connectivity: bool = True,
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        target_security: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.OPEN,
+    ) -> bool:
+        network = {"SSID": target_ssid, "hiddenSSID": hidden}
+        if target_pwd:
+            network["password"] = target_pwd
+        if key_mgmt:
+            network["security"] = key_mgmt
+        try:
+            awutils.connect_to_wifi_network(
+                self.device,
+                network,
+                check_connectivity=check_connectivity,
+                hidden=hidden,
+            )
+            return True
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.device.log.info(f"Failed to associated ({e})")
+            return False
+    def disconnect(self) -> None:
+        awutils.turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self.device)
+    def get_wlan_interface_id_list(self) -> list[int]:
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_wlan_interface_id_list is not implemented")
+    def get_default_wlan_test_interface(self) -> str:
+        return "wlan0"
+    def destroy_wlan_interface(self, iface_id: int) -> None:
+        raise NotImplementedError("destroy_wlan_interface is not implemented")
+    def is_connected(self, ssid: str | None = None) -> bool:
+        wifi_info = self.device.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
+        if ssid:
+            return "BSSID" in wifi_info and wifi_info["SSID"] == ssid
+        return "BSSID" in wifi_info
+    def can_ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        return adb_shell_ping(self.device, dest_ip, count=count, timeout=timeout)
+    def ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> PingResult:
+        raise NotImplementedError("ping is not implemented")
+    def hard_power_cycle(self, pdus: list[PduDevice]) -> None:
+        raise NotImplementedError("hard_power_cycle is not implemented")
+    def create_iperf_client(self, test_interface: str | None = None) -> IPerfClientBase:
+        if not test_interface:
+            test_interface = self.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
+        return iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb(
+            android_device_or_serial=self.device, test_interface=test_interface
+        )
+    def feature_is_present(self, feature: str) -> bool:
+        raise NotImplementedError("feature_is_present is not implemented")
+class AssociationMode(enum.Enum):
+    """Defines which FIDLs to use for WLAN association and disconnect."""
+    DRIVER = 1
+    """Call WLAN core FIDLs to provide all association and disconnect."""
+    POLICY = 2
+    """Call WLAN policy FIDLs to provide all association and disconnect."""
+class FuchsiaWlanDevice(SupportsWLAN):
+    """Fuchsia device that supports WLAN."""
+    def __init__(self, fuchsia_device: FuchsiaDevice, mode: AssociationMode):
+        self.device = fuchsia_device
+        self.device.configure_wlan()
+        self.association_mode = mode
+    @property
+    def identifier(self) -> str:
+        return self.device.ip
+    def wifi_toggle_state(self, state: bool | None) -> None:
+        pass
+    def reset_wifi(self) -> None:
+        pass
+    def take_bug_report(self, _: TestResultRecord) -> None:
+        self.device.take_bug_report()
+    def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self) -> None:
+        pass
+    def associate(
+        self,
+        target_ssid: str,
+        target_pwd: str | None = None,
+        key_mgmt: str | None = None,
+        check_connectivity: bool = True,
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        target_security: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.OPEN,
+    ) -> bool:
+        match self.association_mode:
+            case AssociationMode.DRIVER:
+                ssid_bss_desc_map = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.scan_for_bss_info()
+                bss_descs_for_ssid = ssid_bss_desc_map.get(target_ssid, None)
+                if not bss_descs_for_ssid or len(bss_descs_for_ssid) < 1:
+                    self.device.log.error(
+                        "Scan failed to find a BSS description for target_ssid "
+                        f"{target_ssid}"
+                    )
+                    return False
+                return self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.connect(
+                    target_ssid, target_pwd, bss_descs_for_ssid[0]
+                )
+            case AssociationMode.POLICY:
+                try:
+                    self.device.wlan_policy_controller.save_and_connect(
+                        target_ssid,
+                        target_security.fuchsia_security_type(),
+                        target_pwd=target_pwd,
+                    )
+                    return True
+                except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                    self.device.log.error(
+                        f"Failed to save and connect to {target_ssid} with "
+                        f"error: {e}"
+                    )
+                    return False
+    def disconnect(self) -> None:
+        """Function to disconnect from a Fuchsia WLAN device.
+        Asserts if disconnect was not successful.
+        """
+        match self.association_mode:
+            case AssociationMode.DRIVER:
+                self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.disconnect()
+            case AssociationMode.POLICY:
+                self.device.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
+                self.device.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
+    def can_ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        return self.device.can_ping(
+            dest_ip,
+            count=count,
+            interval=interval,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            size=size,
+            additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params,
+        )
+    def ping(
+        self,
+        dest_ip: str,
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+        additional_ping_params: str | None = None,
+    ) -> PingResult:
+        return self.device.ping(
+            dest_ip,
+            count=count,
+            interval=interval,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            size=size,
+            additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params,
+        )
+    def get_wlan_interface_id_list(self) -> list[int]:
+        return self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_iface_id_list()
+    def get_default_wlan_test_interface(self) -> str:
+        if self.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name is None:
+            raise TypeError("Expected wlan_client_test_interface_name to be str")
+        return self.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name
+    def destroy_wlan_interface(self, iface_id: int) -> None:
+        self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.destroy_iface(iface_id)
+    def is_connected(self, ssid: str | None = None) -> bool:
+        result = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.status()
+        match result:
+            case ClientStatusIdle():
+                self.device.log.info("Client status idle")
+                return False
+            case ClientStatusConnecting():
+                ssid_bytes = bytearray(result.ssid).decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="replace")
+                self.device.log.info(f"Client status connecting to ssid: {ssid_bytes}")
+                return False
+            case ClientStatusConnected():
+                ssid_bytes = bytearray(result.ssid).decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="replace")
+                self.device.log.info(f"Client connected to ssid: {ssid_bytes}")
+                return ssid == ssid_bytes
+            case _:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Status did not return a valid status response: " f"{result}"
+                )
+    def hard_power_cycle(self, pdus: list[PduDevice]) -> None:
+        self.device.reboot(reboot_type="hard", testbed_pdus=pdus)
+    def create_iperf_client(self, test_interface: str | None = None) -> IPerfClientBase:
+        if not test_interface:
+            test_interface = self.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
+        # A package server is necessary to acquire the iperf3 client for
+        # some builds.
+        self.device.start_package_server()
+        return iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh(
+            ssh_provider=self.device.ssh,
+            test_interface=test_interface,
+        )
+    def feature_is_present(self, feature: str) -> bool:
+        return feature in self.device.wlan_features
+def create_wlan_device(
+    hardware_device: FuchsiaDevice | AndroidDevice,
+    associate_mode: AssociationMode,
+) -> SupportsWLAN:
+    """Creates a generic WLAN device based on type of device that is sent to
+    the functions.
+    Args:
+        hardware_device: A WLAN hardware device that is supported by ACTS.
+    """
+    device: SupportsWLAN
+    if isinstance(hardware_device, FuchsiaDevice):
+        device = FuchsiaWlanDevice(hardware_device, associate_mode)
+    elif isinstance(hardware_device, AndroidDevice):
+        device = AndroidWlanDevice(hardware_device)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"Unable to create WLAN device for type {type(hardware_device)}"
+        )
+    assert isinstance(device, SupportsWLAN)
+    return device
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/wmm_transceiver.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/wmm_transceiver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0708a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/abstract_devices/wmm_transceiver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from multiprocessing.managers import DictProxy
+from typing import Any, Mapping
+from uuid import UUID, uuid4
+from antlion import signals, tracelogger, utils
+from antlion.controllers import iperf_client, iperf_server
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import SupportsWLAN
+from antlion.validation import MapValidator
+AC_VO = "AC_VO"
+AC_VI = "AC_VI"
+AC_BE = "AC_BE"
+AC_BK = "AC_BK"
+# TODO(fxb/61421): Add tests to check all DSCP classes are mapped to the correct
+# AC (there are many that aren't included here). Requires implementation of
+# sniffer.
+DEFAULT_AC_TO_TOS_TAG_MAP = {AC_VO: "0xC0", AC_VI: "0x80", AC_BE: "0x0", AC_BK: "0x20"}
+UDP = "udp"
+TCP = "tcp"
+class WmmTransceiverError(signals.ControllerError):
+    pass
+def create(
+    config: Mapping[str, Any],
+    identifier: str | None = None,
+    wlan_devices: list[SupportsWLAN] | None = None,
+    access_points: list[AccessPoint] | None = None,
+    """Creates a WmmTransceiver from a config.
+    Args:
+        config: Config parameters for the transceiver. Contains:
+            - iperf_config: dict, the config to use for creating IPerfClients and
+                IPerfServers (excluding port).
+            - port_range_start: int, the lower bound of the port range to use for
+                creating IPerfServers. Defaults to 5201.
+            - wlan_device: string, the identifier of the wlan_device used for this
+                WmmTransceiver (optional)
+        identifier: Identifier for the WmmTransceiver. Must be provided either as arg or
+            in the config.
+        wlan_devices: WLAN devices from which to get the wlan_device, if any, used as
+            this transceiver
+        access_points: Access points from which to get the access_point, if any, used as
+            this transceiver
+    """
+    try:
+        iperf_config = config["iperf_config"]
+    except KeyError as err:
+        raise WmmTransceiverError(
+            f"Parameter not provided as func arg, nor found in config: {err}"
+        )
+    if not identifier:
+        # If identifier is not provided as func arg, it must be provided via
+        # config file.
+        identifier = MapValidator(config).get(str, "identifier")
+    if wlan_devices is None:
+        wlan_devices = []
+    if access_points is None:
+        access_points = []
+    port_range_start = config.get("port_range_start", DEFAULT_IPERF_PORT)
+    wd = None
+    ap = None
+    if "wlan_device" in config:
+        wd = _find_wlan_device(config["wlan_device"], wlan_devices)
+    elif "access_point" in config:
+        ap = _find_access_point(config["access_point"], access_points)
+    return WmmTransceiver(
+        iperf_config,
+        identifier,
+        wlan_device=wd,
+        access_point=ap,
+        port_range_start=port_range_start,
+    )
+def _find_wlan_device(
+    wlan_device_identifier: str, wlan_devices: list[SupportsWLAN]
+) -> SupportsWLAN:
+    """Returns WLAN device based on string identifier (e.g. ip, serial, etc.)
+    Args:
+        wlan_device_identifier: Identifier for the desired WLAN device
+        wlan_devices: WLAN devices to search through
+    Returns:
+        A WLAN device matching wlan_device_identifier
+    Raises:
+        WmmTransceiverError, if no WLAN devices matches wlan_device_identifier
+    """
+    for wd in wlan_devices:
+        if wlan_device_identifier == wd.identifier:
+            return wd
+    raise WmmTransceiverError(
+        f'No WLAN device with identifier "{wlan_device_identifier}"'
+    )
+def _find_access_point(
+    access_point_ip: str, access_points: list[AccessPoint]
+) -> AccessPoint:
+    """Returns AccessPoint based on string ip address
+    Args:
+        access_point_ip: Control plane IP address of the desired AP
+        access_points: Access points to search through
+    Returns:
+        Access point with hostname matching access_point_ip
+    Raises:
+        WmmTransceiverError, if no access points matches access_point_ip
+    """
+    for ap in access_points:
+        if ap.ssh_settings.hostname == access_point_ip:
+            return ap
+    raise WmmTransceiverError(f"No AccessPoint with ip: {access_point_ip}")
+class WmmTransceiver(object):
+    """Object for handling WMM tagged streams between devices"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        iperf_config,
+        identifier,
+        wlan_device=None,
+        access_point=None,
+        port_range_start=5201,
+    ):
+        self.identifier = identifier
+        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(
+            WmmTransceiverLoggerAdapter(
+                logging.getLogger(), {"identifier": self.identifier}
+            )
+        )
+        # WLAN device or AccessPoint, that is used as the transceiver. Only one
+        # will be set. This helps consolodate association, setup, teardown, etc.
+        self.wlan_device = wlan_device
+        self.access_point = access_point
+        # Parameters used to create IPerfClient and IPerfServer objects on
+        # device
+        self._iperf_config = iperf_config
+        self._test_interface = self._iperf_config.get("test_interface")
+        self._port_range_start = port_range_start
+        self._next_server_port = port_range_start
+        # Maps IPerfClients, used for streams from this device, to True if
+        # available, False if reserved
+        self._iperf_clients = {}
+        # Maps IPerfServers, used to receive streams from other devices, to True
+        # if available, False if reserved
+        self._iperf_servers = {}
+        # Maps ports of servers, which are provided to other transceivers, to
+        # the actual IPerfServer objects
+        self._iperf_server_ports = {}
+        # Maps stream UUIDs to IPerfClients reserved for that streams use
+        self._reserved_clients = {}
+        # Maps stream UUIDs to (WmmTransceiver, IPerfServer) tuples, where the
+        # server is reserved on the transceiver for that streams use
+        self._reserved_servers = {}
+        # Maps with shared memory functionality to be used across the parallel
+        # streams. active_streams holds UUIDs of streams that are currently
+        # running on this device (mapped to True, since there is no
+        # multiprocessing set). stream_results maps UUIDs of streams completed
+        # on this device to IPerfResult results for that stream.
+        self._manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+        self._active_streams = self._manager.dict()
+        self._stream_results = self._manager.dict()
+        # Holds parameters for streams that are prepared to run asynchronously
+        # (i.e. resources have been allocated). Maps UUIDs of the future streams
+        # to a dict, containing the stream parameters.
+        self._pending_async_streams = {}
+        # Set of UUIDs of asynchronous streams that have at least started, but
+        # have not had their resources reclaimed yet
+        self._ran_async_streams = set()
+        # Set of stream parallel process, which can be joined if completed
+        # successfully, or  terminated and joined in the event of an error
+        self._running_processes = set()
+    def run_synchronous_traffic_stream(self, stream_parameters, subnet):
+        """Runs a traffic stream with IPerf3 between two WmmTransceivers and
+        saves the results.
+        Args:
+            stream_parameters: dict, containing parameters to used for the
+                stream. See _parse_stream_parameters for details.
+            subnet: string, the subnet of the network to use for the stream
+        Returns:
+            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
+        """
+        (
+            receiver,
+            access_category,
+            bandwidth,
+            stream_time,
+        ) = self._parse_stream_parameters(stream_parameters)
+        uuid = uuid4()
+        (client, server_ip, server_port) = self._get_stream_resources(
+            uuid, receiver, subnet
+        )
+        self._validate_server_address(server_ip, uuid)
+        self.log.info(
+            f"Running synchronous stream to {receiver.identifier} WmmTransceiver"
+        )
+        self._run_traffic(
+            uuid,
+            client,
+            server_ip,
+            server_port,
+            self._active_streams,
+            self._stream_results,
+            access_category=access_category,
+            bandwidth=bandwidth,
+            stream_time=stream_time,
+        )
+        self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
+        return uuid
+    def prepare_asynchronous_stream(self, stream_parameters, subnet):
+        """Reserves resources and saves configs for upcoming asynchronous
+        traffic streams, so they can be started more simultaneously.
+        Args:
+            stream_parameters: dict, containing parameters to used for the
+                stream. See _parse_stream_parameters for details.
+            subnet: string, the subnet of the network to use for the stream
+        Returns:
+            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
+        """
+        (receiver, access_category, bandwidth, time) = self._parse_stream_parameters(
+            stream_parameters
+        )
+        uuid = uuid4()
+        (client, server_ip, server_port) = self._get_stream_resources(
+            uuid, receiver, subnet
+        )
+        self._validate_server_address(server_ip, uuid)
+        pending_stream_config = {
+            "client": client,
+            "server_ip": server_ip,
+            "server_port": server_port,
+            "access_category": access_category,
+            "bandwidth": bandwidth,
+            "time": time,
+        }
+        self._pending_async_streams[uuid] = pending_stream_config
+        self.log.info(f"Stream to {receiver.identifier} WmmTransceiver prepared.")
+        return uuid
+    def start_asynchronous_streams(self, start_time=None):
+        """Starts pending asynchronous streams between two WmmTransceivers as
+        parallel processes.
+        Args:
+            start_time: float, time, seconds since epoch, at which to start the
+                stream (for better synchronicity). If None, start immediately.
+        """
+        for uuid in self._pending_async_streams:
+            pending_stream_config = self._pending_async_streams[uuid]
+            client = pending_stream_config["client"]
+            server_ip = pending_stream_config["server_ip"]
+            server_port = pending_stream_config["server_port"]
+            access_category = pending_stream_config["access_category"]
+            bandwidth = pending_stream_config["bandwidth"]
+            time = pending_stream_config["time"]
+            process = multiprocessing.Process(
+                target=self._run_traffic,
+                args=[
+                    uuid,
+                    client,
+                    server_ip,
+                    server_port,
+                    self._active_streams,
+                    self._stream_results,
+                ],
+                kwargs={
+                    "access_category": access_category,
+                    "bandwidth": bandwidth,
+                    "stream_time": time,
+                    "start_time": start_time,
+                },
+            )
+            # This needs to be set here to ensure its marked active before
+            # it even starts.
+            self._active_streams[uuid] = True
+            process.start()
+            self._ran_async_streams.add(uuid)
+            self._running_processes.add(process)
+        self._pending_async_streams.clear()
+    def cleanup_asynchronous_streams(self, timeout=PROCESS_JOIN_TIMEOUT):
+        """Releases reservations on resources (IPerfClients and IPerfServers)
+        that were held for asynchronous streams, both pending and finished.
+        Attempts to join any running processes, logging an error if timeout is
+        exceeded.
+        Args:
+            timeout: time, in seconds, to wait for each running process, if any,
+                to join
+        """
+        self.log.info("Cleaning up any asynchronous streams.")
+        # Releases resources for any streams that were prepared, but no run
+        for uuid in self._pending_async_streams:
+            self.log.error(f"Pending asynchronous stream {uuid} never ran. Cleaning.")
+            self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
+        self._pending_async_streams.clear()
+        # Attempts to join any running streams, terminating them after timeout
+        # if necessary.
+        while self._running_processes:
+            process = self._running_processes.pop()
+            process.join(timeout)
+            if process.is_alive():
+                self.log.error(
+                    f"Stream process failed to join in {timeout} seconds. Terminating."
+                )
+                process.terminate()
+                process.join()
+        self._active_streams.clear()
+        # Release resources for any finished streams
+        while self._ran_async_streams:
+            uuid = self._ran_async_streams.pop()
+            self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
+    def get_results(self, uuid):
+        """Retrieves a streams IPerfResults from stream_results
+        Args:
+            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
+        """
+        return self._stream_results.get(uuid, None)
+    def destroy_resources(self):
+        for server in self._iperf_servers:
+            server.stop()
+        self._iperf_servers.clear()
+        self._iperf_server_ports.clear()
+        self._iperf_clients.clear()
+        self._next_server_port = self._port_range_start
+        self._stream_results.clear()
+    @property
+    def has_active_streams(self):
+        return bool(self._active_streams)
+    # Helper Functions
+    def _run_traffic(
+        self,
+        uuid: UUID,
+        client: iperf_client.IPerfClientBase,
+        server_ip: str,
+        server_port: int,
+        active_streams: DictProxy[Any, Any],
+        stream_results: DictProxy[Any, Any],
+        access_category: str | None = None,
+        bandwidth: int | None = None,
+        stream_time: int = DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME,
+        start_time: float | None = None,
+    ):
+        """Runs an iperf3 stream.
+        1. Adds stream UUID to active_streams
+        2. Runs stream
+        3. Saves results to stream_results
+        4. Removes stream UUID from active_streams
+        Args:
+            uuid: Identifier for stream
+            client: IPerfClient object on device
+            server_ip: IP address of IPerfServer for stream
+            server_port: port of the IPerfServer for stream
+            active_streams: holds stream UUIDs of active streams on the device
+            stream_results: maps stream UUIDs of streams to IPerfResult objects
+            access_category: WMM access category to use with iperf (AC_BK, AC_BE, AC_VI,
+                AC_VO). Unset if None.
+            bandwidth: Bandwidth in mbps to use with iperf. Implies UDP. Unlimited if
+                None.
+            stream_time: Time in seconds, to run iperf stream
+            start_time: Time, seconds since epoch, at which to start the stream (for
+                better synchronicity). If None, start immediately.
+        """
+        active_streams[uuid] = True
+        ac_flag = ""
+        bandwidth_flag = ""
+        time_flag = f"-t {stream_time}"
+        if access_category:
+            ac_flag = f" -S {DEFAULT_AC_TO_TOS_TAG_MAP[access_category]}"
+        if bandwidth:
+            bandwidth_flag = f" -u -b {bandwidth}M"
+        iperf_flags = f"-p {server_port} -i 1 {time_flag}{ac_flag}{bandwidth_flag} -J"
+        if not start_time:
+            start_time = time.time()
+        time_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time).strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")
+        self.log.info(
+            "At %s, starting %s second stream to %s:%s with (AC: %s, Bandwidth: %s)"
+            % (
+                time_str,
+                stream_time,
+                server_ip,
+                server_port,
+                access_category,
+                bandwidth if bandwidth else "Unlimited",
+            )
+        )
+        # If present, wait for stream start time
+        if start_time:
+            current_time = time.time()
+            while current_time < start_time:
+                current_time = time.time()
+        path = client.start(server_ip, iperf_flags, f"{uuid}")
+        stream_results[uuid] = iperf_server.IPerfResult(
+            path, reporting_speed_units="mbps"
+        )
+        active_streams.pop(uuid)
+    def _get_stream_resources(self, uuid, receiver, subnet):
+        """Reserves an IPerfClient and IPerfServer for a stream.
+        Args:
+            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
+            receiver: WmmTransceiver object, which will be the streams receiver
+            subnet: string, subnet of test network, to retrieve the appropriate
+                server address
+        Returns:
+            (IPerfClient, string, int) representing the client, server address,
+            and server port to use for the stream
+        """
+        client = self._get_client(uuid)
+        server_ip, server_port = self._get_server(receiver, uuid, subnet)
+        return (client, server_ip, server_port)
+    def _return_stream_resources(self, uuid):
+        """Releases reservations on a streams IPerfClient and IPerfServer, so
+        they can be used by a future stream.
+        Args:
+            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
+        """
+        if uuid in self._active_streams:
+            raise EnvironmentError(f"Resource still being used by stream {uuid}")
+        (receiver, server_port) = self._reserved_servers.pop(uuid)
+        receiver._release_server(server_port)
+        client = self._reserved_clients.pop(uuid)
+        self._iperf_clients[client] = AVAILABLE
+    def _get_client(self, uuid):
+        """Retrieves and reserves IPerfClient for use in a stream. If none are
+        available, a new one is created.
+        Args:
+            uuid: UUID object, identifier for stream, used to link client to
+                stream for teardown
+        Returns:
+            IPerfClient on device
+        """
+        reserved_client = None
+        for client in self._iperf_clients:
+            if self._iperf_clients[client] == AVAILABLE:
+                reserved_client = client
+                break
+        else:
+            reserved_client = iperf_client.create([self._iperf_config])[0]
+        self._iperf_clients[reserved_client] = UNAVAILABLE
+        self._reserved_clients[uuid] = reserved_client
+        return reserved_client
+    def _get_server(self, receiver, uuid, subnet):
+        """Retrieves the address and port of a reserved IPerfServer object from
+        the receiver object for use in a stream.
+        Args:
+            receiver: WmmTransceiver, to get an IPerfServer from
+            uuid: UUID, identifier for stream, used to link server to stream
+                for teardown
+            subnet: string, subnet of test network, to retrieve the appropriate
+                server address
+        Returns:
+            (string, int) representing the IPerfServer address and port
+        """
+        (server_ip, server_port) = receiver._reserve_server(subnet)
+        self._reserved_servers[uuid] = (receiver, server_port)
+        return (server_ip, server_port)
+    def _reserve_server(self, subnet):
+        """Reserves an available IPerfServer for use in a stream from another
+        WmmTransceiver. If none are available, a new one is created.
+        Args:
+            subnet: string, subnet of test network, to retrieve the appropriate
+                server address
+        Returns:
+            (string, int) representing the IPerfServer address and port
+        """
+        reserved_server = None
+        for server in self._iperf_servers:
+            if self._iperf_servers[server] == AVAILABLE:
+                reserved_server = server
+                break
+        else:
+            iperf_server_config = self._iperf_config
+            iperf_server_config.update({"port": self._next_server_port})
+            self._next_server_port += 1
+            reserved_server = iperf_server.create([iperf_server_config])[0]
+            self._iperf_server_ports[reserved_server.port] = reserved_server
+        self._iperf_servers[reserved_server] = UNAVAILABLE
+        reserved_server.start()
+        end_time = time.time() + DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_TIMEOUT
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            if self.wlan_device:
+                addresses = utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(
+                    self.wlan_device.device, self._test_interface
+                )
+            else:
+                addresses = reserved_server.get_interface_ip_addresses(
+                    self._test_interface
+                )
+            for addr in addresses["ipv4_private"]:
+                if utils.ip_in_subnet(addr, subnet):
+                    return (addr, reserved_server.port)
+        raise AttributeError(
+            f"Reserved server has no ipv4 address in the {subnet} subnet"
+        )
+    def _release_server(self, server_port):
+        """Releases reservation on IPerfServer, which was held for a stream
+        from another WmmTransceiver.
+        Args:
+            server_port: int, the port of the IPerfServer being returned (since)
+                it is the identifying characteristic
+        """
+        server = self._iperf_server_ports[server_port]
+        server.stop()
+        self._iperf_servers[server] = AVAILABLE
+    def _validate_server_address(self, server_ip, uuid, timeout=60):
+        """Verifies server address can be pinged before attempting to run
+        traffic, since iperf is unforgiving when the server is unreachable.
+        Args:
+            server_ip: string, ip address of the iperf server
+            uuid: string, uuid of the stream to use this server
+            timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for server to respond to pings
+        Raises:
+            WmmTransceiverError, if, after timeout, server ip is unreachable.
+        """
+        self.log.info(f"Verifying server address ({server_ip}) is reachable.")
+        end_time = time.time() + timeout
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            if self.can_ping(server_ip):
+                break
+            else:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Could not ping server address (%s). Retrying in 1 second."
+                    % (server_ip)
+                )
+                time.sleep(1)
+        else:
+            self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
+            raise WmmTransceiverError(f"IPerfServer address ({server_ip}) unreachable.")
+    def can_ping(self, dest_ip):
+        """Utilizes can_ping function in wlan_device or access_point device to
+        ping dest_ip
+        Args:
+            dest_ip: string, ip address to ping
+        Returns:
+            True, if dest address is reachable
+            False, otherwise
+        """
+        if self.wlan_device:
+            return self.wlan_device.can_ping(dest_ip)
+        else:
+            return self.access_point.can_ping(dest_ip)
+    def _parse_stream_parameters(self, stream_parameters):
+        """Parses stream_parameters from dictionary.
+        Args:
+            stream_parameters: dict of stream parameters
+                'receiver': WmmTransceiver, the receiver for the stream
+                'access_category': String, the access category to use for the
+                    stream. Unset if None.
+                'bandwidth': int, bandwidth in mbps for the stream. If set,
+                    implies UDP. If unset, implies TCP and unlimited bandwidth.
+                'time': int, time in seconds to run stream.
+        Returns:
+            (receiver, access_category, bandwidth, time) as
+            (WmmTransceiver, String, int, int)
+        """
+        receiver = stream_parameters["receiver"]
+        access_category = stream_parameters.get("access_category", None)
+        bandwidth = stream_parameters.get("bandwidth", None)
+        time = stream_parameters.get("time", DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME)
+        return (receiver, access_category, bandwidth, time)
+class WmmTransceiverLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
+        if self.extra is not None and "identifier" in self.extra:
+            log_identifier = f" | {self.extra['identifier']}"
+        else:
+            log_identifier = ""
+        msg = f"[WmmTransceiver{log_identifier}] {msg}"
+        return super().process(msg, kwargs)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/dhcp/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/dhcp/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/dhcp/base_test.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/dhcp/base_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b24f1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/dhcp/base_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Network
+from mobly import asserts, signals
+from antlion import utils
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint, setup_ap
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_config, hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_utils import generate_random_password
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
+class APParams:
+    id: str
+    ssid: str
+    security: Security
+    ip: IPv4Address
+    network: IPv4Network
+class Dhcpv4InteropFixture(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
+    """Test helpers for validating DHCPv4 Interop
+    Test Bed Requirement:
+    * One Android device or Fuchsia device
+    * One Access Point
+    """
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_class()
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_device: FuchsiaDevice | None = None
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
+        self.access_point: AccessPoint = self.access_points[0]
+        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
+            for ad in self.android_devices:
+                ad.droid.wakeLockAcquireBright()
+                ad.droid.wakeUpNow()
+        self.dut.wifi_toggle_state(True)
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
+        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
+            for ad in self.android_devices:
+                ad.droid.wakeLockRelease()
+                ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
+        self.dut.turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off()
+        self.dut.disconnect()
+        self.dut.reset_wifi()
+        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+    def connect(self, ap_params: APParams) -> None:
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ap_params.ssid,
+                target_pwd=ap_params.security.password,
+                target_security=ap_params.security.security_mode,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
+    def setup_ap(self) -> APParams:
+        """Generates a hostapd config and sets up the AP with that config.
+        Does not run a DHCP server.
+        Returns:
+            APParams for the newly setup AP.
+        """
+        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(20)
+        security = Security(
+            security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            password=generate_random_password(length=20),
+            wpa_cipher="CCMP",
+            wpa2_cipher="CCMP",
+        )
+        password = security.password
+        ap_ids = setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            n_capabilities=[],
+            ac_capabilities=[],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
+        if len(ap_ids) > 1:
+            raise Exception("Expected only one SSID on AP")
+        configured_subnets = self.access_point.get_configured_subnets()
+        if len(configured_subnets) > 1:
+            raise Exception("Expected only one subnet on AP")
+        router_ip = configured_subnets[0].router
+        network = configured_subnets[0].network
+        self.access_point.stop_dhcp()
+        return APParams(
+            id=ap_ids[0],
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+            ip=router_ip,
+            network=network,
+        )
+    def device_can_ping(self, dest_ip: IPv4Address) -> bool:
+        """Checks if the DUT can ping the given address.
+        Returns: True if can ping, False otherwise"""
+        self.log.info(f"Attempting to ping {dest_ip}...")
+        ping_result = self.dut.can_ping(str(dest_ip), count=2)
+        if ping_result:
+            self.log.info(f"Success pinging: {dest_ip}")
+        else:
+            self.log.info(f"Failure pinging: {dest_ip}")
+        return ping_result
+    def get_device_ipv4_addr(
+        self, interface: str | None = None, timeout_sec: float = 20.0
+    ) -> IPv4Address:
+        """Checks if device has an ipv4 private address.
+        Only supported on Fuchsia.
+        Args:
+            interface: name of interface from which to get ipv4 address.
+            timeout: seconds to wait until raising ConnectionError
+        Raises:
+            ConnectionError, if DUT does not have an ipv4 address after all
+            timeout.
+        Returns:
+            The device's IP address
+        """
+        if self.fuchsia_device is None:
+            # TODO(http://b/292289291): Add get_(ipv4|ipv6)_addr to SupportsIP.
+            raise TypeError(
+                "TODO(http://b/292289291): get_device_ipv4_addr only supports "
+                "FuchsiaDevice"
+            )
+        self.log.debug("Fetching updated WLAN interface list")
+        if interface is None:
+            interface = self.dut.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
+        self.log.info(
+            "Checking if DUT has received an ipv4 addr on iface %s. Will retry for %s "
+            "seconds." % (interface, timeout_sec)
+        )
+        timeout_sec = time.time() + timeout_sec
+        while time.time() < timeout_sec:
+            ip_addrs = self.fuchsia_device.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
+            if len(ip_addrs["ipv4_private"]) > 0:
+                ip = ip_addrs["ipv4_private"][0]
+                self.log.info(f"DUT has an ipv4 address: {ip}")
+                return IPv4Address(ip)
+            else:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "DUT does not yet have an ipv4 address...retrying in 1 " "second."
+                )
+                time.sleep(1)
+        else:
+            raise ConnectionError("DUT failed to get an ipv4 address.")
+    def run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success(
+        self, dhcp_parameters: dict[str, str], dhcp_options: dict[str, int | str]
+    ) -> None:
+        """Starts the AP and DHCP server, and validates that the client
+        connects and obtains an address.
+        Args:
+            dhcp_parameters: a dictionary of DHCP parameters
+            dhcp_options: a dictionary of DHCP options
+        """
+        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
+        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
+            subnet=ap_params.network,
+            router=ap_params.ip,
+            additional_parameters=dhcp_parameters,
+            additional_options=dhcp_options,
+        )
+        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
+        self.log.debug("DHCP Configuration:\n" + dhcp_conf.render_config_file() + "\n")
+        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
+        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
+        # Typical log lines look like:
+        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPDISCOVER from f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
+        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPOFFER on to f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
+        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPREQUEST for ( from f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
+        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPACK on to f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
+        try:
+            ip = self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
+        except ConnectionError:
+            dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
+            self.log.warn(dhcp_logs)
+            asserts.fail(f"DUT failed to get an IP address")
+        # Get updates to DHCP logs
+        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
+        if dhcp_logs is None:
+            raise signals.TestFailure("No DHCP logs")
+        expected_string = f"DHCPDISCOVER from"
+        asserts.assert_equal(
+            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string),
+            1,
+            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Discovers ("{expected_string}") in logs:\n'
+            + dhcp_logs
+            + "\n",
+        )
+        expected_string = f"DHCPOFFER on {ip}"
+        asserts.assert_equal(
+            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string),
+            1,
+            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Offers ("{expected_string}") in logs:\n'
+            + dhcp_logs
+            + "\n",
+        )
+        expected_string = f"DHCPREQUEST for {ip}"
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
+            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Requests ("{expected_string}") in logs: '
+            + dhcp_logs
+            + "\n",
+        )
+        expected_string = f"DHCPACK on {ip}"
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
+            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Acks ("{expected_string}") in logs: '
+            + dhcp_logs
+            + "\n",
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.device_can_ping(ap_params.ip),
+            f"DUT failed to ping router at {ap_params.ip}",
+        )
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/utils.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87fc0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import SSHError
+def http_file_download_by_curl(
+    fd,
+    url,
+    out_path="/tmp/",
+    curl_loc="/bin/curl",
+    remove_file_after_check=True,
+    timeout=3600,
+    limit_rate=None,
+    additional_args=None,
+    retry=3,
+    """Download http file by ssh curl.
+    Args:
+        fd: Fuchsia Device Object.
+        url: The url that file to be downloaded from.
+        out_path: Optional. Where to download file to.
+            out_path is /tmp by default.
+        curl_loc: Location of curl binary on fd.
+        remove_file_after_check: Whether to remove the downloaded file after
+            check.
+        timeout: timeout for file download to complete.
+        limit_rate: download rate in bps. None, if do not apply rate limit.
+        additional_args: Any additional args for curl.
+        retry: the retry request times provided in curl command.
+    """
+    file_directory, file_name = _generate_file_directory_and_file_name(url, out_path)
+    file_path = os.path.join(file_directory, file_name)
+    curl_cmd = curl_loc
+    if limit_rate:
+        curl_cmd += f" --limit-rate {limit_rate}"
+    if retry:
+        curl_cmd += f" --retry {retry}"
+    if additional_args:
+        curl_cmd += f" {additional_args}"
+    curl_cmd += f" --url {url} > {file_path}"
+    fd.log.info(f"Download {url} to {file_path} by ssh command {curl_cmd}")
+    try:
+        fd.ssh.run(curl_cmd, timeout_sec=timeout)
+        if _check_file_existence(fd, file_path):
+            fd.log.info(f"{url} is downloaded to {file_path} successfully")
+            return True
+        fd.log.warning(f"Fail to download {url}")
+        return False
+    except SSHError as e:
+        fd.log.warning(f'Command "{curl_cmd}" failed with error {e}')
+        return False
+    except Exception as e:
+        fd.log.error(f"Download {url} failed with unexpected exception {e}")
+        return False
+    finally:
+        if remove_file_after_check:
+            fd.log.info(f"Remove the downloaded file {file_path}")
+            try:
+                fd.ssh.run(f"rm {file_path}")
+            except SSHError:
+                pass
+def _generate_file_directory_and_file_name(url, out_path):
+    """Splits the file from the url and specifies the appropriate location of
+       where to store the downloaded file.
+    Args:
+        url: A url to the file that is going to be downloaded.
+        out_path: The location of where to store the file that is downloaded.
+    Returns:
+        file_directory: The directory of where to store the downloaded file.
+        file_name: The name of the file that is being downloaded.
+    """
+    file_name = url.split("/")[-1]
+    if not out_path:
+        file_directory = "/tmp/"
+    elif not out_path.endswith("/"):
+        file_directory, file_name = os.path.split(out_path)
+    else:
+        file_directory = out_path
+    return file_directory, file_name
+def _check_file_existence(fd, file_path):
+    """Check file existence by file_path. If expected_file_size
+       is provided, then also check if the file meet the file size requirement.
+    Args:
+        fd: A fuchsia device
+        file_path: Where to store the file on the fuchsia device.
+    """
+    try:
+        fd.ssh.run(f'ls -al "{file_path}"')
+        fd.log.debug(f"File {file_path} exists.")
+        return True
+    except SSHError as e:
+        if "No such file or directory" in e.result.stderr:
+            fd.log.debug(f"File {file_path} does not exist.")
+            return False
+        raise e
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/wmm_test_cases.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/wmm_test_cases.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48eb8ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/fuchsia/wmm_test_cases.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1326 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Internal Traffic Differentiation
+test_internal_traffic_diff_VO_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.87, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO")],
+        ),
+    }
+test_internal_traffic_diff_VO_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO")],
+        ),
+    }
+test_internal_traffic_diff_VO_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO")],
+        ),
+    }
+test_internal_traffic_diff_VI_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VI")],
+        ),
+    }
+test_internal_traffic_diff_VI_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VI")],
+        ),
+    }
+test_internal_traffic_diff_BE_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.81, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_BE")],
+        ),
+    }
+# External Traffic Differentiation
+# Single station, STAUT transmits high priority
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.87, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO_staut_to_ap")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO_staut_to_ap")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO_staut_to_ap")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.81, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+# Single station, STAUT transmits low priority
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_VO = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.87, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO_ap_to_staut")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VO = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO_ap_to_staut")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VO = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VO_ap_to_staut")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VI_ap_to_staut")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_VI_ap_to_staut")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.81, rel_tolerance=0.03)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator="<", phase="phase_1", stream="stream_BE_ap_to_staut")
+            ],
+        ),
+    }
+# Dual Internal/External Traffic Differetiation
+test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator="==",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_ap_to_staut",
+                    max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.81, rel_tolerance=0.01)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+        ),
+    }
+test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BE_ap_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator="==",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_ap_to_staut",
+                    max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.01)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+        ),
+    }
+test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BK_ap_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator="==",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BK_ap_to_staut",
+                    max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.01)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+        ),
+    }
+test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator="==",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_ap_to_staut",
+                    max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.01)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+        ),
+    }
+test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BK_ap_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator="==",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BK_ap_to_staut",
+                    max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.89, rel_tolerance=0.01)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+        ),
+    }
+test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator="==",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BK_ap_to_staut",
+                    max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+            validation=[
+                dict(operator=">=", bandwidth_percentage=0.81, rel_tolerance=0.01)
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
+        ),
+    }
+# ACM Bit Conformance Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
+test_acm_bit_on_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+            validation=[
+                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+    }
+# AC Parameter Modificiation Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
+test_ac_param_degrade_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+            validation=[
+                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+    }
+test_ac_param_degrade_VO = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+            validation=[
+                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+    }
+test_ac_param_improve_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+            validation=[
+                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
+                dict(
+                    operator=">",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+                dict(
+                    operator=">",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+    }
+test_ac_param_improve_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+            validation=[
+                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
+                dict(
+                    operator=">",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+                dict(
+                    operator=">",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
+        ),
+    }
+# WFA Test Plan Cases
+# Traffic Differentiation in Single BSS (Single Station)
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_ap_VI_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "steam_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "steam_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_ap_to_staut",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_staut_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.87,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "stream_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_staut_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VO_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VO_staut_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_ap_to_staut": dict(
+            transmitter_str="access_point",
+            receiver_str="staut",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+# Traffic Differentiation in Single BSS (Two Stations)
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BE_secondary_VI_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "steam_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "steam_BE_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VI_secondary_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.90,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_BE = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "steam_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "steam_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="steam_VI_staut_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.88,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BK_secondary_BE_BK = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "steam_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "steam_BK_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_secondary_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.90,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BK_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BK",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_VO_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "steam_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VO_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+    },
+    "phase_2": {
+        "steam_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+        ),
+        "stream_VO_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VO",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
+            validation=[
+                dict(
+                    operator=">=",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_VO_secondary_to_ap",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=0.90,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.01,
+                )
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_VI_secondary_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    },
+test_wfa_acm_bit_on_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+            validation=[
+                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    }
+test_wfa_ac_param_degrade_VI = {
+    "phase_1": {
+        "stream_VI_staut_to_ap": dict(
+            transmitter_str="staut",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_VI",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+            validation=[
+                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+                dict(
+                    operator="<",
+                    phase="phase_1",
+                    stream="stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2",
+                    bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
+                    rel_tolerance=0.05,
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+        "stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2": dict(
+            transmitter_str="secondary_sta",
+            receiver_str="access_point",
+            access_category="AC_BE",
+            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
+        ),
+    }
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/net/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/net/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/net/connectivity_const.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/net/connectivity_const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05495f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/net/connectivity_const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import enum
+# ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback events
+# event types
+# event data keys
+NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT = "networkCallbackEvent"
+NETWORK_CB_KEY_CREATE_TS = "creation_timestamp"
+NETWORK_CB_KEY_CURRENT_TS = "current_timestamp"
+# Constants for VPN connection status
+# TODO gmoturu: determine the exact timeout value
+# This is a random value as of now
+# Connectiivty Manager constants
+# Network request related constants.
+# Network request related keys.
+# Multipath preference constants
+# Private DNS constants
+DNS_GOOGLE_HOSTNAME = "dns.google"
+DNS_QUAD9_HOSTNAME = "dns.quad9.net"
+DNS_CLOUDFLARE_HOSTNAME = "1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com"
+DOH_CLOUDFLARE_HOSTNAME = "cloudflare-dns.com"
+    DNS_GOOGLE_HOSTNAME: ["Do53", "DoT", "DoH"],
+DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V4 = ["", ""]
+DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V6 = ["2001:4860:4860::8888", "2001:4860:4860::8844"]
+DOH_CLOUDFLARE_ADDR_V6 = ["2606:4700::6810:f8f9", "2606:4700::6810:f9f9"]
+# IpSec constants
+AF_INET = 2
+AF_INET6 = 10
+CRYPT_NULL = "ecb(cipher_null)"
+CRYPT_AES_CBC = "cbc(aes)"
+AUTH_HMAC_MD5 = "hmac(md5)"
+AUTH_HMAC_SHA1 = "hmac(sha1)"
+AUTH_HMAC_SHA256 = "hmac(sha256)"
+AUTH_HMAC_SHA384 = "hmac(sha384)"
+AUTH_HMAC_SHA512 = "hmac(sha512)"
+AUTH_CRYPT_AES_GCM = "rfc4106(gcm(aes))"
+# Constants for VpnProfile
+class VpnProfile(object):
+    """This class contains all the possible
+    parameters required for VPN connection
+    """
+    NAME = "name"
+    TYPE = "type"
+    SERVER = "server"
+    USER = "username"
+    PWD = "password"
+    DNS = "dnsServers"
+    SEARCH_DOMAINS = "searchDomains"
+    ROUTES = "routes"
+    MPPE = "mppe"
+    L2TP_SECRET = "l2tpSecret"
+    IPSEC_ID = "ipsecIdentifier"
+    IPSEC_SECRET = "ipsecSecret"
+    IPSEC_USER_CERT = "ipsecUserCert"
+    IPSEC_CA_CERT = "ipsecCaCert"
+    IPSEC_SERVER_CERT = "ipsecServerCert"
+# Enums for VPN profile types
+class VpnProfileType(enum.Enum):
+    """Integer constant for each type of VPN"""
+    PPTP = 0
+    L2TP_IPSEC_PSK = 1
+    L2TP_IPSEC_RSA = 2
+    IKEV2_IPSEC_PSK = 7
+    IKEV2_IPSEC_RSA = 8
+# Constants for config file
+class VpnReqParams(object):
+    """Config file parameters required for
+    VPN connection
+    """
+    vpn_server_addresses = "vpn_server_addresses"
+    vpn_verify_addresses = "vpn_verify_addresses"
+    vpn_username = "vpn_username"
+    vpn_password = "vpn_password"
+    psk_secret = "psk_secret"
+    client_pkcs_file_name = "client_pkcs_file_name"
+    cert_path_vpnserver = "cert_path_vpnserver"
+    cert_password = "cert_password"
+    pptp_mppe = "pptp_mppe"
+    ipsec_server_type = "ipsec_server_type"
+    wifi_network = "wifi_network"
+    vpn_identity = "vpn_identity"
+    vpn_server_hostname = "vpn_server_hostname"
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b9c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+from antlion.controllers import adb
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
+from antlion.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconst
+from antlion.utils import start_standing_subprocess, stop_standing_subprocess
+VPN_CONST = cconst.VpnProfile
+VPN_TYPE = cconst.VpnProfileType
+VPN_PARAMS = cconst.VpnReqParams
+TCPDUMP_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/"
+USB_CHARGE_MODE = "svc usb setFunctions"
+USB_TETHERING_MODE = "svc usb setFunctions rndis"
+ENABLE_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD = "settings put global tether_offload_disabled 0"
+DISABLE_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD = "settings put global tether_offload_disabled 1"
+DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS = "ip address"
+# Time to wait for radio to up and running after reboot
+GCE_SSH = "gcloud compute ssh "
+GCE_SCP = "gcloud compute scp "
+def verify_ping_to_vpn_ip(ad, vpn_ping_addr):
+    """Verify if IP behind VPN server is pingable.
+    Ping should pass, if VPN is connected.
+    Ping should fail, if VPN is disconnected.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object
+        vpn_ping_addr: target ping addr
+    """
+    ping_result = None
+    pkt_loss = "100% packet loss"
+    logging.info(f"Pinging: {vpn_ping_addr}")
+    try:
+        ping_result = ad.adb.shell(f"ping -c 3 -W 2 {vpn_ping_addr}")
+    except AdbError:
+        pass
+    return ping_result and pkt_loss not in ping_result
+def start_tcpdump(ad, test_name, interface="any"):
+    """Start tcpdump on all interfaces.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        test_name: tcpdump file name will have this
+    """
+    ad.log.info("Starting tcpdump on all interfaces")
+    ad.adb.shell("killall -9 tcpdump", ignore_status=True)
+    ad.adb.shell(f"mkdir {TCPDUMP_PATH}", ignore_status=True)
+    ad.adb.shell(f"rm -rf {TCPDUMP_PATH}/*", ignore_status=True)
+    file_name = f"{TCPDUMP_PATH}/tcpdump_{ad.serial}_{test_name}.pcap"
+    ad.log.info("tcpdump file is %s", file_name)
+    cmd = f"adb -s {ad.serial} shell tcpdump -i {interface} -s0 -w {file_name}"
+    try:
+        return start_standing_subprocess(cmd, 5)
+    except Exception:
+        ad.log.exception(f"Could not start standing process {repr(cmd)}")
+    return None
+def stop_tcpdump(
+    ad, proc, test_name, pull_dump=True, adb_pull_timeout=adb.DEFAULT_ADB_PULL_TIMEOUT
+    """Stops tcpdump on any iface.
+       Pulls the tcpdump file in the tcpdump dir if necessary.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        proc: need to know which pid to stop
+        test_name: test name to save the tcpdump file
+        pull_dump: pull tcpdump file or not
+        adb_pull_timeout: timeout for adb_pull
+    Returns:
+      log_path of the tcpdump file
+    """
+    ad.log.info("Stopping and pulling tcpdump if any")
+    if proc is None:
+        return None
+    try:
+        stop_standing_subprocess(proc)
+    except Exception as e:
+        ad.log.warning(e)
+    if pull_dump:
+        log_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, f"TCPDUMP_{ad.serial}")
+        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
+        ad.adb.pull(f"{TCPDUMP_PATH}/. {log_path}", timeout=adb_pull_timeout)
+        ad.adb.shell(f"rm -rf {TCPDUMP_PATH}/*", ignore_status=True)
+        file_name = f"tcpdump_{ad.serial}_{test_name}.pcap"
+        return f"{log_path}/{file_name}"
+    return None
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/OWNERS b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/OWNERS
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/OWNERS
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/OWNERS
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/base_test.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/base_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7bc4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/base_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    Base Class for Defining Common WiFi Test Functionality
+import copy
+import os
+from typing import Any, TypedDict, TypeVar
+from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
+from antlion import context, controllers, utils
+from antlion.base_test import AntlionBaseTest
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint
+from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import (
+    OpenWRTEncryptionMode,
+    SecurityMode,
+from antlion.controllers.attenuator import Attenuator
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import IPerfClientBase
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfServerOverSsh
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_ap import PMF_ENABLED, BSSIDMap, OpenWrtAP
+from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.wireless_config import WirelessConfig
+from antlion.controllers.packet_capture import PacketCapture
+from antlion.controllers.pdu import PduDevice
+from antlion.keys import Config
+from antlion.test_utils.net import net_test_utils as nutils
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
+WifiEnums = wutils.WifiEnums
+class Network(TypedDict):
+    SSID: str
+    security: SecurityMode
+    password: str | None
+    hiddenSSID: bool
+    wepKeys: list[str] | None
+    ieee80211w: str | None
+class NetworkUpdate(TypedDict, total=False):
+    SSID: str
+    security: SecurityMode
+    password: str | None
+    hiddenSSID: bool
+    wepKeys: list[str] | None
+    ieee80211w: str | None
+NetworkList = dict[str, Network]
+class WifiBaseTest(AntlionBaseTest):
+    def __init__(self, configs: TestRunConfig) -> None:
+        super().__init__(configs)
+        self.enable_packet_log = False
+        self.packet_log_2g = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G
+        self.packet_log_5g = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G
+        self.tcpdump_proc: list[Any] = []
+        self.packet_log_pid: dict[str, Any] = {}
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        T = TypeVar("T")
+        def register_controller(module: Any) -> list[T]:
+            controllers: list[T] | None = self.register_controller(
+                module, required=False
+            )
+            if controllers is None:
+                return []
+            return controllers
+        self.access_points: list[AccessPoint] = register_controller(
+            controllers.access_point
+        )
+        self.openwrt_aps: list[OpenWrtAP] = register_controller(controllers.openwrt_ap)
+        self.android_devices: list[AndroidDevice] = register_controller(
+            controllers.android_device
+        )
+        self.attenuators: list[Attenuator] = register_controller(controllers.attenuator)
+        self.fuchsia_devices: list[FuchsiaDevice] = register_controller(
+            controllers.fuchsia_device
+        )
+        self.iperf_clients: list[IPerfClientBase] = register_controller(
+            controllers.iperf_client
+        )
+        self.iperf_servers: list[IPerfServerOverSsh] = register_controller(
+            controllers.iperf_server
+        )
+        self.pdu_devices: list[PduDevice] = register_controller(controllers.pdu)
+        self.packet_capture: list[PacketCapture] = register_controller(
+            controllers.packet_capture
+        )
+        for attenuator in self.attenuators:
+            attenuator.set_atten(0)
+        self.pixel_models: list[str] | None = self.user_params.get("pixel_models")
+        self.cnss_diag_file: str | list[str] | None = self.user_params.get(
+            "cnss_diag_file"
+        )
+        self.country_code_file: str | list[str] | None = self.user_params.get(
+            "country_code_file"
+        )
+        if self.cnss_diag_file:
+            if isinstance(self.cnss_diag_file, list):
+                self.cnss_diag_file = self.cnss_diag_file[0]
+            if not os.path.isfile(self.cnss_diag_file):
+                self.cnss_diag_file = os.path.join(
+                    self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value], self.cnss_diag_file
+                )
+        self.packet_logger: PacketCapture | None = None
+        if self.enable_packet_log and self.packet_capture:
+            self.packet_logger = self.packet_capture[0]
+            self.packet_logger.configure_monitor_mode("2G", self.packet_log_2g)
+            self.packet_logger.configure_monitor_mode("5G", self.packet_log_5g)
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            wutils.wifi_test_device_init(ad)
+            if self.country_code_file:
+                if isinstance(self.country_code_file, list):
+                    self.country_code_file = self.country_code_file[0]
+                if not os.path.isfile(self.country_code_file):
+                    self.country_code_file = os.path.join(
+                        self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value],
+                        self.country_code_file,
+                    )
+                self.country_code = utils.load_config(self.country_code_file)["country"]
+            else:
+                self.country_code = WifiEnums.CountryCode.US
+            wutils.set_wifi_country_code(ad, self.country_code)
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        if self.android_devices and self.cnss_diag_file and self.pixel_models:
+            wutils.start_cnss_diags(
+                self.android_devices, self.cnss_diag_file, self.pixel_models
+            )
+        self.tcpdump_proc = []
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            proc = nutils.start_tcpdump(ad, self.current_test_info.name)
+            self.tcpdump_proc.append((ad, proc))
+        if self.packet_logger:
+            self.packet_log_pid = wutils.start_pcap(
+                self.packet_logger, "dual", self.current_test_info.name
+            )
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
+        if self.android_devices and self.cnss_diag_file and self.pixel_models:
+            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
+            for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
+                nutils.stop_tcpdump(
+                    proc[0], proc[1], self.current_test_info.name, pull_dump=False
+                )
+            self.tcpdump_proc = []
+        if self.packet_logger and self.packet_log_pid:
+            wutils.stop_pcap(self.packet_logger, self.packet_log_pid, test_status=True)
+            self.packet_log_pid = {}
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None:
+        super().teardown_class()
+        if hasattr(self, "fuchsia_devices"):
+            for device in self.fuchsia_devices:
+                device.take_bug_report()
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord) -> None:
+        """A function that is executed upon a test failure.
+        Args:
+        record: A copy of the test record for this test, containing all information of
+            the test execution including exception objects.
+        """
+        if self.android_devices:
+            for ad in self.android_devices:
+                ad.take_bug_report(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
+                ad.cat_adb_log(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
+                wutils.get_ssrdumps(ad)
+            if self.cnss_diag_file and self.pixel_models:
+                wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
+                for ad in self.android_devices:
+                    wutils.get_cnss_diag_log(ad)
+            for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
+                nutils.stop_tcpdump(proc[0], proc[1], record.test_name)
+            self.tcpdump_proc = []
+        if self.packet_logger and self.packet_log_pid:
+            wutils.stop_pcap(self.packet_logger, self.packet_log_pid, test_status=False)
+            self.packet_log_pid = {}
+        # Gets a wlan_device log and calls the generic device fail on DUT.
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            self.on_device_fail(fd, record)
+    def on_device_fail(self, device: FuchsiaDevice, _: TestResultRecord) -> None:
+        """Gets a generic device DUT bug report.
+        This method takes a bug report if the device has the
+        'take_bug_report_on_fail' config value, and if the flag is true. This
+        method also power cycles if 'hard_reboot_on_fail' is True.
+        Args:
+            device: Generic device to gather logs from.
+            record: More information about the test.
+        """
+        if (
+            not hasattr(device, "take_bug_report_on_fail")
+            or device.take_bug_report_on_fail
+        ):
+            device.take_bug_report()
+        if hasattr(device, "hard_reboot_on_fail") and device.hard_reboot_on_fail:
+            device.reboot(reboot_type="hard", testbed_pdus=self.pdu_devices)
+    def download_ap_logs(self) -> None:
+        """Downloads the DHCP and hostapad logs from the access_point.
+        Using the current TestClassContext and TestCaseContext this method pulls
+        the DHCP and hostapd logs and outputs them to the correct path.
+        """
+        current_path = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
+        for access_point in self.access_points:
+            dhcp_log = access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
+            if dhcp_log:
+                dhcp_log_path = os.path.join(
+                    current_path, f"{access_point.identifier}_dhcp_log.txt"
+                )
+                with open(dhcp_log_path, "a") as f:
+                    f.write(dhcp_log)
+            hostapd_logs = access_point.get_hostapd_logs()
+            for interface in hostapd_logs:
+                hostapd_log_path = os.path.join(
+                    current_path,
+                    f"{access_point.identifier}_hostapd_log_{interface}.txt",
+                )
+                with open(hostapd_log_path, "a") as f:
+                    f.write(hostapd_logs[interface])
+            radvd_log = access_point.get_radvd_logs()
+            if radvd_log:
+                radvd_log_path = os.path.join(
+                    current_path, f"{access_point.identifier}_radvd_log.txt"
+                )
+                with open(radvd_log_path, "a") as f:
+                    f.write(radvd_log)
+            systemd_journal = access_point.get_systemd_journal()
+            systemd_journal_path = os.path.join(
+                current_path, f"{access_point.identifier}_systemd_journal.txt"
+            )
+            with open(systemd_journal_path, "a") as f:
+                f.write(systemd_journal)
+    def get_psk_network(
+        self,
+        mirror_ap: bool,
+        reference_networks: list[NetworkList],
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        same_ssid: bool = False,
+        security_mode: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.WPA2,
+        ssid_length_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
+        ssid_length_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
+        passphrase_length_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G,
+        passphrase_length_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_5G,
+    ) -> NetworkList:
+        """Generates SSID and passphrase for a WPA2 network using random
+        generator.
+        Args:
+            mirror_ap: Determines if both APs use the same hostapd config or
+                different configs.
+            reference_networks: PSK networks.
+            same_ssid: Determines if both bands on AP use the same SSID.
+            ssid_length_2g: Number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
+            ssid_length_5g: Number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
+            passphrase_length_2g: Length of password for 2G network.
+            passphrase_length_5g: Length of password for 5G network.
+        Returns: A dict of 2G and 5G network lists for hostapd configuration.
+        """
+        if same_ssid:
+            ref_2g_ssid = f"xg_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)}"
+            ref_5g_ssid = ref_2g_ssid
+            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_ascii_str(passphrase_length_2g)
+            ref_5g_passphrase = ref_2g_passphrase
+        else:
+            ref_2g_ssid = f"2g_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)}"
+            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_ascii_str(passphrase_length_2g)
+            ref_5g_ssid = f"5g_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_5g)}"
+            ref_5g_passphrase = utils.rand_ascii_str(passphrase_length_5g)
+        network_dict_2g = Network(
+            SSID=ref_2g_ssid,
+            security=security_mode,
+            password=ref_2g_passphrase,
+            hiddenSSID=hidden,
+            wepKeys=None,
+            ieee80211w=None,
+        )
+        network_dict_5g = Network(
+            SSID=ref_5g_ssid,
+            security=security_mode,
+            password=ref_5g_passphrase,
+            hiddenSSID=hidden,
+            wepKeys=None,
+            ieee80211w=None,
+        )
+        for _ in range(MAX_AP_COUNT):
+            reference_networks.append(
+                {"2g": copy.copy(network_dict_2g), "5g": copy.copy(network_dict_5g)}
+            )
+            if not mirror_ap:
+                break
+        return {"2g": network_dict_2g, "5g": network_dict_5g}
+    def get_open_network(
+        self,
+        mirror_ap: bool,
+        open_network: list[NetworkList],
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        same_ssid: bool = False,
+        ssid_length_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
+        ssid_length_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
+        security_mode: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.OPEN,
+    ) -> NetworkList:
+        """Generates SSIDs for a open network using a random generator.
+        Args:
+            mirror_ap: Boolean, determines if both APs use the same hostapd
+                       config or different configs.
+            open_network: List of open networks.
+            same_ssid: Boolean, determines if both bands on AP use the same
+                       SSID.
+            ssid_length_2g: Int, number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
+            ssid_length_5g: Int, number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
+            security_mode: 'none' for open and 'OWE' for WPA3 OWE.
+        Returns: A dict of 2G and 5G network lists for hostapd configuration.
+        """
+        if same_ssid:
+            open_2g_ssid = f"xg_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)}"
+            open_5g_ssid = open_2g_ssid
+        else:
+            open_2g_ssid = f"2g_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)}"
+            open_5g_ssid = f"5g_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_5g)}"
+        network_dict_2g = Network(
+            SSID=open_2g_ssid,
+            security=security_mode,
+            password=None,
+            hiddenSSID=hidden,
+            wepKeys=None,
+            ieee80211w=None,
+        )
+        network_dict_5g = Network(
+            SSID=open_5g_ssid,
+            security=security_mode,
+            password=None,
+            hiddenSSID=hidden,
+            wepKeys=None,
+            ieee80211w=None,
+        )
+        for _ in range(MAX_AP_COUNT):
+            open_network.append(
+                {"2g": copy.copy(network_dict_2g), "5g": copy.copy(network_dict_5g)}
+            )
+            if not mirror_ap:
+                break
+        return {"2g": network_dict_2g, "5g": network_dict_5g}
+    def get_wep_network(
+        self,
+        mirror_ap: bool,
+        networks: list[NetworkList],
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        same_ssid: bool = False,
+        ssid_length_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
+        ssid_length_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
+        passphrase_length_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G,
+        passphrase_length_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_5G,
+    ) -> NetworkList:
+        """Generates SSID and passphrase for a WEP network using random
+        generator.
+        Args:
+            mirror_ap: Determines if both APs use the same hostapd config or
+                different configs.
+            networks: List of WEP networks.
+            same_ssid: Determines if both bands on AP use the same SSID.
+            ssid_length_2g: Number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
+            ssid_length_5g: Number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
+            passphrase_length_2g: Length of password for 2G network.
+            passphrase_length_5g: Length of password for 5G network.
+        Returns: A dict of 2G and 5G network lists for hostapd configuration.
+        """
+        if same_ssid:
+            ref_2g_ssid = f"xg_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)}"
+            ref_5g_ssid = ref_2g_ssid
+            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_hex_str(passphrase_length_2g)
+            ref_5g_passphrase = ref_2g_passphrase
+        else:
+            ref_2g_ssid = f"2g_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)}"
+            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_hex_str(passphrase_length_2g)
+            ref_5g_ssid = f"5g_{utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_5g)}"
+            ref_5g_passphrase = utils.rand_hex_str(passphrase_length_5g)
+        network_dict_2g = Network(
+            SSID=ref_2g_ssid,
+            security=SecurityMode.WEP,
+            password=None,
+            hiddenSSID=hidden,
+            wepKeys=[ref_2g_passphrase] * 4,
+            ieee80211w=None,
+        )
+        network_dict_5g = Network(
+            SSID=ref_5g_ssid,
+            security=SecurityMode.WEP,
+            password=None,
+            hiddenSSID=hidden,
+            wepKeys=[ref_5g_passphrase] * 4,
+            ieee80211w=None,
+        )
+        for _ in range(MAX_AP_COUNT):
+            networks.append(
+                {"2g": copy.copy(network_dict_2g), "5g": copy.copy(network_dict_5g)}
+            )
+            if not mirror_ap:
+                break
+        return {"2g": network_dict_2g, "5g": network_dict_5g}
+    def configure_openwrt_ap_and_start(
+        self,
+        channel_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+        channel_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+        channel_5g_ap2: int | None = None,
+        channel_2g_ap2: int | None = None,
+        ssid_length_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
+        passphrase_length_2g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G,
+        ssid_length_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
+        passphrase_length_5g: int = hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_5G,
+        mirror_ap: bool = False,
+        hidden: bool = False,
+        same_ssid: bool = False,
+        open_network: bool = False,
+        wpa1_network: bool = False,
+        wpa_network: bool = False,
+        wep_network: bool = False,
+        ent_network: bool = False,
+        ent_network_pwd: bool = False,
+        owe_network: bool = False,
+        sae_network: bool = False,
+        saemixed_network: bool = False,
+        radius_conf_2g: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
+        radius_conf_5g: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
+        radius_conf_pwd: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
+        ap_count: int = 1,
+        ieee80211w: int | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Create, configure and start OpenWrt AP.
+        Args:
+            channel_5g: 5G channel to configure.
+            channel_2g: 2G channel to configure.
+            channel_5g_ap2: 5G channel to configure on AP2.
+            channel_2g_ap2: 2G channel to configure on AP2.
+            ssid_length_2g: Int, number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
+            passphrase_length_2g: Int, length of password for 2G network.
+            ssid_length_5g: Int, number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
+            passphrase_length_5g: Int, length of password for 5G network.
+            same_ssid: Boolean, determines if both bands on AP use the same SSID.
+            open_network: Boolean, to check if open network should be configured.
+            wpa_network: Boolean, to check if wpa network should be configured.
+            wep_network: Boolean, to check if wep network should be configured.
+            ent_network: Boolean, to check if ent network should be configured.
+            ent_network_pwd: Boolean, to check if ent pwd network should be configured.
+            owe_network: Boolean, to check if owe network should be configured.
+            sae_network: Boolean, to check if sae network should be configured.
+            saemixed_network: Boolean, to check if saemixed network should be configured.
+            radius_conf_2g: dictionary with enterprise radius server details.
+            radius_conf_5g: dictionary with enterprise radius server details.
+            radius_conf_pwd: dictionary with enterprise radiuse server details.
+            ap_count: APs to configure.
+            ieee80211w:PMF to configure
+        """
+        if mirror_ap and ap_count == 1:
+            raise ValueError("ap_count cannot be 1 if mirror_ap is True.")
+        if (channel_5g_ap2 or channel_2g_ap2) and ap_count == 1:
+            raise ValueError("ap_count cannot be 1 if channels of AP2 are provided.")
+        # we are creating a channel list for 2G and 5G bands. The list is of
+        # size 2 and this is based on the assumption that each testbed will have
+        # at most 2 APs.
+        if not channel_5g_ap2:
+            channel_5g_ap2 = channel_5g
+        if not channel_2g_ap2:
+            channel_2g_ap2 = channel_2g
+        channels_2g = [channel_2g, channel_2g_ap2]
+        channels_5g = [channel_5g, channel_5g_ap2]
+        if radius_conf_2g is None:
+            radius_conf_2g = {}
+        if radius_conf_5g is None:
+            radius_conf_5g = {}
+        if radius_conf_pwd is None:
+            radius_conf_pwd = {}
+        self.bssid_map: list[BSSIDMap] = []
+        for i in range(ap_count):
+            configs: list[WirelessConfig] = []
+            num_2g: int = 1
+            num_5g: int = 1
+            if wpa1_network:
+                networks = self.get_psk_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    SecurityMode.WPA,
+                    ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g,
+                    passphrase_length_2g,
+                    passphrase_length_5g,
+                )
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.PSK,
+                            band=band,
+                            password=networks[band]["password"],
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                            ieee80211w=ieee80211w,
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if wpa_network:
+                networks = self.get_psk_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                    ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g,
+                    passphrase_length_2g,
+                    passphrase_length_5g,
+                )
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.PSK2,
+                            band=band,
+                            password=networks[band]["password"],
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                            ieee80211w=ieee80211w,
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if wep_network:
+                networks = self.get_wep_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g,
+                )
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.WEP,
+                            band=band,
+                            wep_key=networks[band]["wepKeys"],
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if ent_network:
+                networks = self.get_open_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g,
+                    SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                )
+                def add_config_with_radius(name, band, radius_conf):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.WPA2,
+                            band=band,
+                            radius_server_ip=radius_conf.get("radius_server_ip"),
+                            radius_server_port=radius_conf.get("radius_server_port"),
+                            radius_server_secret=radius_conf.get(
+                                "radius_server_secret"
+                            ),
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config_with_radius(
+                    f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G, radius_conf_2g
+                )
+                add_config_with_radius(
+                    f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G, radius_conf_5g
+                )
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if ent_network_pwd:
+                networks = self.get_open_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g,
+                    SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                )
+                radius_conf = {} if radius_conf_pwd is None else radius_conf_pwd
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.WPA2,
+                            band=band,
+                            radius_server_ip=radius_conf.get("radius_server_ip"),
+                            radius_server_port=radius_conf.get("radius_server_port"),
+                            radius_server_secret=radius_conf.get(
+                                "radius_server_secret"
+                            ),
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if open_network:
+                networks = self.get_open_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g,
+                )
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.NONE,
+                            band=band,
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if owe_network:
+                networks = self.get_open_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g,
+                )
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.OWE,
+                            band=band,
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                            ieee80211w=PMF_ENABLED,
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if sae_network:
+                networks = self.get_psk_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    ssid_length_2g=ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g=ssid_length_5g,
+                    passphrase_length_2g=passphrase_length_2g,
+                    passphrase_length_5g=passphrase_length_5g,
+                )
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.SAE,
+                            band=band,
+                            password=networks[band]["password"],
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                            ieee80211w=PMF_ENABLED,
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            if saemixed_network:
+                networks = self.get_psk_network(
+                    mirror_ap,
+                    [],
+                    hidden,
+                    same_ssid,
+                    ssid_length_2g=ssid_length_2g,
+                    ssid_length_5g=ssid_length_5g,
+                    passphrase_length_2g=passphrase_length_2g,
+                    passphrase_length_5g=passphrase_length_5g,
+                )
+                def add_config(name, band):
+                    configs.append(
+                        WirelessConfig(
+                            name=name,
+                            ssid=networks[band]["SSID"],
+                            security=OpenWRTEncryptionMode.SAE_MIXED,
+                            band=band,
+                            password=networks[band]["password"],
+                            hidden=networks[band]["hiddenSSID"],
+                            ieee80211w=ieee80211w,
+                        )
+                    )
+                add_config(f"wifi_2g_{num_2g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
+                add_config(f"wifi_5g_{num_5g}", hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
+                num_2g += 1
+                num_5g += 1
+            openwrt_ap = self.openwrt_aps[i]
+            openwrt_ap.configure_ap(configs, channels_2g[i], channels_5g[i])
+            openwrt_ap.start_ap()
+            self.bssid_map.append(openwrt_ap.get_bssids_for_wifi_networks())
+            if mirror_ap:
+                openwrt_ap_mirror = self.openwrt_aps[i + 1]
+                openwrt_ap_mirror.configure_ap(
+                    configs, channels_2g[i + 1], channels_5g[i + 1]
+                )
+                openwrt_ap_mirror.start_ap()
+                self.bssid_map.append(openwrt_ap_mirror.get_bssids_for_wifi_networks())
+                break
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/wifi_constants.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/wifi_constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a348f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/wifi_constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Constants for Wifi related events.
+WIFI_CONNECTED = "WifiNetworkConnected"
+WIFI_DISCONNECTED = "WifiNetworkDisconnected"
+SUPPLICANT_CON_CHANGED = "SupplicantConnectionChanged"
+WIFI_STATE_CHANGED = "WifiStateChanged"
+WIFI_FORGET_NW_SUCCESS = "WifiManagerForgetNetworkOnSuccess"
+WIFI_NETWORK_REQUEST_MATCH_CB_ON_MATCH = "WifiManagerNetworkRequestMatchCallbackOnMatch"
+    "WifiManagerNetworkRequestMatchCallbackOnUserSelectionConnectSuccess"
+    "WifiManagerNetworkRequestMatchCallbackOnUserSelectionConnectFailure"
+WIFI_NETWORK_CB_ON_AVAILABLE = "WifiManagerNetworkCallbackOnAvailable"
+WIFI_NETWORK_CB_ON_UNAVAILABLE = "WifiManagerNetworkCallbackOnUnavailable"
+WIFI_NETWORK_CB_ON_LOST = "WifiManagerNetworkCallbackOnLost"
+WIFI_NETWORK_SUGGESTION_POST_CONNECTION = "WifiNetworkSuggestionPostConnection"
+WIFI_SUBSYSTEM_RESTARTING = "WifiSubsystemRestarting"
+WIFI_SUBSYSTEM_RESTARTED = "WifiSubsystemRestarted"
+# These constants will be used by the ACTS wifi tests.
+CONNECT_BY_CONFIG_SUCCESS = "WifiManagerConnectByConfigOnSuccess"
+CONNECT_BY_NETID_SUCCESS = "WifiManagerConnectByNetIdOnSuccess"
+# Softap related constants
+SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT = "WifiManagerSoftApCallback-"
+# Callback Event for softap state change
+# WifiManagerSoftApCallback-[callbackId]-OnStateChanged
+# Callback Event for client number change:
+# WifiManagerSoftApCallback-[callbackId]-OnNumClientsChanged
+# Callback Event for softap info change
+# Callback Event for softap client blocking
+# Callback Event for softap capability
+SOFTAP_CAPABILITY_FEATURE_IEEE80211AX = "ieee80211axSupported"
+DEFAULT_SOFTAP_TIMEOUT_S = 600  # 10 minutes
+# AP related constants
+AP_MAIN = "main_AP"
+AP_AUX = "aux_AP"
+# cnss_diag property related constants
+DEVICES_USING_LEGACY_PROP = ["sailfish", "marlin", "walleye", "taimen", "muskie"]
+CNSS_DIAG_PROP = "persist.vendor.sys.cnss.diag_txt"
+LEGACY_CNSS_DIAG_PROP = "persist.sys.cnss.diag_txt"
+# Delay before registering the match callback.
+# Constants for JSONObject representation of CoexUnsafeChannel
+COEX_BAND = "band"
+COEX_BAND_24_GHZ = "24_GHZ"
+COEX_CHANNEL = "channel"
+COEX_POWER_CAP_DBM = "powerCapDbm"
+# Constants for bundle keys for CoexCallback#onCoexUnsafeChannelsChanged
+# WiFi standards
diff --git a/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/wifi_test_utils.py b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/wifi_test_utils.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1370835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/test_utils/wifi/wifi_test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import time
+from enum import IntEnum
+from queue import Empty
+from mobly import asserts
+from antlion import context, signals, utils
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import BAND_2G, BAND_5G
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import wifi_constants
+# Default timeout used for reboot, toggle WiFi and Airplane mode,
+# for the system to settle down after the operation.
+# Number of seconds to wait for events that are supposed to happen quickly.
+# Like onSuccess for start background scan and confirmation on wifi state
+# change.
+# Speed of light in m/s.
+SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458
+DEFAULT_PING_ADDR = "https://www.google.com/robots.txt"
+CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_PATH = "/data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag/"
+CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_FILE = "cnss_diag.conf"
+    "AP1_on_AP2_off": [0, 0, 95, 95],
+    "AP1_off_AP2_on": [95, 95, 0, 0],
+    "default": [0, 0, 0, 0],
+class WifiEnums:
+    SSID_KEY = "SSID"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
+    SSID_PATTERN_KEY = "ssidPattern"
+    NETID_KEY = "network_id"
+    BSSID_KEY = "BSSID"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
+    BSSID_PATTERN_KEY = "bssidPattern"
+    PWD_KEY = "password"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
+    frequency_key = "frequency"
+    HIDDEN_KEY = "hiddenSSID"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
+    IS_APP_INTERACTION_REQUIRED = "isAppInteractionRequired"
+    IS_USER_INTERACTION_REQUIRED = "isUserInteractionRequired"
+    IS_SUGGESTION_METERED = "isMetered"
+    PRIORITY = "priority"
+    SECURITY = "security"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
+    # Used for SoftAp
+    AP_BAND_KEY = "apBand"
+    AP_CHANNEL_KEY = "apChannel"
+    AP_BANDS_KEY = "apBands"
+    AP_CHANNEL_FREQUENCYS_KEY = "apChannelFrequencies"
+    AP_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_SETTING_KEY = "MacRandomizationSetting"
+        "BridgedModeOpportunisticShutdownEnabled"
+    )
+    AP_IEEE80211AX_ENABLED_KEY = "Ieee80211axEnabled"
+    AP_MAXCLIENTS_KEY = "MaxNumberOfClients"
+    AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUT_KEY = "ShutdownTimeoutMillis"
+    AP_CLIENTCONTROL_KEY = "ClientControlByUserEnabled"
+    AP_ALLOWEDLIST_KEY = "AllowedClientList"
+    AP_BLOCKEDLIST_KEY = "BlockedClientList"
+    # DO NOT USE IT for new test case! Replaced by WIFI_CONFIG_SOFTAP_BAND_
+    class CountryCode:
+        AUSTRALIA = "AU"
+        CHINA = "CN"
+        GERMANY = "DE"
+        JAPAN = "JP"
+        UK = "GB"
+        US = "US"
+        UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"
+    # Start of Macros for EAP
+    # EAP types
+    class Eap(IntEnum):
+        NONE = -1
+        PEAP = 0
+        TLS = 1
+        TTLS = 2
+        PWD = 3
+        SIM = 4
+        AKA = 5
+        AKA_PRIME = 6
+        UNAUTH_TLS = 7
+    # EAP Phase2 types
+    class EapPhase2(IntEnum):
+        NONE = 0
+        PAP = 1
+        MSCHAP = 2
+        MSCHAPV2 = 3
+        GTC = 4
+    class Enterprise:
+        # Enterprise Config Macros
+        EMPTY_VALUE = "NULL"
+        EAP = "eap"
+        PHASE2 = "phase2"
+        IDENTITY = "identity"
+        ANON_IDENTITY = "anonymous_identity"
+        PASSWORD = "password"
+        SUBJECT_MATCH = "subject_match"
+        ALTSUBJECT_MATCH = "altsubject_match"
+        DOM_SUFFIX_MATCH = "domain_suffix_match"
+        CLIENT_CERT = "client_cert"
+        CA_CERT = "ca_cert"
+        ENGINE = "engine"
+        ENGINE_ID = "engine_id"
+        PRIVATE_KEY_ID = "key_id"
+        REALM = "realm"
+        PLMN = "plmn"
+        FQDN = "FQDN"
+        FRIENDLY_NAME = "providerFriendlyName"
+        ROAMING_IDS = "roamingConsortiumIds"
+        OCSP = "ocsp"
+    # End of Macros for EAP
+    # Macros as specified in the WifiScanner code.
+    WIFI_BAND_UNSPECIFIED = 0  # not specified
+    WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ = 1  # 2.4 GHz band
+    WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ = 2  # 5 GHz band without DFS channels
+    WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ_DFS_ONLY = 4  # 5 GHz band with DFS channels
+    WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ_WITH_DFS = 6  # 5 GHz band with DFS channels
+    WIFI_BAND_BOTH = 3  # both bands without DFS channels
+    WIFI_BAND_BOTH_WITH_DFS = 7  # both bands with DFS channels
+    # US Wifi frequencies
+        2412,
+        2417,
+        2422,
+        2427,
+        2432,
+        2437,
+        2442,
+        2447,
+        2452,
+        2457,
+        2462,
+    ]
+        5260,
+        5280,
+        5300,
+        5320,
+        5500,
+        5520,
+        5540,
+        5560,
+        5580,
+        5600,
+        5620,
+        5640,
+        5660,
+        5680,
+        5700,
+        5720,
+    ]
+    NONE_DFS_5G_FREQUENCIES = [5180, 5200, 5220, 5240, 5745, 5765, 5785, 5805, 5825]
+    band_to_frequencies = {
+    }
+    # TODO: add all of the band mapping.
+    softap_band_frequencies = {
+    }
+    # All Wifi frequencies to channels lookup.
+    freq_to_channel = {
+        2412: 1,
+        2417: 2,
+        2422: 3,
+        2427: 4,
+        2432: 5,
+        2437: 6,
+        2442: 7,
+        2447: 8,
+        2452: 9,
+        2457: 10,
+        2462: 11,
+        2467: 12,
+        2472: 13,
+        2484: 14,
+        4915: 183,
+        4920: 184,
+        4925: 185,
+        4935: 187,
+        4940: 188,
+        4945: 189,
+        4960: 192,
+        4980: 196,
+        5035: 7,
+        5040: 8,
+        5045: 9,
+        5055: 11,
+        5060: 12,
+        5080: 16,
+        5170: 34,
+        5180: 36,
+        5190: 38,
+        5200: 40,
+        5210: 42,
+        5220: 44,
+        5230: 46,
+        5240: 48,
+        5260: 52,
+        5280: 56,
+        5300: 60,
+        5320: 64,
+        5500: 100,
+        5520: 104,
+        5540: 108,
+        5560: 112,
+        5580: 116,
+        5600: 120,
+        5620: 124,
+        5640: 128,
+        5660: 132,
+        5680: 136,
+        5700: 140,
+        5745: 149,
+        5765: 153,
+        5785: 157,
+        5795: 159,
+        5805: 161,
+        5825: 165,
+    }
+    # All Wifi channels to frequencies lookup.
+    channel_2G_to_freq = {
+        1: 2412,
+        2: 2417,
+        3: 2422,
+        4: 2427,
+        5: 2432,
+        6: 2437,
+        7: 2442,
+        8: 2447,
+        9: 2452,
+        10: 2457,
+        11: 2462,
+        12: 2467,
+        13: 2472,
+        14: 2484,
+    }
+    channel_5G_to_freq = {
+        183: 4915,
+        184: 4920,
+        185: 4925,
+        187: 4935,
+        188: 4940,
+        189: 4945,
+        192: 4960,
+        196: 4980,
+        7: 5035,
+        8: 5040,
+        9: 5045,
+        11: 5055,
+        12: 5060,
+        16: 5080,
+        34: 5170,
+        36: 5180,
+        38: 5190,
+        40: 5200,
+        42: 5210,
+        44: 5220,
+        46: 5230,
+        48: 5240,
+        50: 5250,
+        52: 5260,
+        56: 5280,
+        60: 5300,
+        64: 5320,
+        100: 5500,
+        104: 5520,
+        108: 5540,
+        112: 5560,
+        116: 5580,
+        120: 5600,
+        124: 5620,
+        128: 5640,
+        132: 5660,
+        136: 5680,
+        140: 5700,
+        149: 5745,
+        151: 5755,
+        153: 5765,
+        155: 5775,
+        157: 5785,
+        159: 5795,
+        161: 5805,
+        165: 5825,
+    }
+    channel_6G_to_freq = {4 * x + 1: 5955 + 20 * x for x in range(59)}
+    channel_to_freq = {
+        "2G": channel_2G_to_freq,
+        "5G": channel_5G_to_freq,
+        "6G": channel_6G_to_freq,
+    }
+def _assert_on_fail_handler(func, assert_on_fail, *args, **kwargs):
+    """Wrapper function that handles the bahevior of assert_on_fail.
+    When assert_on_fail is True, let all test signals through, which can
+    terminate test cases directly. When assert_on_fail is False, the wrapper
+    raises no test signals and reports operation status by returning True or
+    False.
+    Args:
+        func: The function to wrap. This function reports operation status by
+              raising test signals.
+        assert_on_fail: A boolean that specifies if the output of the wrapper
+                        is test signal based or return value based.
+        args: Positional args for func.
+        kwargs: Name args for func.
+    Returns:
+        If assert_on_fail is True, returns True/False to signal operation
+        status, otherwise return nothing.
+    """
+    try:
+        func(*args, **kwargs)
+        if not assert_on_fail:
+            return True
+    except signals.TestSignal:
+        if assert_on_fail:
+            raise
+        return False
+def match_networks(target_params, networks):
+    """Finds the WiFi networks that match a given set of parameters in a list
+    of WiFi networks.
+    To be considered a match, the network should contain every key-value pair
+    of target_params
+    Args:
+        target_params: A dict with 1 or more key-value pairs representing a Wi-Fi network.
+                       E.g { 'SSID': 'wh_ap1_5g', 'BSSID': '30:b5:c2:33:e4:47' }
+        networks: A list of dict objects representing WiFi networks.
+    Returns:
+        The networks that match the target parameters.
+    """
+    results = []
+    asserts.assert_true(
+        target_params, "Expected networks object 'target_params' is empty"
+    )
+    for n in networks:
+        add_network = 1
+        for k, v in target_params.items():
+            if k not in n:
+                add_network = 0
+                break
+            if n[k] != v:
+                add_network = 0
+                break
+        if add_network:
+            results.append(n)
+    return results
+def wifi_toggle_state(ad, new_state=None, assert_on_fail=True):
+    """Toggles the state of wifi.
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+        new_state: Wifi state to set to. If None, opposite of the current state.
+        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
+                        failure signals.
+    Returns:
+        If assert_on_fail is False, function returns True if the toggle was
+        successful, False otherwise. If assert_on_fail is True, no return value.
+    """
+    return _assert_on_fail_handler(
+        _wifi_toggle_state, assert_on_fail, ad, new_state=new_state
+    )
+def _wifi_toggle_state(ad, new_state=None):
+    """Toggles the state of wifi.
+    TestFailure signals are raised when something goes wrong.
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+        new_state: The state to set Wi-Fi to. If None, opposite of the current
+                   state will be set.
+    """
+    if new_state is None:
+        new_state = not ad.droid.wifiCheckState()
+    elif new_state == ad.droid.wifiCheckState():
+        # Check if the new_state is already achieved, so we don't wait for the
+        # state change event by mistake.
+        return
+    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
+    ad.log.info("Setting Wi-Fi state to %s.", new_state)
+    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
+    # Setting wifi state.
+    ad.droid.wifiToggleState(new_state)
+    time.sleep(2)
+    fail_msg = f"Failed to set Wi-Fi state to {new_state} on {ad.serial}."
+    try:
+        ad.ed.wait_for_event(
+            wifi_constants.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED,
+            lambda x: x["data"]["enabled"] == new_state,
+            SHORT_TIMEOUT,
+        )
+    except Empty:
+        asserts.assert_equal(new_state, ad.droid.wifiCheckState(), fail_msg)
+    finally:
+        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
+def reset_wifi(ad):
+    """Clears all saved Wi-Fi networks on a device.
+    This will turn Wi-Fi on.
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+    """
+    networks = ad.droid.wifiGetConfiguredNetworks()
+    if not networks:
+        return
+    removed = []
+    for n in networks:
+        if n["networkId"] not in removed:
+            ad.droid.wifiForgetNetwork(n["networkId"])
+            removed.append(n["networkId"])
+        else:
+            continue
+        try:
+            event = ad.ed.pop_event(
+                wifi_constants.WIFI_FORGET_NW_SUCCESS, SHORT_TIMEOUT
+            )
+        except Empty:
+            logging.warning("Could not confirm the removal of network %s.", n)
+    # Check again to see if there's any network left.
+    asserts.assert_true(
+        not ad.droid.wifiGetConfiguredNetworks(),
+        f"Failed to remove these configured Wi-Fi networks: {networks}",
+    )
+def wifi_test_device_init(ad, country_code=WifiEnums.CountryCode.US):
+    """Initializes an android device for wifi testing.
+    0. Make sure SL4A connection is established on the android device.
+    1. Disable location service's WiFi scan.
+    2. Turn WiFi on.
+    3. Clear all saved networks.
+    4. Set country code to US.
+    5. Enable WiFi verbose logging.
+    6. Sync device time with computer time.
+    7. Turn off cellular data.
+    8. Turn off ambient display.
+    """
+    utils.require_sl4a((ad,))
+    ad.droid.wifiScannerToggleAlwaysAvailable(False)
+    msg = "Failed to turn off location service's scan."
+    asserts.assert_true(not ad.droid.wifiScannerIsAlwaysAvailable(), msg)
+    wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
+    reset_wifi(ad)
+    ad.droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
+    msg = "Failed to enable WiFi verbose logging."
+    asserts.assert_equal(ad.droid.wifiGetVerboseLoggingLevel(), 1, msg)
+    # We don't verify the following settings since they are not critical.
+    # Set wpa_supplicant log level to EXCESSIVE.
+    output = ad.adb.shell(
+        "wpa_cli -i wlan0 -p -g@android:wpa_wlan0 IFNAME=" "wlan0 log_level EXCESSIVE",
+        ignore_status=True,
+    )
+    ad.log.info("wpa_supplicant log change status: %s", output)
+    utils.sync_device_time(ad)
+    ad.droid.telephonyToggleDataConnection(False)
+    set_wifi_country_code(ad, country_code)
+    utils.set_ambient_display(ad, False)
+def set_wifi_country_code(ad, country_code):
+    """Sets the wifi country code on the device.
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+        country_code: 2 letter ISO country code
+    Raises:
+        An RpcException if unable to set the country code.
+    """
+    try:
+        ad.adb.shell(f"cmd wifi force-country-code enabled {country_code}")
+    except Exception as e:
+        ad.log.warn(
+            f"Failed to set country code to {country_code}; defaulting to US. Error: {e}"
+        )
+        ad.droid.wifiSetCountryCode(WifiEnums.CountryCode.US)
+def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_return_status(ad):
+    """
+    Starts a wifi connection scan and wait for results to become available
+    or a scan failure to be reported.
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+    Returns:
+        True: if scan succeeded & results are available
+        False: if scan failed
+    """
+    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
+    ad.droid.wifiStartScan()
+    try:
+        events = ad.ed.pop_events("WifiManagerScan(ResultsAvailable|Failure)", 60)
+    except Empty:
+        asserts.fail("Wi-Fi scan results/failure did not become available within 60s.")
+    # If there are multiple matches, we check for atleast one success.
+    for event in events:
+        if event["name"] == "WifiManagerScanResultsAvailable":
+            return True
+        elif event["name"] == "WifiManagerScanFailure":
+            ad.log.debug("Scan failure received")
+    return False
+def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(ad, network_ssid, max_tries=3):
+    """
+    Start connectivity scans & checks if the |network_ssid| is seen in
+    scan results. The method performs a max of |max_tries| connectivity scans
+    to find the network.
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+        network_ssid: SSID of the network we are looking for.
+        max_tries: Number of scans to try.
+    Returns:
+        True: if network_ssid is found in scan results.
+        False: if network_ssid is not found in scan results.
+    """
+    start_time = time.time()
+    for num_tries in range(max_tries):
+        if start_wifi_connection_scan_and_return_status(ad):
+            scan_results = ad.droid.wifiGetScanResults()
+            match_results = match_networks(
+                {WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: network_ssid}, scan_results
+            )
+            if len(match_results) > 0:
+                ad.log.debug(f"Found network in {time.time() - start_time} seconds.")
+                return True
+    ad.log.debug(f"Did not find network in {time.time() - start_time} seconds.")
+    return False
+def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(ad, network_ssid, max_tries=3):
+    """
+    Start connectivity scans & ensure the |network_ssid| is seen in
+    scan results. The method performs a max of |max_tries| connectivity scans
+    to find the network.
+    This method asserts on failure!
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+        network_ssid: SSID of the network we are looking for.
+        max_tries: Number of scans to try.
+    """
+    ad.log.info("Starting scans to ensure %s is present", network_ssid)
+    assert_msg = (
+        f"Failed to find {network_ssid} in scan results after {str(max_tries)} tries"
+    )
+    asserts.assert_true(
+        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(ad, network_ssid, max_tries),
+        assert_msg,
+    )
+def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_not_found(
+    ad, network_ssid, max_tries=3
+    """
+    Start connectivity scans & ensure the |network_ssid| is not seen in
+    scan results. The method performs a max of |max_tries| connectivity scans
+    to find the network.
+    This method asserts on failure!
+    Args:
+        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
+        network_ssid: SSID of the network we are looking for.
+        max_tries: Number of scans to try.
+    """
+    ad.log.info("Starting scans to ensure %s is not present", network_ssid)
+    assert_msg = f"Found {network_ssid} in scan results after {str(max_tries)} tries"
+    asserts.assert_false(
+        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(ad, network_ssid, max_tries),
+        assert_msg,
+    )
+def _wait_for_connect_event(ad, ssid=None, id=None, tries=1):
+    """Wait for a connect event on queue and pop when available.
+    Args:
+        ad: An Android device object.
+        ssid: SSID of the network to connect to.
+        id: Network Id of the network to connect to.
+        tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before failing.
+    Returns:
+        A dict with details of the connection data, which looks like this:
+        {
+         'time': 1485460337798,
+         'name': 'WifiNetworkConnected',
+         'data': {
+                  'rssi': -27,
+                  'is_24ghz': True,
+                  'mac_address': '02:00:00:00:00:00',
+                  'network_id': 1,
+                  'BSSID': '30:b5:c2:33:d3:fc',
+                  'ip_address': 117483712,
+                  'link_speed': 54,
+                  'supplicant_state': 'completed',
+                  'hidden_ssid': False,
+                  'SSID': 'wh_ap1_2g',
+                  'is_5ghz': False}
+        }
+    """
+    conn_result = None
+    # If ssid and network id is None, just wait for any connect event.
+    if id is None and ssid is None:
+        for i in range(tries):
+            try:
+                conn_result = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_CONNECTED, 30)
+                break
+            except Empty:
+                pass
+    else:
+        # If ssid or network id is specified, wait for specific connect event.
+        for i in range(tries):
+            try:
+                conn_result = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_CONNECTED, 30)
+                if id and conn_result["data"][WifiEnums.NETID_KEY] == id:
+                    break
+                elif ssid and conn_result["data"][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY] == ssid:
+                    break
+            except Empty:
+                pass
+    return conn_result
+def connect_to_wifi_network(
+    ad,
+    network,
+    assert_on_fail=True,
+    check_connectivity=True,
+    hidden=False,
+    num_of_scan_tries=DEFAULT_SCAN_TRIES,
+    num_of_connect_tries=DEFAULT_CONNECT_TRIES,
+    """Connection logic for open and psk wifi networks.
+    Args:
+        ad: AndroidDevice to use for connection
+        network: network info of the network to connect to
+        assert_on_fail: If true, errors from wifi_connect will raise
+                        test failure signals.
+        hidden: Is the Wifi network hidden.
+        num_of_scan_tries: The number of times to try scan
+                           interface before declaring failure.
+        num_of_connect_tries: The number of times to try
+                              connect wifi before declaring failure.
+    """
+    if hidden:
+        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_not_found(
+            ad, network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY], max_tries=num_of_scan_tries
+        )
+    else:
+        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(
+            ad, network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY], max_tries=num_of_scan_tries
+        )
+    wifi_connect(
+        ad,
+        network,
+        num_of_tries=num_of_connect_tries,
+        assert_on_fail=assert_on_fail,
+        check_connectivity=check_connectivity,
+    )
+def wifi_connect(
+    ad, network, num_of_tries=1, assert_on_fail=True, check_connectivity=True
+    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network.
+    Initiate connection to a wifi network, wait for the "connected" event, then
+    confirm the connected ssid is the one requested.
+    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
+    Args:
+        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
+        network: A dictionary representing the network to connect to. The
+                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
+        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
+                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
+        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
+                        failure signals.
+    Returns:
+        Returns a value only if assert_on_fail is false.
+        Returns True if the connection was successful, False otherwise.
+    """
+    return _assert_on_fail_handler(
+        _wifi_connect,
+        assert_on_fail,
+        ad,
+        network,
+        num_of_tries=num_of_tries,
+        check_connectivity=check_connectivity,
+    )
+def _wifi_connect(ad, network, num_of_tries=1, check_connectivity=True):
+    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network.
+    Initiate connection to a wifi network, wait for the "connected" event, then
+    confirm the connected ssid is the one requested.
+    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
+    Args:
+        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
+        network: A dictionary representing the network to connect to. The
+                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
+        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
+                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
+    """
+    asserts.assert_true(
+        WifiEnums.SSID_KEY in network,
+        f"Key '{WifiEnums.SSID_KEY}' must be present in network definition.",
+    )
+    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
+    expected_ssid = network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
+    ad.droid.wifiConnectByConfig(network)
+    ad.log.info("Starting connection process to %s", expected_ssid)
+    try:
+        ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.CONNECT_BY_CONFIG_SUCCESS, 30)
+        connect_result = _wait_for_connect_event(
+            ad, ssid=expected_ssid, tries=num_of_tries
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            connect_result,
+            f"Failed to connect to Wi-Fi network {network} on {ad.serial}",
+        )
+        ad.log.debug("Wi-Fi connection result: %s.", connect_result)
+        actual_ssid = connect_result["data"][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
+        asserts.assert_equal(
+            actual_ssid,
+            expected_ssid,
+            f"Connected to the wrong network on {ad.serial}.",
+        )
+        ad.log.info("Connected to Wi-Fi network %s.", actual_ssid)
+        if check_connectivity:
+            internet = validate_connection(ad, DEFAULT_PING_ADDR)
+            if not internet:
+                raise signals.TestFailure(
+                    f"Failed to connect to internet on {expected_ssid}"
+                )
+    except Empty:
+        asserts.fail(f"Failed to start connection process to {network} on {ad.serial}")
+    except Exception as error:
+        ad.log.error("Failed to connect to %s with error %s", expected_ssid, error)
+        raise signals.TestFailure(f"Failed to connect to {network} network")
+    finally:
+        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
+def validate_connection(
+    ad, ping_addr=DEFAULT_PING_ADDR, wait_time=15, ping_gateway=True
+    """Validate internet connection by pinging the address provided.
+    Args:
+        ad: android_device object.
+        ping_addr: address on internet for pinging.
+        wait_time: wait for some time before validating connection
+    Returns:
+        ping output if successful, NULL otherwise.
+    """
+    android_version = int(ad.adb.shell("getprop ro.vendor.build.version.release"))
+    # wait_time to allow for DHCP to complete.
+    for i in range(wait_time):
+        if ad.droid.connectivityNetworkIsConnected():
+            if (
+                android_version > 10 and ad.droid.connectivityGetIPv4DefaultGateway()
+            ) or android_version < 11:
+                break
+        time.sleep(1)
+    ping = False
+    try:
+        ping = ad.droid.httpPing(ping_addr)
+        ad.log.info("Http ping result: %s.", ping)
+    except:
+        pass
+    if android_version > 10 and not ping and ping_gateway:
+        ad.log.info("Http ping failed. Pinging default gateway")
+        gw = ad.droid.connectivityGetIPv4DefaultGateway()
+        result = ad.adb.shell(f"ping -c 6 {gw}")
+        ad.log.info(f"Default gateway ping result: {result}")
+        ping = False if "100% packet loss" in result else True
+    return ping
+# TODO(angli): This can only verify if an actual value is exactly the same.
+# Would be nice to be able to verify an actual value is one of serveral.
+def verify_wifi_connection_info(ad, expected_con):
+    """Verifies that the information of the currently connected wifi network is
+    as expected.
+    Args:
+        expected_con: A dict representing expected key-value pairs for wifi
+            connection. e.g. {"SSID": "test_wifi"}
+    """
+    current_con = ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
+    case_insensitive = ["BSSID", "supplicant_state"]
+    ad.log.debug("Current connection: %s", current_con)
+    for k, expected_v in expected_con.items():
+        # Do not verify authentication related fields.
+        if k == "password":
+            continue
+        msg = f"Field {k} does not exist in wifi connection info {current_con}."
+        if k not in current_con:
+            raise signals.TestFailure(msg)
+        actual_v = current_con[k]
+        if k in case_insensitive:
+            actual_v = actual_v.lower()
+            expected_v = expected_v.lower()
+        msg = f"Expected {k} to be {expected_v}, actual {k} is {actual_v}."
+        if actual_v != expected_v:
+            raise signals.TestFailure(msg)
+def get_current_softap_capability(ad, callbackId, need_to_wait):
+    """pop up all of softap info list changed event from queue.
+    Args:
+        callbackId: Id of the callback associated with registering.
+        need_to_wait: Wait for the info callback event before pop all.
+    Returns:
+        Returns last updated capability of softap.
+    """
+    eventStr = (
+        wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT
+        + str(callbackId)
+        + wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CAPABILITY_CHANGED
+    )
+    ad.log.debug("softap capability dump from eventStr %s", eventStr)
+    if need_to_wait:
+        event = ad.ed.pop_event(eventStr, SHORT_TIMEOUT)
+        capability = event["data"]
+    events = ad.ed.pop_all(eventStr)
+    for event in events:
+        capability = event["data"]
+    return capability
+def get_ssrdumps(ad):
+    """Pulls dumps in the ssrdump dir
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+    """
+    logs = ad.get_file_names("/data/vendor/ssrdump/")
+    if logs:
+        ad.log.info("Pulling ssrdumps %s", logs)
+        log_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, f"SSRDUMPS_{ad.serial}")
+        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
+        ad.pull_files(logs, log_path)
+    ad.adb.shell("find /data/vendor/ssrdump/ -type f -delete", ignore_status=True)
+def start_pcap(pcap, wifi_band, test_name):
+    """Start packet capture in monitor mode.
+    Args:
+        pcap: packet capture object
+        wifi_band: '2g' or '5g' or 'dual'
+        test_name: test name to be used for pcap file name
+    Returns:
+        Dictionary with wifi band as key and the tuple
+        (pcap Process object, log directory) as the value
+    """
+    log_dir = os.path.join(
+        context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), "PacketCapture"
+    )
+    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
+    if wifi_band == "dual":
+        bands = [BAND_2G, BAND_5G]
+    else:
+        bands = [wifi_band]
+    procs = {}
+    for band in bands:
+        proc = pcap.start_packet_capture(band, log_dir, test_name)
+        procs[band] = (proc, os.path.join(log_dir, test_name))
+    return procs
+def stop_pcap(pcap, procs, test_status=None):
+    """Stop packet capture in monitor mode.
+    Since, the pcap logs in monitor mode can be very large, we will
+    delete them if they are not required. 'test_status' if True, will delete
+    the pcap files. If False, we will keep them.
+    Args:
+        pcap: packet capture object
+        procs: dictionary returned by start_pcap
+        test_status: status of the test case
+    """
+    for proc, fname in procs.values():
+        pcap.stop_packet_capture(proc)
+    if test_status:
+        shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(fname))
+def start_cnss_diags(ads, cnss_diag_file, pixel_models):
+    for ad in ads:
+        start_cnss_diag(ad, cnss_diag_file, pixel_models)
+def start_cnss_diag(ad, cnss_diag_file, pixel_models):
+    """Start cnss_diag to record extra wifi logs
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        cnss_diag_file: cnss diag config file to push to device.
+        pixel_models: pixel devices.
+    """
+    if ad.model not in pixel_models:
+        ad.log.info("Device not supported to collect pixel logger")
+        return
+    if ad.model in wifi_constants.DEVICES_USING_LEGACY_PROP:
+        prop = wifi_constants.LEGACY_CNSS_DIAG_PROP
+    else:
+        prop = wifi_constants.CNSS_DIAG_PROP
+    if ad.adb.getprop(prop) != "true":
+        if not int(
+            ad.adb.shell(
+                f"ls -l {CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_PATH}{CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_FILE} | wc -l"
+            )
+        ):
+            ad.adb.push(f"{cnss_diag_file} {CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_PATH}")
+        ad.adb.shell(
+            "find /data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag/wlan_logs/ -type f -delete",
+            ignore_status=True,
+        )
+        ad.adb.shell(f"setprop {prop} true", ignore_status=True)
+def stop_cnss_diags(ads, pixel_models):
+    for ad in ads:
+        stop_cnss_diag(ad, pixel_models)
+def stop_cnss_diag(ad, pixel_models):
+    """Stops cnss_diag
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        pixel_models: pixel devices.
+    """
+    if ad.model not in pixel_models:
+        ad.log.info("Device not supported to collect pixel logger")
+        return
+    if ad.model in wifi_constants.DEVICES_USING_LEGACY_PROP:
+        prop = wifi_constants.LEGACY_CNSS_DIAG_PROP
+    else:
+        prop = wifi_constants.CNSS_DIAG_PROP
+    ad.adb.shell(f"setprop {prop} false", ignore_status=True)
+def get_cnss_diag_log(ad):
+    """Pulls the cnss_diag logs in the wlan_logs dir
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+    """
+    logs = ad.get_file_names("/data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag/wlan_logs/")
+    if logs:
+        ad.log.info("Pulling cnss_diag logs %s", logs)
+        log_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, f"CNSS_DIAG_{ad.serial}")
+        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
+        ad.pull_files(logs, log_path)
+def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(ad):
+    """Turns off wifi location scans."""
+    utils.set_location_service(ad, False)
+    ad.droid.wifiScannerToggleAlwaysAvailable(False)
+    msg = "Failed to turn off location service's scan."
+    asserts.assert_true(not ad.droid.wifiScannerIsAlwaysAvailable(), msg)
diff --git a/packages/antlion/tracelogger.py b/packages/antlion/tracelogger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93a6a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/tracelogger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import inspect
+import logging
+import os
+from typing import Any, Callable
+class TraceLogger(object):
+    def __init__(self, logger: logging.LoggerAdapter | logging.Logger) -> None:
+        self._logger = logger
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_trace_info(level: int = 1, offset: int = 2) -> str:
+        # We want the stack frame above this and above the error/warning/info
+        inspect_stack = inspect.stack()
+        trace_info = ""
+        for i in range(level):
+            try:
+                stack_frames = inspect_stack[offset + i]
+                info = inspect.getframeinfo(stack_frames[0])
+                trace_info = "%s[%s:%s:%s]" % (
+                    trace_info,
+                    os.path.basename(info.filename),
+                    info.function,
+                    info.lineno,
+                )
+            except IndexError:
+                break
+        return trace_info
+    def _log_with(
+        self,
+        logging_lambda: Callable[..., None],
+        trace_level: int,
+        msg: Any,
+        *args: Any,
+        **kwargs: Any,
+    ) -> None:
+        trace_info = TraceLogger._get_trace_info(level=trace_level, offset=3)
+        logging_lambda(f"{msg} {trace_info}", *args, **kwargs)
+    def exception(self, msg: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._log_with(self._logger.exception, 5, msg, *args, **kwargs)
+    def debug(self, msg: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._log_with(self._logger.debug, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
+    def error(self, msg: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._log_with(self._logger.error, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
+    def warn(self, msg: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._log_with(self._logger.warn, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
+    def warning(self, msg: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._log_with(self._logger.warning, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
+    def info(self, msg: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._log_with(self._logger.info, 1, msg, *args, **kwargs)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        return getattr(self._logger, name)
diff --git a/unit_tests/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_adb_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_adb_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c7a14bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_adb_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers import adb
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError, AdbError
+class MockJob(object):
+    def __init__(self, exit_status=0, stderr="", stdout=""):
+        self.exit_status = exit_status
+        self.stderr = stderr
+        self.stdout = stdout
+class MockAdbProxy(adb.AdbProxy):
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+class ADBTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """A class for testing antlion/controllers/adb.py"""
+    def test__exec_cmd_failure_old_adb(self):
+        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1, stderr="error: device not found")
+        cmd = ["adb", "-s", '"SOME_SERIAL"', "shell", '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run", return_value=mock_job):
+            with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
+                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
+    def test__exec_cmd_failure_new_adb(self):
+        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1, stderr="error: device 'DEADBEEF' not found")
+        cmd = ["adb", "-s", '"SOME_SERIAL"', "shell", '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run", return_value=mock_job):
+            with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
+                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
+    def test__exec_cmd_pass_basic(self):
+        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=0, stderr="DEADBEEF", stdout="FEEDACAB")
+        cmd = ["adb", "-s", '"SOME_SERIAL"', "shell", '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run", return_value=mock_job):
+            result = MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(result, "FEEDACAB")
+    def test__exec_cmd_ignore_status(self):
+        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=0, stderr="DEADBEEF", stdout="")
+        cmd = ["adb", "-s", '"SOME_SERIAL"', "shell", '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run", return_value=mock_job):
+            result = MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd, ignore_status=True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, "DEADBEEF")
+    def test__exec_cmd_pass_grep(self):
+        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1, stderr="", stdout="foo")
+        cmd = ["adb", "-s", '"SOME_SERIAL"', "shell", '"grep foo"']
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run", return_value=mock_job):
+            result = MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(result, "foo")
+    def test__exec_cmd_failure_ret_nonzero(self):
+        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1, stderr="error not related to adb")
+        cmd = ["adb", "-s", '"SOME_SERIAL"', "shell", '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run", return_value=mock_job):
+            with self.assertRaises(AdbCommandError):
+                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
+    def test__exec_cmd_raises_on_bind_error(self):
+        """Tests _exec_cmd raises an AdbError on port forwarding failure."""
+        mock_job = MockJob(
+            exit_status=1,
+            stderr="error: cannot bind listener: " "Address already in use",
+            stdout="",
+        )
+        cmd = ["adb", "-s", '"SOME_SERIAL"', "shell", '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run", return_value=mock_job):
+            with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
+                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
+    def test__get_version_number_gets_version_number(self):
+        """Tests the positive case for AdbProxy.get_version_number()."""
+        proxy = MockAdbProxy()
+        expected_version_number = 39
+        proxy.version = lambda: (
+            f"Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.{expected_version_number}\nblah"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected_version_number, proxy.get_version_number())
+    def test__get_version_number_raises_upon_parse_failure(self):
+        """Tests the failure case for AdbProxy.get_version_number()."""
+        proxy = MockAdbProxy()
+        proxy.version = lambda: "Bad format"
+        with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
+            proxy.get_version_number()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_android_device_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_android_device_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e33f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_android_device_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion import logger
+from antlion.controllers import android_device
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import errors
+# Mock log path for a test run.
+MOCK_LOG_PATH = "/tmp/logs/MockTest/xx-xx-xx_xx-xx-xx/"
+# Mock start and end time of the adb cat.
+MOCK_ADB_LOGCAT_BEGIN_TIME = logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
+    logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(MOCK_ADB_EPOCH_BEGIN_TIME)
+MOCK_ADB_LOGCAT_END_TIME = "1970-01-02 21:22:02.000"
+MOCK_RELEASE_BUILD_ID = "ABC1.123456.007"
+def get_mock_ads(num):
+    """Generates a list of mock AndroidDevice objects.
+    The serial number of each device will be integer 0 through num - 1.
+    Args:
+        num: An integer that is the number of mock AndroidDevice objects to
+            create.
+    """
+    ads = []
+    for i in range(num):
+        ad = mock.MagicMock(name="AndroidDevice", serial=i, h_port=None)
+        ad.ensure_screen_on = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
+        ads.append(ad)
+    return ads
+def mock_get_all_instances():
+    return get_mock_ads(5)
+def mock_list_adb_devices():
+    return [ad.serial for ad in get_mock_ads(5)]
+class MockAdbProxy(object):
+    """Mock class that swaps out calls to adb with mock calls."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        serial,
+        fail_br=False,
+        fail_br_before_N=False,
+        build_id=MOCK_RELEASE_BUILD_ID,
+        return_value=None,
+    ):
+        self.serial = serial
+        self.fail_br = fail_br
+        self.fail_br_before_N = fail_br_before_N
+        self.return_value = return_value
+        self.return_multiple = False
+        self.build_id = build_id
+    def shell(self, params, ignore_status=False, timeout=60):
+        if params == "id -u":
+            return "root"
+        elif params == "bugreportz":
+            if self.fail_br:
+                return "OMG I died!\n"
+            return "OK:/path/bugreport.zip\n"
+        elif params == "bugreportz -v":
+            if self.fail_br_before_N:
+                return "/system/bin/sh: bugreportz: not found"
+            return "1.1"
+        else:
+            if self.return_multiple:
+                return self.return_value.pop(0)
+            else:
+                return self.return_value
+    def getprop(self, params):
+        if params == "ro.build.id":
+            return self.build_id
+        elif params == "ro.build.version.incremental":
+            return "123456789"
+        elif params == "ro.build.type":
+            return "userdebug"
+        elif params == "ro.build.product" or params == "ro.product.name":
+            return "FakeModel"
+        elif params == "sys.boot_completed":
+            return "1"
+    def devices(self):
+        return f"{str(self.serial)}\tdevice"
+    def bugreport(self, params, timeout=android_device.BUG_REPORT_TIMEOUT):
+        expected = os.path.join(
+            logging.log_path,
+            f"AndroidDevice{self.serial}",
+            "AndroidDevice%s_%s.txt"
+            % (
+                self.serial,
+                logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(MOCK_ADB_LOGCAT_BEGIN_TIME),
+            ),
+        )
+        assert expected in params, f"Expected '{expected}', got '{params}'."
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """All calls to the none-existent functions in adb proxy would
+        simply return the adb command string.
+        """
+        def adb_call(*args, **kwargs):
+            arg_str = " ".join(str(elem) for elem in args)
+            return arg_str
+        return adb_call
+class MockFastbootProxy:
+    """Mock class that swaps out calls to adb with mock calls."""
+    def __init__(self, serial):
+        self.serial = serial
+    def devices(self):
+        return "xxxx\tdevice\nyyyy\tdevice"
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        def fastboot_call(*args):
+            arg_str = " ".join(str(elem) for elem in args)
+            return arg_str
+        return fastboot_call
+class ActsAndroidDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
+    under antlion.controllers.android_device.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Set log_path to logging since acts logger setup is not called.
+        if not hasattr(logging, "log_path"):
+            setattr(logging, "log_path", "/tmp/logs")
+        # Creates a temp dir to be used by tests in this test class.
+        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Removes the temp dir."""
+        shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
+    # Tests for android_device module functions.
+    # These tests use mock AndroidDevice instances.
+    @mock.patch.object(android_device, "get_all_instances", new=mock_get_all_instances)
+    @mock.patch.object(android_device, "list_adb_devices", new=mock_list_adb_devices)
+    def test_create_with_pickup_all(self):
+        pick_all_token = android_device.ANDROID_DEVICE_PICK_ALL_TOKEN
+        actual_ads = android_device.create(pick_all_token)
+        for actual, expected in zip(actual_ads, get_mock_ads(5)):
+            self.assertEqual(actual.serial, expected.serial)
+    def test_create_with_empty_config(self):
+        expected_msg = android_device.ANDROID_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError, expected_msg):
+            android_device.create([])
+    def test_create_with_not_list_config(self):
+        expected_msg = android_device.ANDROID_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError, expected_msg):
+            android_device.create("HAHA")
+    def test_get_device_success_with_serial(self):
+        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
+        expected_serial = 0
+        ad = android_device.get_device(ads, serial=expected_serial)
+        self.assertEqual(ad.serial, expected_serial)
+    def test_get_device_success_with_serial_and_extra_field(self):
+        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
+        expected_serial = 1
+        expected_h_port = 5555
+        ads[1].h_port = expected_h_port
+        ad = android_device.get_device(
+            ads, serial=expected_serial, h_port=expected_h_port
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(ad.serial, expected_serial)
+        self.assertEqual(ad.h_port, expected_h_port)
+    def test_get_device_no_match(self):
+        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
+        expected_msg = (
+            "Could not find a target device that matches condition" ": {'serial': 5}."
+        )
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, expected_msg):
+            ad = android_device.get_device(ads, serial=len(ads))
+    def test_get_device_too_many_matches(self):
+        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
+        target_serial = ads[1].serial = ads[0].serial
+        expected_msg = "More than one device matched: \[0, 0\]"
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, expected_msg):
+            ad = android_device.get_device(ads, serial=target_serial)
+    def test_start_services_on_ads(self):
+        """Makes sure when an AndroidDevice fails to start some services, all
+        AndroidDevice objects get cleaned up.
+        """
+        msg = "Some error happened."
+        ads = get_mock_ads(3)
+        ads[0].start_services = mock.MagicMock()
+        ads[0].clean_up = mock.MagicMock()
+        ads[1].start_services = mock.MagicMock()
+        ads[1].clean_up = mock.MagicMock()
+        ads[2].start_services = mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=errors.AndroidDeviceError(msg)
+        )
+        ads[2].clean_up = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceError, msg):
+            android_device._start_services_on_ads(ads)
+        ads[0].clean_up.assert_called_once_with()
+        ads[1].clean_up.assert_called_once_with()
+        ads[2].clean_up.assert_called_once_with()
+    # Tests for android_device.AndroidDevice class.
+    # These tests mock out any interaction with the OS and real android device
+    # in AndroidDeivce.
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_instantiation(self, MockFastboot, MockAdbProxy):
+        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's basic attributes are correctly
+        set after instantiation.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        self.assertEqual(ad.serial, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ad.model, "fakemodel")
+        self.assertIsNone(ad.adb_logcat_process)
+        expected_lp = os.path.join(logging.log_path, f"AndroidDevice{MOCK_SERIAL}")
+        self.assertEqual(ad.log_path, expected_lp)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_build_info_release(self, MockFastboot, MockAdbProxy):
+        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's basic attributes are correctly
+        set after instantiation.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=1)
+        build_info = ad.build_info
+        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_id"], "ABC1.123456.007")
+        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_type"], "userdebug")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy",
+        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, build_id=MOCK_DEV_BUILD_ID),
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_build_info_dev(self, MockFastboot, MockAdbProxy):
+        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's basic attributes are correctly
+        set after instantiation.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=1)
+        build_info = ad.build_info
+        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_id"], "123456789")
+        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_type"], "userdebug")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy",
+        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, build_id=MOCK_NYC_BUILD_ID),
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_build_info_nyc(self, MockFastboot, MockAdbProxy):
+        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's build id is set correctly for
+        NYC releases.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=1)
+        build_info = ad.build_info
+        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_id"], MOCK_NYC_BUILD_ID)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.utils.exe_cmd")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.device_log_path",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_take_bug_report(
+        self, mock_log_path, exe_mock, mock_makedirs, FastbootProxy, MockAdbProxy
+    ):
+        """Verifies AndroidDevice.take_bug_report calls the correct adb command
+        and writes the bugreport file to the correct path.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        mock_log_path.return_value = os.path.join(
+            logging.log_path, f"AndroidDevice{ad.serial}"
+        )
+        ad.take_bug_report("test_something", 234325.32)
+        mock_makedirs.assert_called_with(mock_log_path(), exist_ok=True)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy",
+        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, fail_br=True),
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.utils.exe_cmd")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.device_log_path",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_take_bug_report_fail(self, mock_log_path, *_):
+        """Verifies AndroidDevice.take_bug_report writes out the correct message
+        when taking bugreport fails.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        mock_log_path.return_value = os.path.join(
+            logging.log_path, f"AndroidDevice{ad.serial}"
+        )
+        expected_msg = "Failed to take bugreport on 1: OMG I died!"
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceError, expected_msg):
+            ad.take_bug_report("test_something", 4346343.23)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy",
+        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, fail_br_before_N=True),
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.utils.exe_cmd")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.device_log_path",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_take_bug_report_fallback(
+        self, mock_log_path, exe_mock, mock_makedirs, FastbootProxy, MockAdbProxy
+    ):
+        """Verifies AndroidDevice.take_bug_report falls back to traditional
+        bugreport on builds that do not have bugreportz.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        mock_log_path.return_value = os.path.join(
+            logging.log_path, f"AndroidDevice{ad.serial}"
+        )
+        ad.take_bug_report("test_something", MOCK_ADB_EPOCH_BEGIN_TIME)
+        mock_makedirs.assert_called_with(mock_log_path(), exist_ok=True)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.process.Process")
+    def test_AndroidDevice_start_adb_logcat(
+        self, proc_mock, FastbootProxy, MockAdbProxy
+    ):
+        """Verifies the AndroidDevice method start_adb_logcat. Checks that the
+        underlying logcat process is started properly and correct warning msgs
+        are generated.
+        """
+        with mock.patch(
+            (
+                "antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat."
+                "create_logcat_keepalive_process"
+            ),
+            return_value=proc_mock,
+        ) as create_proc_mock:
+            ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+            ad.start_adb_logcat()
+            # Verify start did the correct operations.
+            self.assertTrue(ad.adb_logcat_process)
+            log_dir = f"AndroidDevice{ad.serial}"
+            create_proc_mock.assert_called_with(ad.serial, log_dir, "-b all")
+            proc_mock.start.assert_called_with()
+            # Expect warning msg if start is called back to back.
+            expected_msg = "Android device .* already has a running adb logcat"
+            proc_mock.is_running.return_value = True
+            with self.assertLogs(level="WARNING") as log:
+                ad.start_adb_logcat()
+                self.assertRegex(log.output[0], expected_msg)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat." "create_logcat_keepalive_process"
+    )
+    def test_AndroidDevice_start_adb_logcat_with_user_param(
+        self, create_proc_mock, FastbootProxy, MockAdbProxy
+    ):
+        """Verifies that start_adb_logcat generates the correct adb logcat
+        command if adb_logcat_param is specified.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb_logcat_param = "-b radio"
+        ad.start_adb_logcat()
+        # Verify that create_logcat_keepalive_process is called with the
+        # correct command.
+        log_dir = f"AndroidDevice{ad.serial}"
+        create_proc_mock.assert_called_with(ad.serial, log_dir, "-b radio")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.process.Process")
+    def test_AndroidDevice_stop_adb_logcat(
+        self, proc_mock, FastbootProxy, MockAdbProxy
+    ):
+        """Verifies the AndroidDevice method stop_adb_logcat. Checks that the
+        underlying logcat process is stopped properly and correct warning msgs
+        are generated.
+        """
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb_logcat_process = proc_mock
+        # Expect warning msg if stop is called before start.
+        expected_msg = "Android device .* does not have an ongoing adb logcat"
+        proc_mock.is_running.return_value = False
+        with self.assertLogs(level="WARNING") as log:
+            ad.stop_adb_logcat()
+            self.assertRegex(log.output[0], expected_msg)
+        # Verify the underlying process is stopped.
+        proc_mock.is_running.return_value = True
+        ad.stop_adb_logcat()
+        proc_mock.stop.assert_called_with()
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_get_apk_process_id_process_cannot_find(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb.return_value = "does_not_contain_value"
+        self.assertEqual(None, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_get_apk_process_id_process_exists_second_try(
+        self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy
+    ):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb.return_multiple = True
+        ad.adb.return_value = ["", "system 1 2 3 4  S com.some_package"]
+        self.assertEqual(1, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_get_apk_process_id_bad_return(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb.return_value = "bad_return_index_error"
+        self.assertEqual(None, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_get_apk_process_id_bad_return(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb.return_value = "bad return value error"
+        self.assertEqual(None, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_ensure_verity_enabled_only_system_enabled(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        root_user_id = "0"
+        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
+        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=["", "2"]  # system.verified
+        )  # vendor.verified
+        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.ensure_verity_enabled()
+        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
+        ad.adb.ensure_user.assert_called_with(root_user_id)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_ensure_verity_enabled_only_vendor_enabled(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        root_user_id = "0"
+        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
+        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=["2", ""]  # system.verified
+        )  # vendor.verified
+        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.ensure_verity_enabled()
+        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
+        ad.adb.ensure_user.assert_called_with(root_user_id)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_ensure_verity_enabled_both_enabled_at_start(
+        self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy
+    ):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        root_user_id = "0"
+        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
+        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=["2", "2"]  # system.verified
+        )  # vendor.verified
+        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.ensure_verity_enabled()
+        assert not ad.reboot.called
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_ensure_verity_disabled_system_already_disabled(
+        self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy
+    ):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        root_user_id = "0"
+        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
+        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=["2", ""]  # system.verified
+        )  # vendor.verified
+        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.ensure_verity_disabled()
+        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_ensure_verity_disabled_vendor_already_disabled(
+        self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy
+    ):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        root_user_id = "0"
+        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
+        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=["", "2"]  # system.verified
+        )  # vendor.verified
+        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.ensure_verity_disabled()
+        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
+        ad.adb.ensure_user.assert_called_with(root_user_id)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_ensure_verity_disabled_disabled_at_start(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        root_user_id = "0"
+        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
+        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(
+            side_effect=["", ""]  # system.verified
+        )  # vendor.verified
+        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.ensure_verity_disabled()
+        assert not ad.reboot.called
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_push_system_file(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.ensure_verity_disabled = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.remount = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.push = mock.MagicMock()
+        ret = ad.push_system_file("asdf", "jkl")
+        self.assertTrue(ret)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_push_system_file_returns_false_on_error(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.ensure_verity_disabled = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.remount = mock.MagicMock()
+        ad.adb.push = mock.MagicMock(return_value="error")
+        ret = ad.push_system_file("asdf", "jkl")
+        self.assertFalse(ret)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_get_my_current_focus_window_return_empty_string(self, *_):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb.return_value = ""
+        ret = ad.get_my_current_focus_window()
+        self.assertEqual("", ret)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy", return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL)
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy",
+        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL),
+    )
+    def test_get_my_current_focus_window_return_current_window(self, *_):
+        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
+        ad.adb.return_value = "mCurrentFocus=Window{a247ded u0 NotificationShade}"
+        ret = ad.get_my_current_focus_window()
+        self.assertEqual("NotificationShade", ret)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_asserts_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_asserts_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b1f48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_asserts_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from mobly import asserts
+from antlion import signals
+MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION = "This is an expected exception."
+class ActsAssertsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Verifies that asserts.xxx functions raise the correct test signals."""
+    def test_assert_false(self):
+        asserts.assert_false(False, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
+        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(signals.TestFailure, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION):
+            asserts.assert_false(True, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_confidence_test_config.json b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_confidence_test_config.json
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/acts_confidence_test_config.json
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_confidence_test_config.json
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_context_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_context_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a08c4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_context_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from functools import partial
+from unittest import TestCase
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from antlion import context
+from antlion.context import (
+    RootContext,
+    TestCaseContext,
+    TestClassContext,
+    TestContext,
+    _update_test_case_context,
+    _update_test_class_context,
+    get_context_for_event,
+    get_current_context,
+from antlion.event.event import (
+    TestCaseBeginEvent,
+    TestCaseEndEvent,
+    TestCaseEvent,
+    TestClassBeginEvent,
+    TestClassEndEvent,
+    TestClassEvent,
+LOGGING = "antlion.context.logging"
+def reset_context():
+    context._contexts = [RootContext()]
+TEST_CASE = "test_case_name"
+class TestClass:
+    pass
+class ModuleTest(TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for the context module."""
+    def test_get_context_for_event_for_test_case(self):
+        event = Mock(spec=TestCaseEvent)
+        event.test_class = Mock()
+        event.test_case = Mock()
+        context = get_context_for_event(event)
+        self.assertIsInstance(context, TestCaseContext)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, event.test_class)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_case, event.test_case)
+    def test_get_context_for_event_for_test_class(self):
+        event = Mock(spec=TestClassEvent)
+        event.test_class = Mock()
+        context = get_context_for_event(event)
+        self.assertIsInstance(context, TestClassContext)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, event.test_class)
+    def test_get_context_for_unknown_event_type(self):
+        event = Mock()
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, partial(get_context_for_event, event))
+    def test_update_test_class_context_for_test_class_begin(self):
+        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
+        event.test_class = Mock()
+        _update_test_class_context(event)
+        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), TestClassContext)
+        reset_context()
+    def test_update_test_class_context_for_test_class_end(self):
+        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
+        event.test_class = Mock()
+        event2 = Mock(spec=TestClassEndEvent)
+        event2.test_class = Mock()
+        _update_test_class_context(event)
+        _update_test_class_context(event2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), RootContext)
+        reset_context()
+    def test_update_test_case_context_for_test_case_begin(self):
+        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
+        event.test_class = Mock()
+        event2 = Mock(spec=TestCaseBeginEvent)
+        event2.test_class = Mock()
+        event2.test_case = Mock()
+        _update_test_class_context(event)
+        _update_test_case_context(event2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), TestCaseContext)
+        reset_context()
+    def test_update_test_case_context_for_test_case_end(self):
+        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
+        event.test_class = Mock()
+        event2 = Mock(spec=TestCaseBeginEvent)
+        event2.test_class = Mock()
+        event2.test_case = Mock()
+        event3 = Mock(spec=TestCaseEndEvent)
+        event3.test_class = Mock()
+        event3.test_case = Mock()
+        _update_test_class_context(event)
+        _update_test_case_context(event2)
+        _update_test_case_context(event3)
+        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), TestClassContext)
+        reset_context()
+class TestContextTest(TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for the TestContext class."""
+    @patch(LOGGING)
+    def test_get_base_output_path_uses_default(self, logging):
+        context = TestContext()
+        self.assertEqual(context.get_base_output_path(), logging.log_path)
+    @patch(LOGGING)
+    def test_add_base_path_overrides_default(self, _):
+        context = TestContext()
+        mock_path = Mock()
+        context.add_base_output_path("basepath", mock_path)
+        self.assertEqual(context.get_base_output_path("basepath"), mock_path)
+    def test_get_subcontext_returns_empty_string_by_default(self):
+        context = TestContext()
+        self.assertEqual(context.get_subcontext(), "")
+    def test_add_subcontext_sets_correct_path(self):
+        context = TestContext()
+        mock_path = Mock()
+        context.add_subcontext("subcontext", mock_path)
+        self.assertEqual(context.get_subcontext("subcontext"), mock_path)
+    @patch(LOGGING)
+    @patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_get_full_output_path_returns_correct_path(self, *_):
+        context = TestClassContext(TestClass())
+        context.add_base_output_path("foo", "base/path")
+        context.add_subcontext("foo", "subcontext")
+        full_path = "base/path/TestClass/subcontext"
+        self.assertEqual(context.get_full_output_path("foo"), full_path)
+    def test_identifier_not_implemented(self):
+        context = TestContext()
+        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: context.identifier)
+class TestClassContextTest(TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for the TestClassContext class."""
+    def test_init_attributes(self):
+        test_class = Mock()
+        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, test_class)
+    def test_get_class_name(self):
+        class TestClass:
+            pass
+        test_class = TestClass()
+        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_class_name, TestClass.__name__)
+    def test_context_dir_is_class_name(self):
+        class TestClass:
+            pass
+        test_class = TestClass()
+        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
+        self.assertEqual(context._get_default_context_dir(), TestClass.__name__)
+    def test_identifier_is_class_name(self):
+        class TestClass:
+            pass
+        test_class = TestClass()
+        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
+        self.assertEqual(context.identifier, TestClass.__name__)
+class TestCaseContextTest(TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for the TestCaseContext class."""
+    def test_init_attributes(self):
+        test_class = Mock()
+        test_case = TEST_CASE
+        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, test_case)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, test_class)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_case, test_case)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_case_name, test_case)
+    def test_get_class_name(self):
+        test_class = TestClass()
+        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, TEST_CASE)
+        self.assertEqual(context.test_class_name, TestClass.__name__)
+    def test_context_dir_is_class_and_test_case_name(self):
+        test_class = TestClass()
+        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, TEST_CASE)
+        context_dir = f"{TestClass.__name__}/{TEST_CASE}"
+        self.assertEqual(context._get_default_context_dir(), context_dir)
+    def test_identifier_is_class_and_test_case_name(self):
+        test_class = TestClass()
+        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, TEST_CASE)
+        identifier = f"{TestClass.__name__}.{TEST_CASE}"
+        self.assertEqual(context.identifier, identifier)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_error_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_error_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2431bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_error_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from antlion import error
+class ActsErrorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_assert_key_pulled_from_acts_error_code(self):
+        e = error.ActsError()
+        self.assertEqual(e.error_code, 100)
+    def test_assert_description_pulled_from_docstring(self):
+        e = error.ActsError()
+        self.assertEqual(e.error_doc, "Base Acts Error")
+    def test_error_without_args(self):
+        e = error.ActsError()
+        self.assertEqual(e.details, "")
+    def test_error_with_args(self):
+        args = ("hello",)
+        e = error.ActsError(*args)
+        self.assertEqual(e.details, "hello")
+    def test_error_with_kwargs(self):
+        e = error.ActsError(key="value")
+        self.assertIn(("key", "value"), e.extras.items())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_host_utils_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_host_utils_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc77f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_host_utils_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import socket
+import unittest
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib import host_utils
+class ActsHostUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
+    under antlion.controllers.adb.
+    """
+    def test_detects_udp_port_in_use(self):
+        test_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+        test_s.bind(("localhost", 0))
+        port = test_s.getsockname()[1]
+        try:
+            self.assertFalse(host_utils.is_port_available(port))
+        finally:
+            test_s.close()
+    def test_detects_tcp_port_in_use(self):
+        test_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        test_s.bind(("localhost", 0))
+        port = test_s.getsockname()[1]
+        try:
+            self.assertFalse(host_utils.is_port_available(port))
+        finally:
+            test_s.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_import_unit_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_import_unit_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..581f5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_import_unit_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import importlib.machinery
+import os
+import re
+import unittest
+import uuid
+def import_module(name, path):
+    return importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, path).load_module()
+def import_acts():
+    return importlib.import_module("antlion")
+PY_FILE_REGEX = re.compile(".+\.py$")
+    "antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py",
+class ActsImportUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test that all acts framework imports work."""
+    def test_import_acts_successful(self):
+        """Test that importing ACTS works."""
+        acts = import_acts()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(acts)
+    # TODO(b/190659975): Re-enable once permission issue is resolved.
+    @unittest.skip("Permission error: b/190659975")
+    def test_import_framework_successful(self):
+        """Dynamically test all imports from the framework."""
+        acts = import_acts()
+        if hasattr(acts, "__path__") and len(antlion.__path__) > 0:
+            acts_path = antlion.__path__[0]
+        else:
+            acts_path = os.path.dirname(antlion.__file__)
+        for root, _, files in os.walk(acts_path):
+            for f in files:
+                full_path = os.path.join(root, f)
+                if any(full_path.endswith(e) for e in DENYLIST) or any(
+                    e in full_path for e in DENYLIST_DIRECTORIES
+                ):
+                    continue
+                path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), os.getcwd())
+                if PY_FILE_REGEX.match(full_path):
+                    with self.subTest(msg=f"import {path}"):
+                        fake_module_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
+                        module = import_module(fake_module_name, path)
+                        self.assertIsNotNone(module)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_job_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_job_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9953154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_job_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+if os.name == "posix" and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+    import subprocess32 as subprocess
+    import subprocess
+class FakePopen(object):
+    """A fake version of the object returned from subprocess.Popen()."""
+    def __init__(self, stdout=None, stderr=None, returncode=0, will_timeout=False):
+        self.returncode = returncode
+        self._stdout = bytes(stdout, "utf-8") if stdout is not None else bytes()
+        self._stderr = bytes(stderr, "utf-8") if stderr is not None else bytes()
+        self._will_timeout = will_timeout
+    def communicate(self, timeout=None):
+        if self._will_timeout:
+            raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(-1, "Timed out according to test logic")
+        return self._stdout, self._stderr
+    def kill(self):
+        pass
+    def wait(self):
+        pass
+class JobTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen",
+        return_value=FakePopen(stdout="TEST\n"),
+    )
+    def test_run_success(self, popen):
+        """Test running a simple shell command."""
+        result = job.run("echo TEST")
+        self.assertTrue(result.stdout.startswith("TEST"))
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen",
+        return_value=FakePopen(stderr="TEST\n"),
+    )
+    def test_run_stderr(self, popen):
+        """Test that we can read process stderr."""
+        result = job.run("echo TEST 1>&2")
+        self.assertEqual(len(result.stdout), 0)
+        self.assertTrue(result.stderr.startswith("TEST"))
+        self.assertFalse(result.stdout)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen", return_value=FakePopen(returncode=1)
+    )
+    def test_run_error(self, popen):
+        """Test that we raise on non-zero exit statuses."""
+        self.assertRaises(job.Error, job.run, "exit 1")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen", return_value=FakePopen(returncode=1)
+    )
+    def test_run_with_ignored_error(self, popen):
+        """Test that we can ignore exit status on request."""
+        result = job.run("exit 1", ignore_status=True)
+        self.assertEqual(result.exit_status, 1)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen",
+        return_value=FakePopen(will_timeout=True),
+    )
+    def test_run_timeout(self, popen):
+        """Test that we correctly implement command timeouts."""
+        self.assertRaises(job.Error, job.run, "sleep 5", timeout_sec=0.1)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen",
+        return_value=FakePopen(stdout="TEST\n"),
+    )
+    def test_run_no_shell(self, popen):
+        """Test that we handle running without a wrapping shell."""
+        result = job.run(["echo", "TEST"])
+        self.assertTrue(result.stdout.startswith("TEST"))
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen",
+        return_value=FakePopen(stdout="TEST\n"),
+    )
+    def test_job_env(self, popen):
+        """Test that we can set environment variables correctly."""
+        test_env = {"MYTESTVAR": "20"}
+        result = job.run("printenv", env=test_env.copy())
+        popen.assert_called_once()
+        _, kwargs = popen.call_args
+        self.assertTrue("env" in kwargs)
+        self.assertEqual(kwargs["env"], test_env)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_logger_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_logger_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6511c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_logger_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import time
+import unittest
+from antlion import logger
+class ActsLoggerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Verifies code in antlion.logger module."""
+    def test_epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(self):
+        os.environ["TZ"] = "US/Pacific"
+        time.tzset()
+        actual_stamp = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(1469134262116)
+        self.assertEqual("2016-07-21 13:51:02.116", actual_stamp)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_records_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_records_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3895eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_records_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from mobly.records import ControllerInfoRecord
+from antlion import records, signals
+class ActsRecordsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """This test class tests the implementation of classes in antlion.records."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.tn = "test_name"
+        self.details = "Some details about the test execution."
+        self.float_extra = 12345.56789
+        self.json_extra = {"ha": "whatever"}
+    def verify_record(self, record, result, details, extras):
+        # Verify each field.
+        self.assertEqual(record.test_name, self.tn)
+        self.assertEqual(record.result, result)
+        self.assertEqual(record.details, details)
+        self.assertEqual(record.extras, extras)
+        self.assertTrue(record.begin_time, "begin time should not be empty.")
+        self.assertTrue(record.end_time, "end time should not be empty.")
+        # UID is not used at the moment, should always be None.
+        self.assertIsNone(record.uid)
+        # Verify to_dict.
+        d = {}
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_NAME] = self.tn
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_RESULT] = result
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS] = details
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRAS] = extras
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_BEGIN_TIME] = record.begin_time
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_END_TIME] = record.end_time
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_LOG_BEGIN_TIME] = record.log_begin_time
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_LOG_END_TIME] = record.log_end_time
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_UID] = None
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_CLASS] = None
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRA_ERRORS] = {}
+        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_STACKTRACE] = record.stacktrace
+        actual_d = record.to_dict()
+        self.assertDictEqual(actual_d, d)
+        # Verify that these code paths do not cause crashes and yield non-empty
+        # results.
+        self.assertTrue(str(record), "str of the record should not be empty.")
+        self.assertTrue(repr(record), "the record's repr shouldn't be empty.")
+        self.assertTrue(
+            record.json_str(), ("json str of the record should " "not be empty.")
+        )
+    """ Begin of Tests """
+    def test_result_record_pass_none(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        record.test_pass()
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS,
+            details=None,
+            extras=None,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_pass_with_float_extra(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record.test_pass(s)
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS,
+            details=self.details,
+            extras=self.float_extra,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_pass_with_json_extra(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.json_extra)
+        record.test_pass(s)
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS,
+            details=self.details,
+            extras=self.json_extra,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_fail_none(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        record.test_fail()
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
+            details=None,
+            extras=None,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_fail_with_float_extra(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestFailure(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record.test_fail(s)
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
+            details=self.details,
+            extras=self.float_extra,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_fail_with_json_extra(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestFailure(self.details, self.json_extra)
+        record.test_fail(s)
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
+            details=self.details,
+            extras=self.json_extra,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_skip_none(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        record.test_skip()
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP,
+            details=None,
+            extras=None,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_skip_with_float_extra(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestSkip(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record.test_skip(s)
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP,
+            details=self.details,
+            extras=self.float_extra,
+        )
+    def test_result_record_skip_with_json_extra(self):
+        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestSkip(self.details, self.json_extra)
+        record.test_skip(s)
+        self.verify_record(
+            record=record,
+            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP,
+            details=self.details,
+            extras=self.json_extra,
+        )
+    def test_result_add_operator_success(self):
+        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record1.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record1.test_pass(s)
+        tr1 = records.TestResult()
+        tr1.add_record(record1)
+        device1 = ControllerInfoRecord("TestClass", "MockDevice", "device1")
+        tr1.add_controller_info_record(device1)
+        record2 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record2.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.json_extra)
+        record2.test_pass(s)
+        tr2 = records.TestResult()
+        tr2.add_record(record2)
+        device2 = ControllerInfoRecord("TestClass", "MockDevice", "device2")
+        tr2.add_controller_info_record(device2)
+        tr2 += tr1
+        self.assertTrue(tr2.passed, [tr1, tr2])
+        self.assertTrue(tr2.controller_info, [device1, device2])
+    def test_result_add_operator_type_mismatch(self):
+        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record1.test_begin()
+        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record1.test_pass(s)
+        tr1 = records.TestResult()
+        tr1.add_record(record1)
+        expected_msg = "Operand .* of type .* is not a TestResult."
+        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, expected_msg):
+            tr1 += "haha"
+    def test_is_all_pass(self):
+        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record1.test_begin()
+        record1.test_pass(s)
+        s = signals.TestSkip(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record2 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record2.test_begin()
+        record2.test_skip(s)
+        tr = records.TestResult()
+        tr.add_record(record1)
+        tr.add_record(record2)
+        tr.add_record(record1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(tr.passed), 2)
+        self.assertTrue(tr.is_all_pass)
+    def test_is_all_pass_negative(self):
+        s = signals.TestFailure(self.details, self.float_extra)
+        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record1.test_begin()
+        record1.test_fail(s)
+        record2 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
+        record2.test_begin()
+        record2.test_error(s)
+        tr = records.TestResult()
+        tr.add_record(record1)
+        tr.add_record(record2)
+        self.assertFalse(tr.is_all_pass)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_sanity_test_config.json b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_sanity_test_config.json
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/acts_sanity_test_config.json
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_sanity_test_config.json
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_sniffer_test_config.json b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_sniffer_test_config.json
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/acts_sniffer_test_config.json
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_sniffer_test_config.json
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_utils_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_utils_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45d5d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/acts_utils_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import subprocess
+import time
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion import signals, utils
+from antlion.capabilities.ssh import SSHConfig, SSHResult
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
+from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f import SL4F
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import FuchsiaSSHProvider
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+    "id": "1",
+    "result": [
+        {
+            "id": 1,
+            "name": "lo",
+            "ipv4_addresses": [
+                [127, 0, 0, 1],
+            ],
+            "ipv6_addresses": [
+                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+            ],
+            "online": True,
+            "mac": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+        },
+        {
+            "id": 2,
+            "name": "eno1",
+            "ipv4_addresses": [
+                [100, 127, 110, 79],
+            ],
+            "ipv6_addresses": [
+                [254, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 198, 109, 60, 117, 44, 236, 29, 114],
+                [36, 1, 250, 0, 4, 128, 122, 0, 141, 79, 133, 255, 204, 92, 120, 126],
+                [36, 1, 250, 0, 4, 128, 122, 0, 4, 89, 185, 147, 252, 191, 20, 25],
+            ],
+            "online": True,
+            "mac": [0, 224, 76, 5, 76, 229],
+        },
+        {
+            "id": 3,
+            "name": "wlanxc0",
+            "ipv4_addresses": [],
+            "ipv6_addresses": [
+                [254, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 255, 93, 96, 52, 253, 253, 243],
+                [254, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 7, 11, 255, 254, 118, 126, 192],
+            ],
+            "online": False,
+            "mac": [68, 7, 11, 118, 126, 192],
+        },
+    ],
+    "error": None,
+    "ipv4_private": [],
+    "ipv4_public": [""],
+    "ipv6_link_local": ["fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d72"],
+    "ipv6_private_local": [],
+    "ipv6_public": [
+        "2401:fa00:480:7a00:8d4f:85ff:cc5c:787e",
+        "2401:fa00:480:7a00:459:b993:fcbf:1419",
+    ],
+    "ipv4_private": [],
+    "ipv4_public": [],
+    "ipv6_link_local": [],
+    "ipv6_private_local": [],
+    "ipv6_public": [],
+class ByPassSetupWizardTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """This test class for unit testing antlion.utils.bypass_setup_wizard."""
+    def test_start_standing_subproc(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(utils.ActsUtilsError, "Process .* has terminated"):
+            utils.start_standing_subprocess("sleep 0", check_health_delay=0.1)
+    def test_stop_standing_subproc(self):
+        p = utils.start_standing_subprocess("sleep 0")
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(utils.ActsUtilsError, "Process .* has terminated"):
+            utils.stop_standing_subprocess(p)
+    @mock.patch("time.sleep")
+    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_no_complications(self, _):
+        ad = mock.Mock()
+        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
+            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.NO_COMPLICATIONS,
+            # Return value for device_provisioned
+        ]
+        ad.adb.return_state = BypassSetupWizardReturn.NO_COMPLICATIONS
+        self.assertTrue(utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad))
+        self.assertFalse(
+            ad.adb.root_adb.called,
+            "The root command should not be called if there are no " "complications.",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("time.sleep")
+    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_unrecognized_error(self, _):
+        ad = mock.Mock()
+        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
+            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.UNRECOGNIZED_ERR,
+            # Return value for device_provisioned
+        ]
+        with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
+            utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad)
+        self.assertFalse(
+            ad.adb.root_adb.called,
+            "The root command should not be called if we do not have a "
+            "codepath for recovering from the failure.",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("time.sleep")
+    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_need_root_access(self, _):
+        ad = mock.Mock()
+        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
+            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ROOT_ADB_NO_COMP,
+            # Return value for rooting the device
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.NO_COMPLICATIONS,
+            # Return value for device_provisioned
+        ]
+        utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad)
+        self.assertTrue(
+            ad.adb.root_adb_called,
+            "The command required root access, but the device was never " "rooted.",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("time.sleep")
+    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_need_root_already_skipped(self, _):
+        ad = mock.Mock()
+        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
+            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ROOT_ADB_SKIPPED,
+            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity after root
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ALREADY_BYPASSED,
+            # Return value for device_provisioned
+        ]
+        self.assertTrue(utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad))
+        self.assertTrue(ad.adb.root_adb_called)
+    @mock.patch("time.sleep")
+    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_root_access_still_fails(self, _):
+        ad = mock.Mock()
+        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
+            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ROOT_ADB_FAILS,
+            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity after root
+            BypassSetupWizardReturn.UNRECOGNIZED_ERR,
+            # Return value for device_provisioned
+        ]
+        with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
+            utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad)
+        self.assertTrue(ad.adb.root_adb_called)
+class BypassSetupWizardReturn:
+    # No complications. Bypass works the first time without issues.
+        "Starting: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/"
+        ".SetupWizardExitActivity }"
+    )
+    # Fail with doesn't need to be skipped/was skipped already.
+        "", "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0", "Error type 3\n" "Error: Activity class", 1
+    )
+    # Fail with different error.
+        "", "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0", "Error type 4\n" "Error: Activity class", 0
+    )
+    # Fail, get root access, then no complications arise.
+    ROOT_ADB_NO_COMP = AdbError(
+        "",
+        "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255",
+        "Security exception: Permission Denial: "
+        "starting Intent { flg=0x10000000 "
+        "cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/"
+        ".SetupWizardExitActivity } from null "
+        "(pid=5045, uid=2000) not exported from uid "
+        "10000",
+        0,
+    )
+    # Even with root access, the bypass setup wizard doesn't need to be skipped.
+    ROOT_ADB_SKIPPED = AdbError(
+        "",
+        "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255",
+        "Security exception: Permission Denial: "
+        "starting Intent { flg=0x10000000 "
+        "cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/"
+        ".SetupWizardExitActivity } from null "
+        "(pid=5045, uid=2000) not exported from "
+        "uid 10000",
+        0,
+    )
+    # Even with root access, the bypass setup wizard fails
+    ROOT_ADB_FAILS = AdbError(
+        "",
+        "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255",
+        "Security exception: Permission Denial: starting Intent { "
+        "flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/"
+        ".SetupWizardExitActivity } from null (pid=5045, uid=2000) not "
+        "exported from uid 10000",
+        0,
+    )
+class ConcurrentActionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.utils.run_concurrent_actions and related functions."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def function_returns_passed_in_arg(arg):
+        return arg
+    @staticmethod
+    def function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(exception_type):
+        raise exception_type
+    def test_run_concurrent_actions_no_raise_returns_proper_return_values(self):
+        """Tests run_concurrent_actions_no_raise returns in the correct order.
+        Each function passed into run_concurrent_actions_no_raise returns the
+        values returned from each individual callable in the order passed in.
+        """
+        ret_values = utils.run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(
+            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg("ARG1"),
+            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg("ARG2"),
+            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg("ARG3"),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(len(ret_values), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[0], "ARG1")
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[1], "ARG2")
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[2], "ARG3")
+    def test_run_concurrent_actions_no_raise_returns_raised_exceptions(self):
+        """Tests run_concurrent_actions_no_raise returns raised exceptions.
+        Instead of allowing raised exceptions to be raised in the main thread,
+        this function should capture the exception and return them in the slot
+        the return value should have been returned in.
+        """
+        ret_values = utils.run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(
+            lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(IndexError),
+            lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(len(ret_values), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[0].__class__, IndexError)
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[1].__class__, KeyError)
+    def test_run_concurrent_actions_returns_proper_return_values(self):
+        """Tests run_concurrent_actions returns in the correct order.
+        Each function passed into run_concurrent_actions returns the values
+        returned from each individual callable in the order passed in.
+        """
+        ret_values = utils.run_concurrent_actions(
+            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg("ARG1"),
+            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg("ARG2"),
+            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg("ARG3"),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(len(ret_values), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[0], "ARG1")
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[1], "ARG2")
+        self.assertEqual(ret_values[2], "ARG3")
+    def test_run_concurrent_actions_raises_exceptions(self):
+        """Tests run_concurrent_actions raises exceptions from given actions."""
+        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+            utils.run_concurrent_actions(
+                lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg("ARG1"),
+                lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError),
+            )
+    def test_test_concurrent_actions_raises_non_test_failure(self):
+        """Tests test_concurrent_actions raises the given exception."""
+        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+            utils.test_concurrent_actions(
+                lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError),
+                failure_exceptions=signals.TestFailure,
+            )
+    def test_test_concurrent_actions_raises_test_failure(self):
+        """Tests test_concurrent_actions raises the given exception."""
+        with self.assertRaises(signals.TestFailure):
+            utils.test_concurrent_actions(
+                lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError),
+                failure_exceptions=KeyError,
+            )
+class SuppressLogOutputTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests SuppressLogOutput"""
+    def test_suppress_log_output(self):
+        """Tests that the SuppressLogOutput context manager removes handlers
+        of the specified levels upon entry and re-adds handlers upon exit.
+        """
+        handlers = [
+            logging.NullHandler(level=lvl)
+            for lvl in (logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.ERROR)
+        ]
+        log = logging.getLogger("test_log")
+        for handler in handlers:
+            log.addHandler(handler)
+        with utils.SuppressLogOutput(log, [logging.INFO, logging.ERROR]):
+            self.assertTrue(
+                any(handler.level == logging.DEBUG for handler in log.handlers)
+            )
+            self.assertFalse(
+                any(
+                    handler.level in (logging.INFO, logging.ERROR)
+                    for handler in log.handlers
+                )
+            )
+        self.assertCountEqual(handlers, log.handlers)
+class IpAddressUtilTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_positive_ipv4_normal_address(self):
+        ip_address = ""
+        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
+    def test_positive_ipv4_any_address(self):
+        ip_address = ""
+        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
+    def test_positive_ipv4_broadcast(self):
+        ip_address = ""
+        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
+    def test_negative_ipv4_with_ipv6_address(self):
+        ip_address = "fe80::f693:9fff:fef4:1ac"
+        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
+    def test_negative_ipv4_with_invalid_string(self):
+        ip_address = "fdsafdsafdsafdsf"
+        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
+    def test_negative_ipv4_with_invalid_number(self):
+        ip_address = "192.168.500.123"
+        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
+    def test_positive_ipv6(self):
+        ip_address = "fe80::f693:9fff:fef4:1ac"
+        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
+    def test_positive_ipv6_link_local(self):
+        ip_address = "fe80::"
+        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
+    def test_negative_ipv6_with_ipv4_address(self):
+        ip_address = ""
+        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
+    def test_negative_ipv6_invalid_characters(self):
+        ip_address = "fe80:jkyr:f693:9fff:fef4:1ac"
+        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
+    def test_negative_ipv6_invalid_string(self):
+        ip_address = "fdsafdsafdsafdsf"
+        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
+    @mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run")
+    def test_local_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(self, job_mock):
+        job_mock.side_effect = [
+            job.Result(stdout=bytes(MOCK_ENO1_IP_ADDRESSES, "utf-8"), encoding="utf-8"),
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(job, "eno1"), CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run")
+    def test_local_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(self, job_mock):
+        job_mock.side_effect = [
+            job.Result(
+                stdout=bytes(MOCK_WLAN1_IP_ADDRESSES, "utf-8"), encoding="utf-8"
+            ),
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(job, "wlan1"), CORRECT_EMPTY_IP_LIST
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection.SshConnection.run")
+    def test_ssh_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(self, ssh_mock):
+        ssh_mock.side_effect = [
+            job.Result(stdout=bytes(MOCK_ENO1_IP_ADDRESSES, "utf-8"), encoding="utf-8"),
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(SshConnection("mock_settings"), "eno1"),
+            CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST,
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection.SshConnection.run")
+    def test_ssh_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(self, ssh_mock):
+        ssh_mock.side_effect = [
+            job.Result(
+                stdout=bytes(MOCK_WLAN1_IP_ADDRESSES, "utf-8"), encoding="utf-8"
+            ),
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(SshConnection("mock_settings"), "wlan1"),
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy")
+    @mock.patch.object(AndroidDevice, "is_bootloader", return_value=True)
+    def test_android_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(self, is_bootloader, adb_mock):
+        adb_mock().shell.side_effect = [
+            MOCK_ENO1_IP_ADDRESSES,
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(AndroidDevice(), "eno1"),
+            CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST,
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy")
+    @mock.patch.object(AndroidDevice, "is_bootloader", return_value=True)
+    def test_android_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(self, is_bootloader, adb_mock):
+        adb_mock().shell.side_effect = [
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(AndroidDevice(), "wlan1"),
+        )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.sl4f",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.ffx",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f.wait_for_port")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh.FuchsiaSSHProvider.run")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.capabilities.ssh.SSHProvider.wait_until_reachable")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device." "FuchsiaDevice._generate_ssh_config"
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers."
+        "fuchsia_lib.netstack.netstack_lib."
+        "FuchsiaNetstackLib.netstackListInterfaces"
+    )
+    def test_fuchsia_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(
+        self,
+        list_interfaces_mock,
+        generate_ssh_config_mock,
+        ssh_wait_until_reachable_mock,
+        ssh_run_mock,
+        wait_for_port_mock,
+        ffx_mock,
+        sl4f_mock,
+    ):
+        # Configure the log path which is required by ACTS logger.
+        logging.log_path = "/tmp/unit_test_garbage"
+        ssh = FuchsiaSSHProvider(SSHConfig("", 22, "/dev/null"))
+        ssh_run_mock.return_value = SSHResult(
+            subprocess.CompletedProcess([], 0, stdout=b"", stderr=b"")
+        )
+        # Don't try to wait for the SL4F server to start; it's not being used.
+        wait_for_port_mock.return_value = None
+        sl4f_mock.return_value = SL4F(ssh, "")
+        ssh_wait_until_reachable_mock.return_value = None
+        list_interfaces_mock.return_value = FUCHSIA_INTERFACES
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(
+                FuchsiaDevice({"ip": ""}), "eno1"
+            ),
+            CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST,
+        )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.sl4f",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.ffx",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f.wait_for_port")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh.FuchsiaSSHProvider.run")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.capabilities.ssh.SSHProvider.wait_until_reachable")
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device." "FuchsiaDevice._generate_ssh_config"
+    )
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers."
+        "fuchsia_lib.netstack.netstack_lib."
+        "FuchsiaNetstackLib.netstackListInterfaces"
+    )
+    def test_fuchsia_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(
+        self,
+        list_interfaces_mock,
+        generate_ssh_config_mock,
+        ssh_wait_until_reachable_mock,
+        ssh_run_mock,
+        wait_for_port_mock,
+        ffx_mock,
+        sl4f_mock,
+    ):
+        # Configure the log path which is required by ACTS logger.
+        logging.log_path = "/tmp/unit_test_garbage"
+        ssh = FuchsiaSSHProvider(SSHConfig("", 22, "/dev/null"))
+        ssh_run_mock.return_value = SSHResult(
+            subprocess.CompletedProcess([], 0, stdout=b"", stderr=b"")
+        )
+        # Don't try to wait for the SL4F server to start; it's not being used.
+        wait_for_port_mock.return_value = None
+        ssh_wait_until_reachable_mock.return_value = None
+        sl4f_mock.return_value = SL4F(ssh, "")
+        list_interfaces_mock.return_value = FUCHSIA_INTERFACES
+        self.assertEqual(
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(
+                FuchsiaDevice({"ip": ""}), "wlan1"
+            ),
+        )
+class GetDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    class TestDevice:
+        def __init__(self, id, device_type=None) -> None:
+            self.id = id
+            if device_type:
+                self.device_type = device_type
+    def test_get_device_none(self):
+        devices = []
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_device, devices, "DUT")
+    def test_get_device_default_one(self):
+        devices = [self.TestDevice(0)]
+        self.assertEqual(utils.get_device(devices, "DUT").id, 0)
+    def test_get_device_default_many(self):
+        devices = [self.TestDevice(0), self.TestDevice(1)]
+        self.assertEqual(utils.get_device(devices, "DUT").id, 0)
+    def test_get_device_specified_one(self):
+        devices = [self.TestDevice(0), self.TestDevice(1, "DUT")]
+        self.assertEqual(utils.get_device(devices, "DUT").id, 1)
+    def test_get_device_specified_many(self):
+        devices = [self.TestDevice(0, "DUT"), self.TestDevice(1, "DUT")]
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_device, devices, "DUT")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/controllers/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/__init__.py
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/logcat_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/logcat_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82259f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/logcat_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import logcat
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat import TimestampTracker
+BASE_TIMESTAMP = "2000-01-01 12:34:56.789   123 75348 "
+class LogcatTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat"""
+    @staticmethod
+    def patch(patched):
+        return mock.patch(f"antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat.{patched}")
+    def setUp(self):
+        self._get_log_level = logcat._get_log_level
+    def tearDown(self):
+        logcat._get_log_level = self._get_log_level
+    # TimestampTracker
+    def test_read_output_sets_last_timestamp_if_found(self):
+        tracker = TimestampTracker()
+        tracker.read_output(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}D message")
+        self.assertEqual(tracker.last_timestamp, "2000-01-01 12:34:56.789")
+    def test_read_output_keeps_last_timestamp_if_no_new_stamp_is_found(self):
+        tracker = TimestampTracker()
+        tracker.read_output(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}D message")
+        tracker.read_output("--------- beginning of main")
+        self.assertEqual(tracker.last_timestamp, "2000-01-01 12:34:56.789")
+    def test_read_output_updates_timestamp_to_first_in_results(self):
+        tracker = TimestampTracker()
+        tracker.read_output(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}D 9999-99-99 12:34:56.789")
+        self.assertEqual(tracker.last_timestamp, "2000-01-01 12:34:56.789")
+    # _get_log_level
+    def test_get_log_level_verbose(self):
+        """Tests that Logcat's verbose logs make it to the debug level."""
+        level = logcat._get_log_level(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}V")
+        self.assertEqual(level, logging.DEBUG)
+    def test_get_log_level_debug(self):
+        """Tests that Logcat's debug logs make it to the debug level."""
+        level = logcat._get_log_level(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}D")
+        self.assertEqual(level, logging.DEBUG)
+    def test_get_log_level_info(self):
+        """Tests that Logcat's info logs make it to the info level."""
+        level = logcat._get_log_level(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}I")
+        self.assertEqual(level, logging.INFO)
+    def test_get_log_level_warning(self):
+        """Tests that Logcat's warning logs make it to the warning level."""
+        level = logcat._get_log_level(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}W")
+        self.assertEqual(level, logging.WARNING)
+    def test_get_log_level_error(self):
+        """Tests that Logcat's error logs make it to the error level."""
+        level = logcat._get_log_level(f"{BASE_TIMESTAMP}E")
+        self.assertEqual(level, logging.ERROR)
+    def test_get_log_level_markers(self):
+        """Tests that Logcat's marker logs make it to the error level."""
+        level = logcat._get_log_level("--------- beginning of main")
+        self.assertEqual(level, logging.ERROR)
+    # _log_line_func
+    def test_log_line_func_returns_func_that_logs_to_given_logger(self):
+        logcat._get_log_level = lambda message: logging.INFO
+        tracker = mock.Mock()
+        log = mock.Mock()
+        message = "MESSAGE"
+        logcat._log_line_func(log, tracker)(message)
+        self.assertEqual(log.log.called, True)
+        log.log.assert_called_once_with(logging.INFO, message)
+    def test_log_line_func_returns_func_that_updates_the_timestamp(self):
+        logcat._get_log_level = lambda message: logging.INFO
+        tracker = mock.Mock()
+        log = mock.Mock()
+        message = "MESSAGE"
+        logcat._log_line_func(log, tracker)(message)
+        self.assertEqual(tracker.read_output.called, True)
+        tracker.read_output.assert_called_once_with(message)
+    # _on_retry
+    def test_on_retry_returns_func_that_formats_with_last_timestamp(self):
+        tracker = TimestampTracker()
+        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP)
+        new_command = logcat._on_retry("S3R14L", "extra_params", tracker)(None)
+        self.assertIn(f'-T "{tracker.last_timestamp}"', new_command)
+    def test_on_retry_func_returns_string_that_contains_the_given_serial(self):
+        tracker = TimestampTracker()
+        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP)
+        new_command = logcat._on_retry("S3R14L", "extra_params", tracker)(None)
+        self.assertTrue("-s S3R14L" in new_command)
+    def test_on_retry_func_returns_string_that_contains_any_extra_params(self):
+        tracker = TimestampTracker()
+        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP)
+        new_command = logcat._on_retry("S3R14L", "extra_params", tracker)(None)
+        self.assertTrue("extra_params" in new_command)
+    # create_logcat_keepalive_process
+    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_creates_a_new_logger(self):
+        with self.patch("log_stream") as log_stream, self.patch("Process"):
+            logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process("S3R14L", "dir")
+        self.assertEqual(log_stream.create_logger.call_args[0][0], "adblog_S3R14L")
+        self.assertEqual(log_stream.create_logger.call_args[1]["subcontext"], "dir")
+    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_creates_a_new_process(self):
+        with self.patch("log_stream"), self.patch("Process") as process:
+            logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process("S3R14L", "dir")
+        self.assertIn("S3R14L", process.call_args[0][0])
+    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_sets_output_callback(self):
+        with self.patch("log_stream"), self.patch("Process"):
+            process = logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process("S3R14L", "dir")
+        self.assertEqual(process.set_on_output_callback.called, True)
+    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_sets_on_terminate_callback(self):
+        with self.patch("log_stream"), self.patch("Process"):
+            process = logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process("S3R14L", "dir")
+        self.assertEqual(process.set_on_terminate_callback.called, True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/services_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/services_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0cd787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/services_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib import services
+from antlion.controllers.android_lib.events import (
+    AndroidStartServicesEvent,
+    AndroidStopServicesEvent,
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+class ServicesTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.android_lib.services"""
+    # AndroidService
+    def test_register_adds_both_start_and_stop_methods(self):
+        """Test that both the _start and _stop methods are registered to
+        their respective events upon calling register().
+        """
+        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
+        service = services.AndroidService(mock.Mock())
+        service.register()
+        subscriptions = event_bus._event_bus._subscriptions
+        self.assertTrue(
+            any(
+                subscription._func == service._start
+                for subscription in subscriptions[AndroidStartServicesEvent]
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            any(
+                subscription._func == service._stop
+                for subscription in subscriptions[AndroidStopServicesEvent]
+            )
+        )
+    @unittest.mock.patch.object(services.AndroidService, "_start")
+    def test_event_deliver_only_to_matching_serial(self, start_fn):
+        """Test that the service only responds to events that matches its
+        device serial.
+        """
+        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
+        service = services.AndroidService(mock.Mock())
+        service.ad.serial = "right_serial"
+        service.register()
+        wrong_ad = mock.Mock()
+        wrong_ad.serial = "wrong_serial"
+        wrong_event = AndroidStartServicesEvent(wrong_ad)
+        event_bus.post(wrong_event)
+        start_fn.assert_not_called()
+        right_ad = mock.Mock()
+        right_ad.serial = "right_serial"
+        right_event = AndroidStartServicesEvent(right_ad)
+        event_bus.post(right_event)
+        start_fn.assert_called_with(right_event)
+    def test_unregister_removes_both_start_and_stop_methods(self):
+        """Test that both the _start and _stop methods are unregistered from
+        their respective events upon calling unregister().
+        """
+        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
+        service = services.AndroidService(mock.Mock())
+        service.register()
+        service.unregister()
+        subscriptions = event_bus._event_bus._subscriptions
+        self.assertFalse(
+            any(
+                subscription._func == service._start
+                for subscription in subscriptions[AndroidStartServicesEvent]
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertFalse(
+            any(
+                subscription._func == service._stop
+                for subscription in subscriptions[AndroidStopServicesEvent]
+            )
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4841b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import ipaddress
+import unittest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.dhcp_config import DhcpConfig, Subnet
+class DhcpConfigTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        # These config files may have long diffs, modify this setting to
+        # ensure they're printed.
+        self.maxDiff = None
+    def test_basic_dhcp_config(self):
+        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig()
+        expected_config = "default-lease-time 600;\n" "max-lease-time 7200;"
+        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
+    def test_dhcp_config_with_lease_times(self):
+        default_lease_time = 350
+        max_lease_time = 5000
+        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig(
+            default_lease_time=default_lease_time, max_lease_time=max_lease_time
+        )
+        expected_config = (
+            f"default-lease-time {default_lease_time};\n"
+            f"max-lease-time {max_lease_time};"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
+    def test_dhcp_config_with_subnets(self):
+        default_lease_time = 150
+        max_lease_time = 3000
+        subnets = [
+            # addresses from -
+            Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network("")),
+            # 4 addresses from -
+            Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network("")),
+            # 6 addresses from -
+            Subnet(
+                ipaddress.ip_network(""),
+                start=ipaddress.ip_address(""),
+                end=ipaddress.ip_address(""),
+                router=ipaddress.ip_address(""),
+                lease_time=60,
+            ),
+        ]
+        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig(
+            subnets=subnets,
+            default_lease_time=default_lease_time,
+            max_lease_time=max_lease_time,
+        )
+        # Unless an explicit start/end address is provided, the second
+        # address in the range is used for "start", and the second to
+        # last address is used for "end".
+        expected_config = (
+            f"default-lease-time {default_lease_time};\n"
+            f"max-lease-time {max_lease_time};\n"
+            "subnet netmask {\n"
+            "\tpool {\n"
+            "\t\toption subnet-mask;\n"
+            "\t\toption routers;\n"
+            "\t\trange;\n"
+            "\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n"
+            "\t}\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "subnet netmask {\n"
+            "\tpool {\n"
+            "\t\toption subnet-mask;\n"
+            "\t\toption routers;\n"
+            "\t\trange;\n"
+            "\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n"
+            "\t}\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "subnet netmask {\n"
+            "\tpool {\n"
+            "\t\toption subnet-mask;\n"
+            "\t\toption routers;\n"
+            "\t\trange;\n"
+            "\t\tdefault-lease-time 60;\n"
+            "\t\tmax-lease-time 60;\n"
+            "\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n"
+            "\t}\n"
+            "}"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
+    def test_additional_subnet_parameters_and_options(self):
+        default_lease_time = 150
+        max_lease_time = 3000
+        subnets = [
+            Subnet(
+                ipaddress.ip_network(""),
+                additional_parameters={"allow": "unknown-clients", "foo": "bar"},
+                additional_options={"my-option": "some-value"},
+            ),
+        ]
+        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig(
+            subnets=subnets,
+            default_lease_time=default_lease_time,
+            max_lease_time=max_lease_time,
+        )
+        # Unless an explicit start/end address is provided, the second
+        # address in the range is used for "start", and the second to
+        # last address is used for "end".
+        expected_config = (
+            f"default-lease-time {default_lease_time};\n"
+            f"max-lease-time {max_lease_time};\n"
+            "subnet netmask {\n"
+            "\tpool {\n"
+            "\t\toption subnet-mask;\n"
+            "\t\toption routers;\n"
+            "\t\trange;\n"
+            "\t\tallow unknown-clients;\n"
+            "\t\tfoo bar;\n"
+            "\t\toption my-option some-value;\n"
+            "\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n"
+            "\t}\n"
+            "}"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..239c3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd
+from antlion.libs.proc.job import Result
+# MAC address that will be used in these tests.
+STA_MAC = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"
+# Abbreviated output of hostapd_cli STA commands, showing various AUTH/ASSOC/AUTHORIZED states.
+STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_AUTHENTICATED = b"""aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
+STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_ASSOCIATED = b"""aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
+STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_AUTHORIZED = b"""aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
+class HostapdTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_sta_authenticated_true_for_authenticated_sta(self):
+        hostapd_mock = hostapd.Hostapd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        hostapd_mock._run_hostapd_cli_cmd = Mock(
+            return_value=Result(
+                command=list(), stdout=STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_AUTHENTICATED, exit_status=0
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(hostapd_mock.sta_authenticated(STA_MAC))
+    def test_sta_authenticated_false_for_unauthenticated_sta(self):
+        hostapd_mock = hostapd.Hostapd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        hostapd_mock._run_hostapd_cli_cmd = Mock(
+            return_value=Result(
+                command=list(),
+                exit_status=0,
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertFalse(hostapd_mock.sta_authenticated(STA_MAC))
+    def test_sta_associated_true_for_associated_sta(self):
+        hostapd_mock = hostapd.Hostapd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        hostapd_mock._run_hostapd_cli_cmd = Mock(
+            return_value=Result(
+                command=list(), stdout=STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_ASSOCIATED, exit_status=0
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(hostapd_mock.sta_associated(STA_MAC))
+    def test_sta_associated_false_for_unassociated_sta(self):
+        hostapd_mock = hostapd.Hostapd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        # Uses the authenticated-only CLI output.
+        hostapd_mock._run_hostapd_cli_cmd = Mock(
+            return_value=Result(
+                command=list(), stdout=STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_AUTHENTICATED, exit_status=0
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertFalse(hostapd_mock.sta_associated(STA_MAC))
+    def test_sta_authorized_true_for_authorized_sta(self):
+        hostapd_mock = hostapd.Hostapd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        hostapd_mock._run_hostapd_cli_cmd = Mock(
+            return_value=Result(
+                command=list(), stdout=STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_AUTHORIZED, exit_status=0
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(hostapd_mock.sta_authorized(STA_MAC))
+    def test_sta_associated_false_for_unassociated_sta(self):
+        hostapd_mock = hostapd.Hostapd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        # Uses the associated-only CLI output.
+        hostapd_mock._run_hostapd_cli_cmd = Mock(
+            return_value=Result(
+                command=list(), stdout=STA_OUTPUT_WITH_STA_ASSOCIATED, exit_status=0
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertFalse(hostapd_mock.sta_authorized(STA_MAC))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17ee536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import (
+    BssidInformation,
+    BssidInformationCapabilities,
+    NeighborReportElement,
+    PhyType,
+EXPECTED_BSSID = "01:23:45:ab:cd:ef"
+EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP = BssidInformationCapabilities(
+    spectrum_management=True, qos=True, apsd=True, radio_measurement=True
+EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO = BssidInformation(
+    capabilities=EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP, high_throughput=True
+class RadioMeasurementTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_bssid_information_capabilities(self):
+        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.spectrum_management)
+        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.qos)
+        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.apsd)
+        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.radio_measurement)
+        # Must also test the numeric representation.
+        self.assertEqual(int(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP), 0b111100)
+    def test_bssid_information(self):
+        self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO.capabilities, EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP)
+        self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO.high_throughput, True)
+        # Must also test the numeric representation.
+        self.assertEqual(int(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO), 0b10001111000100000000000000000000)
+    def test_neighbor_report_element(self):
+        element = NeighborReportElement(
+            bssid=EXPECTED_BSSID,
+            bssid_information=EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO,
+            operating_class=EXPECTED_OP_CLASS,
+            channel_number=EXPECTED_CHAN,
+            phy_type=EXPECTED_PHY,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(element.bssid, EXPECTED_BSSID)
+        self.assertEqual(element.bssid_information, EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO)
+        self.assertEqual(element.operating_class, EXPECTED_OP_CLASS)
+        self.assertEqual(element.channel_number, EXPECTED_CHAN)
+        self.assertEqual(element.phy_type, EXPECTED_PHY)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49324d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd import Error, Radvd
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd_config import RadvdConfig
+SEARCH_FILE = "antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell." "ShellCommand.search_file"
+DELETE_FILE = "antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand." "delete_file"
+CORRECT_COMPLEX_RADVD_CONFIG = """interface wlan0 {
+    IgnoreIfMissing on;
+    AdvSendAdvert off;
+    UnicastOnly on;
+    MaxRtrAdvInterval 60;
+    MinRtrAdvInterval 5;
+    MinDelayBetweenRAs 5;
+    AdvManagedFlag off;
+    AdvOtherConfigFlag on;
+    AdvLinkMTU 1400;
+    AdvReachableTime 3600000;
+    AdvRetransTimer 10;
+    AdvCurHopLimit 50;
+    AdvDefaultLifetime 8000;
+    AdvDefaultPreference off;
+    AdvSourceLLAddress on;
+    AdvHomeAgentFlag off;
+    AdvHomeAgentInfo on;
+    HomeAgentLifetime 100;
+    HomeAgentPreference 100;
+    AdvMobRtrSupportFlag off;
+    AdvIntervalOpt on;
+    prefix fd00::/64
+    {
+        AdvOnLink off;
+        AdvAutonomous on;
+        AdvRouterAddr off;
+        AdvValidLifetime 86400;
+        AdvPreferredLifetime 14400;
+        Base6to4Interface NA;
+    };
+    clients
+    {
+        fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d72;
+        fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d73;
+    };
+    route fd00::/64 {
+        AdvRouteLifetime 1024;
+        AdvRoutePreference high;
+    };
+    RDNSS 2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e29 2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e30 {
+        AdvRDNSSPreference 8;
+        AdvRDNSSOpen on;
+        AdvRDNSSLifetime 1025;
+    };
+    "    ", "\t"
+CORRECT_SIMPLE_RADVD_CONFIG = """interface wlan0 {
+    AdvSendAdvert on;
+    prefix fd00::/64
+    {
+        AdvOnLink on;
+        AdvAutonomous on;
+    };
+    "    ", "\t"
+def delete_file_mock(file_to_delete):
+    if os.path.exists(file_to_delete):
+        os.remove(file_to_delete)
+def write_configs_mock(config_file_with_path, output_config):
+    with open(config_file_with_path, "w+") as config_fileId:
+        config_fileId.write(output_config)
+class RadvdTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.kill")
+    def test_radvd_ikill(self, kill):
+        kill.return_value = True
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        self.assertIsNone(radvd_mock.stop())
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.is_alive")
+    def test_radvd_is_alive_True(self, is_alive_mock):
+        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        self.assertTrue(radvd_mock.is_alive())
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.is_alive")
+    def test_radvd_is_alive_False(self, is_alive_mock):
+        is_alive_mock.return_value = False
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        self.assertFalse(radvd_mock.is_alive())
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd._scan_for_errors")
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive")
+    def test_wait_for_process_process_alive(self, is_alive_mock, _scan_for_errors_mock):
+        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
+        _scan_for_errors_mock.return_value = True
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        self.assertIsNone(radvd_mock._wait_for_process(timeout=2))
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive")
+    @patch(SEARCH_FILE)
+    def test_scan_for_errors_is_dead(self, search_file_mock, is_alive_mock):
+        is_alive_mock.return_value = False
+        search_file_mock.return_value = False
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        with self.assertRaises(Error) as context:
+            radvd_mock._scan_for_errors(True)
+        self.assertTrue("Radvd failed to start" in str(context.exception))
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive")
+    @patch(SEARCH_FILE)
+    def test_scan_for_errors_exited_prematurely(self, search_file_mock, is_alive_mock):
+        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
+        search_file_mock.return_value = True
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        with self.assertRaises(Error) as context:
+            radvd_mock._scan_for_errors(True)
+        self.assertTrue("Radvd exited prematurely." in str(context.exception))
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive")
+    @patch(SEARCH_FILE)
+    def test_scan_for_errors_success(self, search_file_mock, is_alive_mock):
+        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
+        search_file_mock.return_value = False
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        self.assertIsNone(radvd_mock._scan_for_errors(True))
+    @patch(DELETE_FILE)
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.write_file")
+    def test_write_configs_simple(self, write_file, delete_file):
+        delete_file.side_effect = delete_file_mock
+        write_file.side_effect = write_configs_mock
+        basic_radvd_config = RadvdConfig()
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        radvd_mock._write_configs(basic_radvd_config)
+        radvd_config = radvd_mock._config_file
+        with open(radvd_config, "r") as radvd_config_fileId:
+            config_data = radvd_config_fileId.read()
+            self.assertTrue(CORRECT_SIMPLE_RADVD_CONFIG == config_data)
+    @patch(DELETE_FILE)
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.write_file")
+    def test_write_configs_complex(self, write_file, delete_file):
+        delete_file.side_effect = delete_file_mock
+        write_file.side_effect = write_configs_mock
+        complex_radvd_config = RadvdConfig(
+            clients=["fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d72", "fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d73"],
+            route=radvd_constants.DEFAULT_PREFIX,
+            rdnss=[
+                "2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e29",
+                "2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e30",
+            ],
+            ignore_if_missing=radvd_constants.IGNORE_IF_MISSING_ON,
+            adv_send_advert=radvd_constants.ADV_SEND_ADVERT_OFF,
+            unicast_only=radvd_constants.UNICAST_ONLY_ON,
+            max_rtr_adv_interval=60,
+            min_rtr_adv_interval=5,
+            min_delay_between_ras=5,
+            adv_managed_flag=radvd_constants.ADV_MANAGED_FLAG_OFF,
+            adv_other_config_flag=radvd_constants.ADV_OTHER_CONFIG_FLAG_ON,
+            adv_link_mtu=1400,
+            adv_reachable_time=3600000,
+            adv_retrans_timer=10,
+            adv_cur_hop_limit=50,
+            adv_default_lifetime=8000,
+            adv_default_preference=radvd_constants.ADV_DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_OFF,
+            adv_source_ll_address=radvd_constants.ADV_SOURCE_LL_ADDRESS_ON,
+            adv_home_agent_flag=radvd_constants.ADV_HOME_AGENT_FLAG_OFF,
+            adv_home_agent_info=radvd_constants.ADV_HOME_AGENT_INFO_ON,
+            home_agent_lifetime=100,
+            home_agent_preference=100,
+            adv_mob_rtr_support_flag=radvd_constants.ADV_MOB_RTR_SUPPORT_FLAG_OFF,
+            adv_interval_opt=radvd_constants.ADV_INTERVAL_OPT_ON,
+            adv_on_link=radvd_constants.ADV_ON_LINK_OFF,
+            adv_autonomous=radvd_constants.ADV_AUTONOMOUS_ON,
+            adv_router_addr=radvd_constants.ADV_ROUTER_ADDR_OFF,
+            adv_valid_lifetime=86400,
+            adv_preferred_lifetime=14400,
+            base_6to4_interface="NA",
+            adv_route_lifetime=1024,
+            adv_route_preference=radvd_constants.ADV_ROUTE_PREFERENCE_HIGH,
+            adv_rdnss_preference=8,
+            adv_rdnss_open=radvd_constants.ADV_RDNSS_OPEN_ON,
+            adv_rdnss_lifetime=1025,
+        )
+        radvd_mock = Radvd("mock_runner", "wlan0")
+        radvd_mock._write_configs(complex_radvd_config)
+        radvd_config = radvd_mock._config_file
+        with open(radvd_config, "r") as radvd_config_fileId:
+            config_data = radvd_config_fileId.read()
+            self.assertTrue(CORRECT_COMPLEX_RADVD_CONFIG == config_data)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0994a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import (
+    BssidInformation,
+    NeighborReportElement,
+    PhyType,
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import (
+    BssTransitionCandidateList,
+    BssTransitionManagementRequest,
+EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_1 = NeighborReportElement(
+    bssid="01:23:45:ab:cd:ef",
+    bssid_information=BssidInformation(),
+    operating_class=81,
+    channel_number=1,
+    phy_type=PhyType.HT,
+EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_2 = NeighborReportElement(
+    bssid="cd:ef:ab:45:67:89",
+    bssid_information=BssidInformation(),
+    operating_class=121,
+    channel_number=149,
+    phy_type=PhyType.VHT,
+class WirelessNetworkManagementTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_bss_transition_management_request(self):
+        request = BssTransitionManagementRequest(
+            disassociation_imminent=True,
+            abridged=True,
+            candidate_list=EXPECTED_NEIGHBORS,
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(request.disassociation_imminent)
+        self.assertTrue(request.abridged)
+        self.assertIn(EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_1, request.candidate_list)
+        self.assertIn(EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_2, request.candidate_list)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_client_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_client_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f387cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_client_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.capabilities.ssh import SSHConfig, SSHProvider
+from antlion.controllers import iperf_client
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import (
+    IPerfClient,
+    IPerfClientBase,
+    IPerfClientOverAdb,
+    IPerfClientOverSsh,
+# The position in the call tuple that represents the args array.
+ARGS = 0
+# The position in the call tuple that represents the kwargs dict.
+class IPerfClientModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the antlion.controllers.iperf_client module functions."""
+    def test_create_can_create_client_over_adb(self):
+        self.assertIsInstance(
+            iperf_client.create([{"AndroidDevice": "foo"}])[0],
+            IPerfClientOverAdb,
+            "Unable to create IPerfClientOverAdb from create().",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("subprocess.run")
+    @mock.patch("socket.create_connection")
+    def test_create_can_create_client_over_ssh(
+        self, mock_socket_create_connection, mock_subprocess_run
+    ):
+        self.assertIsInstance(
+            iperf_client.create(
+                [
+                    {
+                        "ssh_config": {
+                            "user": "root",
+                            "host": "",
+                            "identity_file": "/dev/null",
+                        }
+                    }
+                ]
+            )[0],
+            IPerfClientOverSsh,
+            "Unable to create IPerfClientOverSsh from create().",
+        )
+    def test_create_can_create_local_client(self):
+        self.assertIsInstance(
+            iperf_client.create([{}])[0],
+            IPerfClient,
+            "Unable to create IPerfClient from create().",
+        )
+class IPerfClientBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClientBase."""
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_get_full_file_path_creates_parent_directory(self, mock_makedirs):
+        # Will never actually be created/used.
+        logging.log_path = "/tmp/unit_test_garbage"
+        full_file_path = IPerfClientBase._get_full_file_path(0)
+        self.assertTrue(mock_makedirs.called, "Did not attempt to create a directory.")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            os.path.dirname(full_file_path),
+            mock_makedirs.call_args[ARGS][0],
+            "The parent directory of the full file path was not created.",
+        )
+class IPerfClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClient."""
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("subprocess.call")
+    def test_start_writes_to_full_file_path(self, mock_call, mock_open):
+        client = IPerfClient()
+        file_path = "/path/to/foo"
+        client._get_full_file_path = lambda _: file_path
+        client.start("", "IPERF_ARGS", "TAG")
+        mock_open.assert_called_with(file_path, "w")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            mock_call.call_args[KWARGS]["stdout"],
+            mock_open().__enter__.return_value,
+            "IPerfClient did not write the logs to the expected file.",
+        )
+class IPerfClientOverSshTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSshTest."""
+    @mock.patch("socket.create_connection")
+    @mock.patch("subprocess.run")
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    def test_start_writes_output_to_full_file_path(
+        self, mock_open, mock_subprocess_run, mock_socket_create_connection
+    ):
+        ssh_provider = SSHProvider(
+            SSHConfig(
+                user="root",
+                host_name="",
+                identity_file="/dev/null",
+            )
+        )
+        client = IPerfClientOverSsh(ssh_provider)
+        file_path = "/path/to/foo"
+        client._get_full_file_path = lambda _: file_path
+        client.start("", "IPERF_ARGS", "TAG")
+        mock_open.assert_called_with(file_path, "w")
+        mock_open().__enter__().write.assert_called()
+class IPerfClientOverAdbTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb."""
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    def test_start_writes_output_to_full_file_path(self, mock_open):
+        client = IPerfClientOverAdb(None)
+        file_path = "/path/to/foo"
+        client._get_full_file_path = lambda _: file_path
+        with mock.patch(
+            "antlion.controllers.iperf_client." "IPerfClientOverAdb._android_device"
+        ) as adb_device:
+            adb_device.adb.shell.return_value = "output"
+            client.start("", "IPERF_ARGS", "TAG")
+        mock_open.assert_called_with(file_path, "w")
+        mock_open().__enter__().write.assert_called_with("output")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_server_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_server_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75b8a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_server_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers import iperf_server
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import (
+    IPerfServer,
+    IPerfServerOverAdb,
+    IPerfServerOverSsh,
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
+# The position in the call tuple that represents the args array.
+ARGS = 0
+# The position in the call tuple that represents the kwargs dict.
+MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH = "/path/to/foo"
+class IPerfServerModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the antlion.controllers.iperf_server module."""
+    def test_create_creates_local_iperf_server_with_int(self):
+        self.assertIsInstance(
+            iperf_server.create([12345])[0],
+            IPerfServer,
+            "create() failed to create IPerfServer for integer input.",
+        )
+    def test_create_creates_local_iperf_server_with_str(self):
+        self.assertIsInstance(
+            iperf_server.create(["12345"])[0],
+            IPerfServer,
+            "create() failed to create IPerfServer for integer input.",
+        )
+    def test_create_cannot_create_local_iperf_server_with_bad_str(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            iperf_server.create(["12345BAD_STRING"])
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.utils")
+    def test_create_creates_server_over_ssh_with_ssh_config_and_port(self, _):
+        self.assertIsInstance(
+            iperf_server.create(
+                [
+                    {
+                        "ssh_config": {
+                            "user": "",
+                            "host": "",
+                            "identity_file": "/dev/null",
+                        },
+                        "port": "",
+                    }
+                ]
+            )[0],
+            IPerfServerOverSsh,
+            "create() failed to create IPerfServerOverSsh for a valid config.",
+        )
+    def test_create_creates_server_over_adb_with_proper_config(self):
+        self.assertIsInstance(
+            iperf_server.create([{"AndroidDevice": "53R147", "port": 0}])[0],
+            IPerfServerOverAdb,
+            "create() failed to create IPerfServerOverAdb for a valid config.",
+        )
+    def test_create_raises_value_error_on_bad_config_dict(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            iperf_server.create([{"AndroidDevice": "53R147", "ssh_config": {}}])
+    def test_get_port_from_ss_output_returns_correct_port_ipv4(self):
+        ss_output = (
+            "tcp LISTEN  0 5<PORT>  *:*" ' users:(("cmd",pid=<PID>,fd=3))'
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            iperf_server._get_port_from_ss_output(ss_output, "<PID>"), "<PORT>"
+        )
+    def test_get_port_from_ss_output_returns_correct_port_ipv6(self):
+        ss_output = (
+            "tcp LISTEN  0 5 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:<PORT>  *:*"
+            ' users:(("cmd",pid=<PID>,fd=3))'
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            iperf_server._get_port_from_ss_output(ss_output, "<PID>"), "<PORT>"
+        )
+class IPerfServerBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServerBase."""
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_get_full_file_path_creates_parent_directory(self, mock_makedirs):
+        # Will never actually be created/used.
+        logging.log_path = "/tmp/unit_test_garbage"
+        server = IPerfServer("port")
+        full_file_path = server._get_full_file_path()
+        self.assertTrue(mock_makedirs.called, "Did not attempt to create a directory.")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            os.path.dirname(full_file_path),
+            mock_makedirs.call_args[ARGS][0],
+            "The parent directory of the full file path was not created.",
+        )
+class IPerfServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServer."""
+    PID = 123456
+    def setUp(self):
+        iperf_server._get_port_from_ss_output = lambda *_: IPerfServerTest.PID
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job")
+    def test_start_makes_started_true(self, mock_job, __, ___):
+        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
+        server = IPerfServer("port")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server.start()
+        self.assertTrue(server.started)
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job")
+    def test_start_stop_makes_started_false(self, _, __, ___):
+        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
+        server = IPerfServer("port")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server.start()
+        server.stop()
+        self.assertFalse(server.started)
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job")
+    def test_start_sets_current_log_file(self, _, __, ___):
+        server = IPerfServer("port")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server.start()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            server._current_log_file,
+            MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
+            "The _current_log_file was not received from _get_full_file_path.",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess")
+    def test_stop_returns_current_log_file(self, _, __):
+        server = IPerfServer("port")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._current_log_file = MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
+        log_file = server.stop()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            log_file,
+            MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
+            "The _current_log_file was not returned by stop().",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job")
+    def test_start_does_not_run_two_concurrent_processes(self, start_proc, _, __):
+        server = IPerfServer("port")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
+        server.start()
+        self.assertFalse(
+            start_proc.called,
+            "start() should not begin a second process if another is running.",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.utils.stop_standing_subprocess")
+    def test_stop_exits_early_if_no_process_has_started(self, stop_proc):
+        server = IPerfServer("port")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_process = None
+        server.stop()
+        self.assertFalse(
+            stop_proc.called,
+            "stop() should not kill a process if no process is running.",
+        )
+class IPerfServerOverSshTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh."""
+    INIT_ARGS = [
+        settings.from_config(
+            {"host": "TEST_HOST", "user": "test", "identity_file": "/dev/null"}
+        ),
+        "PORT",
+    ]
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection")
+    def test_start_makes_started_true(self, _):
+        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
+        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
+        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
+        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server.start()
+        self.assertTrue(server.started)
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection")
+    def test_start_stop_makes_started_false(self, _, __):
+        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
+        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
+        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
+        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server.start()
+        server.stop()
+        self.assertFalse(server.started)
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection")
+    def test_stop_returns_expected_log_file(self, _, __):
+        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
+        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
+        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_pid = mock.Mock()
+        log_file = server.stop()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            log_file,
+            MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
+            "The expected log file was not returned by stop().",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection")
+    def test_start_does_not_run_two_concurrent_processes(self, _):
+        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
+        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
+        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_pid = mock.Mock()
+        server.start()
+        self.assertFalse(
+            server._ssh_session.run_async.called,
+            "start() should not begin a second process if another is running.",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.utils.stop_standing_subprocess")
+    @mock.patch("antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection")
+    def test_stop_exits_early_if_no_process_has_started(self, _, __):
+        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
+        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
+        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_pid = None
+        server.stop()
+        self.assertFalse(
+            server._ssh_session.run_async.called,
+            "stop() should not kill a process if no process is running.",
+        )
+class IPerfServerOverAdbTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh."""
+        "antlion.controllers.iperf_server." "IPerfServerOverAdb._android_device"
+    )
+    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
+    def test_start_makes_started_true(self, mock_ad):
+        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
+        server = IPerfServerOverAdb("53R147", "PORT")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        mock_ad.adb.shell.return_value = "<PID>"
+        server.start()
+        self.assertTrue(server.started)
+    @mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run")
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
+    def test_start_stop_makes_started_false(self, mock_ad, _, __):
+        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
+        server = IPerfServerOverAdb("53R147", "PORT")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        mock_ad.adb.shell.side_effect = ["<PID>", "", "", ""]
+        server.start()
+        server.stop()
+        self.assertFalse(server.started)
+    @mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run")
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
+    def test_stop_returns_expected_log_file(self, mock_ad, _, __):
+        server = IPerfServerOverAdb("53R147", "PORT")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
+        server._iperf_process_adb_pid = "<PID>"
+        mock_ad.adb.shell.side_effect = ["", "", ""]
+        log_file = server.stop()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            log_file,
+            MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
+            "The expected log file was not returned by stop().",
+        )
+    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
+    def test_start_does_not_run_two_concurrent_processes(self, android_device):
+        server = IPerfServerOverAdb("53R147", "PORT")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
+        server.start()
+        self.assertFalse(
+            android_device.adb.shell_nb.called,
+            "start() should not begin a second process if another is running.",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run")
+    @mock.patch("builtins.open")
+    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
+    def test_stop_exits_early_if_no_process_has_started(self, android_device, _, __):
+        server = IPerfServerOverAdb("53R147", "PORT")
+        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
+        server._iperf_pid = None
+        server.stop()
+        self.assertFalse(
+            android_device.adb.shell_nb.called,
+            "stop() should not kill a process if no process is running.",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b852fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Python unittest module for pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b"""
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from antlion.controllers.pdu import PduError
+from antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b import PduDevice, _TNHelperNP02B
+# Test Constants
+HOST = ""
+VALID_RESPONSE_BYTE_STR = b"\n\r\r\n\r\n"
+    "Port | Name    |Status   1 |    Outlet1 |   OFF|   2 |    Outlet2 |   ON |"
+    b"Port | Name    |Status   1 |    Outlet1 |   OFF|   2 |    Outlet2 |   "
+    b"ON |\n\r\r\n\r\n"
+INVALID_COMMAND_OUTPUT_BYTE_STR = b"Invalid Command\n\r\r\n\r\n>"
+VALID_STATUS_DICT = {"1": False, "2": True}
+INVALID_STATUS_DICT = {"1": False, "2": False}
+class _TNHelperNP02BTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for _TNHelperNP02B."""
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep")
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib")
+    def test_cmd_is_properly_written(self, telnetlib_mock, sleep_mock):
+        """cmd should strip whitespace and encode in ASCII."""
+        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
+        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = VALID_RESPONSE_BYTE_STR
+        tnhelper.cmd(VALID_COMMAND_STR)
+        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().write.assert_called_with(VALID_COMMAND_BYTE_STR)
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep")
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib")
+    def test_cmd_valid_command_output_is_properly_parsed(
+        self, telnetlib_mock, sleep_mock
+    ):
+        """cmd should strip the prompt, separators and command from the
+        output."""
+        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
+        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = VALID_RESPONSE_BYTE_STR
+        res = tnhelper.cmd(VALID_COMMAND_STR)
+        self.assertEqual(res, VALID_RESPONSE_STR)
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep")
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib")
+    def test_cmd_status_output_is_properly_parsed(self, telnetlib_mock, sleep_mock):
+        """cmd should strip the prompt, separators and command from the output,
+        returning just the status information."""
+        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
+        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = STATUS_RESPONSE_BYTE_STR
+        res = tnhelper.cmd(STATUS_COMMAND_STR)
+        self.assertEqual(res, STATUS_RESPONSE_STR)
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep")
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib")
+    def test_cmd_invalid_command_raises_error(self, telnetlib_mock, sleep_mock):
+        """cmd should raise PduError when an invalid command is given."""
+        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
+        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = (
+        )
+        with self.assertRaises(PduError):
+            tnhelper.cmd("Some invalid command.")
+class NP02BPduDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for NP02B PduDevice implementation."""
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b._TNHelperNP02B.cmd")
+    def test_status_parses_output_to_valid_dictionary(self, tnhelper_cmd_mock):
+        """status should parse helper response correctly into dict."""
+        np02b = PduDevice(HOST, None, None)
+        tnhelper_cmd_mock.return_value = STATUS_RESPONSE_STR
+        self.assertEqual(np02b.status(), VALID_STATUS_DICT)
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b._TNHelperNP02B.cmd")
+    def test_verify_state_matches_state(self, tnhelper_cmd_mock):
+        """verify_state should return true when expected state is a subset of
+        actual state"""
+        np02b = PduDevice(HOST, None, None)
+        tnhelper_cmd_mock.return_value = STATUS_RESPONSE_STR
+        self.assertTrue(np02b._verify_state(VALID_STATUS_DICT))
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time")
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b._TNHelperNP02B.cmd")
+    def test_verify_state_throws_error(self, tnhelper_cmd_mock, time_mock):
+        """verify_state should throw error after timeout when actual state never
+        reaches expected state"""
+        time_mock.time.side_effect = [1, 2, 10]
+        np02b = PduDevice(HOST, None, None)
+        tnhelper_cmd_mock.return_value = STATUS_RESPONSE_STR
+        with self.assertRaises(PduError):
+            self.assertTrue(np02b._verify_state(INVALID_STATUS_DICT))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c5f49ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
+class BreakoutError(Exception):
+    """Thrown to prove program execution."""
+class RpcClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the rpc_client.RpcClient class."""
+    def test_terminate_warn_on_working_connections(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.terminate().
+        Tests that if some connections are still working, we log this before
+        closing the connections.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        client._log = mock.Mock()
+        client._working_connections = [mock.Mock()]
+        client.terminate()
+        self.assertTrue(client._log.warning.called)
+    def test_terminate_closes_all_connections(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.terminate().
+        Tests that all free and working connections have been closed.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        client._log = mock.Mock()
+        working_connections = [mock.Mock() for _ in range(3)]
+        free_connections = [mock.Mock() for _ in range(3)]
+        client._free_connections = free_connections
+        client._working_connections = working_connections
+        client.terminate()
+        for connection in working_connections + free_connections:
+            self.assertTrue(connection.close.called)
+    def test_get_free_connection_get_available_client(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._get_free_connection().
+        Tests that an available client is returned if one exists.
+        """
+        def fail_on_wrong_execution():
+            self.fail(
+                "The program is not executing the expected path. "
+                "Tried to return an available free client, ended up "
+                "sleeping to wait for client instead."
+            )
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        expected_connection = mock.Mock()
+        client._free_connections = [expected_connection]
+        client._lock = mock.MagicMock()
+        with mock.patch("time.sleep") as sleep_mock:
+            sleep_mock.side_effect = fail_on_wrong_execution
+            connection = client._get_free_connection()
+        self.assertEqual(connection, expected_connection)
+        self.assertTrue(expected_connection in client._working_connections)
+        self.assertEqual(len(client._free_connections), 0)
+    def test_get_free_connection_continues_upon_connection_taken(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._get_free_connection().
+        Tests that if the free connection is taken while trying to acquire the
+        lock to reserve it, the thread gives up the lock and tries again.
+        """
+        def empty_list():
+            client._free_connections.clear()
+        def fail_on_wrong_execution():
+            self.fail(
+                "The program is not executing the expected path. "
+                "Tried to return an available free client, ended up "
+                "sleeping to wait for client instead."
+            )
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        client._free_connections = mock.Mock()
+        client._lock = mock.MagicMock()
+        client._lock.acquire.side_effect = empty_list
+        client._free_connections = [mock.Mock()]
+        with mock.patch("time.sleep") as sleep_mock:
+            sleep_mock.side_effect = fail_on_wrong_execution
+            try:
+                client._get_free_connection()
+            except IndexError:
+                self.fail(
+                    "Tried to pop free connection when another thread" "has taken it."
+                )
+        # Assert that the lock has been freed.
+        self.assertEqual(
+            client._lock.acquire.call_count, client._lock.release.call_count
+        )
+    def test_get_free_connection_sleep(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._get_free_connection().
+        Tests that if the free connection is taken, it will wait for a new one.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        client._free_connections = []
+        client.max_connections = 0
+        client._lock = mock.MagicMock()
+        client._free_connections = []
+        with mock.patch("time.sleep") as sleep_mock:
+            sleep_mock.side_effect = BreakoutError()
+            try:
+                client._get_free_connection()
+            except BreakoutError:
+                # Assert that the lock has been freed.
+                self.assertEqual(
+                    client._lock.acquire.call_count, client._lock.release.call_count
+                )
+                # Asserts that the sleep has been called.
+                self.assertTrue(sleep_mock.called)
+                # Asserts that no changes to connections happened
+                self.assertEqual(len(client._free_connections), 0)
+                self.assertEqual(len(client._working_connections), 0)
+                return True
+        self.fail("Failed to hit sleep case")
+    def test_release_working_connection(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._release_working_connection.
+        Tests that the working connection is moved into the free connections.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        connection = mock.Mock()
+        client._working_connections = [connection]
+        client._free_connections = []
+        client._release_working_connection(connection)
+        self.assertTrue(connection in client._free_connections)
+        self.assertFalse(connection in client._working_connections)
+    def test_future(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.future."""
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(client.future, client._async_client)
+    def test_getattr(self):
+        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.__getattr__.
+        Tests that the name, args, and kwargs are correctly passed to self.rpc.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(
+            session.uid,
+            session.adb.serial,
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+            lambda _: mock.Mock(),
+        )
+        client.rpc = mock.MagicMock()
+        fn = client.fake_function_please_do_not_be_implemented
+        fn("arg1", "arg2", kwarg1=1, kwarg2=2)
+        client.rpc.assert_called_with(
+            "fake_function_please_do_not_be_implemented",
+            "arg1",
+            "arg2",
+            kwarg1=1,
+            kwarg2=2,
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..34b6384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client, rpc_connection
+MOCK_RESP = b'{"id": 0, "result": 123, "error": null, "status": 1, "uid": 1}'
+MOCK_RESP_UNKNOWN_UID = b'{"id": 0, "result": 123, "error": null, "status": 0}'
+MOCK_RESP_WITH_ERROR = b'{"id": 0, "error": 1, "status": 1, "uid": 1}'
+class MockSocketFile(object):
+    def __init__(self, resp):
+        self.resp = resp
+        self.last_write = None
+    def write(self, msg):
+        self.last_write = msg
+    def readline(self):
+        return self.resp
+    def flush(self):
+        pass
+class RpcConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
+    under antlion.controllers.android, which is the RPC client module for sl4a.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def mock_rpc_connection(response=MOCK_RESP, uid=rpc_connection.UNKNOWN_UID):
+        """Sets up a faked socket file from the mock connection."""
+        fake_file = MockSocketFile(response)
+        fake_conn = mock.MagicMock()
+        fake_conn.makefile.return_value = fake_file
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        ports = mock.Mock()
+        return rpc_connection.RpcConnection(adb, ports, fake_conn, fake_file, uid=uid)
+    def test_open_chooses_init_on_unknown_uid(self):
+        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection.open().
+        Tests that open uses the init start command when the uid is unknown.
+        """
+        def pass_on_init(start_command):
+            if not start_command == rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT:
+                self.fail(f'Must call "init". Called "{start_command}" instead.')
+        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection()
+        connection._initiate_handshake = pass_on_init
+        connection.open()
+    def test_open_chooses_continue_on_known_uid(self):
+        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection.open().
+        Tests that open uses the continue start command when the uid is known.
+        """
+        def pass_on_continue(start_command):
+            if start_command != rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.CONTINUE:
+                self.fail(f'Must call "continue". Called "{start_command}" instead.')
+        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(uid=1)
+        connection._initiate_handshake = pass_on_continue
+        connection.open()
+    def test_initiate_handshake_returns_uid(self):
+        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._initiate_handshake().
+        Test that at the end of a handshake with no errors the client object
+        has the correct parameters.
+        """
+        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection()
+        connection._initiate_handshake(rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT)
+        self.assertEqual(connection.uid, 1)
+    def test_initiate_handshake_returns_unknown_status(self):
+        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._initiate_handshake().
+        Test that when the handshake is given an unknown uid then the client
+        will not be given a uid.
+        """
+        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(MOCK_RESP_UNKNOWN_UID)
+        connection._initiate_handshake(rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT)
+        self.assertEqual(connection.uid, rpc_client.UNKNOWN_UID)
+    def test_initiate_handshake_no_response(self):
+        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._initiate_handshake().
+        Test that if a handshake receives no response then it will give a
+        protocol error.
+        """
+        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(b"")
+        with self.assertRaises(
+            rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError,
+            msg=rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE,
+        ):
+            connection._initiate_handshake(rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT)
+    def test_cmd_properly_formatted(self):
+        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._cmd().
+        Tests that the command sent is properly formatted.
+        """
+        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(MOCK_RESP)
+        connection._cmd("test")
+        self.assertIn(
+            connection._socket_file.last_write,
+            [b'{"cmd": "test", "uid": -1}\n', b'{"uid": -1, "cmd": "test"}\n'],
+        )
+    def test_get_new_ticket(self):
+        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection.get_new_ticket().
+        Tests that a new number is always given for get_new_ticket().
+        """
+        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(MOCK_RESP)
+        self.assertEqual(connection.get_new_ticket() + 1, connection.get_new_ticket())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6d42989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client, sl4a_manager
+class Sl4aManagerFactoryTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the sl4a_manager module-level functions."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Clears the Sl4aManager cache."""
+        sl4a_manager._all_sl4a_managers = {}
+    def test_create_manager(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager().
+        Tests that a new Sl4aManager is returned without an error.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.serial = "SERIAL"
+        sl4a_man = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertEqual(sl4a_man.adb, adb)
+    def test_create_sl4a_manager_return_already_created_manager(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager().
+        Tests that a second call to create_sl4a_manager() does not create a
+        new Sl4aManager, and returns the first created Sl4aManager instead.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.serial = "SERIAL"
+        first_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        adb_same_serial = mock.Mock()
+        adb_same_serial.serial = "SERIAL"
+        second_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertEqual(first_manager, second_manager)
+    def test_create_sl4a_manager_multiple_devices_with_one_manager_each(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager().
+        Tests that when create_s4l4a_manager() is called for different devices,
+        each device gets its own Sl4aManager object.
+        """
+        adb_1 = mock.Mock()
+        adb_1.serial = "SERIAL"
+        first_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb_1)
+        adb_2 = mock.Mock()
+        adb_2.serial = "DIFFERENT_SERIAL_NUMBER"
+        second_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb_2)
+        self.assertNotEqual(first_manager, second_manager)
+class Sl4aManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager class."""
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        # Copy all module constants before testing begins.
+        Sl4aManagerTest.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL = sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL
+        Sl4aManagerTest.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS = (
+            sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
+        )
+        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD = sl4a_manager._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD
+        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD = sl4a_manager._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD
+        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD
+        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD = sl4a_manager._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD
+        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD = sl4a_manager._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Restore all module constants at the beginning of each test case.
+        sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL = Sl4aManagerTest.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL
+        sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS = (
+            Sl4aManagerTest.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
+        )
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD = Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD = Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD = Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD = Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD
+        # Reset module data at the beginning of each test.
+        sl4a_manager._all_sl4a_managers = {}
+    def test_sl4a_ports_in_use(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.sl4a_ports_in_use
+        Tests to make sure all server ports are returned with no duplicates.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
+        session_1 = mock.Mock()
+        session_1.server_port = 12345
+        manager.sessions[1] = session_1
+        session_2 = mock.Mock()
+        session_2.server_port = 15973
+        manager.sessions[2] = session_2
+        session_3 = mock.Mock()
+        session_3.server_port = 12345
+        manager.sessions[3] = session_3
+        session_4 = mock.Mock()
+        session_4.server_port = 67890
+        manager.sessions[4] = session_4
+        session_5 = mock.Mock()
+        session_5.server_port = 75638
+        manager.sessions[5] = session_5
+        returned_ports = manager.sl4a_ports_in_use
+        # No duplicated ports.
+        self.assertEqual(len(returned_ports), len(set(returned_ports)))
+        # One call for each session
+        self.assertSetEqual(set(returned_ports), {12345, 15973, 67890, 75638})
+    @mock.patch("time.sleep", return_value=None)
+    def test_start_sl4a_server_uses_all_retries(self, _):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_server().
+        Tests to ensure that _start_sl4a_server retries and successfully returns
+        a port.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: ""
+        side_effects = []
+        expected_port = 12345
+        for _ in range(
+            int(sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS / sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL)
+            - 1
+        ):
+            side_effects.append(None)
+        side_effects.append(expected_port)
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        manager._get_open_listening_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=side_effects)
+        try:
+            found_port = manager.start_sl4a_server(0)
+            self.assertTrue(found_port)
+        except rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError:
+            self.fail("start_sl4a_server failed to respect FIND_PORT_RETRIES.")
+    @mock.patch("time.sleep", return_value=None)
+    def test_start_sl4a_server_fails_all_retries(self, _):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_server().
+        Tests to ensure that start_sl4a_server throws an error if all retries
+        fail.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: ""
+        side_effects = []
+        for _ in range(
+            int(sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS / sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL)
+        ):
+            side_effects.append(None)
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        manager._get_open_listening_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=side_effects)
+        try:
+            manager.start_sl4a_server(0)
+            self.fail("Sl4aConnectionError was not thrown.")
+        except rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError:
+            pass
+    def test_get_all_ports_command_uses_root_cmd(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_all_ports_command().
+        Tests that _get_all_ports_command calls the root command when root is
+        available.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.is_root = lambda: True
+        command = "ngo45hke3b4vie3mv5ni93,vfu3j"
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = command
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertEqual(manager._get_all_ports_command(), command)
+    def test_get_all_ports_command_escalates_to_root(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._call_get_ports_command().
+        Tests that _call_get_ports_command calls the root command when adb is
+        user but can escalate to root.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.is_root = lambda: False
+        adb.ensure_root = lambda: True
+        command = "ngo45hke3b4vie3mv5ni93,vfu3j"
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = command
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertEqual(manager._get_all_ports_command(), command)
+    def test_get_all_ports_command_uses_user_cmd(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._call_get_ports_command().
+        Tests that _call_get_ports_command calls the user command when root is
+        unavailable.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.is_root = lambda: False
+        adb.ensure_root = lambda: False
+        command = "ngo45hke3b4vie3mv5ni93,vfu3j"
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD = command
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertEqual(manager._get_all_ports_command(), command)
+    def test_get_open_listening_port_no_port_found(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_open_listening_port().
+        Tests to ensure None is returned if no open port is found.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = lambda _: ""
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertIsNone(manager._get_open_listening_port())
+    def test_get_open_listening_port_no_new_port_found(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_open_listening_port().
+        Tests to ensure None is returned if the ports returned have all been
+        marked as in used.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = lambda _: "12345 67890"
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        manager._sl4a_ports = {"12345", "67890"}
+        self.assertIsNone(manager._get_open_listening_port())
+    def test_get_open_listening_port_port_is_avaiable(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_open_listening_port().
+        Tests to ensure a port is returned if a port is found and has not been
+        marked as used.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = lambda _: "12345 67890"
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        manager._sl4a_ports = {"12345"}
+        self.assertEqual(manager._get_open_listening_port(), 67890)
+    def test_is_sl4a_installed_is_true(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.is_sl4a_installed().
+        Tests is_sl4a_installed() returns true when pm returns data
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: "asdf"
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertTrue(manager.is_sl4a_installed())
+    def test_is_sl4a_installed_is_false(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.is_sl4a_installed().
+        Tests is_sl4a_installed() returns true when pm returns data
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: ""
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        self.assertFalse(manager.is_sl4a_installed())
+    def test_start_sl4a_throws_error_on_sl4a_not_installed(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_service().
+        Tests that a MissingSl4aError is thrown when SL4A is not installed.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        manager.is_sl4a_installed = lambda: False
+        try:
+            manager.start_sl4a_service()
+            self.fail("An error should have been thrown.")
+        except rpc_client.Sl4aNotInstalledError:
+            pass
+    def test_start_sl4a_starts_sl4a_if_not_running(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_service().
+        Tests that SL4A is started if it was not already running.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = mock.Mock(side_effect=["", "", ""])
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        manager.is_sl4a_installed = lambda: True
+        try:
+            manager.start_sl4a_service()
+        except rpc_client.Sl4aNotInstalledError:
+            self.fail("An error should not have been thrown.")
+        adb.shell.assert_called_with(sl4a_manager._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD)
+    def test_create_session_uses_oldest_server_port(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.create_session().
+        Tests that when no port is given, the oldest server port opened is used
+        as the server port for a new session. The oldest server port can be
+        found by getting the oldest session's server port.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        # Ignore starting SL4A.
+        manager.start_sl4a_service = lambda: None
+        session_1 = mock.Mock()
+        session_1.server_port = 12345
+        session_2 = mock.Mock()
+        session_2.server_port = 67890
+        session_3 = mock.Mock()
+        session_3.server_port = 67890
+        manager.sessions[3] = session_3
+        manager.sessions[1] = session_1
+        manager.sessions[2] = session_2
+        with mock.patch.object(rpc_client.RpcClient, "__init__", return_value=None):
+            created_session = manager.create_session()
+        self.assertEqual(created_session.server_port, session_1.server_port)
+    def test_create_session_uses_random_port_when_no_session_exists(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.create_session().
+        Tests that when no port is given, and no SL4A server exists, the server
+        port for the session is set to 0.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
+        # Ignore starting SL4A.
+        manager.start_sl4a_service = lambda: None
+        with mock.patch.object(rpc_client.RpcClient, "__init__", return_value=None):
+            created_session = manager.create_session()
+        self.assertEqual(created_session.server_port, 0)
+    def test_terminate_all_session_call_terminate_on_all_sessions(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.terminate_all_sessions().
+        Tests to see that the manager has called terminate on all sessions.
+        """
+        called_terminate_on = list()
+        def called_on(session):
+            called_terminate_on.append(session)
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
+        session_1 = mock.Mock()
+        session_1.terminate = lambda *args, **kwargs: called_on(session_1)
+        manager.sessions[1] = session_1
+        session_4 = mock.Mock()
+        session_4.terminate = lambda *args, **kwargs: called_on(session_4)
+        manager.sessions[4] = session_4
+        session_5 = mock.Mock()
+        session_5.terminate = lambda *args, **kwargs: called_on(session_5)
+        manager.sessions[5] = session_5
+        manager._get_all_ports = lambda: []
+        manager.terminate_all_sessions()
+        # No duplicates calls to terminate.
+        self.assertEqual(len(called_terminate_on), len(set(called_terminate_on)))
+        # One call for each session
+        self.assertSetEqual(set(called_terminate_on), {session_1, session_4, session_5})
+    def test_terminate_all_session_close_each_server(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.terminate_all_sessions().
+        Tests to see that the manager has called terminate on all sessions.
+        """
+        closed_ports = list()
+        def close(command):
+            if str.isdigit(command):
+                closed_ports.append(command)
+            return ""
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        adb.shell = close
+        sl4a_manager._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD = "%s"
+        ports_to_close = {"12345", "67890", "24680", "13579"}
+        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
+        manager._sl4a_ports = set(ports_to_close)
+        manager._get_all_ports = lambda: []
+        manager.terminate_all_sessions()
+        # No duplicate calls to close port
+        self.assertEqual(len(closed_ports), len(set(closed_ports)))
+        # One call for each port
+        self.assertSetEqual(ports_to_close, set(closed_ports))
+    def test_obtain_sl4a_server_starts_new_server(self):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.obtain_sl4a_server().
+        Tests that a new server can be returned if the server does not exist.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
+        manager.start_sl4a_server = mock.Mock()
+        manager.obtain_sl4a_server(0)
+        self.assertTrue(manager.start_sl4a_server.called)
+    @mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.sl4a_ports_in_use",
+        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+    )
+    def test_obtain_sl4a_server_returns_existing_server(self, sl4a_ports_in_use):
+        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.obtain_sl4a_server().
+        Tests that an existing server is returned if it is already opened.
+        """
+        adb = mock.Mock()
+        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
+        manager.start_sl4a_server = mock.Mock()
+        sl4a_ports_in_use.return_value = [12345]
+        ret = manager.obtain_sl4a_server(12345)
+        self.assertFalse(manager.start_sl4a_server.called)
+        self.assertEqual(12345, ret)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c28ba5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import errno
+import unittest
+from socket import error as socket_error
+from socket import timeout
+import mock
+from mock import patch
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client, sl4a_ports
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.rpc_client import Sl4aStartError
+from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.sl4a_session import Sl4aSession
+class Sl4aSessionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the Sl4aSession class."""
+    def test_is_alive_true_on_not_terminated(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession.is_alive.
+        Tests that the session is_alive when it has not been terminated.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._terminated = False
+        session.is_alive = Sl4aSession.is_alive
+        self.assertNotEqual(session._terminated, session.is_alive)
+    def test_is_alive_false_on_terminated(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession.is_alive.
+        Tests that the session is_alive when it has not been terminated.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._terminated = True
+        session.is_alive = Sl4aSession.is_alive
+        self.assertNotEqual(session._terminated, session.is_alive)
+    @patch("antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.event_dispatcher.EventDispatcher")
+    def test_get_event_dispatcher_create_on_none(self, _):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher.
+        Tests that a new event_dispatcher is created if one does not exist.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._event_dispatcher = None
+        ed = Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher(session)
+        self.assertTrue(session._event_dispatcher is not None)
+        self.assertEqual(session._event_dispatcher, ed)
+    def test_get_event_dispatcher_returns_existing_event_dispatcher(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher.
+        Tests that the existing event_dispatcher is returned.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._event_dispatcher = "Something that is not None"
+        ed = Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher(session)
+        self.assertEqual(session._event_dispatcher, ed)
+    def test_create_client_side_connection_hint_already_in_use(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
+        Tests that if the hinted port is already in use, the function will
+        call itself with a hinted port of 0 (random).
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
+        with mock.patch("socket.socket") as socket:
+            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
+            error = OSError()
+            error.errno = errno.EADDRINUSE
+            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.bind = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.bind.side_effect = error
+            socket.return_value = socket_instance
+            Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
+                session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(1, 2, 3)
+            )
+        fn = session._create_client_side_connection
+        self.assertEqual(fn.call_count, 1)
+        # Asserts that the 1st argument (Sl4aPorts) sent to the function
+        # has a client port of 0.
+        self.assertEqual(fn.call_args_list[0][0][0].client_port, 0)
+    def test_create_client_side_connection_catches_timeout(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
+        Tests that the function will raise an Sl4aConnectionError upon timeout.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
+        error = timeout()
+        with mock.patch("socket.socket") as socket:
+            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
+            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.connect = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.connect.side_effect = error
+            socket.return_value = socket_instance
+            with self.assertRaises(rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError):
+                Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
+                    session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 2, 3)
+                )
+    def test_create_client_side_connection_hint_taken_during_fn(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
+        Tests that the function will call catch an EADDRNOTAVAIL OSError and
+        call itself again, this time with a hinted port of 0 (random).
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
+        error = socket_error()
+        error.errno = errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL
+        with mock.patch("socket.socket") as socket:
+            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
+            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.connect = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.connect.side_effect = error
+            socket.return_value = socket_instance
+            Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
+                session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 2, 3)
+            )
+        fn = session._create_client_side_connection
+        self.assertEqual(fn.call_count, 1)
+        # Asserts that the 1st argument (Sl4aPorts) sent to the function
+        # has a client port of 0.
+        self.assertEqual(fn.call_args_list[0][0][0].client_port, 0)
+    def test_create_client_side_connection_re_raises_uncaught_errors(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
+        Tests that the function will re-raise any socket error that does not
+        have errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
+        error = socket_error()
+        # Some error that isn't EADDRNOTAVAIL
+        error.errno = errno.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT
+        with mock.patch("socket.socket") as socket:
+            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
+            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.connect = mock.Mock()
+            socket_instance.connect.side_effect = error
+            socket.return_value = socket_instance
+            with self.assertRaises(socket_error):
+                Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
+                    session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 2, 3)
+                )
+    def test_terminate_only_closes_if_not_terminated(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession.terminate()
+        Tests that terminate only runs termination steps if the session has not
+        already been terminated.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._terminate_lock = mock.MagicMock()
+        session._terminated = True
+        Sl4aSession.terminate(session)
+        self.assertFalse(session._event_dispatcher.close.called)
+        self.assertFalse(session.rpc_client.terminate.called)
+    def test_terminate_closes_session_first(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession.terminate()
+        Tests that terminate only runs termination steps if the session has not
+        already been terminated.
+        """
+        session = mock.Mock()
+        session._terminate_lock = mock.MagicMock()
+        session._terminated = True
+        Sl4aSession.terminate(session)
+        self.assertFalse(session._event_dispatcher.close.called)
+        self.assertFalse(session.rpc_client.terminate.called)
+    def test_create_forwarded_port(self):
+        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port returns the hinted port."""
+        mock_adb = mock.Mock()
+        mock_adb.get_version_number = lambda: 37
+        mock_adb.tcp_forward = lambda hinted_port, device_port: hinted_port
+        mock_session = mock.Mock()
+        mock_session.adb = mock_adb
+        mock_session.log = mock.Mock()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            8080, Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port(mock_session, 9999, 8080)
+        )
+    def test_create_forwarded_port_fail_once(self):
+        """Tests that _create_forwarded_port can return a non-hinted port.
+        This will only happen if the hinted port is already taken.
+        """
+        mock_adb = mock.Mock()
+        mock_adb.get_version_number = lambda: 37
+        mock_adb.tcp_forward = mock.Mock(
+            side_effect=AdbError(
+                "cmd", "stdout", stderr="cannot bind listener", ret_code=1
+            )
+        )
+        mock_session = mock.MagicMock()
+        mock_session.adb = mock_adb
+        mock_session.log = mock.Mock()
+        mock_session._create_forwarded_port = lambda *args, **kwargs: 12345
+        self.assertEqual(
+            12345, Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port(mock_session, 9999, 8080)
+        )
+    def test_create_forwarded_port_raises_if_adb_version_is_old(self):
+        """Tests that _create_forwarded_port raises if adb version < 37."""
+        mock_adb = mock.Mock()
+        mock_adb.get_version_number = lambda: 31
+        mock_adb.tcp_forward = lambda _, __: self.fail(
+            "Calling adb.tcp_forward despite ADB version being too old."
+        )
+        mock_session = mock.Mock()
+        mock_session.adb = mock_adb
+        mock_session.log = mock.Mock()
+        with self.assertRaises(Sl4aStartError):
+            Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port(mock_session, 9999, 0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/event/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/event/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/decorators_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/decorators_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..62f3326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/decorators_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+from mock import Mock
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+from antlion.event.decorators import (
+    register_instance_subscriptions,
+    register_static_subscriptions,
+    subscribe,
+    subscribe_static,
+from antlion.event.event import Event
+from antlion.event.subscription_handle import SubscriptionHandle
+class DecoratorsTest(TestCase):
+    """Tests the decorators found in antlion.event.decorators."""
+    def test_subscribe_static_return_type(self):
+        """Tests that the subscribe_static is the correct type."""
+        mock = Mock()
+        @subscribe_static(type)
+        def test(_):
+            return mock
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, SubscriptionHandle))
+    def test_subscribe_static_calling_the_function_returns_normally(self):
+        """Tests that functions decorated by subscribe_static can be called."""
+        static_mock = Mock()
+        @subscribe_static(type)
+        def test(_):
+            return static_mock
+        self.assertEqual(test(Mock()), static_mock)
+    class DummyClass(object):
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.mock = Mock()
+        @subscribe(type)
+        def test(self, _):
+            return self.mock
+    def test_subscribe_return_type(self):
+        """Tests that subscribe returns the correct type."""
+        dummy_class = DecoratorsTest.DummyClass()
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(dummy_class.test, SubscriptionHandle))
+    def test_subscribe_calling_the_function_returns_normally(self):
+        """tests that functions decorated by subscribe can be called."""
+        dummy_class = DecoratorsTest.DummyClass()
+        self.assertEqual(dummy_class.test(""), dummy_class.mock)
+class DummyEvent(Event):
+    """A dummy event used for testing registered functions."""
+class RegisterStaticSubscriptionsTest(TestCase):
+    def test_register_static_subscriptions_returns_passed_in_object(self):
+        obj = Mock()
+        returned_value = register_static_subscriptions(obj)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            obj,
+            returned_value,
+            "register_static_subscriptions returned a value other"
+            "than the object passed in.",
+        )
+    def test_register_static_subscriptions_registers_properly(self):
+        @register_static_subscriptions
+        class RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass(object):
+            captured_event = None
+            @staticmethod
+            @subscribe_static(DummyEvent)
+            def on_static_event(evt):
+                RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass.captured_event = evt
+        event = DummyEvent()
+        event_bus.post(event)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            event,
+            RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass.captured_event,
+            "register_static_subscriptions did not subscribe "
+            "RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass.on_static_event.",
+        )
+class RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsTest(TestCase):
+    def test_register_instance_subscriptions_returns_passed_in_object(self):
+        class SomeClass(object):
+            pass
+        returned_value = register_instance_subscriptions(SomeClass)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            SomeClass,
+            returned_value,
+            "register_instance_subscriptions returned a value "
+            "other than the object passed in.",
+        )
+    def test_register_instance_subscriptions_registers_properly(self):
+        @register_instance_subscriptions
+        class RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsClass(object):
+            def __init__(self):
+                self.captured_event = None
+            @subscribe(DummyEvent)
+            def on_instance_event(self, evt):
+                self.captured_event = evt
+        instance = RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsClass()
+        event = DummyEvent()
+        event_bus.post(event)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            event,
+            instance.captured_event,
+            "register_instance_subscriptions did not subscribe the instance "
+            "function RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsClass.on_instance_event.",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/event_bus_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/event_bus_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f7657ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/event_bus_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from antlion.event import event_bus
+from antlion.event.event import Event
+from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
+class EventBusTest(TestCase):
+    """Tests the event_bus functions."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Clears all state from the event_bus between test cases."""
+        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
+    def get_subscription_argument(self, register_subscription_call):
+        """Gets the subscription argument from a register_subscription call."""
+        return register_subscription_call[0][0]
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.register_subscription")
+    def test_register_registers_a_subscription(self, register_subscription):
+        """Tests that register creates and registers a subscription."""
+        mock_event = Mock()
+        mock_func = Mock()
+        order = 43
+        event_bus.register(mock_event, mock_func, order=order)
+        args, _ = register_subscription.call_args
+        subscription = args[0]
+        # Instead of writing an equality operator for only testing,
+        # check the internals to make sure they are expected values.
+        self.assertEqual(subscription._event_type, mock_event)
+        self.assertEqual(subscription._func, mock_func)
+        self.assertEqual(subscription.order, order)
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.register_subscription")
+    def test_register_subscriptions_for_list(self, register_subscription):
+        """Tests that register_subscription is called for each subscription."""
+        mocks = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+        subscriptions = [
+            EventSubscription(mocks[0], lambda _: None),
+            EventSubscription(mocks[1], lambda _: None),
+            EventSubscription(mocks[2], lambda _: None),
+        ]
+        event_bus.register_subscriptions(subscriptions)
+        received_subscriptions = set()
+        for index, call in enumerate(register_subscription.call_args_list):
+            received_subscriptions.add(self.get_subscription_argument(call))
+        self.assertEqual(register_subscription.call_count, len(subscriptions))
+        self.assertSetEqual(received_subscriptions, set(subscriptions))
+    def test_register_subscription_new_event_type(self):
+        """Tests that the event_bus can register a new event type."""
+        mock_type = Mock()
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        subscription = EventSubscription(mock_type, lambda _: None)
+        reg_id = event_bus.register_subscription(subscription)
+        self.assertTrue(mock_type in bus._subscriptions.keys())
+        self.assertTrue(subscription in bus._subscriptions[mock_type])
+        self.assertTrue(reg_id in bus._registration_id_map.keys())
+    def test_register_subscription_existing_type(self):
+        """Tests that the event_bus can register an existing event type."""
+        mock_type = Mock()
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        bus._subscriptions[mock_type] = [EventSubscription(mock_type, lambda _: None)]
+        new_subscription = EventSubscription(mock_type, lambda _: True)
+        reg_id = event_bus.register_subscription(new_subscription)
+        self.assertTrue(new_subscription in bus._subscriptions[mock_type])
+        self.assertTrue(reg_id in bus._registration_id_map.keys())
+    def test_post_to_unregistered_event_does_not_call_other_funcs(self):
+        """Tests posting an unregistered event will not call other funcs."""
+        mock_subscription = Mock()
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        mock_type = Mock()
+        mock_subscription.event_type = mock_type
+        bus._subscriptions[mock_type] = [mock_subscription]
+        event_bus.post(Mock())
+        self.assertEqual(mock_subscription.deliver.call_count, 0)
+    def test_post_to_registered_event_calls_all_registered_funcs(self):
+        """Tests posting to a registered event calls all registered funcs."""
+        mock_subscriptions = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        for subscription in mock_subscriptions:
+            subscription.order = 0
+        mock_event = Mock()
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = mock_subscriptions
+        event_bus.post(mock_event)
+        for subscription in mock_subscriptions:
+            subscription.deliver.assert_called_once_with(mock_event)
+    def test_post_with_ignore_errors_calls_all_registered_funcs(self):
+        """Tests posting with ignore_errors=True calls all registered funcs,
+        even if they raise errors.
+        """
+        def _raise(_):
+            raise Exception
+        mock_event = Mock()
+        mock_subscriptions = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+        mock_subscriptions[0].deliver.side_effect = _raise
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        for i, subscription in enumerate(mock_subscriptions):
+            subscription.order = i
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = mock_subscriptions
+        event_bus.post(mock_event, ignore_errors=True)
+        for subscription in mock_subscriptions:
+            subscription.deliver.assert_called_once_with(mock_event)
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.unregister")
+    def test_unregister_all_from_list(self, unregister):
+        """Tests unregistering from a list unregisters the specified list."""
+        unregister_list = [Mock(), Mock()]
+        event_bus.unregister_all(from_list=unregister_list)
+        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, len(unregister_list))
+        for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list:
+            subscription = args[0]
+            self.assertTrue(subscription in unregister_list)
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.unregister")
+    def test_unregister_all_from_event(self, unregister):
+        """Tests that all subscriptions under the event are unregistered."""
+        mock_event = Mock()
+        mock_event_2 = Mock()
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        unregister_list = [Mock(), Mock()]
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event_2)] = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = unregister_list
+        for sub_type in bus._subscriptions.keys():
+            for subscription in bus._subscriptions[sub_type]:
+                subscription.event_type = sub_type
+                bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
+        event_bus.unregister_all(from_event=type(mock_event))
+        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, len(unregister_list))
+        for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list:
+            subscription = args[0]
+            self.assertTrue(subscription in unregister_list)
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.unregister")
+    def test_unregister_all_no_args_unregisters_everything(self, unregister):
+        """Tests unregister_all without arguments will unregister everything."""
+        mock_event_1 = Mock()
+        mock_event_2 = Mock()
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        unregister_list_1 = [Mock(), Mock()]
+        unregister_list_2 = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event_1)] = unregister_list_1
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event_2)] = unregister_list_2
+        for sub_type in bus._subscriptions.keys():
+            for subscription in bus._subscriptions[sub_type]:
+                subscription.event_type = sub_type
+                bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
+        event_bus.unregister_all()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            unregister.call_count, len(unregister_list_1) + len(unregister_list_2)
+        )
+        for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list:
+            subscription = args[0]
+            self.assertTrue(
+                subscription in unregister_list_1 or subscription in unregister_list_2
+            )
+    def test_unregister_given_an_event_subscription(self):
+        """Tests that unregister can unregister a given EventSubscription."""
+        mock_event = Mock()
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        subscription = EventSubscription(type(mock_event), lambda _: None)
+        bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = [subscription]
+        val = event_bus.unregister(subscription)
+        self.assertTrue(val)
+        self.assertTrue(subscription not in bus._registration_id_map)
+        self.assertTrue(subscription not in bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)])
+    def test_unregister_given_a_registration_id(self):
+        """Tests that unregister can unregister a given EventSubscription."""
+        mock_event = Mock()
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        subscription = EventSubscription(type(mock_event), lambda _: None)
+        registration_id = id(subscription)
+        bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
+        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = [subscription]
+        val = event_bus.unregister(registration_id)
+        self.assertTrue(val)
+        self.assertTrue(subscription not in bus._registration_id_map)
+        self.assertTrue(subscription not in bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)])
+    def test_unregister_given_object_that_is_not_a_subscription(self):
+        """Asserts that a ValueError is raised upon invalid arguments."""
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            event_bus.unregister(Mock())
+    def test_unregister_given_invalid_registration_id(self):
+        """Asserts that a false is returned upon invalid registration_id."""
+        val = event_bus.unregister(9)
+        self.assertFalse(val)
+    def test_listen_for_registers_listener(self):
+        """Tests listen_for registers the listener within the with statement."""
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        def event_listener(_):
+            pass
+        with event_bus.listen_for(Event, event_listener):
+            self.assertEqual(len(bus._registration_id_map), 1)
+    def test_listen_for_unregisters_listener(self):
+        """Tests listen_for unregisters the listener after the with statement."""
+        bus = event_bus._event_bus
+        def event_listener(_):
+            pass
+        with event_bus.listen_for(Event, event_listener):
+            pass
+        self.assertEqual(len(bus._registration_id_map), 0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/event_subscription_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/event_subscription_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c4a008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/event_subscription_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+from mock import Mock
+from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
+class EventSubscriptionTest(TestCase):
+    """Tests the EventSubscription class."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def filter_out_event(_):
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def pass_filter(_):
+        return True
+    def test_event_type_returns_correct_value(self):
+        """Tests that event_type returns the correct event type."""
+        expected_event_type = Mock()
+        subscription = EventSubscription(expected_event_type, lambda _: None)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_event_type, subscription.event_type)
+    def test_deliver_dont_deliver_if_event_is_filtered(self):
+        """Tests deliver does not call func if the event is filtered out."""
+        func = Mock()
+        subscription = EventSubscription(
+            Mock(), func, event_filter=self.filter_out_event
+        )
+        subscription.deliver(Mock())
+        self.assertFalse(func.called)
+    def test_deliver_deliver_accepted_event(self):
+        """Tests deliver does call func when the event is accepted."""
+        func = Mock()
+        subscription = EventSubscription(Mock(), func, event_filter=self.pass_filter)
+        subscription.deliver(Mock())
+        self.assertTrue(func.called)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/subscription_bundle_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/subscription_bundle_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a131c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/event/subscription_bundle_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import sys
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from antlion.event import subscription_bundle
+from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe, subscribe_static
+from antlion.event.event import Event
+from antlion.event.subscription_bundle import SubscriptionBundle
+class SubscriptionBundleTest(TestCase):
+    """Tests the SubscriptionBundle class."""
+    def test_add_calls_add_subscription_properly(self):
+        """Tests that the convenience function add() calls add_subscription."""
+        event = object()
+        func = object()
+        event_filter = object()
+        order = object()
+        package = SubscriptionBundle()
+        package.add_subscription = Mock()
+        package.add(event, func, event_filter=event_filter, order=order)
+        self.assertEqual(package.add_subscription.call_count, 1)
+        subscription = package.add_subscription.call_args[0][0]
+        self.assertEqual(subscription._event_type, event)
+        self.assertEqual(subscription._func, func)
+        self.assertEqual(subscription._event_filter, event_filter)
+        self.assertEqual(subscription.order, order)
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus.register_subscription")
+    def test_add_subscription_registers_sub_if_package_is_registered(
+        self, register_subscription
+    ):
+        """Tests that add_subscription registers the subscription if the
+        SubscriptionBundle is already registered."""
+        package = SubscriptionBundle()
+        package._registered = True
+        mock_subscription = Mock()
+        package.add_subscription(mock_subscription)
+        self.assertEqual(register_subscription.call_count, 1)
+        register_subscription.assert_called_with(mock_subscription)
+    def test_add_subscription_adds_to_subscriptions(self):
+        """Tests add_subscription adds the subscription to subscriptions."""
+        mock_subscription = Mock()
+        package = SubscriptionBundle()
+        package.add_subscription(mock_subscription)
+        self.assertTrue(mock_subscription in package.subscriptions.keys())
+    def test_remove_subscription_removes_subscription_from_subscriptions(self):
+        """Tests remove_subscription removes the given subscription from the
+        subscriptions dictionary."""
+        mock_subscription = Mock()
+        package = SubscriptionBundle()
+        package.subscriptions[mock_subscription] = id(mock_subscription)
+        package.remove_subscription(mock_subscription)
+        self.assertTrue(mock_subscription not in package.subscriptions.keys())
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus.unregister")
+    def test_remove_subscription_unregisters_subscription(self, unregister):
+        """Tests that removing a subscription will also unregister it if the
+        SubscriptionBundle is registered."""
+        mock_subscription = Mock()
+        package = SubscriptionBundle()
+        package._registered = True
+        package.subscriptions[mock_subscription] = id(mock_subscription)
+        package.remove_subscription(mock_subscription)
+        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, 1)
+        unregistered_obj = unregister.call_args[0][0]
+        self.assertTrue(
+            unregistered_obj == id(mock_subscription)
+            or unregistered_obj == mock_subscription
+        )
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus.register_subscription")
+    def test_register_registers_all_subscriptions(self, register_subscription):
+        """Tests register() registers all subscriptions within the bundle."""
+        mock_subscription_list = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+        package = SubscriptionBundle()
+        package._registered = False
+        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
+            package.subscriptions[subscription] = None
+        package.register()
+        self.assertEqual(register_subscription.call_count, len(mock_subscription_list))
+        args = {args[0] for args, _ in register_subscription.call_args_list}
+        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
+            self.assertTrue(subscription in args or id(subscription) in args)
+    @patch("antlion.event.event_bus.unregister")
+    def test_register_registers_all_subscriptions(self, unregister):
+        """Tests register() registers all subscriptions within the bundle."""
+        mock_subscription_list = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+        package = SubscriptionBundle()
+        package._registered = True
+        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
+            package.subscriptions[subscription] = id(subscription)
+        package.unregister()
+        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, len(mock_subscription_list))
+        args = {args[0] for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list}
+        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
+            self.assertTrue(subscription in args or id(subscription) in args)
+class SubscriptionBundleStaticFunctions(TestCase):
+    """Tests the static functions found in subscription_bundle.py"""
+    @staticmethod
+    @subscribe_static(Event)
+    def static_listener_1():
+        pass
+    @staticmethod
+    @subscribe_static(Event)
+    def static_listener_2():
+        pass
+    @subscribe(Event)
+    def instance_listener_1(self):
+        pass
+    @subscribe(Event)
+    def instance_listener_2(self):
+        pass
+    def test_create_from_static(self):
+        """Tests create_from_static gets all StaticSubscriptionHandles."""
+        cls = self.__class__
+        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_static(cls)
+        self.assertEqual(len(bundle.subscriptions), 2)
+        keys = bundle.subscriptions.keys()
+        self.assertIn(cls.static_listener_1.subscription, keys)
+        self.assertIn(cls.static_listener_2.subscription, keys)
+    def test_create_from_instance(self):
+        """Tests create_from_instance gets all InstanceSubscriptionHandles."""
+        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_instance(self)
+        self.assertEqual(len(bundle.subscriptions), 2)
+        keys = bundle.subscriptions.keys()
+        self.assertIn(self.instance_listener_1.subscription, keys)
+        self.assertIn(self.instance_listener_2.subscription, keys)
+def static_listener_1():
+    pass
+class SubscribeStaticModuleLevelTest(TestCase):
+    def test_create_from_static(self):
+        """Tests create_from_static gets all StaticSubscriptionHandles."""
+        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_static(sys.modules[self.__module__])
+        self.assertEqual(len(bundle.subscriptions), 1)
+        keys = bundle.subscriptions.keys()
+        self.assertIn(static_listener_1.subscription, keys)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/libs/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/__init__.py
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/logging/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/logging/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/libs/logging/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/logging/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/logging/log_stream_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/logging/log_stream_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2a4da06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/logging/log_stream_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion import context
+from antlion.libs.logging import log_stream
+from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import (
+    AlsoToLogHandler,
+    InvalidStyleSetError,
+    LogStyles,
+    _LogStream,
+class TestClass(object):
+    """Dummy class for TestEvents"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.test_name = self.test_case.__name__
+    def test_case(self):
+        """Dummy test case for test events."""
+class LogStreamTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the _LogStream class in antlion.libs.logging.log_stream."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def patch(imported_name, *args, **kwargs):
+        return mock.patch(
+            f"antlion.libs.logging.log_stream.{imported_name}", *args, **kwargs
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        # logging.log_path only exists if logger._setup_test_logger is called.
+        # Here we set it to a value that is likely to not exist so file IO is
+        # not executed (an error is raised instead of creating the file).
+        logging.log_path = "/f/a/i/l/p/a/t/h"
+    def setUp(self):
+        log_stream._log_streams = dict()
+    # __init__
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_init_adds_null_handler(self, *_):
+        """Tests that a NullHandler is added to the logger upon initialization.
+        This ensures that no log output is generated when a test class is not
+        running.
+        """
+        debug_monolith_log = LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+        with self.patch("MovableFileHandler"):
+            log = log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName, log_styles=debug_monolith_log
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[0], logging.NullHandler))
+    # __validate_style
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_same_location_set_multiple_times(self, *_):
+        """Tests that a style is invalid if it sets the same handler twice.
+        If the error is NOT raised, then a LogStream can create a Logger that
+        has multiple LogHandlers trying to write to the same file.
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName,
+                log_styles=[
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG,
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG,
+                ],
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "has been set multiple" in catch.exception.args[0],
+            msg="__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_multiple_file_outputs_set(self, *_):
+        """Tests that a style is invalid if more than one of MONOLITH_LOG,
+        TESTCLASS_LOG, and TESTCASE_LOG is set for the same log level.
+        If the error is NOT raised, then a LogStream can create a Logger that
+        has multiple LogHandlers trying to write to the same file.
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName,
+                log_styles=[
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG,
+                ],
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "More than one of" in catch.exception.args[0],
+            msg="__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message",
+        )
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName,
+                log_styles=[
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG,
+                ],
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "More than one of" in catch.exception.args[0],
+            msg="__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message",
+        )
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName,
+                log_styles=[
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG,
+                    LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG,
+                ],
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "More than one of" in catch.exception.args[0],
+            msg="__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_no_level_exists(self, *_):
+        """Tests that a style is invalid if it does not contain a log level.
+        If the style does not contain a log level, then there is no way to
+        pass the information coming from the logger to the correct file.
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName, log_styles=[LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG]
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "log level" in catch.exception.args[0],
+            msg="__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_no_location_exists(self, *_):
+        """Tests that a style is invalid if it does not contain a log level.
+        If the style does not contain a log level, then there is no way to
+        pass the information coming from the logger to the correct file.
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName, log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_INFO]
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "log location" in catch.exception.args[0],
+            msg="__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message",
+        )
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_rotate_logs_no_file_handler(self, *_):
+        """Tests that a LogStyle cannot set ROTATE_LOGS without *_LOG flag.
+        If the LogStyle contains ROTATE_LOGS, it must be associated with a log
+        that is rotatable. TO_ACTS_LOG and TO_STDOUT are not rotatable logs,
+        since those are both controlled by another object/process. The user
+        must specify MONOLITHIC_LOG or TESTCASE_LOG.
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName,
+                # Added LOG_DEBUG here to prevent the no_level_exists raise from
+                # occurring.
+                log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG + LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS],
+            )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "log type" in catch.exception.args[0],
+            msg="__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message",
+        )
+    # __handle_style
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_handle_style_to_acts_log_creates_handler(self, *_):
+        """Tests that using the flag TO_ACTS_LOG creates an AlsoToLogHandler."""
+        info_acts_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG
+        log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_acts_log)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[1], AlsoToLogHandler))
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_handle_style_to_acts_log_creates_handler_is_lowest_level(self, *_):
+        """Tests that using the flag TO_ACTS_LOG creates an AlsoToLogHandler
+        that is set to the lowest LogStyles level."""
+        info_acts_log = LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG + LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG
+        log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_acts_log)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[1], AlsoToLogHandler))
+        self.assertEqual(log.handlers[1].level, logging.DEBUG)
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_handle_style_to_stdout_creates_stream_handler(self, *_):
+        """Tests that using the flag TO_STDOUT creates a StreamHandler."""
+        info_acts_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TO_STDOUT
+        log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_acts_log)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[1], logging.StreamHandler))
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_handle_style_creates_file_handler(self, *_):
+        """Tests handle_style creates a MovableFileHandler for the MONOLITH_LOG."""
+        info_acts_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+        expected = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.patch("MovableFileHandler", return_value=expected):
+            log = log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_acts_log
+            )
+        self.assertEqual(log.handlers[1], expected)
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_handle_style_creates_rotating_file_handler(self, *_):
+        """Tests handle_style creates a MovableFileHandler for the ROTATE_LOGS."""
+        info_acts_log = (
+            LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+        )
+        expected = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.patch("MovableRotatingFileHandler", return_value=expected):
+            log = log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_acts_log
+            )
+        self.assertEqual(log.handlers[1], expected)
+    # __create_rotating_file_handler
+    def test_create_rotating_file_handler_does_what_it_says_it_does(self):
+        """Tests that __create_rotating_file_handler does exactly that."""
+        expected = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.patch("MovableRotatingFileHandler", return_value=expected):
+            # Through name-mangling, this function is automatically renamed. See
+            # https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#private-variables
+            fh = _LogStream._LogStream__create_rotating_file_handler("")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            expected, fh, "The function did not return a MovableRotatingFileHandler."
+        )
+    # __get_file_handler_creator
+    def test_get_file_handler_creator_returns_rotating_file_handler(self):
+        """Tests the function returns a MovableRotatingFileHandler when the log_style
+        has LogStyle.ROTATE_LOGS."""
+        expected = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.patch(
+            "_LogStream._LogStream__create_rotating_file_handler", return_value=expected
+        ):
+            # Through name-mangling, this function is automatically renamed. See
+            # https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#private-variables
+            fh_creator = _LogStream._LogStream__get_file_handler_creator(
+                LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS
+            )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            expected,
+            fh_creator("/d/u/m/m/y/p/a/t/h"),
+            "The function did not return a MovableRotatingFileHandler.",
+        )
+    def test_get_file_handler_creator_returns_file_handler(self):
+        """Tests the function returns a MovableFileHandler when the log_style does NOT
+        have LogStyle.ROTATE_LOGS."""
+        expected = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.patch("MovableFileHandler", return_value=expected):
+            # Through name-mangling, this function is automatically renamed. See
+            # https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#private-variables
+            handler = _LogStream._LogStream__get_file_handler_creator(LogStyles.NONE)()
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(handler, mock.Mock))
+    # __get_lowest_log_level
+    def test_get_lowest_level_gets_lowest_level(self):
+        """Tests __get_lowest_level returns the lowest LogStyle level given."""
+        level = _LogStream._LogStream__get_lowest_log_level(LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS)
+        self.assertEqual(level, LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG)
+    # __get_current_output_dir
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_get_current_output_dir_gets_correct_path(self, *_):
+        """Tests __get_current_output_dir gets the correct path from the context"""
+        info_monolith_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+        base_path = "BASEPATH"
+        subcontext = "SUBCONTEXT"
+        with self.patch("MovableFileHandler"):
+            logstream = log_stream._LogStream(
+                self._testMethodName,
+                log_styles=info_monolith_log,
+                base_path=base_path,
+                subcontext=subcontext,
+            )
+        expected = os.path.join(base_path, subcontext)
+        self.assertEqual(logstream._LogStream__get_current_output_dir(), expected)
+    # __create_handler
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_create_handler_creates_handler_at_correct_path(self, *_):
+        """Tests that __create_handler calls the handler creator with the
+        correct absolute path to the log file.
+        """
+        info_monolith_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+        base_path = "BASEPATH"
+        with self.patch("MovableFileHandler") as file_handler:
+            log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_monolith_log, base_path=base_path
+            )
+            expected = os.path.join(base_path, f"{self._testMethodName}_{'info'}.txt")
+            file_handler.assert_called_with(expected)
+    # __remove_handler
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_remove_handler_removes_a_handler(self, *_):
+        """Tests that __remove_handler removes the handler from the logger and
+        closes the handler.
+        """
+        dummy_obj = mock.Mock()
+        dummy_obj.logger = mock.Mock()
+        handler = mock.Mock()
+        _LogStream._LogStream__remove_handler(dummy_obj, handler)
+        self.assertTrue(dummy_obj.logger.removeHandler.called)
+        self.assertTrue(handler.close.called)
+    # update_handlers
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_update_handlers_updates_filehandler_target(self, _):
+        """Tests that update_handlers invokes the underlying
+        MovableFileHandler.set_file method on the correct path.
+        """
+        info_testclass_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG
+        file_name = "FILENAME"
+        with self.patch("MovableFileHandler"):
+            log = log_stream.create_logger(
+                self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_testclass_log
+            )
+            handler = log.handlers[-1]
+            handler.baseFilename = file_name
+            stream = log_stream._log_streams[log.name]
+            stream._LogStream__get_current_output_dir = lambda: "BASEPATH/TestClass"
+            stream.update_handlers(context.NewTestClassContextEvent())
+            handler.set_file.assert_called_with("BASEPATH/TestClass/FILENAME")
+    # cleanup
+    @mock.patch("os.makedirs")
+    def test_cleanup_removes_all_handlers(self, *_):
+        """Tests that cleanup removes all handlers in the logger, except
+        the NullHandler.
+        """
+        info_testcase_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
+        with self.patch("MovableFileHandler"):
+            log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_testcase_log)
+        created_log_stream = log_stream._log_streams[self._testMethodName]
+        created_log_stream.cleanup()
+        self.assertEqual(len(created_log_stream.logger.handlers), 1)
+class LogStreamModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        # logging.log_path only exists if logger._setup_test_logger is called.
+        # Here we set it to a value that is likely to not exist so file IO is
+        # not executed (an error is raised instead of creating the file).
+        logging.log_path = "/f/a/i/l/p/a/t/h"
+    def setUp(self):
+        log_stream._log_streams = {}
+    # _update_handlers
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_new_context_event():
+        return context.NewContextEvent()
+    def test_update_handlers_delegates_calls_to_log_streams(self):
+        """Tests _update_handlers calls update_handlers on each log_stream."""
+        log_stream._log_streams = {"a": mock.Mock(), "b": mock.Mock()}
+        log_stream._update_handlers(self.create_new_context_event())
+        self.assertTrue(log_stream._log_streams["a"].update_handlers.called)
+        self.assertTrue(log_stream._log_streams["b"].update_handlers.called)
+    # _set_logger
+    def test_set_logger_overwrites_previous_logger(self):
+        """Tests that calling set_logger overwrites the previous logger within
+        log_stream._log_streams.
+        """
+        previous = mock.Mock()
+        log_stream._log_streams = {"a": previous}
+        expected = mock.Mock()
+        expected.name = "a"
+        log_stream._set_logger(expected)
+        self.assertEqual(log_stream._log_streams["a"], expected)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/libs/ota/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/__init__.py
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/dummy_ota_package.zip b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/dummy_ota_package.zip
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/libs/ota/dummy_ota_package.zip
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/dummy_ota_package.zip
Binary files differ
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b41e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion import config_parser
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner, ota_runner_factory
+class OtaRunnerFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests all of the functions in the ota_runner_factory module."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.device = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.device.serial = "fake_serial"
+    def test_get_ota_value_from_config_no_map_key_missing(self):
+        acts_config = {}
+        with self.assertRaises(config_parser.ActsConfigError):
+            ota_runner_factory.get_ota_value_from_config(
+                acts_config, "ota_tool", self.device
+            )
+    def test_get_ota_value_from_config_with_map_key_missing(self):
+        acts_config = {"ota_map": {"fake_serial": "MockOtaTool"}}
+        with self.assertRaises(config_parser.ActsConfigError):
+            ota_runner_factory.get_ota_value_from_config(
+                acts_config, "ota_tool", self.device
+            )
+    def test_get_ota_value_from_config_with_map_key_found(self):
+        expected_value = "/path/to/tool"
+        acts_config = {
+            "ota_map": {"fake_serial": "MockOtaTool"},
+            "ota_tool_MockOtaTool": expected_value,
+        }
+        ret = ota_runner_factory.get_ota_value_from_config(
+            acts_config, "ota_tool", self.device
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected_value, ret)
+    def test_create_from_configs_raise_when_non_default_tool_path_missing(self):
+        acts_config = {
+            "ota_tool": "FakeTool",
+        }
+        try:
+            ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(acts_config, self.device)
+        except config_parser.ActsConfigError:
+            return
+        self.fail(
+            "create_from_configs did not throw an error when a tool was"
+            "specified without a tool path."
+        )
+    def test_create_from_configs_without_map_makes_proper_calls(self):
+        acts_config = {
+            "ota_package": "jkl;",
+            "ota_sl4a": "qaz",
+            "ota_tool": "FakeTool",
+            "FakeTool": "qwerty",
+        }
+        function_path = "antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners.ota_runner_factory.create"
+        with mock.patch(function_path) as mocked_function:
+            ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(acts_config, self.device)
+            mocked_function.assert_called_with(
+                "jkl;", "qaz", self.device, "FakeTool", "qwerty"
+            )
+    def test_create_from_configs_with_map_makes_proper_calls(self):
+        acts_config = {
+            "ota_map": {"fake_serial": "hardwareA"},
+            "ota_package_hardwareA": "jkl;",
+            "ota_sl4a_hardwareA": "qaz",
+            "ota_tool_hardwareA": "FakeTool",
+            "FakeTool": "qwerty",
+        }
+        function_path = "antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners.ota_runner_factory.create"
+        with mock.patch(function_path) as mocked_function:
+            ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(acts_config, self.device)
+            mocked_function.assert_called_with(
+                "jkl;", "qaz", self.device, "FakeTool", "qwerty"
+            )
+    def test_create_raise_on_ota_pkg_and_sl4a_fields_have_different_types(self):
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create"):
+            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+                ota_runner_factory.create("ota_package", ["ota_sl4a"], self.device)
+    def test_create_raise_on_ota_package_not_a_list_or_string(self):
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create"):
+            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+                ota_runner_factory.create({"ota": "pkg"}, {"ota": "sl4a"}, self.device)
+    def test_create_returns_single_ota_runner_on_ota_package_being_a_str(self):
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create"):
+            ret = ota_runner_factory.create("", "", self.device)
+            self.assertEqual(type(ret), ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner)
+    def test_create_returns_multi_ota_runner_on_ota_package_being_a_list(self):
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create"):
+            ret = ota_runner_factory.create([], [], self.device)
+            self.assertEqual(type(ret), ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner)
+    def test_create_returns_bound_ota_runner_on_second_request(self):
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create"):
+            first_return = ota_runner_factory.create([], [], self.device)
+            logging.disable(logging.WARNING)
+            second_return = ota_runner_factory.create([], [], self.device)
+            logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
+            self.assertEqual(first_return, second_return)
+    def test_create_returns_different_ota_runner_on_second_request(self):
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create"):
+            first_return = ota_runner_factory.create(
+                [], [], self.device, use_cached_runners=False
+            )
+            second_return = ota_runner_factory.create(
+                [], [], self.device, use_cached_runners=False
+            )
+            self.assertNotEqual(first_return, second_return)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a74c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool
+class MockOtaTool(ota_tool.OtaTool):
+    def __init__(self, command):
+        super(MockOtaTool, self).__init__(command)
+        self.update_call_count = 0
+        self.cleanup_call_count = 0
+    def update(self, unused):
+        self.update_call_count += 1
+    def cleanup(self, unused):
+        self.cleanup_call_count += 1
+    def reset_count(self):
+        self.update_call_count = 0
+        self.cleanup_call_count = 0
+    def assert_calls_equal(self, test, number_of_expected_calls):
+        test.assertEqual(number_of_expected_calls, self.update_call_count)
+        test.assertEqual(number_of_expected_calls, self.cleanup_call_count)
+class OtaRunnerImpl(ota_runner.OtaRunner):
+    """Sets properties to return an empty string to allow OtaRunner tests."""
+    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
+        return ""
+    def get_ota_package(self):
+        return ""
+    def validate_update(self):
+        pass
+class OtaRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the OtaRunner class."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.prev_sl4a_service_setup_time = ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME
+        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = 0
+    def tearDown(self):
+        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = self.prev_sl4a_service_setup_time
+    def test_update(self):
+        device = mock.MagicMock()
+        device.skip_sl4a = False
+        tool = MockOtaTool("mock_command")
+        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
+        runner.android_device.adb.getprop = mock.Mock(side_effect=["a", "b"])
+        runner.get_post_build_id = lambda: "abc"
+        runner._update()
+        self.assertTrue(device.stop_services.called)
+        self.assertTrue(device.wait_for_boot_completion.called)
+        self.assertTrue(device.start_services.called)
+        self.assertTrue(device.adb.install.called)
+        tool.assert_calls_equal(self, 1)
+    def test_update_fail_on_no_change_to_build(self):
+        device = mock.MagicMock()
+        tool = MockOtaTool("mock_command")
+        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
+        runner.android_device.adb.getprop = mock.Mock(side_effect=["a", "a"])
+        runner.get_post_build_id = lambda: "abc"
+        try:
+            runner._update()
+            self.fail("Matching build fingerprints did not throw an error!")
+        except ota_runner.OtaError:
+            pass
+    def test_init(self):
+        device = mock.MagicMock()
+        tool = MockOtaTool("mock_command")
+        runner = ota_runner.OtaRunner(tool, device)
+        self.assertEqual(runner.ota_tool, tool)
+        self.assertEqual(runner.android_device, device)
+        self.assertEqual(runner.serial, device.serial)
+    def test_get_post_build_id_grabs_valid_data(self):
+        device = mock.MagicMock()
+        tool = MockOtaTool("mock_command")
+        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
+        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
+            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
+            "dummy_ota_package.zip",
+        )
+        runner.get_ota_package = lambda: ota_package_path
+        self.assertEqual(runner.get_post_build_id(), "post-build_information")
+    def test_get_ota_package_metadata_value_does_not_exist(self):
+        device = mock.MagicMock()
+        tool = MockOtaTool("mock_command")
+        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
+        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
+            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
+            "dummy_ota_package.zip",
+        )
+        runner.get_ota_package = lambda: ota_package_path
+        self.assertEqual(runner.get_ota_package_metadata("garbage-data"), None)
+class SingleUseOtaRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the SingleUseOtaRunner class."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.device = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.tool = MockOtaTool("mock_command")
+    def test_update_first_update_runs(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, "", "")
+        try:
+            with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+                runner.update()
+        except ota_runner.OtaError:
+            self.fail(
+                "SingleUseOtaRunner threw an exception on the first " "update call."
+            )
+    def test_update_second_update_raises_error(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, "", "")
+        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+            runner.update()
+            try:
+                runner.update()
+            except ota_runner.OtaError:
+                return
+        self.fail(
+            "SingleUseOtaRunner did not throw an exception on the second" "update call."
+        )
+    def test_can_update_no_updates_called(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, "", "")
+        self.assertEqual(True, runner.can_update())
+    def test_can_update_has_updated_already(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, "", "")
+        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+            runner.update()
+        self.assertEqual(False, runner.can_update())
+    def test_get_ota_package(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, "a", "b")
+        self.assertEqual(runner.get_ota_package(), "a")
+    def test_get_sl4a_apk(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, "a", "b")
+        self.assertEqual(runner.get_sl4a_apk(), "b")
+class MultiUseOtaRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the MultiUseOtaRunner class."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.device = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.tool = MockOtaTool("mock_command")
+    def test_update_first_update_runs(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, [""], [""])
+        try:
+            with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+                runner.update()
+        except ota_runner.OtaError:
+            self.fail(
+                "MultiUseOtaRunner threw an exception on the first " "update call."
+            )
+    def test_update_multiple_updates_run(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            self.tool,
+            self.device,
+            ["first_pkg", "second_pkg"],
+            ["first_apk", "second_apk"],
+        )
+        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+            runner.update()
+            try:
+                runner.update()
+            except ota_runner.OtaError:
+                self.fail(
+                    "MultiUseOtaRunner threw an exception before "
+                    "running out of update packages."
+                )
+    def test_update_too_many_update_calls_raises_error(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            self.tool,
+            self.device,
+            ["first_pkg", "second_pkg"],
+            ["first_apk", "second_apk"],
+        )
+        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+            runner.update()
+            runner.update()
+            try:
+                runner.update()
+            except ota_runner.OtaError:
+                return
+        self.fail(
+            "MultiUseOtaRunner did not throw an exception after running "
+            "out of update packages."
+        )
+    def test_can_update_no_updates_called(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            self.tool,
+            self.device,
+            ["first_pkg", "second_pkg"],
+            ["first_apk", "second_apk"],
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(True, runner.can_update())
+    def test_can_update_has_more_updates_left(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            self.tool,
+            self.device,
+            ["first_pkg", "second_pkg"],
+            ["first_apk", "second_apk"],
+        )
+        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+            runner.update()
+        self.assertEqual(True, runner.can_update())
+    def test_can_update_ran_out_of_updates(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            self.tool,
+            self.device,
+            ["first_pkg", "second_pkg"],
+            ["first_apk", "second_apk"],
+        )
+        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, "_update"):
+            runner.update()
+            runner.update()
+        self.assertEqual(False, runner.can_update())
+    def test_get_ota_package(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            self.tool,
+            self.device,
+            ["first_pkg", "second_pkg"],
+            ["first_apk", "second_apk"],
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(runner.get_ota_package(), "first_pkg")
+    def test_get_sl4a_apk(self):
+        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(
+            self.tool,
+            self.device,
+            ["first_pkg", "second_pkg"],
+            ["first_apk", "second_apk"],
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(runner.get_sl4a_apk(), "first_apk")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51daad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers import android_device
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import adb_sideload_ota_tool, ota_tool
+def get_mock_android_device(serial="", ssh_connection=None):
+    """Returns a mocked AndroidDevice with a mocked adb/fastboot."""
+    with mock.patch("antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy") as adb_proxy, mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy"
+    ) as fb_proxy:
+        adb_proxy.return_value.getprop.return_value = "1.2.3"
+        fb_proxy.return_value.devices.return_value = ""
+        ret = mock.Mock(
+            android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=serial, ssh_connection=ssh_connection)
+        )
+        fb_proxy.reset_mock()
+        return ret
+class AdbSideloadOtaToolTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the OtaTool class."""
+    def test_init(self):
+        expected_value = "commmand string"
+        self.assertEqual(ota_tool.OtaTool(expected_value).command, expected_value)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.sl4a_service_setup_time = ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME
+        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = 0
+        logging.log_path = "/tmp/log"
+    def tearDown(self):
+        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = self.sl4a_service_setup_time
+    @staticmethod
+    def test_start():
+        # This test could have a bunch of verify statements,
+        # but its probably not worth it.
+        device = get_mock_android_device()
+        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
+            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
+            "dummy_ota_package.zip",
+        )
+        tool = adb_sideload_ota_tool.AdbSideloadOtaTool(ota_package_path)
+        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(tool, device, ota_package_path, "")
+        runner.android_device.adb.getprop = mock.Mock(side_effect=["a", "b"])
+        runner.update()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4769171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool_factory
+class MockOtaTool(object):
+    def __init__(self, command):
+        self.command = command
+class OtaToolFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        ota_tool_factory._constructed_tools = {}
+    def test_create_constructor_exists(self):
+        ota_tool_factory._CONSTRUCTORS = {
+            MockOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: MockOtaTool(command),
+        }
+        ret = ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, "command")
+        self.assertEqual(type(ret), MockOtaTool)
+        self.assertTrue(ret in ota_tool_factory._constructed_tools.values())
+    def test_create_not_in_constructors(self):
+        ota_tool_factory._CONSTRUCTORS = {}
+        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+            ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, "command")
+    def test_create_returns_cached_tool(self):
+        ota_tool_factory._CONSTRUCTORS = {
+            MockOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: MockOtaTool(command),
+        }
+        ret_a = ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, "command")
+        ret_b = ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, "command")
+        self.assertEqual(ret_a, ret_b)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ddad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool
+class OtaToolTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the OtaTool class."""
+    def test_init(self):
+        expected_value = "commmand string"
+        self.assertEqual(ota_tool.OtaTool(expected_value).command, expected_value)
+    def test_start_throws_error_on_unimplemented(self):
+        obj = "some object"
+        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
+            ota_tool.OtaTool("").update(obj)
+    def test_end_is_not_abstract(self):
+        obj = "some object"
+        try:
+            ota_tool.OtaTool("").cleanup(obj)
+        except:
+            self.fail("End is not required and should be a virtual function.")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e8f3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.controllers import android_device
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import update_device_ota_tool
+def get_mock_android_device(serial="", ssh_connection=None):
+    """Returns a mocked AndroidDevice with a mocked adb/fastboot."""
+    with mock.patch("antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy") as adb_proxy, mock.patch(
+        "antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy"
+    ) as fb_proxy:
+        adb_proxy.return_value.getprop.return_value = "1.2.3"
+        fb_proxy.return_value.devices.return_value = ""
+        ret = mock.Mock(
+            android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=serial, ssh_connection=ssh_connection)
+        )
+        fb_proxy.reset_mock()
+        return ret
+class UpdateDeviceOtaToolTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for UpdateDeviceOtaTool."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.sl4a_service_setup_time = ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME
+        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = 0
+        logging.log_path = "/tmp/log"
+    def tearDown(self):
+        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = self.sl4a_service_setup_time
+    def test_update(self):
+        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
+            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
+            "dummy_ota_package.zip",
+        )
+        with mock.patch("tempfile.mkdtemp") as mkdtemp, mock.patch(
+            "shutil.rmtree"
+        ) as rmtree, mock.patch("antlion.utils.unzip_maintain_permissions"):
+            mkdtemp.return_value = ""
+            rmtree.return_value = ""
+            device = get_mock_android_device()
+            tool = update_device_ota_tool.UpdateDeviceOtaTool(ota_package_path)
+            runner = mock.Mock(ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(tool, device, "", ""))
+            runner.return_value.android_device = device
+            with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.job.run"):
+                tool.update(runner)
+            del tool
+    def test_del(self):
+        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
+            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
+            "dummy_ota_package.zip",
+        )
+        with mock.patch("tempfile.mkdtemp") as mkdtemp, mock.patch(
+            "shutil.rmtree"
+        ) as rmtree, mock.patch("antlion.utils.unzip_maintain_permissions"):
+            mkdtemp.return_value = ""
+            rmtree.return_value = ""
+            tool = update_device_ota_tool.UpdateDeviceOtaTool(ota_package_path)
+            del tool
+            self.assertTrue(mkdtemp.called)
+            self.assertTrue(rmtree.called)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_updater_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_updater_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..763500e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_updater_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.libs.ota import ota_updater
+from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
+class MockAndroidDevice(object):
+    def __init__(self, serial):
+        self.serial = serial
+        self.log = mock.Mock()
+        self.take_bug_report = mock.MagicMock()
+class MockOtaRunner(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.call_count = 0
+        self.should_fail = False
+        self.can_update_value = "CAN_UPDATE_CALLED"
+    def set_failure(self, should_fail=True):
+        self.should_fail = should_fail
+    def update(self):
+        self.call_count += 1
+        if self.should_fail:
+            raise ota_runner.OtaError
+    def can_update(self):
+        return self.can_update_value
+    def validate_update(self):
+        pass
+class OtaUpdaterTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the methods in the ota_updater module."""
+    def test_initialize(self):
+        user_params = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
+        android_devices = ["x", "y", "z"]
+        with mock.patch(
+            "antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners.ota_runner_factory." "create_from_configs"
+        ) as fn:
+            ota_updater.initialize(user_params, android_devices)
+            for i in range(len(android_devices)):
+                fn.assert_any_call(user_params, android_devices[i])
+            self.assertSetEqual(
+                set(android_devices), set(ota_updater.ota_runners.keys())
+            )
+    def test_check_initialization_is_initialized(self):
+        device = MockAndroidDevice("serial")
+        ota_updater.ota_runners = {device: ota_runner.OtaRunner("tool", device)}
+        try:
+            ota_updater._check_initialization(device)
+        except ota_runner.OtaError:
+            self.fail("_check_initialization raised for initialized runner!")
+    def test_check_initialization_is_not_initialized(self):
+        device = MockAndroidDevice("serial")
+        ota_updater.ota_runners = {}
+        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+            ota_updater._check_initialization(device)
+    def test_update_do_not_ignore_failures_and_failures_occur(self):
+        device = MockAndroidDevice("serial")
+        runner = MockOtaRunner()
+        runner.set_failure(True)
+        ota_updater.ota_runners = {device: runner}
+        with self.assertRaises(ota_runner.OtaError):
+            ota_updater.update(device)
+    def test_update_ignore_failures_and_failures_occur(self):
+        device = MockAndroidDevice("serial")
+        runner = MockOtaRunner()
+        runner.set_failure(True)
+        ota_updater.ota_runners = {device: runner}
+        try:
+            ota_updater.update(device, ignore_update_errors=True)
+        except ota_runner.OtaError:
+            self.fail("OtaError was raised when errors are to be ignored!")
+    def test_can_update(self):
+        device = MockAndroidDevice("serial")
+        runner = MockOtaRunner()
+        ota_updater.ota_runners = {device: runner}
+        self.assertEqual(ota_updater.can_update(device), "CAN_UPDATE_CALLED")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/proc/__init__.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/proc/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/libs/proc/__init__.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/proc/__init__.py
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/proc/process_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/proc/process_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d362c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/libs/proc/process_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import subprocess
+import unittest
+import mock
+from antlion.libs.proc.process import Process, ProcessError
+class FakeThread(object):
+    def __init__(self, target=None):
+        self.target = target
+        self.alive = False
+    def _on_start(self):
+        pass
+    def start(self):
+        self.alive = True
+        if self._on_start:
+            self._on_start()
+    def stop(self):
+        self.alive = False
+    def join(self):
+        pass
+class ProcessTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests the antlion.libs.proc.process.Process class."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self._Process__start_process = Process._Process__start_process
+    def tearDown(self):
+        Process._Process__start_process = self._Process__start_process
+    @staticmethod
+    def patch(imported_name, *args, **kwargs):
+        return mock.patch(f"antlion.libs.proc.process.{imported_name}", *args, **kwargs)
+    # set_on_output_callback
+    def test_set_on_output_callback(self):
+        """Tests that set_on_output_callback sets on_output_callback."""
+        callback = mock.Mock()
+        process = Process("cmd").set_on_output_callback(callback)
+        process._on_output_callback()
+        self.assertTrue(callback.called)
+    # set_on_terminate_callback
+    def test_set_on_terminate_callback(self):
+        """Tests that set_on_terminate_callback sets _on_terminate_callback."""
+        callback = mock.Mock()
+        process = Process("cmd").set_on_terminate_callback(callback)
+        process._on_terminate_callback()
+        self.assertTrue(callback.called)
+    # start
+    def test_start_raises_if_called_back_to_back(self):
+        """Tests that start raises an exception if it has already been called
+        prior.
+        This is required to prevent references to processes and threads from
+        being overwritten, potentially causing ACTS to hang."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        # Here we need the thread to start the process object.
+        class FakeThreadImpl(FakeThread):
+            def _on_start(self):
+                process._process = mock.Mock()
+        with self.patch("Thread", FakeThreadImpl):
+            process.start()
+            expected_msg = "Process has already started."
+            with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, expected_msg):
+                process.start()
+    def test_start_starts_listening_thread(self):
+        """Tests that start starts the _exec_popen_loop function."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        # Here we need the thread to start the process object.
+        class FakeThreadImpl(FakeThread):
+            def _on_start(self):
+                process._process = mock.Mock()
+        with self.patch("Thread", FakeThreadImpl):
+            process.start()
+        self.assertTrue(process._listening_thread.alive)
+        self.assertEqual(process._listening_thread.target, process._exec_loop)
+    # wait
+    def test_wait_raises_if_called_back_to_back(self):
+        """Tests that wait raises an exception if it has already been called
+        prior."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process.wait(0)
+        expected_msg = "Process is already being stopped."
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, expected_msg):
+            process.wait(0)
+    @mock.patch.object(Process, "_kill_process")
+    def test_wait_kills_after_timeout(self, *_):
+        """Tests that if a TimeoutExpired error is thrown during wait, the
+        process is killed."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process._process.wait.side_effect = subprocess.TimeoutExpired("", "")
+        process.wait(0)
+        self.assertEqual(process._kill_process.called, True)
+    @mock.patch("os.getpgid", side_effect=lambda id: id)
+    @mock.patch("os.killpg")
+    def test_sends_signal(self, mock_os, *_):
+        """Tests that signal is sent to process.."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        mock_process = mock.Mock()
+        mock_process.pid = -1
+        process._process = mock_process
+        process.signal(51641)
+        mock_os.assert_called_with(-1, 51641)
+    def test_signal_raises_error_on_windows(self, *_):
+        """Tests that signaling is unsupported in windows with appropriate
+        error msg."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        mock_inner_process = mock.Mock()
+        mock_inner_process.pid = -1
+        process._process = mock_inner_process
+        with mock.patch("antlion.libs.proc.process._on_windows", True):
+            with self.assertRaises(ProcessError):
+                process.signal(51641)
+    @mock.patch.object(Process, "_kill_process")
+    def test_wait_sets_stopped_to_true_before_process_kill(self, *_):
+        """Tests that stop() sets the _stopped attribute to True.
+        This order is required to prevent the _exec_loop from calling
+        _on_terminate_callback when the user has killed the process.
+        """
+        verifier = mock.Mock()
+        verifier.passed = False
+        def test_call_order():
+            self.assertTrue(process._stopped)
+            verifier.passed = True
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process._process.poll.return_value = None
+        process._process.wait.side_effect = subprocess.TimeoutExpired("", "")
+        process._kill_process = test_call_order
+        process.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(verifier.passed, True)
+    def test_wait_joins_listening_thread_if_it_exists(self):
+        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        mocked_thread = mock.Mock()
+        process._listening_thread = mocked_thread
+        process.wait(0)
+        self.assertEqual(mocked_thread.join.called, True)
+    def test_wait_clears_listening_thread_if_it_exists(self):
+        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists.
+        Threads can only be started once, so after wait has been called, we
+        want to make sure we clear the listening thread.
+        """
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process._listening_thread = mock.Mock()
+        process.wait(0)
+        self.assertEqual(process._listening_thread, None)
+    def test_wait_joins_redirection_thread_if_it_exists(self):
+        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        mocked_thread = mock.Mock()
+        process._redirection_thread = mocked_thread
+        process.wait(0)
+        self.assertEqual(mocked_thread.join.called, True)
+    def test_wait_clears_redirection_thread_if_it_exists(self):
+        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists.
+        Threads can only be started once, so after wait has been called, we
+        want to make sure we clear the listening thread.
+        """
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process._redirection_thread = mock.Mock()
+        process.wait(0)
+        self.assertEqual(process._redirection_thread, None)
+    # stop
+    def test_stop_sets_stopped_to_true(self):
+        """Tests that stop() sets the _stopped attribute to True."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process.stop()
+        self.assertTrue(process._stopped)
+    def test_stop_sets_stopped_to_true_before_process_kill(self):
+        """Tests that stop() sets the _stopped attribute to True.
+        This order is required to prevent the _exec_loop from calling
+        _on_terminate_callback when the user has killed the process.
+        """
+        verifier = mock.Mock()
+        verifier.passed = False
+        def test_call_order():
+            self.assertTrue(process._stopped)
+            verifier.passed = True
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process._process.poll.return_value = None
+        process._kill_process = test_call_order
+        process._process.wait.side_effect = subprocess.TimeoutExpired("", "")
+        process.stop()
+        self.assertEqual(verifier.passed, True)
+    def test_stop_calls_wait(self):
+        """Tests that stop() also has the functionality of wait()."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process.wait = mock.Mock()
+        process.stop()
+        self.assertEqual(process.wait.called, True)
+    # _redirect_output
+    def test_redirect_output_feeds_all_lines_to_on_output_callback(self):
+        """Tests that _redirect_output loops until all lines are parsed."""
+        received_list = []
+        def appender(line):
+            received_list.append(line)
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        process.set_on_output_callback(appender)
+        process._process = mock.Mock()
+        process._process.stdout.readline.side_effect = [b"a\n", b"b\n", b""]
+        process._redirect_output()
+        self.assertEqual(received_list[0], "a")
+        self.assertEqual(received_list[1], "b")
+        self.assertEqual(len(received_list), 2)
+    # __start_process
+    def test_start_process_returns_a_popen_object(self):
+        """Tests that a Popen object is returned by __start_process."""
+        with self.patch("subprocess.Popen", return_value="verification"):
+            self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process("cmd"), "verification")
+    # _exec_loop
+    def test_exec_loop_redirections_output(self):
+        """Tests that the _exec_loop function calls to redirect the output."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
+        with self.patch("Thread", FakeThread):
+            process._exec_loop()
+        self.assertEqual(process._redirection_thread.target, process._redirect_output)
+        self.assertEqual(process._redirection_thread.alive, True)
+    def test_exec_loop_waits_for_process(self):
+        """Tests that the _exec_loop waits for the process to complete before
+        returning."""
+        process = Process("cmd")
+        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
+        with self.patch("Thread", FakeThread):
+            process._exec_loop()
+        self.assertEqual(process._process.wait.called, True)
+    def test_exec_loop_loops_if_not_stopped(self):
+        process = Process("1st")
+        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
+        process._on_terminate_callback = mock.Mock(side_effect=[["2nd"], None])
+        with self.patch("Thread", FakeThread):
+            process._exec_loop()
+        self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process.call_count, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            Process._Process__start_process.call_args_list[0][0], (["1st"],)
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            Process._Process__start_process.call_args_list[1][0], (["2nd"],)
+        )
+    def test_exec_loop_does_not_loop_if_stopped(self):
+        process = Process("1st")
+        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
+        process._on_terminate_callback = mock.Mock(side_effect=["2nd", None])
+        process._stopped = True
+        with self.patch("Thread", FakeThread):
+            process._exec_loop()
+        self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            Process._Process__start_process.call_args_list[0][0], (["1st"],)
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/mock_controller.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/mock_controller.py
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/mock_controller.py
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/mock_controller.py
diff --git a/unit_tests/test_data/1k_2k.raw b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_data/1k_2k.raw
similarity index 100%
rename from unit_tests/test_data/1k_2k.raw
rename to packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_data/1k_2k.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_runner_test.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_runner_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fc515ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_runner_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from antlion import test_runner
+class TestRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.base_mock_test_config = TestRunConfig()
+        self.base_mock_test_config.testbed_name = "SampleTestBed"
+        self.base_mock_test_config.log_path = self.tmp_dir
+        self.base_mock_test_config.controller_configs = {"testpaths": ["./"]}
+        self.base_mock_test_config.user_params = {"icecream": 42, "extra_param": "haha"}
+    def tearDown(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_test_classes(class_names):
+        return {class_name: Mock() for class_name in class_names}
+    @patch("antlion.records.TestResult")
+    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, "_write_results_to_file")
+    def test_class_name_pattern_single(self, *_):
+        class_names = ["test_class_1", "test_class_2"]
+        pattern = "test*1"
+        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config, [(pattern, None)])
+        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
+        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
+        tr.run()
+        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
+        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
+    @patch("antlion.records.TestResult")
+    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, "_write_results_to_file")
+    def test_class_name_pattern_multi(self, *_):
+        class_names = ["test_class_1", "test_class_2", "other_name"]
+        pattern = "test_class*"
+        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config, [(pattern, None)])
+        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
+        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
+        tr.run()
+        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
+        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
+        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[2]].called)
+    @patch("antlion.records.TestResult")
+    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, "_write_results_to_file")
+    def test_class_name_pattern_question_mark(self, *_):
+        class_names = ["test_class_1", "test_class_12"]
+        pattern = "test_class_?"
+        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config, [(pattern, None)])
+        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
+        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
+        tr.run()
+        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
+        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
+    @patch("antlion.records.TestResult")
+    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, "_write_results_to_file")
+    def test_class_name_pattern_char_seq(self, *_):
+        class_names = ["test_class_1", "test_class_2", "test_class_3"]
+        pattern = "test_class_[1357]"
+        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config, [(pattern, None)])
+        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
+        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
+        tr.run()
+        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
+        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
+        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[2]].called)
+    @patch("antlion.records.TestResult")
+    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, "dump_config")
+    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, "_write_results_to_file")
+    @patch("antlion.test_runner.logger")
+    def test_class_logpath_contains_proper_directory(self, logger_mock, *_):
+        expected_timestamp = "1970-01-01_00-00-00-00-000000"
+        logger_mock.get_log_file_timestamp.return_value = expected_timestamp
+        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config, [("MockTest", None)])
+        mock_class = Mock()
+        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value={"MockTest": mock_class})
+        tr.run()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            mock_class.call_args_list[0][0][0].log_path,
+            os.path.join(
+                self.tmp_dir,
+                self.base_mock_test_config.testbed_name,
+                expected_timestamp,
+            ),
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_suite.py b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_suite.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad578d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/unit_tests/test_suite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+class TestResult(object):
+    """
+    Attributes:
+        failures_future: The list of failed test cases during this test.
+        output_file: The file containing the stderr/stdout for this test.
+        test_suite: The unittest.TestSuite used. Useful for debugging.
+        test_filename: The *_test.py file that ran in this test.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_result, output_file, test_suite, test_filename):
+        self.test_result = test_result
+        self.output_file = output_file
+        self.test_suite = test_suite
+        self.test_filename = test_filename
+def run_all_unit_tests():
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    test_files = []
+    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
+        for filename in files:
+            if filename.endswith("_test.py"):
+                test_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
+                try:
+                    suite.addTest(loader.discover(root, filename))
+                except ImportError as e:
+                    if "Start directory is not importable" not in e.args[0]:
+                        raise
+                    message = ". Did you forget to add an __init__.py file?"
+                    raise ImportError(e.args[0] + message)
+    output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    results = []
+    for index, test in enumerate(suite._tests):
+        output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, f"test_{index}.output")
+        test_result = subprocess.Popen(
+            [sys.executable, test_files[index]],
+            stdout=open(output_file, "w+"),
+            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+        )
+        results.append(TestResult(test_result, output_file, test, test_files[index]))
+    all_failures = []
+    for index, result in enumerate(results):
+        try:
+            failures = result.test_result.wait(timeout=60)
+            if failures:
+                print(f"Failure logs for {result.test_filename}:", file=sys.stderr)
+                with open(result.output_file, "r") as out_file:
+                    print(out_file.read(), file=sys.stderr)
+                all_failures.append(f"{result.test_filename} (failed)")
+        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+            all_failures.append(f"{result.test_filename} (timed out)")
+            print(
+                f"The following test timed out: {result.test_filename!r}",
+                file=sys.stderr,
+            )
+            with open(result.output_file, "r") as out_file:
+                print(out_file.read(), file=sys.stderr)
+    # Prints a summary over all unit tests failed.
+    if all_failures:
+        print("The following tests failed:", file=sys.stderr)
+        for failure in all_failures:
+            print("    ", failure, file=sys.stderr)
+    exit(bool(all_failures))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    run_all_unit_tests()
diff --git a/packages/antlion/utils.py b/packages/antlion/utils.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f30299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2025 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import base64
+import concurrent.futures
+import copy
+import datetime
+import functools
+import ipaddress
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import platform
+import random
+import re
+import signal
+import socket
+import string
+import subprocess
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+import zipfile
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
+import mobly.keys as mobly_keys
+import yaml
+from antlion import keys, signals
+from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
+from antlion.libs.proc import job
+from antlion.runner import Runner
+    from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
+    from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+    from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
+# File name length is limited to 255 chars on some OS, so we need to make sure
+# the file names we output fits within the limit.
+# All Fuchsia devices use this suffix for link-local mDNS host names.
+FUCHSIA_MDNS_TYPE = "_fuchsia._udp.local."
+# Default max seconds it takes to Duplicate Address Detection to finish before
+# assigning an IPv6 address.
+class ActsUtilsError(Exception):
+    """Generic error raised for exceptions in ACTS utils."""
+class NexusModelNames:
+    # TODO(angli): This will be fixed later by angli.
+    ONE = "sprout"
+    N5 = "hammerhead"
+    N5v2 = "bullhead"
+    N6 = "shamu"
+    N6v2 = "angler"
+    N6v3 = "marlin"
+    N5v3 = "sailfish"
+class DozeModeStatus:
+    IDLE = "IDLE"
+ascii_letters_and_digits = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+valid_filename_chars = f"-_.{ascii_letters_and_digits}"
+models = (
+    "sprout",
+    "occam",
+    "hammerhead",
+    "bullhead",
+    "razor",
+    "razorg",
+    "shamu",
+    "angler",
+    "volantis",
+    "volantisg",
+    "mantaray",
+    "fugu",
+    "ryu",
+    "marlin",
+    "sailfish",
+manufacture_name_to_model = {
+    "flo": "razor",
+    "flo_lte": "razorg",
+    "flounder": "volantis",
+    "flounder_lte": "volantisg",
+    "dragon": "ryu",
+GMT_to_olson = {
+    "GMT-9": "America/Anchorage",
+    "GMT-8": "US/Pacific",
+    "GMT-7": "US/Mountain",
+    "GMT-6": "US/Central",
+    "GMT-5": "US/Eastern",
+    "GMT-4": "America/Barbados",
+    "GMT-3": "America/Buenos_Aires",
+    "GMT-2": "Atlantic/South_Georgia",
+    "GMT-1": "Atlantic/Azores",
+    "GMT+0": "Africa/Casablanca",
+    "GMT+1": "Europe/Amsterdam",
+    "GMT+2": "Europe/Athens",
+    "GMT+3": "Europe/Moscow",
+    "GMT+4": "Asia/Baku",
+    "GMT+5": "Asia/Oral",
+    "GMT+6": "Asia/Almaty",
+    "GMT+7": "Asia/Bangkok",
+    "GMT+8": "Asia/Hong_Kong",
+    "GMT+9": "Asia/Tokyo",
+    "GMT+10": "Pacific/Guam",
+    "GMT+11": "Pacific/Noumea",
+    "GMT+12": "Pacific/Fiji",
+    "GMT+13": "Pacific/Tongatapu",
+    "GMT-11": "Pacific/Midway",
+    "GMT-10": "Pacific/Honolulu",
+def abs_path(path):
+    """Resolve the '.' and '~' in a path to get the absolute path.
+    Args:
+        path: The path to expand.
+    Returns:
+        The absolute path of the input path.
+    """
+    return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
+def get_current_epoch_time():
+    """Current epoch time in milliseconds.
+    Returns:
+        An integer representing the current epoch time in milliseconds.
+    """
+    return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+def get_current_human_time():
+    """Returns the current time in human readable format.
+    Returns:
+        The current time stamp in Month-Day-Year Hour:Min:Sec format.
+    """
+    return time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S ")
+def epoch_to_human_time(epoch_time):
+    """Converts an epoch timestamp to human readable time.
+    This essentially converts an output of get_current_epoch_time to an output
+    of get_current_human_time
+    Args:
+        epoch_time: An integer representing an epoch timestamp in milliseconds.
+    Returns:
+        A time string representing the input time.
+        None if input param is invalid.
+    """
+    if isinstance(epoch_time, int):
+        try:
+            d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time / 1000)
+            return d.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S ")
+        except ValueError:
+            return None
+def get_timezone_olson_id():
+    """Return the Olson ID of the local (non-DST) timezone.
+    Returns:
+        A string representing one of the Olson IDs of the local (non-DST)
+        timezone.
+    """
+    tzoffset = int(time.timezone / 3600)
+    gmt = None
+    if tzoffset <= 0:
+        gmt = f"GMT+{-tzoffset}"
+    else:
+        gmt = f"GMT-{tzoffset}"
+    return GMT_to_olson[gmt]
+def get_next_device(test_bed_controllers, used_devices):
+    """Gets the next device in a list of testbed controllers
+    Args:
+        test_bed_controllers: A list of testbed controllers of a particular
+            type, for example a list ACTS Android devices.
+        used_devices: A list of devices that have been used.  This can be a
+            mix of devices, for example a fuchsia device and an Android device.
+    Returns:
+        The next device in the test_bed_controllers list or None if there are
+        no items that are not in the used devices list.
+    """
+    if test_bed_controllers:
+        device_list = test_bed_controllers
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("test_bed_controllers is empty.")
+    for used_device in used_devices:
+        if used_device in device_list:
+            device_list.remove(used_device)
+    if device_list:
+        return device_list[0]
+    else:
+        return None
+def find_files(paths, file_predicate):
+    """Locate files whose names and extensions match the given predicate in
+    the specified directories.
+    Args:
+        paths: A list of directory paths where to find the files.
+        file_predicate: A function that returns True if the file name and
+          extension are desired.
+    Returns:
+        A list of files that match the predicate.
+    """
+    file_list = []
+    if not isinstance(paths, list):
+        paths = [paths]
+    for path in paths:
+        p = abs_path(path)
+        for dirPath, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(p):
+            for fname in fileList:
+                name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
+                if file_predicate(name, ext):
+                    file_list.append((dirPath, name, ext))
+    return file_list
+def load_config(file_full_path, log_errors=True):
+    """Loads a JSON config file.
+    Returns:
+        A JSON object.
+    """
+    with open(file_full_path, "r") as f:
+        try:
+            return json.load(f)
+        except Exception as e:
+            if log_errors:
+                logging.error("Exception error to load %s: %s", f, e)
+            raise
+def acts_json_to_mobly_yaml(json_path: str) -> str:
+    acts_config = load_config(json_path)
+    mobly_config = acts_to_mobly_config(acts_config)
+    mobly_yaml_path = f"{json_path.rsplit('.json', 1)[0]}.yaml"
+    with open(mobly_yaml_path, "w") as f:
+        yaml.safe_dump(mobly_config, f)
+    return mobly_yaml_path
+def acts_to_mobly_config(acts_config: Any) -> Any:
+    """Convert ACTS JSON config to Mobly YAML config.
+    Args:
+        acts_config: Full ACTS config as an object
+    Returns:
+        Mobly config as an object.
+    """
+    if not acts_config:
+        return acts_config
+    mobly_config = {}
+    if keys.Config.key_log_path.value in acts_config:
+        mobly_config[mobly_keys.Config.key_mobly_params.value] = {
+            mobly_keys.Config.key_log_path.value: acts_config[
+                keys.Config.key_log_path.value
+            ],
+        }
+    if keys.Config.key_testbed.value in acts_config:
+        testbeds = []
+        for acts_testbed in acts_config[keys.Config.key_testbed.value]:
+            mobly_testbed = {}
+            if keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value in acts_testbed:
+                name = acts_testbed.pop(keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value)
+                mobly_testbed[mobly_keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value] = name
+            mobly_testbed[mobly_keys.Config.key_testbed_test_params.value] = {
+                **{
+                    k: acts_config[k]
+                    for k in acts_config
+                    if k not in keys.Config.reserved_keys.value
+                },
+                **acts_testbed.pop(mobly_keys.Config.key_testbed_test_params.value, {}),
+            }
+            mobly_testbed[
+                mobly_keys.Config.key_testbed_controllers.value
+            ] = acts_testbed
+            testbeds.append(mobly_testbed)
+        mobly_config[mobly_keys.Config.key_testbed.value] = testbeds
+    return mobly_config
+def load_file_to_base64_str(f_path):
+    """Loads the content of a file into a base64 string.
+    Args:
+        f_path: full path to the file including the file name.
+    Returns:
+        A base64 string representing the content of the file in utf-8 encoding.
+    """
+    path = abs_path(f_path)
+    with open(path, "rb") as f:
+        f_bytes = f.read()
+        base64_str = base64.b64encode(f_bytes).decode("utf-8")
+        return base64_str
+def dump_string_to_file(content, file_path, mode="w"):
+    """Dump content of a string to
+    Args:
+        content: content to be dumped to file
+        file_path: full path to the file including the file name.
+        mode: file open mode, 'w' (truncating file) by default
+    :return:
+    """
+    full_path = abs_path(file_path)
+    with open(full_path, mode) as f:
+        f.write(content)
+def list_of_dict_to_dict_of_dict(list_of_dicts, dict_key):
+    """Transforms a list of dicts to a dict of dicts.
+    For instance:
+    >>> list_of_dict_to_dict_of_dict([{'a': '1', 'b':'2'},
+    >>>                               {'a': '3', 'b':'4'}],
+    >>>                              'b')
+    returns:
+    >>> {'2': {'a': '1', 'b':'2'},
+    >>>  '4': {'a': '3', 'b':'4'}}
+    Args:
+        list_of_dicts: A list of dictionaries.
+        dict_key: The key in the inner dict to be used as the key for the
+                  outer dict.
+    Returns:
+        A dict of dicts.
+    """
+    return {d[dict_key]: d for d in list_of_dicts}
+def dict_purge_key_if_value_is_none(dictionary):
+    """Removes all pairs with value None from dictionary."""
+    for k, v in dict(dictionary).items():
+        if v is None:
+            del dictionary[k]
+    return dictionary
+def find_field(item_list, cond, comparator, target_field):
+    """Finds the value of a field in a dict object that satisfies certain
+    conditions.
+    Args:
+        item_list: A list of dict objects.
+        cond: A param that defines the condition.
+        comparator: A function that checks if an dict satisfies the condition.
+        target_field: Name of the field whose value to be returned if an item
+            satisfies the condition.
+    Returns:
+        Target value or None if no item satisfies the condition.
+    """
+    for item in item_list:
+        if comparator(item, cond) and target_field in item:
+            return item[target_field]
+    return None
+def rand_ascii_str(length: int) -> str:
+    """Generates a random string of specified length, composed of ascii letters
+    and digits.
+    Args:
+        length: The number of characters in the string.
+    Returns:
+        The random string generated.
+    """
+    letters = [random.choice(ascii_letters_and_digits) for i in range(length)]
+    return "".join(letters)
+def rand_hex_str(length: int) -> str:
+    """Generates a random string of specified length, composed of hex digits
+    Args:
+        length: The number of characters in the string.
+    Returns:
+        The random string generated.
+    """
+    letters = [random.choice(string.hexdigits) for i in range(length)]
+    return "".join(letters)
+# Thead/Process related functions.
+def concurrent_exec(func, param_list):
+    """Executes a function with different parameters pseudo-concurrently.
+    This is basically a map function. Each element (should be an iterable) in
+    the param_list is unpacked and passed into the function. Due to Python's
+    GIL, there's no true concurrency. This is suited for IO-bound tasks.
+    Args:
+        func: The function that parforms a task.
+        param_list: A list of iterables, each being a set of params to be
+            passed into the function.
+    Returns:
+        A list of return values from each function execution. If an execution
+        caused an exception, the exception object will be the corresponding
+        result.
+    """
+    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=30) as executor:
+        # Start the load operations and mark each future with its params
+        future_to_params = {executor.submit(func, *p): p for p in param_list}
+        return_vals = []
+        for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_params):
+            params = future_to_params[future]
+            try:
+                return_vals.append(future.result())
+            except Exception as exc:
+                print(f"{params} generated an exception: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+                return_vals.append(exc)
+        return return_vals
+def exe_cmd(*cmds):
+    """Executes commands in a new shell.
+    Args:
+        cmds: A sequence of commands and arguments.
+    Returns:
+        The output of the command run.
+    Raises:
+        OSError is raised if an error occurred during the command execution.
+    """
+    cmd = " ".join(cmds)
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(
+        cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True
+    )
+    (out, err) = proc.communicate()
+    if not err:
+        return out
+    raise OSError(err)
+def require_sl4a(android_devices):
+    """Makes sure sl4a connection is established on the given AndroidDevice
+    objects.
+    Args:
+        android_devices: A list of AndroidDevice objects.
+    Raises:
+        AssertionError is raised if any given android device does not have SL4A
+        connection established.
+    """
+    for ad in android_devices:
+        msg = f"SL4A connection not established properly on {ad.serial}."
+        assert ad.droid, msg
+def _assert_subprocess_running(proc):
+    """Checks if a subprocess has terminated on its own.
+    Args:
+        proc: A subprocess returned by subprocess.Popen.
+    Raises:
+        ActsUtilsError is raised if the subprocess has stopped.
+    """
+    ret = proc.poll()
+    if ret is not None:
+        out, err = proc.communicate()
+        raise ActsUtilsError(
+            "Process %d has terminated. ret: %d, stderr: %s,"
+            " stdout: %s" % (proc.pid, ret, err, out)
+        )
+def start_standing_subprocess(cmd, check_health_delay=0, shell=True):
+    """Starts a long-running subprocess.
+    This is not a blocking call and the subprocess started by it should be
+    explicitly terminated with stop_standing_subprocess.
+    For short-running commands, you should use exe_cmd, which blocks.
+    You can specify a health check after the subprocess is started to make sure
+    it did not stop prematurely.
+    Args:
+        cmd: string, the command to start the subprocess with.
+        check_health_delay: float, the number of seconds to wait after the
+                            subprocess starts to check its health. Default is 0,
+                            which means no check.
+    Returns:
+        The subprocess that got started.
+    """
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(
+        cmd,
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        shell=shell,
+        preexec_fn=os.setpgrp,
+    )
+    logging.debug("Start standing subprocess with cmd: %s", cmd)
+    if check_health_delay > 0:
+        time.sleep(check_health_delay)
+        _assert_subprocess_running(proc)
+    return proc
+def stop_standing_subprocess(proc, kill_signal=signal.SIGTERM):
+    """Stops a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess.
+    Before killing the process, we check if the process is running, if it has
+    terminated, ActsUtilsError is raised.
+    Catches and ignores the PermissionError which only happens on Macs.
+    Args:
+        proc: Subprocess to terminate.
+    """
+    pid = proc.pid
+    logging.debug("Stop standing subprocess %d", pid)
+    _assert_subprocess_running(proc)
+    try:
+        os.killpg(pid, kill_signal)
+    except PermissionError:
+        pass
+def wait_for_standing_subprocess(proc, timeout=None):
+    """Waits for a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess to finish
+    or times out.
+    Propagates the exception raised by the subprocess.wait(.) function.
+    The subprocess.TimeoutExpired exception is raised if the process timed-out
+    rather then terminating.
+    If no exception is raised: the subprocess terminated on its own. No need
+    to call stop_standing_subprocess() to kill it.
+    If an exception is raised: the subprocess is still alive - it did not
+    terminate. Either call stop_standing_subprocess() to kill it, or call
+    wait_for_standing_subprocess() to keep waiting for it to terminate on its
+    own.
+    Args:
+        p: Subprocess to wait for.
+        timeout: An integer number of seconds to wait before timing out.
+    """
+    proc.wait(timeout)
+def sync_device_time(ad):
+    """Sync the time of an android device with the current system time.
+    Both epoch time and the timezone will be synced.
+    Args:
+        ad: The android device to sync time on.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell("settings put global auto_time 0", ignore_status=True)
+    ad.adb.shell("settings put global auto_time_zone 0", ignore_status=True)
+    droid = ad.droid
+    droid.setTimeZone(get_timezone_olson_id())
+    droid.setTime(get_current_epoch_time())
+# Timeout decorator block
+class TimeoutError(Exception):
+    """Exception for timeout decorator related errors."""
+def _timeout_handler(signum, frame):
+    """Handler function used by signal to terminate a timed out function."""
+    raise TimeoutError()
+def timeout(sec):
+    """A decorator used to add time out check to a function.
+    This only works in main thread due to its dependency on signal module.
+    Do NOT use it if the decorated funtion does not run in the Main thread.
+    Args:
+        sec: Number of seconds to wait before the function times out.
+            No timeout if set to 0
+    Returns:
+        What the decorated function returns.
+    Raises:
+        TimeoutError is raised when time out happens.
+    """
+    def decorator(func):
+        @functools.wraps(func)
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            if sec:
+                signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _timeout_handler)
+                signal.alarm(sec)
+            try:
+                return func(*args, **kwargs)
+            except TimeoutError:
+                raise TimeoutError(
+                    ("Function {} timed out after {} " "seconds.").format(
+                        func.__name__, sec
+                    )
+                )
+            finally:
+                signal.alarm(0)
+        return wrapper
+    return decorator
+def trim_model_name(model):
+    """Trim any prefix and postfix and return the android designation of the
+    model name.
+    e.g. "m_shamu" will be trimmed to "shamu".
+    Args:
+        model: model name to be trimmed.
+    Returns
+        Trimmed model name if one of the known model names is found.
+        None otherwise.
+    """
+    # Directly look up first.
+    if model in models:
+        return model
+    if model in manufacture_name_to_model:
+        return manufacture_name_to_model[model]
+    # If not found, try trimming off prefix/postfix and look up again.
+    tokens = re.split("_|-", model)
+    for t in tokens:
+        if t in models:
+            return t
+        if t in manufacture_name_to_model:
+            return manufacture_name_to_model[t]
+    return None
+def force_airplane_mode(ad, new_state, timeout_value=60):
+    """Force the device to set airplane mode on or off by adb shell command.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        new_state: Turn on airplane mode if True.
+            Turn off airplane mode if False.
+        timeout_value: max wait time for 'adb wait-for-device'
+    Returns:
+        True if success.
+        False if timeout.
+    """
+    # Using timeout decorator.
+    # Wait for device with timeout. If after <timeout_value> seconds, adb
+    # is still waiting for device, throw TimeoutError exception.
+    @timeout(timeout_value)
+    def wait_for_device_with_timeout(ad):
+        ad.adb.wait_for_device()
+    try:
+        wait_for_device_with_timeout(ad)
+        ad.adb.shell(f"settings put global airplane_mode_on {1 if new_state else 0}")
+        ad.adb.shell("am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE")
+    except TimeoutError:
+        # adb wait for device timeout
+        return False
+    return True
+def get_battery_level(ad):
+    """Gets battery level from device
+    Returns:
+        battery_level: int indicating battery level
+    """
+    output = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery")
+    match = re.search(r"level: (?P<battery_level>\S+)", output)
+    battery_level = int(match.group("battery_level"))
+    return battery_level
+def get_device_usb_charging_status(ad):
+    """Returns the usb charging status of the device.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object
+    Returns:
+        True if charging
+        False if not charging
+    """
+    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get charging")
+    ad.log.info(f"Device Charging State: {adb_shell_result}")
+    return adb_shell_result == "true"
+def disable_usb_charging(ad):
+    """Unplug device from usb charging.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object
+    Returns:
+        True if device is unplugged
+        False otherwise
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery unplug")
+    if not get_device_usb_charging_status(ad):
+        return True
+    else:
+        ad.log.info("Could not disable USB charging")
+        return False
+def enable_usb_charging(ad):
+    """Plug device to usb charging.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object
+    Returns:
+        True if device is Plugged
+        False otherwise
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery reset")
+    if get_device_usb_charging_status(ad):
+        return True
+    else:
+        ad.log.info("Could not enable USB charging")
+        return False
+def enable_doze(ad):
+    """Force the device into doze mode.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+    Returns:
+        True if device is in doze mode.
+        False otherwise.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery unplug")
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle enable")
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle force-idle")
+    ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
+    time.sleep(5)
+    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get deep")
+    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.IDLE):
+        info = f"dumpsys deviceidle get deep: {adb_shell_result}"
+        print(info)
+        return False
+    return True
+def disable_doze(ad):
+    """Force the device not in doze mode.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+    Returns:
+        True if device is not in doze mode.
+        False otherwise.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle disable")
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery reset")
+    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get deep")
+    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.ACTIVE):
+        info = f"dumpsys deviceidle get deep: {adb_shell_result}"
+        print(info)
+        return False
+    return True
+def enable_doze_light(ad):
+    """Force the device into doze light mode.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+    Returns:
+        True if device is in doze light mode.
+        False otherwise.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery unplug")
+    ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
+    time.sleep(5)
+    ad.adb.shell("cmd deviceidle enable light")
+    ad.adb.shell("cmd deviceidle step light")
+    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get light")
+    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.IDLE):
+        info = f"dumpsys deviceidle get light: {adb_shell_result}"
+        print(info)
+        return False
+    return True
+def disable_doze_light(ad):
+    """Force the device not in doze light mode.
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+    Returns:
+        True if device is not in doze light mode.
+        False otherwise.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery reset")
+    ad.adb.shell("cmd deviceidle disable light")
+    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get light")
+    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.ACTIVE):
+        info = f"dumpsys deviceidle get light: {adb_shell_result}"
+        print(info)
+        return False
+    return True
+def set_ambient_display(ad, new_state):
+    """Set "Ambient Display" in Settings->Display
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        new_state: new state for "Ambient Display". True or False.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell(f"settings put secure doze_enabled {1 if new_state else 0}")
+def set_adaptive_brightness(ad, new_state):
+    """Set "Adaptive Brightness" in Settings->Display
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        new_state: new state for "Adaptive Brightness". True or False.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell(f"settings put system screen_brightness_mode {1 if new_state else 0}")
+def set_auto_rotate(ad, new_state):
+    """Set "Auto-rotate" in QuickSetting
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        new_state: new state for "Auto-rotate". True or False.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell(f"settings put system accelerometer_rotation {1 if new_state else 0}")
+def set_location_service(ad, new_state):
+    """Set Location service on/off in Settings->Location
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        new_state: new state for "Location service".
+            If new_state is False, turn off location service.
+            If new_state if True, set location service to "High accuracy".
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell(
+        "content insert --uri "
+        " content://com.google.settings/partner --bind "
+        "name:s:network_location_opt_in --bind value:s:1"
+    )
+    ad.adb.shell(
+        "content insert --uri "
+        " content://com.google.settings/partner --bind "
+        "name:s:use_location_for_services --bind value:s:1"
+    )
+    if new_state:
+        ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_mode 3")
+    else:
+        ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_mode 0")
+def set_mobile_data_always_on(ad, new_state):
+    """Set Mobile_Data_Always_On feature bit
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+        new_state: new state for "mobile_data_always_on"
+            if new_state is False, set mobile_data_always_on disabled.
+            if new_state if True, set mobile_data_always_on enabled.
+    """
+    ad.adb.shell(f"settings put global mobile_data_always_on {1 if new_state else 0}")
+def bypass_setup_wizard(ad):
+    """Bypass the setup wizard on an input Android device
+    Args:
+        ad: android device object.
+    Returns:
+        True if Android device successfully bypassed the setup wizard.
+        False if failed.
+    """
+    try:
+        ad.adb.shell(
+            'am start -n "com.google.android.setupwizard/' '.SetupWizardExitActivity"'
+        )
+        logging.debug("No error during default bypass call.")
+    except AdbError as adb_error:
+        if adb_error.stdout == "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0":
+            if adb_error.stderr and not adb_error.stderr.startswith("Error type 3\n"):
+                logging.error(f"ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0, but error is {adb_error.stderr} ")
+                raise adb_error
+            logging.debug(
+                "Bypass wizard call received harmless error 3: " "No setup to bypass."
+            )
+        elif adb_error.stdout == "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255":
+            # Run it again as root.
+            ad.adb.root_adb()
+            logging.debug("Need root access to bypass setup wizard.")
+            try:
+                ad.adb.shell(
+                    'am start -n "com.google.android.setupwizard/'
+                    '.SetupWizardExitActivity"'
+                )
+                logging.debug("No error during rooted bypass call.")
+            except AdbError as adb_error:
+                if adb_error.stdout == "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0":
+                    if adb_error.stderr and not adb_error.stderr.startswith(
+                        "Error type 3\n"
+                    ):
+                        logging.error(
+                            f"Rooted ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0, but error is {adb_error.stderr} "
+                        )
+                        raise adb_error
+                    logging.debug(
+                        "Rooted bypass wizard call received harmless "
+                        "error 3: No setup to bypass."
+                    )
+    # magical sleep to wait for the gservices override broadcast to complete
+    time.sleep(3)
+    provisioned_state = int(ad.adb.shell("settings get global device_provisioned"))
+    if provisioned_state != 1:
+        logging.error("Failed to bypass setup wizard.")
+        return False
+    logging.debug("Setup wizard successfully bypassed.")
+    return True
+def parse_ping_ouput(ad, count, out, loss_tolerance=20):
+    """Ping Parsing util.
+    Args:
+        ad: Android Device Object.
+        count: Number of ICMP packets sent
+        out: shell output text of ping operation
+        loss_tolerance: Threshold after which flag test as false
+    Returns:
+        False: if packet loss is more than loss_tolerance%
+        True: if all good
+    """
+    result = re.search(
+        r"(\d+) packets transmitted, (\d+) received, (\d+)% packet loss", out
+    )
+    if not result:
+        ad.log.info("Ping failed with %s", out)
+        return False
+    packet_loss = int(result.group(3))
+    packet_xmit = int(result.group(1))
+    packet_rcvd = int(result.group(2))
+    min_packet_xmit_rcvd = (100 - loss_tolerance) * 0.01
+    if (
+        packet_loss > loss_tolerance
+        or packet_xmit < count * min_packet_xmit_rcvd
+        or packet_rcvd < count * min_packet_xmit_rcvd
+    ):
+        ad.log.error(
+            "%s, ping failed with loss more than tolerance %s%%",
+            result.group(0),
+            loss_tolerance,
+        )
+        return False
+    ad.log.info("Ping succeed with %s", result.group(0))
+    return True
+def adb_shell_ping(
+    ad: AndroidDevice,
+    dest_ip: str,
+    count: int = 120,
+    timeout: int = 200,
+    loss_tolerance: int = 20,
+) -> bool:
+    """Ping utility using adb shell.
+    Args:
+        ad: Android Device Object.
+        count: Number of ICMP packets to send
+        dest_ip: hostname or IP address
+                 default www.google.com
+        timeout: timeout for icmp pings to complete.
+    """
+    ping_cmd = "ping -W 1"
+    if count:
+        ping_cmd += f" -c {count}"
+    if dest_ip:
+        ping_cmd += f" {dest_ip}"
+    try:
+        ad.log.info("Starting ping test to %s using adb command %s", dest_ip, ping_cmd)
+        out = ad.adb.shell(ping_cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=True)
+        if not parse_ping_ouput(ad, count, out, loss_tolerance):
+            return False
+        return True
+    except Exception as e:
+        ad.log.warning("Ping Test to %s failed with exception %s", dest_ip, e)
+        return False
+def zip_directory(zip_name, src_dir):
+    """Compress a directory to a .zip file.
+    This implementation is thread-safe.
+    Args:
+        zip_name: str, name of the generated archive
+        src_dir: str, path to the source directory
+    """
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip:
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir):
+            for file in files:
+                path = os.path.join(root, file)
+                zip.write(path, os.path.relpath(path, src_dir))
+def unzip_maintain_permissions(zip_path, extract_location):
+    """Unzip a .zip file while maintaining permissions.
+    Args:
+        zip_path: The path to the zipped file.
+        extract_location: the directory to extract to.
+    """
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_file:
+        for info in zip_file.infolist():
+            _extract_file(zip_file, info, extract_location)
+def _extract_file(zip_file, zip_info, extract_location):
+    """Extracts a single entry from a ZipFile while maintaining permissions.
+    Args:
+        zip_file: A zipfile.ZipFile.
+        zip_info: A ZipInfo object from zip_file.
+        extract_location: The directory to extract to.
+    """
+    out_path = zip_file.extract(zip_info.filename, path=extract_location)
+    perm = zip_info.external_attr >> 16
+    os.chmod(out_path, perm)
+def get_directory_size(path):
+    """Computes the total size of the files in a directory, including subdirectories.
+    Args:
+        path: The path of the directory.
+    Returns:
+        The size of the provided directory.
+    """
+    total = 0
+    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
+        for filename in filenames:
+            total += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
+    return total
+def get_command_uptime(command_regex):
+    """Returns the uptime for a given command.
+    Args:
+        command_regex: A regex that matches the command line given. Must be
+            pgrep compatible.
+    """
+    pid = job.run(f"pgrep -f {command_regex}").stdout
+    runtime = ""
+    if pid:
+        runtime = job.run(f'ps -o etime= -p "{pid}"').stdout
+    return runtime
+def get_process_uptime(process):
+    """Returns the runtime in [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss, or '' if not running."""
+    pid = job.run(f"pidof {process}", ignore_status=True).stdout
+    runtime = ""
+    if pid:
+        runtime = job.run(f'ps -o etime= -p "{pid}"').stdout
+    return runtime
+def get_device_process_uptime(adb, process):
+    """Returns the uptime of a device process."""
+    pid = adb.shell(f"pidof {process}", ignore_status=True)
+    runtime = ""
+    if pid:
+        runtime = adb.shell(f'ps -o etime= -p "{pid}"')
+    return runtime
+def wait_until(func, timeout_s, condition=True, sleep_s=1.0):
+    """Executes a function repeatedly until condition is met.
+    Args:
+      func: The function pointer to execute.
+      timeout_s: Amount of time (in seconds) to wait before raising an
+                 exception.
+      condition: The ending condition of the WaitUntil loop.
+      sleep_s: The amount of time (in seconds) to sleep between each function
+               execution.
+    Returns:
+      The time in seconds before detecting a successful condition.
+    Raises:
+      TimeoutError: If the condition was never met and timeout is hit.
+    """
+    start_time = time.time()
+    end_time = start_time + timeout_s
+    count = 0
+    while True:
+        count += 1
+        if func() == condition:
+            return time.time() - start_time
+        if time.time() > end_time:
+            break
+        time.sleep(sleep_s)
+    raise TimeoutError(
+        "Failed to complete function %s in %d seconds having "
+        "attempted %d times." % (str(func), timeout_s, count)
+    )
+# Adapted from
+# https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance#Python
+# Available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
+def levenshtein(string1, string2):
+    """Returns the Levenshtein distance of two strings.
+    Uses Dynamic Programming approach, only keeping track of
+    two rows of the DP table at a time.
+    Args:
+      string1: String to compare to string2
+      string2: String to compare to string1
+    Returns:
+      distance: the Levenshtein distance between string1 and string2
+    """
+    if len(string1) < len(string2):
+        return levenshtein(string2, string1)
+    if len(string2) == 0:
+        return len(string1)
+    previous_row = range(len(string2) + 1)
+    for i, char1 in enumerate(string1):
+        current_row = [i + 1]
+        for j, char2 in enumerate(string2):
+            insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1
+            deletions = current_row[j] + 1
+            substitutions = previous_row[j] + (char1 != char2)
+            current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))
+        previous_row = current_row
+    return previous_row[-1]
+def string_similarity(s1, s2):
+    """Returns a similarity measurement based on Levenshtein distance.
+    Args:
+      s1: the string to compare to s2
+      s2: the string to compare to s1
+    Returns:
+      result: the similarity metric
+    """
+    lev = levenshtein(s1, s2)
+    try:
+        lev_ratio = float(lev) / max(len(s1), len(s2))
+        result = (1.0 - lev_ratio) * 100
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+        result = 100 if not s2 else 0
+    return float(result)
+def run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(*calls):
+    """Concurrently runs all callables passed in using multithreading.
+    Example:
+    >>> def test_function_1(arg1, arg2):
+    >>>     return arg1, arg2
+    >>>
+    >>> def test_function_2(arg1, kwarg='kwarg'):
+    >>>     raise arg1(kwarg)
+    >>>
+    >>> run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(
+    >>>     lambda: test_function_1('arg1', 'arg2'),
+    >>>     lambda: test_function_2(IndexError, kwarg='kwarg'),
+    >>> )
+    >>> # Output:
+    >>> [('arg1', 'arg2'), IndexError('kwarg')]
+    Args:
+        *calls: A *args list of argumentless callable objects to be called. Note
+            that if a function has arguments it can be turned into an
+            argumentless function via the lambda keyword or functools.partial.
+    Returns:
+        An array of the returned values or exceptions received from calls,
+        respective of the order given.
+    """
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(calls)) as executor:
+        futures = [executor.submit(call) for call in calls]
+    results = []
+    for future in futures:
+        try:
+            results.append(future.result())
+        except Exception as e:
+            results.append(e)
+    return results
+def run_concurrent_actions(*calls):
+    """Runs all callables passed in concurrently using multithreading.
+    Examples:
+    >>> def test_function_1(arg1, arg2):
+    >>>     print(arg1, arg2)
+    >>>
+    >>> def test_function_2(arg1, kwarg='kwarg'):
+    >>>     raise arg1(kwarg)
+    >>>
+    >>> run_concurrent_actions(
+    >>>     lambda: test_function_1('arg1', 'arg2'),
+    >>>     lambda: test_function_2(IndexError, kwarg='kwarg'),
+    >>> )
+    >>> 'The above line raises IndexError("kwarg")'
+    Args:
+        *calls: A *args list of argumentless callable objects to be called. Note
+            that if a function has arguments it can be turned into an
+            argumentless function via the lambda keyword or functools.partial.
+    Returns:
+        An array of the returned values respective of the order of the calls
+        argument.
+    Raises:
+        If an exception is raised in any of the calls, the first exception
+        caught will be raised.
+    """
+    first_exception = None
+    class WrappedException(Exception):
+        """Raised when a passed-in callable raises an exception."""
+    def call_wrapper(call):
+        nonlocal first_exception
+        try:
+            return call()
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.exception(e)
+            # Note that there is a potential race condition between two
+            # exceptions setting first_exception. Even if a locking mechanism
+            # was added to prevent this from happening, it is still possible
+            # that we capture the second exception as the first exception, as
+            # the active thread can swap to the thread that raises the second
+            # exception. There is no way to solve this with the tools we have
+            # here, so we do not bother. The effects this issue has on the
+            # system as a whole are negligible.
+            if first_exception is None:
+                first_exception = e
+            raise WrappedException(e)
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(calls)) as executor:
+        futures = [executor.submit(call_wrapper, call) for call in calls]
+    results = []
+    for future in futures:
+        try:
+            results.append(future.result())
+        except WrappedException:
+            # We do not need to raise here, since first_exception will already
+            # be set to the first exception raised by these callables.
+            break
+    if first_exception:
+        raise first_exception
+    return results
+def test_concurrent_actions(*calls, failure_exceptions=(Exception,)):
+    """Concurrently runs all passed in calls using multithreading.
+    If any callable raises an Exception found within failure_exceptions, the
+    test case is marked as a failure.
+    Example:
+    >>> def test_function_1(arg1, arg2):
+    >>>     print(arg1, arg2)
+    >>>
+    >>> def test_function_2(kwarg='kwarg'):
+    >>>     raise IndexError(kwarg)
+    >>>
+    >>> test_concurrent_actions(
+    >>>     lambda: test_function_1('arg1', 'arg2'),
+    >>>     lambda: test_function_2(kwarg='kwarg'),
+    >>>     failure_exceptions=IndexError
+    >>> )
+    >>> 'raises signals.TestFailure due to IndexError being raised.'
+    Args:
+        *calls: A *args list of argumentless callable objects to be called. Note
+            that if a function has arguments it can be turned into an
+            argumentless function via the lambda keyword or functools.partial.
+        failure_exceptions: A tuple of all possible Exceptions that will mark
+            the test as a FAILURE. Any exception that is not in this list will
+            mark the tests as UNKNOWN.
+    Returns:
+        An array of the returned values respective of the order of the calls
+        argument.
+    Raises:
+        signals.TestFailure if any call raises an Exception.
+    """
+    try:
+        return run_concurrent_actions(*calls)
+    except signals.TestFailure:
+        # Do not modify incoming test failures
+        raise
+    except failure_exceptions as e:
+        raise signals.TestFailure(e)
+class SuppressLogOutput(object):
+    """Context manager used to suppress all logging output for the specified
+    logger and level(s).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, logger=logging.getLogger(), log_levels=None):
+        """Create a SuppressLogOutput context manager
+        Args:
+            logger: The logger object to suppress
+            log_levels: Levels of log handlers to disable.
+        """
+        self._logger = logger
+        self._log_levels = log_levels or [
+            logging.DEBUG,
+            logging.INFO,
+            logging.WARNING,
+            logging.ERROR,
+            logging.CRITICAL,
+        ]
+        if isinstance(self._log_levels, int):
+            self._log_levels = [self._log_levels]
+        self._handlers = copy.copy(self._logger.handlers)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        for handler in self._handlers:
+            if handler.level in self._log_levels:
+                self._logger.removeHandler(handler)
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *_):
+        for handler in self._handlers:
+            self._logger.addHandler(handler)
+class BlockingTimer(object):
+    """Context manager used to block until a specified amount of time has
+    elapsed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, secs):
+        """Initializes a BlockingTimer
+        Args:
+            secs: Number of seconds to wait before exiting
+        """
+        self._thread = threading.Timer(secs, lambda: None)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self._thread.start()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *_):
+        self._thread.join()
+def is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
+    try:
+        socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, address)
+    except AttributeError:  # no inet_pton here, sorry
+        try:
+            socket.inet_aton(address)
+        except socket.error:
+            return False
+        return address.count(".") == 3
+    except socket.error:  # not a valid address
+        return False
+    return True
+def is_valid_ipv6_address(address):
+    if "%" in address:
+        address = address.split("%")[0]
+    try:
+        socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, address)
+    except socket.error:  # not a valid address
+        return False
+    return True
+def ascii_string(uc_string):
+    """Converts unicode string to ascii"""
+    return str(uc_string).encode("ASCII")
+def get_interface_ip_addresses(
+    comm_channel: AndroidDevice | SshConnection | FuchsiaDevice,
+    interface: str,
+) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
+    """Gets all of the ip addresses, ipv4 and ipv6, associated with a
+       particular interface name.
+    Args:
+        comm_channel: How to send commands to a device.  Can be ssh, adb serial,
+            etc.  Must have the run function implemented.
+        interface: The interface name on the device, ie eth0
+    Returns:
+        A list of dictionaries of the the various IP addresses:
+            ipv4_private: Any 192.168, 172.16, 10, or 169.254 addresses
+            ipv4_public: Any IPv4 public addresses
+            ipv6_link_local: Any fe80:: addresses
+            ipv6_private_local: Any fd00:: addresses
+            ipv6_public: Any publicly routable addresses
+    """
+    # Local imports are used here to prevent cyclic dependency.
+    from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
+    from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+    from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
+    is_local = comm_channel == job
+    if type(comm_channel) is AndroidDevice:
+        addrs = comm_channel.adb.shell(
+            f'ip -o addr show {interface} | awk \'{{gsub("/", " "); print $4}}\''
+        ).splitlines()
+    elif type(comm_channel) is SshConnection or is_local:
+        addrs = comm_channel.run(
+            f'ip -o addr show {interface} | awk \'{{gsub("/", " "); print $4}}\''
+        ).stdout.splitlines()
+    elif type(comm_channel) is FuchsiaDevice:
+        interfaces = comm_channel.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
+        err = interfaces.get("error")
+        if err is not None:
+            raise ActsUtilsError(f"Failed get_interface_ip_addresses: {err}")
+        addrs = []
+        for item in interfaces.get("result"):
+            if item["name"] != interface:
+                continue
+            for ipv4_address in item["ipv4_addresses"]:
+                ipv4_address = ".".join(map(str, ipv4_address))
+                addrs.append(ipv4_address)
+            for ipv6_address in item["ipv6_addresses"]:
+                converted_ipv6_address = []
+                for octet in ipv6_address:
+                    converted_ipv6_address.append(format(octet, "x").zfill(2))
+                ipv6_address = "".join(converted_ipv6_address)
+                ipv6_address = ":".join(
+                    ipv6_address[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(ipv6_address), 4)
+                )
+                addrs.append(str(ipaddress.ip_address(ipv6_address)))
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Unsupported method to send command to device.")
+    ipv4_private_local_addresses = []
+    ipv4_public_addresses = []
+    ipv6_link_local_addresses = []
+    ipv6_private_local_addresses = []
+    ipv6_public_addresses = []
+    for addr in addrs:
+        on_device_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(addr)
+        if on_device_ip.version == 4:
+            if on_device_ip.is_private:
+                ipv4_private_local_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
+            elif on_device_ip.is_global or (
+                # Carrier private doesn't have a property, so we check if
+                # all other values are left unset.
+                not on_device_ip.is_reserved
+                and not on_device_ip.is_unspecified
+                and not on_device_ip.is_link_local
+                and not on_device_ip.is_loopback
+                and not on_device_ip.is_multicast
+            ):
+                ipv4_public_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
+        elif on_device_ip.version == 6:
+            if on_device_ip.is_link_local:
+                ipv6_link_local_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
+            elif on_device_ip.is_private:
+                ipv6_private_local_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
+            elif on_device_ip.is_global:
+                ipv6_public_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
+    return {
+        "ipv4_private": ipv4_private_local_addresses,
+        "ipv4_public": ipv4_public_addresses,
+        "ipv6_link_local": ipv6_link_local_addresses,
+        "ipv6_private_local": ipv6_private_local_addresses,
+        "ipv6_public": ipv6_public_addresses,
+    }
+class AddressTimeout(signals.TestError):
+    pass
+class MultipleAddresses(signals.TestError):
+    pass
+def get_addr(
+    comm_channel: AndroidDevice | SshConnection | FuchsiaDevice,
+    interface: str,
+    addr_type: str = "ipv4_private",
+    timeout_sec: int | None = None,
+) -> str:
+    """Get the requested type of IP address for an interface; if an address is
+    not available, retry until the timeout has been reached.
+    Args:
+        addr_type: Type of address to get as defined by the return value of
+            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses.
+        timeout_sec: Seconds to wait to acquire an address if there isn't one
+            already available. If fetching an IPv4 address, the default is 3
+            seconds. If IPv6, the default is 30 seconds for Duplicate Address
+            Detection.
+    Returns:
+        A string containing the requested address.
+    Raises:
+        TestAbortClass: timeout_sec is None and invalid addr_type
+        AddressTimeout: No address is available after timeout_sec
+        MultipleAddresses: Several addresses are available
+    """
+    if not timeout_sec:
+        if "ipv4" in addr_type:
+            timeout_sec = 3
+        elif "ipv6" in addr_type:
+            timeout_sec = DAD_TIMEOUT_SEC
+        else:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass(f'Unknown addr_type "{addr_type}"')
+    start = time.time()
+    elapsed = 0
+    while elapsed <= timeout_sec:
+        ip_addrs = get_interface_ip_addresses(comm_channel, interface)[addr_type]
+        if len(ip_addrs) > 1:
+            raise MultipleAddresses(
+                f'Expected only one "{addr_type}" address, got {ip_addrs}'
+            )
+        elif len(ip_addrs) == 1:
+            return ip_addrs[0]
+        elapsed = time.time() - start
+    raise AddressTimeout(f'No available "{addr_type}" address after {timeout_sec}s')
+def get_interface_based_on_ip(comm_channel: Any, desired_ip_address: str) -> str:
+    """Gets the interface for a particular IP
+    Args:
+        comm_channel: How to send commands to a device.  Can be ssh, adb serial,
+            etc.  Must have the run function implemented.
+        desired_ip_address: The IP address that is being looked for on a device.
+    Returns:
+        The name of the test interface.
+    Raises:
+        RuntimeError: when desired_ip_address is not found
+    """
+    desired_ip_address = desired_ip_address.split("%", 1)[0]
+    all_ips_and_interfaces = comm_channel.run(
+        "(ip -o -4 addr show; ip -o -6 addr show) | " "awk '{print $2\" \"$4}'"
+    ).stdout
+    for ip_address_and_interface in all_ips_and_interfaces.split("\n"):
+        if desired_ip_address in ip_address_and_interface:
+            return ip_address_and_interface.split()[1][:-1]
+    raise RuntimeError(
+        f'IP "{desired_ip_address}" not found in list: \n{all_ips_and_interfaces}'
+    )
+def renew_linux_ip_address(comm_channel: Any, interface: str):
+    comm_channel.run(f"sudo ip link set {interface} down")
+    comm_channel.run(f"sudo ip link set {interface} up")
+    comm_channel.run(f"sudo dhclient -r {interface}")
+    comm_channel.run(f"sudo dhclient {interface}")
+def get_ping_command(
+    dest_ip: str,
+    count: int = 3,
+    interval: int = 1000,
+    timeout: int = 1000,
+    size: int = 56,
+    os_type: str = "Linux",
+    additional_ping_params: str = "",
+) -> str:
+    """Builds ping command string based on address type, os, and params.
+    Args:
+        dest_ip: string, address to ping (ipv4 or ipv6)
+        count: int, number of requests to send
+        interval: int, time in seconds between requests
+        timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for response
+        size: int, number of bytes to send,
+        os_type: string, os type of the source device (supports 'Linux',
+            'Darwin')
+        additional_ping_params: string, command option flags to
+            append to the command string
+    Returns:
+        The ping command.
+    """
+    if is_valid_ipv4_address(dest_ip):
+        ping_binary = "ping"
+    elif is_valid_ipv6_address(dest_ip):
+        ping_binary = "ping6"
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid ip addr: {dest_ip}")
+    if os_type == "Darwin":
+        if is_valid_ipv6_address(dest_ip):
+            # ping6 on MacOS doesn't support timeout
+            logging.debug("Ignoring timeout, as ping6 on MacOS does not support it.")
+            timeout_flag = []
+        else:
+            timeout_flag = ["-t", str(timeout / 1000)]
+    elif os_type == "Linux":
+        timeout_flag = ["-W", str(timeout / 1000)]
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Invalid OS.  Only Linux and MacOS are supported.")
+    ping_cmd = [
+        ping_binary,
+        *timeout_flag,
+        "-c",
+        str(count),
+        "-i",
+        str(interval / 1000),
+        "-s",
+        str(size),
+        additional_ping_params,
+        dest_ip,
+    ]
+    return " ".join(ping_cmd)
+def ping(
+    comm_channel: Runner,
+    dest_ip: str,
+    count: int = 3,
+    interval: int = 1000,
+    timeout: int = 1000,
+    size: int = 56,
+    additional_ping_params: str = "",
+) -> PingResult:
+    """Generic linux ping function, supports local (acts.libs.proc.job) and
+    SshConnections (acts.libs.proc.job over ssh) to Linux based OSs and MacOS.
+    NOTES: This will work with Android over SSH, but does not function over ADB
+    as that has a unique return format.
+    Args:
+        comm_channel: communication channel over which to send ping command.
+            Must have 'run' function that returns at least command, stdout,
+            stderr, and exit_status (see acts.libs.proc.job)
+        dest_ip: address to ping (ipv4 or ipv6)
+        count: int, number of packets to send
+        interval: int, time in milliseconds between pings
+        timeout: int, time in milliseconds to wait for response
+        size: int, size of packets in bytes
+        additional_ping_params: string, command option flags to
+            append to the command string
+    Returns:
+        Dict containing:
+            command: string
+            exit_status: int (0 or 1)
+            stdout: string
+            stderr: string
+            transmitted: int, number of packets transmitted
+            received: int, number of packets received
+            packet_loss: int, percentage packet loss
+            time: int, time of ping command execution (in milliseconds)
+            rtt_min: float, minimum round trip time
+            rtt_avg: float, average round trip time
+            rtt_max: float, maximum round trip time
+            rtt_mdev: float, round trip time standard deviation
+        Any values that cannot be parsed are left as None
+    """
+    from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
+    is_local = comm_channel == job
+    os_type = platform.system() if is_local else "Linux"
+    ping_cmd = get_ping_command(
+        dest_ip,
+        count=count,
+        interval=interval,
+        timeout=timeout,
+        size=size,
+        os_type=os_type,
+        additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params,
+    )
+    if type(comm_channel) is SshConnection or is_local:
+        logging.debug(
+            "Running ping with parameters (count: %s, interval: %s, timeout: "
+            "%s, size: %s)" % (count, interval, timeout, size)
+        )
+        ping_result = comm_channel.run(ping_cmd, ignore_status=True)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported comm_channel: {type(comm_channel)}")
+    if isinstance(ping_result, job.Error):
+        ping_result = ping_result.result
+    summary = re.search(
+        "([0-9]+) packets transmitted.*?([0-9]+) received.*?([0-9]+)% packet "
+        "loss.*?time ([0-9]+)",
+        ping_result.stdout,
+    )
+    rtt_stats = re.search(
+        "= ([0-9.]+)/([0-9.]+)/([0-9.]+)/([0-9.]+)", ping_result.stdout
+    )
+    return PingResult(
+        exit_status=ping_result.returncode,
+        stdout=ping_result.stdout,
+        stderr=ping_result.stderr,
+        transmitted=int(summary.group(1)) if summary else None,
+        received=int(summary.group(2)) if summary else None,
+        time_ms=float(summary.group(4)) / 1000 if summary else None,
+        rtt_min_ms=float(rtt_stats.group(1)) if rtt_stats else None,
+        rtt_avg_ms=float(rtt_stats.group(2)) if rtt_stats else None,
+        rtt_max_ms=float(rtt_stats.group(3)) if rtt_stats else None,
+        rtt_mdev_ms=float(rtt_stats.group(4)) if rtt_stats else None,
+    )
+class PingResult:
+    exit_status: int
+    stdout: str
+    stderr: str
+    transmitted: int | None
+    received: int | None
+    time_ms: float | None
+    rtt_min_ms: float | None
+    rtt_avg_ms: float | None
+    rtt_max_ms: float | None
+    rtt_mdev_ms: str | None
+def can_ping(
+    comm_channel: Runner,
+    dest_ip: str,
+    count: int = 3,
+    interval: int = 1000,
+    timeout: int = 1000,
+    size: int = 56,
+    additional_ping_params: str = "",
+) -> bool:
+    """Returns whether device connected via comm_channel can ping a dest
+    address"""
+    ping_results = ping(
+        comm_channel,
+        dest_ip,
+        count=count,
+        interval=interval,
+        timeout=timeout,
+        size=size,
+        additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params,
+    )
+    return ping_results.exit_status == 0
+def ip_in_subnet(ip, subnet):
+    """Validate that ip is in a given subnet.
+    Args:
+        ip: string, ip address to verify (eg. '')
+        subnet: string, subnet to check (eg. '')
+    Returns:
+        True, if ip in subnet, else False
+    """
+    return ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet)
+def mac_address_str_to_list(mac_addr_str):
+    """Converts mac address string to list of decimal octets.
+    Args:
+        mac_addr_string: string, mac address
+            e.g. '12:34:56:78:9a:bc'
+    Returns
+        list, representing mac address octets in decimal
+            e.g. [18, 52, 86, 120, 154, 188]
+    """
+    return [int(octet, 16) for octet in mac_addr_str.split(":")]
+def mac_address_list_to_str(mac_addr_list: bytes) -> str:
+    """Converts list of decimal octets representing mac address to string.
+    Args:
+        mac_addr_list: list, representing mac address octets in decimal
+            e.g. [18, 52, 86, 120, 154, 188]
+    Returns:
+        string, mac address
+            e.g. '12:34:56:78:9a:bc'
+    """
+    # Print each octet as hex, right justified, width of 2, and fill with "0".
+    return ":".join([f"{octet:0>2x}" for octet in mac_addr_list])
+def get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address(device_mdns_name):
+    """Finds the IPv6 link-local address of a Fuchsia device matching a mDNS
+    name.
+    Args:
+        device_mdns_name: name of Fuchsia device (e.g. gig-clone-sugar-slash)
+    Returns:
+        string, IPv6 link-local address
+    """
+    import psutil
+    from zeroconf import IPVersion, Zeroconf
+    if not device_mdns_name:
+        return None
+    def mdns_query(interface, address):
+        logging.info(
+            f'Sending mDNS query for device "{device_mdns_name}" using "{address}"'
+        )
+        try:
+            zeroconf = Zeroconf(ip_version=IPVersion.V6Only, interfaces=[address])
+        except RuntimeError as e:
+            if "No adapter found for IP address" in e.args[0]:
+                # Most likely, a device went offline and its control
+                # interface was deleted. This is acceptable since the
+                # device that went offline isn't guaranteed to be the
+                # device we're searching for.
+                logging.warning(f'No adapter found for "{address}"')
+                return None
+            raise
+        device_records = zeroconf.get_service_info(
+            FUCHSIA_MDNS_TYPE, f"{device_mdns_name}.{FUCHSIA_MDNS_TYPE}"
+        )
+        if device_records:
+            for device_address in device_records.parsed_addresses():
+                device_ip_address = ipaddress.ip_address(device_address)
+                scoped_address = f"{device_address}%{interface}"
+                if (
+                    device_ip_address.version == 6
+                    and device_ip_address.is_link_local
+                    and can_ping(job, dest_ip=scoped_address)
+                ):
+                    logging.info(
+                        f'Found device "{device_mdns_name}" at "{scoped_address}"'
+                    )
+                    zeroconf.close()
+                    del zeroconf
+                    return scoped_address
+        zeroconf.close()
+        del zeroconf
+        return None
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
+        futures = []
+        interfaces = psutil.net_if_addrs()
+        for interface in interfaces:
+            for addr in interfaces[interface]:
+                address = addr.address.split("%")[0]
+                if (
+                    addr.family == socket.AF_INET6
+                    and ipaddress.ip_address(address).is_link_local
+                    and address != "fe80::1"
+                ):
+                    futures.append(executor.submit(mdns_query, interface, address))
+        for future in futures:
+            addr = future.result()
+            if addr:
+                return addr
+    logging.error(f'Unable to find IP address for device "{device_mdns_name}"')
+    return None
+def get_device(devices, device_type):
+    """Finds a unique device with the specified "device_type" attribute from a
+    list. If none is found, defaults to the first device in the list.
+    Example:
+        get_device(android_devices, device_type="DUT")
+        get_device(fuchsia_devices, device_type="DUT")
+        get_device(android_devices + fuchsia_devices, device_type="DUT")
+    Args:
+        devices: A list of device controller objects.
+        device_type: (string) Type of device to find, specified by the
+            "device_type" attribute.
+    Returns:
+        The matching device controller object, or the first device in the list
+        if not found.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError is raised if none or more than one device is
+        matched.
+    """
+    if not devices:
+        raise ValueError("No devices available")
+    matches = [
+        d for d in devices if hasattr(d, "device_type") and d.device_type == device_type
+    ]
+    if len(matches) == 0:
+        # No matches for the specified "device_type", use the first device
+        # declared.
+        return devices[0]
+    if len(matches) > 1:
+        # Specifing multiple devices with the same "device_type" is a
+        # configuration error.
+        raise ValueError(
+            f'More than one device matching "device_type" == "{device_type}"'
+        )
+    return matches[0]
diff --git a/packages/antlion/validation.py b/packages/antlion/validation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..194331d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/antlion/validation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Collection, Literal, Mapping, TypeGuard, TypeVar, overload
+from mobly import signals
+class ValidatorError(signals.TestAbortClass):
+    pass
+class FieldNotFoundError(ValidatorError):
+    pass
+class FieldTypeError(ValidatorError):
+    pass
+T = TypeVar("T")
+class _NO_DEFAULT:
+    pass
+class MapValidator:
+    def __init__(self, map: Mapping[str, object]) -> None:
+        self.map = map
+    @overload
+    def get(self, type: type[T], key: str, default: None) -> T | None:
+        ...
+    @overload
+    def get(
+        self, type: type[T], key: str, default: T | _NO_DEFAULT = _NO_DEFAULT()
+    ) -> T:
+        ...
+    def get(
+        self, type: type[T], key: str, default: T | None | _NO_DEFAULT = _NO_DEFAULT()
+    ) -> T | None:
+        """Access the map requiring a value type at the specified key.
+        If default is set and the map does not contain the specified key, the
+        default will be returned.
+        Args:
+            type: Expected type of the value
+            key: Key to index into the map with
+            default: Default value when the map does not contain key
+        Returns:
+            Value of the expected type, or None if default is None.
+        Raises:
+            FieldNotFound: when default is not set and the map does not contain
+                the specified key
+            FieldTypeError: when the value at the specified key is not the
+                expected type
+        """
+        if key not in self.map:
+            if isinstance(default, type) or default is None:
+                return default
+            raise FieldNotFoundError(
+                f'Required field "{key}" is missing; expected {type.__name__}'
+            )
+        val = self.map[key]
+        if val is None and default is None:
+            return None
+        if not isinstance(val, type):
+            raise FieldTypeError(
+                f'Expected "{key}" to be {type.__name__}, got {describe_type(val)}'
+            )
+        return val
+    @overload
+    def list(self, key: str) -> ListValidator:
+        ...
+    @overload
+    def list(self, key: str, optional: Literal[False]) -> ListValidator:
+        ...
+    @overload
+    def list(self, key: str, optional: Literal[True]) -> ListValidator | None:
+        ...
+    def list(self, key: str, optional: bool = False) -> ListValidator | None:
+        """Access the map requiring a list at the specified key.
+        If optional is True and the map does not contain the specified key, None
+        will be returned.
+        Args:
+            key: Key to index into the map with
+            optional: If True, will return None if the map does not contain key
+        Returns:
+            ListValidator or None if optional is True.
+        Raises:
+            FieldNotFound: when optional is False and the map does not contain
+                the specified key
+            FieldTypeError: when the value at the specified key is not a list
+        """
+        if key not in self.map:
+            if optional:
+                return None
+            raise FieldNotFoundError(
+                f'Required field "{key}" is missing; expected list'
+            )
+        return ListValidator(key, self.get(list, key))
+class ListValidator:
+    def __init__(self, name: str, val: list[object]) -> None:
+        self.name = name
+        self.val = val
+    def all(self, type: type[T]) -> list[T]:
+        """Access the list requiring all elements to be the specified type.
+        Args:
+            type: Expected type of all elements
+        Raises:
+            FieldTypeError: when an element is not the expected type
+        """
+        if not is_list_of(self.val, type):
+            raise FieldTypeError(
+                f'Expected "{self.name}" to be list[{type.__name__}], '
+                f"got {describe_type(self.val)}"
+            )
+        return self.val
+def describe_type(o: object) -> str:
+    """Describe the complete type of the object.
+    Different from type() by recursing when a mapping or collection is found.
+    """
+    if isinstance(o, Mapping):
+        keys = set([describe_type(k) for k in o.keys()])
+        values = set([describe_type(v) for v in o.values()])
+        return f'dict[{" | ".join(keys)}, {" | ".join(values)}]'
+    if isinstance(o, Collection) and not isinstance(o, str):
+        elements = set([describe_type(x) for x in o])
+        return f'list[{" | ".join(elements)}]'
+    return type(o).__name__
+def is_list_of(val: list[object], type: type[T]) -> TypeGuard[list[T]]:
+    return all(isinstance(x, type) for x in val)
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index bb12e16..2f001cd 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,111 +1,152 @@
 # Reference at https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/
-requires = ["setuptools"]
+requires = ["setuptools", "setuptools-scm[toml]"]
 build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
 name = "antlion"
-version = "0.1"
-description = "Android Comms Test Suite"
-readme = "README.md"
+description = "Host-driven, hardware-agnostic Fuchsia connectivity tests"
 requires-python = ">=3.8"
-license = {text = "Apache-2.0"}
-dependencies = [
-	"backoff",
-    "future>=0.16.0", # Future needs to have a newer version that contains urllib.
-    "mobly==1.12.0",
-    "pyyaml>=5.1",
-    "retry",
+license = { text = "Apache-2.0" }
+dynamic = ["version"]
+readme = "README.md"
+dependencies = ["mobly==1.12.2", "pyyaml>=5.1", "tenacity~=8.0"]
-# Required for running unit tests
-test = [
-    # Latest version of mock (4.0.0b) causes a number of compatibility issues with ACTS unit tests
-    # b/148695846, b/148814743
-    "mock==3.0.5",
-	"pytest",
 # Required to support development tools
 dev = [
-    "shiv",    # packaging python
-    "toml",    # required for pyproject.toml
-    "vulture", # finds unused code
-    "yapf",    # code formatting
-digital_loggers_pdu = ['dlipower']
-bluetooth = ['soundfile']
-bokeh = [
-	'bokeh; python_version>="3.8"',
-	'bokeh<2.5; python_version>="3.7" and python_version<"3.8"',
-	'bokeh<2.4; python_version>="3.6" and python_version<"3.7"',
-	'bokeh<1.5; python_version>="3" and python_version<"3.6"',
-android = [
-    "requests",
-    "Monsoon",
-    "paramiko[ed25519]",
-    "pylibftdi",
-    "pyserial",
-    "scapy",
+    "autoflake~=2.1", # remove unused code
+    "black~=23.3",    # code formatting
+    "isort~=5.12",    # import sorting
+    "mock~=5.0",      # required for unit tests
+    "mypy~=1.8",      # static type checking
+    "shiv~=1.0",      # packaging python
+    "toml==0.10.2",   # required for pyproject.toml
+    "vulture~=2.11",   # finds unused code
-    'scipy; python_version>="3.8"',
-	'scipy<1.8; python_version>="3.7" and python_version<"3.8"',
-	'scipy<1.6; python_version>="3.6" and python_version<"3.7"',
-	'scipy<1.5; python_version>="3" and python_version<"3.6"',
-    'numpy; python_version>="3.8"',
-	'numpy<1.22; python_version>="3.7" and python_version<"3.8"',
-	'numpy<1.20; python_version>="3.6" and python_version<"3.7"',
-	'numpy<1.19; python_version>="3" and python_version<"3.6"',
+    # Library stubs for type checking
+    "types-PyYAML~=6.0",
+    "types-mock~=5.0",
+    "types-psutil~=5.9",
-fuchsia = [
-    "usbinfo",  # flash
-    "zeroconf", # mdns
-old_python = [
-	'typing_extensions==4.1.1; python_version>="3.6" and python_version<"3.7"',
-	'typing_extensions<4.0.0; python_version>="3" and python_version<"3.6"',
-	'dataclasses==0.8; python_version=="3.6"',
-	'enum34; python_version<"3"',
-	'statistics; python_version<"3"',
-	'futures; python_version<"3"',
-	'py2-ipaddress; python_version<"3"',
-	'subprocess32; python_version<"3"',
-antlion = "antlion.bin.act:main"
+digital_loggers_pdu = ["dlipower"]
+html_graphing = ["bokeh"]
+flash = ["usbinfo"]
+mdns = ["psutil", "zeroconf"]
+android = ["numpy", "scapy"]
-where = ["src"]
+where = ["packages"]
 imports = [
-	"backoff",
-	"dataclasses",
-	"numpy",
-	"protobuf",
-	"scipy",
-    "Monsoon",
+    "dataclasses",
-    "future",
-    "paramiko",
-    "pylibftdi",
-    "requests",
-    "retry",
+    "numpy",
+    "tenacity",
-paths = ["src", "tests"]
+profile = "black"
+known_local_folder = ["antlion"]
+mypy_path = "stubs, $FUCHSIA_DIR/src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew"
+python_version = "3.11"
+# Disallow dynamic typing
+#disallow_any_unimported = true
+#disallow_any_expr = true
+#disallow_any_decorated = true
+#disallow_any_explicit = true
+#disallow_any_generics = true
+disallow_subclassing_any = true
+# Untyped definitions and calls
+#disallow_untyped_calls = true
+#disallow_untyped_defs = true
+#disallow_incomplete_defs = true
+check_untyped_defs = true
+disallow_untyped_decorators = true
+# Configuring warnings
+warn_redundant_casts = true
+#warn_unused_ignores = true
+warn_no_return = true
+#warn_return_any = true
+#warn_unreachable = true
+# Miscellaneous strictness flags
+strict_equality = true
+exclude = [
+    # TODO(http://b/285950835): Fix typing of relevant Fuchsia-related utilities and
+    # tests
+    "packages/antlion/unit_tests/",
+    "tests/netstack/NetstackIfaceTest.py",
+    "tests/wlan/functional/DownloadStressTest.py",
+    "tests/wlan/functional/WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest.py",
+    "tests/wlan/performance/WlanWmmTest.py",
+    # TODO(http://b/274619290): Remove the following files when the migration from ACTS
+    # to Mobly is complete.
+    "packages/antlion/base_test.py",
+    "packages/antlion/config_parser.py",
+    "packages/antlion/context.py",
+    "packages/antlion/logger.py",
+    "packages/antlion/records.py",
+    "packages/antlion/test_decorators.py",
+    "packages/antlion/test_runner.py",
+    "packages/antlion/libs/yaml_writer.py",
+    # TODO(http://b/285950976): Fix typing of non-Fuchsia related controllers and test
+    # utilities, or remove if no longer relevant.
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/adb.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/android_device.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/event_dispatcher.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py",
+    "packages/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py",
+    "packages/antlion/libs/logging/log_stream.py",
+    "packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py",
+    "packages/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py",
+    "packages/antlion/libs/proc/job.py",
+    "packages/antlion/libs/proc/process.py",
+    "packages/antlion/test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py",
+    "packages/antlion/utils.py",
+    "setup.py",
+    "stubs/mobly/",
+paths = ["packages", "tests"]
 sort_by_size = true
 min_confidence = 80
diff --git a/runner/BUILD.gn b/runner/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d405592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+rustc_binary("runner") {
+  output_name = "antlion-runner"
+  edition = "2021"
+  with_unit_tests = true
+  deps = [
+    "//src/developer/ffx/lib/netext:lib($host_toolchain)",
+    "//src/lib/mdns/rust:mdns",
+    "//src/lib/network/packet",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:anyhow",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:argh",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:home",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:itertools",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:lazy_static",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:nix",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:serde",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:serde_json",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:serde_yaml",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:socket2",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:thiserror",
+  ]
+  test_deps = [
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:assert_matches",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:indoc",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:pretty_assertions",
+    "//third_party/rust_crates:tempfile",
+  ]
+  sources = [
+    "src/config.rs",
+    "src/driver/infra.rs",
+    "src/driver/local.rs",
+    "src/driver/mod.rs",
+    "src/env.rs",
+    "src/finder.rs",
+    "src/main.rs",
+    "src/net.rs",
+    "src/runner.rs",
+    "src/yaml.rs",
+  ]
+group("tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  deps = [ ":runner_test($host_toolchain)" ]
diff --git a/runner/README.md b/runner/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45c926a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# antlion-runner
+A program to run antlion locally and in infrastructure. Includes a config
+generator with mDNS discovery and sensible defaults.
+## Using locally with an emulator
+Running antlion locally with a Fuchsia emulator allows developers to perform a
+sanity checks on their changes. Running this way is very quick (~5 seconds) and
+can spot simple mistakes before code review!
+1. Build Fuchsia with antlion support
+   ```sh
+   jiri update -gc # if you haven't updated in a while
+   fx set workstation_eng_paused.qemu-x64 \
+      --with-host //third_party/antlion:e2e_tests \
+      --with-host //third_party/antlion:tests \
+      --with //src/testing/sl4f
+   fx build # if you haven't built in a while
+   ```
+2. Start the package server. Keep this running in the background.
+   ```sh
+   fx serve
+   ```
+3. In a separate terminal, start the emulator with access to external networks.
+   ```sh
+   ffx emu stop && ffx emu start -H --net tap && ffx log
+   ```
+4. In a separate terminal, run a test
+   ```sh
+   fx test --e2e --output //third_party/antlion:sl4f_sanity_test
+   ```
+> Note: Local testing with auxiliary devices is not supported by antlion runner.
+Use antlion directly for these cases; see the antlion [README](../README.md).
+## Testing
+fx set core.qemu-x64 --with //vendor/google/build/python/antlion/runner:tests
+fx test --output //vendor/google/build/python/antlion/runner:runner_test
diff --git a/runner/src/config.rs b/runner/src/config.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42907b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/config.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+use crate::net::IpAddr;
+use crate::yaml;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde_yaml::Value;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
+/// Config used by antlion for declaring testbeds and test parameters.
+pub(crate) struct Config {
+    #[serde(rename = "TestBeds")]
+    pub testbeds: Vec<Testbed>,
+    pub mobly_params: MoblyParams,
+impl Config {
+    /// Merge the given test parameters into all testbeds.
+    pub fn merge_test_params(&mut self, test_params: Value) {
+        for testbed in self.testbeds.iter_mut() {
+            match testbed.test_params.as_mut() {
+                Some(existing) => yaml::merge(existing, test_params.clone()),
+                None => testbed.test_params = Some(test_params.clone()),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
+/// Parameters consumed by Mobly.
+pub(crate) struct MoblyParams {
+    pub log_path: PathBuf,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
+/// A group of interconnected devices to be used together during an antlion test.
+pub(crate) struct Testbed {
+    pub name: String,
+    pub controllers: Controllers,
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub test_params: Option<Value>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize)]
+pub(crate) struct Controllers {
+    #[serde(rename = "FuchsiaDevice", skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
+    pub fuchsia_devices: Vec<Fuchsia>,
+    #[serde(rename = "AccessPoint", skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
+    pub access_points: Vec<AccessPoint>,
+    #[serde(rename = "Attenuator", skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
+    pub attenuators: Vec<Attenuator>,
+    #[serde(rename = "PduDevice", skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
+    pub pdus: Vec<Pdu>,
+    #[serde(rename = "IPerfServer", skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
+    pub iperf_servers: Vec<IPerfServer>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+/// A Fuchsia device for use with antlion as defined by [fuchsia_device.py].
+/// [fuchsia_device.py]: https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:third_party/antlion/packages/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_device.py
+pub(crate) struct Fuchsia {
+    pub mdns_name: String,
+    pub ip: IpAddr,
+    pub take_bug_report_on_fail: bool,
+    pub ssh_binary_path: PathBuf,
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub ssh_config: Option<PathBuf>,
+    pub ffx_binary_path: PathBuf,
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub ffx_subtools_search_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+    pub ssh_priv_key: PathBuf,
+    #[serde(rename = "PduDevice", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub pdu_device: Option<PduRef>,
+    pub hard_reboot_on_fail: bool,
+    pub enable_honeydew: bool,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+/// Reference to a PDU device. Used to specify which port the attached device
+/// maps to on the PDU.
+pub(crate) struct PduRef {
+    #[serde(default = "default_pdu_device")]
+    pub device: String,
+    #[serde(rename(serialize = "host"))]
+    pub ip: IpAddr,
+    pub port: u8,
+fn default_pdu_device() -> String {
+    "synaccess.np02b".to_string()
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+/// Declares an access point for use with antlion as defined by [access_point.py].
+/// [access_point.py]: https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:third_party/antlion/packages/antlion/controllers/access_point.py
+pub(crate) struct AccessPoint {
+    pub wan_interface: String,
+    pub ssh_config: SshConfig,
+    #[serde(rename = "PduDevice", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub pdu_device: Option<PduRef>,
+    #[serde(rename = "Attenuator", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub attenuators: Option<Vec<AttenuatorRef>>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+pub(crate) struct SshConfig {
+    pub ssh_binary_path: PathBuf,
+    pub host: IpAddr,
+    pub user: String,
+    pub identity_file: PathBuf,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+/// Reference to an attenuator device. Used to specify which ports the attached
+/// devices' channels maps to on the attenuator.
+pub(crate) struct AttenuatorRef {
+    #[serde(rename = "Address")]
+    pub address: IpAddr,
+    #[serde(rename = "attenuator_ports_wifi_2g")]
+    pub ports_2g: Vec<u8>,
+    #[serde(rename = "attenuator_ports_wifi_5g")]
+    pub ports_5g: Vec<u8>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
+/// Declares an attenuator for use with antlion as defined by [attenuator.py].
+/// [access_point.py]: https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:third_party/antlion/packages/antlion/controllers/attenuator.py
+pub(crate) struct Attenuator {
+    pub model: String,
+    pub instrument_count: u8,
+    pub address: IpAddr,
+    pub protocol: String,
+    pub port: u16,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
+/// Declares a power distribution unit for use with antlion as defined by [pdu.py].
+/// [pdu.py]: https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:third_party/antlion/packages/antlion/controllers/pdu.py
+pub(crate) struct Pdu {
+    pub device: String,
+    pub host: IpAddr,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
+/// Declares an iPerf3 server for use with antlion as defined by [iperf_server.py].
+/// [iperf_server.py]: https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:third_party/antlion/packages/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py
+pub(crate) struct IPerfServer {
+    pub ssh_config: SshConfig,
+    pub port: u16,
+    pub test_interface: String,
+    pub use_killall: bool,
diff --git a/runner/src/driver/infra.rs b/runner/src/driver/infra.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f1440f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/driver/infra.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+use crate::config::PduRef;
+use crate::config::{self, Config};
+use crate::driver::Driver;
+use crate::env::Environment;
+use crate::net::IpAddr;
+use crate::yaml;
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::fs;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use serde_yaml::Value;
+use thiserror::Error;
+const TESTBED_NAME: &'static str = "antlion-runner";
+const ENV_OUT_DIR: &'static str = "FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR";
+const TEST_SUMMARY_FILE: &'static str = "test_summary.yaml";
+/// Driver for running antlion on emulated and hardware testbeds hosted by
+/// Fuchsia infrastructure.
+pub(crate) struct InfraDriver {
+    output_dir: PathBuf,
+    config: Config,
+#[derive(Error, Debug)]
+pub(crate) enum InfraDriverError {
+    #[error("infra environment not detected, \"{0}\" environment variable not present")]
+    NotDetected(String),
+    #[error(transparent)]
+    Config(#[from] ConfigError),
+    #[error(transparent)]
+    Other(#[from] anyhow::Error),
+#[derive(Error, Debug)]
+pub(crate) enum ConfigError {
+    #[error("ip {ip} in use by several devices")]
+    DuplicateIp { ip: IpAddr },
+    #[error("ip {ip} port {port} in use by several devices")]
+    DuplicatePort { ip: IpAddr, port: u8 },
+impl InfraDriver {
+    /// Detect an InfraDriver. Returns None if the required environmental
+    /// variables are not found.
+    pub fn new<E: Environment>(
+        env: E,
+        ssh_binary: PathBuf,
+        ffx_binary: PathBuf,
+        ffx_subtools_search_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+        enable_honeydew: bool,
+    ) -> Result<Self, InfraDriverError> {
+        let config_path = match env.var(ENV_TESTBED_CONFIG) {
+            Ok(p) => PathBuf::from(p),
+            Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => {
+                return Err(InfraDriverError::NotDetected(ENV_TESTBED_CONFIG.to_string()))
+            }
+            Err(e) => {
+                return Err(InfraDriverError::Other(anyhow!(
+                    "Failed to read \"{ENV_TESTBED_CONFIG}\" {e}"
+                )))
+            }
+        };
+        let config = fs::read_to_string(&config_path)
+            .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read \"{}\"", config_path.display()))?;
+        let targets: Vec<InfraTarget> = serde_json::from_str(&config)
+            .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse into InfraTarget: \"{config}\""))?;
+        if targets.len() == 0 {
+            return Err(InfraDriverError::Other(anyhow!(
+                "Expected at least one target declared in \"{}\"",
+                config_path.display()
+            )));
+        }
+        let output_path = match env.var(ENV_OUT_DIR) {
+            Ok(p) => p,
+            Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => {
+                return Err(InfraDriverError::NotDetected(ENV_OUT_DIR.to_string()))
+            }
+            Err(e) => {
+                return Err(InfraDriverError::Other(anyhow!(
+                    "Failed to read \"{ENV_OUT_DIR}\" {e}"
+                )))
+            }
+        };
+        let output_dir = PathBuf::from(output_path);
+        if !fs::metadata(&output_dir).context("Failed to stat the output directory")?.is_dir() {
+            return Err(InfraDriverError::Other(anyhow!(
+                "Expected a directory but found a file at \"{}\"",
+                output_dir.display()
+            )));
+        }
+        Ok(InfraDriver {
+            output_dir: output_dir.clone(),
+            config: InfraDriver::parse_targets(
+                targets,
+                ssh_binary,
+                ffx_binary,
+                ffx_subtools_search_path,
+                output_dir,
+                enable_honeydew,
+            )?,
+        })
+    }
+    fn parse_targets(
+        targets: Vec<InfraTarget>,
+        ssh_binary: PathBuf,
+        ffx_binary: PathBuf,
+        ffx_subtools_search_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+        output_dir: PathBuf,
+        enable_honeydew: bool,
+    ) -> Result<Config, InfraDriverError> {
+        let mut fuchsia_devices: Vec<config::Fuchsia> = vec![];
+        let mut access_points: Vec<config::AccessPoint> = vec![];
+        let mut attenuators: HashMap<IpAddr, config::Attenuator> = HashMap::new();
+        let mut pdus: HashMap<IpAddr, config::Pdu> = HashMap::new();
+        let mut iperf_servers: Vec<config::IPerfServer> = vec![];
+        let mut test_params: Option<Value> = None;
+        let mut used_ips: HashSet<IpAddr> = HashSet::new();
+        let mut used_ports: HashMap<IpAddr, HashSet<u8>> = HashMap::new();
+        let mut register_ip = |ip: IpAddr| -> Result<(), InfraDriverError> {
+            if !used_ips.insert(ip.clone()) {
+                return Err(ConfigError::DuplicateIp { ip }.into());
+            }
+            Ok(())
+        };
+        let mut register_port = |ip: IpAddr, port: u8| -> Result<(), InfraDriverError> {
+            match used_ports.get_mut(&ip) {
+                Some(ports) => {
+                    if !ports.insert(port) {
+                        return Err(ConfigError::DuplicatePort { ip, port }.into());
+                    }
+                }
+                None => {
+                    if used_ports.insert(ip, HashSet::from([port])).is_some() {
+                        return Err(InfraDriverError::Other(anyhow!(
+                            "Used ports set was unexpectedly modified by concurrent use",
+                        )));
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            Ok(())
+        };
+        let mut register_pdu = |p: Option<PduRef>| -> Result<(), InfraDriverError> {
+            if let Some(PduRef { device, ip, port }) = p {
+                register_port(ip.clone(), port)?;
+                let new = config::Pdu { device: device.clone(), host: ip.clone() };
+                if let Some(old) = pdus.insert(ip.clone(), new.clone()) {
+                    if old != new {
+                        return Err(ConfigError::DuplicateIp { ip }.into());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            Ok(())
+        };
+        let mut register_attenuator = |a: Option<AttenuatorRef>| -> Result<(), InfraDriverError> {
+            if let Some(a) = a {
+                let new = config::Attenuator {
+                    model: "minicircuits".to_string(),
+                    instrument_count: 4,
+                    address: a.ip.clone(),
+                    protocol: "http".to_string(),
+                    port: 80,
+                };
+                if let Some(old) = attenuators.insert(a.ip.clone(), new.clone()) {
+                    if old != new {
+                        return Err(ConfigError::DuplicateIp { ip: a.ip }.into());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            Ok(())
+        };
+        let mut merge_test_params = |p: Option<Value>| {
+            match (test_params.as_mut(), p) {
+                (None, Some(new)) => test_params = Some(new),
+                (Some(existing), Some(new)) => yaml::merge(existing, new),
+                (_, None) => {}
+            };
+        };
+        for target in targets {
+            match target {
+                InfraTarget::FuchsiaDevice { nodename, ipv4, ipv6, ssh_key, pdu, test_params } => {
+                    let ip: IpAddr = if !ipv4.is_empty() {
+                        ipv4.parse().context("Invalid IPv4 address")
+                    } else if !ipv6.is_empty() {
+                        ipv6.parse().context("Invalid IPv6 address")
+                    } else {
+                        Err(anyhow!("IP address not specified"))
+                    }?;
+                    fuchsia_devices.push(config::Fuchsia {
+                        mdns_name: nodename.clone(),
+                        ip: ip.clone(),
+                        take_bug_report_on_fail: true,
+                        ssh_binary_path: ssh_binary.clone(),
+                        // TODO(http://b/244747218): Remove when ssh_config is refactored away
+                        ssh_config: None,
+                        ffx_binary_path: ffx_binary.clone(),
+                        ffx_subtools_search_path: ffx_subtools_search_path.clone(),
+                        ssh_priv_key: ssh_key.clone(),
+                        pdu_device: pdu.clone(),
+                        hard_reboot_on_fail: true,
+                        enable_honeydew,
+                    });
+                    register_ip(ip)?;
+                    register_pdu(pdu)?;
+                    merge_test_params(test_params);
+                }
+                InfraTarget::AccessPoint { ip, attenuator, pdu, ssh_key } => {
+                    access_points.push(config::AccessPoint {
+                        wan_interface: "eth0".to_string(),
+                        ssh_config: config::SshConfig {
+                            ssh_binary_path: ssh_binary.clone(),
+                            host: ip.clone(),
+                            user: "root".to_string(),
+                            identity_file: ssh_key.clone(),
+                        },
+                        pdu_device: pdu.clone(),
+                        attenuators: attenuator.as_ref().map(|a| {
+                            vec![config::AttenuatorRef {
+                                address: a.ip.clone(),
+                                ports_2g: vec![1, 2, 3],
+                                ports_5g: vec![1, 2, 3],
+                            }]
+                        }),
+                    });
+                    register_ip(ip)?;
+                    register_pdu(pdu)?;
+                    register_attenuator(attenuator)?;
+                }
+                InfraTarget::IPerfServer { ip, user, test_interface, pdu, ssh_key } => {
+                    iperf_servers.push(config::IPerfServer {
+                        ssh_config: config::SshConfig {
+                            ssh_binary_path: ssh_binary.clone(),
+                            host: ip.clone(),
+                            user: user.to_string(),
+                            identity_file: ssh_key.clone(),
+                        },
+                        port: 5201,
+                        test_interface: test_interface.clone(),
+                        use_killall: true,
+                    });
+                    register_ip(ip.clone())?;
+                    register_pdu(pdu)?;
+                }
+            };
+        }
+        Ok(Config {
+            testbeds: vec![config::Testbed {
+                name: TESTBED_NAME.to_string(),
+                controllers: config::Controllers {
+                    fuchsia_devices: fuchsia_devices,
+                    access_points: access_points,
+                    attenuators: attenuators
+                        .into_values()
+                        .sorted_by_key(|a| a.address.clone())
+                        .collect(),
+                    pdus: pdus.into_values().sorted_by_key(|p| p.host.clone()).collect(),
+                    iperf_servers: iperf_servers,
+                },
+                test_params,
+            }],
+            mobly_params: config::MoblyParams { log_path: output_dir },
+        })
+    }
+impl Driver for InfraDriver {
+    fn output_path(&self) -> &Path {
+        self.output_dir.as_path()
+    }
+    fn config(&self) -> Config {
+        self.config.clone()
+    }
+    fn teardown(&self) -> Result<()> {
+        let results_path =
+            self.output_dir.join(TESTBED_NAME).join("latest").join(TEST_SUMMARY_FILE);
+        match fs::File::open(&results_path) {
+            Ok(mut results) => {
+                println!("\nTest results from {}\n", results_path.display());
+                println!("[=====MOBLY RESULTS=====]");
+                std::io::copy(&mut results, &mut std::io::stdout())
+                    .context("Failed to copy results to stdout")?;
+            }
+            Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to open \"{}\": {}", results_path.display(), e),
+        };
+        // Remove any symlinks from the output directory; this causes errors
+        // while uploading to CAS.
+        //
+        // TODO: Remove when the fix is released and supported on Swarming bots
+        // https://github.com/bazelbuild/remote-apis-sdks/pull/229.
+        remove_symlinks(self.output_dir.clone())?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+fn remove_symlinks<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<()> {
+    let meta = fs::symlink_metadata(path.as_ref())?;
+    if meta.is_symlink() {
+        fs::remove_file(path)?;
+    } else if meta.is_dir() {
+        for entry in fs::read_dir(path)? {
+            remove_symlinks(entry?.path())?;
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+#[serde(tag = "type")]
+/// Schema used to communicate target information from the test environment set
+/// up by botanist.
+/// See https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia/fuchsia/+/main:tools/botanist/README.md
+enum InfraTarget {
+    FuchsiaDevice {
+        nodename: String,
+        ipv4: String,
+        ipv6: String,
+        ssh_key: PathBuf,
+        pdu: Option<PduRef>,
+        test_params: Option<Value>,
+    },
+    AccessPoint {
+        ip: IpAddr,
+        ssh_key: PathBuf,
+        attenuator: Option<AttenuatorRef>,
+        pdu: Option<PduRef>,
+    },
+    IPerfServer {
+        ip: IpAddr,
+        ssh_key: PathBuf,
+        #[serde(default = "default_iperf_user")]
+        user: String,
+        test_interface: String,
+        pdu: Option<PduRef>,
+    },
+fn default_iperf_user() -> String {
+    "pi".to_string()
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
+struct AttenuatorRef {
+    ip: IpAddr,
+mod test {
+    use super::*;
+    use crate::run;
+    use crate::runner::{ExitStatus, Runner};
+    use std::ffi::OsStr;
+    use assert_matches::assert_matches;
+    use indoc::formatdoc;
+    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
+    use serde_json::json;
+    use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempDir};
+    const FUCHSIA_NAME: &'static str = "fuchsia-1234-5678-9abc";
+    const FUCHSIA_ADDR: &'static str = "fe80::1%2";
+    #[derive(Default)]
+    struct MockRunner {
+        out_dir: PathBuf,
+        config: std::cell::Cell<PathBuf>,
+    }
+    impl MockRunner {
+        fn new(out_dir: PathBuf) -> Self {
+            Self { out_dir, ..Default::default() }
+        }
+    }
+    impl Runner for MockRunner {
+        fn run(&self, config: PathBuf) -> Result<ExitStatus> {
+            self.config.set(config);
+            let antlion_out = self.out_dir.join(TESTBED_NAME).join("latest");
+            fs::create_dir_all(&antlion_out)
+                .context("Failed to create antlion output directory")?;
+            fs::write(antlion_out.join(TEST_SUMMARY_FILE), "")
+                .context("Failed to write test_summary.yaml")?;
+            Ok(ExitStatus::Ok)
+        }
+    }
+    struct MockEnvironment {
+        config: Option<PathBuf>,
+        out_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
+    }
+    impl Environment for MockEnvironment {
+        fn var<K: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, key: K) -> Result<String, std::env::VarError> {
+            if key.as_ref() == ENV_TESTBED_CONFIG {
+                self.config
+                    .clone()
+                    .ok_or(std::env::VarError::NotPresent)
+                    .map(|p| p.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap())
+            } else if key.as_ref() == ENV_OUT_DIR {
+                self.out_dir
+                    .clone()
+                    .ok_or(std::env::VarError::NotPresent)
+                    .map(|p| p.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap())
+            } else {
+                Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_not_detected() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let env = MockEnvironment { config: None, out_dir: None };
+        let got = InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), None, false);
+        assert_matches!(got, Err(InfraDriverError::NotDetected(_)));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_not_detected_config() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let env = MockEnvironment { config: None, out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()) };
+        let got = InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), None, false);
+        assert_matches!(got, Err(InfraDriverError::NotDetected(v)) if v == ENV_TESTBED_CONFIG);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_not_detected_out_dir() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(
+            testbed_config.as_file(),
+            &json!([{
+                "type": "FuchsiaDevice",
+                "nodename": FUCHSIA_NAME,
+                "ipv4": "",
+                "ipv6": FUCHSIA_ADDR,
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+            }]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let env =
+            MockEnvironment { config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()), out_dir: None };
+        let got = InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), None, false);
+        assert_matches!(got, Err(InfraDriverError::NotDetected(v)) if v == ENV_OUT_DIR);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_invalid_config() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(testbed_config.as_file(), &json!({ "foo": "bar" })).unwrap();
+        let env = MockEnvironment {
+            config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()),
+            out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+        };
+        let got = InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), None, false);
+        assert_matches!(got, Err(_));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx_subtools = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(
+            testbed_config.as_file(),
+            &json!([{
+                "type": "FuchsiaDevice",
+                "nodename": FUCHSIA_NAME,
+                "ipv4": "",
+                "ipv6": FUCHSIA_ADDR,
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+            }]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let runner = MockRunner::new(out_dir.path().to_path_buf());
+        let env = MockEnvironment {
+            config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()),
+            out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+        };
+        let driver =
+            InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), Some(ffx_subtools.path().to_path_buf()), false)
+                .unwrap();
+        run(runner, driver, None).unwrap();
+        let got = fs::read_to_string(out_dir.path().join("config.yaml")).unwrap();
+        let ssh_path = ssh.path().display().to_string();
+        let ssh_key_path = ssh_key.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_path = ffx.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_subtools_path = ffx_subtools.path().display();
+        let out_path = out_dir.path().display();
+        let want = formatdoc! {r#"
+        TestBeds:
+        - Name: {TESTBED_NAME}
+          Controllers:
+            FuchsiaDevice:
+            - mdns_name: {FUCHSIA_NAME}
+              ip: {FUCHSIA_ADDR}
+              take_bug_report_on_fail: true
+              ssh_binary_path: {ssh_path}
+              ffx_binary_path: {ffx_path}
+              ffx_subtools_search_path: {ffx_subtools_path}
+              ssh_priv_key: {ssh_key_path}
+              hard_reboot_on_fail: true
+              enable_honeydew: false
+        MoblyParams:
+          LogPath: {out_path}
+        "#};
+        assert_eq!(got, want);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_with_test_params() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx_subtools = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(
+            testbed_config.as_file(),
+            &json!([{
+                "type": "FuchsiaDevice",
+                "nodename": FUCHSIA_NAME,
+                "ipv4": "",
+                "ipv6": FUCHSIA_ADDR,
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "test_params": {
+                    "sl4f_sanity_test_params": {
+                        "can_overwrite": false,
+                        "from_original": true,
+                    }
+                }
+            }]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let runner = MockRunner::new(out_dir.path().to_path_buf());
+        let env = MockEnvironment {
+            config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()),
+            out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+        };
+        let driver =
+            InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), Some(ffx_subtools.path().to_path_buf()), false)
+                .unwrap();
+        let params = "
+            sl4f_sanity_test_params:
+                merged_with: true
+                can_overwrite: true
+        ";
+        let params = serde_yaml::from_str(params).unwrap();
+        run(runner, driver, Some(params)).unwrap();
+        let got = fs::read_to_string(out_dir.path().join("config.yaml")).unwrap();
+        let ssh_path = ssh.path().display().to_string();
+        let ssh_key_path = ssh_key.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_path = ffx.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_subtools_path = ffx_subtools.path().display();
+        let out_path = out_dir.path().display();
+        let want = formatdoc! {r#"
+        TestBeds:
+        - Name: {TESTBED_NAME}
+          Controllers:
+            FuchsiaDevice:
+            - mdns_name: {FUCHSIA_NAME}
+              ip: {FUCHSIA_ADDR}
+              take_bug_report_on_fail: true
+              ssh_binary_path: {ssh_path}
+              ffx_binary_path: {ffx_path}
+              ffx_subtools_search_path: {ffx_subtools_path}
+              ssh_priv_key: {ssh_key_path}
+              hard_reboot_on_fail: true
+              enable_honeydew: false
+          TestParams:
+            sl4f_sanity_test_params:
+              can_overwrite: true
+              from_original: true
+              merged_with: true
+        MoblyParams:
+          LogPath: {out_path}
+        "#};
+        assert_eq!(got, want);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_with_auxiliary_devices() {
+        const FUCHSIA_PDU_IP: &'static str = "";
+        const FUCHSIA_PDU_PORT: u8 = 1;
+        const AP_IP: &'static str = "";
+        const AP_AND_IPERF_PDU_IP: &'static str = "";
+        const AP_PDU_PORT: u8 = 1;
+        const ATTENUATOR_IP: &'static str = "";
+        const IPERF_IP: &'static str = "";
+        const IPERF_USER: &'static str = "alice";
+        const IPERF_PDU_PORT: u8 = 2;
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx_subtools = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(
+            testbed_config.as_file(),
+            &json!([{
+                "type": "FuchsiaDevice",
+                "nodename": FUCHSIA_NAME,
+                "ipv4": "",
+                "ipv6": FUCHSIA_ADDR,
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "pdu": {
+                    "ip": FUCHSIA_PDU_IP,
+                    "port": FUCHSIA_PDU_PORT,
+                },
+            }, {
+                "type": "AccessPoint",
+                "ip": AP_IP,
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "attenuator": {
+                    "ip": ATTENUATOR_IP,
+                },
+                "pdu": {
+                    "ip": AP_AND_IPERF_PDU_IP,
+                    "port": AP_PDU_PORT,
+                    "device": "fancy-pdu",
+                },
+            }, {
+                "type": "IPerfServer",
+                "ip": IPERF_IP,
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "user": IPERF_USER,
+                "test_interface": "eth0",
+                "pdu": {
+                    "ip": AP_AND_IPERF_PDU_IP,
+                    "port": IPERF_PDU_PORT,
+                    "device": "fancy-pdu",
+                },
+            }]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let runner = MockRunner::new(out_dir.path().to_path_buf());
+        let env = MockEnvironment {
+            config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()),
+            out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+        };
+        let driver =
+            InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), Some(ffx_subtools.path().to_path_buf()), false)
+                .unwrap();
+        run(runner, driver, None).unwrap();
+        let got = std::fs::read_to_string(out_dir.path().join("config.yaml")).unwrap();
+        let ssh_path = ssh.path().display().to_string();
+        let ssh_key_path = ssh_key.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_path = ffx.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_subtools_path = ffx_subtools.path().display();
+        let out_path = out_dir.path().display();
+        let want = formatdoc! {r#"
+        TestBeds:
+        - Name: {TESTBED_NAME}
+          Controllers:
+            FuchsiaDevice:
+            - mdns_name: {FUCHSIA_NAME}
+              ip: {FUCHSIA_ADDR}
+              take_bug_report_on_fail: true
+              ssh_binary_path: {ssh_path}
+              ffx_binary_path: {ffx_path}
+              ffx_subtools_search_path: {ffx_subtools_path}
+              ssh_priv_key: {ssh_key_path}
+              PduDevice:
+                device: synaccess.np02b
+                host: {FUCHSIA_PDU_IP}
+                port: {FUCHSIA_PDU_PORT}
+              hard_reboot_on_fail: true
+              enable_honeydew: false
+            AccessPoint:
+            - wan_interface: eth0
+              ssh_config:
+                ssh_binary_path: {ssh_path}
+                host: {AP_IP}
+                user: root
+                identity_file: {ssh_key_path}
+              PduDevice:
+                device: fancy-pdu
+                host: {AP_AND_IPERF_PDU_IP}
+                port: {AP_PDU_PORT}
+              Attenuator:
+              - Address: {ATTENUATOR_IP}
+                attenuator_ports_wifi_2g:
+                - 1
+                - 2
+                - 3
+                attenuator_ports_wifi_5g:
+                - 1
+                - 2
+                - 3
+            Attenuator:
+            - Model: minicircuits
+              InstrumentCount: 4
+              Address: {ATTENUATOR_IP}
+              Protocol: http
+              Port: 80
+            PduDevice:
+            - device: fancy-pdu
+              host: {AP_AND_IPERF_PDU_IP}
+            - device: synaccess.np02b
+              host: {FUCHSIA_PDU_IP}
+            IPerfServer:
+            - ssh_config:
+                ssh_binary_path: {ssh_path}
+                host: {IPERF_IP}
+                user: {IPERF_USER}
+                identity_file: {ssh_key_path}
+              port: 5201
+              test_interface: eth0
+              use_killall: true
+        MoblyParams:
+          LogPath: {out_path}
+        "#};
+        assert_eq!(got, want);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_duplicate_port_pdu() {
+        let pdu_ip: IpAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
+        let pdu_port = 1;
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(
+            testbed_config.as_file(),
+            &json!([{
+                "type": "FuchsiaDevice",
+                "nodename": "foo",
+                "ipv4": "",
+                "ipv6": "fe80::1%2",
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "pdu": {
+                    "ip": pdu_ip,
+                    "port": pdu_port,
+                },
+            }, {
+                "type": "AccessPoint",
+                "ip": "",
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "pdu": {
+                    "ip": pdu_ip,
+                    "port": pdu_port,
+                },
+            }]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let env = MockEnvironment {
+            config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()),
+            out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+        };
+        let got = InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), None, false);
+        assert_matches!(got,
+            Err(InfraDriverError::Config(ConfigError::DuplicatePort { ip, port }))
+                if ip == pdu_ip && port == pdu_port
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_duplicate_ip_pdu() {
+        let duplicate_ip: IpAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(
+            testbed_config.as_file(),
+            &json!([{
+                "type": "FuchsiaDevice",
+                "nodename": "foo",
+                "ipv4": "",
+                "ipv6": "fe80::1%2",
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "pdu": {
+                    "ip": duplicate_ip,
+                    "port": 1,
+                    "device": "A",
+                },
+            }, {
+                "type": "AccessPoint",
+                "ip": "",
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+                "pdu": {
+                    "ip": duplicate_ip,
+                    "port": 2,
+                    "device": "B",
+                },
+            }]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let env = MockEnvironment {
+            config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()),
+            out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+        };
+        assert_matches!(
+            InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), None, false),
+            Err(InfraDriverError::Config(ConfigError::DuplicateIp { ip }))
+                if ip == duplicate_ip
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn infra_duplicate_ip_devices() {
+        let duplicate_ip: IpAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let testbed_config = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(
+            testbed_config.as_file(),
+            &json!([{
+                "type": "FuchsiaDevice",
+                "nodename": "foo",
+                "ipv4": duplicate_ip,
+                "ipv6": "",
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+            }, {
+                "type": "AccessPoint",
+                "ip": duplicate_ip,
+                "ssh_key": ssh_key.path(),
+            }]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let env = MockEnvironment {
+            config: Some(testbed_config.path().to_path_buf()),
+            out_dir: Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+        };
+        let got = InfraDriver::new(env, ssh.path().to_path_buf(), ffx.path().to_path_buf(), None, false);
+        assert_matches!(got,
+            Err(InfraDriverError::Config(ConfigError::DuplicateIp { ip }))
+                if ip == duplicate_ip
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn remove_symlinks_works() {
+        const SYMLINK_FILE: &'static str = "latest";
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let test_file = NamedTempFile::new_in(&out_dir).unwrap();
+        let symlink_path = out_dir.path().join(SYMLINK_FILE);
+        #[cfg(unix)]
+        std::os::unix::fs::symlink(&test_file, &symlink_path).unwrap();
+        #[cfg(windows)]
+        std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file(&test_file, &symlink_path).unwrap();
+        assert_matches!(remove_symlinks(out_dir.path()), Ok(()));
+        assert_matches!(fs::symlink_metadata(symlink_path), Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound);
+        assert_matches!(fs::symlink_metadata(test_file), Ok(meta) if meta.is_file());
+    }
diff --git a/runner/src/driver/local.rs b/runner/src/driver/local.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e404c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/driver/local.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+use crate::config;
+use crate::driver::Driver;
+use crate::finder::{Answer, Finder};
+use crate::net::IpAddr;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use anyhow::{ensure, Context, Result};
+use home::home_dir;
+const TESTBED_NAME: &'static str = "antlion-runner";
+/// Driver for running antlion locally on an emulated or hardware testbed with
+/// optional mDNS discovery when a DHCP server is not available. This is useful
+/// for testing changes locally in a development environment.
+pub(crate) struct LocalDriver {
+    target: LocalTarget,
+    output_dir: PathBuf,
+    ssh_binary: PathBuf,
+    ffx_binary: PathBuf,
+    ffx_subtools_search_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+    enable_honeydew: bool,
+impl LocalDriver {
+    pub fn new<F>(
+        device: Option<String>,
+        ssh_binary: PathBuf,
+        ssh_key: Option<PathBuf>,
+        ffx_binary: PathBuf,
+        ffx_subtools_search_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+        out_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
+        enable_honeydew: bool,
+    ) -> Result<Self>
+    where
+        F: Finder,
+    {
+        let output_dir = match out_dir {
+            Some(p) => Ok(p),
+            None => std::env::current_dir().context("Failed to get current working directory"),
+        }?;
+        Ok(Self {
+            target: LocalTarget::new::<F>(device, ssh_key)?,
+            output_dir,
+            ssh_binary,
+            ffx_binary,
+            ffx_subtools_search_path,
+            enable_honeydew,
+        })
+    }
+impl Driver for LocalDriver {
+    fn output_path(&self) -> &Path {
+        self.output_dir.as_path()
+    }
+    fn config(&self) -> config::Config {
+        config::Config {
+            testbeds: vec![config::Testbed {
+                name: TESTBED_NAME.to_string(),
+                controllers: config::Controllers {
+                    fuchsia_devices: vec![config::Fuchsia {
+                        mdns_name: self.target.name.clone(),
+                        ip: self.target.ip.clone(),
+                        take_bug_report_on_fail: true,
+                        ssh_binary_path: self.ssh_binary.clone(),
+                        // TODO(http://b/244747218): Remove when ssh_config is refactored away
+                        ssh_config: None,
+                        ffx_binary_path: self.ffx_binary.clone(),
+                        ffx_subtools_search_path: self.ffx_subtools_search_path.clone(),
+                        ssh_priv_key: self.target.ssh_key.clone(),
+                        pdu_device: None,
+                        hard_reboot_on_fail: true,
+                        enable_honeydew: self.enable_honeydew,
+                    }],
+                    ..Default::default()
+                },
+                test_params: None,
+            }],
+            mobly_params: config::MoblyParams { log_path: self.output_dir.clone() },
+        }
+    }
+    fn teardown(&self) -> Result<()> {
+        println!(
+            "\nView full antlion logs at {}",
+            self.output_dir.join(TESTBED_NAME).join("latest").display()
+        );
+        Ok(())
+    }
+/// LocalTargetInfo performs best-effort discovery of target information from
+/// standard Fuchsia environmental variables.
+struct LocalTarget {
+    name: String,
+    ip: IpAddr,
+    ssh_key: PathBuf,
+impl LocalTarget {
+    fn new<F>(device: Option<String>, ssh_key: Option<PathBuf>) -> Result<Self>
+    where
+        F: Finder,
+    {
+        let device_name = device.or_else(|| match std::env::var("FUCHSIA_DIR") {
+            Ok(dir) => match std::fs::read_to_string(format!("{dir}/out/default.device")) {
+                Ok(name) => Some(name.trim().to_string()),
+                Err(_) => {
+                    println!("A default device using \"fx set-device\" has not been set");
+                    println!("Using the first Fuchsia device discovered via mDNS");
+                    None
+                }
+            },
+            Err(_) => {
+                println!("Neither --device nor FUCHSIA_DIR has been set");
+                println!("Using the first Fuchsia device discovered via mDNS");
+                None
+            }
+        });
+        let Answer { name, ip } = F::find_device(device_name)?;
+        // TODO: Move this validation out to Args
+        let ssh_key = ssh_key
+            .or_else(|| home_dir().map(|p| p.join(".ssh/fuchsia_ed25519").to_path_buf()))
+            .context("Failed to detect the private Fuchsia SSH key")?;
+        ensure!(
+            ssh_key.try_exists().with_context(|| format!(
+                "Failed to check existence of SSH key \"{}\"",
+                ssh_key.display()
+            ))?,
+            "Cannot find SSH key \"{}\"",
+            ssh_key.display()
+        );
+        Ok(LocalTarget { name, ip, ssh_key })
+    }
+mod test {
+    use super::*;
+    use crate::run;
+    use crate::runner::{ExitStatus, Runner};
+    use indoc::formatdoc;
+    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
+    use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempDir};
+    const FUCHSIA_NAME: &'static str = "fuchsia-1234-5678-9abc";
+    const FUCHSIA_ADDR: &'static str = "fe80::1%2";
+    const FUCHSIA_IP: &'static str = "fe80::1";
+    const SCOPE_ID: u32 = 2;
+    struct MockFinder;
+    impl Finder for MockFinder {
+        fn find_device(_: Option<String>) -> Result<Answer> {
+            Ok(Answer {
+                name: FUCHSIA_NAME.to_string(),
+                ip: IpAddr::V6(FUCHSIA_IP.parse().unwrap(), Some(SCOPE_ID)),
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    #[derive(Default)]
+    struct MockRunner {
+        config: std::cell::Cell<PathBuf>,
+    }
+    impl Runner for MockRunner {
+        fn run(&self, config: PathBuf) -> Result<ExitStatus> {
+            self.config.set(config);
+            Ok(ExitStatus::Ok)
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn local_invalid_ssh_key() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        assert!(LocalDriver::new::<MockFinder>(
+            None,
+            ssh.path().to_path_buf(),
+            Some(PathBuf::new()),
+            ffx.path().to_path_buf(),
+            None,
+            Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+            false,
+        )
+        .is_err());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn local() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx_subtools = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let runner = MockRunner::default();
+        let driver = LocalDriver::new::<MockFinder>(
+            None,
+            ssh.path().to_path_buf(),
+            Some(ssh_key.path().to_path_buf()),
+            ffx.path().to_path_buf(),
+            Some(ffx_subtools.path().to_path_buf()),
+            Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+            false,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        run(runner, driver, None).unwrap();
+        let got = std::fs::read_to_string(out_dir.path().join("config.yaml")).unwrap();
+        let ssh_path = ssh.path().display();
+        let ssh_key_path = ssh_key.path().display();
+        let ffx_path = ffx.path().display();
+        let ffx_subtools_path = ffx_subtools.path().display();
+        let out_path = out_dir.path().display();
+        let want = formatdoc! {r#"
+        TestBeds:
+        - Name: {TESTBED_NAME}
+          Controllers:
+            FuchsiaDevice:
+            - mdns_name: {FUCHSIA_NAME}
+              ip: {FUCHSIA_ADDR}
+              take_bug_report_on_fail: true
+              ssh_binary_path: {ssh_path}
+              ffx_binary_path: {ffx_path}
+              ffx_subtools_search_path: {ffx_subtools_path}
+              ssh_priv_key: {ssh_key_path}
+              hard_reboot_on_fail: true
+              enable_honeydew: false
+        MoblyParams:
+          LogPath: {out_path}
+        "#};
+        assert_eq!(got, want);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn local_with_test_params() {
+        let ssh = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ssh_key = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+        let ffx_subtools = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let out_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let runner = MockRunner::default();
+        let driver = LocalDriver::new::<MockFinder>(
+            None,
+            ssh.path().to_path_buf(),
+            Some(ssh_key.path().to_path_buf()),
+            ffx.path().to_path_buf(),
+            Some(ffx_subtools.path().to_path_buf()),
+            Some(out_dir.path().to_path_buf()),
+            false,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let params_yaml = "
+        sl4f_sanity_test_params:
+            foo: bar
+        ";
+        let params = serde_yaml::from_str(params_yaml).unwrap();
+        run(runner, driver, Some(params)).unwrap();
+        let got = std::fs::read_to_string(out_dir.path().join("config.yaml")).unwrap();
+        let ssh_path = ssh.path().display().to_string();
+        let ssh_key_path = ssh_key.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_path = ffx.path().display().to_string();
+        let ffx_subtools_path = ffx_subtools.path().display();
+        let out_path = out_dir.path().display();
+        let want = formatdoc! {r#"
+        TestBeds:
+        - Name: {TESTBED_NAME}
+          Controllers:
+            FuchsiaDevice:
+            - mdns_name: {FUCHSIA_NAME}
+              ip: {FUCHSIA_ADDR}
+              take_bug_report_on_fail: true
+              ssh_binary_path: {ssh_path}
+              ffx_binary_path: {ffx_path}
+              ffx_subtools_search_path: {ffx_subtools_path}
+              ssh_priv_key: {ssh_key_path}
+              hard_reboot_on_fail: true
+              enable_honeydew: false
+          TestParams:
+            sl4f_sanity_test_params:
+              foo: bar
+        MoblyParams:
+          LogPath: {out_path}
+        "#};
+        assert_eq!(got, want);
+    }
diff --git a/runner/src/driver/mod.rs b/runner/src/driver/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35de41f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/driver/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+pub(crate) mod infra;
+pub(crate) mod local;
+use crate::config::Config;
+use std::path::Path;
+use anyhow::Result;
+/// Driver provide insight into the information surrounding running an antlion
+/// test.
+pub(crate) trait Driver {
+    /// Path to output directory for test artifacts.
+    fn output_path(&self) -> &Path;
+    /// Antlion config for use during test.
+    fn config(&self) -> Config;
+    /// Additional logic to run after all tests run, regardless of tests passing
+    /// or failing.
+    fn teardown(&self) -> Result<()>;
diff --git a/runner/src/env.rs b/runner/src/env.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede8b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/env.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+use std::ffi::OsStr;
+use std::env::VarError;
+/// Inspection of the process's environment.
+pub(crate) trait Environment {
+	/// Fetches the environment variable `key` from the current process.
+	/// 
+	/// See [std::env::var] for details.
+	///
+	/// [std::env::var]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/env/fn.var.html
+    fn var<K: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, key: K) -> Result<String, VarError>;
+/// Query the local process's environment.
+pub(crate) struct LocalEnvironment;
+impl Environment for LocalEnvironment {
+    fn var<K: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, key: K) -> Result<String, VarError> {
+        std::env::var(key)
+    }
diff --git a/runner/src/finder.rs b/runner/src/finder.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c381b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/finder.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+use crate::net::IpAddr;
+use std::io;
+use std::net::{Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV6, UdpSocket};
+use std::str;
+use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
+use mdns::protocol as dns;
+use netext::{get_mcast_interfaces, IsLocalAddr, McastInterface};
+use packet::{InnerPacketBuilder, ParseBuffer};
+use socket2::{Domain, Protocol, Socket, Type};
+const FUCHSIA_DOMAIN: &str = "_fuchsia._udp.local";
+const MDNS_MCAST_V6: Ipv6Addr = Ipv6Addr::new(0xff02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00fb);
+const MDNS_PORT: u16 = 5353;
+const MDNS_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
+lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+    static ref MDNS_QUERY: &'static [u8] = construct_query_buf(FUCHSIA_DOMAIN);
+/// Find Fuchsia devices.
+pub(crate) trait Finder {
+    /// Find a Fuchsia device, preferring `device_name` if specified.
+    fn find_device(device_name: Option<String>) -> Result<Answer>;
+/// Answer from a Finder.
+pub(crate) struct Answer {
+    /// Name of the Fuchsia device.
+    pub name: String,
+    /// IP address of the Fuchsia device.
+    pub ip: IpAddr,
+pub(crate) struct MulticastDns {}
+impl Finder for MulticastDns {
+    /// Find a Fuchsia device using mDNS. If `device_name` is not specified, the
+    /// first device will be used.
+    fn find_device(device_name: Option<String>) -> Result<Answer> {
+        let interfaces =
+            get_mcast_interfaces().context("Failed to list multicast-enabled interfaces")?;
+        let interface_names =
+            interfaces.iter().map(|i| i.name.clone()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ");
+        if let Some(ref d) = device_name {
+            println!("Performing mDNS discovery for {d} on interfaces: {interface_names}");
+        } else {
+            println!("Performing mDNS discovery on interfaces: {interface_names}");
+        }
+        let socket = create_socket(interfaces.iter()).context("Failed to create mDNS socket")?;
+        // TODO(http://b/264936590): Remove the race condition where the Fuchsia
+        // device can send its answer before this socket starts listening. Add an
+        // async runtime and concurrently listen for answers while sending queries.
+        send_queries(&socket, interfaces.iter()).context("Failed to send mDNS queries")?;
+        let answer = listen_for_answers(socket, device_name)?;
+        println!("Device {} found at {}", answer.name, answer.ip);
+        Ok(answer)
+    }
+fn construct_query_buf(service: &str) -> &'static [u8] {
+    let question = dns::QuestionBuilder::new(
+        dns::DomainBuilder::from_str(service).unwrap(),
+        dns::Type::Ptr,
+        dns::Class::In,
+        true,
+    );
+    let mut message = dns::MessageBuilder::new(0, true);
+    message.add_question(question);
+    let mut buf = vec![0; message.bytes_len()];
+    message.serialize(buf.as_mut_slice());
+    Box::leak(buf.into_boxed_slice())
+/// Create a socket for both sending and listening on all multicast-capable
+/// interfaces.
+fn create_socket<'a>(interfaces: impl Iterator<Item = &'a McastInterface>) -> Result<Socket> {
+    let socket = Socket::new(Domain::IPV6, Type::DGRAM, Some(Protocol::UDP))?;
+    let read_timeout = Duration::from_millis(100);
+    socket
+        .set_read_timeout(Some(read_timeout))
+        .with_context(|| format!("Failed to set SO_RCVTIMEO to {}ms", read_timeout.as_millis()))?;
+    socket.set_only_v6(true).context("Failed to set IPV6_V6ONLY")?;
+    socket.set_reuse_address(true).context("Failed to set SO_REUSEADDR")?;
+    socket.set_reuse_port(true).context("Failed to set SO_REUSEPORT")?;
+    for interface in interfaces {
+        // Listen on all multicast-enabled interfaces
+        match interface.id() {
+            Ok(id) => match socket.join_multicast_v6(&MDNS_MCAST_V6, id) {
+                Ok(()) => {}
+                Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to join mDNS multicast group on interface {id}: {e}"),
+            },
+            Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to listen on interface {}: {}", interface.name, e),
+        }
+    }
+    socket
+        .bind(&SocketAddrV6::new(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 0, 0, 0).into())
+        .with_context(|| format!("Failed to bind to unspecified IPv6"))?;
+    Ok(socket)
+fn send_queries<'a>(
+    socket: &Socket,
+    interfaces: impl Iterator<Item = &'a McastInterface>,
+) -> Result<()> {
+    let to_addr = SocketAddrV6::new(MDNS_MCAST_V6, MDNS_PORT, 0, 0).into();
+    for interface in interfaces {
+        let id = interface
+            .id()
+            .with_context(|| format!("Failed to get interface ID for {}", interface.name))?;
+        socket
+            .set_multicast_if_v6(id)
+            .with_context(|| format!("Failed to set multicast interface for {}", interface.name))?;
+        for addr in &interface.addrs {
+            if let SocketAddr::V6(addr_v6) = addr {
+                if !addr.ip().is_local_addr() || addr.ip().is_loopback() {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if let Err(e) = socket.send_to(&MDNS_QUERY, &to_addr) {
+                    eprintln!(
+                        "Failed to send mDNS query out {} via {}: {e}",
+                        interface.name,
+                        addr_v6.ip()
+                    );
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
+fn listen_for_answers(socket: Socket, device_name: Option<String>) -> Result<Answer> {
+    let s: UdpSocket = socket.into();
+    let mut buf = [0; 1500];
+    let end = Instant::now() + MDNS_TIMEOUT;
+    while Instant::now() < end {
+        match s.recv_from(&mut buf) {
+            Ok((packet_bytes, src_sock_addr)) => {
+                if !src_sock_addr.ip().is_local_addr() {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                let mut packet_buf = &mut buf[..packet_bytes];
+                match packet_buf.parse::<dns::Message<_>>() {
+                    Ok(message) => {
+                        if !message.answers.iter().any(|a| a.domain == FUCHSIA_DOMAIN) {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        for answer in message.additional {
+                            if let Some(std::net::IpAddr::V6(addr)) = answer.rdata.ip_addr() {
+                                if let SocketAddr::V6(src_v6) = src_sock_addr {
+                                    let name = answer
+                                        .domain
+                                        .to_string()
+                                        .trim_end_matches(".local")
+                                        .to_string();
+                                    let scope_id = src_v6.scope_id();
+                                    if let Some(ref device) = device_name {
+                                        if &name != device {
+                                            println!("Found irrelevant device {name} at {addr}%{scope_id}");
+                                            continue;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    return Ok(Answer {
+                                        name,
+                                        ip: IpAddr::V6(addr, Some(scope_id)),
+                                    });
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Err(err) => eprintln!("Failed to parse mDNS packet: {err:?}"),
+                }
+            }
+            Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {}
+            Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
+        }
+    }
+    bail!("device {device_name:?} not found")
diff --git a/runner/src/main.rs b/runner/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb04c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+mod config;
+mod driver;
+mod env;
+mod finder;
+mod net;
+mod runner;
+mod yaml;
+use crate::driver::infra::{InfraDriver, InfraDriverError};
+use crate::runner::ExitStatus;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::{fs, process::ExitCode};
+use anyhow::{Context, Result};
+use argh::FromArgs;
+use serde_yaml::Value;
+/// antlion runner with config generation
+struct Args {
+    /// name of the Fuchsia device to use for testing; defaults to using mDNS
+    /// discovery
+    #[argh(option)]
+    device: Option<String>,
+    /// path to the SSH binary used to communicate with all devices
+    #[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_file))]
+    ssh_binary: PathBuf,
+    /// path to the SSH private key used to communicate with Fuchsia; defaults
+    /// to ~/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519
+    #[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_file))]
+    ssh_key: Option<PathBuf>,
+    /// path to the FFX binary used to communicate with Fuchsia
+    #[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_file))]
+    ffx_binary: PathBuf,
+    /// search path to the FFX binary used to communicate with Fuchsia
+    #[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_directory))]
+    ffx_subtools_search_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+    /// path to the python interpreter binary (e.g. /bin/python3.9)
+    #[argh(option)]
+    python_bin: String,
+    /// path to the antlion zipapp, ending in .pyz
+    #[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_file))]
+    antlion_pyz: PathBuf,
+    /// path to a directory for outputting artifacts; defaults to the current
+    /// working directory or FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR
+    #[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_directory))]
+    out_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
+    /// path to additional YAML config for this test; placed in the
+    /// "test_params" key in the antlion config
+    #[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_file))]
+    test_params: Option<PathBuf>,
+    /// list of test cases to run; defaults to all test cases
+    #[argh(positional)]
+    test_cases: Vec<String>,
+    /// flag to enable using honeydew fuchsia device; defaults to false
+    #[argh(switch)]
+    enable_honeydew: bool,
+fn parse_file(s: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, String> {
+    let path = PathBuf::from(s);
+    let _ = File::open(&path).map_err(|e| format!("Failed to open \"{s}\": {e}"))?;
+    Ok(path)
+fn parse_directory(s: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, String> {
+    let path = PathBuf::from(s);
+    let meta =
+        std::fs::metadata(&path).map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read metadata of \"{s}\": {e}"))?;
+    if meta.is_file() {
+        return Err(format!("Expected a directory but found a file at \"{s}\""));
+    }
+    Ok(path)
+fn run<R, D>(runner: R, driver: D, test_params: Option<Value>) -> Result<ExitCode>
+    R: runner::Runner,
+    D: driver::Driver,
+    let mut config = driver.config();
+    if let Some(params) = test_params {
+        config.merge_test_params(params);
+    }
+    let yaml =
+        serde_yaml::to_string(&config).context("Failed to convert antlion config to YAML")?;
+    let output_path = driver.output_path().to_path_buf();
+    let config_path = output_path.join("config.yaml");
+    println!("Writing {}", config_path.display());
+    println!("\n{yaml}\n");
+    fs::write(&config_path, yaml).context("Failed to write config to file")?;
+    let exit_code = runner.run(config_path).context("Failed to run antlion")?;
+    match exit_code {
+        ExitStatus::Ok => println!("Antlion successfully exited"),
+        ExitStatus::Err(code) => eprintln!("Antlion failed with status code {}", code),
+        ExitStatus::Interrupt(Some(code)) => eprintln!("Antlion interrupted by signal {}", code),
+        ExitStatus::Interrupt(None) => eprintln!("Antlion interrupted by signal"),
+    };
+    driver.teardown().context("Failed to teardown environment")?;
+    Ok(exit_code.into())
+fn main() -> Result<ExitCode> {
+    let args: Args = argh::from_env();
+    let env = env::LocalEnvironment;
+    let runner = runner::ProcessRunner {
+        python_bin: args.python_bin,
+        antlion_pyz: args.antlion_pyz,
+        test_cases: args.test_cases,
+    };
+    let test_params = match args.test_params {
+        Some(path) => {
+            let text = fs::read_to_string(&path)
+                .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read file \"{}\"", path.display()))?;
+            let yaml = serde_yaml::from_str(&text)
+                .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse \"{text}\" as YAML"))?;
+            Some(yaml)
+        }
+        None => None,
+    };
+    match InfraDriver::new(
+        env,
+        args.ssh_binary.clone(),
+        args.ffx_binary.clone(),
+        args.ffx_subtools_search_path.clone(),
+        args.enable_honeydew.clone(),
+    ) {
+        Ok(env) => return run(runner, env, test_params),
+        Err(InfraDriverError::NotDetected(_)) => {}
+        Err(InfraDriverError::Config(e)) => {
+            return Err(anyhow::Error::from(e).context("Config validation"))
+        }
+        Err(InfraDriverError::Other(e)) => {
+            return Err(anyhow::Error::from(e).context("Unexpected infra driver error"))
+        }
+    };
+    let env = driver::local::LocalDriver::new::<finder::MulticastDns>(
+        args.device.clone(),
+        args.ssh_binary.clone(),
+        args.ssh_key.clone(),
+        args.ffx_binary.clone(),
+        args.ffx_subtools_search_path.clone(),
+        args.out_dir.clone(),
+        args.enable_honeydew.clone(),
+    )
+    .context("Failed to detect local environment")?;
+    run(runner, env, test_params)
diff --git a/runner/src/net.rs b/runner/src/net.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70db2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/net.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
+use netext::IsLocalAddr;
+use nix::net::if_::if_nametoindex;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use thiserror::Error;
+/// IP address with support for IPv6 scope identifiers as defined in RFC 4007.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+pub enum IpAddr {
+    /// An IPv4 address.
+    V4(Ipv4Addr),
+    /// An IPv6 address with optional scope identifier.
+    V6(Ipv6Addr, Option<u32>),
+impl Into<std::net::IpAddr> for IpAddr {
+    fn into(self) -> std::net::IpAddr {
+        match self {
+            IpAddr::V4(ip) => std::net::IpAddr::from(ip),
+            IpAddr::V6(ip, _) => std::net::IpAddr::from(ip),
+        }
+    }
+impl From<Ipv6Addr> for IpAddr {
+    fn from(value: Ipv6Addr) -> Self {
+        IpAddr::V6(value, None)
+    }
+impl From<Ipv4Addr> for IpAddr {
+    fn from(value: Ipv4Addr) -> Self {
+        IpAddr::V4(value)
+    }
+impl From<std::net::IpAddr> for IpAddr {
+    fn from(value: std::net::IpAddr) -> Self {
+        match value {
+            std::net::IpAddr::V4(ip) => IpAddr::from(ip),
+            std::net::IpAddr::V6(ip) => IpAddr::from(ip),
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Error)]
+/// An error which can be returned when parsing an IP address with optional IPv6
+/// scope ID. See [`std::net::AddrParseError`].
+pub enum AddrParseError {
+    #[error(transparent)]
+    IpInvalid(#[from] std::net::AddrParseError),
+    #[error("no interface found with name \"{0}\"")]
+    InterfaceNotFound(String),
+    #[error("only IPv6 link-local may include a scope ID")]
+    /// Scope IDs are only supported for IPv6 link-local addresses as per RFC
+    /// 6874 Section 4.
+    ScopeNotSupported,
+impl std::str::FromStr for IpAddr {
+    type Err = AddrParseError;
+    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+        let mut parts = s.splitn(2, '%');
+        let addr = parts.next().unwrap(); // first element is guaranteed
+        let ip = std::net::IpAddr::from_str(addr)?;
+        let scope = parts.next();
+        match (ip, scope) {
+            (std::net::IpAddr::V4(ip), None) => Ok(IpAddr::from(ip)),
+            (std::net::IpAddr::V4(_), Some(_)) => Err(AddrParseError::ScopeNotSupported),
+            (std::net::IpAddr::V6(ip), None) => Ok(IpAddr::V6(ip, None)),
+            (std::net::IpAddr::V6(ip), Some(scope)) => {
+                if !ip.is_link_local_addr() {
+                    return Err(AddrParseError::ScopeNotSupported);
+                }
+                if let Ok(index) = scope.parse::<u32>() {
+                    return Ok(IpAddr::V6(ip, Some(index)));
+                }
+                match if_nametoindex(scope) {
+                    Ok(index) => Ok(IpAddr::V6(ip, Some(index))),
+                    Err(_) => Err(AddrParseError::InterfaceNotFound(scope.to_string())),
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl Display for IpAddr {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        match self {
+            IpAddr::V4(ip) => Display::fmt(ip, f),
+            IpAddr::V6(ip, None) => Display::fmt(ip, f),
+            IpAddr::V6(ip, Some(scope)) => {
+                Display::fmt(ip, f)?;
+                write!(f, "%{}", scope)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl Debug for IpAddr {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        Display::fmt(self, f)
+    }
+impl Serialize for IpAddr {
+    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+    where
+        S: serde::Serializer,
+    {
+        serializer.serialize_str(self.to_string().as_str())
+    }
+impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for IpAddr {
+    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
+    where
+        D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
+    {
+        deserializer.deserialize_str(FromStrVisitor::new())
+    }
+struct FromStrVisitor<T> {
+    ty: PhantomData<T>,
+impl<T> FromStrVisitor<T> {
+    fn new() -> Self {
+        FromStrVisitor { ty: PhantomData }
+    }
+impl<'de, T> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for FromStrVisitor<T>
+    T: std::str::FromStr,
+    T::Err: std::fmt::Display,
+    type Value = T;
+    fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        formatter.write_str("IP address")
+    }
+    fn visit_str<E>(self, s: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
+    where
+        E: serde::de::Error,
+    {
+        s.parse().map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)
+    }
+mod test {
+    use super::{AddrParseError, IpAddr};
+    use assert_matches::assert_matches;
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_ip_invalid() {
+        assert_matches!("".parse::<IpAddr>(), Err(AddrParseError::IpInvalid(_)));
+        assert_matches!("192.168.1.".parse::<IpAddr>(), Err(AddrParseError::IpInvalid(_)));
+        assert_matches!("fe80:".parse::<IpAddr>(), Err(AddrParseError::IpInvalid(_)));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_ipv4() {
+        assert_matches!(
+            "".parse::<IpAddr>(),
+            Ok(IpAddr::V4(ip))
+                if ip == "".parse::<std::net::Ipv4Addr>().unwrap()
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_ipv4_with_scope() {
+        assert_matches!(
+            "".parse::<IpAddr>(),
+            Err(AddrParseError::ScopeNotSupported)
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_ipv6() {
+        assert_matches!(
+            "fe80::1".parse::<IpAddr>(),
+            Ok(IpAddr::V6(ip, None))
+                if ip == "fe80::1".parse::<std::net::Ipv6Addr>().unwrap()
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_ipv6_global_with_scope() {
+        assert_matches!("2001::1%1".parse::<IpAddr>(), Err(AddrParseError::ScopeNotSupported));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_ipv6_link_local_with_scope() {
+        assert_matches!(
+            "fe80::1%1".parse::<IpAddr>(),
+            Ok(IpAddr::V6(ip, Some(scope)))
+                if ip == "fe80::1".parse::<std::net::Ipv6Addr>().unwrap()
+                && scope == 1
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_ipv6_link_local_with_scope_interface_not_found() {
+        // An empty scope ID should trigger a failed lookup.
+        assert_matches!(
+            "fe80::1%".parse::<IpAddr>(),
+            Err(AddrParseError::InterfaceNotFound(name))
+                if name == ""
+        );
+        // The trailing '%' forces a failed lookup. At the time of writing, no
+        // OS supports this character as part of interface names.
+        assert_matches!(
+            "fe80::1%eth0%".parse::<IpAddr>(),
+            Err(AddrParseError::InterfaceNotFound(name))
+                if name == "eth0%"
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/runner/src/runner.rs b/runner/src/runner.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986acf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/runner.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
+use std::process::Command;
+use std::{path::PathBuf, process::ExitCode};
+use anyhow::{Context, Result};
+use itertools::Itertools;
+/// Runner for dispatching antlion.
+pub(crate) trait Runner {
+    /// Run antlion using the provided config and output directory.
+    fn run(&self, config: PathBuf) -> Result<ExitStatus>;
+/// Executes antlion as a local process.
+pub(crate) struct ProcessRunner {
+    pub python_bin: String,
+    pub antlion_pyz: PathBuf,
+    pub test_cases: Vec<String>,
+impl Runner for ProcessRunner {
+    fn run(&self, config: PathBuf) -> Result<ExitStatus> {
+        let mut args = vec![
+            self.antlion_pyz.clone().into_os_string().into_string().unwrap(),
+            "--config".to_string(),
+            config.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap(),
+        ];
+        if !self.test_cases.is_empty() {
+            args.push("--test_case".to_string());
+            for test_case in self.test_cases.iter() {
+                args.push(test_case.clone());
+            }
+        }
+        println!(
+            "Launching antlion to run: \"{} {}\"\n",
+            &self.python_bin,
+            args.iter().format(" "),
+        );
+        let status = Command::new(&self.python_bin)
+            .args(args)
+            .status()
+            .context("Failed to execute antlion")?;
+        Ok(ExitStatus::from(status))
+    }
+/// Describes the result of a child process after it has terminated.
+pub(crate) enum ExitStatus {
+    /// Process terminated without error.
+    Ok,
+    /// Process terminated with a non-zero status code.
+    Err(i32),
+    /// Process was interrupted by a signal.
+    Interrupt(Option<i32>),
+impl From<std::process::ExitStatus> for ExitStatus {
+    fn from(status: std::process::ExitStatus) -> Self {
+        match status.code() {
+            Some(0) => ExitStatus::Ok,
+            Some(code) => ExitStatus::Err(code),
+            None if cfg!(target_os = "unix") => ExitStatus::Interrupt(status.signal()),
+            None => ExitStatus::Interrupt(None),
+        }
+    }
+impl Into<ExitCode> for ExitStatus {
+    fn into(self) -> ExitCode {
+        match self {
+            ExitStatus::Ok => ExitCode::SUCCESS,
+            ExitStatus::Err(code) => {
+                let code = match u8::try_from(code) {
+                    Ok(c) => c,
+                    Err(_) => 1,
+                };
+                ExitCode::from(code)
+            }
+            ExitStatus::Interrupt(_) => ExitCode::FAILURE,
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/runner/src/yaml.rs b/runner/src/yaml.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae972bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runner/src/yaml.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+use serde_yaml::Value;
+/// Merge `b` into `a`, appending arrays and overwriting everything else.
+pub fn merge(a: &mut Value, b: Value) {
+    match (a, b) {
+        (Value::Mapping(ref mut a), Value::Mapping(b)) => {
+            for (k, v) in b {
+                if !a.contains_key(&k) {
+                    a.insert(k, v);
+                } else {
+                    merge(&mut a[&k], v);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        (Value::Sequence(ref mut a), Value::Sequence(ref mut b)) => {
+            a.append(b);
+        }
+        (a, b) => *a = b,
+    }
+mod test {
+    use super::*;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_merge_mapping() {
+        let a = "
+            test_params:
+                name: a
+                who_called:
+                    was_a: true
+        ";
+        let mut a: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(a).unwrap();
+        let b = "
+            test_params:
+                name: b
+                who_called:
+                    was_b: true
+        ";
+        let b: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(b).unwrap();
+        merge(&mut a, b);
+        let want = "
+            test_params:
+                name: b
+                who_called:
+                    was_a: true
+                    was_b: true
+        ";
+        let want: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(want).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(a, want);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_merge_append_arrays() {
+        let mut a: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(" - a").unwrap();
+        let b: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(" - b").unwrap();
+        merge(&mut a, b);
+        let want = "
+            - a
+            - b
+        ";
+        let want: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(want).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(a, want);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_merge_append_arrays_allow_duplicates() {
+        let mut a: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(" - a").unwrap();
+        let b: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(" - a").unwrap();
+        merge(&mut a, b);
+        let want = "
+            - a
+            - a
+        ";
+        let want: Value = serde_yaml::from_str(want).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(a, want);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_merge_overwrite_from_null() {
+        let mut a: Value = Value::Null;
+        let b: Value = serde_yaml::from_str("true").unwrap();
+        merge(&mut a, b.clone());
+        assert_eq!(a, b);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_merge_overwrite_with_null() {
+        let mut a: Value = serde_yaml::from_str("true").unwrap();
+        let b: Value = Value::Null;
+        merge(&mut a, b.clone());
+        assert_eq!(a, b);
+    }
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index db0526f..1f4dcf9 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -14,55 +14,38 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+from setuptools import find_packages, setup
 install_requires = [
-    "backoff",
-    "future>=0.16.0",  # Future needs to have a newer version that contains urllib.
-    "mobly==1.12.0",
+    "mobly==1.12.2",
-    "retry",
-	'bokeh; python_version>="3.8"',
-	'bokeh<2.5; python_version>="3.7" and python_version<"3.8"',
-	'bokeh<2.4; python_version>="3.6" and python_version<"3.7"',
-	'bokeh<1.5; python_version>="3" and python_version<"3.6"',
-	# Android
-    "requests",
-    "Monsoon",
-    "paramiko[ed25519]",
-    "pylibftdi",
-    "pyserial",
-    "scapy",
-    'scipy; python_version>="3.8"',
-	'scipy<1.8; python_version>="3.7" and python_version<"3.8"',
-	'scipy<1.6; python_version>="3.6" and python_version<"3.7"',
-	'scipy<1.5; python_version>="3" and python_version<"3.6"',
-    'numpy; python_version>="3.8"',
-	'numpy<1.22; python_version>="3.7" and python_version<"3.8"',
-	'numpy<1.20; python_version>="3.6" and python_version<"3.7"',
-	'numpy<1.19; python_version>="3" and python_version<"3.6"',
-	# Fuchsia
-    "usbinfo",  # flash
-    "zeroconf", # mdns
+    "tenacity~=8.0",
+    # TODO(b/240443856): Remove these dependencies once antlion runs in
+    # Fuchsia's LUCI infrastructure. These are needed for flashing and using
+    # mDNS discovery, which are unnecessary in the future infrastructure.
+    "usbinfo",
+    "psutil",
+    "zeroconf",
-      version='0.1',
-      description='On-device Fuchsia connectivity testing',
-      license='Apache-2.0',
-      packages=find_packages(
-		where='src',
-	  ),
-	  package_dir={"": "src"},
-      include_package_data=True,
-      tests_require=['pytest'],
-      install_requires=install_requires,
-      extras_require={
-          'dev': ['shiv', 'yapf', 'toml'],
-          'digital_loggers_pdu': ['dlipower'],
-      })
+    name="antlion",
+    version="0.2.0",
+    description="Host-driven, hardware-agnostic Fuchsia connectivity tests",
+    license="Apache-2.0",
+    packages=find_packages(
+        where="packages",
+    ),
+    package_dir={"": "packages"},
+    include_package_data=True,
+    tests_require=[],
+    install_requires=install_requires,
+    extras_require={
+        "html_graphing": ["bokeh"],
+        "digital_loggers_pdu": ["dlipower"],
+        "android": [
+            "numpy",
+            "scapy",
+        ],
+    },
diff --git a/src/antlion/asserts.py b/src/antlion/asserts.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ce0a7b1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/asserts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from mobly.asserts import *
-# Have an instance of unittest.TestCase so we could reuse some logic from
-# python's own unittest.
-# _ProxyTest is required because py2 does not allow instantiating
-# unittest.TestCase directly.
-class _ProxyTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def runTest(self):
-        pass
-_pyunit_proxy = _ProxyTest()
-def assert_almost_equal(first,
-                        second,
-                        places=7,
-                        msg=None,
-                        delta=None,
-                        extras=None):
-    """
-    Assert FIRST to be within +/- DELTA to SECOND, otherwise fail the
-    test.
-    :param first: The first argument, LHS
-    :param second: The second argument, RHS
-    :param places: For floating points, how many decimal places to look into
-    :param msg: Message to display on failure
-    :param delta: The +/- first and second could be apart from each other
-    :param extras: Extra object passed to test failure handler
-    :return:
-    """
-    my_msg = None
-    try:
-        if delta:
-            _pyunit_proxy.assertAlmostEqual(
-                first, second, msg=msg, delta=delta)
-        else:
-            _pyunit_proxy.assertAlmostEqual(
-                first, second, places=places, msg=msg)
-    except Exception as e:
-        my_msg = str(e)
-        if msg:
-            my_msg = "%s %s" % (my_msg, msg)
-    # This is a hack to remove the stacktrace produced by the above exception.
-    if my_msg is not None:
-        fail(my_msg, extras=extras)
diff --git a/src/antlion/base_test.py b/src/antlion/base_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5e39933..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/base_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import fnmatch
-import functools
-import importlib
-import logging
-import os
-import traceback
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import error
-from antlion import keys
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import records
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import tracelogger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.event import subscription_bundle
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseBeginEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseEndEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassBeginEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassEndEvent
-from antlion.event.subscription_bundle import SubscriptionBundle
-from mobly.base_test import BaseTestClass as MoblyBaseTest
-from mobly.records import ExceptionRecord
-# Macro strings for test result reporting
-TEST_CASE_TOKEN = "[Test Case]"
-def _logcat_log_test_begin(event):
-    """Ensures that logcat is running. Write a logcat line indicating test case
-     begin."""
-    test_instance = event.test_class
-    try:
-        for ad in getattr(test_instance, 'android_devices', []):
-            if not ad.is_adb_logcat_on:
-                ad.start_adb_logcat()
-            # Write test start token to adb log if android device is attached.
-            if not ad.skip_sl4a and ad.droid:
-                ad.droid.logV("%s BEGIN %s" %
-                              (TEST_CASE_TOKEN, event.test_case_name))
-    except error.ActsError as e:
-        test_instance.results.error.append(
-            ExceptionRecord(e, 'Logcat for test begin: %s' %
-                            event.test_case_name))
-        test_instance.log.error('BaseTest setup_test error: %s' % e.details)
-    except Exception as e:
-        test_instance.log.warning(
-            'Unable to send BEGIN log command to all devices.')
-        test_instance.log.warning('Error: %s' % e)
-def _logcat_log_test_end(event):
-    """Write a logcat line indicating test case end."""
-    test_instance = event.test_class
-    try:
-        # Write test end token to adb log if android device is attached.
-        for ad in getattr(test_instance, 'android_devices', []):
-            if not ad.skip_sl4a and ad.droid:
-                ad.droid.logV("%s END %s" %
-                              (TEST_CASE_TOKEN, event.test_case_name))
-    except error.ActsError as e:
-        test_instance.results.error.append(
-            ExceptionRecord(e,
-                            'Logcat for test end: %s' % event.test_case_name))
-        test_instance.log.error('BaseTest teardown_test error: %s' % e.details)
-    except Exception as e:
-        test_instance.log.warning(
-            'Unable to send END log command to all devices.')
-        test_instance.log.warning('Error: %s' % e)
-def _syslog_log_test_begin(event):
-    """This adds a BEGIN log message with the test name to the syslog of any
-    Fuchsia device"""
-    test_instance = event.test_class
-    try:
-        for fd in getattr(test_instance, 'fuchsia_devices', []):
-            if hasattr(fd, '_sl4f'):
-                fd.sl4f.logging_lib.logI(
-                    "%s BEGIN %s" % (TEST_CASE_TOKEN, event.test_case_name))
-    except Exception as e:
-        test_instance.log.warning(
-            'Unable to send BEGIN log command to all devices.')
-        test_instance.log.warning('Error: %s' % e)
-def _syslog_log_test_end(event):
-    """This adds a END log message with the test name to the syslog of any
-    Fuchsia device"""
-    test_instance = event.test_class
-    try:
-        for fd in getattr(test_instance, 'fuchsia_devices', []):
-            if hasattr(fd, '_sl4f'):
-                fd.sl4f.logging_lib.logI(
-                    "%s END %s" % (TEST_CASE_TOKEN, event.test_case_name))
-    except Exception as e:
-        test_instance.log.warning(
-            'Unable to send END log command to all devices.')
-        test_instance.log.warning('Error: %s' % e)
-class Error(Exception):
-    """Raised for exceptions that occured in BaseTestClass."""
-class BaseTestClass(MoblyBaseTest):
-    """Base class for all test classes to inherit from. Inherits some
-    functionality from Mobly's base test class.
-    This class gets all the controller objects from test_runner and executes
-    the test cases requested within itself.
-    Most attributes of this class are set at runtime based on the configuration
-    provided.
-    Attributes:
-        tests: A list of strings, each representing a test case name.
-        TAG: A string used to refer to a test class. Default is the test class
-             name.
-        log: A logger object used for logging.
-        results: A records.TestResult object for aggregating test results from
-                 the execution of test cases.
-        controller_configs: A dict of controller configs provided by the user
-                            via the testbed config.
-        consecutive_failures: Tracks the number of consecutive test case
-                              failures within this class.
-        consecutive_failure_limit: Number of consecutive test failures to allow
-                                   before blocking remaining tests in the same
-                                   test class.
-        size_limit_reached: True if the size of the log directory has reached
-                            its limit.
-        current_test_name: A string that's the name of the test case currently
-                           being executed. If no test is executing, this should
-                           be None.
-    """
-    TAG = None
-    def __init__(self, configs):
-        """Initializes a BaseTestClass given a TestRunConfig, which provides
-        all of the config information for this test class.
-        Args:
-            configs: A config_parser.TestRunConfig object.
-        """
-        super().__init__(configs)
-        self.__handle_file_user_params()
-        self.class_subscriptions = SubscriptionBundle()
-        self.class_subscriptions.register()
-        self.all_subscriptions = [self.class_subscriptions]
-        self.current_test_name = None
-        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(logging.getLogger())
-        # TODO: remove after converging log path definitions with mobly
-        self.log_path = configs.log_path
-        self.consecutive_failures = 0
-        self.consecutive_failure_limit = self.user_params.get(
-            'consecutive_failure_limit', -1)
-        self.size_limit_reached = False
-        self.retryable_exceptions = signals.TestFailure
-    def _import_builtin_controllers(self):
-        """Import built-in controller modules.
-        Go through the testbed configs, find any built-in controller configs
-        and import the corresponding controller module from antlion.controllers
-        package.
-        Returns:
-            A list of controller modules.
-        """
-        builtin_controllers = []
-        for ctrl_name in keys.Config.builtin_controller_names.value:
-            if ctrl_name in self.controller_configs:
-                module_name = keys.get_module_name(ctrl_name)
-                module = importlib.import_module("antlion.controllers.%s" %
-                                                 module_name)
-                builtin_controllers.append(module)
-        return builtin_controllers
-    def __handle_file_user_params(self):
-        """For backwards compatibility, moves all contents of the "files" dict
-        into the root level of user_params.
-        This allows existing tests to run with the new Mobly-style format
-        without needing to make changes.
-        """
-        for key, value in self.user_params.items():
-            if key.endswith('files') and isinstance(value, dict):
-                new_user_params = dict(value)
-                new_user_params.update(self.user_params)
-                self.user_params = new_user_params
-                break
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_module_reference_name(a_module):
-        """Returns the module's reference name.
-        This is largely for backwards compatibility with log parsing. If the
-        module defines ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME, it will return that
-        value, or the module's submodule name.
-        Args:
-            a_module: Any module. Ideally, a controller module.
-        Returns:
-            A string corresponding to the module's name.
-        """
-        if hasattr(a_module, 'ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME'):
-            return a_module.ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME
-        else:
-            return a_module.__name__.split('.')[-1]
-    def register_controller(self,
-                            controller_module,
-                            required=True,
-                            builtin=False):
-        """Registers an ACTS controller module for a test class. Invokes Mobly's
-        implementation of register_controller.
-        An ACTS controller module is a Python lib that can be used to control
-        a device, service, or equipment. To be ACTS compatible, a controller
-        module needs to have the following members:
-            def create(configs):
-                [Required] Creates controller objects from configurations.
-                Args:
-                    configs: A list of serialized data like string/dict. Each
-                             element of the list is a configuration for a
-                             controller object.
-                Returns:
-                    A list of objects.
-            def destroy(objects):
-                [Required] Destroys controller objects created by the create
-                function. Each controller object shall be properly cleaned up
-                and all the resources held should be released, e.g. memory
-                allocation, sockets, file handlers etc.
-                Args:
-                    A list of controller objects created by the create function.
-            def get_info(objects):
-                [Optional] Gets info from the controller objects used in a test
-                run. The info will be included in test_result_summary.json under
-                the key "ControllerInfo". Such information could include unique
-                ID, version, or anything that could be useful for describing the
-                test bed and debugging.
-                Args:
-                    objects: A list of controller objects created by the create
-                             function.
-                Returns:
-                    A list of json serializable objects, each represents the
-                    info of a controller object. The order of the info object
-                    should follow that of the input objects.
-        Registering a controller module declares a test class's dependency the
-        controller. If the module config exists and the module matches the
-        controller interface, controller objects will be instantiated with
-        corresponding configs. The module should be imported first.
-        Args:
-            controller_module: A module that follows the controller module
-                interface.
-            required: A bool. If True, failing to register the specified
-                controller module raises exceptions. If False, returns None upon
-                failures.
-            builtin: Specifies that the module is a builtin controller module in
-                ACTS. If true, adds itself to test attributes.
-        Returns:
-            A list of controller objects instantiated from controller_module, or
-            None.
-        Raises:
-            When required is True, ControllerError is raised if no corresponding
-            config can be found.
-            Regardless of the value of "required", ControllerError is raised if
-            the controller module has already been registered or any other error
-            occurred in the registration process.
-        """
-        module_ref_name = self.get_module_reference_name(controller_module)
-        module_config_name = controller_module.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        # Get controller objects from Mobly's register_controller
-        controllers = self._controller_manager.register_controller(
-            controller_module, required=required)
-        if not controllers:
-            return None
-        # Log controller information
-        # Implementation of "get_info" is optional for a controller module.
-        if hasattr(controller_module, "get_info"):
-            controller_info = controller_module.get_info(controllers)
-            self.log.info("Controller %s: %s", module_config_name,
-                          controller_info)
-        if builtin:
-            setattr(self, module_ref_name, controllers)
-        return controllers
-    def _setup_class(self):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_class
-        is called.
-        """
-        event_bus.post(TestClassBeginEvent(self))
-        # Import and register the built-in controller modules specified
-        # in testbed config.
-        for module in self._import_builtin_controllers():
-            self.register_controller(module, builtin=True)
-        return self.setup_class()
-    def _teardown_class(self):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of teardown_class
-        is called.
-        """
-        super()._teardown_class()
-        event_bus.post(TestClassEndEvent(self, self.results))
-    def _setup_test(self, test_name):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_test is
-        called.
-        """
-        self.current_test_name = test_name
-        # Skip the test if the consecutive test case failure limit is reached.
-        if self.consecutive_failures == self.consecutive_failure_limit:
-            raise signals.TestError('Consecutive test failure')
-        return self.setup_test()
-    def setup_test(self):
-        """Setup function that will be called every time before executing each
-        test case in the test class.
-        To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
-        exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
-        exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
-        Implementation is optional.
-        """
-        return True
-    def _teardown_test(self, test_name):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of teardown_test
-        is called.
-        """
-        self.log.debug('Tearing down test %s' % test_name)
-        self.teardown_test()
-    def _on_fail(self, record):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_fail is
-        called.
-        Args:
-            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the failed test
-                    case.
-        """
-        self.consecutive_failures += 1
-        if record.details:
-            self.log.error(record.details)
-        self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result)
-        self.on_fail(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        """A function that is executed upon a test case failure.
-        User implementation is optional.
-        Args:
-            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
-            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
-        """
-    def _on_pass(self, record):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_pass is
-        called.
-        Args:
-            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the passed test
-                    case.
-        """
-        self.consecutive_failures = 0
-        msg = record.details
-        if msg:
-            self.log.info(msg)
-        self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result)
-        self.on_pass(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
-    def on_pass(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        """A function that is executed upon a test case passing.
-        Implementation is optional.
-        Args:
-            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
-            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
-        """
-    def _on_skip(self, record):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_skip is
-        called.
-        Args:
-            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the skipped test
-                    case.
-        """
-        self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result)
-        self.log.info("Reason to skip: %s", record.details)
-        self.on_skip(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
-    def on_skip(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        """A function that is executed upon a test case being skipped.
-        Implementation is optional.
-        Args:
-            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
-            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
-        """
-    def _on_exception(self, record):
-        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_exception
-        is called.
-        Args:
-            record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the failed test
-                    case.
-        """
-        self.log.exception(record.details)
-        self.on_exception(record.test_name, record.begin_time)
-    def on_exception(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        """A function that is executed upon an unhandled exception from a test
-        case.
-        Implementation is optional.
-        Args:
-            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
-            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
-        """
-    def on_retry(self):
-        """Function to run before retrying a test through get_func_with_retry.
-        This function runs when a test is automatically retried. The function
-        can be used to modify internal test parameters, for example, to retry
-        a test with slightly different input variables.
-        """
-    def _exec_procedure_func(self, func, tr_record):
-        """Executes a procedure function like on_pass, on_fail etc.
-        This function will alternate the 'Result' of the test's record if
-        exceptions happened when executing the procedure function.
-        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all
-        procedure functions.
-        Args:
-            func: The procedure function to be executed.
-            tr_record: The TestResultRecord object associated with the test
-                       case executed.
-        """
-        try:
-            func(tr_record)
-        except signals.TestAbortAll:
-            raise
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.exception("Exception happened when executing %s for %s.",
-                               func.__name__, self.current_test_name)
-            tr_record.add_error(func.__name__, e)
-    def exec_one_testcase(self, test_name, test_func):
-        """Executes one test case and update test results.
-        Executes one test case, create a records.TestResultRecord object with
-        the execution information, and add the record to the test class's test
-        results.
-        Args:
-            test_name: Name of the test.
-            test_func: The test function.
-        """
-        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
-        tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, class_name)
-        tr_record.test_begin()
-        self.begin_time = int(tr_record.begin_time)
-        self.log_begin_time = tr_record.log_begin_time
-        self.test_name = tr_record.test_name
-        event_bus.post(TestCaseBeginEvent(self, self.test_name))
-        self.log.info("%s %s", TEST_CASE_TOKEN, test_name)
-        # Enable test retry if specified in the ACTS config
-        retry_tests = self.user_params.get('retry_tests', [])
-        full_test_name = '%s.%s' % (class_name, self.test_name)
-        if any(name in retry_tests for name in [class_name, full_test_name]):
-            test_func = self.get_func_with_retry(test_func)
-        verdict = None
-        test_signal = None
-        try:
-            try:
-                ret = self._setup_test(self.test_name)
-                asserts.assert_true(ret is not False,
-                                    "Setup for %s failed." % test_name)
-                verdict = test_func()
-            finally:
-                try:
-                    self._teardown_test(self.test_name)
-                except signals.TestAbortAll:
-                    raise
-                except Exception as e:
-                    self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-                    tr_record.add_error("teardown_test", e)
-        except (signals.TestFailure, AssertionError) as e:
-            test_signal = e
-            if self.user_params.get(
-                    keys.Config.key_test_failure_tracebacks.value, False):
-                self.log.exception(e)
-            tr_record.test_fail(e)
-        except signals.TestSkip as e:
-            # Test skipped.
-            test_signal = e
-            tr_record.test_skip(e)
-        except (signals.TestAbortClass, signals.TestAbortAll) as e:
-            # Abort signals, pass along.
-            test_signal = e
-            tr_record.test_fail(e)
-            raise e
-        except signals.TestPass as e:
-            # Explicit test pass.
-            test_signal = e
-            tr_record.test_pass(e)
-        except Exception as e:
-            test_signal = e
-            self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-            # Exception happened during test.
-            tr_record.test_error(e)
-        else:
-            if verdict or (verdict is None):
-                # Test passed.
-                tr_record.test_pass()
-                return
-            tr_record.test_fail()
-        finally:
-            tr_record.update_record()
-            try:
-                # Execute post-test procedures
-                result = tr_record.result
-                if result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS:
-                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_pass, tr_record)
-                elif result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL:
-                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record)
-                elif result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP:
-                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_skip, tr_record)
-                elif result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_ERROR:
-                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_exception, tr_record)
-                    self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record)
-            finally:
-                self.results.add_record(tr_record)
-                self.summary_writer.dump(tr_record.to_dict(),
-                                         records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD)
-                self.current_test_name = None
-                event_bus.post(
-                    TestCaseEndEvent(self, self.test_name, test_signal))
-    def get_func_with_retry(self, func, attempts=2):
-        """Returns a wrapped test method that re-runs after failure. Return test
-        result upon success. If attempt limit reached, collect all failure
-        messages and raise a TestFailure signal.
-        Params:
-            func: The test method
-            attempts: Number of attempts to run test
-        Returns: result of the test method
-        """
-        exceptions = self.retryable_exceptions
-        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-            error_msgs = []
-            extras = {}
-            retry = False
-            for i in range(attempts):
-                try:
-                    if retry:
-                        self.teardown_test()
-                        self.setup_test()
-                        self.on_retry()
-                    return func(*args, **kwargs)
-                except exceptions as e:
-                    retry = True
-                    msg = 'Failure on attempt %d: %s' % (i + 1, e.details)
-                    self.log.warning(msg)
-                    error_msgs.append(msg)
-                    if e.extras:
-                        extras['Attempt %d' % (i + 1)] = e.extras
-            raise signals.TestFailure('\n'.join(error_msgs), extras)
-        return wrapper
-    def run_generated_testcases(self,
-                                test_func,
-                                settings,
-                                args=None,
-                                kwargs=None,
-                                tag="",
-                                name_func=None,
-                                format_args=False):
-        """Deprecated. Please use pre_run and generate_tests.
-        Generated test cases are not written down as functions, but as a list
-        of parameter sets. This way we reduce code repetition and improve
-        test case scalability.
-        Args:
-            test_func: The common logic shared by all these generated test
-                       cases. This function should take at least one argument,
-                       which is a parameter set.
-            settings: A list of strings representing parameter sets. These are
-                      usually json strings that get loaded in the test_func.
-            args: Iterable of additional position args to be passed to
-                  test_func.
-            kwargs: Dict of additional keyword args to be passed to test_func
-            tag: Name of this group of generated test cases. Ignored if
-                 name_func is provided and operates properly.
-            name_func: A function that takes a test setting and generates a
-                       proper test name. The test name should be shorter than
-                       utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN. Names over the limit will be
-                       truncated.
-            format_args: If True, args will be appended as the first argument
-                         in the args list passed to test_func.
-        Returns:
-            A list of settings that did not pass.
-        """
-        args = args or ()
-        kwargs = kwargs or {}
-        failed_settings = []
-        for setting in settings:
-            test_name = "{} {}".format(tag, setting)
-            if name_func:
-                try:
-                    test_name = name_func(setting, *args, **kwargs)
-                except:
-                    self.log.exception(("Failed to get test name from "
-                                        "test_func. Fall back to default %s"),
-                                       test_name)
-            self.results.requested.append(test_name)
-            if len(test_name) > utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
-                test_name = test_name[:utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN]
-            previous_success_cnt = len(self.results.passed)
-            if format_args:
-                self.exec_one_testcase(
-                    test_name,
-                    functools.partial(test_func, *(args + (setting, )),
-                                      **kwargs))
-            else:
-                self.exec_one_testcase(
-                    test_name,
-                    functools.partial(test_func, *((setting, ) + args),
-                                      **kwargs))
-            if len(self.results.passed) - previous_success_cnt != 1:
-                failed_settings.append(setting)
-        return failed_settings
-    def _exec_func(self, func, *args):
-        """Executes a function with exception safeguard.
-        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all
-        procedure functions.
-        Args:
-            func: Function to be executed.
-            args: Arguments to be passed to the function.
-        Returns:
-            Whatever the function returns, or False if unhandled exception
-            occured.
-        """
-        try:
-            return func(*args)
-        except signals.TestAbortAll:
-            raise
-        except:
-            self.log.exception("Exception happened when executing %s in %s.",
-                               func.__name__, self.TAG)
-            return False
-    def _block_all_test_cases(self, tests, reason='Failed class setup'):
-        """
-        Block all passed in test cases.
-        Args:
-            tests: The tests to block.
-            reason: Message describing the reason that the tests are blocked.
-                Default is 'Failed class setup'
-        """
-        for test_name, test_func in tests:
-            signal = signals.TestError(reason)
-            record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG)
-            record.test_begin()
-            if hasattr(test_func, 'gather'):
-                signal.extras = test_func.gather()
-            record.test_error(signal)
-            self.results.add_record(record)
-            self.summary_writer.dump(record.to_dict(),
-                                     records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD)
-            self._on_skip(record)
-    def run(self, test_names=None):
-        """Runs test cases within a test class by the order they appear in the
-        execution list.
-        One of these test cases lists will be executed, shown here in priority
-        order:
-        1. The test_names list, which is passed from cmd line.
-        2. The self.tests list defined in test class. Invalid names are
-           ignored.
-        3. All function that matches test case naming convention in the test
-           class.
-        Args:
-            test_names: A list of string that are test case names/patterns
-             requested in cmd line.
-        Returns:
-            The test results object of this class.
-        """
-        # Executes pre-setup procedures, like generating test methods.
-        if not self._pre_run():
-            return self.results
-        self.register_test_class_event_subscriptions()
-        self.log.info("==========> %s <==========", self.TAG)
-        # Devise the actual test cases to run in the test class.
-        if self.tests:
-            # Specified by run list in class.
-            valid_tests = list(self.tests)
-        else:
-            # No test case specified by user, gather the run list automatically.
-            valid_tests = self.get_existing_test_names()
-        if test_names:
-            # Match test cases with any of the user-specified patterns
-            matches = []
-            for test_name in test_names:
-                for valid_test in valid_tests:
-                    if (fnmatch.fnmatch(valid_test, test_name)
-                            and valid_test not in matches):
-                        matches.append(valid_test)
-        else:
-            matches = valid_tests
-        self.results.requested = matches
-        self.summary_writer.dump(self.results.requested_test_names_dict(),
-                                 records.TestSummaryEntryType.TEST_NAME_LIST)
-        tests = self._get_test_methods(matches)
-        # Setup for the class.
-        setup_fail = False
-        try:
-            if self._setup_class() is False:
-                self.log.error("Failed to setup %s.", self.TAG)
-                self._block_all_test_cases(tests)
-                setup_fail = True
-        except signals.TestAbortClass:
-            self.log.exception('Test class %s aborted' % self.TAG)
-            setup_fail = True
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.exception("Failed to setup %s.", self.TAG)
-            self._block_all_test_cases(tests)
-            setup_fail = True
-        if setup_fail:
-            self._exec_func(self._teardown_class)
-            self.log.info("Summary for test class %s: %s", self.TAG,
-                          self.results.summary_str())
-            return self.results
-        # Run tests in order.
-        test_case_iterations = self.user_params.get(
-            keys.Config.key_test_case_iterations.value, 1)
-        if any([
-                substr in self.__class__.__name__
-                for substr in ['Preflight', 'Postflight']
-        ]):
-            test_case_iterations = 1
-        try:
-            for test_name, test_func in tests:
-                for _ in range(test_case_iterations):
-                    self.exec_one_testcase(test_name, test_func)
-            return self.results
-        except signals.TestAbortClass:
-            self.log.exception('Test class %s aborted' % self.TAG)
-            return self.results
-        except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
-            # Piggy-back test results on this exception object so we don't lose
-            # results from this test class.
-            setattr(e, "results", self.results)
-            raise e
-        finally:
-            self._exec_func(self._teardown_class)
-            self.log.info("Summary for test class %s: %s", self.TAG,
-                          self.results.summary_str())
-    def _ad_take_bugreport(self, ad, test_name, begin_time):
-        for i in range(3):
-            try:
-                ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-                return True
-            except Exception as e:
-                ad.log.error("bugreport attempt %s error: %s", i + 1, e)
-    def _ad_take_extra_logs(self, ad, test_name, begin_time):
-        result = True
-        if getattr(ad, "qxdm_log", False):
-            # Gather qxdm log modified 3 minutes earlier than test start time
-            if begin_time:
-                qxdm_begin_time = begin_time - 1000 * 60 * 3
-            else:
-                qxdm_begin_time = None
-            try:
-                ad.get_qxdm_logs(test_name, qxdm_begin_time)
-            except Exception as e:
-                ad.log.error("Failed to get QXDM log for %s with error %s",
-                             test_name, e)
-                result = False
-        try:
-            ad.check_crash_report(test_name, begin_time, log_crash_report=True)
-        except Exception as e:
-            ad.log.error("Failed to check crash report for %s with error %s",
-                         test_name, e)
-            result = False
-        return result
-    def _skip_bug_report(self, test_name):
-        """A function to check whether we should skip creating a bug report.
-        Args:
-            test_name: The test case name
-        Returns: True if bug report is to be skipped.
-        """
-        if "no_bug_report_on_fail" in self.user_params:
-            return True
-        # If the current test class or test case is found in the set of
-        # problematic tests, we skip bugreport and other failure artifact
-        # creation.
-        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
-        quiet_tests = self.user_params.get('quiet_tests', [])
-        if class_name in quiet_tests:
-            self.log.info(
-                "Skipping bug report, as directed for this test class.")
-            return True
-        full_test_name = '%s.%s' % (class_name, test_name)
-        if full_test_name in quiet_tests:
-            self.log.info(
-                "Skipping bug report, as directed for this test case.")
-            return True
-        # Once we hit a certain log path size, it's not going to get smaller.
-        # We cache the result so we don't have to keep doing directory walks.
-        if self.size_limit_reached:
-            return True
-        try:
-            max_log_size = int(
-                self.user_params.get("soft_output_size_limit") or "invalid")
-            log_path = getattr(logging, "log_path", None)
-            if log_path:
-                curr_log_size = utils.get_directory_size(log_path)
-                if curr_log_size > max_log_size:
-                    self.log.info(
-                        "Skipping bug report, as we've reached the size limit."
-                    )
-                    self.size_limit_reached = True
-                    return True
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-        return False
-    def _take_bug_report(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        if self._skip_bug_report(test_name):
-            return
-        executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)
-        for ad in getattr(self, 'android_devices', []):
-            executor.submit(self._ad_take_bugreport, ad, test_name, begin_time)
-            executor.submit(self._ad_take_extra_logs, ad, test_name,
-                            begin_time)
-        executor.shutdown()
-    def _reboot_device(self, ad):
-        ad.log.info("Rebooting device.")
-        ad = ad.reboot()
-    def _cleanup_logger_sessions(self):
-        for (mylogger, session) in self.logger_sessions:
-            self.log.info("Resetting a diagnostic session %s, %s", mylogger,
-                          session)
-            mylogger.reset()
-        self.logger_sessions = []
-    def _pull_diag_logs(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for (mylogger, session) in self.logger_sessions:
-            self.log.info("Pulling diagnostic session %s", mylogger)
-            mylogger.stop(session)
-            diag_path = os.path.join(
-                self.log_path, logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(begin_time))
-            os.makedirs(diag_path, exist_ok=True)
-            mylogger.pull(session, diag_path)
-    def register_test_class_event_subscriptions(self):
-        self.class_subscriptions = subscription_bundle.create_from_instance(
-            self)
-        self.class_subscriptions.register()
-    def unregister_test_class_event_subscriptions(self):
-        for package in self.all_subscriptions:
-            package.unregister()
diff --git a/src/antlion/bin/act.py b/src/antlion/bin/act.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c670228..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/bin/act.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import argparse
-import os
-import re
-import signal
-import sys
-import traceback
-from builtins import str
-from mobly import config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion import config_parser
-from antlion import keys
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import test_runner
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.config_parser import ActsConfigError
-def _run_test(parsed_config, test_identifiers, repeat=1):
-    """Instantiate and runs test_runner.TestRunner.
-    This is the function to start separate processes with.
-    Args:
-        parsed_config: A mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig that is a set of
-                       configs for one test_runner.TestRunner.
-        test_identifiers: A list of tuples, each identifies what test case to
-                          run on what test class.
-        repeat: Number of times to iterate the specified tests.
-    Returns:
-        True if all tests passed without any error, False otherwise.
-    """
-    runner = _create_test_runner(parsed_config, test_identifiers)
-    try:
-        for i in range(repeat):
-            runner.run()
-        return runner.results.is_all_pass
-    except signals.TestAbortAll:
-        return True
-    except:
-        print("Exception when executing %s, iteration %s." %
-              (runner.testbed_name, i))
-        print(traceback.format_exc())
-    finally:
-        runner.stop()
-def _create_test_runner(parsed_config, test_identifiers):
-    """Instantiates one test_runner.TestRunner object and register termination
-    signal handlers that properly shut down the test_runner.TestRunner run.
-    Args:
-        parsed_config: A mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig that is a set of
-                       configs for one test_runner.TestRunner.
-        test_identifiers: A list of tuples, each identifies what test case to
-                          run on what test class.
-    Returns:
-        A test_runner.TestRunner object.
-    """
-    try:
-        t = test_runner.TestRunner(parsed_config, test_identifiers)
-    except:
-        print("Failed to instantiate test runner, abort.")
-        print(traceback.format_exc())
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # Register handler for termination signals.
-    handler = config_parser.gen_term_signal_handler([t])
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
-    return t
-def _run_tests(parsed_configs, test_identifiers, repeat):
-    """Executes requested tests sequentially.
-    Requested test runs will commence one after another according to the order
-    of their corresponding configs.
-    Args:
-        parsed_configs: A list of mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig, each is a
-                        set of configs for one test_runner.TestRunner.
-        test_identifiers: A list of tuples, each identifies what test case to
-                          run on what test class.
-        repeat: Number of times to iterate the specified tests.
-    Returns:
-        True if all test runs executed successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    ok = True
-    for c in parsed_configs:
-        try:
-            ret = _run_test(c, test_identifiers, repeat)
-            ok = ok and ret
-        except Exception as e:
-            print("Exception occurred when executing test bed %s. %s" %
-                  (c.testbed_name, e))
-    return ok
-def main():
-    """This is the default implementation of a cli entry point for ACTS test
-    execution.
-    Or you could implement your own cli entry point using acts.config_parser
-    functions and acts.test_runner.execute_one_test_class.
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description=("Specify tests to run. If nothing specified, "
-                     "run all test cases found."))
-    parser.add_argument('-c',
-                        '--config',
-                        type=str,
-                        required=True,
-                        metavar="<PATH>",
-                        help="Path to the test configuration file.")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-ci',
-        '--campaign_iterations',
-        metavar="<CAMPAIGN_ITERATIONS>",
-        nargs='?',
-        type=int,
-        const=1,
-        default=1,
-        help="Number of times to run the campaign or a group of test cases.")
-    parser.add_argument('-tb',
-                        '--testbed',
-                        nargs='+',
-                        type=str,
-                        metavar="[<TEST BED NAME1> <TEST BED NAME2> ...]",
-                        help="Specify which test beds to run tests on.")
-    parser.add_argument('-lp',
-                        '--logpath',
-                        type=str,
-                        metavar="<PATH>",
-                        help="Root path under which all logs will be placed.")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-tp',
-        '--testpaths',
-        nargs='*',
-        type=str,
-        metavar="<PATH> <PATH>",
-        help="One or more non-recursive test class search paths.")
-    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
-    group.add_argument('-tc',
-                       '--testclass',
-                       nargs='+',
-                       type=str,
-                       metavar="[TestClass1 TestClass2:test_xxx ...]",
-                       help="A list of test classes/cases to run.")
-    group.add_argument(
-        '-tf',
-        '--testfile',
-        nargs=1,
-        type=str,
-        metavar="<PATH>",
-        help=("Path to a file containing a comma delimited list of test "
-              "classes to run."))
-    parser.add_argument('-ti',
-                        '--test_case_iterations',
-                        metavar="<TEST_CASE_ITERATIONS>",
-                        nargs='?',
-                        type=int,
-                        help="Number of times to run every test case.")
-    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
-    test_list = None
-    if args.testfile:
-        test_list = config_parser.parse_test_file(args.testfile[0])
-    elif args.testclass:
-        test_list = args.testclass
-    if re.search(r'\.ya?ml$', args.config):
-        parsed_configs = mobly_config_parser.load_test_config_file(
-            args.config, args.testbed)
-    else:
-        parsed_configs = config_parser.load_test_config_file(
-            args.config, args.testbed)
-    for test_run_config in parsed_configs:
-        if args.testpaths:
-            tp_key = keys.Config.key_test_paths.value
-            test_run_config.controller_configs[tp_key] = args.testpaths
-        if args.logpath:
-            test_run_config.log_path = args.logpath
-        if args.test_case_iterations:
-            ti_key = keys.Config.key_test_case_iterations.value
-            test_run_config.user_params[ti_key] = args.test_case_iterations
-        # Sets the --testpaths flag to the default test directory if left unset.
-        testpath_key = keys.Config.key_test_paths.value
-        if (testpath_key not in test_run_config.controller_configs
-                or test_run_config.controller_configs[testpath_key] is None):
-            test_run_config.controller_configs[testpath_key] = utils.abs_path(
-                utils.os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                   '../../../../acts_tests/tests/'))
-        # TODO(markdr): Find a way to merge this with the validation done in
-        # Mobly's load_test_config_file.
-        if not test_run_config.log_path:
-            raise ActsConfigError("Required key %s missing in test config." %
-                                  keys.Config.key_log_path.value)
-        test_run_config.log_path = utils.abs_path(test_run_config.log_path)
-    # Prepare args for test runs
-    test_identifiers = config_parser.parse_test_list(test_list)
-    exec_result = _run_tests(parsed_configs, test_identifiers,
-                             args.campaign_iterations)
-    if exec_result is False:
-        # return 1 upon test failure.
-        sys.exit(1)
-    sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/src/antlion/bin/monsoon.py b/src/antlion/bin/monsoon.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 39c9fc4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/bin/monsoon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Interface for a USB-connected Monsoon power meter
-import argparse
-import antlion.controllers.monsoon as monsoon_controller
-def main(args):
-    """Simple command-line interface for Monsoon."""
-    if args.avg and args.avg < 0:
-        print('--avg must be greater than 0')
-        return
-    mon = monsoon_controller.create([int(args.serialno[0])])[0]
-    if args.voltage is not None:
-        mon.set_voltage(args.voltage)
-    if args.current is not None:
-        mon.set_max_current(args.current)
-    if args.status:
-        items = sorted(mon.status.items())
-        print('\n'.join(['%s: %s' % item for item in items]))
-    if args.usbpassthrough:
-        mon.usb(args.usbpassthrough)
-    if args.startcurrent is not None:
-        mon.set_max_initial_current(args.startcurrent)
-    if args.samples:
-        result = mon.measure_power(
-            args.samples / args.hz,
-            measure_after_seconds=args.offset,
-            hz=args.hz,
-            output_path='monsoon_output.txt')
-        print(repr(result))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='This is a python utility tool to control monsoon power '
-                    'measurement boxes.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--status', action='store_true', help='Print power meter status.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-avg',
-        '--avg',
-        type=int,
-        default=0,
-        help='Also report average over last n data points.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-v', '--voltage', type=float, help='Set output voltage (0 for off)')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-c', '--current', type=float, help='Set max output current.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-sc',
-        '--startcurrent',
-        type=float,
-        help='Set max power-up/initial current.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-usb',
-        '--usbpassthrough',
-        choices=('on', 'off', 'auto'),
-        help='USB control (on, off, auto).')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-sp',
-        '--samples',
-        type=int,
-        help='Collect and print this many samples')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-hz', '--hz', type=int, help='Sample this many times per second.')
-    parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', help='Use this /dev/ttyACM... file.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-sn',
-        '--serialno',
-        type=int,
-        nargs=1,
-        required=True,
-        help='The serial number of the Monsoon to use.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--offset',
-        type=int,
-        nargs='?',
-        default=0,
-        help='The number of samples to discard when calculating average.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-r',
-        '--ramp',
-        action='store_true',
-        help='Gradually increase voltage to prevent tripping Monsoon '
-             'overvoltage.')
-    arguments = parser.parse_args()
-    main(arguments)
diff --git a/src/antlion/config_parser.py b/src/antlion/config_parser.py
deleted file mode 100755
index eff1af3..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/config_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import itertools
-import os
-import sys
-from builtins import str
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion import keys
-from antlion import utils
-# An environment variable defining the base location for ACTS logs.
-# An environment variable that enables test case failures to log stack traces.
-# An environment variable defining the test search paths for ACTS.
-class ActsConfigError(Exception):
-    """Raised when there is a problem in test configuration file."""
-def _validate_test_config(test_config):
-    """Validates the raw configuration loaded from the config file.
-    Making sure all the required fields exist.
-    """
-    for k in keys.Config.reserved_keys.value:
-        # TODO(markdr): Remove this continue after merging this with the
-        # validation done in Mobly's load_test_config_file.
-        if (k == keys.Config.key_test_paths.value
-                or k == keys.Config.key_log_path.value):
-            continue
-        if k not in test_config:
-            raise ActsConfigError("Required key %s missing in test config." %
-                                  k)
-def _validate_testbed_name(name):
-    """Validates the name of a test bed.
-    Since test bed names are used as part of the test run id, it needs to meet
-    certain requirements.
-    Args:
-        name: The test bed's name specified in config file.
-    Raises:
-        If the name does not meet any criteria, ActsConfigError is raised.
-    """
-    if not name:
-        raise ActsConfigError("Test bed names can't be empty.")
-    if not isinstance(name, str):
-        raise ActsConfigError("Test bed names have to be string.")
-    for l in name:
-        if l not in utils.valid_filename_chars:
-            raise ActsConfigError(
-                "Char '%s' is not allowed in test bed names." % l)
-def _update_file_paths(config, config_path):
-    """ Checks if the path entries are valid.
-    If the file path is invalid, assume it is a relative path and append
-    that to the config file path.
-    Args:
-        config : the config object to verify.
-        config_path : The path to the config file, which can be used to
-                      generate absolute paths from relative paths in configs.
-    Raises:
-        If the file path is invalid, ActsConfigError is raised.
-    """
-    # Check the file_path_keys and update if it is a relative path.
-    for file_path_key in keys.Config.file_path_keys.value:
-        if file_path_key in config:
-            config_file = config[file_path_key]
-            if type(config_file) is str:
-                if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
-                    config_file = os.path.join(config_path, config_file)
-                if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
-                    raise ActsConfigError(
-                        "Unable to load config %s from test "
-                        "config file.", config_file)
-                config[file_path_key] = config_file
-def _validate_testbed_configs(testbed_configs, config_path):
-    """Validates the testbed configurations.
-    Args:
-        testbed_configs: A list of testbed configuration json objects.
-        config_path : The path to the config file, which can be used to
-                      generate absolute paths from relative paths in configs.
-    Raises:
-        If any part of the configuration is invalid, ActsConfigError is raised.
-    """
-    # Cross checks testbed configs for resource conflicts.
-    for name, config in testbed_configs.items():
-        _update_file_paths(config, config_path)
-        _validate_testbed_name(name)
-def gen_term_signal_handler(test_runners):
-    def termination_sig_handler(signal_num, frame):
-        print('Received sigterm %s.' % signal_num)
-        for t in test_runners:
-            t.stop()
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return termination_sig_handler
-def _parse_one_test_specifier(item):
-    """Parse one test specifier from command line input.
-    Args:
-        item: A string that specifies a test class or test cases in one test
-            class to run.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple of a string and a list of strings. The string is the test class
-        name, the list of strings is a list of test case names. The list can be
-        None.
-    """
-    tokens = item.split(':')
-    if len(tokens) > 2:
-        raise ActsConfigError("Syntax error in test specifier %s" % item)
-    if len(tokens) == 1:
-        # This should be considered a test class name
-        test_cls_name = tokens[0]
-        return test_cls_name, None
-    elif len(tokens) == 2:
-        # This should be considered a test class name followed by
-        # a list of test case names.
-        test_cls_name, test_case_names = tokens
-        clean_names = [elem.strip() for elem in test_case_names.split(',')]
-        return test_cls_name, clean_names
-def parse_test_list(test_list):
-    """Parse user provided test list into internal format for test_runner.
-    Args:
-        test_list: A list of test classes/cases.
-    """
-    result = []
-    for elem in test_list:
-        result.append(_parse_one_test_specifier(elem))
-    return result
-def load_test_config_file(test_config_path, tb_filters=None):
-    """Processes the test configuration file provided by the user.
-    Loads the configuration file into a json object, unpacks each testbed
-    config into its own TestRunConfig object, and validate the configuration in
-    the process.
-    Args:
-        test_config_path: Path to the test configuration file.
-        tb_filters: A subset of test bed names to be pulled from the config
-                    file. If None, then all test beds will be selected.
-    Returns:
-        A list of mobly.config_parser.TestRunConfig objects to be passed to
-        test_runner.TestRunner.
-    """
-    configs = utils.load_config(test_config_path)
-    testbeds = configs[keys.Config.key_testbed.value]
-    if type(testbeds) is list:
-        tb_dict = dict()
-        for testbed in testbeds:
-            tb_dict[testbed[keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value]] = testbed
-        testbeds = tb_dict
-    elif type(testbeds) is dict:
-        # For compatibility, make sure the entry name is the same as
-        # the testbed's "name" entry
-        for name, testbed in testbeds.items():
-            testbed[keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value] = name
-    if tb_filters:
-        tbs = {}
-        for name in tb_filters:
-            if name in testbeds:
-                tbs[name] = testbeds[name]
-            else:
-                raise ActsConfigError(
-                    'Expected testbed named "%s", but none was found. Check '
-                    'if you have the correct testbed names.' % name)
-        testbeds = tbs
-    if (keys.Config.key_log_path.value not in configs
-            and _ENV_ACTS_LOGPATH in os.environ):
-        print('Using environment log path: %s' %
-              (os.environ[_ENV_ACTS_LOGPATH]))
-        configs[keys.Config.key_log_path.value] = os.environ[_ENV_ACTS_LOGPATH]
-    if (keys.Config.key_test_paths.value not in configs
-            and _ENV_ACTS_TESTPATHS in os.environ):
-        print('Using environment test paths: %s' %
-              (os.environ[_ENV_ACTS_TESTPATHS]))
-        configs[keys.Config.key_test_paths.
-                value] = os.environ[_ENV_ACTS_TESTPATHS].split(_PATH_SEPARATOR)
-    if (keys.Config.key_test_failure_tracebacks not in configs
-            and _ENV_TEST_FAILURE_TRACEBACKS in os.environ):
-        configs[keys.Config.key_test_failure_tracebacks.
-                value] = os.environ[_ENV_TEST_FAILURE_TRACEBACKS]
-    # TODO: See if there is a better way to do this: b/29836695
-    config_path, _ = os.path.split(utils.abs_path(test_config_path))
-    configs[keys.Config.key_config_path.value] = config_path
-    _validate_test_config(configs)
-    _validate_testbed_configs(testbeds, config_path)
-    # Unpack testbeds into separate json objects.
-    configs.pop(keys.Config.key_testbed.value)
-    test_run_configs = []
-    for _, testbed in testbeds.items():
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = testbed[
-            keys.Config.key_testbed_name.value]
-        test_run_config.controller_configs = testbed
-        test_run_config.controller_configs[
-            keys.Config.key_test_paths.value] = configs.get(
-                keys.Config.key_test_paths.value, None)
-        test_run_config.log_path = configs.get(keys.Config.key_log_path.value,
-                                               None)
-        if test_run_config.log_path is not None:
-            test_run_config.log_path = utils.abs_path(test_run_config.log_path)
-        user_param_pairs = []
-        for item in itertools.chain(configs.items(), testbed.items()):
-            if item[0] not in keys.Config.reserved_keys.value:
-                user_param_pairs.append(item)
-        test_run_config.user_params = dict(user_param_pairs)
-        test_run_configs.append(test_run_config)
-    return test_run_configs
-def parse_test_file(fpath):
-    """Parses a test file that contains test specifiers.
-    Args:
-        fpath: A string that is the path to the test file to parse.
-    Returns:
-        A list of strings, each is a test specifier.
-    """
-    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
-        tf = []
-        for line in f:
-            line = line.strip()
-            if not line:
-                continue
-            if len(tf) and (tf[-1].endswith(':') or tf[-1].endswith(',')):
-                tf[-1] += line
-            else:
-                tf.append(line)
-        return tf
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe1417..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/context.py
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@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import logging
-import os
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.event.event import Event
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseBeginEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseEndEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassBeginEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassEndEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassEvent
-class ContextLevel(enum.IntEnum):
-    ROOT = 0
-    TESTCLASS = 1
-    TESTCASE = 2
-def get_current_context(depth=None):
-    """Get the current test context at the specified depth.
-    Pulls the most recently created context, with a level at or below the given
-    depth, from the _contexts stack.
-    Args:
-        depth: The desired context level. For example, the TESTCLASS level would
-            yield the current test class context, even if the test is currently
-            within a test case.
-    Returns: An instance of TestContext.
-    """
-    if depth is None:
-        return _contexts[-1]
-    return _contexts[min(depth, len(_contexts)-1)]
-def get_context_for_event(event):
-    """Creates and returns a TestContext from the given event.
-    A TestClassContext is created for a TestClassEvent, and a TestCaseContext
-    is created for a TestCaseEvent.
-    Args:
-        event: An instance of TestCaseEvent or TestClassEvent.
-    Returns: An instance of TestContext corresponding to the event.
-    Raises: TypeError if event is neither a TestCaseEvent nor TestClassEvent
-    """
-    if isinstance(event, TestCaseEvent):
-        return _get_context_for_test_case_event(event)
-    if isinstance(event, TestClassEvent):
-        return _get_context_for_test_class_event(event)
-    raise TypeError('Unrecognized event type: %s %s', event, event.__class__)
-def _get_context_for_test_case_event(event):
-    """Generate a TestCaseContext from the given TestCaseEvent."""
-    return TestCaseContext(event.test_class, event.test_case)
-def _get_context_for_test_class_event(event):
-    """Generate a TestClassContext from the given TestClassEvent."""
-    return TestClassContext(event.test_class)
-class NewContextEvent(Event):
-    """The event posted when a test context has changed."""
-class NewTestClassContextEvent(NewContextEvent):
-    """The event posted when the test class context has changed."""
-class NewTestCaseContextEvent(NewContextEvent):
-    """The event posted when the test case context has changed."""
-def _update_test_class_context(event):
-    """Pushes a new TestClassContext to the _contexts stack upon a
-    TestClassBeginEvent. Pops the most recent context off the stack upon a
-    TestClassEndEvent. Posts the context change to the event bus.
-    Args:
-        event: An instance of TestClassBeginEvent or TestClassEndEvent.
-    """
-    if isinstance(event, TestClassBeginEvent):
-        _contexts.append(_get_context_for_test_class_event(event))
-    if isinstance(event, TestClassEndEvent):
-        if _contexts:
-            _contexts.pop()
-    event_bus.post(NewTestClassContextEvent())
-def _update_test_case_context(event):
-    """Pushes a new TestCaseContext to the _contexts stack upon a
-    TestCaseBeginEvent. Pops the most recent context off the stack upon a
-    TestCaseEndEvent. Posts the context change to the event bus.
-    Args:
-        event: An instance of TestCaseBeginEvent or TestCaseEndEvent.
-    """
-    if isinstance(event, TestCaseBeginEvent):
-        _contexts.append(_get_context_for_test_case_event(event))
-    if isinstance(event, TestCaseEndEvent):
-        if _contexts:
-            _contexts.pop()
-    event_bus.post(NewTestCaseContextEvent())
-event_bus.register(TestClassEvent, _update_test_class_context)
-event_bus.register(TestCaseBeginEvent, _update_test_case_context, order=-100)
-event_bus.register(TestCaseEndEvent, _update_test_case_context, order=100)
-class TestContext(object):
-    """An object representing the current context in which a test is executing.
-    The context encodes the current state of the test runner with respect to a
-    particular scenario in which code is being executed. For example, if some
-    code is being executed as part of a test case, then the context should
-    encode information about that test case such as its name or enclosing
-    class.
-    The subcontext specifies a relative path in which certain outputs,
-    e.g. logcat, should be kept for the given context.
-    The full output path is given by
-    <base_output_path>/<context_dir>/<subcontext>.
-    Attributes:
-        _base_output_paths: a dictionary mapping a logger's name to its base
-                            output path
-        _subcontexts: a dictionary mapping a logger's name to its
-                      subcontext-level output directory
-    """
-    _base_output_paths = {}
-    _subcontexts = {}
-    def get_base_output_path(self, log_name=None):
-        """Gets the base output path for this logger.
-        The base output path is interpreted as the reporting root for the
-        entire test runner.
-        If a path has been added with add_base_output_path, it is returned.
-        Otherwise, a default is determined by _get_default_base_output_path().
-        Args:
-            log_name: The name of the logger.
-        Returns:
-            The output path.
-        """
-        if log_name in self._base_output_paths:
-            return self._base_output_paths[log_name]
-        return self._get_default_base_output_path()
-    @classmethod
-    def add_base_output_path(cls, log_name, base_output_path):
-        """Store the base path for this logger.
-        Args:
-            log_name: The name of the logger.
-            base_output_path: The base path of output files for this logger.
-            """
-        cls._base_output_paths[log_name] = base_output_path
-    def get_subcontext(self, log_name=None):
-        """Gets the subcontext for this logger.
-        The subcontext is interpreted as the directory, relative to the
-        context-level path, where all outputs of the given logger are stored.
-        If a path has been added with add_subcontext, it is returned.
-        Otherwise, the empty string is returned.
-        Args:
-            log_name: The name of the logger.
-        Returns:
-            The output path.
-        """
-        return self._subcontexts.get(log_name, '')
-    @classmethod
-    def add_subcontext(cls, log_name, subcontext):
-        """Store the subcontext path for this logger.
-        Args:
-            log_name: The name of the logger.
-            subcontext: The relative subcontext path of output files for this
-                        logger.
-        """
-        cls._subcontexts[log_name] = subcontext
-    def get_full_output_path(self, log_name=None):
-        """Gets the full output path for this context.
-        The full path represents the absolute path to the output directory,
-        as given by <base_output_path>/<context_dir>/<subcontext>
-        Args:
-            log_name: The name of the logger. Used to specify the base output
-                      path and the subcontext.
-        Returns:
-            The output path.
-        """
-        path = os.path.join(self.get_base_output_path(log_name),
-                            self._get_default_context_dir(),
-                            self.get_subcontext(log_name))
-        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
-        return path
-    @property
-    def identifier(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _get_default_base_output_path(self):
-        """Gets the default base output path.
-        This will attempt to use the ACTS logging path set up in the global
-        logger.
-        Returns:
-            The logging path.
-        Raises:
-            EnvironmentError: If the ACTS logger has not been initialized.
-        """
-        try:
-            return logging.log_path
-        except AttributeError as e:
-            raise EnvironmentError(
-                'The ACTS logger has not been set up and'
-                ' "base_output_path" has not been set.') from e
-    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
-        """Gets the default output directory for this context."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class RootContext(TestContext):
-    """A TestContext that represents a test run."""
-    @property
-    def identifier(self):
-        return 'root'
-    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
-        """Gets the default output directory for this context.
-        Logs at the root level context are placed directly in the base level
-        directory, so no context-level path exists."""
-        return ''
-class TestClassContext(TestContext):
-    """A TestContext that represents a test class.
-    Attributes:
-        test_class: The test class instance that this context represents.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test_class):
-        """Initializes a TestClassContext for the given test class.
-        Args:
-            test_class: A test class object. Must be an instance of the test
-                        class, not the class object itself.
-        """
-        self.test_class = test_class
-    @property
-    def test_class_name(self):
-        return self.test_class.__class__.__name__
-    @property
-    def identifier(self):
-        return self.test_class_name
-    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
-        """Gets the default output directory for this context.
-        For TestClassContexts, this will be the name of the test class. This is
-        in line with the ACTS logger itself.
-        """
-        return self.test_class_name
-class TestCaseContext(TestContext):
-    """A TestContext that represents a test case.
-    Attributes:
-        test_case: The string name of the test case.
-        test_class: The test class instance enclosing the test case.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test_class, test_case):
-        """Initializes a TestCaseContext for the given test case.
-        Args:
-            test_class: A test class object. Must be an instance of the test
-                        class, not the class object itself.
-            test_case: The string name of the test case.
-        """
-        self.test_class = test_class
-        self.test_case = test_case
-    @property
-    def test_case_name(self):
-        return self.test_case
-    @property
-    def test_class_name(self):
-        return self.test_class.__class__.__name__
-    @property
-    def identifier(self):
-        return '%s.%s' % (self.test_class_name, self.test_case_name)
-    def _get_default_context_dir(self):
-        """Gets the default output directory for this context.
-        For TestCaseContexts, this will be the name of the test class followed
-        by the name of the test case. This is in line with the ACTS logger
-        itself.
-        """
-        return os.path.join(
-            self.test_class_name,
-            self.test_case_name)
-# stack for keeping track of the current test context
-_contexts = [RootContext()]
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/__init__.py
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index 640393c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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-"""Modules under antlion.controllers provide interfaces to hardware/software
-resources that ACTS manages.
-Top level controllers module are controller modules that need to be explicitly
-specified by users in test configuration files. Top level controller modules
-should have the following module level functions:
-def create(configs, logger):
-    '''Instantiates the controller class with the input configs.
-    Args:
-        configs: A list of dicts each representing config for one controller
-            object.
-        logger: The main logger used in the current test run.
-    Returns:
-        A list of controller objects.
-def destroy(objs):
-    '''Destroys a list of controller objects created by the "create" function
-    and releases all the resources.
-    Args:
-        objs: A list of controller objects created from this module.
-    '''
-"""This is a list of all the top level controller modules"""
-__all__ = [
-    "android_device", "attenuator", "bluetooth_pts_device", "monsoon",
-    "access_point", "iperf_server", "packet_sender", "arduino_wifi_dongle",
-    "packet_capture", "fuchsia_device", "pdu", "openwrt_ap", "tigertail",
-    "asus_axe11000_ap"
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/abstract_inst.py b/src/antlion/controllers/abstract_inst.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d55c3a5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/abstract_inst.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Python module for Abstract Instrument Library."""
-import socket
-import requests
-from antlion import logger
-class SocketInstrumentError(Exception):
-    """Abstract Instrument Error Class, via Socket and SCPI."""
-    def __init__(self, error, command=None):
-        """Init method for Socket Instrument Error.
-        Args:
-            error: Exception error.
-            command: Additional information on command,
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        super(SocketInstrumentError, self).__init__(error)
-        self._error_code = error
-        self._error_message = self._error_code
-        if command is not None:
-            self._error_message = 'Command {} returned the error: {}.'.format(
-                repr(command), repr(self._error_message))
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self._error_message
-class SocketInstrument(object):
-    """Abstract Instrument Class, via Socket and SCPI."""
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr, ip_port):
-        """Init method for Socket Instrument.
-        Args:
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, str.
-            ip_port: TCPIP Port.
-                Type, str.
-        """
-        self._socket_timeout = 120
-        self._socket_buffer_size = 1024
-        self._ip_addr = ip_addr
-        self._ip_port = ip_port
-        self._escseq = '\n'
-        self._codefmt = 'utf-8'
-        self._logger = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            '%s:%s' % (self._ip_addr, self._ip_port))
-        self._socket = None
-    def _connect_socket(self):
-        """Init and Connect to socket."""
-        try:
-            self._socket = socket.create_connection(
-                (self._ip_addr, self._ip_port), timeout=self._socket_timeout)
-            infmsg = 'Opened Socket connection to {}:{} with handle {}.'.format(
-                repr(self._ip_addr), repr(self._ip_port), repr(self._socket))
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        except socket.timeout:
-            errmsg = 'Socket timeout while connecting to instrument.'
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise SocketInstrumentError(errmsg)
-        except socket.error:
-            errmsg = 'Socket error while connecting to instrument.'
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise SocketInstrumentError(errmsg)
-    def _send(self, cmd):
-        """Send command via Socket.
-        Args:
-            cmd: Command to send,
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        if not self._socket:
-            self._logger.warning('Socket instrument is not connected')
-            self._connect_socket()
-        cmd_es = cmd + self._escseq
-        try:
-            self._socket.sendall(cmd_es.encode(self._codefmt))
-            self._logger.debug('Sent %r to %r:%r.', cmd, self._ip_addr,
-                               self._ip_port)
-        except socket.timeout:
-            errmsg = ('Socket timeout while sending command {} '
-                      'to instrument.').format(repr(cmd))
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise SocketInstrumentError(errmsg)
-        except socket.error:
-            errmsg = ('Socket error while sending command {} '
-                      'to instrument.').format(repr(cmd))
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise SocketInstrumentError(errmsg)
-        except Exception as err:
-            errmsg = ('Error {} while sending command {} '
-                      'to instrument.').format(repr(cmd), repr(err))
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise
-    def _recv(self):
-        """Receive response via Socket.
-        Returns:
-            resp: Response from Instrument via Socket,
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        if not self._socket:
-            self._logger.warning('Socket instrument is not connected')
-            self._connect_socket()
-        resp = ''
-        try:
-            while True:
-                resp_tmp = self._socket.recv(self._socket_buffer_size)
-                resp_tmp = resp_tmp.decode(self._codefmt)
-                resp += resp_tmp
-                if len(resp_tmp) < self._socket_buffer_size:
-                    break
-        except socket.timeout:
-            errmsg = 'Socket timeout while receiving response from instrument.'
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise SocketInstrumentError(errmsg)
-        except socket.error:
-            errmsg = 'Socket error while receiving response from instrument.'
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise SocketInstrumentError(errmsg)
-        except Exception as err:
-            errmsg = ('Error {} while receiving response '
-                      'from instrument').format(repr(err))
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise
-        resp = resp.rstrip(self._escseq)
-        self._logger.debug('Received %r from %r:%r.', resp, self._ip_addr,
-                           self._ip_port)
-        return resp
-    def _close_socket(self):
-        """Close Socket Instrument."""
-        if not self._socket:
-            return
-        try:
-            self._socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
-            self._socket.close()
-            self._socket = None
-            self._logger.debug('Closed Socket Instrument %r:%r.',
-                               self._ip_addr, self._ip_port)
-        except Exception as err:
-            errmsg = 'Error {} while closing instrument.'.format(repr(err))
-            self._logger.exception(errmsg)
-            raise
-    def _query(self, cmd):
-        """query instrument via Socket.
-        Args:
-            cmd: Command to send,
-                Type, Str.
-        Returns:
-            resp: Response from Instrument via Socket,
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        self._send(cmd + ';*OPC?')
-        resp = self._recv()
-        return resp
-class RequestInstrument(object):
-    """Abstract Instrument Class, via Request."""
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr):
-        """Init method for request instrument.
-        Args:
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        self._request_timeout = 120
-        self._request_protocol = 'http'
-        self._ip_addr = ip_addr
-        self._escseq = '\r\n'
-        self._logger = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(self._ip_addr)
-    def _query(self, cmd):
-        """query instrument via request.
-        Args:
-            cmd: Command to send,
-                Type, Str.
-        Returns:
-            resp: Response from Instrument via request,
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        request_cmd = '{}://{}/{}'.format(self._request_protocol,
-                                          self._ip_addr, cmd)
-        resp_raw = requests.get(request_cmd, timeout=self._request_timeout)
-        resp = resp_raw.text
-        for char_del in self._escseq:
-            resp = resp.replace(char_del, '')
-        self._logger.debug('Sent %r to %r, and get %r.', cmd, self._ip_addr,
-                           resp)
-        return resp
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/access_point.py b/src/antlion/controllers/access_point.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a7569e9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/access_point.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,920 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import ipaddress
-import os
-import time
-from typing import FrozenSet, Set
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import pdu
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import ap_get_interface
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import ap_iwconfig
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import bridge_interface
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_server
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_ap_preset
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.extended_capabilities import ExtendedCapabilities
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import BssTransitionManagementRequest
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import ip
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import route
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-_BRCTL = 'brctl'
-PROC_NET_SNMP6 = '/proc/net/snmp6'
-SCAPY_INSTALL_COMMAND = 'sudo python setup.py install'
-RA_MULTICAST_ADDR = '33:33:00:00:00:01'
-RA_SCRIPT = 'sendra.py'
-def create(configs):
-    """Creates ap controllers from a json config.
-    Creates an ap controller from either a list, or a single
-    element. The element can either be just the hostname or a dictionary
-    containing the hostname and username of the ap to connect to over ssh.
-    Args:
-        The json configs that represent this controller.
-    Returns:
-        A new AccessPoint.
-    """
-    return [AccessPoint(c) for c in configs]
-def destroy(aps):
-    """Destroys a list of access points.
-    Args:
-        aps: The list of access points to destroy.
-    """
-    for ap in aps:
-        ap.close()
-def get_info(aps):
-    """Get information on a list of access points.
-    Args:
-        aps: A list of AccessPoints.
-    Returns:
-        A list of all aps hostname.
-    """
-    return [ap.ssh_settings.hostname for ap in aps]
-def setup_ap(
-        access_point,
-        profile_name,
-        channel,
-        ssid,
-        mode=None,
-        preamble=None,
-        beacon_interval=None,
-        dtim_period=None,
-        frag_threshold=None,
-        rts_threshold=None,
-        force_wmm=None,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=None,
-        pmf_support=None,
-        additional_ap_parameters=None,
-        password=None,
-        n_capabilities=None,
-        ac_capabilities=None,
-        vht_bandwidth=None,
-        wnm_features: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset(),
-        setup_bridge=False,
-        is_ipv6_enabled=False,
-        is_nat_enabled=True):
-    """Creates a hostapd profile and runs it on an ap. This is a convenience
-    function that allows us to start an ap with a single function, without first
-    creating a hostapd config.
-    Args:
-        access_point: An ACTS access_point controller
-        profile_name: The profile name of one of the hostapd ap presets.
-        channel: What channel to set the AP to.
-        preamble: Whether to set short or long preamble (True or False)
-        beacon_interval: The beacon interval (int)
-        dtim_period: Length of dtim period (int)
-        frag_threshold: Fragmentation threshold (int)
-        rts_threshold: RTS threshold (int)
-        force_wmm: Enable WMM or not (True or False)
-        hidden: Advertise the SSID or not (True or False)
-        security: What security to enable.
-        pmf_support: int, whether pmf is not disabled, enabled, or required
-        additional_ap_parameters: Additional parameters to send the AP.
-        password: Password to connect to WLAN if necessary.
-        check_connectivity: Whether to check for internet connectivity.
-        wnm_features: WNM features to enable on the AP.
-        setup_bridge: Whether to bridge the LAN interface WLAN interface.
-            Only one WLAN interface can be bridged with the LAN interface
-            and none of the guest networks can be bridged.
-        is_ipv6_enabled: If True, start a IPv6 router advertisement daemon
-        is_nat_enabled: If True, start NAT on the AP to allow the DUT to be able
-            to access the internet if the WAN port is connected to the internet.
-    Returns:
-        An identifier for each ssid being started. These identifiers can be
-        used later by this controller to control the ap.
-    Raises:
-        Error: When the ap can't be brought up.
-    """
-    ap = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(profile_name=profile_name,
-                                            iface_wlan_2g=access_point.wlan_2g,
-                                            iface_wlan_5g=access_point.wlan_5g,
-                                            channel=channel,
-                                            ssid=ssid,
-                                            mode=mode,
-                                            short_preamble=preamble,
-                                            beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-                                            dtim_period=dtim_period,
-                                            frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
-                                            rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
-                                            force_wmm=force_wmm,
-                                            hidden=hidden,
-                                            bss_settings=[],
-                                            security=security,
-                                            pmf_support=pmf_support,
-                                            n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                                            ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-                                            vht_bandwidth=vht_bandwidth,
-                                            wnm_features=wnm_features)
-    return access_point.start_ap(
-        hostapd_config=ap,
-        radvd_config=radvd_config.RadvdConfig() if is_ipv6_enabled else None,
-        setup_bridge=setup_bridge,
-        is_nat_enabled=is_nat_enabled,
-        additional_parameters=additional_ap_parameters)
-class Error(Exception):
-    """Error raised when there is a problem with the access point."""
-_ApInstance = collections.namedtuple('_ApInstance', ['hostapd', 'subnet'])
-# These ranges were split this way since each physical radio can have up
-# to 8 SSIDs so for the 2GHz radio the DHCP range will be
-# 192.168.1 - 8 and the 5Ghz radio will be 192.168.9 - 16
-# The last digit of the ip for the bridge interface
-class AccessPoint(object):
-    """An access point controller.
-    Attributes:
-        ssh: The ssh connection to this ap.
-        ssh_settings: The ssh settings being used by the ssh connection.
-        dhcp_settings: The dhcp server settings being used.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, configs):
-        """
-        Args:
-            configs: configs for the access point from config file.
-        """
-        self.ssh_settings = settings.from_config(configs['ssh_config'])
-        self.log = logger.create_logger(
-            lambda msg: f'[Access Point|{self.ssh_settings.hostname}] {msg}')
-        self.device_pdu_config = configs.get('PduDevice', None)
-        self.identifier = self.ssh_settings.hostname
-        if 'ap_subnet' in configs:
-            self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR = configs['ap_subnet']['2g']
-            self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR = configs['ap_subnet']['5g']
-        else:
-        self._AP_2G_SUBNET = dhcp_config.Subnet(
-            ipaddress.ip_network(self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR))
-        self._AP_5G_SUBNET = dhcp_config.Subnet(
-            ipaddress.ip_network(self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR))
-        self.ssh = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
-        # Singleton utilities for running various commands.
-        self._ip_cmd = ip.LinuxIpCommand(self.ssh)
-        self._route_cmd = route.LinuxRouteCommand(self.ssh)
-        # A map from network interface name to _ApInstance objects representing
-        # the hostapd instance running against the interface.
-        self._aps = dict()
-        self._dhcp = None
-        self._dhcp_bss = dict()
-        self._radvd = None
-        self.bridge = bridge_interface.BridgeInterface(self)
-        self.iwconfig = ap_iwconfig.ApIwconfig(self)
-        # Check to see if wan_interface is specified in acts_config for tests
-        # isolated from the internet and set this override.
-        self.interfaces = ap_get_interface.ApInterfaces(
-            self, configs.get('wan_interface'))
-        # Get needed interface names and initialize the unnecessary ones.
-        self.wan = self.interfaces.get_wan_interface()
-        self.wlan = self.interfaces.get_wlan_interface()
-        self.wlan_2g = self.wlan[0]
-        self.wlan_5g = self.wlan[1]
-        self.lan = self.interfaces.get_lan_interface()
-        self._initial_ap()
-        self.scapy_install_path = None
-        self.setup_bridge = False
-    def _initial_ap(self):
-        """Initial AP interfaces.
-        Bring down hostapd if instance is running, bring down all bridge
-        interfaces.
-        """
-        # This is necessary for Gale/Whirlwind flashed with dev channel image
-        # Unused interfaces such as existing hostapd daemon, guest, mesh
-        # interfaces need to be brought down as part of the AP initialization
-        # process, otherwise test would fail.
-        try:
-            self.ssh.run('stop wpasupplicant')
-        except job.Error:
-            self.log.info('No wpasupplicant running')
-        try:
-            self.ssh.run('stop hostapd')
-        except job.Error:
-            self.log.info('No hostapd running')
-        # Bring down all wireless interfaces
-        for iface in self.wlan:
-            WLAN_DOWN = f'ip link set {iface} down'
-            self.ssh.run(WLAN_DOWN)
-        # Bring down all bridge interfaces
-        bridge_interfaces = self.interfaces.get_bridge_interface()
-        if bridge_interfaces:
-            for iface in bridge_interfaces:
-                BRIDGE_DOWN = f'ip link set {iface} down'
-                BRIDGE_DEL = f'brctl delbr {iface}'
-                self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DOWN)
-                self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DEL)
-    def start_ap(self,
-                 hostapd_config,
-                 radvd_config=None,
-                 setup_bridge=False,
-                 is_nat_enabled=True,
-                 additional_parameters=None):
-        """Starts as an ap using a set of configurations.
-        This will start an ap on this host. To start an ap the controller
-        selects a network interface to use based on the configs given. It then
-        will start up hostapd on that interface. Next a subnet is created for
-        the network interface and dhcp server is refreshed to give out ips
-        for that subnet for any device that connects through that interface.
-        Args:
-            hostapd_config: hostapd_config.HostapdConfig, The configurations
-                to use when starting up the ap.
-            radvd_config: radvd_config.RadvdConfig, The IPv6 configuration
-                to use when starting up the ap.
-            setup_bridge: Whether to bridge the LAN interface WLAN interface.
-                Only one WLAN interface can be bridged with the LAN interface
-                and none of the guest networks can be bridged.
-            is_nat_enabled: If True, start NAT on the AP to allow the DUT to be
-                able to access the internet if the WAN port is connected to the
-                internet.
-            additional_parameters: A dictionary of parameters that can sent
-                directly into the hostapd config file.  This can be used for
-                debugging and or adding one off parameters into the config.
-        Returns:
-            An identifier for each ssid being started. These identifiers can be
-            used later by this controller to control the ap.
-        Raises:
-            Error: When the ap can't be brought up.
-        """
-        if hostapd_config.frequency < 5000:
-            interface = self.wlan_2g
-            subnet = self._AP_2G_SUBNET
-        else:
-            interface = self.wlan_5g
-            subnet = self._AP_5G_SUBNET
-        # In order to handle dhcp servers on any interface, the initiation of
-        # the dhcp server must be done after the wlan interfaces are figured
-        # out as opposed to being in __init__
-        self._dhcp = dhcp_server.DhcpServer(self.ssh, interface=interface)
-        # For multi bssid configurations the mac address
-        # of the wireless interface needs to have enough space to mask out
-        # up to 8 different mac addresses. So in for one interface the range is
-        # hex 0-7 and for the other the range is hex 8-f.
-        interface_mac_orig = None
-        cmd = f"ip link show {interface}|grep ether|awk -F' ' '{{print $2}}'"
-        interface_mac_orig = self.ssh.run(cmd)
-        if interface == self.wlan_5g:
-            hostapd_config.bssid = interface_mac_orig.stdout[:-1] + '0'
-            last_octet = 1
-        if interface == self.wlan_2g:
-            hostapd_config.bssid = interface_mac_orig.stdout[:-1] + '8'
-            last_octet = 9
-        if interface in self._aps:
-            raise ValueError('No WiFi interface available for AP on '
-                             f'channel {hostapd_config.channel}')
-        apd = hostapd.Hostapd(self.ssh, interface)
-        new_instance = _ApInstance(hostapd=apd, subnet=subnet)
-        self._aps[interface] = new_instance
-        # Turn off the DHCP server, we're going to change its settings.
-        self.stop_dhcp()
-        # Clear all routes to prevent old routes from interfering.
-        self._route_cmd.clear_routes(net_interface=interface)
-        self._dhcp_bss = dict()
-        if hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
-            # The self._dhcp_bss dictionary is created to hold the key/value
-            # pair of the interface name and the ip scope that will be
-            # used for the particular interface.  The a, b, c, d
-            # variables below are the octets for the ip address.  The
-            # third octet is then incremented for each interface that
-            # is requested.  This part is designed to bring up the
-            # hostapd interfaces and not the DHCP servers for each
-            # interface.
-            counter = 1
-            for bss in hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
-                if interface_mac_orig:
-                    hostapd_config.bss_lookup[bss].bssid = (
-                        interface_mac_orig.stdout[:-1] + hex(last_octet)[-1:])
-                self._route_cmd.clear_routes(net_interface=str(bss))
-                if interface is self.wlan_2g:
-                    starting_ip_range = self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR
-                else:
-                    starting_ip_range = self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR
-                a, b, c, d = starting_ip_range.split('.')
-                self._dhcp_bss[bss] = dhcp_config.Subnet(
-                    ipaddress.ip_network(f'{a}.{b}.{int(c) + counter}.{d}'))
-                counter = counter + 1
-                last_octet = last_octet + 1
-        apd.start(hostapd_config, additional_parameters=additional_parameters)
-        # The DHCP serer requires interfaces to have ips and routes before
-        # the server will come up.
-        interface_ip = ipaddress.ip_interface(
-            f'{subnet.router}/{subnet.network.netmask}')
-        if setup_bridge is True:
-            bridge_interface_name = 'eth_test'
-            self.create_bridge(bridge_interface_name, [interface, self.lan])
-            self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(bridge_interface_name, interface_ip)
-        else:
-            self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(interface, interface_ip)
-        if hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
-            # This loop goes through each interface that was setup for
-            # hostapd and assigns the DHCP scopes that were defined but
-            # not used during the hostapd loop above.  The k and v
-            # variables represent the interface name, k, and dhcp info, v.
-            for k, v in self._dhcp_bss.items():
-                bss_interface_ip = ipaddress.ip_interface(
-                    f'{self._dhcp_bss[k].router}/{self._dhcp_bss[k].network.netmask}'
-                )
-                self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(str(k), bss_interface_ip)
-        # Restart the DHCP server with our updated list of subnets.
-        configured_subnets = self.get_configured_subnets()
-        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=configured_subnets)
-        self.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
-        if is_nat_enabled:
-            self.start_nat()
-            self.enable_forwarding()
-        else:
-            self.stop_nat()
-            self.enable_forwarding()
-        if radvd_config:
-            radvd_interface = bridge_interface_name if setup_bridge else interface
-            self._radvd = radvd.Radvd(self.ssh, radvd_interface)
-            self._radvd.start(radvd_config)
-        bss_interfaces = [bss for bss in hostapd_config.bss_lookup]
-        bss_interfaces.append(interface)
-        return bss_interfaces
-    def get_configured_subnets(self):
-        """Get the list of configured subnets on the access point.
-        This allows consumers of the access point objects create custom DHCP
-        configs with the correct subnets.
-        Returns: a list of dhcp_config.Subnet objects
-        """
-        configured_subnets = [x.subnet for x in self._aps.values()]
-        for k, v in self._dhcp_bss.items():
-            configured_subnets.append(v)
-        return configured_subnets
-    def start_dhcp(self, dhcp_conf):
-        """Start a DHCP server for the specified subnets.
-        This allows consumers of the access point objects to control DHCP.
-        Args:
-            dhcp_conf: A dhcp_config.DhcpConfig object.
-        Raises:
-            Error: Raised when a dhcp server error is found.
-        """
-        self._dhcp.start(config=dhcp_conf)
-    def stop_dhcp(self):
-        """Stop DHCP for this AP object.
-        This allows consumers of the access point objects to control DHCP.
-        """
-        self._dhcp.stop()
-    def get_dhcp_logs(self):
-        """Get DHCP logs for this AP object.
-        This allows consumers of the access point objects to validate DHCP
-        behavior.
-        Returns:
-            A string of the dhcp server logs, or None is a DHCP server has not
-            been started.
-        """
-        if self._dhcp:
-            return self._dhcp.get_logs()
-        return None
-    def get_hostapd_logs(self):
-        """Get hostapd logs for all interfaces on AP object.
-        This allows consumers of the access point objects to validate hostapd
-        behavior.
-        Returns: A dict with {interface: log} from hostapd instances.
-        """
-        hostapd_logs = dict()
-        for identifier in self._aps:
-            hostapd_logs[identifier] = self._aps.get(
-                identifier).hostapd.pull_logs()
-        return hostapd_logs
-    def enable_forwarding(self):
-        """Enable IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding on the AP.
-        When forwarding is enabled, the access point is able to route IP packets
-        between devices in the same subnet.
-        """
-        self.ssh.run('echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward')
-        self.ssh.run('echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding')
-    def start_nat(self):
-        """Start NAT on the AP.
-        This allows consumers of the access point objects to enable NAT
-        on the AP.
-        Note that this is currently a global setting, since we don't
-        have per-interface masquerade rules.
-        """
-        # The following three commands are needed to enable NAT between
-        # the WAN and LAN/WLAN ports.  This means anyone connecting to the
-        # WLAN/LAN ports will be able to access the internet if the WAN port
-        # is connected to the internet.
-        self.ssh.run('iptables -t nat -F')
-        self.ssh.run(
-            f'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o {self.wan} -j MASQUERADE')
-    def stop_nat(self):
-        """Stop NAT on the AP.
-        This allows consumers of the access point objects to disable NAT on the
-        AP.
-        Note that this is currently a global setting, since we don't have
-        per-interface masquerade rules.
-        """
-        self.ssh.run('iptables -t nat -F')
-    def create_bridge(self, bridge_name, interfaces):
-        """Create the specified bridge and bridge the specified interfaces.
-        Args:
-            bridge_name: The name of the bridge to create.
-            interfaces: A list of interfaces to add to the bridge.
-        """
-        # Create the bridge interface
-        self.ssh.run(f'brctl addbr {bridge_name}')
-        for interface in interfaces:
-            self.ssh.run(f'brctl addif {bridge_name} {interface}')
-        self.ssh.run(f'ip link set {bridge_name} up')
-    def remove_bridge(self, bridge_name):
-        """Removes the specified bridge
-        Args:
-            bridge_name: The name of the bridge to remove.
-        """
-        # Check if the bridge exists.
-        #
-        # Cases where it may not are if we failed to initialize properly
-        #
-        # Or if we're doing 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz SSIDs and we've already torn
-        # down the bridge once, but we got called for each band.
-        result = self.ssh.run(f'brctl show {bridge_name}', ignore_status=True)
-        # If the bridge exists, we'll get an exit_status of 0, indicating
-        # success, so we can continue and remove the bridge.
-        if result.exit_status == 0:
-            self.ssh.run(f'ip link set {bridge_name} down')
-            self.ssh.run(f'brctl delbr {bridge_name}')
-    def get_bssid_from_ssid(self, ssid, band):
-        """Gets the BSSID from a provided SSID
-        Args:
-            ssid: An SSID string.
-            band: 2G or 5G Wifi band.
-        Returns: The BSSID if on the AP or None if SSID could not be found.
-        """
-        if band == hostapd_constants.BAND_2G:
-            interfaces = [self.wlan_2g, ssid]
-        else:
-            interfaces = [self.wlan_5g, ssid]
-        # Get the interface name associated with the given ssid.
-        for interface in interfaces:
-            iw_output = self.ssh.run(
-                f"iw dev {interface} info|grep ssid|awk -F' ' '{{print $2}}'")
-            if 'command failed: No such device' in iw_output.stderr:
-                continue
-            else:
-                # If the configured ssid is equal to the given ssid, we found
-                # the right interface.
-                if iw_output.stdout == ssid:
-                    iw_output = self.ssh.run(
-                        f"iw dev {interface} info|grep addr|awk -F' ' '{{print $2}}'"
-                    )
-                    return iw_output.stdout
-        return None
-    def stop_ap(self, identifier):
-        """Stops a running ap on this controller.
-        Args:
-            identifier: The identify of the ap that should be taken down.
-        """
-        if identifier not in list(self._aps.keys()):
-            raise ValueError(f'Invalid identifier {identifier} given')
-        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
-        if self._radvd:
-            self._radvd.stop()
-        try:
-            self.stop_dhcp()
-        except dhcp_server.NoInterfaceError:
-            pass
-        self.stop_nat()
-        instance.hostapd.stop()
-        self._ip_cmd.clear_ipv4_addresses(identifier)
-        del self._aps[identifier]
-        bridge_interfaces = self.interfaces.get_bridge_interface()
-        if bridge_interfaces:
-            for iface in bridge_interfaces:
-                BRIDGE_DOWN = f'ip link set {iface} down'
-                BRIDGE_DEL = f'brctl delbr {iface}'
-                self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DOWN)
-                self.ssh.run(BRIDGE_DEL)
-    def stop_all_aps(self):
-        """Stops all running aps on this device."""
-        for ap in list(self._aps.keys()):
-            self.stop_ap(ap)
-    def close(self):
-        """Called to take down the entire access point.
-        When called will stop all aps running on this host, shutdown the dhcp
-        server, and stop the ssh connection.
-        """
-        if self._aps:
-            self.stop_all_aps()
-        self.ssh.close()
-    def generate_bridge_configs(self, channel):
-        """Generate a list of configs for a bridge between LAN and WLAN.
-        Args:
-            channel: the channel WLAN interface is brought up on
-            iface_lan: the LAN interface to bridge
-        Returns:
-            configs: tuple containing iface_wlan, iface_lan and bridge_ip
-        """
-        if channel < 15:
-            iface_wlan = self.wlan_2g
-            subnet_str = self._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR
-        else:
-            iface_wlan = self.wlan_5g
-            subnet_str = self._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR
-        iface_lan = self.lan
-        a, b, c, _ = subnet_str.strip('/24').split('.')
-        bridge_ip = f'{a}.{b}.{c}.{BRIDGE_IP_LAST}'
-        configs = (iface_wlan, iface_lan, bridge_ip)
-        return configs
-    def install_scapy(self, scapy_path, send_ra_path):
-        """Install scapy
-        Args:
-            scapy_path: path where scapy tar file is located on server
-            send_ra_path: path where sendra path is located on server
-        """
-        self.scapy_install_path = self.ssh.run('mktemp -d').stdout.rstrip()
-        self.log.info(f'Scapy install path: {self.scapy_install_path}')
-        self.ssh.send_file(scapy_path, self.scapy_install_path)
-        self.ssh.send_file(send_ra_path, self.scapy_install_path)
-        scapy = os.path.join(self.scapy_install_path,
-                             scapy_path.split('/')[-1])
-        self.ssh.run(f'tar -xvf {scapy} -C {self.scapy_install_path}')
-        self.ssh.run(f'cd {self.scapy_install_path}; {SCAPY_INSTALL_COMMAND}')
-    def cleanup_scapy(self):
-        """ Cleanup scapy """
-        if self.scapy_install_path:
-            cmd = f'rm -rf {self.scapy_install_path}'
-            self.log.info(f'Cleaning up scapy {cmd}')
-            output = self.ssh.run(cmd)
-            self.scapy_install_path = None
-    def send_ra(self,
-                iface,
-                mac=RA_MULTICAST_ADDR,
-                interval=1,
-                count=None,
-                lifetime=LIFETIME,
-                rtt=0):
-        """Invoke scapy and send RA to the device.
-        Args:
-          iface: string of the WiFi interface to use for sending packets.
-          mac: string HWAddr/MAC address to send the packets to.
-          interval: int Time to sleep between consecutive packets.
-          count: int Number of packets to be sent.
-          lifetime: int original RA's router lifetime in seconds.
-          rtt: retrans timer of the RA packet
-        """
-        scapy_command = os.path.join(self.scapy_install_path, RA_SCRIPT)
-        options = f' -m {mac} -i {interval} -c {count} -l {lifetime} -in {iface} -rtt {rtt}'
-        cmd = scapy_command + options
-        self.log.info(f'Scapy cmd: {cmd}')
-        self.ssh.run(cmd)
-    def get_icmp6intype134(self):
-        """Read the value of Icmp6InType134 and return integer.
-        Returns:
-            Integer value >0 if grep is successful; 0 otherwise.
-        """
-        ra_count_str = self.ssh.run(
-            f'grep Icmp6InType134 {PROC_NET_SNMP6} || true').stdout
-        if ra_count_str:
-            return int(ra_count_str.split()[1])
-    def ping(self,
-             dest_ip,
-             count=3,
-             interval=1000,
-             timeout=1000,
-             size=56,
-             additional_ping_params=None):
-        """Pings from AP to dest_ip, returns dict of ping stats (see utils.ping)
-        """
-        return utils.ping(self.ssh,
-                          dest_ip,
-                          count=count,
-                          interval=interval,
-                          timeout=timeout,
-                          size=size,
-                          additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params)
-    def can_ping(self,
-                 dest_ip,
-                 count=1,
-                 interval=1000,
-                 timeout=1000,
-                 size=56,
-                 additional_ping_params=None):
-        """Returns whether ap can ping dest_ip (see utils.can_ping)"""
-        return utils.can_ping(self.ssh,
-                              dest_ip,
-                              count=count,
-                              interval=interval,
-                              timeout=timeout,
-                              size=size,
-                              additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params)
-    def hard_power_cycle(self,
-                         pdus,
-                         unreachable_timeout=30,
-                         ping_timeout=60,
-                         ssh_timeout=30,
-                         hostapd_configs=None):
-        """Kills, then restores power to AccessPoint, verifying it goes down and
-        comes back online cleanly.
-        Args:
-            pdus: list, PduDevices in the testbed
-            unreachable_timeout: int, time to wait for AccessPoint to become
-                unreachable
-            ping_timeout: int, time to wait for AccessPoint to responsd to pings
-            ssh_timeout: int, time to wait for AccessPoint to allow SSH
-            hostapd_configs (optional): list, containing hostapd settings. If
-                present, these networks will be spun up after the AP has
-                rebooted. This list can either contain HostapdConfig objects, or
-                    dictionaries with the start_ap params
-                    (i.e  { 'hostapd_config': <HostapdConfig>,
-                            'setup_bridge': <bool>,
-                            'additional_parameters': <dict> } ).
-        Raise:
-            Error, if no PduDevice is provided in AccessPoint config.
-            ConnectionError, if AccessPoint fails to go offline or come back.
-        """
-        if not self.device_pdu_config:
-            raise Error('No PduDevice provided in AccessPoint config.')
-        if hostapd_configs is None:
-            hostapd_configs = []
-        self.log.info(f'Power cycling')
-        ap_pdu, ap_pdu_port = pdu.get_pdu_port_for_device(
-            self.device_pdu_config, pdus)
-        self.log.info(f'Killing power')
-        ap_pdu.off(str(ap_pdu_port))
-        self.log.info('Verifying AccessPoint is unreachable.')
-        timeout = time.time() + unreachable_timeout
-        while time.time() < timeout:
-            if not utils.can_ping(job, self.ssh_settings.hostname):
-                self.log.info('AccessPoint is unreachable as expected.')
-                break
-            else:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'AccessPoint is still responding to pings. Retrying in 1 '
-                    'second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError(
-                f'Failed to bring down AccessPoint ({self.ssh_settings.hostname})'
-            )
-        self._aps.clear()
-        self.log.info(f'Restoring power')
-        ap_pdu.on(str(ap_pdu_port))
-        self.log.info('Waiting for AccessPoint to respond to pings.')
-        timeout = time.time() + ping_timeout
-        while time.time() < timeout:
-            if utils.can_ping(job, self.ssh_settings.hostname):
-                self.log.info('AccessPoint responded to pings.')
-                break
-            else:
-                self.log.debug('AccessPoint is not responding to pings. '
-                               'Retrying in 1 second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError(
-                f'Timed out waiting for AccessPoint ({self.ssh_settings.hostname}) '
-                'to respond to pings.')
-        self.log.info('Waiting for AccessPoint to allow ssh connection.')
-        timeout = time.time() + ssh_timeout
-        while time.time() < timeout:
-            try:
-                self.ssh.run('echo')
-            except connection.Error:
-                self.log.debug('AccessPoint is not allowing ssh connection. '
-                               'Retrying in 1 second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-            else:
-                self.log.info('AccessPoint available via ssh.')
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError(
-                f'Timed out waiting for AccessPoint ({self.ssh_settings.hostname}) '
-                'to allow ssh connection.')
-        # Allow 5 seconds for OS to finish getting set up
-        time.sleep(5)
-        self._initial_ap()
-        self.log.info('Power cycled successfully')
-        for settings in hostapd_configs:
-            if type(settings) == hostapd_config.HostapdConfig:
-                config = settings
-                setup_bridge = False
-                additional_parameters = None
-            elif type(settings) == dict:
-                config = settings['hostapd_config']
-                setup_bridge = settings.get('setup_bridge', False)
-                additional_parameters = settings.get('additional_parameters',
-                                                     None)
-            else:
-                raise TypeError(
-                    'Items in hostapd_configs list must either be '
-                    'hostapd.HostapdConfig objects or dictionaries.')
-            self.log.info(f'Restarting network {config.ssid}')
-            self.start_ap(config,
-                          setup_bridge=setup_bridge,
-                          additional_parameters=additional_parameters)
-    def channel_switch(self, identifier, channel_num):
-        """Switch to a different channel on the given AP."""
-        if identifier not in list(self._aps.keys()):
-            raise ValueError(f'Invalid identifier {identifier} given')
-        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
-        self.log.info(f'channel switch to channel {channel_num}')
-        instance.hostapd.channel_switch(channel_num)
-    def get_current_channel(self, identifier):
-        """Find the current channel on the given AP."""
-        if identifier not in list(self._aps.keys()):
-            raise ValueError(f'Invalid identifier {identifier} given')
-        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
-        return instance.hostapd.get_current_channel()
-    def get_stas(self, identifier) -> Set[str]:
-        """Return MAC addresses of all associated STAs on the given AP."""
-        if identifier not in list(self._aps.keys()):
-            raise ValueError(f'Invalid identifier {identifier} given')
-        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
-        return instance.hostapd.get_stas()
-    def get_sta_extended_capabilities(self, identifier,
-                                      sta_mac: str) -> ExtendedCapabilities:
-        """Get extended capabilities for the given STA, as seen by the AP."""
-        if identifier not in list(self._aps.keys()):
-            raise ValueError(f'Invalid identifier {identifier} given')
-        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
-        return instance.hostapd.get_sta_extended_capabilities(sta_mac)
-    def send_bss_transition_management_req(
-            self, identifier, sta_mac: str,
-            request: BssTransitionManagementRequest):
-        """Send a BSS Transition Management request to an associated STA."""
-        if identifier not in list(self._aps.keys()):
-            raise ValueError('Invalid identifier {identifier} given')
-        instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
-        return instance.hostapd.send_bss_transition_management_req(
-            sta_mac, request)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/adb.py b/src/antlion/controllers/adb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bb52f14..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/adb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from builtins import str
-import logging
-import re
-import shlex
-import shutil
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-ADB_REGEX = re.compile('adb:')
-# Uses a regex to be backwards compatible with previous versions of ADB
-# (N and above add the serial to the error msg).
-DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_REGEX = re.compile('error: device (?:\'.*?\' )?not found')
-DEVICE_OFFLINE_REGEX = re.compile('error: device offline')
-# Raised when adb forward commands fail to forward a port.
-CANNOT_BIND_LISTENER_REGEX = re.compile('error: cannot bind listener:')
-# Expected output is "Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.XX
-ADB_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile('Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.(\d+)')
-GREP_REGEX = re.compile('grep(\s+)')
-SHELL_USER_ID = '2000'
-def parsing_parcel_output(output):
-    """Parsing the adb output in Parcel format.
-    Parsing the adb output in format:
-      Result: Parcel(
-        0x00000000: 00000000 00000014 00390038 00340031 '........'
-        0x00000010: 00300038 00300030 00300030 00340032 ''
-        0x00000020: 00350034 00330035 00320038 00310033 ''
-        0x00000030: 00000000                            '....            ')
-    """
-    output = ''.join(re.findall(r"'(.*)'", output))
-    return re.sub(r'[.\s]', '', output)
-class AdbProxy(object):
-    """Proxy class for ADB.
-    For syntactic reasons, the '-' in adb commands need to be replaced with
-    '_'. Can directly execute adb commands on an object:
-    >> adb = AdbProxy(<serial>)
-    >> adb.start_server()
-    >> adb.devices() # will return the console output of "adb devices".
-    """
-    def __init__(self, serial="", ssh_connection=None):
-        """Construct an instance of AdbProxy.
-        Args:
-            serial: str serial number of Android device from `adb devices`
-            ssh_connection: SshConnection instance if the Android device is
-                            connected to a remote host that we can reach via SSH.
-        """
-        self.serial = serial
-        self._server_local_port = None
-        adb_path = shutil.which('adb')
-        adb_cmd = [shlex.quote(adb_path)]
-        if serial:
-            adb_cmd.append("-s %s" % serial)
-        if ssh_connection is not None:
-            # Kill all existing adb processes on the remote host (if any)
-            # Note that if there are none, then pkill exits with non-zero status
-            ssh_connection.run("pkill adb", ignore_status=True)
-            # Copy over the adb binary to a temp dir
-            temp_dir = ssh_connection.run("mktemp -d").stdout.strip()
-            ssh_connection.send_file(adb_path, temp_dir)
-            # Start up a new adb server running as root from the copied binary.
-            remote_adb_cmd = "%s/adb %s root" % (temp_dir, "-s %s" % serial
-                                                 if serial else "")
-            ssh_connection.run(remote_adb_cmd)
-            # Proxy a local port to the adb server port
-            local_port = ssh_connection.create_ssh_tunnel(5037)
-            self._server_local_port = local_port
-        if self._server_local_port:
-            adb_cmd.append("-P %d" % local_port)
-        self.adb_str = " ".join(adb_cmd)
-        self._ssh_connection = ssh_connection
-    def get_user_id(self):
-        """Returns the adb user. Either 2000 (shell) or 0 (root)."""
-        return self.shell('id -u')
-    def is_root(self, user_id=None):
-        """Checks if the user is root.
-        Args:
-            user_id: if supplied, the id to check against.
-        Returns:
-            True if the user is root. False otherwise.
-        """
-        if not user_id:
-            user_id = self.get_user_id()
-        return user_id == ROOT_USER_ID
-    def ensure_root(self):
-        """Ensures the user is root after making this call.
-        Note that this will still fail if the device is a user build, as root
-        is not accessible from a user build.
-        Returns:
-            False if the device is a user build. True otherwise.
-        """
-        self.ensure_user(ROOT_USER_ID)
-        return self.is_root()
-    def ensure_user(self, user_id=SHELL_USER_ID):
-        """Ensures the user is set to the given user.
-        Args:
-            user_id: The id of the user.
-        """
-        if self.is_root(user_id):
-            self.root()
-        else:
-            self.unroot()
-        self.wait_for_device()
-        return self.get_user_id() == user_id
-    def _exec_cmd(self, cmd, ignore_status=False, timeout=DEFAULT_ADB_TIMEOUT):
-        """Executes adb commands in a new shell.
-        This is specific to executing adb commands.
-        Args:
-            cmd: A string or list that is the adb command to execute.
-        Returns:
-            The stdout of the adb command.
-        Raises:
-            AdbError for errors in ADB operations.
-            AdbCommandError for errors from commands executed through ADB.
-        """
-        if isinstance(cmd, list):
-            cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
-        result = job.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, timeout=timeout)
-        ret, out, err = result.exit_status, result.stdout, result.stderr
-        if any(pattern.match(err) for pattern in
-                CANNOT_BIND_LISTENER_REGEX]):
-            raise AdbError(cmd=cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret)
-        if "Result: Parcel" in out:
-            return parsing_parcel_output(out)
-        if ignore_status or (ret == 1 and GREP_REGEX.search(cmd)):
-            return out or err
-        if ret != 0:
-            raise AdbCommandError(cmd=cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret)
-        return out
-    def _exec_adb_cmd(self, name, arg_str, **kwargs):
-        return self._exec_cmd(' '.join((self.adb_str, name, arg_str)),
-                              **kwargs)
-    def _exec_cmd_nb(self, cmd, **kwargs):
-        """Executes adb commands in a new shell, non blocking.
-        Args:
-            cmds: A string that is the adb command to execute.
-        """
-        return job.run_async(cmd, **kwargs)
-    def _exec_adb_cmd_nb(self, name, arg_str, **kwargs):
-        return self._exec_cmd_nb(' '.join((self.adb_str, name, arg_str)),
-                                 **kwargs)
-    def tcp_forward(self, host_port, device_port):
-        """Starts tcp forwarding from localhost to this android device.
-        Args:
-            host_port: Port number to use on localhost
-            device_port: Port number to use on the android device.
-        Returns:
-            Forwarded port on host as int or command output string on error
-        """
-        if self._ssh_connection:
-            # We have to hop through a remote host first.
-            #  1) Find some free port on the remote host's localhost
-            #  2) Setup forwarding between that remote port and the requested
-            #     device port
-            remote_port = self._ssh_connection.find_free_port()
-            host_port = self._ssh_connection.create_ssh_tunnel(
-                remote_port, local_port=host_port)
-        output = self.forward("tcp:%d tcp:%d" % (host_port, device_port),
-                              ignore_status=True)
-        # If hinted_port is 0, the output will be the selected port.
-        # Otherwise, there will be no output upon successfully
-        # forwarding the hinted port.
-        if not output:
-            return host_port
-        try:
-            output_int = int(output)
-        except ValueError:
-            return output
-        return output_int
-    def remove_tcp_forward(self, host_port):
-        """Stop tcp forwarding a port from localhost to this android device.
-        Args:
-            host_port: Port number to use on localhost
-        """
-        if self._ssh_connection:
-            remote_port = self._ssh_connection.close_ssh_tunnel(host_port)
-            if remote_port is None:
-                logging.warning("Cannot close unknown forwarded tcp port: %d",
-                                host_port)
-                return
-            # The actual port we need to disable via adb is on the remote host.
-            host_port = remote_port
-        self.forward("--remove tcp:%d" % host_port)
-    def getprop(self, prop_name):
-        """Get a property of the device.
-        This is a convenience wrapper for "adb shell getprop xxx".
-        Args:
-            prop_name: A string that is the name of the property to get.
-        Returns:
-            A string that is the value of the property, or None if the property
-            doesn't exist.
-        """
-        return self.shell("getprop %s" % prop_name)
-    # TODO: This should be abstracted out into an object like the other shell
-    # command.
-    def shell(self, command, ignore_status=False, timeout=DEFAULT_ADB_TIMEOUT):
-        return self._exec_adb_cmd(
-            'shell',
-            shlex.quote(command),
-            ignore_status=ignore_status,
-            timeout=timeout)
-    def shell_nb(self, command):
-        return self._exec_adb_cmd_nb('shell', shlex.quote(command))
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        def adb_call(*args, **kwargs):
-            clean_name = name.replace('_', '-')
-            if clean_name in ['pull', 'push', 'remount'] and 'timeout' not in kwargs:
-                kwargs['timeout'] = DEFAULT_ADB_PULL_TIMEOUT
-            arg_str = ' '.join(str(elem) for elem in args)
-            return self._exec_adb_cmd(clean_name, arg_str, **kwargs)
-        return adb_call
-    def get_version_number(self):
-        """Returns the version number of ADB as an int (XX in 1.0.XX).
-        Raises:
-            AdbError if the version number is not found/parsable.
-        """
-        version_output = self.version()
-        match = re.search(ADB_VERSION_REGEX, version_output)
-        if not match:
-            logging.error('Unable to capture ADB version from adb version '
-                          'output: %s' % version_output)
-            raise AdbError('adb version', version_output, '', '')
-        return int(match.group(1))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/error.py b/src/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/error.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fcae7d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/error.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import error
-class AdbError(error.ActsError):
-    """Raised when there is an error in adb operations."""
-    def __init__(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, ret_code):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.cmd = cmd
-        self.stdout = stdout
-        self.stderr = stderr
-        self.ret_code = ret_code
-    def __str__(self):
-        return ("Error executing adb cmd '%s'. ret: %d, stdout: %s, stderr: %s"
-                ) % (self.cmd, self.ret_code, self.stdout, self.stderr)
-class AdbCommandError(AdbError):
-    """Raised when there is an error in the command being run through ADB."""
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/OWNERS b/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index edee4ef..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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index 5386f81..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/amarisoft_client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import asyncio
-import json
-import logging
-from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Tuple
-from antlion.controllers.amarisoft_lib import ssh_utils
-import immutabledict
-import websockets
-_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING = immutabledict.immutabledict({
-    'enb': '/config/enb.cfg',
-    'mme': '/config/mme.cfg',
-    'ims': '/config/ims.cfg',
-    'mbms': '/config/mbmsgw.cfg',
-    'ots': '/config/ots.cfg'
-class MessageFailureError(Exception):
-  """Raises an error when the message execution fail."""
-class AmariSoftClient(ssh_utils.RemoteClient):
-  """The SSH client class interacts with Amarisoft.
-    A simulator used to simulate the base station can output different signals
-    according to the network configuration settings.
-    For example: T Mobile NSA LTE band 66 + NR band 71.
-  """
-  async def _send_message_to_callbox(self, uri: str,
-                                     msg: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
-    """Implements async function for send message to the callbox.
-    Args:
-      uri: The uri of specific websocket interface.
-      msg: The message to be send to callbox.
-    Returns:
-      The response from callbox.
-    """
-    async with websockets.connect(
-        uri, extra_headers={'origin': 'Test'}) as websocket:
-      await websocket.send(msg)
-      head = await websocket.recv()
-      body = await websocket.recv()
-    return head, body
-  def send_message(self, port: str, msg: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
-    """Sends a message to the callbox.
-    Args:
-      port: The port of specific websocket interface.
-      msg: The message to be send to callbox.
-    Returns:
-      The response from callbox.
-    """
-    return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
-        self._send_message_to_callbox(f'ws://{self.host}:{port}/', msg))
-  def verify_response(self, func: str, head: str,
-                      body: str) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, Any], Mapping[str, Any]]:
-    """Makes sure there are no error messages in Amarisoft's response.
-    If a message produces an error, response will have an error string field
-    representing the error.
-    For example:
-      {
-        "message": "ready",
-        "message_id": <message id>,
-        "error": <error message>,
-        "type": "ENB",
-        "name: <name>,
-      }
-    Args:
-      func: The message send to Amarisoft.
-      head: Responsed message head.
-      body: Responsed message body.
-    Returns:
-      Standard output of the shell command.
-    Raises:
-       MessageFailureError: Raised when an error occurs in the response message.
-    """
-    loaded_head = json.loads(head)
-    loaded_body = json.loads(body)
-    if loaded_head.get('message') != 'ready':
-      raise MessageFailureError(
-          f'Fail to get response from callbox, message: {loaded_head["error"]}')
-    if 'error' in loaded_body:
-      raise MessageFailureError(
-          f'Fail to excute {func} with error message: {loaded_body["error"]}')
-    if loaded_body.get('message') != func:
-      raise MessageFailureError(
-          f'The message sent was {loaded_body["message"]} instead of {func}.')
-    return loaded_head, loaded_body
-  def lte_service_stop(self) -> None:
-    """Stops to output signal."""
-    self.run_cmd('systemctl stop lte')
-  def lte_service_start(self):
-    """Starts to output signal."""
-    self.run_cmd('systemctl start lte')
-  def lte_service_restart(self):
-    """Restarts to output signal."""
-    self.run_cmd('systemctl restart lte')
-  def lte_service_enable(self):
-    """lte service remains enable until next reboot."""
-    self.run_cmd('systemctl enable lte')
-  def lte_service_disable(self):
-    """lte service remains disable until next reboot."""
-    self.run_cmd('systemctl disable lte')
-  def lte_service_is_active(self) -> bool:
-    """Checks lte service is active or not.
-    Returns:
-      True if service active, False otherwise.
-    """
-    return not any('inactive' in line
-                   for line in self.run_cmd('systemctl is-active lte'))
-  def set_config_dir(self, cfg_type: str, path: str) -> None:
-    """Sets the path of target configuration file.
-    Args:
-      cfg_type: The type of target configuration. (e.g. mme, enb ...etc.)
-      path: The path of target configuration. (e.g.
-        /root/lteenb-linux-2020-12-14)
-    """
-    path_old = self.get_config_dir(cfg_type)
-    if path != path_old:
-      logging.info('set new path %s (was %s)', path, path_old)
-      self.run_cmd(f'ln -sfn {path} /root/{cfg_type}')
-    else:
-      logging.info('path %s does not change.', path_old)
-  def get_config_dir(self, cfg_type: str) -> Optional[str]:
-    """Gets the path of target configuration.
-    Args:
-      cfg_type: Target configuration type. (e.g. mme, enb...etc.)
-    Returns:
-      The path of configuration.
-    """
-    result = self.run_cmd(f'readlink /root/{cfg_type}')
-    if result:
-      path = result[0].strip()
-    else:
-      logging.warning('%s path not found.', cfg_type)
-      return None
-    return path
-  def set_config_file(self, cfg_type: str, cfg_file: str) -> None:
-    """Sets the configuration to be executed.
-    Args:
-      cfg_type: The type of target configuration. (e.g. mme, enb...etc.)
-      cfg_file: The configuration to be executed. (e.g.
-        /root/lteenb-linux-2020-12-14/config/gnb.cfg )
-    Raises:
-      FileNotFoundError: Raised when a file or directory is requested but
-      doesn’t exist.
-    """
-    cfg_link = self.get_config_dir(cfg_type) + _CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING[cfg_type]
-    if not self.is_file_exist(cfg_file):
-      raise FileNotFoundError("The command file doesn't exist")
-    self.run_cmd(f'ln -sfn {cfg_file} {cfg_link}')
-  def get_config_file(self, cfg_type: str) -> Optional[str]:
-    """Gets the current configuration of specific configuration type.
-    Args:
-      cfg_type: The type of target configuration. (e.g. mme, enb...etc.)
-    Returns:
-      The current configuration with absolute path.
-    """
-    cfg_path = self.get_config_dir(cfg_type) + _CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING[cfg_type]
-    if cfg_path:
-      result = self.run_cmd(f'readlink {cfg_path}')
-      if result:
-        return result[0].strip()
-  def get_all_config_dir(self) -> Mapping[str, str]:
-    """Gets all configuration directions.
-    Returns:
-      All configuration directions.
-    """
-    config_dir = {}
-    for cfg_type in ('ots', 'enb', 'mme', 'mbms'):
-      config_dir[cfg_type] = self.get_config_dir(cfg_type)
-      logging.debug('get path of %s: %s', cfg_type, config_dir[cfg_type])
-    return config_dir
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/amarisoft_constants.py b/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/amarisoft_constants.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c62bf2a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/amarisoft_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"""Constants for test."""



-# ports of lte service websocket interface

-class PortNumber:

-  URI_MME = '9000'

-  URI_ENB = '9001'

-  URI_UE = '9002'

-  URI_IMS = '9003'

-  URI_MBMS = '9004'

-  URI_PROBE = '9005'

-  URI_LICENSE = '9006'

-  URI_MON = '9007'

-  URI_VIEW = '9008'

diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/config_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/config_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d3b603..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/config_utils.py
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@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import os
-import immutabledict
-from antlion.controllers.amarisoft_lib import amarisoft_client
-TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/config_templates'
-_CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING = immutabledict.immutabledict({
-    'enb': '/config/mhtest_enb.cfg',
-    'mme': '/config/mhtest_mme.cfg',
-class EnbCfg():
-  """MME configuration templates."""
-  ENB_GENERIC = 'enb-single-generic.cfg'
-  GNB_NSA_GENERIC = 'gnb-nsa-lte-ho-generic.cfg'
-  GNB_SA_GENERIC = 'gnb-sa-lte-ho-generic.cfg'
-class MmeCfg():
-  """MME configuration templates."""
-  MME_GENERIC = 'mme-generic.cfg'
-class SpecTech(enum.Enum):
-  """Spectrum usage techniques."""
-  FDD = 0
-  TDD = 1
-class ConfigUtils():
-  """Utilities for set Amarisoft configs.
-  Attributes:
-    remote: An amarisoft client.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, remote: amarisoft_client.AmariSoftClient):
-    self.remote = remote
-  def upload_enb_template(self, cfg: str) -> bool:
-    """Loads ENB configuration.
-    Args:
-      cfg: The ENB configuration to be loaded.
-    Returns:
-      True if the ENB configuration was loaded successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    cfg_template = TEMPLATE_PATH_ENB + cfg
-    if not os.path.isfile(cfg_template):
-      return False
-    cfg_path = self.remote.get_config_dir(
-        'enb') + _CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING['enb']
-    self.remote.run_cmd('rm -f ' + cfg_path)
-    self.remote.sftp_upload(cfg_template, cfg_path)
-    self.remote.set_config_file('enb', cfg_path)
-    if not self.remote.is_file_exist(cfg_path):
-      return False
-    return True
-  def upload_mme_template(self, cfg: str) -> bool:
-    """Loads MME configuration.
-    Args:
-      cfg: The MME configuration to be loaded.
-    Returns:
-      True if the ENB configuration was loaded successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    cfg_template = TEMPLATE_PATH_MME + cfg
-    if not os.path.isfile(cfg_template):
-      return False
-    cfg_path = self.remote.get_config_dir(
-        'mme') + _CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING['mme']
-    self.remote.run_cmd('rm -f ' + cfg_path)
-    self.remote.sftp_upload(cfg_template, cfg_path)
-    self.remote.set_config_file('mme', cfg_path)
-    if not self.remote.is_file_exist(cfg_path):
-      return False
-    return True
-  def enb_set_plmn(self, plmn: str) -> bool:
-    """Sets the PLMN in ENB configuration.
-    Args:
-      plmn: The PLMN to be set. ex: 311480
-    Returns:
-      True if set PLMN successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    cfg_path = self.remote.get_config_dir(
-        'enb') + _CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING['enb']
-    if not self.remote.is_file_exist(cfg_path):
-      return False
-    string_from = '#define PLMN \"00101\"'
-    string_to = f'#define PLMN \"{plmn}\"'
-    self.remote.run_cmd(f'sed -i \'s/\\r//g\' {cfg_path}')
-    self.remote.run_cmd(
-        f'sed -i \':a;N;$!ba;s/{string_from}/{string_to}/g\' {cfg_path}')
-    return True
-  def mme_set_plmn(self, plmn: str) -> bool:
-    """Sets the PLMN in MME configuration.
-    Args:
-      plmn: The PLMN to be set. ex:'311480'
-    Returns:
-      True if set PLMN successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    cfg_path = self.remote.get_config_dir(
-        'mme') + _CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING['mme']
-    if not self.remote.is_file_exist(cfg_path):
-      return False
-    string_from = '#define PLMN \"00101\"'
-    string_to = f'#define PLMN \"{plmn}\"'
-    self.remote.run_cmd(f'sed -i \'s/\\r//g\' {cfg_path}')
-    self.remote.run_cmd(
-        f'sed -i \':a;N;$!ba;s/{string_from}/{string_to}/g\' {cfg_path}')
-    return True
-  def enb_set_fdd_arfcn(self, arfcn: int) -> bool:
-    """Sets the FDD ARFCN in ENB configuration.
-    Args:
-      arfcn: The arfcn to be set. ex: 1400
-    Returns:
-      True if set FDD ARFCN successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    cfg_path = self.remote.get_config_dir(
-        'enb') + _CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING['enb']
-    if not self.remote.is_file_exist(cfg_path):
-      return False
-    string_from = '#define FDD_CELL_earfcn 1400'
-    string_to = f'#define FDD_CELL_earfcn {arfcn}'
-    self.remote.run_cmd(f'sed -i \'s/\\r//g\' {cfg_path}')
-    self.remote.run_cmd(
-        f'sed -i \':a;N;$!ba;s/{string_from}/{string_to}/g\' {cfg_path}')
-    return True
-  def enb_set_tdd_arfcn(self, arfcn: int) -> bool:
-    """Sets the TDD ARFCN in ENB configuration.
-    Args:
-      arfcn: The arfcn to be set. ex: 1400
-    Returns:
-      True if set FDD ARFCN successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    cfg_path = self.remote.get_config_dir(
-        'enb') + _CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING['enb']
-    if not self.remote.is_file_exist(cfg_path):
-      return False
-    string_from = '#define TDD_CELL_earfcn 40620'
-    string_to = f'#define TDD_CELL_earfcn {arfcn}'
-    self.remote.run_cmd(f'sed -i \'s/\\r//g\' {cfg_path}')
-    self.remote.run_cmd(
-        f'sed -i \':a;N;$!ba;s/{string_from}/{string_to}/g\' {cfg_path}')
-    return True
-  def enb_set_spectrum_tech(self, tech: int) -> bool:
-    """Sets the spectrum usage techniques in ENB configuration.
-    Args:
-      tech: the spectrum usage techniques. ex: SpecTech.FDD.name
-    Returns:
-      True if set spectrum usage techniques successfully, False otherwise.
-    """
-    cfg_path = self.remote.get_config_dir(
-        'enb') + _CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR_MAPPING['enb']
-    if not self.remote.is_file_exist(cfg_path):
-      return False
-    string_from = '#define TDD 0'
-    string_to = f'#define TDD {tech}'
-    self.remote.run_cmd(f'sed -i \'s/\\r//g\' {cfg_path}')
-    self.remote.run_cmd(
-        f'sed -i \':a;N;$!ba;s/{string_from}/{string_to}/g\' {cfg_path}')
-    return True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/ims.py b/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/ims.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ee575c4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/ims.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import logging
-from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Union
-from antlion.controllers.amarisoft_lib import amarisoft_client
-from antlion.controllers.amarisoft_lib import amarisoft_constants as const
-class ImsFunctions():
-  """Utilities for Amarisoft's IMS Remote API.
-  Attributes:
-    remote: An amarisoft client.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, remote: amarisoft_client.AmariSoftClient):
-    self.remote = remote
-  def make_call(self,
-              impi: str,
-              impu: str,
-              contact: str,
-              sip_file: str = 'mt_call_qos.sdp',
-              caller: str = 'Amarisoft',
-              duration: int = 30) -> None:
-    """Performs MT call from callbox to test device.
-    Args:
-      impi: IMPI (IP Multimedia Private identity) of user to call.
-      impu: IMPU (IP Multimedia Public identity) of user to call.
-      contact: Contact SIP uri of user to call.
-      sip_file: Define file to use as sdp.
-      caller: The number/ID is displayed as the caller.
-      duration: If set, call duration in seconds (The server will close the
-        dialog).
-    """
-    msg = {}
-    msg['message'] = 'mt_call'
-    msg['impi'] = impi
-    msg['impu'] = impu
-    msg['contact'] = contact
-    msg['sip_file'] = sip_file
-    msg['caller'] = caller
-    msg['duration'] = duration
-    dump_msg = json.dumps(msg)
-    logging.debug('mt_call dump msg = %s', dump_msg)
-    head, body = self.remote.send_message(const.PortNumber.URI_IMS, dump_msg)
-    self.remote.verify_response('mt_call', head, body)
-  def send_sms(self,
-               text: str,
-               impi: str,
-               sender: Optional[str] = 'Amarisoft') -> None:
-    """Sends SMS to assigned device which connect to Amarisoft.
-    Args:
-      text: SMS text to send.
-      impi: IMPI (IP Multimedia Private identity) of user.
-      sender: Sets SMS sender.
-    """
-    msg = {}
-    msg['message'] = 'sms'
-    msg['text'] = text
-    msg['impi'] = impi
-    msg['sender'] = sender
-    dump_msg = json.dumps(msg)
-    logging.debug('send_sms dump msg = %s', dump_msg)
-    head, body = self.remote.send_message(const.PortNumber.URI_IMS, dump_msg)
-    self.remote.verify_response('sms', head, body)
-  def send_mms(self, filename: str, sender: str, receiver: str) -> None:
-    """Sends MMS to assigned device which connect to Amarisoft.
-    Args:
-      filename: File name with absolute path to send. Extensions jpg, jpeg, png,
-        gif and txt are supported.
-      sender: IMPI (IP Multimedia Private identity) of user.
-      receiver: IMPU (IP Multimedia Public identity) of user.
-    """
-    msg = {}
-    msg['message'] = 'mms'
-    msg['filename'] = filename
-    msg['sender'] = sender
-    msg['receiver'] = receiver
-    dump_msg = json.dumps(msg)
-    logging.debug('send_mms dump msg = %s', dump_msg)
-    head, body = self.remote.send_message(const.PortNumber.URI_IMS, dump_msg)
-    self.remote.verify_response('mms', head, body)
-  def users_get(self, registered_only: bool = True) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
-    """Gets users state.
-    Args:
-      registered_only: If set, only registered user will be dumped.
-    Returns:
-      The user information.
-    """
-    msg = {}
-    msg['message'] = 'users_get'
-    msg['registered_only'] = registered_only
-    dump_msg = json.dumps(msg)
-    logging.debug('users_get dump msg = %s', dump_msg)
-    head, body = self.remote.send_message(const.PortNumber.URI_IMS, dump_msg)
-    _, loaded_body = self.remote.verify_response('users_get', head, body)
-    return loaded_body
-  def get_impu(self, impi) -> Union[str, None]:
-    """Obtains the IMPU of the target user according to IMPI.
-    Args:
-      impi: IMPI (IP Multimedia Private identity) of user to call. ex:
-        "310260123456785@ims.mnc260.mcc310.3gppnetwork.org"
-    Returns:
-      The IMPU of target user.
-    """
-    body = self.users_get(True)
-    for index in range(len(body['users'])):
-      if impi in body['users'][index]['impi']:
-        impu = body['users'][index]['bindings'][0]['impu'][1]
-        return impu
-    return None
-  def get_uri(self, impi) -> Union[str, None]:
-    """Obtains the URI of the target user according to IMPI.
-    Args:
-      impi: IMPI (IP Multimedia Private identity) of user to call. ex:
-        "310260123456785@ims.mnc260.mcc310.3gppnetwork.org"
-    Returns:
-      The URI of target user.
-    """
-    body = self.users_get(True)
-    for index in range(len(body['users'])):
-      if impi in body['users'][index]['impi']:
-        uri = body['users'][index]['bindings'][0]['uri']
-        return uri
-    return None
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/mme.py b/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/mme.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7ee42..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/mme.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import logging
-from antlion.controllers.amarisoft_lib import amarisoft_constants as const
-from antlion.controllers.amarisoft_lib import amarisoft_client
-class MmeFunctions():
-  """Utilities for Amarisoft's MME Remote API.
-  Attributes:
-    remote: An amarisoft client.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, remote: amarisoft_client.AmariSoftClient):
-    self.remote = remote
-  def pws_write(self, local_id: str, n50: bool = False):
-    """Broadcasts emergency alert message.
-    Args:
-      local_id: ID of the message as defined by local identifier in MME
-        configuration file.
-      n50: If True, N50 interface is used, otherwise SBC interface is used. (see TS 23.041)
-    """
-    msg = {}
-    msg['message'] = 'pws_write'
-    msg['local_id'] = local_id
-    msg['nf'] = n50
-    dump_msg = json.dumps(msg)
-    logging.debug('pws_write dump msg = %s', dump_msg)
-    head, body = self.remote.send_message(const.PortNumber.URI_MME, dump_msg)
-    self.remote.verify_response('pws_write', head, body)
-  def pws_kill(self, local_id: str, n50: bool = False):
-    """Stops broadcasts emergency alert message.
-    Args:
-      local_id: ID of the message as defined by local identifier in MME
-        configuration file.
-      n50: If True, N50 interface is used, otherwise SBC interface is used. (see TS 23.041)
-    """
-    msg = {}
-    msg['message'] = 'pws_kill'
-    msg['local_id'] = local_id
-    msg['nf'] = n50
-    dump_msg = json.dumps(msg)
-    logging.debug('pws_kill dump msg = %s', dump_msg)
-    head, body = self.remote.send_message(const.PortNumber.URI_MME, dump_msg)
-    self.remote.verify_response('pws_kill', head, body)
-  def ue_del(self, imsi: str):
-    """Remove UE from the UE database and force disconnect if necessary.
-    Args:
-      imsi: IMSI of the UE to delete.
-    """
-    msg = {}
-    msg['message'] = 'ue_del'
-    msg['imsi'] = imsi
-    dump_msg = json.dumps(msg)
-    logging.debug('ue_del dump msg = %s', dump_msg)
-    head, body = self.remote.send_message(const.PortNumber.URI_MME, dump_msg)
-    self.remote.verify_response('ue_del', head, body)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/ssh_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/ssh_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fccc1d7..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/amarisoft_lib/ssh_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from typing import Sequence
-import paramiko
-class RunCommandError(Exception):
-  """Raises an error when run command fail."""
-class NotConnectedError(Exception):
-  """Raises an error when run command without SSH connect."""
-class RemoteClient:
-  """The SSH client class interacts with the test machine.
-  Attributes:
-    host: A string representing the IP address of amarisoft.
-    port: A string representing the default port of SSH.
-    username: A string representing the username of amarisoft.
-    password: A string representing the password of amarisoft.
-    ssh: A SSH client.
-    sftp: A SFTP client.
-  """
-  def __init__(self,
-               host: str,
-               username: str,
-               password: str,
-               port: str = '22') -> None:
-    self.host = host
-    self.port = port
-    self.username = username
-    self.password = password
-    self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
-    self.sftp = None
-  def ssh_is_connected(self) -> bool:
-    """Checks SSH connect or not.
-    Returns:
-      True if SSH is connected, False otherwise.
-    """
-    return self.ssh and self.ssh.get_transport().is_active()
-  def ssh_close(self) -> bool:
-    """Closes the SSH connection.
-    Returns:
-      True if ssh session closed, False otherwise.
-    """
-    for _ in range(COMMAND_RETRY_TIMES):
-      if self.ssh_is_connected():
-        self.ssh.close()
-      else:
-        return True
-    return False
-  def connect(self) -> bool:
-    """Creats SSH connection.
-    Returns:
-      True if success, False otherwise.
-    """
-    for _ in range(COMMAND_RETRY_TIMES):
-      try:
-        self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
-        self.ssh.connect(self.host, self.port, self.username, self.password)
-        self.ssh.get_transport().set_keepalive(1)
-        self.sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(self.ssh.get_transport())
-        return True
-      except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
-        self.ssh_close()
-    return False
-  def run_cmd(self, cmd: str) -> Sequence[str]:
-    """Runs shell command.
-    Args:
-      cmd: Command to be executed.
-    Returns:
-      Standard output of the shell command.
-    Raises:
-       RunCommandError: Raise error when command failed.
-       NotConnectedError: Raised when run command without SSH connect.
-    """
-    if not self.ssh_is_connected():
-      raise NotConnectedError('ssh remote has not been established')
-    logging.debug('ssh remote -> %s', cmd)
-    _, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(cmd)
-    err = stderr.readlines()
-    if err:
-      logging.error('command failed.')
-      raise RunCommandError(err)
-    return stdout.readlines()
-  def is_file_exist(self, file: str) -> bool:
-    """Checks target file exist.
-    Args:
-        file: Target file with absolute path.
-    Returns:
-        True if file exist, false otherwise.
-    """
-    return any('exist' in line for line in self.run_cmd(
-        f'if [ -f "{file}" ]; then echo -e "exist"; fi'))
-  def sftp_upload(self, src: str, dst: str) -> bool:
-    """Uploads a local file to remote side.
-    Args:
-      src: The target file with absolute path.
-      dst: The absolute path to put the file with file name.
-      For example:
-        upload('/usr/local/google/home/zoeyliu/Desktop/sample_config.yml',
-        '/root/sample_config.yml')
-    Returns:
-      True if file upload success, False otherwise.
-    Raises:
-       NotConnectedError: Raised when run command without SSH connect.
-    """
-    if not self.ssh_is_connected():
-      raise NotConnectedError('ssh remote has not been established')
-    if not self.sftp:
-      raise NotConnectedError('sftp remote has not been established')
-    logging.info('[local] %s -> [remote] %s', src, dst)
-    self.sftp.put(src, dst)
-    return self.is_file_exist(dst)
-  def sftp_download(self, src: str, dst: str) -> bool:
-    """Downloads a file to local.
-    Args:
-      src: The target file with absolute path.
-      dst: The absolute path to put the file.
-    Returns:
-      True if file download success, False otherwise.
-    Raises:
-       NotConnectedError: Raised when run command without SSH connect.
-    """
-    if not self.ssh_is_connected():
-      raise NotConnectedError('ssh remote has not been established')
-    if not self.sftp:
-      raise NotConnectedError('sftp remote has not been established')
-    logging.info('[remote] %s -> [local] %s', src, dst)
-    self.sftp.get(src, dst)
-    return self.is_file_exist(dst)
-  def sftp_list_dir(self, path: str) -> Sequence[str]:
-    """Lists the names of the entries in the given path.
-    Args:
-      path: The path of the list.
-    Returns:
-      The names of the entries in the given path.
-    Raises:
-       NotConnectedError: Raised when run command without SSH connect.
-    """
-    if not self.ssh_is_connected():
-      raise NotConnectedError('ssh remote has not been established')
-    if not self.sftp:
-      raise NotConnectedError('sftp remote has not been established')
-    return sorted(self.sftp.listdir(path))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/android_device.py b/src/antlion/controllers/android_device.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f8987e8..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/android_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1780 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import socket
-import time
-from builtins import open
-from builtins import str
-from datetime import datetime
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import logger as acts_logger
-from antlion import tracelogger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import adb
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.controllers import fastboot
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import errors
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import events as android_events
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import logcat
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import services
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import sl4a_manager
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-# Key name for SL4A extra params in config file
-# Key name for adb logcat extra params in config file.
-ANDROID_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration is empty, abort!"
-ANDROID_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration should be a list, abort!"
-CRASH_REPORT_PATHS = ("/data/tombstones/", "/data/vendor/ramdump/",
-                      "/data/ramdump/", "/data/vendor/ssrdump",
-                      "/data/vendor/ramdump/bluetooth", "/data/vendor/log/cbd")
-                      "bluetooth")
-ALWAYS_ON_LOG_PATH = "/data/vendor/radio/logs/always-on"
-DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH = "/data/vendor/radio/diag_logs"
-DEFAULT_SDM_LOG_PATH = "/data/vendor/slog/"
-DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_PATH = "/sdcard/Pictures/screencap"
-SL4A_APK_NAME = "com.googlecode.android_scripting"
-RELEASE_ID_REGEXES = [re.compile(r'\w+\.\d+\.\d+'), re.compile(r'N\w+')]
-def create(configs):
-    """Creates AndroidDevice controller objects.
-    Args:
-        configs: A list of dicts, each representing a configuration for an
-                 Android device.
-    Returns:
-        A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    """
-    if not configs:
-        raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(ANDROID_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG)
-    elif configs == ANDROID_DEVICE_PICK_ALL_TOKEN:
-        ads = get_all_instances()
-    elif not isinstance(configs, list):
-        raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
-    elif isinstance(configs[0], str):
-        # Configs is a list of serials.
-        ads = get_instances(configs)
-    else:
-        # Configs is a list of dicts.
-        ads = get_instances_with_configs(configs)
-    ads[0].log.info('The primary device under test is "%s".' % ads[0].serial)
-    for ad in ads:
-        if not ad.is_connected():
-            raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
-                ("Android device %s is specified in config"
-                 " but is not attached.") % ad.serial,
-                serial=ad.serial)
-    _start_services_on_ads(ads)
-    for ad in ads:
-        if ad.droid:
-            utils.set_location_service(ad, False)
-            utils.sync_device_time(ad)
-    return ads
-def destroy(ads):
-    """Cleans up AndroidDevice objects.
-    Args:
-        ads: A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    """
-    for ad in ads:
-        try:
-            ad.clean_up()
-        except:
-            ad.log.exception("Failed to clean up properly.")
-def get_info(ads):
-    """Get information on a list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    Args:
-        ads: A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    Returns:
-        A list of dict, each representing info for an AndroidDevice objects.
-    """
-    device_info = []
-    for ad in ads:
-        info = {"serial": ad.serial, "model": ad.model}
-        info.update(ad.build_info)
-        device_info.append(info)
-    return device_info
-def _start_services_on_ads(ads):
-    """Starts long running services on multiple AndroidDevice objects.
-    If any one AndroidDevice object fails to start services, cleans up all
-    existing AndroidDevice objects and their services.
-    Args:
-        ads: A list of AndroidDevice objects whose services to start.
-    """
-    running_ads = []
-    for ad in ads:
-        running_ads.append(ad)
-        try:
-            ad.start_services()
-        except:
-            ad.log.exception('Failed to start some services, abort!')
-            destroy(running_ads)
-            raise
-def _parse_device_list(device_list_str, key):
-    """Parses a byte string representing a list of devices. The string is
-    generated by calling either adb or fastboot.
-    Args:
-        device_list_str: Output of adb or fastboot.
-        key: The token that signifies a device in device_list_str.
-    Returns:
-        A list of android device serial numbers.
-    """
-    return re.findall(r"(\S+)\t%s" % key, device_list_str)
-def list_adb_devices():
-    """List all android devices connected to the computer that are detected by
-    adb.
-    Returns:
-        A list of android device serials. Empty if there's none.
-    """
-    out = adb.AdbProxy().devices()
-    return _parse_device_list(out, "device")
-def list_fastboot_devices():
-    """List all android devices connected to the computer that are in in
-    fastboot mode. These are detected by fastboot.
-    Returns:
-        A list of android device serials. Empty if there's none.
-    """
-    out = fastboot.FastbootProxy().devices()
-    return _parse_device_list(out, "fastboot")
-def get_instances(serials):
-    """Create AndroidDevice instances from a list of serials.
-    Args:
-        serials: A list of android device serials.
-    Returns:
-        A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    """
-    results = []
-    for s in serials:
-        results.append(AndroidDevice(s))
-    return results
-def get_instances_with_configs(configs):
-    """Create AndroidDevice instances from a list of json configs.
-    Each config should have the required key-value pair "serial".
-    Args:
-        configs: A list of dicts each representing the configuration of one
-            android device.
-    Returns:
-        A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    """
-    results = []
-    for c in configs:
-        try:
-            serial = c.pop('serial')
-        except KeyError:
-            raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
-                "Required value 'serial' is missing in AndroidDevice config %s."
-                % c)
-        client_port = 0
-            try:
-                client_port = int(c.pop(ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_CLIENT_PORT_KEY))
-            except ValueError:
-                raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
-                    "'%s' is not a valid number for config %s" %
-                    (ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_CLIENT_PORT_KEY, c))
-        server_port = None
-            try:
-                server_port = int(c.pop(ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_SERVER_PORT_KEY))
-            except ValueError:
-                raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
-                    "'%s' is not a valid number for config %s" %
-                    (ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_SERVER_PORT_KEY, c))
-        forwarded_port = 0
-            try:
-                forwarded_port = int(
-                    c.pop(ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_FORWARDED_PORT_KEY))
-            except ValueError:
-                raise errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError(
-                    "'%s' is not a valid number for config %s" %
-                    (ANDROID_DEVICE_SL4A_FORWARDED_PORT_KEY, c))
-        ssh_config = c.pop('ssh_config', None)
-        ssh_connection = None
-        if ssh_config is not None:
-            ssh_settings = settings.from_config(ssh_config)
-            ssh_connection = connection.SshConnection(ssh_settings)
-        ad = AndroidDevice(serial,
-                           ssh_connection=ssh_connection,
-                           client_port=client_port,
-                           forwarded_port=forwarded_port,
-                           server_port=server_port)
-        ad.load_config(c)
-        results.append(ad)
-    return results
-def get_all_instances(include_fastboot=False):
-    """Create AndroidDevice instances for all attached android devices.
-    Args:
-        include_fastboot: Whether to include devices in bootloader mode or not.
-    Returns:
-        A list of AndroidDevice objects each representing an android device
-        attached to the computer.
-    """
-    if include_fastboot:
-        serial_list = list_adb_devices() + list_fastboot_devices()
-        return get_instances(serial_list)
-    return get_instances(list_adb_devices())
-def filter_devices(ads, func):
-    """Finds the AndroidDevice instances from a list that match certain
-    conditions.
-    Args:
-        ads: A list of AndroidDevice instances.
-        func: A function that takes an AndroidDevice object and returns True
-            if the device satisfies the filter condition.
-    Returns:
-        A list of AndroidDevice instances that satisfy the filter condition.
-    """
-    results = []
-    for ad in ads:
-        if func(ad):
-            results.append(ad)
-    return results
-def get_device(ads, **kwargs):
-    """Finds a unique AndroidDevice instance from a list that has specific
-    attributes of certain values.
-    Example:
-        get_device(android_devices, label="foo", phone_number="1234567890")
-        get_device(android_devices, model="angler")
-    Args:
-        ads: A list of AndroidDevice instances.
-        kwargs: keyword arguments used to filter AndroidDevice instances.
-    Returns:
-        The target AndroidDevice instance.
-    Raises:
-        AndroidDeviceError is raised if none or more than one device is
-        matched.
-    """
-    def _get_device_filter(ad):
-        for k, v in kwargs.items():
-            if not hasattr(ad, k):
-                return False
-            elif getattr(ad, k) != v:
-                return False
-        return True
-    filtered = filter_devices(ads, _get_device_filter)
-    if not filtered:
-        raise ValueError(
-            "Could not find a target device that matches condition: %s." %
-            kwargs)
-    elif len(filtered) == 1:
-        return filtered[0]
-    else:
-        serials = [ad.serial for ad in filtered]
-        raise ValueError("More than one device matched: %s" % serials)
-def take_bug_reports(ads, test_name, begin_time):
-    """Takes bug reports on a list of android devices.
-    If you want to take a bug report, call this function with a list of
-    android_device objects in on_fail. But reports will be taken on all the
-    devices in the list concurrently. Bug report takes a relative long
-    time to take, so use this cautiously.
-    Args:
-        ads: A list of AndroidDevice instances.
-        test_name: Name of the test case that triggered this bug report.
-        begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
-    """
-    def take_br(test_name, begin_time, ad):
-        ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-    args = [(test_name, begin_time, ad) for ad in ads]
-    utils.concurrent_exec(take_br, args)
-class AndroidDevice:
-    """Class representing an android device.
-    Each object of this class represents one Android device in ACTS, including
-    handles to adb, fastboot, and sl4a clients. In addition to direct adb
-    commands, this object also uses adb port forwarding to talk to the Android
-    device.
-    Attributes:
-        serial: A string that's the serial number of the Android device.
-        log_path: A string that is the path where all logs collected on this
-                  android device should be stored.
-        log: A logger adapted from root logger with added token specific to an
-             AndroidDevice instance.
-        adb_logcat_process: A process that collects the adb logcat.
-        adb: An AdbProxy object used for interacting with the device via adb.
-        fastboot: A FastbootProxy object used for interacting with the device
-                  via fastboot.
-        client_port: Preferred client port number on the PC host side for SL4A
-        forwarded_port: Preferred server port number forwarded from Android
-                        to the host PC via adb for SL4A connections
-        server_port: Preferred server port used by SL4A on Android device
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 serial='',
-                 ssh_connection=None,
-                 client_port=0,
-                 forwarded_port=0,
-                 server_port=None):
-        self.serial = serial
-        # logging.log_path only exists when this is used in an ACTS test run.
-        log_path_base = getattr(logging, 'log_path', '/tmp/logs')
-        self.log_dir = 'AndroidDevice%s' % serial
-        self.log_path = os.path.join(log_path_base, self.log_dir)
-        self.client_port = client_port
-        self.forwarded_port = forwarded_port
-        self.server_port = server_port
-        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(
-            AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(),
-                                       {'serial': serial}))
-        self._event_dispatchers = {}
-        self._services = []
-        self.register_service(services.AdbLogcatService(self))
-        self.register_service(services.Sl4aService(self))
-        self.adb_logcat_process = None
-        self.adb = adb.AdbProxy(serial, ssh_connection=ssh_connection)
-        self.fastboot = fastboot.FastbootProxy(serial,
-                                               ssh_connection=ssh_connection)
-        if not self.is_bootloader:
-            self.root_adb()
-        self._ssh_connection = ssh_connection
-        self.skip_sl4a = False
-        self.crash_report = None
-        self.data_accounting = collections.defaultdict(int)
-        self._sl4a_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(self.adb)
-        self.last_logcat_timestamp = None
-        # Device info cache.
-        self._user_added_device_info = {}
-        self._sdk_api_level = None
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Cleans up the AndroidDevice object and releases any resources it
-        claimed.
-        """
-        self.stop_services()
-        for service in self._services:
-            service.unregister()
-        self._services.clear()
-        if self._ssh_connection:
-            self._ssh_connection.close()
-    def recreate_services(self, serial):
-        """Clean up the AndroidDevice object and re-create adb/sl4a services.
-        Unregister the existing services and re-create adb and sl4a services,
-        call this method when the connection break after certain API call
-        (e.g., enable USB tethering by #startTethering)
-        Args:
-            serial: the serial number of the AndroidDevice
-        """
-        # Clean the old services
-        for service in self._services:
-            service.unregister()
-        self._services.clear()
-        if self._ssh_connection:
-            self._ssh_connection.close()
-        self._sl4a_manager.stop_service()
-        # Wait for old services to stop
-        time.sleep(5)
-        # Re-create the new adb and sl4a services
-        self.register_service(services.AdbLogcatService(self))
-        self.register_service(services.Sl4aService(self))
-        self.adb.wait_for_device()
-        self.terminate_all_sessions()
-        self.start_services()
-    def register_service(self, service):
-        """Registers the service on the device. """
-        service.register()
-        self._services.append(service)
-    # TODO(angli): This function shall be refactored to accommodate all services
-    # and not have hard coded switch for SL4A when b/29157104 is done.
-    def start_services(self, skip_setup_wizard=True):
-        """Starts long running services on the android device.
-        1. Start adb logcat capture.
-        2. Start SL4A if not skipped.
-        Args:
-            skip_setup_wizard: Whether or not to skip the setup wizard.
-        """
-        if skip_setup_wizard:
-            self.exit_setup_wizard()
-        event_bus.post(android_events.AndroidStartServicesEvent(self))
-    def stop_services(self):
-        """Stops long running services on the android device.
-        Stop adb logcat and terminate sl4a sessions if exist.
-        """
-        event_bus.post(android_events.AndroidStopServicesEvent(self),
-                       ignore_errors=True)
-    def is_connected(self):
-        out = self.adb.devices()
-        devices = _parse_device_list(out, "device")
-        return self.serial in devices
-    @property
-    def build_info(self):
-        """Get the build info of this Android device, including build id and
-        build type.
-        This is not available if the device is in bootloader mode.
-        Returns:
-            A dict with the build info of this Android device, or None if the
-            device is in bootloader mode.
-        """
-        if self.is_bootloader:
-            self.log.error("Device is in fastboot mode, could not get build "
-                           "info.")
-            return
-        build_id = self.adb.getprop("ro.build.id")
-        incremental_build_id = self.adb.getprop("ro.build.version.incremental")
-        valid_build_id = False
-        for regex in RELEASE_ID_REGEXES:
-            if re.match(regex, build_id):
-                valid_build_id = True
-                break
-        if not valid_build_id:
-            build_id = incremental_build_id
-        info = {
-            "build_id": build_id,
-            "incremental_build_id": incremental_build_id,
-            "build_type": self.adb.getprop("ro.build.type")
-        }
-        return info
-    @property
-    def device_info(self):
-        """Information to be pulled into controller info.
-        The latest serial, model, and build_info are included. Additional info
-        can be added via `add_device_info`.
-        """
-        info = {
-            'serial': self.serial,
-            'model': self.model,
-            'build_info': self.build_info,
-            'user_added_info': self._user_added_device_info,
-            'flavor': self.flavor
-        }
-        return info
-    def add_device_info(self, name, info):
-        """Add custom device info to the user_added_info section.
-        Adding the same info name the second time will override existing info.
-        Args:
-          name: string, name of this info.
-          info: serializable, content of the info.
-        """
-        self._user_added_device_info.update({name: info})
-    def sdk_api_level(self):
-        if self._sdk_api_level is not None:
-            return self._sdk_api_level
-        if self.is_bootloader:
-            self.log.error(
-                'Device is in fastboot mode. Cannot get build info.')
-            return
-        self._sdk_api_level = int(
-            self.adb.shell('getprop ro.build.version.sdk'))
-        return self._sdk_api_level
-    @property
-    def is_bootloader(self):
-        """True if the device is in bootloader mode.
-        """
-        return self.serial in list_fastboot_devices()
-    @property
-    def is_adb_root(self):
-        """True if adb is running as root for this device.
-        """
-        try:
-            return "0" == self.adb.shell("id -u")
-        except AdbError:
-            # Wait a bit and retry to work around adb flakiness for this cmd.
-            time.sleep(0.2)
-            return "0" == self.adb.shell("id -u")
-    @property
-    def model(self):
-        """The Android code name for the device."""
-        # If device is in bootloader mode, get mode name from fastboot.
-        if self.is_bootloader:
-            out = self.fastboot.getvar("product").strip()
-            # "out" is never empty because of the "total time" message fastboot
-            # writes to stderr.
-            lines = out.split('\n', 1)
-            if lines:
-                tokens = lines[0].split(' ')
-                if len(tokens) > 1:
-                    return tokens[1].lower()
-            return None
-        model = self.adb.getprop("ro.build.product").lower()
-        if model == "sprout":
-            return model
-        else:
-            return self.adb.getprop("ro.product.name").lower()
-    @property
-    def flavor(self):
-        """Returns the specific flavor of Android build the device is using."""
-        return self.adb.getprop("ro.build.flavor").lower()
-    @property
-    def droid(self):
-        """Returns the RPC Service of the first Sl4aSession created."""
-        if len(self._sl4a_manager.sessions) > 0:
-            session_id = sorted(self._sl4a_manager.sessions.keys())[0]
-            return self._sl4a_manager.sessions[session_id].rpc_client
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def ed(self):
-        """Returns the event dispatcher of the first Sl4aSession created."""
-        if len(self._sl4a_manager.sessions) > 0:
-            session_id = sorted(self._sl4a_manager.sessions.keys())[0]
-            return self._sl4a_manager.sessions[
-                session_id].get_event_dispatcher()
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def sl4a_sessions(self):
-        """Returns a dictionary of session ids to sessions."""
-        return list(self._sl4a_manager.sessions)
-    @property
-    def is_adb_logcat_on(self):
-        """Whether there is an ongoing adb logcat collection.
-        """
-        if self.adb_logcat_process:
-            if self.adb_logcat_process.is_running():
-                return True
-            else:
-                # if skip_sl4a is true, there is no sl4a session
-                # if logcat died due to device reboot and sl4a session has
-                # not restarted there is no droid.
-                if self.droid:
-                    self.droid.logI('Logcat died')
-                self.log.info("Logcat to %s died", self.log_path)
-                return False
-        return False
-    @property
-    def device_log_path(self):
-        """Returns the directory for all Android device logs for the current
-        test context and serial.
-        """
-        return context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(self.serial)
-    def update_sdk_api_level(self):
-        self._sdk_api_level = None
-        self.sdk_api_level()
-    def load_config(self, config):
-        """Add attributes to the AndroidDevice object based on json config.
-        Args:
-            config: A dictionary representing the configs.
-        Raises:
-            AndroidDeviceError is raised if the config is trying to overwrite
-            an existing attribute.
-        """
-        for k, v in config.items():
-            # skip_sl4a value can be reset from config file
-            if hasattr(self, k) and k != "skip_sl4a":
-                raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
-                    "Attempting to set existing attribute %s on %s" %
-                    (k, self.serial),
-                    serial=self.serial)
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-    def root_adb(self):
-        """Change adb to root mode for this device if allowed.
-        If executed on a production build, adb will not be switched to root
-        mode per security restrictions.
-        """
-        if self.is_adb_root:
-            return
-        for attempt in range(ADB_ROOT_RETRY_COUNT):
-            try:
-                self.log.debug('Enabling ADB root mode: attempt %d.' % attempt)
-                self.adb.root()
-            except AdbError:
-                if attempt == ADB_ROOT_RETRY_COUNT:
-                    raise
-                time.sleep(ADB_ROOT_RETRY_INTERVAL)
-        self.adb.wait_for_device()
-    def get_droid(self, handle_event=True):
-        """Create an sl4a connection to the device.
-        Return the connection handler 'droid'. By default, another connection
-        on the same session is made for EventDispatcher, and the dispatcher is
-        returned to the caller as well.
-        If sl4a server is not started on the device, try to start it.
-        Args:
-            handle_event: True if this droid session will need to handle
-                events.
-        Returns:
-            droid: Android object used to communicate with sl4a on the android
-                device.
-            ed: An optional EventDispatcher to organize events for this droid.
-        Examples:
-            Don't need event handling:
-            >>> ad = AndroidDevice()
-            >>> droid = ad.get_droid(False)
-            Need event handling:
-            >>> ad = AndroidDevice()
-            >>> droid, ed = ad.get_droid()
-        """
-        self.log.debug(
-            "Creating RPC client_port={}, forwarded_port={}, server_port={}".
-            format(self.client_port, self.forwarded_port, self.server_port))
-        session = self._sl4a_manager.create_session(
-            client_port=self.client_port,
-            forwarded_port=self.forwarded_port,
-            server_port=self.server_port)
-        droid = session.rpc_client
-        if handle_event:
-            ed = session.get_event_dispatcher()
-            return droid, ed
-        return droid
-    def get_package_pid(self, package_name):
-        """Gets the pid for a given package. Returns None if not running.
-        Args:
-            package_name: The name of the package.
-        Returns:
-            The first pid found under a given package name. None if no process
-            was found running the package.
-        Raises:
-            AndroidDeviceError if the output of the phone's process list was
-            in an unexpected format.
-        """
-        for cmd in ("ps -A", "ps"):
-            try:
-                out = self.adb.shell('%s | grep "S %s"' % (cmd, package_name),
-                                     ignore_status=True)
-                if package_name not in out:
-                    continue
-                try:
-                    pid = int(out.split()[1])
-                    self.log.info('apk %s has pid %s.', package_name, pid)
-                    return pid
-                except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
-                    # Possible ValueError from string to int cast.
-                    # Possible IndexError from split.
-                    self.log.warning(
-                        'Command \"%s\" returned output line: '
-                        '\"%s\".\nError: %s', cmd, out, e)
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    'Device fails to check if %s running with \"%s\"\n'
-                    'Exception %s', package_name, cmd, e)
-        self.log.debug("apk %s is not running", package_name)
-        return None
-    def get_dispatcher(self, droid):
-        """Return an EventDispatcher for an sl4a session
-        Args:
-            droid: Session to create EventDispatcher for.
-        Returns:
-            ed: An EventDispatcher for specified session.
-        """
-        return self._sl4a_manager.sessions[droid.uid].get_event_dispatcher()
-    def _is_timestamp_in_range(self, target, log_begin_time, log_end_time):
-        low = acts_logger.logline_timestamp_comparator(log_begin_time,
-                                                       target) <= 0
-        high = acts_logger.logline_timestamp_comparator(log_end_time,
-                                                        target) >= 0
-        return low and high
-    def cat_adb_log(self,
-                    tag,
-                    begin_time,
-                    end_time=None,
-                    dest_path="AdbLogExcerpts"):
-        """Takes an excerpt of the adb logcat log from a certain time point to
-        current time.
-        Args:
-            tag: An identifier of the time period, usually the name of a test.
-            begin_time: Epoch time of the beginning of the time period.
-            end_time: Epoch time of the ending of the time period, default None
-            dest_path: Destination path of the excerpt file.
-        """
-        log_begin_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(begin_time)
-        if end_time is None:
-            log_end_time = acts_logger.get_log_line_timestamp()
-        else:
-            log_end_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(end_time)
-        self.log.debug("Extracting adb log from logcat.")
-        logcat_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path,
-                                   'adblog_%s_debug.txt' % self.serial)
-        if not os.path.exists(logcat_path):
-            self.log.warning("Logcat file %s does not exist." % logcat_path)
-            return
-        adb_excerpt_dir = os.path.join(self.log_path, dest_path)
-        os.makedirs(adb_excerpt_dir, exist_ok=True)
-        out_name = '%s,%s.txt' % (acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
-            log_begin_time), self.serial)
-        tag_len = utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN - len(out_name)
-        out_name = '%s,%s' % (tag[:tag_len], out_name)
-        adb_excerpt_path = os.path.join(adb_excerpt_dir, out_name)
-        with open(adb_excerpt_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as out:
-            in_file = logcat_path
-            with open(in_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f:
-                while True:
-                    line = None
-                    try:
-                        line = f.readline()
-                        if not line:
-                            break
-                    except:
-                        continue
-                    line_time = line[:acts_logger.log_line_timestamp_len]
-                    if not acts_logger.is_valid_logline_timestamp(line_time):
-                        continue
-                    if self._is_timestamp_in_range(line_time, log_begin_time,
-                                                   log_end_time):
-                        if not line.endswith('\n'):
-                            line += '\n'
-                        out.write(line)
-        return adb_excerpt_path
-    def search_logcat(self,
-                      matching_string,
-                      begin_time=None,
-                      end_time=None,
-                      logcat_path=None):
-        """Search logcat message with given string.
-        Args:
-            matching_string: matching_string to search.
-            begin_time: only the lines with time stamps later than begin_time
-                will be searched.
-            end_time: only the lines with time stamps earlier than end_time
-                will be searched.
-            logcat_path: the path of a specific file in which the search should
-                be performed. If None the path will be the default device log
-                path.
-        Returns:
-            A list of dictionaries with full log message, time stamp string,
-            time object and message ID. For example:
-            [{"log_message": "05-03 17:39:29.898   968  1001 D"
-                              "ActivityManager: Sending BOOT_COMPLETE user #0",
-              "time_stamp": "2017-05-03 17:39:29.898",
-              "datetime_obj": datetime object,
-              "message_id": None}]
-            [{"log_message": "08-12 14:26:42.611043  2360  2510 D RILJ    : "
-                             "[0853]< DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL  [PHONE0]",
-              "time_stamp": "2020-08-12 14:26:42.611043",
-              "datetime_obj": datetime object},
-              "message_id": "0853"}]
-        """
-        if not logcat_path:
-            logcat_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path,
-                                       'adblog_%s_debug.txt' % self.serial)
-        if not os.path.exists(logcat_path):
-            self.log.warning("Logcat file %s does not exist." % logcat_path)
-            return
-        output = job.run("grep '%s' %s" % (matching_string, logcat_path),
-                         ignore_status=True)
-        if not output.stdout or output.exit_status != 0:
-            return []
-        if begin_time:
-            if not isinstance(begin_time, datetime):
-                log_begin_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(
-                    begin_time)
-                begin_time = datetime.strptime(log_begin_time,
-                                               "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
-        if end_time:
-            if not isinstance(end_time, datetime):
-                log_end_time = acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(
-                    end_time)
-                end_time = datetime.strptime(log_end_time,
-                                             "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
-        result = []
-        logs = re.findall(r'(\S+\s\S+)(.*)', output.stdout)
-        for log in logs:
-            time_stamp = log[0]
-            time_obj = datetime.strptime(time_stamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
-            if begin_time and time_obj < begin_time:
-                continue
-            if end_time and time_obj > end_time:
-                continue
-            res = re.findall(r'.*\[(\d+)\]', log[1])
-            try:
-                message_id = res[0]
-            except:
-                message_id = None
-            result.append({
-                "log_message": "".join(log),
-                "time_stamp": time_stamp,
-                "datetime_obj": time_obj,
-                "message_id": message_id
-            })
-        return result
-    def start_adb_logcat(self):
-        """Starts a standing adb logcat collection in separate subprocesses and
-        save the logcat in a file.
-        """
-        if self.is_adb_logcat_on:
-            self.log.warning(
-                'Android device %s already has a running adb logcat thread. ' %
-                self.serial)
-            return
-        # Disable adb log spam filter. Have to stop and clear settings first
-        # because 'start' doesn't support --clear option before Android N.
-        self.adb.shell("logpersist.stop --clear", ignore_status=True)
-        self.adb.shell("logpersist.start", ignore_status=True)
-        if hasattr(self, 'adb_logcat_param'):
-            extra_params = self.adb_logcat_param
-        else:
-            extra_params = "-b all"
-        self.adb_logcat_process = logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process(
-            self.serial, self.log_dir, extra_params)
-        self.adb_logcat_process.start()
-    def stop_adb_logcat(self):
-        """Stops the adb logcat collection subprocess.
-        """
-        if not self.is_adb_logcat_on:
-            self.log.warning(
-                'Android device %s does not have an ongoing adb logcat ' %
-                self.serial)
-            return
-        # Set the last timestamp to the current timestamp. This may cause
-        # a race condition that allows the same line to be logged twice,
-        # but it does not pose a problem for our logging purposes.
-        self.adb_logcat_process.stop()
-        self.adb_logcat_process = None
-    def get_apk_uid(self, apk_name):
-        """Get the uid of the given apk.
-        Args:
-        apk_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
-        Returns:
-        Linux UID for the apk.
-        """
-        output = self.adb.shell("dumpsys package %s | grep userId=" % apk_name,
-                                ignore_status=True)
-        result = re.search(r"userId=(\d+)", output)
-        if result:
-            return result.group(1)
-        else:
-            None
-    def get_apk_version(self, package_name):
-        """Get the version of the given apk.
-        Args:
-            package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
-        Returns:
-            Version of the given apk.
-        """
-        try:
-            output = self.adb.shell("dumpsys package %s | grep versionName" %
-                                    package_name)
-            pattern = re.compile(r"versionName=(.+)", re.I)
-            result = pattern.findall(output)
-            if result:
-                return result[0]
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.warning("Fail to get the version of package %s: %s",
-                             package_name, e)
-        self.log.debug("apk %s is not found", package_name)
-        return None
-    def is_apk_installed(self, package_name):
-        """Check if the given apk is already installed.
-        Args:
-        package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
-        Returns:
-        True if package is installed. False otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            return bool(
-                self.adb.shell(
-                    '(pm list packages | grep -w "package:%s") || true' %
-                    package_name))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                'Could not determine if %s is installed. '
-                'Received error:\n%s', package_name, err)
-            return False
-    def is_sl4a_installed(self):
-        return self.is_apk_installed(SL4A_APK_NAME)
-    def is_apk_running(self, package_name):
-        """Check if the given apk is running.
-        Args:
-            package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
-        Returns:
-        True if package is installed. False otherwise.
-        """
-        for cmd in ("ps -A", "ps"):
-            try:
-                out = self.adb.shell('%s | grep "S %s"' % (cmd, package_name),
-                                     ignore_status=True)
-                if package_name in out:
-                    self.log.info("apk %s is running", package_name)
-                    return True
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "Device fails to check is %s running by %s "
-                    "Exception %s", package_name, cmd, e)
-                continue
-        self.log.debug("apk %s is not running", package_name)
-        return False
-    def is_sl4a_running(self):
-        return self.is_apk_running(SL4A_APK_NAME)
-    def force_stop_apk(self, package_name):
-        """Force stop the given apk.
-        Args:
-        package_name: Name of the package, e.g., com.android.phone.
-        Returns:
-        True if package is installed. False otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.adb.shell('am force-stop %s' % package_name,
-                           ignore_status=True)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.warning("Fail to stop package %s: %s", package_name, e)
-    def take_bug_report(self, test_name=None, begin_time=None):
-        """Takes a bug report on the device and stores it in a file.
-        Args:
-            test_name: Name of the test case that triggered this bug report.
-            begin_time: Epoch time when the test started. If none is specified,
-                the current time will be used.
-        """
-        self.adb.wait_for_device(timeout=WAIT_FOR_DEVICE_TIMEOUT)
-        new_br = True
-        try:
-            stdout = self.adb.shell("bugreportz -v")
-            # This check is necessary for builds before N, where adb shell's ret
-            # code and stderr are not propagated properly.
-            if "not found" in stdout:
-                new_br = False
-        except AdbError:
-            new_br = False
-        br_path = self.device_log_path
-        os.makedirs(br_path, exist_ok=True)
-        epoch = begin_time if begin_time else utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-        time_stamp = acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
-            acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch))
-        out_name = "AndroidDevice%s_%s" % (self.serial, time_stamp)
-        out_name = "%s.zip" % out_name if new_br else "%s.txt" % out_name
-        full_out_path = os.path.join(br_path, out_name)
-        # in case device restarted, wait for adb interface to return
-        self.wait_for_boot_completion()
-        if test_name:
-            self.log.info("Taking bugreport for %s.", test_name)
-        else:
-            self.log.info("Taking bugreport.")
-        if new_br:
-            out = self.adb.shell("bugreportz", timeout=BUG_REPORT_TIMEOUT)
-            if not out.startswith("OK"):
-                raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
-                    'Failed to take bugreport on %s: %s' % (self.serial, out),
-                    serial=self.serial)
-            br_out_path = out.split(':')[1].strip().split()[0]
-            self.adb.pull("%s %s" % (br_out_path, full_out_path))
-        else:
-            self.adb.bugreport(" > {}".format(full_out_path),
-                               timeout=BUG_REPORT_TIMEOUT)
-        if test_name:
-            self.log.info("Bugreport for %s taken at %s.", test_name,
-                          full_out_path)
-        else:
-            self.log.info("Bugreport taken at %s.", test_name, full_out_path)
-        self.adb.wait_for_device(timeout=WAIT_FOR_DEVICE_TIMEOUT)
-    def get_file_names(self,
-                       directory,
-                       begin_time=None,
-                       skip_files=[],
-                       match_string=None):
-        """Get files names with provided directory."""
-        cmd = "find %s -type f" % directory
-        if begin_time:
-            current_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-            seconds = int(math.ceil((current_time - begin_time) / 1000.0))
-            cmd = "%s -mtime -%ss" % (cmd, seconds)
-        if match_string:
-            cmd = "%s -iname %s" % (cmd, match_string)
-        for skip_file in skip_files:
-            cmd = "%s ! -iname %s" % (cmd, skip_file)
-        out = self.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)
-        if not out or "No such" in out or "Permission denied" in out or \
-            "Not a directory" in out:
-            return []
-        files = out.split("\n")
-        self.log.debug("Find files in directory %s: %s", directory, files)
-        return files
-    @property
-    def external_storage_path(self):
-        """
-        The $EXTERNAL_STORAGE path on the device. Most commonly set to '/sdcard'
-        """
-        return self.adb.shell('echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE')
-    def file_exists(self, file_path):
-        """Returns whether a file exists on a device.
-        Args:
-            file_path: The path of the file to check for.
-        """
-        cmd = '(test -f %s && echo yes) || echo no' % file_path
-        result = self.adb.shell(cmd)
-        if result == 'yes':
-            return True
-        elif result == 'no':
-            return False
-        raise ValueError('Couldn\'t determine if %s exists. '
-                         'Expected yes/no, got %s' % (file_path, result[cmd]))
-    def pull_files(self, device_paths, host_path=None):
-        """Pull files from devices.
-        Args:
-            device_paths: List of paths on the device to pull from.
-            host_path: Destination path
-        """
-        if isinstance(device_paths, str):
-            device_paths = [device_paths]
-        if not host_path:
-            host_path = self.log_path
-        for device_path in device_paths:
-            self.log.info('Pull from device: %s -> %s' %
-                          (device_path, host_path))
-            self.adb.pull("%s %s" % (device_path, host_path),
-                          timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT)
-    def check_crash_report(self,
-                           test_name=None,
-                           begin_time=None,
-                           log_crash_report=False):
-        """check crash report on the device."""
-        crash_reports = []
-        for crash_path in CRASH_REPORT_PATHS:
-            try:
-                cmd = 'cd %s' % crash_path
-                self.adb.shell(cmd)
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.debug("received exception %s", e)
-                continue
-            crashes = self.get_file_names(crash_path,
-                                          skip_files=CRASH_REPORT_SKIPS,
-                                          begin_time=begin_time)
-            if crash_path == "/data/tombstones/" and crashes:
-                tombstones = crashes[:]
-                for tombstone in tombstones:
-                    if self.adb.shell(
-                            'cat %s | grep "crash_dump failed to dump process"'
-                            % tombstone):
-                        crashes.remove(tombstone)
-            if crashes:
-                crash_reports.extend(crashes)
-        if crash_reports and log_crash_report:
-            crash_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path,
-                                          "Crashes_%s" % self.serial)
-            os.makedirs(crash_log_path, exist_ok=True)
-            self.pull_files(crash_reports, crash_log_path)
-        return crash_reports
-    def get_qxdm_logs(self, test_name="", begin_time=None):
-        """Get qxdm logs."""
-        # Sleep 10 seconds for the buffered log to be written in qxdm log file
-        time.sleep(10)
-        log_path = getattr(self, "qxdm_log_path", DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH)
-        qxdm_logs = self.get_file_names(log_path,
-                                        begin_time=begin_time,
-                                        match_string="*.qmdl")
-        if qxdm_logs:
-            qxdm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path,
-                                         "QXDM_%s" % self.serial)
-            os.makedirs(qxdm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
-            self.log.info("Pull QXDM Log %s to %s", qxdm_logs, qxdm_log_path)
-            self.pull_files(qxdm_logs, qxdm_log_path)
-            self.adb.pull("/firmware/image/qdsp6m.qdb %s" % qxdm_log_path,
-                          timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT,
-                          ignore_status=True)
-            # Zip Folder
-            utils.zip_directory('%s.zip' % qxdm_log_path, qxdm_log_path)
-            shutil.rmtree(qxdm_log_path)
-        else:
-            self.log.error("Didn't find QXDM logs in %s." % log_path)
-        if "Verizon" in self.adb.getprop("gsm.sim.operator.alpha"):
-            omadm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path,
-                                          "OMADM_%s" % self.serial)
-            os.makedirs(omadm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
-            self.log.info("Pull OMADM Log")
-            self.adb.pull(
-                "/data/data/com.android.omadm.service/files/dm/log/ %s" %
-                omadm_log_path,
-                timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT,
-                ignore_status=True)
-    def get_sdm_logs(self, test_name="", begin_time=None):
-        """Get sdm logs."""
-        # Sleep 10 seconds for the buffered log to be written in sdm log file
-        time.sleep(10)
-        log_paths = [
-            ALWAYS_ON_LOG_PATH,
-            getattr(self, "sdm_log_path", DEFAULT_SDM_LOG_PATH)
-        ]
-        sdm_logs = []
-        for path in log_paths:
-            sdm_logs += self.get_file_names(path,
-                                            begin_time=begin_time,
-                                            match_string="*.sdm*")
-        if sdm_logs:
-            sdm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path,
-                                        "SDM_%s" % self.serial)
-            os.makedirs(sdm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
-            self.log.info("Pull SDM Log %s to %s", sdm_logs, sdm_log_path)
-            self.pull_files(sdm_logs, sdm_log_path)
-        else:
-            self.log.error("Didn't find SDM logs in %s." % log_paths)
-        if "Verizon" in self.adb.getprop("gsm.sim.operator.alpha"):
-            omadm_log_path = os.path.join(self.device_log_path,
-                                          "OMADM_%s" % self.serial)
-            os.makedirs(omadm_log_path, exist_ok=True)
-            self.log.info("Pull OMADM Log")
-            self.adb.pull(
-                "/data/data/com.android.omadm.service/files/dm/log/ %s" %
-                omadm_log_path,
-                timeout=PULL_TIMEOUT,
-                ignore_status=True)
-    def start_new_session(self, max_connections=None, server_port=None):
-        """Start a new session in sl4a.
-        Also caches the droid in a dict with its uid being the key.
-        Returns:
-            An Android object used to communicate with sl4a on the android
-                device.
-        Raises:
-            Sl4aException: Something is wrong with sl4a and it returned an
-            existing uid to a new session.
-        """
-        session = self._sl4a_manager.create_session(
-            max_connections=max_connections, server_port=server_port)
-        self._sl4a_manager.sessions[session.uid] = session
-        return session.rpc_client
-    def terminate_all_sessions(self):
-        """Terminate all sl4a sessions on the AndroidDevice instance.
-        Terminate all sessions and clear caches.
-        """
-        self._sl4a_manager.terminate_all_sessions()
-    def run_iperf_client_nb(self,
-                            server_host,
-                            extra_args="",
-                            timeout=IPERF_TIMEOUT,
-                            log_file_path=None):
-        """Start iperf client on the device asynchronously.
-        Return status as true if iperf client start successfully.
-        And data flow information as results.
-        Args:
-            server_host: Address of the iperf server.
-            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments for iperf client,
-                e.g. "-i 1 -t 30".
-            log_file_path: The complete file path to log the results.
-        """
-        cmd = "iperf3 -c {} {}".format(server_host, extra_args)
-        if log_file_path:
-            cmd += " --logfile {} &".format(log_file_path)
-        self.adb.shell_nb(cmd)
-    def run_iperf_client(self,
-                         server_host,
-                         extra_args="",
-                         timeout=IPERF_TIMEOUT):
-        """Start iperf client on the device.
-        Return status as true if iperf client start successfully.
-        And data flow information as results.
-        Args:
-            server_host: Address of the iperf server.
-            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments for iperf client,
-                e.g. "-i 1 -t 30".
-        Returns:
-            status: true if iperf client start successfully.
-            results: results have data flow information
-        """
-        out = self.adb.shell("iperf3 -c {} {}".format(server_host, extra_args),
-                             timeout=timeout)
-        clean_out = out.split('\n')
-        if "error" in clean_out[0].lower():
-            return False, clean_out
-        return True, clean_out
-    def run_iperf_server(self, extra_args=""):
-        """Start iperf server on the device
-        Return status as true if iperf server started successfully.
-        Args:
-            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments for iperf server.
-        Returns:
-            status: true if iperf server started successfully.
-            results: results have output of command
-        """
-        out = self.adb.shell("iperf3 -s {}".format(extra_args))
-        clean_out = out.split('\n')
-        if "error" in clean_out[0].lower():
-            return False, clean_out
-        return True, clean_out
-    def wait_for_boot_completion(self, timeout=900.0):
-        """Waits for Android framework to broadcast ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED.
-        Args:
-            timeout: Seconds to wait for the device to boot. Default value is
-            15 minutes.
-        """
-        timeout_start = time.time()
-        self.log.debug("ADB waiting for device")
-        self.adb.wait_for_device(timeout=timeout)
-        self.log.debug("Waiting for  sys.boot_completed")
-        while time.time() < timeout_start + timeout:
-            try:
-                completed = self.adb.getprop("sys.boot_completed")
-                if completed == '1':
-                    self.log.debug("Device has rebooted")
-                    return
-            except AdbError:
-                # adb shell calls may fail during certain period of booting
-                # process, which is normal. Ignoring these errors.
-                pass
-            time.sleep(5)
-        raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
-            'Device %s booting process timed out.' % self.serial,
-            serial=self.serial)
-    def reboot(self,
-               stop_at_lock_screen=False,
-               timeout=180,
-               wait_after_reboot_complete=1):
-        """Reboots the device.
-        Terminate all sl4a sessions, reboot the device, wait for device to
-        complete booting, and restart an sl4a session if restart_sl4a is True.
-        Args:
-            stop_at_lock_screen: whether to unlock after reboot. Set to False
-                if want to bring the device to reboot up to password locking
-                phase. Sl4a checking need the device unlocked after rebooting.
-            timeout: time in seconds to wait for the device to complete
-                rebooting.
-            wait_after_reboot_complete: time in seconds to wait after the boot
-                completion.
-        """
-        if self.is_bootloader:
-            self.fastboot.reboot()
-            return
-        self.stop_services()
-        self.log.info("Rebooting")
-        self.adb.reboot()
-        timeout_start = time.time()
-        # b/111791239: Newer versions of android sometimes return early after
-        # `adb reboot` is called. This means subsequent calls may make it to
-        # the device before the reboot goes through, return false positives for
-        # getprops such as sys.boot_completed.
-        while time.time() < timeout_start + timeout:
-            try:
-                self.adb.get_state()
-                time.sleep(.1)
-            except AdbError:
-                # get_state will raise an error if the device is not found. We
-                # want the device to be missing to prove the device has kicked
-                # off the reboot.
-                break
-        self.wait_for_boot_completion(timeout=(timeout - time.time() +
-                                               timeout_start))
-        self.log.debug('Wait for a while after boot completion.')
-        time.sleep(wait_after_reboot_complete)
-        self.root_adb()
-        skip_sl4a = self.skip_sl4a
-        self.skip_sl4a = self.skip_sl4a or stop_at_lock_screen
-        self.start_services()
-        self.skip_sl4a = skip_sl4a
-    def restart_runtime(self):
-        """Restarts android runtime.
-        Terminate all sl4a sessions, restarts runtime, wait for framework
-        complete restart, and restart an sl4a session if restart_sl4a is True.
-        """
-        self.stop_services()
-        self.log.info("Restarting android runtime")
-        self.adb.shell("stop")
-        # Reset the boot completed flag before we restart the framework
-        # to correctly detect when the framework has fully come up.
-        self.adb.shell("setprop sys.boot_completed 0")
-        self.adb.shell("start")
-        self.wait_for_boot_completion()
-        self.root_adb()
-        self.start_services()
-    def get_ipv4_address(self, interface='wlan0', timeout=5):
-        for timer in range(0, timeout):
-            try:
-                ip_string = self.adb.shell('ifconfig %s|grep inet' % interface)
-                break
-            except adb.AdbError as e:
-                if timer + 1 == timeout:
-                    self.log.warning('Unable to find IP address for %s.' %
-                                     interface)
-                    return None
-                else:
-                    time.sleep(1)
-        result = re.search('addr:(.*) Bcast', ip_string)
-        if result != None:
-            ip_address = result.group(1)
-            try:
-                socket.inet_aton(ip_address)
-                return ip_address
-            except socket.error:
-                return None
-        else:
-            return None
-    def get_ipv4_gateway(self, timeout=5):
-        for timer in range(0, timeout):
-            try:
-                gateway_string = self.adb.shell(
-                    'dumpsys wifi | grep mDhcpResults')
-                break
-            except adb.AdbError as e:
-                if timer + 1 == timeout:
-                    self.log.warning('Unable to find gateway')
-                    return None
-                else:
-                    time.sleep(1)
-        result = re.search('Gateway (.*) DNS servers', gateway_string)
-        if result != None:
-            ipv4_gateway = result.group(1)
-            try:
-                socket.inet_aton(ipv4_gateway)
-                return ipv4_gateway
-            except socket.error:
-                return None
-        else:
-            return None
-    def send_keycode(self, keycode):
-        self.adb.shell("input keyevent KEYCODE_%s" % keycode)
-    def get_my_current_focus_window(self):
-        """Get the current focus window on screen"""
-        output = self.adb.shell(
-            'dumpsys window displays | grep -E mCurrentFocus | grep -v null',
-            ignore_status=True)
-        if not output or "not found" in output or "Can't find" in output:
-            result = ''
-        else:
-            result = output.split(' ')[-1].strip("}")
-        self.log.debug("Current focus window is %s", result)
-        return result
-    def get_my_current_focus_app(self):
-        """Get the current focus application"""
-        dumpsys_cmd = [
-            'dumpsys window | grep -E mFocusedApp',
-            'dumpsys window displays | grep -E mFocusedApp'
-        ]
-        for cmd in dumpsys_cmd:
-            output = self.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)
-            if not output or "not found" in output or "Can't find" in output or (
-                    "mFocusedApp=null" in output):
-                result = ''
-            else:
-                result = output.split(' ')[-2]
-                break
-        self.log.debug("Current focus app is %s", result)
-        return result
-    def is_window_ready(self, window_name=None):
-        current_window = self.get_my_current_focus_window()
-        if window_name:
-            return window_name in current_window
-        return current_window and ENCRYPTION_WINDOW not in current_window
-    def wait_for_window_ready(self,
-                              window_name=None,
-                              check_interval=5,
-                              check_duration=60):
-        elapsed_time = 0
-        while elapsed_time < check_duration:
-            if self.is_window_ready(window_name=window_name):
-                return True
-            time.sleep(check_interval)
-            elapsed_time += check_interval
-        self.log.info("Current focus window is %s",
-                      self.get_my_current_focus_window())
-        return False
-    def is_user_setup_complete(self):
-        return "1" in self.adb.shell("settings get secure user_setup_complete")
-    def is_screen_awake(self):
-        """Check if device screen is in sleep mode"""
-        return "Awake" in self.adb.shell("dumpsys power | grep mWakefulness=")
-    def is_screen_emergency_dialer(self):
-        """Check if device screen is in emergency dialer mode"""
-        return "EmergencyDialer" in self.get_my_current_focus_window()
-    def is_screen_in_call_activity(self):
-        """Check if device screen is in in-call activity notification"""
-        return "InCallActivity" in self.get_my_current_focus_window()
-    def is_setupwizard_on(self):
-        """Check if device screen is in emergency dialer mode"""
-        return "setupwizard" in self.get_my_current_focus_app()
-    def is_screen_lock_enabled(self):
-        """Check if screen lock is enabled"""
-        cmd = ("dumpsys window policy | grep showing=")
-        out = self.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)
-        return "true" in out
-    def is_waiting_for_unlock_pin(self):
-        """Check if device is waiting for unlock pin to boot up"""
-        current_window = self.get_my_current_focus_window()
-        current_app = self.get_my_current_focus_app()
-        if ENCRYPTION_WINDOW in current_window:
-            self.log.info("Device is in CrpytKeeper window")
-            return True
-        if "StatusBar" in current_window and (
-            (not current_app) or "FallbackHome" in current_app):
-            self.log.info("Device is locked")
-            return True
-        return False
-    def ensure_screen_on(self):
-        """Ensure device screen is powered on"""
-        if self.is_screen_lock_enabled():
-            for _ in range(2):
-                self.unlock_screen()
-                time.sleep(1)
-                if self.is_waiting_for_unlock_pin():
-                    self.unlock_screen(password=DEFAULT_DEVICE_PASSWORD)
-                    time.sleep(1)
-                if not self.is_waiting_for_unlock_pin(
-                ) and self.wait_for_window_ready():
-                    return True
-            return False
-        else:
-            self.wakeup_screen()
-            return True
-    def wakeup_screen(self):
-        if not self.is_screen_awake():
-            self.log.info("Screen is not awake, wake it up")
-            self.send_keycode("WAKEUP")
-    def go_to_sleep(self):
-        if self.is_screen_awake():
-            self.send_keycode("SLEEP")
-    def send_keycode_number_pad(self, number):
-        self.send_keycode("NUMPAD_%s" % number)
-    def unlock_screen(self, password=None):
-        self.log.info("Unlocking with %s", password or "swipe up")
-        # Bring device to SLEEP so that unlock process can start fresh
-        self.send_keycode("SLEEP")
-        time.sleep(1)
-        self.send_keycode("WAKEUP")
-        if ENCRYPTION_WINDOW not in self.get_my_current_focus_app():
-            self.send_keycode("MENU")
-        if password:
-            self.send_keycode("DEL")
-            for number in password:
-                self.send_keycode_number_pad(number)
-            self.send_keycode("ENTER")
-            self.send_keycode("BACK")
-    def screenshot(self, name=""):
-        """Take a screenshot on the device.
-        Args:
-            name: additional information of screenshot on the file name.
-        """
-        if name:
-            file_name = "%s_%s" % (DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_PATH, name)
-        file_name = "%s_%s.png" % (file_name, utils.get_current_epoch_time())
-        self.ensure_screen_on()
-        self.log.info("Log screenshot to %s", file_name)
-        try:
-            self.adb.shell("screencap -p %s" % file_name)
-        except:
-            self.log.error("Fail to log screenshot to %s", file_name)
-    def exit_setup_wizard(self):
-        # Handling Android TV's setupwizard is ignored for now.
-        if 'feature:android.hardware.type.television' in self.adb.shell(
-                'pm list features'):
-            return
-        if not self.is_user_setup_complete() or self.is_setupwizard_on():
-            # b/116709539 need this to prevent reboot after skip setup wizard
-            self.adb.shell("am start -a com.android.setupwizard.EXIT",
-                           ignore_status=True)
-            self.adb.shell("pm disable %s" %
-                           self.get_setupwizard_package_name(),
-                           ignore_status=True)
-        # Wait up to 5 seconds for user_setup_complete to be updated
-        end_time = time.time() + 5
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            if self.is_user_setup_complete() or not self.is_setupwizard_on():
-                return
-        # If fail to exit setup wizard, set local.prop and reboot
-        if not self.is_user_setup_complete() and self.is_setupwizard_on():
-            self.adb.shell("echo ro.test_harness=1 > /data/local.prop")
-            self.adb.shell("chmod 644 /data/local.prop")
-            self.reboot(stop_at_lock_screen=True)
-    def get_setupwizard_package_name(self):
-        """Finds setupwizard package/.activity
-        Bypass setupwizard or setupwraith depending on device.
-         Returns:
-            packageName/.ActivityName
-        """
-        packages_to_skip = "'setupwizard|setupwraith'"
-        android_package_name = "com.google.android"
-        package = self.adb.shell(
-            "pm list packages -f | grep -E {} | grep {}".format(
-                packages_to_skip, android_package_name))
-        wizard_package = package.split('=')[1]
-        activity = package.split('=')[0].split('/')[-2]
-        self.log.info("%s/.%sActivity" % (wizard_package, activity))
-        return "%s/.%sActivity" % (wizard_package, activity)
-    def push_system_file(self, src_file_path, dst_file_path, push_timeout=300):
-        """Pushes a file onto the read-only file system.
-        For speed, the device is left in root mode after this call, and leaves
-        verity disabled. To re-enable verity, call ensure_verity_enabled().
-        Args:
-            src_file_path: The path to the system app to install.
-            dst_file_path: The destination of the file.
-            push_timeout: How long to wait for the push to finish.
-        Returns:
-            Whether or not the install was successful.
-        """
-        self.adb.ensure_root()
-        try:
-            self.ensure_verity_disabled()
-            self.adb.remount()
-            out = self.adb.push('%s %s' % (src_file_path, dst_file_path),
-                                timeout=push_timeout)
-            if 'error' in out:
-                self.log.error('Unable to push system file %s to %s due to %s',
-                               src_file_path, dst_file_path, out)
-                return False
-            return True
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.error('Unable to push system file %s to %s due to %s',
-                           src_file_path, dst_file_path, e)
-            return False
-    def ensure_verity_enabled(self):
-        """Ensures that verity is enabled.
-        If verity is not enabled, this call will reboot the phone. Note that
-        this only works on debuggable builds.
-        """
-        user = self.adb.get_user_id()
-        # The below properties will only exist if verity has been enabled.
-        system_verity = self.adb.getprop('partition.system.verified')
-        vendor_verity = self.adb.getprop('partition.vendor.verified')
-        if not system_verity or not vendor_verity:
-            self.adb.ensure_root()
-            self.adb.enable_verity()
-            self.reboot()
-            self.adb.ensure_user(user)
-    def ensure_verity_disabled(self):
-        """Ensures that verity is disabled.
-        If verity is enabled, this call will reboot the phone.
-        """
-        user = self.adb.get_user_id()
-        # The below properties will only exist if verity has been enabled.
-        system_verity = self.adb.getprop('partition.system.verified')
-        vendor_verity = self.adb.getprop('partition.vendor.verified')
-        if system_verity or vendor_verity:
-            self.adb.ensure_root()
-            self.adb.disable_verity()
-            self.reboot()
-            self.adb.ensure_user(user)
-class AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
-    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
-        msg = "[AndroidDevice|%s] %s" % (self.extra["serial"], msg)
-        return (msg, kwargs)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/android_api.py b/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/android_api.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d58fe46..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/android_api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import sys
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-from antlion.libs import version_selector
-class AndroidApi:
-    OLDEST = 0
-    MINIMUM = 0
-    L = 21
-    L_MR1 = 22
-    M = 23
-    N = 24
-    N_MR1 = 25
-    O = 26
-    O_MR1 = 27
-    P = 28
-    LATEST = sys.maxsize
-    MAX = sys.maxsize
-def android_api(min_api=AndroidApi.OLDEST, max_api=AndroidApi.LATEST):
-    """Decorates a function to only be called for the given API range.
-    Only gets called if the AndroidDevice in the args is within the specified
-    API range. Otherwise, a different function may be called instead. If the
-    API level is out of range, and no other function handles that API level, an
-    error is raise instead.
-    Note: In Python3.5 and below, the order of kwargs is not preserved. If your
-          function contains multiple AndroidDevices within the kwargs, and no
-          AndroidDevices within args, you are NOT guaranteed the first
-          AndroidDevice is the same one chosen each time the function runs. Due
-          to this, we do not check for AndroidDevices in kwargs.
-    Args:
-         min_api: The minimum API level. Can be an int or an AndroidApi value.
-         max_api: The maximum API level. Can be an int or an AndroidApi value.
-    """
-    def get_api_level(*args, **_):
-        for arg in args:
-            if isinstance(arg, AndroidDevice):
-                return arg.sdk_api_level()
-        logging.getLogger().error(
-            'An AndroidDevice was not found in the given '
-            'arguments.')
-        return None
-    return version_selector.set_version(get_api_level, min_api, max_api)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/logcat.py b/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/logcat.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2c4fd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/logcat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import re
-from antlion.libs.proc.process import Process
-from antlion.libs.logging import log_stream
-from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import LogStyles
-TIMESTAMP_REGEX = r'((?:\d+-)?\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+.\d+)'
-class TimestampTracker(object):
-    """Stores the last timestamp outputted by the Logcat process."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._last_timestamp = None
-    @property
-    def last_timestamp(self):
-        return self._last_timestamp
-    def read_output(self, message):
-        """Reads the message and parses all timestamps from it."""
-        all_timestamps = re.findall(TIMESTAMP_REGEX, message)
-        if len(all_timestamps) > 0:
-            self._last_timestamp = all_timestamps[0]
-def _get_log_level(message):
-    """Returns the log level for the given message."""
-    if message.startswith('-') or len(message) < 37:
-        return logging.ERROR
-    else:
-        log_level = message[36]
-        if log_level in ('V', 'D'):
-            return logging.DEBUG
-        elif log_level == 'I':
-            return logging.INFO
-        elif log_level == 'W':
-            return logging.WARNING
-        elif log_level == 'E':
-            return logging.ERROR
-    return logging.NOTSET
-def _log_line_func(log, timestamp_tracker):
-    """Returns a lambda that logs a message to the given logger."""
-    def log_line(message):
-        timestamp_tracker.read_output(message)
-        log.log(_get_log_level(message), message)
-    return log_line
-def _on_retry(serial, extra_params, timestamp_tracker):
-    def on_retry(_):
-        begin_at = '"%s"' % (timestamp_tracker.last_timestamp or 1)
-        additional_params = extra_params or ''
-        return 'adb -s %s logcat -T %s -v year %s' % (
-            serial, begin_at, additional_params)
-    return on_retry
-def create_logcat_keepalive_process(serial, logcat_dir, extra_params=''):
-    """Creates a Logcat Process that automatically attempts to reconnect.
-    Args:
-        serial: The serial of the device to read the logcat of.
-        logcat_dir: The directory used for logcat file output.
-        extra_params: Any additional params to be added to the logcat cmdline.
-    Returns:
-        A acts.libs.proc.process.Process object.
-    """
-    logger = log_stream.create_logger(
-        'adblog_%s' % serial, log_name=serial, subcontext=logcat_dir,
-        log_styles=(LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG))
-    process = Process('adb -s %s logcat -T 1 -v year %s' %
-                      (serial, extra_params))
-    timestamp_tracker = TimestampTracker()
-    process.set_on_output_callback(_log_line_func(logger, timestamp_tracker))
-    process.set_on_terminate_callback(
-        _on_retry(serial, extra_params, timestamp_tracker))
-    return process
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/services.py b/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/services.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c5f334..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/services.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import errors
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import events as android_events
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-class AndroidService(object):
-    """The base class for Android long-running services.
-    The _start method is registered to an AndroidStartServicesEvent, and
-    the _stop method is registered to an AndroidStopServicesEvent.
-    Attributes:
-        ad: The AndroidDevice instance associated with the service.
-        serial: The serial of the device.
-        _registration_ids: List of registration IDs for the event subscriptions.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ad):
-        self.ad = ad
-        self._registration_ids = []
-    @property
-    def serial(self):
-        return self.ad.serial
-    def register(self):
-        """Registers the _start and _stop methods to their corresponding
-        events.
-        """
-        def check_serial(event):
-            return self.serial == event.ad.serial
-        self._registration_ids = [
-            event_bus.register(android_events.AndroidStartServicesEvent,
-                               self._start, filter_fn=check_serial),
-            event_bus.register(android_events.AndroidStopServicesEvent,
-                               self._stop, filter_fn=check_serial)]
-    def unregister(self):
-        """Unregisters all subscriptions in this service."""
-        event_bus.unregister_all(from_list=self._registration_ids)
-        self._registration_ids.clear()
-    def _start(self, start_event):
-        """Start the service. Called upon an AndroidStartServicesEvent.
-        Args:
-            start_event: The AndroidStartServicesEvent instance.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _stop(self, stop_event):
-        """Stop the service. Called upon an AndroidStopServicesEvent.
-        Args:
-            stop_event: The AndroidStopServicesEvent instance.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class AdbLogcatService(AndroidService):
-    """Service for adb logcat."""
-    def _start(self, _):
-        self.ad.start_adb_logcat()
-    def _stop(self, _):
-        self.ad.stop_adb_logcat()
-class Sl4aService(AndroidService):
-    """Service for SL4A."""
-    def _start(self, start_event):
-        if self.ad.skip_sl4a:
-            return
-        if not self.ad.is_sl4a_installed():
-            self.ad.log.error('sl4a.apk is not installed')
-            raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
-                'The required sl4a.apk is not installed',
-                serial=self.serial)
-        if not self.ad.ensure_screen_on():
-            self.ad.log.error("User window cannot come up")
-            raise errors.AndroidDeviceError(
-                "User window cannot come up", serial=self.serial)
-        droid, ed = self.ad.get_droid()
-        ed.start()
-    def _stop(self, _):
-        self.ad.terminate_all_sessions()
-        self.ad._sl4a_manager.stop_service()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0be8ef5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/android_lib/tel/tel_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Generic telephony utility functions. Cloned from test_utils.tel."""
-import re
-import struct
-import time
-from queue import Empty
-from antlion.logger import epoch_to_log_line_timestamp
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
-# Max time to wait after caller make a call and before
-# callee start ringing
-# Max time to wait after toggle airplane mode and before
-# get expected event
-# Wait time between state check retry
-# Constant for Data Roaming State
-# Constant for Telephony Manager Call State
-# Constant for Service State
-# Constant for Network Mode
-# Constant for Events
-class CallStateContainer:
-    INCOMING_NUMBER = "incomingNumber"
-    SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "subscriptionId"
-    CALL_STATE = "callState"
-class ServiceStateContainer:
-    VOICE_REG_STATE = "voiceRegState"
-    VOICE_NETWORK_TYPE = "voiceNetworkType"
-    DATA_REG_STATE = "dataRegState"
-    DATA_NETWORK_TYPE = "dataNetworkType"
-    OPERATOR_NAME = "operatorName"
-    OPERATOR_ID = "operatorId"
-    IS_MANUAL_NW_SELECTION = "isManualNwSelection"
-    ROAMING = "roaming"
-    IS_EMERGENCY_ONLY = "isEmergencyOnly"
-    NETWORK_ID = "networkId"
-    SYSTEM_ID = "systemId"
-    SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "subscriptionId"
-    SERVICE_STATE = "serviceState"
-def dumpsys_last_call_info(ad):
-    """ Get call information by dumpsys telecom. """
-    num = dumpsys_last_call_number(ad)
-    output = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys telecom")
-    result = re.search(r"Call TC@%s: {(.*?)}" % num, output, re.DOTALL)
-    call_info = {"TC": num}
-    if result:
-        result = result.group(1)
-        for attr in ("startTime", "endTime", "direction", "isInterrupted",
-                     "callTechnologies", "callTerminationsReason",
-                     "isVideoCall", "callProperties"):
-            match = re.search(r"%s: (.*)" % attr, result)
-            if match:
-                if attr in ("startTime", "endTime"):
-                    call_info[attr] = epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(
-                        int(match.group(1)))
-                else:
-                    call_info[attr] = match.group(1)
-    ad.log.debug("call_info = %s", call_info)
-    return call_info
-def dumpsys_last_call_number(ad):
-    output = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys telecom")
-    call_nums = re.findall("Call TC@(\d+):", output)
-    if not call_nums:
-        return 0
-    else:
-        return int(call_nums[-1])
-def get_device_epoch_time(ad):
-    return int(1000 * float(ad.adb.shell("date +%s.%N")))
-def get_outgoing_voice_sub_id(ad):
-    """ Get outgoing voice subscription id
-    """
-    if hasattr(ad, "outgoing_voice_sub_id"):
-        return ad.outgoing_voice_sub_id
-    else:
-        return ad.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultVoiceSubId()
-def get_rx_tx_power_levels(log, ad):
-    """ Obtains Rx and Tx power levels from the MDS application.
-    The method requires the MDS app to be installed in the DUT.
-    Args:
-        log: logger object
-        ad: an android device
-    Return:
-        A tuple where the first element is an array array with the RSRP value
-        in Rx chain, and the second element is the transmitted power in dBm.
-        Values for invalid Rx / Tx chains are set to None.
-    """
-    cmd = ('am instrument -w -e request "80 00 e8 03 00 08 00 00 00" -e '
-           'response wait "com.google.mdstest/com.google.mdstest.instrument.'
-           'ModemCommandInstrumentation"')
-    try:
-        output = ad.adb.shell(cmd)
-    except AdbCommandError as e:
-        log.error(e)
-        output = None
-    if not output or 'result=SUCCESS' not in output:
-        raise RuntimeError('Could not obtain Tx/Rx power levels from MDS. Is '
-                           'the MDS app installed?')
-    response = re.search(r"(?<=response=).+", output)
-    if not response:
-        raise RuntimeError('Invalid response from the MDS app:\n' + output)
-    # Obtain a list of bytes in hex format from the response string
-    response_hex = response.group(0).split(' ')
-    def get_bool(pos):
-        """ Obtain a boolean variable from the byte array. """
-        return response_hex[pos] == '01'
-    def get_int32(pos):
-        """ Obtain an int from the byte array. Bytes are printed in
-        little endian format."""
-        return struct.unpack(
-            '<i', bytearray.fromhex(''.join(response_hex[pos:pos + 4])))[0]
-    rx_power = []
-    RX_CHAINS = 4
-    for i in range(RX_CHAINS):
-        # Calculate starting position for the Rx chain data structure
-        start = 12 + i * 22
-        # The first byte in the data structure indicates if the rx chain is
-        # valid.
-        if get_bool(start):
-            rx_power.append(get_int32(start + 2) / 10)
-        else:
-            rx_power.append(None)
-    # Calculate the position for the tx chain data structure
-    tx_pos = 12 + RX_CHAINS * 22
-    tx_valid = get_bool(tx_pos)
-    if tx_valid:
-        tx_power = get_int32(tx_pos + 2) / -10
-    else:
-        tx_power = None
-    return rx_power, tx_power
-def get_telephony_signal_strength(ad):
-    #{'evdoEcio': -1, 'asuLevel': 28, 'lteSignalStrength': 14, 'gsmLevel': 0,
-    # 'cdmaAsuLevel': 99, 'evdoDbm': -120, 'gsmDbm': -1, 'cdmaEcio': -160,
-    # 'level': 2, 'lteLevel': 2, 'cdmaDbm': -120, 'dbm': -112, 'cdmaLevel': 0,
-    # 'lteAsuLevel': 28, 'gsmAsuLevel': 99, 'gsmBitErrorRate': 0,
-    # 'lteDbm': -112, 'gsmSignalStrength': 99}
-    try:
-        signal_strength = ad.droid.telephonyGetSignalStrength()
-        if not signal_strength:
-            signal_strength = {}
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.error(e)
-        signal_strength = {}
-    return signal_strength
-def initiate_call(log,
-                  ad,
-                  callee_number,
-                  emergency=False,
-                  incall_ui_display=INCALL_UI_DISPLAY_FOREGROUND,
-                  video=False):
-    """Make phone call from caller to callee.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        ad: Caller android device object.
-        callee_number: Callee phone number.
-        emergency : specify the call is emergency.
-            Optional. Default value is False.
-        incall_ui_display: show the dialer UI foreground or background
-        video: whether to initiate as video call
-    Returns:
-        result: if phone call is placed successfully.
-    """
-    ad.ed.clear_events(EVENT_CALL_STATE_CHANGED)
-    sub_id = get_outgoing_voice_sub_id(ad)
-    begin_time = get_device_epoch_time(ad)
-    ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingCallStateForSubscription(sub_id)
-    try:
-        # Make a Call
-        ad.log.info("Make a phone call to %s", callee_number)
-        if emergency:
-            ad.droid.telecomCallEmergencyNumber(callee_number)
-        else:
-            ad.droid.telecomCallNumber(callee_number, video)
-        # Verify OFFHOOK state
-        if not wait_for_call_offhook_for_subscription(
-                log, ad, sub_id, event_tracking_started=True):
-            ad.log.info("sub_id %s not in call offhook state", sub_id)
-            last_call_drop_reason(ad, begin_time=begin_time)
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
-    finally:
-        if hasattr(ad, "sdm_log") and getattr(ad, "sdm_log"):
-            ad.adb.shell("i2cset -fy 3 64 6 1 b", ignore_status=True)
-            ad.adb.shell("i2cset -fy 3 65 6 1 b", ignore_status=True)
-        ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingCallStateChangeForSubscription(sub_id)
-        if incall_ui_display == INCALL_UI_DISPLAY_FOREGROUND:
-            ad.droid.telecomShowInCallScreen()
-        elif incall_ui_display == INCALL_UI_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND:
-            ad.droid.showHomeScreen()
-def is_event_match(event, field, value):
-    """Return if <field> in "event" match <value> or not.
-    Args:
-        event: event to test. This event need to have <field>.
-        field: field to match.
-        value: value to match.
-    Returns:
-        True if <field> in "event" match <value>.
-        False otherwise.
-    """
-    return is_event_match_for_list(event, field, [value])
-def is_event_match_for_list(event, field, value_list):
-    """Return if <field> in "event" match any one of the value
-        in "value_list" or not.
-    Args:
-        event: event to test. This event need to have <field>.
-        field: field to match.
-        value_list: a list of value to match.
-    Returns:
-        True if <field> in "event" match one of the value in "value_list".
-        False otherwise.
-    """
-    try:
-        value_in_event = event['data'][field]
-    except KeyError:
-        return False
-    for value in value_list:
-        if value_in_event == value:
-            return True
-    return False
-def is_phone_in_call(log, ad):
-    """Return True if phone in call.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        ad:  android device.
-    """
-    try:
-        return ad.droid.telecomIsInCall()
-    except:
-        return "mCallState=2" in ad.adb.shell(
-            "dumpsys telephony.registry | grep mCallState")
-def last_call_drop_reason(ad, begin_time=None):
-    reasons = ad.search_logcat(
-        "qcril_qmi_voice_map_qmi_to_ril_last_call_failure_cause", begin_time)
-    reason_string = ""
-    if reasons:
-        log_msg = "Logcat call drop reasons:"
-        for reason in reasons:
-            log_msg = "%s\n\t%s" % (log_msg, reason["log_message"])
-            if "ril reason str" in reason["log_message"]:
-                reason_string = reason["log_message"].split(":")[-1].strip()
-        ad.log.info(log_msg)
-    reasons = ad.search_logcat("ACTION_FORBIDDEN_NO_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION",
-                               begin_time)
-    if reasons:
-        ad.log.warning("ACTION_FORBIDDEN_NO_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION is seen")
-    ad.log.info("last call dumpsys: %s",
-                sorted(dumpsys_last_call_info(ad).items()))
-    return reason_string
-def toggle_airplane_mode(log, ad, new_state=None, strict_checking=True):
-    """ Toggle the state of airplane mode.
-    Args:
-        log: log handler.
-        ad: android_device object.
-        new_state: Airplane mode state to set to.
-            If None, opposite of the current state.
-        strict_checking: Whether to turn on strict checking that checks all features.
-    Returns:
-        result: True if operation succeed. False if error happens.
-    """
-    if ad.skip_sl4a:
-        return toggle_airplane_mode_by_adb(log, ad, new_state)
-    else:
-        return toggle_airplane_mode_msim(
-            log, ad, new_state, strict_checking=strict_checking)
-def toggle_airplane_mode_by_adb(log, ad, new_state=None):
-    """ Toggle the state of airplane mode.
-    Args:
-        log: log handler.
-        ad: android_device object.
-        new_state: Airplane mode state to set to.
-            If None, opposite of the current state.
-    Returns:
-        result: True if operation succeed. False if error happens.
-    """
-    cur_state = bool(int(ad.adb.shell("settings get global airplane_mode_on")))
-    if new_state == cur_state:
-        ad.log.info("Airplane mode already in %s", new_state)
-        return True
-    elif new_state is None:
-        new_state = not cur_state
-    ad.log.info("Change airplane mode from %s to %s", cur_state, new_state)
-    try:
-        ad.adb.shell("settings put global airplane_mode_on %s" % int(new_state))
-        ad.adb.shell("am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE")
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.error(e)
-        return False
-    changed_state = bool(int(ad.adb.shell("settings get global airplane_mode_on")))
-    return changed_state == new_state
-def toggle_airplane_mode_msim(log, ad, new_state=None, strict_checking=True):
-    """ Toggle the state of airplane mode.
-    Args:
-        log: log handler.
-        ad: android_device object.
-        new_state: Airplane mode state to set to.
-            If None, opposite of the current state.
-        strict_checking: Whether to turn on strict checking that checks all features.
-    Returns:
-        result: True if operation succeed. False if error happens.
-    """
-    cur_state = ad.droid.connectivityCheckAirplaneMode()
-    if cur_state == new_state:
-        ad.log.info("Airplane mode already in %s", new_state)
-        return True
-    elif new_state is None:
-        new_state = not cur_state
-        ad.log.info("Toggle APM mode, from current tate %s to %s", cur_state,
-                    new_state)
-    sub_id_list = []
-    active_sub_info = ad.droid.subscriptionGetAllSubInfoList()
-    if active_sub_info:
-        for info in active_sub_info:
-            sub_id_list.append(info['subscriptionId'])
-    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    time.sleep(0.1)
-    service_state_list = []
-    if new_state:
-        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_POWER_OFF)
-        ad.log.info("Turn on airplane mode")
-    else:
-        # If either one of these 3 events show up, it should be OK.
-        # Normal SIM, phone in service
-        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_IN_SERVICE)
-        # NO SIM, or Dead SIM, or no Roaming coverage.
-        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE)
-        service_state_list.append(SERVICE_STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY)
-        ad.log.info("Turn off airplane mode")
-    for sub_id in sub_id_list:
-        ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingServiceStateChangeForSubscription(
-            sub_id)
-    timeout_time = time.time() + MAX_WAIT_TIME_AIRPLANEMODE_EVENT
-    ad.droid.connectivityToggleAirplaneMode(new_state)
-    try:
-        try:
-            event = ad.ed.wait_for_event(
-                is_event_match_for_list,
-                timeout=MAX_WAIT_TIME_AIRPLANEMODE_EVENT,
-                field=ServiceStateContainer.SERVICE_STATE,
-                value_list=service_state_list)
-            ad.log.info("Got event %s", event)
-        except Empty:
-            ad.log.warning("Did not get expected service state change to %s",
-                           service_state_list)
-        finally:
-            for sub_id in sub_id_list:
-                ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingServiceStateChangeForSubscription(
-                    sub_id)
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.error(e)
-    # APM on (new_state=True) will turn off bluetooth but may not turn it on
-    try:
-        if new_state and not _wait_for_bluetooth_in_state(
-                log, ad, False, timeout_time - time.time()):
-            ad.log.error(
-                "Failed waiting for bluetooth during airplane mode toggle")
-            if strict_checking: return False
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.error("Failed to check bluetooth state due to %s", e)
-        if strict_checking:
-            raise
-    # APM on (new_state=True) will turn off wifi but may not turn it on
-    if new_state and not _wait_for_wifi_in_state(log, ad, False,
-                                                 timeout_time - time.time()):
-        ad.log.error("Failed waiting for wifi during airplane mode toggle on")
-        if strict_checking: return False
-    if ad.droid.connectivityCheckAirplaneMode() != new_state:
-        ad.log.error("Set airplane mode to %s failed", new_state)
-        return False
-    return True
-def toggle_cell_data_roaming(ad, state):
-    """Enable cell data roaming for default data subscription.
-    Wait for the data roaming status to be DATA_STATE_CONNECTED
-    Args:
-        ad: Android Device Object.
-        state: True or False for enable or disable cell data roaming.
-    Returns:
-        True if success.
-        False if failed.
-    """
-    state_int = {True: DATA_ROAMING_ENABLE, False: DATA_ROAMING_DISABLE}[state]
-    action_str = {True: "Enable", False: "Disable"}[state]
-    if ad.droid.connectivityCheckDataRoamingMode() == state:
-        ad.log.info("Data roaming is already in state %s", state)
-        return True
-    if not ad.droid.connectivitySetDataRoaming(state_int):
-        ad.error.info("Fail to config data roaming into state %s", state)
-        return False
-    if ad.droid.connectivityCheckDataRoamingMode() == state:
-        ad.log.info("Data roaming is configured into state %s", state)
-        return True
-    else:
-        ad.log.error("Data roaming is not configured into state %s", state)
-        return False
-def wait_for_call_offhook_event(
-        log,
-        ad,
-        sub_id,
-        event_tracking_started=False,
-    """Wait for an incoming call on specified subscription.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        ad: android device object.
-        event_tracking_started: True if event tracking already state outside
-        timeout: time to wait for event
-    Returns:
-        True: if call offhook event is received.
-        False: if call offhook event is not received.
-    """
-    if not event_tracking_started:
-        ad.ed.clear_events(EVENT_CALL_STATE_CHANGED)
-        ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingCallStateForSubscription(sub_id)
-    try:
-        ad.ed.wait_for_event(
-            is_event_match,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            field=CallStateContainer.CALL_STATE,
-            value=TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK)
-        ad.log.info("Got event %s", TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK)
-    except Empty:
-        ad.log.info("No event for call state change to OFFHOOK")
-        return False
-    finally:
-        if not event_tracking_started:
-            ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingCallStateChangeForSubscription(
-                sub_id)
-    return True
-def wait_for_call_offhook_for_subscription(
-        log,
-        ad,
-        sub_id,
-        event_tracking_started=False,
-    """Wait for an incoming call on specified subscription.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        ad: android device object.
-        sub_id: subscription ID
-        timeout: time to wait for ring
-        interval: checking interval
-    Returns:
-        True: if incoming call is received and answered successfully.
-        False: for errors
-    """
-    if not event_tracking_started:
-        ad.ed.clear_events(EVENT_CALL_STATE_CHANGED)
-        ad.droid.telephonyStartTrackingCallStateForSubscription(sub_id)
-    offhook_event_received = False
-    end_time = time.time() + timeout
-    try:
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            if not offhook_event_received:
-                if wait_for_call_offhook_event(log, ad, sub_id, True,
-                                               interval):
-                    offhook_event_received = True
-            telephony_state = ad.droid.telephonyGetCallStateForSubscription(
-                sub_id)
-            telecom_state = ad.droid.telecomGetCallState()
-            if telephony_state == TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK and (
-                    telecom_state == TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK):
-                ad.log.info("telephony and telecom are in OFFHOOK state")
-                return True
-            else:
-                ad.log.info(
-                    "telephony in %s, telecom in %s, expecting OFFHOOK state",
-                    telephony_state, telecom_state)
-            if offhook_event_received:
-                time.sleep(interval)
-    finally:
-        if not event_tracking_started:
-            ad.droid.telephonyStopTrackingCallStateChangeForSubscription(
-                sub_id)
-def _wait_for_bluetooth_in_state(log, ad, state, max_wait):
-    # FIXME: These event names should be defined in a common location
-    _BLUETOOTH_STATE_ON_EVENT = 'BluetoothStateChangedOn'
-    _BLUETOOTH_STATE_OFF_EVENT = 'BluetoothStateChangedOff'
-    ad.ed.clear_events(_BLUETOOTH_STATE_ON_EVENT)
-    ad.ed.clear_events(_BLUETOOTH_STATE_OFF_EVENT)
-    ad.droid.bluetoothStartListeningForAdapterStateChange()
-    try:
-        bt_state = ad.droid.bluetoothCheckState()
-        if bt_state == state:
-            return True
-        if max_wait <= 0:
-            ad.log.error("Time out: bluetooth state still %s, expecting %s",
-                         bt_state, state)
-            return False
-        event = {
-            False: _BLUETOOTH_STATE_OFF_EVENT,
-            True: _BLUETOOTH_STATE_ON_EVENT
-        }[state]
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(event, max_wait)
-        ad.log.info("Got event %s", event['name'])
-        return True
-    except Empty:
-        ad.log.error("Time out: bluetooth state still in %s, expecting %s",
-                     bt_state, state)
-        return False
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.bluetoothStopListeningForAdapterStateChange()
-def wait_for_droid_in_call(log, ad, max_time):
-    """Wait for android to be in call state.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        ad:  android device.
-        max_time: maximal wait time.
-    Returns:
-        If phone become in call state within max_time, return True.
-        Return False if timeout.
-    """
-    return _wait_for_droid_in_state(log, ad, max_time, is_phone_in_call)
-def _wait_for_droid_in_state(log, ad, max_time, state_check_func, *args,
-                             **kwargs):
-    while max_time >= 0:
-        if state_check_func(log, ad, *args, **kwargs):
-            return True
-        time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_STATE_CHECK)
-        max_time -= WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_STATE_CHECK
-    return False
-# TODO: replace this with an event-based function
-def _wait_for_wifi_in_state(log, ad, state, max_wait):
-    return _wait_for_droid_in_state(log, ad, max_wait,
-        lambda log, ad, state: \
-                (True if ad.droid.wifiCheckState() == state else False),
-                state)
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-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Utility functions for for Anritsu Signalling Tester.
-# yapf: disable
-    0: 'No errors occurred',
-    2: 'The specified file does not exist',
-    14: 'The buffer size is insufficient',
-    29: 'The save destination is a write-protected file.',
-    80: 'A file with the same name already exists.'
-        ' (If Overwrite is specified to 0.)',
-    87: 'The specified value is wrong.',
-    112: 'The disk space is insufficient.',
-    183: 'SmartStudio is already running.',
-    1060: 'The control software has not been started or has already terminated',
-    1067: 'SmartStudio, control software or SMS Centre could not start due to'
-          'a problem or problems resulting from OS or the MD8475A system.',
-    1229: 'Connecting to the server failed.',
-    1235: 'A request is suspended.',
-    1460: 'The operation is terminated due to the expiration of the'
-          ' timeout period.',
-    9999: 'A GPIB command error occurred.',
-    536870912: 'The license could not be confirmed.',
-    536870913: 'The specified file cannot be loaded by the SmartStudio.',
-    536870914: 'The specified process ID does not exist.',
-    536870915: 'The received data does not exist.',
-    536870916: 'Simulation is not running.',
-    536870917: 'Simulation is running.',
-    536870918: 'Test Case has never been executed.',
-    536870919: 'The resource cannot be obtained.',
-    536870920: 'A resource protocol error, such as download error or'
-               ' license error, occurred.',
-    536870921: 'The function call has been in invalid status.',
-    536870922: 'The current Simulation Model does not allow the operation.',
-    536870923: 'The Cell name to be set does not exist.',
-    536870924: 'The test is being executed.',
-    536870925: 'The current UE status does not correspond to the'
-               ' test parameters.',
-    536870926: 'There is no LOG information because the simulation'
-               ' has not been executed.',
-    536870927: 'Measure Export has already been executed.',
-    536870928: 'SmartStudio is not connected to the SMS Centre.',
-    536870929: 'SmartStudio failed to send an SMS message to the SMS Centre.',
-    536870930: 'SmartStudio has successfully sent an SMS message'
-               ' to the SMS Centre,but the SMS Centre judges it as an error.',
-    536870931: 'The processing that is unavailable with the current system'
-               ' status has been executed.',
-    536870932: 'The option could not be confirmed.',
-    536870933: 'Measure Export has been stopped.',
-    536870934: 'SmartStudio cannot load the specified file because the'
-               ' version is old.',
-    536870935: 'The data with the specified PDN number does not exist.',
-    536870936: 'The data with the specified Dedicated number does not exist.',
-    536870937: 'The PDN data cannot be added because the upper limit of the'
-               ' number of PDN data has been reached.',
-    536870938: 'The number of antennas, which cannot be set to the current'
-               ' Simulation Model,has been specified.',
-    536870939: 'Calibration of path loss failed.',
-    536870940: 'There is a parameter conflict.',
-    536870941: 'The DL Ref Power setting is out of the setting range'
-               ' at W-CDMA (Evolution).',
-    536870942: 'DC-HSDPA is not available for the current channel setting.',
-    536870943: 'The specified Packet Rate cannot be used by the current'
-               ' Simulation Model.',
-    536870944: 'The W-CDMA Cell parameter F-DPCH is set to Enable.',
-    536870945: 'Target is invalid.',
-    536870946: 'The PWS Centre detects an error.',
-    536870947: 'The Ec/Ior setting is invalid.',
-    536870948: 'The combination of Attach Type and TA Update Type is invalid.',
-    536870949: 'The license of the option has expired.',
-    536870950: 'The Ping command is being executed.',
-    536870951: 'The Ping command is not being executed.',
-    536870952: 'The current Test Case parameter setting is wrong.',
-    536870953: 'The specified IP address is the same as that of Default Gateway'
-               'specified by Simulation parameter.',
-    536870954: 'TFT IE conversion failed.',
-    536870955: 'Saving settings to the SmartStudio scenario failed.',
-    536875008: 'An error exists in the parameter configuration.'
-               '(This error applies only to the current version.)',
-    536936448: 'License verification failed.',
-    536936449: 'The IMS Services cannot load the specified file.',
-    536936462: 'Simulation is not performed and no log information exists.',
-    536936467: 'The executed process is inoperable in the current status'
-               ' of Visual User Agent.',
-    536936707: 'The specified Virtual Network is not running.',
-    536936709: 'The specified Virtual Network is running. '
-               'Any one of the Virtual Networks is running.',
-    536936727: 'The specified Virtual Network does not exist.',
-    536936729: 'When the Virtual Network already exists.',
-    554762241: 'The RF Measurement launcher cannot be accessed.',
-    554762242: 'License check of the RF Measurement failed.',
-    554762243: 'Function is called when RF Measurement cannot be set.',
-    554762244: 'RF Measurement has been already started.',
-    554762245: 'RF Measurement failed to start due to a problem resulting'
-               ' from OS or the MD8475A system.',
-    554762246: 'RF Measurement is not started or is already terminated.',
-    554762247: 'There is a version mismatch between RF Measurement and CAL.',
-    554827777: 'The specified value for RF Measurement is abnormal.',
-    554827778: 'GPIB command error has occurred in RF Measurement.',
-    554827779: 'Invalid file path was specified to RF Measurement.',
-    554827780: 'RF Measurement argument is NULL pointer.',
-    555810817: 'RF Measurement is now performing the measurement.',
-    555810818: 'RF Measurement is now not performing the measurement.',
-    555810819: 'RF Measurement is not measured yet. (There is no result '
-               'information since measurement is not performed.)',
-    555810820: 'An error has occurred when RF Measurement'
-               ' starts the measurement.',
-    555810821: 'Simulation has stopped when RF Measurement is '
-               'performing the measurement.',
-    555810822: 'An error has been retrieved from the Platform when '
-               'RF Measurement is performing the measurement.',
-    555810823: 'Measurement has been started in the system state where RF '
-               'Measurement is invalid.',
-    556859393: 'RF Measurement is now saving a file.',
-    556859394: 'There is insufficient disk space when saving'
-               'a Measure Result file of RF Measurement.',
-    556859395: 'An internal error has occurred or USB cable has been'
-               ' disconnected when saving a Measure Result'
-               ' file of RF Measurement.',
-    556859396: 'A write-protected file was specified as the save destination'
-               ' when saving a Measure Result file of RF Measurement.',
-    568328193: 'An internal error has occurred in RF Measurement.',
-    687865857: 'Calibration Measure DSP is now being measured.',
-    687865858: 'Calibration measurement failed.',
-    687865859: 'Calibration slot is empty or its system does not apply.',
-    687865860: 'Unexpected command is received from Calibration HWC.',
-    687865861: 'Failed to receive the Calibration measurement result.',
-    687865862: 'Failed to open the correction value file on the'
-               ' Calibration HDD.',
-    687865863: 'Failed to move the pointer on the Calibration correction'
-               ' value table.',
-    687865864: 'Failed to write the correction value to the Calibration'
-               ' correction value file on the Calibration HDD.',
-    687865865: 'Failed to load the correction value from the Calibration HDD.',
-    687865866: 'Failed to create a directory to which the correction value '
-               'file on the Calibration HDD is saved.',
-    687865867: 'Correction data has not been written in the'
-               ' Calibration-specified correction table.',
-    687865868: 'Data received from Calibration HWC does not exist.',
-    687865869: 'Data has not been written to the Flash ROM'
-               ' of Calibration BASE UNIT.',
-    687865870: 'Correction data has not been written to the'
-               ' Calibration-specified sector.',
-    687866111: 'An calibration error other than described above occurred.',
-def _error_code_tostring(error_code):
-    ''' returns the description of the error from the error code
-    returned by anritsu MD8475A '''
-    try:
-        error_string = ANRITSU_ERROR_CODES[error_code]
-    except KeyError:
-        error_string = "Error : {} ".format(error_code)
-    return error_string
-class AnritsuUtils(object):
-    def gsm_encode(text):
-        '''To encode text string with GSM 7-bit alphabet for common symbols'''
-        table = {' ': '%20', '!': '%21', '\"': '%22', '#': '%23', '$': '%24',
-                 '/': '%2F', '%': '%25', '&': '%26', '\'': '%27', '(': '%28',
-                 ')': '%29', '*': '%2A', '+': '%2B', ',': '%2C', ':': '%3A',
-                 ';': '%3B', '<': '%3C', '=': '%3D', '>': '%3E', '?': '%3F',
-                 '@': '%40', '[': '%5B', ']': '%5D', '_': '%5F', 'é': '%C3%A9'}
-        coded_str = ""
-        for char in text:
-            if char in table:
-                coded_str += table[char]
-            else:
-                coded_str += char
-        return coded_str
-    def gsm_decode(text):
-        '''To decode text string with GSM 7-bit alphabet for common symbols'''
-        table = {'%20': ' ', '%21': '!', '%22': '\"', '%23': '#', '%24': '$',
-                 '%2F': '/', '%25': '%', '%26': '&', '%27': '\'', '%28': '(',
-                 '%29': ')', '%2A': '*', '%2B': '+', '%2C': ',', '%3A': ':',
-                 '%3B': ';', '%3C': '<', '%3D': '=', '%3E': '>', '%3F': '?',
-                 '%40': '@', '%5B': '[', '%5D': ']', '%5F': '_', '%C3%A9': 'é'}
-        coded_str = text
-        for char in table:
-            if char in text:
-                coded_str = coded_str.replace(char, table[char])
-        return coded_str
-    def cdma_encode(text):
-        '''To encode text string with GSM 7-bit alphabet for common symbols'''
-        table = {' ': '%20', '!': '%21', '\"': '%22', '#': '%23', '$': '%24',
-                 '/': '%2F', '%': '%25', '&': '%26', '\'': '%27', '(': '%28',
-                 ')': '%29', '*': '%2A', '+': '%2B', ',': '%2C', ':': '%3A',
-                 ';': '%3B', '<': '%3C', '=': '%3D', '>': '%3E', '?': '%3F',
-                 '@': '%40', '[': '%5B', ']': '%5D', '_': '%5F'}
-        coded_str = ""
-        for char in text:
-            if char in table:
-                coded_str += table[char]
-            else:
-                coded_str += char
-        return coded_str
-class AnritsuError(Exception):
-    '''Exception for errors related to Anritsu.'''
-    def __init__(self, error, command=None):
-        self._error_code = error
-        self._error_message = _error_code_tostring(self._error_code)
-        if command is not None:
-            self._error_message = "Command {} returned the error: '{}'".format(
-                                  command, self._error_message)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self._error_message
-# yapf: enable
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/band_constants.py b/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/band_constants.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 18dd5bc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/band_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# GSM BAND constants
-GSM_BAND_GSM450 = "GSM450"
-GSM_BAND_GSM480 = "GSM480"
-GSM_BAND_GSM850 = "GSM850"
-GSM_BAND_PGSM900 = "P-GSM900"
-GSM_BAND_EGSM900 = "E-GSM900"
-GSM_BAND_RGSM900 = "R-GSM900"
-GSM_BAND_DCS1800 = "DCS1800"
-GSM_BAND_PCS1900 = "PCS1900"
-LTE_BAND_2 = 2
-LTE_BAND_4 = 4
-LTE_BAND_12 = 12
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/cell_configurations.py b/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/cell_configurations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 83773e0..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/cell_configurations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Sanity tests for voice tests in telephony
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import GSM_BAND_PCS1900
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import GSM_BAND_GSM850
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import LTE_BAND_2
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import LTE_BAND_4
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import LTE_BAND_12
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import WCDMA_BAND_1
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import WCDMA_BAND_2
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import BtsBandwidth
-# Different Cell configurations
-# TMO bands
-lte_band4_ch2000_fr2115_pcid1_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 11,
-    'cid': 1,
-    'pcid': 1,
-    'channel': 2000
-lte_band4_ch2000_fr2115_pcid2_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 12,
-    'cid': 2,
-    'pcid': 2,
-    'channel': 2000
-lte_band4_ch2000_fr2115_pcid3_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 13,
-    'cid': 3,
-    'pcid': 3,
-    'channel': 2000
-lte_band4_ch2000_fr2115_pcid4_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 14,
-    'cid': 4,
-    'pcid': 4,
-    'channel': 2000
-lte_band4_ch2000_fr2115_pcid5_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 15,
-    'cid': 5,
-    'pcid': 5,
-    'channel': 2000
-lte_band4_ch2000_fr2115_pcid6_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 16,
-    'cid': 6,
-    'pcid': 6,
-    'channel': 2000
-lte_band4_ch2050_fr2120_pcid7_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 17,
-    'cid': 7,
-    'pcid': 7,
-    'channel': 2050
-lte_band4_ch2250_fr2140_pcid8_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_4,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 18,
-    'cid': 8,
-    'pcid': 8,
-    'channel': 2250
-lte_band2_ch900_fr1960_pcid9_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_2,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 19,
-    'cid': 9,
-    'pcid': 9,
-    'channel': 900
-lte_band12_ch5095_fr737_pcid10_cell = {
-    'band': LTE_BAND_12,
-    'bandwidth': BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'tac': 20,
-    'cid': 10,
-    'pcid': 10,
-    'channel': 5095
-wcdma_band1_ch10700_fr2140_cid31_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_1,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 31,
-    'rac': 31,
-    'cid': 31,
-    'channel': 10700,
-    'psc': 31
-wcdma_band1_ch10700_fr2140_cid32_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_1,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 32,
-    'rac': 32,
-    'cid': 32,
-    'channel': 10700,
-    'psc': 32
-wcdma_band1_ch10700_fr2140_cid33_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_1,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 33,
-    'rac': 33,
-    'cid': 33,
-    'channel': 10700,
-    'psc': 33
-wcdma_band1_ch10700_fr2140_cid34_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_1,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 34,
-    'rac': 34,
-    'cid': 34,
-    'channel': 10700,
-    'psc': 34
-wcdma_band1_ch10700_fr2140_cid35_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_1,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 35,
-    'rac': 35,
-    'cid': 35,
-    'channel': 10700,
-    'psc': 35
-wcdma_band1_ch10575_fr2115_cid36_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_1,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 36,
-    'rac': 36,
-    'cid': 36,
-    'channel': 10575,
-    'psc': 36
-wcdma_band1_ch10800_fr2160_cid37_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_1,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 37,
-    'rac': 37,
-    'cid': 37,
-    'channel': 10800,
-    'psc': 37
-wcdma_band2_ch9800_fr1960_cid38_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_2,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 38,
-    'rac': 38,
-    'cid': 38,
-    'channel': 9800,
-    'psc': 38
-wcdma_band2_ch9900_fr1980_cid39_cell = {
-    'band': WCDMA_BAND_2,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 39,
-    'rac': 39,
-    'cid': 39,
-    'channel': 9900,
-    'psc': 39
-gsm_band1900_ch512_fr1930_cid51_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_PCS1900,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 51,
-    'rac': 51,
-    'cid': 51,
-    'channel': 512,
-gsm_band1900_ch512_fr1930_cid52_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_PCS1900,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 52,
-    'rac': 52,
-    'cid': 52,
-    'channel': 512,
-gsm_band1900_ch512_fr1930_cid53_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_PCS1900,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 53,
-    'rac': 53,
-    'cid': 53,
-    'channel': 512,
-gsm_band1900_ch512_fr1930_cid54_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_PCS1900,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 54,
-    'rac': 54,
-    'cid': 54,
-    'channel': 512,
-gsm_band1900_ch512_fr1930_cid55_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_PCS1900,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 55,
-    'rac': 55,
-    'cid': 55,
-    'channel': 512,
-gsm_band1900_ch640_fr1955_cid56_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_PCS1900,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 56,
-    'rac': 56,
-    'cid': 56,
-    'channel': 640,
-gsm_band1900_ch750_fr1977_cid57_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_PCS1900,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 57,
-    'rac': 57,
-    'cid': 57,
-    'channel': 750,
-gsm_band850_ch128_fr869_cid58_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_GSM850,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 58,
-    'rac': 58,
-    'cid': 58,
-    'channel': 128,
-gsm_band850_ch251_fr893_cid59_cell = {
-    'band': GSM_BAND_GSM850,
-    'mcc': '001',
-    'mnc': '01',
-    'lac': 59,
-    'rac': 59,
-    'cid': 59,
-    'channel': 251,
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/md8475_cellular_simulator.py b/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/md8475_cellular_simulator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a89e9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/md8475_cellular_simulator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import math
-import ntpath
-import time
-import antlion.controllers.cellular_simulator as cc
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import LteSimulation
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib import md8475a
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib import _anritsu_utils as anritsu
-class MD8475CellularSimulator(cc.AbstractCellularSimulator):
-    MD8475_VERSION = 'A'
-    # Indicates if it is able to use 256 QAM as the downlink modulation for LTE
-    LTE_SUPPORTS_DL_256QAM = False
-    # Indicates if it is able to use 64 QAM as the uplink modulation for LTE
-    LTE_SUPPORTS_UL_64QAM = False
-    # Indicates if 4x4 MIMO is supported for LTE
-    LTE_SUPPORTS_4X4_MIMO = False
-    # The maximum number of carriers that this simulator can support for LTE
-    # The maximum power that the equipment is able to transmit
-    MAX_DL_POWER = -10
-    # Simulation config files in the callbox computer.
-    # These should be replaced in the future by setting up
-    # the same configuration manually.
-    LTE_BASIC_SIM_FILE = 'SIM_default_LTE.wnssp'
-    LTE_BASIC_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_LTE_config.wnscp'
-    LTE_CA_BASIC_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_LTE_CA_config.wnscp'
-    # Filepath to the config files stored in the Anritsu callbox. Needs to be
-    # formatted to replace {} with either A or B depending on the model.
-    CALLBOX_CONFIG_PATH = 'C:\\Users\\MD8475A\\Documents\\DAN_configs\\'
-    def __init__(self, ip_address):
-        """ Initializes the cellular simulator.
-        Args:
-            ip_address: the ip address of the MD8475 instrument
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        try:
-            self.anritsu = md8475a.MD8475A(ip_address,
-                                           md8475_version=self.MD8475_VERSION)
-        except anritsu.AnritsuError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('Could not connect to MD8475.')
-        self.bts = None
-    def destroy(self):
-        """ Sends finalization commands to the cellular equipment and closes
-        the connection. """
-        self.anritsu.stop_simulation()
-        self.anritsu.disconnect()
-    def setup_lte_scenario(self):
-        """ Configures the equipment for an LTE simulation. """
-        cell_file_name = self.LTE_BASIC_CELL_FILE
-        sim_file_name = self.LTE_BASIC_SIM_FILE
-        cell_file_path = ntpath.join(self.CALLBOX_CONFIG_PATH, cell_file_name)
-        sim_file_path = ntpath.join(self.CALLBOX_CONFIG_PATH, sim_file_name)
-        self.anritsu.load_simulation_paramfile(sim_file_path)
-        self.anritsu.load_cell_paramfile(cell_file_path)
-        # MD4875A supports only 2 carriers. The MD4875B class adds other cells.
-        self.bts = [
-            self.anritsu.get_BTS(md8475a.BtsNumber.BTS1),
-            self.anritsu.get_BTS(md8475a.BtsNumber.BTS2)
-        ]
-    def set_band_combination(self, bands):
-        """ Prepares the test equipment for the indicated band combination.
-        The reason why this is implemented in a separate method and not calling
-        LteSimulation.BtsConfig for each separate band is that configuring each
-        ssc cannot be done separately, as it is necessary to know which
-        carriers are on the same band in order to decide which RF outputs can
-        be shared in the test equipment.
-        Args:
-            bands: a list of bands represented as ints or strings
-        """
-        self.num_carriers = len(bands)
-        # Validate the number of carriers.
-        if self.num_carriers > self.LTE_MAX_CARRIERS:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('The test equipment supports up '
-                                            'to {} carriers.'.format(
-                                                self.LTE_MAX_CARRIERS))
-        # Initialize the base stations in the test equipment
-        self.anritsu.set_simulation_model(
-            *[md8475a.BtsTechnology.LTE for _ in range(self.num_carriers)],
-            reset=False)
-        # If base stations use different bands, make sure that the RF cards are
-        # not being shared by setting the right maximum MIMO modes
-        if self.num_carriers == 2:
-            # RF cards are never shared when doing 2CA so 4X4 can be done in
-            # both base stations.
-            self.bts[0].mimo_support = md8475a.LteMimoMode.MIMO_4X4
-            self.bts[1].mimo_support = md8475a.LteMimoMode.MIMO_4X4
-        elif self.num_carriers == 3:
-            # 4X4 can only be done in the second base station if it is shared
-            # with the primary. If the RF cards cannot be shared, then at most
-            # 2X2 can be done.
-            self.bts[0].mimo_support = md8475a.LteMimoMode.MIMO_4X4
-            if bands[0] == bands[1]:
-                self.bts[1].mimo_support = md8475a.LteMimoMode.MIMO_4X4
-            else:
-                self.bts[1].mimo_support = md8475a.LteMimoMode.MIMO_2X2
-            self.bts[2].mimo_support = md8475a.LteMimoMode.MIMO_2X2
-        elif self.num_carriers > 3:
-            raise NotImplementedError('The controller doesn\'t implement more '
-                                      'than 3 carriers for MD8475B yet.')
-        # Enable carrier aggregation if there is more than one carrier
-        if self.num_carriers > 1:
-            self.anritsu.set_carrier_aggregation_enabled()
-        # Restart the simulation as changing the simulation model will stop it.
-        self.anritsu.start_simulation()
-    def set_input_power(self, bts_index, input_power):
-        """ Sets the input power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            input_power: the new input power
-        """
-        nrb_ul = int(self.bts[bts_index].nrb_ul)
-        max_nrb_ul = self.bts[bts_index].max_nrb_ul
-        input_level = str(
-            round(input_power - 10 * math.log10(nrb_ul / max_nrb_ul), 1))
-        if nrb_ul < max_nrb_ul:
-            self.log.info('Number of UL RBs ({}) is less than the maximum RB '
-                          'allocation ({}). Increasing UL reference power to '
-                          '{} dbm to compensate'.format(
-                              nrb_ul, max_nrb_ul, input_level))
-        self.bts[bts_index].input_level = input_level
-    def set_output_power(self, bts_index, output_power):
-        """ Sets the output power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            output_power: the new output power
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].output_level = output_power
-    def set_downlink_channel_number(self, bts_index, channel_number):
-        """ Sets the downlink channel number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            channel_number: the new channel number
-        """
-        # Temporarily adding this line to workaround a bug in the
-        # Anritsu callbox in which the channel number needs to be set
-        # to a different value before setting it to the final one.
-        self.bts[bts_index].dl_channel = str(int(channel_number + 1))
-        time.sleep(8)
-        self.bts[bts_index].dl_channel = str(int(channel_number))
-    def set_dl_256_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the downlink.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 256 QAM should be used
-        """
-        if enabled and not self.LTE_SUPPORTS_DL_256QAM:
-            raise RuntimeError('256 QAM is not supported')
-        self.bts[bts_index].lte_dl_modulation_order = \
-            md8475a.ModulationType.Q256 if enabled else md8475a.ModulationType.Q64
-    def set_ul_64_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the uplink.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 64 QAM should be used
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].lte_ul_modulation_order = \
-            md8475a.ModulationType.Q64 if enabled else md8475a.ModulationType.Q16
-    def set_mac_padding(self, bts_index, mac_padding):
-        """ Enables or disables MAC padding in the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mac_padding: the new MAC padding setting
-        """
-        if mac_padding:
-            self.bts[bts_index].tbs_pattern = 'FULLALLOCATION'
-        else:
-            self.bts[bts_index].tbs_pattern = 'OFF'
-    def set_lte_rrc_state_change_timer(self, enabled, time=10):
-        """ Configures the LTE RRC state change timer.
-        Args:
-            enabled: a boolean indicating if the timer should be on or off.
-            time: time in seconds for the timer to expire
-        """
-        self.anritsu.set_lte_rrc_status_change(enabled)
-        if enabled:
-            self.anritsu.set_lte_rrc_status_change_timer(time)
-    def set_cfi(self, bts_index, cfi):
-        """ Sets the Channel Format Indicator for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cfi: the new CFI setting
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].cfi = cfi
-    def set_paging_cycle(self, bts_index, cycle_duration):
-        """ Sets the paging cycle duration for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cycle_duration: the new paging cycle duration in milliseconds
-        """
-        # TODO (b/146068532): implement.
-        self.bts[bts_index].paging_duration = cycle_duration
-    def set_phich_resource(self, bts_index, phich):
-        """ Sets the PHICH Resource setting for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            phich: the new PHICH resource setting
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].phich_resource = phich
-    def set_drx_connected_mode(self, bts_index, active):
-        """ Sets the DRX connected mode
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            active: Boolean indicating whether cDRX mode
-                is active
-        """
-        mode = 'MANUAL' if active else 'OFF'
-        self.bts[bts_index].drx_connected_mode = mode
-    def set_drx_on_duration_timer(self, bts_index, timer):
-        """ Sets the amount of PDCCH subframes to wait for data after
-            waking up from a DRX cycle
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            timer: Number of PDCCH subframes to wait and check for user data
-                after waking from the DRX cycle
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].drx_on_duration_timer = timer
-    def set_drx_inactivity_timer(self, bts_index, timer):
-        """ Sets the number of PDCCH subframes to wait before entering DRX mode
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            timer: The time interval to wait before entering DRX mode
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].drx_inactivity_timer = timer
-    def set_drx_retransmission_timer(self, bts_index, timer):
-        """ Sets the number of consecutive PDCCH subframes to wait
-        for retransmission
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            timer: Number of PDCCH subframes to remain active
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].drx_retransmission_timer = timer
-    def set_drx_long_cycle(self, bts_index, cycle):
-        """ Sets the amount of subframes representing a DRX long cycle.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cycle: The amount of subframes representing one long DRX cycle.
-                One cycle consists of DRX sleep + DRX on duration
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].drx_long_cycle = cycle
-    def set_drx_long_cycle_offset(self, bts_index, offset):
-        """ Sets the offset used to determine the subframe number
-        to begin the long drx cycle
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            offset: Number in range 0 to (long cycle - 1)
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].drx_long_cycle_offset = offset
-    def set_band(self, bts_index, band):
-        """ Sets the right duplex mode before switching to a new band.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            band: desired band
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        # The callbox won't restore the band-dependent default values if the
-        # request is to switch to the same band as the one the base station is
-        # currently using. To ensure that default values are restored, go to a
-        # different band before switching.
-        if int(bts.band) == band:
-            # Using bands 1 and 2 but it could be any others
-            bts.band = '1' if band != 1 else '2'
-            # Switching to config.band will be handled by the parent class
-            # implementation of this method.
-        bts.duplex_mode = self.get_duplex_mode(band).value
-        bts.band = band
-        time.sleep(5)  # It takes some time to propagate the new band
-    def get_duplex_mode(self, band):
-        """ Determines if the band uses FDD or TDD duplex mode
-        Args:
-            band: a band number
-        Returns:
-            an variable of class DuplexMode indicating if band is FDD or TDD
-        """
-        if 33 <= int(band) <= 46:
-            return LteSimulation.DuplexMode.TDD
-        else:
-            return LteSimulation.DuplexMode.FDD
-    def set_tdd_config(self, bts_index, config):
-        """ Sets the frame structure for TDD bands.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            config: the desired frame structure. An int between 0 and 6.
-        """
-        if not 0 <= config <= 6:
-            raise ValueError("The frame structure configuration has to be a "
-                             "number between 0 and 6")
-        self.bts[bts_index].uldl_configuration = config
-        # Wait for the setting to propagate
-        time.sleep(5)
-    def set_ssf_config(self, bts_index, ssf_config):
-        """ Sets the Special Sub-Frame config number for the indicated
-        base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            ssf_config: the new ssf config number
-        """
-        # Cast to int in case it was passed as a string
-        ssf_config = int(ssf_config)
-        if not 0 <= ssf_config <= 9:
-            raise ValueError('The Special Sub-Frame configuration has to be a '
-                             'number between 0 and 9.')
-        self.bts[bts_index].tdd_special_subframe = ssf_config
-    def set_bandwidth(self, bts_index, bandwidth):
-        """ Sets the LTE channel bandwidth (MHz)
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            bandwidth: desired bandwidth (MHz)
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        if bandwidth == 20:
-            bts.bandwidth = md8475a.BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_20MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 15:
-            bts.bandwidth = md8475a.BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_15MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 10:
-            bts.bandwidth = md8475a.BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 5:
-            bts.bandwidth = md8475a.BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_5MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 3:
-            bts.bandwidth = md8475a.BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_3MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 1.4:
-            bts.bandwidth = md8475a.BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_1dot4MHz
-        else:
-            msg = "Bandwidth = {} MHz is not valid for LTE".format(bandwidth)
-            self.log.error(msg)
-            raise ValueError(msg)
-        time.sleep(5)  # It takes some time to propagate the new settings
-    def set_mimo_mode(self, bts_index, mimo):
-        """ Sets the number of DL antennas for the desired MIMO mode.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mimo: object of class MimoMode
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        # If the requested mimo mode is not compatible with the current TM,
-        # warn the user before changing the value.
-        if mimo == LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_1x1:
-            if bts.transmode not in [
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM1,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM7
-            ]:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "Using only 1 DL antennas is not allowed with "
-                    "the current transmission mode. Changing the "
-                    "number of DL antennas will override this "
-                    "setting.")
-            bts.dl_antenna = 1
-        elif mimo == LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_2x2:
-            if bts.transmode not in [
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM2,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM3,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM4,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM8,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM9
-            ]:
-                self.log.warning("Using two DL antennas is not allowed with "
-                                 "the current transmission mode. Changing the "
-                                 "number of DL antennas will override this "
-                                 "setting.")
-            bts.dl_antenna = 2
-        elif mimo == LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_4x4 and \
-            self.LTE_SUPPORTS_4X4_MIMO:
-            if bts.transmode not in [
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM2,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM3,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM4,
-                    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM9
-            ]:
-                self.log.warning("Using four DL antennas is not allowed with "
-                                 "the current transmission mode. Changing the "
-                                 "number of DL antennas will override this "
-                                 "setting.")
-            bts.dl_antenna = 4
-        else:
-            RuntimeError("The requested MIMO mode is not supported.")
-    def set_scheduling_mode(self, bts_index, scheduling, mcs_dl, mcs_ul,
-                            nrb_dl, nrb_ul):
-        """ Sets the scheduling mode for LTE
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            scheduling: DYNAMIC or STATIC scheduling (Enum list)
-            mcs_dl: Downlink MCS (only for STATIC scheduling)
-            mcs_ul: Uplink MCS (only for STATIC scheduling)
-            nrb_dl: Number of RBs for downlink (only for STATIC scheduling)
-            nrb_ul: Number of RBs for uplink (only for STATIC scheduling)
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        bts.lte_scheduling_mode = scheduling.value
-        if scheduling == LteSimulation.SchedulingMode.STATIC:
-            if not all([nrb_dl, nrb_ul, mcs_dl, mcs_ul]):
-                raise ValueError('When the scheduling mode is set to manual, '
-                                 'the RB and MCS parameters are required.')
-            bts.packet_rate = md8475a.BtsPacketRate.LTE_MANUAL
-            bts.lte_mcs_dl = mcs_dl
-            bts.lte_mcs_ul = mcs_ul
-            bts.nrb_dl = nrb_dl
-            bts.nrb_ul = nrb_ul
-        time.sleep(5)  # It takes some time to propagate the new settings
-    def lte_attach_secondary_carriers(self, ue_capability_enquiry):
-        """ Activates the secondary carriers for CA. Requires the DUT to be
-        attached to the primary carrier first.
-        Args:
-            ue_capability_enquiry: UE capability enquiry message to be sent to
-        the UE before starting carrier aggregation.
-        """
-        # Trigger UE capability enquiry from network to get
-        # UE supported CA band combinations. Here freq_bands is a hex string.
-        self.anritsu.trigger_ue_capability_enquiry(ue_capability_enquiry)
-        testcase = self.anritsu.get_AnritsuTestCases()
-        # A bug in the instrument's software (b/139547391) requires the test
-        # procedure to be set to whatever was the previous configuration before
-        # setting it to MULTICELL.
-        testcase.procedure = md8475a.TestProcedure(testcase.procedure)
-        testcase.procedure = md8475a.TestProcedure.PROCEDURE_MULTICELL
-        testcase.power_control = md8475a.TestPowerControl.POWER_CONTROL_DISABLE
-        testcase.measurement_LTE = md8475a.TestMeasurement.MEASUREMENT_DISABLE
-        # Enable the secondary carrier base stations for CA
-        for bts_index in range(1, self.num_carriers):
-            self.bts[bts_index].dl_cc_enabled = True
-        self.anritsu.start_testcase()
-        retry_counter = 0
-        self.log.info("Waiting for the test case to start...")
-        time.sleep(5)
-        while self.anritsu.get_testcase_status() == "0":
-            retry_counter += 1
-            if retry_counter == 3:
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                    "The test case failed to start after {} "
-                    "retries. The connection between the phone "
-                    "and the base station might be unstable.".format(
-                        retry_counter))
-            time.sleep(10)
-    def set_transmission_mode(self, bts_index, tmode):
-        """ Sets the transmission mode for the LTE basetation
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            tmode: Enum list from class 'TransmissionModeLTE'
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        # If the selected transmission mode does not support the number of DL
-        # antennas, throw an exception.
-        if (tmode in [
-                LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM1,
-                LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM7
-        ] and bts.dl_antenna != '1'):
-            # TM1 and TM7 only support 1 DL antenna
-            raise ValueError("{} allows only one DL antenna. Change the "
-                             "number of DL antennas before setting the "
-                             "transmission mode.".format(tmode.value))
-        elif (tmode == LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM8
-              and bts.dl_antenna != '2'):
-            # TM8 requires 2 DL antennas
-            raise ValueError("TM2 requires two DL antennas. Change the "
-                             "number of DL antennas before setting the "
-                             "transmission mode.")
-        elif (tmode in [
-                LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM2,
-                LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM3,
-                LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM4,
-                LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM9
-        ] and bts.dl_antenna == '1'):
-            # TM2, TM3, TM4 and TM9 require 2 or 4 DL antennas
-            raise ValueError("{} requires at least two DL atennas. Change the "
-                             "number of DL antennas before setting the "
-                             "transmission mode.".format(tmode.value))
-        # The TM mode is allowed for the current number of DL antennas, so it
-        # is safe to change this setting now
-        bts.transmode = tmode.value
-        time.sleep(5)  # It takes some time to propagate the new settings
-    def wait_until_attached(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is attached to the primary carrier.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.anritsu.wait_for_registration_state(time_to_wait=timeout)
-        except anritsu.AnritsuError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('The phone did not attach before '
-                                            'the timeout period ended.')
-    def wait_until_communication_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Communication state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.anritsu.wait_for_communication_state(time_to_wait=timeout)
-        except anritsu.AnritsuError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('The phone was not in '
-                                            'Communication state before '
-                                            'the timeout period ended.')
-    def wait_until_idle_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Idle state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.anritsu.wait_for_idle_state(time_to_wait=timeout)
-        except anritsu.AnritsuError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('The phone was not in Idle state '
-                                            'before the time the timeout '
-                                            'period ended.')
-    def detach(self):
-        """ Turns off all the base stations so the DUT loose connection."""
-        if self.anritsu.get_smartstudio_status() == \
-            md8475a.ProcessingStatus.PROCESS_STATUS_NOTRUN.value:
-            self.log.info('Device cannot be detached because simulation is '
-                          'not running.')
-            return
-        self.anritsu.set_simulation_state_to_poweroff()
-    def stop(self):
-        """ Stops current simulation. After calling this method, the simulator
-        will need to be set up again. """
-        self.anritsu.stop_simulation()
-    def start_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Starts transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        try:
-            self.anritsu.start_ip_traffic()
-        except md8475a.AnritsuError as inst:
-            # This typically happens when traffic is already running.
-            # TODO (b/141962691): continue only if traffic is running
-            self.log.warning(str(inst))
-        time.sleep(4)
-    def stop_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Stops transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        try:
-            self.anritsu.stop_ip_traffic()
-        except md8475a.AnritsuError as inst:
-            # This typically happens when traffic has already been stopped
-            # TODO (b/141962691): continue only if traffic is stopped
-            self.log.warning(str(inst))
-        time.sleep(2)
-    def get_measured_pusch_power(self):
-        """ Queries PUSCH power measured at the callbox.
-        Returns:
-            The PUSCH power in the primary input port.
-        """
-        # Try three times before raising an exception. This is needed because
-        # the callbox sometimes reports an active chain as 'DEACTIVE'.
-        retries_left = 3
-        while retries_left > 0:
-            ul_pusch = self.anritsu.get_measured_pusch_power().split(',')[0]
-            if ul_pusch != 'DEACTIVE':
-                return float(ul_pusch)
-            time.sleep(3)
-            retries_left -= 1
-            self.log.info('Chain shows as inactive. %d retries left.' %
-                          retries_left)
-        raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('Could not get measured PUSCH power.')
-class MD8475BCellularSimulator(MD8475CellularSimulator):
-    MD8475_VERSION = 'B'
-    # Indicates if it is able to use 256 QAM as the downlink modulation for LTE
-    LTE_SUPPORTS_DL_256QAM = True
-    # Indicates if it is able to use 64 QAM as the uplink modulation for LTE
-    # Indicates if 4x4 MIMO is supported for LTE
-    # The maximum number of carriers that this simulator can support for LTE
-    # The maximum power that the equipment is able to transmit
-    MAX_DL_POWER = -30
-    # Simulation config files in the callbox computer.
-    # These should be replaced in the future by setting up
-    # the same configuration manually.
-    LTE_BASIC_SIM_FILE = 'SIM_default_LTE.wnssp2'
-    LTE_BASIC_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_LTE_config.wnscp2'
-    LTE_CA_BASIC_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_LTE_CA_config.wnscp2'
-    # Filepath to the config files stored in the Anritsu callbox. Needs to be
-    # formatted to replace {} with either A or B depending on the model.
-    CALLBOX_CONFIG_PATH = 'C:\\Users\\MD8475B\\Documents\\DAN_configs\\'
-    def setup_lte_scenario(self):
-        """ The B model can support up to five carriers. """
-        super().setup_lte_scenario()
-        self.bts.extend([
-            self.anritsu.get_BTS(md8475a.BtsNumber.BTS3),
-            self.anritsu.get_BTS(md8475a.BtsNumber.BTS4),
-            self.anritsu.get_BTS(md8475a.BtsNumber.BTS5)
-        ])
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/md8475a.py b/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/md8475a.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ac67229..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/md8475a.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5066 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Controller interface for Anritsu Signalling Tester MD8475A.
-import logging
-import time
-import socket
-from enum import Enum
-from enum import IntEnum
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import AnritsuError
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import AnritsuUtils
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import NO_ERROR
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import OPERATION_COMPLETE
-from antlion import tracelogger
-# The following wait times (except COMMUNICATION_STATE_WAIT_TIME) are actually
-# the times for socket to time out. Increasing them is to make sure there is
-# enough time for MD8475A operation to be completed in some cases.
-# It won't increase test execution time.
-    "I": "1",
-    "II": "2",
-    "III": "3",
-    "IV": "4",
-    "V": "5",
-    "VI": "6",
-    "VII": "7",
-    "VIII": "8",
-    "IX": "9",
-    "X": "10",
-    "XI": "11",
-    "XII": "12",
-    "XIII": "13",
-    "XIV": "14"
-def create(configs):
-    objs = []
-    for c in configs:
-        ip_address = c["ip_address"]
-        objs.append(MD8475A(ip_address))
-    return objs
-def destroy(objs):
-    return
-class ProcessingStatus(Enum):
-    ''' MD8475A processing status for UE,Packet,Voice,Video,SMS,
-        PPP, PWS '''
-class BtsNumber(Enum):
-    '''ID number for MD8475A supported BTS '''
-    BTS1 = "BTS1"
-    BTS2 = "BTS2"
-    BTS3 = "BTS3"
-    BTS4 = "BTS4"
-    BTS5 = "BTS5"
-class BtsTechnology(Enum):
-    ''' BTS system technology'''
-    LTE = "LTE"
-    WCDMA = "WCDMA"
-    GSM = "GSM"
-    CDMA1X = "CDMA1X"
-    EVDO = "EVDO"
-class BtsBandwidth(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Cell Bandwidth '''
-    LTE_BANDWIDTH_1dot4MHz = "1.4MHz"
-    LTE_BANDWIDTH_3MHz = "3MHz"
-    LTE_BANDWIDTH_5MHz = "5MHz"
-    LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz = "10MHz"
-    LTE_BANDWIDTH_15MHz = "15MHz"
-    LTE_BANDWIDTH_20MHz = "20MHz"
-    def get_float_value(bts_bandwidth):
-        """ Returns a float representing the bandwidth in MHz.
-        Args:
-            bts_bandwidth: a BtsBandwidth enum or a string matching one of the
-            values in the BtsBandwidth enum.
-        """
-        if isinstance(bts_bandwidth, BtsBandwidth):
-            bandwidth_str = bts_bandwidth.value
-        elif isinstance(bts_bandwidth, str):
-            bandwidth_str = bts_bandwidth
-        else:
-            raise TypeError('bts_bandwidth should be an instance of string or '
-                            'BtsBandwidth. ')
-        if bandwidth_str == BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_20MHz.value:
-            return 20
-        elif bandwidth_str == BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_15MHz.value:
-            return 15
-        elif bandwidth_str == BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz.value:
-            return 10
-        elif bandwidth_str == BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_5MHz.value:
-            return 5
-        elif bandwidth_str == BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_3MHz.value:
-            return 3
-        elif bandwidth_str == BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_1dot4MHz.value:
-            return 1.4
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Could not map {} to a bandwidth value.'.format(bandwidth_str))
-    BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_1dot4MHz.value: 6,
-    BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_3MHz.value: 15,
-    BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_5MHz.value: 25,
-    BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_10MHz.value: 50,
-    BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_15MHz.value: 75,
-    BtsBandwidth.LTE_BANDWIDTH_20MHz.value: 100
-class LteMimoMode(Enum):
-    """ Values for LTE MIMO modes. """
-    MIMO_2X2 = "MIMO2X2"
-    MIMO_4X4 = "MIMO4X4"
-class BtsGprsMode(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Gprs Modes '''
-    NO_GPRS = "NO_GPRS"
-    GPRS = "GPRS"
-    EGPRS = "EGPRS"
-class BtsPacketRate(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Cell Packet rate '''
-    WCDMA_DL384K_UL64K = "DL384K_UL64K"
-    WCDMA_DL18_0M_UL384K = "DL18_0M_UL384K"
-    WCDMA_DL21_6M_UL384K = "DL21_6M_UL384K"
-    WCDMA_DL18_0M_UL1_46M = "DL18_0M_UL1_46M"
-    WCDMA_DL18_0M_UL2_0M = "DL18_0M_UL2_0M"
-    WCDMA_DL18_0M_UL5_76M = "DL18_0M_UL5_76M"
-    WCDMA_DL21_6M_UL1_46M = "DL21_6M_UL1_46M"
-    WCDMA_DL21_6M_UL2_0M = "DL21_6M_UL2_0M"
-    WCDMA_DL21_6M_UL5_76M = "DL21_6M_UL5_76M"
-    WCDMA_DL23_4M_UL384K = "DL23_4M_UL384K"
-    WCDMA_DL28_0M_UL384K = "DL28_0M_UL384K"
-    WCDMA_DL36_0M_UL384K = "DL36_0M_UL384K"
-    WCDMA_DL43_2M_UL384K = "DL43_2M_UL384K"
-    WCDMA_DL23_4M_UL1_46M = "DL23_4M_UL1_46M"
-    WCDMA_DL23_4M_UL2_0M = "DL23_4M_UL2_0M"
-    WCDMA_DL23_4M_UL5_76M = "DL23_4M_UL5_76M"
-    WCDMA_DL28_0M_UL1_46M = "DL28_0M_UL1_46M"
-    WCDMA_DL28_0M_UL2_0M = "DL28_0M_UL2_0M"
-    WCDMA_DL28_0M_UL5_76M = "L28_0M_UL5_76M"
-    WCDMA_DL36_0M_UL1_46M = "DL36_0M_UL1_46M"
-    WCDMA_DL36_0M_UL2_0M = "DL36_0M_UL2_0M"
-    WCDMA_DL36_0M_UL5_76M = "DL36_0M_UL5_76M"
-    WCDMA_DL43_2M_UL1_46M = "DL43_2M_UL1_46M"
-    WCDMA_DL43_2M_UL2_0M = "DL43_2M_UL2_0M"
-    WCDMA_DL43_2M_UL5_76M = "DL43_2M_UL5_76M"
-class BtsPacketWindowSize(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Cell Packet window size '''
-    WINDOW_SIZE_1 = 1
-    WINDOW_SIZE_8 = 8
-    WINDOW_SIZE_16 = 16
-    WINDOW_SIZE_32 = 32
-    WINDOW_SIZE_64 = 64
-    WINDOW_SIZE_128 = 128
-    WINDOW_SIZE_256 = 256
-    WINDOW_SIZE_512 = 512
-    WINDOW_SIZE_768 = 768
-    WINDOW_SIZE_1024 = 1024
-    WINDOW_SIZE_1536 = 1536
-    WINDOW_SIZE_2047 = 2047
-class BtsServiceState(Enum):
-    ''' Values for BTS service state '''
-class BtsCellBarred(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Cell barred parameter '''
-class BtsAccessClassBarred(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Access class barred parameter '''
-class BtsLteEmergencyAccessClassBarred(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Lte emergency access class barred parameter '''
-class BtsNwNameEnable(Enum):
-    ''' Values for BT network name enable parameter '''
-class IPAddressType(Enum):
-    ''' Values for IP address type '''
-    IPV4 = "IPV4"
-    IPV6 = "IPV6"
-    IPV4V6 = "IPV4V6"
-class TriggerMessageIDs(Enum):
-    ''' ID for Trigger messages  '''
-    RRC_CONNECTION_REQ = 111101
-    ATTACH_REQ = 141141
-    DETACH_REQ = 141145
-    MM_LOC_UPDATE_REQ = 221108
-    GMM_ATTACH_REQ = 241101
-    GMM_RA_UPDATE_REQ = 241108
-class TriggerMessageReply(Enum):
-    ''' Values for Trigger message reply parameter '''
-    NONE = "NONE"
-class TestProcedure(Enum):
-    ''' Values for different Test procedures in MD8475A '''
-class TestPowerControl(Enum):
-    ''' Values for power control in test procedure '''
-class TestMeasurement(Enum):
-    ''' Values for mesaurement in test procedure '''
-'''MD8475A processing states'''
-    "NONE": ProcessingStatus.PROCESS_STATUS_NONE,
-    "NOTRUN": ProcessingStatus.PROCESS_STATUS_NOTRUN,
-    "DETACH": ProcessingStatus.PROCESS_STATUS_DETACH,
-    "IDLE": ProcessingStatus.PROCESS_STATUS_IDLE,
-class ImsCscfStatus(Enum):
-    """ MD8475A ims cscf status for UE
-    """
-    OFF = "OFF"
-class ImsCscfCall(Enum):
-    """ MD8475A ims cscf call action
-    """
-    MAKE = "MAKE"
-    END = "END"
-    MAKE2ND = "MAKE2ND"
-    END2ND = "END2ND"
-    HOLD = "HOLD"
-class VirtualPhoneStatus(IntEnum):
-    ''' MD8475A virtual phone status for UE voice and UE video
-        PPP, PWS '''
-    STATUS_IDLE = 0
-'''Virtual Phone Status '''
-    "0": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_IDLE,
-    "1": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_VOICECALL_ORIGINATION,
-    "2": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_VOICECALL_INCOMING,
-    "3": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_VOICECALL_INPROGRESS,
-    "6": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_VIDEOCALL_ORIGINATION,
-    "7": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_VIDEOCALL_INCOMING,
-    "8": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_VIDEOCALL_INPROGRESS,
-    "10": VirtualPhoneStatus.STATUS_VIDEOCALL_DISCONNECTED,
-class VirtualPhoneAutoAnswer(Enum):
-    ''' Virtual phone auto answer enable values'''
-    ON = "ON"
-    OFF = "OFF"
-class CsfbType(Enum):
-    ''' CSFB Type values'''
-class ReturnToEUTRAN(Enum):
-    '''Return to EUTRAN setting values '''
-class CTCHSetup(Enum):
-    '''CTCH setting values '''
-class UEIdentityType(Enum):
-    '''UE Identity type values '''
-    IMSI = "IMSI"
-    IMEI = "IMEI"
-class CBCHSetup(Enum):
-    '''CBCH setting values '''
-class Switch(Enum):
-    ''' Values for ENABLE or DISABLE '''
-class ModulationType(Enum):
-    """Supported Modulation Types."""
-    Q16 = '16QAM'
-    Q64 = '64QAM'
-    Q256 = '256QAM'
-class MD8475A(object):
-    """Class to communicate with Anritsu MD8475A Signalling Tester.
-       This uses GPIB command to interface with Anritsu MD8475A """
-    def __init__(self, ip_address, wlan=False, md8475_version="A"):
-        self._error_reporting = True
-        self._ipaddr = ip_address
-        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(logging.getLogger())
-        self._wlan = wlan
-        port_number = 28002
-        self._md8475_version = md8475_version
-        if md8475_version == "B":
-            global TERMINATOR
-            TERMINATOR = "\n"
-            port_number = 5025
-        # Open socket connection to Signaling Tester
-        self.log.info("Opening Socket Connection with "
-                      "Signaling Tester ({}) ".format(self._ipaddr))
-        try:
-            self._sock = socket.create_connection((self._ipaddr, port_number),
-                                                  timeout=120)
-            self.send_query("*IDN?", 60)
-            self.log.info("Communication with Signaling Tester OK.")
-            self.log.info("Opened Socket connection to ({})"
-                          "with handle ({})".format(self._ipaddr, self._sock))
-            # launching Smart Studio Application needed for the simulation
-            ret = self.launch_smartstudio()
-        except socket.timeout:
-            raise AnritsuError("Timeout happened while conencting to"
-                               " Anritsu MD8475A")
-        except socket.error:
-            raise AnritsuError("Socket creation error")
-    def get_BTS(self, btsnumber):
-        """ Returns the BTS object based on the BTS number provided
-        Args:
-            btsnumber: BTS number (BTS1, BTS2)
-        Returns:
-            BTS object
-        """
-        return _BaseTransceiverStation(self, btsnumber)
-    def get_AnritsuTestCases(self):
-        """ Returns the Anritsu Test Case Module Object
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Anritsu Test Case Module Object
-        """
-        return _AnritsuTestCases(self)
-    def get_VirtualPhone(self):
-        """ Returns the Anritsu Virtual Phone Module Object
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Anritsu Virtual Phone Module Object
-        """
-        return _VirtualPhone(self)
-    def get_PDN(self, pdn_number):
-        """ Returns the PDN Module Object
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Anritsu PDN Module Object
-        """
-        return _PacketDataNetwork(self, pdn_number)
-    def get_TriggerMessage(self):
-        """ Returns the Anritsu Trigger Message Module Object
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Anritsu Trigger Message Module Object
-        """
-        return _TriggerMessage(self)
-    def get_IMS(self, vnid):
-        """ Returns the IMS Module Object with VNID
-        Args:
-            vnid: Virtual Network ID
-        Returns:
-            Anritsu IMS VNID Module Object
-        """
-        return _IMS_Services(self, vnid)
-    def get_ims_cscf_status(self, virtual_network_id):
-        """ Get the IMS CSCF Status of virtual network
-        Args:
-            virtual_network_id: virtual network id
-        Returns:
-            IMS CSCF status
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFSTAT? {}".format(virtual_network_id)
-        return self.send_query(cmd)
-    def ims_cscf_call_action(self, virtual_network_id, action):
-        """ IMS CSCF Call action
-        Args:
-            virtual_network_id: virtual network id
-            action: action to make
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFCALL {},{}".format(virtual_network_id, action)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def send_query(self, query, sock_timeout=120):
-        """ Sends a Query message to Anritsu and return response
-        Args:
-            query - Query string
-        Returns:
-            query response
-        """
-        self.log.info("--> {}".format(query))
-        querytoSend = (query + TERMINATOR).encode('utf-8')
-        self._sock.settimeout(sock_timeout)
-        try:
-            self._sock.send(querytoSend)
-            result = self._sock.recv(ANRITSU_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE).rstrip(
-                TERMINATOR.encode('utf-8'))
-            response = result.decode('utf-8')
-            self.log.info('<-- {}'.format(response))
-            return response
-        except socket.timeout:
-            raise AnritsuError("Timeout: Response from Anritsu")
-        except socket.error:
-            raise AnritsuError("Socket Error")
-    def send_command(self, command, sock_timeout=120):
-        """ Sends a Command message to Anritsu
-        Args:
-            command - command string
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.log.info("--> {}".format(command))
-        if self._error_reporting:
-            cmdToSend = (command + ";ERROR?" + TERMINATOR).encode('utf-8')
-            self._sock.settimeout(sock_timeout)
-            try:
-                self._sock.send(cmdToSend)
-                err = self._sock.recv(ANRITSU_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE).rstrip(
-                    TERMINATOR.encode('utf-8'))
-                error = int(err.decode('utf-8'))
-                if error != NO_ERROR:
-                    raise AnritsuError(error, command)
-            except socket.timeout:
-                raise AnritsuError("Timeout for Command Response from Anritsu")
-            except socket.error:
-                raise AnritsuError("Socket Error for Anritsu command")
-            except Exception as e:
-                raise AnritsuError(e, command)
-        else:
-            cmdToSend = (command + TERMINATOR).encode('utf-8')
-            try:
-                self._sock.send(cmdToSend)
-            except socket.error:
-                raise AnritsuError("Socket Error", command)
-            return
-    def launch_smartstudio(self):
-        """ launch the Smart studio application
-            This should be done before stating simulation
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        # check the Smart Studio status . If Smart Studio doesn't exist ,
-        # start it.if it is running, stop it. Smart Studio should be in
-        # NOTRUN (Simulation Stopped) state to start new simulation
-        stat = self.send_query("STAT?", 30)
-        if stat == "NOTEXIST":
-            self.log.info("Launching Smart Studio Application,"
-                          "it takes about a minute.")
-            time_to_wait = SMARTSTUDIO_LAUNCH_WAIT_TIME
-            sleep_interval = 15
-            waiting_time = 0
-            err = self.send_command("RUN", SMARTSTUDIO_LAUNCH_WAIT_TIME)
-            stat = self.send_query("STAT?")
-            while stat != "NOTRUN":
-                time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-                waiting_time = waiting_time + sleep_interval
-                if waiting_time <= time_to_wait:
-                    stat = self.send_query("STAT?")
-                else:
-                    raise AnritsuError("Timeout: Smart Studio launch")
-        elif stat == "RUNNING":
-            # Stop simulation if necessary
-            self.send_command("STOP", 60)
-            stat = self.send_query("STAT?")
-        # The state of the Smart Studio should be NOTRUN at this point
-        # after the one of the steps from above
-        if stat != "NOTRUN":
-            self.log.info(
-                "Can not launch Smart Studio, "
-                "please shut down all the Smart Studio SW components")
-            raise AnritsuError("Could not run SmartStudio")
-    def close_smartstudio(self):
-        """ Closes the Smart studio application
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.stop_simulation()
-        self.send_command("EXIT", 60)
-    def get_smartstudio_status(self):
-        """ Gets the Smart studio status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Smart studio status
-        """
-        return self.send_query("STAT?")
-    def start_simulation(self):
-        """ Starting the simulation of the network model.
-            simulation model or simulation parameter file
-            should be set before starting the simulation
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        sleep_interval = 2
-        waiting_time = 0
-        self.log.info("Waiting for CALLSTAT=POWEROFF")
-        callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT? BTS1").split(",")
-        while callstat[0] != "POWEROFF":
-            time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-            waiting_time += sleep_interval
-            if waiting_time <= time_to_wait:
-                callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT? BTS1").split(",")
-            else:
-                raise AnritsuError("Timeout: Starting simulation")
-    def stop_simulation(self):
-        """ Stop simulation operation
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        # Stop virtual network (IMS) #1 if still running
-        # this is needed before Sync command is supported in 6.40a
-        if self.send_query("IMSVNSTAT? 1") == "RUNNING":
-            self.send_command("IMSSTOPVN 1")
-        if self.send_query("IMSVNSTAT? 2") == "RUNNING":
-            self.send_command("IMSSTOPVN 2")
-        stat = self.send_query("STAT?")
-        # Stop simulation if its is RUNNING
-        if stat == "RUNNING":
-            self.send_command("STOP", 60)
-            stat = self.send_query("STAT?")
-            if stat != "NOTRUN":
-                self.log.info("Failed to stop simulation")
-                raise AnritsuError("Failed to stop simulation")
-    def reset(self):
-        """ reset simulation parameters
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command("*RST", COMMAND_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def load_simulation_paramfile(self, filepath):
-        """ loads simulation model parameter file
-        Args:
-          filepath : simulation model parameter file path
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.stop_simulation()
-        cmd = "LOADSIMPARAM \"" + filepath + '\";ERROR?'
-        self.send_query(cmd, LOAD_SIMULATION_PARAM_FILE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def load_cell_paramfile(self, filepath):
-        """ loads cell model parameter file
-        Args:
-          filepath : cell model parameter file path
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.stop_simulation()
-        cmd = "LOADCELLPARAM \"" + filepath + '\";ERROR?'
-        status = int(self.send_query(cmd))
-        if status != NO_ERROR:
-            raise AnritsuError(status, cmd)
-    def _set_simulation_model(self, sim_model, reset=True):
-        """ Set simulation model and valid the configuration
-        Args:
-            sim_model: simulation model
-            reset: if True, reset the simulation after setting the new
-            simulation model
-        Returns:
-            True/False
-        """
-        error = int(
-            self.send_query("SIMMODEL %s;ERROR?" % sim_model,
-                            COMMAND_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIME))
-        if error:  # Try again if first set SIMMODEL fails
-            time.sleep(3)
-            if "WLAN" in sim_model:
-                new_sim_model = sim_model[:-5]
-                error = int(
-                    self.send_query("SIMMODEL %s;ERROR?" % new_sim_model,
-                                    COMMAND_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIME))
-                time.sleep(3)
-            error = int(
-                self.send_query("SIMMODEL %s;ERROR?" % sim_model,
-                                COMMAND_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIME))
-            if error:
-                return False
-        if reset:
-            # Reset might be necessary because SIMMODEL will load
-            # some of the contents from previous parameter files.
-            self.reset()
-        return True
-    def set_simulation_model(self, *bts_rats, reset=True):
-        """ Stops the simulation and then sets the simulation model.
-        Args:
-            *bts_rats: base station rats for BTS 1 to 5.
-            reset: if True, reset the simulation after setting the new
-            simulation model
-        Returns:
-            True or False
-        """
-        self.stop_simulation()
-        if len(bts_rats) not in range(1, 6):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "set_simulation_model requires 1 to 5 BTS values.")
-        simmodel = ",".join(bts_rat.value for bts_rat in bts_rats)
-        if self._wlan:
-            simmodel = simmodel + "," + "WLAN"
-        return self._set_simulation_model(simmodel, reset)
-    def get_simulation_model(self):
-        """ Gets the simulation model
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Current simulation model
-        """
-        cmd = "SIMMODEL?"
-        return self.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_lte_rrc_status_change(self):
-        """ Gets the LTE RRC status change function state
-        Returns:
-            Boolean: True is Enabled / False is Disabled
-        """
-        cmd = "L_RRCSTAT?"
-        return self.send_query(cmd) == "ENABLE"
-    def set_lte_rrc_status_change(self, status_change):
-        """ Enables or Disables the LTE RRC status change function
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "L_RRCSTAT "
-        if status_change:
-            cmd += "ENABLE"
-        else:
-            cmd += "DISABLE"
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_lte_rrc_status_change_timer(self):
-        """ Gets the LTE RRC Status Change Timer
-        Returns:
-            returns a status change timer integer value
-        """
-        cmd = "L_STATTMR?"
-        return self.send_query(cmd)
-    def set_lte_rrc_status_change_timer(self, time):
-        """ Sets the LTE RRC Status Change Timer parameter
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "L_STATTMR %s" % time
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_umts_rrc_status_change(self, status_change):
-        """ Enables or Disables the UMTS RRC status change function
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "W_RRCSTAT "
-        if status_change:
-            cmd += "ENABLE"
-        else:
-            cmd += "DISABLE"
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_umts_rrc_status_change(self):
-        """ Gets the UMTS RRC Status Change
-        Returns:
-            Boolean: True is Enabled / False is Disabled
-        """
-        cmd = "W_RRCSTAT?"
-        return self.send_query(cmd)
-    def set_umts_dch_stat_timer(self, timer_seconds):
-        """ Sets the UMTS RRC DCH timer
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "W_STATTMRDCH %s" % timer_seconds
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_simulation_state_to_poweroff(self):
-        """ Sets the simulation state to POWER OFF
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command("RESETSIMULATION POWEROFF")
-        time_to_wait = 30
-        sleep_interval = 2
-        waiting_time = 0
-        self.log.info("Waiting for CALLSTAT=POWEROFF")
-        callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT?").split(",")
-        while callstat[0] != "POWEROFF":
-            time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-            waiting_time = waiting_time + sleep_interval
-            if waiting_time <= time_to_wait:
-                callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT?").split(",")
-            else:
-                break
-    def set_simulation_state_to_idle(self, btsnumber):
-        """ Sets the simulation state to IDLE
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(btsnumber, BtsNumber):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "BtsNumber" ')
-        cmd = "RESETSIMULATION IDLE," + btsnumber.value
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-        time_to_wait = 30
-        sleep_interval = 2
-        waiting_time = 0
-        self.log.info("Waiting for CALLSTAT=IDLE")
-        callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT?").split(",")
-        while callstat[0] != "IDLE":
-            time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-            waiting_time = waiting_time + sleep_interval
-            if waiting_time <= time_to_wait:
-                callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT?").split(",")
-            else:
-                break
-    def set_trigger_message_mode(self, msg_id):
-        """ Sets the Message Mode of the trigger
-        Args:
-            msg_id: The hex value of the identity of an RRC/NAS message.
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if isinstance(msg_id, TriggerMessageIDs):
-            msg_id = msg_id.value
-        cmd = "TMMESSAGEMODE {},USERDATA".format(msg_id)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_data_of_trigger_message(self, msg_id, user_data):
-        """ Sets the User Data of the trigger message
-        Args:
-            msg_id: The hex value of the identity of an RRC/NAS message.
-            user_data: Hex data
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if isinstance(msg_id, TriggerMessageIDs):
-            msg_id = msg_id.value
-        data_len = len(user_data) * 4
-        cmd = "TMUSERDATA {}, {}, {}".format(msg_id, user_data, data_len)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def send_trigger_message(self, msg_id):
-        """ Sends the User Data of the trigger information
-        Args:
-            msg_id: The hex value of the identity of an RRC/NAS message.
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if isinstance(msg_id, TriggerMessageIDs):
-            msg_id = msg_id.value
-        cmd = "TMSENDUSERMSG {}".format(msg_id)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def wait_for_registration_state(self,
-                                    bts=1,
-                                    time_to_wait=REGISTRATION_STATE_WAIT_TIME):
-        """ Waits for UE registration state on Anritsu
-        Args:
-          bts: index of MD8475A BTS, eg 1, 2
-          time_to_wait: time to wait for the phone to get to registration state
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.log.info("wait for IDLE/COMMUNICATION state on anritsu.")
-        sleep_interval = 1
-        sim_model = (self.get_simulation_model()).split(",")
-        # wait 1 more round for GSM because of PS attach
-        registration_check_iterations = 2 if sim_model[bts - 1] == "GSM" else 1
-        for _ in range(registration_check_iterations):
-            waiting_time = 0
-            while waiting_time <= time_to_wait:
-                callstat = self.send_query(
-                    "CALLSTAT? BTS{}".format(bts)).split(",")
-                if callstat[0] == "IDLE" or callstat[1] == "COMMUNICATION":
-                    break
-                time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-                waiting_time += sleep_interval
-            else:
-                raise AnritsuError(
-                    "UE failed to register in {} seconds".format(time_to_wait))
-            time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-    def wait_for_communication_state(
-            self, time_to_wait=COMMUNICATION_STATE_WAIT_TIME):
-        """ Waits for UE communication state on Anritsu
-        Args:
-          time_to_wait: time to wait for the phone to get to communication state
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.log.info("wait for COMMUNICATION state on anritsu")
-        sleep_interval = 1
-        waiting_time = 0
-        self.log.info("Waiting for CALLSTAT=COMMUNICATION")
-        callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT? BTS1").split(",")
-        while callstat[1] != "COMMUNICATION":
-            time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-            waiting_time += sleep_interval
-            if waiting_time <= time_to_wait:
-                callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT? BTS1").split(",")
-            else:
-                raise AnritsuError("UE failed to register on network")
-    def wait_for_idle_state(self, time_to_wait=IDLE_STATE_WAIT_TIME):
-        """ Waits for UE idle state on Anritsu
-        Args:
-          time_to_wait: time to wait for the phone to get to idle state
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.log.info("wait for IDLE state on anritsu.")
-        sleep_interval = 1
-        waiting_time = 0
-        callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT? BTS1").split(",")
-        while callstat[0] != "IDLE":
-            time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-            waiting_time += sleep_interval
-            if waiting_time <= time_to_wait:
-                callstat = self.send_query("CALLSTAT? BTS1").split(",")
-            else:
-                raise AnritsuError("UE failed to go on idle state")
-    def get_camping_cell(self):
-        """ Gets the current camping cell information
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            returns a tuple (BTS number, RAT Technology) '
-        """
-        bts_number, rat_info = self.send_query("CAMPINGCELL?").split(",")
-        return bts_number, rat_info
-    def get_supported_bands(self, rat):
-        """ Gets the supported bands from UE capability information
-        Args:
-          rat: LTE or WCDMA
-        Returns:
-            returns a list of bnads
-        """
-        cmd = "UEINFO? "
-        if rat == "LTE":
-            cmd += "L"
-        elif rat == "WCDMA":
-            cmd += "W"
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('The rat argument needs to be "LTE" or "WCDMA"')
-        cmd += "_SupportedBand"
-        result = self.send_query(cmd).split(",")
-        if result == "NONE":
-            return None
-        if rat == "WCDMA":
-            bands = []
-            for band in result:
-                bands.append(WCDMA_BANDS[band])
-            return bands
-        else:
-            return result
-    def start_testcase(self):
-        """ Starts a test case on Anritsu
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command("STARTTEST")
-    def get_testcase_status(self):
-        """ Gets the current test case status on Anritsu
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            current test case status
-        """
-        return self.send_query("TESTSTAT?")
-    def start_ip_traffic(self, pdn='1'):
-        """ Starts IP data traffic with the selected PDN.
-        Args:
-            pdn: the pdn to be used for data traffic. Defaults to '1'.
-        """
-        self.send_command('OPERATEIPTRAFFIC START,' + pdn)
-    def stop_ip_traffic(self, pdn='1'):
-        """ Stops IP data traffic with the selected PDN.
-         Args:
-            pdn: pdn for which data traffic has to be stopped. Defaults to '1'.
-        """
-        self.send_command('OPERATEIPTRAFFIC STOP,' + pdn)
-    def set_carrier_aggregation_enabled(self, enabled=True):
-        """ Enables or disables de carrier aggregation option.
-        Args:
-            enabled: enables CA if True and disables CA if False.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CA ' + 'ENABLE' if enabled else 'DISABLE'
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    # Common Default Gateway:
-    @property
-    def gateway_ipv4addr(self):
-        """ Gets the IPv4 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            current UE status
-        """
-        return self.send_query("DGIPV4?")
-    @gateway_ipv4addr.setter
-    def gateway_ipv4addr(self, ipv4_addr):
-        """ sets the IPv4 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-            ipv4_addr: IPv4 address of the default gateway
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DGIPV4 " + ipv4_addr
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def gateway_ipv6addr(self):
-        """ Gets the IPv6 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            current UE status
-        """
-        return self.send_query("DGIPV6?")
-    @gateway_ipv6addr.setter
-    def gateway_ipv6addr(self, ipv6_addr):
-        """ sets the IPv6 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-            ipv6_addr: IPv6 address of the default gateway
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DGIPV6 " + ipv6_addr
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def usim_key(self):
-        """ Gets the USIM Security Key
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            USIM Security Key
-        """
-        return self.send_query("USIMK?")
-    @usim_key.setter
-    def usim_key(self, usimk):
-        """ sets the USIM Security Key
-        Args:
-            usimk: USIM Security Key, eg "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F"
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "USIMK " + usimk
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_ue_status(self):
-        """ Gets the current UE status on Anritsu
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            current UE status
-        """
-        UE_STATUS_INDEX = 0
-        ue_status = self.send_query("CALLSTAT?").split(",")[UE_STATUS_INDEX]
-        return _PROCESS_STATES[ue_status]
-    def get_packet_status(self):
-        """ Gets the current Packet status on Anritsu
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            current Packet status
-        """
-        packet_status = self.send_query("CALLSTAT?").split(
-            ",")[PACKET_STATUS_INDEX]
-        return _PROCESS_STATES[packet_status]
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """ Disconnect the Anritsu box from test PC
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        # no need to # exit smart studio application
-        # self.close_smartstudio()
-        self._sock.close()
-    def machine_reboot(self):
-        """ Reboots the Anritsu Machine
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command("REBOOT")
-    def save_sequence_log(self, fileName):
-        """ Saves the Anritsu Sequence logs to file
-        Args:
-          fileName: log file name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = 'SAVESEQLOG "{}"'.format(fileName)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def clear_sequence_log(self):
-        """ Clears the Anritsu Sequence logs
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command("CLEARSEQLOG")
-    def save_message_log(self, fileName):
-        """ Saves the Anritsu Message logs to file
-        Args:
-          fileName: log file name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = 'SAVEMSGLOG "{}"'.format(fileName)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def clear_message_log(self):
-        """ Clears the Anritsu Message logs
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command("CLEARMSGLOG")
-    def save_trace_log(self, fileName, fileType, overwrite, start, end):
-        """ Saves the Anritsu Trace logs
-        Args:
-          fileName: log file name
-          fileType: file type (BINARY, TEXT, H245,PACKET, CPLABE)
-          overwrite: whether to over write
-          start: starting trace number
-          end: ending trace number
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = 'SAVETRACELOG "{}",{},{},{},{}'.format(fileName, fileType,
-                                                     overwrite, start, end)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def send_cmas_lte_wcdma(self, serialNo, messageID, warningMessage):
-        """ Sends a CMAS message
-        Args:
-          serialNo: serial number of CMAS message
-          messageID: CMAS message ID
-          warningMessage:  CMAS Warning message
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = ('PWSSENDWM 3GPP,"BtsNo=1&WarningSystem=CMAS&SerialNo={}'
-               '&MessageID={}&wm={}"').format(serialNo, messageID,
-                                              warningMessage)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def send_etws_lte_wcdma(self, serialNo, messageID, warningType,
-                            warningMessage, userAlertenable, popUpEnable):
-        """ Sends a ETWS message
-        Args:
-          serialNo: serial number of CMAS message
-          messageID: CMAS message ID
-          warningMessage:  CMAS Warning message
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = (
-            'PWSSENDWM 3GPP,"BtsNo=1&WarningSystem=ETWS&SerialNo={}&'
-            'Primary=ON&PrimaryMessageID={}&Secondary=ON&SecondaryMessageID={}'
-            '&WarningType={}&wm={}&UserAlert={}&Popup={}&dcs=0x10&LanguageCode=en"'
-        ).format(serialNo, messageID, messageID, warningType, warningMessage,
-                 userAlertenable, popUpEnable)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def send_cmas_etws_cdma1x(self, message_id, service_category, alert_ext,
-                              response_type, severity, urgency, certainty):
-        """ Sends a CMAS/ETWS message on CDMA 1X
-        Args:
-          serviceCategory: service category of alert
-          messageID: message ID
-          alertText: Warning message
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = (
-            'PWSSENDWM 3GPP2,"BtsNo=1&ServiceCategory={}&MessageID={}&AlertText={}&'
-            'CharSet=ASCII&ResponseType={}&Severity={}&Urgency={}&Certainty={}"'
-        ).format(service_category, message_id, alert_ext, response_type,
-                 severity, urgency, certainty)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def csfb_type(self):
-        """ Gets the current CSFB type
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            current CSFB type
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SIMMODELEX? CSFB")
-    @csfb_type.setter
-    def csfb_type(self, csfb_type):
-        """ sets the CSFB type
-        Args:
-            csfb_type: CSFB type
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(csfb_type, CsfbType):
-            raise ValueError('The parameter should be of type "CsfbType" ')
-        cmd = "SIMMODELEX CSFB," + csfb_type.value
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def csfb_return_to_eutran(self):
-        """ Gets the current return to EUTRAN status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            current return to EUTRAN status
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SIMMODELEX? RETEUTRAN")
-    @csfb_return_to_eutran.setter
-    def csfb_return_to_eutran(self, enable):
-        """ sets the return to EUTRAN feature
-        Args:
-            enable: enable/disable return to EUTRAN feature
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(enable, ReturnToEUTRAN):
-            raise ValueError(
-                'The parameter should be of type "ReturnToEUTRAN"')
-        cmd = "SIMMODELEX RETEUTRAN," + enable.value
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_packet_preservation(self):
-        """ Set packet state to Preservation
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_packet_dormant(self):
-        """ Set packet state to Dormant
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_ue_identity(self, identity_type):
-        """ Get the UE identity IMSI, IMEI, IMEISV
-        Args:
-            identity_type : IMSI/IMEI/IMEISV
-        Returns:
-            IMSI/IMEI/IMEISV value
-        """
-        bts, rat = self.get_camping_cell()
-        if rat == BtsTechnology.LTE.value:
-            identity_request = TriggerMessageIDs.IDENTITY_REQUEST_LTE.value
-            if identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMSI:
-                userdata = IMSI_READ_USERDATA_LTE
-            elif identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMEI:
-                userdata = IMEI_READ_USERDATA_LTE
-            elif identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMEISV:
-                userdata = IMEISV_READ_USERDATA_LTE
-            else:
-                return None
-        elif rat == BtsTechnology.WCDMA.value:
-            identity_request = TriggerMessageIDs.IDENTITY_REQUEST_WCDMA.value
-            if identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMSI:
-                userdata = IMSI_READ_USERDATA_WCDMA
-            elif identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMEI:
-                userdata = IMEI_READ_USERDATA_WCDMA
-            elif identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMEISV:
-                userdata = IMEISV_READ_USERDATA_WCDMA
-            else:
-                return None
-        elif rat == BtsTechnology.GSM.value:
-            identity_request = TriggerMessageIDs.IDENTITY_REQUEST_GSM.value
-            if identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMSI:
-                userdata = IMSI_READ_USERDATA_GSM
-            elif identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMEI:
-                userdata = IMEI_READ_USERDATA_GSM
-            elif identity_type == UEIdentityType.IMEISV:
-                userdata = IMEISV_READ_USERDATA_GSM
-            else:
-                return None
-        else:
-            return None
-        self.send_command("TMMESSAGEMODE {},USERDATA".format(identity_request))
-        time.sleep(SETTLING_TIME)
-        self.send_command("TMUSERDATA {}, {}, {}".format(
-            identity_request, userdata, IDENTITY_REQ_DATA_LEN))
-        time.sleep(SETTLING_TIME)
-        self.send_command("TMSENDUSERMSG {}".format(identity_request))
-        time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IDENTITY_RESPONSE)
-        # Go through sequence log and find the identity response message
-        target = '"{}"'.format(identity_type.value)
-        seqlog = self.send_query("SEQLOG?").split(",")
-        while (target not in seqlog):
-            index = int(seqlog[0]) - 1
-            if index < SEQ_LOG_MESSAGE_START_INDEX:
-                self.log.error("Can not find " + target)
-                return None
-            seqlog = self.send_query("SEQLOG? %d" % index).split(",")
-        return (seqlog[-1])
-    def trigger_ue_capability_enquiry(self, requested_bands):
-        """ Triggers LTE RRC UE capability enquiry from callbox.
-        Args:
-            requested_bands: User data in hex format
-        """
-        self.set_trigger_message_mode(TriggerMessageIDs.UE_CAPABILITY_ENQUIRY)
-        time.sleep(SETTLING_TIME)
-        self.set_data_of_trigger_message(
-            TriggerMessageIDs.UE_CAPABILITY_ENQUIRY, requested_bands)
-        time.sleep(SETTLING_TIME)
-        self.send_trigger_message(TriggerMessageIDs.UE_CAPABILITY_ENQUIRY)
-        time.sleep(SETTLING_TIME)
-    def get_measured_pusch_power(self):
-        """ Queries the PUSCH power.
-        Returns:
-            A string indicating PUSCH power in each input port.
-        """
-        return self.send_query("MONITOR? UL_PUSCH")
-    def select_usim(self, usim):
-        """ Select pre-defined Anritsu USIM models
-        Args:
-            usim: any of P0035Bx, P0135Ax, P0250Ax, P0260Ax
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SELECTUSIM {}".format(usim)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-class _AnritsuTestCases(object):
-    '''Class to interact with the MD8475 supported test procedures '''
-    def __init__(self, anritsu):
-        self._anritsu = anritsu
-        self.log = anritsu.log
-    @property
-    def procedure(self):
-        """ Gets the current Test Procedure type
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            One of TestProcedure type values
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("TESTPROCEDURE?")
-    @procedure.setter
-    def procedure(self, procedure):
-        """ sets the Test Procedure type
-        Args:
-            procedure: One of TestProcedure type values
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(procedure, TestProcedure):
-            raise ValueError(
-                'The parameter should be of type "TestProcedure" ')
-        cmd = "TESTPROCEDURE " + procedure.value
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def bts_direction(self):
-        """ Gets the current Test direction
-         Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Current Test direction eg:BTS2,BTS1
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("TESTBTSDIRECTION?")
-    @bts_direction.setter
-    def bts_direction(self, direction):
-        """ sets the Test direction  eg: BTS1 to BTS2 '''
-        Args:
-            direction: tuple (from-bts,to_bts) of type BtsNumber
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(direction, tuple) or len(direction) != 2:
-            raise ValueError("Pass a tuple with two items")
-        from_bts, to_bts = direction
-        if (isinstance(from_bts, BtsNumber) and isinstance(to_bts, BtsNumber)):
-            cmd = "TESTBTSDIRECTION {},{}".format(from_bts.value, to_bts.value)
-            self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(' The parameters should be of type "BtsNumber" ')
-    @property
-    def registration_timeout(self):
-        """ Gets the current Test registration timeout
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Current test registration timeout value
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("TESTREGISTRATIONTIMEOUT?")
-    @registration_timeout.setter
-    def registration_timeout(self, timeout_value):
-        """ sets the Test registration timeout value
-        Args:
-            timeout_value: test registration timeout value
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "TESTREGISTRATIONTIMEOUT " + str(timeout_value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def power_control(self):
-        """ Gets the power control enabled/disabled status for test case
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            current power control enabled/disabled status
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("TESTPOWERCONTROL?")
-    @power_control.setter
-    def power_control(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the power control enabled/disabled status for test case
-        Args:
-            enable:  enabled/disabled
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(enable, TestPowerControl):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "TestPowerControl" ')
-        cmd = "TESTPOWERCONTROL " + enable.value
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def measurement_LTE(self):
-        """ Checks measurement status for LTE test case
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Enabled/Disabled
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("TESTMEASUREMENT? LTE")
-    @measurement_LTE.setter
-    def measurement_LTE(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the measurement enabled/disabled status for LTE test case
-        Args:
-            enable:  enabled/disabled
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(enable, TestMeasurement):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "TestMeasurement" ')
-        cmd = "TESTMEASUREMENT LTE," + enable.value
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def measurement_WCDMA(self):
-        """ Checks measurement status for WCDMA test case
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Enabled/Disabled
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("TESTMEASUREMENT? WCDMA")
-    @measurement_WCDMA.setter
-    def measurement_WCDMA(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the measurement enabled/disabled status for WCDMA test case
-        Args:
-            enable:  enabled/disabled
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(enable, TestMeasurement):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "TestMeasurement" ')
-        cmd = "TESTMEASUREMENT WCDMA," + enable.value
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def measurement_TDSCDMA(self):
-        """ Checks measurement status for TDSCDMA test case
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Enabled/Disabled
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("TESTMEASUREMENT? TDSCDMA")
-    @measurement_TDSCDMA.setter
-    def measurement_WCDMA(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the measurement enabled/disabled status for TDSCDMA test case
-        Args:
-            enable:  enabled/disabled
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(enable, TestMeasurement):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "TestMeasurement" ')
-        cmd = "TESTMEASUREMENT TDSCDMA," + enable.value
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_pdn_targeteps(self, pdn_order, pdn_number=1):
-        """ Sets PDN to connect as a target when performing the
-           test case for packet handover
-        Args:
-            pdn_order:  PRIORITY/USER
-            pdn_number: Target PDN number
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "TESTPDNTARGETEPS " + pdn_order
-        if pdn_order == "USER":
-            cmd = cmd + "," + str(pdn_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-class _BaseTransceiverStation(object):
-    '''Class to interact different BTS supported by MD8475 '''
-    def __init__(self, anritsu, btsnumber):
-        if not isinstance(btsnumber, BtsNumber):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "BtsNumber" ')
-        self._bts_number = btsnumber.value
-        self._anritsu = anritsu
-        self.log = anritsu.log
-    @property
-    def output_level(self):
-        """ Gets the Downlink power of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DL Power level
-        """
-        cmd = "OLVL? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @output_level.setter
-    def output_level(self, level):
-        """ Sets the Downlink power of the cell
-        Args:
-            level: Power level
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        counter = 1
-        while float(level) != float(self.output_level):
-            if counter > 3:
-                raise AnritsuError("Fail to set output level in 3 tries!")
-            cmd = "OLVL {},{}".format(level, self._bts_number)
-            self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-            counter += 1
-            time.sleep(1)
-    @property
-    def input_level(self):
-        """ Gets the reference power of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Reference Power level
-        """
-        cmd = "RFLVL? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @input_level.setter
-    def input_level(self, level):
-        """ Sets the reference power of the cell
-        Args:
-            level: Power level
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        counter = 1
-        while float(level) != float(self.input_level):
-            if counter > 3:
-                raise AnritsuError("Fail to set intput level in 3 tries!")
-            cmd = "RFLVL {},{}".format(level, self._bts_number)
-            self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-            counter += 1
-            time.sleep(1)
-    @property
-    def band(self):
-        """ Gets the Band of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Cell band
-        """
-        cmd = "BAND? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @band.setter
-    def band(self, band):
-        """ Sets the Band of the cell
-        Args:
-            band: Band of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "BAND {},{}".format(band, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def transmode(self):
-        """ Gets the Transmission Mode of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Transmission mode
-        """
-        cmd = "TRANSMODE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @transmode.setter
-    def transmode(self, tm_mode):
-        """ Sets the TM of the cell
-        Args:
-            TM: TM of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "TRANSMODE {},{}".format(tm_mode, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def duplex_mode(self):
-        """ Gets the Duplex Mode of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Duplex mode
-        """
-        cmd = "DUPLEXMODE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @duplex_mode.setter
-    def duplex_mode(self, mode):
-        """ Sets the duplex mode for the cell
-        Args:
-            mode: string indicating FDD or TDD
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DUPLEXMODE {},{}".format(mode, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def uldl_configuration(self):
-        """ Gets the UL/DL pattern configuration for TDD bands
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Configuration number
-        """
-        cmd = "ULDLCONFIGURATION? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @uldl_configuration.setter
-    def uldl_configuration(self, configuration):
-        """ Sets the UL/DL pattern configuration for TDD bands
-        Args:
-            configuration: configuration number, [ 0, 6 ] inclusive
-        Returns:
-            None
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: Frame structure has to be [ 0, 6 ] inclusive
-        """
-        if configuration not in range(0, 7):
-            raise ValueError("The frame structure configuration has to be a "
-                             "number between 0 and 6 inclusive")
-        cmd = "ULDLCONFIGURATION {},{}".format(configuration, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cfi(self):
-        """ Gets the Control Format Indicator for this base station.
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            The CFI number.
-        """
-        cmd = "CFI? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cfi.setter
-    def cfi(self, cfi):
-        """ Sets the Control Format Indicator for this base station.
-        Args:
-            cfi: one of BESTEFFORT, AUTO, 1, 2 or 3.
-        Returns:
-            None
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: if cfi's value is invalid
-        """
-        cfi = str(cfi)
-        valid_values = {'BESTEFFORT', 'AUTO', '1', '2', '3'}
-        if cfi not in valid_values:
-            raise ValueError('Valid values for CFI are %r' % valid_values)
-        cmd = "CFI {},{}".format(cfi, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def paging_duration(self):
-        """ Gets the paging cycle duration for this base station.
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            The paging cycle duration in milliseconds.
-        """
-        cmd = "PCYCLE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @paging_duration.setter
-    def paging_duration(self, duration):
-        """ Sets the paging cycle duration for this base station.
-        Args:
-            duration: the paging cycle duration in milliseconds.
-        Returns:
-            None
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: if duration's value is invalid
-        """
-        duration = int(duration)
-        valid_values = {320, 640, 1280, 2560}
-        if duration not in valid_values:
-            raise ValueError('Valid values for the paging cycle duration are '
-                             '%r.' % valid_values)
-        cmd = "PCYCLE {},{}".format(duration, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def phich_resource(self):
-        """ Gets the PHICH Resource setting for this base station.
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            The PHICH Resource setting.
-        """
-        cmd = "PHICHRESOURCE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @phich_resource.setter
-    def phich_resource(self, phich):
-        """ Sets the PHICH Resource setting for this base station.
-        Args:
-            phich: one of 1/6, 1/2, 1, 2.
-        Returns:
-            None
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: if phich's value is invalid
-        """
-        phich = str(phich)
-        valid_values = ['1/6', '1/2', '1', '2']
-        if phich not in valid_values:
-            raise ValueError('Valid values for PHICH Resource are %r' %
-                             valid_values)
-        cmd = "PHICHRESOURCE {},{}".format(phich, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def tdd_special_subframe(self):
-        """ Gets SPECIALSUBFRAME of cell.
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            tdd_special_subframe: integer between 0,9 inclusive
-        """
-        cmd = "SPECIALSUBFRAME? " + self._bts_number
-        tdd_special_subframe = int(self._anritsu.send_query(cmd))
-        return tdd_special_subframe
-    @tdd_special_subframe.setter
-    def tdd_special_subframe(self, tdd_special_subframe):
-        """ Sets SPECIALSUBFRAME of cell.
-        Args:
-            tdd_special_subframe: int between 0,9 inclusive
-        Returns:
-            None
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: tdd_special_subframe has to be between 0,9 inclusive
-        """
-        if tdd_special_subframe not in range(0, 10):
-            raise ValueError("The special subframe config is not [0,9]")
-        cmd = "SPECIALSUBFRAME {},{}".format(tdd_special_subframe,
-                                             self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_antenna(self):
-        """ Gets the DL ANTENNA count of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            No of DL Antenna
-        """
-        cmd = "ANTENNAS? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @dl_antenna.setter
-    def dl_antenna(self, num_antenna):
-        """ Sets the DL ANTENNA of the cell
-        Args:
-            c: DL ANTENNA of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "ANTENNAS {},{}".format(num_antenna, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def bandwidth(self):
-        """ Gets the channel bandwidth of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            channel bandwidth
-        """
-        cmd = "BANDWIDTH? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @bandwidth.setter
-    def bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
-        """ Sets the channel bandwidth of the cell
-        Args:
-            bandwidth: channel bandwidth  of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(bandwidth, BtsBandwidth):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "BtsBandwidth"')
-        cmd = "BANDWIDTH {},{}".format(bandwidth.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_bandwidth(self):
-        """ Gets the downlink bandwidth of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            downlink bandwidth
-        """
-        cmd = "DLBANDWIDTH? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @dl_bandwidth.setter
-    def dl_bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
-        """ Sets the downlink bandwidth of the cell
-        Args:
-            bandwidth: downlink bandwidth of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(bandwidth, BtsBandwidth):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "BtsBandwidth"')
-        cmd = "DLBANDWIDTH {},{}".format(bandwidth.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ul_bandwidth(self):
-        """ Gets the uplink bandwidth of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            uplink bandwidth
-        """
-        cmd = "ULBANDWIDTH? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @ul_bandwidth.setter
-    def ul_bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
-        """ Sets the uplink bandwidth of the cell
-        Args:
-            bandwidth: uplink bandwidth of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(bandwidth, BtsBandwidth):
-            raise ValueError(
-                ' The parameter should be of type "BtsBandwidth" ')
-        cmd = "ULBANDWIDTH {},{}".format(bandwidth.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def packet_rate(self):
-        """ Gets the packet rate of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            packet rate
-        """
-        cmd = "PACKETRATE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @packet_rate.setter
-    def packet_rate(self, packetrate):
-        """ Sets the packet rate of the cell
-        Args:
-            packetrate: packet rate of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(packetrate, BtsPacketRate):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsPacketRate" ')
-        cmd = "PACKETRATE {},{}".format(packetrate.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ul_windowsize(self):
-        """ Gets the uplink window size of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            uplink window size
-        """
-        cmd = "ULWINSIZE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @ul_windowsize.setter
-    def ul_windowsize(self, windowsize):
-        """ Sets the uplink window size of the cell
-        Args:
-            windowsize: uplink window size of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(windowsize, BtsPacketWindowSize):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsPacketWindowSize" ')
-        cmd = "ULWINSIZE {},{}".format(windowsize.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_windowsize(self):
-        """ Gets the downlink window size of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            downlink window size
-        """
-        cmd = "DLWINSIZE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @dl_windowsize.setter
-    def dl_windowsize(self, windowsize):
-        """ Sets the downlink window size of the cell
-        Args:
-            windowsize: downlink window size of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(windowsize, BtsPacketWindowSize):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsPacketWindowSize" ')
-        cmd = "DLWINSIZE {},{}".format(windowsize.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def service_state(self):
-        """ Gets the service state of BTS
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            service state IN/OUT
-        """
-        cmd = "OUTOFSERVICE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @service_state.setter
-    def service_state(self, service_state):
-        """ Sets the service state of BTS
-        Args:
-            service_state: service state of BTS , IN/OUT
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(service_state, BtsServiceState):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsServiceState" ')
-        cmd = "OUTOFSERVICE {},{}".format(service_state.value,
-                                          self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cell_barred(self):
-        """ Gets the Cell Barred state of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            one of BtsCellBarred value
-        """
-        cmd = "CELLBARRED?" + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cell_barred.setter
-    def cell_barred(self, barred_option):
-        """ Sets the Cell Barred state of the cell
-        Args:
-            barred_option: Cell Barred state of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(barred_option, BtsCellBarred):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsCellBarred" ')
-        cmd = "CELLBARRED {},{}".format(barred_option.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def accessclass_barred(self):
-        """ Gets the Access Class Barred state of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            one of BtsAccessClassBarred value
-        """
-        cmd = "ACBARRED? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @accessclass_barred.setter
-    def accessclass_barred(self, barred_option):
-        """ Sets the Access Class Barred state of the cell
-        Args:
-            barred_option: Access Class Barred state of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(barred_option, BtsAccessClassBarred):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsAccessClassBarred" ')
-        cmd = "ACBARRED {},{}".format(barred_option.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def lteemergency_ac_barred(self):
-        """ Gets the LTE emergency Access Class Barred state of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            one of BtsLteEmergencyAccessClassBarred value
-        """
-        cmd = "LTEEMERGENCYACBARRED? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @lteemergency_ac_barred.setter
-    def lteemergency_ac_barred(self, barred_option):
-        """ Sets the LTE emergency Access Class Barred state of the cell
-        Args:
-            barred_option: Access Class Barred state of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(barred_option, BtsLteEmergencyAccessClassBarred):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsLteEmergencyAccessClassBarred" ')
-        cmd = "LTEEMERGENCYACBARRED {},{}".format(barred_option.value,
-                                                  self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def mcc(self):
-        """ Gets the MCC of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            MCC of the cell
-        """
-        cmd = "MCC? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @mcc.setter
-    def mcc(self, mcc_code):
-        """ Sets the MCC of the cell
-        Args:
-            mcc_code: MCC of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "MCC {},{}".format(mcc_code, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def mnc(self):
-        """ Gets the MNC of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            MNC of the cell
-        """
-        cmd = "MNC? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @mnc.setter
-    def mnc(self, mnc_code):
-        """ Sets the MNC of the cell
-        Args:
-            mnc_code: MNC of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "MNC {},{}".format(mnc_code, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def nw_fullname_enable(self):
-        """ Gets the network full name enable status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            one of BtsNwNameEnable value
-        """
-        cmd = "NWFNAMEON? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @nw_fullname_enable.setter
-    def nw_fullname_enable(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the network full name enable status
-        Args:
-            enable: network full name enable status
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(enable, BtsNwNameEnable):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsNwNameEnable" ')
-        cmd = "NWFNAMEON {},{}".format(enable.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def nw_fullname(self):
-        """ Gets the network full name
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Network fulll name
-        """
-        cmd = "NWFNAME? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @nw_fullname.setter
-    def nw_fullname(self, fullname):
-        """ Sets the network full name
-        Args:
-            fullname: network full name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "NWFNAME {},{}".format(fullname, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def nw_shortname_enable(self):
-        """ Gets the network short name enable status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            one of BtsNwNameEnable value
-        """
-        cmd = "NWSNAMEON? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @nw_shortname_enable.setter
-    def nw_shortname_enable(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the network short name enable status
-        Args:
-            enable: network short name enable status
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(enable, BtsNwNameEnable):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "BtsNwNameEnable" ')
-        cmd = "NWSNAMEON {},{}".format(enable.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def nw_shortname(self):
-        """ Gets the network short name
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Network short name
-        """
-        cmd = "NWSNAME? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @nw_shortname.setter
-    def nw_shortname(self, shortname):
-        """ Sets the network short name
-        Args:
-            shortname: network short name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "NWSNAME {},{}".format(shortname, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def apply_parameter_changes(self):
-        """ apply the parameter changes at run time
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "APPLYPARAM"
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def wcdma_ctch(self):
-        """ Gets the WCDMA CTCH enable/disable status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            one of CTCHSetup values
-        """
-        cmd = "CTCHPARAMSETUP? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @wcdma_ctch.setter
-    def wcdma_ctch(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the WCDMA CTCH enable/disable status
-        Args:
-            enable: WCDMA CTCH enable/disable status
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "CTCHPARAMSETUP {},{}".format(enable.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def lac(self):
-        """ Gets the Location Area Code of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            LAC value
-        """
-        cmd = "LAC? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @lac.setter
-    def lac(self, lac):
-        """ Sets the Location Area Code of the cell
-        Args:
-            lac: Location Area Code of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "LAC {},{}".format(lac, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def rac(self):
-        """ Gets the Routing Area Code of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            RAC value
-        """
-        cmd = "RAC? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @rac.setter
-    def rac(self, rac):
-        """ Sets the Routing Area Code of the cell
-        Args:
-            rac: Routing Area Code of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "RAC {},{}".format(rac, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_channel(self):
-        """ Gets the downlink channel number of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            RAC value
-        """
-        cmd = "DLCHAN? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @dl_channel.setter
-    def dl_channel(self, channel):
-        """ Sets the downlink channel number of the cell
-        Args:
-            channel: downlink channel number of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DLCHAN {},{}".format(channel, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_cc_enabled(self):
-        """ Checks if component carrier is enabled or disabled
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            True if enabled, False if disabled
-        """
-        return (self._anritsu.send_query("TESTDLCC?" +
-                                         self._bts_number) == "ENABLE")
-    @dl_cc_enabled.setter
-    def dl_cc_enabled(self, enabled):
-        """ Enables or disables the component carrier
-        Args:
-            enabled: True if it should be enabled, False if disabled
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "TESTDLCC {},{}".format("ENABLE" if enabled else "DISABLE",
-                                      self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def sector1_mcc(self):
-        """ Gets the sector 1 MCC of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            sector 1 mcc
-        """
-        cmd = "S1MCC? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @sector1_mcc.setter
-    def sector1_mcc(self, mcc):
-        """ Sets the sector 1 MCC of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            mcc: sector 1 MCC of the CDMA cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "S1MCC {},{}".format(mcc, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def sector1_sid(self):
-        """ Gets the sector 1 system ID of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            sector 1 system Id
-        """
-        cmd = "S1SID? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @sector1_sid.setter
-    def sector1_sid(self, sid):
-        """ Sets the sector 1 system ID of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            sid: sector 1 system ID of the CDMA cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "S1SID {},{}".format(sid, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def sector1_nid(self):
-        """ Gets the sector 1 network ID of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            sector 1 network Id
-        """
-        cmd = "S1NID? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @sector1_nid.setter
-    def sector1_nid(self, nid):
-        """ Sets the sector 1 network ID of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            nid: sector 1 network ID of the CDMA cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "S1NID {},{}".format(nid, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def sector1_baseid(self):
-        """ Gets the sector 1 Base ID of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            sector 1 Base Id
-        """
-        cmd = "S1BASEID? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @sector1_baseid.setter
-    def sector1_baseid(self, baseid):
-        """ Sets the sector 1 Base ID of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            baseid: sector 1 Base ID of the CDMA cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "S1BASEID {},{}".format(baseid, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def sector1_latitude(self):
-        """ Gets the sector 1 latitude of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            sector 1 latitude
-        """
-        cmd = "S1LATITUDE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @sector1_latitude.setter
-    def sector1_latitude(self, latitude):
-        """ Sets the sector 1 latitude of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            latitude: sector 1 latitude of the CDMA cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "S1LATITUDE {},{}".format(latitude, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def sector1_longitude(self):
-        """ Gets the sector 1 longitude of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            sector 1 longitude
-        """
-        cmd = "S1LONGITUDE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @sector1_longitude.setter
-    def sector1_longitude(self, longitude):
-        """ Sets the sector 1 longitude of the CDMA cell
-        Args:
-            longitude: sector 1 longitude of the CDMA cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "S1LONGITUDE {},{}".format(longitude, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def evdo_sid(self):
-        """ Gets the Sector ID of the EVDO cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Sector Id
-        """
-        cmd = "S1SECTORID? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @evdo_sid.setter
-    def evdo_sid(self, sid):
-        """ Sets the Sector ID of the EVDO cell
-        Args:
-            sid: Sector ID of the EVDO cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "S1SECTORID {},{}".format(sid, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cell_id(self):
-        """ Gets the cell identity of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            cell identity
-        """
-        cmd = "CELLID? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cell_id.setter
-    def cell_id(self, cell_id):
-        """ Sets the cell identity of the cell
-        Args:
-            cell_id: cell identity of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "CELLID {},{}".format(cell_id, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def physical_cellid(self):
-        """ Gets the physical cell id of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            physical cell id
-        """
-        cmd = "PHYCELLID? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @physical_cellid.setter
-    def physical_cellid(self, physical_cellid):
-        """ Sets the physical cell id of the cell
-        Args:
-            physical_cellid: physical cell id of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PHYCELLID {},{}".format(physical_cellid, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def gsm_mcs_dl(self):
-        """ Gets the Modulation and Coding scheme (DL) of the GSM cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DL MCS
-        """
-        cmd = "DLMCS? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @gsm_mcs_dl.setter
-    def gsm_mcs_dl(self, mcs_dl):
-        """ Sets the Modulation and Coding scheme (DL) of the GSM cell
-        Args:
-            mcs_dl: Modulation and Coding scheme (DL) of the GSM cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DLMCS {},{}".format(mcs_dl, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def gsm_mcs_ul(self):
-        """ Gets the Modulation and Coding scheme (UL) of the GSM cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            UL MCS
-        """
-        cmd = "ULMCS? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @gsm_mcs_ul.setter
-    def gsm_mcs_ul(self, mcs_ul):
-        """ Sets the Modulation and Coding scheme (UL) of the GSM cell
-        Args:
-            mcs_ul:Modulation and Coding scheme (UL) of the GSM cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "ULMCS {},{}".format(mcs_ul, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def lte_scheduling_mode(self):
-        """ Gets the Scheduling mode of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Scheduling mode
-        """
-        cmd = "SCHEDULEMODE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @lte_scheduling_mode.setter
-    def lte_scheduling_mode(self, mode):
-        """ Sets the Scheduling mode of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            mode: STATIC (default) or DYNAMIC
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        counter = 1
-        while mode != self.lte_scheduling_mode:
-            if counter > 3:
-                raise AnritsuError("Fail to set scheduling mode in 3 tries!")
-            cmd = "SCHEDULEMODE {},{}".format(mode, self._bts_number)
-            self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-            counter += 1
-            time.sleep(1)
-    @property
-    def tbs_pattern(self):
-        """ Gets the TBS Pattern setting for the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            TBS Pattern setting
-        """
-        cmd = "TBSPATTERN? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @tbs_pattern.setter
-    def tbs_pattern(self, pattern):
-        """ Sets the TBS Pattern setting for the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            mode: "FULLALLOCATION" or "OFF"
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "TBSPATTERN {}, {}".format(pattern, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def drx_connected_mode(self):
-        """ Gets the Connected DRX LTE cell parameter
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DRX connected mode (OFF, AUTO, MANUAL)
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXCONN? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @drx_connected_mode.setter
-    def drx_connected_mode(self, mode):
-        """  Sets the Connected DRX LTE cell parameter
-        Args:
-            mode: OFF, AUTO, MANUAL
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXCONN {}, {}".format(mode, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def drx_on_duration_timer(self):
-        """ Gets the amount of PDCCH subframes to wait for data after
-            waking up from a DRX cycle
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DRX mode duration timer
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXDURATIONTIME? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @drx_on_duration_timer.setter
-    def drx_on_duration_timer(self, time):
-        """ Sets the amount of PDCCH subframes to wait for data after
-            waking up from a DRX cycle
-        Args:
-            timer: Amount of PDCCH subframes to wait for user data
-                to be transmitted
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXDURATIONTIME PSF{}, {}".format(time, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def drx_inactivity_timer(self):
-        """ Gets the number of PDCCH subframes to wait before entering DRX mode
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DRX mode inactivity timer
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXINACTIVITYTIME? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @drx_inactivity_timer.setter
-    def drx_inactivity_timer(self, time):
-        """ Sets the number of PDCCH subframes to wait before entering DRX mode
-        Args:
-            timer: Length of the interval to wait
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXINACTIVITYTIME PSF{}, {}".format(time, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def drx_retransmission_timer(self):
-        """ Gets the number of consecutive PDCCH subframes to wait
-        for retransmission
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Number of PDCCH subframes to wait for retransmission
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXRETRANSTIME? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @drx_retransmission_timer.setter
-    def drx_retransmission_timer(self, time):
-        """ Sets the number of consecutive PDCCH subframes to wait
-        for retransmission
-        Args:
-            time: Number of PDCCH subframes to wait
-            for retransmission
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXRETRANSTIME PSF{}, {}".format(time, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def drx_long_cycle(self):
-        """ Gets the amount of subframes representing a DRX long cycle
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            The amount of subframes representing one long DRX cycle.
-            One cycle consists of DRX sleep + DRX on duration
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXLONGCYCLE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @drx_long_cycle.setter
-    def drx_long_cycle(self, time):
-        """ Sets the amount of subframes representing a DRX long cycle
-        Args:
-            long_cycle: The amount of subframes representing one long DRX cycle.
-                One cycle consists of DRX sleep + DRX on duration
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXLONGCYCLE SF{}, {}".format(time, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def drx_long_cycle_offset(self):
-        """ Gets the offset used to determine long cycle starting
-        subframe
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Long cycle offset
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXLONGCYCLESTARTOFFSET? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @drx_long_cycle_offset.setter
-    def drx_long_cycle_offset(self, offset):
-        """ Sets the offset used to determine long cycle starting
-        subframe
-        Args:
-            offset: Number in range 0...(long cycle - 1)
-        """
-        cmd = "DRXLONGCYCLESTARTOFFSET {}, {}".format(offset, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def lte_mcs_dl(self):
-        """ Gets the Modulation and Coding scheme (DL) of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DL MCS
-        """
-        cmd = "DLIMCS? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @lte_mcs_dl.setter
-    def lte_mcs_dl(self, mcs_dl):
-        """ Sets the Modulation and Coding scheme (DL) of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            mcs_dl: Modulation and Coding scheme (DL) of the LTE cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DLIMCS {},{}".format(mcs_dl, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def lte_mcs_ul(self):
-        """ Gets the Modulation and Coding scheme (UL) of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            UL MCS
-        """
-        cmd = "ULIMCS? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @lte_mcs_ul.setter
-    def lte_mcs_ul(self, mcs_ul):
-        """ Sets the Modulation and Coding scheme (UL) of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            mcs_ul: Modulation and Coding scheme (UL) of the LTE cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "ULIMCS {},{}".format(mcs_ul, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def lte_dl_modulation_order(self):
-        """ Gets the DL modulation order of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            The DL modulation order
-        """
-        cmd = "DLRMC_MOD? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @lte_dl_modulation_order.setter
-    def lte_dl_modulation_order(self, order):
-        """ Sets the DL modulation order of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            order: the DL modulation order of the LTE cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if isinstance(order, ModulationType):
-            order = order.value
-        cmd = "DLRMC_MOD {},{}".format(order, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def lte_ul_modulation_order(self):
-        """ Gets the UL modulation order of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            The UL modulation order
-        """
-        cmd = "ULRMC_MOD? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @lte_ul_modulation_order.setter
-    def lte_ul_modulation_order(self, order):
-        """ Sets the UL modulation order of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            order: the UL modulation order of the LTE cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if isinstance(order, ModulationType):
-            order = order.value
-        cmd = "ULRMC_MOD {},{}".format(order, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def nrb_dl(self):
-        """ Gets the Downlink N Resource Block of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Downlink NRB
-        """
-        cmd = "DLNRB? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @nrb_dl.setter
-    def nrb_dl(self, blocks):
-        """ Sets the Downlink N Resource Block of the cell
-        Args:
-            blocks: Downlink N Resource Block of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "DLNRB {},{}".format(blocks, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def nrb_ul(self):
-        """ Gets the uplink N Resource Block of the cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            uplink NRB
-        """
-        cmd = "ULNRB? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @nrb_ul.setter
-    def nrb_ul(self, blocks):
-        """ Sets the uplink N Resource Block of the cell
-        Args:
-            blocks: uplink N Resource Block of the cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "ULNRB {},{}".format(blocks, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def max_nrb_ul(self):
-        ul_bandwidth = self.ul_bandwidth
-        if ul_bandwidth == 'SAMEASDL':
-            ul_bandwidth = self.dl_bandwidth
-        max_nrb = MAX_NRB_FOR_BANDWIDTH.get(ul_bandwidth, None)
-        if not max_nrb:
-            raise ValueError('Could not get maximum RB allocation'
-                             'for bandwidth: {}'.format(ul_bandwidth))
-        return max_nrb
-    @property
-    def mimo_support(self):
-        """ Gets the maximum supported MIMO mode for the LTE bases tation.
-        Returns:
-            the MIMO mode as a string
-        """
-        cmd = "LTEMIMO? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @mimo_support.setter
-    def mimo_support(self, mode):
-        """ Sets the maximum supported MIMO mode for the LTE base station.
-        Args:
-            mode: a string or an object of the LteMimoMode class.
-        """
-        if isinstance(mode, LteMimoMode):
-            mode = mode.value
-        cmd = "LTEMIMO {},{}".format(self._bts_number, mode)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def neighbor_cell_mode(self):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell mode
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            current neighbor cell mode
-        """
-        cmd = "NCLIST? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @neighbor_cell_mode.setter
-    def neighbor_cell_mode(self, mode):
-        """ Sets the neighbor cell mode
-        Args:
-            mode: neighbor cell mode , DEFAULT/ USERDATA
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "NCLIST {},{}".format(mode, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_type(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell type
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell type
-        """
-        cmd = "NCTYPE? {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def set_neighbor_cell_type(self, system, index, cell_type):
-        """ Sets the neighbor cell type
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                   LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-            cell_type: cell type
-                BTS1, BTS2, BTS3, BTS4,CELLNAME, DISABLE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "NCTYPE {},{},{},{}".format(system, index, cell_type,
-                                          self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_name(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell name
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell name
-        """
-        cmd = "NCCELLNAME? {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def set_neighbor_cell_name(self, system, index, name):
-        """ Sets the neighbor cell name
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                   LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-            name: cell name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "NCCELLNAME {},{},{},{}".format(system, index, name,
-                                              self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_mcc(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell mcc
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell mcc
-        """
-        cmd = "NCMCC? {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_mnc(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell mnc
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell mnc
-        """
-        cmd = "NCMNC? {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_id(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell id
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell id
-        """
-        cmd = "NCCELLID? {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_tac(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell tracking area code
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell tracking area code
-        """
-        cmd = "NCTAC? {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_dl_channel(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell downlink channel
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell tracking downlink channel
-        """
-        cmd = "NCDLCHAN? {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_dl_bandwidth(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell downlink bandwidth
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell tracking downlink bandwidth
-        """
-        cmd = "NCDLBANDWIDTH {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_pcid(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell physical cell id
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell physical cell id
-        """
-        cmd = "NCPHYCELLID {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_lac(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell location area code
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell location area code
-        """
-        cmd = "NCLAC {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    def get_neighbor_cell_rac(self, system, index):
-        """ Gets the neighbor cell routing area code
-        Args:
-            system: simulation model of neighbor cell
-                    LTE, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, GSM, CDMA1X,EVDO
-            index: Index of neighbor cell
-        Returns:
-            neighbor cell routing area code
-        """
-        cmd = "NCRAC {},{},{}".format(system, index, self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @property
-    def primary_scrambling_code(self):
-        """ Gets the primary scrambling code for WCDMA cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            primary scrambling code
-        """
-        cmd = "PRISCRCODE? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @primary_scrambling_code.setter
-    def primary_scrambling_code(self, psc):
-        """ Sets the primary scrambling code for WCDMA cell
-        Args:
-            psc: primary scrambling code
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PRISCRCODE {},{}".format(psc, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def tac(self):
-        """ Gets the Tracking Area Code of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Tracking Area Code of the LTE cell
-        """
-        cmd = "TAC? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @tac.setter
-    def tac(self, tac):
-        """ Sets the Tracking Area Code of the LTE cell
-        Args:
-            tac: Tracking Area Code of the LTE cell
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "TAC {},{}".format(tac, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cell(self):
-        """ Gets the current cell for BTS
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            current cell for BTS
-        """
-        cmd = "CELLSEL? {}".format(self._bts_number)
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cell.setter
-    def cell(self, cell_name):
-        """ sets the  cell for BTS
-        Args:
-            cell_name: cell name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "CELLSEL {},{}".format(self._bts_number, cell_name)
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def gsm_cbch(self):
-        """ Gets the GSM CBCH enable/disable status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            one of CBCHSetup values
-        """
-        cmd = "CBCHPARAMSETUP? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @gsm_cbch.setter
-    def gsm_cbch(self, enable):
-        """ Sets the GSM CBCH enable/disable status
-        Args:
-            enable: GSM CBCH enable/disable status
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "CBCHPARAMSETUP {},{}".format(enable.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def gsm_gprs_mode(self):
-        """ Gets the GSM connection mode
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            A string indicating if connection is EGPRS, GPRS or non-GPRS
-        """
-        cmd = "GPRS? " + self._bts_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @gsm_gprs_mode.setter
-    def gsm_gprs_mode(self, mode):
-        """ Sets the GPRS connection mode
-        Args:
-            mode: GPRS connection mode
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(mode, BtsGprsMode):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "BtsGprsMode"')
-        cmd = "GPRS {},{}".format(mode.value, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def gsm_slots(self):
-        """ Gets the GSM slot assignment
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            A tuple indicating DL and UL slots.
-        """
-        cmd = "MLTSLTCFG? " + self._bts_number
-        response = self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-        split_response = response.split(',')
-        if not len(split_response) == 2:
-            raise ValueError(response)
-        return response[0], response[1]
-    @gsm_slots.setter
-    def gsm_slots(self, slots):
-        """ Sets the number of downlink / uplink slots for GSM
-        Args:
-            slots: a tuple containing two ints indicating (DL,UL)
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        try:
-            dl, ul = slots
-            dl = int(dl)
-            ul = int(ul)
-        except:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'The parameter slot has to be a tuple containing two ints '
-                'indicating (dl,ul) slots.')
-        # Validate
-        if dl < 1 or ul < 1 or dl + ul > 5:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'DL and UL slots have to be >= 1 and the sum <= 5.')
-        cmd = "MLTSLTCFG {},{},{}".format(dl, ul, self._bts_number)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-class _VirtualPhone(object):
-    '''Class to interact with virtual phone supported by MD8475 '''
-    def __init__(self, anritsu):
-        self._anritsu = anritsu
-        self.log = anritsu.log
-    @property
-    def id(self):
-        """ Gets the virtual phone ID
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            virtual phone ID
-        """
-        cmd = "VPID? "
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @id.setter
-    def id(self, phonenumber):
-        """ Sets the virtual phone ID
-        Args:
-            phonenumber: virtual phone ID
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "VPID {}".format(phonenumber)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def id_c2k(self):
-        """ Gets the virtual phone ID for CDMA 1x
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            virtual phone ID
-        """
-        cmd = "VPIDC2K? "
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @id_c2k.setter
-    def id_c2k(self, phonenumber):
-        """ Sets the virtual phone ID for CDMA 1x
-        Args:
-            phonenumber: virtual phone ID
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "VPIDC2K {}".format(phonenumber)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def auto_answer(self):
-        """ Gets the auto answer status of virtual phone
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            auto answer status, ON/OFF
-        """
-        cmd = "VPAUTOANSWER? "
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @auto_answer.setter
-    def auto_answer(self, option):
-        """ Sets the auto answer feature
-        Args:
-            option: tuple with two items for turning on Auto Answer
-                    (OFF or (ON, timetowait))
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        enable = "OFF"
-        time = 5
-        try:
-            enable, time = option
-        except ValueError:
-            if enable != "OFF":
-                raise ValueError("Pass a tuple with two items for"
-                                 " Turning on Auto Answer")
-        cmd = "VPAUTOANSWER {},{}".format(enable.value, time)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def calling_mode(self):
-        """ Gets the calling mode of virtual phone
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            calling mode of virtual phone
-        """
-        cmd = "VPCALLINGMODE? "
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @calling_mode.setter
-    def calling_mode(self, calling_mode):
-        """ Sets the calling mode of virtual phone
-        Args:
-            calling_mode: calling mode of virtual phone
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "VPCALLINGMODE {}".format(calling_mode)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_voice_off_hook(self):
-        """ Set the virtual phone operating mode to Voice Off Hook
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "OPERATEVPHONE 0"
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_voice_on_hook(self):
-        """ Set the virtual phone operating mode to Voice On Hook
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "OPERATEVPHONE 1"
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_video_off_hook(self):
-        """ Set the virtual phone operating mode to Video Off Hook
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "OPERATEVPHONE 2"
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_video_on_hook(self):
-        """ Set the virtual phone operating mode to Video On Hook
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "OPERATEVPHONE 3"
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_call_waiting(self):
-        """ Set the virtual phone operating mode to Call waiting
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "OPERATEVPHONE 4"
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def status(self):
-        """ Gets the virtual phone status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            virtual phone status
-        """
-        cmd = "VPSTAT?"
-        status = self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-        return _VP_STATUS[status]
-    def sendSms(self, phoneNumber, message):
-        """ Sends the SMS data from Anritsu to UE
-        Args:
-            phoneNumber: sender of SMS
-            message: message text
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = ("SENDSMS /?PhoneNumber=001122334455&Sender={}&Text={}"
-               "&DCS=00").format(phoneNumber, AnritsuUtils.gsm_encode(message))
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def sendSms_c2k(self, phoneNumber, message):
-        """ Sends the SMS data from Anritsu to UE (in CDMA)
-        Args:
-            phoneNumber: sender of SMS
-            message: message text
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = ("C2KSENDSMS System=CDMA\&Originating_Address={}\&UserData={}"
-               ).format(phoneNumber, AnritsuUtils.cdma_encode(message))
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def receiveSms(self):
-        """ Receives SMS messages sent by the UE in an external application
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("RECEIVESMS?")
-    def receiveSms_c2k(self):
-        """ Receives SMS messages sent by the UE(in CDMA) in an external application
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        return self._anritsu.send_query("C2KRECEIVESMS?")
-    def setSmsStatusReport(self, status):
-        """ Set the Status Report value of the SMS
-        Args:
-            status: status code
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SMSSTATUSREPORT {}".format(status)
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-class _PacketDataNetwork(object):
-    '''Class to configure PDN parameters'''
-    def __init__(self, anritsu, pdnnumber):
-        self._pdn_number = pdnnumber
-        self._anritsu = anritsu
-        self.log = anritsu.log
-    # Default Gateway Selection
-    @property
-    def pdn_DG_selection(self):
-        """ Gets the default gateway for the PDN
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-          Current UE status
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDEFAULTGATEWAY? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @pdn_DG_selection.setter
-    def pdn_DG_selection(self, selection):
-        """ Sets the default gateway selection for the PDN
-        Args:
-          Selection: COMMON or USER
-        Returns:
-          None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDEFAULTGATEWAY {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, selection)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    # PDN specific Default Gateway:
-    @property
-    def pdn_gateway_ipv4addr(self):
-        """ Gets the IPv4 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            current UE status
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDGIPV4? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @pdn_gateway_ipv4addr.setter
-    def pdn_gateway_ipv4addr(self, ipv4_addr):
-        """ sets the IPv4 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-            ipv4_addr: IPv4 address of the default gateway
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDGIPV4 {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ipv4_addr)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def pdn_gateway_ipv6addr(self):
-        """ Gets the IPv6 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            current UE status
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDGIPV6? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @pdn_gateway_ipv6addr.setter
-    def pdn_gateway_ipv6addr(self, ipv6_addr):
-        """ sets the IPv6 address of the default gateway
-        Args:
-            ipv6_addr: IPv6 address of the default gateway
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDGIPV6 {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ipv6_addr)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ue_address_iptype(self):
-        """ Gets IP type of UE for particular PDN
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            IP type of UE for particular PDN
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNIPTYPE? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @ue_address_iptype.setter
-    def ue_address_iptype(self, ip_type):
-        """ Set IP type of UE for particular PDN
-        Args:
-            ip_type: IP type of UE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(ip_type, IPAddressType):
-            raise ValueError(
-                ' The parameter should be of type "IPAddressType"')
-        cmd = "PDNIPTYPE {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_type.value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ue_address_ipv4(self):
-        """ Gets UE IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            UE IPv4 address
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNIPV4? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @ue_address_ipv4.setter
-    def ue_address_ipv4(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set UE IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: UE IPv4 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNIPV4 {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ue_address_ipv6(self):
-        """ Gets UE IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            UE IPv6 address
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNIPV6? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @ue_address_ipv6.setter
-    def ue_address_ipv6(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set UE IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: UE IPv6 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNIPV6 {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def primary_dns_address_ipv4(self):
-        """ Gets Primary DNS server IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Primary DNS server IPv4 address
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDNSIPV4PRI? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @primary_dns_address_ipv4.setter
-    def primary_dns_address_ipv4(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set Primary DNS server IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: Primary DNS server IPv4 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDNSIPV4PRI {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def secondary_dns_address_ipv4(self):
-        """ Gets secondary DNS server IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            secondary DNS server IPv4 address
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDNSIPV4SEC? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @secondary_dns_address_ipv4.setter
-    def secondary_dns_address_ipv4(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set secondary DNS server IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: secondary DNS server IPv4 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDNSIPV4SEC {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dns_address_ipv6(self):
-        """ Gets DNS server IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DNS server IPv6 address
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDNSIPV6? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @dns_address_ipv6.setter
-    def dns_address_ipv6(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set DNS server IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: DNS server IPv6 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNDNSIPV6 {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_address_ipv4(self):
-        """ Gets Secondary P-CSCF IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Secondary P-CSCF IPv4 address
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNPCSCFIPV4? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_address_ipv4.setter
-    def cscf_address_ipv4(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set Secondary P-CSCF IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: Secondary P-CSCF IPv4 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNPCSCFIPV4 {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_address_ipv6(self):
-        """ Gets P-CSCF IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            P-CSCF IPv6 address
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNPCSCFIPV6? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_address_ipv6.setter
-    def cscf_address_ipv6(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set P-CSCF IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: P-CSCF IPv6 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNPCSCFIPV6 {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def pdn_ims(self):
-        """ Get PDN IMS VNID binding status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            PDN IMS VNID binding status
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNIMS? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @pdn_ims.setter
-    def pdn_ims(self, switch):
-        """ Set PDN IMS VNID binding Enable/Disable
-        Args:
-            switch: "ENABLE/DISABLE"
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(switch, Switch):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "Switch", ie, ENABLE or DISABLE ')
-        cmd = "PDNIMS {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, switch.value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def pdn_vnid(self):
-        """ Get PDN IMS VNID
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            PDN IMS VNID
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNVNID? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @pdn_vnid.setter
-    def pdn_vnid(self, vnid):
-        """ Set PDN IMS VNID
-        Args:
-            vnid: 1~99
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNVNID {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, vnid)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def pdn_apn_name(self):
-        """ Get PDN APN NAME
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            PDN APN NAME
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNCHECKAPN? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @pdn_apn_name.setter
-    def pdn_apn_name(self, name):
-        """ Set PDN APN NAME
-        Args:
-            name: fast.t-mobile.com, ims
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNCHECKAPN {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, name)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def pdn_qci(self):
-        """ Get PDN QCI Value
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            PDN QCI Value
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNQCIDEFAULT? " + self._pdn_number
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @pdn_qci.setter
-    def pdn_qci(self, qci_value):
-        """ Set PDN QCI Value
-        Args:
-            qci_value: 5, 9
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PDNQCIDEFAULT {},{}".format(self._pdn_number, qci_value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-class _TriggerMessage(object):
-    '''Class to interact with trigger message handling supported by MD8475 '''
-    def __init__(self, anritsu):
-        self._anritsu = anritsu
-        self.log = anritsu.log
-    def set_reply_type(self, message_id, reply_type):
-        """ Sets the reply type of the trigger information
-        Args:
-            message_id: trigger information message Id
-            reply_type: reply type of the trigger information
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(message_id, TriggerMessageIDs):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "TriggerMessageIDs"')
-        if not isinstance(reply_type, TriggerMessageReply):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "TriggerMessageReply"')
-        cmd = "REJECTTYPE {},{}".format(message_id.value, reply_type.value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def set_reject_cause(self, message_id, cause):
-        """ Sets the reject cause of the trigger information
-        Args:
-            message_id: trigger information message Id
-            cause: cause for reject
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(message_id, TriggerMessageIDs):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type'
-                             ' "TriggerMessageIDs"')
-        cmd = "REJECTCAUSE {},{}".format(message_id.value, cause)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-class _IMS_Services(object):
-    '''Class to configure and operate IMS Services'''
-    def __init__(self, anritsu, vnid):
-        self._vnid = vnid
-        self._anritsu = anritsu
-        self.log = anritsu.log
-    @property
-    def sync(self):
-        """ Gets Sync Enable status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            VNID Sync Enable status
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSSYNCENABLE? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @sync.setter
-    def sync(self, switch):
-        """ Set Sync Enable or Disable
-        Args:
-            sync: ENABLE/DISABLE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(switch, Switch):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "Switch"')
-        cmd = "IMSSYNCENABLE {},{}".format(self._vnid, switch.value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_address_ipv4(self):
-        """ Gets CSCF IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF IPv4 address
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFIPV4? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_address_ipv4.setter
-    def cscf_address_ipv4(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set CSCF IPv4 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: CSCF IPv4 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFIPV4 {},{}".format(self._vnid, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_address_ipv6(self):
-        """ Gets CSCF IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF IPv6 address
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFIPV6? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_address_ipv6.setter
-    def cscf_address_ipv6(self, ip_address):
-        """ Set CSCF IPv6 address
-        Args:
-            ip_address: CSCF IPv6 address
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFIPV6 {},{}".format(self._vnid, ip_address)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def imscscf_iptype(self):
-        """ Gets CSCF IP Type
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF IP Type
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFIPTYPE? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @imscscf_iptype.setter
-    def imscscf_iptype(self, iptype):
-        """ Set CSCF IP Type
-        Args:
-            iptype: IPV4, IPV6, IPV4V6
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFIPTYPE {},{}".format(self._vnid, iptype)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_monitoring_ua(self):
-        """ Get CSCF Monitoring UA URI
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF Monitoring UA URI
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFUAURI? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_monitoring_ua.setter
-    def cscf_monitoring_ua(self, ua_uri):
-        """ Set CSCF Monitoring UA URI
-        Args:
-            ua_uri: CSCF Monitoring UA URI
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFUAURI {},{}".format(self._vnid, ua_uri)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_host_name(self):
-        """ Get CSCF Host Name
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF Host Name
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFNAME? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_host_name.setter
-    def cscf_host_name(self, host_name):
-        """ Set CSCF Host Name
-        Args:
-            host_name: CSCF Host Name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFNAME {},{}".format(self._vnid, host_name)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_ims_authentication(self):
-        """ Get CSCF IMS Auth Value
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF IMS Auth
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFAUTH? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_ims_authentication.setter
-    def cscf_ims_authentication(self, on_off):
-        """ Set CSCF IMS Auth Value
-        Args:
-            on_off: CSCF IMS Auth ENABLE/DISABLE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFAUTH {},{}".format(self._vnid, on_off)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_precondition(self):
-        """ Get CSCF IMS Precondition
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF IMS Precondition
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFPRECONDITION? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_precondition.setter
-    def cscf_precondition(self, on_off):
-        """ Set CSCF IMS Precondition
-        Args:
-            on_off: CSCF IMS Precondition ENABLE/DISABLE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFPRECONDITION {},{}".format(self._vnid, on_off)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def cscf_virtual_ua(self):
-        """ Get CSCF Virtual UA URI
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF Virtual UA URI
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFVUAURI? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @cscf_virtual_ua.setter
-    def cscf_virtual_ua(self, ua_uri):
-        """ Set CSCF Virtual UA URI
-        Args:
-            ua_uri: CSCF Virtual UA URI
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFVUAURI {},{}".format(self._vnid, ua_uri)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def tmo_cscf_userslist_add(self):
-        """ Get CSCF USERLIST
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF USERLIST
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFUSERSLIST? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @tmo_cscf_userslist_add.setter
-    def tmo_cscf_userslist_add(self, username):
-        """ Set CSCF USER to USERLIST
-            This is needed if IMS AUTH is enabled
-        Args:
-            username: CSCF Username
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFUSERSLISTADD {},{},00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF,TS34108,AKAV1_MD5,\
-        OPC,00000000000000000000000000000000,8000,TRUE,FALSE,0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF,\
-        54CDFEAB9889000001326754CDFEAB98,6754CDFEAB9889BAEFDC457623100132,\
-        326754CDFEAB9889BAEFDC4576231001,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE".format(
-            self._vnid, username)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def fi_cscf_userslist_add(self):
-        """ Get CSCF USERLIST
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF USERLIST
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFUSERSLIST? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @fi_cscf_userslist_add.setter
-    def fi_cscf_userslist_add(self, username):
-        """ Set CSCF USER to USERLIST
-            This is needed if IMS AUTH is enabled
-        Args:
-            username: CSCF Username
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFUSERSLISTADD {},{},00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF,TS34108,AKAV1_MD5,\
-        OPC,00000000000000000000000000000000,8000,TRUE,FALSE,0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF,\
-        54CDFEAB9889000001326754CDFEAB98,6754CDFEAB9889BAEFDC457623100132,\
-        326754CDFEAB9889BAEFDC4576231001,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE".format(
-            self._vnid, username)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def vzw_cscf_userslist_add(self):
-        """ Get CSCF USERLIST
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            CSCF USERLIST
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSCSCFUSERSLIST? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @vzw_cscf_userslist_add.setter
-    def vzw_cscf_userslist_add(self, username):
-        """ Set CSCF USER to USERLIST
-            This is needed if IMS AUTH is enabled
-        Args:
-            username: CSCF Username
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        OP,5F1D289C5D354D0A140C2548F5F3E3BA,8000,TRUE,FALSE,0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF,\
-        54CDFEAB9889000001326754CDFEAB98,6754CDFEAB9889BAEFDC457623100132,\
-        326754CDFEAB9889BAEFDC4576231001,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE".format(
-            self._vnid, username)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dns(self):
-        """ Gets DNS Enable status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            VNID DNS Enable status
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSDNS? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @dns.setter
-    def dns(self, switch):
-        """ Set DNS Enable or Disable
-        Args:
-            sync: ENABLE/DISABLE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(switch, Switch):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "Switch"')
-        cmd = "IMSDNS {},{}".format(self._vnid, switch.value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ndp_nic(self):
-        """ Gets NDP Network Interface name
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            NDP NIC name
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSNDPNIC? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @ndp_nic.setter
-    def ndp_nic(self, nic_name):
-        """ Set NDP Network Interface name
-        Args:
-            nic_name: NDP Network Interface name
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSNDPNIC {},{}".format(self._vnid, nic_name)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ndp_prefix(self):
-        """ Gets NDP IPv6 Prefix
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            NDP IPv6 Prefix
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSNDPPREFIX? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @ndp_prefix.setter
-    def ndp_prefix(self, prefix_addr):
-        """ Set NDP IPv6 Prefix
-        Args:
-            prefix_addr: NDP IPV6 Prefix Addr
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSNDPPREFIX {},{},64".format(self._vnid, prefix_addr)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def psap(self):
-        """ Gets PSAP Enable status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            VNID PSAP Enable status
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSPSAP? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @psap.setter
-    def psap(self, switch):
-        """ Set PSAP Enable or Disable
-        Args:
-            switch: ENABLE/DISABLE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(switch, Switch):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "Switch"')
-        cmd = "IMSPSAP {},{}".format(self._vnid, switch.value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    @property
-    def psap_auto_answer(self):
-        """ Gets PSAP Auto Answer status
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            VNID PSAP Auto Answer status
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSPSAPAUTOANSWER? " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-    @psap_auto_answer.setter
-    def psap_auto_answer(self, switch):
-        """ Set PSAP Auto Answer Enable or Disable
-        Args:
-            switch: ENABLE/DISABLE
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        if not isinstance(switch, Switch):
-            raise ValueError(' The parameter should be of type "Switch"')
-        cmd = "IMSPSAPAUTOANSWER {},{}".format(self._vnid, switch.value)
-        self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
-    def start_virtual_network(self):
-        """ Start the specified Virtual Network (IMS service)
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "IMSSTARTVN " + self._vnid
-        return self._anritsu.send_command(cmd)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/mg3710a.py b/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/mg3710a.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d6c559..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/anritsu_lib/mg3710a.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,715 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Controller interface for Anritsu Signal Generator MG3710A.
-import logging
-import socket
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import AnritsuError
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import NO_ERROR
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import OPERATION_COMPLETE
-from antlion import tracelogger
-def create(configs):
-    objs = []
-    for c in configs:
-        ip_address = c["ip_address"]
-        objs.append(MG3710A(ip_address))
-    return objs
-def destroy(objs):
-    return
-class MG3710A(object):
-    """Class to communicate with Anritsu Signal Generator MG3710A.
-       This uses GPIB command to interface with Anritsu MG3710A """
-    def __init__(self, ip_address):
-        self._ipaddr = ip_address
-        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(logging.getLogger())
-        # Open socket connection to Signaling Tester
-        self.log.info("Opening Socket Connection with "
-                      "Signal Generator MG3710A ({}) ".format(self._ipaddr))
-        try:
-            self._sock = socket.create_connection((self._ipaddr, 49158),
-                                                  timeout=30)
-            self.send_query("*IDN?", 60)
-            self.log.info("Communication Signal Generator MG3710A OK.")
-            self.log.info("Opened Socket connection to ({})"
-                          "with handle ({})".format(self._ipaddr, self._sock))
-        except socket.timeout:
-            raise AnritsuError("Timeout happened while conencting to"
-                               " Anritsu MG3710A")
-        except socket.error:
-            raise AnritsuError("Socket creation error")
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """ Disconnect Signal Generator MG3710A
-        Args:
-          None
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.send_command(":SYST:COMM:GTL", opc=False)
-        self._sock.close()
-    def send_query(self, query, sock_timeout=10):
-        """ Sends a Query message to Anritsu MG3710A and return response
-        Args:
-            query - Query string
-        Returns:
-            query response
-        """
-        self.log.info("--> {}".format(query))
-        querytoSend = (query + TERMINATOR).encode('utf-8')
-        self._sock.settimeout(sock_timeout)
-        try:
-            self._sock.send(querytoSend)
-            result = self._sock.recv(256).rstrip(TERMINATOR.encode('utf-8'))
-            response = result.decode('utf-8')
-            self.log.info('<-- {}'.format(response))
-            return response
-        except socket.timeout:
-            raise AnritsuError("Timeout: Response from Anritsu")
-        except socket.error:
-            raise AnritsuError("Socket Error")
-    def send_command(self, command, sock_timeout=30, opc=True):
-        """ Sends a Command message to Anritsu MG3710A
-        Args:
-            command - command string
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        self.log.info("--> {}".format(command))
-        cmdToSend = (command + TERMINATOR).encode('utf-8')
-        self._sock.settimeout(sock_timeout)
-        try:
-            self._sock.send(cmdToSend)
-            if opc:
-                # check operation status
-                status = self.send_query("*OPC?")
-                if int(status) != OPERATION_COMPLETE:
-                    raise AnritsuError("Operation not completed")
-        except socket.timeout:
-            raise AnritsuError("Timeout for Command Response from Anritsu")
-        except socket.error:
-            raise AnritsuError("Socket Error for Anritsu command")
-        return
-    @property
-    def sg(self):
-        """ Gets current selected signal generator(SG)
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            selected signal generatr number
-        """
-        return self.send_query("PORT?")
-    @sg.setter
-    def sg(self, sg_number):
-        """ Selects the signal generator to be controlled
-        Args:
-            sg_number: sg number 1 | 2
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "PORT {}".format(sg_number)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_modulation_state(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the RF signal modulation state (ON/OFF) of signal generator
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            modulation state . 0 (OFF) | 1(ON)
-        """
-        return self.send_query("OUTP{}:MOD?".format(sg))
-    def set_modulation_state(self, state, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the RF signal modulation state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            state : ON/OFF
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "OUTP{}:MOD {}".format(sg, state)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_rf_output_state(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets RF signal output state (ON/OFF) of signal generator
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            RF signal output state . 0 (OFF) | 1(ON)
-        """
-        return self.send_query("OUTP{}?".format(sg))
-    def set_rf_output_state(self, state, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the RF signal output state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            state : ON/OFF
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "OUTP{} {}".format(sg, state)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_frequency(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the selected frequency of signal generator
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            selected frequency
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ?".format(sg))
-    def set_frequency(self, freq, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the frequency of signal generator
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            freq : frequency
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ {}".format(sg, freq)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_frequency_offset_state(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the Frequency Offset enable state (ON/OFF) of signal generator
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            Frequency Offset enable state . 0 (OFF) | 1(ON)
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:OFFS:STAT?".format(sg))
-    def set_frequency_offset_state(self, state, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the Frequency Offset enable state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            state : enable state, ON/OFF
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:OFFS:STAT {}".format(sg, state)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_frequency_offset(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the current frequency offset value
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            current frequency offset value
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:OFFS?".format(sg))
-    def set_frequency_offset(self, offset, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the frequency offset value
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            offset : frequency offset value
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:OFFS {}".format(sg, offset)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_frequency_offset_multiplier_state(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the Frequency Offset multiplier enable state (ON/OFF) of
-            signal generator
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            Frequency Offset  multiplier enable state . 0 (OFF) | 1(ON)
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:MULT:STAT?".format(sg))
-    def set_frequency_offset_multiplier_state(self, state, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the  Frequency Offset multiplier enable state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            state : enable state, ON/OFF
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:MULT:STAT {}".format(sg, state)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_frequency_offset_multiplier(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the current frequency offset multiplier value
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            frequency offset multiplier value
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:MULT?".format(sg))
-    def set_frequency_offset_multiplier(self, multiplier, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the frequency offset multiplier value
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            multiplier : frequency offset multiplier value
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:MULT {}".format(sg, multiplier)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_channel(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the current channel number
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            current channel number
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:CHAN:NUMB?".format(sg))
-    def set_channel(self, channel, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the channel number
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            channel : channel number
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:CHAN:NUMB {}".format(sg, channel)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_channel_group(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the current channel group number
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            current channel group number
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:CHAN:GRO?".format(sg))
-    def set_channel_group(self, group, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the channel group number
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            group : channel group number
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:CHAN:GRO {}".format(sg, group)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_rf_output_level(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the current RF output level
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            current RF output level
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:POW:CURR?".format(sg))
-    def get_output_level_unit(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the current RF output level unit
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            current RF output level unit
-        """
-        return self.send_query("UNIT{}:POW?".format(sg))
-    def set_output_level_unit(self, unit, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the RF output level unit
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            unit : Output level unit
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "UNIT{}:POW {}".format(sg, unit)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_output_level(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the Output level
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            Output level
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:POW?".format(sg))
-    def set_output_level(self, level, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the Output level
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            level : Output level
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:POW {}".format(sg, level)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_arb_state(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the ARB function state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            ARB function state . 0 (OFF) | 1(ON)
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:RAD:ARB?".format(sg))
-    def set_arb_state(self, state, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the ARB function state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            state : enable state (ON/OFF)
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB {}".format(sg, state)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def restart_arb_waveform_pattern(self, sg=1):
-        """ playback the waveform pattern from the beginning.
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WAV:REST".format(sg)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def load_waveform(self, package_name, pattern_name, memory, sg=1):
-        """ loads the waveform from HDD to specified memory
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            package_name : Package name of signal
-            pattern_name : Pattern name of signal
-            memory: memory for the signal - "A" or "B"
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "MMEM{}:LOAD:WAV:WM{} '{}','{}'".format(sg, memory, package_name,
-                                                      pattern_name)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def select_waveform(self, package_name, pattern_name, memory, sg=1):
-        """ Selects the waveform to output on specified memory
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            package_name : Package name of signal
-            pattern_name : Pattern name of signal
-            memory: memory for the signal - "A" or "B"
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WM{}:WAV '{}','{}'".format(
-            sg, memory, package_name, pattern_name)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_freq_relative_display_status(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the frequency relative display status
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            frequency relative display status.   0 (OFF) | 1(ON)
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:REF:STAT?".format(sg))
-    def set_freq_relative_display_status(self, enable, sg=1):
-        """ Sets frequency relative display status
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            enable : enable type (ON/OFF)
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:REF:STAT {}".format(sg, enable)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_freq_channel_display_type(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the selected type(frequency/channel) for input display
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            selected type(frequecy/channel) for input display
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:FREQ:TYPE?".format(sg))
-    def set_freq_channel_display_type(self, freq_channel, sg=1):
-        """ Sets thes type(frequency/channel) for input display
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            freq_channel : display type (frequency/channel)
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:FREQ:TYPE {}".format(sg, freq_channel)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_arb_combination_mode(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the current mode to generate the pattern
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            current mode to generate the pattern
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:PCOM?".format(sg))
-    def set_arb_combination_mode(self, mode, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the mode to generate the pattern
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            mode : pattern generation mode
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:PCOM {}".format(sg, mode)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_arb_pattern_aorb_state(self, a_or_b, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the Pattern A/B output state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            a_or_b : Patten A or Pattern B( "A" or "B")
-        Returns:
-            Pattern A/B output state . 0(OFF) | 1(ON)
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WM{}:OUTP?".format(a_or_b, sg))
-    def set_arb_pattern_aorb_state(self, a_or_b, state, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the Pattern A/B output state
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            a_or_b : Patten A or Pattern B( "A" or "B")
-            state : output state
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WM{}:OUTP {}".format(sg, a_or_b, state)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_arb_level_aorb(self, a_or_b, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the Pattern A/B output level
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            a_or_b : Patten A or Pattern B( "A" or "B")
-        Returns:
-             Pattern A/B output level
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WM{}:POW?".format(sg, a_or_b))
-    def set_arb_level_aorb(self, a_or_b, level, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the Pattern A/B output level
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            a_or_b : Patten A or Pattern B( "A" or "B")
-            level : output level
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WM{}:POW {}".format(sg, a_or_b, level)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_arb_freq_offset(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the frequency offset between Pattern A and Patten B
-            when CenterSignal is A or B.
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            frequency offset between Pattern A and Patten B
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:FREQ:OFFS?".format(sg))
-    def set_arb_freq_offset(self, offset, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the frequency offset between Pattern A and Patten B when
-            CenterSignal is A or B.
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            offset : frequency offset
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:FREQ:OFFS {}".format(sg, offset)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
-    def get_arb_freq_offset_aorb(self, sg=1):
-        """ Gets the frequency offset of Pattern A/Pattern B based on Baseband
-            center frequency
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-        Returns:
-            frequency offset
-        """
-        return self.send_query("SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WM{}:FREQ:OFFS?".format(
-            sg, a_or_b))
-    def set_arb_freq_offset_aorb(self, a_or_b, offset, sg=1):
-        """ Sets the frequency offset of Pattern A/Pattern B based on Baseband
-            center frequency
-        Args:
-            sg: signal generator number.
-                Default is 1
-            a_or_b : Patten A or Pattern B( "A" or "B")
-            offset : frequency offset
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        cmd = "SOUR{}:RAD:ARB:WM{}:FREQ:OFFS {}".format(sg, a_or_b, offset)
-        self.send_command(cmd)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_get_interface.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_get_interface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd6987..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_get_interface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-GET_ALL_INTERFACE = 'ls /sys/class/net'
-GET_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE = 'ls /sys/devices/virtual/net'
-BRCTL_SHOW = 'brctl show'
-class ApInterfacesError(Exception):
-    """Error related to AP interfaces."""
-class ApInterfaces(object):
-    """Class to get network interface information for the device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ap, wan_interface_override=None):
-        """Initialize the ApInterface class.
-        Args:
-            ap: the ap object within ACTS
-            wan_interface_override: wan interface to use if specified by config
-        """
-        self.ssh = ap.ssh
-        self.wan_interface_override = wan_interface_override
-    def get_all_interface(self):
-        """Get all network interfaces on the device.
-        Returns:
-            interfaces_all: list of all the network interfaces on device
-        """
-        output = self.ssh.run(GET_ALL_INTERFACE)
-        interfaces_all = output.stdout.split('\n')
-        return interfaces_all
-    def get_virtual_interface(self):
-        """Get all virtual interfaces on the device.
-        Returns:
-            interfaces_virtual: list of all the virtual interfaces on device
-        """
-        output = self.ssh.run(GET_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE)
-        interfaces_virtual = output.stdout.split('\n')
-        return interfaces_virtual
-    def get_physical_interface(self):
-        """Get all the physical interfaces of the device.
-        Get all physical interfaces such as eth ports and wlan ports
-        Returns:
-            interfaces_phy: list of all the physical interfaces
-        """
-        interfaces_all = self.get_all_interface()
-        interfaces_virtual = self.get_virtual_interface()
-        interfaces_phy = list(set(interfaces_all) - set(interfaces_virtual))
-        return interfaces_phy
-    def get_bridge_interface(self):
-        """Get all the bridge interfaces of the device.
-        Returns:
-            interfaces_bridge: the list of bridge interfaces, return None if
-                bridge utility is not available on the device
-        """
-        interfaces_bridge = []
-        try:
-            output = self.ssh.run(BRCTL_SHOW)
-            lines = output.stdout.split('\n')
-            for line in lines:
-                interfaces_bridge.append(line.split('\t')[0])
-            interfaces_bridge.pop(0)
-            interfaces_bridge = [x for x in interfaces_bridge if x != '']
-            return interfaces_bridge
-        except job.Error:
-            logging.info('No brctl utility is available')
-            return None
-    def get_wlan_interface(self):
-        """Get all WLAN interfaces and specify 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz interfaces.
-        Returns:
-            interfaces_wlan: all wlan interfaces
-        Raises:
-            ApInterfacesError: Missing at least one WLAN interface
-        """
-        wlan_2g = None
-        wlan_5g = None
-        interfaces_phy = self.get_physical_interface()
-        for iface in interfaces_phy:
-            IW_LIST_FREQ = 'iwlist %s freq' % iface
-            output = self.ssh.run(IW_LIST_FREQ)
-            if 'Channel 06' in output.stdout and 'Channel 36' not in output.stdout:
-                wlan_2g = iface
-            elif 'Channel 36' in output.stdout and 'Channel 06' not in output.stdout:
-                wlan_5g = iface
-        interfaces_wlan = [wlan_2g, wlan_5g]
-        if None not in interfaces_wlan:
-            return interfaces_wlan
-        raise ApInterfacesError('Missing at least one WLAN interface')
-    def get_wan_interface(self):
-        """Get the WAN interface which has internet connectivity. If a wan
-        interface is already specified return that instead.
-        Returns:
-            wan: the only one WAN interface
-        Raises:
-            ApInterfacesError: no running WAN can be found
-        """
-        if self.wan_interface_override:
-            return self.wan_interface_override
-        wan = None
-        interfaces_phy = self.get_physical_interface()
-        interfaces_wlan = self.get_wlan_interface()
-        interfaces_eth = list(set(interfaces_phy) - set(interfaces_wlan))
-        for iface in interfaces_eth:
-            network_status = self.check_ping(iface)
-            if network_status == 1:
-                wan = iface
-                break
-        if wan:
-            return wan
-        output = self.ssh.run('ifconfig')
-        interfaces_all = output.stdout.split('\n')
-        logging.info("IFCONFIG output = %s" % interfaces_all)
-        raise ApInterfacesError('No WAN interface available')
-    def get_lan_interface(self):
-        """Get the LAN interface connecting to local devices.
-        Returns:
-            lan: the only one running LAN interface of the devices
-            None, if nothing was found.
-        """
-        lan = None
-        interfaces_phy = self.get_physical_interface()
-        interfaces_wlan = self.get_wlan_interface()
-        interfaces_eth = list(set(interfaces_phy) - set(interfaces_wlan))
-        interface_wan = self.get_wan_interface()
-        interfaces_eth.remove(interface_wan)
-        for iface in interfaces_eth:
-            LAN_CHECK = 'ifconfig %s' % iface
-            output = self.ssh.run(LAN_CHECK)
-            if 'RUNNING' in output.stdout:
-                lan = iface
-                break
-        return lan
-    def check_ping(self, iface):
-        """Check the ping status on specific interface to determine the WAN.
-        Args:
-            iface: the specific interface to check
-        Returns:
-            network_status: the connectivity status of the interface
-        """
-        PING = 'ping -c 3 -I %s' % iface
-        try:
-            self.ssh.run(PING)
-            return 1
-        except job.Error:
-            return 0
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_iwconfig.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_iwconfig.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 550f785..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/ap_iwconfig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-class ApIwconfigError(Exception):
-    """Error related to configuring the wireless interface via iwconfig."""
-class ApIwconfig(object):
-    """Class to configure wireless interface via iwconfig
-    """
-    PROGRAM_FILE = '/usr/local/sbin/iwconfig'
-    def __init__(self, ap):
-        """Initialize the ApIwconfig class.
-        Args:
-            ap: the ap object within ACTS
-        """
-        self.ssh = ap.ssh
-    def ap_iwconfig(self, interface, arguments=None):
-        """Configure the wireless interface using iwconfig.
-        Returns:
-            output: the output of the command, if any
-        """
-        iwconfig_command = '%s %s %s' % (self.PROGRAM_FILE, interface,
-                                         arguments)
-        output = self.ssh.run(iwconfig_command)
-        return output
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/bridge_interface.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/bridge_interface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dd82d8..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/bridge_interface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import time
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-_BRCTL = 'brctl'
-BRIDGE_NAME = 'br-lan'
-CREATE_BRIDGE = '%s addbr %s' % (_BRCTL, BRIDGE_NAME)
-DELETE_BRIDGE = '%s delbr %s' % (_BRCTL, BRIDGE_NAME)
-BRING_DOWN_BRIDGE = 'ifconfig %s down' % BRIDGE_NAME
-class BridgeInterfaceConfigs(object):
-    """Configs needed for creating bridge interface between LAN and WLAN.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, iface_wlan, iface_lan, bridge_ip):
-        """Set bridge interface configs based on the channel info.
-        Args:
-            iface_wlan: the wlan interface as part of the bridge
-            iface_lan: the ethernet LAN interface as part of the bridge
-            bridge_ip: the ip address assigned to the bridge interface
-        """
-        self.iface_wlan = iface_wlan
-        self.iface_lan = iface_lan
-        self.bridge_ip = bridge_ip
-class BridgeInterface(object):
-    """Class object for bridge interface betwen WLAN and LAN
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ap):
-        """Initialize the BridgeInterface class.
-        Bridge interface will be added between ethernet LAN port and WLAN port.
-        Args:
-            ap: AP object within ACTS
-        """
-        self.ssh = ap.ssh
-    def startup(self, brconfigs):
-        """Start up the bridge interface.
-        Args:
-            brconfigs: the bridge interface config, type BridgeInterfaceConfigs
-        """
-        logging.info('Create bridge interface between LAN and WLAN')
-        # Create the bridge
-        try:
-            self.ssh.run(CREATE_BRIDGE)
-        except job.Error:
-            logging.warning(
-                'Bridge interface {} already exists, no action needed'.format(
-                    BRIDGE_NAME))
-        # Enable 4addr mode on for the wlan interface
-        ENABLE_4ADDR = 'iw dev %s set 4addr on' % (brconfigs.iface_wlan)
-        try:
-            self.ssh.run(ENABLE_4ADDR)
-        except job.Error:
-            logging.warning('4addr is already enabled on {}'.format(
-                brconfigs.iface_wlan))
-        # Add both LAN and WLAN interfaces to the bridge interface
-        for interface in [brconfigs.iface_lan, brconfigs.iface_wlan]:
-            ADD_INTERFACE = '%s addif %s %s' % (_BRCTL, BRIDGE_NAME, interface)
-            try:
-                self.ssh.run(ADD_INTERFACE)
-            except job.Error:
-                logging.warning('{} has already been added to {}'.format(
-                    interface, BRIDGE_NAME))
-        time.sleep(5)
-        # Set IP address on the bridge interface to bring it up
-        SET_BRIDGE_IP = 'ifconfig %s %s' % (BRIDGE_NAME, brconfigs.bridge_ip)
-        self.ssh.run(SET_BRIDGE_IP)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        # Bridge interface is up
-        logging.info('Bridge interface is up and running')
-    def teardown(self, brconfigs):
-        """Tear down the bridge interface.
-        Args:
-            brconfigs: the bridge interface config, type BridgeInterfaceConfigs
-        """
-        logging.info('Bringing down the bridge interface')
-        # Delete the bridge interface
-        self.ssh.run(BRING_DOWN_BRIDGE)
-        time.sleep(1)
-        self.ssh.run(DELETE_BRIDGE)
-        # Bring down wlan interface and disable 4addr mode
-        BRING_DOWN_WLAN = 'ifconfig %s down' % brconfigs.iface_wlan
-        self.ssh.run(BRING_DOWN_WLAN)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        DISABLE_4ADDR = 'iw dev %s set 4addr off' % (brconfigs.iface_wlan)
-        self.ssh.run(DISABLE_4ADDR)
-        time.sleep(1)
-        logging.info('Bridge interface is down')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cc7adf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import copy
-_ROUTER_DNS = ','
-class Subnet(object):
-    """Configs for a subnet  on the dhcp server.
-    Attributes:
-        network: ipaddress.IPv4Network, the network that this subnet is in.
-        start: ipaddress.IPv4Address, the start ip address.
-        end: ipaddress.IPv4Address, the end ip address.
-        router: The router to give to all hosts in this subnet.
-        lease_time: The lease time of all hosts in this subnet.
-        additional_parameters: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP parameters.
-        additional_options: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP options.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 subnet,
-                 start=None,
-                 end=None,
-                 router=None,
-                 lease_time=None,
-                 additional_parameters={},
-                 additional_options={}):
-        """
-        Args:
-            subnet: ipaddress.IPv4Network, The address space of the subnetwork
-                    served by the DHCP server.
-            start: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The start of the address range to
-                   give hosts in this subnet. If not given, the second ip in
-                   the network is used, under the assumption that the first
-                   address is the router.
-            end: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The end of the address range to give
-                 hosts. If not given then the address prior to the broadcast
-                 address (i.e. the second to last ip in the network) is used.
-            router: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The router hosts should use in this
-                    subnet. If not given the first ip in the network is used.
-            lease_time: int, The amount of lease time in seconds
-                        hosts in this subnet have.
-            additional_parameters: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP parameters.
-            additional_options: A dictionary corresponding to DHCP options.
-        """
-        self.network = subnet
-        if start:
-            self.start = start
-        else:
-            self.start = self.network[2]
-        if not self.start in self.network:
-            raise ValueError('The start range is not in the subnet.')
-        if self.start.is_reserved:
-            raise ValueError('The start of the range cannot be reserved.')
-        if end:
-            self.end = end
-        else:
-            self.end = self.network[-2]
-        if not self.end in self.network:
-            raise ValueError('The end range is not in the subnet.')
-        if self.end.is_reserved:
-            raise ValueError('The end of the range cannot be reserved.')
-        if self.end < self.start:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'The end must be an address larger than the start.')
-        if router:
-            if router >= self.start and router <= self.end:
-                raise ValueError('Router must not be in pool range.')
-            if not router in self.network:
-                raise ValueError('Router must be in the given subnet.')
-            self.router = router
-        else:
-            # TODO: Use some more clever logic so that we don't have to search
-            # every host potentially.
-            # This is especially important if we support IPv6 networks in this
-            # configuration. The improved logic that we can use is:
-            #    a) erroring out if start and end encompass the whole network, and
-            #    b) picking any address before self.start or after self.end.
-            self.router = None
-            for host in self.network.hosts():
-                if host < self.start or host > self.end:
-                    self.router = host
-                    break
-            if not self.router:
-                raise ValueError('No useable host found.')
-        self.lease_time = lease_time
-        self.additional_parameters = additional_parameters
-        self.additional_options = additional_options
-        if 'domain-name-servers' not in self.additional_options:
-            self.additional_options['domain-name-servers'] = _ROUTER_DNS
-class StaticMapping(object):
-    """Represents a static dhcp host.
-    Attributes:
-        identifier: How id of the host (usually the mac addres
-                    e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55).
-        address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The ipv4 address to give the host.
-        lease_time: How long to give a lease to this host.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, identifier, address, lease_time=None):
-        self.identifier = identifier
-        self.ipv4_address = address
-        self.lease_time = lease_time
-class DhcpConfig(object):
-    """The configs for a dhcp server.
-    Attributes:
-        subnets: A list of all subnets for the dhcp server to create.
-        static_mappings: A list of static host addresses.
-        default_lease_time: The default time for a lease.
-        max_lease_time: The max time to allow a lease.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 subnets=None,
-                 static_mappings=None,
-                 default_lease_time=600,
-                 max_lease_time=7200):
-        self.subnets = copy.deepcopy(subnets) if subnets else []
-        self.static_mappings = (copy.deepcopy(static_mappings)
-                                if static_mappings else [])
-        self.default_lease_time = default_lease_time
-        self.max_lease_time = max_lease_time
-    def render_config_file(self):
-        """Renders the config parameters into a format compatible with
-        the ISC DHCP server (dhcpd).
-        """
-        lines = []
-        if self.default_lease_time:
-            lines.append('default-lease-time %d;' % self.default_lease_time)
-        if self.max_lease_time:
-            lines.append('max-lease-time %s;' % self.max_lease_time)
-        for subnet in self.subnets:
-            address = subnet.network.network_address
-            mask = subnet.network.netmask
-            router = subnet.router
-            start = subnet.start
-            end = subnet.end
-            lease_time = subnet.lease_time
-            additional_parameters = subnet.additional_parameters
-            additional_options = subnet.additional_options
-            lines.append('subnet %s netmask %s {' % (address, mask))
-            lines.append('\tpool {')
-            lines.append('\t\toption subnet-mask %s;' % mask)
-            lines.append('\t\toption routers %s;' % router)
-            lines.append('\t\trange %s %s;' % (start, end))
-            if lease_time:
-                lines.append('\t\tdefault-lease-time %d;' % lease_time)
-                lines.append('\t\tmax-lease-time %d;' % lease_time)
-            for param, value in additional_parameters.items():
-                lines.append('\t\t%s %s;' % (param, value))
-            for option, value in additional_options.items():
-                lines.append('\t\toption %s %s;' % (option, value))
-            lines.append('\t}')
-            lines.append('}')
-        for mapping in self.static_mappings:
-            identifier = mapping.identifier
-            fixed_address = mapping.ipv4_address
-            host_fake_name = 'host%s' % identifier.replace(':', '')
-            lease_time = mapping.lease_time
-            lines.append('host %s {' % host_fake_name)
-            lines.append('\thardware ethernet %s;' % identifier)
-            lines.append('\tfixed-address %s;' % fixed_address)
-            if lease_time:
-                lines.append('\tdefault-lease-time %d;' % lease_time)
-                lines.append('\tmax-lease-time %d;' % lease_time)
-            lines.append('}')
-        config_str = '\n'.join(lines)
-        return config_str
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_server.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_server.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a1419f6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_server.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from retry import retry
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
-from antlion import logger
-class Error(Exception):
-    """An error caused by the dhcp server."""
-class NoInterfaceError(Exception):
-    """Error thrown when the dhcp server has no interfaces on any subnet."""
-class DhcpServer(object):
-    """Manages the dhcp server program.
-    Only one of these can run in an environment at a time.
-    Attributes:
-        config: The dhcp server configuration that is being used.
-    """
-    PROGRAM_FILE = 'dhcpd'
-    def __init__(self, runner, interface, working_dir='/tmp'):
-        """
-        Args:
-            runner: Object that has a run_async and run methods for running
-                    shell commands.
-            interface: string, The name of the interface to use.
-            working_dir: The directory to work out of.
-        """
-        self._log = logger.create_logger(lambda msg: '[DHCP Server|%s] %s' % (
-            interface, msg))
-        self._runner = runner
-        self._working_dir = working_dir
-        self._shell = shell.ShellCommand(runner, working_dir)
-        self._stdio_log_file = 'dhcpd_%s.log' % interface
-        self._config_file = 'dhcpd_%s.conf' % interface
-        self._lease_file = 'dhcpd_%s.leases' % interface
-        self._pid_file = 'dhcpd_%s.pid' % interface
-        self._identifier = '%s.*%s' % (self.PROGRAM_FILE, self._config_file)
-    # There is a slight timing issue where if the proc filesystem in Linux
-    # doesn't get updated in time as when this is called, the NoInterfaceError
-    # will happening.  By adding this retry, the error appears to have gone away
-    # but will still show a warning if the problem occurs.  The error seems to
-    # happen more with bridge interfaces than standard interfaces.
-    @retry(exceptions=NoInterfaceError, tries=3, delay=1)
-    def start(self, config, timeout=60):
-        """Starts the dhcp server.
-        Starts the dhcp server daemon and runs it in the background.
-        Args:
-            config: dhcp_config.DhcpConfig, Configs to start the dhcp server
-                    with.
-        Raises:
-            Error: Raised when a dhcp server error is found.
-        """
-        if self.is_alive():
-            self.stop()
-        self._write_configs(config)
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._stdio_log_file)
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._pid_file)
-        self._shell.touch_file(self._lease_file)
-        dhcpd_command = '%s -cf "%s" -lf %s -f -pf "%s"' % (
-            self.PROGRAM_FILE, self._config_file, self._lease_file,
-            self._pid_file)
-        base_command = 'cd "%s"; %s' % (self._working_dir, dhcpd_command)
-        job_str = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (base_command, self._stdio_log_file)
-        self._runner.run_async(job_str)
-        try:
-            self._wait_for_process(timeout=timeout)
-            self._wait_for_server(timeout=timeout)
-        except:
-            self._log.warn("Failed to start DHCP server.")
-            self._log.info("DHCP configuration:\n" +
-                           config.render_config_file() + "\n")
-            self._log.info("DHCP logs:\n" + self.get_logs() + "\n")
-            self.stop()
-            raise
-    def stop(self):
-        """Kills the daemon if it is running."""
-        if self.is_alive():
-            self._shell.kill(self._identifier)
-    def is_alive(self):
-        """
-        Returns:
-            True if the daemon is running.
-        """
-        return self._shell.is_alive(self._identifier)
-    def get_logs(self):
-        """Pulls the log files from where dhcp server is running.
-        Returns:
-            A string of the dhcp server logs.
-        """
-        try:
-            # Try reading the PID file. This will fail if the server failed to
-            # start.
-            pid = self._shell.read_file(self._pid_file)
-            # `dhcpd` logs to the syslog, where its messages are interspersed
-            # with all other programs that use the syslog. Log lines contain
-            # `dhcpd[<pid>]`, which we can search for to extract all the logs
-            # from this particular dhcpd instance.
-            # The logs are preferable to the stdio output, since they contain
-            # a superset of the information from stdio, including leases
-            # that the server provides.
-            return self._shell.run(
-                f"grep dhcpd.{pid} /var/log/messages").stdout
-        except Exception:
-            self._log.info(
-                "Failed to read logs from syslog (likely because the server " +
-                "failed to start). Falling back to stdio output.")
-            return self._shell.read_file(self._stdio_log_file)
-    def _wait_for_process(self, timeout=60):
-        """Waits for the process to come up.
-        Waits until the dhcp server process is found running, or there is
-        a timeout. If the program never comes up then the log file
-        will be scanned for errors.
-        Raises: See _scan_for_errors
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() - start_time < timeout and not self.is_alive():
-            self._scan_for_errors(False)
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-        self._scan_for_errors(True)
-    def _wait_for_server(self, timeout=60):
-        """Waits for dhcp server to report that the server is up.
-        Waits until dhcp server says the server has been brought up or an
-        error occurs.
-        Raises: see _scan_for_errors
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
-            success = self._shell.search_file(
-                'Wrote [0-9]* leases to leases file', self._stdio_log_file)
-            if success:
-                return
-            self._scan_for_errors(True)
-    def _scan_for_errors(self, should_be_up):
-        """Scans the dhcp server log for any errors.
-        Args:
-            should_be_up: If true then dhcp server is expected to be alive.
-                          If it is found not alive while this is true an error
-                          is thrown.
-        Raises:
-            Error: Raised when a dhcp server error is found.
-        """
-        # If this is checked last we can run into a race condition where while
-        # scanning the log the process has not died, but after scanning it
-        # has. If this were checked last in that condition then the wrong
-        # error will be thrown. To prevent this we gather the alive state first
-        # so that if it is dead it will definitely give the right error before
-        # just giving a generic one.
-        is_dead = not self.is_alive()
-        no_interface = self._shell.search_file(
-            'Not configured to listen on any interfaces', self._stdio_log_file)
-        if no_interface:
-            raise NoInterfaceError(
-                'Dhcp does not contain a subnet for any of the networks the'
-                ' current interfaces are on.')
-        if should_be_up and is_dead:
-            raise Error('Dhcp server failed to start.', self)
-    def _write_configs(self, config):
-        """Writes the configs to the dhcp server config file."""
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
-        config_str = config.render_config_file()
-        self._shell.write_file(self._config_file, config_str)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/extended_capabilities.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/extended_capabilities.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c7c8ade..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/extended_capabilities.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import IntEnum, unique
-from typing import Tuple
-class ExtendedCapability(IntEnum):
-    """All extended capabilities present in IEEE 802.11-2020 Table 9-153.
-    Each name has a value corresponding to that extended capability's bit offset
-    in the specification's extended capabilities field.
-    Note that most extended capabilities are represented by a single bit, which
-    indicates whether the extended capability is advertised by the STA; but
-    some are represented by multiple bits. In the enum, each extended capability
-    has the value of its offset; comments indicate capabilities that use
-    multiple bits.
-    """
-    GLK = 1
-    GLK_GCR = 3
-    # 5 reserved
-    EVENT = 7
-    FMS = 11
-    TFS = 16
-    WNM_SLEEP_MODE = 17
-    SSID_LIST = 25
-    DMS = 26
-    UTC_TSF_OFFSET = 27
-    QOS_MAP = 32
-    EBR = 33
-    # 35 reserved
-    TDLS_SUPPORT = 37
-    # Bits 41-43 contain SERVICE_INTERVAL_GRANULARITY value
-    UTF_8_SSID = 48
-    ADVANCED_GCR = 52
-    MESH_GCR = 53
-    SCS = 54
-    QLOAD_REPORT = 55
-    # 59 reserved
-    # 63-64 contain MAX_NUMBER_OF_MSDUS_IN_A_MSDU value
-    PAD = 75
-    # 76-79 reserved
-    # 83 reserved
-    MIRRORED_SCS = 85
-    # 86 reserved
-    # 88-n reserved
-def _offsets(ext_cap_offset: ExtendedCapability) -> Tuple[int, int]:
-    """For given capability, return the byte and bit offsets within the field.
-    802.11 divides the extended capability field into bytes, as does the
-    ExtendedCapabilities class below. This function returns the index of the
-    byte that contains the given extended capability, as well as the bit offset
-    inside that byte (all offsets zero-indexed). For example,
-    MULTICAST_DIAGNOSTICS is bit 9, which is within byte 1 at bit offset 1.
-    """
-    byte_offset = ext_cap_offset // 8
-    bit_offset = ext_cap_offset % 8
-    return byte_offset, bit_offset
-class ExtendedCapabilities:
-    """Extended capability parsing and representation.
-    See IEEE 802.11-2020
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ext_cap: bytearray = bytearray()):
-        """Represent the given extended capabilities field.
-        Args:
-            ext_cap: IEEE 802.11-2020 extended capabilities field.
-            Default is an empty field, meaning no extended capabilities are
-            advertised.
-        """
-        self._ext_cap = ext_cap
-    def _capability_advertised(self, ext_cap: ExtendedCapability) -> bool:
-        """Whether an extended capability is advertised.
-        Args:
-            ext_cap: an extended capability.
-        Returns:
-            True if the bit is present and its value is 1, otherwise False.
-        Raises:
-            NotImplementedError: for extended capabilities that span more than
-            a single bit. These could be supported, but no callers need them
-            at this time.
-        """
-        if ext_cap in [
-                ExtendedCapability.SERVICE_INTERVAL_GRANULARITY,
-                ExtendedCapability.MAX_NUMBER_OF_MSDUS_IN_A_MSDU
-        ]:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                f'{ext_cap.name} not implemented yet by {__class__}')
-        byte_offset, bit_offset = _offsets(ext_cap)
-        if len(self._ext_cap) > byte_offset:
-            # Use bit_offset to derive a mask that will check the correct bit.
-            if self._ext_cap[byte_offset] & 2**bit_offset > 0:
-                return True
-        return False
-    @property
-    def bss_transition(self) -> bool:
-        return self._capability_advertised(ExtendedCapability.BSS_TRANSITION)
-    @property
-    def proxy_arp_service(self) -> bool:
-        return self._capability_advertised(
-            ExtendedCapability.PROXY_ARP_SERVICE)
-    @property
-    def utc_tsf_offset(self) -> bool:
-        return self._capability_advertised(ExtendedCapability.UTC_TSF_OFFSET)
-    @property
-    def wnm_sleep_mode(self) -> bool:
-        return self._capability_advertised(ExtendedCapability.WNM_SLEEP_MODE)
-    # Other extended capability property methods can be added as needed by callers.
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd.py
deleted file mode 100644
index de93ea4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import itertools
-import logging
-import re
-import time
-from typing import Set
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.extended_capabilities import ExtendedCapabilities
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import BssTransitionManagementRequest
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
-from antlion.libs.proc.job import Result
-class Error(Exception):
-    """An error caused by hostapd."""
-class Hostapd(object):
-    """Manages the hostapd program.
-    Attributes:
-        config: The hostapd configuration that is being used.
-    """
-    PROGRAM_FILE = '/usr/sbin/hostapd'
-    CLI_PROGRAM_FILE = '/usr/bin/hostapd_cli'
-    def __init__(self, runner, interface, working_dir='/tmp'):
-        """
-        Args:
-            runner: Object that has run_async and run methods for executing
-                    shell commands (e.g. connection.SshConnection)
-            interface: string, The name of the interface to use (eg. wlan0).
-            working_dir: The directory to work out of.
-        """
-        self._runner = runner
-        self._interface = interface
-        self._working_dir = working_dir
-        self.config = None
-        self._shell = shell.ShellCommand(runner, working_dir)
-        self._log_file = 'hostapd-%s.log' % self._interface
-        self._ctrl_file = 'hostapd-%s.ctrl' % self._interface
-        self._config_file = 'hostapd-%s.conf' % self._interface
-        self._identifier = '%s.*%s' % (self.PROGRAM_FILE, self._config_file)
-    def start(self, config, timeout=60, additional_parameters=None):
-        """Starts hostapd
-        Starts the hostapd daemon and runs it in the background.
-        Args:
-            config: Configs to start the hostapd with.
-            timeout: Time to wait for DHCP server to come up.
-            additional_parameters: A dictionary of parameters that can sent
-                                   directly into the hostapd config file.  This
-                                   can be used for debugging and or adding one
-                                   off parameters into the config.
-        Returns:
-            True if the daemon could be started. Note that the daemon can still
-            start and not work. Invalid configurations can take a long amount
-            of time to be produced, and because the daemon runs indefinitely
-            it's impossible to wait on. If you need to check if configs are ok
-            then periodic checks to is_running and logs should be used.
-        """
-        if self.is_alive():
-            self.stop()
-        self.config = config
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._ctrl_file)
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._log_file)
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
-        self._write_configs(additional_parameters=additional_parameters)
-        hostapd_command = '%s -dd -t "%s"' % (self.PROGRAM_FILE,
-                                              self._config_file)
-        base_command = 'cd "%s"; %s' % (self._working_dir, hostapd_command)
-        job_str = 'rfkill unblock all; %s > "%s" 2>&1' %\
-                  (base_command, self._log_file)
-        self._runner.run_async(job_str)
-        try:
-            self._wait_for_process(timeout=timeout)
-            self._wait_for_interface(timeout=timeout)
-        except:
-            self.stop()
-            raise
-    def stop(self):
-        """Kills the daemon if it is running."""
-        if self.is_alive():
-            self._shell.kill(self._identifier)
-    def channel_switch(self, channel_num):
-        """Switches to the given channel.
-        Returns:
-            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
-        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
-        """
-        try:
-            channel_freq = hostapd_constants.FREQUENCY_MAP[channel_num]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid channel number {}'.format(channel_num))
-        csa_beacon_count = 10
-        channel_switch_cmd = 'chan_switch {} {}'.format(
-            csa_beacon_count, channel_freq)
-        result = self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(channel_switch_cmd)
-    def get_current_channel(self):
-        """Returns the current channel number.
-        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
-        """
-        status_cmd = 'status'
-        result = self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(status_cmd)
-        match = re.search(r'^channel=(\d+)$', result.stdout, re.MULTILINE)
-        if not match:
-            raise Error('Current channel could not be determined')
-        try:
-            channel = int(match.group(1))
-        except ValueError:
-            raise Error('Internal error: current channel could not be parsed')
-        return channel
-    def _list_sta(self) -> Result:
-        """List all associated STA MAC addresses.
-        Returns:
-            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
-        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
-        """
-        list_sta_cmd = 'list_sta'
-        return self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(list_sta_cmd)
-    def get_stas(self) -> Set[str]:
-        """Return MAC addresses of all associated STAs."""
-        list_sta_result = self._list_sta()
-        stas = set()
-        for line in list_sta_result.stdout.splitlines():
-            # Each line must be a valid MAC address. Capture it.
-            m = re.match(r'((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})', line)
-            if m:
-                stas.add(m.group(1))
-        return stas
-    def _sta(self, sta_mac: str) -> Result:
-        """Return hostapd's detailed info about an associated STA.
-        Returns:
-            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
-        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
-        """
-        sta_cmd = 'sta {}'.format(sta_mac)
-        return self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(sta_cmd)
-    def get_sta_extended_capabilities(self,
-                                      sta_mac: str) -> ExtendedCapabilities:
-        """Get extended capabilities for the given STA, as seen by the AP.
-        Args:
-            sta_mac: MAC address of the STA in question.
-        Returns:
-            Extended capabilities of the given STA.
-        Raises:
-            Error if extended capabilities for the STA cannot be obtained.
-        """
-        sta_result = self._sta(sta_mac)
-        # hostapd ext_capab field is a hex encoded string representation of the
-        # 802.11 extended capabilities structure, each byte represented by two
-        # chars (each byte having format %02x).
-        m = re.search(r'ext_capab=([0-9A-Faf]+)', sta_result.stdout,
-                      re.MULTILINE)
-        if not m:
-            raise Error('Failed to get ext_capab from STA details')
-        raw_ext_capab = m.group(1)
-        try:
-            return ExtendedCapabilities(bytearray.fromhex(raw_ext_capab))
-        except ValueError:
-            raise Error(
-                f'ext_capab contains invalid hex string repr {raw_ext_capab}')
-    def _bss_tm_req(self, client_mac: str,
-                    request: BssTransitionManagementRequest) -> Result:
-        """Send a hostapd BSS Transition Management request command to a STA.
-        Args:
-            client_mac: MAC address that will receive the request.
-            request: BSS Transition Management request that will be sent.
-        Returns:
-            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
-        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
-        """
-        bss_tm_req_cmd = f'bss_tm_req {client_mac}'
-        if request.abridged:
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += ' abridged=1'
-        if request.bss_termination_included and request.bss_termination_duration:
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += f' bss_term={request.bss_termination_duration.duration}'
-        if request.disassociation_imminent:
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += ' disassoc_imminent=1'
-        if request.disassociation_timer is not None:
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += f' disassoc_timer={request.disassociation_timer}'
-        if request.preferred_candidate_list_included:
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += ' pref=1'
-        if request.session_information_url:
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += f' url={request.session_information_url}'
-        if request.validity_interval:
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += f' valid_int={request.validity_interval}'
-        # neighbor= can appear multiple times, so it requires special handling.
-        for neighbor in request.candidate_list:
-            bssid = neighbor.bssid
-            bssid_info = hex(neighbor.bssid_information)
-            op_class = neighbor.operating_class
-            chan_num = neighbor.channel_number
-            phy_type = int(neighbor.phy_type)
-            bss_tm_req_cmd += f' neighbor={bssid},{bssid_info},{op_class},{chan_num},{phy_type}'
-        return self._run_hostapd_cli_cmd(bss_tm_req_cmd)
-    def send_bss_transition_management_req(
-            self, sta_mac: str,
-            request: BssTransitionManagementRequest) -> Result:
-        """Send a BSS Transition Management request to an associated STA.
-        Args:
-            sta_mac: MAC address of the STA in question.
-            request: BSS Transition Management request that will be sent.
-        Returns:
-            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the command.
-        Raises: See _run_hostapd_cli_cmd
-        """
-        return self._bss_tm_req(sta_mac, request)
-    def is_alive(self):
-        """
-        Returns:
-            True if the daemon is running.
-        """
-        return self._shell.is_alive(self._identifier)
-    def pull_logs(self):
-        """Pulls the log files from where hostapd is running.
-        Returns:
-            A string of the hostapd logs.
-        """
-        # TODO: Auto pulling of logs when stop is called.
-        return self._shell.read_file(self._log_file)
-    def _run_hostapd_cli_cmd(self, cmd):
-        """Run the given hostapd_cli command.
-        Runs the command, waits for the output (up to default timeout), and
-            returns the result.
-        Returns:
-            acts.libs.proc.job.Result containing the results of the ssh command.
-        Raises:
-            acts.lib.proc.job.TimeoutError: When the remote command took too
-                long to execute.
-            antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection.Error: When the ssh
-                connection failed to be created.
-            antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection.CommandError: Ssh worked,
-                but the command had an error executing.
-        """
-        hostapd_cli_job = 'cd {}; {} -p {} {}'.format(self._working_dir,
-                                                      self.CLI_PROGRAM_FILE,
-                                                      self._ctrl_file, cmd)
-        return self._runner.run(hostapd_cli_job)
-    def _wait_for_process(self, timeout=60):
-        """Waits for the process to come up.
-        Waits until the hostapd process is found running, or there is
-        a timeout. If the program never comes up then the log file
-        will be scanned for errors.
-        Raises: See _scan_for_errors
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() - start_time < timeout and not self.is_alive():
-            self._scan_for_errors(False)
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-    def _wait_for_interface(self, timeout=60):
-        """Waits for hostapd to report that the interface is up.
-        Waits until hostapd says the interface has been brought up or an
-        error occurs.
-        Raises: see _scan_for_errors
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            success = self._shell.search_file('Setup of interface done',
-                                              self._log_file)
-            if success:
-                return
-            self._scan_for_errors(False)
-        self._scan_for_errors(True)
-    def _scan_for_errors(self, should_be_up):
-        """Scans the hostapd log for any errors.
-        Args:
-            should_be_up: If true then hostapd program is expected to be alive.
-                          If it is found not alive while this is true an error
-                          is thrown.
-        Raises:
-            Error: Raised when a hostapd error is found.
-        """
-        # Store this so that all other errors have priority.
-        is_dead = not self.is_alive()
-        bad_config = self._shell.search_file('Interface initialization failed',
-                                             self._log_file)
-        if bad_config:
-            raise Error('Interface failed to start', self)
-        bad_config = self._shell.search_file(
-            "Interface %s wasn't started" % self._interface, self._log_file)
-        if bad_config:
-            raise Error('Interface failed to start', self)
-        if should_be_up and is_dead:
-            raise Error('Hostapd failed to start', self)
-    def _write_configs(self, additional_parameters=None):
-        """Writes the configs to the hostapd config file."""
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
-        interface_configs = collections.OrderedDict()
-        interface_configs['interface'] = self._interface
-        interface_configs['ctrl_interface'] = self._ctrl_file
-        pairs = ('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in interface_configs.items())
-        packaged_configs = self.config.package_configs()
-        if additional_parameters:
-            packaged_configs.append(additional_parameters)
-        for packaged_config in packaged_configs:
-            config_pairs = ('%s=%s' % (k, v)
-                            for k, v in packaged_config.items()
-                            if v is not None)
-            pairs = itertools.chain(pairs, config_pairs)
-        hostapd_conf = '\n'.join(pairs)
-        logging.info('Writing %s' % self._config_file)
-        logging.debug('******************Start*******************')
-        logging.debug('\n%s' % hostapd_conf)
-        logging.debug('*******************End********************')
-        self._shell.write_file(self._config_file, hostapd_conf)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_ap_preset.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_ap_preset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 28062f5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_ap_preset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from typing import FrozenSet
-from antlion import utils
-import antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles.actiontec as actiontec
-import antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles.asus as asus
-import antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles.belkin as belkin
-import antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles.linksys as linksys
-import antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles.netgear as netgear
-import antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles.securifi as securifi
-import antlion.controllers.ap_lib.third_party_ap_profiles.tplink as tplink
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def _get_or_default(var, default_value):
-    """Check variable and return non-null value.
-   Args:
-        var: Any variable.
-        default_value: Value to return if the var is None.
-   Returns:
-        Variable value if not None, default value otherwise.
-    """
-    return var if var is not None else default_value
-def create_ap_preset(
-        profile_name='whirlwind',
-        iface_wlan_2g=None,
-        iface_wlan_5g=None,
-        channel=None,
-        mode=None,
-        frequency=None,
-        security=None,
-        pmf_support=None,
-        ssid=None,
-        hidden=None,
-        dtim_period=None,
-        frag_threshold=None,
-        rts_threshold=None,
-        force_wmm=None,
-        beacon_interval=None,
-        short_preamble=None,
-        n_capabilities=None,
-        ac_capabilities=None,
-        vht_bandwidth=None,
-        wnm_features: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset(),
-        bss_settings=[]):
-    """AP preset config generator.  This a wrapper for hostapd_config but
-       but supplies the default settings for the preset that is selected.
-        You may specify channel or frequency, but not both.  Both options
-        are checked for validity (i.e. you can't specify an invalid channel
-        or a frequency that will not be accepted).
-    Args:
-        profile_name: The name of the device want the preset for.
-                      Options: whirlwind
-        channel: int, channel number.
-        dtim: int, DTIM value of the AP, default is 2.
-        frequency: int, frequency of channel.
-        security: Security, the secuirty settings to use.
-        ssid: string, The name of the ssid to brodcast.
-        pmf_support: int, whether pmf is disabled, enabled, or required
-        vht_bandwidth: VHT bandwidth for 11ac operation.
-        bss_settings: The settings for all bss.
-        iface_wlan_2g: the wlan 2g interface name of the AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: the wlan 5g interface name of the AP.
-        mode: The hostapd 802.11 mode of operation.
-        ssid: The ssid for the wireless network.
-        hidden: Whether to include the ssid in the beacons.
-        dtim_period: The dtim period for the BSS
-        frag_threshold: Max size of packet before fragmenting the packet.
-        rts_threshold: Max size of packet before requiring protection for
-            rts/cts or cts to self.
-        n_capabilities: 802.11n capabilities for for BSS to advertise.
-        ac_capabilities: 802.11ac capabilities for for BSS to advertise.
-        wnm_features: WNM features to enable on the AP.
-    Returns: A hostapd_config object that can be used by the hostapd object.
-    """
-    # Verify interfaces
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    if channel:
-        frequency = hostapd_config.get_frequency_for_channel(channel)
-    elif frequency:
-        channel = hostapd_config.get_channel_for_frequency(frequency)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Specify either frequency or channel.')
-    if profile_name == 'whirlwind':
-        # profile indicates phy mode is 11bgn for 2.4Ghz or 11acn for 5Ghz
-        hidden = _get_or_default(hidden, False)
-        force_wmm = _get_or_default(force_wmm, True)
-        beacon_interval = _get_or_default(beacon_interval, 100)
-        short_preamble = _get_or_default(short_preamble, True)
-        dtim_period = _get_or_default(dtim_period, 2)
-        frag_threshold = _get_or_default(frag_threshold, 2346)
-        rts_threshold = _get_or_default(rts_threshold, 2347)
-        if frequency < 5000:
-            interface = iface_wlan_2g
-            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED)
-            n_capabilities = _get_or_default(n_capabilities, [
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40
-            ])
-            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-                ssid=ssid,
-                hidden=hidden,
-                security=security,
-                pmf_support=pmf_support,
-                interface=interface,
-                mode=mode,
-                force_wmm=force_wmm,
-                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-                dtim_period=dtim_period,
-                short_preamble=short_preamble,
-                frequency=frequency,
-                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
-                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
-                wnm_features=wnm_features,
-                bss_settings=bss_settings)
-        else:
-            interface = iface_wlan_5g
-            vht_bandwidth = _get_or_default(vht_bandwidth, 80)
-            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED)
-            if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
-                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS
-            elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
-                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS
-            # Channel 165 operates in 20MHz with n or ac modes.
-            if channel == 165:
-                mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
-            # Define the n capability vector for 20 MHz and higher bandwidth
-            if not vht_bandwidth:
-                pass
-            elif vht_bandwidth >= 40:
-                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(n_capabilities, [
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, extended_channel,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1
-                ])
-            else:
-                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(n_capabilities, [
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
-                ])
-            ac_capabilities = _get_or_default(ac_capabilities, [
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN
-            ])
-            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-                ssid=ssid,
-                hidden=hidden,
-                security=security,
-                pmf_support=pmf_support,
-                interface=interface,
-                mode=mode,
-                force_wmm=force_wmm,
-                vht_channel_width=vht_bandwidth,
-                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-                dtim_period=dtim_period,
-                short_preamble=short_preamble,
-                frequency=frequency,
-                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
-                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
-                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-                bss_settings=bss_settings)
-    elif profile_name == 'whirlwind_11ab_legacy':
-        if frequency < 5000:
-            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11B
-        else:
-            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
-        config = create_ap_preset(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                  iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                  ssid=ssid,
-                                  channel=channel,
-                                  mode=mode,
-                                  security=security,
-                                  pmf_support=pmf_support,
-                                  hidden=hidden,
-                                  force_wmm=force_wmm,
-                                  beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-                                  short_preamble=short_preamble,
-                                  dtim_period=dtim_period,
-                                  rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
-                                  frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
-                                  n_capabilities=[],
-                                  ac_capabilities=[],
-                                  vht_bandwidth=None,
-                                  wnm_features=wnm_features)
-    elif profile_name == 'whirlwind_11ag_legacy':
-        if frequency < 5000:
-            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
-        else:
-            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
-        config = create_ap_preset(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                  iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                  ssid=ssid,
-                                  channel=channel,
-                                  mode=mode,
-                                  security=security,
-                                  pmf_support=pmf_support,
-                                  hidden=hidden,
-                                  force_wmm=force_wmm,
-                                  beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-                                  short_preamble=short_preamble,
-                                  dtim_period=dtim_period,
-                                  rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
-                                  frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
-                                  n_capabilities=[],
-                                  ac_capabilities=[],
-                                  vht_bandwidth=None,
-                                  wnm_features=wnm_features)
-    elif profile_name == 'mistral':
-        hidden = _get_or_default(hidden, False)
-        force_wmm = _get_or_default(force_wmm, True)
-        beacon_interval = _get_or_default(beacon_interval, 100)
-        short_preamble = _get_or_default(short_preamble, True)
-        dtim_period = _get_or_default(dtim_period, 2)
-        frag_threshold = None
-        rts_threshold = None
-        # Google IE
-        # Country Code IE ('us' lowercase)
-        vendor_elements = {
-            'vendor_elements':
-            'dd0cf4f5e80505ff0000ffffffff'
-            '070a75732024041e95051e00'
-        }
-        default_configs = {'bridge': 'br-lan', 'iapp_interface': 'br-lan'}
-        if frequency < 5000:
-            interface = iface_wlan_2g
-            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED)
-            n_capabilities = _get_or_default(n_capabilities, [
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40
-            ])
-            additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(
-                vendor_elements, hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT,
-                hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT, default_configs)
-            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-                ssid=ssid,
-                hidden=hidden,
-                security=security,
-                pmf_support=pmf_support,
-                interface=interface,
-                mode=mode,
-                force_wmm=force_wmm,
-                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-                dtim_period=dtim_period,
-                short_preamble=short_preamble,
-                frequency=frequency,
-                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
-                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
-                wnm_features=wnm_features,
-                bss_settings=bss_settings,
-                additional_parameters=additional_params,
-                set_ap_defaults_profile=profile_name)
-        else:
-            interface = iface_wlan_5g
-            vht_bandwidth = _get_or_default(vht_bandwidth, 80)
-            mode = _get_or_default(mode, hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED)
-            if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
-                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS
-            elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
-                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS
-            # Channel 165 operates in 20MHz with n or ac modes.
-            if channel == 165:
-                mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-                extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
-            if vht_bandwidth >= 40:
-                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(n_capabilities, [
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, extended_channel,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1
-                ])
-            else:
-                n_capabilities = _get_or_default(n_capabilities, [
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-                    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
-                ])
-            ac_capabilities = _get_or_default(ac_capabilities, [
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SU_BEAMFORMER,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SU_BEAMFORMEE,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MU_BEAMFORMER,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SOUNDING_DIMENSION_4,
-                hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_BF_ANTENNA_4
-            ])
-            additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(
-                vendor_elements, hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT,
-                hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT, default_configs)
-            config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-                ssid=ssid,
-                hidden=hidden,
-                security=security,
-                pmf_support=pmf_support,
-                interface=interface,
-                mode=mode,
-                force_wmm=force_wmm,
-                vht_channel_width=vht_bandwidth,
-                beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-                dtim_period=dtim_period,
-                short_preamble=short_preamble,
-                frequency=frequency,
-                frag_threshold=frag_threshold,
-                rts_threshold=rts_threshold,
-                n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-                wnm_features=wnm_features,
-                bss_settings=bss_settings,
-                additional_parameters=additional_params,
-                set_ap_defaults_profile=profile_name)
-    elif profile_name == 'actiontec_pk5000':
-        config = actiontec.actiontec_pk5000(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                            channel=channel,
-                                            ssid=ssid,
-                                            security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'actiontec_mi424wr':
-        config = actiontec.actiontec_mi424wr(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                             channel=channel,
-                                             ssid=ssid,
-                                             security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'asus_rtac66u':
-        config = asus.asus_rtac66u(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   channel=channel,
-                                   ssid=ssid,
-                                   security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'asus_rtac86u':
-        config = asus.asus_rtac86u(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   channel=channel,
-                                   ssid=ssid,
-                                   security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'asus_rtac5300':
-        config = asus.asus_rtac5300(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                    iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                    channel=channel,
-                                    ssid=ssid,
-                                    security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'asus_rtn56u':
-        config = asus.asus_rtn56u(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                  iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                  channel=channel,
-                                  ssid=ssid,
-                                  security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'asus_rtn66u':
-        config = asus.asus_rtn66u(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                  iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                  channel=channel,
-                                  ssid=ssid,
-                                  security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'belkin_f9k1001v5':
-        config = belkin.belkin_f9k1001v5(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                         channel=channel,
-                                         ssid=ssid,
-                                         security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'linksys_ea4500':
-        config = linksys.linksys_ea4500(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                        iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                        channel=channel,
-                                        ssid=ssid,
-                                        security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'linksys_ea9500':
-        config = linksys.linksys_ea9500(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                        iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                        channel=channel,
-                                        ssid=ssid,
-                                        security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'linksys_wrt1900acv2':
-        config = linksys.linksys_wrt1900acv2(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                             iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                             channel=channel,
-                                             ssid=ssid,
-                                             security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'netgear_r7000':
-        config = netgear.netgear_r7000(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                       iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                       channel=channel,
-                                       ssid=ssid,
-                                       security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'netgear_wndr3400':
-        config = netgear.netgear_wndr3400(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                          iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                          channel=channel,
-                                          ssid=ssid,
-                                          security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'securifi_almond':
-        config = securifi.securifi_almond(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                          channel=channel,
-                                          ssid=ssid,
-                                          security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'tplink_archerc5':
-        config = tplink.tplink_archerc5(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                        iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                        channel=channel,
-                                        ssid=ssid,
-                                        security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'tplink_archerc7':
-        config = tplink.tplink_archerc7(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                        iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                        channel=channel,
-                                        ssid=ssid,
-                                        security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'tplink_c1200':
-        config = tplink.tplink_c1200(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                     iface_wlan_5g=iface_wlan_5g,
-                                     channel=channel,
-                                     ssid=ssid,
-                                     security=security)
-    elif profile_name == 'tplink_tlwr940n':
-        config = tplink.tplink_tlwr940n(iface_wlan_2g=iface_wlan_2g,
-                                        channel=channel,
-                                        ssid=ssid,
-                                        security=security)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid ap model specified (%s)' % profile_name)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_bss_settings.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_bss_settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d298f5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_bss_settings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-class BssSettings(object):
-    """Settings for a bss.
-    Settings for a bss to allow multiple network on a single device.
-    Attributes:
-        name: string, The name that this bss will go by.
-        ssid: string, The name of the ssid to brodcast.
-        hidden: bool, If true then the ssid will be hidden.
-        security: Security, The security settings to use.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, ssid, hidden=False, security=None, bssid=None):
-        self.name = name
-        self.ssid = ssid
-        self.hidden = hidden
-        self.security = security
-        self.bssid = bssid
-    def generate_dict(self):
-        """Returns: A dictionary of bss settings."""
-        settings = collections.OrderedDict()
-        settings['bss'] = self.name
-        if self.bssid:
-            settings['bssid'] = self.bssid
-        if self.ssid:
-            settings['ssid'] = self.ssid
-            settings['ignore_broadcast_ssid'] = 1 if self.hidden else 0
-        if self.security:
-            security_settings = self.security.generate_dict()
-            for k, v in security_settings.items():
-                settings[k] = v
-        return settings
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_config.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index abb50c9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import logging
-from typing import FrozenSet
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-def ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
-    """Returns: True iff HT40+ is enabled for this configuration."""
-    channel_supported = (channel in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS_CHANNELS])
-    return (channel_supported)
-def ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
-    """Returns: True iff HT40- is enabled for this configuration."""
-    channel_supported = (channel in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS_CHANNELS])
-    return (channel_supported)
-def get_frequency_for_channel(channel):
-    """The frequency associated with a given channel number.
-    Args:
-        value: int channel number.
-    Returns:
-        int, frequency in MHz associated with the channel.
-    """
-    for frequency, channel_iter in \
-        hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP.items():
-        if channel == channel_iter:
-            return frequency
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Unknown channel value: %r.' % channel)
-def get_channel_for_frequency(frequency):
-    """The channel number associated with a given frequency.
-    Args:
-        value: int frequency in MHz.
-    Returns:
-        int, frequency associated with the channel.
-    """
-    return hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP[frequency]
-class HostapdConfig(object):
-    """The root settings for the router.
-    All the settings for a router that are not part of an ssid.
-    """
-    def _get_11ac_center_channel_from_channel(self, channel):
-        """Returns the center channel of the selected channel band based
-           on the channel and channel bandwidth provided.
-        """
-        channel = int(channel)
-        center_channel_delta = hostapd_constants.CENTER_CHANNEL_MAP[
-            self._vht_oper_chwidth]['delta']
-        for channel_map in hostapd_constants.CENTER_CHANNEL_MAP[
-                self._vht_oper_chwidth]['channels']:
-            lower_channel_bound, upper_channel_bound = channel_map
-            if lower_channel_bound <= channel <= upper_channel_bound:
-                return lower_channel_bound + center_channel_delta
-        raise ValueError('Invalid channel for {channel_width}.'.format(
-            channel_width=self._vht_oper_chwidth))
-    @property
-    def _get_default_config(self):
-        """Returns: dict of default options for hostapd."""
-        if self.set_ap_defaults_profile == 'mistral':
-            return collections.OrderedDict([
-                ('logger_syslog', '-1'),
-                ('logger_syslog_level', '0'),
-                # default RTS and frag threshold to ``off''
-                ('rts_threshold', None),
-                ('fragm_threshold', None),
-                ('driver', hostapd_constants.DRIVER_NAME)
-            ])
-        else:
-            return collections.OrderedDict([
-                ('logger_syslog', '-1'),
-                ('logger_syslog_level', '0'),
-                # default RTS and frag threshold to ``off''
-                ('rts_threshold', '2347'),
-                ('fragm_threshold', '2346'),
-                ('driver', hostapd_constants.DRIVER_NAME)
-            ])
-    @property
-    def _hostapd_ht_capabilities(self):
-        """Returns: string suitable for the ht_capab= line in a hostapd config.
-        """
-        ret = []
-        for cap in hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
-            if cap in self._n_capabilities:
-                ret.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
-        return ''.join(ret)
-    @property
-    def _hostapd_vht_capabilities(self):
-        """Returns: string suitable for the vht_capab= line in a hostapd config.
-        """
-        ret = []
-        for cap in hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
-            if cap in self._ac_capabilities:
-                ret.append(hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
-        return ''.join(ret)
-    @property
-    def _require_ht(self):
-        """Returns: True iff clients should be required to support HT."""
-        return self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_PURE
-    @property
-    def _require_vht(self):
-        """Returns: True if clients should be required to support VHT."""
-        return self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_PURE
-    @property
-    def hw_mode(self):
-        """Returns: string hardware mode understood by hostapd."""
-        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11A:
-            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
-        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11B:
-            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11B
-        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11G:
-            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
-        if self.is_11n or self.is_11ac:
-            # For their own historical reasons, hostapd wants it this way.
-            if self._frequency > 5000:
-                return hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
-            return hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
-        raise ValueError('Invalid mode.')
-    @property
-    def is_11n(self):
-        """Returns: True if we're trying to host an 802.11n network."""
-        return self._mode in (hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                              hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_PURE)
-    @property
-    def is_11ac(self):
-        """Returns: True if we're trying to host an 802.11ac network."""
-        return self._mode in (hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED,
-                              hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_PURE)
-    @property
-    def channel(self):
-        """Returns: int channel number for self.frequency."""
-        return get_channel_for_frequency(self.frequency)
-    @channel.setter
-    def channel(self, value):
-        """Sets the channel number to configure hostapd to listen on.
-        Args:
-            value: int, channel number.
-        """
-        self.frequency = get_frequency_for_channel(value)
-    @property
-    def bssid(self):
-        return self._bssid
-    @bssid.setter
-    def bssid(self, value):
-        self._bssid = value
-    @property
-    def frequency(self):
-        """Returns: int, frequency for hostapd to listen on."""
-        return self._frequency
-    @frequency.setter
-    def frequency(self, value):
-        """Sets the frequency for hostapd to listen on.
-        Args:
-            value: int, frequency in MHz.
-        """
-        if value not in hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP:
-            raise ValueError('Tried to set an invalid frequency: %r.' % value)
-        self._frequency = value
-    @property
-    def bss_lookup(self):
-        return self._bss_lookup
-    @property
-    def ssid(self):
-        """Returns: SsidSettings, The root Ssid settings being used."""
-        return self._ssid
-    @ssid.setter
-    def ssid(self, value):
-        """Sets the ssid for the hostapd.
-        Args:
-            value: SsidSettings, new ssid settings to use.
-        """
-        self._ssid = value
-    @property
-    def hidden(self):
-        """Returns: bool, True if the ssid is hidden, false otherwise."""
-        return self._hidden
-    @hidden.setter
-    def hidden(self, value):
-        """Sets if this ssid is hidden.
-        Args:
-            value: bool, If true the ssid will be hidden.
-        """
-        self.hidden = value
-    @property
-    def security(self):
-        """Returns: The security type being used."""
-        return self._security
-    @security.setter
-    def security(self, value):
-        """Sets the security options to use.
-        Args:
-            value: Security, The type of security to use.
-        """
-        self._security = value
-    @property
-    def ht_packet_capture_mode(self):
-        """Get an appropriate packet capture HT parameter.
-        When we go to configure a raw monitor we need to configure
-        the phy to listen on the correct channel.  Part of doing
-        so is to specify the channel width for HT channels.  In the
-        case that the AP is configured to be either HT40+ or HT40-,
-        we could return the wrong parameter because we don't know which
-        configuration will be chosen by hostap.
-        Returns:
-            string, HT parameter for frequency configuration.
-        """
-        if not self.is_11n:
-            return None
-        if ht40_plus_allowed(self.channel):
-            return 'HT40+'
-        if ht40_minus_allowed(self.channel):
-            return 'HT40-'
-        return 'HT20'
-    @property
-    def beacon_footer(self):
-        """Returns: bool _beacon_footer value."""
-        return self._beacon_footer
-    def beacon_footer(self, value):
-        """Changes the beacon footer.
-        Args:
-            value: bool, The beacon footer vlaue.
-        """
-        self._beacon_footer = value
-    @property
-    def scenario_name(self):
-        """Returns: string _scenario_name value, or None."""
-        return self._scenario_name
-    @property
-    def min_streams(self):
-        """Returns: int, _min_streams value, or None."""
-        return self._min_streams
-    @property
-    def wnm_features(self) -> FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature]:
-        return self._wnm_features
-    @wnm_features.setter
-    def wnm_features(self, value: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature]):
-        self._wnm_features = value
-    def __init__(self,
-                 interface=None,
-                 mode=None,
-                 channel=None,
-                 frequency=None,
-                 n_capabilities=[],
-                 beacon_interval=None,
-                 dtim_period=None,
-                 frag_threshold=None,
-                 rts_threshold=None,
-                 short_preamble=None,
-                 ssid=None,
-                 hidden=False,
-                 security=None,
-                 bssid=None,
-                 force_wmm=None,
-                 pmf_support=None,
-                 obss_interval=None,
-                 vht_channel_width=None,
-                 vht_center_channel=None,
-                 ac_capabilities=[],
-                 beacon_footer='',
-                 spectrum_mgmt_required=None,
-                 scenario_name=None,
-                 min_streams=None,
-                 wnm_features: FrozenSet[
-                     hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset(),
-                 bss_settings=[],
-                 additional_parameters={},
-                 set_ap_defaults_profile='whirlwind'):
-        """Construct a HostapdConfig.
-        You may specify channel or frequency, but not both.  Both options
-        are checked for validity (i.e. you can't specify an invalid channel
-        or a frequency that will not be accepted).
-        Args:
-            interface: string, The name of the interface to use.
-            mode: string, MODE_11x defined above.
-            channel: int, channel number.
-            frequency: int, frequency of channel.
-            n_capabilities: list of N_CAPABILITY_x defined above.
-            beacon_interval: int, beacon interval of AP.
-            dtim_period: int, include a DTIM every |dtim_period| beacons.
-            frag_threshold: int, maximum outgoing data frame size.
-            rts_threshold: int, maximum packet size without requiring explicit
-                protection via rts/cts or cts to self.
-            short_preamble: Whether to use a short preamble.
-            ssid: string, The name of the ssid to brodcast.
-            hidden: bool, Should the ssid be hidden.
-            security: Security, the secuirty settings to use.
-            bssid: string, a MAC address like string for the BSSID.
-            force_wmm: True if we should force WMM on, False if we should
-                force it off, None if we shouldn't force anything.
-            pmf_support: one of PMF_SUPPORT_* above.  Controls whether the
-                client supports/must support 802.11w. If None, defaults to
-                required with wpa3, else defaults to disabled.
-            obss_interval: int, interval in seconds that client should be
-                required to do background scans for overlapping BSSes.
-            vht_channel_width: object channel width
-            vht_center_channel: int, center channel of segment 0.
-            ac_capabilities: list of AC_CAPABILITY_x defined above.
-            beacon_footer: string, containing (unvalidated) IE data to be
-                placed at the end of the beacon.
-            spectrum_mgmt_required: True if we require the DUT to support
-                spectrum management.
-            scenario_name: string to be included in file names, instead
-                of the interface name.
-            min_streams: int, number of spatial streams required.
-            wnm_features: WNM features to enable on the AP.
-            control_interface: The file name to use as the control interface.
-            bss_settings: The settings for all bss.
-            additional_parameters: A dictionary of additional parameters to add
-                to the hostapd config.
-            set_ap_defaults_profile: profile name to load defaults from
-        """
-        self.set_ap_defaults_profile = set_ap_defaults_profile
-        self._interface = interface
-        if channel is not None and frequency is not None:
-            raise ValueError('Specify either frequency or channel '
-                             'but not both.')
-        self._wmm_enabled = False
-        unknown_caps = [
-            cap for cap in n_capabilities
-            if cap not in hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING
-        ]
-        if unknown_caps:
-            raise ValueError('Unknown capabilities: %r' % unknown_caps)
-        self._frequency = None
-        if channel:
-            self.channel = channel
-        elif frequency:
-            self.frequency = frequency
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Specify either frequency or channel.')
-        '''
-        if set_ap_defaults_model:
-            ap_default_config = hostapd_ap_default_configs.APDefaultConfig(
-                profile_name=set_ap_defaults_model, frequency=self.frequency)
-            force_wmm = ap_default_config.force_wmm
-            beacon_interval = ap_default_config.beacon_interval
-            dtim_period = ap_default_config.dtim_period
-            short_preamble = ap_default_config.short_preamble
-            self._interface = ap_default_config.interface
-            mode = ap_default_config.mode
-            if ap_default_config.n_capabilities:
-                n_capabilities = ap_default_config.n_capabilities
-            if ap_default_config.ac_capabilities:
-                ap_default_config = ap_default_config.ac_capabilities
-        '''
-        self._n_capabilities = set(n_capabilities)
-        if self._n_capabilities:
-            self._wmm_enabled = True
-        if self._n_capabilities and mode is None:
-            mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_PURE
-        self._mode = mode
-        if not self.supports_frequency(self.frequency):
-            raise ValueError('Configured a mode %s that does not support '
-                             'frequency %d' % (self._mode, self.frequency))
-        self._beacon_interval = beacon_interval
-        self._dtim_period = dtim_period
-        self._frag_threshold = frag_threshold
-        self._rts_threshold = rts_threshold
-        self._short_preamble = short_preamble
-        self._ssid = ssid
-        self._hidden = hidden
-        self._security = security
-        self._bssid = bssid
-        if force_wmm is not None:
-            if force_wmm:
-                self._wmm_enabled = 1
-            else:
-                self._wmm_enabled = 0
-        # Default PMF Values
-        if pmf_support is None:
-            if (self.security and self.security.security_mode_string ==
-                    hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING):
-                # Set PMF required for WP3
-                self._pmf_support = hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED
-            elif (self.security and self.security.security_mode_string in
-                  hostapd_constants.WPA3_MODE_STRINGS):
-                # Default PMF to enabled for WPA3 mixed modes (can be
-                # overwritten by explicitly provided value)
-                self._pmf_support = hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_ENABLED
-            else:
-                # Default PMD to disabled for all other modes (can be
-                # overwritten by explicitly provided value)
-                self._pmf_support = hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_DISABLED
-        elif pmf_support not in hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_VALUES:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid value for pmf_support: %r' % pmf_support)
-        elif (pmf_support != hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED
-              and self.security and self.security.security_mode_string ==
-              hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING):
-            raise ValueError('PMF support must be required with wpa3.')
-        else:
-            self._pmf_support = pmf_support
-        self._obss_interval = obss_interval
-        if self.is_11ac:
-            if str(vht_channel_width) == '40' or str(
-                    vht_channel_width) == '20':
-                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40
-            elif str(vht_channel_width) == '80':
-                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80
-            elif str(vht_channel_width) == '160':
-                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160
-            elif str(vht_channel_width) == '80+80':
-                self._vht_oper_chwidth = hostapd_constants.VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80_80
-            elif vht_channel_width is not None:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid channel width')
-            else:
-                logging.warning(
-                    'No channel bandwidth specified.  Using 80MHz for 11ac.')
-                self._vht_oper_chwidth = 1
-            if vht_center_channel is not None:
-                self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = vht_center_channel
-            elif vht_channel_width == 20:
-                self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = channel
-            else:
-                self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = self._get_11ac_center_channel_from_channel(
-                    self.channel)
-            self._ac_capabilities = set(ac_capabilities)
-        self._beacon_footer = beacon_footer
-        self._spectrum_mgmt_required = spectrum_mgmt_required
-        self._scenario_name = scenario_name
-        self._min_streams = min_streams
-        self._wnm_features = wnm_features
-        self._additional_parameters = additional_parameters
-        self._bss_lookup = collections.OrderedDict()
-        for bss in bss_settings:
-            if bss.name in self._bss_lookup:
-                raise ValueError('Cannot have multiple bss settings with the'
-                                 ' same name.')
-            self._bss_lookup[bss.name] = bss
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return (
-            '%s(mode=%r, channel=%r, frequency=%r, '
-            'n_capabilities=%r, beacon_interval=%r, '
-            'dtim_period=%r, frag_threshold=%r, ssid=%r, bssid=%r, '
-            'wmm_enabled=%r, security_config=%r, '
-            'spectrum_mgmt_required=%r)' %
-            (self.__class__.__name__, self._mode, self.channel, self.frequency,
-             self._n_capabilities, self._beacon_interval, self._dtim_period,
-             self._frag_threshold, self._ssid, self._bssid, self._wmm_enabled,
-             self._security, self._spectrum_mgmt_required))
-    def supports_channel(self, value):
-        """Check whether channel is supported by the current hardware mode.
-        @param value: int channel to check.
-        @return True iff the current mode supports the band of the channel.
-        """
-        for freq, channel in hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP.iteritems():
-            if channel == value:
-                return self.supports_frequency(freq)
-        return False
-    def supports_frequency(self, frequency):
-        """Check whether frequency is supported by the current hardware mode.
-        @param frequency: int frequency to check.
-        @return True iff the current mode supports the band of the frequency.
-        """
-        if self._mode == hostapd_constants.MODE_11A and frequency < 5000:
-            return False
-        if self._mode in (hostapd_constants.MODE_11B,
-                          hostapd_constants.MODE_11G) and frequency > 5000:
-            return False
-        if frequency not in hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP:
-            return False
-        channel = hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_MAP[frequency]
-        supports_plus = (channel in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
-            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS_CHANNELS])
-        supports_minus = (channel in hostapd_constants.HT40_ALLOW_MAP[
-            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS_CHANNELS])
-        if (hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS in self._n_capabilities
-                and not supports_plus):
-            return False
-        if (hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS in self._n_capabilities
-                and not supports_minus):
-            return False
-        return True
-    def add_bss(self, bss):
-        """Adds a new bss setting.
-        Args:
-            bss: The bss settings to add.
-        """
-        if bss.name in self._bss_lookup:
-            raise ValueError('A bss with the same name already exists.')
-        self._bss_lookup[bss.name] = bss
-    def remove_bss(self, bss_name):
-        """Removes a bss setting from the config."""
-        del self._bss_lookup[bss_name]
-    def package_configs(self):
-        """Package the configs.
-        Returns:
-            A list of dictionaries, one dictionary for each section of the
-            config.
-        """
-        # Start with the default config parameters.
-        conf = self._get_default_config
-        if self._interface:
-            conf['interface'] = self._interface
-        if self._bssid:
-            conf['bssid'] = self._bssid
-        if self._ssid:
-            conf['ssid'] = self._ssid
-            conf['ignore_broadcast_ssid'] = 1 if self._hidden else 0
-        conf['channel'] = self.channel
-        conf['hw_mode'] = self.hw_mode
-        if self.is_11n or self.is_11ac:
-            conf['ieee80211n'] = 1
-            conf['ht_capab'] = self._hostapd_ht_capabilities
-        if self.is_11ac:
-            conf['ieee80211ac'] = 1
-            conf['vht_oper_chwidth'] = self._vht_oper_chwidth
-            conf['vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx'] = \
-                    self._vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx
-            conf['vht_capab'] = self._hostapd_vht_capabilities
-        if self._wmm_enabled is not None:
-            conf['wmm_enabled'] = self._wmm_enabled
-        if self._require_ht:
-            conf['require_ht'] = 1
-        if self._require_vht:
-            conf['require_vht'] = 1
-        if self._beacon_interval:
-            conf['beacon_int'] = self._beacon_interval
-        if self._dtim_period:
-            conf['dtim_period'] = self._dtim_period
-        if self._frag_threshold:
-            conf['fragm_threshold'] = self._frag_threshold
-        if self._rts_threshold:
-            conf['rts_threshold'] = self._rts_threshold
-        if self._pmf_support:
-            conf['ieee80211w'] = self._pmf_support
-        if self._obss_interval:
-            conf['obss_interval'] = self._obss_interval
-        if self._short_preamble:
-            conf['preamble'] = 1
-        if self._spectrum_mgmt_required:
-            # To set spectrum_mgmt_required, we must first set
-            # local_pwr_constraint. And to set local_pwr_constraint,
-            # we must first set ieee80211d. And to set ieee80211d, ...
-            # Point being: order matters here.
-            conf['country_code'] = 'US'  # Required for local_pwr_constraint
-            conf['ieee80211d'] = 1  # Required for local_pwr_constraint
-            conf['local_pwr_constraint'] = 0  # No local constraint
-            conf['spectrum_mgmt_required'] = 1  # Requires local_pwr_constraint
-        if self._security:
-            for k, v in self._security.generate_dict().items():
-                conf[k] = v
-        all_conf = [conf]
-        for bss in self._bss_lookup.values():
-            bss_conf = collections.OrderedDict()
-            for k, v in (bss.generate_dict()).items():
-                bss_conf[k] = v
-            all_conf.append(bss_conf)
-        for wnm_feature in self._wnm_features:
-            if wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.TIME_ADVERTISEMENT:
-                conf.update(hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_TIME_ADVERTISEMENT)
-            elif wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.WNM_SLEEP_MODE:
-                conf.update(hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_SLEEP_MODE)
-            elif wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT:
-                conf.update(
-                    hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT)
-            elif wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.PROXY_ARP:
-                conf.update(hostapd_constants.ENABLE_WNM_PROXY_ARP)
-            elif wnm_feature == hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.IPV6_NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST:
-                conf.update(
-                    hostapd_constants.
-                )
-        if self._additional_parameters:
-            all_conf.append(self._additional_parameters)
-        return all_conf
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_constants.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_constants.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a95ffa..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1410 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import itertools
-from enum import Enum, auto, unique
-BAND_2G = '2g'
-BAND_5G = '5g'
-WEP = 0
-WPA1 = 1
-WPA2 = 2
-WPA3 = 2  # same as wpa2 and wpa2/wpa3, distinguished by wpa_key_mgmt
-MIXED = 3  # applies to wpa/wpa2, and wpa/wpa2/wpa3, distinquished by wpa_key_mgmt
-ENT = 4  # get the correct constant
-WEP_STRING = 'wep'
-WPA_STRING = 'wpa'
-WPA2_STRING = 'wpa2'
-WPA_MIXED_STRING = 'wpa/wpa2'
-WPA3_STRING = 'wpa3'
-WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING = 'wpa2/wpa3'
-WPA_WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING = 'wpa/wpa2/wpa3'
-ENT_STRING = 'ent'
-IEEE8021X = 1
-WLAN0_STRING = 'wlan0'
-WLAN1_STRING = 'wlan1'
-WLAN2_STRING = 'wlan2'
-WLAN3_STRING = 'wlan3'
-WLAN0_GALE = 'wlan-2400mhz'
-WLAN1_GALE = 'wlan-5000mhz'
-WEP_HEX_LENGTH = [10, 26, 32, 58]
-WEP_STR_LENGTH = [5, 13, 16]
-# A mapping of frequency to channel number.  This includes some
-# frequencies used outside the US.
-    2412: 1,
-    2417: 2,
-    2422: 3,
-    2427: 4,
-    2432: 5,
-    2437: 6,
-    2442: 7,
-    2447: 8,
-    2452: 9,
-    2457: 10,
-    2462: 11,
-    # 12, 13 are only legitimate outside the US.
-    2467: 12,
-    2472: 13,
-    # 14 is for Japan, DSSS and CCK only.
-    2484: 14,
-    # 34 valid in Japan.
-    5170: 34,
-    # 36-116 valid in the US, except 38, 42, and 46, which have
-    # mixed international support.
-    5180: 36,
-    5190: 38,
-    5200: 40,
-    5210: 42,
-    5220: 44,
-    5230: 46,
-    5240: 48,
-    # DFS channels.
-    5260: 52,
-    5280: 56,
-    5300: 60,
-    5320: 64,
-    5500: 100,
-    5520: 104,
-    5540: 108,
-    5560: 112,
-    5580: 116,
-    # 120, 124, 128 valid in Europe/Japan.
-    5600: 120,
-    5620: 124,
-    5640: 128,
-    # 132+ valid in US.
-    5660: 132,
-    5680: 136,
-    5700: 140,
-    # 144 is supported by a subset of WiFi chips
-    # (e.g. bcm4354, but not ath9k).
-    5720: 144,
-    # End DFS channels.
-    5745: 149,
-    5755: 151,
-    5765: 153,
-    5775: 155,
-    5795: 159,
-    5785: 157,
-    5805: 161,
-    5825: 165
-FREQUENCY_MAP = {v: k for k, v in CHANNEL_MAP.items()}
-US_CHANNELS_2G = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
-    36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128,
-    132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-MODE_11A = 'a'
-MODE_11B = 'b'
-MODE_11G = 'g'
-MODE_11N_MIXED = 'n-mixed'
-MODE_11N_PURE = 'n-only'
-MODE_11AC_MIXED = 'ac-mixed'
-MODE_11AC_PURE = 'ac-only'
-N_CAPABILITY_HT20 = object()
-N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS = object()
-N_CAPABILITY_SGI20 = object()
-N_CAPABILITY_SGI40 = object()
-N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC12 = object()
-N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC123 = object()
-N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40 = object()
-N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935 = object()
-    N_CAPABILITY_HT20: '[HT20]',
-    N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS: '[HT40+]',
-    N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS: '[HT40-]',
-    v: k
-    for k, v in N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.items()
-AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160 = object()
-AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160_80PLUS80 = object()
-AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_160 = object()
-AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_12 = object()
-AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_123 = object()
-AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1234 = object()
-AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_7991 = object()
-AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454 = object()
-    AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160: '[VHT160]',
-    AC_CAPABILITY_VHT160_80PLUS80: '[VHT160-80PLUS80]',
-    AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_123: '[RX-STBC-123]',
-    AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1234: '[RX-STBC-1234]',
-    AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454: '[MAX-MPDU-11454]',
-    v: k
-    for k, v in AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.items()
-    40: VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40,
-    80: VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80,
-    160: VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160
-# This is a loose merging of the rules for US and EU regulatory
-# domains as taken from IEEE Std 802.11-2012 Appendix E.  For instance,
-# we tolerate HT40 in channels 149-161 (not allowed in EU), but also
-# tolerate HT40+ on channel 7 (not allowed in the US).  We take the loose
-# definition so that we don't prohibit testing in either domain.
-    tuple(
-        itertools.chain(range(6, 14), range(40, 65, 8), range(104, 145, 8),
-                        [153, 161])),
-    tuple(
-        itertools.chain(range(1, 8), range(36, 61, 8), range(100, 141, 8),
-                        [149, 157]))
-                      PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED)
-DRIVER_NAME = 'nl80211'
-        'delta':
-        2,
-        'channels': ((36, 40), (44, 48), (52, 56), (60, 64), (100, 104),
-                     (108, 112), (116, 120), (124, 128), (132, 136),
-                     (140, 144), (149, 153), (157, 161))
-    },
-        'delta':
-        6,
-        'channels':
-        ((36, 48), (52, 64), (100, 112), (116, 128), (132, 144), (149, 161))
-    },
-        'delta': 14,
-        'channels': ((36, 64), (100, 128))
-    }
-OFDM_DATA_RATES = {'supported_rates': '60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540'}
-CCK_DATA_RATES = {'supported_rates': '10 20 55 110'}
-    'supported_rates': '10 20 55 110 60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540'
-OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES = {'basic_rates': '60 120 240'}
-CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES = {'basic_rates': '10 20 55 110'}
-    'open': {
-        'auth_algs': 1
-    },
-    'shared': {
-        'auth_algs': 2
-    },
-    'open_and_shared': {
-        'auth_algs': 3
-    }
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmin': 5,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmax': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_aifs': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_be_aifs': 3,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmin': 5,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmax': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_be_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmin': 4,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmax': 5,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit': 188,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmin': 3,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmax': 4,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit': 102
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmin': 4,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmax': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_aifs': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_be_aifs': 3,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmin': 4,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmax': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_be_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmin': 3,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmax': 4,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit': 94,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmin': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmax': 3,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit': 47
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmin': 5,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmax': 9,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_aifs': 3,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit': 94,
-    'wmm_ac_be_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmin': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmax': 8,
-    'wmm_ac_be_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_aifs': 1,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmax': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit': 47,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_aifs': 1,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmin': 6,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmax': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit': 94
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_be_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_be_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit': 94,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit': 47
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_be_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_be_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit': 94,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit': 47
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_be_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_be_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit': 94,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit': 47
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_aifs': 2,
-    'wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_be_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_be_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_be_txop_limit': 0,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit': 94,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_aifs': 10,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmin': 7,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_cwmax': 15,
-    'wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit': 47
-WMM_ACM_BK = {'wmm_ac_bk_acm': 1}
-WMM_ACM_BE = {'wmm_ac_be_acm': 1}
-WMM_ACM_VI = {'wmm_ac_vi_acm': 1}
-WMM_ACM_VO = {'wmm_ac_vo_acm': 1}
-UAPSD_ENABLED = {'uapsd_advertisement_enabled': 1}
-UTF_8_SSID = {'utf8_ssid': 1}
-ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT = {'rrm_beacon_report': 1}
-ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT = {'rrm_neighbor_report': 1}
-# Wireless Network Management (AKA 802.11v) features.
-ENABLE_WNM_TIME_ADVERTISEMENT = {'time_advertisement': 2, 'time_zone': 'EST5'}
-ENABLE_WNM_SLEEP_MODE = {'wnm_sleep_mode': 1}
-ENABLE_WNM_PROXY_ARP = {'proxy_arp': 1}
-    'na_mcast_to_ucast': 1
-    'correct_length_beacon': {
-        'vendor_elements': 'dd0411223301'
-    },
-    'too_short_length_beacon': {
-        'vendor_elements': 'dd0311223301'
-    },
-    'too_long_length_beacon': {
-        'vendor_elements': 'dd0511223301'
-    },
-    'zero_length_beacon_with_data': {
-        'vendor_elements': 'dd0011223301'
-    },
-    'zero_length_beacon_without_data': {
-        'vendor_elements': 'dd00'
-    },
-    'simliar_to_wpa': {
-        'vendor_elements': 'dd040050f203'
-    },
-    'correct_length_association_response': {
-        'assocresp_elements': 'dd0411223301'
-    },
-    'too_short_length_association_response': {
-        'assocresp_elements': 'dd0311223301'
-    },
-    'too_long_length_association_response': {
-        'assocresp_elements': 'dd0511223301'
-    },
-    'zero_length_association_response_with_data': {
-        'assocresp_elements': 'dd0011223301'
-    },
-    'zero_length_association_response_without_data': {
-        'assocresp_elements': 'dd00'
-    }
-ENABLE_IEEE80211D = {'ieee80211d': 1}
-    'ALL': {
-        'country3': '0x20'
-    },
-    'OUTDOOR': {
-        'country3': '0x4f'
-    },
-    'INDOOR': {
-        'country3': '0x49'
-    },
-    'NONCOUNTRY': {
-        'country3': '0x58'
-    },
-    'GLOBAL': {
-        'country3': '0x04'
-    }
-        'country_code': 'AF'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'AX'
-    },
-    'ALBANIA': {
-        'country_code': 'AL'
-    },
-    'ALGERIA': {
-        'country_code': 'DZ'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'AS'
-    },
-    'ANDORRA': {
-        'country_code': 'AD'
-    },
-    'ANGOLA': {
-        'country_code': 'AO'
-    },
-    'ANGUILLA': {
-        'country_code': 'AI'
-    },
-    'ANTARCTICA': {
-        'country_code': 'AQ'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'AG'
-    },
-    'ARGENTINA': {
-        'country_code': 'AR'
-    },
-    'ARMENIA': {
-        'country_code': 'AM'
-    },
-    'ARUBA': {
-        'country_code': 'AW'
-    },
-    'AUSTRALIA': {
-        'country_code': 'AU'
-    },
-    'AUSTRIA': {
-        'country_code': 'AT'
-    },
-    'AZERBAIJAN': {
-        'country_code': 'AZ'
-    },
-    'BAHAMAS': {
-        'country_code': 'BS'
-    },
-    'BAHRAIN': {
-        'country_code': 'BH'
-    },
-    'BANGLADESH': {
-        'country_code': 'BD'
-    },
-    'BARBADOS': {
-        'country_code': 'BB'
-    },
-    'BELARUS': {
-        'country_code': 'BY'
-    },
-    'BELGIUM': {
-        'country_code': 'BE'
-    },
-    'BELIZE': {
-        'country_code': 'BZ'
-    },
-    'BENIN': {
-        'country_code': 'BJ'
-    },
-    'BERMUDA': {
-        'country_code': 'BM'
-    },
-    'BHUTAN': {
-        'country_code': 'BT'
-    },
-    'BOLIVIA': {
-        'country_code': 'BO'
-    },
-    'BONAIRE': {
-        'country_code': 'BQ'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'BA'
-    },
-    'BOTSWANA': {
-        'country_code': 'BW'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'BV'
-    },
-    'BRAZIL': {
-        'country_code': 'BR'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'IO'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'BN'
-    },
-    'BULGARIA': {
-        'country_code': 'BG'
-    },
-    'BURKINA_FASO': {
-        'country_code': 'BF'
-    },
-    'BURUNDI': {
-        'country_code': 'BI'
-    },
-    'CAMBODIA': {
-        'country_code': 'KH'
-    },
-    'CAMEROON': {
-        'country_code': 'CM'
-    },
-    'CANADA': {
-        'country_code': 'CA'
-    },
-    'CAPE_VERDE': {
-        'country_code': 'CV'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'KY'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'CF'
-    },
-    'CHAD': {
-        'country_code': 'TD'
-    },
-    'CHILE': {
-        'country_code': 'CL'
-    },
-    'CHINA': {
-        'country_code': 'CN'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'CX'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'CC'
-    },
-    'COLOMBIA': {
-        'country_code': 'CO'
-    },
-    'COMOROS': {
-        'country_code': 'KM'
-    },
-    'CONGO': {
-        'country_code': 'CG'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'CD'
-    },
-    'COOK_ISLANDS': {
-        'country_code': 'CK'
-    },
-    'COSTA_RICA': {
-        'country_code': 'CR'
-    },
-    'COTE_D_IVOIRE': {
-        'country_code': 'CI'
-    },
-    'CROATIA': {
-        'country_code': 'HR'
-    },
-    'CUBA': {
-        'country_code': 'CU'
-    },
-    'CURACAO': {
-        'country_code': 'CW'
-    },
-    'CYPRUS': {
-        'country_code': 'CY'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'CZ'
-    },
-    'DENMARK': {
-        'country_code': 'DK'
-    },
-    'DJIBOUTI': {
-        'country_code': 'DJ'
-    },
-    'DOMINICA': {
-        'country_code': 'DM'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'DO'
-    },
-    'ECUADOR': {
-        'country_code': 'EC'
-    },
-    'EGYPT': {
-        'country_code': 'EG'
-    },
-    'EL_SALVADOR': {
-        'country_code': 'SV'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'GQ'
-    },
-    'ERITREA': {
-        'country_code': 'ER'
-    },
-    'ESTONIA': {
-        'country_code': 'EE'
-    },
-    'ETHIOPIA': {
-        'country_code': 'ET'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'FK'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'FO'
-    },
-    'FIJI': {
-        'country_code': 'FJ'
-    },
-    'FINLAND': {
-        'country_code': 'FI'
-    },
-    'FRANCE': {
-        'country_code': 'FR'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'GF'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'PF'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'TF'
-    },
-    'GABON': {
-        'country_code': 'GA'
-    },
-    'GAMBIA': {
-        'country_code': 'GM'
-    },
-    'GEORGIA': {
-        'country_code': 'GE'
-    },
-    'GERMANY': {
-        'country_code': 'DE'
-    },
-    'GHANA': {
-        'country_code': 'GH'
-    },
-    'GIBRALTAR': {
-        'country_code': 'GI'
-    },
-    'GREECE': {
-        'country_code': 'GR'
-    },
-    'GREENLAND': {
-        'country_code': 'GL'
-    },
-    'GRENADA': {
-        'country_code': 'GD'
-    },
-    'GUADELOUPE': {
-        'country_code': 'GP'
-    },
-    'GUAM': {
-        'country_code': 'GU'
-    },
-    'GUATEMALA': {
-        'country_code': 'GT'
-    },
-    'GUERNSEY': {
-        'country_code': 'GG'
-    },
-    'GUINEA': {
-        'country_code': 'GN'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'GW'
-    },
-    'GUYANA': {
-        'country_code': 'GY'
-    },
-    'HAITI': {
-        'country_code': 'HT'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'HM'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'VA'
-    },
-    'HONDURAS': {
-        'country_code': 'HN'
-    },
-    'HONG_KONG': {
-        'country_code': 'HK'
-    },
-    'HUNGARY': {
-        'country_code': 'HU'
-    },
-    'ICELAND': {
-        'country_code': 'IS'
-    },
-    'INDIA': {
-        'country_code': 'IN'
-    },
-    'INDONESIA': {
-        'country_code': 'ID'
-    },
-    'IRAN': {
-        'country_code': 'IR'
-    },
-    'IRAQ': {
-        'country_code': 'IQ'
-    },
-    'IRELAND': {
-        'country_code': 'IE'
-    },
-    'ISLE_OF_MAN': {
-        'country_code': 'IM'
-    },
-    'ISRAEL': {
-        'country_code': 'IL'
-    },
-    'ITALY': {
-        'country_code': 'IT'
-    },
-    'JAMAICA': {
-        'country_code': 'JM'
-    },
-    'JAPAN': {
-        'country_code': 'JP'
-    },
-    'JERSEY': {
-        'country_code': 'JE'
-    },
-    'JORDAN': {
-        'country_code': 'JO'
-    },
-    'KAZAKHSTAN': {
-        'country_code': 'KZ'
-    },
-    'KENYA': {
-        'country_code': 'KE'
-    },
-    'KIRIBATI': {
-        'country_code': 'KI'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'KP'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'KR'
-    },
-    'KUWAIT': {
-        'country_code': 'KW'
-    },
-    'KYRGYZSTAN': {
-        'country_code': 'KG'
-    },
-    'LAO': {
-        'country_code': 'LA'
-    },
-    'LATVIA': {
-        'country_code': 'LV'
-    },
-    'LEBANON': {
-        'country_code': 'LB'
-    },
-    'LESOTHO': {
-        'country_code': 'LS'
-    },
-    'LIBERIA': {
-        'country_code': 'LR'
-    },
-    'LIBYA': {
-        'country_code': 'LY'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'LI'
-    },
-    'LITHUANIA': {
-        'country_code': 'LT'
-    },
-    'LUXEMBOURG': {
-        'country_code': 'LU'
-    },
-    'MACAO': {
-        'country_code': 'MO'
-    },
-    'MACEDONIA': {
-        'country_code': 'MK'
-    },
-    'MADAGASCAR': {
-        'country_code': 'MG'
-    },
-    'MALAWI': {
-        'country_code': 'MW'
-    },
-    'MALAYSIA': {
-        'country_code': 'MY'
-    },
-    'MALDIVES': {
-        'country_code': 'MV'
-    },
-    'MALI': {
-        'country_code': 'ML'
-    },
-    'MALTA': {
-        'country_code': 'MT'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'MH'
-    },
-    'MARTINIQUE': {
-        'country_code': 'MQ'
-    },
-    'MAURITANIA': {
-        'country_code': 'MR'
-    },
-    'MAURITIUS': {
-        'country_code': 'MU'
-    },
-    'MAYOTTE': {
-        'country_code': 'YT'
-    },
-    'MEXICO': {
-        'country_code': 'MX'
-    },
-    'MICRONESIA': {
-        'country_code': 'FM'
-    },
-    'MOLDOVA': {
-        'country_code': 'MD'
-    },
-    'MONACO': {
-        'country_code': 'MC'
-    },
-    'MONGOLIA': {
-        'country_code': 'MN'
-    },
-    'MONTENEGRO': {
-        'country_code': 'ME'
-    },
-    'MONTSERRAT': {
-        'country_code': 'MS'
-    },
-    'MOROCCO': {
-        'country_code': 'MA'
-    },
-    'MOZAMBIQUE': {
-        'country_code': 'MZ'
-    },
-    'MYANMAR': {
-        'country_code': 'MM'
-    },
-    'NAMIBIA': {
-        'country_code': 'NA'
-    },
-    'NAURU': {
-        'country_code': 'NR'
-    },
-    'NEPAL': {
-        'country_code': 'NP'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'NL'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'NC'
-    },
-    'NEW_ZEALAND': {
-        'country_code': 'NZ'
-    },
-    'NICARAGUA': {
-        'country_code': 'NI'
-    },
-    'NIGER': {
-        'country_code': 'NE'
-    },
-    'NIGERIA': {
-        'country_code': 'NG'
-    },
-    'NIUE': {
-        'country_code': 'NU'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'NF'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'MP'
-    },
-    'NORWAY': {
-        'country_code': 'NO'
-    },
-    'OMAN': {
-        'country_code': 'OM'
-    },
-    'PAKISTAN': {
-        'country_code': 'PK'
-    },
-    'PALAU': {
-        'country_code': 'PW'
-    },
-    'PALESTINE': {
-        'country_code': 'PS'
-    },
-    'PANAMA': {
-        'country_code': 'PA'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'PG'
-    },
-    'PARAGUAY': {
-        'country_code': 'PY'
-    },
-    'PERU': {
-        'country_code': 'PE'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'PH'
-    },
-    'PITCAIRN': {
-        'country_code': 'PN'
-    },
-    'POLAND': {
-        'country_code': 'PL'
-    },
-    'PORTUGAL': {
-        'country_code': 'PT'
-    },
-    'PUERTO_RICO': {
-        'country_code': 'PR'
-    },
-    'QATAR': {
-        'country_code': 'QA'
-    },
-    'RÉUNION': {
-        'country_code': 'RE'
-    },
-    'ROMANIA': {
-        'country_code': 'RO'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'RU'
-    },
-    'RWANDA': {
-        'country_code': 'RW'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'BL'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'KN'
-    },
-    'SAINT_LUCIA': {
-        'country_code': 'LC'
-    },
-    'SAINT_MARTIN': {
-        'country_code': 'MF'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'PM'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'VC'
-    },
-    'SAMOA': {
-        'country_code': 'WS'
-    },
-    'SAN_MARINO': {
-        'country_code': 'SM'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'ST'
-    },
-    'SAUDI_ARABIA': {
-        'country_code': 'SA'
-    },
-    'SENEGAL': {
-        'country_code': 'SN'
-    },
-    'SERBIA': {
-        'country_code': 'RS'
-    },
-    'SEYCHELLES': {
-        'country_code': 'SC'
-    },
-    'SIERRA_LEONE': {
-        'country_code': 'SL'
-    },
-    'SINGAPORE': {
-        'country_code': 'SG'
-    },
-    'SINT_MAARTEN': {
-        'country_code': 'SX'
-    },
-    'SLOVAKIA': {
-        'country_code': 'SK'
-    },
-    'SLOVENIA': {
-        'country_code': 'SI'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'SB'
-    },
-    'SOMALIA': {
-        'country_code': 'SO'
-    },
-    'SOUTH_AFRICA': {
-        'country_code': 'ZA'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'GS'
-    },
-    'SOUTH_SUDAN': {
-        'country_code': 'SS'
-    },
-    'SPAIN': {
-        'country_code': 'ES'
-    },
-    'SRI_LANKA': {
-        'country_code': 'LK'
-    },
-    'SUDAN': {
-        'country_code': 'SD'
-    },
-    'SURINAME': {
-        'country_code': 'SR'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'SJ'
-    },
-    'SWAZILAND': {
-        'country_code': 'SZ'
-    },
-    'SWEDEN': {
-        'country_code': 'SE'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'CH'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'SY'
-    },
-    'TAIWAN': {
-        'country_code': 'TW'
-    },
-    'TAJIKISTAN': {
-        'country_code': 'TJ'
-    },
-    'TANZANIA': {
-        'country_code': 'TZ'
-    },
-    'THAILAND': {
-        'country_code': 'TH'
-    },
-    'TIMOR-LESTE': {
-        'country_code': 'TL'
-    },
-    'TOGO': {
-        'country_code': 'TG'
-    },
-    'TOKELAU': {
-        'country_code': 'TK'
-    },
-    'TONGA': {
-        'country_code': 'TO'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'TT'
-    },
-    'TUNISIA': {
-        'country_code': 'TN'
-    },
-    'TURKEY': {
-        'country_code': 'TR'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'TM'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'TC'
-    },
-    'TUVALU': {
-        'country_code': 'TV'
-    },
-    'UGANDA': {
-        'country_code': 'UG'
-    },
-    'UKRAINE': {
-        'country_code': 'UA'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'AE'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'GB'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'US'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'UM'
-    },
-    'URUGUAY': {
-        'country_code': 'UY'
-    },
-    'UZBEKISTAN': {
-        'country_code': 'UZ'
-    },
-    'VANUATU': {
-        'country_code': 'VU'
-    },
-    'VENEZUELA': {
-        'country_code': 'VE'
-    },
-    'VIETNAM': {
-        'country_code': 'VN'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'VG'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'VI'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'WF'
-    },
-        'country_code': 'EH'
-    },
-    'YEMEN': {
-        'country_code': 'YE'
-    },
-    'ZAMBIA': {
-        'country_code': 'ZM'
-    },
-    'ZIMBABWE': {
-        'country_code': 'ZW'
-    },
-    'NON_COUNTRY': {
-        'country_code': 'XX'
-    }
-    1: {20, 40},
-    2: {20, 40},
-    3: {20, 40},
-    4: {20, 40},
-    5: {20, 40},
-    6: {20, 40},
-    7: {20, 40},
-    8: {20, 40},
-    9: {20, 40},
-    10: {20, 40},
-    11: {20, 40},
-    12: {20, 40},
-    13: {20, 40},
-    14: {20}
-    36: {20, 40, 80},
-    40: {20, 40, 80},
-    44: {20, 40, 80},
-    48: {20, 40, 80},
-    52: {20, 40, 80},
-    56: {20, 40, 80},
-    60: {20, 40, 80},
-    64: {20, 40, 80},
-    100: {20, 40, 80},
-    104: {20, 40, 80},
-    108: {20, 40, 80},
-    112: {20, 40, 80},
-    116: {20, 40, 80},
-    120: {20, 40, 80},
-    124: {20, 40, 80},
-    128: {20, 40, 80},
-    132: {20, 40, 80},
-    136: {20, 40, 80},
-    140: {20, 40, 80},
-    144: {20, 40, 80},
-    149: {20, 40, 80},
-    153: {20, 40, 80},
-    157: {20, 40, 80},
-    161: {20, 40, 80},
-    165: {20}
-class WnmFeature(Enum):
-    """Wireless Network Management (AKA 802.11v) features hostapd supports."""
-    WNM_SLEEP_MODE = auto()
-    PROXY_ARP = auto()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_security.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_security.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 372ca44..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_security.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import string
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-class Security(object):
-    """The Security class for hostapd representing some of the security
-       settings that are allowed in hostapd.  If needed more can be added.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 security_mode=None,
-                 password=None,
-                 wpa_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA_DEFAULT_CIPHER,
-                 wpa2_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER,
-                 wpa_group_rekey=hostapd_constants.WPA_GROUP_KEY_ROTATION_TIME,
-                 wpa_strict_rekey=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRICT_REKEY_DEFAULT,
-                 wep_default_key=hostapd_constants.WEP_DEFAULT_KEY,
-                 radius_server_ip=None,
-                 radius_server_port=None,
-                 radius_server_secret=None):
-        """Gather all of the security settings for WPA-PSK.  This could be
-           expanded later.
-        Args:
-            security_mode: Type of security modes.
-                        Options: wep, wpa, wpa2, wpa/wpa2, wpa3, wpa2/wpa3,
-                        wpa/wpa2/wpa3
-            password: The PSK or passphrase for the security mode.
-            wpa_cipher: The cipher to be used for wpa.
-                        Options: TKIP, CCMP, TKIP CCMP
-                        Default: TKIP
-            wpa2_cipher: The cipher to be used for wpa2.
-                         Options: TKIP, CCMP, TKIP CCMP
-                         Default: CCMP
-            wpa_group_rekey: How often to refresh the GTK regardless of network
-                             changes.
-                             Options: An integrer in seconds, None
-                             Default: 600 seconds
-            wpa_strict_rekey: Whether to do a group key update when client
-                              leaves the network or not.
-                              Options: True, False
-                              Default: True
-            wep_default_key: The wep key number to use when transmitting.
-            radius_server_ip: Radius server IP for Enterprise auth.
-            radius_server_port: Radius server port for Enterprise auth.
-            radius_server_secret: Radius server secret for Enterprise auth.
-        """
-        self.security_mode_string = security_mode
-        self.wpa_cipher = wpa_cipher
-        self.wpa2_cipher = wpa2_cipher
-        self.wpa_group_rekey = wpa_group_rekey
-        self.wpa_strict_rekey = wpa_strict_rekey
-        self.wep_default_key = wep_default_key
-        self.radius_server_ip = radius_server_ip
-        self.radius_server_port = radius_server_port
-        self.radius_server_secret = radius_server_secret
-        self.security_mode = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_SECURITY_MODE_INT.get(
-            security_mode, None)
-        if password:
-            if self.security_mode == hostapd_constants.WEP:
-                if len(password) in hostapd_constants.WEP_STR_LENGTH:
-                    self.password = '"%s"' % password
-                elif len(password) in hostapd_constants.WEP_HEX_LENGTH and all(
-                        c in string.hexdigits for c in password):
-                    self.password = password
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        'WEP key must be a hex string of %s characters' %
-                        hostapd_constants.WEP_HEX_LENGTH)
-            else:
-                if len(password) < hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH or len(
-                        password) > hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        'Password must be a minumum of %s characters and a maximum of %s'
-                        % (hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH,
-                           hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH))
-                else:
-                    self.password = password
-    def generate_dict(self):
-        """Returns: an ordered dictionary of settings"""
-        settings = collections.OrderedDict()
-        if self.security_mode is not None:
-            if self.security_mode == hostapd_constants.WEP:
-                settings['wep_default_key'] = self.wep_default_key
-                settings['wep_key' + str(self.wep_default_key)] = self.password
-            elif self.security_mode == hostapd_constants.ENT:
-                settings['auth_server_addr'] = self.radius_server_ip
-                settings['auth_server_port'] = self.radius_server_port
-                settings[
-                    'auth_server_shared_secret'] = self.radius_server_secret
-                settings['wpa_key_mgmt'] = hostapd_constants.ENT_KEY_MGMT
-                settings['ieee8021x'] = hostapd_constants.IEEE8021X
-                settings['wpa'] = hostapd_constants.WPA2
-            else:
-                settings['wpa'] = self.security_mode
-                if len(self.password) == hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH:
-                    settings['wpa_psk'] = self.password
-                else:
-                    settings['wpa_passphrase'] = self.password
-                # For wpa, wpa/wpa2, and wpa/wpa2/wpa3, add wpa_pairwise
-                if self.security_mode == hostapd_constants.WPA1 or self.security_mode == hostapd_constants.MIXED:
-                    settings['wpa_pairwise'] = self.wpa_cipher
-                # For wpa/wpa2, wpa2, wpa3, and wpa2/wpa3, and wpa/wpa2, wpa3, add rsn_pairwise
-                if self.security_mode == hostapd_constants.WPA2 or self.security_mode == hostapd_constants.MIXED:
-                    settings['rsn_pairwise'] = self.wpa2_cipher
-                # Add wpa_key_mgmt based on security mode string
-                if self.security_mode_string in hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_WPA_KEY_MGMT:
-                    settings[
-                        'wpa_key_mgmt'] = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_WPA_KEY_MGMT[
-                            self.security_mode_string]
-                if self.wpa_group_rekey:
-                    settings['wpa_group_rekey'] = self.wpa_group_rekey
-                if self.wpa_strict_rekey:
-                    settings[
-                        'wpa_strict_rekey'] = hostapd_constants.WPA_STRICT_REKEY
-        return settings
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3387ed1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/hostapd_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-def generate_random_password(security_mode=None, length=None, hex=None):
-    """Generates a random password. Defaults to an 8 character ASCII password.
-    Args:
-        security_mode: optional string, security type. Used to determine if
-            length should be WEP compatible (useful for generated tests to simply
-            pass in security mode)
-        length: optional int, length of password to generate. Defaults to 8,
-            unless security_mode is WEP, then 13
-        hex: optional int, if True, generates a hex string, else ascii
-    """
-    if hex:
-        generator_func = utils.rand_hex_str
-    else:
-        generator_func = utils.rand_ascii_str
-    if length:
-        return generator_func(length)
-    if security_mode and security_mode.lower() == hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING:
-        return generator_func(hostapd_constants.WEP_DEFAULT_STR_LENGTH)
-    else:
-        return generator_func(hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH)
-def verify_interface(interface, valid_interfaces):
-    """Raises error if interface is missing or invalid
-    Args:
-        interface: string of interface name
-        valid_interfaces: list of valid interface names
-    """
-    if not interface:
-        raise ValueError('Required wlan interface is missing.')
-    if interface not in valid_interfaces:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid interface name was passed: %s' % interface)
-def verify_security_mode(security_profile, valid_security_modes):
-    """Raises error if security mode is not in list of valid security modes.
-    Args:
-        security_profile: a hostapd_security.Security object.
-        valid_security_modes: a list of valid security modes for a profile. Must
-            include None if open security is valid.
-    """
-    if security_profile is None:
-        if None not in valid_security_modes:
-            raise ValueError('Open security is not allowed for this profile.')
-    elif security_profile.security_mode not in valid_security_modes:
-        raise ValueError(
-            'Invalid Security Mode: %s. '
-            'Valid Security Modes for this profile: %s.' %
-            (security_profile.security_mode, valid_security_modes))
-def verify_cipher(security_profile, valid_ciphers):
-    """Raise error if cipher is not in list of valid ciphers.
-    Args:
-        security_profile: a hostapd_security.Security object.
-        valid_ciphers: a list of valid ciphers for a profile.
-    """
-    if security_profile is None:
-        raise ValueError('Security mode is open.')
-    elif security_profile.security_mode == hostapd_constants.WPA1:
-        if security_profile.wpa_cipher not in valid_ciphers:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid WPA Cipher: %s. '
-                             'Valid WPA Ciphers for this profile: %s' %
-                             (security_profile.wpa_cipher, valid_ciphers))
-    elif security_profile.security_mode == hostapd_constants.WPA2:
-        if security_profile.wpa2_cipher not in valid_ciphers:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid WPA2 Cipher: %s. '
-                             'Valid WPA2 Ciphers for this profile: %s' %
-                             (security_profile.wpa2_cipher, valid_ciphers))
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid Security Mode: %s' %
-                         security_profile.security_mode)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 254adc5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import IntEnum, unique
-class ApReachability(IntEnum):
-    """Neighbor Report AP Reachability values.
-    See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-172.
-    """
-    UNKNOWN = 2
-    REACHABLE = 3
-class BssidInformationCapabilities:
-    """Representation of Neighbor Report BSSID Information Capabilities.
-    See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-338 and
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 spectrum_management: bool = False,
-                 qos: bool = False,
-                 apsd: bool = False,
-                 radio_measurement: bool = False):
-        """Create a capabilities object.
-        Args:
-            spectrum_management: whether spectrum management is required.
-            qos: whether QoS is implemented.
-            apsd: whether APSD is implemented.
-            radio_measurement: whether radio measurement is activated.
-        """
-        self._spectrum_management = spectrum_management
-        self._qos = qos
-        self._apsd = apsd
-        self._radio_measurement = radio_measurement
-    def __index__(self) -> int:
-        """Convert to numeric representation of the field's bits."""
-        return self.spectrum_management << 5 \
-            | self.qos << 4 \
-            | self.apsd << 3 \
-            | self.radio_measurement << 2
-    @property
-    def spectrum_management(self) -> bool:
-        return self._spectrum_management
-    @property
-    def qos(self) -> bool:
-        return self._qos
-    @property
-    def apsd(self) -> bool:
-        return self._apsd
-    @property
-    def radio_measurement(self) -> bool:
-        return self._radio_measurement
-class BssidInformation:
-    """Representation of Neighbor Report BSSID Information field.
-    BssidInformation contains info about a neighboring AP, to be included in a
-    neighbor report element. See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-337.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 ap_reachability: ApReachability = ApReachability.UNKNOWN,
-                 security: bool = False,
-                 key_scope: bool = False,
-                 capabilities:
-                 BssidInformationCapabilities = BssidInformationCapabilities(),
-                 mobility_domain: bool = False,
-                 high_throughput: bool = False,
-                 very_high_throughput: bool = False,
-                 ftm: bool = False):
-        """Create a BSSID Information object for a neighboring AP.
-        Args:
-            ap_reachability: whether this AP is reachable by the STA that
-                requested the neighbor report.
-            security: whether this AP is known to support the same security
-                provisioning as used by the STA in its current association.
-            key_scope: whether this AP is known to have the same
-                authenticator as the AP sending the report.
-            capabilities: selected capabilities of this AP.
-            mobility_domain: whether the AP is including an MDE in its beacon
-                frames and the contents of that MDE are identical to the MDE
-                advertised by the AP sending the report.
-            high_throughput: whether the AP is an HT AP including the HT
-                Capabilities element in its Beacons, and that the contents of
-                that HT capabilities element are identical to the HT
-                capabilities element advertised by the AP sending the report.
-            very_high_throughput: whether the AP is a VHT AP and the VHT
-                capabilities element, if included as a subelement, is
-                identical in content to the VHT capabilities element included
-                in the AP’s beacon.
-            ftm: whether the AP is known to have the Fine Timing Measurement
-                Responder extended capability.
-        """
-        self._ap_reachability = ap_reachability
-        self._security = security
-        self._key_scope = key_scope
-        self._capabilities = capabilities
-        self._mobility_domain = mobility_domain
-        self._high_throughput = high_throughput
-        self._very_high_throughput = very_high_throughput
-        self._ftm = ftm
-    def __index__(self) -> int:
-        """Convert to numeric representation of the field's bits."""
-        return self._ap_reachability << 30 \
-            | self.security << 29 \
-            | self.key_scope << 28 \
-            | int(self.capabilities) << 22 \
-            | self.mobility_domain << 21 \
-            | self.high_throughput << 20 \
-            | self.very_high_throughput << 19 \
-            | self.ftm << 18
-    @property
-    def security(self) -> bool:
-        return self._security
-    @property
-    def key_scope(self) -> bool:
-        return self._key_scope
-    @property
-    def capabilities(self) -> BssidInformationCapabilities:
-        return self._capabilities
-    @property
-    def mobility_domain(self) -> bool:
-        return self._mobility_domain
-    @property
-    def high_throughput(self) -> bool:
-        return self._high_throughput
-    @property
-    def very_high_throughput(self) -> bool:
-        return self._very_high_throughput
-    @property
-    def ftm(self) -> bool:
-        return self._ftm
-class PhyType(IntEnum):
-    """PHY type values, see dot11PhyType in 802.11-2020 Annex C."""
-    DSSS = 2
-    OFDM = 4
-    HRDSS = 5
-    ERP = 6
-    HT = 7
-    DMG = 8
-    VHT = 9
-    TVHT = 10
-    S1G = 11
-    CDMG = 12
-    CMMG = 13
-class NeighborReportElement:
-    """Representation of Neighbor Report element.
-    See IEEE 802.11-2020
-    """
-    def __init__(self, bssid: str, bssid_information: BssidInformation,
-                 operating_class: int, channel_number: int, phy_type: PhyType):
-        """Create a neighbor report element.
-        Args:
-            bssid: MAC address of the neighbor.
-            bssid_information: BSSID Information of the neigbor.
-            operating_class: operating class of the neighbor.
-            channel_number: channel number of the neighbor.
-            phy_type: dot11PhyType of the neighbor.
-        """
-        self._bssid = bssid
-        self._bssid_information = bssid_information
-        # Operating Class, IEEE 802.11-2020 Annex E.
-        self._operating_class = operating_class
-        self._channel_number = channel_number
-        # PHY Type, IEEE 802.11-2020 Annex C.
-        self._phy_type = phy_type
-    @property
-    def bssid(self) -> str:
-        return self._bssid
-    @property
-    def bssid_information(self) -> BssidInformation:
-        return self._bssid_information
-    @property
-    def operating_class(self) -> int:
-        return self._operating_class
-    @property
-    def channel_number(self) -> int:
-        return self._channel_number
-    @property
-    def phy_type(self) -> PhyType:
-        return self._phy_type
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9761c44..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import shlex
-import tempfile
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-class Error(Exception):
-    """An error caused by radvd."""
-class Radvd(object):
-    """Manages the radvd program.
-    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radvd
-    This implements the Router Advertisement Daemon of IPv6 router addresses
-    and IPv6 routing prefixes using the Neighbor Discovery Protocol.
-    Attributes:
-        config: The radvd configuration that is being used.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, runner, interface, working_dir=None, radvd_binary=None):
-        """
-        Args:
-            runner: Object that has run_async and run methods for executing
-                    shell commands (e.g. connection.SshConnection)
-            interface: string, The name of the interface to use (eg. wlan0).
-            working_dir: The directory to work out of.
-            radvd_binary: Location of the radvd binary
-        """
-        if not radvd_binary:
-            logging.debug('No radvd binary specified.  '
-                          'Assuming radvd is in the path.')
-            radvd_binary = 'radvd'
-        else:
-            logging.debug('Using radvd binary located at %s' % radvd_binary)
-        if working_dir is None and runner == job.run:
-            working_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
-        else:
-            working_dir = '/tmp'
-        self._radvd_binary = radvd_binary
-        self._runner = runner
-        self._interface = interface
-        self._working_dir = working_dir
-        self.config = None
-        self._shell = shell.ShellCommand(runner, working_dir)
-        self._log_file = '%s/radvd-%s.log' % (working_dir, self._interface)
-        self._config_file = '%s/radvd-%s.conf' % (working_dir, self._interface)
-        self._pid_file = '%s/radvd-%s.pid' % (working_dir, self._interface)
-        self._ps_identifier = '%s.*%s' % (self._radvd_binary,
-                                          self._config_file)
-    def start(self, config, timeout=60):
-        """Starts radvd
-        Starts the radvd daemon and runs it in the background.
-        Args:
-            config: Configs to start the radvd with.
-            timeout: Time to wait for radvd  to come up.
-        Returns:
-            True if the daemon could be started. Note that the daemon can still
-            start and not work. Invalid configurations can take a long amount
-            of time to be produced, and because the daemon runs indefinitely
-            it's impossible to wait on. If you need to check if configs are ok
-            then periodic checks to is_running and logs should be used.
-        """
-        if self.is_alive():
-            self.stop()
-        self.config = config
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._log_file)
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
-        self._write_configs(self.config)
-        radvd_command = '%s -C %s -p %s -m logfile -d 5 -l %s' % (
-            self._radvd_binary, shlex.quote(self._config_file),
-            shlex.quote(self._pid_file), self._log_file)
-        job_str = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (radvd_command, self._log_file)
-        self._runner.run_async(job_str)
-        try:
-            self._wait_for_process(timeout=timeout)
-        except Error:
-            self.stop()
-            raise
-    def stop(self):
-        """Kills the daemon if it is running."""
-        self._shell.kill(self._ps_identifier)
-    def is_alive(self):
-        """
-        Returns:
-            True if the daemon is running.
-        """
-        return self._shell.is_alive(self._ps_identifier)
-    def pull_logs(self):
-        """Pulls the log files from where radvd is running.
-        Returns:
-            A string of the radvd logs.
-        """
-        # TODO: Auto pulling of logs when stop is called.
-        return self._shell.read_file(self._log_file)
-    def _wait_for_process(self, timeout=60):
-        """Waits for the process to come up.
-        Waits until the radvd process is found running, or there is
-        a timeout. If the program never comes up then the log file
-        will be scanned for errors.
-        Raises: See _scan_for_errors
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() - start_time < timeout and not self.is_alive():
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            self._scan_for_errors(False)
-        self._scan_for_errors(True)
-    def _scan_for_errors(self, should_be_up):
-        """Scans the radvd log for any errors.
-        Args:
-            should_be_up: If true then radvd program is expected to be alive.
-                          If it is found not alive while this is true an error
-                          is thrown.
-        Raises:
-            Error: Raised when a radvd error is found.
-        """
-        # Store this so that all other errors have priority.
-        is_dead = not self.is_alive()
-        exited_prematurely = self._shell.search_file('Exiting', self._log_file)
-        if exited_prematurely:
-            raise Error('Radvd exited prematurely.', self)
-        if should_be_up and is_dead:
-            raise Error('Radvd failed to start', self)
-    def _write_configs(self, config):
-        """Writes the configs to the radvd config file.
-        Args:
-            config: a RadvdConfig object.
-        """
-        self._shell.delete_file(self._config_file)
-        conf = config.package_configs()
-        lines = ['interface %s {' % self._interface]
-        for (interface_option_key,
-             interface_option) in conf['interface_options'].items():
-            lines.append('\t%s %s;' %
-                         (str(interface_option_key), str(interface_option)))
-        lines.append('\tprefix %s' % conf['prefix'])
-        lines.append('\t{')
-        for prefix_option in conf['prefix_options'].items():
-            lines.append('\t\t%s;' % ' '.join(map(str, prefix_option)))
-        lines.append('\t};')
-        if conf['clients']:
-            lines.append('\tclients')
-            lines.append('\t{')
-            for client in conf['clients']:
-                lines.append('\t\t%s;' % client)
-            lines.append('\t};')
-        if conf['route']:
-            lines.append('\troute %s {' % conf['route'])
-            for route_option in conf['route_options'].items():
-                lines.append('\t\t%s;' % ' '.join(map(str, route_option)))
-            lines.append('\t};')
-        if conf['rdnss']:
-            lines.append('\tRDNSS %s {' %
-                         ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in conf['rdnss']]))
-            for rdnss_option in conf['rdnss_options'].items():
-                lines.append('\t\t%s;' % ' '.join(map(str, rdnss_option)))
-            lines.append('\t};')
-        lines.append('};')
-        output_config = '\n'.join(lines)
-        logging.info('Writing %s' % self._config_file)
-        logging.debug('******************Start*******************')
-        logging.debug('\n%s' % output_config)
-        logging.debug('*******************End********************')
-        self._shell.write_file(self._config_file, output_config)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_config.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f8e583e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd_constants
-import collections
-class RadvdConfig(object):
-    """The root settings for the router advertisement daemon.
-    All the settings for a router advertisement daemon.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 prefix=radvd_constants.DEFAULT_PREFIX,
-                 clients=[],
-                 route=None,
-                 rdnss=[],
-                 ignore_if_missing=None,
-                 adv_send_advert=radvd_constants.ADV_SEND_ADVERT_ON,
-                 unicast_only=None,
-                 max_rtr_adv_interval=None,
-                 min_rtr_adv_interval=None,
-                 min_delay_between_ras=None,
-                 adv_managed_flag=None,
-                 adv_other_config_flag=None,
-                 adv_link_mtu=None,
-                 adv_reachable_time=None,
-                 adv_retrans_timer=None,
-                 adv_cur_hop_limit=None,
-                 adv_default_lifetime=None,
-                 adv_default_preference=None,
-                 adv_source_ll_address=None,
-                 adv_home_agent_flag=None,
-                 adv_home_agent_info=None,
-                 home_agent_lifetime=None,
-                 home_agent_preference=None,
-                 adv_mob_rtr_support_flag=None,
-                 adv_interval_opt=None,
-                 adv_on_link=radvd_constants.ADV_ON_LINK_ON,
-                 adv_autonomous=radvd_constants.ADV_AUTONOMOUS_ON,
-                 adv_router_addr=None,
-                 adv_valid_lifetime=None,
-                 adv_preferred_lifetime=None,
-                 base_6to4_interface=None,
-                 adv_route_lifetime=None,
-                 adv_route_preference=None,
-                 adv_rdnss_preference=None,
-                 adv_rdnss_open=None,
-                 adv_rdnss_lifetime=None):
-        """Construct a RadvdConfig.
-        Args:
-            prefix: IPv6 prefix and length, ie fd::/64
-            clients: A list of IPv6 link local addresses that will be the only
-                clients served.  All other IPv6 addresses will be ignored if
-                this list is present.
-            route: A route for the router advertisement with prefix.
-            rdnss: A list of recursive DNS servers
-            ignore_if_missing: A flag indicating whether or not the interface
-                is ignored if it does not exist at start-up. By default,
-                radvd exits.
-            adv_send_advert: A flag indicating whether or not the router sends
-                periodic router advertisements and responds to router
-                solicitations.
-            unicast_only: Indicates that the interface link type only supports
-                unicast.
-            max_rtr_adv_interval:The maximum time allowed between sending
-                unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface,
-                in seconds. Must be no less than 4 seconds and no greater than
-                1800 seconds.
-            min_rtr_adv_interval: The minimum time allowed between sending
-                unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface,
-                in seconds. Must be no less than 3 seconds and no greater than
-                0.75 * max_rtr_adv_interval.
-            min_delay_between_ras: The minimum time allowed between sending
-                multicast router advertisements from the interface, in seconds.,
-            adv_managed_flag: When set, hosts use the administered (stateful)
-                protocol for address autoconfiguration in addition to any
-                addresses autoconfigured using stateless address
-                autoconfiguration. The use of this flag is described in
-                RFC 4862.
-            adv_other_config_flag: When set, hosts use the administered
-                (stateful) protocol for autoconfiguration of other (non-address)
-                information. The use of this flag is described in RFC 4862.
-            adv_link_mtu: The MTU option is used in router advertisement
-                messages to insure that all nodes on a link use the same MTU
-                value in those cases where the link MTU is not well known.
-            adv_reachable_time: The time, in milliseconds, that a node assumes
-                a neighbor is reachable after having received a reachability
-                confirmation. Used by the Neighbor Unreachability Detection
-                algorithm (see Section 7.3 of RFC 4861). A value of zero means
-                unspecified (by this router).
-            adv_retrans_timer: The time, in milliseconds, between retransmitted
-                Neighbor Solicitation messages. Used by address resolution and
-                the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm (see Sections
-                7.2 and 7.3 of RFC 4861). A value of zero means unspecified
-                (by this router).
-            adv_cur_hop_limit: The default value that should be placed in the
-                Hop Count field of the IP header for outgoing (unicast) IP
-                packets. The value should be set to the current diameter of the
-                Internet. The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
-            adv_default_lifetime: The lifetime associated with the default
-                router in units of seconds. The maximum value corresponds to
-                18.2 hours. A lifetime of 0 indicates that the router is not a
-                default router and should not appear on the default router list.
-                The router lifetime applies only to the router's usefulness as
-                a default router; it does not apply to information contained in
-                other message fields or options. Options that need time limits
-                for their information include their own lifetime fields.
-            adv_default_preference: The preference associated with the default
-                router, as either "low", "medium", or "high".
-            adv_source_ll_address: When set, the link-layer address of the
-                outgoing interface is included in the RA.
-            adv_home_agent_flag: When set, indicates that sending router is able
-                to serve as Mobile IPv6 Home Agent. When set, minimum limits
-                specified by Mobile IPv6 are used for MinRtrAdvInterval and
-                MaxRtrAdvInterval.
-            adv_home_agent_info: When set, Home Agent Information Option
-                (specified by Mobile IPv6) is included in Router Advertisements.
-                adv_home_agent_flag must also be set when using this option.
-            home_agent_lifetime: The length of time in seconds (relative to the
-                time the packet is sent) that the router is offering Mobile IPv6
-                 Home Agent services. A value 0 must not be used. The maximum
-                 lifetime is 65520 seconds (18.2 hours). This option is ignored,
-                 if adv_home_agent_info is not set.
-            home_agent_preference: The preference for the Home Agent sending
-                this Router Advertisement. Values greater than 0 indicate more
-                preferable Home Agent, values less than 0 indicate less
-                preferable Home Agent. This option is ignored, if
-                adv_home_agent_info is not set.
-            adv_mob_rtr_support_flag: When set, the Home Agent signals it
-                supports Mobile Router registrations (specified by NEMO Basic).
-                adv_home_agent_info must also be set when using this option.
-            adv_interval_opt: When set, Advertisement Interval Option
-                (specified by Mobile IPv6) is included in Router Advertisements.
-                When set, minimum limits specified by Mobile IPv6 are used for
-                MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval.
-            adv_on_linkWhen set, indicates that this prefix can be used for
-                on-link determination. When not set the advertisement makes no
-                statement about on-link or off-link properties of the prefix.
-                For instance, the prefix might be used for address configuration
-                 with some of the addresses belonging to the prefix being
-                 on-link and others being off-link.
-            adv_autonomous: When set, indicates that this prefix can be used for
-                autonomous address configuration as specified in RFC 4862.
-            adv_router_addr: When set, indicates that the address of interface
-                is sent instead of network prefix, as is required by Mobile
-                IPv6. When set, minimum limits specified by Mobile IPv6 are used
-                for MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval.
-            adv_valid_lifetime: The length of time in seconds (relative to the
-                time the packet is sent) that the prefix is valid for the
-                purpose of on-link determination. The symbolic value infinity
-                represents infinity (i.e. a value of all one bits (0xffffffff)).
-                 The valid lifetime is also used by RFC 4862.
-            adv_preferred_lifetimeThe length of time in seconds (relative to the
-                time the packet is sent) that addresses generated from the
-                prefix via stateless address autoconfiguration remain preferred.
-                The symbolic value infinity represents infinity (i.e. a value of
-                all one bits (0xffffffff)). See RFC 4862.
-            base_6to4_interface: If this option is specified, this prefix will
-                be combined with the IPv4 address of interface name to produce
-                a valid 6to4 prefix. The first 16 bits of this prefix will be
-                replaced by 2002 and the next 32 bits of this prefix will be
-                replaced by the IPv4 address assigned to interface name at
-                configuration time. The remaining 80 bits of the prefix
-                (including the SLA ID) will be advertised as specified in the
-                configuration file.
-            adv_route_lifetime: The lifetime associated with the route in units
-                of seconds. The symbolic value infinity represents infinity
-                (i.e. a value of all one bits (0xffffffff)).
-            adv_route_preference: The preference associated with the default
-                router, as either "low", "medium", or "high".
-            adv_rdnss_preference: The preference of the DNS server, compared to
-                other DNS servers advertised and used. 0 to 7 means less
-                important than manually configured nameservers in resolv.conf,
-                while 12 to 15 means more important.
-            adv_rdnss_open: "Service Open" flag. When set, indicates that RDNSS
-                continues to be available to hosts even if they moved to a
-                different subnet.
-            adv_rdnss_lifetime: The maximum duration how long the RDNSS entries
-                are used for name resolution. A value of 0 means the nameserver
-                should no longer be used. The maximum duration how long the
-                RDNSS entries are used for name resolution. A value of 0 means
-                the nameserver should no longer be used. The value, if not 0,
-                must be at least max_rtr_adv_interval. To ensure stale RDNSS
-                info gets removed in a timely fashion, this should not be
-                greater than 2*max_rtr_adv_interval.
-        """
-        self._prefix = prefix
-        self._clients = clients
-        self._route = route
-        self._rdnss = rdnss
-        self._ignore_if_missing = ignore_if_missing
-        self._adv_send_advert = adv_send_advert
-        self._unicast_only = unicast_only
-        self._max_rtr_adv_interval = max_rtr_adv_interval
-        self._min_rtr_adv_interval = min_rtr_adv_interval
-        self._min_delay_between_ras = min_delay_between_ras
-        self._adv_managed_flag = adv_managed_flag
-        self._adv_other_config_flag = adv_other_config_flag
-        self._adv_link_mtu = adv_link_mtu
-        self._adv_reachable_time = adv_reachable_time
-        self._adv_retrans_timer = adv_retrans_timer
-        self._adv_cur_hop_limit = adv_cur_hop_limit
-        self._adv_default_lifetime = adv_default_lifetime
-        self._adv_default_preference = adv_default_preference
-        self._adv_source_ll_address = adv_source_ll_address
-        self._adv_home_agent_flag = adv_home_agent_flag
-        self._adv_home_agent_info = adv_home_agent_info
-        self._home_agent_lifetime = home_agent_lifetime
-        self._home_agent_preference = home_agent_preference
-        self._adv_mob_rtr_support_flag = adv_mob_rtr_support_flag
-        self._adv_interval_opt = adv_interval_opt
-        self._adv_on_link = adv_on_link
-        self._adv_autonomous = adv_autonomous
-        self._adv_router_addr = adv_router_addr
-        self._adv_valid_lifetime = adv_valid_lifetime
-        self._adv_preferred_lifetime = adv_preferred_lifetime
-        self._base_6to4_interface = base_6to4_interface
-        self._adv_route_lifetime = adv_route_lifetime
-        self._adv_route_preference = adv_route_preference
-        self._adv_rdnss_preference = adv_rdnss_preference
-        self._adv_rdnss_open = adv_rdnss_open
-        self._adv_rdnss_lifetime = adv_rdnss_lifetime
-    def package_configs(self):
-        conf = dict()
-        conf['prefix'] = self._prefix
-        conf['clients'] = self._clients
-        conf['route'] = self._route
-        conf['rdnss'] = self._rdnss
-        conf['interface_options'] = collections.OrderedDict(
-            filter(lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
-                   (('IgnoreIfMissing', self._ignore_if_missing),
-                    ('AdvSendAdvert', self._adv_send_advert),
-                    ('UnicastOnly', self._unicast_only),
-                    ('MaxRtrAdvInterval', self._max_rtr_adv_interval),
-                    ('MinRtrAdvInterval', self._min_rtr_adv_interval),
-                    ('MinDelayBetweenRAs', self._min_delay_between_ras),
-                    ('AdvManagedFlag', self._adv_managed_flag),
-                    ('AdvOtherConfigFlag', self._adv_other_config_flag),
-                    ('AdvLinkMTU', self._adv_link_mtu),
-                    ('AdvReachableTime', self._adv_reachable_time),
-                    ('AdvRetransTimer', self._adv_retrans_timer),
-                    ('AdvCurHopLimit', self._adv_cur_hop_limit),
-                    ('AdvDefaultLifetime', self._adv_default_lifetime),
-                    ('AdvDefaultPreference', self._adv_default_preference),
-                    ('AdvSourceLLAddress', self._adv_source_ll_address),
-                    ('AdvHomeAgentFlag', self._adv_home_agent_flag),
-                    ('AdvHomeAgentInfo', self._adv_home_agent_info),
-                    ('HomeAgentLifetime', self._home_agent_lifetime),
-                    ('HomeAgentPreference', self._home_agent_preference),
-                    ('AdvMobRtrSupportFlag', self._adv_mob_rtr_support_flag),
-                    ('AdvIntervalOpt', self._adv_interval_opt))))
-        conf['prefix_options'] = collections.OrderedDict(
-            filter(lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
-                   (('AdvOnLink', self._adv_on_link),
-                    ('AdvAutonomous', self._adv_autonomous),
-                    ('AdvRouterAddr', self._adv_router_addr),
-                    ('AdvValidLifetime', self._adv_valid_lifetime),
-                    ('AdvPreferredLifetime', self._adv_preferred_lifetime),
-                    ('Base6to4Interface', self._base_6to4_interface))))
-        conf['route_options'] = collections.OrderedDict(
-            filter(lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
-                   (('AdvRouteLifetime', self._adv_route_lifetime),
-                    ('AdvRoutePreference', self._adv_route_preference))))
-        conf['rdnss_options'] = collections.OrderedDict(
-            filter(lambda pair: pair[1] is not None,
-                   (('AdvRDNSSPreference', self._adv_rdnss_preference),
-                    ('AdvRDNSSOpen', self._adv_rdnss_open),
-                    ('AdvRDNSSLifetime', self._adv_rdnss_lifetime))))
-        return conf
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_constants.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_constants.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 172a660..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-DEFAULT_PREFIX = 'fd00::/64'
-ADV_ON_LINK_ON = 'on'
-ADV_ON_LINK_OFF = 'off'
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/actiontec.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/actiontec.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78931e9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/actiontec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def actiontec_pk5000(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                     channel=None,
-                     security=None,
-                     ssid=None):
-    """A simulated implementation of what a Actiontec PK5000 AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4 interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.  Only 2.4Ghz is supported for this profile
-        security: A security profile.  Must be none or WPA2 as this is what is
-            supported by the PK5000.
-        ssid: Network name
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config
-    Differences from real pk5000:
-        Supported Rates IE:
-            PK5000: Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54
-            Simulated: Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                       Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-    """
-    if channel > 11:
-        # Technically this should be 14 but since the PK5000 is a US only AP,
-        # 11 is the highest allowable channel.
-        raise ValueError('The Actiontec PK5000 does not support 5Ghz. '
-                         'Invalid channel (%s)' % channel)
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    interface = iface_wlan_2g
-    short_preamble = False
-    force_wmm = False
-    beacon_interval = 100
-    dtim_period = 3
-    # Sets the basic rates and supported rates of the PK5000
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(
-        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES,
-        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11G,
-        force_wmm=force_wmm,
-        beacon_interval=beacon_interval,
-        dtim_period=dtim_period,
-        short_preamble=short_preamble,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def actiontec_mi424wr(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                      channel=None,
-                      security=None,
-                      ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    """A simulated implementation of an Actiontec MI424WR AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use (2.4Ghz or 5Ghz).
-        security: A security profile.
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real MI424WR:
-        HT Capabilities:
-            MI424WR:
-                HT Rx STBC: Support for 1, 2, and 3
-            Simulated:
-                HT Rx STBC: Support for 1
-        HT Information:
-            MI424WR:
-                RIFS: Premitted
-            Simulated:
-                RIFS: Prohibited
-    """
-    if channel > 11:
-        raise ValueError('The Actiontec MI424WR does not support 5Ghz. '
-                         'Invalid channel (%s)' % channel)
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1
-    ]
-    rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                              hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-    # Proprietary Atheros Communication: Adv Capability IE
-    # Proprietary Atheros Communication: Unknown IE
-    # Country Info: US Only IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd0900037f01010000ff7f'
-        'dd0a00037f04010000000000'
-        '0706555320010b1b'
-    }
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=True,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/asus.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/asus.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 376d02c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/asus.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def asus_rtac66u(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                 iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                 channel=None,
-                 security=None,
-                 ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTAC66U AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile.  Must be none or WPA2 as this is what is
-            supported by the RTAC66U.
-        ssid: Network name
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config
-    Differences from real RTAC66U:
-        2.4 GHz:
-            Rates:
-                RTAC66U:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-            HT Capab:
-                Info
-                    RTAC66U: Green Field supported
-                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
-        5GHz:
-            VHT Capab:
-                RTAC66U:
-                    SU Beamformer Supported,
-                    SU Beamformee Supported,
-                    Beamformee STS Capability: 3,
-                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 3,
-                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
-                Simulated:
-                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
-            VHT Operation Info:
-                RTAC66U: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
-                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
-            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
-                RTAC66U: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
-                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
-        Both:
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    RTAC66U: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-            HT Info:
-                RTAC66U: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    vht_channel_width = 20
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20
-    ]
-    # WPS IE
-    # Broadcom IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd310050f204104a00011010440001021047001093689729d373c26cb1563c6c570f33'
-        'd7103c0001031049000600372a000120'
-        'dd090010180200001c0000'
-    }
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-        ac_capabilities = None
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
-        ac_capabilities = [
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7
-        ]
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=3,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def asus_rtac86u(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                 iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                 channel=None,
-                 security=None,
-                 ssid=None):
-    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTAC86U AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile.  Must be none or WPA2 as this is what is
-            supported by the RTAC86U.
-        ssid: Network name
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config
-    Differences from real RTAC86U:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                RTAC86U:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-        5GHz:
-            Country Code:
-                Simulated: Has two country code IEs, one that matches
-                the actual, and another explicit IE that was required for
-                hostapd's 802.11d to work.
-        Both:
-            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
-                RTAC86U:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-                Simulated:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    qbss = {'bss_load_update_period': 50, 'chan_util_avg_period': 600}
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        spectrum_mgmt = False
-        # Measurement Pilot Transmission IE
-        vendor_elements = {'vendor_elements': '42020000'}
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        spectrum_mgmt = True,
-        # Country Information IE (w/ individual channel info)
-        # TPC Report Transmit Power IE
-        # Measurement Pilot Transmission IE
-        vendor_elements = {
-            'vendor_elements':
-            '074255532024011e28011e2c011e30011e34011e38011e3c011e40011e64011e'
-            '68011e6c011e70011e74011e84011e88011e8c011e95011e99011e9d011ea1011e'
-            'a5011e'
-            '23021300'
-            '42020000'
-        }
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, qbss, vendor_elements)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=False,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=3,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        spectrum_mgmt_required=spectrum_mgmt,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def asus_rtac5300(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                  iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                  channel=None,
-                  security=None,
-                  ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTAC5300 AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile.  Must be none or WPA2 as this is what is
-            supported by the RTAC5300.
-        ssid: Network name
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config
-    Differences from real RTAC5300:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                RTAC86U:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-        5GHz:
-            VHT Capab:
-                RTAC5300:
-                    SU Beamformer Supported,
-                    SU Beamformee Supported,
-                    Beamformee STS Capability: 4,
-                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 4,
-                    MU Beamformer Supported,
-                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
-                Simulated:
-                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
-            VHT Operation Info:
-                RTAC5300: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
-                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
-            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
-                RTAC5300: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
-                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
-        Both:
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    RTAC5300: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-            HT Info:
-                RTAC5300: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    vht_channel_width = 20
-    qbss = {'bss_load_update_period': 50, 'chan_util_avg_period': 600}
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20
-    ]
-    # Broadcom IE
-    vendor_elements = {'vendor_elements': 'dd090010180200009c0000'}
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-        # AsusTek IE
-        # Epigram 2.4GHz IE
-        vendor_elements['vendor_elements'] += 'dd25f832e4010101020100031411b5' \
-        '2fd437509c30b3d7f5cf5754fb125aed3b8507045aed3b85' \
-        'dd1e00904c0418bf0cb2798b0faaff0000aaff0000c0050001000000c3020002'
-        ac_capabilities = None
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
-        # Epigram 5GHz IE
-        vendor_elements['vendor_elements'] += 'dd0500904c0410'
-        ac_capabilities = [
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7
-        ]
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, qbss, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=3,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def asus_rtn56u(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                channel=None,
-                security=None,
-                ssid=None):
-    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTN56U AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile.  Must be none or WPA2 as this is what is
-            supported by the RTN56U.
-        ssid: Network name
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config
-    Differences from real RTN56U:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                RTN56U:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-        Both:
-            Fixed Parameters:
-                RTN56U: APSD Implemented
-                Simulated: APSD Not Implemented
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    RTN56U: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
-                RTN56U:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-                Simulated:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    qbss = {'bss_load_update_period': 50, 'chan_util_avg_period': 600}
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1
-    ]
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        # Ralink Technology IE
-        # US Country Code IE
-        # AP Channel Report IEs (2)
-        # WPS IE
-        vendor_elements = {
-            'vendor_elements':
-            'dd07000c4307000000'
-            '0706555320010b14'
-            '33082001020304050607'
-            '33082105060708090a0b'
-            'dd270050f204104a000110104400010210470010bc329e001dd811b286011c872c'
-            'd33448103c000101'
-        }
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        # Ralink Technology IE
-        # US Country Code IE
-        vendor_elements = {
-            'vendor_elements': 'dd07000c4307000000'
-            '0706555320010b14'
-        }
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements, qbss,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def asus_rtn66u(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                channel=None,
-                security=None,
-                ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    """A simulated implementation of an Asus RTN66U AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile.  Must be none or WPA2 as this is what is
-            supported by the RTN66U.
-        ssid: Network name
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config
-    Differences from real RTN66U:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                RTN66U:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-        Both:
-            HT Info:
-                RTN66U: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-            HT Capab:
-                Info:
-                    RTN66U: Green Field supported
-                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
-                A-MPDU
-                    RTN66U: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935
-    ]
-    # Broadcom IE
-    vendor_elements = {'vendor_elements': 'dd090010180200001c0000'}
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40)
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=3,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/belkin.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/belkin.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 957e214..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/belkin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def belkin_f9k1001v5(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                     channel=None,
-                     security=None,
-                     ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    """A simulated implementation of what a Belkin F9K1001v5 AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real F9K1001v5:
-        Rates:
-            F9K1001v5:
-                Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-            Simulated:
-                Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-        HT Info:
-            F9K1001v5:
-                RIFS: Permitted
-            Simulated:
-                RIFS: Prohibited
-        RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
-            F9K1001v5:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-            Simulated:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-    """
-    if channel > 11:
-        raise ValueError('The Belkin F9k1001v5 does not support 5Ghz. '
-                         'Invalid channel (%s)' % channel)
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40
-    ]
-    rates = additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(
-        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES,
-        hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES)
-    # Broadcom IE
-    # WPS IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd090010180200100c0000'
-        'dd180050f204104a00011010440001021049000600372a000120'
-    }
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=3,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/linksys.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/linksys.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d76f6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/linksys.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def linksys_ea4500(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                   iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                   channel=None,
-                   security=None,
-                   ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of what a Linksys EA4500 AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real EA4500:
-        CF (Contention-Free) Parameter IE:
-            EA4500: has CF Parameter IE
-            Simulated: does not have CF Parameter IE
-        HT Capab:
-            Info:
-                EA4500: Green Field supported
-                Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
-            A-MPDU
-                RTAC66U: MPDU Density 4
-                Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-        RSN Capab (w/ WPA2):
-            EA4500:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-            Simulated:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40
-    ]
-    # Epigram HT Capabilities IE
-    # Epigram HT Additional Capabilities IE
-    # Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd1e00904c33fc0117ffffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
-        'dd1a00904c3424000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
-        'dd06005043030000'
-    }
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        obss_interval = 180
-        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        obss_interval = None
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=True,
-        obss_interval=obss_interval,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def linksys_ea9500(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                   iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                   channel=None,
-                   security=None,
-                   ssid=None):
-    """A simulated implementation of what a Linksys EA9500 AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real EA9500:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                EA9500:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-        RSN Capab (w/ WPA2):
-            EA9500:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-            Simulated:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    qbss = {'bss_load_update_period': 50, 'chan_util_avg_period': 600}
-    # Measurement Pilot Transmission IE
-    vendor_elements = {'vendor_elements': '42020000'}
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11G
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11A
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, qbss, vendor_elements)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=False,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def linksys_wrt1900acv2(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                        iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                        channel=None,
-                        security=None,
-                        ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of what a Linksys WRT1900ACV2 AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real WRT1900ACV2:
-        5 GHz:
-            Simulated: Has two country code IEs, one that matches
-                the actual, and another explicit IE that was required for
-                hostapd's 802.11d to work.
-        Both:
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    WRT1900ACV2: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-            VHT Capab:
-                WRT1900ACV2:
-                    SU Beamformer Supported,
-                    SU Beamformee Supported,
-                    Beamformee STS Capability: 4,
-                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 4,
-                Simulated:
-                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
-            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
-                WRT1900ACV2:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-                Simulated:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40
-    ]
-    ac_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
-        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
-        hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7
-    ]
-    vht_channel_width = 20
-    # Epigram, Inc. HT Capabilities IE
-    # Epigram, Inc. HT Additional Capabilities IE
-    # Marvell Semiconductor IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd1e00904c336c0017ffffff0001000000000000000000000000001fff071800'
-        'dd1a00904c3424000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
-        'dd06005043030000'
-    }
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        obss_interval = 180
-        spectrum_mgmt = False
-        local_pwr_constraint = {}
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        obss_interval = None
-        spectrum_mgmt = True,
-        local_pwr_constraint = {'local_pwr_constraint': 3}
-        # Country Information IE (w/ individual channel info)
-        vendor_elements['vendor_elements'] += '071e5553202401112801112c011130' \
-            '01119501179901179d0117a10117a50117'
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED,
-                                          local_pwr_constraint)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=True,
-        obss_interval=obss_interval,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
-        spectrum_mgmt_required=spectrum_mgmt,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/netgear.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/netgear.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf9bc93..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/netgear.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def netgear_r7000(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                  iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                  channel=None,
-                  security=None,
-                  ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of what a Netgear R7000 AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real R7000:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                R7000:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48,
-        5GHz:
-            VHT Capab:
-                R7000:
-                    SU Beamformer Supported,
-                    SU Beamformee Supported,
-                    Beamformee STS Capability: 3,
-                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 3,
-                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
-                Simulated:
-                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
-            VHT Operation Info:
-                R7000: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
-                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
-            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
-                R7000: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
-                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
-        Both:
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    R7000: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-            HT Info:
-                R7000: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-            RM Capabilities:
-                R7000:
-                    Beacon Table Measurement: Not Supported
-                    Statistic Measurement: Enabled
-                    AP Channel Report Capability: Enabled
-                Simulated:
-                    Beacon Table Measurement: Supported
-                    Statistic Measurement: Disabled
-                    AP Channel Report Capability: Disabled
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    vht_channel_width = 80
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-    ]
-    # Netgear IE
-    # WPS IE
-    # Epigram, Inc. IE
-    # Broadcom IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd0600146c000000'
-        'dd310050f204104a00011010440001021047001066189606f1e967f9c0102048817a7'
-        '69e103c0001031049000600372a000120'
-        'dd1e00904c0408bf0cb259820feaff0000eaff0000c0050001000000c3020002'
-        'dd090010180200001c0000'
-    }
-    qbss = {'bss_load_update_period': 50, 'chan_util_avg_period': 600}
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-        obss_interval = 300
-        ac_capabilities = None
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
-        n_capabilities += [
-            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-        ]
-        if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
-            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
-        elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
-            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS)
-        obss_interval = None
-        ac_capabilities = [
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7
-        ]
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(
-        rates, vendor_elements, qbss,
-        hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT,
-        hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT,
-        hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=2,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        obss_interval=obss_interval,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def netgear_wndr3400(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                     iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                     channel=None,
-                     security=None,
-                     ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS on 5GHz once it is supported
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of what a Netgear WNDR3400 AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real WNDR3400:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                WNDR3400:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48,
-        5GHz:
-            HT Info:
-                WNDR3400: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-        Both:
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    WNDR3400: MPDU Density 16
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-                Info
-                    WNDR3400: Green Field supported
-                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40
-    ]
-    # WPS IE
-    # Broadcom IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd310050f204104a0001101044000102104700108c403eb883e7e225ab139828703ade'
-        'dc103c0001031049000600372a000120'
-        'dd090010180200f0040000'
-    }
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        obss_interval = 300
-        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40)
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        obss_interval = None
-        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=2,
-        short_preamble=False,
-        obss_interval=obss_interval,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/securifi.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/securifi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b552b28..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/securifi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def securifi_almond(iface_wlan_2g=None, channel=None, security=None,
-                    ssid=None):
-    """A simulated implementation of a Securifi Almond AP
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real Almond:
-            Rates:
-                Almond:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    Almond: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-            RSN Capab (w/ WPA2):
-                Almond:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-                Simulated:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-    """
-    if channel > 11:
-        raise ValueError('The Securifi Almond does not support 5Ghz. '
-                         'Invalid channel (%s)' % channel)
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40
-    ]
-    rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES,
-                              hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES)
-    # Ralink Technology IE
-    # Country Information IE
-    # AP Channel Report IEs
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd07000c4307000000'
-        '0706555320010b14'
-        '33082001020304050607'
-        '33082105060708090a0b'
-    }
-    qbss = {'bss_load_update_period': 50, 'chan_util_avg_period': 600}
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements, qbss)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=True,
-        obss_interval=300,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/tplink.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/tplink.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8911e3e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/third_party_ap_profiles/tplink.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_utils
-def tplink_archerc5(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                    iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                    channel=None,
-                    security=None,
-                    ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink ArcherC5 AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real ArcherC5:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                ArcherC5:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-            HT Capab:
-                Info:
-                    ArcherC5: Green Field supported
-                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
-        5GHz:
-            VHT Capab:
-                ArcherC5:
-                    SU Beamformer Supported,
-                    SU Beamformee Supported,
-                    Beamformee STS Capability: 3,
-                    Number of Sounding Dimensions: 3,
-                    VHT Link Adaptation: Both
-                Simulated:
-                    Above are not supported on Whirlwind.
-            VHT Operation Info:
-                ArcherC5: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
-                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
-            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
-                ArcherC5: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 1.0 dBm
-                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
-        Both:
-            HT Capab:
-                A-MPDU
-                    ArcherC5: MPDU Density 4
-                    Simulated: MPDU Density 8
-            HT Info:
-                ArcherC5: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    vht_channel_width = 20
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935
-    ]
-    # WPS IE
-    # Broadcom IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd310050f204104a000110104400010210470010d96c7efc2f8938f1efbd6e5148bfa8'
-        '12103c0001031049000600372a000120'
-        'dd090010180200001c0000'
-    }
-    qbss = {'bss_load_update_period': 50, 'chan_util_avg_period': 600}
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        short_preamble = True
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40)
-        ac_capabilities = None
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        short_preamble = False
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
-        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC)
-        ac_capabilities = [
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
-        ]
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(
-        rates, vendor_elements, qbss,
-        hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT,
-        hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT,
-        hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=short_preamble,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def tplink_archerc7(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                    iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                    channel=None,
-                    security=None,
-                    ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink ArcherC7 AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real ArcherC7:
-        5GHz:
-            Country Code:
-                Simulated: Has two country code IEs, one that matches
-                the actual, and another explicit IE that was required for
-                hostapd's 802.11d to work.
-        Both:
-            HT Info:
-                ArcherC7: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-            RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
-                ArcherC7:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-                Simulated:
-                    RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    vht_channel_width = 80
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1
-    ]
-    # Atheros IE
-    # WPS IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd0900037f01010000ff7f'
-        'dd180050f204104a00011010440001021049000600372a000120'
-    }
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        short_preamble = True
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-        spectrum_mgmt = False
-        pwr_constraint = {}
-        ac_capabilities = None
-        vht_channel_width = None
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        short_preamble = False
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
-        spectrum_mgmt = True
-        # Country Information IE (w/ individual channel info)
-        vendor_elements['vendor_elements'] += (
-            '074255532024011e28011e2c011e30'
-            '011e3401173801173c01174001176401176801176c0117700117740117840117'
-            '8801178c011795011e99011e9d011ea1011ea5011e')
-        pwr_constraint = {'local_pwr_constraint': 3}
-        n_capabilities += [
-            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-            hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935
-        ]
-        if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
-            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS)
-        elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
-            n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS)
-        ac_capabilities = [
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN
-        ]
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED,
-                                          pwr_constraint)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=short_preamble,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
-        spectrum_mgmt_required=spectrum_mgmt,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def tplink_c1200(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                 iface_wlan_5g=None,
-                 channel=None,
-                 security=None,
-                 ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    # TODO(b/144446076): Address non-whirlwind hardware capabilities.
-    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink C1200 AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        iface_wlan_5g: The 5GHz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real C1200:
-        2.4GHz:
-            Rates:
-                C1200:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 18, 24, 36, 54
-                    Extended: 6, 9, 12, 48
-                Simulated:
-                    Supported: 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18
-                    Extended: 24, 36, 48, 54
-            HT Capab:
-                Info:
-                    C1200: Green Field supported
-                    Simulated: Green Field not supported on Whirlwind.
-        5GHz:
-            VHT Operation Info:
-                C1200: Basic MCS Map (0x0000)
-                Simulated: Basic MCS Map (0xfffc)
-            VHT Tx Power Envelope:
-                C1200: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 7.0 dBm
-                Simulated: Local Max Tx Pwr Constraint: 23.0 dBm
-        Both:
-            HT Info:
-                C1200: RIFS Permitted
-                Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-    """
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_5g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_5G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    # Common Parameters
-    rates = hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES
-    vht_channel_width = 20
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935
-    ]
-    # WPS IE
-    # Broadcom IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd350050f204104a000110104400010210470010000000000000000000000000000000'
-        '00103c0001031049000a00372a00012005022688'
-        'dd090010180200000c0000'
-    }
-    # 2.4GHz
-    if channel <= 11:
-        interface = iface_wlan_2g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES)
-        short_preamble = True
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED
-        ac_capabilities = None
-    # 5GHz
-    else:
-        interface = iface_wlan_5g
-        rates.update(hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        short_preamble = False
-        mode = hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED
-        n_capabilities.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC)
-        ac_capabilities = [
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-            hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
-        ]
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(
-        rates, vendor_elements, hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_BEACON_REPORT,
-        hostapd_constants.ENABLE_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT,
-        hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=interface,
-        mode=mode,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=short_preamble,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-        vht_channel_width=vht_channel_width,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
-def tplink_tlwr940n(iface_wlan_2g=None,
-                    channel=None,
-                    security=None,
-                    ssid=None):
-    # TODO(b/143104825): Permit RIFS once it is supported
-    """A simulated implementation of an TPLink TLWR940N AP.
-    Args:
-        iface_wlan_2g: The 2.4Ghz interface of the test AP.
-        channel: What channel to use.
-        security: A security profile (None or WPA2).
-        ssid: The network name.
-    Returns:
-        A hostapd config.
-    Differences from real TLWR940N:
-        HT Info:
-            TLWR940N: RIFS Permitted
-            Simulated: RIFS Prohibited
-        RSN Capabilities (w/ WPA2):
-            TLWR940N:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 1
-            Simulated:
-                RSN PTKSA Replay Counter Capab: 16
-    """
-    if channel > 11:
-        raise ValueError('The mock TP-Link TLWR940N does not support 5Ghz. '
-                         'Invalid channel (%s)' % channel)
-    # Verify interface and security
-    hostapd_utils.verify_interface(iface_wlan_2g,
-                                   hostapd_constants.INTERFACE_2G_LIST)
-    hostapd_utils.verify_security_mode(security,
-                                       [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2])
-    if security:
-        hostapd_utils.verify_cipher(security,
-                                    [hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER])
-    n_capabilities = [
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-        hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1
-    ]
-    rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_BASIC_RATES,
-                              hostapd_constants.CCK_AND_OFDM_DATA_RATES)
-    # Atheros Communications, Inc. IE
-    # WPS IE
-    vendor_elements = {
-        'vendor_elements':
-        'dd0900037f01010000ff7f'
-        'dd260050f204104a0001101044000102104900140024e2600200010160000002000160'
-        '0100020001'
-    }
-    additional_params = utils.merge_dicts(rates, vendor_elements,
-                                          hostapd_constants.UAPSD_ENABLED)
-    config = hostapd_config.HostapdConfig(
-        ssid=ssid,
-        channel=channel,
-        hidden=False,
-        security=security,
-        interface=iface_wlan_2g,
-        mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-        force_wmm=True,
-        beacon_interval=100,
-        dtim_period=1,
-        short_preamble=True,
-        n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-        additional_parameters=additional_params)
-    return config
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management.py b/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd5b3b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from typing import List, NewType, Optional
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import NeighborReportElement
-BssTransitionCandidateList = NewType('BssTransitionCandidateList',
-                                     List[NeighborReportElement])
-class BssTerminationDuration:
-    """Representation of BSS Termination Duration subelement.
-    See IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-341.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, duration: int):
-        """Create a BSS Termination Duration subelement.
-        Args:
-            duration: number of minutes the BSS will be offline.
-        """
-        # Note: hostapd does not currently support setting BSS Termination TSF,
-        # which is the other value held in this subelement.
-        self._duration = duration
-    @property
-    def duration(self) -> int:
-        return self._duration
-class BssTransitionManagementRequest:
-    """Representation of BSS Transition Management request.
-    See IEEE 802.11-2020
-    """
-    def __init__(
-            self,
-            preferred_candidate_list_included: bool = False,
-            abridged: bool = False,
-            disassociation_imminent: bool = False,
-            ess_disassociation_imminent: bool = False,
-            disassociation_timer: int = 0,
-            validity_interval: int = 1,
-            bss_termination_duration: Optional[BssTerminationDuration] = None,
-            session_information_url: Optional[str] = None,
-            candidate_list: Optional[BssTransitionCandidateList] = None):
-        """Create a BSS Transition Management request.
-        Args:
-            preferred_candidate_list_included: whether the candidate list is a
-                preferred candidate list, or (if False) a list of known
-                candidates.
-            abridged: whether a preference value of 0 is assigned to all BSSIDs
-                that do not appear in the candidate list, or (if False) AP has
-                no recommendation for/against anything not in the candidate
-                list.
-            disassociation_imminent: whether the STA is about to be
-                disassociated by the AP.
-            ess_disassociation_imminent: whether the STA will be disassociated
-                from the ESS.
-            disassociation_timer: the number of beacon transmission times
-                (TBTTs) until the AP disassociates this STA (default 0, meaning
-                AP has not determined when it will disassociate this STA).
-            validity_interval: number of TBTTs until the candidate list is no
-                longer valid (default 1).
-            bss_termination_duration: BSS Termination Duration subelement.
-            session_information_url: this URL is included if ESS disassociation
-                is immiment.
-            candidate_list: zero or more neighbor report elements.
-        """
-        # Request mode field, see IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-924.
-        self._preferred_candidate_list_included = preferred_candidate_list_included
-        self._abridged = abridged
-        self._disassociation_imminent = disassociation_imminent
-        self._ess_disassociation_imminent = ess_disassociation_imminent
-        # Disassociation Timer, see IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-925
-        self._disassociation_timer = disassociation_timer
-        # Validity Interval, see IEEE 802.11-2020
-        self._validity_interval = validity_interval
-        # BSS Termination Duration, see IEEE 802.11-2020 and Figure 9-341
-        self._bss_termination_duration = bss_termination_duration
-        # Session Information URL, see IEEE 802.11-2020 Figure 9-926
-        self._session_information_url = session_information_url
-        # BSS Transition Candidate List Entries, IEEE 802.11-2020
-        self._candidate_list = candidate_list
-    @property
-    def preferred_candidate_list_included(self) -> bool:
-        return self._preferred_candidate_list_included
-    @property
-    def abridged(self) -> bool:
-        return self._abridged
-    @property
-    def disassociation_imminent(self) -> bool:
-        return self._disassociation_imminent
-    @property
-    def bss_termination_included(self) -> bool:
-        return self._bss_termination_duration is not None
-    @property
-    def ess_disassociation_imminent(self) -> bool:
-        return self._ess_disassociation_imminent
-    @property
-    def disassociation_timer(self) -> Optional[int]:
-        if self.disassociation_imminent:
-            return self._disassociation_timer
-        # Otherwise, field is reserved.
-        return None
-    @property
-    def validity_interval(self) -> int:
-        return self._validity_interval
-    @property
-    def bss_termination_duration(self) -> Optional[BssTerminationDuration]:
-        return self._bss_termination_duration
-    @property
-    def session_information_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
-        return self._session_information_url
-    @property
-    def candidate_list(self) -> Optional[BssTransitionCandidateList]:
-        return self._candidate_list
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/arduino_wifi_dongle.py b/src/antlion/controllers/arduino_wifi_dongle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 18f57e9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/arduino_wifi_dongle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import threading
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-from serial import Serial
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME = 'arduino_wifi_dongles'
-WIFI_DONGLE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG = 'Configuration is empty, abort!'
-WIFI_DONGLE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG = 'Configuration should be a list, abort!'
-DEV = '/dev/'
-IP = 'IP: '
-SSID = 'SSID: '
-RSSI = 'RSSI: '
-PING = 'PING: '
-SCAN_BEGIN = 'Scan Begin'
-SCAN_END = 'Scan End'
-BAUD_RATE = 9600
-TMP_DIR = 'tmp/'
-PWD_KEY = 'password'
-class ArduinoWifiDongleError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-def create(configs):
-    """Creates ArduinoWifiDongle objects.
-    Args:
-        configs: A list of dicts or a list of serial numbers, each representing
-                 a configuration of a arduino wifi dongle.
-    Returns:
-        A list of Wifi dongle objects.
-    """
-    if not configs:
-        raise ArduinoWifiDongleError(WIFI_DONGLE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG)
-    elif not isinstance(configs, list):
-        raise ArduinoWifiDongleError(WIFI_DONGLE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG)
-    elif isinstance(configs[0], str):
-        # Configs is a list of serials.
-        return get_instances(configs)
-    else:
-        # Configs is a list of dicts.
-        return get_instances_with_configs(configs)
-def destroy(wcs):
-    for wc in wcs:
-        wc.clean_up()
-def get_instances(configs):
-    wcs = []
-    for s in configs:
-        wcs.append(ArduinoWifiDongle(s))
-    return wcs
-def get_instances_with_configs(configs):
-    wcs = []
-    for c in configs:
-        try:
-            s = c.pop('serial')
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ArduinoWifiDongleError(
-                '"serial" is missing for ArduinoWifiDongle config %s.' % c)
-        wcs.append(ArduinoWifiDongle(s))
-    return wcs
-class ArduinoWifiDongle(object):
-    """Class representing an arduino wifi dongle.
-    Each object of this class represents one wifi dongle in ACTS.
-    Attribtues:
-        serial: Short serial number of the wifi dongle in string.
-        port: The terminal port the dongle is connected to in string.
-        log: A logger adapted from root logger with added token specific to an
-             ArduinoWifiDongle instance.
-        log_file_fd: File handle of the log file.
-        set_logging: Logging for the dongle is enabled when this param is set
-        lock: Lock to acquire and release set_logging variable
-        ssid: SSID of the wifi network the dongle is connected to.
-        ip_addr: IP address on the wifi interface.
-        scan_results: Most recent scan results.
-        ping: Ping status in bool - ping to www.google.com
-    """
-    def __init__(self, serial):
-        """Initializes the ArduinoWifiDongle object.
-        Args:
-            serial: The serial number for the wifi dongle.
-        """
-        if not serial:
-            raise ArduinoWifiDongleError(
-                'The ArduinoWifiDongle serial number must not be empty.')
-        self.serial = serial
-        self.port = self._get_serial_port()
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            'ArduinoWifiDongle|%s' % self.serial)
-        log_path_base = getattr(logging, 'log_path', '/tmp/logs')
-        self.log_file_path = os.path.join(
-            log_path_base, 'ArduinoWifiDongle_%s_serial_log.txt' % self.serial)
-        self.log_file_fd = open(self.log_file_path, 'a')
-        self.set_logging = True
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.start_controller_log()
-        self.ssid = None
-        self.ip_addr = None
-        self.status = 0
-        self.scan_results = []
-        self.scanning = False
-        self.ping = False
-        os.makedirs(TMP_DIR, exist_ok=True)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Cleans up the controller and releases any resources it claimed."""
-        self.stop_controller_log()
-        self.log_file_fd.close()
-    def _get_serial_port(self):
-        """Get the serial port for a given ArduinoWifiDongle serial number.
-        Returns:
-            Serial port in string if the dongle is attached.
-        """
-        cmd = 'ls %s' % DEV
-        serial_ports = utils.exe_cmd(cmd).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').split('\n')
-        for port in serial_ports:
-            if 'USB' not in port:
-                continue
-            tty_port = '%s%s' % (DEV, port)
-            cmd = 'udevadm info %s' % tty_port
-            udev_output = utils.exe_cmd(cmd).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
-            result = re.search('ID_SERIAL_SHORT=(.*)\n', udev_output)
-            if self.serial == result.group(1):
-                logging.info('Found wifi dongle %s at serial port %s' %
-                             (self.serial, tty_port))
-                return tty_port
-        raise ArduinoWifiDongleError('Wifi dongle %s is specified in config'
-                                     ' but is not attached.' % self.serial)
-    def write(self, arduino, file_path, network=None):
-        """Write an ino file to the arduino wifi dongle.
-        Args:
-            arduino: path of the arduino executable.
-            file_path: path of the ino file to flash onto the dongle.
-            network: wifi network to connect to.
-        Returns:
-            True: if the write is sucessful.
-            False: if not.
-        """
-        return_result = True
-        self.stop_controller_log('Flashing %s\n' % file_path)
-        cmd = arduino + file_path + ' --upload --port ' + self.port
-        if network:
-            cmd = self._update_ino_wifi_network(arduino, file_path, network)
-        self.log.info('Command is %s' % cmd)
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
-                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                shell=True)
-        _, _ = proc.communicate()
-        return_code = proc.returncode
-        if return_code != 0:
-            self.log.error('Failed to write file %s' % return_code)
-            return_result = False
-        self.start_controller_log('Flashing complete\n')
-        return return_result
-    def _update_ino_wifi_network(self, arduino, file_path, network):
-        """Update wifi network in the ino file.
-        Args:
-            arduino: path of the arduino executable.
-            file_path: path of the ino file to flash onto the dongle
-            network: wifi network to update the ino file with
-        Returns:
-            cmd: arduino command to run to flash the .ino file
-        """
-        tmp_file = '%s%s' % (TMP_DIR, file_path.split('/')[-1])
-        utils.exe_cmd('cp %s %s' % (file_path, tmp_file))
-        ssid = network[SSID_KEY]
-        pwd = network[PWD_KEY]
-        sed_cmd = 'sed -i \'s/"wifi_tethering_test"/"%s"/\' %s' % (
-            ssid, tmp_file)
-        utils.exe_cmd(sed_cmd)
-        sed_cmd = 'sed -i  \'s/"password"/"%s"/\' %s' % (pwd, tmp_file)
-        utils.exe_cmd(sed_cmd)
-        cmd = "%s %s --upload --port %s" % (arduino, tmp_file, self.port)
-        return cmd
-    def start_controller_log(self, msg=None):
-        """Reads the serial port and writes the data to ACTS log file.
-        This method depends on the logging enabled in the .ino files. The logs
-        are read from the serial port and are written to the ACTS log after
-        adding a timestamp to the data.
-        Args:
-            msg: Optional param to write to the log file.
-        """
-        if msg:
-            curr_time = str(datetime.now())
-            self.log_file_fd.write(curr_time + ' INFO: ' + msg)
-        t = threading.Thread(target=self._start_log)
-        t.daemon = True
-        t.start()
-    def stop_controller_log(self, msg=None):
-        """Stop the controller log.
-        Args:
-            msg: Optional param to write to the log file.
-        """
-        with self.lock:
-            self.set_logging = False
-        if msg:
-            curr_time = str(datetime.now())
-            self.log_file_fd.write(curr_time + ' INFO: ' + msg)
-    def _start_log(self):
-        """Target method called by start_controller_log().
-        This method is called as a daemon thread, which continuously reads the
-        serial port. Stops when set_logging is set to False or when the test
-        ends.
-        """
-        self.set_logging = True
-        ser = Serial(self.port, BAUD_RATE)
-        while True:
-            curr_time = str(datetime.now())
-            data = ser.readline().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
-            self._set_vars(data)
-            with self.lock:
-                if not self.set_logging:
-                    break
-            self.log_file_fd.write(curr_time + " " + data)
-    def _set_vars(self, data):
-        """Sets the variables by reading from the serial port.
-        Wifi dongle data such as wifi status, ip address, scan results
-        are read from the serial port and saved inside the class.
-        Args:
-            data: New line from the serial port.
-        """
-        # 'data' represents each line retrieved from the device's serial port.
-        # since we depend on the serial port logs to get the attributes of the
-        # dongle, every line has the format of {ino_file: method: param: value}.
-        # We look for the attribute in the log and retrieve its value.
-        # Ex: data = "connect_wifi: loop(): STATUS: 3" then val = "3"
-        # Similarly, we check when the scan has begun and ended and get all the
-        # scan results in between.
-        if data.count(':') != 3:
-            return
-        val = data.split(':')[-1].lstrip().rstrip()
-        if SCAN_BEGIN in data:
-            self.scan_results = []
-            self.scanning = True
-        elif SCAN_END in data:
-            self.scanning = False
-        elif self.scanning:
-            self.scan_results.append(data)
-        elif IP in data:
-            self.ip_addr = None if val == '' else val
-        elif SSID in data:
-            self.ssid = val
-        elif STATUS in data:
-            self.status = int(val)
-        elif PING in data:
-            self.ping = int(val) != 0
-    def ip_address(self, exp_result=True, timeout=READ_TIMEOUT):
-        """Get the ip address of the wifi dongle.
-        Args:
-            exp_result: True if IP address is expected (wifi connected).
-            timeout: Optional param that specifies the wait time for the IP
-                     address to come up on the dongle.
-        Returns:
-            IP: addr in string, if wifi connected.
-                None if not connected.
-        """
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < curr_time + timeout:
-            if (exp_result and self.ip_addr) or (
-                    not exp_result and not self.ip_addr):
-                break
-            time.sleep(1)
-        return self.ip_addr
-    def wifi_status(self, exp_result=True, timeout=READ_TIMEOUT):
-        """Get wifi status on the dongle.
-        Returns:
-            True: if wifi is connected.
-            False: if not connected.
-        """
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < curr_time + timeout:
-            if (exp_result and self.status == 3) or (
-                    not exp_result and not self.status):
-                break
-            time.sleep(1)
-        return self.status == 3
-    def wifi_scan(self, exp_result=True, timeout=READ_TIMEOUT):
-        """Get the wifi scan results.
-        Args:
-            exp_result: True if scan results are expected.
-            timeout: Optional param that specifies the wait time for the scan
-                     results to come up on the dongle.
-        Returns:
-            list of dictionaries each with SSID and RSSI of the network
-            found in the scan.
-        """
-        scan_networks = []
-        d = {}
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < curr_time + timeout:
-            if (exp_result and self.scan_results) or (
-                    not exp_result and not self.scan_results):
-                break
-            time.sleep(1)
-        for i in range(len(self.scan_results)):
-            if SSID in self.scan_results[i]:
-                d.clear()
-                d[SSID] = self.scan_results[i].split(':')[-1].rstrip()
-            elif RSSI in self.scan_results[i]:
-                d[RSSI] = self.scan_results[i].split(':')[-1].rstrip()
-                scan_networks.append(d)
-        return scan_networks
-    def ping_status(self, exp_result=True, timeout=READ_TIMEOUT):
-        """ Get ping status on the dongle.
-        Returns:
-            True: if ping is successful
-            False: if not successful
-        """
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < curr_time + timeout:
-            if (exp_result and self.ping) or (not exp_result and not self.ping):
-                break
-            time.sleep(1)
-        return self.ping
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/asus_axe11000_ap.py b/src/antlion/controllers/asus_axe11000_ap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d4372ac..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/asus_axe11000_ap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-"""Controller for Asus AXE11000 access point."""
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
-from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
-from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select
-# Access point UI parameters
-USERNAME = "login_username"
-PASSWORD = "login_passwd"
-SIGN_IN_ID = "button"
-APPLY_BUTTON = "apply_btn"
-APPLY_BUTTON_ID = "applyButton"
-WIRELESS_SETTINGS = "Advanced_Wireless_Content_menu"
-GENERAL_TAB = "Advanced_Wireless_Content_tab"
-PROFESSIONAL_TAB = "Advanced_WAdvanced_Content_tab"
-HE_MODE_ID = "he_mode_field"
-WL_UNIT = "wl_unit"
-WL_11AX = "wl_11ax"
-WL_RADIO = "wl_radio"
-WL_CLOSED = "wl_closed"
-RADIO = "radio"
-BAND_2G_CHANNEL = "band0_channel"
-BAND_5G_CHANNEL = "band1_channel"
-BAND_6G_CHANNEL = "band2_channel"
-BAND_2G_AUTH = "band0_auth_mode_x"
-BAND_5G_AUTH = "band1_auth_mode_x"
-BAND_6G_AUTH = "band2_auth_mode_x"
-BAND_2G_SSID = "band0_ssid"
-BAND_5G_SSID = "band1_ssid"
-BAND_6G_SSID = "band2_ssid"
-BAND_2G_PSK = "band0_wpa_psk"
-BAND_5G_PSK = "band1_wpa_psk"
-BAND_6G_PSK = "band2_wpa_psk"
-BAND_2G_RAD_IP = "band0_radius_ipaddr"
-BAND_5G_RAD_IP = "band1_radius_ipaddr"
-BAND_2G_RAD_PORT = "band0_radius_port"
-BAND_5G_RAD_PORT = "band1_radius_port"
-BAND_2G_RAD_KEY = "band0_radius_key"
-BAND_5G_RAD_KEY = "band1_radius_key"
-SMART_CONNECT = "smartcon_enable_field"
-# Access point supported modes, channels
-VALID_BANDS = ["2g", "5g", "6g"]
-WL_BAND_VALUE = {"2g": "0", "5g": "1", "6g": "2"}
-    0: "0",
-    1: "1",
-    2: "2",
-    3: "3",
-    4: "4",
-    5: "5",
-    6: "6",
-    7: "7",
-    8: "8",
-    9: "9",
-    10: "10",
-    11: "11"
-    0: "0",
-    36: "36/160",
-    40: "40/160",
-    44: "44/160",
-    48: "48/160",
-    52: "52/160",
-    56: "56/160",
-    60: "60/160",
-    64: "64/160",
-    100: "100/160",
-    104: "104/160",
-    108: "108/160",
-    112: "112/160",
-    116: "116/160",
-    120: "120/160",
-    124: "124/160",
-    128: "128/160",
-    132: "132/80",
-    136: "136/80",
-    140: "140/80",
-    144: "144/80",
-    149: "149/80",
-    153: "153/80",
-    157: "157/80",
-    161: "161/80",
-    165: "165"
-    0: "0",
-    37: "6g37/160",
-    53: "6g53/160",
-    69: "6g69/160",
-    85: "6g85/160",
-    101: "6g101/160",
-    117: "6g117/160",
-    133: "6g133/160",
-    149: "6g149/160",
-    165: "6g165/160",
-    181: "6g181/160",
-    197: "6g197/160",
-    213: "6g213/160"
-def create(configs):
-  """Creates ap controllers from a json config."""
-  return [AsusAXE11000AP(c) for c in configs]
-def destroy(aps):
-  """Destroys a list of ap controllers."""
-  for ap in aps:
-    ap.reset_to_default_ap_settings()
-    ap.driver.quit()
-class AsusAXE11000AP(object):
-  """Asus AXE11000 AccessPoint controller.
-  Controller class for Asus AXE11000 6GHz AP. This class provides methods to
-  configure the AP with different settings required for 11ax and 6GHz testing.
-  The controller uses chrome webdriver to communicate with the AP.
-  The controller object is initiated in the test class. The ACTS test runner
-  calls this controller using the 'AsusAXE11000AP' keyword in the ACTS config
-  file. The AP is reset to default settings and this is handled during the
-  test teardown.
-  Attributes:
-    ip: IP address to reach the AP.
-    port: Port numnber to reach the AP.
-    protocol: Protcol to reach the AP (http/https).
-    username: Username to login to the AP.
-    password: Password to login to the AP.
-    config_page: web url to login to the AP.
-    ap_settings: AP settings configured at any given point.
-    default_ap_settings: Default AP settings before running the tests.
-    driver: chrome webdriver object to update the settings.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, config):
-    """Initialize AP.
-    Creates a chrome webdriver object based on the router parameters.
-    The webdriver will login to the router and goes to the wireless settings
-    page. This object will be used to change the router settings required for
-    the test cases. Required parameters are <ip_address>, <port>, <protocol>,
-    <admin_username> and <admin_password>.
-    Url: <procotol>://<ip_address>:<port>/Main_Login.asp
-    Login: <admin_username>/<admin_password>
-    Args:
-      config: dict, dictionary of router parameters required for webdriver.
-    """
-    self.ip = config["ip_address"]
-    self.port = config["port"]
-    self.protocol = config["protocol"]
-    self.username = config["admin_username"]
-    self.password = config["admin_password"]
-    lambda_msg = lambda msg: "[AsusAXE11000AP|%s] %s" % (self.ip, msg)
-    self.log = logger.create_logger(lambda_msg)
-    self.ap_settings = {"2g": {}, "5g": {}, "6g": {},}
-    self.config_page = (
-        "{protocol}://{ip_address}:{port}/Main_Login.asp").format(
-            protocol=self.protocol, ip_address=self.ip, port=self.port)
-    self.chrome_options = Options()
-    self.chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")
-    self.chrome_options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
-    self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=self.chrome_options)
-    self.driver.implicitly_wait(BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT*2)
-    self.driver.get(self.config_page)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(USERNAME).send_keys(self.username)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(PASSWORD).send_keys(self.password)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(SIGN_IN_ID).click()
-    self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id,
-                               WIRELESS_SETTINGS)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(WIRELESS_SETTINGS).click()
-    self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id, SMART_CONNECT)
-    self._update_ap_settings()
-    self.default_ap_settings = self.ap_settings.copy()
-  ### Helper methods ###
-  def _wait_for_web_element(self,
-                            find_element,
-                            element,
-                            attribute=None,
-                            value=None):
-    """Verifies click actions/selections work.
-    Args:
-      find_element: func(), webdriver method to call
-      element: str, web element to look for. Ex: id, class, name
-      attribute: str, attribute to get from a webelement
-      value: str, verify attribute is set to the correct value
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred if expected attribute not found.
-    """
-    curr_time = time.time()
-    while time.time() < curr_time + BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT*4:
-      time.sleep(2)
-      try:
-        x = find_element(element)
-        if attribute and str(value) not in x.get_attribute(attribute):
-          raise ValueError("Attribute is not set to the right value")
-        return
-      except NoSuchElementException:
-        pass
-    raise ValueError("Failed to find web element: %s" % element)
-  def _update_ap_settings_2g_band(self):
-    """Read settings configured on 2g band.
-    Parameters Updated:
-      security type: open, wpa2-psk, wpa3-sae or wpa2-ent.
-      ssid: SSID of the wifi network.
-      password: password of the wifi network (if psk or sae network).
-      radius server ip: Radius server IP addr (if ent network).
-      radius server port: Radius server Port number (if ent network).
-      radius server secret: Radius server secret (if ent network).
-      channel: 2G band channel.
-    """
-    dict_2g = {}
-    dict_2g["security"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-        BAND_2G_AUTH).get_attribute("value")
-    dict_2g["SSID"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-        BAND_2G_SSID).get_attribute("value")
-    if dict_2g["security"] == "psk2" or dict_2g["security"] == "sae":
-      dict_2g["password"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_2G_PSK).get_attribute("value")
-    elif dict_2g["security"] == "wpa2":
-      dict_2g["radius_ip_addr"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_2G_RAD_IP).get_attribute("value")
-      dict_2g["radius_port"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_2G_RAD_PORT).get_attribute("value")
-      dict_2g["radius_secret"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_2G_RAD_KEY).get_attribute("value")
-    channel_field = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_channels("2g")
-    ch_val = self.driver.find_element_by_name(channel_field).get_attribute(
-        "value")
-    channel = 0
-    for key, val in CHANNELS_2G.items():
-      if val == ch_val:
-        channel = key
-        break
-    self.ap_settings["2g"] = dict_2g.copy()
-    self.ap_settings["2g"]["channel"] = channel
-  def _update_ap_settings_5g_band(self):
-    """Read settings configured on 5g band.
-    Parameters Updated:
-      security type: open, wpa2-psk, wpa3-sae or wpa2-ent.
-      ssid: SSID of the wifi network.
-      password: password of the wifi network (if psk or sae network).
-      radius server ip: Radius server IP addr (if ent network).
-      radius server port: Radius server Port number (if ent network).
-      radius server secret: Radius server secret (if ent network).
-      channel: 5G band channel.
-    """
-    dict_5g = {}
-    dict_5g["security"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-        BAND_5G_AUTH).get_attribute("value")
-    dict_5g["SSID"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-        BAND_5G_SSID).get_attribute("value")
-    if dict_5g["security"] == "psk2" or dict_5g["security"] == "sae":
-      dict_5g["password"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_5G_PSK).get_attribute("value")
-    elif dict_5g["security"] == "wpa2":
-      dict_5g["radius_ip_addr"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_5G_RAD_IP).get_attribute("value")
-      dict_5g["radius_port"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_5G_RAD_PORT).get_attribute("value")
-      dict_5g["radius_secret"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_5G_RAD_KEY).get_attribute("value")
-    channel_field = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_channels("5g")
-    ch_val = self.driver.find_element_by_name(channel_field).get_attribute(
-        "value")
-    channel = 0
-    for key, val in CHANNELS_5G.items():
-      if val == ch_val:
-        channel = key
-        break
-    self.ap_settings["5g"] = dict_5g.copy()
-    self.ap_settings["5g"]["channel"] = channel
-  def _update_ap_settings_6g_band(self):
-    """Read settings configured on 6g band.
-    Parameters Updated:
-      security type: wpa3-owe, wpa3-sae.
-      ssid: SSID of the wifi network.
-      password: password of the wifi network (if sae network).
-      channel: 6G band channel.
-    """
-    dict_6g = {}
-    dict_6g["security"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-        BAND_6G_AUTH).get_attribute("value")
-    dict_6g["SSID"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-        BAND_6G_SSID).get_attribute("value")
-    if dict_6g["security"] == "sae":
-      dict_6g["password"] = self.driver.find_element_by_name(
-          BAND_6G_PSK).get_attribute("value")
-    channel_field = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_channels("6g")
-    ch_val = self.driver.find_element_by_name(channel_field).get_attribute(
-        "value")
-    channel = 0
-    for key, val in CHANNELS_6G.items():
-      if val == ch_val:
-        channel = key
-        break
-    self.ap_settings["6g"] = dict_6g.copy()
-    self.ap_settings["6g"]["channel"] = channel
-  def _update_ap_settings(self):
-    """Read AP settings of 2G, 5G and 6G bands.
-    This method reads the wifi network currently configured on any particular
-    band. The settings are updated to self.ap_settings object.
-    """
-    self.driver.refresh()
-    self._update_ap_settings_2g_band()
-    self._update_ap_settings_5g_band()
-    self._update_ap_settings_6g_band()
-  def _get_webdriver_elements_for_channels(self, band):
-    """Return webdriver elements for the band to configure channel.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to configure. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-    Returns:
-      channel field for the specific band.
-    """
-    channel_field = BAND_2G_CHANNEL
-    if band == "5g":
-      channel_field = BAND_5G_CHANNEL
-    elif band == "6g":
-      channel_field = BAND_6G_CHANNEL
-    return channel_field
-  def _set_channel(self, band, channel):
-    """Configure channel on a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-      channel: int, Channel to set.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band or configuration.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    if (band == "2g" and channel not in CHANNELS_2G) or (
-        band == "5g" and
-        channel not in CHANNELS_5G) or (band == "6g" and
-                                        channel not in CHANNELS_6G):
-      raise ValueError("Channel %s is not supported in band %s" %
-                       (channel, band))
-    channel_field = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_channels(band)
-    channels_val_dict = CHANNELS_6G
-    if band == "2g":
-      channels_val_dict = CHANNELS_2G
-    elif band == "5g":
-      channels_val_dict = CHANNELS_5G
-    channel = channels_val_dict[channel]
-    # Set channel
-    if self.driver.find_element_by_name(channel_field).get_attribute(
-        "value") != channel:
-      css_selector = "select[name=%s]" % channel_field
-      Select(self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
-          css_selector)).select_by_value(channel)
-  def _configure_personal_network(self, band, auth, ssid=None, password=None):
-    """Configure wpa3 sae/wpa2 psk network on a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-      auth: str, WPA2 PSK or WPA3 SAE security.
-      ssid: str, ssid of the wifi network.
-      password: str, password of the wifi network.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band or configuration.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    if band == "6g" and auth == "psk2":
-      raise ValueError("AP doesn't support WPA2 PSK on 6g band.")
-    (auth_field, ssid_field,
-     psk_field) = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_personal_auth(band)
-    # configure personal network
-    css_selector = "select[name=%s]" % auth_field
-    Select(self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
-        css_selector)).select_by_value(auth)
-    if ssid:
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(ssid_field).clear()
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(ssid_field).send_keys(ssid)
-    if password:
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(psk_field).clear()
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(psk_field).send_keys(password)
-  def _configure_open_owe_network(self, band, auth, ssid=None):
-    """Configure wpa3 owe/open network on a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-      auth: str, WPA2 PSK or WPA3 SAE security.
-      ssid: str, ssid of the wifi network.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band or configuration.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    if band == "6g" and auth == "open":
-      raise ValueError("AP doesn't support open network on 6g band.")
-    if (band == "2g" or band == "5g") and auth == "owe":
-      raise ValueError("AP doesn't support OWE on 2g and 5g bands.")
-    (auth_field, ssid_field,
-     _) = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_personal_auth(band)
-    # Configure wifi network
-    css_selector = "select[name=%s]" % auth_field
-    Select(self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
-        css_selector)).select_by_value(auth)
-    if ssid:
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(ssid_field).clear()
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(ssid_field).send_keys(ssid)
-  def _configure_wpa2_ent_network(self, band, radius_ip, radius_port,
-                                  radius_secret, ssid=None):
-    """Configure wpa2 ent network on a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g.
-      radius_ip: str, radius server ip addr.
-      radius_port: str, radius server port number.
-      radius_secret: str, radius server secret.
-      ssid: str, ssid of the wifi network.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band or configuration.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    if band == "6g":
-      raise ValueError("6GHz doesn't support enterprise network on this AP.")
-    (auth_field, ssid_field,
-     _) = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_personal_auth(band)
-    (rad_ip_field, rad_port_field,
-     rad_key_field) = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_ent_auth(band)
-    # Set enterprise network
-    css_selector = "select[name=%s]" % auth_field
-    Select(self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
-        css_selector)).select_by_value("wpa2")
-    if ssid:
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(ssid_field).clear()
-      self.driver.find_element_by_name(ssid_field).send_keys(ssid)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(rad_ip_field).clear()
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(rad_ip_field).send_keys(radius_ip)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(rad_port_field).clear()
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(rad_port_field).send_keys(radius_port)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(rad_key_field).clear()
-    self.driver.find_element_by_name(rad_key_field).send_keys(radius_secret)
-  def _get_webdriver_elements_for_personal_auth(self, band):
-    """Return webdriver elements for the band to configure personal auth.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to configure. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-    Returns:
-      tuple of auth, ssid, psk field for the band.
-    """
-    auth_field = BAND_2G_AUTH
-    ssid_field = BAND_2G_SSID
-    psk_field = BAND_2G_PSK
-    if band == "5g":
-      auth_field = BAND_5G_AUTH
-      ssid_field = BAND_5G_SSID
-      psk_field = BAND_5G_PSK
-    elif band == "6g":
-      auth_field = BAND_6G_AUTH
-      ssid_field = BAND_6G_SSID
-      psk_field = BAND_6G_PSK
-    return (auth_field, ssid_field, psk_field)
-  def _get_webdriver_elements_for_ent_auth(self, band):
-    """Return webdriver elements for the band to configure ent auth.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to configure. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-    Returns:
-      tuple of radius server IP, port, secret for the band.
-    """
-    rad_ip_field = BAND_2G_RAD_IP
-    rad_port_field = BAND_2G_RAD_PORT
-    rad_key_field = BAND_2G_RAD_KEY
-    if band == "5g":
-      rad_ip_field = BAND_5G_RAD_IP
-      rad_port_field = BAND_5G_RAD_PORT
-      rad_key_field = BAND_5G_RAD_KEY
-    return (rad_ip_field, rad_port_field, rad_key_field)
-  ### Methods to configure AP ###
-  def set_channel_and_apply(self, band, channel):
-    """Set channel for specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-      channel: int, Channel to set.
-    """
-    # Go back to General tab in advanced settings
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(GENERAL_TAB).click()
-    self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id, SMART_CONNECT)
-    channel_field = self._get_webdriver_elements_for_channels(band)
-    self._set_channel(band, channel)
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(APPLY_BUTTON_ID).click()
-    self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_name,
-                               channel_field, "value", channel)
-    self._update_ap_settings()
-  def get_configured_channel(self, band):
-    """Get the channel configured on specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: eg, 5g, 6g.
-    Returns:
-      Channel configured on the band.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    return self.ap_settings[band]["channel"]
-  def configure_ap(self, network_dict):
-    """Configure AP with settings for different bands.
-    Args:
-      network_dict: dict, dictionary that holds configuration for each band.
-    """
-    # Go back to General tab in advanced settings
-    self.driver.refresh()
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(GENERAL_TAB).click()
-    self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id, SMART_CONNECT)
-    # configure wireless settings
-    self.log.info("Network dictionary: %s" % network_dict)
-    for band in network_dict:
-      security = network_dict[band]["security"]
-      ssid = network_dict[band]["SSID"] if "SSID" in network_dict[
-          band] else None
-      password = network_dict[band]["password"] if "password" in network_dict[
-          band] else None
-      if security == "open" or security == "owe":
-        self._configure_open_owe_network(band, security, ssid)
-      elif security == "psk2" or security == "sae":
-        self._configure_personal_network(band, security, ssid, password)
-      elif network_dict[band]["security"] == "wpa2":
-        self._configure_wpa2_ent_network(
-            band,
-            network_dict[band]["radius_server_ip"],
-            network_dict[band]["radius_server_port"],
-            network_dict[band]["radius_server_secret"],
-            ssid)
-    for band in network_dict:
-      if "channel" in network_dict[band]:
-        self._set_channel(band, network_dict[band]["channel"])
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(APPLY_BUTTON_ID).click()
-    # update ap settings
-    self._update_ap_settings()
-    # configure hidden or 11ax mode
-    for band in network_dict:
-      apply_settings = False
-      if "hidden" in network_dict[band]:
-        res = self._configure_hidden_network(band, network_dict[band]["hidden"])
-        apply_settings = apply_settings or res
-      if "11ax" in network_dict[band]:
-        res = self._configure_11ax_mode(band, network_dict[band]["11ax"])
-        apply_settings = apply_settings or res
-      if apply_settings:
-        self.driver.find_element_by_id(APPLY_BUTTON).click()
-  def get_wifi_network(self, band):
-    """Get wifi network configured on the AP for the specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-    Returns:
-      Wifi network as a dictionary.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    wifi_network = {}
-    wifi_network["SSID"] = self.ap_settings[band]["SSID"]
-    if "password" in self.ap_settings[band]:
-      wifi_network["password"] = self.ap_settings[band]["password"]
-    security = self.ap_settings[band]["security"]
-    if security == "sae" or security == "owe":
-      wifi_network["security"] = security
-    return wifi_network
-  def _configure_hidden_network(self, band, val):
-    """Configure hidden network for a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to configure hidden network.
-      val: str, String value to configure.
-    Returns:
-      True if settings applied, False if not.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    # Go to Professional tab in advanced settings
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(PROFESSIONAL_TAB).click()
-    self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id, HE_MODE_ID)
-    # Select the requested band from the drop down menu
-    css_selector = "select[name=%s]" % WL_UNIT
-    Select(
-        self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector)).select_by_value(
-            WL_BAND_VALUE[band])  # (TODO: gmoturu@) find if selection worked
-    # Configure hidden network
-    state = True if val == "1" else False
-    return_result = False
-    if self.driver.find_element_by_name(WL_CLOSED).is_selected() != state:
-      css_selector = "input[name='%s'][value='%s']" % (WL_CLOSED, val)
-      self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector).click()
-      return_result = True
-    return return_result
-  def configure_hidden_network_and_apply(self, band, state=True):
-    """Configure hidden network for a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to configure hidden network.
-      state: bool, Set the wifi network as hidden if True, False if not.
-    """
-    val = "1" if state else "0"
-    if self._configure_hidden_network(band, val):
-      self.driver.find_element_by_id(APPLY_BUTTON).click()
-      if self.driver.find_element_by_name(WL_CLOSED).is_selected() != state:
-        raise ValueError("Failed to configure hidden network on band: %s" % band)
-      # Go back to General tab in advanced settings
-      self.driver.find_element_by_id(GENERAL_TAB).click()
-      self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id, SMART_CONNECT)
-  def _configure_11ax_mode(self, band, val):
-    """Configure 11ax mode on a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-      val: str, String value to configure.
-    Returns:
-      True if settings are applied, False if not.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: An error occurred due to invalid band.
-    """
-    band = band.lower()
-    if band not in VALID_BANDS:
-      raise ValueError("Band %s is not valid" % band)
-    # Go to Professional tab in advanced settings
-    self.driver.find_element_by_id(PROFESSIONAL_TAB).click()
-    self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id, HE_MODE_ID)
-    # Select the requested band from the drop down menu
-    css_selector = "select[name=%s]" % WL_UNIT
-    Select(
-        self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector)).select_by_value(
-            WL_BAND_VALUE[band])  # (TODO: gmoturu@) find if selection worked
-    # Configure 11ax
-    return_result = False
-    if self.driver.find_element_by_name(WL_11AX).get_attribute(
-        "value") != val:
-      css_selector = "select[name=%s]" % WL_11AX
-      Select(self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
-          css_selector)).select_by_value(val)
-      return_result = True
-    return return_result
-  def configure_11ax_mode_and_apply(self, band, state=True):
-    """Configure 11ax mode on a specific band.
-    Args:
-      band: str, Wifi band to check. Ex: 2g, 5g, 6g.
-      state: bool, Enable 11ax if True, disable if False
-    """
-    val = "1" if state else "0"
-    if self._configure_11ax_mode(band, val):
-      self.driver.find_element_by_id(APPLY_BUTTON).click()
-      self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_name, WL_11AX,
-                                 "value", val)
-      # Go back to General tab in advanced settings
-      self.driver.find_element_by_id(GENERAL_TAB).click()
-      self._wait_for_web_element(self.driver.find_element_by_id, SMART_CONNECT)
-  def reset_to_default_ap_settings(self):
-    """Reset AP to the default settings."""
-    if self.default_ap_settings != self.ap_settings:
-      self.configure_ap(self.default_ap_settings)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator.py b/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff68f5b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import importlib
-import logging
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-def create(configs):
-    objs = []
-    for c in configs:
-        attn_model = c['Model']
-        # Default to telnet.
-        protocol = c.get('Protocol', 'telnet')
-        module_name = 'antlion.controllers.attenuator_lib.%s.%s' % (attn_model,
-                                                                 protocol)
-        module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
-        inst_cnt = c['InstrumentCount']
-        attn_inst = module.AttenuatorInstrument(inst_cnt)
-        attn_inst.model = attn_model
-        ip_address = c[Config.key_address.value]
-        port = c[Config.key_port.value]
-        for attempt_number in range(1, _ATTENUATOR_OPEN_RETRIES + 1):
-            try:
-                attn_inst.open(ip_address, port)
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.error('Attempt %s to open connection to attenuator '
-                              'failed: %s' % (attempt_number, e))
-                if attempt_number == _ATTENUATOR_OPEN_RETRIES:
-                    ping_output = job.run('ping %s -c 1 -w 1' % ip_address,
-                                          ignore_status=True)
-                    if ping_output.exit_status == 1:
-                        logging.error('Unable to ping attenuator at %s' %
-                                      ip_address)
-                    else:
-                        logging.error('Able to ping attenuator at %s' %
-                                      ip_address)
-                        job.run('echo "q" | telnet %s %s' % (ip_address, port),
-                                ignore_status=True)
-                    raise
-        for i in range(inst_cnt):
-            attn = Attenuator(attn_inst, idx=i)
-            if 'Paths' in c:
-                try:
-                    setattr(attn, 'path', c['Paths'][i])
-                except IndexError:
-                    logging.error('No path specified for attenuator %d.', i)
-                    raise
-            objs.append(attn)
-    return objs
-def get_info(attenuators):
-    """Get information on a list of Attenuator objects.
-    Args:
-        attenuators: A list of Attenuator objects.
-    Returns:
-        A list of dict, each representing info for Attenuator objects.
-    """
-    device_info = []
-    for attenuator in attenuators:
-        info = {
-            "Address": attenuator.instrument.address,
-            "Attenuator_Port": attenuator.idx
-        }
-        device_info.append(info)
-    return device_info
-def destroy(objs):
-    for attn in objs:
-        attn.instrument.close()
-def get_attenuators_for_device(device_attenuator_configs, attenuators,
-                               attenuator_key):
-    """Gets the list of attenuators associated to a specified device and builds
-    a list of the attenuator objects associated to the ip address in the
-    device's section of the ACTS config and the Attenuator's IP address.  In the
-    example below the access point object has an attenuator dictionary with
-    IP address associated to an attenuator object.  The address is the only
-    mandatory field and the 'attenuator_ports_wifi_2g' and
-    'attenuator_ports_wifi_5g' are the attenuator_key specified above.  These
-    can be anything and is sent in as a parameter to this function.  The numbers
-    in the list are ports that are in the attenuator object.  Below is an
-    standard Access_Point object and the link to a standard Attenuator object.
-    Notice the link is the IP address, which is why the IP address is mandatory.
-    "AccessPoint": [
-        {
-          "ssh_config": {
-            "user": "root",
-            "host": ""
-          },
-          "Attenuator": [
-            {
-              "Address": "",
-              "attenuator_ports_wifi_2g": [
-                0,
-                1,
-                3
-              ],
-              "attenuator_ports_wifi_5g": [
-                0,
-                1
-              ]
-            }
-          ]
-        }
-      ],
-      "Attenuator": [
-        {
-          "Model": "minicircuits",
-          "InstrumentCount": 4,
-          "Address": "",
-          "Port": 23
-        }
-      ]
-    Args:
-        device_attenuator_configs: A list of attenuators config information in
-            the acts config that are associated a particular device.
-        attenuators: A list of all of the available attenuators objects
-            in the testbed.
-        attenuator_key: A string that is the key to search in the device's
-            configuration.
-    Returns:
-        A list of attenuator objects for the specified device and the key in
-        that device's config.
-    """
-    attenuator_list = []
-    for device_attenuator_config in device_attenuator_configs:
-        for attenuator_port in device_attenuator_config[attenuator_key]:
-            for attenuator in attenuators:
-                if (attenuator.instrument.address ==
-                        device_attenuator_config['Address']
-                        and attenuator.idx is attenuator_port):
-                    attenuator_list.append(attenuator)
-    return attenuator_list
-"""Classes for accessing, managing, and manipulating attenuators.
-Users will instantiate a specific child class, but almost all operation should
-be performed on the methods and data members defined here in the base classes
-or the wrapper classes.
-class AttenuatorError(Exception):
-    """Base class for all errors generated by Attenuator-related modules."""
-class InvalidDataError(AttenuatorError):
-    """"Raised when an unexpected result is seen on the transport layer.
-    When this exception is seen, closing an re-opening the link to the
-    attenuator instrument is probably necessary. Something has gone wrong in
-    the transport.
-    """
-class InvalidOperationError(AttenuatorError):
-    """Raised when the attenuator's state does not allow the given operation.
-    Certain methods may only be accessed when the instance upon which they are
-    invoked is in a certain state. This indicates that the object is not in the
-    correct state for a method to be called.
-    """
-class AttenuatorInstrument(object):
-    """Defines the primitive behavior of all attenuator instruments.
-    The AttenuatorInstrument class is designed to provide a simple low-level
-    interface for accessing any step attenuator instrument comprised of one or
-    more attenuators and a controller. All AttenuatorInstruments should override
-    all the methods below and call AttenuatorInstrument.__init__ in their
-    constructors. Outside of setup/teardown, devices should be accessed via
-    this generic "interface".
-    """
-    model = None
-    INVALID_MAX_ATTEN = 999.9
-    def __init__(self, num_atten=0):
-        """This is the Constructor for Attenuator Instrument.
-        Args:
-            num_atten: The number of attenuators contained within the
-                instrument. In some instances setting this number to zero will
-                allow the driver to auto-determine the number of attenuators;
-                however, this behavior is not guaranteed.
-        Raises:
-            NotImplementedError if initialization is called from this class.
-        """
-        if type(self) is AttenuatorInstrument:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                'Base class should not be instantiated directly!')
-        self.num_atten = num_atten
-        self.max_atten = AttenuatorInstrument.INVALID_MAX_ATTEN
-        self.properties = None
-    def set_atten(self, idx, value, strict=True, retry=False):
-        """Sets the attenuation given its index in the instrument.
-        Args:
-            idx: A zero based index used to identify a particular attenuator in
-                an instrument.
-            value: a floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
-            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
-                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
-                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
-            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('Base class should not be called directly!')
-    def get_atten(self, idx, retry=False):
-        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at index idx.
-        Args:
-            idx: A zero based index used to identify a particular attenuator in
-                an instrument.
-            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
-        Returns:
-            The current attenuation value as a floating point value
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('Base class should not be called directly!')
-class Attenuator(object):
-    """An object representing a single attenuator in a remote instrument.
-    A user wishing to abstract the mapping of attenuators to physical
-    instruments should use this class, which provides an object that abstracts
-    the physical implementation and allows the user to think only of attenuators
-    regardless of their location.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, instrument, idx=0, offset=0):
-        """This is the constructor for Attenuator
-        Args:
-            instrument: Reference to an AttenuatorInstrument on which the
-                Attenuator resides
-            idx: This zero-based index is the identifier for a particular
-                attenuator in an instrument.
-            offset: A power offset value for the attenuator to be used when
-                performing future operations. This could be used for either
-                calibration or to allow group operations with offsets between
-                various attenuators.
-        Raises:
-            TypeError if an invalid AttenuatorInstrument is passed in.
-            IndexError if the index is out of range.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(instrument, AttenuatorInstrument):
-            raise TypeError('Must provide an Attenuator Instrument Ref')
-        self.model = instrument.model
-        self.instrument = instrument
-        self.idx = idx
-        self.offset = offset
-        if self.idx >= instrument.num_atten:
-            raise IndexError(
-                'Attenuator index out of range for attenuator instrument')
-    def set_atten(self, value, strict=True, retry=False):
-        """Sets the attenuation.
-        Args:
-            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
-            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
-                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
-                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
-            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
-        Raises:
-            ValueError if value + offset is greater than the maximum value.
-        """
-        if value + self.offset > self.instrument.max_atten and strict:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Attenuator Value+Offset greater than Max Attenuation!')
-        self.instrument.set_atten(self.idx,
-                                  value + self.offset,
-                                  strict=strict,
-                                  retry=retry)
-    def get_atten(self, retry=False):
-        """Returns the attenuation as a float, normalized by the offset."""
-        return self.instrument.get_atten(self.idx, retry) - self.offset
-    def get_max_atten(self):
-        """Returns the max attenuation as a float, normalized by the offset."""
-        if self.instrument.max_atten == AttenuatorInstrument.INVALID_MAX_ATTEN:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid Max Attenuator Value')
-        return self.instrument.max_atten - self.offset
-class AttenuatorGroup(object):
-    """An abstraction for groups of attenuators that will share behavior.
-    Attenuator groups are intended to further facilitate abstraction of testing
-    functions from the physical objects underlying them. By adding attenuators
-    to a group, it is possible to operate on functional groups that can be
-    thought of in a common manner in the test. This class is intended to provide
-    convenience to the user and avoid re-implementation of helper functions and
-    small loops scattered throughout user code.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name=''):
-        """This constructor for AttenuatorGroup
-        Args:
-            name: An optional parameter intended to further facilitate the
-                passing of easily tracked groups of attenuators throughout code.
-                It is left to the user to use the name in a way that meets their
-                needs.
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        self.attens = []
-        self._value = 0
-    def add_from_instrument(self, instrument, indices):
-        """Adds an AttenuatorInstrument to the group.
-        This function will create Attenuator objects for all of the indices
-        passed in and add them to the group.
-        Args:
-            instrument: the AttenuatorInstrument to pull attenuators from.
-                indices: The index or indices to add to the group. Either a
-                range, a list, or a single integer.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        TypeError
-            Requires a valid AttenuatorInstrument to be passed in.
-        """
-        if not instrument or not isinstance(instrument, AttenuatorInstrument):
-            raise TypeError('Must provide an Attenuator Instrument Ref')
-        if type(indices) is range or type(indices) is list:
-            for i in indices:
-                self.attens.append(Attenuator(instrument, i))
-        elif type(indices) is int:
-            self.attens.append(Attenuator(instrument, indices))
-    def add(self, attenuator):
-        """Adds an already constructed Attenuator object to this group.
-        Args:
-            attenuator: An Attenuator object.
-        Raises:
-            TypeError if the attenuator parameter is not an Attenuator.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(attenuator, Attenuator):
-            raise TypeError('Must provide an Attenuator')
-        self.attens.append(attenuator)
-    def synchronize(self):
-        """Sets all grouped attenuators to the group's attenuation value."""
-        self.set_atten(self._value)
-    def is_synchronized(self):
-        """Returns true if all attenuators have the synchronized value."""
-        for att in self.attens:
-            if att.get_atten() != self._value:
-                return False
-        return True
-    def set_atten(self, value):
-        """Sets the attenuation value of all attenuators in the group.
-        Args:
-            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
-        """
-        value = float(value)
-        for att in self.attens:
-            att.set_atten(value)
-        self._value = value
-    def get_atten(self):
-        """Returns the current attenuation setting of AttenuatorGroup."""
-        return float(self._value)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py b/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 643ccdf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/_tnhelper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A helper module to communicate over telnet with AttenuatorInstruments.
-User code shouldn't need to directly access this class.
-import logging
-import telnetlib
-import re
-from antlion.controllers import attenuator
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-def _ascii_string(uc_string):
-    return str(uc_string).encode('ASCII')
-class _TNHelper(object):
-    """An internal helper class for Telnet+SCPI command-based instruments.
-    It should only be used by those implementation control libraries and not by
-    any user code directly.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 tx_cmd_separator='\n',
-                 rx_cmd_separator='\n',
-                 prompt=''):
-        self._tn = None
-        self._ip_address = None
-        self._port = None
-        self.tx_cmd_separator = tx_cmd_separator
-        self.rx_cmd_separator = rx_cmd_separator
-        self.prompt = prompt
-    def open(self, host, port=23):
-        self._ip_address = host
-        self._port = port
-        if self._tn:
-            self._tn.close()
-        logging.debug("Telnet Server IP = %s" % host)
-        self._tn = telnetlib.Telnet()
-        self._tn.open(host, port, 10)
-    def is_open(self):
-        return bool(self._tn)
-    def close(self):
-        if self._tn:
-            self._tn.close()
-            self._tn = None
-    def diagnose_telnet(self):
-        """Function that diagnoses telnet connections.
-        This function diagnoses telnet connections and can be used in case of
-        command failures. The function checks if the devices is still reachable
-        via ping, and whether or not it can close and reopen the telnet
-        connection.
-        Returns:
-            False when telnet server is unreachable or unresponsive
-            True when telnet server is reachable and telnet connection has been
-            successfully reopened
-        """
-        logging.debug('Diagnosing telnet connection')
-        try:
-            job_result = job.run('ping {} -c 5 -i 0.2'.format(
-                self._ip_address))
-        except:
-            logging.error("Unable to ping telnet server.")
-            return False
-        ping_output = job_result.stdout
-        if not re.search(r' 0% packet loss', ping_output):
-            logging.error('Ping Packets Lost. Result: {}'.format(ping_output))
-            return False
-        try:
-            self.close()
-        except:
-            logging.error('Cannot close telnet connection.')
-            return False
-        try:
-            self.open(self._ip_address, self._port)
-        except:
-            logging.error('Cannot reopen telnet connection.')
-            return False
-        logging.debug('Telnet connection likely recovered')
-        return True
-    def cmd(self, cmd_str, wait_ret=True, retry=False):
-        if not isinstance(cmd_str, str):
-            raise TypeError('Invalid command string', cmd_str)
-        if not self.is_open():
-            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError(
-                'Telnet connection not open for commands')
-        cmd_str.strip(self.tx_cmd_separator)
-        self._tn.read_until(_ascii_string(self.prompt), 2)
-        self._tn.write(_ascii_string(cmd_str + self.tx_cmd_separator))
-        if wait_ret is False:
-            return None
-        match_idx, match_val, ret_text = self._tn.expect(
-            [_ascii_string('\S+' + self.rx_cmd_separator)], 1)
-        logging.debug('Telnet Command: {}'.format(cmd_str))
-        logging.debug('Telnet Reply: ({},{},{})'.format(
-            match_idx, match_val, ret_text))
-        if match_idx == -1:
-            telnet_recovered = self.diagnose_telnet()
-            if telnet_recovered and retry:
-                logging.debug('Retrying telnet command once.')
-                return self.cmd(cmd_str, wait_ret, retry=False)
-            else:
-                raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
-                    'Telnet command failed to return valid data')
-        ret_text = ret_text.decode()
-        ret_text = ret_text.strip(self.tx_cmd_separator +
-                                  self.rx_cmd_separator + self.prompt)
-        return ret_text
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/telnet.py b/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/telnet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d38214..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/aeroflex/telnet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Class for Telnet control of Aeroflex 832X and 833X Series Attenuator Modules
-This class provides a wrapper to the Aeroflex attenuator modules for purposes
-of simplifying and abstracting control down to the basic necessities. It is
-not the intention of the module to expose all functionality, but to allow
-interchangeable HW to be used.
-See http://www.aeroflex.com/ams/weinschel/PDFILES/IM-608-Models-8320-&-8321-preliminary.pdf
-from antlion.controllers import attenuator
-from antlion.controllers.attenuator_lib import _tnhelper
-class AttenuatorInstrument(attenuator.AttenuatorInstrument):
-    def __init__(self, num_atten=0):
-        super(AttenuatorInstrument, self).__init__(num_atten)
-        self._tnhelper = _tnhelper._TNHelper(tx_cmd_separator='\r\n',
-                                             rx_cmd_separator='\r\n',
-                                             prompt='>')
-        self.properties = None
-        self.address = None
-    def open(self, host, port=23):
-        """Opens a telnet connection to the desired AttenuatorInstrument and
-        queries basic information.
-        Args:
-            host: A valid hostname (IP address or DNS-resolvable name) to an
-            MC-DAT attenuator instrument.
-            port: An optional port number (defaults to telnet default 23)
-        """
-        self._tnhelper.open(host, port)
-        # work around a bug in IO, but this is a good thing to do anyway
-        self._tnhelper.cmd('*CLS', False)
-        self.address = host
-        if self.num_atten == 0:
-            self.num_atten = int(self._tnhelper.cmd('RFCONFIG? CHAN'))
-        configstr = self._tnhelper.cmd('RFCONFIG? ATTN 1')
-        self.properties = dict(zip(['model', 'max_atten', 'min_step',
-                                    'unknown', 'unknown2', 'cfg_str'],
-                                   configstr.split(", ", 5)))
-        self.max_atten = float(self.properties['max_atten'])
-    def is_open(self):
-        """Returns True if the AttenuatorInstrument has an open connection."""
-        return bool(self._tnhelper.is_open())
-    def close(self):
-        """Closes the telnet connection.
-        This should be called as part of any teardown procedure prior to the
-        attenuator instrument leaving scope.
-        """
-        self._tnhelper.close()
-    def set_atten(self, idx, value, **_):
-        """This function sets the attenuation of an attenuator given its index
-        in the instrument.
-        Args:
-            idx: A zero-based index that identifies a particular attenuator in
-                an instrument. For instruments that only have one channel, this
-                is ignored by the device.
-            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
-        Raises:
-            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
-            IndexError if the index is not valid for this instrument.
-            ValueError if the requested set value is greater than the maximum
-                attenuation value.
-        """
-        if not self.is_open():
-            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError('Connection not open!')
-        if idx >= self.num_atten:
-            raise IndexError('Attenuator index out of range!', self.num_atten,
-                             idx)
-        if value > self.max_atten:
-            raise ValueError('Attenuator value out of range!', self.max_atten,
-                             value)
-        self._tnhelper.cmd('ATTN ' + str(idx + 1) + ' ' + str(value), False)
-    def get_atten(self, idx, **_):
-        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at the given index.
-        Args:
-            idx: The index of the attenuator.
-        Raises:
-            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
-        Returns:
-            the current attenuation value as a float
-        """
-        if not self.is_open():
-            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError('Connection not open!')
-        #       Potentially redundant safety check removed for the moment
-        #       if idx >= self.num_atten:
-        #           raise IndexError("Attenuator index out of range!", self.num_atten, idx)
-        atten_val = self._tnhelper.cmd('ATTN? ' + str(idx + 1))
-        return float(atten_val)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py b/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c84f64b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/http.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Class for HTTP control of Mini-Circuits RCDAT series attenuators
-This class provides a wrapper to the MC-RCDAT attenuator modules for purposes
-of simplifying and abstracting control down to the basic necessities. It is
-not the intention of the module to expose all functionality, but to allow
-interchangeable HW to be used.
-See http://www.minicircuits.com/softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf
-import urllib
-from antlion.controllers import attenuator
-class AttenuatorInstrument(attenuator.AttenuatorInstrument):
-    """A specific HTTP-controlled implementation of AttenuatorInstrument for
-    Mini-Circuits RC-DAT attenuators.
-    With the exception of HTTP-specific commands, all functionality is defined
-    by the AttenuatorInstrument class.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, num_atten=1):
-        super(AttenuatorInstrument, self).__init__(num_atten)
-        self._ip_address = None
-        self._port = None
-        self._timeout = None
-        self.address = None
-    def open(self, host, port=80, timeout=2):
-        """Initializes the AttenuatorInstrument and queries basic information.
-        Args:
-            host: A valid hostname (IP address or DNS-resolvable name) to an
-            MC-DAT attenuator instrument.
-            port: An optional port number (defaults to http default 80)
-            timeout: An optional timeout for http requests
-        """
-        self._ip_address = host
-        self._port = port
-        self._timeout = timeout
-        self.address = host
-        att_req = urllib.request.urlopen('http://{}:{}/MN?'.format(
-            self._ip_address, self._port))
-        config_str = att_req.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
-        if not config_str.startswith('MN='):
-            raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
-                'Attenuator returned invalid data. Attenuator returned: {}'.
-                format(config_str))
-        config_str = config_str[len('MN='):]
-        self.properties = dict(
-            zip(['model', 'max_freq', 'max_atten'], config_str.split('-', 2)))
-        self.max_atten = float(self.properties['max_atten'])
-    def is_open(self):
-        """Returns True if the AttenuatorInstrument has an open connection.
-        Since this controller is based on HTTP requests, there is no connection
-        required and the attenuator is always ready to accept requests.
-        """
-        return True
-    def close(self):
-        """Closes the connection to the attenuator.
-        Since this controller is based on HTTP requests, there is no connection
-        teardowns required.
-        """
-    def set_atten(self, idx, value, strict=True, retry=False, **_):
-        """This function sets the attenuation of an attenuator given its index
-        in the instrument.
-        Args:
-            idx: A zero-based index that identifies a particular attenuator in
-                an instrument. For instruments that only have one channel, this
-                is ignored by the device.
-            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
-            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
-                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
-                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
-            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
-        Raises:
-            InvalidDataError if the attenuator does not respond with the
-            expected output.
-        """
-        if not (0 <= idx < self.num_atten):
-            raise IndexError('Attenuator index out of range!', self.num_atten,
-                             idx)
-        if value > self.max_atten and strict:
-            raise ValueError('Attenuator value out of range!', self.max_atten,
-                             value)
-        # The actual device uses one-based index for channel numbers.
-        adjusted_value = min(max(0, value), self.max_atten)
-        att_req = urllib.request.urlopen(
-            'http://{}:{}/CHAN:{}:SETATT:{}'.format(self._ip_address,
-                                                    self._port, idx + 1,
-                                                    adjusted_value),
-            timeout=self._timeout)
-        att_resp = att_req.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
-        if att_resp != '1':
-            if retry:
-                self.set_atten(idx, value, strict, retry=False)
-            else:
-                raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
-                    'Attenuator returned invalid data. Attenuator returned: {}'
-                    .format(att_resp))
-    def get_atten(self, idx, retry=False, **_):
-        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at the given index.
-        Args:
-            idx: The index of the attenuator.
-            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
-        Raises:
-            InvalidDataError if the attenuator does not respond with the
-            expected outpu
-        Returns:
-            the current attenuation value as a float
-        """
-        if not (0 <= idx < self.num_atten):
-            raise IndexError('Attenuator index out of range!', self.num_atten,
-                             idx)
-        att_req = urllib.request.urlopen(
-            'http://{}:{}/CHAN:{}:ATT?'.format(self._ip_address, self.port, idx + 1),
-            timeout=self._timeout)
-        att_resp = att_req.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
-        try:
-            atten_val = float(att_resp)
-        except:
-            if retry:
-                self.get_atten(idx, retry=False)
-            else:
-                raise attenuator.InvalidDataError(
-                    'Attenuator returned invalid data. Attenuator returned: {}'
-                    .format(att_resp))
-        return atten_val
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/telnet.py b/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/telnet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 538532f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits/telnet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Class for Telnet control of Mini-Circuits RCDAT series attenuators
-This class provides a wrapper to the MC-RCDAT attenuator modules for purposes
-of simplifying and abstracting control down to the basic necessities. It is
-not the intention of the module to expose all functionality, but to allow
-interchangeable HW to be used.
-See http://www.minicircuits.com/softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf
-from antlion.controllers import attenuator
-from antlion.controllers.attenuator_lib import _tnhelper
-class AttenuatorInstrument(attenuator.AttenuatorInstrument):
-    """A specific telnet-controlled implementation of AttenuatorInstrument for
-    Mini-Circuits RC-DAT attenuators.
-    With the exception of telnet-specific commands, all functionality is defined
-    by the AttenuatorInstrument class. Because telnet is a stateful protocol,
-    the functionality of AttenuatorInstrument is contingent upon a telnet
-    connection being established.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, num_atten=0):
-        super(AttenuatorInstrument, self).__init__(num_atten)
-        self._tnhelper = _tnhelper._TNHelper(tx_cmd_separator='\r\n',
-                                             rx_cmd_separator='\r\n',
-                                             prompt='')
-        self.address = None
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self.is_open():
-            self.close()
-    def open(self, host, port=23):
-        """Opens a telnet connection to the desired AttenuatorInstrument and
-        queries basic information.
-        Args:
-            host: A valid hostname (IP address or DNS-resolvable name) to an
-            MC-DAT attenuator instrument.
-            port: An optional port number (defaults to telnet default 23)
-        """
-        self._tnhelper.open(host, port)
-        self.address = host
-        if self.num_atten == 0:
-            self.num_atten = 1
-        config_str = self._tnhelper.cmd('MN?')
-        if config_str.startswith('MN='):
-            config_str = config_str[len('MN='):]
-        self.properties = dict(
-            zip(['model', 'max_freq', 'max_atten'], config_str.split('-', 2)))
-        self.max_atten = float(self.properties['max_atten'])
-    def is_open(self):
-        """Returns True if the AttenuatorInstrument has an open connection."""
-        return bool(self._tnhelper.is_open())
-    def close(self):
-        """Closes the telnet connection.
-        This should be called as part of any teardown procedure prior to the
-        attenuator instrument leaving scope.
-        """
-        self._tnhelper.close()
-    def set_atten(self, idx, value, strict=True, retry=False):
-        """This function sets the attenuation of an attenuator given its index
-        in the instrument.
-        Args:
-            idx: A zero-based index that identifies a particular attenuator in
-                an instrument. For instruments that only have one channel, this
-                is ignored by the device.
-            value: A floating point value for nominal attenuation to be set.
-            strict: if True, function raises an error when given out of
-                bounds attenuation values, if false, the function sets out of
-                bounds values to 0 or max_atten.
-            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
-        Raises:
-            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
-            IndexError if the index is not valid for this instrument.
-            ValueError if the requested set value is greater than the maximum
-                attenuation value.
-        """
-        if not self.is_open():
-            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError('Connection not open!')
-        if idx >= self.num_atten:
-            raise IndexError('Attenuator index out of range!', self.num_atten,
-                             idx)
-        if value > self.max_atten and strict:
-            raise ValueError('Attenuator value out of range!', self.max_atten,
-                             value)
-        # The actual device uses one-based index for channel numbers.
-        adjusted_value = min(max(0, value), self.max_atten)
-        self._tnhelper.cmd('CHAN:%s:SETATT:%s' % (idx + 1, adjusted_value),
-                           retry=retry)
-    def get_atten(self, idx, retry=False):
-        """Returns the current attenuation of the attenuator at the given index.
-        Args:
-            idx: The index of the attenuator.
-            retry: if True, command will be retried if possible
-        Raises:
-            InvalidOperationError if the telnet connection is not open.
-        Returns:
-            the current attenuation value as a float
-        """
-        if not self.is_open():
-            raise attenuator.InvalidOperationError('Connection not open!')
-        if idx >= self.num_atten or idx < 0:
-            raise IndexError('Attenuator index out of range!', self.num_atten,
-                             idx)
-        if self.num_atten == 1:
-            atten_val_str = self._tnhelper.cmd(':ATT?', retry=retry)
-        else:
-            atten_val_str = self._tnhelper.cmd('CHAN:%s:ATT?' % (idx + 1),
-                                               retry=retry)
-        atten_val = float(atten_val_str)
-        return atten_val
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/bits.py b/src/antlion/controllers/bits.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a9ed21..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/bits.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-"""Module managing the required definitions for using the bits power monitor"""
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-import uuid
-from antlion import context
-from antlion.controllers import power_metrics
-from antlion.controllers import power_monitor
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_client
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_service
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_service_config as bsc
-def create(configs):
-    return [Bits(index, config) for (index, config) in enumerate(configs)]
-def destroy(bitses):
-    for bits in bitses:
-        bits.teardown()
-def get_info(bitses):
-    return [bits.config for bits in bitses]
-class BitsError(Exception):
-    pass
-class _BitsCollection(object):
-    """Object that represents a bits collection
-    Attributes:
-        name: The name given to the collection.
-        markers_buffer: An array of un-flushed markers, each marker is
-        represented by a bi-dimensional tuple with the format
-        (<nanoseconds_since_epoch or datetime>, <text>).
-        monsoon_output_path: A path to store monsoon-like data if possible, Bits
-        uses this path to attempt data extraction in monsoon format, if this
-        parameter is left as None such extraction is not attempted.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, monsoon_output_path=None):
-        self.monsoon_output_path = monsoon_output_path
-        self.name = name
-        self.markers_buffer = []
-    def add_marker(self, timestamp, marker_text):
-        self.markers_buffer.append((timestamp, marker_text))
-def _transform_name(bits_metric_name):
-    """Transform bits metrics names to a more succinct version.
-    Examples of bits_metrics_name as provided by the client:
-    - default_device.slider.C1_30__PP0750_L1S_VDD_G3D_M_P:mA,
-    - default_device.slider.C1_30__PP0750_L1S_VDD_G3D_M_P:mW,
-    - default_device.Monsoon.Monsoon:mA,
-    - default_device.Monsoon.Monsoon:mW,
-    - <device>.<collector>.<rail>:<unit>
-    Args:
-        bits_metric_name: A bits metric name.
-    Returns:
-        For monsoon metrics, and for backwards compatibility:
-          Monsoon:mA -> avg_current,
-          Monsoon:mW -> avg_power,
-        For everything else:
-          <rail>:mW -> <rail/rail>_avg_current
-          <rail>:mW -> <rail/rail>_avg_power
-          ...
-    """
-    prefix, unit = bits_metric_name.split(':')
-    rail = prefix.split('.')[-1]
-    if 'mW' == unit:
-        suffix = 'avg_power'
-    elif 'mA' == unit:
-        suffix = 'avg_current'
-    elif 'mV' == unit:
-        suffix = 'avg_voltage'
-    else:
-        logging.warning('unknown unit type for unit %s' % unit)
-        suffix = ''
-    if 'Monsoon' == rail:
-        return suffix
-    elif suffix == '':
-        return rail
-    else:
-        return '%s_%s' % (rail, suffix)
-def _raw_data_to_metrics(raw_data_obj):
-    data = raw_data_obj['data']
-    metrics = []
-    for sample in data:
-        unit = sample['unit']
-        if 'Msg' == unit:
-            continue
-        elif 'mW' == unit:
-            unit_type = 'power'
-        elif 'mA' == unit:
-            unit_type = 'current'
-        elif 'mV' == unit:
-            unit_type = 'voltage'
-        else:
-            logging.warning('unknown unit type for unit %s' % unit)
-            continue
-        name = _transform_name(sample['name'])
-        avg = sample['avg']
-        metrics.append(power_metrics.Metric(avg, unit_type, unit, name=name))
-    return metrics
-def _get_single_file(registry, key):
-    if key not in registry:
-        return None
-    entry = registry[key]
-    if isinstance(entry, str):
-        return entry
-    if isinstance(entry, list):
-        return None if len(entry) == 0 else entry[0]
-    raise ValueError('registry["%s"] is of unsupported type %s for this '
-                     'operation. Supported types are str and list.' % (
-                         key, type(entry)))
-class Bits(object):
-    ROOT_RAIL_KEY = 'RootRail'
-    def __init__(self, index, config):
-        """Creates an instance of a bits controller.
-        Args:
-            index: An integer identifier for this instance, this allows to
-                tell apart different instances in the case where multiple
-                bits controllers are being used concurrently.
-            config: The config as defined in the ACTS  BiTS controller config.
-                Expected format is:
-                {
-                    // optional
-                    'Monsoon':   {
-                        'serial_num': <serial number:int>,
-                        'monsoon_voltage': <voltage:double>
-                    }
-                    // optional
-                    'Kibble': [
-                        {
-                            'board': 'BoardName1',
-                            'connector': 'A',
-                            'serial': 'serial_1'
-                        },
-                        {
-                            'board': 'BoardName2',
-                            'connector': 'D',
-                            'serial': 'serial_2'
-                        }
-                    ]
-                    // optional
-                    'RootRail': 'Monsoon:mA'
-                }
-        """
-        self.index = index
-        self.config = config
-        self._service = None
-        self._client = None
-        self._active_collection = None
-        self._collections_counter = 0
-        self._root_rail = config.get(self.ROOT_RAIL_KEY,
-                                     self.ROOT_RAIL_DEFAULT_VALUE)
-    def setup(self, *_, registry=None, **__):
-        """Starts a bits_service in the background.
-        This function needs to be called with either a registry or after calling
-        power_monitor.update_registry, and it needs to be called before any other
-        method in this class.
-        Args:
-            registry: A dictionary with files used by bits. Format:
-                {
-                    // required, string or list of strings
-                    bits_service: ['/path/to/bits_service']
-                    // required, string or list of strings
-                    bits_client: ['/path/to/bits.par']
-                    // needed for monsoon, string or list of strings
-                    lvpm_monsoon: ['/path/to/lvpm_monsoon.par']
-                    // needed for monsoon, string or list of strings
-                    hvpm_monsoon: ['/path/to/hvpm_monsoon.par']
-                    // needed for kibble, string or list of strings
-                    kibble_bin: ['/path/to/kibble.par']
-                    // needed for kibble, string or list of strings
-                    kibble_board_file: ['/path/to/phone_s.board']
-                    // optional, string or list of strings
-                    vm_file: ['/path/to/file.vm']
-                }
-                All fields in this dictionary can be either a string or a list
-                of strings. If lists are passed, only their first element is
-                taken into account. The reason for supporting lists but only
-                acting on their first element is for easier integration with
-                harnesses that handle resources as lists.
-        """
-        if registry is None:
-            registry = power_monitor.get_registry()
-        if 'bits_service' not in registry:
-            raise ValueError('No bits_service binary has been defined in the '
-                             'global registry.')
-        if 'bits_client' not in registry:
-            raise ValueError('No bits_client binary has been defined in the '
-                             'global registry.')
-        bits_service_binary = _get_single_file(registry, 'bits_service')
-        bits_client_binary = _get_single_file(registry, 'bits_client')
-        lvpm_monsoon_bin = _get_single_file(registry, 'lvpm_monsoon')
-        hvpm_monsoon_bin = _get_single_file(registry, 'hvpm_monsoon')
-        kibble_bin = _get_single_file(registry, 'kibble_bin')
-        kibble_board_file = _get_single_file(registry, 'kibble_board_file')
-        vm_file = _get_single_file(registry, 'vm_file')
-        config = bsc.BitsServiceConfig(self.config,
-                                       lvpm_monsoon_bin=lvpm_monsoon_bin,
-                                       hvpm_monsoon_bin=hvpm_monsoon_bin,
-                                       kibble_bin=kibble_bin,
-                                       kibble_board_file=kibble_board_file,
-                                       virtual_metrics_file=vm_file)
-        output_log = os.path.join(
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-            'bits_service_out_%s.txt' % self.index)
-        service_name = 'bits_config_%s' % self.index
-        self._active_collection = None
-        self._collections_counter = 0
-        self._service = bits_service.BitsService(config,
-                                                 bits_service_binary,
-                                                 output_log,
-                                                 name=service_name,
-                                                 timeout=3600 * 24)
-        self._service.start()
-        self._client = bits_client.BitsClient(bits_client_binary,
-                                              self._service,
-                                              config)
-        # this call makes sure that the client can interact with the server.
-        devices = self._client.list_devices()
-        logging.debug(devices)
-    def disconnect_usb(self, *_, **__):
-        self._client.disconnect_usb()
-    def connect_usb(self, *_, **__):
-        self._client.connect_usb()
-    def measure(self, *_, measurement_args=None,
-                measurement_name=None, monsoon_output_path=None,
-                **__):
-        """Blocking function that measures power through bits for the specified
-        duration. Results need to be consulted through other methods such as
-        get_metrics or post processing files like the ones
-        generated at monsoon_output_path after calling `release_resources`.
-        Args:
-            measurement_args: A dictionary with the following structure:
-                {
-                   'duration': <seconds to measure for>
-                   'hz': <samples per second>
-                   'measure_after_seconds': <sleep time before measurement>
-                }
-                The actual number of samples per second is limited by the
-                bits configuration. The value of hz is defaulted to 1000.
-            measurement_name: A name to give to the measurement (which is also
-                used as the Bits collection name. Bits collection names (and
-                therefore measurement names) need to be unique within the
-                context of a Bits object.
-            monsoon_output_path: If provided this path will be used to generate
-                a monsoon like formatted file at the release_resources step.
-        """
-        if measurement_args is None:
-            raise ValueError('measurement_args can not be left undefined')
-        duration = measurement_args.get('duration')
-        if duration is None:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'duration can not be left undefined within measurement_args')
-        hz = measurement_args.get('hz', 1000)
-        # Delay the start of the measurement if an offset is required
-        measure_after_seconds = measurement_args.get('measure_after_seconds')
-        if measure_after_seconds:
-            time.sleep(measure_after_seconds)
-        if self._active_collection:
-            raise BitsError(
-                'Attempted to start a collection while there is still an '
-                'active one. Active collection: %s',
-                self._active_collection.name)
-        self._collections_counter = self._collections_counter + 1
-        # The name gets a random 8 characters salt suffix because the Bits
-        # client has a bug where files with the same name are considered to be
-        # the same collection and it won't load two files with the same name.
-        # b/153170987 b/153944171
-        if not measurement_name:
-            measurement_name = 'bits_collection_%s_%s' % (
-                str(self._collections_counter), str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8])
-        self._active_collection = _BitsCollection(measurement_name,
-                                                  monsoon_output_path)
-        self._client.start_collection(self._active_collection.name,
-                                      default_sampling_rate=hz)
-        time.sleep(duration)
-    def get_metrics(self, *_, timestamps=None, **__):
-        """Gets metrics for the segments delimited by the timestamps dictionary.
-        Must be called before releasing resources, otherwise it will fail adding
-        markers to the collection.
-        Args:
-            timestamps: A dictionary of the shape:
-                {
-                    'segment_name': {
-                        'start' : <milliseconds_since_epoch> or <datetime>
-                        'end': <milliseconds_since_epoch> or <datetime>
-                    }
-                    'another_segment': {
-                        'start' : <milliseconds_since_epoch> or <datetime>
-                        'end': <milliseconds_since_epoch> or <datetime>
-                    }
-                }
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of the shape:
-                {
-                    'segment_name': <list of power_metrics.Metric>
-                    'another_segment': <list of power_metrics.Metric>
-                }
-        """
-        if timestamps is None:
-            raise ValueError('timestamps dictionary can not be left undefined')
-        metrics = {}
-        for segment_name, times in timestamps.items():
-            if 'start' not in times or 'end' not in times:
-                continue
-            start = times['start']
-            end = times['end']
-            # bits accepts nanoseconds only, but since this interface needs to
-            # backwards compatible with monsoon which works with milliseconds we
-            # require to do a conversion from milliseconds to nanoseconds.
-            # The preferred way for new calls to this function should be using
-            # datetime instead which is unambiguous
-            if isinstance(start, (int, float)):
-                start = start * 1e6
-            if isinstance(end, (int, float)):
-                end = end * 1e6
-            raw_metrics = self._client.get_metrics(self._active_collection.name,
-                                                   start=start, end=end)
-            self._add_marker(start, 'start - %s' % segment_name)
-            self._add_marker(end, 'end - %s' % segment_name)
-            metrics[segment_name] = _raw_data_to_metrics(raw_metrics)
-        return metrics
-    def _add_marker(self, timestamp, marker_text):
-        if not self._active_collection:
-            raise BitsError(
-                'markers can not be added without an active collection')
-        self._active_collection.add_marker(timestamp, marker_text)
-    def release_resources(self):
-        """Performs all the cleanup and export tasks.
-        In the way that Bits' is interfaced several tasks can not be performed
-        while a collection is still active (like exporting the data) and others
-        can only take place while the collection is still active (like adding
-        markers to a collection).
-        To workaround this unique workflow, the collections that are started
-        with the 'measure' method are not really stopped after the method
-        is unblocked, it is only stopped after this method is called.
-        All the export files (.7z.bits and monsoon-formatted file) are also
-        generated in this method.
-        """
-        if not self._active_collection:
-            raise BitsError(
-                'Attempted to stop a collection without starting one')
-        self._client.add_markers(self._active_collection.name,
-                                 self._active_collection.markers_buffer)
-        self._client.stop_collection(self._active_collection.name)
-        export_file = os.path.join(
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-            '%s.7z.bits' % self._active_collection.name)
-        self._client.export(self._active_collection.name, export_file)
-        if self._active_collection.monsoon_output_path:
-            self._attempt_monsoon_format()
-        self._active_collection = None
-    def _attempt_monsoon_format(self):
-        """Attempts to create a monsoon-formatted file.
-        In the case where there is not enough information to retrieve a
-        monsoon-like file, this function will do nothing.
-        """
-        available_channels = self._client.list_channels(
-            self._active_collection.name)
-        milli_amps_channel = None
-        for channel in available_channels:
-            if channel.endswith(self._root_rail):
-                milli_amps_channel = self._root_rail
-                break
-        if milli_amps_channel is None:
-            logging.debug('No monsoon equivalent channels were found when '
-                          'attempting to recreate monsoon file format. '
-                          'Available channels were: %s',
-                          str(available_channels))
-            return
-        logging.debug('Recreating monsoon file format from channel: %s',
-                      milli_amps_channel)
-        self._client.export_as_monsoon_format(
-            self._active_collection.monsoon_output_path,
-            self._active_collection.name,
-            milli_amps_channel)
-    def get_waveform(self, file_path=None):
-        """Parses a file generated in release_resources.
-        Args:
-            file_path: Path to a waveform file.
-        Returns:
-            A list of tuples in which the first element is a timestamp and the
-            second element is the sampled current at that time.
-        """
-        if file_path is None:
-            raise ValueError('file_path can not be None')
-        return list(power_metrics.import_raw_data(file_path))
-    def teardown(self):
-        if self._service is None:
-            return
-        if self._service.service_state == bits_service.BitsServiceStates.STARTED:
-            self._service.stop()
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/bits_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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index c68aafd..0000000
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-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import csv
-from datetime import datetime
-import logging
-import tempfile
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-import yaml
-class BitsClientError(Exception):
-    pass
-# An arbitrary large number of seconds.
-ONE_YEAR = str(3600 * 24 * 365)
-EPOCH = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
-def _to_ns(timestamp):
-    """Returns the numerical value of a timestamp in nanoseconds since epoch.
-    Args:
-        timestamp: Either a number or a datetime.
-    Returns:
-        Rounded timestamp if timestamp is numeric, number of nanoseconds since
-        epoch if timestamp is instance of datetime.datetime.
-    """
-    if isinstance(timestamp, datetime):
-        return int((timestamp - EPOCH).total_seconds() * 1e9)
-    elif isinstance(timestamp, (float, int)):
-        return int(timestamp)
-    raise ValueError('%s can not be converted to a numerical representation of '
-                     'nanoseconds.' % type(timestamp))
-class BitsClient(object):
-    """Helper class to issue bits' commands"""
-    def __init__(self, binary, service, service_config):
-        """Constructs a BitsClient.
-        Args:
-            binary: The location of the bits.par client binary.
-            service: A bits_service.BitsService object. The service is expected
-              to be previously setup.
-            service_config: The bits_service_config.BitsService object used to
-              start the service on service_port.
-        """
-        self._log = logging.getLogger()
-        self._binary = binary
-        self._service = service
-        self._server_config = service_config
-    def _acquire_monsoon(self):
-        """Gets hold of a Monsoon so no other processes can use it.
-        Only works if there is a monsoon."""
-        self._log.debug('acquiring monsoon')
-        self.run_cmd('--collector',
-                     'Monsoon',
-                     '--collector_cmd',
-                     'acquire_monsoon', timeout=10)
-    def _release_monsoon(self):
-        self._log.debug('releasing monsoon')
-        self.run_cmd('--collector',
-                     'Monsoon',
-                     '--collector_cmd',
-                     'release_monsoon', timeout=10)
-    def run_cmd(self, *args, timeout=60):
-        """Executes a generic bits.par command.
-        Args:
-            args: A bits.par command as a tokenized array. The path to the
-              binary and the service port are provided by default, cmd should
-              only contain the remaining tokens of the desired command.
-            timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the command to finish before
-              forcibly killing it.
-        """
-        result = job.run([self._binary, '--port',
-                          self._service.port] + [str(arg) for arg in args],
-                         timeout=timeout)
-        return result.stdout
-    def export(self, collection_name, path):
-        """Exports a collection to its bits persistent format.
-        Exported files can be shared and opened through the Bits UI.
-        Args:
-            collection_name: Collection to be exported.
-            path: Where the resulting file should be created. Bits requires that
-            the resulting file ends in .7z.bits.
-        """
-        if not path.endswith('.7z.bits'):
-            raise BitsClientError('Bits\' collections can only be exported to '
-                                  'files ending in .7z.bits, got %s' % path)
-        self._log.debug('exporting collection %s to %s',
-                        collection_name,
-                        path)
-        self.run_cmd('--name',
-                     collection_name,
-                     '--ignore_gaps',
-                     '--export',
-                     '--export_path',
-                     path,
-                     timeout=600)
-    def export_as_csv(self, channels, collection_name, output_file):
-        """Export bits data as CSV.
-        Writes the selected channel data to the given output_file. Note that
-        the first line of the file contains headers.
-        Args:
-          channels: A list of string pattern matches for the channel to be
-            retrieved. For example, ":mW" will export all power channels,
-            ":mV" will export all voltage channels, "C1_01__" will export
-            power/voltage/current for the first fail of connector 1.
-          collection_name: A string for a collection that is sampling.
-          output_file: A string file path where the CSV will be written.
-        """
-        channels_arg = ','.join(channels)
-        cmd = ['--csvfile',
-               output_file,
-               '--name',
-               collection_name,
-               '--ignore_gaps',
-               '--csv_rawtimestamps',
-               '--channels',
-               channels_arg]
-        if self._server_config.has_virtual_metrics_file:
-            cmd = cmd + ['--vm_file', 'default']
-        self._log.debug(
-            'exporting csv for collection %s to %s, with channels %s',
-            collection_name, output_file, channels_arg)
-        self.run_cmd(*cmd, timeout=600)
-    def add_markers(self, collection_name, markers):
-        """Appends markers to a collection.
-        These markers are displayed in the Bits UI and are useful to label
-        important test events.
-        Markers can only be added to collections that have not been
-        closed / stopped. Markers need to be added in chronological order,
-        this function ensures that at least the markers added in each
-        call are sorted in chronological order, but if this function
-        is called multiple times, then is up to the user to ensure that
-        the subsequent batches of markers are for timestamps higher (newer)
-        than all the markers passed in previous calls to this function.
-        Args:
-            collection_name: The name of the collection to add markers to.
-            markers: A list of tuples of the shape:
-             [(<nano_seconds_since_epoch or datetime>, <marker text>),
-              (<nano_seconds_since_epoch or datetime>, <marker text>),
-              (<nano_seconds_since_epoch or datetime>, <marker text>),
-              ...
-            ]
-        """
-        # sorts markers in chronological order before adding them. This is
-        # required by go/pixel-bits
-        for ts, marker in sorted(markers, key=lambda x: _to_ns(x[0])):
-            self._log.debug('Adding marker at %s: %s', str(ts), marker)
-            self.run_cmd('--name',
-                         collection_name,
-                         '--log_ts',
-                         str(_to_ns(ts)),
-                         '--log',
-                         marker,
-                         timeout=10)
-    def get_metrics(self, collection_name, start=None, end=None):
-        """Extracts metrics for a period of time.
-        Args:
-            collection_name: The name of the collection to get metrics from
-            start: Numerical nanoseconds since epoch until the start of the
-            period of interest or datetime. If not provided, start will be the
-            beginning of the collection.
-            end: Numerical nanoseconds since epoch until the end of the
-            period of interest or datetime. If not provided, end will be the
-            end of the collection.
-        """
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='bits_metrics') as tf:
-            cmd = ['--name',
-                   collection_name,
-                   '--ignore_gaps',
-                   '--aggregates_yaml_path',
-                   tf.name]
-            if start is not None:
-                cmd = cmd + ['--abs_start_time', str(_to_ns(start))]
-            if end is not None:
-                cmd = cmd + ['--abs_stop_time', str(_to_ns(end))]
-            if self._server_config.has_virtual_metrics_file:
-                cmd = cmd + ['--vm_file', 'default']
-            self.run_cmd(*cmd)
-            with open(tf.name) as mf:
-                self._log.debug(
-                    'bits aggregates for collection %s [%s-%s]: %s' % (
-                        collection_name, start, end,
-                        mf.read()))
-            with open(tf.name) as mf:
-                return yaml.safe_load(mf)
-    def disconnect_usb(self):
-        """Disconnects the monsoon's usb. Only works if there is a monsoon"""
-        self._log.debug('disconnecting monsoon\'s usb')
-        self.run_cmd('--collector',
-                     'Monsoon',
-                     '--collector_cmd',
-                     'usb_disconnect', timeout=10)
-    def start_collection(self, collection_name, default_sampling_rate=1000):
-        """Indicates Bits to start a collection.
-        Args:
-            collection_name: Name to give to the collection to be started.
-            Collection names must be unique at Bits' service level. If multiple
-            collections must be taken within the context of the same Bits'
-            service, ensure that each collection is given a different one.
-            default_sampling_rate: Samples per second to be collected
-        """
-        cmd = ['--name',
-               collection_name,
-               '--non_blocking',
-               '--time',
-               ONE_YEAR,
-               '--default_sampling_rate',
-               str(default_sampling_rate)]
-        if self._server_config.has_kibbles:
-            cmd = cmd + ['--disk_space_saver']
-        self._log.debug('starting collection %s', collection_name)
-        self.run_cmd(*cmd, timeout=10)
-    def connect_usb(self):
-        """Connects the monsoon's usb. Only works if there is a monsoon."""
-        cmd = ['--collector',
-               'Monsoon',
-               '--collector_cmd',
-               'usb_connect']
-        self._log.debug('connecting monsoon\'s usb')
-        self.run_cmd(*cmd, timeout=10)
-    def stop_collection(self, collection_name):
-        """Stops the active collection."""
-        self._log.debug('stopping collection %s', collection_name)
-        self.run_cmd('--name',
-                     collection_name,
-                     '--stop')
-        self._log.debug('stopped collection %s', collection_name)
-    def list_devices(self):
-        """Lists devices managed by the bits_server this client is connected
-        to.
-        Returns:
-            bits' output when called with --list devices.
-        """
-        self._log.debug('listing devices')
-        result = self.run_cmd('--list', 'devices', timeout=20)
-        return result
-    def list_channels(self, collection_name):
-        """Finds all the available channels in a given collection.
-        Args:
-            collection_name: The name of the collection to get channels from.
-        """
-        metrics = self.get_metrics(collection_name)
-        return [channel['name'] for channel in metrics['data']]
-    def export_as_monsoon_format(self, dest_path, collection_name,
-                                 channel_pattern):
-        """Exports data from a collection in monsoon style.
-        This function exists because there are tools that have been built on
-        top of the monsoon format. To be able to leverage such tools we need
-        to make the data compliant with the format.
-        The monsoon format is:
-        <time_since_epoch_in_secs> <amps>
-        Args:
-            dest_path: Path where the resulting file will be generated.
-            collection_name: The name of the Bits' collection to export data
-            from.
-            channel_pattern: A regex that matches the Bits' channel to be used
-            as source of data. If there are multiple matching channels, only the
-            first one will be used. The channel is always assumed to be
-            expressed en milli-amps, the resulting format requires amps, so the
-            values coming from the first matching channel will always be
-            multiplied by 1000.
-        """
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='bits_csv_') as tmon:
-            self.export_as_csv([channel_pattern], collection_name, tmon.name)
-            self._log.debug(
-                'massaging bits csv to monsoon format for collection'
-                ' %s', collection_name)
-            with open(tmon.name) as csv_file:
-                reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
-                headers = next(reader)
-                self._log.debug('csv headers %s', headers)
-                with open(dest_path, 'w') as dest:
-                    for row in reader:
-                        ts = float(row[0]) / 1e9
-                        amps = float(row[1]) / 1e3
-                        dest.write('%.7f %.12f\n' % (ts, amps))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service.py b/src/antlion/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2f660..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import atexit
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import signal
-import tempfile
-import time
-from enum import Enum
-from antlion import context
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion.libs.proc import process
-class BitsServiceError(Exception):
-    pass
-class BitsServiceStates(Enum):
-    NOT_STARTED = 'not-started'
-    STARTED = 'started'
-    STOPPED = 'stopped'
-class BitsService(object):
-    """Helper class to start and stop a bits service
-    Attributes:
-        port: When the service starts the port it was assigned to is made
-        available for external agents to reference to the background service.
-        config: The BitsServiceConfig used to configure this service.
-        name: A free form string.
-        service_state: A BitsServiceState that represents the service state.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, binary, output_log_path,
-                 name='bits_service_default',
-                 timeout=None):
-        """Creates a BitsService object.
-        Args:
-            config: A BitsServiceConfig.
-            described in go/pixel-bits/user-guide/service/configuration.md
-            binary: Path to a bits_service binary.
-            output_log_path: Full path to where the resulting logs should be
-            stored.
-            name: Optional string to identify this service by. This
-            is used as reference in logs to tell this service apart from others
-            running in parallel.
-            timeout: Maximum time in seconds the service should be allowed
-            to run in the background after start. If left undefined the service
-            in the background will not time out.
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        self.port = None
-        self.config = config
-        self.service_state = BitsServiceStates.NOT_STARTED
-        self._timeout = timeout
-        self._binary = binary
-        self._log = logging.getLogger()
-        self._process = None
-        self._output_log = open(output_log_path, 'w')
-        self._collections_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
-            prefix='bits_service_collections_dir_')
-        self._cleaned_up = False
-        atexit.register(self._atexit_cleanup)
-    def _atexit_cleanup(self):
-        if not self._cleaned_up:
-            self._log.error('Cleaning up bits_service %s at exit.', self.name)
-            self._cleanup()
-    def _write_extra_debug_logs(self):
-        dmesg_log = '%s.dmesg.txt' % self._output_log.name
-        dmesg = job.run(['dmesg', '-e'], ignore_status=True)
-        with open(dmesg_log, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(dmesg.stdout)
-        free_log = '%s.free.txt' % self._output_log.name
-        free = job.run(['free', '-m'], ignore_status=True)
-        with open(free_log, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(free.stdout)
-        df_log = '%s.df.txt' % self._output_log.name
-        df = job.run(['df', '-h'], ignore_status=True)
-        with open(df_log, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(df.stdout)
-    def _cleanup(self):
-        self._write_extra_debug_logs()
-        self.port = None
-        self._collections_dir.cleanup()
-        if self._process and self._process.is_running():
-            self._process.signal(signal.SIGINT)
-            self._log.debug('SIGINT sent to bits_service %s.' % self.name)
-            self._process.wait(kill_timeout=60.0)
-            self._log.debug('bits_service %s has been stopped.' % self.name)
-        self._output_log.close()
-        if self.config.has_monsoon:
-            job.run([self.config.monsoon_config.monsoon_binary,
-                     '--serialno',
-                     str(self.config.monsoon_config.serial_num),
-                     '--usbpassthrough',
-                     'on'],
-                    timeout=10)
-        self._cleaned_up = True
-    def _service_started_listener(self, line):
-        if self.service_state is BitsServiceStates.STARTED:
-            return
-        if 'Started server!' in line and self.port is not None:
-            self.service_state = BitsServiceStates.STARTED
-    PORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'.*Server listening on .*:(\d+)\.$')
-    def _service_port_listener(self, line):
-        if self.port is not None:
-            return
-        match = self.PORT_PATTERN.match(line)
-        if match:
-            self.port = match.group(1)
-    def _output_callback(self, line):
-        self._output_log.write(line)
-        self._output_log.write('\n')
-        self._service_port_listener(line)
-        self._service_started_listener(line)
-    def _trigger_background_process(self, binary):
-        config_path = os.path.join(
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-            '%s.config.json' % self.name)
-        with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(json.dumps(self.config.config_dic, indent=2))
-        cmd = [binary,
-               '--port',
-               '0',
-               '--collections_folder',
-               self._collections_dir.name,
-               '--collector_config_file',
-               config_path]
-        # bits_service only works on linux systems, therefore is safe to assume
-        # that 'timeout' will be available.
-        if self._timeout:
-            cmd = ['timeout',
-                   '--signal=SIGTERM',
-                   '--kill-after=60',
-                   str(self._timeout)] + cmd
-        self._process = process.Process(cmd)
-        self._process.set_on_output_callback(self._output_callback)
-        self._process.set_on_terminate_callback(self._on_terminate)
-        self._process.start()
-    def _on_terminate(self, *_):
-        self._log.error('bits_service %s stopped unexpectedly.', self.name)
-        self._cleanup()
-    def start(self):
-        """Starts the bits service in the background.
-        This function blocks until the background service signals that it has
-        successfully started. A BitsServiceError is raised if the signal is not
-        received.
-        """
-        if self.service_state is BitsServiceStates.STOPPED:
-            raise BitsServiceError(
-                'bits_service %s was already stopped. A stopped'
-                ' service can not be started again.' % self.name)
-        if self.service_state is BitsServiceStates.STARTED:
-            raise BitsServiceError(
-                'bits_service %s has already been started.' % self.name)
-        self._log.info('starting bits_service %s', self.name)
-        self._trigger_background_process(self._binary)
-        # wait 40 seconds for the service to be ready.
-        max_startup_wait = time.time() + 40
-        while time.time() < max_startup_wait:
-            if self.service_state is BitsServiceStates.STARTED:
-                self._log.info('bits_service %s started on port %s', self.name,
-                               self.port)
-                return
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-        self._log.error('bits_service %s did not start on time, starting '
-                        'service teardown and raising a BitsServiceError.')
-        self._cleanup()
-        raise BitsServiceError(
-            'bits_service %s did not start successfully' % self.name)
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops the bits service."""
-        if self.service_state is BitsServiceStates.STOPPED:
-            raise BitsServiceError(
-                'bits_service %s has already been stopped.' % self.name)
-        port = self.port
-        self._log.info('stopping bits_service %s on port %s', self.name, port)
-        self.service_state = BitsServiceStates.STOPPED
-        self._cleanup()
-        self._log.info('bits_service %s on port %s was stopped', self.name,
-                       port)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_config.py b/src/antlion/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1900869..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import copy
-    'enabled': 1,
-    'type': 'monsooncollector',
-    'monsoon_reset': 0,
-    # maximum monsoon sample rate that works best for both lvpm and hvpm
-    'sampling_rate': 1000,
-class _BitsMonsoonConfig(object):
-    """Helper object to construct a bits_service config from a monsoon config as
-    defined for the bits controller config and required additional resources,
-    such as paths to executables.
-    The format for the bits_service's monsoon configuration is explained at:
-    http://go/pixel-bits/user-guide/service/collectors/monsoon
-    Attributes:
-        config_dic: A bits_service's monsoon configuration as a python
-        dictionary.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, monsoon_config, lvpm_monsoon_bin=None,
-                 hvpm_monsoon_bin=None):
-        """Constructs _BitsServiceMonsoonConfig.
-        Args:
-            monsoon_config: The monsoon config as defined in the
-                ACTS Bits controller config. Expected format is:
-                  { 'serial_num': <serial number:int>,
-                    'monsoon_voltage': <voltage:double> }
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin: Binary file to interact with low voltage monsoons.
-                Needed if the monsoon is a lvpm monsoon (serial number lower
-                than 20000).
-            hvpm_monsoon_bin: Binary file to interact with high voltage
-                monsoons. Needed if the monsoon is a hvpm monsoon (serial number
-                greater than 20000).
-        """
-        if 'serial_num' not in monsoon_config:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Monsoon serial_num can not be undefined. Received '
-                'config was: %s' % monsoon_config)
-        if 'monsoon_voltage' not in monsoon_config:
-            raise ValueError('Monsoon voltage can not be undefined. Received '
-                             'config was: %s' % monsoon_config)
-        self.serial_num = int(monsoon_config['serial_num'])
-        self.monsoon_voltage = float(monsoon_config['monsoon_voltage'])
-        self.config_dic = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_MONSOON_CONFIG_DICT)
-        if float(self.serial_num) >= 20000:
-            self.config_dic['hv_monsoon'] = 1
-            if hvpm_monsoon_bin is None:
-                raise ValueError('hvpm_monsoon binary is needed but was None. '
-                                 'Received config was: %s' % monsoon_config)
-            self.monsoon_binary = hvpm_monsoon_bin
-        else:
-            self.config_dic['hv_monsoon'] = 0
-            if lvpm_monsoon_bin is None:
-                raise ValueError('lvpm_monsoon binary is needed but was None. '
-                                 'Received config was: %s' % monsoon_config)
-            self.monsoon_binary = lvpm_monsoon_bin
-        self.config_dic['monsoon_binary_path'] = self.monsoon_binary
-        self.config_dic['monsoon_voltage'] = self.monsoon_voltage
-        self.config_dic['serial_num'] = self.serial_num
-    'enabled': 1,
-    'type': 'kibblecollector',
-    'attached_kibbles': {}
-    'ultra_channels_current_hz': 976.5625,
-    'ultra_channels_voltage_hz': 976.5625,
-    'high_channels_current_hz': 976.5625,
-    'high_channels_voltage_hz': 976.5625
-class _BitsKibblesConfig(object):
-    def __init__(self, kibbles_config, kibble_bin, kibble_board_file):
-        """Constructs _BitsKibblesConfig.
-        Args:
-            kibbles_config: A list of compacted kibble boards descriptions.
-                Expected format is:
-                    [{
-                        'board': 'BoardName1',
-                        'connector': 'A',
-                        'serial': 'serial_1'
-                     },
-                    {
-                        'board': 'BoardName2',
-                        'connector': 'D',
-                        'serial': 'serial_2'
-                    }]
-                More details can be found at go/acts-bits.
-            kibble_bin: Binary file to interact with kibbles.
-            kibble_board_file: File describing the distribution of rails on a
-                kibble. go/kibble#setting-up-bits-board-files
-        """
-        if not isinstance(kibbles_config, list):
-            raise ValueError(
-                'kibbles_config must be a list. Got %s.' % kibbles_config)
-        if kibble_bin is None:
-            raise ValueError('Kibbles were present in the config but no '
-                             'kibble_bin was provided')
-        if kibble_board_file is None:
-            raise ValueError('Kibbles were present in the config but no '
-                             'kibble_board_file was provided')
-        self.boards_configs = {}
-        for kibble in kibbles_config:
-            if 'board' not in kibble:
-                raise ValueError('An individual kibble config must have a '
-                                 'board')
-            if 'connector' not in kibble:
-                raise ValueError('An individual kibble config must have a '
-                                 'connector')
-            if 'serial' not in kibble:
-                raise ValueError('An individual kibble config must have a '
-                                 'serial')
-            board = kibble['board']
-            connector = kibble['connector']
-            serial = kibble['serial']
-            if board not in self.boards_configs:
-                self.boards_configs[board] = copy.deepcopy(
-                    DEFAULT_KIBBLES_BOARD_CONFIG)
-                self.boards_configs[board][
-                    'board_file'] = kibble_board_file
-                self.boards_configs[board]['kibble_py'] = kibble_bin
-            kibble_config = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_KIBBLE_CONFIG)
-            kibble_config['connector'] = connector
-            self.boards_configs[board]['attached_kibbles'][
-                serial] = kibble_config
-    'devices': {
-        'default_device': {
-            'enabled': 1,
-            'collectors': {}
-        }
-    }
-class BitsServiceConfig(object):
-    """Helper object to construct a bits_service config from a bits controller
-    config and required additional resources, such as paths to executables.
-    The format for bits_service's configuration is explained in:
-    go/pixel-bits/user-guide/service/configuration.md
-    Attributes:
-        config_dic: A bits_service configuration as a python dictionary.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, controller_config, lvpm_monsoon_bin=None,
-                 hvpm_monsoon_bin=None, kibble_bin=None,
-                 kibble_board_file=None, virtual_metrics_file=None):
-        """Creates a BitsServiceConfig.
-        Args:
-            controller_config: The config as defined in the ACTS  BiTS
-                controller config. Expected format is:
-                {
-                    // optional
-                    'Monsoon':   {
-                        'serial_num': <serial number:int>,
-                        'monsoon_voltage': <voltage:double>
-                    }
-                    // optional
-                    'Kibble': [
-                        {
-                            'board': 'BoardName1',
-                            'connector': 'A',
-                            'serial': 'serial_1'
-                        },
-                        {
-                            'board': 'BoardName2',
-                            'connector': 'D',
-                            'serial': 'serial_2'
-                        }
-                    ]
-                }
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin: Binary file to interact with low voltage monsoons.
-                Needed if the monsoon is a lvpm monsoon (serial number lower
-                than 20000).
-            hvpm_monsoon_bin: Binary file to interact with high voltage
-                monsoons. Needed if the monsoon is a hvpm monsoon (serial number
-                greater than 20000).
-            kibble_bin: Binary file to interact with kibbles.
-            kibble_board_file: File describing the distribution of rails on a
-                kibble. go/kibble#setting-up-bits-board-files
-            virtual_metrics_file: A list of virtual metrics files to add
-                data aggregates on top of regular channel aggregates.
-                go/pixel-bits/user-guide/virtual-metrics
-        """
-        self.config_dic = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_SERVICE_CONFIG_DICT)
-        self.has_monsoon = False
-        self.has_kibbles = False
-        self.has_virtual_metrics_file = False
-        self.monsoon_config = None
-        self.kibbles_config = None
-        if 'Monsoon' in controller_config:
-            self.has_monsoon = True
-            self.monsoon_config = _BitsMonsoonConfig(
-                controller_config['Monsoon'],
-                lvpm_monsoon_bin,
-                hvpm_monsoon_bin)
-            self.config_dic['devices']['default_device']['collectors'][
-                'Monsoon'] = self.monsoon_config.config_dic
-        if 'Kibbles' in controller_config:
-            self.has_kibbles = True
-            self.kibbles_config = _BitsKibblesConfig(
-                controller_config['Kibbles'],
-                kibble_bin, kibble_board_file)
-            self.config_dic['devices']['default_device']['collectors'].update(
-                self.kibbles_config.boards_configs)
-            if virtual_metrics_file is not None:
-                self.config_dic['devices']['default_device'][
-                    'vm_files'] = [virtual_metrics_file]
-                self.has_virtual_metrics_file = True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/bluetooth_pts_device.py b/src/antlion/controllers/bluetooth_pts_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dbe5c7..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/bluetooth_pts_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-    Windows 10
-    Bluetooth PTS installed
-    Recommended: Running cmder as Admin: https://cmder.net/
-1. Install latest version of Python for windows:
-    https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
-Tested successfully on Python 3.7.3.:
-    https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.3/python-3.7.3.exe
-2. Launch Powershell and setup PATH:
-Setx PATH “%PATH%;C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Scripts”
-3. Launch Cmder as Admin before running any PTS related ACTS tests.
-Bluetooth PTS controller.
-Mandatory parameters are log_directory and sig_root_directory.
-ACTS Config setup:
-"BluetoothPtsDevice": {
-    "log_directory": "C:\\Users\\fsbtt\\Documents\\Profile Tuning Suite\\Test_Dir",
-    "sig_root_directory": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bluetooth SIG"
-from antlion import signals
-from datetime import datetime
-import ctypes
-import logging
-import os
-import subprocess
-import time
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from xml.dom import minidom
-from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
-class BluetoothPtsDeviceConfigError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-class BluetoothPtsSnifferError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME = "bluetooth_pts_device"
-# Prefix to identify final verdict string. This is a PTS specific log String.
-# Verdict strings that are specific to PTS.
-    'INCOMP',  # Initial final verdict meaning that test has not completed yet.
-    'NONE',  # Error verdict usually indicating internal PTS error.
-# Sniffer ready log message.
-SNIFFER_READY = 'SNIFFER/Save and clear complete'
-# PTS Log Types as defined by PTS:
-PTS_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration is empty, abort!"
-def create(config):
-    if not config:
-        raise errors.PTS_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG
-    return get_instance(config)
-def destroy(pts):
-    try:
-        pts[0].clean_up()
-    except:
-        pts[0].log.error("Failed to clean up properly.")
-def get_info(pts_devices):
-    """Get information from the BluetoothPtsDevice object.
-    Args:
-        pts_devices: A list of BluetoothPtsDevice objects although only one
-        will ever be specified.
-    Returns:
-        A dict, representing info for BluetoothPtsDevice object.
-    """
-    return {
-        "address": pts_devices[0].address,
-        "sniffer_ready": pts_devices[0].sniffer_ready,
-        "ets_manager_library": pts_devices[0].ets_manager_library,
-        "log_directory": pts_devices[0].log_directory,
-        "pts_installation_directory":
-        pts_devices[0].pts_installation_directory,
-    }
-def get_instance(config):
-    """Create BluetoothPtsDevice instance from a dictionary containing
-    information related to PTS. Namely the SIG root directory as
-    sig_root_directory and the log directory represented by the log_directory.
-    Args:
-        config: A dict that contains BluetoothPtsDevice device info.
-    Returns:
-        A list of BluetoothPtsDevice objects.
-    """
-    result = []
-    try:
-        log_directory = config.pop("log_directory")
-    except KeyError:
-        raise BluetoothPtsDeviceConfigError(
-            "Missing mandatory log_directory in config.")
-    try:
-        sig_root_directory = config.pop("sig_root_directory")
-    except KeyError:
-        example_path = \
-            "C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Bluetooth SIG"
-        raise BluetoothPtsDeviceConfigError(
-            "Missing mandatory sig_root_directory in config. Example path: {}".
-            format(example_path))
-    # "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bluetooth SIG\\Bluetooth PTS\\bin\\ETSManager.dll"
-    ets_manager_library = "{}\\Bluetooth PTS\\bin\\ETSManager.dll".format(
-        sig_root_directory)
-    # "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bluetooth SIG\\Bluetooth PTS\\bin"
-    pts_installation_directory = "{}\\Bluetooth PTS\\bin".format(
-        sig_root_directory)
-    # "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bluetooth SIG\\Bluetooth Protocol Viewer"
-    pts_sniffer_directory = "{}\\Bluetooth Protocol Viewer".format(
-        sig_root_directory)
-    result.append(
-        BluetoothPtsDevice(ets_manager_library, log_directory,
-                           pts_installation_directory, pts_sniffer_directory))
-    return result
-class BluetoothPtsDevice:
-    """Class representing an Bluetooth PTS device and associated functions.
-    Each object of this class represents one BluetoothPtsDevice in ACTS.
-    """
-    _next_action = -1
-    _observers = []
-    address = ""
-    current_implicit_send_description = ""
-    devices = []
-    extra_answers = []
-    log_directory = ""
-    log = None
-    ics = None
-    ixit = None
-    profile_under_test = None
-    pts_library = None
-    pts_profile_mmi_request = ""
-    pts_test_result = VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_INCOMP']
-    sniffer_ready = False
-    test_log_directory = ""
-    test_log_prefix = ""
-    def __init__(self, ets_manager_library, log_directory,
-                 pts_installation_directory, pts_sniffer_directory):
-        self.log = logging.getLogger()
-        if ets_manager_library is not None:
-            self.ets_manager_library = ets_manager_library
-        self.log_directory = log_directory
-        if pts_installation_directory is not None:
-            self.pts_installation_directory = pts_installation_directory
-        if pts_sniffer_directory is not None:
-            self.pts_sniffer_directory = pts_sniffer_directory
-        # Define callback functions
-        self.USEAUTOIMPLSENDFUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_bool)
-        self.use_auto_impl_send_func = self.USEAUTOIMPLSENDFUNC(
-            self.UseAutoImplicitSend)
-        self.DONGLE_MSG_FUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_char_p)
-        self.dongle_msg_func = self.DONGLE_MSG_FUNC(self.DongleMsg)
-        self.DEVICE_SEARCH_MSG_FUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_bool,
-                                                       ctypes.c_char_p,
-                                                       ctypes.c_char_p,
-                                                       ctypes.c_char_p)
-        self.dev_search_msg_func = self.DEVICE_SEARCH_MSG_FUNC(
-            self.DeviceSearchMsg)
-        self.LOGFUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_char_p,
-                                        ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p,
-                                        ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p)
-        self.log_func = self.LOGFUNC(self.Log)
-        self.ONIMPLSENDFUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_char_p,
-                                               ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int)
-        self.onimplsend_func = self.ONIMPLSENDFUNC(self.ImplicitSend)
-        # Helps with PTS reliability.
-        os.chdir(self.pts_installation_directory)
-        # Load EtsManager
-        self.pts_library = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(self.ets_manager_library)
-        self.log.info("ETS Manager library {0:s} has been loaded".format(
-            self.ets_manager_library))
-        # If post-logging is turned on all callbacks to LPLOG-type function
-        # will be executed after test execution is complete. It is recommended
-        # that post-logging is turned on to avoid simultaneous invocations of
-        # LPLOG and LPAUTOIMPLICITSEND callbacks.
-        self.pts_library.SetPostLoggingEx(True)
-        self.xml_root = Element("ARCHIVE")
-        version = Element("VERSION")
-        version.text = "2.0"
-        self.xml_root.append(version)
-        self.xml_pts_pixit = Element("PicsPixit")
-        self.xml_pts_pixit.text = ""
-        self.xml_pts_running_log = Element("LOG")
-        self.xml_pts_running_log.text = ""
-        self.xml_pts_running_summary = Element("SUMMARY")
-        self.xml_pts_running_summary.text = ""
-    def clean_up(self):
-        # Since we have no insight to the actual PTS library,
-        # catch all Exceptions and log them.
-        try:
-            self.log.info("Cleaning up Stack...")
-            self.pts_library.ExitStackEx(self.profile_under_test)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to clean up BluetoothPtsDevice: {}".format(err))
-        try:
-            self.log.info("Unregistering Profile...")
-            self.pts_library.UnregisterProfileEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
-            self.pts_library.UnregisterProfileEx(
-                self.profile_under_test.encode())
-            self.pts_library.UnRegisterGetDevInfoEx()
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to clean up BluetoothPtsDevice: {}".format(err))
-        try:
-            self.log.info("Cleaning up Sniffer")
-            self.pts_library.SnifferTerminateEx()
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to clean up BluetoothPtsDevice: {}".format(err))
-        self.log.info("Cleanup Done.")
-    def write_xml_pts_pixit_values_for_current_test(self):
-        """ Writes the current PICS and IXIT values to the XML result.
-        """
-        self.xml_pts_pixit.text = "ICS VALUES:\n\n"
-        for key, value in self.ics.items():
-            self.xml_pts_pixit.text += "{} {}\n".format(
-                key.decode(), value.decode())
-        self.xml_pts_pixit.text += "\nIXIT VALUES:\n\n"
-        for key, (_, value) in self.ixit.items():
-            self.xml_pts_pixit.text += "{} {}\n".format(
-                key.decode(), value.decode())
-    def set_ics_and_ixit(self, ics, ixit):
-        self.ics = ics
-        self.ixit = ixit
-    def set_profile_under_test(self, profile):
-        self.profile_under_test = profile
-    def setup_pts(self):
-        """Prepares PTS to run tests. This needs to be called in test classes
-        after ICS, IXIT, and setting Profile under test.
-        Specifically BluetoothPtsDevice functions:
-            set_profile_under_test
-            set_ics_and_ixit
-        """
-        # Register layer to test with callbacks
-        self.pts_library.RegisterProfileWithCallbacks.argtypes = [
-            ctypes.c_char_p, self.USEAUTOIMPLSENDFUNC, self.ONIMPLSENDFUNC,
-        ]
-        res = self.pts_library.RegisterProfileWithCallbacks(
-            self.profile_under_test.encode(), self.use_auto_impl_send_func,
-            self.onimplsend_func, self.log_func, self.dev_search_msg_func,
-            self.dongle_msg_func)
-        self.log.info(
-            "Profile has been registered with result {0:d}".format(res))
-        # GetDeviceInfo module is for discovering devices and PTS Dongle address
-        # Initialize GetDeviceInfo and register it with callbacks
-        # First parameter is PTS executable directory
-        self.pts_library.InitGetDevInfoWithCallbacks.argtypes = [
-            ctypes.c_char_p, self.DEVICE_SEARCH_MSG_FUNC, self.DONGLE_MSG_FUNC
-        ]
-        res = self.pts_library.InitGetDevInfoWithCallbacks(
-            self.pts_installation_directory.encode(), self.dev_search_msg_func,
-            self.dongle_msg_func)
-        self.log.info(
-            "GetDevInfo has been initialized with result {0:d}".format(res))
-        # Initialize PTS dongle
-        res = self.pts_library.VerifyDongleEx()
-        self.log.info(
-            "PTS dongle has been initialized with result {0:d}".format(res))
-        # Find PTS dongle address
-        self.pts_library.GetDongleBDAddress.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong
-        self.address = self.pts_library.GetDongleBDAddress()
-        self.address_str = "{0:012X}".format(self.address)
-        self.log.info("PTS BD Address 0x{0:s}".format(self.address_str))
-        # Initialize Bluetooth Protocol Viewer communication module
-        self.pts_library.SnifferInitializeEx()
-        # If Bluetooth Protocol Viewer is not running, start it
-        if not self.is_sniffer_running():
-            self.log.info("Starting Protocol Viewer")
-            args = [
-                "{}\Executables\Core\FTS.exe".format(
-                    self.pts_sniffer_directory),
-                '/PTS Protocol Viewer=Generic',
-                '/OEMTitle=Bluetooth Protocol Viewer', '/OEMKey=Virtual'
-            ]
-            subprocess.Popen(args)
-            sniffer_timeout = 10
-            while not self.is_sniffer_running():
-                time.sleep(sniffer_timeout)
-        # Register to recieve Bluetooth Protocol Viewer notofications
-        self.pts_library.SnifferRegisterNotificationEx()
-        self.pts_library.SetParameterEx.argtypes = [
-            ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p
-        ]
-        for ics_name in self.ics:
-            res = self.pts_library.SetParameterEx(
-                ics_name, b'BOOLEAN', self.ics[ics_name],
-                self.profile_under_test.encode())
-            if res:
-                self.log.info("ICS {0:s} set successfully".format(
-                    str(ics_name)))
-            else:
-                self.log.error("Setting ICS {0:s} value failed".format(
-                    str(ics_name)))
-        for ixit_name in self.ixit:
-            res = self.pts_library.SetParameterEx(
-                ixit_name, (self.ixit[ixit_name])[0],
-                (self.ixit[ixit_name])[1], self.profile_under_test.encode())
-            if res:
-                self.log.info("IXIT {0:s} set successfully".format(
-                    str(ixit_name)))
-            else:
-                self.log.error("Setting IXIT {0:s} value failed".format(
-                    str(ixit_name)))
-        # Prepare directory to store Bluetooth Protocol Viewer output
-        if not os.path.exists(self.log_directory):
-            os.makedirs(self.log_directory)
-        address_b = self.address_str.encode("utf-8")
-        self.pts_library.InitEtsEx.argtypes = [
-            ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p
-        ]
-        implicit_send_path = "{}\\implicit_send3.dll".format(
-            self.pts_installation_directory).encode()
-        res = self.pts_library.InitEtsEx(self.profile_under_test.encode(),
-                                         self.log_directory.encode(),
-                                         implicit_send_path, address_b)
-        self.log.info("ETS has been initialized with result {0:s}".format(
-            str(res)))
-        # Initialize Host Stack DLL
-        self.pts_library.InitStackEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
-        res = self.pts_library.InitStackEx(self.profile_under_test.encode())
-        self.log.info("Stack has been initialized with result {0:s}".format(
-            str(res)))
-        # Select to receive Log messages after test is done
-        self.pts_library.SetPostLoggingEx.argtypes = [
-            ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_char_p
-        ]
-        self.pts_library.SetPostLoggingEx(True,
-                                          self.profile_under_test.encode())
-        # Clear Bluetooth Protocol Viewer. Dongle message callback will update
-        # sniffer_ready automatically. No need to fail setup if the timeout
-        # is exceeded since the logs will still be available just not starting
-        # from a clean slate. Just post a warning.
-        self.sniffer_ready = False
-        self.pts_library.SnifferClearEx()
-        end_time = time.time() + 10
-        while not self.sniffer_ready and time.time() < end_time:
-            time.sleep(1)
-        if not self.sniffer_ready:
-            self.log.warning("Sniffer not cleared. Continuing.")
-    def is_sniffer_running(self):
-        """ Looks for running Bluetooth Protocol Viewer process
-        Returns:
-            Returns True if finds one, False otherwise.
-        """
-        prog = [
-            line.split()
-            for line in subprocess.check_output("tasklist").splitlines()
-        ]
-        [prog.pop(e) for e in [0, 1, 2]]
-        for task in prog:
-            task_name = task[0].decode("utf-8")
-            if task_name == "Fts.exe":
-                self.log.info("Found FTS process successfully.")
-                # Sleep recommended by PTS.
-                time.sleep(1)
-                return True
-        return False
-    def UseAutoImplicitSend(self):
-        """Callback method that defines Which ImplicitSend will be used.
-        Returns:
-            True always to inform PTS to use the local implementation.
-        """
-        return True
-    def DongleMsg(self, msg_str):
-        """ Receives PTS dongle messages.
-        Specifically this receives the Bluetooth Protocol Viewer completed
-        save/clear operations.
-        Returns:
-            True if sniffer is ready, False otherwise.
-        """
-        msg = (ctypes.c_char_p(msg_str).value).decode("utf-8")
-        self.log.info(msg)
-        # Sleep recommended by PTS.
-        time.sleep(1)
-        if SNIFFER_READY in msg:
-            self.sniffer_ready = True
-        return True
-    def DeviceSearchMsg(self, addr_str, name_str, cod_str):
-        """ Receives device search messages
-        Each device may return multiple messages
-        Each message will contain device address and may contain device name and
-        COD.
-        Returns:
-            True always and reports to the callback appropriately.
-        """
-        addr = (ctypes.c_char_p(addr_str).value).replace(b'\xed',
-                                                         b' ').decode("utf-8")
-        name = (ctypes.c_char_p(name_str).value).replace(b'\xed',
-                                                         b' ').decode("utf-8")
-        cod = (ctypes.c_char_p(cod_str).value).replace(b'\xed',
-                                                       b' ').decode("utf-8")
-        self.devices.append(
-            "Device address = {0:s} name = {1:s} cod = {2:s}".format(
-                addr, name, cod))
-        return True
-    def Log(self, log_time_str, log_descr_str, log_msg_str, log_type, project):
-        """ Receives PTS log messages.
-        Returns:
-            True always and reports to the callback appropriately.
-        """
-        log_time = (ctypes.c_char_p(log_time_str).value).decode("utf-8")
-        log_descr = (ctypes.c_char_p(log_descr_str).value).decode("utf-8")
-        log_msg = (ctypes.c_char_p(log_msg_str).value).decode("utf-8")
-        if "Verdict Description" in log_descr:
-            self.xml_pts_running_summary.text += "\t- {}".format(log_msg)
-        if "Final Verdict" in log_descr:
-            self.xml_pts_running_summary.text += "{}{}\n".format(
-                log_descr.strip(), log_msg.strip())
-        full_log_msg = "{}{}{}".format(log_time, log_descr, log_msg)
-        self.xml_pts_running_log.text += "{}\n".format(str(full_log_msg))
-        if ctypes.c_int(log_type).value == LOG_TYPE_FINAL_VERDICT:
-            indx = log_msg.find(VERDICT)
-            if indx == 0:
-                if self.pts_test_result == VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_INCOMP']:
-                    if VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_INCONC'] in log_msg:
-                        self.pts_test_result = VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_INCONC']
-                    elif VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_FAIL'] in log_msg:
-                        self.pts_test_result = VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_FAIL']
-                    elif VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_PASS'] in log_msg:
-                        self.pts_test_result = VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_PASS']
-                    elif VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_NONE'] in log_msg:
-                        self.pts_test_result = VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_NONE']
-        return True
-    def ImplicitSend(self, description, style):
-        """ ImplicitSend callback
-        Implicit Send Styles:
-            MMI_Style_Ok_Cancel1 =     0x11041, Simple prompt           | OK, Cancel buttons      | Default: OK
-            MMI_Style_Ok_Cancel2 =     0x11141, Simple prompt           | Cancel button           | Default: Cancel
-            MMI_Style_Ok1 =            0x11040, Simple prompt           | OK button               | Default: OK
-            MMI_Style_Yes_No1 =        0x11044, Simple prompt           | Yes, No buttons         | Default: Yes
-            MMI_Style_Yes_No_Cancel1 = 0x11043, Simple prompt           | Yes, No buttons         | Default: Yes
-            MMI_Style_Abort_Retry1 =   0x11042, Simple prompt           | Abort, Retry buttons    | Default: Abort
-            MMI_Style_Edit1 =          0x12040, Request for data input  | OK, Cancel buttons      | Default: OK
-            MMI_Style_Edit2 =          0x12140, Select item from a list | OK, Cancel buttons      | Default: OK
-        Handling
-            MMI_Style_Ok_Cancel1
-                OK = return "OK"
-                Cancel = return 0
-            MMI_Style_Ok_Cancel2
-                OK = return "OK"
-                Cancel = return 0
-            MMI_Style_Ok1
-                OK = return "OK", this version should not return 0
-            MMI_Style_Yes_No1
-                Yes = return "OK"
-                No = return 0
-            MMI_Style_Yes_No_Cancel1
-                Yes = return "OK"
-                No = return 0
-                Cancel = has been deprecated
-            MMI_Style_Abort_Retry1
-                Abort = return 0
-                Retry = return "OK"
-            MMI_Style_Edit1
-                OK = return expected string
-                Cancel = return 0
-            MMI_Style_Edit2
-                OK = return expected string
-                Cancel = return 0
-        Receives ImplicitSend messages
-        Description format is as following:
-        {MMI_ID,Test Name,Layer Name}MMI Action\n\nDescription: MMI Description
-        """
-        descr_str = (ctypes.c_char_p(description).value).decode("utf-8")
-        # Sleep recommended by PTS.
-        time.sleep(1)
-        indx = descr_str.find('}')
-        implicit_send_info = descr_str[1:(indx)]
-        self.current_implicit_send_description = descr_str[(indx + 1):]
-        items = implicit_send_info.split(',')
-        implicit_send_info_id = items[0]
-        implicit_send_info_test_case = items[1]
-        self.pts_profile_mmi_request = items[2]
-        self.log.info(
-            "OnImplicitSend() has been called with the following parameters:\n"
-        )
-        self.log.info("\t\tproject_name = {0:s}".format(
-            self.pts_profile_mmi_request))
-        self.log.info("\t\tid = {0:s}".format(implicit_send_info_id))
-        self.log.info(
-            "\t\ttest_case = {0:s}".format(implicit_send_info_test_case))
-        self.log.info("\t\tdescription = {0:s}".format(
-            self.current_implicit_send_description))
-        self.log.info("\t\tstyle = {0:#X}".format(ctypes.c_int(style).value))
-        self.log.info("")
-        try:
-            self.next_action = int(implicit_send_info_id)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Setting verdict to RESULT_FAIL, exception found: {}".format(
-                    err))
-            self.pts_test_result = VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_FAIL']
-        res = b'OK'
-        if len(self.extra_answers) > 0:
-            res = self.extra_answers.pop(0).encode()
-        self.log.info("Sending Response: {}".format(res))
-        return res
-    def log_results(self, test_name):
-        """Log results.
-        Saves the sniffer results in cfa format and clears the sniffer.
-        Args:
-            test_name: string, name of the test run.
-        """
-        self.pts_library.SnifferCanSaveEx.restype = ctypes.c_bool
-        canSave = ctypes.c_bool(self.pts_library.SnifferCanSaveEx()).value
-        self.pts_library.SnifferCanSaveAndClearEx.restype = ctypes.c_bool
-        canSaveClear = ctypes.c_bool(
-            self.pts_library.SnifferCanSaveAndClearEx()).value
-        file_name = "\\{}.cfa".format(self.test_log_prefix).encode()
-        path = self.test_log_directory.encode() + file_name
-        if canSave == True:
-            self.pts_library.SnifferSaveEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
-            self.pts_library.SnifferSaveEx(path)
-        else:
-            self.pts_library.SnifferSaveAndClearEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
-            self.pts_library.SnifferSaveAndClearEx(path)
-        end_time = time.time() + 60
-        while self.sniffer_ready == False and end_time > time.time():
-            self.log.info("Waiting for sniffer to be ready...")
-            time.sleep(1)
-        if self.sniffer_ready == False:
-            raise BluetoothPtsSnifferError(
-                "Sniffer not ready after 60 seconds.")
-    def execute_test(self, test_name, test_timeout=60):
-        """Execute the input test name.
-        Preps PTS to run the test and waits up to 2 minutes for all steps
-        in the execution to finish. Cleanup of PTS related objects follows
-        any test verdict.
-        Args:
-            test_name: string, name of the test to execute.
-        """
-        today = datetime.now()
-        self.write_xml_pts_pixit_values_for_current_test()
-        # TODO: Find out how to grab the PTS version. Temporarily
-        # hardcoded to v.
-        self.xml_pts_pixit.text = (
-            "Test Case Started: {} v., {} started on {}\n\n{}".format(
-                self.profile_under_test, test_name,
-                today.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S"),
-                self.xml_pts_pixit.text))
-        self.xml_pts_running_summary.text += "Test case : {} started\n".format(
-            test_name)
-        log_time_formatted = "{:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S}".format(datetime.now())
-        formatted_test_name = test_name.replace('/', '_')
-        formatted_test_name = formatted_test_name.replace('-', '_')
-        self.test_log_prefix = "{}_{}".format(formatted_test_name,
-                                              log_time_formatted)
-        self.test_log_directory = "{}\\{}\\{}".format(self.log_directory,
-                                                      self.profile_under_test,
-                                                      self.test_log_prefix)
-        os.makedirs(self.test_log_directory)
-        curr_test = test_name.encode()
-        self.pts_library.StartTestCaseEx.argtypes = [
-            ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_bool
-        ]
-        res = self.pts_library.StartTestCaseEx(
-            curr_test, self.profile_under_test.encode(), True)
-        self.log.info("Test has been started with result {0:s}".format(
-            str(res)))
-        # Wait till verdict is received
-        self.log.info("Begin Test Execution... waiting for verdict.")
-        end_time = time.time() + test_timeout
-        while self.pts_test_result == VERDICT_STRINGS[
-                'RESULT_INCOMP'] and time.time() < end_time:
-            time.sleep(1)
-        self.log.info("End Test Execution... Verdict {}".format(
-            self.pts_test_result))
-        # Clean up after test is done
-        self.pts_library.TestCaseFinishedEx.argtypes = [
-            ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p
-        ]
-        res = self.pts_library.TestCaseFinishedEx(
-            curr_test, self.profile_under_test.encode())
-        self.log_results(test_name)
-        self.xml_pts_running_summary.text += "{} finished\n".format(test_name)
-        # Add the log results to the XML output
-        self.xml_root.append(self.xml_pts_pixit)
-        self.xml_root.append(self.xml_pts_running_log)
-        self.xml_root.append(self.xml_pts_running_summary)
-        rough_string = ET.tostring(self.xml_root,
-                                   encoding='utf-8',
-                                   method='xml')
-        reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
-        with open(
-                "{}\\{}.xml".format(self.test_log_directory,
-                                    self.test_log_prefix), "w") as writter:
-            writter.write(
-                reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="  ", encoding="utf-8").decode())
-        if self.pts_test_result is VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_PASS']:
-            return True
-        return False
-    """Observer functions"""
-    def bind_to(self, callback):
-        """ Callbacks to add to the observer.
-        This is used for DUTS automatic responses (ImplicitSends local
-        implementation).
-        """
-        self._observers.append(callback)
-    @property
-    def next_action(self):
-        return self._next_action
-    @next_action.setter
-    def next_action(self, action):
-        self._next_action = action
-        for callback in self._observers:
-            callback(self._next_action)
-    """End Observer functions"""
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_controller.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_controller.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0040d85..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_controller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This is the controller module for Pixel Buds devices.
-For the device definition, see buds_lib.apollo_lib.
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.apollo_lib import ParentDevice
-class ConfigError(Exception):
-    """Raised when the configuration is malformatted."""
-def create(configs):
-    """Creates a Pixel Buds device for each config found within the configs.
-    Args:
-        configs: The configs can be structured in the following ways:
-                    ['serial1', 'serial2', ... ]
-                    [
-                        {
-                            'serial': 'serial1',
-                            'label': 'some_info',
-                            ...
-                        },
-                        {
-                            'serial': 'serial2',
-                            'label': 'other_info',
-                            ...
-                        }
-                    ]
-    """
-    created_controllers = []
-    if not isinstance(configs, list):
-        raise ConfigError('Malformatted config %s. Must be a list.' % configs)
-    for config in configs:
-        if isinstance(config, str):
-            created_controllers.append(ParentDevice(config))
-        elif isinstance(config, dict):
-            serial = config.get('serial', None)
-            if not serial:
-                raise ConfigError('Buds Device %s is missing entry "serial".' %
-                                  config)
-            created_controllers.append(ParentDevice(serial))
-        else:
-            raise ConfigError('Malformatted config: "%s". Must be a string or '
-                              'dict' % config)
-    return created_controllers
-def destroy(buds_device_list):
-    pass
-def get_info(buds_device_list):
-    device_infos = []
-    for buds_device in buds_device_list:
-        device_infos.append({'serial': buds_device.serial_number,
-                             'name': buds_device.device_name})
-    return device_infos
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/apollo_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/apollo_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c988f44..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/apollo_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1516 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Apollo Commander through USB/UART interface.
-It uses python serial lib to communicate to a Apollo device.
-Some of the commander may not work yet, pending on the final version of the
-commander implementation.
-Typical usage examples:
-    To get a list of all apollo devices:
-    >>> devices = apollo_lib.get_devices()
-    To work with a specific apollo device:
-    >>> apollo = apollo_lib.Device(serial_number='ABCDEF0123456789',
-    >>> commander_port='/dev/ttyACM0')
-    To send a single command:
-    >>> apollo.cmd('PowOff')
-    To send a list of commands:
-    >>> apollo.cmd(['PowOff', 'PowOn', 'VolUp', 'VolDown']
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-import atexit
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import time
-import serial
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import tako_trace_logger
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import logserial
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.b29_lib import B29Device
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.dev_utils import apollo_log_decoder
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.dev_utils import apollo_log_regex
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.dev_utils import apollo_sink_events
-from logging import Logger
-from retry import retry
-logging = tako_trace_logger.TakoTraceLogger(Logger('apollo'))
-BAUD_RATE = 115200
-WRITE_TO_FLASH_WAIT = 30  # wait 30 sec when writing to external flash.
-LOG_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<msg>.*)')
-STATUS_REGEX = r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<key>.+?): (?P<value>.+)'
-APOLLO_CHIP = '_Apollo_'
-    r'_(?P<device_serial>[A-Z0-9]+)-(?P<interface>\w+)'
-    r'\s->\s(\.\./){2}(?P<port>\w+)'
-OTA_VERIFICATION_FAILED = 'OTA verification failed. corrupt image?'
-CODEC_REGEX = r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<codec>\w+) codec is used.'
-BUILD_REGEX = r'\d+\.\d+\.(?P<build>\d+)-?(?P<psoc_build>\d*)-?(?P<debug>\w*)'
-class Error(Exception):
-    """Module Level Error."""
-class ResponseError(Error):
-    """cmd Response Error."""
-class DeviceError(Error):
-    """Device Error."""
-class ConnectError(Error):
-    """Connection Error."""
-def get_devices():
-    """Get all available Apollo devices.
-    Returns:
-        (list) A list of available devices or empty list if none found
-    Raises:
-        Error: raises Error if no Apollo devices or wrong interfaces were found.
-    """
-    devices = []
-    result = os.popen('ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/*%s*' % APOLLO_CHIP).read()
-    if not result:
-        raise Error('No Apollo Devices found.')
-    for line in result.splitlines():
-        match = re.search(DEVICE_REGEX, line)
-        interface = match.group('interface')
-        # TODO: The commander port will always be None.
-        commander_port = None
-        if interface == 'if00':
-            commander_port = '/dev/' + match.group('port')
-            continue
-        elif interface == 'if02':
-            log_port = '/dev/' + match.group('port')
-        else:
-            raise Error('Wrong interface found.')
-        device_serial = match.group('device_serial')
-        device = {
-            'commander_port': commander_port,
-            'log_port': log_port,
-            'serial_number': device_serial
-        }
-        devices.append(device)
-    return devices
-class BudsDevice(object):
-    """Provides a simple class to interact with Apollo."""
-    def __init__(self, serial_number, commander_port=None, log_port=None,
-                 serial_logger=None):
-        """Establish a connection to a Apollo.
-        Open a connection to a device with a specific serial number.
-        Raises:
-            ConnectError: raises ConnectError if cannot open the device.
-        """
-        self.set_log = False
-        self.connection_handle = None
-        self.device_closed = False
-        if serial_logger:
-            self.set_logger(serial_logger)
-        self.pc = logserial.PortCheck()
-        self.serial_number = serial_number
-        # TODO (kselvakumaran): move this to an interface device class that
-        # apollo_lib.BudsDevice should derive from
-        if not commander_port and not log_port:
-            self.get_device_ports(self.serial_number)
-        if commander_port:
-            self.commander_port = commander_port
-        if log_port:
-            self.log_port = log_port
-        self.apollo_log = None
-        self.cmd_log = None
-        self.apollo_log_regex = apollo_log_regex
-        self.dut_type = 'apollo'
-        # TODO (kselvakumaran): move this to an interface device class that
-        # apollo_lib.BudsDevice should derive from
-        try:  # Try to open the device
-            self.connection_handle = logserial.LogSerial(
-                self.commander_port, BAUD_RATE, flush_output=False,
-                serial_logger=logging)
-            self.wait_for_commander()
-        except (serial.SerialException, AssertionError, ConnectError) as e:
-            logging.error(
-                'error opening device {}: {}'.format(serial_number, e))
-            raise ConnectError('Error open the device.')
-        # disable sleep on idle
-        self.stay_connected_state = 1
-        atexit.register(self.close)
-    def set_logger(self, serial_logger):
-        global logging
-        logging = serial_logger
-        self.set_log = True
-        if self.connection_handle:
-            self.connection_handle.set_logger(serial_logger)
-    def get_device_ports(self, serial_number):
-        commander_query = {'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': serial_number,
-                           'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '00'}
-        log_query = {'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': serial_number,
-                     'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '02'}
-        self.commander_port = self.pc.search_port_by_property(commander_query)
-        self.log_port = self.pc.search_port_by_property(log_query)
-        if not self.commander_port and not self.log_port:
-            raise ConnectError(
-                'BudsDevice serial number %s not found' % serial_number)
-        else:
-            if not self.commander_port:
-                raise ConnectError('No devices found')
-            self.commander_port = self.commander_port[0]
-            self.log_port = self.log_port[0]
-    def get_all_log(self):
-        return self.connection_handle.get_all_log()
-    def query_log(self, from_timestamp, to_timestamp):
-        return self.connection_handle.query_serial_log(
-            from_timestamp=from_timestamp, to_timestamp=to_timestamp)
-    def send(self, cmd):
-        """Sends the command to serial port.
-        It does not care about whether the cmd is successful or not.
-        Args:
-            cmd: The passed command
-        Returns:
-            The number of characters written
-        """
-        logging.debug(cmd)
-        # with self._lock:
-        self.connection_handle.write(cmd)
-        result = self.connection_handle.read()
-        return result
-    def cmd(self, cmds, wait=None):
-        """Sends the commands and check responses.
-        Valid cmd will return something like '585857269 running cmd VolUp'.
-        Invalid cmd will log an error and return something like '585826369 No
-        command vol exists'.
-        Args:
-            cmds: The commands to the commander.
-            wait: wait in seconds for the cmd response.
-        Returns:
-            (list) The second element of the array returned by _cmd.
-        """
-        if isinstance(cmds, str):
-            cmds = [cmds]
-        results = []
-        for cmd in cmds:
-            _, result = self._cmd(cmd, wait=wait)
-            results.append(result)
-        return results
-    def _cmd(self, cmd, wait=None, throw_error=True):
-        """Sends a single command and check responses.
-        Valid cmd will return something like '585857269 running cmd VolUp'.
-        Invalid cmd will log an error and return something like '585826369 No
-        command vol exists'. Some cmd will return multiple lines of output.
-        eg. 'menu'.
-        Args:
-            cmd: The command to the commander.
-            wait: wait in seconds for the cmd response.
-            throw_error: Throw exception on True
-        Returns:
-            (list) containing such as the following:
-            [<return value>, [<protobuf dictionary>, str]]
-            Hex strings (protobuf) are replaced by its decoded dictionaries
-            and stored in an arry along with other string returned fom the
-            device.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: On Error.(Optional)
-        """
-        self.connection_handle.write(cmd)
-        while self.connection_handle.is_logging:
-            time.sleep(.01)
-        if wait:
-            self.wait(wait)
-        # Using read_serial_port as readlines is a blocking call until idle.
-        res = self.read_serial_port()
-        result = []
-        self.cmd_log = res
-        command_resv = False
-        # TODO: Cleanup the usage of the two booleans below.
-        command_finish = False
-        command_rejected = False
-        # for line in iter_res:
-        for line in res:
-            if isinstance(line, dict):
-                if 'COMMANDER_RECV_COMMAND' in line.values():
-                    command_resv = True
-                elif 'COMMANDER_REJECT_COMMAND' in line.values():
-                    logging.info('Command rejected')
-                    command_rejected = True
-                    break
-                elif 'COMMANDER_FINISH_COMMAND' in line.values():
-                    command_finish = True
-                    break
-                elif (command_resv and not command_finish and
-                      not command_rejected):
-                    result.append(line)
-            # TODO(jesussalinas): Remove when only encoded lines are required
-            elif command_resv and not command_finish and not command_rejected:
-                if 'running cmd' not in line:
-                    result.append(line)
-        success = True
-        if command_rejected or not command_resv:
-            success = False
-            if throw_error:
-                logging.info(res)
-                raise DeviceError('Unknown command %s' % cmd)
-        return success, result
-    def get_pdl(self):
-        """Returns the PDL stack dictionary.
-        The PDL stack stores paired devices of Apollo. Each PDL entry include
-        mac_address, flags, link_key, priority fields.
-        Returns:
-            list of pdl dicts.
-        """
-        # Get the mask from CONNLIB41:
-        # CONNLIB41 typically looks something like this: 2403 fff1
-        # 2403 fff1 is actually two 16-bit words of a 32-bit integer
-        # like 0xfff12403 . This tells the chronological order of the entries
-        # in the paired device list one nibble each. LSB to MSB corresponds to
-        # CONNLIB42 through CONNLIB49. So, the above tells us that the device at
-        # 0x2638 is the 3rd most recent entry 0x2639 the latest entry etc. As
-        # a device re-pairs the masks are updated.
-        response = []
-        mask = 'ffffffff'
-        res = self.cmd('GetPSHex 0x2637')
-        if len(res[0]) == 0:
-            logging.warning('Error reading PDL mask @ 0x2637')
-            return response
-        else:
-            regexp = r'\d+\s+(?P<m1>....)\s(?P<m2>....)'
-            match = re.match(regexp, res[0][0])
-            if match:
-                connlib41 = match.group('m2') + match.group('m1')
-                mask = connlib41[::-1]
-                logging.debug('PDL mask: %s' % mask)
-        # Now get the MAC/link key
-        mask_idx = 0
-        for i in range(9784, 9883):
-            types = {}
-            res = self.cmd('GetPSHex ' + '%0.2x' % i)
-            if len(res[0]) == 0:
-                break
-            else:
-                regexp = ('\d+\s+(?P<Mac>....\s....\s....)\s'
-                          '(?P<Flags>....\s....)\s(?P<Linkkey>.*)')
-                match = re.search(regexp, res[0][0])
-                if match:
-                    mac_address = match.group('Mac').replace(' ', '').upper()
-                    formatted_mac = ''
-                    for i in range(len(mac_address)):
-                        formatted_mac += mac_address[i]
-                        if i % 2 != 0 and i < (len(mac_address) - 1):
-                            formatted_mac += ':'
-                    types['mac_address'] = formatted_mac
-                    types['flags'] = match.group('Flags').replace(' ', '')
-                    types['link_key'] = match.group('Linkkey').replace(' ', '')
-                    types['priority'] = int(mask[mask_idx], 16)
-                    mask_idx += 1
-                    response.append(types)
-        return response
-    def set_pairing_mode(self):
-        """Enter Bluetooth Pairing mode."""
-        logging.debug('Inside set_pairing_mode()...')
-        try:
-            return self.cmd('Pair')
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('Pair cmd failed')
-    # TODO (kselvakumaran): move this to an interface BT class that
-    # apollo_lib.BudsDevice should derive from
-    def turn_on_bluetooth(self):
-        return True
-    # TODO (kselvakumaran): move this to an interface BT class that
-    # apollo_lib.BudsDevice should derive from
-    def is_bt_enabled(self):
-        """Check if BT is enabled.
-        (TODO:weisu)Currently it is always true since there is no way to disable
-        BT in apollo
-        Returns:
-            True if BT is enabled.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside is_bt_enabled()...')
-        return True
-    def panic(self):
-        """Hitting a panic, device will be automatically reset after 5s."""
-        logging.debug('Inside panic()...')
-        try:
-            self.send('panic')
-        except serial.SerialException:
-            logging.exception('panic cmd failed')
-    def power(self, cmd):
-        """Controls the power state of the device.
-        Args:
-            cmd: If 'Off', powers the device off. Otherwise, powers the device
-                 on.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside power({})...'.format(cmd))
-        mode = '0' if cmd == 'Off' else '1'
-        cmd = 'Pow ' + mode
-        try:
-            return self.cmd(cmd)
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('{} cmd failed'.format(cmd))
-    def charge(self, state):
-        """Charging Control of the device.
-        Args:
-          state: '1/0' to enable/disable charging.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside charge({})...'.format(state))
-        cmd = 'chg ' + state
-        try:
-            self.cmd(cmd)
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('{} cmd failed'.format(cmd))
-    def get_battery_level(self):
-        """Get the battery charge level.
-        Returns:
-            charge percentage string.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: GetBatt response error.
-        """
-        response = self.cmd('GetBatt')
-        for line in response[0]:
-            if line.find('Batt:') > -1:
-                # Response if in this format '<messageID> Batt: <percentage>'
-                return line.split()[2]
-        raise DeviceError('Battery Level not found in GetBatt response')
-    def get_gas_gauge_current(self):
-        """Get the Gauge current value.
-        Returns:
-            Float value with the info
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: I2CRead response error.
-        """
-        response = self.cmd('I2CRead 2 0x29')
-        for line in response[0]:
-            if line.find('value') > -1:
-                return float.fromhex(line.split()[6].replace(',', ''))
-        raise DeviceError('Current Level not found in I2CRead response')
-    def get_gas_gauge_voltage(self):
-        """Get the Gauge voltage value.
-        Returns:
-            Float value with the info
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: I2CRead response error.
-        """
-        response = self.cmd('I2CRead 2 0x2A')
-        for line in response[0]:
-            if line.find('value') > -1:
-                return float.fromhex(line.split()[6].replace(',', ''))
-        raise DeviceError('Voltage Level not found in I2CRead response')
-    def reset(self, wait=5):
-        """Resetting the device."""
-        logging.debug('Inside reset()...')
-        self.power('Off')
-        self.wait(wait)
-        self.power('On')
-    def close(self):
-        if not self.device_closed:
-            self.connection_handle.close()
-            self.device_closed = True
-            if not self.set_log:
-                logging.flush_log()
-    def get_serial_log(self):
-        """Retrieve the logs from connection handle."""
-        return self.connection_handle.get_all_log()
-    def factory_reset(self):
-        """Erase paired device(s) (bond) data and reboot device."""
-        cmd = 'FactoryReset 1'
-        self.send(cmd)
-        self.wait(5)
-        self.reconnect()
-    def reboot(self, reconnect=10, retry_timer=30):
-        """Rebooting the device.
-        Args:
-            reconnect: reconnect attempts after reboot, None for no reconnect.
-            retry_timer: wait time in seconds before next connect retry.
-        Returns:
-            True if successfully reboot or reconnect.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside reboot()...')
-        self.panic()
-        if not reconnect:
-            return True
-        ini_time = time.time()
-        message = 'waiting for {} to shutdown'.format(self.serial_number)
-        logging.info(message)
-        while True:
-            alive = self.connection_handle.is_port_alive()
-            if not alive:
-                logging.info('rebooted')
-                break
-            if time.time() - ini_time > 60:
-                logging.info('Shutdown timeouted')
-                break
-            time.sleep(0.5)
-        return self.reconnect(reconnect, retry_timer)
-    def reconnect(self, iterations=30, retry_timer=20):
-        """Reconnect to the device.
-        Args:
-            iterations: Number of retry iterations.
-            retry_timer: wait time in seconds before next connect retry.
-        Returns:
-            True if reconnect to the device successfully.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: Failed to reconnect.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside reconnect()...')
-        for i in range(iterations):
-            try:
-                # port might be changed, refresh the port list.
-                self.get_device_ports(self.serial_number)
-                message = 'commander_port: {}, log_port: {}'.format(
-                    self.commander_port, self.log_port)
-                logging.info(message)
-                self.connection_handle.refresh_port_connection(
-                    self.commander_port)
-                # Sometimes there might be sfome delay when commander is
-                # functioning.
-                self.wait_for_commander()
-                return True
-            except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
-                message = 'Fail to connect {} times due to {}'.format(
-                    i + 1, e)
-                logging.warning(message)
-                # self.close()
-                time.sleep(retry_timer)
-        raise DeviceError('Cannot reconnect to %s with %d attempts.',
-                          self.commander_port, iterations)
-    @retry(Exception, tries=4, delay=1, backoff=2)
-    def wait_for_commander(self):
-        """Wait for commander to function.
-        Returns:
-            True if commander worked.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: Failed to bring up commander.
-        """
-        # self.Flush()
-        result = self.cmd('menu')
-        if result:
-            return True
-        else:
-            raise DeviceError('Cannot start commander.')
-    def wait(self, timeout=1):
-        """Wait for the device."""
-        logging.debug('Inside wait()...')
-        time.sleep(timeout)
-    def led(self, cmd):
-        """LED control of the device."""
-        message = 'Inside led({})...'.format(cmd)
-        logging.debug(message)
-        cmd = 'EventUsrLeds' + cmd
-        try:
-            return self.cmd(_evt_hex(cmd))
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('LED cmd failed')
-    def volume(self, key, times=1):
-        """Volume Control. (Down/Up).
-        Args:
-            key: Down --Decrease a volume.
-                 Up --Increase a volume.
-            times: Simulate number of swipes.
-        Returns:
-            (int) Volume level.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError
-        """
-        message = 'Inside volume({}, {})...'.format(key, times)
-        logging.debug(message)
-        updown = {
-            'Up': '1',
-            'Down': '0',
-        }
-        cmds = ['ButtonSwipe ' + updown[key]] * times
-        logging.info(cmds)
-        try:
-            self.cmd(cmds)
-            for line in self.cmd_log:
-                if isinstance(line, dict):
-                    if 'id' in line and line['id'] == 'VOLUME_CHANGE':
-                        if 'data' in line and line['data']:
-                            return int(line['data'])
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('ButtonSwipe cmd failed')
-    def menu(self):
-        """Return a list of supported commands."""
-        logging.debug('Inside menu()...')
-        try:
-            return self.cmd('menu')
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('menu cmd failed')
-    def set_ohd(self, mode='AUTO'):
-        """Manually set the OHD status and override auto-detection.
-        Args:
-            mode: ON --OHD manual mode with on-ear state.
-                  OFF --OHD manual mode with off-ear state.
-                  AUTO --OHD auto-detection mode.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: OHD Command failure.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside set_ohd()...')
-        try:
-            if mode != 'AUTO':
-                # Set up OHD manual mode
-                self.cmd('Test 14 0 2 1')
-                if mode == 'ON':
-                    # Detects on-ear
-                    self.cmd('Test 14 0 2 1 0x3')
-                else:
-                    # Detects off-ear
-                    self.cmd('Test 14 0 2 1 0x0')
-            else:
-                # Default mode (auto detect.)
-                self.cmd('Test 14 0 2 0')
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('OHD cmd failed')
-    def music_control_events(self, cmd, regexp=None, wait=.5):
-        """Sends the EvtHex to control media player.
-        Arguments:
-            cmd: the command to perform.
-            regexp: Optional pattern to validate the event logs.
-        Returns:
-            Boolean: True if the command triggers the correct events on the
-                     device, False otherwise.
-        # TODO(nviboonchan:) Add more supported commands.
-        Supported commands:
-            'PlayPause'
-            'VolumeUp'
-            'VolumeDown',
-        """
-        cmd_regexp = {
-            # Play/ Pause would need to pass the regexp argument since it's
-            # sending the same event but returns different responses depending
-            # on the device state.
-            'VolumeUp': apollo_log_regex.VOLUP_REGEX,
-            'VolumeDown': apollo_log_regex.VOLDOWN_REGEX,
-        }
-        if not regexp:
-            if cmd not in cmd_regexp:
-                logmsg = 'Expected pattern is not defined for event %s' % cmd
-                logging.exception(logmsg)
-                return False
-            regexp = cmd_regexp[cmd]
-        self.cmd('EvtHex %s' % apollo_sink_events.SINK_EVENTS['EventUsr' + cmd],
-                 wait=wait)
-        for line in self.cmd_log:
-            if isinstance(line, str):
-                if re.search(regexp, line):
-                    return True
-            elif isinstance(line, dict):
-                if line.get('id', None) == 'AVRCP_PLAY_STATUS_CHANGE':
-                    return True
-        return False
-    def avrcp(self, cmd):
-        """sends the Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (avrcp) control command.
-        Supported commands:
-            'PlayPause'
-            'Stop'
-            'SkipForward',
-            'SkipBackward',
-            'FastForwardPress',
-            'FastForwardRelease',
-            'RewindPress',
-            'RewindRelease',
-            'ShuffleOff',
-            'ShuffleAllTrack',
-            'ShuffleGroup',
-            'RepeatOff':,
-            'RepeatSingleTrack',
-            'RepeatAllTrack',
-            'RepeatGroup',
-            'Play',
-            'Pause',
-            'ToggleActive',
-            'NextGroupPress',
-            'PreviousGroupPress',
-            'NextGroupRelease',
-            'PreviousGroupRelease',
-        Args:
-            cmd: The avrcp command.
-        """
-        cmd = 'EventUsrAvrcp' + cmd
-        logging.debug(cmd)
-        try:
-            self.cmd(_evt_hex(cmd))
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('avrcp cmd failed')
-    def enable_log(self, levels=None):
-        """Enable specified logs."""
-        logging.debug('Inside enable_log()...')
-        if levels is None:
-            levels = ['ALL']
-        masks = hex(
-            sum([int(apollo_sink_events.LOG_FEATURES[x], 16) for x in levels]))
-        try:
-            self.cmd('LogOff %s' % apollo_sink_events.LOG_FEATURES['ALL'])
-            return self.cmd('LogOn %s' % masks)
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('Enable log failed')
-    def disable_log(self, levels=None):
-        """Disable specified logs."""
-        logging.debug('Inside disable_log()...')
-        if levels is None:
-            levels = ['ALL']
-        masks = hex(
-            sum([int(apollo_sink_events.LOG_FEATURES[x], 16) for x in levels]))
-        try:
-            self.cmd('LogOn %s' % apollo_sink_events.LOG_FEATURES['ALL'])
-            return self.cmd('LogOff %s' % masks)
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('Disable log failed')
-    def write_to_flash(self, file_name=None):
-        """Write file to external flash.
-        Note: Assume pv is installed. If not, install it by
-              'apt-get install pv'.
-        Args:
-            file_name: Full path file name.
-        Returns:
-            Boolean: True if write to partition is successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside write_to_flash()...')
-        if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
-            message = 'DFU file %s not found.'.format(file_name)
-            logging.exception(message)
-            return False
-        logging.info(
-            'Write file {} to external flash partition ...'.format(file_name))
-        image_size = os.path.getsize(file_name)
-        logging.info('image size is {}'.format(image_size))
-        results = self.cmd('Ota {}'.format(image_size), wait=3)
-        logging.debug('Result of Ota command' + str(results))
-        if any(OTA_VERIFICATION_FAILED in result for result in results[0]):
-            return False
-        # finished cmd Ota
-        if (any('OTA_ERASE_PARTITION' in result.values() for result in
-                results[0] if
-                isinstance(result, dict)) or
-                any('OTA erasd ptns' in result for result in results[0])):
-            try:
-                # -B: buffer size in bytes, -L rate-limit in B/s.
-                subcmd = ('pv --force -B 160 -L 10000 %s > %s' %
-                          (file_name, self.commander_port))
-                logging.info(subcmd)
-                p = subprocess.Popen(subcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
-            except OSError:
-                logging.exception(
-                    'pv not installed, please install by: apt-get install pv')
-                return False
-            try:
-                res = self.read_serial_port(read_until=6)
-            except DeviceError:
-                logging.exception('Unable to read the device port')
-                return False
-            for line in res:
-                if isinstance(line, dict):
-                    logging.info(line)
-                else:
-                    match = re.search(OTA_RECEIVE_CSR_REGEX, line)
-                    if match:
-                        logging.info(
-                            'OTA Image received. Transfer is in progress...')
-                        # Polling during a transfer could miss the final message
-                        # when the device reboots, so we wait until the transfer
-                        # completes.
-                        p.wait()
-                        return True
-            # No image transfer in progress.
-            return False
-        else:
-            return False
-    def flash_from_file(self, file_name, reconnect=True):
-        """Upgrade Apollo from an image file.
-        Args:
-            file_name: DFU file name. eg. /google/data/ro/teams/wearables/
-                       apollo/ota/master/v76/apollo.dfu
-            reconnect: True to reconnect the device after flashing
-        Returns:
-            Bool: True if the upgrade is successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside flash_from_file()...')
-        if self.write_to_flash(file_name):
-            logging.info('OTA image transfer is completed')
-            if reconnect:
-                # Transfer is completed; waiting for the device to reboot.
-                logging.info('wait to make sure old connection disappears.')
-                self.wait_for_reset(timeout=150)
-                self.reconnect()
-                logging.info('BudsDevice reboots successfully after OTA.')
-            return True
-    def open_mic(self, post_delay=5):
-        """Open Microphone on the device using EvtHex command.
-        Args:
-            post_delay: time delay in seconds after the microphone is opened.
-        Returns:
-            Returns True or False based on whether the command was executed.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside open_mic()...')
-        success, _ = self._cmd('Voicecmd 1', post_delay)
-        return success
-    def close_mic(self, post_delay=5):
-        """Close Microphone on the device using EvtHex command.
-        Args:
-            post_delay: time delay in seconds after the microphone is closed.
-        Returns:
-            Returns true or false based on whether the command was executed.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside close_mic()...')
-        success, _ = self._cmd('Voicecmd 0', post_delay)
-        return success
-    def touch_key_press_event(self, wait=1):
-        """send key press event command.
-        Args:
-            wait: Inject delay after key press to simulate real touch event .
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside KeyPress()...')
-        self._cmd('Touch 6')
-        self.wait(wait)
-    def touch_tap_event(self, wait_if_pause=10):
-        """send key release event after key press to simulate single tap.
-        Args:
-            wait_if_pause: Inject delay after avrcp pause was detected.
-        Returns:
-            Returns False if avrcp play orp ause not detected else True.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside Touch Tap event()...')
-        self._cmd('Touch 4')
-        for line in self.cmd_log:
-            if 'avrcp play' in line:
-                logging.info('avrcp play detected')
-                return True
-            if 'avrcp pause' in line:
-                logging.info('avrcp pause detected')
-                self.wait(wait_if_pause)
-                return True
-        return False
-    def touch_hold_up_event(self):
-        """Open Microphone on the device using touch hold up command.
-        Returns:
-            Returns True or False based on whether the command was executed.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside open_mic()...')
-        self._cmd('Touch 3')
-        for line in self.cmd_log:
-            if 'Button 1 LONG_BEGIN' in line:
-                logging.info('mic open success')
-                return True
-        return False
-    def touch_hold_down_event(self):
-        """Close Microphone on the device using touch hold down command.
-        Returns:
-            Returns true or false based on whether the command was executed.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside close_mic()...')
-        self._cmd('Touch 8')
-        for line in self.cmd_log:
-            if 'Button 1 LONG_END' in line:
-                logging.info('mic close success')
-                return True
-        return False
-    def tap(self):
-        """Performs a Tap gesture."""
-        logging.debug('Inside tap()')
-        self.cmd('ButtonTap 0')
-    def hold(self, duration):
-        """Tap and hold a button.
-        Args:
-            duration: (int) duration in milliseconds.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside hold()')
-        self.cmd('ButtonHold ' + str(duration))
-    def swipe(self, direction):
-        """Perform a swipe gesture.
-        Args:
-            direction: (int) swipe direction 1 forward, 0 backward.
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside swipe()')
-        self.cmd('ButtonSwipe ' + direction)
-    def get_pskey(self, key):
-        """Fetch value from persistent store."""
-        try:
-            cmd = 'GetPSHex ' + apollo_sink_events.PSKEY[key]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise DeviceError('PS Key: %s not found' % key)
-        pskey = ''
-        try:
-            ret = self.cmd(cmd)
-            for result in ret[0]:
-                if not re.search(r'pskey', result.lower()) and LOG_REGEX.match(
-                        result):
-                    # values are broken into words separated by spaces.
-                    pskey += LOG_REGEX.match(result).group('msg').replace(' ',
-                                                                          '')
-                else:
-                    continue
-        except DeviceError:
-            logging.exception('GetPSHex cmd failed')
-        return pskey
-    def get_version(self):
-        """Return a device version information.
-        Note: Version information is obtained from the firmware loader. Old
-        information is lost when firmware is updated.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of device version info. eg.
-            {
-                'Fw Build': '73',
-                'OTA Status': 'No OTA performed before this boot',
-            }
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside get_version()...')
-        success, result = self._cmd('GetVer', throw_error=False)
-        status = {}
-        if result:
-            for line in result:
-                if isinstance(line, dict):
-                    status['build'] = line['vm_build_number']
-                    status['psoc_build'] = line['psoc_version']
-                    status['debug'] = line['csr_fw_debug_build']
-                    status['Fw Build Label'] = line['build_label']
-                    if 'last_ota_status' in line.keys():
-                        # Optional value in the proto response
-                        status['OTA Status'] = line['last_ota_status']
-                    else:
-                        status['OTA Status'] = 'No info'
-        return success, status
-    def get_earcon_version(self):
-        """Return a device Earson version information.
-        Returns:
-            Boolean:  True if success, False otherwise.
-            String: Earon Version e.g. 7001 0201 6100 0000
-        """
-        # TODO(nviboonchan): Earcon version format would be changed in the
-        # future.
-        logging.debug('Inside get_earcon_version()...')
-        result = self.get_pskey('PSKEY_EARCON_VERSION')
-        if result:
-            return True, result
-        else:
-            return False, None
-    def get_bt_status(self):
-        """Return a device bluetooth connection information.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of bluetooth status. eg.
-            {
-                'Comp. App': 'FALSE',
-               'HFP (pri.)', 'FALSE',
-               'HFP (sec.)': 'FALSE',
-               'A2DP (pri.)': 'FALSE',
-               'A2DP (sec.)': 'FALSE',
-               'A2DP disconnects': '3',
-               'A2DP Role (pri.)': 'slave',
-               'A2DP RSSI (pri.)': '-Touch'
-            }
-        """
-        logging.debug('Inside get_bt_status()...')
-        return self._get_status('GetBTStatus')
-    def get_conn_devices(self):
-        """Gets the BT connected devices.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of BT connected devices. eg.
-            {
-                'HFP Pri': 'xxxx',
-                'HFP Sec': 'xxxx',
-                'A2DP Pri': 'xxxx',
-                'A2DP Sec': 'xxxx',
-                'RFCOMM devices': 'xxxx',
-                'CTRL': 'xxxx',
-                'AUDIO': 'None',
-                'DEBUG': 'None',
-                'TRANS': 'None'
-             }
-        Raises:
-            ResponseError: If unexpected response occurs.
-        """
-        response_regex = re.compile('[0-9]+ .+: ')
-        connected_status = {}
-        response = self.cmd('GetConnDevices')
-        if not response:
-            raise ResponseError(
-                'No response returned by GetConnDevices command')
-        for line in response[0]:
-            if response_regex.search(line):
-                profile, value = line[line.find(' '):].split(':', 1)
-                connected_status[profile] = value
-        if not connected_status:
-            raise ResponseError('No BT Profile Status in response.')
-        return connected_status
-    def _get_status(self, cmd):
-        """Return a device status information."""
-        status = {}
-        try:
-            results = self.cmd(cmd)
-        except DeviceError as ex:
-            # logging.exception('{} cmd failed'.format(cmd))
-            logging.warning('Failed to get device status info.')
-            raise ex
-        results = results[0]
-        for result in results:
-            match = re.match(STATUS_REGEX, result)
-            if match:
-                key = match.group('key')
-                value = match.group('value')
-                status.update({key: value})
-        return status
-    def is_streaming(self):
-        """Returns the music streaming status on Apollo.
-        Returns:
-            Boolean: True if device is streaming music. False otherwise.
-        """
-        status = self.cmd('GetDSPStatus')
-        if any('active feature mask: 0' in log for log in
-               status[0]):
-            return False
-        elif any('active feature mask: 2' in log for log in
-                 status[0]):
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def is_in_call(self):
-        """Returns the phone call status on Apollo.
-        Returns:
-            Boolean: True if device has incoming call. False otherwise.
-        """
-        status = self.cmd('GetDSPStatus')
-        if not any('Inc' or 'out' in log for log in status[0]):
-            return False
-        return True
-    def is_device_limbo(self):
-        """Check if device is in Limbo state.
-        Returns:
-            Boolean: True if device is in limbo state, False otherwise.
-        """
-        device_state = self.get_device_state()
-        logging.info('BudsDevice "{}" state {}'.format(self.serial_number,
-                                                       device_state))
-        return device_state == 'limbo'
-    def get_device_state(self):
-        """Get state of the device.
-        Returns:
-            String representing the device state.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: If command fails.
-        """
-        _, status = self._cmd('GetDSPStatus')
-        for stat in status:
-            if isinstance(stat, dict):
-                logging.info(stat)
-                return stat['sink_state'].lower()
-        raise DeviceError('BudsDevice state not found in GetDSPStatus.')
-    def set_stay_connected(self, value):
-        """Run command to set the value for SetAlwaysConnected.
-        Args:
-            value: (int) 1 to keep connection engages at all time,
-                         0 for restoring
-        Returns:
-            the set state of type int (0 or 1) or None if not applicable
-        """
-        if int(self.version) >= 1663:
-            self._cmd('SetAlwaysConnected {}'.format(value))
-            logging.info('Setting sleep on idle to {}'.format(value))
-            return value
-    def get_codec(self):
-        """Get device's current audio codec.
-        Returns:
-            String representing the audio codec.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: If command fails.
-        """
-        success, status = self._cmd('get_codec')
-        logging.info('---------------------------------------')
-        logging.info(status)
-        logging.info('---------------------------------------')
-        if success:
-            for line in status:
-                if isinstance(line, dict):
-                    logging.info('Codec found: %s'.format(line['codec']))
-                    return line['codec']
-        raise DeviceError('BudsDevice state not found in get_codec.')
-    def crash_dump_detection(self):
-        """Reads crash dump determines if a crash is detected.
-        Returns:
-            True if crash detection is supported and if a new crash is found.
-            False otherwise.
-        """
-        # Detects if crashdump output is new
-        new_crash_regex = r'new crash = ([01]+)'
-        # filter crashdump for just the trace
-        crash_stack_regex = r'BASIC(.*)\n[\d]+ APP_STACK(.*)\n'
-        # remove time stamp commander output
-        timestamp_remover_regex = '\n[\\d]+ '
-        logging.debug('Inside IsCrashDumpDetection()...')
-        cmd_return = self.cmd('CrashDump', wait=1)
-        crash_dump_str = '\n'.join(cmd_return[0])
-        logging.info(crash_dump_str)
-        try:
-            # check for crash
-            match = re.search(new_crash_regex, crash_dump_str)
-            if match is not None:
-                if match.groups()[0] == '1':  # new crash found
-                    logging.error('Crash detected!!')
-                    basic, app_stack = re.search(crash_stack_regex,
-                                                 crash_dump_str,
-                                                 re.DOTALL).groups()
-                    # remove time stamps from capture
-                    basic = re.sub(timestamp_remover_regex, '', basic)
-                    app_stack = re.sub(timestamp_remover_regex, '', app_stack)
-                    # write to log
-                    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
-                    logging.info(
-                        '\n&270d = %s\n&270e = %s\n' % (basic, app_stack))
-                    # pylint: enable=bad-whitespace
-                    return True
-                else:  # no new crash
-                    logging.info('No crash detected')
-                    return False
-        except AttributeError:
-            logging.exception(
-                'Apollo crash dump output is not in expected format')
-            raise DeviceError('Apollo crash dump not in expected format')
-    @property
-    def version(self):
-        """Application version.
-        Returns:
-            (String) Firmware version.
-        """
-        _, result = self.get_version()
-        return result['build']
-    @property
-    def bluetooth_address(self):
-        """Bluetooth MAC address.
-        Returns:
-            a string representing 48bit BT MAC address in Hex.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: Unable to find BT Address
-        """
-        results = self.get_pskey('PSKEY_BDADDR')
-        if not results:
-            raise DeviceError('Unable to find BT Address')
-        logging.info(results)
-        # Bluetooth lower address part, upper address part and non-significant
-        # address part.
-        bt_lap = results[2:8]
-        bt_uap = results[10:12]
-        bt_nap = results[12:16]
-        results = bt_nap + bt_uap + bt_lap
-        return ':'.join(map(''.join, zip(*[iter(results)] * 2))).upper()
-    @property
-    def device_name(self):
-        """Device Friendly Name.
-        Returns:
-            a string representing device friendly name.
-        Raises:
-            DeviceError: Unable to find a wearable device name.
-        """
-        result = self.get_pskey('PSKEY_DEVICE_NAME')
-        if not result:
-            raise DeviceError('Unable to find BudsDevice Name')
-        logging.info(_to_ascii(result))
-        return _to_ascii(result)
-    @property
-    def stay_connected(self):
-        return self.stay_connected_state
-    @stay_connected.setter
-    def stay_connected(self, value):
-        self.stay_connected_state = self.set_stay_connected(value)
-    def read_serial_port(self, read_until=None):
-        """Read serial port until specified read_until value in seconds."""
-        # use default read_until value if not specified
-        if read_until:
-            time.sleep(read_until)
-        res = self.connection_handle.read()
-        buf_read = []
-        for line in res:
-            if apollo_log_decoder.is_automation_protobuf(line):
-                decoded = apollo_log_decoder.decode(line)
-                buf_read.append(decoded)
-            else:
-                buf_read.append(line)
-        return buf_read
-    def wait_for_reset(self, timeout=30):
-        """waits for the device to reset by check serial enumeration.
-        Checks every .5 seconds for the port.
-        Args:
-            timeout: The max time to wait for the device to disappear.
-        Returns:
-            Bool: True if the device reset was detected. False if not.
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while True:
-            res = subprocess.Popen(['ls', self.commander_port],
-                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                   stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-            res.communicate()
-            if res.returncode != 0:
-                logging.info('BudsDevice reset detected')
-                return True
-            elif (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
-                logging.info('Timeout waiting for device to reset.....')
-                return False
-            else:
-                time.sleep(.5)
-    def set_in_case(self, reconnect=True):
-        """Simulates setting apollo in case and wait for device to come up.
-        Args:
-            reconnect: bool - if method should block until reconnect
-        """
-        logging.info('Setting device in case')
-        out = self.send('Pow 2')
-        for i in out:
-            if 'No OTA wakeup condition' in i:
-                logging.info('No wake up condition.')
-            elif 'STM Wakeup 10s' in i:
-                logging.info('Wake up condition detected.')
-        if reconnect:
-            self.wait_for_reset()
-            self.reconnect()
-class ParentDevice(BudsDevice):
-    """Wrapper object for Device that addresses b10 recovery and build flashing.
-    Recovery mechanism:
-    In case a serial connection could not be established to b10, the recovery
-    mechanism is activated  ONLY if'recover_device' is set to 'true' and
-    b29_serial is defined in config file. This helps recover a device that has a
-    bad build installed.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, serial_number, recover_device=False, b29_serial=None):
-        # if recover device parameter is supplied and there is an error in
-        # instantiating B10 try to recover device instantiating b10 has to fail
-        # at most $tries_before_recovery time before initiating a recovery
-        # try to run the recovery at most $recovery_times before raising Error
-        # after the first recovery attempt failure try to reset b29 each
-        # iteration
-        self.b29_device = None
-        if recover_device:
-            if b29_serial is None:
-                logging.error('B29 serial not defined')
-                raise Error(
-                    'Recovery failed because "b29_serial" definition not '
-                    'present in device manifest file')
-            else:
-                self.b29_device = B29Device(b29_serial)
-            tries_before_recovery = 5
-            recovery_tries = 5
-            for attempt in range(tries_before_recovery):
-                try:
-                    # build crash symptoms varies based on the nature of the
-                    # crash connectError is thrown if the device never shows up
-                    # in /dev/ sometimes device shows and can connect but
-                    # sending commands fails or crashes apollo in that case,
-                    # DeviceError is thrown
-                    super().__init__(serial_number, commander_port=None,
-                                     log_port=None, serial_logger=None)
-                    break
-                except (ConnectError, DeviceError) as ex:
-                    logging.warning(
-                        'Error initializing apollo object - # of attempt '
-                        'left : %d' % (tries_before_recovery - attempt - 1))
-                    if attempt + 1 >= tries_before_recovery:
-                        logging.error(
-                            'Retries exhausted - now attempting to restore '
-                            'golden image')
-                        for recovery_attempt in range(recovery_tries):
-                            if not self.b29_device.restore_golden_image():
-                                logging.error('Recovery failed - retrying...')
-                                self.b29_device.reset_charger()
-                                continue
-                            # try to instantiate now
-                            try:
-                                super().__init__(serial_number,
-                                                 commander_port=None,
-                                                 log_port=None,
-                                                 serial_logger=None)
-                                break
-                            except (ConnectError, DeviceError):
-                                if recovery_attempt == recovery_tries - 1:
-                                    raise Error(
-                                        'Recovery failed - ensure that there '
-                                        'is no mismatching serial numbers of '
-                                        'b29 and b10 is specified in config')
-                                else:
-                                    logging.warning(
-                                        'Recovery attempt failed - retrying...')
-                    time.sleep(2)
-        else:
-            super().__init__(serial_number, commander_port=None, log_port=None,
-                             serial_logger=None)
-        # set this to prevent sleep
-        self.set_stay_connected(1)
-    def get_info(self):
-        information_dictionary = {}
-        information_dictionary['type'] = self.dut_type
-        information_dictionary['serial'] = self.serial_number
-        information_dictionary['log port'] = self.log_port
-        information_dictionary['command port'] = self.commander_port
-        information_dictionary['bluetooth address'] = self.bluetooth_address
-        success, build_dict = self.get_version()
-        information_dictionary['build'] = build_dict
-        # Extract the build number as a separate key. Useful for BigQuery.
-        information_dictionary['firmware build number'] = build_dict.get(
-            'build', '9999')
-        information_dictionary['name'] = self.device_name
-        if self.b29_device:
-            information_dictionary['b29 serial'] = self.b29_device.serial
-            information_dictionary['b29 firmware'] = self.b29_device.fw_version
-            information_dictionary['b29 commander port'] = self.b29_device.port
-            information_dictionary[
-                'b29 app version'] = self.b29_device.app_version
-        return information_dictionary
-    def setup(self, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Args:
-            apollo_build: if specified, will be used in flashing the device to
-                          that build prior to running any of the tests. If not
-                          specified flashing is skipped.
-        """
-        if 'apollo_build' in kwargs and kwargs['apollo_build'] is not None:
-            build = kwargs['apollo_build']
-            X20_REGEX = re.compile(r'/google/data/')
-            if not os.path.exists(build) or os.stat(build).st_size == 0:
-                # if x20 path, retry on file-not-found error or if file size is
-                # zero b/c X20 path does not update immediately
-                if X20_REGEX.match(build):
-                    for i in range(20):
-                        # wait until file exists and size is > 0 w/ 6 second
-                        # interval on retry
-                        if os.path.exists(build) and os.stat(build).st_size > 0:
-                            break
-                        if i == 19:
-                            logging.error('Build path (%s) does not exist or '
-                                          'file size is 0 - aborted' % build)
-                            raise Error('Specified build path (%s) does not '
-                                        'exist or file size is 0' % build)
-                        else:
-                            logging.warning('Build path (%s) does not exist or '
-                                            'file size is 0 - retrying...' %
-                                            build)
-                            time.sleep(6)
-                else:
-                    raise Error('Specified build path (%s) does not exist or '
-                                'file size is 0' % build)
-                self.flash_from_file(file_name=build, reconnect=True)
-        else:
-            logging.info('Not flashing apollo.')
-    def teardown(self, **kwargs):
-        self.close()
-def _evt_hex(cmd):
-    return 'EvtHex ' + apollo_sink_events.SINK_EVENTS[cmd]
-def _to_ascii(orig):
-    # Returned value need to be byte swapped. Remove last octet if it is 0.
-    result = _byte_swap(orig)
-    result = result[:-2] if result[-2:] == '00' else result
-    return bytearray.fromhex(result).decode()
-def _byte_swap(orig):
-    """Simple function to swap bytes order.
-    Args:
-        orig: original string
-    Returns:
-        a string with bytes swapped.
-        eg. orig = '6557276920736952006f'.
-        After swap, return '57656927732052696f00'
-    """
-    return ''.join(
-        sum([(c, d, a, b) for a, b, c, d in zip(*[iter(orig)] * 4)], ()))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/apollo_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/apollo_utils.py
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index 98c9be8..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import apollo_lib
-def get_serial_object(pri_ad, serial_device):
-    """This function will creates object for serial device connected.
-    Args:
-        pri_ad: Android device.
-        serial_device: serial device connected.
-    Returns:
-        object of serial device, otherwise Abort the class.
-    """
-    devices = apollo_lib.get_devices()
-    for device in devices:
-        if device['serial_number'] in serial_device:
-            return apollo_lib.BudsDevice(device['serial_number'])
-    pri_ad.log.error('Apollo device not found')
-    raise signals.TestAbortAll('Apollo device not found')
-def avrcp_actions(pri_ad, buds_device):
-    """Performs avrcp controls like volume up, volume down
-    Args:
-        pri_ad: Android device.
-        buds_device: serial device object to perform avrcp actions.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, otherwise otherwise raises Exception.
-    """
-    pri_ad.log.debug("Setting voume to 0")
-    pri_ad.droid.setMediaVolume(0)
-    current_volume = pri_ad.droid.getMediaVolume()
-    pri_ad.log.info('Current volume to {}'.format(current_volume))
-    for _ in range(5):
-        buds_device.volume('Up')
-        time.sleep(AVRCP_WAIT_TIME)
-    pri_ad.log.info('Volume increased to {}'.format(
-        pri_ad.droid.getMediaVolume()))
-    if current_volume == pri_ad.droid.getMediaVolume():
-        pri_ad.log.error('Increase volume failed')
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Increase volume failed")
-    current_volume = pri_ad.droid.getMediaVolume()
-    for _ in range(5):
-        buds_device.volume('Down')
-        time.sleep(AVRCP_WAIT_TIME)
-    pri_ad.log.info('Volume decreased to {}'.format(
-        pri_ad.droid.getMediaVolume()))
-    if current_volume == pri_ad.droid.getMediaVolume():
-        pri_ad.log.error('Decrease volume failed')
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Decrease volume failed")
-    return True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/b29_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/b29_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 32839c1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/b29_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Class definition of B29 device for controlling the device.
-B29 is an engineering device with serial capabilities. It is almost like
-b20 except it has additional features that allow sending commands
-to b10 via one-wire and to pull logs from b10 via one-wire.
-Please see https://docs.google.com/document/d/17yJeJRNWxv5E9
-fBvw0sXkgwCBkshU_l4SxWkKgAxVmk/edit for details about available operations.
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from logging import Logger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import tako_trace_logger
-logging = tako_trace_logger.TakoTraceLogger(Logger(__file__))
-    r'_(?P<device_serial>[A-Z0-9]+)-(?P<interface>\w+)\s->\s'
-    r'(\.\./){2}(?P<port>\w+)'
-# TODO: automate getting the latest version from x20
-DEBUG_BRIDGE = ('/google/data/ro/teams/wearables/apollo/ota/jenkins-presubmit/'
-                'ovyalov/master/apollo-sw/CL14060_v2-build13686/v13686/'
-                'automation/apollo_debug_bridge/linux2/apollo_debug_bridge')
-B29_CHIP = 'Cypress_Semiconductor_USBUART'
-# TODO:
-# as the need arises, additional functionalities of debug_bridge should be
-# integrated
-# TODO:
-# https://docs.google.com/document/d/17yJeJRNWxv5E9fBvw0sXkgwCBkshU_
-# l4SxWkKgAxVmk/edit
-class B29Error(Exception):
-    """Module Level Error."""
-def get_b29_devices():
-    """ Get all available B29 devices.
-    Returns:
-      (list) A list of available devices (ex: ['/dev/ttyACM4',...]) or empty
-      list if none found
-    """
-    devices = []
-    result = os.popen('ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/*%s*' % B29_CHIP).read()
-    for line in result.splitlines():
-        match = re.search(DEVICE_REGEX, line)
-        device_serial = match.group('device_serial')
-        log_port = None
-        commander_port = '/dev/' + match.group('port')
-        device = {
-            'commander_port': commander_port,
-            'log_port': log_port,
-            'serial_number': device_serial
-        }
-        devices.append(device)
-    return devices
-class B29Device(object):
-    """Class to control B29 device."""
-    def __init__(self, b29_serial):
-        """ Class to control B29 device
-        Args: String type of serial number (ex: 'D96045152F121B00'
-        """
-        self.serial = b29_serial
-        b29_port = [d['commander_port'] for d in get_b29_devices() if
-                    d['serial_number'] == b29_serial]
-        if not b29_port:
-            logging.error("unable to find b29 with serial number %s" %
-                          b29_serial)
-            raise B29Error(
-                "Recovery failed because b29_serial specified in device "
-                "manifest file is not found or invalid")
-        self.port = b29_port[0]
-        self.ping_match = {'psoc': r'Pings: tx=[\d]* rx=[1-9][0-9]',
-                           'csr': r'count=100, sent=[\d]*, received=[1-9][0-9]',
-                           'charger': r'Pings: tx=[\d]* rx=[1-9][0-9]'}
-        self.fw_version = self._get_version('fw')
-        self.app_version = self._get_version('app')
-    def _get_version(self, type='fw'):
-        """ Method to get version of B29
-        Returns:
-            String version if found (ex: '0006'), None otherwise
-        """
-        command = '--serial={}'.format(self.port)
-        debug_bridge_process = self._send_command(command=command)
-        if type == 'fw':
-            version_match = re.compile(r'CHARGER app version: version=([\d]*)')
-        elif type == 'app':
-            version_match = re.compile(r'APP VERSION: ([\d]*)')
-        version_str = self._parse_output_of_running_process(
-            debug_bridge_process, version_match)
-        debug_bridge_process.kill()
-        if version_str:
-            match = version_match.search(version_str)
-            version = match.groups()[0]
-            return version
-        return None
-    def _parse_output_of_running_process(self, subprocess, match, timeout=30):
-        """ Parses the logs from subprocess objects and checks to see if a
-        match is found within the allotted time
-        Args:
-            subprocess: object returned by _send_command (which is the same as
-            bject returned by subprocess.Popen()) match: regex match object
-            (what is returned by re.compile(r'<regex>') timeout: int - time to
-            keep retrying before bailing
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        success_match = re.compile(match)
-        while start_time + timeout > time.time():
-            out = subprocess.stderr.readline()
-            if success_match.search(out):
-                return out
-            time.sleep(.5)
-        return False
-    def _send_command(self, command):
-        """ Send command to b29 using apollo debug bridge
-        Args:
-          command: The command for apollo debug to execute
-        Returns:
-          subprocess object
-        """
-        return utils.start_standing_subprocess(
-            '{} {} {}'.format(DEBUG_BRIDGE, '--rpc_port=-1', command),
-            shell=True)
-    def restore_golden_image(self):
-        """ Start a subprocess that calls the debug-bridge executable with
-        options that restores golden image of b10 attached to the b29. The
-        recovery restores the 'golden image' which is available in b10 partition
-         8. The process runs for 120 seconds which is adequate time for the
-         recovery to have completed.
-        """
-        # TODO:
-        # because we are accessing x20, we need to capture error resulting from
-        #  expired prodaccess and report it explicitly
-        # TODO:
-        # possibly file not found error?
-        # start the process, wait for two minutes and kill it
-        logging.info('Restoring golden image...')
-        command = '--serial=%s --debug_spi=dfu --sqif_partition=8' % self.port
-        debug_bridge_process = self._send_command(command=command)
-        success_match = re.compile('DFU on partition #8 successfully initiated')
-        if self._parse_output_of_running_process(debug_bridge_process,
-                                                 success_match):
-            logging.info('Golden image restored successfully')
-            debug_bridge_process.kill()
-            return True
-        logging.warning('Failed to restore golden image')
-        debug_bridge_process.kill()
-        return False
-    def ping_component(self, component, timeout=30):
-        """ Send ping to the specified component via B290
-        Args:
-            component = 'csr' or 'psoc' or 'charger'
-        Returns:
-            True if successful and False otherwise
-        """
-        if component not in ('csr', 'psoc', 'charger'):
-            raise B29Error('specified parameter for component is not valid')
-        logging.info('Pinging %s via B29...' % component)
-        command = '--serial={} --ping={}'.format(self.port, component)
-        debug_bridge_process = self._send_command(command=command)
-        if self._parse_output_of_running_process(debug_bridge_process,
-                                                 self.ping_match[component],
-                                                 timeout):
-            logging.info('Ping passes')
-            debug_bridge_process.kill()
-            return True
-        else:
-            logging.warning('Ping failed')
-            debug_bridge_process.kill()
-            return False
-    def reset_charger(self):
-        """ Send reset command to B29
-        Raises: TimeoutError (lib.utils.TimeoutError) if the device does not
-        come back within 120 seconds
-        """
-        # --charger_reset
-        if int(self.fw_version) >= 6:
-            logging.info('Resetting B29')
-            command = '--serial={} --charger_reset'.format(self.port)
-            reset_charger_process = self._send_command(command=command)
-            time.sleep(2)
-            reset_charger_process.kill()
-            logging.info('Waiting for B29 to become available..')
-            utils.wait_until(lambda: self.ping_component('charger'), 120)
-        else:
-            logging.warning('B20 firmware version %s does not support '
-                            'charger_reset argument' % self.fw_version)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_log_decoder.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_log_decoder.py
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--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_log_decoder.py
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Decodes the protobufs described in go/apollo-qa-tracing-design."""
-import base64
-import binascii
-import struct
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.dev_utils.proto.gen import apollo_qa_pb2
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.dev_utils.proto.gen import audiowear_pb2
-def to_dictionary(proto):
-    proto_dic = {}
-    msg = [element.split(':') for element in str(proto).split('\n') if element]
-    for element in msg:
-        key = element[0].strip()
-        value = element[1].strip()
-        proto_dic[key] = value
-    return proto_dic
-def is_automation_protobuf(logline):
-    return logline.startswith('QA_MSG|')
-def decode(logline):
-    """Decode the logline.
-    Args:
-      logline: String line with the encoded message.
-    Returns:
-      String value with the decoded message.
-    """
-    decoded = None
-    decoders = {'HEX': binascii.unhexlify, 'B64': base64.decodebytes}
-    msgs = {
-        apollo_qa_pb2.TRACE:
-            apollo_qa_pb2.ApolloQATrace,
-        apollo_qa_pb2.GET_VER_RESPONSE:
-            apollo_qa_pb2.ApolloQAGetVerResponse,
-        apollo_qa_pb2.GET_CODEC_RESPONSE:
-            apollo_qa_pb2.ApolloQAGetCodecResponse,
-        apollo_qa_pb2.GET_DSP_STATUS_RESPONSE:
-            apollo_qa_pb2.ApolloQAGetDspStatusResponse,
-    }
-    if is_automation_protobuf(logline):
-        _, encoding, message = logline.split("|", 2)
-        message = message.rstrip()
-        if encoding in decoders.keys():
-            message = decoders[encoding](message)
-            header = message[0:4]
-            serialized = message[4:]
-            if len(header) == 4 and len(serialized) == len(message) - 4:
-                msg_group, msg_type, msg_len = struct.unpack('>BBH', header)
-                if (len(serialized) == msg_len and
-                        msg_group == audiowear_pb2.APOLLO_QA):
-                    proto = msgs[msg_type]()
-                    proto.ParseFromString(serialized)
-                    decoded = to_dictionary(proto)
-    return decoded
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_log_regex.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_log_regex.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b4dd58a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_log_regex.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Apollo's event logs regexp for each button action."""
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\sVolume = (?P<vol_level>\d+)(.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)3202(.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)320a(.*)\r\n')
-AVRCP_PLAY_REGEX = (r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\sAVRCP '
-                    r'play\r\n')
-AVRCP_PAUSE_REGEX = (r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\sAVRCP '
-                     r'paused\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)'
-  r'\[3206\](.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)'
-  r'\[3207\](.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)'
-  r'\[3208\](.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)'
-  r'\[3209\](.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)'
-  r'\[3200\](.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)'
-  r'\[3201\](.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)State Match(.*)'
-  r'\[3205\](.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])\sDspOnVoiceCommandComplete\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])\sDspStartVoiceCommand(.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)AudioPromptPlay 33(.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z])(.*)AudioPromptPlay 34(.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z]) --hello--(.*)PowerOn(.*)\r\n')
-  r'(?P<time_stamp>\d+)\s(?P<log_level>[A-Z]) EvtAW:320d(.*)\r\n')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_sink_events.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_sink_events.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fcba1fd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/apollo_sink_events.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Apollo PS Keys and User Sink Events."""
-# Persistent Store (PS) Keys from rio_all_merged.psr.
-PSKEY = {
-    'PSKEY_BDADDR': '0x0001',
-    'PSKEY_DEVICE_NAME': '0x0108',
-    'PSKEY_DEEP_SLEEP_STATE': '0x0229',
-    'PSKEY_USB_VERSION': '0x02bc',
-    'PSKEY_USB_VENDOR_ID': '0x02be',
-    'PSKEY_USB_PRODUCT_ID': '0x02bf',
-    'PSKEY_USB_PRODUCT_STRING': '0x02c2',
-    'PSKEY_EARCON_VERSION': '0x28b'
-# Rio logging features from rio_log.h.
-    'ALL': '0xffff',
-    'VERBOSE': '0x0001',
-    'TEST': '0x0002',
-    'CSR': '0x0004',
-    'DEBUG': '0x0008',
-    'INFO': '0x0010',
-    'ERROR': '0x0020',
-    'TIME_STAMP': '0x0040',
-# Supported events from sink_events.h."""
-    'EventUsrMicOpen': '0x3206',
-    'EventUsrMicClose': '0x3207',
-    'EventUsrPowerOn': '0x4001',
-    'EventUsrPowerOff': '0x4002',
-    'EventUsrEnterPairing': '0x4003',
-    'EventUsrInitateVoiceDial': '0x4004',
-    'EventUsrInitateVoiceDial_AG2': '0x4005',
-    'EventUsrLastNumberRedial': '0x4006',
-    'EventUsrLastNumberRedial_AG2': '0x4007',
-    'EventUsrAnswer': '0x4008',
-    'EventUsrReject': '0x4009',
-    'EventUsrCancelEnd': '0x400A',
-    'EventUsrTransferToggle': '0x400B',
-    'EventUsrMuteToggle': '0x400C',
-    'EventUsrVolumeUp': '0x400D',
-    'EventUsrVolumeDown': '0x400E',
-    'EventUsrVolumeToggle': '0x400F',
-    'EventUsrThreeWayReleaseAllHeld': '0x4010',
-    'EventUsrThreeWayAcceptWaitingReleaseActive': '0x4011',
-    'EventUsrThreeWayAcceptWaitingHoldActive': '0x4012',
-    'EventUsrThreeWayAddHeldTo3Way': '0x4013',
-    'EventUsrThreeWayConnect2Disconnect': '0x4014',
-    'EventUsrLedsOnOffToggle': '0x4015',
-    'EventUsrLedsOn': '0x4016',
-    'EventUsrLedsOff': '0x4017',
-    'EventUsrEstablishSLC': '0x4018',
-    'EventUsrMuteOn': '0x4019',
-    'EventUsrMuteOff': '0x401A',
-    'EventUsrEnterTXContTestMode': '0x401B',
-    'EventUsrEnterDUTState': '0x401C',
-    'EventUsrBassBoostEnableDisableToggle': '0x401D',
-    'EventUsrPlaceIncomingCallOnHold': '0x401E',
-    'EventUsrAcceptHeldIncomingCall': '0x401F',
-    'EventUsrRejectHeldIncomingCall': '0x4020',
-    'EventUsrEnterDFUMode': '0x4021',
-    'EventUsrEnterDriverlessDFUMode': '0x4022',
-    'EventUsrEnterServiceMode': '0x4023',
-    'EventUsrAudioPromptsOn': '0x4024',
-    'EventUsrAudioPromptsOff': '0x4025',
-    'EventUsrDialStoredNumber': '0x4026',
-    'EventUsrUpdateStoredNumber': '0x4027',
-    'EventUsrRestoreDefaults': '0x4028',
-    'EventUsrConfirmationAccept': '0x4029',
-    'EventUsrConfirmationReject': '0x402A',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioPromptLanguageMode': '0x402B',
-    'EventUsrSwitchAudioMode': '0x402F',
-    'EventUsrButtonLockingOn': '0x4030',
-    'EventUsrButtonLockingOff': '0x4031',
-    'EventUsrButtonLockingToggle': '0x4032',
-    'EventUsrRssiPair': '0x4034',
-    'EventUsrBassBoostOn': '0x4035',
-    'EventUsrBassBoostOff': '0x4036',
-    'EventUsr3DEnhancementOn': '0x4037',
-    'EventUsr3DEnhancementOff': '0x4038',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioSourceNext': '0x4039',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioSourceAnalog': '0x403A',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioSourceUSB': '0x403B',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioSourceAG1': '0x403C',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioSourceAG2': '0x403D',
-    'EventUsrSelectFMAudioSource': '0x403E',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioSourceNone': '0x403F',
-    'EventUsrPbapDialIch': '0x4040',
-    'EventUsrPbapDialMch': '0x4041',
-    'EventUsrIntelligentPowerManagementOn': '0x4042',
-    'EventUsrIntelligentPowerManagementOff': '0x4043',
-    'EventUsrIntelligentPowerManagementToggle': '0x4044',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpPlayPause': '0x4045',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpStop': '0x4046',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpSkipForward': '0x4047',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpSkipBackward': '0x4048',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpFastForwardPress': '0x4049',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpFastForwardRelease': '0x404A',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpRewindPress': '0x404B',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpRewindRelease': '0x404C',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpShuffleOff': '0x404D',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpShuffleAllTrack': '0x404E',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpShuffleGroup': '0x404F',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpRepeatOff': '0x4050',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpRepeatSingleTrack': '0x4051',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpRepeatAllTrack': '0x4052',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpRepeatGroup': '0x4053',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpPlay': '0x4054',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpPause': '0x4055',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpToggleActive': '0x4056',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpNextGroupPress': '0x4057',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpPreviousGroupPress': '0x4058',
-    'EventUsrPbapSetPhonebook': '0x4059',
-    'EventUsrPbapBrowseEntry': '0x405A',
-    'EventUsrPbapBrowseList': '0x405B',
-    'EventUsrPbapDownloadPhonebook': '0x405C',
-    'EventUsrPbapSelectPhonebookObject': '0x405D',
-    'EventUsrPbapBrowseComplete': '0x405E',
-    'EventUsrPbapGetPhonebookSize': '0x405F',
-    'EventUsrUsbPlayPause': '0x4060',
-    'EventUsrUsbStop': '0x4061',
-    'EventUsrUsbFwd': '0x4062',
-    'EventUsrUsbBack': '0x4063',
-    'EventUsrUsbMute': '0x4064',
-    'EventUsrUsbLowPowerMode': '0x4065',
-    'EventUsrTestModeAudio': '0x4066',
-    'EventUsrTestModeTone': '0x4067',
-    'EventUsrTestModeKey': '0x4068',
-    'EventUsrTestDefrag': '0x4069',
-    'EventUsrDebugKeysToggle': '0x406A',
-    'EventUsrSpeechRecognitionTuningStart': '0x406B',
-    'EventUsrWbsTestSetCodecs': '0x406C',
-    'EventUsrWbsTestOverrideResponse': '0x406D',
-    'EventUsrWbsTestSetCodecsSendBAC': '0x406E',
-    'EventUsrCreateAudioConnection': '0x406F',
-    'EventUsrSwapA2dpMediaChannel': '0x407F',
-    'EventUsrExternalMicConnected': '0x4080',
-    'EventUsrExternalMicDisconnected': '0x4081',
-    'EventUsrSSROn': '0x4082',
-    'EventUsrSSROff': '0x4083',
-    'EventUsrPeerSessionInquire': '0x4089',
-    'EventUsrPeerSessionConnDisc': '0x408A',
-    'EventUsrPeerSessionEnd': '0x408B',
-    'EventUsrBatteryLevelRequest': '0x408C',
-    'EventUsrVolumeOrientationNormal': '0x408D',
-    'EventUsrVolumeOrientationInvert': '0x408E',
-    'EventUsrResetPairedDeviceList': '0x408F',
-    'EventUsrEnterDutMode': '0x4090',
-    'EventUsr3DEnhancementEnableDisableToggle': '0x4091',
-    'EventUsrRCVolumeUp': '0x4092',
-    'EventUsrRCVolumeDown': '0x4093',
-    'EventUsrEnterBootMode2': '0x4094',
-    'EventUsrChargerConnected': '0x4095',
-    'EventUsrChargerDisconnected': '0x4096',
-    'EventUsrSubwooferDisconnect': '0x4097',
-    'EventUsrAnalogAudioConnected': '0x4098',
-    'EventUsrAnalogAudioDisconnected': '0x4099',
-    'EventUsrGaiaDFURequest': '0x409A',
-    'EventUsrStartIRLearningMode': '0x409B',
-    'EventUsrStopIRLearningMode': '0x409C',
-    'EventUsrClearIRCodes': '0x409D',
-    'EventUsrUserEqOn': '0x409E',
-    'EventUsrUserEqOff': '0x409F',
-    'EventUsrUserEqOnOffToggle': '0x40A0',
-    'EventUsrSpdifAudioConnected': '0x40AD',
-    'EventUsrSpdifAudioDisconnected': '0x40AE',
-    'EventUsrSelectAudioSourceSpdif': '0x40AF',
-    'EventUsrChangeAudioRouting': '0x40B0',
-    'EventUsrMasterDeviceTrimVolumeUp': '0x40B1',
-    'EventUsrMasterDeviceTrimVolumeDown': '0x40B2',
-    'EventUsrSlaveDeviceTrimVolumeUp': '0x40B3',
-    'EventUsrSlaveDeviceTrimVolumeDown': '0x40B4',
-    'EventUsrEstablishPeerConnection': '0x40B5',
-    'EventUsrTwsQualificationEnablePeerOpen': '0x40B7',
-    'EventUsrBleStartBonding': '0x40D0',
-    'EventUsrBleSwitchPeripheral': '0x40D1',
-    'EventUsrBleSwitchCentral': '0x40D2',
-    'EventUsrImmAlertStop': '0x40D3',
-    'EventUsrLlsAlertStop': '0x40D4',
-    'EventUsrFindMyRemoteImmAlertMild': '0x40D5',
-    'EventUsrFindMyRemoteImmAlertHigh': '0x40D6',
-    'EventUsrFindMyPhoneImmAlertMild': '0x40D7',
-    'EventUsrFindMyPhoneImmAlertHigh': '0x40D8',
-    'EventUsrFindMyPhoneRemoteImmAlertHigh': '0x40D9',
-    'EventUsrPartyModeOn': '0x40DA',
-    'EventUsrPartyModeOff': '0x40DB',
-    'EventUsrBleDeleteDevice': '0x40EC',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpNextGroupRelease': '0x40ED',
-    'EventUsrAvrcpPreviousGroupRelease': '0x40EE',
-    'EventUsrTwsQualificationVolUp': '0x40EF',
-    'EventUsrTwsQualificationVolDown': '0x40F0',
-    'EventUsrStartA2DPStream': '0x40F1',
-    'EventUsrPbapBrowseListByName': '0x40F2',
-    'EventUsrTwsQualificationSetAbsVolume': '0x40F3',
-    'EventUsrTwsQualificationPlayTrack': '0x40F4',
-    'EventUsrBleHidExtraConfig': '0x40F5',
-    'EventUsrTwsQualificationAVRCPConfigureDataSize': '0x40F6',
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/Makefile b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8509cd6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-all: nanopb_pb2.py plugin_pb2.py
-%_pb2.py: %.proto
-	protoc -I. --python_out=. $<
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/apollo_qa.proto b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/apollo_qa.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db32e9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/apollo_qa.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-/* Forward & backward compatibility practices must be followed.  This means:
-   a) Never re-use an enum if the semantics are different.
-   b) Never alter the semantic meaning.  If needed, simply deprecate
-      old message/field/enum & start using new one.  If deprecated message
-      is no longer used in code make sure to communicate this to QA.
-   c) Prefer 3-stage migrations if possible: add new message/enum/field & start
-      sending it, make sure QA has switched to new message/enum/field, remove old
-      message/enum/field.
-   Fields should start out required unless they are optional in the code.  They should
-   become optional when deprecated (make sure to update QA automation first to expect the
-   field to be optional) or removed.  Make sure to never re-use field ids unless
-   the field is being resurrected.
- */
-syntax = "proto2";
-//package audiowear;
-package apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto;
-import "nanopb.proto";
-//import "third_party/nanopb/nanopb.proto";
-option java_package = "com.google.android.bisto.nano";
-option java_outer_classname = "ApolloQA";
-enum ApolloQAMessageType {
-  TRACE = 1;
-enum TraceId {
-  // data[0] = partition# erased.
-  // data[0] = partition# we will write to.
-  // data[1] = expected length we will write to partition
-  // data[0] = partition# written
-  // data[1] = actual written length
-  // our custom signature validation has begun
-  // our custom signature validation rejected the image
-  // triggering CSR to reboot & apply DFU
-  // the CSR loader rejected the image
-  // progress update.
-  // data[0] = num bytes received
-  // data[1] = num bytes expected
-  // up to 10: reserved for OTA
-  // data[0] = AvrcpPlayStatus as integer
-  /* data[0] = new volume level (int16 stored in uint32)
-     data[1] = new volume level in dB (int16 stored in uint32)
-     data[2] = previous volume level (int16 stored in uint32)
-     easy conversion in python:
-       new_volume = ctpyes.c_short(ctypes.c_uint(data[0]).value).value
-       new_volume_db = ctpyes.c_short(ctypes.c_uint(data[1]).value).value
-  */
-  /* data[0] = entry number of command */
-  /* currently no information about the rejected command */
-/* Note: FWD_SEEK & REV_SEEK are bit-wise or'ed into the status.
-   Use SEEK_MASK first to read the seek or mask it out to get the other
-   states).  Do not & with individual states for comparison as aside from
-   seek the other states are not a bitwise-mask.
-enum AvrcpPlayStatus {
-  STOPPED = 0;
-  PLAYING = 1;
-  PAUSED = 2;
-  FWD_SEEK = 8;
-  REV_SEEK = 16;
-  ERROR = 5;
-  /* & this with the status to compare against FWD_SEEK/REV_SEEK.
-     & with the complement of this value to get the other states */
-  SEEK_MASK = 24;
-/* These messages are internal trace-points for QA to do whitebox validation.
-   However, developers should feel free to remove trace-points if they
-   no longer make sense (but communicate to QA to prep this ahead-of-time). */
-message ApolloQATrace {
-  // all messages should have a timestamp field and it will get auto-populated
-  // (no need to set it at the call-site).
-  required uint32 timestamp = 1;
-  // this is the event that occured internally
-  required TraceId id = 2;
-  // this is some optional data that depends on the traceid.
-  // if not documented then no fields will be written.
-  repeated uint32 data = 3 [packed = true, (nanopb).max_count = 5];
-enum PreviousBootStatus {
-  OTA_SUCCESS = 1; /* previous boot OK */
-  OTA_ERROR = 2; /* previous OTA failed */
-//Next ID: 10
-message ApolloQAGetVerResponse {
-  required uint32 timestamp = 1;
-  required uint32 csr_fw_version = 2; // not implemented for now
-  required bool csr_fw_debug_build = 3; // not implemented for now
-  required uint32 vm_build_number = 4;
-  required bool vm_debug_build = 5;
-  required uint32 psoc_version = 6;
-  // the build label sent to AGSA. This should just be an amalgum of the broken-down
-  // info above. Aside from X.Y.Z prefix, do not parse this for anything as it is
-  // free-form text.
-  required string build_label = 7 [(nanopb).max_size = 32];
-  // if not set then info wasn't available.
-  optional PreviousBootStatus last_ota_status = 8;
-  required uint32 charger_version = 9;
-  optional uint32 expected_psoc_version = 10;
-enum ApolloQAA2dpCodec {
-  AAC = 1;
-  SBC = 2;
-message ApolloQAGetCodecResponse {
-  required uint32 timestamp = 1;
-  // if not set then unknown codec (error).
-  optional ApolloQAA2dpCodec codec = 2;
-enum SinkState {
-  LIMBO = 0;
-  TEST_MODE = 7;
-message ApolloQAGetDspStatusResponse {
-  required uint32 timestamp = 1;
-  required bool is_dsp_loaded = 2;
-  required SinkState sink_state = 3;
-  /**
-   * This is a bit-wise mask.
-   * see AudioWearFeatureBits audiowear_plugin_state.h
-   * for the definition.
-   */
-  required uint32 features_active = 4;
-message ApolloQAFactoryPlaySound {
-  enum PromptType {
-  }
-  required PromptType prompt = 1;
-message ApolloQAFactoryInfoRequest {
-message ApolloQAFactoryInfoResponse {
-  required uint32 timestamp = 1;
-  optional int32 crystal_trim = 2 [(nanopb).int_size = IS_16];
-  optional bool crash_dump_exists = 3;
-  optional bool is_developer_mode_enabled = 4;
-  optional bool is_always_connected = 5;
-  optional uint32 hwid = 6;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/audiowear.proto b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/audiowear.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f825bd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/audiowear.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-syntax = "proto2";
-//package audiowear;
-package apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto;
-option java_package = "com.google.android.bisto.nano";
-option java_outer_classname = "Protocol";
-enum MessageGroup {
-    DEVICE_INPUT = 1;
-    OTA = 2;
-    LOGGING = 5;
-    SENSORS = 6;
-    WELLNESS = 10;
-    TEST = 11;
-    BLE_SERVICE = 12;
-    APOLLO_QA = 126;
-    TRANSLATE = 127;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/apollo_qa_pb2.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/apollo_qa_pb2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fefcfe4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/apollo_qa_pb2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-# source: apollo_qa.proto
-"""Generated protocol buffer code."""
-from google.protobuf.internal import builder as _builder
-from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
-from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
-_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()
-import nanopb_pb2 as nanopb__pb2
-DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n\x0f\x61pollo_qa.proto\x12$apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto\x1a\x0cnanopb.proto\"t\n\rApolloQATrace\x12\x11\n\ttimestamp\x18\x01 \x02(\r\x12\x39\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x02(\x0e\x32-.apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto.TraceId\x12\x15\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x03(\rB\x07\x10\x01\x92?\x02\x10\x05\"\xcd\x02\n\x16\x41polloQAGetVerResponse\x12\x11\n\ttimestamp\x18\x01 \x02(\r\x12\x16\n\x0e\x63sr_fw_version\x18\x02 \x02(\r\x12\x1a\n\x12\x63sr_fw_debug_build\x18\x03 \x02(\x08\x12\x17\n\x0fvm_build_number\x18\x04 \x02(\r\x12\x16\n\x0evm_debug_build\x18\x05 \x02(\x08\x12\x14\n\x0cpsoc_version\x18\x06 \x02(\r\x12\x1a\n\x0b\x62uild_label\x18\x07 \x02(\tB\x05\x92?\x02\x08 \x12Q\n\x0flast_ota_status\x18\x08 \x01(\x0e\x32\x38.apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto.PreviousBootStatus\x12\x17\n\x0f\x63harger_version\x18\t \x02(\r\x12\x1d\n\x15\x65xpected_psoc_version\x18\n \x01(\r\"u\n\x18\x41polloQAGetCodecResponse\x12\x11\n\ttimestamp\x18\x01 \x02(\r\x12\x46\n\x05\x63odec\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x37.apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto.ApolloQAA2dpCodec\"\xa6\x01\n\x1c\x41polloQAGetDspStatusResponse\x12\x11\n\ttimestamp\x18\x01 \x02(\r\x12\x15\n\ris_dsp_loaded\x18\x02 \x02(\x08\x12\x43\n\nsink_state\x18\x03 \x02(\x0e\x32/.apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto.SinkState\x12\x17\n\x0f\x66\x65\x61tures_active\x18\x04 \x02(\r\"\xb9\x01\n\x18\x41polloQAFactoryPlaySound\x12Y\n\x06prompt\x18\x01 \x02(\x0e\x32I.apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto.ApolloQAFactoryPlaySound.PromptType\"B\n\nPromptType\x12\x1c\n\x18PROMPT_TYPE_BT_CONNECTED\x10\x01\x12\x16\n\x12PROMPT_TYPE_IN_EAR\x10\x02\"\x1c\n\x1a\x41polloQAFactoryInfoRequest\"\xb6\x01\n\x1b\x41polloQAFactoryInfoResponse\x12\x11\n\ttimestamp\x18\x01 \x02(\r\x12\x1b\n\x0c\x63rystal_trim\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x42\x05\x92?\x02\x38\x10\x12\x19\n\x11\x63rash_dump_exists\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\x12!\n\x19is_developer_mode_enabled\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\x12\x1b\n\x13is_always_connected\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x0c\n\x04hwid\x18\x06 \x01(\r*\xb8\x01\n\x13\x41polloQAMessageType\x12\t\n\x05TRACE\x10\x01\x12\x14\n\x10GET_VER_RESPONSE\x10\x02\x12\x16\n\x12GET_CODEC_RESPONSE\x10\x03\x12\x1b\n\x17GET_DSP_STATUS_RESPONSE\x10\x04\x12\x16\n\x12\x46\x41\x43TORY_PLAY_SOUND\x10\x05\x12\x18\n\x14\x46\x41\x43TORY_INFO_REQUEST\x10\x06\x12\x19\n\x15\x46\x41\x43TORY_INFO_RESPONSE\x10\x07*\xfc\x02\n\x07TraceId\x12\x17\n\x13OTA_ERASE_PARTITION\x10\x01\x12\x1d\n\x19OTA_START_PARTITION_WRITE\x10\x02\x12 \n\x1cOTA_FINISHED_PARTITION_WRITE\x10\x03\x12\x17\n\x13OTA_SIGNATURE_START\x10\x04\x12\x19\n\x15OTA_SIGNATURE_FAILURE\x10\x05\x12\x19\n\x15OTA_TRIGGERING_LOADER\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18OTA_LOADER_VERIFY_FAILED\x10\x07\x12\x10\n\x0cOTA_PROGRESS\x10\x08\x12\x0f\n\x0bOTA_ABORTED\x10\t\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41VRCP_PLAY_STATUS_CHANGE\x10\n\x12\x11\n\rVOLUME_CHANGE\x10\x0b\x12\x1a\n\x16\x43OMMANDER_RECV_COMMAND\x10\x0c\x12\x1c\n\x18\x43OMMANDER_FINISH_COMMAND\x10\r\x12\x1c\n\x18\x43OMMANDER_REJECT_COMMAND\x10\x0e*m\n\x0f\x41vrcpPlayStatus\x12\x0b\n\x07STOPPED\x10\x00\x12\x0b\n\x07PLAYING\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06PAUSED\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08\x46WD_SEEK\x10\x08\x12\x0c\n\x08REV_SEEK\x10\x10\x12\t\n\x05\x45RROR\x10\x05\x12\r\n\tSEEK_MASK\x10\x18*4\n\x12PreviousBootStatus\x12\x0f\n\x0bOTA_SUCCESS\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tOTA_ERROR\x10\x02*%\n\x11\x41polloQAA2dpCodec\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x41\x43\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03SBC\x10\x02*\xd8\x02\n\tSinkState\x12\t\n\x05LIMBO\x10\x00\x12\x0f\n\x0b\x43ONNECTABLE\x10\x01\x12\x10\n\x0c\x44ISCOVERABLE\x10\x02\x12\r\n\tCONNECTED\x10\x03\x12\x1c\n\x18OUTGOING_CALLS_ESTABLISH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18INCOMING_CALLS_ESTABLISH\x10\x05\x12\x13\n\x0f\x41\x43TIVE_CALL_SCO\x10\x06\x12\r\n\tTEST_MODE\x10\x07\x12\x1a\n\x16THREE_WAY_CALL_WAITING\x10\x08\x12\x1a\n\x16THREE_WAY_CALL_ON_HOLD\x10\t\x12\x17\n\x13THREE_WAY_MULTICALL\x10\n\x12\x19\n\x15INCOMING_CALL_ON_HOLD\x10\x0b\x12\x16\n\x12\x41\x43TIVE_CALL_NO_SCO\x10\x0c\x12\x12\n\x0e\x41\x32\x44P_STREAMING\x10\r\x12\x16\n\x12\x44\x45VICE_LOW_BATTERY\x10\x0e\x42)\n\x1d\x63om.google.android.bisto.nanoB\x08\x41polloQA')
-_builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, globals())
-_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'apollo_qa_pb2', globals())
-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  DESCRIPTOR._options = None
-  DESCRIPTOR._serialized_options = b'\n\035com.google.android.bisto.nanoB\010ApolloQA'
-  _APOLLOQATRACE.fields_by_name['data']._options = None
-  _APOLLOQATRACE.fields_by_name['data']._serialized_options = b'\020\001\222?\002\020\005'
-  _APOLLOQAGETVERRESPONSE.fields_by_name['build_label']._options = None
-  _APOLLOQAGETVERRESPONSE.fields_by_name['build_label']._serialized_options = b'\222?\002\010 '
-  _APOLLOQAFACTORYINFORESPONSE.fields_by_name['crystal_trim']._options = None
-  _APOLLOQAFACTORYINFORESPONSE.fields_by_name['crystal_trim']._serialized_options = b'\222?\0028\020'
-  _APOLLOQAMESSAGETYPE._serialized_start=1217
-  _APOLLOQAMESSAGETYPE._serialized_end=1401
-  _TRACEID._serialized_start=1404
-  _TRACEID._serialized_end=1784
-  _AVRCPPLAYSTATUS._serialized_start=1786
-  _AVRCPPLAYSTATUS._serialized_end=1895
-  _PREVIOUSBOOTSTATUS._serialized_start=1897
-  _PREVIOUSBOOTSTATUS._serialized_end=1949
-  _APOLLOQAA2DPCODEC._serialized_start=1951
-  _APOLLOQAA2DPCODEC._serialized_end=1988
-  _SINKSTATE._serialized_start=1991
-  _SINKSTATE._serialized_end=2335
-  _APOLLOQATRACE._serialized_start=71
-  _APOLLOQATRACE._serialized_end=187
-  _APOLLOQAGETVERRESPONSE._serialized_start=190
-  _APOLLOQAGETVERRESPONSE._serialized_end=523
-  _APOLLOQAGETCODECRESPONSE._serialized_start=525
-  _APOLLOQAGETCODECRESPONSE._serialized_end=642
-  _APOLLOQAFACTORYPLAYSOUND._serialized_start=814
-  _APOLLOQAFACTORYPLAYSOUND._serialized_end=999
-  _APOLLOQAFACTORYINFOREQUEST._serialized_start=1001
-  _APOLLOQAFACTORYINFORESPONSE._serialized_start=1032
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/audiowear_pb2.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/audiowear_pb2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 123a079..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/audiowear_pb2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-# source: audiowear.proto
-"""Generated protocol buffer code."""
-from google.protobuf.internal import builder as _builder
-from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
-from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
-_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()
-DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n\x0f\x61udiowear.proto\x12$apollo.lib.apollo_dev_util_lib.proto*\x8d\x02\n\x0cMessageGroup\x12\x19\n\x15UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_GROUP\x10\x00\x12\x10\n\x0c\x44\x45VICE_INPUT\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03OTA\x10\x02\x12\x15\n\x11\x44\x45VICE_CAPABILITY\x10\x03\x12\x11\n\rDEVICE_STATUS\x10\x04\x12\x0b\n\x07LOGGING\x10\x05\x12\x0b\n\x07SENSORS\x10\x06\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMPANION_STATUS\x10\x07\x12\x12\n\x0e\x44\x45VICE_COMMAND\x10\x08\x12\x12\n\x0e\x42ISTO_SETTINGS\x10\t\x12\x0c\n\x08WELLNESS\x10\n\x12\x08\n\x04TEST\x10\x0b\x12\x0f\n\x0b\x42LE_SERVICE\x10\x0c\x12\r\n\tAPOLLO_QA\x10~\x12\r\n\tTRANSLATE\x10\x7f\x42)\n\x1d\x63om.google.android.bisto.nanoB\x08Protocol')
-_builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, globals())
-_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'audiowear_pb2', globals())
-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  DESCRIPTOR._options = None
-  DESCRIPTOR._serialized_options = b'\n\035com.google.android.bisto.nanoB\010Protocol'
-  _MESSAGEGROUP._serialized_start=58
-  _MESSAGEGROUP._serialized_end=327
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb2.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9775c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1482 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-# source: google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
-"""Generated protocol buffer code."""
-from google.protobuf.internal import builder as _builder
-from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
-from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
-_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()
-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor(
-    name='google/protobuf/descriptor.proto',
-    package='google.protobuf',
-    syntax='proto2',
-    serialized_options=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    serialized_pb=b'\n google/protobuf/descriptor.proto\x12\x0fgoogle.protobuf\"G\n\x11\x46ileDescriptorSet\x12\x32\n\x04\x66ile\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto\"\xdb\x03\n\x13\x46ileDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0f\n\x07package\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\ndependency\x18\x03 \x03(\t\x12\x19\n\x11public_dependency\x18\n \x03(\x05\x12\x17\n\x0fweak_dependency\x18\x0b \x03(\x05\x12\x36\n\x0cmessage_type\x18\x04 \x03(\x0b\x32 .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto\x12\x37\n\tenum_type\x18\x05 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto\x12\x38\n\x07service\x18\x06 \x03(\x0b\x32\'.google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto\x12\x38\n\textension\x18\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto\x12-\n\x07options\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.google.protobuf.FileOptions\x12\x39\n\x10source_code_info\x18\t \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo\x12\x0e\n\x06syntax\x18\x0c \x01(\t\"\xe4\x03\n\x0f\x44\x65scriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x34\n\x05\x66ield\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto\x12\x38\n\textension\x18\x06 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto\x12\x35\n\x0bnested_type\x18\x03 \x03(\x0b\x32 .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto\x12\x37\n\tenum_type\x18\x04 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto\x12H\n\x0f\x65xtension_range\x18\x05 \x03(\x0b\x32/.google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange\x12\x39\n\noneof_decl\x18\x08 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto\x12\x30\n\x07options\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.google.protobuf.MessageOptions\x1a,\n\x0e\x45xtensionRange\x12\r\n\x05start\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0b\n\x03\x65nd\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\"\xa9\x05\n\x14\x46ieldDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06number\x18\x03 \x01(\x05\x12:\n\x05label\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32+.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label\x12\x38\n\x04type\x18\x05 \x01(\x0e\x32*.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Type\x12\x11\n\ttype_name\x18\x06 \x01(\t\x12\x10\n\x08\x65xtendee\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rdefault_value\x18\x07 \x01(\t\x12\x13\n\x0boneof_index\x18\t \x01(\x05\x12.\n\x07options\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.google.protobuf.FieldOptions\"\xb6\x02\n\x04Type\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_DOUBLE\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_FLOAT\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_INT64\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_UINT64\x10\x04\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_INT32\x10\x05\x12\x10\n\x0cTYPE_FIXED64\x10\x06\x12\x10\n\x0cTYPE_FIXED32\x10\x07\x12\r\n\tTYPE_BOOL\x10\x08\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_STRING\x10\t\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_GROUP\x10\n\x12\x10\n\x0cTYPE_MESSAGE\x10\x0b\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_BYTES\x10\x0c\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_UINT32\x10\r\x12\r\n\tTYPE_ENUM\x10\x0e\x12\x11\n\rTYPE_SFIXED32\x10\x0f\x12\x11\n\rTYPE_SFIXED64\x10\x10\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_SINT32\x10\x11\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_SINT64\x10\x12\"C\n\x05Label\x12\x12\n\x0eLABEL_OPTIONAL\x10\x01\x12\x12\n\x0eLABEL_REQUIRED\x10\x02\x12\x12\n\x0eLABEL_REPEATED\x10\x03\"$\n\x14OneofDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"\x8c\x01\n\x13\x45numDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x38\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32).google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto\x12-\n\x07options\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.google.protobuf.EnumOptions\"l\n\x18\x45numValueDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06number\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x12\x32\n\x07options\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32!.google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions\"\x90\x01\n\x16ServiceDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x36\n\x06method\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32&.google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto\x12\x30\n\x07options\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.google.protobuf.ServiceOptions\"\xc1\x01\n\x15MethodDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\ninput_type\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x13\n\x0boutput_type\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12/\n\x07options\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1e.google.protobuf.MethodOptions\x12\x1f\n\x10\x63lient_streaming\x18\x05 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x1f\n\x10server_streaming\x18\x06 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\"\xcc\x04\n\x0b\x46ileOptions\x12\x14\n\x0cjava_package\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x1c\n\x14java_outer_classname\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12\"\n\x13java_multiple_files\x18\n \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12,\n\x1djava_generate_equals_and_hash\x18\x14 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12%\n\x16java_string_check_utf8\x18\x1b \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x46\n\x0coptimize_for\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32).google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode:\x05SPEED\x12\x12\n\ngo_package\x18\x0b \x01(\t\x12\"\n\x13\x63\x63_generic_services\x18\x10 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12$\n\x15java_generic_services\x18\x11 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\"\n\x13py_generic_services\x18\x12 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18\x17 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x1f\n\x10\x63\x63_enable_arenas\x18\x1f \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption\":\n\x0cOptimizeMode\x12\t\n\x05SPEED\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tCODE_SIZE\x10\x02\x12\x10\n\x0cLITE_RUNTIME\x10\x03*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"\xe6\x01\n\x0eMessageOptions\x12&\n\x17message_set_wire_format\x18\x01 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12.\n\x1fno_standard_descriptor_accessor\x18\x02 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18\x03 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x11\n\tmap_entry\x18\x07 \x01(\x08\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"\xa0\x02\n\x0c\x46ieldOptions\x12:\n\x05\x63type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32#.google.protobuf.FieldOptions.CType:\x06STRING\x12\x0e\n\x06packed\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\x12\x13\n\x04lazy\x18\x05 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18\x03 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x13\n\x04weak\x18\n \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption\"/\n\x05\x43Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x00\x12\x08\n\x04\x43ORD\x10\x01\x12\x10\n\x0cSTRING_PIECE\x10\x02*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"\x8d\x01\n\x0b\x45numOptions\x12\x13\n\x0b\x61llow_alias\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18\x03 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"}\n\x10\x45numValueOptions\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18\x01 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"{\n\x0eServiceOptions\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18! \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"z\n\rMethodOptions\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18! \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"\x9e\x02\n\x13UninterpretedOption\x12;\n\x04name\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32-.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart\x12\x18\n\x10identifier_value\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12\x1a\n\x12positive_int_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x04\x12\x1a\n\x12negative_int_value\x18\x05 \x01(\x03\x12\x14\n\x0c\x64ouble_value\x18\x06 \x01(\x01\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\x17\n\x0f\x61ggregate_value\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x1a\x33\n\x08NamePart\x12\x11\n\tname_part\x18\x01 \x02(\t\x12\x14\n\x0cis_extension\x18\x02 \x02(\x08\"\xb1\x01\n\x0eSourceCodeInfo\x12:\n\x08location\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32(.google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location\x1a\x63\n\x08Location\x12\x10\n\x04path\x18\x01 \x03(\x05\x42\x02\x10\x01\x12\x10\n\x04span\x18\x02 \x03(\x05\x42\x02\x10\x01\x12\x18\n\x10leading_comments\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12\x19\n\x11trailing_comments\x18\x04 \x01(\tB)\n\x13\x63om.google.protobufB\x10\x44\x65scriptorProtosH\x01'
-  )
-  DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n google/protobuf/descriptor.proto\x12\x0fgoogle.protobuf\"G\n\x11\x46ileDescriptorSet\x12\x32\n\x04\x66ile\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto\"\xdb\x03\n\x13\x46ileDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0f\n\x07package\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\ndependency\x18\x03 \x03(\t\x12\x19\n\x11public_dependency\x18\n \x03(\x05\x12\x17\n\x0fweak_dependency\x18\x0b \x03(\x05\x12\x36\n\x0cmessage_type\x18\x04 \x03(\x0b\x32 .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto\x12\x37\n\tenum_type\x18\x05 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto\x12\x38\n\x07service\x18\x06 \x03(\x0b\x32\'.google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto\x12\x38\n\textension\x18\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto\x12-\n\x07options\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.google.protobuf.FileOptions\x12\x39\n\x10source_code_info\x18\t \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo\x12\x0e\n\x06syntax\x18\x0c \x01(\t\"\xe4\x03\n\x0f\x44\x65scriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x34\n\x05\x66ield\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto\x12\x38\n\textension\x18\x06 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto\x12\x35\n\x0bnested_type\x18\x03 \x03(\x0b\x32 .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto\x12\x37\n\tenum_type\x18\x04 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto\x12H\n\x0f\x65xtension_range\x18\x05 \x03(\x0b\x32/.google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange\x12\x39\n\noneof_decl\x18\x08 \x03(\x0b\x32%.google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto\x12\x30\n\x07options\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.google.protobuf.MessageOptions\x1a,\n\x0e\x45xtensionRange\x12\r\n\x05start\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0b\n\x03\x65nd\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\"\xa9\x05\n\x14\x46ieldDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06number\x18\x03 \x01(\x05\x12:\n\x05label\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32+.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label\x12\x38\n\x04type\x18\x05 \x01(\x0e\x32*.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Type\x12\x11\n\ttype_name\x18\x06 \x01(\t\x12\x10\n\x08\x65xtendee\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rdefault_value\x18\x07 \x01(\t\x12\x13\n\x0boneof_index\x18\t \x01(\x05\x12.\n\x07options\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.google.protobuf.FieldOptions\"\xb6\x02\n\x04Type\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_DOUBLE\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_FLOAT\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_INT64\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_UINT64\x10\x04\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_INT32\x10\x05\x12\x10\n\x0cTYPE_FIXED64\x10\x06\x12\x10\n\x0cTYPE_FIXED32\x10\x07\x12\r\n\tTYPE_BOOL\x10\x08\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_STRING\x10\t\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_GROUP\x10\n\x12\x10\n\x0cTYPE_MESSAGE\x10\x0b\x12\x0e\n\nTYPE_BYTES\x10\x0c\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_UINT32\x10\r\x12\r\n\tTYPE_ENUM\x10\x0e\x12\x11\n\rTYPE_SFIXED32\x10\x0f\x12\x11\n\rTYPE_SFIXED64\x10\x10\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_SINT32\x10\x11\x12\x0f\n\x0bTYPE_SINT64\x10\x12\"C\n\x05Label\x12\x12\n\x0eLABEL_OPTIONAL\x10\x01\x12\x12\n\x0eLABEL_REQUIRED\x10\x02\x12\x12\n\x0eLABEL_REPEATED\x10\x03\"$\n\x14OneofDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"\x8c\x01\n\x13\x45numDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x38\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32).google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto\x12-\n\x07options\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.google.protobuf.EnumOptions\"l\n\x18\x45numValueDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06number\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x12\x32\n\x07options\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32!.google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions\"\x90\x01\n\x16ServiceDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x36\n\x06method\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32&.google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto\x12\x30\n\x07options\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.google.protobuf.ServiceOptions\"\xc1\x01\n\x15MethodDescriptorProto\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\ninput_type\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x13\n\x0boutput_type\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12/\n\x07options\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1e.google.protobuf.MethodOptions\x12\x1f\n\x10\x63lient_streaming\x18\x05 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x1f\n\x10server_streaming\x18\x06 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\"\xcc\x04\n\x0b\x46ileOptions\x12\x14\n\x0cjava_package\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x1c\n\x14java_outer_classname\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12\"\n\x13java_multiple_files\x18\n \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12,\n\x1djava_generate_equals_and_hash\x18\x14 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12%\n\x16java_string_check_utf8\x18\x1b \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x46\n\x0coptimize_for\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32).google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode:\x05SPEED\x12\x12\n\ngo_package\x18\x0b \x01(\t\x12\"\n\x13\x63\x63_generic_services\x18\x10 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12$\n\x15java_generic_services\x18\x11 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\"\n\x13py_generic_services\x18\x12 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18\x17 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x1f\n\x10\x63\x63_enable_arenas\x18\x1f \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption\":\n\x0cOptimizeMode\x12\t\n\x05SPEED\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tCODE_SIZE\x10\x02\x12\x10\n\x0cLITE_RUNTIME\x10\x03*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"\xe6\x01\n\x0eMessageOptions\x12&\n\x17message_set_wire_format\x18\x01 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\x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"}\n\x10\x45numValueOptions\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18\x01 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"{\n\x0eServiceOptions\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18! \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"z\n\rMethodOptions\x12\x19\n\ndeprecated\x18! \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x43\n\x14uninterpreted_option\x18\xe7\x07 \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption*\t\x08\xe8\x07\x10\x80\x80\x80\x80\x02\"\x9e\x02\n\x13UninterpretedOption\x12;\n\x04name\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32-.google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart\x12\x18\n\x10identifier_value\x18\x03 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-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor(
-    name='Type',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Type',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    values=[
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_DOUBLE', index=0, number=1,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_FLOAT', index=1, number=2,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_INT64', index=2, number=3,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_UINT64', index=3, number=4,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_INT32', index=4, number=5,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_FIXED64', index=5, number=6,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_FIXED32', index=6, number=7,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_BOOL', index=7, number=8,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_STRING', index=8, number=9,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_GROUP', index=9, number=10,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_MESSAGE', index=10, number=11,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_BYTES', index=11, number=12,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_UINT32', index=12, number=13,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_ENUM', index=13, number=14,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_SFIXED32', index=14, number=15,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_SFIXED64', index=15, number=16,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_SINT32', index=16, number=17,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='TYPE_SINT64', index=17, number=18,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    containing_type=None,
-    serialized_options=None,
-  )
-  _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_TYPE)
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_LABEL = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor(
-    name='Label',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    values=[
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='LABEL_OPTIONAL', index=0, number=1,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='LABEL_REQUIRED', index=1, number=2,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='LABEL_REPEATED', index=2, number=3,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    containing_type=None,
-    serialized_options=None,
-  )
-  _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_LABEL)
-  _FILEOPTIONS_OPTIMIZEMODE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor(
-    name='OptimizeMode',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    values=[
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='SPEED', index=0, number=1,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='CODE_SIZE', index=1, number=2,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='LITE_RUNTIME', index=2, number=3,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    containing_type=None,
-    serialized_options=None,
-  )
-  _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_FILEOPTIONS_OPTIMIZEMODE)
-  _FIELDOPTIONS_CTYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor(
-    name='CType',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions.CType',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    values=[
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='STRING', index=0, number=0,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='CORD', index=1, number=1,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
-        name='STRING_PIECE', index=2, number=2,
-        serialized_options=None,
-        type=None,
-        create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    containing_type=None,
-    serialized_options=None,
-  )
-  _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_FIELDOPTIONS_CTYPE)
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORSET = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='FileDescriptorSet',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='file', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet.file', index=0,
-        number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='FileDescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='package', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.package', index=1,
-        number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='dependency', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.dependency', index=2,
-        number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='public_dependency', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.public_dependency', index=3,
-        number=10, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='weak_dependency', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.weak_dependency', index=4,
-        number=11, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='message_type', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.message_type', index=5,
-        number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='enum_type', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.enum_type', index=6,
-        number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='service', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.service', index=7,
-        number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='extension', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.extension', index=8,
-        number=7, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='options', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.options', index=9,
-        number=8, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='source_code_info', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.source_code_info', index=10,
-        number=9, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='syntax', full_name='google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.syntax', index=11,
-        number=12, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO_EXTENSIONRANGE = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='ExtensionRange',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='start', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange.start', index=0,
-        number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='end', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange.end', index=1,
-        number=2, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='DescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='field', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.field', index=1,
-        number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='extension', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.extension', index=2,
-        number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
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-        name='nested_type', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.nested_type', index=3,
-        number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='enum_type', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.enum_type', index=4,
-        number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='extension_range', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.extension_range', index=5,
-        number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='oneof_decl', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.oneof_decl', index=6,
-        number=8, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='options', full_name='google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.options', index=7,
-        number=7, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
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-    ],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
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-    name='FieldDescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='number', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.number', index=1,
-        number=3, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='label', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.label', index=2,
-        number=4, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=1,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
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-        name='type', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.type', index=3,
-        number=5, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=1,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='type_name', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.type_name', index=4,
-        number=6, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='extendee', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.extendee', index=5,
-        number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='default_value', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.default_value', index=6,
-        number=7, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='oneof_index', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.oneof_index', index=7,
-        number=9, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='options', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.options', index=8,
-        number=8, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _ONEOFDESCRIPTORPROTO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='OneofDescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='EnumDescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='value', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.value', index=1,
-        number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='options', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.options', index=2,
-        number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
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-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='EnumValueDescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='number', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.number', index=1,
-        number=2, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='options', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.options', index=2,
-        number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
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-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _SERVICEDESCRIPTORPROTO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='ServiceDescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='method', full_name='google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto.method', index=1,
-        number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='options', full_name='google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto.options', index=2,
-        number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
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-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _METHODDESCRIPTORPROTO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='MethodDescriptorProto',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.name', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='input_type', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.input_type', index=1,
-        number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='output_type', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.output_type', index=2,
-        number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='options', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.options', index=3,
-        number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='client_streaming', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.client_streaming', index=4,
-        number=5, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='server_streaming', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.server_streaming', index=5,
-        number=6, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
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-    name='FileOptions',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='java_package', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_package', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='java_outer_classname', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_outer_classname', index=1,
-        number=8, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='java_multiple_files', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_multiple_files', index=2,
-        number=10, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='java_generate_equals_and_hash', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_generate_equals_and_hash', index=3,
-        number=20, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='java_string_check_utf8', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_string_check_utf8', index=4,
-        number=27, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='optimize_for', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.optimize_for', index=5,
-        number=9, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=1,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='go_package', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.go_package', index=6,
-        number=11, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
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-        name='cc_generic_services', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.cc_generic_services', index=7,
-        number=16, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='java_generic_services', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_generic_services', index=8,
-        number=17, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
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-        name='py_generic_services', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.py_generic_services', index=9,
-        number=18, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='deprecated', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.deprecated', index=10,
-        number=23, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
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-        name='cc_enable_arenas', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.cc_enable_arenas', index=11,
-        number=31, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='uninterpreted_option', full_name='google.protobuf.FileOptions.uninterpreted_option', index=12,
-        number=999, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=True,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[(1000, 536870912), ],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _MESSAGEOPTIONS = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='MessageOptions',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.MessageOptions',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='message_set_wire_format', full_name='google.protobuf.MessageOptions.message_set_wire_format', index=0,
-        number=1, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='no_standard_descriptor_accessor', full_name='google.protobuf.MessageOptions.no_standard_descriptor_accessor', index=1,
-        number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='deprecated', full_name='google.protobuf.MessageOptions.deprecated', index=2,
-        number=3, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='map_entry', full_name='google.protobuf.MessageOptions.map_entry', index=3,
-        number=7, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='uninterpreted_option', full_name='google.protobuf.MessageOptions.uninterpreted_option', index=4,
-        number=999, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=True,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[(1000, 536870912), ],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
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-    name='FieldOptions',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='ctype', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions.ctype', index=0,
-        number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='packed', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions.packed', index=1,
-        number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='lazy', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions.lazy', index=2,
-        number=5, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='deprecated', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions.deprecated', index=3,
-        number=3, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='weak', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions.weak', index=4,
-        number=10, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='uninterpreted_option', full_name='google.protobuf.FieldOptions.uninterpreted_option', index=5,
-        number=999, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=True,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[(1000, 536870912), ],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _ENUMOPTIONS = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='EnumOptions',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.EnumOptions',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='allow_alias', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumOptions.allow_alias', index=0,
-        number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='deprecated', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumOptions.deprecated', index=1,
-        number=3, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='uninterpreted_option', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumOptions.uninterpreted_option', index=2,
-        number=999, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=True,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[(1000, 536870912), ],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _ENUMVALUEOPTIONS = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='EnumValueOptions',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='deprecated', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions.deprecated', index=0,
-        number=1, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='uninterpreted_option', full_name='google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions.uninterpreted_option', index=1,
-        number=999, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=True,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[(1000, 536870912), ],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _SERVICEOPTIONS = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='ServiceOptions',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.ServiceOptions',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='deprecated', full_name='google.protobuf.ServiceOptions.deprecated', index=0,
-        number=33, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='uninterpreted_option', full_name='google.protobuf.ServiceOptions.uninterpreted_option', index=1,
-        number=999, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=True,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[(1000, 536870912), ],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _METHODOPTIONS = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='MethodOptions',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.MethodOptions',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='deprecated', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodOptions.deprecated', index=0,
-        number=33, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
-        has_default_value=True, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='uninterpreted_option', full_name='google.protobuf.MethodOptions.uninterpreted_option', index=1,
-        number=999, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=True,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[(1000, 536870912), ],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION_NAMEPART = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='NamePart',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name_part', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart.name_part', index=0,
-        number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=2,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='is_extension', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart.is_extension', index=1,
-        number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=2,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=False,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='UninterpretedOption',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='name', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.name', index=0,
-        number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='identifier_value', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.identifier_value', index=1,
-        number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='positive_int_value', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.positive_int_value', index=2,
-        number=4, type=4, cpp_type=4, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='negative_int_value', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.negative_int_value', index=3,
-        number=5, type=3, cpp_type=2, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='double_value', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.double_value', index=4,
-        number=6, type=1, cpp_type=5, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=float(0),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='string_value', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.string_value', index=5,
-        number=7, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"",
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='aggregate_value', full_name='google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.aggregate_value', index=6,
-        number=8, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _SOURCECODEINFO_LOCATION = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='Location',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='path', full_name='google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.path', index=0,
-        number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='span', full_name='google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.span', index=1,
-        number=2, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='leading_comments', full_name='google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.leading_comments', index=2,
-        number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='trailing_comments', full_name='google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.trailing_comments', index=3,
-        number=4, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=b"".decode('utf-8'),
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
-  _SOURCECODEINFO = _descriptor.Descriptor(
-    name='SourceCodeInfo',
-    full_name='google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo',
-    filename=None,
-    file=DESCRIPTOR,
-    containing_type=None,
-    create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key,
-    fields=[
-      _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
-        name='location', full_name='google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.location', index=0,
-        number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
-        has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
-        message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
-        is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
-        serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR,  create_key=_descriptor._internal_create_key),
-    ],
-    extensions=[
-    ],
-    nested_types=[_SOURCECODEINFO_LOCATION, ],
-    enum_types=[
-    ],
-    serialized_options=None,
-    is_extendable=False,
-    syntax='proto2',
-    extension_ranges=[],
-    oneofs=[
-    ],
-  )
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-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['message_type'].message_type = _DESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['enum_type'].message_type = _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['service'].message_type = _SERVICEDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['extension'].message_type = _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['options'].message_type = _FILEOPTIONS
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['source_code_info'].message_type = _SOURCECODEINFO
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['field'].message_type = _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['extension'].message_type = _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['nested_type'].message_type = _DESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['enum_type'].message_type = _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['extension_range'].message_type = _DESCRIPTORPROTO_EXTENSIONRANGE
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['oneof_decl'].message_type = _ONEOFDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['options'].message_type = _MESSAGEOPTIONS
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['options'].message_type = _FIELDOPTIONS
-  _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['value'].message_type = _ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['options'].message_type = _ENUMOPTIONS
-  _ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['options'].message_type = _ENUMVALUEOPTIONS
-  _SERVICEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['method'].message_type = _METHODDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  _SERVICEDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['options'].message_type = _SERVICEOPTIONS
-  _METHODDESCRIPTORPROTO.fields_by_name['options'].message_type = _METHODOPTIONS
-  _FILEOPTIONS.fields_by_name['optimize_for'].enum_type = _FILEOPTIONS_OPTIMIZEMODE
-  _FILEOPTIONS.fields_by_name['uninterpreted_option'].message_type = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  _MESSAGEOPTIONS.fields_by_name['uninterpreted_option'].message_type = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  _FIELDOPTIONS.fields_by_name['ctype'].enum_type = _FIELDOPTIONS_CTYPE
-  _FIELDOPTIONS.fields_by_name['uninterpreted_option'].message_type = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  _ENUMOPTIONS.fields_by_name['uninterpreted_option'].message_type = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  _ENUMVALUEOPTIONS.fields_by_name['uninterpreted_option'].message_type = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  _SERVICEOPTIONS.fields_by_name['uninterpreted_option'].message_type = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  _METHODOPTIONS.fields_by_name['uninterpreted_option'].message_type = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  _SOURCECODEINFO.fields_by_name['location'].message_type = _SOURCECODEINFO_LOCATION
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['FileDescriptorSet'] = _FILEDESCRIPTORSET
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['FileDescriptorProto'] = _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DescriptorProto'] = _DESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['FieldDescriptorProto'] = _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['OneofDescriptorProto'] = _ONEOFDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['EnumDescriptorProto'] = _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['EnumValueDescriptorProto'] = _ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['ServiceDescriptorProto'] = _SERVICEDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['MethodDescriptorProto'] = _METHODDESCRIPTORPROTO
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['FileOptions'] = _FILEOPTIONS
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['MessageOptions'] = _MESSAGEOPTIONS
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['FieldOptions'] = _FIELDOPTIONS
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['EnumOptions'] = _ENUMOPTIONS
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['EnumValueOptions'] = _ENUMVALUEOPTIONS
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['ServiceOptions'] = _SERVICEOPTIONS
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['MethodOptions'] = _METHODOPTIONS
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['UninterpretedOption'] = _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION
-  DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['SourceCodeInfo'] = _SOURCECODEINFO
-  _sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor(DESCRIPTOR)
-  _builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, globals())
-_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2', globals())
-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  DESCRIPTOR._options = None
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORSET._serialized_start=53
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORSET._serialized_end=124
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=127
-  _FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=602
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=605
-  _DESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=1089
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=1092
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=1773
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_TYPE._serialized_start=1394
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_TYPE._serialized_end=1704
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_LABEL._serialized_start=1706
-  _FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_LABEL._serialized_end=1773
-  _ONEOFDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=1775
-  _ONEOFDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=1811
-  _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=1814
-  _ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=1954
-  _ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=1956
-  _ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=2064
-  _SERVICEDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=2067
-  _SERVICEDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=2211
-  _METHODDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_start=2214
-  _METHODDESCRIPTORPROTO._serialized_end=2407
-  _FILEOPTIONS._serialized_start=2410
-  _FILEOPTIONS._serialized_end=2998
-  _FILEOPTIONS_OPTIMIZEMODE._serialized_start=2929
-  _FILEOPTIONS_OPTIMIZEMODE._serialized_end=2987
-  _MESSAGEOPTIONS._serialized_start=3001
-  _MESSAGEOPTIONS._serialized_end=3231
-  _FIELDOPTIONS._serialized_start=3234
-  _FIELDOPTIONS._serialized_end=3522
-  _FIELDOPTIONS_CTYPE._serialized_start=3464
-  _FIELDOPTIONS_CTYPE._serialized_end=3511
-  _ENUMOPTIONS._serialized_start=3525
-  _ENUMOPTIONS._serialized_end=3666
-  _ENUMVALUEOPTIONS._serialized_start=3668
-  _ENUMVALUEOPTIONS._serialized_end=3793
-  _SERVICEOPTIONS._serialized_start=3795
-  _SERVICEOPTIONS._serialized_end=3918
-  _METHODOPTIONS._serialized_start=3920
-  _METHODOPTIONS._serialized_end=4042
-  _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION._serialized_start=4045
-  _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION._serialized_end=4331
-  _UNINTERPRETEDOPTION_NAMEPART._serialized_start=4280
-  _SOURCECODEINFO._serialized_start=4334
-  _SOURCECODEINFO._serialized_end=4511
-  _SOURCECODEINFO_LOCATION._serialized_start=4412
-  _SOURCECODEINFO_LOCATION._serialized_end=4511
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/nanopb_pb2.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/nanopb_pb2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c23077a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/nanopb_pb2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-# source: nanopb.proto
-"""Generated protocol buffer code."""
-from google.protobuf.internal import builder as _builder
-from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
-from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
-_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_descriptor__pb2
-DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n\x0cnanopb.proto\x1a google/protobuf/descriptor.proto\"\x80\x02\n\rNanoPBOptions\x12\x10\n\x08max_size\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x11\n\tmax_count\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x12&\n\x08int_size\x18\x07 \x01(\x0e\x32\x08.IntSize:\nIS_DEFAULT\x12$\n\x04type\x18\x03 \x01(\x0e\x32\n.FieldType:\nFT_DEFAULT\x12\x18\n\nlong_names\x18\x04 \x01(\x08:\x04true\x12\x1c\n\rpacked_struct\x18\x05 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x1b\n\x0cskip_message\x18\x06 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\x18\n\tno_unions\x18\x08 \x01(\x08:\x05\x66\x61lse\x12\r\n\x05msgid\x18\t \x01(\r*Z\n\tFieldType\x12\x0e\n\nFT_DEFAULT\x10\x00\x12\x0f\n\x0b\x46T_CALLBACK\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nFT_POINTER\x10\x04\x12\r\n\tFT_STATIC\x10\x02\x12\r\n\tFT_IGNORE\x10\x03*D\n\x07IntSize\x12\x0e\n\nIS_DEFAULT\x10\x00\x12\x08\n\x04IS_8\x10\x08\x12\t\n\x05IS_16\x10\x10\x12\t\n\x05IS_32\x10 \x12\t\n\x05IS_64\x10@:E\n\x0enanopb_fileopt\x12\x1c.google.protobuf.FileOptions\x18\xf2\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x0e.NanoPBOptions:G\n\rnanopb_msgopt\x12\x1f.google.protobuf.MessageOptions\x18\xf2\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x0e.NanoPBOptions:E\n\x0enanopb_enumopt\x12\x1c.google.protobuf.EnumOptions\x18\xf2\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x0e.NanoPBOptions:>\n\x06nanopb\x12\x1d.google.protobuf.FieldOptions\x18\xf2\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x0e.NanoPBOptionsB\x1a\n\x18\x66i.kapsi.koti.jpa.nanopb')
-_builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, globals())
-_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'nanopb_pb2', globals())
-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  google_dot_protobuf_dot_descriptor__pb2.FileOptions.RegisterExtension(nanopb_fileopt)
-  google_dot_protobuf_dot_descriptor__pb2.MessageOptions.RegisterExtension(nanopb_msgopt)
-  google_dot_protobuf_dot_descriptor__pb2.EnumOptions.RegisterExtension(nanopb_enumopt)
-  google_dot_protobuf_dot_descriptor__pb2.FieldOptions.RegisterExtension(nanopb)
-  DESCRIPTOR._options = None
-  DESCRIPTOR._serialized_options = b'\n\030fi.kapsi.koti.jpa.nanopb'
-  _FIELDTYPE._serialized_start=309
-  _FIELDTYPE._serialized_end=399
-  _INTSIZE._serialized_start=401
-  _INTSIZE._serialized_end=469
-  _NANOPBOPTIONS._serialized_start=51
-  _NANOPBOPTIONS._serialized_end=307
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/plugin_pb2.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/plugin_pb2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79fffcd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/plugin_pb2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-# source: plugin.proto
-"""Generated protocol buffer code."""
-from google.protobuf.internal import builder as _builder
-from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
-from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
-_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_descriptor__pb2
-DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n\x0cplugin.proto\x12\x18google.protobuf.compiler\x1a google/protobuf/descriptor.proto\"}\n\x14\x43odeGeneratorRequest\x12\x18\n\x10\x66ile_to_generate\x18\x01 \x03(\t\x12\x11\n\tparameter\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x38\n\nproto_file\x18\x0f \x03(\x0b\x32$.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto\"\xaa\x01\n\x15\x43odeGeneratorResponse\x12\r\n\x05\x65rror\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x42\n\x04\x66ile\x18\x0f \x03(\x0b\x32\x34.google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File\x1a>\n\x04\x46ile\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x17\n\x0finsertion_point\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0f\n\x07\x63ontent\x18\x0f \x01(\tB,\n\x1c\x63om.google.protobuf.compilerB\x0cPluginProtos')
-_builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, globals())
-_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'plugin_pb2', globals())
-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  DESCRIPTOR._options = None
-  DESCRIPTOR._serialized_options = b'\n\034com.google.protobuf.compilerB\014PluginProtos'
-  _CODEGENERATORREQUEST._serialized_start=76
-  _CODEGENERATORREQUEST._serialized_end=201
-  _CODEGENERATORRESPONSE._serialized_start=204
-  _CODEGENERATORRESPONSE._serialized_end=374
-  _CODEGENERATORRESPONSE_FILE._serialized_start=312
-  _CODEGENERATORRESPONSE_FILE._serialized_end=374
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index e17c0cc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
-// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
-//  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
-//  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
-// The messages in this file describe the definitions found in .proto files.
-// A valid .proto file can be translated directly to a FileDescriptorProto
-// without any other information (e.g. without reading its imports).
-syntax = "proto2";
-package google.protobuf;
-option java_package = "com.google.protobuf";
-option java_outer_classname = "DescriptorProtos";
-// descriptor.proto must be optimized for speed because reflection-based
-// algorithms don't work during bootstrapping.
-option optimize_for = SPEED;
-// The protocol compiler can output a FileDescriptorSet containing the .proto
-// files it parses.
-message FileDescriptorSet {
-  repeated FileDescriptorProto file = 1;
-// Describes a complete .proto file.
-message FileDescriptorProto {
-  optional string name = 1;       // file name, relative to root of source tree
-  optional string package = 2;    // e.g. "foo", "foo.bar", etc.
-  // Names of files imported by this file.
-  repeated string dependency = 3;
-  // Indexes of the public imported files in the dependency list above.
-  repeated int32 public_dependency = 10;
-  // Indexes of the weak imported files in the dependency list.
-  // For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.
-  repeated int32 weak_dependency = 11;
-  // All top-level definitions in this file.
-  repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
-  repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;
-  repeated ServiceDescriptorProto service = 6;
-  repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7;
-  optional FileOptions options = 8;
-  // This field contains optional information about the original source code.
-  // You may safely remove this entire field without harming runtime
-  // functionality of the descriptors -- the information is needed only by
-  // development tools.
-  optional SourceCodeInfo source_code_info = 9;
-  // The syntax of the proto file.
-  // The supported values are "proto2" and "proto3".
-  optional string syntax = 12;
-// Describes a message type.
-message DescriptorProto {
-  optional string name = 1;
-  repeated FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
-  repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 6;
-  repeated DescriptorProto nested_type = 3;
-  repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 4;
-  message ExtensionRange {
-    optional int32 start = 1;
-    optional int32 end = 2;
-  }
-  repeated ExtensionRange extension_range = 5;
-  repeated OneofDescriptorProto oneof_decl = 8;
-  optional MessageOptions options = 7;
-// Describes a field within a message.
-message FieldDescriptorProto {
-  enum Type {
-    // 0 is reserved for errors.
-    // Order is weird for historical reasons.
-    TYPE_DOUBLE         = 1;
-    TYPE_FLOAT          = 2;
-    // Not ZigZag encoded.  Negative numbers take 10 bytes.  Use TYPE_SINT64 if
-    // negative values are likely.
-    TYPE_INT64          = 3;
-    TYPE_UINT64         = 4;
-    // Not ZigZag encoded.  Negative numbers take 10 bytes.  Use TYPE_SINT32 if
-    // negative values are likely.
-    TYPE_INT32          = 5;
-    TYPE_FIXED64        = 6;
-    TYPE_FIXED32        = 7;
-    TYPE_BOOL           = 8;
-    TYPE_STRING         = 9;
-    TYPE_GROUP          = 10;  // Tag-delimited aggregate.
-    TYPE_MESSAGE        = 11;  // Length-delimited aggregate.
-    // New in version 2.
-    TYPE_BYTES          = 12;
-    TYPE_UINT32         = 13;
-    TYPE_ENUM           = 14;
-    TYPE_SFIXED32       = 15;
-    TYPE_SFIXED64       = 16;
-    TYPE_SINT32         = 17;  // Uses ZigZag encoding.
-    TYPE_SINT64         = 18;  // Uses ZigZag encoding.
-  };
-  enum Label {
-    // 0 is reserved for errors
-    LABEL_OPTIONAL      = 1;
-    LABEL_REQUIRED      = 2;
-    LABEL_REPEATED      = 3;
-    // TODO(sanjay): Should we add LABEL_MAP?
-  };
-  optional string name = 1;
-  optional int32 number = 3;
-  optional Label label = 4;
-  // If type_name is set, this need not be set.  If both this and type_name
-  // are set, this must be one of TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_MESSAGE or TYPE_GROUP.
-  optional Type type = 5;
-  // For message and enum types, this is the name of the type.  If the name
-  // starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified.  Otherwise, C++-like scoping
-  // rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types within this
-  // message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the root
-  // namespace).
-  optional string type_name = 6;
-  // For extensions, this is the name of the type being extended.  It is
-  // resolved in the same manner as type_name.
-  optional string extendee = 2;
-  // For numeric types, contains the original text representation of the value.
-  // For booleans, "true" or "false".
-  // For strings, contains the default text contents (not escaped in any way).
-  // For bytes, contains the C escaped value.  All bytes >= 128 are escaped.
-  // TODO(kenton):  Base-64 encode?
-  optional string default_value = 7;
-  // If set, gives the index of a oneof in the containing type's oneof_decl
-  // list.  This field is a member of that oneof.  Extensions of a oneof should
-  // not set this since the oneof to which they belong will be inferred based
-  // on the extension range containing the extension's field number.
-  optional int32 oneof_index = 9;
-  optional FieldOptions options = 8;
-// Describes a oneof.
-message OneofDescriptorProto {
-  optional string name = 1;
-// Describes an enum type.
-message EnumDescriptorProto {
-  optional string name = 1;
-  repeated EnumValueDescriptorProto value = 2;
-  optional EnumOptions options = 3;
-// Describes a value within an enum.
-message EnumValueDescriptorProto {
-  optional string name = 1;
-  optional int32 number = 2;
-  optional EnumValueOptions options = 3;
-// Describes a service.
-message ServiceDescriptorProto {
-  optional string name = 1;
-  repeated MethodDescriptorProto method = 2;
-  optional ServiceOptions options = 3;
-// Describes a method of a service.
-message MethodDescriptorProto {
-  optional string name = 1;
-  // Input and output type names.  These are resolved in the same way as
-  // FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.
-  optional string input_type = 2;
-  optional string output_type = 3;
-  optional MethodOptions options = 4;
-  // Identifies if client streams multiple client messages
-  optional bool client_streaming = 5 [default=false];
-  // Identifies if server streams multiple server messages
-  optional bool server_streaming = 6 [default=false];
-// ===================================================================
-// Options
-// Each of the definitions above may have "options" attached.  These are
-// just annotations which may cause code to be generated slightly differently
-// or may contain hints for code that manipulates protocol messages.
-// Clients may define custom options as extensions of the *Options messages.
-// These extensions may not yet be known at parsing time, so the parser cannot
-// store the values in them.  Instead it stores them in a field in the *Options
-// message called uninterpreted_option. This field must have the same name
-// across all *Options messages. We then use this field to populate the
-// extensions when we build a descriptor, at which point all protos have been
-// parsed and so all extensions are known.
-// Extension numbers for custom options may be chosen as follows:
-// * For options which will only be used within a single application or
-//   organization, or for experimental options, use field numbers 50000
-//   through 99999.  It is up to you to ensure that you do not use the
-//   same number for multiple options.
-// * For options which will be published and used publicly by multiple
-//   independent entities, e-mail protobuf-global-extension-registry@google.com
-//   to reserve extension numbers. Simply provide your project name (e.g.
-//   Object-C plugin) and your porject website (if available) -- there's no need
-//   to explain how you intend to use them. Usually you only need one extension
-//   number. You can declare multiple options with only one extension number by
-//   putting them in a sub-message. See the Custom Options section of the docs
-//   for examples:
-//   https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#options
-//   If this turns out to be popular, a web service will be set up
-//   to automatically assign option numbers.
-message FileOptions {
-  // Sets the Java package where classes generated from this .proto will be
-  // placed.  By default, the proto package is used, but this is often
-  // inappropriate because proto packages do not normally start with backwards
-  // domain names.
-  optional string java_package = 1;
-  // If set, all the classes from the .proto file are wrapped in a single
-  // outer class with the given name.  This applies to both Proto1
-  // (equivalent to the old "--one_java_file" option) and Proto2 (where
-  // a .proto always translates to a single class, but you may want to
-  // explicitly choose the class name).
-  optional string java_outer_classname = 8;
-  // If set true, then the Java code generator will generate a separate .java
-  // file for each top-level message, enum, and service defined in the .proto
-  // file.  Thus, these types will *not* be nested inside the outer class
-  // named by java_outer_classname.  However, the outer class will still be
-  // generated to contain the file's getDescriptor() method as well as any
-  // top-level extensions defined in the file.
-  optional bool java_multiple_files = 10 [default=false];
-  // If set true, then the Java code generator will generate equals() and
-  // hashCode() methods for all messages defined in the .proto file.
-  // - In the full runtime, this is purely a speed optimization, as the
-  // AbstractMessage base class includes reflection-based implementations of
-  // these methods.
-  //- In the lite runtime, setting this option changes the semantics of
-  // equals() and hashCode() to more closely match those of the full runtime;
-  // the generated methods compute their results based on field values rather
-  // than object identity. (Implementations should not assume that hashcodes
-  // will be consistent across runtimes or versions of the protocol compiler.)
-  optional bool java_generate_equals_and_hash = 20 [default=false];
-  // If set true, then the Java2 code generator will generate code that
-  // throws an exception whenever an attempt is made to assign a non-UTF-8
-  // byte sequence to a string field.
-  // Message reflection will do the same.
-  // However, an extension field still accepts non-UTF-8 byte sequences.
-  // This option has no effect on when used with the lite runtime.
-  optional bool java_string_check_utf8 = 27 [default=false];
-  // Generated classes can be optimized for speed or code size.
-  enum OptimizeMode {
-    SPEED = 1;        // Generate complete code for parsing, serialization,
-                      // etc.
-    CODE_SIZE = 2;    // Use ReflectionOps to implement these methods.
-    LITE_RUNTIME = 3; // Generate code using MessageLite and the lite runtime.
-  }
-  optional OptimizeMode optimize_for = 9 [default=SPEED];
-  // Sets the Go package where structs generated from this .proto will be
-  // placed. If omitted, the Go package will be derived from the following:
-  //   - The basename of the package import path, if provided.
-  //   - Otherwise, the package statement in the .proto file, if present.
-  //   - Otherwise, the basename of the .proto file, without extension.
-  optional string go_package = 11;
-  // Should generic services be generated in each language?  "Generic" services
-  // are not specific to any particular RPC system.  They are generated by the
-  // main code generators in each language (without additional plugins).
-  // Generic services were the only kind of service generation supported by
-  // early versions of google.protobuf.
-  //
-  // Generic services are now considered deprecated in favor of using plugins
-  // that generate code specific to your particular RPC system.  Therefore,
-  // these default to false.  Old code which depends on generic services should
-  // explicitly set them to true.
-  optional bool cc_generic_services = 16 [default=false];
-  optional bool java_generic_services = 17 [default=false];
-  optional bool py_generic_services = 18 [default=false];
-  // Is this file deprecated?
-  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
-  // for everything in the file, or it will be completely ignored; in the very
-  // least, this is a formalization for deprecating files.
-  optional bool deprecated = 23 [default=false];
-  // Enables the use of arenas for the proto messages in this file. This applies
-  // only to generated classes for C++.
-  optional bool cc_enable_arenas = 31 [default=false];
-  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
-  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
-  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
-  extensions 1000 to max;
-message MessageOptions {
-  // Set true to use the old proto1 MessageSet wire format for extensions.
-  // This is provided for backwards-compatibility with the MessageSet wire
-  // format.  You should not use this for any other reason:  It's less
-  // efficient, has fewer features, and is more complicated.
-  //
-  // The message must be defined exactly as follows:
-  //   message Foo {
-  //     option message_set_wire_format = true;
-  //     extensions 4 to max;
-  //   }
-  // Note that the message cannot have any defined fields; MessageSets only
-  // have extensions.
-  //
-  // All extensions of your type must be singular messages; e.g. they cannot
-  // be int32s, enums, or repeated messages.
-  //
-  // Because this is an option, the above two restrictions are not enforced by
-  // the protocol compiler.
-  optional bool message_set_wire_format = 1 [default=false];
-  // Disables the generation of the standard "descriptor()" accessor, which can
-  // conflict with a field of the same name.  This is meant to make migration
-  // from proto1 easier; new code should avoid fields named "descriptor".
-  optional bool no_standard_descriptor_accessor = 2 [default=false];
-  // Is this message deprecated?
-  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
-  // for the message, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
-  // this is a formalization for deprecating messages.
-  optional bool deprecated = 3 [default=false];
-  // Whether the message is an automatically generated map entry type for the
-  // maps field.
-  //
-  // For maps fields:
-  //     map<KeyType, ValueType> map_field = 1;
-  // The parsed descriptor looks like:
-  //     message MapFieldEntry {
-  //         option map_entry = true;
-  //         optional KeyType key = 1;
-  //         optional ValueType value = 2;
-  //     }
-  //     repeated MapFieldEntry map_field = 1;
-  //
-  // Implementations may choose not to generate the map_entry=true message, but
-  // use a native map in the target language to hold the keys and values.
-  // The reflection APIs in such implementions still need to work as
-  // if the field is a repeated message field.
-  //
-  // NOTE: Do not set the option in .proto files. Always use the maps syntax
-  // instead. The option should only be implicitly set by the proto compiler
-  // parser.
-  optional bool map_entry = 7;
-  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
-  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
-  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
-  extensions 1000 to max;
-message FieldOptions {
-  // The ctype option instructs the C++ code generator to use a different
-  // representation of the field than it normally would.  See the specific
-  // options below.  This option is not yet implemented in the open source
-  // release -- sorry, we'll try to include it in a future version!
-  optional CType ctype = 1 [default = STRING];
-  enum CType {
-    // Default mode.
-    STRING = 0;
-    CORD = 1;
-    STRING_PIECE = 2;
-  }
-  // The packed option can be enabled for repeated primitive fields to enable
-  // a more efficient representation on the wire. Rather than repeatedly
-  // writing the tag and type for each element, the entire array is encoded as
-  // a single length-delimited blob.
-  optional bool packed = 2;
-  // Should this field be parsed lazily?  Lazy applies only to message-type
-  // fields.  It means that when the outer message is initially parsed, the
-  // inner message's contents will not be parsed but instead stored in encoded
-  // form.  The inner message will actually be parsed when it is first accessed.
-  //
-  // This is only a hint.  Implementations are free to choose whether to use
-  // eager or lazy parsing regardless of the value of this option.  However,
-  // setting this option true suggests that the protocol author believes that
-  // using lazy parsing on this field is worth the additional bookkeeping
-  // overhead typically needed to implement it.
-  //
-  // This option does not affect the public interface of any generated code;
-  // all method signatures remain the same.  Furthermore, thread-safety of the
-  // interface is not affected by this option; const methods remain safe to
-  // call from multiple threads concurrently, while non-const methods continue
-  // to require exclusive access.
-  //
-  //
-  // Note that implementations may choose not to check required fields within
-  // a lazy sub-message.  That is, calling IsInitialized() on the outher message
-  // may return true even if the inner message has missing required fields.
-  // This is necessary because otherwise the inner message would have to be
-  // parsed in order to perform the check, defeating the purpose of lazy
-  // parsing.  An implementation which chooses not to check required fields
-  // must be consistent about it.  That is, for any particular sub-message, the
-  // implementation must either *always* check its required fields, or *never*
-  // check its required fields, regardless of whether or not the message has
-  // been parsed.
-  optional bool lazy = 5 [default=false];
-  // Is this field deprecated?
-  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
-  // for accessors, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this
-  // is a formalization for deprecating fields.
-  optional bool deprecated = 3 [default=false];
-  // For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.
-  optional bool weak = 10 [default=false];
-  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
-  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
-  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
-  extensions 1000 to max;
-message EnumOptions {
-  // Set this option to true to allow mapping different tag names to the same
-  // value.
-  optional bool allow_alias = 2;
-  // Is this enum deprecated?
-  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
-  // for the enum, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this
-  // is a formalization for deprecating enums.
-  optional bool deprecated = 3 [default=false];
-  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
-  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
-  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
-  extensions 1000 to max;
-message EnumValueOptions {
-  // Is this enum value deprecated?
-  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
-  // for the enum value, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
-  // this is a formalization for deprecating enum values.
-  optional bool deprecated = 1 [default=false];
-  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
-  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
-  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
-  extensions 1000 to max;
-message ServiceOptions {
-  // Note:  Field numbers 1 through 32 are reserved for Google's internal RPC
-  //   framework.  We apologize for hoarding these numbers to ourselves, but
-  //   we were already using them long before we decided to release Protocol
-  //   Buffers.
-  // Is this service deprecated?
-  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
-  // for the service, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
-  // this is a formalization for deprecating services.
-  optional bool deprecated = 33 [default=false];
-  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
-  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
-  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
-  extensions 1000 to max;
-message MethodOptions {
-  // Note:  Field numbers 1 through 32 are reserved for Google's internal RPC
-  //   framework.  We apologize for hoarding these numbers to ourselves, but
-  //   we were already using them long before we decided to release Protocol
-  //   Buffers.
-  // Is this method deprecated?
-  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
-  // for the method, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
-  // this is a formalization for deprecating methods.
-  optional bool deprecated = 33 [default=false];
-  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
-  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
-  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
-  extensions 1000 to max;
-// A message representing a option the parser does not recognize. This only
-// appears in options protos created by the compiler::Parser class.
-// DescriptorPool resolves these when building Descriptor objects. Therefore,
-// options protos in descriptor objects (e.g. returned by Descriptor::options(),
-// or produced by Descriptor::CopyTo()) will never have UninterpretedOptions
-// in them.
-message UninterpretedOption {
-  // The name of the uninterpreted option.  Each string represents a segment in
-  // a dot-separated name.  is_extension is true iff a segment represents an
-  // extension (denoted with parentheses in options specs in .proto files).
-  // E.g.,{ ["foo", false], ["bar.baz", true], ["qux", false] } represents
-  // "foo.(bar.baz).qux".
-  message NamePart {
-    required string name_part = 1;
-    required bool is_extension = 2;
-  }
-  repeated NamePart name = 2;
-  // The value of the uninterpreted option, in whatever type the tokenizer
-  // identified it as during parsing. Exactly one of these should be set.
-  optional string identifier_value = 3;
-  optional uint64 positive_int_value = 4;
-  optional int64 negative_int_value = 5;
-  optional double double_value = 6;
-  optional bytes string_value = 7;
-  optional string aggregate_value = 8;
-// ===================================================================
-// Optional source code info
-// Encapsulates information about the original source file from which a
-// FileDescriptorProto was generated.
-message SourceCodeInfo {
-  // A Location identifies a piece of source code in a .proto file which
-  // corresponds to a particular definition.  This information is intended
-  // to be useful to IDEs, code indexers, documentation generators, and similar
-  // tools.
-  //
-  // For example, say we have a file like:
-  //   message Foo {
-  //     optional string foo = 1;
-  //   }
-  // Let's look at just the field definition:
-  //   optional string foo = 1;
-  //   ^       ^^     ^^  ^  ^^^
-  //   a       bc     de  f  ghi
-  // We have the following locations:
-  //   span   path               represents
-  //   [a,i)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0 ]     The whole field definition.
-  //   [a,b)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 4 ]  The label (optional).
-  //   [c,d)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 5 ]  The type (string).
-  //   [e,f)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 ]  The name (foo).
-  //   [g,h)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 3 ]  The number (1).
-  //
-  // Notes:
-  // - A location may refer to a repeated field itself (i.e. not to any
-  //   particular index within it).  This is used whenever a set of elements are
-  //   logically enclosed in a single code segment.  For example, an entire
-  //   extend block (possibly containing multiple extension definitions) will
-  //   have an outer location whose path refers to the "extensions" repeated
-  //   field without an index.
-  // - Multiple locations may have the same path.  This happens when a single
-  //   logical declaration is spread out across multiple places.  The most
-  //   obvious example is the "extend" block again -- there may be multiple
-  //   extend blocks in the same scope, each of which will have the same path.
-  // - A location's span is not always a subset of its parent's span.  For
-  //   example, the "extendee" of an extension declaration appears at the
-  //   beginning of the "extend" block and is shared by all extensions within
-  //   the block.
-  // - Just because a location's span is a subset of some other location's span
-  //   does not mean that it is a descendent.  For example, a "group" defines
-  //   both a type and a field in a single declaration.  Thus, the locations
-  //   corresponding to the type and field and their components will overlap.
-  // - Code which tries to interpret locations should probably be designed to
-  //   ignore those that it doesn't understand, as more types of locations could
-  //   be recorded in the future.
-  repeated Location location = 1;
-  message Location {
-    // Identifies which part of the FileDescriptorProto was defined at this
-    // location.
-    //
-    // Each element is a field number or an index.  They form a path from
-    // the root FileDescriptorProto to the place where the definition.  For
-    // example, this path:
-    //   [ 4, 3, 2, 7, 1 ]
-    // refers to:
-    //   file.message_type(3)  // 4, 3
-    //       .field(7)         // 2, 7
-    //       .name()           // 1
-    // This is because FileDescriptorProto.message_type has field number 4:
-    //   repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
-    // and DescriptorProto.field has field number 2:
-    //   repeated FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
-    // and FieldDescriptorProto.name has field number 1:
-    //   optional string name = 1;
-    //
-    // Thus, the above path gives the location of a field name.  If we removed
-    // the last element:
-    //   [ 4, 3, 2, 7 ]
-    // this path refers to the whole field declaration (from the beginning
-    // of the label to the terminating semicolon).
-    repeated int32 path = 1 [packed=true];
-    // Always has exactly three or four elements: start line, start column,
-    // end line (optional, otherwise assumed same as start line), end column.
-    // These are packed into a single field for efficiency.  Note that line
-    // and column numbers are zero-based -- typically you will want to add
-    // 1 to each before displaying to a user.
-    repeated int32 span = 2 [packed=true];
-    // If this SourceCodeInfo represents a complete declaration, these are any
-    // comments appearing before and after the declaration which appear to be
-    // attached to the declaration.
-    //
-    // A series of line comments appearing on consecutive lines, with no other
-    // tokens appearing on those lines, will be treated as a single comment.
-    //
-    // Only the comment content is provided; comment markers (e.g. //) are
-    // stripped out.  For block comments, leading whitespace and an asterisk
-    // will be stripped from the beginning of each line other than the first.
-    // Newlines are included in the output.
-    //
-    // Examples:
-    //
-    //   optional int32 foo = 1;  // Comment attached to foo.
-    //   // Comment attached to bar.
-    //   optional int32 bar = 2;
-    //
-    //   optional string baz = 3;
-    //   // Comment attached to baz.
-    //   // Another line attached to baz.
-    //
-    //   // Comment attached to qux.
-    //   //
-    //   // Another line attached to qux.
-    //   optional double qux = 4;
-    //
-    //   optional string corge = 5;
-    //   /* Block comment attached
-    //    * to corge.  Leading asterisks
-    //    * will be removed. */
-    //   /* Block comment attached to
-    //    * grault. */
-    //   optional int32 grault = 6;
-    optional string leading_comments = 3;
-    optional string trailing_comments = 4;
-  }
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/nanopb.proto b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/nanopb.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 5053dfd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/nanopb.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Custom options for defining:
-// - Maximum size of string/bytes
-// - Maximum number of elements in array
-// These are used by nanopb to generate statically allocable structures
-// for memory-limited environments.
-syntax = "proto2";
-import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
-option java_package = "fi.kapsi.koti.jpa.nanopb";
-enum FieldType {
-    FT_DEFAULT = 0; // Automatically decide field type, generate static field if possible.
-    FT_CALLBACK = 1; // Always generate a callback field.
-    FT_POINTER = 4; // Always generate a dynamically allocated field.
-    FT_STATIC = 2; // Generate a static field or raise an exception if not possible.
-    FT_IGNORE = 3; // Ignore the field completely.
-enum IntSize {
-    IS_DEFAULT = 0; // Default, 32/64bit based on type in .proto
-    IS_8 = 8;
-    IS_16 = 16;
-    IS_32 = 32;
-    IS_64 = 64;
-// This is the inner options message, which basically defines options for
-// a field. When it is used in message or file scope, it applies to all
-// fields.
-message NanoPBOptions {
-  // Allocated size for 'bytes' and 'string' fields.
-  optional int32 max_size = 1;
-  // Allocated number of entries in arrays ('repeated' fields)
-  optional int32 max_count = 2;
-  // Size of integer fields. Can save some memory if you don't need
-  // full 32 bits for the value.
-  optional IntSize int_size = 7 [default = IS_DEFAULT];
-  // Force type of field (callback or static allocation)
-  optional FieldType type = 3 [default = FT_DEFAULT];
-  // Use long names for enums, i.e. EnumName_EnumValue.
-  optional bool long_names = 4 [default = true];
-  // Add 'packed' attribute to generated structs.
-  // Note: this cannot be used on CPUs that break on unaligned
-  // accesses to variables.
-  optional bool packed_struct = 5 [default = false];
-  // Skip this message
-  optional bool skip_message = 6 [default = false];
-  // Generate oneof fields as normal optional fields instead of union.
-  optional bool no_unions = 8 [default = false];
-  // integer type tag for a message
-  optional uint32 msgid = 9;
-// Extensions to protoc 'Descriptor' type in order to define options
-// inside a .proto file.
-// Protocol Buffers extension number registry
-// --------------------------------
-// Project:  Nanopb
-// Contact:  Petteri Aimonen <jpa@kapsi.fi>
-// Web site: http://kapsi.fi/~jpa/nanopb
-// Extensions: 1010 (all types)
-// --------------------------------
-extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
-    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb_fileopt = 1010;
-extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
-    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb_msgopt = 1010;
-extend google.protobuf.EnumOptions {
-    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb_enumopt = 1010;
-extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
-    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb = 1010;
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/plugin.proto b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/plugin.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index e627289..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/plugin.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
-// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
-// WARNING:  The plugin interface is currently EXPERIMENTAL and is subject to
-//   change.
-// protoc (aka the Protocol Compiler) can be extended via plugins.  A plugin is
-// just a program that reads a CodeGeneratorRequest from stdin and writes a
-// CodeGeneratorResponse to stdout.
-// Plugins written using C++ can use google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.h instead
-// of dealing with the raw protocol defined here.
-// A plugin executable needs only to be placed somewhere in the path.  The
-// plugin should be named "protoc-gen-$NAME", and will then be used when the
-// flag "--${NAME}_out" is passed to protoc.
-syntax = "proto2";
-package google.protobuf.compiler;
-option java_package = "com.google.protobuf.compiler";
-option java_outer_classname = "PluginProtos";
-import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
-// An encoded CodeGeneratorRequest is written to the plugin's stdin.
-message CodeGeneratorRequest {
-  // The .proto files that were explicitly listed on the command-line.  The
-  // code generator should generate code only for these files.  Each file's
-  // descriptor will be included in proto_file, below.
-  repeated string file_to_generate = 1;
-  // The generator parameter passed on the command-line.
-  optional string parameter = 2;
-  // FileDescriptorProtos for all files in files_to_generate and everything
-  // they import.  The files will appear in topological order, so each file
-  // appears before any file that imports it.
-  //
-  // protoc guarantees that all proto_files will be written after
-  // the fields above, even though this is not technically guaranteed by the
-  // protobuf wire format.  This theoretically could allow a plugin to stream
-  // in the FileDescriptorProtos and handle them one by one rather than read
-  // the entire set into memory at once.  However, as of this writing, this
-  // is not similarly optimized on protoc's end -- it will store all fields in
-  // memory at once before sending them to the plugin.
-  repeated FileDescriptorProto proto_file = 15;
-// The plugin writes an encoded CodeGeneratorResponse to stdout.
-message CodeGeneratorResponse {
-  // Error message.  If non-empty, code generation failed.  The plugin process
-  // should exit with status code zero even if it reports an error in this way.
-  //
-  // This should be used to indicate errors in .proto files which prevent the
-  // code generator from generating correct code.  Errors which indicate a
-  // problem in protoc itself -- such as the input CodeGeneratorRequest being
-  // unparseable -- should be reported by writing a message to stderr and
-  // exiting with a non-zero status code.
-  optional string error = 1;
-  // Represents a single generated file.
-  message File {
-    // The file name, relative to the output directory.  The name must not
-    // contain "." or ".." components and must be relative, not be absolute (so,
-    // the file cannot lie outside the output directory).  "/" must be used as
-    // the path separator, not "\".
-    //
-    // If the name is omitted, the content will be appended to the previous
-    // file.  This allows the generator to break large files into small chunks,
-    // and allows the generated text to be streamed back to protoc so that large
-    // files need not reside completely in memory at one time.  Note that as of
-    // this writing protoc does not optimize for this -- it will read the entire
-    // CodeGeneratorResponse before writing files to disk.
-    optional string name = 1;
-    // If non-empty, indicates that the named file should already exist, and the
-    // content here is to be inserted into that file at a defined insertion
-    // point.  This feature allows a code generator to extend the output
-    // produced by another code generator.  The original generator may provide
-    // insertion points by placing special annotations in the file that look
-    // like:
-    //   @@protoc_insertion_point(NAME)
-    // The annotation can have arbitrary text before and after it on the line,
-    // which allows it to be placed in a comment.  NAME should be replaced with
-    // an identifier naming the point -- this is what other generators will use
-    // as the insertion_point.  Code inserted at this point will be placed
-    // immediately above the line containing the insertion point (thus multiple
-    // insertions to the same point will come out in the order they were added).
-    // The double-@ is intended to make it unlikely that the generated code
-    // could contain things that look like insertion points by accident.
-    //
-    // For example, the C++ code generator places the following line in the
-    // .pb.h files that it generates:
-    //   // @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
-    // This line appears within the scope of the file's package namespace, but
-    // outside of any particular class.  Another plugin can then specify the
-    // insertion_point "namespace_scope" to generate additional classes or
-    // other declarations that should be placed in this scope.
-    //
-    // Note that if the line containing the insertion point begins with
-    // whitespace, the same whitespace will be added to every line of the
-    // inserted text.  This is useful for languages like Python, where
-    // indentation matters.  In these languages, the insertion point comment
-    // should be indented the same amount as any inserted code will need to be
-    // in order to work correctly in that context.
-    //
-    // The code generator that generates the initial file and the one which
-    // inserts into it must both run as part of a single invocation of protoc.
-    // Code generators are executed in the order in which they appear on the
-    // command line.
-    //
-    // If |insertion_point| is present, |name| must also be present.
-    optional string insertion_point = 2;
-    // The file contents.
-    optional string content = 15;
-  }
-  repeated File file = 15;
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/latency.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/latency.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cd9c8d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/latency.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Processes profiling data to output latency numbers."""
-# Type "python latency.py -h" for help
-# Currently the log data is assumed to be in the following format:
-# PROF:<event-id> <timestamp>
-# The <event-id> and <timestamp> can be in the form of any valid
-# (positive)integer literal in Python
-# Examples:
-#   PROF:0x0006 0x00000155e0d043f1
-#   PROF:6 1468355593201
-import argparse
-from collections import defaultdict
-import csv
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import string
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-valid_fname_chars = '-_.()%s%s' % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
-class EventPair(object):
-    def __init__(self, pair_id, latency, name):
-        self.pair_id = pair_id
-        self.latency = latency
-        self.name = name
-class LatencyEntry(object):
-    def __init__(self, start_timestamp, latency):
-        self.start_timestamp = start_timestamp
-        self.latency = latency
-def parse_xml(xml_file):
-    """
-    Parse the configuration xml file.
-    Returns:
-      event_pairs_by_pair_id: dict mapping event id to event pair object
-      event_pairs_by_start_id: dict mapping starting event to list of event pairs
-                               with that starting event.
-      event_pairs_by_end_id: dict mapping ending event to list of event pairs
-                             with that ending event.
-    """
-    root = ET.parse(xml_file).getroot()
-    event_pairs = root.findall('event-pair')
-    event_pairs_by_pair_id = {}
-    event_pairs_by_start_id = defaultdict(list)
-    event_pairs_by_end_id = defaultdict(list)
-    for event_pair in event_pairs:
-        start_evt = root.find(
-            "./event[@id='{0:}']".format(event_pair.attrib['start-event']))
-        end_evt = root.find(
-            "./event[@id='{0:}']".format(event_pair.attrib['end-event']))
-        start = int(start_evt.attrib['id'], 0)
-        end = int(end_evt.attrib['id'], 0)
-        paird_id = start << 32 | end
-        if paird_id in event_pairs_by_pair_id:
-            logging.error('Latency event repeated: start id = %d, end id = %d',
-                          start,
-                          end)
-            continue
-        # Create the output file name base by concatenating:
-        # "input file name base" + start event name + "_to_" + end event name
-        evt_pair_name = start_evt.attrib['name'] + '_to_' + end_evt.attrib[
-            'name']
-        evt_pair_name = [
-            c if c in valid_fname_chars else '_' for c in evt_pair_name
-        ]
-        evt_pair_name = ''.join(evt_pair_name)
-        evt_list = EventPair(paird_id, 0, evt_pair_name)
-        event_pairs_by_pair_id[paird_id] = evt_list
-        event_pairs_by_start_id[start].append(evt_list)
-        event_pairs_by_end_id[end].append(evt_list)
-    return (event_pairs_by_pair_id, event_pairs_by_start_id,
-            event_pairs_by_end_id)
-def percentile_to_index(num_entries, percentile):
-    """
-    Returns the index in an array corresponding to a percentile.
-    Arguments:
-      num_entries: the number of entries in the array.
-      percentile: which percentile to calculate the index for.
-    Returns:
-      ind: the index in the array corresponding to the percentile.
-    """
-    ind = int(math.floor(float(num_entries) * percentile / 100))
-    if ind > 0:
-        ind -= 1
-    return ind
-def compute_latencies(input_file, event_pairs_by_start_id,
-                      event_pairs_by_end_id):
-    """Parse the input data file and compute latencies."""
-    line_num = 0
-    lat_tables_by_pair_id = defaultdict(list)
-    while True:
-        line_num += 1
-        line = input_file.readline()
-        if not line:
-            break
-        data = line.partition(PROFILER_DATA_PREFIX)[2]
-        if not data:
-            continue
-        try:
-            event_id, timestamp = [int(x, 0) for x in data.split()]
-        except ValueError:
-            logging.error('Badly formed event entry at line #%s: %s', line_num,
-                          line)
-            continue
-        # We use event_pair.latency to temporarily store the timestamp
-        # of the start event
-        for event_pair in event_pairs_by_start_id[event_id]:
-            event_pair.latency = timestamp
-        for event_pair in event_pairs_by_end_id[event_id]:
-            # compute the latency only if we have seen the corresponding
-            # start event already
-            if event_pair.latency:
-                lat_tables_by_pair_id[event_pair.pair_id].append(
-                    LatencyEntry(event_pair.latency,
-                                 timestamp - event_pair.latency))
-                event_pair.latency = 0
-    return lat_tables_by_pair_id
-def write_data(fname_base, event_pairs_by_pair_id, lat_tables_by_pair_id):
-    for event_id, lat_table in lat_tables_by_pair_id.items():
-        event_pair = event_pairs_by_pair_id[event_id]
-        with open(fname_base + '_' + event_pair.name + '_data.csv',
-                  'wb') as out_file:
-            csv_writer = csv.writer(out_file)
-            for dat in lat_table:
-                csv_writer.writerow([dat.start_timestamp, dat.latency])
-def write_summary(fname_base, event_pairs_by_pair_id, lat_tables_by_pair_id):
-    summaries = get_summaries(event_pairs_by_pair_id, lat_tables_by_pair_id)
-    for event_id, lat_table in lat_tables_by_pair_id.items():
-        event_pair = event_pairs_by_pair_id[event_id]
-        summary = summaries[event_pair.name]
-        latencies = summary['latencies']
-        num_latencies = summary['num_latencies']
-        with open(fname_base + '_' + event_pair.name + '_summary.txt',
-                  'wb') as out_file:
-            csv_writer = csv.writer(out_file)
-            csv_writer.writerow(['Percentile', 'Latency'])
-            # Write percentile table
-            for percentile in range(1, 101):
-                ind = percentile_to_index(num_latencies, percentile)
-                csv_writer.writerow([percentile, latencies[ind]])
-            # Write summary
-            print('\n\nTotal number of samples = {}'.format(num_latencies),
-                  file=out_file)
-            print('Min = {}'.format(summary['min_lat']), file=out_file)
-            print('Max = {}'.format(summary['max_lat']), file=out_file)
-            print('Average = {}'.format(summary['average_lat']), file=out_file)
-            print('Median = {}'.format(summary['median_lat']), file=out_file)
-            print('90 %ile = {}'.format(summary['90pctile']), file=out_file)
-            print('95 %ile = {}'.format(summary['95pctile']), file=out_file)
-def process_latencies(config_xml, input_file):
-    """
-    End to end function to compute latencies and summaries from input file.
-    Writes latency results to files in current directory.
-    Arguments:
-       config_xml: xml file specifying which event pairs to compute latency
-                   btwn.
-       input_file: text file containing the timestamped events, like a log file.
-    """
-    # Parse the event configuration file
-    (event_pairs_by_pair_id, event_pairs_by_start_id,
-     event_pairs_by_end_id) = parse_xml(config_xml)
-    # Compute latencies
-    lat_tables_by_pair_id = compute_latencies(input_file,
-                                              event_pairs_by_start_id,
-                                              event_pairs_by_end_id)
-    fname_base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file.name))[0]
-    # Write the latency data and summary to respective files
-    write_data(fname_base, event_pairs_by_pair_id, lat_tables_by_pair_id)
-    write_summary(fname_base, event_pairs_by_pair_id, lat_tables_by_pair_id)
-def get_summaries(event_pairs_by_pair_id, lat_tables_by_pair_id):
-    """
-    Process significant summaries from a table of latencies.
-    Arguments:
-      event_pairs_by_pair_id: dict mapping event id to event pair object
-      lat_tables_by_pair_id: dict mapping event id to latency table
-    Returns:
-      summaries: dict mapping event pair name to significant summary metrics.
-    """
-    summaries = {}
-    for event_id, lat_table in lat_tables_by_pair_id.items():
-        event_summary = {}
-        event_pair = event_pairs_by_pair_id[event_id]
-        latencies = [entry.latency for entry in lat_table]
-        latencies.sort()
-        event_summary['latencies'] = latencies
-        event_summary['num_latencies'] = len(latencies)
-        event_summary['min_lat'] = latencies[0]
-        event_summary['max_lat'] = latencies[-1]
-        event_summary['average_lat'] = sum(latencies) / len(latencies)
-        event_summary['median'] = latencies[len(latencies) // 2]
-        event_summary['90pctile'] = latencies[percentile_to_index(
-            len(latencies), 90)]
-        event_summary['95pctile'] = latencies[percentile_to_index(
-            len(latencies), 95)]
-        summaries[event_pair.name] = event_summary
-    return summaries
-def get_summaries_from_log(input_file_name, config_xml=None):
-    """
-    End to end function to compute latencies and summaries from input file.
-    Returns a summary dictionary.
-    Arguments:
-      input_file_name: text file containing the timestamped events, like a
-                       log file.
-      config_xml: xml file specifying which event pairs to compute latency btwn.
-    Returns:
-      summaries: dict mapping event pair name to significant summary metrics.
-    """
-    config_xml = config_xml or os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                            'latency.xml')
-    (event_pairs_by_pair_id, event_pairs_by_start_id,
-     event_pairs_by_end_id) = parse_xml(config_xml)
-    # Compute latencies
-    input_file = open(input_file_name, 'r')
-    lat_tables_by_pair_id = compute_latencies(input_file,
-                                              event_pairs_by_start_id,
-                                              event_pairs_by_end_id)
-    return get_summaries(event_pairs_by_pair_id, lat_tables_by_pair_id)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # Parse command-line arguments
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='Processes profiling data to output latency numbers')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--events-config',
-        type=argparse.FileType('r'),
-        default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'latency.xml'),
-        help='The configuration XML file for events.'
-             ' If not specified uses latency.xml from current folder')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        'input', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='The input log')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    process_latencies(args.events_config, args.input)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/latency.xml b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/latency.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 320979b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/latency.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    <event id="1" name="Button Down" />
-    <event id="3" name="Play/Pause Button Event" />
-    <event id="4" name="A2DP Start Ind" />
-    <event id="6" name="A2DP Start Streaming" />
-    <event id="9" name="AVRCP Play Notification" />
-    <event id="10" name="AVRCP Pause Notification" />
-    <event id="12" name="Voice Cmd Btn Held" />
-    <event id="13" name="Voice Cmd Btn Released" />
-    <!-- Event pairs that we are interested in measuring the latency of -->
-    <event-pair start-event="1" end-event="3" />
-    <event-pair start-event="1" end-event="12" />
-    <event-pair start-event="3" end-event="9" />
-    <event-pair start-event="9" end-event="6" />
-    <event-pair start-event="1" end-event="6" />
-    <event-pair start-event="3" end-event="10" />
-    <event-pair start-event="1" end-event="10" />
-    <event-pair start-event="12" end-event="13" />
-    <event-pair start-event="13" end-event="6" />
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/logserial.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/logserial.py
deleted file mode 100644
index de270b5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/logserial.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import re
-import select
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import uuid
-from logging import Logger
-from threading import Thread
-import serial
-from serial.tools import list_ports
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import tako_trace_logger
-logging = tako_trace_logger.TakoTraceLogger(Logger(__file__))
-class LogSerialException(Exception):
-    """LogSerial Exception."""
-class PortCheck(object):
-    def get_serial_ports(self):
-        """Gets the computer available serial ports.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary object with all the serial port names.
-        """
-        result = {}
-        ports = list_ports.comports()
-        for port_name, description, address in ports:
-            result[port_name] = (description, address)
-        return result
-    # TODO: Clean up this function. The boolean logic can be simplified.
-    def search_port_by_property(self, search_params):
-        """Search ports by a dictionary of the search parameters.
-        Args:
-            search_params: Dictionary object with the parameters
-                           to search. i.e:
-                           {'ID_SERIAL_SHORT':'213213',
-                           'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '01'}
-        Returns:
-            Array with the ports found
-        """
-        ports_result = []
-        for port in self.get_serial_ports():
-            properties = self.get_port_properties(port=port)
-            if properties:
-                properties_exists = True
-                for port_property in search_params:
-                    properties_exists *= (port_property in properties)
-                properties_exists = True if properties_exists == 1 else False
-                if properties_exists:
-                    found = True
-                    for port_property in search_params.keys():
-                        search_value = search_params[port_property]
-                        if properties[port_property] == search_value:
-                            found *= True
-                        else:
-                            found = False
-                            break
-                    found = True if found == 1 else False
-                    if found:
-                        ports_result.append(port)
-        return ports_result
-    def get_port_properties(self, port):
-        """Get all the properties from a given port.
-        Args:
-            port: String object with the port name. i.e. '/dev/ttyACM1'
-        Returns:
-            dictionary object with all the properties.
-        """
-        ports = self.get_serial_ports()
-        if port in ports:
-            result = {}
-            port_address = ports[port][1]
-            property_list = None
-            if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith(
-                    'cygwin'):
-                try:
-                    command = 'udevadm info -q property -n {}'.format(port)
-                    property_list = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
-                    property_list = property_list.decode(errors='replace')
-                except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
-                    logging.error(error)
-                if property_list:
-                    properties = filter(None, property_list.split('\n'))
-                    for prop in properties:
-                        p = prop.split('=')
-                        result[p[0]] = p[1]
-            elif sys.platform.startswith('win'):
-                regex = ('(?P<type>[A-Z]*)\sVID\:PID\=(?P<vid>\w*)'
-                         '\:(?P<pid>\w*)\s+(?P<adprop>.*$)')
-                m = re.search(regex, port_address)
-                if m:
-                    result['type'] = m.group('type')
-                    result['vid'] = m.group('vid')
-                    result['pid'] = m.group('pid')
-                    adprop = m.group('adprop').strip()
-                    if adprop:
-                        prop_array = adprop.split(' ')
-                        for prop in prop_array:
-                            p = prop.split('=')
-                            result[p[0]] = p[1]
-                    if 'LOCATION' in result:
-                        interface = int(result['LOCATION'].split('.')[1])
-                        if interface < 10:
-                            result['ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM'] = '0{}'.format(
-                                interface)
-                        else:
-                            result['ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM'] = '{}'.format(
-                                interface)
-                    win_vid_pid = '*VID_{}*PID_{}*'.format(result['vid'],
-                                                           result['pid'])
-                    command = (
-                            'powershell gwmi "Win32_USBControllerDevice |' +
-                            ' %{[wmi]($_.Dependent)} |' +
-                            ' Where-Object -Property PNPDeviceID -Like "' +
-                            win_vid_pid + '" |' +
-                            ' Where-Object -Property Service -Eq "usbccgp" |' +
-                            ' Select-Object -Property PNPDeviceID"')
-                    res = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
-                    r = res.decode('ascii')
-                    m = re.search('USB\\\\.*', r)
-                    if m:
-                        result['ID_SERIAL_SHORT'] = (
-                            m.group().strip().split('\\')[2])
-            return result
-    def port_exists(self, port):
-        """Check if a serial port exists in the computer by the port name.
-        Args:
-            port: String object with the port name. i.e. '/dev/ttyACM1'
-        Returns:
-            True if it was found, False if not.
-        """
-        exists = port in self.get_serial_ports()
-        return exists
-class LogSerial(object):
-    def __init__(self,
-                 port,
-                 baudrate,
-                 bytesize=8,
-                 parity='N',
-                 stopbits=1,
-                 timeout=0.15,
-                 retries=0,
-                 flush_output=True,
-                 terminator='\n',
-                 output_path=None,
-                 serial_logger=None):
-        global RETRIES
-        self.set_log = False
-        self.output_path = None
-        self.set_output_path(output_path)
-        if serial_logger:
-            self.set_logger(serial_logger)
-        self.monitor_port = PortCheck()
-        if self.monitor_port.port_exists(port=port):
-            self.connection_handle = serial.Serial()
-            RETRIES = retries
-            self.reading = True
-            self.log = []
-            self.log_thread = Thread()
-            self.command_ini_index = None
-            self.is_logging = False
-            self.flush_output = flush_output
-            self.terminator = terminator
-            if port:
-                self.connection_handle.port = port
-            if baudrate:
-                self.connection_handle.baudrate = baudrate
-            if bytesize:
-                self.connection_handle.bytesize = bytesize
-            if parity:
-                self.connection_handle.parity = parity
-            if stopbits:
-                self.connection_handle.stopbits = stopbits
-            if timeout:
-                self.connection_handle.timeout = timeout
-            try:
-                self.open()
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.close()
-                logging.error(e)
-        else:
-            raise LogSerialException(
-                'The port {} does not exist'.format(port))
-    def set_logger(self, serial_logger):
-        global logging
-        logging = serial_logger
-        self.set_output_path(getattr(logging, 'output_path', '/tmp'))
-        self.set_log = True
-    def set_output_path(self, output_path):
-        """Set the output path for the flushed log.
-        Args:
-            output_path: String object with the path
-        """
-        if output_path:
-            if os.path.exists(output_path):
-                self.output_path = output_path
-            else:
-                raise LogSerialException('The output path does not exist.')
-    def refresh_port_connection(self, port):
-        """Will update the port connection without closing the read thread.
-        Args:
-            port: String object with the new port name. i.e. '/dev/ttyACM1'
-        Raises:
-            LogSerialException if the port is not alive.
-        """
-        if self.monitor_port.port_exists(port=port):
-            self.connection_handle.port = port
-            self.open()
-        else:
-            raise LogSerialException(
-                'The port {} does not exist'.format(port))
-    def is_port_alive(self):
-        """Verify if the current port is alive in the computer.
-        Returns:
-            True if its alive, False if its missing.
-        """
-        alive = self.monitor_port.port_exists(port=self.connection_handle.port)
-        return alive
-    # @retry(Exception, tries=RETRIES, delay=1, backoff=2)
-    def open(self):
-        """Will open the connection with the current port settings."""
-        while self.connection_handle.isOpen():
-            self.connection_handle.close()
-            time.sleep(0.5)
-        self.connection_handle.open()
-        if self.flush_output:
-            self.flush()
-        self.start_reading()
-        logging.info('Connection Open')
-    def close(self):
-        """Will close the connection and the read thread."""
-        self.stop_reading()
-        if self.connection_handle:
-            self.connection_handle.close()
-        if not self.set_log:
-            logging.flush_log()
-        self.flush_log()
-        logging.info('Connection Closed')
-    def flush(self):
-        """Will flush any input from the serial connection."""
-        self.write('\n')
-        self.connection_handle.flushInput()
-        self.connection_handle.flush()
-        flushed = 0
-        while True:
-            ready_r, _, ready_x = (select.select([self.connection_handle], [],
-                                                 [self.connection_handle], 0))
-            if ready_x:
-                logging.exception('exception from serial port')
-                return
-            elif ready_r:
-                flushed += 1
-                # This may cause underlying buffering.
-                self.connection_handle.read(1)
-                # Flush the underlying buffer too.
-                self.connection_handle.flush()
-            else:
-                break
-            if flushed > 0:
-                logging.debug('dropped >{} bytes'.format(flushed))
-    def write(self, command, wait_time=0.2):
-        """Will write into the serial connection.
-        Args:
-            command: String object with the text to write.
-            wait_time: Float object with the seconds to wait after the
-                       command was issued.
-        """
-        if command:
-            if self.terminator:
-                command += self.terminator
-            self.command_ini_index = len(self.log)
-            self.connection_handle.write(command.encode())
-            if wait_time:
-                time.sleep(wait_time)
-            logging.info('cmd [{}] sent.'.format(command.strip()))
-    def flush_log(self):
-        """Will output the log into a CSV file."""
-        if len(self.log) > 0:
-            path = ''
-            if not self.output_path:
-                self.output_path = os.getcwd()
-            elif not os.path.exists(self.output_path):
-                self.output_path = os.getcwd()
-            path = os.path.join(self.output_path,
-                                str(uuid.uuid4()) + '_serial.log')
-            with open(path, 'a') as log_file:
-                for info in self.log:
-                    log_file.write('{}, {}\n'.format(info[0], info[1]))
-    def read(self):
-        """Will read from the log the output from the serial connection
-        after a write command was issued. It will take the initial time
-        of the command as a reference.
-        Returns:
-            Array object with the log lines.
-        """
-        buf_read = []
-        command_end_index = len(self.log)
-        info = self.query_serial_log(self.command_ini_index, command_end_index)
-        for line in info:
-            buf_read.append(line[1])
-        self.command_ini_index = command_end_index
-        return buf_read
-    def get_all_log(self):
-        """Gets the log object that collects the logs.
-        Returns:
-            DataFrame object with all the logs.
-        """
-        return self.log
-    def query_serial_log(self, from_index, to_index):
-        """Will query the session log from a given time in EPOC format.
-        Args:
-            from_timestamp: Double value with the EPOC timestamp to start
-                            the search.
-            to_timestamp: Double value with the EPOC timestamp to finish the
-                          rearch.
-        Returns:
-            DataFrame with the result query.
-        """
-        if from_index < to_index:
-            info = self.log[from_index:to_index]
-            return info
-    def _start_reading_thread(self):
-        if self.connection_handle.isOpen():
-            self.reading = True
-            while self.reading:
-                try:
-                    data = self.connection_handle.readline().decode('utf-8')
-                    if data:
-                        self.is_logging = True
-                        data.replace('/n', '')
-                        data.replace('/r', '')
-                        data = data.strip()
-                        self.log.append([time.time(), data])
-                    else:
-                        self.is_logging = False
-                except Exception:
-                    time.sleep(1)
-            logging.info('Read thread closed')
-    def start_reading(self):
-        """Method to start the log collection."""
-        if not self.log_thread.isAlive():
-            self.log_thread = Thread(target=self._start_reading_thread, args=())
-            self.log_thread.daemon = True
-            try:
-                self.log_thread.start()
-            except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
-                self.close()
-        else:
-            logging.warning('Not running log thread, is already alive')
-    def stop_reading(self):
-        """Method to stop the log collection."""
-        self.reading = False
-        self.log_thread.join(timeout=600)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/tako_trace_logger.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/tako_trace_logger.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 187cfdc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/tako_trace_logger.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from antlion import tracelogger
-class TakoTraceLogger(tracelogger.TraceLogger):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.d = self.debug
-        self.e = self.error
-        self.i = self.info
-        self.t = self.step
-        self.w = self.warning
-    def _logger_level(self, level_name):
-        level = logging.getLevelName(level_name)
-        return lambda *args, **kwargs: self._logger.log(level, *args, **kwargs)
-    def step(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Delegate a step call to the underlying logger."""
-        self._log_with(self._logger_level('STEP'), 1, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def device(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Delegate a device call to the underlying logger."""
-        self._log_with(self._logger_level('DEVICE'), 1, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def suite(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Delegate a device call to the underlying logger."""
-        self._log_with(self._logger_level('SUITE'), 1, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def case(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Delegate a case call to the underlying logger."""
-        self._log_with(self._logger_level('CASE'), 1, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def flush_log(self):
-        """This function exists for compatibility with Tako's logserial module.
-        Note that flushing the log is handled automatically by python's logging
-        module.
-        """
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/__init__.py
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3d03cbd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/agsa_acts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import datetime
-import re
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.test_actions.base_test_actions import BaseTestAction
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.test_actions.base_test_actions import timed_action
-PHONE_DFU_PATH = ('/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.google.android'
-                  '.googlequicksearchbox/files/download_cache/apollo.dfu')
-    'am  broadcast -a \'action_ota\' --es dfu_url %s --es build_label 9.9.9 '
-    '--ez is_force %s com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google'
-    '.android.apps.gsa.broadcastreceiver.CommonBroadcastReceiver')
-class AgsaOTAError(Exception):
-    """OTA Error"""
-class AgsaTestActions(BaseTestAction):
-    """AGSA test action library."""
-    def __init__(self, android_dev, logger=None):
-        """
-        Simple init code to keep the android object for future reference.
-        Args:
-           android_dev: devcontrollers.android_device.AndroidDevice
-        """
-        super(AgsaTestActions, self).__init__(logger)
-        self.dut = android_dev
-    @timed_action
-    def _initiate_agsa_ota(self, file_path, destination=None, force=True):
-        """Pushes the dfu file to phone and issues broadcast to start AGSA OTA
-        Args:
-            file_path: (string) path of dfu file
-            destination: (string) destination path on the phone uses
-                         $PHONE_DFU_PATH if not specified
-            force: (bool) option to force the issued broadcast?
-        """
-        if not destination:
-            destination = PHONE_DFU_PATH
-        if self.dut.push_file_to_phone(file_path, destination):
-            if force:
-                force = 'true'
-            else:
-                force = 'false'
-            command = AGSA_BROADCAST % (destination, force)
-            output = self.dut.adb.shell(command.split())
-            if 'result=0' in output:
-                self.logger.info('Agsa broadcast successful!')
-                return True
-            else:
-                self.logger.error('Agsa broadcast failed')
-                return False
-    @timed_action
-    def _wait_for_ota_to_finish(self, timeout=660):
-        """Logcat is continuously read to keep track of the OTA transfer
-        Args:
-           timeout: (int) time to wait before timing out.
-        Returns:
-            True on success
-        Raises: AgsaOTAError if the timeout is reached.
-        """
-        # regex that confirms completion
-        transfer_completion_match = \
-            re.compile('OTA progress: 100 %|OTA img rcvd')
-        # time now + $timeout
-        expiry_time = datetime.datetime.now() + \
-                      datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
-        self.logger.info('Waiting for OTA transfer to complete....')
-        while True:
-            # time now - 1 minute: to be used in getting logs from a minute back
-            now_plus_minute = datetime.datetime.now() - \
-                              datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
-            try:
-                # grep logcat for 'DeviceLog'
-                filtered_log = self.dut.logcat_filter_message(
-                    now_plus_minute.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000'),
-                    'Devicelog:')
-                if filtered_log and \
-                        transfer_completion_match.search(filtered_log):
-                    self.logger.info('Transfer completed!')
-                    break
-            except AdbError:
-                # gets thrown if no matching string is found
-                pass
-            if datetime.datetime.now() > expiry_time:
-                self.logger.error('Timed out waiting for OTA to complete.')
-                raise AgsaOTAError('Timed out waiting for OTA to complete.')
-        return True
-    @timed_action
-    def initiate_agsa_and_wait_until_transfer(self, file_path, destination=None,
-                                              force=True, timeout=660):
-        """Calls _initiate_agsa_ota and _wait_for_ota_to_finish
-        Returns:
-            True on success and False otherwise
-        """
-        self._initiate_agsa_ota(file_path, destination, force)
-        return self._wait_for_ota_to_finish(timeout)
-    @timed_action
-    def install_agsa(self, version, force=False):
-        """
-        Installs the specified version of AGSA if different from the one
-        currently installed, unless force is set to True.
-        Args:
-            version: (string) ex: '7.14.21.release'
-            force: (bool) installs only if currently installed version is
-                   different than the one to be installed. True installs
-                   by-passing version check
-        Return:
-            True on Success and False otherwise
-        """
-        # get currently installed version, and install agsa only if different
-        # from what is requested
-        current_version = self.dut.get_agsa_version()
-        if (not (version.replace('alpha', '').replace('release', '')
-                 in current_version)) or force:
-            self.logger.info('Current AGSA version is %s' % current_version)
-            self.logger.info('Installing AGSA version %s...' % version)
-            if self.and_actions.install_agsa(version):
-                self.logger.info('Install success!')
-                return True
-            else:
-                self.logger.error('Failed to install version %s' % version)
-                return False
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/apollo_acts.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/apollo_acts.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ac2fa6d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/apollo_acts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-A comprehensive interface for performing test actions on an Apollo device.
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib.tel.tel_utils import initiate_call
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib.tel.tel_utils import wait_for_droid_in_call
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.apollo_lib import DeviceError
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.test_actions.agsa_acts import AgsaOTAError
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.test_actions.base_test_actions import BaseTestAction
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.test_actions.base_test_actions import timed_action
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.test_actions.bt_utils import BTUtils
-from antlion.libs.utils.timer import TimeRecorder
-from antlion.utils import wait_until
-PACKAGE_NAME_AGSA = 'com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox'
-PACKAGE_NAME_GMS = 'com.google.android.gms'
-PACKAGE_NAME_NEARBY = 'com.google.android.gms.policy_nearby'
-PACKAGE_NAME_SETTINGS = 'com.android.settings'
-BISTO_MP_CONNECT_FAIL_TEXT = 'Can\'t connect to'
-BISTO_MP_CONNECTED_TEXT = 'Now set up your Google Assistant'
-    'HFP(pri.)': 'TRUE',
-    'A2DP(pri)': 'TRUE',
-    'HFP(pri.)': 'FALSE',
-    'A2DP(pri)': 'FALSE',
-AVRCPSTATUS = 'AvrcpPlayPause'
-DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60  # wait 60 seconds max for bond/connect.
-DEFAULT_CMD_INTERVAL = 0.5  # default interval between serial commands
-DEFAULT_CMD_RETRY = 5  # default retry times when a command failed.
-    'HFP Pri', 'HFP Sec', 'A2DP Pri', 'A2DP Sec', 'CTRL', 'AUDIO', 'DEBUG',
-    'TRANS'
-DEFAULT_BT_STATUS = ['A2DP(pri)', 'HFP(pri.)', 'Comp']
-class TestActsError(Exception):
-    """Exception from Apollo Acts Error."""
-class ApolloTestActions(BaseTestAction):
-    """Test action class for all Apollo test actions."""
-    def __init__(self, apollo_dev, logger=None):
-        """
-        Args:
-             apollo_dev: apollo.lib.apollo_lib.Device the Apollo device
-        """
-        super(ApolloTestActions, self).__init__(logger)
-        self.dut = apollo_dev
-        # need a embedded timer for connection time measurements.
-        self.measurement_timer = TimeRecorder()
-    def bluetooth_get_status(self):
-        status = self.dut.get_bt_status()
-        self.logger.info(status)
-    def wait_for_bluetooth_disconnection(self, timeout=60):
-        """ Set pairing mode and disconnect.
-        This action will wait until the apollo profiles are false.
-        Args:
-             timeout: integer, timeout value in seconds.
-        """
-        result = True
-        apollo_status = self.dut.get_bt_status()
-        self.logger.info('Waiting for the disconnection.')
-        time.sleep(1)
-        ini_time = time.time()
-        while len(apollo_status) != len(
-            [s for s in apollo_status.values() if s == 'FALSE']):
-            apollo_status = self.dut.get_bt_status()
-            if (time.time() - ini_time) > timeout:
-                self.logger.warning('Timeout waiting for the disconnection.')
-                return False
-            time.sleep(1)
-        return result
-    def pair(self, phone, companion_app=True):
-        """Pairs phone with apollo and validates bluetooth profiles.
-        Args:
-            phone: android phone
-            apollo: apollo device
-            companion_app (optional): True if the phone has a companion app
-                                      installed. False otherwise.
-        Raises:
-            TestActsError: Bluetooth pairing failed/ Dut BT status check failed.
-        """
-        bt_util = BTUtils()
-        target_addr = self.dut.bluetooth_address
-        if bt_util.android_device_in_connected_state(phone, target_addr):
-            self.logger.info('Already paired and connected, skipping pairing.')
-        else:
-            if bt_util.android_device_in_paired_state(phone, target_addr):
-                self.logger.info(
-                    'Device is paired but not connected, unpair first.')
-                if not bt_util.bt_unpair(phone, self.dut):
-                    raise TestActsError('Unable to unpair the device')
-            bt_util.bt_pair_and_connect(phone, self.dut)
-            self.logger.info('DEVICE PAIRED')
-            if companion_app:
-                profiles = PROFILES_CONNECTED.copy()
-                profiles.update(COMP_PROFILE_CONNECTED)
-            else:
-                profiles = PROFILES_CONNECTED
-            self.logger.info(profiles)
-            if not bt_util.check_device_bt(device=self.dut, profiles=profiles):
-                raise TestActsError('Dut BT status check failed.')
-            else:
-                return True
-    def unpair(self, phone, companion_app=True, factory_reset_dut=True):
-        """Unpairs phone from apollo and validates bluetooth profiles.
-        Args:
-            phone: android phone
-            apollo: apollo device
-            companion_app (optional): True if the phone has a companion app
-                                      installed. False otherwise.
-        Raises:
-            TestActsError: Bluetooth unpairing/Dut BT status check failed.
-        """
-        bt_util = BTUtils()
-        target_addr = self.dut.bluetooth_address
-        if not bt_util.android_device_in_paired_state(phone, target_addr):
-            self.logger.info('Device is already unpaired, skipping unpairing.')
-        else:
-            result = bt_util.bt_unpair(
-                phone, self.dut, factory_reset_dut=factory_reset_dut)
-            if not result:
-                raise TestActsError('Bluetooth unpairing failed.')
-            if companion_app:
-                profiles = PROFILES_DISCONNECTED.copy()
-                profiles.update(COMP_PROFILE_DISCONNECTED)
-            else:
-                profiles = PROFILES_DISCONNECTED
-            if not bt_util.check_device_bt(device=self.dut, profiles=profiles):
-                raise TestActsError('Dut BT status check failed.')
-            else:
-                return True
-    def is_paired(self, phone):
-        """Check if the given apollo is paired with the android device.
-        Args:
-            phone: android phone
-            apollo: apollo device
-        Returns:
-            Bool: True if apollo is paired with the phone.
-        """
-        bt_util = BTUtils()
-        target_addr = self.dut.bluetooth_address
-        return bt_util.android_device_in_paired_state(phone, target_addr)
-    def send_music_play_event_and_validate(self):
-        """Send the play event on Apollo and validate the response and DSP
-        Status.
-        Raises:
-            TestActsError: Error while playing the music.
-        """
-        play_detection_timeout = 1
-        if self.dut.is_streaming():
-            self.logger.info('Music already streaming. Skipping play event..')
-            return
-        self.logger.info('Playing video...')
-        is_played = self.dut.music_control_events(
-            AVRCPSTATUS, self.dut.apollo_log_regex.AVRCP_PLAY_REGEX)
-        if not is_played:
-            self.logger.error('AVRCP Played status not found')
-            raise TestActsError('AVRCP Played status not found.')
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: self.dut.is_streaming(),
-            play_detection_timeout,
-            sleep_s=0.25)
-        if not self.dut.is_streaming():
-            self.logger.error('Device is NOT in a deviceA2DPStreaming state')
-            raise TestActsError(
-                'Device is NOT in a deviceA2DPStreaming state.')
-    def send_music_pause_event_and_validate(self):
-        """Send the pause event on Apollo and validate the responses and DSP
-        Status.
-        Raises:
-            TestActsError: Error while pausing the music.
-        """
-        paused_detection_timeout = 10
-        if not self.dut.is_streaming():
-            self.logger.info('Music not streaming. Skipping pause event..')
-            return
-        self.logger.info("Pausing video...")
-        is_paused = self.dut.music_control_events(
-            AVRCPSTATUS, self.dut.apollo_log_regex.AVRCP_PAUSE_REGEX)
-        if not is_paused:
-            self.logger.error('AVRCP Paused statue not found')
-            raise TestActsError('AVRCP Paused status not found.')
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: not self.dut.is_streaming(),
-            paused_detection_timeout,
-            sleep_s=0.25)
-        if self.dut.is_streaming():
-            self.logger.error('Device is still in deviceA2DPStreaming state')
-            raise TestActsError(
-                'Device is still in deviceA2DPStreaming state.')
-    def vol_down_and_validate(self):
-        """Send volume down twice and validate by comparing two levels
-        Raises:
-            TestActsError: Error
-        """
-        self.logger.info('Decreasing volume')
-        before_vol = self.dut.volume('Down', 1)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        after_vol = self.dut.volume('Down', 1)
-        if not after_vol or not before_vol or after_vol >= before_vol:
-            self.logger.error(
-                'Unable to decrease the volume. Before: %s. After: %s' %
-                (before_vol, after_vol))
-            raise TestActsError('error decreasing volume')
-    def vol_up_and_validate(self):
-        """Send volume up twice and validate by comparing two levels
-        Raises:
-            TestActsError: Error
-        """
-        self.logger.info('Increasing volume')
-        before_vol = self.dut.volume('Up', 1)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        after_vol = self.dut.volume('Up', 1)
-        if not after_vol or not before_vol or after_vol <= before_vol:
-            self.logger.error(
-                'Unable to increase the volume. Before: %s. After: %s' %
-                (before_vol, after_vol))
-            raise TestActsError('error increasing volume')
-    def call_and_validate_ringing(self,
-                                  calling_phone,
-                                  number_to_call,
-                                  call_retries=10):
-        for i in range(call_retries):
-            initiate_call(self.logger, calling_phone, number_to_call)
-            is_calling = wait_for_droid_in_call(
-                self.logger, calling_phone, max_time=10)
-            if is_calling:
-                self.logger.info('Call initiated!')
-                break
-            else:
-                self.logger.warning('Call is not initiating.')
-                if i == call_retries:
-                    self.logger.error('Call initiation retries exhausted')
-                    raise TestActsError(
-                        '%s retries failed to initiate the call' %
-                        (call_retries))
-            self.logger.warning('Retrying call...')
-        # wait for offhook state and return
-        wait_until(
-            (lambda: calling_phone.droid.telecomGetCallState() == 'OFFHOOK'),
-            timeout_s=40,
-            condition=True,
-            sleep_s=.5)
-        self.logger.info('Phone call initiated on %s' % calling_phone.serial)
-    def answer_phone_and_validate_call_received(self, receiving_phone):
-        # wait until the phone rings (assumes that a call is initiated prior to
-        # running the command)
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: receiving_phone.droid.telecomGetCallState() == 'RINGING',
-            timeout_s=40,
-            condition=True,
-            sleep_s=.5)
-        self.logger.info('Ring detected on %s - now answering the call...' %
-                         (receiving_phone.serial))
-        # answer the phone call
-        self.dut.tap()
-        # wait until OFFHOOK state
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: receiving_phone.droid.telecomGetCallState() == 'OFFHOOK',
-            timeout_s=40,
-            condition=True,
-            sleep_s=.5)
-    def hangup_phone_and_validate_call_hung(self, receiving_phone):
-        # wait for phone to be in OFFHOOK state (assumed that a call is answered
-        # and engaged)
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: receiving_phone.droid.telecomGetCallState() == 'OFFHOOK',
-            timeout_s=40,
-            condition=True,
-            sleep_s=.5)
-        # end the call (post and pre 1663 have different way of ending call)
-        self.logger.info(
-            'Hanging up the call on %s...' % receiving_phone.serial)
-        if self.dut.version < 1663:
-            self.dut.tap()
-        else:
-            self.dut.hold(duration=100)
-        # wait for idle state
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: receiving_phone.droid.telecomGetCallState() == 'IDLE',
-            timeout_s=40,
-            condition=True,
-            sleep_s=.5)
-    @timed_action
-    def factory_reset(self):
-        ret = False
-        try:
-            self.dut.factory_reset()
-            ret = True
-        except DeviceError as ex:
-            self.logger.warning('Failed to reset Apollo: %s' % ex)
-        return ret
-    @timed_action
-    def wait_for_magic_pairing_notification(self, android_act, timeout=60):
-        dut_detected = False
-        start_time = time.time()
-        self.logger.info('Waiting for MP prompt: %s' % BISTO_MP_DEVICE_TEXT)
-        while not dut_detected:
-            android_act.dut.ui_util.uia.wait.update()
-            self.sleep(1)
-            if android_act.dut.ui_util.uia(
-                    textContains=BISTO_MP_DETECT_HEADER, enabled=True).exists:
-                if android_act.dut.ui_util.uia(
-                        textContains=BISTO_MP_DEVICE_TEXT,
-                        enabled=True).exists:
-                    self.logger.info('DUT Apollo MP prompt detected!')
-                    dut_detected = True
-                else:
-                    self.logger.info(
-                        'NONE DUT Apollo MP prompt detected! Cancel and RETRY!'
-                    )
-                    android_act.dut.ui_util.click_by_text(BISTO_MP_CANCEL_TEXT)
-            if time.time() - start_time > timeout:
-                break
-        if not dut_detected:
-            self.logger.info(
-                'Failed to get %s MP prompt' % BISTO_MP_DEVICE_TEXT)
-        return dut_detected
-    @timed_action
-    def start_magic_pairing(self, android_act, timeout=30, retries=3):
-        paired = False
-        android_act.dut.ui_util.click_by_text(
-            BISTO_MP_CONNECT_TEXT, timeout=timeout)
-        connect_start_time = time.time()
-        count = 0
-        timeout = 30
-        while not paired and count < retries:
-            android_act.dut.ui_util.uia.wait.update()
-            self.sleep(1)
-            if time.time() - connect_start_time > timeout:
-                self.logger.info('Time out! %s seconds' % time)
-                android_act.app_force_close_agsa()
-                self.logger.info('Timeout(s): %s' % timeout)
-                break
-            if android_act.dut.ui_util.uia(
-                    textContains=BISTO_MP_CONNECT_FAIL_TEXT,
-                    enabled=True).exists:
-                count += 1
-                self.logger.info('MP FAILED! Retry %s.' % count)
-                android_act.dut.ui_util.click_by_text(
-                    BISTO_MP_CONNECT_RETRY_TEXT)
-                connect_start_time = time.time()
-            elif android_act.dut.ui_util.uia(
-                    textContains=BISTO_MP_CONNECTED_TEXT, enabled=True).exists:
-                self.logger.info('MP SUCCESSFUL! Exiting AGSA...')
-                paired = True
-                android_act.dut.ui_util.click_by_text(
-                    BISTO_MP_CONNECTED_EXIT_TEXT)
-                android_act.dut.ui_util.wait_for_text(
-                    BISTO_MP_EXIT_PROMPT_TEXT)
-                android_act.dut.ui_util.click_by_text(
-                    BISTO_MP_EXIT_CONFIRM_TEXT)
-        return paired
-    @timed_action
-    def turn_bluetooth_on(self):
-        self.dut.cmd('pow 1')
-        return True
-    @timed_action
-    def turn_bluetooth_off(self):
-        self.dut.cmd('pow 0')
-        return True
-    @timed_action
-    def wait_for_bluetooth_a2dp_hfp(self,
-                                    timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
-                                    interval=DEFAULT_CMD_INTERVAL):
-        """Wait for BT connection by checking if A2DP and HFP connected.
-        This is used for BT pair+connect test.
-        Args:
-            timeout: float, timeout value in second.
-            interval: float, float, interval between polling BT profiles.
-            timer: TimeRecorder, time recorder to save the connection time.
-        """
-        # Need to check these two profiles
-        pass_profiles = ['A2DP Pri', 'HFP Pri']
-        # TODO(b/122730302): Change to just raise an error
-        ret = False
-        try:
-            ret = self._wait_for_bluetooth_profile_connection(
-                pass_profiles, timeout, interval, self.measurement_timer)
-        except DeviceError as ex:
-            self.logger.warning('Failed to wait for BT connection: %s' % ex)
-        return ret
-    def _wait_for_bluetooth_profile_connection(self, profiles_to_check,
-                                               timeout, interval, timer):
-        """A generic method to wait for specified BT profile connection.
-        Args:
-            profiles_to_check: list, profile names (A2DP, HFP, etc.) to be
-                               checked.
-            timeout: float, timeout value in second.
-            interval: float, interval between polling BT profiles.
-            timer: TimeRecorder, time recorder to save the connection time.
-        Returns:
-            bool, True if checked profiles are connected, False otherwise.
-        """
-        timer.start_timer(profiles_to_check, force=True)
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
-            profiles = self._bluetooth_check_profile_connection()
-            for profile in profiles:
-                if profiles[profile]:
-                    timer.stop_timer(profile)
-            # now check if the specified profile connected.
-            all_connected = True
-            for profile in profiles_to_check:
-                if not profiles[profile]:
-                    all_connected = False
-                    break
-            if all_connected:
-                return True
-            time.sleep(interval)
-        # make sure the profile timer are stopped.
-        timer.stop_timer(profiles_to_check)
-        return False
-    def _bluetooth_check_profile_connection(self):
-        """Return profile connection in a boolean dict.
-        key=<profile name>, val = T/F
-        """
-        profiles = dict()
-        output = self.dut.get_conn_devices()
-        # need to strip all whitespaces.
-        conn_devs = {}
-        for key in output:
-            conn_devs[key.strip()] = output[key].strip()
-        for key in conn_devs:
-            self.logger.info('%s:%s' % (key, conn_devs[key]))
-            if 'XXXXXXXX' in conn_devs[key]:
-                profiles[key] = conn_devs[key]
-            else:
-                profiles[key] = False
-        return profiles
-    @timed_action
-    def wait_for_bluetooth_status_connection_all(
-            self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, interval=DEFAULT_CMD_INTERVAL):
-        """Wait for BT connection by checking if A2DP, HFP and COMP connected.
-        This is used for BT reconnect test.
-        Args:
-            timeout: float, timeout value in second.
-            interval: float, float, interval between polling BT profiles.
-        """
-        ret = False
-        self.measurement_timer.start_timer(DEFAULT_BT_STATUS, force=True)
-        # All profile not connected by default.
-        connected_status = {key: False for key in DEFAULT_BT_STATUS}
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < start_time + timeout:
-            try:
-                time.sleep(interval)
-                status = self.dut.get_bt_status()
-                for key in DEFAULT_BT_STATUS:
-                    if (not connected_status[key] and key in status
-                            and 'TRUE' == status[key]):
-                        self.measurement_timer.stop_timer(key)
-                        connected_status[key] = True
-                        self.logger.info(
-                            'BT status %s connected at %fs.' %
-                            (key, self.measurement_timer.elapsed(key)))
-                if False not in connected_status.values():
-                    ret = True
-                    break
-            except DeviceError as ex:
-                self.logger.warning(
-                    'Device exception when waiting for reconnection: %s' % ex)
-        self.measurement_timer.stop_timer(DEFAULT_BT_STATUS)
-        return ret
-    def initiate_ota_via_agsa_verify_transfer_completion_in_logcat(
-            self,
-            agsa_action,
-            dfu_path,
-            destination=None,
-            force=True,
-            apply_image=True,
-            reconnect=True):
-        """
-        Starts an OTA by issuing an intent to AGSA after copying the dfu file to
-        the appropriate location on the phone
-        Args:
-            agsa_action: projects.agsa.lib.test_actions.agsa_acts
-                         .AgsaTestActions
-            dfu_path: string - absolute path of dfu file
-            destination: string - absolute path of file on phone if not
-                         specified will use
-                         /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.google.android
-                         .googlequicksearchbox/files/download_cache/apollo.dfu
-            force: value set in the intent sent to AGSA
-            True if success False otherwise
-        """
-        try:
-            agsa_action.initiate_agsa_and_wait_until_transfer(
-                dfu_path, destination=destination, force=force)
-            if apply_image:
-                # set in case
-                self.dut.set_in_case(reconnect=reconnect)
-        except AgsaOTAError as ex:
-            self.logger.error('Failed to OTA via AGSA %s' % ex)
-            return False
-        except DeviceError as ex:
-            self.logger.error('Failed to bring up device %s' % ex)
-            return False
-        return True
-    @timed_action
-    def wait_for_bluetooth_a2dp_hfp_rfcomm_connect(
-            self, address, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
-            interval=DEFAULT_CMD_INTERVAL):
-        """Wait for BT reconnection by checking if A2DP, HFP and COMP connected
-        to the specified address.
-        This is used for BT connection switch test.
-        Args:
-            address: str, MAC of the address to connect.
-            timeout: float, timeout value in second.
-            interval: float, float, interval between polling BT profiles.
-        Returns:
-            True if the specified address is connected. False otherwise.
-        """
-        last_4_hex = address.replace(':', '')[-4:].lower()
-        profiles_to_check = ['HFP Pri', 'A2DP Pri', 'CTRL', 'AUDIO']
-        self.measurement_timer.start_timer(profiles_to_check, force=True)
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout
-        all_connected = True
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            all_connected = True
-            profiles = self._bluetooth_check_profile_connection()
-            for profile in profiles_to_check:
-                if (profile in profiles and profiles[profile]
-                        and last_4_hex in profiles[profile].lower()):
-                    self.measurement_timer.stop_timer(profile)
-                else:
-                    all_connected = False
-            if all_connected:
-                break
-            time.sleep(interval)
-        # make sure the profile timer are stopped.
-        self.measurement_timer.stop_timer(profiles_to_check)
-        return all_connected
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/audio_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/audio_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc4bfa..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/audio_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A generic library for audio related test actions"""
-import datetime
-import time
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import tako_trace_logger
-class AudioUtilsError(Exception):
-    """Generic AudioUtils Error."""
-class AudioUtils(object):
-    """A utility that manages generic audio interactions and actions on one or
-    more devices under test.
-    To be maintained such that it is compatible with any devices that pair with
-    phone.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.logger = tako_trace_logger.TakoTraceLogger()
-    def play_audio_into_device(self, audio_file_path, audio_player, dut):
-        """Open mic on DUT, play audio into DUT, close mic on DUT.
-        Args:
-            audio_file_path: the path to the audio file to play, relative to the
-                           audio_player
-            audio_player: the device from which to play the audio file
-            dut: the device with the microphone
-        Returns:
-            bool: result of opening and closing DUT mic
-        """
-        if not dut.open_mic():
-            self.logger.error('DUT open_mic did not return True')
-            return False
-        audio_player.play(audio_file_path)
-        if not dut.close_mic():
-            self.logger.error('DUT close_mic did not return True.')
-            return False
-        return True
-    def get_agsa_interpretation_of_audio_file(self, audio_file_path,
-                                              target_interpretation,
-                                              audio_player, dut,
-                                              android_device):
-        """Gets AGSA interpretation from playing audio into DUT.
-        **IMPORTANT**: AGSA on android device must be connected to DUT and able
-        to receive info from DUT mic.
-        Args:
-          audio_file_path: the path to the audio file to play, relative to the
-                           audio_player
-          target_interpretation: what agsa interpretation should be
-          audio_player: the device from which to play the audio file
-          dut: the device with the microphone
-          android_device: android device to which dut is connected
-        Returns:
-          interpretation: agsa interpretation of audio file
-          score: similarity score between interpretation and target
-                 interpretation
-        """
-        play_start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
-        interpretation, score = '', 0.0
-        if self.play_audio_into_device(audio_file_path=audio_file_path,
-                                       audio_player=audio_player,
-                                       dut=dut):
-            time.sleep(1)
-            interpretation = android_device.agsa_interpretation(
-                cutoff_time=play_start_time,
-                target_interpretation=target_interpretation,
-                source='bisto')
-            score = utils.string_similarity(target_interpretation,
-                                            interpretation)
-        return interpretation, score
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/base_test_actions.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/base_test_actions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 518f9c6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/base_test_actions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Base test action class, provide a base class for representing a collection of
-test actions.
-import datetime
-import inspect
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import tako_trace_logger
-from antlion.libs.utils.timer import TimeRecorder
-# All methods start with "_" are considered hidden.
-def timed_action(method):
-    """A common decorator for test actions."""
-    def timed(self, *args, **kw):
-        """Log the enter/exit/time of the action method."""
-        func_name = self._convert_default_action_name(method.__name__)
-        if not func_name:
-            func_name = method.__name__
-        self.log_step('%s...' % func_name)
-        self.timer.start_timer(func_name, True)
-        result = method(self, *args, **kw)
-        # TODO: Method run time collected can be used for automatic KPI checks
-        self.timer.stop_timer(func_name)
-        return result
-    return timed
-class TestActionNotFoundError(Exception):
-    pass
-class BaseTestAction(object):
-    """Class for organizing a collection of test actions.
-    Test actions are just normal python methods, and should perform a specified
-    action. @timed_action decorator can log the entry/exit of the test action,
-    and the execution time.
-    The BaseTestAction class also provides a mapping between human friendly
-    names and test action methods in order to support configuration base
-    execution. By default, all methods not hidden (not start with "_") is
-    exported as human friendly name by replacing "_" with space.
-    Test action method can be called directly, or via
-    _perform_action(<human friendly name>, <args...>)
-    method.
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def _fill_default_action_map(cls):
-        """Parse current class and get all test actions methods."""
-        # a <human readable name>:<method name> map.
-        cls._action_map = dict()
-        for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.ismethod):
-            act_name = cls._convert_default_action_name(name)
-            if act_name:
-                cls._action_map[act_name] = name
-    @classmethod
-    def _convert_default_action_name(cls, func_name):
-        """Default conversion between method name -> human readable action name.
-        """
-        if not func_name.startswith(DEFAULT_HIDDEN_ACTION_PREFIX):
-            act_name = func_name.lower()
-            act_name = act_name.replace('_', ' ')
-            act_name = act_name.title()
-            return act_name.strip()
-        else:
-            return ''
-    @classmethod
-    def _add_action_alias(cls, default_act_name, alias):
-        """Add an alias to an existing test action."""
-        if default_act_name in cls._action_map:
-            cls._action_map[alias] = cls._action_map[default_act_name]
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_action_names(cls):
-        if not hasattr(cls, '_action_map'):
-            cls._fill_default_action_map()
-        return cls._action_map.keys()
-    @classmethod
-    def get_current_time_logcat_format(cls):
-        return datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000')
-    @classmethod
-    def _action_exists(cls, action_name):
-        """Verify if an human friendly action name exists or not."""
-        if not hasattr(cls, '_action_map'):
-            cls._fill_default_action_map()
-        return action_name in cls._action_map
-    @classmethod
-    def _validate_actions(cls, action_list):
-        """Verify if an human friendly action name exists or not.
-        Args:
-          :param action_list: list of actions to be validated.
-        Returns:
-          tuple of (is valid, list of invalid/non-existent actions)
-        """
-        not_found = []
-        for action_name in action_list:
-            if not cls._action_exists(action_name):
-                not_found.append(action_name)
-        all_valid = False if not_found else True
-        return all_valid, not_found
-    def __init__(self, logger=None):
-        if logger is None:
-            self.logger = tako_trace_logger.TakoTraceLogger()
-            self.log_step = self.logger.step
-        else:
-            self.logger = logger
-            self.log_step = self.logger.info
-        self.timer = TimeRecorder()
-        self._fill_default_action_map()
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, *args):
-        pass
-    def _perform_action(self, action_name, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Perform the specified human readable action."""
-        if action_name not in self._action_map:
-            raise TestActionNotFoundError('Action %s not found this class.'
-                                          % action_name)
-        method = self._action_map[action_name]
-        ret = getattr(self, method)(*args, **kwargs)
-        return ret
-    @timed_action
-    def print_actions(self):
-        """Example action methods.
-        All test action method must:
-            1. return a value. False means action failed, any other value means
-               pass.
-            2. should not start with "_". Methods start with "_" is hidden.
-        All test action method may:
-            1. have optional arguments. Mutable argument can be used to pass
-               value
-            2. raise exceptions. Test case class is expected to handle
-               exceptions
-        """
-        num_acts = len(self._action_map)
-        self.logger.info('I can do %d action%s:' %
-                      (num_acts, 's' if num_acts != 1 else ''))
-        for act in self._action_map.keys():
-            self.logger.info(' - %s' % act)
-        return True
-    @timed_action
-    def sleep(self, seconds):
-        self.logger.info('%s seconds' % seconds)
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    acts = BaseTestAction()
-    acts.print_actions()
-    acts._perform_action('print actions')
-    print(acts._get_action_names())
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/bt_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/bt_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a650e5f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/buds_lib/test_actions/bt_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# TODO: In the future to decide whether to move it to a common directory rather
-# than the one specific to apollo.
-# TODO: The move is contingent on understanding the functions that should be
-# supported by the dut device (sec_device).
-"""A generic library with bluetooth related functions. The connection is assumed
-to be between and android phone with any dut (referred to as secondary device)
-device that supports the following calls:
-        sec_device.turn_on_bluetooth()
-        sec_device.is_bt_enabled():
-        sec_device.bluetooth_address
-        sec_device.set_pairing_mode()
-        sec_device.factory_reset()
-import queue
-import time
-from logging import Logger
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib import tako_trace_logger
-from antlion.utils import TimeoutError
-from antlion.utils import wait_until
-# Add connection profile for future devices in this dictionary
-    'rio': {
-        'Comp. App': 'FALSE',
-        'HFP (pri.)': 'FALSE',
-        'HFP (sec.)': 'FALSE',
-        'A2DP (pri.)': 'FALSE',
-        'A2DP (sec.)': 'FALSE',
-    },
-    'apollo': {
-        'Comp': 'FALSE',
-        'HFP(pri.)': 'FALSE',
-        'HFP(sec.)': 'FALSE',
-        'A2DP(pri)': 'FALSE',
-        'A2DP(sec)': 'FALSE',
-    }
-class BTUtilsError(Exception):
-    """Generic BTUtils error"""
-class BTUtils(object):
-    """A utility that provides access to bluetooth controls.
-    This class to be maintained as a generic class such that it is compatible
-    with any devices that pair with a phone.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.default_timeout = 60
-        self.logger = tako_trace_logger.TakoTraceLogger(Logger(__file__))
-    def bt_pair_and_connect(self, pri_device, sec_device):
-        """Pair and connect a pri_device to a sec_device.
-        Args:
-        pri_device: an android device with sl4a installed.
-        sec_device: a wearable device.
-        Returns:
-        (Tuple)True if pair and connect successful. False Otherwise.
-        Time in ms to execute the flow.
-        """
-        pair_time = self.bt_pair(pri_device, sec_device)
-        connect_result, connect_time = self.bt_connect(pri_device, sec_device)
-        return connect_result, pair_time + connect_time
-    def bt_pair(self, pri_device, sec_device):
-        """Pair a pri_device to a sec_device.
-        Args:
-        pri_device: an android device with sl4a installed.
-        sec_device: a wearable device.
-        Returns:
-            (Tuple)True if pair successful. False Otherwise.
-            Time in ms to execute the flow.
-         """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        # Enable BT on the primary device if it's not currently ON.
-        if not pri_device.droid.bluetoothCheckState():
-            pri_device.droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-            try:
-                pri_device.ed.pop_event(event_name='BluetoothStateChangedOn',
-                                        timeout=10)
-            except queue.Empty:
-                raise BTUtilsError(
-                    'Failed to toggle Bluetooth on the primary device.')
-        sec_device.turn_on_bluetooth()
-        if not sec_device.is_bt_enabled():
-            raise BTUtilsError('Could not turn on Bluetooth on secondary '
-                               'devices')
-        target_addr = sec_device.bluetooth_address
-        sec_device.set_pairing_mode()
-        pri_device.droid.bluetoothDiscoverAndBond(target_addr)
-        # Loop until we have bonded successfully or timeout.
-        self.logger.info('Verifying devices are bonded')
-        try:
-            wait_until(lambda: self.android_device_in_paired_state(pri_device,
-                                                                   target_addr),
-                       self.default_timeout)
-        except TimeoutError as err:
-            raise BTUtilsError('bt_pair failed: {}'.format(err))
-        end_time = time.time()
-        return end_time - start_time
-    def bt_connect(self, pri_device, sec_device):
-        """Connect a previously paired sec_device to a pri_device.
-        Args:
-          pri_device: an android device with sl4a installed.
-          sec_device: a wearable device.
-        Returns:
-          (Tuple)True if connect successful. False otherwise.
-          Time in ms to execute the flow.
-        """
-        start_time = end_time = time.time()
-        target_addr = sec_device.bluetooth_address
-        # First check that devices are bonded.
-        paired = False
-        for paired_device in pri_device.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices():
-            if paired_device['address'] == target_addr:
-                paired = True
-                break
-        if not paired:
-            self.logger.error('Not paired to %s', sec_device.device_name)
-            return False, 0
-        self.logger.info('Attempting to connect.')
-        pri_device.droid.bluetoothConnectBonded(target_addr)
-        self.logger.info('Verifying devices are connected')
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: self.android_device_in_connected_state(pri_device,
-                                                           target_addr),
-            self.default_timeout)
-        end_time = time.time()
-        return True, end_time - start_time
-    def android_device_in_paired_state(self, device, mac_address):
-        """Check device in paired list."""
-        bonded_devices = device.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-        for d in bonded_devices:
-            if d['address'] == mac_address:
-                self.logger.info('Successfully bonded to device')
-                return True
-        return False
-    def android_device_in_connected_state(self, device, mac_address):
-        """Check device in connected list."""
-        connected_devices = device.droid.bluetoothGetConnectedDevices()
-        for d in connected_devices:
-            if d['address'] == mac_address:
-                self.logger.info('Successfully connected to device')
-                return True
-        return False
-    def bt_unpair(self, pri_device, sec_device, factory_reset_dut=True):
-        """Unpairs two Android devices using bluetooth.
-        Args:
-          pri_device: an android device with sl4a installed.
-          sec_device: a wearable device.
-        Returns:
-          (Tuple)True: if the devices successfully unpaired.
-          Time in ms to execute the flow.
-        Raises:
-          Error: When devices fail to unpair.
-        """
-        target_address = sec_device.bluetooth_address
-        if not self.android_device_in_paired_state(pri_device, target_address):
-            self.logger.debug('Already unpaired.')
-            return True, 0
-        self.logger.debug('Unpairing from %s' % target_address)
-        start_time = end_time = time.time()
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            pri_device.droid.bluetoothUnbond(target_address),
-            'Failed to request device unpairing.')
-        # Check that devices have unpaired successfully.
-        self.logger.debug('Verifying devices are unpaired')
-        # Loop until we have unbonded successfully or timeout.
-        wait_until(
-            lambda: self.android_device_in_paired_state(pri_device,
-                                                        target_address),
-            self.default_timeout,
-            condition=False)
-        self.logger.info('Successfully unpaired from %s' % target_address)
-        if factory_reset_dut:
-            self.logger.info('Factory reset DUT')
-            sec_device.factory_reset()
-        end_time = time.time()
-        return True, end_time - start_time
-    def check_device_bt(self, device, **kwargs):
-        """Check the Bluetooth connection status from device.
-        Args:
-          device: a wearable device.
-          **kwargs: additional parameters
-        Returns:
-          True: if bt status check success, False otherwise.
-        """
-        if device.dut_type in ['rio', 'apollo']:
-            profiles = kwargs.get('profiles')
-            return self.check_dut_status(device, profiles)
-    def check_dut_status(self, device, profiles=None):
-        """Check the Bluetooth connection status from rio/apollo device.
-        Args:
-          device: rio/apollo device
-          profiles: A dict of profiles, eg. {'HFP (pri.)': 'TRUE', 'Comp. App':
-            'TRUE', 'A2DP (pri.)': 'TRUE'}
-        Returns:
-          True: if bt status check success, False otherwise.
-        """
-        expected = WEARABLE_BT_PROTOCOLS
-        self.logger.info(profiles)
-        for key in profiles:
-            expected[device.dut_type][key] = profiles[key]
-        try:
-            wait_until(lambda: self._compare_profile(device,
-                                                     expected[device.dut_type]),
-                       self.default_timeout)
-        except TimeoutError:
-            status = device.get_bt_status()
-            msg_fmt = self._get_formatted_output(expected[device.dut_type],
-                                                 status)
-            self.logger.error(msg_fmt)
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _get_formatted_output(self, expected, actual):
-        """On BT status mismatch generate formatted output string.
-        Args:
-          expected: Expected BT status hash.
-          actual: Actual BT status hash from Rio.
-        Returns:
-          Formatted mismatch string.
-        Raises:
-          Error: When unexpcted parameter encounterd.
-        """
-        msg = ''
-        mismatch_format = '{}: Expected {} Actual {}. '
-        if actual is None:
-            raise BTUtilsError('None is not expected.')
-        for key in expected.keys():
-            if expected[key] != actual[key]:
-                msg += mismatch_format.format(key, expected[key], actual[key])
-        return msg
-    def _compare_profile(self, device, expected):
-        """Compare input expected profile with actual."""
-        actual = device.get_bt_status()
-        if actual is None:
-            raise BTUtilsError('None is not expected.')
-        for key in expected.keys():
-            if expected[key] != actual[key]:
-                return False
-        return True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/AndroidCellularDut.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/AndroidCellularDut.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b9fa887..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/AndroidCellularDut.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib.tel import tel_utils
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import BaseCellularDut
-import os
-GET_BUILD_VERSION = 'getprop ro.build.version.release'
-PIXELLOGGER_CONTROL = 'am broadcast -n com.android.pixellogger/.receiver.' \
-                      'AlwaysOnLoggingReceiver -a com.android.pixellogger.' \
-                      'service.logging.LoggingService.' \
-                      'ACTION_CONFIGURE_ALWAYS_ON_LOGGING ' \
-                      '-e intent_key_enable "{}"'
-    BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.LTE_ONLY: '01000001000000000000',
-    BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.NR_LTE: '11000001000000000000',
-    BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.WCDMA_ONLY: '00000100001110000100',
-class AndroidCellularDut(BaseCellularDut.BaseCellularDut):
-    """ Android implementation of the cellular DUT class."""
-    def __init__(self, ad, logger):
-        """ Keeps a handler to the android device.
-        Args:
-           ad: Android device handler
-           logger: a handler to the logger object
-        """
-        self.ad = ad
-        self.log = logger
-        logger.info('Initializing Android DUT with baseband version {}'.format(
-            ad.adb.getprop('gsm.version.baseband')))
-    def toggle_airplane_mode(self, new_state=True):
-        """ Turns airplane mode on / off.
-        Args:
-          new_state: True if airplane mode needs to be enabled.
-        """
-        tel_utils.toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, self.ad, new_state)
-    def toggle_data_roaming(self, new_state=True):
-        """ Enables or disables cellular data roaming.
-        Args:
-          new_state: True if data roaming needs to be enabled.
-        """
-        tel_utils.toggle_cell_data_roaming(self.ad, new_state)
-    def get_rx_tx_power_levels(self):
-        """ Obtains Rx and Tx power levels measured from the DUT.
-        Returns:
-            A tuple where the first element is an array with the RSRP value
-            in each Rx chain, and the second element is the Tx power in dBm.
-            Values for invalid or disabled Rx / Tx chains are set to None.
-        """
-        return tel_utils.get_rx_tx_power_levels(self.log, self.ad)
-    def set_apn(self, name, apn, type='default'):
-        """ Sets the Access Point Name.
-        Args:
-          name: the APN name
-          apn: the APN
-          type: the APN type
-        """
-        self.ad.droid.telephonySetAPN(name, apn, type)
-    def set_preferred_network_type(self, type):
-        """ Sets the preferred RAT.
-        Args:
-          type: an instance of class PreferredNetworkType
-        """
-        # If android version is S or later, uses bit mask to set and return.
-        version = self.ad.adb.shell(GET_BUILD_VERSION)
-        try:
-            version_in_number = int(version)
-            if version_in_number > 11:
-                set_network_cmd = 'cmd phone set-allowed-network-types-for-users '
-                set_network_cmd += NETWORK_TYPE_TO_BITMASK[type]
-                self.ad.adb.shell(set_network_cmd)
-                get_network_cmd = 'cmd phone get-allowed-network-types-for-users'
-                allowed_network = self.ad.adb.shell(get_network_cmd)
-                self.log.info('The allowed network: {}'.format(allowed_network))
-                return
-        except ValueError:
-            self.log.info('The android version is older than S, use sl4a')
-        if type == BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.LTE_ONLY:
-            formatted_type = tel_utils.NETWORK_MODE_LTE_ONLY
-        elif type == BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.WCDMA_ONLY:
-            formatted_type = tel_utils.NETWORK_MODE_WCDMA_ONLY
-        elif type == BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.GSM_ONLY:
-            formatted_type = tel_utils.NETWORK_MODE_GSM_ONLY
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid RAT type.')
-        if not self.ad.droid.telephonySetPreferredNetworkTypesForSubscription(
-                formatted_type, self.ad.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultSubId()):
-            self.log.error("Could not set preferred network type.")
-        else:
-            self.log.info("Preferred network type set.")
-    def get_telephony_signal_strength(self):
-        """ Wrapper for the method with the same name in tel_utils.
-        Will be deprecated and replaced by get_rx_tx_power_levels. """
-        tel_utils.get_telephony_signal_strength(self.ad)
-    def start_modem_logging(self):
-        """ Starts on-device log collection. """
-        self.ad.adb.shell('rm /data/vendor/slog/*.* -f')
-        self.ad.adb.shell(PIXELLOGGER_CONTROL.format('true'))
-    def stop_modem_logging(self):
-        """ Stops log collection and pulls logs. """
-        output_path = self.ad.device_log_path + '/modem/'
-        os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)
-        self.ad.adb.shell(PIXELLOGGER_CONTROL.format('false'))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseCellConfig.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseCellConfig.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 71939fd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseCellConfig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class BaseCellConfig:
-    """ Base cell configuration class.
-    Attributes:
-      output_power: a float indicating the required signal level at the
-          instrument's output.
-      input_power: a float indicating the required signal level at the
-          instrument's input.
-    """
-    # Configuration dictionary keys
-    PARAM_UL_PW = 'pul'
-    PARAM_DL_PW = 'pdl'
-    def __init__(self, log):
-        """ Initialize the base station config by setting all its
-            parameters to None.
-        Args:
-            log: logger object.
-        """
-        self.log = log
-        self.output_power = None
-        self.input_power = None
-        self.band = None
-    def incorporate(self, new_config):
-        """ Incorporates a different configuration by replacing the current
-            values with the new ones for all the parameters different to None.
-        Args:
-            new_config: 5G cell configuration object.
-        """
-        for attr, value in vars(new_config).items():
-            if value and not hasattr(self, attr):
-                setattr(self, attr, value)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseCellularDut.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseCellularDut.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e677a6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseCellularDut.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import Enum
-class PreferredNetworkType(Enum):
-    """ Available preferred network types that can be passed to
-  set_preferred_network_type"""
-    LTE_ONLY = 'lte-only'
-    GSM_ONLY = 'gsm-only'
-    WCDMA_ONLY = 'wcdma-only'
-    NR_LTE = 'nr-lte'
-class BaseCellularDut():
-    """ Base class for DUTs used with cellular simulators. """
-    def toggle_airplane_mode(self, new_state=True):
-        """ Turns airplane mode on / off.
-        Args:
-          new_state: True if airplane mode needs to be enabled.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def toggle_data_roaming(self, new_state=True):
-        """ Enables or disables cellular data roaming.
-        Args:
-          new_state: True if data roaming needs to be enabled.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_rx_tx_power_levels(self):
-        """ Obtains Rx and Tx power levels measured from the DUT.
-        Returns:
-          A tuple where the first element is an array with the RSRP value
-          in each Rx chain, and the second element is the Tx power in dBm.
-          Values for invalid or disabled Rx / Tx chains are set to None.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_apn(self, name, apn, type='default'):
-        """ Sets the Access Point Name.
-        Args:
-          name: the APN name
-          apn: the APN
-          type: the APN type
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_preferred_network_type(self, type):
-        """ Sets the preferred RAT.
-        Args:
-          type: an instance of class PreferredNetworkType
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_telephony_signal_strength(self):
-        """ Wrapper for the method with the same name in tel_utils.
-        Will be deprecated and replaced by get_rx_tx_power_levels. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def start_modem_logging(self):
-        """ Starts on-device log collection. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def stop_modem_logging(self):
-        """ Stops log collection and pulls logs. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseSimulation.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseSimulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 043f802..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/BaseSimulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from enum import Enum
-import numpy as np
-from antlion.controllers import cellular_simulator
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseCellConfig import BaseCellConfig
-class BaseSimulation(object):
-    """ Base class for cellular connectivity simulations.
-    Classes that inherit from this base class implement different simulation
-    setups. The base class contains methods that are common to all simulation
-    configurations.
-    """
-    UL_MIN_POWER = -60.0
-    # Keys to obtain settings from the test_config dictionary.
-    KEY_CALIBRATION = "calibration"
-    KEY_ATTACH_RETRIES = "attach_retries"
-    KEY_ATTACH_TIMEOUT = "attach_timeout"
-    # Filepath to the config files stored in the Anritsu callbox. Needs to be
-    # formatted to replace {} with either A or B depending on the model.
-    CALLBOX_PATH_FORMAT_STR = 'C:\\Users\\MD8475{}\\Documents\\DAN_configs\\'
-    # Time in seconds to wait for the phone to settle
-    # after attaching to the base station.
-    # Default time in seconds to wait for the phone to attach to the basestation
-    # after toggling airplane mode. This setting can be changed with the
-    # KEY_ATTACH_TIMEOUT keyword in the test configuration file.
-    # The default number of attach retries. This setting can be changed with
-    # the KEY_ATTACH_RETRIES keyword in the test configuration file.
-    # These two dictionaries allow to map from a string to a signal level and
-    # have to be overridden by the simulations inheriting from this class.
-    # Units for downlink signal level. This variable has to be overridden by
-    # the simulations inheriting from this class.
-    def __init__(
-        self, simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table,
-        nr_mode=None):
-        """ Initializes the Simulation object.
-        Keeps a reference to the callbox, log and dut handlers and
-        initializes the class attributes.
-        Args:
-            simulator: a cellular simulator controller
-            log: a logger handle
-            dut: a device handler implementing BaseCellularDut
-            test_config: test configuration obtained from the config file
-            calibration_table: a dictionary containing path losses for
-                different bands.
-        """
-        self.simulator = simulator
-        self.log = log
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.calibration_table = calibration_table
-        self.nr_mode = nr_mode
-        # Turn calibration on or off depending on the test config value. If the
-        # key is not present, set to False by default
-        if self.KEY_CALIBRATION not in test_config:
-            self.log.warning('The {} key is not set in the testbed '
-                             'parameters. Setting to off by default. To '
-                             'turn calibration on, include the key with '
-                             'a true/false value.'.format(
-                                 self.KEY_CALIBRATION))
-        self.calibration_required = test_config.get(self.KEY_CALIBRATION,
-                                                    False)
-        # Obtain the allowed number of retries from the test configs
-        if self.KEY_ATTACH_RETRIES not in test_config:
-            self.log.warning('The {} key is not set in the testbed '
-                             'parameters. Setting to {} by default.'.format(
-                                 self.KEY_ATTACH_RETRIES,
-                                 self.DEFAULT_ATTACH_RETRIES))
-        self.attach_retries = test_config.get(self.KEY_ATTACH_RETRIES,
-                                              self.DEFAULT_ATTACH_RETRIES)
-        # Obtain the attach timeout from the test configs
-        if self.KEY_ATTACH_TIMEOUT not in test_config:
-            self.log.warning('The {} key is not set in the testbed '
-                             'parameters. Setting to {} by default.'.format(
-                                 self.KEY_ATTACH_TIMEOUT,
-                                 self.DEFAULT_ATTACH_TIMEOUT))
-        self.attach_timeout = test_config.get(self.KEY_ATTACH_TIMEOUT,
-                                              self.DEFAULT_ATTACH_TIMEOUT)
-        # Create an empty list for cell configs.
-        self.cell_configs = []
-        # Store the current calibrated band
-        self.current_calibrated_band = None
-        # Path loss measured during calibration
-        self.dl_path_loss = None
-        self.ul_path_loss = None
-        # Target signal levels obtained during configuration
-        self.sim_dl_power = None
-        self.sim_ul_power = None
-        # Stores RRC status change timer
-        self.rrc_sc_timer = None
-        # Set to default APN
-        log.info("Configuring APN.")
-        self.dut.set_apn('test', 'test')
-        # Enable roaming on the phone
-        self.dut.toggle_data_roaming(True)
-        # Make sure airplane mode is on so the phone won't attach right away
-        self.dut.toggle_airplane_mode(True)
-        # Wait for airplane mode setting to propagate
-        time.sleep(2)
-        # Prepare the simulator for this simulation setup
-        self.setup_simulator()
-    def setup_simulator(self):
-        """ Do initial configuration in the simulator. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def attach(self):
-        """ Attach the phone to the basestation.
-        Sets a good signal level, toggles airplane mode
-        and waits for the phone to attach.
-        Returns:
-            True if the phone was able to attach, False if not.
-        """
-        # Turn on airplane mode
-        self.dut.toggle_airplane_mode(True)
-        # Wait for airplane mode setting to propagate
-        time.sleep(2)
-        # Provide a good signal power for the phone to attach easily
-        new_config = BaseCellConfig(self.log)
-        new_config.input_power = -10
-        new_config.output_power = -30
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(new_config)
-        self.cell_configs[0].incorporate(new_config)
-        # Try to attach the phone.
-        for i in range(self.attach_retries):
-            try:
-                # Turn off airplane mode
-                self.dut.toggle_airplane_mode(False)
-                # Wait for the phone to attach.
-                self.simulator.wait_until_attached(timeout=self.attach_timeout)
-            except cellular_simulator.CellularSimulatorError:
-                # The phone failed to attach
-                self.log.info(
-                    "UE failed to attach on attempt number {}.".format(i + 1))
-                # Turn airplane mode on to prepare the phone for a retry.
-                self.dut.toggle_airplane_mode(True)
-                # Wait for APM to propagate
-                time.sleep(3)
-                # Retry
-                if i < self.attach_retries - 1:
-                    # Retry
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    # No more retries left. Return False.
-                    return False
-            else:
-                # The phone attached successfully.
-                time.sleep(self.SETTLING_TIME)
-                self.log.info("UE attached to the callbox.")
-                break
-        return True
-    def detach(self):
-        """ Detach the phone from the basestation.
-        Turns airplane mode and resets basestation.
-        """
-        # Set the DUT to airplane mode so it doesn't see the
-        # cellular network going off
-        self.dut.toggle_airplane_mode(True)
-        # Wait for APM to propagate
-        time.sleep(2)
-        # Power off basestation
-        self.simulator.detach()
-    def stop(self):
-        """  Detach phone from the basestation by stopping the simulation.
-        Stop the simulation and turn airplane mode on. """
-        # Set the DUT to airplane mode so it doesn't see the
-        # cellular network going off
-        self.dut.toggle_airplane_mode(True)
-        # Wait for APM to propagate
-        time.sleep(2)
-        # Stop the simulation
-        self.simulator.stop()
-    def start(self):
-        """ Start the simulation by attaching the phone and setting the
-        required DL and UL power.
-        Note that this refers to starting the simulated testing environment
-        and not to starting the signaling on the cellular instruments,
-        which might have been done earlier depending on the cellular
-        instrument controller implementation. """
-        if not self.attach():
-            raise RuntimeError('Could not attach to base station.')
-        # Starts IP traffic while changing this setting to force the UE to be
-        # in Communication state, as UL power cannot be set in Idle state
-        self.start_traffic_for_calibration()
-        # Wait until it goes to communication state
-        self.simulator.wait_until_communication_state()
-        # Set uplink power to a low value before going to the actual desired
-        # value. This avoid inconsistencies produced by the hysteresis in the
-        # PA switching points.
-        self.log.info('Setting UL power to -5 dBm before going to the '
-                      'requested value to avoid incosistencies caused by '
-                      'hysteresis.')
-        self.set_uplink_tx_power(-5)
-        # Set signal levels obtained from the test parameters
-        self.set_downlink_rx_power(self.sim_dl_power)
-        self.set_uplink_tx_power(self.sim_ul_power)
-        # Verify signal level
-        try:
-            rx_power, tx_power = self.dut.get_rx_tx_power_levels()
-            if not tx_power or not rx_power[0]:
-                raise RuntimeError('The method return invalid Tx/Rx values.')
-            self.log.info('Signal level reported by the DUT in dBm: Tx = {}, '
-                          'Rx = {}.'.format(tx_power, rx_power))
-            if abs(self.sim_ul_power - tx_power) > 1:
-                self.log.warning('Tx power at the UE is off by more than 1 dB')
-        except RuntimeError as e:
-            self.log.error('Could not verify Rx / Tx levels: %s.' % e)
-        # Stop IP traffic after setting the UL power level
-        self.stop_traffic_for_calibration()
-    def configure(self, parameters):
-        """ Configures simulation using a dictionary of parameters.
-        Children classes need to call this method first.
-        Args:
-            parameters: a configuration dictionary
-        """
-        # Setup uplink power
-        ul_power = self.get_uplink_power_from_parameters(parameters)
-        # Power is not set on the callbox until after the simulation is
-        # started. Saving this value in a variable for later
-        self.sim_ul_power = ul_power
-        # Setup downlink power
-        dl_power = self.get_downlink_power_from_parameters(parameters)
-        # Power is not set on the callbox until after the simulation is
-        # started. Saving this value in a variable for later
-        self.sim_dl_power = dl_power
-    def set_uplink_tx_power(self, signal_level):
-        """ Configure the uplink tx power level
-        Args:
-            signal_level: calibrated tx power in dBm
-        """
-        new_config = BaseCellConfig(self.log)
-        new_config.input_power = self.calibrated_uplink_tx_power(
-            self.cell_configs[0], signal_level)
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(new_config)
-        self.cell_configs[0].incorporate(new_config)
-    def set_downlink_rx_power(self, signal_level):
-        """ Configure the downlink rx power level
-        Args:
-            signal_level: calibrated rx power in dBm
-        """
-        new_config = BaseCellConfig(self.log)
-        new_config.output_power = self.calibrated_downlink_rx_power(
-            self.cell_configs[0], signal_level)
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(new_config)
-        self.cell_configs[0].incorporate(new_config)
-    def get_uplink_power_from_parameters(self, parameters):
-        """ Reads uplink power from the parameter dictionary. """
-        if BaseCellConfig.PARAM_UL_PW in parameters:
-            value = parameters[BaseCellConfig.PARAM_UL_PW]
-            if value in self.UPLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY:
-                return self.UPLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY[value]
-            else:
-                try:
-                    if isinstance(value[0], str) and value[0] == 'n':
-                        # Treat the 'n' character as a negative sign
-                        return -int(value[1:])
-                    else:
-                        return int(value)
-                except ValueError:
-                    pass
-        # If the method got to this point it is because PARAM_UL_PW was not
-        # included in the test parameters or the provided value was invalid.
-        raise ValueError(
-            "The config dictionary must include a key {} with the desired "
-            "uplink power expressed by an integer number in dBm or with one of "
-            "the following values: {}. To indicate negative "
-            "values, use the letter n instead of - sign.".format(
-                BaseCellConfig.PARAM_UL_PW,
-                list(self.UPLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY.keys())))
-    def get_downlink_power_from_parameters(self, parameters):
-        """ Reads downlink power from a the parameter dictionary. """
-        if BaseCellConfig.PARAM_DL_PW in parameters:
-            value = parameters[BaseCellConfig.PARAM_DL_PW]
-            if value not in self.DOWNLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "Invalid signal level value {}.".format(value))
-            else:
-                return self.DOWNLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY[value]
-        else:
-            # Use default value
-            power = self.DOWNLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY['excellent']
-            self.log.info("No DL signal level value was indicated in the test "
-                          "parameters. Using default value of {} {}.".format(
-                              power, self.DOWNLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_UNITS))
-            return power
-    def calibrated_downlink_rx_power(self, bts_config, signal_level):
-        """ Calculates the power level at the instrument's output in order to
-        obtain the required rx power level at the DUT's input.
-        If calibration values are not available, returns the uncalibrated signal
-        level.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: the current configuration at the base station. derived
-                classes implementations can use this object to indicate power as
-                spectral power density or in other units.
-            signal_level: desired downlink received power, can be either a
-                key value pair, an int or a float
-        """
-        # Obtain power value if the provided signal_level is a key value pair
-        if isinstance(signal_level, Enum):
-            power = signal_level.value
-        else:
-            power = signal_level
-        # Try to use measured path loss value. If this was not set, it will
-        # throw an TypeError exception
-        try:
-            calibrated_power = round(power + self.dl_path_loss)
-            if calibrated_power > self.simulator.MAX_DL_POWER:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "Cannot achieve phone DL Rx power of {} dBm. Requested TX "
-                    "power of {} dBm exceeds callbox limit!".format(
-                        power, calibrated_power))
-                calibrated_power = self.simulator.MAX_DL_POWER
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "Setting callbox Tx power to max possible ({} dBm)".format(
-                        calibrated_power))
-            self.log.info(
-                "Requested phone DL Rx power of {} dBm, setting callbox Tx "
-                "power at {} dBm".format(power, calibrated_power))
-            time.sleep(2)
-            # Power has to be a natural number so calibration wont be exact.
-            # Inform the actual received power after rounding.
-            self.log.info(
-                "Phone downlink received power is {0:.2f} dBm".format(
-                    calibrated_power - self.dl_path_loss))
-            return calibrated_power
-        except TypeError:
-            self.log.info("Phone downlink received power set to {} (link is "
-                          "uncalibrated).".format(round(power)))
-            return round(power)
-    def calibrated_uplink_tx_power(self, bts_config, signal_level):
-        """ Calculates the power level at the instrument's input in order to
-        obtain the required tx power level at the DUT's output.
-        If calibration values are not available, returns the uncalibrated signal
-        level.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: the current configuration at the base station. derived
-                classes implementations can use this object to indicate power as
-                spectral power density or in other units.
-            signal_level: desired uplink transmitted power, can be either a
-                key value pair, an int or a float
-        """
-        # Obtain power value if the provided signal_level is a key value pair
-        if isinstance(signal_level, Enum):
-            power = signal_level.value
-        else:
-            power = signal_level
-        # Try to use measured path loss value. If this was not set, it will
-        # throw an TypeError exception
-        try:
-            calibrated_power = round(power - self.ul_path_loss)
-            if calibrated_power < self.UL_MIN_POWER:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "Cannot achieve phone UL Tx power of {} dBm. Requested UL "
-                    "power of {} dBm exceeds callbox limit!".format(
-                        power, calibrated_power))
-                calibrated_power = self.UL_MIN_POWER
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "Setting UL Tx power to min possible ({} dBm)".format(
-                        calibrated_power))
-            self.log.info(
-                "Requested phone UL Tx power of {} dBm, setting callbox Rx "
-                "power at {} dBm".format(power, calibrated_power))
-            time.sleep(2)
-            # Power has to be a natural number so calibration wont be exact.
-            # Inform the actual transmitted power after rounding.
-            self.log.info(
-                "Phone uplink transmitted power is {0:.2f} dBm".format(
-                    calibrated_power + self.ul_path_loss))
-            return calibrated_power
-        except TypeError:
-            self.log.info("Phone uplink transmitted power set to {} (link is "
-                          "uncalibrated).".format(round(power)))
-            return round(power)
-    def calibrate(self, band):
-        """ Calculates UL and DL path loss if it wasn't done before.
-        The should be already set to the required band before calling this
-        method.
-        Args:
-            band: the band that is currently being calibrated.
-        """
-        if self.dl_path_loss and self.ul_path_loss:
-            self.log.info("Measurements are already calibrated.")
-        # Attach the phone to the base station
-        if not self.attach():
-            self.log.info(
-                "Skipping calibration because the phone failed to attach.")
-            return
-        # If downlink or uplink were not yet calibrated, do it now
-        if not self.dl_path_loss:
-            self.dl_path_loss = self.downlink_calibration()
-        if not self.ul_path_loss:
-            self.ul_path_loss = self.uplink_calibration()
-        # Detach after calibrating
-        self.detach()
-        time.sleep(2)
-    def start_traffic_for_calibration(self):
-        """
-            Starts UDP IP traffic before running calibration. Uses APN_1
-            configured in the phone.
-        """
-        self.simulator.start_data_traffic()
-    def stop_traffic_for_calibration(self):
-        """
-            Stops IP traffic after calibration.
-        """
-        self.simulator.stop_data_traffic()
-    def downlink_calibration(self, rat=None, power_units_conversion_func=None):
-        """ Computes downlink path loss and returns the calibration value
-        The DUT needs to be attached to the base station before calling this
-        method.
-        Args:
-            rat: desired RAT to calibrate (matching the label reported by
-                the phone)
-            power_units_conversion_func: a function to convert the units
-                reported by the phone to dBm. needs to take two arguments: the
-                reported signal level and bts. use None if no conversion is
-                needed.
-        Returns:
-            Downlink calibration value and measured DL power.
-        """
-        # Check if this parameter was set. Child classes may need to override
-        # this class passing the necessary parameters.
-        if not rat:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The parameter 'rat' has to indicate the RAT being used as "
-                "reported by the phone.")
-        # Save initial output level to restore it after calibration
-        restoration_config = BaseCellConfig(self.log)
-        restoration_config.output_power = self.cell_configs[0].output_power
-        # Set BTS to a good output level to minimize measurement error
-        new_config = BaseCellConfig(self.log)
-        new_config.output_power = self.simulator.MAX_DL_POWER - 5
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(new_config)
-        # Starting IP traffic
-        self.start_traffic_for_calibration()
-        down_power_measured = []
-        for i in range(0, self.NUM_DL_CAL_READS):
-            # For some reason, the RSRP gets updated on Screen ON event
-            signal_strength = self.dut.get_telephony_signal_strength()
-            down_power_measured.append(signal_strength[rat])
-            time.sleep(5)
-        # Stop IP traffic
-        self.stop_traffic_for_calibration()
-        # Reset bts to original settings
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(restoration_config)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        # Calculate the mean of the measurements
-        reported_asu_power = np.nanmean(down_power_measured)
-        # Convert from RSRP to signal power
-        if power_units_conversion_func:
-            avg_down_power = power_units_conversion_func(
-                reported_asu_power, self.cell_configs[0])
-        else:
-            avg_down_power = reported_asu_power
-        # Calculate Path Loss
-        dl_target_power = self.simulator.MAX_DL_POWER - 5
-        down_call_path_loss = dl_target_power - avg_down_power
-        # Validate the result
-        if not 0 < down_call_path_loss < 100:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "Downlink calibration failed. The calculated path loss value "
-                "was {} dBm.".format(down_call_path_loss))
-        self.log.info(
-            "Measured downlink path loss: {} dB".format(down_call_path_loss))
-        return down_call_path_loss
-    def uplink_calibration(self):
-        """ Computes uplink path loss and returns the calibration value
-        The DUT needs to be attached to the base station before calling this
-        method.
-        Returns:
-            Uplink calibration value and measured UL power
-        """
-        # Save initial input level to restore it after calibration
-        restoration_config = BaseCellConfig(self.log)
-        restoration_config.input_power = self.cell_configs[0].input_power
-        # Set BTS1 to maximum input allowed in order to perform
-        # uplink calibration
-        target_power = self.MAX_PHONE_OUTPUT_POWER
-        new_config = BaseCellConfig(self.log)
-        new_config.input_power = self.MAX_BTS_INPUT_POWER
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(new_config)
-        # Start IP traffic
-        self.start_traffic_for_calibration()
-        up_power_per_chain = []
-        # Get the number of chains
-        cmd = 'MONITOR? UL_PUSCH'
-        uplink_meas_power = self.anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-        str_power_chain = uplink_meas_power.split(',')
-        num_chains = len(str_power_chain)
-        for ichain in range(0, num_chains):
-            up_power_per_chain.append([])
-        for i in range(0, self.NUM_UL_CAL_READS):
-            uplink_meas_power = self.anritsu.send_query(cmd)
-            str_power_chain = uplink_meas_power.split(',')
-            for ichain in range(0, num_chains):
-                if (str_power_chain[ichain] == 'DEACTIVE'):
-                    up_power_per_chain[ichain].append(float('nan'))
-                else:
-                    up_power_per_chain[ichain].append(
-                        float(str_power_chain[ichain]))
-            time.sleep(3)
-        # Stop IP traffic
-        self.stop_traffic_for_calibration()
-        # Reset bts to original settings
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(restoration_config)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        # Phone only supports 1x1 Uplink so always chain 0
-        avg_up_power = np.nanmean(up_power_per_chain[0])
-        if np.isnan(avg_up_power):
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "Calibration failed because the callbox reported the chain to "
-                "be deactive.")
-        up_call_path_loss = target_power - avg_up_power
-        # Validate the result
-        if not 0 < up_call_path_loss < 100:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "Uplink calibration failed. The calculated path loss value "
-                "was {} dBm.".format(up_call_path_loss))
-        self.log.info(
-            "Measured uplink path loss: {} dB".format(up_call_path_loss))
-        return up_call_path_loss
-    def load_pathloss_if_required(self):
-        """ If calibration is required, try to obtain the pathloss values from
-        the calibration table and measure them if they are not available. """
-        # Invalidate the previous values
-        self.dl_path_loss = None
-        self.ul_path_loss = None
-        # Load the new ones
-        if self.calibration_required:
-            band = self.cell_configs[0].band
-            # Try loading the path loss values from the calibration table. If
-            # they are not available, use the automated calibration procedure.
-            try:
-                self.dl_path_loss = self.calibration_table[band]["dl"]
-                self.ul_path_loss = self.calibration_table[band]["ul"]
-            except KeyError:
-                self.calibrate(band)
-            # Complete the calibration table with the new values to be used in
-            # the next tests.
-            if band not in self.calibration_table:
-                self.calibration_table[band] = {}
-            if "dl" not in self.calibration_table[band] and self.dl_path_loss:
-                self.calibration_table[band]["dl"] = self.dl_path_loss
-            if "ul" not in self.calibration_table[band] and self.ul_path_loss:
-                self.calibration_table[band]["ul"] = self.ul_path_loss
-    def maximum_downlink_throughput(self):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable downlink throughput in the current
-        simulation state.
-        Because thoughput is dependent on the RAT, this method needs to be
-        implemented by children classes.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def maximum_uplink_throughput(self):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable downlink throughput in the current
-        simulation state.
-        Because thoughput is dependent on the RAT, this method needs to be
-        implemented by children classes.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/GsmSimulation.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/GsmSimulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f0ebf03..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/GsmSimulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import ntpath
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import GSM_BAND_DCS1800
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import GSM_BAND_EGSM900
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import GSM_BAND_GSM850
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.band_constants import GSM_BAND_RGSM900
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import BtsGprsMode
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import BtsNumber
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib import md8475_cellular_simulator as anritsusim
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import BaseCellularDut
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseSimulation import BaseSimulation
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseCellConfig import BaseCellConfig
-class GsmSimulation(BaseSimulation):
-    """ Single base station GSM. """
-    # Simulation config files in the callbox computer.
-    # These should be replaced in the future by setting up
-    # the same configuration manually.
-    GSM_BASIC_SIM_FILE = 'SIM_default_GSM.wnssp'
-    GSM_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_GSM_config.wnscp'
-    # Configuration dictionary keys
-    PARAM_BAND = "band"
-    PARAM_GPRS = "gprs"
-    PARAM_EGPRS = "edge"
-    PARAM_NO_GPRS = "nogprs"
-    PARAM_SLOTS = "slots"
-    bands_parameter_mapping = {
-        '850': GSM_BAND_GSM850,
-        '900': GSM_BAND_EGSM900,
-        '1800': GSM_BAND_DCS1800,
-        '1900': GSM_BAND_RGSM900
-    }
-    def __init__(self, simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table):
-        """ Initializes the simulator for a single-carrier GSM simulation.
-        Loads a simple LTE simulation environment with 1 basestation. It also
-        creates the BTS handle so we can change the parameters as desired.
-        Args:
-            simulator: a cellular simulator controller
-            log: a logger handle
-            dut: a device handler implementing BaseCellularDut
-            test_config: test configuration obtained from the config file
-            calibration_table: a dictionary containing path losses for
-                different bands.
-        """
-        # The GSM simulation relies on the cellular simulator to be a MD8475
-        if not isinstance(self.simulator, anritsusim.MD8475CellularSimulator):
-            raise ValueError('The GSM simulation relies on the simulator to '
-                             'be an Anritsu MD8475 A/B instrument.')
-        # The Anritsu controller needs to be unwrapped before calling
-        # super().__init__ because setup_simulator() requires self.anritsu and
-        # will be called during the parent class initialization.
-        self.anritsu = self.simulator.anritsu
-        self.bts1 = self.anritsu.get_BTS(BtsNumber.BTS1)
-        super().__init__(simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table)
-        self.dut.set_preferred_network_type(
-            BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.GSM_ONLY)
-    def setup_simulator(self):
-        """ Do initial configuration in the simulator. """
-        # Load callbox config files
-        callbox_config_path = self.CALLBOX_PATH_FORMAT_STR.format(
-            self.anritsu._md8475_version)
-        self.anritsu.load_simulation_paramfile(
-            ntpath.join(callbox_config_path, self.GSM_BASIC_SIM_FILE))
-        self.anritsu.load_cell_paramfile(
-            ntpath.join(callbox_config_path, self.GSM_CELL_FILE))
-        # Start simulation if it wasn't started
-        self.anritsu.start_simulation()
-    def configure(self, parameters):
-        """ Configures simulation using a dictionary of parameters.
-        Processes GSM configuration parameters.
-        Args:
-            parameters: a configuration dictionary
-        """
-        # Don't call super() because Gsm doesn't control Tx power.
-        # Setup band
-        if self.PARAM_BAND not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The configuration dictionary must include key '{}' with the "
-                "required band number.".format(self.PARAM_BAND))
-        self.set_band(self.bts1, parameters[self.PARAM_BAND])
-        self.load_pathloss_if_required()
-        # Setup GPRS mode
-        if self.PARAM_GPRS in parameters:
-            self.bts1.gsm_gprs_mode = BtsGprsMode.GPRS
-        elif self.PARAM_EGPRS in parameters:
-            self.bts1.gsm_gprs_mode = BtsGprsMode.EGPRS
-        elif self.PARAM_NO_GPRS in parameters:
-            self.bts1.gsm_gprs_mode = BtsGprsMode.NO_GPRS
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "GPRS mode needs to be indicated in the config dictionary by "
-                "including either {}, {} or {} as a key.".format(
-                    self.PARAM_GPRS, self.PARAM_EGPRS, self.PARAM_NO_GPRS))
-        # Setup slot allocation
-        if self.PARAM_SLOTS not in parameters or len(
-                parameters[self.PARAM_SLOTS]) != 2:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The config dictionary must include key {} with a list of two "
-                "int values indicating DL and UL slots.".format(
-                    self.PARAM_SLOTS))
-        values = parameters[self.PARAM_SLOTS]
-        self.bts1.gsm_slots = (int(values[0]), int(values[1]))
-    def set_band(self, bts, band):
-        """ Sets the band used for communication.
-        Args:
-            bts: basestation handle
-            band: desired band
-        """
-        bts.band = band
-        time.sleep(5)  # It takes some time to propagate the new band
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteCellConfig.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteCellConfig.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8666f75..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteCellConfig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseCellConfig as base_cell
-import antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.LteSimulation as lte_sim
-import math
-class LteCellConfig(base_cell.BaseCellConfig):
-    """ Extension of the BaseBtsConfig to implement parameters that are
-         exclusive to LTE.
-    Attributes:
-        band: an integer indicating the required band number.
-        dlul_config: an integer indicating the TDD config number.
-        ssf_config: an integer indicating the Special Sub-Frame config.
-        bandwidth: a float indicating the required channel bandwidth.
-        mimo_mode: an instance of LteSimulation.MimoMode indicating the
-            required MIMO mode for the downlink signal.
-        transmission_mode: an instance of LteSimulation.TransmissionMode
-            indicating the required TM.
-        scheduling_mode: an instance of LteSimulation.SchedulingMode
-            indicating whether to use Static or Dynamic scheduling.
-        dl_rbs: an integer indicating the number of downlink RBs
-        ul_rbs: an integer indicating the number of uplink RBs
-        dl_mcs: an integer indicating the MCS for the downlink signal
-        ul_mcs: an integer indicating the MCS for the uplink signal
-        dl_256_qam_enabled: a boolean indicating if 256 QAM is enabled
-        ul_64_qam_enabled: a boolean indicating if 256 QAM is enabled
-        mac_padding: a boolean indicating whether RBs should be allocated
-            when there is no user data in static scheduling
-        dl_channel: an integer indicating the downlink channel number
-        cfi: an integer indicating the Control Format Indicator
-        paging_cycle: an integer indicating the paging cycle duration in
-            milliseconds
-        phich: a string indicating the PHICH group size parameter
-        drx_connected_mode: a boolean indicating whether cDRX mode is
-            on or off
-        drx_on_duration_timer: number of PDCCH subframes representing
-            DRX on duration
-        drx_inactivity_timer: number of PDCCH subframes to wait before
-            entering DRX mode
-        drx_retransmission_timer: number of consecutive PDCCH subframes
-            to wait for retransmission
-        drx_long_cycle: number of subframes representing one long DRX cycle.
-            One cycle consists of DRX sleep + DRX on duration
-        drx_long_cycle_offset: number representing offset in range
-            0 to drx_long_cycle - 1
-    """
-    PARAM_FRAME_CONFIG = "tddconfig"
-    PARAM_BW = "bw"
-    PARAM_SCHEDULING = "scheduling"
-    PARAM_PATTERN = "pattern"
-    PARAM_TM = "tm"
-    PARAM_BAND = "band"
-    PARAM_MIMO = "mimo"
-    PARAM_DL_MCS = 'dlmcs'
-    PARAM_UL_MCS = 'ulmcs'
-    PARAM_SSF = 'ssf'
-    PARAM_CFI = 'cfi'
-    PARAM_PAGING = 'paging'
-    PARAM_PHICH = 'phich'
-    PARAM_DRX = 'drx'
-    PARAM_PADDING = 'mac_padding'
-    PARAM_DL_256_QAM_ENABLED = "256_qam_dl_enabled"
-    PARAM_UL_64_QAM_ENABLED = "64_qam_ul_enabled"
-    PARAM_DL_EARFCN = 'dl_earfcn'
-    def __init__(self, log):
-        """ Initialize the base station config by setting all its
-        parameters to None.
-        Args:
-            log: logger object.
-        """
-        super().__init__(log)
-        self.band = None
-        self.dlul_config = None
-        self.ssf_config = None
-        self.bandwidth = None
-        self.mimo_mode = None
-        self.transmission_mode = None
-        self.scheduling_mode = None
-        self.dl_rbs = None
-        self.ul_rbs = None
-        self.dl_mcs = None
-        self.ul_mcs = None
-        self.dl_256_qam_enabled = None
-        self.ul_64_qam_enabled = None
-        self.mac_padding = None
-        self.dl_channel = None
-        self.cfi = None
-        self.paging_cycle = None
-        self.phich = None
-        self.drx_connected_mode = None
-        self.drx_on_duration_timer = None
-        self.drx_inactivity_timer = None
-        self.drx_retransmission_timer = None
-        self.drx_long_cycle = None
-        self.drx_long_cycle_offset = None
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(vars(self))
-    def configure(self, parameters):
-        """ Configures an LTE cell using a dictionary of parameters.
-        Args:
-            parameters: a configuration dictionary
-        """
-        # Setup band
-        if self.PARAM_BAND not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The configuration dictionary must include a key '{}' with "
-                "the required band number.".format(self.PARAM_BAND))
-        self.band = parameters[self.PARAM_BAND]
-        if self.PARAM_DL_EARFCN not in parameters:
-            band = int(self.band)
-            channel = int(lte_sim.LteSimulation.LOWEST_DL_CN_DICTIONARY[band] +
-                          lte_sim.LteSimulation.LOWEST_DL_CN_DICTIONARY[band +
-                                                                        1]) / 2
-            self.log.warning(
-                "Key '{}' was not set. Using center band channel {} by default."
-                .format(self.PARAM_DL_EARFCN, channel))
-            self.dl_channel = channel
-        else:
-            self.dl_channel = parameters[self.PARAM_DL_EARFCN]
-        # Set TDD-only configs
-        if self.get_duplex_mode() == lte_sim.DuplexMode.TDD:
-            # Sub-frame DL/UL config
-            if self.PARAM_FRAME_CONFIG not in parameters:
-                raise ValueError("When a TDD band is selected the frame "
-                                 "structure has to be indicated with the '{}' "
-                                 "key with a value from 0 to 6.".format(
-                                     self.PARAM_FRAME_CONFIG))
-            self.dlul_config = int(parameters[self.PARAM_FRAME_CONFIG])
-            # Special Sub-Frame configuration
-            if self.PARAM_SSF not in parameters:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    'The {} parameter was not provided. Setting '
-                    'Special Sub-Frame config to 6 by default.'.format(
-                        self.PARAM_SSF))
-                self.ssf_config = 6
-            else:
-                self.ssf_config = int(parameters[self.PARAM_SSF])
-        # Setup bandwidth
-        if self.PARAM_BW not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The config dictionary must include parameter {} with an "
-                "int value (to indicate 1.4 MHz use 14).".format(
-                    self.PARAM_BW))
-        bw = float(parameters[self.PARAM_BW])
-        if abs(bw - 14) < 0.00000000001:
-            bw = 1.4
-        self.bandwidth = bw
-        # Setup mimo mode
-        if self.PARAM_MIMO not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The config dictionary must include parameter '{}' with the "
-                "mimo mode.".format(self.PARAM_MIMO))
-        for mimo_mode in lte_sim.MimoMode:
-            if parameters[self.PARAM_MIMO] == mimo_mode.value:
-                self.mimo_mode = mimo_mode
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("The value of {} must be one of the following:"
-                             "1x1, 2x2 or 4x4.".format(self.PARAM_MIMO))
-        # Setup transmission mode
-        if self.PARAM_TM not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The config dictionary must include key {} with an "
-                "int value from 1 to 4 indicating transmission mode.".format(
-                    self.PARAM_TM))
-        for tm in lte_sim.TransmissionMode:
-            if parameters[self.PARAM_TM] == tm.value[2:]:
-                self.transmission_mode = tm
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The {} key must have one of the following values:"
-                "1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 or 9.".format(self.PARAM_TM))
-        # Setup scheduling mode
-        if self.PARAM_SCHEDULING not in parameters:
-            self.scheduling_mode = lte_sim.SchedulingMode.STATIC
-            self.log.warning(
-                "The test config does not include the '{}' key. Setting to "
-                "static by default.".format(self.PARAM_SCHEDULING))
-        elif parameters[
-            self.scheduling_mode = lte_sim.SchedulingMode.DYNAMIC
-        elif parameters[self.PARAM_SCHEDULING] == self.PARAM_SCHEDULING_STATIC:
-            self.scheduling_mode = lte_sim.SchedulingMode.STATIC
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Key '{}' must have a value of "
-                             "'dynamic' or 'static'.".format(
-                                 self.PARAM_SCHEDULING))
-        if self.scheduling_mode == lte_sim.SchedulingMode.STATIC:
-            if self.PARAM_PADDING not in parameters:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "The '{}' parameter was not set. Enabling MAC padding by "
-                    "default.".format(self.PARAM_PADDING))
-                self.mac_padding = True
-            else:
-                self.mac_padding = parameters[self.PARAM_PADDING]
-            if self.PARAM_PATTERN not in parameters:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "The '{}' parameter was not set, using 100% RBs for both "
-                    "DL and UL. To set the percentages of total RBs include "
-                    "the '{}' key with a list of two ints indicating downlink "
-                    "and uplink percentages.".format(self.PARAM_PATTERN,
-                                                     self.PARAM_PATTERN))
-                dl_pattern = 100
-                ul_pattern = 100
-            else:
-                dl_pattern = int(parameters[self.PARAM_PATTERN][0])
-                ul_pattern = int(parameters[self.PARAM_PATTERN][1])
-            if not (0 <= dl_pattern <= 100 and 0 <= ul_pattern <= 100):
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "The scheduling pattern parameters need to be two "
-                    "positive numbers between 0 and 100.")
-            self.dl_rbs, self.ul_rbs = (self.allocation_percentages_to_rbs(
-                dl_pattern, ul_pattern))
-            # Check if 256 QAM is enabled for DL MCS
-            if self.PARAM_DL_256_QAM_ENABLED not in parameters:
-                self.log.warning("The key '{}' is not set in the test config. "
-                                 "Setting to false by default.".format(
-                                     self.PARAM_DL_256_QAM_ENABLED))
-            self.dl_256_qam_enabled = parameters.get(
-                self.PARAM_DL_256_QAM_ENABLED, False)
-            # Look for a DL MCS configuration in the test parameters. If it is
-            # not present, use a default value.
-            if self.PARAM_DL_MCS in parameters:
-                self.dl_mcs = int(parameters[self.PARAM_DL_MCS])
-            else:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    'The test config does not include the {} key. Setting '
-                    'to the max value by default'.format(self.PARAM_DL_MCS))
-                if self.dl_256_qam_enabled and self.bandwidth == 1.4:
-                    self.dl_mcs = 26
-                elif (not self.dl_256_qam_enabled and self.mac_padding
-                      and self.bandwidth != 1.4):
-                    self.dl_mcs = 28
-                else:
-                    self.dl_mcs = 27
-            # Check if 64 QAM is enabled for UL MCS
-            if self.PARAM_UL_64_QAM_ENABLED not in parameters:
-                self.log.warning("The key '{}' is not set in the config file. "
-                                 "Setting to false by default.".format(
-                                     self.PARAM_UL_64_QAM_ENABLED))
-            self.ul_64_qam_enabled = parameters.get(
-                self.PARAM_UL_64_QAM_ENABLED, False)
-            # Look for an UL MCS configuration in the test parameters. If it is
-            # not present, use a default value.
-            if self.PARAM_UL_MCS in parameters:
-                self.ul_mcs = int(parameters[self.PARAM_UL_MCS])
-            else:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    'The test config does not include the {} key. Setting '
-                    'to the max value by default'.format(self.PARAM_UL_MCS))
-                if self.ul_64_qam_enabled:
-                    self.ul_mcs = 28
-                else:
-                    self.ul_mcs = 23
-        # Configure the simulation for DRX mode
-        if self.PARAM_DRX in parameters and len(
-                parameters[self.PARAM_DRX]) == 5:
-            self.drx_connected_mode = True
-            self.drx_on_duration_timer = parameters[self.PARAM_DRX][0]
-            self.drx_inactivity_timer = parameters[self.PARAM_DRX][1]
-            self.drx_retransmission_timer = parameters[self.PARAM_DRX][2]
-            self.drx_long_cycle = parameters[self.PARAM_DRX][3]
-            try:
-                long_cycle = int(parameters[self.PARAM_DRX][3])
-                long_cycle_offset = int(parameters[self.PARAM_DRX][4])
-                if long_cycle_offset in range(0, long_cycle):
-                    self.drx_long_cycle_offset = long_cycle_offset
-                else:
-                    self.log.error(
-                        ("The cDRX long cycle offset must be in the "
-                         "range 0 to (long cycle  - 1). Setting "
-                         "long cycle offset to 0"))
-                    self.drx_long_cycle_offset = 0
-            except ValueError:
-                self.log.error(("cDRX long cycle and long cycle offset "
-                                "must be integers. Disabling cDRX mode."))
-                self.drx_connected_mode = False
-        else:
-            self.log.warning(
-                ("DRX mode was not configured properly. "
-                 "Please provide a list with the following values: "
-                 "1) DRX on duration timer "
-                 "2) Inactivity timer "
-                 "3) Retransmission timer "
-                 "4) Long DRX cycle duration "
-                 "5) Long DRX cycle offset "
-                 "Example: [2, 6, 16, 20, 0]."))
-        # Channel Control Indicator
-        if self.PARAM_CFI not in parameters:
-            self.log.warning('The {} parameter was not provided. Setting '
-                             'CFI to BESTEFFORT.'.format(self.PARAM_CFI))
-            self.cfi = 'BESTEFFORT'
-        else:
-            self.cfi = parameters[self.PARAM_CFI]
-        # PHICH group size
-        if self.PARAM_PHICH not in parameters:
-            self.log.warning('The {} parameter was not provided. Setting '
-                             'PHICH group size to 1 by default.'.format(
-                                 self.PARAM_PHICH))
-            self.phich = '1'
-        else:
-            if parameters[self.PARAM_PHICH] == '16':
-                self.phich = '1/6'
-            elif parameters[self.PARAM_PHICH] == '12':
-                self.phich = '1/2'
-            elif parameters[self.PARAM_PHICH] in ['1/6', '1/2', '1', '2']:
-                self.phich = parameters[self.PARAM_PHICH]
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('The {} parameter can only be followed by 1,'
-                                 '2, 1/2 (or 12) and 1/6 (or 16).'.format(
-                                     self.PARAM_PHICH))
-        # Paging cycle duration
-        if self.PARAM_PAGING not in parameters:
-            self.log.warning('The {} parameter was not provided. Setting '
-                             'paging cycle duration to 1280 ms by '
-                             'default.'.format(self.PARAM_PAGING))
-            self.paging_cycle = 1280
-        else:
-            try:
-                self.paging_cycle = int(parameters[self.PARAM_PAGING])
-            except ValueError:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'The {} key has to be followed by the paging cycle '
-                    'duration in milliseconds.'.format(self.PARAM_PAGING))
-    def get_duplex_mode(self):
-        """ Determines if the cell uses FDD or TDD duplex mode
-        Returns:
-          an variable of class DuplexMode indicating if band is FDD or TDD
-        """
-        if 33 <= int(self.band) <= 46:
-            return lte_sim.DuplexMode.TDD
-        else:
-            return lte_sim.DuplexMode.FDD
-    def allocation_percentages_to_rbs(self, dl, ul):
-        """ Converts usage percentages to number of DL/UL RBs
-        Because not any number of DL/UL RBs can be obtained for a certain
-        bandwidth, this function calculates the number of RBs that most
-        closely matches the desired DL/UL percentages.
-        Args:
-            dl: desired percentage of downlink RBs
-            ul: desired percentage of uplink RBs
-        Returns:
-            a tuple indicating the number of downlink and uplink RBs
-        """
-        # Validate the arguments
-        if (not 0 <= dl <= 100) or (not 0 <= ul <= 100):
-            raise ValueError("The percentage of DL and UL RBs have to be two "
-                             "positive between 0 and 100.")
-        # Get min and max values from tables
-        max_rbs = lte_sim.TOTAL_RBS_DICTIONARY[self.bandwidth]
-        min_dl_rbs = lte_sim.MIN_DL_RBS_DICTIONARY[self.bandwidth]
-        min_ul_rbs = lte_sim.MIN_UL_RBS_DICTIONARY[self.bandwidth]
-        def percentage_to_amount(min_val, max_val, percentage):
-            """ Returns the integer between min_val and max_val that is closest
-            to percentage/100*max_val
-            """
-            # Calculate the value that corresponds to the required percentage.
-            closest_int = round(max_val * percentage / 100)
-            # Cannot be less than min_val
-            closest_int = max(closest_int, min_val)
-            # RBs cannot be more than max_rbs
-            closest_int = min(closest_int, max_val)
-            return closest_int
-        # Calculate the number of DL RBs
-        # Get the number of DL RBs that corresponds to
-        #  the required percentage.
-        desired_dl_rbs = percentage_to_amount(min_val=min_dl_rbs,
-                                              max_val=max_rbs,
-                                              percentage=dl)
-        if self.transmission_mode == lte_sim.TransmissionMode.TM3 or \
-                self.transmission_mode == lte_sim.TransmissionMode.TM4:
-            # For TM3 and TM4 the number of DL RBs needs to be max_rbs or a
-            # multiple of the RBG size
-            if desired_dl_rbs == max_rbs:
-                dl_rbs = max_rbs
-            else:
-                dl_rbs = (math.ceil(
-                    desired_dl_rbs / lte_sim.RBG_DICTIONARY[self.bandwidth]) *
-                          lte_sim.RBG_DICTIONARY[self.bandwidth])
-        else:
-            # The other TMs allow any number of RBs between 1 and max_rbs
-            dl_rbs = desired_dl_rbs
-        # Calculate the number of UL RBs
-        # Get the number of UL RBs that corresponds
-        # to the required percentage
-        desired_ul_rbs = percentage_to_amount(min_val=min_ul_rbs,
-                                              max_val=max_rbs,
-                                              percentage=ul)
-        # Create a list of all possible UL RBs assignment
-        # The standard allows any number that can be written as
-        # 2**a * 3**b * 5**c for any combination of a, b and c.
-        def pow_range(max_value, base):
-            """ Returns a range of all possible powers of base under
-              the given max_value.
-          """
-            return range(int(math.ceil(math.log(max_value, base))))
-        possible_ul_rbs = [
-            2 ** a * 3 ** b * 5 ** c for a in pow_range(max_rbs, 2)
-            for b in pow_range(max_rbs, 3)
-            for c in pow_range(max_rbs, 5)
-            if 2 ** a * 3 ** b * 5 ** c <= max_rbs]  # yapf: disable
-        # Find the value in the list that is closest to desired_ul_rbs
-        differences = [abs(rbs - desired_ul_rbs) for rbs in possible_ul_rbs]
-        ul_rbs = possible_ul_rbs[differences.index(min(differences))]
-        # Report what are the obtained RB percentages
-        self.log.info("Requested a {}% / {}% RB allocation. Closest possible "
-                      "percentages are {}% / {}%.".format(
-                          dl, ul, round(100 * dl_rbs / max_rbs),
-                          round(100 * ul_rbs / max_rbs)))
-        return dl_rbs, ul_rbs
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteImsSimulation.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteImsSimulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f74714..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteImsSimulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-import antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a as md8475a
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.LteSimulation import LteSimulation
-# Time to wait for Anritsu's IMS CSCF state change
-# default ims virtual network id for Anritsu ims call test.
-class LteImsSimulation(LteSimulation):
-    LTE_BASIC_SIM_FILE = 'VoLTE_ATT_Sim.wnssp'
-    LTE_BASIC_CELL_FILE = 'VoLTE_ATT_Cell.wnscp'
-    def attach(self):
-        """ After attaching verify the UE has registered with the IMS server.
-        Returns:
-            True if the phone was able to attach, False if not.
-        """
-        if not super().attach():
-            return False
-        # The phone should have registered with the IMS server before attaching.
-        # Make sure the IMS registration was successful by verifying the CSCF
-        # status is SIP IDLE.
-        if not _wait_for_ims_cscf_status(
-                self.log,
-                self.simulator.anritsu,
-                md8475a.ImsCscfStatus.SIPIDLE.value):
-            self.log.error('UE failed to register with the IMS server.')
-            return False
-        return True
-def _wait_for_ims_cscf_status(log,
-                              anritsu_handle,
-                              virtual_network_id,
-                              status,
-                              timeout=MAX_WAIT_TIME_IMS_CSCF_STATE):
-    """ Wait for IMS CSCF to be in expected state.
-    Args:
-        log: log object
-        anritsu_handle: anritsu object
-        virtual_network_id: virtual network id to be monitored
-        status: expected status
-        timeout: wait time
-    """
-    sleep_interval = 1
-    wait_time = timeout
-    while wait_time > 0:
-        if status == anritsu_handle.get_ims_cscf_status(virtual_network_id):
-            return True
-        time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-        wait_time = wait_time - sleep_interval
-    return False
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteSimulation.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteSimulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b811a90..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/LteSimulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from enum import Enum
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseSimulation import BaseSimulation
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.LteCellConfig import LteCellConfig
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.NrCellConfig import NrCellConfig
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import BaseCellularDut
-class TransmissionMode(Enum):
-    """ Transmission modes for LTE (e.g., TM1, TM4, ...) """
-    TM1 = "TM1"
-    TM2 = "TM2"
-    TM3 = "TM3"
-    TM4 = "TM4"
-    TM7 = "TM7"
-    TM8 = "TM8"
-    TM9 = "TM9"
-class MimoMode(Enum):
-    """ Mimo modes """
-    MIMO_1x1 = "1x1"
-    MIMO_2x2 = "2x2"
-    MIMO_4x4 = "4x4"
-class SchedulingMode(Enum):
-    """ Traffic scheduling modes (e.g., STATIC, DYNAMIC) """
-class DuplexMode(Enum):
-    """ DL/UL Duplex mode """
-    FDD = "FDD"
-    TDD = "TDD"
-class ModulationType(Enum):
-    """DL/UL Modulation order."""
-    QPSK = 'QPSK'
-    Q16 = '16QAM'
-    Q64 = '64QAM'
-    Q256 = '256QAM'
-# Bandwidth [MHz] to RB group size
-RBG_DICTIONARY = {20: 4, 15: 4, 10: 3, 5: 2, 3: 2, 1.4: 1}
-# Bandwidth [MHz] to total RBs mapping
-TOTAL_RBS_DICTIONARY = {20: 100, 15: 75, 10: 50, 5: 25, 3: 15, 1.4: 6}
-# Bandwidth [MHz] to minimum number of DL RBs that can be assigned to a UE
-MIN_DL_RBS_DICTIONARY = {20: 16, 15: 12, 10: 9, 5: 4, 3: 4, 1.4: 2}
-# Bandwidth [MHz] to minimum number of UL RBs that can be assigned to a UE
-MIN_UL_RBS_DICTIONARY = {20: 8, 15: 6, 10: 4, 5: 2, 3: 2, 1.4: 1}
-class LteSimulation(BaseSimulation):
-    """ Single-carrier LTE simulation. """
-    # Test config keywords
-    KEY_FREQ_BANDS = "freq_bands"
-    # Cell param keywords
-    PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER = "rrcstatuschangetimer"
-    # Units in which signal level is defined in DOWNLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY
-    # RSRP signal levels thresholds (as reported by Android) in dBm/15KHz.
-    # Excellent is set to -75 since callbox B Tx power is limited to -30 dBm
-        'excellent': -75,
-        'high': -110,
-        'medium': -115,
-        'weak': -120,
-        'disconnected': -170
-    }
-    # Transmitted output power for the phone (dBm)
-        'max': 27,
-        'high': 13,
-        'medium': 3,
-        'low': -20
-    }
-    # Allowed bandwidth for each band.
-    allowed_bandwidth_dictionary = {
-        1: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        2: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        3: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        4: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        5: [1.4, 3, 5, 10],
-        7: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        8: [1.4, 3, 5, 10],
-        10: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        11: [5, 10],
-        12: [1.4, 3, 5, 10],
-        13: [5, 10],
-        14: [5, 10],
-        17: [5, 10],
-        18: [5, 10, 15],
-        19: [5, 10, 15],
-        20: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        21: [5, 10, 15],
-        22: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        24: [5, 10],
-        25: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        26: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15],
-        27: [1.4, 3, 5, 10],
-        28: [3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        29: [3, 5, 10],
-        30: [5, 10],
-        31: [1.4, 3, 5],
-        32: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        33: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        34: [5, 10, 15],
-        35: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        36: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        37: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        38: [20],
-        39: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        40: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        41: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        42: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        43: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        44: [3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        45: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        46: [10, 20],
-        47: [10, 20],
-        48: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        49: [10, 20],
-        50: [3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        51: [3, 5],
-        52: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        65: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        66: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        67: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        68: [5, 10, 15],
-        69: [5],
-        70: [5, 10, 15],
-        71: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        72: [1.4, 3, 5],
-        73: [1.4, 3, 5],
-        74: [1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20],
-        75: [5, 10, 15, 20],
-        76: [5],
-        85: [5, 10],
-        252: [20],
-        255: [20]
-    }
-    # Dictionary of lower DL channel number bound for each band.
-        1: 0,
-        2: 600,
-        3: 1200,
-        4: 1950,
-        5: 2400,
-        6: 2650,
-        7: 2750,
-        8: 3450,
-        9: 3800,
-        10: 4150,
-        11: 4750,
-        12: 5010,
-        13: 5180,
-        14: 5280,
-        17: 5730,
-        18: 5850,
-        19: 6000,
-        20: 6150,
-        21: 6450,
-        22: 6600,
-        23: 7500,
-        24: 7700,
-        25: 8040,
-        26: 8690,
-        27: 9040,
-        28: 9210,
-        29: 9660,
-        30: 9770,
-        31: 9870,
-        32: 9920,
-        33: 36000,
-        34: 36200,
-        35: 36350,
-        36: 36950,
-        37: 37550,
-        38: 37750,
-        39: 38250,
-        40: 38650,
-        41: 39650,
-        42: 41590,
-        43: 45590,
-        66: 66436,
-        67: 67336
-    }
-    # Peak throughput lookup tables for each TDD subframe
-    # configuration and bandwidth
-    # yapf: disable
-    tdd_config4_tput_lut = {
-        0: {
-            5: {'DL': 3.82, 'UL': 2.63},
-            10: {'DL': 11.31,'UL': 9.03},
-            15: {'DL': 16.9, 'UL': 20.62},
-            20: {'DL': 22.88, 'UL': 28.43}
-        },
-        1: {
-            5: {'DL': 6.13, 'UL': 4.08},
-            10: {'DL': 18.36, 'UL': 9.69},
-            15: {'DL': 28.62, 'UL': 14.21},
-            20: {'DL': 39.04, 'UL': 19.23}
-        },
-        2: {
-            5: {'DL': 5.68, 'UL': 2.30},
-            10: {'DL': 25.51, 'UL': 4.68},
-            15: {'DL': 39.3, 'UL': 7.13},
-            20: {'DL': 53.64, 'UL': 9.72}
-        },
-        3: {
-            5: {'DL': 8.26, 'UL': 3.45},
-            10: {'DL': 23.20, 'UL': 6.99},
-            15: {'DL': 35.35, 'UL': 10.75},
-            20: {'DL': 48.3, 'UL': 14.6}
-        },
-        4: {
-            5: {'DL': 6.16, 'UL': 2.30},
-            10: {'DL': 26.77, 'UL': 4.68},
-            15: {'DL': 40.7, 'UL': 7.18},
-            20: {'DL': 55.6, 'UL': 9.73}
-        },
-        5: {
-            5: {'DL': 6.91, 'UL': 1.12},
-            10: {'DL': 30.33, 'UL': 2.33},
-            15: {'DL': 46.04, 'UL': 3.54},
-            20: {'DL': 62.9, 'UL': 4.83}
-        },
-        6: {
-            5: {'DL': 6.13, 'UL': 4.13},
-            10: {'DL': 14.79, 'UL': 11.98},
-            15: {'DL': 23.28, 'UL': 17.46},
-            20: {'DL': 31.75, 'UL': 23.95}
-        }
-    }
-    tdd_config3_tput_lut = {
-        0: {
-            5: {'DL': 5.04, 'UL': 3.7},
-            10: {'DL': 15.11, 'UL': 17.56},
-            15: {'DL': 22.59, 'UL': 30.31},
-            20: {'DL': 30.41, 'UL': 41.61}
-        },
-        1: {
-            5: {'DL': 8.07, 'UL': 5.66},
-            10: {'DL': 24.58, 'UL': 13.66},
-            15: {'DL': 39.05, 'UL': 20.68},
-            20: {'DL': 51.59, 'UL': 28.76}
-        },
-        2: {
-            5: {'DL': 7.59, 'UL': 3.31},
-            10: {'DL': 34.08, 'UL': 6.93},
-            15: {'DL': 53.64, 'UL': 10.51},
-            20: {'DL': 70.55, 'UL': 14.41}
-        },
-        3: {
-            5: {'DL': 10.9, 'UL': 5.0},
-            10: {'DL': 30.99, 'UL': 10.25},
-            15: {'DL': 48.3, 'UL': 15.81},
-            20: {'DL': 63.24, 'UL': 21.65}
-        },
-        4: {
-            5: {'DL': 8.11, 'UL': 3.32},
-            10: {'DL': 35.74, 'UL': 6.95},
-            15: {'DL': 55.6, 'UL': 10.51},
-            20: {'DL': 72.72, 'UL': 14.41}
-        },
-        5: {
-            5: {'DL': 9.28, 'UL': 1.57},
-            10: {'DL': 40.49, 'UL': 3.44},
-            15: {'DL': 62.9, 'UL': 5.23},
-            20: {'DL': 82.21, 'UL': 7.15}
-        },
-        6: {
-            5: {'DL': 8.06, 'UL': 5.74},
-            10: {'DL': 19.82, 'UL': 17.51},
-            15: {'DL': 31.75, 'UL': 25.77},
-            20: {'DL': 42.12, 'UL': 34.91}
-        }
-    }
-    tdd_config2_tput_lut = {
-        0: {
-            5: {'DL': 3.11, 'UL': 2.55},
-            10: {'DL': 9.93, 'UL': 11.1},
-            15: {'DL': 13.9, 'UL': 21.51},
-            20: {'DL': 20.02, 'UL': 41.66}
-        },
-        1: {
-            5: {'DL': 5.33, 'UL': 4.27},
-            10: {'DL': 15.14, 'UL': 13.95},
-            15: {'DL': 33.84, 'UL': 19.73},
-            20: {'DL': 44.61, 'UL': 27.35}
-        },
-        2: {
-            5: {'DL': 6.87, 'UL': 3.32},
-            10: {'DL': 17.06, 'UL': 6.76},
-            15: {'DL': 49.63, 'UL': 10.5},
-            20: {'DL': 65.2, 'UL': 14.41}
-        },
-        3: {
-            5: {'DL': 5.41, 'UL': 4.17},
-            10: {'DL': 16.89, 'UL': 9.73},
-            15: {'DL': 44.29, 'UL': 15.7},
-            20: {'DL': 53.95, 'UL': 19.85}
-        },
-        4: {
-            5: {'DL': 8.7, 'UL': 3.32},
-            10: {'DL': 17.58, 'UL': 6.76},
-            15: {'DL': 51.08, 'UL': 10.47},
-            20: {'DL': 66.45, 'UL': 14.38}
-        },
-        5: {
-            5: {'DL': 9.46, 'UL': 1.55},
-            10: {'DL': 19.02, 'UL': 3.48},
-            15: {'DL': 58.89, 'UL': 5.23},
-            20: {'DL': 76.85, 'UL': 7.1}
-        },
-        6: {
-            5: {'DL': 4.74, 'UL': 3.9},
-            10: {'DL': 12.32, 'UL': 13.37},
-            15: {'DL': 27.74, 'UL': 25.02},
-            20: {'DL': 35.48, 'UL': 32.95}
-        }
-    }
-    tdd_config1_tput_lut = {
-        0: {
-            5: {'DL': 4.25, 'UL': 3.35},
-            10: {'DL': 8.38, 'UL': 7.22},
-            15: {'DL': 12.41, 'UL': 13.91},
-            20: {'DL': 16.27, 'UL': 24.09}
-        },
-        1: {
-            5: {'DL': 7.28, 'UL': 4.61},
-            10: {'DL': 14.73, 'UL': 9.69},
-            15: {'DL': 21.91, 'UL': 13.86},
-            20: {'DL': 27.63, 'UL': 17.18}
-        },
-        2: {
-            5: {'DL': 10.37, 'UL': 2.27},
-            10: {'DL': 20.92, 'UL': 4.66},
-            15: {'DL': 31.01, 'UL': 7.04},
-            20: {'DL': 42.03, 'UL': 9.75}
-        },
-        3: {
-            5: {'DL': 9.25, 'UL': 3.44},
-            10: {'DL': 18.38, 'UL': 6.95},
-            15: {'DL': 27.59, 'UL': 10.62},
-            20: {'DL': 34.85, 'UL': 13.45}
-        },
-        4: {
-            5: {'DL': 10.71, 'UL': 2.26},
-            10: {'DL': 21.54, 'UL': 4.67},
-            15: {'DL': 31.91, 'UL': 7.2},
-            20: {'DL': 43.35, 'UL': 9.74}
-        },
-        5: {
-            5: {'DL': 12.34, 'UL': 1.08},
-            10: {'DL': 24.78, 'UL': 2.34},
-            15: {'DL': 36.68, 'UL': 3.57},
-            20: {'DL': 49.84, 'UL': 4.81}
-        },
-        6: {
-            5: {'DL': 5.76, 'UL': 4.41},
-            10: {'DL': 11.68, 'UL': 9.7},
-            15: {'DL': 17.34, 'UL': 17.95},
-            20: {'DL': 23.5, 'UL': 23.42}
-        }
-    }
-    # yapf: enable
-    # Peak throughput lookup table dictionary
-    tdd_config_tput_lut_dict = {
-        'TDD_CONFIG1':
-        tdd_config1_tput_lut,  # DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM & MAC padding turned OFF
-        'TDD_CONFIG2':
-        tdd_config2_tput_lut,  # DL 256QAM, UL 64 QAM ON & MAC padding OFF
-        'TDD_CONFIG3':
-        tdd_config3_tput_lut,  # DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM & MAC padding ON
-        'TDD_CONFIG4':
-        tdd_config4_tput_lut  # DL 256QAM, UL 64 QAM OFF & MAC padding ON
-    }
-    def __init__(
-        self, simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table,
-        nr_mode=None):
-        """ Initializes the simulator for a single-carrier LTE simulation.
-        Args:
-            simulator: a cellular simulator controller
-            log: a logger handle
-            dut: a device handler implementing BaseCellularDut
-            test_config: test configuration obtained from the config file
-            calibration_table: a dictionary containing path losses for
-                different bands.
-        """
-        super().__init__(
-            simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table, nr_mode)
-        self.num_carriers = None
-        # Force device to LTE only so that it connects faster
-        try:
-            if self.nr_mode and 'nr' == self.nr_mode:
-                self.dut.set_preferred_network_type(
-                    BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.LTE_NR)
-            else:
-                self.dut.set_preferred_network_type(
-                    BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.LTE_ONLY)
-        except Exception as e:
-            # If this fails the test should be able to run anyways, even if it
-            # takes longer to find the cell.
-            self.log.warning('Setting preferred RAT failed: ' + str(e))
-        # Get LTE CA frequency bands setting from the test configuration
-        if self.KEY_FREQ_BANDS not in test_config:
-            self.log.warning("The key '{}' is not set in the config file. "
-                             "Setting to null by default.".format(
-                                 self.KEY_FREQ_BANDS))
-        self.freq_bands = test_config.get(self.KEY_FREQ_BANDS, True)
-    def setup_simulator(self):
-        """ Do initial configuration in the simulator. """
-        if self.nr_mode and 'nr' == self.nr_mode:
-            self.log.info('Initializes the callbox to Nr Nsa scenario')
-            self.simulator.setup_nr_nsa_scenario()
-        else:
-            self.log.info('Initializes the callbox to LTE scenario')
-            self.simulator.setup_lte_scenario()
-    def configure(self, parameters):
-        """ Configures simulation using a dictionary of parameters.
-        Processes LTE configuration parameters.
-        Args:
-            parameters: a configuration dictionary if there is only one carrier,
-                a list if there are multiple cells.
-        """
-        # If there is a single item, put in a list
-        if not isinstance(parameters, list):
-            parameters = [parameters]
-        # Pass only PCC configs to BaseSimulation
-        super().configure(parameters[0])
-        new_cell_list = []
-        for cell in parameters:
-            if LteCellConfig.PARAM_BAND not in cell:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "The configuration dictionary must include a key '{}' with "
-                    "the required band number.".format(
-                        LteCellConfig.PARAM_BAND))
-            band = cell[LteCellConfig.PARAM_BAND]
-            if isinstance(band, str) and not band.isdigit():
-                # If band starts with n then it is an NR band
-                if band[0] == 'n' and band[1:].isdigit():
-                    # If the remaining string is only the band number, add
-                    # the cell and continue
-                    new_cell_list.append(cell)
-                    continue
-                ca_class = band[-1].upper()
-                band_num = band[:-1]
-                if ca_class in ['A', 'C']:
-                    # Remove the CA class label and add the cell
-                    cell[LteCellConfig.PARAM_BAND] = band_num
-                    new_cell_list.append(cell)
-                elif ca_class == 'B':
-                    raise RuntimeError('Class B LTE CA not supported.')
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError('Invalid band value: ' + band)
-                # Class C means that there are two contiguous carriers
-                if ca_class == 'C':
-                    new_cell_list.append(dict(cell))
-                    bw = int(cell[LteCellConfig.PARAM_BW])
-                    dl_earfcn = LteCellConfig.PARAM_DL_EARFCN
-                    new_cell_list[-1][dl_earfcn] = self.LOWEST_DL_CN_DICTIONARY[
-                        int(band_num)] + bw * 10 - 2
-            else:
-                # The band is just a number, so just add it to the list
-                new_cell_list.append(cell)
-        # Logs new_cell_list for debug
-        self.log.info('new cell list: {}'.format(new_cell_list))
-        self.simulator.set_band_combination(
-            [c[LteCellConfig.PARAM_BAND] for c in new_cell_list])
-        self.num_carriers = len(new_cell_list)
-        # Setup the base stations with the obtain configuration
-        self.cell_configs = []
-        for i in range(self.num_carriers):
-            band = new_cell_list[i][LteCellConfig.PARAM_BAND]
-            if isinstance(band, str) and band[0] == 'n':
-                self.cell_configs.append(NrCellConfig(self.log))
-            else:
-                self.cell_configs.append(LteCellConfig(self.log))
-            self.cell_configs[i].configure(new_cell_list[i])
-            self.simulator.configure_bts(self.cell_configs[i], i)
-        # Now that the band is set, calibrate the link if necessary
-        self.load_pathloss_if_required()
-        # This shouldn't be a cell parameter but instead a simulation config
-        # Setup LTE RRC status change function and timer for LTE idle test case
-        if self.PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER not in parameters[0]:
-            self.log.info(
-                "The test config does not include the '{}' key. Disabled "
-                "by default.".format(self.PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER))
-            self.simulator.set_lte_rrc_state_change_timer(False)
-        else:
-            timer = int(parameters[0][self.PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER])
-            self.simulator.set_lte_rrc_state_change_timer(True, timer)
-            self.rrc_sc_timer = timer
-    def calibrated_downlink_rx_power(self, bts_config, rsrp):
-        """ LTE simulation overrides this method so that it can convert from
-        RSRP to total signal power transmitted from the basestation.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: the current configuration at the base station
-            rsrp: desired rsrp, contained in a key value pair
-        """
-        power = self.rsrp_to_signal_power(rsrp, bts_config)
-        self.log.info(
-            "Setting downlink signal level to {} RSRP ({} dBm)".format(
-                rsrp, power))
-        # Use parent method to calculate signal level
-        return super().calibrated_downlink_rx_power(bts_config, power)
-    def downlink_calibration(self, rat=None, power_units_conversion_func=None):
-        """ Computes downlink path loss and returns the calibration value.
-        See base class implementation for details.
-        Args:
-            rat: ignored, replaced by 'lteRsrp'
-            power_units_conversion_func: ignored, replaced by
-                self.rsrp_to_signal_power
-        Returns:
-            Downlink calibration value and measured DL power. Note that the
-            phone only reports RSRP of the primary chain
-        """
-        return super().downlink_calibration(
-            rat='lteDbm',
-            power_units_conversion_func=self.rsrp_to_signal_power)
-    def rsrp_to_signal_power(self, rsrp, bts_config):
-        """ Converts rsrp to total band signal power
-        RSRP is measured per subcarrier, so total band power needs to be
-        multiplied by the number of subcarriers being used.
-        Args:
-            rsrp: desired rsrp in dBm
-            bts_config: a base station configuration object
-        Returns:
-            Total band signal power in dBm
-        """
-        bandwidth = bts_config.bandwidth
-        if bandwidth == 100: # This assumes 273 RBs. TODO: b/229163022
-            power = rsrp + 35.15
-        elif bandwidth == 20:  # 100 RBs
-            power = rsrp + 30.79
-        elif bandwidth == 15:  # 75 RBs
-            power = rsrp + 29.54
-        elif bandwidth == 10:  # 50 RBs
-            power = rsrp + 27.78
-        elif bandwidth == 5:  # 25 RBs
-            power = rsrp + 24.77
-        elif bandwidth == 3:  # 15 RBs
-            power = rsrp + 22.55
-        elif bandwidth == 1.4:  # 6 RBs
-            power = rsrp + 18.57
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Invalid bandwidth value.")
-        return power
-    def maximum_downlink_throughput(self):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable downlink throughput in the current
-            simulation state.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        return sum(
-            self.bts_maximum_downlink_throughtput(self.cell_configs[bts_index])
-            for bts_index in range(self.num_carriers))
-    def bts_maximum_downlink_throughtput(self, bts_config):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable downlink throughput for a single
-        base station from its configuration object.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: a base station configuration object.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        if bts_config.mimo_mode == MimoMode.MIMO_1x1:
-            streams = 1
-        elif bts_config.mimo_mode == MimoMode.MIMO_2x2:
-            streams = 2
-        elif bts_config.mimo_mode == MimoMode.MIMO_4x4:
-            streams = 4
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Unable to calculate maximum downlink throughput '
-                             'because the MIMO mode has not been set.')
-        bandwidth = bts_config.bandwidth
-        rb_ratio = bts_config.dl_rbs / TOTAL_RBS_DICTIONARY[bandwidth]
-        mcs = bts_config.dl_mcs
-        max_rate_per_stream = None
-        tdd_subframe_config = bts_config.dlul_config
-        duplex_mode = bts_config.get_duplex_mode()
-        if duplex_mode == DuplexMode.TDD:
-            if bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled:
-                if mcs == 27:
-                    if bts_config.mac_padding:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG3'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'DL']
-                    else:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG2'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'DL']
-            else:
-                if mcs == 28:
-                    if bts_config.mac_padding:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG4'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'DL']
-                    else:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG1'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'DL']
-        elif duplex_mode == DuplexMode.FDD:
-            if (not bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled and bts_config.mac_padding
-                    and mcs == 28):
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    3: 9.96,
-                    5: 17.0,
-                    10: 34.7,
-                    15: 52.7,
-                    20: 72.2
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-            if (not bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled and bts_config.mac_padding
-                    and mcs == 27):
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    1.4: 2.94,
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-            elif (not bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled
-                  and not bts_config.mac_padding and mcs == 27):
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    1.4: 2.87,
-                    3: 7.7,
-                    5: 14.4,
-                    10: 28.7,
-                    15: 42.3,
-                    20: 57.7
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-            elif bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled and bts_config.mac_padding and mcs == 27:
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    3: 13.2,
-                    5: 22.9,
-                    10: 46.3,
-                    15: 72.2,
-                    20: 93.9
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-            elif bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled and bts_config.mac_padding and mcs == 26:
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    1.4: 3.96,
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-            elif (bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled and not bts_config.mac_padding
-                  and mcs == 27):
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    3: 11.3,
-                    5: 19.8,
-                    10: 44.1,
-                    15: 68.1,
-                    20: 88.4
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-            elif (bts_config.dl_256_qam_enabled and not bts_config.mac_padding
-                  and mcs == 26):
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    1.4: 3.96,
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-        if not max_rate_per_stream:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                "The calculation for MAC padding = {} "
-                "and mcs = {} is not implemented.".format(
-                    "FULLALLOCATION" if bts_config.mac_padding else "OFF",
-                    mcs))
-        return max_rate_per_stream * streams * rb_ratio
-    def maximum_uplink_throughput(self):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable uplink throughput in the current
-            simulation state.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        return self.bts_maximum_uplink_throughtput(self.cell_configs[0])
-    def bts_maximum_uplink_throughtput(self, bts_config):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable uplink throughput for the selected
-        basestation from its configuration object.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: an LTE base station configuration object.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        bandwidth = bts_config.bandwidth
-        rb_ratio = bts_config.ul_rbs / TOTAL_RBS_DICTIONARY[bandwidth]
-        mcs = bts_config.ul_mcs
-        max_rate_per_stream = None
-        tdd_subframe_config = bts_config.dlul_config
-        duplex_mode = bts_config.get_duplex_mode()
-        if duplex_mode == DuplexMode.TDD:
-            if bts_config.ul_64_qam_enabled:
-                if mcs == 28:
-                    if bts_config.mac_padding:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG3'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'UL']
-                    else:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG2'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'UL']
-            else:
-                if mcs == 23:
-                    if bts_config.mac_padding:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG4'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'UL']
-                    else:
-                        max_rate_per_stream = self.tdd_config_tput_lut_dict[
-                            'TDD_CONFIG1'][tdd_subframe_config][bandwidth][
-                                'UL']
-        elif duplex_mode == DuplexMode.FDD:
-            if mcs == 23 and not bts_config.ul_64_qam_enabled:
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    1.4: 2.85,
-                    3: 7.18,
-                    5: 12.1,
-                    10: 24.5,
-                    15: 36.5,
-                    20: 49.1
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-            elif mcs == 28 and bts_config.ul_64_qam_enabled:
-                max_rate_per_stream = {
-                    1.4: 4.2,
-                    3: 10.5,
-                    5: 17.2,
-                    10: 35.3,
-                    15: 53.0,
-                    20: 72.6
-                }.get(bandwidth, None)
-        if not max_rate_per_stream:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                "The calculation fir mcs = {} is not implemented.".format(
-                    "FULLALLOCATION" if bts_config.mac_padding else "OFF",
-                    mcs))
-        return max_rate_per_stream * rb_ratio
-    def calibrate(self, band):
-        """ Calculates UL and DL path loss if it wasn't done before
-        Before running the base class implementation, configure the base station
-        to only use one downlink antenna with maximum bandwidth.
-        Args:
-            band: the band that is currently being calibrated.
-        """
-        # Save initial values in a configuration object so they can be restored
-        restore_config = LteCellConfig(self.log)
-        restore_config.mimo_mode = self.cell_configs[0].mimo_mode
-        restore_config.transmission_mode = \
-            self.cell_configs[0].transmission_mode
-        restore_config.bandwidth = self.cell_configs[0].bandwidth
-        # Set up a temporary calibration configuration.
-        temporary_config = LteCellConfig(self.log)
-        temporary_config.mimo_mode = MimoMode.MIMO_1x1
-        temporary_config.transmission_mode = TransmissionMode.TM1
-        temporary_config.bandwidth = max(
-            self.allowed_bandwidth_dictionary[int(band)])
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(temporary_config)
-        self.cell_configs[0].incorporate(temporary_config)
-        super().calibrate(band)
-        # Restore values as they were before changing them for calibration.
-        self.simulator.configure_bts(restore_config)
-        self.cell_configs[0].incorporate(restore_config)
-    def start_traffic_for_calibration(self):
-        """ If MAC padding is enabled, there is no need to start IP traffic. """
-        if not self.cell_configs[0].mac_padding:
-            super().start_traffic_for_calibration()
-    def stop_traffic_for_calibration(self):
-        """ If MAC padding is enabled, IP traffic wasn't started. """
-        if not self.cell_configs[0].mac_padding:
-            super().stop_traffic_for_calibration()
-    def get_measured_ul_power(self, samples=5, wait_after_sample=3):
-        """ Calculates UL power using measurements from the callbox and the
-        calibration data.
-        Args:
-            samples: the numble of samples to average
-            wait_after_sample: time in seconds to wait in between samples
-        Returns:
-            the ul power at the UE antenna ports in dBs
-        """
-        ul_power_sum = 0
-        samples_left = samples
-        while samples_left > 0:
-            ul_power_sum += self.simulator.get_measured_pusch_power()
-            samples_left -= 1
-            time.sleep(wait_after_sample)
-        # Got enough samples, return calibrated average
-        if self.dl_path_loss:
-            return ul_power_sum / samples + self.ul_path_loss
-        else:
-            self.log.warning('No uplink calibration data. Returning '
-                             'uncalibrated values as measured by the '
-                             'callbox.')
-            return ul_power_sum / samples
-    def start(self):
-        """ Set the signal level for the secondary carriers, as the base class
-        implementation of this method will only set up downlink power for the
-        primary carrier component.
-        After that, attaches the secondary carriers."""
-        super().start()
-        if self.num_carriers > 1:
-            if self.sim_dl_power:
-                self.log.info('Setting DL power for secondary carriers.')
-                for bts_index in range(1, self.num_carriers):
-                    new_config = LteCellConfig(self.log)
-                    new_config.output_power = self.calibrated_downlink_rx_power(
-                        self.cell_configs[bts_index], self.sim_dl_power)
-                    self.simulator.configure_bts(new_config, bts_index)
-                    self.cell_configs[bts_index].incorporate(new_config)
-            self.simulator.lte_attach_secondary_carriers(self.freq_bands)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/NrCellConfig.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/NrCellConfig.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff72dae..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/NrCellConfig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseCellConfig as base_cell
-import antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.LteSimulation as lte_sim
-class NrCellConfig(base_cell.BaseCellConfig):
-    """ NR cell configuration class.
-    Attributes:
-        band: an integer indicating the required band number.
-        bandwidth: a integer indicating the required channel bandwidth
-    """
-    PARAM_BAND = 'band'
-    PARAM_BW = 'bw'
-    PARAM_DL_MCS = 'dlmcs'
-    PARAM_DL_RBS = 'dl_rbs'
-    PARAM_PADDING = 'mac_padding'
-    PARAM_MIMO = 'mimo'
-    PARAM_NRARFCN = 'nr_arfcn'
-    PARAM_SCHEDULING = "scheduling"
-    PARAM_UL_MCS = 'ulmcs'
-    PARAM_UL_RBS = 'ul_rbs'
-    def __init__(self, log):
-        """ Initialize the base station config by setting all its
-        parameters to None.
-        Args:
-            log: logger object.
-        """
-        super().__init__(log)
-        self.band = None
-        self.bandwidth = None
-        self.dl_rbs = None
-        self.ul_rbs = None
-        self.dl_mcs = None
-        self.ul_mcs = None
-        self.mac_padding = None
-        self.mimo_mode = None
-        self.nr_arfcn = None
-    def configure(self, parameters):
-        """ Configures an NR cell using a dictionary of parameters.
-        Args:
-            parameters: a configuration dictionary
-        """
-        if self.PARAM_BAND not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The configuration dictionary must include a key '{}' with "
-                "the required band number.".format(self.PARAM_BAND))
-        nr_band = parameters[self.PARAM_BAND]
-        if nr_band[0] == 'n':
-            nr_band = nr_band[1:]
-        self.band = nr_band
-        if self.PARAM_NRARFCN in parameters:
-            self.nr_arfcn = int(parameters[self.PARAM_NRARFCN])
-        if self.PARAM_BW not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The config dictionary must include parameter {} with an "
-                "int value (to indicate 1.4 MHz use 14).".format(
-                    self.PARAM_BW))
-        bw = float(parameters[self.PARAM_BW])
-        if abs(bw - 14) < 0.00000000001:
-            bw = 1.4
-        self.bandwidth = bw
-        # Setup mimo mode
-        if self.PARAM_MIMO not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The config dictionary must include parameter '{}' with the "
-                "mimo mode.".format(self.PARAM_MIMO))
-        for mimo_mode in lte_sim.MimoMode:
-            if parameters[self.PARAM_MIMO] == mimo_mode.value:
-                self.mimo_mode = mimo_mode
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("The value of {} must be one of the following:"
-                             "1x1, 2x2 or 4x4.".format(self.PARAM_MIMO))
-        if self.PARAM_SCHEDULING not in parameters:
-            self.scheduling_mode = lte_sim.SchedulingMode.STATIC
-            self.log.warning(
-                "The test config does not include the '{}' key. Setting to "
-                "static by default.".format(self.PARAM_SCHEDULING))
-        elif parameters[
-            self.scheduling_mode = lte_sim.SchedulingMode.DYNAMIC
-        elif parameters[self.PARAM_SCHEDULING] == self.PARAM_SCHEDULING_STATIC:
-            self.scheduling_mode = lte_sim.SchedulingMode.STATIC
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Key '{}' must have a value of "
-                             "'dynamic' or 'static'.".format(
-                                 self.PARAM_SCHEDULING))
-        if self.scheduling_mode == lte_sim.SchedulingMode.STATIC:
-            if self.PARAM_PADDING not in parameters:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    "The '{}' parameter was not set. Enabling MAC padding by "
-                    "default.".format(self.PARAM_PADDING))
-                self.mac_padding = True
-            if self.PARAM_DL_MCS in parameters:
-                self.dl_mcs = int(parameters[self.PARAM_DL_MCS])
-            if self.PARAM_UL_MCS in parameters:
-                self.ul_mcs = int(parameters[self.PARAM_UL_MCS])
-            # Temproraily setting: set 273 for bandwidth of 100 MHz
-            self.dl_rbs = 273
-            self.ul_rbs = 273
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(vars(self))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/OWNERS b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index f88a96c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-per-file PresetSimulation.py = hmtuan@google.com
-per-file PresetSimulation.py = harjani@google.com
-per-file PresetSimulation.py = jethier@google.com
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index f1f649b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/PresetSimulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseSimulation import BaseSimulation
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import BaseCellularDut
-class PresetSimulation(BaseSimulation):
-    """5G preset simulation.
-    The simulation will be configed by importing SCPI config file
-    instead of individually set params.
-    """
-    # Keys to obtain settings from the test_config dictionary.
-    KEY_CELL_INFO = "cell_info"
-    KEY_SCPI_FILE_NAME = "scpi_file"
-    def __init__(self,
-                 simulator,
-                 log,
-                 dut,
-                 test_config,
-                 calibration_table,
-                 nr_mode=None):
-        """Initializes the simulator for 5G preset simulation.
-        Args:
-            simulator: a cellular simulator controller.
-            log: a logger handle.
-            dut: a device handler implementing BaseCellularDut.
-            test_config: test configuration obtained from the config file.
-            calibration_table: a dictionary containing path losses
-                for different bands.
-        """
-        super().__init__(simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table,
-                         nr_mode)
-        # Set to KeySight APN
-        log.info('Configuring APN.')
-        self.dut.set_apn('Keysight', 'Keysight')
-        self.num_carriers = None
-        # Enable roaming on the phone
-        self.dut.toggle_data_roaming(True)
-        # Force device to LTE only so that it connects faster
-        try:
-            self.dut.set_preferred_network_type(
-                BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.NR_LTE)
-        except Exception as e:
-            # If this fails the test should be able to run anyways, even if it
-            # takes longer to find the cell.
-            self.log.warning('Setting preferred RAT failed: ' + str(e))
-    def setup_simulator(self):
-        """Do initial configuration in the simulator. """
-        self.log.info('This simulation does not require initial setup.')
-    def configure(self, parameters):
-        """Configures simulation by importing scpi file.
-        A pre-made SCPI file include all the essential configuration
-        for the simulation is imported by send SCPI import command
-        to the callbox.
-        Args:
-            parameters: a configuration dictionary which includes scpi file path
-                if there is only one carrier, a list if there are multiple cells.
-        """
-        scpi_file = parameters[0][self.KEY_SCPI_FILE_NAME]
-        cell_infos = parameters[0][self.KEY_CELL_INFO]
-        self.log.info('Configure test scenario with\n' +
-                      f' SCPI config file: {scpi_file}\n' +
-                      f' cell info: {cell_infos}')
-        self.simulator.import_configuration(scpi_file)
-        self.simulator.set_cell_info(cell_infos)
-    def start(self):
-        """Start simulation.
-        Waiting for the DUT to connect to the callbox.
-        Raise:
-            RuntimeError: simulation fail to start
-                due to unable to connect dut and cells.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.attach()
-        except Exception as exc:
-            raise RuntimeError('Simulation fail to start.') from exc
-    def attach(self):
-        """Attach UE to the callbox.
-        Toggle airplane mode on-off and wait for a specified timeout,
-        repeat until the UE connect to the callbox.
-        Raise:
-            RuntimeError: attaching fail
-                due to unable to connect dut and cells.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.simulator.wait_until_attached(self.dut, self.attach_timeout,
-                                               self.attach_retries)
-        except Exception as exc:
-            raise RuntimeError('Could not attach to base station.') from exc
-    def calibrated_downlink_rx_power(self, bts_config, rsrp):
-        """Convert RSRP to total signal power from the basestation.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: the current configuration at the base station
-            rsrp: desired rsrp, contained in a key value pair
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def downlink_calibration(self, rat=None, power_units_conversion_func=None):
-        """Computes downlink path loss and returns the calibration value.
-        See base class implementation for details.
-        Args:
-            rat: ignored, replaced by 'lteRsrp'.
-            power_units_conversion_func: ignored, replaced by
-                self.rsrp_to_signal_power.
-        Returns:
-            Downlink calibration value and measured DL power. Note that the
-            phone only reports RSRP of the primary chain
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def rsrp_to_signal_power(self, rsrp, bts_config):
-        """Converts rsrp to total band signal power
-        RSRP is measured per subcarrier, so total band power needs to be
-        multiplied by the number of subcarriers being used.
-        Args:
-            rsrp: desired rsrp in dBm.
-            bts_config: a base station configuration object.
-        Returns:
-            Total band signal power in dBm
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def maximum_downlink_throughput(self):
-        """Calculates maximum achievable downlink throughput in.
-        The calculation is based on the current simulation state
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def bts_maximum_downlink_throughtput(self, bts_config):
-        """Calculates maximum achievable downlink throughput for a single
-        base station from its configuration object.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: a base station configuration object.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def maximum_uplink_throughput(self):
-        """Calculates maximum achievable uplink throughput.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def bts_maximum_uplink_throughtput(self, bts_config):
-        """Calculates maximum achievable uplink throughput
-        The calculation is for selected basestation
-        from its configuration object.
-        Args:
-            bts_config: an LTE base station configuration object.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def calibrate(self, band):
-        """Calculates UL and DL path loss if it wasn't done before
-        Before running the base class implementation, configure the base station
-        to only use one downlink antenna with maximum bandwidth.
-        Args:
-            band: the band that is currently being calibrated.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def start_traffic_for_calibration(self):
-        """If MAC padding is enabled, there is no need to start IP traffic. """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def stop_traffic_for_calibration(self):
-        """If MAC padding is enabled, IP traffic wasn't started. """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
-    def get_measured_ul_power(self, samples=5, wait_after_sample=3):
-        """Calculates UL power.
-        The calculation is based on measurements from the callbox
-        and the calibration data.
-        Args:
-            samples: the numble of samples to average
-            wait_after_sample: time in seconds to wait in between samples
-        Returns:
-            the ul power at the UE antenna ports in dBs
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This simulation mode does not support this configuration option')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/UmtsSimulation.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/UmtsSimulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 316186f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/UmtsSimulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import ntpath
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib import md8475_cellular_simulator as anritsusim
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import BtsNumber
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import BtsPacketRate
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.BaseSimulation import BaseSimulation
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import BaseCellularDut
-class UmtsSimulation(BaseSimulation):
-    """ Single base station simulation. """
-    # Simulation config files in the callbox computer.
-    # These should be replaced in the future by setting up
-    # the same configuration manually.
-    UMTS_BASIC_SIM_FILE = 'SIM_default_WCDMA.wnssp'
-    UMTS_R99_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_WCDMA_R99_config.wnscp'
-    UMTS_R7_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_WCDMA_R7_config.wnscp'
-    UMTS_R8_CELL_FILE = 'CELL_WCDMA_R8_config.wnscp'
-    # Configuration dictionary keys
-    PARAM_BAND = "band"
-    PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER = "rrcstatuschangetimer"
-    # Units in which signal level is defined in DOWNLINK_SIGNAL_LEVEL_DICTIONARY
-    # RSCP signal levels thresholds (as reported by Android). Units are dBm
-    # Using LTE thresholds + 24 dB to have equivalent SPD
-    # 24 dB comes from 10 * log10(3.84 MHz / 15 KHz)
-        'excellent': -51,
-        'high': -76,
-        'medium': -86,
-        'weak': -96
-    }
-    # Transmitted output power for the phone
-    # Stronger Tx power means that the signal received by the BTS is weaker
-    # Units are dBm
-        'low': -20,
-        'medium': 8,
-        'high': 15,
-        'max': 23
-    }
-    # Converts packet rate to the throughput that can be actually obtained in
-    # Mbits/s
-    packet_rate_to_dl_throughput = {
-        BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL384K_UL64K: 0.362,
-        BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL21_6M_UL5_76M: 18.5,
-        BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL43_2M_UL5_76M: 36.9
-    }
-    packet_rate_to_ul_throughput = {
-        BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL384K_UL64K: 0.0601,
-        BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL21_6M_UL5_76M: 5.25,
-        BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL43_2M_UL5_76M: 5.25
-    }
-    def __init__(self, simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table):
-        """ Initializes the cellular simulator for a UMTS simulation.
-        Loads a simple UMTS simulation environment with 1 basestation. It also
-        creates the BTS handle so we can change the parameters as desired.
-        Args:
-            simulator: a cellular simulator controller
-            log: a logger handle
-            dut: a device handler implementing BaseCellularDut
-            test_config: test configuration obtained from the config file
-            calibration_table: a dictionary containing path losses for
-                different bands.
-        """
-        # The UMTS simulation relies on the cellular simulator to be a MD8475
-        if not isinstance(self.simulator, anritsusim.MD8475CellularSimulator):
-            raise ValueError('The UMTS simulation relies on the simulator to '
-                             'be an Anritsu MD8475 A/B instrument.')
-        # The Anritsu controller needs to be unwrapped before calling
-        # super().__init__ because setup_simulator() requires self.anritsu and
-        # will be called during the parent class initialization.
-        self.anritsu = self.simulator.anritsu
-        self.bts1 = self.anritsu.get_BTS(BtsNumber.BTS1)
-        super().__init__(simulator, log, dut, test_config, calibration_table)
-        self.dut.set_preferred_network_type(
-            BaseCellularDut.PreferredNetworkType.WCDMA_ONLY)
-        self.release_version = None
-        self.packet_rate = None
-    def setup_simulator(self):
-        """ Do initial configuration in the simulator. """
-        # Load callbox config files
-        callbox_config_path = self.CALLBOX_PATH_FORMAT_STR.format(
-            self.anritsu._md8475_version)
-        self.anritsu.load_simulation_paramfile(
-            ntpath.join(callbox_config_path, self.UMTS_BASIC_SIM_FILE))
-        # Start simulation if it wasn't started
-        self.anritsu.start_simulation()
-    def configure(self, parameters):
-        """ Configures simulation using a dictionary of parameters.
-        Processes UMTS configuration parameters.
-        Args:
-            parameters: a configuration dictionary
-        """
-        super().configure(parameters)
-        # Setup band
-        if self.PARAM_BAND not in parameters:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The configuration dictionary must include a key '{}' with "
-                "the required band number.".format(self.PARAM_BAND))
-        self.set_band(self.bts1, parameters[self.PARAM_BAND])
-        self.load_pathloss_if_required()
-        # Setup release version
-        if (self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION not in parameters
-                or parameters[self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION] not in [
-                    self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION_7, self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION_8,
-                    self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION_99
-                ]):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The configuration dictionary must include a key '{}' with a "
-                "valid release version.".format(self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION))
-        self.set_release_version(self.bts1,
-                                 parameters[self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION])
-        # Setup W-CDMA RRC status change and CELL_DCH timer for idle test case
-        if self.PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER not in parameters:
-            self.log.info(
-                "The config dictionary does not include a '{}' key. Disabled "
-                "by default.".format(self.PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER))
-            self.anritsu.set_umts_rrc_status_change(False)
-        else:
-            self.rrc_sc_timer = int(
-                parameters[self.PARAM_RRC_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMER])
-            self.anritsu.set_umts_rrc_status_change(True)
-            self.anritsu.set_umts_dch_stat_timer(self.rrc_sc_timer)
-    def set_release_version(self, bts, release_version):
-        """ Sets the release version.
-        Loads the cell parameter file matching the requested release version.
-        Does nothing is release version is already the one requested.
-        """
-        if release_version == self.release_version:
-            self.log.info(
-                "Release version is already {}.".format(release_version))
-            return
-        if release_version == self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION_99:
-            cell_parameter_file = self.UMTS_R99_CELL_FILE
-            self.packet_rate = BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL384K_UL64K
-        elif release_version == self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION_7:
-            cell_parameter_file = self.UMTS_R7_CELL_FILE
-            self.packet_rate = BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL21_6M_UL5_76M
-        elif release_version == self.PARAM_RELEASE_VERSION_8:
-            cell_parameter_file = self.UMTS_R8_CELL_FILE
-            self.packet_rate = BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DL43_2M_UL5_76M
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Invalid UMTS release version number.")
-        self.anritsu.load_cell_paramfile(
-            ntpath.join(self.callbox_config_path, cell_parameter_file))
-        self.release_version = release_version
-        # Loading a cell parameter file stops the simulation
-        self.start()
-        bts.packet_rate = self.packet_rate
-    def maximum_downlink_throughput(self):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable downlink throughput in the current
-            simulation state.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        if self.packet_rate not in self.packet_rate_to_dl_throughput:
-            raise NotImplementedError("Packet rate not contained in the "
-                                      "throughput dictionary.")
-        return self.packet_rate_to_dl_throughput[self.packet_rate]
-    def maximum_uplink_throughput(self):
-        """ Calculates maximum achievable uplink throughput in the current
-            simulation state.
-        Returns:
-            Maximum throughput in mbps.
-        """
-        if self.packet_rate not in self.packet_rate_to_ul_throughput:
-            raise NotImplementedError("Packet rate not contained in the "
-                                      "throughput dictionary.")
-        return self.packet_rate_to_ul_throughput[self.packet_rate]
-    def set_downlink_rx_power(self, bts, signal_level):
-        """ Starts IP data traffic while setting downlink power.
-        This is only necessary for UMTS for unclear reasons. b/139026916 """
-        # Starts IP traffic while changing this setting to force the UE to be
-        # in Communication state, as UL power cannot be set in Idle state
-        self.start_traffic_for_calibration()
-        # Wait until it goes to communication state
-        self.anritsu.wait_for_communication_state()
-        super().set_downlink_rx_power(bts, signal_level)
-        # Stop IP traffic after setting the signal level
-        self.stop_traffic_for_calibration()
-    def set_band(self, bts, band):
-        """ Sets the band used for communication.
-        Args:
-            bts: basestation handle
-            band: desired band
-        """
-        bts.band = band
-        time.sleep(5)  # It takes some time to propagate the new band
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_simulator.py b/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_simulator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 30eeba3..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/cellular_simulator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers import cellular_lib
-class AbstractCellularSimulator:
-    """ A generic cellular simulator controller class that can be derived to
-    implement equipment specific classes and allows the tests to be implemented
-    without depending on a singular instrument model.
-    This class defines the interface that every cellular simulator controller
-    needs to implement and shouldn't be instantiated by itself. """
-    # The maximum number of carriers that this simulator can support for LTE
-    # The maximum power that the equipment is able to transmit
-    MAX_DL_POWER = None
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Initializes the cellular simulator. """
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('CellularSimulator')
-        self.num_carriers = None
-    def destroy(self):
-        """ Sends finalization commands to the cellular equipment and closes
-        the connection. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def setup_lte_scenario(self):
-        """ Configures the equipment for an LTE simulation. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_band_combination(self, bands):
-        """ Prepares the test equipment for the indicated CA combination.
-        Args:
-            bands: a list of bands represented as ints or strings
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def configure_bts(self, config, bts_index=0):
-        """ Commands the equipment to setup a base station with the required
-        configuration. This method applies configurations that are common to all
-        RATs.
-        Args:
-            config: a BaseSimulation.BtsConfig object.
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-        """
-        self.log.info('The config for {} is {}'.format(bts_index, str(config)))
-        if config.output_power:
-            self.set_output_power(bts_index, config.output_power)
-        if config.input_power:
-            self.set_input_power(bts_index, config.input_power)
-        if isinstance(config, cellular_lib.LteCellConfig.LteCellConfig):
-            self.configure_lte_bts(config, bts_index)
-        if isinstance(config, cellular_lib.NrCellConfig.NrCellConfig):
-            self.configure_nr_bts(config, bts_index)
-    def configure_lte_bts(self, config, bts_index=0):
-        """ Commands the equipment to setup an LTE base station with the
-        required configuration.
-        Args:
-            config: an LteSimulation.BtsConfig object.
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-        """
-        if config.band:
-            self.set_band(bts_index, config.band)
-        if config.dlul_config:
-            self.set_tdd_config(bts_index, config.dlul_config)
-        if config.ssf_config:
-            self.set_ssf_config(bts_index, config.ssf_config)
-        if config.bandwidth:
-            self.set_bandwidth(bts_index, config.bandwidth)
-        if config.dl_channel:
-            self.set_downlink_channel_number(bts_index, config.dl_channel)
-        if config.mimo_mode:
-            self.set_mimo_mode(bts_index, config.mimo_mode)
-        if config.transmission_mode:
-            self.set_transmission_mode(bts_index, config.transmission_mode)
-        # Modulation order should be set before set_scheduling_mode being
-        # called.
-        if config.dl_256_qam_enabled is not None:
-            self.set_dl_256_qam_enabled(bts_index, config.dl_256_qam_enabled)
-        if config.ul_64_qam_enabled is not None:
-            self.set_ul_64_qam_enabled(bts_index, config.ul_64_qam_enabled)
-        if config.scheduling_mode:
-            if (config.scheduling_mode ==
-                    cellular_lib.LteSimulation.SchedulingMode.STATIC
-                    and not (config.dl_rbs and config.ul_rbs and config.dl_mcs
-                             and config.ul_mcs)):
-                raise ValueError('When the scheduling mode is set to manual, '
-                                 'the RB and MCS parameters are required.')
-            # If scheduling mode is set to Dynamic, the RB and MCS parameters
-            # will be ignored by set_scheduling_mode.
-            self.set_scheduling_mode(bts_index, config.scheduling_mode,
-                                     config.dl_mcs, config.ul_mcs,
-                                     config.dl_rbs, config.ul_rbs)
-        # This variable stores a boolean value so the following is needed to
-        # differentiate False from None
-        if config.mac_padding is not None:
-            self.set_mac_padding(bts_index, config.mac_padding)
-        if config.cfi:
-            self.set_cfi(bts_index, config.cfi)
-        if config.paging_cycle:
-            self.set_paging_cycle(bts_index, config.paging_cycle)
-        if config.phich:
-            self.set_phich_resource(bts_index, config.phich)
-        if config.drx_connected_mode:
-            self.set_drx_connected_mode(bts_index, config.drx_connected_mode)
-            if config.drx_on_duration_timer:
-                self.set_drx_on_duration_timer(bts_index,
-                                               config.drx_on_duration_timer)
-            if config.drx_inactivity_timer:
-                self.set_drx_inactivity_timer(bts_index,
-                                              config.drx_inactivity_timer)
-            if config.drx_retransmission_timer:
-                self.set_drx_retransmission_timer(
-                    bts_index, config.drx_retransmission_timer)
-            if config.drx_long_cycle:
-                self.set_drx_long_cycle(bts_index, config.drx_long_cycle)
-            if config.drx_long_cycle_offset is not None:
-                self.set_drx_long_cycle_offset(bts_index,
-                                               config.drx_long_cycle_offset)
-    def configure_nr_bts(self, config, bts_index=1):
-        """ Commands the equipment to setup an LTE base station with the
-        required configuration.
-        Args:
-            config: an LteSimulation.BtsConfig object.
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-        """
-        if config.band:
-            self.set_band(bts_index, config.band)
-        if config.nr_arfcn:
-            self.set_downlink_channel_number(bts_index, config.nr_arfcn)
-        if config.bandwidth:
-            self.set_bandwidth(bts_index, config.bandwidth)
-        if config.mimo_mode:
-            self.set_mimo_mode(bts_index, config.mimo_mode)
-        if config.scheduling_mode:
-            if (config.scheduling_mode ==
-                    cellular_lib.LteSimulation.SchedulingMode.STATIC
-                    and not (config.dl_rbs and config.ul_rbs and config.dl_mcs
-                             and config.ul_mcs)):
-                raise ValueError('When the scheduling mode is set to manual, '
-                                 'the RB and MCS parameters are required.')
-            # If scheduling mode is set to Dynamic, the RB and MCS parameters
-            # will be ignored by set_scheduling_mode.
-            self.set_scheduling_mode(bts_index, config.scheduling_mode,
-                                     config.dl_mcs, config.ul_mcs,
-                                     config.dl_rbs, config.ul_rbs)
-        if config.mac_padding is not None:
-            self.set_mac_padding(bts_index, config.mac_padding)
-    def set_lte_rrc_state_change_timer(self, enabled, time=10):
-        """ Configures the LTE RRC state change timer.
-        Args:
-            enabled: a boolean indicating if the timer should be on or off.
-            time: time in seconds for the timer to expire
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_band(self, bts_index, band):
-        """ Sets the band for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            band: the new band
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_input_power(self, bts_index, input_power):
-        """ Sets the input power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            input_power: the new input power
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_output_power(self, bts_index, output_power):
-        """ Sets the output power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            output_power: the new output power
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_tdd_config(self, bts_index, tdd_config):
-        """ Sets the tdd configuration number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            tdd_config: the new tdd configuration number
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_ssf_config(self, bts_index, ssf_config):
-        """ Sets the Special Sub-Frame config number for the indicated
-        base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            ssf_config: the new ssf config number
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_bandwidth(self, bts_index, bandwidth):
-        """ Sets the bandwidth for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            bandwidth: the new bandwidth
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_downlink_channel_number(self, bts_index, channel_number):
-        """ Sets the downlink channel number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            channel_number: the new channel number
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_mimo_mode(self, bts_index, mimo_mode):
-        """ Sets the mimo mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mimo_mode: the new mimo mode
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_transmission_mode(self, bts_index, transmission_mode):
-        """ Sets the transmission mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            transmission_mode: the new transmission mode
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_scheduling_mode(self, bts_index, scheduling_mode, mcs_dl, mcs_ul,
-                            nrb_dl, nrb_ul):
-        """ Sets the scheduling mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            scheduling_mode: the new scheduling mode
-            mcs_dl: Downlink MCS (only for STATIC scheduling)
-            mcs_ul: Uplink MCS (only for STATIC scheduling)
-            nrb_dl: Number of RBs for downlink (only for STATIC scheduling)
-            nrb_ul: Number of RBs for uplink (only for STATIC scheduling)
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_dl_256_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the downlink.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 256 QAM should be used
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_ul_64_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the uplink.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 64 QAM should be used
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_mac_padding(self, bts_index, mac_padding):
-        """ Enables or disables MAC padding in the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mac_padding: the new MAC padding setting
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_cfi(self, bts_index, cfi):
-        """ Sets the Channel Format Indicator for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cfi: the new CFI setting
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_paging_cycle(self, bts_index, cycle_duration):
-        """ Sets the paging cycle duration for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cycle_duration: the new paging cycle duration in milliseconds
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_phich_resource(self, bts_index, phich):
-        """ Sets the PHICH Resource setting for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            phich: the new PHICH resource setting
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_drx_connected_mode(self, bts_index, active):
-        """ Sets the time interval to wait before entering DRX mode
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            active: Boolean indicating whether cDRX mode
-                is active
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_drx_on_duration_timer(self, bts_index, timer):
-        """ Sets the amount of PDCCH subframes to wait for data after
-            waking up from a DRX cycle
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            timer: Number of PDCCH subframes to wait and check for user data
-                after waking from the DRX cycle
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_drx_inactivity_timer(self, bts_index, timer):
-        """ Sets the number of PDCCH subframes to wait before entering DRX mode
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            timer: The amount of time to wait before entering DRX mode
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_drx_retransmission_timer(self, bts_index, timer):
-        """ Sets the number of consecutive PDCCH subframes to wait
-        for retransmission
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            timer: Number of PDCCH subframes to remain active
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_drx_long_cycle(self, bts_index, cycle):
-        """ Sets the amount of subframes representing a DRX long cycle.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cycle: The amount of subframes representing one long DRX cycle.
-                One cycle consists of DRX sleep + DRX on duration
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_drx_long_cycle_offset(self, bts_index, offset):
-        """ Sets the offset used to determine the subframe number
-        to begin the long drx cycle
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            offset: Number in range 0 to (long cycle - 1)
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def lte_attach_secondary_carriers(self, ue_capability_enquiry):
-        """ Activates the secondary carriers for CA. Requires the DUT to be
-        attached to the primary carrier first.
-        Args:
-            ue_capability_enquiry: UE capability enquiry message to be sent to
-        the UE before starting carrier aggregation.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def wait_until_attached(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is attached to the primary carrier.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def wait_until_communication_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Communication state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def wait_until_idle_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Idle state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def detach(self):
-        """ Turns off all the base stations so the DUT loose connection."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def stop(self):
-        """ Stops current simulation. After calling this method, the simulator
-        will need to be set up again. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def start_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Starts transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def stop_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Stops transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_measured_pusch_power(self):
-        """ Queries PUSCH power measured at the callbox.
-        Returns:
-            The PUSCH power in the primary input port.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class CellularSimulatorError(Exception):
-    """ Exceptions thrown when the cellular equipment is unreachable or it
-    returns an error after receiving a command. """
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/chameleon_controller.py b/src/antlion/controllers/chameleon_controller.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8ce1a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/chameleon_controller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import xmlrpc.client
-from subprocess import call
-from antlion import signals
-CHAMELEON_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration is empty, abort!"
-CHAMELEON_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration should be a list, abort!"
-audio_bus_endpoints = {
-    'CROS_HEADPHONE': 'Cros device headphone',
-    'CROS_EXTERNAL_MICROPHONE': 'Cros device external microphone',
-    'PERIPHERAL_MICROPHONE': 'Peripheral microphone',
-    'PERIPHERAL_SPEAKER': 'Peripheral speaker',
-    'FPGA_LINEOUT': 'Chameleon FPGA line-out',
-    'FPGA_LINEIN': 'Chameleon FPGA line-in',
-    'BLUETOOTH_OUTPUT': 'Bluetooth module output',
-    'BLUETOOTH_INPUT': 'Bluetooth module input'
-class ChameleonDeviceError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-def create(configs):
-    if not configs:
-        raise ChameleonDeviceError(CHAMELEON_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG)
-    elif not isinstance(configs, list):
-        raise ChameleonDeviceError(CHAMELEON_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG)
-    elif isinstance(configs[0], str):
-        # Configs is a list of IP addresses
-        chameleons = get_instances(configs)
-    return chameleons
-def destroy(chameleons):
-    for chameleon in chameleons:
-        del chameleon
-def get_info(chameleons):
-    """Get information on a list of ChameleonDevice objects.
-    Args:
-        ads: A list of ChameleonDevice objects.
-    Returns:
-        A list of dict, each representing info for ChameleonDevice objects.
-    """
-    device_info = []
-    for chameleon in chameleons:
-        info = {"address": chameleon.address, "port": chameleon.port}
-        device_info.append(info)
-    return device_info
-def get_instances(ips):
-    """Create ChameleonDevice instances from a list of IPs.
-    Args:
-        ips: A list of Chameleon IPs.
-    Returns:
-        A list of ChameleonDevice objects.
-    """
-    return [ChameleonDevice(ip) for ip in ips]
-class ChameleonDevice:
-    """Class representing a Chameleon device.
-    Each object of this class represents one Chameleon device in ACTS.
-    Attributes:
-        address: The full address to contact the Chameleon device at
-        client: The ServiceProxy of the XMLRPC client.
-        log: A logger object.
-        port: The TCP port number of the Chameleon device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ip="", port=9992):
-        self.ip = ip
-        self.log = logging.getLogger()
-        self.port = port
-        self.address = "http://{}:{}".format(ip, self.port)
-        try:
-            self.client = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(self.address,
-                                                    allow_none=True,
-                                                    verbose=False)
-        except ConnectionRefusedError as err:
-            self.log.exception(
-                "Failed to connect to Chameleon Device at: {}".format(
-                    self.address))
-        self.client.Reset()
-    def pull_file(self, chameleon_location, destination):
-        """Pulls a file from the Chameleon device. Usually the raw audio file.
-        Args:
-            chameleon_location: The path to the file on the Chameleon device
-            destination: The destination to where to pull it locally.
-        """
-        # TODO: (tturney) implement
-        self.log.error("Definition not yet implemented")
-    def start_capturing_audio(self, port_id, has_file=True):
-        """Starts capturing audio.
-        Args:
-            port_id: The ID of the audio input port.
-            has_file: True for saving audio data to file. False otherwise.
-        """
-        self.client.StartCapturingAudio(port_id, has_file)
-    def stop_capturing_audio(self, port_id):
-        """Stops capturing audio.
-        Args:
-            port_id: The ID of the audio input port.
-        Returns:
-            List contain the location of the recorded audio and a dictionary
-            of values relating to the raw audio including: file_type, channel,
-            sample_format, and rate.
-        """
-        return self.client.StopCapturingAudio(port_id)
-    def audio_board_connect(self, bus_number, endpoint):
-        """Connects an endpoint to an audio bus.
-        Args:
-            bus_number: 1 or 2 for audio bus 1 or bus 2.
-            endpoint: An endpoint defined in audio_bus_endpoints.
-        """
-        self.client.AudioBoardConnect(bus_number, endpoint)
-    def audio_board_disconnect(self, bus_number, endpoint):
-        """Connects an endpoint to an audio bus.
-        Args:
-            bus_number: 1 or 2 for audio bus 1 or bus 2.
-            endpoint: An endpoint defined in audio_bus_endpoints.
-        """
-        self.client.AudioBoardDisconnect(bus_number, endpoint)
-    def audio_board_disable_bluetooth(self):
-        """Disables Bluetooth module on audio board."""
-        self.client.AudioBoardDisableBluetooth()
-    def audio_board_clear_routes(self, bus_number):
-        """Clears routes on an audio bus.
-        Args:
-            bus_number: 1 or 2 for audio bus 1 or bus 2.
-        """
-        self.client.AudioBoardClearRoutes(bus_number)
-    def scp(self, source, destination):
-        """Copies files from the Chameleon device to the host machine.
-        Args:
-            source: The file path on the Chameleon board.
-            dest: The file path on the host machine.
-        """
-        cmd = "scp root@{}:/{} {}".format(self.ip, source, destination)
-        try:
-            call(cmd.split(" "))
-        except FileNotFoundError as err:
-            self.log.exception("File not found {}".format(source))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fastboot.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fastboot.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b889fa..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fastboot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion import error
-class FastbootError(error.ActsError):
-    """Raised when there is an error in fastboot operations."""
-    def __init__(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, ret_code):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.cmd = cmd
-        self.stdout = stdout
-        self.stderr = stderr
-        self.ret_code = ret_code
-    def __str__(self):
-        return ("Error executing fastboot cmd '%s'. ret: %d, stdout: %s,"
-                " stderr: %s") % (self.cmd, self.ret_code, self.stdout,
-                                  self.stderr)
-class FastbootProxy():
-    """Proxy class for fastboot.
-    For syntactic reasons, the '-' in fastboot commands need to be replaced
-    with '_'. Can directly execute fastboot commands on an object:
-    >> fb = FastbootProxy(<serial>)
-    >> fb.devices() # will return the console output of "fastboot devices".
-    """
-    def __init__(self, serial="", ssh_connection=None):
-        self.serial = serial
-        if serial:
-            self.fastboot_str = "fastboot -s {}".format(serial)
-        else:
-            self.fastboot_str = "fastboot"
-        self.ssh_connection = ssh_connection
-    def _exec_fastboot_cmd(self,
-                           name,
-                           arg_str,
-                           ignore_status=False,
-                           timeout=60):
-        command = ' '.join((self.fastboot_str, name, arg_str))
-        if self.ssh_connection:
-            result = self.connection.run(command,
-                                         ignore_status=True,
-                                         timeout=timeout)
-        else:
-            result = job.run(command, ignore_status=True, timeout=timeout)
-        ret, out, err = result.exit_status, result.stdout, result.stderr
-        # TODO: This is only a temporary workaround for b/34815412.
-        # fastboot getvar outputs to stderr instead of stdout
-        if "getvar" in command:
-            out = err
-        if ret == 0 or ignore_status:
-            return out
-        else:
-            raise FastbootError(cmd=command,
-                                stdout=out,
-                                stderr=err,
-                                ret_code=ret)
-    def args(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return job.run(' '.join((self.fastboot_str, ) + args), **kwargs).stdout
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        def fastboot_call(*args, **kwargs):
-            clean_name = name.replace('_', '-')
-            arg_str = ' '.join(str(elem) for elem in args)
-            return self._exec_fastboot_cmd(clean_name, arg_str, **kwargs)
-        return fastboot_call
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_device.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c528e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from typing import Optional
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import time
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import logger as acts_logger
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import pdu
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion.utils import get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address, get_interface_ip_addresses
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ffx import FFX
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f import SL4F
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.netstack_controller import NetstackController
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_controller import WlanController
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_policy_controller import WlanPolicyController
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.package_server import PackageServer
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import DEFAULT_SSH_PORT, DEFAULT_SSH_USER, SSHConfig, SSHProvider, FuchsiaSSHError
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.utils_lib import flash
-CONTROL_PATH_REPLACE_VALUE = " ControlPath /tmp/fuchsia--%r@%h:%p"
-FUCHSIA_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration is empty, abort!"
-FUCHSIA_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG = "Configuration should be a list, abort!"
-FUCHSIA_DEVICE_INVALID_CONFIG = ("Fuchsia device config must be either a str "
-                                 "or dict. abort! Invalid element %i in %r")
-FUCHSIA_DEVICE_NO_IP_MSG = "No IP address specified, abort!"
-FUCHSIA_INVALID_CONTROL_STATE = "Invalid control state (%s). abort!"
-SL4F_APK_NAME = "com.googlecode.android_scripting"
-DAEMON_ACTIVATED_STATES = ["running", "start"]
-DAEMON_DEACTIVATED_STATES = ["stop", "stopped"]
-VALID_ASSOCIATION_MECHANISMS = {None, 'policy', 'drivers'}
-class FuchsiaDeviceError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-class FuchsiaConfigError(signals.ControllerError):
-    """Incorrect FuchsiaDevice configuration."""
-def create(configs):
-    if not configs:
-        raise FuchsiaDeviceError(FUCHSIA_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG)
-    elif not isinstance(configs, list):
-        raise FuchsiaDeviceError(FUCHSIA_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG)
-    for index, config in enumerate(configs):
-        if isinstance(config, str):
-            configs[index] = {"ip": config}
-        elif not isinstance(config, dict):
-            raise FuchsiaDeviceError(FUCHSIA_DEVICE_INVALID_CONFIG %
-                                     (index, configs))
-    return get_instances(configs)
-def destroy(fds):
-    for fd in fds:
-        fd.clean_up()
-        del fd
-def get_info(fds):
-    """Get information on a list of FuchsiaDevice objects.
-    Args:
-        fds: A list of FuchsiaDevice objects.
-    Returns:
-        A list of dict, each representing info for FuchsiaDevice objects.
-    """
-    device_info = []
-    for fd in fds:
-        info = {"ip": fd.ip}
-        device_info.append(info)
-    return device_info
-def get_instances(fds_conf_data):
-    """Create FuchsiaDevice instances from a list of Fuchsia ips.
-    Args:
-        fds_conf_data: A list of dicts that contain Fuchsia device info.
-    Returns:
-        A list of FuchsiaDevice objects.
-    """
-    return [FuchsiaDevice(fd_conf_data) for fd_conf_data in fds_conf_data]
-class FuchsiaDevice:
-    """Class representing a Fuchsia device.
-    Each object of this class represents one Fuchsia device in ACTS.
-    Attributes:
-        ip: The full address or Fuchsia abstract name to contact the Fuchsia
-            device at
-        log: A logger object.
-        ssh_port: The SSH TCP port number of the Fuchsia device.
-        sl4f_port: The SL4F HTTP port number of the Fuchsia device.
-        ssh_config: The ssh_config for connecting to the Fuchsia device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fd_conf_data):
-        """
-        Args:
-            fd_conf_data: A dict of a fuchsia device configuration data
-                Required keys:
-                    ip: IP address of fuchsia device
-                optional key:
-                    sl4_port: Port for the sl4f web server on the fuchsia device
-                              (Default: 80)
-                    ssh_config: Location of the ssh_config file to connect to
-                        the fuchsia device
-                        (Default: None)
-                    ssh_port: Port for the ssh server on the fuchsia device
-                              (Default: 22)
-        """
-        self.conf_data = fd_conf_data
-        if "ip" not in fd_conf_data:
-            raise FuchsiaDeviceError(FUCHSIA_DEVICE_NO_IP_MSG)
-        self.ip: str = fd_conf_data["ip"]
-        self.orig_ip: str = fd_conf_data["ip"]
-        self.sl4f_port: int = fd_conf_data.get("sl4f_port", 80)
-        self.ssh_port: int = fd_conf_data.get("ssh_port", DEFAULT_SSH_PORT)
-        self.ssh_config: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get("ssh_config", None)
-        self.ssh_priv_key: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "ssh_priv_key", None)
-        self.authorized_file: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "authorized_file_loc", None)
-        self.serial_number: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "serial_number", None)
-        self.device_type: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get("device_type", None)
-        self.product_type: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "product_type", None)
-        self.board_type: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get("board_type", None)
-        self.build_number: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "build_number", None)
-        self.build_type: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get("build_type", None)
-        self.server_path: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get("server_path", None)
-        self.specific_image: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "specific_image", None)
-        self.ffx_binary_path: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "ffx_binary_path", None)
-        # Path to a tar.gz archive with pm and amber-files, as necessary for
-        # starting a package server.
-        self.packages_archive_path: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "packages_archive_path", None)
-        self.mdns_name: Optional[str] = fd_conf_data.get("mdns_name", None)
-        # Instead of the input ssh_config, a new config is generated with proper
-        # ControlPath to the test output directory.
-        output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-        generated_ssh_config = os.path.join(output_path,
-                                            "ssh_config_{}".format(self.ip))
-        self._set_control_path_config(self.ssh_config, generated_ssh_config)
-        self.ssh_config = generated_ssh_config
-        self.ssh_username = fd_conf_data.get("ssh_username", DEFAULT_SSH_USER)
-        self.hard_reboot_on_fail = fd_conf_data.get("hard_reboot_on_fail",
-                                                    False)
-        self.take_bug_report_on_fail = fd_conf_data.get(
-            "take_bug_report_on_fail", False)
-        self.device_pdu_config = fd_conf_data.get("PduDevice", None)
-        self.config_country_code = fd_conf_data.get(
-            'country_code', FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODE_US).upper()
-        # WLAN interface info is populated inside configure_wlan
-        self.wlan_client_interfaces = {}
-        self.wlan_ap_interfaces = {}
-        self.wlan_client_test_interface_name = fd_conf_data.get(
-            'wlan_client_test_interface', None)
-        self.wlan_ap_test_interface_name = fd_conf_data.get(
-            'wlan_ap_test_interface', None)
-        # Whether to use 'policy' or 'drivers' for WLAN connect/disconnect calls
-        # If set to None, wlan is not configured.
-        self.association_mechanism = None
-        # Defaults to policy layer, unless otherwise specified in the config
-        self.default_association_mechanism = fd_conf_data.get(
-            'association_mechanism', 'policy')
-        # Whether to clear and preserve existing saved networks and client
-        # connections state, to be restored at device teardown.
-        self.default_preserve_saved_networks = fd_conf_data.get(
-            'preserve_saved_networks', True)
-        if not utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(
-                self.ip) and not utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(self.ip):
-            mdns_ip = None
-            for retry_counter in range(MDNS_LOOKUP_RETRY_MAX):
-                mdns_ip = get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address(self.ip)
-                if mdns_ip:
-                    break
-                else:
-                    time.sleep(1)
-            if mdns_ip and utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(mdns_ip):
-                # self.ip was actually an mdns name. Use it for self.mdns_name
-                # unless one was explicitly provided.
-                self.mdns_name = self.mdns_name or self.ip
-                self.ip = mdns_ip
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid IP: %s' % self.ip)
-        self.log = acts_logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            "FuchsiaDevice | %s" % self.orig_ip)
-        self.ping_rtt_match = re.compile(r'RTT Min/Max/Avg '
-                                         r'= \[ (.*?) / (.*?) / (.*?) \] ms')
-        self.serial = re.sub('[.:%]', '_', self.ip)
-        log_path_base = getattr(logging, 'log_path', '/tmp/logs')
-        self.log_path = os.path.join(log_path_base,
-                                     'FuchsiaDevice%s' % self.serial)
-        self.fuchsia_log_file_path = os.path.join(
-            self.log_path, "fuchsialog_%s_debug.txt" % self.serial)
-        self.log_process = None
-        self.package_server = None
-        self.init_controllers()
-    @property
-    def sl4f(self):
-        """Get the sl4f module configured for this device.
-        The sl4f module uses lazy-initialization; it will initialize an sl4f
-        server on the host device when it is required.
-        """
-        if not hasattr(self, '_sl4f'):
-            self._sl4f = SL4F(self.ssh, self.sl4f_port)
-            self.log.info('Started SL4F server')
-        return self._sl4f
-    @sl4f.deleter
-    def sl4f(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, '_sl4f'):
-            return
-        del self._sl4f
-    @property
-    def ssh(self):
-        """Get the SSH provider module configured for this device."""
-        if not hasattr(self, '_ssh'):
-            if not self.ssh_port:
-                raise FuchsiaConfigError(
-                    'Must provide "ssh_port: <int>" in the device config')
-            if not self.ssh_priv_key:
-                raise FuchsiaConfigError(
-                    'Must provide "ssh_priv_key: <file path>" in the device config'
-                )
-            self._ssh = SSHProvider(
-                SSHConfig(self.ip, self.ssh_priv_key, port=self.ssh_port))
-        return self._ssh
-    @ssh.deleter
-    def ssh(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, '_ssh'):
-            return
-        del self._ssh
-    @property
-    def ffx(self):
-        """Get the ffx module configured for this device.
-        The ffx module uses lazy-initialization; it will initialize an ffx
-        connection to the device when it is required.
-        If ffx needs to be reinitialized, delete the "ffx" property and attempt
-        access again. Note re-initialization will interrupt any running ffx
-        calls.
-        """
-        if not hasattr(self, '_ffx'):
-            if not self.ffx_binary_path:
-                raise FuchsiaConfigError(
-                    'Must provide "ffx_binary_path: <path to FFX binary>" in the device config'
-                )
-            if not self.mdns_name:
-                raise FuchsiaConfigError(
-                    'Must provide "mdns_name: <device mDNS name>" in the device config'
-                )
-            self._ffx = FFX(self.ffx_binary_path, self.mdns_name, self.ip,
-                            self.ssh_priv_key)
-        return self._ffx
-    @ffx.deleter
-    def ffx(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, '_ffx'):
-            return
-        self._ffx.clean_up()
-        del self._ffx
-    def _set_control_path_config(self, old_config, new_config):
-        """Given an input ssh_config, write to a new config with proper
-        ControlPath values in place, if it doesn't exist already.
-        Args:
-            old_config: string, path to the input config
-            new_config: string, path to store the new config
-        """
-        if os.path.isfile(new_config):
-            return
-        ssh_config_copy = ""
-        with open(old_config, 'r') as file:
-            ssh_config_copy = re.sub('(\sControlPath\s.*)',
-                                     CONTROL_PATH_REPLACE_VALUE,
-                                     file.read(),
-                                     flags=re.M)
-        with open(new_config, 'w') as file:
-            file.write(ssh_config_copy)
-    def init_controllers(self):
-        # Contains Netstack functions
-        self.netstack_controller = NetstackController(self)
-        # Contains WLAN core functions
-        self.wlan_controller = WlanController(self)
-        # Contains WLAN policy functions like save_network, remove_network, etc
-        self.wlan_policy_controller = WlanPolicyController(self.sl4f, self.ffx)
-    def start_package_server(self):
-        if not self.packages_archive_path:
-            self.log.warn(
-                "packages_archive_path is not specified. "
-                "Assuming a package server is already running and configured on "
-                "the DUT. If this is not the case, either run your own package "
-                "server, or configure these fields appropriately. "
-                "This is usually required for the Fuchsia iPerf3 client or "
-                "other testing utilities not on device cache.")
-            return
-        if self.package_server:
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Skipping to start the package server since is already running"
-            )
-            return
-        self.package_server = PackageServer(self.packages_archive_path)
-        self.package_server.start()
-        self.package_server.configure_device(self.ssh)
-    def run_commands_from_config(self, cmd_dicts):
-        """Runs commands on the Fuchsia device from the config file. Useful for
-        device and/or Fuchsia specific configuration.
-        Args:
-            cmd_dicts: list of dictionaries containing the following
-                'cmd': string, command to run on device
-                'timeout': int, seconds to wait for command to run (optional)
-                'skip_status_code_check': bool, disregard errors if true
-        Raises:
-            FuchsiaDeviceError: if any of the commands return a non-zero status
-                code and skip_status_code_check is false or undefined.
-        """
-        for cmd_dict in cmd_dicts:
-            try:
-                cmd = cmd_dict['cmd']
-            except KeyError:
-                raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
-                    'To run a command via config, you must provide key "cmd" '
-                    'containing the command string.')
-            timeout = cmd_dict.get('timeout', FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT)
-            # Catch both boolean and string values from JSON
-            skip_status_code_check = 'true' == str(
-                cmd_dict.get('skip_status_code_check', False)).lower()
-            if skip_status_code_check:
-                self.log.info(f'Running command "{cmd}" and ignoring result.')
-            else:
-                self.log.info(f'Running command "{cmd}".')
-            try:
-                result = self.ssh.run(cmd, timeout_sec=timeout)
-                self.log.debug(result)
-            except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-                if not skip_status_code_check:
-                    raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
-                        'Failed device specific commands for initial configuration'
-                    ) from e
-    def configure_wlan(self,
-                       association_mechanism=None,
-                       preserve_saved_networks=None):
-        """
-        Readies device for WLAN functionality. If applicable, connects to the
-        policy layer and clears/saves preexisting saved networks.
-        Args:
-            association_mechanism: string, 'policy' or 'drivers'. If None, uses
-                the default value from init (can be set by ACTS config)
-            preserve_saved_networks: bool, whether to clear existing saved
-                networks, and preserve them for restoration later. If None, uses
-                the default value from init (can be set by ACTS config)
-        Raises:
-            FuchsiaDeviceError, if configuration fails
-        """
-        # Set the country code US by default, or country code provided
-        # in ACTS config
-        self.configure_regulatory_domain(self.config_country_code)
-        # If args aren't provided, use the defaults, which can be set in the
-        # config.
-        if association_mechanism is None:
-            association_mechanism = self.default_association_mechanism
-        if preserve_saved_networks is None:
-            preserve_saved_networks = self.default_preserve_saved_networks
-        if association_mechanism not in VALID_ASSOCIATION_MECHANISMS:
-            raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
-                'Invalid FuchsiaDevice association_mechanism: %s' %
-                association_mechanism)
-        # Allows for wlan to be set up differently in different tests
-        if self.association_mechanism:
-            self.log.info('Deconfiguring WLAN')
-            self.deconfigure_wlan()
-        self.association_mechanism = association_mechanism
-        self.log.info('Configuring WLAN w/ association mechanism: %s' %
-                      association_mechanism)
-        if association_mechanism == 'drivers':
-            self.log.warn(
-                'You may encounter unusual device behavior when using the '
-                'drivers directly for WLAN. This should be reserved for '
-                'debugging specific issues. Normal test runs should use the '
-                'policy layer.')
-            if preserve_saved_networks:
-                self.log.warn(
-                    'Unable to preserve saved networks when using drivers '
-                    'association mechanism (requires policy layer control).')
-        else:
-            # This requires SL4F calls, so it can only happen with actual
-            # devices, not with unit tests.
-            self.wlan_policy_controller.configure_wlan(preserve_saved_networks)
-        # Retrieve WLAN client and AP interfaces
-        self.wlan_controller.update_wlan_interfaces()
-    def deconfigure_wlan(self):
-        """
-        Stops WLAN functionality (if it has been started). Used to allow
-        different tests to use WLAN differently (e.g. some tests require using
-        wlan policy, while the abstract wlan_device can be setup to use policy
-        or drivers)
-        Raises:
-            FuchsiaDeviveError, if deconfigure fails.
-        """
-        if not self.association_mechanism:
-            self.log.debug(
-                'WLAN not configured before deconfigure was called.')
-            return
-        # If using policy, stop client connections. Otherwise, just clear
-        # variables.
-        if self.association_mechanism != 'drivers':
-            self.wlan_policy_controller._deconfigure_wlan()
-        self.association_mechanism = None
-    def reboot(self,
-               use_ssh: bool = False,
-               unreachable_timeout: int = FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
-               ping_timeout: int = FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
-               ssh_timeout: int = FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
-               reboot_type: int = FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_SOFT,
-               testbed_pdus: list[pdu.PduDevice] = None) -> None:
-        """Reboot a FuchsiaDevice.
-        Soft reboots the device, verifies it becomes unreachable, then verifies
-        it comes back online. Re-initializes services so the tests can continue.
-        Args:
-            use_ssh: if True, use fuchsia shell command via ssh to reboot
-                instead of SL4F.
-            unreachable_timeout: time to wait for device to become unreachable.
-            ping_timeout:time to wait for device to respond to pings.
-            ssh_timeout: time to wait for device to be reachable via ssh.
-            reboot_type: 'soft', 'hard' or 'flash'.
-            testbed_pdus: all testbed PDUs.
-        Raises:
-            ConnectionError, if device fails to become unreachable or fails to
-                come back up.
-        """
-        if reboot_type == FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_SOFT:
-            if use_ssh:
-                self.log.info('Soft rebooting via SSH')
-                try:
-                    self.ssh.run(
-                        'dm reboot',
-                        timeout_sec=FUCHSIA_RECONNECT_AFTER_REBOOT_TIME)
-                except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-                    if 'closed by remote host' not in e.result.stderr:
-                        raise e
-            else:
-                self.log.info('Soft rebooting via SL4F')
-                self.sl4f.hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.suspendReboot(
-                    timeout=3)
-            self._check_unreachable(timeout_sec=unreachable_timeout)
-        elif reboot_type == FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_HARD:
-            self.log.info('Hard rebooting via PDU')
-            if not testbed_pdus:
-                raise AttributeError('Testbed PDUs must be supplied '
-                                     'to hard reboot a fuchsia_device.')
-            device_pdu, device_pdu_port = pdu.get_pdu_port_for_device(
-                self.device_pdu_config, testbed_pdus)
-            self.log.info('Killing power to FuchsiaDevice')
-            device_pdu.off(str(device_pdu_port))
-            self._check_unreachable(timeout_sec=unreachable_timeout)
-            self.log.info('Restoring power to FuchsiaDevice')
-            device_pdu.on(str(device_pdu_port))
-        elif reboot_type == FUCHSIA_REBOOT_TYPE_SOFT_AND_FLASH:
-            flash(self, use_ssh, FUCHSIA_RECONNECT_AFTER_REBOOT_TIME)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid reboot type: %s' % reboot_type)
-        self._check_reachable(timeout_sec=ping_timeout)
-        # Cleanup services
-        self.stop_services()
-        self.log.info('Waiting for device to allow ssh connection.')
-        end_time = time.time() + ssh_timeout
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            try:
-                self.ssh.run('echo')
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.debug(f'Retrying SSH to device. Details: {e}')
-            else:
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to connect to device via SSH.')
-        self.log.info('Device now available via ssh.')
-        # TODO (b/246852449): Move configure_wlan to other controllers.
-        # If wlan was configured before reboot, it must be configured again
-        # after rebooting, as it was before reboot. No preserving should occur.
-        if self.association_mechanism:
-            pre_reboot_association_mechanism = self.association_mechanism
-            # Prevent configure_wlan from thinking it needs to deconfigure first
-            self.association_mechanism = None
-            self.configure_wlan(
-                association_mechanism=pre_reboot_association_mechanism,
-                preserve_saved_networks=False)
-        self.log.info('Device has rebooted')
-    def version(self):
-        """Returns the version of Fuchsia running on the device.
-        Returns:
-            A string containing the Fuchsia version number or nothing if there
-            is no version information attached during the build.
-            For example, "5.20210713.2.1" or "".
-        Raises:
-            FFXTimeout: when the command times out.
-            FFXError: when the command returns non-zero and skip_status_code_check is False.
-        """
-        target_info_json = self.ffx.run("target show --json").stdout
-        target_info = json.loads(target_info_json)
-        build_info = [
-            entry for entry in target_info if entry["label"] == "build"
-        ]
-        if len(build_info) != 1:
-            self.log.warning(
-                f'Expected one entry with label "build", found {build_info}')
-            return ""
-        version_info = [
-            child for child in build_info[0]["child"]
-            if child["label"] == "version"
-        ]
-        if len(version_info) != 1:
-            self.log.warning(
-                f'Expected one entry child with label "version", found {build_info}'
-            )
-            return ""
-        return version_info[0]["value"]
-    def ping(self,
-             dest_ip,
-             count=3,
-             interval=1000,
-             timeout=1000,
-             size=25,
-             additional_ping_params=None):
-        """Pings from a Fuchsia device to an IPv4 address or hostname
-        Args:
-            dest_ip: (str) The ip or hostname to ping.
-            count: (int) How many icmp packets to send.
-            interval: (int) How long to wait between pings (ms)
-            timeout: (int) How long to wait before having the icmp packet
-                timeout (ms).
-            size: (int) Size of the icmp packet.
-            additional_ping_params: (str) command option flags to
-                append to the command string
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary for the results of the ping.  The dictionary contains
-            the following items:
-                status: Whether the ping was successful.
-                rtt_min: The minimum round trip time of the ping.
-                rtt_max: The minimum round trip time of the ping.
-                rtt_avg: The avg round trip time of the ping.
-                stdout: The standard out of the ping command.
-                stderr: The standard error of the ping command.
-        """
-        rtt_min = None
-        rtt_max = None
-        rtt_avg = None
-        self.log.debug("Pinging %s..." % dest_ip)
-        if not additional_ping_params:
-            additional_ping_params = ''
-        try:
-            ping_result = self.ssh.run(
-                f'ping -c {count} -i {interval} -t {timeout} -s {size} '
-                f'{additional_ping_params} {dest_ip}')
-        except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-            ping_result = e.result
-        if ping_result.stderr:
-            status = False
-        else:
-            status = True
-            rtt_line = ping_result.stdout.split('\n')[:-1]
-            rtt_line = rtt_line[-1]
-            rtt_stats = re.search(self.ping_rtt_match, rtt_line)
-            rtt_min = rtt_stats.group(1)
-            rtt_max = rtt_stats.group(2)
-            rtt_avg = rtt_stats.group(3)
-        return {
-            'status': status,
-            'rtt_min': rtt_min,
-            'rtt_max': rtt_max,
-            'rtt_avg': rtt_avg,
-            'stdout': ping_result.stdout,
-            'stderr': ping_result.stderr
-        }
-    def can_ping(self,
-                 dest_ip,
-                 count=1,
-                 interval=1000,
-                 timeout=1000,
-                 size=25,
-                 additional_ping_params=None):
-        """Returns whether fuchsia device can ping a given dest address"""
-        ping_result = self.ping(dest_ip,
-                                count=count,
-                                interval=interval,
-                                timeout=timeout,
-                                size=size,
-                                additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params)
-        return ping_result['status']
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Cleans up the FuchsiaDevice object, releases any resources it
-        claimed, and restores saved networks if applicable. For reboots, use
-        clean_up_services only.
-        Note: Any exceptions thrown in this method must be caught and handled,
-        ensuring that clean_up_services is run. Otherwise, the syslog listening
-        thread will never join and will leave tests hanging.
-        """
-        # If and only if wlan is configured, and using the policy layer
-        if self.association_mechanism == 'policy':
-            try:
-                self.wlan_policy_controller.clean_up()
-            except Exception as err:
-                self.log.warning('Unable to clean up WLAN Policy layer: %s' %
-                                 err)
-        self.stop_services()
-        if self.package_server:
-            self.package_server.clean_up()
-    def get_interface_ip_addresses(self, interface):
-        return get_interface_ip_addresses(self, interface)
-    def wait_for_ipv4_addr(self, interface: str) -> None:
-        """Checks if device has an ipv4 private address. Sleeps 1 second between
-        retries.
-        Args:
-            interface: name of interface from which to get ipv4 address.
-        Raises:
-            ConnectionError, if device does not have an ipv4 address after all
-            timeout.
-        """
-        self.log.info(
-            f'Checking for valid ipv4 addr. Retry {IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT} seconds.'
-        )
-        timeout = time.time() + IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT
-        while time.time() < timeout:
-            ip_addrs = self.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
-            if len(ip_addrs['ipv4_private']) > 0:
-                self.log.info("Device has an ipv4 address: "
-                              f"{ip_addrs['ipv4_private'][0]}")
-                break
-            else:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Device does not yet have an ipv4 address...retrying in 1 '
-                    'second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError('Device failed to get an ipv4 address.')
-    def wait_for_ipv6_addr(self, interface: str) -> None:
-        """Checks if device has an ipv6 private local address. Sleeps 1 second
-        between retries.
-        Args:
-            interface: name of interface from which to get ipv6 address.
-        Raises:
-            ConnectionError, if device does not have an ipv6 address after all
-            timeout.
-        """
-        self.log.info(
-            f'Checking for valid ipv6 addr. Retry {IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT} seconds.'
-        )
-        timeout = time.time() + IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT
-        while time.time() < timeout:
-            ip_addrs = self.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
-            if len(ip_addrs['ipv6_private_local']) > 0:
-                self.log.info("Device has an ipv6 private local address: "
-                              f"{ip_addrs['ipv6_private_local'][0]}")
-                break
-            else:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Device does not yet have an ipv6 address...retrying in 1 '
-                    'second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError('Device failed to get an ipv6 address.')
-    def _check_reachable(self,
-                         timeout_sec: int = FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
-                         ) -> None:
-        """Checks the reachability of the Fuchsia device."""
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
-        self.log.info('Verifying device is reachable.')
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            # TODO (b/249343632): Consolidate ping commands and fix timeout in
-            # utils.can_ping.
-            if utils.can_ping(job, self.ip):
-                self.log.info('Device is reachable.')
-                break
-            else:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Device is not reachable. Retrying in 1 second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError('Device is unreachable.')
-    def _check_unreachable(self,
-                           timeout_sec: int = FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
-                           ) -> None:
-        """Checks the Fuchsia device becomes unreachable."""
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
-        self.log.info('Verifying device is unreachable.')
-        while (time.time() < end_time):
-            if utils.can_ping(job, self.ip):
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Device is still reachable. Retrying in 1 second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-            else:
-                self.log.info('Device is not reachable.')
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError('Device failed to become unreachable.')
-    def check_connect_response(self, connect_response):
-        if connect_response.get("error") is None:
-            # Checks the response from SL4F and if there is no error, check
-            # the result.
-            connection_result = connect_response.get("result")
-            if not connection_result:
-                # Ideally the error would be present but just outputting a log
-                # message until available.
-                self.log.debug("Connect call failed, aborting!")
-                return False
-            else:
-                # Returns True if connection was successful.
-                return True
-        else:
-            # the response indicates an error - log and raise failure
-            self.log.debug("Aborting! - Connect call failed with error: %s" %
-                           connect_response.get("error"))
-            return False
-    def check_disconnect_response(self, disconnect_response):
-        if disconnect_response.get("error") is None:
-            # Returns True if disconnect was successful.
-            return True
-        else:
-            # the response indicates an error - log and raise failure
-            self.log.debug("Disconnect call failed with error: %s" %
-                           disconnect_response.get("error"))
-            return False
-    # TODO(fxb/64657): Determine more stable solution to country code config on
-    # device bring up.
-    def configure_regulatory_domain(self, desired_country_code):
-        """Allows the user to set the device country code via ACTS config
-        Usage:
-            In FuchsiaDevice config, add "country_code": "<CC>"
-        """
-        if self.ssh_config:
-            # Country code can be None, from antlion config.
-            if desired_country_code:
-                desired_country_code = desired_country_code.upper()
-                response = self.sl4f.regulatory_region_lib.setRegion(
-                    desired_country_code)
-                if response.get('error'):
-                    raise FuchsiaDeviceError(
-                        'Failed to set regulatory domain. Err: %s' %
-                        response['error'])
-                end_time = time.time() + FUCHSIA_COUNTRY_CODE_TIMEOUT
-                while time.time() < end_time:
-                    ascii_cc = self.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanGetCountry(0).get(
-                        'result')
-                    # Convert ascii_cc to string, then compare
-                    if ascii_cc and (''.join(chr(c) for c in ascii_cc).upper()
-                                     == desired_country_code):
-                        self.log.debug('Country code successfully set to %s.' %
-                                       desired_country_code)
-                        return
-                    self.log.debug('Country code not yet updated. Retrying.')
-                    time.sleep(1)
-                raise FuchsiaDeviceError('Country code never updated to %s' %
-                                         desired_country_code)
-    def stop_services(self):
-        """Stops the ffx daemon and deletes SL4F property."""
-        self.log.info('Stopping host device services.')
-        del self.sl4f
-        del self.ffx
-    def load_config(self, config):
-        pass
-    def take_bug_report(self, test_name=None, begin_time=None):
-        """Takes a bug report on the device and stores it in a file.
-        Args:
-            test_name: DEPRECATED. Do not specify this argument; it is only used
-                for logging. Name of the test case that triggered this bug
-                report.
-            begin_time: DEPRECATED. Do not specify this argument; it allows
-                overwriting of bug reports when this function is called several
-                times in one test. Epoch time when the test started. If not
-                specified, the current time will be used.
-        """
-        if not self.ssh_config:
-            self.log.warn(
-                'Skipping take_bug_report because ssh_config is not specified')
-            return
-        if test_name:
-            self.log.info(
-                f"Taking snapshot of {self.mdns_name} for {test_name}")
-        else:
-            self.log.info(f"Taking snapshot of {self.mdns_name}")
-        epoch = begin_time if begin_time else utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-        time_stamp = acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
-            acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch))
-        out_dir = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
-        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{self.mdns_name}_{time_stamp}.zip')
-        try:
-            subprocess.run(
-                [f"ssh -F {self.ssh_config} {self.ip} snapshot > {out_path}"],
-                shell=True)
-            self.log.info(f'Snapshot saved to {out_path}')
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(f'Failed to take snapshot: {err}')
-    def take_bt_snoop_log(self, custom_name=None):
-        """Takes a the bt-snoop log from the device and stores it in a file
-        in a pcap format.
-        """
-        bt_snoop_path = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
-        time_stamp = acts_logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
-            acts_logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(time.time()))
-        out_name = "FuchsiaDevice%s_%s" % (
-            self.serial, time_stamp.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-"))
-        out_name = "%s.pcap" % out_name
-        if custom_name:
-            out_name = "%s_%s.pcap" % (self.serial, custom_name)
-        else:
-            out_name = "%s.pcap" % out_name
-        full_out_path = os.path.join(bt_snoop_path, out_name)
-        bt_snoop_data = self.ssh.run('bt-snoop-cli -d -f pcap').raw_stdout
-        bt_snoop_file = open(full_out_path, 'wb')
-        bt_snoop_file.write(bt_snoop_data)
-        bt_snoop_file.close()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/audio_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/audio_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d974d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/audio_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-import base64
-class FuchsiaAudioLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "audio")
-    def startOutputSave(self):
-        """Starts saving audio output on the device
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary is success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "audio_facade.StartOutputSave"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def stopOutputSave(self):
-        """Stops saving audio output on the device
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary is success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "audio_facade.StopOutputSave"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getOutputAudio(self, save_path):
-        """Gets the saved audio in base64 encoding. Use base64.b64decode.
-        Args:
-            save_path: The path to save the raw audio
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "audio_facade.GetOutputAudio"
-        test_args = {}
-        result = self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error("Failed to get recorded audio.")
-            return False
-        f = open(save_path, "wb")
-        f.write(base64.b64decode(result.get('result')))
-        f.close()
-        self.log.info("Raw audio file captured at {}".format(save_path))
-        return True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/base_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/base_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 42da2ea..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/base_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import socket
-from typing import Any, Mapping
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
-from antlion import logger, utils
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-class DeviceOffline(Exception):
-    """Exception if the device is no longer reachable via the network."""
-class SL4FCommandFailed(Exception):
-    """A SL4F command to the server failed."""
-class BaseLib():
-    def __init__(self, addr: str, logger_tag: str) -> None:
-        self.address = addr
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(f"SL4F | {self.address} | {logger_tag}")
-    def send_command(
-        self,
-        cmd: str,
-        args: Mapping[str, Any],
-        response_timeout: int = DEFAULT_SL4F_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC
-    ) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
-        """Builds and sends a JSON command to SL4F server.
-        Args:
-            cmd: SL4F method name of command.
-            args: Arguments required to execute cmd.
-            response_timeout: Seconds to wait for a response before
-                throwing an exception.
-        Returns:
-            Response from SL4F server.
-        Throws:
-            TimeoutError: The HTTP request timed out waiting for a response
-        """
-        data = {
-            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
-            # id is required by the SL4F server to parse test_data but is not
-            # currently used.
-            "id": "",
-            "method": cmd,
-            "params": args
-        }
-        data_json = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
-        req = Request(self.address,
-                      data=data_json,
-                      headers={
-                          "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
-                          "Content-Length": len(data_json),
-                      })
-        self.log.debug(f'Sending request "{cmd}" with {args}')
-        try:
-            response = urlopen(req, timeout=response_timeout)
-        except (TimeoutError, socket.timeout) as e:
-            host = urlparse(self.address).hostname
-            if not utils.can_ping(job, host):
-                raise DeviceOffline(
-                    f'FuchsiaDevice {host} is not reachable via the network.')
-            if type(e) == socket.timeout:
-                # socket.timeout was aliased to TimeoutError in Python 3.10. For
-                # older versions of Python, we need to cast to TimeoutError to
-                # provide a version-agnostic API.
-                raise TimeoutError("socket timeout") from e
-            raise e
-        response_body = response.read().decode("utf-8")
-        try:
-            response_json = json.loads(response_body)
-            self.log.debug(f'Received response for "{cmd}": {response_json}')
-        except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
-            raise SL4FCommandFailed(response_body) from e
-        # If the SL4F command fails it returns a str, without an 'error' field
-        # to get.
-        if not isinstance(response_json, dict):
-            raise SL4FCommandFailed(response_json)
-        return response_json
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/basemgr_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/basemgr_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e50e1e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/basemgr_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-COMMAND_RESTART_SESSION = 'basemgr_facade.RestartSession'
-COMMAND_START_BASEMGR = 'basemgr_facade.StartBasemgr'
-COMMAND_KILL_BASEMGR = 'basemgr_facade.KillBasemgr'
-class FuchsiaBasemgrLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "basemgr")
-    def restartSession(self):
-        """Restarts an ongoing basemgr session
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary:
-                error: None, unless an error occurs
-                result: 'Success', 'NoSessionToRestart', or None if error
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_RESTART_SESSION
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def startBasemgr(self):
-        """Starts basemgr service
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary:
-                error: None, unless an error occurs
-                result: 'Success' or None if error
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_START_BASEMGR
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def killBasemgr(self):
-        """Kill basemgr service, if one is running
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary:
-                error: None, unless an error occurs
-                result: 'Success', 'NoBasemgrToKill', or None if error
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_KILL_BASEMGR
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/avdtp_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/avdtp_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af61d2..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/avdtp_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaAvdtpLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "avdtp")
-    def init(self, initiator_delay=None):
-        """Initializes the AVDTP service with optional initiator_delay.
-        Args:
-            initiator_delay: Optional. The delay in milliseconds to start a
-            stream.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpInit"
-        test_args = {"initiator_delay": initiator_delay}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getConnectedPeers(self):
-        """Gets the AVDTP connected peers.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpGetConnectedPeers"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setConfiguration(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: set configuration
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpSetConfiguration"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getConfiguration(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: get configuration
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpGetConfiguration"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getCapabilities(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: get capabilities
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpGetCapabilities"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getAllCapabilities(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: get all capabilities
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpGetAllCapabilities"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def reconfigureStream(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: reconfigure stream
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpReconfigureStream"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def suspendStream(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: suspend stream
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpSuspendStream"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def suspendAndReconfigure(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: suspend and reconfigure
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpSuspendAndReconfigure"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def releaseStream(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: release stream
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpReleaseStream"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def establishStream(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: establish stream
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpEstablishStream"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def startStream(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: start stream
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpStartStream"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def abortStream(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: abort stream
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpAbortStream"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        test_id = self.build_id(self.test_counter)
-        self.test_counter += 1
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def establishStream(self, peer_id):
-        """Sends the AVDTP command to input peer_id: establish stream
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The peer id to send the AVDTP command to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpEstablishStream"
-        test_args = {"identifier": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def removeService(self):
-        """Removes the AVDTP service from the Fuchsia device
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "avdtp_facade.AvdtpRemoveService"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/ble_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/ble_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d7e622..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/ble_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-import uuid
-class FuchsiaBleLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "ble")
-    def _convert_human_readable_uuid_to_byte_list(self, readable_uuid):
-        """Converts a readable uuid to a byte list.
-        Args:
-            readable_uuid: string, A readable uuid in the format:
-                Input: "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
-                Output: ['fb', '34', '9b', '5f', '80', '00', '00', '80', '00',
-                         '10', '00', '00', '01', '11', '00', '00']
-        Returns:
-            A byte list representing the readable uuid.
-        """
-        hex_uuid_str = uuid.UUID(readable_uuid).hex
-        break_n_bytes = 2
-        byte_list = [
-            hex_uuid_str[i:i + break_n_bytes]
-            for i in range(0, len(hex_uuid_str), break_n_bytes)
-        ]
-        byte_list.reverse()
-        return byte_list
-    def bleStopBleAdvertising(self):
-        """BleStopAdvertising command
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "ble_advertise_facade.BleStopAdvertise"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def bleStartBleAdvertising(self,
-                               advertising_data,
-                               scan_response,
-                               interval,
-                               connectable=True):
-        """BleStartAdvertising command
-        Args:
-            advertising_data: dictionary, advertising data required for ble
-                advertise.
-            scan_response: dictionary, optional scan respones data to send.
-            interval: int, Advertising interval (in ms).
-            connectable: bool, whether the advertisement is connectable or not.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "ble_advertise_facade.BleAdvertise"
-        service_uuid_list = None
-        if type(advertising_data['service_uuids']) == list:
-            service_uuid_list = []
-            for single_uuid in advertising_data['service_uuids']:
-                service_uuid_list.append(
-                    self._convert_human_readable_uuid_to_byte_list(
-                        single_uuid))
-            advertising_data['service_uuids'] = service_uuid_list
-        service_uuid_list = None
-        if scan_response and type(scan_response['service_uuids']) == list:
-            service_uuid_list = []
-            for single_uuid in scan_response['service_uuids']:
-                service_uuid_list.append(
-                    self._convert_human_readable_uuid_to_byte_list(
-                        single_uuid))
-            scan_response['service_uuids'] = service_uuid_list
-        if scan_response and type(scan_response['service_data']) == list:
-            for service_data in scan_response['service_data']:
-                service_data[
-                    "uuid"] = self._convert_human_readable_uuid_to_byte_list(
-                        service_data["uuid"])
-        if type(advertising_data['service_data']) == list:
-            for service_data in advertising_data['service_data']:
-                service_data[
-                    "uuid"] = self._convert_human_readable_uuid_to_byte_list(
-                        service_data["uuid"])
-        test_args = {
-            "advertising_data": advertising_data,
-            "scan_response": scan_response,
-            "interval_ms": interval,
-            "connectable": connectable
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def blePublishService(self, primary, type_, service_id):
-        """Publishes services specified by input args
-        Args:
-            primary: bool, Flag of service.
-            type: string, Canonical 8-4-4-4-12 uuid of service.
-            service_proxy_key: string, Unique identifier to specify where to publish service
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bluetooth.BlePublishService"
-        test_args = {
-            "primary": primary,
-            "type": type_,
-            "local_service_id": service_id
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/bts_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/bts_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a94c6b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/bts_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaBtsLib(BaseLib):
-    # Class representing the Bluetooth Access Library.
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "bt_sys")
-    def setDiscoverable(self, discoverable):
-        """Sets the device to be discoverable over BR/EDR.
-        Args:
-            discoverable: A bool object for setting Bluetooth
-              device discoverable or not.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothSetDiscoverable"
-        test_args = {"discoverable": discoverable}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setName(self, name):
-        """Sets the local Bluetooth name of the device.
-        Args:
-            name: A string that represents the name to set.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothSetName"
-        test_args = {"name": name}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def inputPairingPin(self, pin):
-        """Inputs the pairing pin to the Fuchsia devices' pairing delegate.
-        Args:
-            pin: A string that represents the pin to input.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothInputPairingPin"
-        test_args = {"pin": pin}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getPairingPin(self):
-        """Gets the pairing pin from the Fuchsia devices' pairing delegate.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothGetPairingPin"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def initBluetoothSys(self):
-        """Initialises the Bluetooth sys Interface proxy in SL4F.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothInitSys"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def requestDiscovery(self, discovery):
-        """Start or stop Bluetooth Control device discovery.
-        Args:
-            discovery: A bool object representing starting or stopping
-              device discovery.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothRequestDiscovery"
-        test_args = {"discovery": discovery}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getKnownRemoteDevices(self):
-        """Get known remote BR/EDR and LE devices.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothGetKnownRemoteDevices"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def forgetDevice(self, identifier):
-        """Forgets a devices pairing.
-        Args:
-            identifier: A string representing the device id.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothForgetDevice"
-        test_args = {"identifier": identifier}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def disconnectDevice(self, identifier):
-        """Disconnects a devices.
-        Args:
-            identifier: A string representing the device id.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothDisconnectDevice"
-        test_args = {"identifier": identifier}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def connectDevice(self, identifier):
-        """Connects to a devices.
-        Args:
-            identifier: A string representing the device id.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothConnectDevice"
-        test_args = {"identifier": identifier}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getActiveAdapterAddress(self):
-        """Gets the current Active Adapter's address.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, String address if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothGetActiveAdapterAddress"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def pair(self, identifier, pairing_security_level, non_bondable,
-             transport):
-        """Pairs to a device.
-        Args:
-            identifier: A string representing the device id.
-            pairing_security_level: The security level required for this pairing request
-                represented as a u64. (Only for LE pairing)
-                Available Values
-                1 - ENCRYPTED: Encrypted without MITM protection (unauthenticated)
-                2 - AUTHENTICATED: Encrypted with MITM protection (authenticated).
-                None: No pairing security level.
-            non_bondable: A bool representing whether the pairing mode is bondable or not. None is
-                also accepted. False if bondable, True if non-bondable.
-            transport: A u64 representing the transport type.
-                Available Values
-                1 - BREDR: Classic BR/EDR transport
-                2 - LE: Bluetooth Low Energy Transport
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothPairDevice"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": identifier,
-            "pairing_security_level": pairing_security_level,
-            "non_bondable": non_bondable,
-            "transport": transport,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def acceptPairing(self,
-                      input_capabilities="NONE",
-                      output_capabilities="NONE"):
-        """Accepts incoming pairing requests.
-        Args:
-            input: String - The input I/O capabilities to use
-                Available Values:
-                NONE - Input capability type None
-                CONFIRMATION - Input capability type confirmation
-                KEYBOARD - Input capability type Keyboard
-            output: String - The output I/O Capabilities to use
-                Available Values:
-                NONE - Output capability type None
-                DISPLAY - output capability type Display
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "bt_sys_facade.BluetoothAcceptPairing"
-        test_args = {
-            "input": input_capabilities,
-            "output": output_capabilities,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/gattc_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/gattc_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b8630d9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/gattc_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaGattcLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "gatt_client")
-    def bleStartBleScan(self, scan_filter):
-        """Starts a BLE scan
-        Args:
-            scan_time_ms: int, Amount of time to scan for.
-            scan_filter: dictionary, Device filter for a scan.
-            scan_count: int, Number of devices to scan for before termination.
-        Returns:
-            None if pass, err if fail.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.BleStartScan"
-        test_args = {
-            "filter": scan_filter,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def bleStopBleScan(self):
-        """Stops a BLE scan
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, List of devices discovered, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.BleStopScan"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def listServices(self, id):
-        """Lists services of a peripheral specified by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Peripheral identifier to list services.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, List of Service Info if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcListServices"
-        test_args = {"identifier": id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def bleGetDiscoveredDevices(self):
-        """Stops a BLE scan
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, List of devices discovered, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.BleGetDiscoveredDevices"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def discoverCharacteristics(self):
-        """Discover the characteristics of a connected service.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, List of Characteristics and Descriptors if success,
-            error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcDiscoverCharacteristics"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def writeCharById(self, id, offset, write_value):
-        """Write Characteristic by id..
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-            offset: int, The offset of bytes to write to.
-            write_value: byte array, The bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcWriteCharacteristicById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "offset": offset,
-            "write_value": write_value,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def writeLongCharById(self, id, offset, write_value, reliable_mode=False):
-        """Write Characteristic by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-            offset: int, The offset of bytes to write to.
-            write_value: byte array, The bytes to write.
-            reliable_mode: bool value representing reliable writes.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcWriteLongCharacteristicById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "offset": offset,
-            "write_value": write_value,
-            "reliable_mode": reliable_mode
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def writeLongDescById(self, id, offset, write_value):
-        """Write Descriptor by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-            offset: int, The offset of bytes to write to.
-            write_value: byte array, The bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcWriteLongDescriptorById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "offset": offset,
-            "write_value": write_value,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def writeCharByIdWithoutResponse(self, id, write_value):
-        """Write Characteristic by id without response.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-            write_value: byte array, The bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcWriteCharacteristicByIdWithoutResponse"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "write_value": write_value,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def enableNotifyCharacteristic(self, id):
-        """Enable notifications on a Characteristic.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcEnableNotifyCharacteristic"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def disableNotifyCharacteristic(self, id):
-        """Disable notifications on a Characteristic.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcDisableNotifyCharacteristic"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "value": False,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def readCharacteristicById(self, id):
-        """Read Characteristic value by id..
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-        Returns:
-            Characteristic value if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcReadCharacteristicById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def readCharacteristicByType(self, uuid):
-        """Read Characteristic value by id..
-        Args:
-            uuid: string, Characteristic identifier.
-        Returns:
-            Characteristic value if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcReadCharacteristicByType"
-        test_args = {
-            "uuid": uuid,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def readDescriptorById(self, id):
-        """Read Descriptor value by id..
-        Args:
-            id: string, Descriptor identifier.
-        Returns:
-            Descriptor value if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcReadDescriptorById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def readLongDescriptorById(self, id, offset, max_bytes):
-        """Reads Long Descriptor value by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Descriptor identifier.
-            offset: int, The offset to start reading from.
-            max_bytes: int, The max bytes to return.
-        Returns:
-            Descriptor value if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcReadLongDescriptorById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "offset": offset,
-            "max_bytes": max_bytes
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def writeDescriptorById(self, id, offset, write_value):
-        """Write Descriptor by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Descriptor identifier.
-            write_value: byte array, The bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcWriteDescriptorById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "write_value": write_value,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def readLongCharacteristicById(self, id, offset, max_bytes):
-        """Reads Long Characteristic value by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Characteristic identifier.
-            offset: int, The offset to start reading from.
-            max_bytes: int, The max bytes to return.
-        Returns:
-            Characteristic value if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcReadLongCharacteristicById"
-        test_args = {
-            "identifier": id,
-            "offset": offset,
-            "max_bytes": max_bytes
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def connectToService(self, id, service_id):
-        """ Connect to a specific Service specified by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Service id.
-        Returns:
-            None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.GattcConnectToService"
-        test_args = {"identifier": id, "service_identifier": service_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def bleConnectToPeripheral(self, id):
-        """Connects to a peripheral specified by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Peripheral identifier to connect to.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, List of Service Info if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.BleConnectPeripheral"
-        test_args = {"identifier": id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def bleDisconnectPeripheral(self, id):
-        """Disconnects from a peripheral specified by id.
-        Args:
-            id: string, Peripheral identifier to disconnect from.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error string if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_client_facade.BleDisconnectPeripheral"
-        test_args = {"identifier": id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/gatts_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/gatts_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f9ecb4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/gatts_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaGattsLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "gatt_server")
-    def publishServer(self, database):
-        """Publishes services specified by input args
-        Args:
-            database: A database that follows the conventions of
-                acts_contrib.test_utils.bt.gatt_test_database.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_server_facade.GattServerPublishServer"
-        test_args = {
-            "database": database,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def closeServer(self):
-        """Closes an active GATT server.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "gatt_server_facade.GattServerCloseServer"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/hfp_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/hfp_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8f68f3..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/hfp_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaHfpLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "hfp")
-    def init(self):
-        """Initializes the HFP service.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.HfpInit"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def removeService(self):
-        """Removes the HFP service from the Fuchsia device
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.HfpRemoveService"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def listPeers(self):
-        """List all connected HFP peer devices.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.ListPeers"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setActivePeer(self, peer_id):
-        """Set the active HFP peer device. All peer specific commands will be
-        directed to this device.
-        Args:
-            peer_id: The id of the peer to set as active. Use "listPeers" to
-            find connected peer ids.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetActivePeer"
-        test_args = {"peer_id": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def listCalls(self):
-        """List all calls known to the sl4f component.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.ListCalls"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def newCall(self, remote, state, direction):
-        """Opens a new call channel and alerts the HFP peer.
-        Args:
-            remote: The number of the remote party.
-            state: The state of the call.
-            direction: The direction of the call. Can be "incoming" or "outgoing".
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, call_id if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.NewCall"
-        test_args = {"remote": remote, "state": state, "direction": direction}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def initiateIncomingCall(self, remote):
-        """Opens an incoming call channel and alerts the HFP peer.
-        Args:
-            remote: The number of the remote party.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, call_id if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.IncomingCall"
-        test_args = {"remote": remote}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def initiateIncomingWaitingCall(self, remote):
-        """Opens an incoming call when there is an onging call and alerts
-        the HFP peer.
-        Args:
-            remote: The number of the remote party.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, call_id if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.IncomingWaitingCall"
-        test_args = {"remote": remote}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def initiateOutgoingCall(self, remote):
-        """Opens an outgoing call channel and alerts the HFP peer.
-        Args:
-            remote: The number of the remote party.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, call_id if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.OutgoingCall"
-        test_args = {"remote": remote}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setCallActive(self, call_id):
-        """Sets the specified call to the "OngoingActive" state.
-        Args:
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetCallActive"
-        test_args = {"call_id": call_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setCallHeld(self, call_id):
-        """Sets the specified call to the "OngoingHeld" state.
-        Args:
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetCallHeld"
-        test_args = {"call_id": call_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setCallTerminated(self, call_id):
-        """Sets the specified call to the "Terminated" state.
-        Args:
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetCallTerminated"
-        test_args = {"call_id": call_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setCallTransferredToAg(self, call_id):
-        """Sets the specified call to the "TransferredToAg" state.
-        Args:
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetCallTransferredToAg"
-        test_args = {"call_id": call_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setSpeakerGain(self, value):
-        """Sets the active peer's speaker gain.
-        Args:
-            value: The gain value to set. Must be between 0-15 inclusive.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetSpeakerGain"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setMicrophoneGain(self, value):
-        """Sets the active peer's microphone gain.
-        Args:
-            value: The gain value to set. Must be between 0-15 inclusive.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetMicrophoneGain"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setServiceAvailable(self, value):
-        """Sets the simulated network service status reported by the call manager.
-        Args:
-            value: True to set the network service to available.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetServiceAvailable"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setRoaming(self, value):
-        """Sets the simulated roaming status reported by the call manager.
-        Args:
-            value: True to set the network connection to roaming.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetRoaming"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setSignalStrength(self, value):
-        """Sets the simulated signal strength reported by the call manager.
-        Args:
-            value: The signal strength value to set. Must be between 0-5 inclusive.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetSignalStrength"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setSubscriberNumber(self, value):
-        """Sets the subscriber number reported by the call manager.
-        Args:
-            value: The subscriber number to set. Maximum length 128 characters.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetSubscriberNumber"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setOperator(self, value):
-        """Sets the operator value reported by the call manager.
-        Args:
-            value: The operator value to set. Maximum length 16 characters.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetOperator"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setNrecSupport(self, value):
-        """Sets the noise reduction/echo cancelation support reported by the call manager.
-        Args:
-            value: The nrec support bool.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetNrecSupport"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setBatteryLevel(self, value):
-        """Sets the battery level reported by the call manager.
-        Args:
-            value: The integer battery level value. Must be 0-5 inclusive.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetBatteryLevel"
-        test_args = {"value": value}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setLastDialed(self, number):
-        """Sets the last dialed number in the call manager.
-        Args:
-            number: The number of the remote party.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetLastDialed"
-        test_args = {"number": number}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def clearLastDialed(self):
-        """Clears the last dialed number in the call manager.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.ClearLastDialed"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setMemoryLocation(self, location, number):
-        """Sets a memory location to point to a remote number.
-        Args:
-            location: The memory location at which to store the number.
-            number: The number of the remote party to be stored.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetMemoryLocation"
-        test_args = {"location": location, "number": number}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def clearMemoryLocation(self, location):
-        """Clear a memory location so that it no longer points to a remote
-        number.
-        Args:
-            localtion: The memory location to clear.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.ClearMemoryLocation"
-        test_args = {"location": location}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setDialResult(self, number, status):
-        """Sets the status result to be returned when the number is dialed.
-        Args:
-            number: The number of the remote party.
-            status: The status to be returned when an outgoing call is
-                    initiated to the number.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetDialResult"
-        test_args = {"number": number, "status": status}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def getState(self):
-        """Get the call manager's state.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, State dictionary if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.GetState"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def setConnectionBehavior(self, autoconnect):
-        """Set the Service Level Connection behavior when a new peer connects.
-        Args:
-            autoconnect: Enable/Disable autoconnection of SLC.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hfp_facade.SetConnectionBehavior"
-        test_args = {"autoconnect": autoconnect}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/rfcomm_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/rfcomm_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 10f0736..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/rfcomm_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaRfcommLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "rfcomm")
-    def init(self):
-        """Initializes the RFCOMM service.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "rfcomm_facade.RfcommInit"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def removeService(self):
-        """Removes the RFCOMM service from the Fuchsia device
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "rfcomm_facade.RfcommRemoveService"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def disconnectSession(self, peer_id):
-        """Closes the RFCOMM Session with the remote peer
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "rfcomm_facade.DisconnectSession"
-        test_args = {"peer_id": peer_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def connectRfcommChannel(self, peer_id, server_channel_number):
-        """Makes an outgoing RFCOMM connection to the remote peer
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "rfcomm_facade.ConnectRfcommChannel"
-        test_args = {
-            "peer_id": peer_id,
-            "server_channel_number": server_channel_number
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def disconnectRfcommChannel(self, peer_id, server_channel_number):
-        """Closes the RFCOMM channel with the remote peer
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "rfcomm_facade.DisconnectRfcommChannel"
-        test_args = {
-            "peer_id": peer_id,
-            "server_channel_number": server_channel_number
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def sendRemoteLineStatus(self, peer_id, server_channel_number):
-        """Sends a Remote Line Status update to the remote peer for the provided channel number
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "rfcomm_facade.SendRemoteLineStatus"
-        test_args = {
-            "peer_id": peer_id,
-            "server_channel_number": server_channel_number
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def writeRfcomm(self, peer_id, server_channel_number, data):
-        """Sends data to the remote peer over the RFCOMM channel
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "rfcomm_facade.RfcommWrite"
-        test_args = {
-            "peer_id": peer_id,
-            "server_channel_number": server_channel_number,
-            "data": data
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/sdp_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/sdp_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 25dcc33..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/bt/sdp_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaProfileServerLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "profile_server")
-    def addService(self, record):
-        """Publishes an SDP service record specified by input args
-        Args:
-            record: A database that represents an SDP record to
-                be published.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, service id if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "profile_server_facade.ProfileServerAddService"
-        test_args = {
-            "record": record,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def addSearch(self, attribute_list, profile_id):
-        """Publishes services specified by input args
-        Args:
-            attribute_list: The list of attributes to set
-            profile_id: The profile ID to set.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "profile_server_facade.ProfileServerAddSearch"
-        test_args = {
-            "attribute_list": attribute_list,
-            "profile_id": profile_id
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def removeService(self, service_id):
-        """Removes a service.
-        Args:
-            record: A database that represents an SDP record to
-                be published.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "profile_server_facade.ProfileServerRemoveService"
-        test_args = {
-            "service_id": service_id,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def init(self):
-        """Initializes the ProfileServerFacade's proxy object.
-        No operations for SDP can be performed until this is initialized.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "profile_server_facade.ProfileServerInit"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def cleanUp(self):
-        """Cleans up all objects related to SDP.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "profile_server_facade.ProfileServerCleanup"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def connectL2cap(self, identifier, psm, mode):
-        """ Sends an outgoing l2cap connection to a connected peer device.
-        Args:
-            psm: The psm value to connect over. Available PSMs:
-                SDP 0x0001  See Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)
-                RFCOMM  0x0003  See RFCOMM with TS 07.10
-                TCS-BIN 0x0005  See Bluetooth Telephony Control Specification /
-                    TCS Binary
-                TCS-BIN-CORDLESS    0x0007  See Bluetooth Telephony Control
-                    Specification / TCS Binary
-                BNEP    0x000F  See Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
-                HID_Control 0x0011  See Human Interface Device
-                HID_Interrupt   0x0013  See Human Interface Device
-                UPnP    0x0015  See [ESDP]
-                AVCTP   0x0017  See Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol
-                AVDTP   0x0019  See Audio/Video Distribution Transport Protocol
-                AVCTP_Browsing  0x001B  See Audio/Video Remote Control Profile
-                UDI_C-Plane 0x001D  See the Unrestricted Digital Information
-                    Profile [UDI]
-                ATT 0x001F  See Bluetooth Core Specification​
-                ​3DSP   0x0021​ ​​See 3D Synchronization Profile.
-                ​LE_PSM_IPSP    ​0x0023 ​See Internet Protocol Support Profile
-                    (IPSP)
-                OTS 0x0025  See Object Transfer Service (OTS)
-                EATT    0x0027  See Bluetooth Core Specification
-            mode: String - The channel mode to connect to. Available values:
-                Basic mode: BASIC
-                Enhanced Retransmission mode: ERTM
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "profile_server_facade.ProfileServerConnectL2cap"
-        test_args = {"identifier": identifier, "psm": psm, "mode": mode}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ffx.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ffx.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd34d4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ffx.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import os
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-import time
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, MutableMapping, Optional
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-class FFXError(signals.TestError):
-    """Non-zero error code returned from a ffx command."""
-    def __init__(self, command: str,
-                 process: subprocess.CalledProcessError) -> None:
-        self.command = command
-        self.stdout: str = process.stdout.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
-        self.stderr: str = process.stderr.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
-        self.exit_status = process.returncode
-    def __str__(self) -> str:
-        return f'ffx subcommand "{self.command}" returned {self.exit_status}, stdout: "{self.stdout}", stderr: "{self.stderr}"'
-class FFXTimeout(signals.TestError):
-    """Timed out running a ffx command."""
-class FFX:
-    """Device-specific controller for the ffx tool.
-    Attributes:
-        log: Logger for the device-specific instance of ffx.
-        binary_path: Path to the ffx binary.
-        mdns_name: mDNS nodename of the default Fuchsia target.
-        ip: IP address of the default Fuchsia target.
-        ssh_private_key_path: Path to Fuchsia DUT SSH private key.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 binary_path: str,
-                 mdns_name: str,
-                 ip: str = None,
-                 ssh_private_key_path: str = None):
-        """
-        Args:
-            binary_path: Path to ffx binary.
-            target: Fuchsia mDNS nodename of default target.
-            ssh_private_key_path: Path to SSH private key for talking to the
-                Fuchsia DUT.
-        """
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(f"ffx | {mdns_name}")
-        self.binary_path = binary_path
-        self.mdns_name = mdns_name
-        self.ip = ip
-        self.ssh_private_key_path = ssh_private_key_path
-        self._env_config_path: Optional[str] = None
-        self._ssh_auth_sock_path: Optional[str] = None
-        self._overnet_socket_path: Optional[str] = None
-        self._has_been_reachable = False
-        self._has_logged_version = False
-    def clean_up(self) -> None:
-        if self._env_config_path:
-            self.run("daemon stop", skip_reachability_check=True)
-        if self._ssh_auth_sock_path:
-            Path(self._ssh_auth_sock_path).unlink(missing_ok=True)
-        if self._overnet_socket_path:
-            Path(self._overnet_socket_path).unlink(missing_ok=True)
-        self._env_config_path = None
-        self._ssh_auth_sock_path = None
-        self._overnet_socket_path = None
-        self._has_been_reachable = False
-        self._has_logged_version = False
-    def run(self,
-            command: str,
-            timeout_sec: int = FFX_DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT,
-            skip_status_code_check: bool = False,
-            skip_reachability_check: bool = False
-            ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
-        """Runs an ffx command.
-        Verifies reachability before running, if it hasn't already.
-        Args:
-            command: Command to run with ffx.
-            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for a command to complete.
-            skip_status_code_check: Whether to check for the status code.
-            verify_reachable: Whether to verify reachability before running.
-        Raises:
-            FFXTimeout: when the command times out.
-            FFXError: when the command returns non-zero and skip_status_code_check is False.
-        Returns:
-            The results of the command. Note subprocess.CompletedProcess returns
-            stdout and stderr as a byte-array, not a string. Treat these members
-            as such or convert to a string using bytes.decode('utf-8').
-        """
-        if not self._env_config_path:
-            self._create_isolated_environment()
-        if not self._has_been_reachable and not skip_reachability_check:
-            self.log.info(f'Verifying reachability before running "{command}"')
-            self.verify_reachable()
-        self.log.debug(f'Running "{command}".')
-        full_command = f'{self.binary_path} -e {self._env_config_path} {command}'
-        try:
-            result = subprocess.run(full_command.split(),
-                                    capture_output=True,
-                                    timeout=timeout_sec,
-                                    check=not skip_status_code_check)
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-            raise FFXError(command, e) from e
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
-            raise FFXTimeout(f'Timed out running "{full_command}"') from e
-        return result
-    def _create_isolated_environment(self) -> None:
-        """ Create a new isolated environment for ffx.
-        This is needed to avoid overlapping ffx daemons while testing in
-        parallel, causing the ffx invocations to “upgrade” one daemon to
-        another, which appears as a flap/restart to another test.
-        """
-        # Store ffx files in a unique directory. Timestamp is used to prevent
-        # files from being overwritten in the case when a test intentionally
-        # reboots or resets the device such that a new isolated ffx environment
-        # is created.
-        root_dir = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
-        epoch = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-        time_stamp = logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
-            logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch))
-        target_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, f'{self.mdns_name}_{time_stamp}')
-        os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)
-        # Sockets need to be created in a different directory to be guaranteed
-        # to stay under the maximum socket path length of 104 characters.
-        # See https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/367008
-        self._ssh_auth_sock_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="ssh_auth_sock")[1]
-        self._overnet_socket_path = tempfile.mkstemp(
-            suffix="overnet_socket")[1]
-        config: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {
-            "target": {
-                "default": self.mdns_name,
-            },
-            # Use user-specific and device-specific locations for sockets.
-            # Avoids user permission errors in a multi-user test environment.
-            # Avoids daemon upgrades when running tests in parallel in a CI
-            # environment.
-            "ssh": {
-                "auth-sock": self._ssh_auth_sock_path,
-            },
-            "overnet": {
-                "socket": self._overnet_socket_path,
-            },
-            # Configure the ffx daemon to log to a place where we can read it.
-            # Note, ffx client will still output to stdout, not this log
-            # directory.
-            "log": {
-                "enabled": True,
-                "dir": [target_dir],
-            },
-            # Disable analytics to decrease noise on the network.
-            "ffx": {
-                "analytics": {
-                    "disabled": True,
-                },
-            },
-        }
-        if self.ip:
-            config["discovery"] = {
-                "mdns": {
-                    "enabled": False,
-                },
-            }
-        # ffx looks for the private key in several default locations. For
-        # testbeds which have the private key in another location, set it now.
-        if self.ssh_private_key_path:
-            config["ssh"]["priv"] = self.ssh_private_key_path
-        config_path = os.path.join(target_dir, "ffx_config.json")
-        with open(config_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
-            json.dump(config, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
-        env = {
-            "user": config_path,
-            "build": None,
-            "global": None,
-        }
-        self._env_config_path = os.path.join(target_dir, "ffx_env.json")
-        with open(self._env_config_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
-            json.dump(env, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
-        # The ffx daemon will started automatically when needed. There is no
-        # need to start it manually here.
-    def verify_reachable(self,
-                         timeout_sec: int = FFX_DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT
-                         ) -> None:
-        """Verify the target is reachable via RCS and various services.
-        Blocks until the device allows for an RCS connection. If the device
-        isn't reachable within a short time, logs a warning before waiting
-        longer.
-        Verifies the RCS connection by fetching information from the device,
-        which exercises several debug and informational FIDL services.
-        When called for the first time, the versions will be checked for
-        compatibility.
-        Args:
-            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for reachability check
-        Raises:
-            FFXError: when an unknown error occurs
-            FFXTimeout: when the target is unreachable
-        """
-        cmd = "target wait"
-        if self.ip:
-            # `target add` does what `target wait` does but adds an entry
-            # to ensure connections can happen without mDNS.
-            # TODO(https://fxbug.dev/105530): Update manual target parsing in
-            # ffx.
-            cmd = f"target add {self.ip}"
-        timeout = time.perf_counter() + timeout_sec
-        while True:
-            try:
-                self.run(cmd, timeout_sec=5, skip_reachability_check=True)
-                break
-            except FFXError as e:
-                if 'took too long connecting to ascendd socket' in e.stderr:
-                    err = e
-                else:
-                    raise e
-            except FFXTimeout as e:
-                err = e
-            if time.perf_counter() > timeout:
-                raise FFXTimeout(
-                    f'Waited over {timeout_sec}s for ffx to become reachable'
-                ) from err
-        # Use a shorter timeout than default because device information
-        # gathering can hang for a long time if the device is not actually
-        # connectable.
-        try:
-            result = self.run("target show --json",
-                              timeout_sec=15,
-                              skip_reachability_check=True)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.error(
-                f'Failed to reach target device. Try running "{self.binary_path}'
-                + ' doctor" to diagnose issues.')
-            raise e
-        self._has_been_reachable = True
-        if not self._has_logged_version:
-            self._has_logged_version = True
-            self.compare_version(result)
-    def compare_version(
-            self, target_show_result: subprocess.CompletedProcess) -> None:
-        """Compares the version of Fuchsia with the version of ffx.
-        Args:
-            target_show_result: Result of the target show command with JSON
-                output mode enabled
-        """
-        result_json = json.loads(target_show_result.stdout)
-        build_info = next(
-            filter(lambda s: s.get('label') == 'build', result_json))
-        version_info = next(
-            filter(lambda s: s.get('label') == 'version', build_info['child']))
-        device_version = version_info.get('value')
-        ffx_version = self.run("version").stdout.decode('utf-8')
-        self.log.info(
-            f"Device version: {device_version}, ffx version: {ffx_version}")
-        if device_version != ffx_version:
-            self.log.warning(
-                "ffx versions that differ from device versions may" +
-                " have compatibility issues. It is recommended to" +
-                " use versions within 6 weeks of each other.")
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d6e030e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/hardware_power_statecontrol_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import http
-import antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib as base_lib
-class FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib(base_lib.BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "hardware_power_statecontrol")
-    def send_command(self, test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout=30):
-        """Wrap send_command to allow disconnects after sending the request."""
-        try:
-            response = super().send_command(test_cmd, test_args,
-                                            response_timeout)
-        except (TimeoutError, http.client.RemoteDisconnected,
-                base_lib.DeviceOffline) as e:
-            logging.warn(f'Error while sending power command: {e}')
-            return
-        return response
-    def suspendReboot(self, timeout=HW_PWR_STATE_CONTROL_TIMEOUT):
-        """Call Suspend Reboot.
-        Returns:
-            None if success.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hardware_power_statecontrol_facade.SuspendReboot"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout=timeout)
-    def suspendRebootBootloader(self, timeout=HW_PWR_STATE_CONTROL_TIMEOUT):
-        """Call Suspend Reboot Bootloader
-        Returns:
-            None if success.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hardware_power_statecontrol_facade.SuspendRebootBootloader"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout=timeout)
-    def suspendPoweroff(self, timeout=HW_PWR_STATE_CONTROL_TIMEOUT):
-        """Call Suspend Poweroff
-        Returns:
-            None if success.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hardware_power_statecontrol_facade.SuspendPoweroff"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout=timeout)
-    def suspendMexec(self, timeout=HW_PWR_STATE_CONTROL_TIMEOUT):
-        """Call Suspend Mexec
-        Returns:
-            None if success.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hardware_power_statecontrol_facade.SuspendMexec"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout=timeout)
-    def suspendRam(self, timeout=HW_PWR_STATE_CONTROL_TIMEOUT):
-        """Call Suspend Ram
-        Returns:
-            None if success.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "hardware_power_statecontrol_facade.SuspendRam"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args, response_timeout=timeout)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/netstack_controller.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/netstack_controller.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9910be0..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/netstack_controller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-class NetstackControllerError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-class NetstackController:
-    """Contains methods related to netstack, to be used in FuchsiaDevice object"""
-    def __init__(self, fuchsia_device):
-        self.device = fuchsia_device
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            'NetstackController for FuchsiaDevice | %s' % self.device.ip)
-    def list_interfaces(self):
-        """Retrieve netstack interfaces from netstack facade
-        Returns:
-            List of dicts, one for each interface, containing interface
-            information
-        """
-        response = self.device.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise NetstackControllerError(
-                'Failed to get network interfaces list: %s' %
-                response['error'])
-        return response['result']
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_controller.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_controller.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 176d54e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_controller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-class WlanControllerError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-class WlanController:
-    """Contains methods related to wlan core, to be used in FuchsiaDevice object"""
-    def __init__(self, fuchsia_device):
-        self.device = fuchsia_device
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            'WlanController for FuchsiaDevice | %s' % self.device.ip)
-    # TODO(70501): Wrap wlan_lib functions and setup from FuchsiaDevice here
-    # (similar to how WlanPolicyController does it) to prevent FuchsiaDevice
-    # from growing too large.
-    def _configure_wlan(self):
-        pass
-    def _deconfigure_wlan(self):
-        pass
-    def update_wlan_interfaces(self):
-        """ Retrieves WLAN interfaces from device and sets the FuchsiaDevice
-        attributes.
-        """
-        wlan_interfaces = self.get_interfaces_by_role()
-        self.device.wlan_client_interfaces = wlan_interfaces['client']
-        self.device.wlan_ap_interfaces = wlan_interfaces['ap']
-        # Set test interfaces to value from config, else the first found
-        # interface, else None
-        self.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name = self.device.conf_data.get(
-            'wlan_client_test_interface',
-            next(iter(self.device.wlan_client_interfaces), None))
-        self.device.wlan_ap_test_interface_name = self.device.conf_data.get(
-            'wlan_ap_test_interface',
-            next(iter(self.device.wlan_ap_interfaces), None))
-    def get_interfaces_by_role(self):
-        """ Retrieves WLAN interface information, supplimented by netstack info.
-        Returns:
-            Dict with keys 'client' and 'ap', each of which contain WLAN
-            interfaces.
-        """
-        # Retrieve WLAN interface IDs
-        response = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanGetIfaceIdList()
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise WlanControllerError('Failed to get WLAN iface ids: %s' %
-                                      response['error'])
-        wlan_iface_ids = response.get('result', [])
-        if len(wlan_iface_ids) < 1:
-            return {'client': {}, 'ap': {}}
-        # Use IDs to get WLAN interface info and mac addresses
-        wlan_ifaces_by_mac = {}
-        for id in wlan_iface_ids:
-            response = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanQueryInterface(id)
-            if response.get('error'):
-                raise WlanControllerError(
-                    'Failed to query wlan iface id %s: %s' %
-                    (id, response['error']))
-            mac = response['result'].get('sta_addr', None)
-            if mac is None:
-                # Fallback to older field name to maintain backwards
-                # compatibility with older versions of SL4F's
-                # QueryIfaceResponse. See https://fxrev.dev/562146.
-                mac = response['result'].get('mac_addr')
-            wlan_ifaces_by_mac[utils.mac_address_list_to_str(
-                mac)] = response['result']
-        # Use mac addresses to query the interfaces from the netstack view,
-        # which allows us to supplement the interface information with the name,
-        # netstack_id, etc.
-        # TODO(fxb/75909): This tedium is necessary to get the interface name
-        # because only netstack has that information. The bug linked here is
-        # to reconcile some of the information between the two perspectives, at
-        # which point we can eliminate step.
-        net_ifaces = self.device.netstack_controller.list_interfaces()
-        wlan_ifaces_by_role = {'client': {}, 'ap': {}}
-        for iface in net_ifaces:
-            try:
-                # Some interfaces might not have a MAC
-                iface_mac = utils.mac_address_list_to_str(iface['mac'])
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.debug(f'Error {e} getting MAC for iface {iface}')
-                continue
-            if iface_mac in wlan_ifaces_by_mac:
-                wlan_ifaces_by_mac[iface_mac]['netstack_id'] = iface['id']
-                # Add to return dict, mapped by role then name.
-                wlan_ifaces_by_role[
-                    wlan_ifaces_by_mac[iface_mac]['role'].lower()][
-                        iface['name']] = wlan_ifaces_by_mac[iface_mac]
-        return wlan_ifaces_by_role
-    def set_country_code(self, country_code):
-        """Sets country code through the regulatory region service and waits
-        for the code to be applied to WLAN PHY.
-        Args:
-            country_code: string, the 2 character country code to set
-        Raises:
-            EnvironmentError - failure to get/set regulatory region
-            ConnectionError - failure to query PHYs
-        """
-        self.log.info('Setting DUT country code to %s' % country_code)
-        country_code_response = self.device.sl4f.regulatory_region_lib.setRegion(
-            country_code)
-        if country_code_response.get('error'):
-            raise EnvironmentError(
-                'Failed to set country code (%s) on DUT. Error: %s' %
-                (country_code, country_code_response['error']))
-        self.log.info('Verifying DUT country code was correctly set to %s.' %
-                      country_code)
-        phy_ids_response = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanPhyIdList()
-        if phy_ids_response.get('error'):
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to get phy ids from DUT. Error: %s' %
-                                  (country_code, phy_ids_response['error']))
-        end_time = time.time() + TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_COUNTRY_CODE
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            for id in phy_ids_response['result']:
-                get_country_response = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanGetCountry(
-                    id)
-                if get_country_response.get('error'):
-                    raise ConnectionError(
-                        'Failed to query PHY ID (%s) for country. Error: %s' %
-                        (id, get_country_response['error']))
-                set_code = ''.join([
-                    chr(ascii_char)
-                    for ascii_char in get_country_response['result']
-                ])
-                if set_code != country_code:
-                    self.log.debug(
-                        'PHY (id: %s) has incorrect country code set. '
-                        'Expected: %s, Got: %s' % (id, country_code, set_code))
-                    break
-            else:
-                self.log.info('All PHYs have expected country code (%s)' %
-                              country_code)
-                break
-            time.sleep(TIME_TO_SLEEP_BETWEEN_RETRIES)
-        else:
-            raise EnvironmentError('Failed to set DUT country code to %s.' %
-                                   country_code)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_policy_controller.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_policy_controller.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ca8a80..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/wlan_policy_controller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import subprocess
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ffx import FFX, FFXError, FFXTimeout
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f import SL4F
-SAVED_NETWORKS = "saved_networks"
-CLIENT_STATE = "client_connections_state"
-CONNECTIONS_ENABLED = "ConnectionsEnabled"
-CONNECTIONS_DISABLED = "ConnectionsDisabled"
-STATE_CONNECTED = 'Connected'
-STATE_CONNECTING = 'Connecting'
-STATE_DISCONNECTED = 'Disconnected'
-class WlanPolicyControllerError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-class WlanPolicyController:
-    """Contains methods related to the wlan policy layer, to be used in the
-    FuchsiaDevice object.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sl4f: SL4F, ffx: FFX):
-        self.client_controller = False
-        self.preserved_networks_and_client_state = None
-        self.policy_configured = False
-        self.sl4f = sl4f
-        self.ffx = ffx
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            f'WlanPolicyController | {ffx.ip}')
-    # TODO(b/231252355): Lower default timeout to 15s once ffx becomes more
-    # performant and/or reliable.
-    def configure_wlan(
-            self,
-            preserve_saved_networks: bool,
-            timeout_sec: int = FUCHSIA_DEFAULT_WLAN_CONFIGURE_TIMEOUT) -> None:
-        """Sets up wlan policy layer.
-        Args:
-            preserve_saved_networks: whether to clear existing saved
-                networks and client state, to be restored at test close.
-            timeout: time to wait for device to configure WLAN.
-        """
-        end_time_sec = time.time() + timeout_sec
-        # Kill basemgr (Component v1 version of session manager)
-        while time.time() < end_time_sec:
-            response = self.sl4f.basemgr_lib.killBasemgr()
-            if not response.get('error'):
-                self.log.debug('Basemgr kill call successfully issued.')
-                break
-            self.log.debug(response['error'])
-            time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                'Failed to issue successful basemgr kill call.')
-        # Stop the session manager, which also holds the Policy controller.
-        try:
-            result = self.ffx.run(
-                'component destroy /core/session-manager/session:session',
-                skip_status_code_check=True)
-            if result.returncode == 0:
-                self.log.debug(f"Stopped session: {result.stdout}.")
-            else:
-                if (b'InstanceNotFound' in result.stderr
-                        or b'instance was not found' in result.stderr):
-                    self.log.debug(f'Instance was not found: {result.stderr}.')
-                else:
-                    raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                        f'Failed to stop the session: {result.stderr}.')
-        except FFXTimeout or FFXError as e:
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError from e
-        # Acquire control of policy layer
-        controller_errors = []
-        while time.time() < end_time_sec:
-            # Create a client controller
-            response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanCreateClientController()
-            if response.get('error'):
-                controller_errors.append(response['error'])
-                self.log.debug(response['error'])
-                time.sleep(1)
-                continue
-            # Attempt to use the client controller (failure indicates a closed
-            # channel, meaning the client controller was rejected.
-            response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetSavedNetworks()
-            if response.get('error'):
-                controller_errors.append(response['error'])
-                self.log.debug(response['error'])
-                time.sleep(1)
-                continue
-            break
-        else:
-            self.log.warning(
-                "Failed to create and use a WLAN policy client controller. Errors: ["
-                + "; ".join(controller_errors) + "]")
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                'Failed to create and use a WLAN policy client controller.')
-        self.log.info('ACTS tests now have control of the WLAN policy layer.')
-        if preserve_saved_networks and not self.preserved_networks_and_client_state:
-            self.preserved_networks_and_client_state = self.remove_and_preserve_networks_and_client_state(
-            )
-        if not self.start_client_connections():
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                'Failed to start client connections during configuration.')
-        self.policy_configured = True
-    def _deconfigure_wlan(self):
-        if not self.stop_client_connections():
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                'Failed to stop client connections during deconfiguration.')
-        self.policy_configured = False
-    def clean_up(self) -> None:
-        if self.preserved_networks_and_client_state:
-            # It is possible for policy to have been configured before, but
-            # deconfigured before test end. In this case, in must be setup
-            # before restoring networks
-            if not self.policy_configured:
-                self.configure_wlan()
-            self.restore_preserved_networks_and_client_state()
-    def start_client_connections(self):
-        """Allow device to connect to networks via policy layer (including
-        autoconnecting to saved networks).
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise."""
-        start_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanStartClientConnections()
-        if start_response.get('error'):
-            self.log.error('Failed to start client connections. Err: %s' %
-                           start_response['error'])
-            return False
-        return True
-    def stop_client_connections(self):
-        """Prevent device from connecting and autoconnecting to networks via the
-        policy layer.
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise."""
-        stop_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanStopClientConnections()
-        if stop_response.get('error'):
-            self.log.error('Failed to stop client connections. Err: %s' %
-                           stop_response['error'])
-            return False
-        return True
-    def save_and_connect(self, ssid, security, password=None, timeout=30):
-        """ Saves and connects to the network. This is the policy version of
-        connect and check_connect_response because the policy layer
-        requires a saved network and the policy connect does not return
-        success or failure
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            password: string, the credential of the network if applicable
-            timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for connection
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        # Save network and check response
-        if not self.save_network(ssid, security, password=password):
-            return False
-        # Make connect call and check response
-        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-        if not self.send_connect_command(ssid, security):
-            return False
-        return self.wait_for_connect(ssid, security, timeout=timeout)
-    def save_and_wait_for_autoconnect(self,
-                                      ssid,
-                                      security,
-                                      password=None,
-                                      timeout=30):
-        """Saves a network and waits, expecting an autoconnection to the newly
-        saved network. This differes from save_and_connect, as it doesn't
-        expressly trigger a connection first. There are cases in which an
-        autoconnect won't occur after a save (like if the device is connected
-        already), so this should be used with caution to test very specific
-        situations.
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            password: string, the credential of the network if applicable
-            timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for connection
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        if not self.save_network(ssid, security, password=password):
-            return False
-        return self.wait_for_connect(ssid, security, timeout=timeout)
-    def remove_and_wait_for_disconnect(self,
-                                       ssid,
-                                       security_type,
-                                       password=None,
-                                       state=None,
-                                       status=None,
-                                       timeout=30):
-        """Removes a single network and waits for a disconnect. It is not
-        guaranteed the device will stay disconnected, as it may autoconnect
-        to a different saved network.
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            password: string, the credential of the network if applicable
-            state: string, The connection state we are expecting, ie "Disconnected" or
-                "Failed"
-            status: string, The disconnect status we expect, it "ConnectionStopped" or
-                "ConnectionFailed"
-            timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for connection
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-        if not self.remove_network(ssid, security_type, password=password):
-            return False
-        return self.wait_for_disconnect(ssid,
-                                        security_type,
-                                        state=state,
-                                        status=status,
-                                        timeout=timeout)
-    def remove_all_networks_and_wait_for_no_connections(self, timeout=30):
-        """Removes all networks and waits until device is not connected to any
-        networks. This should be used as the policy version of disconnect.
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-        if not self.remove_all_networks():
-            self.log.error('Failed to remove all networks. Cannot continue to '
-                           'wait_for_no_connections.')
-            return False
-        return self.wait_for_no_connections(timeout=timeout)
-    def save_network(self, ssid, security_type, password=None):
-        """Save a network via the policy layer.
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            password: string, the credential of the network if applicable
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        save_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSaveNetwork(
-            ssid, security_type, target_pwd=password)
-        if save_response.get('error'):
-            self.log.error('Failed to save network %s with error: %s' %
-                           (ssid, save_response['error']))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def remove_network(self, ssid, security_type, password=None):
-        """Remove a saved network via the policy layer.
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            password: string, the credential of the network if applicable
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        remove_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanRemoveNetwork(
-            ssid, security_type, target_pwd=password)
-        if remove_response.get('error'):
-            self.log.error('Failed to remove network %s with error: %s' %
-                           (ssid, remove_response['error']))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def remove_all_networks(self):
-        """Removes all saved networks from device.
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False otherwise.
-        """
-        remove_all_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanRemoveAllNetworks()
-        if remove_all_response.get('error'):
-            self.log.error('Error occurred removing all networks: %s' %
-                           remove_all_response['error'])
-            return False
-        return True
-    def get_saved_networks(self):
-        """Retrieves saved networks from device.
-        Returns:
-            list of saved networks
-        Raises:
-            WlanPolicyControllerError, if retrieval fails.
-        """
-        saved_networks_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetSavedNetworks(
-        )
-        if saved_networks_response.get('error'):
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                'Failed to retrieve saved networks: %s' %
-                saved_networks_response['error'])
-        return saved_networks_response['result']
-    def send_connect_command(self, ssid, security_type):
-        """Sends a connect command to a network that is already saved. This does
-        not wait to guarantee the connection is successful (for that, use
-        save_and_connect).
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            password: string, the credential of the network if applicable
-        Returns:
-            True, if command send successfully. False otherwise.
-        """
-        connect_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanConnect(
-            ssid, security_type)
-        if connect_response.get('error'):
-            self.log.error(
-                'Error occurred when sending policy connect command: %s' %
-                connect_response['error'])
-            return False
-        return True
-    def wait_for_connect(self, ssid, security_type, timeout=30):
-        """ Wait until the device has connected to the specified network.
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            timeout: int, seconds to wait for a update showing connection
-        Returns:
-            True if we see a connect to the network, False otherwise.
-        """
-        security_type = str(security_type)
-        # Wait until we've connected.
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            time_left = max(1, int(end_time - time.time()))
-            try:
-                update = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate(
-                    timeout=time_left)
-            except TimeoutError:
-                self.log.error('Timed out waiting for response from device '
-                               'while waiting for network with SSID "%s" to '
-                               'connect. Device took too long to connect or '
-                               'the request timed out for another reason.' %
-                               ssid)
-                self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-                return False
-            if update.get('error'):
-                # This can occur for many reasons, so it is not necessarily a
-                # failure.
-                self.log.debug('Error occurred getting status update: %s' %
-                               update['error'])
-                continue
-            for network in update['result']['networks']:
-                if network['id']['ssid'] == ssid or network['id'][
-                        'type_'].lower() == security_type.lower():
-                    if 'state' not in network:
-                        raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                            'WLAN status missing state field.')
-                    elif network['state'].lower() == STATE_CONNECTED.lower():
-                        return True
-            # Wait a bit before requesting another status update
-            time.sleep(1)
-        # Stopped getting updates because out timeout
-        self.log.error('Timed out waiting for network with SSID "%s" to '
-                       "connect" % ssid)
-        return False
-    def wait_for_disconnect(self,
-                            ssid,
-                            security_type,
-                            state=None,
-                            status=None,
-                            timeout=30):
-        """ Wait for a disconnect of the specified network on the given device. This
-        will check that the correct connection state and disconnect status are
-        given in update. If we do not see a disconnect after some time,
-        return false.
-        Args:
-            ssid: string, the network name
-            security: string, security type of network (see sl4f.wlan_policy_lib)
-            state: string, The connection state we are expecting, ie "Disconnected" or
-                "Failed"
-            status: string, The disconnect status we expect, it "ConnectionStopped" or
-                "ConnectionFailed"
-            timeout: int, seconds to wait before giving up
-        Returns: True if we saw a disconnect as specified, or False otherwise.
-        """
-        if not state:
-            state = STATE_DISCONNECTED
-        if not status:
-            status = STATE_CONNECTION_STOPPED
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            time_left = max(1, int(end_time - time.time()))
-            try:
-                update = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate(
-                    timeout=time_left)
-            except TimeoutError:
-                self.log.error(
-                    'Timed out waiting for response from device '
-                    'while waiting for network with SSID "%s" to '
-                    'disconnect. Device took too long to disconnect '
-                    'or the request timed out for another reason.' % ssid)
-                self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-                return False
-            if update.get('error'):
-                # This can occur for many reasons, so it is not necessarily a
-                # failure.
-                self.log.debug('Error occurred getting status update: %s' %
-                               update['error'])
-                continue
-            # Update should include network, either connected to or recently disconnected.
-            if len(update['result']['networks']) == 0:
-                raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                    'WLAN state update is missing network.')
-            for network in update['result']['networks']:
-                if network['id']['ssid'] == ssid or network['id'][
-                        'type_'].lower() == security_type.lower():
-                    if 'state' not in network or 'status' not in network:
-                        raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                            'Client state summary\'s network is missing fields'
-                        )
-                    # If still connected, we will wait for another update and check again
-                    elif network['state'].lower() == STATE_CONNECTED.lower():
-                        continue
-                    elif network['state'].lower() == STATE_CONNECTING.lower():
-                        self.log.error(
-                            'Update is "Connecting", but device should already be '
-                            'connected; expected disconnect')
-                        return False
-                    # Check that the network state and disconnect status are expected, ie
-                    # that it isn't ConnectionFailed when we expect ConnectionStopped
-                    elif network['state'].lower() != state.lower(
-                    ) or network['status'].lower() != status.lower():
-                        self.log.error(
-                            'Connection failed: a network failure occurred that is unrelated'
-                            'to remove network or incorrect status update. \nExpected state: '
-                            '%s, Status: %s,\nActual update: %s' %
-                            (state, status, network))
-                        return False
-                    else:
-                        return True
-            # Wait a bit before requesting another status update
-            time.sleep(1)
-        # Stopped getting updates because out timeout
-        self.log.error('Timed out waiting for network with SSID "%s" to '
-                       'connect' % ssid)
-        return False
-    def wait_for_no_connections(self, timeout=30):
-        """ Waits to see that there are no existing connections the device. This
-        is the simplest way to watch for disconnections when only a single
-        network is saved/present.
-        Args:
-            timeout: int, time in seconds to wait to see no connections
-        Returns:
-            True, if successful. False, if still connected after timeout.
-        """
-        # If there are already no existing connections when this function is called,
-        # then an update won't be generated by the device, and we'll time out.
-        # Force an update by getting a new listener.
-        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            time_left = max(1, int(end_time - time.time()))
-            try:
-                update = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate(
-                    timeout=time_left)
-            except TimeoutError:
-                self.log.info(
-                    "Timed out getting status update while waiting for all"
-                    " connections to end.")
-                self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-                return False
-            if update["error"] != None:
-                self.log.info("Failed to get status update")
-                return False
-            # If any network is connected or being connected to, wait for them
-            # to disconnect.
-            if any(network['state'].lower() in
-                   {STATE_CONNECTED.lower(),
-                    STATE_CONNECTING.lower()}
-                   for network in update['result']['networks']):
-                continue
-            else:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def remove_and_preserve_networks_and_client_state(self):
-        """ Preserves networks already saved on devices before removing them to
-        setup up for a clean test environment. Records the state of client
-        connections before tests.
-        Raises:
-            WlanPolicyControllerError, if the network removal is unsuccessful
-        """
-        # Save preexisting saved networks
-        preserved_networks_and_state = {}
-        saved_networks_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetSavedNetworks(
-        )
-        if saved_networks_response.get('error'):
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                'Failed to get preexisting saved networks: %s' %
-                saved_networks_response['error'])
-        if saved_networks_response.get('result') != None:
-            preserved_networks_and_state[
-                SAVED_NETWORKS] = saved_networks_response['result']
-        # Remove preexisting saved networks
-        if not self.remove_all_networks():
-            raise WlanPolicyControllerError(
-                'Failed to clear networks and disconnect at FuchsiaDevice creation.'
-            )
-        self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-        update_response = self.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate()
-        update_result = update_response.get('result', {})
-        if update_result.get('state'):
-            preserved_networks_and_state[CLIENT_STATE] = update_result['state']
-        else:
-            self.log.warn('Failed to get update; test will not start or '
-                          'stop client connections at the end of the test.')
-        self.log.info('Saved networks cleared and preserved.')
-        return preserved_networks_and_state
-    def restore_preserved_networks_and_client_state(self):
-        """ Restore saved networks and client state onto device if they have
-        been preserved.
-        """
-        if not self.remove_all_networks():
-            self.log.warn('Failed to remove saved networks before restore.')
-        restore_success = True
-        for network in self.preserved_networks_and_client_state[
-                SAVED_NETWORKS]:
-            if not self.save_network(network["ssid"], network["security_type"],
-                                     network["credential_value"]):
-                self.log.warn('Failed to restore network (%s).' %
-                              network['ssid'])
-                restore_success = False
-        starting_state = self.preserved_networks_and_client_state[CLIENT_STATE]
-        if starting_state == CONNECTIONS_ENABLED:
-            state_restored = self.start_client_connections()
-        else:
-            state_restored = self.stop_client_connections()
-        if not state_restored:
-            self.log.warn('Failed to restore client connections state.')
-            restore_success = False
-        if restore_success:
-            self.log.info('Preserved networks and client state restored.')
-            self.preserved_networks_and_client_state = None
-        return restore_success
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/location/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/location/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/location/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/location/regulatory_region_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/location/regulatory_region_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b5c692..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/location/regulatory_region_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaRegulatoryRegionLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "location_regulatory_region")
-    # TODO(fxb/46727): Provide an analagous call to check the region
-    # configured into the driver.
-    def setRegion(self, region_code):
-        """Set regulatory region.
-        Args:
-            region_code: 2-byte ASCII string.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "location_regulatory_region_facade.set_region"
-        test_args = {"region": region_code}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/logging_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/logging_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aba1acf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/logging_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import datetime
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaLoggingLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "logging")
-    def logE(self, message):
-        """Log a message of level Error directly to the syslog.
-        Args:
-            message: The message to log.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "logging_facade.LogErr"
-        test_args = {
-            "message": '[%s] %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), message),
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def logI(self, message):
-        """Log a message of level Info directly to the syslog.
-        Args:
-            message: The message to log.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "logging_facade.LogInfo"
-        test_args = {"message": '[%s] %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), message)}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def logW(self, message):
-        """Log a message of level Warning directly to the syslog.
-        Args:
-            message: The message to log.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "logging_facade.LogWarn"
-        test_args = {"message": '[%s] %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), message)}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/netstack_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/netstack_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 20893b2..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/netstack/netstack_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaNetstackLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "netstack")
-    def netstackListInterfaces(self):
-        """ListInterfaces command
-        Returns:
-            List of interface paths
-        """
-        test_cmd = "netstack_facade.ListInterfaces"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def enableInterface(self, id):
-        """Enable Interface
-        Args:
-            id: The interface ID.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "netstack_facade.EnableInterface"
-        test_args = {"identifier": id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def disableInterface(self, id):
-        """Disable Interface
-        Args:
-            id: The interface ID.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, None if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "netstack_facade.DisableInterface"
-        test_args = {"identifier": id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/package_server.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/package_server.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b0a45c7..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/package_server.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import tarfile
-import tempfile
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from datetime import datetime
-from typing import TextIO, List, Optional
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import FuchsiaSSHError, SSHProvider
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.utils_lib import wait_for_port
-from antlion.tracelogger import TraceLogger
-class PackageServerError(signals.TestAbortClass):
-    pass
-def random_port() -> int:
-    s = socket.socket()
-    s.bind(('', 0))
-    return s.getsockname()[1]
-class Route:
-    """Represent a route in the routing table."""
-    preferred_source: Optional[str]
-def find_routes_to(dest_ip) -> List[Route]:
-    """Find the routes used to reach a destination.
-    Look through the routing table for the routes that would be used without
-    sending any packets. This is especially helpful for when the device is
-    currently unreachable.
-    Only natively supported on Linux. MacOS has iproute2mac, but it doesn't
-    support JSON formatted output.
-    TODO(http://b/238924195): Add support for MacOS.
-    Args:
-        dest_ip: IP address of the destination
-    Throws:
-        CalledProcessError: if the ip command returns a non-zero exit code
-        JSONDecodeError: if the ip command doesn't return JSON
-    Returns:
-        Routes with destination to dest_ip.
-    """
-    resp = subprocess.run(f"ip -json route get {dest_ip}".split(),
-                          capture_output=True,
-                          check=True)
-    routes = json.loads(resp.stdout)
-    return [Route(r.get("prefsrc")) for r in routes]
-def find_host_ip(device_ip: str) -> str:
-    """Find the host's source IP used to reach a device.
-    Not all host interfaces can talk to a given device. This limitation can
-    either be physical through hardware or virtual through routing tables.
-    Look through the routing table without sending any packets then return the
-    preferred source IP address.
-    Args:
-        device_ip: IP address of the device
-    Raises:
-        PackageServerError: if there are multiple or no routes to device_ip, or
-            if the route doesn't contain "prefsrc"
-    Returns:
-        The host IP used to reach device_ip.
-    """
-    routes = find_routes_to(device_ip)
-    if len(routes) != 1:
-        raise PackageServerError(
-            f"Expected only one route to {device_ip}, got {routes}")
-    route = routes[0]
-    if not route.preferred_source:
-        raise PackageServerError(f'Route does not contain "prefsrc": {route}')
-    return route.preferred_source
-class PackageServer:
-    """Package manager for Fuchsia; an interface to the "pm" CLI tool."""
-    def __init__(self, packages_archive_path: str) -> None:
-        """
-        Args:
-            packages_archive_path: Path to an archive containing the pm binary
-                and amber-files.
-        """
-        self.log: TraceLogger = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger("pm")
-        self._server_log: Optional[TextIO] = None
-        self._server_proc: Optional[subprocess.Popen] = None
-        self._log_path: Optional[str] = None
-        self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="packages-")
-        tar = tarfile.open(packages_archive_path, "r:gz")
-        tar.extractall(self._tmp_dir)
-        self._binary_path = os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, "pm")
-        self._packages_path = os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, "amber-files")
-        self._port = random_port()
-        self._assert_repo_has_not_expired()
-    def clean_up(self) -> None:
-        if self._server_proc:
-            self.stop_server()
-        if self._tmp_dir:
-            shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir)
-    def _assert_repo_has_not_expired(self) -> None:
-        """Abort if the repository metadata has expired.
-        Raises:
-            TestAbortClass: when the timestamp.json file has expired
-        """
-        with open(f'{self._packages_path}/repository/timestamp.json',
-                  'r') as f:
-            data = json.load(f)
-            expiresAtRaw = data["signed"]["expires"]
-            expiresAt = datetime.strptime(expiresAtRaw, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
-            if expiresAt <= datetime.now():
-                raise signals.TestAbortClass(
-                    f'{self._packages_path}/repository/timestamp.json has expired on {expiresAtRaw}'
-                )
-    def start(self) -> None:
-        """Start the package server.
-        Does not check for errors; view the log file for any errors.
-        """
-        if self._server_proc:
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Skipping to start the server since it has already been started"
-            )
-            return
-        pm_command = f'{self._binary_path} serve -c 2 -repo {self._packages_path} -l :{self._port}'
-        root_dir = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
-        epoch = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-        time_stamp = logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
-            logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch))
-        self._log_path = os.path.join(root_dir, f'pm_server.{time_stamp}.log')
-        self._server_log = open(self._log_path, 'a+')
-        self._server_proc = subprocess.Popen(pm_command.split(),
-                                             preexec_fn=os.setpgrp,
-                                             stdout=self._server_log,
-                                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        try:
-            wait_for_port('', self._port)
-        except TimeoutError as e:
-            if self._server_log:
-                self._server_log.close()
-            if self._log_path:
-                with open(self._log_path, 'r') as f:
-                    logs = f.read()
-            raise TimeoutError(
-                f"pm serve failed to expose port {self._port}. Logs:\n{logs}"
-            ) from e
-        self.log.info(f'Serving packages on port {self._port}')
-    def configure_device(self,
-                         ssh: SSHProvider,
-                         repo_name=DEFAULT_FUCHSIA_REPO_NAME) -> None:
-        """Configure the device to use this package server.
-        Args:
-            ssh: Device SSH transport channel
-            repo_name: Name of the repo to alias this package server
-        """
-        # Remove any existing repositories that may be stale.
-        try:
-            ssh.run(f'pkgctl repo rm fuchsia-pkg://{repo_name}')
-        except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-            if 'NOT_FOUND' not in e.result.stderr:
-                raise e
-        # Configure the device with the new repository.
-        host_ip = find_host_ip(ssh.config.host_name)
-        repo_url = f"http://{host_ip}:{self._port}"
-        ssh.run(
-            f"pkgctl repo add url -f 2 -n {repo_name} {repo_url}/config.json")
-        self.log.info(
-            f'Added repo "{repo_name}" as {repo_url} on device {ssh.config.host_name}'
-        )
-    def stop_server(self) -> None:
-        """Stop the package server."""
-        if not self._server_proc:
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Skipping to stop the server since it hasn't been started yet")
-            return
-        self._server_proc.terminate()
-        try:
-            self._server_proc.wait(timeout=PM_SERVE_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC)
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
-            self.log.warn(
-                f"Taking over {PM_SERVE_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC}s to stop. Killing the server"
-            )
-            self._server_proc.kill()
-            self._server_proc.wait(timeout=PM_SERVE_STOP_TIMEOUT_SEC)
-        finally:
-            if self._server_log:
-                self._server_log.close()
-        self._server_proc = None
-        self._log_path = None
-        self._server_log = None
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/sl4f.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/sl4f.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb36ee..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/sl4f.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import ipaddress
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib import utils_lib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.audio_lib import FuchsiaAudioLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.basemgr_lib import FuchsiaBasemgrLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.avdtp_lib import FuchsiaAvdtpLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.ble_lib import FuchsiaBleLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.bts_lib import FuchsiaBtsLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.gattc_lib import FuchsiaGattcLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.gatts_lib import FuchsiaGattsLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.hfp_lib import FuchsiaHfpLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.rfcomm_lib import FuchsiaRfcommLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.bt.sdp_lib import FuchsiaProfileServerLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.hardware_power_statecontrol_lib import FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.location.regulatory_region_lib import FuchsiaRegulatoryRegionLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.logging_lib import FuchsiaLoggingLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.netstack.netstack_lib import FuchsiaNetstackLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import SSHProvider, FuchsiaSSHError
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_ap_policy_lib import FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib import FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_lib import FuchsiaWlanLib
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_policy_lib import FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib
-START_SL4F_V2_CMD = 'start_sl4f'
-class SL4F:
-    """Module for Fuchsia devices to interact with the SL4F tool.
-    Attributes:
-        ssh: SSHProvider transport to start and stop SL4F.
-        address: http address for SL4F server including SL4F port.
-        log: Logger for the device-specific instance of SL4F.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ssh: SSHProvider,
-                 port: int = DEFAULT_SL4F_PORT) -> None:
-        """
-        Args:
-            ssh: SSHProvider transport to start and stop SL4F.
-            port: Port for the SL4F server to listen on.
-        """
-        host = ipaddress.ip_address(ssh.config.host_name)
-        if host.version == 4:
-            self.address = f'http://{host}:{port}'
-        elif host.version == 6:
-            self.address = f'http://[{host}]:{port}'
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(f"SL4F | {self.address}")
-        try:
-            ssh.run(START_SL4F_V2_CMD).stdout
-        except FuchsiaSSHError:
-            # TODO(fxbug.dev/99331) Remove support to run SL4F in CFv1 mode
-            # once ACTS no longer use images that comes with only CFv1 SL4F.
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Running SL4F in CFv1 mode, "
-                "this is deprecated for images built after 5/9/2022, "
-                "see https://fxbug.dev/77056 for more info.")
-            ssh.stop_v1_component("sl4f")
-            ssh.start_v1_component("sl4f")
-        utils_lib.wait_for_port(str(host), port)
-        self._init_libraries()
-        self._verify_sl4f_connection()
-    def _init_libraries(self) -> None:
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaAudioLib
-        self.audio_lib = FuchsiaAudioLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaAvdtpLib
-        self.avdtp_lib = FuchsiaAvdtpLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaHfpLib
-        self.hfp_lib = FuchsiaHfpLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaRfcommLib
-        self.rfcomm_lib = FuchsiaRfcommLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaBasemgrLib
-        self.basemgr_lib = FuchsiaBasemgrLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaBleLib
-        self.ble_lib = FuchsiaBleLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaBtsLib
-        self.bts_lib = FuchsiaBtsLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaGattcLib
-        self.gattc_lib = FuchsiaGattcLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaGattsLib
-        self.gatts_lib = FuchsiaGattsLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib
-        self.hardware_power_statecontrol_lib = (
-            FuchsiaHardwarePowerStatecontrolLib(self.address))
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaLoggingLib
-        self.logging_lib = FuchsiaLoggingLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaNetstackLib
-        self.netstack_lib = FuchsiaNetstackLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaProfileServerLib
-        self.sdp_lib = FuchsiaProfileServerLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaRegulatoryRegionLib
-        self.regulatory_region_lib = FuchsiaRegulatoryRegionLib(self.address)
-        # Grabs command from FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib
-        self.wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib = (
-            FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib(self.address))
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaWlanLib
-        self.wlan_lib = FuchsiaWlanLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib
-        self.wlan_ap_policy_lib = FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib(self.address)
-        # Grab commands from FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib
-        self.wlan_policy_lib = FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib(self.address)
-    def _verify_sl4f_connection(self) -> None:
-        """Verify SL4F commands can run on server."""
-        self.log.info('Verifying SL4F commands can run.')
-        try:
-            self.wlan_lib.wlanGetIfaceIdList()
-        except Exception as err:
-            raise ConnectionError(
-                f'Failed to connect and run command via SL4F. Err: {err}')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ssh.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ssh.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fd32d99..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/ssh.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import subprocess
-import time
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import List, Union
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-DEFAULT_SSH_USER: str = "fuchsia"
-# The default package repository for all components.
-class SSHResult:
-    """Result of an SSH command."""
-    def __init__(
-        self, process: Union[subprocess.CompletedProcess,
-                             subprocess.CalledProcessError]
-    ) -> None:
-        self._raw_stdout = process.stdout
-        self._stdout = process.stdout.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
-        self._stderr = process.stderr.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
-        self._exit_status: int = process.returncode
-    def __str__(self):
-        if self.exit_status == 0:
-            return self.stdout
-        return f'status {self.exit_status}, stdout: "{self.stdout}", stderr: "{self.stderr}"'
-    @property
-    def stdout(self) -> str:
-        return self._stdout
-    @property
-    def stderr(self) -> str:
-        return self._stderr
-    @property
-    def exit_status(self) -> int:
-        return self._exit_status
-    @property
-    def raw_stdout(self) -> bytes:
-        return self._raw_stdout
-class FuchsiaSSHError(signals.TestError):
-    """A SSH command returned with a non-zero status code."""
-    def __init__(self, command: str, result: SSHResult):
-        super().__init__(
-            f'SSH command "{command}" unexpectedly returned {result}')
-        self.result = result
-class SSHTimeout(signals.TestError):
-    """A SSH command timed out."""
-    def __init__(self, err: subprocess.TimeoutExpired):
-        super().__init__(
-            f'SSH command "{err.cmd}" timed out after {err.timeout}s, '
-            f'stdout="{err.stdout}", stderr="{err.stderr}"')
-class FuchsiaSSHTransportError(signals.TestError):
-    """Failure to send an SSH command."""
-class SSHConfig:
-    """SSH client config."""
-    # SSH flags. See ssh(1) for full details.
-    host_name: str
-    identity_file: str
-    ssh_binary: str = 'ssh'
-    config_file: str = '/dev/null'
-    port: int = 22
-    user: str = DEFAULT_SSH_USER
-    # SSH options. See ssh_config(5) for full details.
-    connect_timeout: int = DEFAULT_SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC
-    server_alive_interval: int = DEFAULT_SSH_SERVER_ALIVE_INTERVAL
-    strict_host_key_checking: bool = False
-    user_known_hosts_file: str = "/dev/null"
-    log_level: str = "ERROR"
-    def full_command(self, command: str, force_tty: bool = False) -> List[str]:
-        """Generate the complete command to execute command over SSH.
-        Args:
-            command: The command to run over SSH
-            force_tty: Force pseudo-terminal allocation. This can be used to
-                execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine,
-                which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services.
-        Returns:
-            Arguments composing the complete call to SSH.
-        """
-        optional_flags = []
-        if force_tty:
-            # Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local
-            # tty. This is necessary for launching ssh with subprocess without
-            # shell=True.
-            optional_flags.append('-tt')
-        return [
-            self.ssh_binary,
-            # SSH flags
-            '-i',
-            self.identity_file,
-            '-F',
-            self.config_file,
-            '-p',
-            str(self.port),
-            # SSH configuration options
-            '-o',
-            f'ConnectTimeout={self.connect_timeout}',
-            '-o',
-            f'ServerAliveInterval={self.server_alive_interval}',
-            '-o',
-            f'StrictHostKeyChecking={"yes" if self.strict_host_key_checking else "no"}',
-            '-o',
-            f'UserKnownHostsFile={self.user_known_hosts_file}',
-            '-o',
-            f'LogLevel={self.log_level}',
-        ] + optional_flags + [
-            f'{self.user}@{self.host_name}'
-        ] + command.split()
-class SSHProvider:
-    """Device-specific provider for SSH clients."""
-    def __init__(self, config: SSHConfig) -> None:
-        """
-        Args:
-            config: SSH client config
-        """
-        logger_tag = f"ssh | {config.host_name}"
-        if config.port != DEFAULT_SSH_PORT:
-            logger_tag += f':{config.port}'
-        # Check if the private key exists
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(logger_tag)
-        self.config = config
-    def run(self,
-            command: str,
-            timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT_SEC,
-            connect_retries: int = 3,
-            force_tty: bool = False) -> SSHResult:
-        """Run a command on the device then exit.
-        Args:
-            command: String to send to the device.
-            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for the command to complete.
-            connect_retries: Amount of times to retry connect on fail.
-            force_tty: Force pseudo-terminal allocation.
-        Raises:
-            FuchsiaSSHError: if the SSH command returns a non-zero status code
-            FuchsiaSSHTimeout: if there is no response within timeout_sec
-            FuchsiaSSHTransportError: if SSH fails to run the command
-        Returns:
-            SSHResults from the executed command.
-        """
-        err: Exception
-        for i in range(0, connect_retries):
-            try:
-                return self._run(command, timeout_sec, force_tty)
-            except FuchsiaSSHTransportError as e:
-                err = e
-                self.log.warn(f'Connect failed: {e}')
-        raise err
-    def _run(self, command: str, timeout_sec: int, force_tty: bool) -> SSHResult:
-        full_command = self.config.full_command(command, force_tty)
-        self.log.debug(f'Running "{" ".join(full_command)}"')
-        try:
-            process = subprocess.run(full_command,
-                                     capture_output=True,
-                                     timeout=timeout_sec,
-                                     check=True)
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-            if e.returncode == 255:
-                stderr = e.stderr.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
-                if 'Name or service not known' in stderr or 'Host does not exist' in stderr:
-                    raise FuchsiaSSHTransportError(
-                        f'Hostname {self.config.host_name} cannot be resolved to an address'
-                    ) from e
-                if 'Connection timed out' in stderr:
-                    raise FuchsiaSSHTransportError(
-                        f'Failed to establish a connection to {self.config.host_name} within {timeout_sec}s'
-                    ) from e
-                if 'Connection refused' in stderr:
-                    raise FuchsiaSSHTransportError(
-                        f'Connection refused by {self.config.host_name}') from e
-            raise FuchsiaSSHError(command, SSHResult(e)) from e
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
-            raise SSHTimeout(e) from e
-        return SSHResult(process)
-    def start_v1_component(self,
-                           component: str,
-                           timeout_sec: int = 5,
-                           repo: str = FUCHSIA_PACKAGE_REPO_NAME) -> None:
-        """Start a CFv1 component in the background.
-        Args:
-            component: Name of the component without ".cmx".
-            timeout_sec: Seconds to wait for the process to show up in 'ps'.
-            repo: Default package repository for all components.
-        Raises:
-            TimeoutError: when the component doesn't launch within timeout_sec
-        """
-        # The "run -d" command will hang when executed without a pseudo-tty
-        # allocated.
-        self.run(
-            f'run -d fuchsia-pkg://{repo}/{component}#meta/{component}.cmx', force_tty=True)
-        timeout = time.perf_counter() + timeout_sec
-        while True:
-            ps_cmd = self.run("ps")
-            if f'{component}.cmx' in ps_cmd.stdout:
-                return
-            if time.perf_counter() > timeout:
-                raise TimeoutError(
-                    f'Failed to start "{component}.cmx" after {timeout_sec}s')
-    def stop_v1_component(self, component: str) -> None:
-        """Stop all instances of a CFv1 component.
-        Args:
-            component: Name of the component without ".cmx"
-        """
-        try:
-            self.run(f'killall {component}.cmx')
-        except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-            if 'no tasks found' in e.result.stderr:
-                return
-            raise e
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/utils_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/utils_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bb3e24b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/utils_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import logging
-import psutil
-import socket
-import tarfile
-import tempfile
-import time
-import usbinfo
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import FuchsiaSSHError
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion.utils import get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address
-FUCHSIA_SDK_URL = "gs://fuchsia-sdk/development"
-FUCHSIA_RELEASE_TESTING_URL = "gs://fuchsia-release-testing/images"
-def flash(fuchsia_device, use_ssh=False,
-          fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time=5):
-    """A function to flash, not pave, a fuchsia_device
-    Args:
-        fuchsia_device: An ACTS fuchsia_device
-    Returns:
-        True if successful.
-    """
-    if not fuchsia_device.authorized_file:
-        raise ValueError('A ssh authorized_file must be present in the '
-                         'ACTS config to flash fuchsia_devices.')
-    # This is the product type from the fx set command.
-    # Do 'fx list-products' to see options in Fuchsia source tree.
-    if not fuchsia_device.product_type:
-        raise ValueError('A product type must be specified to flash '
-                         'fuchsia_devices.')
-    # This is the board type from the fx set command.
-    # Do 'fx list-boards' to see options in Fuchsia source tree.
-    if not fuchsia_device.board_type:
-        raise ValueError('A board type must be specified to flash '
-                         'fuchsia_devices.')
-    if not fuchsia_device.build_number:
-        fuchsia_device.build_number = 'LATEST'
-    if not fuchsia_device.mdns_name:
-        raise ValueError(
-            'Either fuchsia_device mdns_name must be specified or '
-            'ip must be the mDNS name to be able to flash.')
-    file_to_download = None
-    image_archive_path = None
-    image_path = None
-    if not fuchsia_device.specific_image:
-        product_build = fuchsia_device.product_type
-        if fuchsia_device.build_type:
-            product_build = f'{product_build}_{fuchsia_device.build_type}'
-        if 'LATEST' in fuchsia_device.build_number:
-            sdk_version = 'sdk'
-            if 'LATEST_F' in fuchsia_device.build_number:
-                f_branch = fuchsia_device.build_number.split('LATEST_F', 1)[1]
-                sdk_version = f'f{f_branch}_sdk'
-            file_to_download = (
-                f'{FUCHSIA_RELEASE_TESTING_URL}/'
-                f'{sdk_version}-{product_build}.{fuchsia_device.board_type}-release.tgz'
-            )
-        else:
-            # Must be a fully qualified build number (e.g. 5.20210721.4.1215)
-            file_to_download = (
-                f'{FUCHSIA_SDK_URL}/{fuchsia_device.build_number}/images/'
-                f'{product_build}.{fuchsia_device.board_type}-release.tgz')
-    elif 'gs://' in fuchsia_device.specific_image:
-        file_to_download = fuchsia_device.specific_image
-    elif os.path.isdir(fuchsia_device.specific_image):
-        image_path = fuchsia_device.specific_image
-    elif tarfile.is_tarfile(fuchsia_device.specific_image):
-        image_archive_path = fuchsia_device.specific_image
-    else:
-        raise ValueError(
-            f'Invalid specific_image "{fuchsia_device.specific_image}"')
-    if image_path:
-        reboot_to_bootloader(fuchsia_device, use_ssh,
-                             fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time)
-        logging.info(
-            f'Flashing {fuchsia_device.mdns_name} with {image_path} using authorized keys "{fuchsia_device.authorized_file}".'
-        )
-        run_flash_script(fuchsia_device, image_path)
-    else:
-        suffix = fuchsia_device.board_type
-        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=suffix) as image_path:
-            if file_to_download:
-                logging.info(f'Downloading {file_to_download} to {image_path}')
-                job.run(f'gsutil cp {file_to_download} {image_path}')
-                image_archive_path = os.path.join(
-                    image_path, os.path.basename(file_to_download))
-            if image_archive_path:
-                # Use tar command instead of tarfile.extractall, as it takes too long.
-                job.run(f'tar xfvz {image_archive_path} -C {image_path}',
-                        timeout=120)
-            reboot_to_bootloader(fuchsia_device, use_ssh,
-                                 fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time)
-            logging.info(
-                f'Flashing {fuchsia_device.mdns_name} with {image_archive_path} using authorized keys "{fuchsia_device.authorized_file}".'
-            )
-            run_flash_script(fuchsia_device, image_path)
-    return True
-def reboot_to_bootloader(fuchsia_device,
-                         use_ssh=False,
-                         fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time=5):
-    if use_ssh:
-        logging.info('Sending reboot command via SSH to '
-                     'get into bootloader.')
-        # Sending this command will put the device in fastboot
-        # but it does not guarantee the device will be in fastboot
-        # after this command.  There is no check so if there is an
-        # expectation of the device being in fastboot, then some
-        # other check needs to be done.
-        try:
-            fuchsia_device.ssh.run(
-                'dm rb', timeout_sec=fuchsia_reconnect_after_reboot_time)
-        except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-            if 'closed by remote host' not in e.result.stderr:
-                raise e
-    else:
-        pass
-        ## Todo: Add elif for SL4F if implemented in SL4F
-    time_counter = 0
-    while time_counter < FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT:
-        logging.info('Checking to see if fuchsia_device(%s) SN: %s is in '
-                     'fastboot. (Attempt #%s Timeout: %s)' %
-                     (fuchsia_device.mdns_name, fuchsia_device.serial_number,
-                      str(time_counter + 1), FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT))
-        for usb_device in usbinfo.usbinfo():
-            if (usb_device['iSerialNumber'] == fuchsia_device.serial_number
-                    and usb_device['iProduct'] == 'USB_download_gadget'):
-                logging.info(
-                    'fuchsia_device(%s) SN: %s is in fastboot.' %
-                    (fuchsia_device.mdns_name, fuchsia_device.serial_number))
-                time_counter = FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT
-        time_counter = time_counter + 1
-        if time_counter == FASTBOOT_TIMEOUT:
-            for fail_usb_device in usbinfo.usbinfo():
-                logging.debug(fail_usb_device)
-            raise TimeoutError(
-                'fuchsia_device(%s) SN: %s '
-                'never went into fastboot' %
-                (fuchsia_device.mdns_name, fuchsia_device.serial_number))
-        time.sleep(1)
-    end_time = time.time() + WAIT_FOR_EXISTING_FLASH_TO_FINISH_SEC
-    # Attempt to wait for existing flashing process to finish
-    while time.time() < end_time:
-        flash_process_found = False
-        for proc in psutil.process_iter():
-            if "bash" in proc.name() and "flash.sh" in proc.cmdline():
-                logging.info(
-                    "Waiting for existing flash.sh process to complete.")
-                time.sleep(PROCESS_CHECK_WAIT_TIME_SEC)
-                flash_process_found = True
-        if not flash_process_found:
-            break
-def run_flash_script(fuchsia_device, flash_dir):
-    try:
-        flash_output = job.run(
-            f'bash {flash_dir}/flash.sh --ssh-key={fuchsia_device.authorized_file} -s {fuchsia_device.serial_number}',
-            timeout=120)
-        logging.debug(flash_output.stderr)
-    except job.TimeoutError as err:
-        raise TimeoutError(err)
-    logging.info('Waiting %s seconds for device'
-                 ' to come back up after flashing.' % AFTER_FLASH_BOOT_TIME)
-    time.sleep(AFTER_FLASH_BOOT_TIME)
-    logging.info('Updating device to new IP addresses.')
-    mdns_ip = None
-    for retry_counter in range(MDNS_LOOKUP_RETRY_MAX):
-        mdns_ip = get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address(fuchsia_device.mdns_name)
-        if mdns_ip:
-            break
-        else:
-            time.sleep(1)
-    if mdns_ip and utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(mdns_ip):
-        logging.info('IP for fuchsia_device(%s) changed from %s to %s' %
-                     (fuchsia_device.mdns_name, fuchsia_device.ip, mdns_ip))
-        fuchsia_device.ip = mdns_ip
-        fuchsia_device.address = "http://[{}]:{}".format(
-            fuchsia_device.ip, fuchsia_device.sl4f_port)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid IP: %s after flashing.' %
-                         fuchsia_device.mdns_name)
-def wait_for_port(host: str, port: int, timeout_sec: int = 5) -> None:
-    """Wait for the host to start accepting connections on the port.
-    Some services take some time to start. Call this after launching the service
-    to avoid race conditions.
-    Args:
-        host: IP of the running service.
-        port: Port of the running service.
-        timeout_sec: Seconds to wait until raising TimeoutError
-    Raises:
-        TimeoutError: when timeout_sec has expired without a successful
-            connection to the service
-    """
-    timeout = time.perf_counter() + timeout_sec
-    while True:
-        try:
-            with socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=timeout_sec):
-                return
-        except ConnectionRefusedError as e:
-            if time.perf_counter() > timeout:
-                raise TimeoutError(
-                    f'Waited over {timeout_sec}s for the service to start '
-                    f'accepting connections at {host}:{port}') from e
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_ap_policy_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_ap_policy_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ff2f8..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_ap_policy_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "wlan_ap_policy")
-    def wlanStartAccessPoint(self, target_ssid, security_type, target_pwd,
-                             connectivity_mode, operating_band):
-        """ Start an Access Point.
-                Args:
-                    target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
-                    security_type: the security protocol of the network. Possible inputs:
-                    	"none", "wep", "wpa", "wpa2", "wpa3"
-                    target_pwd: (optional) credential being saved with the network. No password
-                                is equivalent to empty string.
-                    connectivity_mode: the connectivity mode to use. Possible inputs:
-                    	"local_only", "unrestricted"
-                    operating_band: The operating band to use. Possible inputs:
-                    	"any", "only_2_4_ghz", "only_5_ghz"
-                Returns:
-                    boolean indicating if the action was successful
-        """
-        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.start_access_point"
-        test_args = {
-            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
-            "security_type": security_type.lower(),
-            "target_pwd": target_pwd,
-            "connectivity_mode": connectivity_mode,
-            "operating_band": operating_band,
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanStopAccessPoint(self, target_ssid, security_type, target_pwd=""):
-        """ Stops an active Access Point.
-                Args:
-                    target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
-                    security_type: the security protocol of the network
-                    target_pwd: (optional) credential being saved with the network. No password
-                                is equivalent to empty string.
-                Returns:
-                    boolean indicating if the action was successful
-        """
-        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.stop_access_point"
-        test_args = {
-            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
-            "security_type": security_type.lower(),
-            "target_pwd": target_pwd
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanStopAllAccessPoint(self):
-        """ Stops all Access Points
-                Returns:
-                    boolean indicating if the actions were successful
-        """
-        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.stop_all_access_points"
-        test_args = {}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanSetNewListener(self):
-        """ Sets the update listener stream of the facade to a new stream so that updates will be
-            reset. Intended to be used between tests so that the behaviour of updates in a test is
-            independent from previous tests.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.set_new_update_listener"
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanGetUpdate(self, timeout=30):
-        """ Gets a list of AP state updates. This call will return with an update immediately the
-            first time the update listener is initialized by setting a new listener or by creating
-            a client controller before setting a new listener. Subsequent calls will hang until
-            there is an update.
-            Returns:
-                A list of AP state updated. If there is no error, the result is a list with a
-                structure that matches the FIDL AccessPointState struct given for updates.
-        """
-        test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.get_update"
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {}, response_timeout=timeout)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d229049..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-class FuchsiaWlanDeprecatedConfigurationLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "wlan_deprecated")
-    def wlanSuggestAccessPointMacAddress(self, addr):
-        """ Suggests a mac address to soft AP interface, to support
-        cast legacy behavior.
-        Args:
-            addr: string of mac address to suggest (e.g. '12:34:56:78:9a:bc')
-        """
-        test_cmd = 'wlan_deprecated.suggest_ap_mac'
-        test_args = {'mac': addr}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c68fa11..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-COMMAND_SCAN = "wlan.scan"
-COMMAND_SCAN_FOR_BSS_INFO = "wlan.scan_for_bss_info"
-COMMAND_CONNECT = "wlan.connect"
-COMMAND_DISCONNECT = "wlan.disconnect"
-COMMAND_STATUS = "wlan.status"
-COMMAND_GET_IFACE_ID_LIST = "wlan.get_iface_id_list"
-COMMAND_GET_PHY_ID_LIST = "wlan.get_phy_id_list"
-COMMAND_DESTROY_IFACE = "wlan.destroy_iface"
-COMMAND_GET_COUNTRY = "wlan_phy.get_country"
-COMMAND_GET_DEV_PATH = "wlan_phy.get_dev_path"
-COMMAND_QUERY_IFACE = "wlan.query_iface"
-class FuchsiaWlanLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "wlan")
-    def wlanStartScan(self):
-        """ Starts a wlan scan
-        Returns:
-            scan results
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_SCAN
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanScanForBSSInfo(self):
-        """ Scans and returns BSS info
-        Returns:
-            A dict mapping each seen SSID to a list of BSS Description IE
-            blocks, one for each BSS observed in the network
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_SCAN_FOR_BSS_INFO
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanConnectToNetwork(self,
-                             target_ssid,
-                             target_bss_desc,
-                             target_pwd=None):
-        """ Triggers a network connection
-        Args:
-            target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
-            target_pwd: (optional) password for the target network
-        Returns:
-            boolean indicating if the connection was successful
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_CONNECT
-        test_args = {
-            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
-            "target_pwd": target_pwd,
-            "target_bss_desc": target_bss_desc
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanDisconnect(self):
-        """ Disconnect any current wifi connections"""
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_DISCONNECT
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanDestroyIface(self, iface_id):
-        """ Destroy WLAN interface by ID.
-        Args:
-            iface_id: the interface id.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, service id if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_DESTROY_IFACE
-        test_args = {"identifier": iface_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanGetIfaceIdList(self):
-        """ Get a list if wlan interface IDs.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, service id if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_GET_IFACE_ID_LIST
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanPhyIdList(self):
-        """ Get a list if wlan phy IDs.
-        Returns:
-            List of IDs if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_GET_PHY_ID_LIST
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanStatus(self, iface_id=None):
-        """ Request connection status
-        Args:
-            iface_id: unsigned 16-bit int, the wlan interface id
-                (defaults to None)
-        Returns:
-            Client state summary containing WlanClientState and
-            status of various networks connections
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_STATUS
-        test_args = {}
-        if iface_id:
-            test_args = {'iface_id': iface_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanGetCountry(self, phy_id):
-        """ Reads the currently configured country for `phy_id`.
-        Args:
-            phy_id: unsigned 16-bit integer.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, String if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_GET_COUNTRY
-        test_args = {"phy_id": phy_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanGetDevPath(self, phy_id):
-        """ Queries the device path for `phy_id`.
-        Args:
-            phy_id: unsigned 16-bit integer.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, String if success, error if error.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_GET_DEV_PATH
-        test_args = {"phy_id": phy_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanQueryInterface(self, iface_id):
-        """ Retrieves interface info for given wlan iface id.
-        Args:
-            iface_id: unsigned 16-bit int, the wlan interface id.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary, containing interface id, role, phy_id, phy_assigned_id
-            and mac addr.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_QUERY_IFACE
-        test_args = {'iface_id': iface_id}
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_policy_lib.py b/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_policy_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e70fa..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/wlan_policy_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Lint as: python3
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-#   This class provides pipeline betweem python tests and WLAN policy facade.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
-COMMAND_START_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = "wlan_policy.start_client_connections"
-COMMAND_STOP_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = "wlan_policy.stop_client_connections"
-COMMAND_SCAN_FOR_NETWORKS = "wlan_policy.scan_for_networks"
-COMMAND_SAVE_NETWORK = "wlan_policy.save_network"
-COMMAND_REMOVE_NETWORK = "wlan_policy.remove_network"
-COMMAND_REMOVE_ALL_NETWORKS = "wlan_policy.remove_all_networks"
-COMMAND_GET_SAVED_NETWORKS = "wlan_policy.get_saved_networks"
-COMMAND_CONNECT = "wlan_policy.connect"
-COMMAND_CREATE_CLIENT_CONTROLLER = "wlan_policy.create_client_controller"
-COMMAND_SET_NEW_LISTENER = "wlan_policy.set_new_update_listener"
-COMMAND_REMOVE_ALL_NETWORKS = "wlan_policy.remove_all_networks"
-COMMAND_GET_UPDATE = "wlan_policy.get_update"
-class FuchsiaWlanPolicyLib(BaseLib):
-    def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(addr, "wlan_policy")
-    def wlanStartClientConnections(self):
-        """ Enables device to initiate connections to networks """
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanStopClientConnections(self):
-        """ Disables device for initiating connections to networks """
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanScanForNetworks(self):
-        """ Scans for networks that can be connected to
-                Returns:
-                    A list of network names and security types
-         """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_SCAN_FOR_NETWORKS
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanSaveNetwork(self, target_ssid, security_type, target_pwd=None):
-        """ Saveds a network to the device for future connections
-                Args:
-                    target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
-                    security_type: the security protocol of the network
-                    target_pwd: (optional) credential being saved with the network. No password
-                                is equivalent to empty string.
-                Returns:
-                    boolean indicating if the connection was successful
-        """
-        if not target_pwd:
-            target_pwd = ''
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_SAVE_NETWORK
-        test_args = {
-            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
-            "security_type": str(security_type).lower(),
-            "target_pwd": target_pwd
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanRemoveNetwork(self, target_ssid, security_type, target_pwd=None):
-        """ Removes or "forgets" a network from saved networks
-                Args:
-                    target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
-                    security_type: the security protocol of the network
-                    target_pwd: (optional) credential of the network to remove. No password and
-                                empty string are equivalent.
-        """
-        if not target_pwd:
-            target_pwd = ''
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_REMOVE_NETWORK
-        test_args = {
-            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
-            "security_type": str(security_type).lower(),
-            "target_pwd": target_pwd
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanRemoveAllNetworks(self):
-        """ Removes or "forgets" all networks from saved networks
-                Returns:
-                    A boolean indicating if the action was successful
-        """
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanGetSavedNetworks(self):
-        """ Gets networks saved on device. Any PSK of a saved network will be
-            lower case regardless of how it was saved.
-                Returns:
-                    A list of saved network names and security protocols
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_GET_SAVED_NETWORKS
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanConnect(self, target_ssid, security_type):
-        """ Triggers connection to a network
-                Args:
-                    target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to. Must have been previously
-                                 saved in order for a successful connection to happen.
-                    security_type: the security protocol of the network
-            Returns:
-                    boolean indicating if the connection was successful
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_CONNECT
-        test_args = {
-            "target_ssid": target_ssid,
-            "security_type": str(security_type).lower()
-        }
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
-    def wlanCreateClientController(self):
-        """ Initializes the client controller of the facade that is used to make Client Controller
-            API calls
-        """
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanSetNewListener(self):
-        """ Sets the update listener stream of the facade to a new stream so that updates will be
-            reset. Intended to be used between tests so that the behaviour of updates in a test is
-            independent from previous tests.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_SET_NEW_LISTENER
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanRemoveAllNetworks(self):
-        """ Deletes all saved networks on the device. Relies directly on the get_saved_networks and
-            remove_network commands
-        """
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
-    def wlanGetUpdate(self, timeout=30):
-        """ Gets one client listener update. This call will return with an update immediately the
-            first time the update listener is initialized by setting a new listener or by creating
-            a client controller before setting a new listener. Subsequent calls will hang until
-            there is an update.
-            Returns:
-                An update of connection status. If there is no error, the result is a dict with a
-                structure that matches the FIDL ClientStateSummary struct given for updates.
-        """
-        test_cmd = COMMAND_GET_UPDATE
-        return self.send_command(test_cmd, {}, response_timeout=timeout)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/gnss_lib/GnssSimulator.py b/src/antlion/controllers/gnss_lib/GnssSimulator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 69cad04..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/gnss_lib/GnssSimulator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Python module for General abstract GNSS Simulator.
-@author: Clay Liao (jianhsiungliao@)
-from time import sleep
-from antlion.controllers.spectracom_lib import gsg6
-from antlion.controllers.spirent_lib import gss7000
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.utils import ping
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-class AbstractGnssSimulator:
-    """General abstract GNSS Simulator"""
-    def __init__(self, simulator, ip_addr, ip_port, ip_port_ctrl=7717):
-        """Init AbstractGnssSimulator
-        Args:
-            simulator: GNSS simulator name,
-                Type, str
-                Option 'gss7000/gsg6'
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, str
-            ip_port: TCPIP Port,
-                Type, str
-            ip_port_ctrl: TCPIP port,
-                Type, int
-                Default, 7717
-        """
-        self.simulator_name = str(simulator).lower()
-        self.ip_addr = ip_addr
-        self.ip_port = ip_port
-        self.ip_port_ctrl = ip_port_ctrl
-        self._logger = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            '%s %s:%s' % (simulator, self.ip_addr, self.ip_port))
-        if self.simulator_name == 'gsg6':
-            self._logger.info('GNSS simulator is GSG6')
-            self.simulator = gsg6.GSG6(self.ip_addr, self.ip_port)
-        elif self.simulator_name == 'gss7000':
-            self._logger.info('GNSS simulator is GSS7000')
-            self.simulator = gss7000.GSS7000(self.ip_addr, self.ip_port,
-                                             self.ip_port_ctrl)
-        else:
-            self._logger.error('No matched GNSS simulator')
-            raise AttributeError(
-                'The GNSS simulator in config file is {} which is not supported.'
-                .format(self.simulator_name))
-    def connect(self):
-        """Connect to GNSS Simulator"""
-        self._logger.debug('Connect to GNSS Simulator {}'.format(
-            self.simulator_name.upper()))
-        self.simulator.connect()
-    def close(self):
-        """Disconnect from GNSS Simulator"""
-        self._logger.debug('Disconnect from GNSS Simulator {}'.format(
-            self.simulator_name.upper()))
-        self.simulator.close()
-    def start_scenario(self, scenario=''):
-        """Start the running scenario.
-        Args:
-            scenario: path of scenario,
-                Type, str
-        """
-        self._logger.info('Start GNSS Scenario {}'.format(scenario))
-        self.simulator.start_scenario(scenario)
-    def stop_scenario(self):
-        """Stop the running scenario."""
-        self._logger.debug('Stop playing scenario')
-        self.simulator.stop_scenario()
-    def set_power(self, power_level=-130):
-        """Set scenario power level.
-        Args:
-            power_level: target power level in dBm for gsg6 or gss7000,
-                gsg6 power_level range is [-160, -65],
-                gss7000 power_level range is [-170, -115]
-                Type, float,
-        """
-        self.simulator.set_power(power_level)
-    def set_power_offset(self, gss7000_ant=1, pwr_offset=0):
-        """Set scenario power level offset based on reference level.
-           The default reference level is -130dBm for GPS L1.
-        Args:
-            ant: target gss7000 RF port,
-                Type, int
-            pwr_offset: target power offset in dB,
-                Type, float
-        """
-        if self.simulator_name == 'gsg6':
-            power_level = -130 + pwr_offset
-            self.simulator.set_power(power_level)
-        elif self.simulator_name == 'gss7000':
-            self.simulator.set_power_offset(gss7000_ant, pwr_offset)
-        else:
-            self._logger.error('No GNSS simulator is available')
-    def set_scenario_power(self,
-                           power_level,
-                           sat_id='',
-                           sat_system='',
-                           freq_band=''):
-        """Set dynamic power for the running scenario.
-        Args:
-            power_level: transmit power level
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dBm]
-            sat_id: set power level for specific satellite identifiers
-                Type, str.
-                Option
-                    For GSG-6: 'Gxx/Rxx/Exx/Cxx/Jxx/Ixx/Sxxx'
-                    where xx is satellite identifiers number
-                    e.g.: G10
-                    For GSS7000: Provide SVID.
-                Default, '', assumed All.
-            sat_system: to set power level for all Satellites
-                Type, str
-                Option [GPS, GLO, GAL, BDS, QZSS, IRNSS, SBAS]
-                Default, '', assumed All.
-            freq_band: Frequency band to set the power level
-                Type, str
-                Default, '', assumed to be L1.
-         Raises:
-            RuntimeError: raise when instrument does not support this function.
-        """
-        self.simulator.set_scenario_power(power_level=power_level,
-                                          sat_id=sat_id,
-                                          sat_system=sat_system,
-                                          freq_band=freq_band)
-    def toggle_scenario_power(self,
-                              toggle_onoff='ON',
-                              sat_id='',
-                              sat_system=''):
-        """Toggle ON OFF scenario.
-        Args:
-            toggle_onoff: turn on or off the satellites
-                Type, str. Option ON/OFF
-                Default, 'ON'
-            sat_id: satellite identifiers
-                Type, str.
-                Option 'Gxx/Rxx/Exx/Cxx/Jxx/Ixx/Sxxx'
-                where xx is satellite identifiers no.
-                e.g.: G10
-            sat_system: to toggle On/OFF for all Satellites
-                Type, str
-                Option 'GPS/GLO/GAL'
-        """
-        # TODO: [b/208719212] Currently only support GSG-6. Will implement GSS7000 feature.
-        if self.simulator_name == 'gsg6':
-            self.simulator.toggle_scenario_power(toggle_onoff=toggle_onoff,
-                                                 sat_id=sat_id,
-                                                 sat_system=sat_system)
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError('{} does not support this function'.format(
-                self.simulator_name))
-    def ping_inst(self, retry=3, wait=1):
-        """Ping IP of instrument to check if the connection is stable.
-        Args:
-            retry: Retry times.
-                Type, int.
-                Default, 3.
-            wait: Wait time between each ping command when ping fail is met.
-                Type, int.
-                Default, 1.
-        Return:
-            True/False of ping result.
-        """
-        for i in range(retry):
-            ret = ping(job, self.ip_addr)
-            self._logger.debug(f'Ping return results: {ret}')
-            if ret.get('packet_loss') == '0':
-                return True
-            self._logger.warning(f'Fail to ping GNSS Simulator: {i+1}')
-            sleep(wait)
-        return False
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/gnss_lib/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/gnss_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/gnss_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/iperf_client.py b/src/antlion/controllers/iperf_client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78bb13b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/iperf_client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import subprocess
-import socket
-import threading
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import SSHProvider
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import _AndroidDeviceBridge
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from paramiko.buffered_pipe import PipeTimeout
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
-class IPerfError(Exception):
-    """Raised on execution errors of iPerf."""
-def create(configs):
-    """Factory method for iperf clients.
-    The function creates iperf clients based on at least one config.
-    If configs contain ssh settings or and AndroidDevice, remote iperf clients
-    will be started on those devices, otherwise, a the client will run on the
-    local machine.
-    Args:
-        configs: config parameters for the iperf server
-    """
-    results = []
-    for c in configs:
-        if type(c) is dict and 'AndroidDevice' in c:
-            results.append(
-                IPerfClientOverAdb(c['AndroidDevice'],
-                                   test_interface=c.get('test_interface')))
-        elif type(c) is dict and 'ssh_config' in c:
-            results.append(
-                IPerfClientOverSsh(c['ssh_config'],
-                                   test_interface=c.get('test_interface')))
-        else:
-            results.append(IPerfClient())
-    return results
-def get_info(iperf_clients):
-    """Placeholder for info about iperf clients
-    Returns:
-        None
-    """
-    return None
-def destroy(_):
-    # No cleanup needed.
-    pass
-class IPerfClientBase(object):
-    """The Base class for all IPerfClients.
-    This base class is responsible for synchronizing the logging to prevent
-    multiple IPerfClients from writing results to the same file, as well
-    as providing the interface for IPerfClient objects.
-    """
-    # Keeps track of the number of IPerfClient logs to prevent file name
-    # collisions.
-    __log_file_counter = 0
-    __log_file_lock = threading.Lock()
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_full_file_path(tag=''):
-        """Returns the full file path for the IPerfClient log file.
-        Note: If the directory for the file path does not exist, it will be
-        created.
-        Args:
-            tag: The tag passed in to the server run.
-        """
-        current_context = context.get_current_context()
-        full_out_dir = os.path.join(current_context.get_full_output_path(),
-                                    'iperf_client_files')
-        with IPerfClientBase.__log_file_lock:
-            os.makedirs(full_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
-            tags = ['IPerfClient', tag, IPerfClientBase.__log_file_counter]
-            out_file_name = '%s.log' % (','.join(
-                [str(x) for x in tags if x != '' and x is not None]))
-            IPerfClientBase.__log_file_counter += 1
-        return os.path.join(full_out_dir, out_file_name)
-    def start(self, ip, iperf_args, tag, timeout=3600, iperf_binary=None):
-        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
-        Args:
-            ip: iperf server ip address.
-            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
-                client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
-            tag: A string to further identify iperf results file
-            timeout: the maximum amount of time the iperf client can run.
-            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
-                the binary is in the path.
-        Returns:
-            full_out_path: iperf result path.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('start() must be implemented.')
-class IPerfClient(IPerfClientBase):
-    """Class that handles iperf3 client operations."""
-    def start(self, ip, iperf_args, tag, timeout=3600, iperf_binary=None):
-        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
-        Args:
-            ip: iperf server ip address.
-            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
-            client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
-            tag: tag to further identify iperf results file
-            timeout: unused.
-            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
-                the binary is in the path.
-        Returns:
-            full_out_path: iperf result path.
-        """
-        if not iperf_binary:
-            logging.debug('No iperf3 binary specified.  '
-                          'Assuming iperf3 is in the path.')
-            iperf_binary = 'iperf3'
-        else:
-            logging.debug('Using iperf3 binary located at %s' % iperf_binary)
-        iperf_cmd = [str(iperf_binary), '-c', ip] + iperf_args.split(' ')
-        full_out_path = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
-        with open(full_out_path, 'w') as out_file:
-            subprocess.call(iperf_cmd, stdout=out_file)
-        return full_out_path
-class IPerfClientOverSsh(IPerfClientBase):
-    """Class that handles iperf3 client operations on remote machines."""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 ssh_config: str,
-                 test_interface: str = None,
-                 ssh_provider: SSHProvider = None):
-        self._ssh_provider = ssh_provider
-        if not self._ssh_provider:
-            self._ssh_settings = settings.from_config(ssh_config)
-            if not (utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(self._ssh_settings.hostname) or
-                    utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(self._ssh_settings.hostname)):
-                mdns_ip = utils.get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address(
-                    self._ssh_settings.hostname)
-                if mdns_ip:
-                    self._ssh_settings.hostname = mdns_ip
-        self._ssh_session = None
-        self.start_ssh()
-        self.test_interface = test_interface
-    def start(self, ip, iperf_args, tag, timeout=3600, iperf_binary=None):
-        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
-        Args:
-            ip: iperf server ip address.
-            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
-            client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
-            tag: tag to further identify iperf results file
-            timeout: the maximum amount of time to allow the iperf client to run
-            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
-                the binary is in the path.
-        Returns:
-            full_out_path: iperf result path.
-        """
-        if not iperf_binary:
-            logging.debug('No iperf3 binary specified.  '
-                          'Assuming iperf3 is in the path.')
-            iperf_binary = 'iperf3'
-        else:
-            logging.debug('Using iperf3 binary located at %s' % iperf_binary)
-        iperf_cmd = '{} -c {} {}'.format(iperf_binary, ip, iperf_args)
-        full_out_path = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
-        try:
-            self.start_ssh()
-            if self._ssh_provider:
-                iperf_process = self._ssh_provider.run(iperf_cmd,
-                                                       timeout_sec=timeout)
-            else:
-                iperf_process = self._ssh_session.run(iperf_cmd,
-                                                      timeout=timeout)
-            iperf_output = iperf_process.stdout
-            with open(full_out_path, 'w') as out_file:
-                out_file.write(iperf_output)
-        except PipeTimeout:
-            raise TimeoutError('Paramiko PipeTimeout. Timed out waiting for '
-                               'iperf client to finish.')
-        except socket.timeout:
-            raise TimeoutError('Socket timeout. Timed out waiting for iperf '
-                               'client to finish.')
-        except SSHException as err:
-            raise ConnectionError('SSH connection failed: {}'.format(err))
-        except Exception as err:
-            logging.exception('iperf run failed: {}'.format(err))
-        return full_out_path
-    def start_ssh(self):
-        """Starts an ssh session to the iperf client."""
-        if self._ssh_provider:
-            # SSH sessions are created by the provider.
-            return
-        if not self._ssh_session:
-            self._ssh_session = connection.SshConnection(self._ssh_settings)
-    def close_ssh(self):
-        """Closes the ssh session to the iperf client, if one exists, preventing
-        connection reset errors when rebooting client device.
-        """
-        if self._ssh_session:
-            self._ssh_session.close()
-            self._ssh_session = None
-class IPerfClientOverAdb(IPerfClientBase):
-    """Class that handles iperf3 operations over ADB devices."""
-    def __init__(self, android_device_or_serial, test_interface=None):
-        """Creates a new IPerfClientOverAdb object.
-        Args:
-            android_device_or_serial: Either an AndroidDevice object, or the
-                serial that corresponds to the AndroidDevice. Note that the
-                serial must be present in an AndroidDevice entry in the ACTS
-                config.
-            test_interface: The network interface that will be used to send
-                traffic to the iperf server.
-        """
-        self._android_device_or_serial = android_device_or_serial
-        self.test_interface = test_interface
-    @property
-    def _android_device(self):
-        if isinstance(self._android_device_or_serial, AndroidDevice):
-            return self._android_device_or_serial
-        else:
-            return _AndroidDeviceBridge.android_devices()[
-                self._android_device_or_serial]
-    def start(self, ip, iperf_args, tag, timeout=3600, iperf_binary=None):
-        """Starts iperf client, and waits for completion.
-        Args:
-            ip: iperf server ip address.
-            iperf_args: A string representing arguments to start iperf
-            client. Eg: iperf_args = "-t 10 -p 5001 -w 512k/-u -b 200M -J".
-            tag: tag to further identify iperf results file
-            timeout: the maximum amount of time to allow the iperf client to run
-            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
-                the binary is in the path.
-        Returns:
-            The iperf result file path.
-        """
-        clean_out = ''
-        try:
-            if not iperf_binary:
-                logging.debug('No iperf3 binary specified.  '
-                              'Assuming iperf3 is in the path.')
-                iperf_binary = 'iperf3'
-            else:
-                logging.debug('Using iperf3 binary located at %s' %
-                              iperf_binary)
-            iperf_cmd = '{} -c {} {}'.format(iperf_binary, ip, iperf_args)
-            out = self._android_device.adb.shell(str(iperf_cmd),
-                                                 timeout=timeout)
-            clean_out = out.split('\n')
-            if 'error' in clean_out[0].lower():
-                raise IPerfError(clean_out)
-        except (job.TimeoutError, AdbCommandError):
-            logging.warning('TimeoutError: Iperf measurement failed.')
-        full_out_path = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
-        with open(full_out_path, 'w') as out_file:
-            out_file.write('\n'.join(clean_out))
-        return full_out_path
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py b/src/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3454529..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/iperf_server.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,725 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import shlex
-import subprocess
-import threading
-import time
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import logger as acts_logger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassBeginEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassEndEvent
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-KILOBITS = 1024
-def create(configs):
-    """ Factory method for iperf servers.
-    The function creates iperf servers based on at least one config.
-    If configs only specify a port number, a regular local IPerfServer object
-    will be created. If configs contains ssh settings or and AndroidDevice,
-    remote iperf servers will be started on those devices
-    Args:
-        configs: config parameters for the iperf server
-    """
-    results = []
-    for c in configs:
-        if type(c) in (str, int) and str(c).isdigit():
-            results.append(IPerfServer(int(c)))
-        elif type(c) is dict and 'AndroidDevice' in c and 'port' in c:
-            results.append(IPerfServerOverAdb(c['AndroidDevice'], c['port']))
-        elif type(c) is dict and 'ssh_config' in c and 'port' in c:
-            results.append(
-                IPerfServerOverSsh(c['ssh_config'],
-                                   c['port'],
-                                   test_interface=c.get('test_interface'),
-                                   use_killall=c.get('use_killall')))
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Config entry %s in %s is not a valid IPerfServer '
-                'config.' % (repr(c), configs))
-    return results
-def get_info(iperf_servers):
-    """Placeholder for info about iperf servers
-    Returns:
-        None
-    """
-    return None
-def destroy(iperf_server_list):
-    for iperf_server in iperf_server_list:
-        try:
-            iperf_server.stop()
-        except Exception:
-            logging.exception('Unable to properly clean up %s.' % iperf_server)
-class IPerfResult(object):
-    def __init__(self, result_path, reporting_speed_units='Mbytes'):
-        """Loads iperf result from file.
-        Loads iperf result from JSON formatted server log. File can be accessed
-        before or after server is stopped. Note that only the first JSON object
-        will be loaded and this funtion is not intended to be used with files
-        containing multiple iperf client runs.
-        """
-        # if result_path isn't a path, treat it as JSON
-        self.reporting_speed_units = reporting_speed_units
-        if not os.path.exists(result_path):
-            self.result = json.loads(result_path)
-        else:
-            try:
-                with open(result_path, 'r') as f:
-                    iperf_output = f.readlines()
-                    if '}\n' in iperf_output:
-                        iperf_output = iperf_output[:iperf_output.index('}\n'
-                                                                        ) + 1]
-                    iperf_string = ''.join(iperf_output)
-                    iperf_string = iperf_string.replace('nan', '0')
-                    self.result = json.loads(iperf_string)
-            except ValueError:
-                with open(result_path, 'r') as f:
-                    # Possibly a result from interrupted iperf run,
-                    # skip first line and try again.
-                    lines = f.readlines()[1:]
-                    self.result = json.loads(''.join(lines))
-    def _has_data(self):
-        """Checks if the iperf result has valid throughput data.
-        Returns:
-            True if the result contains throughput data. False otherwise.
-        """
-        return ('end' in self.result) and ('sum_received' in self.result['end']
-                                           or 'sum' in self.result['end'])
-    def _get_reporting_speed(self, network_speed_in_bits_per_second):
-        """Sets the units for the network speed reporting based on how the
-        object was initiated.  Defaults to Megabytes per second.  Currently
-        supported, bits per second (bits), kilobits per second (kbits), megabits
-        per second (mbits), gigabits per second (gbits), bytes per second
-        (bytes), kilobits per second (kbytes), megabits per second (mbytes),
-        gigabytes per second (gbytes).
-        Args:
-            network_speed_in_bits_per_second: The network speed from iperf in
-                bits per second.
-        Returns:
-            The value of the throughput in the appropriate units.
-        """
-        speed_divisor = 1
-        if self.reporting_speed_units[1:].lower() == 'bytes':
-            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * BITS_IN_BYTE
-        if self.reporting_speed_units[0:1].lower() == 'k':
-            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * KILOBITS
-        if self.reporting_speed_units[0:1].lower() == 'm':
-            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * MEGABITS
-        if self.reporting_speed_units[0:1].lower() == 'g':
-            speed_divisor = speed_divisor * GIGABITS
-        return network_speed_in_bits_per_second / speed_divisor
-    def get_json(self):
-        """Returns the raw json output from iPerf."""
-        return self.result
-    @property
-    def error(self):
-        return self.result.get('error', None)
-    @property
-    def avg_rate(self):
-        """Average UDP rate in MB/s over the entire run.
-        This is the average UDP rate observed at the terminal the iperf result
-        is pulled from. According to iperf3 documentation this is calculated
-        based on bytes sent and thus is not a good representation of the
-        quality of the link. If the result is not from a success run, this
-        property is None.
-        """
-        if not self._has_data() or 'sum' not in self.result['end']:
-            return None
-        bps = self.result['end']['sum']['bits_per_second']
-        return self._get_reporting_speed(bps)
-    @property
-    def avg_receive_rate(self):
-        """Average receiving rate in MB/s over the entire run.
-        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
-        from a success run, this property is None.
-        """
-        if not self._has_data() or 'sum_received' not in self.result['end']:
-            return None
-        bps = self.result['end']['sum_received']['bits_per_second']
-        return self._get_reporting_speed(bps)
-    @property
-    def avg_send_rate(self):
-        """Average sending rate in MB/s over the entire run.
-        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
-        from a success run, this property is None.
-        """
-        if not self._has_data() or 'sum_sent' not in self.result['end']:
-            return None
-        bps = self.result['end']['sum_sent']['bits_per_second']
-        return self._get_reporting_speed(bps)
-    @property
-    def instantaneous_rates(self):
-        """Instantaneous received rate in MB/s over entire run.
-        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
-        from a success run, this property is None.
-        """
-        if not self._has_data():
-            return None
-        intervals = [
-            self._get_reporting_speed(interval['sum']['bits_per_second'])
-            for interval in self.result['intervals']
-        ]
-        return intervals
-    @property
-    def std_deviation(self):
-        """Standard deviation of rates in MB/s over entire run.
-        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
-        from a success run, this property is None.
-        """
-        return self.get_std_deviation(0)
-    def get_std_deviation(self, iperf_ignored_interval):
-        """Standard deviation of rates in MB/s over entire run.
-        This data may not exist if iperf was interrupted. If the result is not
-        from a success run, this property is None. A configurable number of
-        beginning (and the single last) intervals are ignored in the
-        calculation as they are inaccurate (e.g. the last is from a very small
-        interval)
-        Args:
-            iperf_ignored_interval: number of iperf interval to ignored in
-            calculating standard deviation
-        Returns:
-            The standard deviation.
-        """
-        if not self._has_data():
-            return None
-        instantaneous_rates = self.instantaneous_rates[
-            iperf_ignored_interval:-1]
-        avg_rate = math.fsum(instantaneous_rates) / len(instantaneous_rates)
-        sqd_deviations = ([(rate - avg_rate)**2
-                           for rate in instantaneous_rates])
-        std_dev = math.sqrt(
-            math.fsum(sqd_deviations) / (len(sqd_deviations) - 1))
-        return std_dev
-class IPerfServerBase(object):
-    # Keeps track of the number of IPerfServer logs to prevent file name
-    # collisions.
-    __log_file_counter = 0
-    __log_file_lock = threading.Lock()
-    def __init__(self, port):
-        self._port = port
-        # TODO(markdr): We shouldn't be storing the log files in an array like
-        # this. Nobody should be reading this property either. Instead, the
-        # IPerfResult should be returned in stop() with all the necessary info.
-        # See aosp/1012824 for a WIP implementation.
-        self.log_files = []
-    @property
-    def port(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError('port must be specified.')
-    @property
-    def started(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError('started must be specified.')
-    def start(self, extra_args='', tag=''):
-        """Starts an iperf3 server.
-        Args:
-            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments to start iperf
-                server with.
-            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
-                iperf runs.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('start() must be specified.')
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops the iperf server.
-        Returns:
-            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('stop() must be specified.')
-    def _get_full_file_path(self, tag=None):
-        """Returns the full file path for the IPerfServer log file.
-        Note: If the directory for the file path does not exist, it will be
-        created.
-        Args:
-            tag: The tag passed in to the server run.
-        """
-        out_dir = self.log_path
-        with IPerfServerBase.__log_file_lock:
-            tags = [tag, IPerfServerBase.__log_file_counter]
-            out_file_name = 'IPerfServer,%s.log' % (','.join(
-                [str(x) for x in tags if x != '' and x is not None]))
-            IPerfServerBase.__log_file_counter += 1
-        file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_file_name)
-        self.log_files.append(file_path)
-        return file_path
-    @property
-    def log_path(self):
-        current_context = context.get_current_context()
-        full_out_dir = os.path.join(current_context.get_full_output_path(),
-                                    'IPerfServer%s' % self.port)
-        # Ensure the directory exists.
-        os.makedirs(full_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
-        return full_out_dir
-def _get_port_from_ss_output(ss_output, pid):
-    pid = str(pid)
-    lines = ss_output.split('\n')
-    for line in lines:
-        if pid in line:
-            # Expected format:
-            # tcp LISTEN  0 5 *:<PORT>  *:* users:(("cmd",pid=<PID>,fd=3))
-            return line.split()[4].split(':')[-1]
-    else:
-        raise ProcessLookupError('Could not find started iperf3 process.')
-class IPerfServer(IPerfServerBase):
-    """Class that handles iperf server commands on localhost."""
-    def __init__(self, port=5201):
-        super().__init__(port)
-        self._hinted_port = port
-        self._current_log_file = None
-        self._iperf_process = None
-        self._last_opened_file = None
-    @property
-    def port(self):
-        return self._port
-    @property
-    def started(self):
-        return self._iperf_process is not None
-    def start(self, extra_args='', tag=''):
-        """Starts iperf server on local machine.
-        Args:
-            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments to start iperf
-                server with.
-            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
-                iperf runs.
-        """
-        if self._iperf_process is not None:
-            return
-        self._current_log_file = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
-        # Run an iperf3 server on the hinted port with JSON output.
-        command = ['iperf3', '-s', '-p', str(self._hinted_port), '-J']
-        command.extend(shlex.split(extra_args))
-        if self._last_opened_file:
-            self._last_opened_file.close()
-        self._last_opened_file = open(self._current_log_file, 'w')
-        self._iperf_process = subprocess.Popen(command,
-                                               stdout=self._last_opened_file,
-                                               stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
-        for attempts_left in reversed(range(3)):
-            try:
-                self._port = int(
-                    _get_port_from_ss_output(
-                        job.run('ss -l -p -n | grep iperf').stdout,
-                        self._iperf_process.pid))
-                break
-            except ProcessLookupError:
-                if attempts_left == 0:
-                    raise
-                logging.debug('iperf3 process not started yet.')
-                time.sleep(.01)
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops the iperf server.
-        Returns:
-            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
-        """
-        if self._iperf_process is None:
-            return
-        if self._last_opened_file:
-            self._last_opened_file.close()
-            self._last_opened_file = None
-        self._iperf_process.terminate()
-        self._iperf_process = None
-        return self._current_log_file
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.stop()
-class IPerfServerOverSsh(IPerfServerBase):
-    """Class that handles iperf3 operations on remote machines."""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 ssh_config,
-                 port,
-                 test_interface=None,
-                 use_killall=False):
-        super().__init__(port)
-        self.ssh_settings = settings.from_config(ssh_config)
-        self.log = acts_logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            f'IPerfServer | {self.ssh_settings.hostname}')
-        self._ssh_session = None
-        self.start_ssh()
-        self._iperf_pid = None
-        self._current_tag = None
-        self.hostname = self.ssh_settings.hostname
-        self._use_killall = str(use_killall).lower() == 'true'
-        try:
-            # A test interface can only be found if an ip address is specified.
-            # A fully qualified hostname will return None for the
-            # test_interface.
-            self.test_interface = test_interface if test_interface else utils.get_interface_based_on_ip(
-                self._ssh_session, self.hostname)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.warning(e)
-            self.test_interface = None
-    @property
-    def port(self):
-        return self._port
-    @property
-    def started(self):
-        return self._iperf_pid is not None
-    def _get_remote_log_path(self):
-        return '/tmp/iperf_server_port%s.log' % self.port
-    def get_interface_ip_addresses(self, interface):
-        """Gets all of the ip addresses, ipv4 and ipv6, associated with a
-           particular interface name.
-        Args:
-            interface: The interface name on the device, ie eth0
-        Returns:
-            A list of dictionaries of the various IP addresses. See
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses.
-        """
-        if not self._ssh_session:
-            self.start_ssh()
-        return utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(self._ssh_session, interface)
-    def renew_test_interface_ip_address(self):
-        """Renews the test interface's IPv4 address.
-        Necessary for changing DHCP scopes during a test.
-        """
-        if not self._ssh_session:
-            self.start_ssh()
-        utils.renew_linux_ip_address(self._ssh_session, self.test_interface)
-    def get_addr(self, addr_type='ipv4_private', timeout_sec=None):
-        """Wait until a type of IP address on the test interface is available
-        then return it.
-        """
-        if not self._ssh_session:
-            self.start_ssh()
-        return utils.get_addr(self._ssh_session, self.test_interface,
-                              addr_type, timeout_sec)
-    def _cleanup_iperf_port(self):
-        """Checks and kills zombie iperf servers occupying intended port."""
-        iperf_check_cmd = ('netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | grep iperf3'
-                           ' | grep :{}').format(self.port)
-        iperf_check = self._ssh_session.run(iperf_check_cmd,
-                                            ignore_status=True)
-        iperf_check = iperf_check.stdout
-        if iperf_check:
-            logging.debug('Killing zombie server on port {}'.format(self.port))
-            iperf_pid = iperf_check.split(' ')[-1].split('/')[0]
-            self._ssh_session.run('kill -9 {}'.format(str(iperf_pid)))
-    def start(self, extra_args='', tag='', iperf_binary=None):
-        """Starts iperf server on specified machine and port.
-        Args:
-            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments to start iperf
-                server with.
-            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
-                iperf runs.
-            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
-                the binary is in the path.
-        """
-        if self.started:
-            return
-        if not self._ssh_session:
-            self.start_ssh()
-        self._cleanup_iperf_port()
-        if not iperf_binary:
-            logging.debug('No iperf3 binary specified.  '
-                          'Assuming iperf3 is in the path.')
-            iperf_binary = 'iperf3'
-        else:
-            logging.debug('Using iperf3 binary located at %s' % iperf_binary)
-        iperf_command = '{} -s -J -p {}'.format(iperf_binary, self.port)
-        cmd = '{cmd} {extra_flags} > {log_file}'.format(
-            cmd=iperf_command,
-            extra_flags=extra_args,
-            log_file=self._get_remote_log_path())
-        job_result = self._ssh_session.run_async(cmd)
-        self._iperf_pid = job_result.stdout
-        self._current_tag = tag
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops the iperf server.
-        Returns:
-            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
-        """
-        if not self.started:
-            return
-        if self._use_killall:
-            self._ssh_session.run('killall iperf3', ignore_status=True)
-        else:
-            self._ssh_session.run_async('kill -9 {}'.format(
-                str(self._iperf_pid)))
-        iperf_result = self._ssh_session.run('cat {}'.format(
-            self._get_remote_log_path()))
-        log_file = self._get_full_file_path(self._current_tag)
-        with open(log_file, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(iperf_result.stdout)
-        self._ssh_session.run_async('rm {}'.format(
-            self._get_remote_log_path()))
-        self._iperf_pid = None
-        return log_file
-    def start_ssh(self):
-        """Starts an ssh session to the iperf server."""
-        if not self._ssh_session:
-            self._ssh_session = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
-    def close_ssh(self):
-        """Closes the ssh session to the iperf server, if one exists, preventing
-        connection reset errors when rebooting server device.
-        """
-        if self.started:
-            self.stop()
-        if self._ssh_session:
-            self._ssh_session.close()
-            self._ssh_session = None
-# TODO(markdr): Remove this after automagic controller creation has been
-# removed.
-class _AndroidDeviceBridge(object):
-    """A helper class for connecting serial numbers to AndroidDevices."""
-    _test_class = None
-    @staticmethod
-    @subscribe_static(TestClassBeginEvent)
-    def on_test_begin(event):
-        _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class = event.test_class
-    @staticmethod
-    @subscribe_static(TestClassEndEvent)
-    def on_test_end(_):
-        _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def android_devices():
-        """A dict of serial -> AndroidDevice, where AndroidDevice is a device
-        found in the current TestClass's controllers.
-        """
-        if not _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class:
-            return {}
-        return {
-            device.serial: device
-            for device in _AndroidDeviceBridge._test_class.android_devices
-        }
-    _AndroidDeviceBridge.on_test_begin.subscription)
-class IPerfServerOverAdb(IPerfServerBase):
-    """Class that handles iperf3 operations over ADB devices."""
-    def __init__(self, android_device_or_serial, port):
-        """Creates a new IPerfServerOverAdb object.
-        Args:
-            android_device_or_serial: Either an AndroidDevice object, or the
-                serial that corresponds to the AndroidDevice. Note that the
-                serial must be present in an AndroidDevice entry in the ACTS
-                config.
-            port: The port number to open the iperf server on.
-        """
-        super().__init__(port)
-        self._android_device_or_serial = android_device_or_serial
-        self._iperf_process = None
-        self._current_tag = ''
-    @property
-    def port(self):
-        return self._port
-    @property
-    def started(self):
-        return self._iperf_process is not None
-    @property
-    def _android_device(self):
-        if isinstance(self._android_device_or_serial, AndroidDevice):
-            return self._android_device_or_serial
-        else:
-            return _AndroidDeviceBridge.android_devices()[
-                self._android_device_or_serial]
-    def _get_device_log_path(self):
-        return '~/data/iperf_server_port%s.log' % self.port
-    def start(self, extra_args='', tag='', iperf_binary=None):
-        """Starts iperf server on an ADB device.
-        Args:
-            extra_args: A string representing extra arguments to start iperf
-                server with.
-            tag: Appended to log file name to identify logs from different
-                iperf runs.
-            iperf_binary: Location of iperf3 binary. If none, it is assumed the
-                the binary is in the path.
-        """
-        if self._iperf_process is not None:
-            return
-        if not iperf_binary:
-            logging.debug('No iperf3 binary specified.  '
-                          'Assuming iperf3 is in the path.')
-            iperf_binary = 'iperf3'
-        else:
-            logging.debug('Using iperf3 binary located at %s' % iperf_binary)
-        iperf_command = '{} -s -J -p {}'.format(iperf_binary, self.port)
-        self._iperf_process = self._android_device.adb.shell_nb(
-            '{cmd} {extra_flags} > {log_file}'.format(
-                cmd=iperf_command,
-                extra_flags=extra_args,
-                log_file=self._get_device_log_path()))
-        self._iperf_process_adb_pid = ''
-        while len(self._iperf_process_adb_pid) == 0:
-            self._iperf_process_adb_pid = self._android_device.adb.shell(
-                'pgrep iperf3 -n')
-        self._current_tag = tag
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops the iperf server.
-        Returns:
-            The name of the log file generated from the terminated session.
-        """
-        if self._iperf_process is None:
-            return
-        job.run('kill -9 {}'.format(self._iperf_process.pid))
-        # TODO(markdr): update with definitive kill method
-        while True:
-            iperf_process_list = self._android_device.adb.shell('pgrep iperf3')
-            if iperf_process_list.find(self._iperf_process_adb_pid) == -1:
-                break
-            else:
-                self._android_device.adb.shell("kill -9 {}".format(
-                    self._iperf_process_adb_pid))
-        iperf_result = self._android_device.adb.shell('cat {}'.format(
-            self._get_device_log_path()))
-        log_file = self._get_full_file_path(self._current_tag)
-        with open(log_file, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(iperf_result)
-        self._android_device.adb.shell('rm {}'.format(
-            self._get_device_log_path()))
-        self._iperf_process = None
-        return log_file
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon.py
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index a14f4fd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.hvpm.monsoon import Monsoon as HvpmMonsoon
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon import \
-    Monsoon as LvpmStockMonsoon
-def create(configs):
-    """Takes a list of Monsoon configs and returns Monsoon Controllers.
-    Args:
-        configs: A list of serial numbers, or dicts in the form:
-            {
-                'type': anyof('LvpmStockMonsoon', 'HvpmMonsoon')
-                'serial': int
-            }
-    Returns:
-        a list of Monsoon configs
-    Raises:
-        ValueError if the configuration does not provide the required info.
-    """
-    objs = []
-    for config in configs:
-        monsoon_type = None
-        if isinstance(config, dict):
-            if isinstance(config.get('type', None), str):
-                if 'lvpm' in config['type'].lower():
-                    monsoon_type = LvpmStockMonsoon
-                elif 'hvpm' in config['type'].lower():
-                    monsoon_type = HvpmMonsoon
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError('Unknown monsoon type %s in Monsoon '
-                                     'config %s' % (config['type'], config))
-            if 'serial' not in config:
-                raise ValueError('Monsoon config must specify "serial".')
-            serial_number = int(config.get('serial'))
-        else:
-            serial_number = int(config)
-        if monsoon_type is None:
-            if serial_number < 20000:
-                # This code assumes the LVPM has firmware version 20. If
-                # someone has updated the firmware, or somehow found an older
-                # version, the power measurement will fail.
-                monsoon_type = LvpmStockMonsoon
-            else:
-                monsoon_type = HvpmMonsoon
-        objs.append(monsoon_type(serial=serial_number))
-    return objs
-def destroy(monsoons):
-    for monsoon in monsoons:
-        if monsoon.is_allocated():
-            monsoon.release_monsoon_connection()
-def get_info(monsoons):
-    return [{'serial': monsoon.serial} for monsoon in monsoons]
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index 70e0a0a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.signals import ControllerError
-class MonsoonError(ControllerError):
-    """Raised for exceptions encountered when interfacing with a Monsoon device.
-    """
-class PassthroughStates(object):
-    """An enum containing the values for power monitor's passthrough states."""
-    # "Off" or 0 means USB always off.
-    OFF = 0
-    # "On" or 1 means USB always on.
-    ON = 1
-    # "Auto" or 2 means USB is automatically turned off during sampling, and
-    # turned back on after sampling.
-    AUTO = 2
-    'off': PassthroughStates.OFF,
-    'on': PassthroughStates.ON,
-    'auto': PassthroughStates.AUTO
-class MonsoonDataRecord(object):
-    """A data class for Monsoon data points."""
-    def __init__(self, sample_time, relative_time, current):
-        """Creates a new MonsoonDataRecord.
-        Args:
-            sample_time: the unix timestamp of the sample.
-            relative_time: the time since the start of the measurement.
-            current: The current in Amperes as a string.
-        """
-        self._sample_time = sample_time
-        self._relative_time = relative_time
-        self._current = current
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """The time the record was fetched."""
-        return self._sample_time
-    @property
-    def relative_time(self):
-        """The time the record was fetched, relative to collection start."""
-        return self._relative_time
-    @property
-    def current(self):
-        """The amount of current in Amperes measured for the given record."""
-        return self._current
-class MonsoonResult(object):
-    """An object that contains aggregated data collected during sampling.
-    Attributes:
-        _num_samples: The number of samples gathered.
-        _sum_currents: The total sum of all current values gathered, in amperes.
-        _hz: The frequency sampling is being done at.
-        _voltage: The voltage output during sampling.
-    """
-    # The number of decimal places to round a value to.
-    ROUND_TO = 6
-    def __init__(self, num_samples, sum_currents, hz, voltage, datafile_path):
-        """Creates a new MonsoonResult.
-        Args:
-            num_samples: the number of samples collected.
-            sum_currents: the total summation of every current measurement.
-            hz: the number of samples per second.
-            voltage: the voltage used during the test.
-            datafile_path: the path to the monsoon data file.
-        """
-        self._num_samples = num_samples
-        self._sum_currents = sum_currents
-        self._hz = hz
-        self._voltage = voltage
-        self.tag = datafile_path
-    def get_data_points(self):
-        """Returns an iterator of MonsoonDataRecords."""
-        class MonsoonDataIterator:
-            def __init__(self, file):
-                self.file = file
-            def __iter__(self):
-                with open(self.file, 'r') as f:
-                    start_time = None
-                    for line in f:
-                        # Remove the newline character.
-                        line.strip()
-                        sample_time, current = map(float, line.split(' '))
-                        if start_time is None:
-                            start_time = sample_time
-                        yield MonsoonDataRecord(sample_time,
-                                                sample_time - start_time,
-                                                current)
-        return MonsoonDataIterator(self.tag)
-    @property
-    def num_samples(self):
-        """The number of samples recorded during the test."""
-        return self._num_samples
-    @property
-    def average_current(self):
-        """Average current in mA."""
-        if self.num_samples == 0:
-            return 0
-        return round(self._sum_currents * 1000 / self.num_samples,
-                     self.ROUND_TO)
-    @property
-    def total_charge(self):
-        """Total charged used in the unit of mAh."""
-        return round((self._sum_currents / self._hz) * 1000 / 3600,
-                     self.ROUND_TO)
-    @property
-    def total_power(self):
-        """Total power used."""
-        return round(self.average_current * self._voltage, self.ROUND_TO)
-    @property
-    def voltage(self):
-        """The voltage during the measurement (in Volts)."""
-        return self._voltage
-    def __str__(self):
-        return ('avg current: %s\n'
-                'total charge: %s\n'
-                'total power: %s\n'
-                'total samples: %s' % (self.average_current, self.total_charge,
-                                      self.total_power, self._num_samples))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/__init__.py
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/__init__.py
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index 44afba2..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/monsoon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import multiprocessing
-import time
-from Monsoon import HVPM
-from Monsoon import Operations as op
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import MonsoonResult
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.monsoon import BaseMonsoon
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import AssemblyLineBuilder
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ThreadAssemblyLine
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import DownSampler
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import SampleAggregator
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import Tee
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.transformers import HvpmTransformer
-class Monsoon(BaseMonsoon):
-    """The controller class for interacting with the HVPM Monsoon."""
-    # The device doesn't officially support voltages lower than this. Note that
-    # 0 is a valid voltage.
-    MIN_VOLTAGE = 0.8
-    # The Monsoon doesn't support setting higher voltages than this directly
-    # without tripping overvoltage.
-    # Note that it is possible to increase the voltage above this value by
-    # increasing the voltage by small increments over a period of time.
-    # The communication protocol supports up to 16V.
-    MAX_VOLTAGE = 13.5
-    def __init__(self, serial):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.serial = serial
-        self._mon = HVPM.Monsoon()
-        self._mon.setup_usb(serial)
-        self._allocated = True
-        if self._mon.Protocol.DEVICE is None:
-            raise ValueError('HVPM Monsoon %s could not be found.' % serial)
-    def set_voltage(self, voltage):
-        """Sets the output voltage of monsoon.
-        Args:
-            voltage: The voltage to set the output to.
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Setting voltage to %sV.' % voltage)
-        self._mon.setVout(voltage)
-    def set_max_current(self, amperes):
-        """Sets monsoon's max output current.
-        Args:
-            amperes: The max current in A.
-        """
-        self._mon.setRunTimeCurrentLimit(amperes)
-    def set_max_initial_current(self, amperes):
-        """Sets the max power-up/initial current.
-        Args:
-            amperes: The max initial current allowed in amperes.
-        """
-        self._mon.setPowerUpCurrentLimit(amperes)
-    @property
-    def status(self):
-        """Gets the status params of monsoon.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of {status param, value} key-value pairs.
-        """
-        self._mon.fillStatusPacket()
-        return self._mon.statusPacket
-    def _set_usb_passthrough_mode(self, mode):
-        """Sends the call to set usb passthrough mode.
-        Args:
-            mode: The state to set the USB passthrough to. Can either be the
-                string name of the state or the integer value.
-                "Off" or 0 means USB always off.
-                "On" or 1 means USB always on.
-                "Auto" or 2 means USB is automatically turned off during
-                    sampling, and turned back on after sampling.
-        """
-        self._mon.setUSBPassthroughMode(mode)
-    def _get_main_voltage(self):
-        """Returns the value of the voltage on the main channel."""
-        # Any getValue call on a setX function will return the value set for X.
-        # Using this, we can pull the last setMainVoltage (or its default).
-        return (self._mon.Protocol.getValue(op.OpCodes.setMainVoltage, 4) /
-                op.Conversion.FLOAT_TO_INT)
-    def measure_power(self,
-                      duration,
-                      measure_after_seconds=0,
-                      hz=5000,
-                      output_path=None,
-                      transformers=None):
-        """See parent docstring for details."""
-        voltage = self._get_main_voltage()
-        aggregator = SampleAggregator(measure_after_seconds)
-        manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
-        assembly_line_builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(manager.Queue,
-                                                    ThreadAssemblyLine)
-        assembly_line_builder.source(
-            HvpmTransformer(self.serial, duration + measure_after_seconds))
-        if hz != 5000:
-            assembly_line_builder.into(DownSampler(int(5000 / hz)))
-        if output_path:
-            assembly_line_builder.into(Tee(output_path, measure_after_seconds))
-        assembly_line_builder.into(aggregator)
-        if transformers:
-            for transformer in transformers:
-                assembly_line_builder.into(transformer)
-        self.take_samples(assembly_line_builder.build())
-        manager.shutdown()
-        self._mon.setup_usb(self.serial)
-        self._allocated = True
-        monsoon_data = MonsoonResult(aggregator.num_samples,
-                                     aggregator.sum_currents, hz, voltage,
-                                     output_path)
-        self._log.info('Measurement summary:\n%s', str(monsoon_data))
-        return monsoon_data
-    def reconnect_monsoon(self):
-        """Reconnect Monsoon to serial port."""
-        self.release_monsoon_connection()
-        self._log.info('Closed monsoon connection.')
-        time.sleep(5)
-        self.establish_monsoon_connection()
-    def release_monsoon_connection(self):
-        self._mon.closeDevice()
-        self._allocated = False
-    def is_allocated(self):
-        return self._allocated
-    def establish_monsoon_connection(self):
-        self._mon.setup_usb(self.serial)
-        # Makes sure the Monsoon is in the command-receiving state.
-        self._mon.stopSampling()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index 063972f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/monsoon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import multiprocessing
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import MonsoonResult
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon_proxy import MonsoonProxy
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.monsoon import BaseMonsoon
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import AssemblyLineBuilder
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ThreadAssemblyLine
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import DownSampler
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import SampleAggregator
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import Tee
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.lvpm_stock.stock_transformers import StockLvpmSampler
-class Monsoon(BaseMonsoon):
-    """The controller class for interacting with the LVPM Monsoon."""
-    # The device protocol has a floor value for positive voltages. Note that 0
-    # is still a valid voltage.
-    MIN_VOLTAGE = 2.01
-    # The device protocol does not support values above this.
-    MAX_VOLTAGE = 4.55
-    def __init__(self, serial, device=None):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._mon = MonsoonProxy(serialno=serial, device=device)
-        self._allocated = True
-        self.serial = serial
-    def set_voltage(self, voltage):
-        """Sets the output voltage of monsoon.
-        Args:
-            voltage: Voltage to set the output to.
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Setting voltage to %sV.' % voltage)
-        self._mon.set_voltage(voltage)
-    def set_max_current(self, amperes):
-        """Sets monsoon's max output current.
-        Args:
-            amperes: The max current in A.
-        """
-        self._mon.set_max_current(amperes)
-    def set_max_initial_current(self, amperes):
-        """Sets the max power-up/initial current.
-        Args:
-            amperes: The max initial current allowed in amperes.
-        """
-        self._mon.set_max_initial_current(amperes)
-    @property
-    def status(self):
-        """Gets the status params of monsoon.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of {status param, value} key-value pairs.
-        """
-        return self._mon.get_status()
-    def _set_usb_passthrough_mode(self, mode):
-        """Sends the call to set usb passthrough mode.
-        Args:
-            mode: The state to set the USB passthrough to. Can either be the
-                string name of the state or the integer value.
-                "Off" or 0 means USB always off.
-                "On" or 1 means USB always on.
-                "Auto" or 2 means USB is automatically turned off during
-                    sampling, and turned back on after sampling.
-        """
-        self._mon.set_usb_passthrough(mode)
-    def measure_power(self,
-                      duration,
-                      measure_after_seconds=0,
-                      hz=5000,
-                      output_path=None,
-                      transformers=None):
-        """See parent docstring for details."""
-        voltage = self._mon.get_voltage()
-        aggregator = SampleAggregator(measure_after_seconds)
-        manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
-        assembly_line_builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(manager.Queue,
-                                                    ThreadAssemblyLine)
-        assembly_line_builder.source(
-            StockLvpmSampler(self.serial, duration + measure_after_seconds))
-        if hz != 5000:
-            assembly_line_builder.into(DownSampler(int(round(5000 / hz))))
-        if output_path is not None:
-            assembly_line_builder.into(Tee(output_path, measure_after_seconds))
-        assembly_line_builder.into(aggregator)
-        if transformers:
-            for transformer in transformers:
-                assembly_line_builder.into(transformer)
-        self.take_samples(assembly_line_builder.build())
-        manager.shutdown()
-        monsoon_data = MonsoonResult(aggregator.num_samples,
-                                     aggregator.sum_currents, hz, voltage,
-                                     output_path)
-        self._log.info('Measurement summary:\n%s', str(monsoon_data))
-        return monsoon_data
-    def reconnect_monsoon(self):
-        """Reconnect Monsoon to serial port."""
-        self._log.debug('Close serial connection')
-        self._mon.ser.close()
-        self._log.debug('Reset serial port')
-        time.sleep(5)
-        self._log.debug('Open serial connection')
-        self._mon.ser.open()
-        self._mon.ser.reset_input_buffer()
-        self._mon.ser.reset_output_buffer()
-    def release_monsoon_connection(self):
-        self._mon.release_dev_port()
-        self._allocated = False
-    def is_allocated(self):
-        return self._allocated
-    def establish_monsoon_connection(self):
-        self._mon.obtain_dev_port()
-        self._allocated = True
-        # Makes sure the Monsoon is in the command-receiving state.
-        self._mon.stop_data_collection()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/monsoon_proxy.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/monsoon_proxy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 909bff4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/monsoon_proxy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""The interface for a USB-connected Monsoon power meter.
-Details on the protocol can be found at
-Based on the original py2 script of kens@google.com.
-import collections
-import fcntl
-import logging
-import os
-import select
-import struct
-import sys
-import time
-import errno
-import serial
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import MonsoonError
-class LvpmStatusPacket(object):
-    """The data received from asking an LVPM Monsoon for its status.
-    Attributes names with the same values as HVPM match those defined in
-    Monsoon.Operations.statusPacket.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, values):
-        iter_value = iter(values)
-        self.packetType = next(iter_value)
-        self.firmwareVersion = next(iter_value)
-        self.protocolVersion = next(iter_value)
-        self.mainFineCurrent = next(iter_value)
-        self.usbFineCurrent = next(iter_value)
-        self.auxFineCurrent = next(iter_value)
-        self.voltage1 = next(iter_value)
-        self.mainCoarseCurrent = next(iter_value)
-        self.usbCoarseCurrent = next(iter_value)
-        self.auxCoarseCurrent = next(iter_value)
-        self.voltage2 = next(iter_value)
-        self.outputVoltageSetting = next(iter_value)
-        self.temperature = next(iter_value)
-        self.status = next(iter_value)
-        self.leds = next(iter_value)
-        self.mainFineResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.serialNumber = next(iter_value)
-        self.sampleRate = next(iter_value)
-        self.dacCalLow = next(iter_value)
-        self.dacCalHigh = next(iter_value)
-        self.powerupCurrentLimit = next(iter_value)
-        self.runtimeCurrentLimit = next(iter_value)
-        self.powerupTime = next(iter_value)
-        self.usbFineResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.auxFineResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.initialUsbVoltage = next(iter_value)
-        self.initialAuxVoltage = next(iter_value)
-        self.hardwareRevision = next(iter_value)
-        self.temperatureLimit = next(iter_value)
-        self.usbPassthroughMode = next(iter_value)
-        self.mainCoarseResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.usbCoarseResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.auxCoarseResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.defMainFineResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.defUsbFineResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.defAuxFineResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.defMainCoarseResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.defUsbCoarseResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.defAuxCoarseResistor = next(iter_value)
-        self.eventCode = next(iter_value)
-        self.eventData = next(iter_value)
-class MonsoonProxy(object):
-    """Class that directly talks to monsoon over serial.
-    Provides a simple class to use the power meter.
-    See http://wiki/Main/MonsoonProtocol for information on the protocol.
-    """
-    # The format of the status packet.
-    # The list of fields that appear in the Monsoon status packet.
-        'packetType',
-        'firmwareVersion',
-        'protocolVersion',
-        'mainFineCurrent',
-        'usbFineCurrent',
-        'auxFineCurrent',
-        'voltage1',
-        'mainCoarseCurrent',
-        'usbCoarseCurrent',
-        'auxCoarseCurrent',
-        'voltage2',
-        'outputVoltageSetting',
-        'temperature',
-        'status',
-        'leds',
-        'mainFineResistorOffset',
-        'serialNumber',
-        'sampleRate',
-        'dacCalLow',
-        'dacCalHigh',
-        'powerupCurrentLimit',
-        'runtimeCurrentLimit',
-        'powerupTime',
-        'usbFineResistorOffset',
-        'auxFineResistorOffset',
-        'initialUsbVoltage',
-        'initialAuxVoltage',
-        'hardwareRevision',
-        'temperatureLimit',
-        'usbPassthroughMode',
-        'mainCoarseResistorOffset',
-        'usbCoarseResistorOffset',
-        'auxCoarseResistorOffset',
-        'defMainFineResistor',
-        'defUsbFineResistor',
-        'defAuxFineResistor',
-        'defMainCoarseResistor',
-        'defUsbCoarseResistor',
-        'defAuxCoarseResistor',
-        'eventCode',
-        'eventData',
-    ]
-    def __init__(self, device=None, serialno=None, connection_timeout=600):
-        """Establish a connection to a Monsoon.
-        By default, opens the first available port, waiting if none are ready.
-        Args:
-            device: The particular device port to be used.
-            serialno: The Monsoon's serial number.
-            connection_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the device to
-                connect.
-        Raises:
-            TimeoutError if unable to connect to the device.
-        """
-        self.start_voltage = 0
-        self.serial = serialno
-        if device:
-            self.ser = serial.Serial(device, timeout=1)
-            return
-        # Try all devices connected through USB virtual serial ports until we
-        # find one we can use.
-        self._tempfile = None
-        self.obtain_dev_port(connection_timeout)
-        self.log = logging.getLogger()
-    def obtain_dev_port(self, timeout=600):
-        """Obtains the device port for this Monsoon.
-        Args:
-            timeout: The time in seconds to wait for the device to connect.
-        Raises:
-            TimeoutError if the device was unable to be found, or was not
-            available.
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while start_time + timeout > time.time():
-            for dev in os.listdir('/dev'):
-                prefix = 'ttyACM'
-                # Prefix is different on Mac OS X.
-                if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-                    prefix = 'tty.usbmodem'
-                if not dev.startswith(prefix):
-                    continue
-                tmpname = '/tmp/monsoon.%s.%s' % (os.uname()[0], dev)
-                self._tempfile = open(tmpname, 'w')
-                if not os.access(tmpname, os.R_OK | os.W_OK):
-                    try:
-                        os.chmod(tmpname, 0o666)
-                    except OSError as e:
-                        if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                            raise ValueError(
-                                'Unable to set permissions to read/write to '
-                                '%s. This file is owned by another user; '
-                                'please grant o+wr access to this file, or '
-                                'run as that user.')
-                        raise
-                try:  # Use a lock file to ensure exclusive access.
-                    fcntl.flock(self._tempfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
-                except IOError:
-                    logging.error('Device %s is in use.', repr(dev))
-                    continue
-                try:  # try to open the device
-                    self.ser = serial.Serial('/dev/%s' % dev, timeout=1)
-                    self.stop_data_collection()  # just in case
-                    self._flush_input()  # discard stale input
-                    status = self.get_status()
-                except Exception as e:
-                    logging.warning('Error opening device %s: %s', dev, e,
-                                    exc_info=True)
-                    continue
-                if not status:
-                    logging.error('No response from device %s.', dev)
-                elif self.serial and status.serialNumber != self.serial:
-                    logging.error('Another device serial #%d seen on %s',
-                                  status.serialNumber, dev)
-                else:
-                    self.start_voltage = status.voltage1
-                    return
-            self._tempfile = None
-            logging.info('Waiting for device...')
-            time.sleep(1)
-        raise TimeoutError(
-            'Unable to connect to Monsoon device with '
-            'serial "%s" within %s seconds.' % (self.serial, timeout))
-    def release_dev_port(self):
-        """Releases the dev port used to communicate with the Monsoon device."""
-        fcntl.flock(self._tempfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-        self._tempfile.close()
-        self.ser.close()
-    def get_status(self):
-        """Requests and waits for status.
-        Returns:
-            status dictionary.
-        """
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x00, 0x00)
-        read_bytes = self._read_packet()
-        if not read_bytes:
-            raise MonsoonError('Failed to read Monsoon status')
-        expected_size = struct.calcsize(self.STATUS_FORMAT)
-        if len(read_bytes) != expected_size or read_bytes[0] != 0x10:
-            raise MonsoonError('Wanted status, dropped type=0x%02x, len=%d',
-                               read_bytes[0], len(read_bytes))
-        status = collections.OrderedDict(
-            zip(self.STATUS_FIELDS,
-                struct.unpack(self.STATUS_FORMAT, read_bytes)))
-        p_type = status['packetType']
-        if p_type != 0x10:
-            raise MonsoonError('Packet type %s is not 0x10.' % p_type)
-        for k in status.keys():
-            if k.endswith('VoltageSetting'):
-                status[k] = 2.0 + status[k] * 0.01
-            elif k.endswith('FineCurrent'):
-                pass  # needs calibration data
-            elif k.endswith('CoarseCurrent'):
-                pass  # needs calibration data
-            elif k.startswith('voltage') or k.endswith('Voltage'):
-                status[k] = status[k] * 0.000125
-            elif k.endswith('Resistor'):
-                status[k] = 0.05 + status[k] * 0.0001
-                if k.startswith('aux') or k.startswith('defAux'):
-                    status[k] += 0.05
-            elif k.endswith('CurrentLimit'):
-                status[k] = 8 * (1023 - status[k]) / 1023.0
-        return LvpmStatusPacket(status.values())
-    def set_voltage(self, voltage):
-        """Sets the voltage on the device to the specified value.
-        Args:
-            voltage: Either 0 or a value between 2.01 and 4.55 inclusive.
-        Raises:
-            struct.error if voltage is an invalid value.
-        """
-        # The device has a range of 255 voltage values:
-        #
-        #     0   is "off". Note this value not set outputVoltageSetting to
-        #             zero. The previous outputVoltageSetting value is
-        #             maintained.
-        #     1   is 2.01V.
-        #     255 is 4.55V.
-        voltage_byte = max(0, round((voltage - 2.0) * 100))
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x01, voltage_byte)
-    def get_voltage(self):
-        """Get the output voltage.
-        Returns:
-            Current Output Voltage (in unit of V).
-        """
-        return self.get_status().outputVoltageSetting
-    def set_max_current(self, i):
-        """Set the max output current."""
-        if i < 0 or i > 8:
-            raise MonsoonError(('Target max current %sA, is out of acceptable '
-                                'range [0, 8].') % i)
-        val = 1023 - int((i / 8) * 1023)
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x0a, val & 0xff)
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x0b, val >> 8)
-    def set_max_initial_current(self, current):
-        """Sets the maximum initial current, in mA."""
-        if current < 0 or current > 8:
-            raise MonsoonError(('Target max current %sA, is out of acceptable '
-                                'range [0, 8].') % current)
-        val = 1023 - int((current / 8) * 1023)
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x08, val & 0xff)
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x09, val >> 8)
-    def set_usb_passthrough(self, passthrough_mode):
-        """Set the USB passthrough mode.
-        Args:
-            passthrough_mode: The mode used for passthrough. Must be the integer
-                value. See common.PassthroughModes for a list of values and
-                their meanings.
-        """
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x10, passthrough_mode)
-    def get_usb_passthrough(self):
-        """Get the USB passthrough mode: 0 = off, 1 = on,  2 = auto.
-        Returns:
-            The mode used for passthrough, as an integer. See
-                common.PassthroughModes for a list of values and their meanings.
-        """
-        return self.get_status().usbPassthroughMode
-    def start_data_collection(self):
-        """Tell the device to start collecting and sending measurement data."""
-        self._send_struct('BBB', 0x01, 0x1b, 0x01)  # Mystery command
-        self._send_struct('BBBBBBB', 0x02, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe8)
-    def stop_data_collection(self):
-        """Tell the device to stop collecting measurement data."""
-        self._send_struct('BB', 0x03, 0x00)  # stop
-    def _send_struct(self, fmt, *args):
-        """Pack a struct (without length or checksum) and send it."""
-        # Flush out the input buffer before sending data
-        self._flush_input()
-        data = struct.pack(fmt, *args)
-        data_len = len(data) + 1
-        checksum = (data_len + sum(bytearray(data))) % 256
-        out = struct.pack('B', data_len) + data + struct.pack('B', checksum)
-        self.ser.write(out)
-    def _read_packet(self):
-        """Returns a single packet as a string (without length or checksum)."""
-        len_char = self.ser.read(1)
-        if not len_char:
-            raise MonsoonError('Reading from serial port timed out')
-        data_len = ord(len_char)
-        if not data_len:
-            return ''
-        result = self.ser.read(int(data_len))
-        result = bytearray(result)
-        if len(result) != data_len:
-            raise MonsoonError(
-                'Length mismatch, expected %d bytes, got %d bytes.', data_len,
-                len(result))
-        body = result[:-1]
-        checksum = (sum(struct.unpack('B' * len(body), body)) + data_len) % 256
-        if result[-1] != checksum:
-            raise MonsoonError(
-                'Invalid checksum from serial port! Expected %s, got %s',
-                hex(checksum), hex(result[-1]))
-        return result[:-1]
-    def _flush_input(self):
-        """Flushes all read data until the input is empty."""
-        self.ser.reset_input_buffer()
-        while True:
-            ready_r, ready_w, ready_x = select.select([self.ser], [],
-                                                      [self.ser], 0)
-            if len(ready_x) > 0:
-                raise MonsoonError('Exception from serial port.')
-            elif len(ready_r) > 0:
-                self.ser.read(1)  # This may cause underlying buffering.
-                # Flush the underlying buffer too.
-                self.ser.reset_input_buffer()
-            else:
-                break
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/monsoon.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/monsoon.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ab81c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/monsoon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api import common
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import MonsoonError
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import PassthroughStates
-class BaseMonsoon(object):
-    """The base class for all Monsoon interface devices.
-    Attributes:
-        on_reconnect: The function to call when Monsoon has reconnected USB.
-            Raises TimeoutError if the device cannot be found.
-        on_disconnect: The function to call when Monsoon has disconnected USB.
-    """
-    # The minimum non-zero supported voltage for the given Monsoon device.
-    MIN_VOLTAGE = NotImplemented
-    # The maximum practical voltage for the given Monsoon device.
-    MAX_VOLTAGE = NotImplemented
-    # When ramping voltage, the rate in volts/second to increase the voltage.
-    # The time step between voltage increments. This value does not need to be
-    # modified.
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._log = logging.getLogger()
-        self.on_disconnect = lambda: None
-        self.on_reconnect = lambda: None
-    @classmethod
-    def get_closest_valid_voltage(cls, voltage):
-        """Returns the nearest valid voltage value."""
-        if voltage < cls.MIN_VOLTAGE / 2:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return max(cls.MIN_VOLTAGE, min(voltage, cls.MAX_VOLTAGE))
-    @classmethod
-    def is_voltage_valid(cls, voltage):
-        """Returns True iff the given voltage can be set on the device.
-        Valid voltage values are {x | x ∈ {0} ∪ [MIN_VOLTAGE, MAX_VOLTAGE]}.
-        """
-        return cls.get_closest_valid_voltage(voltage) == voltage
-    @classmethod
-    def validate_voltage(cls, voltage):
-        """Raises a MonsoonError if the given voltage cannot be set."""
-        if not cls.is_voltage_valid(voltage):
-            raise MonsoonError('Invalid voltage %s. Voltage must be zero or '
-                               'within range [%s, %s].' %
-                               (voltage, cls.MIN_VOLTAGE, cls.MAX_VOLTAGE))
-    def set_voltage_safe(self, voltage):
-        """Sets the output voltage of monsoon to a safe value.
-        This function is effectively:
-            self.set_voltage(self.get_closest_valid_voltage(voltage)).
-        Args:
-            voltage: The voltage to set the output to.
-        """
-        normalized_voltage = self.get_closest_valid_voltage(voltage)
-        if voltage != normalized_voltage:
-            self._log.debug(
-                'Requested voltage %sV is invalid.' % voltage)
-        self.set_voltage(normalized_voltage)
-    def ramp_voltage(self, start, end):
-        """Ramps up the voltage to the specified end voltage.
-        Increments the voltage by fixed intervals of .1 Volts every .1 seconds.
-        Args:
-            start: The starting voltage
-            end: the end voltage. Must be higher than the starting voltage.
-        """
-        voltage = start
-        while voltage < end:
-            self.set_voltage(self.get_closest_valid_voltage(voltage))
-            voltage += self.VOLTAGE_RAMP_RATE * self.VOLTAGE_RAMP_TIME_STEP
-            time.sleep(self.VOLTAGE_RAMP_TIME_STEP)
-        self.set_voltage(end)
-    def usb(self, state):
-        """Sets the monsoon's USB passthrough mode.
-        This is specific to the USB port in front of the monsoon box which
-        connects to the powered device, NOT the USB that is used to talk to the
-        monsoon itself.
-        Args:
-            state: The state to set the USB passthrough to. Can either be the
-                string name of the state or the integer value.
-                "Off" or 0 means USB always off.
-                "On" or 1 means USB always on.
-                "Auto" or 2 means USB is automatically turned off during
-                    sampling, and turned back on after sampling.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError if the state given is invalid.
-            TimeoutError if unable to set the passthrough mode within a minute,
-                or if the device was not found after setting the state to ON.
-        """
-        expected_state = None
-        states_dict = common.PASSTHROUGH_STATES
-        if isinstance(state, str):
-            normalized_state = state.lower()
-            expected_state = states_dict.get(normalized_state, None)
-        elif state in states_dict.values():
-            expected_state = state
-        if expected_state is None:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'USB passthrough state %s is not a valid state. '
-                'Expected any of %s.' % (repr(state), states_dict))
-        if self.status.usbPassthroughMode == expected_state:
-            return
-        if expected_state in [PassthroughStates.OFF, PassthroughStates.AUTO]:
-            self.on_disconnect()
-        start_time = time.time()
-        time_limit_seconds = 60
-        while self.status.usbPassthroughMode != expected_state:
-            current_time = time.time()
-            if current_time >= start_time + time_limit_seconds:
-                raise TimeoutError('Setting USB mode timed out after %s '
-                                   'seconds.' % time_limit_seconds)
-            self._set_usb_passthrough_mode(expected_state)
-            time.sleep(1)
-        self._log.info('Monsoon usbPassthroughMode is now "%s"',
-                       state)
-        if expected_state in [PassthroughStates.ON]:
-            self._on_reconnect()
-    def attach_device(self, android_device):
-        """Deprecated. Use the connection callbacks instead."""
-        def on_reconnect():
-            # Make sure the device is connected and available for commands.
-            android_device.wait_for_boot_completion()
-            android_device.start_services()
-            # Release wake lock to put device into sleep.
-            android_device.droid.goToSleepNow()
-            self._log.info('Dut reconnected.')
-        def on_disconnect():
-            android_device.stop_services()
-            time.sleep(1)
-        self.on_reconnect = on_reconnect
-        self.on_disconnect = on_disconnect
-    def set_on_disconnect(self, callback):
-        """Sets the callback to be called when Monsoon disconnects USB."""
-        self.on_disconnect = callback
-    def set_on_reconnect(self, callback):
-        """Sets the callback to be called when Monsoon reconnects USB."""
-        self.on_reconnect = callback
-    def take_samples(self, assembly_line):
-        """Runs the sampling procedure based on the given assembly line."""
-        # Sampling is always done in a separate process. Release the Monsoon
-        # so the child process can sample from the Monsoon.
-        self.release_monsoon_connection()
-        try:
-            assembly_line.run()
-        finally:
-            self.establish_monsoon_connection()
-    def measure_power(self,
-                      duration,
-                      measure_after_seconds=0,
-                      hz=5000,
-                      output_path=None,
-                      transformers=None):
-        """Measure power consumption of the attached device.
-        This function is a default implementation of measuring power consumption
-        during gathering measurements. For offline methods, use take_samples()
-        with a custom AssemblyLine.
-        Args:
-            duration: Amount of time to measure power for. Note:
-                total_duration = duration + measure_after_seconds
-            measure_after_seconds: Number of seconds to wait before beginning
-                reading measurement.
-            hz: The number of samples to collect per second. Must be a factor
-                of 5000.
-            output_path: The location to write the gathered data to.
-            transformers: A list of Transformer objects that receive passed-in
-                          samples. Runs in order sent.
-        Returns:
-            A MonsoonData object with the measured power data.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_voltage(self, voltage):
-        """Sets the output voltage of monsoon.
-        Args:
-            voltage: The voltage to set the output to.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_max_current(self, amperes):
-        """Sets monsoon's max output current.
-        Args:
-            amperes: The max current in A.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def set_max_initial_current(self, amperes):
-        """Sets the max power-up/initial current.
-        Args:
-            amperes: The max initial current allowed in amperes.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @property
-    def status(self):
-        """Gets the status params of monsoon.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of {status param, value} key-value pairs.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _on_reconnect(self):
-        """Reconnects the DUT over USB.
-        Raises:
-            TimeoutError upon failure to reconnect over USB.
-        """
-        self._log.info('Reconnecting dut.')
-        # Wait for two seconds to ensure that the device is ready, then
-        # attempt to reconnect. If reconnect times out, reset the passthrough
-        # state and try again.
-        time.sleep(2)
-        try:
-            self.on_reconnect()
-        except TimeoutError as err:
-            self._log.info('Toggling USB and trying again. %s' % err)
-            self.usb(PassthroughStates.OFF)
-            time.sleep(1)
-            self.usb(PassthroughStates.ON)
-            self.on_reconnect()
-    def _set_usb_passthrough_mode(self, mode):
-        """Makes the underlying Monsoon call to set passthrough mode."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def reconnect_monsoon(self):
-        """Reconnects the Monsoon Serial/USB connection."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def is_allocated(self):
-        """Whether the resource is locked."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def release_monsoon_connection(self):
-        """Releases the underlying monsoon Serial or USB connection.
-        Useful for allowing other processes access to the device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def establish_monsoon_connection(self):
-        """Establishes the underlying monsoon Serial or USB connection."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/__init__.py
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/__init__.py
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index 7db8baf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class UncalibratedSampleChunk(object):
-    """An uncalibrated sample collection stored with its calibration data.
-    These objects are created by the SampleChunker Transformer and read by
-    the CalibrationApplier Transformer.
-    Attributes:
-        samples: the uncalibrated samples list
-        calibration_data: the data used to calibrate the samples.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, samples, calibration_data):
-        self.samples = samples
-        self.calibration_data = calibration_data
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/assembly_line.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/assembly_line.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 88cc733..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/assembly_line.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import queue
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-import multiprocessing
-class AssemblyLine(object):
-    """A class for passing data through a chain of threads or processes,
-    assembly-line style.
-    Attributes:
-        nodes: A list of AssemblyLine.Nodes that pass data from one node to the
-            next.
-    """
-    class Node(object):
-        """A Node in an AssemblyLine.
-        Each node is composed of the following:
-         input_stream                    output_stream
-        ==============> [ transformer ] ===============>
-        Attributes:
-            transformer: The Transformer that takes input from the input
-                stream, transforms the data, and sends it to the output stream.
-            input_stream: The stream of data to be taken in as input to this
-                transformer. This stream is the stream to be registered as the
-                previous node's output stream.
-        Properties:
-            output_stream: The stream of data to be passed to the next node.
-        """
-        def __init__(self, transformer=None, input_stream=None):
-            self.transformer = transformer
-            self.input_stream = input_stream
-        @property
-        def output_stream(self):
-            return self.transformer.output_stream
-        @output_stream.setter
-        def output_stream(self, value):
-            self.transformer.output_stream = value
-    def __init__(self, nodes):
-        """Initializes an AssemblyLine class.
-        nodes:
-            A list of AssemblyLine.Node objects.
-        """
-        self.nodes = nodes
-    def run(self):
-        """Runs the AssemblyLine, passing the data between each work node."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class ProcessAssemblyLine(AssemblyLine):
-    """An AssemblyLine that uses processes to schedule work on nodes."""
-    def run(self):
-        """Runs the AssemblyLine within a process pool."""
-        if not self.nodes:
-            # If self.nodes is empty, it will create a multiprocessing.Pool of
-            # 0 nodes, which raises a ValueError.
-            return
-        process_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=len(self.nodes))
-        for node in self.nodes:
-            process_pool.apply_async(node.transformer.transform,
-                                     [node.input_stream])
-        process_pool.close()
-        process_pool.join()
-class ThreadAssemblyLine(AssemblyLine):
-    """An AssemblyLine that uses threading to schedule work on nodes."""
-    def run(self):
-        """Runs the AssemblyLine within a thread pool."""
-        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(self.nodes)) as thread_pool:
-            for node in self.nodes:
-                thread_pool.submit(node.transformer.transform,
-                                   node.input_stream)
-class AssemblyLineBuilder(object):
-    """An abstract class that builds an AssemblyLine object.
-    Attributes:
-    _assembly_line_generator: The callable that creates the AssemblyLine.
-        Should be in the form of:
-            Args:
-                A list of AssemblyLine.Node objects.
-            Returns:
-                An AssemblyLine object.
-    _queue_generator: The callable that creates new queues to be used for
-        BufferStreams. Should be in the form of:
-            Args:
-                None.
-            Returns:
-                A Queue object.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, queue_generator, assembly_line_generator):
-        """Creates an AssemblyLineBuilder.
-        Args:
-            queue_generator: A callable of type lambda: Queue().
-            assembly_line_generator: A callable of type
-                lambda list<AssemblyLine.Node>: AssemblyLine.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._assembly_line_generator = assembly_line_generator
-        self._queue_generator = queue_generator
-        self.nodes = []
-        self._built = False
-    @property
-    def built(self):
-        return self._built
-    def __generate_queue(self):
-        """Returns a new Queue object for passing information between nodes."""
-        return self._queue_generator()
-    @property
-    def queue_generator(self):
-        """Returns the callable used for generating queues."""
-        return self._queue_generator
-    def source(self, transformer, input_stream=None):
-        """Adds a SourceTransformer to the AssemblyLine.
-        Must be the first function call on the AssemblyLineBuilder.
-        Args:
-            transformer: The SourceTransformer that generates data for the
-                AssemblyLine to process.
-            input_stream: The input stream to use, if necessary.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError if source is not the first transformer to be added to
-                the AssemblyLine, or the AssemblyLine has been built.
-        """
-        if self.nodes:
-            raise ValueError('AssemblyLines can only have a single source.')
-        if input_stream is None:
-            input_stream = DevNullBufferStream()
-        self.nodes.append(AssemblyLine.Node(transformer, input_stream))
-        return self
-    def into(self, transformer):
-        """Adds the given transformer next in the AssemblyLine.
-        Args:
-            transformer: The transformer next in the AssemblyLine.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError if no source node is set, or the AssemblyLine has been
-                built.
-        """
-        if not self.nodes:
-            raise ValueError('The source transformer must be set first.')
-        if self.built:
-            raise ValueError('Cannot add additional nodes after the '
-                             'AssemblyLine has been built.')
-        stream = BufferStream(self.__generate_queue())
-        self.nodes[-1].transformer.set_output_stream(stream)
-        self.nodes.append(AssemblyLine.Node(transformer, stream))
-        return self
-    def build(self, output_stream=None):
-        """Builds the AssemblyLine object.
-        Note that after this function is called this AssemblyLineBuilder cannot
-        be used again, as it is already marked as built.
-        """
-        if self.built:
-            raise ValueError('The AssemblyLine is already built.')
-        if not self.nodes:
-            raise ValueError('Cannot create an empty assembly line.')
-        self._built = True
-        if output_stream is None:
-            output_stream = DevNullBufferStream()
-        self.nodes[-1].output_stream = output_stream
-        return self._assembly_line_generator(self.nodes)
-class ThreadAssemblyLineBuilder(AssemblyLineBuilder):
-    """An AssemblyLineBuilder for generating ThreadAssemblyLines."""
-    def __init__(self, queue_generator=queue.Queue):
-        super().__init__(queue_generator, ThreadAssemblyLine)
-class ProcessAssemblyLineBuilder(AssemblyLineBuilder):
-    """An AssemblyLineBuilder for ProcessAssemblyLines.
-    Attributes:
-        manager: The multiprocessing.Manager used for having queues communicate
-            with one another over multiple processes.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
-        super().__init__(self.manager.Queue, ProcessAssemblyLine)
-class IndexedBuffer(object):
-    """A buffer indexed with the order it was generated in."""
-    def __init__(self, index, size_or_buffer):
-        """Creates an IndexedBuffer.
-        Args:
-            index: The integer index associated with the buffer.
-            size_or_buffer:
-                either:
-                    An integer specifying the number of slots in the buffer OR
-                    A list to be used as a buffer.
-        """
-        self.index = index
-        if isinstance(size_or_buffer, int):
-            self.buffer = [None] * size_or_buffer
-        else:
-            self.buffer = size_or_buffer
-class BufferList(list):
-    """A list of Buffers.
-    This type is useful for differentiating when a buffer has been returned
-    from a transformer, vs when a list of buffers has been returned from a
-    transformer.
-    """
-class BufferStream(object):
-    """An object that acts as a stream between two transformers."""
-    # The object passed to the buffer queue to signal the end-of-stream.
-    END = None
-    def __init__(self, buffer_queue):
-        """Creates a new BufferStream.
-        Args:
-            buffer_queue: A Queue object used to pass data along the
-                BufferStream.
-        """
-        self._buffer_queue = buffer_queue
-    def initialize(self):
-        """Initializes the stream.
-        When running BufferStreams through multiprocessing, initialize must
-        only be called on the process using the BufferStream.
-        """
-        # Here we need to make any call to the stream to initialize it. This
-        # makes read and write times for the first buffer faster, preventing
-        # the data at the beginning from being dropped.
-        self._buffer_queue.qsize()
-    def end_stream(self):
-        """Closes the stream.
-        By convention, a None object is used, mirroring file reads returning
-        an empty string when the end of file is reached.
-        """
-        self._buffer_queue.put(None, block=False)
-    def add_indexed_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Adds the given buffer to the buffer stream."""
-        self._buffer_queue.put(buffer, block=False)
-    def remove_indexed_buffer(self):
-        """Removes an indexed buffer from the array.
-        This operation blocks until data is received.
-        Returns:
-            an IndexedBuffer.
-        """
-        return self._buffer_queue.get()
-class DevNullBufferStream(BufferStream):
-    """A BufferStream that is always empty."""
-    def __init__(self, *_):
-        super().__init__(None)
-    def initialize(self):
-        """Does nothing. Nothing to initialize."""
-    def end_stream(self):
-        """Does nothing. The stream always returns end-of-stream when read."""
-    def add_indexed_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Imitating /dev/null, nothing will be written to the stream."""
-    def remove_indexed_buffer(self):
-        """Always returns the end-of-stream marker."""
-        return None
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/calibration.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/calibration.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e531ed..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/calibration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class CalibrationError(Exception):
-    """Raised when a value is requested before it is properly calibrated."""
-class CalibrationCollection(object):
-    """The interface for keeping track of calibration values.
-    This class is an abstract representation of a collection of Calibration
-    values. Some CalibrationCollections may simply be a dictionary that returns
-    values given to it (see CalibrationScalars). Others may accept multiple
-    values and return the average for a set rolling window (see
-    CalibrationWindow).
-    Whichever the implementation, this interface gives end-users a way of
-    setting and querying a collection of calibration data that comes from a
-    Monsoon device.
-    """
-    def add(self, channel, origin, granularity, value):
-        """Adds a value to the calibration storage.
-        The passed in channel, origin, and granularity arguments will be used
-        as a key to handle and store the value passed in.
-        Args:
-            channel: The channel this value comes from. See
-                MonsoonConstants.Channel.
-            origin: The origin type for this value. See MonsoonConstants.Origin.
-            granularity: The granularity type for this value. See
-                MonsoonConstants.Granularity.
-            value: The value to set within the collection.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_keys(self):
-        """Returns the list of possible keys for obtaining calibration data.
-        Not all possible (Channel, Origin, Granularity) combinations may be
-        available for all CalibrationCollections. It is also not guaranteed the
-        CalibrationCollection's key set is static.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get(self, channel, origin, granularity):
-        """Returns the calibration value for a given key."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class CalibrationWindows(CalibrationCollection):
-    """A class that holds calibration data in sliding windows.
-    After the window size has been filled, a calibration value is removed every
-    time a new calibration value is added.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, calibration_window_size=5):
-        """Creates a collection of CalibrationWindows.
-        calibration_window_size: The number of entries in the rolling window to
-            consider for calibration.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._calibrations = dict()
-        self._calibration_window_size = calibration_window_size
-    def add(self, channel, origin, granularity, value):
-        """Adds the given value to the given calibration window.
-        Args:
-            channel: The channel being calibrated.
-            origin: The origin value being calibrated.
-            granularity: The granularity level being calibrated.
-            value: The calibration value.
-        """
-        window = self._calibrations[(channel, origin, granularity)]
-        if len(window) == self._calibration_window_size:
-            window.popleft()
-        window.append(value)
-    def get_keys(self):
-        return self._calibrations.keys()
-    def get(self, channel, origin, granularity):
-        window = self._calibrations[(channel, origin, granularity)]
-        if len(window) < self._calibration_window_size:
-            raise CalibrationError('%s is not calibrated yet.' % repr(
-                (channel, origin, granularity)))
-        return sum(window) / self._calibration_window_size
-class CalibrationScalars(CalibrationCollection):
-    """A collection of calibrations where scalar values are used.
-    Reading scalar calibration values are faster than calculating the
-    calibration value from rolling windows.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._calibrations = dict()
-    def get_keys(self):
-        return self._calibrations.keys()
-    def add(self, channel, origin, granularity, value):
-        """Adds a value to the calibration storage.
-        Note that if a value is already within the collection, it will be
-        overwritten, since CalibrationScalars can only hold a single value.
-        Args:
-            channel: The channel being calibrated.
-            origin: The origin value being calibrated.
-            granularity: The granularity level being calibrated.
-            value: The calibration value.
-        """
-        self._calibrations[(channel, origin, granularity)] = value
-    def get(self, channel, origin, granularity):
-        return self._calibrations[(channel, origin, granularity)]
-class CalibrationSnapshot(CalibrationScalars):
-    """A collection of calibrations taken from another CalibrationCollection.
-    CalibrationSnapshot calculates all of the calibration values of another
-    CalibrationCollection and creates a snapshot of those values. This allows
-    the CalibrationWindows to continue getting new values while another thread
-    processes the calibration on previously gathered values.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, calibration_collection):
-        """Generates a CalibrationSnapshot from another CalibrationCollection.
-        Args:
-            calibration_collection: The CalibrationCollection to create a
-                snapshot of.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        if not isinstance(calibration_collection, CalibrationCollection):
-            raise ValueError('Argument must inherit from '
-                             'CalibrationCollection.')
-        for key in calibration_collection.get_keys():
-            try:
-                # key's type is tuple(Channel, Origin, Granularity)
-                value = calibration_collection.get(*key)
-            except CalibrationError as calibration_error:
-                # If uncalibrated, store the CalibrationError and raise when a
-                # user has asked for the value.
-                value = calibration_error
-            self._calibrations[key] = value
-    def get(self, channel, origin, granularity):
-        """Returns the calibration value for the given key.
-        Raises:
-            CalibrationError if the requested key is not calibrated.
-        """
-        value = self._calibrations[(channel, origin, granularity)]
-        if isinstance(value, CalibrationError):
-            # The user requested an uncalibrated value. Raise that error.
-            raise value
-        return value
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformer.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 080a69e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import BufferList
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import BufferStream
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import DevNullBufferStream
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import IndexedBuffer
-class Transformer(object):
-    """An object that represents how to transform a given buffer into a result.
-    Attributes:
-        output_stream: The stream to output data to upon transformation.
-            Defaults to a DevNullBufferStream.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.output_stream = DevNullBufferStream(None)
-    def set_output_stream(self, output_stream):
-        """Sets the Transformer's output stream to the given output stream."""
-        self.output_stream = output_stream
-    def transform(self, input_stream):
-        """Transforms input_stream data and passes it to self.output_stream.
-        Args:
-            input_stream: The BufferStream of input data this transformer should
-                transform. Note that the type of data stored within BufferStream
-                is not guaranteed to be in the format expected, much like STDIN
-                is not guaranteed to be the format a process expects. However,
-                for performance, users should expect the data to be properly
-                formatted anyway.
-        """
-        input_stream.initialize()
-        self.output_stream.initialize()
-        class_name = self.__class__.__qualname__
-        try:
-            logging.debug('%s transformer beginning.', class_name)
-            self.on_begin()
-            logging.debug('%s transformation started.', class_name)
-            self._transform(input_stream)
-        except Exception:
-            # TODO(markdr): Get multi-process error reporting to play nicer.
-            logging.exception('%s ran into an exception.', class_name)
-            raise
-        finally:
-            logging.debug('%s transformation ended.', class_name)
-            self.on_end()
-            logging.debug('%s finished.', class_name)
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Transforms a given buffer.
-        The implementation can either:
-        1) Return the transformed buffer. Can be either in-place or a new
-           buffer.
-        2) Return a BufferList: a list of transformed buffers. This is useful
-           for grouping data together for faster operations.
-        Args:
-            buffer: The buffer to transform
-        Returns:
-            either a buffer or a BufferList. See detailed documentation.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _on_end_of_stream(self, input_stream):
-        """To be called when the input stream has sent the end of stream signal.
-        This is particularly useful for flushing any stored memory into the
-        output stream.
-        Args:
-            input_stream: the stream that was closed.
-        """
-        # By default, this function closes the output stream.
-        self.output_stream.end_stream()
-    def _transform(self, input_stream):
-        """Should call _transform_buffer within this function."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def on_begin(self):
-        """A function called before the transform loop begins."""
-    def on_end(self):
-        """A function called after the transform loop has ended."""
-class SourceTransformer(Transformer):
-    """The base class for generating data in an AssemblyLine.
-    Note that any Transformer will be able to generate data, but this class is
-    a generic way to send data.
-    Attributes:
-        _buffer_size: The buffer size for each IndexedBuffer sent over the
-            output stream.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        # Defaulted to 64, which is small enough to be passed within the .6ms
-        # window, but large enough so that it does not spam the queue.
-        self._buffer_size = 64
-    def _transform(self, _):
-        """Generates data and sends it to the output stream."""
-        buffer_index = 0
-        while True:
-            indexed_buffer = IndexedBuffer(buffer_index, self._buffer_size)
-            buffer = self._transform_buffer(indexed_buffer.buffer)
-            if buffer is BufferStream.END:
-                break
-            indexed_buffer.buffer = buffer
-            self.output_stream.add_indexed_buffer(indexed_buffer)
-            buffer_index += 1
-        self.output_stream.end_stream()
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Fills the passed-in buffer with data."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class SequentialTransformer(Transformer):
-    """A transformer that receives input in sequential order.
-    Attributes:
-        _next_index: The index of the next IndexedBuffer that should be read.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._next_index = 0
-    def _transform(self, input_stream):
-        while True:
-            indexed_buffer = input_stream.remove_indexed_buffer()
-            if indexed_buffer is BufferStream.END:
-                break
-            buffer_or_buffers = self._transform_buffer(indexed_buffer.buffer)
-            if buffer_or_buffers is not None:
-                self._send_buffers(buffer_or_buffers)
-        self._on_end_of_stream(input_stream)
-    def _send_buffers(self, buffer_or_buffer_list):
-        """Sends buffers over to the output_stream.
-        Args:
-            buffer_or_buffer_list: A BufferList or buffer object. Note that if
-                buffer is None, it is effectively an end-of-stream signal.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(buffer_or_buffer_list, BufferList):
-            # Assume a single buffer was returned
-            buffer_or_buffer_list = BufferList([buffer_or_buffer_list])
-        buffer_list = buffer_or_buffer_list
-        for buffer in buffer_list:
-            new_buffer = IndexedBuffer(self._next_index, buffer)
-            self.output_stream.add_indexed_buffer(new_buffer)
-            self._next_index += 1
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class ParallelTransformer(Transformer):
-    """A Transformer that is capable of running in parallel.
-    Buffers received may be unordered. For ordered input, use
-    SequentialTransformer.
-    """
-    def _transform(self, input_stream):
-        while True:
-            indexed_buffer = input_stream.remove_indexed_buffer()
-            if indexed_buffer is None:
-                break
-            buffer = self._transform_buffer(indexed_buffer.buffer)
-            indexed_buffer.buffer = buffer
-            self.output_stream.add_indexed_buffer(indexed_buffer)
-        self._on_end_of_stream(input_stream)
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Transforms a given buffer.
-        Note that ParallelTransformers can NOT return a BufferList. This is a
-        limitation with the current indexing system. If the input buffer is
-        replaced with multiple buffers, later transformers will not know what
-        the proper order of buffers is.
-        Args:
-            buffer: The buffer to transform
-        Returns:
-            either None or a buffer. See detailed documentation.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformers.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9bdee1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import numpy as np
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import BufferList
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import ParallelTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import SequentialTransformer
-class Tee(SequentialTransformer):
-    """Outputs main_current values to the specified file.
-    Attributes:
-        _filename: the name of the file to open.
-        _fd: the filestream written to.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename, measure_after_seconds=0):
-        """Creates an OutputStream.
-        Args:
-            filename: the path to the file to write the collected data to.
-            measure_after_seconds: the number of seconds to skip before
-                logging data as part of the measurement.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._filename = filename
-        self._fd = None
-        self.measure_after_seconds = measure_after_seconds
-        # The time of the first sample gathered.
-        self._start_time = None
-    def on_begin(self):
-        self._fd = open(self._filename, 'w+')
-    def on_end(self):
-        self._fd.close()
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Writes the reading values to a file.
-        Args:
-            buffer: A list of HvpmReadings.
-        """
-        for sample in buffer:
-            if self._start_time is None:
-                self._start_time = sample.sample_time
-            if (sample.sample_time - self._start_time <
-                    self.measure_after_seconds):
-                continue
-            self._fd.write('%0.9f %.12f\n' %
-                           (sample.sample_time, sample.main_current))
-        self._fd.flush()
-        return BufferList([buffer])
-class PerfgateTee(SequentialTransformer):
-    """Outputs records of nanoseconds,current,voltage to the specified file.
-    Similar to Tee, but this version includes voltage, which may help with
-    accuracy in the power calculations.
-    This output type can be enabled by passing this transformer to the
-    transformers kwarg in Monsoon.measure_power():
-    # Uses the default Tee
-    > monsoon.measure_power(..., output_path=filename])
-    # Uses PerfgateTee
-    > monsoon.measure_power(..., transformers=[PerfgateTee(filename)])
-    Attributes:
-        _filename: the name of the file to open.
-        _fd: the filestream written to.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename, measure_after_seconds=0):
-        """Creates an OutputStream.
-        Args:
-            filename: the path to the file to write the collected data to.
-            measure_after_seconds: the number of seconds to skip before logging
-              data as part of the measurement.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._filename = filename
-        self._fd = None
-        self.measure_after_seconds = measure_after_seconds
-        # The time of the first sample gathered.
-        self._start_time = None
-    def on_begin(self):
-        self._fd = open(self._filename, 'w+')
-    def on_end(self):
-        self._fd.close()
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Writes the reading values to a file.
-            Args:
-                buffer: A list of HvpmReadings.
-        """
-        for sample in buffer:
-            if self._start_time is None:
-                self._start_time = sample.sample_time
-            if (sample.sample_time - self._start_time <
-                    self.measure_after_seconds):
-                continue
-            self._fd.write(
-                '%i,%.6f,%.6f\n' %
-                (sample.sample_time * 1e9, sample.main_current,
-                 sample.main_voltage))
-        self._fd.flush()
-        return BufferList([buffer])
-class SampleAggregator(ParallelTransformer):
-    """Aggregates the main current value and the number of samples gathered."""
-    def __init__(self, start_after_seconds=0):
-        """Creates a new SampleAggregator.
-        Args:
-            start_after_seconds: The number of seconds to wait before gathering
-                data. Useful for allowing the device to settle after USB
-                disconnect.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._num_samples = 0
-        self._sum_currents = 0
-        self.start_after_seconds = start_after_seconds
-        # The time of the first sample gathered.
-        self._start_time = None
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Aggregates the sample data.
-        Args:
-            buffer: A buffer of H/LvpmReadings.
-        """
-        for sample in buffer:
-            if self._start_time is None:
-                self._start_time = sample.sample_time
-            if sample.sample_time - self._start_time < self.start_after_seconds:
-                continue
-            self._num_samples += 1
-            self._sum_currents += sample.main_current
-        return buffer
-    @property
-    def num_samples(self):
-        """The number of samples read from the device."""
-        return self._num_samples
-    @property
-    def sum_currents(self):
-        """The total sum of current values gathered so far."""
-        return self._sum_currents
-class DownSampler(SequentialTransformer):
-    """Takes in sample outputs and returns a downsampled version of that data.
-    Note for speed, the downsampling must occur at a perfect integer divisor of
-    the Monsoon's sample rate (5000 hz).
-    """
-    def __init__(self, downsample_factor):
-        """Creates a DownSampler Transformer.
-        Args:
-            downsample_factor: The number of samples averaged together for a
-                single output sample.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._mean_width = int(downsample_factor)
-        self._leftovers = []
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Returns the buffer downsampled by an integer factor.
-        The algorithm splits data points into three categories:
-            tail: The remaining samples where not enough were collected to
-                  reach the integer factor for downsampling. The tail is stored
-                  in self._leftovers between _transform_buffer calls.
-            tailless_buffer: The samples excluding the tail that can be
-                             downsampled directly.
-        Below is a diagram explaining the buffer math:
-        input:          input buffer n              input buffer n + 1
-                 ╔══════════════════════════╗  ╔══════════════════════════╗
-             ... ║ ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗ ║  ║ ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗ ║ ...
-                 ║ ╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝ ║  ║ ╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝ ║
-                 ╚══════════════════════════╝  ╚══════════════════════════╝
-                               ▼                             ▼
-        alg:     ╔═════════════════════╦════╗  ╔═════════════════════╦════╗
-                 ║ ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗║╔╗╔╗║  ║ ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗║╔╗╔╗║
-                 ║ ╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝║╚╝╚╝║  ║ ╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝║╚╝╚╝║
-             ... ║   tailless_buffer   ║tail║  ║   tailless_buffer   ║tail║ ...
-                 ╚═════════════════════╩════╝  ╚═════════════════════╩════╝
-               ──┬───┘ └─┬─┘ ...  └─┬─┘ └────┬─────┘ └─┬─┘ ...  └─┬─┘ └──┬───
-                 ╔╗      ╔╗ ╔╗  ╔╗ ╔╗        ╔╗        ╔╗ ╔╗  ╔╗ ╔╗      ╔╗
-                 ╚╝      ╚╝ ╚╝  ╚╝ ╚╝        ╚╝        ╚╝ ╚╝  ╚╝ ╚╝      ╚╝
-                 └─────────┬────────┘        └──────────┬─────────┘
-                           ▼                            ▼
-        output:   ╔════════════════╗           ╔════════════════╗
-                  ║ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ║           ║ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ║
-                  ║ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ║           ║ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ║
-                  ╚════════════════╝           ╚════════════════╝
-                   output buffer n             output buffer n + 1
-        """
-        tail_length = int(
-            (len(buffer) + len(self._leftovers)) % self._mean_width)
-        tailless_buffer = np.array(buffer[:len(buffer) - tail_length])
-        sample_count = len(tailless_buffer) + len(self._leftovers)
-        downsampled_values = np.mean(
-            np.resize(
-                np.append(self._leftovers, tailless_buffer),
-                (sample_count // self._mean_width, self._mean_width)),
-            axis=1)
-        self._leftovers = buffer[len(buffer) - tail_length:]
-        return downsampled_values
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/enums.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/enums.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc30c9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/enums.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class Origin:
-    """The origin types of a given measurement or calibration.
-    The Monsoon returns calibration packets for three types of origin:
-        ZERO: The calibrated zeroing point.
-        REFERENCE: The reference point used for the returned samples.
-        SCALE: The factor at which to scale the returned samples to get power
-               consumption data.
-    """
-    ZERO = 0
-    REFERENCE = 1
-    SCALE = 2
-    values = [ZERO, REFERENCE, SCALE]
-class Granularity:
-    """The granularity types.
-    Monsoon leverages two different granularities when returning power
-    measurements. If the power usage exceeds the threshold of the fine
-    measurement region, a coarse measurement will be used instead.
-    This also means that there need to be two calibration values: one for coarse
-    and one for fine.
-    """
-    COARSE = 0
-    FINE = 1
-    values = [COARSE, FINE]
-class Reading:
-    """The extraneous possible reading types.
-    Aside from coarse and fine readings (see Granularity), some Monsoons can
-    gather readings on the voltage and gain control.
-    """
-    VOLTAGE = 0x4
-    GAIN = 0x6
-    values = [VOLTAGE, GAIN]
-class Channel:
-    """The possible channel types.
-    Monsoons can read power measurements from the following three inputs.
-    Calibration and reading values may also be available on these channels.
-    """
-    MAIN = 0
-    USB = 1
-    AUX = 2
-    values = [MAIN, USB, AUX]
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/calibrations.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/calibrations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d07d404..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/calibrations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import itertools
-from collections import deque
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationScalars
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationWindows
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Channel
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Granularity
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Origin
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.packet import SampleType
-class HvpmCalibrationData(CalibrationWindows):
-    """An object that holds the Dynamic Calibration values for HVPM Sampling."""
-    def __init__(self, calibration_window_size=5):
-        super().__init__(calibration_window_size)
-        all_variable_sets = [
-            Channel.values,
-            (Origin.REFERENCE, Origin.ZERO),
-            Granularity.values
-        ]  # yapf: disable
-        for key in itertools.product(*all_variable_sets):
-            self._calibrations[key] = deque()
-    def add_calibration_sample(self, sample):
-        """Adds calibration values from a calibration sample.
-        The packet is formatted the following way:
-            [0]: MAIN, COARSE
-            [1]: MAIN, FINE
-            [2]: USB,  COARSE
-            [3]: USB,  FINE
-            [4]: AUX,  COARSE
-            [5]: AUX,  FINE
-            [...]: ?
-            [8]: 0x10 == Origin.ZERO
-                 0x30 == Origin.REFERENCE
-        """
-        sample_type = sample.get_sample_type()
-        if sample_type == SampleType.ZERO_CAL:
-            origin = Origin.ZERO
-        elif sample_type == SampleType.REF_CAL:
-            origin = Origin.REFERENCE
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Packet of type %s is not a calibration packet.' % sample_type)
-        for i in range(6):
-            # Reads the last bit to get the Granularity value.
-            granularity = i & 0x01
-            # Divides by 2 to get the Channel value.
-            channel = i >> 1
-            self.add(channel, origin, granularity,
-                     sample[channel, granularity])
-class HvpmCalibrationConstants(CalibrationScalars):
-    """Tracks the calibration values gathered from the Monsoon status packet."""
-    def __init__(self, monsoon_status_packet):
-        """Initializes the calibration constants."""
-        super().__init__()
-        # Invalid combinations:
-        #   *,   REFERENCE, *
-        #   AUX, ZERO,      *
-        all_variable_sets = [
-            Channel.values,
-            (Origin.SCALE, Origin.ZERO),
-            Granularity.values
-        ]  # yapf: disable
-        for key in itertools.product(*all_variable_sets):
-            if key[0] == Channel.AUX and key[1] == Origin.ZERO:
-                # Monsoon status packets do not contain AUX, ZERO readings.
-                # Monsoon defaults these values to 0:
-                self._calibrations[key] = 0
-            else:
-                self._calibrations[key] = getattr(
-                    monsoon_status_packet,
-                    build_status_packet_attribute_name(*key))
-# TODO(markdr): Potentially find a better home for this function.
-def build_status_packet_attribute_name(channel, origin, granularity):
-    """Creates the status packet attribute name from the given keys.
-    The HVPM Monsoon status packet returns values in the following format:
-        <channel><Granularity><Origin>
-    Note that the following combinations are invalid:
-        <channel><Granularity>Reference
-        aux<Granularity>ZeroOffset
-    Args:
-        channel: the Channel value of the attribute
-        origin: the Origin value of the attribute
-        granularity: the Granularity value of the attribute
-    Returns:
-        A string that corresponds to the attribute of the Monsoon status packet.
-    """
-    if channel == Channel.MAIN:
-        channel = 'main'
-    elif channel == Channel.USB:
-        channel = 'usb'
-    elif channel == Channel.AUX:
-        channel = 'aux'
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Unknown channel "%s".' % channel)
-    if granularity == Granularity.COARSE:
-        granularity = 'Coarse'
-    elif granularity == Granularity.FINE:
-        granularity = 'Fine'
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid granularity "%s"' % granularity)
-    if origin == Origin.SCALE:
-        origin = 'Scale'
-    elif origin == Origin.ZERO:
-        origin = 'ZeroOffset'
-    else:
-        # Note: Origin.REFERENCE is not valid for monsoon_status_packet
-        # attribute names.
-        raise ValueError('Invalid origin "%s"' % origin)
-    return '%s%s%s' % (channel, granularity, origin)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/packet.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/packet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8951400..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/packet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import struct
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Reading
-class SampleType:
-    """An enum-like class that defines the SampleTypes for LVPM data.
-    Note that these values differ from the LVPM values.
-    """
-    # A measurement sample.
-    MEASUREMENT = 0x00
-    # A zero calibration sample.
-    ZERO_CAL = 0x10
-    # A reference calibration sample.
-    REF_CAL = 0x30
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_calibration(value):
-        """Returns true iff the SampleType is a type of calibration."""
-        return bool(value & 0x10)
-class HvpmMeasurement(object):
-    """An object that represents a single measurement from the HVPM device.
-    Attributes:
-        _sample_time: The time the sample was taken.
-        values: From the Monsoon API doc, the values are as follows:
-    Val │  Byte  │  Type  | Monsoon │ Reading │
-    Pos │ Offset │ Format │ Channel │  Type   │ Description
-    ────┼────────┼────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────────────────────────
-     0  │    0   │ uint16 │  Main   │ Coarse  │ Calibration/Measurement value
-     1  │    2   │ uint16 │  Main   │ Fine    │ Calibration/Measurement value
-     2  │    4   │ uint16 │  USB    │ Coarse  │ Calibration/Measurement value
-     3  │    6   │ uint16 │  USB    │ Fine    │ Calibration/Measurement value
-     4  │    8   │ uint16 │  Aux    │ Coarse  │ Calibration/Measurement value
-     5  │   10   │ uint16 │  Aux    │ Fine    │ Calibration/Measurement value
-     6  │   12   │ uint16 │  Main   │ Voltage │ Main V measurement, or Aux V
-        │        │        │         │         │    if setVoltageChannel == 1
-     7  │   14   │ uint16 │  USB    │ Voltage │ USB Voltage
-    ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
-    ║ Note: The Monsoon API Doc puts the below values in the wrong order.  ║
-    ║       The values in this docstring are in the correct order.         ║
-    ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
-     8  │   16   │ uint8? │  USB    │ Gain    │ Measurement gain control.
-        │        │        │         │         │  * Structure Unknown. May be
-        │        │        │         │         │    similar to Main Gain.
-     9  │   17   │ uint8  │  Main   │ Gain    │ Measurement gain control.
-        │        │        │         │         │  * b0-3: Believed to be gain.
-        │        │        │         │         │  * b4-5: SampleType.
-        │        │        │         │         │  * b6-7: Unknown.
-    """
-    # The total number of bytes in a measurement. See the table above.
-    SIZE = 18
-    def __init__(self, raw_data, sample_time):
-        self.values = struct.unpack('>8H2B', raw_data)
-        self._sample_time = sample_time
-    def __getitem__(self, channel_and_reading_granularity):
-        """Returns the requested reading for the given channel.
-        See HvpmMeasurement.__doc__ for a reference table.
-        Args:
-            channel_and_reading_granularity: A tuple of (channel,
-                reading_or_granularity).
-        """
-        channel = channel_and_reading_granularity[0]
-        reading_or_granularity = channel_and_reading_granularity[1]
-        data_index = self.get_index(channel, reading_or_granularity)
-        if reading_or_granularity == Reading.GAIN:
-            # The format of this value is undocumented by Monsoon Inc.
-            # Assume an unsigned 4-bit integer is used.
-            return self.values[data_index] & 0x0F
-        return self.values[data_index]
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_index(channel, reading_or_granularity):
-        """Returns the values array index that corresponds with the given query.
-        See HvpmMeasurement.__doc__ for details on how this is determined.
-        Args:
-            channel: The channel to read data from.
-            reading_or_granularity: The reading or granularity desired.
-        Returns:
-            An index corresponding to the data's location in self.values
-        """
-        if reading_or_granularity == Reading.VOLTAGE:
-            return 6 + channel
-        if reading_or_granularity == Reading.GAIN:
-            return 9 - channel
-        # reading_or_granularity is a granularity value.
-        return channel * 2 + reading_or_granularity
-    def get_sample_time(self):
-        """Returns the calculated time for the given sample."""
-        return self._sample_time
-    def get_sample_type(self):
-        """Returns a value contained in SampleType."""
-        return self.values[9] & 0x30
-class Packet(object):
-    """A packet collected directly from serial.read() during sample collection.
-    Large amounts of documentation here are pulled directly from
-    http://msoon.github.io/powermonitor/Python_Implementation/docs/API.pdf
-    For convenience, here is the table of values stored:
-    Offset │ Format │ Field            │ Description
-    ───────┼────────┼──────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────
-       0   │ uint16 │ dropped_count    │ Number of dropped packets
-       2   │  bits  │ flags            │ Flag values. see self.flags property
-       3   │ uint8  │ num_measurements │ Number of measurements in this packet
-       4   │ byte[] │ measurement[0]   │ Measurement. See HvpmMeasurement class
-      22   │ byte[] │ measurement[1]   │ Optional Measurement. See above
-      44   │ byte[] │ measurement[2]   │ Optional Measurement. See above
-    Note that all of values except dropped_count are stored in big-endian
-    format.
-    Attributes:
-        _packet_data: The raw data received from the packet.
-        time_of_read: The unix timestamp this packet was collected at.
-        time_since_last_sample: The differential between this packet's
-            time_of_read and the previous packet's.
-    """
-    # The maximum size of a packet read from USB.
-    # Note: each HVPM Packet can hold a maximum of 3 measurements.
-    def __init__(self, sampled_bytes):
-        self._packet_data = sampled_bytes
-        num_data_bytes = (len(sampled_bytes) - Packet.FIRST_MEASUREMENT_OFFSET)
-        self.num_measurements = num_data_bytes // HvpmMeasurement.SIZE
-        struct_string = (
-            '<2dhBx' +
-            (str(HvpmMeasurement.SIZE) + 's') * self.num_measurements)
-        # yapf: disable. Yapf forces these to try to fit one after the other.
-        (self.time_of_read,
-         self.time_since_last_sample,
-         self.dropped_count,
-         self.flags,
-         *samples) = struct.unpack(struct_string, sampled_bytes)
-        # yapf: enable
-        self.measurements = [None] * self.num_measurements
-        for i, raw_data in enumerate(samples):
-            self.measurements[i] = HvpmMeasurement(raw_data,
-                                                   self._get_sample_time(i))
-    def _get_sample_time(self, index):
-        """Returns the time the sample at the given index was received.
-        If multiple samples were captured within the same reading, the samples
-        are assumed to be uniformly distributed during the time it took to
-        sample the values.
-        """
-        time_per_sample = self.time_since_last_sample / self.num_measurements
-        return time_per_sample * (index + 1) + self.time_of_read
-    @property
-    def packet_counter(self):
-        """The 4-bit packet index."""
-        return self.flags & 0x0F
-    def get_bytes(self):
-        return list(self._packet_data)
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return self.measurements[index]
-    def __len__(self):
-        return self.num_measurements
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/transformers.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/transformers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 775c309..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/hvpm/transformers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import array
-import logging
-import struct
-import time
-import numpy as np
-from Monsoon import HVPM
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.common import UncalibratedSampleChunk
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import BufferList
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ProcessAssemblyLineBuilder
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ThreadAssemblyLineBuilder
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationError
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationSnapshot
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import ParallelTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import SequentialTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import SourceTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import Transformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Channel
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Granularity
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Origin
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Reading
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.calibrations import HvpmCalibrationConstants
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.calibrations import HvpmCalibrationData
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.packet import HvpmMeasurement
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.packet import Packet
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.packet import SampleType
-class HvpmTransformer(Transformer):
-    """Gathers samples from the Monsoon and brings them back to the caller."""
-    def __init__(self, monsoon_serial, duration):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.monsoon_serial = monsoon_serial
-        self.duration = duration
-    def _transform(self, input_stream):
-        # We need to gather the status packet before sampling so we can use the
-        # static calibration during sample normalization.
-        monsoon = HVPM.Monsoon()
-        monsoon.setup_usb(self.monsoon_serial)
-        monsoon.fillStatusPacket()
-        monsoon_status_packet = monsoon.statusPacket()
-        monsoon.closeDevice()
-        # yapf: disable. Yapf doesn't handle fluent interfaces well.
-        (ProcessAssemblyLineBuilder()
-         .source(PacketCollector(self.monsoon_serial, self.duration))
-         .into(SampleNormalizer(monsoon_status_packet=monsoon_status_packet))
-         .build(output_stream=self.output_stream).run())
-        # yapf: enable
-class PacketCollector(SourceTransformer):
-    """Collects Monsoon packets into a buffer to be sent to another transformer.
-    Ideally, the other transformer will be in a separate process to prevent the
-    GIL from slowing down packet collection.
-    Attributes:
-        _monsoon_id: The id of the monsoon.
-        _monsoon: The monsoon instance. This is left unset until
-                  _initialize_monsoon() is called.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, monsoon_id, sampling_duration=None):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._monsoon_id = monsoon_id
-        self._monsoon = None
-        self.start_time = None
-        self.array = array.array('B', b'\x00' * Packet.MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
-        self.sampling_duration = sampling_duration
-    def _initialize_monsoon(self):
-        """Initializes the monsoon object.
-        Note that this must be done after the Transformer has started.
-        Otherwise, this transformer will have c-like objects, preventing
-        the transformer from being used with the multiprocess libraries.
-        """
-        self._monsoon = HVPM.Monsoon()
-        self._monsoon.setup_usb(self._monsoon_id)
-        self._monsoon.stopSampling()
-        self._monsoon.fillStatusPacket()
-        self._monsoon.StartSampling()
-    def on_begin(self):
-        if __debug__:
-            logging.warning(
-                'Debug mode is enabled. Expect a higher frequency of dropped '
-                'packets. To reduce packet drop, disable your python debugger.'
-            )
-        self.start_time = time.time()
-        self._initialize_monsoon()
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self._monsoon:
-            self.on_end()
-    def on_end(self):
-        self._monsoon.stopSampling()
-        self._monsoon.closeDevice()
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Fills the buffer with packets until time has been reached.
-        Returns:
-            A BufferList of a single buffer if collection is not yet finished.
-            None if sampling is complete.
-        """
-        if (self.sampling_duration
-                and self.sampling_duration < time.time() - self.start_time):
-            return None
-        for index in range(len(buffer)):
-            time_before_read = time.time()
-            try:
-                data = self._monsoon.Protocol.DEVICE.read(
-                    # Magic value for USB bulk reads.
-                    0x81,
-                    Packet.MAX_PACKET_SIZE,
-                    # In milliseconds.
-                    timeout=1000)
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.warning(e)
-                continue
-            time_after_read = time.time()
-            time_data = struct.pack('dd', time_after_read,
-                                    time_after_read - time_before_read)
-            buffer[index] = time_data + data.tobytes()
-        return buffer
-class SampleNormalizer(Transformer):
-    """A Transformer that applies calibration to the input's packets."""
-    def __init__(self, monsoon_status_packet):
-        """Creates a SampleNormalizer.
-        Args:
-            monsoon_status_packet: The status of the monsoon. Used for gathering
-                the constant calibration data from the device.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self.monsoon_status_packet = monsoon_status_packet
-    def _transform(self, input_stream):
-        # yapf: disable. Yapf doesn't handle fluent interfaces well.
-        (ThreadAssemblyLineBuilder()
-         .source(PacketReader(), input_stream=input_stream)
-         .into(SampleChunker())
-         .into(CalibrationApplier(self.monsoon_status_packet))
-         .build(output_stream=self.output_stream).run())
-        # yapf: enable
-class PacketReader(ParallelTransformer):
-    """Reads raw HVPM Monsoon data and converts it into Packet objects.
-    Attributes:
-        rollover_count: The number of times the dropped_count value has rolled
-            over it's maximum value (2^16-1).
-        previous_dropped_count: The dropped count read from the last packet.
-            Used for determining the true number of dropped samples.
-        start_time: The time of the first packet ever read.
-    """
-    """The number of seconds before considering dropped_count to be meaningful.
-    Monsoon devices will often report 2^16-1 as the dropped count when first
-    starting the monsoon. This usually goes away within a few milliseconds.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.rollover_count = 0
-        self.previous_dropped_count = 0
-        self.start_time = 0
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Reads raw sample data and converts it into packet objects."""
-        for i in range(len(buffer)):
-            buffer[i] = Packet(buffer[i])
-            if buffer and not self.start_time and i == 0:
-                self.start_time = buffer[0].time_of_read
-            if (buffer[i].time_of_read - self.start_time >
-                    PacketReader.DROP_COUNT_TIMER_THRESHOLD):
-                self._process_dropped_count(buffer[i])
-        return buffer
-    def _process_dropped_count(self, packet):
-        """Processes the dropped count value, updating the internal counters."""
-        if packet.dropped_count == self.previous_dropped_count:
-            return
-        if packet.dropped_count < self.previous_dropped_count:
-            self.rollover_count += 1
-        self.previous_dropped_count = packet.dropped_count
-        log_function = logging.info if __debug__ else logging.warning
-        log_function('At %9f, total dropped count: %s' %
-                     (packet.time_of_read, self.total_dropped_count))
-    @property
-    def total_dropped_count(self):
-        """Returns the total dropped count, accounting for rollovers."""
-        return self.rollover_count * 2**16 + self.previous_dropped_count
-    def on_begin(self):
-        if __debug__:
-            logging.info(
-                'The python debugger is enabled. Expect results to '
-                'take longer to process after collection is complete.')
-    def on_end(self):
-        if self.previous_dropped_count > 0:
-            if __debug__:
-                logging.info(
-                    'During collection, a total of %d packets were '
-                    'dropped. To reduce this amount, run your test '
-                    'without debug mode enabled.' % self.total_dropped_count)
-            else:
-                logging.warning(
-                    'During collection, a total of %d packets were '
-                    'dropped.' % self.total_dropped_count)
-class SampleChunker(SequentialTransformer):
-    """Chunks input packets into lists of samples with identical calibration.
-    This step helps to quickly apply calibration across many samples at once.
-    Attributes:
-        _stored_raw_samples: The queue of raw samples that have yet to be
-            split into a new calibration group.
-        calibration_data: The calibration window information.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._stored_raw_samples = []
-        self.calibration_data = HvpmCalibrationData()
-    def _on_end_of_stream(self, input_stream):
-        self._send_buffers(BufferList([self._cut_new_buffer()]))
-        super()._on_end_of_stream(input_stream)
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Takes in data from the buffer and splits it based on calibration.
-        This transformer is meant to after the PacketReader.
-        Args:
-            buffer: A list of Packet objects.
-        Returns:
-            A BufferList containing 0 or more UncalibratedSampleChunk objects.
-        """
-        buffer_list = BufferList()
-        for packet in buffer:
-            for sample in packet:
-                sample_type = sample.get_sample_type()
-                if sample_type == SampleType.MEASUREMENT:
-                    self._stored_raw_samples.append(sample)
-                elif SampleType.is_calibration(sample_type):
-                    if len(self._stored_raw_samples) > 0:
-                        buffer_list.append(self._cut_new_buffer())
-                    self.calibration_data.add_calibration_sample(sample)
-                else:
-                    # There's no information on what this packet means within
-                    # the documentation or code Monsoon Inc. provides.
-                    logging.warning('Received unidentifiable packet with '
-                                    'SampleType %s: %s' % (sample_type,
-                                                           packet.get_bytes()))
-        return buffer_list
-    def _cut_new_buffer(self):
-        """Cuts a new buffer from the input stream data.
-        Returns:
-            The newly generated UncalibratedSampleChunk.
-        """
-        calibration_snapshot = CalibrationSnapshot(self.calibration_data)
-        new_chunk = UncalibratedSampleChunk(self._stored_raw_samples,
-                                            calibration_snapshot)
-        # Do not clear the list. Instead, create a new one so the old list can
-        # be owned solely by the UncalibratedSampleChunk.
-        self._stored_raw_samples = []
-        return new_chunk
-class HvpmReading(object):
-    """The result of fully calibrating a sample. Contains all Monsoon readings.
-    Attributes:
-        _reading_list: The list of values obtained from the Monsoon.
-        _time_of_reading: The time since sampling began that the reading was
-            collected at.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, reading_list, time_of_reading):
-        """
-        Args:
-            reading_list: A list of reading values in the order of:
-                [0] Main Current
-                [1] USB Current
-                [2] Aux Current
-                [3] Main Voltage
-                [4] USB Voltage
-            time_of_reading: The time the reading was received.
-        """
-        self._reading_list = reading_list
-        self._time_of_reading = time_of_reading
-    @property
-    def main_current(self):
-        return self._reading_list[0]
-    @property
-    def usb_current(self):
-        return self._reading_list[1]
-    @property
-    def aux_current(self):
-        return self._reading_list[2]
-    @property
-    def main_voltage(self):
-        return self._reading_list[3]
-    @property
-    def usb_voltage(self):
-        return self._reading_list[4]
-    @property
-    def sample_time(self):
-        return self._time_of_reading
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        return HvpmReading([
-            self.main_current + other.main_current,
-            self.usb_current + other.usb_current,
-            self.aux_current + other.aux_current,
-            self.main_voltage + other.main_voltage,
-            self.usb_voltage + other.usb_voltage,
-        ], self.sample_time + other.sample_time)
-    def __truediv__(self, other):
-        return HvpmReading([
-            self.main_current / other,
-            self.usb_current / other,
-            self.aux_current / other,
-            self.main_voltage / other,
-            self.usb_voltage / other,
-        ], self.sample_time / other)
-class CalibrationApplier(ParallelTransformer):
-    """Applies the calibration formula to the all given samples."""
-    def __init__(self, monsoon_status_packet):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.cal_constants = HvpmCalibrationConstants(monsoon_status_packet)
-        monsoon = HVPM.Monsoon()
-        self.fine_threshold = monsoon.fineThreshold
-        self._main_voltage_scale = monsoon.mainvoltageScale
-        self._usb_voltage_scale = monsoon.usbVoltageScale
-        # According to Monsoon.sampleEngine.__ADCRatio, each tick of the ADC
-        # represents this much voltage
-        self._adc_ratio = 6.25e-5
-    @staticmethod
-    def _is_device_calibrated(data):
-        """Checks to see if the Monsoon has completed calibration.
-        Args:
-            data: the calibration data.
-        Returns:
-            True if the data is calibrated. False otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            # If the data is calibrated for any Origin.REFERENCE value, it is
-            # calibrated for all Origin.REFERENCE values. The same is true for
-            # Origin.ZERO.
-            data.get(Channel.MAIN, Origin.REFERENCE, Granularity.COARSE)
-            data.get(Channel.MAIN, Origin.ZERO, Granularity.COARSE)
-        except CalibrationError:
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Transforms the buffer's information into HvpmReadings.
-        Args:
-            buffer: An UncalibratedSampleChunk. This buffer is in-place
-                transformed into a buffer of HvpmReadings.
-        """
-        calibration_data = buffer.calibration_data
-        if not self._is_device_calibrated(calibration_data):
-            buffer.samples.clear()
-            return buffer.samples
-        readings = np.zeros((len(buffer.samples), 5))
-        measurements = np.array([sample.values for sample in buffer.samples])
-        calibrated_value = np.zeros((len(buffer.samples), 2))
-        for channel in Channel.values:
-            for granularity in Granularity.values:
-                scale = self.cal_constants.get(channel, Origin.SCALE,
-                                               granularity)
-                zero_offset = self.cal_constants.get(channel, Origin.ZERO,
-                                                     granularity)
-                cal_ref = calibration_data.get(channel, Origin.REFERENCE,
-                                               granularity)
-                cal_zero = calibration_data.get(channel, Origin.ZERO,
-                                                granularity)
-                zero_offset += cal_zero
-                if cal_ref - zero_offset != 0:
-                    slope = scale / (cal_ref - zero_offset)
-                else:
-                    slope = 0
-                if granularity == Granularity.FINE:
-                    slope /= 1000
-                index = HvpmMeasurement.get_index(channel, granularity)
-                calibrated_value[:, granularity] = slope * (
-                    measurements[:, index] - zero_offset)
-            fine_data_position = HvpmMeasurement.get_index(
-                channel, Granularity.FINE)
-            readings[:, channel] = np.where(
-                measurements[:, fine_data_position] < self.fine_threshold,
-                calibrated_value[:, Granularity.FINE],
-                calibrated_value[:, Granularity.COARSE]) / 1000.0  # to mA
-        main_voltage_index = HvpmMeasurement.get_index(Channel.MAIN,
-                                                       Reading.VOLTAGE)
-        usb_voltage_index = HvpmMeasurement.get_index(Channel.USB,
-                                                      Reading.VOLTAGE)
-        readings[:, 3] = (measurements[:, main_voltage_index] * self._adc_ratio
-                          * self._main_voltage_scale)
-        readings[:, 4] = (measurements[:, usb_voltage_index] * self._adc_ratio
-                          * self._usb_voltage_scale)
-        for i in range(len(buffer.samples)):
-            buffer.samples[i] = HvpmReading(
-                list(readings[i]), buffer.samples[i].get_sample_time())
-        return buffer.samples
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index d9f5fdb..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/calibrations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Note: These calibration classes are based on the original reverse-engineered
-algorithm for handling calibration values. As a result, LvpmCalibrationConstants
-does not exist for the LVPM stock sampling algorithm."""
-import itertools
-from collections import deque
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationWindows
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationSnapshot
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Channel
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Granularity
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Origin
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.lvpm_stock.packet import SampleType
-# The numerator used for FINE granularity calibration.
-# The numerator used for COARSE granularity calibration
-class LvpmCalibrationData(CalibrationWindows):
-    """An object that holds the Dynamic Calibration values for HVPM Sampling."""
-    def __init__(self, calibration_window_size=5):
-        super().__init__(calibration_window_size)
-        all_variable_sets = [
-            Channel.values,
-            (Origin.REFERENCE, Origin.ZERO),
-            Granularity.values
-        ]  # yapf: disable
-        for key in itertools.product(*all_variable_sets):
-            self._calibrations[key] = deque()
-    def add_calibration_sample(self, sample):
-        """Adds calibration values from a calibration sample.
-        LVPM Calibration Data is stored as:
-            [0]: Main Current calibration
-            [1]: USB Current calibration
-            [2]: Aux Current calibration
-            [3]: Main Voltage (unknown if this is actually calibration or a
-                               measurement!)
-        Note that coarse vs fine is determined by the position within the
-        packet. Even indexes are fine values, odd indexes are coarse values.
-        """
-        sample_type = sample.get_sample_type()
-        if sample_type == SampleType.ZERO_CAL:
-            origin = Origin.ZERO
-        elif sample_type == SampleType.REF_CAL:
-            origin = Origin.REFERENCE
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Packet of type %s is not a calibration packet.' % sample_type)
-        granularity = sample.get_calibration_granularity()
-        for channel in Channel.values:
-            self.add(channel, origin, granularity, sample[channel])
-class LvpmCalibrationSnapshot(CalibrationSnapshot):
-    """A class that holds a snapshot of LVPM Calibration Data.
-    According to the original reverse-engineered algorithm for obtaining
-    samples, the LVPM determines scale from the reference and zero calibration
-    values. Here, we calculate those when taking a snapshot."""
-    def __init__(self, lvpm_calibration_base):
-        super().__init__(lvpm_calibration_base)
-        pairs = itertools.product(Channel.values, Granularity.values)
-        for channel, granularity in pairs:
-            if granularity == Granularity.COARSE:
-                numerator = _COARSE_NUMERATOR
-            else:
-                numerator = _FINE_NUMERATOR
-            divisor = (
-                self._calibrations[(channel, Origin.REFERENCE, granularity)] -
-                self._calibrations[(channel, Origin.ZERO, granularity)])
-            # Prevent division by zero.
-            if divisor == 0:
-                divisor = .0001
-            self._calibrations[(channel, Origin.SCALE,
-                                granularity)] = (numerator / divisor)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/packet.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/packet.py
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index 75d7af3..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/packet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import struct
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Reading
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Granularity
-class SampleType:
-    """An enum-like class that defines the SampleTypes for LVPM data.
-    Note that these values differ from the HVPM values.
-    """
-    # A measurement sample.
-    MEASUREMENT = 0x00
-    # A zero calibration sample.
-    ZERO_CAL = 0x01
-    # A reference calibration sample.
-    REF_CAL = 0x02
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_calibration(value):
-        """Returns true iff the SampleType is a type of calibration."""
-        return value == SampleType.ZERO_CAL or value == SampleType.REF_CAL
-class LvpmMeasurement(object):
-    """An object that tracks an individual measurement within the LvpmPacket.
-    Attributes:
-        _sample_time: The time the sample was taken.
-        _sample_type: The type of sample stored.
-        values: From reverse engineering, the values are as follows:
-    If the measurement is a calibration measurement:
-    Val │  Byte  │  Type  │ Monsoon │ Reading │
-    Pos │ Offset │ Format │ Channel │  Type   │ Description
-    ────┼────────┼────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────────────────────────
-     0  │   0    │  int16 │  Main   │ Current │ Calibration value.
-     1  │   2    │  int16 │  USB    │ Current │ Calibration value.
-     2  │   4    │  int16 │  Aux    │ Current │ Calibration value.
-     3  │   6    │ uint16 │  Main   │ Voltage │ Calibration value.
-    If the measurement is a power reading:
-    Val │  Byte  │  Type  │ Monsoon │ Reading │
-    Pos │ Offset │ Format │ Channel │  Type   │ Description
-    ────┼────────┼────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────────────────────────
-     0  │   0    │  int16 │  Main   │ Current │ b0: if 1, Coarse, else Fine
-        │        │        │         │         │ b1-7: Measurement value.
-     1  │   2    │  int16 │  USB    │ Current │ b0: if 1, Coarse, else Fine
-        │        │        │         │         │ b1-7: Measurement value.
-     2  │   4    │  int16 │  Aux    │ Current │ b0: if 1, Coarse, else Fine
-        │        │        │         │         │ b1-7: Measurement value.
-     3  │   6    │ uint16 │  Main   │ Voltage │ Measurement value.
-    """
-    # The total number of bytes in a measurement. See the table above.
-    SIZE = 8
-    def __init__(self, raw_data, sample_time, sample_type, entry_index):
-        """Creates a new LVPM Measurement.
-        Args:
-            raw_data: The raw data format of the LvpmMeasurement.
-            sample_time: The time the sample was recorded.
-            sample_type: The type of sample that was recorded.
-            entry_index: The index of the measurement within the packet.
-        """
-        self.values = struct.unpack('>3hH', raw_data)
-        self._sample_time = sample_time
-        self._sample_type = sample_type
-        if SampleType.is_calibration(self._sample_type):
-            # Calibration packets have granularity values determined by whether
-            # or not the entry was odd or even within the returned packet.
-            if entry_index % 2 == 0:
-                self._granularity = Granularity.FINE
-            else:
-                self._granularity = Granularity.COARSE
-        else:
-            # If it is not a calibration packet, each individual reading (main
-            # current, usb current, etc) determines granularity value by
-            # checking the LSB of the measurement value.
-            self._granularity = None
-    def __getitem__(self, channel_or_reading):
-        """Returns the requested reading for the given channel.
-        Args:
-            channel_or_reading: either a Channel or Reading.Voltage.
-        """
-        if channel_or_reading == Reading.VOLTAGE:
-            return self.values[3]
-        else:
-            # Must be a channel. If it is not, this line will throw an
-            # IndexError, which is what we will want for invalid values.
-            return self.values[channel_or_reading]
-    def get_sample_time(self):
-        """Returns the time (since the start time) this sample was collected."""
-        return self._sample_time
-    def get_sample_type(self):
-        """Returns a value contained in SampleType."""
-        return self._sample_type
-    def get_calibration_granularity(self):
-        """Returns the granularity associated with this packet.
-        If the packet is not a calibration packet, None is returned.
-        """
-        return self._granularity
-class Packet(object):
-    """A packet collected directly from serial.read() during sample collection.
-    Note that the true documentation for this has been lost to time. This class
-    and documentation uses knowledge that comes from several reverse-engineering
-    projects. Most of this knowledge comes from
-    http://wiki/Main/MonsoonProtocol.
-    The data table looks approximately like this:
-    Offset │ Format  │ Field   │ Description
-    ───────┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────
-       0   │  uint8  │  flags  │ Bits:
-           │         │    &    │  * b0-3: Sequence number (0-15). Increments
-           │         │   seq   │          each packet
-           │         │         │  * b4: 1 means over-current or thermal kill
-           │         │         │  * b5: Main Output, 1 == unit is at voltage,
-           │         │         │                     0 == output disabled.
-           │         │         │  * b6-7: reserved.
-       1   │  uint8  │ packet  │ The type of the packet:
-           │         │  type   │   * 0: A data packet
-           │         │         │   * 1: A zero calibration packet
-           │         │         │   * 2: A reference calibration packet
-       2   │  uint8  │ unknown │ Always seems to be 0x00
-       3   │  uint8  │ unknown │ Always seems to be 0x00 or 0xC4.
-       4   │ byte[8] │   data  │ See LvpmMeasurement.
-      ...  │ byte[8] │   data  │ Additional LvpmMeasurements.
-      -1   │  uint8  │ unknown │ Last byte, unknown values. Has been seen to
-           │         │         │ usually be \x00, or \x84.
-    Attributes:
-        _packet_data: The raw data received from the packet.
-        time_of_read: The unix timestamp this packet was collected at.
-        time_since_last_sample: The difference between this packet's
-            time_of_read and the previous packet's.
-    """
-    # The number of bytes before the first packet.
-    def __init__(self, sampled_bytes, time_of_read,
-                 time_since_last_sample):
-        self._packet_data = sampled_bytes
-        self.time_of_read = time_of_read
-        self.time_since_last_sample = time_since_last_sample
-        num_data_bytes = len(sampled_bytes) - Packet.FIRST_MEASUREMENT_OFFSET
-        num_packets = num_data_bytes // LvpmMeasurement.SIZE
-        sample_struct_format = (str(LvpmMeasurement.SIZE) + 's') * num_packets
-        struct_string = '>2B2x%sx' % sample_struct_format
-        self._flag_data, self.packet_type, *samples = struct.unpack(
-            struct_string, sampled_bytes)
-        self.measurements = [None] * len(samples)
-        for index, raw_measurement in enumerate(samples):
-            self.measurements[index] = LvpmMeasurement(
-                raw_measurement, self._get_sample_time(index),
-                self.packet_type, index)
-    def _get_sample_time(self, index):
-        """Returns the time the sample at the given index was received.
-        If multiple samples were captured within the same reading, the samples
-        are assumed to be uniformly distributed during the time it took to
-        sample the values.
-        Args:
-            index: the index of the individual reading from within the sample.
-        """
-        time_per_sample = self.time_since_last_sample / len(self.measurements)
-        return time_per_sample * (index + 1) + self.time_of_read
-    @property
-    def packet_counter(self):
-        return self._flag_data & 0x0F
-    def get_bytes(self, start, end_exclusive):
-        """Returns a bytearray spanning from start to the end (exclusive)."""
-        return self._packet_data[start:end_exclusive]
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return self.measurements[index]
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.measurements)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/stock_transformers.py b/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/stock_transformers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 39658dd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/lvpm_stock/stock_transformers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import struct
-import time
-import numpy as np
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon_proxy import MonsoonProxy
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.common import UncalibratedSampleChunk
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import BufferList
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ProcessAssemblyLineBuilder
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ThreadAssemblyLineBuilder
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationError
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import ParallelTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import SequentialTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import SourceTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import Transformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Channel
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Granularity
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Origin
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.lvpm_stock.calibrations import LvpmCalibrationData
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.lvpm_stock.calibrations import LvpmCalibrationSnapshot
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.lvpm_stock.packet import Packet
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.lvpm_stock.packet import SampleType
-class StockLvpmSampler(Transformer):
-    """Gathers samples from the Monsoon and brings them back to the caller."""
-    def __init__(self, monsoon_serial, duration):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.monsoon_serial = monsoon_serial
-        self.duration = duration
-    def _transform(self, input_stream):
-        # yapf: disable. Yapf doesn't handle fluent interfaces well.
-        (ProcessAssemblyLineBuilder()
-         .source(PacketCollector(self.monsoon_serial, self.duration))
-         .into(SampleNormalizer())
-         .build(output_stream=self.output_stream)
-         .run())
-        # yapf: enable
-class PacketCollector(SourceTransformer):
-    """Collects Monsoon packets into a buffer to be sent to another process."""
-    def __init__(self, serial=None, sampling_duration=None):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._monsoon_serial = serial
-        self._monsoon_proxy = None
-        self.start_time = 0
-        self.sampling_duration = sampling_duration
-    def _initialize_monsoon(self):
-        """Initializes the MonsoonProxy object."""
-        self._monsoon_proxy = MonsoonProxy(serialno=self._monsoon_serial)
-    def on_begin(self):
-        """Begins data collection."""
-        self.start_time = time.time()
-        self._initialize_monsoon()
-        self._monsoon_proxy.start_data_collection()
-    def on_end(self):
-        """Stops data collection."""
-        self._monsoon_proxy.stop_data_collection()
-        self._monsoon_proxy.ser.close()
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Fills the given buffer with raw monsoon data at each entry."""
-        if (self.sampling_duration
-                and self.sampling_duration < time.time() - self.start_time):
-            return None
-        for index in range(len(buffer)):
-            time_before_read = time.time()
-            data = self._read_packet()
-            if data is None:
-                continue
-            time_after_read = time.time()
-            time_data = struct.pack('dd', time_after_read,
-                                    time_after_read - time_before_read)
-            buffer[index] = time_data + data
-        return buffer
-    def _read_packet(self):
-        """Reads a single packet from the serial port.
-        Packets are sent as Length-Value-Checksum, where the first byte is the
-        length, the following bytes are the value and checksum. The checksum is
-        the stored in the final byte, and is calculated as the 16 least-
-        significant-bits of the sum of all value bytes.
-        Returns:
-            None if the read failed. Otherwise, the packet data received.
-        """
-        len_char = self._monsoon_proxy.ser.read(1)
-        if not len_char:
-            logging.warning('Reading from serial timed out.')
-            return None
-        data_len = ord(len_char)
-        if not data_len:
-            logging.warning('Unable to read packet length.')
-            return None
-        result = self._monsoon_proxy.ser.read(int(data_len))
-        result = bytearray(result)
-        if len(result) != data_len:
-            logging.warning(
-                'Length mismatch, expected %d bytes, got %d bytes.', data_len,
-                len(result))
-            return None
-        body = result[:-1]
-        checksum = sum(body, data_len) & 0xFF
-        if result[-1] != checksum:
-            logging.warning(
-                'Invalid checksum from serial port! Expected %s, '
-                'got %s', hex(checksum), hex(result[-1]))
-            return None
-        return body
-class SampleNormalizer(Transformer):
-    """Normalizes the raw packet data into reading values."""
-    def _transform(self, input_stream):
-        # yapf: disable. Yapf doesn't handle fluent interfaces well.
-        (ThreadAssemblyLineBuilder()
-         .source(PacketReader(), input_stream=input_stream)
-         .into(SampleChunker())
-         .into(CalibrationApplier())
-         .build(output_stream=self.output_stream)
-         .run())
-        # yapf: enable
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """_transform is overloaded, so this function can be left empty."""
-class PacketReader(ParallelTransformer):
-    """Reads the raw packets and converts them into LVPM Packet objects."""
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Converts the raw packets to Packet objects in-place in buffer.
-        Args:
-            buffer: A list of bytes objects. Will be in-place replaced with
-                Packet objects.
-        """
-        for i, packet in enumerate(buffer):
-            time_bytes_size = struct.calcsize('dd')
-            # Unpacks the two time.time() values sent by PacketCollector.
-            time_of_read, time_since_last_read = struct.unpack(
-                'dd', packet[:time_bytes_size])
-            packet = packet[time_bytes_size:]
-            # Magic number explanation:
-            # LVPM sample packets begin with 4 bytes, have at least one
-            # measurement (8 bytes), and have 1 last byte (usually a \x00 byte).
-            if len(packet) < 4 + 8 + 1 or packet[0] & 0x20 != 0x20:
-                logging.warning(
-                    'Tried to collect power sample values, received data of '
-                    'type=0x%02x, len=%d instead.', packet[0], len(packet))
-                buffer[i] = None
-                continue
-            buffer[i] = Packet(packet, time_of_read, time_since_last_read)
-        return buffer
-class SampleChunker(SequentialTransformer):
-    """Chunks input packets into lists of samples with identical calibration.
-    This step helps to quickly apply calibration across many samples at once.
-    Attributes:
-        _stored_raw_samples: The queue of raw samples that have yet to be
-            split into a new calibration group.
-        calibration_data: The calibration window information.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._stored_raw_samples = []
-        self.calibration_data = LvpmCalibrationData()
-    def _on_end_of_stream(self, input_stream):
-        self._send_buffers(BufferList([self._cut_new_buffer()]))
-        super()._on_end_of_stream(input_stream)
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        """Takes in data from the buffer and splits it based on calibration.
-        This transformer is meant to after the PacketReader.
-        Args:
-            buffer: A list of Packet objects.
-        Returns:
-            A BufferList containing 0 or more UncalibratedSampleChunk objects.
-        """
-        buffer_list = BufferList()
-        for packet in buffer:
-            # If a read packet was not a sample, the PacketReader returns None.
-            # Skip over these dud values.
-            if packet is None:
-                continue
-            for sample in packet:
-                sample_type = sample.get_sample_type()
-                if sample_type == SampleType.MEASUREMENT:
-                    self._stored_raw_samples.append(sample)
-                elif SampleType.is_calibration(sample_type):
-                    if len(self._stored_raw_samples) > 0:
-                        buffer_list.append(self._cut_new_buffer())
-                    self.calibration_data.add_calibration_sample(sample)
-                else:
-                    # There's no information on what this packet means within
-                    # Monsoon documentation or code.
-                    logging.warning('Received unidentifiable packet with '
-                                    'SampleType %s: %s' %
-                                    (sample_type, packet.get_bytes(0, None)))
-        return buffer_list
-    def _cut_new_buffer(self):
-        """Cuts a new buffer from the input stream data.
-        Returns:
-            The newly generated UncalibratedSampleChunk.
-        """
-        calibration_snapshot = LvpmCalibrationSnapshot(self.calibration_data)
-        new_chunk = UncalibratedSampleChunk(self._stored_raw_samples,
-                                            calibration_snapshot)
-        self._stored_raw_samples = []
-        return new_chunk
-class LvpmReading(object):
-    """The result of fully calibrating a sample. Contains all Monsoon readings.
-    Attributes:
-        _reading_list: The list of values obtained from the Monsoon.
-        _time_of_reading: The time since sampling began that the reading was
-            collected at.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, reading_list, time_of_reading):
-        """Creates an LvpmReading.
-        Args:
-            reading_list:
-                [0] Main Current
-                [1] USB Current
-                [2] Aux Current
-                [3] Main Voltage
-            time_of_reading: The time the reading was received.
-        """
-        self._reading_list = reading_list
-        self._time_of_reading = time_of_reading
-    @property
-    def main_current(self):
-        return self._reading_list[0]
-    @property
-    def usb_current(self):
-        return self._reading_list[1]
-    @property
-    def aux_current(self):
-        return self._reading_list[2]
-    @property
-    def main_voltage(self):
-        return self._reading_list[3]
-    @property
-    def sample_time(self):
-        return self._time_of_reading
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        reading_list = [
-            self.main_current + other.main_current,
-            self.usb_current + other.usb_current,
-            self.aux_current + other.aux_current,
-            self.main_voltage + other.main_voltage,
-        ]
-        sample_time = self.sample_time + other.sample_time
-        return LvpmReading(reading_list, sample_time)
-    def __truediv__(self, other):
-        reading_list = [
-            self.main_current / other,
-            self.usb_current / other,
-            self.aux_current / other,
-            self.main_voltage / other,
-        ]
-        sample_time = self.sample_time / other
-        return LvpmReading(reading_list, sample_time)
-class CalibrationApplier(ParallelTransformer):
-    """Applies the calibration formula to the all given samples.
-    Designed to come after a SampleChunker Transformer.
-    """
-    @staticmethod
-    def _is_device_calibrated(data):
-        """Checks to see if the Monsoon has completed calibration.
-        Args:
-            data: the calibration data.
-        Returns:
-            True if the data is calibrated. False otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            # If the data is calibrated for any Origin.REFERENCE value, it is
-            # calibrated for all Origin.REFERENCE values. The same is true for
-            # Origin.ZERO.
-            data.get(Channel.MAIN, Origin.REFERENCE, Granularity.COARSE)
-            data.get(Channel.MAIN, Origin.ZERO, Granularity.COARSE)
-        except CalibrationError:
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _transform_buffer(self, buffer):
-        calibration_data = buffer.calibration_data
-        if not self._is_device_calibrated(calibration_data):
-            return []
-        measurements = np.array([sample.values for sample in buffer.samples])
-        readings = np.zeros((len(buffer.samples), 5))
-        for channel in Channel.values:
-            fine_zero = calibration_data.get(channel, Origin.ZERO,
-                                             Granularity.FINE)
-            fine_scale = calibration_data.get(channel, Origin.SCALE,
-                                              Granularity.FINE)
-            coarse_zero = calibration_data.get(channel, Origin.ZERO,
-                                               Granularity.COARSE)
-            coarse_scale = calibration_data.get(channel, Origin.SCALE,
-                                                Granularity.COARSE)
-            # A set LSB means a coarse measurement. This bit needs to be
-            # cleared before setting calibration. Note that the
-            # reverse-engineered algorithm does not rightshift the bits after
-            # this operation. This explains the mismatch of calibration
-            # constants between the reverse-engineered algorithm and the
-            # Monsoon.py algorithm.
-            readings[:, channel] = np.where(
-                measurements[:, channel] & 1,
-                ((measurements[:, channel] & ~1) - coarse_zero) * coarse_scale,
-                (measurements[:, channel] - fine_zero) * fine_scale)
-        # The magic number 0.000125 is documented at
-        # http://wiki/Main/MonsoonProtocol#Data_response
-        # It represents how many volts represents each tick in the sample
-        # packet.
-        readings[:, 3] = measurements[:, 3] * 0.000125
-        for i in range(len(buffer.samples)):
-            buffer.samples[i] = LvpmReading(
-                list(readings[i]), buffer.samples[i].get_sample_time())
-        return buffer.samples
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/native.py b/src/antlion/controllers/native.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e11c87..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/native.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.rpc_connection import RpcConnection
-import json
-import os
-HOST = os.environ.get('AP_HOST', None)
-PORT = os.environ.get('AP_PORT', 9999)
-class SL4NException(Exception):
-    pass
-class SL4NAPIError(SL4NException):
-    """Raised when remote API reports an error."""
-class SL4NProtocolError(SL4NException):
-    """Raised when there is an error exchanging data with the device server."""
-    NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE = "No response from handshake."
-    NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER = "No response from server."
-    MISMATCHED_API_ID = "Mismatched API id."
-def IDCounter():
-    i = 0
-    while True:
-        yield i
-        i += 1
-class NativeAndroid(RpcConnection):
-    COUNTER = IDCounter()
-    def _rpc(self, method, *args):
-        with self._lock:
-            apiid = next(self._counter)
-        data = {'id': apiid, 'method': method, 'params': args}
-        request = json.dumps(data)
-        self.client.write(request.encode("utf8") + b'\n')
-        self.client.flush()
-        response = self.client.readline()
-        if not response:
-            raise SL4NProtocolError(SL4NProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER)
-        #TODO: (tturney) fix the C side from sending \x00 char over the socket.
-        result = json.loads(
-            str(response, encoding="utf8").rstrip().replace("\x00", ""))
-        if result['error']:
-            raise SL4NAPIError(result['error'])
-        if result['id'] != apiid:
-            raise SL4NProtocolError(SL4NProtocolError.MISMATCHED_API_ID)
-        return result['result']
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/native_android_device.py b/src/antlion/controllers/native_android_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b898bf6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/native_android_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib import host_utils
-import antlion.controllers.native as native
-from subprocess import call
-import logging
-import time
-#TODO(tturney): Merge this into android device
-ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME = "native_android_devices"
-def create(configs):
-    logger = logging
-    ads = get_instances(configs)
-    for ad in ads:
-        try:
-            ad.get_droid()
-        except:
-            logger.exception("Failed to start sl4n on %s" % ad.serial)
-    return ads
-def destroy(ads):
-    pass
-def get_instances(serials, ):
-    """Create AndroidDevice instances from a list of serials.
-    Args:
-        serials: A list of android device serials.
-        logger: A logger to be passed to each instance.
-    Returns:
-        A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    """
-    results = []
-    for s in serials:
-        results.append(NativeAndroidDevice(s))
-    return results
-class NativeAndroidDeviceError(Exception):
-    pass
-class NativeAndroidDevice(AndroidDevice):
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self.h_port:
-            self.adb.forward("--remove tcp:%d" % self.h_port)
-    def get_droid(self, handle_event=True):
-        """Create an sl4n connection to the device.
-        Return the connection handler 'droid'. By default, another connection
-        on the same session is made for EventDispatcher, and the dispatcher is
-        returned to the caller as well.
-        If sl4n server is not started on the device, try to start it.
-        Args:
-            handle_event: True if this droid session will need to handle
-                events.
-        Returns:
-            droid: Android object useds to communicate with sl4n on the android
-                device.
-            ed: An optional EventDispatcher to organize events for this droid.
-        Examples:
-            Don't need event handling:
-            >>> ad = NativeAndroidDevice()
-            >>> droid = ad.get_droid(False)
-            Need event handling:
-            >>> ad = NativeAndroidDevice()
-            >>> droid, ed = ad.get_droid()
-        """
-        if not self.h_port or not host_utils.is_port_available(self.h_port):
-            self.h_port = host_utils.get_available_host_port()
-        self.adb.tcp_forward(self.h_port, self.d_port)
-        pid = self.adb.shell("pidof -s sl4n", ignore_status=True)
-        while (pid):
-            self.adb.shell("kill {}".format(pid))
-            pid = self.adb.shell("pidof -s sl4n", ignore_status=True)
-        call(
-            ["adb -s " + self.serial + " shell sh -c \"/system/bin/sl4n\" &"],
-            shell=True)
-        try:
-            time.sleep(3)
-            droid = self.start_new_session()
-        except:
-            droid = self.start_new_session()
-        return droid
-    def start_new_session(self):
-        """Start a new session in sl4n.
-        Also caches the droid in a dict with its uid being the key.
-        Returns:
-            An Android object used to communicate with sl4n on the android
-                device.
-        Raises:
-            sl4nException: Something is wrong with sl4n and it returned an
-            existing uid to a new session.
-        """
-        droid = native.NativeAndroid(port=self.h_port)
-        droid.open()
-        if droid.uid in self._droid_sessions:
-            raise bt.SL4NException(("SL4N returned an existing uid for a "
-                                    "new session. Abort."))
-            return droid
-        self._droid_sessions[droid.uid] = [droid]
-        return droid
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_ap.py b/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_ap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ad6e3de..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_ap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-"""Controller for Open WRT access point."""
-import random
-import re
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib import network_settings
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib import wireless_config
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib import wireless_settings_applier
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.openwrt_constants import OpenWrtModelMap as modelmap
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.openwrt_constants import OpenWrtWifiSetting
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.openwrt_constants import SYSTEM_INFO_CMD
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
-import yaml
-PSK1_SECURITY = "psk"
-PSK_SECURITY = "psk2"
-ENT_SECURITY = "wpa2"
-SAEMIXED_SECURITY = "sae-mixed"
-WIFI_2G = "wifi2g"
-WIFI_5G = "wifi5g"
-DEFAULT_RADIOS = ("radio0", "radio1")
-def create(configs):
-  """Creates ap controllers from a json config.
-  Creates an ap controller from either a list, or a single element. The element
-  can either be just the hostname or a dictionary containing the hostname and
-  username of the AP to connect to over SSH.
-  Args:
-    configs: The json configs that represent this controller.
-  Returns:
-    AccessPoint object
-  Example:
-    Below is the config file entry for OpenWrtAP as a list. A testbed can have
-    1 or more APs to configure. Each AP has a "ssh_config" key to provide SSH
-    login information. OpenWrtAP#__init__() uses this to create SSH object.
-      "OpenWrtAP": [
-        {
-          "ssh_config": {
-            "user" : "root",
-            "host" : ""
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          "ssh_config": {
-            "user" : "root",
-            "host" : ""
-          }
-        }
-      ]
-  """
-  return [OpenWrtAP(c) for c in configs]
-def destroy(aps):
-  """Destroys a list of AccessPoints.
-  Args:
-    aps: The list of AccessPoints to destroy.
-  """
-  for ap in aps:
-    ap.close()
-    ap.close_ssh()
-def get_info(aps):
-  """Get information on a list of access points.
-  Args:
-    aps: A list of AccessPoints.
-  Returns:
-    A list of all aps hostname.
-  """
-  return [ap.ssh_settings.hostname for ap in aps]
-class OpenWrtAP(object):
-  """An AccessPoint controller.
-  Attributes:
-    ssh: The ssh connection to the AP.
-    ssh_settings: The ssh settings being used by the ssh connection.
-    log: Logging object for AccessPoint.
-    wireless_setting: object holding wireless configuration.
-    network_setting: Object for network configuration.
-    model: OpenWrt HW model.
-    radios: Fit interface for test.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, config):
-    """Initialize AP."""
-    self.ssh_settings = settings.from_config(config["ssh_config"])
-    self.ssh = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
-    self.log = logger.create_logger(
-        lambda msg: "[OpenWrtAP|%s] %s" % (self.ssh_settings.hostname, msg))
-    self.wireless_setting = None
-    self.network_setting = network_settings.NetworkSettings(
-        self.ssh, self.ssh_settings, self.log)
-    self.model = self.get_model_name()
-    if self.model in modelmap.__dict__:
-      self.radios = modelmap.__dict__[self.model]
-    else:
-      self.radios = DEFAULT_RADIOS
-  def configure_ap(self, wifi_configs, channel_2g, channel_5g):
-    """Configure AP with the required settings.
-    Each test class inherits WifiBaseTest. Based on the test, we may need to
-    configure PSK, WEP, OPEN, ENT networks on 2G and 5G bands in any
-    combination. We call WifiBaseTest methods get_psk_network(),
-    get_open_network(), get_wep_network() and get_ent_network() to create
-    dictionaries which contains this information. 'wifi_configs' is a list of
-    such dictionaries. Example below configures 2 WiFi networks - 1 PSK 2G and
-    1 Open 5G on one AP. configure_ap() is called from WifiBaseTest to
-    configure the APs.
-    wifi_configs = [
-      {
-        '2g': {
-          'SSID': '2g_AkqXWPK4',
-          'security': 'psk2',
-          'password': 'YgYuXqDO9H',
-          'hiddenSSID': False
-        },
-      },
-      {
-        '5g': {
-          'SSID': '5g_8IcMR1Sg',
-          'security': 'none',
-          'hiddenSSID': False
-        },
-      }
-    ]
-    Args:
-      wifi_configs: list of network settings for 2G and 5G bands.
-      channel_2g: channel for 2G band.
-      channel_5g: channel for 5G band.
-    """
-    # generate wifi configs to configure
-    wireless_configs = self.generate_wireless_configs(wifi_configs)
-    self.wireless_setting = wireless_settings_applier.WirelessSettingsApplier(
-        self.ssh, wireless_configs, channel_2g, channel_5g, self.radios[1], self.radios[0])
-    self.wireless_setting.apply_wireless_settings()
-  def start_ap(self):
-    """Starts the AP with the settings in /etc/config/wireless."""
-    self.ssh.run("wifi up")
-    curr_time = time.time()
-    while time.time() < curr_time + WAIT_TIME:
-      if self.get_wifi_status():
-        return
-      time.sleep(3)
-    if not self.get_wifi_status():
-      raise ValueError("Failed to turn on WiFi on the AP.")
-  def stop_ap(self):
-    """Stops the AP."""
-    self.ssh.run("wifi down")
-    curr_time = time.time()
-    while time.time() < curr_time + WAIT_TIME:
-      if not self.get_wifi_status():
-        return
-      time.sleep(3)
-    if self.get_wifi_status():
-      raise ValueError("Failed to turn off WiFi on the AP.")
-  def get_bssids_for_wifi_networks(self):
-    """Get BSSIDs for wifi networks configured.
-    Returns:
-      Dictionary of SSID - BSSID map for both bands.
-    """
-    bssid_map = {"2g": {}, "5g": {}}
-    for radio in self.radios:
-      ssid_ifname_map = self.get_ifnames_for_ssids(radio)
-      if radio == self.radios[0]:
-        for ssid, ifname in ssid_ifname_map.items():
-          bssid_map["5g"][ssid] = self.get_bssid(ifname)
-      elif radio == self.radios[1]:
-        for ssid, ifname in ssid_ifname_map.items():
-          bssid_map["2g"][ssid] = self.get_bssid(ifname)
-    return bssid_map
-  def get_ifnames_for_ssids(self, radio):
-    """Get interfaces for wifi networks.
-    Args:
-      radio: 2g or 5g radio get the bssids from.
-    Returns:
-      dictionary of ssid - ifname mappings.
-    """
-    ssid_ifname_map = {}
-    str_output = self.ssh.run("wifi status %s" % radio).stdout
-    wifi_status = yaml.load(str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""),
-                            Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
-    wifi_status = wifi_status[radio]
-    if wifi_status["up"]:
-      interfaces = wifi_status["interfaces"]
-      for config in interfaces:
-        ssid = config["config"]["ssid"]
-        ifname = config["ifname"]
-        ssid_ifname_map[ssid] = ifname
-    return ssid_ifname_map
-  def get_bssid(self, ifname):
-    """Get MAC address from an interface.
-    Args:
-      ifname: interface name of the corresponding MAC.
-    Returns:
-      BSSID of the interface.
-    """
-    ifconfig = self.ssh.run("ifconfig %s" % ifname).stdout
-    mac_addr = ifconfig.split("\n")[0].split()[-1]
-    return mac_addr
-  def set_wpa_encryption(self, encryption):
-    """Set different encryptions to wpa or wpa2.
-    Args:
-      encryption: ccmp, tkip, or ccmp+tkip.
-    """
-    str_output = self.ssh.run("wifi status").stdout
-    wifi_status = yaml.load(str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""),
-                            Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
-    # Counting how many interface are enabled.
-    total_interface = 0
-    for radio in self.radios:
-      num_interface = len(wifi_status[radio]["interfaces"])
-      total_interface += num_interface
-    # Iterates every interface to get and set wpa encryption.
-    default_extra_interface = 2
-    for i in range(total_interface + default_extra_interface):
-      origin_encryption = self.ssh.run(
-          "uci get wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].encryption".format(i)).stdout
-      origin_psk_pattern = re.match(r"psk\b", origin_encryption)
-      target_psk_pattern = re.match(r"psk\b", encryption)
-      origin_psk2_pattern = re.match(r"psk2\b", origin_encryption)
-      target_psk2_pattern = re.match(r"psk2\b", encryption)
-      if origin_psk_pattern == target_psk_pattern:
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].encryption={}".format(
-                i, encryption))
-      if origin_psk2_pattern == target_psk2_pattern:
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].encryption={}".format(
-                i, encryption))
-    self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
-    self.ssh.run("wifi")
-  def set_password(self, pwd_5g=None, pwd_2g=None):
-    """Set password for individual interface.
-    Args:
-        pwd_5g: 8 ~ 63 chars, ascii letters and digits password for 5g network.
-        pwd_2g: 8 ~ 63 chars, ascii letters and digits password for 2g network.
-    """
-    if pwd_5g:
-      if len(pwd_5g) < 8 or len(pwd_5g) > 63:
-        self.log.error("Password must be 8~63 characters long")
-      # Only accept ascii letters and digits
-      elif not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]*$", pwd_5g):
-        self.log.error("Password must only contains ascii letters and digits")
-      else:
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].key={}".format(3, pwd_5g))
-        self.log.info("Set 5G password to :{}".format(pwd_5g))
-    if pwd_2g:
-      if len(pwd_2g) < 8 or len(pwd_2g) > 63:
-        self.log.error("Password must be 8~63 characters long")
-      # Only accept ascii letters and digits
-      elif not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]*$", pwd_2g):
-        self.log.error("Password must only contains ascii letters and digits")
-      else:
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].key={}".format(2, pwd_2g))
-        self.log.info("Set 2G password to :{}".format(pwd_2g))
-    self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
-    self.ssh.run("wifi")
-  def set_ssid(self, ssid_5g=None, ssid_2g=None):
-    """Set SSID for individual interface.
-    Args:
-        ssid_5g: 8 ~ 63 chars for 5g network.
-        ssid_2g: 8 ~ 63 chars for 2g network.
-    """
-    if ssid_5g:
-      if len(ssid_5g) < 8 or len(ssid_5g) > 63:
-        self.log.error("SSID must be 8~63 characters long")
-      # Only accept ascii letters and digits
-      else:
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].ssid={}".format(3, ssid_5g))
-        self.log.info("Set 5G SSID to :{}".format(ssid_5g))
-    if ssid_2g:
-      if len(ssid_2g) < 8 or len(ssid_2g) > 63:
-        self.log.error("SSID must be 8~63 characters long")
-      # Only accept ascii letters and digits
-      else:
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].ssid={}".format(2, ssid_2g))
-        self.log.info("Set 2G SSID to :{}".format(ssid_2g))
-    self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
-    self.ssh.run("wifi")
-  def generate_mobility_domain(self):
-    """Generate 4-character hexadecimal ID.
-    Returns:
-      String; a 4-character hexadecimal ID.
-    """
-    md = "{:04x}".format(random.getrandbits(16))
-    self.log.info("Mobility Domain ID: {}".format(md))
-    return md
-  def enable_80211r(self, iface, md):
-    """Enable 802.11r for one single radio.
-    Args:
-      iface: index number of wifi-iface.
-              2: radio1
-              3: radio0
-      md: mobility domain. a 4-character hexadecimal ID.
-    Raises:
-      TestSkip if 2g or 5g radio is not up or 802.11r is not enabled.
-    """
-    str_output = self.ssh.run("wifi status").stdout
-    wifi_status = yaml.load(str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""),
-                            Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
-    # Check if the radio is up.
-    if iface == OpenWrtWifiSetting.IFACE_2G:
-      if wifi_status[self.radios[1]]["up"]:
-        self.log.info("2g network is ENABLED")
-      else:
-        raise signals.TestSkip("2g network is NOT ENABLED")
-    elif iface == OpenWrtWifiSetting.IFACE_5G:
-      if wifi_status[self.radios[0]]["up"]:
-        self.log.info("5g network is ENABLED")
-      else:
-        raise signals.TestSkip("5g network is NOT ENABLED")
-    # Setup 802.11r.
-    self.ssh.run(
-        "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].ieee80211r='1'".format(iface))
-    self.ssh.run(
-        "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].ft_psk_generate_local='1'"
-        .format(iface))
-    self.ssh.run(
-        "uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].mobility_domain='{}'"
-        .format(iface, md))
-    self.ssh.run(
-        "uci commit wireless")
-    self.ssh.run("wifi")
-    # Check if 802.11r is enabled.
-    result = self.ssh.run(
-        "uci get wireless.@wifi-iface[{}].ieee80211r".format(iface)).stdout
-    if result == "1":
-      self.log.info("802.11r is ENABLED")
-    else:
-      raise signals.TestSkip("802.11r is NOT ENABLED")
-  def generate_wireless_configs(self, wifi_configs):
-    """Generate wireless configs to configure.
-    Converts wifi_configs from configure_ap() to a list of 'WirelessConfig'
-    objects. Each object represents a wifi network to configure on the AP.
-    Args:
-      wifi_configs: Network list of different security types and bands.
-    Returns:
-      wireless configuration for openwrt AP.
-    """
-    num_2g = 1
-    num_5g = 1
-    wireless_configs = []
-    for i in range(len(wifi_configs)):
-      if hostapd_constants.BAND_2G in wifi_configs[i]:
-        config = wifi_configs[i][hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]
-        if config["security"] == PSK_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=config["ieee80211w"]))
-        elif config["security"] == PSK1_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=config["ieee80211w"]))
-        elif config["security"] == WEP_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                                             wep_key=config["wepKeys"][0],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"]))
-        elif config["security"] == OPEN_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"]))
-        elif config["security"] == OWE_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=PMF_ENABLED))
-        elif config["security"] == SAE_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=PMF_ENABLED))
-        elif config["security"] == SAEMIXED_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=config["ieee80211w"]))
-        elif config["security"] == ENT_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig(
-                  "%s%s" % (WIFI_2G, num_2g),
-                  config["SSID"],
-                  config["security"],
-                  hostapd_constants.BAND_2G,
-                  radius_server_ip=config["radius_server_ip"],
-                  radius_server_port=config["radius_server_port"],
-                  radius_server_secret=config["radius_server_secret"],
-                  hidden=config["hiddenSSID"]))
-        num_2g += 1
-      if hostapd_constants.BAND_5G in wifi_configs[i]:
-        config = wifi_configs[i][hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]
-        if config["security"] == PSK_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=config["ieee80211w"]))
-        elif config["security"] == PSK1_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=config["ieee80211w"]))
-        elif config["security"] == WEP_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                                             wep_key=config["wepKeys"][0],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"]))
-        elif config["security"] == OPEN_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"]))
-        elif config["security"] == OWE_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=PMF_ENABLED))
-        elif config["security"] == SAE_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=PMF_ENABLED))
-        elif config["security"] == SAEMIXED_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig("%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                                             config["SSID"],
-                                             config["security"],
-                                             hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                                             password=config["password"],
-                                             hidden=config["hiddenSSID"],
-                                             ieee80211w=config["ieee80211w"]))
-        elif config["security"] == ENT_SECURITY:
-          wireless_configs.append(
-              wireless_config.WirelessConfig(
-                  "%s%s" % (WIFI_5G, num_5g),
-                  config["SSID"],
-                  config["security"],
-                  hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-                  radius_server_ip=config["radius_server_ip"],
-                  radius_server_port=config["radius_server_port"],
-                  radius_server_secret=config["radius_server_secret"],
-                  hidden=config["hiddenSSID"]))
-        num_5g += 1
-    return wireless_configs
-  def get_wifi_network(self, security=None, band=None):
-    """Return first match wifi interface's config.
-    Args:
-      security: psk2 or none
-      band: '2g' or '5g'
-    Returns:
-      A dict contains match wifi interface's config.
-    """
-    for wifi_iface in self.wireless_setting.wireless_configs:
-      match_list = []
-      wifi_network = wifi_iface.__dict__
-      if security:
-        match_list.append(security == wifi_network["security"])
-      if band:
-        match_list.append(band == wifi_network["band"])
-      if all(match_list):
-        wifi_network["SSID"] = wifi_network["ssid"]
-        if not wifi_network["password"]:
-          del wifi_network["password"]
-        return wifi_network
-    return None
-  def get_wifi_status(self):
-    """Check if radios are up. Default are 2G and 5G bands.
-    Returns:
-      True if both radios are up. False if not.
-    """
-    status = True
-    for radio in self.radios:
-      try:
-        str_output = self.ssh.run("wifi status %s" % radio).stdout
-        wifi_status = yaml.load(str_output.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", ""),
-                                Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
-        status = wifi_status[radio]["up"] and status
-      except:
-        self.log.info("Failed to make ssh connection to the OpenWrt")
-        return False
-    return status
-  def verify_wifi_status(self, timeout=20):
-    """Ensure wifi interfaces are ready.
-    Args:
-      timeout: An integer that is the number of times to try
-               wait for interface ready.
-    Returns:
-      True if both radios are up. False if not.
-    """
-    start_time = time.time()
-    end_time = start_time + timeout
-    while time.time() < end_time:
-      if self.get_wifi_status():
-        return True
-      time.sleep(1)
-    return False
-  def get_model_name(self):
-    """Get Openwrt model name.
-    Returns:
-      A string include device brand and model. e.g. NETGEAR_R8000
-    """
-    out = self.ssh.run(SYSTEM_INFO_CMD).stdout.split("\n")
-    for line in out:
-      if "board_name" in line:
-        model = (line.split()[1].strip("\",").split(","))
-        return "_".join(map(lambda i: i.upper(), model))
-    self.log.info("Failed to retrieve OpenWrt model information.")
-    return None
-  def close(self):
-    """Reset wireless and network settings to default and stop AP."""
-    if self.network_setting.config:
-      self.network_setting.cleanup_network_settings()
-    if self.wireless_setting:
-      self.wireless_setting.cleanup_wireless_settings()
-  def close_ssh(self):
-    """Close SSH connection to AP."""
-    self.ssh.close()
-  def reboot(self):
-    """Reboot Openwrt."""
-    self.ssh.run("reboot")
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_const.py b/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_const.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aba0de..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_const.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# params for ipsec.conf
-    "config setup": {
-        "charondebug": "chd 2,ike 2,knl 2,net 2,esp 2,dmn 2,"
-                       "mgr 2,lib 1,cfg 2,enc 1".__repr__(),
-        "uniqueids": "never"
-    },
-    "conn %default": {
-        "ike": "aes128-sha-modp1024",
-        "esp": "aes128-sha1"
-    }
-    "conn L2TP_PSK": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
-        "type": "transport",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftprotoport": "17/1701",
-        "leftauth": "psk",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightprotoport": "17/%any",
-        "rightsubnet": "",
-        "rightauth": "psk",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-    "conn L2TP_RSA": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
-        "type": "transport",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftprotoport": "17/1701",
-        "leftauth": "pubkey",
-        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightprotoport": "17/%any",
-        "rightsubnet": "",
-        "rightauth": "pubkey",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-    "conn HYBRID_RSA": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "leftauth": "pubkey",
-        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
-        "leftsendcert": "always",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightsubnet": "",
-        "rightauth": "pubkey",
-        "rightauth2": "xauth",
-        "xauth": "server",
-        "auto": "add",
-    }
-    "conn XAUTH_PSK": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "leftauth": "psk",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightsubnet": "",
-        "rightauth": "psk",
-        "rightauth2": "xauth",
-        "auto": "add",
-    }
-    "conn XAUTH_RSA": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev1",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
-        "leftsendcert": "always",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightsubnet": "",
-        "rightauth": "xauth",
-        "xauth": "server",
-        "auto": "add",
-    }
-    "conn IKEV2_MSCHAPV2": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftid": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "leftauth": "pubkey",
-        "leftsendcert": "always",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightid": "vpntest",
-        "rightauth": "eap-mschapv2",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-    "conn IKEV2_PSK": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftid": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftauth": "psk",
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightid": "vpntest",
-        "rightauth": "psk",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-    "conn IKEV2_RSA": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftid": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "leftauth": "pubkey",
-        "leftsendcert": "always",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightid": "vpntest@%s" % LOCALHOST,
-        "rightauth": "pubkey",
-        "rightcert": "clientCert.pem",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-    "conn IKEV2_MSCHAPV2_HOSTNAME": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftid": "strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
-        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "leftauth": "pubkey",
-        "leftsendcert": "always",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightid": "vpntest",
-        "rightauth": "eap-mschapv2",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-    "conn IKEV2_PSK_HOSTNAME": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftid": "strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
-        "leftauth": "psk",
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightid": "vpntest",
-        "rightauth": "psk",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-    "conn IKEV2_RSA_HOSTNAME": {
-        "keyexchange": "ikev2",
-        "left": LOCALHOST,
-        "leftid": "strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
-        "leftcert": "serverCert.der",
-        "leftsubnet": "",
-        "leftauth": "pubkey",
-        "leftsendcert": "always",
-        "right": "%any",
-        "rightid": "vpntest@strongswan-vpn-server.android-iperf.com",
-        "rightauth": "pubkey",
-        "rightcert": "clientCert.pem",
-        "auto": "add"
-    }
-# parmas for lx2tpd
-    "[global]",
-    "ipsec saref = no",
-    "debug tunnel = no",
-    "debug avp = no",
-    "debug network = no",
-    "debug state = no",
-    "access control = no",
-    "rand source = dev",
-    "port = 1701",
-    "[lns default]",
-    "require authentication = yes",
-    "pass peer = yes",
-    "ppp debug = no",
-    "length bit = yes",
-    "refuse pap = yes",
-    "refuse chap = yes",
-    "require-mschap-v2",
-    "refuse-mschap",
-    "ms-dns",
-    "ms-dns",
-    "asyncmap 0",
-    "auth",
-    "crtscts",
-    "idle 1800",
-    "mtu 1410",
-    "mru 1410",
-    "connect-delay 5000",
-    "lock",
-    "hide-password",
-    "local",
-    "debug",
-    "modem",
-    "proxyarp",
-    "lcp-echo-interval 30",
-    "lcp-echo-failure 4",
-    "nomppe"
-# iptable rules for vpn_pptp
-    "iptables -A input_rule -i ppp+ -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A output_rule -o ppp+ -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A forwarding_rule -i ppp+ -j ACCEPT"
-# iptable rules for vpn_l2tp
-    "iptables -I INPUT  -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -I FORWARD  -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -I FORWARD  -m policy --dir out --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -I OUTPUT   -m policy --dir out --pol ipsec --proto esp -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -m policy --pol ipsec --dir out -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A INPUT -p esp -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0.2 -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0.2 -p tcp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0.2 -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT",
-    "iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec -m udp --dport 1701 -j ACCEPT"
-    "iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j DROP",
-    "iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 53 -j DROP",
-    "ip6tables -I OUTPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j DROP",
-    "ip6tables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 53 -j DROP",
-# Object for vpn profile
-class VpnL2tp(object):
-    """Profile for vpn l2tp type.
-    Attributes:
-        hostname: vpn server domain name
-        address: vpn server address
-        username: vpn user account
-        password: vpn user password
-        psk_secret: psk for ipsec
-        name: vpn server name for register in OpenWrt
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 vpn_server_hostname,
-                 vpn_server_address,
-                 vpn_username,
-                 vpn_password,
-                 psk_secret,
-                 server_name):
-        self.name = server_name
-        self.hostname = vpn_server_hostname
-        self.address = vpn_server_address
-        self.username = vpn_username
-        self.password = vpn_password
-        self.psk_secret = psk_secret
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_settings.py b/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ed891..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/network_settings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import re
-import time
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib import network_const
-SERVICE_DNSMASQ = "dnsmasq"
-SERVICE_STUNNEL = "stunnel"
-SERVICE_NETWORK = "network"
-SERVICE_PPTPD = "pptpd"
-SERVICE_FIREWALL = "firewall"
-SERVICE_IPSEC = "ipsec"
-SERVICE_XL2TPD = "xl2tpd"
-SERVICE_ODHCPD = "odhcpd"
-SERVICE_OPENNDS = "opennds"
-SERVICE_UHTTPD = "uhttpd"
-PPTP_PACKAGE = "pptpd kmod-nf-nathelper-extra"
-L2TP_PACKAGE = "strongswan-full openssl-util xl2tpd"
-NAT6_PACKAGE = "ip6tables kmod-ipt-nat6"
-CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PACKAGE = "opennds php7-cli php7-mod-openssl php7-cgi php7"
-MDNS_PACKAGE = "avahi-utils avahi-daemon-service-http avahi-daemon-service-ssh libavahi-client avahi-dbus-daemon"
-STUNNEL_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/stunnel/DoTServer.conf"
-HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/dirty_configs"
-PPTPD_OPTION_PATH = "/etc/ppp/options.pptpd"
-XL2TPD_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf"
-XL2TPD_OPTION_CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd"
-FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH = "/etc/firewall.user"
-PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH = "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets"
-IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH = "/var/ikev2_cert.sh"
-TCPDUMP_DIR = "/tmp/tcpdump/"
-class NetworkSettings(object):
-    """Class for network settings.
-    Attributes:
-        ssh: ssh connection object.
-        ssh_settings: ssh settings for AccessPoint.
-        service_manager: Object manage service configuration.
-        user: username for ssh.
-        ip: ip address for AccessPoint.
-        log: Logging object for AccessPoint.
-        config: A list to store changes on network settings.
-        firewall_rules_list: A list of firewall rule name list.
-        cleanup_map: A dict for compare oppo functions.
-        l2tp: profile for vpn l2tp server.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ssh, ssh_settings, logger):
-        """Initialize wireless settings.
-        Args:
-            ssh: ssh connection object.
-            ssh_settings: ssh settings for AccessPoint.
-            logger: Logging object for AccessPoint.
-        """
-        self.ssh = ssh
-        self.service_manager = ServiceManager(ssh)
-        self.ssh_settings = ssh_settings
-        self.user = self.ssh_settings.username
-        self.ip = self.ssh_settings.hostname
-        self.log = logger
-        self.config = set()
-        self.firewall_rules_list = []
-        self.cleanup_map = {
-            "setup_dns_server": self.remove_dns_server,
-            "setup_vpn_pptp_server": self.remove_vpn_pptp_server,
-            "setup_vpn_l2tp_server": self.remove_vpn_l2tp_server,
-            "disable_ipv6": self.enable_ipv6,
-            "setup_ipv6_bridge": self.remove_ipv6_bridge,
-            "default_dns": self.del_default_dns,
-            "default_v6_dns": self.del_default_v6_dns,
-            "ipv6_prefer_option": self.remove_ipv6_prefer_option,
-            "block_dns_response": self.unblock_dns_response,
-            "setup_mdns": self.remove_mdns,
-            "add_dhcp_rapid_commit": self.remove_dhcp_rapid_commit,
-            "setup_captive_portal": self.remove_cpative_portal
-        }
-        # This map contains cleanup functions to restore the configuration to
-        # its default state. We write these keys to HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH prior to
-        # making any changes to that subsystem.
-        # This makes it easier to recover after an aborted test.
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        self.cleanup_network_settings()
-        self.clear_tcpdump()
-    def cleanup_network_settings(self):
-        """Reset all changes on Access point."""
-        # Detect if any changes that is not clean up.
-        if self.file_exists(HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH):
-            out = self.ssh.run("cat %s" % HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH).stdout
-            if out:
-                self.config = set(out.split("\n"))
-        if self.config:
-            temp = self.config.copy()
-            for change in temp:
-                change_list = change.split()
-                if len(change_list) > 1:
-                    self.cleanup_map[change_list[0]](*change_list[1:])
-                else:
-                    self.cleanup_map[change]()
-            self.config = set()
-        if self.file_exists(HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH):
-            out = self.ssh.run("cat %s" % HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH).stdout
-            if not out:
-                self.ssh.run("rm %s" % HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH)
-    def commit_changes(self):
-        """Apply changes on Access point."""
-        self.ssh.run("uci commit")
-        self.service_manager.restart_services()
-        self.create_config_file("\n".join(self.config),
-                                HISTORY_CONFIG_PATH)
-    def package_install(self, package_list):
-        """Install packages on OpenWrtAP via opkg If not installed.
-        Args:
-            package_list: package list to install.
-                          e.g. "pptpd kmod-mppe kmod-nf-nathelper-extra"
-        """
-        self.ssh.run("opkg update")
-        for package_name in package_list.split(" "):
-            if not self._package_installed(package_name):
-                self.ssh.run("opkg install %s" % package_name,
-                             timeout=DEFAULT_PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT)
-                self.log.info("Package: %s installed." % package_name)
-            else:
-                self.log.info("Package: %s skipped (already installed)." % package_name)
-    def package_remove(self, package_list):
-        """Remove packages on OpenWrtAP via opkg If existed.
-        Args:
-            package_list: package list to remove.
-        """
-        for package_name in package_list.split(" "):
-            if self._package_installed(package_name):
-                self.ssh.run("opkg remove %s" % package_name)
-                self.log.info("Package: %s removed." % package_name)
-            else:
-                self.log.info("No exist package %s found." % package_name)
-    def _package_installed(self, package_name):
-        """Check if target package installed on OpenWrtAP.
-        Args:
-            package_name: package name want to check.
-        Returns:
-            True if installed.
-        """
-        if self.ssh.run("opkg list-installed %s" % package_name).stdout:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def file_exists(self, abs_file_path):
-        """Check if target file exist on specific path on OpenWrt.
-        Args:
-            abs_file_path: Absolute path for the file.
-        Returns:
-            True if Existed.
-        """
-        path, file_name = abs_file_path.rsplit("/", 1)
-        if self.ssh.run("ls %s | grep %s" % (path, file_name),
-                        ignore_status=True).stdout:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def path_exists(self, abs_path):
-        """Check if dir exist on OpenWrt.
-        Args:
-            abs_path: absolutely path for create folder.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.ssh.run("ls %s" % abs_path)
-        except:
-            return False
-        return True
-    def create_folder(self, abs_path):
-        """If dir not exist, create it.
-        Args:
-            abs_path: absolutely path for create folder.
-        """
-        if not self.path_exists(abs_path):
-            self.ssh.run("mkdir %s" % abs_path)
-        else:
-            self.log.info("%s already existed." %abs_path)
-    def count(self, config, key):
-        """Count in uci config.
-        Args:
-            config: config or section to research
-            key: keywords to  e.g. rule, domain
-        Returns:
-            Numbers of the count.
-        """
-        count = self.ssh.run("uci show %s | grep =%s" % (config, key),
-                             ignore_status=True).stdout
-        return len(count.split("\n"))
-    def create_config_file(self, config, file_path):
-        """Create config file. Overwrite if file already exist.
-        Args:
-            config: A string of content of config.
-            file_path: Config's abs_path.
-        """
-        self.ssh.run("echo -e \"%s\" > %s" % (config, file_path))
-    def replace_config_option(self, old_option, new_option, file_path):
-        """Replace config option if pattern match.
-        If find match pattern with old_option, then replace it with new_option.
-        Else add new_option to the file.
-        Args:
-            old_option: the regexp pattern to replace.
-            new_option: the option to add.
-            file_path: Config's abs_path.
-        """
-        config = self.ssh.run("cat %s" % file_path).stdout
-        config, count = re.subn(old_option, new_option, config)
-        if not count:
-            config = "\n".join([config, new_option])
-        self.create_config_file(config, file_path)
-    def remove_config_option(self, option, file_path):
-        """Remove option from config file.
-        Args:
-            option: Option to remove. Support regular expression.
-            file_path: Config's abs_path.
-        Returns:
-            Boolean for find option to remove.
-        """
-        config = self.ssh.run("cat %s" % file_path).stdout.split("\n")
-        for line in config:
-            count = re.subn(option, "", line)[1]
-            if count > 0:
-                config.remove(line)
-                self.create_config_file("\n".join(config), file_path)
-                return True
-        self.log.warning("No match option to remove.")
-        return False
-    def setup_dns_server(self, domain_name):
-        """Setup DNS server on OpenWrtAP.
-        Args:
-            domain_name: Local dns domain name.
-        """
-        self.config.add("setup_dns_server")
-        self.log.info("Setup DNS server with domain name %s" % domain_name)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local='/%s/'" % domain_name)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain='%s'" % domain_name)
-        self.add_resource_record(domain_name, self.ip)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.commit_changes()
-        # Check stunnel package is installed
-        self.package_install("stunnel")
-        self.service_manager.stop(SERVICE_STUNNEL)
-        self.service_manager.disable(SERVICE_STUNNEL)
-        # Enable stunnel
-        self.create_stunnel_config()
-        self.ssh.run("stunnel /etc/stunnel/DoTServer.conf")
-    def remove_dns_server(self):
-        """Remove DNS server on OpenWrtAP."""
-        if self.file_exists("/var/run/stunnel.pid"):
-            self.ssh.run("kill $(cat /var/run/stunnel.pid)")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local='/lan/'")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain='lan'")
-        self.clear_resource_record()
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.config.discard("setup_dns_server")
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def add_resource_record(self, domain_name, domain_ip):
-        """Add resource record.
-        Args:
-            domain_name: A string for domain name.
-            domain_ip: A string for domain ip.
-        """
-        self.ssh.run("uci add dhcp domain")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@domain[-1].name='%s'" % domain_name)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.@domain[-1].ip='%s'" % domain_ip)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-    def del_resource_record(self):
-        """Delete the last resource record."""
-        self.ssh.run("uci delete dhcp.@domain[-1]")
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-    def clear_resource_record(self):
-        """Delete the all resource record."""
-        rr = self.ssh.run("uci show dhcp | grep =domain",
-                          ignore_status=True).stdout
-        if rr:
-            for _ in rr.split("\n"):
-                self.del_resource_record()
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-    def create_stunnel_config(self):
-        """Create config for stunnel service."""
-        stunnel_config = [
-            "pid = /var/run/stunnel.pid",
-            "[dns]",
-            "accept = 853",
-            "connect =",
-            "cert = /etc/stunnel/fullchain.pem",
-            "key = /etc/stunnel/privkey.pem",
-        ]
-        config_string = "\n".join(stunnel_config)
-        self.create_config_file(config_string, STUNNEL_CONFIG_PATH)
-    def setup_vpn_pptp_server(self, local_ip, user, password):
-        """Setup pptp vpn server on OpenWrt.
-        Args:
-            local_ip: local pptp server ip address.
-            user: username for pptp user.
-            password: password for pptp user.
-        """
-        #  Install pptp service
-        self.package_install(PPTP_PACKAGE)
-        self.config.add("setup_vpn_pptp_server")
-        # Edit /etc/config/pptpd & /etc/ppp/options.pptpd
-        self.setup_pptpd(local_ip, user, password)
-        # Edit /etc/config/firewall & /etc/firewall.user
-        self.setup_firewall_rules_for_pptp()
-        # Enable service
-        self.service_manager.enable(SERVICE_PPTPD)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_vpn_pptp_server(self):
-        """Remove pptp vpn server on OpenWrt."""
-        # Edit /etc/config/pptpd
-        self.restore_pptpd()
-        # Edit /etc/config/firewall & /etc/firewall.user
-        self.restore_firewall_rules_for_pptp()
-        # Disable service
-        self.service_manager.disable(SERVICE_PPTPD)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-        self.config.discard("setup_vpn_pptp_server")
-        self.commit_changes()
-        self.package_remove(PPTP_PACKAGE)
-        self.ssh.run("rm /etc/ppp/options.pptpd")
-        self.ssh.run("rm /etc/config/pptpd")
-    def setup_pptpd(self, local_ip, username, password, ms_dns=""):
-        """Setup pptpd config for ip addr and account.
-        Args:
-            local_ip: vpn server address
-            username: pptp vpn username
-            password: pptp vpn password
-            ms_dns: DNS server
-        """
-        # Calculate remote ip address
-        # e.g. local_ip =
-        # remote_ip = -250
-        remote_ip = local_ip.split(".")
-        remote_ip.append(str(int(remote_ip.pop(-1)) + 1))
-        remote_ip = ".".join(remote_ip)
-        # Enable pptp service and set ip addr
-        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.pptpd.enabled=1")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.pptpd.localip='%s'" % local_ip)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.pptpd.remoteip='%s-250'" % remote_ip)
-        # Setup pptp service account
-        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.@login[0].username='%s'" % username)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.@login[0].password='%s'" % password)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
-        self.replace_config_option(r"#*ms-dns \d+.\d+.\d+.\d+",
-                                   "ms-dns %s" % ms_dns, PPTPD_OPTION_PATH)
-        self.replace_config_option("(#no)*proxyarp",
-                                   "proxyarp", PPTPD_OPTION_PATH)
-    def restore_pptpd(self):
-        """Disable pptpd."""
-        self.ssh.run("uci set pptpd.pptpd.enabled=0")
-        self.remove_config_option(r"\S+ pptp-server \S+ \*",
-                                  PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_PPTPD)
-    def setup_vpn_l2tp_server(self,
-                              vpn_server_hostname,
-                              vpn_server_address,
-                              vpn_username,
-                              vpn_password,
-                              psk_secret,
-                              server_name,
-                              country,
-                              org):
-        """Setup l2tp vpn server on OpenWrt.
-        Args:
-            vpn_server_hostname: vpn server domain name
-            vpn_server_address: vpn server addr
-            vpn_username: vpn account
-            vpn_password: vpn password
-            psk_secret: psk for ipsec
-            server_name: vpn server name for register in OpenWrt
-            country: country code for generate cert keys.
-            org: Organization name for generate cert keys.
-        """
-        self.l2tp = network_const.VpnL2tp(vpn_server_hostname,
-                                          vpn_server_address,
-                                          vpn_username,
-                                          vpn_password,
-                                          psk_secret,
-                                          server_name)
-        self.package_install(L2TP_PACKAGE)
-        self.config.add("setup_vpn_l2tp_server")
-        # /etc/strongswan.conf: Strongswan configuration file
-        self.setup_strongswan()
-        # /etc/ipsec.conf /etc/ipsec.secrets
-        self.setup_ipsec()
-        # /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf & /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd
-        self.setup_xl2tpd()
-        # /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
-        self.setup_ppp_secret()
-        # /etc/config/firewall & /etc/firewall.user
-        self.setup_firewall_rules_for_l2tp()
-        # setup vpn server local ip
-        self.setup_vpn_local_ip()
-        # generate cert and key for rsa
-        if self.l2tp.name == "ikev2-server":
-            self.generate_ikev2_vpn_cert_keys(country, org)
-            self.add_resource_record(self.l2tp.hostname, LOCALHOST)
-        else:
-            self.generate_vpn_cert_keys(country, org)
-        # restart service
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_IPSEC)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_XL2TPD)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_vpn_l2tp_server(self):
-        """Remove l2tp vpn server on OpenWrt."""
-        self.config.discard("setup_vpn_l2tp_server")
-        self.restore_firewall_rules_for_l2tp()
-        self.remove_vpn_local_ip()
-        if self.l2tp.name == "ikev2-server":
-            self.clear_resource_record()
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_IPSEC)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_XL2TPD)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-        self.commit_changes()
-        self.package_remove(L2TP_PACKAGE)
-        if hasattr(self, "l2tp"):
-            delattr(self, "l2tp")
-    def setup_strongswan(self, dns=""):
-        """Setup strongswan config."""
-        config = [
-            "charon {",
-            "   load_modular = yes",
-            "   plugins {",
-            "       include strongswan.d/charon/*.conf",
-            "   }",
-            "   dns1=%s" % dns,
-            "}"
-        ]
-        self.create_config_file("\n".join(config), "/etc/strongswan.conf")
-    def setup_ipsec(self):
-        """Setup ipsec config."""
-        def load_ipsec_config(data, rightsourceip=False):
-            for i in data.keys():
-                config.append(i)
-                for j in data[i].keys():
-                    config.append("\t %s=%s" % (j, data[i][j]))
-                if rightsourceip:
-                    config.append("\t rightsourceip=%s.16/26" % self.l2tp.address.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
-                config.append("")
-        config = []
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_MSCHAPV2, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_PSK, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_RSA, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_MSCHAPV2_HOSTNAME, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_PSK_HOSTNAME, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_IKEV2_RSA_HOSTNAME, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_CONF)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_L2TP_PSK)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_L2TP_RSA)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_HYBRID_RSA, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_XAUTH_PSK, True)
-        load_ipsec_config(network_const.IPSEC_XAUTH_RSA, True)
-        self.create_config_file("\n".join(config), "/etc/ipsec.conf")
-        ipsec_secret = []
-        ipsec_secret.append(r": PSK \"%s\"" % self.l2tp.psk_secret)
-        ipsec_secret.append(r": RSA \"%s\"" % "serverKey.der")
-        ipsec_secret.append(r"%s : XAUTH \"%s\"" % (self.l2tp.username,
-                                                    self.l2tp.password))
-        self.create_config_file("\n".join(ipsec_secret), "/etc/ipsec.secrets")
-    def setup_xl2tpd(self, ip_range=20):
-        """Setup xl2tpd config."""
-        net_id, host_id = self.l2tp.address.rsplit(".", 1)
-        xl2tpd_conf = list(network_const.XL2TPD_CONF_GLOBAL)
-        xl2tpd_conf.append("auth file = %s" % PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH)
-        xl2tpd_conf.extend(network_const.XL2TPD_CONF_INS)
-        xl2tpd_conf.append("ip range = %s.%s-%s.%s" %
-                           (net_id, host_id, net_id,
-                            str(int(host_id)+ip_range)))
-        xl2tpd_conf.append("local ip = %s" % self.l2tp.address)
-        xl2tpd_conf.append("name = %s" % self.l2tp.name)
-        xl2tpd_conf.append("pppoptfile = %s" % XL2TPD_OPTION_CONFIG_PATH)
-        self.create_config_file("\n".join(xl2tpd_conf), XL2TPD_CONFIG_PATH)
-        xl2tpd_option = list(network_const.XL2TPD_OPTION)
-        xl2tpd_option.append("name %s" % self.l2tp.name)
-        self.create_config_file("\n".join(xl2tpd_option),
-                                XL2TPD_OPTION_CONFIG_PATH)
-    def setup_ppp_secret(self):
-        self.replace_config_option(
-            r"\S+ %s \S+ \*" % self.l2tp.name,
-            "%s %s %s *" % (self.l2tp.username,
-                            self.l2tp.name,
-                            self.l2tp.password),
-            PPP_CHAP_SECRET_PATH)
-    def generate_vpn_cert_keys(self, country, org):
-        """Generate cert and keys for vpn server."""
-        rsa = "--type rsa"
-        lifetime = "--lifetime 365"
-        size = "--size 4096"
-        self.ssh.run("ipsec pki --gen %s %s --outform der > caKey.der" %
-                     (rsa, size))
-        self.ssh.run("ipsec pki --self --ca %s --in caKey.der %s --dn "
-                     "\"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s\" --outform der > caCert.der" %
-                     (lifetime, rsa, country, org, self.l2tp.hostname))
-        self.ssh.run("ipsec pki --gen %s %s --outform der > serverKey.der" %
-                     (size, rsa))
-        self.ssh.run("ipsec pki --pub --in serverKey.der %s | ipsec pki "
-                     "--issue %s --cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der "
-                     "--dn \"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s\" --san %s --flag serverAuth"
-                     " --flag ikeIntermediate --outform der > serverCert.der" %
-                     (rsa, lifetime, country, org, self.l2tp.hostname, LOCALHOST))
-        self.ssh.run("ipsec pki --gen %s %s --outform der > clientKey.der" %
-                     (size, rsa))
-        self.ssh.run("ipsec pki --pub --in clientKey.der %s | ipsec pki "
-                     "--issue %s --cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der "
-                     "--dn \"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s@%s\" --outform der > "
-                     "clientCert.der" % (rsa, lifetime, country, org,
-                                         self.l2tp.username, self.l2tp.hostname))
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "openssl rsa -inform DER -in clientKey.der"
-            " -out clientKey.pem -outform PEM"
-        )
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in clientCert.der"
-            " -out clientCert.pem -outform PEM"
-        )
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in caCert.der"
-            " -out caCert.pem -outform PEM"
-        )
-        self.ssh.run(
-            "openssl pkcs12 -in clientCert.pem -inkey  clientKey.pem"
-            " -certfile caCert.pem -export -out clientPkcs.p12 -passout pass:"
-        )
-        self.ssh.run("mv caCert.pem /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/")
-        self.ssh.run("mv *Cert* /etc/ipsec.d/certs/")
-        self.ssh.run("mv *Key* /etc/ipsec.d/private/")
-        if not self.path_exists("/www/downloads/"):
-            self.ssh.run("mkdir /www/downloads/")
-        self.ssh.run("mv clientPkcs.p12 /www/downloads/")
-        self.ssh.run("chmod 664 /www/downloads/clientPkcs.p12")
-    def generate_ikev2_vpn_cert_keys(self, country, org):
-        rsa = "--type rsa"
-        lifetime = "--lifetime 365"
-        size = "--size 4096"
-        if not self.path_exists("/www/downloads/"):
-            self.ssh.run("mkdir /www/downloads/")
-        ikev2_vpn_cert_keys = [
-            "ipsec pki --gen %s %s --outform der > caKey.der" % (rsa, size),
-            "ipsec pki --self --ca %s --in caKey.der %s --dn "
-            "\"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s\" --outform der > caCert.der" %
-            (lifetime, rsa, country, org, self.l2tp.hostname),
-            "ipsec pki --gen %s %s --outform der > serverKey.der" % (size, rsa),
-            "ipsec pki --pub --in serverKey.der %s | ipsec pki --issue %s "
-            r"--cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der --dn \"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s\" "
-            "--san %s --san %s --flag serverAuth --flag ikeIntermediate "
-            "--outform der > serverCert.der" % (rsa, lifetime, country, org,
-                                                self.l2tp.hostname, LOCALHOST,
-                                                self.l2tp.hostname),
-            "ipsec pki --gen %s %s --outform der > clientKey.der" % (size, rsa),
-            "ipsec pki --pub --in clientKey.der %s | ipsec pki --issue %s "
-            r"--cacert caCert.der --cakey caKey.der --dn \"C=%s, O=%s, CN=%s@%s\" "
-            r"--san \"%s\" --san \"%s@%s\" --san \"%s@%s\" --outform der "
-            "> clientCert.der" % (rsa, lifetime, country, org, self.l2tp.username,
-                                  self.l2tp.hostname, self.l2tp.username,
-                                  self.l2tp.username, LOCALHOST,
-                                  self.l2tp.username, self.l2tp.hostname),
-            "openssl rsa -inform DER -in clientKey.der "
-            "-out clientKey.pem -outform PEM",
-            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in clientCert.der "
-            "-out clientCert.pem -outform PEM",
-            "openssl x509 -inform DER -in caCert.der "
-            "-out caCert.pem -outform PEM",
-            "openssl pkcs12 -in clientCert.pem -inkey  clientKey.pem "
-            "-certfile caCert.pem -export -out clientPkcs.p12 -passout pass:",
-            "mv caCert.pem /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/",
-            "mv *Cert* /etc/ipsec.d/certs/",
-            "mv *Key* /etc/ipsec.d/private/",
-            "mv clientPkcs.p12 /www/downloads/",
-            "chmod 664 /www/downloads/clientPkcs.p12",
-        ]
-        file_string = "\n".join(ikev2_vpn_cert_keys)
-        self.create_config_file(file_string, IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH)
-        self.ssh.run("chmod +x %s" % IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH)
-        self.ssh.run("%s" % IKEV2_VPN_CERT_KEYS_PATH)
-    def update_firewall_rules_list(self):
-        """Update rule list in /etc/config/firewall."""
-        new_rules_list = []
-        for i in range(self.count("firewall", "rule")):
-            rule = self.ssh.run("uci get firewall.@rule[%s].name" % i).stdout
-            new_rules_list.append(rule)
-        self.firewall_rules_list = new_rules_list
-    def setup_firewall_rules_for_pptp(self):
-        """Setup firewall for vpn pptp server."""
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        if "pptpd" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='pptpd'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='tcp'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_port='1723'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].family='ipv4'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
-        if "GRP" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='GRP'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='47'")
-        iptable_rules = list(network_const.FIREWALL_RULES_FOR_PPTP)
-        self.add_custom_firewall_rules(iptable_rules)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-    def restore_firewall_rules_for_pptp(self):
-        """Restore firewall for vpn pptp server."""
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        if "pptpd" in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci del firewall.@rule[%s]"
-                         % self.firewall_rules_list.index("pptpd"))
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        if "GRP" in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci del firewall.@rule[%s]"
-                         % self.firewall_rules_list.index("GRP"))
-        self.remove_custom_firewall_rules()
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-    def setup_firewall_rules_for_l2tp(self):
-        """Setup firewall for vpn l2tp server."""
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        if "ipsec esp" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='ipsec esp'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='esp'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
-        if "ipsec nat-t" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='ipsec nat-t'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='udp'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_port='4500'")
-        if "auth header" not in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci add firewall rule")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='auth header'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto='ah'")
-        net_id = self.l2tp.address.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
-        iptable_rules = list(network_const.FIREWALL_RULES_FOR_L2TP)
-        iptable_rules.append("iptables -A FORWARD -s %s.0/24"
-                             "  -j ACCEPT" % net_id)
-        iptable_rules.append("iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING"
-                             " -s %s.0/24 -o eth0.2 -j MASQUERADE" % net_id)
-        self.add_custom_firewall_rules(iptable_rules)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-    def restore_firewall_rules_for_l2tp(self):
-        """Restore firewall for vpn l2tp server."""
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        if "ipsec esp" in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci del firewall.@rule[%s]"
-                         % self.firewall_rules_list.index("ipsec esp"))
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        if "ipsec nat-t" in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci del firewall.@rule[%s]"
-                         % self.firewall_rules_list.index("ipsec nat-t"))
-        self.update_firewall_rules_list()
-        if "auth header" in self.firewall_rules_list:
-            self.ssh.run("uci del firewall.@rule[%s]"
-                         % self.firewall_rules_list.index("auth header"))
-        self.remove_custom_firewall_rules()
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-    def add_custom_firewall_rules(self, rules):
-        """Backup current custom rules and replace with arguments.
-        Args:
-            rules: A list of iptable rules to apply.
-        """
-        backup_file_path = FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH+".backup"
-        if not self.file_exists(backup_file_path):
-            self.ssh.run("mv %s %s" % (FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH,
-                                       backup_file_path))
-        for rule in rules:
-            self.ssh.run("echo %s >> %s" % (rule, FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH))
-    def remove_custom_firewall_rules(self):
-        """Clean up and recover custom firewall rules."""
-        backup_file_path = FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH+".backup"
-        if self.file_exists(backup_file_path):
-            self.ssh.run("mv %s %s" % (backup_file_path,
-                                       FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH))
-        else:
-            self.log.debug("Did not find %s" % backup_file_path)
-            self.ssh.run("echo "" > %s" % FIREWALL_CUSTOM_OPTION_PATH)
-    def disable_pptp_service(self):
-        """Disable pptp service."""
-        self.package_remove(PPTP_PACKAGE)
-    def setup_vpn_local_ip(self):
-        """Setup VPN Server local ip on OpenWrt for client ping verify."""
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2=interface")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.type=bridge")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.ifname=eth1.2")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.proto=static")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.ipaddr=\"%s\"" % self.l2tp.address)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2.netmask=")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan2=interface")
-        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_vpn_local_ip(self):
-        """Discard vpn local ip on OpenWrt."""
-        self.ssh.run("uci delete network.lan2")
-        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def enable_ipv6(self):
-        """Enable ipv6 on OpenWrt."""
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan.ipv6=1")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.wan.ipv6=1")
-        self.service_manager.enable("odhcpd")
-        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
-        self.config.discard("disable_ipv6")
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def disable_ipv6(self):
-        """Disable ipv6 on OpenWrt."""
-        self.config.add("disable_ipv6")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.lan.ipv6=0")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set network.wan.ipv6=0")
-        self.service_manager.disable("odhcpd")
-        self.service_manager.reload(SERVICE_NETWORK)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def setup_ipv6_bridge(self):
-        """Setup ipv6 bridge for client have ability to access network."""
-        self.config.add("setup_ipv6_bridge")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.dhcpv6=relay")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.ra=relay")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.ndp=relay")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6=dhcp")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.dhcpv6=relay")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.ra=relay")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.ndp=relay")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.master=1")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.wan6.interface=wan6")
-        # Enable service
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_ipv6_bridge(self):
-        """Discard ipv6 bridge on OpenWrt."""
-        if "setup_ipv6_bridge" in self.config:
-            self.config.discard("setup_ipv6_bridge")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.dhcpv6=server")
-            self.ssh.run("uci set dhcp.lan.ra=server")
-            self.ssh.run("uci delete dhcp.lan.ndp")
-            self.ssh.run("uci delete dhcp.wan6")
-            self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
-            self.commit_changes()
-    def _add_dhcp_option(self, args):
-        self.ssh.run("uci add_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option=\"%s\"" % args)
-    def _remove_dhcp_option(self, args):
-        self.ssh.run("uci del_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option=\"%s\"" % args)
-    def add_default_dns(self, addr_list):
-        """Add default dns server for client.
-        Args:
-            addr_list: dns ip address for Openwrt client.
-        """
-        self._add_dhcp_option("6,%s" % ",".join(addr_list))
-        self.config.add("default_dns %s" % addr_list)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def del_default_dns(self, addr_list):
-        """Remove default dns server for client.
-        Args:
-            addr_list: list of dns ip address for Openwrt client.
-        """
-        self._remove_dhcp_option("6,%s" % addr_list)
-        self.config.discard("default_dns %s" % addr_list)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def add_default_v6_dns(self, addr_list):
-        """Add default v6 dns server for client.
-        Args:
-            addr_list: dns ip address for Openwrt client.
-        """
-        self.ssh.run("uci add_list dhcp.lan.dns=\"%s\"" % addr_list)
-        self.config.add("default_v6_dns %s" % addr_list)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def del_default_v6_dns(self, addr_list):
-        """Del default v6 dns server for client.
-        Args:
-            addr_list: dns ip address for Openwrt client.
-        """
-        self.ssh.run("uci del_list dhcp.lan.dns=\"%s\"" % addr_list)
-        self.config.add("default_v6_dns %s" % addr_list)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_ODHCPD)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def add_ipv6_prefer_option(self):
-        self._add_dhcp_option("108,1800i")
-        self.config.add("ipv6_prefer_option")
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_ipv6_prefer_option(self):
-        self._remove_dhcp_option("108,1800i")
-        self.config.discard("ipv6_prefer_option")
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def add_dhcp_rapid_commit(self):
-        self.create_config_file("dhcp-rapid-commit\n","/etc/dnsmasq.conf")
-        self.config.add("add_dhcp_rapid_commit")
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_dhcp_rapid_commit(self):
-        self.create_config_file("","/etc/dnsmasq.conf")
-        self.config.discard("add_dhcp_rapid_commit")
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def start_tcpdump(self, test_name, args="", interface="br-lan"):
-        """"Start tcpdump on OpenWrt.
-        Args:
-            test_name: Test name for create tcpdump file name.
-            args: Option args for tcpdump.
-            interface: Interface to logging.
-        Returns:
-            tcpdump_file_name: tcpdump file name on OpenWrt.
-            pid: tcpdump process id.
-        """
-        self.package_install("tcpdump")
-        if not self.path_exists(TCPDUMP_DIR):
-            self.ssh.run("mkdir %s" % TCPDUMP_DIR)
-        tcpdump_file_name = "openwrt_%s_%s.pcap" % (test_name,
-                                                    time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime(time.time())))
-        tcpdump_file_path = "".join([TCPDUMP_DIR, tcpdump_file_name])
-        cmd = "tcpdump -i %s -s0 %s -w %s" % (interface, args, tcpdump_file_path)
-        self.ssh.run_async(cmd)
-        pid = self._get_tcpdump_pid(tcpdump_file_name)
-        if not pid:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Fail to start tcpdump on OpenWrt.")
-        # Set delay to prevent tcpdump fail to capture target packet.
-        time.sleep(15)
-        return tcpdump_file_name
-    def stop_tcpdump(self, tcpdump_file_name, pull_dir=None):
-        """Stop tcpdump on OpenWrt and pull the pcap file.
-        Args:
-            tcpdump_file_name: tcpdump file name on OpenWrt.
-            pull_dir: Keep none if no need to pull.
-        Returns:
-            tcpdump abs_path on host.
-        """
-        # Set delay to prevent tcpdump fail to capture target packet.
-        time.sleep(15)
-        pid = self._get_tcpdump_pid(tcpdump_file_name)
-        self.ssh.run("kill -9 %s" % pid, ignore_status=True)
-        if self.path_exists(TCPDUMP_DIR) and pull_dir:
-            tcpdump_path = "".join([TCPDUMP_DIR, tcpdump_file_name])
-            tcpdump_remote_path = "/".join([pull_dir, tcpdump_file_name])
-            tcpdump_local_path = "%s@%s:%s" % (self.user, self.ip, tcpdump_path)
-            utils.exe_cmd("scp %s %s" % (tcpdump_local_path, tcpdump_remote_path))
-        if self._get_tcpdump_pid(tcpdump_file_name):
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to stop tcpdump on OpenWrt.")
-        if self.file_exists(tcpdump_path):
-            self.ssh.run("rm -f %s" % tcpdump_path)
-        return tcpdump_remote_path if pull_dir else None
-    def clear_tcpdump(self):
-        self.ssh.run("killall tcpdump", ignore_status=True)
-        if self.ssh.run("pgrep tcpdump", ignore_status=True).stdout:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to clean up tcpdump process.")
-        if self.path_exists(TCPDUMP_DIR):
-            self.ssh.run("rm -f  %s/*" % TCPDUMP_DIR)
-    def _get_tcpdump_pid(self, tcpdump_file_name):
-        """Check tcpdump process on OpenWrt."""
-        return self.ssh.run("pgrep -f %s" % (tcpdump_file_name), ignore_status=True).stdout
-    def setup_mdns(self):
-        self.config.add("setup_mdns")
-        self.package_install(MDNS_PACKAGE)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_mdns(self):
-        self.config.discard("setup_mdns")
-        self.package_remove(MDNS_PACKAGE)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def block_dns_response(self):
-        self.config.add("block_dns_response")
-        iptable_rules = list(network_const.FIREWALL_RULES_DISABLE_DNS_RESPONSE)
-        self.add_custom_firewall_rules(iptable_rules)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def unblock_dns_response(self):
-        self.config.discard("block_dns_response")
-        self.remove_custom_firewall_rules()
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_FIREWALL)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def setup_captive_portal(self, fas_fdqn,fas_port=2080):
-        """Create captive portal with Forwarding Authentication Service.
-        Args:
-             fas_fdqn: String for captive portal page's fdqn add to local dns server.
-             fas_port: Port for captive portal page.
-        """
-        self.package_install(CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PACKAGE)
-        self.config.add("setup_captive_portal %s" % fas_port)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].fas_secure_enabled=2")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].gatewayport=2050")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].fasport=%s" % fas_port)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].fasremotefqdn=%s" % fas_fdqn)
-        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].faspath=\"/nds/fas-aes.php\"")
-        self.ssh.run("uci set opennds.@opennds[0].faskey=1234567890")
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_OPENNDS)
-        # Config uhttpd
-        self.ssh.run("uci set uhttpd.main.interpreter=.php=/usr/bin/php-cgi")
-        self.ssh.run("uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_http=" % fas_port)
-        self.ssh.run("uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_http=[::]:%s" % fas_port)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_UHTTPD)
-        # cp fas-aes.php
-        self.create_folder("/www/nds/")
-        self.ssh.run("cp /etc/opennds/fas-aes.php /www/nds")
-        # Add fdqn
-        self.add_resource_record(fas_fdqn, LOCALHOST)
-        self.commit_changes()
-    def remove_cpative_portal(self, fas_port=2080):
-        """Remove captive portal.
-        Args:
-             fas_port: Port for captive portal page.
-        """
-        # Remove package
-        self.package_remove(CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PACKAGE)
-        # Clean up config
-        self.ssh.run("rm /etc/config/opennds")
-        # Remove fdqn
-        self.clear_resource_record()
-        # Restore uhttpd
-        self.ssh.run("uci del uhttpd.main.interpreter")
-        self.ssh.run("uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_http=\'\'" % fas_port)
-        self.ssh.run("uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_http=\'[::]:%s\'" % fas_port)
-        self.service_manager.need_restart(SERVICE_UHTTPD)
-        # Clean web root
-        self.ssh.run("rm -r /www/nds")
-        self.config.discard("setup_captive_portal %s" % fas_port)
-        self.commit_changes()
-class ServiceManager(object):
-    """Class for service on OpenWrt.
-        Attributes:
-        ssh: ssh object for the AP.
-        _need_restart: Record service need to restart.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ssh):
-        self.ssh = ssh
-        self._need_restart = set()
-    def enable(self, service_name):
-        """Enable service auto start."""
-        self.ssh.run("/etc/init.d/%s enable" % service_name)
-    def disable(self, service_name):
-        """Disable service auto start."""
-        self.ssh.run("/etc/init.d/%s disable" % service_name)
-    def restart(self, service_name):
-        """Restart the service."""
-        self.ssh.run("/etc/init.d/%s restart" % service_name)
-    def reload(self, service_name):
-        """Restart the service."""
-        self.ssh.run("/etc/init.d/%s reload" % service_name)
-    def restart_services(self):
-        """Restart all services need to restart."""
-        for service in self._need_restart:
-            if service == SERVICE_NETWORK:
-                self.reload(service)
-            self.restart(service)
-        self._need_restart = set()
-    def stop(self, service_name):
-        """Stop the service."""
-        self.ssh.run("/etc/init.d/%s stop" % service_name)
-    def need_restart(self, service_name):
-        self._need_restart.add(service_name)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_constants.py b/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_constants.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd7686..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-SYSTEM_INFO_CMD = "ubus call system board"
-class OpenWrtWifiSecurity:
-  # Used by OpenWrt AP
-  WPA_PSK_DEFAULT = "psk"
-  WPA_PSK_CCMP = "psk+ccmp"
-  WPA_PSK_TKIP = "psk+tkip"
-  WPA_PSK_TKIP_AND_CCMP = "psk+tkip+ccmp"
-  WPA2_PSK_DEFAULT = "psk2"
-  WPA2_PSK_CCMP = "psk2+ccmp"
-  WPA2_PSK_TKIP = "psk2+tkip"
-  WPA2_PSK_TKIP_AND_CCMP = "psk2+tkip+ccmp"
-class OpenWrtWifiSetting:
-  IFACE_2G = 2
-  IFACE_5G = 3
-class OpenWrtModelMap:
-  NETGEAR_R8000 = ("radio2", "radio1")
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_config.py b/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7810fa2..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-"""Class for Wireless config."""
-NET_IFACE = "lan"
-class WirelessConfig(object):
-  """Creates an object to hold wireless config.
-  Attributes:
-    name: name of the wireless config
-    ssid: SSID of the network.
-    security: security of the wifi network.
-    band: band of the wifi network.
-    iface: network interface of the wifi network.
-    password: password for psk network.
-    wep_key: wep keys for wep network.
-    wep_key_num: key number for wep network.
-    radius_server_ip: IP address of radius server.
-    radius_server_port: Port number of radius server.
-    radius_server_secret: Secret key of radius server.
-    hidden: Boolean, if the wifi network is hidden.
-    ieee80211w: PMF bit of the wifi network.
-  """
-  def __init__(
-      self,
-      name,
-      ssid,
-      security,
-      band,
-      iface=NET_IFACE,
-      password=None,
-      wep_key=None,
-      wep_key_num=1,
-      radius_server_ip=None,
-      radius_server_port=None,
-      radius_server_secret=None,
-      hidden=False,
-      ieee80211w=None):
-    self.name = name
-    self.ssid = ssid
-    self.security = security
-    self.band = band
-    self.iface = iface
-    self.password = password
-    self.wep_key = wep_key
-    self.wep_key_num = wep_key_num
-    self.radius_server_ip = radius_server_ip
-    self.radius_server_port = radius_server_port
-    self.radius_server_secret = radius_server_secret
-    self.hidden = hidden
-    self.ieee80211w = ieee80211w
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_settings_applier.py b/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_settings_applier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ad36482..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/openwrt_lib/wireless_settings_applier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-"""Class to configure wireless settings."""
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.network_settings import SERVICE_DNSMASQ
-from antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.network_settings import ServiceManager
-LEASE_FILE = "/tmp/dhcp.leases"
-PSK1_SECURITY = "psk"
-PSK_SECURITY = "psk2"
-ENT_SECURITY = "wpa2"
-SAEMIXED_SECURITY = "sae-mixed"
-RADIO_2G = "radio1"
-RADIO_5G = "radio0"
-class WirelessSettingsApplier(object):
-  """Class for wireless settings.
-  Attributes:
-    ssh: ssh object for the AP.
-    service_manager: Object manage service configuration
-    wireless_configs: a list of
-      antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.wireless_config.WirelessConfig.
-    channel_2g: channel for 2G band.
-    channel_5g: channel for 5G band.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, ssh, configs, channel_2g, channel_5g, radio_2g=RADIO_2G, radio_5g=RADIO_5G):
-    """Initialize wireless settings.
-    Args:
-      ssh: ssh connection object.
-      configs: a list of
-        antlion.controllers.openwrt_lib.wireless_config.WirelessConfig.
-      channel_2g: channel for 2G band.
-      channel_5g: channel for 5G band.
-    """
-    self.ssh = ssh
-    self.service_manager = ServiceManager(ssh)
-    self.wireless_configs = configs
-    self.channel_2g = channel_2g
-    self.channel_5g = channel_5g
-    self.radio_2g = radio_2g
-    self.radio_5g = radio_5g
-  def apply_wireless_settings(self):
-    """Configure wireless settings from a list of configs."""
-    default_2g_iface = "default_" + self.radio_2g
-    default_5g_iface = "default_" + self.radio_5g
-    # set channels for 2G and 5G bands
-    self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.channel='%s'" % (self.radio_2g, self.channel_2g))
-    self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.channel='%s'" % (self.radio_5g, self.channel_5g))
-    if self.channel_5g == 165:
-      self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.htmode='VHT20'" % self.radio_5g)
-    elif self.channel_5g == 132 or self.channel_5g == 136:
-      self.ssh.run("iw reg set ZA")
-      self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.htmode='VHT40'" % self.radio_5g)
-    if self.channel_2g == 13:
-      self.ssh.run("iw reg set AU")
-    # disable default OpenWrt SSID
-    self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.disabled='%s'" %
-                 (default_2g_iface, DISABLE_RADIO))
-    self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.disabled='%s'" %
-                 (default_5g_iface, DISABLE_RADIO))
-    # Enable radios
-    self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.disabled='%s'" % (self.radio_2g, ENABLE_RADIO))
-    self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.disabled='%s'" % (self.radio_5g, ENABLE_RADIO))
-    for config in self.wireless_configs:
-      # configure open network
-      if config.security == OPEN_SECURITY:
-        if config.band == hostapd_constants.BAND_2G:
-          self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.ssid='%s'" %
-                       (default_2g_iface, config.ssid))
-          self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.disabled='%s'" %
-                       (default_2g_iface, ENABLE_RADIO))
-          if config.hidden:
-            self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.hidden='%s'" %
-                         (default_2g_iface, ENABLE_HIDDEN))
-        elif config.band == hostapd_constants.BAND_5G:
-          self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.ssid='%s'" %
-                       (default_5g_iface, config.ssid))
-          self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.disabled='%s'" %
-                       (default_5g_iface, ENABLE_RADIO))
-          if config.hidden:
-            self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.hidden='%s'" %
-                         (default_5g_iface, ENABLE_HIDDEN))
-        continue
-      self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s='wifi-iface'" % config.name)
-      if config.band == hostapd_constants.BAND_2G:
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.device='%s'" % (config.name, self.radio_2g))
-      else:
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.device='%s'" % (config.name, self.radio_5g))
-      self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.network='%s'" %
-                   (config.name, config.iface))
-      self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.mode='ap'" % config.name)
-      self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.ssid='%s'" %
-                   (config.name, config.ssid))
-      self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.encryption='%s'" %
-                   (config.name, config.security))
-      if config.security == PSK_SECURITY or config.security == SAE_SECURITY\
-              or config.security == PSK1_SECURITY\
-              or config.security == SAEMIXED_SECURITY:
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.key='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, config.password))
-      elif config.security == WEP_SECURITY:
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.key%s='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, config.wep_key_num, config.wep_key))
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.key='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, config.wep_key_num))
-      elif config.security == ENT_SECURITY:
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.auth_secret='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, config.radius_server_secret))
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.auth_server='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, config.radius_server_ip))
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.auth_port='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, config.radius_server_port))
-      if config.ieee80211w:
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.ieee80211w='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, config.ieee80211w))
-      if config.hidden:
-        self.ssh.run("uci set wireless.%s.hidden='%s'" %
-                     (config.name, ENABLE_HIDDEN))
-    self.ssh.run("uci commit wireless")
-    self.ssh.run("cp %s %s.tmp" % (LEASE_FILE, LEASE_FILE))
-  def cleanup_wireless_settings(self):
-    """Reset wireless settings to default."""
-    self.ssh.run("wifi down")
-    self.ssh.run("rm -f /etc/config/wireless")
-    self.ssh.run("wifi config")
-    if self.channel_5g == 132:
-      self.ssh.run("iw reg set US")
-    self.ssh.run("cp %s.tmp %s" % (LEASE_FILE, LEASE_FILE))
-    self.service_manager.restart(SERVICE_DNSMASQ)
-    time.sleep(9)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/packet_capture.py b/src/antlion/controllers/packet_capture.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 706f9c4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/packet_capture.py
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-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import CHANNEL_MAP
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import FREQUENCY_MAP
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import CENTER_CHANNEL_MAP
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import VHT_CHANNEL
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import formatter
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
-from antlion.libs.logging import log_stream
-from antlion.libs.proc.process import Process
-from antlion import asserts
-import os
-import threading
-import time
-BSS = 'BSS'
-FREQ = 'freq'
-FREQUENCY = 'frequency'
-LEVEL = 'level'
-MON_2G = 'mon0'
-MON_5G = 'mon1'
-BAND_IFACE = {'2G': MON_2G, '5G': MON_5G}
-SCAN_IFACE = 'wlan2'
-SEP = ':'
-SIGNAL = 'signal'
-def create(configs):
-    return [PacketCapture(c) for c in configs]
-def destroy(pcaps):
-    for pcap in pcaps:
-        pcap.close()
-def get_info(pcaps):
-    return [pcap.ssh_settings.hostname for pcap in pcaps]
-class PcapProperties(object):
-    """Class to maintain packet capture properties after starting tcpdump.
-    Attributes:
-        proc: Process object of tcpdump
-        pcap_fname: File name of the tcpdump output file
-        pcap_file: File object for the tcpdump output file
-    """
-    def __init__(self, proc, pcap_fname, pcap_file):
-        """Initialize object."""
-        self.proc = proc
-        self.pcap_fname = pcap_fname
-        self.pcap_file = pcap_file
-class PacketCaptureError(Exception):
-    """Error related to Packet capture."""
-class PacketCapture(object):
-    """Class representing packet capturer.
-    An instance of this class creates and configures two interfaces for monitor
-    mode; 'mon0' for 2G and 'mon1' for 5G and one interface for scanning for
-    wifi networks; 'wlan2' which is a dual band interface.
-    Attributes:
-        pcap_properties: dict that specifies packet capture properties for a
-            band.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, configs):
-        """Initialize objects.
-        Args:
-            configs: config for the packet capture.
-        """
-        self.ssh_settings = settings.from_config(configs['ssh_config'])
-        self.ssh = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
-        self.log = logger.create_logger(lambda msg: '[%s|%s] %s' % (
-            MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME, self.ssh_settings.hostname, msg))
-        self._create_interface(MON_2G, 'monitor')
-        self._create_interface(MON_5G, 'monitor')
-        self.managed_mode = True
-        result = self.ssh.run('ifconfig -a', ignore_status=True)
-        if result.stderr or SCAN_IFACE not in result.stdout:
-            self.managed_mode = False
-        if self.managed_mode:
-            self._create_interface(SCAN_IFACE, 'managed')
-        self.pcap_properties = dict()
-        self._pcap_stop_lock = threading.Lock()
-    def _create_interface(self, iface, mode):
-        """Create interface of monitor/managed mode.
-        Create mon0/mon1 for 2G/5G monitor mode and wlan2 for managed mode.
-        """
-        if mode == 'monitor':
-            self.ssh.run('ifconfig wlan%s down' % iface[-1],
-                         ignore_status=True)
-        self.ssh.run('iw dev %s del' % iface, ignore_status=True)
-        self.ssh.run('iw phy%s interface add %s type %s' %
-                     (iface[-1], iface, mode),
-                     ignore_status=True)
-        self.ssh.run('ip link set %s up' % iface, ignore_status=True)
-        result = self.ssh.run('iw dev %s info' % iface, ignore_status=True)
-        if result.stderr or iface not in result.stdout:
-            raise PacketCaptureError('Failed to configure interface %s' %
-                                     iface)
-    def _cleanup_interface(self, iface):
-        """Clean up monitor mode interfaces."""
-        self.ssh.run('iw dev %s del' % iface, ignore_status=True)
-        result = self.ssh.run('iw dev %s info' % iface, ignore_status=True)
-        if not result.stderr or 'No such device' not in result.stderr:
-            raise PacketCaptureError('Failed to cleanup monitor mode for %s' %
-                                     iface)
-    def _parse_scan_results(self, scan_result):
-        """Parses the scan dump output and returns list of dictionaries.
-        Args:
-            scan_result: scan dump output from scan on mon interface.
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary of found network in the scan.
-            The attributes returned are
-                a.) SSID - SSID of the network.
-                b.) LEVEL - signal level.
-                c.) FREQUENCY - WiFi band the network is on.
-                d.) BSSID - BSSID of the network.
-        """
-        scan_networks = []
-        network = {}
-        for line in scan_result.splitlines():
-            if SEP not in line:
-                continue
-            if BSS in line:
-                network[BSSID] = line.split('(')[0].split()[-1]
-            field, value = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(SEP)[0:2]
-            value = value.lstrip()
-            if SIGNAL in line:
-                network[LEVEL] = int(float(value.split()[0]))
-            elif FREQ in line:
-                network[FREQUENCY] = int(value)
-            elif SSID in line:
-                network[SSID] = value
-                scan_networks.append(network)
-                network = {}
-        return scan_networks
-    def get_wifi_scan_results(self):
-        """Starts a wifi scan on wlan2 interface.
-        Returns:
-            List of dictionaries each representing a found network.
-        """
-        if not self.managed_mode:
-            raise PacketCaptureError('Managed mode not setup')
-        result = self.ssh.run('iw dev %s scan' % SCAN_IFACE)
-        if result.stderr:
-            raise PacketCaptureError('Failed to get scan dump')
-        if not result.stdout:
-            return []
-        return self._parse_scan_results(result.stdout)
-    def start_scan_and_find_network(self, ssid):
-        """Start a wifi scan on wlan2 interface and find network.
-        Args:
-            ssid: SSID of the network.
-        Returns:
-            True/False if the network if found or not.
-        """
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < curr_time + SCAN_TIMEOUT:
-            found_networks = self.get_wifi_scan_results()
-            for network in found_networks:
-                if network[SSID] == ssid:
-                    return True
-            time.sleep(3)  # sleep before next scan
-        return False
-    def configure_monitor_mode(self, band, channel, bandwidth=20):
-        """Configure monitor mode.
-        Args:
-            band: band to configure monitor mode for.
-            channel: channel to set for the interface.
-            bandwidth : bandwidth for VHT channel as 40,80,160
-        Returns:
-            True if configure successful.
-            False if not successful.
-        """
-        band = band.upper()
-        if band not in BAND_IFACE:
-            self.log.error('Invalid band. Must be 2g/2G or 5g/5G')
-            return False
-        iface = BAND_IFACE[band]
-        if bandwidth == 20:
-            self.ssh.run('iw dev %s set channel %s' % (iface, channel),
-                         ignore_status=True)
-        else:
-            center_freq = None
-            for i, j in CENTER_CHANNEL_MAP[VHT_CHANNEL[bandwidth]]["channels"]:
-                if channel in range(i, j + 1):
-                    center_freq = (FREQUENCY_MAP[i] + FREQUENCY_MAP[j]) / 2
-                    break
-            asserts.assert_true(center_freq,
-                                "No match channel in VHT channel list.")
-            self.ssh.run(
-                'iw dev %s set freq %s %s %s' %
-                (iface, FREQUENCY_MAP[channel], bandwidth, center_freq),
-                ignore_status=True)
-        result = self.ssh.run('iw dev %s info' % iface, ignore_status=True)
-        if result.stderr or 'channel %s' % channel not in result.stdout:
-            self.log.error("Failed to configure monitor mode for %s" % band)
-            return False
-        return True
-    def start_packet_capture(self, band, log_path, pcap_fname):
-        """Start packet capture for band.
-        band = 2G starts tcpdump on 'mon0' interface.
-        band = 5G starts tcpdump on 'mon1' interface.
-        Args:
-            band: '2g' or '2G' and '5g' or '5G'.
-            log_path: test log path to save the pcap file.
-            pcap_fname: name of the pcap file.
-        Returns:
-            pcap_proc: Process object of the tcpdump.
-        """
-        band = band.upper()
-        if band not in BAND_IFACE.keys() or band in self.pcap_properties:
-            self.log.error("Invalid band or packet capture already running")
-            return None
-        pcap_name = '%s_%s.pcap' % (pcap_fname, band)
-        pcap_fname = os.path.join(log_path, pcap_name)
-        pcap_file = open(pcap_fname, 'w+b')
-        tcpdump_cmd = 'tcpdump -i %s -w - -U 2>/dev/null' % (BAND_IFACE[band])
-        cmd = formatter.SshFormatter().format_command(tcpdump_cmd,
-                                                      None,
-                                                      self.ssh_settings,
-                                                      extra_flags={'-q': None})
-        pcap_proc = Process(cmd)
-        pcap_proc.set_on_output_callback(lambda msg: pcap_file.write(msg),
-                                         binary=True)
-        pcap_proc.start()
-        self.pcap_properties[band] = PcapProperties(pcap_proc, pcap_fname,
-                                                    pcap_file)
-        return pcap_proc
-    def stop_packet_capture(self, proc):
-        """Stop the packet capture.
-        Args:
-            proc: Process object of tcpdump to kill.
-        """
-        for key, val in self.pcap_properties.items():
-            if val.proc is proc:
-                break
-        else:
-            self.log.error("Failed to stop tcpdump. Invalid process.")
-            return
-        proc.stop()
-        with self._pcap_stop_lock:
-            self.pcap_properties[key].pcap_file.close()
-            del self.pcap_properties[key]
-    def close(self):
-        """Cleanup.
-        Cleans up all the monitor mode interfaces and closes ssh connections.
-        """
-        self._cleanup_interface(MON_2G)
-        self._cleanup_interface(MON_5G)
-        self.ssh.close()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py b/src/antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd988c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py
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-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Collection of utility functions to generate and send custom packets.
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import socket
-import time
-import antlion.signals
-# http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/
-# On ubuntu, sudo pip3 install scapy
-import scapy.all as scapy
-MAC_BROADCAST = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'
-ARP_DST = '00:00:00:00:00:00'
-RA_MAC = '33:33:00:00:00:01'
-RA_IP = 'ff02::1'
-RA_PREFIX = 'd00d::'
-DHCP_TRANS_ID = 0x01020304
-DNS_LEN = 3
-MDNS_TTL = 255
-MDNS_V4_IP_DST = ''
-MDNS_V4_MAC_DST = '01:00:5E:00:00:FB'
-MDNS_V6_IP_DST = 'FF02::FB'
-MDNS_V6_MAC_DST = '33:33:00:00:00:FB'
-ETH_TYPE_IP = 2048
-SNAP_OUI = 12
-SNAP_SSAP = 170
-SNAP_DSAP = 170
-def create(configs):
-    """Creates PacketSender controllers from a json config.
-    Args:
-        The json configs that represent this controller
-    Returns:
-        A new PacketSender
-    """
-    return [PacketSender(c) for c in configs]
-def destroy(objs):
-    """Destroys a list of PacketSenders and stops sending (if active).
-    Args:
-        objs: A list of PacketSenders
-    """
-    for pkt_sender in objs:
-        pkt_sender.stop_sending(True)
-    return
-def get_info(objs):
-    """Get information on a list of packet senders.
-    Args:
-        objs: A list of PacketSenders
-    Returns:
-        Network interface name that is being used by each packet sender
-    """
-    return [pkt_sender.interface for pkt_sender in objs]
-class ThreadSendPacket(multiprocessing.Process):
-    """Creates a thread that keeps sending the same packet until a stop signal.
-    Attributes:
-        stop_signal: signal to stop the thread execution
-        packet: desired packet to keep sending
-        interval: interval between consecutive packets (s)
-        interface: network interface name (e.g., 'eth0')
-        log: object used for logging
-    """
-    def __init__(self, signal, packet, interval, interface, log):
-        multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)
-        self.stop_signal = signal
-        self.packet = packet
-        self.interval = interval
-        self.interface = interface
-        self.log = log
-    def run(self):
-        self.log.info('Packet Sending Started.')
-        while True:
-            if self.stop_signal.is_set():
-                # Poison pill means shutdown
-                self.log.info('Packet Sending Stopped.')
-                break
-            try:
-                scapy.sendp(self.packet, iface=self.interface, verbose=0)
-                time.sleep(self.interval)
-            except Exception:
-                self.log.exception('Exception when trying to send packet')
-                return
-        return
-class PacketSenderError(antlion.signals.ControllerError):
-    """Raises exceptions encountered in packet sender lib."""
-class PacketSender(object):
-    """Send any custom packet over a desired interface.
-    Attributes:
-        log: class logging object
-        thread_active: indicates whether or not the send thread is active
-        thread_send: thread object for the concurrent packet transmissions
-        stop_signal: event to stop the thread
-        interface: network interface name (e.g., 'eth0')
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ifname):
-        """Initiallize the PacketGenerator class.
-        Args:
-            ifname: network interface name that will be used packet generator
-        """
-        self.log = logging.getLogger()
-        self.packet = None
-        self.thread_active = False
-        self.thread_send = None
-        self.stop_signal = multiprocessing.Event()
-        self.interface = ifname
-    def send_ntimes(self, packet, ntimes, interval):
-        """Sends a packet ntimes at a given interval.
-        Args:
-            packet: custom built packet from Layer 2 up to Application layer
-            ntimes: number of packets to send
-            interval: interval between consecutive packet transmissions (s)
-        """
-        if packet is None:
-            raise PacketSenderError(
-                'There is no packet to send. Create a packet first.')
-        for _ in range(ntimes):
-            try:
-                scapy.sendp(packet, iface=self.interface, verbose=0)
-                time.sleep(interval)
-            except socket.error as excpt:
-                self.log.exception('Caught socket exception : %s' % excpt)
-                return
-    def send_receive_ntimes(self, packet, ntimes, interval):
-        """Sends a packet and receives the reply ntimes at a given interval.
-        Args:
-            packet: custom built packet from Layer 2 up to Application layer
-            ntimes: number of packets to send
-            interval: interval between consecutive packet transmissions and
-                      the corresponding reply (s)
-        """
-        if packet is None:
-            raise PacketSenderError(
-                'There is no packet to send. Create a packet first.')
-        for _ in range(ntimes):
-            try:
-                scapy.srp1(
-                    packet, iface=self.interface, timeout=interval, verbose=0)
-                time.sleep(interval)
-            except socket.error as excpt:
-                self.log.exception('Caught socket exception : %s' % excpt)
-                return
-    def start_sending(self, packet, interval):
-        """Sends packets in parallel with the main process.
-        Creates a thread and keeps sending the same packet at a given interval
-        until a stop signal is received
-        Args:
-            packet: custom built packet from Layer 2 up to Application layer
-            interval: interval between consecutive packets (s)
-        """
-        if packet is None:
-            raise PacketSenderError(
-                'There is no packet to send. Create a packet first.')
-        if self.thread_active:
-            raise PacketSenderError(
-                ('There is already an active thread. Stop it'
-                 'before starting another transmission.'))
-        self.thread_send = ThreadSendPacket(self.stop_signal, packet, interval,
-                                            self.interface, self.log)
-        self.thread_send.start()
-        self.thread_active = True
-    def stop_sending(self, ignore_status=False):
-        """Stops the concurrent thread that is continuously sending packets.
-       """
-        if not self.thread_active:
-            if ignore_status:
-                return
-            else:
-                raise PacketSenderError(
-                    'Error: There is no acive thread running to stop.')
-        # Stop thread
-        self.stop_signal.set()
-        self.thread_send.join()
-        # Just as precaution
-        if self.thread_send.is_alive():
-            self.thread_send.terminate()
-            self.log.warning('Packet Sending forced to terminate')
-        self.stop_signal.clear()
-        self.thread_send = None
-        self.thread_active = False
-class ArpGenerator(object):
-    """Creates a custom ARP packet
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-        dst_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: a dictionary with all the necessary packet fields.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        self.dst_ipv4 = config_params['dst_ipv4']
-        if config_params['src_ipv4'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv4 = config_params['src_ipv4']
-    def generate(self,
-                 op='who-has',
-                 ip_dst=None,
-                 ip_src=None,
-                 hwsrc=None,
-                 hwdst=None,
-                 eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates a custom ARP packet.
-        Args:
-            op: ARP type (request or reply)
-            ip_dst: ARP ipv4 destination (Optional)
-            ip_src: ARP ipv4 source address (Optional)
-            hwsrc: ARP hardware source address (Optional)
-            hwdst: ARP hardware destination address (Optional)
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Create IP layer
-        hw_src = (hwsrc if hwsrc is not None else self.src_mac)
-        hw_dst = (hwdst if hwdst is not None else ARP_DST)
-        ipv4_dst = (ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv4)
-        ipv4_src = (ip_src if ip_src is not None else self.src_ipv4)
-        ip4 = scapy.ARP(
-            op=op, pdst=ipv4_dst, psrc=ipv4_src, hwdst=hw_dst, hwsrc=hw_src)
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        mac_dst = (eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else MAC_BROADCAST)
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=mac_dst)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip4
-        return self.packet
-class DhcpOfferGenerator(object):
-    """Creates a custom DHCP offer packet
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        subnet_mask: local network subnet mask
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        dst_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the destination node
-        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-        dst_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
-        gw_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the Gateway
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        self.subnet_mask = config_params['subnet_mask']
-        self.dst_mac = config_params['dst_mac']
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        self.dst_ipv4 = config_params['dst_ipv4']
-        if config_params['src_ipv4'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv4 = config_params['src_ipv4']
-        self.gw_ipv4 = config_params['gw_ipv4']
-    def generate(self, cha_mac=None, dst_ip=None):
-        """Generates a DHCP offer packet.
-        Args:
-            cha_mac: hardware target address for DHCP offer (Optional)
-            dst_ip: ipv4 address of target host for renewal (Optional)
-        """
-        # Create DHCP layer
-        dhcp = scapy.DHCP(options=[
-            ('message-type', 'offer'),
-            ('subnet_mask', self.subnet_mask),
-            ('server_id', self.src_ipv4),
-            ('end'),
-        ])
-        # Overwrite standard DHCP fields
-        sta_hw = (cha_mac if cha_mac is not None else self.dst_mac)
-        sta_ip = (dst_ip if dst_ip is not None else self.dst_ipv4)
-        # Create Boot
-        bootp = scapy.BOOTP(
-            op=DHCP_OFFER_OP,
-            yiaddr=sta_ip,
-            siaddr=self.src_ipv4,
-            giaddr=self.gw_ipv4,
-            chaddr=scapy.mac2str(sta_hw),
-            xid=DHCP_TRANS_ID)
-        # Create UDP
-        udp = scapy.UDP(sport=DHCP_OFFER_SRC_PORT, dport=DHCP_OFFER_DST_PORT)
-        # Create IP layer
-        ip4 = scapy.IP(src=self.src_ipv4, dst=IPV4_BROADCAST)
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(dst=MAC_BROADCAST, src=self.src_mac)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip4 / udp / bootp / dhcp
-        return self.packet
-class NsGenerator(object):
-    """Creates a custom Neighbor Solicitation (NS) packet
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
-        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-        dst_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        self.dst_ipv6 = config_params['dst_ipv6']
-        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params['src_ipv6_type']
-        if config_params['src_ipv6'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv6 = config_params['src_ipv6']
-    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates a Neighbor Solicitation (NS) packet (ICMP over IPv6).
-        Args:
-            ip_dst: NS ipv6 destination (Optional)
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Compute IP addresses
-        target_ip6 = ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv6
-        ndst_ip = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, target_ip6)
-        nnode_mcast = scapy.in6_getnsma(ndst_ip)
-        node_mcast = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, nnode_mcast)
-        # Compute MAC addresses
-        hw_dst = (eth_dst
-                  if eth_dst is not None else scapy.in6_getnsmac(nnode_mcast))
-        # Create IPv6 layer
-        base = scapy.IPv6(dst=node_mcast, src=self.src_ipv6)
-        neighbor_solicitation = scapy.ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=target_ip6)
-        src_ll_addr = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=self.src_mac)
-        ip6 = base / neighbor_solicitation / src_ll_addr
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=hw_dst)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip6
-        return self.packet
-class RaGenerator(object):
-    """Creates a custom Router Advertisement (RA) packet
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
-        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params['src_ipv6_type']
-        if config_params['src_ipv6'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv6 = config_params['src_ipv6']
-    def generate(self,
-                 lifetime,
-                 enableDNS=False,
-                 dns_lifetime=0,
-                 ip_dst=None,
-                 eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates a Router Advertisement (RA) packet (ICMP over IPv6).
-        Args:
-            lifetime: RA lifetime
-            enableDNS: Add RDNSS option to RA (Optional)
-            dns_lifetime: Set DNS server lifetime (Optional)
-            ip_dst: IPv6 destination address (Optional)
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
-        ip6_dst = (ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else RA_IP)
-        hw_dst = (eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else RA_MAC)
-        # Create IPv6 layer
-        base = scapy.IPv6(dst=ip6_dst, src=self.src_ipv6)
-        router_solicitation = scapy.ICMPv6ND_RA(routerlifetime=lifetime)
-        src_ll_addr = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=self.src_mac)
-        prefix = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(
-            prefixlen=RA_PREFIX_LEN, prefix=RA_PREFIX)
-        if enableDNS:
-            rndss = scapy.ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(
-                lifetime=dns_lifetime, dns=[self.src_ipv6], len=DNS_LEN)
-            ip6 = base / router_solicitation / src_ll_addr / prefix / rndss
-        else:
-            ip6 = base / router_solicitation / src_ll_addr / prefix
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=hw_dst)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip6
-        return self.packet
-class Ping6Generator(object):
-    """Creates a custom Ping v6 packet (i.e., ICMP over IPv6)
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        dst_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the destination node
-        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
-        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-        dst_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        self.dst_mac = config_params['dst_mac']
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        self.dst_ipv6 = config_params['dst_ipv6']
-        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params['src_ipv6_type']
-        if config_params['src_ipv6'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv6 = config_params['src_ipv6']
-    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates a Ping6 packet (i.e., Echo Request)
-        Args:
-            ip_dst: IPv6 destination address (Optional)
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
-        ip6_dst = (ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv6)
-        hw_dst = (eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else self.dst_mac)
-        # Create IPv6 layer
-        base = scapy.IPv6(dst=ip6_dst, src=self.src_ipv6)
-        echo_request = scapy.ICMPv6EchoRequest(data=PING6_DATA)
-        ip6 = base / echo_request
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=hw_dst)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip6
-        return self.packet
-class Ping4Generator(object):
-    """Creates a custom Ping v4 packet (i.e., ICMP over IPv4)
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        dst_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the destination node
-        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-        dst_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the destination node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        self.dst_mac = config_params['dst_mac']
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        self.dst_ipv4 = config_params['dst_ipv4']
-        if config_params['src_ipv4'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv4 = config_params['src_ipv4']
-    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates a Ping4 packet (i.e., Echo Request)
-        Args:
-            ip_dst: IP destination address (Optional)
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
-        sta_ip = (ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else self.dst_ipv4)
-        sta_hw = (eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else self.dst_mac)
-        # Create IPv6 layer
-        base = scapy.IP(src=self.src_ipv4, dst=sta_ip)
-        echo_request = scapy.ICMP(type=PING4_TYPE)
-        ip4 = base / echo_request
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip4
-        return self.packet
-class Mdns6Generator(object):
-    """Creates a custom mDNS IPv6 packet
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        src_ipv6_type: IPv6 source address type (e.g., Link Local, Global, etc)
-        src_ipv6: IPv6 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        self.src_ipv6_type = config_params['src_ipv6_type']
-        if config_params['src_ipv6'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv6 = get_if_addr6(interf, self.src_ipv6_type)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv6 = config_params['src_ipv6']
-    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates a mDNS v6 packet for multicast DNS config
-        Args:
-            ip_dst: IPv6 destination address (Optional)
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
-        sta_ip = (ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else MDNS_V6_IP_DST)
-        sta_hw = (eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else MDNS_V6_MAC_DST)
-        # Create mDNS layer
-        qdServer = scapy.DNSQR(qname=self.src_ipv6, qtype=MDNS_QTYPE)
-        mDNS = scapy.DNS(rd=MDNS_RECURSIVE, qd=qdServer)
-        # Create UDP
-        udp = scapy.UDP(sport=MDNS_UDP_PORT, dport=MDNS_UDP_PORT)
-        # Create IP layer
-        ip6 = scapy.IPv6(src=self.src_ipv6, dst=sta_ip)
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip6 / udp / mDNS
-        return self.packet
-class Mdns4Generator(object):
-    """Creates a custom mDNS v4 packet
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-        if config_params['src_ipv4'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_ipv4 = scapy.get_if_addr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_ipv4 = config_params['src_ipv4']
-    def generate(self, ip_dst=None, eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates a mDNS v4 packet for multicast DNS config
-        Args:
-            ip_dst: IP destination address (Optional)
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
-        sta_ip = (ip_dst if ip_dst is not None else MDNS_V4_IP_DST)
-        sta_hw = (eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else MDNS_V4_MAC_DST)
-        # Create mDNS layer
-        qdServer = scapy.DNSQR(qname=self.src_ipv4, qtype=MDNS_QTYPE)
-        mDNS = scapy.DNS(rd=MDNS_RECURSIVE, qd=qdServer)
-        # Create UDP
-        udp = scapy.UDP(sport=MDNS_UDP_PORT, dport=MDNS_UDP_PORT)
-        # Create IP layer
-        ip4 = scapy.IP(src=self.src_ipv4, dst=sta_ip, ttl=255)
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        ethernet = scapy.Ether(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
-        self.packet = ethernet / ip4 / udp / mDNS
-        return self.packet
-class Dot3Generator(object):
-    """Creates a custom 802.3 Ethernet Frame
-    Attributes:
-        packet: desired built custom packet
-        src_mac: MAC address (Layer 2) of the source node
-        src_ipv4: IPv4 address (Layer 3) of the source node
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **config_params):
-        """Initialize the class with the required network and packet params.
-        Args:
-            config_params: contains all the necessary packet parameters.
-              Some fields can be generated automatically. For example:
-              {'subnet_mask': '',
-               'dst_ipv4': '',
-               'src_ipv4: 'get_local', ...
-              The key can also be 'get_local' which means the code will read
-              and use the local interface parameters
-        """
-        interf = config_params['interf']
-        self.packet = None
-        self.dst_mac = config_params['dst_mac']
-        if config_params['src_mac'] == GET_FROM_LOCAL_INTERFACE:
-            self.src_mac = scapy.get_if_hwaddr(interf)
-        else:
-            self.src_mac = config_params['src_mac']
-    def _build_ether(self, eth_dst=None):
-        """Creates the basic frame for 802.3
-        Args:
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Overwrite standard fields if desired
-        sta_hw = (eth_dst if eth_dst is not None else self.dst_mac)
-        # Create Ethernet layer
-        dot3_base = scapy.Dot3(src=self.src_mac, dst=sta_hw)
-        return dot3_base
-    def _pad_frame(self, frame):
-        """Pads the frame with default length and values
-        Args:
-            frame: Ethernet (layer 2) to be padded
-        """
-        frame.len = PAD_LEN_BYTES
-        pad = scapy.Padding()
-        pad.load = '\x00' * PAD_LEN_BYTES
-        return frame / pad
-    def generate(self, eth_dst=None):
-        """Generates the basic 802.3 frame and adds padding
-        Args:
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-        """
-        # Create 802.3 Base
-        ethernet = self._build_ether(eth_dst)
-        self.packet = self._pad_frame(ethernet)
-        return self.packet
-    def generate_llc(self, eth_dst=None, dsap=2, ssap=3, ctrl=LLC_XID_CONTROL):
-        """Generates the 802.3 frame with LLC and adds padding
-        Args:
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-            dsap: Destination Service Access Point (Optional)
-            ssap: Source Service Access Point (Optional)
-            ctrl: Control (Optional)
-        """
-        # Create 802.3 Base
-        ethernet = self._build_ether(eth_dst)
-        # Create LLC layer
-        llc = scapy.LLC(dsap=dsap, ssap=ssap, ctrl=ctrl)
-        # Append and create packet
-        self.packet = self._pad_frame(ethernet / llc)
-        return self.packet
-    def generate_snap(self,
-                      eth_dst=None,
-                      dsap=SNAP_DSAP,
-                      ssap=SNAP_SSAP,
-                      ctrl=SNAP_CTRL,
-                      oui=SNAP_OUI,
-                      code=ETH_TYPE_IP):
-        """Generates the 802.3 frame with LLC and SNAP and adds padding
-        Args:
-            eth_dst: Ethernet (layer 2) destination address (Optional)
-            dsap: Destination Service Access Point (Optional)
-            ssap: Source Service Access Point (Optional)
-            ctrl: Control (Optional)
-            oid: Protocol Id or Org Code (Optional)
-            code: EtherType (Optional)
-        """
-        # Create 802.3 Base
-        ethernet = self._build_ether(eth_dst)
-        # Create 802.2 LLC header
-        llc = scapy.LLC(dsap=dsap, ssap=ssap, ctrl=ctrl)
-        # Create 802.3 SNAP header
-        snap = scapy.SNAP(OUI=oui, code=code)
-        # Append and create packet
-        self.packet = self._pad_frame(ethernet / llc / snap)
-        return self.packet
-def get_if_addr6(intf, address_type):
-    """Returns the Ipv6 address from a given local interface.
-    Returns the desired IPv6 address from the interface 'intf' in human
-    readable form. The address type is indicated by the IPv6 constants like
-    IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL, IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL, etc. If no address is found,
-    None is returned.
-    Args:
-        intf: desired interface name
-        address_type: addrees typle like LINKLOCAL or GLOBAL
-    Returns:
-        Ipv6 address of the specified interface in human readable format
-    """
-    for if_list in scapy.in6_getifaddr():
-        if if_list[2] == intf and if_list[1] == address_type:
-            return if_list[0]
-    return None
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu.py b/src/antlion/controllers/pdu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d167afa..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import importlib
-import logging
-from antlion import tracelogger
-def create(configs):
-    """Creates a PduDevice for each config in configs.
-    Args:
-        configs: List of configs from PduDevice field.
-            Fields:
-                device: a string "<brand>.<model>" that corresponds to module
-                    in pdu_lib/
-                host: a string of the device ip address
-                username (optional): a string of the username for device sign-in
-                password (optional): a string of the password for device sign-in
-    Return:
-        A list of PduDevice objects.
-    """
-    if configs:
-        pdus = []
-        for config in configs:
-            device = config.get('device')
-            if not device:
-                raise PduError("Config must provide a device")
-            host = config.get('host')
-            if not device:
-                raise PduError("Config must provide a host ip address")
-            username = config.get('username')
-            password = config.get('password')
-            pdu = _create_device(device, host, username, password)
-            pdus.append(pdu)
-        return pdus
-def destroy(pdu_list):
-    """Ensure any connections to devices are closed.
-    Args:
-        pdu_list: A list of PduDevice objects.
-    """
-    for pdu in pdu_list:
-        pdu.close()
-def get_info(pdu_list):
-    """Retrieves info from a list of PduDevice objects.
-    Args:
-        pdu_list: A list of PduDevice objects.
-    Return:
-        A list containing a dictionary for each PduDevice, with keys:
-            'host': a string of the device ip address
-            'username': a string of the username
-            'password': a string of the password
-    """
-    info = []
-    for pdu in pdu_list:
-        info.append({
-            'host': pdu.host,
-            'username': pdu.username,
-            'password': pdu.password
-        })
-    return info
-def _create_device(device, host, username, password):
-    """Factory method that returns an instance of PduDevice implementation
-    based on the device string.
-    """
-    module_name = 'antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.' + device
-    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
-    return module.PduDevice(host, username, password)
-def get_pdu_port_for_device(device_pdu_config, pdus):
-    """Retrieves the pdu object and port of that PDU powering a given device.
-    This is especially necessary when there are multilpe devices on a single PDU
-    or multiple PDUs registered.
-    Args:
-        device_pdu_config: a dict, representing the config of the device.
-        pdus: a list of registered PduDevice objects.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple: (PduObject for the device, string port number on that PDU).
-    Raises:
-        ValueError, if there is no PDU matching the given host in the config.
-    Example ACTS config:
-        ...
-        "testbed": [
-            ...
-            "FuchsiaDevice": [
-                {
-                    "ip": "<device_ip>",
-                    "ssh_config": "/path/to/sshconfig",
-                    "PduDevice": {
-                        "host": "",
-                        "port": 2
-                    }
-                }
-            ],
-            "AccessPoint": [
-                {
-                    "ssh_config": {
-                        ...
-                    },
-                    "PduDevice": {
-                        "host": "",
-                        "port" 1
-                    }
-                }
-            ],
-            "PduDevice": [
-                {
-                    "device": "synaccess.np02b",
-                    "host": ""
-                }
-            ]
-        ],
-        ...
-    """
-    pdu_ip = device_pdu_config['host']
-    port = device_pdu_config['port']
-    for pdu in pdus:
-        if pdu.host == pdu_ip:
-            return pdu, port
-    raise ValueError('No PduDevice with host: %s' % pdu_ip)
-class PduDevice(object):
-    """An object that defines the basic Pdu functionality and abstracts
-    the actual hardware.
-    This is a pure abstract class. Implementations should be of the same
-    class name (eg. class PduDevice(pdu.PduDevice)) and exist in
-    pdu_lib/<brand>/<device_name>.py. PduDevice objects should not be
-    instantiated by users directly.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, username, password):
-        if type(self) is PduDevice:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                "Base class: cannot be instantiated directly")
-        self.host = host
-        self.username = username
-        self.password = password
-        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(logging.getLogger())
-    def on_all(self):
-        """Turns on all outlets on the device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def off_all(self):
-        """Turns off all outlets on the device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def on(self, outlet):
-        """Turns on specific outlet on the device.
-        Args:
-            outlet: a string of the outlet to turn on.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def off(self, outlet):
-        """Turns off specific outlet on the device.
-        Args:
-            outlet: a string of the outlet to turn off.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def reboot(self, outlet):
-        """Toggles a specific outlet on the device to off, then to on.
-        Args:
-            outlet: a string of the outlet to reboot.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def status(self):
-        """Retrieves the status of the outlets on the device.
-        Return:
-            A dictionary matching outlet string to:
-                True: if outlet is On
-                False: if outlet is Off
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def close(self):
-        """Closes connection to the device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-class PduError(Exception):
-    """An exception for use within PduDevice implementations"""
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py b/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a4c6d4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/digital_loggers/webpowerswitch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers import pdu
-# Create an optional dependency for dlipower since it has a transitive
-# dependency on beautifulsoup4. This library is difficult to maintain as a
-# third_party dependency in Fuchsia since it is hosted on launchpad.
-# TODO(b/246999212): Explore alternatives to the dlipower package
-    import dlipower
-except ImportError:
-class PduDevice(pdu.PduDevice):
-    """Implementation of pure abstract PduDevice object for the Digital Loggers
-    WebPowerSwitch PDUs.
-    This controller supports the following Digital Loggers PDUs:
-        - Pro (VII)
-        - WebPowerSwitch V
-        - WebPowerSwitch IV
-        - WebPowerSwitch III
-        - WebPowerSwitch II
-        - Ethernet Power Controller III
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, username, password):
-        """
-        Note: This may require allowing plaintext password sign in on the
-        power switch, which can be configure in the device's control panel.
-        """
-        super(PduDevice, self).__init__(host, username, password)
-        if not HAS_IMPORT_DLIPOWER:
-            raise signals.ControllerError(
-                'Digital Loggers PDUs are not supported with current installed '
-                'packages; install the dlipower package to add support')
-        self.power_switch = dlipower.PowerSwitch(hostname=host,
-                                                 userid=username,
-                                                 password=password)
-        # Connection is made at command execution, this verifies the device
-        # can be reached before continuing.
-        if not self.power_switch.statuslist():
-            raise pdu.PduError(
-                'Failed to connect get WebPowerSwitch status. Incorrect host, '
-                'userid, or password?')
-        else:
-            self.log.info('Connected to WebPowerSwitch (%s).' % host)
-    def on_all(self):
-        """Turn on power to all outlets."""
-        for outlet in self.power_switch:
-            outlet.on()
-            self._verify_state(outlet.name, 'ON')
-    def off_all(self):
-        """Turn off power to all outlets."""
-        for outlet in self.power_switch:
-            outlet.off()
-            self._verify_state(outlet.name, 'OFF')
-    def on(self, outlet):
-        """Turn on power to given outlet
-        Args:
-            outlet: string or int, the outlet name/number
-        """
-        self.power_switch.command_on_outlets('on', str(outlet))
-        self._verify_state(outlet, 'ON')
-    def off(self, outlet):
-        """Turn off power to given outlet
-        Args:
-            outlet: string or int, the outlet name/number
-        """
-        self.power_switch.command_on_outlets('off', str(outlet))
-        self._verify_state(outlet, 'OFF')
-    def reboot(self, outlet):
-        """Cycle the given outlet to OFF and back ON.
-        Args:
-            outlet: string or int, the outlet name/number
-        """
-        self.power_switch.command_on_outlets('cycle', str(outlet))
-        self._verify_state(outlet, 'ON')
-    def status(self):
-        """ Return the status of the switch outlets.
-        Return:
-            a dict mapping outlet string numbers to:
-                True if outlet is ON
-                False if outlet is OFF
-        """
-        status_list = self.power_switch.statuslist()
-        return {str(outlet): state == 'ON' for outlet, _, state in status_list}
-    def close(self):
-        # Since there isn't a long-running connection, close is not applicable.
-        pass
-    def _verify_state(self, outlet, expected_state, timeout=3):
-        """Verify that the state of a given outlet is at an expected state.
-        There can be a slight delay in when the device receives the
-        command and when the state actually changes (especially when powering
-        on). This function is used to verify the change has occurred before
-        exiting.
-        Args:
-            outlet: string, the outlet name or number to check state.
-            expected_state: string, 'ON' or 'OFF'
-        Returns if actual state reaches expected state.
-        Raises:
-            PduError: if state has not reached expected state at timeout.
-        """
-        for _ in range(timeout):
-            actual_state = self.power_switch.status(str(outlet))
-            if actual_state == expected_state:
-                return
-            else:
-                self.log.debug('Outlet %s not yet in state %s' %
-                               (outlet, expected_state))
-        raise pdu.PduError(
-            'Outlet %s on WebPowerSwitch (%s) failed to reach expected state. \n'
-            'Expected State: %s\n'
-            'Actual State: %s' %
-            (outlet, self.host, expected_state, actual_state))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b.py b/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc7e74..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import pdu
-import re
-import telnetlib
-import time
-class PduDevice(pdu.PduDevice):
-    """Implementation of pure abstract PduDevice object for the Synaccess np02b
-    Pdu.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, username, password):
-        super(PduDevice, self).__init__(host, username, password)
-        self.tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(host)
-    def on_all(self):
-        """ Turns on both outlets on the np02b."""
-        self.tnhelper.cmd('ps 1')
-        self._verify_state({'1': True, '2': True})
-    def off_all(self):
-        """ Turns off both outlets on the np02b."""
-        self.tnhelper.cmd('ps 0')
-        self._verify_state({'1': False, '2': False})
-    def on(self, outlet):
-        """ Turns on specific outlet on the np02b.
-        Args:
-            outlet: string of the outlet to turn on ('1' or '2')
-        """
-        self.tnhelper.cmd('pset %s 1' % outlet)
-        self._verify_state({outlet: True})
-    def off(self, outlet):
-        """ Turns off a specifc outlet on the np02b.
-        Args:
-            outlet: string of the outlet to turn off ('1' or '2')
-        """
-        self.tnhelper.cmd('pset %s 0' % outlet)
-        self._verify_state({outlet: False})
-    def reboot(self, outlet):
-        """ Toggles a specific outlet on the np02b to off, then to on.
-        Args:
-            outlet: string of the outlet to reboot ('1' or '2')
-        """
-        self.off(outlet)
-        self._verify_state({outlet: False})
-        self.on(outlet)
-        self._verify_state({outlet: True})
-    def status(self):
-        """ Returns the status of the np02b outlets.
-        Return:
-            a dict mapping outlet strings ('1' and '2') to:
-                True if outlet is ON
-                False if outlet is OFF
-        """
-        res = self.tnhelper.cmd('pshow')
-        status_list = re.findall('(ON|OFF)', res)
-        status_dict = {}
-        for i, status in enumerate(status_list):
-            status_dict[str(i + 1)] = (status == 'ON')
-        return status_dict
-    def close(self):
-        """Ensure connection to device is closed.
-        In this implementation, this shouldn't be necessary, but could be in
-        others that open on creation.
-        """
-        self.tnhelper.close()
-    def _verify_state(self, expected_state, timeout=3):
-        """Returns when expected_state is reached on device.
-        In order to prevent command functions from exiting until the desired
-        effect has occurred, this function verifys that the expected_state is a
-        subset of the desired state.
-        Args:
-            expected_state: a dict representing the expected state of one or
-                more outlets on the device. Maps outlet strings ('1' and/or '2')
-                to:
-                    True if outlet is expected to be ON.
-                    False if outlet is expected to be OFF.
-            timeout (default: 3): time in seconds until raising an exception.
-        Return:
-            True, if expected_state is reached.
-        Raises:
-            PduError if expected_state has not been reached by timeout.
-        """
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            actual_state = self.status()
-            if expected_state.items() <= actual_state.items():
-                return True
-            time.sleep(.1)
-        raise pdu.PduError('Timeout while verifying state.\n'
-                           'Expected State: %s\n'
-                           'Actual State: %s' % (expected_state, actual_state))
-class _TNHelperNP02B(object):
-    """An internal helper class for Telnet with the Synaccess NP02B Pdu. This
-    helper is specific to the idiosyncrasies of the NP02B and therefore should
-    not be used with other devices.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host):
-        self._tn = telnetlib.Telnet()
-        self.host = host
-        self.tx_cmd_separator = '\n\r'
-        self.rx_cmd_separator = '\r\n'
-        self.prompt = '>'
-    """
-    Executes a command on the device via telnet.
-    Args:
-        cmd_str: A string of the command to be run.
-    Returns:
-        A string of the response from the valid command (often empty).
-    """
-    def cmd(self, cmd_str):
-        # Open session
-        try:
-            self._tn.open(self.host, timeout=3)
-        except:
-            raise pdu.PduError("Failed to open telnet session to host (%s)" %
-                               self.host)
-        time.sleep(.1)
-        # Read to end of first prompt
-        cmd_str.strip(self.tx_cmd_separator)
-        self._tn.read_eager()
-        time.sleep(.1)
-        # Write command and read all output text
-        self._tn.write(utils.ascii_string(cmd_str + self.tx_cmd_separator))
-        res = self._tn.read_until(utils.ascii_string(self.prompt), 2)
-        # Parses out the commands output
-        if res is None:
-            raise pdu.PduError("Command failed: %s" % cmd_str)
-        res = res.decode()
-        if re.search('Invalid', res):
-            raise pdu.PduError("Command Invalid: %s" % cmd_str)
-        res = res.replace(self.prompt, '')
-        res = res.replace(self.tx_cmd_separator, '')
-        res = res.replace(self.rx_cmd_separator, '')
-        res = res.replace(cmd_str, '')
-        # Close session
-        self._tn.close()
-        time.sleep(0.5)
-        return res
-    def close(self):
-        self._tn.close()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/power_metrics.py b/src/antlion/controllers/power_metrics.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c306ce..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/power_metrics.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import math
-import numpy as np
-# Metrics timestamp keys
-# Unit type constants
-CURRENT = 'current'
-POWER = 'power'
-TIME = 'time'
-VOLTAGE = 'voltage'
-# Unit constants
-VOLT = 'V'
-AMP = 'A'
-WATT = 'W'
-SECOND = 's'
-MINUTE = 'm'
-HOUR = 'h'
-    CURRENT: {
-        MILLIAMP: 0.001,
-        AMP: 1
-    },
-    POWER: {
-        MILLIWATT: 0.001,
-        WATT: 1
-    },
-    TIME: {
-        MILLISECOND: 0.001,
-        SECOND: 1,
-        MINUTE: 60,
-        HOUR: 3600
-    },
-    VOLTAGE: {
-        MILLIVOLT: 0.001,
-        VOLT : 1
-    }
-class Metric(object):
-    """Base class for describing power measurement values. Each object contains
-    an value and a unit. Enables some basic arithmetic operations with other
-    measurements of the same unit type.
-    Attributes:
-        value: Numeric value of the measurement
-        _unit_type: Unit type of the measurement (e.g. current, power)
-        unit: Unit of the measurement (e.g. W, mA)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, value, unit_type, unit, name=None):
-        if unit_type not in CONVERSION_TABLES:
-            raise TypeError(
-                '%s is not a valid unit type, valid unit types are %s' % (
-                    unit_type, str(CONVERSION_TABLES.keys)))
-        self.value = value
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.name = name
-        self._unit_type = unit_type
-    # Convenience constructor methods
-    @staticmethod
-    def amps(amps, name=None):
-        """Create a new current measurement, in amps."""
-        return Metric(amps, CURRENT, AMP, name=name)
-    @staticmethod
-    def watts(watts, name=None):
-        """Create a new power measurement, in watts."""
-        return Metric(watts, POWER, WATT, name=name)
-    @staticmethod
-    def seconds(seconds, name=None):
-        """Create a new time measurement, in seconds."""
-        return Metric(seconds, TIME, SECOND, name=name)
-    # Comparison methods
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.value == other.to_unit(self.unit).value
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        return self.value < other.to_unit(self.unit).value
-    def __le__(self, other):
-        return self == other or self < other
-    # Addition and subtraction with other measurements
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        """Adds measurements of compatible unit types. The result will be in the
-        same units as self.
-        """
-        return Metric(self.value + other.to_unit(self.unit).value,
-                      self._unit_type, self.unit, name=self.name)
-    def __sub__(self, other):
-        """Subtracts measurements of compatible unit types. The result will be
-        in the same units as self.
-        """
-        return Metric(self.value - other.to_unit(self.unit).value,
-                      self._unit_type, self.unit, name=self.name)
-    # String representation
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '%g%s' % (self.value, self.unit)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self)
-    def to_unit(self, new_unit):
-        """Create an equivalent measurement under a different unit.
-        e.g. 0.5W -> 500mW
-        Args:
-            new_unit: Target unit. Must be compatible with current unit.
-        Returns: A new measurement with the converted value and unit.
-        """
-        try:
-            new_value = self.value * (
-                CONVERSION_TABLES[self._unit_type][self.unit] /
-                CONVERSION_TABLES[self._unit_type][new_unit])
-        except KeyError:
-            raise TypeError('Incompatible units: %s, %s' %
-                            (self.unit, new_unit))
-        return Metric(new_value, self._unit_type, new_unit, self.name)
-def import_raw_data(path):
-    """Create a generator from a Monsoon data file.
-    Args:
-        path: path to raw data file
-    Returns: generator that yields (timestamp, sample) per line
-    """
-    with open(path, 'r') as f:
-        for line in f:
-            time, sample = line.split()
-            yield float(time[:-1]), float(sample)
-def generate_percentiles(monsoon_file, timestamps, percentiles):
-    """Generates metrics .
-    Args:
-        monsoon_file: monsoon-like file where each line has two
-            numbers separated by a space, in the format:
-            seconds_since_epoch amperes
-            seconds_since_epoch amperes
-        timestamps: dict following the output format of
-            instrumentation_proto_parser.get_test_timestamps()
-        percentiles: percentiles to be returned
-    """
-    if timestamps is None:
-        timestamps = {}
-    test_starts = {}
-    test_ends = {}
-    for seg_name, times in timestamps.items():
-        if START_TIMESTAMP in times and END_TIMESTAMP in times:
-            test_starts[seg_name] = Metric(
-                times[START_TIMESTAMP], TIME, MILLISECOND).to_unit(
-                SECOND).value
-            test_ends[seg_name] = Metric(
-                times[END_TIMESTAMP], TIME, MILLISECOND).to_unit(
-                SECOND).value
-    arrays = {}
-    for seg_name in test_starts:
-        arrays[seg_name] = []
-    with open(monsoon_file, 'r') as m:
-        for line in m:
-            timestamp = float(line.strip().split()[0])
-            value = float(line.strip().split()[1])
-            for seg_name in arrays.keys():
-                if test_starts[seg_name] <= timestamp <= test_ends[seg_name]:
-                    arrays[seg_name].append(value)
-    results = {}
-    for seg_name in arrays:
-        if len(arrays[seg_name]) == 0:
-            continue
-        pairs = zip(percentiles, np.percentile(arrays[seg_name],
-                                               percentiles))
-        results[seg_name] = [
-            Metric.amps(p[1], 'percentile_%s' % p[0]).to_unit(MILLIAMP) for p in
-            pairs
-        ]
-    return results
-def generate_test_metrics(raw_data, timestamps=None,
-                          voltage=None):
-    """Split the data into individual test metrics, based on the timestamps
-    given as a dict.
-    Args:
-        raw_data: raw data as list or generator of (timestamp, sample)
-        timestamps: dict following the output format of
-            instrumentation_proto_parser.get_test_timestamps()
-        voltage: voltage used during measurements
-    """
-    # Initialize metrics for each test
-    if timestamps is None:
-        timestamps = {}
-    test_starts = {}
-    test_ends = {}
-    test_metrics = {}
-    for seg_name, times in timestamps.items():
-        if START_TIMESTAMP in times and END_TIMESTAMP in times:
-            test_metrics[seg_name] = PowerMetrics(voltage)
-            test_starts[seg_name] = Metric(
-                times[START_TIMESTAMP], TIME, MILLISECOND).to_unit(
-                SECOND).value
-            test_ends[seg_name] = Metric(
-                times[END_TIMESTAMP], TIME, MILLISECOND).to_unit(
-                SECOND).value
-    # Assign data to tests based on timestamps
-    for timestamp, amps in raw_data:
-        for seg_name in test_metrics.keys():
-            if test_starts[seg_name] <= timestamp <= test_ends[seg_name]:
-                test_metrics[seg_name].update_metrics(amps)
-    result = {}
-    for seg_name, power_metrics in test_metrics.items():
-        result[seg_name] = [
-            power_metrics.avg_current,
-            power_metrics.max_current,
-            power_metrics.min_current,
-            power_metrics.stdev_current,
-            power_metrics.avg_power]
-    return result
-class PowerMetrics(object):
-    """Class for processing raw power metrics generated by Monsoon measurements.
-    Provides useful metrics such as average current, max current, and average
-    power. Can generate individual test metrics.
-    See section "Numeric metrics" below for available metrics.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, voltage):
-        """Create a PowerMetrics.
-        Args:
-            voltage: Voltage of the measurement
-        """
-        self._voltage = voltage
-        self._num_samples = 0
-        self._sum_currents = 0
-        self._sum_squares = 0
-        self._max_current = None
-        self._min_current = None
-        self.test_metrics = {}
-    def update_metrics(self, sample):
-        """Update the running metrics with the current sample.
-        Args:
-            sample: A current sample in Amps.
-        """
-        self._num_samples += 1
-        self._sum_currents += sample
-        self._sum_squares += sample ** 2
-        if self._max_current is None or sample > self._max_current:
-            self._max_current = sample
-        if self._min_current is None or sample < self._min_current:
-            self._min_current = sample
-    # Numeric metrics
-    @property
-    def avg_current(self):
-        """Average current, in milliamps."""
-        if not self._num_samples:
-            return Metric.amps(0).to_unit(MILLIAMP)
-        return (Metric.amps(self._sum_currents / self._num_samples,
-                            'avg_current')
-                .to_unit(MILLIAMP))
-    @property
-    def max_current(self):
-        """Max current, in milliamps."""
-        return Metric.amps(self._max_current or 0, 'max_current').to_unit(
-            MILLIAMP)
-    @property
-    def min_current(self):
-        """Min current, in milliamps."""
-        return Metric.amps(self._min_current or 0, 'min_current').to_unit(
-            MILLIAMP)
-    @property
-    def stdev_current(self):
-        """Standard deviation of current values, in milliamps."""
-        if self._num_samples < 2:
-            return Metric.amps(0, 'stdev_current').to_unit(MILLIAMP)
-        stdev = math.sqrt(
-            (self._sum_squares - (
-                self._num_samples * self.avg_current.to_unit(AMP).value ** 2))
-            / (self._num_samples - 1))
-        return Metric.amps(stdev, 'stdev_current').to_unit(MILLIAMP)
-    @property
-    def avg_power(self):
-        """Average power, in milliwatts."""
-        return Metric.watts(self.avg_current.to_unit(AMP).value * self._voltage,
-                            'avg_power').to_unit(MILLIWATT)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/power_monitor.py b/src/antlion/controllers/power_monitor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a229f7..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/power_monitor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import tempfile
-from antlion.controllers import power_metrics
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import MonsoonError
-class ResourcesRegistryError(Exception):
-    pass
-def update_registry(registry):
-    """Updates the registry with the one passed.
-    Overriding a previous value is not allowed.
-    Args:
-        registry: A dictionary.
-    Raises:
-        ResourceRegistryError if a property is updated with a different value.
-    """
-    for k, v in registry.items():
-        if k in _REGISTRY:
-            if v == _REGISTRY[k]:
-                continue
-            raise ResourcesRegistryError(
-                'Overwriting resources_registry fields is not allowed. %s was '
-                'already defined as %s and was attempted to be overwritten '
-                'with %s.' % (k, _REGISTRY[k], v))
-        _REGISTRY[k] = v
-def get_registry():
-    return _REGISTRY
-def _write_raw_data_in_standard_format(raw_data, path, start_time):
-    """Writes the raw data to a file in (seconds since epoch, amps).
-    TODO(b/155294049): Deprecate this once Monsoon controller output
-        format is updated.
-    Args:
-        start_time: Measurement start time in seconds since epoch
-        raw_data: raw data as list or generator of (timestamp, sample)
-        path: path to write output
-    """
-    with open(path, 'w') as f:
-        for timestamp, amps in raw_data:
-            f.write('%s %s\n' %
-                    (timestamp + start_time, amps))
-class BasePowerMonitor(object):
-    def setup(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def connect_usb(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def measure(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def release_resources(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def disconnect_usb(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_metrics(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_waveform(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def teardown(self, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class PowerMonitorMonsoonFacade(BasePowerMonitor):
-    def __init__(self, monsoon):
-        """Constructs a PowerMonitorFacade.
-        Args:
-            monsoon: delegate monsoon object, either
-                antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.hvpm.monsoon.Monsoon or
-                antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon.Monsoon.
-        """
-        self.monsoon = monsoon
-        self._log = logging.getLogger()
-    def setup(self, monsoon_config=None, **__):
-        """Set up the Monsoon controller for this testclass/testcase."""
-        if monsoon_config is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('monsoon_config can not be None')
-        self._log.info('Setting up Monsoon %s' % self.monsoon.serial)
-        voltage = monsoon_config.get_numeric('voltage', 4.2)
-        self.monsoon.set_voltage_safe(voltage)
-        if 'max_current' in monsoon_config:
-            self.monsoon.set_max_current(
-                monsoon_config.get_numeric('max_current'))
-    def power_cycle(self, monsoon_config=None, **__):
-        """Power cycles the delegated monsoon controller."""
-        if monsoon_config is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('monsoon_config can not be None')
-        self._log.info('Setting up Monsoon %s' % self.monsoon.serial)
-        voltage = monsoon_config.get_numeric('voltage', 4.2)
-        self._log.info('Setting up Monsoon voltage %s' % voltage)
-        self.monsoon.set_voltage_safe(0)
-        if 'max_current' in monsoon_config:
-            self.monsoon.set_max_current(
-                monsoon_config.get_numeric('max_current'))
-            self.monsoon.set_max_initial_current(
-                monsoon_config.get_numeric('max_current'))
-        self.connect_usb()
-        self.monsoon.set_voltage_safe(voltage)
-    def connect_usb(self, **__):
-        self.monsoon.usb('on')
-    def measure(self, measurement_args=None, start_time=None,
-                monsoon_output_path=None, **__):
-        if measurement_args is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('measurement_args can not be None')
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='monsoon_') as tmon:
-            self.monsoon.measure_power(**measurement_args,
-                                       output_path=tmon.name)
-            if monsoon_output_path and start_time is not None:
-                _write_raw_data_in_standard_format(
-                    power_metrics.import_raw_data(tmon.name),
-                    monsoon_output_path, start_time)
-    def release_resources(self, **__):
-        # nothing to do
-        pass
-    def disconnect_usb(self, **__):
-        self.monsoon.usb('off')
-    def get_waveform(self, file_path=None):
-        """Parses a file to obtain all current (in amps) samples.
-        Args:
-            file_path: Path to a monsoon file.
-        Returns:
-            A list of tuples in which the first element is a timestamp and the
-            second element is the sampled current at that time.
-        """
-        if file_path is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('file_path can not be None')
-        return list(power_metrics.import_raw_data(file_path))
-    def get_metrics(self, start_time=None, voltage=None, monsoon_file_path=None,
-                    timestamps=None, **__):
-        """Parses a monsoon_file_path to compute the consumed power and other
-        power related metrics.
-        Args:
-            start_time: Time when the measurement started, this is used to
-                correlate timestamps from the device and from the power samples.
-            voltage: Voltage used when the measurement started. Used to compute
-                power from current.
-            monsoon_file_path: Path to a monsoon file.
-            timestamps: Named timestamps delimiting the segments of interest.
-            **__:
-        Returns:
-            A list of power_metrics.Metric.
-        """
-        if start_time is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('start_time can not be None')
-        if voltage is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('voltage can not be None')
-        if monsoon_file_path is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('monsoon_file_path can not be None')
-        if timestamps is None:
-            raise MonsoonError('timestamps can not be None')
-        return power_metrics.generate_test_metrics(
-            power_metrics.import_raw_data(monsoon_file_path),
-            timestamps=timestamps, voltage=voltage)
-    def teardown(self, **__):
-        # nothing to do
-        pass
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_device_controller.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_device_controller.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 158e484..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_device_controller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay_rig import RelayRig
-def create(config):
-    """Creates RelayDevice controller objects.
-        Args:
-            config: Either one of two types:
-            A filename to a RelayController config (json file)
-            A RelayController config/dict composed of:
-                boards: A list of controller boards (see tests).
-                devices: A list of RelayDevices attached to the boards.
-        Returns:
-                A list of RelayDevice objects.
-    """
-    if type(config) is str:
-        return _create_from_external_config_file(config)
-    elif type(config) is dict:
-        return _create_from_dict(config)
-def _create_from_external_config_file(config_filename):
-    """Creates RelayDevice controller objects from an external config file.
-    Args:
-        config_filename: The filename of the RelayController config.
-    Returns:
-        A list of RelayDevice objects.
-    """
-    with open(config_filename) as json_file:
-        return _create_from_dict(json.load(json_file))
-def _create_from_dict(config):
-    """Creates RelayDevice controller objects from a dictionary.
-    Args:
-        config: The dictionary containing the RelayController config.
-    Returns:
-        A list of RelayDevice objects.
-    """
-    devices = list()
-    relay_rig = RelayRig(config)
-    for device in relay_rig.devices.values():
-        devices.append(device)
-    return devices
-def destroy(relay_devices):
-    """Cleans up RelayDevice objects.
-        Args:
-            relay_devices: A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    """
-    for device in relay_devices:
-        device.clean_up()
-def get_info(relay_devices):
-    """Get information on a list of RelayDevice objects.
-    Args:
-        relay_devices: A list of RelayDevice objects.
-    Returns:
-        A list of dict, each representing info for an RelayDevice objects.
-    """
-    device_info = []
-    for device in relay_devices:
-        relay_ids = list()
-        for relay in device.relays:
-            relay_ids.append(relay)
-        info = {"name": device.name, "relays": relay_ids}
-        device_info.append(info)
-    return device_info
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1a899..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/ak_xb10_speaker.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/ak_xb10_speaker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 465cf92..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/ak_xb10_speaker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = 'Power'
-    PAIR = 'Pair'
-class AkXB10Speaker(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """A&K XB10 Bluetooth Speaker model
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def _hold_button(self, button, seconds):
-        self.hold_down(button.value)
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-        self.release(button.value)
-    def power_on(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_ON_WAIT_TIME)
-    def power_off(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_OFF_WAIT_TIME)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.PAIR, PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/devices/bluetooth_relay_device.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/devices/bluetooth_relay_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 369f72d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/devices/bluetooth_relay_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.generic_relay_device import GenericRelayDevice
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.helpers import validate_key
-class BluetoothRelayDevice(GenericRelayDevice):
-    """A base class for bluetooth devices.
-    This base class is similar to GenericRelayDevice, but requires a mac_address
-    to be set from within the config taken in. This helps with type checking
-    for use of relays against bluetooth utils.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        GenericRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self.mac_address = validate_key('mac_address', config, str,
-                                        self.__class__.__name__)
-    def get_mac_address(self):
-        """Returns the mac address of this device."""
-        return self.mac_address
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/dongles.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/dongles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 234a58b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/dongles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-# Necessary timeout in between commands
-# Pairing mode activation wait time
-MISSING_RELAY_MSG = 'Relay config for Three button "%s" missing relay "%s".'
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    ACTION = 'Action'
-    NEXT = 'Next'
-    PREVIOUS = 'Previous'
-class SingleButtonDongle(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """A Bluetooth dongle with one generic button Normally action.
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relay(Buttons.ACTION.value)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        """Enters pairing mode. Blocks the thread until pairing mode is set.
-        Holds down the 'ACTION' buttons for PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME seconds.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.ACTION.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_play_pause(self):
-        """Briefly presses the Action button."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.ACTION.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=SINGLE_ACTION_SHORT_WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_vr_mode(self):
-        """Long press the Action button."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.ACTION.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=SINGLE_ACTION_LONG_WAIT_TIME)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
-class ThreeButtonDongle(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """A Bluetooth dongle with three generic buttons Normally action, next, and
-     previous.
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        """Enters pairing mode. Blocks the thread until pairing mode is set.
-        Holds down the 'ACTION' buttons for a little over 5 seconds.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.ACTION.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_play_pause(self):
-        """Briefly presses the Action button."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.ACTION.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=SINGLE_ACTION_SHORT_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(CMD_TIMEOUT)
-    def press_vr_mode(self):
-        """Long press the Action button."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.ACTION.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=SINGLE_ACTION_LONG_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(CMD_TIMEOUT)
-    def press_next(self):
-        """Briefly presses the Next button."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.NEXT.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=SINGLE_ACTION_SHORT_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(CMD_TIMEOUT)
-    def press_previous(self):
-        """Briefly presses the Previous button."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.PREVIOUS.value].set_nc_for(
-            seconds=SINGLE_ACTION_SHORT_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(CMD_TIMEOUT)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/earstudio_receiver.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/earstudio_receiver.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 50bf62d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/earstudio_receiver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    NEXT = 'Next'
-    PREVIOUS = "Previous"
-    PLAY_PAUSE = 'Play_pause'
-    VOLUME_UP = "Volume_up"
-    VOLUME_DOWN = "Volume_down"
-class EarstudioReceiver(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def power_on(self):
-        """Power on the Earstudio device.
-        BLUE LED blinks once when power is on. "power-on sound" plays when it is
-        on. Automatically connects to a device that has been connected before.
-        GREEN LED blinks once every 3 seconds after the "connection sound."
-        Enters Discoverable Mode/Paring Mode when there is no device that has
-        been connected before. GREEN LED blinks twice every 0.5 seconds.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_nc_for(MEDIUM_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def power_off(self):
-        """Power off the Earstudio device.
-        RED LED blinks once right before power off. "power-off sound" plays when
-        it is off.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_nc_for(LONG_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_play_pause(self):
-        """Toggle audio play state.
-        GREEN LED slowly blinks once every 3 seconds during Bluetooth/USB
-        playback.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_accept_call(self):
-        """Receive incoming call.
-        BLUE LED slowly blinks once every 3 seconds
-        "Call-receiving sound" when received.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_reject_call(self):
-        """Reject incoming call.
-        "Call-rejection sound" when refused.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_nc_for(MEDIUM_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_end_call(self):
-        """End ongoing call.
-        "Call-end sound" when ended.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_next(self):
-        """Skip to the next track."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.NEXT.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def toggle_ambient_mode(self):
-        """Turn ambient mode on/off.
-        Only available during playback.
-        To use it, you must set 'Ambient Shortcut Key' to 'on' in the EarStudio
-        app.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.NEXT.value].set_nc_for(MEDIUM_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_previous(self):
-        """Rewind to beginning of current or previous track."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.PREVIOUS.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        """Enter BlueTooth pairing mode.
-        GREEN LED blinks twice every 0.5 seconds after "enter paring-mode
-        sound." Disconnects from the current connected device when entering
-        this mode.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PREVIOUS.value].set_nc_for(MEDIUM_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_up(self, press_duration=SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME):
-        """Turn up the volume.
-        Volume increases by 0.5dB for each press.
-        Press&holding the button increases the volume consistently up to 6dB.
-        Args:
-          press_duration (int|float): how long to hold button for.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_UP.value].set_nc_for(press_duration)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_down(self, press_duration=SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME):
-        """Turn down the volume.
-        Volume decreases by 0.5dB for each press.
-        Press&hold the button decreases the volume consistently down to -60dB.
-        Pressing the button at the minimum volume turns to a mute level.
-        Args:
-          press_duration (int|float): how long to hold button for.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_DOWN.value].set_nc_for(press_duration)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/errors.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/errors.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af5d60..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/errors.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
-class RelayConfigError(signals.ControllerError):
-    """An error found within the RelayRig config file."""
-class RelayDeviceConnectionError(signals.ControllerError):
-    """An error for being unable to connect to the device."""
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/fugu_remote.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/fugu_remote.py
deleted file mode 100644
index db706c0..0000000
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@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-import enum
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import SynchronizeRelays
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    HOME = 'Home'
-    BACK = 'Back'
-    PLAY_PAUSE = 'Play'
-class FuguRemote(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """A Nexus Player (Fugu) Remote.
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-        # If the Fugu remote does have a power relay attached, turn it on.
-        power = 'Power'
-        if power in self.relays:
-            self.relays[power].set_nc()
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        """Enters pairing mode. Blocks the thread until pairing mode is set.
-        Holds down the 'Home' and 'Back' buttons for a little over 5 seconds.
-        """
-        with SynchronizeRelays():
-            self.hold_down(Buttons.HOME.value)
-            self.hold_down(Buttons.BACK.value)
-        time.sleep(PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-        with SynchronizeRelays():
-            self.release(Buttons.HOME.value)
-            self.release(Buttons.BACK.value)
-    def press_play_pause(self):
-        """Briefly presses the Play/Pause button."""
-        self.press(Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value)
-    def press_home(self):
-        """Briefly presses the Home button."""
-        self.press(Buttons.HOME.value)
-    def press_back(self):
-        """Briefly presses the Back button."""
-        self.press(Buttons.BACK.value)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/generic_relay_device.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/generic_relay_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf93400..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/generic_relay_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import SynchronizeRelays
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay_device import RelayDevice
-MISSING_RELAY_MSG = 'Relay config for %s device "%s" missing relay "%s".'
-class GenericRelayDevice(RelayDevice):
-    """A default, all-encompassing implementation of RelayDevice.
-    This class allows for quick access to getting relay switches through the
-    subscript ([]) operator. Note that it does not allow for re-assignment or
-    additions to the relays dictionary.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        RelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-    def _ensure_config_contains_relays(self, relay_names):
-        for relay_name in relay_names:
-            self._ensure_config_contains_relay(relay_name)
-    def _ensure_config_contains_relay(self, relay_name):
-        """Throws an error if the relay does not exist."""
-        if relay_name not in self.relays:
-            raise RelayConfigError(MISSING_RELAY_MSG % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                                                        self.name, relay_name))
-    def get_button_names(self):
-        """Returns the list of all button names."""
-        return list(self.relays.keys())
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        with SynchronizeRelays():
-            for relay in self.relays.values():
-                relay.set_no()
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        with SynchronizeRelays():
-            for relay in self.relays.values():
-                if relay.is_dirty():
-                    relay.set_no()
-    def press(self, button_name):
-        """Presses the button for a short period of time.
-        Args:
-            button_name: the name of the button to press.
-        """
-        self.relays[button_name].set_nc_for()
-    def hold_down(self, button_name):
-        """Holds down the button until release is called.
-        If the button is already being held, the state does not change.
-        Args:
-            button_name: the name of the button to hold down.
-        """
-        self.relays[button_name].set_nc()
-    def release(self, button_name):
-        """Releases the held down button with name 'button_name'.
-        If the button is already depressed, the state does not change.
-        Args:
-            button_name: the name of the button to release.
-        """
-        self.relays[button_name].set_no()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/headset.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/headset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 119b4f6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/headset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-import enum
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = 'Power'
-class Headset(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """Headset with same Power and Pair Button.
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def _hold_button(self, button, seconds):
-        self.hold_down(button.value)
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-        self.release(button.value)
-    def power_off(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_TOGGLE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def turn_power_on_and_enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/helpers.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/helpers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 463946c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/helpers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-from six import string_types
-MISSING_KEY_ERR_MSG = 'key "%s" missing from %s. Offending object:\n %s'
-TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR_MSG = 'Key "%s" is of type %s. Expecting %s.' \
-                        ' Offending object:\n %s'
-def validate_key(key, dictionary, expected_type, source):
-    """Validates if a key exists and its value is the correct type.
-    Args:
-        key: The key in dictionary.
-        dictionary: The dictionary that should contain key.
-        expected_type: the type that key's value should have.
-        source: The name of the object being checked. Used for error messages.
-    Returns:
-        The value of dictionary[key] if no error was raised.
-    Raises:
-        RelayConfigError if the key does not exist, or is not of expected_type.
-    """
-    if key not in dictionary:
-        raise RelayConfigError(MISSING_KEY_ERR_MSG % (key, source, dictionary))
-    if expected_type == str:
-        if not isinstance(dictionary[key], string_types):
-            raise RelayConfigError(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR_MSG %
-                                   (key, dictionary[key], expected_type,
-                                    dictionary))
-    elif not isinstance(dictionary[key], expected_type):
-        raise RelayConfigError(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR_MSG %
-                               (key, dictionary[key], expected_type,
-                                dictionary))
-    return dictionary[key]
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/i6s_headset.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/i6s_headset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7de5eba..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/i6s_headset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-WAIT_TIME = 0.1
-MISSING_RELAY_MSG = 'Relay config for i6s Headset "%s" missing relay "%s".'
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = "Power"
-    NEXT = 'Next'
-    PREVIOUS = "Previous"
-    PLAY_PAUSE = 'Play_pause'
-    PAIR = "Pair"
-    VOLUME_UP = "Volume_up"
-    VOLUME_DOWN = "Volume_down"
-class I6sHeadset(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Turns off headset."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.PAIR.value].set_no_for(PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        """Sets relay in paring mode."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.PAIR.value].set_no_for(PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def power_on(self):
-        """Power on relay."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_play_pause(self):
-        """
-        Sets relay to
-            Play state : if there is no A2DP_streaming.
-            Pause state : if there is A2DP_streaming.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_next(self):
-        """Skips to next song from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.NEXT.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_previous(self):
-        """Skips to previous song from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.PREVIOUS.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_up(self):
-        """Increases volume from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_UP.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_down(self):
-        """Decreases volume from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_DOWN.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_initiate_call(self):
-        """Initiate call from relay device."""
-        for i in range(0, 2):
-            self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-        return True
-    def press_accept_call(self):
-        """Accepts call from relay device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-        return True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/jaybird_x3.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/jaybird_x3.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 991267a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/jaybird_x3.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    VOLUME_UP = "Volume_up"
-    VOLUME_DOWN = "Volume_down"
-    POWER = "Power"
-class JaybirdX3Earbuds(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """Jaybird X3 earbuds model
-    A relay device class for Jaybird X3 earbuds that provides basic Bluetooth
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def power_off(self):
-        """If the device powers off, the LED will flash red before it
-        powers off. A voice prompt will say "POWER_OFF".
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc_for(LONG_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def power_on(self):
-        """If the device powers on, the LED will flash green.
-        A voice prompt will say "POWER ON".
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc_for(POWER_ON_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        """The Jaybird can only enter pairing mode from an OFF state.
-        """
-        self.power_on()
-        self.power_off()
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc_for(LONG_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_play_pause(self):
-        """Toggles the audio play state."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def activate_voice_commands(self):
-        """Activates voice commands during music streaming."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc_for(MED_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_accept_call(self):
-        """Receives an incoming call."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_reject_call(self):
-        """Rejects an incoming call."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc_for(MED_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_next(self):
-        """Skips to the next track."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_UP.value].set_nc_for(MED_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_previous(self):
-        """Rewinds to beginning of current or previous track."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_DOWN.value].set_nc_for(MED_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_up(self):
-        """Turns up the volume."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_UP.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_down(self):
-        """Turns down the volume."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_DOWN.value].set_nc_for(SHORT_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def toggle_hands_free(self):
-        """Switches call audio between the phone and X3 buds."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_UP.value].set_nc_for(MED_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
-    def mute_phone_call(self):
-        """Mutes phone call audio."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_DOWN.value].set_nc_for(MED_PRESS_WAIT_TIME)
-        time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_EFFECT_TIME)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/logitech_headset.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/logitech_headset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c95bac..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/logitech_headset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Device Details:
-import enum
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-WAIT_TIME = 0.1
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = 'Power'
-    PAIR = 'Pair'
-class LogitechAudioReceiver(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
-    def power_on(self):
-        """Power on relay."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.POWER.value].set_nc()
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        """Sets relay in paring mode."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.PAIR.value].set_nc()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/power_supply.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/power_supply.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f1c6213..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/power_supply.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-import enum
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = 'Power'
-class PowerSupply(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """Power Supply for Headset.
-    Wraps the button presses.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def _hold_button(self, button, seconds):
-        self.hold_down(button.value)
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-        self.release(button.value)
-    def power_off(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_TOGGLE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Do nothing, since this is not a headset"""
-        return True
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Do nothing, since this is not a headset"""
-        return True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/rdl_relay_board.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/rdl_relay_board.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d5c37..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/rdl_relay_board.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import RelayState
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.usb_relay_board_base import UsbRelayBoardBase
-from pylibftdi import BitBangDevice
-class RdlRelayBoard(UsbRelayBoardBase):
-    def set(self, relay_position, value):
-        """Returns the current status of the passed in relay.
-        Args:
-            relay_position: Relay position.
-            value: Turn_on or Turn_off the relay for the given relay_position.
-        """
-        with BitBangDevice(self.device) as bb:
-            if value == RelayState.NO:
-                bb.port |= self.address[relay_position]
-            else:
-                bb.port &= ~(self.address[relay_position])
-        self.status_dict[relay_position] = value
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fbac1de..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import Enum
-from time import sleep
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-class RelayState(Enum):
-    """Enum for possible Relay States."""
-    # Pretend this means 'OFF'
-    # Pretend this means 'ON'
-class SynchronizeRelays:
-    """A class that allows for relays to change state nearly simultaneously.
-    Can be used with the 'with' statement in Python:
-    with SynchronizeRelays():
-        relay1.set_no()
-        relay2.set_nc()
-    Note that the thread will still wait for RELAY_TRANSITION_WAIT_TIME
-    after execution leaves the 'with' statement.
-    """
-    _sync_sleep_flag = False
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.prev_toggle_time = Relay.transition_wait_time
-        self.prev_sync_flag = SynchronizeRelays._sync_sleep_flag
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        SynchronizeRelays._sync_sleep_flag = False
-    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-        if SynchronizeRelays._sync_sleep_flag:
-            sleep(Relay.transition_wait_time)
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = self.prev_toggle_time
-        SynchronizeRelays._sync_sleep_flag = self.prev_sync_flag
-class Relay(object):
-    """A class representing a single relay switch on a RelayBoard.
-    References to these relays are stored in both the RelayBoard and the
-    RelayDevice classes under the variable "relays". GenericRelayDevice can also
-    access these relays through the subscript ([]) operator.
-    At the moment, relays only have a valid state of 'ON' or 'OFF'. This may be
-    extended in a subclass if needed. Keep in mind that if this is done, changes
-    will also need to be made in the RelayRigParser class to initialize the
-    relays.
-    """
-    """How long to wait for relays to transition state."""
-    transition_wait_time = .2
-    button_press_time = .25
-    def __init__(self, relay_board, position):
-        self.relay_board = relay_board
-        self.position = position
-        self._original_state = None
-        self.relay_id = "%s/%s" % (self.relay_board.name, self.position)
-    def set_no(self):
-        """Sets the relay to the 'NO' state. Shorthand for set(RelayState.NO).
-        Blocks the thread for Relay.transition_wait_time.
-        """
-        self.set(RelayState.NO)
-    def set_nc(self):
-        """Sets the relay to the 'NC' state. Shorthand for set(RelayState.NC).
-        Blocks the thread for Relay.transition_wait_time.
-        """
-        self.set(RelayState.NC)
-    def toggle(self):
-        """Swaps the state from 'NO' to 'NC' or 'NC' to 'NO'.
-        Blocks the thread for Relay.transition_wait_time.
-        """
-        if self.get_status() == RelayState.NO:
-            self.set(RelayState.NC)
-        else:
-            self.set(RelayState.NO)
-    def set(self, state):
-        """Sets the relay to the 'NO' or 'NC' state.
-        Blocks the thread for Relay.transition_wait_time.
-        Args:
-            state: either 'NO' or 'NC'.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError if state is not 'NO' or 'NC'.
-        """
-        if self._original_state is None:
-            self._original_state = self.relay_board.get_relay_status(
-                self.position)
-        if state is not RelayState.NO and state is not RelayState.NC:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Invalid state. Received "%s". Expected any of %s.' %
-                (state, [state for state in RelayState]))
-        if self.get_status() != state:
-            self.relay_board.set(self.position, state)
-            SynchronizeRelays._sync_sleep_flag = True
-            sleep(Relay.transition_wait_time)
-    def set_no_for(self, seconds=button_press_time):
-        """Sets the relay to 'NORMALLY_OPEN' for seconds. Blocks the thread.
-        Args:
-            seconds: The number of seconds to sleep for.
-        """
-        self.set_no()
-        sleep(seconds)
-        self.set_nc()
-    def set_nc_for(self, seconds=button_press_time):
-        """Sets the relay to 'NORMALLY_CLOSED' for seconds. Blocks the thread.
-        Respects Relay.transition_wait_time for toggling state.
-        Args:
-            seconds: The number of seconds to sleep for.
-        """
-        self.set_nc()
-        sleep(seconds)
-        self.set_no()
-    def get_status(self):
-        return self.relay_board.get_relay_status(self.position)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Does any clean up needed to allow the next series of tests to run.
-        For now, all this does is switches to its previous state. Inheriting
-        from this class and overriding this method would be the best course of
-        action to allow a more complex clean up to occur. If you do this, be
-        sure to make the necessary modifications in RelayRig.initialize_relay
-        and RelayRigParser.parse_json_relays.
-        """
-        if self._original_state is not None:
-            self.set(self._original_state)
-    def is_dirty(self):
-        return self._original_state is not None
-class RelayDict(object):
-    """A wrapped dictionary that gives config errors upon failure.
-    Has the same interface as a dictionary, but when getting the key fails, the
-    dictionary returns a RelayConfigError, letting the user know that the reason
-    the dict failed to return a relay is because the relay was not found in the
-    config.
-    Also prevents modification of elements, because changing the relays here
-    does not change what they are in hardware.
-    """
-    ERROR_MESSAGE = ('Error: Attempted to get relay "%s" in %s "%s" but the '
-                     'relay does not exist.\nExisting relays are: %s.\nMake '
-                     'sure the missing relay is added to the config file, and '
-                     'is properly setup.')
-    def __init__(self, relay_device, input_dict):
-        self.relay_device = relay_device
-        self._store = input_dict
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        try:
-            return self._store[key]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise RelayConfigError(self.ERROR_MESSAGE %
-                                   (key, type(self.relay_device),
-                                    self.relay_device.name, self._store))
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self._store)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._store)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return repr(self._store)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_board.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_board.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a4f0412..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_board.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.helpers import validate_key
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import Relay
-class RelayBoard(object):
-    """Handles interfacing with the Relays and RelayDevices.
-    This is the base class for all RelayBoards.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        """Creates a RelayBoard instance. Handles naming and relay creation.
-        Args:
-            config: A configuration dictionary, usually pulled from an element
-            under in "boards" list in the relay rig config file.
-        """
-        self.name = validate_key('name', config, str, 'config')
-        if '/' in self.name:
-            raise RelayConfigError('RelayBoard name cannot contain a "/".')
-        self.relays = dict()
-        for pos in self.get_relay_position_list():
-            self.relays[pos] = Relay(self, pos)
-    def set(self, relay_position, state):
-        """Sets the relay to the given state.
-        Args:
-            relay_position: the relay having its state modified.
-            state: the state to set the relay to. Currently only states NO and
-                   NC are supported.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_relay_position_list(self):
-        """Returns a list of all possible relay positions."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_relay_status(self, relay):
-        """Returns the state of the given relay."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_device.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06bf42f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.helpers import validate_key
-class RelayDevice(object):
-    """The base class for all relay devices.
-    RelayDevice has access to both its relays as well as the relay rig it is
-    a part of. Note that you can receive references to the relay_boards
-    through relays[0...n].board. The relays are not guaranteed to be on
-    the same relay board.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        """Creates a RelayDevice.
-        Args:
-            config: The dictionary found in the config file for this device.
-            You can add your own params to the config file if needed, and they
-            will be found in this dictionary.
-            relay_rig: The RelayRig the device is attached to. This won't be
-            useful for classes that inherit from RelayDevice, so just pass it
-            down to this __init__.
-        """
-        self.rig = relay_rig
-        self.relays = dict()
-        validate_key('name', config, str, '"devices" element')
-        self.name = config['name']
-        relays = validate_key('relays', config, dict, '"devices" list element')
-        if len(relays) < 1:
-            raise RelayConfigError(
-                'Key "relays" must have at least 1 element.')
-        for name, relay_id in relays.items():
-            self.relays[name] = relay_rig.relays[relay_id]
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets up the relay device to be ready for commands."""
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets the relay device back to its inert state."""
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_rig.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_rig.py
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index 835dd66..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/relay_rig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.ak_xb10_speaker import AkXB10Speaker
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.dongles import SingleButtonDongle
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.dongles import ThreeButtonDongle
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.earstudio_receiver import EarstudioReceiver
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.fugu_remote import FuguRemote
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.generic_relay_device import GenericRelayDevice
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.headset import Headset
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.helpers import validate_key
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.i6s_headset import I6sHeadset
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.jaybird_x3 import JaybirdX3Earbuds
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.logitech_headset import LogitechAudioReceiver
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.power_supply import PowerSupply
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.rdl_relay_board import RdlRelayBoard
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.sain_smart_board import SainSmartBoard
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.sain_smart_8_channel_usb_relay_board import SainSmart8ChannelUsbRelayBoard
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.skullcandy import Skullcandy
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.sony_xb2_speaker import SonyXB2Speaker
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.sony_xb20_speaker import SonyXB20Speaker
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.tao_tronics_headset import TaoTronicsCarkit
-class RelayRig:
-    """A group of relay boards and their connected devices.
-    This class is also responsible for handling the creation of the relay switch
-    boards, as well as the devices and relays associated with them.
-    The boards dict can contain different types of relay boards. They share a
-    common interface through inheriting from RelayBoard. This layer can be
-    ignored by the user.
-    The relay devices are stored in a dict of (device_name: device). These
-    device references should be used by the user when they want to directly
-    interface with the relay switches. See RelayDevice or GeneralRelayDevice for
-    implementation.
-    """
-    DUPLICATE_ID_ERR_MSG = 'The {} "{}" is not unique. Duplicated in:\n {}'
-    # A dict of lambdas that instantiate relay board upon invocation.
-    # The key is the class type name, the value is the lambda.
-    _board_constructors = {
-        'SainSmartBoard':
-        lambda x: SainSmartBoard(x),
-        'RdlRelayBoard':
-        lambda x: RdlRelayBoard(x),
-        'SainSmart8ChannelUsbRelayBoard':
-        lambda x: SainSmart8ChannelUsbRelayBoard(x),
-    }
-    # Similar to the dict above, except for devices.
-    _device_constructors = {
-        'GenericRelayDevice': lambda x, rig: GenericRelayDevice(x, rig),
-        'FuguRemote': lambda x, rig: FuguRemote(x, rig),
-        'I6sHeadset': lambda x, rig: I6sHeadset(x, rig),
-        'JaybirdX3Earbuds': lambda x, rig: JaybirdX3Earbuds(x, rig),
-        "LogitechAudioReceiver" :lambda x, rig: LogitechAudioReceiver(x, rig),
-        'SonyXB2Speaker': lambda x, rig: SonyXB2Speaker(x, rig),
-        'SonyXB20Speaker': lambda x, rig: SonyXB20Speaker(x, rig),
-        'TaoTronicsCarkit': lambda x, rig: TaoTronicsCarkit(x, rig),
-        'AkXB10Speaker': lambda x, rig: AkXB10Speaker(x, rig),
-        'SingleButtonDongle': lambda x, rig: SingleButtonDongle(x, rig),
-        'ThreeButtonDongle': lambda x, rig: ThreeButtonDongle(x, rig),
-        'EarstudioReceiver': lambda x, rig: EarstudioReceiver(x, rig),
-        'Headset': lambda x, rig: Headset(x, rig),
-        'Skullcandy': lambda x, rig: Skullcandy(x, rig),
-        'PowerSupply': lambda x, rig: PowerSupply(x, rig),
-    }
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.relays = dict()
-        self.boards = dict()
-        self.devices = collections.OrderedDict()
-        validate_key('boards', config, list, 'relay config file')
-        for elem in config['boards']:
-            board = self.create_relay_board(elem)
-            if board.name in self.boards:
-                raise RelayConfigError(
-                    self.DUPLICATE_ID_ERR_MSG.format('name', elem['name'],
-                                                     elem))
-            self.boards[board.name] = board
-        # Note: 'boards' is a necessary value, 'devices' is not.
-        if 'devices' in config:
-            for elem in config['devices']:
-                relay_device = self.create_relay_device(elem)
-                if relay_device.name in self.devices:
-                    raise RelayConfigError(
-                        self.DUPLICATE_ID_ERR_MSG.format(
-                            'name', elem['name'], elem))
-                self.devices[relay_device.name] = relay_device
-        else:
-            device_config = dict()
-            device_config['name'] = 'GenericRelayDevice'
-            device_config['relays'] = dict()
-            for relay_id in self.relays:
-                device_config['relays'][relay_id] = relay_id
-            self.devices['device'] = self.create_relay_device(device_config)
-    def create_relay_board(self, config):
-        """Builds a RelayBoard from the given config.
-        Args:
-            config: An object containing 'type', 'name', 'relays', and
-            (optionally) 'properties'. See the example json file.
-        Returns:
-            A RelayBoard with the given type found in the config.
-        Raises:
-            RelayConfigError if config['type'] doesn't exist or is not a string.
-        """
-        validate_key('type', config, str, '"boards" element')
-        try:
-            ret = self._board_constructors[config['type']](config)
-        except LookupError:
-            raise RelayConfigError(
-                'RelayBoard with type {} not found. Has it been added '
-                'to the _board_constructors dict?'.format(config['type']))
-        for _, relay in ret.relays.items():
-            self.relays[relay.relay_id] = relay
-        return ret
-    def create_relay_device(self, config):
-        """Builds a RelayDevice from the given config.
-        When given no 'type' key in the config, the function will default to
-        returning a GenericRelayDevice with the relays found in the 'relays'
-        array.
-        Args:
-            config: An object containing 'name', 'relays', and (optionally)
-            type.
-        Returns:
-            A RelayDevice with the given type found in the config. If no type is
-            found, it will default to GenericRelayDevice.
-        Raises:
-            RelayConfigError if the type given does not match any from the
-            _device_constructors dictionary.
-        """
-        if 'type' in config:
-            if config['type'] not in RelayRig._device_constructors:
-                raise RelayConfigError(
-                    'Device with type {} not found. Has it been added '
-                    'to the _device_constructors dict?'.format(config['type']))
-            else:
-                device = self._device_constructors[config['type']](config,
-                                                                   self)
-        else:
-            device = GenericRelayDevice(config, self)
-        return device
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sain_smart_8_channel_usb_relay_board.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sain_smart_8_channel_usb_relay_board.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 33d7f43..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sain_smart_8_channel_usb_relay_board.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import RelayState
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.usb_relay_board_base import UsbRelayBoardBase
-from pylibftdi import BitBangDevice
-""" This library is to control the sainsmart board.
-    https://www.sainsmart.com/products/8-channel-12v-usb-relay-module
-Additional setup steps:
-Change out pip/pip3 and python2.7/3.4 based on python version
-1. pip install pylibftdi
-2. pip install libusb1
-3. sudo apt-get install libftdi-dev
-4. Make this file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-libftdi.rules with root and add the lines below:
-SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660"
-SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6014", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660"
-5. Connect USB relay to computer and power board with necessary connectors
-6. Verify device is found by: python -m pylibftdi.examples.list_devices
-6a. Example output: FTDI:FT245R USB FIFO:A9079L5D
-7. The FIFO value is going to be your device name in the config
-8. Your config should look something like this (note FIFO name is used here):
-    "_description": "This is an example skeleton of a ficticious relay.",
-    "testbed": [{
-        "_description": "A testbed with one relay",
-        "name": "relay_test",
-        "RelayDevice": {
-            "boards": [{
-                "type": "SainSmart8ChannelUsbRelayBoard",
-                "name": "ttyUSB0",
-                "device": "A9079L5D"
-            }],
-            "devices": [{
-                "type": "SingleButtonDongle",
-                "name": "aukey",
-                "mac_address": "e9:08:ef:2b:47:a1",
-                "relays": {
-                    "Action": "ttyUSB0/1"
-                }
-            }]
-        }
-    }],
-    "logpath": "/tmp/logs",
-    "testpaths": ["../tests"]
-class SainSmart8ChannelUsbRelayBoard(UsbRelayBoardBase):
-    def set(self, relay_position, value):
-        """Returns the current status of the passed in relay.
-        Note that this board acts in reverse of normal relays.
-        EG: NO = NC and NC = NO
-        Args:
-            relay_position: Relay position.
-            value: Turn_on or Turn_off the relay for the given relay_position.
-        """
-        with BitBangDevice(self.device) as bb:
-            if value == RelayState.NO:
-                bb.port &= ~(self.address[relay_position])
-            else:
-                bb.port |= self.address[relay_position]
-        self.status_dict[relay_position] = value
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sain_smart_board.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sain_smart_board.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1695d7c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sain_smart_board.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from future.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
-import re
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayDeviceConnectionError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.helpers import validate_key
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import RelayState
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay_board import RelayBoard
-BASE_URL = ''
-class SainSmartBoard(RelayBoard):
-    """Controls and queries SainSmart Web Relay Board.
-    Controls and queries SainSmart Web Relay Board, found here:
-    http://www.sainsmart.com/sainsmart-rj45-tcp-ip-remote-controller-board-with-8-channels-relay-integrated.html
-    this uses a web interface to toggle relays.
-    There is an unmentioned hidden status page that can be found at <root>/99/.
-    """
-    # No longer used. Here for debugging purposes.
-    #
-    # Old status pages. Used before base_url/99 was found.
-    # STATUS_1 = '40'
-    # STATUS_2 = '43'
-    #
-    # This is the regex used to parse the old status pages:
-    # r'y-\d(?P<relay>\d).+?> (?:&nbsp)?(?P<status>.*?)&'
-    #
-    # Pages that will turn all switches on or off, even the ghost switches.
-    # ALL_RELAY_OFF = '44'
-    # ALL_RELAY_ON = '45'
-    VALID_RELAY_POSITIONS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
-    NUM_RELAYS = 8
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        # This will be lazy loaded
-        self.status_dict = None
-        self.base_url = validate_key('base_url', config, str, 'config')
-        if not self.base_url.endswith('/'):
-            self.base_url += '/'
-        super(SainSmartBoard, self).__init__(config)
-    def get_relay_position_list(self):
-        return self.VALID_RELAY_POSITIONS
-    def _load_page(self, relative_url):
-        """Loads a web page at self.base_url + relative_url.
-        Properly opens and closes the web page.
-        Args:
-            relative_url: The string appended to the base_url.
-        Returns:
-            the contents of the web page.
-        Raises:
-            A RelayDeviceConnectionError is raised if the page cannot be loaded.
-        """
-        try:
-            page = urlopen(self.base_url + relative_url)
-            result = page.read().decode('utf-8')
-            page.close()
-        except IOError:
-            raise RelayDeviceConnectionError(
-                'Unable to connect to board "{}" through {}'.format(
-                    self.name, self.base_url + relative_url))
-        return result
-    def _sync_status_dict(self):
-        """Returns a dictionary of relays and there current state."""
-        result = self._load_page(self.HIDDEN_STATUS_PAGE)
-        if 'TUX' not in result:
-            raise RelayDeviceConnectionError(
-                'Sainsmart board with URL %s has not completed initialization '
-                'after its IP was set, and must be power-cycled to prevent '
-                'random disconnections. After power-cycling, make sure %s/%s '
-                'has TUX appear in its output.' %
-                (self.base_url, self.base_url, self.HIDDEN_STATUS_PAGE))
-        status_string = re.search(r'">([01]*)TUX', result).group(1)
-        self.status_dict = {}
-        for index, char in enumerate(status_string):
-            self.status_dict[index] = (
-                RelayState.NC if char == '1' else RelayState.NO)
-    def _print_status(self):
-        """Prints out the list of relays and their current state."""
-        for i in range(0, 8):
-            print('Relay {}: {}'.format(i, self.status_dict[i]))
-    def get_relay_status(self, relay_position):
-        """Returns the current status of the passed in relay."""
-        if self.status_dict is None:
-            self._sync_status_dict()
-        return self.status_dict[relay_position]
-    def set(self, relay_position, value):
-        """Sets the given relay to be either ON or OFF, indicated by value."""
-        if self.status_dict is None:
-            self._sync_status_dict()
-        self._load_page(self._get_relay_url_code(relay_position, value))
-        self.status_dict[relay_position] = value
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_relay_url_code(relay_position, no_or_nc):
-        """Returns the two digit code corresponding to setting the relay."""
-        if no_or_nc == RelayState.NC:
-            on_modifier = 1
-        else:
-            on_modifier = 0
-        return '{:02d}'.format(relay_position * 2 + on_modifier)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/skullcandy.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/skullcandy.py
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index 078bbfd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/skullcandy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = 'Power'
-class Skullcandy(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """Skullcandy Bluetooth Speaker model
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def _hold_button(self, button, seconds):
-        self.hold_down(button.value)
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-        self.release(button.value)
-    def power_off(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_TOGGLE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def turn_power_on_and_enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sony_xb20_speaker.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sony_xb20_speaker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 942a812..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sony_xb20_speaker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = 'Power'
-class SonyXB20Speaker(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """Sony XB20 Bluetooth Speaker model
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def _hold_button(self, button, seconds):
-        self.hold_down(button.value)
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-        self.release(button.value)
-    def power_on(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_TOGGLE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def power_off(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_TOGGLE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sony_xb2_speaker.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sony_xb2_speaker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c97c35..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/sony_xb2_speaker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    POWER = 'Power'
-    PAIR = 'Pair'
-class SonyXB2Speaker(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    """Sony XB2 Bluetooth Speaker model
-    Wraps the button presses, as well as the special features like pairing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def _hold_button(self, button, seconds):
-        self.hold_down(button.value)
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-        self.release(button.value)
-    def power_on(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_ON_WAIT_TIME)
-    def power_off(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.POWER, POWER_OFF_WAIT_TIME)
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        self._hold_button(Buttons.PAIR, PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def clean_up(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.clean_up(self)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/tao_tronics_headset.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/tao_tronics_headset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 88bb61f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/tao_tronics_headset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.devices.bluetooth_relay_device import BluetoothRelayDevice
-WAIT_TIME = 0.05
-class Buttons(enum.Enum):
-    NEXT = 'Next'
-    PREVIOUS = "Previous"
-    PLAY_PAUSE = 'Play_pause'
-    VOLUME_UP = "Volume_up"
-    VOLUME_DOWN = "Volume_down"
-class TaoTronicsCarkit(BluetoothRelayDevice):
-    def __init__(self, config, relay_rig):
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.__init__(self, config, relay_rig)
-        self._ensure_config_contains_relays(button.value for button in Buttons)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Sets all relays to their default state (off)."""
-        BluetoothRelayDevice.setup(self)
-    def press_play_pause(self):
-        """
-        Sets relay to
-            Play state : if there is no A2DP_streaming.
-            Pause state : if there is A2DP_streaming.
-        """
-        self.relays[Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_next(self):
-        """Skips to next song from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.NEXT.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_previous(self):
-        """Skips to previous song from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.PREVIOUS.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_up(self):
-        """Increases volume from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_UP.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_volume_down(self):
-        """Decreases volume from relay_device."""
-        self.relays[Buttons.VOLUME_DOWN.value].set_no_for(WAIT_TIME)
-    def press_initiate_call(self):
-        """Initiate call from relay device."""
-        for i in range(0, 2):
-            self.press(Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value)
-            time.sleep(0.2)
-        return True
-    def press_accept_call(self):
-        """Accepts call from relay device."""
-        self.press(Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value)
-        return True
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/usb_relay_board_base.py b/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/usb_relay_board_base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 45422eb..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/usb_relay_board_base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import RelayState
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay_board import RelayBoard
-from pylibftdi import BitBangDevice
-class UsbRelayBoardBase(RelayBoard):
-    VALID_RELAY_POSITIONS = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
-    NUM_RELAYS = 8
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.status_dict = dict()
-        self.device = config["device"]
-        super(UsbRelayBoardBase, self).__init__(config)
-        self.address = {
-            1: 0x1,
-            2: 0x2,
-            3: 0x4,
-            4: 0x8,
-            5: 0x10,
-            6: 0x20,
-            7: 0x40,
-            8: 0x80,
-            "select_all": 0xFF
-        }
-    def get_relay_position_list(self):
-        return self.VALID_RELAY_POSITIONS
-    def test_bit(self, int_type, offset):
-        """Function to get status for the given relay position.
-        Args:
-            int_type: Port value for given relay.
-            offset: offset for given Relay_position.
-        Returns:
-            returns current status for given relay_position.
-        """
-        mask = 1 << offset
-        return (int_type & mask)
-    def _get_relay_state(self, data, relay):
-        """Function to get status for the given relay position.
-        Args:
-            data: Port value for given relay.
-            relay: Relay_position.
-        Returns:
-            returns current status for given relay_position.
-        """
-        if relay == 1:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 1)
-        if relay == 2:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 3)
-        if relay == 3:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 5)
-        if relay == 4:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 7)
-        if relay == 5:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 2)
-        if relay == 6:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 4)
-        if relay == 7:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 6)
-        if relay == 8:
-            return self.test_bit(data, 8)
-    def get_relay_status(self, relay_position):
-        """Get relay status for the given relay position.
-        Args:
-            relay_position: Status for given Relay position.
-        Returns:
-            returns current status for given relay_position.
-        """
-        with BitBangDevice(self.device) as bb:
-            self.status_dict[relay_position] = self._get_relay_state(
-                bb.port, relay_position)
-        return self.status_dict[relay_position]
-    def set(self, relay_position, value):
-        """Returns the current status of the passed in relay.
-        Args:
-            relay_position: Relay position.
-            value: Turn_on or Turn_off the relay for the given relay_position.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/OWNERS b/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index e4010df..0000000
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@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmw500.py b/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmw500.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 978600d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmw500.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1167 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from enum import Enum
-from antlion.controllers import abstract_inst
-class LteState(Enum):
-    """LTE ON and OFF"""
-    LTE_ON = 'ON'
-    LTE_OFF = 'OFF'
-class BtsNumber(Enum):
-    """Base station Identifiers."""
-    BTS1 = 'PCC'
-    BTS2 = 'SCC1'
-    BTS3 = 'SCC2'
-    BTS4 = 'SCC3'
-    BTS5 = 'SCC4'
-    BTS6 = 'SCC6'
-    BTS7 = 'SCC7'
-class LteBandwidth(Enum):
-    """Supported LTE bandwidths."""
-    BANDWIDTH_1MHz = 'B014'
-    BANDWIDTH_3MHz = 'B030'
-    BANDWIDTH_5MHz = 'B050'
-    BANDWIDTH_10MHz = 'B100'
-    BANDWIDTH_15MHz = 'B150'
-    BANDWIDTH_20MHz = 'B200'
-class DuplexMode(Enum):
-    """Duplex Modes"""
-    FDD = 'FDD'
-    TDD = 'TDD'
-class SchedulingMode(Enum):
-    """Supported scheduling modes."""
-    RMC = 'RMC'
-class TransmissionModes(Enum):
-    """Supported transmission modes."""
-    TM1 = 'TM1'
-    TM2 = 'TM2'
-    TM3 = 'TM3'
-    TM4 = 'TM4'
-    TM7 = 'TM7'
-    TM8 = 'TM8'
-    TM9 = 'TM9'
-class UseCarrierSpecific(Enum):
-    """Enable or disable carrier specific."""
-    UCS_ON = 'ON'
-    UCS_OFF = 'OFF'
-class RbPosition(Enum):
-    """Supported RB positions."""
-    LOW = 'LOW'
-    HIGH = 'HIGH'
-    P5 = 'P5'
-    P10 = 'P10'
-    P23 = 'P23'
-    P35 = 'P35'
-    P48 = 'P48'
-class ModulationType(Enum):
-    """Supported Modulation Types."""
-    QPSK = 'QPSK'
-    Q16 = 'Q16'
-    Q64 = 'Q64'
-    Q256 = 'Q256'
-class DciFormat(Enum):
-    """Support DCI Formats for MIMOs"""
-    D1 = 'D1'
-    D1A = 'D1A'
-    D1B = 'D1B'
-    D2 = 'D2'
-    D2A = 'D2A'
-    D2B = 'D2B'
-    D2C = 'D2C'
-class MimoModes(Enum):
-    """MIMO Modes dl antennas"""
-    MIMO1x1 = 'ONE'
-    MIMO2x2 = 'TWO'
-    MIMO4x4 = 'FOUR'
-class MimoScenario(Enum):
-    """Supported mimo scenarios"""
-    SCEN1x1 = 'SCELl:FLEXible SUA1,RF1C,RX1,RF1C,TX1'
-    SCEN2x2 = 'TRO:FLEXible SUA1,RF1C,RX1,RF1C,TX1,RF3C,TX2'
-    SCEN4x4 = 'FRO FLEXible SUA1,RF1C,RX1,RF1C,TX1,RF3C,TX2,RF2C,TX3,RF4C,TX4'
-class RrcState(Enum):
-    """States to enable/disable rrc."""
-    RRC_ON = 'ON'
-    RRC_OFF = 'OFF'
-class MacPadding(Enum):
-    """Enables/Disables Mac Padding."""
-    ON = 'ON'
-    OFF = 'OFF'
-class ConnectionType(Enum):
-    """Supported Connection Types."""
-    TEST = 'TESTmode'
-    DAU = 'DAPPlication'
-class RepetitionMode(Enum):
-    """Specifies LTE Measurement Repetition Mode."""
-    SINGLESHOT = 'SINGleshot'
-    CONTINUOUS = 'CONTinuous'
-class TpcPowerControl(Enum):
-    """Specifies Up Link power control types."""
-    MIN_POWER = 'MINPower'
-    MAX_POWER = 'MAXPower'
-    CONSTANT = 'CONStant'
-    SINGLE = 'SINGle'
-    UDSINGLE = 'UDSingle'
-    UDCONTINUOUS = 'UDContinuous'
-    CLOSED_LOOP = 'CLOop'
-    RP_CONTROL = 'RPControl'
-    FLEX_POWER = 'FULPower'
-class ReducedPdcch(Enum):
-    """Enables/disables the reduction of PDCCH resources."""
-    ON = 'ON'
-    OFF = 'OFF'
-class Cmw500(abstract_inst.SocketInstrument):
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr, port):
-        """Init method to setup variables for controllers.
-        Args:
-              ip_addr: Controller's ip address.
-              port: Port
-        """
-        super(Cmw500, self).__init__(ip_addr, port)
-        self._connect_socket()
-        self._send('*CLS')
-        self._send('*ESE 0;*SRE 0')
-        self._send('*CLS')
-        self._send('*ESE 1;*SRE 4')
-        self._send('SYST:DISP:UPD ON')
-    def switch_lte_signalling(self, state):
-        """ Turns LTE signalling ON/OFF.
-        Args:
-              state: an instance of LteState indicating the state to which LTE
-                signal has to be set.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(state, LteState):
-            raise ValueError('state should be the instance of LteState.')
-        state = state.value
-        cmd = 'SOURce:LTE:SIGN:CELL:STATe {}'.format(state)
-        self.send_and_recv(cmd)
-        time_elapsed = 0
-        while time_elapsed < STATE_CHANGE_TIMEOUT:
-            response = self.send_and_recv('SOURce:LTE:SIGN:CELL:STATe:ALL?')
-            if response == state + ',ADJ':
-                self._logger.info('LTE signalling is now {}.'.format(state))
-                break
-            # Wait for a second and increase time count by one
-            time.sleep(1)
-            time_elapsed += 1
-        else:
-            raise CmwError('Failed to turn {} LTE signalling.'.format(state))
-    def enable_packet_switching(self):
-        """Enable packet switching in call box."""
-        self.send_and_recv('CALL:LTE:SIGN:PSWitched:ACTion CONNect')
-        self.wait_for_pswitched_state()
-    def disable_packet_switching(self):
-        """Disable packet switching in call box."""
-        self.send_and_recv('CALL:LTE:SIGN:PSWitched:ACTion DISConnect')
-        self.wait_for_pswitched_state()
-    @property
-    def use_carrier_specific(self):
-        """Gets current status of carrier specific duplex configuration."""
-        return self.send_and_recv('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:DMODe:UCSPECific?')
-    @use_carrier_specific.setter
-    def use_carrier_specific(self, state):
-        """Sets the carrier specific duplex configuration.
-        Args:
-            state: ON/OFF UCS configuration.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:DMODe:UCSPECific {}'.format(state)
-        self.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    def send_and_recv(self, cmd):
-        """Send and recv the status of the command.
-        Args:
-            cmd: Command to send.
-        Returns:
-            status: returns the status of the command sent.
-        """
-        self._send(cmd)
-        if '?' in cmd:
-            status = self._recv()
-            return status
-    def configure_mimo_settings(self, mimo):
-        """Sets the mimo scenario for the test.
-        Args:
-            mimo: mimo scenario to set.
-        """
-        cmd = 'ROUTe:LTE:SIGN:SCENario:{}'.format(mimo.value)
-        self.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    def wait_for_pswitched_state(self, timeout=10):
-        """Wait until pswitched state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: timeout for lte pswitched state.
-        Raises:
-            CmwError on timeout.
-        """
-        while timeout > 0:
-            state = self.send_and_recv('FETCh:LTE:SIGN:PSWitched:STATe?')
-            if state == LTE_PSWITCHED_ON_RESP:
-                self._logger.debug('Connection to setup initiated.')
-                break
-            elif state == LTE_PSWITCHED_OFF_RESP:
-                self._logger.debug('Connection to setup detached.')
-                break
-            # Wait for a second and decrease count by one
-            time.sleep(1)
-            timeout -= 1
-        else:
-            raise CmwError('Failure in setting up/detaching connection')
-    def wait_for_attached_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """Attach the controller with device.
-        Args:
-            timeout: timeout for phone to get attached.
-        Raises:
-            CmwError on time out.
-        """
-        while timeout > 0:
-            state = self.send_and_recv('FETCh:LTE:SIGN:PSWitched:STATe?')
-            if state == LTE_ATTACH_RESP:
-                self._logger.debug('Call box attached with device')
-                break
-            # Wait for a second and decrease count by one
-            time.sleep(1)
-            timeout -= 1
-        else:
-            raise CmwError('Device could not be attached')
-    def wait_for_rrc_state(self, state, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until a certain RRC state is set.
-        Args:
-            state: the RRC state that is being waited for.
-            timeout: timeout for phone to be in connected state.
-        Raises:
-            CmwError on time out.
-        """
-        if state not in [LTE_CONN_RESP, LTE_IDLE_RESP]:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'The allowed values for state are {} and {}.'.format(
-                    LTE_CONN_RESP, LTE_IDLE_RESP))
-        while timeout > 0:
-            new_state = self.send_and_recv('SENSe:LTE:SIGN:RRCState?')
-            if new_state == state:
-                self._logger.debug('The RRC state is {}.'.format(new_state))
-                break
-            # Wait for a second and decrease count by one
-            time.sleep(1)
-            timeout -= 1
-        else:
-            raise CmwError('Timeout before RRC state was {}.'.format(state))
-    def reset(self):
-        """System level reset"""
-        self.send_and_recv('*RST; *OPC')
-    @property
-    def get_instrument_id(self):
-        """Gets instrument identification number"""
-        return self.send_and_recv('*IDN?')
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """Disconnect controller from device and switch to local mode."""
-        self.switch_lte_signalling(LteState.LTE_OFF)
-        self.close_remote_mode()
-        self._close_socket()
-    def close_remote_mode(self):
-        """Exits remote mode to local mode."""
-        self.send_and_recv('&GTL')
-    def detach(self):
-        """Detach callbox and controller."""
-        self.send_and_recv('CALL:LTE:SIGN:PSWitched:ACTion DETach')
-    @property
-    def rrc_connection(self):
-        """Gets the RRC connection state."""
-        return self.send_and_recv('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:KRRC?')
-    @rrc_connection.setter
-    def rrc_connection(self, state):
-        """Selects whether the RRC connection is kept or released after attach.
-        Args:
-            mode: RRC State ON/OFF.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(state, RrcState):
-            raise ValueError('state should be the instance of RrcState.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:KRRC {}'.format(state.value)
-        self.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def rrc_connection_timer(self):
-        """Gets the inactivity timeout for disabled rrc connection."""
-        return self.send_and_recv('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:RITimer?')
-    @rrc_connection_timer.setter
-    def rrc_connection_timer(self, time_in_secs):
-        """Sets the inactivity timeout for disabled rrc connection. By default
-        the timeout is set to 5.
-        Args:
-            time_in_secs: timeout of inactivity in rrc connection.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:RITimer {}'.format(time_in_secs)
-        self.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_mac_padding(self):
-        """Gets the state of mac padding."""
-        return self.send_and_recv('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:DLPadding?')
-    @dl_mac_padding.setter
-    def dl_mac_padding(self, state):
-        """Enables/Disables downlink padding at the mac layer.
-        Args:
-            state: ON/OFF
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:DLPadding {}'.format(state.value)
-        self.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def connection_type(self):
-        """Gets the connection type applied in callbox."""
-        return self.send_and_recv('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:CTYPe?')
-    @connection_type.setter
-    def connection_type(self, ctype):
-        """Sets the connection type to be applied.
-        Args:
-            ctype: Connection type.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:CTYPe {}'.format(ctype.value)
-        self.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    def get_base_station(self, bts_num=BtsNumber.BTS1):
-        """Gets the base station object based on bts num. By default
-        bts_num set to PCC
-        Args:
-            bts_num: base station identifier
-        Returns:
-            base station object.
-        """
-        return BaseStation(self, bts_num)
-    def init_lte_measurement(self):
-        """Gets the class object for lte measurement which can be used to
-        initiate measurements.
-        Returns:
-            lte measurement object.
-        """
-        return LteMeasurement(self)
-class BaseStation(object):
-    """Class to interact with different base stations"""
-    def __init__(self, cmw, bts_num):
-        if not isinstance(bts_num, BtsNumber):
-            raise ValueError('bts_num should be an instance of BtsNumber.')
-        self._bts = bts_num.value
-        self._cmw = cmw
-    @property
-    def duplex_mode(self):
-        """Gets current duplex of cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:{}:DMODe?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @duplex_mode.setter
-    def duplex_mode(self, mode):
-        """Sets the Duplex mode of cell.
-        Args:
-            mode: String indicating FDD or TDD.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(mode, DuplexMode):
-            raise ValueError('mode should be an instance of DuplexMode.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:{}:DMODe {}'.format(self._bts, mode.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def band(self):
-        """Gets the current band of cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:{}:BAND?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @band.setter
-    def band(self, band):
-        """Sets the Band of cell.
-        Args:
-            band: band of cell.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:{}:BAND {}'.format(self._bts, band)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_channel(self):
-        """Gets the downlink channel of cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:DL?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @dl_channel.setter
-    def dl_channel(self, channel):
-        """Sets the downlink channel number of cell.
-        Args:
-            channel: downlink channel number of cell.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:DL {}'.format(
-            self._bts, channel)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ul_channel(self):
-        """Gets the uplink channel of cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:UL?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @ul_channel.setter
-    def ul_channel(self, channel):
-        """Sets the up link channel number of cell.
-        Args:
-            channel: up link channel number of cell.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:UL {}'.format(
-            self._bts, channel)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def bandwidth(self):
-        """Get the channel bandwidth of the cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CELL:BANDwidth:{}:DL?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @bandwidth.setter
-    def bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
-        """Sets the channel bandwidth of the cell.
-        Args:
-            bandwidth: channel bandwidth of cell.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(bandwidth, LteBandwidth):
-            raise ValueError('bandwidth should be an instance of '
-                             'LteBandwidth.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CELL:BANDwidth:{}:DL {}'.format(
-            self._bts, bandwidth.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def ul_frequency(self):
-        """Get the uplink frequency of the cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:UL? MHZ'.format(
-            self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @ul_frequency.setter
-    def ul_frequency(self, freq):
-        """Get the uplink frequency of the cell.
-        Args:
-            freq: uplink frequency of the cell.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:UL {} MHZ'.format(
-            self._bts, freq)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_frequency(self):
-        """Get the downlink frequency of the cell"""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:DL? MHZ'.format(
-            self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @dl_frequency.setter
-    def dl_frequency(self, freq):
-        """Get the downlink frequency of the cell.
-        Args:
-            freq: downlink frequency of the cell.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:RFSettings:{}:CHANnel:DL {} MHZ'.format(
-            self._bts, freq)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def transmode(self):
-        """Gets the TM of cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:TRANsmission?'.format(
-            self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @transmode.setter
-    def transmode(self, tm_mode):
-        """Sets the TM of cell.
-        Args:
-            tm_mode: TM of cell.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(tm_mode, TransmissionModes):
-            raise ValueError('tm_mode should be an instance of '
-                             'Transmission modes.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:TRANsmission {}'.format(
-            self._bts, tm_mode.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def downlink_power_level(self):
-        """Gets RSPRE level."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:DL:{}:RSEPre:LEVel?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @downlink_power_level.setter
-    def downlink_power_level(self, pwlevel):
-        """Modifies RSPRE level.
-        Args:
-            pwlevel: power level in dBm.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:DL:{}:RSEPre:LEVel {}'.format(
-            self._bts, pwlevel)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def uplink_power_control(self):
-        """Gets open loop nominal power directly."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:UL:{}:PUSCh:OLNPower?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @uplink_power_control.setter
-    def uplink_power_control(self, ul_power):
-        """Sets open loop nominal power directly.
-        Args:
-            ul_power: uplink power level.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:UL:{}:PUSCh:OLNPower {}'.format(
-            self._bts, ul_power)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def uldl_configuration(self):
-        """Gets uldl configuration of the cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CELL:{}:ULDL?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @uldl_configuration.setter
-    def uldl_configuration(self, uldl):
-        """Sets the ul-dl configuration.
-        Args:
-            uldl: Configuration value ranging from 0 to 6.
-        """
-        if uldl not in range(0, 7):
-            raise ValueError('uldl configuration value should be between'
-                             ' 0 and 6 inclusive.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CELL:{}:ULDL {}'.format(self._bts, uldl)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def tdd_special_subframe(self):
-        """Gets special subframe of the cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CELL:{}:SSUBframe?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @tdd_special_subframe.setter
-    def tdd_special_subframe(self, sframe):
-        """Sets the tdd special subframe of the cell.
-        Args:
-            sframe: Integer value ranging from 1 to 9.
-        """
-        if sframe not in range(0, 10):
-            raise ValueError('tdd special subframe should be between 0 and 9'
-                             ' inclusive.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CELL:{}:SSUBframe {}'.format(
-            self._bts, sframe)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def scheduling_mode(self):
-        """Gets the current scheduling mode."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:STYPe?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @scheduling_mode.setter
-    def scheduling_mode(self, mode):
-        """Sets the scheduling type for the cell.
-        Args:
-            mode: Selects the channel mode to be scheduled.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(mode, SchedulingMode):
-            raise ValueError('mode should be the instance of scheduling mode.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:STYPe {}'.format(
-            self._bts, mode.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def rb_configuration_dl(self):
-        """Gets rmc's rb configuration for down link. This function returns
-        Number of Resource blocks, Resource block position and Modulation type.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:{}:DL?'.format(
-            self._bts, self.scheduling_mode)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @rb_configuration_dl.setter
-    def rb_configuration_dl(self, rb_config):
-        """Sets the rb configuration for down link for scheduling type.
-        Args:
-            rb_config: Tuple containing Number of resource blocks, resource
-            block position and modulation type.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: If tuple unpacking fails.
-        """
-        if self.scheduling_mode == 'RMC':
-            rb, rb_pos, modulation = rb_config
-            cmd = ('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:RMC:DL {},{},'
-                   '{}'.format(self._bts, rb, rb_pos, modulation))
-            self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-        elif self.scheduling_mode == 'UDCH':
-            rb, start_rb, modulation, tbs = rb_config
-            self.validate_rb(rb)
-            if not isinstance(modulation, ModulationType):
-                raise ValueError('Modulation should be of type '
-                                 'ModulationType.')
-            cmd = ('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:UDCHannels:DL {},{},'
-                   '{},{}'.format(self._bts, rb, start_rb, modulation.value,
-                                  tbs))
-            self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def rb_configuration_ul(self):
-        """Gets rb configuration for up link. This function returns
-        Number of Resource blocks, Resource block position and Modulation type.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:{}:UL?'.format(
-            self._bts, self.scheduling_mode)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @rb_configuration_ul.setter
-    def rb_configuration_ul(self, rb_config):
-        """Sets the rb configuration for down link for scheduling mode.
-        Args:
-            rb_config: Tuple containing Number of resource blocks, resource
-            block position and modulation type.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: If tuple unpacking fails.
-        """
-        if self.scheduling_mode == 'RMC':
-            rb, rb_pos, modulation = rb_config
-            cmd = ('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:RMC:UL {},{},'
-                   '{}'.format(self._bts, rb, rb_pos, modulation))
-            self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-        elif self.scheduling_mode == 'UDCH':
-            rb, start_rb, modulation, tbs = rb_config
-            self.validate_rb(rb)
-            if not isinstance(modulation, ModulationType):
-                raise ValueError('Modulation should be of type '
-                                 'ModulationType.')
-            cmd = ('CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:UDCHannels:UL {},{},'
-                   '{},{}'.format(self._bts, rb, start_rb, modulation.value,
-                                  tbs))
-            self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    def validate_rb(self, rb):
-        """Validates if rb is within the limits for bandwidth set.
-        Args:
-            rb: No. of resource blocks.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError if rb out of range.
-        """
-        bandwidth = self.bandwidth
-        if bandwidth == LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_1MHz.value:
-            if not 0 <= rb <= 6:
-                raise ValueError('RB should be between 0 to 6 inclusive'
-                                 ' for 1.4Mhz.')
-        elif bandwidth == LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_3MHz.value:
-            if not 0 <= rb <= 10:
-                raise ValueError('RB should be between 0 to 10 inclusive'
-                                 ' for 3 Mhz.')
-        elif bandwidth == LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_5MHz.value:
-            if not 0 <= rb <= 25:
-                raise ValueError('RB should be between 0 to 25 inclusive'
-                                 ' for 5 Mhz.')
-        elif bandwidth == LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_10MHz.value:
-            if not 0 <= rb <= 50:
-                raise ValueError('RB should be between 0 to 50 inclusive'
-                                 ' for 10 Mhz.')
-        elif bandwidth == LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_15MHz.value:
-            if not 0 <= rb <= 75:
-                raise ValueError('RB should be between 0 to 75 inclusive'
-                                 ' for 15 Mhz.')
-        elif bandwidth == LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_20MHz.value:
-            if not 0 <= rb <= 100:
-                raise ValueError('RB should be between 0 to 100 inclusive'
-                                 ' for 20 Mhz.')
-    @property
-    def rb_position_dl(self):
-        """Gets the position of the allocated down link resource blocks within
-        the channel band-width.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:RMC:RBPosition:DL?'.format(
-            self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @rb_position_dl.setter
-    def rb_position_dl(self, rbpos):
-        """Selects the position of the allocated down link resource blocks
-        within the channel band-width
-        Args:
-            rbpos: position of resource blocks.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(rbpos, RbPosition):
-            raise ValueError('rbpos should be the instance of RbPosition.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:RMC:RBPosition:DL {}'.format(
-            self._bts, rbpos.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def rb_position_ul(self):
-        """Gets the position of the allocated up link resource blocks within
-        the channel band-width.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:RMC:RBPosition:UL?'.format(
-            self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @rb_position_ul.setter
-    def rb_position_ul(self, rbpos):
-        """Selects the position of the allocated up link resource blocks
-        within the channel band-width.
-        Args:
-            rbpos: position of resource blocks.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(rbpos, RbPosition):
-            raise ValueError('rbpos should be the instance of RbPosition.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:RMC:RBPosition:UL {}'.format(
-            self._bts, rbpos.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dci_format(self):
-        """Gets the downlink control information (DCI) format."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:DCIFormat?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @dci_format.setter
-    def dci_format(self, dci_format):
-        """Selects the downlink control information (DCI) format.
-        Args:
-            dci_format: supported dci.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(dci_format, DciFormat):
-            raise ValueError('dci_format should be the instance of DciFormat.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:DCIFormat {}'.format(
-            self._bts, dci_format)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def dl_antenna(self):
-        """Gets dl antenna count of cell."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:NENBantennas?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @dl_antenna.setter
-    def dl_antenna(self, num_antenna):
-        """Sets the dl antenna count of cell.
-        Args:
-            num_antenna: Count of number of dl antennas to use.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(num_antenna, MimoModes):
-            raise ValueError('num_antenna should be an instance of MimoModes.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:NENBantennas {}'.format(
-            self._bts, num_antenna)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def reduced_pdcch(self):
-        """Gets the reduction of PDCCH resources state."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:PDCCh:RPDCch?'.format(
-            self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @reduced_pdcch.setter
-    def reduced_pdcch(self, state):
-        """Sets the reduction of PDCCH resources state.
-        Args:
-            state: ON/OFF.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:CONNection:{}:PDCCh:RPDCch {}'.format(
-            self._bts, state.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    def tpc_power_control(self, set_type):
-        """Set and execute the Up Link Power Control via TPC.
-        Args:
-            set_type: Type of tpc power control.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(set_type, TpcPowerControl):
-            raise ValueError('set_type should be the instance of '
-                             'TpCPowerControl.')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:UL:{}:PUSCh:TPC:SET {}'.format(
-            self._bts, set_type.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:UL:{}:PUSCh:TPC:PEXecute'.format(self._bts)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def tpc_closed_loop_target_power(self):
-        """Gets the target powers for power control with the TPC setup."""
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:UL:{}:PUSCh:TPC:CLTPower?'.format(self._bts)
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @tpc_closed_loop_target_power.setter
-    def tpc_closed_loop_target_power(self, cltpower):
-        """Sets the target powers for power control with the TPC setup.
-        Args:
-            tpower: Target power.
-        """
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:SIGN:UL:{}:PUSCh:TPC:CLTPower {}'.format(
-            self._bts, cltpower)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def drx_connected_mode(self):
-        """ Gets the Connected DRX LTE cell parameter
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DRX connected mode (OFF, AUTO, MANUAL)
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @drx_connected_mode.setter
-    def drx_connected_mode(self, mode):
-        """  Sets the Connected DRX LTE cell parameter
-        Args:
-            mode: DRX Connected mode
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @property
-    def drx_on_duration_timer(self):
-        """ Gets the amount of PDCCH subframes to wait for data after
-            waking up from a DRX cycle
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DRX mode duration timer
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @drx_on_duration_timer.setter
-    def drx_on_duration_timer(self, time):
-        """ Sets the amount of PDCCH subframes to wait for data after
-            waking up from a DRX cycle
-        Args:
-            timer: Length of interval to wait for user data to be transmitted
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @property
-    def drx_inactivity_timer(self):
-        """ Gets the number of PDCCH subframes to wait before entering DRX mode
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            DRX mode inactivity timer
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @drx_inactivity_timer.setter
-    def drx_inactivity_timer(self, time):
-        """ Sets the number of PDCCH subframes to wait before entering DRX mode
-        Args:
-            timer: Length of the interval to wait
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @property
-    def drx_retransmission_timer(self):
-        """ Gets the number of consecutive PDCCH subframes to wait
-        for retransmission
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Number of PDCCH subframes to wait for retransmission
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @drx_retransmission_timer.setter
-    def drx_retransmission_timer(self, time):
-        """ Sets the number of consecutive PDCCH subframes to wait
-        for retransmission
-        Args:
-            time: Number of PDCCH subframes to wait
-            for retransmission
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @property
-    def drx_long_cycle(self):
-        """ Gets the amount of subframes representing a DRX long cycle
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            The amount of subframes representing one long DRX cycle.
-            One cycle consists of DRX sleep + DRX on duration
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @drx_long_cycle.setter
-    def drx_long_cycle(self, time):
-        """ Sets the amount of subframes representing a DRX long cycle
-        Args:
-            long_cycle: The amount of subframes representing one long DRX cycle.
-                One cycle consists of DRX sleep + DRX on duration
-        Returns:
-            None
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @property
-    def drx_long_cycle_offset(self):
-        """ Gets the offset used to determine long cycle starting
-        subframe
-        Args:
-            None
-        Returns:
-            Long cycle offset
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @drx_long_cycle_offset.setter
-    def drx_long_cycle_offset(self, offset):
-        """ Sets the offset used to determine long cycle starting
-        subframe
-        Args:
-            offset: Number in range 0...(long cycle - 1)
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class LteMeasurement(object):
-    def __init__(self, cmw):
-        self._cmw = cmw
-    def intitilize_measurement(self):
-        """Initialize measurement modules."""
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv('INIT:LTE:MEAS:MEValuation')
-    @property
-    def measurement_repetition(self):
-        """Returns the measurement repetition mode that has been set."""
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(
-            'CONFigure:LTE:MEAS:MEValuation:REPetition?')
-    @measurement_repetition.setter
-    def measurement_repetition(self, mode):
-        """Sets the mode for measuring power levels.
-        Args:
-            mode: Single shot/continuous.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(mode, RepetitionMode):
-            raise ValueError('mode should be the instance of Repetition Mode')
-        cmd = 'CONFigure:LTE:MEAS:MEValuation:REPetition {}'.format(mode.value)
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
-    @property
-    def query_measurement_state(self):
-        """Returns the states and sub states of measurement."""
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv('FETCh:LTE:MEAS:MEValuation:STATe:ALL?')
-    @property
-    def measure_tx_power(self):
-        """Return the current Tx power measurement."""
-        return self._cmw.send_and_recv(
-            'FETCh:LTE:MEAS:MEValuation:PMONitor:AVERage?')
-    def stop_measurement(self):
-        """Stops the on-going measurement.
-        This function call does not free up resources allocated for
-        measurement. Instead it moves from RUN to RDY state.
-        """
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv('STOP:LTE:MEAS:MEValuation')
-    def abort_measurement(self):
-        """Aborts the measurement abruptly.
-        This function call will free up the resources allocated for
-        measurement and all the results will be wiped off.
-        """
-        self._cmw.send_and_recv('ABORt:LTE:MEAS:MEValuation')
-class CmwError(Exception):
-    """Class to raise exceptions related to cmw."""
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmw500_cellular_simulator.py b/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmw500_cellular_simulator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a65042d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmw500_cellular_simulator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib import cmw500
-from antlion.controllers import cellular_simulator as cc
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import LteSimulation
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM1: cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM1,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM2: cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM2,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM3: cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM3,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM4: cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM4,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM7: cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM7,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM8: cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM8,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM9: cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM9
-    LteSimulation.SchedulingMode.STATIC: cmw500.SchedulingMode.USERDEFINEDCH
-    LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_1x1: cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO1x1,
-    LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_2x2: cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO2x2,
-    LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_4x4: cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO4x4
-# get mcs vs tbsi map with 256-qam disabled(downlink)
-get_mcs_tbsi_map_dl = {
-    cmw500.ModulationType.QPSK: {
-        0: 0,
-        1: 1,
-        2: 2,
-        3: 3,
-        4: 4,
-        5: 5,
-        6: 6,
-        7: 7,
-        8: 8,
-        9: 9
-    },
-    cmw500.ModulationType.Q16: {
-        10: 9,
-        11: 10,
-        12: 11,
-        13: 12,
-        14: 13,
-        15: 14,
-        16: 15
-    },
-    cmw500.ModulationType.Q64: {
-        17: 15,
-        18: 16,
-        19: 17,
-        20: 18,
-        21: 19,
-        22: 20,
-        23: 21,
-        24: 22,
-        25: 23,
-        26: 24,
-        27: 25,
-        28: 26
-    }
-# get mcs vs tbsi map with 256-qam enabled(downlink)
-get_mcs_tbsi_map_for_256qam_dl = {
-    cmw500.ModulationType.QPSK: {
-        0: 0,
-        1: 2,
-        2: 4,
-        3: 6,
-        4: 8,
-    },
-    cmw500.ModulationType.Q16: {
-        5: 10,
-        6: 11,
-        7: 12,
-        8: 13,
-        9: 14,
-        10: 15
-    },
-    cmw500.ModulationType.Q64: {
-        11: 16,
-        12: 17,
-        13: 18,
-        14: 19,
-        15: 20,
-        16: 21,
-        17: 22,
-        18: 23,
-        19: 24
-    },
-    cmw500.ModulationType.Q256: {
-        20: 25,
-        21: 27,
-        22: 28,
-        23: 29,
-        24: 30,
-        25: 31,
-        26: 32,
-        27: 33
-    }
-# get mcs vs tbsi map (uplink)
-get_mcs_tbsi_map_ul = {
-    cmw500.ModulationType.QPSK: {
-        0: 0,
-        1: 1,
-        2: 2,
-        3: 3,
-        4: 4,
-        5: 5,
-        6: 6,
-        7: 7,
-        8: 8,
-        9: 9
-    },
-    cmw500.ModulationType.Q16: {
-        10: 10,
-        11: 10,
-        12: 11,
-        13: 12,
-        14: 13,
-        15: 14,
-        16: 15,
-        17: 16,
-        18: 17,
-        19: 18,
-        20: 19,
-        21: 19,
-        22: 20,
-        23: 21,
-        24: 22,
-        25: 23,
-        26: 24,
-        27: 25,
-        28: 26
-    }
-class CMW500CellularSimulator(cc.AbstractCellularSimulator):
-    """ A cellular simulator for telephony simulations based on the CMW 500
-    controller. """
-    # The maximum number of carriers that this simulator can support for LTE
-    def __init__(self, ip_address, port):
-        """ Initializes the cellular simulator.
-        Args:
-            ip_address: the ip address of the CMW500
-            port: the port number for the CMW500 controller
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        try:
-            self.cmw = cmw500.Cmw500(ip_address, port)
-        except cmw500.CmwError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('Could not connect to CMW500.')
-        self.bts = None
-        self.dl_modulation = None
-        self.ul_modulation = None
-    def destroy(self):
-        """ Sends finalization commands to the cellular equipment and closes
-        the connection. """
-        self.cmw.disconnect()
-    def setup_lte_scenario(self):
-        """ Configures the equipment for an LTE simulation. """
-        self.cmw.connection_type = cmw500.ConnectionType.DAU
-        self.bts = [self.cmw.get_base_station()]
-        self.cmw.switch_lte_signalling(cmw500.LteState.LTE_ON)
-    def set_band_combination(self, bands):
-        """ Prepares the test equipment for the indicated band combination.
-        Args:
-            bands: a list of bands represented as ints or strings
-        """
-        self.num_carriers = len(bands)
-    def set_lte_rrc_state_change_timer(self, enabled, time=10):
-        """ Configures the LTE RRC state change timer.
-        Args:
-            enabled: a boolean indicating if the timer should be on or off.
-            time: time in seconds for the timer to expire
-        """
-        if enabled:
-            self.cmw.rrc_connection = cmw500.RrcState.RRC_OFF
-            self.cmw.rrc_connection_timer = time
-        else:
-            self.cmw.rrc_connection = cmw500.RrcState.RRC_ON
-    def set_band(self, bts_index, band):
-        """ Sets the band for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            band: the new band
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        bts.duplex_mode = self.get_duplex_mode(band)
-        band = 'OB' + band
-        bts.band = band
-        self.log.debug('Band set to {}'.format(band))
-    def get_duplex_mode(self, band):
-        """ Determines if the band uses FDD or TDD duplex mode
-        Args:
-            band: a band number
-        Returns:
-            an variable of class DuplexMode indicating if band is FDD or TDD
-        """
-        if 33 <= int(band) <= 46:
-            return cmw500.DuplexMode.TDD
-        else:
-            return cmw500.DuplexMode.FDD
-    def set_input_power(self, bts_index, input_power):
-        """ Sets the input power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            input_power: the new input power
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        if input_power > 23:
-            self.log.warning('Open loop supports-50dBm to 23 dBm. '
-                             'Setting it to max power 23 dBm')
-            input_power = 23
-        bts.uplink_power_control = input_power
-        bts.tpc_power_control = cmw500.TpcPowerControl.CLOSED_LOOP
-        bts.tpc_closed_loop_target_power = input_power
-    def set_output_power(self, bts_index, output_power):
-        """ Sets the output power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            output_power: the new output power
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        bts.downlink_power_level = output_power
-    def set_tdd_config(self, bts_index, tdd_config):
-        """ Sets the tdd configuration number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            tdd_config: the new tdd configuration number
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].uldl_configuration = tdd_config
-    def set_ssf_config(self, bts_index, ssf_config):
-        """ Sets the Special Sub-Frame config number for the indicated
-        base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            ssf_config: the new ssf config number
-        """
-        if not 0 <= ssf_config <= 9:
-            raise ValueError('The Special Sub-Frame configuration has to be a '
-                             'number between 0 and 9.')
-        self.bts[bts_index].tdd_special_subframe = ssf_config
-    def set_bandwidth(self, bts_index, bandwidth):
-        """ Sets the bandwidth for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            bandwidth: the new bandwidth
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        if bandwidth == 20:
-            bts.bandwidth = cmw500.LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_20MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 15:
-            bts.bandwidth = cmw500.LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_15MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 10:
-            bts.bandwidth = cmw500.LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_10MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 5:
-            bts.bandwidth = cmw500.LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_5MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 3:
-            bts.bandwidth = cmw500.LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_3MHz
-        elif bandwidth == 1.4:
-            bts.bandwidth = cmw500.LteBandwidth.BANDWIDTH_1MHz
-        else:
-            msg = 'Bandwidth {} MHz is not valid for LTE'.format(bandwidth)
-            raise ValueError(msg)
-    def set_downlink_channel_number(self, bts_index, channel_number):
-        """ Sets the downlink channel number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            channel_number: the new channel number
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        bts.dl_channel = channel_number
-        self.log.debug('Downlink Channel set to {}'.format(bts.dl_channel))
-    def set_mimo_mode(self, bts_index, mimo_mode):
-        """ Sets the mimo mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mimo_mode: the new mimo mode
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        mimo_mode = CMW_MIMO_MAPPING[mimo_mode]
-        if mimo_mode == cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO1x1:
-            self.cmw.configure_mimo_settings(cmw500.MimoScenario.SCEN1x1)
-            bts.dl_antenna = cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO1x1
-        elif mimo_mode == cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO2x2:
-            self.cmw.configure_mimo_settings(cmw500.MimoScenario.SCEN2x2)
-            bts.dl_antenna = cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO2x2
-        elif mimo_mode == cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO4x4:
-            self.cmw.configure_mimo_settings(cmw500.MimoScenario.SCEN4x4)
-            bts.dl_antenna = cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO4x4
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError('The requested MIMO mode is not supported.')
-    def set_transmission_mode(self, bts_index, tmode):
-        """ Sets the transmission mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            tmode: the new transmission mode
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        tmode = CMW_TM_MAPPING[tmode]
-        if (tmode in [
-                cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM1, cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM7
-        ] and bts.dl_antenna == cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO1x1.value):
-            bts.transmode = tmode
-        elif (tmode.value in cmw500.TransmissionModes.__members__
-              and bts.dl_antenna == cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO2x2.value):
-            bts.transmode = tmode
-        elif (tmode in [
-                cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM2, cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM3,
-                cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM4, cmw500.TransmissionModes.TM9
-        ] and bts.dl_antenna == cmw500.MimoModes.MIMO4x4.value):
-            bts.transmode = tmode
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Transmission modes should support the current '
-                             'mimo mode')
-    def set_scheduling_mode(self,
-                            bts_index,
-                            scheduling,
-                            mcs_dl=None,
-                            mcs_ul=None,
-                            nrb_dl=None,
-                            nrb_ul=None):
-        """ Sets the scheduling mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            scheduling: the new scheduling mode.
-            mcs_dl: Downlink MCS.
-            mcs_ul: Uplink MCS.
-            nrb_dl: Number of RBs for downlink.
-            nrb_ul: Number of RBs for uplink.
-        """
-        bts = self.bts[bts_index]
-        bts.reduced_pdcch = cmw500.ReducedPdcch.ON
-        scheduling = CMW_SCH_MAPPING[scheduling]
-        bts.scheduling_mode = scheduling
-        if not (self.ul_modulation and self.dl_modulation):
-            raise ValueError('Modulation should be set prior to scheduling '
-                             'call')
-        if scheduling == cmw500.SchedulingMode.RMC:
-            if not nrb_ul and nrb_dl:
-                raise ValueError('nrb_ul and nrb dl should not be none')
-            bts.rb_configuration_ul = (nrb_ul, self.ul_modulation, 'KEEP')
-            self.log.info('ul rb configurations set to {}'.format(
-                bts.rb_configuration_ul))
-            time.sleep(1)
-            self.log.debug('Setting rb configurations for down link')
-            bts.rb_configuration_dl = (nrb_dl, self.dl_modulation, 'KEEP')
-            self.log.info('dl rb configurations set to {}'.format(
-                bts.rb_configuration_ul))
-        elif scheduling == cmw500.SchedulingMode.USERDEFINEDCH:
-            if not all([nrb_ul, nrb_dl, mcs_dl, mcs_ul]):
-                raise ValueError('All parameters are mandatory.')
-            tbs = get_mcs_tbsi_map_ul[self.ul_modulation][mcs_ul]
-            bts.rb_configuration_ul = (nrb_ul, 0, self.ul_modulation, tbs)
-            self.log.info('ul rb configurations set to {}'.format(
-                bts.rb_configuration_ul))
-            time.sleep(1)
-            if self.dl_256_qam_enabled:
-                tbs = get_mcs_tbsi_map_for_256qam_dl[
-                    self.dl_modulation][mcs_dl]
-            else:
-                tbs = get_mcs_tbsi_map_dl[self.dl_modulation][mcs_dl]
-            bts.rb_configuration_dl = (nrb_dl, 0, self.dl_modulation, tbs)
-            self.log.info('dl rb configurations set to {}'.format(
-                bts.rb_configuration_dl))
-    def set_dl_256_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the downlink.
-        This only saves the setting that will be used when configuring MCS.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 256 QAM should be used
-        """
-        self.log.info('Set 256 QAM DL MCS enabled: ' + str(enabled))
-        self.dl_modulation = cmw500.ModulationType.Q256 if enabled \
-            else cmw500.ModulationType.Q64
-        self.dl_256_qam_enabled = enabled
-    def set_ul_64_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the uplink.
-        This only saves the setting that will be used when configuring MCS.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 64 QAM should be used
-        """
-        self.log.info('Set 64 QAM UL MCS enabled: ' + str(enabled))
-        self.ul_modulation = cmw500.ModulationType.Q64 if enabled \
-            else cmw500.ModulationType.Q16
-        self.ul_64_qam_enabled = enabled
-    def set_mac_padding(self, bts_index, mac_padding):
-        """ Enables or disables MAC padding in the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mac_padding: the new MAC padding setting
-        """
-        # TODO (b/143918664): CMW500 doesn't have an equivalent setting.
-    def set_cfi(self, bts_index, cfi):
-        """ Sets the Channel Format Indicator for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cfi: the new CFI setting
-        """
-        # TODO (b/143497738): implement.
-        self.log.error('Setting CFI is not yet implemented in the CMW500 '
-                       'controller.')
-    def set_paging_cycle(self, bts_index, cycle_duration):
-        """ Sets the paging cycle duration for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cycle_duration: the new paging cycle duration in milliseconds
-        """
-        # TODO (b/146068532): implement.
-        self.log.error('Setting the paging cycle duration is not yet '
-                       'implemented in the CMW500 controller.')
-    def set_phich_resource(self, bts_index, phich):
-        """ Sets the PHICH Resource setting for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            phich: the new PHICH resource setting
-        """
-        self.log.error('Configuring the PHICH resource setting is not yet '
-                       'implemented in the CMW500 controller.')
-    def lte_attach_secondary_carriers(self, ue_capability_enquiry):
-        """ Activates the secondary carriers for CA. Requires the DUT to be
-        attached to the primary carrier first.
-        Args:
-            ue_capability_enquiry: UE capability enquiry message to be sent to
-        the UE before starting carrier aggregation.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def wait_until_attached(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is attached to the primary carrier.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.cmw.wait_for_attached_state(timeout=timeout)
-        except cmw500.CmwError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('The phone was not in '
-                                            'attached state before '
-                                            'the timeout period ended.')
-    def wait_until_communication_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Communication state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.cmw.wait_for_rrc_state(cmw500.LTE_CONN_RESP, timeout=timeout)
-        except cmw500.CmwError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('The phone was not in '
-                                            'Communication state before '
-                                            'the timeout period ended.')
-    def wait_until_idle_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Idle state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.cmw.wait_for_rrc_state(cmw500.LTE_IDLE_RESP, timeout=timeout)
-        except cmw500.CmwError:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('The phone was not in '
-                                            'Idle state before '
-                                            'the timeout period ended.')
-    def detach(self):
-        """ Turns off all the base stations so the DUT loose connection."""
-        self.cmw.detach()
-    def stop(self):
-        """ Stops current simulation. After calling this method, the simulator
-        will need to be set up again. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def start_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Starts transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def stop_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Stops transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
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deleted file mode 100644
index ebdc9f9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmx500.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1067 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import time
-import sys
-from enum import Enum
-from os import path
-from antlion.controllers import abstract_inst
-DEFAULT_XLAPI_PATH = '/home/mobileharness/Rohde-Schwarz/XLAPI/latest/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages'
-logger = logging.getLogger('Xlapi_cmx500')
-    'band',
-    'bandwidth',
-    'dl_earfcn',
-    'ul_earfcn',
-    'total_dl_power',
-    'p_b',
-    'dl_epre',
-    'ref_signal_power',
-    'm',
-    'beamforming_antenna_ports',
-    'p0_nominal_pusch',
-    (1.5, 6),
-    (4.0, 15),
-    (7.5, 25),
-    (12.5, 50),
-    (17.5, 75),
-class DciFormat(Enum):
-    """Support DCI Formats for MIMOs."""
-    DCI_FORMAT_0 = 1
-    DCI_FORMAT_1 = 2
-    DCI_FORMAT_1A = 3
-    DCI_FORMAT_1B = 4
-    DCI_FORMAT_1C = 5
-    DCI_FORMAT_2 = 6
-    DCI_FORMAT_2A = 7
-    DCI_FORMAT_2B = 8
-    DCI_FORMAT_2C = 9
-    DCI_FORMAT_2D = 10
-class DuplexMode(Enum):
-    """Duplex Modes."""
-    FDD = 'FDD'
-    TDD = 'TDD'
-    DL_ONLY = 'DL_ONLY'
-class LteBandwidth(Enum):
-    """Supported LTE bandwidths."""
-    BANDWIDTH_1MHz = 6 # MHZ_1 is RB_6
-    BANDWIDTH_3MHz = 15 # MHZ_3 is RB_15
-    BANDWIDTH_5MHz = 25 # MHZ_5 is RB_25
-    BANDWIDTH_10MHz = 50 # MHZ_10 is RB_50
-    BANDWIDTH_15MHz = 75 # MHZ_15 is RB_75
-    BANDWIDTH_20MHz = 100 # MHZ_20 is RB_100
-class LteState(Enum):
-    """LTE ON and OFF."""
-    LTE_ON = 'ON'
-    LTE_OFF = 'OFF'
-class MimoModes(Enum):
-    """MIMO Modes dl antennas."""
-    MIMO1x1 = 1
-    MIMO2x2 = 2
-    MIMO4x4 = 4
-class ModulationType(Enum):
-    """Supported Modulation Types."""
-    Q16 = 0
-    Q64 = 1
-    Q256 = 2
-class NasState(Enum):
-    """NAS state between callbox and dut."""
-class RrcState(Enum):
-    """States to enable/disable rrc."""
-    RRC_ON = 'ON'
-    RRC_OFF = 'OFF'
-class RrcConnectionState(Enum):
-    """RRC Connection states, describes possible DUT RRC connection states."""
-    IDLE = 1
-    IDLE_PAGING = 2
-    CONNECTED = 4
-class SchedulingMode(Enum):
-    """Supported scheduling modes."""
-class TransmissionModes(Enum):
-    """Supported transmission modes."""
-    TM1 = 1
-    TM2 = 2
-    TM3 = 3
-    TM4 = 4
-    TM7 = 7
-    TM8 = 8
-    TM9 = 9
-# For mimo 1x1, also set_num_crs_antenna_ports to 1
-    MimoModes.MIMO1x1: 2,
-    MimoModes.MIMO2x2: 2,
-    MimoModes.MIMO4x4: 4,
-class Cmx500(abstract_inst.SocketInstrument):
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr, port, xlapi_path=DEFAULT_XLAPI_PATH):
-        """Init method to setup variables for the controller.
-        Args:
-              ip_addr: Controller's ip address.
-              port: Port.
-        """
-        # keeps the socket connection for debug purpose for now
-        super().__init__(ip_addr, port)
-        if not xlapi_path in sys.path:
-            sys.path.insert(0, xlapi_path)
-        self._initial_xlapi()
-        self._settings.system.set_instrument_address(ip_addr)
-        logger.info('The instrument address is {}'.format(
-                self._settings.system.get_instrument_address()))
-        self.bts = []
-        # Stops all active cells if there is any
-        self.disconnect()
-        # loads cell default settings from parameter file if there is one
-        default_setup_path = 'default_cell_setup.rsxp'
-        if path.exists(default_setup_path):
-            self._settings.session.set_test_param_files(default_setup_path)
-        self.dut = self._network.get_dut()
-        self.lte_cell = self._network.create_lte_cell('ltecell0')
-        self.nr_cell = self._network.create_nr_cell('nrcell0')
-        self._config_antenna_ports()
-        self.lte_rrc_state_change_timer = DEFAULT_LTE_STATE_CHANGE_TIMER
-        self.rrc_state_change_time_enable = False
-        self.cell_switch_on_timer = DEFAULT_CELL_SWITCH_ON_TIMER
-    # _config_antenna_ports for the special RF connection with cmw500 + cmx500.
-    def _config_antenna_ports(self):
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.common import CsiRsAntennaPorts
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import CrsAntennaPorts
-        max_csi_rs_ports = CsiRsAntennaPorts.NUMBER_CSI_RS_ANTENNA_PORTS_FOUR
-        max_crs_ports = CrsAntennaPorts.NUMBER_CRS_ANTENNA_PORTS_FOUR
-        lte_cell_max_config = self.lte_cell.stub.GetMaximumConfiguration()
-        lte_cell_max_config.csi_rs_antenna_ports = max_csi_rs_ports
-        lte_cell_max_config.crs_antenna_ports = max_crs_ports
-        self.lte_cell.stub.SetMaximumConfiguration(lte_cell_max_config)
-        nr_cell_max_config = self.nr_cell.stub.GetMaximumConfiguration()
-        nr_cell_max_config.csi_rs_antenna_ports = max_csi_rs_ports
-        self.nr_cell.stub.SetMaximumConfiguration(nr_cell_max_config)
-    def _initial_xlapi(self):
-        import xlapi
-        import mrtype
-        from xlapi import network
-        from xlapi import settings
-        self._xlapi = xlapi
-        self._network = network
-        self._settings = settings
-    def configure_mimo_settings(self, mimo, bts_index=0):
-        """Sets the mimo scenario for the test.
-        Args:
-            mimo: mimo scenario to set.
-        """
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_mimo_mode(mimo)
-    @property
-    def connection_type(self):
-        """Gets the connection type applied in callbox."""
-        state = self.dut.state.rrc_connection_state
-        return RrcConnectionState(state.value)
-    def create_base_station(self, cell):
-        """Creates the base station object with cell and current object.
-        Args:
-            cell: the XLAPI cell.
-        Returns:
-            base station object.
-        Raise:
-            CmxError if the cell is neither LTE nor NR.
-        """
-        from xlapi.lte_cell import LteCell
-        from xlapi.nr_cell import NrCell
-        if isinstance(cell, LteCell):
-            return LteBaseStation(self, cell)
-        elif isinstance(cell, NrCell):
-            return NrBaseStation(self, cell)
-        else:
-            raise CmxError('The cell type is neither LTE nor NR')
-    def detach(self):
-        """Detach callbox and controller."""
-        for bts in self.bts:
-            bts.stop()
-    def disable_packet_switching(self):
-        """Disable packet switching in call box."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """Disconnect controller from device and switch to local mode."""
-        # Stops all lte and nr_cell
-        for cell in self._network.get_all_lte_cells():
-            if cell.is_on():
-                cell.stop()
-        for cell in self._network.get_all_nr_cells():
-            if cell.is_on():
-                cell.stop()
-        self.bts.clear()
-        self._network.reset()
-    def enable_packet_switching(self):
-        """Enable packet switching in call box."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_base_station(self, bts_index=0):
-        """Gets the base station object based on bts num. By default
-        bts_index set to 0 (PCC).
-        Args:
-            bts_num: base station identifier
-        Returns:
-            base station object.
-        """
-        return self.bts[bts_index]
-    def get_network(self):
-        """ Gets the network object from cmx500 object."""
-        return self._network
-    def init_lte_measurement(self):
-        """Gets the class object for lte measurement which can be used to
-        initiate measurements.
-        Returns:
-            lte measurement object.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def reset(self):
-        """System level reset."""
-        self.disconnect()
-    @property
-    def rrc_connection(self):
-        """Gets the RRC connection state."""
-        return self.dut.state.rrc.is_connected
-    def set_timer(self, timeout):
-        """Sets timer for the Cmx500 class."""
-        self.rrc_state_change_time_enable = True
-        self.lte_rrc_state_change_timer = timeout
-    def switch_lte_signalling(self, state):
-        """ Turns LTE signalling ON/OFF.
-        Args:
-            state: an instance of LteState indicating the state to which LTE
-                   signal has to be set.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(state, LteState):
-            raise ValueError('state should be the instance of LteState.')
-        if self.bts:
-            self.disconnect()
-        self.bts.append(LteBaseStation(self, self.lte_cell))
-        # Switch on the primary Lte cell for on state and switch all lte cells
-        # if the state is off state
-        if state.value == 'ON':
-            self.bts[0].start()
-            cell_status = self.bts[0].wait_cell_on(self.cell_switch_on_timer)
-            if cell_status:
-                logger.info('The LTE pcell status is on')
-            else:
-                raise CmxError('The LTE pcell cannot be switched on')
-        else:
-            for bts in self.bts:
-                if isinstance(bts, LteBaseStation):
-                    bts.stop()
-                logger.info(
-                    'The LTE cell status is {} after stop'.format(bts.is_on()))
-    def switch_on_nsa_signalling(self):
-        if self.bts:
-            self.disconnect()
-        logger.info('Switches on NSA signalling')
-        self.bts.append(LteBaseStation(self, self.lte_cell))
-        self.bts.append(NrBaseStation(self, self.nr_cell))
-        self.bts[0].start()
-        lte_cell_status = self.bts[0].wait_cell_on(self.cell_switch_on_timer)
-        if lte_cell_status:
-            logger.info('The LTE pcell status is on')
-        else:
-            raise CmxError('The LTE pcell cannot be switched on')
-        self.bts[1].start()
-        nr_cell_status = self.bts[1].wait_cell_on(self.cell_switch_on_timer)
-        if nr_cell_status:
-            logger.info('The NR cell status is on')
-        else:
-            raise CmxError('The NR cell cannot be switched on')
-    def update_lte_cell_config(self, config):
-        """Updates lte cell settings with config."""
-        set_counts = 0
-        for property in LTE_CELL_PROPERTIES:
-            if property in config:
-                setter_name = 'set_' + property
-                setter = getattr(self.lte_cell, setter_name)
-                setter(config[property])
-                set_counts += 1
-        if set_counts < len(config):
-            logger.warning('Not all configs were set in update_cell_config')
-    @property
-    def use_carrier_specific(self):
-        """Gets current status of carrier specific duplex configuration."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @use_carrier_specific.setter
-    def use_carrier_specific(self, state):
-        """Sets the carrier specific duplex configuration.
-        Args:
-            state: ON/OFF UCS configuration.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def wait_for_rrc_state(self, state, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until a certain RRC state is set.
-        Args:
-            state: the RRC state that is being waited for.
-            timeout: timeout for phone to be in connected state.
-        Raises:
-            CmxError on time out.
-        """
-        is_idle = (state.value == 'OFF')
-        for idx in range(timeout):
-            time.sleep(1)
-            if self.dut.state.rrc.is_idle == is_idle:
-                logger.info('{} reached at {} s'.format(state.value, idx))
-                return True
-        error_message = 'Waiting for {} state timeout after {}'.format(
-                state.value, timeout)
-        logger.error(error_message)
-        raise CmxError(error_message)
-    def wait_until_attached(self, timeout=120):
-        """Waits until Lte attached.
-        Args:
-            timeout: timeout for phone to get attached.
-        Raises:
-            CmxError on time out.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.dut.signaling.wait_for_lte_attach(self.lte_cell, timeout)
-        except:
-            raise CmxError(
-                    'wait_until_attached timeout after {}'.format(timeout))
-class BaseStation(object):
-    """Class to interact with different the base stations."""
-    def __init__(self, cmx, cell):
-        """Init method to setup variables for base station.
-        Args:
-            cmx: Controller (Cmx500) object.
-            cell: The cell for the base station.
-        """
-        self._cell = cell
-        self._cmx = cmx
-        self._cc = cmx.dut.cc(cell)
-        self._network = cmx.get_network()
-    @property
-    def band(self):
-        """Gets the current band of cell.
-        Return:
-            the band number in int.
-        """
-        cell_band = self._cell.get_band()
-        return int(cell_band)
-    @property
-    def dl_power(self):
-        """Gets RSPRE level.
-        Return:
-            the power level in dbm.
-        """
-        return self._cell.get_total_dl_power().in_dBm()
-    @property
-    def duplex_mode(self):
-        """Gets current duplex of cell."""
-        band = self._cell.get_band()
-        if band.is_fdd():
-            return DuplexMode.FDD
-        if band.is_tdd():
-            return DuplexMode.TDD
-        if band.is_dl_only():
-            return DuplexMode.DL_ONLY
-    def is_on(self):
-        """Verifies if the cell is turned on.
-            Return:
-                boolean (if the cell is on).
-        """
-        return self._cell.is_on()
-    def set_band(self, band):
-        """Sets the Band of cell.
-        Args:
-            band: band of cell.
-        """
-        self._cell.set_band(band)
-        logger.info('The band is set to {} and is {} after setting'.format(
-                band, self.band))
-    def set_dl_mac_padding(self, state):
-        """Enables/Disables downlink padding at the mac layer.
-        Args:
-            state: a boolean
-        """
-        self._cc.set_dl_mac_padding(state)
-    def set_dl_power(self, pwlevel):
-        """Modifies RSPRE level.
-        Args:
-            pwlevel: power level in dBm.
-        """
-        self._cell.set_total_dl_power(pwlevel)
-    def set_ul_power(self, ul_power):
-        """Sets ul power
-        Args:
-            ul_power: the uplink power in dbm
-        """
-        self._cc.set_target_ul_power(ul_power)
-    def start(self):
-        """Starts the cell."""
-        self._cell.start()
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops the cell."""
-        self._cell.stop()
-    def wait_cell_on(self, timeout):
-        """Waits the cell on.
-        Args:
-            timeout: the time for waiting the cell on.
-        Raises:
-            CmxError on time out.
-        """
-        waiting_time = 0
-        while waiting_time < timeout:
-            if self._cell.is_on():
-                return True
-            waiting_time += 1
-            time.sleep(1)
-        return self._cell.is_on()
-class LteBaseStation(BaseStation):
-    """ LTE base station."""
-    def __init__(self, cmx, cell):
-        """Init method to setup variables for the LTE base station.
-        Args:
-            cmx: Controller (Cmx500) object.
-            cell: The cell for the LTE base station.
-        """
-        from xlapi.lte_cell import LteCell
-        if not isinstance(cell, LteCell):
-            raise CmxError('The cell is not a LTE cell, LTE base station  fails'
-                           ' to create.')
-        super().__init__(cmx, cell)
-    def _config_scheduler(self, dl_mcs=None, dl_rb_alloc=None, dl_dci_ncce=None,
-        dl_dci_format=None, dl_tm=None, dl_num_layers=None, dl_mcs_table=None,
-        ul_mcs=None, ul_rb_alloc=None, ul_dci_ncce=None):
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import DciFormat
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import DlTransmissionMode
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import MaxLayersMIMO
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import McsTable
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import PdcchFormat
-        log_list = []
-        if dl_mcs:
-            log_list.append('dl_mcs: {}'.format(dl_mcs))
-        if ul_mcs:
-            log_list.append('ul_mcs: {}'.format(ul_mcs))
-        if dl_rb_alloc:
-            log_list.append('dl_rb_alloc: {}'.format(dl_rb_alloc))
-        if ul_rb_alloc:
-            log_list.append('ul_rb_alloc: {}'.format(ul_rb_alloc))
-        if dl_dci_ncce:
-            dl_dci_ncce = PdcchFormat(dl_dci_ncce)
-            log_list.append('dl_dci_ncce: {}'.format(dl_dci_ncce))
-        if ul_dci_ncce:
-            ul_dci_ncce = PdcchFormat(ul_dci_ncce)
-            log_list.append('ul_dci_ncce: {}'.format(ul_dci_ncce))
-        if dl_dci_format:
-            dl_dci_format = DciFormat(dl_dci_format)
-            log_list.append('dl_dci_format: {}'.format(dl_dci_format))
-        if dl_tm:
-            dl_tm = DlTransmissionMode(dl_tm.value)
-            log_list.append('dl_tm: {}'.format(dl_tm))
-        if dl_num_layers:
-            dl_num_layers = MaxLayersMIMO(dl_num_layers)
-            log_list.append('dl_num_layers: {}'.format(dl_num_layers))
-        if dl_mcs_table:
-            dl_mcs_table = McsTable(dl_mcs_table)
-            log_list.append('dl_mcs_table: {}'.format(dl_mcs_table))
-        is_on = self._cell.is_on()
-        num_crs_antenna_ports = self._cell.get_num_crs_antenna_ports()
-        # Sets num of crs antenna ports to 4 for configuring
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.stop()
-            time.sleep(1)
-        self._cell.set_num_crs_antenna_ports(4)
-        scheduler = self._cmx.dut.get_scheduler(self._cell)
-        logger.info('configure scheduler for {}'.format(','.join(log_list)))
-        scheduler.configure_scheduler(
-                dl_mcs=dl_mcs, dl_rb_alloc=dl_rb_alloc, dl_dci_ncce=dl_dci_ncce,
-                dl_dci_format=dl_dci_format, dl_tm=dl_tm,
-                dl_num_layers=dl_num_layers, dl_mcs_table=dl_mcs_table,
-                ul_mcs=ul_mcs, ul_rb_alloc=ul_rb_alloc, ul_dci_ncce=ul_dci_ncce)
-        logger.info('Configure scheduler succeeds')
-        # Sets num of crs antenna ports back to previous value
-        self._cell.set_num_crs_antenna_ports(num_crs_antenna_ports)
-        self._network.apply_changes()
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.start()
-    @property
-    def bandwidth(self):
-        """Get the channel bandwidth of the cell.
-        Return:
-            the number rb of the bandwidth.
-        """
-        return self._cell.get_bandwidth().num_rb
-    @property
-    def dl_channel(self):
-        """Gets the downlink channel of cell.
-        Return:
-            the downlink channel (earfcn) in int.
-        """
-        return int(self._cell.get_dl_earfcn())
-    @property
-    def dl_frequency(self):
-        """Get the downlink frequency of the cell."""
-        from mrtype.frequency import Frequency
-        return self._cell.get_dl_earfcn().to_freq().in_units(
-                Frequency.Units.GHz)
-    def _to_rb_bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
-        for idx in range(5):
-            if bandwidth < LTE_MHZ_UPPER_BOUND_TO_RB[idx][0]:
-                return LTE_MHZ_UPPER_BOUND_TO_RB[idx][1]
-        return 100
-    def set_bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
-        """Sets the channel bandwidth of the cell.
-        Args:
-            bandwidth: channel bandwidth of cell in MHz.
-        """
-        self._cell.set_bandwidth(self._to_rb_bandwidth(bandwidth))
-    def set_cell_frequency_band(self, tdd_cfg=None, ssf_cfg=None):
-        """Sets cell frequency band with tdd and ssf config.
-        Args:
-            tdd_cfg: the tdd subframe assignment config in number (from 0-6).
-            ssf_cfg: the special subframe pattern config in number (from 1-9).
-        """
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import SpecialSubframePattern
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import SubFrameAssignment
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte.config import CellFrequencyBand
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte.config import Tdd
-        tdd_subframe = None
-        ssf_pattern = None
-        if tdd_cfg:
-            tdd_subframe = SubFrameAssignment(tdd_cfg + 1)
-        if ssf_cfg:
-            ssf_pattern = SpecialSubframePattern(ssf_cfg)
-        tdd = Tdd(tdd_config=Tdd.TddConfigSignaling(
-                subframe_assignment=tdd_subframe,
-                special_subframe_pattern=ssf_pattern))
-        self._cell.stub.SetCellFrequencyBand(CellFrequencyBand(tdd=tdd))
-        self._network.apply_changes()
-    def set_cfi(self, cfi):
-        """Sets number of pdcch symbols (cfi).
-        Args:
-            cfi: the value of NumberOfPdcchSymbols
-        """
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte import NumberOfPdcchSymbols
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.lte.config import PdcchRegionReq
-        logger.info('The cfi enum to set is {}'.format(
-                NumberOfPdcchSymbols(cfi)))
-        req = PdcchRegionReq()
-        req.num_pdcch_symbols = NumberOfPdcchSymbols(cfi)
-        self._cell.stub.SetPdcchControlRegion(req)
-    def set_dci_format(self, dci_format):
-        """Selects the downlink control information (DCI) format.
-        Args:
-            dci_format: supported dci.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(dci_format, DciFormat):
-            raise CmxError('Wrong type for dci_format')
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_dci_format=dci_format.value)
-    def set_dl_channel(self, channel):
-        """Sets the downlink channel number of cell.
-        Args:
-            channel: downlink channel number of cell.
-        """
-        if self.dl_channel == channel:
-            logger.info('The dl_channel was at {}'.format(self.dl_channel))
-            return
-        self._cell.set_earfcn(channel)
-        logger.info('The dl_channel was set to {}'.format(self.dl_channel))
-    def set_dl_modulation_table(self, modulation):
-        """Sets down link modulation table.
-        Args:
-            modulation: modulation table setting (ModulationType).
-        """
-        if not isinstance(modulation, ModulationType):
-            raise CmxError('The modulation is not the type of Modulation')
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_mcs_table=modulation.value)
-    def set_mimo_mode(self, mimo):
-        """Sets mimo mode for Lte scenario.
-        Args:
-            mimo: the mimo mode.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(mimo, MimoModes):
-            raise CmxError("Wrong type of mimo mode")
-        is_on = self._cell.is_on()
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.stop()
-        self._cell.set_num_crs_antenna_ports(mimo.value)
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_num_layers=MIMO_MAX_LAYER_MAPPING[mimo])
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.start()
-    def set_scheduling_mode(
-        self, mcs_dl=None, mcs_ul=None, nrb_dl=None, nrb_ul=None):
-        """Sets scheduling mode.
-        Args:
-            scheduling: the new scheduling mode.
-            mcs_dl: Downlink MCS.
-            mcs_ul: Uplink MCS.
-            nrb_dl: Number of RBs for downlink.
-            nrb_ul: Number of RBs for uplink.
-        """
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_mcs=mcs_dl, ul_mcs=mcs_ul, dl_rb_alloc=nrb_dl,
-                ul_rb_alloc=nrb_ul)
-    def set_ssf_config(self, ssf_config):
-        """Sets ssf subframe assignment with tdd_config.
-        Args:
-            ssf_config: the special subframe pattern config (from 1-9).
-        """
-        self.set_cell_frequency_band(ssf_cfg=ssf_config)
-    def set_tdd_config(self, tdd_config):
-        """Sets tdd subframe assignment with tdd_config.
-        Args:
-            tdd_config: the subframe assignemnt config (from 0-6).
-        """
-        self.set_cell_frequency_band(tdd_cfg=tdd_config)
-    def set_transmission_mode(self, transmission_mode):
-        """Sets transmission mode with schedular.
-        Args:
-            transmission_mode: the download link transmission mode.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(transmission_mode, TransmissionModes):
-            raise CmxError('Wrong type of the trasmission mode')
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_tm=transmission_mode)
-    def set_ul_channel(self, channel):
-        """Sets the up link channel number of cell.
-        Args:
-            channel: up link channel number of cell.
-        """
-        if self.ul_channel == channel:
-            logger.info('The ul_channel is at {}'.format(self.ul_channel))
-            return
-        self._cell.set_earfcn(channel)
-        logger.info('The dl_channel was set to {}'.format(self.ul_channel))
-    @property
-    def ul_channel(self):
-        """Gets the uplink channel of cell.
-        Return:
-            the uplink channel (earfcn) in int
-        """
-        return int(self._cell.get_ul_earfcn())
-    @property
-    def ul_frequency(self):
-        """Get the uplink frequency of the cell.
-        Return:
-            The uplink frequency in GHz.
-        """
-        from mrtype.frequency import Frequency
-        return self._cell.get_ul_earfcn().to_freq().in_units(
-                Frequency.Units.GHz)
-    def set_ul_modulation_table(self, modulation):
-        """Sets up link modulation table.
-        Args:
-            modulation: modulation table setting (ModulationType).
-        """
-        if not isinstance(modulation, ModulationType):
-            raise CmxError('The modulation is not the type of Modulation')
-        if modulation == ModulationType.Q16:
-            self._cell.stub.SetPuschCommonConfig(False)
-        else:
-            self._cell.stub.SetPuschCommonConfig(True)
-class NrBaseStation(BaseStation):
-    """ NR base station."""
-    def __init__(self, cmx, cell):
-        """Init method to setup variables for the NR base station.
-        Args:
-            cmx: Controller (Cmx500) object.
-            cell: The cell for the NR base station.
-        """
-        from xlapi.nr_cell import NrCell
-        if not isinstance(cell, NrCell):
-            raise CmxError('the cell is not a NR cell, NR base station  fails'
-                           ' to creat.')
-        super().__init__(cmx, cell)
-    def _config_scheduler(self, dl_mcs=None, dl_mcs_table=None,
-                          dl_rb_alloc=None, dl_mimo_mode=None,
-                          ul_mcs=None, ul_mcs_table=None, ul_rb_alloc=None,
-                          ul_mimo_mode=None):
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.nr import McsTable
-        log_list = []
-        if dl_mcs:
-            log_list.append('dl_mcs: {}'.format(dl_mcs))
-        if ul_mcs:
-            log_list.append('ul_mcs: {}'.format(ul_mcs))
-        # If rb alloc is not a tuple, add 0 as start RBs for XLAPI NR scheduler
-        if dl_rb_alloc:
-            if not isinstance(dl_rb_alloc, tuple):
-                dl_rb_alloc = (0, dl_rb_alloc)
-            log_list.append('dl_rb_alloc: {}'.format(dl_rb_alloc))
-        if ul_rb_alloc:
-            if not isinstance(ul_rb_alloc, tuple):
-                ul_rb_alloc = (0, ul_rb_alloc)
-            log_list.append('ul_rb_alloc: {}'.format(ul_rb_alloc))
-        if dl_mcs_table:
-            dl_mcs_table = McsTable(dl_mcs_table)
-            log_list.append('dl_mcs_table: {}'.format(dl_mcs_table))
-        if ul_mcs_table:
-            ul_mcs_table = McsTable(ul_mcs_table)
-            log_list.append('ul_mcs_table: {}'.format(ul_mcs_table))
-        if dl_mimo_mode:
-            log_list.append('dl_mimo_mode: {}'.format(dl_mimo_mode))
-        if ul_mimo_mode:
-            log_list.append('ul_mimo_mode: {}'.format(ul_mimo_mode))
-        is_on = self._cell.is_on()
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.stop()
-            time.sleep(1)
-        scheduler = self._cmx.dut.get_scheduler(self._cell)
-        logger.info('configure scheduler for {}'.format(','.join(log_list)))
-        scheduler.configure_ue_scheduler(
-                dl_mcs=dl_mcs, dl_mcs_table=dl_mcs_table,
-                dl_rb_alloc=dl_rb_alloc, dl_mimo_mode=dl_mimo_mode,
-                ul_mcs=ul_mcs, ul_mcs_table=ul_mcs_table,
-                ul_rb_alloc=ul_rb_alloc, ul_mimo_mode=ul_mimo_mode)
-        logger.info('Configure scheduler succeeds')
-        self._network.apply_changes()
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.start()
-    def attach_as_secondary_cell(self, endc_timer=DEFAULT_ENDC_TIMER):
-        """Enable endc mode for NR cell.
-        Args:
-            endc_timer: timeout for endc state
-        """
-        logger.info('enable endc mode for nsa dual connection')
-        self._cmx.dut.signaling.nsa_dual_connect(self._cell)
-        time_count = 0
-        while time_count < endc_timer:
-            if str(self._cmx.dut.state.radio_connectivity) == \
-                    'RadioConnectivityMode.EPS_LTE_NR':
-                logger.info('enter endc mode')
-                return
-            time.sleep(1)
-            time_count += 1
-            if time_count % 30 == 0:
-                logger.info('did not reach endc at {} s'.format(time_count))
-        raise CmxError('Cannot reach endc after {} s'.format(endc_timer))
-    @property
-    def dl_channel(self):
-        """Gets the downlink channel of cell.
-        Return:
-            the downlink channel (nr_arfcn) in int.
-        """
-        return int(self._cell.get_dl_ref_a())
-    def _bandwidth_to_carrier_bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
-        """Converts bandwidth in MHz to CarrierBandwidth.
-            CarrierBandwidth Enum in XLAPI:
-                MHZ_5 = 0
-                MHZ_10 = 1
-                MHZ_15 = 2
-                MHZ_20 = 3
-                MHZ_25 = 4
-                MHZ_30 = 5
-                MHZ_40 = 6
-                MHZ_50 = 7
-                MHZ_60 = 8
-                MHZ_70 = 9
-                MHZ_80 = 10
-                MHZ_90 = 11
-                MHZ_100 = 12
-                MHZ_200 = 13
-                MHZ_400 = 14
-        Args:
-            bandwidth: channel bandwidth in MHz.
-        Return:
-            the corresponding NR Carrier Bandwidth.
-        """
-        from mrtype.nr.frequency import CarrierBandwidth
-        if bandwidth > 100:
-            return CarrierBandwidth(12 + bandwidth // 200)
-        elif bandwidth > 30:
-            return CarrierBandwidth(2 + bandwidth // 10)
-        else:
-            return CarrierBandwidth(bandwidth // 5 - 1)
-    def set_bandwidth(self, bandwidth, scs=None):
-        """Sets the channel bandwidth of the cell.
-        Args:
-            bandwidth: channel bandwidth of cell.
-            scs: subcarrier spacing (SCS) of resource grid 0
-        """
-        if not scs:
-            scs = self._cell.get_scs()
-        self._cell.set_carrier_bandwidth_and_scs(
-                self._bandwidth_to_carrier_bandwidth(bandwidth), scs)
-        logger.info('The bandwidth in MHz is {}. After setting, the value is {}'
-                    .format(bandwidth, str(self._cell.get_carrier_bandwidth())))
-    def set_dl_channel(self, channel):
-        """Sets the downlink channel number of cell.
-        Args:
-            channel: downlink channel number of cell.
-        """
-        from mrtype.nr.frequency import NrArfcn
-        if self.dl_channel == channel:
-            logger.info('The dl_channel was at {}'.format(self.dl_channel))
-            return
-        self._cell.set_dl_ref_a_offset(self.band, NrArfcn(channel))
-        logger.info('The dl_channel was set to {}'.format(self.dl_channel))
-    def set_dl_modulation_table(self, modulation):
-        """Sets down link modulation table.
-        Args:
-            modulation: modulation table setting (ModulationType).
-        """
-        if not isinstance(modulation, ModulationType):
-            raise CmxError('The modulation is not the type of Modulation')
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_mcs_table=modulation.value)
-    def set_mimo_mode(self, mimo):
-        """Sets mimo mode for NR nsa scenario.
-        Args:
-            mimo: the mimo mode.
-        """
-        from rs_mrt.testenvironment.signaling.sri.rat.nr import DownlinkMimoMode
-        if not isinstance(mimo, MimoModes):
-            raise CmxError("Wrong type of mimo mode")
-        is_on = self._cell.is_on()
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.stop()
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_mimo_mode=DownlinkMimoMode.Enum(mimo.value))
-        if is_on:
-            self._cell.start()
-    def set_scheduling_mode(
-        self, mcs_dl=None, mcs_ul=None, nrb_dl=None, nrb_ul=None):
-        """Sets scheduling mode.
-        Args:
-            mcs_dl: Downlink MCS.
-            mcs_ul: Uplink MCS.
-            nrb_dl: Number of RBs for downlink.
-            nrb_ul: Number of RBs for uplink.
-        """
-        self._config_scheduler(dl_mcs=mcs_dl, ul_mcs=mcs_ul, dl_rb_alloc=nrb_dl,
-                ul_rb_alloc=nrb_ul)
-    def set_ssf_config(self, ssf_config):
-        """Sets ssf subframe assignment with tdd_config.
-        Args:
-            ssf_config: the special subframe pattern config (from 1-9).
-        """
-        raise CmxError('the set ssf config for nr did not implemente yet')
-    def set_tdd_config(self, tdd_config):
-        """Sets tdd subframe assignment with tdd_config.
-        Args:
-            tdd_config: the subframe assignemnt config (from 0-6).
-        """
-        raise CmxError('the set tdd config for nr did not implemente yet')
-    def set_transmission_mode(self, transmission_mode):
-        """Sets transmission mode with schedular.
-        Args:
-            transmission_mode: the download link transmission mode.
-        """
-        logger.info('The set transmission mode for nr is set by mimo mode')
-    def set_ul_modulation_table(self, modulation):
-        """Sets down link modulation table.
-        Args:
-            modulation: modulation table setting (ModulationType).
-        """
-        if not isinstance(modulation, ModulationType):
-            raise CmxError('The modulation is not the type of Modulation')
-        self._config_scheduler(ul_mcs_table=modulation.value)
-class CmxError(Exception):
-    """Class to raise exceptions related to cmx."""
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmx500_cellular_simulator.py b/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmx500_cellular_simulator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a7871..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/cmx500_cellular_simulator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib import cmx500
-from antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib.cmx500 import LteBandwidth
-from antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib.cmx500 import LteState
-from antlion.controllers import cellular_simulator as cc
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib import LteSimulation
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM1: cmx500.TransmissionModes.TM1,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM2: cmx500.TransmissionModes.TM2,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM3: cmx500.TransmissionModes.TM3,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM4: cmx500.TransmissionModes.TM4,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM7: cmx500.TransmissionModes.TM7,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM8: cmx500.TransmissionModes.TM8,
-    LteSimulation.TransmissionMode.TM9: cmx500.TransmissionModes.TM9,
-    LteSimulation.SchedulingMode.STATIC: cmx500.SchedulingMode.USERDEFINEDCH
-    LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_1x1: cmx500.MimoModes.MIMO1x1,
-    LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_2x2: cmx500.MimoModes.MIMO2x2,
-    LteSimulation.MimoMode.MIMO_4x4: cmx500.MimoModes.MIMO4x4,
-class CMX500CellularSimulator(cc.AbstractCellularSimulator):
-    """ A cellular simulator for telephony simulations based on the CMX 500
-    controller. """
-    def __init__(self, ip_address, port='5025'):
-        """ Initializes the cellular simulator.
-        Args:
-            ip_address: the ip address of the CMX500
-            port: the port number for the CMX500 controller
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        try:
-            self.cmx = cmx500.Cmx500(ip_address, port)
-        except:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError('Error when Initializes CMX500.')
-        self.bts = self.cmx.bts
-    def destroy(self):
-        """ Sends finalization commands to the cellular equipment and closes
-        the connection. """
-        self.log.info('destroy the cmx500 simulator')
-        self.cmx.disconnect()
-    def setup_lte_scenario(self):
-        """ Configures the equipment for an LTE simulation. """
-        self.log.info('setup lte scenario')
-        self.cmx.switch_lte_signalling(cmx500.LteState.LTE_ON)
-    def setup_nr_sa_scenario(self):
-        """ Configures the equipment for an NR stand alone simulation. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def setup_nr_nsa_scenario(self):
-        """ Configures the equipment for an NR non stand alone simulation. """
-        self.log.info('setup nsa scenario (start lte cell and nr cell')
-        self.cmx.switch_on_nsa_signalling()
-    def set_band_combination(self, bands):
-        """ Prepares the test equipment for the indicated band combination.
-        Args:
-            bands: a list of bands represented as ints or strings
-        """
-        self.num_carriers = len(bands)
-    def set_lte_rrc_state_change_timer(self, enabled, time=10):
-        """ Configures the LTE RRC state change timer.
-        Args:
-            enabled: a boolean indicating if the timer should be on or off.
-            time: time in seconds for the timer to expire
-        """
-        self.log.info('set timer enabled to {} and the time to {}'.format(
-            enabled, time))
-        self.cmx.rrc_state_change_time_enable = enabled
-        self.cmx.lte_rrc_state_change_timer = time
-    def set_band(self, bts_index, band):
-        """ Sets the band for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            band: the new band
-        """
-        self.log.info('set band to {}'.format(band))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_band(int(band))
-    def get_duplex_mode(self, band):
-        """ Determines if the band uses FDD or TDD duplex mode
-        Args:
-            band: a band number
-        Returns:
-            an variable of class DuplexMode indicating if band is FDD or TDD
-        """
-        if 33 <= int(band) <= 46:
-            return cmx500.DuplexMode.TDD
-        else:
-            return cmx500.DuplexMode.FDD
-    def set_input_power(self, bts_index, input_power):
-        """ Sets the input power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            input_power: the new input power
-        """
-        if input_power > 23:
-            self.log.warning('Open loop supports -50dBm to 23 dBm. '
-                             'Setting it to max power 23 dBm')
-            input_power = 23
-        self.log.info('set input power to {}'.format(input_power))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_ul_power(input_power)
-    def set_output_power(self, bts_index, output_power):
-        """ Sets the output power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            output_power: the new output power
-        """
-        self.log.info('set output power to {}'.format(output_power))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_dl_power(output_power)
-    def set_tdd_config(self, bts_index, tdd_config):
-        """ Sets the tdd configuration number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            tdd_config: the new tdd configuration number (from 0 to 6)
-        """
-        self.log.info('set tdd config to {}'.format(tdd_config))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_tdd_config(tdd_config)
-    def set_ssf_config(self, bts_index, ssf_config):
-        """ Sets the Special Sub-Frame config number for the indicated
-        base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            ssf_config: the new ssf config number (from 0 to 9)
-        """
-        self.log.info('set ssf config to {}'.format(ssf_config))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_ssf_config(ssf_config)
-    def set_bandwidth(self, bts_index, bandwidth):
-        """ Sets the bandwidth for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            bandwidth: the new bandwidth in MHz
-        """
-        self.log.info('set bandwidth of bts {} to {}'.format(
-            bts_index, bandwidth))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_bandwidth(int(bandwidth))
-    def set_downlink_channel_number(self, bts_index, channel_number):
-        """ Sets the downlink channel number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            channel_number: the new channel number (earfcn)
-        """
-        self.log.info(
-            'Sets the downlink channel number to {}'.format(channel_number))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_dl_channel(channel_number)
-    def set_mimo_mode(self, bts_index, mimo_mode):
-        """ Sets the mimo mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mimo_mode: the new mimo mode
-        """
-        self.log.info('set mimo mode to {}'.format(mimo_mode))
-        mimo_mode = CMX_MIMO_MAPPING[mimo_mode]
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_mimo_mode(mimo_mode)
-    def set_transmission_mode(self, bts_index, tmode):
-        """ Sets the transmission mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            tmode: the new transmission mode
-        """
-        self.log.info('set TransmissionMode to {}'.format(tmode))
-        tmode = CMX_TM_MAPPING[tmode]
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_transmission_mode(tmode)
-    def set_scheduling_mode(self,
-                            bts_index,
-                            scheduling,
-                            mcs_dl=None,
-                            mcs_ul=None,
-                            nrb_dl=None,
-                            nrb_ul=None):
-        """ Sets the scheduling mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            scheduling: the new scheduling mode.
-            mcs_dl: Downlink MCS.
-            mcs_ul: Uplink MCS.
-            nrb_dl: Number of RBs for downlink.
-            nrb_ul: Number of RBs for uplink.
-        """
-        if scheduling not in CMX_SCH_MAPPING:
-            raise cc.CellularSimulatorError(
-                "This scheduling mode is not supported")
-        log_list = []
-        if mcs_dl:
-            log_list.append('mcs_dl: {}'.format(mcs_dl))
-        if mcs_ul:
-            log_list.append('mcs_ul: {}'.format(mcs_ul))
-        if nrb_dl:
-            log_list.append('nrb_dl: {}'.format(nrb_dl))
-        if nrb_ul:
-            log_list.append('nrb_ul: {}'.format(nrb_ul))
-        self.log.info('set scheduling mode to {}'.format(','.join(log_list)))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_scheduling_mode(mcs_dl=mcs_dl,
-                                                mcs_ul=mcs_ul,
-                                                nrb_dl=nrb_dl,
-                                                nrb_ul=nrb_ul)
-    def set_dl_256_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the downlink.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 256 QAM should be used
-        """
-        self.log.info('Set 256 QAM DL MCS enabled: ' + str(enabled))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_dl_modulation_table(
-            cmx500.ModulationType.Q256 if enabled else cmx500.ModulationType.
-            Q64)
-    def set_ul_64_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """ Determines what MCS table should be used for the uplink.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            enabled: whether 64 QAM should be used
-        """
-        self.log.info('Set 64 QAM UL MCS enabled: ' + str(enabled))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_ul_modulation_table(
-            cmx500.ModulationType.Q64 if enabled else cmx500.ModulationType.Q16
-        )
-    def set_mac_padding(self, bts_index, mac_padding):
-        """ Enables or disables MAC padding in the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mac_padding: the new MAC padding setting
-        """
-        self.log.info('set mac pad on {}'.format(mac_padding))
-        self.bts[bts_index].set_dl_mac_padding(mac_padding)
-    def set_cfi(self, bts_index, cfi):
-        """ Sets the Channel Format Indicator for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cfi: the new CFI setting
-        """
-        if cfi == 'BESTEFFORT':
-            self.log.info('The cfi is BESTEFFORT, use default value')
-            return
-        try:
-            index = int(cfi) + 1
-        except Exception as e:
-            index = 1
-        finally:
-            self.log.info('set the cfi and the cfi index is {}'.format(index))
-            self.bts[bts_index].set_cfi(index)
-    def set_paging_cycle(self, bts_index, cycle_duration):
-        """ Sets the paging cycle duration for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            cycle_duration: the new paging cycle duration in milliseconds
-        """
-        self.log.warning('The set_paging_cycle method is not implememted, '
-                         'use default value')
-    def set_phich_resource(self, bts_index, phich):
-        """ Sets the PHICH Resource setting for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            phich: the new PHICH resource setting
-        """
-        self.log.warning('The set_phich_resource method is not implememted, '
-                         'use default value')
-    def lte_attach_secondary_carriers(self, ue_capability_enquiry):
-        """ Activates the secondary carriers for CA. Requires the DUT to be
-        attached to the primary carrier first.
-        Args:
-            ue_capability_enquiry: UE capability enquiry message to be sent to
-        the UE before starting carrier aggregation.
-        """
-        self.wait_until_communication_state()
-        self.bts[1].attach_as_secondary_cell()
-    def wait_until_attached(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is attached to the primary carrier.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        self.log.info('wait until attached')
-        self.cmx.wait_until_attached(timeout)
-    def wait_until_communication_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Communication state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        Return:
-            True if cmx reach rrc state within timeout
-        Raise:
-            CmxError if tiemout
-        """
-        self.log.info('wait for rrc on state')
-        return self.cmx.wait_for_rrc_state(cmx500.RrcState.RRC_ON, timeout)
-    def wait_until_idle_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """ Waits until the DUT is in Idle state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        Return:
-            True if cmx reach rrc state within timeout
-        Raise:
-            CmxError if tiemout
-        """
-        self.log.info('wait for rrc off state')
-        return self.cmx.wait_for_rrc_state(cmx500.RrcState.RRC_OFF, timeout)
-    def detach(self):
-        """ Turns off all the base stations so the DUT loose connection."""
-        self.log.info('Bypass simulator detach step for now')
-    def stop(self):
-        """ Stops current simulation. After calling this method, the simulator
-        will need to be set up again. """
-        self.log.info('Stops current simulation and disconnect cmx500')
-        self.cmx.disconnect()
-    def start_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Starts transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        self.log.warning('The start_data_traffic is not implemented yet')
-    def stop_data_traffic(self):
-        """ Stops transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        self.log.warning('The stop_data_traffic is not implemented yet')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/contest.py b/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/contest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 39308e9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/contest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from zeep import client
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-import requests
-import asyncio
-import time
-import threading
-import re
-import os
-import logging
-class Contest(object):
-    """ Controller interface for Rohde Schwarz CONTEST sequencer software. """
-    # Remote Server parameter / operation names
-    TESTPLAN_PARAM = 'Testplan'
-    TESTPLAN_VERSION_PARAM = 'TestplanVersion'
-    KEEP_ALIVE_PARAM = 'KeepContestAlive'
-    # Results dictionary keys
-    POS_ERROR_KEY = 'pos_error'
-    TTFF_KEY = 'ttff'
-    SENSITIVITY_KEY = 'sensitivity'
-    # Waiting times
-    # Maximum number of times to retry if the Contest system is not responding
-    # Root directory for the FTP server in the remote computer
-    FTP_ROOT = 'D:\\Logs\\'
-    def __init__(self, logger, remote_ip, remote_port, automation_listen_ip,
-                 automation_port, dut_on_func, dut_off_func, ftp_usr, ftp_pwd):
-        """
-        Initializes the Contest software controller.
-        Args:
-            logger: a logger handle.
-            remote_ip: the Remote Server's IP address.
-            remote_port: port number used by the Remote Server.
-            automation_listen_ip: local IP address in which to listen for
-                Automation Server connections.
-            automation_port: port used for Contest's DUT automation requests.
-            dut_on_func: function to turn the DUT on.
-            dut_off_func: function to turn the DUT off.
-            ftp_usr: username to login to the FTP server on the remote host
-            ftp_pwd: password to authenticate ftp_user in the ftp server
-        """
-        self.log = logger
-        self.ftp_user = ftp_usr
-        self.ftp_pass = ftp_pwd
-        self.remote_server_ip = remote_ip
-        server_url = 'http://{}:{}/RemoteServer'.format(remote_ip, remote_port)
-        # Initialize the SOAP client to interact with Contest's Remote Server
-        try:
-            self.soap_client = client.Client(server_url + '/RemoteServer?wsdl')
-        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
-            self.log.error('Could not connect to the remote endpoint. Is '
-                           'Remote Server running on the Windows computer?')
-            raise
-        # Assign a value to asyncio_loop in case the automation server is not
-        # started
-        self.asyncio_loop = None
-        # Start the automation server if an IP and port number were passed
-        if automation_listen_ip and automation_port:
-            self.start_automation_server(automation_port, automation_listen_ip,
-                                         dut_on_func, dut_off_func)
-    def start_automation_server(self, automation_port, automation_listen_ip,
-                                dut_on_func, dut_off_func):
-        """ Starts the Automation server in a separate process.
-        Args:
-            automation_listen_ip: local IP address in which to listen for
-                Automation Server connections.
-            automation_port: port used for Contest's DUT automation requests.
-            dut_on_func: function to turn the DUT on.
-            dut_off_func: function to turn the DUT off.
-        """
-        # Start an asyncio event loop to run the automation server
-        self.asyncio_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
-        # Start listening for automation requests on a separate thread. This
-        # will start a new thread in which a socket will listen for incoming
-        # connections and react to Contest's automation commands
-        def start_automation_server(asyncio_loop):
-            AutomationServer(self.log, automation_port, automation_listen_ip,
-                             dut_on_func, dut_off_func, asyncio_loop)
-        automation_daemon = threading.Thread(
-            target=start_automation_server, args=[self.asyncio_loop])
-        automation_daemon.start()
-    def execute_testplan(self, testplan):
-        """ Executes a test plan with Contest's Remote Server sequencer.
-        Waits until and exit code is provided in the output. Logs the output with
-        the class logger and pulls the json report from the server if the test
-        succeeds.
-        Arg:
-            testplan: the test plan's name in the Contest system
-        Returns:
-            a dictionary with test results if the test finished successfully,
-            and None if it finished with an error exit code.
-        """
-        self.soap_client.service.DoSetParameterValue(self.TESTPLAN_PARAM,
-                                                     testplan)
-        self.soap_client.service.DoSetParameterValue(
-            self.TESTPLAN_VERSION_PARAM, 16)
-        self.soap_client.service.DoSetParameterValue(self.KEEP_ALIVE_PARAM,
-                                                     'true')
-        # Remote Server sometimes doesn't respond to the request immediately and
-        # frequently times out producing an exception. A shorter timeout will
-        # throw the exception earlier and allow the script to continue.
-        with self.soap_client.options(timeout=5):
-            try:
-                self.soap_client.service.DoStartOperation(
-                    self.START_TESTPLAN_OPERATION)
-            except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:
-                pass
-        self.log.info('Started testplan {} in Remote Server.'.format(testplan))
-        testplan_directory = None
-        read_retries = 0
-        while True:
-            time.sleep(self.OUTPUT_WAITING_INTERVAL)
-            output = self.soap_client.service.DoGetOutput()
-            # Output might be None while the instrument is busy.
-            if output:
-                self.log.debug(output)
-                # Obtain the path to the folder where reports generated by the
-                # test equipment will be stored in the remote computer
-                if not testplan_directory:
-                    prefix = re.escape('Testplan Directory: ' + self.FTP_ROOT)
-                    match = re.search('(?<={}).+(?=\\\\)'.format(prefix),
-                                      output)
-                    if match:
-                        testplan_directory = match.group(0)
-                # An exit code in the output indicates that the measurement is
-                # completed.
-                match = re.search('(?<=Exit code: )-?\d+', output)
-                if match:
-                    exit_code = int(match.group(0))
-                    break
-                # Reset the not-responding counter
-                read_retries = 0
-            else:
-                # If the output has been None for too many retries in a row,
-                # the testing instrument is assumed to be unresponsive.
-                read_retries += 1
-                if read_retries == self.MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_READ_RETRIES:
-                    raise RuntimeError('The Contest test sequencer is not '
-                                       'responding.')
-        self.log.info(
-            'Contest testplan finished with exit code {}.'.format(exit_code))
-        if exit_code in [0, 1]:
-            self.log.info('Testplan reports are stored in {}.'.format(
-                testplan_directory))
-            return self.pull_test_results(testplan_directory)
-    def pull_test_results(self, testplan_directory):
-        """ Downloads the test reports from the remote host and parses the test
-        summary to obtain the results.
-        Args:
-            testplan_directory: directory where to look for reports generated
-                by the test equipment in the remote computer
-        Returns:
-             a JSON object containing the test results
-        """
-        if not testplan_directory:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid testplan directory.')
-        # Download test reports from the remote host
-        job.run('wget -r --user={} --password={} -P {} ftp://{}/{}'.format(
-            self.ftp_user, self.ftp_pass, logging.log_path,
-            self.remote_server_ip, testplan_directory))
-        # Open the testplan directory
-        testplan_path = os.path.join(logging.log_path, self.remote_server_ip,
-                                     testplan_directory)
-        # Find the report.json file in the testcase folder
-        dir_list = os.listdir(testplan_path)
-        xml_path = None
-        for dir in dir_list:
-            if 'TestCaseName' in dir:
-                xml_path = os.path.join(testplan_path, dir,
-                                        'SummaryReport.xml')
-                break
-        if not xml_path:
-            raise RuntimeError('Could not find testcase directory.')
-        # Return the obtained report as a dictionary
-        xml_tree = ElementTree.ElementTree()
-        xml_tree.parse(source=xml_path)
-        results_dictionary = {}
-        col_iterator = xml_tree.iter('column')
-        for col in col_iterator:
-            # Look in the text of the first child for the required metrics
-            if col.text == '2D position error [m]':
-                results_dictionary[self.POS_ERROR_KEY] = {
-                    'min': float(next(col_iterator).text),
-                    'med': float(next(col_iterator).text),
-                    'avg': float(next(col_iterator).text),
-                    'max': float(next(col_iterator).text)
-                }
-            elif col.text == 'Time to first fix [s]':
-                results_dictionary[self.TTFF_KEY] = {
-                    'min': float(next(col_iterator).text),
-                    'med': float(next(col_iterator).text),
-                    'avg': float(next(col_iterator).text),
-                    'max': float(next(col_iterator).text)
-                }
-        message_iterator = xml_tree.iter('message')
-        for message in message_iterator:
-            # Look for the line showing sensitivity
-            if message.text:
-                # The typo in 'successfull' is intended as it is present in the
-                # test logs generated by the Contest system.
-                match = re.search('(?<=Margin search completed, the lowest '
-                                  'successfull output power is )-?\d+.?\d+'
-                                  '(?= dBm)', message.text)
-                if match:
-                    results_dictionary[self.SENSITIVITY_KEY] = float(
-                        match.group(0))
-                    break
-        return results_dictionary
-    def destroy(self):
-        """ Closes all open connections and kills running threads. """
-        if self.asyncio_loop:
-            # Stopping the asyncio loop will let the Automation Server exit
-            self.asyncio_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.asyncio_loop.stop)
-class AutomationServer:
-    """ Server object that handles DUT automation requests from Contest's Remote
-    Server.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, logger, port, listen_ip, dut_on_func, dut_off_func,
-                 asyncio_loop):
-        """ Initializes the Automation Server.
-        Opens a listening socket using a asyncio and waits for incoming
-        connections.
-        Args:
-            logger: a logger handle
-            port: port used for Contest's DUT automation requests
-            listen_ip: local IP in which to listen for connections
-            dut_on_func: function to turn the DUT on
-            dut_off_func: function to turn the DUT off
-            asyncio_loop: asyncio event loop to listen and process incoming
-                data asynchronously
-        """
-        self.log = logger
-        # Define a protocol factory that will provide new Protocol
-        # objects to the server created by asyncio. This Protocol
-        # objects will handle incoming commands
-        def aut_protocol_factory():
-            return self.AutomationProtocol(logger, dut_on_func, dut_off_func)
-        # Each client connection will create a new protocol instance
-        coro = asyncio_loop.create_server(aut_protocol_factory, listen_ip,
-                                          port)
-        self.server = asyncio_loop.run_until_complete(coro)
-        # Serve requests until Ctrl+C is pressed
-        self.log.info('Automation Server listening on {}'.format(
-            self.server.sockets[0].getsockname()))
-        asyncio_loop.run_forever()
-    class AutomationProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
-        """ Defines the protocol for communication with Contest's Automation
-        client. """
-        AUTOMATION_OK = 'OK'
-        NOTIFICATION_TESTPLAN_START = 'AtTestplanStart'
-        NOTIFICATION_TESTCASE_START = 'AtTestcaseStart'
-        NOTIFICATION_TESCASE_END = 'AfterTestcase'
-        NOTIFICATION_TESTPLAN_END = 'AfterTestplan'
-        def __init__(self, logger, dut_on_func, dut_off_func):
-            """ Keeps the function handles to be used upon incoming requests.
-            Args:
-                logger: a logger handle
-                dut_on_func: function to turn the DUT on
-                dut_off_func: function to turn the DUT off
-            """
-            self.log = logger
-            self.dut_on_func = dut_on_func
-            self.dut_off_func = dut_off_func
-        def connection_made(self, transport):
-            """ Called when a connection has been established.
-            Args:
-                transport: represents the socket connection.
-            """
-            # Keep a reference to the transport as it will allow to write
-            # data to the socket later.
-            self.transport = transport
-            peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
-            self.log.info('Connection from {}'.format(peername))
-        def data_received(self, data):
-            """ Called when some data is received.
-            Args:
-                 data: non-empty bytes object containing the incoming data
-             """
-            command = data.decode()
-            # Remove the line break and newline characters at the end
-            command = re.sub('\r?\n$', '', command)
-            self.log.info("Command received from Contest's Automation "
-                          "client: {}".format(command))
-            if command == self.AUTOMATION_DUT_ON:
-                self.log.info("Contest's Automation client requested to set "
-                              "DUT to on state.")
-                self.send_ok()
-                self.dut_on_func()
-                return
-            elif command == self.AUTOMATION_DUT_OFF:
-                self.log.info("Contest's Automation client requested to set "
-                              "DUT to off state.")
-                self.dut_off_func()
-                self.send_ok()
-            elif command.startswith(self.NOTIFICATION_TESTPLAN_START):
-                self.log.info('Test plan is starting.')
-                self.send_ok()
-            elif command.startswith(self.NOTIFICATION_TESTCASE_START):
-                self.log.info('Test case is starting.')
-                self.send_ok()
-            elif command.startswith(self.NOTIFICATION_TESCASE_END):
-                self.log.info('Test case finished.')
-                self.send_ok()
-            elif command.startswith(self.NOTIFICATION_TESTPLAN_END):
-                self.log.info('Test plan finished.')
-                self.send_ok()
-            else:
-                self.log.error('Unhandled automation command: ' + command)
-                raise ValueError()
-        def send_ok(self):
-            """ Sends an OK message to the Automation server. """
-            self.log.info("Sending OK response to Contest's Automation client")
-            self.transport.write(
-                bytearray(
-                    self.AUTOMATION_OK + '\n',
-                    encoding='utf-8',
-                    ))
-        def eof_received(self):
-            """ Called when the other end signals it won’t send any more
-            data.
-            """
-            self.log.info('Received EOF from Contest Automation client.')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/smbv100.py b/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/smbv100.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ec98c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/smbv100.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Python module for Rohde & Schwarz SMBV100 Vector Signal Generator."""
-import numbers
-from antlion.controllers import abstract_inst
-class SMBV100Error(abstract_inst.SocketInstrumentError):
-    """SMBV100 Instrument Error Class."""
-class SMBV100(abstract_inst.SocketInstrument):
-    """SMBV100 Class, inherted from abstract_inst SocketInstrument."""
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr, ip_port):
-        """Init method for SMBV100.
-        Args:
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, str.
-            ip_port: TCPIP Port.
-                Type, str.
-        """
-        super(SMBV100, self).__init__(ip_addr, ip_port)
-        self.idn = ''
-    def connect(self):
-        """Init and Connect to SMBV100."""
-        self._connect_socket()
-        self.get_idn()
-        infmsg = 'Connected to SMBV100, with ID: {}'.format(self.idn)
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def close(self):
-        """Close SMBV100."""
-        self._close_socket()
-        self._logger.debug('Closed connection to SMBV100')
-    def get_idn(self):
-        """Get the Idenification of SMBV100.
-        Returns:
-            SMBV100 Identifier
-        """
-        self.idn = self._query('*IDN?')
-        return self.idn
-    def preset(self):
-        """Preset SMBV100 to default status."""
-        self._send('*RST')
-        self._logger.debug('Preset SMBV100')
-    def set_rfout_state(self, state):
-        """set SMBV100 RF output state.
-        Args:
-            state: RF output state.
-                Type, str. Option, ON/OFF.
-        Raises:
-            SMBV100Error: raise when state is not ON/OFF.
-        """
-        if state not in ['ON', 'OFF']:
-            raise SMBV100Error(error='"state" input must be "ON" or "OFF"',
-                               command='set_rfout')
-        self._send(':OUTP ' + state)
-        infmsg = 'set SMBV100 RF output to "{}"'.format(state)
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def set_rfout_freq(self, freq):
-        """set SMBV100 RF output frequency.
-        Args:
-            freq: RF output frequency.
-                Type, num.
-        Raises:
-            SMBV100Error: raise when 'freq' is not numerical value.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(freq, numbers.Number):
-            raise SMBV100Error(error='"freq" input must be numerical value',
-                               command='set_rfoutfreq')
-        self._send(':SOUR:FREQ:CW ' + str(freq))
-        infmsg = 'set SMBV100 RF output frequency to {} Hz'.format(freq)
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def get_rfout_freq(self):
-        """get SMBV100 RF output frequency.
-        Return:
-            freq: RF output frequency.
-                Type, num.
-        """
-        resp = self._query(':SOUR:FREQ:CW?')
-        freq = float(resp.split(';')[0])
-        infmsg = 'get SMBV100 RF output frequency as {} Hz'.format(freq)
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        return freq
-    def set_rfout_level(self, level):
-        """set SMBV100 RF output level.
-        Args:
-            level: RF Level.
-                Type, num.
-        Raises:
-            SMBV100Error: raise when 'level' is not numerical value.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(level, numbers.Number):
-            raise SMBV100Error(error='"level" input must be numerical value',
-                               command='set_rflevel')
-        self._send(':SOUR:POW:LEV:IMM:AMPL ' + str(level))
-        infmsg = 'set SMBV100 RF level to {} dBm'.format(level)
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def get_rfout_level(self):
-        """get SMBV100 RF out level.
-        Return:
-            level: RF Level.
-                Type, num.
-        """
-        resp = self._query(':SOUR:POW:LEV:IMM:AMPL?')
-        level = float(resp.split(';')[0])
-        infmsg = 'get SMBV100 RF level as {} dBm'.format(level)
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        return level
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/error_reporter.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/error_reporter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c36593b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/error_reporter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import re
-import threading
-import time
-from antlion import utils
-class ErrorLogger(logging.LoggerAdapter):
-    """A logger for a given error report."""
-    def __init__(self, label):
-        self.label = label
-        super(ErrorLogger, self).__init__(logging.getLogger(), {})
-    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
-        """Transforms a log message to be in a given format."""
-        return '[Error Report|%s] %s' % (self.label, msg), kwargs
-class ErrorReporter(object):
-    """A class that reports errors and diagnoses possible points of failure.
-    Attributes:
-        max_reports: The maximum number of reports that should be reported.
-            Defaulted to 1 to prevent multiple reports from reporting at the
-            same time over one another.
-        name: The name of the report to be used in the error logs.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, max_reports=1):
-        """Creates an error report.
-        Args:
-            name: The name of the error report.
-            max_reports: Sets the maximum number of reports to this value.
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        self.max_reports = max_reports
-        self._ticket_number = 0
-        self._ticket_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self._current_request_count = 0
-        self._accept_requests = True
-    def create_error_report(self, sl4a_manager, sl4a_session, rpc_connection):
-        """Creates an error report, if possible.
-        Returns:
-            False iff a report cannot be created.
-        """
-        if not self._accept_requests:
-            return False
-        self._current_request_count += 1
-        try:
-            ticket = self._get_report_ticket()
-            if not ticket:
-                return False
-            report = ErrorLogger('%s|%s' % (self.name, ticket))
-            report.info('Creating error report.')
-            (self.report_on_adb(sl4a_manager.adb, report)
-             and self.report_device_processes(sl4a_manager.adb, report) and
-             self.report_sl4a_state(rpc_connection, sl4a_manager.adb, report)
-             and self.report_sl4a_session(sl4a_manager, sl4a_session, report))
-            return True
-        finally:
-            self._current_request_count -= 1
-    def report_on_adb(self, adb, report):
-        """Creates an error report for ADB. Returns false if ADB has failed."""
-        adb_uptime = utils.get_command_uptime('"adb .* server"')
-        if adb_uptime:
-            report.info('The adb daemon has an uptime of %s '
-                        '([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss).' % adb_uptime)
-        else:
-            report.warning('The adb daemon (on the host machine) is not '
-                           'running. All forwarded ports have been removed.')
-            return False
-        devices_output = adb.devices()
-        if adb.serial not in devices_output:
-            report.warning(
-                'This device cannot be found by ADB. The device may have shut '
-                'down or disconnected.')
-            return False
-        elif re.findall(r'%s\s+offline' % adb.serial, devices_output):
-            report.warning(
-                'The device is marked as offline in ADB. We are no longer able '
-                'to access the device.')
-            return False
-        else:
-            report.info(
-                'The device is online and accessible through ADB calls.')
-        return True
-    def report_device_processes(self, adb, report):
-        """Creates an error report for the device's required processes.
-        Returns:
-            False iff user-apks cannot be communicated with over tcp.
-        """
-        zygote_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(adb, 'zygote')
-        if zygote_uptime:
-            report.info(
-                'Zygote has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this '
-                'value is low, the phone may have recently crashed.' %
-                zygote_uptime)
-        else:
-            report.warning(
-                'Zygote has been killed. It is likely the Android Runtime has '
-                'crashed. Check the bugreport/logcat for more information.')
-            return False
-        netd_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(adb, 'netd')
-        if netd_uptime:
-            report.info(
-                'Netd has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this '
-                'value is low, the phone may have recently crashed.' %
-                zygote_uptime)
-        else:
-            report.warning(
-                'Netd has been killed. The Android Runtime may have crashed. '
-                'Check the bugreport/logcat for more information.')
-            return False
-        adbd_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(adb, 'adbd')
-        if netd_uptime:
-            report.info(
-                'Adbd has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this '
-                'value is low, the phone may have recently crashed.' %
-                adbd_uptime)
-        else:
-            report.warning('Adbd is not running.')
-            return False
-        return True
-    def report_sl4a_state(self, rpc_connection, adb, report):
-        """Creates an error report for the state of SL4A."""
-        report.info(
-            'Diagnosing Failure over connection %s.' % rpc_connection.ports)
-        ports = rpc_connection.ports
-        forwarded_ports_output = adb.forward('--list')
-        expected_output = '%s tcp:%s tcp:%s' % (
-            adb.serial, ports.forwarded_port, ports.server_port)
-        if expected_output not in forwarded_ports_output:
-            formatted_output = re.sub(
-                '^', '    ', forwarded_ports_output, flags=re.MULTILINE)
-            report.warning(
-                'The forwarded port for the failed RpcConnection is missing.\n'
-                'Expected:\n    %s\nBut found:\n%s' % (expected_output,
-                                                       formatted_output))
-            return False
-        else:
-            report.info('The connection port has been properly forwarded to '
-                        'the device.')
-        sl4a_uptime = utils.get_device_process_uptime(
-            adb, 'com.googlecode.android_scripting')
-        if sl4a_uptime:
-            report.info(
-                'SL4A has been running for %s ([[dd-]hh:]mm:ss). If this '
-                'value is lower than the test case, it must have been '
-                'restarted during the test.' % sl4a_uptime)
-        else:
-            report.warning(
-                'The SL4A scripting service is not running. SL4A may have '
-                'crashed, or have been terminated by the Android Runtime.')
-            return False
-        return True
-    def report_sl4a_session(self, sl4a_manager, session, report):
-        """Reports the state of an SL4A session."""
-        if session.server_port not in sl4a_manager.sl4a_ports_in_use:
-            report.warning('SL4A server port %s not found in set of open '
-                           'ports %s' % (session.server_port,
-                                         sl4a_manager.sl4a_ports_in_use))
-            return False
-        if session not in sl4a_manager.sessions.values():
-            report.warning('SL4A session %s over port %s is not managed by '
-                           'the SL4A Manager. This session is already dead.' %
-                           (session.uid, session.server_port))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def finalize_reports(self):
-        self._accept_requests = False
-        while self._current_request_count > 0:
-            # Wait for other threads to finish.
-            time.sleep(.1)
-    def _get_report_ticket(self):
-        """Returns the next ticket, or none if all tickets have been used."""
-        logging.debug('Getting ticket for SL4A error report.')
-        with self._ticket_lock:
-            self._ticket_number += 1
-            ticket_number = self._ticket_number
-        if ticket_number <= self.max_reports:
-            return ticket_number
-        else:
-            return None
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4cdce8f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/event_dispatcher.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-import queue
-import re
-import threading
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-class EventDispatcherError(Exception):
-    """The base class for all EventDispatcher exceptions."""
-class IllegalStateError(EventDispatcherError):
-    """Raise when user tries to put event_dispatcher into an illegal state."""
-class DuplicateError(EventDispatcherError):
-    """Raise when two event handlers have been assigned to an event name."""
-class EventDispatcher:
-    """A class for managing the events for an SL4A Session.
-    Attributes:
-        _serial: The serial of the device.
-        _rpc_client: The rpc client for that session.
-        _started: A bool that holds whether or not the event dispatcher is
-                  running.
-        _executor: The thread pool executor for running event handlers and
-                   polling.
-        _event_dict: A dictionary of str eventName = Queue<Event> eventQueue
-        _handlers: A dictionary of str eventName => (lambda, args) handler
-        _lock: A lock that prevents multiple reads/writes to the event queues.
-        log: The EventDispatcher's logger.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, serial, rpc_client):
-        self._serial = serial
-        self._rpc_client = rpc_client
-        self._started = False
-        self._executor = None
-        self._event_dict = {}
-        self._handlers = {}
-        self._lock = threading.RLock()
-        def _log_formatter(message):
-            """Defines the formatting used in the logger."""
-            return '[E Dispatcher|%s|%s] %s' % (self._serial,
-                                                self._rpc_client.uid, message)
-        self.log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
-    def poll_events(self):
-        """Continuously polls all types of events from sl4a.
-        Events are sorted by name and store in separate queues.
-        If there are registered handlers, the handlers will be called with
-        corresponding event immediately upon event discovery, and the event
-        won't be stored. If exceptions occur, stop the dispatcher and return
-        """
-        while self._started:
-            try:
-                # 60000 in ms, timeout in second
-                event_obj = self._rpc_client.eventWait(60000, timeout=120)
-            except rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError as e:
-                if self._rpc_client.is_alive:
-                    self.log.warning('Closing due to closed session.')
-                    break
-                else:
-                    self.log.warning('Closing due to error: %s.' % e)
-                    self.close()
-                    raise e
-            if not event_obj:
-                continue
-            elif 'name' not in event_obj:
-                self.log.error('Received Malformed event {}'.format(event_obj))
-                continue
-            else:
-                event_name = event_obj['name']
-            # if handler registered, process event
-            if event_name == 'EventDispatcherShutdown':
-                self.log.debug('Received shutdown signal.')
-                # closeSl4aSession has been called, which closes the event
-                # dispatcher. Stop execution on this polling thread.
-                return
-            if event_name in self._handlers:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Using handler %s for event: %r' %
-                    (self._handlers[event_name].__name__, event_obj))
-                self.handle_subscribed_event(event_obj, event_name)
-            else:
-                self.log.debug('Queuing event: %r' % event_obj)
-                self._lock.acquire()
-                if event_name in self._event_dict:  # otherwise, cache event
-                    self._event_dict[event_name].put(event_obj)
-                else:
-                    q = queue.Queue()
-                    q.put(event_obj)
-                    self._event_dict[event_name] = q
-                self._lock.release()
-    def register_handler(self, handler, event_name, args):
-        """Registers an event handler.
-        One type of event can only have one event handler associated with it.
-        Args:
-            handler: The event handler function to be registered.
-            event_name: Name of the event the handler is for.
-            args: User arguments to be passed to the handler when it's called.
-        Raises:
-            IllegalStateError: Raised if attempts to register a handler after
-                the dispatcher starts running.
-            DuplicateError: Raised if attempts to register more than one
-                handler for one type of event.
-        """
-        if self._started:
-            raise IllegalStateError('Cannot register service after polling is '
-                                    'started.')
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            if event_name in self._handlers:
-                raise DuplicateError(
-                    'A handler for {} already exists'.format(event_name))
-            self._handlers[event_name] = (handler, args)
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def start(self):
-        """Starts the event dispatcher.
-        Initiates executor and start polling events.
-        Raises:
-            IllegalStateError: Can't start a dispatcher again when it's already
-                running.
-        """
-        if not self._started:
-            self._started = True
-            self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32)
-            self._executor.submit(self.poll_events)
-        else:
-            raise IllegalStateError("Dispatcher is already started.")
-    def close(self):
-        """Clean up and release resources.
-        This function should only be called after a
-        rpc_client.closeSl4aSession() call.
-        """
-        if not self._started:
-            return
-        self._started = False
-        self._executor.shutdown(wait=True)
-        self.clear_all_events()
-    def pop_event(self, event_name, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
-        """Pop an event from its queue.
-        Return and remove the oldest entry of an event.
-        Block until an event of specified name is available or
-        times out if timeout is set.
-        Args:
-            event_name: Name of the event to be popped.
-            timeout: Number of seconds to wait when event is not present.
-                Never times out if None.
-        Returns:
-            event: The oldest entry of the specified event. None if timed out.
-        Raises:
-            IllegalStateError: Raised if pop is called before the dispatcher
-                starts polling.
-        """
-        if not self._started:
-            raise IllegalStateError(
-                'Dispatcher needs to be started before popping.')
-        e_queue = self.get_event_q(event_name)
-        if not e_queue:
-            raise IllegalStateError(
-                'Failed to get an event queue for {}'.format(event_name))
-        try:
-            # Block for timeout
-            if timeout:
-                return e_queue.get(True, timeout)
-            # Non-blocking poll for event
-            elif timeout == 0:
-                return e_queue.get(False)
-            else:
-                # Block forever on event wait
-                return e_queue.get(True)
-        except queue.Empty:
-            msg = 'Timeout after {}s waiting for event: {}'.format(
-                timeout, event_name)
-            self.log.info(msg)
-            raise queue.Empty(msg)
-    def wait_for_event(self,
-                       event_name,
-                       predicate,
-                       timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
-                       *args,
-                       **kwargs):
-        """Wait for an event that satisfies a predicate to appear.
-        Continuously pop events of a particular name and check against the
-        predicate until an event that satisfies the predicate is popped or
-        timed out. Note this will remove all the events of the same name that
-        do not satisfy the predicate in the process.
-        Args:
-            event_name: Name of the event to be popped.
-            predicate: A function that takes an event and returns True if the
-                predicate is satisfied, False otherwise.
-            timeout: Number of seconds to wait.
-            *args: Optional positional args passed to predicate().
-            **kwargs: Optional keyword args passed to predicate().
-                consume_ignored_events: Whether or not to consume events while
-                    searching for the desired event. Defaults to True if unset.
-        Returns:
-            The event that satisfies the predicate.
-        Raises:
-            queue.Empty: Raised if no event that satisfies the predicate was
-                found before time out.
-        """
-        deadline = time.time() + timeout
-        ignored_events = []
-        consume_events = kwargs.pop('consume_ignored_events', True)
-        while True:
-            event = None
-            try:
-                event = self.pop_event(event_name, 1)
-                if consume_events:
-                    self.log.debug('Consuming event: %r' % event)
-                else:
-                    self.log.debug('Peeking at event: %r' % event)
-                    ignored_events.append(event)
-            except queue.Empty:
-                pass
-            if event and predicate(event, *args, **kwargs):
-                for ignored_event in ignored_events:
-                    self.get_event_q(event_name).put(ignored_event)
-                self.log.debug('Matched event: %r with %s' %
-                               (event, predicate.__name__))
-                return event
-            if time.time() > deadline:
-                for ignored_event in ignored_events:
-                    self.get_event_q(event_name).put(ignored_event)
-                msg = 'Timeout after {}s waiting for event: {}'.format(
-                    timeout, event_name)
-                self.log.info(msg)
-                raise queue.Empty(msg)
-    def pop_events(self, regex_pattern, timeout, freq=1):
-        """Pop events whose names match a regex pattern.
-        If such event(s) exist, pop one event from each event queue that
-        satisfies the condition. Otherwise, wait for an event that satisfies
-        the condition to occur, with timeout.
-        Results are sorted by timestamp in ascending order.
-        Args:
-            regex_pattern: The regular expression pattern that an event name
-                should match in order to be popped.
-            timeout: Number of seconds to wait for events in case no event
-                matching the condition exits when the function is called.
-        Returns:
-            results: Pop events whose names match a regex pattern.
-                Empty if none exist and the wait timed out.
-        Raises:
-            IllegalStateError: Raised if pop is called before the dispatcher
-                starts polling.
-            queue.Empty: Raised if no event was found before time out.
-        """
-        if not self._started:
-            raise IllegalStateError(
-                "Dispatcher needs to be started before popping.")
-        deadline = time.time() + timeout
-        while True:
-            # TODO: fix the sleep loop
-            results = self._match_and_pop(regex_pattern)
-            if len(results) != 0 or time.time() > deadline:
-                break
-            time.sleep(freq)
-        if len(results) == 0:
-            msg = 'Timeout after {}s waiting for event: {}'.format(
-                timeout, regex_pattern)
-            self.log.error(msg)
-            raise queue.Empty(msg)
-        return sorted(results, key=lambda event: event['time'])
-    def _match_and_pop(self, regex_pattern):
-        """Pop one event from each of the event queues whose names
-        match (in a sense of regular expression) regex_pattern.
-        """
-        results = []
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        for name in self._event_dict.keys():
-            if re.match(regex_pattern, name):
-                q = self._event_dict[name]
-                if q:
-                    try:
-                        results.append(q.get(False))
-                    except queue.Empty:
-                        pass
-        self._lock.release()
-        return results
-    def get_event_q(self, event_name):
-        """Obtain the queue storing events of the specified name.
-        If no event of this name has been polled, wait for one to.
-        Returns: A queue storing all the events of the specified name.
-        """
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        if (event_name not in self._event_dict
-                or self._event_dict[event_name] is None):
-            self._event_dict[event_name] = queue.Queue()
-        self._lock.release()
-        event_queue = self._event_dict[event_name]
-        return event_queue
-    def handle_subscribed_event(self, event_obj, event_name):
-        """Execute the registered handler of an event.
-        Retrieve the handler and its arguments, and execute the handler in a
-            new thread.
-        Args:
-            event_obj: Json object of the event.
-            event_name: Name of the event to call handler for.
-        """
-        handler, args = self._handlers[event_name]
-        self._executor.submit(handler, event_obj, *args)
-    def _handle(self, event_handler, event_name, user_args, event_timeout,
-                cond, cond_timeout):
-        """Pop an event of specified type and calls its handler on it. If
-        condition is not None, block until condition is met or timeout.
-        """
-        if cond:
-            cond.wait(cond_timeout)
-        event = self.pop_event(event_name, event_timeout)
-        return event_handler(event, *user_args)
-    def handle_event(self,
-                     event_handler,
-                     event_name,
-                     user_args,
-                     event_timeout=None,
-                     cond=None,
-                     cond_timeout=None):
-        """Handle events that don't have registered handlers
-        In a new thread, poll one event of specified type from its queue and
-        execute its handler. If no such event exists, the thread waits until
-        one appears.
-        Args:
-            event_handler: Handler for the event, which should take at least
-                one argument - the event json object.
-            event_name: Name of the event to be handled.
-            user_args: User arguments for the handler; to be passed in after
-                the event json.
-            event_timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the event to come.
-            cond: A condition to wait on before executing the handler. Should
-                be a threading.Event object.
-            cond_timeout: Number of seconds to wait before the condition times
-                out. Never times out if None.
-        Returns:
-            worker: A concurrent.Future object associated with the handler.
-                If blocking call worker.result() is triggered, the handler
-                needs to return something to unblock.
-        """
-        worker = self._executor.submit(self._handle, event_handler, event_name,
-                                       user_args, event_timeout, cond,
-                                       cond_timeout)
-        return worker
-    def pop_all(self, event_name):
-        """Return and remove all stored events of a specified name.
-        Pops all events from their queue. May miss the latest ones.
-        If no event is available, return immediately.
-        Args:
-            event_name: Name of the events to be popped.
-        Returns:
-           results: List of the desired events.
-        Raises:
-            IllegalStateError: Raised if pop is called before the dispatcher
-                starts polling.
-        """
-        if not self._started:
-            raise IllegalStateError(("Dispatcher needs to be started before "
-                                     "popping."))
-        results = []
-        try:
-            self._lock.acquire()
-            while True:
-                e = self._event_dict[event_name].get(block=False)
-                results.append(e)
-        except (queue.Empty, KeyError):
-            return results
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def clear_events(self, event_name):
-        """Clear all events of a particular name.
-        Args:
-            event_name: Name of the events to be popped.
-        """
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            q = self.get_event_q(event_name)
-            q.queue.clear()
-        except queue.Empty:
-            return
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def clear_all_events(self):
-        """Clear all event queues and their cached events."""
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        self._event_dict.clear()
-        self._lock.release()
-    def is_event_match(self, event, field, value):
-        return self.is_event_match_for_list(event, field, [value])
-    def is_event_match_for_list(self, event, field, value_list):
-        try:
-            value_in_event = event['data'][field]
-        except KeyError:
-            return False
-        for value in value_list:
-            if value_in_event == value:
-                return True
-        return False
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fd45c04..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import socket
-import threading
-import time
-from concurrent import futures
-from antlion import error
-from antlion import logger
-# The default timeout value when no timeout is set.
-# The Session UID when a UID has not been received yet.
-class Sl4aException(error.ActsError):
-    """The base class for all SL4A exceptions."""
-class Sl4aStartError(Sl4aException):
-    """Raised when sl4a is not able to be started."""
-class Sl4aApiError(Sl4aException):
-    """Raised when remote API reports an error.
-    This error mirrors the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec for Error Response objects.
-    Attributes:
-        code: The error code returned by SL4A. Not to be confused with
-            ActsError's error_code.
-        message: The error message returned by SL4A.
-        data: The extra data, if any, returned by SL4A.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, message, code=-1, data=None, rpc_name=''):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.message = message
-        self.code = code
-        if data is None:
-            self.data = {}
-        else:
-            self.data = data
-        self.rpc_name = rpc_name
-    def __str__(self):
-        if self.data:
-            return 'Error in RPC %s %s:%s:%s' % (self.rpc_name, self.code,
-                                                 self.message, self.data)
-        else:
-            return 'Error in RPC %s %s:%s' % (self.rpc_name, self.code,
-                                              self.message)
-class Sl4aConnectionError(Sl4aException):
-    """An error raised upon failure to connect to SL4A."""
-class Sl4aProtocolError(Sl4aException):
-    """Raised when there an error in exchanging data with server on device."""
-    NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE = 'No response from handshake.'
-    NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER = 'No response from server.'
-    MISMATCHED_API_ID = 'Mismatched API id.'
-class Sl4aNotInstalledError(Sl4aException):
-    """An error raised when an Sl4aClient is created without SL4A installed."""
-class Sl4aRpcTimeoutError(Sl4aException):
-    """An error raised when an SL4A RPC has timed out."""
-class RpcClient(object):
-    """An RPC client capable of processing multiple RPCs concurrently.
-    Attributes:
-        _free_connections: A list of all idle RpcConnections.
-        _working_connections: A list of all working RpcConnections.
-        _lock: A lock used for accessing critical memory.
-        max_connections: The maximum number of RpcConnections at a time.
-            Increasing or decreasing the number of max connections does NOT
-            modify the thread pool size being used for self.future RPC calls.
-        _log: The logger for this RpcClient.
-    """
-    """The default value for the maximum amount of connections for a client."""
-    class AsyncClient(object):
-        """An object that allows RPC calls to be called asynchronously.
-        Attributes:
-            _rpc_client: The RpcClient to use when making calls.
-            _executor: The ThreadPoolExecutor used to keep track of workers
-        """
-        def __init__(self, rpc_client):
-            self._rpc_client = rpc_client
-            self._executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
-                max_workers=max(rpc_client.max_connections - 2, 1))
-        def rpc(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
-            future = self._executor.submit(name, *args, **kwargs)
-            return future
-        def __getattr__(self, name):
-            """Wrapper for python magic to turn method calls into RPC calls."""
-            def rpc_call(*args, **kwargs):
-                future = self._executor.submit(
-                    self._rpc_client.__getattr__(name), *args, **kwargs)
-                return future
-            return rpc_call
-    def __init__(self,
-                 uid,
-                 serial,
-                 on_error_callback,
-                 _create_connection_func,
-                 max_connections=None):
-        """Creates a new RpcClient object.
-        Args:
-            uid: The session uid this client is a part of.
-            serial: The serial of the Android device. Used for logging.
-            on_error_callback: A callback for when a connection error is raised.
-            _create_connection_func: A reference to the function that creates a
-                new session.
-            max_connections: The maximum number of connections the RpcClient
-                can have.
-        """
-        self._serial = serial
-        self.on_error = on_error_callback
-        self._create_connection_func = _create_connection_func
-        self._free_connections = [self._create_connection_func(uid)]
-        self.uid = self._free_connections[0].uid
-        self._lock = threading.Lock()
-        def _log_formatter(message):
-            """Formats the message to be logged."""
-            return '[RPC Service|%s|%s] %s' % (self._serial, self.uid, message)
-        self._log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
-        self._working_connections = []
-        if max_connections is None:
-            self.max_connections = RpcClient.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION
-        else:
-            self.max_connections = max_connections
-        self._async_client = RpcClient.AsyncClient(self)
-        self.is_alive = True
-    def terminate(self):
-        """Terminates all connections to the SL4A server."""
-        if len(self._working_connections) > 0:
-            self._log.warning(
-                '%s connections are still active, and waiting on '
-                'responses.Closing these connections now.' % len(
-                    self._working_connections))
-        connections = self._free_connections + self._working_connections
-        for connection in connections:
-            self._log.debug(
-                'Closing connection over ports %s' % connection.ports)
-            connection.close()
-        self._free_connections = []
-        self._working_connections = []
-        self.is_alive = False
-    def _get_free_connection(self):
-        """Returns a free connection to be used for an RPC call.
-        This function also adds the client to the working set to prevent
-        multiple users from obtaining the same client.
-        """
-        while True:
-            if len(self._free_connections) > 0:
-                with self._lock:
-                    # Check if another thread grabbed the remaining connection.
-                    # while we were waiting for the lock.
-                    if len(self._free_connections) == 0:
-                        continue
-                    client = self._free_connections.pop()
-                    self._working_connections.append(client)
-                    return client
-            client_count = (len(self._free_connections) +
-                            len(self._working_connections))
-            if client_count < self.max_connections:
-                with self._lock:
-                    client_count = (len(self._free_connections) +
-                                    len(self._working_connections))
-                    if client_count < self.max_connections:
-                        client = self._create_connection_func(self.uid)
-                        self._working_connections.append(client)
-                        return client
-            time.sleep(.01)
-    def _release_working_connection(self, connection):
-        """Marks a working client as free.
-        Args:
-            connection: The client to mark as free.
-        Raises:
-            A ValueError if the client is not a known working connection.
-        """
-        # We need to keep this code atomic because the client count is based on
-        # the length of the free and working connection list lengths.
-        with self._lock:
-            self._working_connections.remove(connection)
-            self._free_connections.append(connection)
-    def rpc(self, method, *args, timeout=None, retries=3):
-        """Sends an rpc to sl4a.
-        Sends an rpc call to sl4a over this RpcClient's corresponding session.
-        Args:
-            method: str, The name of the method to execute.
-            args: any, The args to send to sl4a.
-            timeout: The amount of time to wait for a response.
-            retries: Misnomer, is actually the number of tries.
-        Returns:
-            The result of the rpc.
-        Raises:
-            Sl4aProtocolError: Something went wrong with the sl4a protocol.
-            Sl4aApiError: The rpc went through, however executed with errors.
-        """
-        connection = self._get_free_connection()
-        ticket = connection.get_new_ticket()
-        timed_out = False
-        if timeout:
-            connection.set_timeout(timeout)
-        data = {'id': ticket, 'method': method, 'params': args}
-        request = json.dumps(data)
-        response = ''
-        try:
-            for i in range(1, retries + 1):
-                connection.send_request(request)
-                response = connection.get_response()
-                if not response:
-                    if i < retries:
-                        self._log.warning(
-                            'No response for RPC method %s on iteration %s',
-                            method, i)
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        self._log.exception(
-                            'No response for RPC method %s on iteration %s',
-                            method, i)
-                        self.on_error(connection)
-                        raise Sl4aProtocolError(
-                            Sl4aProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER)
-                else:
-                    break
-        except BrokenPipeError as e:
-            if self.is_alive:
-                self._log.exception('The device disconnected during RPC call '
-                                    '%s. Please check the logcat for a crash '
-                                    'or disconnect.', method)
-                self.on_error(connection)
-            else:
-                self._log.warning('The connection was killed during cleanup:')
-                self._log.warning(e)
-            raise Sl4aConnectionError(e)
-        except socket.timeout as err:
-            # If a socket connection has timed out, the socket can no longer be
-            # used. Close it out and remove the socket from the connection pool.
-            timed_out = True
-            self._log.warning('RPC "%s" (id: %s) timed out after %s seconds.',
-                              method, ticket, timeout or SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
-            self._log.debug(
-                'Closing timed out connection over %s' % connection.ports)
-            connection.close()
-            self._working_connections.remove(connection)
-            # Re-raise the error as an SL4A Error so end users can process it.
-            raise Sl4aRpcTimeoutError(err)
-        finally:
-            if not timed_out:
-                if timeout:
-                    connection.set_timeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
-                self._release_working_connection(connection)
-        result = json.loads(str(response, encoding='utf8'))
-        if result['error']:
-            error_object = result['error']
-            if isinstance(error_object, dict):
-                # Uses JSON-RPC 2.0 Format
-                sl4a_api_error = Sl4aApiError(error_object.get('message', None),
-                                              error_object.get('code', -1),
-                                              error_object.get('data', {}),
-                                              rpc_name=method)
-            else:
-                # Fallback on JSON-RPC 1.0 Format
-                sl4a_api_error = Sl4aApiError(error_object, rpc_name=method)
-            self._log.warning(sl4a_api_error)
-            raise sl4a_api_error
-        if result['id'] != ticket:
-            self._log.error('RPC method %s with mismatched api id %s', method,
-                            result['id'])
-            raise Sl4aProtocolError(Sl4aProtocolError.MISMATCHED_API_ID)
-        return result['result']
-    @property
-    def future(self):
-        """Returns a magic function that returns a future running an RPC call.
-        This function effectively allows the idiom:
-        >>> rpc_client = RpcClient(...)
-        >>> # returns after call finishes
-        >>> rpc_client.someRpcCall()
-        >>> # Immediately returns a reference to the RPC's future, running
-        >>> # the lengthy RPC call on another thread.
-        >>> future = rpc_client.future.someLengthyRpcCall()
-        >>> rpc_client.doOtherThings()
-        >>> ...
-        >>> # Wait for and get the returned value of the lengthy RPC.
-        >>> # Can specify a timeout as well.
-        >>> value = future.result()
-        The number of concurrent calls to this method is limited to
-        (max_connections - 2), to prevent future calls from exhausting all free
-        connections.
-        """
-        return self._async_client
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """Wrapper for python magic to turn method calls into RPC calls."""
-        def rpc_call(*args, **kwargs):
-            return self.rpc(name, *args, **kwargs)
-        if not self.is_alive:
-            raise Sl4aStartError(
-                'This SL4A session has already been terminated. You must '
-                'create a new session to continue.')
-        return rpc_call
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b8cb8cf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import socket
-import threading
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-# The Session UID when a UID has not been received yet.
-class Sl4aConnectionCommand(object):
-    """Commands that can be invoked on the sl4a client.
-    INIT: Initializes a new sessions in sl4a.
-    CONTINUE: Creates a connection.
-    """
-    INIT = 'initiate'
-    CONTINUE = 'continue'
-class RpcConnection(object):
-    """A single RPC Connection thread.
-    Attributes:
-        _client_socket: The socket this connection uses.
-        _socket_file: The file created over the _client_socket.
-        _ticket_counter: The counter storing the current ticket number.
-        _ticket_lock: A lock on the ticket counter to prevent ticket collisions.
-        adb: A reference to the AdbProxy of the AndroidDevice. Used for logging.
-        log: The logger for this RPC Client.
-        ports: The Sl4aPorts object that stores the ports this connection uses.
-        uid: The SL4A session ID.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, adb, ports, client_socket, socket_fd, uid=UNKNOWN_UID):
-        self._client_socket = client_socket
-        self._socket_file = socket_fd
-        self._ticket_counter = 0
-        self._ticket_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.adb = adb
-        self.uid = uid
-        def _log_formatter(message):
-            """Defines the formatting used in the logger."""
-            return '[SL4A Client|%s|%s|%s] %s' % (self.adb.serial,
-                                                  self.ports.client_port,
-                                                  self.uid, message)
-        self.log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
-        self.ports = ports
-        self.set_timeout(rpc_client.SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
-    def open(self):
-        if self.uid != UNKNOWN_UID:
-            start_command = Sl4aConnectionCommand.CONTINUE
-        else:
-            start_command = Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT
-        self._initiate_handshake(start_command)
-    def _initiate_handshake(self, start_command):
-        """Establishes a connection with the SL4A server.
-        Args:
-            start_command: The command to send. See Sl4aConnectionCommand.
-        """
-        try:
-            resp = self._cmd(start_command)
-        except socket.timeout as e:
-            self.log.error('Failed to open socket connection: %s', e)
-            raise
-        if not resp:
-            raise rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError(
-                rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE)
-        result = json.loads(str(resp, encoding='utf8'))
-        if result['status']:
-            self.uid = result['uid']
-        else:
-            self.log.warning(
-                'UID not received for connection %s.' % self.ports)
-            self.uid = UNKNOWN_UID
-        self.log.debug('Created connection over: %s.' % self.ports)
-    def _cmd(self, command):
-        """Sends an session protocol command to SL4A to establish communication.
-        Args:
-            command: The name of the command to execute.
-        Returns:
-            The line that was written back.
-        """
-        self.send_request(json.dumps({'cmd': command, 'uid': self.uid}))
-        return self.get_response()
-    def get_new_ticket(self):
-        """Returns a ticket for a new request."""
-        with self._ticket_lock:
-            self._ticket_counter += 1
-            ticket = self._ticket_counter
-        return ticket
-    def set_timeout(self, timeout):
-        """Sets the socket's wait for response timeout."""
-        self._client_socket.settimeout(timeout)
-    def send_request(self, request):
-        """Sends a request over the connection."""
-        self._socket_file.write(request.encode('utf8') + b'\n')
-        self._socket_file.flush()
-        self.log.debug('Sent: ' + request)
-    def get_response(self):
-        """Returns the first response sent back to the client."""
-        data = self._socket_file.readline()
-        self.log.debug('Received: ' + data.decode('utf8', errors='replace'))
-        return data
-    def close(self):
-        """Closes the connection gracefully."""
-        self._client_socket.close()
-        self.adb.remove_tcp_forward(self.ports.forwarded_port)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8749702..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import threading
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import sl4a_session
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import error_reporter
-SL4A_PKG_NAME = 'com.googlecode.android_scripting'
-    'am startservice -a com.googlecode.android_scripting.action.LAUNCH_SERVER '
-    '--ei com.googlecode.android_scripting.extra.USE_SERVICE_PORT %s '
-    'com.googlecode.android_scripting/.service.ScriptingLayerService')
-    'am startservice -a com.googlecode.android_scripting.action.KILL_PROCESS '
-    '--ei com.googlecode.android_scripting.extra.PROXY_PORT %s '
-    'com.googlecode.android_scripting/.service.ScriptingLayerService')
-# The command for finding SL4A's server port as root.
-    # Get all open, listening ports, and their process names
-    'ss -l -p -n | '
-    # Find all open TCP ports for SL4A
-    'grep "tcp.*droid_scripting" | '
-    # Shorten all whitespace to a single space character
-    'tr -s " " | '
-    # Grab the 5th column (which is server:port)
-    'cut -d " " -f 5 |'
-    # Only grab the port
-    'sed s/.*://g')
-# The command for finding SL4A's server port without root.
-    # Get all open, listening ports, and their process names
-    'ss -l -p -n | '
-    # Find all open ports exposed to the public. This can produce false
-    # positives since users cannot read the process associated with the port.
-    'grep -e "tcp.*::ffff:127\.0\.0\.1:" | '
-    # Shorten all whitespace to a single space character
-    'tr -s " " | '
-    # Grab the 5th column (which is server:port)
-    'cut -d " " -f 5 |'
-    # Only grab the port
-    'sed s/.*://g')
-# The command that begins the SL4A ScriptingLayerService.
-    'am startservice '
-    'com.googlecode.android_scripting/.service.ScriptingLayerService')
-# Maps device serials to their SL4A Manager. This is done to prevent multiple
-# Sl4aManagers from existing for the same device.
-_all_sl4a_managers = {}
-def create_sl4a_manager(adb):
-    """Creates and returns an SL4AManager for the given device.
-    Args:
-        adb: A reference to the device's AdbProxy.
-    """
-    if adb.serial in _all_sl4a_managers:
-        _all_sl4a_managers[adb.serial].log.warning(
-            'Attempted to return multiple SL4AManagers on the same device. '
-            'Returning pre-existing SL4AManager instead.')
-        return _all_sl4a_managers[adb.serial]
-    else:
-        manager = Sl4aManager(adb)
-        _all_sl4a_managers[adb.serial] = manager
-        return manager
-class Sl4aManager(object):
-    """A manager for SL4A Clients to a given AndroidDevice.
-    SL4A is a single APK that can host multiple RPC servers at a time. This
-    class manages each server connection over ADB, and will gracefully
-    terminate the apk during cleanup.
-    Attributes:
-        _listen_for_port_lock: A lock for preventing multiple threads from
-            potentially mixing up requested ports.
-        _sl4a_ports: A set of all known SL4A server ports in use.
-        adb: A reference to the AndroidDevice's AdbProxy.
-        log: The logger for this object.
-        sessions: A dictionary of session_ids to sessions.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, adb):
-        self._listen_for_port_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self._sl4a_ports = set()
-        self.adb = adb
-        self.log = logger.create_logger(lambda msg: '[SL4A Manager|%s] %s' % (
-            adb.serial, msg))
-        self.sessions = {}
-        self._started = False
-        self.error_reporter = error_reporter.ErrorReporter('SL4A %s' %
-                                                           adb.serial)
-    @property
-    def sl4a_ports_in_use(self):
-        """Returns a list of all server ports used by SL4A servers."""
-        return set([session.server_port for session in self.sessions.values()])
-    def diagnose_failure(self, session, connection):
-        """Diagnoses all potential known reasons SL4A can fail.
-        Assumes the failure happened on an RPC call, which verifies the state
-        of ADB/device."""
-        self.error_reporter.create_error_report(self, session, connection)
-    def start_sl4a_server(self, device_port, try_interval=ATTEMPT_INTERVAL):
-        """Opens a server socket connection on SL4A.
-        Args:
-            device_port: The expected port for SL4A to open on. Note that in
-                many cases, this will be different than the port returned by
-                this method.
-            try_interval: The amount of seconds between attempts at finding an
-                opened port on the AndroidDevice.
-        Returns:
-            The port number on the device the SL4A server is open on.
-        Raises:
-            Sl4aConnectionError if SL4A's opened port cannot be found.
-        """
-        # Launch a server through SL4A.
-        self.adb.shell(_SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD % device_port)
-        # There is a chance that the server has not come up yet by the time the
-        # launch command has finished. Try to read get the listening port again
-        # after a small amount of time.
-        time_left = MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
-        while time_left > 0:
-            port = self._get_open_listening_port()
-            if port is None:
-                time.sleep(try_interval)
-                time_left -= try_interval
-            else:
-                return port
-        raise rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError(
-            'Unable to find a valid open port for a new server connection. '
-            'Expected port: %s. Open ports: %s' %
-            (device_port, self._sl4a_ports))
-    def _get_all_ports_command(self):
-        """Returns the list of all ports from the command to get ports."""
-        is_root = True
-        if not self.adb.is_root():
-            is_root = self.adb.ensure_root()
-        if is_root:
-            return _SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD
-        else:
-            # TODO(markdr): When root is unavailable, search logcat output for
-            #               the port the server has opened.
-            self.log.warning('Device cannot be put into root mode. SL4A '
-                             'server connections cannot be verified.')
-            return _SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD
-    def _get_all_ports(self):
-        return self.adb.shell(self._get_all_ports_command()).split()
-    def _get_open_listening_port(self):
-        """Returns any open, listening port found for SL4A.
-        Will return none if no port is found.
-        """
-        possible_ports = self._get_all_ports()
-        self.log.debug('SL4A Ports found: %s' % possible_ports)
-        # Acquire the lock. We lock this method because if multiple threads
-        # attempt to get a server at the same time, they can potentially find
-        # the same port as being open, and both attempt to connect to it.
-        with self._listen_for_port_lock:
-            for port in possible_ports:
-                if port not in self._sl4a_ports:
-                    self._sl4a_ports.add(port)
-                    return int(port)
-        return None
-    def is_sl4a_installed(self):
-        """Returns True if SL4A is installed on the AndroidDevice."""
-        return bool(
-            self.adb.shell('pm path %s' % SL4A_PKG_NAME, ignore_status=True))
-    def start_sl4a_service(self):
-        """Starts the SL4A Service on the device.
-        For starting an RPC server, use start_sl4a_server() instead.
-        """
-        # Verify SL4A is installed.
-        if not self._started:
-            self._started = True
-            if not self.is_sl4a_installed():
-                raise rpc_client.Sl4aNotInstalledError(
-                    'SL4A is not installed on device %s' % self.adb.serial)
-            if self.adb.shell('(ps | grep "S %s") || true' % SL4A_PKG_NAME):
-                # Close all SL4A servers not opened by this manager.
-                # TODO(markdr): revert back to closing all ports after
-                # b/76147680 is resolved.
-                self.adb.shell('kill -9 $(pidof %s)' % SL4A_PKG_NAME)
-            self.adb.shell(
-                'settings put global hidden_api_blacklist_exemptions "*"')
-            # Start the service if it is not up already.
-            self.adb.shell(_SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD)
-    def obtain_sl4a_server(self, server_port):
-        """Obtain an SL4A server port.
-        If the port is open and valid, return it. Otherwise, open an new server
-        with the hinted server_port.
-        """
-        if server_port not in self.sl4a_ports_in_use:
-            return self.start_sl4a_server(server_port)
-        else:
-            return server_port
-    def create_session(self,
-                       max_connections=None,
-                       client_port=0,
-                       forwarded_port=0,
-                       server_port=None):
-        """Creates an SL4A server with the given ports if possible.
-        The ports are not guaranteed to be available for use. If the port
-        asked for is not available, this will be logged, and the port will
-        be randomized.
-        Args:
-            client_port: The client port on the host machine
-            forwarded_port: The server port on the host machine forwarded
-                            by adb from the Android device
-            server_port: The port on the Android device.
-            max_connections: The max number of client connections for the
-                session.
-        Returns:
-            A new Sl4aServer instance.
-        """
-        if server_port is None:
-            # If a session already exists, use the same server.
-            if len(self.sessions) > 0:
-                server_port = self.sessions[sorted(
-                    self.sessions.keys())[0]].server_port
-            # Otherwise, open a new server on a random port.
-            else:
-                server_port = 0
-        self.log.debug(
-            "Creating SL4A session client_port={}, forwarded_port={}, server_port={}"
-            .format(client_port, forwarded_port, server_port))
-        self.start_sl4a_service()
-        session = sl4a_session.Sl4aSession(self.adb,
-                                           client_port,
-                                           server_port,
-                                           self.obtain_sl4a_server,
-                                           self.diagnose_failure,
-                                           forwarded_port,
-                                           max_connections=max_connections)
-        self.sessions[session.uid] = session
-        return session
-    def stop_service(self):
-        """Stops The SL4A Service. Force-stops the SL4A apk."""
-        try:
-            self.adb.shell('am force-stop %s' % SL4A_PKG_NAME,
-                           ignore_status=True)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.warning("Fail to stop package %s: %s", SL4A_PKG_NAME, e)
-        self._started = False
-    def terminate_all_sessions(self):
-        """Terminates all SL4A sessions gracefully."""
-        self.error_reporter.finalize_reports()
-        for _, session in self.sessions.items():
-            session.terminate()
-        self.sessions = {}
-        self._close_all_ports()
-    def _close_all_ports(self, try_interval=ATTEMPT_INTERVAL):
-        """Closes all ports opened on SL4A."""
-        ports = self._get_all_ports()
-        for port in set.union(self._sl4a_ports, ports):
-            self.adb.shell(_SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD % port)
-        time_left = MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
-        while time_left > 0 and self._get_open_listening_port():
-            time.sleep(try_interval)
-            time_left -= try_interval
-        if time_left <= 0:
-            self.log.warning(
-                'Unable to close all un-managed servers! Server ports that are '
-                'still open are %s' % self._get_open_listening_port())
-        self._sl4a_ports = set()
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index d0172cc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_ports.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class Sl4aPorts(object):
-    """A container for the three ports needed for an SL4A connection.
-    Attributes:
-        client_port: The port on the host associated with the SL4A client
-        forwarded_port: The port forwarded to the Android device.
-        server_port: The port on the device associated with the SL4A server.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, client_port=0, forwarded_port=0, server_port=0):
-        self.client_port = client_port
-        self.forwarded_port = forwarded_port
-        self.server_port = server_port
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.client_port, self.forwarded_port,
-                                 self.server_port)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e84def2..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import socket
-import threading
-import errno
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import event_dispatcher
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_connection
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import sl4a_ports
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.rpc_client import Sl4aStartError
-# The SL4A Session UID when a UID has not been received yet.
-class Sl4aSession(object):
-    """An object that tracks the state of an SL4A Session.
-    Attributes:
-        _event_dispatcher: The EventDispatcher instance, if any, for this
-            session.
-        _terminate_lock: A lock that prevents race conditions for multiple
-            threads calling terminate()
-        _terminated: A bool that stores whether or not this session has been
-            terminated. Terminated sessions cannot be restarted.
-        adb: A reference to the AndroidDevice's AdbProxy.
-        log: The logger for this Sl4aSession
-        server_port: The SL4A server port this session is established on.
-        uid: The uid that corresponds the the SL4A Server's session id. This
-            value is only unique during the lifetime of the SL4A apk.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 adb,
-                 host_port,
-                 device_port,
-                 get_server_port_func,
-                 on_error_callback,
-                 forwarded_port=0,
-                 max_connections=None):
-        """Creates an SL4A Session.
-        Args:
-            adb: A reference to the adb proxy
-            get_server_port_func: A lambda (int) that returns the corrected
-                server port. The int passed in hints at which port to use, if
-                possible.
-            host_port: The port the host machine uses to connect to the SL4A
-                server for its first connection.
-            device_port: The SL4A server port to be used as a hint for which
-                SL4A server to connect to.
-            forwarded_port: The server port on host machine forwarded by adb
-                            from Android device to accept SL4A connection
-        """
-        self._event_dispatcher = None
-        self._terminate_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self._terminated = False
-        self.adb = adb
-        def _log_formatter(message):
-            return '[SL4A Session|%s|%s] %s' % (self.adb.serial, self.uid,
-                                                message)
-        self.log = logger.create_logger(_log_formatter)
-        self.forwarded_port = forwarded_port
-        self.server_port = device_port
-        self.uid = UNKNOWN_UID
-        self.obtain_server_port = get_server_port_func
-        self._on_error_callback = on_error_callback
-        connection_creator = self._rpc_connection_creator(host_port)
-        self.rpc_client = rpc_client.RpcClient(self.uid,
-                                               self.adb.serial,
-                                               self.diagnose_failure,
-                                               connection_creator,
-                                               max_connections=max_connections)
-    def _rpc_connection_creator(self, host_port):
-        def create_client(uid):
-            return self._create_rpc_connection(ports=sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(
-                host_port, self.forwarded_port, self.server_port),
-                                               uid=uid)
-        return create_client
-    @property
-    def is_alive(self):
-        return not self._terminated
-    def _create_forwarded_port(self, server_port, hinted_port=0):
-        """Creates a forwarded port to the specified server port.
-        Args:
-            server_port: (int) The port to forward to.
-            hinted_port: (int) The port to use for forwarding, if available.
-                         Otherwise, the chosen port will be random.
-        Returns:
-            The chosen forwarded port.
-        Raises AdbError if the version of ADB is too old, or the command fails.
-        """
-        if self.adb.get_version_number() < 37 and hinted_port == 0:
-            self.log.error(
-                'The current version of ADB does not automatically provide a '
-                'port to forward. Please upgrade ADB to version 1.0.37 or '
-                'higher.')
-            raise Sl4aStartError('Unable to forward a port to the device.')
-        else:
-            try:
-                return self.adb.tcp_forward(hinted_port, server_port)
-            except AdbError as e:
-                if 'cannot bind listener' in e.stderr:
-                    self.log.warning(
-                        'Unable to use %s to forward to device port %s due to: '
-                        '"%s". Attempting to choose a random port instead.' %
-                        (hinted_port, server_port, e.stderr))
-                    # Call this method again, but this time with no hinted port.
-                    return self._create_forwarded_port(server_port)
-                raise e
-    def _create_rpc_connection(self, ports=None, uid=UNKNOWN_UID):
-        """Creates an RPC Connection with the specified ports.
-        Args:
-            ports: A Sl4aPorts object or a tuple of (host/client_port,
-                   forwarded_port, device/server_port). If any of these are
-                   zero, the OS will determine their values during connection.
-                   Note that these ports are only suggestions. If they are not
-                   available, the a different port will be selected.
-            uid: The UID of the SL4A Session. To create a new session, use
-                 UNKNOWN_UID.
-        Returns:
-            An Sl4aClient.
-        """
-        if ports is None:
-            ports = sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 0, 0)
-        # Open a new server if a server cannot be inferred.
-        ports.server_port = self.obtain_server_port(ports.server_port)
-        self.server_port = ports.server_port
-        # Forward the device port to the host.
-        ports.forwarded_port = self._create_forwarded_port(
-            ports.server_port, hinted_port=ports.forwarded_port)
-        client_socket, fd = self._create_client_side_connection(ports)
-        client = rpc_connection.RpcConnection(self.adb,
-                                              ports,
-                                              client_socket,
-                                              fd,
-                                              uid=uid)
-        client.open()
-        if uid == UNKNOWN_UID:
-            self.uid = client.uid
-        return client
-    def diagnose_failure(self, connection):
-        """Diagnoses any problems related to the SL4A session."""
-        self._on_error_callback(self, connection)
-    def get_event_dispatcher(self):
-        """Returns the EventDispatcher for this Sl4aSession."""
-        if self._event_dispatcher is None:
-            self._event_dispatcher = event_dispatcher.EventDispatcher(
-                self.adb.serial, self.rpc_client)
-        return self._event_dispatcher
-    def _create_client_side_connection(self, ports):
-        """Creates and connects the client socket to the forward device port.
-        Args:
-            ports: A Sl4aPorts object or a tuple of (host_port,
-            forwarded_port, device_port).
-        Returns:
-            A tuple of (socket, socket_file_descriptor).
-        """
-        client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        client_socket.settimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
-        client_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
-        if ports.client_port != 0:
-            try:
-                client_socket.bind((socket.gethostname(), ports.client_port))
-            except OSError as e:
-                # If the port is in use, log and ask for any open port.
-                if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:
-                    self.log.warning('Port %s is already in use on the host. '
-                                     'Generating a random port.' %
-                                     ports.client_port)
-                    ports.client_port = 0
-                    return self._create_client_side_connection(ports)
-                raise
-        # Verify and obtain the port opened by SL4A.
-        try:
-            # Connect to the port that has been forwarded to the device.
-            client_socket.connect(('', ports.forwarded_port))
-        except socket.timeout:
-            raise rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError(
-                'SL4A has not connected over the specified port within the '
-                'timeout of %s seconds.' % SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
-        except socket.error as e:
-            # In extreme, unlikely cases, a socket error with
-            # errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL can be raised when a desired host_port is
-            # taken by a separate program between the bind and connect calls.
-            # Note that if host_port is set to zero, there is no bind before
-            # the connection is made, so this error will never be thrown.
-            if e.errno == errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL:
-                ports.client_port = 0
-                return self._create_client_side_connection(ports)
-            raise
-        ports.client_port = client_socket.getsockname()[1]
-        return client_socket, client_socket.makefile(mode='brw')
-    def terminate(self):
-        """Terminates the session.
-        The return of process execution is blocked on completion of all events
-        being processed by handlers in the Event Dispatcher.
-        """
-        with self._terminate_lock:
-            if not self._terminated:
-                self.log.debug('Terminating Session.')
-                try:
-                    self.rpc_client.closeSl4aSession()
-                except Exception as e:
-                    if "SL4A session has already been terminated" not in str(
-                            e):
-                        self.log.warning(e)
-                # Must be set after closeSl4aSession so the rpc_client does not
-                # think the session has closed.
-                self._terminated = True
-                if self._event_dispatcher:
-                    try:
-                        self._event_dispatcher.close()
-                    except Exception as e:
-                        self.log.warning(e)
-                try:
-                    self.rpc_client.terminate()
-                except Exception as e:
-                    self.log.warning(e)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_types.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_types.py
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--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.dict_object import DictObject
-class Sl4aEvent(DictObject):
-    """Event returned by sl4a calls to eventPoll() and eventWait()
-    The 'name' field uniquely identifies the contents of 'data'.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name=None, time=None, data=None):
-        DictObject.__init__(self, name=name, time=time, data=data)
-class Sl4aNetworkInfo(DictObject):
-    """SL4A equivalent of an Android NetworkInfo Object"""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 isAvailable=None,
-                 isConnected=None,
-                 isFailover=None,
-                 isRoaming=None,
-                 ExtraInfo=None,
-                 FailedReason=None,
-                 TypeName=None,
-                 SubtypeName=None,
-                 State=None):
-        DictObject.__init__(
-            self,
-            isAvailable=isAvailable,
-            isConnected=isConnected,
-            isFailover=isFailover,
-            isRoaming=isRoaming,
-            ExtraInfo=ExtraInfo,
-            FailedReason=FailedReason,
-            TypeName=TypeName,
-            SubtypeName=SubtypeName,
-            State=State)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b43d9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import importlib
-import logging
-def create(configs):
-    """Initializes the sniffer structures based on the JSON configuration. The
-    expected keys are:
-    Type: A first-level type of sniffer. Planned to be 'local' for sniffers
-        running on the local machine, or 'remote' for sniffers running
-        remotely.
-    SubType: The specific sniffer type to be used.
-    Interface: The WLAN interface used to configure the sniffer.
-    BaseConfigs: A dictionary specifying baseline configurations of the
-        sniffer. Configurations can be overridden when starting a capture.
-        The keys must be one of the Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_* values.
-    """
-    objs = []
-    for c in configs:
-        sniffer_type = c["Type"]
-        sniffer_subtype = c["SubType"]
-        interface = c["Interface"]
-        base_configs = c["BaseConfigs"]
-        module_name = "antlion.controllers.sniffer_lib.{}.{}".format(
-            sniffer_type, sniffer_subtype)
-        module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
-        objs.append(
-            module.Sniffer(interface,
-                           logging.getLogger(),
-                           base_configs=base_configs))
-    return objs
-def destroy(objs):
-    """Destroys the sniffers and terminates any ongoing capture sessions.
-    """
-    for sniffer in objs:
-        try:
-            sniffer.stop_capture()
-        except SnifferError:
-            pass
-class SnifferError(Exception):
-    """This is the Exception class defined for all errors generated by
-    Sniffer-related modules.
-    """
-class InvalidDataError(Exception):
-    """This exception is thrown when invalid configuration data is passed
-    to a method.
-    """
-class ExecutionError(SnifferError):
-    """This exception is thrown when trying to configure the capture device
-    or when trying to execute the capture operation.
-    When this exception is seen, it is possible that the sniffer module is run
-    without sudo (for local sniffers) or keys are out-of-date (for remote
-    sniffers).
-    """
-class InvalidOperationError(SnifferError):
-    """Certain methods may only be accessed when the instance upon which they
-    are invoked is in a certain state. This indicates that the object is not
-    in the correct state for a method to be called.
-    """
-class Sniffer(object):
-    """This class defines an object representing a sniffer.
-    The object defines the generic behavior of sniffers - irrespective of how
-    they are implemented, or where they are located: on the local machine or on
-    the remote machine.
-    """
-    CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL = "channel"
-    def __init__(self, interface, logger, base_configs=None):
-        """The constructor for the Sniffer. It constructs a sniffer and
-        configures it to be ready for capture.
-        Args:
-            interface: A string specifying the interface used to configure the
-                sniffer.
-            logger: ACTS logger object.
-            base_configs: A dictionary containing baseline configurations of the
-                sniffer. These can be overridden when staring a capture. The
-                keys are specified by Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_*.
-        Returns:
-            self: A configured sniffer.
-        Raises:
-            InvalidDataError: if the config_path is invalid.
-            NoPermissionError: if an error occurs while configuring the
-                sniffer.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def get_descriptor(self):
-        """This function returns a string describing the sniffer. The specific
-        string (and its format) is up to each derived sniffer type.
-        Returns:
-            A string describing the sniffer.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def get_type(self):
-        """This function returns the type of the sniffer.
-        Returns:
-            The type (string) of the sniffer. Corresponds to the 'Type' key of
-            the sniffer configuration.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def get_subtype(self):
-        """This function returns the sub-type of the sniffer.
-        Returns:
-            The sub-type (string) of the sniffer. Corresponds to the 'SubType'
-            key of the sniffer configuration.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def get_interface(self):
-        """This function returns The interface used to configure the sniffer,
-        e.g. 'wlan0'.
-        Returns:
-            The interface (string) used to configure the sniffer. Corresponds to
-            the 'Interface' key of the sniffer configuration.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def get_capture_file(self):
-        """The sniffer places a capture in the logger directory. This function
-        enables the caller to obtain the path of that capture.
-        Returns:
-            The full path of the current or last capture.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def start_capture(self,
-                      override_configs=None,
-                      additional_args=None,
-                      duration=None,
-                      packet_count=None):
-        """This function starts a capture which is saved to the specified file
-        path.
-        Depending on the type/subtype and configuration of the sniffer the
-        capture may terminate on its own or may require an explicit call to the
-        stop_capture() function.
-        This is a non-blocking function so a terminating function must be
-        called - either explicitly or implicitly:
-        - Explicitly: call either stop_capture() or wait_for_capture()
-        - Implicitly: use with a with clause. The wait_for_capture() function
-                      will be called if a duration is specified (i.e. is not
-                      None), otherwise a stop_capture() will be called.
-        The capture is saved to a file in the log path of the logger. Use
-        the get_capture_file() to get the full path to the current or most
-        recent capture.
-        Args:
-            override_configs: A dictionary which is combined with the
-                base_configs ("BaseConfigs" in the sniffer configuration). The
-                keys (specified by Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_*) determine the
-                configuration of the sniffer for this specific capture.
-            additional_args: A string specifying additional raw
-                command-line arguments to pass to the underlying sniffer. The
-                interpretation of these flags is sniffer-dependent.
-            duration: An integer specifying the number of seconds over which to
-                capture packets. The sniffer will be terminated after this
-                duration. Used in implicit mode when using a 'with' clause. In
-                explicit control cases may have to be performed using a
-                sleep+stop or as the timeout argument to the wait function.
-            packet_count: An integer specifying the number of packets to capture
-                before terminating. Should be used with duration to guarantee
-                that capture terminates at some point (even if did not capture
-                the specified number of packets).
-        Returns:
-            An ActiveCaptureContext process which can be used with a 'with'
-            clause.
-        Raises:
-            InvalidDataError: for invalid configurations
-            NoPermissionError: if an error occurs while configuring and running
-                the sniffer.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def stop_capture(self):
-        """This function stops a capture and guarantees that the capture is
-        saved to the capture file configured during the start_capture() method.
-        Depending on the type of the sniffer the file may previously contain
-        partial results (e.g. for a local sniffer) or may not exist until the
-        stop_capture() method is executed (e.g. for a remote sniffer).
-        Depending on the type/subtype and configuration of the sniffer the
-        capture may terminate on its own without requiring a call to this
-        function. In such a case it is still necessary to call either this
-        function or the wait_for_capture() function to make sure that the
-        capture file is moved to the correct location.
-        Raises:
-            NoPermissionError: No permission when trying to stop a capture
-                and save the capture file.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def wait_for_capture(self, timeout=None):
-        """This function waits for a capture to terminate and guarantees that
-        the capture is saved to the capture file configured during the
-        start_capture() method. Depending on the type of the sniffer the file
-        may previously contain partial results (e.g. for a local sniffer) or
-        may not exist until the stop_capture() method is executed (e.g. for a
-        remote sniffer).
-        Depending on the type/subtype and configuration of the sniffer the
-        capture may terminate on its own without requiring a call to this
-        function. In such a case it is still necessary to call either this
-        function or the stop_capture() function to make sure that the capture
-        file is moved to the correct location.
-        Args:
-            timeout: An integer specifying the number of seconds to wait for
-                the capture to terminate on its own. On expiration of the
-                timeout the sniffer is stopped explicitly using the
-                stop_capture() function.
-        Raises:
-            NoPermissionError: No permission when trying to stop a capture and
-                save the capture file.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-class ActiveCaptureContext(object):
-    """This class defines an object representing an active sniffer capture.
-    The object is returned by a Sniffer.start_capture() command and terminates
-    the capture when the 'with' clause exits. It is syntactic sugar for
-    try/finally.
-    """
-    _sniffer = None
-    _timeout = None
-    def __init__(self, sniffer, timeout=None):
-        self._sniffer = sniffer
-        self._timeout = timeout
-    def __enter__(self):
-        pass
-    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-        if self._sniffer is not None:
-            if self._timeout is None:
-                self._sniffer.stop_capture()
-            else:
-                self._sniffer.wait_for_capture(self._timeout)
-        self._sniffer = None
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.py
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index 5a6af09..0000000
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@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Class for Local sniffers - i.e. running on the local machine.
-This class provides configuration for local interfaces but leaves
-the actual capture (sniff) to sub-classes.
-import os
-import shutil
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import sniffer
-class SnifferLocalBase(sniffer.Sniffer):
-    """This class defines the common behaviors of WLAN sniffers running on
-    WLAN interfaces of the local machine.
-    Specific mechanisms to capture packets over the local WLAN interfaces are
-    implemented by sub-classes of this class - i.e. it is not a final class.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, interface, logger, base_configs=None):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        self._base_configs = None
-        self._capture_file_path = ""
-        self._interface = ""
-        self._logger = logger
-        self._process = None
-        self._temp_capture_file_path = ""
-        if interface == "":
-            raise sniffer.InvalidDataError("Empty interface provided")
-        self._interface = interface
-        self._base_configs = base_configs
-        try:
-            utils.exe_cmd("ifconfig", self._interface, "down")
-            utils.exe_cmd("iwconfig", self._interface, "mode", "monitor")
-            utils.exe_cmd("ifconfig", self._interface, "up")
-        except Exception as err:
-            raise sniffer.ExecutionError(err)
-    def get_interface(self):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        return self._interface
-    def get_type(self):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        return "local"
-    def get_capture_file(self):
-        return self._capture_file_path
-    def _pre_capture_config(self, override_configs=None):
-        """Utility function which configures the wireless interface per the
-        specified configurations. Operation is performed before every capture
-        start using baseline configurations (specified when sniffer initialized)
-        and override configurations specified here.
-        """
-        final_configs = {}
-        if self._base_configs:
-            final_configs.update(self._base_configs)
-        if override_configs:
-            final_configs.update(override_configs)
-        if sniffer.Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL in final_configs:
-            try:
-                utils.exe_cmd("iwconfig", self._interface, "channel",
-                        str(final_configs[sniffer.Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL]))
-            except Exception as err:
-                raise sniffer.ExecutionError(err)
-    def _get_command_line(self, additional_args=None, duration=None,
-                          packet_count=None):
-        """Utility function to be implemented by every child class - which
-        are the concrete sniffer classes. Each sniffer-specific class should
-        derive the command line to execute its sniffer based on the specified
-        arguments.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class should not be called directly!")
-    def _post_process(self):
-        """Utility function which is executed after a capture is done. It
-        moves the capture file to the requested location.
-        """
-        self._process = None
-        shutil.move(self._temp_capture_file_path, self._capture_file_path)
-    def start_capture(self, override_configs=None,
-                      additional_args=None, duration=None,
-                      packet_count=None):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        if self._process is not None:
-            raise sniffer.InvalidOperationError(
-                    "Trying to start a sniff while another is still running!")
-        capture_dir = os.path.join(self._logger.log_path,
-                                   "Sniffer-{}".format(self._interface))
-        os.makedirs(capture_dir, exist_ok=True)
-        self._capture_file_path = os.path.join(capture_dir,
-                      "capture_{}.pcap".format(logger.get_log_file_timestamp()))
-        self._pre_capture_config(override_configs)
-        _, self._temp_capture_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".pcap")
-        cmd = self._get_command_line(additional_args=additional_args,
-                                duration=duration, packet_count=packet_count)
-        self._process = utils.start_standing_subprocess(cmd)
-        return sniffer.ActiveCaptureContext(self, duration)
-    def stop_capture(self):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        if self._process is None:
-            raise sniffer.InvalidOperationError(
-                                      "Trying to stop a non-started process")
-        utils.stop_standing_subprocess(self._process, kill_signal=signal.SIGINT)
-        self._post_process()
-    def wait_for_capture(self, timeout=None):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        if self._process is None:
-            raise sniffer.InvalidOperationError(
-                                  "Trying to wait on a non-started process")
-        try:
-            utils.wait_for_standing_subprocess(self._process, timeout)
-            self._post_process()
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
-            self.stop_capture()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 39f8720..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import shutil
-from antlion.controllers import sniffer
-from antlion.controllers.sniffer_lib.local import local_base
-class Sniffer(local_base.SnifferLocalBase):
-    """This class defines a sniffer which uses tcpdump as its back-end
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config_path, logger, base_configs=None):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        self._executable_path = None
-        super(local_base.SnifferLocalBase).__init__(
-            config_path, logger, base_configs=base_configs)
-        self._executable_path = shutil.which("tcpdump")
-        if self._executable_path is None:
-            raise sniffer.SnifferError(
-                "Cannot find a path to the 'tcpdump' executable")
-    def get_descriptor(self):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        return "local-tcpdump-{}".format(self._interface)
-    def get_subtype(self):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        return "tcpdump"
-    def _get_command_line(self,
-                          additional_args=None,
-                          duration=None,
-                          packet_count=None):
-        cmd = "{} -i {} -w {}".format(self._executable_path, self._interface,
-                                      self._temp_capture_file_path)
-        if packet_count is not None:
-            cmd = "{} -c {}".format(cmd, packet_count)
-        if additional_args is not None:
-            cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, additional_args)
-        return cmd
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py b/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b95aa7d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import shutil
-from antlion.controllers import sniffer
-from antlion.controllers.sniffer_lib.local import local_base
-class Sniffer(local_base.SnifferLocalBase):
-    """This class defines a sniffer which uses tshark as its back-end
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config_path, logger, base_configs=None):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        self._executable_path = None
-        super().__init__(config_path, logger, base_configs=base_configs)
-        self._executable_path = (shutil.which("tshark")
-                                 or shutil.which("/usr/local/bin/tshark"))
-        if self._executable_path is None:
-            raise sniffer.SnifferError("Cannot find a path to the 'tshark' "
-                                 "executable (or to '/usr/local/bin/tshark')")
-    def get_descriptor(self):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        return "local-tshark-{}-ch{}".format(self._interface)
-    def get_subtype(self):
-        """See base class documentation
-        """
-        return "tshark"
-    def _get_command_line(self, additional_args=None, duration=None,
-                          packet_count=None):
-        cmd = "{} -i {} -w {}".format(self._executable_path, self._interface,
-                                      self._temp_capture_file_path)
-        if duration is not None:
-            cmd = "{} -a duration:{}".format(cmd, duration)
-        if packet_count is not None:
-            cmd = "{} -c {}".format(cmd, packet_count)
-        if additional_args is not None:
-            cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, additional_args)
-        return cmd
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/spectracom_lib/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/spectracom_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/spectracom_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/spectracom_lib/gsg6.py b/src/antlion/controllers/spectracom_lib/gsg6.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d0896..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/spectracom_lib/gsg6.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-"""Python module for Spectracom/Orolia GSG-6 GNSS simulator."""
-from antlion.controllers import abstract_inst
-class GSG6Error(abstract_inst.SocketInstrumentError):
-    """GSG-6 Instrument Error Class."""
-class GSG6(abstract_inst.SocketInstrument):
-    """GSG-6 Class, inherted from abstract_inst SocketInstrument."""
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr, ip_port):
-        """Init method for GSG-6.
-        Args:
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, str.
-            ip_port: TCPIP Port.
-                Type, str.
-        """
-        super(GSG6, self).__init__(ip_addr, ip_port)
-        self.idn = ''
-    def connect(self):
-        """Init and Connect to GSG-6."""
-        self._connect_socket()
-        self.get_idn()
-        infmsg = 'Connected to GSG-6, with ID: {}'.format(self.idn)
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def close(self):
-        """Close GSG-6."""
-        self._close_socket()
-        self._logger.debug('Closed connection to GSG-6')
-    def get_idn(self):
-        """Get the Idenification of GSG-6.
-        Returns:
-            GSG-6 Identifier
-        """
-        self.idn = self._query('*IDN?')
-        return self.idn
-    def start_scenario(self, scenario=''):
-        """Start to run scenario.
-        Args:
-            scenario: Scenario to run.
-                Type, str.
-                Default, '', which will run current selected one.
-        """
-        if scenario:
-            cmd = 'SOUR:SCEN:LOAD ' + scenario
-            self._send(cmd)
-        self._send('SOUR:SCEN:CONT START')
-        if scenario:
-            infmsg = 'Started running scenario {}'.format(scenario)
-        else:
-            infmsg = 'Started running current scenario'
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def stop_scenario(self):
-        """Stop the running scenario."""
-        self._send('SOUR:SCEN:CONT STOP')
-        self._logger.debug('Stopped running scenario')
-    def preset(self):
-        """Preset GSG-6 to default status."""
-        self._send('*RST')
-        self._logger.debug('Reset GSG-6')
-    def set_power(self, power_level):
-        """set GSG-6 transmit power on all bands.
-        Args:
-            power_level: transmit power level
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dBm]
-        Raises:
-            GSG6Error: raise when power level is not in [-160, -65] range.
-        """
-        if not -160 <= power_level <= -65:
-            errmsg = ('"power_level" must be within [-160, -65], '
-                      'current input is {}').format(str(power_level))
-            raise GSG6Error(error=errmsg, command='set_power')
-        self._send(':SOUR:POW ' + str(round(power_level, 1)))
-        infmsg = 'Set GSG-6 transmit power to "{}"'.format(round(
-            power_level, 1))
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def get_nmealog(self):
-        """Get GSG6 NMEA data.
-        Returns:
-            GSG6's NMEA data
-        """
-        nmea_data = self._query('SOUR:SCEN:LOG?')
-        return nmea_data
-    def toggle_scenario_power(self,
-                              toggle_onoff='ON',
-                              sat_id='',
-                              sat_system=''):
-        """Toggle ON OFF scenario.
-        Args:
-            toggle_onoff: turn on or off the satellites
-                Type, str. Option ON/OFF
-                Default, 'ON'
-            sat_id: satellite identifiers
-                Type, str.
-                Option 'Gxx/Rxx/Exx/Cxx/Jxx/Ixx/Sxxx'
-                where xx is satellite identifiers no.
-                e.g.: G10
-            sat_system: to toggle On/OFF for all Satellites
-                Type, str
-                Option [GPS, GLO, GAL, BDS, QZSS, IRNSS, SBAS]
-        Raises:
-            GSG6Error: raise when toggle is not set.
-        """
-        if not sat_id and not sat_system:
-            self._send(':SOUR:SCEN:POW ' + str(toggle_onoff))
-            infmsg = 'Set GSG-6 Power to "{}"'.format(toggle_onoff)
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        elif sat_id and not sat_system:
-            self._send(':SOUR:SCEN:POW ' + str(sat_id) + ',' +
-                       str(toggle_onoff))
-            infmsg = ('Set GSG-6 Power to "{}" for "{}" satellite '
-                      'identifiers').format(toggle_onoff, sat_id)
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        elif not sat_id and sat_system:
-            self._send(':SOUR:SCEN:POW ' + str(sat_system) + ',' +
-                       str(toggle_onoff))
-            infmsg = 'Set GSG-6 Power to "{}" for "{}" satellite system'.format(
-                toggle_onoff, sat_system)
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        else:
-            errmsg = ('"toggle power" must have either of these value [ON/OFF],'
-                      ' current input is {}').format(str(toggle_onoff))
-            raise GSG6Error(error=errmsg, command='toggle_scenario_power')
-    def set_scenario_power(self,
-                           power_level,
-                           sat_id='',
-                           sat_system='',
-                           freq_band=''):
-        """Set dynamic power for the running scenario.
-        Args:
-            power_level: transmit power level
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dBm]
-            sat_id: set power level for specific satellite identifiers
-                Type, str. Option
-                'Gxx/Rxx/Exx/Cxx/Jxx/Ixx/Sxxx'
-                where xx is satellite identifiers number
-                e.g.: G10
-            sat_system: to set power level for all Satellites
-                Type, str
-                Option [GPS, GLO, GAL, BDS, QZSS, IRNSS, SBAS]
-            freq_band: Frequency band to set the power level
-                Type, str
-                Option  [L1, L2, L5, ALL]
-                Default, '', assumed to be L1.
-        Raises:
-            GSG6Error: raise when power level is not in [-160, -65] range.
-        """
-        if freq_band == 'ALL':
-            if not -100 <= power_level <= 100:
-                errmsg = ('"power_level" must be within [-100, 100], for '
-                          '"freq_band"="ALL", current input is {}').format(
-                              str(power_level))
-                raise GSG6Error(error=errmsg, command='set_scenario_power')
-        else:
-            if not -160 <= power_level <= -65:
-                errmsg = ('"power_level" must be within [-160, -65], for '
-                          '"freq_band" != "ALL", current input is {}').format(
-                              str(power_level))
-                raise GSG6Error(error=errmsg, command='set_scenario_power')
-        if sat_id and not sat_system:
-            self._send(':SOUR:SCEN:POW ' + str(sat_id) + ',' +
-                       str(round(power_level, 1)) + ',' + str(freq_band))
-            infmsg = ('Set GSG-6 transmit power to "{}" for "{}" '
-                      'satellite id').format(round(power_level, 1), sat_id)
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        elif not sat_id and sat_system:
-            self._send(':SOUR:SCEN:POW ' + str(sat_system) + ',' +
-                       str(round(power_level, 1)) + ',' + str(freq_band))
-            infmsg = ('Set GSG-6 transmit power to "{}" for "{}" '
-                      'satellite system').format(round(power_level, 1),
-                                                 sat_system)
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        else:
-            errmsg = ('sat_id or sat_system must have value, current input of '
-                      'sat_id {} and sat_system {}').format(sat_id, sat_system)
-            raise GSG6Error(error=errmsg, command='set_scenario_power')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/__init__.py b/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/gss6450.py b/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/gss6450.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd1191..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/gss6450.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Python module for Spirent GSS6450 GNSS RPS."""
-import datetime
-import numbers
-from antlion.controllers import abstract_inst
-class GSS6450Error(abstract_inst.SocketInstrumentError):
-    """GSS6450 Instrument Error Class."""
-class GSS6450(abstract_inst.RequestInstrument):
-    """GSS6450 Class, inherted from abstract_inst RequestInstrument."""
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr):
-        """Init method for GSS6450.
-        Args:
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, str.
-        """
-        super(GSS6450, self).__init__(ip_addr)
-        self.idn = 'Spirent-GSS6450'
-    def _put(self, cmd):
-        """Send put command via GSS6450 HTTP Request and get response.
-        Args:
-            cmd: parameters listed in SHM_PUT.
-                Type, Str.
-        Returns:
-            resp: Response from the _query method.
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        put_cmd = 'shm_put.shtml?' + cmd
-        resp = self._query(put_cmd)
-        return resp
-    def _get(self, cmd):
-        """Send get command via GSS6450 HTTP Request and get response.
-        Args:
-            cmd: parameters listed in SHM_GET.
-                Type, Str.
-        Returns:
-          resp: Response from the _query method.
-              Type, Str.
-        """
-        get_cmd = 'shm_get.shtml?' + cmd
-        resp = self._query(get_cmd)
-        return resp
-    def get_scenario_filename(self):
-        """Get the scenario filename of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            filename: RPS Scenario file name.
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-f')
-        filename = resp_raw.split(':')[-1].strip(' ')
-        self._logger.debug('Got scenario file name: "%s".', filename)
-        return filename
-    def get_scenario_description(self):
-        """Get the scenario description of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            description: RPS Scenario description.
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-d')
-        description = resp_raw.split('-d')[-1].strip(' ')
-        if description:
-            self._logger.debug('Got scenario description: "%s".', description)
-        else:
-            self._logger.warning('Got scenario description with empty string.')
-        return description
-    def get_scenario_location(self):
-        """Get the scenario location of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            location: RPS Scenario location.
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-i')
-        location = resp_raw.split('-i')[-1].strip(' ')
-        if location:
-            self._logger.debug('Got scenario location: "%s".', location)
-        else:
-            self._logger.warning('Got scenario location with empty string.')
-        return location
-    def get_operation_mode(self):
-        """Get the operation mode of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            mode: RPS Operation Mode.
-                Type, Str.
-                Option, STOPPED/PLAYING/RECORDING
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-m')
-        mode = resp_raw.split('-m')[-1].strip(' ')
-        self._logger.debug('Got operation mode: "%s".', mode)
-        return mode
-    def get_battery_level(self):
-        """Get the battery level of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            batterylevel: RPS Battery Level.
-                Type, float.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-l')
-        batterylevel = float(resp_raw.split('-l')[-1].strip(' '))
-        self._logger.debug('Got battery level: %s%%.', batterylevel)
-        return batterylevel
-    def get_rfport_voltage(self):
-        """Get the RF port voltage of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            voltageout: RPS RF port voltage.
-                Type, str
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-v')
-        voltageout = resp_raw.split('-v')[-1].strip(' ')
-        self._logger.debug('Got RF port voltage: "%s".', voltageout)
-        return voltageout
-    def get_storage_media(self):
-        """Get the storage media of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            media: RPS storage.
-                Type, str
-        Raises:
-            GSS6450Error: raise when request response is not support.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-M')
-        resp_num = resp_raw.split('-M')[-1].strip(' ')
-        if resp_num == '1':
-            media = '1-INTERNAL'
-        elif resp_num == '2':
-            media = '2-REMOVABLE'
-        else:
-            errmsg = ('"{}" is not recognized as GSS6450 valid storage media'
-                      ' type'.format(resp_num))
-            raise GSS6450Error(error=errmsg, command='get_storage_media')
-        self._logger.debug('Got current storage media: %s.', media)
-        return media
-    def get_attenuation(self):
-        """Get the attenuation of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            attenuation: RPS attenuation level, in dB.
-                Type, list of float.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-a')
-        resp_str = resp_raw.split('-a')[-1].strip(' ')
-        self._logger.debug('Got attenuation: %s dB.', resp_str)
-        attenuation = [float(itm) for itm in resp_str.split(',')]
-        return attenuation
-    def get_elapsed_time(self):
-        """Get the running scenario elapsed time of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            etime: RPS elapsed time.
-                Type, datetime.timedelta.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-e')
-        resp_str = resp_raw.split('-e')[-1].strip(' ')
-        self._logger.debug('Got senario elapsed time: "%s".', resp_str)
-        etime_tmp = datetime.datetime.strptime(resp_str, '%H:%M:%S')
-        etime = datetime.timedelta(hours=etime_tmp.hour,
-                                   minutes=etime_tmp.minute,
-                                   seconds=etime_tmp.second)
-        return etime
-    def get_playback_offset(self):
-        """Get the running scenario playback offset of GSS6450.
-        Returns:
-            offset: RPS playback offset.
-                Type, datetime.timedelta.
-        """
-        resp_raw = self._get('-o')
-        offset_tmp = float(resp_raw.split('-o')[-1].strip(' '))
-        self._logger.debug('Got senario playback offset: %s sec.', offset_tmp)
-        offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=offset_tmp)
-        return offset
-    def play_scenario(self, scenario=''):
-        """Start to play scenario in GSS6450.
-        Args:
-            scenario: Scenario to play.
-                Type, str.
-                Default, '', which will run current selected one.
-        """
-        if scenario:
-            cmd = '-f{},-wP'.format(scenario)
-        else:
-            cmd = '-wP'
-        _ = self._put(cmd)
-        if scenario:
-            infmsg = 'Started playing scenario: "{}".'.format(scenario)
-        else:
-            infmsg = 'Started playing current scenario.'
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def record_scenario(self, scenario=''):
-        """Start to record scenario in GSS6450.
-        Args:
-            scenario: Scenario to record.
-                Type, str.
-                Default, '', which will run current selected one.
-        """
-        if scenario:
-            cmd = '-f{},-wR'.format(scenario)
-        else:
-            cmd = '-wR'
-        _ = self._put(cmd)
-        if scenario:
-            infmsg = 'Started recording scenario: "{}".'.format(scenario)
-        else:
-            infmsg = 'Started recording scenario.'
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def stop_scenario(self):
-        """Start to stop playing/recording scenario in GSS6450."""
-        _ = self._put('-wS')
-        self._logger.debug('Stopped playing/recording scanrio.')
-    def set_rfport_voltage(self, voltageout):
-        """Set the RF port voltage of GSS6450.
-        Args:
-            voltageout: RPS RF port voltage.
-                Type, str
-        Raises:
-            GSS6450Error: raise when voltageout input is not valid.
-        """
-        if voltageout == 'OFF':
-            voltage_cmd = '0'
-        elif voltageout == '3.3V':
-            voltage_cmd = '3'
-        elif voltageout == '5V':
-            voltage_cmd = '5'
-        else:
-            errmsg = ('"{}" is not recognized as GSS6450 valid RF port voltage'
-                      ' type'.format(voltageout))
-            raise GSS6450Error(error=errmsg, command='set_rfport_voltage')
-        _ = self._put('-v{},-wV'.format(voltage_cmd))
-        self._logger.debug('Set RF port voltage: "%s".', voltageout)
-    def set_attenuation(self, attenuation):
-        """Set the attenuation of GSS6450.
-        Args:
-            attenuation: RPS attenuation level, in dB.
-                Type, numerical.
-        Raises:
-            GSS6450Error: raise when attenuation is not in range.
-        """
-        if not 0 <= attenuation <= 31:
-            errmsg = ('"attenuation" must be within [0, 31], '
-                      'current input is {}').format(str(attenuation))
-            raise GSS6450Error(error=errmsg, command='set_attenuation')
-        attenuation_raw = round(attenuation)
-        if attenuation_raw != attenuation:
-            warningmsg = ('"attenuation" must be integer, current input '
-                          'will be rounded to {}'.format(attenuation_raw))
-            self._logger.warning(warningmsg)
-        _ = self._put('-a{},-wA'.format(attenuation_raw))
-        self._logger.debug('Set attenuation: %s dB.', attenuation_raw)
-    def set_playback_offset(self, offset):
-        """Set the playback offset of GSS6450.
-        Args:
-            offset: RPS playback offset.
-                Type, datetime.timedelta, or numerical.
-        Raises:
-            GSS6450Error: raise when offset is not numeric or timedelta.
-        """
-        if isinstance(offset, datetime.timedelta):
-            offset_raw = offset.total_seconds()
-        elif isinstance(offset, numbers.Number):
-            offset_raw = offset
-        else:
-            raise GSS6450Error(error=('"offset" must be numerical value or '
-                                      'datetime.timedelta'),
-                               command='set_playback_offset')
-        _ = self._put('-o{}'.format(offset_raw))
-        self._logger.debug('Set playback offset: %s sec.', offset_raw)
-    def set_storage_media(self, media):
-        """Set the storage media of GSS6450.
-        Args:
-            media: RPS storage Media, Internal or External.
-                Type, str. Option, 'internal', 'removable'
-        Raises:
-            GSS6450Error: raise when media option is not support.
-        """
-        if media == 'internal':
-            raw_media = '1'
-        elif media == 'removable':
-            raw_media = '2'
-        else:
-            raise GSS6450Error(
-                error=('"media" input must be in ["internal", "removable"]. '
-                       ' Current input is {}'.format(media)),
-                command='set_storage_media')
-        _ = self._put('-M{}-wM'.format(raw_media))
-        resp_raw = self.get_storage_media()
-        if raw_media != resp_raw[0]:
-            raise GSS6450Error(
-                error=('Setting media "{}" is not the same as queried media '
-                       '"{}".'.format(media, resp_raw)),
-                command='set_storage_media')
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/gss7000.py b/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/gss7000.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc47d4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/spirent_lib/gss7000.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Python module for Spirent GSS7000 GNSS simulator.
-@author: Clay Liao (jianhsiungliao@)
-from time import sleep
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from antlion.controllers import abstract_inst
-def get_xml_text(xml_string='', tag=''):
-    """Parse xml from string and return specific tag
-        Args:
-            xml_string: xml string,
-                Type, Str.
-            tag: tag in xml,
-                Type, Str.
-        Returns:
-            text: Text content in the tag
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-    if xml_string and tag:
-        root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)
-        try:
-            text = str(root.find(tag).text).rstrip().lstrip()
-        except ValueError:
-            text = 'INVALID DATA'
-    else:
-        text = 'INVALID DATA'
-    return text
-class GSS7000Error(abstract_inst.SocketInstrumentError):
-    """GSS7000 Instrument Error Class."""
-class AbstractInstGss7000(abstract_inst.SocketInstrument):
-    """Abstract instrument for  GSS7000"""
-    def _query(self, cmd):
-        """query instrument via Socket.
-        Args:
-            cmd: Command to send,
-                Type, Str.
-        Returns:
-            resp: Response from Instrument via Socket,
-                Type, Str.
-        """
-        self._send(cmd)
-        self._wait()
-        resp = self._recv()
-        return resp
-    def _wait(self, wait_time=1):
-        """wait function
-        Args:
-            wait_time: wait time in sec.
-                Type, int,
-                Default, 1.
-        """
-        sleep(wait_time)
-class GSS7000Ctrl(AbstractInstGss7000):
-    """GSS7000 control daemon class"""
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr, ip_port=7717):
-        """Init method for GSS7000 Control Daemon.
-        Args:
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, str.
-            ip_port: TCPIP Port.
-                Type, str.
-        """
-        super().__init__(ip_addr, ip_port)
-        self.idn = 'Spirent-GSS7000 Control Daemon'
-    def connect(self):
-        """Init and Connect to GSS7000 Control Daemon."""
-        # Connect socket then connect socket again
-        self._close_socket()
-        self._connect_socket()
-        # Stop GSS7000 Control Daeamon Then Start
-        self._query('STOP_ENGINE')
-        self._wait()
-        self._query('START_ENGINE')
-    def close(self):
-        """Close GSS7000 control daemon"""
-        self._close_socket()
-        self._logger.debug('Closed connection to GSS7000 control daemon')
-class GSS7000(AbstractInstGss7000):
-    """GSS7000 Class, inherted from abstract_inst SocketInstrument."""
-    def __init__(self, ip_addr, engine_ip_port=15650, ctrl_ip_port=7717):
-        """Init method for GSS7000.
-        Args:
-            ip_addr: IP Address.
-                Type, str.
-            engine_ip_port: TCPIP Port for
-                Type, str.
-            ctrl_ip_port: TCPIP Port for Control Daemon
-        """
-        super().__init__(ip_addr, engine_ip_port)
-        self.idn = ''
-        self.connected = False
-        self.capability = []
-        self.gss7000_ctrl_daemon = GSS7000Ctrl(ip_addr, ctrl_ip_port)
-        # Close control daemon and engine sockets at the beginning
-        self.gss7000_ctrl_daemon._close_socket()
-        self._close_socket()
-    def connect(self):
-        """Connect GSS7000 engine daemon"""
-        # Connect control daemon socket
-        self._logger.debug('Connect to GSS7000')
-        self.gss7000_ctrl_daemon.connect()
-        # Connect to remote engine socket
-        self._wait()
-        self._connect_socket()
-        self.connected = True
-        self.get_hw_capability()
-    def close(self):
-        """Close GSS7000 engine daemon"""
-        # Close GSS7000 control daemon
-        self.gss7000_ctrl_daemon.close()
-        # Close GSS7000 engine daemon
-        self._close_socket()
-        self._logger.debug('Closed connection to GSS7000 engine daemon')
-    def _parse_hw_cap(self, xml):
-        """Parse GSS7000 hardware capability xml to list.
-            Args:
-                xml: hardware capability xml,
-                    Type, str.
-            Returns:
-                capability: Hardware capability dictionary
-                    Type, list.
-        """
-        root = ET.fromstring(xml)
-        capability_ls = list()
-        sig_cap_list = root.find('data').find('Signal_capabilities').findall(
-            'Signal')
-        for signal in sig_cap_list:
-            value = str(signal.text).rstrip().lstrip()
-            capability_ls.extend(value.upper().split(' '))
-        return capability_ls
-    def get_hw_capability(self):
-        """Check GSS7000 hardware capability
-            Returns:
-                capability: Hardware capability dictionary,
-                    Type, list.
-        """
-        if self.connected:
-            capability_xml = self._query('GET_LICENCED_HARDWARE_CAPABILITY')
-            self.capability = self._parse_hw_cap(capability_xml)
-        return self.capability
-    def get_idn(self):
-        """Get the SimREPLAYplus Version
-        Returns:
-            SimREPLAYplus Version
-        """
-        idn_xml = self._query('*IDN?')
-        self.idn = get_xml_text(idn_xml, 'data')
-        return self.idn
-    def load_scenario(self, scenario=''):
-        """Load the scenario.
-        Args:
-            scenario: path of scenario,
-                Type, str
-        """
-        if scenario == '':
-            errmsg = ('Missing scenario file')
-            raise GSS7000Error(error=errmsg, command='load_scenario')
-        else:
-            self._logger.debug('Stopped the original scenario')
-            self._query('-,EN,1')
-            cmd = 'SC,' + scenario
-            self._logger.debug('Loading scenario')
-            self._query(cmd)
-            self._logger.debug('Scenario is loaded')
-            return True
-        return False
-    def start_scenario(self, scenario=''):
-        """Load and Start the running scenario.
-        Args:
-            scenario: path of scenario,
-                Type, str
-        """
-        if scenario:
-            if self.load_scenario(scenario):
-                self._query('RU')
-            else:
-                infmsg = 'No scenario is loaded. Stop running scenario'
-                self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        else:
-            pass
-        if scenario:
-            infmsg = 'Started running scenario {}'.format(scenario)
-        else:
-            infmsg = 'Started running current scenario'
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def get_scenario_name(self):
-        """Get current scenario name"""
-        sc_name_xml = self._query('SC_NAME')
-        return get_xml_text(sc_name_xml, 'data')
-    def stop_scenario(self):
-        """Stop the running scenario."""
-        self._query('-,EN,1')
-        self._logger.debug('Stopped running scenario')
-    def set_power_offset(self, ant=1, power_offset=0):
-        """Set Power Offset of GSS7000 Tx
-        Args:
-            ant: antenna number of GSS7000
-            power_offset: transmit power offset level
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dB]
-        Raises:
-            GSS7000Error: raise when power offset level is not in [-49, 15] range.
-        """
-        if not -49 <= power_offset <= 15:
-            errmsg = (f'"power_offset" must be within [-49, 15], '
-                      f'current input is {power_offset}')
-            raise GSS7000Error(error=errmsg, command='set_power_offset')
-        cmd = f'-,POW_LEV,V1_A{ant},{power_offset},GPS,0,0,1,1,1,1,0'
-        self._query(cmd)
-        infmsg = f'Set veichel 1 antenna {ant} power offset: {power_offset}'
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def set_ref_power(self, ref_dBm=-130):
-        """Set Ref Power of GSS7000 Tx
-        Args:
-            ref_dBm: transmit reference power level in dBm for GSS7000
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dBm]
-        Raises:
-            GSS7000Error: raise when power offset level is not in [-170, -115] range.
-        """
-        if not -170 <= ref_dBm <= -115:
-            errmsg = ('"power_offset" must be within [-170, -115], '
-                      'current input is {}').format(str(ref_dBm))
-            raise GSS7000Error(error=errmsg, command='set_ref_power')
-        cmd = 'REF_DBM,{}'.format(str(round(ref_dBm, 1)))
-        self._query(cmd)
-        infmsg = 'Set reference power level: {}'.format(str(round(ref_dBm, 1)))
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def get_status(self, return_txt=False):
-        """Get current GSS7000 Status
-        Args:
-            return_txt: booling for determining the return results
-                Type, booling.
-        """
-        status_xml = self._query('NULL')
-        status = get_xml_text(status_xml, 'status')
-        if return_txt:
-            status_dict = {
-                '0': 'No Scenario loaded',
-                '1': 'Not completed loading a scenario',
-                '2': 'Idle, ready to run a scenario',
-                '3': 'Arming the scenario',
-                '4': 'Completed arming; or waiting for a command or'
-                     'trigger signal to start the scenario',
-                '5': 'Scenario running',
-                '6': 'Current scenario is paused.',
-                '7': 'Active scenario has stopped and has not been reset.'
-                     'Waiting for further commands.'
-            }
-            return status_dict.get(status)
-        else:
-            return int(status)
-    def set_power(self, power_level=-130):
-        """Set Power Level of GSS7000 Tx
-        Args:
-            power_level: transmit power level
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dBm]
-        Raises:
-            GSS7000Error: raise when power level is not in [-170, -115] range.
-        """
-        if not -170 <= power_level <= -115:
-            errmsg = (f'"power_level" must be within [-170, -115], '
-                      f'current input is {power_level}')
-            raise GSS7000Error(error=errmsg, command='set_power')
-        power_offset = power_level + 130
-        self.set_power_offset(1, power_offset)
-        self.set_power_offset(2, power_offset)
-        infmsg = 'Set GSS7000 transmit power to "{}"'.format(
-            round(power_level, 1))
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-    def power_lev_offset_cal(self, power_level=-130, sat='GPS', band='L1'):
-        """Convert target power level to power offset for GSS7000 power setting
-        Args:
-            power_level: transmit power level
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dBm]
-                Default. -130
-            sat_system: to set power level for all Satellites
-                Type, str
-                Option 'GPS/GLO/GAL'
-                Type, str
-            freq_band: Frequency band to set the power level
-                Type, str
-                Option 'L1/L5/B1I/B1C/B2A/E5'
-                Default, '', assumed to be L1.
-        Return:
-            power_offset: The calculated power offset for setting GSS7000 GNSS target power.
-        """
-        gss7000_tx_pwr = {
-            'GPS_L1': -130,
-            'GPS_L5': -127.9,
-            'GLONASS_F1': -131,
-            'GALILEO_L1': -127,
-            'GALILEO_E5': -122,
-            'BEIDOU_B1I': -133,
-            'BEIDOU_B1C': -130,
-            'BEIDOU_B2A': -127,
-            'QZSS_L1': -128.5,
-            'QZSS_L5': -124.9,
-            'IRNSS_L5': -130
-        }
-        sat_band = f'{sat}_{band}'
-        infmsg = f'Target satellite system and band: {sat_band}'
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        default_pwr_lev = gss7000_tx_pwr.get(sat_band, -130)
-        power_offset = power_level - default_pwr_lev
-        infmsg = (
-            f'Targer power: {power_level}; Default power: {default_pwr_lev};'
-            f' Power offset: {power_offset}')
-        self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-        return power_offset
-    def sat_band_convert(self, sat, band):
-        """Satellite system and operation band conversion and check.
-        Args:
-            sat: to set power level for all Satellites
-                Type, str
-                Option 'GPS/GLO/GAL/BDS'
-                Type, str
-            band: Frequency band to set the power level
-                Type, str
-                Option 'L1/L5/B1I/B1C/B2A/F1/E5'
-                Default, '', assumed to be L1.
-        """
-        sat_system_dict = {
-            'GPS': 'GPS',
-            'GLO': 'GLONASS',
-            'GAL': 'GALILEO',
-            'BDS': 'BEIDOU',
-            'IRNSS': 'IRNSS',
-            'ALL': 'GPS'
-        }
-        sat = sat_system_dict.get(sat, 'GPS')
-        if band == '':
-            infmsg = 'No band is set. Set to default band = L1'
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-            band = 'L1'
-        if sat == '':
-            infmsg = 'No satellite system is set. Set to default sat = GPS'
-            self._logger.debug(infmsg)
-            sat = 'GPS'
-        sat_band = f'{sat}_{band}'
-        self._logger.debug(f'Current band: {sat_band}')
-        self._logger.debug(f'Capability: {self.capability}')
-        # Check if satellite standard and band are supported
-        # If not in support list, return GPS_L1 as default
-        if not sat_band in self.capability:
-            errmsg = (
-                f'Satellite system and band ({sat_band}) are not supported.'
-                f'The GSS7000 support list: {self.capability}')
-            raise GSS7000Error(error=errmsg, command='set_scenario_power')
-        else:
-            sat_band_tp = tuple(sat_band.split('_'))
-        return sat_band_tp
-    def set_scenario_power(self,
-                           power_level=-130,
-                           sat_id='',
-                           sat_system='',
-                           freq_band='L1'):
-        """Set dynamic power for the running scenario.
-        Args:
-            power_level: transmit power level
-                Type, float.
-                Decimal, unit [dBm]
-                Default. -130
-            sat_id: set power level for specific satellite identifiers
-                Type, int.
-            sat_system: to set power level for all Satellites
-                Type, str
-                Option 'GPS/GLO/GAL/BDS'
-                Type, str
-                Default, '', assumed to be GPS.
-            freq_band: Frequency band to set the power level
-                Type, str
-                Option 'L1/L5/B1I/B1C/B2A/F1/E5/ALL'
-                Default, '', assumed to be L1.
-        Raises:
-            GSS7000Error: raise when power offset is not in [-49, -15] range.
-        """
-        band_dict = {
-            'L1': 1,
-            'L5': 2,
-            'B2A': 2,
-            'B1I': 1,
-            'B1C': 1,
-            'F1': 1,
-            'E5': 2,
-            'ALL': 3
-        }
-        # Convert and check satellite system and band
-        sat, band = self.sat_band_convert(sat_system, freq_band)
-        # Get freq band setting
-        band_cmd = band_dict.get(band, 1)
-        if not sat_id:
-            sat_id = 0
-            all_tx_type = 1
-        else:
-            all_tx_type = 0
-        # Convert absolute power level to absolute power offset.
-        power_offset = self.power_lev_offset_cal(power_level, sat, band)
-        if not -49 <= power_offset <= 15:
-            errmsg = (f'"power_offset" must be within [-49, 15], '
-                      f'current input is {power_offset}')
-            raise GSS7000Error(error=errmsg, command='set_power_offset')
-        if band_cmd == 1:
-            cmd = f'-,POW_LEV,v1_a1,{power_offset},{sat},{sat_id},0,0,0,1,1,{all_tx_type}'
-            self._query(cmd)
-        elif band_cmd == 2:
-            cmd = f'-,POW_LEV,v1_a2,{power_offset},{sat},{sat_id},0,0,0,1,1,{all_tx_type}'
-            self._query(cmd)
-        elif band_cmd == 3:
-            cmd = f'-,POW_LEV,v1_a1,{power_offset},{sat},{sat_id},0,0,0,1,1,{all_tx_type}'
-            self._query(cmd)
-            cmd = f'-,POW_LEV,v1_a2,{power_offset},{sat},{sat_id},0,0,0,1,1,{all_tx_type}'
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/tigertail.py b/src/antlion/controllers/tigertail.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e99c6e5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/tigertail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-"""Module manager the required definitions for tigertail"""
-import logging
-import time
-from enum import Enum
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-def create(configs):
-    """Takes a list of Tigertail serial numbers and returns Tigertail Controllers.
-    Args:
-        configs: A list of serial numbers
-    Returns:
-        a list of Tigertail controllers
-    Raises:
-        ValueError if the configuration is not a list of serial number
-    """
-    tigertails = []
-    if isinstance(configs, list):
-        for serial_no in configs:
-            tigertail = Tigertail(serial_no)
-            tigertails.append(tigertail)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError(
-            'Invalid config for tigertail, should be a list of serial number')
-    return tigertails
-def destroy(tigertails):
-    pass
-def get_info(tigertails):
-    return [tigertail.get_info() for tigertail in tigertails]
-class TigertailError(Exception):
-    pass
-class TigertailState(Enum):
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.value)
-    A = 'A'
-    B = 'B'
-    Off = 'off'
-class Tigertail(object):
-    def __init__(self, serial_number):
-        self.serial_number = serial_number
-        self.tigertool_bin = None
-    def setup(self, user_params):
-        """Links tigertool binary
-        This function needs to be:
-        Args:
-            user_params: User defined parameters. Expected field is:
-            {
-                // required, string or list of strings
-                tigertool: ['/path/to/tigertool.par']
-            }
-        """
-        tigertool_path = user_params['tigertool']
-        if tigertool_path is None:
-            self.tigertool_bin = None
-        elif isinstance(tigertool_path, str):
-            self.tigertool_bin = tigertool_path
-        elif isinstance(tigertool_path, list):
-            if len(tigertool_path) == 0:
-                self.tigertool_bin = None
-            else:
-                self.tigertool_bin = tigertool_path[0]
-        if self.tigertool_bin is None:
-            raise TigertailError('Tigertail binary not found')
-        logging.getLogger().debug(
-            f'Setup {self.serial_number} with binary at {self.tigertool_bin}')
-    def turn_on_mux_A(self):
-        self._set_tigertail_state(TigertailState.A)
-    def turn_on_mux_B(self):
-        self._set_tigertail_state(TigertailState.B)
-    def turn_off(self):
-        self._set_tigertail_state(TigertailState.Off)
-    def get_info(self):
-        return {'tigertail_serial_no': self.serial_number}
-    def _set_tigertail_state(self, state: TigertailState):
-        """Sets state for tigertail, there are 3 possible states:
-            A  : enable port A
-            B  : enable port B
-            Off: turn off both ports
-        """
-        result = job.run([
-            self.tigertool_bin, '--serialno',
-            str(self.serial_number), '--mux',
-            str(state)
-        ],
-                         timeout=10)
-        if result.stderr != '':
-            raise TigertailError(result.stderr)
-        # Sleep time to let the device connected/disconnect to tigertail
-        time.sleep(TIGERTAIL_SLEEP_TIME)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ip.py b/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ip.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b14d2e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ip.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import ipaddress
-import re
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-class LinuxIpCommand(object):
-    """Interface for doing standard IP commands on a linux system.
-    Wraps standard shell commands used for ip into a python object that can
-    be interacted with more easily.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, runner):
-        """
-        Args:
-            runner: Object that can take unix commands and run them in an
-                    enviroment (eg. connection.SshConnection).
-        """
-        self._runner = runner
-    def get_ipv4_addresses(self, net_interface):
-        """Gets all ipv4 addresses of a network interface.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: string, The network interface to get info on
-                           (eg. wlan0).
-        Returns: An iterator of tuples that contain (address, broadcast).
-                 where address is a ipaddress.IPv4Interface and broadcast
-                 is an ipaddress.IPv4Address.
-        """
-        results = self._runner.run('ip addr show dev %s' % net_interface)
-        lines = results.stdout.splitlines()
-        # Example stdout:
-        # 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
-        #   link/ether 48:0f:cf:3c:9d:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
-        #   inet brd scope global eth0
-        #       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
-        #   inet6 2620:0:1000:1500:a968:a776:2d80:a8b3/64 scope global temporary dynamic
-        #       valid_lft 599919sec preferred_lft 80919sec
-        for line in lines:
-            line = line.strip()
-            match = re.search('inet (?P<address>[^\s]*) brd (?P<bcast>[^\s]*)',
-                              line)
-            if match:
-                d = match.groupdict()
-                address = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(d['address'])
-                bcast = ipaddress.IPv4Address(d['bcast'])
-                yield (address, bcast)
-            match = re.search('inet (?P<address>[^\s]*)', line)
-            if match:
-                d = match.groupdict()
-                address = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(d['address'])
-                yield (address, None)
-    def add_ipv4_address(self, net_interface, address, broadcast=None):
-        """Adds an ipv4 address to a net_interface.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: string, The network interface
-                           to get the new ipv4 (eg. wlan0).
-            address: ipaddress.IPv4Interface, The new ipaddress and netmask
-                     to add to an interface.
-            broadcast: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The broadcast address to use for
-                       this net_interfaces subnet.
-        """
-        if broadcast:
-            self._runner.run('ip addr add %s broadcast %s dev %s' %
-                             (address, broadcast, net_interface))
-        else:
-            self._runner.run('ip addr add %s dev %s' %
-                             (address, net_interface))
-    def remove_ipv4_address(self, net_interface, address, ignore_status=False):
-        """Remove an ipv4 address.
-        Removes an ipv4 address from a network interface.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: string, The network interface to remove the
-                           ipv4 address from (eg. wlan0).
-            address: ipaddress.IPv4Interface or ipaddress.IPv4Address,
-                     The ip address to remove from the net_interface.
-            ignore_status: True if the exit status can be ignored
-        Returns:
-            The job result from a the command
-        """
-        return self._runner.run(
-            'ip addr del %s dev %s' % (address, net_interface),
-            ignore_status=ignore_status)
-    def set_ipv4_address(self, net_interface, address, broadcast=None):
-        """Set the ipv4 address.
-        Sets the ipv4 address of a network interface. If the network interface
-        has any other ipv4 addresses these will be cleared.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: string, The network interface to set the ip address
-                           on (eg. wlan0).
-            address: ipaddress.IPv4Interface, The ip address and subnet to give
-                     the net_interface.
-            broadcast: ipaddress.IPv4Address, The broadcast address to use for
-                       the subnet.
-        """
-        self.clear_ipv4_addresses(net_interface)
-        self.add_ipv4_address(net_interface, address, broadcast)
-    def clear_ipv4_addresses(self, net_interface):
-        """Clears all ipv4 addresses registered to a net_interface.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: string, The network interface to clear addresses from
-                           (eg. wlan0).
-        """
-        ip_info = self.get_ipv4_addresses(net_interface)
-        for address, _ in ip_info:
-            result = self.remove_ipv4_address(net_interface, address,
-                                              ignore_status=True)
-            # It is possible that the address has already been removed by the
-            # time this command has been called. In such a case, we would get
-            # this error message.
-            error_msg = 'RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address'
-            if result.exit_status != 0:
-                if error_msg in result.stderr:
-                    # If it was removed by another process, log a warning
-                    if address not in self.get_ipv4_addresses(net_interface):
-                        self._runner.log.warning(
-                            'Unable to remove address %s. The address was '
-                            'removed by another process.' % address)
-                        continue
-                    # If it was not removed, raise an error
-                    self._runner.log.error(
-                        'Unable to remove address %s. The address is still '
-                        'registered to %s, despite call for removal.' %
-                        (address, net_interface))
-                raise job.Error(result)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py b/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d024c4b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/route.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import ipaddress
-import re
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
-class Error(Exception):
-    """Exception thrown when a valid ip command experiences errors."""
-class NetworkInterfaceDown(Error):
-    """Exception thrown when a network interface is down."""
-class LinuxRouteCommand(object):
-    """Interface for doing standard ip route commands on a linux system."""
-    DEFAULT_ROUTE = 'default'
-    def __init__(self, runner):
-        """
-        Args:
-            runner: Object that can take unix commands and run them in an
-                    enviroment.
-        """
-        self._runner = runner
-    def add_route(self, net_interface, address):
-        """Add an entry to the ip routing table.
-        Will add a route for either a specific ip address, or a network.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: string, Any packet that sends through this route
-                           will be sent using this network interface
-                           (eg. wlan0).
-            address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network,
-                     or DEFAULT_ROUTE. The address to use. If a network
-                     is given then the entire subnet will be routed.
-                     If DEFAULT_ROUTE is given then this will set the
-                     default route.
-        Raises:
-            NetworkInterfaceDown: Raised when the network interface is down.
-        """
-        try:
-            self._runner.run('ip route add %s dev %s' %
-                             (address, net_interface))
-        except connection.CommandError as e:
-            if 'File exists' in e.result.stderr:
-                raise Error('Route already exists.')
-            if 'Network is down' in e.result.stderr:
-                raise NetworkInterfaceDown(
-                    'Device must be up for adding a route.')
-            raise
-    def get_routes(self, net_interface=None):
-        """Get the routes in the ip routing table.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: string, If given, only retrive routes that have
-                           been registered to go through this network
-                           interface (eg. wlan0).
-        Returns: An iterator that returns a tuple of (address, net_interface).
-                 If it is the default route then address
-                 will be the DEFAULT_ROUTE. If the route is a subnet then
-                 it will be a ipaddress.IPv4Network otherwise it is a
-                 ipaddress.IPv4Address.
-        """
-        result = self._runner.run('ip route show')
-        lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
-        # Scan through each line for valid route entries
-        # Example output:
-        # default via dev eth0  proto static
-        # dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 1
-        # dev eth2 proto kernel scope link metric 1
-        for line in lines:
-            if not 'dev' in line:
-                continue
-            if line.startswith(self.DEFAULT_ROUTE):
-                # The default route entry is formatted differently.
-                match = re.search('dev (?P<net_interface>.*)', line)
-                pair = None
-                if match:
-                    # When there is a match for the route entry pattern create
-                    # A pair to hold the info.
-                    pair = (self.DEFAULT_ROUTE,
-                            match.groupdict()['net_interface'])
-            else:
-                # Test the normal route entry pattern.
-                match = re.search(
-                    '(?P<address>[^\s]*) dev (?P<net_interface>[^\s]*)', line)
-                pair = None
-                if match:
-                    # When there is a match for the route entry pattern create
-                    # A pair to hold the info.
-                    d = match.groupdict()
-                    # Route can be either a network or specific address
-                    try:
-                        address = ipaddress.IPv4Address(d['address'])
-                    except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
-                        address = ipaddress.IPv4Network(d['address'])
-                    pair = (address, d['net_interface'])
-            # No pair means no pattern was found.
-            if not pair:
-                continue
-            if net_interface:
-                # If a net_interface was passed in then only give the pair when it is
-                # The correct net_interface.
-                if pair[1] == net_interface:
-                    yield pair
-            else:
-                # No net_interface given give all valid route entries.
-                yield pair
-    def is_route(self, address, net_interface=None):
-        """Checks to see if a route exists.
-        Args:
-            address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network,
-                     or DEFAULT_ROUTE, The address to use.
-            net_interface: string, If specified, the route must be
-                           registered to go through this network interface
-                           (eg. wlan0).
-        Returns: True if the route is found, False otherwise.
-        """
-        for route, _ in self.get_routes(net_interface):
-            if route == address:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def remove_route(self, address, net_interface=None):
-        """Removes a route from the ip routing table.
-        Removes a route from the ip routing table. If the route does not exist
-        nothing is done.
-        Args:
-            address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network,
-                     or DEFAULT_ROUTE, The address of the route to remove.
-            net_interface: string, If specified the route being removed is
-                           registered to go through this network interface
-                           (eg. wlan0)
-        """
-        try:
-            if net_interface:
-                self._runner.run('ip route del %s dev %s' %
-                                 (address, net_interface))
-            else:
-                self._runner.run('ip route del %s' % address)
-        except connection.CommandError as e:
-            if 'No such process' in e.result.stderr:
-                # The route didn't exist.
-                return
-            raise
-    def clear_routes(self, net_interface=None):
-        """Clears all routes.
-        Args:
-            net_interface: The network interface to clear routes on.
-            If not given then all routes will be removed on all network
-            interfaces (eg. wlan0).
-        """
-        routes = self.get_routes(net_interface)
-        for a, d in routes:
-            self.remove_route(a, d)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/shell.py b/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/shell.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 34abeeb..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/commands/shell.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import shlex
-import signal
-import time
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-class ShellCommand(object):
-    """Wraps basic commands that tend to be tied very closely to a shell.
-    This class is a wrapper for running basic shell commands through
-    any object that has a run command. Basic shell functionality for managing
-    the system, programs, and files in wrapped within this class.
-    Note: At the moment this only works with the ssh runner.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, runner, working_dir=None):
-        """Creates a new shell command invoker.
-        Args:
-            runner: The object that will run the shell commands.
-            working_dir: The directory that all commands should work in,
-                         if none then the runners enviroment default is used.
-        """
-        self._runner = runner
-        self._working_dir = working_dir
-    def run(self, command, timeout=60):
-        """Runs a generic command through the runner.
-        Takes the command and prepares it to be run in the target shell using
-        this objects settings.
-        Args:
-            command: The command to run.
-            timeout: How long to wait for the command (in seconds).
-        Returns:
-            A CmdResult object containing the results of the shell command.
-        Raises:
-            job.Error: When the command executed but had an error.
-        """
-        if self._working_dir:
-            command_str = 'cd %s; %s' % (self._working_dir, command)
-        else:
-            command_str = command
-        return self._runner.run(command_str, timeout=timeout)
-    def is_alive(self, identifier):
-        """Checks to see if a program is alive.
-        Checks to see if a program is alive on the shells enviroment. This can
-        be used to check on generic programs, or a specific program using
-        a pid.
-        Args:
-            identifier: string or int, Used to identify the program to check.
-                        if given an int then it is assumed to be a pid. If
-                        given a string then it will be used as a search key
-                        to compare on the running processes.
-        Returns:
-            True if a process was found running, false otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            if isinstance(identifier, str):
-                self.run('ps aux | grep -v grep | grep %s' % identifier)
-            elif isinstance(identifier, int):
-                self.signal(identifier, 0)
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Bad type was given for identifier')
-            return True
-        except job.Error:
-            return False
-    def get_pids(self, identifier):
-        """Gets the pids of a program.
-        Searches for a program with a specific name and grabs the pids for all
-        programs that match.
-        Args:
-            identifier: A search term that identifies the program.
-        Returns: An array of all pids that matched the identifier, or None
-                  if no pids were found.
-        """
-        try:
-            result = self.run('ps aux | grep -v grep | grep %s' % identifier)
-        except job.Error as e:
-            if e.result.exit_status == 1:
-                # Grep returns exit status 1 when no lines are selected. This is
-                # an expected return code.
-                return
-            raise e
-        lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
-        # The expected output of the above command is like so:
-        # bob    14349  0.0  0.0  34788  5552 pts/2    Ss   Oct10   0:03 bash
-        # bob    52967  0.0  0.0  34972  5152 pts/4    Ss   Oct10   0:00 bash
-        # Where the format is:
-        # USER    PID  ...
-        for line in lines:
-            pieces = line.split()
-            try:
-                yield int(pieces[1])
-            except StopIteration:
-                return
-    def search_file(self, search_string, file_name):
-        """Searches through a file for a string.
-        Args:
-            search_string: The string or pattern to look for.
-            file_name: The name of the file to search.
-        Returns:
-            True if the string or pattern was found, False otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.run('grep %s %s' % (shlex.quote(search_string), file_name))
-            return True
-        except job.Error:
-            return False
-    def read_file(self, file_name):
-        """Reads a file through the shell.
-        Args:
-            file_name: The name of the file to read.
-        Returns:
-            A string of the files contents.
-        """
-        return self.run('cat %s' % file_name).stdout
-    def write_file(self, file_name, data):
-        """Writes a block of data to a file through the shell.
-        Args:
-            file_name: The name of the file to write to.
-            data: The string of data to write.
-        """
-        return self.run('echo %s > %s' % (shlex.quote(data), file_name))
-    def append_file(self, file_name, data):
-        """Appends a block of data to a file through the shell.
-        Args:
-            file_name: The name of the file to write to.
-            data: The string of data to write.
-        """
-        return self.run('echo %s >> %s' % (shlex.quote(data), file_name))
-    def touch_file(self, file_name):
-        """Creates a file through the shell.
-        Args:
-            file_name: The name of the file to create.
-        """
-        self.write_file(file_name, '')
-    def delete_file(self, file_name):
-        """Deletes a file through the shell.
-        Args:
-            file_name: The name of the file to delete.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.run('rm -r %s' % file_name)
-        except job.Error as e:
-            if 'No such file or directory' in e.result.stderr:
-                return
-            raise
-    def kill(self, identifier, timeout=10):
-        """Kills a program or group of programs through the shell.
-        Kills all programs that match an identifier through the shell. This
-        will send an increasing queue of kill signals to all programs
-        that match the identifier until either all are dead or the timeout
-        finishes.
-        Programs are guaranteed to be killed after running this command.
-        Args:
-            identifier: A string used to identify the program.
-            timeout: The time to wait for all programs to die. Each signal will
-                     take an equal portion of this time.
-        """
-        if isinstance(identifier, int):
-            pids = [identifier]
-        else:
-            pids = list(self.get_pids(identifier))
-        signal_queue = [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL]
-        signal_duration = timeout / len(signal_queue)
-        for sig in signal_queue:
-            for pid in pids:
-                try:
-                    self.signal(pid, sig)
-                except job.Error:
-                    pass
-            start_time = time.time()
-            while pids and time.time() - start_time < signal_duration:
-                time.sleep(0.1)
-                pids = [pid for pid in pids if self.is_alive(pid)]
-            if not pids:
-                break
-    def signal(self, pid, sig):
-        """Sends a specific signal to a program.
-        Args:
-            pid: The process id of the program to kill.
-            sig: The signal to send.
-        Raises:
-            job.Error: Raised when the signal fail to reach
-                       the specified program.
-        """
-        self.run('kill -%d %d' % (sig, pid))
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/host_utils.py b/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/host_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index db7be27..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/host_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import socket
-def get_available_host_port():
-    """Finds a semi-random available port.
-    A race condition is still possible after the port number is returned, if
-    another process happens to bind it.
-    Returns:
-        A port number that is unused on both TCP and UDP.
-    """
-    # On the 2.6 kernel, calling _try_bind() on UDP socket returns the
-    # same port over and over. So always try TCP first.
-    while True:
-        # Ask the OS for an unused port.
-        port = _try_bind(0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
-        # Check if this port is unused on the other protocol.
-        if port and _try_bind(port, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP):
-            return port
-def is_port_available(port):
-    """Checks if a given port number is available on the system.
-    Args:
-        port: An integer which is the port number to check.
-    Returns:
-        True if the port is available; False otherwise.
-    """
-    return (_try_bind(port, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) and
-            _try_bind(port, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP))
-def _try_bind(port, socket_type, socket_proto):
-    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket_type, socket_proto)
-    try:
-        try:
-            s.bind(('', port))
-            # The result of getsockname() is protocol dependent, but for both
-            # IPv4 and IPv6 the second field is a port number.
-            return s.getsockname()[1]
-        except socket.error:
-            return None
-    finally:
-        s.close()
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/connection.py b/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/connection.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4808f93..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/connection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import threading
-import time
-import uuid
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib import host_utils
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import formatter
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-class Error(Exception):
-    """An error occurred during an ssh operation."""
-class CommandError(Exception):
-    """An error occurred with the command.
-    Attributes:
-        result: The results of the ssh command that had the error.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, result):
-        """
-        Args:
-            result: The result of the ssh command that created the problem.
-        """
-        self.result = result
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'cmd: %s\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s' % (
-            self.result.command, self.result.stdout, self.result.stderr)
-_Tunnel = collections.namedtuple('_Tunnel',
-                                 ['local_port', 'remote_port', 'proc'])
-class SshConnection(object):
-    """Provides a connection to a remote machine through ssh.
-    Provides the ability to connect to a remote machine and execute a command
-    on it. The connection will try to establish a persistent connection When
-    a command is run. If the persistent connection fails it will attempt
-    to connect normally.
-    """
-    @property
-    def socket_path(self):
-        """Returns: The os path to the master socket file."""
-        return os.path.join(self._master_ssh_tempdir, 'socket')
-    def __init__(self, settings):
-        """
-        Args:
-            settings: The ssh settings to use for this connection.
-            formatter: The object that will handle formatting ssh command
-                       for use with the background job.
-        """
-        self._settings = settings
-        self._formatter = formatter.SshFormatter()
-        self._lock = threading.Lock()
-        self._master_ssh_proc = None
-        self._master_ssh_tempdir = None
-        self._tunnels = list()
-        def log_line(msg):
-            return '[SshConnection | %s] %s' % (self._settings.hostname, msg)
-        self.log = logger.create_logger(log_line)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, _, __, ___):
-        self.close()
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.close()
-    def setup_master_ssh(self, timeout_seconds=5):
-        """Sets up the master ssh connection.
-        Sets up the initial master ssh connection if it has not already been
-        started.
-        Args:
-            timeout_seconds: The time to wait for the master ssh connection to
-            be made.
-        Raises:
-            Error: When setting up the master ssh connection fails.
-        """
-        with self._lock:
-            if self._master_ssh_proc is not None:
-                socket_path = self.socket_path
-                if (not os.path.exists(socket_path)
-                        or self._master_ssh_proc.poll() is not None):
-                    self.log.debug('Master ssh connection to %s is down.',
-                                   self._settings.hostname)
-                    self._cleanup_master_ssh()
-            if self._master_ssh_proc is None:
-                # Create a shared socket in a temp location.
-                self._master_ssh_tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
-                    prefix='ssh-master')
-                # Setup flags and options for running the master ssh
-                # -N: Do not execute a remote command.
-                # ControlMaster: Spawn a master connection.
-                # ControlPath: The master connection socket path.
-                extra_flags = {'-N': None}
-                extra_options = {
-                    'ControlMaster': True,
-                    'ControlPath': self.socket_path,
-                    'BatchMode': True
-                }
-                # Construct the command and start it.
-                master_cmd = self._formatter.format_ssh_local_command(
-                    self._settings,
-                    extra_flags=extra_flags,
-                    extra_options=extra_options)
-                self.log.info('Starting master ssh connection.')
-                self._master_ssh_proc = job.run_async(master_cmd)
-                end_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds
-                while time.time() < end_time:
-                    if os.path.exists(self.socket_path):
-                        break
-                    time.sleep(.2)
-                else:
-                    self._cleanup_master_ssh()
-                    raise Error('Master ssh connection timed out.')
-    def run(self,
-            command,
-            timeout=60,
-            ignore_status=False,
-            env=None,
-            io_encoding='utf-8',
-            attempts=2):
-        """Runs a remote command over ssh.
-        Will ssh to a remote host and run a command. This method will
-        block until the remote command is finished.
-        Args:
-            command: The command to execute over ssh. Can be either a string
-                     or a list.
-            timeout: number seconds to wait for command to finish.
-            ignore_status: bool True to ignore the exit code of the remote
-                           subprocess.  Note that if you do ignore status codes,
-                           you should handle non-zero exit codes explicitly.
-            env: dict environment variables to setup on the remote host.
-            io_encoding: str unicode encoding of command output.
-            attempts: Number of attempts before giving up on command failures.
-        Returns:
-            A job.Result containing the results of the ssh command.
-        Raises:
-            job.TimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
-            Error: When the ssh connection failed to be created.
-            CommandError: Ssh worked, but the command had an error executing.
-        """
-        if attempts == 0:
-            return None
-        if env is None:
-            env = {}
-        try:
-            self.setup_master_ssh(self._settings.connect_timeout)
-        except Error:
-            self.log.warning('Failed to create master ssh connection, using '
-                             'normal ssh connection.')
-        extra_options = {'BatchMode': True}
-        if self._master_ssh_proc:
-            extra_options['ControlPath'] = self.socket_path
-        identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        full_command = 'echo "CONNECTED: %s"; %s' % (identifier, command)
-        terminal_command = self._formatter.format_command(
-            full_command, env, self._settings, extra_options=extra_options)
-        dns_retry_count = 2
-        while True:
-            result = job.run(terminal_command,
-                             ignore_status=True,
-                             timeout=timeout,
-                             io_encoding=io_encoding)
-            output = result.stdout
-            # Check for a connected message to prevent false negatives.
-            valid_connection = re.search('^CONNECTED: %s' % identifier,
-                                         output,
-                                         flags=re.MULTILINE)
-            if valid_connection:
-                # Remove the first line that contains the connect message.
-                line_index = output.find('\n') + 1
-                if line_index == 0:
-                    line_index = len(output)
-                real_output = output[line_index:].encode(io_encoding)
-                result = job.Result(command=result.command,
-                                    stdout=real_output,
-                                    stderr=result._raw_stderr,
-                                    exit_status=result.exit_status,
-                                    duration=result.duration,
-                                    did_timeout=result.did_timeout,
-                                    encoding=io_encoding)
-                if result.exit_status and not ignore_status:
-                    raise job.Error(result)
-                return result
-            error_string = result.stderr
-            had_dns_failure = (result.exit_status == 255 and re.search(
-                r'^ssh: .*: Name or service not known',
-                error_string,
-                flags=re.MULTILINE))
-            if had_dns_failure:
-                dns_retry_count -= 1
-                if not dns_retry_count:
-                    raise Error('DNS failed to find host.', result)
-                self.log.debug('Failed to connect to host, retrying...')
-            else:
-                break
-        had_timeout = re.search(
-            r'^ssh: connect to host .* port .*: '
-            r'Connection timed out\r$',
-            error_string,
-            flags=re.MULTILINE)
-        if had_timeout:
-            raise Error('Ssh timed out.', result)
-        permission_denied = 'Permission denied' in error_string
-        if permission_denied:
-            raise Error('Permission denied.', result)
-        unknown_host = re.search(
-            r'ssh: Could not resolve hostname .*: '
-            r'Name or service not known',
-            error_string,
-            flags=re.MULTILINE)
-        if unknown_host:
-            raise Error('Unknown host.', result)
-        self.log.error('An unknown error has occurred. Job result: %s' %
-                       result)
-        ping_output = job.run('ping %s -c 3 -w 1' % self._settings.hostname,
-                              ignore_status=True)
-        self.log.error('Ping result: %s' % ping_output)
-        if attempts > 1:
-            self._cleanup_master_ssh()
-            self.run(command, timeout, ignore_status, env, io_encoding,
-                     attempts - 1)
-        raise Error('The job failed for unknown reasons.', result)
-    def run_async(self, command, env=None):
-        """Starts up a background command over ssh.
-        Will ssh to a remote host and startup a command. This method will
-        block until there is confirmation that the remote command has started.
-        Args:
-            command: The command to execute over ssh. Can be either a string
-                     or a list.
-            env: A dictonary of environment variables to setup on the remote
-                 host.
-        Returns:
-            The result of the command to launch the background job.
-        Raises:
-            CmdTimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
-            SshTimeoutError: When the connection took to long to established.
-            SshPermissionDeniedError: When permission is not allowed on the
-                                      remote host.
-        """
-        command = '(%s) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n $!' % command
-        result = self.run(command, env=env)
-        return result
-    def close(self):
-        """Clean up open connections to remote host."""
-        self._cleanup_master_ssh()
-        while self._tunnels:
-            self.close_ssh_tunnel(self._tunnels[0].local_port)
-    def _cleanup_master_ssh(self):
-        """
-        Release all resources (process, temporary directory) used by an active
-        master SSH connection.
-        """
-        # If a master SSH connection is running, kill it.
-        if self._master_ssh_proc is not None:
-            self.log.debug('Nuking master_ssh_job.')
-            self._master_ssh_proc.kill()
-            self._master_ssh_proc.wait()
-            self._master_ssh_proc = None
-        # Remove the temporary directory for the master SSH socket.
-        if self._master_ssh_tempdir is not None:
-            self.log.debug('Cleaning master_ssh_tempdir.')
-            shutil.rmtree(self._master_ssh_tempdir)
-            self._master_ssh_tempdir = None
-    def create_ssh_tunnel(self, port, local_port=None):
-        """Create an ssh tunnel from local_port to port.
-        This securely forwards traffic from local_port on this machine to the
-        remote SSH host at port.
-        Args:
-            port: remote port on the host.
-            local_port: local forwarding port, or None to pick an available
-                        port.
-        Returns:
-            the created tunnel process.
-        """
-        if not local_port:
-            local_port = host_utils.get_available_host_port()
-        else:
-            for tunnel in self._tunnels:
-                if tunnel.remote_port == port:
-                    return tunnel.local_port
-        extra_flags = {
-            '-n': None,  # Read from /dev/null for stdin
-            '-N': None,  # Do not execute a remote command
-            '-q': None,  # Suppress warnings and diagnostic commands
-            '-L': '%d:localhost:%d' % (local_port, port),
-        }
-        extra_options = dict()
-        if self._master_ssh_proc:
-            extra_options['ControlPath'] = self.socket_path
-        tunnel_cmd = self._formatter.format_ssh_local_command(
-            self._settings,
-            extra_flags=extra_flags,
-            extra_options=extra_options)
-        self.log.debug('Full tunnel command: %s', tunnel_cmd)
-        # Exec the ssh process directly so that when we deliver signals, we
-        # deliver them straight to the child process.
-        tunnel_proc = job.run_async(tunnel_cmd)
-        self.log.debug('Started ssh tunnel, local = %d remote = %d, pid = %d',
-                       local_port, port, tunnel_proc.pid)
-        self._tunnels.append(_Tunnel(local_port, port, tunnel_proc))
-        return local_port
-    def close_ssh_tunnel(self, local_port):
-        """Close a previously created ssh tunnel of a TCP port.
-        Args:
-            local_port: int port on localhost previously forwarded to the remote
-                        host.
-        Returns:
-            integer port number this port was forwarded to on the remote host or
-            None if no tunnel was found.
-        """
-        idx = None
-        for i, tunnel in enumerate(self._tunnels):
-            if tunnel.local_port == local_port:
-                idx = i
-                break
-        if idx is not None:
-            tunnel = self._tunnels.pop(idx)
-            tunnel.proc.kill()
-            tunnel.proc.wait()
-            return tunnel.remote_port
-        return None
-    def send_file(self, local_path, remote_path, ignore_status=False):
-        """Send a file from the local host to the remote host.
-        Args:
-            local_path: string path of file to send on local host.
-            remote_path: string path to copy file to on remote host.
-            ignore_status: Whether or not to ignore the command's exit_status.
-        """
-        # TODO: This may belong somewhere else: b/32572515
-        user_host = self._formatter.format_host_name(self._settings)
-        job.run('scp %s %s:%s' % (local_path, user_host, remote_path),
-                ignore_status=ignore_status)
-    def pull_file(self, local_path, remote_path, ignore_status=False):
-        """Send a file from remote host to local host
-        Args:
-            local_path: string path of file to recv on local host
-            remote_path: string path to copy file from on remote host.
-            ignore_status: Whether or not to ignore the command's exit_status.
-        """
-        user_host = self._formatter.format_host_name(self._settings)
-        job.run('scp %s:%s %s' % (user_host, remote_path, local_path),
-                ignore_status=ignore_status)
-    def find_free_port(self, interface_name='localhost'):
-        """Find a unused port on the remote host.
-        Note that this method is inherently racy, since it is impossible
-        to promise that the remote port will remain free.
-        Args:
-            interface_name: string name of interface to check whether a
-                            port is used against.
-        Returns:
-            integer port number on remote interface that was free.
-        """
-        # TODO: This may belong somewhere else: b/3257251
-        free_port_cmd = (
-            'python -c "import socket; s=socket.socket(); '
-            's.bind((\'%s\', 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()"'
-        ) % interface_name
-        port = int(self.run(free_port_cmd).stdout)
-        # Yield to the os to ensure the port gets cleaned up.
-        time.sleep(0.001)
-        return port
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/formatter.py b/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/formatter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2466012..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/formatter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class SshFormatter(object):
-    """Handles formatting ssh commands.
-    Handler for formatting chunks of the ssh command to run.
-    """
-    def format_ssh_executable(self, settings):
-        """Format the executable name.
-        Formats the executable name as a string.
-        Args:
-            settings: The ssh settings being used.
-        Returns:
-            A string for the ssh executable name.
-        """
-        return settings.executable
-    def format_host_name(self, settings):
-        """Format hostname.
-        Formats the hostname to connect to.
-        Args:
-            settings: The ssh settings being used.
-        Returns:
-            A string of the connection host name to connect to.
-        """
-        return '%s@%s' % (settings.username, settings.hostname)
-    def format_value(self, value):
-        """Formats a command line value.
-        Takes in a value and formats it so it can be safely used in the
-        command line.
-        Args:
-            value: The value to format.
-        Returns:
-            A string representation of the formatted value.
-        """
-        if isinstance(value, bool):
-            return 'yes' if value else 'no'
-        return str(value)
-    def format_options_list(self, options):
-        """Format the option list.
-        Formats a dictionary of options into a list of strings to be used
-        on the command line.
-        Args:
-            options: A dictionary of options.
-        Returns:
-            An iterator of strings that should go on the command line.
-        """
-        for option_name in options:
-            option = options[option_name]
-            yield '-o'
-            yield '%s=%s' % (option_name, self.format_value(option))
-    def format_flag_list(self, flags):
-        """Format the flags list.
-        Formats a dictionary of flags into a list of strings to be used
-        on the command line.
-        Args:
-            flags: A dictonary of options.
-        Returns:
-            An iterator of strings that should be used on the command line.
-        """
-        for flag_name in flags:
-            flag = flags[flag_name]
-            yield flag_name
-            if flag is not None:
-                yield self.format_value(flag)
-    def format_ssh_local_command(self,
-                                 settings,
-                                 extra_flags={},
-                                 extra_options={}):
-        """Formats the local part of the ssh command.
-        Formats the local section of the ssh command. This is the part of the
-        command that will actual launch ssh on our local machine with the
-        specified settings.
-        Args:
-            settings: The ssh settings.
-            extra_flags: Extra flags to inlcude.
-            extra_options: Extra options to include.
-        Returns:
-            An array of strings that make up the command and its local
-            arguments.
-        """
-        options = settings.construct_ssh_options()
-        for extra_option_name in extra_options:
-            options[extra_option_name] = extra_options[extra_option_name]
-        options_list = list(self.format_options_list(options))
-        flags = settings.construct_ssh_flags()
-        for extra_flag_name in extra_flags:
-            flags[extra_flag_name] = extra_flags[extra_flag_name]
-        flags_list = list(self.format_flag_list(flags))
-        all_options = options_list + flags_list
-        host_name = self.format_host_name(settings)
-        executable = self.format_ssh_executable(settings)
-        base_command = [executable] + all_options + [host_name]
-        return base_command
-    def format_ssh_command(self,
-                           remote_command,
-                           settings,
-                           extra_flags={},
-                           extra_options={}):
-        """Formats the full ssh command.
-        Creates the full format for an ssh command.
-        Args:
-            remote_command: A string that represents the remote command to
-                            execute.
-            settings: The ssh settings to use.
-            extra_flags: Extra flags to include in the settings.
-            extra_options: Extra options to include in the settings.
-        Returns:
-            A list of strings that make up the total ssh command.
-        """
-        local_command = self.format_ssh_local_command(settings, extra_flags,
-                                                      extra_options)
-        local_command.append(remote_command)
-        return local_command
-    def format_remote_command(self, command, env):
-        """Formats the remote part of the ssh command.
-        Formatts the command that will run on the remote machine.
-        Args:
-            command: string, The command to be executed.
-            env: Enviroment variables to add to the remote envirment.
-        Returns:
-            A string that represents the command line to execute on the remote
-            machine.
-        """
-        if not env:
-            env_str = ''
-        else:
-            env_str = 'export '
-            for name in env:
-                value = env[name]
-                env_str += '%s=%s ' % (name, str(value))
-            env_str += ';'
-        execution_line = '%s %s;' % (env_str, command)
-        return execution_line
-    def format_command(self,
-                       command,
-                       env,
-                       settings,
-                       extra_flags={},
-                       extra_options={}):
-        """Formats a full command.
-        Formats the full command to run in order to run a command on a remote
-        machine.
-        Args:
-            command: The command to run on the remote machine. Can either be
-                     a string or a list.
-            env: The enviroment variables to include on the remote machine.
-            settings: The ssh settings to use.
-            extra_flags: Extra flags to include with the settings.
-            extra_options: Extra options to include with the settings.
-        """
-        remote_command = self.format_remote_command(command, env)
-        return self.format_ssh_command(remote_command, settings, extra_flags,
-                                       extra_options)
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/settings.py b/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ca14b91..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/settings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Create a SshSettings from a dictionary from an ACTS config
-    config dict instance from an ACTS config
-    An instance of SshSettings or None
-def from_config(config):
-    if config is None:
-        return None  # Having no settings is not an error
-    user = config.get('user', None)
-    host = config.get('host', None)
-    port = config.get('port', 22)
-    identity_file = config.get('identity_file', None)
-    ssh_config = config.get('ssh_config', None)
-    connect_timeout = config.get('connect_timeout', 30)
-    if user is None or host is None:
-        raise ValueError('Malformed SSH config did not include user and '
-                         'host keys: %s' % config)
-    return SshSettings(host, user, port=port, identity_file=identity_file,
-                       ssh_config=ssh_config, connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
-class SshSettings(object):
-    """Contains settings for ssh.
-    Container for ssh connection settings.
-    Attributes:
-        username: The name of the user to log in as.
-        hostname: The name of the host to connect to.
-        executable: The ssh executable to use.
-        port: The port to connect through (usually 22).
-        host_file: The known host file to use.
-        connect_timeout: How long to wait on a connection before giving a
-                         timeout.
-        alive_interval: How long between ssh heartbeat signals to keep the
-                        connection alive.
-    """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 hostname,
-                 username,
-                 port=22,
-                 host_file='/dev/null',
-                 connect_timeout=30,
-                 alive_interval=300,
-                 executable='/usr/bin/ssh',
-                 identity_file=None,
-                 ssh_config=None):
-        self.username = username
-        self.hostname = hostname
-        self.executable = executable
-        self.port = port
-        self.host_file = host_file
-        self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
-        self.alive_interval = alive_interval
-        self.identity_file = identity_file
-        self.ssh_config = ssh_config
-    def construct_ssh_options(self):
-        """Construct the ssh options.
-        Constructs a dictionary of option that should be used with the ssh
-        command.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary of option name to value.
-        """
-        current_options = {}
-        current_options['StrictHostKeyChecking'] = False
-        current_options['UserKnownHostsFile'] = self.host_file
-        current_options['ConnectTimeout'] = self.connect_timeout
-        current_options['ServerAliveInterval'] = self.alive_interval
-        return current_options
-    def construct_ssh_flags(self):
-        """Construct the ssh flags.
-        Constructs what flags should be used in the ssh connection.
-        Returns:
-            A dictonary of flag name to value. If value is none then it is
-            treated as a binary flag.
-        """
-        current_flags = {}
-        current_flags['-a'] = None
-        current_flags['-x'] = None
-        current_flags['-p'] = self.port
-        if self.identity_file:
-            current_flags['-i'] = self.identity_file
-        if self.ssh_config:
-            current_flags['-F'] = self.ssh_config
-        return current_flags
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/uxm_lib/OWNERS b/src/antlion/controllers/uxm_lib/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c40622..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/uxm_lib/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/uxm_lib/uxm_cellular_simulator.py b/src/antlion/controllers/uxm_lib/uxm_cellular_simulator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 713d3cf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/controllers/uxm_lib/uxm_cellular_simulator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import socket
-import time
-import paramiko
-import re
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_simulator import AbstractCellularSimulator
-class UXMCellularSimulator(AbstractCellularSimulator):
-    """A cellular simulator for UXM callbox."""
-    # Keys to obtain data from cell_info dictionary.
-    KEY_CELL_NUMBER = "cell_number"
-    KEY_CELL_TYPE = "cell_type"
-    # UXM socket port
-    UXM_PORT = 5125
-    # require: path to SCPI file
-    # require: 1. cell type (E.g. NR5G), 2. cell number (E.g CELL1)
-    SCPI_CELL_ON_CMD = 'BSE:CONFig:{}:{}:ACTive 1'
-    # require: 1. cell type (E.g. NR5G), 2. cell number (E.g CELL1)
-    SCPI_CELL_OFF_CMD = 'BSE:CONFig:{}:{}:ACTive 0'
-    # require: 1. cell type (E.g. NR5G), 2. cell number (E.g CELL1)
-    # UXM's Test Application recovery
-    TA_BOOT_TIME = 100
-    # shh command
-    SSH_START_GUI_APP_CMD_FORMAT = 'psexec -s -d -i 1 "{exe_path}"'
-    SSH_CHECK_APP_RUNNING_CMD_FORMAT = 'tasklist | findstr /R {regex_app_name}'
-    # start process success regex
-    PSEXEC_PROC_STARTED_REGEX_FORMAT = 'started on * with process ID {proc_id}'
-    def __init__(self, ip_address, custom_files, uxm_user,
-                 ssh_private_key_to_uxm, ta_exe_path, ta_exe_name):
-        """Initializes the cellular simulator.
-        Args:
-            ip_address: the ip address of host where Keysight Test Application (TA)
-                is installed.
-            custom_files: a list of file path for custom files.
-            uxm_user: username of host where Keysight TA resides.
-            ssh_private_key_to_uxm: private key for key based ssh to
-                host where Keysight TA resides.
-            ta_exe_path: path to TA exe.
-            ta_exe_name: name of TA exe.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self.custom_files = custom_files
-        self.rockbottom_script = None
-        self.cells = []
-        self.uxm_ip = ip_address
-        self.uxm_user = uxm_user
-        self.ssh_private_key_to_uxm = ssh_private_key_to_uxm
-        self.ta_exe_path = ta_exe_path
-        self.ta_exe_name = ta_exe_name
-        self.ssh_client = self._create_ssh_client()
-        # get roclbottom file
-        for file in self.custom_files:
-            if 'rockbottom_' in file:
-                self.rockbottom_script = file
-        # connect to Keysight Test Application via socket
-        self.recovery_ta()
-        self.socket = self._socket_connect(self.uxm_ip, self.UXM_PORT)
-        self.check_socket_connection()
-        self.timeout = 120
-    def _create_ssh_client(self):
-        """Create a ssh client to host."""
-        ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
-        ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
-        mykey = paramiko.Ed25519Key.from_private_key_file(
-            self.ssh_private_key_to_uxm)
-        ssh.connect(hostname=self.uxm_ip, username=self.uxm_user, pkey=mykey)
-        self.log.info('SSH client to %s is connected' % self.uxm_ip)
-        return ssh
-    def is_ta_running(self):
-        is_running_cmd = self.SSH_CHECK_APP_RUNNING_CMD_FORMAT.format(
-            regex_app_name=self.ta_exe_name)
-        stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(is_running_cmd)
-        stdin.close()
-        err = ''.join(stderr.readlines())
-        out = ''.join(stdout.readlines())
-        final_output = str(out) + str(err)
-        self.log.info(final_output)
-        return (out != '' and err == '')
-    def _start_test_app(self):
-        """Start Test Application on Windows."""
-        # start GUI exe via ssh
-        start_app_cmd = self.SSH_START_GUI_APP_CMD_FORMAT.format(
-            exe_path=self.ta_exe_path)
-        stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(start_app_cmd)
-        self.log.info(f'Command sent to {self.uxm_ip}: {start_app_cmd}')
-        stdin.close()
-        err = ''.join(stderr.readlines())
-        out = ''.join(stdout.readlines())
-        # psexec return process ID as part of the exit code
-        exit_status = stderr.channel.recv_exit_status()
-        is_started = re.search(
-            self.PSEXEC_PROC_STARTED_REGEX_FORMAT.format(proc_id=exit_status),
-            err[-1])
-        if is_started:
-            raise RuntimeError('Fail to start TA: ' + out + err)
-        # wait for ta completely boot up
-        self.log.info('TA is starting')
-        time.sleep(self.TA_BOOT_TIME)
-    def recovery_ta(self):
-        """Start TA if it is not running."""
-        if not self.is_ta_running():
-            self._start_test_app()
-            # checking if ta booting process complete
-            # by checking socket connection
-            s = None
-            retries = 12
-            for _ in range(retries):
-                try:
-                    s = self._socket_connect(self.uxm_ip, self.UXM_PORT)
-                    s.close()
-                    return
-                except ConnectionRefusedError as cre:
-                    self.log.info(
-                        'Connection refused, wait 10s for TA to boot')
-                    time.sleep(10)
-            raise RuntimeError('TA does not start on time')
-    def set_rockbottom_script_path(self, path):
-        """Set path to rockbottom script.
-        Args:
-            path: path to rockbottom script.
-        """
-        self.rockbottom_script = path
-    def set_cell_info(self, cell_info):
-        """Set type and number for multiple cells.
-        Args:
-            cell_info: list of dictionaries,
-                each dictionary contain cell type
-                and cell number for each cell
-                that the simulator need to control.
-        """
-        if not cell_info:
-            raise ValueError('Missing cell info from configurations file')
-        self.cells = cell_info
-    def turn_cell_on(self, cell_type, cell_number):
-        """Turn UXM's cell on.
-        Args:
-            cell_type: type of cell (e.g NR5G, LTE).
-            cell_number: ordinal number of a cell.
-        """
-        if cell_type and cell_number:
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                self.SCPI_CELL_ON_CMD.format(cell_type, cell_number))
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid cell info\n' +
-                             f' cell type: {cell_type}\n' +
-                             f' cell number: {cell_number}\n')
-    def turn_cell_off(self, cell_type, cell_number):
-        """Turn UXM's cell off.
-        Args:
-            cell_type: type of cell (e.g NR5G, LTE).
-            cell_number: ordinal number of a cell.
-        """
-        if cell_type and cell_number:
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                self.SCPI_CELL_OFF_CMD.format(cell_type, cell_number))
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid cell info\n' +
-                             f' cell type: {cell_type}\n' +
-                             f' cell number: {cell_number}\n')
-    def get_cell_status(self, cell_type, cell_number):
-        """Get status of cell.
-        Args:
-            cell_type: type of cell (e.g NR5G, LTE).
-            cell_number: ordinal number of a cell.
-        """
-        if not cell_type or not cell_number:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid cell with\n' +
-                             f' cell type: {cell_type}\n' +
-                             f' cell number: {cell_number}\n')
-        return self._socket_send_SCPI_for_result_command(
-            self.SCPI_GET_CELL_STATUS.format(cell_type, cell_number))
-    def check_socket_connection(self):
-        """Check if the socket connection is established.
-        Query the identification of the Keysight Test Application
-        we are trying to connect to. Empty response indicates
-        connection fail, and vice versa.
-        """
-        self.socket.sendall(self.SCPI_CHECK_CONNECTION_CMD.encode())
-        response = self.socket.recv(1024).decode()
-        if response:
-            self.log.info(f'Connected to: {response}')
-        else:
-            self.log.error('Fail to connect to callbox')
-    def _socket_connect(self, host, port):
-        """Create socket connection.
-        Args:
-            host: IP address of desktop where Keysight Test Application resides.
-            port: port that Keysight Test Application is listening for socket
-                communication.
-        Return:
-            s: socket object.
-        """
-        self.log.info('Establishing connection to callbox via socket')
-        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        s.connect((host, port))
-        return s
-    def _socket_send_SCPI_command(self, command):
-        """Send SCPI command without expecting response.
-        Args:
-            command: a string SCPI command.
-        """
-        # make sure there is a line break for the socket to send command
-        command = command + '\n'
-        # send command
-        self.socket.sendall(command.encode())
-        self.log.info(f'Sent {command}')
-    def _socket_receive_SCPI_result(self):
-        """Receive response from socket. """
-        i = 1
-        response = ''
-        while i < self.timeout and not response:
-            response = self.socket.recv(1024).decode()
-            i += 1
-        return response
-    def _socket_send_SCPI_for_result_command(self, command):
-        """Send SCPI command and expecting response.
-        Args:
-            command: a string SCPI command.
-        """
-        self._socket_send_SCPI_command(command)
-        response = self._socket_receive_SCPI_result()
-        return response
-    def check_system_error(self):
-        """Query system error from Keysight Test Application.
-        Return:
-            status: a message indicate the number of errors
-                and detail of errors if any.
-                a string `0,"No error"` indicates no error.
-        """
-        status = self._socket_send_SCPI_for_result_command(
-            self.SCPI_SYSTEM_ERROR_CHECK_CMD)
-        self.log.info(f'System error status: {status}')
-        return status
-    def import_configuration(self, path):
-        """Import SCPI config file.
-        Args:
-            path: path to SCPI file.
-        """
-        self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-            self.SCPI_IMPORT_SCPI_FILE_CMD.format(path))
-        time.sleep(45)
-    def destroy(self):
-        """Close socket connection with UXM. """
-        self.socket.close()
-    def setup_lte_scenario(self, path):
-        """Configures the equipment for an LTE simulation.
-        Args:
-            path: path to SCPI config file.
-        """
-        self.import_configuration(path)
-    def dut_rockbottom(self, dut):
-        """Set the dut to rockbottom state.
-        Args:
-            dut: a CellularAndroid controller.
-        """
-        # The rockbottom script might include a device reboot, so it is
-        # necessary to stop SL4A during its execution.
-        dut.ad.stop_services()
-        self.log.info('Executing rockbottom script for ' + dut.ad.model)
-        os.chmod(self.rockbottom_script, 0o777)
-        os.system('{} {}'.format(self.rockbottom_script, dut.ad.serial))
-        # Make sure the DUT is in root mode after coming back
-        dut.ad.root_adb()
-        # Restart SL4A
-        dut.ad.start_services()
-    def wait_until_attached_one_cell(self,
-                                     cell_type,
-                                     cell_number,
-                                     dut,
-                                     wait_for_camp_interval,
-                                     attach_retries,
-                                     change_dut_setting_allow=True):
-        """Wait until connect to given UXM cell.
-        After turn off airplane mode, sleep for
-        wait_for_camp_interval seconds for device to camp.
-        If not device is not connected after the wait,
-        either toggle airplane mode on/off or reboot device.
-        Args:
-            cell_type: type of cell
-                which we are trying to connect to.
-            cell_number: ordinal number of a cell
-                which we are trying to connect to.
-            dut: a CellularAndroid controller.
-            wait_for_camp_interval: sleep interval,
-                wait for device to camp.
-            attach_retries: number of retry
-                to wait for device
-                to connect to 1 basestation.
-            change_dut_setting_allow: turn on/off APM
-                or reboot device helps with device camp time.
-                However, if we are trying to connect to second cell
-                changing APM status or reboot is not allowed.
-        Raise:
-            AbstractCellularSimulator.CellularSimulatorError:
-                device unable to connect to cell.
-        """
-        # airplane mode off
-        # dut.ad.adb.shell('settings put secure adaptive_connectivity_enabled 0')
-        dut.toggle_airplane_mode(False)
-        time.sleep(5)
-        # turn cell on
-        self.turn_cell_on(cell_type, cell_number)
-        time.sleep(5)
-        # waits for connect
-        for index in range(1, attach_retries):
-            # airplane mode on
-            time.sleep(wait_for_camp_interval)
-            cell_state = self.get_cell_status(cell_type, cell_number)
-            self.log.info(f'cell state: {cell_state}')
-            if cell_state == 'CONN\n':
-                return True
-            if cell_state == 'OFF\n':
-                self.turn_cell_on(cell_type, cell_number)
-                time.sleep(5)
-            if change_dut_setting_allow:
-                if (index % 4) == 0:
-                    dut.ad.reboot()
-                    if self.rockbottom_script:
-                        self.dut_rockbottom(dut)
-                    else:
-                        self.log.warning(
-                            f'Rockbottom script {self} was not executed after reboot'
-                        )
-                else:
-                    # airplane mode on
-                    dut.toggle_airplane_mode(True)
-                    time.sleep(5)
-                    # airplane mode off
-                    dut.toggle_airplane_mode(False)
-        # Phone cannot connected to basestation of callbox
-        raise RuntimeError(
-            f'Phone was unable to connect to cell: {cell_type}-{cell_number}')
-    def wait_until_attached(self, dut, timeout, attach_retries):
-        """Waits until the DUT is attached to all required cells.
-        Args:
-            dut: a CellularAndroid controller.
-            timeout: sleep interval,
-                wait for device to camp in 1 try.
-            attach_retries: number of retry
-                to wait for device
-                to connect to 1 basestation.
-        """
-        # get cell info
-        first_cell_type = self.cells[0][self.KEY_CELL_TYPE]
-        first_cell_number = self.cells[0][self.KEY_CELL_NUMBER]
-        if len(self.cells) == 2:
-            second_cell_type = self.cells[1][self.KEY_CELL_TYPE]
-            second_cell_number = self.cells[1][self.KEY_CELL_NUMBER]
-        # connect to 1st cell
-        try:
-            self.wait_until_attached_one_cell(first_cell_type,
-                                              first_cell_number, dut, timeout,
-                                              attach_retries)
-        except Exception as exc:
-            raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot connect to first cell') from exc
-        # connect to 2nd cell
-        if len(self.cells) == 2:
-            self.turn_cell_on(
-                second_cell_type,
-                second_cell_number,
-            )
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                'BSE:CONFig:LTE:CELL1:CAGGregation:AGGRegate:NRCC:DL None')
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                'BSE:CONFig:LTE:CELL1:CAGGregation:AGGRegate:NRCC:UL None')
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                'BSE:CONFig:LTE:CELL1:CAGGregation:AGGRegate:NRCC:DL CELL1')
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                'BSE:CONFig:LTE:CELL1:CAGGregation:AGGRegate:NRCC:DL CELL1')
-            time.sleep(1)
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                "BSE:CONFig:LTE:CELL1:CAGGregation:AGGRegate:NRCC:APPly")
-            try:
-                self.wait_until_attached_one_cell(second_cell_type,
-                                                  second_cell_number, dut,
-                                                  timeout, attach_retries,
-                                                  False)
-            except Exception as exc:
-                raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot connect to second cell') from exc
-    def set_lte_rrc_state_change_timer(self, enabled, time=10):
-        """Configures the LTE RRC state change timer.
-        Args:
-            enabled: a boolean indicating if the timer should be on or off.
-            time: time in seconds for the timer to expire.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_band(self, bts_index, band):
-        """Sets the band for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            band: the new band.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def get_duplex_mode(self, band):
-        """Determines if the band uses FDD or TDD duplex mode
-        Args:
-            band: a band number.
-        Returns:
-            an variable of class DuplexMode indicating if band is FDD or TDD.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_input_power(self, bts_index, input_power):
-        """Sets the input power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            input_power: the new input power.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_output_power(self, bts_index, output_power):
-        """Sets the output power for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            output_power: the new output power.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_tdd_config(self, bts_index, tdd_config):
-        """Sets the tdd configuration number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            tdd_config: the new tdd configuration number.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_ssf_config(self, bts_index, ssf_config):
-        """Sets the Special Sub-Frame config number for the indicated.
-        base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            ssf_config: the new ssf config number.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_bandwidth(self, bts_index, bandwidth):
-        """Sets the bandwidth for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            bandwidth: the new bandwidth
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_downlink_channel_number(self, bts_index, channel_number):
-        """Sets the downlink channel number for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            channel_number: the new channel number.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_mimo_mode(self, bts_index, mimo_mode):
-        """Sets the mimo mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number
-            mimo_mode: the new mimo mode
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_transmission_mode(self, bts_index, tmode):
-        """Sets the transmission mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            tmode: the new transmission mode.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_scheduling_mode(self,
-                            bts_index,
-                            scheduling,
-                            mcs_dl=None,
-                            mcs_ul=None,
-                            nrb_dl=None,
-                            nrb_ul=None):
-        """Sets the scheduling mode for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            scheduling: the new scheduling mode.
-            mcs_dl: Downlink MCS.
-            mcs_ul: Uplink MCS.
-            nrb_dl: Number of RBs for downlink.
-            nrb_ul: Number of RBs for uplink.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_dl_256_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """Determines what MCS table should be used for the downlink.
-        This only saves the setting that will be used when configuring MCS.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            enabled: whether 256 QAM should be used.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_ul_64_qam_enabled(self, bts_index, enabled):
-        """Determines what MCS table should be used for the uplink.
-        This only saves the setting that will be used when configuring MCS.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            enabled: whether 64 QAM should be used.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_mac_padding(self, bts_index, mac_padding):
-        """Enables or disables MAC padding in the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            mac_padding: the new MAC padding setting.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_cfi(self, bts_index, cfi):
-        """Sets the Channel Format Indicator for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            cfi: the new CFI setting.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_paging_cycle(self, bts_index, cycle_duration):
-        """Sets the paging cycle duration for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            cycle_duration: the new paging cycle duration in milliseconds.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def set_phich_resource(self, bts_index, phich):
-        """Sets the PHICH Resource setting for the indicated base station.
-        Args:
-            bts_index: the base station number.
-            phich: the new PHICH resource setting.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def lte_attach_secondary_carriers(self, ue_capability_enquiry):
-        """Activates the secondary carriers for CA.
-        Requires the DUT to be attached to the primary carrier first.
-        Args:
-            ue_capability_enquiry: UE capability enquiry message to be sent to
-              the UE before starting carrier aggregation.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def wait_until_communication_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """Waits until the DUT is in Communication state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise
-                a CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def wait_until_idle_state(self, timeout=120):
-        """Waits until the DUT is in Idle state.
-        Args:
-            timeout: after this amount of time the method will raise a
-                CellularSimulatorError exception. Default is 120 seconds.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def detach(self):
-        """ Turns off all the base stations so the DUT loose connection."""
-        for cell in self.cells:
-            cell_type = cell[self.KEY_CELL_TYPE]
-            cell_number = cell[self.KEY_CELL_NUMBER]
-            self._socket_send_SCPI_command(
-                self.SCPI_CELL_OFF_CMD.format(cell_type, cell_number))
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops current simulation.
-        After calling this method, the simulator will need to be set up again.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def start_data_traffic(self):
-        """Starts transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
-    def stop_data_traffic(self):
-        """Stops transmitting data from the instrument to the DUT. """
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'This UXM callbox simulator does not support this feature.')
diff --git a/src/antlion/dict_object.py b/src/antlion/dict_object.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0be7821..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/dict_object.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class DictObject(dict):
-    """Optional convenient base type for creating simple objects that are
-    naturally serializable.
-    A DictObject provides object-oriented access semantics to a dictionary,
-    allowing it to look like a class with defined members. By ensuring that
-    all of the class members are serializable, the object can be serialized
-    as a dictionary/de-serialized from a dictionary.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Constructor for a dictionary-as-object representation of kwargs
-        Args:
-            args: Currently unused - included for completeness
-            kwargs: keyword arguments used to construct the underlying dict
-        Returns:
-            Instance of DictObject
-        """
-        super(DictObject, self).update(**kwargs)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """Returns a key from the superclass dictionary as an attribute
-        Args:
-            name: name of the pseudo class attribute
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary item stored at "name"
-        Raises:
-            AttributeError if the item is not found
-        """
-        try:
-            return self[name]
-        except KeyError as ke:
-            raise AttributeError(ke)
-    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-        """Updates the value of a key=name to a given value
-        Args:
-            name: name of the pseudo class attribute
-            value: value of the key
-        Raises:
-            AttributeError if the item is not found
-        """
-        if name in super(DictObject, self).keys():
-            super(DictObject, self).__setitem__(name, value)
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError("Class does not have attribute {}"
-                                 .format(value))
-    @classmethod
-    def from_dict(cls, dictionary):
-        """Factory method for constructing a DictObject from a dictionary
-        Args:
-            dictionary: Dictionary used to construct the DictObject
-        Returns:
-            Instance of DictObject
-        """
-        c = cls()
-        c.update(dictionary)
-        return c
diff --git a/src/antlion/error.py b/src/antlion/error.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95969e5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/error.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-"""This class is where error information will be stored.
-from antlion.signals import TestError
-class ActsError(TestError):
-    """Base Acts Error"""
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
-        self.error_doc = self.__class__.__doc__
-        self.error_code = getattr(ActsErrorCode, class_name,
-                                  ActsErrorCode.UNKNOWN)
-        extras = dict(**kwargs, error_doc=self.error_doc,
-                      error_code=self.error_code)
-        details = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else ''
-        super().__init__(details, extras)
-class ActsErrorCode:
-    # Framework Errors 0-999
-    UNKNOWN = 0
-    # This error code is used to implement unittests for this class.
-    ActsError = 100
-    AndroidDeviceError = 101
-    # Controllers Errors 1000-3999
-    Sl4aStartError = 1001
-    Sl4aApiError = 1002
-    Sl4aConnectionError = 1003
-    Sl4aProtocolError = 1004
-    Sl4aNotInstalledError = 1005
-    Sl4aRpcTimeoutError = 1006
-    # Util Errors 4000-9999
-    FastbootError = 9000
-    AdbError = 9001
-    AdbCommandError = 9002
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/decorators.py b/src/antlion/event/decorators.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f7b83..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/event/decorators.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.event.subscription_handle import InstanceSubscriptionHandle
-from antlion.event.subscription_handle import StaticSubscriptionHandle
-from antlion.event import subscription_bundle
-def subscribe_static(event_type, event_filter=None, order=0):
-    """A decorator that subscribes a static or module-level function.
-    This function must be registered manually.
-    """
-    class InnerSubscriptionHandle(StaticSubscriptionHandle):
-        def __init__(self, func):
-            super().__init__(event_type, func,
-                             event_filter=event_filter,
-                             order=order)
-    return InnerSubscriptionHandle
-def subscribe(event_type, event_filter=None, order=0):
-    """A decorator that subscribes an instance method."""
-    class InnerSubscriptionHandle(InstanceSubscriptionHandle):
-        def __init__(self, func):
-            super().__init__(event_type, func,
-                             event_filter=event_filter,
-                             order=order)
-    return InnerSubscriptionHandle
-def register_static_subscriptions(decorated):
-    """Registers all static subscriptions in decorated's attributes.
-    Args:
-        decorated: The object being decorated
-    Returns:
-        The decorated.
-    """
-    subscription_bundle.create_from_static(decorated).register()
-    return decorated
-def register_instance_subscriptions(obj):
-    """A decorator that subscribes all instance subscriptions after object init.
-    """
-    old_init = obj.__init__
-    def init_replacement(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        subscription_bundle.create_from_instance(self).register()
-    obj.__init__ = init_replacement
-    return obj
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/event_bus.py b/src/antlion/event/event_bus.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c6a862..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/event/event_bus.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import bisect
-import logging
-import inspect
-from threading import RLock
-from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
-from antlion.event.subscription_handle import SubscriptionHandle
-class _EventBus(object):
-    """
-    Attributes:
-        _subscriptions: A dictionary of {EventType: list<EventSubscription>}.
-        _registration_id_map: A dictionary of
-                             {RegistrationID: EventSubscription}
-        _subscription_lock: The lock to prevent concurrent removal or addition
-                            to events.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._subscriptions = {}
-        self._registration_id_map = {}
-        self._subscription_lock = RLock()
-    def register(self, event_type, func, filter_fn=None, order=0):
-        """Subscribes the given function to the event type given.
-        Args:
-            event_type: The type of the event to subscribe to.
-            func: The function to call when the event is posted.
-            filter_fn: An option function to be called before calling the
-                       subscribed func. If this function returns falsy, then the
-                       function will not be invoked.
-            order: The order the the subscription should run in. Lower values
-                   run first, with the default value set to 0. In the case of a
-                   tie between two subscriptions of the same event type, the
-                   subscriber added first executes first. In the case of a tie
-                   between two subscribers of a different type, the type of the
-                   subscription that is more specific goes first (i.e.
-                   BaseEventType will execute after ChildEventType if they share
-                   the same order).
-        Returns:
-            A registration ID.
-        """
-        subscription = EventSubscription(event_type, func,
-                                         event_filter=filter_fn,
-                                         order=order)
-        return self.register_subscription(subscription)
-    def register_subscriptions(self, subscriptions):
-        """Registers all subscriptions to the event bus.
-        Args:
-            subscriptions: an iterable that returns EventSubscriptions
-        Returns:
-            The list of registration IDs.
-        """
-        registration_ids = []
-        for subscription in subscriptions:
-            registration_ids.append(self.register_subscription(subscription))
-        return registration_ids
-    def register_subscription(self, subscription):
-        """Registers the given subscription to the event bus.
-        Args:
-            subscription: An EventSubscription object
-        Returns:
-            A registration ID.
-        """
-        with self._subscription_lock:
-            if subscription.event_type in self._subscriptions.keys():
-                subscription_list = self._subscriptions[subscription.event_type]
-                subscription_list.append(subscription)
-                subscription_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.order)
-            else:
-                subscription_list = list()
-                bisect.insort(subscription_list, subscription)
-                self._subscriptions[subscription.event_type] = subscription_list
-            registration_id = id(subscription)
-            self._registration_id_map[registration_id] = subscription
-        return registration_id
-    def post(self, event, ignore_errors=False):
-        """Posts an event to its subscribers.
-        Args:
-            event: The event object to send to the subscribers.
-            ignore_errors: Deliver to all subscribers, ignoring any errors.
-        """
-        listening_subscriptions = []
-        for current_type in inspect.getmro(type(event)):
-            if current_type not in self._subscriptions.keys():
-                continue
-            for subscription in self._subscriptions[current_type]:
-                listening_subscriptions.append(subscription)
-        # The subscriptions will be collected in sorted runs of sorted order.
-        # Running timsort here is the optimal way to sort this list.
-        listening_subscriptions.sort(key=lambda x: x.order)
-        for subscription in listening_subscriptions:
-            try:
-                subscription.deliver(event)
-            except Exception:
-                if ignore_errors:
-                    logging.exception('An exception occurred while handling '
-                                      'an event.')
-                    continue
-                raise
-    def unregister(self, registration_id):
-        """Unregisters an EventSubscription.
-        Args:
-            registration_id: the Subscription or registration_id to unsubscribe.
-        """
-        if type(registration_id) is SubscriptionHandle:
-            subscription = registration_id.subscription
-            registration_id = id(registration_id.subscription)
-        elif type(registration_id) is EventSubscription:
-            subscription = registration_id
-            registration_id = id(registration_id)
-        elif registration_id in self._registration_id_map.keys():
-            subscription = self._registration_id_map[registration_id]
-        elif type(registration_id) is not int:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Subscription ID "%s" is not a valid ID. This value'
-                'must be an integer ID returned from subscribe().'
-                % registration_id)
-        else:
-            # The value is a "valid" id, but is not subscribed. It's possible
-            # another thread has unsubscribed this value.
-            logging.warning('Attempted to unsubscribe %s, but the matching '
-                            'subscription cannot be found.' % registration_id)
-            return False
-        event_type = subscription.event_type
-        with self._subscription_lock:
-            self._registration_id_map.pop(registration_id, None)
-            if (event_type in self._subscriptions and
-                    subscription in self._subscriptions[event_type]):
-                self._subscriptions[event_type].remove(subscription)
-        return True
-    def unregister_all(self, from_list=None, from_event=None):
-        """Removes all event subscriptions.
-        Args:
-            from_list: Unregisters all events from a given list.
-            from_event: Unregisters all events of a given event type.
-        """
-        if from_list is None:
-            from_list = list(self._registration_id_map.values())
-        for subscription in from_list:
-            if from_event is None or subscription.event_type == from_event:
-                self.unregister(subscription)
-_event_bus = _EventBus()
-def register(event_type, func, filter_fn=None, order=0):
-    """Subscribes the given function to the event type given.
-    Args:
-        event_type: The type of the event to subscribe to.
-        func: The function to call when the event is posted.
-        filter_fn: An option function to be called before calling the subscribed
-                   func. If this function returns falsy, then the function will
-                   not be invoked.
-        order: The order the the subscription should run in. Lower values run
-               first, with the default value set to 0. In the case of a tie
-               between two subscriptions of the same event type, the
-               subscriber added first executes first. In the case of a tie
-               between two subscribers of a different type, the type of the
-               subscription that is more specific goes first (i.e. BaseEventType
-               will execute after ChildEventType if they share the same order).
-    Returns:
-        A registration ID.
-    """
-    return _event_bus.register(event_type, func, filter_fn=filter_fn,
-                               order=order)
-def register_subscriptions(subscriptions):
-    """Registers all subscriptions to the event bus.
-    Args:
-        subscriptions: an iterable that returns EventSubscriptions
-    Returns:
-        The list of registration IDs.
-    """
-    return _event_bus.register_subscriptions(subscriptions)
-def register_subscription(subscription):
-    """Registers the given subscription to the event bus.
-    Args:
-        subscription: An EventSubscription object
-    Returns:
-        A registration ID.
-    """
-    return _event_bus.register_subscription(subscription)
-def post(event, ignore_errors=False):
-    """Posts an event to its subscribers.
-    Args:
-        event: The event object to send to the subscribers.
-        ignore_errors: Deliver to all subscribers, ignoring any errors.
-    """
-    _event_bus.post(event, ignore_errors)
-def unregister(registration_id):
-    """Unregisters an EventSubscription.
-    Args:
-        registration_id: the Subscription or registration_id to unsubscribe.
-    """
-    # null check for the corner case where the _event_bus is destroyed before
-    # the subscribers unregister. In such case there is nothing else to
-    # be done.
-    if _event_bus is None:
-        return True
-    return _event_bus.unregister(registration_id)
-def unregister_all(from_list=None, from_event=None):
-    """Removes all event subscriptions.
-    Args:
-        from_list: Unregisters all events from a given list.
-        from_event: Unregisters all events of a given event type.
-    """
-    return _event_bus.unregister_all(from_list=from_list, from_event=from_event)
-class listen_for(object):
-    """A context-manager class (with statement) for listening to an event within
-    a given section of code.
-    Usage:
-    with listen_for(EventType, event_listener):
-        func_that_posts_event()  # Will call event_listener
-    func_that_posts_event()  # Will not call event_listener
-    """
-    def __init__(self, event_type, func, filter_fn=None, order=0):
-        self.event_type = event_type
-        self.func = func
-        self.filter_fn = filter_fn
-        self.order = order
-        self.registration_id = None
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.registration_id = _event_bus.register(self.event_type, self.func,
-                                                   filter_fn=self.filter_fn,
-                                                   order=self.order)
-    def __exit__(self, *unused):
-        _event_bus.unregister(self.registration_id)
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/event_subscription.py b/src/antlion/event/event_subscription.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e442507..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/event/event_subscription.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class EventSubscription(object):
-    """A class that defines the way a function is subscribed to an event.
-    Attributes:
-        event_type: The type of the event.
-        _func: The subscribed function.
-        _event_filter: A lambda that returns True if an event should be passed
-                       to the subscribed function.
-        order: The order value in which this subscription should be called.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, event_type, func, event_filter=None, order=0):
-        self._event_type = event_type
-        self._func = func
-        self._event_filter = event_filter
-        self.order = order
-    @property
-    def event_type(self):
-        return self._event_type
-    def deliver(self, event):
-        """Delivers an event to the subscriber.
-        This function will not deliver the event if the event filter rejects the
-        event.
-        Args:
-            event: The event to send to the subscriber.
-        """
-        if self._event_filter and not self._event_filter(event):
-            return
-        self._func(event)
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/subscription_bundle.py b/src/antlion/event/subscription_bundle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d936bd2..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/event/subscription_bundle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import threading
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
-from antlion.event.subscription_handle import InstanceSubscriptionHandle
-from antlion.event.subscription_handle import SubscriptionHandle
-from antlion.event.subscription_handle import StaticSubscriptionHandle
-class SubscriptionBundle(object):
-    """A class for maintaining a set of EventSubscriptions in the event bus.
-    Attributes:
-        subscriptions: A dictionary of {EventSubscription: RegistrationID}
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.subscriptions = {}
-        self._subscription_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self._registered = False
-    @property
-    def registered(self):
-        """True if this SubscriptionBundle has been registered."""
-        return self._registered
-    def add(self, event_type, func, event_filter=None,
-            order=0):
-        """Adds a new Subscription to this SubscriptionBundle.
-        If this SubscriptionBundle is registered, the added Subscription will
-        also be registered.
-        Returns:
-            the EventSubscription object created.
-        """
-        subscription = EventSubscription(event_type, func,
-                                         event_filter=event_filter,
-                                         order=order)
-        return self.add_subscription(subscription)
-    def add_subscription(self, subscription):
-        """Adds an existing Subscription to the subscription bundle.
-        If this SubscriptionBundle is registered, the added subscription will
-        also be registered.
-        Returns:
-            the subscription object.
-        """
-        registration_id = None
-        with self._subscription_lock:
-            if self.registered:
-                registration_id = event_bus.register_subscription(subscription)
-            self.subscriptions[subscription] = registration_id
-        return subscription
-    def remove_subscription(self, subscription):
-        """Removes a subscription from the SubscriptionBundle.
-        If the SubscriptionBundle is registered, removing the subscription will
-        also unregister it.
-        """
-        if subscription not in self.subscriptions.keys():
-            return False
-        with self._subscription_lock:
-            if self.registered:
-                event_bus.unregister(self.subscriptions[subscription])
-            del self.subscriptions[subscription]
-        return True
-    def register(self):
-        """Registers all subscriptions found within this object."""
-        if self.registered:
-            return
-        with self._subscription_lock:
-            self._registered = True
-            for subscription, registration_id in self.subscriptions.items():
-                if registration_id is not None:
-                    logging.warning('Registered subscription found in '
-                                    'unregistered SubscriptionBundle: %s, %s' %
-                                    (subscription, registration_id))
-                self.subscriptions[subscription] = (
-                    event_bus.register_subscription(subscription))
-    def unregister(self):
-        """Unregisters all subscriptions managed by this SubscriptionBundle."""
-        if not self.registered:
-            return
-        with self._subscription_lock:
-            self._registered = False
-            for subscription, registration_id in self.subscriptions.items():
-                if registration_id is None:
-                    logging.warning('Unregistered subscription found in '
-                                    'registered SubscriptionBundle: %s, %s' %
-                                    (subscription, registration_id))
-                event_bus.unregister(subscription)
-                self.subscriptions[subscription] = None
-def create_from_static(obj):
-    """Generates a SubscriptionBundle from @subscribe_static functions on obj.
-    Args:
-        obj: The object that contains @subscribe_static functions. Can either
-             be a module or a class.
-    Returns:
-        An unregistered SubscriptionBundle.
-    """
-    return _create_from_object(obj, obj, StaticSubscriptionHandle)
-def create_from_instance(instance):
-    """Generates a SubscriptionBundle from an instance's @subscribe functions.
-    Args:
-        instance: The instance object that contains @subscribe functions.
-    Returns:
-        An unregistered SubscriptionBundle.
-    """
-    return _create_from_object(instance, instance.__class__,
-                               InstanceSubscriptionHandle)
-def _create_from_object(obj, obj_to_search, subscription_handle_type):
-    """Generates a SubscriptionBundle from an object's SubscriptionHandles.
-    Note that instance variables do not have the class's functions as direct
-    attributes. The attributes are resolved from the type of the object. Here,
-    we need to search through the instance's class to find the correct types,
-    and subscribe the instance-specific subscriptions.
-    Args:
-        obj: The object that contains SubscriptionHandles.
-        obj_to_search: The class to search for SubscriptionHandles from.
-        subscription_handle_type: The type of the SubscriptionHandles to
-                                  capture.
-    Returns:
-        An unregistered SubscriptionBundle.
-    """
-    bundle = SubscriptionBundle()
-    for attr_name, attr_value in obj_to_search.__dict__.items():
-        if isinstance(attr_value, subscription_handle_type):
-            bundle.add_subscription(getattr(obj, attr_name).subscription)
-        if isinstance(attr_value, staticmethod):
-            if isinstance(getattr(obj, attr_name), subscription_handle_type):
-                bundle.add_subscription(getattr(obj, attr_name).subscription)
-    return bundle
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/subscription_handle.py b/src/antlion/event/subscription_handle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0123ab7..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/event/subscription_handle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
-class SubscriptionHandle(object):
-    """The object created by a method decorated with an event decorator."""
-    def __init__(self, event_type, func, event_filter=None, order=0):
-        self._event_type = event_type
-        self._func = func
-        self._event_filter = event_filter
-        self._order = order
-        self._subscription = None
-        self._owner = None
-    @property
-    def subscription(self):
-        if self._subscription:
-            return self._subscription
-        self._subscription = EventSubscription(self._event_type, self._func,
-                                               event_filter=self._event_filter,
-                                               order=self._order)
-        return self._subscription
-    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
-        # If our owner has been initialized, or do not have an instance owner,
-        # return self.
-        if self._owner is not None or instance is None:
-            return self
-        # Otherwise, we create a new SubscriptionHandle that will only be used
-        # for the instance that owns this SubscriptionHandle.
-        ret = SubscriptionHandle(self._event_type, self._func,
-                                 self._event_filter, self._order)
-        ret._owner = instance
-        ret._func = ret._wrap_call(ret._func)
-        for attr, value in owner.__dict__.items():
-            if value is self:
-                setattr(instance, attr, ret)
-                break
-        return ret
-    def _wrap_call(self, func):
-        def _wrapped_call(*args, **kwargs):
-            if self._owner is None:
-                return func(*args, **kwargs)
-            else:
-                return func(self._owner, *args, **kwargs)
-        return _wrapped_call
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self._func(*args, **kwargs)
-class InstanceSubscriptionHandle(SubscriptionHandle):
-    """A SubscriptionHandle for instance methods."""
-class StaticSubscriptionHandle(SubscriptionHandle):
-    """A SubscriptionHandle for static methods."""
diff --git a/src/antlion/keys.py b/src/antlion/keys.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a89898c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/keys.py
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@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-"""This module has the global key values that are used across framework
-class Config(enum.Enum):
-    """Enum values for test config related lookups.
-    """
-    # Keys used to look up values from test config files.
-    # These keys define the wording of test configs and their internal
-    # references.
-    key_log_path = 'logpath'
-    key_testbeds_under_test = 'testbeds_under_test'
-    key_testbed = 'testbed'
-    key_testbed_name = 'name'
-    # configpath is the directory. key_config_full_path is the file path.
-    key_config_path = 'configpath'
-    key_config_full_path = 'config_full_path'
-    key_test_paths = 'testpaths'
-    key_port = 'Port'
-    key_address = 'Address'
-    key_test_case_iterations = 'test_case_iterations'
-    key_test_failure_tracebacks = 'test_failure_tracebacks'
-    # Config names for controllers packaged in ACTS.
-    key_android_device = 'AndroidDevice'
-    key_bits = 'Bits'
-    key_bluetooth_pts_device = 'BluetoothPtsDevice'
-    key_fuchsia_device = 'FuchsiaDevice'
-    key_buds_device = 'BudsDevice'
-    key_chameleon_device = 'ChameleonDevice'
-    key_native_android_device = 'NativeAndroidDevice'
-    key_relay_device = 'RelayDevice'
-    key_access_point = 'AccessPoint'
-    key_attenuator = 'Attenuator'
-    key_iperf_server = 'IPerfServer'
-    key_iperf_client = 'IPerfClient'
-    key_packet_sender = 'PacketSender'
-    key_monsoon = 'Monsoon'
-    key_sniffer = 'Sniffer'
-    key_arduino_wifi_dongle = 'ArduinoWifiDongle'
-    key_packet_capture = 'PacketCapture'
-    key_pdu = 'PduDevice'
-    key_openwrt_ap = 'OpenWrtAP'
-    key_tigertail = 'Tigertail'
-    key_asus_axe11000_ap = 'AsusAXE11000AP'
-    # Internal keys, used internally, not exposed to user's config files.
-    ikey_user_param = 'user_params'
-    ikey_testbed_name = 'testbed_name'
-    ikey_logger = 'log'
-    ikey_logpath = 'log_path'
-    ikey_summary_writer = 'summary_writer'
-    # module name of controllers packaged in ACTS.
-    m_key_bits = 'bits'
-    m_key_monsoon = 'monsoon'
-    m_key_android_device = 'android_device'
-    m_key_fuchsia_device = 'fuchsia_device'
-    m_key_bluetooth_pts_device = 'bluetooth_pts_device'
-    m_key_buds_device = 'buds_controller'
-    m_key_chameleon_device = 'chameleon_controller'
-    m_key_native_android_device = 'native_android_device'
-    m_key_relay_device = 'relay_device_controller'
-    m_key_access_point = 'access_point'
-    m_key_attenuator = 'attenuator'
-    m_key_iperf_server = 'iperf_server'
-    m_key_iperf_client = 'iperf_client'
-    m_key_packet_sender = 'packet_sender'
-    m_key_sniffer = 'sniffer'
-    m_key_arduino_wifi_dongle = 'arduino_wifi_dongle'
-    m_key_packet_capture = 'packet_capture'
-    m_key_pdu = 'pdu'
-    m_key_openwrt_ap = 'openwrt_ap'
-    m_key_tigertail = 'tigertail'
-    m_key_asus_axe11000_ap = 'asus_axe11000_ap'
-    # A list of keys whose values in configs should not be passed to test
-    # classes without unpacking first.
-    reserved_keys = (key_testbed, key_log_path, key_test_paths)
-    # Controller names packaged with ACTS.
-    builtin_controller_names = [
-        key_android_device,
-        key_bits,
-        key_bluetooth_pts_device,
-        key_fuchsia_device,
-        key_buds_device,
-        key_native_android_device,
-        key_relay_device,
-        key_access_point,
-        key_attenuator,
-        key_iperf_server,
-        key_iperf_client,
-        key_packet_sender,
-        key_monsoon,
-        key_sniffer,
-        key_chameleon_device,
-        key_arduino_wifi_dongle,
-        key_packet_capture,
-        key_pdu,
-        key_openwrt_ap,
-        key_tigertail,
-        key_asus_axe11000_ap,
-    ]
-    # Keys that are file or folder paths.
-    file_path_keys = [key_relay_device]
-def get_name_by_value(value):
-    for name, member in Config.__members__.items():
-        if member.value == value:
-            return name
-    return None
-def get_module_name(name_in_config):
-    """Translates the name of a controller in config file to its module name.
-    """
-    return value_to_value(name_in_config, 'm_%s')
-def value_to_value(ref_value, pattern):
-    """Translates the value of a key to the value of its corresponding key. The
-    corresponding key is chosen based on the variable name pattern.
-    """
-    ref_key_name = get_name_by_value(ref_value)
-    if not ref_key_name:
-        return None
-    target_key_name = pattern % ref_key_name
-    try:
-        return getattr(Config, target_key_name).value
-    except AttributeError:
-        return None
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/logging/log_stream.py b/src/antlion/libs/logging/log_stream.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b457e46..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/logging/log_stream.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-from logging import FileHandler
-from logging import Handler
-from logging import StreamHandler
-from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
-from antlion import context
-from antlion.context import ContextLevel
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
-# yapf: disable
-class LogStyles:
-    NONE         = 0x00
-    LOG_DEBUG    = 0x01
-    LOG_INFO     = 0x02
-    LOG_WARNING  = 0x04
-    LOG_ERROR    = 0x08
-    LOG_CRITICAL = 0x10
-    MONOLITH_LOG  = 0x0100
-    TESTCLASS_LOG = 0x0200
-    TESTCASE_LOG  = 0x0400
-    TO_STDOUT     = 0x0800
-    TO_ACTS_LOG   = 0x1000
-    ROTATE_LOGS   = 0x2000
-    LEVEL_NAMES = {
-        LOG_DEBUG: 'debug',
-        LOG_INFO: 'info',
-        LOG_WARNING: 'warning',
-        LOG_ERROR: 'error',
-        LOG_CRITICAL: 'critical',
-    }
-    LOG_LEVELS = [
-        LOG_DEBUG,
-        LOG_INFO,
-        LOG_WARNING,
-        LOG_ERROR,
-        LOG_CRITICAL,
-    ]
-        TO_STDOUT,
-        TO_ACTS_LOG,
-        MONOLITH_LOG,
-    ]
-    LEVEL_TO_NO = {
-        LOG_DEBUG: logging.DEBUG,
-        LOG_INFO: logging.INFO,
-        LOG_WARNING: logging.WARNING,
-        LOG_ERROR: logging.ERROR,
-        LOG_CRITICAL: logging.CRITICAL,
-    }
-        MONOLITH_LOG: ContextLevel.ROOT,
-        TESTCLASS_LOG: ContextLevel.TESTCLASS,
-        TESTCASE_LOG: ContextLevel.TESTCASE
-    }
-# yapf: enable
-_log_streams = dict()
-_null_handler = logging.NullHandler()
-def _update_handlers(event):
-    for log_stream in _log_streams.values():
-        log_stream.update_handlers(event)
-def create_logger(name, log_name=None, base_path='', subcontext='',
-                  log_styles=LogStyles.NONE, stream_format=None,
-                  file_format=None):
-    """Creates a Python Logger object with the given attributes.
-    Creation through this method will automatically manage the logger in the
-    background for test-related events, such as TestCaseBegin and TestCaseEnd
-    Events.
-    Args:
-        name: The name of the LogStream. Used as the file name prefix.
-        log_name: The name of the underlying logger. Use LogStream name as
-            default.
-        base_path: The base path used by the logger.
-        subcontext: Location of logs relative to the test context path.
-        log_styles: An integer or array of integers that are the sum of
-            corresponding flag values in LogStyles. Examples include:
-            >>> LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG
-            >>> LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
-            >>> [LogStyles.DEFAULT_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG]
-            >>>  LogStyles.LOG_ERROR + LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG]
-        stream_format: Format used for log output to stream
-        file_format: Format used for log output to files
-    """
-    if name in _log_streams:
-        _log_streams[name].cleanup()
-    log_stream = _LogStream(name, log_name, base_path, subcontext, log_styles,
-                            stream_format, file_format)
-    _set_logger(log_stream)
-    return log_stream.logger
-def _set_logger(log_stream):
-    _log_streams[log_stream.name] = log_stream
-    return log_stream
-class AlsoToLogHandler(Handler):
-    """Logs a message at a given level also to another logger.
-    Used for logging messages at a high enough level to the main log, or another
-    logger.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, to_logger=None, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._log = logging.getLogger(to_logger)
-    def emit(self, record):
-        self._log.log(record.levelno, record.getMessage())
-class MovableFileHandler(FileHandler):
-    """FileHandler implementation that allows the output file to be changed
-    during operation.
-    """
-    def set_file(self, file_name):
-        """Set the target output file to file_name.
-        Args:
-            file_name: path to the new output file
-        """
-        self.baseFilename = os.path.abspath(file_name)
-        if self.stream is not None:
-            new_stream = self._open()
-            # An atomic operation redirects the output and closes the old file
-            os.dup2(new_stream.fileno(), self.stream.fileno())
-            self.stream = new_stream
-class MovableRotatingFileHandler(RotatingFileHandler):
-    """RotatingFileHandler implementation that allows the output file to be
-    changed during operation. Rotated files will automatically adopt the newest
-    output path.
-    """
-    set_file = MovableFileHandler.set_file
-class InvalidStyleSetError(Exception):
-    """Raised when the given LogStyles are an invalid set."""
-class _LogStream(object):
-    """A class that sets up a logging.Logger object.
-    The LogStream class creates a logging.Logger object. LogStream is also
-    responsible for managing the logger when events take place, such as
-    TestCaseEndedEvents and TestCaseBeginEvents.
-    Attributes:
-        name: The name of the LogStream.
-        logger: The logger created by this LogStream.
-        base_path: The base path used by the logger. Use logging.log_path
-            as default.
-        subcontext: Location of logs relative to the test context path.
-        stream_format: Format used for log output to stream
-        file_format: Format used for log output to files
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, log_name=None, base_path='', subcontext='',
-                 log_styles=LogStyles.NONE, stream_format=None,
-                 file_format=None):
-        """Creates a LogStream.
-        Args:
-            name: The name of the LogStream. Used as the file name prefix.
-            log_name: The name of the underlying logger. Use LogStream name
-                as default.
-            base_path: The base path used by the logger. Use logging.log_path
-                as default.
-            subcontext: Location of logs relative to the test context path.
-            log_styles: An integer or array of integers that are the sum of
-                corresponding flag values in LogStyles. Examples include:
-                >>> LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG
-                >>> LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
-                >>> [LogStyles.DEFAULT_LEVELS + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG]
-                >>>  LogStyles.LOG_ERROR + LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG]
-            stream_format: Format used for log output to stream
-            file_format: Format used for log output to files
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        if log_name is not None:
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger(log_name)
-        else:
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
-        # Add a NullHandler to suppress unwanted console output
-        self.logger.addHandler(_null_handler)
-        self.logger.propagate = False
-        self.base_path = base_path or getattr(logging, 'log_path',
-                                              '/tmp/acts_logs')
-        self.subcontext = subcontext
-        context.TestContext.add_base_output_path(self.logger.name, self.base_path)
-        context.TestContext.add_subcontext(self.logger.name, self.subcontext)
-        self.stream_format = stream_format
-        self.file_format = file_format
-        self._testclass_handlers = []
-        self._testcase_handlers = []
-        if not isinstance(log_styles, list):
-            log_styles = [log_styles]
-        self.__validate_styles(log_styles)
-        for log_style in log_styles:
-            self.__handle_style(log_style)
-    @staticmethod
-    def __validate_styles(_log_styles_list):
-        """Determines if the given list of styles is valid.
-        Terminology:
-            Log-level: any of [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL].
-            Log Location: any of [MONOLITH_LOG, TESTCLASS_LOG,
-                                  TESTCASE_LOG, TO_STDOUT, TO_ACTS_LOG].
-        Styles are invalid when any of the below criteria are met:
-            A log-level is not set within an element of the list.
-            A log location is not set within an element of the list.
-            A log-level, log location pair appears twice within the list.
-            A log-level has both TESTCLASS and TESTCASE locations set
-                within the list.
-            ROTATE_LOGS is set without MONOLITH_LOG,
-                TESTCLASS_LOG, or TESTCASE_LOG.
-        Raises:
-            InvalidStyleSetError if the given style cannot be achieved.
-        """
-        def invalid_style_error(message):
-            raise InvalidStyleSetError('{LogStyle Set: %s} %s' %
-                                       (_log_styles_list, message))
-        # Store the log locations that have already been set per level.
-        levels_dict = {}
-        for log_style in _log_styles_list:
-            for level in LogStyles.LOG_LEVELS:
-                if log_style & level:
-                    levels_dict[level] = levels_dict.get(level, LogStyles.NONE)
-                    # Check that a log-level, log location pair has not yet
-                    # been set.
-                    for log_location in LogStyles.LOG_LOCATIONS:
-                        if log_style & log_location:
-                            if log_location & levels_dict[level]:
-                                invalid_style_error(
-                                    'The log location %s for log level %s has '
-                                    'been set multiple times' %
-                                    (log_location, level))
-                            else:
-                                levels_dict[level] |= log_location
-                    # Check that for a given log-level, not more than one
-                    # of MONOLITH_LOG, TESTCLASS_LOG, TESTCASE_LOG is set.
-                    locations = levels_dict[level] & LogStyles.ALL_FILE_LOGS
-                    valid_locations = [
-                        LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG, LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG,
-                        LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG, LogStyles.NONE]
-                    if locations not in valid_locations:
-                        invalid_style_error(
-                            'More than one of MONOLITH_LOG, TESTCLASS_LOG, '
-                            'TESTCASE_LOG is set for log level %s.' % level)
-            if log_style & LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS == 0:
-                invalid_style_error('LogStyle %s needs to set a log '
-                                    'level.' % log_style)
-            if log_style & ~LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS == 0:
-                invalid_style_error('LogStyle %s needs to set a log '
-                                    'location.' % log_style)
-            if log_style & LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS and not log_style & (
-                    LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG | LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG |
-                    LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG):
-                invalid_style_error('LogStyle %s has ROTATE_LOGS set, but does '
-                                    'not specify a log type.' % log_style)
-    @staticmethod
-    def __create_rotating_file_handler(filename):
-        """Generates a callable to create an appropriate RotatingFileHandler."""
-        # Magic number explanation: 10485760 == 10MB
-        return MovableRotatingFileHandler(filename, maxBytes=10485760,
-                                          backupCount=5)
-    @staticmethod
-    def __get_file_handler_creator(log_style):
-        """Gets the callable to create the correct FileLogHandler."""
-        create_file_handler = MovableFileHandler
-        if log_style & LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS:
-            create_file_handler = _LogStream.__create_rotating_file_handler
-        return create_file_handler
-    @staticmethod
-    def __get_lowest_log_level(log_style):
-        """Returns the lowest log level's LogStyle for the given log_style."""
-        for log_level in LogStyles.LOG_LEVELS:
-            if log_level & log_style:
-                return log_level
-        return LogStyles.NONE
-    def __get_current_output_dir(self, depth=ContextLevel.TESTCASE):
-        """Gets the current output directory from the context system. Make the
-        directory if it doesn't exist.
-        Args:
-            depth: The desired level of the output directory. For example,
-                the TESTCLASS level would yield the directory associated with
-                the current test class context, even if the test is currently
-                within a test case.
-        """
-        curr_context = context.get_current_context(depth)
-        return curr_context.get_full_output_path(self.logger.name)
-    def __create_handler(self, creator, level, location):
-        """Creates the FileHandler.
-        Args:
-            creator: The callable that creates the FileHandler
-            level: The logging level (INFO, DEBUG, etc.) for this handler.
-            location: The log location (MONOLITH, TESTCLASS, TESTCASE) for this
-                handler.
-        Returns: A FileHandler
-        """
-        directory = self.__get_current_output_dir(
-            LogStyles.LOCATION_TO_CONTEXT_LEVEL[location])
-        base_name = '%s_%s.txt' % (self.name, LogStyles.LEVEL_NAMES[level])
-        handler = creator(os.path.join(directory, base_name))
-        handler.setLevel(LogStyles.LEVEL_TO_NO[level])
-        if self.file_format:
-            handler.setFormatter(self.file_format)
-        return handler
-    def __handle_style(self, log_style):
-        """Creates the handlers described in the given log_style."""
-        handler_creator = self.__get_file_handler_creator(log_style)
-        # Handle streaming logs to STDOUT or the ACTS Logger
-        if log_style & (LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG | LogStyles.TO_STDOUT):
-            lowest_log_level = self.__get_lowest_log_level(log_style)
-            if log_style & LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG:
-                handler = AlsoToLogHandler()
-            else:  # LogStyles.TO_STDOUT:
-                handler = StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
-                if self.stream_format:
-                    handler.setFormatter(self.stream_format)
-            handler.setLevel(LogStyles.LEVEL_TO_NO[lowest_log_level])
-            self.logger.addHandler(handler)
-        # Handle streaming logs to log-level files
-        for log_level in LogStyles.LOG_LEVELS:
-            log_location = log_style & LogStyles.ALL_FILE_LOGS
-            if not (log_style & log_level and log_location):
-                continue
-            handler = self.__create_handler(
-                handler_creator, log_level, log_location)
-            self.logger.addHandler(handler)
-            if log_style & LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG:
-                self._testclass_handlers.append(handler)
-            if log_style & LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG:
-                self._testcase_handlers.append(handler)
-    def __remove_handler(self, handler):
-        """Removes a handler from the logger, unless it's a NullHandler."""
-        if handler is not _null_handler:
-            handler.close()
-            self.logger.removeHandler(handler)
-    def update_handlers(self, event):
-        """Update the output file paths for log handlers upon a change in
-        the test context.
-        Args:
-            event: An instance of NewContextEvent.
-        """
-        handlers = []
-        if isinstance(event, context.NewTestClassContextEvent):
-            handlers = self._testclass_handlers + self._testcase_handlers
-        if isinstance(event, context.NewTestCaseContextEvent):
-            handlers = self._testcase_handlers
-        if not handlers:
-            return
-        new_dir = self.__get_current_output_dir()
-        for handler in handlers:
-            filename = os.path.basename(handler.baseFilename)
-            handler.set_file(os.path.join(new_dir, filename))
-    def cleanup(self):
-        """Removes all LogHandlers from the logger."""
-        for handler in self.logger.handlers:
-            self.__remove_handler(handler)
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner.py b/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b20564..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from zipfile import ZipFile
-"""The setup time in seconds."""
-"""The path to the metadata found within the OTA package."""
-OTA_PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH = 'META-INF/com/android/metadata'
-class OtaError(Exception):
-    """Raised when an error in the OTA Update process occurs."""
-class InvalidOtaUpdateError(OtaError):
-    """Raised when the update from one version to another is not valid."""
-class OtaRunner(object):
-    """The base class for all OTA Update Runners."""
-    def __init__(self, ota_tool, android_device):
-        self.ota_tool = ota_tool
-        self.android_device = android_device
-        self.serial = self.android_device.serial
-    def _update(self):
-        post_build_id = self.get_post_build_id()
-        log = self.android_device.log
-        old_info = self.android_device.adb.getprop('ro.build.fingerprint')
-        log.info('Starting Update. Beginning build info: %s', old_info)
-        log.info('Stopping services.')
-        self.android_device.stop_services()
-        log.info('Beginning tool.')
-        self.ota_tool.update(self)
-        log.info('Tool finished. Waiting for boot completion.')
-        self.android_device.wait_for_boot_completion()
-        new_info = self.android_device.adb.getprop('ro.build.fingerprint')
-        if not old_info or old_info == new_info:
-            raise OtaError('The device was not updated to a new build. '
-                           'Previous build: %s. Current build: %s. '
-                           'Expected build: %s' % (old_info, new_info,
-                                                   post_build_id))
-        log.info('Boot completed. Rooting adb.')
-        self.android_device.root_adb()
-        log.info('Root complete.')
-        if self.android_device.skip_sl4a:
-            self.android_device.log.info('Skipping SL4A install.')
-        else:
-            for _ in range(3):
-                self.android_device.log.info('Re-installing SL4A from "%s".',
-                                             self.get_sl4a_apk())
-                self.android_device.adb.install(
-                    '-r -g %s' % self.get_sl4a_apk(), ignore_status=True)
-                time.sleep(SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME)
-                if self.android_device.is_sl4a_installed():
-                    break
-        log.info('Starting services.')
-        self.android_device.start_services()
-        self.android_device.update_sdk_api_level()
-        log.info('Services started. Running ota tool cleanup.')
-        self.ota_tool.cleanup(self)
-        log.info('Cleanup complete.')
-    def get_ota_package_metadata(self, requested_field):
-        """Returns a variable found within the OTA package's metadata.
-        Args:
-            requested_field: the name of the metadata field
-        Will return None if the variable cannot be found.
-        """
-        ota_zip = ZipFile(self.get_ota_package(), 'r')
-        if OTA_PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH in ota_zip.namelist():
-            with ota_zip.open(OTA_PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH) as metadata:
-                timestamp_line = requested_field.encode('utf-8')
-                timestamp_offset = len(timestamp_line) + 1
-                for line in metadata.readlines():
-                    if line.startswith(timestamp_line):
-                        return line[timestamp_offset:].decode('utf-8').strip()
-        return None
-    def validate_update(self):
-        """Raises an error if updating to the next build is not valid.
-        Raises:
-            InvalidOtaUpdateError if the ota version is not valid, or cannot be
-                validated.
-        """
-        # The timestamp the current device build was created at.
-        cur_img_timestamp = self.android_device.adb.getprop('ro.build.date.utc')
-        ota_img_timestamp = self.get_ota_package_metadata('post-timestamp')
-        if ota_img_timestamp is None:
-            raise InvalidOtaUpdateError('Unable to find the timestamp '
-                                        'for the OTA build.')
-        try:
-            if int(ota_img_timestamp) <= int(cur_img_timestamp):
-                cur_fingerprint = self.android_device.adb.getprop(
-                    'ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint')
-                ota_fingerprint = self.get_post_build_id()
-                raise InvalidOtaUpdateError(
-                    'The OTA image comes from an earlier build than the '
-                    'source build. Current build: Time: %s -- %s, '
-                    'OTA build: Time: %s -- %s' %
-                    (cur_img_timestamp, cur_fingerprint,
-                     ota_img_timestamp, ota_fingerprint))
-        except ValueError:
-            raise InvalidOtaUpdateError(
-                'Unable to parse timestamps. Current timestamp: %s, OTA '
-                'timestamp: %s' % (ota_img_timestamp, cur_img_timestamp))
-    def get_post_build_id(self):
-        """Returns the post-build ID found within the OTA package metadata.
-        Raises:
-            InvalidOtaUpdateError if the post-build ID cannot be found.
-        """
-        return self.get_ota_package_metadata('post-build')
-    def can_update(self):
-        """Whether or not an update package is available for the device."""
-        return NotImplementedError()
-    def get_ota_package(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class SingleUseOtaRunner(OtaRunner):
-    """A single use OtaRunner.
-    SingleUseOtaRunners can only be ran once. If a user attempts to run it more
-    than once, an error will be thrown. Users can avoid the error by checking
-    can_update() before calling update().
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ota_tool, android_device, ota_package, sl4a_apk):
-        super(SingleUseOtaRunner, self).__init__(ota_tool, android_device)
-        self._ota_package = ota_package
-        self._sl4a_apk = sl4a_apk
-        self._called = False
-    def can_update(self):
-        return not self._called
-    def update(self):
-        """Starts the update process."""
-        if not self.can_update():
-            raise OtaError('A SingleUseOtaTool instance cannot update a device '
-                           'multiple times.')
-        self._called = True
-        self._update()
-    def get_ota_package(self):
-        return self._ota_package
-    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
-        return self._sl4a_apk
-class MultiUseOtaRunner(OtaRunner):
-    """A multiple use OtaRunner.
-    MultiUseOtaRunner can only be ran for as many times as there have been
-    packages provided to them. If a user attempts to run it more than the number
-    of provided packages, an error will be thrown. Users can avoid the error by
-    checking can_update() before calling update().
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ota_tool, android_device, ota_packages, sl4a_apks):
-        super(MultiUseOtaRunner, self).__init__(ota_tool, android_device)
-        self._ota_packages = ota_packages
-        self._sl4a_apks = sl4a_apks
-        self.current_update_number = 0
-    def can_update(self):
-        return not self.current_update_number == len(self._ota_packages)
-    def update(self):
-        """Starts the update process."""
-        if not self.can_update():
-            raise OtaError('This MultiUseOtaRunner has already updated all '
-                           'given packages onto the phone.')
-        self._update()
-        self.current_update_number += 1
-    def get_ota_package(self):
-        return self._ota_packages[self.current_update_number]
-    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
-        return self._sl4a_apks[self.current_update_number]
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py b/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 311b045..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from antlion.config_parser import ActsConfigError
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool_factory
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import adb_sideload_ota_tool
-_bound_devices = {}
-DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL = adb_sideload_ota_tool.AdbSideloadOtaTool.__name__
-def create_all_from_configs(config, android_devices):
-    """Creates a new OtaTool for each given AndroidDevice.
-    After an OtaTool is assigned to a device, another OtaTool cannot be created
-    for that device. This will prevent OTA Update tests that accidentally flash
-    the same build onto a device more than once.
-    Args:
-        config: the ACTS config user_params.
-        android_devices: The devices to run an OTA Update on.
-    Returns:
-        A list of OtaRunners responsible for updating the given devices. The
-        indexes match the indexes of the corresponding AndroidDevice in
-        android_devices.
-    """
-    return [create_from_configs(config, ad) for ad in android_devices]
-def create_from_configs(config, android_device):
-    """Creates a new OtaTool for the given AndroidDevice.
-    After an OtaTool is assigned to a device, another OtaTool cannot be created
-    for that device. This will prevent OTA Update tests that accidentally flash
-    the same build onto a device more than once.
-    Args:
-        config: the ACTS config user_params.
-        android_device: The device to run the OTA Update on.
-    Returns:
-        An OtaRunner responsible for updating the given device.
-    """
-    # Default to adb sideload
-    try:
-        ota_tool_class_name = get_ota_value_from_config(
-            config, 'ota_tool', android_device)
-    except ActsConfigError:
-        ota_tool_class_name = DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL
-    if ota_tool_class_name not in config:
-        if ota_tool_class_name is not DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL:
-            raise ActsConfigError(
-                'If the ota_tool is overloaded, the path to the tool must be '
-                'added to the ACTS config file under {"OtaToolName": '
-                '"path/to/tool"} (in this case, {"%s": "path/to/tool"}.' %
-                ota_tool_class_name)
-        else:
-            command = DEFAULT_OTA_COMMAND
-    else:
-        command = config[ota_tool_class_name]
-        if type(command) is list:
-            # If file came as a list in the config.
-            if len(command) == 1:
-                command = command[0]
-            else:
-                raise ActsConfigError(
-                    'Config value for "%s" must be either a string or a list '
-                    'of exactly one element' % ota_tool_class_name)
-    ota_package = get_ota_value_from_config(config, 'ota_package',
-                                            android_device)
-    ota_sl4a = get_ota_value_from_config(config, 'ota_sl4a', android_device)
-    if type(ota_sl4a) != type(ota_package):
-        raise ActsConfigError(
-            'The ota_package and ota_sl4a must either both be strings, or '
-            'both be lists. Device with serial "%s" has mismatched types.' %
-            android_device.serial)
-    return create(ota_package, ota_sl4a, android_device, ota_tool_class_name,
-                  command)
-def create(ota_package,
-           ota_sl4a,
-           android_device,
-           ota_tool_class_name=DEFAULT_OTA_TOOL,
-           command=DEFAULT_OTA_COMMAND,
-           use_cached_runners=True):
-    """
-    Args:
-        ota_package: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
-            update.zip package location(s) for running an OTA update.
-        ota_sl4a: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
-            sl4a.apk package location(s) for running an OTA update.
-        ota_tool_class_name: The class name for the desired ota_tool
-        command: The command line tool name for the updater
-        android_device: The AndroidDevice to run the OTA Update on.
-        use_cached_runners: Whether or not to use runners cached by previous
-            create calls.
-    Returns:
-        An OtaRunner with the given properties from the arguments.
-    """
-    ota_tool = ota_tool_factory.create(ota_tool_class_name, command)
-    return create_from_package(ota_package, ota_sl4a, android_device, ota_tool,
-                               use_cached_runners)
-def create_from_package(ota_package,
-                        ota_sl4a,
-                        android_device,
-                        ota_tool,
-                        use_cached_runners=True):
-    """
-    Args:
-        ota_package: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
-            update.zip package location(s) for running an OTA update.
-        ota_sl4a: A string or list of strings corresponding to the
-            sl4a.apk package location(s) for running an OTA update.
-        ota_tool: The OtaTool to be paired with the returned OtaRunner
-        android_device: The AndroidDevice to run the OTA Update on.
-        use_cached_runners: Whether or not to use runners cached by previous
-            create calls.
-    Returns:
-        An OtaRunner with the given properties from the arguments.
-    """
-    if android_device in _bound_devices and use_cached_runners:
-        logging.warning('Android device %s has already been assigned an '
-                        'OtaRunner. Returning previously created runner.')
-        return _bound_devices[android_device]
-    if type(ota_package) != type(ota_sl4a):
-        raise TypeError(
-            'The ota_package and ota_sl4a must either both be strings, or '
-            'both be lists. Device with serial "%s" has requested mismatched '
-            'types.' % android_device.serial)
-    if type(ota_package) is str:
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(ota_tool, android_device,
-                                               ota_package, ota_sl4a)
-    elif type(ota_package) is list:
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(ota_tool, android_device,
-                                              ota_package, ota_sl4a)
-    else:
-        raise TypeError('The "ota_package" value in the acts config must be '
-                        'either a list or a string.')
-    _bound_devices[android_device] = runner
-    return runner
-def get_ota_value_from_config(config, key, android_device):
-    """Returns a key for the given AndroidDevice.
-    Args:
-        config: The ACTS config
-        key: The base key desired (ota_tool, ota_sl4a, or ota_package)
-        android_device: An AndroidDevice
-    Returns: The value at the specified key.
-    Throws: ActsConfigError if the value cannot be determined from the config.
-    """
-    suffix = ''
-    if 'ota_map' in config:
-        if android_device.serial in config['ota_map']:
-            suffix = '_%s' % config['ota_map'][android_device.serial]
-    ota_package_key = '%s%s' % (key, suffix)
-    if ota_package_key not in config:
-        if suffix != '':
-            raise ActsConfigError(
-                'Asked for an OTA Update without specifying a required value. '
-                '"ota_map" has entry {"%s": "%s"}, but there is no '
-                'corresponding entry {"%s":"/path/to/file"} found within the '
-                'ACTS config.' % (android_device.serial, suffix[1:],
-                                  ota_package_key))
-        else:
-            raise ActsConfigError(
-                'Asked for an OTA Update without specifying a required value. '
-                '"ota_map" does not exist or have a key for serial "%s", and '
-                'the default value entry "%s" cannot be found within the ACTS '
-                'config.' % (android_device.serial, ota_package_key))
-    return config[ota_package_key]
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool.py b/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b45241..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool import OtaTool
-# OTA Packages can be upwards of 1 GB. This may take some time to transfer over
-# USB 2.0.
-PUSH_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60
-class AdbSideloadOtaTool(OtaTool):
-    """Updates an AndroidDevice using adb sideload."""
-    def __init__(self, ignored_command):
-        # "command" is ignored. The ACTS adb version is used to prevent
-        # differing adb versions from constantly killing adbd.
-        super(AdbSideloadOtaTool, self).__init__(ignored_command)
-    def update(self, ota_runner):
-        logging.info('Rooting adb')
-        ota_runner.android_device.root_adb()
-        logging.info('Rebooting to sideload')
-        ota_runner.android_device.adb.reboot('sideload')
-        ota_runner.android_device.adb.wait_for_sideload()
-        logging.info('Sideloading ota package')
-        package_path = ota_runner.get_ota_package()
-        logging.info('Running adb sideload with package "%s"' % package_path)
-        ota_runner.android_device.adb.sideload(
-            package_path, timeout=PUSH_TIMEOUT)
-        logging.info('Sideload complete. Waiting for device to come back up.')
-        ota_runner.android_device.adb.wait_for_recovery()
-        ota_runner.android_device.reboot(stop_at_lock_screen=True)
-        logging.info('Device is up. Update complete.')
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py b/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c889ddc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.adb_sideload_ota_tool import AdbSideloadOtaTool
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.update_device_ota_tool import UpdateDeviceOtaTool
-    AdbSideloadOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: AdbSideloadOtaTool(command),
-    UpdateDeviceOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: UpdateDeviceOtaTool(command),
-_constructed_tools = {}
-def create(ota_tool_class, command):
-    """Returns an OtaTool with the given class name.
-    If the tool has already been created, the existing instance will be
-    returned.
-    Args:
-        ota_tool_class: the class/type of the tool you wish to use.
-        command: the command line tool being used.
-    Returns:
-        An OtaTool.
-    """
-    if ota_tool_class in _constructed_tools:
-        return _constructed_tools[ota_tool_class]
-    if ota_tool_class not in _CONSTRUCTORS:
-        raise KeyError('Given Ota Tool class name does not match a known '
-                       'name. Found "%s". Expected any of %s. If this tool '
-                       'does exist, add it to the _CONSTRUCTORS dict in this '
-                       'module.' % (ota_tool_class, _CONSTRUCTORS.keys()))
-    new_update_tool = _CONSTRUCTORS[ota_tool_class](command)
-    _constructed_tools[ota_tool_class] = new_update_tool
-    return new_update_tool
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool.py b/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d10c5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion import utils
-# OTA Packages can be upwards of 1 GB. This may take some time to transfer over
-# USB 2.0. A/B devices must also complete the update in the background.
-UPDATE_LOCATION = '/data/ota_package/update.zip'
-class UpdateDeviceOtaTool(ota_tool.OtaTool):
-    """Runs an OTA Update with system/update_engine/scripts/update_device.py."""
-    def __init__(self, command):
-        super(UpdateDeviceOtaTool, self).__init__(command)
-        self.unzip_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        utils.unzip_maintain_permissions(self.command, self.unzip_path)
-        self.command = os.path.join(self.unzip_path, 'update_device.py')
-    def update(self, ota_runner):
-        logging.info('Forcing adb to be in root mode.')
-        ota_runner.android_device.root_adb()
-        update_command = 'python3 %s -s %s %s' % (
-            self.command, ota_runner.serial, ota_runner.get_ota_package())
-        logging.info('Running %s' % update_command)
-        result = job.run(update_command, timeout=UPDATE_TIMEOUT)
-        logging.info('Output: %s' % result.stdout)
-        logging.info('Rebooting device for update to go live.')
-        ota_runner.android_device.reboot(stop_at_lock_screen=True)
-        logging.info('Reboot sent.')
-    def __del__(self):
-        """Delete the unzipped update_device folder before ACTS exits."""
-        shutil.rmtree(self.unzip_path)
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_updater.py b/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_updater.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e434b3..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/ota/ota_updater.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner_factory
-"""Maps AndroidDevices to OtaRunners."""
-ota_runners = {}
-def initialize(user_params, android_devices):
-    """Initialize OtaRunners for each device.
-    Args:
-        user_params: The user_params from the ACTS config.
-        android_devices: The android_devices in the test.
-    """
-    for ad in android_devices:
-        ota_runners[ad] = ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(
-            user_params, ad)
-def _check_initialization(android_device):
-    """Check if a given device was initialized."""
-    if android_device not in ota_runners:
-        raise KeyError('Android Device with serial "%s" has not been '
-                       'initialized for OTA Updates. Did you forget to call'
-                       'ota_updater.initialize()?' % android_device.serial)
-def update(android_device, ignore_update_errors=False):
-    """Update a given AndroidDevice.
-    Args:
-        android_device: The device to update
-        ignore_update_errors: Whether or not to ignore update errors such as
-           no more updates available for a given device. Default is false.
-    Throws:
-        OtaError if ignore_update_errors is false and the OtaRunner has run out
-        of packages to update the phone with.
-    """
-    _check_initialization(android_device)
-    ota_runners[android_device].validate_update()
-    try:
-        ota_runners[android_device].update()
-    except Exception as e:
-        if ignore_update_errors:
-            return
-        android_device.log.error(e)
-        android_device.take_bug_report('ota_update',
-                                       utils.get_current_epoch_time())
-        raise e
-def can_update(android_device):
-    """Whether or not a device can be updated."""
-    _check_initialization(android_device)
-    return ota_runners[android_device].can_update()
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/proc/job.py b/src/antlion/libs/proc/job.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9530826..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/proc/job.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-if os.name == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
-    import subprocess32 as subprocess
-    import subprocess
-class Error(Exception):
-    """Indicates that a command failed, is fatal to the test unless caught."""
-    def __init__(self, result):
-        super(Error, self).__init__(result)
-        self.result = result
-class TimeoutError(Error):
-    """Thrown when a BackgroundJob times out on wait."""
-class Result(object):
-    """Command execution result.
-    Contains information on subprocess execution after it has exited.
-    Attributes:
-        command: An array containing the command and all arguments that
-                 was executed.
-        exit_status: Integer exit code of the process.
-        stdout_raw: The raw bytes output from standard out.
-        stderr_raw: The raw bytes output from standard error
-        duration: How long the process ran for.
-        did_timeout: True if the program timed out and was killed.
-    """
-    @property
-    def stdout(self):
-        """String representation of standard output."""
-        if not self._stdout_str:
-            self._stdout_str = self._raw_stdout.decode(encoding=self._encoding,
-                                                       errors='replace')
-            self._stdout_str = self._stdout_str.strip()
-        return self._stdout_str
-    @property
-    def stderr(self):
-        """String representation of standard error."""
-        if not self._stderr_str:
-            self._stderr_str = self._raw_stderr.decode(encoding=self._encoding,
-                                                       errors='replace')
-            self._stderr_str = self._stderr_str.strip()
-        return self._stderr_str
-    def __init__(self,
-                 command=[],
-                 stdout=bytes(),
-                 stderr=bytes(),
-                 exit_status=None,
-                 duration=0,
-                 did_timeout=False,
-                 encoding='utf-8'):
-        """
-        Args:
-            command: The command that was run. This will be a list containing
-                     the executed command and all args.
-            stdout: The raw bytes that standard output gave.
-            stderr: The raw bytes that standard error gave.
-            exit_status: The exit status of the command.
-            duration: How long the command ran.
-            did_timeout: True if the command timed out.
-            encoding: The encoding standard that the program uses.
-        """
-        self.command = command
-        self.exit_status = exit_status
-        self._raw_stdout = stdout
-        self._raw_stderr = stderr
-        self._stdout_str = None
-        self._stderr_str = None
-        self._encoding = encoding
-        self.duration = duration
-        self.did_timeout = did_timeout
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return ('job.Result(command=%r, stdout=%r, stderr=%r, exit_status=%r, '
-                'duration=%r, did_timeout=%r, encoding=%r)') % (
-                    self.command, self._raw_stdout, self._raw_stderr,
-                    self.exit_status, self.duration, self.did_timeout,
-                    self._encoding)
-def run(command,
-        timeout=60,
-        ignore_status=False,
-        env=None,
-        io_encoding='utf-8'):
-    """Execute a command in a subproccess and return its output.
-    Commands can be either shell commands (given as strings) or the
-    path and arguments to an executable (given as a list).  This function
-    will block until the subprocess finishes or times out.
-    Args:
-        command: The command to execute. Can be either a string or a list.
-        timeout: number seconds to wait for command to finish.
-        ignore_status: bool True to ignore the exit code of the remote
-                       subprocess.  Note that if you do ignore status codes,
-                       you should handle non-zero exit codes explicitly.
-        env: dict enviroment variables to setup on the remote host.
-        io_encoding: str unicode encoding of command output.
-    Returns:
-        A job.Result containing the results of the ssh command.
-    Raises:
-        job.TimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
-        Error: When the command had an error executing and ignore_status==False.
-    """
-    start_time = time.time()
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
-                            env=env,
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            shell=not isinstance(command, list))
-    # Wait on the process terminating
-    timed_out = False
-    out = bytes()
-    err = bytes()
-    try:
-        (out, err) = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout)
-    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
-        timed_out = True
-        proc.kill()
-        proc.wait()
-    result = Result(command=command,
-                    stdout=out,
-                    stderr=err,
-                    exit_status=proc.returncode,
-                    duration=time.time() - start_time,
-                    encoding=io_encoding,
-                    did_timeout=timed_out)
-    logging.debug(result)
-    if timed_out:
-        logging.error("Command %s with %s timeout setting timed out", command,
-                      timeout)
-        raise TimeoutError(result)
-    if not ignore_status and proc.returncode != 0:
-        raise Error(result)
-    return result
-def run_async(command, env=None):
-    """Execute a command in a subproccess asynchronously.
-    It is the callers responsibility to kill/wait on the resulting
-    subprocess.Popen object.
-    Commands can be either shell commands (given as strings) or the
-    path and arguments to an executable (given as a list).  This function
-    will not block.
-    Args:
-        command: The command to execute. Can be either a string or a list.
-        env: dict enviroment variables to setup on the remote host.
-    Returns:
-        A subprocess.Popen object representing the created subprocess.
-    """
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
-                            env=env,
-                            preexec_fn=os.setpgrp,
-                            shell=not isinstance(command, list),
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-    logging.debug("command %s started with pid %s", command, proc.pid)
-    return proc
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deleted file mode 100644
index 906be73..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/proc/process.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import shlex
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-from threading import Thread
-_on_windows = sys.platform == 'win32'
-class ProcessError(Exception):
-    """Raised when invalid operations are run on a Process."""
-class Process(object):
-    """A Process object used to run various commands.
-    Attributes:
-        _command: The initial command to run.
-        _subprocess_kwargs: The kwargs to send to Popen for more control over
-                            execution.
-        _process: The subprocess.Popen object currently executing a process.
-        _listening_thread: The thread that is listening for the process to stop.
-        _redirection_thread: The thread that is redirecting process output.
-        _on_output_callback: The callback to call when output is received.
-        _on_terminate_callback: The callback to call when the process terminates
-                                without stop() being called first.
-        _started: Whether or not start() was called.
-        _stopped: Whether or not stop() was called.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, command, **kwargs):
-        """Creates a Process object.
-        Note that this constructor does not begin the process. To start the
-        process, use Process.start().
-        """
-        # Split command string into list if shell=True is not specified
-        self._use_shell = kwargs.get('shell', False)
-        if not self._use_shell and isinstance(command, str):
-            command = shlex.split(command)
-        self._command = command
-        self._subprocess_kwargs = kwargs
-        if _on_windows:
-            self._subprocess_kwargs['creationflags'] = (
-                subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP)
-        else:
-            self._subprocess_kwargs['start_new_session'] = True
-        self._process = None
-        self._listening_thread = None
-        self._redirection_thread = None
-        self._on_output_callback = lambda *args, **kw: None
-        self._binary_output = False
-        self._on_terminate_callback = lambda *args, **kw: ''
-        self._started = False
-        self._stopped = False
-    def set_on_output_callback(self, on_output_callback, binary=False):
-        """Sets the on_output_callback function.
-        Args:
-            on_output_callback: The function to be called when output is sent to
-                the output. The output callback has the following signature:
-                >>> def on_output_callback(output_line):
-                >>>     return None
-            binary: If True, read the process output as raw binary.
-        Returns:
-            self
-        """
-        self._on_output_callback = on_output_callback
-        self._binary_output = binary
-        return self
-    def set_on_terminate_callback(self, on_terminate_callback):
-        """Sets the on_self_terminate callback function.
-        Args:
-            on_terminate_callback: The function to be called when the process
-                has terminated on its own. The callback has the following
-                signature:
-                >>> def on_self_terminate_callback(popen_process):
-                >>>     return 'command to run' or None
-                If a string is returned, the string returned will be the command
-                line used to run the command again. If None is returned, the
-                process will end without restarting.
-        Returns:
-            self
-        """
-        self._on_terminate_callback = on_terminate_callback
-        return self
-    def start(self):
-        """Starts the process's execution."""
-        if self._started:
-            raise ProcessError('Process has already started.')
-        self._started = True
-        self._process = None
-        self._listening_thread = Thread(target=self._exec_loop)
-        self._listening_thread.start()
-        time_up_at = time.time() + 1
-        while self._process is None:
-            if time.time() > time_up_at:
-                raise OSError('Unable to open process!')
-        self._stopped = False
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_timeout_left(timeout, start_time):
-        return max(.1, timeout - (time.time() - start_time))
-    def is_running(self):
-        """Checks that the underlying Popen process is still running
-        Returns:
-            True if the process is running.
-        """
-        return self._process is not None and self._process.poll() is None
-    def _join_threads(self):
-        """Waits for the threads associated with the process to terminate."""
-        if self._listening_thread is not None:
-            self._listening_thread.join()
-            self._listening_thread = None
-        if self._redirection_thread is not None:
-            self._redirection_thread.join()
-            self._redirection_thread = None
-    def _kill_process(self):
-        """Kills the underlying process/process group. Implementation is
-        platform-dependent."""
-        if _on_windows:
-            subprocess.check_call('taskkill /F /T /PID %s' % self._process.pid)
-        else:
-            self.signal(signal.SIGKILL)
-    def wait(self, kill_timeout=60.0):
-        """Waits for the process to finish execution.
-        If the process has reached the kill_timeout, the process will be killed
-        instead.
-        Note: the on_self_terminate callback will NOT be called when calling
-        this function.
-        Args:
-            kill_timeout: The amount of time to wait until killing the process.
-        """
-        if self._stopped:
-            raise ProcessError('Process is already being stopped.')
-        self._stopped = True
-        try:
-            self._process.wait(kill_timeout)
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
-            self._kill_process()
-        finally:
-            self._join_threads()
-            self._started = False
-    def signal(self, sig):
-        """Sends a signal to the process.
-        Args:
-            sig: The signal to be sent.
-        """
-        if _on_windows:
-            raise ProcessError('Unable to call Process.signal on windows.')
-        pgid = os.getpgid(self._process.pid)
-        os.killpg(pgid, sig)
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stops the process.
-        This command is effectively equivalent to kill, but gives time to clean
-        up any related work on the process, such as output redirection.
-        Note: the on_self_terminate callback will NOT be called when calling
-        this function.
-        """
-        self.wait(0)
-    def _redirect_output(self):
-        """Redirects the output from the command into the on_output_callback."""
-        if self._binary_output:
-            while True:
-                data = self._process.stdout.read(1024)
-                if not data:
-                    return
-                else:
-                    self._on_output_callback(data)
-        else:
-            while True:
-                line = self._process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8',
-                                                              errors='replace')
-                if not line:
-                    return
-                else:
-                    # Output the line without trailing \n and whitespace.
-                    self._on_output_callback(line.rstrip())
-    @staticmethod
-    def __start_process(command, **kwargs):
-        """A convenient wrapper function for starting the process."""
-        acts_logger = logging.getLogger()
-        acts_logger.debug(
-            'Starting command "%s" with kwargs %s', command, kwargs)
-        return subprocess.Popen(command, **kwargs)
-    def _exec_loop(self):
-        """Executes Popen in a loop.
-        When Popen terminates without stop() being called,
-        self._on_terminate_callback() will be called. The returned value from
-        _on_terminate_callback will then be used to determine if the loop should
-        continue and start up the process again. See set_on_terminate_callback()
-        for more information.
-        """
-        command = self._command
-        while True:
-            self._process = self.__start_process(command,
-                                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                                 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
-                                                 bufsize=1,
-                                                 **self._subprocess_kwargs)
-            self._redirection_thread = Thread(target=self._redirect_output)
-            self._redirection_thread.start()
-            self._process.wait()
-            if self._stopped:
-                logging.debug('The process for command %s was stopped.',
-                              command)
-                break
-            else:
-                logging.debug('The process for command %s terminated.',
-                              command)
-                # Wait for all output to be processed before sending
-                # _on_terminate_callback()
-                self._redirection_thread.join()
-                logging.debug('Beginning on_terminate_callback for %s.',
-                              command)
-                retry_value = self._on_terminate_callback(self._process)
-                if retry_value:
-                    if not self._use_shell and isinstance(retry_value, str):
-                        retry_value = shlex.split(retry_value)
-                    command = retry_value
-                else:
-                    break
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/test_binding/__init__.py b/src/antlion/libs/test_binding/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/test_binding/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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index 906ac6b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/test_binding/all_tests_decorator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import inspect
-def for_all_tests(decorator):
-    """Applies a decorator to all tests within a test class.
-    Args:
-        decorator: The decorator to apply.
-    Returns:
-        The class decorator function.
-    """
-    def _decorate(decorated):
-        test_names = []
-        for name, value in inspect.getmembers(decorated,
-                                              predicate=inspect.isfunction):
-            if name.startswith("test_"):
-                test_names.append(name)
-        for test_name in test_names:
-            setattr(decorated, test_name,
-                    decorator(getattr(decorated, test_name)))
-        return decorated
-    return _decorate
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/test_binding/binding.py b/src/antlion/libs/test_binding/binding.py
deleted file mode 100644
index df6387b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/test_binding/binding.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-from antlion import signals
-class Binding(object):
-    """Creates a binding for a test method with a decorator.
-    Python stores all functions as a variable bound to an object. When that
-    object is called it will execute the function logic. It is possible to
-    create a wrapper object around the real function object to perform custom
-    logic and store additional meta-data.
-    This object acts as a wrapper for test functions. It allows binding
-    additional test logic to a test.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, inner, arg_modifier=None, before=None, after=None,
-                 signal_modifier=None, instance_args=None):
-        """
-        Args:
-            inner: The inner method or other binding being bound to.
-            arg_modifier: A function of
-                (*args, **kwargs) => args kwargs that will modify the
-                arguments to pass to the bound target
-            before: A function of (*args, **kwargs) => None that will
-                be called before the bound target.
-            after: A function of (result, *args, **kwargs) => None
-                that will be called after the bound target.
-            signal_modifier:  A function of
-                (signal, *args, **kwargs) => signal that will be
-                called before the signal is sent to modify the signal to send.
-        """
-        self.instance_args = instance_args or []
-        self.arg_modifier = arg_modifier
-        self.signal_modifier = signal_modifier
-        self.after = after
-        self.before = before
-        self.inner = inner
-        self.__name__ = inner.__name__
-    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
-        """Called when a new isntance of the test class is created.
-        When a new instance of a class is created all method bindings must
-        be bound as instance bindings. This transforms the function call
-        signature to be func(self, *args, **kwargs) to func(*args, **kwargs).
-        The newly created binding handles inserting the self variable so the
-        caller does not have to.
-        This binding needs to do similar logic by creating a new binding for
-        the instance that memorizes the instance as a passed in arg.
-        """
-        return Binding(self.inner,
-                       arg_modifier=self.arg_modifier,
-                       before=self.before,
-                       after=self.after,
-                       signal_modifier=self.signal_modifier,
-                       instance_args=[instance] + self.instance_args)
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Called when the test is executed."""
-        full_args = self.instance_args + list(args)
-        try:
-            if self.arg_modifier:
-                full_args, kwargs = self.arg_modifier(self.inner, *full_args,
-                                                      **kwargs)
-            if self.before:
-                self.before(self.inner, *full_args, **kwargs)
-            result = 'UNKNOWN ERROR'
-            try:
-                result = self.inner(*full_args, **kwargs)
-            finally:
-                if self.after:
-                    self.after(self.inner, result, *full_args, **kwargs)
-            if result or result is None:
-                new_signal = signals.TestPass('')
-            else:
-                new_signal = signals.TestFailure('')
-        except signals.TestSignal as signal:
-            new_signal = signal
-        if self.signal_modifier:
-            new_signal = self.signal_modifier(self.inner, new_signal,
-                                              *full_args,
-                                              **kwargs)
-        raise new_signal
-    def __getattr__(self, item):
-        """A simple pass through for any variable we do not known about."""
-        return getattr(self.inner, item)
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/uicd/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3ca9bf4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/uicd/uicd_cli.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-_UICD_JAR_CMD = 'java -jar %s/uicd-commandline.jar'
-_UNZIP_CMD = 'tar -xzf %s -C %s'
-class UicdError(Exception):
-    """Raised for exceptions that occur in UIConductor-related tasks"""
-class UicdCli(object):
-    """Provides an interface for running UIConductor (Uicd) workflows under its
-    CLI.
-    This class does not handle workflow creation, which requires the Uicd
-    frontend.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, uicd_zip, workflow_paths, log_path=None):
-        """Creates a UicdCli object. Extracts the required uicd-cli binaries.
-        Args:
-            uicd_zip: The path to uicd_cli.tar.gz
-            workflow_paths: List of paths to uicd workflows and/or directories
-                containing them.
-            log_path: Directory for storing logs generated by Uicd.
-        """
-        # This is done so unit tests can cache the mocked shutil.rmtree value
-        # and call it on __del__ when the patch has been lifted.
-        self._rm_tmpdir = shutil.rmtree
-        self._uicd_zip = uicd_zip[0] if isinstance(uicd_zip, list) else uicd_zip
-        self._uicd_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='uicd')
-        self._log_path = log_path
-        if self._log_path:
-            os.makedirs(self._log_path, exist_ok=True)
-        self._log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(tag='Uicd')
-        self._set_workflows(workflow_paths)
-        self._setup_cli()
-    def _set_workflows(self, workflow_paths):
-        """Set up a dictionary that maps workflow name to its file location.
-        This allows the user to specify workflows to run without having to
-        provide the full path.
-        Args:
-            workflow_paths: List of paths to uicd workflows and/or directories
-                containing them.
-        Raises:
-            UicdError if two or more Uicd workflows share the same file name
-        """
-        if isinstance(workflow_paths, str):
-            workflow_paths = [workflow_paths]
-        # get a list of workflow files from specified paths
-        def _raise(e):
-            raise e
-        workflow_files = []
-        for path in workflow_paths:
-            if os.path.isfile(path):
-                workflow_files.append(path)
-            else:
-                for (root, _, files) in os.walk(path, onerror=_raise):
-                    for file in files:
-                        workflow_files.append(os.path.join(root, file))
-        # populate the dictionary
-        self._workflows = {}
-        for path in workflow_files:
-            workflow_name = os.path.basename(path)
-            if workflow_name in self._workflows.keys():
-                raise UicdError('Uicd workflows may not share the same name.')
-            self._workflows[workflow_name] = path
-    def _setup_cli(self):
-        """Extract tar from uicd_zip and place unzipped files in uicd_path.
-        Raises:
-            Exception if the extraction fails.
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Extracting uicd-cli binaries from %s' % self._uicd_zip)
-        unzip_cmd = _UNZIP_CMD % (self._uicd_zip, self._uicd_path)
-        try:
-            job.run(unzip_cmd.split())
-        except job.Error:
-            self._log.exception('Failed to extract uicd-cli binaries.')
-            raise
-    def run(self, serial, workflows, timeout=120):
-        """Run specified workflows on the UIConductor CLI.
-        Args:
-            serial: Device serial
-            workflows: List or str of workflows to run.
-            timeout: Number seconds to wait for command to finish.
-        """
-        base_cmd = _UICD_JAR_CMD % self._uicd_path
-        if isinstance(workflows, str):
-            workflows = [workflows]
-        for workflow_name in workflows:
-            self._log.info('Running workflow "%s"' % workflow_name)
-            if workflow_name in self._workflows:
-                args = '-d %s -i %s' % (serial, self._workflows[workflow_name])
-            else:
-                self._log.error(
-                    'The workflow "%s" does not exist.' % workflow_name)
-                continue
-            if self._log_path:
-                args = '%s -o %s' % (args, self._log_path)
-            cmd = '%s %s' % (base_cmd, args)
-            try:
-                result = job.run(cmd.split(), timeout=timeout)
-            except job.Error:
-                self._log.exception(
-                    'Failed to run workflow "%s"' % workflow_name)
-                continue
-            if result.stdout:
-                stdout_split = result.stdout.splitlines()
-                if len(stdout_split) > 2:
-                    self._log.debug('Uicd logs stored at %s' % stdout_split[2])
-    def __del__(self):
-        """Delete the temp directory to Uicd CLI binaries upon ACTS exit."""
-        self._rm_tmpdir(self._uicd_path)
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/utils/__init__.py
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deleted file mode 100644
index 31baaf7..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/utils/multithread.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import concurrent.futures
-import logging
-def task_wrapper(task):
-    """Task wrapper for multithread_func
-    Args:
-        task[0]: function to be wrapped.
-        task[1]: function args.
-    Returns:
-        Return value of wrapped function call.
-    """
-    func = task[0]
-    params = task[1]
-    return func(*params)
-def run_multithread_func_async(log, task):
-    """Starts a multi-threaded function asynchronously.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        task: a task to be executed in parallel.
-    Returns:
-        Future object representing the execution of the task.
-    """
-    executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
-    try:
-        future_object = executor.submit(task_wrapper, task)
-    except Exception as e:
-        log.error("Exception error %s", e)
-        raise
-    return future_object
-def run_multithread_func(log, tasks):
-    """Run multi-thread functions and return results.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        tasks: a list of tasks to be executed in parallel.
-    Returns:
-        results for tasks.
-    """
-    number_of_workers = min(MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS, len(tasks))
-    executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
-        max_workers=number_of_workers)
-    if not log: log = logging
-    try:
-        results = list(executor.map(task_wrapper, tasks))
-    except Exception as e:
-        log.error("Exception error %s", e)
-        raise
-    executor.shutdown()
-    if log:
-        log.info("multithread_func %s result: %s",
-                 [task[0].__name__ for task in tasks], results)
-    return results
-def multithread_func(log, tasks):
-    """Multi-thread function wrapper.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        tasks: tasks to be executed in parallel.
-    Returns:
-        True if all tasks return True.
-        False if any task return False.
-    """
-    results = run_multithread_func(log, tasks)
-    for r in results:
-        if not r:
-            return False
-    return True
-def multithread_func_and_check_results(log, tasks, expected_results):
-    """Multi-thread function wrapper.
-    Args:
-        log: log object.
-        tasks: tasks to be executed in parallel.
-        expected_results: check if the results from tasks match expected_results.
-    Returns:
-        True if expected_results are met.
-        False if expected_results are not met.
-    """
-    return_value = True
-    results = run_multithread_func(log, tasks)
-    log.info("multithread_func result: %s, expecting %s", results,
-             expected_results)
-    for task, result, expected_result in zip(tasks, results, expected_results):
-        if result != expected_result:
-            logging.info("Result for task %s is %s, expecting %s", task[0],
-                         result, expected_result)
-            return_value = False
-    return return_value
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/utils/timer.py b/src/antlion/libs/utils/timer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2350aa9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/utils/timer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-"""A simple timer class to keep record of the elapsed time."""
-import time
-class TimeRecorder(object):
-    """Main class to keep time records.
-    A timer record contains an ID, a start timestamp, and an optional stop
-    timestamps. The elapsed time calculated as stop - start.
-    If the stop timestamp is not set, current system time will be used.
-    Example usage:
-    >>> timer = TimeRecorder()
-    >>> # start a single timer, ID = 'lunch'
-    >>> timer.start_timer('lunch')
-    >>> # start two timers at the same time
-    >>> timer.start_timer(['salad', 'dessert'])
-    >>> # stop a single timer
-    >>> timer.stop_timer('salad')
-    >>> # get elapsed time of all timers
-    >>> timer.elapsed()
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.recorder = dict()
-    def start_timer(self, record_ids='Default', force=False):
-        """Start one or more timer.
-        Starts one or more timer at current system time with the record ID
-        specified in record_ids. Will overwrite/restart existing timer.
-        Args:
-            record_ids: timer record IDs. Can be a string or a list of strings.
-                        If the record ID is a list, will start multiple timers
-                        at the same time.
-            force: Force update the timer's start time if the specified timer
-                   has already started. By default we won't update started timer
-                   again.
-        Returns:
-            Number of timer started.
-        """
-        if isinstance(record_ids, str):
-            record_ids = [record_ids]
-        start_time = time.time()
-        for rec in record_ids:
-            if force or rec not in self.recorder:
-                self.recorder[rec] = [start_time, None]
-        return len(record_ids)
-    def stop_timer(self, record_ids=None, force=False):
-        """Stop one or more timer.
-        Stops one or more timer at current system time.
-        Args:
-            record_ids: timer record IDs. Can be a string or a list of strings.
-                        If the record ID is a list, will stop multiple timers at
-                        the same time. By default, it will stop all timers.
-            force: Force update the timer's stop time if the specified timer has
-                   already stopped. By default we won't update stopped timer
-                   again.
-        Returns:
-            Number of timer stopped.
-        """
-        # stop all record if id is not provided.
-        if record_ids is None:
-            record_ids = self.recorder.keys()
-        elif isinstance(record_ids, str):
-            record_ids = [record_ids]
-        stop_time = time.time()
-        num_rec = 0
-        for rec in record_ids:
-            if rec in self.recorder:
-                if force or self.recorder[rec][1] is None:
-                    self.recorder[rec][1] = stop_time
-                    num_rec += 1
-        return num_rec
-    def elapsed(self, record_ids=None):
-        """Return elapsed time in seconds.
-        For records with no stop time, will calculate based on the current
-        system time.
-        Args:
-            record_ids: timer record IDs. Can be a string or a list of strings.
-                        If the record ID is a list, will compute the elapsed
-                        time for all specified timers. Default value (None)
-                        calculates elapsed time for all existing timers.
-        Returns:
-            The elapsed time. If the record_ids is a string, will return the
-            time in seconds as float type. If the record_ids is a list or
-            default (None), will return a dict of the <record id, elapsed time>.
-        """
-        single_record = False
-        if record_ids is None:
-            record_ids = self.recorder.keys()
-        elif isinstance(record_ids, str):
-            record_ids = [record_ids]
-            single_record = True
-        results = dict()
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        for rec in record_ids:
-            if rec in self.recorder:
-                if self.recorder[rec][1] is not None:
-                    results[rec] = self.recorder[rec][1] - self.recorder[rec][0]
-                else:
-                    results[rec] = curr_time - self.recorder[rec][0]
-        if not results:  # no valid record found
-            return None
-        elif single_record and len(record_ids) == 1:
-            # only 1 record is requested, return results directly
-            return results[record_ids[0]]
-        else:
-            return results  # multiple records, return a dict.
-    def clear(self, record_ids=None):
-        """Clear existing time records."""
-        if record_ids is None:
-            self.recorder = dict()
-            return
-        if isinstance(record_ids, str):
-            record_ids = [record_ids]
-        for rec in record_ids:
-            if rec in self.recorder:
-                del self.recorder[rec]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2e55eb5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/version_selector.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import bisect
-from collections import namedtuple
-import inspect
-import numbers
-def _fully_qualified_name(func):
-    """Returns the fully-qualified name of a function.
-    Note: __qualname__ is not the fully qualified name. It is the the fully
-          qualified name without the module name.
-    See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3155/#naming-choice
-    """
-    return '%s:%s' % (func.__module__, func.__qualname__)
-_FrameInfo = namedtuple('_FrameInfo', ['frame', 'filename', 'lineno',
-                                       'function', 'code_context', 'index'])
-def _inspect_stack():
-    """Returns named tuple for each tuple returned by inspect.stack().
-    For Python3.4 and earlier, which returns unnamed tuples for inspect.stack().
-    Returns:
-        list of _FrameInfo named tuples representing stack frame info.
-    """
-    return [_FrameInfo(*info) for info in inspect.stack()]
-def set_version(get_version_func, min_version, max_version):
-    """Returns a decorator returning a VersionSelector containing all versions
-    of the decorated func.
-    Args:
-        get_version_func: The lambda that returns the version level based on the
-                          arguments sent to versioned_func
-        min_version: The minimum API level for calling versioned_func.
-        max_version: The maximum API level for calling versioned_func.
-    Raises:
-        SyntaxError if get_version_func is different between versioned funcs.
-    Returns:
-        A VersionSelector containing all versioned calls to the decorated func.
-    """
-    func_owner_variables = None
-    for frame_info in _inspect_stack():
-        if frame_info.function == '<module>':
-            # We've reached the end of the most recently imported module in our
-            # stack without finding a class first. This indicates that the
-            # decorator is on a module-level function.
-            func_owner_variables = frame_info.frame.f_locals
-            break
-        elif '__qualname__' in frame_info.frame.f_locals:
-            # __qualname__ appears in stack frames of objects that have
-            # yet to be interpreted. Here we can guarantee that the object in
-            # question is the innermost class that contains the function.
-            func_owner_variables = frame_info.frame.f_locals
-            break
-    def decorator(func):
-        if isinstance(func, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
-            raise SyntaxError('@staticmethod and @classmethod decorators must '
-                              'be placed before the versioning decorator.')
-        func_name = func.__name__
-        if func_name in func_owner_variables:
-            # If the function already exists within the class/module, get it.
-            version_selector = func_owner_variables[func_name]
-            if isinstance(version_selector, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
-                # If the function was also decorated with @staticmethod or
-                # @classmethod, the version_selector will be stored in __func__.
-                version_selector = version_selector.__func__
-            if not isinstance(version_selector, _VersionSelector):
-                raise SyntaxError('The previously defined function "%s" is not '
-                                  'decorated with a versioning decorator.' %
-                                  version_selector.__qualname__)
-            if (version_selector.comparison_func_name !=
-                    _fully_qualified_name(get_version_func)):
-                raise SyntaxError('Functions of the same name must be decorated'
-                                  ' with the same versioning decorator.')
-        else:
-            version_selector = _VersionSelector(get_version_func)
-        version_selector.add_fn(func, min_version, max_version)
-        return version_selector
-    return decorator
-class _VersionSelector(object):
-    """A class that maps API levels to versioned functions for that API level.
-    Attributes:
-        entry_list: A sorted list of Entries that define which functions to call
-                    for a given API level.
-    """
-    class ListWrap(object):
-        """This class wraps a list of VersionSelector.Entry objects.
-        This is required to make the bisect functions work, since the underlying
-        implementation of those functions do not use __cmp__, __lt__, __gt__,
-        etc. because they are not implemented in Python.
-        See: https://docs.python.org/3/library/bisect.html#other-examples
-        """
-        def __init__(self, entry_list):
-            self.list = entry_list
-        def __len__(self):
-            return len(self.list)
-        def __getitem__(self, index):
-            return self.list[index].level
-    class Entry(object):
-        def __init__(self, level, func, direction):
-            """Creates an Entry object.
-            Args:
-                level: The API level for this point.
-                func: The function to call.
-                direction: (-1, 0 or 1) the  direction the ray from this level
-                           points towards.
-            """
-            self.level = level
-            self.func = func
-            self.direction = direction
-    def __init__(self, version_func):
-        """Creates a VersionSelector object.
-        Args:
-            version_func: The function that converts the arguments into an
-                          integer that represents the API level.
-        """
-        self.entry_list = list()
-        self.get_version = version_func
-        self.instance = None
-        self.comparison_func_name = _fully_qualified_name(version_func)
-    def __name__(self):
-        if len(self.entry_list) > 0:
-            return self.entry_list[0].func.__name__
-        return '%s<%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_version.__name__)
-    def print_ranges(self):
-        """Returns all ranges as a string.
-        The string is formatted as '[min_a, max_a], [min_b, max_b], ...'
-        """
-        ranges = []
-        min_boundary = None
-        for entry in self.entry_list:
-            if entry.direction == 1:
-                min_boundary = entry.level
-            elif entry.direction == 0:
-                ranges.append(str([entry.level, entry.level]))
-            else:
-                ranges.append(str([min_boundary, entry.level]))
-        return ', '.join(ranges)
-    def add_fn(self, fn, min_version, max_version):
-        """Adds a function to the VersionSelector for the given API range.
-        Args:
-            fn: The function to call when the API level is met.
-            min_version: The minimum version level for calling this function.
-            max_version: The maximum version level for calling this function.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError if min_version > max_version or another versioned
-                       function overlaps this new range.
-        """
-        if min_version > max_version:
-            raise ValueError('The minimum API level must be greater than the'
-                             'maximum API level.')
-        insertion_index = bisect.bisect_left(
-            _VersionSelector.ListWrap(self.entry_list), min_version)
-        if insertion_index != len(self.entry_list):
-            right_neighbor = self.entry_list[insertion_index]
-            if not (min_version <= max_version < right_neighbor.level and
-                    right_neighbor.direction != -1):
-                raise ValueError('New range overlaps another API level. '
-                                 'New range: %s, Existing ranges: %s' %
-                                 ([min_version, max_version],
-                                  self.print_ranges()))
-        if min_version == max_version:
-            new_entry = _VersionSelector.Entry(min_version, fn, direction=0)
-            self.entry_list.insert(insertion_index, new_entry)
-        else:
-            # Inserts the 2 entries into the entry list at insertion_index.
-            self.entry_list[insertion_index:insertion_index] = [
-                _VersionSelector.Entry(min_version, fn, direction=1),
-                _VersionSelector.Entry(max_version, fn, direction=-1)]
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Calls the proper versioned function for the given API level.
-        This is a magic python function that gets called whenever parentheses
-        immediately follow the attribute access (e.g. obj.version_selector()).
-        Args:
-            *args, **kwargs: The arguments passed into this call. These
-                             arguments are intended for the decorated function.
-        Returns:
-            The result of the called function.
-        """
-        if self.instance is not None:
-            # When the versioned function is a classmethod, the class is passed
-            # into __call__ as the first argument.
-            level = self.get_version(self.instance, *args, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            level = self.get_version(*args, **kwargs)
-        if not isinstance(level, numbers.Number):
-            kwargs_out = []
-            for key, value in kwargs.items():
-                kwargs_out.append('%s=%s' % (key, str(value)))
-            args_out = str(list(args))[1:-1]
-            kwargs_out = ', '.join(kwargs_out)
-            raise ValueError(
-                'The API level the function %s returned %s for the arguments '
-                '(%s). This function must return a number.' %
-                (self.get_version.__qualname__, repr(level),
-                 ', '.join(i for i in [args_out, kwargs_out] if i)))
-        index = bisect.bisect_left(_VersionSelector.ListWrap(self.entry_list),
-                                   level)
-        # Check to make sure the function being called is within the API range
-        if index == len(self.entry_list):
-            raise NotImplementedError('No function %s exists for API level %s'
-                                      % (self.entry_list[0].func.__qualname__,
-                                         level))
-        closest_entry = self.entry_list[index]
-        if (closest_entry.direction == 0 and closest_entry.level != level or
-                closest_entry.direction == 1 and closest_entry.level > level or
-                closest_entry.direction == -1 and closest_entry.level < level):
-            raise NotImplementedError('No function %s exists for API level %s'
-                                      % (self.entry_list[0].func.__qualname__,
-                                         level))
-        func = self.entry_list[index].func
-        if self.instance is None:
-            # __get__ was not called, so the function is module-level.
-            return func(*args, **kwargs)
-        return func(self.instance, *args, **kwargs)
-    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
-        """Gets the instance and owner whenever this function is obtained.
-        These arguments will be used to pass in the self to instance methods.
-        If the function is marked with @staticmethod or @classmethod, those
-        decorators will handle removing self or getting the class, respectively.
-        Note that this function will NOT be called on module-level functions.
-        Args:
-            instance: The instance of the object this function is being called
-                      from. If this function is static or a classmethod,
-                      instance will be None.
-            owner: The object that owns this function. This is the class object
-                   that defines the function.
-        Returns:
-            self, this VersionSelector instance.
-        """
-        self.instance = instance
-        return self
diff --git a/src/antlion/libs/yaml_writer.py b/src/antlion/libs/yaml_writer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c710e1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/libs/yaml_writer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import yaml
-# Allow yaml to dump OrderedDict
-                     lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_dict(data),
-                     Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
-def _str_representer(dumper, data):
-    if len(data.splitlines()) > 1:
-        data = '\n'.join(line.replace('\t', '    ').rstrip()
-                         for line in data.splitlines())
-        return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|')
-    return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data)
-# Automatically convert multiline strings into block literals
-yaml.add_representer(str, _str_representer, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
-_DUMP_KWARGS = dict(explicit_start=True, allow_unicode=True, indent=4)
-if yaml.__version__ >= '5.1':
-    _DUMP_KWARGS.update(sort_keys=False)
-def safe_dump(content, file):
-    """Calls yaml.safe_dump to write content to the file, with additional
-    parameters from _DUMP_KWARGS."""
-    yaml.safe_dump(content, file, **_DUMP_KWARGS)
diff --git a/src/antlion/logger.py b/src/antlion/logger.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2b46ff1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/logger.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import datetime
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-from copy import copy
-from antlion import tracelogger
-from antlion.libs.logging import log_stream
-from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import LogStyles
-log_line_format = "%(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(levelname)s %(message)s"
-# The micro seconds are added by the format string above,
-# so the time format does not include ms.
-log_line_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-log_line_timestamp_len = 23
-logline_timestamp_re = re.compile("\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d\d")
-# yapf: disable
-class Style:
-    RESET  = '\033[0m'
-    BRIGHT = '\033[1m'
-    DIM    = '\033[2m'
-    NORMAL = '\033[22m'
-class Fore:
-    BLACK   = '\033[30m'
-    RED     = '\033[31m'
-    GREEN   = '\033[32m'
-    YELLOW  = '\033[33m'
-    BLUE    = '\033[34m'
-    MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
-    CYAN    = '\033[36m'
-    WHITE   = '\033[37m'
-    RESET   = '\033[39m'
-class Back:
-    BLACK   = '\033[40m'
-    RED     = '\033[41m'
-    GREEN   = '\033[42m'
-    YELLOW  = '\033[43m'
-    BLUE    = '\033[44m'
-    MAGENTA = '\033[45m'
-    CYAN    = '\033[46m'
-    WHITE   = '\033[47m'
-    RESET   = '\033[49m'
-  'DEBUG':     {'level': 10, 'style': Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT},
-  'CASE':      {'level': 11, 'style': Back.BLUE + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
-  'SUITE':     {'level': 12, 'style': Back.MAGENTA + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
-  'INFO':      {'level': 20, 'style': Style.NORMAL},
-  'STEP':      {'level': 15, 'style': Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
-  'WARNING':   {'level': 30, 'style': Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT},
-  'ERROR':     {'level': 40, 'style': Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT},
-  'EXCEPTION': {'level': 45, 'style': Back.RED + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT},
-  'DEVICE':    {'level': 51, 'style': Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT},
-# yapf: enable
-class ColoredLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
-    def format(self, record):
-        colored_record = copy(record)
-        level_name = colored_record.levelname
-        style = LOG_LEVELS[level_name]['style']
-        formatted_level_name = '%s%s%s' % (style, level_name, Style.RESET)
-        colored_record.levelname = formatted_level_name
-        return super().format(colored_record)
-def _parse_logline_timestamp(t):
-    """Parses a logline timestamp into a tuple.
-    Args:
-        t: Timestamp in logline format.
-    Returns:
-        An iterable of date and time elements in the order of month, day, hour,
-        minute, second, microsecond.
-    """
-    date, time = t.split(' ')
-    year, month, day = date.split('-')
-    h, m, s = time.split(':')
-    s, ms = s.split('.')
-    return year, month, day, h, m, s, ms
-def is_valid_logline_timestamp(timestamp):
-    if len(timestamp) == log_line_timestamp_len:
-        if logline_timestamp_re.match(timestamp):
-            return True
-    return False
-def logline_timestamp_comparator(t1, t2):
-    """Comparator for timestamps in logline format.
-    Args:
-        t1: Timestamp in logline format.
-        t2: Timestamp in logline format.
-    Returns:
-        -1 if t1 < t2; 1 if t1 > t2; 0 if t1 == t2.
-    """
-    dt1 = _parse_logline_timestamp(t1)
-    dt2 = _parse_logline_timestamp(t2)
-    for u1, u2 in zip(dt1, dt2):
-        if u1 < u2:
-            return -1
-        elif u1 > u2:
-            return 1
-    return 0
-def _get_timestamp(time_format, delta=None):
-    t = datetime.datetime.now()
-    if delta:
-        t = t + datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
-    return t.strftime(time_format)[:-3]
-def epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch_time):
-    """Converts an epoch timestamp in ms to log line timestamp format, which
-    is readable for humans.
-    Args:
-        epoch_time: integer, an epoch timestamp in ms.
-    Returns:
-        A string that is the corresponding timestamp in log line timestamp
-        format.
-    """
-    s, ms = divmod(epoch_time, 1000)
-    d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(s)
-    return d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.") + str(ms)
-def get_log_line_timestamp(delta=None):
-    """Returns a timestamp in the format used by log lines.
-    Default is current time. If a delta is set, the return value will be
-    the current time offset by delta seconds.
-    Args:
-        delta: Number of seconds to offset from current time; can be negative.
-    Returns:
-        A timestamp in log line format with an offset.
-    """
-    return _get_timestamp("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", delta)
-def get_log_file_timestamp(delta=None):
-    """Returns a timestamp in the format used for log file names.
-    Default is current time. If a delta is set, the return value will be
-    the current time offset by delta seconds.
-    Args:
-        delta: Number of seconds to offset from current time; can be negative.
-    Returns:
-        A timestamp in log file name format with an offset.
-    """
-    return _get_timestamp("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f", delta)
-def _setup_test_logger(log_path, prefix=None):
-    """Customizes the root logger for a test run.
-    The logger object has a stream handler and a file handler. The stream
-    handler logs INFO level to the terminal, the file handler logs DEBUG
-    level to files.
-    Args:
-        log_path: Location of the log file.
-        prefix: A prefix for each log line in terminal.
-    """
-    logging.log_path = log_path
-    log_styles = [
-        LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TO_STDOUT,
-        LogStyles.DEFAULT_LEVELS + LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG
-    ]
-    terminal_format = log_line_format
-    if prefix:
-        terminal_format = "[{}] {}".format(prefix, log_line_format)
-    stream_formatter = ColoredLogFormatter(terminal_format,
-                                           log_line_time_format)
-    file_formatter = logging.Formatter(log_line_format, log_line_time_format)
-    log = log_stream.create_logger('test_run',
-                                   '',
-                                   log_styles=log_styles,
-                                   stream_format=stream_formatter,
-                                   file_format=file_formatter)
-    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    _enable_additional_log_levels()
-def _enable_additional_log_levels():
-    """Enables logging levels used for tracing tests and debugging devices."""
-    for log_type, log_data in LOG_LEVELS.items():
-        logging.addLevelName(log_data['level'], log_type)
-def kill_test_logger(logger):
-    """Cleans up a test logger object by removing all of its handlers.
-    Args:
-        logger: The logging object to clean up.
-    """
-    for h in list(logger.handlers):
-        logger.removeHandler(h)
-        if isinstance(h, logging.FileHandler):
-            h.close()
-def create_latest_log_alias(actual_path):
-    """Creates a symlink to the latest test run logs.
-    Args:
-        actual_path: The source directory where the latest test run's logs are.
-    """
-    link_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(actual_path), "latest")
-    if os.path.islink(link_path):
-        os.remove(link_path)
-    try:
-        os.symlink(actual_path, link_path)
-    except OSError:
-        logging.warning('Failed to create symlink to latest logs dir.',
-                        exc_info=True)
-def setup_test_logger(log_path, prefix=None):
-    """Customizes the root logger for a test run.
-    Args:
-        log_path: Location of the report file.
-        prefix: A prefix for each log line in terminal.
-        filename: Name of the files. The default is the time the objects
-            are requested.
-    """
-    os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
-    _setup_test_logger(log_path, prefix)
-    create_latest_log_alias(log_path)
-def normalize_log_line_timestamp(log_line_timestamp):
-    """Replace special characters in log line timestamp with normal characters.
-    Args:
-        log_line_timestamp: A string in the log line timestamp format. Obtained
-            with get_log_line_timestamp.
-    Returns:
-        A string representing the same time as input timestamp, but without
-        special characters.
-    """
-    norm_tp = log_line_timestamp.replace(' ', '_')
-    norm_tp = norm_tp.replace(':', '-')
-    return norm_tp
-class LoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
-    """A LoggerAdapter class that takes in a lambda for transforming logs."""
-    def __init__(self, logging_lambda):
-        self.logging_lambda = logging_lambda
-        super(LoggerAdapter, self).__init__(logging.getLogger(), {})
-    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
-        return self.logging_lambda(msg), kwargs
-def create_logger(logging_lambda=lambda message: message):
-    """Returns a logger with logging defined by a given lambda.
-    Args:
-        logging_lambda: A lambda of the form:
-            >>> lambda log_message: return 'string'
-    """
-    return tracelogger.TraceLogger(LoggerAdapter(logging_lambda))
-def create_tagged_trace_logger(tag=''):
-    """Returns a logger that logs each line with the given prefix.
-    Args:
-        tag: The tag of the log line, E.g. if tag == tag123, the output
-            line would be:
-            <TESTBED> <TIME> <LOG_LEVEL> [tag123] logged message
-    """
-    def logging_lambda(msg):
-        return '[%s] %s' % (tag, msg)
-    return create_logger(logging_lambda)
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deleted file mode 100644
index aee2385..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This module is where all the record definitions and record containers live.
-import collections
-import copy
-import io
-import json
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.libs import yaml_writer
-from mobly.records import ExceptionRecord
-from mobly.records import OUTPUT_FILE_SUMMARY
-from mobly.records import TestResultEnums as MoblyTestResultEnums
-from mobly.records import TestResultRecord as MoblyTestResultRecord
-from mobly.records import TestResult as MoblyTestResult
-from mobly.records import TestSummaryEntryType
-from mobly.records import TestSummaryWriter as MoblyTestSummaryWriter
-class TestSummaryWriter(MoblyTestSummaryWriter):
-    """Writes test results to a summary file in real time. Inherits from Mobly's
-    TestSummaryWriter.
-    """
-    def dump(self, content, entry_type):
-        """Update Mobly's implementation of dump to work on OrderedDict.
-        See MoblyTestSummaryWriter.dump for documentation.
-        """
-        new_content = collections.OrderedDict(copy.deepcopy(content))
-        new_content['Type'] = entry_type.value
-        new_content.move_to_end('Type', last=False)
-        # Both user code and Mobly code can trigger this dump, hence the lock.
-        with self._lock:
-            # For Python3, setting the encoding on yaml.safe_dump does not work
-            # because Python3 file descriptors set an encoding by default, which
-            # PyYAML uses instead of the encoding on yaml.safe_dump. So, the
-            # encoding has to be set on the open call instead.
-            with io.open(self._path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
-                # Use safe_dump here to avoid language-specific tags in final
-                # output.
-                yaml_writer.safe_dump(new_content, f)
-class TestResultEnums(MoblyTestResultEnums):
-    """Enums used for TestResultRecord class. Inherits from Mobly's
-    TestResultEnums.
-    Includes the tokens to mark test result with, and the string names for each
-    field in TestResultRecord.
-    """
-    RECORD_LOG_BEGIN_TIME = "Log Begin Time"
-    RECORD_LOG_END_TIME = "Log End Time"
-class TestResultRecord(MoblyTestResultRecord):
-    """A record that holds the information of a test case execution. This class
-    inherits from Mobly's TestResultRecord class.
-    Attributes:
-        test_name: A string representing the name of the test case.
-        begin_time: Epoch timestamp of when the test case started.
-        end_time: Epoch timestamp of when the test case ended.
-        self.uid: Unique identifier of a test case.
-        self.result: Test result, PASS/FAIL/SKIP.
-        self.extras: User defined extra information of the test result.
-        self.details: A string explaining the details of the test case.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, t_name, t_class=None):
-        super().__init__(t_name, t_class)
-        self.log_begin_time = None
-        self.log_end_time = None
-    def test_begin(self):
-        """Call this when the test case it records begins execution.
-        Sets the begin_time of this record.
-        """
-        super().test_begin()
-        self.log_begin_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(
-            self.begin_time)
-    def _test_end(self, result, e):
-        """Class internal function to signal the end of a test case execution.
-        Args:
-            result: One of the TEST_RESULT enums in TestResultEnums.
-            e: A test termination signal (usually an exception object). It can
-                be any exception instance or of any subclass of
-                acts.signals.TestSignal.
-        """
-        super()._test_end(result, e)
-        if self.end_time:
-            self.log_end_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(
-                self.end_time)
-    def to_dict(self):
-        """Gets a dictionary representing the content of this class.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary representing the content of this class.
-        """
-        d = collections.OrderedDict()
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_NAME] = self.test_name
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_CLASS] = self.test_class
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_BEGIN_TIME] = self.begin_time
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_END_TIME] = self.end_time
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_LOG_BEGIN_TIME] = self.log_begin_time
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_LOG_END_TIME] = self.log_end_time
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_RESULT] = self.result
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_UID] = self.uid
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRAS] = self.extras
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS] = self.details
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRA_ERRORS] = {
-            key: value.to_dict()
-            for (key, value) in self.extra_errors.items()
-        }
-        d[TestResultEnums.RECORD_STACKTRACE] = self.stacktrace
-        return d
-    def json_str(self):
-        """Converts this test record to a string in json format.
-        Format of the json string is:
-            {
-                'Test Name': <test name>,
-                'Begin Time': <epoch timestamp>,
-                'Details': <details>,
-                ...
-            }
-        Returns:
-            A json-format string representing the test record.
-        """
-        return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
-class TestResult(MoblyTestResult):
-    """A class that contains metrics of a test run. This class inherits from
-    Mobly's TestResult class.
-    This class is essentially a container of TestResultRecord objects.
-    Attributes:
-        self.requested: A list of strings, each is the name of a test requested
-            by user.
-        self.failed: A list of records for tests failed.
-        self.executed: A list of records for tests that were actually executed.
-        self.passed: A list of records for tests passed.
-        self.skipped: A list of records for tests skipped.
-    """
-    def __add__(self, r):
-        """Overrides '+' operator for TestResult class.
-        The add operator merges two TestResult objects by concatenating all of
-        their lists together.
-        Args:
-            r: another instance of TestResult to be added
-        Returns:
-            A TestResult instance that's the sum of two TestResult instances.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(r, MoblyTestResult):
-            raise TypeError("Operand %s of type %s is not a TestResult." %
-                            (r, type(r)))
-        sum_result = TestResult()
-        for name in sum_result.__dict__:
-            r_value = getattr(r, name)
-            l_value = getattr(self, name)
-            if isinstance(r_value, list):
-                setattr(sum_result, name, l_value + r_value)
-        return sum_result
-    def json_str(self):
-        """Converts this test result to a string in json format.
-        Format of the json string is:
-            {
-                "Results": [
-                    {<executed test record 1>},
-                    {<executed test record 2>},
-                    ...
-                ],
-                "Summary": <summary dict>
-            }
-        Returns:
-            A json-format string representing the test results.
-        """
-        d = collections.OrderedDict()
-        d["ControllerInfo"] = {record.controller_name: record.controller_info
-                               for record in self.controller_info}
-        d["Results"] = [record.to_dict() for record in self.executed]
-        d["Summary"] = self.summary_dict()
-        d["Error"] = self.errors_list()
-        json_str = json.dumps(d, indent=4)
-        return json_str
-    def summary_str(self):
-        """Gets a string that summarizes the stats of this test result.
-        The summary provides the counts of how many test cases fall into each
-        category, like "Passed", "Failed" etc.
-        Format of the string is:
-            Requested <int>, Executed <int>, ...
-        Returns:
-            A summary string of this test result.
-        """
-        l = ["%s %s" % (k, v) for k, v in self.summary_dict().items()]
-        msg = ", ".join(l)
-        return msg
-    def errors_list(self):
-        l = list()
-        for record in self.error:
-            if isinstance(record, TestResultRecord):
-                keys = [TestResultEnums.RECORD_NAME,
-                        TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS,
-                        TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRA_ERRORS]
-            elif isinstance(record, ExceptionRecord):
-                keys = [TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS,
-                        TestResultEnums.RECORD_POSITION]
-            else:
-                return []
-            l.append({k: record.to_dict()[k] for k in keys})
-        return l
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-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This module is where all the test signal classes and related utilities live.
-from mobly.signals import *
diff --git a/src/antlion/test_decorators.py b/src/antlion/test_decorators.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ec1835..0000000
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@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
-def __select_last(test_signals, _):
-    return test_signals[-1]
-def repeated_test(num_passes, acceptable_failures=0,
-                  result_selector=__select_last):
-    """A decorator that runs a test case multiple times.
-    This decorator can be used to run a test multiple times and aggregate the
-    data into a single test result. By setting `result_selector`, the user can
-    access the returned result of each run, allowing them to average results,
-    return the median, or gather and return standard deviation values.
-    This decorator should be used on test cases, and should not be used on
-    static or class methods. The test case must take in an additional argument,
-    `attempt_number`, which returns the current attempt number, starting from
-    1.
-    Note that any TestSignal intended to abort or skip the test will take
-    abort or skip immediately.
-    Args:
-        num_passes: The number of times the test needs to pass to report the
-            test case as passing.
-        acceptable_failures: The number of failures accepted. If the failures
-            exceeds this number, the test will stop repeating. The maximum
-            number of runs is `num_passes + acceptable_failures`. If the test
-            does fail, result_selector will still be called.
-        result_selector: A lambda that takes in the list of TestSignals and
-            returns the test signal to report the test case as. Note that the
-            list also contains any uncaught exceptions from the test execution.
-    """
-    def decorator(func):
-        if not func.__name__.startswith('test_'):
-            raise ValueError('Tests must start with "test_".')
-        def test_wrapper(self):
-            num_failures = 0
-            num_seen_passes = 0
-            test_signals_received = []
-            for i in range(num_passes + acceptable_failures):
-                try:
-                    func(self, i + 1)
-                except (signals.TestFailure, signals.TestError,
-                        AssertionError) as signal:
-                    test_signals_received.append(signal)
-                    num_failures += 1
-                except signals.TestPass as signal:
-                    test_signals_received.append(signal)
-                    num_seen_passes += 1
-                except (signals.TestSignal, KeyboardInterrupt):
-                    raise
-                except Exception as signal:
-                    test_signals_received.append(signal)
-                    num_failures += 1
-                else:
-                    num_seen_passes += 1
-                    test_signals_received.append(signals.TestPass(
-                        'Test iteration %s of %s passed without details.' % (
-                        i, func.__name__)))
-                if num_failures > acceptable_failures:
-                    break
-                elif num_seen_passes == num_passes:
-                    break
-                else:
-                    self.teardown_test()
-                    self.setup_test()
-            raise result_selector(test_signals_received, self)
-        return test_wrapper
-    return decorator
diff --git a/src/antlion/test_runner.py b/src/antlion/test_runner.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 81a1c49..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/test_runner.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import itertools
-from future import standard_library
-import importlib
-import inspect
-import fnmatch
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-from antlion import base_test
-from antlion import keys
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import records
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion import error
-from mobly.records import ExceptionRecord
-def _find_test_class():
-    """Finds the test class in a test script.
-    Walk through module members and find the subclass of BaseTestClass. Only
-    one subclass is allowed in a test script.
-    Returns:
-        The test class in the test module.
-    """
-    test_classes = []
-    main_module_members = sys.modules['__main__']
-    for _, module_member in main_module_members.__dict__.items():
-        if inspect.isclass(module_member):
-            if issubclass(module_member, base_test.BaseTestClass):
-                test_classes.append(module_member)
-    if len(test_classes) != 1:
-        logging.error('Expected 1 test class per file, found %s.',
-                      [t.__name__ for t in test_classes])
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return test_classes[0]
-def execute_one_test_class(test_class, test_config, test_identifier):
-    """Executes one specific test class.
-    You could call this function in your own cli test entry point if you choose
-    not to use act.py.
-    Args:
-        test_class: A subclass of acts.base_test.BaseTestClass that has the test
-                    logic to be executed.
-        test_config: A dict representing one set of configs for a test run.
-        test_identifier: A list of tuples specifying which test cases to run in
-                         the test class.
-    Returns:
-        True if all tests passed without any error, False otherwise.
-    Raises:
-        If signals.TestAbortAll is raised by a test run, pipe it through.
-    """
-    tr = TestRunner(test_config, test_identifier)
-    try:
-        tr.run(test_class)
-        return tr.results.is_all_pass
-    except signals.TestAbortAll:
-        raise
-    except:
-        logging.exception('Exception when executing %s.', tr.testbed_name)
-    finally:
-        tr.stop()
-class TestRunner(object):
-    """The class that instantiates test classes, executes test cases, and
-    report results.
-    Attributes:
-        test_run_config: The TestRunConfig object specifying what tests to run.
-        id: A string that is the unique identifier of this test run.
-        log: The logger object used throughout this test run.
-        test_classes: A dictionary where we can look up the test classes by name
-            to instantiate. Supports unix shell style wildcards.
-        run_list: A list of tuples specifying what tests to run.
-        results: The test result object used to record the results of this test
-            run.
-        running: A boolean signifies whether this test run is ongoing or not.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test_configs, run_list):
-        self.test_run_config = test_configs
-        self.testbed_name = self.test_run_config.testbed_name
-        start_time = logger.get_log_file_timestamp()
-        self.id = '{}@{}'.format(self.testbed_name, start_time)
-        self.test_run_config.log_path = os.path.abspath(
-            os.path.join(self.test_run_config.log_path, self.testbed_name,
-                         start_time))
-        logger.setup_test_logger(self.log_path, self.testbed_name)
-        self.log = logging.getLogger()
-        self.test_run_config.summary_writer = records.TestSummaryWriter(
-            os.path.join(self.log_path, records.OUTPUT_FILE_SUMMARY))
-        self.run_list = run_list
-        self.dump_config()
-        self.results = records.TestResult()
-        self.running = False
-    @property
-    def log_path(self):
-        """The path to write logs of this test run to."""
-        return self.test_run_config.log_path
-    @property
-    def summary_writer(self):
-        """The object responsible for writing summary and results data."""
-        return self.test_run_config.summary_writer
-    def import_test_modules(self, test_paths):
-        """Imports test classes from test scripts.
-        1. Locate all .py files under test paths.
-        2. Import the .py files as modules.
-        3. Find the module members that are test classes.
-        4. Categorize the test classes by name.
-        Args:
-            test_paths: A list of directory paths where the test files reside.
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary where keys are test class name strings, values are
-            actual test classes that can be instantiated.
-        """
-        def is_testfile_name(name, ext):
-            if ext == '.py':
-                if name.endswith('Test') or name.endswith('_test'):
-                    return True
-            return False
-        file_list = utils.find_files(test_paths, is_testfile_name)
-        test_classes = {}
-        for path, name, _ in file_list:
-            sys.path.append(path)
-            try:
-                with utils.SuppressLogOutput(
-                        log_levels=[logging.INFO, logging.ERROR]):
-                    module = importlib.import_module(name)
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.debug('Failed to import %s: %s', path, str(e))
-                for test_cls_name, _ in self.run_list:
-                    alt_name = name.replace('_', '').lower()
-                    alt_cls_name = test_cls_name.lower()
-                    # Only block if a test class on the run list causes an
-                    # import error. We need to check against both naming
-                    # conventions: AaaBbb and aaa_bbb.
-                    if name == test_cls_name or alt_name == alt_cls_name:
-                        msg = ('Encountered error importing test class %s, '
-                               'abort.') % test_cls_name
-                        # This exception is logged here to help with debugging
-                        # under py2, because "raise X from Y" syntax is only
-                        # supported under py3.
-                        self.log.exception(msg)
-                        raise ValueError(msg)
-                continue
-            for member_name in dir(module):
-                if not member_name.startswith('__'):
-                    if member_name.endswith('Test'):
-                        test_class = getattr(module, member_name)
-                        if inspect.isclass(test_class):
-                            test_classes[member_name] = test_class
-        return test_classes
-    def run_test_class(self, test_cls_name, test_cases=None):
-        """Instantiates and executes a test class.
-        If test_cases is None, the test cases listed by self.tests will be
-        executed instead. If self.tests is empty as well, no test case in this
-        test class will be executed.
-        Args:
-            test_cls_name: Name of the test class to execute.
-            test_cases: List of test case names to execute within the class.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError is raised if the requested test class could not be found
-            in the test_paths directories.
-        """
-        matches = fnmatch.filter(self.test_classes.keys(), test_cls_name)
-        if not matches:
-            self.log.info(
-                'Cannot find test class %s or classes matching pattern, '
-                'skipping for now.' % test_cls_name)
-            record = records.TestResultRecord('*all*', test_cls_name)
-            record.test_skip(signals.TestSkip('Test class does not exist.'))
-            self.results.add_record(record)
-            return
-        if matches != [test_cls_name]:
-            self.log.info('Found classes matching pattern %s: %s',
-                          test_cls_name, matches)
-        for test_cls_name_match in matches:
-            test_cls = self.test_classes[test_cls_name_match]
-            test_cls_instance = test_cls(self.test_run_config)
-            try:
-                cls_result = test_cls_instance.run(test_cases)
-                self.results += cls_result
-            except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
-                self.results += e.results
-                raise e
-    def run(self, test_class=None):
-        """Executes test cases.
-        This will instantiate controller and test classes, and execute test
-        classes. This can be called multiple times to repeatedly execute the
-        requested test cases.
-        A call to TestRunner.stop should eventually happen to conclude the life
-        cycle of a TestRunner.
-        Args:
-            test_class: The python module of a test class. If provided, run this
-                        class; otherwise, import modules in under test_paths
-                        based on run_list.
-        """
-        if not self.running:
-            self.running = True
-        if test_class:
-            self.test_classes = {test_class.__name__: test_class}
-        else:
-            t_paths = self.test_run_config.controller_configs[
-                keys.Config.key_test_paths.value]
-            self.test_classes = self.import_test_modules(t_paths)
-        self.log.debug('Executing run list %s.', self.run_list)
-        for test_cls_name, test_case_names in self.run_list:
-            if not self.running:
-                break
-            if test_case_names:
-                self.log.debug('Executing test cases %s in test class %s.',
-                               test_case_names, test_cls_name)
-            else:
-                self.log.debug('Executing test class %s', test_cls_name)
-            try:
-                self.run_test_class(test_cls_name, test_case_names)
-            except error.ActsError as e:
-                self.results.error.append(ExceptionRecord(e))
-                self.log.error('Test Runner Error: %s' % e.details)
-            except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
-                self.log.warning(
-                    'Abort all subsequent test classes. Reason: %s', e)
-                raise
-    def stop(self):
-        """Releases resources from test run. Should always be called after
-        TestRunner.run finishes.
-        This function concludes a test run and writes out a test report.
-        """
-        if self.running:
-            msg = '\nSummary for test run %s: %s\n' % (
-                self.id, self.results.summary_str())
-            self._write_results_to_file()
-            self.log.info(msg.strip())
-            logger.kill_test_logger(self.log)
-            self.running = False
-    def _write_results_to_file(self):
-        """Writes test results to file(s) in a serializable format."""
-        # Old JSON format
-        path = os.path.join(self.log_path, 'test_run_summary.json')
-        with open(path, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(self.results.json_str())
-        # New YAML format
-        self.summary_writer.dump(self.results.summary_dict(),
-                                 records.TestSummaryEntryType.SUMMARY)
-    def dump_config(self):
-        """Writes the test config to a JSON file under self.log_path"""
-        config_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, 'test_configs.json')
-        with open(config_path, 'a') as f:
-            json.dump(dict(
-                itertools.chain(
-                    self.test_run_config.user_params.items(),
-                    self.test_run_config.controller_configs.items())),
-                      f,
-                      skipkeys=True,
-                      indent=4)
-    def write_test_campaign(self):
-        """Log test campaign file."""
-        path = os.path.join(self.log_path, 'test_campaign.log')
-        with open(path, 'w') as f:
-            for test_class, test_cases in self.run_list:
-                f.write('%s:\n%s' % (test_class, ',\n'.join(test_cases)))
-                f.write('\n\n')
diff --git a/src/antlion/tracelogger.py b/src/antlion/tracelogger.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2650e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/tracelogger.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import inspect
-import os
-class TraceLogger(object):
-    def __init__(self, logger):
-        self._logger = logger
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_trace_info(level=1, offset=2):
-        # We want the stack frame above this and above the error/warning/info
-        inspect_stack = inspect.stack()
-        trace_info = ''
-        for i in range(level):
-            try:
-                stack_frames = inspect_stack[offset + i]
-                info = inspect.getframeinfo(stack_frames[0])
-                trace_info = '%s[%s:%s:%s]' % (trace_info,
-                                               os.path.basename(info.filename),
-                                               info.function, info.lineno)
-            except IndexError:
-                break
-        return trace_info
-    def _log_with(self, logging_lambda, trace_level, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        trace_info = TraceLogger._get_trace_info(level=trace_level, offset=3)
-        logging_lambda('%s %s' % (msg, trace_info), *args, **kwargs)
-    def exception(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._log_with(self._logger.exception, 5, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._log_with(self._logger.debug, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._log_with(self._logger.error, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def warn(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._log_with(self._logger.warn, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._log_with(self._logger.warning, 3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._log_with(self._logger.info, 1, msg, *args, **kwargs)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        return getattr(self._logger, name)
diff --git a/src/antlion/utils.py b/src/antlion/utils.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ff6ded5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1928 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import base64
-import concurrent.futures
-import copy
-import datetime
-import functools
-import ipaddress
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import platform
-import psutil
-import random
-import re
-import signal
-import string
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import time
-import threading
-import traceback
-import zipfile
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-# File name length is limited to 255 chars on some OS, so we need to make sure
-# the file names we output fits within the limit.
-# All Fuchsia devices use this suffix for link-local mDNS host names.
-FUCHSIA_MDNS_TYPE = '_fuchsia._udp.local.'
-# Default max seconds it takes to Duplicate Address Detection to finish before
-# assigning an IPv6 address.
-class ActsUtilsError(Exception):
-    """Generic error raised for exceptions in ACTS utils."""
-class NexusModelNames:
-    # TODO(angli): This will be fixed later by angli.
-    ONE = 'sprout'
-    N5 = 'hammerhead'
-    N5v2 = 'bullhead'
-    N6 = 'shamu'
-    N6v2 = 'angler'
-    N6v3 = 'marlin'
-    N5v3 = 'sailfish'
-class DozeModeStatus:
-    IDLE = "IDLE"
-ascii_letters_and_digits = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
-valid_filename_chars = "-_." + ascii_letters_and_digits
-models = ("sprout", "occam", "hammerhead", "bullhead", "razor", "razorg",
-          "shamu", "angler", "volantis", "volantisg", "mantaray", "fugu",
-          "ryu", "marlin", "sailfish")
-manufacture_name_to_model = {
-    "flo": "razor",
-    "flo_lte": "razorg",
-    "flounder": "volantis",
-    "flounder_lte": "volantisg",
-    "dragon": "ryu"
-GMT_to_olson = {
-    "GMT-9": "America/Anchorage",
-    "GMT-8": "US/Pacific",
-    "GMT-7": "US/Mountain",
-    "GMT-6": "US/Central",
-    "GMT-5": "US/Eastern",
-    "GMT-4": "America/Barbados",
-    "GMT-3": "America/Buenos_Aires",
-    "GMT-2": "Atlantic/South_Georgia",
-    "GMT-1": "Atlantic/Azores",
-    "GMT+0": "Africa/Casablanca",
-    "GMT+1": "Europe/Amsterdam",
-    "GMT+2": "Europe/Athens",
-    "GMT+3": "Europe/Moscow",
-    "GMT+4": "Asia/Baku",
-    "GMT+5": "Asia/Oral",
-    "GMT+6": "Asia/Almaty",
-    "GMT+7": "Asia/Bangkok",
-    "GMT+8": "Asia/Hong_Kong",
-    "GMT+9": "Asia/Tokyo",
-    "GMT+10": "Pacific/Guam",
-    "GMT+11": "Pacific/Noumea",
-    "GMT+12": "Pacific/Fiji",
-    "GMT+13": "Pacific/Tongatapu",
-    "GMT-11": "Pacific/Midway",
-    "GMT-10": "Pacific/Honolulu"
-def abs_path(path):
-    """Resolve the '.' and '~' in a path to get the absolute path.
-    Args:
-        path: The path to expand.
-    Returns:
-        The absolute path of the input path.
-    """
-    return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
-def get_current_epoch_time():
-    """Current epoch time in milliseconds.
-    Returns:
-        An integer representing the current epoch time in milliseconds.
-    """
-    return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
-def get_current_human_time():
-    """Returns the current time in human readable format.
-    Returns:
-        The current time stamp in Month-Day-Year Hour:Min:Sec format.
-    """
-    return time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S ")
-def epoch_to_human_time(epoch_time):
-    """Converts an epoch timestamp to human readable time.
-    This essentially converts an output of get_current_epoch_time to an output
-    of get_current_human_time
-    Args:
-        epoch_time: An integer representing an epoch timestamp in milliseconds.
-    Returns:
-        A time string representing the input time.
-        None if input param is invalid.
-    """
-    if isinstance(epoch_time, int):
-        try:
-            d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time / 1000)
-            return d.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S ")
-        except ValueError:
-            return None
-def get_timezone_olson_id():
-    """Return the Olson ID of the local (non-DST) timezone.
-    Returns:
-        A string representing one of the Olson IDs of the local (non-DST)
-        timezone.
-    """
-    tzoffset = int(time.timezone / 3600)
-    gmt = None
-    if tzoffset <= 0:
-        gmt = "GMT+{}".format(-tzoffset)
-    else:
-        gmt = "GMT-{}".format(tzoffset)
-    return GMT_to_olson[gmt]
-def get_next_device(test_bed_controllers, used_devices):
-    """Gets the next device in a list of testbed controllers
-    Args:
-        test_bed_controllers: A list of testbed controllers of a particular
-            type, for example a list ACTS Android devices.
-        used_devices: A list of devices that have been used.  This can be a
-            mix of devices, for example a fuchsia device and an Android device.
-    Returns:
-        The next device in the test_bed_controllers list or None if there are
-        no items that are not in the used devices list.
-    """
-    if test_bed_controllers:
-        device_list = test_bed_controllers
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('test_bed_controllers is empty.')
-    for used_device in used_devices:
-        if used_device in device_list:
-            device_list.remove(used_device)
-    if device_list:
-        return device_list[0]
-    else:
-        return None
-def find_files(paths, file_predicate):
-    """Locate files whose names and extensions match the given predicate in
-    the specified directories.
-    Args:
-        paths: A list of directory paths where to find the files.
-        file_predicate: A function that returns True if the file name and
-          extension are desired.
-    Returns:
-        A list of files that match the predicate.
-    """
-    file_list = []
-    if not isinstance(paths, list):
-        paths = [paths]
-    for path in paths:
-        p = abs_path(path)
-        for dirPath, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(p):
-            for fname in fileList:
-                name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
-                if file_predicate(name, ext):
-                    file_list.append((dirPath, name, ext))
-    return file_list
-def load_config(file_full_path, log_errors=True):
-    """Loads a JSON config file.
-    Returns:
-        A JSON object.
-    """
-    with open(file_full_path, 'r') as f:
-        try:
-            return json.load(f)
-        except Exception as e:
-            if log_errors:
-                logging.error("Exception error to load %s: %s", f, e)
-            raise
-def load_file_to_base64_str(f_path):
-    """Loads the content of a file into a base64 string.
-    Args:
-        f_path: full path to the file including the file name.
-    Returns:
-        A base64 string representing the content of the file in utf-8 encoding.
-    """
-    path = abs_path(f_path)
-    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
-        f_bytes = f.read()
-        base64_str = base64.b64encode(f_bytes).decode("utf-8")
-        return base64_str
-def dump_string_to_file(content, file_path, mode='w'):
-    """ Dump content of a string to
-    Args:
-        content: content to be dumped to file
-        file_path: full path to the file including the file name.
-        mode: file open mode, 'w' (truncating file) by default
-    :return:
-    """
-    full_path = abs_path(file_path)
-    with open(full_path, mode) as f:
-        f.write(content)
-def list_of_dict_to_dict_of_dict(list_of_dicts, dict_key):
-    """Transforms a list of dicts to a dict of dicts.
-    For instance:
-    >>> list_of_dict_to_dict_of_dict([{'a': '1', 'b':'2'},
-    >>>                               {'a': '3', 'b':'4'}],
-    >>>                              'b')
-    returns:
-    >>> {'2': {'a': '1', 'b':'2'},
-    >>>  '4': {'a': '3', 'b':'4'}}
-    Args:
-        list_of_dicts: A list of dictionaries.
-        dict_key: The key in the inner dict to be used as the key for the
-                  outer dict.
-    Returns:
-        A dict of dicts.
-    """
-    return {d[dict_key]: d for d in list_of_dicts}
-def dict_purge_key_if_value_is_none(dictionary):
-    """Removes all pairs with value None from dictionary."""
-    for k, v in dict(dictionary).items():
-        if v is None:
-            del dictionary[k]
-    return dictionary
-def find_field(item_list, cond, comparator, target_field):
-    """Finds the value of a field in a dict object that satisfies certain
-    conditions.
-    Args:
-        item_list: A list of dict objects.
-        cond: A param that defines the condition.
-        comparator: A function that checks if an dict satisfies the condition.
-        target_field: Name of the field whose value to be returned if an item
-            satisfies the condition.
-    Returns:
-        Target value or None if no item satisfies the condition.
-    """
-    for item in item_list:
-        if comparator(item, cond) and target_field in item:
-            return item[target_field]
-    return None
-def rand_ascii_str(length):
-    """Generates a random string of specified length, composed of ascii letters
-    and digits.
-    Args:
-        length: The number of characters in the string.
-    Returns:
-        The random string generated.
-    """
-    letters = [random.choice(ascii_letters_and_digits) for i in range(length)]
-    return ''.join(letters)
-def rand_hex_str(length):
-    """Generates a random string of specified length, composed of hex digits
-    Args:
-        length: The number of characters in the string.
-    Returns:
-        The random string generated.
-    """
-    letters = [random.choice(string.hexdigits) for i in range(length)]
-    return ''.join(letters)
-# Thead/Process related functions.
-def concurrent_exec(func, param_list):
-    """Executes a function with different parameters pseudo-concurrently.
-    This is basically a map function. Each element (should be an iterable) in
-    the param_list is unpacked and passed into the function. Due to Python's
-    GIL, there's no true concurrency. This is suited for IO-bound tasks.
-    Args:
-        func: The function that parforms a task.
-        param_list: A list of iterables, each being a set of params to be
-            passed into the function.
-    Returns:
-        A list of return values from each function execution. If an execution
-        caused an exception, the exception object will be the corresponding
-        result.
-    """
-    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=30) as executor:
-        # Start the load operations and mark each future with its params
-        future_to_params = {executor.submit(func, *p): p for p in param_list}
-        return_vals = []
-        for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_params):
-            params = future_to_params[future]
-            try:
-                return_vals.append(future.result())
-            except Exception as exc:
-                print("{} generated an exception: {}".format(
-                    params, traceback.format_exc()))
-                return_vals.append(exc)
-        return return_vals
-def exe_cmd(*cmds):
-    """Executes commands in a new shell.
-    Args:
-        cmds: A sequence of commands and arguments.
-    Returns:
-        The output of the command run.
-    Raises:
-        OSError is raised if an error occurred during the command execution.
-    """
-    cmd = ' '.join(cmds)
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            shell=True)
-    (out, err) = proc.communicate()
-    if not err:
-        return out
-    raise OSError(err)
-def require_sl4a(android_devices):
-    """Makes sure sl4a connection is established on the given AndroidDevice
-    objects.
-    Args:
-        android_devices: A list of AndroidDevice objects.
-    Raises:
-        AssertionError is raised if any given android device does not have SL4A
-        connection established.
-    """
-    for ad in android_devices:
-        msg = "SL4A connection not established properly on %s." % ad.serial
-        assert ad.droid, msg
-def _assert_subprocess_running(proc):
-    """Checks if a subprocess has terminated on its own.
-    Args:
-        proc: A subprocess returned by subprocess.Popen.
-    Raises:
-        ActsUtilsError is raised if the subprocess has stopped.
-    """
-    ret = proc.poll()
-    if ret is not None:
-        out, err = proc.communicate()
-        raise ActsUtilsError("Process %d has terminated. ret: %d, stderr: %s,"
-                             " stdout: %s" % (proc.pid, ret, err, out))
-def start_standing_subprocess(cmd, check_health_delay=0, shell=True):
-    """Starts a long-running subprocess.
-    This is not a blocking call and the subprocess started by it should be
-    explicitly terminated with stop_standing_subprocess.
-    For short-running commands, you should use exe_cmd, which blocks.
-    You can specify a health check after the subprocess is started to make sure
-    it did not stop prematurely.
-    Args:
-        cmd: string, the command to start the subprocess with.
-        check_health_delay: float, the number of seconds to wait after the
-                            subprocess starts to check its health. Default is 0,
-                            which means no check.
-    Returns:
-        The subprocess that got started.
-    """
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            shell=shell,
-                            preexec_fn=os.setpgrp)
-    logging.debug("Start standing subprocess with cmd: %s", cmd)
-    if check_health_delay > 0:
-        time.sleep(check_health_delay)
-        _assert_subprocess_running(proc)
-    return proc
-def stop_standing_subprocess(proc, kill_signal=signal.SIGTERM):
-    """Stops a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess.
-    Before killing the process, we check if the process is running, if it has
-    terminated, ActsUtilsError is raised.
-    Catches and ignores the PermissionError which only happens on Macs.
-    Args:
-        proc: Subprocess to terminate.
-    """
-    pid = proc.pid
-    logging.debug("Stop standing subprocess %d", pid)
-    _assert_subprocess_running(proc)
-    try:
-        os.killpg(pid, kill_signal)
-    except PermissionError:
-        pass
-def wait_for_standing_subprocess(proc, timeout=None):
-    """Waits for a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess to finish
-    or times out.
-    Propagates the exception raised by the subprocess.wait(.) function.
-    The subprocess.TimeoutExpired exception is raised if the process timed-out
-    rather then terminating.
-    If no exception is raised: the subprocess terminated on its own. No need
-    to call stop_standing_subprocess() to kill it.
-    If an exception is raised: the subprocess is still alive - it did not
-    terminate. Either call stop_standing_subprocess() to kill it, or call
-    wait_for_standing_subprocess() to keep waiting for it to terminate on its
-    own.
-    Args:
-        p: Subprocess to wait for.
-        timeout: An integer number of seconds to wait before timing out.
-    """
-    proc.wait(timeout)
-def sync_device_time(ad):
-    """Sync the time of an android device with the current system time.
-    Both epoch time and the timezone will be synced.
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device to sync time on.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("settings put global auto_time 0", ignore_status=True)
-    ad.adb.shell("settings put global auto_time_zone 0", ignore_status=True)
-    droid = ad.droid
-    droid.setTimeZone(get_timezone_olson_id())
-    droid.setTime(get_current_epoch_time())
-# Timeout decorator block
-class TimeoutError(Exception):
-    """Exception for timeout decorator related errors.
-    """
-def _timeout_handler(signum, frame):
-    """Handler function used by signal to terminate a timed out function.
-    """
-    raise TimeoutError()
-def timeout(sec):
-    """A decorator used to add time out check to a function.
-    This only works in main thread due to its dependency on signal module.
-    Do NOT use it if the decorated funtion does not run in the Main thread.
-    Args:
-        sec: Number of seconds to wait before the function times out.
-            No timeout if set to 0
-    Returns:
-        What the decorated function returns.
-    Raises:
-        TimeoutError is raised when time out happens.
-    """
-    def decorator(func):
-        @functools.wraps(func)
-        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-            if sec:
-                signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _timeout_handler)
-                signal.alarm(sec)
-            try:
-                return func(*args, **kwargs)
-            except TimeoutError:
-                raise TimeoutError(("Function {} timed out after {} "
-                                    "seconds.").format(func.__name__, sec))
-            finally:
-                signal.alarm(0)
-        return wrapper
-    return decorator
-def trim_model_name(model):
-    """Trim any prefix and postfix and return the android designation of the
-    model name.
-    e.g. "m_shamu" will be trimmed to "shamu".
-    Args:
-        model: model name to be trimmed.
-    Returns
-        Trimmed model name if one of the known model names is found.
-        None otherwise.
-    """
-    # Directly look up first.
-    if model in models:
-        return model
-    if model in manufacture_name_to_model:
-        return manufacture_name_to_model[model]
-    # If not found, try trimming off prefix/postfix and look up again.
-    tokens = re.split("_|-", model)
-    for t in tokens:
-        if t in models:
-            return t
-        if t in manufacture_name_to_model:
-            return manufacture_name_to_model[t]
-    return None
-def force_airplane_mode(ad, new_state, timeout_value=60):
-    """Force the device to set airplane mode on or off by adb shell command.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        new_state: Turn on airplane mode if True.
-            Turn off airplane mode if False.
-        timeout_value: max wait time for 'adb wait-for-device'
-    Returns:
-        True if success.
-        False if timeout.
-    """
-    # Using timeout decorator.
-    # Wait for device with timeout. If after <timeout_value> seconds, adb
-    # is still waiting for device, throw TimeoutError exception.
-    @timeout(timeout_value)
-    def wait_for_device_with_timeout(ad):
-        ad.adb.wait_for_device()
-    try:
-        wait_for_device_with_timeout(ad)
-        ad.adb.shell("settings put global airplane_mode_on {}".format(
-            1 if new_state else 0))
-        ad.adb.shell("am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE")
-    except TimeoutError:
-        # adb wait for device timeout
-        return False
-    return True
-def get_battery_level(ad):
-    """Gets battery level from device
-    Returns:
-        battery_level: int indicating battery level
-    """
-    output = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery")
-    match = re.search(r"level: (?P<battery_level>\S+)", output)
-    battery_level = int(match.group("battery_level"))
-    return battery_level
-def get_device_usb_charging_status(ad):
-    """ Returns the usb charging status of the device.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-    Returns:
-        True if charging
-        False if not charging
-     """
-    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get charging")
-    ad.log.info("Device Charging State: {}".format(adb_shell_result))
-    return adb_shell_result == 'true'
-def disable_usb_charging(ad):
-    """ Unplug device from usb charging.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-    Returns:
-        True if device is unplugged
-        False otherwise
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery unplug")
-    if not get_device_usb_charging_status(ad):
-        return True
-    else:
-        ad.log.info("Could not disable USB charging")
-        return False
-def enable_usb_charging(ad):
-    """ Plug device to usb charging.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-    Returns:
-        True if device is Plugged
-        False otherwise
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery reset")
-    if get_device_usb_charging_status(ad):
-        return True
-    else:
-        ad.log.info("Could not enable USB charging")
-        return False
-def enable_doze(ad):
-    """Force the device into doze mode.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-    Returns:
-        True if device is in doze mode.
-        False otherwise.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery unplug")
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle enable")
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle force-idle")
-    ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
-    time.sleep(5)
-    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get deep")
-    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.IDLE):
-        info = ("dumpsys deviceidle get deep: {}".format(adb_shell_result))
-        print(info)
-        return False
-    return True
-def disable_doze(ad):
-    """Force the device not in doze mode.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-    Returns:
-        True if device is not in doze mode.
-        False otherwise.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle disable")
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery reset")
-    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get deep")
-    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.ACTIVE):
-        info = ("dumpsys deviceidle get deep: {}".format(adb_shell_result))
-        print(info)
-        return False
-    return True
-def enable_doze_light(ad):
-    """Force the device into doze light mode.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-    Returns:
-        True if device is in doze light mode.
-        False otherwise.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery unplug")
-    ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
-    time.sleep(5)
-    ad.adb.shell("cmd deviceidle enable light")
-    ad.adb.shell("cmd deviceidle step light")
-    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get light")
-    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.IDLE):
-        info = ("dumpsys deviceidle get light: {}".format(adb_shell_result))
-        print(info)
-        return False
-    return True
-def disable_doze_light(ad):
-    """Force the device not in doze light mode.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-    Returns:
-        True if device is not in doze light mode.
-        False otherwise.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery reset")
-    ad.adb.shell("cmd deviceidle disable light")
-    adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle get light")
-    if not adb_shell_result.startswith(DozeModeStatus.ACTIVE):
-        info = ("dumpsys deviceidle get light: {}".format(adb_shell_result))
-        print(info)
-        return False
-    return True
-def set_ambient_display(ad, new_state):
-    """Set "Ambient Display" in Settings->Display
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        new_state: new state for "Ambient Display". True or False.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell(
-        "settings put secure doze_enabled {}".format(1 if new_state else 0))
-def set_adaptive_brightness(ad, new_state):
-    """Set "Adaptive Brightness" in Settings->Display
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        new_state: new state for "Adaptive Brightness". True or False.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("settings put system screen_brightness_mode {}".format(
-        1 if new_state else 0))
-def set_auto_rotate(ad, new_state):
-    """Set "Auto-rotate" in QuickSetting
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        new_state: new state for "Auto-rotate". True or False.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("settings put system accelerometer_rotation {}".format(
-        1 if new_state else 0))
-def set_location_service(ad, new_state):
-    """Set Location service on/off in Settings->Location
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        new_state: new state for "Location service".
-            If new_state is False, turn off location service.
-            If new_state if True, set location service to "High accuracy".
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("content insert --uri "
-                 " content://com.google.settings/partner --bind "
-                 "name:s:network_location_opt_in --bind value:s:1")
-    ad.adb.shell("content insert --uri "
-                 " content://com.google.settings/partner --bind "
-                 "name:s:use_location_for_services --bind value:s:1")
-    if new_state:
-        ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_mode 3")
-    else:
-        ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_mode 0")
-def set_mobile_data_always_on(ad, new_state):
-    """Set Mobile_Data_Always_On feature bit
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        new_state: new state for "mobile_data_always_on"
-            if new_state is False, set mobile_data_always_on disabled.
-            if new_state if True, set mobile_data_always_on enabled.
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("settings put global mobile_data_always_on {}".format(
-        1 if new_state else 0))
-def bypass_setup_wizard(ad):
-    """Bypass the setup wizard on an input Android device
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-    Returns:
-        True if Android device successfully bypassed the setup wizard.
-        False if failed.
-    """
-    try:
-        ad.adb.shell("am start -n \"com.google.android.setupwizard/"
-                     ".SetupWizardExitActivity\"")
-        logging.debug("No error during default bypass call.")
-    except AdbError as adb_error:
-        if adb_error.stdout == "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0":
-            if adb_error.stderr and \
-                    not adb_error.stderr.startswith("Error type 3\n"):
-                logging.error("ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0, but error is %s " %
-                              adb_error.stderr)
-                raise adb_error
-            logging.debug("Bypass wizard call received harmless error 3: "
-                          "No setup to bypass.")
-        elif adb_error.stdout == "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255":
-            # Run it again as root.
-            ad.adb.root_adb()
-            logging.debug("Need root access to bypass setup wizard.")
-            try:
-                ad.adb.shell("am start -n \"com.google.android.setupwizard/"
-                             ".SetupWizardExitActivity\"")
-                logging.debug("No error during rooted bypass call.")
-            except AdbError as adb_error:
-                if adb_error.stdout == "ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0":
-                    if adb_error.stderr and \
-                            not adb_error.stderr.startswith("Error type 3\n"):
-                        logging.error("Rooted ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0, but error is "
-                                      "%s " % adb_error.stderr)
-                        raise adb_error
-                    logging.debug(
-                        "Rooted bypass wizard call received harmless "
-                        "error 3: No setup to bypass.")
-    # magical sleep to wait for the gservices override broadcast to complete
-    time.sleep(3)
-    provisioned_state = int(
-        ad.adb.shell("settings get global device_provisioned"))
-    if provisioned_state != 1:
-        logging.error("Failed to bypass setup wizard.")
-        return False
-    logging.debug("Setup wizard successfully bypassed.")
-    return True
-def parse_ping_ouput(ad, count, out, loss_tolerance=20):
-    """Ping Parsing util.
-    Args:
-        ad: Android Device Object.
-        count: Number of ICMP packets sent
-        out: shell output text of ping operation
-        loss_tolerance: Threshold after which flag test as false
-    Returns:
-        False: if packet loss is more than loss_tolerance%
-        True: if all good
-    """
-    result = re.search(
-        r"(\d+) packets transmitted, (\d+) received, (\d+)% packet loss", out)
-    if not result:
-        ad.log.info("Ping failed with %s", out)
-        return False
-    packet_loss = int(result.group(3))
-    packet_xmit = int(result.group(1))
-    packet_rcvd = int(result.group(2))
-    min_packet_xmit_rcvd = (100 - loss_tolerance) * 0.01
-    if (packet_loss > loss_tolerance
-            or packet_xmit < count * min_packet_xmit_rcvd
-            or packet_rcvd < count * min_packet_xmit_rcvd):
-        ad.log.error("%s, ping failed with loss more than tolerance %s%%",
-                     result.group(0), loss_tolerance)
-        return False
-    ad.log.info("Ping succeed with %s", result.group(0))
-    return True
-def adb_shell_ping(ad,
-                   count=120,
-                   dest_ip="www.google.com",
-                   timeout=200,
-                   loss_tolerance=20):
-    """Ping utility using adb shell.
-    Args:
-        ad: Android Device Object.
-        count: Number of ICMP packets to send
-        dest_ip: hostname or IP address
-                 default www.google.com
-        timeout: timeout for icmp pings to complete.
-    """
-    ping_cmd = "ping -W 1"
-    if count:
-        ping_cmd += " -c %d" % count
-    if dest_ip:
-        ping_cmd += " %s" % dest_ip
-    try:
-        ad.log.info("Starting ping test to %s using adb command %s", dest_ip,
-                    ping_cmd)
-        out = ad.adb.shell(ping_cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=True)
-        if not parse_ping_ouput(ad, count, out, loss_tolerance):
-            return False
-        return True
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.warning("Ping Test to %s failed with exception %s", dest_ip, e)
-        return False
-def zip_directory(zip_name, src_dir):
-    """Compress a directory to a .zip file.
-    This implementation is thread-safe.
-    Args:
-        zip_name: str, name of the generated archive
-        src_dir: str, path to the source directory
-    """
-    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip:
-        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir):
-            for file in files:
-                path = os.path.join(root, file)
-                zip.write(path, os.path.relpath(path, src_dir))
-def unzip_maintain_permissions(zip_path, extract_location):
-    """Unzip a .zip file while maintaining permissions.
-    Args:
-        zip_path: The path to the zipped file.
-        extract_location: the directory to extract to.
-    """
-    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_file:
-        for info in zip_file.infolist():
-            _extract_file(zip_file, info, extract_location)
-def _extract_file(zip_file, zip_info, extract_location):
-    """Extracts a single entry from a ZipFile while maintaining permissions.
-    Args:
-        zip_file: A zipfile.ZipFile.
-        zip_info: A ZipInfo object from zip_file.
-        extract_location: The directory to extract to.
-    """
-    out_path = zip_file.extract(zip_info.filename, path=extract_location)
-    perm = zip_info.external_attr >> 16
-    os.chmod(out_path, perm)
-def get_directory_size(path):
-    """Computes the total size of the files in a directory, including subdirectories.
-    Args:
-        path: The path of the directory.
-    Returns:
-        The size of the provided directory.
-    """
-    total = 0
-    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
-        for filename in filenames:
-            total += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
-    return total
-def get_command_uptime(command_regex):
-    """Returns the uptime for a given command.
-    Args:
-        command_regex: A regex that matches the command line given. Must be
-            pgrep compatible.
-    """
-    pid = job.run('pgrep -f %s' % command_regex).stdout
-    runtime = ''
-    if pid:
-        runtime = job.run('ps -o etime= -p "%s"' % pid).stdout
-    return runtime
-def get_process_uptime(process):
-    """Returns the runtime in [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss, or '' if not running."""
-    pid = job.run('pidof %s' % process, ignore_status=True).stdout
-    runtime = ''
-    if pid:
-        runtime = job.run('ps -o etime= -p "%s"' % pid).stdout
-    return runtime
-def get_device_process_uptime(adb, process):
-    """Returns the uptime of a device process."""
-    pid = adb.shell('pidof %s' % process, ignore_status=True)
-    runtime = ''
-    if pid:
-        runtime = adb.shell('ps -o etime= -p "%s"' % pid)
-    return runtime
-def wait_until(func, timeout_s, condition=True, sleep_s=1.0):
-    """Executes a function repeatedly until condition is met.
-    Args:
-      func: The function pointer to execute.
-      timeout_s: Amount of time (in seconds) to wait before raising an
-                 exception.
-      condition: The ending condition of the WaitUntil loop.
-      sleep_s: The amount of time (in seconds) to sleep between each function
-               execution.
-    Returns:
-      The time in seconds before detecting a successful condition.
-    Raises:
-      TimeoutError: If the condition was never met and timeout is hit.
-    """
-    start_time = time.time()
-    end_time = start_time + timeout_s
-    count = 0
-    while True:
-        count += 1
-        if func() == condition:
-            return time.time() - start_time
-        if time.time() > end_time:
-            break
-        time.sleep(sleep_s)
-    raise TimeoutError('Failed to complete function %s in %d seconds having '
-                       'attempted %d times.' % (str(func), timeout_s, count))
-# Adapted from
-# https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance#Python
-# Available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
-def levenshtein(string1, string2):
-    """Returns the Levenshtein distance of two strings.
-    Uses Dynamic Programming approach, only keeping track of
-    two rows of the DP table at a time.
-    Args:
-      string1: String to compare to string2
-      string2: String to compare to string1
-    Returns:
-      distance: the Levenshtein distance between string1 and string2
-    """
-    if len(string1) < len(string2):
-        return levenshtein(string2, string1)
-    if len(string2) == 0:
-        return len(string1)
-    previous_row = range(len(string2) + 1)
-    for i, char1 in enumerate(string1):
-        current_row = [i + 1]
-        for j, char2 in enumerate(string2):
-            insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1
-            deletions = current_row[j] + 1
-            substitutions = previous_row[j] + (char1 != char2)
-            current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))
-        previous_row = current_row
-    return previous_row[-1]
-def string_similarity(s1, s2):
-    """Returns a similarity measurement based on Levenshtein distance.
-    Args:
-      s1: the string to compare to s2
-      s2: the string to compare to s1
-    Returns:
-      result: the similarity metric
-    """
-    lev = levenshtein(s1, s2)
-    try:
-        lev_ratio = float(lev) / max(len(s1), len(s2))
-        result = (1.0 - lev_ratio) * 100
-    except ZeroDivisionError:
-        result = 100 if not s2 else 0
-    return float(result)
-def run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(*calls):
-    """Concurrently runs all callables passed in using multithreading.
-    Example:
-    >>> def test_function_1(arg1, arg2):
-    >>>     return arg1, arg2
-    >>>
-    >>> def test_function_2(arg1, kwarg='kwarg'):
-    >>>     raise arg1(kwarg)
-    >>>
-    >>> run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(
-    >>>     lambda: test_function_1('arg1', 'arg2'),
-    >>>     lambda: test_function_2(IndexError, kwarg='kwarg'),
-    >>> )
-    >>> # Output:
-    >>> [('arg1', 'arg2'), IndexError('kwarg')]
-    Args:
-        *calls: A *args list of argumentless callable objects to be called. Note
-            that if a function has arguments it can be turned into an
-            argumentless function via the lambda keyword or functools.partial.
-    Returns:
-        An array of the returned values or exceptions received from calls,
-        respective of the order given.
-    """
-    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(calls)) as executor:
-        futures = [executor.submit(call) for call in calls]
-    results = []
-    for future in futures:
-        try:
-            results.append(future.result())
-        except Exception as e:
-            results.append(e)
-    return results
-def run_concurrent_actions(*calls):
-    """Runs all callables passed in concurrently using multithreading.
-    Examples:
-    >>> def test_function_1(arg1, arg2):
-    >>>     print(arg1, arg2)
-    >>>
-    >>> def test_function_2(arg1, kwarg='kwarg'):
-    >>>     raise arg1(kwarg)
-    >>>
-    >>> run_concurrent_actions(
-    >>>     lambda: test_function_1('arg1', 'arg2'),
-    >>>     lambda: test_function_2(IndexError, kwarg='kwarg'),
-    >>> )
-    >>> 'The above line raises IndexError("kwarg")'
-    Args:
-        *calls: A *args list of argumentless callable objects to be called. Note
-            that if a function has arguments it can be turned into an
-            argumentless function via the lambda keyword or functools.partial.
-    Returns:
-        An array of the returned values respective of the order of the calls
-        argument.
-    Raises:
-        If an exception is raised in any of the calls, the first exception
-        caught will be raised.
-    """
-    first_exception = None
-    class WrappedException(Exception):
-        """Raised when a passed-in callable raises an exception."""
-    def call_wrapper(call):
-        nonlocal first_exception
-        try:
-            return call()
-        except Exception as e:
-            logging.exception(e)
-            # Note that there is a potential race condition between two
-            # exceptions setting first_exception. Even if a locking mechanism
-            # was added to prevent this from happening, it is still possible
-            # that we capture the second exception as the first exception, as
-            # the active thread can swap to the thread that raises the second
-            # exception. There is no way to solve this with the tools we have
-            # here, so we do not bother. The effects this issue has on the
-            # system as a whole are negligible.
-            if first_exception is None:
-                first_exception = e
-            raise WrappedException(e)
-    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(calls)) as executor:
-        futures = [executor.submit(call_wrapper, call) for call in calls]
-    results = []
-    for future in futures:
-        try:
-            results.append(future.result())
-        except WrappedException:
-            # We do not need to raise here, since first_exception will already
-            # be set to the first exception raised by these callables.
-            break
-    if first_exception:
-        raise first_exception
-    return results
-def test_concurrent_actions(*calls, failure_exceptions=(Exception, )):
-    """Concurrently runs all passed in calls using multithreading.
-    If any callable raises an Exception found within failure_exceptions, the
-    test case is marked as a failure.
-    Example:
-    >>> def test_function_1(arg1, arg2):
-    >>>     print(arg1, arg2)
-    >>>
-    >>> def test_function_2(kwarg='kwarg'):
-    >>>     raise IndexError(kwarg)
-    >>>
-    >>> test_concurrent_actions(
-    >>>     lambda: test_function_1('arg1', 'arg2'),
-    >>>     lambda: test_function_2(kwarg='kwarg'),
-    >>>     failure_exceptions=IndexError
-    >>> )
-    >>> 'raises signals.TestFailure due to IndexError being raised.'
-    Args:
-        *calls: A *args list of argumentless callable objects to be called. Note
-            that if a function has arguments it can be turned into an
-            argumentless function via the lambda keyword or functools.partial.
-        failure_exceptions: A tuple of all possible Exceptions that will mark
-            the test as a FAILURE. Any exception that is not in this list will
-            mark the tests as UNKNOWN.
-    Returns:
-        An array of the returned values respective of the order of the calls
-        argument.
-    Raises:
-        signals.TestFailure if any call raises an Exception.
-    """
-    try:
-        return run_concurrent_actions(*calls)
-    except signals.TestFailure:
-        # Do not modify incoming test failures
-        raise
-    except failure_exceptions as e:
-        raise signals.TestFailure(e)
-class SuppressLogOutput(object):
-    """Context manager used to suppress all logging output for the specified
-    logger and level(s).
-    """
-    def __init__(self, logger=logging.getLogger(), log_levels=None):
-        """Create a SuppressLogOutput context manager
-        Args:
-            logger: The logger object to suppress
-            log_levels: Levels of log handlers to disable.
-        """
-        self._logger = logger
-        self._log_levels = log_levels or [
-            logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR,
-            logging.CRITICAL
-        ]
-        if isinstance(self._log_levels, int):
-            self._log_levels = [self._log_levels]
-        self._handlers = copy.copy(self._logger.handlers)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        for handler in self._handlers:
-            if handler.level in self._log_levels:
-                self._logger.removeHandler(handler)
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, *_):
-        for handler in self._handlers:
-            self._logger.addHandler(handler)
-class BlockingTimer(object):
-    """Context manager used to block until a specified amount of time has
-     elapsed.
-     """
-    def __init__(self, secs):
-        """Initializes a BlockingTimer
-        Args:
-            secs: Number of seconds to wait before exiting
-        """
-        self._thread = threading.Timer(secs, lambda: None)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self._thread.start()
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, *_):
-        self._thread.join()
-def is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
-    try:
-        socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, address)
-    except AttributeError:  # no inet_pton here, sorry
-        try:
-            socket.inet_aton(address)
-        except socket.error:
-            return False
-        return address.count('.') == 3
-    except socket.error:  # not a valid address
-        return False
-    return True
-def is_valid_ipv6_address(address):
-    if '%' in address:
-        address = address.split('%')[0]
-    try:
-        socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, address)
-    except socket.error:  # not a valid address
-        return False
-    return True
-def merge_dicts(*dict_args):
-    """ Merges args list of dictionaries into a single dictionary.
-    Args:
-        dict_args: an args list of dictionaries to be merged. If multiple
-            dictionaries share a key, the last in the list will appear in the
-            final result.
-    """
-    result = {}
-    for dictionary in dict_args:
-        result.update(dictionary)
-    return result
-def ascii_string(uc_string):
-    """Converts unicode string to ascii"""
-    return str(uc_string).encode('ASCII')
-def get_interface_ip_addresses(comm_channel, interface):
-    """Gets all of the ip addresses, ipv4 and ipv6, associated with a
-       particular interface name.
-    Args:
-        comm_channel: How to send commands to a device.  Can be ssh, adb serial,
-            etc.  Must have the run function implemented.
-        interface: The interface name on the device, ie eth0
-    Returns:
-        A list of dictionaries of the the various IP addresses:
-            ipv4_private: Any 192.168, 172.16, 10, or 169.254 addresses
-            ipv4_public: Any IPv4 public addresses
-            ipv6_link_local: Any fe80:: addresses
-            ipv6_private_local: Any fd00:: addresses
-            ipv6_public: Any publicly routable addresses
-    """
-    # Local imports are used here to prevent cyclic dependency.
-    from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-    from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
-    from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
-    is_local = comm_channel == job
-    if type(comm_channel) is AndroidDevice:
-        addrs = comm_channel.adb.shell(
-            f'ip -o addr show {interface} | awk \'{{gsub("/", " "); print $4}}\''
-        ).splitlines()
-    elif (type(comm_channel) is SshConnection or is_local):
-        addrs = comm_channel.run(
-            f'ip -o addr show {interface} | awk \'{{gsub("/", " "); print $4}}\''
-        ).stdout.splitlines()
-    elif type(comm_channel) is FuchsiaDevice:
-        interfaces = comm_channel.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
-        err = interfaces.get('error')
-        if err is not None:
-            raise ActsUtilsError(f'Failed get_interface_ip_addresses: {err}')
-        addrs = []
-        for item in interfaces.get('result'):
-            if item['name'] != interface:
-                continue
-            for ipv4_address in item['ipv4_addresses']:
-                ipv4_address = '.'.join(map(str, ipv4_address))
-                addrs.append(ipv4_address)
-            for ipv6_address in item['ipv6_addresses']:
-                converted_ipv6_address = []
-                for octet in ipv6_address:
-                    converted_ipv6_address.append(format(octet, 'x').zfill(2))
-                ipv6_address = ''.join(converted_ipv6_address)
-                ipv6_address = (':'.join(
-                    ipv6_address[i:i + 4]
-                    for i in range(0, len(ipv6_address), 4)))
-                addrs.append(str(ipaddress.ip_address(ipv6_address)))
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Unsupported method to send command to device.')
-    ipv4_private_local_addresses = []
-    ipv4_public_addresses = []
-    ipv6_link_local_addresses = []
-    ipv6_private_local_addresses = []
-    ipv6_public_addresses = []
-    for addr in addrs:
-        on_device_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(addr)
-        if on_device_ip.version == 4:
-            if on_device_ip.is_private:
-                ipv4_private_local_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
-            elif on_device_ip.is_global or (
-                    # Carrier private doesn't have a property, so we check if
-                    # all other values are left unset.
-                    not on_device_ip.is_reserved
-                    and not on_device_ip.is_unspecified
-                    and not on_device_ip.is_link_local
-                    and not on_device_ip.is_loopback
-                    and not on_device_ip.is_multicast):
-                ipv4_public_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
-        elif on_device_ip.version == 6:
-            if on_device_ip.is_link_local:
-                ipv6_link_local_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
-            elif on_device_ip.is_private:
-                ipv6_private_local_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
-            elif on_device_ip.is_global:
-                ipv6_public_addresses.append(str(on_device_ip))
-    return {
-        'ipv4_private': ipv4_private_local_addresses,
-        'ipv4_public': ipv4_public_addresses,
-        'ipv6_link_local': ipv6_link_local_addresses,
-        'ipv6_private_local': ipv6_private_local_addresses,
-        'ipv6_public': ipv6_public_addresses
-    }
-class AddressTimeout(signals.TestError):
-    pass
-class MultipleAddresses(signals.TestError):
-    pass
-def get_addr(comm_channel,
-             interface,
-             addr_type='ipv4_private',
-             timeout_sec=None):
-    """Get the requested type of IP address for an interface; if an address is
-    not available, retry until the timeout has been reached.
-    Args:
-        addr_type: Type of address to get as defined by the return value of
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses.
-        timeout_sec: Seconds to wait to acquire an address if there isn't one
-            already available. If fetching an IPv4 address, the default is 3
-            seconds. If IPv6, the default is 30 seconds for Duplicate Address
-            Detection.
-    Returns:
-        A string containing the requested address.
-    Raises:
-        TestAbortClass: timeout_sec is None and invalid addr_type
-        AddressTimeout: No address is available after timeout_sec
-        MultipleAddresses: Several addresses are available
-    """
-    if not timeout_sec:
-        if 'ipv4' in addr_type:
-            timeout_sec = 3
-        elif 'ipv6' in addr_type:
-            timeout_sec = DAD_TIMEOUT_SEC
-        else:
-            raise signals.TestAbortClass(f'Unknown addr_type "{addr_type}"')
-    start = time.time()
-    elapsed = 0
-    while elapsed <= timeout_sec:
-        ip_addrs = get_interface_ip_addresses(comm_channel,
-                                              interface)[addr_type]
-        if len(ip_addrs) > 1:
-            raise MultipleAddresses(
-                f'Expected only one "{addr_type}" address, got {ip_addrs}')
-        elif len(ip_addrs) == 1:
-            return ip_addrs[0]
-        elapsed = time.time() - start
-    raise AddressTimeout(
-        f'No available "{addr_type}" address after {timeout_sec}s')
-def get_interface_based_on_ip(comm_channel, desired_ip_address):
-    """Gets the interface for a particular IP
-    Args:
-        comm_channel: How to send commands to a device.  Can be ssh, adb serial,
-            etc.  Must have the run function implemented.
-        desired_ip_address: The IP address that is being looked for on a device.
-    Returns:
-        The name of the test interface.
-    """
-    desired_ip_address = desired_ip_address.split('%', 1)[0]
-    all_ips_and_interfaces = comm_channel.run(
-        '(ip -o -4 addr show; ip -o -6 addr show) | '
-        'awk \'{print $2" "$4}\'').stdout
-    for ip_address_and_interface in all_ips_and_interfaces.split('\n'):
-        if desired_ip_address in ip_address_and_interface:
-            return ip_address_and_interface.split()[1][:-1]
-    return None
-def renew_linux_ip_address(comm_channel, interface):
-    comm_channel.run('sudo ip link set %s down' % interface)
-    comm_channel.run('sudo ip link set %s up' % interface)
-    comm_channel.run('sudo dhclient -r %s' % interface)
-    comm_channel.run('sudo dhclient %s' % interface)
-def get_ping_command(dest_ip,
-                     count=3,
-                     interval=1000,
-                     timeout=1000,
-                     size=56,
-                     os_type='Linux',
-                     additional_ping_params=None):
-    """Builds ping command string based on address type, os, and params.
-    Args:
-        dest_ip: string, address to ping (ipv4 or ipv6)
-        count: int, number of requests to send
-        interval: int, time in seconds between requests
-        timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for response
-        size: int, number of bytes to send,
-        os_type: string, os type of the source device (supports 'Linux',
-            'Darwin')
-        additional_ping_params: string, command option flags to
-            append to the command string
-    Returns:
-        List of string, represetning the ping command.
-    """
-    if is_valid_ipv4_address(dest_ip):
-        ping_binary = 'ping'
-    elif is_valid_ipv6_address(dest_ip):
-        ping_binary = 'ping6'
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid ip addr: %s' % dest_ip)
-    if os_type == 'Darwin':
-        if is_valid_ipv6_address(dest_ip):
-            # ping6 on MacOS doesn't support timeout
-            logging.debug(
-                'Ignoring timeout, as ping6 on MacOS does not support it.')
-            timeout_flag = []
-        else:
-            timeout_flag = ['-t', str(timeout / 1000)]
-    elif os_type == 'Linux':
-        timeout_flag = ['-W', str(timeout / 1000)]
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid OS.  Only Linux and MacOS are supported.')
-    if not additional_ping_params:
-        additional_ping_params = ''
-    ping_cmd = [
-        ping_binary, *timeout_flag, '-c',
-        str(count), '-i',
-        str(interval / 1000), '-s',
-        str(size), additional_ping_params, dest_ip
-    ]
-    return ' '.join(ping_cmd)
-def ping(comm_channel,
-         dest_ip,
-         count=3,
-         interval=1000,
-         timeout=1000,
-         size=56,
-         additional_ping_params=None):
-    """ Generic linux ping function, supports local (acts.libs.proc.job) and
-    SshConnections (acts.libs.proc.job over ssh) to Linux based OSs and MacOS.
-    NOTES: This will work with Android over SSH, but does not function over ADB
-    as that has a unique return format.
-    Args:
-        comm_channel: communication channel over which to send ping command.
-            Must have 'run' function that returns at least command, stdout,
-            stderr, and exit_status (see acts.libs.proc.job)
-        dest_ip: address to ping (ipv4 or ipv6)
-        count: int, number of packets to send
-        interval: int, time in milliseconds between pings
-        timeout: int, time in milliseconds to wait for response
-        size: int, size of packets in bytes
-        additional_ping_params: string, command option flags to
-            append to the command string
-    Returns:
-        Dict containing:
-            command: string
-            exit_status: int (0 or 1)
-            stdout: string
-            stderr: string
-            transmitted: int, number of packets transmitted
-            received: int, number of packets received
-            packet_loss: int, percentage packet loss
-            time: int, time of ping command execution (in milliseconds)
-            rtt_min: float, minimum round trip time
-            rtt_avg: float, average round trip time
-            rtt_max: float, maximum round trip time
-            rtt_mdev: float, round trip time standard deviation
-        Any values that cannot be parsed are left as None
-    """
-    from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
-    is_local = comm_channel == job
-    os_type = platform.system() if is_local else 'Linux'
-    ping_cmd = get_ping_command(dest_ip,
-                                count=count,
-                                interval=interval,
-                                timeout=timeout,
-                                size=size,
-                                os_type=os_type,
-                                additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params)
-    if (type(comm_channel) is SshConnection or is_local):
-        logging.debug(
-            'Running ping with parameters (count: %s, interval: %s, timeout: '
-            '%s, size: %s)' % (count, interval, timeout, size))
-        ping_result = comm_channel.run(ping_cmd, ignore_status=True)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Unsupported comm_channel: %s' % type(comm_channel))
-    if isinstance(ping_result, job.Error):
-        ping_result = ping_result.result
-    transmitted = None
-    received = None
-    packet_loss = None
-    time = None
-    rtt_min = None
-    rtt_avg = None
-    rtt_max = None
-    rtt_mdev = None
-    summary = re.search(
-        '([0-9]+) packets transmitted.*?([0-9]+) received.*?([0-9]+)% packet '
-        'loss.*?time ([0-9]+)', ping_result.stdout)
-    if summary:
-        transmitted = summary[1]
-        received = summary[2]
-        packet_loss = summary[3]
-        time = summary[4]
-    rtt_stats = re.search('= ([0-9.]+)/([0-9.]+)/([0-9.]+)/([0-9.]+)',
-                          ping_result.stdout)
-    if rtt_stats:
-        rtt_min = rtt_stats[1]
-        rtt_avg = rtt_stats[2]
-        rtt_max = rtt_stats[3]
-        rtt_mdev = rtt_stats[4]
-    return {
-        'command': ping_result.command,
-        'exit_status': ping_result.exit_status,
-        'stdout': ping_result.stdout,
-        'stderr': ping_result.stderr,
-        'transmitted': transmitted,
-        'received': received,
-        'packet_loss': packet_loss,
-        'time': time,
-        'rtt_min': rtt_min,
-        'rtt_avg': rtt_avg,
-        'rtt_max': rtt_max,
-        'rtt_mdev': rtt_mdev
-    }
-def can_ping(comm_channel,
-             dest_ip,
-             count=3,
-             interval=1000,
-             timeout=1000,
-             size=56,
-             additional_ping_params=None):
-    """Returns whether device connected via comm_channel can ping a dest
-    address"""
-    ping_results = ping(comm_channel,
-                        dest_ip,
-                        count=count,
-                        interval=interval,
-                        timeout=timeout,
-                        size=size,
-                        additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params)
-    return ping_results['exit_status'] == 0
-def ip_in_subnet(ip, subnet):
-    """Validate that ip is in a given subnet.
-    Args:
-        ip: string, ip address to verify (eg. '')
-        subnet: string, subnet to check (eg. '')
-    Returns:
-        True, if ip in subnet, else False
-    """
-    return ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet)
-def mac_address_str_to_list(mac_addr_str):
-    """Converts mac address string to list of decimal octets.
-    Args:
-        mac_addr_string: string, mac address
-            e.g. '12:34:56:78:9a:bc'
-    Returns
-        list, representing mac address octets in decimal
-            e.g. [18, 52, 86, 120, 154, 188]
-    """
-    return [int(octet, 16) for octet in mac_addr_str.split(':')]
-def mac_address_list_to_str(mac_addr_list):
-    """Converts list of decimal octets represeting mac address to string.
-    Args:
-        mac_addr_list: list, representing mac address octets in decimal
-            e.g. [18, 52, 86, 120, 154, 188]
-    Returns:
-        string, mac address
-            e.g. '12:34:56:78:9a:bc'
-    """
-    hex_list = []
-    for octet in mac_addr_list:
-        hex_octet = hex(octet)[2:]
-        if octet < 16:
-            hex_list.append('0%s' % hex_octet)
-        else:
-            hex_list.append(hex_octet)
-    return ':'.join(hex_list)
-def get_fuchsia_mdns_ipv6_address(device_mdns_name):
-    """Finds the IPv6 link-local address of a Fuchsia device matching a mDNS
-    name.
-    Args:
-        device_mdns_name: name of Fuchsia device (e.g. gig-clone-sugar-slash)
-    Returns:
-        string, IPv6 link-local address
-    """
-    from zeroconf import IPVersion, Zeroconf
-    if not device_mdns_name:
-        return None
-    def mdns_query(interface, address):
-        logging.info(
-            f'Sending mDNS query for device "{device_mdns_name}" using "{address}"'
-        )
-        try:
-            zeroconf = Zeroconf(ip_version=IPVersion.V6Only,
-                                interfaces=[address])
-        except RuntimeError as e:
-            if 'No adapter found for IP address' in e.args[0]:
-                # Most likely, a device went offline and its control
-                # interface was deleted. This is acceptable since the
-                # device that went offline isn't guaranteed to be the
-                # device we're searching for.
-                logging.warning('No adapter found for "%s"' % address)
-                return None
-            raise
-        device_records = zeroconf.get_service_info(
-            FUCHSIA_MDNS_TYPE, device_mdns_name + '.' + FUCHSIA_MDNS_TYPE)
-        if device_records:
-            for device_address in device_records.parsed_addresses():
-                device_ip_address = ipaddress.ip_address(device_address)
-                scoped_address = '%s%%%s' % (device_address, interface)
-                if (device_ip_address.version == 6
-                        and device_ip_address.is_link_local
-                        and can_ping(job, dest_ip=scoped_address)):
-                    logging.info('Found device "%s" at "%s"' %
-                                 (device_mdns_name, scoped_address))
-                    zeroconf.close()
-                    del zeroconf
-                    return scoped_address
-        zeroconf.close()
-        del zeroconf
-        return None
-    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
-        futures = []
-        interfaces = psutil.net_if_addrs()
-        for interface in interfaces:
-            for addr in interfaces[interface]:
-                address = addr.address.split('%')[0]
-                if addr.family == socket.AF_INET6 and ipaddress.ip_address(
-                        address).is_link_local and address != 'fe80::1':
-                    futures.append(
-                        executor.submit(mdns_query, interface, address))
-        for future in futures:
-            addr = future.result()
-            if addr:
-                return addr
-    logging.error('Unable to find IP address for device "%s"' %
-                  device_mdns_name)
-    return None
-def get_device(devices, device_type):
-    """Finds a unique device with the specified "device_type" attribute from a
-    list. If none is found, defaults to the first device in the list.
-    Example:
-        get_device(android_devices, device_type="DUT")
-        get_device(fuchsia_devices, device_type="DUT")
-        get_device(android_devices + fuchsia_devices, device_type="DUT")
-    Args:
-        devices: A list of device controller objects.
-        device_type: (string) Type of device to find, specified by the
-            "device_type" attribute.
-    Returns:
-        The matching device controller object, or the first device in the list
-        if not found.
-    Raises:
-        ValueError is raised if none or more than one device is
-        matched.
-    """
-    if not devices:
-        raise ValueError('No devices available')
-    matches = [
-        d for d in devices
-        if hasattr(d, 'device_type') and d.device_type == device_type
-    ]
-    if len(matches) == 0:
-        # No matches for the specified "device_type", use the first device
-        # declared.
-        return devices[0]
-    if len(matches) > 1:
-        # Specifing multiple devices with the same "device_type" is a
-        # configuration error.
-        raise ValueError(
-            'More than one device matching "device_type" == "{}"'.format(
-                device_type))
-    return matches[0]
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/bluetooth_device.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/bluetooth_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b5dae7d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/bluetooth_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1468 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import inspect
-import logging
-from queue import Empty
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_scan_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_strings
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_event
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import scan_result
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import GattTestUtilsError
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import disconnect_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils as bt_test_utils
-def create_bluetooth_device(hardware_device):
-    """Creates a generic Bluetooth device based on type of device that is sent
-    to the functions.
-    Args:
-        hardware_device: A Bluetooth hardware device that is supported by ACTS.
-    """
-    if isinstance(hardware_device, FuchsiaDevice):
-        return FuchsiaBluetoothDevice(hardware_device)
-    elif isinstance(hardware_device, AndroidDevice):
-        return AndroidBluetoothDevice(hardware_device)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Unable to create BluetoothDevice for type %s' %
-                         type(hardware_device))
-class BluetoothDevice(object):
-    """Class representing a generic Bluetooth device.
-    Each object of this class represents a generic Bluetooth device.
-    Android device and Fuchsia devices are the currently supported devices.
-    Attributes:
-        device: A generic Bluetooth device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, device):
-        self.device = device
-        self.log = logging
-    def a2dp_initiate_open_stream(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def start_profile_a2dp_sink(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def stop_profile_a2dp_sink(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def start_pairing_helper(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def set_discoverable(self, is_discoverable):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def bluetooth_toggle_state(self, state):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_discover_characteristic_by_uuid(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                    uuid):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def initialize_bluetooth_controller(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def get_pairing_pin(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def input_pairing_pin(self, pin):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def get_bluetooth_local_address(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_connect(self, peer_identifier, transport, autoconnect):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_write_characteristic_without_response_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle, value):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                   handle, offset, value):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                  handle):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_uuid(self, peer_identifier, uuid):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_read_long_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                       handle, offset,
-                                                       max_bytes):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_enable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_disable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_read_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_write_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier, handle,
-                                               offset, value):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_long_read_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                   handle, offset, max_bytes):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_disconnect(self, peer_identifier):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_refresh(self, peer_identifier):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def le_scan_with_name_filter(self, name, timeout):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def log_info(self, log):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def reset_bluetooth(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def sdp_add_search(self, attribute_list, profile_id):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def sdp_add_service(self, sdp_record):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def sdp_clean_up(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def sdp_init(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def sdp_remove_service(self, service_id):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def start_le_advertisement(self, adv_data, scan_response, adv_interval,
-                               connectable):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def stop_le_advertisement(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def set_bluetooth_local_name(self, name):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def setup_gatt_server(self, database):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def close_gatt_server(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def unbond_device(self, peer_identifier):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def unbond_all_known_devices(self):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def init_pair(self, peer_identifier, security_level, non_bondable,
-                  transport):
-        """Base generic Bluetooth interface. Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-class AndroidBluetoothDevice(BluetoothDevice):
-    """Class wrapper for an Android Bluetooth device.
-    Each object of this class represents a generic Bluetooth device.
-    Android device and Fuchsia devices are the currently supported devices/
-    Attributes:
-        android_device: An Android Bluetooth device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, android_device):
-        super().__init__(android_device)
-        self.gatt_timeout = 10
-        self.peer_mapping = {}
-        self.discovered_services_index = None
-    def _client_wait(self, gatt_event, gatt_callback):
-        return self._timed_pop(gatt_event, gatt_callback)
-    def _timed_pop(self, gatt_event, gatt_callback):
-        expected_event = gatt_event["evt"].format(gatt_callback)
-        try:
-            return self.device.ed.pop_event(expected_event, self.gatt_timeout)
-        except Empty as emp:
-            raise AssertionError(gatt_event["err"].format(expected_event))
-    def _setup_discovered_services_index(self, bluetooth_gatt):
-        """ Sets the discovered services index for the gatt connection
-        related to the Bluetooth GATT callback object.
-        Args:
-            bluetooth_gatt: The BluetoothGatt callback id
-        """
-        if not self.discovered_services_index:
-            self.device.droid.gattClientDiscoverServices(bluetooth_gatt)
-            expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['gatt_serv_disc'].format(
-                self.gatt_callback)
-            event = self.dut.ed.pop_event(expected_event, self.gatt_timeout)
-            self.discovered_services_index = event['data']['ServicesIndex']
-    def a2dp_initiate_open_stream(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} not yet implemented.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def start_profile_a2dp_sink(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} not yet implemented.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def stop_profile_a2dp_sink(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} not yet implemented.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def bluetooth_toggle_state(self, state):
-        self.device.droid.bluetoothToggleState(state)
-    def set_discoverable(self, is_discoverable):
-        """ Sets the device's discoverability.
-        Args:
-            is_discoverable: True if discoverable, false if not discoverable
-        """
-        if is_discoverable:
-            self.device.droid.bluetoothMakeDiscoverable()
-        else:
-            self.device.droid.bluetoothMakeUndiscoverable()
-    def initialize_bluetooth_controller(self):
-        """ Just pass for Android as there is no concept of initializing
-        a Bluetooth controller.
-        """
-    def start_pairing_helper(self):
-        """ Starts the Android pairing helper.
-        """
-        self.device.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(True)
-    def gatt_client_write_characteristic_without_response_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle, value):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write Characteristic without response to
-        remote peer GATT server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            handle: The characteristic handle (or instance id).
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Peer idenifier {} not currently connected or unknown.".format(
-                    peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.device.droid.gattClientWriteCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            peer_info.get('bluetooth_gatt'), self.discovered_services_index,
-            handle, value)
-        try:
-            event = self._client_wait(gatt_event['char_write'],
-                                      peer_info.get('gatt_callback'))
-        except AssertionError as err:
-            self.log.error("Failed to write Characteristic: {}".format(err))
-        return True
-    def gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                   handle, offset, value):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write Characteristic without response to
-        remote peer GATT server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            handle: The characteristic handle (or instance id).
-            offset: Not used yet.
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Peer idenifier {} not currently connected or unknown.".format(
-                    peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.device.droid.gattClientWriteCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            peer_info.get('bluetooth_gatt'), self.discovered_services_index,
-            handle, value)
-        try:
-            event = self._client_wait(gatt_event['char_write'],
-                                      peer_info.get('gatt_callback'))
-        except AssertionError as err:
-            self.log.error("Failed to write Characteristic: {}".format(err))
-        return True
-    def gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                  handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client read Characteristic to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            handle: The characteristic handle (or instance id).
-        Returns:
-            Value of Characteristic if success, None if failure.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Peer idenifier {} not currently connected or unknown.".format(
-                    peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            peer_info.get('bluetooth_gatt'), self.discovered_services_index,
-            handle)
-        try:
-            event = self._client_wait(gatt_event['char_read'],
-                                      peer_info.get('gatt_callback'))
-        except AssertionError as err:
-            self.log.error("Failed to read Characteristic: {}".format(err))
-        return event['data']['CharacteristicValue']
-    def gatt_client_read_long_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                       handle, offset,
-                                                       max_bytes):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client read Characteristic to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            offset: Not used yet.
-            handle: The characteristic handle (or instance id).
-            max_bytes: Not used yet.
-        Returns:
-            Value of Characteristic if success, None if failure.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Peer idenifier {} not currently connected or unknown.".format(
-                    peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            peer_info.get('bluetooth_gatt'), self.discovered_services_index,
-            handle)
-        try:
-            event = self._client_wait(gatt_event['char_read'],
-                                      peer_info.get('gatt_callback'))
-        except AssertionError as err:
-            self.log.error("Failed to read Characteristic: {}".format(err))
-        return event['data']['CharacteristicValue']
-    def gatt_client_enable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client enable Characteristic notification to remote
-        peer GATT server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-        Returns:
-            True is success, False if failure.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} not yet implemented.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_disable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client disable Characteristic notification to remote
-        peer GATT server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-        Returns:
-            True is success, False if failure.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} not yet implemented.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def gatt_client_read_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client read Descriptor to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            handle: The Descriptor handle (or instance id).
-        Returns:
-            Value of Descriptor if success, None if failure.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Peer idenifier {} not currently connected or unknown.".format(
-                    peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            peer_info.get('bluetooth_gatt'), self.discovered_services_index,
-            handle)
-        try:
-            event = self._client_wait(gatt_event['desc_read'],
-                                      peer_info.get('gatt_callback'))
-        except AssertionError as err:
-            self.log.error("Failed to read Descriptor: {}".format(err))
-        # TODO: Implement sending Descriptor value in SL4A such that the data
-        # can be represented by: event['data']['DescriptorValue']
-        return ""
-    def gatt_client_write_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier, handle,
-                                               offset, value):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write Descriptor to the remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address associated with the GATT connection
-            handle: The Descriptor handle (or instance id).
-            offset: Not used yet
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Peer idenifier {} not currently connected or unknown.".format(
-                    peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.device.droid.gattClientWriteDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            peer_info.get('bluetooth_gatt'), self.discovered_services_index,
-            handle, value)
-        try:
-            event = self._client_wait(gatt_event['desc_write'],
-                                      peer_info.get('gatt_callback'))
-        except AssertionError as err:
-            self.log.error("Failed to write Characteristic: {}".format(err))
-        return True
-    def gatt_connect(self, peer_identifier, transport, autoconnect=False):
-        """ Perform a GATT connection to a perihperal.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address to connect to.
-            transport: Which transport to use.
-            autoconnect: Set autocnnect to True or False.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        try:
-            bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback = setup_gatt_connection(
-                self.device, peer_identifier, autoconnect, transport)
-            self.peer_mapping[peer_identifier] = {
-                "bluetooth_gatt": bluetooth_gatt,
-                "gatt_callback": gatt_callback
-            }
-        except GattTestUtilsError as err:
-            self.log.error(err)
-            return False
-        return True
-    def gatt_disconnect(self, peer_identifier):
-        """ Perform a GATT disconnect from a perihperal.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to disconnect from.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "No previous connections made to {}".format(peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        try:
-            disconnect_gatt_connection(self.device,
-                                       peer_info.get("bluetooth_gatt"),
-                                       peer_info.get("gatt_callback"))
-            self.device.droid.gattClientClose(peer_info.get("bluetooth_gatt"))
-        except GattTestUtilsError as err:
-            self.log.error(err)
-            return False
-        self.device.droid.gattClientClose(peer_info.get("bluetooth_gatt"))
-    def gatt_client_refresh(self, peer_identifier):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client Refresh of a perihperal.
-        Clears the internal cache and forces a refresh of the services from the
-        remote device.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to refresh.
-        """
-        peer_info = self.peer_mapping.get(peer_identifier)
-        if not peer_info:
-            self.log.error(
-                "No previous connections made to {}".format(peer_identifier))
-            return False
-        self.device.droid.gattClientRefresh(peer_info["bluetooth_gatt"])
-    def le_scan_with_name_filter(self, name, timeout):
-        """ Scan over LE for a specific device name.
-         Args:
-            name: The name filter to set.
-            timeout: The timeout to wait to find the advertisement.
-        Returns:
-            Discovered mac address or None
-        """
-        self.device.droid.bleSetScanSettingsScanMode(
-            ble_scan_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-        filter_list = self.device.droid.bleGenFilterList()
-        scan_settings = self.device.droid.bleBuildScanSetting()
-        scan_callback = self.device.droid.bleGenScanCallback()
-        self.device.droid.bleSetScanFilterDeviceName(name)
-        self.device.droid.bleBuildScanFilter(filter_list)
-        self.device.droid.bleSetScanFilterDeviceName(self.name)
-        self.device.droid.bleStartBleScan(filter_list, scan_settings,
-                                          scan_callback)
-        try:
-            event = self.device.ed.pop_event(scan_result.format(scan_callback),
-                                             timeout)
-            return event['data']['Result']['deviceInfo']['address']
-        except Empty as err:
-            self.log.info("Scanner did not find advertisement {}".format(err))
-            return None
-    def log_info(self, log):
-        """ Log directly onto the device.
-        Args:
-            log: The informative log.
-        """
-        self.device.droid.log.logI(log)
-    def set_bluetooth_local_name(self, name):
-        """ Sets the Bluetooth controller's local name
-        Args:
-            name: The name to set.
-        """
-        self.device.droid.bluetoothSetLocalName(name)
-    def get_local_bluetooth_address(self):
-        """ Returns the Bluetooth local address.
-        """
-        return self.device.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-    def reset_bluetooth(self):
-        """ Resets Bluetooth on the Android Device.
-        """
-        bt_test_utils.reset_bluetooth([self.device])
-    def sdp_add_search(self, attribute_list, profile_id):
-        """Adds an SDP search record.
-        Args:
-            attribute_list: The list of attributes to set
-            profile_id: The profile ID to set.
-        """
-        # Android devices currently have no hooks to modify the SDP record.
-    def sdp_add_service(self, sdp_record):
-        """Adds an SDP service record.
-        Args:
-            sdp_record: The dictionary representing the search record to add.
-        Returns:
-            service_id: The service id to track the service record published.
-                None if failed.
-        """
-        # Android devices currently have no hooks to modify the SDP record.
-    def sdp_clean_up(self):
-        """Cleans up all objects related to SDP.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.sdp_lib.cleanUp()
-    def sdp_init(self):
-        """Initializes SDP on the device.
-        """
-        # Android devices currently have no hooks to modify the SDP record.
-    def sdp_remove_service(self, service_id):
-        """Removes a service based on an input id.
-        Args:
-            service_id: The service ID to remove.
-        """
-        # Android devices currently have no hooks to modify the SDP record.
-    def unbond_all_known_devices(self):
-        """ Unbond all known remote devices.
-        """
-        self.device.droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-    def unbond_device(self, peer_identifier):
-        """ Unbond peer identifier.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The mac address for the peer to unbond.
-        """
-        self.device.droid.bluetoothUnbond(peer_identifier)
-    def init_pair(self, peer_identifier, security_level, non_bondable,
-                  transport):
-        """ Send an outgoing pairing request the input peer_identifier.
-        Android currently does not support setting various security levels or
-        bondable modes. Making them available for other bluetooth_device
-        variants. Depending on the Address type, Android will figure out the
-        transport to pair automatically.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: A string representing the device id.
-            security_level: Not yet implemented. See Fuchsia device impl.
-            non_bondable: Not yet implemented. See Fuchsia device impl.
-            transport: Not yet implemented. See Fuchsia device impl.
-        """
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothBond(self.peer_identifier)
-class FuchsiaBluetoothDevice(BluetoothDevice):
-    """Class wrapper for an Fuchsia Bluetooth device.
-    Each object of this class represents a generic luetooth device.
-    Android device and Fuchsia devices are the currently supported devices/
-    Attributes:
-        fuchsia_device: A Fuchsia Bluetooth device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fuchsia_device):
-        super().__init__(fuchsia_device)
-    def a2dp_initiate_open_stream(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} not yet implemented.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def start_profile_a2dp_sink(self):
-        """ Starts the A2DP sink profile.
-        """
-        self.device.start_v1_component("bt-a2dp-sink")
-    def stop_profile_a2dp_sink(self):
-        """ Stops the A2DP sink profile.
-        """
-        self.device.stop_v1_component("bt-a2dp-sink")
-    def start_pairing_helper(self):
-        self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.acceptPairing()
-    def bluetooth_toggle_state(self, state):
-        """Stub for Fuchsia implementation."""
-    def set_discoverable(self, is_discoverable):
-        """ Sets the device's discoverability.
-        Args:
-            is_discoverable: True if discoverable, false if not discoverable
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.setDiscoverable(is_discoverable)
-    def get_pairing_pin(self):
-        """ Get the pairing pin from the active pairing delegate.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.getPairingPin()['result']
-    def input_pairing_pin(self, pin):
-        """ Input pairing pin to active pairing delegate.
-        Args:
-            pin: The pin to input.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.inputPairingPin(pin)
-    def initialize_bluetooth_controller(self):
-        """ Initialize Bluetooth controller for first time use.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.initBluetoothSys()
-    def get_local_bluetooth_address(self):
-        """ Returns the Bluetooth local address.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.getActiveAdapterAddress().get("result")
-    def set_bluetooth_local_name(self, name):
-        """ Sets the Bluetooth controller's local name
-        Args:
-            name: The name to set.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.setName(name)
-    def gatt_client_write_characteristic_without_response_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle, value):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write Characteristic without response to
-        remote peer GATT server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeCharByIdWithoutResponse(
-            handle, value)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to write characteristic handle {} with err: {}".format(
-                    handle, result.get("error")))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                   handle, offset, value):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write Characteristic to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-            offset: The offset to start writing to.
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeCharById(
-            handle, offset, value)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to write characteristic handle {} with err: {}".format(
-                    handle, result.get("error")))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def gatt_client_write_long_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle, offset, value, reliable_mode=False):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write long Characteristic to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-            offset: The offset to start writing to.
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-            reliable_mode: A bool value representing a reliable write or not.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.error(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-            return False
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeLongCharById(
-            handle, offset, value, reliable_mode)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to write long characteristic handle {} with err: {}".
-                format(peer_identifier, result.get("error")))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def gatt_client_write_long_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                    handle, offset, value):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write long Descriptor to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The descriptor handle.
-            offset: The offset to start writing to.
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.error(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-            return False
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeLongDescById(
-            handle, offset, value)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to write long descriptor handle {} with err: {}".
-                format(peer_identifier, result.get("error")))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                  handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client read Characteristic to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-        Returns:
-            Value of Characteristic if success, None if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.readCharacteristicById(handle)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to read characteristic handle {} with err: {}".format(
-                    handle, result.get("error")))
-            return None
-        return result.get("result")
-    def gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_uuid(self, peer_identifier, uuid):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client read Characteristic by uuid to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            uuid: The characteristic uuid.
-        Returns:
-            Value of Characteristic if success, None if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, uuid, uuid=True)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find uuid {} in GATT server db.".format(uuid))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.readCharacteristicByType(uuid)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to read characteristic uuid {} with err: {}".format(
-                    uuid, result.get("error")))
-            return None
-        return result.get("result")
-    def gatt_client_read_long_characteristic_by_handle(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                       handle, offset,
-                                                       max_bytes):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client read Characteristic to remote peer GATT
-        server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-            offset: The offset to start reading.
-            max_bytes: The max bytes to return for each read.
-        Returns:
-            Value of Characteristic if success, None if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.readLongCharacteristicById(
-            handle, offset, max_bytes)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to read characteristic handle {} with err: {}".format(
-                    handle, result.get("error")))
-            return None
-        return result.get("result")
-    def gatt_client_enable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client enable Characteristic notification to remote
-        peer GATT server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-        Returns:
-            True is success, False if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.enableNotifyCharacteristic(handle)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to enable characteristic notifications for handle {} "
-                "with err: {}".format(handle, result.get("error")))
-            return None
-        return result.get("result")
-    def gatt_client_disable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client disable Characteristic notification to remote
-        peer GATT server database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The characteristic handle.
-        Returns:
-            True is success, False if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.disableNotifyCharacteristic(handle)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to disable characteristic notifications for handle {} "
-                "with err: {}".format(peer_identifier, result.get("error")))
-            return None
-        return result.get("result")
-    def gatt_client_read_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier, handle):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client read Descriptor to remote peer GATT server
-        database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The Descriptor handle.
-        Returns:
-            Value of Descriptor if success, None if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.readDescriptorById(handle)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to read descriptor for handle {} with err: {}".format(
-                    peer_identifier, result.get("error")))
-            return None
-        return result.get("result")
-    def gatt_client_write_descriptor_by_handle(self, peer_identifier, handle,
-                                               offset, value):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client write Descriptor to remote peer GATT server
-        database.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            handle: The Descriptor handle.
-            offset: The offset to start writing at.
-            value: The list of bytes to write.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        if (not self._find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-                peer_identifier, handle)):
-            self.log.warn(
-                "Unable to find handle {} in GATT server db.".format(handle))
-        result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeDescriptorById(
-            handle, offset, value)
-        if result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to write descriptor for handle {} with err: {}".format(
-                    peer_identifier, result.get("error")))
-            return None
-        return True
-    def gatt_connect(self, peer_identifier, transport, autoconnect):
-        """ Perform a GATT connection to a perihperal.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to connect to.
-            transport: Not implemented.
-            autoconnect: Not implemented.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        connection_result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(
-            peer_identifier)
-        if connection_result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error("Failed to connect to peer id {}: {}".format(
-                peer_identifier, connection_result.get("error")))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def gatt_client_refresh(self, peer_identifier):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client Refresh of a perihperal.
-        Clears the internal cache and forces a refresh of the services from the
-        remote device. In Fuchsia there is no FIDL api to automatically do this
-        yet. Therefore just read all Characteristics which satisfies the same
-        requirements.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to refresh.
-        """
-        self._read_all_characteristics(peer_identifier)
-    def gatt_client_discover_characteristic_by_uuid(self, peer_identifier,
-                                                    uuid):
-        """ Perform a GATT Client Refresh of a perihperal.
-        Clears the internal cache and forces a refresh of the services from the
-        remote device. In Fuchsia there is no FIDL api to automatically do this
-        yet. Therefore just read all Characteristics which satisfies the same
-        requirements.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to refresh.
-        """
-        self._read_all_characteristics(peer_identifier, uuid)
-    def gatt_disconnect(self, peer_identifier):
-        """ Perform a GATT disconnect from a perihperal.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer to disconnect from.
-        Returns:
-            True if success, False if failure.
-        """
-        disconnect_result = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(
-            peer_identifier)
-        if disconnect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            self.log.error("Failed to disconnect from peer id {}: {}".format(
-                peer_identifier, disconnect_result.get("error")))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def reset_bluetooth(self):
-        """Stub for Fuchsia implementation."""
-    def sdp_add_search(self, attribute_list, profile_id):
-        """Adds an SDP search record.
-        Args:
-            attribute_list: The list of attributes to set
-            profile_id: The profile ID to set.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(attribute_list, profile_id)
-    def sdp_add_service(self, sdp_record):
-        """Adds an SDP service record.
-        Args:
-            sdp_record: The dictionary representing the search record to add.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.sdp_lib.addService(sdp_record)
-    def sdp_clean_up(self):
-        """Cleans up all objects related to SDP.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.sdp_lib.cleanUp()
-    def sdp_init(self):
-        """Initializes SDP on the device.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.sdp_lib.init()
-    def sdp_remove_service(self, service_id):
-        """Removes a service based on an input id.
-        Args:
-            service_id: The service ID to remove.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.sdp_lib.init()
-    def start_le_advertisement(self, adv_data, scan_response, adv_interval,
-                               connectable):
-        """ Starts an LE advertisement
-        Args:
-            adv_data: Advertisement data.
-            adv_interval: Advertisement interval.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            adv_data, scan_response, adv_interval, connectable)
-    def stop_le_advertisement(self):
-        """ Stop active LE advertisement.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-    def setup_gatt_server(self, database):
-        """ Sets up an input GATT server.
-        Args:
-            database: A dictionary representing the GATT database to setup.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.gatts_lib.publishServer(database)
-    def close_gatt_server(self):
-        """ Closes an existing GATT server.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.gatts_lib.closeServer()
-    def le_scan_with_name_filter(self, name, timeout):
-        """ Scan over LE for a specific device name.
-        Args:
-            name: The name filter to set.
-            timeout: The timeout to wait to find the advertisement.
-        Returns:
-            Discovered device id or None
-        """
-        partial_match = True
-        return le_scan_for_device_by_name(self.device, self.device.log, name,
-                                          timeout, partial_match)
-    def log_info(self, log):
-        """ Log directly onto the device.
-        Args:
-            log: The informative log.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.logging_lib.logI(log)
-    def unbond_all_known_devices(self):
-        """ Unbond all known remote devices.
-        """
-        try:
-            device_list = self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices(
-            )['result']
-            for device_info in device_list:
-                device = device_list[device_info]
-                if device['bonded']:
-                    self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.forgetDevice(device['id'])
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.err("Unable to unbond all devices: {}".format(err))
-    def unbond_device(self, peer_identifier):
-        """ Unbond peer identifier.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: The peer identifier for the peer to unbond.
-        """
-        self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.forgetDevice(peer_identifier)
-    def _find_service_id_and_connect_to_service_for_handle(
-            self, peer_identifier, handle, uuid=False):
-        fail_err = "Failed to find handle {} in Peer database."
-        if uuid:
-            handle = handle.lower()
-        try:
-            services = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(peer_identifier)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    peer_identifier, service_id)
-                chars = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    if uuid:
-                        char_id = char['uuid_type']
-                    if handle == char_id:
-                        return True
-                    descriptors = char['descriptors']
-                    for desc in descriptors:
-                        desc_id = desc["id"]
-                        if uuid:
-                            desc_id = desc['uuid_type']
-                        if handle == desc_id:
-                            return True
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(fail_err.format(err))
-            return False
-    def _read_all_characteristics(self, peer_identifier, uuid=None):
-        fail_err = "Failed to read all characteristics with: {}"
-        try:
-            services = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(peer_identifier)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    peer_identifier, service_id)
-                chars = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                self.log.info(
-                    "Reading chars in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    if uuid and uuid.lower() not in char_uuid.lower():
-                        continue
-                    try:
-                        read_val =  \
-                            self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.readCharacteristicById(
-                                char_id)
-                        self.log.info(
-                            "\tCharacteristic uuid / Value: {} / {}".format(
-                                char_uuid, read_val['result']))
-                        str_value = ""
-                        for val in read_val['result']:
-                            str_value += chr(val)
-                        self.log.info("\t\tstr val: {}".format(str_value))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        self.log.error(err)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(fail_err.forma(err))
-    def _perform_read_all_descriptors(self, peer_identifier):
-        fail_err = "Failed to read all characteristics with: {}"
-        try:
-            services = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(peer_identifier)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    peer_identifier, service_id)
-                chars = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                self.log.info(
-                    "Reading descs in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    descriptors = char['descriptors']
-                    self.log.info(
-                        "\tReading descs in char uuid: {}".format(char_uuid))
-                    for desc in descriptors:
-                        desc_id = desc["id"]
-                        desc_uuid = desc["uuid_type"]
-                    try:
-                        read_val = self.device.sl4f.gattc_lib.readDescriptorById(
-                            desc_id)
-                        self.log.info(
-                            "\t\tDescriptor uuid / Value: {} / {}".format(
-                                desc_uuid, read_val['result']))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        pass
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(fail_err.format(err))
-    def init_pair(self, peer_identifier, security_level, non_bondable,
-                  transport):
-        """ Send an outgoing pairing request the input peer_identifier.
-        Android currently does not support setting various security levels or
-        bondable modes. Making them available for other bluetooth_device
-        variants. Depending on the Address type, Android will figure out the
-        transport to pair automatically.
-        Args:
-            peer_identifier: A string representing the device id.
-            security_level: The security level required for this pairing request
-                represented as a u64. (Only for LE pairing)
-                Available Values
-                1 - ENCRYPTED: Encrypted without MITM protection
-                    (unauthenticated)
-                2 - AUTHENTICATED: Encrypted with MITM protection
-                    (authenticated)
-                None: No pairing security level.
-            non_bondable: A bool representing whether the pairing mode is
-                bondable or not. None is also accepted. False if bondable, True
-                if non-bondable
-            transport: A u64 representing the transport type.
-                Available Values
-                1 - BREDR: Classic BR/EDR transport
-                2 - LE: Bluetooth Low Energy Transport
-        Returns:
-            True if successful, False if failed.
-        """
-        try:
-            self.device.sl4f.bts_lib.pair(peer_identifier, security_level,
-                                          non_bondable, transport)
-            return True
-        except Exception as err:
-            fail_err = "Failed to pair to peer_identifier {} with: {}".format(
-                peer_identifier)
-            self.log.error(fail_err.format(err))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c320c32..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import inspect
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.controllers.buds_lib.dev_utils import apollo_sink_events
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_default_timeout
-def validate_controller(controller, abstract_device_class):
-    """Ensure controller has all methods in abstract_device_class.
-    Also checks method signatures to ensure parameters are satisfied.
-    Args:
-        controller: instance of a device controller.
-        abstract_device_class: class definition of an abstract_device interface.
-    Raises:
-         NotImplementedError: if controller is missing one or more methods.
-    """
-    ctlr_methods = inspect.getmembers(controller, predicate=callable)
-    reqd_methods = inspect.getmembers(
-        abstract_device_class, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
-    expected_func_names = {method[0] for method in reqd_methods}
-    controller_func_names = {method[0] for method in ctlr_methods}
-    if not controller_func_names.issuperset(expected_func_names):
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'Controller {} is missing the following functions: {}'.format(
-                controller.__class__.__name__,
-                repr(expected_func_names - controller_func_names)))
-    for func_name in expected_func_names:
-        controller_func = getattr(controller, func_name)
-        required_func = getattr(abstract_device_class, func_name)
-        required_signature = inspect.signature(required_func)
-        if inspect.signature(controller_func) != required_signature:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                'Method {} must have the signature {}{}.'.format(
-                    controller_func.__qualname__, controller_func.__name__,
-                    required_signature))
-class BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice:
-    """Base class for all Bluetooth handsfree abstract devices.
-    Desired controller classes should have a corresponding Bluetooth handsfree
-    abstract device class defined in this module.
-    """
-    @property
-    def mac_address(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def accept_call(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def end_call(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def next_track(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def pause(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def play(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def power_off(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def power_on(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def previous_track(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def reject_call(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def volume_down(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def volume_up(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class PixelBudsBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice(
-        BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice):
-    CMD_EVENT = 'EvtHex'
-    def __init__(self, pixel_buds_controller):
-        self.pixel_buds_controller = pixel_buds_controller
-    def format_cmd(self, cmd_name):
-        return self.CMD_EVENT + ' ' + apollo_sink_events.SINK_EVENTS[cmd_name]
-    @property
-    def mac_address(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.bluetooth_address
-    def accept_call(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.cmd(
-            self.format_cmd('EventUsrAnswer'))
-    def end_call(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.cmd(
-            self.format_cmd('EventUsrCancelEnd'))
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.set_pairing_mode()
-    def next_track(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.cmd(
-            self.format_cmd('EventUsrAvrcpSkipForward'))
-    def pause(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.cmd(
-            self.format_cmd('EventUsrAvrcpPause'))
-    def play(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.cmd(
-            self.format_cmd('EventUsrAvrcpPlay'))
-    def power_off(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.power('Off')
-    def power_on(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.power('On')
-    def previous_track(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.cmd(
-            self.format_cmd('EventUsrAvrcpSkipBackward'))
-    def reject_call(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.cmd(
-            self.format_cmd('EventUsrReject'))
-    def volume_down(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.volume('Down')
-    def volume_up(self):
-        return self.pixel_buds_controller.volume('Up')
-class EarstudioReceiverBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice(
-        BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice):
-    def __init__(self, earstudio_controller):
-        self.earstudio_controller = earstudio_controller
-    @property
-    def mac_address(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.mac_address
-    def accept_call(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_accept_call()
-    def end_call(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_end_call()
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.enter_pairing_mode()
-    def next_track(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_next()
-    def pause(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_play_pause()
-    def play(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_play_pause()
-    def power_off(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.power_off()
-    def power_on(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.power_on()
-    def previous_track(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_previous()
-    def reject_call(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_reject_call()
-    def volume_down(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_volume_down()
-    def volume_up(self):
-        return self.earstudio_controller.press_volume_up()
-class JaybirdX3EarbudsBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice(
-        BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice):
-    def __init__(self, jaybird_controller):
-        self.jaybird_controller = jaybird_controller
-    @property
-    def mac_address(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.mac_address
-    def accept_call(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_accept_call()
-    def end_call(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_reject_call()
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.enter_pairing_mode()
-    def next_track(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_next()
-    def pause(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_play_pause()
-    def play(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_play_pause()
-    def power_off(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.power_off()
-    def power_on(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.power_on()
-    def previous_track(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_previous()
-    def reject_call(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_reject_call()
-    def volume_down(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_volume_down()
-    def volume_up(self):
-        return self.jaybird_controller.press_volume_up()
-class AndroidHeadsetBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice(
-        BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice):
-    def __init__(self, ad_controller):
-        self.ad_controller = ad_controller
-    @property
-    def mac_address(self):
-        """Getting device mac with more stability ensurance.
-        Sometime, getting mac address is flaky that it returns None. Adding a
-        loop to add more ensurance of getting correct mac address.
-        """
-        device_mac = None
-        start_time = time.time()
-        end_time = start_time + bt_default_timeout
-        while not device_mac and time.time() < end_time:
-            device_mac = self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-        asserts.assert_true(device_mac, 'Can not get the MAC address')
-        return device_mac
-    def accept_call(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.telecomAcceptRingingCall(None)
-    def end_call(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.telecomEndCall()
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(True)
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothMakeDiscoverable()
-    def next_track(self):
-        return (self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("skipNext"))
-    def pause(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("pause")
-    def play(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("play")
-    def power_off(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothToggleState(False)
-    def power_on(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-    def previous_track(self):
-        return (self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("skipPrev"))
-    def reject_call(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.telecomCallDisconnect(
-            self.ad_controller.droid.telecomCallGetCallIds()[0])
-    def reset(self):
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-    def volume_down(self):
-        target_step = self.ad_controller.droid.getMediaVolume() - 1
-        target_step = max(target_step, 0)
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.setMediaVolume(target_step)
-    def volume_up(self):
-        target_step = self.ad_controller.droid.getMediaVolume() + 1
-        max_step = self.ad_controller.droid.getMaxMediaVolume()
-        target_step = min(target_step, max_step)
-        return self.ad_controller.droid.setMediaVolume(target_step)
-class BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDeviceFactory:
-    """Generates a BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice for any device controller.
-    """
-    _controller_abstract_devices = {
-        'EarstudioReceiver': EarstudioReceiverBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice,
-        'JaybirdX3Earbuds': JaybirdX3EarbudsBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice,
-        'ParentDevice': PixelBudsBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice,
-        'AndroidDevice': AndroidHeadsetBluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice
-    }
-    def generate(self, controller):
-        class_name = controller.__class__.__name__
-        if class_name in self._controller_abstract_devices:
-            return self._controller_abstract_devices[class_name](controller)
-        else:
-            validate_controller(controller, BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice)
-            return controller
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/wlan_device.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/wlan_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ea55883..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/wlan_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import inspect
-import logging
-import time
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_test_utils as awutils
-from antlion.utils import adb_shell_ping
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_client
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-FUCHSIA_VALID_SECURITY_TYPES = {"none", "wep", "wpa", "wpa2", "wpa3"}
-def create_wlan_device(hardware_device):
-    """Creates a generic WLAN device based on type of device that is sent to
-    the functions.
-    Args:
-        hardware_device: A WLAN hardware device that is supported by ACTS.
-    """
-    if isinstance(hardware_device, FuchsiaDevice):
-        return FuchsiaWlanDevice(hardware_device)
-    elif isinstance(hardware_device, AndroidDevice):
-        return AndroidWlanDevice(hardware_device)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('Unable to create WlanDevice for type %s' %
-                         type(hardware_device))
-class WlanDevice(object):
-    """Class representing a generic WLAN device.
-    Each object of this class represents a generic WLAN device.
-    Android device and Fuchsia devices are the currently supported devices/
-    Attributes:
-        device: A generic WLAN device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, device):
-        self.device = device
-        self.log = logging
-        self.identifier = None
-    def wifi_toggle_state(self, state):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def reset_wifi(self):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def take_bug_report(self, test_name=None, begin_time=None):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def get_log(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def associate(self,
-                  target_ssid,
-                  target_pwd=None,
-                  check_connectivity=True,
-                  hidden=False,
-                  target_security=None):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overriden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def get_wlan_interface_id_list(self):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def get_default_wlan_test_interface(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def destroy_wlan_interface(self, iface_id):
-        """Base generic WLAN interface.  Only called if not overridden by
-        another supported device.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def send_command(self, command):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def is_connected(self, ssid=None):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def can_ping(self,
-                 dest_ip,
-                 count=3,
-                 interval=1000,
-                 timeout=1000,
-                 size=25,
-                 additional_ping_params=None):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def ping(self,
-             dest_ip,
-             count=3,
-             interval=1000,
-             timeout=1000,
-             size=25,
-             additional_ping_params=None):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def hard_power_cycle(self, pdus=None):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def save_network(self, ssid):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def clear_saved_networks(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-    def create_iperf_client(self, test_interface=None):
-        raise NotImplementedError("{} must be defined.".format(
-            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
-class AndroidWlanDevice(WlanDevice):
-    """Class wrapper for an Android WLAN device.
-    Each object of this class represents a generic WLAN device.
-    Android device and Fuchsia devices are the currently supported devices/
-    Attributes:
-        android_device: An Android WLAN device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, android_device):
-        super().__init__(android_device)
-        self.identifier = android_device.serial
-    def wifi_toggle_state(self, state):
-        awutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.device, state)
-    def reset_wifi(self):
-        awutils.reset_wifi(self.device)
-    def take_bug_report(self, test_name=None, begin_time=None):
-        self.device.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-    def get_log(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        self.device.cat_adb_log(test_name, begin_time)
-    def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self):
-        awutils.turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self.device)
-    def associate(self,
-                  target_ssid,
-                  target_pwd=None,
-                  key_mgmt=None,
-                  check_connectivity=True,
-                  hidden=False,
-                  target_security=None):
-        """Function to associate an Android WLAN device.
-        Args:
-            target_ssid: SSID to associate to.
-            target_pwd: Password for the SSID, if necessary.
-            key_mgmt: The hostapd wpa_key_mgmt value, distinguishes wpa3 from
-                wpa2 for android tests.
-            check_connectivity: Whether to check for internet connectivity.
-            hidden: Whether the network is hidden.
-        Returns:
-            True if successfully connected to WLAN, False if not.
-        """
-        network = {'SSID': target_ssid, 'hiddenSSID': hidden}
-        if target_pwd:
-            network['password'] = target_pwd
-        if key_mgmt:
-            network['security'] = key_mgmt
-        try:
-            awutils.connect_to_wifi_network(
-                self.device,
-                network,
-                check_connectivity=check_connectivity,
-                hidden=hidden)
-            return True
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.device.log.info('Failed to associated (%s)' % e)
-            return False
-    def disconnect(self):
-        awutils.turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self.device)
-    def get_wlan_interface_id_list(self):
-        pass
-    def get_default_wlan_test_interface(self):
-        return 'wlan0'
-    def destroy_wlan_interface(self, iface_id):
-        pass
-    def send_command(self, command):
-        return self.device.adb.shell(str(command))
-    def is_connected(self, ssid=None):
-        wifi_info = self.device.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
-        if ssid:
-            return 'BSSID' in wifi_info and wifi_info['SSID'] == ssid
-        return 'BSSID' in wifi_info
-    def can_ping(self,
-                 dest_ip,
-                 count=3,
-                 interval=1000,
-                 timeout=1000,
-                 size=25,
-                 additional_ping_params=None):
-        return adb_shell_ping(self.device,
-                              dest_ip=dest_ip,
-                              count=count,
-                              timeout=timeout)
-    def ping(self, dest_ip, count=3, interval=1000, timeout=1000, size=25):
-        pass
-    def hard_power_cycle(self, pdus):
-        pass
-    def save_network(self, ssid):
-        pass
-    def clear_saved_networks(self):
-        pass
-    def create_iperf_client(self, test_interface=None):
-        """ Returns an iperf client on the Android, without requiring a
-        specific config.
-        Args:
-            test_interface: optional, string, name of test interface.
-        Returns:
-            IPerfClient object
-        """
-        if not test_interface:
-            test_interface = self.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
-        return iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb(
-            android_device_or_serial=self.device,
-            test_interface=test_interface)
-class FuchsiaWlanDevice(WlanDevice):
-    """Class wrapper for an Fuchsia WLAN device.
-    Each object of this class represents a generic WLAN device.
-    Android device and Fuchsia devices are the currently supported devices/
-    Attributes:
-        fuchsia_device: A Fuchsia WLAN device.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fuchsia_device):
-        super().__init__(fuchsia_device)
-        self.identifier = fuchsia_device.ip
-        self.device.configure_wlan()
-    def wifi_toggle_state(self, state):
-        """Stub for Fuchsia implementation."""
-    def reset_wifi(self):
-        """Stub for Fuchsia implementation."""
-    def take_bug_report(self, test_name=None, begin_time=None):
-        """Stub for Fuchsia implementation."""
-        self.device.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-    def get_log(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        """Stub for Fuchsia implementation."""
-    def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(self):
-        """Stub for Fuchsia implementation."""
-    def associate(self,
-                  target_ssid,
-                  target_pwd=None,
-                  key_mgmt=None,
-                  check_connectivity=True,
-                  hidden=False,
-                  target_security=None):
-        """Function to associate a Fuchsia WLAN device.
-        Args:
-            target_ssid: SSID to associate to.
-            target_pwd: Password for the SSID, if necessary.
-            key_mgmt: the hostapd wpa_key_mgmt, if specified.
-            check_connectivity: Whether to check for internet connectivity.
-            hidden: Whether the network is hidden.
-            target_security: string, target security for network, used to
-                save the network in policy connects (see wlan_policy_lib)
-        Returns:
-            True if successfully connected to WLAN, False if not.
-        """
-        if self.device.association_mechanism == 'drivers':
-            bss_scan_response = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanScanForBSSInfo()
-            if bss_scan_response.get('error'):
-                self.log.error('Scan for BSS info failed. Err: %s' %
-                               bss_scan_response['error'])
-                return False
-            bss_descs_for_ssid = bss_scan_response['result'].get(
-                target_ssid, None)
-            if not bss_descs_for_ssid or len(bss_descs_for_ssid) < 1:
-                self.log.error(
-                    'Scan failed to find a BSS description for target_ssid %s'
-                    % target_ssid)
-                return False
-            connection_response = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanConnectToNetwork(
-                target_ssid, bss_descs_for_ssid[0], target_pwd=target_pwd)
-            return self.device.check_connect_response(connection_response)
-        else:
-            return self.device.wlan_policy_controller.save_and_connect(
-                target_ssid, target_security, password=target_pwd)
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """Function to disconnect from a Fuchsia WLAN device.
-           Asserts if disconnect was not successful.
-        """
-        if self.device.association_mechanism == 'drivers':
-            disconnect_response = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanDisconnect()
-            return self.device.check_disconnect_response(disconnect_response)
-        else:
-            return self.device.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks_and_wait_for_no_connections(
-            )
-    def status(self):
-        return self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanStatus()
-    def can_ping(self,
-                 dest_ip,
-                 count=3,
-                 interval=1000,
-                 timeout=1000,
-                 size=25,
-                 additional_ping_params=None):
-        return self.device.can_ping(
-            dest_ip,
-            count=count,
-            interval=interval,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            size=size,
-            additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params)
-    def ping(self,
-             dest_ip,
-             count=3,
-             interval=1000,
-             timeout=1000,
-             size=25,
-             additional_ping_params=None):
-        return self.device.ping(dest_ip,
-                                count=count,
-                                interval=interval,
-                                timeout=timeout,
-                                size=size,
-                                additional_ping_params=additional_ping_params)
-    def get_wlan_interface_id_list(self):
-        """Function to list available WLAN interfaces.
-        Returns:
-            A list of wlan interface IDs.
-        """
-        return self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanGetIfaceIdList().get('result')
-    def get_default_wlan_test_interface(self):
-        """Returns name of the WLAN client interface"""
-        return self.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name
-    def destroy_wlan_interface(self, iface_id):
-        """Function to associate a Fuchsia WLAN device.
-        Args:
-            target_ssid: SSID to associate to.
-            target_pwd: Password for the SSID, if necessary.
-            check_connectivity: Whether to check for internet connectivity.
-            hidden: Whether the network is hidden.
-        Returns:
-            True if successfully destroyed wlan interface, False if not.
-        """
-        result = self.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanDestroyIface(iface_id)
-        if result.get('error') is None:
-            return True
-        else:
-            self.log.error("Failed to destroy interface with: {}".format(
-                result.get('error')))
-            return False
-    def send_command(self, command):
-        return self.device.ssh.run(str(command)).stdout
-    def is_connected(self, ssid=None):
-        """ Determines if wlan_device is connected to wlan network.
-        Args:
-            ssid (optional): string, to check if device is connect to a specific
-                network.
-        Returns:
-            True, if connected to a network or to the correct network when SSID
-                is provided.
-            False, if not connected or connect to incorrect network when SSID is
-                provided.
-        """
-        response = self.status()
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to get client network connection status')
-        result = response.get('result')
-        if isinstance(result, dict):
-            connected_to = result.get('Connected')
-            # TODO(https://fxbug.dev/85938): Remove backwards compatibility once
-            # ACTS is versioned with Fuchsia.
-            if not connected_to:
-                connected_to = result.get('connected_to')
-            if not connected_to:
-                return False
-            if ssid:
-                # Replace encoding errors instead of raising an exception.
-                # Since `ssid` is a string, this will not affect the test
-                # for equality.
-                connected_ssid = bytearray(connected_to['ssid']).decode(
-                    encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
-                return ssid == connected_ssid
-            return True
-        return False
-    def hard_power_cycle(self, pdus):
-        self.device.reboot(reboot_type='hard', testbed_pdus=pdus)
-    def save_network(self, target_ssid, security_type=None, target_pwd=None):
-        if self.device.association_mechanism == 'drivers':
-            raise EnvironmentError(
-                'Cannot save network using the drivers. Saved networks are a '
-                'policy layer concept.')
-        if security_type and security_type not in FUCHSIA_VALID_SECURITY_TYPES:
-            raise TypeError('Invalid security type: %s' % security_type)
-        if not self.device.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                target_ssid, security_type, password=target_pwd):
-            raise EnvironmentError('Failed to save network: %s' % target_ssid)
-    def clear_saved_networks(self):
-        if self.device.association_mechanism == 'drivers':
-            raise EnvironmentError(
-                'Cannot clear saved network using the drivers. Saved networks '
-                'are a policy layer concept.')
-        if not self.device.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks():
-            raise EnvironmentError('Failed to clear saved networks')
-    def create_iperf_client(self, test_interface=None):
-        """ Returns an iperf client on the FuchsiaDevice, without requiring a
-        specific config.
-        Args:
-            test_interface: optional, string, name of test interface. Defaults
-                to first found wlan client interface.
-        Returns:
-            IPerfClient object
-        """
-        if not test_interface:
-            test_interface = self.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
-        # A package server is necessary to acquire the iperf3 client for
-        # some builds.
-        self.device.start_package_server()
-        return iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh(
-            {
-                'user': 'fuchsia',
-                'host': self.device.ip,
-                'ssh_config': self.device.ssh_config
-            },
-            ssh_provider=self.device.ssh,
-            test_interface=test_interface)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/wmm_transceiver.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/wmm_transceiver.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c8b61cc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/abstract_devices/wmm_transceiver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-from uuid import uuid4
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import tracelogger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_client
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_server
-AC_VO = 'AC_VO'
-AC_VI = 'AC_VI'
-AC_BE = 'AC_BE'
-AC_BK = 'AC_BK'
-# TODO(fxb/61421): Add tests to check all DSCP classes are mapped to the correct
-# AC (there are many that aren't included here). Requires implementation of
-# sniffer.
-    AC_VO: '0xC0',
-    AC_VI: '0x80',
-    AC_BE: '0x0',
-    AC_BK: '0x20'
-UDP = 'udp'
-TCP = 'tcp'
-class WmmTransceiverError(signals.ControllerError):
-    pass
-def create(config, identifier=None, wlan_devices=None, access_points=None):
-    """Creates a WmmTransceiver from a config.
-    Args:
-        config: dict, config parameters for the transceiver. Contains:
-            - iperf_config: dict, the config to use for creating IPerfClients
-                and IPerfServers (excluding port).
-            - port_range_start: int, the lower bound of the port range to use
-                for creating IPerfServers. Defaults to 5201.
-            - wlan_device: string, the identifier of the wlan_device used for
-                this WmmTransceiver (optional)
-        identifier: string, identifier for the WmmTransceiver. Must be provided
-            either as arg or in the config.
-        wlan_devices: list of WlanDevice objects from which to get the
-            wlan_device, if any, used as this transceiver
-        access_points: list of AccessPoint objects from which to get the
-            access_point, if any, used as this transceiver
-    """
-    try:
-        # If identifier is not provided as func arg, it must be provided via
-        # config file.
-        if not identifier:
-            identifier = config['identifier']
-        iperf_config = config['iperf_config']
-    except KeyError as err:
-        raise WmmTransceiverError(
-            'Parameter not provided as func arg, nor found in config: %s' %
-            err)
-    if wlan_devices is None:
-        wlan_devices = []
-    if access_points is None:
-        access_points = []
-    port_range_start = config.get('port_range_start', DEFAULT_IPERF_PORT)
-    wd = None
-    ap = None
-    if 'wlan_device' in config:
-        wd = _find_wlan_device(config['wlan_device'], wlan_devices)
-    elif 'access_point' in config:
-        ap = _find_access_point(config['access_point'], access_points)
-    return WmmTransceiver(iperf_config,
-                          identifier,
-                          wlan_device=wd,
-                          access_point=ap,
-                          port_range_start=port_range_start)
-def _find_wlan_device(wlan_device_identifier, wlan_devices):
-    """Returns WlanDevice based on string identifier (e.g. ip, serial, etc.)
-    Args:
-        wlan_device_identifier: string, identifier for the desired WlanDevice
-        wlan_devices: list, WlanDevices to search through
-    Returns:
-        WlanDevice, with identifier matching wlan_device_identifier
-    Raises:
-        WmmTransceiverError, if no WlanDevice matches identifier
-    """
-    for wd in wlan_devices:
-        if wlan_device_identifier == wd.identifier:
-            return wd
-    raise WmmTransceiverError('No WlanDevice with identifier: %s' %
-                              wlan_device_identifier)
-def _find_access_point(access_point_ip, access_points):
-    """Returns AccessPoint based on string ip address
-    Args:
-        access_point_ip: string, control plane ip addr of the desired AP,
-        access_points: list, AccessPoints to search through
-    Returns:
-        AccessPoint, with hostname matching access_point_ip
-    Raises:
-        WmmTransceiverError, if no AccessPoint matches ip"""
-    for ap in access_points:
-        if ap.ssh_settings.hostname == access_point_ip:
-            return ap
-    raise WmmTransceiverError('No AccessPoint with ip: %s' % access_point_ip)
-class WmmTransceiver(object):
-    """Object for handling WMM tagged streams between devices"""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 iperf_config,
-                 identifier,
-                 wlan_device=None,
-                 access_point=None,
-                 port_range_start=5201):
-        self.identifier = identifier
-        self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(
-            WmmTransceiverLoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(),
-                                        {'identifier': self.identifier}))
-        # WlanDevice or AccessPoint, that is used as the transceiver. Only one
-        # will be set. This helps consolodate association, setup, teardown, etc.
-        self.wlan_device = wlan_device
-        self.access_point = access_point
-        # Parameters used to create IPerfClient and IPerfServer objects on
-        # device
-        self._iperf_config = iperf_config
-        self._test_interface = self._iperf_config.get('test_interface')
-        self._port_range_start = port_range_start
-        self._next_server_port = port_range_start
-        # Maps IPerfClients, used for streams from this device, to True if
-        # available, False if reserved
-        self._iperf_clients = {}
-        # Maps IPerfServers, used to receive streams from other devices, to True
-        # if available, False if reserved
-        self._iperf_servers = {}
-        # Maps ports of servers, which are provided to other transceivers, to
-        # the actual IPerfServer objects
-        self._iperf_server_ports = {}
-        # Maps stream UUIDs to IPerfClients reserved for that streams use
-        self._reserved_clients = {}
-        # Maps stream UUIDs to (WmmTransceiver, IPerfServer) tuples, where the
-        # server is reserved on the transceiver for that streams use
-        self._reserved_servers = {}
-        # Maps with shared memory functionality to be used across the parallel
-        # streams. active_streams holds UUIDs of streams that are currently
-        # running on this device (mapped to True, since there is no
-        # multiprocessing set). stream_results maps UUIDs of streams completed
-        # on this device to IPerfResult results for that stream.
-        self._manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
-        self._active_streams = self._manager.dict()
-        self._stream_results = self._manager.dict()
-        # Holds parameters for streams that are prepared to run asynchronously
-        # (i.e. resources have been allocated). Maps UUIDs of the future streams
-        # to a dict, containing the stream parameters.
-        self._pending_async_streams = {}
-        # Set of UUIDs of asynchronous streams that have at least started, but
-        # have not had their resources reclaimed yet
-        self._ran_async_streams = set()
-        # Set of stream parallel process, which can be joined if completed
-        # successfully, or  terminated and joined in the event of an error
-        self._running_processes = set()
-    def run_synchronous_traffic_stream(self, stream_parameters, subnet):
-        """Runs a traffic stream with IPerf3 between two WmmTransceivers and
-        saves the results.
-        Args:
-            stream_parameters: dict, containing parameters to used for the
-                stream. See _parse_stream_parameters for details.
-            subnet: string, the subnet of the network to use for the stream
-        Returns:
-            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
-        """
-        (receiver, access_category, bandwidth,
-         stream_time) = self._parse_stream_parameters(stream_parameters)
-        uuid = uuid4()
-        (client, server_ip,
-         server_port) = self._get_stream_resources(uuid, receiver, subnet)
-        self._validate_server_address(server_ip, uuid)
-        self.log.info('Running synchronous stream to %s WmmTransceiver' %
-                      receiver.identifier)
-        self._run_traffic(uuid,
-                          client,
-                          server_ip,
-                          server_port,
-                          self._active_streams,
-                          self._stream_results,
-                          access_category=access_category,
-                          bandwidth=bandwidth,
-                          stream_time=stream_time)
-        self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
-        return uuid
-    def prepare_asynchronous_stream(self, stream_parameters, subnet):
-        """Reserves resources and saves configs for upcoming asynchronous
-        traffic streams, so they can be started more simultaneously.
-        Args:
-            stream_parameters: dict, containing parameters to used for the
-                stream. See _parse_stream_parameters for details.
-            subnet: string, the subnet of the network to use for the stream
-        Returns:
-            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
-        """
-        (receiver, access_category, bandwidth,
-         time) = self._parse_stream_parameters(stream_parameters)
-        uuid = uuid4()
-        (client, server_ip,
-         server_port) = self._get_stream_resources(uuid, receiver, subnet)
-        self._validate_server_address(server_ip, uuid)
-        pending_stream_config = {
-            'client': client,
-            'server_ip': server_ip,
-            'server_port': server_port,
-            'access_category': access_category,
-            'bandwidth': bandwidth,
-            'time': time
-        }
-        self._pending_async_streams[uuid] = pending_stream_config
-        self.log.info('Stream to %s WmmTransceiver prepared.' %
-                      receiver.identifier)
-        return uuid
-    def start_asynchronous_streams(self, start_time=None):
-        """Starts pending asynchronous streams between two WmmTransceivers as
-        parallel processes.
-        Args:
-            start_time: float, time, seconds since epoch, at which to start the
-                stream (for better synchronicity). If None, start immediately.
-        """
-        for uuid in self._pending_async_streams:
-            pending_stream_config = self._pending_async_streams[uuid]
-            client = pending_stream_config['client']
-            server_ip = pending_stream_config['server_ip']
-            server_port = pending_stream_config['server_port']
-            access_category = pending_stream_config['access_category']
-            bandwidth = pending_stream_config['bandwidth']
-            time = pending_stream_config['time']
-            process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._run_traffic,
-                                              args=[
-                                                  uuid, client, server_ip,
-                                                  server_port,
-                                                  self._active_streams,
-                                                  self._stream_results
-                                              ],
-                                              kwargs={
-                                                  'access_category':
-                                                  access_category,
-                                                  'bandwidth': bandwidth,
-                                                  'stream_time': time,
-                                                  'start_time': start_time
-                                              })
-            # This needs to be set here to ensure its marked active before
-            # it even starts.
-            self._active_streams[uuid] = True
-            process.start()
-            self._ran_async_streams.add(uuid)
-            self._running_processes.add(process)
-        self._pending_async_streams.clear()
-    def cleanup_asynchronous_streams(self, timeout=PROCESS_JOIN_TIMEOUT):
-        """Releases reservations on resources (IPerfClients and IPerfServers)
-        that were held for asynchronous streams, both pending and finished.
-        Attempts to join any running processes, logging an error if timeout is
-        exceeded.
-        Args:
-            timeout: time, in seconds, to wait for each running process, if any,
-                to join
-        """
-        self.log.info('Cleaning up any asynchronous streams.')
-        # Releases resources for any streams that were prepared, but no run
-        for uuid in self._pending_async_streams:
-            self.log.error(
-                'Pending asynchronous stream %s never ran. Cleaning.' % uuid)
-            self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
-        self._pending_async_streams.clear()
-        # Attempts to join any running streams, terminating them after timeout
-        # if necessary.
-        while self._running_processes:
-            process = self._running_processes.pop()
-            process.join(timeout)
-            if process.is_alive():
-                self.log.error(
-                    'Stream process failed to join in %s seconds. Terminating.'
-                    % timeout)
-                process.terminate()
-                process.join()
-        self._active_streams.clear()
-        # Release resources for any finished streams
-        while self._ran_async_streams:
-            uuid = self._ran_async_streams.pop()
-            self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
-    def get_results(self, uuid):
-        """Retrieves a streams IPerfResults from stream_results
-        Args:
-            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
-        """
-        return self._stream_results.get(uuid, None)
-    def destroy_resources(self):
-        for server in self._iperf_servers:
-            server.stop()
-        self._iperf_servers.clear()
-        self._iperf_server_ports.clear()
-        self._iperf_clients.clear()
-        self._next_server_port = self._port_range_start
-        self._stream_results.clear()
-    @property
-    def has_active_streams(self):
-        return bool(self._active_streams)
-    # Helper Functions
-    def _run_traffic(self,
-                     uuid,
-                     client,
-                     server_ip,
-                     server_port,
-                     active_streams,
-                     stream_results,
-                     access_category=None,
-                     bandwidth=None,
-                     stream_time=DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME,
-                     start_time=None):
-        """Runs an iperf3 stream.
-        1. Adds stream UUID to active_streams
-        2. Runs stream
-        3. Saves results to stream_results
-        4. Removes stream UUID from active_streams
-        Args:
-            uuid: UUID object, identifier for stream
-            client: IPerfClient object on device
-            server_ip: string, ip address of IPerfServer for stream
-            server_port: int, port of the IPerfServer for stream
-            active_streams: multiprocessing.Manager.dict, which holds stream
-                UUIDs of active streams on the device
-            stream_results: multiprocessing.Manager.dict, which maps stream
-                UUIDs of streams to IPerfResult objects
-            access_category: string, WMM access category to use with iperf
-                (AC_BK, AC_BE, AC_VI, AC_VO). Unset if None.
-            bandwidth: int, bandwidth in mbps to use with iperf. Implies UDP.
-                Unlimited if None.
-            stream_time: int, time in seconds, to run iperf stream
-            start_time: float, time, seconds since epoch, at which to start the
-                stream (for better synchronicity). If None, start immediately.
-        """
-        active_streams[uuid] = True
-        # SSH sessions must be started within the process that is going to
-        # use it.
-        if type(client) == iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh:
-            with utils.SuppressLogOutput():
-                client.start_ssh()
-        ac_flag = ''
-        bandwidth_flag = ''
-        time_flag = '-t %s' % stream_time
-        if access_category:
-            ac_flag = ' -S %s' % DEFAULT_AC_TO_TOS_TAG_MAP[access_category]
-        if bandwidth:
-            bandwidth_flag = ' -u -b %sM' % bandwidth
-        iperf_flags = '-p %s -i 1 %s%s%s -J' % (server_port, time_flag,
-                                                ac_flag, bandwidth_flag)
-        if not start_time:
-            start_time = time.time()
-        time_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time).strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f')
-        self.log.info(
-            'At %s, starting %s second stream to %s:%s with (AC: %s, Bandwidth: %s)'
-            % (time_str, stream_time, server_ip, server_port, access_category,
-               bandwidth if bandwidth else 'Unlimited'))
-        # If present, wait for stream start time
-        if start_time:
-            current_time = time.time()
-            while current_time < start_time:
-                current_time = time.time()
-        path = client.start(server_ip, iperf_flags, '%s' % uuid)
-        stream_results[uuid] = iperf_server.IPerfResult(
-            path, reporting_speed_units='mbps')
-        if type(client) == iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh:
-            client.close_ssh()
-        active_streams.pop(uuid)
-    def _get_stream_resources(self, uuid, receiver, subnet):
-        """Reserves an IPerfClient and IPerfServer for a stream.
-        Args:
-            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
-            receiver: WmmTransceiver object, which will be the streams receiver
-            subnet: string, subnet of test network, to retrieve the appropriate
-                server address
-        Returns:
-            (IPerfClient, string, int) representing the client, server address,
-            and server port to use for the stream
-        """
-        client = self._get_client(uuid)
-        server_ip, server_port = self._get_server(receiver, uuid, subnet)
-        return (client, server_ip, server_port)
-    def _return_stream_resources(self, uuid):
-        """Releases reservations on a streams IPerfClient and IPerfServer, so
-        they can be used by a future stream.
-        Args:
-            uuid: UUID object, identifier of the stream
-        """
-        if uuid in self._active_streams:
-            raise EnvironmentError('Resource still being used by stream %s' %
-                                   uuid)
-        (receiver, server_port) = self._reserved_servers.pop(uuid)
-        receiver._release_server(server_port)
-        client = self._reserved_clients.pop(uuid)
-        self._iperf_clients[client] = AVAILABLE
-    def _get_client(self, uuid):
-        """Retrieves and reserves IPerfClient for use in a stream. If none are
-        available, a new one is created.
-        Args:
-            uuid: UUID object, identifier for stream, used to link client to
-                stream for teardown
-        Returns:
-            IPerfClient on device
-        """
-        reserved_client = None
-        for client in self._iperf_clients:
-            if self._iperf_clients[client] == AVAILABLE:
-                reserved_client = client
-                break
-        else:
-            reserved_client = iperf_client.create([self._iperf_config])[0]
-            # Due to the nature of multiprocessing, ssh connections must
-            # be started inside the parallel processes, so it must be closed
-            # here.
-            if type(reserved_client) == iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh:
-                reserved_client.close_ssh()
-        self._iperf_clients[reserved_client] = UNAVAILABLE
-        self._reserved_clients[uuid] = reserved_client
-        return reserved_client
-    def _get_server(self, receiver, uuid, subnet):
-        """Retrieves the address and port of a reserved IPerfServer object from
-        the receiver object for use in a stream.
-        Args:
-            receiver: WmmTransceiver, to get an IPerfServer from
-            uuid: UUID, identifier for stream, used to link server to stream
-                for teardown
-            subnet: string, subnet of test network, to retrieve the appropriate
-                server address
-        Returns:
-            (string, int) representing the IPerfServer address and port
-        """
-        (server_ip, server_port) = receiver._reserve_server(subnet)
-        self._reserved_servers[uuid] = (receiver, server_port)
-        return (server_ip, server_port)
-    def _reserve_server(self, subnet):
-        """Reserves an available IPerfServer for use in a stream from another
-        WmmTransceiver. If none are available, a new one is created.
-        Args:
-            subnet: string, subnet of test network, to retrieve the appropriate
-                server address
-        Returns:
-            (string, int) representing the IPerfServer address and port
-        """
-        reserved_server = None
-        for server in self._iperf_servers:
-            if self._iperf_servers[server] == AVAILABLE:
-                reserved_server = server
-                break
-        else:
-            iperf_server_config = self._iperf_config
-            iperf_server_config.update({'port': self._next_server_port})
-            self._next_server_port += 1
-            reserved_server = iperf_server.create([iperf_server_config])[0]
-            self._iperf_server_ports[reserved_server.port] = reserved_server
-        self._iperf_servers[reserved_server] = UNAVAILABLE
-        reserved_server.start()
-        end_time = time.time() + DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_TIMEOUT
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            if self.wlan_device:
-                addresses = utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                    self.wlan_device.device, self._test_interface)
-            else:
-                addresses = reserved_server.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                    self._test_interface)
-            for addr in addresses['ipv4_private']:
-                if utils.ip_in_subnet(addr, subnet):
-                    return (addr, reserved_server.port)
-        raise AttributeError(
-            'Reserved server has no ipv4 address in the %s subnet' % subnet)
-    def _release_server(self, server_port):
-        """Releases reservation on IPerfServer, which was held for a stream
-        from another WmmTransceiver.
-        Args:
-            server_port: int, the port of the IPerfServer being returned (since)
-                it is the identifying characteristic
-        """
-        server = self._iperf_server_ports[server_port]
-        server.stop()
-        self._iperf_servers[server] = AVAILABLE
-    def _validate_server_address(self, server_ip, uuid, timeout=60):
-        """ Verifies server address can be pinged before attempting to run
-        traffic, since iperf is unforgiving when the server is unreachable.
-        Args:
-            server_ip: string, ip address of the iperf server
-            uuid: string, uuid of the stream to use this server
-            timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for server to respond to pings
-        Raises:
-            WmmTransceiverError, if, after timeout, server ip is unreachable.
-        """
-        self.log.info('Verifying server address (%s) is reachable.' %
-                      server_ip)
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            if self.can_ping(server_ip):
-                break
-            else:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Could not ping server address (%s). Retrying in 1 second.'
-                    % (server_ip))
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            self._return_stream_resources(uuid)
-            raise WmmTransceiverError('IPerfServer address (%s) unreachable.' %
-                                      server_ip)
-    def can_ping(self, dest_ip):
-        """ Utilizes can_ping function in wlan_device or access_point device to
-        ping dest_ip
-        Args:
-            dest_ip: string, ip address to ping
-        Returns:
-            True, if dest address is reachable
-            False, otherwise
-        """
-        if self.wlan_device:
-            return self.wlan_device.can_ping(dest_ip)
-        else:
-            return self.access_point.can_ping(dest_ip)
-    def _parse_stream_parameters(self, stream_parameters):
-        """Parses stream_parameters from dictionary.
-        Args:
-            stream_parameters: dict of stream parameters
-                'receiver': WmmTransceiver, the receiver for the stream
-                'access_category': String, the access category to use for the
-                    stream. Unset if None.
-                'bandwidth': int, bandwidth in mbps for the stream. If set,
-                    implies UDP. If unset, implies TCP and unlimited bandwidth.
-                'time': int, time in seconds to run stream.
-        Returns:
-            (receiver, access_category, bandwidth, time) as
-            (WmmTransceiver, String, int, int)
-        """
-        receiver = stream_parameters['receiver']
-        access_category = stream_parameters.get('access_category', None)
-        bandwidth = stream_parameters.get('bandwidth', None)
-        time = stream_parameters.get('time', DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME)
-        return (receiver, access_category, bandwidth, time)
-class WmmTransceiverLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
-    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
-        if self.extra['identifier']:
-            log_identifier = ' | %s' % self.extra['identifier']
-        else:
-            log_identifier = ''
-        msg = "[WmmTransceiver%s] %s" % (log_identifier, msg)
-        return (msg, kwargs)
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--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/__init__.py
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index a4273c5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/audio_analysis.py
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@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This module provides utilities to do audio data analysis."""
-import logging
-import numpy
-import soundfile
-from scipy.signal import blackmanharris
-from scipy.signal import iirnotch
-from scipy.signal import lfilter
-# The default block size of pattern matching.
-# Only peaks with coefficient greater than 0.01 of the first peak should be
-# considered. Note that this correspond to -40dB in the spectrum.
-# The minimum RMS value of meaningful audio data.
-# The minimal signal norm value.
-# The default pattern mathing threshold. By experiment, this threshold
-# can tolerate normal noise of 0.3 amplitude when sine wave signal
-# amplitude is 1.
-# The default number of samples within the analysis step size that the
-# difference between two anomaly time values can be to be grouped together.
-# Window size for peak detection.
-class RMSTooSmallError(Exception):
-    """Error when signal RMS is too small."""
-class EmptyDataError(Exception):
-    """Error when signal is empty."""
-def normalize_signal(signal, saturate_value):
-    """Normalizes the signal with respect to the saturate value.
-    Args:
-        signal: A list for one-channel PCM data.
-        saturate_value: The maximum value that the PCM data might be.
-    Returns:
-        A numpy array containing normalized signal. The normalized signal has
-            value -1 and 1 when it saturates.
-    """
-    signal = numpy.array(signal)
-    return signal / float(saturate_value)
-def spectral_analysis(signal,
-                      rate,
-                      min_peak_ratio=DEFAULT_MIN_PEAK_RATIO,
-                      peak_window_size_hz=PEAK_WINDOW_SIZE_HZ):
-    """Gets the dominant frequencies by spectral analysis.
-    Args:
-        signal: A list of numbers for one-channel PCM data. This should be
-                   normalized to [-1, 1] so the function can check if signal RMS
-                   is too small to be meaningful.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        min_peak_ratio: The minimum peak_i/peak_0 ratio such that the
-                           peaks other than the greatest one should be
-                           considered.
-                           This is to ignore peaks that are too small compared
-                           to the first peak peak_0.
-        peak_window_size_hz: The window size in Hz to find the peaks.
-                                The minimum differences between found peaks will
-                                be half of this value.
-    Returns:
-        A list of tuples:
-              [(peak_frequency_0, peak_coefficient_0),
-               (peak_frequency_1, peak_coefficient_1),
-               (peak_frequency_2, peak_coefficient_2), ...]
-              where the tuples are sorted by coefficients. The last
-              peak_coefficient will be no less than peak_coefficient *
-              min_peak_ratio. If RMS is less than MEANINGFUL_RMS_THRESHOLD,
-              returns [(0, 0)].
-    """
-    # Checks the signal is meaningful.
-    if len(signal) == 0:
-        raise EmptyDataError('Signal data is empty')
-    signal_rms = numpy.linalg.norm(signal) / numpy.sqrt(len(signal))
-    logging.debug('signal RMS = %s', signal_rms)
-    # If RMS is too small, set dominant frequency and coefficient to 0.
-    if signal_rms < MEANINGFUL_RMS_THRESHOLD:
-        logging.warning(
-            'RMS %s is too small to be meaningful. Set frequency to 0.',
-            signal_rms)
-        return [(0, 0)]
-    logging.debug('Doing spectral analysis ...')
-    # First, pass signal through a window function to mitigate spectral leakage.
-    y_conv_w = signal * numpy.hanning(len(signal))
-    length = len(y_conv_w)
-    # x_f is the frequency in Hz, y_f is the transformed coefficient.
-    x_f = _rfft_freq(length, rate)
-    y_f = 2.0 / length * numpy.fft.rfft(y_conv_w)
-    # y_f is complex so consider its absolute value for magnitude.
-    abs_y_f = numpy.abs(y_f)
-    threshold = max(abs_y_f) * min_peak_ratio
-    # Suppresses all coefficients that are below threshold.
-    for i in range(len(abs_y_f)):
-        if abs_y_f[i] < threshold:
-            abs_y_f[i] = 0
-    # Gets the peak detection window size in indice.
-    # x_f[1] is the frequency difference per index.
-    peak_window_size = int(peak_window_size_hz / x_f[1])
-    # Detects peaks.
-    peaks = peak_detection(abs_y_f, peak_window_size)
-    # Transform back the peak location from index to frequency.
-    results = []
-    for index, value in peaks:
-        results.append((x_f[int(index)], value))
-    return results
-def _rfft_freq(length, rate):
-    """Gets the frequency at each index of real FFT.
-    Args:
-        length: The window length of FFT.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-    Returns:
-        A numpy array containing frequency corresponding to numpy.fft.rfft
-            result at each index.
-    """
-    # The difference in Hz between each index.
-    val = rate / float(length)
-    # Only care half of frequencies for FFT on real signal.
-    result_length = length // 2 + 1
-    return numpy.linspace(0, (result_length - 1) * val, result_length)
-def peak_detection(array, window_size):
-    """Detects peaks in an array.
-    A point (i, array[i]) is a peak if array[i] is the maximum among
-    array[i - half_window_size] to array[i + half_window_size].
-    If array[i - half_window_size] to array[i + half_window_size] are all equal,
-    then there is no peak in this window.
-    Note that we only consider peak with value greater than 0.
-    Args:
-        array: The input array to detect peaks in. Array is a list of
-        absolute values of the magnitude of transformed coefficient.
-        window_size: The window to detect peaks.
-    Returns:
-        A list of tuples:
-              [(peak_index_1, peak_value_1), (peak_index_2, peak_value_2), ...]
-              where the tuples are sorted by peak values.
-    """
-    half_window_size = window_size / 2
-    length = len(array)
-    def mid_is_peak(array, mid, left, right):
-        """Checks if value at mid is the largest among left to right in array.
-        Args:
-            array: A list of numbers.
-            mid: The mid index.
-            left: The left index.
-            rigth: The right index.
-        Returns:
-            A tuple (is_peak, next_candidate)
-                  is_peak is True if array[index] is the maximum among numbers
-                  in array between index [left, right] inclusively.
-                  next_candidate is the index of next candidate for peak if
-                  is_peak is False. It is the index of maximum value in
-                  [mid + 1, right]. If is_peak is True, next_candidate is
-                  right + 1.
-        """
-        value_mid = array[int(mid)]
-        is_peak = True
-        next_peak_candidate_index = None
-        # Check the left half window.
-        for index in range(int(left), int(mid)):
-            if array[index] >= value_mid:
-                is_peak = False
-                break
-        # Mid is at the end of array.
-        if mid == right:
-            return is_peak, right + 1
-        # Check the right half window and also record next candidate.
-        # Favor the larger index for next_peak_candidate_index.
-        for index in range(int(right), int(mid), -1):
-            if (next_peak_candidate_index is None
-                    or array[index] > array[next_peak_candidate_index]):
-                next_peak_candidate_index = index
-        if array[next_peak_candidate_index] >= value_mid:
-            is_peak = False
-        if is_peak:
-            next_peak_candidate_index = right + 1
-        return is_peak, next_peak_candidate_index
-    results = []
-    mid = 0
-    next_candidate_idx = None
-    while mid < length:
-        left = max(0, mid - half_window_size)
-        right = min(length - 1, mid + half_window_size)
-        # Only consider value greater than 0.
-        if array[int(mid)] == 0:
-            mid = mid + 1
-            continue
-        is_peak, next_candidate_idx = mid_is_peak(array, mid, left, right)
-        if is_peak:
-            results.append((mid, array[int(mid)]))
-        # Use the next candidate found in [mid + 1, right], or right + 1.
-        mid = next_candidate_idx
-    # Sort the peaks by values.
-    return sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
-def anomaly_detection(signal,
-                      rate,
-                      freq,
-                      block_size=ANOMALY_DETECTION_BLOCK_SIZE,
-                      threshold=PATTERN_MATCHING_THRESHOLD):
-    """Detects anomaly in a sine wave signal.
-    This method detects anomaly in a sine wave signal by matching
-    patterns of each block.
-    For each moving window of block in the test signal, checks if there
-    is any block in golden signal that is similar to this block of test signal.
-    If there is such a block in golden signal, then this block of test
-    signal is matched and there is no anomaly in this block of test signal.
-    If there is any block in test signal that is not matched, then this block
-    covers an anomaly.
-    The block of test signal starts from index 0, and proceeds in steps of
-    half block size. The overlapping of test signal blocks makes sure there must
-    be at least one block covering the transition from sine wave to anomaly.
-    Args:
-        signal: A 1-D array-like object for 1-channel PCM data.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        freq: The expected frequency of signal.
-        block_size: The block size in samples to detect anomaly.
-        threshold: The threshold of correlation index to be judge as matched.
-    Returns:
-        A list containing time markers in seconds that have an anomaly within
-            block_size samples.
-    """
-    if len(signal) == 0:
-        raise EmptyDataError('Signal data is empty')
-    golden_y = _generate_golden_pattern(rate, freq, block_size)
-    results = []
-    for start in range(0, len(signal), int(block_size / 2)):
-        end = start + block_size
-        test_signal = signal[start:end]
-        matched = _moving_pattern_matching(golden_y, test_signal, threshold)
-        if not matched:
-            results.append(start)
-    results = [float(x) / rate for x in results]
-    return results
-def get_anomaly_durations(signal,
-                          rate,
-                          freq,
-                          block_size=ANOMALY_DETECTION_BLOCK_SIZE,
-                          threshold=PATTERN_MATCHING_THRESHOLD,
-                          tolerance=ANOMALY_GROUPING_TOLERANCE):
-    """Detect anomalies in a sine wav and return their start and end times.
-    Run anomaly_detection function and parse resulting array of time values into
-    discrete anomalies defined by a start and end time tuple. Time values are
-    judged to be part of the same anomaly if they lie within a given tolerance
-    of half the block_size number of samples of each other.
-    Args:
-        signal: A 1-D array-like object for 1-channel PCM data.
-        rate (int): Sampling rate in samples per second.
-            Example inputs: 44100, 48000
-        freq (int): The expected frequency of signal.
-        block_size (int): The block size in samples to detect anomaly.
-        threshold (float): The threshold of correlation index to be judge as
-            matched.
-        tolerance (float): The number of samples greater than block_size / 2
-            that the sample distance between two anomaly time values can be and
-            still be grouped as the same anomaly.
-    Returns:
-        bounds (list): a list of (start, end) tuples where start and end are the
-            boundaries in seconds of the detected anomaly.
-    """
-    bounds = []
-    anoms = anomaly_detection(signal, rate, freq, block_size, threshold)
-    if len(anoms) == 0:
-        return bounds
-    end = anoms[0]
-    start = anoms[0]
-    for i in range(len(anoms) - 1):
-        end = anoms[i]
-        sample_diff = abs(anoms[i] - anoms[i + 1]) * rate
-        # We require a tolerance because sample_diff may be slightly off due to
-        # float rounding errors in Python.
-        if sample_diff > block_size / 2 + tolerance:
-            bounds.append((start, end))
-            start = anoms[i + 1]
-    bounds.append((start, end))
-    return bounds
-def _generate_golden_pattern(rate, freq, block_size):
-    """Generates a golden pattern of certain frequency.
-    The golden pattern must cover all the possibilities of waveforms in a
-    block. So, we need a golden pattern covering 1 period + 1 block size,
-    such that the test block can start anywhere in a period, and extends
-    a block size.
-    |period |1 bk|
-    |       |    |
-     . .     . .
-    .   .   .   .
-         . .     .
-    Args:
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        freq: The frequency of golden pattern.
-        block_size: The block size in samples to detect anomaly.
-    Returns:
-        A 1-D array for golden pattern.
-    """
-    samples_in_a_period = int(rate / freq) + 1
-    samples_in_golden_pattern = samples_in_a_period + block_size
-    golden_x = numpy.linspace(0.0,
-                              (samples_in_golden_pattern - 1) * 1.0 / rate,
-                              samples_in_golden_pattern)
-    golden_y = numpy.sin(freq * 2.0 * numpy.pi * golden_x)
-    return golden_y
-def _moving_pattern_matching(golden_signal, test_signal, threshold):
-    """Checks if test_signal is similar to any block of golden_signal.
-    Compares test signal with each block of golden signal by correlation
-    index. If there is any block of golden signal that is similar to
-    test signal, then it is matched.
-    Args:
-        golden_signal: A 1-D array for golden signal.
-        test_signal: A 1-D array for test signal.
-        threshold: The threshold of correlation index to be judge as matched.
-    Returns:
-        True if there is a match. False otherwise.
-        ValueError: if test signal is longer than golden signal.
-    """
-    if len(golden_signal) < len(test_signal):
-        raise ValueError('Test signal is longer than golden signal')
-    block_length = len(test_signal)
-    number_of_movings = len(golden_signal) - block_length + 1
-    correlation_indices = []
-    for moving_index in range(number_of_movings):
-        # Cuts one block of golden signal from start index.
-        # The block length is the same as test signal.
-        start = moving_index
-        end = start + block_length
-        golden_signal_block = golden_signal[start:end]
-        try:
-            correlation_index = _get_correlation_index(golden_signal_block,
-                                                       test_signal)
-        except TestSignalNormTooSmallError:
-            logging.info(
-                'Caught one block of test signal that has no meaningful norm')
-            return False
-        correlation_indices.append(correlation_index)
-    # Checks if the maximum correlation index is high enough.
-    max_corr = max(correlation_indices)
-    if max_corr < threshold:
-        logging.debug('Got one unmatched block with max_corr: %s', max_corr)
-        return False
-    return True
-class GoldenSignalNormTooSmallError(Exception):
-    """Exception when golden signal norm is too small."""
-class TestSignalNormTooSmallError(Exception):
-    """Exception when test signal norm is too small."""
-def _get_correlation_index(golden_signal, test_signal):
-    """Computes correlation index of two signal of same length.
-    Args:
-        golden_signal: An 1-D array-like object.
-        test_signal: An 1-D array-like object.
-    Raises:
-        ValueError: if two signal have different lengths.
-        GoldenSignalNormTooSmallError: if golden signal norm is too small
-        TestSignalNormTooSmallError: if test signal norm is too small.
-    Returns:
-        The correlation index.
-    """
-    if len(golden_signal) != len(test_signal):
-        raise ValueError('Only accepts signal of same length: %s, %s' %
-                         (len(golden_signal), len(test_signal)))
-    norm_golden = numpy.linalg.norm(golden_signal)
-    norm_test = numpy.linalg.norm(test_signal)
-    if norm_golden <= _MINIMUM_SIGNAL_NORM:
-        raise GoldenSignalNormTooSmallError(
-            'No meaningful data as norm is too small.')
-    if norm_test <= _MINIMUM_SIGNAL_NORM:
-        raise TestSignalNormTooSmallError(
-            'No meaningful data as norm is too small.')
-    # The 'valid' cross correlation result of two signals of same length will
-    # contain only one number.
-    correlation = numpy.correlate(golden_signal, test_signal, 'valid')[0]
-    return correlation / (norm_golden * norm_test)
-def fundamental_freq(signal, rate):
-    """Return fundamental frequency of signal by finding max in freq domain.
-    """
-    dft = numpy.fft.rfft(signal)
-    fund_freq = rate * (numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(dft)) / len(signal))
-    return fund_freq
-def rms(array):
-    """Return the root mean square of array.
-    """
-    return numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(numpy.absolute(array)**2))
-def THDN(signal, rate, q, freq):
-    """Measure the THD+N for a signal and return the results.
-    Subtract mean to center signal around 0, remove fundamental frequency from
-    dft using notch filter and transform back into signal to get noise. Compute
-    ratio of RMS of noise signal to RMS of entire signal.
-    Args:
-        signal: array of values representing an audio signal.
-        rate: sample rate in Hz of the signal.
-        q: quality factor for the notch filter.
-        freq: fundamental frequency of the signal. All other frequencies
-            are noise. If not specified, will be calculated using FFT.
-    Returns:
-        THDN: THD+N ratio calculated from the ratio of RMS of pure harmonics
-            and noise signal to RMS of original signal.
-    """
-    # Normalize and window signal.
-    signal -= numpy.mean(signal)
-    windowed = signal * blackmanharris(len(signal))
-    # Find fundamental frequency to remove if not specified.
-    freq = freq or fundamental_freq(windowed, rate)
-    # Create notch filter to isolate noise.
-    w0 = freq / (rate / 2.0)
-    b, a = iirnotch(w0, q)
-    noise = lfilter(b, a, windowed)
-    # Calculate THD+N.
-    THDN = rms(noise) / rms(windowed)
-    return THDN
-def max_THDN(signal, rate, step_size, window_size, q, freq):
-    """Analyze signal with moving window and find maximum THD+N value.
-    Args:
-        signal: array representing the signal
-        rate: sample rate of the signal.
-        step_size: how many samples to move the window by for each analysis.
-        window_size: how many samples to analyze each time.
-        q: quality factor for the notch filter.
-        freq: fundamental frequency of the signal. All other frequencies
-            are noise. If not specified, will be calculated using FFT.
-    Returns:
-        greatest_THDN: the greatest THD+N value found across all windows
-    """
-    greatest_THDN = 0
-    cur = 0
-    while cur + window_size < len(signal):
-        window = signal[cur:cur + window_size]
-        res = THDN(window, rate, q, freq)
-        cur += step_size
-        if res > greatest_THDN:
-            greatest_THDN = res
-    return greatest_THDN
-def get_file_THDN(filename, q, freq=None):
-    """Get THD+N values for each channel of an audio file.
-    Args:
-        filename (str): path to the audio file.
-          (supported file types: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/#Features)
-        q (float): quality factor for the notch filter.
-        freq (int|float): fundamental frequency of the signal. All other
-            frequencies are noise. If None, will be calculated with FFT.
-    Returns:
-        channel_results (list): THD+N value for each channel's signal.
-            List index corresponds to channel index.
-    """
-    audio_file = soundfile.SoundFile(filename)
-    channel_results = []
-    if audio_file.channels == 1:
-        channel_results.append(
-            THDN(signal=audio_file.read(),
-                 rate=audio_file.samplerate,
-                 q=q,
-                 freq=freq))
-    else:
-        for ch_no, channel in enumerate(audio_file.read().transpose()):
-            channel_results.append(
-                THDN(signal=channel,
-                     rate=audio_file.samplerate,
-                     q=q,
-                     freq=freq))
-    return channel_results
-def get_file_max_THDN(filename, step_size, window_size, q, freq=None):
-    """Get max THD+N value across analysis windows for each channel of file.
-    Args:
-        filename (str): path to the audio file.
-          (supported file types: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/#Features)
-        step_size: how many samples to move the window by for each analysis.
-        window_size: how many samples to analyze each time.
-        q (float): quality factor for the notch filter.
-        freq (int|float): fundamental frequency of the signal. All other
-            frequencies are noise. If None, will be calculated with FFT.
-    Returns:
-        channel_results (list): max THD+N value for each channel's signal.
-            List index corresponds to channel index.
-    """
-    audio_file = soundfile.SoundFile(filename)
-    channel_results = []
-    if audio_file.channels == 1:
-        channel_results.append(
-            max_THDN(signal=audio_file.read(),
-                     rate=audio_file.samplerate,
-                     step_size=step_size,
-                     window_size=window_size,
-                     q=q,
-                     freq=freq))
-    else:
-        for ch_no, channel in enumerate(audio_file.read().transpose()):
-            channel_results.append(
-                max_THDN(signal=channel,
-                         rate=audio_file.samplerate,
-                         step_size=step_size,
-                         window_size=window_size,
-                         q=q,
-                         freq=freq))
-    return channel_results
-def get_file_anomaly_durations(filename,
-                               freq=None,
-                               block_size=ANOMALY_DETECTION_BLOCK_SIZE,
-                               threshold=PATTERN_MATCHING_THRESHOLD,
-                               tolerance=ANOMALY_GROUPING_TOLERANCE):
-    """Get durations of anomalies for each channel of audio file.
-    Args:
-        filename (str): path to the audio file.
-          (supported file types: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/#Features)
-        freq (int|float): fundamental frequency of the signal. All other
-            frequencies are noise. If None, will be calculated with FFT.
-        block_size (int): The block size in samples to detect anomaly.
-        threshold (float): The threshold of correlation index to be judge as
-            matched.
-        tolerance (float): The number of samples greater than block_size / 2
-            that the sample distance between two anomaly time values can be and
-            still be grouped as the same anomaly.
-    Returns:
-        channel_results (list): anomaly durations for each channel's signal.
-            List index corresponds to channel index.
-    """
-    audio_file = soundfile.SoundFile(filename)
-    signal = audio_file.read()
-    freq = freq or fundamental_freq(signal, audio_file.samplerate)
-    channel_results = []
-    if audio_file.channels == 1:
-        channel_results.append(
-            get_anomaly_durations(signal=signal,
-                                  rate=audio_file.samplerate,
-                                  freq=freq,
-                                  block_size=block_size,
-                                  threshold=threshold,
-                                  tolerance=tolerance))
-    else:
-        for ch_no, channel in enumerate(signal.transpose()):
-            channel_results.append(
-                get_anomaly_durations(signal=channel,
-                                      rate=audio_file.samplerate,
-                                      freq=freq,
-                                      block_size=block_size,
-                                      threshold=threshold,
-                                      tolerance=tolerance))
-    return channel_results
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/audio_data.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/audio_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b74730..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/audio_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This module provides abstraction of audio data."""
-import numpy
-"""The dict containing information on how to parse sample from raw data.
-Keys: The sample format as in aplay command.
-Values: A dict containing:
-    message: Human-readable sample format.
-    dtype_str: Data type used in numpy dtype.  Check
-               https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.dtypes.html
-               for supported data type.
-    size_bytes: Number of bytes for one sample.
-    S32_LE=dict(message='Signed 32-bit integer, little-endian',
-                dtype_str='<i',
-                size_bytes=4),
-    S16_LE=dict(message='Signed 16-bit integer, little-endian',
-                dtype_str='<i',
-                size_bytes=2))
-def get_maximum_value_from_sample_format(sample_format):
-    """Gets the maximum value from sample format.
-    Args:
-        sample_format: A key in SAMPLE_FORMAT.
-    Returns:The maximum value the sample can hold + 1.
-    """
-    size_bits = SAMPLE_FORMATS[sample_format]['size_bytes'] * 8
-    return 1 << (size_bits - 1)
-class AudioRawDataError(Exception):
-    """Error in AudioRawData."""
-class AudioRawData(object):
-    """The abstraction of audio raw data.
-    @property channel: The number of channels.
-    @property channel_data: A list of lists containing samples in each channel.
-                            E.g., The third sample in the second channel is
-                            channel_data[1][2].
-    @property sample_format: The sample format which should be one of the keys
-                             in audio_data.SAMPLE_FORMATS.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, binary, channel, sample_format):
-        """Initializes an AudioRawData.
-        Args:
-            binary: A string containing binary data. If binary is not None,
-                       The samples in binary will be parsed and be filled into
-                       channel_data.
-            channel: The number of channels.
-            sample_format: One of the keys in audio_data.SAMPLE_FORMATS.
-        """
-        self.channel = channel
-        self.channel_data = [[] for _ in range(self.channel)]
-        self.sample_format = sample_format
-        if binary:
-            self.read_binary(binary)
-    def read_binary(self, binary):
-        """Reads samples from binary and fills channel_data.
-        Reads samples of fixed width from binary string into a numpy array
-        and shapes them into each channel.
-        Args:
-            binary: A string containing binary data.
-        """
-        sample_format_dict = SAMPLE_FORMATS[self.sample_format]
-        # The data type used in numpy fromstring function. For example,
-        # <i4 for 32-bit signed int.
-        np_dtype = '%s%d' % (sample_format_dict['dtype_str'],
-                             sample_format_dict['size_bytes'])
-        # Reads data from a string into 1-D array.
-        np_array = numpy.fromstring(binary, dtype=np_dtype)
-        n_frames = len(np_array) / self.channel
-        # Reshape np_array into an array of shape (n_frames, channel).
-        np_array = np_array.reshape(int(n_frames), self.channel)
-        # Transpose np_arrya so it becomes of shape (channel, n_frames).
-        self.channel_data = np_array.transpose()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/audio_quality_measurement.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/audio_quality_measurement.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5287b29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/audio_quality_measurement.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,927 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This module provides utilities to detect some artifacts and measure the
-    quality of audio."""
-import logging
-import math
-import numpy
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.audio_analysis as audio_analysis
-# The input signal should be one sine wave with fixed frequency which
-# can have silence before and/or after sine wave.
-# For example:
-#   silence      sine wave      silence
-#  -----------|VVVVVVVVVVVVV|-----------
-#     (a)           (b)           (c)
-# This module detects these artifacts:
-#   1. Detect noise in (a) and (c).
-#   2. Detect delay in (b).
-#   3. Detect burst in (b).
-# Assume the transitions between (a)(b) and (b)(c) are smooth and
-# amplitude increases/decreases linearly.
-# This module will detect artifacts in the sine wave.
-# This module also estimates the equivalent noise level by teager operator.
-# This module also detects volume changes in the sine wave. However, volume
-# changes may be affected by delay or burst.
-# Some artifacts may cause each other.
-# In this module, amplitude and frequency are derived from Hilbert transform.
-# Both amplitude and frequency are a function of time.
-# To detect each artifact, each point will be compared with
-# average amplitude of its block. The block size will be 1.5 ms.
-# Using average amplitude can mitigate the error caused by
-# Hilbert transform and noise.
-# In some case, for more accuracy, the block size may be modified
-# to other values.
-# If the difference between average frequency of this block and
-# dominant frequency of full signal is less than 0.5 times of
-# dominant frequency, this block is considered to be within the
-# sine wave. In most cases, if there is no sine wave(only noise),
-# average frequency will be much greater than 5 times of
-# dominant frequency.
-# Also, for delay during playback, the frequency will be about 0
-# in perfect situation or much greater than 5 times of dominant
-# frequency if it's noised.
-# If the amplitude of some sample is less than 0.6 times of the
-# average amplitude of its left/right block, it will be considered
-# as a delay during playing.
-# If the average amplitude of the block before or after playing
-# is more than 0.5 times to the average amplitude of the wave,
-# it will be considered as a noise artifact.
-# In the sine wave, if the amplitude is more than 1.4 times of
-# its left side and its right side, it will be considered as
-# a burst.
-# When detecting burst, if the amplitude is lower than 0.5 times
-# average amplitude, we ignore it.
-# For a signal which is the combination of sine wave with fixed frequency f and
-# amplitude 1 and standard noise with amplitude k, the average teager value is
-# nearly linear to the noise level k.
-# Given frequency f, we simulate a sine wave with default noise level and
-# calculate its average teager value. Then, we can estimate the equivalent
-# noise level of input signal by the average teager value of input signal.
-# For delay, burst, volume increasing/decreasing, if two delay(
-# burst, volume increasing/decreasing) happen within
-# DEFAULT_SAME_EVENT_SECS seconds, we consider they are the
-# same event.
-# When detecting increasing/decreasing volume of signal, if the amplitude
-# is lower than 0.1 times average amplitude, we ignore it.
-# If average amplitude of right block is less/more than average
-# amplitude of left block times DEFAULT_VOLUME_CHANGE_AMPLITUDE, it will be
-# considered as decreasing/increasing on volume.
-# If the increasing/decreasing volume event is too close to the start or the end
-# of sine wave, we consider its volume change as part of rising/falling phase in
-# the start/end.
-# After applying Hilbert transform, the resulting amplitude and frequency may be
-# extremely large in the start and/or the end part. Thus, we will append zeros
-# before and after the whole wave for 0.1 secs.
-# If the noise event is too close to the start or the end of the data, we
-# consider its noise as part of artifacts caused by edge effect of Hilbert
-# transform.
-# For example, originally, the data duration is 10 seconds.
-# We append 0.1 seconds of zeros in the beginning and the end of the data, so
-# the data becomes 10.2 seocnds long.
-# Then, we apply Hilbert transform to 10.2 seconds of data.
-# Near 0.1 seconds and 10.1 seconds, there will be edge effect of Hilbert
-# transform. We do not want these be treated as noise.
-# If NEAR_DATA_START_OR_END_SECS is set to 0.01, then the noise happened
-# at [0, 0.11] and [10.09, 10.1] will be ignored.
-# If the noise event is too close to the start or the end of the sine wave in
-# the data, we consider its noise as part of artifacts caused by edge effect of
-# Hilbert transform.
-# A |-------------|vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv|-------------|
-# B |ooooooooo| d |                       | d |ooooooooo|
-# A is full signal. It contains a sine wave and silence before and after sine
-# wave.
-# In B, |oooo| shows the parts that we are going to check for noise before/after
-# sine wave. | d | is determined by NEAR_SINE_START_OR_END_SECS.
-class SineWaveNotFound(Exception):
-    """Error when there's no sine wave found in the signal"""
-def hilbert(x):
-    """Hilbert transform copied from scipy.
-    More information can be found here:
-    http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.hilbert.html
-    Args:
-        x: Real signal data to transform.
-    Returns:
-        Analytic signal of x, we can further extract amplitude and
-              frequency from it.
-    """
-    x = numpy.asarray(x)
-    if numpy.iscomplexobj(x):
-        raise ValueError("x must be real.")
-    axis = -1
-    N = x.shape[axis]
-    if N <= 0:
-        raise ValueError("N must be positive.")
-    Xf = numpy.fft.fft(x, N, axis=axis)
-    h = numpy.zeros(N)
-    if N % 2 == 0:
-        h[0] = h[N // 2] = 1
-        h[1:N // 2] = 2
-    else:
-        h[0] = 1
-        h[1:(N + 1) // 2] = 2
-    if len(x.shape) > 1:
-        ind = [newaxis] * x.ndim
-        ind[axis] = slice(None)
-        h = h[ind]
-    x = numpy.fft.ifft(Xf * h, axis=axis)
-    return x
-def noised_sine_wave(frequency, rate, noise_level):
-    """Generates a sine wave of 2 second with specified noise level.
-    Args:
-        frequency: Frequency of sine wave.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        noise_level: Required noise level.
-    Returns:
-        A sine wave with specified noise level.
-    """
-    wave = []
-    for index in range(0, rate * 2):
-        sample = 2.0 * math.pi * frequency * float(index) / float(rate)
-        sine_wave = math.sin(sample)
-        noise = noise_level * numpy.random.standard_normal()
-        wave.append(sine_wave + noise)
-    return wave
-def average_teager_value(wave, amplitude):
-    """Computes the normalized average teager value.
-    After averaging the teager value, we will normalize the value by
-    dividing square of amplitude.
-    Args:
-        wave: Wave to apply teager operator.
-        amplitude: Average amplitude of given wave.
-    Returns:
-        Average teager value.
-    """
-    teager_value, length = 0, len(wave)
-    for i in range(1, length - 1):
-        ith_teager_value = abs(wave[i] * wave[i] - wave[i - 1] * wave[i + 1])
-        ith_teager_value *= max(1, abs(wave[i]))
-        teager_value += ith_teager_value
-    teager_value = (float(teager_value) / length) / (amplitude**2)
-    return teager_value
-def noise_level(amplitude, frequency, rate, teager_value_of_input):
-    """Computes the noise level compared with standard_noise.
-    For a signal which is the combination of sine wave with fixed frequency f
-    and amplitude 1 and standard noise with amplitude k, the average teager
-    value is nearly linear to the noise level k.
-    Thus, we can compute the average teager value of a sine wave with
-    standard_noise. Then, we can estimate the noise level of given input.
-    Args:
-        amplitude: Amplitude of input audio.
-        frequency: Dominant frequency of input audio.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        teager_value_of_input: Average teager value of input audio.
-    Returns:
-        A float value denotes the audio is equivalent to have how many times of
-            noise compared with its amplitude.For example, 0.02 denotes that the
-            wave has a noise which has standard distribution with standard
-            deviation being 0.02 times the amplitude of the wave.
-    """
-    standard_noise = DEFAULT_STANDARD_NOISE
-    # Generates the standard sine wave with stdandard_noise level of noise.
-    standard_wave = noised_sine_wave(frequency, rate, standard_noise)
-    # Calculates the average teager value.
-    teager_value_of_std_wave = average_teager_value(standard_wave, amplitude)
-    return (teager_value_of_input / teager_value_of_std_wave) * standard_noise
-def error(f1, f2):
-    """Calculates the relative error between f1 and f2.
-    Args:
-        f1: Exact value.
-        f2: Test value.
-    Returns:
-        Relative error between f1 and f2.
-    """
-    return abs(float(f1) - float(f2)) / float(f1)
-def hilbert_analysis(signal, rate, block_size):
-    """Finds amplitude and frequency of each time of signal by Hilbert transform.
-    Args:
-        signal: The wave to analyze.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        block_size: The size of block to transform.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple of list: (amplitude, frequency) composed of amplitude and
-            frequency of each time.
-    """
-    # To apply Hilbert transform, the wave will be transformed
-    # segment by segment. For each segment, its size will be
-    # block_size and we will only take middle part of it.
-    # Thus, each segment looks like: |-----|=====|=====|-----|.
-    # "=...=" part will be taken while "-...-" part will be ignored.
-    #
-    # The whole size of taken part will be half of block_size
-    # which will be hilbert_block.
-    # The size of each ignored part will be half of hilbert_block
-    # which will be half_hilbert_block.
-    hilbert_block = block_size // 2
-    half_hilbert_block = hilbert_block // 2
-    # As mentioned above, for each block, we will only take middle
-    # part of it. Thus, the whole transformation will be completed as:
-    # |=====|=====|-----|           |-----|=====|=====|-----|
-    #       |-----|=====|=====|-----|           |-----|=====|=====|
-    #                   |-----|=====|=====|-----|
-    # Specially, beginning and ending part may not have ignored part.
-    length = len(signal)
-    result = []
-    for left_border in range(0, length, hilbert_block):
-        right_border = min(length, left_border + hilbert_block)
-        temp_left_border = max(0, left_border - half_hilbert_block)
-        temp_right_border = min(length, right_border + half_hilbert_block)
-        temp = hilbert(signal[temp_left_border:temp_right_border])
-        for index in range(left_border, right_border):
-            result.append(temp[index - temp_left_border])
-    result = numpy.asarray(result)
-    amplitude = numpy.abs(result)
-    phase = numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(result))
-    frequency = numpy.diff(phase) / (2.0 * numpy.pi) * rate
-    #frequency.append(frequency[len(frequency)-1])
-    frequecny = numpy.append(frequency, frequency[len(frequency) - 1])
-    return (amplitude, frequency)
-def find_block_average_value(arr, side_block_size, block_size):
-    """For each index, finds average value of its block, left block, right block.
-    It will find average value for each index in the range.
-    For each index, the range of its block is
-        [max(0, index - block_size / 2), min(length - 1, index + block_size / 2)]
-    For each index, the range of its left block is
-        [max(0, index - size_block_size), index]
-    For each index, the range of its right block is
-        [index, min(length - 1, index + side_block_size)]
-    Args:
-        arr: The array to be computed.
-        side_block_size: the size of the left_block and right_block.
-        block_size: the size of the block.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple of lists: (left_block_average_array,
-                                 right_block_average_array,
-                                 block_average_array)
-    """
-    length = len(arr)
-    left_border, right_border = 0, 1
-    left_block_sum = arr[0]
-    right_block_sum = arr[0]
-    left_average_array = numpy.zeros(length)
-    right_average_array = numpy.zeros(length)
-    block_average_array = numpy.zeros(length)
-    for index in range(0, length):
-        while left_border < index - side_block_size:
-            left_block_sum -= arr[left_border]
-            left_border += 1
-        while right_border < min(length, index + side_block_size):
-            right_block_sum += arr[right_border]
-            right_border += 1
-        left_average_value = float(left_block_sum) / (index - left_border + 1)
-        right_average_value = float(right_block_sum) / (right_border - index)
-        left_average_array[index] = left_average_value
-        right_average_array[index] = right_average_value
-        if index + 1 < length:
-            left_block_sum += arr[index + 1]
-        right_block_sum -= arr[index]
-    left_border, right_border = 0, 1
-    block_sum = 0
-    for index in range(0, length):
-        while left_border < index - block_size / 2:
-            block_sum -= arr[left_border]
-            left_border += 1
-        while right_border < min(length, index + block_size / 2):
-            block_sum += arr[right_border]
-            right_border += 1
-        average_value = float(block_sum) / (right_border - left_border)
-        block_average_array[index] = average_value
-    return (left_average_array, right_average_array, block_average_array)
-def find_start_end_index(dominant_frequency, block_frequency_delta, block_size,
-                         frequency_error_threshold):
-    """Finds start and end index of sine wave.
-    For each block with size of block_size, we check that whether its frequency
-    is close enough to the dominant_frequency. If yes, we will consider this
-    block to be within the sine wave.
-    Then, it will return the start and end index of sine wave indicating that
-    sine wave is between [start_index, end_index)
-    It's okay if the whole signal only contains sine wave.
-    Args:
-        dominant_frequency: Dominant frequency of signal.
-        block_frequency_delta: Average absolute difference between dominant
-                                  frequency and frequency of each block. For
-                                  each index, its block is
-                                  [max(0, index - block_size / 2),
-                                   min(length - 1, index + block_size / 2)]
-        block_size: Block size in samples.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple composed of (start_index, end_index)
-    """
-    length = len(block_frequency_delta)
-    # Finds the start/end time index of playing based on dominant frequency
-    start_index, end_index = length - 1, 0
-    for index in range(0, length):
-        left_border = max(0, index - block_size / 2)
-        right_border = min(length - 1, index + block_size / 2)
-        frequency_error = block_frequency_delta[index] / dominant_frequency
-        if frequency_error < frequency_error_threshold:
-            start_index = min(start_index, left_border)
-            end_index = max(end_index, right_border + 1)
-    return (start_index, end_index)
-def noise_detection(start_index, end_index, block_amplitude, average_amplitude,
-                    rate, noise_amplitude_threshold):
-    """Detects noise before/after sine wave.
-    If average amplitude of some sample's block before start of wave or after
-    end of wave is more than average_amplitude times noise_amplitude_threshold,
-    it will be considered as a noise.
-    Args:
-        start_index: Start index of sine wave.
-        end_index: End index of sine wave.
-        block_amplitude: An array for average amplitude of each block, where
-                            amplitude is computed from Hilbert transform.
-        average_amplitude: Average amplitude of sine wave.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        noise_amplitude_threshold: If the average amplitude of a block is
-                        higher than average amplitude of the wave times
-                        noise_amplitude_threshold, it will be considered as
-                        noise before/after playback.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple of lists indicating the time that noise happens:
-            (noise_before_playing, noise_after_playing).
-    """
-    length = len(block_amplitude)
-    amplitude_threshold = average_amplitude * noise_amplitude_threshold
-    same_event_samples = rate * DEFAULT_SAME_EVENT_SECS
-    # Detects noise before playing.
-    noise_time_point = []
-    last_noise_end_time_point = []
-    previous_noise_index = None
-    times = 0
-    for index in range(0, length):
-        # Ignore noise too close to the beginning or the end of sine wave.
-        # Check the docstring of NEAR_SINE_START_OR_END_SECS.
-        if ((start_index - rate * NEAR_SINE_START_OR_END_SECS) <= index
-                and (index < end_index + rate * NEAR_SINE_START_OR_END_SECS)):
-            continue
-        # Ignore noise too close to the beginning or the end of original data.
-        # Check the docstring of NEAR_DATA_START_OR_END_SECS.
-        if (float(index) / rate <=
-            continue
-        if (float(length - index) / rate <=
-            continue
-        if block_amplitude[index] > amplitude_threshold:
-            same_event = False
-            if previous_noise_index:
-                same_event = (index -
-                              previous_noise_index) < same_event_samples
-            if not same_event:
-                index_start_sec = float(index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-                index_end_sec = float(index + 1) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-                noise_time_point.append(index_start_sec)
-                last_noise_end_time_point.append(index_end_sec)
-                times += 1
-            index_end_sec = float(index + 1) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-            last_noise_end_time_point[times - 1] = index_end_sec
-            previous_noise_index = index
-    noise_before_playing, noise_after_playing = [], []
-    for i in range(times):
-        duration = last_noise_end_time_point[i] - noise_time_point[i]
-        if noise_time_point[i] < float(start_index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS:
-            noise_before_playing.append((noise_time_point[i], duration))
-        else:
-            noise_after_playing.append((noise_time_point[i], duration))
-    return (noise_before_playing, noise_after_playing)
-def delay_detection(start_index, end_index, block_amplitude, average_amplitude,
-                    dominant_frequency, rate, left_block_amplitude,
-                    right_block_amplitude, block_frequency_delta,
-                    delay_amplitude_threshold, frequency_error_threshold):
-    """Detects delay during playing.
-    For each sample, we will check whether the average amplitude of its block
-    is less than average amplitude of its left block and its right block times
-    delay_amplitude_threshold. Also, we will check whether the frequency of
-    its block is far from the dominant frequency.
-    If at least one constraint fulfilled, it will be considered as a delay.
-    Args:
-        start_index: Start index of sine wave.
-        end_index: End index of sine wave.
-        block_amplitude: An array for average amplitude of each block, where
-                            amplitude is computed from Hilbert transform.
-        average_amplitude: Average amplitude of sine wave.
-        dominant_frequency: Dominant frequency of signal.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        left_block_amplitude: Average amplitude of left block of each index.
-                                Ref to find_block_average_value function.
-        right_block_amplitude: Average amplitude of right block of each index.
-                                Ref to find_block_average_value function.
-        block_frequency_delta: Average absolute difference frequency to
-                                dominant frequency of block of each index.
-                                Ref to find_block_average_value function.
-        delay_amplitude_threshold: If the average amplitude of a block is
-                        lower than average amplitude of the wave times
-                        delay_amplitude_threshold, it will be considered
-                        as delay.
-        frequency_error_threshold: Ref to DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_ERROR
-    Returns:
-        List of delay occurrence:
-                [(time_1, duration_1), (time_2, duration_2), ...],
-              where time and duration are in seconds.
-    """
-    delay_time_points = []
-    last_delay_end_time_points = []
-    previous_delay_index = None
-    times = 0
-    same_event_samples = rate * DEFAULT_SAME_EVENT_SECS
-    start_time = float(start_index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-    end_time = float(end_index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-    for index in range(int(start_index), int(end_index)):
-        if block_amplitude[
-                index] > average_amplitude * delay_amplitude_threshold:
-            continue
-        now_time = float(index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-        if abs(now_time - start_time) < NEAR_START_OR_END_SECS:
-            continue
-        if abs(now_time - end_time) < NEAR_START_OR_END_SECS:
-            continue
-        # If amplitude less than its left/right side and small enough,
-        # it will be considered as a delay.
-        amp_threshold = average_amplitude * delay_amplitude_threshold
-        left_threshold = delay_amplitude_threshold * left_block_amplitude[index]
-        amp_threshold = min(amp_threshold, left_threshold)
-        right_threshold = delay_amplitude_threshold * right_block_amplitude[
-            index]
-        amp_threshold = min(amp_threshold, right_threshold)
-        frequency_error = block_frequency_delta[index] / dominant_frequency
-        amplitude_too_small = block_amplitude[index] < amp_threshold
-        frequency_not_match = frequency_error > frequency_error_threshold
-        if amplitude_too_small or frequency_not_match:
-            same_event = False
-            if previous_delay_index:
-                same_event = (index -
-                              previous_delay_index) < same_event_samples
-            if not same_event:
-                index_start_sec = float(index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-                index_end_sec = float(index + 1) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-                delay_time_points.append(index_start_sec)
-                last_delay_end_time_points.append(index_end_sec)
-                times += 1
-            previous_delay_index = index
-            index_end_sec = float(index + 1) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS
-            last_delay_end_time_points[times - 1] = index_end_sec
-    delay_list = []
-    for i in range(len(delay_time_points)):
-        duration = last_delay_end_time_points[i] - delay_time_points[i]
-        delay_list.append((delay_time_points[i], duration))
-    return delay_list
-def burst_detection(start_index, end_index, block_amplitude, average_amplitude,
-                    dominant_frequency, rate, left_block_amplitude,
-                    right_block_amplitude, block_frequency_delta,
-                    burst_amplitude_threshold, frequency_error_threshold):
-    """Detects burst during playing.
-    For each sample, we will check whether the average amplitude of its block is
-    more than average amplitude of its left block and its right block times
-    burst_amplitude_threshold. Also, we will check whether the frequency of
-    its block is not compatible to the dominant frequency.
-    If at least one constraint fulfilled, it will be considered as a burst.
-    Args:
-        start_index: Start index of sine wave.
-        end_index: End index of sine wave.
-        block_amplitude: An array for average amplitude of each block, where
-                            amplitude is computed from Hilbert transform.
-        average_amplitude: Average amplitude of sine wave.
-        dominant_frequency: Dominant frequency of signal.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        left_block_amplitude: Average amplitude of left block of each index.
-                                Ref to find_block_average_value function.
-        right_block_amplitude: Average amplitude of right block of each index.
-                                Ref to find_block_average_value function.
-        block_frequency_delta: Average absolute difference frequency to
-                                dominant frequency of block of each index.
-        burst_amplitude_threshold: If the amplitude is higher than average
-                            amplitude of its left block and its right block
-                            times burst_amplitude_threshold. It will be
-                            considered as a burst.
-        frequency_error_threshold: Ref to DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_ERROR
-    Returns:
-        List of burst occurence: [time_1, time_2, ...],
-              where time is in seconds.
-    """
-    burst_time_points = []
-    previous_burst_index = None
-    same_event_samples = rate * DEFAULT_SAME_EVENT_SECS
-    for index in range(int(start_index), int(end_index)):
-        # If amplitude higher than its left/right side and large enough,
-        # it will be considered as a burst.
-        if block_amplitude[
-                index] <= average_amplitude * DEFAULT_BURST_TOO_SMALL:
-            continue
-        if abs(index - start_index) < rate * NEAR_START_OR_END_SECS:
-            continue
-        if abs(index - end_index) < rate * NEAR_START_OR_END_SECS:
-            continue
-        amp_threshold = average_amplitude * DEFAULT_BURST_TOO_SMALL
-        left_threshold = burst_amplitude_threshold * left_block_amplitude[index]
-        amp_threshold = max(amp_threshold, left_threshold)
-        right_threshold = burst_amplitude_threshold * right_block_amplitude[
-            index]
-        amp_threshold = max(amp_threshold, right_threshold)
-        frequency_error = block_frequency_delta[index] / dominant_frequency
-        amplitude_too_large = block_amplitude[index] > amp_threshold
-        frequency_not_match = frequency_error > frequency_error_threshold
-        if amplitude_too_large or frequency_not_match:
-            same_event = False
-            if previous_burst_index:
-                same_event = index - previous_burst_index < same_event_samples
-            if not same_event:
-                burst_time_points.append(
-                    float(index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS)
-            previous_burst_index = index
-    return burst_time_points
-def changing_volume_detection(start_index, end_index, average_amplitude, rate,
-                              left_block_amplitude, right_block_amplitude,
-                              volume_changing_amplitude_threshold):
-    """Finds volume changing during playback.
-    For each index, we will compare average amplitude of its left block and its
-    right block. If average amplitude of right block is more than average
-    amplitude of left block times (1 + DEFAULT_VOLUME_CHANGE_AMPLITUDE), it will
-    be considered as an increasing volume. If the one of right block is less
-    than that of left block times (1 - DEFAULT_VOLUME_CHANGE_AMPLITUDE), it will
-    be considered as a decreasing volume.
-    Args:
-        start_index: Start index of sine wave.
-        end_index: End index of sine wave.
-        average_amplitude: Average amplitude of sine wave.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        left_block_amplitude: Average amplitude of left block of each index.
-                                Ref to find_block_average_value function.
-        right_block_amplitude: Average amplitude of right block of each index.
-                                Ref to find_block_average_value function.
-        volume_changing_amplitude_threshold: If the average amplitude of right
-                                                block is higher or lower than
-                                                that of left one times this
-                                                value, it will be considered as
-                                                a volume change.
-                                                Also refer to
-                                                DEFAULT_VOLUME_CHANGE_AMPLITUDE
-    Returns:
-        List of volume changing composed of 1 for increasing and -1 for
-            decreasing.
-    """
-    length = len(left_block_amplitude)
-    # Detects rising and/or falling volume.
-    previous_rising_index, previous_falling_index = None, None
-    changing_time = []
-    changing_events = []
-    amplitude_threshold = average_amplitude * DEFAULT_VOLUME_CHANGE_TOO_SMALL
-    same_event_samples = rate * DEFAULT_SAME_EVENT_SECS
-    for index in range(int(start_index), int(end_index)):
-        # Skips if amplitude is too small.
-        if left_block_amplitude[index] < amplitude_threshold:
-            continue
-        if right_block_amplitude[index] < amplitude_threshold:
-            continue
-        # Skips if changing is from start or end time
-        if float(abs(start_index - index)) / rate < NEAR_START_OR_END_SECS:
-            continue
-        if float(abs(end_index - index)) / rate < NEAR_START_OR_END_SECS:
-            continue
-        delta_margin = volume_changing_amplitude_threshold
-        if left_block_amplitude[index] > 0:
-            delta_margin *= left_block_amplitude[index]
-        increasing_threshold = left_block_amplitude[index] + delta_margin
-        decreasing_threshold = left_block_amplitude[index] - delta_margin
-        if right_block_amplitude[index] > increasing_threshold:
-            same_event = False
-            if previous_rising_index:
-                same_event = index - previous_rising_index < same_event_samples
-            if not same_event:
-                changing_time.append(float(index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS)
-                changing_events.append(+1)
-            previous_rising_index = index
-        if right_block_amplitude[index] < decreasing_threshold:
-            same_event = False
-            if previous_falling_index:
-                same_event = index - previous_falling_index < same_event_samples
-            if not same_event:
-                changing_time.append(float(index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS)
-                changing_events.append(-1)
-            previous_falling_index = index
-    # Combines consecutive increasing/decreasing event.
-    combined_changing_events, prev = [], 0
-    for i in range(len(changing_events)):
-        if changing_events[i] == prev:
-            continue
-        combined_changing_events.append((changing_time[i], changing_events[i]))
-        prev = changing_events[i]
-    return combined_changing_events
-def quality_measurement(
-        signal,
-        rate,
-        dominant_frequency=None,
-        block_size_secs=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE_SECS,
-        frequency_error_threshold=DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_ERROR,
-        delay_amplitude_threshold=DEFAULT_DELAY_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD,
-        noise_amplitude_threshold=DEFAULT_NOISE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD,
-        burst_amplitude_threshold=DEFAULT_BURST_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD,
-        volume_changing_amplitude_threshold=DEFAULT_VOLUME_CHANGE_AMPLITUDE):
-    """Detects several artifacts and estimates the noise level.
-    This method detects artifact before playing, after playing, and delay
-    during playing. Also, it estimates the noise level of the signal.
-    To avoid the influence of noise, it calculates amplitude and frequency
-    block by block.
-    Args:
-        signal: A list of numbers for one-channel PCM data. The data should
-                   be normalized to [-1,1].
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        dominant_frequency: Dominant frequency of signal. Set None to
-                               recalculate the frequency in this function.
-        block_size_secs: Block size in seconds. The measurement will be done
-                            block-by-block using average amplitude and frequency
-                            in each block to avoid noise.
-        frequency_error_threshold: Ref to DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_ERROR.
-        delay_amplitude_threshold: If the average amplitude of a block is
-                                      lower than average amplitude of the wave
-                                      times delay_amplitude_threshold, it will
-                                      be considered as delay.
-                                      Also refer to delay_detection and
-                                      DEFAULT_DELAY_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD.
-        noise_amplitude_threshold: If the average amplitude of a block is
-                                      higher than average amplitude of the wave
-                                      times noise_amplitude_threshold, it will
-                                      be considered as noise before/after
-                                      playback.
-                                      Also refer to noise_detection and
-                                      DEFAULT_NOISE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD.
-        burst_amplitude_threshold: If the average amplitude of a block is
-                                      higher than average amplitude of its left
-                                      block and its right block times
-                                      burst_amplitude_threshold. It will be
-                                      considered as a burst.
-                                      Also refer to burst_detection and
-                                      DEFAULT_BURST_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD.
-        volume_changing_amplitude_threshold: If the average amplitude of right
-                                                block is higher or lower than
-                                                that of left one times this
-                                                value, it will be considered as
-                                                a volume change.
-                                                Also refer to
-                                                changing_volume_detection and
-                                                DEFAULT_VOLUME_CHANGE_AMPLITUDE
-    Returns:
-        A dictoinary of detection/estimation:
-              {'artifacts':
-                {'noise_before_playback':
-                    [(time_1, duration_1), (time_2, duration_2), ...],
-                 'noise_after_playback':
-                    [(time_1, duration_1), (time_2, duration_2), ...],
-                 'delay_during_playback':
-                    [(time_1, duration_1), (time_2, duration_2), ...],
-                 'burst_during_playback':
-                    [time_1, time_2, ...]
-                },
-               'volume_changes':
-                 [(time_1, flag_1), (time_2, flag_2), ...],
-               'equivalent_noise_level': level
-              }
-              where durations and time points are in seconds. And,
-              equivalence_noise_level is the quotient of noise and wave which
-              refers to DEFAULT_STANDARD_NOISE. volume_changes is a list of
-              tuples containing time stamps and decreasing/increasing flags for
-              volume change events.
-    """
-    # Calculates the block size, from seconds to samples.
-    block_size = int(block_size_secs * rate)
-    signal = numpy.concatenate(
-        (numpy.zeros(int(rate * APPEND_ZEROS_SECS)), signal,
-         numpy.zeros(int(rate * APPEND_ZEROS_SECS))))
-    signal = numpy.array(signal, dtype=float)
-    length = len(signal)
-    # Calculates the amplitude and frequency.
-    amplitude, frequency = hilbert_analysis(signal, rate, block_size)
-    # Finds the dominant frequency.
-    if not dominant_frequency:
-        dominant_frequency = audio_analysis.spectral_analysis(signal,
-                                                              rate)[0][0]
-    # Finds the array which contains absolute difference between dominant
-    # frequency and frequency at each time point.
-    frequency_delta = abs(frequency - dominant_frequency)
-    # Computes average amplitude of each type of block
-    res = find_block_average_value(amplitude, block_size * 2, block_size)
-    left_block_amplitude, right_block_amplitude, block_amplitude = res
-    # Computes average absolute difference of frequency and dominant frequency
-    # of the block of each index
-    _, _, block_frequency_delta = find_block_average_value(
-        frequency_delta, block_size * 2, block_size)
-    # Finds start and end index of sine wave.
-    start_index, end_index = find_start_end_index(dominant_frequency,
-                                                  block_frequency_delta,
-                                                  block_size,
-                                                  frequency_error_threshold)
-    if start_index > end_index:
-        raise SineWaveNotFound('No sine wave found in signal')
-    logging.debug('Found sine wave: start: %s, end: %s',
-                  float(start_index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS,
-                  float(end_index) / rate - APPEND_ZEROS_SECS)
-    sum_of_amplitude = float(sum(amplitude[int(start_index):int(end_index)]))
-    # Finds average amplitude of sine wave.
-    average_amplitude = sum_of_amplitude / (end_index - start_index)
-    # Finds noise before and/or after playback.
-    noise_before_playing, noise_after_playing = noise_detection(
-        start_index, end_index, block_amplitude, average_amplitude, rate,
-        noise_amplitude_threshold)
-    # Finds delay during playback.
-    delays = delay_detection(start_index, end_index, block_amplitude,
-                             average_amplitude, dominant_frequency, rate,
-                             left_block_amplitude, right_block_amplitude,
-                             block_frequency_delta, delay_amplitude_threshold,
-                             frequency_error_threshold)
-    # Finds burst during playback.
-    burst_time_points = burst_detection(
-        start_index, end_index, block_amplitude, average_amplitude,
-        dominant_frequency, rate, left_block_amplitude, right_block_amplitude,
-        block_frequency_delta, burst_amplitude_threshold,
-        frequency_error_threshold)
-    # Finds volume changing during playback.
-    volume_changes = changing_volume_detection(
-        start_index, end_index, average_amplitude, rate, left_block_amplitude,
-        right_block_amplitude, volume_changing_amplitude_threshold)
-    # Calculates the average teager value.
-    teager_value = average_teager_value(
-        signal[int(start_index):int(end_index)], average_amplitude)
-    # Finds out the noise level.
-    noise = noise_level(average_amplitude, dominant_frequency, rate,
-                        teager_value)
-    return {
-        'artifacts': {
-            'noise_before_playback': noise_before_playing,
-            'noise_after_playback': noise_after_playing,
-            'delay_during_playback': delays,
-            'burst_during_playback': burst_time_points
-        },
-        'volume_changes': volume_changes,
-        'equivalent_noise_level': noise
-    }
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/check_quality.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/check_quality.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 755d007..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/audio_analysis_lib/check_quality.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Audio Analysis tool to analyze wave file and detect artifacts."""
-import collections
-import json
-import logging
-import numpy
-import pprint
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import wave
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.audio_analysis as audio_analysis
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.audio_data as audio_data
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.audio_quality_measurement as \
- audio_quality_measurement
-# Holder for quality parameters used in audio_quality_measurement module.
-QualityParams = collections.namedtuple('QualityParams', [
-    'block_size_secs', 'frequency_error_threshold',
-    'delay_amplitude_threshold', 'noise_amplitude_threshold',
-    'burst_amplitude_threshold'
-class WaveFileException(Exception):
-    """Error in WaveFile."""
-class WaveFormatExtensibleException(Exception):
-    """Wave file is in WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE format which is not supported."""
-class WaveFile(object):
-    """Class which handles wave file reading.
-    Properties:
-        raw_data: audio_data.AudioRawData object for data in wave file.
-        rate: sampling rate.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename):
-        """Inits a wave file.
-        Args:
-            filename: file name of the wave file.
-        """
-        self.raw_data = None
-        self.rate = None
-        self._wave_reader = None
-        self._n_channels = None
-        self._sample_width_bits = None
-        self._n_frames = None
-        self._binary = None
-        try:
-            self._read_wave_file(filename)
-        except WaveFormatExtensibleException:
-            logging.warning(
-                'WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE is not supproted. '
-                'Try command "sox in.wav -t wavpcm out.wav" to convert '
-                'the file to WAVE_FORMAT_PCM format.')
-            self._convert_and_read_wav_file(filename)
-    def _convert_and_read_wav_file(self, filename):
-        """Converts the wav file and read it.
-        Converts the file into WAVE_FORMAT_PCM format using sox command and
-        reads its content.
-        Args:
-            filename: The wave file to be read.
-        Raises:
-            RuntimeError: sox is not installed.
-        """
-        # Checks if sox is installed.
-        try:
-            subprocess.check_output(['sox', '--version'])
-        except:
-            raise RuntimeError('sox command is not installed. '
-                               'Try sudo apt-get install sox')
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav') as converted_file:
-            command = ['sox', filename, '-t', 'wavpcm', converted_file.name]
-            logging.debug('Convert the file using sox: %s', command)
-            subprocess.check_call(command)
-            self._read_wave_file(converted_file.name)
-    def _read_wave_file(self, filename):
-        """Reads wave file header and samples.
-        Args:
-            filename: The wave file to be read.
-        @raises WaveFormatExtensibleException: Wave file is in
-                                               WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE format.
-        @raises WaveFileException: Wave file format is not supported.
-        """
-        try:
-            self._wave_reader = wave.open(filename, 'r')
-            self._read_wave_header()
-            self._read_wave_binary()
-        except wave.Error as e:
-            if 'unknown format: 65534' in str(e):
-                raise WaveFormatExtensibleException()
-            else:
-                logging.exception('Unsupported wave format')
-                raise WaveFileException()
-        finally:
-            if self._wave_reader:
-                self._wave_reader.close()
-    def _read_wave_header(self):
-        """Reads wave file header.
-        @raises WaveFileException: wave file is compressed.
-        """
-        # Header is a tuple of
-        # (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname).
-        header = self._wave_reader.getparams()
-        logging.debug('Wave header: %s', header)
-        self._n_channels = header[0]
-        self._sample_width_bits = header[1] * 8
-        self.rate = header[2]
-        self._n_frames = header[3]
-        comptype = header[4]
-        compname = header[5]
-        if comptype != 'NONE' or compname != 'not compressed':
-            raise WaveFileException('Can not support compressed wav file.')
-    def _read_wave_binary(self):
-        """Reads in samples in wave file."""
-        self._binary = self._wave_reader.readframes(self._n_frames)
-        format_str = 'S%d_LE' % self._sample_width_bits
-        self.raw_data = audio_data.AudioRawData(binary=self._binary,
-                                                channel=self._n_channels,
-                                                sample_format=format_str)
-class QualityCheckerError(Exception):
-    """Error in QualityChecker."""
-class CompareFailure(QualityCheckerError):
-    """Exception when frequency comparison fails."""
-class QualityFailure(QualityCheckerError):
-    """Exception when quality check fails."""
-class QualityChecker(object):
-    """Quality checker controls the flow of checking quality of raw data."""
-    def __init__(self, raw_data, rate):
-        """Inits a quality checker.
-        Args:
-            raw_data: An audio_data.AudioRawData object.
-            rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-            48000
-        """
-        self._raw_data = raw_data
-        self._rate = rate
-        self._spectrals = []
-        self._quality_result = []
-    def do_spectral_analysis(self, ignore_high_freq, check_quality,
-                             quality_params):
-        """Gets the spectral_analysis result.
-        Args:
-            ignore_high_freq: Ignore high frequencies above this threshold.
-            check_quality: Check quality of each channel.
-            quality_params: A QualityParams object for quality measurement.
-        """
-        self.has_data()
-        for channel_idx in range(self._raw_data.channel):
-            signal = self._raw_data.channel_data[channel_idx]
-            max_abs = max(numpy.abs(signal))
-            logging.debug('Channel %d max abs signal: %f', channel_idx,
-                          max_abs)
-            if max_abs == 0:
-                logging.info('No data on channel %d, skip this channel',
-                             channel_idx)
-                continue
-            saturate_value = audio_data.get_maximum_value_from_sample_format(
-                self._raw_data.sample_format)
-            normalized_signal = audio_analysis.normalize_signal(
-                signal, saturate_value)
-            logging.debug('saturate_value: %f', saturate_value)
-            logging.debug('max signal after normalized: %f',
-                          max(normalized_signal))
-            spectral = audio_analysis.spectral_analysis(
-                normalized_signal, self._rate)
-            logging.debug('Channel %d spectral:\n%s', channel_idx,
-                          pprint.pformat(spectral))
-            # Ignore high frequencies above the threshold.
-            spectral = [(f, c) for (f, c) in spectral if f < ignore_high_freq]
-            logging.info(
-                'Channel %d spectral after ignoring high frequencies '
-                'above %f:\n%s', channel_idx, ignore_high_freq,
-                pprint.pformat(spectral))
-            try:
-                if check_quality:
-                    quality = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(
-                        signal=normalized_signal,
-                        rate=self._rate,
-                        dominant_frequency=spectral[0][0],
-                        block_size_secs=quality_params.block_size_secs,
-                        frequency_error_threshold=quality_params.
-                        frequency_error_threshold,
-                        delay_amplitude_threshold=quality_params.
-                        delay_amplitude_threshold,
-                        noise_amplitude_threshold=quality_params.
-                        noise_amplitude_threshold,
-                        burst_amplitude_threshold=quality_params.
-                        burst_amplitude_threshold)
-                    logging.debug('Channel %d quality:\n%s', channel_idx,
-                                  pprint.pformat(quality))
-                    self._quality_result.append(quality)
-                self._spectrals.append(spectral)
-            except Exception as error:
-                logging.warning(
-                    "Failed to analyze channel {} with error: {}".format(
-                        channel_idx, error))
-    def has_data(self):
-        """Checks if data has been set.
-        Raises:
-            QualityCheckerError: if data or rate is not set yet.
-        """
-        if not self._raw_data or not self._rate:
-            raise QualityCheckerError('Data and rate is not set yet')
-    def check_freqs(self, expected_freqs, freq_threshold):
-        """Checks the dominant frequencies in the channels.
-        Args:
-            expected_freq: A list of frequencies. If frequency is 0, it
-                              means this channel should be ignored.
-            freq_threshold: The difference threshold to compare two
-                               frequencies.
-        """
-        logging.debug('expected_freqs: %s', expected_freqs)
-        for idx, expected_freq in enumerate(expected_freqs):
-            if expected_freq == 0:
-                continue
-            if not self._spectrals[idx]:
-                raise CompareFailure(
-                    'Failed at channel %d: no dominant frequency' % idx)
-            dominant_freq = self._spectrals[idx][0][0]
-            if abs(dominant_freq - expected_freq) > freq_threshold:
-                raise CompareFailure(
-                    'Failed at channel %d: %f is too far away from %f' %
-                    (idx, dominant_freq, expected_freq))
-    def check_quality(self):
-        """Checks the quality measurement results on each channel.
-        Raises:
-            QualityFailure when there is artifact.
-        """
-        error_msgs = []
-        for idx, quality_res in enumerate(self._quality_result):
-            artifacts = quality_res['artifacts']
-            if artifacts['noise_before_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found noise before playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['noise_before_playback']))
-            if artifacts['noise_after_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found noise after playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['noise_after_playback']))
-            if artifacts['delay_during_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found delay during playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['delay_during_playback']))
-            if artifacts['burst_during_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found burst during playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['burst_during_playback']))
-        if error_msgs:
-            raise QualityFailure('Found bad quality: %s',
-                                 '\n'.join(error_msgs))
-    def dump(self, output_file):
-        """Dumps the result into a file in json format.
-        Args:
-            output_file: A file path to dump spectral and quality
-                            measurement result of each channel.
-        """
-        dump_dict = {
-            'spectrals': self._spectrals,
-            'quality_result': self._quality_result
-        }
-        with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
-            json.dump(dump_dict, f)
-    def has_data(self):
-        """Checks if data has been set.
-        Raises:
-            QualityCheckerError: if data or rate is not set yet.
-        """
-        if not self._raw_data or not self._rate:
-            raise QualityCheckerError('Data and rate is not set yet')
-    def check_freqs(self, expected_freqs, freq_threshold):
-        """Checks the dominant frequencies in the channels.
-        Args:
-            expected_freq: A list of frequencies. If frequency is 0, it
-                              means this channel should be ignored.
-            freq_threshold: The difference threshold to compare two
-                               frequencies.
-        """
-        logging.debug('expected_freqs: %s', expected_freqs)
-        for idx, expected_freq in enumerate(expected_freqs):
-            if expected_freq == 0:
-                continue
-            if not self._spectrals[idx]:
-                raise CompareFailure(
-                    'Failed at channel %d: no dominant frequency' % idx)
-            dominant_freq = self._spectrals[idx][0][0]
-            if abs(dominant_freq - expected_freq) > freq_threshold:
-                raise CompareFailure(
-                    'Failed at channel %d: %f is too far away from %f' %
-                    (idx, dominant_freq, expected_freq))
-    def check_quality(self):
-        """Checks the quality measurement results on each channel.
-        Raises:
-            QualityFailure when there is artifact.
-        """
-        error_msgs = []
-        for idx, quality_res in enumerate(self._quality_result):
-            artifacts = quality_res['artifacts']
-            if artifacts['noise_before_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found noise before playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['noise_before_playback']))
-            if artifacts['noise_after_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found noise after playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['noise_after_playback']))
-            if artifacts['delay_during_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found delay during playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['delay_during_playback']))
-            if artifacts['burst_during_playback']:
-                error_msgs.append('Found burst during playback: %s' %
-                                  (artifacts['burst_during_playback']))
-        if error_msgs:
-            raise QualityFailure('Found bad quality: %s',
-                                 '\n'.join(error_msgs))
-    def dump(self, output_file):
-        """Dumps the result into a file in json format.
-        Args:
-            output_file: A file path to dump spectral and quality
-                            measurement result of each channel.
-        """
-        dump_dict = {
-            'spectrals': self._spectrals,
-            'quality_result': self._quality_result
-        }
-        with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
-            json.dump(dump_dict, f)
-class CheckQualityError(Exception):
-    """Error in check_quality main function."""
-def read_audio_file(filename, channel, bit_width, rate):
-    """Reads audio file.
-    Args:
-        filename: The wav or raw file to check.
-        channel: For raw file. Number of channels.
-        bit_width: For raw file. Bit width of a sample.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-    Returns:
-        A tuple (raw_data, rate) where raw_data is audio_data.AudioRawData, rate
-            is sampling rate.
-    """
-    if filename.endswith('.wav'):
-        wavefile = WaveFile(filename)
-        raw_data = wavefile.raw_data
-        rate = wavefile.rate
-    elif filename.endswith('.raw'):
-        binary = None
-        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
-            binary = f.read()
-        raw_data = audio_data.AudioRawData(binary=binary,
-                                           channel=channel,
-                                           sample_format='S%d_LE' % bit_width)
-    else:
-        raise CheckQualityError('File format for %s is not supported' %
-                                filename)
-    return raw_data, rate
-def get_quality_params(quality_block_size_secs,
-                       quality_frequency_error_threshold,
-                       quality_delay_amplitude_threshold,
-                       quality_noise_amplitude_threshold,
-                       quality_burst_amplitude_threshold):
-    """Gets quality parameters in arguments.
-    Args:
-        quality_block_size_secs: Input block size in seconds.
-        quality_frequency_error_threshold: Input the frequency error
-        threshold.
-        quality_delay_amplitude_threshold: Input the delay aplitutde
-        threshold.
-        quality_noise_amplitude_threshold: Input the noise aplitutde
-        threshold.
-        quality_burst_amplitude_threshold: Input the burst aplitutde
-        threshold.
-    Returns:
-        A QualityParams object.
-    """
-    quality_params = QualityParams(
-        block_size_secs=quality_block_size_secs,
-        frequency_error_threshold=quality_frequency_error_threshold,
-        delay_amplitude_threshold=quality_delay_amplitude_threshold,
-        noise_amplitude_threshold=quality_noise_amplitude_threshold,
-        burst_amplitude_threshold=quality_burst_amplitude_threshold)
-    return quality_params
-def quality_analysis(
-        filename,
-        output_file,
-        bit_width,
-        rate,
-        channel,
-        freqs=None,
-        freq_threshold=5,
-        ignore_high_freq=5000,
-        spectral_only=False,
-        quality_block_size_secs=DEFAULT_QUALITY_BLOCK_SIZE_SECS,
-        quality_burst_amplitude_threshold=DEFAULT_BURST_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD,
-        quality_delay_amplitude_threshold=DEFAULT_DELAY_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD,
-        quality_frequency_error_threshold=DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_ERROR_THRESHOLD,
-        quality_noise_amplitude_threshold=DEFAULT_NOISE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD,
-    """ Runs various functions to measure audio quality base on user input.
-    Args:
-        filename: The wav or raw file to check.
-        output_file: Output file to dump analysis result in JSON format.
-        bit_width: For raw file. Bit width of a sample.
-        rate: Sampling rate in samples per second. Example inputs: 44100,
-        48000
-        channel: For raw file. Number of channels.
-        freqs: Expected frequencies in the channels.
-        freq_threshold: Frequency difference threshold in Hz.
-        ignore_high_freq: Frequency threshold in Hz to be ignored for high
-        frequency. Default is 5KHz
-        spectral_only: Only do spectral analysis on each channel.
-        quality_block_size_secs: Input block size in seconds.
-        quality_frequency_error_threshold: Input the frequency error
-        threshold.
-        quality_delay_amplitude_threshold: Input the delay aplitutde
-        threshold.
-        quality_noise_amplitude_threshold: Input the noise aplitutde
-        threshold.
-        quality_burst_amplitude_threshold: Input the burst aplitutde
-        threshold.
-    """
-    raw_data, rate = read_audio_file(filename, channel, bit_width, rate)
-    checker = QualityChecker(raw_data, rate)
-    quality_params = get_quality_params(quality_block_size_secs,
-                                        quality_frequency_error_threshold,
-                                        quality_delay_amplitude_threshold,
-                                        quality_noise_amplitude_threshold,
-                                        quality_burst_amplitude_threshold)
-    checker.do_spectral_analysis(ignore_high_freq=ignore_high_freq,
-                                 check_quality=(not spectral_only),
-                                 quality_params=quality_params)
-    checker.dump(output_file)
-    if freqs:
-        checker.check_freqs(freqs, freq_threshold)
-    if not spectral_only:
-        checker.check_quality()
-    logging.debug("Audio analysis completed.")
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/A2dpBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/A2dpBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d0297f1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/A2dpBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Stream music through connected device from phone test implementation."""
-import antlion
-import os
-import pandas as pd
-import shutil
-import time
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.coex.audio_test_utils as atu
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils as btutils
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import bt_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import BtEnum
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device import BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDeviceFactory as bt_factory
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.ble_performance_test_utils import plot_graph
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.PowerBTBaseTest import ramp_attenuation
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.loggers import bluetooth_metric_logger as log
-from antlion.signals import TestPass, TestError
-class A2dpBaseTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
-    """Stream audio file over desired Bluetooth codec configurations.
-    Audio file should be a sine wave. Other audio files will not work for the
-    test analysis metrics.
-    Device under test is Android phone, connected to headset with a controller
-    that can generate a BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDevice from test_utils.
-    abstract_devices.bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device.
-    BuetoothHandsfreeAbstractDeviceFactory.
-    """
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.bt_logger = log.BluetoothMetricLogger.for_test_case()
-        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
-        req_params = ['audio_params', 'music_files', 'system_path_loss']
-        opt_params = ['bugreport']
-        #'audio_params' is a dict, contains the audio device type, audio streaming
-        #settings such as volumn, duration, audio recording parameters such as
-        #channel, sampling rate/width, and thdn parameters for audio processing
-        self.unpack_userparams(req_params)
-        self.unpack_userparams(opt_params, bugreport=None)
-        # Find music file and push it to the dut
-        music_src = self.music_files[0]
-        music_dest = PHONE_MUSIC_FILE_DIRECTORY
-        success = self.dut.push_system_file(music_src, music_dest)
-        if success:
-            self.music_file = os.path.join(PHONE_MUSIC_FILE_DIRECTORY,
-                                           os.path.basename(music_src))
-        # Initialize media_control class
-        self.media = btutils.MediaControlOverSl4a(self.dut, self.music_file)
-        # Set attenuator to minimum attenuation
-        if hasattr(self, 'attenuators'):
-            self.attenuator = self.attenuators[0]
-            self.attenuator.set_atten(INIT_ATTEN)
-        # Create the BTOE(Bluetooth-Other-End) device object
-        bt_devices = self.user_params.get('bt_devices', [])
-        if bt_devices:
-            attr, idx = bt_devices.split(':')
-            self.bt_device_controller = getattr(self, attr)[int(idx)]
-            self.bt_device = bt_factory().generate(self.bt_device_controller)
-        else:
-            self.log.error('No BT devices config is provided!')
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        super().teardown_class()
-        if hasattr(self, 'media'):
-            self.media.stop()
-        if hasattr(self, 'attenuator'):
-            self.attenuator.set_atten(INIT_ATTEN)
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-        self.bt_device.reset()
-        self.bt_device.power_off()
-        btutils.disable_bluetooth(self.dut.droid)
-    def setup_test(self):
-        super().setup_test()
-        # Initialize audio capture devices
-        self.audio_device = atu.get_audio_capture_device(
-            self.bt_device_controller, self.audio_params)
-        # Reset BT to factory defaults
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-        self.bt_device.reset()
-        self.bt_device.power_on()
-        btutils.enable_bluetooth(self.dut.droid, self.dut.ed)
-        btutils.connect_phone_to_headset(self.dut, self.bt_device, 60)
-        vol = self.dut.droid.getMaxMediaVolume() * self.audio_params['volume']
-        self.dut.droid.setMediaVolume(0)
-        time.sleep(1)
-        self.dut.droid.setMediaVolume(int(vol))
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        super().teardown_test()
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-        self.media.stop()
-        # Set Attenuator to the initial attenuation
-        if hasattr(self, 'attenuator'):
-            self.attenuator.set_atten(INIT_ATTEN)
-        self.bt_device.reset()
-        self.bt_device.power_off()
-        btutils.disable_bluetooth(self.dut.droid)
-    def on_pass(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        if hasattr(self, 'bugreport') and self.bugreport == 1:
-            self._take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-    def play_and_record_audio(self, duration):
-        """Play and record audio for a set duration.
-        Args:
-            duration: duration in seconds for music playing
-        Returns:
-            audio_captured: captured audio file path
-        """
-        self.log.info('Play and record audio for {} second'.format(duration))
-        self.media.play()
-        proc = self.audio_device.start()
-        time.sleep(duration + WAIT_TIME)
-        proc.kill()
-        time.sleep(WAIT_TIME)
-        proc.kill()
-        audio_captured = self.audio_device.stop()
-        self.media.stop()
-        self.log.info('Audio play and record stopped')
-        asserts.assert_true(audio_captured, 'Audio not recorded')
-        return audio_captured
-    def _get_bt_link_metrics(self, tag=''):
-        """Get bt link metrics such as rssi and tx pwls.
-        Returns:
-            master_metrics_list: list of metrics of central device
-            slave_metrics_list: list of metric of peripheral device
-        """
-        self.raw_bt_metrics_path = os.path.join(self.log_path,
-                                                'BT_Raw_Metrics')
-        self.media.play()
-        # Get master rssi and power level
-        process_data_dict = btutils.get_bt_metric(
-            self.dut, tag=tag, log_path=self.raw_bt_metrics_path)
-        rssi_master = process_data_dict.get('rssi')
-        pwl_master = process_data_dict.get('pwlv')
-        rssi_c0_master = process_data_dict.get('rssi_c0')
-        rssi_c1_master = process_data_dict.get('rssi_c1')
-        txpw_c0_master = process_data_dict.get('txpw_c0')
-        txpw_c1_master = process_data_dict.get('txpw_c1')
-        bftx_master = process_data_dict.get('bftx')
-        divtx_master = process_data_dict.get('divtx')
-        if isinstance(self.bt_device_controller,
-                      antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice):
-            rssi_slave = btutils.get_bt_rssi(self.bt_device_controller,
-                                             tag=tag,
-                                             log_path=self.raw_bt_metrics_path)
-        else:
-            rssi_slave = None
-        self.media.stop()
-        master_metrics_list = [
-            rssi_master, pwl_master, rssi_c0_master, rssi_c1_master,
-            txpw_c0_master, txpw_c1_master, bftx_master, divtx_master
-        ]
-        slave_metrics_list = [rssi_slave]
-        return master_metrics_list, slave_metrics_list
-    def run_thdn_analysis(self, audio_captured, tag):
-        """Calculate Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise for latest recording.
-        Store result in self.metrics.
-        Args:
-            audio_captured: the captured audio file
-        Returns:
-            thdn: thdn value in a list
-        """
-        # Calculate Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise
-        audio_result = atu.AudioCaptureResult(audio_captured,
-                                              self.audio_params)
-        thdn = audio_result.THDN(**self.audio_params['thdn_params'])
-        file_name = tag + os.path.basename(audio_result.path)
-        file_new = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(audio_result.path), file_name)
-        shutil.copyfile(audio_result.path, file_new)
-        for ch_no, t in enumerate(thdn):
-            self.log.info('THD+N for channel %s: %.4f%%' % (ch_no, t * 100))
-        return thdn
-    def run_anomaly_detection(self, audio_captured):
-        """Detect anomalies in latest recording.
-        Store result in self.metrics.
-        Args:
-            audio_captured: the captured audio file
-        Returns:
-            anom: anom detected in the captured file
-        """
-        # Detect Anomalies
-        audio_result = atu.AudioCaptureResult(audio_captured)
-        anom = audio_result.detect_anomalies(
-            **self.audio_params['anomaly_params'])
-        num_anom = 0
-        for ch_no, anomalies in enumerate(anom):
-            if anomalies:
-                for anomaly in anomalies:
-                    num_anom += 1
-                    start, end = anomaly
-                    self.log.warning(
-                        'Anomaly on channel {} at {}:{}. Duration '
-                        '{} sec'.format(ch_no, start // 60, start % 60,
-                                        end - start))
-        else:
-            self.log.info('%i anomalies detected.' % num_anom)
-        return anom
-    def generate_proto(self, data_points, codec_type, sample_rate,
-                       bits_per_sample, channel_mode):
-        """Generate a results protobuf.
-        Args:
-            data_points: list of dicts representing info to go into
-              AudioTestDataPoint protobuffer message.
-            codec_type: The codec type config to store in the proto.
-            sample_rate: The sample rate config to store in the proto.
-            bits_per_sample: The bits per sample config to store in the proto.
-            channel_mode: The channel mode config to store in the proto.
-        Returns:
-             dict: Dictionary with key 'proto' mapping to serialized protobuf,
-               'proto_ascii' mapping to human readable protobuf info, and 'test'
-               mapping to the test class name that generated the results.
-        """
-        # Populate protobuf
-        test_case_proto = self.bt_logger.proto_module.BluetoothAudioTestResult(
-        )
-        for data_point in data_points:
-            audio_data_proto = test_case_proto.data_points.add()
-            log.recursive_assign(audio_data_proto, data_point)
-        codec_proto = test_case_proto.a2dp_codec_config
-        codec_proto.codec_type = bt_constants.codec_types[codec_type]
-        codec_proto.sample_rate = int(sample_rate)
-        codec_proto.bits_per_sample = int(bits_per_sample)
-        codec_proto.channel_mode = bt_constants.channel_modes[channel_mode]
-        self.bt_logger.add_config_data_to_proto(test_case_proto, self.dut,
-                                                self.bt_device)
-        self.bt_logger.add_proto_to_results(test_case_proto,
-                                            self.__class__.__name__)
-        proto_dict = self.bt_logger.get_proto_dict(self.__class__.__name__,
-                                                   test_case_proto)
-        del proto_dict["proto_ascii"]
-        return proto_dict
-    def set_test_atten(self, atten):
-        """Set the attenuation(s) for current test condition.
-        """
-        if hasattr(self, 'dual_chain') and self.dual_chain == 1:
-            ramp_attenuation(self.atten_c0,
-                             atten,
-                             attenuation_step_max=2,
-                             time_wait_in_between=1)
-            self.log.info('Set Chain 0 attenuation to %d dB', atten)
-            ramp_attenuation(self.atten_c1,
-                             atten + self.gain_mismatch,
-                             attenuation_step_max=2,
-                             time_wait_in_between=1)
-            self.log.info('Set Chain 1 attenuation to %d dB',
-                          atten + self.gain_mismatch)
-        else:
-            ramp_attenuation(self.attenuator, atten)
-            self.log.info('Set attenuation to %d dB', atten)
-    def run_a2dp_to_max_range(self, codec_config):
-        attenuation_range = range(self.attenuation_vector['start'],
-                                  self.attenuation_vector['stop'] + 1,
-                                  self.attenuation_vector['step'])
-        data_points = []
-        self.file_output = os.path.join(
-            self.log_path, '{}.csv'.format(self.current_test_name))
-        # Set Codec if needed
-        current_codec = self.dut.droid.bluetoothA2dpGetCurrentCodecConfig()
-        current_codec_type = BtEnum.BluetoothA2dpCodecType(
-            current_codec['codecType']).name
-        if current_codec_type != codec_config['codec_type']:
-            codec_set = btutils.set_bluetooth_codec(self.dut, **codec_config)
-            asserts.assert_true(codec_set, 'Codec configuration failed.')
-        else:
-            self.log.info('Current codec is {}, no need to change'.format(
-                current_codec_type))
-        #loop RSSI with the same codec setting
-        for atten in attenuation_range:
-            self.media.play()
-            self.set_test_atten(atten)
-            tag = 'codec_{}_attenuation_{}dB_'.format(
-                codec_config['codec_type'], atten)
-            recorded_file = self.play_and_record_audio(
-                self.audio_params['duration'])
-            thdns = self.run_thdn_analysis(recorded_file, tag)
-            # Collect Metrics for dashboard
-            [
-                rssi_master, pwl_master, rssi_c0_master, rssi_c1_master,
-                txpw_c0_master, txpw_c1_master, bftx_master, divtx_master
-            ], [rssi_slave] = self._get_bt_link_metrics(tag)
-            data_point = {
-                'attenuation_db':
-                int(self.attenuator.get_atten()),
-                'pathloss':
-                atten + self.system_path_loss,
-                'rssi_primary':
-                rssi_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'tx_power_level_master':
-                pwl_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'rssi_secondary':
-                rssi_slave.get(self.bt_device_controller.serial, -127),
-                'rssi_c0_dut':
-                rssi_c0_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'rssi_c1_dut':
-                rssi_c1_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'txpw_c0_dut':
-                txpw_c0_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'txpw_c1_dut':
-                txpw_c1_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'bftx_state':
-                bftx_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'divtx_state':
-                divtx_master.get(self.dut.serial, -127),
-                'total_harmonic_distortion_plus_noise_percent':
-                thdns[0] * 100
-            }
-            self.log.info(data_point)
-            # bokeh data for generating BokehFigure
-            bokeh_data = {
-                'x_label': 'Pathloss (dBm)',
-                'primary_y_label': 'RSSI (dBm)',
-                'log_path': self.log_path,
-                'current_test_name': self.current_test_name
-            }
-            #plot_data for adding line to existing BokehFigure
-            plot_data = {
-                'line_one': {
-                    'x_label': 'Pathloss (dBm)',
-                    'primary_y_label': 'RSSI (dBm)',
-                    'x_column': 'pathloss',
-                    'y_column': 'rssi_primary',
-                    'legend': 'DUT RSSI (dBm)',
-                    'marker': 'circle_x',
-                    'y_axis': 'default'
-                },
-                'line_two': {
-                    'x_column': 'pathloss',
-                    'y_column': 'rssi_secondary',
-                    'legend': 'Remote device RSSI (dBm)',
-                    'marker': 'hex',
-                    'y_axis': 'default'
-                },
-                'line_three': {
-                    'x_column': 'pathloss',
-                    'y_column': 'tx_power_level_master',
-                    'legend': 'DUT TX Power (dBm)',
-                    'marker': 'hex',
-                    'y_axis': 'secondary'
-                }
-            }
-            # Check thdn for glitches, stop if max range reached
-            if thdns[0] == 0:
-                proto_dict = self.generate_proto(data_points, **codec_config)
-                A2dpRange_df = pd.DataFrame(data_points)
-                A2dpRange_df.to_csv(self.file_output, index=False)
-                plot_graph(A2dpRange_df,
-                           plot_data,
-                           bokeh_data,
-                           secondary_y_label='DUT TX Power')
-                raise TestError(
-                    'Music play/recording is not working properly or Connection has lost'
-                )
-            data_points.append(data_point)
-            A2dpRange_df = pd.DataFrame(data_points)
-            for thdn in thdns:
-                if thdn >= self.audio_params['thdn_threshold']:
-                    self.log.info(
-                        'Max range at attenuation {} dB'.format(atten))
-                    self.log.info('DUT rssi {} dBm, DUT tx power level {}, '
-                                  'Remote rssi {} dBm'.format(
-                                      rssi_master, pwl_master, rssi_slave))
-                    proto_dict = self.generate_proto(data_points,
-                                                     **codec_config)
-                    A2dpRange_df.to_csv(self.file_output, index=False)
-                    plot_graph(A2dpRange_df,
-                               plot_data,
-                               bokeh_data,
-                               secondary_y_label='DUT TX Power')
-                    return True
-                    raise TestPass('Max range reached and move to next codec',
-                                   extras=proto_dict)
-        # Save Data points to csv
-        A2dpRange_df.to_csv(self.file_output, index=False)
-        # Plot graph
-        plot_graph(A2dpRange_df,
-                   plot_data,
-                   bokeh_data,
-                   secondary_y_label='DUT TX Power')
-        proto_dict = self.generate_proto(data_points, **codec_config)
-        return True
-        raise TestPass('Could not reach max range, need extra attenuation.',
-                       extras=proto_dict)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/AvrcpBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/AvrcpBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 21cc5f5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/AvrcpBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Perform base Avrcp command from headset to dut"""
-import time
-import os
-import queue
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device import BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDeviceFactory as Factory
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.simulated_carkit_device import SimulatedCarkitDevice
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import connect_phone_to_headset
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.car.car_media_utils import EVENT_PLAY_RECEIVED
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.car.car_media_utils import EVENT_PAUSE_RECEIVED
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.car.car_media_utils import EVENT_SKIP_NEXT_RECEIVED
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.car.car_media_utils import EVENT_SKIP_PREV_RECEIVED
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.car.car_media_utils import CMD_MEDIA_PLAY
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.car.car_media_utils import CMD_MEDIA_PAUSE
-ADB_FILE_EXISTS = 'test -e %s && echo True'
-class AvrcpBaseTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
-    def __init__(self, configs):
-        super(AvrcpBaseTest, self).__init__(configs)
-        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
-        serial = self.user_params['simulated_carkit_device']
-        controller = SimulatedCarkitDevice(serial)
-        self.controller = Factory().generate(controller)
-        self.phone_music_files = []
-        self.host_music_files = []
-        for music_file in self.user_params['music_file_names']:
-            self.phone_music_files.append(os.path.join(
-                self.user_params['phone_music_file_dir'], music_file))
-            self.host_music_files.append(os.path.join(
-                self.user_params['host_music_file_dir'], music_file))
-        self.ensure_phone_has_music_file()
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.controller.power_on()
-        time.sleep(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        super().teardown_class()
-        self.dut.droid.mediaPlayStop()
-        self.controller.destroy()
-    def setup_test(self):
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothMediaPhoneSL4AMBSStart()
-        time.sleep(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(True)
-        if not connect_phone_to_headset(self.dut, self.controller, 600):
-            asserts.fail('Not able to connect to hands-free device')
-        #make sure SL4AMBS is active MediaSession
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothMediaHandleMediaCommandOnPhone(CMD_MEDIA_PLAY)
-        time.sleep(0.5)
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothMediaHandleMediaCommandOnPhone(CMD_MEDIA_PAUSE)
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothMediaPhoneSL4AMBSStop()
-    def ensure_phone_has_music_file(self):
-        """Make sure music file (based on config values) is on the phone."""
-        for host_file, phone_file in zip(self.host_music_files,
-                                         self.phone_music_files):
-            if self.dut.adb.shell(ADB_FILE_EXISTS % phone_file):
-                self.log.info(
-                    'Music file {} already on phone. Skipping file transfer.'
-                    .format(host_file))
-            else:
-                self.dut.adb.push(host_file, phone_file)
-                has_file = self.dut.adb.shell(
-                        ADB_FILE_EXISTS % phone_file)
-                if not has_file:
-                    self.log.error(
-                        'Audio file {} not pushed to phone.'.format(host_file))
-                self.log.info('Music file successfully pushed to phone.')
-    def play_from_controller(self):
-        self.dut.ed.clear_all_events()
-        self.controller.play()
-        try:
-            self.dut.ed.pop_event(EVENT_PLAY_RECEIVED, EVENT_TIMEOUT)
-        except queue.Empty as e:
-            asserts.fail('{} Event Not received'.format(EVENT_PLAY_RECEIVED))
-        self.log.info('Event Received : {}'.format(EVENT_PLAY_RECEIVED))
-    def pause_from_controller(self):
-        self.dut.ed.clear_all_events()
-        self.controller.pause()
-        try:
-            self.dut.ed.pop_event(EVENT_PAUSE_RECEIVED, EVENT_TIMEOUT)
-        except queue.Empty as e:
-            asserts.fail('{} Event Not received'.format(EVENT_PAUSE_RECEIVED))
-        self.log.info('Event Received : {}'.format(EVENT_PAUSE_RECEIVED))
-    def skip_next_from_controller(self):
-        self.dut.ed.clear_all_events()
-        self.controller.next_track()
-        try:
-            self.dut.ed.pop_event(EVENT_SKIP_NEXT_RECEIVED, EVENT_TIMEOUT)
-        except queue.Empty as e:
-            asserts.fail('{} Event Not '
-                         'received'.format(EVENT_SKIP_NEXT_RECEIVED))
-        self.log.info('Event Received : {}'.format(EVENT_SKIP_NEXT_RECEIVED))
-    def skip_prev_from_controller(self):
-        self.dut.ed.clear_all_events()
-        self.controller.previous_track()
-        try:
-            self.dut.ed.pop_event(EVENT_SKIP_PREV_RECEIVED, EVENT_TIMEOUT)
-        except queue.Empty as e:
-            asserts.fail('{} Event Not '
-                         'received'.format(EVENT_SKIP_PREV_RECEIVED))
-        self.log.info('Event Received : {}'.format(EVENT_SKIP_PREV_RECEIVED))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BleEnum.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BleEnum.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aed867..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BleEnum.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import Enum
-class ScanSettingsCallbackType(Enum):
-class ScanSettingsMatchMode(Enum):
-    AGGRESIVE = 1
-    STICKY = 2
-class ScanSettingsMatchNum(Enum):
-class ScanSettingsScanResultType(Enum):
-class ScanSettingsScanMode(Enum):
-class ScanSettingsReportDelaySeconds(Enum):
-    MIN = 0
-    MAX = 9223372036854775807
-class ScanSettingsPhy(Enum):
-    PHY_LE_1M = 1
-    PHY_LE_CODED = 3
-class AdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseType(Enum):
-class AdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(Enum):
-class AdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseTxPower(Enum):
-class BLEConnectionPriority(Enum):
-    # Connection Interval: BALANCED = 36ms, HIGH = 12ms, LOW = 96ms
-class JavaInteger(Enum):
-    MIN = -2147483648
-    MAX = 2147483647
-class Uuids(Enum):
-    P_Service = "0000feef-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
-    HR_SERVICE = "0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
-class AdvertiseErrorCode(Enum):
-class BluetoothAdapterState(Enum):
-    STATE_OFF = 10
-    STATE_ON = 12
-    STATE_BLE_ON = 15
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BluetoothBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BluetoothBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ddc0f3..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BluetoothBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-    Base Class for Defining Common Bluetooth Test Functionality
-import threading
-import time
-import traceback
-import os
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.signals import TestSignal
-from antlion.utils import dump_string_to_file
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import get_device_selector_dictionary
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import reset_bluetooth
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import setup_multiple_devices_for_bt_test
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import take_btsnoop_logs
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.ble_lib import BleLib
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bta_lib import BtaLib
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.config_lib import ConfigLib
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.gattc_lib import GattClientLib
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.gatts_lib import GattServerLib
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.rfcomm_lib import RfcommLib
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.shell_commands_lib import ShellCommands
-class BluetoothBaseTest(BaseTestClass):
-    start_time = 0
-    timer_list = []
-    # Use for logging in the test cases to facilitate
-    # faster log lookup and reduce ambiguity in logging.
-    @staticmethod
-    def bt_test_wrap(fn):
-        def _safe_wrap_test_case(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            test_id = "{}:{}:{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fn.__name__,
-                                        time.time())
-            log_string = "[Test ID] {}".format(test_id)
-            self.log.info(log_string)
-            try:
-                for ad in self.android_devices:
-                    ad.droid.logI("Started " + log_string)
-                result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-                for ad in self.android_devices:
-                    ad.droid.logI("Finished " + log_string)
-                if result is not True and "bt_auto_rerun" in self.user_params:
-                    self.teardown_test()
-                    log_string = "[Rerun Test ID] {}. 1st run failed.".format(
-                        test_id)
-                    self.log.info(log_string)
-                    self.setup_test()
-                    for ad in self.android_devices:
-                        ad.droid.logI("Rerun Started " + log_string)
-                    result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-                    if result is True:
-                        self.log.info("Rerun passed.")
-                    elif result is False:
-                        self.log.info("Rerun failed.")
-                    else:
-                        # In the event that we have a non-bool or null
-                        # retval, we want to clearly distinguish this in the
-                        # logs from an explicit failure, though the test will
-                        # still be considered a failure for reporting purposes.
-                        self.log.info("Rerun indeterminate.")
-                        result = False
-                return result
-            except TestSignal:
-                raise
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-                self.log.error(str(e))
-                raise
-            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        return _safe_wrap_test_case
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            self._setup_bt_libs(ad)
-        if 'preferred_device_order' in self.user_params:
-            prefered_device_order = self.user_params['preferred_device_order']
-            for i, ad in enumerate(self.android_devices):
-                if ad.serial in prefered_device_order:
-                    index = prefered_device_order.index(ad.serial)
-                    self.android_devices[i], self.android_devices[index] = \
-                        self.android_devices[index], self.android_devices[i]
-        if "reboot_between_test_class" in self.user_params:
-            threads = []
-            for a in self.android_devices:
-                thread = threading.Thread(
-                    target=self._reboot_device, args=([a]))
-                threads.append(thread)
-                thread.start()
-            for t in threads:
-                t.join()
-        if not setup_multiple_devices_for_bt_test(self.android_devices):
-            return False
-        self.device_selector = get_device_selector_dictionary(
-            self.android_devices)
-        if "bluetooth_proto_path" in self.user_params:
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                ad.metrics_path = os.path.join(ad.log_path, "BluetoothMetrics")
-                os.makedirs(ad.metrics_path, exist_ok=True)
-        return True
-    def setup_test(self):
-        self.timer_list = []
-        for a in self.android_devices:
-            a.ed.clear_all_events()
-            a.droid.setScreenTimeout(500)
-            a.droid.wakeUpNow()
-        return True
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        self.log.debug(
-            "Test {} failed. Gathering bugreport and btsnoop logs".format(
-                test_name))
-        take_btsnoop_logs(self.android_devices, self, test_name)
-        self._take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-        for _ in range(5):
-            if reset_bluetooth(self.android_devices):
-                break
-            else:
-                self.log.error("Failed to reset Bluetooth... retrying.")
-        return
-    def _get_time_in_milliseconds(self):
-        return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
-    def start_timer(self):
-        self.start_time = self._get_time_in_milliseconds()
-    def end_timer(self):
-        total_time = self._get_time_in_milliseconds() - self.start_time
-        self.timer_list.append(total_time)
-        self.start_time = 0
-        return total_time
-    def log_stats(self):
-        if self.timer_list:
-            self.log.info("Overall list {}".format(self.timer_list))
-            self.log.info("Average of list {}".format(
-                sum(self.timer_list) / float(len(self.timer_list))))
-            self.log.info("Maximum of list {}".format(max(self.timer_list)))
-            self.log.info("Minimum of list {}".format(min(self.timer_list)))
-            self.log.info("Total items in list {}".format(
-                len(self.timer_list)))
-        self.timer_list = []
-    def _setup_bt_libs(self, android_device):
-        # Bluetooth Low Energy library.
-        setattr(android_device, "ble", BleLib(
-            log=self.log, dut=android_device))
-        # Bluetooth Adapter library.
-        setattr(android_device, "bta", BtaLib(
-            log=self.log, dut=android_device))
-        # Bluetooth stack config library.
-        setattr(android_device, "config",
-                ConfigLib(log=self.log, dut=android_device))
-        # GATT Client library.
-        setattr(android_device, "gattc",
-                GattClientLib(log=self.log, dut=android_device))
-        # GATT Server library.
-        setattr(android_device, "gatts",
-                GattServerLib(log=self.log, dut=android_device))
-        # RFCOMM library.
-        setattr(android_device, "rfcomm",
-                RfcommLib(log=self.log, dut=android_device))
-        # Shell command library
-        setattr(android_device, "shell",
-                ShellCommands(log=self.log, dut=android_device))
-        # Setup Android Device feature list
-        setattr(android_device, "features",
-                android_device.adb.shell("pm list features").split("\n"))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BluetoothCarHfpBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BluetoothCarHfpBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f43e35f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BluetoothCarHfpBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This is base class for tests that exercises different GATT procedures between two connected devices.
-Setup/Teardown methods take care of establishing connection, and doing GATT DB initialization/discovery.
-import os
-import time
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import pair_pri_to_sec
-class BluetoothCarHfpBaseTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
-    ag_phone_number = ""
-    re_phone_number = ""
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BluetoothBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)
-        # HF : HandsFree (CarKit role)
-        self.hf = self.android_devices[0]
-        self.hf.log.info("Role set to HF (HandsFree Carkit role).")
-        # AG : Audio Gateway (Phone role)
-        self.ag = self.android_devices[1]
-        self.ag.log.info("Role set to AG (Audio Gateway Phone role).")
-        # RE : Remote Device (Phone being talked to role)
-        if len(self.android_devices) > 2:
-            self.re = self.android_devices[2]
-            self.re.log.info("Role set to RE (Remote device).")
-        else:
-            self.re = None
-        if len(self.android_devices) > 3:
-            self.re2 = self.android_devices[3]
-            self.re2.log.info("Role set to RE2 (Remote device 2).")
-        else:
-            self.re2 = None
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super(BluetoothCarHfpBaseTest, self).setup_class()
-        if not "sim_conf_file" in self.user_params.keys():
-            self.log.error("Missing mandatory user config \"sim_conf_file\"!")
-            return False
-        sim_conf_file = self.user_params["sim_conf_file"][0]
-        if not os.path.isfile(sim_conf_file):
-            sim_conf_file = os.path.join(
-                self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value], sim_conf_file)
-            if not os.path.isfile(sim_conf_file):
-                self.log.error("Unable to load user config " + sim_conf_file +
-                               " from test config file.")
-                return False
-        # Pair and connect the devices.
-        # Grace time inbetween stack state changes
-        time.sleep(5)
-        if not pair_pri_to_sec(
-                self.hf, self.ag, attempts=4, auto_confirm=False):
-            self.log.error("Failed to pair")
-            return False
-        return True
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtEnum.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtEnum.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 380095b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtEnum.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import Enum
-from enum import IntEnum
-class BluetoothScanModeType(IntEnum):
-    STATE_OFF = -1
-class BluetoothAdapterState(IntEnum):
-    STATE_OFF = 10
-    STATE_ON = 12
-    STATE_BLE_ON = 15
-class BluetoothProfile(IntEnum):
-    # Should be kept in sync with BluetoothProfile.java
-    HEADSET = 1
-    A2DP = 2
-    HEALTH = 3
-    PAN = 5
-    PBAP_SERVER = 6
-    GATT = 7
-    GATT_SERVER = 8
-    MAP = 9
-    SAP = 10
-    A2DP_SINK = 11
-    PBAP_CLIENT = 17
-    MAP_MCE = 18
-class RfcommUuid(Enum):
-    DEFAULT_UUID = "457807c0-4897-11df-9879-0800200c9a66"
-    BASE_UUID = "00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    SDP = "00000001-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    UDP = "00000002-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    RFCOMM = "00000003-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    TCP = "00000004-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    TCS_BIN = "00000005-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    TCS_AT = "00000006-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    ATT = "00000007-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    OBEX = "00000008-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    IP = "00000009-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    FTP = "0000000A-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    HTTP = "0000000C-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    WSP = "0000000E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    BNEP = "0000000F-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    UPNP = "00000010-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    HIDP = "00000011-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    HARDCOPY_CONTROL_CHANNEL = "00000012-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    HARDCOPY_DATA_CHANNEL = "00000014-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    HARDCOPY_NOTIFICATION = "00000016-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    AVCTP = "00000017-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    AVDTP = "00000019-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    CMTP = "0000001B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    MCAP_CONTROL_CHANNEL = "0000001E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    MCAP_DATA_CHANNEL = "0000001F-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-    L2CAP = "00000100-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-class BluetoothProfileState(Enum):
-    # Should be kept in sync with BluetoothProfile#STATE_* constants.
-class BluetoothAccessLevel(Enum):
-    # Access Levels from BluetoothDevice.
-class BluetoothPriorityLevel(Enum):
-    # Priority levels as defined in BluetoothProfile.java.
-    PRIORITY_ON = 100
-class BluetoothA2dpCodecType(Enum):
-    SBC = 0
-    AAC = 1
-    APTX = 2
-    APTX_HD = 3
-    LDAC = 4
-    MAX = 5
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea3beb..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtFunhausBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Test script to automate the Bluetooth Audio Funhaus.
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BtMetricsBaseTest import BtMetricsBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import bluetooth_enabled_check
-from antlion.utils import bypass_setup_wizard
-from antlion.utils import exe_cmd
-from antlion.utils import sync_device_time
-import time
-import os
-BT_CONF_PATH = "/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf"
-class BtFunhausBaseTest(BtMetricsBaseTest):
-    """
-    Base class for Bluetooth A2DP audio tests, this class is in charge of
-    pushing link key to Android device so that it could be paired with remote
-    A2DP device, pushing music to Android device, playing audio, monitoring
-    audio play, and stop playing audio
-    """
-    music_file_to_play = ""
-    device_fails_to_connect_list = []
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BtMetricsBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)
-        self.ad = self.android_devices[0]
-        self.dongle = self.relay_devices[0]
-    def _pair_devices(self):
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(False)
-        self.dongle.enter_pairing_mode()
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothBond(self.dongle.mac_address)
-        end_time = time.time() + 20
-        self.ad.log.info("Verifying devices are bonded")
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            bonded_devices = self.ad.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-            for d in bonded_devices:
-                if d['address'] == self.dongle.mac_address:
-                    self.ad.log.info("Successfully bonded to device.")
-                    self.log.info("Bonded devices:\n{}".format(bonded_devices))
-                return True
-        self.ad.log.info("Failed to bond devices.")
-        return False
-    def setup_test(self):
-        super(BtFunhausBaseTest, self).setup_test()
-        self.dongle.setup()
-        tries = 5
-        # Since we are not concerned with pairing in this test, try 5 times.
-        while tries > 0:
-            if self._pair_devices():
-                return True
-            else:
-                tries -= 1
-        return False
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        super(BtFunhausBaseTest, self).teardown_test()
-        self.dongle.clean_up()
-        return True
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        self.dongle.clean_up()
-        self._collect_bluetooth_manager_dumpsys_logs(self.android_devices)
-        super(BtFunhausBaseTest, self).on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
-    def setup_class(self):
-        if not super(BtFunhausBaseTest, self).setup_class():
-            return False
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            sync_device_time(ad)
-            # Disable Bluetooth HCI Snoop Logs for audio tests
-            ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.bluetooth.btsnoopenable false")
-            if not bypass_setup_wizard(ad):
-                self.log.debug(
-                    "Failed to bypass setup wizard, continuing test.")
-                # Add music to the Android device
-        return self._add_music_to_android_device(ad)
-    def _add_music_to_android_device(self, ad):
-        """
-        Add music to Android device as specified by the test config
-        :param ad: Android device
-        :return: True on success, False on failure
-        """
-        self.log.info("Pushing music to the Android device.")
-        music_path_str = "bt_music"
-        android_music_path = "/sdcard/Music/"
-        if music_path_str not in self.user_params:
-            self.log.error("Need music for audio testcases...")
-            return False
-        music_path = self.user_params[music_path_str]
-        if type(music_path) is list:
-            self.log.info("Media ready to push as is.")
-        elif not os.path.isdir(music_path):
-            music_path = os.path.join(
-                self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value], music_path)
-            if not os.path.isdir(music_path):
-                self.log.error(
-                    "Unable to find music directory {}.".format(music_path))
-                return False
-        if type(music_path) is list:
-            for item in music_path:
-                self.music_file_to_play = item
-                ad.adb.push("{} {}".format(item, android_music_path))
-        else:
-            for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(music_path):
-                for filename in filenames:
-                    self.music_file_to_play = filename
-                    file = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
-                    # TODO: Handle file paths with spaces
-                    ad.adb.push("{} {}".format(file, android_music_path))
-        ad.reboot()
-        return True
-    def _collect_bluetooth_manager_dumpsys_logs(self, ads):
-        """
-        Collect "adb shell dumpsys bluetooth_manager" logs
-        :param ads: list of active Android devices
-        :return: None
-        """
-        for ad in ads:
-            serial = ad.serial
-            out_name = "{}_{}".format(serial, "bluetooth_dumpsys.txt")
-            dumpsys_path = ''.join((ad.log_path, "/BluetoothDumpsys"))
-            os.makedirs(dumpsys_path, exist_ok=True)
-            cmd = ''.join(
-                ("adb -s ", serial, " shell dumpsys bluetooth_manager > ",
-                 dumpsys_path, "/", out_name))
-            exe_cmd(cmd)
-    def start_playing_music_on_all_devices(self):
-        """
-        Start playing music
-        :return: None
-        """
-        self.ad.droid.mediaPlayOpen("file:///sdcard/Music/{}".format(
-            self.music_file_to_play.split("/")[-1]))
-        self.ad.droid.mediaPlaySetLooping(True)
-        self.ad.log.info("Music is now playing.")
-    def monitor_music_play_util_deadline(self, end_time, sleep_interval=1):
-        """
-        Monitor music play on all devices, if a device's Bluetooth adapter is
-        OFF or if a device is not connected to any remote Bluetooth devices,
-        we add them to failure lists bluetooth_off_list and
-        device_not_connected_list respectively
-        :param end_time: The deadline in epoch floating point seconds that we
-            must stop playing
-        :param sleep_interval: How often to monitor, too small we may drain
-            too much resources on Android, too big the deadline might be passed
-            by a maximum of this amount
-        :return:
-            status: False iff all devices are off or disconnected otherwise True
-            bluetooth_off_list: List of ADs that have Bluetooth at OFF state
-            device_not_connected_list: List of ADs with no remote device
-                                        connected
-        """
-        device_not_connected_list = []
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            if not self.ad.droid.bluetoothCheckState():
-                self.ad.log.error("Device {}'s Bluetooth state is off.".format(
-                    self.ad.serial))
-                return False
-            if self.ad.droid.bluetoothGetConnectedDevices() == 0:
-                self.ad.log.error(
-                    "Bluetooth device not connected. Failing test.")
-            time.sleep(sleep_interval)
-        return True
-    def play_music_for_duration(self, duration, sleep_interval=1):
-        """
-        A convenience method for above methods. It starts run music on all
-        devices, monitors the health of music play and stops playing them when
-        time passes the duration
-        :param duration: Duration in floating point seconds
-        :param sleep_interval: How often to check the health of music play
-        :return:
-            status: False iff all devices are off or disconnected otherwise True
-            bluetooth_off_list: List of ADs that have Bluetooth at OFF state
-            device_not_connected_list: List of ADs with no remote device
-                                        connected
-        """
-        start_time = time.time()
-        end_time = start_time + duration
-        self.start_playing_music_on_all_devices()
-        status = self.monitor_music_play_util_deadline(end_time,
-                                                       sleep_interval)
-        self.ad.droid.mediaPlayStopAll()
-        return status
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index e7e4352..0000000
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-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Stream music through connected device from phone across different
-import json
-import math
-import time
-import logging
-import antlion.controllers.iperf_client as ipc
-import antlion.controllers.iperf_server as ipf
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils as btutils
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.A2dpBaseTest import A2dpBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.loggers import bluetooth_metric_logger as log
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_performance_test_utils as wpeutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_power_test_utils as wputils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.PowerBaseTest import ObjNew
-TEMP_FILE = '/sdcard/Download/tmp.log'
-IPERF_CLIENT_ERROR = 'the client has unexpectedly closed the connection'
-def setup_ap_connection(dut, network, ap, bandwidth=20):
-    """Setup AP and connect DUT to it.
-    Args:
-        dut: the android device to connect and run traffic
-        network: the network config for the AP to be setup
-        ap: access point object
-        bandwidth: bandwidth of the WiFi network to be setup
-    Returns:
-        brconfigs: dict for bridge interface configs
-    """
-    wutils.wifi_toggle_state(dut, True)
-    brconfigs = wputils.ap_setup(ap, network, bandwidth=bandwidth)
-    wutils.wifi_connect(dut, network, num_of_tries=3)
-    return brconfigs
-def start_iperf_client(traffic_pair_obj, duration):
-    """Setup iperf traffic for TCP downlink.
-    Args:
-        traffic_pair_obj: obj to contain info on traffic pair
-        duration: duration of iperf traffic to run
-    """
-    # Construct the iperf command based on the test params
-    iperf_cmd = 'iperf3 -c {} -i 1 -t {} -p {} -J -R > {}'.format(
-        traffic_pair_obj.server_address, duration,
-        traffic_pair_obj.iperf_server.port, TEMP_FILE)
-    # Start IPERF client
-    traffic_pair_obj.dut.adb.shell_nb(iperf_cmd)
-def unpack_custom_file(file):
-    """Unpack the json file to .
-    Args:
-        file: custom json file.
-    """
-    with open(file, 'r') as f:
-        params = json.load(f)
-    return params
-def get_iperf_results(iperf_server_obj):
-    """Get the iperf results and process.
-    Args:
-        iperf_server_obj: the IperfServer object
-    Returns:
-         throughput: the average throughput during tests.
-    """
-    # Get IPERF results and add this to the plot title
-    iperf_file = iperf_server_obj.log_files[-1]
-    try:
-        iperf_result = ipf.IPerfResult(iperf_file)
-        # Compute the throughput in Mbit/s
-        if iperf_result.error == IPERF_CLIENT_ERROR:
-            rates = []
-            for item in iperf_result.result['intervals']:
-                rates.append(item['sum']['bits_per_second'] / 8 / 1024 / 1024)
-            throughput = ((math.fsum(rates) / len(rates))) * 8 * (1.024**2)
-        else:
-            throughput = (math.fsum(iperf_result.instantaneous_rates) / len(
-                iperf_result.instantaneous_rates)) * 8 * (1.024**2)
-    except (ValueError, TypeError):
-        throughput = 0
-    return throughput
-def locate_interference_pair_by_channel(wifi_int_pairs, interference_channels):
-    """Function to find which attenautor to set based on channel info
-    Args:
-        interference_channels: list of interference channels
-    Return:
-        interference_pair_indices: list of indices for interference pair
-            in wifi_int_pairs
-    """
-    interference_pair_indices = []
-    for chan in interference_channels:
-        for i in range(len(wifi_int_pairs)):
-            if wifi_int_pairs[i].channel == chan:
-                interference_pair_indices.append(i)
-    return interference_pair_indices
-def inject_static_wifi_interference(wifi_int_pairs, interference_level,
-                                    channels):
-    """Function to inject wifi interference to bt link and read rssi.
-    Interference of IPERF traffic is always running, by setting attenuation,
-    the gate is opened to release the interference to the setup.
-    Args:
-        interference_level: the signal strength of wifi interference, use
-            attenuation level to represent this
-        channels: wifi channels where interference will
-            be injected, list
-    """
-    all_pair = range(len(wifi_int_pairs))
-    interference_pair_indices = locate_interference_pair_by_channel(
-        wifi_int_pairs, channels)
-    inactive_interference_pairs_indices = [
-        item for item in all_pair if item not in interference_pair_indices
-    ]
-    logging.info('WiFi interference at {} and inactive channels at {}'.format(
-        interference_pair_indices, inactive_interference_pairs_indices))
-    for i in interference_pair_indices:
-        wifi_int_pairs[i].attenuator.set_atten(interference_level)
-        logging.info('Set attenuation {} dB on attenuator {}'.format(
-            wifi_int_pairs[i].attenuator.get_atten(), i + 1))
-    for i in inactive_interference_pairs_indices:
-        wifi_int_pairs[i].attenuator.set_atten(MAX_ATTENUATION)
-        logging.info('Set attenuation {} dB on attenuator {}'.format(
-            wifi_int_pairs[i].attenuator.get_atten(), i + 1))
-class BtInterferenceBaseTest(A2dpBaseTest):
-    def __init__(self, configs):
-        super().__init__(configs)
-        self.bt_logger = log.BluetoothMetricLogger.for_test_case()
-        self.start_time = time.time()
-        req_params = [
-            'attenuation_vector', 'wifi_networks', 'codecs', 'custom_files',
-            'audio_params'
-        ]
-        self.unpack_userparams(req_params)
-        for file in self.custom_files:
-            if 'static_interference' in file:
-                self.static_wifi_interference = unpack_custom_file(file)
-            elif 'dynamic_interference' in file:
-                self.dynamic_wifi_interference = unpack_custom_file(file)
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        # Build object to store all necessary information for each pair of wifi
-        # interference setup: phone, ap, network, channel, iperf server port/ip
-        # object and bridge interface configs
-        if len(self.android_devices) < 5 or len(self.attenuators) < 4:
-            self.log.error('Need a 4 channel attenuator and 5 android phones'
-                           'please update the config file')
-        self.wifi_int_pairs = []
-        for i in range(len(self.attenuators) - 1):
-            tmp_dict = {
-                'dut': self.android_devices[i + 1],
-                'ap': self.access_points[i],
-                'network': self.wifi_networks[i],
-                'channel': self.wifi_networks[i]['channel'],
-                'iperf_server': self.iperf_servers[i],
-                'attenuator': self.attenuators[i + 1],
-                'ether_int': self.packet_senders[i],
-                'iperf_client':
-                ipc.IPerfClientOverAdb(self.android_devices[i + 1])
-            }
-            tmp_obj = ObjNew(**tmp_dict)
-            self.wifi_int_pairs.append(tmp_obj)
-        ##Setup connection between WiFi APs and Phones and get DHCP address
-        # for the interface
-        for obj in self.wifi_int_pairs:
-            brconfigs = setup_ap_connection(obj.dut, obj.network, obj.ap)
-            iperf_server_address = wputils.wait_for_dhcp(
-                obj.ether_int.interface)
-            setattr(obj, 'server_address', iperf_server_address)
-            setattr(obj, 'brconfigs', brconfigs)
-            obj.attenuator.set_atten(MAX_ATTENUATION)
-        # Enable BQR on master and slave Android device
-        btutils.enable_bqr(self.dut)
-        btutils.enable_bqr(self.bt_device_controller)
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        super().teardown_class()
-        for obj in self.wifi_int_pairs:
-            obj.ap.bridge.teardown(obj.brconfigs)
-            self.log.info('Stop IPERF server at port {}'.format(
-                obj.iperf_server.port))
-            obj.iperf_server.stop()
-            self.log.info('Stop IPERF process on {}'.format(obj.dut.serial))
-            #only for glinux machine
-            #            wputils.bring_down_interface(obj.ether_int.interface)
-            obj.attenuator.set_atten(MAX_ATTENUATION)
-            obj.ap.close()
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        super().teardown_test()
-        for obj in self.wifi_int_pairs:
-            obj.attenuator.set_atten(MAX_ATTENUATION)
-    def play_and_record_audio(self, duration, queue):
-        """Play and record audio for a set duration.
-        Args:
-            duration: duration in seconds for music playing
-            que: multiprocess que to store the return value of this function
-        Returns:
-            audio_captured: captured audio file path
-        """
-        self.log.info('Play and record audio for {} second'.format(duration))
-        self.media.play()
-        self.audio_device.start()
-        time.sleep(duration)
-        audio_captured = self.audio_device.stop()
-        self.media.stop()
-        self.log.info('Audio play and record stopped')
-        asserts.assert_true(audio_captured, 'Audio not recorded')
-        queue.put(audio_captured)
-    def locate_interference_pair_by_channel(self, interference_channels):
-        """Function to find which attenautor to set based on channel info
-        Args:
-            interference_channels: list of interference channels
-        Return:
-            interference_pair_indices: list of indices for interference pair
-                in self.wifi_int_pairs
-        """
-        interference_pair_indices = []
-        for chan in interference_channels:
-            for i in range(len(self.wifi_int_pairs)):
-                if self.wifi_int_pairs[i].channel == chan:
-                    interference_pair_indices.append(i)
-        return interference_pair_indices
-    def get_interference_rssi(self):
-        """Function to read wifi interference RSSI level."""
-        bssids = []
-        self.interference_rssi = []
-        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.android_devices[0], True)
-        for item in self.wifi_int_pairs:
-            ssid = item.network['SSID']
-            bssid = item.ap.get_bssid_from_ssid(ssid, '2g')
-            bssids.append(bssid)
-            interference_rssi_dict = {
-                "ssid": ssid,
-                "bssid": bssid,
-                "chan": item.channel,
-                "rssi": 0
-            }
-            self.interference_rssi.append(interference_rssi_dict)
-        scaned_rssi = wpeutils.get_scan_rssi(self.android_devices[0],
-                                             bssids,
-                                             num_measurements=2)
-        for item in self.interference_rssi:
-            item['rssi'] = scaned_rssi[item['bssid']]['mean']
-            self.log.info('Interference RSSI at channel {} is {} dBm'.format(
-                item['chan'], item['rssi']))
-        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.android_devices[0], False)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtMetricsBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtMetricsBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index adc10cd..0000000
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-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
-class BtMetricsBaseTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
-    """
-    Base class for tests that requires dumping and parsing Bluetooth Metrics
-    """
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BluetoothBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)
-        self.ad = self.android_devices[0]
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtSarBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtSarBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 02cd24f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/BtSarBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import re
-import time
-import logging
-import pandas as pd
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_power_test_utils import MediaControl
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.ble_performance_test_utils import run_ble_throughput_and_read_rssi
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device import BluetoothHandsfreeAbstractDeviceFactory as bt_factory
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils as bt_utils
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_performance_test_utils as wifi_utils
-FORCE_SAR_ADB_COMMAND = ('am broadcast -n'
-                         'com.google.android.apps.scone/.coex.TestReceiver -a '
-                         'com.google.android.apps.scone.coex.SIMULATE_STATE ')
-class BtSarBaseTest(BaseTestClass):
-    """ Base class for all BT SAR Test classes.
-        This class implements functions common to BT SAR test Classes.
-    """
-    BACKUP_BT_SAR_TABLE_NAME = 'backup_bt_sar_table.csv'
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
-        self.power_file_paths = [
-            '/vendor/etc/bluetooth_power_limits.csv',
-            '/data/vendor/radio/bluetooth_power_limits.csv'
-        ]
-        self.sar_file_name = os.path.basename(self.power_file_paths[0])
-        self.power_column = 'BluetoothPower'
-        self.REG_DOMAIN_DICT = {
-            ('us', 'ca', 'in'): 'US',
-            ('uk', 'fr', 'es', 'de', 'it', 'ie', 'sg', 'au', 'tw'): 'EU',
-            ('jp', ): 'JP'
-        }
-    def setup_class(self):
-        """Initializes common test hardware and parameters.
-        This function initializes hardware and compiles parameters that are
-        common to all tests in this class and derived classes.
-        """
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.test_params = self.user_params.get('bt_sar_test_params', {})
-        if not self.test_params:
-            self.log.warning(
-                'bt_sar_test_params was not found in the config file.')
-        self.user_params.update(self.test_params)
-        req_params = ['bt_devices', 'calibration_params', 'custom_files']
-        self.unpack_userparams(
-            req_params,
-            country_code='us',
-            duration=DEFAULT_DURATION,
-            sort_order=None,
-            max_error_threshold=DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD,
-            agg_error_threshold=DEFAULT_AGG_MAX_ERROR_THRESHOLD,
-            tpc_threshold=[2, 8],
-            sar_margin={
-                'BDR': 0,
-                'EDR': 0,
-                'BLE': 0
-            })
-        self.attenuator = self.attenuators[0]
-        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
-        for key in self.REG_DOMAIN_DICT.keys():
-            if self.country_code.lower() in key:
-                self.reg_domain = self.REG_DOMAIN_DICT[key]
-        self.sar_version_2 = False
-        if 'Error' not in self.dut.adb.shell('bluetooth_sar_test -r'):
-            #Flag for SAR version 2
-            self.sar_version_2 = True
-            self.power_column = 'BluetoothEDRPower'
-            self.power_file_paths[0] = os.path.join(
-                os.path.dirname(self.power_file_paths[0]),
-                'bluetooth_power_limits_{}.csv'.format(self.reg_domain))
-            self.sar_file_name = os.path.basename(self.power_file_paths[0])
-        if self.sar_version_2:
-            custom_file_suffix = 'version2'
-        else:
-            custom_file_suffix = 'version1'
-        for file in self.custom_files:
-            if 'custom_sar_table_{}.csv'.format(custom_file_suffix) in file:
-                self.custom_sar_path = file
-                break
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError('Custom Sar File is missing')
-        self.sar_file_path = self.power_file_paths[0]
-        self.atten_min = 0
-        self.atten_max = int(self.attenuator.get_max_atten())
-        # Get music file and push it to the phone and initialize Media controller
-        music_files = self.user_params.get('music_files', [])
-        if music_files:
-            music_src = music_files[0]
-            music_dest = PHONE_MUSIC_FILE_DIRECTORY
-            success = self.dut.push_system_file(music_src, music_dest)
-            if success:
-                self.music_file = os.path.join(PHONE_MUSIC_FILE_DIRECTORY,
-                                               os.path.basename(music_src))
-            # Initialize media_control class
-            self.media = MediaControl(self.dut, self.music_file)
-        #Initializing BT device controller
-        if self.bt_devices:
-            attr, idx = self.bt_devices.split(':')
-            self.bt_device_controller = getattr(self, attr)[int(idx)]
-            self.bt_device = bt_factory().generate(self.bt_device_controller)
-        else:
-            self.log.error('No BT devices config is provided!')
-        bt_utils.enable_bqr(self.android_devices)
-        self.log_path = os.path.join(logging.log_path, 'results')
-        os.makedirs(self.log_path, exist_ok=True)
-        # Reading BT SAR table from the phone
-        self.bt_sar_df = self.read_sar_table(self.dut)
-    def setup_test(self):
-        super().setup_test()
-        # Starting BT on the master
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-        bt_utils.enable_bluetooth(self.dut.droid, self.dut.ed)
-        # Starting BT on the slave
-        self.bt_device.reset()
-        self.bt_device.power_on()
-        # Connect master and slave
-        bt_utils.connect_phone_to_headset(self.dut, self.bt_device, 60)
-        # Playing music
-        self.media.play()
-        # Find and set PL10 level for the DUT
-        self.pl10_atten = self.set_PL10_atten_level(self.dut)
-        self.attenuator.set_atten(self.pl10_atten)
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        #Stopping Music
-        if hasattr(self, 'media'):
-            self.media.stop()
-        # Stopping BT on slave
-        self.bt_device.reset()
-        self.bt_device.power_off()
-        #Stopping BT on master
-        bt_utils.disable_bluetooth(self.dut.droid)
-        #Resetting the atten to initial levels
-        self.attenuator.set_atten(self.atten_min)
-        self.log.info('Attenuation set to {} dB'.format(self.atten_min))
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        super().teardown_class()
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-        # Stopping BT on slave
-        self.bt_device.reset()
-        self.bt_device.power_off()
-        #Stopping BT on master
-        bt_utils.disable_bluetooth(self.dut.droid)
-    def save_sar_plot(self, df):
-        """ Saves SAR plot to the path given.
-        Args:
-            df: Processed SAR table sweep results
-        """
-        self.plot.add_line(
-            df.index,
-            df['expected_tx_power'],
-            legend='expected',
-            marker='circle')
-        self.plot.add_line(
-            df.index,
-            df['measured_tx_power'],
-            legend='measured',
-            marker='circle')
-        self.plot.add_line(
-            df.index, df['delta'], legend='delta', marker='circle')
-        results_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, '{}.html'.format(
-            self.current_test_name))
-        self.plot.generate_figure()
-        wifi_utils.BokehFigure.save_figures([self.plot], results_file_path)
-    def sweep_power_cap(self):
-        sar_df = self.bt_sar_df
-        sar_df['BDR_power_cap'] = -128
-        sar_df['EDR_power_cap'] = -128
-        sar_df['BLE_power_cap'] = -128
-        if self.sar_version_2:
-            power_column_dict = {
-                'BDR': 'BluetoothBDRPower',
-                'EDR': 'BluetoothEDRPower',
-                'BLE': 'BluetoothLEPower'
-            }
-        else:
-            power_column_dict = {'EDR': self.power_column}
-        power_cap_error = False
-        for type, column_name in power_column_dict.items():
-            self.log.info("Performing sanity test on {}".format(type))
-            # Iterating through the BT SAR scenarios
-            for scenario in range(0, self.bt_sar_df.shape[0]):
-                # Reading BT SAR table row into dict
-                read_scenario = sar_df.loc[scenario].to_dict()
-                start_time = self.dut.adb.shell('date +%s.%m')
-                time.sleep(SLEEP_DURATION)
-                # Setting SAR state to the read BT SAR row
-                self.set_sar_state(self.dut, read_scenario, self.country_code)
-                # Reading device power cap from logcat after forcing SAR State
-                scenario_power_cap = self.get_current_power_cap(
-                    self.dut, start_time, type=type)
-                sar_df.loc[scenario, '{}_power_cap'.format(
-                    type)] = scenario_power_cap
-                self.log.info(
-                    'scenario: {}, '
-                    'sar_power: {}, power_cap:{}'.format(
-                        scenario, sar_df.loc[scenario, column_name],
-                        sar_df.loc[scenario, '{}_power_cap'.format(type)]))
-        if not sar_df['{}_power_cap'.format(type)].equals(sar_df[column_name]):
-            power_cap_error = True
-        results_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, '{}.csv'.format(
-            self.current_test_name))
-        sar_df.to_csv(results_file_path)
-        return power_cap_error
-    def sweep_table(self,
-                    client_ad=None,
-                    server_ad=None,
-                    client_conn_id=None,
-                    gatt_server=None,
-                    gatt_callback=None,
-                    isBLE=False):
-        """Iterates over the BT SAR table and forces signal states.
-        Iterates over BT SAR table and forces signal states,
-        measuring RSSI and power level for each state.
-        Args:
-            client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-            server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-            client_conn_id: the client connection ID.
-            gatt_server: the gatt server
-            gatt_callback: Gatt callback objec
-            isBLE : boolean variable for BLE connection
-        Returns:
-            sar_df : SAR table sweep results in pandas dataframe
-        """
-        sar_df = self.bt_sar_df.copy()
-        sar_df['power_cap'] = -128
-        sar_df['slave_rssi'] = -128
-        sar_df['master_rssi'] = -128
-        sar_df['ble_rssi'] = -128
-        sar_df['pwlv'] = -1
-        # Sorts the table
-        if self.sort_order:
-            if self.sort_order.lower() == 'ascending':
-                sar_df = sar_df.sort_values(
-                    by=[self.power_column], ascending=True)
-            else:
-                sar_df = sar_df.sort_values(
-                    by=[self.power_column], ascending=False)
-            sar_df = sar_df.reset_index(drop=True)
-        # Sweeping BT SAR table
-        for scenario in range(sar_df.shape[0]):
-            # Reading BT SAR Scenario from the table
-            read_scenario = sar_df.loc[scenario].to_dict()
-            start_time = self.dut.adb.shell('date +%s.%m')
-            time.sleep(SLEEP_DURATION)
-            #Setting SAR State
-            self.set_sar_state(self.dut, read_scenario, self.country_code)
-            if isBLE:
-                sar_df.loc[scenario, 'power_cap'] = self.get_current_power_cap(
-                    self.dut, start_time, type='BLE')
-                sar_df.loc[
-                    scenario, 'ble_rssi'] = run_ble_throughput_and_read_rssi(
-                        client_ad, server_ad, client_conn_id, gatt_server,
-                        gatt_callback)
-                self.log.info('scenario:{}, power_cap:{},  ble_rssi:{}'.format(
-                    scenario, sar_df.loc[scenario, 'power_cap'],
-                    sar_df.loc[scenario, 'ble_rssi']))
-            else:
-                sar_df.loc[scenario, 'power_cap'] = self.get_current_power_cap(
-                    self.dut, start_time)
-                processed_bqr_results = bt_utils.get_bt_metric(
-                    self.android_devices, self.duration)
-                sar_df.loc[scenario, 'slave_rssi'] = processed_bqr_results[
-                    'rssi'][self.bt_device_controller.serial]
-                sar_df.loc[scenario, 'master_rssi'] = processed_bqr_results[
-                    'rssi'][self.dut.serial]
-                sar_df.loc[scenario, 'pwlv'] = processed_bqr_results['pwlv'][
-                    self.dut.serial]
-                self.log.info(
-                    'scenario:{}, power_cap:{},  s_rssi:{}, m_rssi:{}, m_pwlv:{}'
-                    .format(scenario, sar_df.loc[scenario, 'power_cap'],
-                            sar_df.loc[scenario, 'slave_rssi'],
-                            sar_df.loc[scenario, 'master_rssi'],
-                            sar_df.loc[scenario, 'pwlv']))
-        self.log.info('BT SAR Table swept')
-        return sar_df
-    def process_table(self, sar_df):
-        """Processes the results of sweep_table and computes BT TX power.
-        Processes the results of sweep_table and computes BT TX power
-        after factoring in the path loss and FTM offsets.
-        Args:
-             sar_df: BT SAR table after the sweep
-        Returns:
-            sar_df: processed BT SAR table
-        """
-        sar_df['pathloss'] = self.calibration_params['pathloss']
-        if hasattr(self, 'pl10_atten'):
-            sar_df['atten'] = self.pl10_atten
-        else:
-            sar_df['atten'] = FIXED_ATTENUATION
-        # BT SAR Backoff for each scenario
-        if self.sar_version_2:
-            #Reads OTP values from the phone
-            self.otp = bt_utils.read_otp(self.dut)
-            #OTP backoff
-            edr_otp = min(0, float(self.otp['EDR']['10']))
-            bdr_otp = min(0, float(self.otp['BR']['10']))
-            ble_otp = min(0, float(self.otp['BLE']['10']))
-            # EDR TX Power for PL10
-            edr_tx_power_pl10 = self.calibration_params['target_power']['EDR']['10'] - edr_otp
-            # BDR TX Power for PL10
-            bdr_tx_power_pl10 = self.calibration_params['target_power']['BDR']['10'] - bdr_otp
-            # RSSI being measured is BDR
-            offset = bdr_tx_power_pl10 - edr_tx_power_pl10
-            # BDR-EDR offset
-            sar_df['offset'] = offset
-            # Max TX power permissible
-            sar_df['max_power'] = self.calibration_params['max_power']
-            # Adding a target power column
-            if 'ble_rssi' in sar_df.columns:
-                sar_df[
-                    'target_power'] = self.calibration_params['target_power']['BLE']['10'] - ble_otp
-            else:
-                sar_df['target_power'] = sar_df['pwlv'].astype(str).map(
-                    self.calibration_params['target_power']['EDR']) - edr_otp
-            #Translates power_cap values to expected TX power level
-            sar_df['cap_tx_power'] = sar_df['power_cap'] / 4.0
-            sar_df['expected_tx_power'] = sar_df[[
-                'cap_tx_power', 'target_power', 'max_power'
-            ]].min(axis=1)
-            if hasattr(self, 'pl10_atten'):
-                sar_df[
-                    'measured_tx_power'] = sar_df['slave_rssi'] + sar_df['pathloss'] + self.pl10_atten - offset
-            else:
-                sar_df[
-                    'measured_tx_power'] = sar_df['ble_rssi'] + sar_df['pathloss'] + FIXED_ATTENUATION
-        else:
-            # Adding a target power column
-            sar_df['target_power'] = sar_df['pwlv'].astype(str).map(
-                self.calibration_params['target_power']['EDR']['10'])
-            # Adding a ftm  power column
-            sar_df['ftm_power'] = sar_df['pwlv'].astype(str).map(
-                self.calibration_params['ftm_power']['EDR'])
-            sar_df[
-                'backoff'] = sar_df['target_power'] - sar_df['power_cap'] / 4.0
-            sar_df[
-                'expected_tx_power'] = sar_df['ftm_power'] - sar_df['backoff']
-            sar_df[
-                'measured_tx_power'] = sar_df['slave_rssi'] + sar_df['pathloss'] + self.pl10_atten
-        sar_df[
-            'delta'] = sar_df['expected_tx_power'] - sar_df['measured_tx_power']
-        self.log.info('Sweep results processed')
-        results_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, self.current_test_name)
-        sar_df.to_csv('{}.csv'.format(results_file_path))
-        self.save_sar_plot(sar_df)
-        return sar_df
-    def process_results(self, sar_df, type='EDR'):
-        """Determines the test results of the sweep.
-         Parses the processed table with computed BT TX power values
-         to return pass or fail.
-        Args:
-             sar_df: processed BT SAR table
-        """
-        if self.sar_version_2:
-            breach_error_result = (
-                sar_df['expected_tx_power'] + self.sar_margin[type] >
-                sar_df['measured_tx_power']).all()
-            if not breach_error_result:
-                asserts.fail('Measured TX power exceeds expected')
-        else:
-            # checks for errors at particular points in the sweep
-            max_error_result = abs(
-                sar_df['delta']) > self.max_error_threshold[type]
-            if max_error_result:
-                asserts.fail('Maximum Error Threshold Exceeded')
-            # checks for error accumulation across the sweep
-            if sar_df['delta'].sum() > self.agg_error_threshold[type]:
-                asserts.fail(
-                    'Aggregate Error Threshold Exceeded. Error: {} Threshold: {}'.
-                    format(sar_df['delta'].sum(), self.agg_error_threshold))
-        asserts.explicit_pass('Measured and Expected Power Values in line')
-    def set_sar_state(self, ad, signal_dict, country_code='us'):
-        """Sets the SAR state corresponding to the BT SAR signal.
-        The SAR state is forced using an adb command that takes
-        device signals as input.
-        Args:
-            ad: android_device object.
-            signal_dict: dict of BT SAR signals read from the SAR file.
-        Returns:
-            enforced_state: dict of device signals.
-        """
-        signal_dict = {k: max(int(v), 0) for (k, v) in signal_dict.items()}
-        signal_dict["Wifi"] = signal_dict['WIFI5Ghz']
-        signal_dict['WIFI2Ghz'] = 0 if signal_dict['WIFI5Ghz'] else 1
-        device_state_dict = {
-            ('Earpiece', 'earpiece'): signal_dict['Head'],
-            ('Wifi', 'wifi'): signal_dict['WIFI5Ghz'],
-            ('Wifi 2.4G', 'wifi_24g'): signal_dict['WIFI2Ghz'],
-            ('Voice', 'voice'): 0,
-            ('Wifi AP', 'wifi_ap'): signal_dict['HotspotVoice'],
-            ('Bluetooth', 'bluetooth'): 1,
-            ('Bluetooth media', 'bt_media'): signal_dict['BTMedia'],
-            ('Radio', 'radio_power'): signal_dict['Cell'],
-            ('Motion', 'motion'): signal_dict['IMU'],
-            ('Bluetooth connected', 'bt_connected'): 1
-        }
-        if 'BTHotspot' in signal_dict.keys():
-            device_state_dict[('Bluetooth tethering',
-                               'bt_tethering')] = signal_dict['BTHotspot']
-        enforced_state = {}
-        sar_state_command = FORCE_SAR_ADB_COMMAND
-        for key in device_state_dict:
-            enforced_state[key[0]] = device_state_dict[key]
-            sar_state_command = '{} --ei {} {}'.format(
-                sar_state_command, key[1], device_state_dict[key])
-        if self.sar_version_2:
-            sar_state_command = '{} --es country_iso "{}"'.format(
-                sar_state_command, country_code.lower())
-        #Forcing the SAR state
-        adb_output = ad.adb.shell(sar_state_command)
-        # Checking if command was successfully enforced
-        if 'result=0' in adb_output:
-            self.log.info('Requested BT SAR state successfully enforced.')
-            return enforced_state
-        else:
-            self.log.error("Couldn't force BT SAR state.")
-    def parse_bt_logs(self, ad, begin_time, regex=''):
-        """Returns bt software stats by parsing logcat since begin_time.
-        The quantity to be fetched is dictated by the regex provided.
-        Args:
-             ad: android_device object.
-             begin_time: time stamp to start the logcat parsing.
-             regex: regex for fetching the required BT software stats.
-        Returns:
-             stat: the desired BT stat.
-        """
-        # Waiting for logcat to update
-        time.sleep(SLEEP_DURATION)
-        bt_adb_log = ad.adb.logcat('-b all -t %s' % begin_time)
-        for line in bt_adb_log.splitlines():
-            if re.findall(regex, line):
-                stat = re.findall(regex, line)[0]
-                return stat
-    def set_country_code(self, ad, cc):
-        """Sets the SAR regulatory domain as per given country code
-        The SAR regulatory domain is forced using an adb command that takes
-        country code as input.
-        Args:
-            ad: android_device object.
-            cc: country code
-        """
-        ad.adb.shell("{} --es country_iso {}".format(FORCE_SAR_ADB_COMMAND,
-                                                     cc))
-        self.log.info("Country Code set to {}".format(cc))
-    def get_country_code(self, ad, begin_time):
-        """Returns the enforced regulatory domain since begin_time
-        Returns enforced regulatory domain since begin_time by parsing logcat.
-        Function should follow a function call to set a country code
-        Args:
-            ad : android_device obj
-            begin_time: time stamp to start
-        Returns:
-            read enforced regulatory domain
-        """
-        reg_domain_regex = "updateRegulatoryDomain:\s+(\S+)"
-        reg_domain = self.parse_bt_logs(ad, begin_time, reg_domain_regex)
-        return reg_domain
-    def get_current_power_cap(self, ad, begin_time, type='EDR'):
-        """ Returns the enforced software EDR power cap since begin_time.
-        Returns the enforced EDR power cap since begin_time by parsing logcat.
-        Function should follow a function call that forces a SAR state
-        Args:
-            ad: android_device obj.
-            begin_time: time stamp to start.
-        Returns:
-            read enforced power cap
-        """
-        power_cap_regex_dict = {
-            'BDR': [
-                'Bluetooth powers: BR:\s+(\d+), EDR:\s+\d+',
-                'Bluetooth Tx Power Cap\s+(\d+)'
-            ],
-            'EDR': [
-                'Bluetooth powers: BR:\s+\d+, EDR:\s+(\d+)',
-                'Bluetooth Tx Power Cap\s+(\d+)'
-            ],
-            'BLE': [
-                'Bluetooth powers: BR:\s+\d+, EDR:\s+\d+, BLE:\s+(\d+)',
-                'Bluetooth Tx Power Cap\s+(\d+)'
-            ]
-        }
-        power_cap_regex_list = power_cap_regex_dict[type]
-        for power_cap_regex in power_cap_regex_list:
-            power_cap = self.parse_bt_logs(ad, begin_time, power_cap_regex)
-            if power_cap:
-                return int(power_cap)
-        raise ValueError('Failed to get TX power cap')
-    def get_current_device_state(self, ad, begin_time):
-        """ Returns the device state of the android dut since begin_time.
-        Returns the device state of the android dut by parsing logcat since
-        begin_time. Function should follow a function call that forces
-        a SAR state.
-        Args:
-            ad: android_device obj.
-            begin_time: time stamp to start.
-        Returns:
-            device_state: device state of the android device.
-        """
-        device_state_regex = 'updateDeviceState: DeviceState: ([\s*\S+\s]+)'
-        time.sleep(SLEEP_DURATION)
-        device_state = self.parse_bt_logs(ad, begin_time, device_state_regex)
-        if device_state:
-            return device_state
-        raise ValueError("Couldn't fetch device state")
-    def read_sar_table(self, ad, output_path=''):
-        """Extracts the BT SAR table from the phone.
-        Extracts the BT SAR table from the phone into the android device
-        log path directory.
-        Args:
-            ad: android_device object.
-            output_path: path to custom sar table
-        Returns:
-            df : BT SAR table (as pandas DataFrame).
-        """
-        if not output_path:
-            output_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, self.sar_file_name)
-            ad.adb.pull('{} {}'.format(self.sar_file_path, output_path))
-        df = pd.read_csv(output_path)
-        self.log.info('BT SAR table read from the phone')
-        return df
-    def push_table(self, ad, src_path, dest_path=''):
-        """Pushes a BT SAR table to the phone.
-        Pushes a BT SAR table to the android device and reboots the device.
-        Also creates a backup file if backup flag is True.
-        Args:
-            ad: android_device object.
-            src_path: path to the  BT SAR table.
-        """
-        #Copying the to-be-pushed file for logging
-        if os.path.dirname(src_path) != ad.device_log_path:
-            job.run('cp {} {}'.format(src_path, ad.device_log_path))
-        #Pushing the file provided in the config
-        if dest_path:
-            ad.push_system_file(src_path, dest_path)
-        else:
-            ad.push_system_file(src_path, self.sar_file_path)
-        self.log.info('BT SAR table pushed')
-        ad.reboot()
-        self.bt_sar_df = self.read_sar_table(self.dut, src_path)
-    def set_PL10_atten_level(self, ad):
-        """Finds the attenuation level at which the phone is at PL10
-        Finds PL10 attenuation level by sweeping the attenuation range.
-        If the power level is not achieved during sweep,
-        returns the max atten level
-        Args:
-            ad: android object class
-        Returns:
-            atten : attenuation level when the phone is at PL10
-        """
-        BT_SAR_ATTEN_STEP = 3
-        for atten in range(self.atten_min, self.atten_max, BT_SAR_ATTEN_STEP):
-            self.attenuator.set_atten(atten)
-            # Sleep required for BQR to reflect the change in parameters
-            time.sleep(SLEEP_DURATION)
-            metrics = bt_utils.get_bt_metric(ad)
-            if metrics['pwlv'][ad.serial] == 10:
-                self.log.info(
-                    'PL10 located at {}'.format(atten + BT_SAR_ATTEN_STEP))
-                return atten + BT_SAR_ATTEN_STEP
-        self.log.warn(
-            "PL10 couldn't be located in the given attenuation range")
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/GattConnectedBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/GattConnectedBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d225f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/GattConnectedBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This is base class for tests that exercises different GATT procedures between two connected devices.
-Setup/Teardown methods take care of establishing connection, and doing GATT DB initialization/discovery.
-from queue import Empty
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_descriptor
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_service_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_event
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_err
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_strings
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_mtu_size
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import disconnect_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import orchestrate_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_characteristics
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_descriptors
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_char_desc_uuids
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_default_timeout
-class GattConnectedBaseTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
-    TEST_SERVICE_UUID = "3846D7A0-69C8-11E4-BA00-0002A5D5C51B"
-    READABLE_CHAR_UUID = "21c0a0bf-ad51-4a2d-8124-b74003e4e8c8"
-    READABLE_DESC_UUID = "aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630"
-    WRITABLE_CHAR_UUID = "aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630"
-    WRITABLE_DESC_UUID = "76d5ed92-ca81-4edb-bb6b-9f019665fb32"
-    NOTIFIABLE_CHAR_UUID = "b2c83efa-34ca-11e6-ac61-9e71128cae77"
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.cen_ad = self.android_devices[0]
-        self.per_ad = self.android_devices[1]
-    def setup_test(self):
-        super(GattConnectedBaseTest, self).setup_test()
-        self.gatt_server_callback, self.gatt_server = self._setup_multiple_services(
-        )
-        if not self.gatt_server_callback or not self.gatt_server:
-            raise AssertionError('Service setup failed')
-        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.gatt_callback, self.adv_callback = (
-            orchestrate_gatt_connection(self.cen_ad, self.per_ad))
-        self.per_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(self.adv_callback)
-        self.mtu = gatt_mtu_size['min']
-        if self.cen_ad.droid.gattClientDiscoverServices(self.bluetooth_gatt):
-            event = self._client_wait(gatt_event['gatt_serv_disc'])
-            self.discovered_services_index = event['data']['ServicesIndex']
-        services_count = self.cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        self.test_service_index = None
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            disc_service_uuid = (
-                self.cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServiceUuid(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i).upper())
-            if disc_service_uuid == self.TEST_SERVICE_UUID:
-                self.test_service_index = i
-                break
-        if not self.test_service_index:
-            print("Service not found")
-            return False
-        connected_device_list = self.per_ad.droid.gattServerGetConnectedDevices(
-            self.gatt_server)
-        if len(connected_device_list) == 0:
-            self.log.info("No devices connected from peripheral.")
-            return False
-        return True
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        self.per_ad.droid.gattServerClearServices(self.gatt_server)
-        self.per_ad.droid.gattServerClose(self.gatt_server)
-        del self.gatt_server_callback
-        del self.gatt_server
-        self._orchestrate_gatt_disconnection(self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                                             self.gatt_callback)
-        return super(GattConnectedBaseTest, self).teardown_test()
-    def _server_wait(self, gatt_event):
-        return self._timed_pop(gatt_event, self.per_ad,
-                               self.gatt_server_callback)
-    def _client_wait(self, gatt_event):
-        return self._timed_pop(gatt_event, self.cen_ad, self.gatt_callback)
-    def _timed_pop(self, gatt_event, droid, gatt_callback):
-        expected_event = gatt_event["evt"].format(gatt_callback)
-        try:
-            return droid.ed.pop_event(expected_event, bt_default_timeout)
-        except Empty as emp:
-            raise AssertionError(gatt_event["err"].format(expected_event))
-    def _setup_characteristics_and_descriptors(self, droid):
-        characteristic_input = [
-            {
-                'uuid': self.WRITABLE_CHAR_UUID,
-                'property': gatt_characteristic['property_write'] |
-                gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-                'permission': gatt_characteristic['permission_write']
-            },
-            {
-                'uuid': self.READABLE_CHAR_UUID,
-                'property': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-                'permission': gatt_characteristic['permission_read']
-            },
-            {
-                'uuid': self.NOTIFIABLE_CHAR_UUID,
-                'property': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'] |
-                gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'],
-                'permission': gatt_characteristic['permission_read']
-            },
-        ]
-        descriptor_input = [{
-            'uuid': self.WRITABLE_DESC_UUID,
-            'property': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-        }, {
-            'uuid': self.READABLE_DESC_UUID,
-            'property': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-            gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-        }, {
-            'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg'],
-            'property': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-            gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-        }]
-        characteristic_list = setup_gatt_characteristics(droid,
-                                                         characteristic_input)
-        self.notifiable_char_index = characteristic_list[2]
-        descriptor_list = setup_gatt_descriptors(droid, descriptor_input)
-        return characteristic_list, descriptor_list
-    def _orchestrate_gatt_disconnection(self, bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback):
-        self.log.info("Disconnecting from peripheral device.")
-        try:
-            disconnect_gatt_connection(self.cen_ad, bluetooth_gatt,
-                                       gatt_callback)
-        except GattTestUtilsError as err:
-            log.error(err)
-            return False
-        self.cen_ad.droid.gattClientClose(bluetooth_gatt)
-        return True
-    def _find_service_added_event(self, gatt_server_callback, uuid):
-        expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['serv_added'].format(
-            gatt_server_callback)
-        try:
-            event = self.per_ad.ed.pop_event(expected_event,
-                                             bt_default_timeout)
-        except Empty:
-            self.log.error(gatt_cb_err['serv_added_err'].format(
-                expected_event))
-            return False
-        if event['data']['serviceUuid'].lower() != uuid.lower():
-            self.log.error("Uuid mismatch. Found: {}, Expected {}.".format(
-                event['data']['serviceUuid'], uuid))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _setup_multiple_services(self):
-        gatt_server_callback = (
-            self.per_ad.droid.gattServerCreateGattServerCallback())
-        gatt_server = self.per_ad.droid.gattServerOpenGattServer(
-            gatt_server_callback)
-        characteristic_list, descriptor_list = (
-            self._setup_characteristics_and_descriptors(self.per_ad.droid))
-        self.per_ad.droid.gattServerCharacteristicAddDescriptor(
-            characteristic_list[0], descriptor_list[0])
-        self.per_ad.droid.gattServerCharacteristicAddDescriptor(
-            characteristic_list[1], descriptor_list[1])
-        self.per_ad.droid.gattServerCharacteristicAddDescriptor(
-            characteristic_list[2], descriptor_list[2])
-        gatt_service3 = self.per_ad.droid.gattServerCreateService(
-            self.TEST_SERVICE_UUID, gatt_service_types['primary'])
-        for characteristic in characteristic_list:
-            self.per_ad.droid.gattServerAddCharacteristicToService(
-                gatt_service3, characteristic)
-        self.per_ad.droid.gattServerAddService(gatt_server, gatt_service3)
-        result = self._find_service_added_event(gatt_server_callback,
-                                                self.TEST_SERVICE_UUID)
-        if not result:
-            return False, False
-        return gatt_server_callback, gatt_server
-    def assertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
-        if not first == second:
-            if not msg:
-                raise AssertionError('%r != %r' % (first, second))
-            else:
-                raise AssertionError(msg + ' %r != %r' % (first, second))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/GattEnum.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/GattEnum.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4c171..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/GattEnum.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import Enum
-from enum import IntEnum
-class GattCbErr(Enum):
-    CHAR_WRITE_REQ_ERR = "Characteristic Write Request event not found. Expected {}"
-    CHAR_WRITE_ERR = "Characteristic Write event not found. Expected {}"
-    DESC_WRITE_REQ_ERR = "Descriptor Write Request event not found. Expected {}"
-    DESC_WRITE_ERR = "Descriptor Write event not found. Expected {}"
-    CHAR_READ_ERR = "Characteristic Read event not found. Expected {}"
-    CHAR_READ_REQ_ERR = "Characteristic Read Request not found. Expected {}"
-    DESC_READ_ERR = "Descriptor Read event not found. Expected {}"
-    DESC_READ_REQ_ERR = "Descriptor Read Request event not found. Expected {}"
-    RD_REMOTE_RSSI_ERR = "Read Remote RSSI event not found. Expected {}"
-    GATT_SERV_DISC_ERR = "GATT Services Discovered event not found. Expected {}"
-    SERV_ADDED_ERR = "Service Added event not found. Expected {}"
-    MTU_CHANGED_ERR = "MTU Changed event not found. Expected {}"
-    MTU_SERV_CHANGED_ERR = "MTU Server Changed event not found. Expected {}"
-    GATT_CONN_CHANGE_ERR = "GATT Connection Changed event not found. Expected {}"
-    CHAR_CHANGE_ERR = "GATT Characteristic Changed event not fond. Expected {}"
-    PHY_READ_ERR = "Phy Read event not fond. Expected {}"
-    PHY_UPDATE_ERR = "Phy Update event not fond. Expected {}"
-    EXEC_WRITE_ERR = "GATT Execute Write event not found. Expected {}"
-class GattCbStrings(Enum):
-    CHAR_WRITE_REQ = "GattServer{}onCharacteristicWriteRequest"
-    EXEC_WRITE = "GattServer{}onExecuteWrite"
-    CHAR_WRITE = "GattConnect{}onCharacteristicWrite"
-    DESC_WRITE_REQ = "GattServer{}onDescriptorWriteRequest"
-    DESC_WRITE = "GattConnect{}onDescriptorWrite"
-    CHAR_READ = "GattConnect{}onCharacteristicRead"
-    CHAR_READ_REQ = "GattServer{}onCharacteristicReadRequest"
-    DESC_READ = "GattConnect{}onDescriptorRead"
-    DESC_READ_REQ = "GattServer{}onDescriptorReadRequest"
-    RD_REMOTE_RSSI = "GattConnect{}onReadRemoteRssi"
-    GATT_SERV_DISC = "GattConnect{}onServicesDiscovered"
-    SERV_ADDED = "GattServer{}onServiceAdded"
-    MTU_CHANGED = "GattConnect{}onMtuChanged"
-    MTU_SERV_CHANGED = "GattServer{}onMtuChanged"
-    GATT_CONN_CHANGE = "GattConnect{}onConnectionStateChange"
-    CHAR_CHANGE = "GattConnect{}onCharacteristicChanged"
-    PHY_READ = "GattConnect{}onPhyRead"
-    PHY_UPDATE = "GattConnect{}onPhyUpdate"
-    SERV_PHY_READ = "GattServer{}onPhyRead"
-    SERV_PHY_UPDATE = "GattServer{}onPhyUpdate"
-class GattEvent(Enum):
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.CHAR_WRITE_REQ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.CHAR_WRITE_REQ_ERR.value
-    }
-    EXEC_WRITE = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.EXEC_WRITE.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.EXEC_WRITE_ERR.value
-    }
-    CHAR_WRITE = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.CHAR_WRITE.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.CHAR_WRITE_ERR.value
-    }
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.DESC_WRITE_REQ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.DESC_WRITE_REQ_ERR.value
-    }
-    DESC_WRITE = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.DESC_WRITE.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.DESC_WRITE_ERR.value
-    }
-    CHAR_READ = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.CHAR_READ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.CHAR_READ_ERR.value
-    }
-    CHAR_READ_REQ = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.CHAR_READ_REQ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.CHAR_READ_REQ_ERR.value
-    }
-    DESC_READ = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.DESC_READ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.DESC_READ_ERR.value
-    }
-    DESC_READ_REQ = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.DESC_READ_REQ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.DESC_READ_REQ_ERR.value
-    }
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.RD_REMOTE_RSSI.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.RD_REMOTE_RSSI_ERR.value
-    }
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.GATT_SERV_DISC.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.GATT_SERV_DISC_ERR.value
-    }
-    SERV_ADDED = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.SERV_ADDED.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.SERV_ADDED_ERR.value
-    }
-    MTU_CHANGED = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.MTU_CHANGED.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.MTU_CHANGED_ERR.value
-    }
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.GATT_CONN_CHANGE.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.GATT_CONN_CHANGE_ERR.value
-    }
-    CHAR_CHANGE = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.CHAR_CHANGE.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.CHAR_CHANGE_ERR.value
-    }
-    PHY_READ = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.PHY_READ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.PHY_READ_ERR.value
-    }
-    PHY_UPDATE = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.PHY_UPDATE.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.PHY_UPDATE_ERR.value
-    }
-    SERV_PHY_READ = {
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.SERV_PHY_READ.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.PHY_READ_ERR.value
-    }
-        "evt": GattCbStrings.SERV_PHY_UPDATE.value,
-        "err": GattCbErr.PHY_UPDATE_ERR.value
-    }
-class GattConnectionState(IntEnum):
-class GattCharacteristic(Enum):
-    PROPERTY_READ = 0x02
-    PROPERTY_WRITE = 0x08
-    FORMAT_UINT8 = 0x11
-    FORMAT_UINT16 = 0x12
-    FORMAT_UINT32 = 0x14
-    FORMAT_SINT8 = 0x21
-    FORMAT_SINT16 = 0x22
-    FORMAT_SINT32 = 0x24
-    FORMAT_SFLOAT = 0x32
-    FORMAT_FLOAT = 0x34
-class GattDescriptor(Enum):
-    ENABLE_INDICATION_VALUE = [0x02, 0x00]
-class GattCharDesc(Enum):
-    GATT_CHARAC_EXT_PROPER_UUID = '00002900-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_USER_DESC_UUID = '00002901-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CLIENT_CHARAC_CFG_UUID = '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_SERVER_CHARAC_CFG_UUID = '00002903-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_FMT_UUID = '00002904-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_AGREG_FMT_UUID = '00002905-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_VALID_RANGE_UUID = '00002906-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_EXTERNAL_REPORT_REFERENCE = '00002907-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_REPORT_REFERENCE = '00002908-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-class GattCharTypes(Enum):
-    GATT_CHARAC_DEVICE_NAME = '00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_APPEARANCE = '00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_PERIPHERAL_PRIV_FLAG = '00002a02-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_RECONNECTION_ADDRESS = '00002a03-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_PERIPHERAL_PREF_CONN = '00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_SERVICE_CHANGED = '00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_SYSTEM_ID = '00002a23-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_MODEL_NUMBER_STRING = '00002a24-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING = '00002a25-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING = '00002a26-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING = '00002a27-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING = '00002a28-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING = '00002a29-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-    GATT_CHARAC_PNP_ID = '00002a50-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-class GattCharacteristicAttrLength(Enum):
-    MTU_ATTR_1 = 1
-    MTU_ATTR_2 = 3
-    MTU_ATTR_3 = 15
-class CharacteristicValueFormat(Enum):
-    STRING = 0x1
-    BYTE = 0x2
-    FORMAT_SINT8 = 0x21
-    FORMAT_UINT8 = 0x11
-    FORMAT_SINT16 = 0x22
-    FORMAT_UINT16 = 0x12
-    FORMAT_SINT32 = 0x24
-    FORMAT_UINT32 = 0x14
-class GattService(IntEnum):
-class GattConnectionPriority(IntEnum):
-class MtuSize(IntEnum):
-    MIN = 23
-    MAX = 217
-class GattCharacteristicAttrLength(IntEnum):
-    MTU_ATTR_1 = 1
-    MTU_ATTR_2 = 3
-    MTU_ATTR_3 = 15
-class BluetoothGatt(Enum):
-    GATT_FAILURE = 0x101
-class GattTransport(IntEnum):
-    TRANSPORT_AUTO = 0x00
-    TRANSPORT_LE = 0x02
-class GattPhy(IntEnum):
-    PHY_LE_1M = 1
-    PHY_LE_2M = 2
-    PHY_LE_CODED = 3
-class GattPhyMask(IntEnum):
-    PHY_LE_1M_MASK = 1
-    PHY_LE_2M_MASK = 2
-# TODO Decide whether to continue with Enums or move to dictionaries
-GattServerResponses = {
-    "GATT_SUCCESS": 0x0,
-    "GATT_FAILURE": 0x1,
-    "GATT_INVALID_PDU": 0x4,
-    "GATT_13_ERR": 0x13,
-    "GATT_12_ERR": 0x12,
-    "GATT_0C_ERR": 0x0C,
-    "GATT_16": 0x16
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/ble_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/ble_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 725ee34..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/ble_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Ble libraries
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_advertise_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_advertise_settings_tx_powers
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_scan_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import small_timeout
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import adv_fail
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import adv_succ
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import advertising_set_on_own_address_read
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import advertising_set_started
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import generate_ble_advertise_objects
-import time
-class BleLib():
-    def __init__(self, log, dut):
-        self.advertisement_list = []
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.log = log
-        self.default_timeout = 5
-        self.set_advertisement_list = []
-        self.generic_uuid = "0000{}-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
-    def _verify_ble_adv_started(self, advertise_callback):
-        """Helper for verifying if an advertisment started or not"""
-        regex = "({}|{})".format(adv_succ.format(advertise_callback),
-                                 adv_fail.format(advertise_callback))
-        try:
-            event = self.dut.ed.pop_events(regex, 5, small_timeout)
-        except Empty:
-            self.dut.log.error("Failed to get success or failed event.")
-            return
-        if event[0]["name"] == adv_succ.format(advertise_callback):
-            self.dut.log.info("Advertisement started successfully.")
-            return True
-        else:
-            self.dut.log.info("Advertisement failed to start.")
-            return False
-    def start_generic_connectable_advertisement(self, line):
-        """Start a connectable LE advertisement"""
-        scan_response = None
-        if line:
-            scan_response = bool(line)
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(
-            ble_advertise_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsIsConnectable(True)
-        advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings = (
-            generate_ble_advertise_objects(self.dut.droid))
-        if scan_response:
-            self.dut.droid.bleStartBleAdvertisingWithScanResponse(
-                advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings,
-                advertise_data)
-        else:
-            self.dut.droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(advertise_callback,
-                                                  advertise_data,
-                                                  advertise_settings)
-        if self._verify_ble_adv_started(advertise_callback):
-            self.log.info(
-                "Tracking Callback ID: {}".format(advertise_callback))
-            self.advertisement_list.append(advertise_callback)
-            self.log.info(self.advertisement_list)
-    def start_connectable_advertisement_set(self, line):
-        """Start Connectable Advertisement Set"""
-        adv_callback = self.dut.droid.bleAdvSetGenCallback()
-        adv_data = {
-            "includeDeviceName": True,
-        }
-        self.dut.droid.bleAdvSetStartAdvertisingSet(
-            {
-                "connectable": True,
-                "legacyMode": False,
-                "primaryPhy": "PHY_LE_1M",
-                "secondaryPhy": "PHY_LE_1M",
-                "interval": 320
-            }, adv_data, None, None, None, 0, 0, adv_callback)
-        evt = self.dut.ed.pop_event(
-            advertising_set_started.format(adv_callback), self.default_timeout)
-        set_id = evt['data']['setId']
-        self.log.error("did not receive the set started event!")
-        evt = self.dut.ed.pop_event(
-            advertising_set_on_own_address_read.format(set_id),
-            self.default_timeout)
-        address = evt['data']['address']
-        self.log.info("Advertiser address is: {}".format(str(address)))
-        self.set_advertisement_list.append(adv_callback)
-    def stop_all_advertisement_set(self, line):
-        """Stop all Advertisement Sets"""
-        for adv in self.set_advertisement_list:
-            try:
-                self.dut.droid.bleAdvSetStopAdvertisingSet(adv)
-            except Exception as err:
-                self.log.error("Failed to stop advertisement: {}".format(err))
-    def adv_add_service_uuid_list(self, line):
-        """Add service UUID to the LE advertisement inputs:
-         [uuid1 uuid2 ... uuidN]"""
-        uuids = line.split()
-        uuid_list = []
-        for uuid in uuids:
-            if len(uuid) == 4:
-                uuid = self.generic_uuid.format(line)
-            uuid_list.append(uuid)
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseDataSetServiceUuids(uuid_list)
-    def adv_data_include_local_name(self, is_included):
-        """Include local name in the advertisement. inputs: [true|false]"""
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseDataIncludeDeviceName(bool(is_included))
-    def adv_data_include_tx_power_level(self, is_included):
-        """Include tx power level in the advertisement. inputs: [true|false]"""
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseDataIncludeTxPowerLevel(
-            bool(is_included))
-    def adv_data_add_manufacturer_data(self, line):
-        """Include manufacturer id and data to the advertisment:
-        [id data1 data2 ... dataN]"""
-        info = line.split()
-        manu_id = int(info[0])
-        manu_data = []
-        for data in info[1:]:
-            manu_data.append(int(data))
-        self.dut.droid.bleAddAdvertiseDataManufacturerId(manu_id, manu_data)
-    def start_generic_nonconnectable_advertisement(self, line):
-        """Start a nonconnectable LE advertisement"""
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(
-            ble_advertise_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsIsConnectable(False)
-        advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings = (
-            generate_ble_advertise_objects(self.dut.droid))
-        self.dut.droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(advertise_callback,
-                                              advertise_data,
-                                              advertise_settings)
-        if self._verify_ble_adv_started(advertise_callback):
-            self.log.info(
-                "Tracking Callback ID: {}".format(advertise_callback))
-            self.advertisement_list.append(advertise_callback)
-            self.log.info(self.advertisement_list)
-    def stop_all_advertisements(self, line):
-        """Stop all LE advertisements"""
-        for callback_id in self.advertisement_list:
-            self.log.info("Stopping Advertisement {}".format(callback_id))
-            self.dut.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(callback_id)
-            time.sleep(1)
-        self.advertisement_list = []
-    def ble_stop_advertisement(self, callback_id):
-        """Stop an LE advertisement"""
-        if not callback_id:
-            self.log.info("Need a callback ID")
-            return
-        callback_id = int(callback_id)
-        if callback_id not in self.advertisement_list:
-            self.log.info("Callback not in list of advertisements.")
-            return
-        self.dut.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(callback_id)
-        self.advertisement_list.remove(callback_id)
-    def start_max_advertisements(self, line):
-        scan_response = None
-        if line:
-            scan_response = bool(line)
-        while (True):
-            try:
-                self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(
-                    ble_advertise_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-                self.dut.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsIsConnectable(True)
-                advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings = (
-                    generate_ble_advertise_objects(self.dut.droid))
-                if scan_response:
-                    self.dut.droid.bleStartBleAdvertisingWithScanResponse(
-                        advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings,
-                        advertise_data)
-                else:
-                    self.dut.droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-                        advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings)
-                if self._verify_ble_adv_started(advertise_callback):
-                    self.log.info(
-                        "Tracking Callback ID: {}".format(advertise_callback))
-                    self.advertisement_list.append(advertise_callback)
-                    self.log.info(self.advertisement_list)
-                else:
-                    self.log.info("Advertisements active: {}".format(
-                        len(self.advertisement_list)))
-                    return False
-            except Exception as err:
-                self.log.info("Advertisements active: {}".format(
-                    len(self.advertisement_list)))
-                return True
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/ble_performance_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/ble_performance_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b40704d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/ble_performance_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import time
-import datetime
-import statistics
-import os
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import advertising_set_started
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_performance_test_utils.bokeh_figure as bokeh_figure
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_scan_settings_phys
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_scan_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import close_gatt_client
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_coc_test_utils import do_multi_connection_throughput
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import disconnect_gatt_connection
-from queue import Empty
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_err
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_strings
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import l2cap_coc_header_size
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import GattTestUtilsError
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import generate_ble_scan_objects
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_coc_test_utils import orchestrate_coc_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import orchestrate_gatt_connection
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-default_event_timeout = 10
-rssi_read_duration = 25
-def establish_ble_connection(client_ad, server_ad):
-    """Function to establish BLE connection between two BLE devices.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-    Returns:
-        bluetooth_gatt: GATT object
-        gatt_callback: Gatt callback object
-        adv_callback: advertisement callback object
-        gatt_server: the gatt server
-    """
-    gatt_server_cb = server_ad.droid.gattServerCreateGattServerCallback()
-    gatt_server = server_ad.droid.gattServerOpenGattServer(gatt_server_cb)
-    try:
-        bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback, adv_callback = (
-            orchestrate_gatt_connection(client_ad, server_ad))
-    except GattTestUtilsError as err:
-        logging.error(err)
-        return False
-    return bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback, adv_callback, gatt_server
-def read_ble_rssi(client_ad, gatt_server, gatt_callback):
-    """Function to Read BLE RSSI of the remote BLE device.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        gatt_server: the gatt server
-        gatt_callback:the gatt connection call back object
-    Returns:
-      ble_rssi: RSSI value of the remote BLE device
-    """
-    AVG_RSSI = []
-    end_time = time.time() + rssi_read_duration
-    logging.info("Reading BLE RSSI for {} sec".format(rssi_read_duration))
-    while time.time() < end_time:
-        expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['rd_remote_rssi'].format(
-            gatt_callback)
-        read_rssi = client_ad.droid.gattClientReadRSSI(gatt_server)
-        if read_rssi:
-            try:
-                event = client_ad.ed.pop_event(expected_event,
-                                               default_event_timeout)
-            except Empty:
-                logging.error(
-                    gatt_cb_err['rd_remote_rssi_err'].format(expected_event))
-                return False
-        rssi_value = event['data']['Rssi']
-        AVG_RSSI.append(rssi_value)
-    logging.debug("First & Last reading of RSSI :{:03d} & {:03d}".format(
-        AVG_RSSI[0], AVG_RSSI[-1]))
-    ble_rssi = statistics.mean(AVG_RSSI)
-    ble_rssi = round(ble_rssi, 2)
-    return ble_rssi
-def read_ble_scan_rssi(client_ad, scan_callback, rssi_read_duration=30):
-    """Function to Read BLE RSSI of the remote BLE device.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        scan_callback: the scan callback of the server
-    Returns:
-      ble_rssi: RSSI value of the remote BLE device
-      raw_rssi: RSSI list of remote BLE device
-    """
-    raw_rssi = []
-    timestamp = []
-    end_time = time.time() + rssi_read_duration
-    logging.info("Reading BLE Scan RSSI for {} sec".format(rssi_read_duration))
-    while time.time() < end_time:
-        expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['rd_remote_ble_rssi'].format(
-            scan_callback)
-        try:
-            event = client_ad.ed.pop_event(expected_event,
-                                           default_event_timeout)
-        except Empty:
-            logging.error(
-                gatt_cb_err['rd_remote_rssi_err'].format(expected_event))
-            return False
-        rssi_value = event['data']['Result']['rssi']
-        epoch_time = event['time']
-        d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time / 1000)
-        tstamp = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]
-        timestamp.append(tstamp)
-        raw_rssi.append(rssi_value)
-    logging.debug("First & Last reading of RSSI :{:03d} & {:03d}".format(
-        raw_rssi[0], raw_rssi[-1]))
-    ble_rssi = statistics.mean(raw_rssi)
-    ble_rssi = round(ble_rssi, 2)
-    return ble_rssi, raw_rssi, timestamp
-def ble_coc_connection(client_ad, server_ad):
-    """Sets up the CoC connection between two Android devices.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful or false if unsuccessful,
-        gatt_callback: GATT callback object
-        client connection ID: Client connection ID
-        and server connection ID : server connection ID
-    """
-    # secured_conn: True if using secured connection
-    # le_connection_interval: LE Connection interval. 0 means use default.
-    # buffer_size : is the number of bytes per L2CAP data buffer
-    # le_tx_data_length: LE Data Length used by BT Controller to transmit.
-    is_secured = False
-    le_connection_interval = 30
-    buffer_size = 240
-    le_tx_data_length = buffer_size + l2cap_coc_header_size
-    gatt_server_cb = server_ad.droid.gattServerCreateGattServerCallback()
-    gatt_server = server_ad.droid.gattServerOpenGattServer(gatt_server_cb)
-    logging.info(
-        "orchestrate_ble_coc_connection. is_secured={}, Connection Interval={}msec, "
-        "buffer_size={}bytes".format(is_secured, le_connection_interval,
-                                     buffer_size))
-    try:
-        status, client_conn_id, server_conn_id, bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback = orchestrate_coc_connection(
-            client_ad,
-            server_ad,
-            True,
-            is_secured,
-            le_connection_interval,
-            le_tx_data_length,
-            gatt_disconnection=False)
-    except Exception as err:
-        logging.info("Failed to esatablish COC connection".format(err))
-        return 0
-    return True, gatt_callback, gatt_server, bluetooth_gatt, client_conn_id
-def run_ble_throughput(server_ad,
-                       client_conn_id,
-                       client_ad,
-                       num_iterations=30):
-    """Function to measure Throughput from one client to one-or-many servers
-    Args:
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-        client_conn_id: the client connection ID.
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        num_iterations: The num_iterations is that number of repetitions of each
-        set of buffers r/w.
-    Returns:
-      data_rate: Throughput in terms of bytes per second, 0 if test failed.
-    """
-    # number_buffers is the total number of data buffers to transmit per
-    # set of buffers r/w.
-    # buffer_size is the number of bytes per L2CAP data buffer.
-    number_buffers = 100
-    buffer_size = 240
-    list_server_ad = [server_ad]
-    list_client_conn_id = [client_conn_id]
-    data_rate = do_multi_connection_throughput(client_ad, list_server_ad,
-                                               list_client_conn_id,
-                                               num_iterations, number_buffers,
-                                               buffer_size)
-    if data_rate <= 0:
-        return False
-    data_rate = data_rate * 8
-    logging.info(
-        "run_ble_coc_connection_throughput: throughput=%d bites per sec",
-        data_rate)
-    return data_rate
-def run_ble_throughput_and_read_rssi(client_ad, server_ad, client_conn_id,
-                                     gatt_server, gatt_callback):
-    """Function to measure ble rssi while sendinng data from client to server
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-        client_conn_id: the client connection ID.
-        gatt_server: the gatt server
-        gatt_callback: Gatt callback object
-    Returns:
-      ble_rssi: RSSI value of the remote BLE device.
-    """
-    executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(2)
-    ble_throughput = executor.submit(run_ble_throughput, client_ad,
-                                     client_conn_id, server_ad)
-    ble_rssi = executor.submit(read_ble_rssi, server_ad, gatt_server,
-                               gatt_callback)
-    logging.info("BLE RSSI is:{} dBm with data rate={} bites per sec ".format(
-        ble_rssi.result(), ble_throughput.result()))
-    return ble_rssi.result()
-def ble_gatt_disconnection(client_ad, bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback):
-    """Function to disconnect GATT connection between client and server.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        bluetooth_gatt: GATT object
-        gatt_callback:the gatt connection call back object
-    Returns:
-      ble_rssi: RSSI value of the remote BLE device
-    """
-    logging.info("Disconnecting from peripheral device.")
-    try:
-        disconnect_gatt_connection(client_ad, bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback)
-        close_gatt_client(client_ad, bluetooth_gatt)
-    except GattTestUtilsError as err:
-        logging.error(err)
-        return False
-    return True
-def plot_graph(df, plot_data, bokeh_data, secondary_y_label=None):
-    """ Plotting for generating bokeh figure
-    Args:
-        df: Summary of results contains attenuation, DUT RSSI, remote RSSI and Tx Power
-        plot_data: plot_data for adding line to existing BokehFigure
-        bokeh_data: bokeh data for generating BokehFigure
-        secondary_y_label : label for secondary y axis , None if not available
-    """
-    plot = bokeh_figure.BokehFigure(
-        title='{}'.format(bokeh_data['current_test_name']),
-        x_label=bokeh_data['x_label'],
-        primary_y_label=bokeh_data['primary_y_label'],
-        secondary_y_label=secondary_y_label,
-        axis_label_size='16pt',
-        legend_label_size='16pt',
-        axis_tick_label_size='16pt',
-        sizing_mode='stretch_both')
-    for data in plot_data:
-        plot.add_line(df[plot_data[data].get('x_column')],
-                      df[plot_data[data].get('y_column')],
-                      legend=plot_data[data].get('legend'),
-                      marker=plot_data[data].get('marker'),
-                      y_axis=plot_data[data].get('y_axis'))
-    results_file_path = os.path.join(
-        bokeh_data['log_path'],
-        '{}.html'.format(bokeh_data['current_test_name']))
-    plot.generate_figure()
-    bokeh_figure.BokehFigure.save_figures([plot], results_file_path)
-def start_advertising_and_scanning(client_ad, server_ad, Legacymode=True):
-    """Function to start bt5 advertisement.
-        Args:
-            client_ad: the Android device performing the scanning.
-            server_ad: the Android device performing the bt advertising
-            Legacymode: True for Legacy advertising mode, false for bt5 advertising mode
-        Returns:
-          adv_callback: the advertising callback
-          scan_callback: the scan_callback
-        """
-    adv_callback = server_ad.droid.bleAdvSetGenCallback()
-    adv_data = {
-        "includeDeviceName": True,
-    }
-    server_ad.droid.bleAdvSetStartAdvertisingSet(
-        {
-            "connectable": False,
-            "legacyMode": Legacymode,
-            "primaryPhy": "PHY_LE_1M",
-            "secondaryPhy": "PHY_LE_1M",
-            "interval": 320
-        }, adv_data, None, None, None, 0, 0, adv_callback)
-    server_ad.ed.pop_event(advertising_set_started.format(adv_callback),
-                           default_event_timeout)
-    logging.info("Bt5 Advertiser Started Successfully")
-    client_ad.droid.bleSetScanSettingsLegacy(False)
-    client_ad.droid.bleSetScanSettingsScanMode(
-        ble_scan_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-    client_ad.droid.bleSetScanSettingsPhy(ble_scan_settings_phys['1m'])
-    filter_list, scan_settings, scan_callback = generate_ble_scan_objects(
-        client_ad.droid)
-    adv_device_name = server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalName()
-    client_ad.droid.bleSetScanFilterDeviceName(adv_device_name)
-    client_ad.droid.bleBuildScanFilter(filter_list)
-    client_ad.droid.bleStartBleScan(filter_list, scan_settings, scan_callback)
-    return adv_callback, scan_callback
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_coc_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_coc_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cb25124..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_coc_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import time
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_default_timeout
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_le_connection_interval_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_le_data_length
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_phy
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_transport
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import l2cap_coc_header_size
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_connection_event_time_step_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_default_supervision_timeout
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import disconnect_gatt_connection
-log = logging
-class BtCoCTestUtilsError(Exception):
-    pass
-def do_multi_connection_throughput(client_ad, list_server_ad,
-                                   list_client_conn_id, num_iterations,
-                                   number_buffers, buffer_size):
-    """Throughput measurements from one client to one-or-many servers.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device to perform the write.
-        list_server_ad: the list of Android server devices connected to this client.
-        list_client_conn_id: list of client connection IDs
-        num_iterations: the number of test repetitions.
-        number_buffers: the total number of data buffers to transmit per test.
-        buffer_size: the number of bytes per L2CAP data buffer.
-    Returns:
-        Throughput in terms of bytes per second, 0 if test failed.
-    """
-    total_num_bytes = 0
-    start_write_time = time.perf_counter()
-    client_ad.log.info(
-        "do_multi_connection_throughput: Before write. Start Time={:f}, "
-        "num_iterations={}, number_buffers={}, buffer_size={}, "
-        "number_buffers*buffer_size={}, num_servers={}".format(
-            start_write_time, num_iterations, number_buffers, buffer_size,
-            number_buffers * buffer_size, len(list_server_ad)))
-    if (len(list_server_ad) != len(list_client_conn_id)):
-        client_ad.log.error("do_multi_connection_throughput: invalid "
-                            "parameters. Num of list_server_ad({}) != "
-                            "list_client_conn({})".format(
-                                len(list_server_ad), len(list_client_conn_id)))
-        return 0
-    try:
-        for _, client_conn_id in enumerate(list_client_conn_id):
-            client_ad.log.info("do_multi_connection_throughput: "
-                               "client_conn_id={}".format(client_conn_id))
-            # Plumb the tx data queue with the first set of data buffers.
-            client_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputSend(
-                number_buffers, buffer_size, client_conn_id)
-    except Exception as err:
-        client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
-        return 0
-    # Each Loop iteration will write and read one set of buffers.
-    for _ in range(0, (num_iterations - 1)):
-        try:
-            for _, client_conn_id in enumerate(list_client_conn_id):
-                client_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputSend(
-                    number_buffers, buffer_size, client_conn_id)
-        except Exception as err:
-            client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
-            return 0
-        for _, server_ad in enumerate(list_server_ad):
-            try:
-                server_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputRead(
-                    number_buffers, buffer_size)
-                total_num_bytes += number_buffers * buffer_size
-            except Exception as err:
-                server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
-                return 0
-    for _, server_ad in enumerate(list_server_ad):
-        try:
-            server_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputRead(
-                number_buffers, buffer_size)
-            total_num_bytes += number_buffers * buffer_size
-        except Exception as err:
-            server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
-            return 0
-    end_read_time = time.perf_counter()
-    test_time = (end_read_time - start_write_time)
-    if (test_time == 0):
-        client_ad.log.error("Buffer transmits cannot take zero time")
-        return 0
-    data_rate = (1.000 * total_num_bytes) / test_time
-    log.info(
-        "Calculated using total write and read times: total_num_bytes={}, "
-        "test_time={}, data rate={:08.0f} bytes/sec, {:08.0f} bits/sec".format(
-            total_num_bytes, test_time, data_rate, (data_rate * 8)))
-    return data_rate
-def orchestrate_coc_connection(
-        client_ad,
-        server_ad,
-        is_ble,
-        secured_conn=False,
-        le_connection_interval=0,
-        le_tx_data_length=default_le_data_length,
-        accept_timeout_ms=default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms,
-        le_min_ce_len=0,
-        le_max_ce_len=0,
-        gatt_disconnection=True):
-    """Sets up the CoC connection between two Android devices.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-        is_ble: using LE transport.
-        secured_conn: using secured connection
-        le_connection_interval: LE Connection interval. 0 means use default.
-        le_tx_data_length: LE Data Length used by BT Controller to transmit.
-        accept_timeout_ms: timeout while waiting for incoming connection.
-        gatt_disconnection: LE GATT disconnection, default is True, False will return
-        bluetooth_gatt and gatt_callback
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful or false if unsuccessful,
-        client connection ID,
-        and server connection ID
-    """
-    server_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
-    client_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
-    adv_callback = None
-    mac_address = None
-    if is_ble:
-        try:
-            # This will start advertising and scanning. Will fail if it could
-            # not find the advertisements from server_ad
-            client_ad.log.info(
-                "Orchestrate_coc_connection: Start BLE advertisement and"
-                "scanning. Secured Connection={}".format(secured_conn))
-            mac_address, adv_callback, scan_callback = (
-                get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement(client_ad, server_ad))
-        except BtTestUtilsError as err:
-            raise BtCoCTestUtilsError(
-                "Orchestrate_coc_connection: Error in getting mac address: {}".
-                format(err))
-    else:
-        mac_address = server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-        adv_callback = None
-    # Adjust the Connection Interval (if necessary)
-    bluetooth_gatt_1 = -1
-    gatt_callback_1 = -1
-    gatt_connected = False
-    if is_ble and (le_connection_interval != 0 or le_min_ce_len != 0 or le_max_ce_len != 0):
-        client_ad.log.info(
-            "Adjusting connection interval={}, le_min_ce_len={}, le_max_ce_len={}"
-            .format(le_connection_interval, le_min_ce_len, le_max_ce_len))
-        try:
-            bluetooth_gatt_1, gatt_callback_1 = setup_gatt_connection(
-                client_ad,
-                mac_address,
-                False,
-                transport=gatt_transport['le'],
-                opportunistic=False)
-            client_ad.droid.bleStopBleScan(scan_callback)
-        except GattTestUtilsError as err:
-            client_ad.log.error(err)
-            if (adv_callback != None):
-                server_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
-            return False, None, None
-        client_ad.log.info("setup_gatt_connection returns success")
-        if (le_connection_interval != 0):
-            minInterval = le_connection_interval / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-            maxInterval = le_connection_interval / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-        else:
-            minInterval = default_le_connection_interval_ms / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-            maxInterval = default_le_connection_interval_ms / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-        if (le_min_ce_len != 0):
-            le_min_ce_len = le_min_ce_len / le_connection_event_time_step_ms
-        if (le_max_ce_len != 0):
-            le_max_ce_len = le_max_ce_len / le_connection_event_time_step_ms
-        return_status = client_ad.droid.gattClientRequestLeConnectionParameters(
-            bluetooth_gatt_1, minInterval, maxInterval, 0,
-            le_default_supervision_timeout, le_min_ce_len, le_max_ce_len)
-        if not return_status:
-            client_ad.log.error(
-                "gattClientRequestLeConnectionParameters returns failure")
-            if (adv_callback != None):
-                server_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
-            return False, None, None
-        client_ad.log.info(
-            "gattClientRequestLeConnectionParameters returns success. Interval={}"
-            .format(minInterval))
-        gatt_connected = True
-        # For now, we will only test with 1 Mbit Phy.
-        # TODO: Add explicit tests with 2 MBit Phy.
-        client_ad.droid.gattClientSetPreferredPhy(
-            bluetooth_gatt_1, gatt_phy['1m'], gatt_phy['1m'], 0)
-    server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginAcceptThreadPsm(
-        accept_timeout_ms, is_ble, secured_conn)
-    psm_value = server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnGetPsm()
-    client_ad.log.info("Assigned PSM value={}".format(psm_value))
-    client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginConnectThreadPsm(
-        mac_address, is_ble, psm_value, secured_conn)
-    if (le_tx_data_length != default_le_data_length) and is_ble:
-        client_ad.log.info("orchestrate_coc_connection: call "
-                           "bluetoothSocketRequestMaximumTxDataLength")
-        client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketRequestMaximumTxDataLength()
-    end_time = time.time() + bt_default_timeout
-    test_result = False
-    while time.time() < end_time:
-        if len(server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
-            server_ad.log.info("CoC Server Connection Active")
-            if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
-                client_ad.log.info("CoC Client Connection Active")
-                test_result = True
-                break
-        time.sleep(1)
-    if (adv_callback != None):
-        server_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
-    if not test_result:
-        client_ad.log.error("Failed to establish an CoC connection")
-        return False, None, None
-    if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
-        server_ad.log.info(
-            "CoC client_ad Connection Active, num=%d",
-            len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()))
-    else:
-        server_ad.log.info("Error CoC client_ad Connection Inactive")
-        client_ad.log.info("Error CoC client_ad Connection Inactive")
-    # Wait for the client to be ready
-    client_conn_id = None
-    while (client_conn_id == None):
-        client_conn_id = client_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLastConnId()
-        if (client_conn_id != None):
-            break
-        time.sleep(1)
-    # Wait for the server to be ready
-    server_conn_id = None
-    while (server_conn_id == None):
-        server_conn_id = server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLastConnId()
-        if (server_conn_id != None):
-            break
-        time.sleep(1)
-    client_ad.log.info(
-        "orchestrate_coc_connection: client conn id={}, server conn id={}".
-        format(client_conn_id, server_conn_id))
-    if gatt_disconnection:
-        if gatt_connected:
-            disconnect_gatt_connection(client_ad, bluetooth_gatt_1,
-                                       gatt_callback_1)
-            client_ad.droid.gattClientClose(bluetooth_gatt_1)
-        return True, client_conn_id, server_conn_id
-    else:
-        return True, client_conn_id, server_conn_id, bluetooth_gatt_1, gatt_callback_1
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_constants.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_constants.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d7f883..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-### Generic Constants Begin ###
-bt_default_timeout = 15
-default_rfcomm_timeout_ms = 10000
-default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms = 10000
-pan_connect_timeout = 5
-bt_discovery_timeout = 3
-small_timeout = 0.0001
-# Time delay (in seconds) at the end of each LE CoC Test to give sufficient time
-# for the ACL LE link to be disconnected. The ACL link stays connected after
-# L2CAP disconnects.  An example of the timeout is L2CAP_LINK_INACTIVITY_TOUT.
-# This delay must be greater than the maximum of these timeouts.
-# TODO: Investigate the use of broadcast intent
-# BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED to replace this delay method.
-l2cap_max_inactivity_delay_after_disconnect = 5
-# LE specifications related constants
-le_connection_interval_time_step_ms = 1.25
-le_default_supervision_timeout = 2000
-default_le_data_length = 23
-default_le_connection_interval_ms = 30
-le_connection_event_time_step_ms = 0.625
-# Headers of LE L2CAP Connection-oriented Channels. See section 3.4, Vol
-# 3, Part A, Version 5.0.
-l2cap_header_size = 4
-l2cap_coc_sdu_length_field_size = 2
-l2cap_coc_header_size = l2cap_header_size + l2cap_coc_sdu_length_field_size
-java_integer = {"min": -2147483648, "max": 2147483647}
-btsnoop_log_path_on_device = "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log"
-btsnoop_last_log_path_on_device = \
-    "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log.last"
-pairing_variant_passkey_confirmation = 2
-# Callback strings
-scan_result = "BleScan{}onScanResults"
-scan_failed = "BleScan{}onScanFailed"
-batch_scan_result = "BleScan{}onBatchScanResult"
-adv_fail = "BleAdvertise{}onFailure"
-adv_succ = "BleAdvertise{}onSuccess"
-bluetooth_off = "BluetoothStateChangedOff"
-bluetooth_on = "BluetoothStateChangedOn"
-mtu_changed = "GattConnect{}onMtuChanged"
-advertising_set_started = "AdvertisingSet{}onAdvertisingSetStarted"
-advertising_set_stopped = "AdvertisingSet{}onAdvertisingSetStopped"
-advertising_set_on_own_address_read = "AdvertisingSet{}onOwnAddressRead"
-advertising_set_enabled = "AdvertisingSet{}onAdvertisingEnabled"
-advertising_set_data_set = "AdvertisingSet{}onAdvertisingDataSet"
-advertising_set_scan_response_set = "AdvertisingSet{}onScanResponseDataSet"
-advertising_set_parameters_update = \
-    "AdvertisingSet{}onAdvertisingParametersUpdated"
-advertising_set_periodic_parameters_updated = \
-    "AdvertisingSet{}onPeriodicAdvertisingParametersUpdated"
-advertising_set_periodic_data_set = \
-    "AdvertisingSet{}onPeriodicAdvertisingDataSet"
-advertising_set_periodic_enable = "AdvertisingSet{}onPeriodicAdvertisingEnable"
-bluetooth_profile_connection_state_changed = \
-    "BluetoothProfileConnectionStateChanged"
-bluetooth_le_on = "BleStateChangedOn"
-bluetooth_le_off = "BleStateChangedOff"
-bluetooth_a2dp_codec_config_changed = "BluetoothA2dpCodecConfigChanged"
-# End Callback Strings
-batch_scan_not_supported_list = [
-    "Nexus 4",
-    "Nexus 5",
-    "Nexus 7",
-### Generic Constants End ###
-### Bluetooth Constants Begin ###
-# rfcomm test uuids
-rfcomm_secure_uuid = "fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66"
-rfcomm_insecure_uuid = "8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66"
-# bluetooth socket connection test uuid
-bluetooth_socket_conn_test_uuid = "12345678-1234-5678-9abc-123456789abc"
-# Bluetooth Adapter Scan Mode Types
-bt_scan_mode_types = {
-    "state_off": -1,
-    "none": 0,
-    "connectable": 1,
-    "connectable_discoverable": 3
-# Bluetooth Adapter State Constants
-bt_adapter_states = {
-    "off": 10,
-    "turning_on": 11,
-    "on": 12,
-    "turning_off": 13,
-    "ble_turning_on": 14,
-    "ble_on": 15,
-    "ble_turning_off": 16
-# Should be kept in sync with BluetoothProfile.java
-bt_profile_constants = {
-    "headset": 1,
-    "a2dp": 2,
-    "health": 3,
-    "input_device": 4,
-    "pan": 5,
-    "pbap_server": 6,
-    "gatt": 7,
-    "gatt_server": 8,
-    "map": 9,
-    "sap": 10,
-    "a2dp_sink": 11,
-    "avrcp_controller": 12,
-    "headset_client": 16,
-    "pbap_client": 17,
-    "map_mce": 18
-# Bluetooth RFCOMM UUIDs as defined by the SIG
-bt_rfcomm_uuids = {
-    "default_uuid": "457807c0-4897-11df-9879-0800200c9a66",
-    "base_uuid": "00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "sdp": "00000001-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "udp": "00000002-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "rfcomm": "00000003-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "tcp": "00000004-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "tcs_bin": "00000005-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "tcs_at": "00000006-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "att": "00000007-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "obex": "00000008-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "ip": "00000009-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "ftp": "0000000A-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "http": "0000000C-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "wsp": "0000000E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "bnep": "0000000F-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "upnp": "00000010-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "hidp": "00000011-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "hardcopy_control_channel": "00000012-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "hardcopy_data_channel": "00000014-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "hardcopy_notification": "00000016-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "avctp": "00000017-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "avdtp": "00000019-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "cmtp": "0000001B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "mcap_control_channel": "0000001E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "mcap_data_channel": "0000001F-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "l2cap": "00000100-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
-# Should be kept in sync with BluetoothProfile#STATE_* constants.
-bt_profile_states = {
-    "disconnected": 0,
-    "connecting": 1,
-    "connected": 2,
-    "disconnecting": 3
-# Access Levels from BluetoothDevice.
-bt_access_levels = {"access_allowed": 1, "access_denied": 2}
-# Priority levels as defined in BluetoothProfile.java.
-bt_priority_levels = {
-    "auto_connect": 1000,
-    "on": 100,
-    "off": 0,
-    "undefined": -1
-# A2DP codec configuration constants as defined in
-# frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/BluetoothCodecConfig.java
-codec_types = {
-    'SBC': 0,
-    'AAC': 1,
-    'APTX': 2,
-    'APTX-HD': 3,
-    'LDAC': 4,
-    'MAX': 5,
-    'INVALID': 1000000
-codec_priorities = {'DISABLED': -1, 'DEFAULT': 0, 'HIGHEST': 1000000}
-sample_rates = {
-    'NONE': 0,
-    '44100': 0x1 << 0,
-    '48000': 0x1 << 1,
-    '88200': 0x1 << 2,
-    '96000': 0x1 << 3,
-    '176400': 0x1 << 4,
-    '192000': 0x1 << 5
-bits_per_samples = {'NONE': 0, '16': 0x1 << 0, '24': 0x1 << 1, '32': 0x1 << 2}
-channel_modes = {'NONE': 0, 'MONO': 0x1 << 0, 'STEREO': 0x1 << 1}
-# Bluetooth HID constants.
-hid_connection_timeout = 5
-# Bluetooth HID EventFacade constants.
-hid_on_set_report_event = "onSetReport"
-hid_on_get_report_event = "onGetReport"
-hid_on_set_protocol_event = "onSetProtocol"
-hid_on_intr_data_event = "onInterruptData"
-hid_on_virtual_cable_unplug_event = "onVirtualCableUnplug"
-hid_id_keyboard = 1
-hid_id_mouse = 2
-hid_default_event_timeout = 15
-hid_default_set_report_payload = "Haha"
-### Bluetooth Constants End ###
-### Bluetooth Low Energy Constants Begin ###
-# Bluetooth Low Energy scan callback types
-ble_scan_settings_callback_types = {
-    "all_matches": 1,
-    "first_match": 2,
-    "match_lost": 4,
-    "found_and_lost": 6
-# Bluetooth Low Energy scan settings match mode
-ble_scan_settings_match_modes = {"aggresive": 1, "sticky": 2}
-# Bluetooth Low Energy scan settings match nums
-ble_scan_settings_match_nums = {"one": 1, "few": 2, "max": 3}
-# Bluetooth Low Energy scan settings result types
-ble_scan_settings_result_types = {"full": 0, "abbreviated": 1}
-# Bluetooth Low Energy scan settings mode
-ble_scan_settings_modes = {
-    "opportunistic": -1,
-    "low_power": 0,
-    "balanced": 1,
-    "low_latency": 2
-# Bluetooth Low Energy scan settings report delay millis
-ble_scan_settings_report_delay_milli_seconds = {
-    "min": 0,
-    "max": 9223372036854775807
-# Bluetooth Low Energy scan settings phy
-ble_scan_settings_phys = {"1m": 1, "coded": 3, "all_supported": 255}
-# Bluetooth Low Energy advertise settings types
-ble_advertise_settings_types = {"non_connectable": 0, "connectable": 1}
-# Bluetooth Low Energy advertise settings modes
-ble_advertise_settings_modes = {
-    "low_power": 0,
-    "balanced": 1,
-    "low_latency": 2
-# Bluetooth Low Energy advertise settings tx power
-ble_advertise_settings_tx_powers = {
-    "ultra_low": 0,
-    "low": 1,
-    "medium": 2,
-    "high": 3
-# Bluetooth Low Energy advertise settings own address type
-ble_advertise_settings_own_address_types = {
-    "public": 0,
-    "random": 1
-# Bluetooth Low Energy service uuids for specific devices
-ble_uuids = {
-    "p_service": "0000feef-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb",
-    "hr_service": "0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
-# Bluetooth Low Energy advertising error codes
-ble_advertise_error_code = {
-    "data_too_large": 1,
-    "too_many_advertisers": 2,
-    "advertisement_already_started": 3,
-    "bluetooth_internal_failure": 4,
-    "feature_not_supported": 5
-### Bluetooth Low Energy Constants End ###
-### Bluetooth GATT Constants Begin ###
-# Gatt Callback error messages
-gatt_cb_err = {
-    "char_write_req_err":
-    "Characteristic Write Request event not found. Expected {}",
-    "char_write_err": "Characteristic Write event not found. Expected {}",
-    "desc_write_req_err":
-    "Descriptor Write Request event not found. Expected {}",
-    "desc_write_err": "Descriptor Write event not found. Expected {}",
-    "char_read_err": "Characteristic Read event not found. Expected {}",
-    "char_read_req_err": "Characteristic Read Request not found. Expected {}",
-    "desc_read_err": "Descriptor Read event not found. Expected {}",
-    "desc_read_req_err":
-    "Descriptor Read Request event not found. Expected {}",
-    "rd_remote_rssi_err": "Read Remote RSSI event not found. Expected {}",
-    "gatt_serv_disc_err":
-    "GATT Services Discovered event not found. Expected {}",
-    "serv_added_err": "Service Added event not found. Expected {}",
-    "mtu_changed_err": "MTU Changed event not found. Expected {}",
-    "mtu_serv_changed_err": "MTU Server Changed event not found. Expected {}",
-    "gatt_conn_changed_err":
-    "GATT Connection Changed event not found. Expected {}",
-    "char_change_err":
-    "GATT Characteristic Changed event not fond. Expected {}",
-    "phy_read_err": "Phy Read event not fond. Expected {}",
-    "phy_update_err": "Phy Update event not fond. Expected {}",
-    "exec_write_err": "GATT Execute Write event not found. Expected {}"
-# GATT callback strings as defined in GattClientFacade.java and
-# GattServerFacade.java implemented callbacks.
-gatt_cb_strings = {
-    "char_write_req": "GattServer{}onCharacteristicWriteRequest",
-    "exec_write": "GattServer{}onExecuteWrite",
-    "char_write": "GattConnect{}onCharacteristicWrite",
-    "desc_write_req": "GattServer{}onDescriptorWriteRequest",
-    "desc_write": "GattConnect{}onDescriptorWrite",
-    "char_read": "GattConnect{}onCharacteristicRead",
-    "char_read_req": "GattServer{}onCharacteristicReadRequest",
-    "desc_read": "GattConnect{}onDescriptorRead",
-    "desc_read_req": "GattServer{}onDescriptorReadRequest",
-    "rd_remote_rssi": "GattConnect{}onReadRemoteRssi",
-    "rd_remote_ble_rssi": "BleScan{}onScanResults",
-    "gatt_serv_disc": "GattConnect{}onServicesDiscovered",
-    "serv_added": "GattServer{}onServiceAdded",
-    "mtu_changed": "GattConnect{}onMtuChanged",
-    "mtu_serv_changed": "GattServer{}onMtuChanged",
-    "gatt_conn_change": "GattConnect{}onConnectionStateChange",
-    "char_change": "GattConnect{}onCharacteristicChanged",
-    "phy_read": "GattConnect{}onPhyRead",
-    "phy_update": "GattConnect{}onPhyUpdate",
-    "serv_phy_read": "GattServer{}onPhyRead",
-    "serv_phy_update": "GattServer{}onPhyUpdate",
-# GATT event dictionary of expected callbacks and errors.
-gatt_event = {
-    "char_write_req": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["char_write_req"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["char_write_req_err"]
-    },
-    "exec_write": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["exec_write"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["exec_write_err"]
-    },
-    "char_write": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["char_write"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["char_write_err"]
-    },
-    "desc_write_req": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["desc_write_req"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["desc_write_req_err"]
-    },
-    "desc_write": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["desc_write"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["desc_write_err"]
-    },
-    "char_read": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["char_read"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["char_read_err"]
-    },
-    "char_read_req": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["char_read_req"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["char_read_req_err"]
-    },
-    "desc_read": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["desc_read"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["desc_read_err"]
-    },
-    "desc_read_req": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["desc_read_req"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["desc_read_req_err"]
-    },
-    "rd_remote_rssi": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["rd_remote_rssi"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["rd_remote_rssi_err"]
-    },
-    "gatt_serv_disc": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["gatt_serv_disc"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["gatt_serv_disc_err"]
-    },
-    "serv_added": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["serv_added"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["serv_added_err"]
-    },
-    "mtu_changed": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["mtu_changed"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["mtu_changed_err"]
-    },
-    "gatt_conn_change": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["gatt_conn_change"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["gatt_conn_changed_err"]
-    },
-    "char_change": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["char_change"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["char_change_err"]
-    },
-    "phy_read": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["phy_read"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["phy_read_err"]
-    },
-    "phy_update": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["phy_update"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["phy_update_err"]
-    },
-    "serv_phy_read": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["serv_phy_read"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["phy_read_err"]
-    },
-    "serv_phy_update": {
-        "evt": gatt_cb_strings["serv_phy_update"],
-        "err": gatt_cb_err["phy_update_err"]
-    }
-# Matches constants of connection states defined in BluetoothGatt.java
-gatt_connection_state = {
-    "disconnected": 0,
-    "connecting": 1,
-    "connected": 2,
-    "disconnecting": 3,
-    "closed": 4
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth GATT Characteristic values as defined
-# in BluetoothGattCharacteristic.java
-gatt_characteristic = {
-    "property_broadcast": 0x01,
-    "property_read": 0x02,
-    "property_write_no_response": 0x04,
-    "property_write": 0x08,
-    "property_notify": 0x10,
-    "property_indicate": 0x20,
-    "property_signed_write": 0x40,
-    "property_extended_props": 0x80,
-    "permission_read": 0x01,
-    "permission_read_encrypted": 0x02,
-    "permission_read_encrypted_mitm": 0x04,
-    "permission_write": 0x10,
-    "permission_write_encrypted": 0x20,
-    "permission_write_encrypted_mitm": 0x40,
-    "permission_write_signed": 0x80,
-    "permission_write_signed_mitm": 0x100,
-    "write_type_default": 0x02,
-    "write_type_no_response": 0x01,
-    "write_type_signed": 0x04,
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth GATT Characteristic values as defined
-# in BluetoothGattDescriptor.java
-gatt_descriptor = {
-    "enable_notification_value": [0x01, 0x00],
-    "enable_indication_value": [0x02, 0x00],
-    "disable_notification_value": [0x00, 0x00],
-    "permission_read": 0x01,
-    "permission_read_encrypted": 0x02,
-    "permission_read_encrypted_mitm": 0x04,
-    "permission_write": 0x10,
-    "permission_write_encrypted": 0x20,
-    "permission_write_encrypted_mitm": 0x40,
-    "permission_write_signed": 0x80,
-    "permission_write_signed_mitm": 0x100
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/descriptors
-gatt_char_desc_uuids = {
-    "char_ext_props": '00002900-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "char_user_desc": '00002901-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "client_char_cfg": '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "server_char_cfg": '00002903-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "char_fmt_uuid": '00002904-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "char_agreg_fmt": '00002905-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "char_valid_range": '00002906-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "external_report_reference": '00002907-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "report_reference": '00002908-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/characteristics
-gatt_char_types = {
-    "device_name": '00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "appearance": '00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "peripheral_priv_flag": '00002a02-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "reconnection_address": '00002a03-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "peripheral_pref_conn": '00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "service_changed": '00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "system_id": '00002a23-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "model_number_string": '00002a24-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "serial_number_string": '00002a25-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "firmware_revision_string": '00002a26-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "hardware_revision_string": '00002a27-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "software_revision_string": '00002a28-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "manufacturer_name_string": '00002a29-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-    "pnp_id": '00002a50-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth GATT Characteristic values as defined
-# in BluetoothGattCharacteristic.java
-gatt_characteristic_value_format = {
-    "string": 0x1,
-    "byte": 0x2,
-    "sint8": 0x21,
-    "uint8": 0x11,
-    "sint16": 0x22,
-    "unit16": 0x12,
-    "sint32": 0x24,
-    "uint32": 0x14
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth Gatt Service types as defined in
-# BluetoothGattService.java
-gatt_service_types = {"primary": 0, "secondary": 1}
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth Gatt Connection Priority values as defined in
-# BluetoothGatt.java
-gatt_connection_priority = {"balanced": 0, "high": 1, "low_power": 2}
-# Min and max MTU values
-gatt_mtu_size = {"min": 23, "max": 217}
-# Gatt Characteristic attribute lengths
-gatt_characteristic_attr_length = {"attr_1": 1, "attr_2": 3, "attr_3": 15}
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth Gatt operations status as defined in
-# BluetoothGatt.java
-gatt_status = {"success": 0, "failure": 0x101}
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth transport values as defined in
-# BluetoothDevice.java
-gatt_transport = {"auto": 0x00, "bredr": 0x01, "le": 0x02}
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth physical channeling values as defined in
-# BluetoothDevice.java
-gatt_phy = {"1m": 1, "2m": 2, "le_coded": 3}
-# Matches constants of Bluetooth physical channeling bitmask values as defined
-# in BluetoothDevice.java
-gatt_phy_mask = {"1m_mask": 1, "2m_mask": 2, "coded_mask": 4}
-# Values as defiend in the Bluetooth GATT specification
-gatt_server_responses = {
-    "GATT_SUCCESS": 0x0,
-    "GATT_FAILURE": 0x1,
-    "GATT_INVALID_PDU": 0x4,
-    "GATT_13_ERR": 0x13,
-    "GATT_12_ERR": 0x12,
-    "GATT_0C_ERR": 0x0C,
-    "GATT_16": 0x16
-### Bluetooth GATT Constants End ###
-### Chameleon Constants Begin ###
-# Chameleon audio bits per sample.
-audio_bits_per_sample_16 = 16
-audio_bits_per_sample_24 = 24
-audio_bits_per_sample_32 = 32
-# Chameleon audio sample rates.
-audio_sample_rate_44100 = 44100
-audio_sample_rate_48000 = 48000
-audio_sample_rate_88200 = 88200
-audio_sample_rate_96000 = 96000
-# Chameleon audio channel modes.
-audio_channel_mode_mono = 1
-audio_channel_mode_stereo = 2
-audio_channel_mode_8 = 8
-# Chameleon time delays.
-delay_after_binding_seconds = 0.5
-delay_before_record_seconds = 0.5
-silence_wait_seconds = 5
-# Chameleon bus endpoints.
-fpga_linein_bus_endpoint = 'Chameleon FPGA line-in'
-headphone_bus_endpoint = 'Cros device headphone'
-### Chameleon Constants End ###
-# Begin logcat strings dict"""
-logcat_strings = {
-    "media_playback_vol_changed": "onRouteVolumeChanged",
-# End logcat strings dict"""
-### Begin Service Discovery UUIDS ###
-# Values match the Bluetooth SIG defined values: """
-""" https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/service-discovery """
-sig_uuid_constants = {
-    "BASE_UUID": "0000{}-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
-    "SDP": "0001",
-    "UDP": "0002",
-    "RFCOMM": "0003",
-    "TCP": "0004",
-    "TCS-BIN": "0005",
-    "TCS-AT": "0006",
-    "ATT": "0007",
-    "OBEX": "0008",
-    "IP": "0009",
-    "FTP": "000A",
-    "HTTP": "000C",
-    "WSP": "000E",
-    "BNEP": "000F",
-    "UPNP": "0010",
-    "HIDP": "0011",
-    "HardcopyControlChannel": "0012",
-    "HardcopyDataChannel": "0014",
-    "HardcopyNotification": "0016",
-    "AVCTP": "0017",
-    "AVDTP": "0019",
-    "CMTP": "001B",
-    "MCAPControlChannel": "001E",
-    "MCAPDataChannel": "001F",
-    "L2CAP": "0100",
-    "ServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassID": "1000",
-    "BrowseGroupDescriptorServiceClassID": "1001",
-    "SerialPort": "1101",
-    "LANAccessUsingPPP": "1102",
-    "DialupNetworking": "1103",
-    "IrMCSync": "1104",
-    "OBEXObjectPush": "1105",
-    "OBEXFileTransfer": "1106",
-    "IrMCSyncCommand": "1107",
-    "Headset": "1108",
-    "CordlessTelephony": "1109",
-    "AudioSource": "110A",
-    "AudioSink": "110B",
-    "A/V_RemoteControlTarget": "110C",
-    "AdvancedAudioDistribution": "110D",
-    "A/V_RemoteControl": "110E",
-    "A/V_RemoteControlController": "110F",
-    "Intercom": "1110",
-    "Fax": "1111",
-    "Headset - Audio Gateway (AG)": "1112",
-    "WAP": "1113",
-    "WAP_CLIENT": "1114",
-    "PANU": "1115",
-    "NAP": "1116",
-    "GN": "1117",
-    "DirectPrinting": "1118",
-    "ReferencePrinting": "1119",
-    "ImagingResponder": "111B",
-    "ImagingAutomaticArchive": "111C",
-    "ImagingReferencedObjects": "111D",
-    "Handsfree": "111E",
-    "HandsfreeAudioGateway": "111F",
-    "DirectPrintingReferenceObjectsService": "1120",
-    "ReflectedUI": "1121",
-    "BasicPrinting": "1122",
-    "PrintingStatus": "1123",
-    "HumanInterfaceDeviceService": "1124",
-    "HardcopyCableReplacement": "1125",
-    "HCR_Print": "1126",
-    "HCR_Scan": "1127",
-    "Common_ISDN_Access": "1128",
-    "SIM_Access": "112D",
-    "Phonebook Access - PCE": "112E",
-    "Phonebook Access - PSE": "112F",
-    "Phonebook Access": "1130",
-    "Headset - HS": "1131",
-    "Message Access Server": "1132",
-    "Message Notification Server": "1133",
-    "Message Access Profile": "1134",
-    "GNSS": "1135",
-    "GNSS_Server": "1136",
-    "PnPInformation": "1200",
-    "GenericNetworking": "1201",
-    "GenericFileTransfer": "1202",
-    "GenericAudio": "1203",
-    "GenericTelephony": "1204",
-    "UPNP_Service": "1205",
-    "UPNP_IP_Service": "1206",
-    "ESDP_UPNP_IP_PAN": "1300",
-    "ESDP_UPNP_IP_LAP": "1301",
-    "ESDP_UPNP_L2CAP": "1302",
-    "VideoSource": "1303",
-    "VideoSink": "1304",
-    "VideoDistribution": "1305",
-    "HDP": "1400"
-### End Service Discovery UUIDS ###
-### Begin Appearance Constants ###
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/wp-content/uploads/Sitecore-Media-Library/Gatt/Xml/Characteristics/org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.appearance.xml
-sig_appearance_constants = {
-    "UNKNOWN": 0,
-    "PHONE": 64,
-    "COMPUTER": 128,
-    "WATCH": 192,
-    "WATCH_SPORTS": 193,
-    "CLOCK": 256,
-    "DISPLAY": 320,
-    "REMOTE_CONTROL": 384,
-    "EYE_GLASSES": 448,
-    "TAG": 512,
-    "KEYRING": 576,
-    "MEDIA_PLAYER": 640,
-    "BARCODE_SCANNER": 704,
-    "THERMOMETER": 768,
-    "THERMOMETER_EAR": 769,
-    "HEART_RATE_SENSOR": 832,
-    "BLOOD_PRESSURE": 896,
-    "HID": 960,
-    "HID_KEYBOARD": 961,
-    "HID_MOUSE": 962,
-    "HID_JOYSTICK": 963,
-    "HID_GAMEPAD": 964,
-    "HID_CARD_READER": 966,
-    "HID_DIGITAL_PEN": 967,
-    "GLUCOSE_METER": 1024,
-    "CYCLING": 1152,
-    "CYCLING_COMPUTER": 1153,
-    "PULSE_OXIMETER": 3136,
-    "WEIGHT_SCALE": 3200,
-    "GLUCOSE_MONITOR": 3328,
-    "SPORTS_ACTIVITY": 5184,
-### End Appearance Constants ###
-# Attribute Record values from the Bluetooth Specification
-# Version 5, Vol 3, Part B
-bt_attribute_values = {
-    'ATTR_SERVICE_ID': 0x0003,
-    'ATTR_BROWSE_GROUP_LIST': 0x0005,
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_contacts_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_contacts_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6abafcb..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_contacts_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Compare_contacts accepts 2 vcf files, extracts full name, email, and
-telephone numbers from each and reports how many unique cards it finds across
-the two files.
-from mmap import ACCESS_READ
-from mmap import mmap
-import logging
-import re
-import random
-import string
-import time
-from antlion.utils import exe_cmd
-import queue
-# CallLog types
-# Callback strings.
-CALL_LOG_CHANGED = "CallLogChanged"
-# URI for contacts database on Nexus.
-CONTACTS_URI = "content://com.android.contacts/data/phones"
-# Path for temporary file storage on device.
-STORAGE_PATH = "/storage/emulated/0/Download/"
-log = logging
-def parse_contacts(file_name):
-    """Read vcf file and generate a list of contacts.
-    Contacts full name, prefered email, and all phone numbers are extracted.
-    """
-    vcard_regex = re.compile(b"^BEGIN:VCARD((\n*?.*?)*?)END:VCARD",
-                             re.MULTILINE)
-    fullname_regex = re.compile(b"^FN:(.*)", re.MULTILINE)
-    email_regex = re.compile(b"^EMAIL;PREF:(.*)", re.MULTILINE)
-    tel_regex = re.compile(b"^TEL;(.*):(.*)", re.MULTILINE)
-    with open(file_name, "r") as contacts_file:
-        contacts = []
-        contacts_map = mmap(
-            contacts_file.fileno(), length=0, access=ACCESS_READ)
-        new_contact = None
-        # Find all VCARDs in the input file, then extract the first full name,
-        # first email address, and all phone numbers from it.  If there is at
-        # least a full name add it to the contact list.
-        for current_vcard in vcard_regex.findall(contacts_map):
-            new_contact = VCard()
-            fullname = fullname_regex.search(current_vcard[0])
-            if fullname is not None:
-                new_contact.name = fullname.group(1)
-            email = email_regex.search(current_vcard[0])
-            if email is not None:
-                new_contact.email = email.group(1)
-            for phone_number in tel_regex.findall(current_vcard[0]):
-                new_contact.add_phone_number(
-                    PhoneNumber(phone_number[0], phone_number[1]))
-            contacts.append(new_contact)
-        return contacts
-def phone_number_count(destination_path, file_name):
-    """Counts number of phone numbers in a VCF.
-    """
-    tel_regex = re.compile(b"^TEL;(.*):(.*)", re.MULTILINE)
-    with open("{}{}".format(destination_path, file_name),
-              "r") as contacts_file:
-        contacts_map = mmap(
-            contacts_file.fileno(), length=0, access=ACCESS_READ)
-        numbers = tel_regex.findall(contacts_map)
-        return len(numbers)
-def count_contacts_with_differences(destination_path,
-                                    pce_contacts_vcf_file_name,
-                                    pse_contacts_vcf_file_name):
-    """Compare two contact files and report the number of differences.
-    Difference count is returned, and the differences are logged, this is order
-    independent.
-    """
-    pce_contacts = parse_contacts("{}{}".format(destination_path,
-                                                pce_contacts_vcf_file_name))
-    pse_contacts = parse_contacts("{}{}".format(destination_path,
-                                                pse_contacts_vcf_file_name))
-    differences = set(pce_contacts).symmetric_difference(set(pse_contacts))
-    if not differences:
-        log.info("All {} contacts in the phonebooks match".format(
-            str(len(pce_contacts))))
-    else:
-        log.info("{} contacts match, but ".format(
-            str(len(set(pce_contacts).intersection(set(pse_contacts))))))
-        log.info("the following {} entries don't match:".format(
-            str(len(differences))))
-        for current_vcard in differences:
-            log.info(current_vcard)
-    return len(differences)
-class PhoneNumber(object):
-    """Simple class for maintaining a phone number entry and type with only the
-    digits.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, phone_type, phone_number):
-        self.phone_type = phone_type
-        # remove non digits from phone_number
-        self.phone_number = re.sub(r"\D", "", str(phone_number))
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return (self.phone_type == other.phone_type and
-                self.phone_number == other.phone_number)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.phone_type) ^ hash(self.phone_number)
-class VCard(object):
-    """Contains name, email, and phone numbers.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.name = None
-        self.first_name = None
-        self.last_name = None
-        self.email = None
-        self.phone_numbers = []
-        self.photo = None
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        return self.name < other.name
-    def __hash__(self):
-        result = hash(self.name) ^ hash(self.email) ^ hash(self.photo == None)
-        for number in self.phone_numbers:
-            result ^= hash(number)
-        return result
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return hash(self) == hash(other)
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not self.__eq__(other)
-    def __str__(self):
-        vcard_strings = ["BEGIN:VCARD\n", "VERSION:2.1\n"]
-        if self.first_name or self.last_name:
-            vcard_strings.append("N:{};{};;;\nFN:{} {}\n".format(
-                self.last_name, self.first_name, self.first_name,
-                self.last_name))
-        elif self.name:
-            vcard_strings.append("FN:{}\n".format(self.name))
-        if self.phone_numbers:
-            for phone in self.phone_numbers:
-                vcard_strings.append("TEL;{}:{}\n".format(
-                    str(phone.phone_type), phone.phone_number))
-        if self.email:
-            vcard_strings.append("EMAIL;PREF:{}\n".format(self.email))
-        vcard_strings.append("END:VCARD\n")
-        return "".join(vcard_strings)
-    def add_phone_number(self, phone_number):
-        if phone_number not in self.phone_numbers:
-            self.phone_numbers.append(phone_number)
-def generate_random_phone_number():
-    """Generate a random phone number/type
-    """
-    return PhoneNumber("CELL",
-                       "+{0:010d}".format(random.randint(0, 9999999999)))
-def generate_random_string(length=8,
-                           charset="{}{}{}".format(string.digits,
-                                                   string.ascii_letters,
-                                                   string.punctuation)):
-    """Generate a random string of specified length from the characterset
-    """
-    # Remove ; since that would make 2 words.
-    charset = charset.replace(";", "")
-    name = []
-    for i in range(length):
-        name.append(random.choice(charset))
-    return "".join(name)
-def generate_contact_list(destination_path,
-                          file_name,
-                          contact_count,
-                          phone_number_count=1):
-    """Generate a simple VCF file for count contacts with basic content.
-    An example with count = 1 and local_number = 2]
-    VERSION:2.1
-    N:Person;1;;;
-    FN:1 Person
-    TEL;CELL:+1-555-555-1234
-    TEL;CELL:+1-555-555-4321
-    EMAIL;PREF:person1@gmail.com
-    """
-    vcards = []
-    for i in range(contact_count):
-        current_contact = VCard()
-        current_contact.first_name = generate_random_string(
-            random.randint(1, 19))
-        current_contact.last_name = generate_random_string(
-            random.randint(1, 19))
-        current_contact.email = "{}{}@{}.{}".format(
-            current_contact.last_name, current_contact.first_name,
-            generate_random_string(random.randint(1, 19)),
-            generate_random_string(random.randint(1, 4)))
-        for number in range(phone_number_count):
-            current_contact.add_phone_number(generate_random_phone_number())
-        vcards.append(current_contact)
-    create_new_contacts_vcf_from_vcards(destination_path, file_name, vcards)
-def create_new_contacts_vcf_from_vcards(destination_path, vcf_file_name,
-                                        vcards):
-    """Create a new file with filename
-    """
-    contact_file = open("{}{}".format(destination_path, vcf_file_name), "w+")
-    for card in vcards:
-        contact_file.write(str(card))
-    contact_file.close()
-def get_contact_count(device):
-    """Returns the number of name:phone number pairs.
-    """
-    contact_list = device.droid.contactsQueryContent(
-        CONTACTS_URI, ["display_name", "data1"], "", [], "display_name")
-    return len(contact_list)
-def import_device_contacts_from_vcf(device, destination_path, vcf_file, timeout=10):
-    """Uploads and import vcf file to device.
-    """
-    number_count = phone_number_count(destination_path, vcf_file)
-    device.log.info("Trying to add {} phone numbers.".format(number_count))
-    local_phonebook_path = "{}{}".format(destination_path, vcf_file)
-    phone_phonebook_path = "{}{}".format(STORAGE_PATH, vcf_file)
-    device.adb.push("{} {}".format(local_phonebook_path, phone_phonebook_path))
-    device.droid.importVcf("file://{}{}".format(STORAGE_PATH, vcf_file))
-    start_time = time.time()
-    while time.time() < start_time + timeout:
-        #TODO: use unattended way to bypass contact import module instead of keyevent
-        if "ImportVCardActivity" in device.get_my_current_focus_window():
-            # keyevent to allow contacts import from vcf file
-            for key in ["DPAD_RIGHT", "DPAD_RIGHT", "ENTER"]:
-                device.adb.shell("input keyevent KEYCODE_{}".format(key))
-            break
-        time.sleep(1)
-    if wait_for_phone_number_update_complete(device, number_count):
-        return number_count
-    else:
-        return 0
-def export_device_contacts_to_vcf(device, destination_path, vcf_file):
-    """Export and download vcf file from device.
-    """
-    path_on_phone = "{}{}".format(STORAGE_PATH, vcf_file)
-    device.droid.exportVcf("{}".format(path_on_phone))
-    # Download and then remove file from device
-    device.adb.pull("{} {}".format(path_on_phone, destination_path))
-    return True
-def delete_vcf_files(device):
-    """Deletes all files with .vcf extension
-    """
-    files = device.adb.shell("ls {}".format(STORAGE_PATH))
-    for file_name in files.split():
-        if ".vcf" in file_name:
-            device.adb.shell("rm -f {}{}".format(STORAGE_PATH, file_name))
-def erase_contacts(device):
-    """Erase all contacts out of devices contact database.
-    """
-    device.log.info("Erasing contacts.")
-    if get_contact_count(device) > 0:
-        device.droid.contactsEraseAll()
-        try:
-            device.ed.pop_event(CONTACTS_ERASED_CALLBACK, PBAP_SYNC_TIME)
-        except queue.Empty:
-            log.error("Phone book not empty.")
-            return False
-    return True
-def wait_for_phone_number_update_complete(device, expected_count):
-    """Check phone_number count on device and wait for updates until it has the
-    expected number of phone numbers in its contact database.
-    """
-    update_completed = True
-    try:
-        while (expected_count != get_contact_count(device) and
-               device.ed.pop_event(CONTACTS_CHANGED_CALLBACK, PBAP_SYNC_TIME)):
-            pass
-    except queue.Empty:
-        log.error("Contacts failed to update.")
-        update_completed = False
-    device.log.info("Found {} out of the expected {} contacts.".format(
-        get_contact_count(device), expected_count))
-    return update_completed
-def wait_for_call_log_update_complete(device, expected_count):
-    """Check call log count on device and wait for updates until it has the
-    expected number of calls in its call log database.
-    """
-    update_completed = True
-    try:
-        while (expected_count != device.droid.callLogGetCount() and
-               device.ed.pop_event(CALL_LOG_CHANGED, PBAP_SYNC_TIME)):
-            pass
-    except queue.Empty:
-        log.error("Call Log failed to update.")
-        update_completed = False
-    device.log.info("Found {} out of the expected {} call logs.".format(
-        device.droid.callLogGetCount(), expected_count))
-    return
-def add_call_log(device, call_log_type, phone_number, call_time):
-    """Add call number and time to specified log.
-    """
-    new_call_log = {}
-    new_call_log["type"] = str(call_log_type)
-    new_call_log["number"] = phone_number
-    new_call_log["time"] = str(call_time)
-    device.droid.callLogsPut(new_call_log)
-def get_and_compare_call_logs(pse, pce, call_log_type):
-    """Gather and compare call logs from PSE and PCE for the specified type.
-    """
-    pse_call_log = pse.droid.callLogsGet(call_log_type)
-    pce_call_log = pce.droid.callLogsGet(call_log_type)
-    return compare_call_logs(pse_call_log, pce_call_log)
-def normalize_phonenumber(phone_number):
-    """Remove all non-digits from phone_number
-    """
-    return re.sub(r"\D", "", phone_number)
-def compare_call_logs(pse_call_log, pce_call_log):
-    """Gather and compare call logs from PSE and PCE for the specified type.
-    """
-    call_logs_match = True
-    if len(pse_call_log) == len(pce_call_log):
-        for i in range(len(pse_call_log)):
-            # Compare the phone number
-            if normalize_phonenumber(pse_call_log[i][
-                    "number"]) != normalize_phonenumber(pce_call_log[i][
-                         "number"]):
-                log.warning("Call Log numbers differ")
-                call_logs_match = False
-            # Compare which log it was taken from (Incomming, Outgoing, Missed
-            if pse_call_log[i]["type"] != pce_call_log[i]["type"]:
-                log.warning("Call Log types differ")
-                call_logs_match = False
-            # Compare time to truncated second.
-            if int(pse_call_log[i]["date"]) // 1000 != int(pce_call_log[i][
-                    "date"]) // 1000:
-                log.warning("Call log times don't match, check timezone.")
-                call_logs_match = False
-    else:
-        log.warning("Call Log lengths differ {}:{}".format(
-            len(pse_call_log), len(pce_call_log)))
-        call_logs_match = False
-    if not call_logs_match:
-        log.info("PSE Call Log:")
-        log.info(pse_call_log)
-        log.info("PCE Call Log:")
-        log.info(pce_call_log)
-    return call_logs_match
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_factory.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_factory.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e085848..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_factory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import importlib
-def create(configs):
-    """Used to create instance of bt implementation.
-    A list of of configuration is extracted from configs.
-    The modules names are extracted and passed to import_module
-    to get the specific implementation, which gets appended to a
-    device list.
-    Args:
-        configs: A configurations dictionary that contains
-        a list of configs for each device in configs['user_params']['BtDevice'].
-    Returns:
-        A list of bt implementations.
-    """
-    bt_devices = []
-    for config in configs:
-        bt_name = config['bt_module']
-        bt = importlib.import_module('acts_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_implementations.%s'
-                                      % bt_name)
-        bt_devices.append(bt.BluethoothDevice(config))
-    return bt_devices
-def destroy(bt_device_list):
-    for bt in bt_device_list:
-        bt.close()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_gatt_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_gatt_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f271f4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_gatt_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import BtTestUtilsError
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_err
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_strings
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_connection_state
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_descriptor
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_phy_mask
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_service_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_transport
-import pprint
-from queue import Empty
-default_timeout = 10
-log = logging
-class GattTestUtilsError(Exception):
-    pass
-def setup_gatt_connection(cen_ad,
-                          mac_address,
-                          autoconnect,
-                          transport=gatt_transport['auto'],
-                          opportunistic=False):
-    gatt_callback = cen_ad.droid.gattCreateGattCallback()
-    log.info("Gatt Connect to mac address {}.".format(mac_address))
-    bluetooth_gatt = cen_ad.droid.gattClientConnectGatt(
-        gatt_callback, mac_address, autoconnect, transport, opportunistic,
-        gatt_phy_mask['1m_mask'])
-    expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['gatt_conn_change'].format(gatt_callback)
-    try:
-        event = cen_ad.ed.pop_event(expected_event, default_timeout)
-    except Empty:
-        close_gatt_client(cen_ad, bluetooth_gatt)
-        raise GattTestUtilsError(
-            "Could not establish a connection to "
-            "peripheral. Expected event: {}".format(expected_event))
-    if event['data']['State'] != gatt_connection_state['connected']:
-        close_gatt_client(cen_ad, bluetooth_gatt)
-        try:
-            cen_ad.droid.gattClientClose(bluetooth_gatt)
-        except Exception:
-            self.log.debug("Failed to close gatt client.")
-        raise GattTestUtilsError("Could not establish a connection to "
-                                 "peripheral. Event Details: {}".format(
-                                     pprint.pformat(event)))
-    return bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback
-def close_gatt_client(cen_ad, bluetooth_gatt):
-    try:
-        cen_ad.droid.gattClientClose(bluetooth_gatt)
-    except Exception:
-        log.debug("Failed to close gatt client.")
-def disconnect_gatt_connection(cen_ad, bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback):
-    cen_ad.droid.gattClientDisconnect(bluetooth_gatt)
-    wait_for_gatt_disconnect_event(cen_ad, gatt_callback)
-    return
-def wait_for_gatt_disconnect_event(cen_ad, gatt_callback):
-    expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['gatt_conn_change'].format(gatt_callback)
-    try:
-        event = cen_ad.ed.pop_event(expected_event, default_timeout)
-    except Empty:
-        raise GattTestUtilsError(
-            gatt_cb_err['gatt_conn_change_err'].format(expected_event))
-    found_state = event['data']['State']
-    expected_state = gatt_connection_state['disconnected']
-    if found_state != expected_state:
-        raise GattTestUtilsError(
-            "GATT connection state change expected {}, found {}".format(
-                expected_event, found_state))
-    return
-def orchestrate_gatt_connection(cen_ad,
-                                per_ad,
-                                transport=gatt_transport['le'],
-                                mac_address=None,
-                                autoconnect=False,
-                                opportunistic=False):
-    adv_callback = None
-    if mac_address is None:
-        if transport == gatt_transport['le']:
-            try:
-                mac_address, adv_callback, scan_callback = (
-                    get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement(cen_ad, per_ad))
-            except BtTestUtilsError as err:
-                raise GattTestUtilsError(
-                    "Error in getting mac address: {}".format(err))
-        else:
-            mac_address = per_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-            adv_callback = None
-    bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback = setup_gatt_connection(
-        cen_ad, mac_address, autoconnect, transport, opportunistic)
-    return bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback, adv_callback
-def run_continuous_write_descriptor(cen_droid,
-                                    cen_ed,
-                                    per_droid,
-                                    per_ed,
-                                    gatt_server,
-                                    gatt_server_callback,
-                                    bluetooth_gatt,
-                                    services_count,
-                                    discovered_services_index,
-                                    number_of_iterations=100000):
-    log.info("Starting continuous write")
-    bt_device_id = 0
-    status = 1
-    offset = 1
-    test_value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
-    test_value_return = [1, 2, 3]
-    for _ in range(number_of_iterations):
-        try:
-            for i in range(services_count):
-                characteristic_uuids = (
-                    cen_droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                        discovered_services_index, i))
-                log.info(characteristic_uuids)
-                for characteristic in characteristic_uuids:
-                    descriptor_uuids = (
-                        cen_droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredDescriptorUuids(
-                            discovered_services_index, i, characteristic))
-                    log.info(descriptor_uuids)
-                    for descriptor in descriptor_uuids:
-                        cen_droid.gattClientDescriptorSetValue(
-                            bluetooth_gatt, discovered_services_index, i,
-                            characteristic, descriptor, test_value)
-                        cen_droid.gattClientWriteDescriptor(
-                            bluetooth_gatt, discovered_services_index, i,
-                            characteristic, descriptor)
-                        expected_event = gatt_cb_strings[
-                            'desc_write_req'].format(gatt_server_callback)
-                        try:
-                            event = per_ed.pop_event(expected_event,
-                                                     default_timeout)
-                        except Empty:
-                            log.error(gatt_cb_err['desc_write_req_err'].format(
-                                expected_event))
-                            return False
-                        request_id = event['data']['requestId']
-                        found_value = event['data']['value']
-                        if found_value != test_value:
-                            log.error(
-                                "Values didn't match. Found: {}, Expected: "
-                                "{}".format(found_value, test_value))
-                        per_droid.gattServerSendResponse(
-                            gatt_server, bt_device_id, request_id, status,
-                            offset, test_value_return)
-                        expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['desc_write'].format(
-                            bluetooth_gatt)
-                        try:
-                            cen_ed.pop_event(expected_event, default_timeout)
-                        except Empty:
-                            log.error(gatt_cb_strings['desc_write_err'].format(
-                                expected_event))
-                            raise Exception("Thread ended prematurely.")
-        except Exception as err:
-            log.error("Continuing but found exception: {}".format(err))
-def setup_characteristics_and_descriptors(droid):
-    characteristic_input = [
-        {
-            'uuid':
-            "aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630",
-            'property':
-            gatt_characteristic['property_write']
-            | gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-            'permission':
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_write']
-        },
-        {
-            'uuid':
-            "21c0a0bf-ad51-4a2d-8124-b74003e4e8c8",
-            'property':
-            gatt_characteristic['property_notify']
-            | gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permission':
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_read']
-        },
-        {
-            'uuid':
-            "6774191f-6ec3-4aa2-b8a8-cf830e41fda6",
-            'property':
-            gatt_characteristic['property_notify']
-            | gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permission':
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_read']
-        },
-    ]
-    descriptor_input = [{
-        'uuid':
-        "aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630",
-        'property':
-        gatt_descriptor['permission_read']
-        | gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-    }, {
-        'uuid':
-        "76d5ed92-ca81-4edb-bb6b-9f019665fb32",
-        'property':
-        gatt_descriptor['permission_read']
-        | gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-    }]
-    characteristic_list = setup_gatt_characteristics(droid,
-                                                     characteristic_input)
-    descriptor_list = setup_gatt_descriptors(droid, descriptor_input)
-    return characteristic_list, descriptor_list
-def setup_multiple_services(per_ad):
-    per_droid, per_ed = per_ad.droid, per_ad.ed
-    gatt_server_callback = per_droid.gattServerCreateGattServerCallback()
-    gatt_server = per_droid.gattServerOpenGattServer(gatt_server_callback)
-    characteristic_list, descriptor_list = (
-        setup_characteristics_and_descriptors(per_droid))
-    per_droid.gattServerCharacteristicAddDescriptor(characteristic_list[1],
-                                                    descriptor_list[0])
-    per_droid.gattServerCharacteristicAddDescriptor(characteristic_list[2],
-                                                    descriptor_list[1])
-    gattService = per_droid.gattServerCreateService(
-        "00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", gatt_service_types['primary'])
-    gattService2 = per_droid.gattServerCreateService(
-        "FFFFFFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", gatt_service_types['primary'])
-    gattService3 = per_droid.gattServerCreateService(
-        "3846D7A0-69C8-11E4-BA00-0002A5D5C51B", gatt_service_types['primary'])
-    for characteristic in characteristic_list:
-        per_droid.gattServerAddCharacteristicToService(gattService,
-                                                       characteristic)
-    per_droid.gattServerAddService(gatt_server, gattService)
-    expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['serv_added'].format(gatt_server_callback)
-    try:
-        per_ed.pop_event(expected_event, default_timeout)
-    except Empty:
-        per_ad.droid.gattServerClose(gatt_server)
-        raise GattTestUtilsError(
-            gatt_cb_strings['serv_added_err'].format(expected_event))
-    for characteristic in characteristic_list:
-        per_droid.gattServerAddCharacteristicToService(gattService2,
-                                                       characteristic)
-    per_droid.gattServerAddService(gatt_server, gattService2)
-    try:
-        per_ed.pop_event(expected_event, default_timeout)
-    except Empty:
-        per_ad.droid.gattServerClose(gatt_server)
-        raise GattTestUtilsError(
-            gatt_cb_strings['serv_added_err'].format(expected_event))
-    for characteristic in characteristic_list:
-        per_droid.gattServerAddCharacteristicToService(gattService3,
-                                                       characteristic)
-    per_droid.gattServerAddService(gatt_server, gattService3)
-    try:
-        per_ed.pop_event(expected_event, default_timeout)
-    except Empty:
-        per_ad.droid.gattServerClose(gatt_server)
-        raise GattTestUtilsError(
-            gatt_cb_strings['serv_added_err'].format(expected_event))
-    return gatt_server_callback, gatt_server
-def setup_characteristics_and_descriptors(droid):
-    characteristic_input = [
-        {
-            'uuid':
-            "aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630",
-            'property':
-            gatt_characteristic['property_write']
-            | gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-            'permission':
-            gatt_characteristic['property_write']
-        },
-        {
-            'uuid':
-            "21c0a0bf-ad51-4a2d-8124-b74003e4e8c8",
-            'property':
-            gatt_characteristic['property_notify']
-            | gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permission':
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_read']
-        },
-        {
-            'uuid':
-            "6774191f-6ec3-4aa2-b8a8-cf830e41fda6",
-            'property':
-            gatt_characteristic['property_notify']
-            | gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permission':
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_read']
-        },
-    ]
-    descriptor_input = [{
-        'uuid':
-        "aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630",
-        'property':
-        gatt_descriptor['permission_read']
-        | gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-    }, {
-        'uuid':
-        "76d5ed92-ca81-4edb-bb6b-9f019665fb32",
-        'property':
-        gatt_descriptor['permission_read']
-        | gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-    }]
-    characteristic_list = setup_gatt_characteristics(droid,
-                                                     characteristic_input)
-    descriptor_list = setup_gatt_descriptors(droid, descriptor_input)
-    return characteristic_list, descriptor_list
-def setup_gatt_characteristics(droid, input):
-    characteristic_list = []
-    for item in input:
-        index = droid.gattServerCreateBluetoothGattCharacteristic(
-            item['uuid'], item['property'], item['permission'])
-        characteristic_list.append(index)
-    return characteristic_list
-def setup_gatt_descriptors(droid, input):
-    descriptor_list = []
-    for item in input:
-        index = droid.gattServerCreateBluetoothGattDescriptor(
-            item['uuid'],
-            item['property'],
-        )
-        descriptor_list.append(index)
-    log.info("setup descriptor list: {}".format(descriptor_list))
-    return descriptor_list
-def setup_gatt_mtu(cen_ad, bluetooth_gatt, gatt_callback, mtu):
-    """utility function to set mtu for GATT connection.
-    Steps:
-    1. Request mtu change.
-    2. Check if the mtu is changed to the new value
-    Args:
-        cen_ad: test device for client to scan.
-        bluetooth_gatt: GATT object
-        mtu: new mtu value to be set
-    Returns:
-        If success, return True.
-        if fail, return False
-    """
-    cen_ad.droid.gattClientRequestMtu(bluetooth_gatt, mtu)
-    expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['mtu_changed'].format(gatt_callback)
-    try:
-        mtu_event = cen_ad.ed.pop_event(expected_event, default_timeout)
-        mtu_size_found = mtu_event['data']['MTU']
-        if mtu_size_found != mtu:
-            log.error("MTU size found: {}, expected: {}".format(
-                mtu_size_found, mtu))
-            return False
-    except Empty:
-        log.error(gatt_cb_err['mtu_changed_err'].format(expected_event))
-        return False
-    return True
-def log_gatt_server_uuids(cen_ad,
-                          discovered_services_index,
-                          bluetooth_gatt=None):
-    services_count = cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-        discovered_services_index)
-    for i in range(services_count):
-        service = cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServiceUuid(
-            discovered_services_index, i)
-        log.info("Discovered service uuid {}".format(service))
-        characteristic_uuids = (
-            cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                discovered_services_index, i))
-        for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-            descriptor_uuids = (
-                cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredDescriptorUuidsByIndex(
-                    discovered_services_index, i, j))
-            if bluetooth_gatt:
-                char_inst_id = cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetCharacteristicInstanceId(
-                    bluetooth_gatt, discovered_services_index, i, j)
-                log.info("Discovered characteristic handle uuid: {} {}".format(
-                    hex(char_inst_id), characteristic_uuids[j]))
-                for k in range(len(descriptor_uuids)):
-                    desc_inst_id = cen_ad.droid.gattClientGetDescriptorInstanceId(
-                        bluetooth_gatt, discovered_services_index, i, j, k)
-                    log.info("Discovered descriptor handle uuid: {} {}".format(
-                        hex(desc_inst_id), descriptor_uuids[k]))
-            else:
-                log.info("Discovered characteristic uuid: {}".format(
-                    characteristic_uuids[j]))
-                for k in range(len(descriptor_uuids)):
-                    log.info("Discovered descriptor uuid {}".format(
-                        descriptor_uuids[k]))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_implementations/bt_stub.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_implementations/bt_stub.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7166379..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_implementations/bt_stub.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A stub implementation of a DUT interface.
-This a stub interface which allows automated test to run
-without automating the hardware. This here for two reasons, first
-as an example of how to write a dut implementation, and second as
-an implementation that can be used to test case without writing
-out the full implementation.
-import logging
-class BluethoothDevice:
-    """The api interface used in the test for the stub.
-    This is interface which defines all the functions that can be
-    called by the bt test suite.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        print('Init Stub with ', config)
-        logging.info('Init Stub with '+str(config))
-    def answer_phone(self):
-        input('Answer the phone and then press enter\n')
-    def hang_up(self):
-        input('Hang up the phone and then press enter\n')
-    def toggle_pause(self):
-        input('Press pause on device then press enter\n')
-    def volume(self, direction):
-        """Adjust the volume specified by the value of direction.
-        Args:
-            direction: A string that is either UP or DOWN
-            that indicates which way to adjust the volume.
-        """
-        return input('move volume '+direction+' and then press enter\n')
-    def connect(self, android):
-        input('Connect device and press enter\n')
-    def is_bt_connected(self):
-        con = input('Is device connected? y/n').lower()
-        while con not in ['y', 'n']:
-            con = input('Is device connected? y/n').lower()
-        return con == 'y'
-    def close(self):
-        """This where the hardware is released.
-        """
-        print('Close Stub')
-        logging.info('Close Stub')
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_metrics_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_metrics_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9464737..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_metrics_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-def get_bluetooth_profile_connection_stats_map(bluetooth_log):
-    return project_pairs_list_to_map(bluetooth_log.profile_connection_stats,
-                                     lambda stats : stats.profile_id,
-                                     lambda stats : stats.num_times_connected,
-                                     lambda a, b : a + b)
-def get_bluetooth_headset_profile_connection_stats_map(bluetooth_log):
-    return project_pairs_list_to_map(bluetooth_log.headset_profile_connection_stats,
-                                     lambda stats : stats.profile_id,
-                                     lambda stats : stats.num_times_connected,
-                                     lambda a, b : a + b)
-def project_pairs_list_to_map(pairs_list, get_key, get_value, merge_value):
-    """
-    Project a list of pairs (A, B) into a map of [A] --> B
-    :param pairs_list:  list of pairs (A, B)
-    :param get_key: function used to get key from pair (A, B)
-    :param get_value: function used to get value from pair (A, B)
-    :param merge_value: function used to merge values of B
-    :return: a map of [A] --> B
-    """
-    result = {}
-    for item in pairs_list:
-        my_key = get_key(item)
-        if my_key in result:
-            result[my_key] = merge_value(result[my_key], get_value(item))
-        else:
-            result[my_key] = get_value(item)
-    return result
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_power_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_power_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aa661af..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_power_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import time
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BleEnum as bleenum
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.instrumentation.device.command.instrumentation_command_builder as icb
-BLE_LOCATION_SCAN_ENABLE = 'settings put global ble_scan_always_enabled 1'
-BLE_LOCATION_SCAN_DISABLE = 'settings put global ble_scan_always_enabled 0'
-START_BLE_ADV = 'am start -n com.google.bletesting/.ActsCommandExecutor --es command ADVERTISE#2#2#30000'
-START_BLE_SCAN = 'am start -n com.google.bletesting/.ActsCommandExecutor --es command SCAN#2#10000'
-class MediaControl(object):
-    """Media control using adb shell for power testing.
-    Object to control media play status using adb.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, android_device, music_file):
-        """Initialize the media_control class.
-        Args:
-            android_dut: android_device object
-            music_file: location of the music file
-        """
-        self.android_device = android_device
-        self.music_file = music_file
-    def player_on_foreground(self):
-        """Turn on screen and make sure media play is on foreground
-        All media control keycode only works when screen is on and media player
-        is on the foreground. Turn off screen first and turn it on to make sure
-        all operation is based on the same screen status. Otherwise, 'MENU' key
-        would block command to be sent.
-        """
-        self.android_device.droid.goToSleepNow()
-        time.sleep(SCREEN_WAIT_TIME)
-        self.android_device.droid.wakeUpNow()
-        time.sleep(SCREEN_WAIT_TIME)
-        self.android_device.send_keycode('MENU')
-        time.sleep(SCREEN_WAIT_TIME)
-    def play(self):
-        """Start playing music.
-        """
-        self.player_on_foreground()
-        PLAY = 'am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file://{} -t audio/wav'.format(
-            self.music_file)
-        self.android_device.adb.shell(PLAY)
-    def pause(self):
-        """Pause music.
-        """
-        self.player_on_foreground()
-        self.android_device.send_keycode('MEDIA_PAUSE')
-    def resume(self):
-        """Pause music.
-        """
-        self.player_on_foreground()
-        self.android_device.send_keycode('MEDIA_PLAY')
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stop music and close media play.
-        """
-        self.player_on_foreground()
-        self.android_device.send_keycode('MEDIA_STOP')
-def start_apk_ble_adv(dut, adv_mode, adv_power_level, adv_duration):
-    """Trigger BLE advertisement from power-test.apk.
-    Args:
-        dut: Android device under test, type AndroidDevice obj
-        adv_mode: The BLE advertisement mode.
-            {0: 'LowPower', 1: 'Balanced', 2: 'LowLatency'}
-        adv_power_leve: The BLE advertisement TX power level.
-            {0: 'UltraLowTXPower', 1: 'LowTXPower', 2: 'MediumTXPower,
-            3: HighTXPower}
-        adv_duration: duration of advertisement in seconds, type int
-    """
-    adv_duration = str(adv_duration) + 's'
-    builder = icb.InstrumentationTestCommandBuilder.default()
-    builder.add_test_class(
-        "com.google.android.device.power.tests.ble.BleAdvertise")
-    builder.set_manifest_package("com.google.android.device.power")
-    builder.set_runner("androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner")
-    builder.add_key_value_param("cool-off-duration", "0s")
-    builder.add_key_value_param("idle-duration", "0s")
-    builder.add_key_value_param(
-        "com.android.test.power.receiver.ADVERTISE_MODE", adv_mode)
-    builder.add_key_value_param("com.android.test.power.receiver.POWER_LEVEL",
-                                adv_power_level)
-    builder.add_key_value_param(
-        "com.android.test.power.receiver.ADVERTISING_DURATION", adv_duration)
-    adv_command = builder.build() + ' &'
-    logging.info('Start BLE {} at {} for {} seconds'.format(
-        bleenum.AdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(adv_mode).name,
-        bleenum.AdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseTxPower(adv_power_level).name,
-        adv_duration))
-    dut.adb.shell_nb(adv_command)
-def start_apk_ble_scan(dut, scan_mode, scan_duration):
-    """Build the command to trigger BLE scan from power-test.apk.
-    Args:
-        dut: Android device under test, type AndroidDevice obj
-        scan_mode: The BLE scan mode.
-            {0: 'LowPower', 1: 'Balanced', 2: 'LowLatency', -1: 'Opportunistic'}
-        scan_duration: duration of scan in seconds, type int
-    Returns:
-        adv_command: the command for BLE scan
-    """
-    scan_duration = str(scan_duration) + 's'
-    builder = icb.InstrumentationTestCommandBuilder.default()
-    builder.set_proto_path()
-    builder.add_flag('--no-isolated-storage')
-    builder.add_test_class("com.google.android.device.power.tests.ble.BleScan")
-    builder.set_manifest_package("com.google.android.device.power")
-    builder.set_runner("androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner")
-    builder.add_key_value_param("cool-off-duration", "0s")
-    builder.add_key_value_param("idle-duration", "0s")
-    builder.add_key_value_param("com.android.test.power.receiver.SCAN_MODE",
-                                scan_mode)
-    builder.add_key_value_param("com.android.test.power.receiver.MATCH_MODE",
-                                2)
-    builder.add_key_value_param(
-        "com.android.test.power.receiver.SCAN_DURATION", scan_duration)
-    builder.add_key_value_param(
-        "com.android.test.power.receiver.CALLBACK_TYPE", 1)
-    builder.add_key_value_param("com.android.test.power.receiver.FILTER",
-                                'true')
-    scan_command = builder.build() + ' &'
-    logging.info('Start BLE {} scans for {} seconds'.format(
-        bleenum.ScanSettingsScanMode(scan_mode).name, scan_duration))
-    dut.adb.shell_nb(scan_command)
-def establish_ble_connection(client_ad, server_ad, con_priority):
-    """Establish BLE connection using BLE_Test.apk.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the BLE connection.
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the BLE connection.
-        con_priority: The BLE Connection Priority.
-            {0: 'BALANCED'= Use the connection parameters recommended by the Bluetooth SIG,
-            1: 'HIGH'= Request a high priority, low latency connection,
-            2: 'LOW_POWER= Request low power, reduced data rate connection parameters }
-    """
-    server_ad.adb.shell(START_BLE_ADV)
-    time.sleep(5)
-    client_ad.adb.shell(START_BLE_SCAN)
-    time.sleep(SCAN_DURATION)
-    logging.info("Connection Priority is:{}".format(con_priority))
-    client_ad.adb.shell(
-        'am start -n com.google.bletesting/.ActsCommandExecutor '
-        '--es command GATTCONNECT#{}'.format(con_priority))
-    logging.info(
-        "BLE Connection Successful with Connection Priority:{}".format(
-            con_priority))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ae6a1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bt_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1922 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import re
-import string
-import threading
-import time
-    import pandas as pd
-except ModuleNotFoundError:
-    pass
-from queue import Empty
-from subprocess import call
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import adv_fail
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import adv_succ
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import batch_scan_not_supported_list
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import batch_scan_result
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bits_per_samples
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_advertise_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_advertise_settings_tx_powers
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bluetooth_a2dp_codec_config_changed
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bluetooth_off
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bluetooth_on
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import \
-    bluetooth_profile_connection_state_changed
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bluetooth_socket_conn_test_uuid
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_default_timeout
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_profile_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_profile_states
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_rfcomm_uuids
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_scan_mode_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import btsnoop_last_log_path_on_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import btsnoop_log_path_on_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import channel_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import codec_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_rfcomm_timeout_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import hid_id_keyboard
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import pairing_variant_passkey_confirmation
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import pan_connect_timeout
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import sample_rates
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import scan_result
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import sig_uuid_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import small_timeout
-from antlion.utils import exe_cmd
-from antlion import utils
-log = logging
-advertisements_to_devices = {}
-class BtTestUtilsError(Exception):
-    pass
-def _add_android_device_to_dictionary(android_device, profile_list,
-                                      selector_dict):
-    """Adds the AndroidDevice and supported features to the selector dictionary
-    Args:
-        android_device: The Android device.
-        profile_list: The list of profiles the Android device supports.
-    """
-    for profile in profile_list:
-        if profile in selector_dict and android_device not in selector_dict[
-                profile]:
-            selector_dict[profile].append(android_device)
-        else:
-            selector_dict[profile] = [android_device]
-def bluetooth_enabled_check(ad, timeout_sec=5):
-    """Checks if the Bluetooth state is enabled, if not it will attempt to
-    enable it.
-    Args:
-        ad: The Android device list to enable Bluetooth on.
-        timeout_sec: number of seconds to wait for toggle to take effect.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    if not ad.droid.bluetoothCheckState():
-        ad.droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-        expected_bluetooth_on_event_name = bluetooth_on
-        try:
-            ad.ed.pop_event(expected_bluetooth_on_event_name,
-                            bt_default_timeout)
-        except Empty:
-            ad.log.info("Failed to toggle Bluetooth on(no broadcast received).")
-            # Try one more time to poke at the actual state.
-            if ad.droid.bluetoothCheckState():
-                ad.log.info(".. actual state is ON")
-                return True
-            ad.log.error(".. actual state is OFF")
-            return False
-    end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
-    while not ad.droid.bluetoothCheckState() and time.time() < end_time:
-        time.sleep(1)
-    return ad.droid.bluetoothCheckState()
-def check_device_supported_profiles(droid):
-    """Checks for Android device supported profiles.
-    Args:
-        droid: The droid object to query.
-    Returns:
-        A dictionary of supported profiles.
-    """
-    profile_dict = {}
-    profile_dict['hid'] = droid.bluetoothHidIsReady()
-    profile_dict['hsp'] = droid.bluetoothHspIsReady()
-    profile_dict['a2dp'] = droid.bluetoothA2dpIsReady()
-    profile_dict['avrcp'] = droid.bluetoothAvrcpIsReady()
-    profile_dict['a2dp_sink'] = droid.bluetoothA2dpSinkIsReady()
-    profile_dict['hfp_client'] = droid.bluetoothHfpClientIsReady()
-    profile_dict['pbap_client'] = droid.bluetoothPbapClientIsReady()
-    return profile_dict
-def cleanup_scanners_and_advertisers(scn_android_device, scn_callback_list,
-                                     adv_android_device, adv_callback_list):
-    """Try to gracefully stop all scanning and advertising instances.
-    Args:
-        scn_android_device: The Android device that is actively scanning.
-        scn_callback_list: The scan callback id list that needs to be stopped.
-        adv_android_device: The Android device that is actively advertising.
-        adv_callback_list: The advertise callback id list that needs to be
-            stopped.
-    """
-    scan_droid, scan_ed = scn_android_device.droid, scn_android_device.ed
-    adv_droid = adv_android_device.droid
-    try:
-        for scan_callback in scn_callback_list:
-            scan_droid.bleStopBleScan(scan_callback)
-    except Exception as err:
-        scn_android_device.log.debug(
-            "Failed to stop LE scan... reseting Bluetooth. Error {}".format(
-                err))
-        reset_bluetooth([scn_android_device])
-    try:
-        for adv_callback in adv_callback_list:
-            adv_droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
-    except Exception as err:
-        adv_android_device.log.debug(
-            "Failed to stop LE advertisement... reseting Bluetooth. Error {}".
-            format(err))
-        reset_bluetooth([adv_android_device])
-def clear_bonded_devices(ad):
-    """Clear bonded devices from the input Android device.
-    Args:
-        ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-    Returns:
-        True if clearing bonded devices was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    bonded_device_list = ad.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-    while bonded_device_list:
-        device_address = bonded_device_list[0]['address']
-        if not ad.droid.bluetoothUnbond(device_address):
-            log.error("Failed to unbond {} from {}".format(
-                device_address, ad.serial))
-            return False
-        log.info("Successfully unbonded {} from {}".format(
-            device_address, ad.serial))
-        #TODO: wait for BOND_STATE_CHANGED intent instead of waiting
-        time.sleep(1)
-        # If device was first connected using LE transport, after bonding it is
-        # accessible through it's LE address, and through it classic address.
-        # Unbonding it will unbond two devices representing different
-        # "addresses". Attempt to unbond such already unbonded devices will
-        # result in bluetoothUnbond returning false.
-        bonded_device_list = ad.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-    return True
-def connect_phone_to_headset(android,
-                             headset,
-                             timeout=bt_default_timeout,
-                             connection_check_period=10):
-    """Connects android phone to bluetooth headset.
-    Headset object must have methods power_on and enter_pairing_mode,
-    and attribute mac_address.
-    Args:
-        android: AndroidDevice object with SL4A installed.
-        headset: Object with attribute mac_address and methods power_on and
-            enter_pairing_mode.
-        timeout: Seconds to wait for devices to connect.
-        connection_check_period: how often to check for connection once the
-            SL4A connect RPC has been sent.
-    Returns:
-        connected (bool): True if devices are paired and connected by end of
-        method. False otherwise.
-    """
-    headset_mac_address = headset.mac_address
-    connected = android.droid.audioIsBluetoothA2dpOn()
-    log.info('Devices connected before pair attempt: %s' % connected)
-    if not connected:
-        # Turn on headset and initiate pairing mode.
-        headset.enter_pairing_mode()
-        android.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
-    start_time = time.time()
-    # If already connected, skip pair and connect attempt.
-    while not connected and (time.time() - start_time < timeout):
-        bonded_info = android.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-        connected_info = android.droid.bluetoothGetConnectedDevices()
-        if headset.mac_address not in [info["address"] for info in bonded_info]:
-            # Use SL4A to pair and connect with headset.
-            headset.enter_pairing_mode()
-            android.droid.bluetoothDiscoverAndBond(headset_mac_address)
-        elif headset.mac_address not in [
-                info["address"] for info in connected_info
-        ]:
-            #Device is bonded but not connected
-            android.droid.bluetoothConnectBonded(headset_mac_address)
-        else:
-            #Headset is connected, but A2DP profile is not
-            android.droid.bluetoothA2dpConnect(headset_mac_address)
-        log.info('Waiting for connection...')
-        time.sleep(connection_check_period)
-        # Check for connection.
-        connected = android.droid.audioIsBluetoothA2dpOn()
-    log.info('Devices connected after pair attempt: %s' % connected)
-    return connected
-def connect_pri_to_sec(pri_ad, sec_ad, profiles_set, attempts=2):
-    """Connects pri droid to secondary droid.
-    Args:
-        pri_ad: AndroidDroid initiating connection
-        sec_ad: AndroidDroid accepting connection
-        profiles_set: Set of profiles to be connected
-        attempts: Number of attempts to try until failure.
-    Returns:
-        Pass if True
-        Fail if False
-    """
-    device_addr = sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-    # Allows extra time for the SDP records to be updated.
-    time.sleep(2)
-    curr_attempts = 0
-    while curr_attempts < attempts:
-        log.info("connect_pri_to_sec curr attempt {} total {}".format(
-            curr_attempts, attempts))
-        if _connect_pri_to_sec(pri_ad, sec_ad, profiles_set):
-            return True
-        curr_attempts += 1
-    log.error("connect_pri_to_sec failed to connect after {} attempts".format(
-        attempts))
-    return False
-def _connect_pri_to_sec(pri_ad, sec_ad, profiles_set):
-    """Connects pri droid to secondary droid.
-    Args:
-        pri_ad: AndroidDroid initiating connection.
-        sec_ad: AndroidDroid accepting connection.
-        profiles_set: Set of profiles to be connected.
-    Returns:
-        True of connection is successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    # Check if we support all profiles.
-    supported_profiles = bt_profile_constants.values()
-    for profile in profiles_set:
-        if profile not in supported_profiles:
-            pri_ad.log.info("Profile {} is not supported list {}".format(
-                profile, supported_profiles))
-            return False
-    # First check that devices are bonded.
-    paired = False
-    for paired_device in pri_ad.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices():
-        if paired_device['address'] == \
-                sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress():
-            paired = True
-            break
-    if not paired:
-        pri_ad.log.error("Not paired to {}".format(sec_ad.serial))
-        return False
-    # Now try to connect them, the following call will try to initiate all
-    # connections.
-    pri_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectBonded(sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress())
-    end_time = time.time() + 10
-    profile_connected = set()
-    sec_addr = sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-    pri_ad.log.info("Profiles to be connected {}".format(profiles_set))
-    # First use APIs to check profile connection state
-    while (time.time() < end_time and
-           not profile_connected.issuperset(profiles_set)):
-        if (bt_profile_constants['headset_client'] not in profile_connected and
-                bt_profile_constants['headset_client'] in profiles_set):
-            if is_hfp_client_device_connected(pri_ad, sec_addr):
-                profile_connected.add(bt_profile_constants['headset_client'])
-        if (bt_profile_constants['a2dp'] not in profile_connected and
-                bt_profile_constants['a2dp'] in profiles_set):
-            if is_a2dp_src_device_connected(pri_ad, sec_addr):
-                profile_connected.add(bt_profile_constants['a2dp'])
-        if (bt_profile_constants['a2dp_sink'] not in profile_connected and
-                bt_profile_constants['a2dp_sink'] in profiles_set):
-            if is_a2dp_snk_device_connected(pri_ad, sec_addr):
-                profile_connected.add(bt_profile_constants['a2dp_sink'])
-        if (bt_profile_constants['map_mce'] not in profile_connected and
-                bt_profile_constants['map_mce'] in profiles_set):
-            if is_map_mce_device_connected(pri_ad, sec_addr):
-                profile_connected.add(bt_profile_constants['map_mce'])
-        if (bt_profile_constants['map'] not in profile_connected and
-                bt_profile_constants['map'] in profiles_set):
-            if is_map_mse_device_connected(pri_ad, sec_addr):
-                profile_connected.add(bt_profile_constants['map'])
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-    # If APIs fail, try to find the connection broadcast receiver.
-    while not profile_connected.issuperset(profiles_set):
-        try:
-            profile_event = pri_ad.ed.pop_event(
-                bluetooth_profile_connection_state_changed,
-                bt_default_timeout + 10)
-            pri_ad.log.info("Got event {}".format(profile_event))
-        except Exception:
-            pri_ad.log.error("Did not get {} profiles left {}".format(
-                bluetooth_profile_connection_state_changed, profile_connected))
-            return False
-        profile = profile_event['data']['profile']
-        state = profile_event['data']['state']
-        device_addr = profile_event['data']['addr']
-        if state == bt_profile_states['connected'] and \
-                device_addr == sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress():
-            profile_connected.add(profile)
-        pri_ad.log.info(
-            "Profiles connected until now {}".format(profile_connected))
-    # Failure happens inside the while loop. If we came here then we already
-    # connected.
-    return True
-def determine_max_advertisements(android_device):
-    """Determines programatically how many advertisements the Android device
-    supports.
-    Args:
-        android_device: The Android device to determine max advertisements of.
-    Returns:
-        The maximum advertisement count.
-    """
-    android_device.log.info(
-        "Determining number of maximum concurrent advertisements...")
-    advertisement_count = 0
-    bt_enabled = False
-    expected_bluetooth_on_event_name = bluetooth_on
-    if not android_device.droid.bluetoothCheckState():
-        android_device.droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-    try:
-        android_device.ed.pop_event(expected_bluetooth_on_event_name,
-                                    bt_default_timeout)
-    except Exception:
-        android_device.log.info(
-            "Failed to toggle Bluetooth on(no broadcast received).")
-        # Try one more time to poke at the actual state.
-        if android_device.droid.bluetoothCheckState() is True:
-            android_device.log.info(".. actual state is ON")
-        else:
-            android_device.log.error(
-                "Failed to turn Bluetooth on. Setting default advertisements to 1"
-            )
-            advertisement_count = -1
-            return advertisement_count
-    advertise_callback_list = []
-    advertise_data = android_device.droid.bleBuildAdvertiseData()
-    advertise_settings = android_device.droid.bleBuildAdvertiseSettings()
-    while (True):
-        advertise_callback = android_device.droid.bleGenBleAdvertiseCallback()
-        advertise_callback_list.append(advertise_callback)
-        android_device.droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(advertise_callback,
-                                                    advertise_data,
-                                                    advertise_settings)
-        regex = "(" + adv_succ.format(
-            advertise_callback) + "|" + adv_fail.format(
-                advertise_callback) + ")"
-        # wait for either success or failure event
-        evt = android_device.ed.pop_events(regex, bt_default_timeout,
-                                           small_timeout)
-        if evt[0]["name"] == adv_succ.format(advertise_callback):
-            advertisement_count += 1
-            android_device.log.info(
-                "Advertisement {} started.".format(advertisement_count))
-        else:
-            error = evt[0]["data"]["Error"]
-                android_device.log.info(
-                    "Advertisement failed to start. Reached max " +
-                    "advertisements at {}".format(advertisement_count))
-                break
-            else:
-                raise BtTestUtilsError(
-                    "Expected ADVERTISE_FAILED_TOO_MANY_ADVERTISERS," +
-                    " but received bad error code {}".format(error))
-    try:
-        for adv in advertise_callback_list:
-            android_device.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv)
-    except Exception:
-        android_device.log.error(
-            "Failed to stop advertisingment, resetting Bluetooth.")
-        reset_bluetooth([android_device])
-    return advertisement_count
-def disable_bluetooth(droid):
-    """Disable Bluetooth on input Droid object.
-    Args:
-        droid: The droid object to disable Bluetooth on.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    if droid.bluetoothCheckState() is True:
-        droid.bluetoothToggleState(False)
-        if droid.bluetoothCheckState() is True:
-            log.error("Failed to toggle Bluetooth off.")
-            return False
-    return True
-def disconnect_pri_from_sec(pri_ad, sec_ad, profiles_list):
-    """
-    Disconnect primary from secondary on a specific set of profiles
-    Args:
-        pri_ad - Primary android_device initiating disconnection
-        sec_ad - Secondary android droid (sl4a interface to keep the
-          method signature the same connect_pri_to_sec above)
-        profiles_list - List of profiles we want to disconnect from
-    Returns:
-        True on Success
-        False on Failure
-    """
-    # Sanity check to see if all the profiles in the given set is supported
-    supported_profiles = bt_profile_constants.values()
-    for profile in profiles_list:
-        if profile not in supported_profiles:
-            pri_ad.log.info("Profile {} is not in supported list {}".format(
-                profile, supported_profiles))
-            return False
-    pri_ad.log.info(pri_ad.droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices())
-    # Disconnecting on a already disconnected profile is a nop,
-    # so not checking for the connection state
-    try:
-        pri_ad.droid.bluetoothDisconnectConnectedProfile(
-            sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(), profiles_list)
-    except Exception as err:
-        pri_ad.log.error(
-            "Exception while trying to disconnect profile(s) {}: {}".format(
-                profiles_list, err))
-        return False
-    profile_disconnected = set()
-    pri_ad.log.info("Disconnecting from profiles: {}".format(profiles_list))
-    while not profile_disconnected.issuperset(profiles_list):
-        try:
-            profile_event = pri_ad.ed.pop_event(
-                bluetooth_profile_connection_state_changed, bt_default_timeout)
-            pri_ad.log.info("Got event {}".format(profile_event))
-        except Exception as e:
-            pri_ad.log.error(
-                "Did not disconnect from Profiles. Reason {}".format(e))
-            return False
-        profile = profile_event['data']['profile']
-        state = profile_event['data']['state']
-        device_addr = profile_event['data']['addr']
-        if state == bt_profile_states['disconnected'] and \
-                device_addr == sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress():
-            profile_disconnected.add(profile)
-        pri_ad.log.info(
-            "Profiles disconnected so far {}".format(profile_disconnected))
-    return True
-def enable_bluetooth(droid, ed):
-    if droid.bluetoothCheckState() is True:
-        return True
-    droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-    expected_bluetooth_on_event_name = bluetooth_on
-    try:
-        ed.pop_event(expected_bluetooth_on_event_name, bt_default_timeout)
-    except Exception:
-        log.info("Failed to toggle Bluetooth on (no broadcast received)")
-        if droid.bluetoothCheckState() is True:
-            log.info(".. actual state is ON")
-            return True
-        log.info(".. actual state is OFF")
-        return False
-    return True
-def factory_reset_bluetooth(android_devices):
-    """Clears Bluetooth stack of input Android device list.
-        Args:
-            android_devices: The Android device list to reset Bluetooth
-        Returns:
-            True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-        """
-    for a in android_devices:
-        droid, ed = a.droid, a.ed
-        a.log.info("Reset state of bluetooth on device.")
-        if not bluetooth_enabled_check(a):
-            return False
-        # TODO: remove device unbond b/79418045
-        # Temporary solution to ensure all devices are unbonded
-        bonded_devices = droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-        for b in bonded_devices:
-            a.log.info("Removing bond for device {}".format(b['address']))
-            droid.bluetoothUnbond(b['address'])
-        droid.bluetoothFactoryReset()
-        wait_for_bluetooth_manager_state(droid)
-        if not enable_bluetooth(droid, ed):
-            return False
-    return True
-def generate_ble_advertise_objects(droid):
-    """Generate generic LE advertise objects.
-    Args:
-        droid: The droid object to generate advertise LE objects from.
-    Returns:
-        advertise_callback: The generated advertise callback id.
-        advertise_data: The generated advertise data id.
-        advertise_settings: The generated advertise settings id.
-    """
-    advertise_callback = droid.bleGenBleAdvertiseCallback()
-    advertise_data = droid.bleBuildAdvertiseData()
-    advertise_settings = droid.bleBuildAdvertiseSettings()
-    return advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings
-def generate_ble_scan_objects(droid):
-    """Generate generic LE scan objects.
-    Args:
-        droid: The droid object to generate LE scan objects from.
-    Returns:
-        filter_list: The generated scan filter list id.
-        scan_settings: The generated scan settings id.
-        scan_callback: The generated scan callback id.
-    """
-    filter_list = droid.bleGenFilterList()
-    scan_settings = droid.bleBuildScanSetting()
-    scan_callback = droid.bleGenScanCallback()
-    return filter_list, scan_settings, scan_callback
-def generate_id_by_size(size,
-                        chars=(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase +
-                               string.digits)):
-    """Generate random ascii characters of input size and input char types
-    Args:
-        size: Input size of string.
-        chars: (Optional) Chars to use in generating a random string.
-    Returns:
-        String of random input chars at the input size.
-    """
-    return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
-def get_advanced_droid_list(android_devices):
-    """Add max_advertisement and batch_scan_supported attributes to input
-    Android devices
-    This will programatically determine maximum LE advertisements of each
-    input Android device.
-    Args:
-        android_devices: The Android devices to setup.
-    Returns:
-        List of Android devices with new attribtues.
-    """
-    droid_list = []
-    for a in android_devices:
-        d, e = a.droid, a.ed
-        model = d.getBuildModel()
-        max_advertisements = 1
-        batch_scan_supported = True
-        if model in advertisements_to_devices.keys():
-            max_advertisements = advertisements_to_devices[model]
-        else:
-            max_advertisements = determine_max_advertisements(a)
-            max_tries = 3
-            # Retry to calculate max advertisements
-            while max_advertisements == -1 and max_tries > 0:
-                a.log.info(
-                    "Attempts left to determine max advertisements: {}".format(
-                        max_tries))
-                max_advertisements = determine_max_advertisements(a)
-                max_tries -= 1
-            advertisements_to_devices[model] = max_advertisements
-        if model in batch_scan_not_supported_list:
-            batch_scan_supported = False
-        role = {
-            'droid': d,
-            'ed': e,
-            'max_advertisements': max_advertisements,
-            'batch_scan_supported': batch_scan_supported
-        }
-        droid_list.append(role)
-    return droid_list
-def get_bluetooth_crash_count(android_device):
-    out = android_device.adb.shell("dumpsys bluetooth_manager")
-    return int(re.search("crashed(.*\d)", out).group(1))
-def read_otp(ad):
-    """Reads and parses the OTP output to return TX power backoff
-    Reads the OTP registers from the phone, parses them to return a
-    dict of TX power backoffs for different power levels
-    Args:
-        ad : android device object
-    Returns :
-        otp_dict : power backoff dict
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell('svc bluetooth disable')
-    time.sleep(2)
-    otp_output = ad.adb.shell('bluetooth_sar_test -r')
-    ad.adb.shell('svc bluetooth enable')
-    time.sleep(2)
-    otp_dict = {
-        "BR": {
-            "10": 0,
-            "9": 0,
-            "8": 0
-        },
-        "EDR": {
-            "10": 0,
-            "9": 0,
-            "8": 0
-        },
-        "BLE": {
-            "10": 0,
-            "9": 0,
-            "8": 0
-        }
-    }
-    otp_regex = '\s+\[\s+PL10:\s+(\d+)\s+PL9:\s+(\d+)*\s+PL8:\s+(\d+)\s+\]'
-    for key in otp_dict:
-        bank_list = re.findall("{}{}".format(key, otp_regex), otp_output)
-        for bank_tuple in bank_list:
-            if ('0', '0', '0') != bank_tuple:
-                [otp_dict[key]["10"], otp_dict[key]["9"],
-                 otp_dict[key]["8"]] = bank_tuple
-    return otp_dict
-def get_bt_metric(ad_list,
-                  duration=1,
-                  bqr_tag='Monitoring , Handle:',
-                  tag='',
-                  log_path=False):
-    """ Function to get the bt metric from logcat.
-    Captures logcat for the specified duration and returns the bqr results.
-    Takes list of android objects as input. If a single android object is given,
-    converts it into a list.
-    Args:
-        ad_list: list of android_device objects
-        duration: time duration (seconds) for which the logcat is parsed
-        bqr_tag: tag of bt metrics
-        tag: tag to be appended to the metrics raw data
-        log_path: path of metrics raw data
-    Returns:
-        process_data: dict of process raw data for each android devices
-    """
-    # Defining bqr quantites and their regex to extract
-    regex_dict = {
-        "pwlv": "PwLv:\s(\S+)",
-        "rssi": "RSSI:\s[-](\d+)",
-        "rssi_c0": "RSSI_C0:\s[-](\d+)",
-        "rssi_c1": "RSSI_C1:\s[-](\d+)",
-        "txpw_c0": "\sTxPw_C0:\s(-?\d+)",
-        "txpw_c1": "\sTxPw_C1:\s(-?\d+)",
-        "bftx": "BFTx:\s(\w+)",
-        "divtx": "DivTx:\s(\w+)"
-    }
-    metrics_dict = {
-        "rssi": {},
-        "pwlv": {},
-        "rssi_c0": {},
-        "rssi_c1": {},
-        "txpw_c0": {},
-        "txpw_c1": {},
-        "bftx": {},
-        "divtx": {}
-    }
-    # Converting a single android device object to list
-    if not isinstance(ad_list, list):
-        ad_list = [ad_list]
-    #Time sync with the test machine
-    for ad in ad_list:
-        ad.droid.setTime(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
-        time.sleep(0.5)
-    begin_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-    time.sleep(duration)
-    end_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-    for ad in ad_list:
-        bt_rssi_log = ad.cat_adb_log(tag + "_bt_metric", begin_time, end_time)
-        # Extracting supporting bqr quantities
-        for metric, regex in regex_dict.items():
-            bqr_metric = []
-            file_bt_log = open(bt_rssi_log, "r")
-            for line in file_bt_log:
-                if bqr_tag in line:
-                    if re.findall(regex, line):
-                        m = re.findall(regex, line)[0].strip(",")
-                        bqr_metric.append(m)
-            metrics_dict[metric][ad.serial] = bqr_metric
-            file_bt_log.close()
-        # Formatting and saving the raw data
-        metrics_to_be_formatted = [{
-            "name": "rssi",
-            "averagble": "y"
-        }, {
-            "name": "rssi_c0",
-            "averagble": "y"
-        }, {
-            "name": "rssi_c1",
-            "averagble": "y"
-        }, {
-            "name": "pwlv",
-            "averagble": "n"
-        }, {
-            "name": "txpw_c0",
-            "averagble": "n"
-        }, {
-            "name": "txpw_c1",
-            "averagble": "n"
-        }, {
-            "name": "bftx",
-            "averagble": "n"
-        }, {
-            "name": "divtx",
-            "averagble": "n"
-        }]
-        for metric in metrics_to_be_formatted:
-            if metric["averagble"] == "y":
-                metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial] = [
-                    (-1) * int(x)
-                    for x in metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial]
-                ]
-            else:
-                metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial] = [
-                    int(x, 16) if '0x' in x else int(x, 10)
-                    for x in metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial]
-                ]
-        # Saving metrics raw data for each attenuation
-        if log_path:
-            output_file_name = ad.serial + "_metrics_raw_data_" + tag + ".csv"
-            output_file = os.path.join(log_path, output_file_name)
-            os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
-            df_save_metrics = {}
-            for item in metrics_dict.items():
-                df_save_metrics[item[0]] = next(iter(item[1].items()))[1]
-            MetricsDict_df = pd.DataFrame({key:pd.Series(value) for key, value in df_save_metrics.items()})
-            MetricsDict_df.to_csv(output_file)
-        # Defining the process_data_dict
-        process_data = {
-            "rssi": {},
-            "pwlv": {},
-            "rssi_c0": {},
-            "rssi_c1": {},
-            "txpw_c0": {},
-            "txpw_c1": {},
-            "bftx": {},
-            "divtx": {}
-        }
-        # Computing and returning the raw data
-        for metric in metrics_to_be_formatted:
-            if metric["averagble"] == "y":
-                process_data[metric["name"]][ad.serial] = [
-                    x for x in metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial]
-                    if x != 0 and x != -127
-                ]
-                try:
-                    #DOING AVERAGE
-                    process_data[metric["name"]][ad.serial] = round(
-                        sum(metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial]) /
-                        len(metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial]), 2)
-                except ZeroDivisionError:
-                    #SETTING VALUE TO 'n/a'
-                    process_data[metric["name"]][ad.serial] = "n/a"
-            else:
-                try:
-                    #GETTING MOST_COMMON_VALUE
-                    process_data[metric["name"]][ad.serial] = max(
-                        metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial],
-                        key=metrics_dict[metric["name"]][ad.serial].count)
-                except ValueError:
-                    #SETTING VALUE TO 'n/a'
-                    process_data[metric["name"]][ad.serial] = "n/a"
-    return process_data
-def get_bt_rssi(ad, duration=1, processed=True, tag='', log_path=False):
-    """Function to get average bt rssi from logcat.
-    This function returns the average RSSI for the given duration. RSSI values are
-    extracted from BQR.
-    Args:
-        ad: (list of) android_device object.
-        duration: time duration(seconds) for which logcat is parsed.
-    Returns:
-        avg_rssi: average RSSI on each android device for the given duration.
-    """
-    bqr_results = get_bt_metric(ad, duration, tag=tag, log_path=log_path)
-    return bqr_results["rssi"]
-def enable_bqr(
-    ad_list,
-    bqr_interval=10,
-    bqr_event_mask=15,
-    """Sets up BQR reporting.
-       Sets up BQR to report BT metrics at the requested frequency and toggles
-       airplane mode for the bqr settings to take effect.
-    Args:
-        ad_list: an android_device or list of android devices.
-    """
-    # Converting a single android device object to list
-    if not isinstance(ad_list, list):
-        ad_list = [ad_list]
-    for ad in ad_list:
-        #Setting BQR parameters
-        ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.bluetooth.bqr.event_mask {}".format(
-            bqr_event_mask))
-        ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.bluetooth.bqr.min_interval_ms {}".format(
-            bqr_interval))
-        ## Toggle airplane mode
-        ad.droid.connectivityToggleAirplaneMode(True)
-        ad.droid.connectivityToggleAirplaneMode(False)
-def disable_bqr(ad_list):
-    """Disables BQR reporting.
-    Args:
-        ad_list: an android_device or list of android devices.
-    """
-    # Converting a single android device object to list
-    if not isinstance(ad_list, list):
-        ad_list = [ad_list]
-    for ad in ad_list:
-        #Disabling BQR
-        ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.bluetooth.bqr.event_mask {}".format(
-            DISABLE_BQR_MASK))
-        ## Toggle airplane mode
-        ad.droid.connectivityToggleAirplaneMode(True)
-        ad.droid.connectivityToggleAirplaneMode(False)
-def get_device_selector_dictionary(android_device_list):
-    """Create a dictionary of Bluetooth features vs Android devices.
-    Args:
-        android_device_list: The list of Android devices.
-    Returns:
-        A dictionary of profiles/features to Android devices.
-    """
-    selector_dict = {}
-    for ad in android_device_list:
-        uuids = ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalUuids()
-        for profile, uuid_const in sig_uuid_constants.items():
-            uuid_check = sig_uuid_constants['BASE_UUID'].format(
-                uuid_const).lower()
-            if uuids and uuid_check in uuids:
-                if profile in selector_dict:
-                    selector_dict[profile].append(ad)
-                else:
-                    selector_dict[profile] = [ad]
-        # Various services may not be active during BT startup.
-        # If the device can be identified through adb shell pm list features
-        # then try to add them to the appropriate profiles / features.
-        # Android TV.
-        if "feature:android.hardware.type.television" in ad.features:
-            ad.log.info("Android TV device found.")
-            supported_profiles = ['AudioSink']
-            _add_android_device_to_dictionary(ad, supported_profiles,
-                                              selector_dict)
-        # Android Auto
-        elif "feature:android.hardware.type.automotive" in ad.features:
-            ad.log.info("Android Auto device found.")
-            # Add: AudioSink , A/V_RemoteControl,
-            supported_profiles = [
-                'AudioSink', 'A/V_RemoteControl', 'Message Notification Server'
-            ]
-            _add_android_device_to_dictionary(ad, supported_profiles,
-                                              selector_dict)
-        # Android Wear
-        elif "feature:android.hardware.type.watch" in ad.features:
-            ad.log.info("Android Wear device found.")
-            supported_profiles = []
-            _add_android_device_to_dictionary(ad, supported_profiles,
-                                              selector_dict)
-        # Android Phone
-        elif "feature:android.hardware.telephony" in ad.features:
-            ad.log.info("Android Phone device found.")
-            # Add: AudioSink
-            supported_profiles = [
-                'AudioSource', 'A/V_RemoteControlTarget',
-                'Message Access Server'
-            ]
-            _add_android_device_to_dictionary(ad, supported_profiles,
-                                              selector_dict)
-    return selector_dict
-def get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement(scan_ad, adv_ad):
-    """Start generic advertisement and get it's mac address by LE scanning.
-    Args:
-        scan_ad: The Android device to use as the scanner.
-        adv_ad: The Android device to use as the advertiser.
-    Returns:
-        mac_address: The mac address of the advertisement.
-        advertise_callback: The advertise callback id of the active
-            advertisement.
-    """
-    adv_ad.droid.bleSetAdvertiseDataIncludeDeviceName(True)
-    adv_ad.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(
-        ble_advertise_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-    adv_ad.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsIsConnectable(True)
-    adv_ad.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsTxPowerLevel(
-        ble_advertise_settings_tx_powers['high'])
-    advertise_callback, advertise_data, advertise_settings = (
-        generate_ble_advertise_objects(adv_ad.droid))
-    adv_ad.droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(advertise_callback, advertise_data,
-                                        advertise_settings)
-    try:
-        adv_ad.ed.pop_event(adv_succ.format(advertise_callback),
-                            bt_default_timeout)
-    except Empty as err:
-        raise BtTestUtilsError(
-            "Advertiser did not start successfully {}".format(err))
-    filter_list = scan_ad.droid.bleGenFilterList()
-    scan_settings = scan_ad.droid.bleBuildScanSetting()
-    scan_callback = scan_ad.droid.bleGenScanCallback()
-    scan_ad.droid.bleSetScanFilterDeviceName(
-        adv_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalName())
-    scan_ad.droid.bleBuildScanFilter(filter_list)
-    scan_ad.droid.bleStartBleScan(filter_list, scan_settings, scan_callback)
-    try:
-        event = scan_ad.ed.pop_event(
-            "BleScan{}onScanResults".format(scan_callback), bt_default_timeout)
-    except Empty as err:
-        raise BtTestUtilsError(
-            "Scanner did not find advertisement {}".format(err))
-    mac_address = event['data']['Result']['deviceInfo']['address']
-    return mac_address, advertise_callback, scan_callback
-def hid_device_send_key_data_report(host_id, device_ad, key, interval=1):
-    """Send a HID report simulating a 1-second keyboard press from host_ad to
-    device_ad
-    Args:
-        host_id: the Bluetooth MAC address or name of the HID host
-        device_ad: HID device
-        key: the key we want to send
-        interval: the interval between key press and key release
-    """
-    device_ad.droid.bluetoothHidDeviceSendReport(host_id, hid_id_keyboard,
-                                                 hid_keyboard_report(key))
-    time.sleep(interval)
-    device_ad.droid.bluetoothHidDeviceSendReport(host_id, hid_id_keyboard,
-                                                 hid_keyboard_report("00"))
-def hid_keyboard_report(key, modifier="00"):
-    """Get the HID keyboard report for the given key
-    Args:
-        key: the key we want
-        modifier: HID keyboard modifier bytes
-    Returns:
-        The byte array for the HID report.
-    """
-    return str(
-        bytearray.fromhex(" ".join(
-            [modifier, "00", key, "00", "00", "00", "00", "00"])), "utf-8")
-def is_a2dp_connected(sink, source):
-    """
-    Convenience Function to see if the 2 devices are connected on
-    A2dp.
-    Args:
-        sink:       Audio Sink
-        source:     Audio Source
-    Returns:
-        True if Connected
-        False if Not connected
-    """
-    devices = sink.droid.bluetoothA2dpSinkGetConnectedDevices()
-    for device in devices:
-        sink.log.info("A2dp Connected device {}".format(device["name"]))
-        if (device["address"] == source.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()):
-            return True
-    return False
-def is_a2dp_snk_device_connected(ad, addr):
-    """Determines if an AndroidDevice has A2DP snk connectivity to input address
-    Args:
-        ad: the Android device
-        addr: the address that's expected
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    devices = ad.droid.bluetoothA2dpSinkGetConnectedDevices()
-    ad.log.info("Connected A2DP Sink devices: {}".format(devices))
-    if addr in {d['address'] for d in devices}:
-        return True
-    return False
-def is_a2dp_src_device_connected(ad, addr):
-    """Determines if an AndroidDevice has A2DP connectivity to input address
-    Args:
-        ad: the Android device
-        addr: the address that's expected
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    devices = ad.droid.bluetoothA2dpGetConnectedDevices()
-    ad.log.info("Connected A2DP Source devices: {}".format(devices))
-    if addr in {d['address'] for d in devices}:
-        return True
-    return False
-def is_hfp_client_device_connected(ad, addr):
-    """Determines if an AndroidDevice has HFP connectivity to input address
-    Args:
-        ad: the Android device
-        addr: the address that's expected
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    devices = ad.droid.bluetoothHfpClientGetConnectedDevices()
-    ad.log.info("Connected HFP Client devices: {}".format(devices))
-    if addr in {d['address'] for d in devices}:
-        return True
-    return False
-def is_map_mce_device_connected(ad, addr):
-    """Determines if an AndroidDevice has MAP MCE connectivity to input address
-    Args:
-        ad: the Android device
-        addr: the address that's expected
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    devices = ad.droid.bluetoothMapClientGetConnectedDevices()
-    ad.log.info("Connected MAP MCE devices: {}".format(devices))
-    if addr in {d['address'] for d in devices}:
-        return True
-    return False
-def is_map_mse_device_connected(ad, addr):
-    """Determines if an AndroidDevice has MAP MSE connectivity to input address
-    Args:
-        ad: the Android device
-        addr: the address that's expected
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    devices = ad.droid.bluetoothMapGetConnectedDevices()
-    ad.log.info("Connected MAP MSE devices: {}".format(devices))
-    if addr in {d['address'] for d in devices}:
-        return True
-    return False
-def kill_bluetooth_process(ad):
-    """Kill Bluetooth process on Android device.
-    Args:
-        ad: Android device to kill BT process on.
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Killing Bluetooth process.")
-    pid = ad.adb.shell(
-        "ps | grep com.android.bluetooth | awk '{print $2}'").decode('ascii')
-    call(["adb -s " + ad.serial + " shell kill " + pid], shell=True)
-def log_energy_info(android_devices, state):
-    """Logs energy info of input Android devices.
-    Args:
-        android_devices: input Android device list to log energy info from.
-        state: the input state to log. Usually 'Start' or 'Stop' for logging.
-    Returns:
-        A logging string of the Bluetooth energy info reported.
-    """
-    return_string = "{} Energy info collection:\n".format(state)
-    # Bug: b/31966929
-    return return_string
-def orchestrate_and_verify_pan_connection(pan_dut, panu_dut):
-    """Setups up a PAN conenction between two android devices.
-    Args:
-        pan_dut: the Android device providing tethering services
-        panu_dut: the Android device using the internet connection from the
-            pan_dut
-    Returns:
-        True if PAN connection and verification is successful,
-        false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    pan_dut.droid.bluetoothStartConnectionStateChangeMonitor("")
-    panu_dut.droid.bluetoothStartConnectionStateChangeMonitor("")
-    if not bluetooth_enabled_check(panu_dut):
-        return False
-    if not bluetooth_enabled_check(pan_dut):
-        return False
-    pan_dut.droid.bluetoothPanSetBluetoothTethering(True)
-    if not (pair_pri_to_sec(pan_dut, panu_dut)):
-        return False
-    if not pan_dut.droid.bluetoothPanIsTetheringOn():
-        pan_dut.log.error("Failed to enable Bluetooth tethering.")
-        return False
-    # Magic sleep needed to give the stack time in between bonding and
-    # connecting the PAN profile.
-    time.sleep(pan_connect_timeout)
-    panu_dut.droid.bluetoothConnectBonded(
-        pan_dut.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress())
-    return True
-def orchestrate_bluetooth_socket_connection(
-        client_ad,
-        server_ad,
-        accept_timeout_ms=default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms,
-        uuid=None):
-    """Sets up the Bluetooth Socket connection between two Android devices.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    server_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
-    client_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
-    server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginAcceptThreadUuid(
-        (bluetooth_socket_conn_test_uuid if uuid is None else uuid),
-        accept_timeout_ms)
-    client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginConnectThreadUuid(
-        server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(),
-        (bluetooth_socket_conn_test_uuid if uuid is None else uuid))
-    end_time = time.time() + bt_default_timeout
-    result = False
-    test_result = True
-    while time.time() < end_time:
-        if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
-            test_result = True
-            client_ad.log.info("Bluetooth socket Client Connection Active")
-            break
-        else:
-            test_result = False
-        time.sleep(1)
-    if not test_result:
-        client_ad.log.error("Failed to establish a Bluetooth socket connection")
-        return False
-    return True
-def orchestrate_rfcomm_connection(client_ad,
-                                  server_ad,
-                                  accept_timeout_ms=default_rfcomm_timeout_ms,
-                                  uuid=None):
-    """Sets up the RFCOMM connection between two Android devices.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
-        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
-    Returns:
-        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    result = orchestrate_bluetooth_socket_connection(
-        client_ad, server_ad, accept_timeout_ms,
-        (bt_rfcomm_uuids['default_uuid'] if uuid is None else uuid))
-    return result
-def pair_pri_to_sec(pri_ad, sec_ad, attempts=2, auto_confirm=True):
-    """Pairs pri droid to secondary droid.
-    Args:
-        pri_ad: Android device initiating connection
-        sec_ad: Android device accepting connection
-        attempts: Number of attempts to try until failure.
-        auto_confirm: Auto confirm passkey match for both devices
-    Returns:
-        Pass if True
-        Fail if False
-    """
-    pri_ad.droid.bluetoothStartConnectionStateChangeMonitor(
-        sec_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress())
-    curr_attempts = 0
-    while curr_attempts < attempts:
-        if _pair_pri_to_sec(pri_ad, sec_ad, auto_confirm):
-            return True
-        # Wait 2 seconds before unbound
-        time.sleep(2)
-        if not clear_bonded_devices(pri_ad):
-            log.error(
-                "Failed to clear bond for primary device at attempt {}".format(
-                    str(curr_attempts)))
-            return False
-        if not clear_bonded_devices(sec_ad):
-            log.error("Failed to clear bond for secondary device at attempt {}".
-                      format(str(curr_attempts)))
-            return False
-        # Wait 2 seconds after unbound
-        time.sleep(2)
-        curr_attempts += 1
-    log.error("pair_pri_to_sec failed to connect after {} attempts".format(
-        str(attempts)))
-    return False
-def _pair_pri_to_sec(pri_ad, sec_ad, auto_confirm):
-    # Enable discovery on sec_ad so that pri_ad can find it.
-    # The timeout here is based on how much time it would take for two devices
-    # to pair with each other once pri_ad starts seeing devices.
-    pri_droid = pri_ad.droid
-    sec_droid = sec_ad.droid
-    pri_ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    sec_ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    log.info("Bonding device {} to {}".format(
-        pri_droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(),
-        sec_droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()))
-    sec_droid.bluetoothMakeDiscoverable(bt_default_timeout)
-    target_address = sec_droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-    log.debug("Starting paring helper on each device")
-    pri_droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(auto_confirm)
-    sec_droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(auto_confirm)
-    pri_ad.log.info("Primary device starting discovery and executing bond")
-    result = pri_droid.bluetoothDiscoverAndBond(target_address)
-    if not auto_confirm:
-        if not _wait_for_passkey_match(pri_ad, sec_ad):
-            return False
-    # Loop until we have bonded successfully or timeout.
-    end_time = time.time() + bt_default_timeout
-    pri_ad.log.info("Verifying devices are bonded")
-    while time.time() < end_time:
-        bonded_devices = pri_droid.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-        bonded = False
-        for d in bonded_devices:
-            if d['address'] == target_address:
-                pri_ad.log.info("Successfully bonded to device")
-                return True
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-    # Timed out trying to bond.
-    pri_ad.log.info("Failed to bond devices.")
-    return False
-def reset_bluetooth(android_devices):
-    """Resets Bluetooth state of input Android device list.
-    Args:
-        android_devices: The Android device list to reset Bluetooth state on.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    for a in android_devices:
-        droid, ed = a.droid, a.ed
-        a.log.info("Reset state of bluetooth on device.")
-        if droid.bluetoothCheckState() is True:
-            droid.bluetoothToggleState(False)
-            expected_bluetooth_off_event_name = bluetooth_off
-            try:
-                ed.pop_event(expected_bluetooth_off_event_name,
-                             bt_default_timeout)
-            except Exception:
-                a.log.error("Failed to toggle Bluetooth off.")
-                return False
-        # temp sleep for b/17723234
-        time.sleep(3)
-        if not bluetooth_enabled_check(a):
-            return False
-    return True
-def scan_and_verify_n_advertisements(scn_ad, max_advertisements):
-    """Verify that input number of advertisements can be found from the scanning
-    Android device.
-    Args:
-        scn_ad: The Android device to start LE scanning on.
-        max_advertisements: The number of advertisements the scanner expects to
-        find.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    test_result = False
-    address_list = []
-    filter_list = scn_ad.droid.bleGenFilterList()
-    scn_ad.droid.bleBuildScanFilter(filter_list)
-    scan_settings = scn_ad.droid.bleBuildScanSetting()
-    scan_callback = scn_ad.droid.bleGenScanCallback()
-    scn_ad.droid.bleStartBleScan(filter_list, scan_settings, scan_callback)
-    start_time = time.time()
-    while (start_time + bt_default_timeout) > time.time():
-        event = None
-        try:
-            event = scn_ad.ed.pop_event(scan_result.format(scan_callback),
-                                        bt_default_timeout)
-        except Empty as error:
-            raise BtTestUtilsError(
-                "Failed to find scan event: {}".format(error))
-        address = event['data']['Result']['deviceInfo']['address']
-        if address not in address_list:
-            address_list.append(address)
-        if len(address_list) == max_advertisements:
-            test_result = True
-            break
-    scn_ad.droid.bleStopBleScan(scan_callback)
-    return test_result
-def set_bluetooth_codec(android_device,
-                        codec_type,
-                        sample_rate,
-                        bits_per_sample,
-                        channel_mode,
-                        codec_specific_1=0):
-    """Sets the A2DP codec configuration on the AndroidDevice.
-    Args:
-        android_device (antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice): the
-            android device for which to switch the codec.
-        codec_type (str): the desired codec type. Must be a key in
-            bt_constants.codec_types.
-        sample_rate (str): the desired sample rate. Must be a key in
-            bt_constants.sample_rates.
-        bits_per_sample (str): the desired bits per sample. Must be a key in
-            bt_constants.bits_per_samples.
-        channel_mode (str): the desired channel mode. Must be a key in
-            bt_constants.channel_modes.
-        codec_specific_1 (int): the desired bit rate (quality) for LDAC codec.
-    Returns:
-        bool: True if the codec config was successfully changed to the desired
-            values. Else False.
-    """
-    message = ("Set Android Device A2DP Bluetooth codec configuration:\n"
-               "\tCodec: {codec_type}\n"
-               "\tSample Rate: {sample_rate}\n"
-               "\tBits per Sample: {bits_per_sample}\n"
-               "\tChannel Mode: {channel_mode}".format(
-                   codec_type=codec_type,
-                   sample_rate=sample_rate,
-                   bits_per_sample=bits_per_sample,
-                   channel_mode=channel_mode))
-    android_device.log.info(message)
-    # Send SL4A command
-    droid, ed = android_device.droid, android_device.ed
-    if not droid.bluetoothA2dpSetCodecConfigPreference(
-            codec_types[codec_type], sample_rates[str(sample_rate)],
-            bits_per_samples[str(bits_per_sample)], channel_modes[channel_mode],
-            codec_specific_1):
-        android_device.log.warning("SL4A command returned False. Codec was not "
-                                   "changed.")
-    else:
-        try:
-            ed.pop_event(bluetooth_a2dp_codec_config_changed,
-                         bt_default_timeout)
-        except Exception:
-            android_device.log.warning("SL4A event not registered. Codec "
-                                       "may not have been changed.")
-    # Validate codec value through ADB
-    # TODO (aidanhb): validate codec more robustly using SL4A
-    command = "dumpsys bluetooth_manager | grep -i 'current codec'"
-    out = android_device.adb.shell(command)
-    split_out = out.split(": ")
-    if len(split_out) != 2:
-        android_device.log.warning("Could not verify codec config change "
-                                   "through ADB.")
-    elif split_out[1].strip().upper() != codec_type:
-        android_device.log.error("Codec config was not changed.\n"
-                                 "\tExpected codec: {exp}\n"
-                                 "\tActual codec: {act}".format(
-                                     exp=codec_type, act=split_out[1].strip()))
-        return False
-    android_device.log.info("Bluetooth codec successfully changed.")
-    return True
-def set_bt_scan_mode(ad, scan_mode_value):
-    """Set Android device's Bluetooth scan mode.
-    Args:
-        ad: The Android device to set the scan mode on.
-        scan_mode_value: The value to set the scan mode to.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    droid, ed = ad.droid, ad.ed
-    if scan_mode_value == bt_scan_mode_types['state_off']:
-        disable_bluetooth(droid)
-        scan_mode = droid.bluetoothGetScanMode()
-        reset_bluetooth([ad])
-        if scan_mode != scan_mode_value:
-            return False
-    elif scan_mode_value == bt_scan_mode_types['none']:
-        droid.bluetoothMakeUndiscoverable()
-        scan_mode = droid.bluetoothGetScanMode()
-        if scan_mode != scan_mode_value:
-            return False
-    elif scan_mode_value == bt_scan_mode_types['connectable']:
-        droid.bluetoothMakeUndiscoverable()
-        droid.bluetoothMakeConnectable()
-        scan_mode = droid.bluetoothGetScanMode()
-        if scan_mode != scan_mode_value:
-            return False
-    elif (scan_mode_value == bt_scan_mode_types['connectable_discoverable']):
-        droid.bluetoothMakeDiscoverable()
-        scan_mode = droid.bluetoothGetScanMode()
-        if scan_mode != scan_mode_value:
-            return False
-    else:
-        # invalid scan mode
-        return False
-    return True
-def set_device_name(droid, name):
-    """Set and check Bluetooth local name on input droid object.
-    Args:
-        droid: Droid object to set local name on.
-        name: the Bluetooth local name to set.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    droid.bluetoothSetLocalName(name)
-    time.sleep(2)
-    droid_name = droid.bluetoothGetLocalName()
-    if droid_name != name:
-        return False
-    return True
-def set_profile_priority(host_ad, client_ad, profiles, priority):
-    """Sets the priority of said profile(s) on host_ad for client_ad"""
-    for profile in profiles:
-        host_ad.log.info("Profile {} on {} for {} set to priority {}".format(
-            profile, host_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalName(),
-            client_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(), priority.value))
-        if bt_profile_constants['a2dp_sink'] == profile:
-            host_ad.droid.bluetoothA2dpSinkSetPriority(
-                client_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(), priority.value)
-        elif bt_profile_constants['headset_client'] == profile:
-            host_ad.droid.bluetoothHfpClientSetPriority(
-                client_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(), priority.value)
-        elif bt_profile_constants['pbap_client'] == profile:
-            host_ad.droid.bluetoothPbapClientSetPriority(
-                client_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(), priority.value)
-        else:
-            host_ad.log.error(
-                "Profile {} not yet supported for priority settings".format(
-                    profile))
-def setup_multiple_devices_for_bt_test(android_devices):
-    """A common setup routine for Bluetooth on input Android device list.
-    Things this function sets up:
-    1. Resets Bluetooth
-    2. Set Bluetooth local name to random string of size 4
-    3. Disable BLE background scanning.
-    4. Enable Bluetooth snoop logging.
-    Args:
-        android_devices: Android device list to setup Bluetooth on.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    log.info("Setting up Android Devices")
-    # TODO: Temp fix for an selinux error.
-    for ad in android_devices:
-        ad.adb.shell("setenforce 0")
-    threads = []
-    try:
-        for a in android_devices:
-            thread = threading.Thread(target=factory_reset_bluetooth,
-                                      args=([[a]]))
-            threads.append(thread)
-            thread.start()
-        for t in threads:
-            t.join()
-        for a in android_devices:
-            d = a.droid
-            # TODO: Create specific RPC command to instantiate
-            # BluetoothConnectionFacade. This is just a workaround.
-            d.bluetoothStartConnectionStateChangeMonitor("")
-            setup_result = d.bluetoothSetLocalName(generate_id_by_size(4))
-            if not setup_result:
-                a.log.error("Failed to set device name.")
-                return setup_result
-            d.bluetoothDisableBLE()
-            utils.set_location_service(a, True)
-            bonded_devices = d.bluetoothGetBondedDevices()
-            for b in bonded_devices:
-                a.log.info("Removing bond for device {}".format(b['address']))
-                d.bluetoothUnbond(b['address'])
-        for a in android_devices:
-            a.adb.shell("setprop persist.bluetooth.btsnooplogmode full")
-            getprop_result = a.adb.shell(
-                "getprop persist.bluetooth.btsnooplogmode") == "full"
-            if not getprop_result:
-                a.log.warning("Failed to enable Bluetooth Hci Snoop Logging.")
-    except Exception as err:
-        log.error("Something went wrong in multi device setup: {}".format(err))
-        return False
-    return setup_result
-def setup_n_advertisements(adv_ad, num_advertisements):
-    """Setup input number of advertisements on input Android device.
-    Args:
-        adv_ad: The Android device to start LE advertisements on.
-        num_advertisements: The number of advertisements to start.
-    Returns:
-        advertise_callback_list: List of advertisement callback ids.
-    """
-    adv_ad.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(
-        ble_advertise_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-    advertise_data = adv_ad.droid.bleBuildAdvertiseData()
-    advertise_settings = adv_ad.droid.bleBuildAdvertiseSettings()
-    advertise_callback_list = []
-    for i in range(num_advertisements):
-        advertise_callback = adv_ad.droid.bleGenBleAdvertiseCallback()
-        advertise_callback_list.append(advertise_callback)
-        adv_ad.droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(advertise_callback, advertise_data,
-                                            advertise_settings)
-        try:
-            adv_ad.ed.pop_event(adv_succ.format(advertise_callback),
-                                bt_default_timeout)
-            adv_ad.log.info("Advertisement {} started.".format(i + 1))
-        except Empty as error:
-            adv_ad.log.error("Advertisement {} failed to start.".format(i + 1))
-            raise BtTestUtilsError(
-                "Test failed with Empty error: {}".format(error))
-    return advertise_callback_list
-def take_btsnoop_log(ad, testcase, testname):
-    """Grabs the btsnoop_hci log on a device and stores it in the log directory
-    of the test class.
-    If you want grab the btsnoop_hci log, call this function with android_device
-    objects in on_fail. Bug report takes a relative long time to take, so use
-    this cautiously.
-    Args:
-        ad: The android_device instance to take bugreport on.
-        testcase: Name of the test calss that triggered this snoop log.
-        testname: Name of the test case that triggered this bug report.
-    """
-    testname = "".join(x for x in testname if x.isalnum())
-    serial = ad.serial
-    device_model = ad.droid.getBuildModel()
-    device_model = device_model.replace(" ", "")
-    out_name = ','.join((testname, device_model, serial))
-    snoop_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, 'BluetoothSnoopLogs')
-    os.makedirs(snoop_path, exist_ok=True)
-    cmd = ''.join(("adb -s ", serial, " pull ", btsnoop_log_path_on_device, " ",
-                   snoop_path + '/' + out_name, ".btsnoop_hci.log"))
-    exe_cmd(cmd)
-    try:
-        cmd = ''.join(
-            ("adb -s ", serial, " pull ", btsnoop_last_log_path_on_device, " ",
-             snoop_path + '/' + out_name, ".btsnoop_hci.log.last"))
-        exe_cmd(cmd)
-    except Exception as err:
-        testcase.log.info(
-            "File does not exist {}".format(btsnoop_last_log_path_on_device))
-def take_btsnoop_logs(android_devices, testcase, testname):
-    """Pull btsnoop logs from an input list of android devices.
-    Args:
-        android_devices: the list of Android devices to pull btsnoop logs from.
-        testcase: Name of the test calss that triggered this snoop log.
-        testname: Name of the test case that triggered this bug report.
-    """
-    for a in android_devices:
-        take_btsnoop_log(a, testcase, testname)
-def teardown_n_advertisements(adv_ad, num_advertisements,
-                              advertise_callback_list):
-    """Stop input number of advertisements on input Android device.
-    Args:
-        adv_ad: The Android device to stop LE advertisements on.
-        num_advertisements: The number of advertisements to stop.
-        advertise_callback_list: The list of advertisement callbacks to stop.
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    for n in range(num_advertisements):
-        adv_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(advertise_callback_list[n])
-    return True
-def verify_server_and_client_connected(client_ad, server_ad, log=True):
-    """Verify that input server and client Android devices are connected.
-    This code is under the assumption that there will only be
-    a single connection.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device to check number of active connections.
-        server_ad: the Android device to check number of active connections.
-    Returns:
-        True both server and client have at least 1 active connection,
-        false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    test_result = True
-    if len(server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) == 0:
-        if log:
-            server_ad.log.error("No socket connections found on server.")
-        test_result = False
-    if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) == 0:
-        if log:
-            client_ad.log.error("No socket connections found on client.")
-        test_result = False
-    return test_result
-def wait_for_bluetooth_manager_state(droid,
-                                     state=None,
-                                     timeout=10,
-                                     threshold=5):
-    """ Waits for BlueTooth normalized state or normalized explicit state
-    args:
-        droid: droid device object
-        state: expected BlueTooth state
-        timeout: max timeout threshold
-        threshold: list len of bt state
-    Returns:
-        True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
-    """
-    all_states = []
-    get_state = lambda: droid.bluetoothGetLeState()
-    start_time = time.time()
-    while time.time() < start_time + timeout:
-        all_states.append(get_state())
-        if len(all_states) >= threshold:
-            # for any normalized state
-            if state is None:
-                if len(set(all_states[-threshold:])) == 1:
-                    log.info("State normalized {}".format(
-                        set(all_states[-threshold:])))
-                    return True
-            else:
-                # explicit check against normalized state
-                if set([state]).issubset(all_states[-threshold:]):
-                    return True
-        time.sleep(0.5)
-    log.error(
-        "Bluetooth state fails to normalize" if state is None else
-        "Failed to match bluetooth state, current state {} expected state {}".
-        format(get_state(), state))
-    return False
-def _wait_for_passkey_match(pri_ad, sec_ad):
-    pri_pin, sec_pin = -1, 1
-    pri_variant, sec_variant = -1, 1
-    pri_pairing_req, sec_pairing_req = None, None
-    try:
-        pri_pairing_req = pri_ad.ed.pop_event(
-            event_name="BluetoothActionPairingRequest",
-            timeout=bt_default_timeout)
-        pri_variant = pri_pairing_req["data"]["PairingVariant"]
-        pri_pin = pri_pairing_req["data"]["Pin"]
-        pri_ad.log.info("Primary device received Pin: {}, Variant: {}".format(
-            pri_pin, pri_variant))
-        sec_pairing_req = sec_ad.ed.pop_event(
-            event_name="BluetoothActionPairingRequest",
-            timeout=bt_default_timeout)
-        sec_variant = sec_pairing_req["data"]["PairingVariant"]
-        sec_pin = sec_pairing_req["data"]["Pin"]
-        sec_ad.log.info("Secondary device received Pin: {}, Variant: {}".format(
-            sec_pin, sec_variant))
-    except Empty as err:
-        log.error("Wait for pin error: {}".format(err))
-        log.error("Pairing request state, Primary: {}, Secondary: {}".format(
-            pri_pairing_req, sec_pairing_req))
-        return False
-    if pri_variant == sec_variant == pairing_variant_passkey_confirmation:
-        confirmation = pri_pin == sec_pin
-        if confirmation:
-            log.info("Pairing code matched, accepting connection")
-        else:
-            log.info("Pairing code mismatched, rejecting connection")
-        pri_ad.droid.eventPost("BluetoothActionPairingRequestUserConfirm",
-                               str(confirmation))
-        sec_ad.droid.eventPost("BluetoothActionPairingRequestUserConfirm",
-                               str(confirmation))
-        if not confirmation:
-            return False
-    elif pri_variant != sec_variant:
-        log.error("Pairing variant mismatched, abort connection")
-        return False
-    return True
-def write_read_verify_data(client_ad, server_ad, msg, binary=False):
-    """Verify that the client wrote data to the server Android device correctly.
-    Args:
-        client_ad: the Android device to perform the write.
-        server_ad: the Android device to read the data written.
-        msg: the message to write.
-        binary: if the msg arg is binary or not.
-    Returns:
-        True if the data written matches the data read, false if not.
-    """
-    client_ad.log.info("Write message.")
-    try:
-        if binary:
-            client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnWriteBinary(msg)
-        else:
-            client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnWrite(msg)
-    except Exception as err:
-        client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
-        return False
-    server_ad.log.info("Read message.")
-    try:
-        if binary:
-            read_msg = server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnReadBinary().rstrip(
-                "\r\n")
-        else:
-            read_msg = server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnRead()
-    except Exception as err:
-        server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
-        return False
-    log.info("Verify message.")
-    if msg != read_msg:
-        log.error("Mismatch! Read: {}, Expected: {}".format(read_msg, msg))
-        return False
-    return True
-class MediaControlOverSl4a(object):
-    """Media control using sl4a facade for general purpose.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, android_device, music_file):
-        """Initialize the media_control class.
-        Args:
-            android_dut: android_device object
-            music_file: location of the music file
-        """
-        self.android_device = android_device
-        self.music_file = music_file
-    def play(self):
-        """Play media.
-        """
-        self.android_device.droid.mediaPlayOpen('file://%s' % self.music_file,
-                                                'default', True)
-        playing = self.android_device.droid.mediaIsPlaying()
-        asserts.assert_true(playing,
-                            'Failed to play music %s' % self.music_file)
-    def pause(self):
-        """Pause media.
-        """
-        self.android_device.droid.mediaPlayPause('default')
-        paused = not self.android_device.droid.mediaIsPlaying()
-        asserts.assert_true(paused,
-                            'Failed to pause music %s' % self.music_file)
-    def resume(self):
-        """Resume media.
-        """
-        self.android_device.droid.mediaPlayStart('default')
-        playing = self.android_device.droid.mediaIsPlaying()
-        asserts.assert_true(playing,
-                            'Failed to play music %s' % self.music_file)
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stop media.
-        """
-        self.android_device.droid.mediaPlayStop('default')
-        stopped = not self.android_device.droid.mediaIsPlaying()
-        asserts.assert_true(stopped,
-                            'Failed to stop music %s' % self.music_file)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bta_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bta_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa75c6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/bta_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Bluetooth adapter libraries
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_scan_mode_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import set_bt_scan_mode
-import pprint
-class BtaLib():
-    def __init__(self, log, dut, target_mac_address=None):
-        self.advertisement_list = []
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.log = log
-        self.target_mac_addr = target_mac_address
-    def set_target_mac_addr(self, mac_addr):
-        self.target_mac_addr = mac_addr
-    def set_scan_mode(self, scan_mode):
-        """Set the Scan mode of the Bluetooth Adapter"""
-        set_bt_scan_mode(self.dut, bt_scan_mode_types[scan_mode])
-    def set_device_name(self, line):
-        """Set Bluetooth Adapter Name"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothSetLocalName(line)
-    def enable(self):
-        """Enable Bluetooth Adapter"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-    def disable(self):
-        """Disable Bluetooth Adapter"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothToggleState(False)
-    def init_bond(self):
-        """Initiate bond to PTS device"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothDiscoverAndBond(self.target_mac_addr)
-    def start_discovery(self):
-        """Start BR/EDR Discovery"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothStartDiscovery()
-    def stop_discovery(self):
-        """Stop BR/EDR Discovery"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothCancelDiscovery()
-    def get_discovered_devices(self):
-        """Get Discovered Br/EDR Devices"""
-        if self.dut.droid.bluetoothIsDiscovering():
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothCancelDiscovery()
-        self.log.info(
-            pprint.pformat(self.dut.droid.bluetoothGetDiscoveredDevices()))
-    def bond(self):
-        """Bond to PTS device"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothBond(self.target_mac_addr)
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """BTA disconnect"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothDisconnectConnected(self.target_mac_addr)
-    def unbond(self):
-        """Unbond from PTS device"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothUnbond(self.target_mac_addr)
-    def start_pairing_helper(self, line):
-        """Start or stop Bluetooth Pairing Helper"""
-        if line:
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(bool(line))
-        else:
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
-    def push_pairing_pin(self, line):
-        """Push pairing pin to the Android Device"""
-        self.dut.droid.eventPost("BluetoothActionPairingRequestUserConfirm",
-                                 line)
-    def get_pairing_pin(self):
-        """Get pairing PIN"""
-        self.log.info(
-            self.dut.ed.pop_event("BluetoothActionPairingRequest", 1))
-    def fetch_uuids_with_sdp(self):
-        """BTA fetch UUIDS with SDP"""
-        self.log.info(
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothFetchUuidsWithSdp(self.target_mac_addr))
-    def connect_profiles(self):
-        """Connect available profiles"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothConnectBonded(self.target_mac_addr)
-    def tts_speak(self):
-        """Open audio channel by speaking characters"""
-        self.dut.droid.ttsSpeak(self.target_mac_addr)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/config_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/config_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a49a398..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/config_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Bluetooth Config Pusher
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import disconnect_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_mtu
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import log_gatt_server_uuids
-import os
-class ConfigLib():
-    bluetooth_config_path = "/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf"
-    conf_path = "{}/configs".format(os.path.dirname(
-        os.path.realpath(__file__)))
-    reset_config_path = "{}/bt_stack.conf".format(conf_path)
-    non_bond_config_path = "{}/non_bond_bt_stack.conf".format(conf_path)
-    disable_mitm_config_path = "{}/dis_mitm_bt_stack.conf".format(conf_path)
-    def __init__(self, log, dut):
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.log = log
-    def _reset_bluetooth(self):
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothToggleState(False)
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-    def reset(self):
-        self.dut.adb.push("{} {}".format(self.reset_config_path,
-                                         self.bluetooth_config_path))
-        self._reset_bluetooth()
-    def set_nonbond(self):
-        self.dut.adb.push("{} {}".format(self.non_bond_config_path,
-                                         self.bluetooth_config_path))
-        self._reset_bluetooth()
-    def set_disable_mitm(self):
-        self.dut.adb.push("{} {}".format(self.disable_mitm_config_path,
-                                         self.bluetooth_config_path))
-        self._reset_bluetooth()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/bt_stack.conf b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/bt_stack.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bcf15a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/bt_stack.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Enable trace level reconfiguration function
-# Must be present before any TRC_ trace level settings
-# Trace level configuration
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0    ( No trace messages to be generated )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1    ( Error condition trace messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2    ( Warning condition trace messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3    ( API traces )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4    ( Debug messages for events )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5    ( Full debug messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 6    ( Verbose messages ) - Currently supported for TRC_BTAPP only.
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/dis_mitm_bt_stack.conf b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/dis_mitm_bt_stack.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 120fc1e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/dis_mitm_bt_stack.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Enable trace level reconfiguration function
-# Must be present before any TRC_ trace level settings
-# Trace level configuration
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0    ( No trace messages to be generated )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1    ( Error condition trace messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2    ( Warning condition trace messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3    ( API traces )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4    ( Debug messages for events )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5    ( Full debug messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 6    ( Verbose messages ) - Currently supported for TRC_BTAPP only.
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/non_bond_bt_stack.conf b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/non_bond_bt_stack.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dedf7e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/configs/non_bond_bt_stack.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Enable trace level reconfiguration function
-# Must be present before any TRC_ trace level settings
-# Trace level configuration
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0    ( No trace messages to be generated )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1    ( Error condition trace messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2    ( Warning condition trace messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3    ( API traces )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4    ( Debug messages for events )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5    ( Full debug messages )
-#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 6    ( Verbose messages ) - Currently supported for TRC_BTAPP only.
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gatt_test_database.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gatt_test_database.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 666ee96..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gatt_test_database.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1705 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_descriptor
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_service_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_char_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic_value_format
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_char_desc_uuids
-STRING_512BYTES = '''
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': gatt_char_types['device_name'],
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'instance_id': 0x0003,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'Test Database'
-        }, {
-            'uuid': gatt_char_types['appearance'],
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'instance_id': 0x0005,
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-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': 'aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'instance_id': 0x002a,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'Test Database',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg'],
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'],
-            }]
-        }]
-    }]
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '0000a00a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': 'aa7edd5a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_write'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'instance_id': 0x0042,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'Test Database'
-        }, {
-            'uuid': 'aa7edd6a-4d1d-4f0e-883a-d145616a1630',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_write'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'instance_id': 0x004d,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'Test Database'
-        }]
-    }]
-    'LARGE_DB_1': LARGE_DB_1,
-    'LARGE_DB_3': LARGE_DB_3,
-    'TEST_DB_1': TEST_DB_1,
-    'TEST_DB_2': TEST_DB_2,
-    'TEST_DB_3': TEST_DB_3,
-    'TEST_DB_4': TEST_DB_4,
-    'TEST_DB_5': TEST_DB_5,
-    'DB_TEST': DB_TEST,
-    'PTS_TEST2': PTS_TEST2,
-    'TEST_DB_6': TEST_DB_6,
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gattc_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gattc_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f0cca..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gattc_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-GATT Client Libraries
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_le_connection_interval_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import disconnect_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_connection
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_mtu
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_scan_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_strings
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_char_desc_uuids
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_descriptor
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_transport
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_default_supervision_timeout
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import scan_result
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import log_gatt_server_uuids
-import time
-class GattClientLib():
-    def __init__(self, log, dut, target_mac_addr=None):
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.log = log
-        self.gatt_callback = None
-        self.bluetooth_gatt = None
-        self.discovered_services_index = None
-        self.target_mac_addr = target_mac_addr
-        self.generic_uuid = "0000{}-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
-    def set_target_mac_addr(self, mac_addr):
-        self.target_mac_addr = mac_addr
-    def connect_over_le_based_off_name(self, autoconnect, name):
-        """Perform GATT connection over LE"""
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetScanSettingsScanMode(
-            ble_scan_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-        filter_list = self.dut.droid.bleGenFilterList()
-        scan_settings = self.dut.droid.bleBuildScanSetting()
-        scan_callback = self.dut.droid.bleGenScanCallback()
-        event_name = scan_result.format(scan_callback)
-        self.dut.droid.bleSetScanFilterDeviceName("BLE Rect")
-        self.dut.droid.bleBuildScanFilter(filter_list)
-        self.dut.droid.bleStartBleScan(filter_list, scan_settings,
-                                       scan_callback)
-        try:
-            event = self.dut.ed.pop_event(event_name, 10)
-            self.log.info("Found scan result: {}".format(event))
-        except Exception:
-            self.log.info("Didn't find any scan results.")
-        mac_addr = event['data']['Result']['deviceInfo']['address']
-        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.gatt_callback = setup_gatt_connection(
-            self.dut, mac_addr, autoconnect, transport=gatt_transport['le'])
-        self.dut.droid.bleStopBleScan(scan_callback)
-        self.discovered_services_index = None
-    def connect_over_le(self, autoconnect):
-        """Perform GATT connection over LE"""
-        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.gatt_callback = setup_gatt_connection(
-            self.dut,
-            self.target_mac_addr,
-            autoconnect,
-            transport=gatt_transport['le'])
-        self.discovered_services_index = None
-    def connect_over_bredr(self):
-        """Perform GATT connection over BREDR"""
-        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.gatt_callback = setup_gatt_connection(
-            self.dut,
-            self.target_mac_addr,
-            False,
-            transport=gatt_transport['bredr'])
-    def disconnect(self):
-        """Perform GATT disconnect"""
-        cmd = "Disconnect GATT connection"
-        try:
-            disconnect_gatt_connection(self.dut, self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                                       self.gatt_callback)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.info("Cmd {} failed with {}".format(cmd, err))
-        try:
-            self.dut.droid.gattClientClose(self.bluetooth_gatt)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.info("Cmd failed with {}".format(err))
-    def _setup_discovered_services_index(self):
-        if not self.discovered_services_index:
-            self.dut.droid.gattClientDiscoverServices(self.bluetooth_gatt)
-            expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['gatt_serv_disc'].format(
-                self.gatt_callback)
-            event = self.dut.ed.pop_event(expected_event, 10)
-            self.discovered_services_index = event['data']['ServicesIndex']
-    def read_char_by_uuid(self, line):
-        """GATT client read Characteristic by UUID."""
-        uuid = line
-        if len(line) == 4:
-            uuid = self.generic_uuid.format(line)
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadUsingCharacteristicUuid(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, uuid, 0x0001, 0xFFFF)
-    def request_mtu(self, mtu):
-        """Request MTU Change of input value"""
-        setup_gatt_mtu(self.dut, self.bluetooth_gatt, self.gatt_callback,
-                       int(mtu))
-    def list_all_uuids(self):
-        """From the GATT Client, discover services and list all services,
-        chars and descriptors
-        """
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        log_gatt_server_uuids(self.dut, self.discovered_services_index,
-                              self.bluetooth_gatt)
-    def discover_services(self):
-        """GATT Client discover services of GATT Server"""
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientDiscoverServices(self.bluetooth_gatt)
-    def refresh(self):
-        """Perform Gatt Client Refresh"""
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientRefresh(self.bluetooth_gatt)
-    def read_char_by_instance_id(self, id):
-        """From the GATT Client, discover services and list all services,
-        chars and descriptors
-        """
-        if not id:
-            self.log.info("Invalid id")
-            return
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, int(id, 16))
-    def write_char_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Characteristic by instance ID"""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [InstanceId] [Size]")
-            return
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        size = args[1]
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(size)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), write_value)
-    def write_char_by_instance_id_value(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Characteristic by instance ID"""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [InstanceId] [Size]")
-            return
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        write_value = args[1]
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), [int(write_value)])
-    def mod_write_char_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Char that doesn't have write permission"""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [InstanceId] [Size]")
-            return
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        size = args[1]
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(size)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientModifyAccessAndWriteCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), write_value)
-    def write_invalid_char_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Char that doesn't exists"""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [InstanceId] [Size]")
-            return
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        size = args[1]
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(size)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteInvalidCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), write_value)
-    def mod_read_char_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Read Char that doesn't have write permission"""
-        instance_id = line
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientModifyAccessAndReadCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16))
-    def read_invalid_char_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Read Char that doesn't exists"""
-        instance_id = line
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadInvalidCharacteristicByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16))
-    def mod_write_desc_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Desc that doesn't have write permission"""
-        cmd = ""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [InstanceId] [Size]")
-            return
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        size = args[1]
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(size)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientModifyAccessAndWriteDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), write_value)
-    def write_invalid_desc_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Desc that doesn't exists"""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [InstanceId] [Size]")
-            return
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        size = args[1]
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(size)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteInvalidDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), write_value)
-    def mod_read_desc_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Read Desc that doesn't have write permission"""
-        cmd = ""
-        instance_id = line
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientModifyAccessAndReadDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16))
-    def read_invalid_desc_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Read Desc that doesn't exists"""
-        instance_id = line
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadInvalidDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16))
-    def mod_read_char_by_uuid_and_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Read Char that doesn't have write permission"""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [uuid] [instance_id]")
-            return
-        uuid = args[0]
-        instance_id = args[1]
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientModifyAccessAndReadCharacteristicByUuidAndInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), self.generic_uuid.format(uuid))
-    def read_invalid_char_by_uuid(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Read Char that doesn't exists"""
-        uuid = line
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadInvalidCharacteristicByUuid(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            self.generic_uuid.format(uuid))
-    def write_desc_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Descriptor by instance ID"""
-        args = line.split()
-        if len(args) != 2:
-            self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [instanceID] [size]")
-            return
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        size = args[1]
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(size)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), write_value)
-    def write_desc_notification_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Write to Descriptor by instance ID"""
-        args = line.split()
-        instance_id = args[0]
-        switch = int(args[1])
-        write_value = [0x00, 0x00]
-        if switch == 2:
-            write_value = [0x02, 0x00]
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteDescriptorByInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index,
-            int(instance_id, 16), write_value)
-    def enable_notification_desc_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Enable Notification on Descriptor by instance ID"""
-        instance_id = line
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            characteristic_uuids = (
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i))
-            for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-                descriptor_uuids = (
-                    self.dut.droid.
-                    gattClientGetDiscoveredDescriptorUuidsByIndex(
-                        self.discovered_services_index, i, j))
-                for k in range(len(descriptor_uuids)):
-                    desc_inst_id = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDescriptorInstanceId(
-                        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i,
-                        j, k)
-                    if desc_inst_id == int(instance_id, 16):
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientDescriptorSetValueByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, k,
-                            gatt_descriptor['enable_notification_value'])
-                        time.sleep(2)  #Necessary for PTS
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteDescriptorByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, k)
-                        time.sleep(2)  #Necessary for PTS
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientSetCharacteristicNotificationByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, True)
-    def enable_indication_desc_by_instance_id(self, line):
-        """GATT Client Enable indication on Descriptor by instance ID"""
-        instance_id = line
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            characteristic_uuids = (
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i))
-            for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-                descriptor_uuids = (
-                    self.dut.droid.
-                    gattClientGetDiscoveredDescriptorUuidsByIndex(
-                        self.discovered_services_index, i, j))
-                for k in range(len(descriptor_uuids)):
-                    desc_inst_id = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDescriptorInstanceId(
-                        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i,
-                        j, k)
-                    if desc_inst_id == int(instance_id, 16):
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientDescriptorSetValueByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, k,
-                            gatt_descriptor['enable_indication_value'])
-                        time.sleep(2)  #Necessary for PTS
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteDescriptorByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, k)
-                        time.sleep(2)  #Necessary for PTS
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientSetCharacteristicNotificationByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, True)
-    def char_enable_all_notifications(self):
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            characteristic_uuids = (
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i))
-            for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientSetCharacteristicNotificationByIndex(
-                    self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i, j,
-                    True)
-    def read_char_by_invalid_instance_id(self, line):
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadInvalidCharacteristicInstanceId(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, 0,
-            int(line, 16))
-    def begin_reliable_write(self):
-        """Begin a reliable write on the Bluetooth Gatt Client"""
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientBeginReliableWrite(self.bluetooth_gatt)
-    def abort_reliable_write(self):
-        """Abort a reliable write on the Bluetooth Gatt Client"""
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientAbortReliableWrite(self.bluetooth_gatt)
-    def execute_reliable_write(self):
-        """Execute a reliable write on the Bluetooth Gatt Client"""
-        self.dut.droid.gattExecuteReliableWrite(self.bluetooth_gatt)
-    def read_all_char(self):
-        """GATT Client read all Characteristic values"""
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            characteristic_uuids = (
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i))
-            for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-                char_inst_id = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetCharacteristicInstanceId(
-                    self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i, j)
-                self.log.info("Reading characteristic {} {}".format(
-                    hex(char_inst_id), characteristic_uuids[j]))
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientReadCharacteristicByIndex(
-                    self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i, j)
-                time.sleep(1)  # Necessary for PTS
-    def read_all_desc(self):
-        """GATT Client read all Descriptor values"""
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            characteristic_uuids = (
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i))
-            for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-                descriptor_uuids = (
-                    self.dut.droid.
-                    gattClientGetDiscoveredDescriptorUuidsByIndex(
-                        self.discovered_services_index, i, j))
-                for k in range(len(descriptor_uuids)):
-                    time.sleep(1)
-                    try:
-                        self.log.info("Reading descriptor {}".format(
-                            descriptor_uuids[k]))
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientReadDescriptorByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, k)
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        self.log.info(
-                            "Failed to read to descriptor: {}".format(
-                                descriptor_uuids[k]))
-    def write_all_char(self, line):
-        """Write to every Characteristic on the GATT server"""
-        args = line.split()
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(line)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            characteristic_uuids = (
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i))
-            for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-                char_inst_id = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetCharacteristicInstanceId(
-                    self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i, j)
-                self.log.info("Writing to {} {}".format(
-                    hex(char_inst_id), characteristic_uuids[j]))
-                try:
-                    self.dut.droid.gattClientCharacteristicSetValueByIndex(
-                        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i,
-                        j, write_value)
-                    self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteCharacteristicByIndex(
-                        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i,
-                        j)
-                    time.sleep(1)
-                except Exception as err:
-                    self.log.info(
-                        "Failed to write to characteristic: {}".format(
-                            characteristic_uuids[j]))
-    def write_all_desc(self, line):
-        """ Write to every Descriptor on the GATT server """
-        args = line.split()
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(int(line)):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        self._setup_discovered_services_index()
-        services_count = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredServicesCount(
-            self.discovered_services_index)
-        for i in range(services_count):
-            characteristic_uuids = (
-                self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDiscoveredCharacteristicUuids(
-                    self.discovered_services_index, i))
-            for j in range(len(characteristic_uuids)):
-                descriptor_uuids = (
-                    self.dut.droid.
-                    gattClientGetDiscoveredDescriptorUuidsByIndex(
-                        self.discovered_services_index, i, j))
-                for k in range(len(descriptor_uuids)):
-                    time.sleep(1)
-                    desc_inst_id = self.dut.droid.gattClientGetDescriptorInstanceId(
-                        self.bluetooth_gatt, self.discovered_services_index, i,
-                        j, k)
-                    self.log.info("Writing to {} {}".format(
-                        hex(desc_inst_id), descriptor_uuids[k]))
-                    try:
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientDescriptorSetValueByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, k,
-                            write_value)
-                        self.dut.droid.gattClientWriteDescriptorByIndex(
-                            self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                            self.discovered_services_index, i, j, k)
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        self.log.info(
-                            "Failed to write to descriptor: {}".format(
-                                descriptor_uuids[k]))
-    def discover_service_by_uuid(self, line):
-        """ Discover service by UUID """
-        uuid = line
-        if len(line) == 4:
-            uuid = self.generic_uuid.format(line)
-        self.dut.droid.gattClientDiscoverServiceByUuid(self.bluetooth_gatt,
-                                                       uuid)
-    def request_le_connection_parameters(self):
-        le_min_ce_len = 0
-        le_max_ce_len = 0
-        le_connection_interval = 0
-        minInterval = default_le_connection_interval_ms / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-        maxInterval = default_le_connection_interval_ms / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
-        return_status = self.dut.droid.gattClientRequestLeConnectionParameters(
-            self.bluetooth_gatt, minInterval, maxInterval, 0,
-            le_default_supervision_timeout, le_min_ce_len, le_max_ce_len)
-        self.log.info(
-            "Result of request le connection param: {}".format(return_status))
-    def socket_conn_begin_connect_thread_psm(self, line):
-        args = line.split()
-        is_ble = bool(int(args[0]))
-        secured_conn = bool(int(args[1]))
-        psm_value = int(args[2])  # 1
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginConnectThreadPsm(
-            self.target_mac_addr, is_ble, psm_value, secured_conn)
-    def socket_conn_begin_accept_thread_psm(self, line):
-        accept_timeout_ms = default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms
-        is_ble = True
-        secured_conn = False
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginAcceptThreadPsm(
-            accept_timeout_ms, is_ble, secured_conn)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gatts_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gatts_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 052d039..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/gatts_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_strings
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic_value_format
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_cb_err
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_transport
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_event
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_server_responses
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_service_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import small_timeout
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.gatt_test_database import STRING_512BYTES
-from antlion.utils import exe_cmd
-from math import ceil
-class GattServerLib():
-    characteristic_list = []
-    default_timeout = 10
-    descriptor_list = []
-    dut = None
-    gatt_server = None
-    gatt_server_callback = None
-    gatt_server_list = []
-    log = None
-    service_list = []
-    write_mapping = {}
-    def __init__(self, log, dut):
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.log = log
-    def list_all_uuids(self):
-        """From the GATT Client, discover services and list all services,
-        chars and descriptors.
-        """
-        self.log.info("Service List:")
-        for service in self.dut.droid.gattGetServiceUuidList(self.gatt_server):
-            self.dut.log.info("GATT Server service uuid: {}".format(service))
-        self.log.info("Characteristics List:")
-        for characteristic in self.characteristic_list:
-            instance_id = self.dut.droid.gattServerGetCharacteristicInstanceId(
-                characteristic)
-            uuid = self.dut.droid.gattServerGetCharacteristicUuid(
-                characteristic)
-            self.dut.log.info(
-                "GATT Server characteristic handle uuid: {} {}".format(
-                    hex(instance_id), uuid))
-        # TODO: add getting insance ids and uuids from each descriptor.
-    def open(self):
-        """Open an empty GATT Server instance"""
-        self.gatt_server_callback = self.dut.droid.gattServerCreateGattServerCallback(
-        )
-        self.gatt_server = self.dut.droid.gattServerOpenGattServer(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        self.gatt_server_list.append(self.gatt_server)
-    def clear_services(self):
-        """Clear BluetoothGattServices from BluetoothGattServer"""
-        self.dut.droid.gattServerClearServices(self.gatt_server)
-    def close_bluetooth_gatt_servers(self):
-        """Close Bluetooth Gatt Servers"""
-        try:
-            for btgs in self.gatt_server_list:
-                self.dut.droid.gattServerClose(btgs)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to close Bluetooth GATT Servers: {}".format(err))
-        self.characteristic_list = []
-        self.descriptor_list = []
-        self.gatt_server_list = []
-        self.service_list = []
-    def characteristic_set_value_by_instance_id(self, instance_id, value):
-        """Set Characteristic value by instance id"""
-        self.dut.droid.gattServerCharacteristicSetValueByInstanceId(
-            int(instance_id, 16), value)
-    def notify_characteristic_changed(self, instance_id, confirm):
-        """ Notify characteristic changed """
-        self.dut.droid.gattServerNotifyCharacteristicChangedByInstanceId(
-            self.gatt_server, 0, int(instance_id, 16), confirm)
-    def send_response(self, user_input):
-        """Send a single response to the GATT Client"""
-        args = user_input.split()
-        mtu = 23
-        if len(args) == 2:
-            user_input = args[0]
-            mtu = int(args[1])
-        desc_read = gatt_event['desc_read_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        desc_write = gatt_event['desc_write_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        char_read = gatt_event['char_read_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        char_write_req = gatt_event['char_write_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        char_write = gatt_event['char_write']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        execute_write = gatt_event['exec_write']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        regex = "({}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{})".format(desc_read, desc_write, char_read,
-                                             char_write, execute_write,
-                                             char_write_req)
-        events = self.dut.ed.pop_events(regex, 5, small_timeout)
-        status = 0
-        if user_input:
-            status = gatt_server_responses.get(user_input)
-        for event in events:
-            self.log.debug("Found event: {}.".format(event))
-            request_id = event['data']['requestId']
-            if event['name'] == execute_write:
-                if ('execute' in event['data']
-                        and event['data']['execute'] == True):
-                    for key in self.write_mapping:
-                        value = self.write_mapping[key]
-                        self.log.info("Writing key, value: {}, {}".format(
-                            key, value))
-                        self.dut.droid.gattServerSetByteArrayValueByInstanceId(
-                            key, value)
-                else:
-                    self.log.info("Execute result is false")
-                self.write_mapping = {}
-                self.dut.droid.gattServerSendResponse(self.gatt_server, 0,
-                                                      request_id, status, 0,
-                                                      [])
-                continue
-            offset = event['data']['offset']
-            instance_id = event['data']['instanceId']
-            if (event['name'] == desc_write or event['name'] == char_write
-                    or event['name'] == char_write_req):
-                if ('preparedWrite' in event['data']
-                        and event['data']['preparedWrite'] == True):
-                    value = event['data']['value']
-                    if instance_id in self.write_mapping.keys():
-                        self.write_mapping[instance_id] = self.write_mapping[
-                            instance_id] + value
-                        self.log.info(
-                            "New Prepared Write Value for {}: {}".format(
-                                instance_id, self.write_mapping[instance_id]))
-                    else:
-                        self.log.info("write mapping key, value {}, {}".format(
-                            instance_id, value))
-                        self.write_mapping[instance_id] = value
-                        self.log.info("current value {}, {}".format(
-                            instance_id, value))
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerSendResponse(
-                        self.gatt_server, 0, request_id, status, 0, value)
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerSetByteArrayValueByInstanceId(
-                        event['data']['instanceId'], event['data']['value'])
-            try:
-                data = self.dut.droid.gattServerGetReadValueByInstanceId(
-                    int(event['data']['instanceId']))
-            except Exception as err:
-                self.log.error(err)
-            if not data:
-                data = [1]
-            self.log.info(
-                "GATT Server Send Response [request_id, status, offset, data]" \
-                " [{}, {}, {}, {}]".
-                format(request_id, status, offset, data))
-            data = data[offset:offset + mtu - 1]
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerSendResponse(self.gatt_server, 0,
-                                                  request_id, status, offset,
-                                                  data)
-    def _setup_service(self, serv):
-        service = self.dut.droid.gattServerCreateService(
-            serv['uuid'], serv['type'])
-        if 'handles' in serv:
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerServiceSetHandlesToReserve(
-                service, serv['handles'])
-        return service
-    def _setup_characteristic(self, char):
-        characteristic = \
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerCreateBluetoothGattCharacteristic(
-                char['uuid'], char['properties'], char['permissions'])
-        if 'instance_id' in char:
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerCharacteristicSetInstanceId(
-                characteristic, char['instance_id'])
-            set_id = self.dut.droid.gattServerCharacteristicGetInstanceId(
-                characteristic)
-            if set_id != char['instance_id']:
-                self.log.error(
-                    "Instance ID did not match up. Found {} Expected {}".
-                    format(set_id, char['instance_id']))
-        if 'value_type' in char:
-            value_type = char['value_type']
-            value = char['value']
-            if value_type == gatt_characteristic_value_format['string']:
-                self.log.info("Set String value result: {}".format(
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerCharacteristicSetStringValue(
-                        characteristic, value)))
-            elif value_type == gatt_characteristic_value_format['byte']:
-                self.log.info("Set Byte Array value result: {}".format(
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerCharacteristicSetByteValue(
-                        characteristic, value)))
-            else:
-                self.log.info("Set Int value result: {}".format(
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerCharacteristicSetIntValue(
-                        characteristic, value, value_type, char['offset'])))
-        return characteristic
-    def _setup_descriptor(self, desc):
-        descriptor = self.dut.droid.gattServerCreateBluetoothGattDescriptor(
-            desc['uuid'], desc['permissions'])
-        if 'value' in desc:
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerDescriptorSetByteValue(
-                descriptor, desc['value'])
-        if 'instance_id' in desc:
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerDescriptorSetInstanceId(
-                descriptor, desc['instance_id'])
-        self.descriptor_list.append(descriptor)
-        return descriptor
-    def setup_gatts_db(self, database):
-        """Setup GATT Server database"""
-        self.gatt_server_callback = \
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerCreateGattServerCallback()
-        self.gatt_server = self.dut.droid.gattServerOpenGattServer(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        self.gatt_server_list.append(self.gatt_server)
-        for serv in database['services']:
-            service = self._setup_service(serv)
-            self.service_list.append(service)
-            if 'characteristics' in serv:
-                for char in serv['characteristics']:
-                    characteristic = self._setup_characteristic(char)
-                    if 'descriptors' in char:
-                        for desc in char['descriptors']:
-                            descriptor = self._setup_descriptor(desc)
-                            self.dut.droid.gattServerCharacteristicAddDescriptor(
-                                characteristic, descriptor)
-                    self.characteristic_list.append(characteristic)
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerAddCharacteristicToService(
-                        service, characteristic)
-            self.dut.droid.gattServerAddService(self.gatt_server, service)
-            expected_event = gatt_cb_strings['serv_added'].format(
-                self.gatt_server_callback)
-            self.dut.ed.pop_event(expected_event, 10)
-        return self.gatt_server, self.gatt_server_callback
-    def send_continuous_response(self, user_input):
-        """Send the same response"""
-        desc_read = gatt_event['desc_read_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        desc_write = gatt_event['desc_write_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        char_read = gatt_event['char_read_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        char_write = gatt_event['char_write']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        execute_write = gatt_event['exec_write']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        regex = "({}|{}|{}|{}|{})".format(desc_read, desc_write, char_read,
-                                          char_write, execute_write)
-        offset = 0
-        status = 0
-        mtu = 23
-        char_value = []
-        for i in range(512):
-            char_value.append(i % 256)
-        len_min = 470
-        end_time = time.time() + 180
-        i = 0
-        num_packets = ceil((len(char_value) + 1) / (mtu - 1))
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            events = self.dut.ed.pop_events(regex, 10, small_timeout)
-            for event in events:
-                start_offset = i * (mtu - 1)
-                i += 1
-                self.log.debug("Found event: {}.".format(event))
-                request_id = event['data']['requestId']
-                data = char_value[start_offset:start_offset + mtu - 1]
-                if not data:
-                    data = [1]
-                self.log.debug(
-                    "GATT Server Send Response [request_id, status, offset, " \
-                    "data] [{}, {}, {}, {}]".format(request_id, status, offset,
-                        data))
-                self.dut.droid.gattServerSendResponse(self.gatt_server, 0,
-                                                      request_id, status,
-                                                      offset, data)
-    def send_continuous_response_data(self, user_input):
-        """Send the same response with data"""
-        desc_read = gatt_event['desc_read_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        desc_write = gatt_event['desc_write_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        char_read = gatt_event['char_read_req']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        char_write = gatt_event['char_write']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        execute_write = gatt_event['exec_write']['evt'].format(
-            self.gatt_server_callback)
-        regex = "({}|{}|{}|{}|{})".format(desc_read, desc_write, char_read,
-                                          char_write, execute_write)
-        offset = 0
-        status = 0
-        mtu = 11
-        char_value = []
-        len_min = 470
-        end_time = time.time() + 180
-        i = 0
-        num_packets = ceil((len(char_value) + 1) / (mtu - 1))
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            events = self.dut.ed.pop_events(regex, 10, small_timeout)
-            for event in events:
-                self.log.info(event)
-                request_id = event['data']['requestId']
-                if event['name'] == execute_write:
-                    if ('execute' in event['data']
-                            and event['data']['execute'] == True):
-                        for key in self.write_mapping:
-                            value = self.write_mapping[key]
-                            self.log.debug("Writing key, value: {}, {}".format(
-                                key, value))
-                            self.dut.droid.gattServerSetByteArrayValueByInstanceId(
-                                key, value)
-                        self.write_mapping = {}
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerSendResponse(
-                        self.gatt_server, 0, request_id, status, 0, [1])
-                    continue
-                offset = event['data']['offset']
-                instance_id = event['data']['instanceId']
-                if (event['name'] == desc_write
-                        or event['name'] == char_write):
-                    if ('preparedWrite' in event['data']
-                            and event['data']['preparedWrite'] == True):
-                        value = event['data']['value']
-                        if instance_id in self.write_mapping:
-                            self.write_mapping[
-                                instance_id] = self.write_mapping[
-                                    instance_id] + value
-                        else:
-                            self.write_mapping[instance_id] = value
-                    else:
-                        self.dut.droid.gattServerSetByteArrayValueByInstanceId(
-                            event['data']['instanceId'],
-                            event['data']['value'])
-                try:
-                    data = self.dut.droid.gattServerGetReadValueByInstanceId(
-                        int(event['data']['instanceId']))
-                except Exception as err:
-                    self.log.error(err)
-                if not data:
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerSendResponse(
-                        self.gatt_server, 0, request_id, status, offset, [1])
-                else:
-                    self.dut.droid.gattServerSendResponse(
-                        self.gatt_server, 0, request_id, status, offset,
-                        data[offset:offset + 17])
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/native_bt_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/native_bt_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 822de8c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/native_bt_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-from subprocess import call
-import time
-log = logging
-def setup_native_bluetooth(native_devices):
-    for n in native_devices:
-        droid = n.droid
-        pid = n.adb.shell("pidof -s bluetoothtbd")
-        if not pid:
-            call(
-                ["adb -s " + n.serial + " shell sh -c \"bluetoothtbd\" &"],
-                shell=True)
-        droid.BtBinderInitInterface()
-        time.sleep(5)  #temporary sleep statement
-        droid.BtBinderEnable()
-        time.sleep(5)  #temporary sleep statement
-        droid.BtBinderRegisterBLE()
-        time.sleep(5)  #temporary sleep statement
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/bluetooth.proto b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/bluetooth.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 969dbd6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/bluetooth.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
- /*
-  * Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-  *
-  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  *
-  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-  *
-  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  * limitations under the License.
-  */
-syntax = "proto2";
-option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
-// C++ namespace: bluetooth::metrics::BluetoothMetricsProto
-package bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto;
-option java_package = "com.android.bluetooth";
-option java_outer_classname = "BluetoothMetricsProto";
-message BluetoothLog {
-  // Session information that gets logged for every BT connection.
-  repeated BluetoothSession session = 1;
-  // Session information that gets logged for every Pair event.
-  repeated PairEvent pair_event = 2;
-  // Information for Wake locks.
-  repeated WakeEvent wake_event = 3;
-  // Scan event information.
-  repeated ScanEvent scan_event = 4;
-  // Number of bonded devices.
-  optional int32 num_bonded_devices = 5;
-  // Number of BluetoothSession including discarded ones beyond capacity
-  optional int64 num_bluetooth_session = 6;
-  // Number of PairEvent including discarded ones beyond capacity
-  optional int64 num_pair_event = 7;
-  // Number of WakeEvent including discarded ones beyond capacity
-  optional int64 num_wake_event = 8;
-  // Number of ScanEvent including discarded ones beyond capacity
-  optional int64 num_scan_event = 9;
-  // Statistics about Bluetooth profile connections
-  repeated ProfileConnectionStats profile_connection_stats = 10;
-  // Statistics about Headset profile connections
-  repeated HeadsetProfileConnectionStats headset_profile_connection_stats = 11;
-// The information about the device.
-message DeviceInfo {
-  // Device type.
-  enum DeviceType {
-    // Type is unknown.
-    DEVICE_TYPE_LE = 2;
-  }
-  // Device class
-  // https://cs.corp.google.com/#android/system/bt/stack/include/btm_api.h&q=major_computer.
-  optional int32 device_class = 1;
-  // Device type.
-  optional DeviceType device_type = 2;
-// Information that gets logged for every Bluetooth connection.
-message BluetoothSession {
-  // Type of technology used in the connection.
-  enum ConnectionTechnologyType {
-  }
-  enum DisconnectReasonType {
-    UNKNOWN = 0;
-    // A metrics dump takes a snapshot of current Bluetooth session and thus
-    // is not a real disconnect, but a discontinuation in metrics logging.
-    // This enum indicates this situation.
-    METRICS_DUMP = 1;
-  }
-  // Duration of the session.
-  optional int64 session_duration_sec = 2;
-  // Technology type.
-  optional ConnectionTechnologyType connection_technology_type = 3;
-  // Reason for disconnecting.
-  optional string disconnect_reason = 4 [deprecated = true];
-  // The information about the device which it is connected to.
-  optional DeviceInfo device_connected_to = 5;
-  // The information about the RFComm session.
-  optional RFCommSession rfcomm_session = 6;
-  // The information about the A2DP audio session.
-  optional A2DPSession a2dp_session = 7;
-  // Numeric reason for disconnecting as defined in metrics.h
-  optional DisconnectReasonType disconnect_reason_type = 8;
-message RFCommSession {
-  // bytes transmitted.
-  optional int32 rx_bytes = 1;
-  // bytes transmitted.
-  optional int32 tx_bytes = 2;
-enum A2dpSourceCodec {
-// Session information that gets logged for A2DP session.
-message A2DPSession {
-  // Media timer in milliseconds.
-  optional int32 media_timer_min_millis = 1;
-  // Media timer in milliseconds.
-  optional int32 media_timer_max_millis = 2;
-  // Media timer in milliseconds.
-  optional int32 media_timer_avg_millis = 3;
-  // Buffer overruns count.
-  optional int32 buffer_overruns_max_count = 4;
-  // Buffer overruns total.
-  optional int32 buffer_overruns_total = 5;
-  // Buffer underruns average.
-  optional float buffer_underruns_average = 6;
-  // Buffer underruns count.
-  optional int32 buffer_underruns_count = 7;
-  // Total audio time in this A2DP session
-  optional int64 audio_duration_millis = 8;
-  // Audio codec used in this A2DP session in A2DP source role
-  optional A2dpSourceCodec source_codec = 9;
-  // Whether A2DP offload is enabled in this A2DP session
-  optional bool is_a2dp_offload = 10;
-message PairEvent {
-  // The reason for disconnecting
-  // See: system/bt/stack/include/hcidefs.h, HCI_ERR_CONN_FAILED_ESTABLISHMENT
-  optional int32 disconnect_reason = 1;
-  // Pair event time
-  optional int64 event_time_millis =
-      2;  // [(datapol.semantic_type) = ST_TIMESTAMP];
-  // The information about the device which it is paired to.
-  optional DeviceInfo device_paired_with = 3;
-message WakeEvent {
-  // Information about the wake event type.
-  enum WakeEventType {
-    UNKNOWN = 0;
-    // WakeLock was acquired.
-    ACQUIRED = 1;
-    // WakeLock was released.
-    RELEASED = 2;
-  }
-  // Information about the wake event type.
-  optional WakeEventType wake_event_type = 1;
-  // Initiator of the scan. Only the first three names will be stored.
-  // e.g. com.company.app
-  optional string requestor = 2;
-  // Name of the wakelock (e.g. bluedroid_timer).
-  optional string name = 3;
-  // Time of the event.
-  optional int64 event_time_millis =
-      4;  // [(datapol.semantic_type) = ST_TIMESTAMP];
-message ScanEvent {
-  // Scan type.
-  enum ScanTechnologyType {
-  }
-  // Scan event type.
-  enum ScanEventType {
-    // Scan started.
-    // Scan stopped.
-  }
-  // Scan event type.
-  optional ScanEventType scan_event_type = 1;
-  // Initiator of the scan. Only the first three names will be stored.
-  // e.g. com.company.app
-  optional string initiator = 2;
-  // Technology used for scanning.
-  optional ScanTechnologyType scan_technology_type = 3;
-  // Number of results returned.
-  optional int32 number_results = 4;
-  // Time of the event.
-  optional int64 event_time_millis =
-      5;  // [(datapol.semantic_type) = ST_TIMESTAMP];
-// Profile IDs defined in BluetoothProfile API class
-// Values must match API class values
-enum ProfileId {
-  HEADSET = 1;
-  A2DP = 2;
-  HEALTH = 3;
-  HID_HOST = 4;
-  PAN = 5;
-  PBAP = 6;
-  GATT = 7;
-  MAP = 9;
-  SAP = 10;
-  A2DP_SINK = 11;
-  AVRCP = 13;
-  PBAP_CLIENT = 17;
-  MAP_CLIENT = 18;
-  HID_DEVICE = 19;
-  OPP = 20;
-  HEARING_AID = 21;
-// Statistics about Bluetooth profile connections
-message ProfileConnectionStats {
-  // Profile id defined in BluetoothProfile.java
-  optional ProfileId profile_id = 1;
-  // Number of times that this profile is connected since last metrics dump
-  optional int32 num_times_connected = 2;
-enum HeadsetProfileType {
-  HSP = 1;
-  HFP = 2;
-// Statistics about headset profile connections
-message HeadsetProfileConnectionStats {
-  // Type of headset profile connected
-  optional HeadsetProfileType headset_profile_type = 1;
-  // Number of times this type of headset profile is connected
-  optional int32 num_times_connected = 2;
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/bluetooth_pb2.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/bluetooth_pb2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1188f77..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/protos/bluetooth_pb2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-# source: bluetooth.proto
-"""Generated protocol buffer code."""
-from google.protobuf.internal import builder as _builder
-from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
-from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
-from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
-_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()
-DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n\x0f\x62luetooth.proto\x12\'bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto\"\x8a\x05\n\x0c\x42luetoothLog\x12J\n\x07session\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32\x39.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.BluetoothSession\x12\x46\n\npair_event\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32\x32.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.PairEvent\x12\x46\n\nwake_event\x18\x03 \x03(\x0b\x32\x32.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.WakeEvent\x12\x46\n\nscan_event\x18\x04 \x03(\x0b\x32\x32.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.ScanEvent\x12\x1a\n\x12num_bonded_devices\x18\x05 \x01(\x05\x12\x1d\n\x15num_bluetooth_session\x18\x06 \x01(\x03\x12\x16\n\x0enum_pair_event\x18\x07 \x01(\x03\x12\x16\n\x0enum_wake_event\x18\x08 \x01(\x03\x12\x16\n\x0enum_scan_event\x18\t \x01(\x03\x12\x61\n\x18profile_connection_stats\x18\n \x03(\x0b\x32?.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.ProfileConnectionStats\x12p\n headset_profile_connection_stats\x18\x0b \x03(\x0b\x32\x46.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.HeadsetProfileConnectionStats\"\xdf\x01\n\nDeviceInfo\x12\x14\n\x0c\x64\x65vice_class\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12S\n\x0b\x64\x65vice_type\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32>.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.DeviceInfo.DeviceType\"f\n\nDeviceType\x12\x17\n\x13\x44\x45VICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12\x15\n\x11\x44\x45VICE_TYPE_BREDR\x10\x01\x12\x12\n\x0e\x44\x45VICE_TYPE_LE\x10\x02\x12\x14\n\x10\x44\x45VICE_TYPE_DUMO\x10\x03\"\x8f\x06\n\x10\x42luetoothSession\x12\x1c\n\x14session_duration_sec\x18\x02 \x01(\x03\x12v\n\x1a\x63onnection_technology_type\x18\x03 \x01(\x0e\x32R.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.BluetoothSession.ConnectionTechnologyType\x12\x1d\n\x11\x64isconnect_reason\x18\x04 \x01(\tB\x02\x18\x01\x12P\n\x13\x64\x65vice_connected_to\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x33.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.DeviceInfo\x12N\n\x0erfcomm_session\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x36.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.RFCommSession\x12J\n\x0c\x61\x32\x64p_session\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x34.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.A2DPSession\x12n\n\x16\x64isconnect_reason_type\x18\x08 \x01(\x0e\x32N.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.BluetoothSession.DisconnectReasonType\"\x8b\x01\n\x18\x43onnectionTechnologyType\x12&\n\"CONNECTION_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12!\n\x1d\x43ONNECTION_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_LE\x10\x01\x12$\n CONNECTION_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_BREDR\x10\x02\"Z\n\x14\x44isconnectReasonType\x12\x0b\n\x07UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12\x10\n\x0cMETRICS_DUMP\x10\x01\x12#\n\x1fNEXT_START_WITHOUT_END_PREVIOUS\x10\x02\"3\n\rRFCommSession\x12\x10\n\x08rx_bytes\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x10\n\x08tx_bytes\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\"\xf9\x02\n\x0b\x41\x32\x44PSession\x12\x1e\n\x16media_timer_min_millis\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x1e\n\x16media_timer_max_millis\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x12\x1e\n\x16media_timer_avg_millis\x18\x03 \x01(\x05\x12!\n\x19\x62uffer_overruns_max_count\x18\x04 \x01(\x05\x12\x1d\n\x15\x62uffer_overruns_total\x18\x05 \x01(\x05\x12 \n\x18\x62uffer_underruns_average\x18\x06 \x01(\x02\x12\x1e\n\x16\x62uffer_underruns_count\x18\x07 \x01(\x05\x12\x1d\n\x15\x61udio_duration_millis\x18\x08 \x01(\x03\x12N\n\x0csource_codec\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32\x38.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.A2dpSourceCodec\x12\x17\n\x0fis_a2dp_offload\x18\n \x01(\x08\"\x92\x01\n\tPairEvent\x12\x19\n\x11\x64isconnect_reason\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x19\n\x11\x65vent_time_millis\x18\x02 \x01(\x03\x12O\n\x12\x64\x65vice_paired_with\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x33.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.DeviceInfo\"\xdc\x01\n\tWakeEvent\x12Y\n\x0fwake_event_type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32@.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.WakeEvent.WakeEventType\x12\x11\n\trequestor\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12\x19\n\x11\x65vent_time_millis\x18\x04 \x01(\x03\"8\n\rWakeEventType\x12\x0b\n\x07UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12\x0c\n\x08\x41\x43QUIRED\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08RELEASED\x10\x02\"\xc4\x03\n\tScanEvent\x12Y\n\x0fscan_event_type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32@.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.ScanEvent.ScanEventType\x12\x11\n\tinitiator\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x63\n\x14scan_technology_type\x18\x03 \x01(\x0e\x32\x45.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.ScanEvent.ScanTechnologyType\x12\x16\n\x0enumber_results\x18\x04 \x01(\x05\x12\x19\n\x11\x65vent_time_millis\x18\x05 \x01(\x03\"u\n\x12ScanTechnologyType\x12\x15\n\x11SCAN_TYPE_UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12\x15\n\x11SCAN_TECH_TYPE_LE\x10\x01\x12\x18\n\x14SCAN_TECH_TYPE_BREDR\x10\x02\x12\x17\n\x13SCAN_TECH_TYPE_BOTH\x10\x03\":\n\rScanEventType\x12\x14\n\x10SCAN_EVENT_START\x10\x00\x12\x13\n\x0fSCAN_EVENT_STOP\x10\x01\"}\n\x16ProfileConnectionStats\x12\x46\n\nprofile_id\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.ProfileId\x12\x1b\n\x13num_times_connected\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\"\x97\x01\n\x1dHeadsetProfileConnectionStats\x12Y\n\x14headset_profile_type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32;.bluetooth.metrics.BluetoothMetricsProto.HeadsetProfileType\x12\x1b\n\x13num_times_connected\x18\x02 \x01(\x05*\xbd\x01\n\x0f\x41\x32\x64pSourceCodec\x12\x1d\n\x19\x41\x32\x44P_SOURCE_CODEC_UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12\x19\n\x15\x41\x32\x44P_SOURCE_CODEC_SBC\x10\x01\x12\x19\n\x15\x41\x32\x44P_SOURCE_CODEC_AAC\x10\x02\x12\x1a\n\x16\x41\x32\x44P_SOURCE_CODEC_APTX\x10\x03\x12\x1d\n\x19\x41\x32\x44P_SOURCE_CODEC_APTX_HD\x10\x04\x12\x1a\n\x16\x41\x32\x44P_SOURCE_CODEC_LDAC\x10\x05*\xa0\x02\n\tProfileId\x12\x13\n\x0fPROFILE_UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12\x0b\n\x07HEADSET\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04\x41\x32\x44P\x10\x02\x12\n\n\x06HEALTH\x10\x03\x12\x0c\n\x08HID_HOST\x10\x04\x12\x07\n\x03PAN\x10\x05\x12\x08\n\x04PBAP\x10\x06\x12\x08\n\x04GATT\x10\x07\x12\x0f\n\x0bGATT_SERVER\x10\x08\x12\x07\n\x03MAP\x10\t\x12\x07\n\x03SAP\x10\n\x12\r\n\tA2DP_SINK\x10\x0b\x12\x14\n\x10\x41VRCP_CONTROLLER\x10\x0c\x12\t\n\x05\x41VRCP\x10\r\x12\x12\n\x0eHEADSET_CLIENT\x10\x10\x12\x0f\n\x0bPBAP_CLIENT\x10\x11\x12\x0e\n\nMAP_CLIENT\x10\x12\x12\x0e\n\nHID_DEVICE\x10\x13\x12\x07\n\x03OPP\x10\x14\x12\x0f\n\x0bHEARING_AID\x10\x15*C\n\x12HeadsetProfileType\x12\x1b\n\x17HEADSET_PROFILE_UNKNOWN\x10\x00\x12\x07\n\x03HSP\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03HFP\x10\x02\x42\x30\n\x15\x63om.android.bluetoothB\x15\x42luetoothMetricsProtoH\x03')
-_builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, globals())
-_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'bluetooth_pb2', globals())
-if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False:
-  DESCRIPTOR._options = None
-  DESCRIPTOR._serialized_options = b'\n\025com.android.bluetoothB\025BluetoothMetricsProtoH\003'
-  _BLUETOOTHSESSION.fields_by_name['disconnect_reason']._options = None
-  _BLUETOOTHSESSION.fields_by_name['disconnect_reason']._serialized_options = b'\030\001'
-  _A2DPSOURCECODEC._serialized_start=3267
-  _A2DPSOURCECODEC._serialized_end=3456
-  _PROFILEID._serialized_start=3459
-  _PROFILEID._serialized_end=3747
-  _HEADSETPROFILETYPE._serialized_start=3749
-  _HEADSETPROFILETYPE._serialized_end=3816
-  _BLUETOOTHLOG._serialized_start=61
-  _BLUETOOTHLOG._serialized_end=711
-  _DEVICEINFO._serialized_start=714
-  _DEVICEINFO._serialized_end=937
-  _DEVICEINFO_DEVICETYPE._serialized_start=835
-  _DEVICEINFO_DEVICETYPE._serialized_end=937
-  _BLUETOOTHSESSION._serialized_start=940
-  _BLUETOOTHSESSION._serialized_end=1723
-  _RFCOMMSESSION._serialized_start=1725
-  _RFCOMMSESSION._serialized_end=1776
-  _A2DPSESSION._serialized_start=1779
-  _A2DPSESSION._serialized_end=2156
-  _PAIREVENT._serialized_start=2159
-  _PAIREVENT._serialized_end=2305
-  _WAKEEVENT._serialized_start=2308
-  _WAKEEVENT._serialized_end=2528
-  _WAKEEVENT_WAKEEVENTTYPE._serialized_start=2472
-  _WAKEEVENT_WAKEEVENTTYPE._serialized_end=2528
-  _SCANEVENT._serialized_start=2531
-  _SCANEVENT._serialized_end=2983
-  _SCANEVENT_SCANTECHNOLOGYTYPE._serialized_start=2806
-  _SCANEVENT_SCANEVENTTYPE._serialized_start=2925
-  _SCANEVENT_SCANEVENTTYPE._serialized_end=2983
-  _PROFILECONNECTIONSTATS._serialized_start=2985
-  _PROFILECONNECTIONSTATS._serialized_end=3110
-# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/fuchsia_pts_ics_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/fuchsia_pts_ics_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c4d3e9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/fuchsia_pts_ics_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This is a placeholder for all ICS values in PTS
-    that matter to Fuchsia devices.
-# A2DP Values are just a placeholder.
-A2DP_ICS = {
-    b'TSPC_ALL': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_0_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_0_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_0_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_1_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_1_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2a_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2a_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2a_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2b_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2b_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_6': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_7': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_8': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_9': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_10': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_10a': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_11': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_12': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_13': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_14': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_15': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_16': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_2_17': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_1a': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_7': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_8': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_6': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_7': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_8': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_9': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_10': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_11': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3a_12': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_7': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_8': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_9': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_10': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_10a': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_11': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_12': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_13': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_14': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_4_15': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_1a': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_6': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_7': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_8': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_9': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_10': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_11': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5a_12': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_7a_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_7a_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_7a_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_7b_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_7b_2': b'FALSE',
-    # Not available in Launch Studio Yet
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_10_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_10_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_10_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_10_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_10_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_10_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_11_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_11_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_11_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_11_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_11_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_11_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_12_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_12_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_12_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_12_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_13_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_13_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_13_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_13_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_14_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_14_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_14_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_14_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_14_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_15_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_15_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_15_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_15_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_15_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_15_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_2a': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_2b': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_2c': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_2d': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_2e': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_3_2f': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_2a': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_2b': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_5_2c': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_8_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_8_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_8_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_9_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_9_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_9_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_A2DP_9_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_7': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_1a_8': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_2_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_2_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_7': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_8': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_9': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_10': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_11': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_12': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_13': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_14': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_15': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_16': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_17': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_18': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_19': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_20': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_21': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_22': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_23': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_24': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_25': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3_26': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_7': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_8': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_9': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_10': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_11': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_12': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_13': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_14': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_15': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_16': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_17': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_18': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_19': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_20': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_21': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_22': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_23': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_24': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_25': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_26': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_27': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_28': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_29': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_30': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_31': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_32': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_33': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_34': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_35': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_36': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_37': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_3B_38': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_6': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_7': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_8': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_9': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_10': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_11': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_12': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_13': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_14': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_15': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_16': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_17': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_18': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_19': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_20': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_21': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_22': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_23': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_24': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_25': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_26': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4_27': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_7': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_8': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_9': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_10': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_11': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_12': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_13': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_14': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_15': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_16': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_17': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_18': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_19': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_20': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_21': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_22': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_23': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_24': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_25': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_26': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_27': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_28': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_29': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_30': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_31': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_32': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_33': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_34': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_35': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_36': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_37': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_4B_38': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_6_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_6_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_7_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_7_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_7_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_7_4': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_7_5': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_7_6': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_7_7': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GATT_8_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GAP_0_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_GAP_24_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GAP_24_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GAP_34_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_GAP_34_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_ALL': b'FALSE',
-SDP_ICS = {
-    b'TSPC_ALL': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_1_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_1_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_1_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_1b_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_1b_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_2_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_2_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_2_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_3_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_4_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_4_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_4_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_5_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_6_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_6_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_6_3': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_7_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_8_1': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_8_2': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_1': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_2': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_3': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_4': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_5': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_6': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_7': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_8': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_9': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_10': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_11': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_12': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_13': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_14': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_15': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_16': b'FALSE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_17': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_18': b'TRUE',
-    b'TSPC_SDP_9_19': b'TRUE',
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/fuchsia_pts_ixit_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/fuchsia_pts_ixit_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c8fdf5c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/fuchsia_pts_ixit_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This is a placeholder for all IXIT values in PTS
-    that matter to Fuchsia devices.
-A2DP_IXIT = {
-    b'TSPX_security_enabled': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_bd_addr_iut': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'000000000000'),
-    b'TSPX_SRC_class_of_device': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'080418'),
-    b'TSPX_SNK_class_of_device': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'04041C'),
-    b'TSPX_pin_code': (b'IA5STRING', b'0000'),
-    b'TSPX_delete_link_key': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_time_guard': (b'INTEGER', b'300000'),
-    b'TSPX_use_implicit_send': (b'BOOLEAN', b'TRUE'),
-    b'TSPX_media_directory':
-    (b'IA5STRING', b'C:\Program Files\Bluetooth SIG\Bluetooth PTS\\bin\\audio'),
-    b'TSPX_auth_password': (b'IA5STRING', b'0000'),
-    b'TSPX_auth_user_id': (b'IA5STRING', b'PTS'),
-    b'TSPX_rfcomm_channel': (b'INTEGER', b'8'),
-    b'TSPX_l2cap_psm': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'1011'),
-    b'TSPX_no_confirmations': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_cover_art_uuid': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'3EEE'),
-    b'TSPX_bd_addr_iut': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'000000000000'),
-    b'TSPX_iut_device_name_in_adv_packet_for_random_address': (b'IA5STRING', b'tbd'),
-    b'TSPX_security_enabled': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_delete_link_key': (b'BOOLEAN', b'TRUE'),
-    b'TSPX_time_guard': (b'INTEGER', b'180000'),
-    b'TSPX_selected_handle': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'0012'),
-    b'TSPX_use_implicit_send': (b'BOOLEAN', b'TRUE'),
-    b'TSPX_secure_simple_pairing_pass_key_confirmation': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_iut_use_dynamic_bd_addr': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_iut_setup_att_over_br_edr': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_tester_database_file': (b'IA5STRING', b'C:\Program Files\Bluetooth SIG\Bluetooth PTS\Data\SIGDatabase\GATT_Qualification_Test_Databases.xml'),
-    b'TSPX_iut_is_client_periphral': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_iut_is_server_central': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_mtu_size': (b'INTEGER', b'23'),
-    b'TSPX_pin_code':  (b'IA5STRING', b'0000'),
-    b'TSPX_use_dynamic_pin': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_delete_ltk': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_tester_appearance': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'0000'),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern': (b'IA5STRING', b'0100'),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_no_results': (b'IA5STRING', b'EEEE'),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_additional_protocol_descriptor_list': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_bluetooth_profile_descriptor_list': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_browse_group_list': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_client_exe_url': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_documentation_url': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_icon_url': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_language_base_attribute_id_list': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_protocol_descriptor_list': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_provider_name': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_service_availability': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_service_data_base_state': (b'IA5STRING', b'1000'),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_service_description': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_service_id': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_service_info_time_to_live': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_version_number_list': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_service_name': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_service_search_pattern_service_record_state': (b'IA5STRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_sdp_unsupported_attribute_id': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'EEEE'),
-    b'TSPX_security_enabled': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_delete_link_key': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_bd_addr_iut': (b'OCTETSTRING', b''),
-    b'TSPX_class_of_device_pts': (b'OCTETSTRING', b'200404'),
-    b'TSPX_class_of_device_test_pts_initiator': (b'BOOLEAN', b'TRUE'),
-    b'TSPX_limited_inquiry_used': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
-    b'TSPX_pin_code': (b'IA5STRING', b'0000'),
-    b'TSPX_time_guard': (b'INTEGER', b'200000'),
-    b'TSPX_device_search_time': (b'INTEGER', b'20'),
-    b'TSPX_use_implicit_send': (b'BOOLEAN', b'TRUE'),
-    b'TSPX_secure_simple_pairing_pass_key_confirmation': (b'BOOLEAN', b'FALSE'),
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/pts_base_class.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/pts_base_class.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c709edf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/pts/pts_base_class.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This is the PTS base class that is inherited from all PTS
-import re
-import time
-import traceback
-from ctypes import *
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.controllers.bluetooth_pts_device import VERDICT_STRINGS
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
-from antlion.signals import TestSignal
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.bluetooth_device import create_bluetooth_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_transport
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
-class PtsBaseClass(BaseTestClass):
-    """ Class for representing common functionality across all PTS tests.
-    This includes the ability to rerun tests due to PTS instability,
-    common PTS action mappings, and setup/teardown related devices.
-    """
-    scan_timeout_seconds = 10
-    peer_identifier = None
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_bluetooth_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_bluetooth_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
-        else:
-            # Default is an fuchsia device
-            self.dut = create_bluetooth_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-        self.characteristic_read_not_permitted_uuid = self.user_params.get(
-            "characteristic_read_not_permitted_uuid")
-        self.characteristic_read_not_permitted_handle = self.user_params.get(
-            "characteristic_read_not_permitted_handle")
-        self.characteristic_read_invalid_handle = self.user_params.get(
-            "characteristic_read_invalid_handle")
-        self.characteristic_attribute_not_found_uuid = self.user_params.get(
-            "characteristic_attribute_not_found_uuid")
-        self.write_characteristic_not_permitted_handle = self.user_params.get(
-            "write_characteristic_not_permitted_handle")
-        self.pts = self.bluetooth_pts_device[0]
-        # MMI functions commented out until implemented. Added for tracking
-        # purposes.
-        self.pts_action_mapping = {
-            "A2DP": {
-                1: self.a2dp_mmi_iut_connectable,
-                1002: self.a2dp_mmi_iut_accept_connect,
-                1020: self.a2dp_mmi_initiate_open_stream,
-            },
-            "GATT": {
-                1: self.mmi_make_iut_connectable,
-                2: self.mmi_iut_initiate_connection,
-                3: self.mmi_iut_initiate_disconnection,
-                # 4: self.mmi_iut_no_security,
-                # 5: self.mmi_iut_initiate_br_connection,
-                10: self.mmi_discover_primary_service,
-                # 11: self.mmi_confirm_no_primary_service_small,
-                # 12: self.mmi_iut_mtu_exchange,
-                # 13: self.mmi_discover_all_service_record,
-                # 14: self.mmi_iut_discover_gatt_service_record,
-                15: self.mmi_iut_find_included_services,
-                # 16: self.mmi_confirm_no_characteristic_uuid_small,
-                17: self.mmi_confirm_primary_service,
-                # 18: self.mmi_send_primary_service_uuid,
-                # 19: self.mmi_confirm_primary_service_uuid,
-                # 22: self.confirm_primary_service_1801,
-                24: self.mmi_confirm_include_service,
-                26: self.mmi_confirm_characteristic_service,
-                # 27: self.perform_read_all_characteristics,
-                29: self.
-                mmi_discover_service_uuid_range,  # AKA: discover service by uuid
-                # 31: self.perform_read_all_descriptors,
-                48: self.mmi_iut_send_read_characteristic_handle,
-                58: self.mmi_iut_send_read_descriptor_handle,
-                70: self.mmi_send_write_command,
-                74: self.mmi_send_write_request,
-                76: self.mmi_send_prepare_write,
-                77: self.mmi_iut_send_prepare_write_greater_offset,
-                80: self.mmi_iut_send_prepare_write_greater,
-                110: self.mmi_iut_enter_handle_read_not_permitted,
-                111: self.mmi_iut_enter_uuid_read_not_permitted,
-                118: self.mmi_iut_enter_handle_invalid,
-                119: self.mmi_iut_enter_uuid_attribute_not_found,
-                120: self.mmi_iut_enter_handle_write_not_permitted,
-                2000: self.mmi_verify_secure_id,  # Enter pairing pin from DUT.
-            },
-            "SDP": {
-                # TODO: Implement MMIs as necessary
-            }
-        }
-        self.pts.bind_to(self.process_next_action)
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        self.pts.clean_up()
-    def setup_test(self):
-        # Always start the test with RESULT_INCOMP
-        self.pts.pts_test_result = VERDICT_STRINGS['RESULT_INCOMP']
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        return True
-    @staticmethod
-    def pts_test_wrap(fn):
-        def _safe_wrap_test_case(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            test_id = "{}:{}:{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fn.__name__,
-                                        time.time())
-            log_string = "[Test ID] {}".format(test_id)
-            self.log.info(log_string)
-            try:
-                self.dut.log_info("Started " + log_string)
-                result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-                self.dut.log_info("Finished " + log_string)
-                rerun_count = self.user_params.get("pts_auto_rerun_count", 0)
-                for i in range(int(rerun_count)):
-                    if result is not True:
-                        self.teardown_test()
-                        log_string = "[Rerun Test ID] {}. Run #{} run failed... Retrying".format(
-                            test_id, i + 1)
-                        self.log.info(log_string)
-                        self.setup_test()
-                        self.dut.log_info("Rerun Started " + log_string)
-                        result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-                    else:
-                        return result
-                return result
-            except TestSignal:
-                raise
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-                self.log.error(str(e))
-                raise
-            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        return _safe_wrap_test_case
-    def process_next_action(self, action):
-        func = self.pts_action_mapping.get(
-            self.pts.pts_profile_mmi_request).get(action, "Nothing")
-        if func != 'Nothing':
-            func()
-    ### BEGIN A2DP MMI Actions ###
-    def a2dp_mmi_iut_connectable(self):
-        self.dut.start_profile_a2dp_sink()
-        self.dut.set_discoverable(True)
-    def a2dp_mmi_iut_accept_connect(self):
-        self.dut.start_profile_a2dp_sink()
-        self.dut.set_discoverable(True)
-    def a2dp_mmi_initiate_open_stream(self):
-        self.dut.a2dp_initiate_open_stream()
-    ### END A2DP MMI Actions ###
-    ### BEGIN GATT MMI Actions ###
-    def create_write_value_by_size(self, size):
-        write_value = []
-        for i in range(size):
-            write_value.append(i % 256)
-        return write_value
-    def mmi_send_write_command(self):
-        description_to_parse = self.pts.current_implicit_send_description
-        raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O with', description_to_parse)
-        handle = int(raw_handle.group(1), 16)
-        raw_size = re.search('with <= \'(.*)\' byte', description_to_parse)
-        size = int(raw_size.group(1))
-        self.dut.gatt_client_write_characteristic_without_response_by_handle(
-            self.peer_identifier, handle,
-            self.create_write_value_by_size(size))
-    def mmi_send_write_request(self):
-        description_to_parse = self.pts.current_implicit_send_description
-        raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O with', description_to_parse)
-        handle = int(raw_handle.group(1), 16)
-        raw_size = re.search('with <= \'(.*)\' byte', description_to_parse)
-        size = int(raw_size.group(1))
-        offset = 0
-        self.dut.gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self.peer_identifier, handle, offset,
-            self.create_write_value_by_size(size))
-    def mmi_send_prepare_write(self):
-        description_to_parse = self.pts.current_implicit_send_description
-        raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O <=', description_to_parse)
-        handle = int(raw_handle.group(1), 16)
-        raw_size = re.search('<= \'(.*)\' byte', description_to_parse)
-        size = int(math.floor(int(raw_size.group(1)) / 2))
-        offset = int(size / 2)
-        self.dut.gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self.peer_identifier, handle, offset,
-            self.create_write_value_by_size(size))
-    def mmi_iut_send_prepare_write_greater_offset(self):
-        description_to_parse = self.pts.current_implicit_send_description
-        raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O and', description_to_parse)
-        handle = int(raw_handle.group(1), 16)
-        raw_offset = re.search('greater than \'(.*)\' byte',
-                               description_to_parse)
-        offset = int(raw_offset.group(1))
-        size = 1
-        self.dut.gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self.peer_identifier, handle, offset,
-            self.create_write_value_by_size(size))
-    def mmi_iut_send_prepare_write_greater(self):
-        description_to_parse = self.pts.current_implicit_send_description
-        raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O with', description_to_parse)
-        handle = int(raw_handle.group(1), 16)
-        raw_size = re.search('greater than \'(.*)\' byte',
-                             description_to_parse)
-        size = int(raw_size.group(1))
-        offset = 0
-        self.dut.gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self.peer_identifier, handle, offset,
-            self.create_write_value_by_size(size))
-    def mmi_make_iut_connectable(self):
-        adv_data = {
-            "name": fuchsia_name,
-            "appearance": None,
-            "service_data": None,
-            "tx_power_level": None,
-            "service_uuids": None,
-            "manufacturer_data": None,
-            "uris": None,
-        }
-        scan_response = None
-        connectable = True
-        interval = 1000
-        self.dut.start_le_advertisement(adv_data, scan_response, interval,
-                                        connectable)
-    def mmi_iut_enter_uuid_read_not_permitted(self):
-        self.pts.extra_answers.append(
-            self.characteristic_read_not_permitted_uuid)
-    def mmi_iut_enter_handle_read_not_permitted(self):
-        self.pts.extra_answers.append(
-            self.characteristic_read_not_permitted_handle)
-    def mmi_iut_enter_handle_invalid(self):
-        self.pts.extra_answers.append(self.characteristic_read_invalid_handle)
-    def mmi_iut_enter_uuid_attribute_not_found(self):
-        self.pts.extra_answers.append(
-            self.characteristic_attribute_not_found_uuid)
-    def mmi_iut_enter_handle_write_not_permitted(self):
-        self.pts.extra_answers.append(
-            self.write_characteristic_not_permitted_handle)
-    def mmi_verify_secure_id(self):
-        self.pts.extra_answers.append(self.dut.get_pairing_pin())
-    def mmi_discover_service_uuid_range(self, uuid):
-        self.dut.gatt_client_mmi_discover_service_uuid_range(
-            self.peer_identifier, uuid)
-    def mmi_iut_initiate_connection(self):
-        autoconnect = False
-        transport = gatt_transport['le']
-        adv_name = "PTS"
-        self.peer_identifier = self.dut.le_scan_with_name_filter(
-            "PTS", self.scan_timeout_seconds)
-        if self.peer_identifier is None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Scanner unable to find advertisement.")
-        tries = 3
-        for _ in range(tries):
-            if self.dut.gatt_connect(self.peer_identifier, transport,
-                                     autoconnect):
-                return
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Unable to connect to peripheral.")
-    def mmi_iut_initiate_disconnection(self):
-        if not self.dut.gatt_disconnect(self.peer_identifier):
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to disconnect from peer.")
-    def mmi_discover_primary_service(self):
-        self.dut.gatt_refresh()
-    def mmi_iut_find_included_services(self):
-        self.dut.gatt_refresh()
-        test_result = self.pts.execute_test(test_name)
-        return test_result
-    def mmi_confirm_primary_service(self):
-        # TODO: Write verifier that 1800 and 1801 exists. For now just pass.
-        return True
-    def mmi_confirm_characteristic_service(self):
-        # TODO: Write verifier that no services exist. For now just pass.
-        return True
-    def mmi_confirm_include_service(self, uuid_description):
-        # TODO: Write verifier that input services exist. For now just pass.
-        # Note: List comes in the form of a long string to parse:
-        # Attribute Handle = '0002'O Included Service Attribute handle = '0080'O,End Group Handle = '0085'O,Service UUID = 'A00B'O
-        # \n
-        # Attribute Handle = '0021'O Included Service Attribute handle = '0001'O,End Group Handle = '0006'O,Service UUID = 'A00D'O
-        # \n ...
-        return True
-    def mmi_iut_send_read_characteristic_handle(self):
-        description_to_parse = self.pts.current_implicit_send_description
-        raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O to', description_to_parse)
-        handle = int(raw_handle.group(1), 16)
-        self.dut.gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_handle(
-            self.peer_identifier, handle)
-    def mmi_iut_send_read_descriptor_handle(self):
-        description_to_parse = self.pts.current_implicit_send_description
-        raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O to', description_to_parse)
-        handle = int(raw_handle.group(1), 16)
-        self.dut.gatt_client_descriptor_read_by_handle(self.peer_identifier,
-                                                       handle)
-    ### END GATT MMI Actions ###
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/rfcomm_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/rfcomm_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 08db2fc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/rfcomm_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Bluetooth adapter libraries
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_rfcomm_uuids
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import set_bt_scan_mode
-class RfcommLib():
-    def __init__(self, log, dut, target_mac_addr=None):
-        self.advertisement_list = []
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.log = log
-        self.target_mac_addr = target_mac_addr
-    def set_target_mac_addr(self, mac_addr):
-        self.target_mac_addr = mac_addr
-    def connect(self, line):
-        """Perform an RFCOMM connect"""
-        uuid = None
-        if len(line) > 0:
-            uuid = line
-        if uuid:
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginConnectThread(
-                self.target_mac_addr, uuid)
-        else:
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginConnectThread(
-                self.target_mac_addr)
-    def open_rfcomm_socket(self):
-        """Open rfcomm socket"""
-        self.dut.droid.rfcommCreateRfcommSocket(self.target_mac_addr, 1)
-    def open_l2cap_socket(self):
-        """Open L2CAP socket"""
-        self.dut.droid.rfcommCreateL2capSocket(self.target_mac_addr, 1)
-    def write(self, line):
-        """Write String data over an RFCOMM connection"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommWrite(line)
-    def write_binary(self, line):
-        """Write String data over an RFCOMM connection"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommWriteBinary(line)
-    def end_connect(self):
-        """End RFCOMM connection"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommEndConnectThread()
-    def accept(self, line):
-        """Accept RFCOMM connection"""
-        uuid = None
-        if len(line) > 0:
-            uuid = line
-        if uuid:
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginAcceptThread(uuid)
-        else:
-            self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginAcceptThread(
-                bt_rfcomm_uuids['base_uuid'])
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stop RFCOMM Connection"""
-        self.dut.droid.bluetoothRfcommStop()
-    def open_l2cap_socket(self):
-        """Open L2CAP socket"""
-        self.dut.droid.rfcommCreateL2capSocket(self.target_mac_addr, 1)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/shell_commands_lib.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/shell_commands_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eafd73..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/shell_commands_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Shell command library.
-class ShellCommands():
-    def __init__(self, log, dut):
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.log = log
-    def set_battery_level(self, level):
-        """Set the battery level via ADB shell
-        Args:
-            level: the percent level to set
-        """
-        self.dut.adb.shell("dumpsys battery set level {}".format(level))
-    def disable_ble_scanning(self):
-        """Disable BLE scanning via ADB shell"""
-        self.dut.adb.shell("settings put global ble_scan_always_enabled 0")
-    def enable_ble_scanning(self):
-        """Enable BLE scanning via ADB shell"""
-        self.dut.adb.shell("settings put global ble_scan_always_enabled 1")
-    def consume_cpu_core(self):
-        """Consume a CPU core on the Android device via ADB shell"""
-        self.dut.adb.shell("echo $$ > /dev/cpuset/top-app/tasks")
-        self.dut.adb.shell("cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null &")
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/simulated_carkit_device.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/simulated_carkit_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c9840a9..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/bt/simulated_carkit_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.controllers import android_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import bluetooth_enabled_check
-# TODO: This class to be deprecated for
-# ../acts/test_utils/abstract_devices/bluetooth_handsfree_abstract_device.py
-class SimulatedCarkitDevice():
-    def __init__(self, serial):
-        self.ad = android_device.create(serial)[0]
-        if not bluetooth_enabled_check(self.ad):
-            asserts.fail("No able to turn on bluetooth")
-        self.mac_address = self.ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothToggleState(False)
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothMediaConnectToCarMBS()
-    def destroy(self):
-        self.ad.clean_up()
-    def accept_call(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.telecomAcceptRingingCall(None)
-    def end_call(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.telecomEndCall()
-    def enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper(True)
-        return self.ad.droid.bluetoothMakeDiscoverable()
-    def next_track(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("skipNext")
-    def pause(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("pause")
-    def play(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("play")
-    def power_off(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.bluetoothToggleState(False)
-    def power_on(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.bluetoothToggleState(True)
-    def previous_track(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.bluetoothMediaPassthrough("skipPrev")
-    def reject_call(self):
-        return self.ad.droid.telecomCallDisconnect(
-            self.ad.droid.telecomCallGetCallIds()[0])
-    def volume_down(self):
-        target_step = self.ad.droid.getMediaVolume() - 1
-        target_step = max(target_step, 0)
-        return self.ad.droid.setMediaVolume(target_step)
-    def volume_up(self):
-        target_step = self.ad.droid.getMediaVolume() + 1
-        max_step = self.ad.droid.getMaxMediaVolume()
-        target_step = min(target_step, max_step)
-        return self.ad.droid.setMediaVolume(target_step)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/bt_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/bt_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4706f2c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/bt_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import re
-import subprocess
-import time
-PERSISTENT_BLUETOOTH_STORAGE_LOCATION = "/data/persistent/c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4/stash_secure.store"
-def le_scan_for_device_by_name(fd,
-                               log,
-                               search_name,
-                               timeout,
-                               partial_match=False,
-                               self_manage_scan=True):
-    """Scan for and returns the first BLE advertisement with the device name.
-    Args:
-        fd: The Fuchsia device to start LE scanning on.
-        log: The log var passed in from the test.
-        search_name: The name to find.
-        timeout: How long to scan for.
-        partial_match: Only do a partial match for the LE advertising name.
-          This will return the first result that had a partial match.
-        self_manage_scan: Whther or not this function should start/stop (True)
-          scans or if the caller should (False).
-    Returns:
-        The dictionary of device information.
-    """
-    if self_manage_scan:
-        scan_filter = {"name_substring": search_name}
-        fd.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleStartBleScan(scan_filter)
-    end_time = time.time() + timeout
-    found_device = None
-    while time.time() < end_time and not found_device:
-        time.sleep(1)
-        scan_res = fd.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleGetDiscoveredDevices()['result']
-        for device in scan_res:
-            name, did, connectable = device["name"], device["id"], device[
-                "connectable"]
-            if name == search_name or (partial_match and search_name in name):
-                log.info("Successfully found advertisement! name, id: {}, {}".
-                         format(name, did))
-                found_device = device
-    if self_manage_scan:
-        fd.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleStopBleScan()
-    if not found_device:
-        log.error("Failed to find device with name {}.".format(search_name))
-    return found_device
-def bredr_scan_for_device_by_name(fd,
-                                  log,
-                                  search_name,
-                                  timeout,
-                                  partial_match=False):
-    """Discover for and returns the first Classic device that matches search_name.
-    Args:
-        fd: The Fuchsia device to start Classic discovery on.
-        log: The log var passed in from the test.
-        search_name: The name to find.
-        timeout: How long to scan for.
-        partial_match: Only do a partial match for the search_name.
-          This will return the first result that had a partial match.
-    Returns:
-        The dictionary of device information.
-    """
-    fd.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(True)
-    end_time = time.time() + timeout
-    found_device = None
-    while time.time() < end_time and not found_device:
-        scan_res = fd.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices()['result']
-        for device in scan_res:
-            name, did = scan_res[device]["name"], scan_res[device]["id"]
-            if name == search_name or (partial_match and search_name in name):
-                log.info("Successfully found peer! name, id: {}, {}".format(
-                    name, did))
-                found_device = did
-        time.sleep(1)
-    fd.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-    if not found_device:
-        log.error("Failed to find device with name {}.".format(search_name))
-        return found_device
-    return found_device
-def unbond_all_known_devices(fd, log):
-    """Unbond all known devices from input Fuchsia Device.
-    Args:
-        fd: The Fuchsia device to unbond devices from.
-        log: The log var passed in from the test.
-    """
-    fd.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(True)
-    device_list = fd.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices()['result']
-    fd.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-    for device in device_list:
-        d = device_list[device]
-        if d['bonded'] or d['connected']:
-            log.info("Unbonding device: {}".format(d))
-            log.info(fd.sl4f.bts_lib.forgetDevice(d['id'])['result'])
-def verify_device_state_by_name(fd, log, search_name, state, services=None):
-    """Verify a connection state change happened an input device.
-    Args:
-        fd: The Fuchsia device to unbond devices from.
-        log: The log var passed in from the test.
-        search_name: The device name to find.
-        state: The expected state.
-        services: An optional list of services to expect based on the connected
-            device.
-    """
-    fd.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(True)
-    seconds_allowed_for_state_change = 10
-    end_time = time.time() + seconds_allowed_for_state_change
-    found_state = None
-    while time.time() < end_time and not found_state:
-        device_list = fd.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices()['result']
-        for device in device_list:
-            d = device_list[device]
-            name = d['name']
-            if name == search_name:
-                print(d)
-                if state == "CONNECTED" and d['connected']:
-                    log.info("Found connected device {}".format(d))
-                    found_state = True
-                    break
-                if state == "BONDED" and d['bonded']:
-                    log.info("Found bonded device {}".format(d))
-                    found_state = True
-                    break
-        time.sleep(1)
-    #TODO: Verify services.
-    fd.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-    return found_state
-def decode_list_to_link_key(raw_list):
-    """ Decodes the input int list to a string link key
-    Args:
-        raw_list: The list of int values to convert
-    Returns:
-        A string represetnation of the link key
-    """
-    str_list = ""
-    raw_list.reverse()
-    for item in raw_list:
-        check = str(hex(int(item)))[2:]
-        if len(check) == 1:
-            check = "0{}".format(check)
-        str_list += check
-    return str_list
-def get_link_keys(fd, save_path):
-    """Get Bluetooth link keys and LTKs for input Fuchsia device.
-    Args:
-        fd: The Fuchsia device object.
-        save_path: The custom save path.
-    Returns:
-        Dictionary of known LTKs and link keys
-    """
-    subprocess.run([
-        f"scp -F {fd.ssh_config} -6 [{fd.ip}]:{PERSISTENT_BLUETOOTH_STORAGE_LOCATION} {save_path}"
-    ],
-                   shell=True)
-    stash_secure_output = ""
-    with open(save_path, 'rb') as file:
-        stash_secure_output = file.read()
-    non_ascii_bytes_removed = re.sub(rb'[^\x00-\x7f]', rb'',
-                                     stash_secure_output).decode('utf-8')
-    bonding_data_split = non_ascii_bytes_removed.split("bonding-data:")
-    bonding_data_split.pop(0)
-    data_dict = {}
-    for data in bonding_data_split:
-        if "saved_networks" in data:
-            data = data.split("saved_networks")[0]
-        trailing_data_removed = re.sub(r'^.*?{', '{', data).strip()
-        more_trailing_data = trailing_data_removed.rsplit('}', 1)[0] + "}"
-        # Sometimes 'ost-data' will be apended at the end.
-        even_more_trailing_info = more_trailing_data.split('ost-data')[0]
-        # Remove the special chars at the end of the string that start with x1b
-        clean_json = more_trailing_data.split('\x1b')[0]
-        json_conversion = json.loads(clean_json)
-        identifier = json_conversion.get("identifier")
-        device_name = json_conversion.get("name")
-        device_address = decode_list_to_link_key(
-            json_conversion.get("address").get("value"))
-        device_address = ':'.join([
-            device_address[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(device_address), 2)
-        ])
-        data_dict[identifier] = {
-            "device_name": device_name,
-            "device_address": device_address
-        }
-        if json_conversion.get("bredr") is not None:
-            link_key = decode_list_to_link_key(
-                json_conversion.get("bredr").get("linkKey").get("value"))
-            data_dict[identifier]["bredr_link_key"] = link_key
-        if json_conversion.get("le") is not None:
-            ltk_key = decode_list_to_link_key(
-                json_conversion.get("le").get("localLtk").get("key").get(
-                    "value"))
-            data_dict[identifier]["le_ltk"] = ltk_key
-    return data_dict
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/sdp_records.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/sdp_records.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d4f91..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/sdp_records.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_attribute_values
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import sig_uuid_constants
-BASE_UUID = sig_uuid_constants['BASE_UUID']
-# A list of pre-defined SDP definitions
-sdp_pts_record_list = [
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['AudioSink'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVDTP'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVDTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['AdvancedAudioDistribution'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors': [{
-            'protocol':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-            'params': [
-                {
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVDTP'], 16),
-                },
-                {
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                },
-                {
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['GenericAudio'], 16),
-                },
-            ]
-        }],
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0xff  # Indicate all available
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [
-            BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControlTarget']),
-            BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl']),
-            BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControlController'])
-        ],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['PANU'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['NAP'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['SerialPort'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol':
-                int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data':
-                    int(sig_uuid_constants['SerialPort'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['DialupNetworking'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol':
-                int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data':
-                    int(sig_uuid_constants['DialupNetworking'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['OBEXObjectPush'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol':
-                int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data':
-                    int(sig_uuid_constants['OBEXObjectPush'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['OBEXFileTransfer'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol':
-                int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data':
-                    int(sig_uuid_constants['OBEXFileTransfer'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['Headset'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['Headset'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['HandsfreeAudioGateway'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol':
-                int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data':
-                    int(sig_uuid_constants['HandsfreeAudioGateway'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['Handsfree'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['Handsfree'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    },
-    {
-        'service_class_uuids': [BASE_UUID.format(sig_uuid_constants['SIM_Access'])],
-        'protocol_descriptors': [
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['L2CAP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': int(sig_uuid_constants['SIM_Access'], 16),
-                }]
-            },
-            {
-                'protocol': int(sig_uuid_constants['AVCTP'], 16),
-                'params': [{
-                    'data': 0x103  # to indicate 1.3
-                }]
-            },
-        ],
-        'profile_descriptors': [{
-            'profile_id':
-            int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16),
-            'major_version':
-            1,
-            'minor_version':
-            2,
-        }],
-        'additional_protocol_descriptors':
-        None,
-        'information': [{
-            'language': "en",
-            'name': "A2DP",
-            'description': "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile",
-            'provider': "Fuchsia"
-        }],
-        'additional_attributes': [{
-            'id':
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-            'element': {
-                'data': 0x0011
-            }
-        }]
-    }
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f7da2..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import FuchsiaSSHError
-def http_file_download_by_curl(fd,
-                               url,
-                               out_path='/tmp/',
-                               curl_loc='/bin/curl',
-                               remove_file_after_check=True,
-                               timeout=3600,
-                               limit_rate=None,
-                               additional_args=None,
-                               retry=3):
-    """Download http file by ssh curl.
-    Args:
-        fd: Fuchsia Device Object.
-        url: The url that file to be downloaded from.
-        out_path: Optional. Where to download file to.
-            out_path is /tmp by default.
-        curl_loc: Location of curl binary on fd.
-        remove_file_after_check: Whether to remove the downloaded file after
-            check.
-        timeout: timeout for file download to complete.
-        limit_rate: download rate in bps. None, if do not apply rate limit.
-        additional_args: Any additional args for curl.
-        retry: the retry request times provided in curl command.
-    """
-    file_directory, file_name = _generate_file_directory_and_file_name(
-        url, out_path)
-    file_path = os.path.join(file_directory, file_name)
-    curl_cmd = curl_loc
-    if limit_rate:
-        curl_cmd += f' --limit-rate {limit_rate}'
-    if retry:
-        curl_cmd += f' --retry {retry}'
-    if additional_args:
-        curl_cmd += f' {additional_args}'
-    curl_cmd += f' --url {url} > {file_path}'
-    fd.log.info(f'Download {url} to {file_path} by ssh command {curl_cmd}')
-    try:
-        fd.ssh.run(curl_cmd, timeout_sec=timeout)
-        if _check_file_existence(fd, file_path):
-            fd.log.info(f'{url} is downloaded to {file_path} successfully')
-            return True
-        fd.log.warning(f'Fail to download {url}')
-        return False
-    except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-        fd.log.warning(f'Command "{curl_cmd}" failed with error {e}')
-        return False
-    except Exception as e:
-        fd.log.error(f'Download {url} failed with unexpected exception {e}')
-        return False
-    finally:
-        if remove_file_after_check:
-            fd.log.info(f'Remove the downloaded file {file_path}')
-            try:
-                fd.ssh.run(f'rm {file_path}')
-            except FuchsiaSSHError:
-                pass
-def _generate_file_directory_and_file_name(url, out_path):
-    """Splits the file from the url and specifies the appropriate location of
-       where to store the downloaded file.
-    Args:
-        url: A url to the file that is going to be downloaded.
-        out_path: The location of where to store the file that is downloaded.
-    Returns:
-        file_directory: The directory of where to store the downloaded file.
-        file_name: The name of the file that is being downloaded.
-    """
-    file_name = url.split('/')[-1]
-    if not out_path:
-        file_directory = '/tmp/'
-    elif not out_path.endswith('/'):
-        file_directory, file_name = os.path.split(out_path)
-    else:
-        file_directory = out_path
-    return file_directory, file_name
-def _check_file_existence(fd, file_path):
-    """Check file existence by file_path. If expected_file_size
-       is provided, then also check if the file meet the file size requirement.
-    Args:
-        fd: A fuchsia device
-        file_path: Where to store the file on the fuchsia device.
-    """
-    try:
-        result = fd.ssh.run(f'ls -al "{file_path}"')
-        fd.log.debug(f'File {file_path} exists.')
-        return True
-    except FuchsiaSSHError as e:
-        if 'No such file or directory' in e.result.stderr:
-            fd.log.debug(f'File {file_path} does not exist.')
-            return False
-        raise e
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/wmm_test_cases.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/wmm_test_cases.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d5aa3c5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/fuchsia/wmm_test_cases.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1239 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Internal Traffic Differentiation
-test_internal_traffic_diff_VO_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.87,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<', phase='phase_1', stream='stream_VO')
-             ])
-    }
-test_internal_traffic_diff_VO_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<', phase='phase_1', stream='stream_VO')
-             ])
-    }
-test_internal_traffic_diff_VO_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<', phase='phase_1', stream='stream_VO')
-             ])
-    }
-test_internal_traffic_diff_VI_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<', phase='phase_1', stream='stream_VI')
-             ])
-    }
-test_internal_traffic_diff_VI_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<', phase='phase_1', stream='stream_VI')
-             ])
-    }
-test_internal_traffic_diff_BE_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<', phase='phase_1', stream='stream_BE')
-             ])
-    }
-# External Traffic Differentiation
-# Single station, STAUT transmits high priority
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.87,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_staut_to_ap')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_staut_to_ap')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_staut_to_ap')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap')
-             ])
-    }
-# Single station, STAUT transmits low priority
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_VO = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.87,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_ap_to_staut')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VO = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_ap_to_staut')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VO = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_ap_to_staut')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_ap_to_staut')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_ap_to_staut')
-             ])
-    }
-test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.03)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=1.0,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='<',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BE_ap_to_staut')
-             ])
-    }
-# Dual Internal/External Traffic Differetiation
-test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='==',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_ap_to_staut',
-                      max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5)
-    }
-test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BE_ap_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='==',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BE_ap_to_staut',
-                      max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5)
-    }
-test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BK_ap_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='==',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BK_ap_to_staut',
-                      max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5)
-    }
-test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='==',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BE_ap_to_staut',
-                      max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5)
-    }
-test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BK_ap_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='==',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BK_ap_to_staut',
-                      max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5)
-    }
-test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='==',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BK_ap_to_staut',
-                      max_bw_rel_tolerance=0.15)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.5)
-    }
-# ACM Bit Conformance Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
-test_acm_bit_on_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(
-            transmitter_str='staut',
-            receiver_str='access_point',
-            access_category='AC_VI',
-            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
-            validation=[
-                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-            ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6)
-    }
-# AC Parameter Modificiation Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
-test_ac_param_degrade_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(
-            transmitter_str='staut',
-            receiver_str='access_point',
-            access_category='AC_VI',
-            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
-            validation=[
-                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-            ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6)
-    }
-test_ac_param_degrade_VO = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(
-            transmitter_str='staut',
-            receiver_str='access_point',
-            access_category='AC_VO',
-            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
-            validation=[
-                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-            ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6)
-    }
-test_ac_param_improve_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(
-            transmitter_str='staut',
-            receiver_str='access_point',
-            access_category='AC_BE',
-            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
-            validation=[
-                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
-                dict(operator='>',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-                dict(operator='>',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-            ]),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6)
-    }
-test_ac_param_improve_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(
-            transmitter_str='staut',
-            receiver_str='access_point',
-            access_category='AC_BK',
-            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6,
-            validation=[
-                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
-                dict(operator='>',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-                dict(operator='>',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=0.869,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-            ]),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.6)
-    }
-# WFA Test Plan Cases
-# Traffic Differentiation in Single BSS (Single Station)
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_ap_VI_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'steam_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'steam_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_ap_to_staut',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.85,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.89,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65),
-    }
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_staut_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.87,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'stream_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BE_staut_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VO_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_staut_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.81,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI_ap_to_staut':
-        dict(transmitter_str='access_point',
-             receiver_str='staut',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-# Traffic Differentiation in Single BSS (Two Stations)
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BE_secondary_VI_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'steam_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'steam_BE_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VI_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VI_secondary_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.90,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_BE = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'steam_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'steam_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='steam_VI_staut_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.88,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BK_secondary_BE_BK = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'steam_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'steam_BK_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_BE_secondary_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.90,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_BK_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BK',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_VO_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'steam_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VO_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45)
-    },
-    'phase_2': {
-        'steam_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='staut',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45),
-        'stream_VO_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VO',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.45,
-             validation=[
-                 dict(operator='>=',
-                      phase='phase_1',
-                      stream='stream_VO_secondary_to_ap',
-                      bandwidth_percentage=0.90,
-                      rel_tolerance=0.01)
-             ]),
-        'stream_VI_secondary_to_ap':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_VI',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_acm_bit_on_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(
-            transmitter_str='staut',
-            receiver_str='access_point',
-            access_category='AC_VI',
-            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
-            validation=[
-                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-            ]),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
-test_wfa_ac_param_degrade_VI = {
-    'phase_1': {
-        'stream_VI_staut_to_ap':
-        dict(
-            transmitter_str='staut',
-            receiver_str='access_point',
-            access_category='AC_VI',
-            max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65,
-            validation=[
-                # TODO(): This should technically be an "or"
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-                dict(operator='<',
-                     phase='phase_1',
-                     stream='stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2',
-                     bandwidth_percentage=1.15,
-                     rel_tolerance=0.05),
-            ]),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_1':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65),
-        'stream_BE_secondary_to_ap_2':
-        dict(transmitter_str='secondary_sta',
-             receiver_str='access_point',
-             access_category='AC_BE',
-             max_bandwidth_percentage=0.65)
-    }
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/NetstackBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/NetstackBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9cd0a7f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/NetstackBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion import asserts
-class NetstackBaseTest(BaseTestClass):
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/arduino_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/arduino_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9acc6c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/arduino_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-ARDUINO = "/root/arduino/arduino-1.8.5/arduino "
-CONNECT_WIFI = "/arduino/connect_wifi/connect_wifi.ino"
-DISCONNECT_WIFI = "/arduino/disconnect_wifi/disconnect_wifi.ino"
-SSID = wutils.WifiEnums.SSID_KEY
-PWD = wutils.WifiEnums.PWD_KEY
-def connect_wifi(wd, network=None):
-    """Connect wifi on arduino wifi dongle
-    Args:
-        wd - wifi dongle object
-        network - wifi network to connect to
-    """
-    wd.log.info("Flashing connect_wifi.ino onto dongle")
-    cmd = "locate %s" % CONNECT_WIFI
-    file_path = utils.exe_cmd(cmd).decode("utf-8", "ignore").split()[-1]
-    write_status = wd.write(ARDUINO, file_path, network)
-    asserts.assert_true(write_status, "Failed to flash connect wifi")
-    wd.log.info("Flashing complete")
-    wifi_status = wd.wifi_status()
-    asserts.assert_true(wifi_status, "Failed to connect to %s" % network)
-    ping_status = wd.ping_status()
-    asserts.assert_true(ping_status, "Failed to connect to internet")
-def disconnect_wifi(wd):
-    """Disconnect wifi on arduino wifi dongle
-    Args:
-        wd - wifi dongle object
-    Returns:
-        True - if wifi is disconnected
-        False - if not
-    """
-    wd.log.info("Flashing disconnect_wifi.ino onto dongle")
-    cmd = "locate %s" % DISCONNECT_WIFI
-    file_path = utils.exe_cmd(cmd).decode("utf-8", "ignore").rstrip()
-    write_status = wd.write(ARDUINO, file_path)
-    asserts.assert_true(write_status, "Failed to flash disconnect wifi")
-    wd.log.info("Flashing complete")
-    wifi_status = wd.wifi_status(False)
-    asserts.assert_true(not wifi_status, "Failed to disconnect wifi")
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/connectivity_const.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/connectivity_const.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a54654f..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/connectivity_const.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import enum
-# ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback events
-# event types
-# event data keys
-NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT = "networkCallbackEvent"
-NETWORK_CB_KEY_CREATE_TS = "creation_timestamp"
-NETWORK_CB_KEY_CURRENT_TS = "current_timestamp"
-# Constants for VPN connection status
-# TODO gmoturu: determine the exact timeout value
-# This is a random value as of now
-# Connectiivty Manager constants
-# Network request related constants.
-# Network request related keys.
-# Multipath preference constants
-# Private DNS constants
-DNS_GOOGLE_HOSTNAME = "dns.google"
-DNS_QUAD9_HOSTNAME = "dns.quad9.net"
-DNS_CLOUDFLARE_HOSTNAME = "1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com"
-DOH_CLOUDFLARE_HOSTNAME = "cloudflare-dns.com"
-    DNS_GOOGLE_HOSTNAME: ["Do53", "DoT", "DoH"],
-DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V4 = ["", ""]
-DNS_GOOGLE_ADDR_V6 = ["2001:4860:4860::8888",
-                      "2001:4860:4860::8844"]
-DOH_CLOUDFLARE_ADDR_V6 = ["2606:4700::6810:f8f9",
-                          "2606:4700::6810:f9f9"]
-# IpSec constants
-AF_INET = 2
-AF_INET6 = 10
-CRYPT_NULL = "ecb(cipher_null)"
-CRYPT_AES_CBC = "cbc(aes)"
-AUTH_HMAC_MD5 = "hmac(md5)"
-AUTH_HMAC_SHA1 = "hmac(sha1)"
-AUTH_HMAC_SHA256 = "hmac(sha256)"
-AUTH_HMAC_SHA384 = "hmac(sha384)"
-AUTH_HMAC_SHA512 = "hmac(sha512)"
-AUTH_CRYPT_AES_GCM = "rfc4106(gcm(aes))"
-# Constants for VpnProfile
-class VpnProfile(object):
-    """ This class contains all the possible
-        parameters required for VPN connection
-    """
-    NAME = "name"
-    TYPE = "type"
-    SERVER = "server"
-    USER = "username"
-    PWD = "password"
-    DNS = "dnsServers"
-    SEARCH_DOMAINS = "searchDomains"
-    ROUTES = "routes"
-    MPPE = "mppe"
-    L2TP_SECRET = "l2tpSecret"
-    IPSEC_ID = "ipsecIdentifier"
-    IPSEC_SECRET = "ipsecSecret"
-    IPSEC_USER_CERT = "ipsecUserCert"
-    IPSEC_CA_CERT = "ipsecCaCert"
-    IPSEC_SERVER_CERT = "ipsecServerCert"
-# Enums for VPN profile types
-class VpnProfileType(enum.Enum):
-    """ Integer constant for each type of VPN
-    """
-    PPTP = 0
-    L2TP_IPSEC_PSK = 1
-    L2TP_IPSEC_RSA = 2
-    IKEV2_IPSEC_PSK = 7
-    IKEV2_IPSEC_RSA = 8
-# Constants for config file
-class VpnReqParams(object):
-    """ Config file parameters required for
-        VPN connection
-    """
-    vpn_server_addresses = "vpn_server_addresses"
-    vpn_verify_addresses = "vpn_verify_addresses"
-    vpn_username = "vpn_username"
-    vpn_password = "vpn_password"
-    psk_secret = "psk_secret"
-    client_pkcs_file_name = "client_pkcs_file_name"
-    cert_path_vpnserver = "cert_path_vpnserver"
-    cert_password = "cert_password"
-    pptp_mppe = "pptp_mppe"
-    ipsec_server_type = "ipsec_server_type"
-    wifi_network = "wifi_network"
-    vpn_identity = "vpn_identity"
-    vpn_server_hostname = "vpn_server_hostname"
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/connectivity_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/connectivity_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b8849..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/connectivity_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconst
-from queue import Empty
-def _listen_for_keepalive_event(ad, key, msg, ka_event):
-    """Listen for keepalive event and return status
-    Args:
-        ad: DUT object
-        key: keepalive key
-        msg: Error message
-        event: Keepalive event type
-    """
-    ad.droid.socketKeepaliveStartListeningForEvent(key, ka_event)
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event("SocketKeepaliveCallback")
-        status = event["data"]["socketKeepaliveEvent"] == ka_event
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.fail(msg)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.socketKeepaliveStopListeningForEvent(key, ka_event)
-    if ka_event != "Started":
-        ad.droid.removeSocketKeepaliveReceiverKey(key)
-    if status:
-        ad.log.info("'%s' keepalive event successful" % ka_event)
-    return status
-def start_natt_socket_keepalive(ad, udp_encap, src_ip, dst_ip, interval = 10):
-    """Start NATT SocketKeepalive on DUT
-    Args:
-        ad: DUT object
-        udp_encap: udp_encap socket key
-        src_ip: IP addr of the client
-        dst_ip: IP addr of the keepalive server
-        interval: keepalive time interval
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Starting Natt Socket Keepalive")
-    key = ad.droid.startNattSocketKeepalive(udp_encap, src_ip, dst_ip, interval)
-    msg = "Failed to receive confirmation of starting natt socket keeaplive"
-    status = _listen_for_keepalive_event(ad, key, msg, "Started")
-    return key if status else None
-def start_tcp_socket_keepalive(ad, socket, time_interval = 10):
-    """Start TCP socket keepalive on DUT
-    Args:
-        ad: DUT object
-        socket: TCP socket key
-        time_interval: Keepalive time interval
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Starting TCP Socket Keepalive")
-    key = ad.droid.startTcpSocketKeepalive(socket, time_interval)
-    msg = "Failed to receive confirmation of starting tcp socket keeaplive"
-    status = _listen_for_keepalive_event(ad, key, msg, "Started")
-    return key if status else None
-def socket_keepalive_error(ad, key):
-    """Verify Error callback
-    Args:
-        ad: DUT object
-        key: Keepalive key
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Verify Error callback on keepalive: %s" % key)
-    msg = "Failed to receive confirmation of Error callback"
-    return _listen_for_keepalive_event(ad, key, msg, "Error")
-def socket_keepalive_data_received(ad, key):
-    """Verify OnDataReceived callback
-    Args:
-        ad: DUT object
-        key: Keepalive key
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Verify OnDataReceived callback on keepalive: %s" % key)
-    msg = "Failed to receive confirmation of OnDataReceived callback"
-    return _listen_for_keepalive_event(ad, key, msg, "OnDataReceived")
-def stop_socket_keepalive(ad, key):
-    """Stop SocketKeepalive on DUT
-    Args:
-        ad: DUT object
-        key: Keepalive key
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Stopping Socket keepalive: %s" % key)
-    ad.droid.stopSocketKeepalive(key)
-    msg = "Failed to receive confirmation of stopping socket keepalive"
-    return _listen_for_keepalive_event(ad, key, msg, "Stopped")
-def set_private_dns(ad, dns_mode, hostname=None):
-    """ Set private DNS mode and DNS server hostname on DUT
-    :param ad: Device under test (DUT)
-    :param dns_mode: DNS mode, including OFF, OPPORTUNISTIC, STRICT
-    :param hostname: DNS server hostname
-    """
-    """ Set private DNS mode on dut """
-    if dns_mode == cconst.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OFF:
-        ad.droid.setPrivateDnsMode(False)
-    else:
-        ad.droid.setPrivateDnsMode(True, hostname)
-    mode = ad.droid.getPrivateDnsMode()
-    host = ad.droid.getPrivateDnsSpecifier()
-    ad.log.info("DNS mode is %s and DNS server is %s" % (mode, host))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/ipsec_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/ipsec_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 625b7c4..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/ipsec_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import binascii
-import os
-import re
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconst
-from antlion import asserts
-PKTS = 5
-def make_key(len_bits):
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        len_bits % 8 == 0, "Unexpected key length. Should be a multiple "
-        "of 8, got %s" % len_bits)
-    return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(int(len_bits / 8))).decode()
-def allocate_spis(ad, ip_a, ip_b, in_spi=None, out_spi=None):
-    """ Allocate in and out SPIs for android device
-    Args:
-      1. ad : android device object
-      2. ip_a : local IP address for In SPI
-      3. ip_b : remote IP address for Out SPI
-      4. in_spi : Generate In SPI with this value
-      5. out_spi : Generate Out SPI with this value
-    Returns:
-      List of In and Out SPI
-    """
-    in_spi_key = ad.droid.ipSecAllocateSecurityParameterIndex(ip_a, in_spi)
-    in_spi = ad.droid.ipSecGetSecurityParameterIndex(in_spi_key)
-    ad.log.info("In SPI: %s" % hex(in_spi))
-    out_spi_key = ad.droid.ipSecAllocateSecurityParameterIndex(ip_b, out_spi)
-    out_spi = ad.droid.ipSecGetSecurityParameterIndex(out_spi_key)
-    ad.log.info("Out SPI: %s" % hex(out_spi))
-    asserts.assert_true(in_spi and out_spi, "Failed to allocate SPIs")
-    return [in_spi_key, out_spi_key]
-def release_spis(ad, spis):
-    """ Destroy SPIs
-    Args:
-      1. ad : android device object
-      2. spis : list of SPI keys to destroy
-    """
-    for spi_key in spis:
-        ad.droid.ipSecReleaseSecurityParameterIndex(spi_key)
-        spi = ad.droid.ipSecGetSecurityParameterIndex(spi_key)
-        asserts.assert_true(not spi, "Failed to release SPI")
-def create_transport_mode_transforms(ad,
-                                     spis,
-                                     ip_a,
-                                     ip_b,
-                                     crypt_algo,
-                                     crypt_key,
-                                     auth_algo,
-                                     auth_key,
-                                     trunc_bit,
-                                     udp_encap_sock=None):
-    """ Create transport mode transforms on the device
-    Args:
-      1. ad : android device object
-      2. spis : spi keys of the SPIs created
-      3. ip_a : local IP addr
-      4. ip_b : remote IP addr
-      5. crypt_key : encryption key
-      6. auth_key : authentication key
-      7. udp_encap_sock : set udp encapsulation for ESP packets
-    Returns:
-      List of In and Out Transforms
-    """
-    in_transform = ad.droid.ipSecCreateTransportModeTransform(
-        crypt_algo, crypt_key, auth_algo, auth_key, trunc_bit, spis[0], ip_b,
-        udp_encap_sock)
-    ad.log.info("In Transform: %s" % in_transform)
-    out_transform = ad.droid.ipSecCreateTransportModeTransform(
-        crypt_algo, crypt_key, auth_algo, auth_key, trunc_bit, spis[1], ip_a,
-        udp_encap_sock)
-    ad.log.info("Out Transform: %s" % out_transform)
-    asserts.assert_true(in_transform and out_transform,
-                        "Failed to create transforms")
-    return [in_transform, out_transform]
-def destroy_transport_mode_transforms(ad, transforms):
-    """ Destroy transforms on the device
-    Args:
-      1. ad : android device object
-      2. transforms : list to transform keys to destroy
-    """
-    for transform in transforms:
-        ad.droid.ipSecDestroyTransportModeTransform(transform)
-        status = ad.droid.ipSecGetTransformStatus(transform)
-        ad.log.info("Transform status: %s" % status)
-        asserts.assert_true(not status, "Failed to destroy transform")
-def apply_transport_mode_transforms_file_descriptors(ad, fd, transforms):
-    """ Apply transpot mode transform to FileDescriptor object
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. fd - FileDescriptor key
-      3. transforms - list of in and out transforms
-    """
-    in_transform = ad.droid.ipSecApplyTransportModeTransformFileDescriptor(
-        fd, cconst.DIRECTION_IN, transforms[0])
-    out_transform = ad.droid.ipSecApplyTransportModeTransformFileDescriptor(
-        fd, cconst.DIRECTION_OUT, transforms[1])
-    asserts.assert_true(in_transform and out_transform,
-                        "Failed to apply transform")
-    ip_xfrm_state = ad.adb.shell("ip -s xfrm state")
-    ad.log.info("XFRM STATE:\n%s\n" % ip_xfrm_state)
-    ip_xfrm_policy = ad.adb.shell("ip -s xfrm policy")
-    ad.log.info("XFRM POLICY:\n%s\n" % ip_xfrm_policy)
-def remove_transport_mode_transforms_file_descriptors(ad, fd):
-    """ Remove transport mode transform from FileDescriptor object
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. socket - FileDescriptor key
-    """
-    status = ad.droid.ipSecRemoveTransportModeTransformsFileDescriptor(fd)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to remove transform")
-def apply_transport_mode_transforms_datagram_socket(ad, socket, transforms):
-    """ Apply transport mode transform to DatagramSocket object
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. socket - DatagramSocket object key
-      3. transforms - list of in and out transforms
-    """
-    in_tfrm_status = ad.droid.ipSecApplyTransportModeTransformDatagramSocket(
-        socket, cconst.DIRECTION_IN, transforms[0])
-    out_tfrm_status = ad.droid.ipSecApplyTransportModeTransformDatagramSocket(
-        socket, cconst.DIRECTION_OUT, transforms[1])
-    asserts.assert_true(in_tfrm_status and out_tfrm_status,
-                        "Failed to apply transform")
-    ip_xfrm_state = ad.adb.shell("ip -s xfrm state")
-    ad.log.info("XFRM STATE:\n%s\n" % ip_xfrm_state)
-def remove_transport_mode_transforms_datagram_socket(ad, socket):
-    """ Remove transport mode transform from DatagramSocket object
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. socket - DatagramSocket object key
-    """
-    status = ad.droid.ipSecRemoveTransportModeTransformsDatagramSocket(socket)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to remove transform")
-def apply_transport_mode_transforms_socket(ad, socket, transforms):
-    """ Apply transport mode transform to Socket object
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. socket - Socket object key
-      3. transforms - list of in and out transforms
-    """
-    in_tfrm_status = ad.droid.ipSecApplyTransportModeTransformSocket(
-        socket, cconst.DIRECTION_IN, transforms[0])
-    out_tfrm_status = ad.droid.ipSecApplyTransportModeTransformSocket(
-        socket, cconst.DIRECTION_OUT, transforms[1])
-    asserts.assert_true(in_tfrm_status and out_tfrm_status,
-                        "Failed to apply transform")
-    ip_xfrm_state = ad.adb.shell("ip -s xfrm state")
-    ad.log.info("XFRM STATE:\n%s\n" % ip_xfrm_state)
-def remove_transport_mode_transforms_socket(ad, socket):
-    """ Remove transport mode transform from Socket object
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. socket - Socket object key
-    """
-    status = ad.droid.ipSecRemoveTransportModeTransformsSocket(socket)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to remove transform")
-def verify_esp_packets(ads):
-    """ Verify that encrypted ESP packets are sent
-    Args:
-      1. ads - Verify ESP packets on all devices
-    """
-    for ad in ads:
-        ip_xfrm_state = ad.adb.shell("ip -s xfrm state")
-        ad.log.info("XFRM STATE on %s:\n%s\n" % (ad.serial, ip_xfrm_state))
-        pattern = re.findall(r'\d+\(packets\)', ip_xfrm_state)
-        esp_pkts = False
-        for _ in pattern:
-            if int(_.split('(')[0]) >= PKTS:
-                esp_pkts = True
-                break
-        asserts.assert_true(esp_pkts, "Could not find ESP pkts")
-def generate_random_crypt_auth_combo():
-    """ Generate every possible combination of crypt and auth keys,
-        auth algo, trunc bits supported by IpSecManager
-    """
-    crypt_key_length = [128, 192, 256]
-    auth_method_key = {
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_MD5: 128,
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA1: 160,
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA256: 256,
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA384: 384,
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA512: 512
-    }
-    auth_method_trunc = {
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_MD5: list(range(96, 136, 8)),
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA1: list(range(96, 168, 8)),
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA256: list(range(96, 264, 8)),
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA384: list(range(192, 392, 8)),
-        cconst.AUTH_HMAC_SHA512: list(range(256, 520, 8))
-    }
-    return_list = []
-    for c in crypt_key_length:
-        for k in auth_method_key.keys():
-            auth_key = auth_method_key[k]
-            lst = auth_method_trunc[k]
-            for t in lst:
-                combo = []
-                combo.append(c)
-                combo.append(k)
-                combo.append(auth_key)
-                combo.append(t)
-                return_list.append(combo)
-    return return_list
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2886fcf..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/net_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import time
-import urllib.request
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import adb
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion.utils import start_standing_subprocess
-from antlion.utils import stop_standing_subprocess
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconst
-VPN_CONST = cconst.VpnProfile
-VPN_TYPE = cconst.VpnProfileType
-VPN_PARAMS = cconst.VpnReqParams
-TCPDUMP_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/"
-USB_CHARGE_MODE = "svc usb setFunctions"
-USB_TETHERING_MODE = "svc usb setFunctions rndis"
-ENABLE_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD = "settings put global tether_offload_disabled 0"
-DISABLE_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD = "settings put global tether_offload_disabled 1"
-DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS = "ip address"
-# Time to wait for radio to up and running after reboot
-GCE_SSH = "gcloud compute ssh "
-GCE_SCP = "gcloud compute scp "
-def set_chrome_browser_permissions(ad):
-    """Set chrome browser start with no-first-run verification.
-    Give permission to read from and write to storage
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-    """
-    commands = ["pm grant com.android.chrome "
-                "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE",
-                "pm grant com.android.chrome "
-                "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE",
-                "rm /data/local/chrome-command-line",
-                "am set-debug-app --persistent com.android.chrome",
-                'echo "chrome --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run '
-                '--disable-fre" > /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line']
-    for cmd in commands:
-        try:
-            ad.adb.shell(cmd)
-        except AdbError:
-            logging.warning("adb command %s failed on %s" % (cmd, ad.serial))
-def verify_ping_to_vpn_ip(ad, vpn_ping_addr):
-    """Verify if IP behind VPN server is pingable.
-    Ping should pass, if VPN is connected.
-    Ping should fail, if VPN is disconnected.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-        vpn_ping_addr: target ping addr
-    """
-    ping_result = None
-    pkt_loss = "100% packet loss"
-    logging.info("Pinging: %s" % vpn_ping_addr)
-    try:
-        ping_result = ad.adb.shell("ping -c 3 -W 2 %s" % vpn_ping_addr)
-    except AdbError:
-        pass
-    return ping_result and pkt_loss not in ping_result
-def legacy_vpn_connection_test_logic(ad, vpn_profile, vpn_ping_addr):
-    """Test logic for each legacy VPN connection.
-    Steps:
-      1. Generate profile for the VPN type
-      2. Establish connection to the server
-      3. Verify that connection is established using LegacyVpnInfo
-      4. Verify the connection by pinging the IP behind VPN
-      5. Stop the VPN connection
-      6. Check the connection status
-      7. Verify that ping to IP behind VPN fails
-    Args:
-        ad: Android device object
-        vpn_profile: object contains attribute for create vpn profile
-        vpn_ping_addr: addr to verify vpn connection
-    """
-    # Wait for sometime so that VPN server flushes all interfaces and
-    # connections after graceful termination
-    time.sleep(10)
-    ad.adb.shell("ip xfrm state flush")
-    ad.log.info("Connecting to: %s", vpn_profile)
-    ad.droid.vpnStartLegacyVpn(vpn_profile)
-    time.sleep(cconst.VPN_TIMEOUT)
-    connected_vpn_info = ad.droid.vpnGetLegacyVpnInfo()
-    asserts.assert_equal(connected_vpn_info["state"],
-                         cconst.VPN_STATE_CONNECTED,
-                         "Unable to establish VPN connection for %s"
-                         % vpn_profile)
-    ping_result = verify_ping_to_vpn_ip(ad, vpn_ping_addr)
-    ip_xfrm_state = ad.adb.shell("ip xfrm state")
-    match_obj = re.search(r'hmac(.*)', "%s" % ip_xfrm_state)
-    if match_obj:
-        ip_xfrm_state = format(match_obj.group(0)).split()
-        ad.log.info("HMAC for ESP is %s " % ip_xfrm_state[0])
-    ad.droid.vpnStopLegacyVpn()
-    asserts.assert_true(ping_result,
-                        "Ping to the internal IP failed. "
-                        "Expected to pass as VPN is connected")
-    connected_vpn_info = ad.droid.vpnGetLegacyVpnInfo()
-    asserts.assert_true(not connected_vpn_info,
-                        "Unable to terminate VPN connection for %s"
-                        % vpn_profile)
-def download_load_certs(ad, vpn_params, vpn_type, vpn_server_addr,
-                        ipsec_server_type, log_path):
-    """Download the certificates from VPN server and push to sdcard of DUT.
-    Args:
-      ad: android device object
-      vpn_params: vpn params from config file
-      vpn_type: 1 of the 6 VPN types
-      vpn_server_addr: server addr to connect to
-      ipsec_server_type: ipsec version - strongswan or openswan
-      log_path: log path to download cert
-    Returns:
-      Client cert file name on DUT's sdcard
-    """
-    url = "http://%s%s%s" % (vpn_server_addr,
-                             vpn_params['cert_path_vpnserver'],
-                             vpn_params['client_pkcs_file_name'])
-    logging.info("URL is: %s" % url)
-    if vpn_server_addr == LOCALHOST:
-        ad.droid.httpDownloadFile(url, "/sdcard/")
-        return vpn_params['client_pkcs_file_name']
-    local_cert_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (vpn_type.name,
-                                    ipsec_server_type,
-                                    vpn_params['client_pkcs_file_name'])
-    local_file_path = os.path.join(log_path, local_cert_name)
-    try:
-        ret = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
-        with open(local_file_path, "wb") as f:
-            f.write(ret.read())
-    except Exception:
-        asserts.fail("Unable to download certificate from the server")
-    ad.adb.push("%s sdcard/" % local_file_path)
-    return local_cert_name
-def generate_legacy_vpn_profile(ad,
-                                vpn_params,
-                                vpn_type,
-                                vpn_server_addr,
-                                ipsec_server_type,
-                                log_path):
-    """Generate legacy VPN profile for a VPN.
-    Args:
-      ad: android device object
-      vpn_params: vpn params from config file
-      vpn_type: 1 of the 6 VPN types
-      vpn_server_addr: server addr to connect to
-      ipsec_server_type: ipsec version - strongswan or openswan
-      log_path: log path to download cert
-    Returns:
-      Vpn profile
-    """
-    vpn_profile = {VPN_CONST.USER: vpn_params['vpn_username'],
-                   VPN_CONST.PWD: vpn_params['vpn_password'],
-                   VPN_CONST.TYPE: vpn_type.value,
-                   VPN_CONST.SERVER: vpn_server_addr, }
-    vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.NAME] = "test_%s_%s" % (vpn_type.name,
-                                                  ipsec_server_type)
-    if vpn_type.name == "PPTP":
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.NAME] = "test_%s" % vpn_type.name
-    psk_set = set(["L2TP_IPSEC_PSK", "IPSEC_XAUTH_PSK"])
-    rsa_set = set(["L2TP_IPSEC_RSA", "IPSEC_XAUTH_RSA", "IPSEC_HYBRID_RSA"])
-    if vpn_type.name in psk_set:
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_SECRET] = vpn_params['psk_secret']
-    elif vpn_type.name in rsa_set:
-        cert_name = download_load_certs(ad,
-                                        vpn_params,
-                                        vpn_type,
-                                        vpn_server_addr,
-                                        ipsec_server_type,
-                                        log_path)
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_USER_CERT] = cert_name.split('.')[0]
-        ad.droid.installCertificate(vpn_profile, cert_name,
-                                    vpn_params['cert_password'])
-    else:
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.MPPE] = "mppe"
-    return vpn_profile
-def generate_ikev2_vpn_profile(ad, vpn_params, vpn_type, server_addr, log_path):
-    """Generate VPN profile for IKEv2 VPN.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        vpn_params: vpn params from config file.
-        vpn_type: ikev2 vpn type.
-        server_addr: vpn server addr.
-        log_path: log path to download cert.
-    Returns:
-        Vpn profile.
-    """
-    vpn_profile = {
-        VPN_CONST.TYPE: vpn_type.value,
-        VPN_CONST.SERVER: server_addr,
-    }
-    if vpn_type.name == "IKEV2_IPSEC_USER_PASS":
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.USER] = vpn_params["vpn_username"]
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.PWD] = vpn_params["vpn_password"]
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_ID] = vpn_params["vpn_identity"]
-        cert_name = download_load_certs(
-            ad, vpn_params, vpn_type, vpn_params["server_addr"],
-            "IKEV2_IPSEC_USER_PASS", log_path)
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_CA_CERT] = cert_name.split('.')[0]
-        ad.droid.installCertificate(
-            vpn_profile, cert_name, vpn_params['cert_password'])
-    elif vpn_type.name == "IKEV2_IPSEC_PSK":
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_ID] = vpn_params["vpn_identity"]
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_SECRET] = vpn_params["psk_secret"]
-    else:
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_ID] = "%s@%s" % (
-            vpn_params["vpn_identity"], server_addr)
-        logging.info("ID: %s@%s" % (vpn_params["vpn_identity"], server_addr))
-        cert_name = download_load_certs(
-            ad, vpn_params, vpn_type, vpn_params["server_addr"],
-            "IKEV2_IPSEC_RSA", log_path)
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_USER_CERT] = cert_name.split('.')[0]
-        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_CA_CERT] = cert_name.split('.')[0]
-        ad.droid.installCertificate(
-            vpn_profile, cert_name, vpn_params['cert_password'])
-    return vpn_profile
-def start_tcpdump(ad, test_name, interface="any"):
-    """Start tcpdump on all interfaces.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        test_name: tcpdump file name will have this
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Starting tcpdump on all interfaces")
-    ad.adb.shell("killall -9 tcpdump", ignore_status=True)
-    ad.adb.shell("mkdir %s" % TCPDUMP_PATH, ignore_status=True)
-    ad.adb.shell("rm -rf %s/*" % TCPDUMP_PATH, ignore_status=True)
-    file_name = "%s/tcpdump_%s_%s.pcap" % (TCPDUMP_PATH, ad.serial, test_name)
-    ad.log.info("tcpdump file is %s", file_name)
-    cmd = "adb -s {} shell tcpdump -i {} -s0 -w {}".format(ad.serial,
-                                                           interface, file_name)
-    try:
-        return start_standing_subprocess(cmd, 5)
-    except Exception:
-        ad.log.exception('Could not start standing process %s' % repr(cmd))
-    return None
-def stop_tcpdump(ad,
-                 proc,
-                 test_name,
-                 pull_dump=True,
-                 adb_pull_timeout=adb.DEFAULT_ADB_PULL_TIMEOUT):
-    """Stops tcpdump on any iface.
-       Pulls the tcpdump file in the tcpdump dir if necessary.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        proc: need to know which pid to stop
-        test_name: test name to save the tcpdump file
-        pull_dump: pull tcpdump file or not
-        adb_pull_timeout: timeout for adb_pull
-    Returns:
-      log_path of the tcpdump file
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Stopping and pulling tcpdump if any")
-    if proc is None:
-        return None
-    try:
-        stop_standing_subprocess(proc)
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.warning(e)
-    if pull_dump:
-        log_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, "TCPDUMP_%s" % ad.serial)
-        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
-        ad.adb.pull("%s/. %s" % (TCPDUMP_PATH, log_path),
-                    timeout=adb_pull_timeout)
-        ad.adb.shell("rm -rf %s/*" % TCPDUMP_PATH, ignore_status=True)
-        file_name = "tcpdump_%s_%s.pcap" % (ad.serial, test_name)
-        return "%s/%s" % (log_path, file_name)
-    return None
-def start_tcpdump_gce_server(ad, test_name, dest_port, gce):
-    """Start tcpdump on gce server.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-        test_name: test case name
-        dest_port: port to collect tcpdump
-        gce: dictionary of gce instance
-    Returns:
-       process id and pcap file path from gce server
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Starting tcpdump on gce server")
-    # pcap file name
-    fname = "/tmp/%s_%s_%s_%s" % \
-        (test_name, ad.model, ad.serial,
-         time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', time.localtime(time.time())))
-    # start tcpdump
-    tcpdump_cmd = "sudo bash -c \'tcpdump -i %s -w %s.pcap port %s > \
-        %s.txt 2>&1 & echo $!\'" % (gce["interface"], fname, dest_port, fname)
-    gcloud_ssh_cmd = "%s --project=%s --zone=%s %s@%s --command " % \
-        (GCE_SSH, gce["project"], gce["zone"], gce["username"], gce["hostname"])
-    gce_ssh_cmd = '%s "%s"' % (gcloud_ssh_cmd, tcpdump_cmd)
-    utils.exe_cmd(gce_ssh_cmd)
-    # get process id
-    ps_cmd = '%s "ps aux | grep tcpdump | grep %s"' % (gcloud_ssh_cmd, fname)
-    tcpdump_pid = utils.exe_cmd(ps_cmd).decode("utf-8", "ignore").split()
-    if not tcpdump_pid:
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to start tcpdump on gce server")
-    return tcpdump_pid[1], fname
-def stop_tcpdump_gce_server(ad, tcpdump_pid, fname, gce):
-    """Stop and pull tcpdump file from gce server.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-        tcpdump_pid: process id for tcpdump file
-        fname: tcpdump file path
-        gce: dictionary of gce instance
-    Returns:
-       pcap file from gce server
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Stop and pull pcap file from gce server")
-    # stop tcpdump
-    tcpdump_cmd = "sudo kill %s" % tcpdump_pid
-    gcloud_ssh_cmd = "%s --project=%s --zone=%s %s@%s --command " % \
-        (GCE_SSH, gce["project"], gce["zone"], gce["username"], gce["hostname"])
-    gce_ssh_cmd = '%s "%s"' % (gcloud_ssh_cmd, tcpdump_cmd)
-    utils.exe_cmd(gce_ssh_cmd)
-    # verify tcpdump is stopped
-    ps_cmd = '%s "ps aux | grep tcpdump"' % gcloud_ssh_cmd
-    res = utils.exe_cmd(ps_cmd).decode("utf-8", "ignore")
-    if tcpdump_pid in res.split():
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to stop tcpdump on gce server")
-    if not fname:
-        return None
-    # pull pcap file
-    gcloud_scp_cmd = "%s --project=%s --zone=%s %s@%s:" % \
-        (GCE_SCP, gce["project"], gce["zone"], gce["username"], gce["hostname"])
-    pull_file = '%s%s.pcap %s/' % (gcloud_scp_cmd, fname, ad.device_log_path)
-    utils.exe_cmd(pull_file)
-    if not os.path.exists(
-        "%s/%s.pcap" % (ad.device_log_path, fname.split('/')[-1])):
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to pull tcpdump from gce server")
-    # delete pcaps
-    utils.exe_cmd('%s "sudo rm %s.*"' % (gcloud_ssh_cmd, fname))
-    # return pcap file
-    pcap_file = "%s/%s.pcap" % (ad.device_log_path, fname.split('/')[-1])
-    return pcap_file
-def is_ipaddress_ipv6(ip_address):
-    """Verify if the given string is a valid IPv6 address.
-    Args:
-        ip_address: string containing the IP address
-    Returns:
-        True: if valid ipv6 address
-        False: if not
-    """
-    try:
-        socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip_address)
-        return True
-    except socket.error:
-        return False
-def set_cap_net_raw_capability():
-    """Set the CAP_NET_RAW capability
-    To send the Scapy packets, we need to get the CAP_NET_RAW capability first.
-    """
-    cap_net_raw = "sudo setcap cap_net_raw=eip $(readlink -f $(which act.py))"
-    utils.exe_cmd(cap_net_raw)
-    cap_python = "sudo setcap cap_net_raw=eip $(readlink -f $(which python))"
-    utils.exe_cmd(cap_python)
-def stop_usb_tethering(ad):
-    """Stop USB tethering.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Stopping USB Tethering")
-    ad.stop_services()
-    ad.adb.shell(USB_CHARGE_MODE)
-    ad.adb.wait_for_device()
-    ad.start_services()
-def wait_for_new_iface(old_ifaces):
-    """Wait for the new interface to come up.
-    Args:
-        old_ifaces: list of old interfaces
-    """
-    old_set = set(old_ifaces)
-    # Try 10 times to find a new interface with a 1s sleep every time
-    # (equivalent to a 9s timeout)
-    for _ in range(0, 10):
-        new_ifaces = set(get_if_list()) - old_set
-        asserts.assert_true(len(new_ifaces) < 2,
-                            "Too many new interfaces after turning on "
-                            "tethering")
-        if len(new_ifaces) == 1:
-            # enable the new iface before return
-            new_iface = new_ifaces.pop()
-            enable_iface(new_iface)
-            return new_iface
-        time.sleep(1)
-    asserts.fail("Timeout waiting for tethering interface on host")
-def get_if_list():
-    """Returns a list containing all network interfaces.
-    The newest version of Scapy.get_if_list() returns the cached interfaces,
-    which might be out-dated, and unable to perceive the interface changes.
-    Use this method when need to monitoring the network interfaces changes.
-    Reference: https://github.com/secdev/scapy/pull/2707
-    Returns:
-        A list of the latest network interfaces. For example:
-        ['cvd-ebr', ..., 'eno1', 'enx4afa19a8dde1', 'lo', 'wlxd03745d68d88']
-    """
-    from scapy.config import conf
-    from scapy.compat import plain_str
-    # Get ifconfig output
-    result = job.run([conf.prog.ifconfig])
-    if result.exit_status:
-        raise asserts.fail(
-            "Failed to execute ifconfig: {}".format(plain_str(result.stderr)))
-    interfaces = [
-        line[:line.find(':')] for line in plain_str(result.stdout).splitlines()
-        if ": flags" in line.lower()
-    ]
-    return interfaces
-def enable_hardware_offload(ad):
-    """Enable hardware offload using adb shell command.
-    Args:
-        ad: Android device object
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Enabling hardware offload.")
-    ad.adb.shell(ENABLE_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD, ignore_status=True)
-    ad.reboot()
-    time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_AFTER_REBOOT)
-def disable_hardware_offload(ad):
-    """Disable hardware offload using adb shell command.
-    Args:
-        ad: Android device object
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Disabling hardware offload.")
-    ad.adb.shell(DISABLE_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD, ignore_status=True)
-    ad.reboot()
-    time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_AFTER_REBOOT)
-def enable_iface(iface):
-    """Enable network interfaces.
-    Some network interface might disabled as default, need to enable before
-    using it.
-    Args:
-        iface: network interface that need to enable
-    """
-    from scapy.compat import plain_str
-    result = job.run("sudo ifconfig %s up" % (iface), ignore_status=True)
-    if result.exit_status:
-        raise asserts.fail(
-            "Failed to execute ifconfig: {}".format(plain_str(result.stderr)))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/nsd_const.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/nsd_const.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b53f23..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/nsd_const.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# NsdManager.RegistrationListener events
-REG_LISTENER_EVENT = "NsdRegistrationListener"
-# event type - using REG_LISTENER_CALLBACK
-# event data keys
-# NsdManager.DiscoveryListener events
-DISCOVERY_LISTENER_EVENT = "NsdDiscoveryListener"
-# event data keys
-# NsdManager.ResolveListener events
-RESOLVE_LISTENER_EVENT = "NsdResolveListener"
-# event data keys
-# NsdServiceInfo elements
-NSD_SERVICE_INFO_HOST = "serviceInfoHost"
-NSD_SERVICE_INFO_PORT = "serviceInfoPort"
-NSD_SERVICE_INFO_SERVICE_NAME = "serviceInfoServiceName"
-NSD_SERVICE_INFO_SERVICE_TYPE = "serviceInfoServiceType"
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/socket_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/socket_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd39f5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/socket_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import queue
-import threading
-import time
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconst
-from antlion import asserts
-MSG = "Test message "
-PKTS = 5
-""" Methods for android.system.Os based sockets """
-def open_android_socket(ad, domain, sock_type, ip, port):
-    """ Open TCP or UDP using android.system.Os class
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. domain - IPv4 or IPv6 type
-      3. sock_type - UDP or TCP socket
-      4. ip - IP addr on the device
-      5. port - open socket on port
-    Returns:
-      File descriptor key
-    """
-    fd_key = ad.droid.openSocket(domain, sock_type, ip, port)
-    ad.log.info("File descriptor: %s" % fd_key)
-    asserts.assert_true(fd_key, "Failed to open socket")
-    return fd_key
-def close_android_socket(ad, fd_key):
-    """ Close socket
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. fd_key - file descriptor key
-    """
-    status = ad.droid.closeSocket(fd_key)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to close socket")
-def listen_accept_android_socket(client, server, client_fd, server_fd,
-                                 server_ip, server_port):
-    """ Listen, accept TCP sockets
-    Args:
-      1. client : ad object for client device
-      2. server : ad object for server device
-      3. client_fd : client's socket handle
-      4. server_fd : server's socket handle
-      5. server_ip : send data to this IP
-      6. server_port : send data to this port
-    """
-    server.droid.listenSocket(server_fd)
-    client.droid.connectSocket(client_fd, server_ip, server_port)
-    sock = server.droid.acceptSocket(server_fd)
-    asserts.assert_true(sock, "Failed to accept socket")
-    return sock
-def send_recv_data_android_sockets(client, server, client_fd, server_fd,
-                                   server_ip, server_port):
-    """ Send TCP or UDP data over android os sockets from client to server.
-        Verify that server received the data.
-    Args:
-      1. client : ad object for client device
-      2. server : ad object for server device
-      3. client_fd : client's socket handle
-      4. server_fd : server's socket handle
-      5. server_ip : send data to this IP
-      6. server_port : send data to this port
-    """
-    send_list = []
-    recv_list = []
-    for _ in range(1, PKTS + 1):
-        msg = MSG + " %s" % _
-        send_list.append(msg)
-        client.log.info("Sending message: %s" % msg)
-        client.droid.sendDataOverSocket(server_ip, server_port, msg, client_fd)
-        recv_msg = server.droid.recvDataOverSocket(server_fd)
-        server.log.info("Received message: %s" % recv_msg)
-        recv_list.append(recv_msg)
-    recv_list = [x.rstrip('\x00') if x else x for x in recv_list]
-    asserts.assert_true(send_list and recv_list and send_list == recv_list,
-                        "Send and recv information is incorrect")
-""" Methods for java.net.DatagramSocket based sockets """
-def open_datagram_socket(ad, ip, port):
-    """ Open datagram socket
-    Args:
-      1. ad : android device object
-      2. ip : IP addr on the device
-      3. port : socket port
-    Returns:
-      Hash key of the datagram socket
-    """
-    socket_key = ad.droid.openDatagramSocket(ip, port)
-    ad.log.info("Datagram socket: %s" % socket_key)
-    asserts.assert_true(socket_key, "Failed to open datagram socket")
-    return socket_key
-def close_datagram_socket(ad, socket_key):
-    """ Close datagram socket
-    Args:
-      1. socket_key : hash key of datagram socket
-    """
-    status = ad.droid.closeDatagramSocket(socket_key)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to close datagram socket")
-def send_recv_data_datagram_sockets(client, server, client_sock, server_sock,
-                                    server_ip, server_port):
-    """ Send data over datagram socket from dut_a to dut_b.
-        Verify that dut_b received the data.
-    Args:
-      1. client : ad object for client device
-      2. server : ad object for server device
-      3. client_sock : client's socket handle
-      4. server_sock : server's socket handle
-      5. server_ip : send data to this IP
-      6. server_port : send data to this port
-    """
-    send_list = []
-    recv_list = []
-    for _ in range(1, PKTS + 1):
-        msg = MSG + " %s" % _
-        send_list.append(msg)
-        client.log.info("Sending message: %s" % msg)
-        client.droid.sendDataOverDatagramSocket(client_sock, msg, server_ip,
-                                                server_port)
-        recv_msg = server.droid.recvDataOverDatagramSocket(server_sock)
-        server.log.info("Received message: %s" % recv_msg)
-        recv_list.append(recv_msg)
-    recv_list = [x.rstrip('\x00') if x else x for x in recv_list]
-    asserts.assert_true(send_list and recv_list and send_list == recv_list,
-                        "Send and recv information is incorrect")
-""" Utils methods for java.net.Socket based sockets """
-def _accept_socket(server, server_ip, server_port, server_sock, q):
-    sock = server.droid.acceptTcpSocket(server_sock)
-    server.log.info("Server socket: %s" % sock)
-    q.put(sock)
-def _client_socket(client, server_ip, server_port, client_ip, client_port, q):
-    time.sleep(0.5)
-    sock = client.droid.openTcpSocket(server_ip, server_port, client_ip,
-                                      client_port)
-    client.log.info("Client socket: %s" % sock)
-    q.put(sock)
-def open_connect_socket(client, server, client_ip, server_ip, client_port,
-                        server_port, server_sock):
-    """ Open tcp socket and connect to server
-    Args:
-      1. client : ad object for client device
-      2. server : ad object for server device
-      3. client_ip : client's socket handle
-      4. server_ip : send data to this IP
-      5. client_port : port on client socket
-      6. server_port : port on server socket
-      7. server_sock : server socket
-    Returns:
-      client and server socket from successful connect
-    """
-    sq = queue.Queue()
-    cq = queue.Queue()
-    s = threading.Thread(target=_accept_socket,
-                         args=(server, server_ip, server_port, server_sock,
-                               sq))
-    c = threading.Thread(target=_client_socket,
-                         args=(client, server_ip, server_port, client_ip,
-                               client_port, cq))
-    s.start()
-    c.start()
-    c.join()
-    s.join()
-    client_sock = cq.get()
-    server_sock = sq.get()
-    asserts.assert_true(client_sock and server_sock, "Failed to open sockets")
-    return client_sock, server_sock
-def open_server_socket(server, server_ip, server_port):
-    """ Open tcp server socket
-    Args:
-      1. server : ad object for server device
-      2. server_ip : send data to this IP
-      3. server_port : send data to this port
-    """
-    sock = server.droid.openTcpServerSocket(server_ip, server_port)
-    server.log.info("Server Socket: %s" % sock)
-    asserts.assert_true(sock, "Failed to open server socket")
-    return sock
-def close_socket(ad, socket):
-    """ Close socket
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. socket - socket key
-    """
-    status = ad.droid.closeTcpSocket(socket)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to socket")
-def close_server_socket(ad, socket):
-    """ Close server socket
-    Args:
-      1. ad - android device object
-      2. socket - server socket key
-    """
-    status = ad.droid.closeTcpServerSocket(socket)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to socket")
-def shutdown_socket(ad, socket):
-    """ Shutdown socket
-    Args:
-      1. ad - androidandroid device object
-      2. socket - socket key
-    """
-    fd = ad.droid.getFileDescriptorOfSocket(socket)
-    asserts.assert_true(fd, "Failed to get FileDescriptor key")
-    status = ad.droid.shutdownFileDescriptor(fd)
-    asserts.assert_true(status, "Failed to shutdown socket")
-def send_recv_data_sockets(client, server, client_sock, server_sock):
-    """ Send data over TCP socket from client to server.
-        Verify that server received the data
-    Args:
-      1. client : ad object for client device
-      2. server : ad object for server device
-      3. client_sock : client's socket handle
-      4. server_sock : server's socket handle
-    """
-    send_list = []
-    recv_list = []
-    for _ in range(1, PKTS + 1):
-        msg = MSG + " %s" % _
-        send_list.append(msg)
-        client.log.info("Sending message: %s" % msg)
-        client.droid.sendDataOverTcpSocket(client_sock, msg)
-        recv_msg = server.droid.recvDataOverTcpSocket(server_sock)
-        server.log.info("Received message: %s" % recv_msg)
-        recv_list.append(recv_msg)
-    recv_list = [x.rstrip('\x00') if x else x for x in recv_list]
-    asserts.assert_true(send_list and recv_list and send_list == recv_list,
-                        "Send and recv information is incorrect")
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/ui_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/ui_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 03aa6c5..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/net/ui_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-"""Utils for adb-based UI operations."""
-import collections
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from xml.dom import minidom
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib.errors import AndroidDeviceError
-class Point(collections.namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return '{x},{y}'.format(x=self.x, y=self.y)
-class Bounds(collections.namedtuple('Bounds', ['start', 'end'])):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return '[{start}][{end}]'.format(start=str(self.start), end=str(self.end))
-  def calculate_middle_point(self):
-    return Point((self.start.x + self.end.x) // 2,
-                 (self.start.y + self.end.y) // 2)
-def get_key_value_pair_strings(kv_pairs):
-  return ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (k, v) for k, v in kv_pairs.items()])
-def parse_bound(bounds_string):
-  """Parse UI bound string.
-  Args:
-    bounds_string: string, In the format of the UI element bound.
-                   e.g '[0,0][1080,2160]'
-  Returns:
-    Bounds, The bound of UI element.
-  """
-  bounds_pattern = re.compile(r'\[(\d+),(\d+)\]\[(\d+),(\d+)\]')
-  points = bounds_pattern.match(bounds_string).groups()
-  points = list(map(int, points))
-  return Bounds(Point(*points[:2]), Point(*points[-2:]))
-def _find_point_in_bounds(bounds_string):
-  """Finds a point that resides within the given bounds.
-  Args:
-    bounds_string: string, In the format of the UI element bound.
-  Returns:
-    A tuple of integers, representing X and Y coordinates of a point within
-    the given boundary.
-  """
-  return parse_bound(bounds_string).calculate_middle_point()
-def get_screen_dump_xml(device):
-  """Gets an XML dump of the current device screen.
-  This only works when there is no instrumentation process running. A running
-  instrumentation process will disrupt calls for `adb shell uiautomator dump`.
-  Args:
-    device: AndroidDevice object.
-  Returns:
-    XML Document of the screen dump.
-  """
-  os.makedirs(device.log_path, exist_ok=True)
-  device.adb.shell('uiautomator dump')
-  device.adb.pull('/sdcard/window_dump.xml %s' % device.log_path)
-  return minidom.parse('%s/window_dump.xml' % device.log_path)
-def match_node(node, **matcher):
-  """Determine if a mode matches with the given matcher.
-  Args:
-    node: Is a XML node to be checked against matcher.
-    **matcher: Is a dict representing mobly AdbUiDevice matchers.
-  Returns:
-    True if all matchers match the given node.
-  """
-  match_list = []
-  for k, v in matcher.items():
-    if k == 'class_name':
-      key = k.replace('class_name', 'class')
-    elif k == 'text_contains':
-      key = k.replace('text_contains', 'text')
-    else:
-      key = k.replace('_', '-')
-    try:
-      if k == 'text_contains':
-        match_list.append(v in node.attributes[key].value)
-      else:
-        match_list.append(node.attributes[key].value == v)
-    except KeyError:
-      match_list.append(False)
-  return all(match_list)
-def _find_node(screen_dump_xml, **kwargs):
-  """Finds an XML node from an XML DOM.
-  Args:
-    screen_dump_xml: XML doc, parsed from adb ui automator dump.
-    **kwargs: key/value pairs to match in an XML node's attributes. Value of
-      each key has to be string type. Below lists keys which can be used:
-        index
-        text
-        text_contains (matching a part of text attribute)
-        resource_id
-        class_name (representing "class" attribute)
-        package
-        content_desc
-        checkable
-        checked
-        clickable
-        enabled
-        focusable
-        focused
-        scrollable
-        long_clickable
-        password
-        selected
-        A special key/value: matching_node key is used to identify If more than one nodes have the same key/value,
-            the matching_node stands for which matching node should be fetched.
-  Returns:
-    XML node of the UI element or None if not found.
-  """
-  nodes = screen_dump_xml.getElementsByTagName('node')
-  matching_node = kwargs.pop('matching_node', 1)
-  count = 1
-  for node in nodes:
-    if match_node(node, **kwargs):
-      if count == matching_node:
-        logging.debug('Found a node matching conditions: %s',
-                      get_key_value_pair_strings(kwargs))
-        return node
-      count += 1
-  return None
-def wait_and_get_xml_node(device, timeout, child=None, sibling=None, **kwargs):
-  """Waits for a node to appear and return it.
-  Args:
-    device: AndroidDevice object.
-    timeout: float, The number of seconds to wait for before giving up.
-    child: dict, a dict contains child XML node's attributes. It is extra set of
-      conditions to match an XML node that is under the XML node which is found
-      by **kwargs.
-    sibling: dict, a dict contains sibling XML node's attributes. It is extra
-      set of conditions to match an XML node that is under parent of the XML
-      node which is found by **kwargs.
-    **kwargs: Key/value pairs to match in an XML node's attributes.
-  Returns:
-    The XML node of the UI element.
-  Raises:
-    AndroidDeviceError: if the UI element does not appear on screen within
-    timeout or extra sets of conditions of child and sibling are used in a call.
-  """
-  if child and sibling:
-    raise AndroidDeviceError(
-        device, 'Only use one extra set of conditions: child or sibling.')
-  start_time = time.time()
-  threshold = start_time + timeout
-  while time.time() < threshold:
-    time.sleep(1)
-    screen_dump_xml = get_screen_dump_xml(device)
-    node = _find_node(screen_dump_xml, **kwargs)
-    if node and child:
-      node = _find_node(node, **child)
-    if node and sibling:
-      node = _find_node(node.parentNode, **sibling)
-    if node:
-      return node
-  msg = ('Timed out after %ds waiting for UI node matching conditions: %s.'
-         % (timeout, get_key_value_pair_strings(kwargs)))
-  if child:
-    msg = ('%s extra conditions: %s'
-           % (msg, get_key_value_pair_strings(child)))
-  if sibling:
-    msg = ('%s extra conditions: %s'
-           % (msg, get_key_value_pair_strings(sibling)))
-  raise AndroidDeviceError(device, msg)
-def has_element(device, **kwargs):
-  """Checks a UI element whether appears or not in the current screen.
-  Args:
-    device: AndroidDevice object.
-    **kwargs: Key/value pairs to match in an XML node's attributes.
-  Returns:
-    True if the UI element appears in the current screen else False.
-  """
-  timeout_sec = kwargs.pop('timeout', 30)
-  try:
-    wait_and_get_xml_node(device, timeout_sec, **kwargs)
-    return True
-  except AndroidDeviceError:
-    return False
-def get_element_attributes(device, **kwargs):
-  """Gets a UI element's all attributes.
-  Args:
-    device: AndroidDevice object.
-    **kwargs: Key/value pairs to match in an XML node's attributes.
-  Returns:
-    XML Node Attributes.
-  """
-  timeout_sec = kwargs.pop('timeout', 30)
-  node = wait_and_get_xml_node(device, timeout_sec, **kwargs)
-  return node.attributes
-def wait_and_click(device, duration_ms=None, **kwargs):
-  """Wait for a UI element to appear and click on it.
-  This function locates a UI element on the screen by matching attributes of
-  nodes in XML DOM, calculates a point's coordinates within the boundary of the
-  element, and clicks on the point marked by the coordinates.
-  Args:
-    device: AndroidDevice object.
-    duration_ms: int, The number of milliseconds to long-click.
-    **kwargs: A set of `key=value` parameters that identifies a UI element.
-  """
-  timeout_sec = kwargs.pop('timeout', 30)
-  button_node = wait_and_get_xml_node(device, timeout_sec, **kwargs)
-  x, y = _find_point_in_bounds(button_node.attributes['bounds'].value)
-  args = []
-  if duration_ms is None:
-    args = 'input tap %s %s' % (str(x), str(y))
-  else:
-    # Long click.
-    args = 'input swipe %s %s %s %s %s' % \
-        (str(x), str(y), str(x), str(y), str(duration_ms))
-  device.adb.shell(args)
-def wait_and_input_text(device, input_text, duration_ms=None, **kwargs):
-  """Wait for a UI element text field that can accept text entry.
-  This function located a UI element using wait_and_click. Once the element is
-  clicked, the text is input into the text field.
-  Args:
-    device: AndroidDevice, Mobly's Android controller object.
-    input_text: Text string to be entered in to the text field.
-    duration_ms: duration in milliseconds.
-    **kwargs: A set of `key=value` parameters that identifies a UI element.
-  """
-  wait_and_click(device, duration_ms, **kwargs)
-  # Replace special characters.
-  # The command "input text <string>" requires special treatment for
-  # characters ' ' and '&'.  They need to be escaped. for example:
-  #    "hello world!!&" needs to transform to "hello\ world!!\&"
-  special_chars = ' &'
-  for c in special_chars:
-    input_text = input_text.replace(c, '\\%s' % c)
-  input_text = "'" + input_text + "'"
-  args = 'input text %s' % input_text
-  device.adb.shell(args)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/users/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/users/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/users/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index 07df00d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/users/users.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Defines utilities that can be used to create android user account
-import re
-import time
-import logging as log
-def get_all_users(android_device):
-    all_users = {}
-    out = android_device.adb.shell("pm list users")
-    for user in re.findall("UserInfo{(.*\d*\w):", out):
-        all = user.split(":")
-        all_users[all[1]] = all_users.get(all[1], all[0])
-    return all_users
-def create_new_user(android_device, user_name):
-    out = android_device.adb.shell("pm create-user {}".format(user_name))
-    return re.search("Success(.* (.*\d))", out).group(2)
-def switch_user(android_device, user_id):
-    prev_user = get_current_user(android_device)
-    android_device.adb.shell("am switch-user {}".format(user_id))
-    if not _wait_for_user_to_take_place(android_device, prev_user):
-        log.error("Failed to successfully switch user {}".format(user_id))
-        return False
-    return True
-def remove_user(android_device, user_id):
-    return "Success" in android_device.adb.shell("pm remove-user {}".format(user_id))
-def get_current_user(android_device):
-    out = android_device.adb.shell("dumpsys activity")
-    result = re.search("mCurrentUserId:(\d+)", out)
-    return result.group(1)
-def _wait_for_user_to_take_place(android_device, user_id, timeout=10):
-    start_time = time.time()
-    while (start_time + timeout) > time.time():
-        time.sleep(1)
-        if user_id != get_current_user(android_device):
-            return True
-    return False
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/RttPostFlightTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/RttPostFlightTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ee03ad0..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/RttPostFlightTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.rpm_controller_utils as rutils
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-class RttPostFlightTest(WifiBaseTest):
-    """Turns off 802.11mc AP after RTT tests."""
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
-        required_params = ["rpm_ip", "rpm_port"]
-        self.unpack_userparams(req_param_names=required_params)
-        self.rpm_telnet = rutils.create_telnet_session(self.rpm_ip)
-    ### Tests ###
-    def test_turn_off_80211mc_ap(self):
-        self.rpm_telnet.turn_off(self.rpm_port)
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < curr_time + TIMEOUT:
-            time.sleep(WAIT_TIME)
-            if not wutils.start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(
-                self.dut, SSID):
-                return True
-        self.log.error("Failed to turn off AP")
-        return False
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/RttPreFlightTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/RttPreFlightTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f0688cd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/RttPreFlightTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.rpm_controller_utils as rutils
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-class RttPreFlightTest(WifiBaseTest):
-    """Turns on/off 802.11mc AP before and after RTT tests."""
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
-        required_params = ["rpm_ip", "rpm_port"]
-        self.unpack_userparams(req_param_names=required_params)
-        self.rpm_telnet = rutils.create_telnet_session(self.rpm_ip)
-    ### Tests ###
-    def test_turn_on_80211mc_ap(self):
-        self.rpm_telnet.turn_on(self.rpm_port)
-        curr_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < curr_time + TIMEOUT:
-            time.sleep(WAIT_TIME)
-            if wutils.start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(
-                self.dut, SSID):
-                return True
-        self.log.error("Failed to turn on AP")
-        return False
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/WifiBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/WifiBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 36a8a3d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/WifiBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,988 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-    Base Class for Defining Common WiFi Test Functionality
-import copy
-import os
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_ap_preset
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_bss_settings
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import net_test_utils as nutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from mobly.base_test import STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_CLASS
-WifiEnums = wutils.WifiEnums
-AP_1 = 0
-AP_2 = 1
-class WifiBaseTest(BaseTestClass):
-    def __init__(self, configs):
-        super().__init__(configs)
-        self.enable_packet_log = False
-        self.packet_log_2g = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G
-        self.packet_log_5g = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        self.packet_log_pid = {}
-    def setup_class(self):
-        if hasattr(self, 'attenuators') and self.attenuators:
-            for attenuator in self.attenuators:
-                attenuator.set_atten(0)
-        opt_param = ["pixel_models", "cnss_diag_file", "country_code_file"]
-        self.unpack_userparams(opt_param_names=opt_param)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file"):
-            if isinstance(self.cnss_diag_file, list):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = self.cnss_diag_file[0]
-            if not os.path.isfile(self.cnss_diag_file):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = os.path.join(
-                    self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value],
-                    self.cnss_diag_file)
-        if self.enable_packet_log and hasattr(self, "packet_capture"):
-            self.packet_logger = self.packet_capture[0]
-            self.packet_logger.configure_monitor_mode("2G", self.packet_log_2g)
-            self.packet_logger.configure_monitor_mode("5G", self.packet_log_5g)
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                wutils.wifi_test_device_init(ad)
-                if hasattr(self, "country_code_file"):
-                    if isinstance(self.country_code_file, list):
-                        self.country_code_file = self.country_code_file[0]
-                    if not os.path.isfile(self.country_code_file):
-                        self.country_code_file = os.path.join(
-                            self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value],
-                            self.country_code_file)
-                    self.country_code = utils.load_config(
-                        self.country_code_file)["country"]
-                else:
-                    self.country_code = WifiEnums.CountryCode.US
-                wutils.set_wifi_country_code(ad, self.country_code)
-    def setup_test(self):
-        if (hasattr(self, "android_devices")
-                and hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file")
-                and hasattr(self, "pixel_models")):
-            wutils.start_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.cnss_diag_file,
-                                    self.pixel_models)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                proc = nutils.start_tcpdump(ad, self.test_name)
-                self.tcpdump_proc.append((ad, proc))
-        if hasattr(self, "packet_logger"):
-            self.packet_log_pid = wutils.start_pcap(self.packet_logger, 'dual',
-                                                    self.test_name)
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        if (hasattr(self, "android_devices")
-                and hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file")
-                and hasattr(self, "pixel_models")):
-            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-            for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-                nutils.stop_tcpdump(proc[0],
-                                    proc[1],
-                                    self.test_name,
-                                    pull_dump=False)
-            self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        if hasattr(self, "packet_logger") and self.packet_log_pid:
-            wutils.stop_pcap(self.packet_logger,
-                             self.packet_log_pid,
-                             test_status=True)
-            self.packet_log_pid = {}
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        begin_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
-        super().teardown_class()
-        for device in getattr(self, "fuchsia_devices", []):
-            device.take_bug_report(STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_CLASS, begin_time)
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-                ad.cat_adb_log(test_name, begin_time)
-                wutils.get_ssrdumps(ad)
-            if (hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file")
-                    and hasattr(self, "pixel_models")):
-                wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-                for ad in self.android_devices:
-                    wutils.get_cnss_diag_log(ad)
-            for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-                nutils.stop_tcpdump(proc[0], proc[1], self.test_name)
-            self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        if hasattr(self, "packet_logger") and self.packet_log_pid:
-            wutils.stop_pcap(self.packet_logger,
-                             self.packet_log_pid,
-                             test_status=False)
-            self.packet_log_pid = {}
-        # Gets a wlan_device log and calls the generic device fail on DUT.
-        for device in getattr(self, "fuchsia_devices", []):
-            self.on_device_fail(device, test_name, begin_time)
-    def on_device_fail(self, device, test_name, begin_time):
-        """Gets a generic device DUT bug report.
-        This method takes a bug report if the device has the
-        'take_bug_report_on_fail' config value, and if the flag is true. This
-        method also power cycles if 'hard_reboot_on_fail' is True.
-        Args:
-            device: Generic device to gather logs from.
-            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
-            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
-        """
-        if (not hasattr(device, "take_bug_report_on_fail")
-                or device.take_bug_report_on_fail):
-            device.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-        if hasattr(device,
-                   "hard_reboot_on_fail") and device.hard_reboot_on_fail:
-            device.reboot(reboot_type='hard', testbed_pdus=self.pdu_devices)
-    def download_ap_logs(self):
-        """Downloads the DHCP and hostapad logs from the access_point.
-        Using the current TestClassContext and TestCaseContext this method pulls
-        the DHCP and hostapd logs and outputs them to the correct path.
-        """
-        current_path = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
-        dhcp_full_out_path = os.path.join(current_path, "dhcp_log.txt")
-        dhcp_log = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
-        if dhcp_log:
-            dhcp_log_file = open(dhcp_full_out_path, 'w')
-            dhcp_log_file.write(dhcp_log)
-            dhcp_log_file.close()
-        hostapd_logs = self.access_point.get_hostapd_logs()
-        for interface in hostapd_logs:
-            out_name = interface + "_hostapd_log.txt"
-            hostapd_full_out_path = os.path.join(current_path, out_name)
-            hostapd_log_file = open(hostapd_full_out_path, 'w')
-            hostapd_log_file.write(hostapd_logs[interface])
-            hostapd_log_file.close()
-    def get_psk_network(
-            self,
-            mirror_ap,
-            reference_networks,
-            hidden=False,
-            same_ssid=False,
-            security_mode=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-            ssid_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
-            ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
-            passphrase_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G,
-            passphrase_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_5G):
-        """Generates SSID and passphrase for a WPA2 network using random
-           generator.
-           Args:
-               mirror_ap: Boolean, determines if both APs use the same hostapd
-                          config or different configs.
-               reference_networks: List of PSK networks.
-               same_ssid: Boolean, determines if both bands on AP use the same
-                          SSID.
-               ssid_length_2gecond AP Int, number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
-               ssid_length_5g: Int, number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
-               passphrase_length_2g: Int, length of password for 2G network.
-               passphrase_length_5g: Int, length of password for 5G network.
-           Returns: A dict of 2G and 5G network lists for hostapd configuration.
-        """
-        network_dict_2g = {}
-        network_dict_5g = {}
-        ref_5g_security = security_mode
-        ref_2g_security = security_mode
-        if same_ssid:
-            ref_2g_ssid = 'xg_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)
-            ref_5g_ssid = ref_2g_ssid
-            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_ascii_str(passphrase_length_2g)
-            ref_5g_passphrase = ref_2g_passphrase
-        else:
-            ref_2g_ssid = '2g_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)
-            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_ascii_str(passphrase_length_2g)
-            ref_5g_ssid = '5g_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_5g)
-            ref_5g_passphrase = utils.rand_ascii_str(passphrase_length_5g)
-        network_dict_2g = {
-            "SSID": ref_2g_ssid,
-            "security": ref_2g_security,
-            "password": ref_2g_passphrase,
-            "hiddenSSID": hidden
-        }
-        network_dict_5g = {
-            "SSID": ref_5g_ssid,
-            "security": ref_5g_security,
-            "password": ref_5g_passphrase,
-            "hiddenSSID": hidden
-        }
-        ap = 0
-        for ap in range(MAX_AP_COUNT):
-            reference_networks.append({
-                "2g": copy.copy(network_dict_2g),
-                "5g": copy.copy(network_dict_5g)
-            })
-            if not mirror_ap:
-                break
-        return {"2g": network_dict_2g, "5g": network_dict_5g}
-    def get_open_network(self,
-                         mirror_ap,
-                         open_network,
-                         hidden=False,
-                         same_ssid=False,
-                         ssid_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
-                         ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
-                         security_mode='none'):
-        """Generates SSIDs for a open network using a random generator.
-        Args:
-            mirror_ap: Boolean, determines if both APs use the same hostapd
-                       config or different configs.
-            open_network: List of open networks.
-            same_ssid: Boolean, determines if both bands on AP use the same
-                       SSID.
-            ssid_length_2g: Int, number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
-            ssid_length_5g: Int, number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
-            security_mode: 'none' for open and 'OWE' for WPA3 OWE.
-        Returns: A dict of 2G and 5G network lists for hostapd configuration.
-        """
-        network_dict_2g = {}
-        network_dict_5g = {}
-        if same_ssid:
-            open_2g_ssid = 'xg_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)
-            open_5g_ssid = open_2g_ssid
-        else:
-            open_2g_ssid = '2g_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)
-            open_5g_ssid = '5g_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_5g)
-        network_dict_2g = {
-            "SSID": open_2g_ssid,
-            "security": security_mode,
-            "hiddenSSID": hidden
-        }
-        network_dict_5g = {
-            "SSID": open_5g_ssid,
-            "security": security_mode,
-            "hiddenSSID": hidden
-        }
-        ap = 0
-        for ap in range(MAX_AP_COUNT):
-            open_network.append({
-                "2g": copy.copy(network_dict_2g),
-                "5g": copy.copy(network_dict_5g)
-            })
-            if not mirror_ap:
-                break
-        return {"2g": network_dict_2g, "5g": network_dict_5g}
-    def get_wep_network(
-            self,
-            mirror_ap,
-            networks,
-            hidden=False,
-            same_ssid=False,
-            ssid_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
-            ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
-            passphrase_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G,
-            passphrase_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_5G):
-        """Generates SSID and passphrase for a WEP network using random
-           generator.
-           Args:
-               mirror_ap: Boolean, determines if both APs use the same hostapd
-                          config or different configs.
-               networks: List of WEP networks.
-               same_ssid: Boolean, determines if both bands on AP use the same
-                          SSID.
-               ssid_length_2gecond AP Int, number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
-               ssid_length_5g: Int, number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
-               passphrase_length_2g: Int, length of password for 2G network.
-               passphrase_length_5g: Int, length of password for 5G network.
-           Returns: A dict of 2G and 5G network lists for hostapd configuration.
-        """
-        network_dict_2g = {}
-        network_dict_5g = {}
-        ref_5g_security = hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING
-        ref_2g_security = hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING
-        if same_ssid:
-            ref_2g_ssid = 'xg_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)
-            ref_5g_ssid = ref_2g_ssid
-            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_hex_str(passphrase_length_2g)
-            ref_5g_passphrase = ref_2g_passphrase
-        else:
-            ref_2g_ssid = '2g_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_2g)
-            ref_2g_passphrase = utils.rand_hex_str(passphrase_length_2g)
-            ref_5g_ssid = '5g_%s' % utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length_5g)
-            ref_5g_passphrase = utils.rand_hex_str(passphrase_length_5g)
-        network_dict_2g = {
-            "SSID": ref_2g_ssid,
-            "security": ref_2g_security,
-            "wepKeys": [ref_2g_passphrase] * 4,
-            "hiddenSSID": hidden
-        }
-        network_dict_5g = {
-            "SSID": ref_5g_ssid,
-            "security": ref_5g_security,
-            "wepKeys": [ref_2g_passphrase] * 4,
-            "hiddenSSID": hidden
-        }
-        ap = 0
-        for ap in range(MAX_AP_COUNT):
-            networks.append({
-                "2g": copy.copy(network_dict_2g),
-                "5g": copy.copy(network_dict_5g)
-            })
-            if not mirror_ap:
-                break
-        return {"2g": network_dict_2g, "5g": network_dict_5g}
-    def update_bssid(self, ap_instance, ap, network, band):
-        """Get bssid and update network dictionary.
-        Args:
-            ap_instance: Accesspoint index that was configured.
-            ap: Accesspoint object corresponding to ap_instance.
-            network: Network dictionary.
-            band: Wifi networks' band.
-        """
-        bssid = ap.get_bssid_from_ssid(network["SSID"], band)
-        if network["security"] == hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING:
-            # TODO:(bamahadev) Change all occurances of reference_networks
-            # to wpa_networks.
-            self.reference_networks[ap_instance][band]["bssid"] = bssid
-        if network["security"] == hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING:
-            self.wpa_networks[ap_instance][band]["bssid"] = bssid
-        if network["security"] == hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING:
-            self.wep_networks[ap_instance][band]["bssid"] = bssid
-        if network["security"] == hostapd_constants.ENT_STRING:
-            if "bssid" not in self.ent_networks[ap_instance][band]:
-                self.ent_networks[ap_instance][band]["bssid"] = bssid
-            else:
-                self.ent_networks_pwd[ap_instance][band]["bssid"] = bssid
-        if network["security"] == 'none':
-            self.open_network[ap_instance][band]["bssid"] = bssid
-    def populate_bssid(self, ap_instance, ap, networks_5g, networks_2g):
-        """Get bssid for a given SSID and add it to the network dictionary.
-        Args:
-            ap_instance: Accesspoint index that was configured.
-            ap: Accesspoint object corresponding to ap_instance.
-            networks_5g: List of 5g networks configured on the APs.
-            networks_2g: List of 2g networks configured on the APs.
-        """
-        if not (networks_5g or networks_2g):
-            return
-        for network in networks_5g:
-            if 'channel' in network:
-                continue
-            self.update_bssid(ap_instance, ap, network,
-                              hostapd_constants.BAND_5G)
-        for network in networks_2g:
-            if 'channel' in network:
-                continue
-            self.update_bssid(ap_instance, ap, network,
-                              hostapd_constants.BAND_2G)
-    def configure_openwrt_ap_and_start(
-            self,
-            channel_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-            channel_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-            channel_5g_ap2=None,
-            channel_2g_ap2=None,
-            ssid_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
-            passphrase_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G,
-            ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
-            passphrase_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_5G,
-            mirror_ap=False,
-            hidden=False,
-            same_ssid=False,
-            open_network=False,
-            wpa1_network=False,
-            wpa_network=False,
-            wep_network=False,
-            ent_network=False,
-            ent_network_pwd=False,
-            owe_network=False,
-            sae_network=False,
-            saemixed_network=False,
-            radius_conf_2g=None,
-            radius_conf_5g=None,
-            radius_conf_pwd=None,
-            ap_count=1,
-            ieee80211w=None):
-        """Create, configure and start OpenWrt AP.
-        Args:
-            channel_5g: 5G channel to configure.
-            channel_2g: 2G channel to configure.
-            channel_5g_ap2: 5G channel to configure on AP2.
-            channel_2g_ap2: 2G channel to configure on AP2.
-            ssid_length_2g: Int, number of characters to use for 2G SSID.
-            passphrase_length_2g: Int, length of password for 2G network.
-            ssid_length_5g: Int, number of characters to use for 5G SSID.
-            passphrase_length_5g: Int, length of password for 5G network.
-            same_ssid: Boolean, determines if both bands on AP use the same SSID.
-            open_network: Boolean, to check if open network should be configured.
-            wpa_network: Boolean, to check if wpa network should be configured.
-            wep_network: Boolean, to check if wep network should be configured.
-            ent_network: Boolean, to check if ent network should be configured.
-            ent_network_pwd: Boolean, to check if ent pwd network should be configured.
-            owe_network: Boolean, to check if owe network should be configured.
-            sae_network: Boolean, to check if sae network should be configured.
-            saemixed_network: Boolean, to check if saemixed network should be configured.
-            radius_conf_2g: dictionary with enterprise radius server details.
-            radius_conf_5g: dictionary with enterprise radius server details.
-            radius_conf_pwd: dictionary with enterprise radiuse server details.
-            ap_count: APs to configure.
-            ieee80211w:PMF to configure
-        """
-        if mirror_ap and ap_count == 1:
-            raise ValueError("ap_count cannot be 1 if mirror_ap is True.")
-        if (channel_5g_ap2 or channel_2g_ap2) and ap_count == 1:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "ap_count cannot be 1 if channels of AP2 are provided.")
-        # we are creating a channel list for 2G and 5G bands. The list is of
-        # size 2 and this is based on the assumption that each testbed will have
-        # at most 2 APs.
-        if not channel_5g_ap2:
-            channel_5g_ap2 = channel_5g
-        if not channel_2g_ap2:
-            channel_2g_ap2 = channel_2g
-        channels_2g = [channel_2g, channel_2g_ap2]
-        channels_5g = [channel_5g, channel_5g_ap2]
-        self.reference_networks = []
-        self.wpa1_networks = []
-        self.wpa_networks = []
-        self.wep_networks = []
-        self.ent_networks = []
-        self.ent_networks_pwd = []
-        self.open_network = []
-        self.owe_networks = []
-        self.sae_networks = []
-        self.saemixed_networks = []
-        self.bssid_map = []
-        for i in range(ap_count):
-            network_list = []
-            if wpa1_network:
-                wpa1_dict = self.get_psk_network(mirror_ap, self.wpa1_networks,
-                                                 hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                 ssid_length_2g,
-                                                 ssid_length_5g,
-                                                 passphrase_length_2g,
-                                                 passphrase_length_5g)
-                wpa1_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["security"] = "psk"
-                wpa1_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["security"] = "psk"
-                wpa1_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["ieee80211w"] = ieee80211w
-                wpa1_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["ieee80211w"] = ieee80211w
-                self.wpa1_networks.append(wpa1_dict)
-                network_list.append(wpa1_dict)
-            if wpa_network:
-                wpa_dict = self.get_psk_network(mirror_ap,
-                                                self.reference_networks,
-                                                hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                ssid_length_2g, ssid_length_5g,
-                                                passphrase_length_2g,
-                                                passphrase_length_5g)
-                wpa_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["security"] = "psk2"
-                wpa_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["security"] = "psk2"
-                wpa_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["ieee80211w"] = ieee80211w
-                wpa_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["ieee80211w"] = ieee80211w
-                self.wpa_networks.append(wpa_dict)
-                network_list.append(wpa_dict)
-            if wep_network:
-                wep_dict = self.get_wep_network(mirror_ap, self.wep_networks,
-                                                hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                ssid_length_2g, ssid_length_5g)
-                network_list.append(wep_dict)
-            if ent_network:
-                ent_dict = self.get_open_network(mirror_ap, self.ent_networks,
-                                                 hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                 ssid_length_2g,
-                                                 ssid_length_5g)
-                ent_dict["2g"]["security"] = "wpa2"
-                ent_dict["2g"].update(radius_conf_2g)
-                ent_dict["5g"]["security"] = "wpa2"
-                ent_dict["5g"].update(radius_conf_5g)
-                network_list.append(ent_dict)
-            if ent_network_pwd:
-                ent_pwd_dict = self.get_open_network(mirror_ap,
-                                                     self.ent_networks_pwd,
-                                                     hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                     ssid_length_2g,
-                                                     ssid_length_5g)
-                ent_pwd_dict["2g"]["security"] = "wpa2"
-                ent_pwd_dict["2g"].update(radius_conf_pwd)
-                ent_pwd_dict["5g"]["security"] = "wpa2"
-                ent_pwd_dict["5g"].update(radius_conf_pwd)
-                network_list.append(ent_pwd_dict)
-            if open_network:
-                open_dict = self.get_open_network(mirror_ap, self.open_network,
-                                                  hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                  ssid_length_2g,
-                                                  ssid_length_5g)
-                network_list.append(open_dict)
-            if owe_network:
-                owe_dict = self.get_open_network(mirror_ap, self.owe_networks,
-                                                 hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                 ssid_length_2g,
-                                                 ssid_length_5g, "OWE")
-                owe_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["security"] = "owe"
-                owe_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["security"] = "owe"
-                network_list.append(owe_dict)
-            if sae_network:
-                sae_dict = self.get_psk_network(mirror_ap, self.sae_networks,
-                                                hidden, same_ssid,
-                                                hostapd_constants.SAE_KEY_MGMT,
-                                                ssid_length_2g, ssid_length_5g,
-                                                passphrase_length_2g,
-                                                passphrase_length_5g)
-                sae_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["security"] = "sae"
-                sae_dict[hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["security"] = "sae"
-                network_list.append(sae_dict)
-            if saemixed_network:
-                saemixed_dict = self.get_psk_network(
-                    mirror_ap, self.saemixed_networks, hidden, same_ssid,
-                    hostapd_constants.SAE_KEY_MGMT, ssid_length_2g,
-                    ssid_length_5g, passphrase_length_2g, passphrase_length_5g)
-                saemixed_dict[
-                    hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["security"] = "sae-mixed"
-                saemixed_dict[
-                    hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["security"] = "sae-mixed"
-                saemixed_dict[
-                    hostapd_constants.BAND_2G]["ieee80211w"] = ieee80211w
-                saemixed_dict[
-                    hostapd_constants.BAND_5G]["ieee80211w"] = ieee80211w
-                network_list.append(saemixed_dict)
-            self.access_points[i].configure_ap(network_list, channels_2g[i],
-                                               channels_5g[i])
-            self.access_points[i].start_ap()
-            self.bssid_map.append(
-                self.access_points[i].get_bssids_for_wifi_networks())
-            if mirror_ap:
-                self.access_points[i + 1].configure_ap(network_list,
-                                                       channels_2g[i + 1],
-                                                       channels_5g[i + 1])
-                self.access_points[i + 1].start_ap()
-                self.bssid_map.append(
-                    self.access_points[i + 1].get_bssids_for_wifi_networks())
-                break
-    def legacy_configure_ap_and_start(
-            self,
-            channel_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-            channel_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-            max_2g_networks=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_MAX_SSIDS_2G,
-            max_5g_networks=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_MAX_SSIDS_5G,
-            ap_ssid_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G,
-            ap_passphrase_length_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G,
-            ap_ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G,
-            ap_passphrase_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_5G,
-            hidden=False,
-            same_ssid=False,
-            mirror_ap=True,
-            wpa_network=False,
-            wep_network=False,
-            ent_network=False,
-            radius_conf_2g=None,
-            radius_conf_5g=None,
-            ent_network_pwd=False,
-            radius_conf_pwd=None,
-            ap_count=1):
-        config_count = 1
-        count = 0
-        # For example, the NetworkSelector tests use 2 APs and require that
-        # both APs are not mirrored.
-        if not mirror_ap and ap_count == 1:
-            raise ValueError("ap_count cannot be 1 if mirror_ap is False.")
-        if not mirror_ap:
-            config_count = ap_count
-        self.user_params["reference_networks"] = []
-        self.user_params["open_network"] = []
-        if wpa_network:
-            self.user_params["wpa_networks"] = []
-        if wep_network:
-            self.user_params["wep_networks"] = []
-        if ent_network:
-            self.user_params["ent_networks"] = []
-        if ent_network_pwd:
-            self.user_params["ent_networks_pwd"] = []
-        # kill hostapd & dhcpd if the cleanup was not successful
-        for i in range(len(self.access_points)):
-            self.log.debug("Check ap state and cleanup")
-            self._cleanup_hostapd_and_dhcpd(i)
-        for count in range(config_count):
-            network_list_2g = []
-            network_list_5g = []
-            orig_network_list_2g = []
-            orig_network_list_5g = []
-            network_list_2g.append({"channel": channel_2g})
-            network_list_5g.append({"channel": channel_5g})
-            networks_dict = self.get_psk_network(
-                mirror_ap,
-                self.user_params["reference_networks"],
-                hidden=hidden,
-                same_ssid=same_ssid)
-            self.reference_networks = self.user_params["reference_networks"]
-            network_list_2g.append(networks_dict["2g"])
-            network_list_5g.append(networks_dict["5g"])
-            # When same_ssid is set, only configure one set of WPA networks.
-            # We cannot have more than one set because duplicate interface names
-            # are not allowed.
-            # TODO(bmahadev): Provide option to select the type of network,
-            # instead of defaulting to WPA.
-            if not same_ssid:
-                networks_dict = self.get_open_network(
-                    mirror_ap,
-                    self.user_params["open_network"],
-                    hidden=hidden,
-                    same_ssid=same_ssid)
-                self.open_network = self.user_params["open_network"]
-                network_list_2g.append(networks_dict["2g"])
-                network_list_5g.append(networks_dict["5g"])
-                if wpa_network:
-                    networks_dict = self.get_psk_network(
-                        mirror_ap,
-                        self.user_params["wpa_networks"],
-                        hidden=hidden,
-                        same_ssid=same_ssid,
-                        security_mode=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING)
-                    self.wpa_networks = self.user_params["wpa_networks"]
-                    network_list_2g.append(networks_dict["2g"])
-                    network_list_5g.append(networks_dict["5g"])
-                if wep_network:
-                    networks_dict = self.get_wep_network(
-                        mirror_ap,
-                        self.user_params["wep_networks"],
-                        hidden=hidden,
-                        same_ssid=same_ssid)
-                    self.wep_networks = self.user_params["wep_networks"]
-                    network_list_2g.append(networks_dict["2g"])
-                    network_list_5g.append(networks_dict["5g"])
-                if ent_network:
-                    networks_dict = self.get_open_network(
-                        mirror_ap,
-                        self.user_params["ent_networks"],
-                        hidden=hidden,
-                        same_ssid=same_ssid)
-                    networks_dict["2g"][
-                        "security"] = hostapd_constants.ENT_STRING
-                    networks_dict["2g"].update(radius_conf_2g)
-                    networks_dict["5g"][
-                        "security"] = hostapd_constants.ENT_STRING
-                    networks_dict["5g"].update(radius_conf_5g)
-                    self.ent_networks = self.user_params["ent_networks"]
-                    network_list_2g.append(networks_dict["2g"])
-                    network_list_5g.append(networks_dict["5g"])
-                if ent_network_pwd:
-                    networks_dict = self.get_open_network(
-                        mirror_ap,
-                        self.user_params["ent_networks_pwd"],
-                        hidden=hidden,
-                        same_ssid=same_ssid)
-                    networks_dict["2g"][
-                        "security"] = hostapd_constants.ENT_STRING
-                    networks_dict["2g"].update(radius_conf_pwd)
-                    networks_dict["5g"][
-                        "security"] = hostapd_constants.ENT_STRING
-                    networks_dict["5g"].update(radius_conf_pwd)
-                    self.ent_networks_pwd = self.user_params[
-                        "ent_networks_pwd"]
-                    network_list_2g.append(networks_dict["2g"])
-                    network_list_5g.append(networks_dict["5g"])
-            orig_network_list_5g = copy.copy(network_list_5g)
-            orig_network_list_2g = copy.copy(network_list_2g)
-            if len(network_list_5g) > 1:
-                self.config_5g = self._generate_legacy_ap_config(
-                    network_list_5g)
-            if len(network_list_2g) > 1:
-                self.config_2g = self._generate_legacy_ap_config(
-                    network_list_2g)
-            self.access_points[count].start_ap(self.config_2g)
-            self.access_points[count].start_ap(self.config_5g)
-            self.populate_bssid(count, self.access_points[count],
-                                orig_network_list_5g, orig_network_list_2g)
-        # Repeat configuration on the second router.
-        if mirror_ap and ap_count == 2:
-            self.access_points[AP_2].start_ap(self.config_2g)
-            self.access_points[AP_2].start_ap(self.config_5g)
-            self.populate_bssid(AP_2, self.access_points[AP_2],
-                                orig_network_list_5g, orig_network_list_2g)
-    def _kill_processes(self, ap, daemon):
-        """ Kill hostapd and dhcpd daemons
-        Args:
-            ap: AP to cleanup
-            daemon: process to kill
-        Returns: True/False if killing process is successful
-        """
-        self.log.info("Killing %s" % daemon)
-        pids = ap.ssh.run('pidof %s' % daemon, ignore_status=True)
-        if pids.stdout:
-            ap.ssh.run('kill %s' % pids.stdout, ignore_status=True)
-        time.sleep(3)
-        pids = ap.ssh.run('pidof %s' % daemon, ignore_status=True)
-        if pids.stdout:
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _cleanup_hostapd_and_dhcpd(self, count):
-        """ Check if AP was cleaned up properly
-        Kill hostapd and dhcpd processes if cleanup was not successful in the
-        last run
-        Args:
-            count: AP to check
-        Returns:
-            New AccessPoint object if AP required cleanup
-        Raises:
-            Error: if the AccessPoint timed out to setup
-        """
-        ap = self.access_points[count]
-        phy_ifaces = ap.interfaces.get_physical_interface()
-        kill_hostapd = False
-        for iface in phy_ifaces:
-            if '2g_' in iface or '5g_' in iface or 'xg_' in iface:
-                kill_hostapd = True
-                break
-        if not kill_hostapd:
-            return
-        self.log.debug("Cleanup AP")
-        if not self._kill_processes(ap, 'hostapd') or \
-            not self._kill_processes(ap, 'dhcpd'):
-            raise ("Failed to cleanup AP")
-        ap.__init__(self.user_params['AccessPoint'][count])
-    def _generate_legacy_ap_config(self, network_list):
-        bss_settings = []
-        wlan_2g = self.access_points[AP_1].wlan_2g
-        wlan_5g = self.access_points[AP_1].wlan_5g
-        ap_settings = network_list.pop(0)
-        # TODO:(bmahadev) This is a bug. We should not have to pop the first
-        # network in the list and treat it as a separate case. Instead,
-        # create_ap_preset() should be able to take NULL ssid and security and
-        # build config based on the bss_Settings alone.
-        hostapd_config_settings = network_list.pop(0)
-        for network in network_list:
-            if "password" in network:
-                bss_settings.append(
-                    hostapd_bss_settings.BssSettings(
-                        name=network["SSID"],
-                        ssid=network["SSID"],
-                        hidden=network["hiddenSSID"],
-                        security=hostapd_security.Security(
-                            security_mode=network["security"],
-                            password=network["password"])))
-            elif "wepKeys" in network:
-                bss_settings.append(
-                    hostapd_bss_settings.BssSettings(
-                        name=network["SSID"],
-                        ssid=network["SSID"],
-                        hidden=network["hiddenSSID"],
-                        security=hostapd_security.Security(
-                            security_mode=network["security"],
-                            password=network["wepKeys"][0])))
-            elif network["security"] == hostapd_constants.ENT_STRING:
-                bss_settings.append(
-                    hostapd_bss_settings.BssSettings(
-                        name=network["SSID"],
-                        ssid=network["SSID"],
-                        hidden=network["hiddenSSID"],
-                        security=hostapd_security.Security(
-                            security_mode=network["security"],
-                            radius_server_ip=network["radius_server_ip"],
-                            radius_server_port=network["radius_server_port"],
-                            radius_server_secret=network[
-                                "radius_server_secret"])))
-            else:
-                bss_settings.append(
-                    hostapd_bss_settings.BssSettings(
-                        name=network["SSID"],
-                        ssid=network["SSID"],
-                        hidden=network["hiddenSSID"]))
-        if "password" in hostapd_config_settings:
-            config = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-                iface_wlan_2g=wlan_2g,
-                iface_wlan_5g=wlan_5g,
-                channel=ap_settings["channel"],
-                ssid=hostapd_config_settings["SSID"],
-                hidden=hostapd_config_settings["hiddenSSID"],
-                security=hostapd_security.Security(
-                    security_mode=hostapd_config_settings["security"],
-                    password=hostapd_config_settings["password"]),
-                bss_settings=bss_settings)
-        elif "wepKeys" in hostapd_config_settings:
-            config = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-                iface_wlan_2g=wlan_2g,
-                iface_wlan_5g=wlan_5g,
-                channel=ap_settings["channel"],
-                ssid=hostapd_config_settings["SSID"],
-                hidden=hostapd_config_settings["hiddenSSID"],
-                security=hostapd_security.Security(
-                    security_mode=hostapd_config_settings["security"],
-                    password=hostapd_config_settings["wepKeys"][0]),
-                bss_settings=bss_settings)
-        else:
-            config = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-                iface_wlan_2g=wlan_2g,
-                iface_wlan_5g=wlan_5g,
-                channel=ap_settings["channel"],
-                ssid=hostapd_config_settings["SSID"],
-                hidden=hostapd_config_settings["hiddenSSID"],
-                bss_settings=bss_settings)
-        return config
-    def configure_packet_capture(
-            self,
-            channel_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-            channel_2g=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G):
-        """Configure packet capture for 2G and 5G bands.
-        Args:
-            channel_5g: Channel to set the monitor mode to for 5G band.
-            channel_2g: Channel to set the monitor mode to for 2G band.
-        """
-        self.packet_capture = self.packet_capture[0]
-        result = self.packet_capture.configure_monitor_mode(
-            hostapd_constants.BAND_2G, channel_2g)
-        if not result:
-            raise ValueError("Failed to configure channel for 2G band")
-        result = self.packet_capture.configure_monitor_mode(
-            hostapd_constants.BAND_5G, channel_5g)
-        if not result:
-            raise ValueError("Failed to configure channel for 5G band.")
-    @staticmethod
-    def wifi_test_wrap(fn):
-        def _safe_wrap_test_case(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            test_id = "%s:%s:%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.test_name,
-                                    self.log_begin_time.replace(' ', '-'))
-            self.test_id = test_id
-            self.result_detail = ""
-            tries = int(self.user_params.get("wifi_auto_rerun", 3))
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                ad.log_path = self.log_path
-            for i in range(tries + 1):
-                result = True
-                if i > 0:
-                    log_string = "[Test Case] RETRY:%s %s" % (i,
-                                                              self.test_name)
-                    self.log.info(log_string)
-                    self._teardown_test(self.test_name)
-                    self._setup_test(self.test_name)
-                try:
-                    result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-                except signals.TestFailure as e:
-                    self.log.warn("Error msg: %s" % e)
-                    if self.result_detail:
-                        signal.details = self.result_detail
-                    result = False
-                except signals.TestSignal:
-                    if self.result_detail:
-                        signal.details = self.result_detail
-                    raise
-                except Exception as e:
-                    self.log.exception(e)
-                    asserts.fail(self.result_detail)
-                if result is False:
-                    if i < tries:
-                        continue
-                else:
-                    break
-            if result is not False:
-                asserts.explicit_pass(self.result_detail)
-            else:
-                asserts.fail(self.result_detail)
-        return _safe_wrap_test_case
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/AwareBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/AwareBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bcce71..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/AwareBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import net_test_utils as nutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.aware import aware_const as aconsts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.aware import aware_test_utils as autils
-class AwareBaseTest(BaseTestClass):
-    # message ID counter to make sure all uses are unique
-    msg_id = 0
-    # offset (in seconds) to separate the start-up of multiple devices.
-    # De-synchronizes the start-up time so that they don't start and stop scanning
-    # at the same time - which can lead to very long clustering times.
-    device_startup_offset = 2
-    def setup_class(self):
-        opt_param = ["pixel_models", "cnss_diag_file", "ranging_role_concurrency_flexible_models"]
-        self.unpack_userparams(opt_param_names=opt_param)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file"):
-            if isinstance(self.cnss_diag_file, list):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = self.cnss_diag_file[0]
-            if not os.path.isfile(self.cnss_diag_file):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = os.path.join(
-                    self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value],
-                    self.cnss_diag_file)
-    def setup_test(self):
-        required_params = ("aware_default_power_mode",
-                           "dbs_supported_models",)
-        self.unpack_userparams(required_params)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.start_cnss_diags(
-                self.android_devices, self.cnss_diag_file, self.pixel_models)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                proc = nutils.start_tcpdump(ad, self.test_name)
-                self.tcpdump_proc.append((ad, proc))
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            ad.droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
-            asserts.skip_if(
-                not ad.droid.doesDeviceSupportWifiAwareFeature(),
-                "Device under test does not support Wi-Fi Aware - skipping test"
-            )
-            aware_avail = ad.droid.wifiIsAwareAvailable()
-            ad.droid.wifiP2pClose()
-            wutils.wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
-            utils.set_location_service(ad, True)
-            if not aware_avail:
-                self.log.info('Aware not available. Waiting ...')
-                autils.wait_for_event(ad,
-                                      aconsts.BROADCAST_WIFI_AWARE_AVAILABLE)
-            ad.aware_capabilities = autils.get_aware_capabilities(ad)
-            self.reset_device_parameters(ad)
-            self.reset_device_statistics(ad)
-            self.set_power_mode_parameters(ad)
-            wutils.set_wifi_country_code(ad, wutils.WifiEnums.CountryCode.US)
-            autils.configure_ndp_allow_any_override(ad, True)
-            # set randomization interval to 0 (disable) to reduce likelihood of
-            # interference in tests
-            autils.configure_mac_random_interval(ad, 0)
-            ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-        for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-            nutils.stop_tcpdump(
-                    proc[0], proc[1], self.test_name, pull_dump=False)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            if not ad.droid.doesDeviceSupportWifiAwareFeature():
-                return
-            ad.droid.wifiP2pClose()
-            ad.droid.wifiAwareDestroyAll()
-            self.reset_device_parameters(ad)
-            autils.validate_forbidden_callbacks(ad)
-    def reset_device_parameters(self, ad):
-        """Reset device configurations which may have been set by tests. Should be
-    done before tests start (in case previous one was killed without tearing
-    down) and after they end (to leave device in usable state).
-    Args:
-      ad: device to be reset
-    """
-        ad.adb.shell("cmd wifiaware reset")
-    def reset_device_statistics(self, ad):
-        """Reset device statistics.
-    Args:
-        ad: device to be reset
-    """
-        ad.adb.shell("cmd wifiaware native_cb get_cb_count --reset")
-    def set_power_mode_parameters(self, ad):
-        """Set the power configuration DW parameters for the device based on any
-    configuration overrides (if provided)"""
-        if self.aware_default_power_mode == "INTERACTIVE":
-            autils.config_settings_high_power(ad)
-        elif self.aware_default_power_mode == "NON_INTERACTIVE":
-            autils.config_settings_low_power(ad)
-        else:
-            asserts.assert_false(
-                "The 'aware_default_power_mode' configuration must be INTERACTIVE or "
-                "NON_INTERACTIVE")
-    def get_next_msg_id(self):
-        """Increment the message ID and returns the new value. Guarantees that
-    each call to the method returns a unique value.
-    Returns: a new message id value.
-    """
-        self.msg_id = self.msg_id + 1
-        return self.msg_id
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-            ad.cat_adb_log(test_name, begin_time)
-            wutils.get_ssrdumps(ad)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                wutils.get_cnss_diag_log(ad)
-        for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-            nutils.stop_tcpdump(proc[0], proc[1], self.test_name)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/aware_const.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/aware_const.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a720196..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/aware_const.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Aware power settings values for interactive (high power) and
-# non-interactive (low power) modes
-# Broadcast events
-# ConfigRequest keys
-CONFIG_KEY_5G_BAND = "Support5gBand"
-CONFIG_KEY_MASTER_PREF = "MasterPreference"
-CONFIG_KEY_ENABLE_IDEN_CB = "EnableIdentityChangeCallback"
-# Publish & Subscribe Config keys
-DISCOVERY_KEY_SSI = "ServiceSpecificInfo"
-DISCOVERY_KEY_TERM_CB_ENABLED = "TerminateNotificationEnabled"
-# WifiAwareAttachCallback events
-EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED = "WifiAwareOnAttached"
-EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACH_FAILED = "WifiAwareOnAttachFailed"
-# WifiAwareIdentityChangedListener events
-EVENT_CB_ON_IDENTITY_CHANGED = "WifiAwareOnIdentityChanged"
-# WifiAwareAttachCallback & WifiAwareIdentityChangedListener events keys
-# WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback events
-SESSION_CB_ON_PUBLISH_STARTED = "WifiAwareSessionOnPublishStarted"
-SESSION_CB_ON_SUBSCRIBE_STARTED = "WifiAwareSessionOnSubscribeStarted"
-SESSION_CB_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_UPDATED = "WifiAwareSessionOnSessionConfigUpdated"
-SESSION_CB_ON_SESSION_CONFIG_FAILED = "WifiAwareSessionOnSessionConfigFailed"
-SESSION_CB_ON_SESSION_TERMINATED = "WifiAwareSessionOnSessionTerminated"
-SESSION_CB_ON_SERVICE_DISCOVERED = "WifiAwareSessionOnServiceDiscovered"
-SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_SENT = "WifiAwareSessionOnMessageSent"
-SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED = "WifiAwareSessionOnMessageSendFailed"
-SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = "WifiAwareSessionOnMessageReceived"
-SESSION_CB_ON_SERVICE_LOST = "WifiAwareSessionOnServiceLost"
-# WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback events keys
-SESSION_CB_KEY_CB_ID = "callbackId"
-SESSION_CB_KEY_SESSION_ID = "discoverySessionId"
-# WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback onServiceLost reason code
-# WifiAwareRangingListener events (RttManager.RttListener)
-RTT_LISTENER_CB_ON_SUCCESS = "WifiAwareRangingListenerOnSuccess"
-RTT_LISTENER_CB_ON_FAILURE = "WifiAwareRangingListenerOnFailure"
-RTT_LISTENER_CB_ON_ABORT = "WifiAwareRangingListenerOnAborted"
-# WifiAwareRangingListener events (RttManager.RttListener) keys
-# Capabilities keys
-CAP_MAX_CONCURRENT_AWARE_CLUSTERS = "maxConcurrentAwareClusters"
-CAP_MAX_PUBLISHES = "maxPublishes"
-CAP_MAX_SUBSCRIBES = "maxSubscribes"
-CAP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN = "maxServiceNameLen"
-CAP_MAX_MATCH_FILTER_LEN = "maxMatchFilterLen"
-CAP_MAX_TOTAL_MATCH_FILTER_LEN = "maxTotalMatchFilterLen"
-CAP_MAX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_INFO_LEN = "maxServiceSpecificInfoLen"
-CAP_MAX_NDI_INTERFACES = "maxNdiInterfaces"
-CAP_MAX_NDP_SESSIONS = "maxNdpSessions"
-CAP_MAX_APP_INFO_LEN = "maxAppInfoLen"
-CAP_MAX_QUEUED_TRANSMIT_MESSAGES = "maxQueuedTransmitMessages"
-CAP_MAX_SUBSCRIBE_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES = "maxSubscribeInterfaceAddresses"
-CAP_SUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITES = "supportedCipherSuites"
-# WifiAwareNetworkCapabilities keys
-NET_CAP_IPV6 = "aware_ipv6"
-NET_CAP_PORT = "aware_port"
-NET_CAP_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL = "aware_transport_protocol"
-# Aware NDI (NAN data-interface) name prefix
-AWARE_NDI_PREFIX = "aware_data"
-# Aware discovery channels
-# Aware Data-Path Constants
-# Maximum send retry
-# Callback keys (for 'adb shell cmd wifiaware native_cb get_cb_count')
-CB_EV_MATCH = "4"
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/aware_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/aware_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2de7a1d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/aware/aware_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import base64
-import json
-import queue
-import re
-import statistics
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconsts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import socket_test_utils as sutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.aware import aware_const as aconsts
-# arbitrary timeout for events
-# semi-arbitrary timeout for network formation events. Based on framework
-# timeout for NDP (NAN data-path) negotiation to be completed.
-# number of second to 'reasonably' wait to make sure that devices synchronize
-# with each other - useful for OOB test cases, where the OOB discovery would
-# take some time
-def decorate_event(event_name, id):
-    return '%s_%d' % (event_name, id)
-def wait_for_event(ad, event_name, timeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT):
-    """Wait for the specified event or timeout.
-  Args:
-    ad: The android device
-    event_name: The event to wait on
-    timeout: Number of seconds to wait
-  Returns:
-    The event (if available)
-  """
-    prefix = ''
-    if hasattr(ad, 'pretty_name'):
-        prefix = '[%s] ' % ad.pretty_name
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(event_name, timeout)
-        ad.log.info('%s%s: %s', prefix, event_name, event['data'])
-        return event
-    except queue.Empty:
-        ad.log.info('%sTimed out while waiting for %s', prefix, event_name)
-        asserts.fail(event_name)
-def _filter_callbacks(event, expected_kv):
-    """
-    Helper method to use in |fail_on_event_with_keys| and
-    |wait_for_event_with_keys|
-    """
-    for expected_k, expected_v in expected_kv:
-        actual_v = event['data'][expected_k]
-        if isinstance(expected_v, dict) and isinstance(actual_v, dict):
-            # |expected_v| not a subset of |actual_v|
-            if not(expected_v.items() <= actual_v.items()):
-                return False
-        else:
-            if actual_v != expected_v:
-                return False
-    return True
-def wait_for_event_with_keys(ad,
-                             event_name,
-                             timeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT,
-                             *keyvalues):
-    """Wait for the specified event contain the key/value pairs or timeout
-  Args:
-    ad: The android device
-    event_name: The event to wait on
-    timeout: Number of seconds to wait
-    keyvalues: Expected (key, value) pairs. If the value for a key is a dict,
-               then this will perform subset matching for that key.
-  Returns:
-    The event (if available)
-  """
-    prefix = ''
-    if hasattr(ad, 'pretty_name'):
-        prefix = '[%s] ' % ad.pretty_name
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.wait_for_event(event_name, _filter_callbacks, timeout,
-                                     keyvalues)
-        ad.log.info('%s%s: %s', prefix, event_name, event['data'])
-        return event
-    except queue.Empty:
-        ad.log.info('%sTimed out while waiting for %s (%s)', prefix,
-                    event_name, keyvalues)
-        asserts.fail(event_name)
-def fail_on_event(ad, event_name, timeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT):
-    """Wait for a timeout period and looks for the specified event - fails if it
-  is observed.
-  Args:
-    ad: The android device
-    event_name: The event to wait for (and fail on its appearance)
-  """
-    prefix = ''
-    if hasattr(ad, 'pretty_name'):
-        prefix = '[%s] ' % ad.pretty_name
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(event_name, timeout)
-        ad.log.info('%sReceived unwanted %s: %s', prefix, event_name,
-                    event['data'])
-        asserts.fail(event_name, extras=event)
-    except queue.Empty:
-        ad.log.info('%s%s not seen (as expected)', prefix, event_name)
-        return
-def fail_on_event_with_keys(ad, event_name, timeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT, *keyvalues):
-    """Wait for a timeout period and looks for the specified event which contains
-  the key/value pairs - fails if it is observed.
-  Args:
-    ad: The android device
-    event_name: The event to wait on
-    timeout: Number of seconds to wait
-    keyvalues: Expected (key, value) pairs. If the value for a key is a dict,
-               then this will perform subset matching for that key.
-  """
-    prefix = ''
-    if hasattr(ad, 'pretty_name'):
-        prefix = '[%s] ' % ad.pretty_name
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.wait_for_event(event_name, _filter_callbacks, timeout,
-                                     keyvalues)
-        ad.log.info('%sReceived unwanted %s: %s', prefix, event_name,
-                    event['data'])
-        asserts.fail(event_name, extras=event)
-    except queue.Empty:
-        ad.log.info('%s%s (%s) not seen (as expected)', prefix, event_name,
-                    keyvalues)
-        return
-def verify_no_more_events(ad, timeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT):
-    """Verify that there are no more events in the queue.
-  """
-    prefix = ''
-    if hasattr(ad, 'pretty_name'):
-        prefix = '[%s] ' % ad.pretty_name
-    should_fail = False
-    try:
-        while True:
-            event = ad.ed.pop_events('.*', timeout, freq=0)
-            ad.log.info('%sQueue contains %s', prefix, event)
-            should_fail = True
-    except queue.Empty:
-        if should_fail:
-            asserts.fail('%sEvent queue not empty' % prefix)
-        ad.log.info('%sNo events in the queue (as expected)', prefix)
-        return
-def encode_list(list_of_objects):
-    """Converts the list of strings or bytearrays to a list of b64 encoded
-  bytearrays.
-  A None object is treated as a zero-length bytearray.
-  Args:
-    list_of_objects: A list of strings or bytearray objects
-  Returns: A list of the same objects, converted to bytes and b64 encoded.
-  """
-    encoded_list = []
-    for obj in list_of_objects:
-        if obj is None:
-            obj = bytes()
-        if isinstance(obj, str):
-            encoded_list.append(
-                base64.b64encode(bytes(obj, 'utf-8')).decode('utf-8'))
-        else:
-            encoded_list.append(base64.b64encode(obj).decode('utf-8'))
-    return encoded_list
-def decode_list(list_of_b64_strings):
-    """Converts the list of b64 encoded strings to a list of bytearray.
-  Args:
-    list_of_b64_strings: list of strings, each of which is b64 encoded array
-  Returns: a list of bytearrays.
-  """
-    decoded_list = []
-    for str in list_of_b64_strings:
-        decoded_list.append(base64.b64decode(str))
-    return decoded_list
-def construct_max_match_filter(max_size):
-    """Constructs a maximum size match filter that fits into the 'max_size' bytes.
-  Match filters are a set of LVs (Length, Value pairs) where L is 1 byte. The
-  maximum size match filter will contain max_size/2 LVs with all Vs (except
-  possibly the last one) of 1 byte, the last V may be 2 bytes for odd max_size.
-  Args:
-    max_size: Maximum size of the match filter.
-  Returns: an array of bytearrays.
-  """
-    mf_list = []
-    num_lvs = max_size // 2
-    for i in range(num_lvs - 1):
-        mf_list.append(bytes([i]))
-    if (max_size % 2 == 0):
-        mf_list.append(bytes([255]))
-    else:
-        mf_list.append(bytes([254, 255]))
-    return mf_list
-def assert_equal_strings(first, second, msg=None, extras=None):
-    """Assert equality of the string operands - where None is treated as equal to
-  an empty string (''), otherwise fail the test.
-  Error message is "first != second" by default. Additional explanation can
-  be supplied in the message.
-  Args:
-      first, seconds: The strings that are evaluated for equality.
-      msg: A string that adds additional info about the failure.
-      extras: An optional field for extra information to be included in
-              test result.
-  """
-    if first == None:
-        first = ''
-    if second == None:
-        second = ''
-    asserts.assert_equal(first, second, msg, extras)
-def get_aware_capabilities(ad):
-    """Get the Wi-Fi Aware capabilities from the specified device. The
-  capabilities are a dictionary keyed by aware_const.CAP_* keys.
-  Args:
-    ad: the Android device
-  Returns: the capability dictionary.
-  """
-    return json.loads(ad.adb.shell('cmd wifiaware state_mgr get_capabilities'))
-def get_wifi_mac_address(ad):
-    """Get the Wi-Fi interface MAC address as a upper-case string of hex digits
-  without any separators (e.g. ':').
-  Args:
-    ad: Device on which to run.
-  """
-    return ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()['mac_address'].upper().replace(
-        ':', '')
-def validate_forbidden_callbacks(ad, limited_cb=None):
-    """Validate that the specified callbacks have not been called more then permitted.
-  In addition to the input configuration also validates that forbidden callbacks
-  have never been called.
-  Args:
-    ad: Device on which to run.
-    limited_cb: Dictionary of CB_EV_* ids and maximum permitted calls (0
-                meaning never).
-  """
-    cb_data = json.loads(ad.adb.shell('cmd wifiaware native_cb get_cb_count'))
-    if limited_cb is None:
-        limited_cb = {}
-    fail = False
-    for cb_event in limited_cb.keys():
-        if cb_event in cb_data:
-            if cb_data[cb_event] > limited_cb[cb_event]:
-                fail = True
-                ad.log.info(
-                    'Callback %s observed %d times: more then permitted %d times',
-                    cb_event, cb_data[cb_event], limited_cb[cb_event])
-    asserts.assert_false(fail, 'Forbidden callbacks observed', extras=cb_data)
-def extract_stats(ad, data, results, key_prefix, log_prefix):
-    """Extract statistics from the data, store in the results dictionary, and
-  output to the info log.
-  Args:
-    ad: Android device (for logging)
-    data: A list containing the data to be analyzed.
-    results: A dictionary into which to place the statistics.
-    key_prefix: A string prefix to use for the dict keys storing the
-                extracted stats.
-    log_prefix: A string prefix to use for the info log.
-    include_data: If True includes the raw data in the dictionary,
-                  otherwise just the stats.
-  """
-    num_samples = len(data)
-    results['%snum_samples' % key_prefix] = num_samples
-    if not data:
-        return
-    data_min = min(data)
-    data_max = max(data)
-    data_mean = statistics.mean(data)
-    data_cdf = extract_cdf(data)
-    data_cdf_decile = extract_cdf_decile(data_cdf)
-    results['%smin' % key_prefix] = data_min
-    results['%smax' % key_prefix] = data_max
-    results['%smean' % key_prefix] = data_mean
-    results['%scdf' % key_prefix] = data_cdf
-    results['%scdf_decile' % key_prefix] = data_cdf_decile
-    results['%sraw_data' % key_prefix] = data
-    if num_samples > 1:
-        data_stdev = statistics.stdev(data)
-        results['%sstdev' % key_prefix] = data_stdev
-        ad.log.info(
-            '%s: num_samples=%d, min=%.2f, max=%.2f, mean=%.2f, stdev=%.2f, cdf_decile=%s',
-            log_prefix, num_samples, data_min, data_max, data_mean, data_stdev,
-            data_cdf_decile)
-    else:
-        ad.log.info(
-            '%s: num_samples=%d, min=%.2f, max=%.2f, mean=%.2f, cdf_decile=%s',
-            log_prefix, num_samples, data_min, data_max, data_mean,
-            data_cdf_decile)
-def extract_cdf_decile(cdf):
-    """Extracts the 10%, 20%, ..., 90% points from the CDF and returns their
-  value (a list of 9 values).
-  Since CDF may not (will not) have exact x% value picks the value >= x%.
-  Args:
-    cdf: a list of 2 lists, the X and Y of the CDF.
-  """
-    decades = []
-    next_decade = 10
-    for x, y in zip(cdf[0], cdf[1]):
-        while 100 * y >= next_decade:
-            decades.append(x)
-            next_decade = next_decade + 10
-        if next_decade == 100:
-            break
-    return decades
-def extract_cdf(data):
-    """Calculates the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the data.
-  Args:
-      data: A list containing data (does not have to be sorted).
-  Returns: a list of 2 lists: the X and Y axis of the CDF.
-  """
-    x = []
-    cdf = []
-    if not data:
-        return (x, cdf)
-    all_values = sorted(data)
-    for val in all_values:
-        if not x:
-            x.append(val)
-            cdf.append(1)
-        else:
-            if x[-1] == val:
-                cdf[-1] += 1
-            else:
-                x.append(val)
-                cdf.append(cdf[-1] + 1)
-    scale = 1.0 / len(all_values)
-    for i in range(len(cdf)):
-        cdf[i] = cdf[i] * scale
-    return (x, cdf)
-def get_mac_addr(device, interface):
-    """Get the MAC address of the specified interface. Uses ifconfig and parses
-  its output. Normalizes string to remove ':' and upper case.
-  Args:
-    device: Device on which to query the interface MAC address.
-    interface: Name of the interface for which to obtain the MAC address.
-  """
-    out = device.adb.shell("ifconfig %s" % interface)
-    res = re.match(".* HWaddr (\S+).*", out, re.S)
-    asserts.assert_true(res,
-                        'Unable to obtain MAC address for interface %s' %
-                        interface,
-                        extras=out)
-    return res.group(1).upper().replace(':', '')
-def get_ipv6_addr(device, interface):
-    """Get the IPv6 address of the specified interface. Uses ifconfig and parses
-  its output. Returns a None if the interface does not have an IPv6 address
-  (indicating it is not UP).
-  Args:
-    device: Device on which to query the interface IPv6 address.
-    interface: Name of the interface for which to obtain the IPv6 address.
-  """
-    out = device.adb.shell("ifconfig %s" % interface)
-    res = re.match(".*inet6 addr: (\S+)/.*", out, re.S)
-    if not res:
-        return None
-    return res.group(1)
-def verify_socket_connect(dut_s, dut_c, ipv6_s, ipv6_c, port):
-    """Verify the socket connection between server (dut_s) and client (dut_c)
-    using the given IPv6 addresses.
-    Opens a ServerSocket on the server and tries to connect to it
-    from the client.
-    Args:
-        dut_s, dut_c: the server and client devices under test (DUTs)
-        ipv6_s, ipv6_c: the scoped link-local addresses of the server and client.
-        port: the port to use
-    Return: True on success, False otherwise
-    """
-    server_sock = None
-    sock_c = None
-    sock_s = None
-    try:
-        server_sock = sutils.open_server_socket(dut_s, ipv6_s, port)
-        port_to_use = port
-        if port == 0:
-            port_to_use = dut_s.droid.getTcpServerSocketPort(server_sock)
-        sock_c, sock_s = sutils.open_connect_socket(dut_c, dut_s, ipv6_c,
-                                                    ipv6_s, 0, port_to_use,
-                                                    server_sock)
-    except:
-        return False
-    finally:
-        if sock_c is not None:
-            sutils.close_socket(dut_c, sock_c)
-        if sock_s is not None:
-            sutils.close_socket(dut_s, sock_s)
-        if server_sock is not None:
-            sutils.close_server_socket(dut_s, server_sock)
-    return True
-def run_ping6(dut, target_ip, duration=60):
-    """Run ping test and return the latency result
-    Args:
-        dut: the dut which run the ping cmd
-        target_ip: target IP Address for ping
-        duration: the duration time of the ping
-    return: dict contains "min/avg/max/mdev" result
-    """
-    cmd = "ping6 -w %d %s" % (duration, target_ip)
-    ping_result = dut.adb.shell(cmd, timeout=duration + 1)
-    res = re.match(".*mdev = (\S+) .*", ping_result, re.S)
-    asserts.assert_true(res, "Cannot reach the IP address %s", target_ip)
-    title = ["min", "avg", "max", "mdev"]
-    result = res.group(1).split("/")
-    latency_result = {}
-    for i in range(len(title)):
-        latency_result[title[i]] = result[i]
-    return latency_result
-def reset_device_parameters(ad):
-    """Reset device configurations.
-    Args:
-      ad: device to be reset
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("cmd wifiaware reset")
-def reset_device_statistics(ad):
-    """Reset device statistics.
-    Args:
-        ad: device to be reset
-    """
-    ad.adb.shell("cmd wifiaware native_cb get_cb_count --reset")
-def set_power_mode_parameters(ad, power_mode):
-    """Set device power mode.
-    Set the power configuration DW parameters for the device based on any
-    configuration overrides (if provided)
-    Args:
-        ad: android device
-        power_mode: Desired power mode (INTERACTIVE or NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    """
-    if power_mode == "INTERACTIVE":
-        config_settings_high_power(ad)
-    elif power_mode == "NON_INTERACTIVE":
-        config_settings_low_power(ad)
-    else:
-        asserts.assert_false(
-            "The 'aware_default_power_mode' configuration must be INTERACTIVE or "
-            "NON_INTERACTIVE")
-# Aware primitives
-def request_network(dut, ns):
-    """Request a Wi-Fi Aware network.
-  Args:
-    dut: Device
-    ns: Network specifier
-  Returns: the request key
-  """
-    network_req = {"TransportType": 5, "NetworkSpecifier": ns}
-    return dut.droid.connectivityRequestWifiAwareNetwork(network_req)
-def get_network_specifier(dut, id, dev_type, peer_mac, sec):
-    """Create a network specifier for the device based on the security
-  configuration.
-  Args:
-    dut: device
-    id: session ID
-    dev_type: device type - Initiator or Responder
-    peer_mac: the discovery MAC address of the peer
-    sec: security configuration
-  """
-    if sec is None:
-        return dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifierOob(
-            id, dev_type, peer_mac)
-    if isinstance(sec, str):
-        return dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifierOob(
-            id, dev_type, peer_mac, sec)
-    return dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifierOob(
-        id, dev_type, peer_mac, None, sec)
-def configure_power_setting(device, mode, name, value):
-    """Use the command-line API to configure the power setting
-  Args:
-    device: Device on which to perform configuration
-    mode: The power mode being set, should be "default", "inactive", or "idle"
-    name: One of the power settings from 'wifiaware set-power'.
-    value: An integer.
-  """
-    device.adb.shell("cmd wifiaware native_api set-power %s %s %d" %
-                     (mode, name, value))
-def configure_mac_random_interval(device, interval_sec):
-    """Use the command-line API to configure the MAC address randomization
-  interval.
-  Args:
-    device: Device on which to perform configuration
-    interval_sec: The MAC randomization interval in seconds. A value of 0
-                  disables all randomization.
-  """
-    device.adb.shell(
-        "cmd wifiaware native_api set mac_random_interval_sec %d" %
-        interval_sec)
-def configure_ndp_allow_any_override(device, override_api_check):
-    """Use the command-line API to configure whether an NDP Responder may be
-  configured to accept an NDP request from ANY peer.
-  By default the target API level of the requesting app determines whether such
-  configuration is permitted. This allows overriding the API check and allowing
-  it.
-  Args:
-    device: Device on which to perform configuration.
-    override_api_check: True to allow a Responder to ANY configuration, False to
-                        perform the API level check.
-  """
-    device.adb.shell("cmd wifiaware state_mgr allow_ndp_any %s" %
-                     ("true" if override_api_check else "false"))
-def config_settings_high_power(device):
-    """Configure device's power settings values to high power mode -
-  whether device is in interactive or non-interactive modes"""
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "dw_24ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_24_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "dw_5ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_5_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "disc_beacon_interval_ms",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DISC_BEACON_INTERVAL_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "num_ss_in_discovery",
-                            aconsts.POWER_NUM_SS_IN_DISC_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "enable_dw_early_term",
-                            aconsts.POWER_ENABLE_DW_EARLY_TERM_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "dw_24ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_24_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "dw_5ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_5_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "disc_beacon_interval_ms",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DISC_BEACON_INTERVAL_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "num_ss_in_discovery",
-                            aconsts.POWER_NUM_SS_IN_DISC_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "enable_dw_early_term",
-                            aconsts.POWER_ENABLE_DW_EARLY_TERM_INTERACTIVE)
-def config_settings_low_power(device):
-    """Configure device's power settings values to low power mode - whether
-  device is in interactive or non-interactive modes"""
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "dw_24ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_24_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "dw_5ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_5_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "disc_beacon_interval_ms",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DISC_BEACON_INTERVAL_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "num_ss_in_discovery",
-                            aconsts.POWER_NUM_SS_IN_DISC_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "enable_dw_early_term",
-                            aconsts.POWER_ENABLE_DW_EARLY_TERM_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "dw_24ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_24_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "dw_5ghz",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DW_5_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "disc_beacon_interval_ms",
-                            aconsts.POWER_DISC_BEACON_INTERVAL_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "num_ss_in_discovery",
-                            aconsts.POWER_NUM_SS_IN_DISC_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "enable_dw_early_term",
-                            aconsts.POWER_ENABLE_DW_EARLY_TERM_NON_INTERACTIVE)
-def config_power_settings(device,
-                          dw_24ghz,
-                          dw_5ghz,
-                          disc_beacon_interval=None,
-                          num_ss_in_disc=None,
-                          enable_dw_early_term=None):
-    """Configure device's discovery window (DW) values to the specified values -
-  whether the device is in interactive or non-interactive mode.
-  Args:
-    dw_24ghz: DW interval in the 2.4GHz band.
-    dw_5ghz: DW interval in the 5GHz band.
-    disc_beacon_interval: The discovery beacon interval (in ms). If None then
-                          not set.
-    num_ss_in_disc: Number of spatial streams to use for discovery. If None then
-                    not set.
-    enable_dw_early_term: If True then enable early termination of the DW. If
-                          None then not set.
-  """
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "dw_24ghz", dw_24ghz)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "default", "dw_5ghz", dw_5ghz)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "dw_24ghz", dw_24ghz)
-    configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "dw_5ghz", dw_5ghz)
-    if disc_beacon_interval is not None:
-        configure_power_setting(device, "default", "disc_beacon_interval_ms",
-                                disc_beacon_interval)
-        configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "disc_beacon_interval_ms",
-                                disc_beacon_interval)
-    if num_ss_in_disc is not None:
-        configure_power_setting(device, "default", "num_ss_in_discovery",
-                                num_ss_in_disc)
-        configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "num_ss_in_discovery",
-                                num_ss_in_disc)
-    if enable_dw_early_term is not None:
-        configure_power_setting(device, "default", "enable_dw_early_term",
-                                enable_dw_early_term)
-        configure_power_setting(device, "inactive", "enable_dw_early_term",
-                                enable_dw_early_term)
-def create_discovery_config(service_name,
-                            d_type,
-                            ssi=None,
-                            match_filter=None,
-                            match_filter_list=None,
-                            ttl=0,
-                            term_cb_enable=True):
-    """Create a publish discovery configuration based on input parameters.
-  Args:
-    service_name: Service name - required
-    d_type: Discovery type (publish or subscribe constants)
-    ssi: Supplemental information - defaults to None
-    match_filter, match_filter_list: The match_filter, only one mechanism can
-                                     be used to specify. Defaults to None.
-    ttl: Time-to-live - defaults to 0 (i.e. non-self terminating)
-    term_cb_enable: True (default) to enable callback on termination, False
-                    means that no callback is called when session terminates.
-  Returns:
-    publish discovery configuration object.
-  """
-    config = {}
-    config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_SERVICE_NAME] = service_name
-    config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_DISCOVERY_TYPE] = d_type
-    if ssi is not None:
-        config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_SSI] = ssi
-    if match_filter is not None:
-        config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_MATCH_FILTER] = match_filter
-    if match_filter_list is not None:
-        config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_MATCH_FILTER_LIST] = match_filter_list
-    config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_TTL] = ttl
-    config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_TERM_CB_ENABLED] = term_cb_enable
-    return config
-def add_ranging_to_pub(p_config, enable_ranging):
-    """Add ranging enabled configuration to a publish configuration (only relevant
-  for publish configuration).
-  Args:
-    p_config: The Publish discovery configuration.
-    enable_ranging: True to enable ranging, False to disable.
-  Returns:
-    The modified publish configuration.
-  """
-    p_config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_RANGING_ENABLED] = enable_ranging
-    return p_config
-def add_ranging_to_sub(s_config, min_distance_mm, max_distance_mm):
-    """Add ranging distance configuration to a subscribe configuration (only
-  relevant to a subscribe configuration).
-  Args:
-    s_config: The Subscribe discovery configuration.
-    min_distance_mm, max_distance_mm: The min and max distance specification.
-                                      Used if not None.
-  Returns:
-    The modified subscribe configuration.
-  """
-    if min_distance_mm is not None:
-        s_config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_MIN_DISTANCE_MM] = min_distance_mm
-    if max_distance_mm is not None:
-        s_config[aconsts.DISCOVERY_KEY_MAX_DISTANCE_MM] = max_distance_mm
-    return s_config
-def attach_with_identity(dut):
-    """Start an Aware session (attach) and wait for confirmation and identity
-  information (mac address).
-  Args:
-    dut: Device under test
-  Returns:
-    id: Aware session ID.
-    mac: Discovery MAC address of this device.
-  """
-    id = dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach(True)
-    wait_for_event(dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
-    event = wait_for_event(dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_IDENTITY_CHANGED)
-    mac = event["data"]["mac"]
-    return id, mac
-def create_discovery_pair(p_dut,
-                          s_dut,
-                          p_config,
-                          s_config,
-                          device_startup_offset,
-                          msg_id=None):
-    """Creates a discovery session (publish and subscribe), and waits for
-  service discovery - at that point the sessions are connected and ready for
-  further messaging of data-path setup.
-  Args:
-    p_dut: Device to use as publisher.
-    s_dut: Device to use as subscriber.
-    p_config: Publish configuration.
-    s_config: Subscribe configuration.
-    device_startup_offset: Number of seconds to offset the enabling of NAN on
-                           the two devices.
-    msg_id: Controls whether a message is sent from Subscriber to Publisher
-            (so that publisher has the sub's peer ID). If None then not sent,
-            otherwise should be an int for the message id.
-  Returns: variable size list of:
-    p_id: Publisher attach session id
-    s_id: Subscriber attach session id
-    p_disc_id: Publisher discovery session id
-    s_disc_id: Subscriber discovery session id
-    peer_id_on_sub: Peer ID of the Publisher as seen on the Subscriber
-    peer_id_on_pub: Peer ID of the Subscriber as seen on the Publisher. Only
-                    included if |msg_id| is not None.
-  """
-    p_dut.pretty_name = 'Publisher'
-    s_dut.pretty_name = 'Subscriber'
-    # Publisher+Subscriber: attach and wait for confirmation
-    p_id = p_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach()
-    wait_for_event(p_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
-    time.sleep(device_startup_offset)
-    s_id = s_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach()
-    wait_for_event(s_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
-    # Publisher: start publish and wait for confirmation
-    p_disc_id = p_dut.droid.wifiAwarePublish(p_id, p_config)
-    wait_for_event(p_dut, aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_PUBLISH_STARTED)
-    # Subscriber: start subscribe and wait for confirmation
-    s_disc_id = s_dut.droid.wifiAwareSubscribe(s_id, s_config)
-    wait_for_event(s_dut, aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_SUBSCRIBE_STARTED)
-    # Subscriber: wait for service discovery
-    discovery_event = wait_for_event(s_dut,
-                                     aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_SERVICE_DISCOVERED)
-    peer_id_on_sub = discovery_event['data'][aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_PEER_ID]
-    # Optionally send a message from Subscriber to Publisher
-    if msg_id is not None:
-        ping_msg = 'PING'
-        # Subscriber: send message to peer (Publisher)
-        s_dut.droid.wifiAwareSendMessage(s_disc_id, peer_id_on_sub, msg_id,
-                                         ping_msg, aconsts.MAX_TX_RETRIES)
-        sub_tx_msg_event = wait_for_event(s_dut,
-                                          aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_SENT)
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            msg_id,
-            sub_tx_msg_event['data'][aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_MESSAGE_ID],
-            'Subscriber -> Publisher message ID corrupted')
-        # Publisher: wait for received message
-        pub_rx_msg_event = wait_for_event(
-            p_dut, aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_RECEIVED)
-        peer_id_on_pub = pub_rx_msg_event['data'][
-            aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_PEER_ID]
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            ping_msg,
-            pub_rx_msg_event['data'][aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_MESSAGE_AS_STRING],
-            'Subscriber -> Publisher message corrupted')
-        return p_id, s_id, p_disc_id, s_disc_id, peer_id_on_sub, peer_id_on_pub
-    return p_id, s_id, p_disc_id, s_disc_id, peer_id_on_sub
-def create_ib_ndp(p_dut, s_dut, p_config, s_config, device_startup_offset):
-    """Create an NDP (using in-band discovery)
-  Args:
-    p_dut: Device to use as publisher.
-    s_dut: Device to use as subscriber.
-    p_config: Publish configuration.
-    s_config: Subscribe configuration.
-    device_startup_offset: Number of seconds to offset the enabling of NAN on
-                           the two devices.
-  """
-    (p_id, s_id, p_disc_id, s_disc_id, peer_id_on_sub,
-     peer_id_on_pub) = create_discovery_pair(p_dut,
-                                             s_dut,
-                                             p_config,
-                                             s_config,
-                                             device_startup_offset,
-                                             msg_id=9999)
-    # Publisher: request network
-    p_req_key = request_network(
-        p_dut,
-        p_dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifier(p_disc_id, peer_id_on_pub,
-                                                    None))
-    # Subscriber: request network
-    s_req_key = request_network(
-        s_dut,
-        s_dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifier(s_disc_id, peer_id_on_sub,
-                                                    None))
-    # Publisher & Subscriber: wait for network formation
-    p_net_event_nc = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, p_req_key))
-    s_net_event_nc = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, s_req_key))
-    # validate no leak of information
-    asserts.assert_false(
-        cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_NETWORK_SPECIFIER in p_net_event_nc["data"],
-        "Network specifier leak!")
-    asserts.assert_false(
-        cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_NETWORK_SPECIFIER in s_net_event_nc["data"],
-        "Network specifier leak!")
-    # note that Pub <-> Sub since IPv6 are of peer's!
-    p_ipv6 = s_net_event_nc["data"][aconsts.NET_CAP_IPV6]
-    s_ipv6 = p_net_event_nc["data"][aconsts.NET_CAP_IPV6]
-    p_net_event_lp = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, p_req_key))
-    s_net_event_lp = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, s_req_key))
-    p_aware_if = p_net_event_lp["data"][cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME]
-    s_aware_if = s_net_event_lp["data"][cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME]
-    return p_req_key, s_req_key, p_aware_if, s_aware_if, p_ipv6, s_ipv6
-def create_oob_ndp_on_sessions(init_dut, resp_dut, init_id, init_mac, resp_id,
-                               resp_mac):
-    """Create an NDP on top of existing Aware sessions (using OOB discovery)
-  Args:
-    init_dut: Initiator device
-    resp_dut: Responder device
-    init_id: Initiator attach session id
-    init_mac: Initiator discovery MAC address
-    resp_id: Responder attach session id
-    resp_mac: Responder discovery MAC address
-  Returns:
-    init_req_key: Initiator network request
-    resp_req_key: Responder network request
-    init_aware_if: Initiator Aware data interface
-    resp_aware_if: Responder Aware data interface
-    init_ipv6: Initiator IPv6 address
-    resp_ipv6: Responder IPv6 address
-  """
-    # Responder: request network
-    resp_req_key = request_network(
-        resp_dut,
-        resp_dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifierOob(
-            resp_id, aconsts.DATA_PATH_RESPONDER, init_mac, None))
-    # Initiator: request network
-    init_req_key = request_network(
-        init_dut,
-        init_dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifierOob(
-            init_id, aconsts.DATA_PATH_INITIATOR, resp_mac, None))
-    # Initiator & Responder: wait for network formation
-    init_net_event_nc = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, init_req_key))
-    resp_net_event_nc = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, resp_req_key))
-    # validate no leak of information
-    asserts.assert_false(
-        cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_NETWORK_SPECIFIER in init_net_event_nc["data"],
-        "Network specifier leak!")
-    asserts.assert_false(
-        cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_NETWORK_SPECIFIER in resp_net_event_nc["data"],
-        "Network specifier leak!")
-    # note that Init <-> Resp since IPv6 are of peer's!
-    resp_ipv6 = init_net_event_nc["data"][aconsts.NET_CAP_IPV6]
-    init_ipv6 = resp_net_event_nc["data"][aconsts.NET_CAP_IPV6]
-    init_net_event_lp = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, init_req_key))
-    resp_net_event_lp = wait_for_event_with_keys(
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, resp_req_key))
-    init_aware_if = init_net_event_lp['data'][
-    resp_aware_if = resp_net_event_lp['data'][
-    return (init_req_key, resp_req_key, init_aware_if, resp_aware_if,
-            init_ipv6, resp_ipv6)
-def create_oob_ndp(init_dut, resp_dut):
-    """Create an NDP (using OOB discovery)
-  Args:
-    init_dut: Initiator device
-    resp_dut: Responder device
-  """
-    init_dut.pretty_name = 'Initiator'
-    resp_dut.pretty_name = 'Responder'
-    # Initiator+Responder: attach and wait for confirmation & identity
-    init_id = init_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach(True)
-    wait_for_event(init_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
-    init_ident_event = wait_for_event(init_dut,
-                                      aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_IDENTITY_CHANGED)
-    init_mac = init_ident_event['data']['mac']
-    resp_id = resp_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach(True)
-    wait_for_event(resp_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
-    resp_ident_event = wait_for_event(resp_dut,
-                                      aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_IDENTITY_CHANGED)
-    resp_mac = resp_ident_event['data']['mac']
-    # wait for for devices to synchronize with each other - there are no other
-    # mechanisms to make sure this happens for OOB discovery (except retrying
-    # to execute the data-path request)
-    time.sleep(WAIT_FOR_CLUSTER)
-    (init_req_key, resp_req_key, init_aware_if, resp_aware_if, init_ipv6,
-     resp_ipv6) = create_oob_ndp_on_sessions(init_dut, resp_dut, init_id,
-                                             init_mac, resp_id, resp_mac)
-    return (init_req_key, resp_req_key, init_aware_if, resp_aware_if,
-            init_ipv6, resp_ipv6)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/ota_chamber.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/ota_chamber.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 215c349..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/ota_chamber.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-import io
-import serial
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import utils
-def create(configs):
-    """Factory method for OTA chambers.
-    Args:
-        configs: list of dicts with chamber settings. settings must contain the
-        following: type (string denoting type of chamber)
-    """
-    objs = []
-    for config in configs:
-        try:
-            chamber_class = globals()[config['model']]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise KeyError('Invalid chamber configuration.')
-        objs.append(chamber_class(config))
-    return objs
-def detroy(objs):
-    return
-class OtaChamber(object):
-    """Base class implementation for OTA chamber.
-    Base class provides functions whose implementation is shared by all
-    chambers.
-    """
-    def reset_chamber(self):
-        """Resets the chamber to its zero/home state."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def set_orientation(self, orientation):
-        """Set orientation for turn table in OTA chamber.
-        Args:
-            angle: desired turn table orientation in degrees
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def set_stirrer_pos(self, stirrer_id, position):
-        """Starts turntables and stirrers in OTA chamber."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def start_continuous_stirrers(self):
-        """Starts turntables and stirrers in OTA chamber."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def stop_continuous_stirrers(self):
-        """Stops turntables and stirrers in OTA chamber."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def step_stirrers(self, steps):
-        """Move stepped stirrers in OTA chamber to next step."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class MockChamber(OtaChamber):
-    """Class that implements mock chamber for test development and debug."""
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.config = config.copy()
-        self.device_id = self.config['device_id']
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('OtaChamber|{}'.format(
-            self.device_id))
-        self.current_mode = None
-        self.SUPPORTED_BANDS = ['2.4GHz', 'UNII-1', 'UNII-2', 'UNII-3', '6GHz']
-    def set_orientation(self, orientation):
-        self.log.info('Setting orientation to {} degrees.'.format(orientation))
-    def reset_chamber(self):
-        self.log.info('Resetting chamber to home state')
-    def set_stirrer_pos(self, stirrer_id, position):
-        """Starts turntables and stirrers in OTA chamber."""
-        self.log.info('Setting stirrer {} to {}.'.format(stirrer_id, position))
-    def start_continuous_stirrers(self):
-        """Starts turntables and stirrers in OTA chamber."""
-        self.log.info('Starting continuous stirrer motion')
-    def stop_continuous_stirrers(self):
-        """Stops turntables and stirrers in OTA chamber."""
-        self.log.info('Stopping continuous stirrer motion')
-    def configure_stepped_stirrers(self, steps):
-        """Programs parameters for stepped stirrers in OTA chamber."""
-        self.log.info('Configuring stepped stirrers')
-    def step_stirrers(self, steps):
-        """Move stepped stirrers in OTA chamber to next step."""
-        self.log.info('Moving stirrers to the next step')
-class OctoboxChamber(OtaChamber):
-    """Class that implements Octobox chamber."""
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.config = config.copy()
-        self.device_id = self.config['device_id']
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('OtaChamber|{}'.format(
-            self.device_id))
-        self.TURNTABLE_FILE_PATH = '/usr/local/bin/fnPerformaxCmd'
-        utils.exe_cmd('sudo {} -d {} -i 0'.format(self.TURNTABLE_FILE_PATH,
-                                                  self.device_id))
-        self.current_mode = None
-        self.SUPPORTED_BANDS = ['2.4GHz', 'UNII-1', 'UNII-2', 'UNII-3', '6GHz']
-    def set_orientation(self, orientation):
-        self.log.info('Setting orientation to {} degrees.'.format(orientation))
-        utils.exe_cmd('sudo {} -d {} -p {}'.format(self.TURNTABLE_FILE_PATH,
-                                                   self.device_id,
-                                                   orientation))
-    def reset_chamber(self):
-        self.log.info('Resetting chamber to home state')
-        self.set_orientation(0)
-class ChamberAutoConnect(object):
-    def __init__(self, chamber, chamber_config):
-        self._chamber = chamber
-        self._config = chamber_config
-    def __getattr__(self, item):
-        def chamber_call(*args, **kwargs):
-            self._chamber.connect(self._config['ip_address'],
-                                  self._config['username'],
-                                  self._config['password'])
-            return getattr(self._chamber, item)(*args, **kwargs)
-        return chamber_call
-class BluetestChamber(OtaChamber):
-    """Class that implements Octobox chamber."""
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        import flow
-        self.config = config.copy()
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('OtaChamber|{}'.format(
-            self.config['ip_address']))
-        self.chamber = ChamberAutoConnect(flow.Flow(), self.config)
-        self.stirrer_ids = [0, 1, 2]
-        self.current_mode = None
-        self.SUPPORTED_BANDS = ['2.4GHz', 'UNII-1', 'UNII-2', 'UNII-3']
-    # Capture print output decorator
-    @staticmethod
-    def _capture_output(func, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Creates a decorator to capture stdout from bluetest module"""
-        f = io.StringIO()
-        with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f):
-            func(*args, **kwargs)
-        output = f.getvalue()
-        return output
-    def _connect(self):
-        self.chamber.connect(self.config['ip_address'],
-                             self.config['username'], self.config['password'])
-    def _init_manual_mode(self):
-        self.current_mode = 'manual'
-        for stirrer_id in self.stirrer_ids:
-            out = self._capture_output(
-                self.chamber.chamber_stirring_manual_init, stirrer_id)
-            if "failed" in out:
-                self.log.warning("Initialization error: {}".format(out))
-        time.sleep(CHAMBER_SLEEP)
-    def _init_continuous_mode(self):
-        self.current_mode = 'continuous'
-        self.chamber.chamber_stirring_continuous_init()
-    def _init_stepped_mode(self, steps):
-        self.current_mode = 'stepped'
-        self.current_stepped_pos = 0
-        self.chamber.chamber_stirring_stepped_init(steps, False)
-    def set_stirrer_pos(self, stirrer_id, position):
-        if self.current_mode != 'manual':
-            self._init_manual_mode()
-        self.log.info('Setting stirrer {} to {}.'.format(stirrer_id, position))
-        out = self._capture_output(
-            self.chamber.chamber_stirring_manual_set_pos, stirrer_id, position)
-        if "failed" in out:
-            self.log.warning("Bluetest error: {}".format(out))
-            self.log.warning("Set position failed. Retrying.")
-            self.current_mode = None
-            self.set_stirrer_pos(stirrer_id, position)
-        else:
-            self._capture_output(self.chamber.chamber_stirring_manual_wait,
-                                 CHAMBER_SLEEP)
-            self.log.warning('Stirrer {} at {}.'.format(stirrer_id, position))
-    def set_orientation(self, orientation):
-        self.set_stirrer_pos(2, orientation * 100 / 360)
-    def start_continuous_stirrers(self):
-        if self.current_mode != 'continuous':
-            self._init_continuous_mode()
-        self.chamber.chamber_stirring_continuous_start()
-    def stop_continuous_stirrers(self):
-        self.chamber.chamber_stirring_continuous_stop()
-    def step_stirrers(self, steps):
-        if self.current_mode != 'stepped':
-            self._init_stepped_mode(steps)
-        if self.current_stepped_pos == 0:
-            self.current_stepped_pos += 1
-            return
-        self.current_stepped_pos += 1
-        self.chamber.chamber_stirring_stepped_next_pos()
-    def reset_chamber(self):
-        if self.current_mode == 'continuous':
-            self._init_continuous_mode()
-            time.sleep(SHORT_SLEEP)
-            self._init_continuous_mode()
-        else:
-            self._init_manual_mode()
-class EInstrumentChamber(OtaChamber):
-    """Class that implements Einstrument Chamber."""
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.config = config.copy()
-        self.device_id = self.config['device_id']
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(
-            'EInstrumentChamber|{}'.format(self.device_id))
-        self.current_mode = None
-        self.ser = self._get_serial(config['port'])
-    def _get_serial(self, port, baud=9600):
-        """Read com port.
-        Args:
-            port: turn table com port
-            baud: baud rate
-        """
-        ser = serial.Serial(port, baud)
-        return ser
-    def set_orientation(self, orientation):
-        if int(orientation) > 360:
-            orientation = int(orientation) % 360
-        elif int(orientation) < 0:
-            orientation = 0
-        self.log.info('Setting orientation to {} degrees.'.format(orientation))
-        orientation = str('DG') + str(orientation) + str(';')
-        self.ser.write(orientation.encode())
-        return orientation
-    def reset_chamber(self):
-        self.log.info('Resetting turn table to zero degree')
-        self.set_orientation(0)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/ota_sniffer.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/ota_sniffer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51d9296..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/ota_sniffer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import csv
-import os
-import posixpath
-import time
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib import ssh
-WifiEnums = wutils.WifiEnums
-def create(configs):
-    """Factory method for sniffer.
-    Args:
-        configs: list of dicts with sniffer settings.
-        Settings must contain the following : ssh_settings, type, OS, interface.
-    Returns:
-        objs: list of sniffer class objects.
-    """
-    objs = []
-    for config in configs:
-        try:
-            if config['type'] == 'tshark':
-                if config['os'] == 'unix':
-                    objs.append(TsharkSnifferOnUnix(config))
-                elif config['os'] == 'linux':
-                    objs.append(TsharkSnifferOnLinux(config))
-                else:
-                    raise RuntimeError('Wrong sniffer config')
-            elif config['type'] == 'mock':
-                objs.append(MockSniffer(config))
-        except KeyError:
-            raise KeyError('Invalid sniffer configurations')
-        return objs
-def destroy(objs):
-    return
-class OtaSnifferBase(object):
-    """Base class defining common sniffers functions."""
-    _log_file_counter = 0
-    @property
-    def started(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError('started must be specified.')
-    def start_capture(self, network, duration=30):
-        """Starts the sniffer Capture.
-        Args:
-            network: dict containing network information such as SSID, etc.
-            duration: duration of sniffer capture in seconds.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('start_capture must be specified.')
-    def stop_capture(self, tag=''):
-        """Stops the sniffer Capture.
-        Args:
-            tag: string to tag sniffer capture file name with.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('stop_capture must be specified.')
-    def _get_remote_dump_path(self):
-        """Returns name of the sniffer dump file."""
-        remote_file_name = 'sniffer_dump.{}'.format(
-            self.sniffer_output_file_type)
-        remote_dump_path = posixpath.join(posixpath.sep, 'tmp',
-                                          remote_file_name)
-        return remote_dump_path
-    def _get_full_file_path(self, tag=None):
-        """Returns the full file path for the sniffer capture dump file.
-        Returns the full file path (on test machine) for the sniffer capture
-        dump file.
-        Args:
-            tag: The tag appended to the sniffer capture dump file .
-        """
-        tags = [tag, 'count', OtaSnifferBase._log_file_counter]
-        out_file_name = 'Sniffer_Capture_%s.%s' % ('_'.join([
-            str(x) for x in tags if x != '' and x is not None
-        ]), self.sniffer_output_file_type)
-        OtaSnifferBase._log_file_counter += 1
-        file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, out_file_name)
-        return file_path
-    @property
-    def log_path(self):
-        current_context = context.get_current_context()
-        full_out_dir = os.path.join(current_context.get_full_output_path(),
-                                    'sniffer_captures')
-        # Ensure the directory exists.
-        os.makedirs(full_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
-        return full_out_dir
-class MockSniffer(OtaSnifferBase):
-    """Class that implements mock sniffer for test development and debug."""
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('Mock Sniffer')
-    def start_capture(self, network, duration=30):
-        """Starts sniffer capture on the specified machine.
-        Args:
-            network: dict of network credentials.
-            duration: duration of the sniff.
-        """
-        self.log.debug('Starting sniffer.')
-    def stop_capture(self):
-        """Stops the sniffer.
-        Returns:
-            log_file: name of processed sniffer.
-        """
-        self.log.debug('Stopping sniffer.')
-        log_file = self._get_full_file_path()
-        with open(log_file, 'w') as file:
-            file.write('this is a sniffer dump.')
-        return log_file
-class TsharkSnifferBase(OtaSnifferBase):
-    """Class that implements Tshark based sniffer controller. """
-        '0': 'Association Requests',
-        '1': 'Association Responses',
-        '2': 'Reassociation Requests',
-        '3': 'Resssociation Responses',
-        '4': 'Probe Requests',
-        '5': 'Probe Responses',
-        '8': 'Beacon',
-        '9': 'ATIM',
-        '10': 'Disassociations',
-        '11': 'Authentications',
-        '12': 'Deauthentications',
-        '13': 'Actions',
-        '24': 'Block ACK Requests',
-        '25': 'Block ACKs',
-        '26': 'PS-Polls',
-        '27': 'RTS',
-        '28': 'CTS',
-        '29': 'ACK',
-        '30': 'CF-Ends',
-        '31': 'CF-Ends/CF-Acks',
-        '32': 'Data',
-        '33': 'Data+CF-Ack',
-        '34': 'Data+CF-Poll',
-        '35': 'Data+CF-Ack+CF-Poll',
-        '36': 'Null',
-        '37': 'CF-Ack',
-        '38': 'CF-Poll',
-        '39': 'CF-Ack+CF-Poll',
-        '40': 'QoS Data',
-        '41': 'QoS Data+CF-Ack',
-        '42': 'QoS Data+CF-Poll',
-        '43': 'QoS Data+CF-Ack+CF-Poll',
-        '44': 'QoS Null',
-        '46': 'QoS CF-Poll (Null)',
-        '47': 'QoS CF-Ack+CF-Poll (Null)'
-    }
-        'frame_number', 'frame_time_relative', 'mactime', 'frame_len', 'rssi',
-        'channel', 'ta', 'ra', 'bssid', 'type', 'subtype', 'duration', 'seq',
-        'retry', 'pwrmgmt', 'moredata', 'ds', 'phy', 'radio_datarate',
-        'vht_datarate', 'radiotap_mcs_index', 'vht_mcs', 'wlan_data_rate',
-        '11n_mcs_index', '11ac_mcs', '11n_bw', '11ac_bw', 'vht_nss', 'mcs_gi',
-        'vht_gi', 'vht_coding', 'ba_bm', 'fc_status', 'bf_report'
-    ]
-        'frame_number', 'frame_time_relative', 'mactime', 'ta', 'ra', 'bssid',
-        'rssi', 'channel', 'frame_len', 'Info', 'radio_datarate',
-        'radiotap_mcs_index', 'pwrmgmt', 'phy', 'vht_nss', 'vht_mcs',
-        'vht_datarate', '11ac_mcs', '11ac_bw', 'vht_gi', 'vht_coding',
-        'wlan_data_rate', '11n_mcs_index', '11n_bw', 'mcs_gi', 'type',
-        'subtype', 'duration', 'seq', 'retry', 'moredata', 'ds', 'ba_bm',
-        'fc_status', 'bf_report'
-    ]
-        'frame.number', 'frame.time_relative', 'radiotap.mactime', 'frame.len',
-        'radiotap.dbm_antsignal', 'wlan_radio.channel', 'wlan.ta', 'wlan.ra',
-        'wlan.bssid', 'wlan.fc.type', 'wlan.fc.type_subtype', 'wlan.duration',
-        'wlan.seq', 'wlan.fc.retry', 'wlan.fc.pwrmgt', 'wlan.fc.moredata',
-        'wlan.fc.ds', 'wlan_radio.phy', 'radiotap.datarate',
-        'radiotap.vht.datarate.0', 'radiotap.mcs.index', 'radiotap.vht.mcs.0',
-        'wlan_radio.data_rate', 'wlan_radio.11n.mcs_index',
-        'wlan_radio.11ac.mcs', 'wlan_radio.11n.bandwidth',
-        'wlan_radio.11ac.bandwidth', 'radiotap.vht.nss.0', 'radiotap.mcs.gi',
-        'radiotap.vht.gi', 'radiotap.vht.coding.0', 'wlan.ba.bm',
-        'wlan.fcs.status', 'wlan.vht.compressed_beamforming_report.snr'
-    ]
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.sniffer_proc_pid = None
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('Tshark Sniffer')
-        self.ssh_config = config['ssh_config']
-        self.sniffer_os = config['os']
-        self.run_as_sudo = config.get('run_as_sudo', False)
-        self.sniffer_output_file_type = config['output_file_type']
-        self.sniffer_snap_length = config['snap_length']
-        self.sniffer_interface = config['interface']
-        self.sniffer_disabled = False
-        #Logging into sniffer
-        self.log.info('Logging into sniffer.')
-        self._sniffer_server = ssh.connection.SshConnection(
-            ssh.settings.from_config(self.ssh_config))
-        # Get tshark params
-        self.tshark_fields = self._generate_tshark_fields(
-            self.TSHARK_FIELDS_LIST)
-        self.tshark_path = self._sniffer_server.run('which tshark').stdout
-    @property
-    def _started(self):
-        return self.sniffer_proc_pid is not None
-    def _scan_for_networks(self):
-        """Scans for wireless networks on the sniffer."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _get_tshark_command(self, duration):
-        """Frames the appropriate tshark command.
-        Args:
-            duration: duration to sniff for.
-        Returns:
-            tshark_command : appropriate tshark command.
-        """
-        tshark_command = '{} -l -i {} -I -t u -a duration:{}'.format(
-            self.tshark_path, self.sniffer_interface, int(duration))
-        if self.run_as_sudo:
-            tshark_command = 'sudo {}'.format(tshark_command)
-        return tshark_command
-    def _get_sniffer_command(self, tshark_command):
-        """
-        Frames the appropriate sniffer command.
-        Args:
-            tshark_command: framed tshark command
-        Returns:
-            sniffer_command: appropriate sniffer command
-        """
-        if self.sniffer_output_file_type in ['pcap', 'pcapng']:
-            sniffer_command = ' {tshark} -s {snaplength} -w {log_file} '.format(
-                tshark=tshark_command,
-                snaplength=self.sniffer_snap_length,
-                log_file=self._get_remote_dump_path())
-        elif self.sniffer_output_file_type == 'csv':
-            sniffer_command = '{tshark} {fields} > {log_file}'.format(
-                tshark=tshark_command,
-                fields=self.tshark_fields,
-                log_file=self._get_remote_dump_path())
-        else:
-            raise KeyError('Sniffer output file type not configured correctly')
-        return sniffer_command
-    def _generate_tshark_fields(self, fields):
-        """Generates tshark fields to be appended to the tshark command.
-        Args:
-            fields: list of tshark fields to be appended to the tshark command.
-        Returns:
-            tshark_fields: string of tshark fields to be appended
-            to the tshark command.
-        """
-        tshark_fields = "-T fields -y IEEE802_11_RADIO -E separator='^'"
-        for field in fields:
-            tshark_fields = tshark_fields + ' -e {}'.format(field)
-        return tshark_fields
-    def _configure_sniffer(self, network, chan, bw):
-        """ Connects to a wireless network using networksetup utility.
-        Args:
-            network: dictionary of network credentials; SSID and password.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _run_tshark(self, sniffer_command):
-        """Starts the sniffer.
-        Args:
-            sniffer_command: sniffer command to execute.
-        """
-        self.log.debug('Starting sniffer.')
-        sniffer_job = self._sniffer_server.run_async(sniffer_command)
-        self.sniffer_proc_pid = sniffer_job.stdout
-    def _stop_tshark(self):
-        """ Stops the sniffer."""
-        self.log.debug('Stopping sniffer')
-        # while loop to kill the sniffer process
-        stop_time = time.time() + SNIFFER_TIMEOUT
-        while time.time() < stop_time:
-            # Wait before sending more kill signals
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            try:
-                # Returns 1 if process was killed
-                self._sniffer_server.run(
-                    'ps aux| grep {} | grep -v grep'.format(
-                        self.sniffer_proc_pid))
-            except:
-                return
-            try:
-                # Returns error if process was killed already
-                self._sniffer_server.run('sudo kill -15 {}'.format(
-                    str(self.sniffer_proc_pid)))
-            except:
-                # Except is hit when tshark is already dead but we will break
-                # out of the loop when confirming process is dead using ps aux
-                pass
-        self.log.warning('Could not stop sniffer. Trying with SIGKILL.')
-        try:
-            self.log.debug('Killing sniffer with SIGKILL.')
-            self._sniffer_server.run('sudo kill -9 {}'.format(
-                str(self.sniffer_proc_pid)))
-        except:
-            self.log.debug('Sniffer process may have stopped succesfully.')
-    def _process_tshark_dump(self, log_file):
-        """ Process tshark dump for better readability.
-        Processes tshark dump for better readability and saves it to a file.
-        Adds an info column at the end of each row. Format of the info columns:
-        subtype of the frame, sequence no and retry status.
-        Args:
-            log_file : unprocessed sniffer output
-        Returns:
-            log_file : processed sniffer output
-        """
-        temp_dump_file = os.path.join(self.log_path, 'sniffer_temp_dump.csv')
-        utils.exe_cmd('cp {} {}'.format(log_file, temp_dump_file))
-        with open(temp_dump_file, 'r') as input_csv, open(log_file,
-                                                          'w') as output_csv:
-            reader = csv.DictReader(input_csv,
-                                    fieldnames=self.TSHARK_COLUMNS,
-                                    delimiter='^')
-            writer = csv.DictWriter(output_csv,
-                                    fieldnames=self.TSHARK_OUTPUT_COLUMNS,
-                                    delimiter='\t')
-            writer.writeheader()
-            for row in reader:
-                if row['subtype'] in self.TYPE_SUBTYPE_DICT:
-                    row['Info'] = '{sub} S={seq} retry={retry_status}'.format(
-                        sub=self.TYPE_SUBTYPE_DICT[row['subtype']],
-                        seq=row['seq'],
-                        retry_status=row['retry'])
-                else:
-                    row['Info'] = '{} S={} retry={}\n'.format(
-                        row['subtype'], row['seq'], row['retry'])
-                writer.writerow(row)
-        utils.exe_cmd('rm -f {}'.format(temp_dump_file))
-        return log_file
-    def start_capture(self, network, chan, bw, duration=60):
-        """Starts sniffer capture on the specified machine.
-        Args:
-            network: dict describing network to sniff on.
-            duration: duration of sniff.
-        """
-        # Checking for existing sniffer processes
-        if self._started:
-            self.log.debug('Sniffer already running')
-            return
-        # Configure sniffer
-        self._configure_sniffer(network, chan, bw)
-        tshark_command = self._get_tshark_command(duration)
-        sniffer_command = self._get_sniffer_command(tshark_command)
-        # Starting sniffer capture by executing tshark command
-        self._run_tshark(sniffer_command)
-    def stop_capture(self, tag=''):
-        """Stops the sniffer.
-        Args:
-            tag: tag to be appended to the sniffer output file.
-        Returns:
-            log_file: path to sniffer dump.
-        """
-        # Checking if there is an ongoing sniffer capture
-        if not self._started:
-            self.log.debug('No sniffer process running')
-            return
-        # Killing sniffer process
-        self._stop_tshark()
-        # Processing writing capture output to file
-        log_file = self._get_full_file_path(tag)
-        self._sniffer_server.run('sudo chmod 777 {}'.format(
-            self._get_remote_dump_path()))
-        self._sniffer_server.pull_file(log_file, self._get_remote_dump_path())
-        if self.sniffer_output_file_type == 'csv':
-            log_file = self._process_tshark_dump(log_file)
-        self.sniffer_proc_pid = None
-        return log_file
-class TsharkSnifferOnUnix(TsharkSnifferBase):
-    """Class that implements Tshark based sniffer controller on Unix systems."""
-    def _scan_for_networks(self):
-        """Scans the wireless networks on the sniffer.
-        Returns:
-            scan_results : output of the scan command.
-        """
-        scan_command = '/usr/local/bin/airport -s'
-        scan_result = self._sniffer_server.run(scan_command).stdout
-        return scan_result
-    def _configure_sniffer(self, network, chan, bw):
-        """Connects to a wireless network using networksetup utility.
-        Args:
-            network: dictionary of network credentials; SSID and password.
-        """
-        self.log.debug('Connecting to network {}'.format(network['SSID']))
-        if 'password' not in network:
-            network['password'] = ''
-        connect_command = 'networksetup -setairportnetwork en0 {} {}'.format(
-            network['SSID'], network['password'])
-        self._sniffer_server.run(connect_command)
-class TsharkSnifferOnLinux(TsharkSnifferBase):
-    """Class that implements Tshark based sniffer controller on Linux."""
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        super().__init__(config)
-        self._init_sniffer()
-        self.channel = None
-        self.bandwidth = None
-    def _init_sniffer(self):
-        """Function to configure interface for the first time"""
-        self._sniffer_server.run('sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi')
-        self._sniffer_server.run('sudo dmesg -C')
-        self._sniffer_server.run('cat /dev/null | sudo tee /var/log/syslog')
-        self._sniffer_server.run('sudo modprobe iwlwifi debug=0x1')
-        # Wait for wifi config changes before trying to further configuration
-        # e.g. setting monitor mode (which will fail if above is not complete)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    def start_capture(self, network, chan, bw, duration=60):
-        """Starts sniffer capture on the specified machine.
-        Args:
-            network: dict describing network to sniff on.
-            duration: duration of sniff.
-        """
-        # If sniffer doesnt support the channel, return
-        if '6g' in str(chan):
-            self.log.debug('Channel not supported on sniffer')
-            return
-        # Checking for existing sniffer processes
-        if self._started:
-            self.log.debug('Sniffer already running')
-            return
-        # Configure sniffer
-        self._configure_sniffer(network, chan, bw)
-        tshark_command = self._get_tshark_command(duration)
-        sniffer_command = self._get_sniffer_command(tshark_command)
-        # Starting sniffer capture by executing tshark command
-        self._run_tshark(sniffer_command)
-    def set_monitor_mode(self, chan, bw):
-        """Function to configure interface to monitor mode
-        Brings up the sniffer wireless interface in monitor mode and
-        tunes it to the appropriate channel and bandwidth
-        Args:
-            chan: primary channel (int) to tune the sniffer to
-            bw: bandwidth (int) to tune the sniffer to
-        """
-        if chan == self.channel and bw == self.bandwidth:
-            return
-        self.channel = chan
-        self.bandwidth = bw
-        channel_map = {
-            80: {
-                tuple(range(36, 50, 2)): 42,
-                tuple(range(52, 66, 2)): 58,
-                tuple(range(100, 114, 2)): 106,
-                tuple(range(116, 130, 2)): 122,
-                tuple(range(132, 146, 2)): 138,
-                tuple(range(149, 163, 2)): 155
-            },
-            40: {
-                (36, 38, 40): 38,
-                (44, 46, 48): 46,
-                (52, 54, 56): 54,
-                (60, 62, 64): 62,
-                (100, 102, 104): 102,
-                (108, 110, 112): 108,
-                (116, 118, 120): 118,
-                (124, 126, 128): 126,
-                (132, 134, 136): 134,
-                (140, 142, 144): 142,
-                (149, 151, 153): 151,
-                (157, 159, 161): 159
-            },
-            160: {
-                (36, 38, 40): 50
-            }
-        }
-        if chan <= 13:
-            primary_freq = WifiEnums.channel_2G_to_freq[chan]
-        else:
-            primary_freq = WifiEnums.channel_5G_to_freq[chan]
-        self._sniffer_server.run('sudo ifconfig {} down'.format(
-            self.sniffer_interface))
-        self._sniffer_server.run('sudo iwconfig {} mode monitor'.format(
-            self.sniffer_interface))
-        self._sniffer_server.run('sudo ifconfig {} up'.format(
-            self.sniffer_interface))
-        if bw in channel_map:
-            for tuple_chan in channel_map[bw]:
-                if chan in tuple_chan:
-                    center_freq = WifiEnums.channel_5G_to_freq[channel_map[bw]
-                                                               [tuple_chan]]
-                    self._sniffer_server.run(
-                        'sudo iw dev {} set freq {} {} {}'.format(
-                            self.sniffer_interface, primary_freq, bw,
-                            center_freq))
-        else:
-            self._sniffer_server.run('sudo iw dev {} set freq {}'.format(
-                self.sniffer_interface, primary_freq))
-    def _configure_sniffer(self, network, chan, bw):
-        """ Connects to a wireless network using networksetup utility.
-        Args:
-            network: dictionary of network credentials; SSID and password.
-        """
-        self.log.debug('Setting monitor mode on Ch {}, bw {}'.format(chan, bw))
-        self.set_monitor_mode(chan, bw)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2114934..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import antlion.utils
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import net_test_utils as nutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.p2p import wifi_p2p_const as p2pconsts
-class WifiP2pBaseTest(BaseTestClass):
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        if not hasattr(self, 'android_devices'):
-            super(WifiP2pBaseTest, self).__init__(controllers)
-    def setup_class(self):
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            ad.droid.wakeLockAcquireBright()
-            ad.droid.wakeUpNow()
-        required_params = ()
-        optional_params = ("skip_read_factory_mac", "pixel_models", "cnss_diag_file")
-        self.unpack_userparams(required_params,
-                               optional_params,
-                               skip_read_factory_mac=0)
-        self.dut1 = self.android_devices[0]
-        self.dut2 = self.android_devices[1]
-        if self.skip_read_factory_mac:
-            self.dut1_mac = None
-            self.dut2_mac = None
-        else:
-            self.dut1_mac = self.get_p2p_mac_address(self.dut1)
-            self.dut2_mac = self.get_p2p_mac_address(self.dut2)
-        #init location before init p2p
-        antlion.utils.set_location_service(self.dut1, True)
-        antlion.utils.set_location_service(self.dut2, True)
-        wutils.wifi_test_device_init(self.dut1)
-        utils.sync_device_time(self.dut1)
-        self.dut1.droid.wifiP2pInitialize()
-        time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_FUNCTION_SWITCH_TIME)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut1.droid.wifiP2pIsEnabled(),
-                            "DUT1's p2p should be initialized but it didn't")
-        self.dut1.name = "Android_" + self.dut1.serial
-        self.dut1.droid.wifiP2pSetDeviceName(self.dut1.name)
-        wutils.wifi_test_device_init(self.dut2)
-        utils.sync_device_time(self.dut2)
-        self.dut2.droid.wifiP2pInitialize()
-        time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_FUNCTION_SWITCH_TIME)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut2.droid.wifiP2pIsEnabled(),
-                            "DUT2's p2p should be initialized but it didn't")
-        self.dut2.name = "Android_" + self.dut2.serial
-        self.dut2.droid.wifiP2pSetDeviceName(self.dut2.name)
-        if len(self.android_devices) > 2:
-            self.dut3 = self.android_devices[2]
-            antlion.utils.set_location_service(self.dut3, True)
-            wutils.wifi_test_device_init(self.dut3)
-            utils.sync_device_time(self.dut3)
-            self.dut3.droid.wifiP2pInitialize()
-            time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_FUNCTION_SWITCH_TIME)
-            asserts.assert_true(
-                self.dut3.droid.wifiP2pIsEnabled(),
-                "DUT3's p2p should be initialized but it didn't")
-            self.dut3.name = "Android_" + self.dut3.serial
-            self.dut3.droid.wifiP2pSetDeviceName(self.dut3.name)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file"):
-            if isinstance(self.cnss_diag_file, list):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = self.cnss_diag_file[0]
-            if not os.path.isfile(self.cnss_diag_file):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = os.path.join(
-                    self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value],
-                    self.cnss_diag_file)
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        self.dut1.droid.wifiP2pClose()
-        self.dut2.droid.wifiP2pClose()
-        antlion.utils.set_location_service(self.dut1, False)
-        antlion.utils.set_location_service(self.dut2, False)
-        if len(self.android_devices) > 2:
-            self.dut3.droid.wifiP2pClose()
-            antlion.utils.set_location_service(self.dut3, False)
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            ad.droid.wakeLockRelease()
-            ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
-    def setup_test(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.start_cnss_diags(
-                self.android_devices, self.cnss_diag_file, self.pixel_models)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                proc = nutils.start_tcpdump(ad, self.test_name)
-                self.tcpdump_proc.append((ad, proc))
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-        for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-            nutils.stop_tcpdump(
-                    proc[0], proc[1], self.test_name, pull_dump=False)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            # Clear p2p group info
-            ad.droid.wifiP2pRequestPersistentGroupInfo()
-            event = ad.ed.pop_event("WifiP2pOnPersistentGroupInfoAvailable",
-                                    p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-            for network in event['data']:
-                ad.droid.wifiP2pDeletePersistentGroup(network['NetworkId'])
-            # Clear p2p local service
-            ad.droid.wifiP2pClearLocalServices()
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-            ad.cat_adb_log(test_name, begin_time)
-            wutils.get_ssrdumps(ad)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                wutils.get_cnss_diag_log(ad)
-        for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-            nutils.stop_tcpdump(proc[0], proc[1], self.test_name)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-    def get_p2p_mac_address(self, dut):
-        """Gets the current MAC address being used for Wi-Fi Direct."""
-        dut.reboot()
-        time.sleep(WAIT_TIME)
-        out = dut.adb.shell("ifconfig p2p0")
-        return re.match(".* HWaddr (\S+).*", out, re.S).group(1)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/wifi_p2p_const.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/wifi_p2p_const.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eb19776..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/wifi_p2p_const.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Wifi P2p framework designed value
-# Wifi P2p Acts flow control timer value
-# Wifi P2p sl4a Event String
-CONNECTED_EVENT = "WifiP2pConnected"
-DISCONNECTED_EVENT = "WifiP2pDisconnected"
-PEER_AVAILABLE_EVENT = "WifiP2pOnPeersAvailable"
-CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE_EVENT = "WifiP2pOnConnectionInfoAvailable"
-ONGOING_PEER_SET_SUCCESS_EVENT = "WifiP2psetP2pPeerConfigureOnSuccess"
-CONNECT_SUCCESS_EVENT = "WifiP2pConnectOnSuccess"
-CREATE_GROUP_SUCCESS_EVENT = "WifiP2pCreateGroupOnSuccess"
-SET_CHANNEL_SUCCESS_EVENT = "WifiP2pSetChannelsOnSuccess"
-GROUP_INFO_AVAILABLE_EVENT = "WifiP2pOnGroupInfoAvailable"
-# Wifi P2p local service event
-DNSSD_EVENT = "WifiP2pOnDnsSdServiceAvailable"
-DNSSD_TXRECORD_EVENT = "WifiP2pOnDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable"
-UPNP_EVENT = "WifiP2pOnUpnpServiceAvailable"
-# Wifi P2p local service type
-# Wifi P2p group capability
-# Wifi P2p UPnP MediaRenderer local service
-class UpnpTestData():
-    AVTransport = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1"
-    ConnectionManager = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1"
-    serviceType = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1"
-    uuid = "6859dede-8574-59ab-9332-123456789011"
-    rootdevice = "upnp:rootdevice"
-# Wifi P2p Bonjour IPP & AFP local service
-class IppTestData():
-    ippInstanceName = "MyPrinter"
-    ippRegistrationType = "_ipp._tcp"
-    ippDomainName = "myprinter._ipp._tcp.local."
-    ipp_txtRecord = {"txtvers": "1", "pdl": "application/postscript"}
-class AfpTestData():
-    afpInstanceName = "Example"
-    afpRegistrationType = "_afpovertcp._tcp"
-    afpDomainName = "example._afpovertcp._tcp.local."
-    afp_txtRecord = {}
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/wifi_p2p_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/wifi_p2p_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2811675..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/p2p/wifi_p2p_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.p2p import wifi_p2p_const as p2pconsts
-import antlion.utils
-def is_discovered(event, ad):
-    """Check an Android device exist in WifiP2pOnPeersAvailable event or not.
-    Args:
-        event: WifiP2pOnPeersAvailable which include all of p2p devices.
-        ad: The android device
-    Returns:
-        True: if an Android device exist in p2p list
-        False: if not exist
-    """
-    for device in event['data']['Peers']:
-        if device['Name'] == ad.name:
-            ad.deviceAddress = device['Address']
-            return True
-    return False
-def check_disconnect(ad, timeout=p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
-    """Check an Android device disconnect or not
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-    """
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pRequestConnectionInfo()
-    # wait disconnect event
-    ad.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.DISCONNECTED_EVENT, timeout)
-def p2p_disconnect(ad):
-    """Invoke an Android device removeGroup to trigger p2p disconnect
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-    """
-    ad.log.debug("Disconnect")
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pRemoveGroup()
-    check_disconnect(ad)
-def p2p_connection_ping_test(ad, target_ip_address):
-    """Let an Android device to start ping target_ip_address
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-        target_ip_address: ip address which would like to ping
-    """
-    ad.log.debug("Run Ping Test, %s ping %s " % (ad.serial, target_ip_address))
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        antlion.utils.adb_shell_ping(ad,
-                                  count=6,
-                                  dest_ip=target_ip_address,
-                                  timeout=20), "%s ping failed" % (ad.serial))
-def is_go(ad):
-    """Check an Android p2p role is Go or not
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-    Return:
-        True: An Android device is p2p  go
-        False: An Android device is p2p gc
-    """
-    ad.log.debug("is go check")
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pRequestConnectionInfo()
-    ad_connect_info_event = ad.ed.pop_event(
-    if ad_connect_info_event['data']['isGroupOwner']:
-        return True
-    return False
-def p2p_go_ip(ad):
-    """Get GO IP address
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-    Return:
-        GO IP address
-    """
-    ad.log.debug("p2p go ip")
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pRequestConnectionInfo()
-    ad_connect_info_event = ad.ed.pop_event(
-    ad.log.debug("p2p go ip: %s" %
-                 ad_connect_info_event['data']['groupOwnerHostAddress'])
-    return ad_connect_info_event['data']['groupOwnerHostAddress']
-def p2p_get_current_group(ad):
-    """Get current group information
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-    Return:
-        p2p group information
-    """
-    ad.log.debug("get current group")
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pRequestGroupInfo()
-    ad_group_info_event = ad.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.GROUP_INFO_AVAILABLE_EVENT,
-                                          p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    ad.log.debug(
-        "p2p group: SSID:%s, password:%s, owner address: %s, interface: %s" %
-        (ad_group_info_event['data']['NetworkName'],
-         ad_group_info_event['data']['Passphrase'],
-         ad_group_info_event['data']['OwnerAddress'],
-         ad_group_info_event['data']['Interface']))
-    return ad_group_info_event['data']
-def is_ongoing_peer_ready(peerConfig, waitForPin):
-    """Check whether the peer config is ready
-    Args:
-        peerConfig: the ongoing config
-        waitForPin: this config needs key or not
-    Return:
-        true for ready; false otherwise.
-    """
-    if peerConfig is None:
-        return False
-    if not peerConfig['data'][WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.DEVICEADDRESS_KEY]:
-        return False
-    if not waitForPin:
-        return True
-    if WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_PIN_KEY in peerConfig['data'][
-            WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY]:
-        return True
-    return False
-def wait_for_ongoing_peer_ready(ad, waitForPin, maxPollingCount):
-    """wait for the ongoing peer data ready
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-        waitForPin: this config needs key or not
-        maxPollingCount: the max polling count
-    Return:
-        the ongoing peer config
-    """
-    ad_peerConfig = None
-    ad.log.debug("%s is waiting for the ongoing peer, max polling count %s" %
-                 (ad.name, maxPollingCount))
-    while maxPollingCount > 0:
-        ad.droid.requestP2pPeerConfigure()
-        ad_peerConfig = ad.ed.pop_event(
-            p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-        maxPollingCount -= 1
-        if is_ongoing_peer_ready(ad_peerConfig, waitForPin):
-            break
-        ad.log.debug("%s is not ready for next step" % (ad.name))
-        time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_POLLING_SLEEPTIME)
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        ad_peerConfig['data'][WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.DEVICEADDRESS_KEY],
-        "DUT %s does not receive the request." % (ad.name))
-    ad.log.debug(ad_peerConfig['data'])
-    return ad_peerConfig
-#trigger p2p connect to ad2 from ad1
-def p2p_connect(ad1,
-                ad2,
-                isReconnect,
-                wpsSetup,
-                p2p_connect_type=p2pconsts.P2P_CONNECT_NEGOTIATION,
-                go_ad=None):
-    """trigger p2p connect to ad2 from ad1
-    Args:
-        ad1: The android device
-        ad2: The android device
-        isReconnect: boolean, if persist group is exist,
-                isReconnect is true, otherswise is false.
-        wpsSetup: which wps connection would like to use
-        p2p_connect_type: enumeration, which type this p2p connection is
-        go_ad: The group owner android device which is used for the invitation connection
-    """
-    ad1.log.info("Create p2p connection from %s to %s via wps: %s type %d" %
-                 (ad1.name, ad2.name, wpsSetup, p2p_connect_type))
-    if p2p_connect_type == p2pconsts.P2P_CONNECT_INVITATION:
-        if go_ad is None:
-            go_ad = ad1
-        find_p2p_device(ad1, ad2)
-        # GO might be another peer, so ad2 needs to find it first.
-        find_p2p_group_owner(ad2, go_ad)
-    elif p2p_connect_type == p2pconsts.P2P_CONNECT_JOIN:
-        find_p2p_group_owner(ad1, ad2)
-    else:
-        find_p2p_device(ad1, ad2)
-    time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SLEEPTIME)
-    wifi_p2p_config = {
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.DEVICEADDRESS_KEY: ad2.deviceAddress,
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY: {
-            WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_SETUP_KEY: wpsSetup
-        }
-    }
-    ad1.droid.wifiP2pConnect(wifi_p2p_config)
-    ad1.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CONNECT_SUCCESS_EVENT,
-                     p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    if not isReconnect:
-        # ad1 is the initiator, it should be ready soon.
-        ad1_peerConfig = wait_for_ongoing_peer_ready(
-            ad1, wpsSetup == WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WIFI_WPS_INFO_DISPLAY, 6)
-        # auto-join tries 10 times to find groups, and
-        # one round takes 2 - 3 seconds.
-        ad2_peerConfig = wait_for_ongoing_peer_ready(
-            ad2, wpsSetup == WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WIFI_WPS_INFO_KEYPAD, 31)
-        if wpsSetup == WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WIFI_WPS_INFO_DISPLAY:
-            asserts.assert_true(
-                WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_PIN_KEY in ad1_peerConfig['data'][
-                    WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY],
-                "Can't get display pin value")
-            ad2_peerConfig['data'][WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY][
-                WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_PIN_KEY] = ad1_peerConfig['data'][
-                    WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY][
-                        WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_PIN_KEY]
-            ad2.droid.setP2pPeerConfigure(ad2_peerConfig['data'])
-            ad2.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.ONGOING_PEER_SET_SUCCESS_EVENT,
-                             p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-            ad2.droid.wifiP2pAcceptConnection()
-        elif wpsSetup == WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WIFI_WPS_INFO_KEYPAD:
-            asserts.assert_true(
-                WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_PIN_KEY in ad2_peerConfig['data'][
-                    WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY],
-                "Can't get keypad pin value")
-            ad1_peerConfig['data'][WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY][
-                WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_PIN_KEY] = ad2_peerConfig['data'][
-                    WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY][
-                        WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_PIN_KEY]
-            ad1.droid.setP2pPeerConfigure(ad1_peerConfig['data'])
-            ad1.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.ONGOING_PEER_SET_SUCCESS_EVENT,
-                             p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-            ad1.droid.wifiP2pAcceptConnection()
-            time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SLEEPTIME)
-            ad2.droid.wifiP2pConfirmConnection()
-        elif wpsSetup == WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WIFI_WPS_INFO_PBC:
-            ad2.droid.wifiP2pAcceptConnection()
-            if p2p_connect_type == p2pconsts.P2P_CONNECT_INVITATION:
-                time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SLEEPTIME)
-                go_ad.droid.wifiP2pAcceptConnection()
-    #wait connected event
-    if p2p_connect_type == p2pconsts.P2P_CONNECT_INVITATION:
-        go_ad.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CONNECTED_EVENT,
-                           p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    else:
-        ad1.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CONNECTED_EVENT, p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    ad2.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CONNECTED_EVENT, p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-def p2p_connect_with_config(ad1, ad2, network_name, passphrase, band):
-    """trigger p2p connect to ad2 from ad1 with config
-    Args:
-        ad1: The android device
-        ad2: The android device
-        network_name: the network name of the desired group.
-        passphrase: the passphrase of the desired group.
-        band: the operating band of the desired group.
-    """
-    ad1.log.info("Create p2p connection from %s to %s" % (ad1.name, ad2.name))
-    find_p2p_device(ad1, ad2)
-    time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SLEEPTIME)
-    wifi_p2p_config = {
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.NETWORK_NAME: network_name,
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.PASSPHRASE: passphrase,
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.GROUP_BAND: band,
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY: {
-            WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_SETUP_KEY:
-            WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WIFI_WPS_INFO_PBC
-        }
-    }
-    ad1.droid.wifiP2pConnect(wifi_p2p_config)
-    ad1.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CONNECT_SUCCESS_EVENT,
-                     p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SLEEPTIME)
-    #wait connected event
-    ad1.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CONNECTED_EVENT, p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    ad2.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CONNECTED_EVENT, p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-def find_p2p_device(ad1, ad2):
-    """Check an Android device ad1 can discover an Android device ad2
-    Args:
-        ad1: The android device
-        ad2: The android device
-    """
-    ad1.droid.wifiP2pDiscoverPeers()
-    ad2.droid.wifiP2pDiscoverPeers()
-    p2p_find_result = False
-    ad1.ed.clear_events(p2pconsts.PEER_AVAILABLE_EVENT)
-    while not p2p_find_result:
-        ad1_event = ad1.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.PEER_AVAILABLE_EVENT,
-                                     p2pconsts.P2P_FIND_TIMEOUT)
-        ad1.log.debug(ad1_event['data'])
-        p2p_find_result = is_discovered(ad1_event, ad2)
-    asserts.assert_true(p2p_find_result,
-                        "DUT didn't discovered peer:%s device" % (ad2.name))
-def find_p2p_group_owner(ad1, ad2):
-    """Check an Android device ad1 can discover an Android device ad2 which
-       is a group owner
-    Args:
-        ad1: The android device
-        ad2: The android device which is a group owner
-    """
-    p2p_find_result = False
-    ad1.ed.clear_events(p2pconsts.PEER_AVAILABLE_EVENT)
-    while not p2p_find_result:
-        ad2.droid.wifiP2pStopPeerDiscovery()
-        ad1.droid.wifiP2pStopPeerDiscovery()
-        ad2.droid.wifiP2pDiscoverPeers()
-        ad1.droid.wifiP2pDiscoverPeers()
-        ad1_event = ad1.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.PEER_AVAILABLE_EVENT,
-                                     p2pconsts.P2P_FIND_TIMEOUT)
-        ad1.log.debug(ad1_event['data'])
-        for device in ad1_event['data']['Peers']:
-            if (device['Name'] == ad2.name and int(device['GroupCapability'])
-                    & p2pconsts.P2P_GROUP_CAPAB_GROUP_OWNER):
-                ad2.deviceAddress = device['Address']
-                p2p_find_result = True
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        p2p_find_result,
-        "DUT didn't discovered group owner peer:%s device" % (ad2.name))
-def createP2pLocalService(ad, serviceCategory):
-    """Based on serviceCategory to create p2p local service
-            on an Android device ad
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-        serviceCategory: p2p local service type, UPNP / IPP / AFP,
-    """
-    testData = genTestData(serviceCategory)
-    if serviceCategory == p2pconsts.P2P_LOCAL_SERVICE_UPNP:
-        ad.droid.wifiP2pCreateUpnpServiceInfo(testData[0], testData[1],
-                                              testData[2])
-    elif (serviceCategory == p2pconsts.P2P_LOCAL_SERVICE_IPP
-          or serviceCategory == p2pconsts.P2P_LOCAL_SERVICE_AFP):
-        ad.droid.wifiP2pCreateBonjourServiceInfo(testData[0], testData[1],
-                                                 testData[2])
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pAddLocalService()
-def requestServiceAndCheckResult(ad_serviceProvider, ad_serviceReceiver,
-                                 serviceType, queryString1, queryString2):
-    """Based on serviceType and query info, check service request result
-            same as expect or not on an Android device ad_serviceReceiver.
-            And remove p2p service request after result check.
-    Args:
-        ad_serviceProvider: The android device which provide p2p local service
-        ad_serviceReceiver: The android device which query p2p local service
-        serviceType: P2p local service type, Upnp or Bonjour
-        queryString1: Query String, NonNull
-        queryString2: Query String, used for Bonjour, Nullable
-    """
-    expectData = genExpectTestData(serviceType, queryString1, queryString2)
-    find_p2p_device(ad_serviceReceiver, ad_serviceProvider)
-    ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pStopPeerDiscovery()
-    ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pClearServiceRequests()
-    time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_FUNCTION_SWITCH_TIME)
-    ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pDiscoverServices()
-    serviceData = {}
-    service_id = 0
-    if (serviceType ==
-            WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pServiceInfo.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE_TYPE_BONJOUR):
-        ad_serviceReceiver.log.info(
-            "Request bonjour service in \
-                %s with Query String %s and %s " %
-            (ad_serviceReceiver.name, queryString1, queryString2))
-        ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("expectData %s" % expectData)
-        if queryString1 != None:
-            service_id = ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pAddDnssdServiceRequest(
-                queryString1, queryString2)
-        else:
-            service_id = ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pAddServiceRequest(
-                serviceType)
-            ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("request bonjour service id %s" %
-                                        service_id)
-        ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pSetDnsSdResponseListeners()
-        ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pDiscoverServices()
-        ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("Check Service Listener")
-        time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SERVICE_WAITING_TIME)
-        try:
-            dnssd_events = ad_serviceReceiver.ed.pop_all(p2pconsts.DNSSD_EVENT)
-            dnssd_txrecord_events = ad_serviceReceiver.ed.pop_all(
-                p2pconsts.DNSSD_TXRECORD_EVENT)
-            dns_service = WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pDnsSdServiceResponse()
-            for dnssd_event in dnssd_events:
-                if dnssd_event['data'][
-                        'SourceDeviceAddress'] == ad_serviceProvider.deviceAddress:
-                    dns_service.InstanceName = dnssd_event['data'][
-                        p2pconsts.DNSSD_EVENT_INSTANCENAME_KEY]
-                    dns_service.RegistrationType = dnssd_event['data'][
-                        p2pconsts.DNSSD_EVENT_REGISTRATIONTYPE_KEY]
-                    dns_service.FullDomainName = ""
-                    dns_service.TxtRecordMap = ""
-                    serviceData[dns_service.toString()] = 1
-            for dnssd_txrecord_event in dnssd_txrecord_events:
-                if dnssd_txrecord_event['data'][
-                        'SourceDeviceAddress'] == ad_serviceProvider.deviceAddress:
-                    dns_service.InstanceName = ""
-                    dns_service.RegistrationType = ""
-                    dns_service.FullDomainName = dnssd_txrecord_event['data'][
-                        p2pconsts.DNSSD_TXRECORD_EVENT_FULLDOMAINNAME_KEY]
-                    dns_service.TxtRecordMap = dnssd_txrecord_event['data'][
-                        p2pconsts.DNSSD_TXRECORD_EVENT_TXRECORDMAP_KEY]
-                    serviceData[dns_service.toString()] = 1
-            ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("serviceData %s" % serviceData)
-            if len(serviceData) == 0:
-                ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pRemoveServiceRequest(
-                    service_id)
-                return -1
-        except queue.Empty as error:
-            ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("dnssd event is empty", )
-    elif (serviceType ==
-          WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pServiceInfo.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE_TYPE_UPNP):
-        ad_serviceReceiver.log.info(
-            "Request upnp service in %s with Query String %s " %
-            (ad_serviceReceiver.name, queryString1))
-        ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("expectData %s" % expectData)
-        if queryString1 != None:
-            service_id = ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pAddUpnpServiceRequest(
-                queryString1)
-        else:
-            service_id = ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pAddServiceRequest(
-                WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pServiceInfo.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE_TYPE_UPNP)
-        ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pSetUpnpResponseListeners()
-        ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pDiscoverServices()
-        ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("Check Service Listener")
-        time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SERVICE_WAITING_TIME)
-        try:
-            upnp_events = ad_serviceReceiver.ed.pop_all(p2pconsts.UPNP_EVENT)
-            for upnp_event in upnp_events:
-                if upnp_event['data']['Device'][
-                        'Address'] == ad_serviceProvider.deviceAddress:
-                    for service in upnp_event['data'][
-                            p2pconsts.UPNP_EVENT_SERVICELIST_KEY]:
-                        serviceData[service] = 1
-            ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("serviceData %s" % serviceData)
-            if len(serviceData) == 0:
-                ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pRemoveServiceRequest(
-                    service_id)
-                return -1
-        except queue.Empty as error:
-            ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("p2p upnp event is empty", )
-    ad_serviceReceiver.log.info("Check ServiceList")
-    asserts.assert_true(checkServiceQueryResult(serviceData, expectData),
-                        "ServiceList not same as Expect")
-    # After service checked, remove the service_id
-    ad_serviceReceiver.droid.wifiP2pRemoveServiceRequest(service_id)
-    return 0
-def requestServiceAndCheckResultWithRetry(ad_serviceProvider,
-                                          ad_serviceReceiver,
-                                          serviceType,
-                                          queryString1,
-                                          queryString2,
-                                          retryCount=3):
-    """ allow failures for requestServiceAndCheckResult. Service
-        discovery might fail unexpectedly because the request packet might not be
-        recevied by the service responder due to p2p state switch.
-    Args:
-        ad_serviceProvider: The android device which provide p2p local service
-        ad_serviceReceiver: The android device which query p2p local service
-        serviceType: P2p local service type, Upnp or Bonjour
-        queryString1: Query String, NonNull
-        queryString2: Query String, used for Bonjour, Nullable
-        retryCount: maximum retry count, default is 3
-    """
-    ret = 0
-    while retryCount > 0:
-        ret = requestServiceAndCheckResult(ad_serviceProvider,
-                                           ad_serviceReceiver, serviceType,
-                                           queryString1, queryString2)
-        if (ret == 0):
-            break
-        retryCount -= 1
-    asserts.assert_equal(0, ret, "cannot find any services with retries.")
-def checkServiceQueryResult(serviceList, expectServiceList):
-    """Check serviceList same as expectServiceList or not
-    Args:
-        serviceList: ServiceList which get from query result
-        expectServiceList: ServiceList which hardcode in genExpectTestData
-    Return:
-        True: serviceList  same as expectServiceList
-        False:Exist discrepancy between serviceList and expectServiceList
-    """
-    tempServiceList = serviceList.copy()
-    tempExpectServiceList = expectServiceList.copy()
-    for service in serviceList.keys():
-        if service in expectServiceList:
-            del tempServiceList[service]
-            del tempExpectServiceList[service]
-    return len(tempExpectServiceList) == 0 and len(tempServiceList) == 0
-def genTestData(serviceCategory):
-    """Based on serviceCategory to generator Test Data
-    Args:
-        serviceCategory: P2p local service type, Upnp or Bonjour
-    Return:
-        TestData
-    """
-    testData = []
-    if serviceCategory == p2pconsts.P2P_LOCAL_SERVICE_UPNP:
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.uuid)
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.serviceType)
-        testData.append([
-            p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.AVTransport,
-            p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.ConnectionManager
-        ])
-    elif serviceCategory == p2pconsts.P2P_LOCAL_SERVICE_IPP:
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippInstanceName)
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippRegistrationType)
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.IppTestData.ipp_txtRecord)
-    elif serviceCategory == p2pconsts.P2P_LOCAL_SERVICE_AFP:
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpInstanceName)
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpRegistrationType)
-        testData.append(p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afp_txtRecord)
-    return testData
-def genExpectTestData(serviceType, queryString1, queryString2):
-    """Based on serviceCategory to generator expect serviceList
-    Args:
-        serviceType: P2p local service type, Upnp or Bonjour
-        queryString1: Query String, NonNull
-        queryString2: Query String, used for Bonjour, Nullable
-    Return:
-        expectServiceList
-    """
-    expectServiceList = {}
-    if (serviceType ==
-            WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pServiceInfo.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE_TYPE_BONJOUR):
-        ipp_service = WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pDnsSdServiceResponse()
-        afp_service = WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pDnsSdServiceResponse()
-        if queryString1 == p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippRegistrationType:
-            if queryString2 == p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippInstanceName:
-                ipp_service.InstanceName = ""
-                ipp_service.RegistrationType = ""
-                ipp_service.FullDomainName = p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippDomainName
-                ipp_service.TxtRecordMap = p2pconsts.IppTestData.ipp_txtRecord
-                expectServiceList[ipp_service.toString()] = 1
-                return expectServiceList
-            ipp_service.InstanceName = p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippInstanceName
-            ipp_service.RegistrationType = (
-                p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippRegistrationType + ".local.")
-            ipp_service.FullDomainName = ""
-            ipp_service.TxtRecordMap = ""
-            expectServiceList[ipp_service.toString()] = 1
-            return expectServiceList
-        elif queryString1 == p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpRegistrationType:
-            if queryString2 == p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpInstanceName:
-                afp_service.InstanceName = ""
-                afp_service.RegistrationType = ""
-                afp_service.FullDomainName = p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpDomainName
-                afp_service.TxtRecordMap = p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afp_txtRecord
-                expectServiceList[afp_service.toString()] = 1
-                return expectServiceList
-        ipp_service.InstanceName = p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippInstanceName
-        ipp_service.RegistrationType = (
-            p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippRegistrationType + ".local.")
-        ipp_service.FullDomainName = ""
-        ipp_service.TxtRecordMap = ""
-        expectServiceList[ipp_service.toString()] = 1
-        ipp_service.InstanceName = ""
-        ipp_service.RegistrationType = ""
-        ipp_service.FullDomainName = p2pconsts.IppTestData.ippDomainName
-        ipp_service.TxtRecordMap = p2pconsts.IppTestData.ipp_txtRecord
-        expectServiceList[ipp_service.toString()] = 1
-        afp_service.InstanceName = p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpInstanceName
-        afp_service.RegistrationType = (
-            p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpRegistrationType + ".local.")
-        afp_service.FullDomainName = ""
-        afp_service.TxtRecordMap = ""
-        expectServiceList[afp_service.toString()] = 1
-        afp_service.InstanceName = ""
-        afp_service.RegistrationType = ""
-        afp_service.FullDomainName = p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afpDomainName
-        afp_service.TxtRecordMap = p2pconsts.AfpTestData.afp_txtRecord
-        expectServiceList[afp_service.toString()] = 1
-        return expectServiceList
-    elif serviceType == WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pServiceInfo.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE_TYPE_UPNP:
-        upnp_service = "uuid:" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.uuid + "::" + (
-            p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.rootdevice)
-        expectServiceList[upnp_service] = 1
-        if queryString1 != "upnp:rootdevice":
-            upnp_service = "uuid:" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.uuid + (
-                "::" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.AVTransport)
-            expectServiceList[upnp_service] = 1
-            upnp_service = "uuid:" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.uuid + (
-                "::" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.ConnectionManager)
-            expectServiceList[upnp_service] = 1
-            upnp_service = "uuid:" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.uuid + (
-                "::" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.serviceType)
-            expectServiceList[upnp_service] = 1
-            upnp_service = "uuid:" + p2pconsts.UpnpTestData.uuid
-            expectServiceList[upnp_service] = 1
-    return expectServiceList
-def p2p_create_group(ad):
-    """Create a group as Group Owner
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-    """
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pCreateGroup()
-    ad.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CREATE_GROUP_SUCCESS_EVENT,
-                    p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SLEEPTIME)
-def p2p_create_group_with_config(ad, network_name, passphrase, band):
-    """Create a group as Group Owner
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-    """
-    wifi_p2p_config = {
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.NETWORK_NAME: network_name,
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.PASSPHRASE: passphrase,
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.GROUP_BAND: band,
-        WifiP2PEnums.WifiP2pConfig.WPSINFO_KEY: {
-            WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WPS_SETUP_KEY:
-            WifiP2PEnums.WpsInfo.WIFI_WPS_INFO_PBC
-        }
-    }
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pCreateGroupWithConfig(wifi_p2p_config)
-    ad.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.CREATE_GROUP_SUCCESS_EVENT,
-                    p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    time.sleep(p2pconsts.DEFAULT_SLEEPTIME)
-def wifi_p2p_set_channels_for_current_group(ad, listening_chan,
-                                            operating_chan):
-    """Sets the listening channel and operating channel of the current group
-       created with initialize.
-    Args:
-        ad: The android device
-        listening_chan: Integer, the listening channel
-        operating_chan: Integer, the operating channel
-    """
-    ad.droid.wifiP2pSetChannelsForCurrentGroup(listening_chan, operating_chan)
-    ad.ed.pop_event(p2pconsts.SET_CHANNEL_SUCCESS_EVENT,
-                    p2pconsts.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-class WifiP2PEnums():
-    class WifiP2pConfig():
-        DEVICEADDRESS_KEY = "deviceAddress"
-        WPSINFO_KEY = "wpsInfo"
-        GO_INTENT_KEY = "groupOwnerIntent"
-        NETID_KEY = "netId"
-        NETWORK_NAME = "networkName"
-        PASSPHRASE = "passphrase"
-        GROUP_BAND = "groupOwnerBand"
-    class WpsInfo():
-        WPS_SETUP_KEY = "setup"
-        BSSID_KEY = "BSSID"
-        WPS_PIN_KEY = "pin"
-        #TODO: remove it from wifi_test_utils.py
-        WIFI_WPS_INFO_PBC = 0
-        WIFI_WPS_INFO_LABEL = 3
-    class WifiP2pServiceInfo():
-        #TODO: remove it from wifi_test_utils.py
-        # Macros for wifi p2p.
-    class WifiP2pDnsSdServiceResponse():
-        def __init__(self):
-            pass
-        InstanceName = ""
-        RegistrationType = ""
-        FullDomainName = ""
-        TxtRecordMap = {}
-        def toString(self):
-            return self.InstanceName + self.RegistrationType + (
-                self.FullDomainName + str(self.TxtRecordMap))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/pdu_controller_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/pdu_controller_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e243d33..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/pdu_controller_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import utils
-def create(configs):
-    """Factory method for PDU.
-    Args:
-        configs: list of dicts with pdu settings. settings must contain the
-        following type (string denoting type of pdu)
-    """
-    objs = []
-    for config in configs:
-        try:
-            pdu_class = globals()[config['device']]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise KeyError('Invalid pdu configuration.')
-        objs.append(pdu_class(config))
-    return objs
-def destroy(objs):
-    return
-class Pdu(object):
-    """Base class implementation for PDU.
-    Base class provides functions whose implementation is shared by all
-    chambers.
-    """
-    def on_all(self):
-        """Turn on all outlets."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def off_all(self):
-        """Turn off all outlets."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def _set_status(self, action, status):
-        """Set outlets to on or off."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def get_status(self):
-        """Get outlets status."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def turn_on_outlets(self, outlets):
-        """Turn on specific outlets."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-    def turn_off_outlets(self, outlets):
-        """Turn off specific outlets."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Base class: cannot be called directly")
-class PanioPs1158(Pdu):
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.config = config.copy()
-        self.device_id = self.config['device_id']
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('pdu_ps1158[{}]'.format(
-            self.device_id))
-    def on_all(self):
-        """Turn on all outlets"""
-        self._set_status("on", '11111111')
-    def off_all(self):
-        """Turn off all outlets"""
-        self._set_status("off", "11111111")
-    def _set_status(self, action, status):
-        """Set outlets to on or off.
-        Args:
-            action: "on" or "off"
-            status: 8 bits of 0 or 1. e.g., "11111111"
-        """
-        cmd = "curl http://{}:{}@{}/{}s.cgi?led={}".format(self.config['username'],
-                                                           self.config['password'],
-                                                           self.config['host'],
-                                                           action,
-                                                           status)
-        self.log.info("PDU cmd: {}".format(cmd))
-        utils.start_standing_subprocess(cmd)
-        time.sleep(10)
-    def get_status(self):
-        """Get outlets status
-        Returns:
-            A tuple of (outlets_list, outlets_str)
-                outlets_list:
-                    A List indicates the status of the outlets.
-                    e.g., outlet 1 is ON, returns:
-                        ['1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',]
-                    e.g., outlets 1 & 8 are ON, returns:
-                        ['1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1']
-                outlets_str:
-                    A string indicates the status of the outlets.
-                    e.g., outlet 1 is ON:
-                        returns: '1'
-                    e.g., outlet 1 & 3 $ 8 are ON:
-                        returns: '138'
-        """
-        outlets_str = ""
-        cmd = "curl http://{}:{}@{}/status.xml".format(self.config['username'],
-                                                       self.config['password'],
-                                                       self.config['host'])
-        proc = utils.start_standing_subprocess(cmd)
-        time.sleep(1)
-        try:
-            outlets_list = proc.communicate()[0].decode().split(",")[10:18]
-            """Translate a list of strings to a sequence of strings.
-            e.g.
-                ['1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',] turns into '1'
-                ['1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1'] turns into '12345678'
-            """
-            for i in range(len(outlets_list)):
-                if outlets_list[i] == '1':
-                    outlets_str = outlets_str + str(i + 1)
-        except:
-            raise KeyError("Fail to get status from PDU.")
-        return outlets_list, outlets_str
-    def turn_on_outlets(self, outlets):
-        """Turn specific outlets on
-        Args:
-            outlets: A string of outlet numbers.
-            e.g., '1' means outlets status will be: '10000000'
-            e.g., '378' means outlets status will be: '00100011'
-        """
-        self.off_all()
-        expect_outlets = ["1" if str(i) in outlets else "0" for i in range(1, 9)]
-        self._set_status("on", "".join(expect_outlets))
-        # Check if outlets are on as expected.
-        actual_outlets, _ = self.get_status()
-        self.log.info("Expect outlets : {}".format(expect_outlets))
-        self.log.info("Actual outlets : {}".format(actual_outlets))
-        if expect_outlets == actual_outlets:
-            self.log.info("Outlets are ON as expected")
-        else:
-            self.log.error("Outlets are not correctly turn on")
-    def turn_off_outlets(self, outlets):
-        """Turn specific outlets off
-        Args:
-            outlets: A string of outlet numbers.
-            e.g., '1' means outlets status will be: '01111111'
-            e.g., '378' means outlets status will be: '11011100'
-        """
-        self.on_all()
-        expect_outlets = ["1" if str(i) in outlets else "0" for i in range(1, 9)]
-        self._set_status("off", "".join(expect_outlets))
-        # Check if outlets are on as expected.
-        actual_outlets, _ = self.get_status()
-        temp_list = []
-        """When Turn off outlets, Panio ps1158 use "1" to turn off a outlet
-        (e.g., curl http://{}@{}/offs.cgi?led=00000001 to turn off outlet 8,
-        but actual outlets status will be '11111110', so need to
-        Turn "1" into "0" and vice versa to match the actual outlets status.
-        """
-        for outlet in expect_outlets:
-            if outlet == '1':
-                outlet = '0'
-                temp_list.append(outlet)
-            elif outlet == '0':
-                outlet = '1'
-                temp_list.append(outlet)
-        expect_outlets = temp_list
-        self.log.info("Expect outlets : {}".format(expect_outlets))
-        self.log.info("Actual outlets : {}".format(actual_outlets))
-        if expect_outlets == actual_outlets:
-            self.log.info("Outlets are OFF as expected")
-        else:
-            self.log.error("Outlets are not correctly turn off")
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rpm_controller_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rpm_controller_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f1fd0c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rpm_controller_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers.attenuator_lib._tnhelper import _ascii_string
-import logging
-import telnetlib
-ID = '.A'
-LOGIN_PWD = 'admn'
-ON = 'On'
-OFF = 'Off'
-PASSWORD = 'Password: '
-PORT = 23
-RPM_PROMPT = 'Switched CDU: '
-USERNAME = 'Username: '
-class RpmControllerError(Exception):
-    """Error related to RPM switch."""
-class RpmController(object):
-    """Class representing telnet to RPM switch.
-    Each object represents a telnet connection to the RPM switch's IP.
-    Attributes:
-        tn: represents a connection to RPM switch.
-        host: IP address of the RPM controller.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host):
-        """Initializes the RPM controller object.
-        Establishes a telnet connection and login to the switch.
-        """
-        self.host = host
-        logging.info('RPM IP: %s' % self.host)
-        self.tn = telnetlib.Telnet(self.host)
-        self.tn.open(self.host, PORT, TIMEOUT)
-        self.run(USERNAME, LOGIN_PWD)
-        result = self.run(PASSWORD, LOGIN_PWD)
-        if RPM_PROMPT not in result:
-            raise RpmControllerError('Failed to login to rpm controller %s'
-                                     % self.host)
-    def run(self, prompt, cmd_str):
-        """Method to run commands on the RPM.
-        This method simply runs a command and returns output in decoded format.
-        The calling methods should take care of parsing the expected result
-        from this output.
-        Args:
-            prompt: Expected prompt before running a command.
-            cmd_str: Command to run on RPM.
-        Returns:
-            Decoded text returned by the command.
-        """
-        cmd_str = '%s%s' % (cmd_str, SEPARATOR)
-        res = self.tn.read_until(_ascii_string(prompt), TIMEOUT)
-        self.tn.write(_ascii_string(cmd_str))
-        idx, val, txt = self.tn.expect(
-            [_ascii_string('\S+%s' % SEPARATOR)], TIMEOUT)
-        return txt.decode()
-    def set_rpm_port_state(self, rpm_port, state):
-        """Method to turn on/off rpm port.
-        Args:
-            rpm_port: port number of the switch to turn on.
-            state: 'on' or 'off'
-        Returns:
-            True: if the state is set to the expected value
-        """
-        port = '%s%s' % (ID, rpm_port)
-        logging.info('Turning %s port: %s' % (state, port))
-        self.run(RPM_PROMPT, '%s %s' % (state.lower(), port))
-        result = self.run(RPM_PROMPT, 'status %s' % port)
-        if port not in result:
-            raise RpmControllerError('Port %s doesn\'t exist' % port)
-        return state in result
-    def turn_on(self, rpm_port):
-        """Method to turn on a port on the RPM switch.
-        Args:
-            rpm_port: port number of the switch to turn on.
-        Returns:
-            True if the port is turned on.
-            False if not turned on.
-        """
-        return self.set_rpm_port_state(rpm_port, ON)
-    def turn_off(self, rpm_port):
-        """Method to turn off a port on the RPM switch.
-        Args:
-            rpm_port: port number of the switch to turn off.
-        Returns:
-            True if the port is turned off.
-            False if not turned off.
-        """
-        return self.set_rpm_port_state(rpm_port, OFF)
-    def __del__(self):
-        """Close the telnet connection. """
-        self.tn.close()
-def create_telnet_session(ip):
-    """Returns telnet connection object to RPM's IP."""
-    return RpmController(ip)
-def turn_on_ap(pcap, ssid, rpm_port, rpm_ip=None, rpm=None):
-    """Turn on the AP.
-    This method turns on the RPM port the AP is connected to,
-    verify the SSID of the AP is found in the scan result through the
-    packet capturer.
-    Either IP addr of the RPM switch or the existing telnet connection
-    to the RPM is required. Multiple APs might be connected to the same RPM
-    switch. Instead of connecting/terminating telnet for each AP, the test
-    can maintain a single telnet connection for all the APs.
-    Args:
-        pcap: packet capture object.
-        ssid: SSID of the wifi network.
-        rpm_port: Port number on the RPM switch the AP is connected to.
-        rpm_ip: IP address of the RPM switch.
-        rpm: telnet connection object to the RPM switch.
-    """
-    if not rpm and not rpm_ip:
-        logging.error("Failed to turn on AP. Need telnet object or RPM IP")
-        return False
-    elif not rpm:
-        rpm = create_telnet_session(rpm_ip)
-    return rpm.turn_on(rpm_port) and pcap.start_scan_and_find_network(ssid)
-def turn_off_ap(rpm_port, rpm_ip=None, rpm=None):
-    """ Turn off AP.
-    This method turns off the RPM port the AP is connected to.
-    Either IP addr of the RPM switch or the existing telnet connection
-    to the RPM is required.
-    Args:
-        rpm_port: Port number on the RPM switch the AP is connected to.
-        rpm_ip: IP address of the RPM switch.
-        rpm: telnet connection object to the RPM switch.
-    """
-    if not rpm and not rpm_ip:
-        logging.error("Failed to turn off AP. Need telnet object or RPM IP")
-        return False
-    elif not rpm:
-        rpm = create_telnet_session(rpm_ip)
-    return rpm.turn_off(rpm_port)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/RttBaseTest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/RttBaseTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 75368cd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/RttBaseTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.keys import Config
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import net_test_utils as nutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.rtt import rtt_const as rconsts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.rtt import rtt_test_utils as rutils
-class RttBaseTest(BaseTestClass):
-    def setup_class(self):
-        opt_param = ["pixel_models", "cnss_diag_file", "ranging_role_concurrency_flexible_models"]
-        self.unpack_userparams(opt_param_names=opt_param)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file"):
-            if isinstance(self.cnss_diag_file, list):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = self.cnss_diag_file[0]
-            if not os.path.isfile(self.cnss_diag_file):
-                self.cnss_diag_file = os.path.join(
-                    self.user_params[Config.key_config_path.value],
-                    self.cnss_diag_file)
-    def setup_test(self):
-        required_params = ("lci_reference", "lcr_reference",
-                           "rtt_reference_distance_mm",
-                           "stress_test_min_iteration_count",
-                           "stress_test_target_run_time_sec")
-        self.unpack_userparams(required_params)
-        # can be moved to JSON config file
-        self.rtt_reference_distance_margin_mm = 2000
-        self.rtt_max_failure_rate_two_sided_rtt_percentage = 20
-        self.rtt_max_failure_rate_one_sided_rtt_percentage = 50
-        self.rtt_max_margin_exceeded_rate_two_sided_rtt_percentage = 10
-        self.rtt_max_margin_exceeded_rate_one_sided_rtt_percentage = 50
-        self.rtt_min_expected_rssi_dbm = -100
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.start_cnss_diags(
-                self.android_devices, self.cnss_diag_file, self.pixel_models)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                proc = nutils.start_tcpdump(ad, self.test_name)
-                self.tcpdump_proc.append((ad, proc))
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            utils.set_location_service(ad, True)
-            ad.droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
-            asserts.skip_if(
-                not ad.droid.doesDeviceSupportWifiRttFeature(),
-                "Device under test does not support Wi-Fi RTT - skipping test")
-            wutils.wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
-            rtt_avail = ad.droid.wifiIsRttAvailable()
-            if not rtt_avail:
-                self.log.info('RTT not available. Waiting ...')
-                rutils.wait_for_event(ad, rconsts.BROADCAST_WIFI_RTT_AVAILABLE)
-            ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-            rutils.config_privilege_override(ad, False)
-            wutils.set_wifi_country_code(ad, wutils.WifiEnums.CountryCode.US)
-            ad.rtt_capabilities = rutils.get_rtt_capabilities(ad)
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-        for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-            nutils.stop_tcpdump(
-                    proc[0], proc[1], self.test_name, pull_dump=False)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            if not ad.droid.doesDeviceSupportWifiRttFeature():
-                return
-            # clean-up queue from the System Service UID
-            ad.droid.wifiRttCancelRanging([1000])
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for ad in self.android_devices:
-            ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-            ad.cat_adb_log(test_name, begin_time)
-            wutils.get_ssrdumps(ad)
-        if hasattr(self, "cnss_diag_file") and hasattr(self, "pixel_models"):
-            wutils.stop_cnss_diags(self.android_devices, self.pixel_models)
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                wutils.get_cnss_diag_log(ad)
-        for proc in self.tcpdump_proc:
-            nutils.stop_tcpdump(proc[0], proc[1], self.test_name)
-        self.tcpdump_proc = []
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/rtt_const.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/rtt_const.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 379b9b1..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/rtt_const.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Broadcast events
-# RangingResultCallback events
-EVENT_CB_RANGING_ON_FAIL = "WifiRttRangingFailure"
-EVENT_CB_RANGING_ON_RESULT = "WifiRttRangingResults"
-# status codes
-# ScanResults keys
-# Capabilities keys
-CAP_RTT_ONE_SIDED_SUPPORTED = "rttOneSidedSupported"
-CAP_FTM_SUPPORTED = "rttFtmSupported"
-CAP_LCI_SUPPORTED = "lciSupported"
-CAP_LCR_SUPPORTED = "lcrSupported"
-CAP_RESPONDER_SUPPORTED = "responderSupported"
-CAP_MC_VERSION = "mcVersion"
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/rtt_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/rtt_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e8f707..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/rtt/rtt_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import queue
-import statistics
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.rtt import rtt_const as rconsts
-# arbitrary timeout for events
-def decorate_event(event_name, id):
-    return '%s_%d' % (event_name, id)
-def wait_for_event(ad, event_name, timeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT):
-    """Wait for the specified event or timeout.
-  Args:
-    ad: The android device
-    event_name: The event to wait on
-    timeout: Number of seconds to wait
-  Returns:
-    The event (if available)
-  """
-    prefix = ''
-    if hasattr(ad, 'pretty_name'):
-        prefix = '[%s] ' % ad.pretty_name
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(event_name, timeout)
-        ad.log.info('%s%s: %s', prefix, event_name, event['data'])
-        return event
-    except queue.Empty:
-        ad.log.info('%sTimed out while waiting for %s', prefix, event_name)
-        asserts.fail(event_name)
-def fail_on_event(ad, event_name, timeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT):
-    """Wait for a timeout period and looks for the specified event - fails if it
-  is observed.
-  Args:
-    ad: The android device
-    event_name: The event to wait for (and fail on its appearance)
-  """
-    prefix = ''
-    if hasattr(ad, 'pretty_name'):
-        prefix = '[%s] ' % ad.pretty_name
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(event_name, timeout)
-        ad.log.info('%sReceived unwanted %s: %s', prefix, event_name,
-                    event['data'])
-        asserts.fail(event_name, extras=event)
-    except queue.Empty:
-        ad.log.info('%s%s not seen (as expected)', prefix, event_name)
-        return
-def get_rtt_capabilities(ad):
-    """Get the Wi-Fi RTT capabilities from the specified device. The
-  capabilities are a dictionary keyed by rtt_const.CAP_* keys.
-  Args:
-    ad: the Android device
-  Returns: the capability dictionary.
-  """
-    return json.loads(ad.adb.shell('cmd wifirtt get_capabilities'))
-def config_privilege_override(dut, override_to_no_privilege):
-    """Configure the device to override the permission check and to disallow any
-  privileged RTT operations, e.g. disallow one-sided RTT to Responders (APs)
-  which do not support IEEE 802.11mc.
-  Args:
-    dut: Device to configure.
-    override_to_no_privilege: True to indicate no privileged ops, False for
-                              default (which will allow privileged ops).
-  """
-    dut.adb.shell("cmd wifirtt set override_assume_no_privilege %d" %
-                  (1 if override_to_no_privilege else 0))
-def get_rtt_constrained_results(scanned_networks, support_rtt):
-    """Filter the input list and only return those networks which either support
-  or do not support RTT (IEEE 802.11mc.)
-  Args:
-    scanned_networks: A list of networks from scan results.
-      support_rtt: True - only return those APs which support RTT, False - only
-                   return those APs which do not support RTT.
-  Returns: a sub-set of the scanned_networks per support_rtt constraint.
-  """
-    matching_networks = []
-    for network in scanned_networks:
-        if support_rtt:
-            if (rconsts.SCAN_RESULT_KEY_RTT_RESPONDER in network
-                    and network[rconsts.SCAN_RESULT_KEY_RTT_RESPONDER]):
-                matching_networks.append(network)
-        else:
-            if (rconsts.SCAN_RESULT_KEY_RTT_RESPONDER not in network
-                    or not network[rconsts.SCAN_RESULT_KEY_RTT_RESPONDER]):
-                matching_networks.append(network)
-    return matching_networks
-def scan_networks(dut, max_tries=3):
-    """Perform a scan and return scan results.
-  Args:
-    dut: Device under test.
-    max_retries: Retry scan to ensure network is found
-  Returns: an array of scan results.
-  """
-    scan_results = []
-    for num_tries in range(max_tries):
-        wutils.start_wifi_connection_scan(dut)
-        scan_results = dut.droid.wifiGetScanResults()
-        if scan_results:
-            break
-    return scan_results
-def scan_with_rtt_support_constraint(dut, support_rtt, repeat=0):
-    """Perform a scan and return scan results of APs: only those that support or
-  do not support RTT (IEEE 802.11mc) - per the support_rtt parameter.
-  Args:
-    dut: Device under test.
-    support_rtt: True - only return those APs which support RTT, False - only
-                 return those APs which do not support RTT.
-    repeat: Re-scan this many times to find an RTT supporting network.
-  Returns: an array of scan results.
-  """
-    for i in range(repeat + 1):
-        scan_results = scan_networks(dut)
-        aps = get_rtt_constrained_results(scan_results, support_rtt)
-        if len(aps) != 0:
-            return aps
-    return []
-def select_best_scan_results(scans, select_count, lowest_rssi=-80):
-    """Select the strongest 'select_count' scans in the input list based on
-  highest RSSI. Exclude all very weak signals, even if results in a shorter
-  list.
-  Args:
-    scans: List of scan results.
-    select_count: An integer specifying how many scans to return at most.
-    lowest_rssi: The lowest RSSI to accept into the output.
-  Returns: a list of the strongest 'select_count' scan results from the scans
-           list.
-  """
-    def takeRssi(element):
-        return element['level']
-    result = []
-    scans.sort(key=takeRssi, reverse=True)
-    for scan in scans:
-        if len(result) == select_count:
-            break
-        if scan['level'] < lowest_rssi:
-            break  # rest are lower since we're sorted
-        result.append(scan)
-    return result
-def validate_ap_result(scan_result, range_result):
-    """Validate the range results:
-  - Successful if AP (per scan result) support 802.11mc (allowed to fail
-    otherwise)
-  - MAC of result matches the BSSID
-  Args:
-    scan_result: Scan result for the AP
-    range_result: Range result returned by the RTT API
-  """
-    asserts.assert_equal(
-        scan_result[wutils.WifiEnums.BSSID_KEY],
-        range_result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_MAC_AS_STRING_BSSID],
-        'MAC/BSSID mismatch')
-    if (rconsts.SCAN_RESULT_KEY_RTT_RESPONDER in scan_result
-            and scan_result[rconsts.SCAN_RESULT_KEY_RTT_RESPONDER]):
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            range_result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_STATUS] ==
-            'Ranging failed for an AP which supports 802.11mc!')
-def validate_ap_results(scan_results, range_results):
-    """Validate an array of ranging results against the scan results used to
-  trigger the range. The assumption is that the results are returned in the
-  same order as the request (which were the scan results).
-  Args:
-    scan_results: Scans results used to trigger the range request
-    range_results: Range results returned by the RTT API
-  """
-    asserts.assert_equal(
-        len(scan_results), len(range_results),
-        'Mismatch in length of scan results and range results')
-    # sort first based on BSSID/MAC
-    scan_results.sort(key=lambda x: x[wutils.WifiEnums.BSSID_KEY])
-    range_results.sort(
-        key=lambda x: x[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_MAC_AS_STRING_BSSID])
-    for i in range(len(scan_results)):
-        validate_ap_result(scan_results[i], range_results[i])
-def validate_aware_mac_result(range_result, mac, description):
-    """Validate the range result for an Aware peer specified with a MAC address:
-  - Correct MAC address.
-  The MAC addresses may contain ":" (which are ignored for the comparison) and
-  may be in any case (which is ignored for the comparison).
-  Args:
-    range_result: Range result returned by the RTT API
-    mac: MAC address of the peer
-    description: Additional content to print on failure
-  """
-    mac1 = mac.replace(':', '').lower()
-    mac2 = range_result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_MAC_AS_STRING].replace(
-        ':', '').lower()
-    asserts.assert_equal(mac1, mac2, '%s: MAC mismatch' % description)
-def validate_aware_peer_id_result(range_result, peer_id, description):
-    """Validate the range result for An Aware peer specified with a Peer ID:
-  - Correct Peer ID
-  - MAC address information not available
-  Args:
-    range_result: Range result returned by the RTT API
-    peer_id: Peer ID of the peer
-    description: Additional content to print on failure
-  """
-    asserts.assert_equal(peer_id,
-                         range_result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_PEER_ID],
-                         '%s: Peer Id mismatch' % description)
-    asserts.assert_false(rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_MAC in range_result,
-                         '%s: MAC Address not empty!' % description)
-def extract_stats(results,
-                  range_reference_mm,
-                  range_margin_mm,
-                  min_rssi,
-                  reference_lci=[],
-                  reference_lcr=[],
-                  summary_only=False):
-    """Extract statistics from a list of RTT results. Returns a dictionary
-   with results:
-     - num_results (success or fails)
-     - num_success_results
-     - num_no_results (e.g. timeout)
-     - num_failures
-     - num_range_out_of_margin (only for successes)
-     - num_invalid_rssi (only for successes)
-     - distances: extracted list of distances
-     - distance_std_devs: extracted list of distance standard-deviations
-     - rssis: extracted list of RSSI
-     - distance_mean
-     - distance_std_dev (based on distance - ignoring the individual std-devs)
-     - rssi_mean
-     - rssi_std_dev
-     - status_codes
-     - lcis: extracted list of all of the individual LCI
-     - lcrs: extracted list of all of the individual LCR
-     - any_lci_mismatch: True/False - checks if all LCI results are identical to
-                         the reference LCI.
-     - any_lcr_mismatch: True/False - checks if all LCR results are identical to
-                         the reference LCR.
-     - num_attempted_measurements: extracted list of all of the individual
-                                   number of attempted measurements.
-     - num_successful_measurements: extracted list of all of the individual
-                                    number of successful measurements.
-     - invalid_num_attempted: True/False - checks if number of attempted
-                              measurements is non-zero for successful results.
-     - invalid_num_successful: True/False - checks if number of successful
-                               measurements is non-zero for successful results.
-  Args:
-    results: List of RTT results.
-    range_reference_mm: Reference value for the distance (in mm)
-    range_margin_mm: Acceptable absolute margin for distance (in mm)
-    min_rssi: Acceptable minimum RSSI value.
-    reference_lci, reference_lcr: Reference values for LCI and LCR.
-    summary_only: Only include summary keys (reduce size).
-  Returns: A dictionary of stats.
-  """
-    stats = {}
-    stats['num_results'] = 0
-    stats['num_success_results'] = 0
-    stats['num_no_results'] = 0
-    stats['num_failures'] = 0
-    stats['num_range_out_of_margin'] = 0
-    stats['num_invalid_rssi'] = 0
-    stats['any_lci_mismatch'] = False
-    stats['any_lcr_mismatch'] = False
-    stats['invalid_num_attempted'] = False
-    stats['invalid_num_successful'] = False
-    range_max_mm = range_reference_mm + range_margin_mm
-    range_min_mm = range_reference_mm - range_margin_mm
-    distances = []
-    distance_std_devs = []
-    rssis = []
-    num_attempted_measurements = []
-    num_successful_measurements = []
-    status_codes = []
-    lcis = []
-    lcrs = []
-    for i in range(len(results)):
-        result = results[i]
-        if result is None:  # None -> timeout waiting for RTT result
-            stats['num_no_results'] = stats['num_no_results'] + 1
-            continue
-        stats['num_results'] = stats['num_results'] + 1
-        status_codes.append(result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_STATUS])
-        if status_codes[-1] != rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_STATUS_SUCCESS:
-            stats['num_failures'] = stats['num_failures'] + 1
-            continue
-        stats['num_success_results'] = stats['num_success_results'] + 1
-        distance_mm = result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_DISTANCE_MM]
-        distances.append(distance_mm)
-        if not range_min_mm <= distance_mm <= range_max_mm:
-            stats[
-                'num_range_out_of_margin'] = stats['num_range_out_of_margin'] + 1
-        distance_std_devs.append(
-            result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_DISTANCE_STD_DEV_MM])
-        rssi = result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_RSSI]
-        rssis.append(rssi)
-        if not min_rssi <= rssi <= 0:
-            stats['num_invalid_rssi'] = stats['num_invalid_rssi'] + 1
-        num_attempted = result[
-        num_attempted_measurements.append(num_attempted)
-        if num_attempted == 0:
-            stats['invalid_num_attempted'] = True
-        num_successful = result[
-        num_successful_measurements.append(num_successful)
-        if num_successful == 0:
-            stats['invalid_num_successful'] = True
-        lcis.append(result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_LCI])
-        if (result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_LCI] != reference_lci):
-            stats['any_lci_mismatch'] = True
-        lcrs.append(result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_LCR])
-        if (result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_LCR] != reference_lcr):
-            stats['any_lcr_mismatch'] = True
-    if len(distances) > 0:
-        stats['distance_mean'] = statistics.mean(distances)
-    if len(distances) > 1:
-        stats['distance_std_dev'] = statistics.stdev(distances)
-    if len(rssis) > 0:
-        stats['rssi_mean'] = statistics.mean(rssis)
-    if len(rssis) > 1:
-        stats['rssi_std_dev'] = statistics.stdev(rssis)
-    if not summary_only:
-        stats['distances'] = distances
-        stats['distance_std_devs'] = distance_std_devs
-        stats['rssis'] = rssis
-        stats['num_attempted_measurements'] = num_attempted_measurements
-        stats['num_successful_measurements'] = num_successful_measurements
-        stats['status_codes'] = status_codes
-        stats['lcis'] = lcis
-        stats['lcrs'] = lcrs
-    return stats
-def run_ranging(dut,
-                aps,
-                iter_count,
-                time_between_iterations,
-                target_run_time_sec=0):
-    """Executing ranging to the set of APs.
-  Will execute a minimum of 'iter_count' iterations. Will continue to run
-  until execution time (just) exceeds 'target_run_time_sec'.
-  Args:
-    dut: Device under test
-    aps: A list of APs (Access Points) to range to.
-    iter_count: (Minimum) Number of measurements to perform.
-    time_between_iterations: Number of seconds to wait between iterations.
-    target_run_time_sec: The target run time in seconds.
-  Returns: a list of the events containing the RTT results (or None for a
-  failed measurement).
-  """
-    max_peers = dut.droid.wifiRttMaxPeersInRequest()
-    asserts.assert_true(len(aps) > 0, "Need at least one AP!")
-    if len(aps) > max_peers:
-        aps = aps[0:max_peers]
-    events = {}  # need to keep track per BSSID!
-    for ap in aps:
-        events[ap["BSSID"]] = []
-    start_clock = time.time()
-    iterations_done = 0
-    run_time = 0
-    while iterations_done < iter_count or (target_run_time_sec != 0
-                                           and run_time < target_run_time_sec):
-        if iterations_done != 0 and time_between_iterations != 0:
-            time.sleep(time_between_iterations)
-        id = dut.droid.wifiRttStartRangingToAccessPoints(aps)
-        try:
-            event = dut.ed.pop_event(
-                decorate_event(rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_ON_RESULT, id),
-                EVENT_TIMEOUT)
-            range_results = event["data"][rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_RESULTS]
-            asserts.assert_equal(
-                len(aps), len(range_results),
-                'Mismatch in length of scan results and range results')
-            for result in range_results:
-                bssid = result[rconsts.EVENT_CB_RANGING_KEY_MAC_AS_STRING]
-                asserts.assert_true(
-                    bssid in events,
-                    "Result BSSID %s not in requested AP!?" % bssid)
-                asserts.assert_equal(
-                    len(events[bssid]), iterations_done,
-                    "Duplicate results for BSSID %s!?" % bssid)
-                events[bssid].append(result)
-        except queue.Empty:
-            for ap in aps:
-                events[ap["BSSID"]].append(None)
-        iterations_done = iterations_done + 1
-        run_time = time.time() - start_clock
-    return events
-def analyze_results(all_aps_events,
-                    rtt_reference_distance_mm,
-                    distance_margin_mm,
-                    min_expected_rssi,
-                    lci_reference,
-                    lcr_reference,
-                    summary_only=False):
-    """Verifies the results of the RTT experiment.
-  Args:
-    all_aps_events: Dictionary of APs, each a list of RTT result events.
-    rtt_reference_distance_mm: Expected distance to the AP (source of truth).
-    distance_margin_mm: Accepted error marging in distance measurement.
-    min_expected_rssi: Minimum acceptable RSSI value
-    lci_reference, lcr_reference: Expected LCI/LCR values (arrays of bytes).
-    summary_only: Only include summary keys (reduce size).
-  """
-    all_stats = {}
-    for bssid, events in all_aps_events.items():
-        stats = extract_stats(events, rtt_reference_distance_mm,
-                              distance_margin_mm, min_expected_rssi,
-                              lci_reference, lcr_reference, summary_only)
-        all_stats[bssid] = stats
-    return all_stats
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_constants.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_constants.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f07c987..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Constants for Wifi related events.
-WIFI_CONNECTED = "WifiNetworkConnected"
-WIFI_DISCONNECTED = "WifiNetworkDisconnected"
-SUPPLICANT_CON_CHANGED = "SupplicantConnectionChanged"
-WIFI_STATE_CHANGED = "WifiStateChanged"
-WIFI_FORGET_NW_SUCCESS = "WifiManagerForgetNetworkOnSuccess"
-WIFI_NETWORK_REQUEST_MATCH_CB_ON_MATCH = "WifiManagerNetworkRequestMatchCallbackOnMatch"
-WIFI_NETWORK_REQUEST_MATCH_CB_ON_CONNECT_SUCCESS = "WifiManagerNetworkRequestMatchCallbackOnUserSelectionConnectSuccess"
-WIFI_NETWORK_REQUEST_MATCH_CB_ON_CONNECT_FAILURE = "WifiManagerNetworkRequestMatchCallbackOnUserSelectionConnectFailure"
-WIFI_NETWORK_CB_ON_AVAILABLE = "WifiManagerNetworkCallbackOnAvailable"
-WIFI_NETWORK_CB_ON_UNAVAILABLE = "WifiManagerNetworkCallbackOnUnavailable"
-WIFI_NETWORK_CB_ON_LOST = "WifiManagerNetworkCallbackOnLost"
-WIFI_NETWORK_SUGGESTION_POST_CONNECTION = "WifiNetworkSuggestionPostConnection"
-WIFI_SUBSYSTEM_RESTARTING = "WifiSubsystemRestarting"
-WIFI_SUBSYSTEM_RESTARTED = "WifiSubsystemRestarted"
-# These constants will be used by the ACTS wifi tests.
-CONNECT_BY_CONFIG_SUCCESS = 'WifiManagerConnectByConfigOnSuccess'
-CONNECT_BY_NETID_SUCCESS = 'WifiManagerConnectByNetIdOnSuccess'
-# Softap related constants
-SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT = "WifiManagerSoftApCallback-"
-# Callback Event for softap state change
-# WifiManagerSoftApCallback-[callbackId]-OnStateChanged
-# Callback Event for client number change:
-# WifiManagerSoftApCallback-[callbackId]-OnNumClientsChanged
-# Callback Event for softap info change
-# Callback Event for softap client blocking
-# Callback Event for softap capability
-SOFTAP_CAPABILITY_FEATURE_IEEE80211AX = "ieee80211axSupported"
-DEFAULT_SOFTAP_TIMEOUT_S = 600 # 10 minutes
-# AP related constants
-AP_MAIN = "main_AP"
-AP_AUX = "aux_AP"
-# cnss_diag property related constants
-DEVICES_USING_LEGACY_PROP = ["sailfish", "marlin", "walleye", "taimen", "muskie"]
-CNSS_DIAG_PROP = "persist.vendor.sys.cnss.diag_txt"
-LEGACY_CNSS_DIAG_PROP = "persist.sys.cnss.diag_txt"
-# Delay before registering the match callback.
-# Constants for JSONObject representation of CoexUnsafeChannel
-COEX_BAND = "band"
-COEX_BAND_24_GHZ = "24_GHZ"
-COEX_CHANNEL = "channel"
-COEX_POWER_CAP_DBM = "powerCapDbm"
-# Constants for bundle keys for CoexCallback#onCoexUnsafeChannelsChanged
-# WiFi standards
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_datastore_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_datastore_utils.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c922bc..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_datastore_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import logging
-import requests
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_constants
-"""This file consists of all the helper methods needed to interact with the
-   Datastore @ https://chaos-188802.appspot.com/ used for Android Interop
-   testing.
-DATASTORE_HOST = "https://chaos-188802.appspot.com"
-# The Datastore defines the following paths for operating methods.
-ADD_DEVICE = "devices/new"
-REMOVE_DEVICE = "devices/delete"
-LOCK_DEVICE = "devices/lock"
-UNLOCK_DEVICE = "devices/unlock"
-SHOW_DEVICE = "devices/"
-GET_DEVICES = "devices/"
-# HTTP content type. JSON encoded with UTF-8 character encoding.
-HTTP_HEADER = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
-def add_device(name, ap_label, lab_label):
-    """Add a device(AP or Packet Capturer) in datastore.
-       Args:
-           name: string, hostname of the device.
-           ap_label: string, AP brand name.
-           lab_label: string, lab label for AP.
-       Returns:
-          True if device was added successfully; 0 otherwise.
-    """
-    request = DATASTORE_HOST + '/' + ADD_DEVICE
-    logging.debug("Request = %s" % request)
-    response = requests.post(request,
-                             headers=HTTP_HEADER,
-                             data=json.dumps({
-                                 "hostname": name,
-                                 "ap_label": ap_label,
-                                 "lab_label": lab_label
-                             }))
-    if response.json()['result'] == 'success':
-        logging.info("Added device %s to datastore" % name)
-        return True
-    return False
-def remove_device(name):
-    """Delete a device(AP or Packet Capturer) in datastore.
-       Args:
-           name: string, hostname of the device to delete.
-       Returns:
-           True if device was deleted successfully; 0 otherwise.
-    """
-    request = DATASTORE_HOST + '/' + REMOVE_DEVICE
-    logging.debug("Request = %s" % request)
-    response = requests.put(request,
-                            headers=HTTP_HEADER,
-                            data=json.dumps({"hostname": name}))
-    result_str = "%s deleted." % name
-    if result_str in response.text:
-        logging.info("Removed device %s from datastore" % name)
-        return True
-    return False
-def lock_device(name, admin):
-    """Lock a device(AP or Packet Capturer) in datastore.
-       Args:
-           name: string, hostname of the device in datastore.
-           admin: string, unique admin name for locking.
-      Returns:
-          True if operation was successful; 0 otherwise.
-    """
-    request = DATASTORE_HOST + '/' + LOCK_DEVICE
-    logging.debug("Request = %s" % request)
-    response = requests.put(request,
-                            headers=HTTP_HEADER,
-                            data=json.dumps({
-                                "hostname": name,
-                                "locked_by": admin
-                            }))
-    if response.json()['result']:
-        logging.info("Locked device %s in datastore" % name)
-        return True
-    return False
-def unlock_device(name):
-    """Un-lock a device(AP or Packet Capturer) in datastore.
-       Args:
-           name: string, hostname of the device in datastore.
-      Returns:
-          True if operation was successful; 0 otherwise.
-    """
-    request = DATASTORE_HOST + '/' + UNLOCK_DEVICE
-    logging.debug("Request = %s" % request)
-    response = requests.put(request,
-                            headers=HTTP_HEADER,
-                            data=json.dumps({"hostname": name}))
-    if response.json()['result']:
-        logging.info("Finished un-locking AP %s in datastore" % name)
-        return True
-    return False
-def show_device(name):
-    """Show device properties for a given device(AP or Packet Capturer).
-       Args:
-           name: string, hostname of the device in datastore to fetch info.
-           Returns: dict of device name:value properties if successful;
-                    None otherwise.
-    """
-    request = DATASTORE_HOST + '/' + SHOW_DEVICE + name
-    logging.debug("Request = %s" % request)
-    response = requests.get(request)
-    if 'error' in response.text:
-        return None
-    return response.json()
-def get_devices():
-    """Get a list of all devices in the datastore.
-    Returns: dict of all devices' name:value properties if successful;
-             None otherwise.
-    """
-    request = DATASTORE_HOST + '/' + GET_DEVICES
-    logging.debug("Request = %s" % request)
-    response = requests.get(request)
-    if 'error' in response.text:
-        return None
-    return response.json()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed523e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import importlib
-import ipaddress
-import logging
-import numpy
-import re
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib import ssh
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_performance_test_utils import ping_utils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_performance_test_utils import qcom_utils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_performance_test_utils import brcm_utils
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-CHANNELS_6GHz = ['6g{}'.format(4 * x + 1) for x in range(59)]
-    '2.4GHz': list(range(1, 14)),
-    'UNII-1': [36, 40, 44, 48],
-    'UNII-2':
-    [52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 140],
-    'UNII-3': [149, 153, 157, 161, 165],
-    '6GHz': CHANNELS_6GHz
-    channel: band
-    for band, channels in BAND_TO_CHANNEL_MAP.items() for channel in channels
-# Decorators
-def nonblocking(f):
-    """Creates a decorator transforming function calls to non-blocking"""
-    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
-        executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
-        thread_future = executor.submit(f, *args, **kwargs)
-        # Ensure resources are freed up when executor ruturns or raises
-        executor.shutdown(wait=False)
-        return thread_future
-    return wrap
-def detect_wifi_platform(dut):
-    if hasattr(dut, 'wifi_platform'):
-        return dut.wifi_platform
-    qcom_check = len(dut.get_file_names('/vendor/firmware/wlan/qca_cld/'))
-    if qcom_check:
-        dut.wifi_platform = 'qcom'
-    else:
-        dut.wifi_platform = 'brcm'
-    return dut.wifi_platform
-def detect_wifi_decorator(f):
-    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
-        if 'dut' in kwargs:
-            dut = kwargs['dut']
-        else:
-            dut = next(arg for arg in args if type(arg) == AndroidDevice)
-        dut_package = 'acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_performance_test_utils.{}_utils'.format(
-            detect_wifi_platform(dut))
-        dut_package = importlib.import_module(dut_package)
-        f_decorated = getattr(dut_package, f.__name__, lambda: None)
-        return (f_decorated(*args, **kwargs))
-    return wrap
-# JSON serializer
-def serialize_dict(input_dict):
-    """Function to serialize dicts to enable JSON output"""
-    output_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
-    for key, value in input_dict.items():
-        output_dict[_serialize_value(key)] = _serialize_value(value)
-    return output_dict
-def _serialize_value(value):
-    """Function to recursively serialize dict entries to enable JSON output"""
-    if isinstance(value, tuple):
-        return str(value)
-    if isinstance(value, numpy.int64):
-        return int(value)
-    if isinstance(value, numpy.float64):
-        return float(value)
-    if isinstance(value, list):
-        return [_serialize_value(x) for x in value]
-    if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):
-        return [_serialize_value(x) for x in value]
-    elif isinstance(value, dict):
-        return serialize_dict(value)
-    elif type(value) in (float, int, bool, str):
-        return value
-    else:
-        return "Non-serializable object"
-def extract_sub_dict(full_dict, fields):
-    sub_dict = collections.OrderedDict(
-        (field, full_dict[field]) for field in fields)
-    return sub_dict
-# Miscellaneous Wifi Utilities
-def check_skip_conditions(testcase_params, dut, access_point,
-                          ota_chamber=None):
-    """Checks if test should be skipped."""
-    # Check battery level before test
-    if not health_check(dut, 10):
-        asserts.skip('DUT battery level too low.')
-    if not access_point.band_lookup_by_channel(testcase_params['channel']):
-        asserts.skip('AP does not support requested channel.')
-    if ota_chamber and CHANNEL_TO_BAND_MAP[
-            testcase_params['channel']] not in ota_chamber.SUPPORTED_BANDS:
-        asserts.skip('OTA chamber does not support requested channel.')
-    # Check if 6GHz is supported by checking capabilities in the US.
-    if not dut.droid.wifiCheckState():
-        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(dut, True)
-    iw_list = dut.adb.shell('iw list')
-    supports_6ghz = '6135 MHz' in iw_list
-    supports_160mhz = 'Supported Channel Width: 160 MHz' in iw_list
-    if testcase_params.get('bandwidth', 20) == 160 and not supports_160mhz:
-        asserts.skip('DUT does not support 160 MHz networks.')
-    if testcase_params.get('channel',
-                           6) in CHANNELS_6GHz and not supports_6ghz:
-        asserts.skip('DUT does not support 6 GHz band.')
-def validate_network(dut, ssid):
-    """Check that DUT has a valid internet connection through expected SSID
-    Args:
-        dut: android device of interest
-        ssid: expected ssid
-    """
-    try:
-        connected = wutils.validate_connection(dut, wait_time=3) is not None
-        current_network = dut.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
-    except:
-        connected = False
-        current_network = None
-    if connected and current_network['SSID'] == ssid:
-        return True
-    else:
-        return False
-def get_server_address(ssh_connection, dut_ip, subnet_mask):
-    """Get server address on a specific subnet,
-    This function retrieves the LAN or WAN IP of a remote machine used in
-    testing. If subnet_mask is set to 'public' it returns a machines global ip,
-    else it returns the ip belonging to the dut local network given the dut's
-    ip and subnet mask.
-    Args:
-        ssh_connection: object representing server for which we want an ip
-        dut_ip: string in ip address format, i.e., xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
-        subnet_mask: string representing subnet mask (public for global ip)
-    """
-    ifconfig_out = ssh_connection.run('ifconfig').stdout
-    ip_list = re.findall('inet (?:addr:)?(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)', ifconfig_out)
-    ip_list = [ipaddress.ip_address(ip) for ip in ip_list]
-    if subnet_mask == 'public':
-        for ip in ip_list:
-            # is_global is not used to allow for CGNAT ips in 100.x.y.z range
-            if not ip.is_private:
-                return str(ip)
-    else:
-        dut_network = ipaddress.ip_network('{}/{}'.format(dut_ip, subnet_mask),
-                                           strict=False)
-        for ip in ip_list:
-            if ip in dut_network:
-                return str(ip)
-    logging.error('No IP address found in requested subnet')
-# Ping utilities
-def get_ping_stats(src_device, dest_address, ping_duration, ping_interval,
-                   ping_size):
-    """Run ping to or from the DUT.
-    The function computes either pings the DUT or pings a remote ip from
-    DUT.
-    Args:
-        src_device: object representing device to ping from
-        dest_address: ip address to ping
-        ping_duration: timeout to set on the ping process (in seconds)
-        ping_interval: time between pings (in seconds)
-        ping_size: size of ping packet payload
-    Returns:
-        ping_result: dict containing ping results and other meta data
-    """
-    ping_count = int(ping_duration / ping_interval)
-    ping_deadline = int(ping_count * ping_interval) + 1
-    ping_cmd_linux = 'ping -c {} -w {} -i {} -s {} -D'.format(
-        ping_count,
-        ping_deadline,
-        ping_interval,
-        ping_size,
-    )
-    ping_cmd_macos = 'ping -c {} -t {} -i {} -s {}'.format(
-        ping_count,
-        ping_deadline,
-        ping_interval,
-        ping_size,
-    )
-    if isinstance(src_device, AndroidDevice):
-        ping_cmd = '{} {}'.format(ping_cmd_linux, dest_address)
-        ping_output = src_device.adb.shell(ping_cmd,
-                                           timeout=ping_deadline + SHORT_SLEEP,
-                                           ignore_status=True)
-    elif isinstance(src_device, ssh.connection.SshConnection):
-        platform = src_device.run('uname').stdout
-        if 'linux' in platform.lower():
-            ping_cmd = 'sudo {} {}'.format(ping_cmd_linux, dest_address)
-        elif 'darwin' in platform.lower():
-            ping_cmd = "sudo {} {}| while IFS= read -r line; do printf '[%s] %s\n' \"$(gdate '+%s.%N')\" \"$line\"; done".format(
-                ping_cmd_macos, dest_address)
-        ping_output = src_device.run(ping_cmd,
-                                     timeout=ping_deadline + SHORT_SLEEP,
-                                     ignore_status=True).stdout
-    else:
-        raise TypeError('Unable to ping using src_device of type %s.' %
-                        type(src_device))
-    return ping_utils.PingResult(ping_output.splitlines())
-def get_ping_stats_nb(src_device, dest_address, ping_duration, ping_interval,
-                      ping_size):
-    return get_ping_stats(src_device, dest_address, ping_duration,
-                          ping_interval, ping_size)
-# Iperf utilities
-def start_iperf_client_nb(iperf_client, iperf_server_address, iperf_args, tag,
-                          timeout):
-    return iperf_client.start(iperf_server_address, iperf_args, tag, timeout)
-def get_iperf_arg_string(duration,
-                         reverse_direction,
-                         interval=1,
-                         traffic_type='TCP',
-                         socket_size=None,
-                         num_processes=1,
-                         udp_throughput='1000M',
-                         ipv6=False):
-    """Function to format iperf client arguments.
-    This function takes in iperf client parameters and returns a properly
-    formatter iperf arg string to be used in throughput tests.
-    Args:
-        duration: iperf duration in seconds
-        reverse_direction: boolean controlling the -R flag for iperf clients
-        interval: iperf print interval
-        traffic_type: string specifying TCP or UDP traffic
-        socket_size: string specifying TCP window or socket buffer, e.g., 2M
-        num_processes: int specifying number of iperf processes
-        udp_throughput: string specifying TX throughput in UDP tests, e.g. 100M
-        ipv6: boolean controlling the use of IP V6
-    Returns:
-        iperf_args: string of formatted iperf args
-    """
-    iperf_args = '-i {} -t {} -J '.format(interval, duration)
-    if ipv6:
-        iperf_args = iperf_args + '-6 '
-    if traffic_type.upper() == 'UDP':
-        iperf_args = iperf_args + '-u -b {} -l 1470 -P {} '.format(
-            udp_throughput, num_processes)
-    elif traffic_type.upper() == 'TCP':
-        iperf_args = iperf_args + '-P {} '.format(num_processes)
-    if socket_size:
-        iperf_args = iperf_args + '-w {} '.format(socket_size)
-    if reverse_direction:
-        iperf_args = iperf_args + ' -R'
-    return iperf_args
-# Attenuator Utilities
-def atten_by_label(atten_list, path_label, atten_level):
-    """Attenuate signals according to their path label.
-    Args:
-        atten_list: list of attenuators to iterate over
-        path_label: path label on which to set desired attenuation
-        atten_level: attenuation desired on path
-    """
-    for atten in atten_list:
-        if path_label in atten.path:
-            atten.set_atten(atten_level, retry=True)
-def get_atten_for_target_rssi(target_rssi, attenuators, dut, ping_server):
-    """Function to estimate attenuation to hit a target RSSI.
-    This function estimates a constant attenuation setting on all atennuation
-    ports to hit a target RSSI. The estimate is not meant to be exact or
-    guaranteed.
-    Args:
-        target_rssi: rssi of interest
-        attenuators: list of attenuator ports
-        dut: android device object assumed connected to a wifi network.
-        ping_server: ssh connection object to ping server
-    Returns:
-        target_atten: attenuation setting to achieve target_rssi
-    """
-    logging.info('Searching attenuation for RSSI = {}dB'.format(target_rssi))
-    # Set attenuator to 0 dB
-    for atten in attenuators:
-        atten.set_atten(0, strict=False, retry=True)
-    # Start ping traffic
-    dut_ip = dut.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
-    # Measure starting RSSI
-    ping_future = get_ping_stats_nb(src_device=ping_server,
-                                    dest_address=dut_ip,
-                                    ping_duration=1.5,
-                                    ping_interval=0.02,
-                                    ping_size=64)
-    current_rssi = get_connected_rssi(dut,
-                                      num_measurements=4,
-                                      polling_frequency=0.25,
-                                      first_measurement_delay=0.5,
-                                      disconnect_warning=1,
-                                      ignore_samples=1)
-    current_rssi = current_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['mean']
-    ping_future.result()
-    target_atten = 0
-    logging.debug('RSSI @ {0:.2f}dB attenuation = {1:.2f}'.format(
-        target_atten, current_rssi))
-    within_range = 0
-    for idx in range(20):
-        atten_delta = max(min(current_rssi - target_rssi, 20), -20)
-        target_atten = int((target_atten + atten_delta) * 4) / 4
-        if target_atten < 0:
-            return 0
-        if target_atten > attenuators[0].get_max_atten():
-            return attenuators[0].get_max_atten()
-        for atten in attenuators:
-            atten.set_atten(target_atten, strict=False, retry=True)
-        ping_future = get_ping_stats_nb(src_device=ping_server,
-                                        dest_address=dut_ip,
-                                        ping_duration=1.5,
-                                        ping_interval=0.02,
-                                        ping_size=64)
-        current_rssi = get_connected_rssi(dut,
-                                          num_measurements=4,
-                                          polling_frequency=0.25,
-                                          first_measurement_delay=0.5,
-                                          disconnect_warning=1,
-                                          ignore_samples=1)
-        current_rssi = current_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['mean']
-        ping_future.result()
-        logging.info('RSSI @ {0:.2f}dB attenuation = {1:.2f}'.format(
-            target_atten, current_rssi))
-        if abs(current_rssi - target_rssi) < 1:
-            if within_range:
-                logging.info(
-                    'Reached RSSI: {0:.2f}. Target RSSI: {1:.2f}.'
-                    'Attenuation: {2:.2f}, Iterations = {3:.2f}'.format(
-                        current_rssi, target_rssi, target_atten, idx))
-                return target_atten
-            else:
-                within_range = True
-        else:
-            within_range = False
-    return target_atten
-def get_current_atten_dut_chain_map(attenuators,
-                                    dut,
-                                    ping_server,
-                                    ping_from_dut=False):
-    """Function to detect mapping between attenuator ports and DUT chains.
-    This function detects the mapping between attenuator ports and DUT chains
-    in cases where DUT chains are connected to only one attenuator port. The
-    function assumes the DUT is already connected to a wifi network. The
-    function starts by measuring per chain RSSI at 0 attenuation, then
-    attenuates one port at a time looking for the chain that reports a lower
-    RSSI.
-    Args:
-        attenuators: list of attenuator ports
-        dut: android device object assumed connected to a wifi network.
-        ping_server: ssh connection object to ping server
-        ping_from_dut: boolean controlling whether to ping from or to dut
-    Returns:
-        chain_map: list of dut chains, one entry per attenuator port
-    """
-    # Set attenuator to 0 dB
-    for atten in attenuators:
-        atten.set_atten(0, strict=False, retry=True)
-    # Start ping traffic
-    dut_ip = dut.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
-    if ping_from_dut:
-        ping_future = get_ping_stats_nb(dut, ping_server._settings.hostname,
-                                        11, 0.02, 64)
-    else:
-        ping_future = get_ping_stats_nb(ping_server, dut_ip, 11, 0.02, 64)
-    # Measure starting RSSI
-    base_rssi = get_connected_rssi(dut, 4, 0.25, 1)
-    chain0_base_rssi = base_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['mean']
-    chain1_base_rssi = base_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['mean']
-    if chain0_base_rssi < -70 or chain1_base_rssi < -70:
-        logging.warning('RSSI might be too low to get reliable chain map.')
-    # Compile chain map by attenuating one path at a time and seeing which
-    # chain's RSSI degrades
-    chain_map = []
-    for test_atten in attenuators:
-        # Set one attenuator to 30 dB down
-        test_atten.set_atten(30, strict=False, retry=True)
-        # Get new RSSI
-        test_rssi = get_connected_rssi(dut, 4, 0.25, 1)
-        # Assign attenuator to path that has lower RSSI
-        if chain0_base_rssi > -70 and chain0_base_rssi - test_rssi[
-                'chain_0_rssi']['mean'] > 10:
-            chain_map.append('DUT-Chain-0')
-        elif chain1_base_rssi > -70 and chain1_base_rssi - test_rssi[
-                'chain_1_rssi']['mean'] > 10:
-            chain_map.append('DUT-Chain-1')
-        else:
-            chain_map.append(None)
-        # Reset attenuator to 0
-        test_atten.set_atten(0, strict=False, retry=True)
-    ping_future.result()
-    logging.debug('Chain Map: {}'.format(chain_map))
-    return chain_map
-def get_full_rf_connection_map(attenuators,
-                               dut,
-                               ping_server,
-                               networks,
-                               ping_from_dut=False):
-    """Function to detect per-network connections between attenuator and DUT.
-    This function detects the mapping between attenuator ports and DUT chains
-    on all networks in its arguments. The function connects the DUT to each
-    network then calls get_current_atten_dut_chain_map to get the connection
-    map on the current network. The function outputs the results in two formats
-    to enable easy access when users are interested in indexing by network or
-    attenuator port.
-    Args:
-        attenuators: list of attenuator ports
-        dut: android device object assumed connected to a wifi network.
-        ping_server: ssh connection object to ping server
-        networks: dict of network IDs and configs
-    Returns:
-        rf_map_by_network: dict of RF connections indexed by network.
-        rf_map_by_atten: list of RF connections indexed by attenuator
-    """
-    for atten in attenuators:
-        atten.set_atten(0, strict=False, retry=True)
-    rf_map_by_network = collections.OrderedDict()
-    rf_map_by_atten = [[] for atten in attenuators]
-    for net_id, net_config in networks.items():
-        wutils.reset_wifi(dut)
-        wutils.wifi_connect(dut,
-                            net_config,
-                            num_of_tries=1,
-                            assert_on_fail=False,
-                            check_connectivity=False)
-        rf_map_by_network[net_id] = get_current_atten_dut_chain_map(
-            attenuators, dut, ping_server, ping_from_dut)
-        for idx, chain in enumerate(rf_map_by_network[net_id]):
-            if chain:
-                rf_map_by_atten[idx].append({
-                    'network': net_id,
-                    'dut_chain': chain
-                })
-    logging.debug('RF Map (by Network): {}'.format(rf_map_by_network))
-    logging.debug('RF Map (by Atten): {}'.format(rf_map_by_atten))
-    return rf_map_by_network, rf_map_by_atten
-# Generic device utils
-def get_dut_temperature(dut):
-    """Function to get dut temperature.
-    The function fetches and returns the reading from the temperature sensor
-    used for skin temperature and thermal throttling.
-    Args:
-        dut: AndroidDevice of interest
-    Returns:
-        temperature: device temperature. 0 if temperature could not be read
-    """
-    candidate_zones = [
-        '/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/tz-by-name/skin-therm/temp',
-        '/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/tz-by-name/sdm-therm-monitor/temp',
-        '/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/tz-by-name/sdm-therm-adc/temp',
-        '/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/tz-by-name/back_therm/temp',
-        '/dev/thermal/tz-by-name/quiet_therm/temp'
-    ]
-    for zone in candidate_zones:
-        try:
-            temperature = int(dut.adb.shell('cat {}'.format(zone)))
-            break
-        except:
-            temperature = 0
-    if temperature == 0:
-        logging.debug('Could not check DUT temperature.')
-    elif temperature > 100:
-        temperature = temperature / 1000
-    return temperature
-def wait_for_dut_cooldown(dut, target_temp=50, timeout=300):
-    """Function to wait for a DUT to cool down.
-    Args:
-        dut: AndroidDevice of interest
-        target_temp: target cooldown temperature
-        timeout: maxt time to wait for cooldown
-    """
-    start_time = time.time()
-    while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
-        temperature = get_dut_temperature(dut)
-        if temperature < target_temp:
-            break
-        time.sleep(SHORT_SLEEP)
-    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
-    logging.debug('DUT Final Temperature: {}C. Cooldown duration: {}'.format(
-        temperature, elapsed_time))
-def health_check(dut, batt_thresh=5, temp_threshold=53, cooldown=1):
-    """Function to check health status of a DUT.
-    The function checks both battery levels and temperature to avoid DUT
-    powering off during the test.
-    Args:
-        dut: AndroidDevice of interest
-        batt_thresh: battery level threshold
-        temp_threshold: temperature threshold
-        cooldown: flag to wait for DUT to cool down when overheating
-    Returns:
-        health_check: boolean confirming device is healthy
-    """
-    health_check = True
-    battery_level = utils.get_battery_level(dut)
-    if battery_level < batt_thresh:
-        logging.warning('Battery level low ({}%)'.format(battery_level))
-        health_check = False
-    else:
-        logging.debug('Battery level = {}%'.format(battery_level))
-    temperature = get_dut_temperature(dut)
-    if temperature > temp_threshold:
-        if cooldown:
-            logging.warning(
-                'Waiting for DUT to cooldown. ({} C)'.format(temperature))
-            wait_for_dut_cooldown(dut, target_temp=temp_threshold - 5)
-        else:
-            logging.warning('DUT Overheating ({} C)'.format(temperature))
-            health_check = False
-    else:
-        logging.debug('DUT Temperature = {} C'.format(temperature))
-    return health_check
-# Wifi Device Utils
-def empty_rssi_result():
-    return collections.OrderedDict([('data', []), ('mean', float('nan')),
-                                    ('stdev', float('nan'))])
-def get_connected_rssi_nb(dut,
-                          num_measurements=1,
-                          polling_frequency=SHORT_SLEEP,
-                          first_measurement_delay=0,
-                          disconnect_warning=True,
-                          ignore_samples=0,
-                          interface='wlan0'):
-    return get_connected_rssi(dut, num_measurements, polling_frequency,
-                              first_measurement_delay, disconnect_warning,
-                              ignore_samples, interface)
-def get_connected_rssi(dut,
-                       num_measurements=1,
-                       polling_frequency=SHORT_SLEEP,
-                       first_measurement_delay=0,
-                       disconnect_warning=True,
-                       ignore_samples=0,
-                       interface='wlan0'):
-    """Gets all RSSI values reported for the connected access point/BSSID.
-    Args:
-        dut: android device object from which to get RSSI
-        num_measurements: number of scans done, and RSSIs collected
-        polling_frequency: time to wait between RSSI measurements
-        disconnect_warning: boolean controlling disconnection logging messages
-        ignore_samples: number of leading samples to ignore
-    Returns:
-        connected_rssi: dict containing the measurements results for
-        all reported RSSI values (signal_poll, per chain, etc.) and their
-        statistics
-    """
-def get_scan_rssi_nb(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements=1):
-    return get_scan_rssi(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements)
-def get_scan_rssi(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements=1):
-    """Gets scan RSSI for specified BSSIDs.
-    Args:
-        dut: android device object from which to get RSSI
-        tracked_bssids: array of BSSIDs to gather RSSI data for
-        num_measurements: number of scans done, and RSSIs collected
-    Returns:
-        scan_rssi: dict containing the measurement results as well as the
-        statistics of the scan RSSI for all BSSIDs in tracked_bssids
-    """
-def get_sw_signature(dut):
-    """Function that checks the signature for wifi firmware and config files.
-    Returns:
-        bdf_signature: signature consisting of last three digits of bdf cksums
-        fw_signature: floating point firmware version, i.e., major.minor
-    """
-def get_country_code(dut):
-    """Function that returns the current wifi country code."""
-def push_config(dut, config_file):
-    """Function to push Wifi BDF files
-    This function checks for existing wifi bdf files and over writes them all,
-    for simplicity, with the bdf file provided in the arguments. The dut is
-    rebooted for the bdf file to take effect
-    Args:
-        dut: dut to push bdf file to
-        config_file: path to bdf_file to push
-    """
-def start_wifi_logging(dut):
-    """Function to start collecting wifi-related logs"""
-def stop_wifi_logging(dut):
-    """Function to start collecting wifi-related logs"""
-def push_firmware(dut, firmware_files):
-    """Function to push Wifi firmware files
-    Args:
-        dut: dut to push bdf file to
-        firmware_files: path to wlanmdsp.mbn file
-        datamsc_file: path to Data.msc file
-    """
-def disable_beamforming(dut):
-    """Function to disable beamforming."""
-def set_nss_capability(dut, nss):
-    """Function to set number of spatial streams supported."""
-def set_chain_mask(dut, chain_mask):
-    """Function to set DUT chain mask.
-    Args:
-        dut: android device
-        chain_mask: desired chain mask in [0, 1, '2x2']
-    """
-# Link layer stats utilities
-class LinkLayerStats():
-    def __new__(self, dut, llstats_enabled=True):
-        if detect_wifi_platform(dut) == 'qcom':
-            return qcom_utils.LinkLayerStats(dut, llstats_enabled)
-        else:
-            return brcm_utils.LinkLayerStats(dut, llstats_enabled)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/bokeh_figure.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/bokeh_figure.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d6c5e39..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/bokeh_figure.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import bokeh, bokeh.plotting, bokeh.io
-import collections
-import itertools
-import json
-import math
-# Plotting Utilities
-class BokehFigure():
-    """Class enabling  simplified Bokeh plotting."""
-    COLORS = [
-        'black',
-        'blue',
-        'blueviolet',
-        'brown',
-        'burlywood',
-        'cadetblue',
-        'cornflowerblue',
-        'crimson',
-        'cyan',
-        'darkblue',
-        'darkgreen',
-        'darkmagenta',
-        'darkorange',
-        'darkred',
-        'deepskyblue',
-        'goldenrod',
-        'green',
-        'grey',
-        'indigo',
-        'navy',
-        'olive',
-        'orange',
-        'red',
-        'salmon',
-        'teal',
-        'yellow',
-    ]
-    MARKERS = [
-        'asterisk', 'circle', 'circle_cross', 'circle_x', 'cross', 'diamond',
-        'diamond_cross', 'hex', 'inverted_triangle', 'square', 'square_x',
-        'square_cross', 'triangle', 'x'
-    ]
-    TOOLS = ('box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,reset,hover,save')
-    def __init__(self,
-                 title=None,
-                 x_label=None,
-                 primary_y_label=None,
-                 secondary_y_label=None,
-                 height=700,
-                 width=1100,
-                 title_size='15pt',
-                 axis_label_size='12pt',
-                 legend_label_size='12pt',
-                 axis_tick_label_size='12pt',
-                 x_axis_type='auto',
-                 sizing_mode='scale_both',
-                 json_file=None):
-        if json_file:
-            self.load_from_json(json_file)
-        else:
-            self.figure_data = []
-            self.fig_property = {
-                'title': title,
-                'x_label': x_label,
-                'primary_y_label': primary_y_label,
-                'secondary_y_label': secondary_y_label,
-                'num_lines': 0,
-                'height': height,
-                'width': width,
-                'title_size': title_size,
-                'axis_label_size': axis_label_size,
-                'legend_label_size': legend_label_size,
-                'axis_tick_label_size': axis_tick_label_size,
-                'x_axis_type': x_axis_type,
-                'sizing_mode': sizing_mode
-            }
-    def init_plot(self):
-        self.plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(
-            sizing_mode=self.fig_property['sizing_mode'],
-            plot_width=self.fig_property['width'],
-            plot_height=self.fig_property['height'],
-            title=self.fig_property['title'],
-            tools=self.TOOLS,
-            x_axis_type=self.fig_property['x_axis_type'],
-            output_backend='webgl')
-        tooltips = [
-            ('index', '$index'),
-            ('(x,y)', '($x, $y)'),
-        ]
-        hover_set = []
-        for line in self.figure_data:
-            hover_set.extend(line['hover_text'].keys())
-        hover_set = set(hover_set)
-        for item in hover_set:
-            tooltips.append((item, '@{}'.format(item)))
-        self.plot.hover.tooltips = tooltips
-        self.plot.add_tools(
-            bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='width'))
-        self.plot.add_tools(
-            bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='height'))
-    def _filter_line(self, x_data, y_data, hover_text=None):
-        """Function to remove NaN points from bokeh plots."""
-        x_data_filtered = []
-        y_data_filtered = []
-        hover_text_filtered = {}
-        for idx, xy in enumerate(
-                itertools.zip_longest(x_data, y_data, fillvalue=float('nan'))):
-            if not math.isnan(xy[1]):
-                x_data_filtered.append(xy[0])
-                y_data_filtered.append(xy[1])
-                if hover_text:
-                    for key, value in hover_text.items():
-                        hover_text_filtered.setdefault(key, [])
-                        hover_text_filtered[key].append(
-                            value[idx] if len(value) > idx else '')
-        return x_data_filtered, y_data_filtered, hover_text_filtered
-    def add_line(self,
-                 x_data,
-                 y_data,
-                 legend,
-                 hover_text=None,
-                 color=None,
-                 width=3,
-                 style='solid',
-                 marker=None,
-                 marker_size=10,
-                 shaded_region=None,
-                 y_axis='default'):
-        """Function to add line to existing BokehFigure.
-        Args:
-            x_data: list containing x-axis values for line
-            y_data: list containing y_axis values for line
-            legend: string containing line title
-            hover_text: text to display when hovering over lines
-            color: string describing line color
-            width: integer line width
-            style: string describing line style, e.g, solid or dashed
-            marker: string specifying line marker, e.g., cross
-            shaded region: data describing shaded region to plot
-            y_axis: identifier for y-axis to plot line against
-        """
-        if y_axis not in ['default', 'secondary']:
-            raise ValueError('y_axis must be default or secondary')
-        if color == None:
-            color = self.COLORS[self.fig_property['num_lines'] %
-                                len(self.COLORS)]
-        if style == 'dashed':
-            style = [5, 5]
-        if isinstance(hover_text, list):
-            hover_text = {'info': hover_text}
-        x_data_filter, y_data_filter, hover_text_filter = self._filter_line(
-            x_data, y_data, hover_text)
-        self.figure_data.append({
-            'x_data': x_data_filter,
-            'y_data': y_data_filter,
-            'legend': legend,
-            'hover_text': hover_text_filter,
-            'color': color,
-            'width': width,
-            'style': style,
-            'marker': marker,
-            'marker_size': marker_size,
-            'shaded_region': shaded_region,
-            'y_axis': y_axis
-        })
-        self.fig_property['num_lines'] += 1
-    def add_scatter(self,
-                    x_data,
-                    y_data,
-                    legend,
-                    hover_text=None,
-                    color=None,
-                    marker=None,
-                    marker_size=10,
-                    y_axis='default'):
-        """Function to add line to existing BokehFigure.
-        Args:
-            x_data: list containing x-axis values for line
-            y_data: list containing y_axis values for line
-            legend: string containing line title
-            hover_text: text to display when hovering over lines
-            color: string describing line color
-            marker: string specifying marker, e.g., cross
-            y_axis: identifier for y-axis to plot line against
-        """
-        if y_axis not in ['default', 'secondary']:
-            raise ValueError('y_axis must be default or secondary')
-        if color == None:
-            color = self.COLORS[self.fig_property['num_lines'] %
-                                len(self.COLORS)]
-        if marker == None:
-            marker = self.MARKERS[self.fig_property['num_lines'] %
-                                  len(self.MARKERS)]
-        self.figure_data.append({
-            'x_data': x_data,
-            'y_data': y_data,
-            'legend': legend,
-            'hover_text': hover_text,
-            'color': color,
-            'width': 0,
-            'style': 'solid',
-            'marker': marker,
-            'marker_size': marker_size,
-            'shaded_region': None,
-            'y_axis': y_axis
-        })
-        self.fig_property['num_lines'] += 1
-    def generate_figure(self, output_file=None, save_json=True):
-        """Function to generate and save BokehFigure.
-        Args:
-            output_file: string specifying output file path
-        """
-        self.init_plot()
-        two_axes = False
-        for line in self.figure_data:
-            data_dict = {'x': line['x_data'], 'y': line['y_data']}
-            for key, value in line['hover_text'].items():
-                data_dict[key] = value
-            source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=data_dict)
-            if line['width'] > 0:
-                self.plot.line(x='x',
-                               y='y',
-                               legend_label=line['legend'],
-                               line_width=line['width'],
-                               color=line['color'],
-                               line_dash=line['style'],
-                               name=line['y_axis'],
-                               y_range_name=line['y_axis'],
-                               source=source)
-            if line['shaded_region']:
-                band_x = line['shaded_region']['x_vector']
-                band_x.extend(line['shaded_region']['x_vector'][::-1])
-                band_y = line['shaded_region']['lower_limit']
-                band_y.extend(line['shaded_region']['upper_limit'][::-1])
-                self.plot.patch(band_x,
-                                band_y,
-                                color='#7570B3',
-                                line_alpha=0.1,
-                                fill_alpha=0.1)
-            if line['marker'] in self.MARKERS:
-                marker_func = getattr(self.plot, line['marker'])
-                marker_func(x='x',
-                            y='y',
-                            size=line['marker_size'],
-                            legend_label=line['legend'],
-                            line_color=line['color'],
-                            fill_color=line['color'],
-                            name=line['y_axis'],
-                            y_range_name=line['y_axis'],
-                            source=source)
-            if line['y_axis'] == 'secondary':
-                two_axes = True
-        #x-axis formatting
-        self.plot.xaxis.axis_label = self.fig_property['x_label']
-        self.plot.x_range.range_padding = 0
-        self.plot.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
-            'axis_label_size']
-        self.plot.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
-            'axis_tick_label_size']
-        #y-axis formatting
-        self.plot.yaxis[0].axis_label = self.fig_property['primary_y_label']
-        self.plot.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
-            'axis_label_size']
-        self.plot.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
-            'axis_tick_label_size']
-        self.plot.y_range = bokeh.models.DataRange1d(names=['default'])
-        if two_axes and 'secondary' not in self.plot.extra_y_ranges:
-            self.plot.extra_y_ranges = {
-                'secondary': bokeh.models.DataRange1d(names=['secondary'])
-            }
-            self.plot.add_layout(
-                bokeh.models.LinearAxis(
-                    y_range_name='secondary',
-                    axis_label=self.fig_property['secondary_y_label'],
-                    axis_label_text_font_size=self.
-                    fig_property['axis_label_size']), 'right')
-        # plot formatting
-        self.plot.legend.location = 'top_right'
-        self.plot.legend.click_policy = 'hide'
-        self.plot.title.text_font_size = self.fig_property['title_size']
-        self.plot.legend.label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
-            'legend_label_size']
-        if output_file is not None:
-            self.save_figure(output_file, save_json)
-        return self.plot
-    def load_from_json(self, file_path):
-        with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file:
-            fig_dict = json.load(json_file)
-        self.fig_property = fig_dict['fig_property']
-        self.figure_data = fig_dict['figure_data']
-    def _save_figure_json(self, output_file):
-        """Function to save a json format of a figure"""
-        figure_dict = collections.OrderedDict(fig_property=self.fig_property,
-                                              figure_data=self.figure_data)
-        output_file = output_file.replace('.html', '_plot_data.json')
-        with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile:
-            json.dump(figure_dict, outfile, indent=4)
-    def save_figure(self, output_file, save_json=True):
-        """Function to save BokehFigure.
-        Args:
-            output_file: string specifying output file path
-            save_json: flag controlling json outputs
-        """
-        if save_json:
-            self._save_figure_json(output_file)
-        bokeh.io.output_file(output_file)
-        bokeh.io.save(self.plot)
-    @staticmethod
-    def save_figures(figure_array, output_file_path, save_json=True):
-        """Function to save list of BokehFigures in one file.
-        Args:
-            figure_array: list of BokehFigure object to be plotted
-            output_file: string specifying output file path
-        """
-        for idx, figure in enumerate(figure_array):
-            figure.generate_figure()
-            if save_json:
-                json_file_path = output_file_path.replace(
-                    '.html', '{}-plot_data.json'.format(idx))
-                figure._save_figure_json(json_file_path)
-        plot_array = [figure.plot for figure in figure_array]
-        all_plots = bokeh.layouts.column(children=plot_array,
-                                         sizing_mode='scale_width')
-        bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file_path)
-        bokeh.plotting.save(all_plots)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/brcm_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/brcm_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7544f8d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/brcm_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import hashlib
-import itertools
-import logging
-import math
-import numpy
-import re
-import statistics
-import time
-DISCONNECTION_MESSAGE_BRCM = 'driver adapter not found'
-RSSI_ERROR_VAL = float('nan')
-    'HT': {
-        1: {
-            20: [7.2, 14.4, 21.7, 28.9, 43.4, 57.8, 65.0, 72.2],
-            40: [15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 90.0, 120.0, 135.0, 150.0]
-        },
-        2: {
-            20: [
-                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14.4, 28.8, 43.4, 57.8, 86.8, 115.6,
-                130, 144.4
-            ],
-            40: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300]
-        }
-    },
-    'VHT': {
-        1: {
-            20: [
-                7.2, 14.4, 21.7, 28.9, 43.4, 57.8, 65.0, 72.2, 86.7, 96.2,
-                129.0, 143.4
-            ],
-            40: [
-                15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 90.0, 120.0, 135.0, 150.0, 180.0,
-                200.0, 258, 286.8
-            ],
-            80: [
-                32.5, 65.0, 97.5, 130.0, 195.0, 260.0, 292.5, 325.0, 390.0,
-                433.3, 540.4, 600.4
-            ],
-            160: [
-                65.0, 130.0, 195.0, 260.0, 390.0, 520.0, 585.0, 650.0, 780.0,
-                1080.8, 1200.8
-            ]
-        },
-        2: {
-            20: [
-                14.4, 28.8, 43.4, 57.8, 86.8, 115.6, 130, 144.4, 173.4, 192.4,
-                258, 286.8
-            ],
-            40: [30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300, 360, 400, 516, 573.6],
-            80: [
-                65, 130, 195, 260, 390, 520, 585, 650, 780, 866.6, 1080.8,
-                1200.8
-            ],
-            160:
-            [130, 260, 390, 520, 780, 1040, 1170, 1300, 1560, 2161.6, 2401.6]
-        },
-    },
-    'HE': {
-        1: {
-            20: [
-                8.6, 17.2, 25.8, 34.4, 51.6, 68.8, 77.4, 86.0, 103.2, 114.7,
-                129.0, 143.4
-            ],
-            40: [
-                17.2, 34.4, 51.6, 68.8, 103.2, 137.6, 154.8, 172, 206.4, 229.4,
-                258, 286.8
-            ],
-            80: [
-                36.0, 72.1, 108.1, 144.1, 216.2, 288.2, 324.3, 360.3, 432.4,
-                480.4, 540.4, 600.4
-            ],
-            160: [
-                72, 144.2, 216.2, 288.2, 432.4, 576.4, 648.6, 720.6, 864.8,
-                960.8, 1080.8, 1200.8
-            ]
-        },
-        2: {
-            20: [
-                17.2, 34.4, 51.6, 68.8, 103.2, 137.6, 154.8, 172, 206.4, 229.4,
-                258, 286.8
-            ],
-            40: [
-                34.4, 68.8, 103.2, 137.6, 206.4, 275.2, 309.6, 344, 412.8,
-                458.8, 516, 573.6
-            ],
-            80: [
-                72, 144.2, 216.2, 288.2, 432.4, 576.4, 648.6, 720.6, 864.8,
-                960.8, 1080.8, 1200.8
-            ],
-            160: [
-                144, 288.4, 432.4, 576.4, 864.8, 1152.8, 1297.2, 1441.2,
-                1729.6, 1921.6, 2161.6, 2401.6
-            ]
-        },
-    },
-# Rssi Utilities
-def empty_rssi_result():
-    return collections.OrderedDict([('data', []), ('mean', None),
-                                    ('stdev', None)])
-def get_connected_rssi(dut,
-                       num_measurements=1,
-                       polling_frequency=SHORT_SLEEP,
-                       first_measurement_delay=0,
-                       disconnect_warning=True,
-                       ignore_samples=0,
-                       interface='wlan0'):
-    # yapf: disable
-    connected_rssi = collections.OrderedDict(
-        [('time_stamp', []),
-         ('bssid', []), ('ssid', []), ('frequency', []),
-         ('signal_poll_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
-         ('signal_poll_avg_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
-         ('chain_0_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
-         ('chain_1_rssi', empty_rssi_result())])
-    # yapf: enable
-    previous_bssid = 'disconnected'
-    t0 = time.time()
-    time.sleep(first_measurement_delay)
-    for idx in range(num_measurements):
-        measurement_start_time = time.time()
-        connected_rssi['time_stamp'].append(measurement_start_time - t0)
-        # Get signal poll RSSI
-        try:
-            status_output = dut.adb.shell(
-                'wpa_cli -i {} status'.format(interface))
-        except:
-            status_output = ''
-        match = re.search('bssid=.*', status_output)
-        if match:
-            current_bssid = match.group(0).split('=')[1]
-            connected_rssi['bssid'].append(current_bssid)
-        else:
-            current_bssid = 'disconnected'
-            connected_rssi['bssid'].append(current_bssid)
-            if disconnect_warning and previous_bssid != 'disconnected':
-                logging.warning('WIFI DISCONNECT DETECTED!')
-        previous_bssid = current_bssid
-        match = re.search('\s+ssid=.*', status_output)
-        if match:
-            ssid = match.group(0).split('=')[1]
-            connected_rssi['ssid'].append(ssid)
-        else:
-            connected_rssi['ssid'].append('disconnected')
-        match = re.search('\s+freq=.*', status_output)
-        if match:
-            frequency = int(match.group(0).split('=')[1])
-            connected_rssi['frequency'].append(frequency)
-        else:
-            connected_rssi['frequency'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-        if interface == 'wlan0':
-            try:
-                per_chain_rssi = dut.adb.shell('wl phy_rssi_ant')
-                chain_0_rssi = re.search(
-                    r'rssi\[0\]\s(?P<chain_0_rssi>[0-9\-]*)', per_chain_rssi)
-                if chain_0_rssi:
-                    chain_0_rssi = int(chain_0_rssi.group('chain_0_rssi'))
-                else:
-                    chain_0_rssi = -float('inf')
-                chain_1_rssi = re.search(
-                    r'rssi\[1\]\s(?P<chain_1_rssi>[0-9\-]*)', per_chain_rssi)
-                if chain_1_rssi:
-                    chain_1_rssi = int(chain_1_rssi.group('chain_1_rssi'))
-                else:
-                    chain_1_rssi = -float('inf')
-            except:
-                chain_0_rssi = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-                chain_1_rssi = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-            connected_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['data'].append(chain_0_rssi)
-            connected_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['data'].append(chain_1_rssi)
-            combined_rssi = math.pow(10, chain_0_rssi / 10) + math.pow(
-                10, chain_1_rssi / 10)
-            combined_rssi = 10 * math.log10(combined_rssi)
-            connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(combined_rssi)
-            connected_rssi['signal_poll_avg_rssi']['data'].append(
-                combined_rssi)
-        else:
-            try:
-                signal_poll_output = dut.adb.shell(
-                    'wpa_cli -i {} signal_poll'.format(interface))
-            except:
-                signal_poll_output = ''
-            match = re.search('RSSI=.*', signal_poll_output)
-            if match:
-                temp_rssi = int(match.group(0).split('=')[1])
-                if temp_rssi == -9999 or temp_rssi == 0:
-                    connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(
-                        RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-                else:
-                    connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(
-                        temp_rssi)
-            else:
-                connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(
-                    RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-            connected_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-            connected_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-        measurement_elapsed_time = time.time() - measurement_start_time
-        time.sleep(max(0, polling_frequency - measurement_elapsed_time))
-    # Statistics, Statistics
-    for key, val in connected_rssi.copy().items():
-        if 'data' not in val:
-            continue
-        filtered_rssi_values = [x for x in val['data'] if not math.isnan(x)]
-        if len(filtered_rssi_values) > ignore_samples:
-            filtered_rssi_values = filtered_rssi_values[ignore_samples:]
-        if filtered_rssi_values:
-            connected_rssi[key]['mean'] = statistics.mean(filtered_rssi_values)
-            if len(filtered_rssi_values) > 1:
-                connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = statistics.stdev(
-                    filtered_rssi_values)
-            else:
-                connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = 0
-        else:
-            connected_rssi[key]['mean'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-            connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-    return connected_rssi
-def get_scan_rssi(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements=1):
-    scan_rssi = collections.OrderedDict()
-    for bssid in tracked_bssids:
-        scan_rssi[bssid] = empty_rssi_result()
-    for idx in range(num_measurements):
-        scan_output = dut.adb.shell('cmd wifi start-scan')
-        time.sleep(MED_SLEEP)
-        scan_output = dut.adb.shell('cmd wifi list-scan-results')
-        for bssid in tracked_bssids:
-            bssid_result = re.search(bssid + '.*',
-                                     scan_output,
-                                     flags=re.IGNORECASE)
-            if bssid_result:
-                bssid_result = bssid_result.group(0).split()
-                scan_rssi[bssid]['data'].append(int(bssid_result[2]))
-            else:
-                scan_rssi[bssid]['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-    # Compute mean RSSIs. Only average valid readings.
-    # Output RSSI_ERROR_VAL if no readings found.
-    for key, val in scan_rssi.items():
-        filtered_rssi_values = [x for x in val['data'] if not math.isnan(x)]
-        if filtered_rssi_values:
-            scan_rssi[key]['mean'] = statistics.mean(filtered_rssi_values)
-            if len(filtered_rssi_values) > 1:
-                scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = statistics.stdev(
-                    filtered_rssi_values)
-            else:
-                scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = 0
-        else:
-            scan_rssi[key]['mean'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-            scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-    return scan_rssi
-def get_sw_signature(dut):
-    bdf_output = dut.adb.shell('cksum /vendor/firmware/bcmdhd*')
-    logging.debug('BDF Checksum output: {}'.format(bdf_output))
-    bdf_signature = sum(
-        [int(line.split(' ')[0]) for line in bdf_output.splitlines()]) % 1000
-    fw_version = dut.adb.shell('getprop vendor.wlan.firmware.version')
-    driver_version = dut.adb.shell('getprop vendor.wlan.driver.version')
-    logging.debug('Firmware version : {}. Driver version: {}'.format(
-        fw_version, driver_version))
-    fw_signature = '{}+{}'.format(fw_version, driver_version)
-    fw_signature = int(hashlib.md5(fw_signature.encode()).hexdigest(),
-                       16) % 1000
-    serial_hash = int(hashlib.md5(dut.serial.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % 1000
-    return {
-        'config_signature': bdf_signature,
-        'fw_signature': fw_signature,
-        'serial_hash': serial_hash
-    }
-def get_country_code(dut):
-    try:
-        country_code = dut.adb.shell('wl country').split(' ')[0]
-    except:
-        country_code = 'XZ'
-    if country_code == 'XZ':
-        country_code = 'WW'
-    logging.debug('Country code: {}'.format(country_code))
-    return country_code
-def push_config(dut, config_file):
-    config_files_list = dut.adb.shell('ls /vendor/etc/*.cal').splitlines()
-    for dst_file in config_files_list:
-        dut.push_system_file(config_file, dst_file)
-    dut.reboot()
-def start_wifi_logging(dut):
-    pass
-def stop_wifi_logging(dut):
-    pass
-def push_firmware(dut, firmware_files):
-    """Function to push Wifi firmware files
-    Args:
-        dut: dut to push bdf file to
-        firmware_files: path to wlanmdsp.mbn file
-        datamsc_file: path to Data.msc file
-    """
-    for file in firmware_files:
-        dut.push_system_file(file, '/vendor/firmware/')
-    dut.reboot()
-def disable_beamforming(dut):
-    dut.adb.shell('wl txbf 0')
-def set_nss_capability(dut, nss):
-    dut.adb.shell('wl he omi -r {} -t {}'.format(nss, nss))
-def set_chain_mask(dut, chain):
-    if chain == '2x2':
-        chain = 3
-    else:
-        chain = chain + 1
-    # Get current chain mask
-    try:
-        curr_tx_chain = int(dut.adb.shell('wl txchain'))
-        curr_rx_chain = int(dut.adb.shell('wl rxchain'))
-    except:
-        curr_tx_chain = -1
-        curr_rx_chain = -1
-    if curr_tx_chain == chain and curr_rx_chain == chain:
-        return
-    # Set chain mask if needed
-    dut.adb.shell('wl down')
-    time.sleep(VERY_SHORT_SLEEP)
-    dut.adb.shell('wl txchain 0x{}'.format(chain))
-    dut.adb.shell('wl rxchain 0x{}'.format(chain))
-    dut.adb.shell('wl up')
-class LinkLayerStats():
-    LLSTATS_CMD = 'wl dump ampdu; wl counters;'
-    LL_STATS_CLEAR_CMD = 'wl dump_clear ampdu; wl reset_cnts;'
-    BW_REGEX = re.compile(r'Chanspec:.+ (?P<bandwidth>[0-9]+)MHz')
-    MCS_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?P<count>[0-9]+)\((?P<percent>[0-9]+)%\)')
-    RX_REGEX = re.compile(r'RX (?P<mode>\S+)\s+:\s*(?P<nss1>[0-9, ,(,),%]*)'
-                          '\n\s*:?\s*(?P<nss2>[0-9, ,(,),%]*)')
-    TX_REGEX = re.compile(r'TX (?P<mode>\S+)\s+:\s*(?P<nss1>[0-9, ,(,),%]*)'
-                          '\n\s*:?\s*(?P<nss2>[0-9, ,(,),%]*)')
-    TX_PER_REGEX = re.compile(
-        r'(?P<mode>\S+) PER\s+:\s*(?P<nss1>[0-9, ,(,),%]*)'
-        '\n\s*:?\s*(?P<nss2>[0-9, ,(,),%]*)')
-    RX_FCS_REGEX = re.compile(
-        r'rxbadfcs (?P<rx_bad_fcs>[0-9]*).+\n.+goodfcs (?P<rx_good_fcs>[0-9]*)'
-    )
-    RX_AGG_REGEX = re.compile(r'rxmpduperampdu (?P<aggregation>[0-9]*)')
-    TX_AGG_REGEX = re.compile(r' mpduperampdu (?P<aggregation>[0-9]*)')
-    TX_AGG_STOP_REGEX = re.compile(
-        r'agg stop reason: tot_agg_tried (?P<agg_tried>[0-9]+) agg_txcancel (?P<agg_canceled>[0-9]+) (?P<agg_stop_reason>.+)'
-    )
-    TX_AGG_STOP_REASON_REGEX = re.compile(
-        r'(?P<reason>\w+) [0-9]+ \((?P<value>[0-9]+%)\)')
-    MCS_ID = collections.namedtuple(
-        'mcs_id', ['mode', 'num_streams', 'bandwidth', 'mcs', 'gi'])
-    MODE_MAP = {'0': '11a/g', '1': '11b', '2': '11n', '3': '11ac'}
-    BW_MAP = {'0': 20, '1': 40, '2': 80}
-    def __init__(self, dut, llstats_enabled=True):
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.llstats_enabled = llstats_enabled
-        self.llstats_cumulative = self._empty_llstats()
-        self.llstats_incremental = self._empty_llstats()
-    def update_stats(self):
-        if self.llstats_enabled:
-            try:
-                llstats_output = self.dut.adb.shell(self.LLSTATS_CMD,
-                                                    timeout=1)
-                self.dut.adb.shell_nb(self.LL_STATS_CLEAR_CMD)
-                wl_join = self.dut.adb.shell("wl status")
-                self.bandwidth = int(
-                    re.search(self.BW_REGEX, wl_join).group('bandwidth'))
-            except:
-                llstats_output = ''
-        else:
-            llstats_output = ''
-        self._update_stats(llstats_output)
-    def reset_stats(self):
-        self.llstats_cumulative = self._empty_llstats()
-        self.llstats_incremental = self._empty_llstats()
-    def _empty_llstats(self):
-        return collections.OrderedDict(mcs_stats=collections.OrderedDict(),
-                                       mpdu_stats=collections.OrderedDict(),
-                                       summary=collections.OrderedDict())
-    def _empty_mcs_stat(self):
-        return collections.OrderedDict(txmpdu=0,
-                                       rxmpdu=0,
-                                       mpdu_lost=0,
-                                       retries=0,
-                                       retries_short=0,
-                                       retries_long=0)
-    def _mcs_id_to_string(self, mcs_id):
-        mcs_string = '{} Nss{} MCS{} GI{}'.format(mcs_id.mode,
-                                                  mcs_id.num_streams,
-                                                  mcs_id.mcs, mcs_id.gi)
-        return mcs_string
-    def _parse_mcs_stats(self, llstats_output):
-        llstats_dict = {}
-        # Look for per-peer stats
-        match = re.search(self.RX_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        if not match:
-            self.reset_stats()
-            return collections.OrderedDict()
-        # Find and process all matches for per stream stats
-        rx_match_iter = re.finditer(self.RX_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        tx_match_iter = re.finditer(self.TX_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        tx_per_match_iter = re.finditer(self.TX_PER_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        for rx_match, tx_match, tx_per_match in zip(rx_match_iter,
-                                                    tx_match_iter,
-                                                    tx_per_match_iter):
-            mode = rx_match.group('mode')
-            mode = 'HT' if mode == 'MCS' else mode
-            for nss in [1, 2]:
-                rx_mcs_iter = re.finditer(self.MCS_REGEX,
-                                          rx_match.group(nss + 1))
-                tx_mcs_iter = re.finditer(self.MCS_REGEX,
-                                          tx_match.group(nss + 1))
-                tx_per_iter = re.finditer(self.MCS_REGEX,
-                                          tx_per_match.group(nss + 1))
-                for mcs, (rx_mcs_stats, tx_mcs_stats,
-                          tx_per_mcs_stats) in enumerate(
-                              itertools.zip_longest(rx_mcs_iter, tx_mcs_iter,
-                                                    tx_per_iter)):
-                    current_mcs = self.MCS_ID(
-                        mode, nss, self.bandwidth,
-                        mcs + int(8 * (mode == 'HT') * (nss - 1)), 0)
-                    current_stats = collections.OrderedDict(
-                        txmpdu=int(tx_mcs_stats.group('count'))
-                        if tx_mcs_stats else 0,
-                        rxmpdu=int(rx_mcs_stats.group('count'))
-                        if rx_mcs_stats else 0,
-                        mpdu_lost=0,
-                        retries=tx_per_mcs_stats.group('count')
-                        if tx_per_mcs_stats else 0,
-                        retries_short=0,
-                        retries_long=0,
-                        mcs_id=current_mcs)
-                    llstats_dict[self._mcs_id_to_string(
-                        current_mcs)] = current_stats
-        return llstats_dict
-    def _parse_mpdu_stats(self, llstats_output):
-        rx_agg_match = re.search(self.RX_AGG_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        tx_agg_match = re.search(self.TX_AGG_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        tx_agg_stop_match = re.search(self.TX_AGG_STOP_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        rx_fcs_match = re.search(self.RX_FCS_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        if rx_agg_match and tx_agg_match and tx_agg_stop_match and rx_fcs_match:
-            agg_stop_dict = collections.OrderedDict(
-                rx_aggregation=int(rx_agg_match.group('aggregation')),
-                tx_aggregation=int(tx_agg_match.group('aggregation')),
-                tx_agg_tried=int(tx_agg_stop_match.group('agg_tried')),
-                tx_agg_canceled=int(tx_agg_stop_match.group('agg_canceled')),
-                rx_good_fcs=int(rx_fcs_match.group('rx_good_fcs')),
-                rx_bad_fcs=int(rx_fcs_match.group('rx_bad_fcs')),
-                agg_stop_reason=collections.OrderedDict())
-            agg_reason_match = re.finditer(
-                self.TX_AGG_STOP_REASON_REGEX,
-                tx_agg_stop_match.group('agg_stop_reason'))
-            for reason_match in agg_reason_match:
-                agg_stop_dict['agg_stop_reason'][reason_match.group(
-                    'reason')] = reason_match.group('value')
-        else:
-            agg_stop_dict = collections.OrderedDict(rx_aggregation=0,
-                                                    tx_aggregation=0,
-                                                    tx_agg_tried=0,
-                                                    tx_agg_canceled=0,
-                                                    rx_good_fcs=0,
-                                                    rx_bad_fcs=0,
-                                                    agg_stop_reason=None)
-        return agg_stop_dict
-    def _generate_stats_summary(self, llstats_dict):
-        llstats_summary = collections.OrderedDict(common_tx_mcs=None,
-                                                  common_tx_mcs_count=0,
-                                                  common_tx_mcs_freq=0,
-                                                  common_rx_mcs=None,
-                                                  common_rx_mcs_count=0,
-                                                  common_rx_mcs_freq=0,
-                                                  rx_per=float('nan'))
-        mcs_ids = []
-        tx_mpdu = []
-        rx_mpdu = []
-        phy_rates = []
-        for mcs_str, mcs_stats in llstats_dict['mcs_stats'].items():
-            mcs_id = mcs_stats['mcs_id']
-            mcs_ids.append(mcs_str)
-            tx_mpdu.append(mcs_stats['txmpdu'])
-            rx_mpdu.append(mcs_stats['rxmpdu'])
-            phy_rates.append(RATE_TABLE[mcs_id.mode][mcs_id.num_streams][
-                mcs_id.bandwidth][mcs_id.mcs])
-        if len(tx_mpdu) == 0 or len(rx_mpdu) == 0:
-            return llstats_summary
-        llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs'] = mcs_ids[numpy.argmax(tx_mpdu)]
-        llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs_count'] = numpy.max(tx_mpdu)
-        llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs'] = mcs_ids[numpy.argmax(rx_mpdu)]
-        llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs_count'] = numpy.max(rx_mpdu)
-        if sum(tx_mpdu) and sum(rx_mpdu):
-            llstats_summary['mean_tx_phy_rate'] = numpy.average(
-                phy_rates, weights=tx_mpdu)
-            llstats_summary['mean_rx_phy_rate'] = numpy.average(
-                phy_rates, weights=rx_mpdu)
-            llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs_freq'] = (
-                llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs_count'] / sum(tx_mpdu))
-            llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs_freq'] = (
-                llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs_count'] / sum(rx_mpdu))
-            total_rx_frames = llstats_dict['mpdu_stats'][
-                'rx_good_fcs'] + llstats_dict['mpdu_stats']['rx_bad_fcs']
-            if total_rx_frames:
-                llstats_summary['rx_per'] = (
-                    llstats_dict['mpdu_stats']['rx_bad_fcs'] /
-                    (total_rx_frames)) * 100
-        return llstats_summary
-    def _update_stats(self, llstats_output):
-        self.llstats_cumulative = self._empty_llstats()
-        self.llstats_incremental = self._empty_llstats()
-        self.llstats_incremental['raw_output'] = llstats_output
-        self.llstats_incremental['mcs_stats'] = self._parse_mcs_stats(
-            llstats_output)
-        self.llstats_incremental['mpdu_stats'] = self._parse_mpdu_stats(
-            llstats_output)
-        self.llstats_incremental['summary'] = self._generate_stats_summary(
-            self.llstats_incremental)
-        self.llstats_cumulative['summary'] = self._generate_stats_summary(
-            self.llstats_cumulative)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/ping_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/ping_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3405260..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/ping_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import re
-RTT_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\[(?P<timestamp>\S+)\] .*? time=(?P<rtt>\S+)')
-LOSS_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?P<loss>\S+)% packet loss')
-class PingResult(object):
-    """An object that contains the results of running ping command.
-    Attributes:
-        connected: True if a connection was made. False otherwise.
-        packet_loss_percentage: The total percentage of packets lost.
-        transmission_times: The list of PingTransmissionTimes containing the
-            timestamps gathered for transmitted packets.
-        rtts: An list-like object enumerating all round-trip-times of
-            transmitted packets.
-        timestamps: A list-like object enumerating the beginning timestamps of
-            each packet transmission.
-        ping_interarrivals: A list-like object enumerating the amount of time
-            between the beginning of each subsequent transmission.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ping_output):
-        self.packet_loss_percentage = 100
-        self.transmission_times = []
-        self.rtts = _ListWrap(self.transmission_times, lambda entry: entry.rtt)
-        self.timestamps = _ListWrap(self.transmission_times,
-                                    lambda entry: entry.timestamp)
-        self.ping_interarrivals = _PingInterarrivals(self.transmission_times)
-        self.start_time = 0
-        for line in ping_output:
-            if 'loss' in line:
-                match = re.search(LOSS_REGEX, line)
-                self.packet_loss_percentage = float(match.group('loss'))
-            if 'time=' in line:
-                match = re.search(RTT_REGEX, line)
-                if self.start_time == 0:
-                    self.start_time = float(match.group('timestamp'))
-                self.transmission_times.append(
-                    PingTransmissionTimes(
-                        float(match.group('timestamp')) - self.start_time,
-                        float(match.group('rtt'))))
-        self.connected = len(
-            ping_output) > 1 and self.packet_loss_percentage < 100
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        if item == 'rtt':
-            return self.rtts
-        if item == 'connected':
-            return self.connected
-        if item == 'packet_loss_percentage':
-            return self.packet_loss_percentage
-        raise ValueError('Invalid key. Please use an attribute instead.')
-    def as_dict(self):
-        return {
-            'connected': 1 if self.connected else 0,
-            'rtt': list(self.rtts),
-            'time_stamp': list(self.timestamps),
-            'ping_interarrivals': list(self.ping_interarrivals),
-            'packet_loss_percentage': self.packet_loss_percentage
-        }
-class PingTransmissionTimes(object):
-    """A class that holds the timestamps for a packet sent via the ping command.
-    Attributes:
-        rtt: The round trip time for the packet sent.
-        timestamp: The timestamp the packet started its trip.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, timestamp, rtt):
-        self.rtt = rtt
-        self.timestamp = timestamp
-class _ListWrap(object):
-    """A convenient helper class for treating list iterators as native lists."""
-    def __init__(self, wrapped_list, func):
-        self.__wrapped_list = wrapped_list
-        self.__func = func
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return self.__func(self.__wrapped_list[key])
-    def __iter__(self):
-        for item in self.__wrapped_list:
-            yield self.__func(item)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.__wrapped_list)
-class _PingInterarrivals(object):
-    """A helper class for treating ping interarrivals as a native list."""
-    def __init__(self, ping_entries):
-        self.__ping_entries = ping_entries
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return (self.__ping_entries[key + 1].timestamp -
-                self.__ping_entries[key].timestamp)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        for index in range(len(self.__ping_entries) - 1):
-            yield self[index]
-    def __len__(self):
-        return max(0, len(self.__ping_entries) - 1)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/qcom_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/qcom_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1383f6a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_performance_test_utils/qcom_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import re
-import statistics
-import time
-from antlion import asserts
-STATION_DUMP = 'iw {} station dump'
-SCAN = 'wpa_cli scan'
-SCAN_RESULTS = 'wpa_cli scan_results'
-SIGNAL_POLL = 'wpa_cli signal_poll'
-WPA_CLI_STATUS = 'wpa_cli status'
-RSSI_ERROR_VAL = float('nan')
-FW_REGEX = re.compile(r'FW:(?P<firmware>\S+) HW:')
-# Rssi Utilities
-def empty_rssi_result():
-    return collections.OrderedDict([('data', []), ('mean', None),
-                                    ('stdev', None)])
-def get_connected_rssi(dut,
-                       num_measurements=1,
-                       polling_frequency=SHORT_SLEEP,
-                       first_measurement_delay=0,
-                       disconnect_warning=True,
-                       ignore_samples=0,
-                       interface='wlan0'):
-    # yapf: disable
-    connected_rssi = collections.OrderedDict(
-        [('time_stamp', []),
-         ('bssid', []), ('ssid', []), ('frequency', []),
-         ('signal_poll_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
-         ('signal_poll_avg_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
-         ('chain_0_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
-         ('chain_1_rssi', empty_rssi_result())])
-    # yapf: enable
-    previous_bssid = 'disconnected'
-    t0 = time.time()
-    time.sleep(first_measurement_delay)
-    for idx in range(num_measurements):
-        measurement_start_time = time.time()
-        connected_rssi['time_stamp'].append(measurement_start_time - t0)
-        # Get signal poll RSSI
-        try:
-            status_output = dut.adb.shell(
-                'wpa_cli -i {} status'.format(interface))
-        except:
-            status_output = ''
-        match = re.search('bssid=.*', status_output)
-        if match:
-            current_bssid = match.group(0).split('=')[1]
-            connected_rssi['bssid'].append(current_bssid)
-        else:
-            current_bssid = 'disconnected'
-            connected_rssi['bssid'].append(current_bssid)
-            if disconnect_warning and previous_bssid != 'disconnected':
-                logging.warning('WIFI DISCONNECT DETECTED!')
-        previous_bssid = current_bssid
-        match = re.search('\s+ssid=.*', status_output)
-        if match:
-            ssid = match.group(0).split('=')[1]
-            connected_rssi['ssid'].append(ssid)
-        else:
-            connected_rssi['ssid'].append('disconnected')
-        try:
-            signal_poll_output = dut.adb.shell(
-                'wpa_cli -i {} signal_poll'.format(interface))
-        except:
-            signal_poll_output = ''
-        match = re.search('FREQUENCY=.*', signal_poll_output)
-        if match:
-            frequency = int(match.group(0).split('=')[1])
-            connected_rssi['frequency'].append(frequency)
-        else:
-            connected_rssi['frequency'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-        match = re.search('RSSI=.*', signal_poll_output)
-        if match:
-            temp_rssi = int(match.group(0).split('=')[1])
-            if temp_rssi == -9999 or temp_rssi == 0:
-                connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(
-                    RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-            else:
-                connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(temp_rssi)
-        else:
-            connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-        match = re.search('AVG_RSSI=.*', signal_poll_output)
-        if match:
-            connected_rssi['signal_poll_avg_rssi']['data'].append(
-                int(match.group(0).split('=')[1]))
-        else:
-            connected_rssi['signal_poll_avg_rssi']['data'].append(
-                RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-        # Get per chain RSSI
-        try:
-            per_chain_rssi = dut.adb.shell(STATION_DUMP.format(interface))
-        except:
-            per_chain_rssi = ''
-        match = re.search('.*signal avg:.*', per_chain_rssi)
-        if match:
-            per_chain_rssi = per_chain_rssi[per_chain_rssi.find('[') +
-                                            1:per_chain_rssi.find(']')]
-            per_chain_rssi = per_chain_rssi.split(', ')
-            connected_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['data'].append(
-                int(per_chain_rssi[0]))
-            connected_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['data'].append(
-                int(per_chain_rssi[1]))
-        else:
-            connected_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-            connected_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-        measurement_elapsed_time = time.time() - measurement_start_time
-        time.sleep(max(0, polling_frequency - measurement_elapsed_time))
-    # Compute mean RSSIs. Only average valid readings.
-    # Output RSSI_ERROR_VAL if no valid connected readings found.
-    for key, val in connected_rssi.copy().items():
-        if 'data' not in val:
-            continue
-        filtered_rssi_values = [x for x in val['data'] if not math.isnan(x)]
-        if len(filtered_rssi_values) > ignore_samples:
-            filtered_rssi_values = filtered_rssi_values[ignore_samples:]
-        if filtered_rssi_values:
-            connected_rssi[key]['mean'] = statistics.mean(filtered_rssi_values)
-            if len(filtered_rssi_values) > 1:
-                connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = statistics.stdev(
-                    filtered_rssi_values)
-            else:
-                connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = 0
-        else:
-            connected_rssi[key]['mean'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-            connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-    return connected_rssi
-def get_scan_rssi(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements=1):
-    scan_rssi = collections.OrderedDict()
-    for bssid in tracked_bssids:
-        scan_rssi[bssid] = empty_rssi_result()
-    for idx in range(num_measurements):
-        scan_output = dut.adb.shell(SCAN)
-        time.sleep(MED_SLEEP)
-        scan_output = dut.adb.shell(SCAN_RESULTS)
-        for bssid in tracked_bssids:
-            bssid_result = re.search(bssid + '.*',
-                                     scan_output,
-                                     flags=re.IGNORECASE)
-            if bssid_result:
-                bssid_result = bssid_result.group(0).split('\t')
-                scan_rssi[bssid]['data'].append(int(bssid_result[2]))
-            else:
-                scan_rssi[bssid]['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
-    # Compute mean RSSIs. Only average valid readings.
-    # Output RSSI_ERROR_VAL if no readings found.
-    for key, val in scan_rssi.items():
-        filtered_rssi_values = [x for x in val['data'] if not math.isnan(x)]
-        if filtered_rssi_values:
-            scan_rssi[key]['mean'] = statistics.mean(filtered_rssi_values)
-            if len(filtered_rssi_values) > 1:
-                scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = statistics.stdev(
-                    filtered_rssi_values)
-            else:
-                scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = 0
-        else:
-            scan_rssi[key]['mean'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-            scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
-    return scan_rssi
-def get_sw_signature(dut):
-    bdf_output = dut.adb.shell('cksum /vendor/firmware/bdwlan*')
-    logging.debug('BDF Checksum output: {}'.format(bdf_output))
-    bdf_signature = sum(
-        [int(line.split(' ')[0]) for line in bdf_output.splitlines()]) % 1000
-    fw_output = dut.adb.shell('halutil -logger -get fw')
-    logging.debug('Firmware version output: {}'.format(fw_output))
-    fw_version = re.search(FW_REGEX, fw_output).group('firmware')
-    fw_signature = fw_version.split('.')[-3:-1]
-    fw_signature = float('.'.join(fw_signature))
-    serial_hash = int(hashlib.md5(dut.serial.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % 1000
-    return {
-        'config_signature': bdf_signature,
-        'fw_signature': fw_signature,
-        'serial_hash': serial_hash
-    }
-def get_country_code(dut):
-    country_code = dut.adb.shell('iw reg get | grep country | head -1')
-    country_code = country_code.split(':')[0].split(' ')[1]
-    if country_code == '00':
-        country_code = 'WW'
-    return country_code
-def push_config(dut, config_file):
-    config_files_list = dut.adb.shell(
-        'ls /vendor/firmware/bdwlan*').splitlines()
-    for dst_file in config_files_list:
-        dut.push_system_file(config_file, dst_file)
-    dut.reboot()
-def start_wifi_logging(dut):
-    dut.droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
-    msg = "Failed to enable WiFi verbose logging."
-    asserts.assert_equal(dut.droid.wifiGetVerboseLoggingLevel(), 1, msg)
-    logging.info('Starting CNSS logs')
-    dut.adb.shell("find /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs/ -type f -delete",
-                  ignore_status=True)
-    dut.adb.shell_nb('cnss_diag -f -s')
-def stop_wifi_logging(dut):
-    logging.info('Stopping CNSS logs')
-    dut.adb.shell('killall cnss_diag')
-    logs = dut.get_file_names("/data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs/")
-    if logs:
-        dut.log.info("Pulling cnss_diag logs %s", logs)
-        log_path = os.path.join(dut.device_log_path,
-                                "CNSS_DIAG_%s" % dut.serial)
-        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
-        dut.pull_files(logs, log_path)
-def push_firmware(dut, firmware_files):
-    """Function to push Wifi firmware files
-    Args:
-        dut: dut to push bdf file to
-        firmware_files: path to wlanmdsp.mbn file
-        datamsc_file: path to Data.msc file
-    """
-    for file in firmware_files:
-        dut.push_system_file(file, '/vendor/firmware/')
-    dut.reboot()
-def _set_ini_fields(ini_file_path, ini_field_dict):
-    template_regex = r'^{}=[0-9,.x-]+'
-    with open(ini_file_path, 'r') as f:
-        ini_lines = f.read().splitlines()
-        for idx, line in enumerate(ini_lines):
-            for field_name, field_value in ini_field_dict.items():
-                line_regex = re.compile(template_regex.format(field_name))
-                if re.match(line_regex, line):
-                    ini_lines[idx] = '{}={}'.format(field_name, field_value)
-                    print(ini_lines[idx])
-    with open(ini_file_path, 'w') as f:
-        f.write('\n'.join(ini_lines) + '\n')
-def _edit_dut_ini(dut, ini_fields):
-    """Function to edit Wifi ini files."""
-    dut_ini_path = '/vendor/firmware/wlan/qca_cld/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini'
-    local_ini_path = os.path.expanduser('~/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini')
-    dut.pull_files(dut_ini_path, local_ini_path)
-    _set_ini_fields(local_ini_path, ini_fields)
-    dut.push_system_file(local_ini_path, dut_ini_path)
-    dut.reboot()
-def set_chain_mask(dut, chain_mask):
-    curr_mask = getattr(dut, 'chain_mask', '2x2')
-    if curr_mask == chain_mask:
-        return
-    dut.chain_mask = chain_mask
-    if chain_mask == '2x2':
-        ini_fields = {
-            'gEnable2x2': 2,
-            'gSetTxChainmask1x1': 1,
-            'gSetRxChainmask1x1': 1,
-            'gDualMacFeatureDisable': 6,
-            'gDot11Mode': 0
-        }
-    else:
-        ini_fields = {
-            'gEnable2x2': 0,
-            'gSetTxChainmask1x1': chain_mask + 1,
-            'gSetRxChainmask1x1': chain_mask + 1,
-            'gDualMacFeatureDisable': 1,
-            'gDot11Mode': 0
-        }
-    _edit_dut_ini(dut, ini_fields)
-def set_wifi_mode(dut, mode):
-    TX_MODE_DICT = {
-        'Auto': 0,
-        '11n': 4,
-        '11ac': 9,
-        '11abg': 1,
-        '11b': 2,
-        '11': 3,
-        '11g only': 5,
-        '11n only': 6,
-        '11b only': 7,
-        '11ac only': 8
-    }
-    ini_fields = {
-        'gEnable2x2': 2,
-        'gSetTxChainmask1x1': 1,
-        'gSetRxChainmask1x1': 1,
-        'gDualMacFeatureDisable': 6,
-        'gDot11Mode': TX_MODE_DICT[mode]
-    }
-    _edit_dut_ini(dut, ini_fields)
-class LinkLayerStats():
-    LLSTATS_CMD = 'cat /d/wlan0/ll_stats'
-    MCS_REGEX = re.compile(
-        r'preamble: (?P<mode>\S+), nss: (?P<num_streams>\S+), bw: (?P<bw>\S+), '
-        'mcs: (?P<mcs>\S+), bitrate: (?P<rate>\S+), txmpdu: (?P<txmpdu>\S+), '
-        'rxmpdu: (?P<rxmpdu>\S+), mpdu_lost: (?P<mpdu_lost>\S+), '
-        'retries: (?P<retries>\S+), retries_short: (?P<retries_short>\S+), '
-        'retries_long: (?P<retries_long>\S+)')
-    MCS_ID = collections.namedtuple(
-        'mcs_id', ['mode', 'num_streams', 'bandwidth', 'mcs', 'rate'])
-    MODE_MAP = {'0': '11a/g', '1': '11b', '2': '11n', '3': '11ac'}
-    BW_MAP = {'0': 20, '1': 40, '2': 80}
-    def __init__(self, dut, llstats_enabled=True):
-        self.dut = dut
-        self.llstats_enabled = llstats_enabled
-        self.llstats_cumulative = self._empty_llstats()
-        self.llstats_incremental = self._empty_llstats()
-    def update_stats(self):
-        if self.llstats_enabled:
-            try:
-                llstats_output = self.dut.adb.shell(self.LLSTATS_CMD,
-                                                    timeout=0.1)
-            except:
-                llstats_output = ''
-        else:
-            llstats_output = ''
-        self._update_stats(llstats_output)
-    def reset_stats(self):
-        self.llstats_cumulative = self._empty_llstats()
-        self.llstats_incremental = self._empty_llstats()
-    def _empty_llstats(self):
-        return collections.OrderedDict(mcs_stats=collections.OrderedDict(),
-                                       summary=collections.OrderedDict())
-    def _empty_mcs_stat(self):
-        return collections.OrderedDict(txmpdu=0,
-                                       rxmpdu=0,
-                                       mpdu_lost=0,
-                                       retries=0,
-                                       retries_short=0,
-                                       retries_long=0)
-    def _mcs_id_to_string(self, mcs_id):
-        mcs_string = '{} {}MHz Nss{} MCS{} {}Mbps'.format(
-            mcs_id.mode, mcs_id.bandwidth, mcs_id.num_streams, mcs_id.mcs,
-            mcs_id.rate)
-        return mcs_string
-    def _parse_mcs_stats(self, llstats_output):
-        llstats_dict = {}
-        # Look for per-peer stats
-        match = re.search(self.PEER_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        if not match:
-            self.reset_stats()
-            return collections.OrderedDict()
-        # Find and process all matches for per stream stats
-        match_iter = re.finditer(self.MCS_REGEX, llstats_output)
-        for match in match_iter:
-            current_mcs = self.MCS_ID(self.MODE_MAP[match.group('mode')],
-                                      int(match.group('num_streams')) + 1,
-                                      self.BW_MAP[match.group('bw')],
-                                      int(match.group('mcs')),
-                                      int(match.group('rate'), 16) / 1000)
-            current_stats = collections.OrderedDict(
-                txmpdu=int(match.group('txmpdu')),
-                rxmpdu=int(match.group('rxmpdu')),
-                mpdu_lost=int(match.group('mpdu_lost')),
-                retries=int(match.group('retries')),
-                retries_short=int(match.group('retries_short')),
-                retries_long=int(match.group('retries_long')))
-            llstats_dict[self._mcs_id_to_string(current_mcs)] = current_stats
-        return llstats_dict
-    def _diff_mcs_stats(self, new_stats, old_stats):
-        stats_diff = collections.OrderedDict()
-        for stat_key in new_stats.keys():
-            stats_diff[stat_key] = new_stats[stat_key] - old_stats[stat_key]
-        return stats_diff
-    def _generate_stats_summary(self, llstats_dict):
-        llstats_summary = collections.OrderedDict(common_tx_mcs=None,
-                                                  common_tx_mcs_count=0,
-                                                  common_tx_mcs_freq=0,
-                                                  common_rx_mcs=None,
-                                                  common_rx_mcs_count=0,
-                                                  common_rx_mcs_freq=0,
-                                                  rx_per=float('nan'))
-        txmpdu_count = 0
-        rxmpdu_count = 0
-        for mcs_id, mcs_stats in llstats_dict['mcs_stats'].items():
-            if mcs_stats['txmpdu'] > llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs_count']:
-                llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs'] = mcs_id
-                llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs_count'] = mcs_stats['txmpdu']
-            if mcs_stats['rxmpdu'] > llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs_count']:
-                llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs'] = mcs_id
-                llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs_count'] = mcs_stats['rxmpdu']
-            txmpdu_count += mcs_stats['txmpdu']
-            rxmpdu_count += mcs_stats['rxmpdu']
-        if txmpdu_count:
-            llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs_freq'] = (
-                llstats_summary['common_tx_mcs_count'] / txmpdu_count)
-        if rxmpdu_count:
-            llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs_freq'] = (
-                llstats_summary['common_rx_mcs_count'] / rxmpdu_count)
-        return llstats_summary
-    def _update_stats(self, llstats_output):
-        # Parse stats
-        new_llstats = self._empty_llstats()
-        new_llstats['mcs_stats'] = self._parse_mcs_stats(llstats_output)
-        # Save old stats and set new cumulative stats
-        old_llstats = self.llstats_cumulative.copy()
-        self.llstats_cumulative = new_llstats.copy()
-        # Compute difference between new and old stats
-        self.llstats_incremental = self._empty_llstats()
-        for mcs_id, new_mcs_stats in new_llstats['mcs_stats'].items():
-            old_mcs_stats = old_llstats['mcs_stats'].get(
-                mcs_id, self._empty_mcs_stat())
-            self.llstats_incremental['mcs_stats'][
-                mcs_id] = self._diff_mcs_stats(new_mcs_stats, old_mcs_stats)
-        # Generate llstats summary
-        self.llstats_incremental['summary'] = self._generate_stats_summary(
-            self.llstats_incremental)
-        self.llstats_cumulative['summary'] = self._generate_stats_summary(
-            self.llstats_cumulative)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_power_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_power_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f7d8a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_power_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import time
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import bridge_interface as bi
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_ap_preset
-# http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/
-# On ubuntu, sudo pip3 install scapy
-import scapy.all as scapy
-GET_FROM_PHONE = 'get_from_dut'
-GET_FROM_AP = 'get_from_ap'
-def change_dtim(ad, gEnableModulatedDTIM, gMaxLIModulatedDTIM=10):
-    """Function to change the DTIM setting in the phone.
-    Args:
-        ad: the target android device, AndroidDevice object
-        gEnableModulatedDTIM: Modulated DTIM, int
-        gMaxLIModulatedDTIM: Maximum modulated DTIM, int
-    """
-    ad.log.info('Sets dtim to {}'.format(gEnableModulatedDTIM))
-    # In P21 the dtim setting method changed and an AdbCommandError will take
-    # place to get ini_file_phone. Thus add try/except block for the old method.
-    # If error occurs, use change_dtim_adb method later. Otherwise, first trying
-    # to find the ini file with DTIM settings
-    try:
-        ini_file_phone = ad.adb.shell('ls /vendor/firmware/wlan/*/*.ini')
-    except AdbCommandError as e:
-        # Gets AdbCommandError, change dtim later with change_dtim_adb merthod.
-        # change_dtim_adb requires that wifi connection is on.
-        ad.log.info('Gets AdbCommandError, change dtim with change_dtim_adb.')
-        change_dtim_adb(ad, gEnableModulatedDTIM)
-        return 0
-    ini_file_local = ini_file_phone.split('/')[-1]
-    # Pull the file and change the DTIM to desired value
-    ad.adb.pull('{} {}'.format(ini_file_phone, ini_file_local))
-    with open(ini_file_local, 'r') as fin:
-        for line in fin:
-            if ENABLED_MODULATED_DTIM in line:
-                gE_old = line.strip('\n')
-                gEDTIM_old = line.strip(ENABLED_MODULATED_DTIM).strip('\n')
-            if MAX_MODULATED_DTIM in line:
-                gM_old = line.strip('\n')
-                gMDTIM_old = line.strip(MAX_MODULATED_DTIM).strip('\n')
-    fin.close()
-    if int(gEDTIM_old) == gEnableModulatedDTIM and int(
-            gMDTIM_old) == gMaxLIModulatedDTIM:
-        ad.log.info('Current DTIM is already the desired value,'
-                    'no need to reset it')
-        return 0
-    gE_new = ENABLED_MODULATED_DTIM + str(gEnableModulatedDTIM)
-    gM_new = MAX_MODULATED_DTIM + str(gMaxLIModulatedDTIM)
-    sed_gE = 'sed -i \'s/{}/{}/g\' {}'.format(gE_old, gE_new, ini_file_local)
-    sed_gM = 'sed -i \'s/{}/{}/g\' {}'.format(gM_old, gM_new, ini_file_local)
-    job.run(sed_gE)
-    job.run(sed_gM)
-    # Push the file to the phone
-    push_file_to_phone(ad, ini_file_local, ini_file_phone)
-    ad.log.info('DTIM changes checked in and rebooting...')
-    ad.reboot()
-    # Wait for auto-wifi feature to start
-    time.sleep(20)
-    ad.adb.shell('dumpsys battery set level 100')
-    ad.log.info('DTIM updated and device back from reboot')
-    return 1
-def change_dtim_adb(ad, gEnableModulatedDTIM):
-    """Function to change the DTIM setting in the P21 phone.
-        This method should be run after connecting wifi.
-    Args:
-        ad: the target android device, AndroidDevice object
-        gEnableModulatedDTIM: Modulated DTIM, int
-    """
-    ad.log.info('Changes DTIM to {} with adb'.format(gEnableModulatedDTIM))
-    ad.adb.root()
-    screen_status = ad.adb.shell('dumpsys nfc | grep Screen')
-    screen_is_on = 'ON_UNLOCKED' in screen_status
-    # To read the dtim with 'adb shell wl bcn_li_dtim', the screen should be off
-    if screen_is_on:
-        ad.log.info('The screen is on. Set it to off before change dtim')
-        ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
-        time_limit_seconds = 60
-        _wait_screen_off(ad, time_limit_seconds)
-    old_dtim = _read_dtim_adb(ad)
-    ad.log.info('The dtim before change is {}'.format(old_dtim))
-    try:
-        if int(old_dtim) == gEnableModulatedDTIM:
-            ad.log.info('Current DTIM is already the desired value,'
-                        'no need to reset it')
-            if screen_is_on:
-                ad.log.info('Changes the screen to the original on status')
-                ad.droid.wakeUpNow()
-            return
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.info('old_dtim is not available from adb')
-    current_dtim = _set_dtim(ad, gEnableModulatedDTIM)
-    ad.log.info(
-        'Old DTIM is {}, current DTIM is {}'.format(old_dtim, current_dtim))
-    if screen_is_on:
-        ad.log.info('Changes the screen to the original on status')
-        ad.droid.wakeUpNow()
-def _set_dtim(ad, gEnableModulatedDTIM):
-    out = ad.adb.shell("halutil -dtim_config {}".format(gEnableModulatedDTIM))
-    ad.log.info('set dtim to {}, stdout: {}'.format(
-        gEnableModulatedDTIM, out))
-    return _read_dtim_adb(ad)
-def _read_dtim_adb(ad):
-    try:
-        old_dtim = ad.adb.shell('wl bcn_li_dtim')
-        return old_dtim
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.log.info('When reading dtim get error {}'.format(e))
-        return 'The dtim value is not available from adb'
-def _wait_screen_off(ad, time_limit_seconds):
-    while time_limit_seconds > 0:
-        screen_status = ad.adb.shell('dumpsys nfc | grep Screen')
-        if 'OFF_UNLOCKED' in screen_status:
-            ad.log.info('The screen status is {}'.format(screen_status))
-            return
-        time.sleep(1)
-        time_limit_seconds -= 1
-    raise TimeoutError('Timed out while waiting the screen off after {} '
-                       'seconds.'.format(time_limit_seconds))
-def push_file_to_phone(ad, file_local, file_phone):
-    """Function to push local file to android phone.
-    Args:
-        ad: the target android device
-        file_local: the locla file to push
-        file_phone: the file/directory on the phone to be pushed
-    """
-    ad.adb.root()
-    cmd_out = ad.adb.remount()
-    if 'Permission denied' in cmd_out:
-        ad.log.info('Need to disable verity first and reboot')
-        ad.adb.disable_verity()
-        time.sleep(1)
-        ad.reboot()
-        ad.log.info('Verity disabled and device back from reboot')
-        ad.adb.root()
-        ad.adb.remount()
-    time.sleep(1)
-    ad.adb.push('{} {}'.format(file_local, file_phone))
-def ap_setup(ap, network, bandwidth=80, dtim_period=None):
-    """Set up the whirlwind AP with provided network info.
-    Args:
-        ap: access_point object of the AP
-        network: dict with information of the network, including ssid, password
-                 bssid, channel etc.
-        bandwidth: the operation bandwidth for the AP, default 80MHz
-        dtim_period: the dtim period of access point
-    Returns:
-        brconfigs: the bridge interface configs
-    """
-    log = logging.getLogger()
-    bss_settings = []
-    ssid = network[wutils.WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-    if "password" in network.keys():
-        password = network["password"]
-        security = hostapd_security.Security(
-            security_mode="wpa", password=password)
-    else:
-        security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode=None, password=None)
-    channel = network["channel"]
-    config = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-        channel=channel,
-        ssid=ssid,
-        dtim_period=dtim_period,
-        security=security,
-        bss_settings=bss_settings,
-        vht_bandwidth=bandwidth,
-        profile_name='whirlwind',
-        iface_wlan_2g=ap.wlan_2g,
-        iface_wlan_5g=ap.wlan_5g)
-    config_bridge = ap.generate_bridge_configs(channel)
-    brconfigs = bi.BridgeInterfaceConfigs(config_bridge[0], config_bridge[1],
-                                          config_bridge[2])
-    ap.bridge.startup(brconfigs)
-    ap.start_ap(config)
-    log.info("AP started on channel {} with SSID {}".format(channel, ssid))
-    return brconfigs
-def run_iperf_client_nonblocking(ad, server_host, extra_args=""):
-    """Start iperf client on the device with nohup.
-    Return status as true if iperf client start successfully.
-    And data flow information as results.
-    Args:
-        ad: the android device under test
-        server_host: Address of the iperf server.
-        extra_args: A string representing extra arguments for iperf client,
-            e.g. "-i 1 -t 30".
-    """
-    log = logging.getLogger()
-    ad.adb.shell_nb("nohup >/dev/null 2>&1 sh -c 'iperf3 -c {} {} &'".format(
-        server_host, extra_args))
-    log.info("IPerf client started")
-def get_wifi_rssi(ad):
-    """Get the RSSI of the device.
-    Args:
-        ad: the android device under test
-    Returns:
-        RSSI: the rssi level of the device
-    """
-    RSSI = ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()['rssi']
-    return RSSI
-def get_phone_ip(ad):
-    """Get the WiFi IP address of the phone.
-    Args:
-        ad: the android device under test
-    Returns:
-        IP: IP address of the phone for WiFi, as a string
-    """
-    IP = ad.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
-    return IP
-def get_phone_mac(ad):
-    """Get the WiFi MAC address of the phone.
-    Args:
-        ad: the android device under test
-    Returns:
-        mac: MAC address of the phone for WiFi, as a string
-    """
-    mac = ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()["mac_address"]
-    return mac
-def get_phone_ipv6(ad):
-    """Get the WiFi IPV6 address of the phone.
-    Args:
-        ad: the android device under test
-    Returns:
-        IPv6: IPv6 address of the phone for WiFi, as a string
-    """
-    IPv6 = ad.droid.connectivityGetLinkLocalIpv6Address('wlan0')[:-6]
-    return IPv6
-def wait_for_dhcp(interface_name):
-    """Wait the DHCP address assigned to desired interface.
-    Getting DHCP address takes time and the wait time isn't constant. Utilizing
-    utils.timeout to keep trying until success
-    Args:
-        interface_name: desired interface name
-    Returns:
-        ip: ip address of the desired interface name
-    Raise:
-        TimeoutError: After timeout, if no DHCP assigned, raise
-    """
-    log = logging.getLogger()
-    reset_host_interface(interface_name)
-    start_time = time.time()
-    time_limit_seconds = 60
-    ip = ''
-    while start_time + time_limit_seconds > time.time():
-        ip = scapy.get_if_addr(interface_name)
-        if ip == '':
-            time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            log.info(
-                'DHCP address assigned to %s as %s' % (interface_name, ip))
-            return ip
-    raise TimeoutError('Timed out while getting if_addr after %s seconds.' %
-                       time_limit_seconds)
-def reset_host_interface(intferface_name):
-    """Reset the host interface.
-    Args:
-        intferface_name: the desired interface to reset
-    """
-    log = logging.getLogger()
-    intf_down_cmd = 'ifconfig %s down' % intferface_name
-    intf_up_cmd = 'ifconfig %s up' % intferface_name
-    try:
-        job.run(intf_down_cmd)
-        time.sleep(10)
-        job.run(intf_up_cmd)
-        log.info('{} has been reset'.format(intferface_name))
-    except job.Error:
-        raise Exception('No such interface')
-def bringdown_host_interface(intferface_name):
-    """Reset the host interface.
-    Args:
-        intferface_name: the desired interface to reset
-    """
-    log = logging.getLogger()
-    intf_down_cmd = 'ifconfig %s down' % intferface_name
-    try:
-        job.run(intf_down_cmd)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        log.info('{} has been brought down'.format(intferface_name))
-    except job.Error:
-        raise Exception('No such interface')
-def create_pkt_config(test_class):
-    """Creates the config for generating multicast packets
-    Args:
-        test_class: object with all networking paramters
-    Returns:
-        Dictionary with the multicast packet config
-    """
-    addr_type = (scapy.IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL
-                 if test_class.ipv6_src_type == 'LINK_LOCAL' else
-                 scapy.IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL)
-    mac_dst = test_class.mac_dst
-    if GET_FROM_PHONE in test_class.mac_dst:
-        mac_dst = get_phone_mac(test_class.dut)
-    ipv4_dst = test_class.ipv4_dst
-    if GET_FROM_PHONE in test_class.ipv4_dst:
-        ipv4_dst = get_phone_ip(test_class.dut)
-    ipv6_dst = test_class.ipv6_dst
-    if GET_FROM_PHONE in test_class.ipv6_dst:
-        ipv6_dst = get_phone_ipv6(test_class.dut)
-    ipv4_gw = test_class.ipv4_gwt
-    if GET_FROM_AP in test_class.ipv4_gwt:
-        ipv4_gw = test_class.access_point.ssh_settings.hostname
-    pkt_gen_config = {
-        'interf': test_class.pkt_sender.interface,
-        'subnet_mask': test_class.sub_mask,
-        'src_mac': test_class.mac_src,
-        'dst_mac': mac_dst,
-        'src_ipv4': test_class.ipv4_src,
-        'dst_ipv4': ipv4_dst,
-        'src_ipv6': test_class.ipv6_src,
-        'src_ipv6_type': addr_type,
-        'dst_ipv6': ipv6_dst,
-        'gw_ipv4': ipv4_gw
-    }
-    return pkt_gen_config
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0046ed6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections.abc
-import copy
-import fcntl
-import importlib
-import os
-import selenium
-import splinter
-import time
-from antlion import logger
-def create(configs):
-    """Factory method for retail AP class.
-    Args:
-        configs: list of dicts containing ap settings. ap settings must contain
-        the following: brand, model, ip_address, username and password
-    """
-        ('Netgear', 'R7000'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearR7000AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_r7000'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'R7000NA'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearR7000NAAP',
-            'package': 'netgear_r7000'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'R7500'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearR7500AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_r7500'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'R7500NA'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearR7500NAAP',
-            'package': 'netgear_r7500'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'R7800'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearR7800AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_r7800'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'R8000'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearR8000AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_r8000'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'RAX80'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearRAX80AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_rax80'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'RAX120'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearRAX120AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_rax120'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'RAX200'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearRAX200AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_rax200'
-        },
-        ('Netgear', 'RAXE500'): {
-            'name': 'NetgearRAXE500AP',
-            'package': 'netgear_raxe500'
-        },
-        ('Brcm', 'Reference'): {
-            'name': 'BrcmRefAP',
-            'package': 'brcm_ref'
-        },
-        ('Google', 'Wifi'): {
-            'name': 'GoogleWifiAP',
-            'package': 'google_wifi'
-        },
-    }
-    objs = []
-    for config in configs:
-        ap_id = (config['brand'], config['model'])
-        if ap_id not in SUPPORTED_APS:
-            raise KeyError('Invalid retail AP brand and model combination.')
-        ap_class_dict = SUPPORTED_APS[ap_id]
-        ap_package = 'acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap.{}'.format(
-            ap_class_dict['package'])
-        ap_package = importlib.import_module(ap_package)
-        ap_class = getattr(ap_package, ap_class_dict['name'])
-        objs.append(ap_class(config))
-    return objs
-def destroy(objs):
-    for obj in objs:
-        obj.teardown()
-class BlockingBrowser(splinter.driver.webdriver.chrome.WebDriver):
-    """Class that implements a blocking browser session on top of selenium.
-    The class inherits from and builds upon splinter/selenium's webdriver class
-    and makes sure that only one such webdriver is active on a machine at any
-    single time. The class ensures single session operation using a lock file.
-    The class is to be used within context managers (e.g. with statements) to
-    ensure locks are always properly released.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, headless, timeout):
-        """Constructor for BlockingBrowser class.
-        Args:
-            headless: boolean to control visible/headless browser operation
-            timeout: maximum time allowed to launch browser
-        """
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('ChromeDriver')
-        self.chrome_options = splinter.driver.webdriver.chrome.Options()
-        self.chrome_options.add_argument('--no-proxy-server')
-        self.chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
-        self.chrome_options.add_argument('--allow-running-insecure-content')
-        self.chrome_options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors')
-        self.chrome_capabilities = selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy(
-        )
-        self.chrome_capabilities['acceptSslCerts'] = True
-        self.chrome_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True
-        if headless:
-            self.chrome_options.add_argument('--headless')
-            self.chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-gpu')
-        self.lock_file_path = '/usr/local/bin/chromedriver'
-        self.timeout = timeout
-    def __enter__(self):
-        """Entry context manager for BlockingBrowser.
-        The enter context manager for BlockingBrowser attempts to lock the
-        browser file. If successful, it launches and returns a chromedriver
-        session. If an exception occurs while starting the browser, the lock
-        file is released.
-        """
-        self.lock_file = open(self.lock_file_path, 'r')
-        start_time = time.time()
-        while time.time() < start_time + self.timeout:
-            try:
-                fcntl.flock(self.lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
-            except BlockingIOError:
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                continue
-            try:
-                self.driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(
-                    options=self.chrome_options,
-                    desired_capabilities=self.chrome_capabilities)
-                self.element_class = splinter.driver.webdriver.WebDriverElement
-                self._cookie_manager = splinter.driver.webdriver.cookie_manager.CookieManager(
-                    self.driver)
-                super(splinter.driver.webdriver.chrome.WebDriver,
-                      self).__init__(2)
-                return super(BlockingBrowser, self).__enter__()
-            except:
-                fcntl.flock(self.lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-                self.lock_file.close()
-                raise RuntimeError('Error starting browser. '
-                                   'Releasing lock file.')
-        raise TimeoutError('Could not start chrome browser in time.')
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-        """Exit context manager for BlockingBrowser.
-        The exit context manager simply calls the parent class exit and
-        releases the lock file.
-        """
-        try:
-            super(BlockingBrowser, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_value,
-                                                  traceback)
-        except:
-            raise RuntimeError('Failed to quit browser. Releasing lock file.')
-        finally:
-            fcntl.flock(self.lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-            self.lock_file.close()
-    def restart(self):
-        """Method to restart browser session without releasing lock file."""
-        self.quit()
-        self.__enter__()
-    def visit_persistent(self,
-                         url,
-                         page_load_timeout,
-                         num_tries,
-                         backup_url='about:blank',
-                         check_for_element=None):
-        """Method to visit webpages and retry upon failure.
-        The function visits a URL and checks that the resulting URL matches
-        the intended URL, i.e. no redirects have happened
-        Args:
-            url: the intended url
-            page_load_timeout: timeout for page visits
-            num_tries: number of tries before url is declared unreachable
-            backup_url: url to visit if first url is not reachable. This can be
-            used to simply refresh the browser and try again or to re-login to
-            the AP
-            check_for_element: element id to check for existence on page
-        """
-        self.driver.set_page_load_timeout(page_load_timeout)
-        for idx in range(num_tries):
-            try:
-                self.visit(url)
-            except:
-                self.restart()
-            page_reached = self.url.split('/')[-1] == url.split('/')[-1]
-            if check_for_element:
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-                element = self.find_by_id(check_for_element)
-                if not element:
-                    page_reached = 0
-            if page_reached:
-                break
-            else:
-                try:
-                    self.visit(backup_url)
-                except:
-                    self.restart()
-            if idx == num_tries - 1:
-                self.log.error('URL unreachable. Current URL: {}'.format(
-                    self.url))
-                raise RuntimeError('URL unreachable.')
-class WifiRetailAP(object):
-    """Base class implementation for retail ap.
-    Base class provides functions whose implementation is shared by all aps.
-    If some functions such as set_power not supported by ap, checks will raise
-    exceptions.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ap_settings):
-        self.ap_settings = ap_settings.copy()
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('AccessPoint|{}'.format(
-            self._get_control_ip_address()))
-        # Capabilities variable describing AP capabilities
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': [],
-            'channels': {},
-            'modes': {},
-            'default_mode': None
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings.setdefault(interface, {})
-        # Lock AP
-        if self.ap_settings.get('lock_ap', 0):
-            self.lock_timeout = self.ap_settings.get('lock_timeout', 3600)
-            self._lock_ap()
-    def teardown(self):
-        """Function to perform destroy operations."""
-        if self.ap_settings.get('lock_ap', 0):
-            self._unlock_ap()
-    def reset(self):
-        """Function that resets AP.
-        Function implementation is AP dependent and intended to perform any
-        necessary reset operations as part of controller destroy.
-        """
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function that reads current ap settings.
-        Function implementation is AP dependent and thus base class raises exception
-        if function not implemented in child class.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def validate_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function to validate ap settings.
-        This function compares the actual ap settings read from the web GUI
-        with the assumed settings saved in the AP object. When called after AP
-        configuration, this method helps ensure that our configuration was
-        successful.
-        Note: Calling this function updates the stored ap_settings
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: If read AP settings do not match stored settings.
-        """
-        assumed_ap_settings = copy.deepcopy(self.ap_settings)
-        actual_ap_settings = self.read_ap_settings()
-        if assumed_ap_settings != actual_ap_settings:
-            self.log.warning(
-                'Discrepancy in AP settings. Some settings may have been overwritten.'
-            )
-    def configure_ap(self, **config_flags):
-        """Function that configures ap based on values of ap_settings.
-        Function implementation is AP dependent and thus base class raises exception
-        if function not implemented in child class.
-        Args:
-            config_flags: optional configuration flags
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def set_region(self, region):
-        """Function that sets AP region.
-        This function sets the region for the AP. Note that this may overwrite
-        channel and bandwidth settings in cases where the new region does not
-        support the current wireless configuration.
-        Args:
-            region: string indicating AP region
-        """
-        if region != self.ap_settings['region']:
-            self.log.warning(
-                'Updating region may overwrite wireless settings.')
-        setting_to_update = {'region': region}
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_radio_on_off(self, network, status):
-        """Function that turns the radio on or off.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            status: boolean indicating on or off (0: off, 1: on)
-        """
-        setting_to_update = {network: {'status': int(status)}}
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_ssid(self, network, ssid):
-        """Function that sets network SSID.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            ssid: string containing ssid
-        """
-        setting_to_update = {network: {'ssid': str(ssid)}}
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel(self, network, channel):
-        """Function that sets network channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: string or int containing channel
-        """
-        if channel not in self.capabilities['channels'][network]:
-            self.log.error('Ch{} is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                channel, network))
-        setting_to_update = {network: {'channel': channel}}
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_bandwidth(self, network, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        if 'bw' in bandwidth:
-            bandwidth = bandwidth.replace('bw',
-                                          self.capabilities['default_mode'])
-        elif isinstance(bandwidth, int):
-            bandwidth = str(bandwidth) + self.capabilities['default_mode']
-        if bandwidth not in self.capabilities['modes'][network]:
-            self.log.error('{} mode is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                bandwidth, network))
-        setting_to_update = {network: {'bandwidth': bandwidth}}
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel_and_bandwidth(self, network, channel, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode and channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: string containing desired channel
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        if 'bw' in bandwidth:
-            bandwidth = bandwidth.replace('bw',
-                                          self.capabilities['default_mode'])
-        elif isinstance(bandwidth, int):
-            bandwidth = str(bandwidth) + self.capabilities['default_mode']
-        if bandwidth not in self.capabilities['modes'][network]:
-            self.log.error('{} mode is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                bandwidth, network))
-        if channel not in self.capabilities['channels'][network]:
-            self.log.error('Ch{} is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                channel, network))
-        setting_to_update = {
-            network: {
-                'bandwidth': bandwidth,
-                'channel': channel
-            }
-        }
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_power(self, network, power):
-        """Function that sets network transmit power.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            power: string containing power level, e.g., 25%, 100%
-        """
-        if 'power' not in self.ap_settings[network].keys():
-            self.log.error(
-                'Cannot configure power on {} interface.'.format(network))
-        setting_to_update = {network: {'power': power}}
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_security(self, network, security_type, *password):
-        """Function that sets network security setting and password.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            security: string containing security setting, e.g., WPA2-PSK
-            password: optional argument containing password
-        """
-        if (len(password) == 1) and (type(password[0]) == str):
-            setting_to_update = {
-                network: {
-                    'security_type': str(security_type),
-                    'password': str(password[0])
-                }
-            }
-        else:
-            setting_to_update = {
-                network: {
-                    'security_type': str(security_type)
-                }
-            }
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_rate(self):
-        """Function that configures rate used by AP.
-        Function implementation is not supported by most APs and thus base
-        class raises exception if function not implemented in child class.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _update_settings_dict(self,
-                              settings,
-                              updates,
-                              updates_requested=False,
-                              status_toggle_flag=False):
-        new_settings = copy.deepcopy(settings)
-        for key, value in updates.items():
-            if key not in new_settings.keys():
-                raise KeyError('{} is an invalid settings key.'.format(key))
-            elif isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping):
-                new_settings[
-                    key], updates_requested, status_toggle_flag = self._update_settings_dict(
-                        new_settings.get(key, {}), value, updates_requested,
-                        status_toggle_flag)
-            elif new_settings[key] != value:
-                new_settings[key] = value
-                updates_requested = True
-                if 'status' in key:
-                    status_toggle_flag = True
-        return new_settings, updates_requested, status_toggle_flag
-    def update_ap_settings(self, dict_settings={}, **named_settings):
-        """Function to update settings of existing AP.
-        Function copies arguments into ap_settings and calls configure_retail_ap
-        to apply them.
-        Args:
-            *dict_settings accepts single dictionary of settings to update
-            **named_settings accepts named settings to update
-            Note: dict and named_settings cannot contain the same settings.
-        """
-        settings_to_update = dict(dict_settings, **named_settings)
-        if len(settings_to_update) != len(dict_settings) + len(named_settings):
-            raise KeyError('The following keys were passed twice: {}'.format(
-                (set(dict_settings.keys()).intersection(
-                    set(named_settings.keys())))))
-        self.ap_settings, updates_requested, status_toggle_flag = self._update_settings_dict(
-            self.ap_settings, settings_to_update)
-        if updates_requested:
-            self.configure_ap(status_toggled=status_toggle_flag)
-    def band_lookup_by_channel(self, channel):
-        """Function that gives band name by channel number.
-        Args:
-            channel: channel number to lookup
-        Returns:
-            band: name of band which this channel belongs to on this ap, False
-            if not supported
-        """
-        for key, value in self.capabilities['channels'].items():
-            if channel in value:
-                return key
-        return False
-    def _get_control_ip_address(self):
-        """Function to get AP's Control Interface IP address."""
-        if 'ssh_config' in self.ap_settings.keys():
-            return self.ap_settings['ssh_config']['host']
-        else:
-            return self.ap_settings['ip_address']
-    def _lock_ap(self):
-        """Function to lock the ap while tests are running."""
-        self.lock_file_path = '/tmp/{}_{}_{}.lock'.format(
-            self.ap_settings['brand'], self.ap_settings['model'],
-            self._get_control_ip_address())
-        if not os.path.exists(self.lock_file_path):
-            with open(self.lock_file_path, 'w'):
-                pass
-        self.lock_file = open(self.lock_file_path, 'r')
-        start_time = time.time()
-        self.log.info('Trying to acquire AP lock.')
-        while time.time() < start_time + self.lock_timeout:
-            try:
-                fcntl.flock(self.lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
-            except BlockingIOError:
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                continue
-            self.log.info('AP lock acquired.')
-            return
-        raise RuntimeError('Could not lock AP in time.')
-    def _unlock_ap(self):
-        """Function to unlock the AP when tests are done."""
-        self.log.info('Releasing AP lock.')
-        if hasattr(self, 'lock_file'):
-            try:
-                fcntl.flock(self.lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-                self.lock_file.close()
-                self.log.info('Succussfully released AP lock file.')
-            except:
-                raise RuntimeError('Error occurred while unlocking AP.')
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/brcm_ref.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/brcm_ref.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb5f86..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/brcm_ref.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-import collections
-import numpy
-import time
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import WifiRetailAP
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import BlockingBrowser
-class BrcmRefAP(WifiRetailAP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear RAX200 AP.
-    Since most of the class' implementation is shared with the R7000, this
-    class inherits from NetgearR7000AP and simply redefines config parameters
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ap_settings):
-        super().__init__(ap_settings)
-        self.init_gui_data()
-        # Read and update AP settings
-        self.read_ap_settings()
-        self.update_ap_settings(ap_settings)
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        self.config_page = ('{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-                            '{ip_address}:{port}/info.html').format(
-                                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_nologin = (
-            '{protocol}://{ip_address}:{port}/'
-            'wlrouter/radio.asp').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G_5G', '6G'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G_5G': [
-                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56,
-                    60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136,
-                    140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-                ],
-                '6G': ['6g' + str(ch) for ch in numpy.arange(1, 222, 4)]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G_5G': [
-                    'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE20', 'HE40',
-                    'HE80', 'HE160'
-                ],
-                '6G': [
-                    'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE20', 'HE40',
-                    'HE80', 'HE160'
-                ]
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'HE'
-        }
-        self.ap_settings['region'] = 'United States'
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {
-                'ssid': 'BrcmAP0' if interface == '6G' else 'BrcmAP1',
-                'security_type': 'Open',
-                'password': '1234567890'
-            }
-        self.config_page_fields = collections.OrderedDict({
-            ('2G_5G', 'interface'): ('wl_unit', 1),
-            ('2G_5G', 'band'):
-            'wl_nband',
-            ('2G_5G', 'bandwidth'):
-            'wl_bw_cap',
-            ('2G_5G', 'channel'):
-            'wl_chanspec',
-            ('6G', 'interface'): ('wl_unit', 0),
-            ('6G', 'band'):
-            'wl_nband',
-            ('6G', 'bandwidth'):
-            'wl_bw_cap',
-            ('6G', 'channel'):
-            'wl_chanspec',
-        })
-        self.band_mode_values = {'1': '5 GHz', '2': '2.4 GHz', '4': '6 GHz'}
-        self.band_values = {'5 GHz': 1, '2.4 GHz': 2, '6 GHz': 4}
-        self.bandwidth_mode_values = {
-            '1': 'HE20',
-            '3': 'HE40',
-            '7': 'HE80',
-            '15': 'HE160'
-        }
-    def _decode_channel_string(self, channel_string):
-        if channel_string == '0':
-            return 'Auto'
-        if 'u' in channel_string or 'l' in channel_string:
-            channel_string = channel_string[0:-1]
-        elif len(channel_string.split('/')) > 1:
-            channel_string = channel_string.split('/')[0]
-        if '6g' in channel_string:
-            return channel_string
-        else:
-            return int(channel_string)
-    def _get_channel_str(self, interface, channel, bandwidth):
-        bandwidth = int(''.join([x for x in bandwidth if x.isdigit()]))
-        if bandwidth == 20:
-            channel_str = str(channel)
-        elif bandwidth in [80, 160]:
-            channel_str = str(channel) + '/' + str(bandwidth)
-        elif interface == '6G' and bandwidth == 40:
-            channel_str = str(channel) + '/' + str(bandwidth)
-        elif interface == '2G_5G' and bandwidth == 40:
-            lower_lookup = [
-                36, 44, 52, 60, 100, 108, 116, 124, 132, 140, 149, 157
-            ]
-            if int(channel) in lower_lookup:
-                channel_str = str(channel) + 'l'
-            else:
-                channel_str = str(channel) + 'u'
-        return channel_str
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_nologin,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10, self.config_page)
-            for key in self.config_page_fields.keys():
-                if 'interface' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                        self.config_page_fields[key][0]).first
-                    config_item.select(self.config_page_fields[key][1])
-                    time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                else:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                        self.config_page_fields[key]).first
-                    if 'band' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = self.band_mode_values[config_item.value]
-                    elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[
-                            1]] = self.bandwidth_mode_values[config_item.value]
-                    elif 'channel' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = self._decode_channel_string(
-                                config_item.value)
-                    else:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = config_item.value
-    def update_ap_settings(self, dict_settings={}, **named_settings):
-        """Function to update settings of existing AP.
-        Function copies arguments into ap_settings and calls configure_ap
-        to apply them.
-        Args:
-            dict_settings: single dictionary of settings to update
-            **named_settings: named settings to update
-            Note: dict and named_settings cannot contain the same settings.
-        """
-        settings_to_update = dict(dict_settings, **named_settings)
-        if len(settings_to_update) != len(dict_settings) + len(named_settings):
-            raise KeyError('The following keys were passed twice: {}'.format(
-                (set(dict_settings.keys()).intersection(
-                    set(named_settings.keys())))))
-        updating_6G = '6G' in settings_to_update.keys()
-        updating_2G_5G = '2G_5G' in settings_to_update.keys()
-        if updating_2G_5G:
-            if 'channel' in settings_to_update['2G_5G']:
-                band = '2.4 GHz' if int(
-                    settings_to_update['2G_5G']['channel']) < 13 else '5 GHz'
-                if band == '2.4 GHz':
-                    settings_to_update['2G_5G']['bandwidth'] = 'HE20'
-                settings_to_update['2G_5G']['band'] = band
-        self.ap_settings, updates_requested, status_toggle_flag = self._update_settings_dict(
-            self.ap_settings, settings_to_update)
-        if updates_requested:
-            self.configure_ap(updating_2G_5G, updating_6G)
-    def configure_ap(self, updating_2G_5G, updating_6G):
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            interfaces_to_update = []
-            if updating_2G_5G:
-                interfaces_to_update.append('2G_5G')
-            if updating_6G:
-                interfaces_to_update.append('6G')
-            for interface in interfaces_to_update:
-                # Visit URL
-                browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED,
-                                         10)
-                browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_nologin,
-                                         BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10,
-                                         self.config_page)
-                config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                    self.config_page_fields[(interface, 'interface')][0]).first
-                config_item.select(self.config_page_fields[(interface,
-                                                            'interface')][1])
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'interface' in key or interface not in key:
-                        continue
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                        self.config_page_fields[key]).first
-                    if 'band' in key:
-                        config_item.select(
-                            self.band_values[self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]])
-                    elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        config_item.select_by_text(
-                            str(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])[2:] + ' MHz')
-                    elif 'channel' in key:
-                        channel_str = self._get_channel_str(
-                            interface, self.ap_settings[interface][key[1]],
-                            self.ap_settings[interface]['bandwidth'])
-                        config_item.select_by_text(channel_str)
-                    else:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = config_item.value
-                    time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                # Apply
-                config_item = browser.find_by_name('action')
-                config_item.first.click()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-                config_item = browser.find_by_name('action')
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                config_item.first.click()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_LONG)
-                browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_LONG,
-                                     10)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/google_wifi.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/google_wifi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f9025c6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/google_wifi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.controllers import access_point
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import bridge_interface
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_ap_preset
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import WifiRetailAP
-class GoogleWifiAP(WifiRetailAP):
-    """ Class that implements Google Wifi AP.
-    This class is a work in progress
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ap_settings):
-        super().__init__(ap_settings)
-        # Initialize AP
-        if self.ap_settings['2G']['status'] and self.ap_settings['5G_1'][
-                'status']:
-            raise ValueError('Error initializing Google Wifi AP. '
-                             'Only one interface can be enabled at a time.')
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116,
-                    120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-                ]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40'],
-                '5G_1': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80']
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'VHT'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings.setdefault(interface, {})
-        self.BW_MODE_MAP = {
-            'legacy': 20,
-            'VHT20': 20,
-            'VHT40': 40,
-            'VHT80': 80
-        }
-        self.default_settings = {
-            'region': 'United States',
-            'brand': 'Google',
-            'model': 'Wifi',
-            'hostapd_profile': 'whirlwind',
-            '2G': {
-                'status': 0,
-                'ssid': 'GoogleWifi_2G',
-                'channel': 11,
-                'bandwidth': 'VHT20',
-                'power': 'auto',
-                'mode': None,
-                'num_streams': None,
-                'rate': 'auto',
-                'short_gi': 0,
-                'security_type': 'Open',
-                'password': 'password',
-                'subnet': ''
-            },
-            '5G_1': {
-                'status': 0,
-                'ssid': 'GoogleWifi_2G',
-                'channel': 11,
-                'bandwidth': 'VHT20',
-                'power': 'auto',
-                'mode': None,
-                'num_streams': None,
-                'rate': 'auto',
-                'short_gi': 0,
-                'security_type': 'Open',
-                'password': 'password',
-                'subnet': ''
-            }
-        }
-        for setting in self.default_settings.keys():
-            if setting in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-                continue
-            elif setting not in self.ap_settings:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    '{0} {1} not found during init. Setting {0} = {1}'.format(
-                        setting, self.default_settings[setting]))
-                self.ap_settings[setting] = self.default_settings[setting]
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            for setting in self.default_settings[interface].keys():
-                if setting not in self.ap_settings[interface]:
-                    self.log.debug(
-                        '{0} {1} not found during init. Setting {1} = {2}'.
-                        format(interface, setting,
-                               self.default_settings[interface][setting]))
-                    self.ap_settings[interface][
-                        setting] = self.default_settings[interface][setting]
-        init_settings = self.ap_settings.copy()
-        init_settings['ap_subnet'] = {
-            '2g': self.ap_settings['2G']['subnet'],
-            '5g': self.ap_settings['5G_1']['subnet']
-        }
-        self.access_point = access_point.AccessPoint(init_settings)
-        self.configure_ap()
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function that reads current ap settings."""
-        return self.ap_settings.copy()
-    def update_ap_settings(self, dict_settings={}, **named_settings):
-        """Function to update settings of existing AP.
-        Function copies arguments into ap_settings and calls configure_ap
-        to apply them.
-        Args:
-            dict_settings: single dictionary of settings to update
-            **named_settings: named settings to update
-            Note: dict and named_settings cannot contain the same settings.
-        """
-        settings_to_update = dict(dict_settings, **named_settings)
-        if len(settings_to_update) != len(dict_settings) + len(named_settings):
-            raise KeyError('The following keys were passed twice: {}'.format(
-                (set(dict_settings.keys()).intersection(
-                    set(named_settings.keys())))))
-        updating_2G = '2G' in settings_to_update.keys()
-        updating_5G_1 = '5G_1' in settings_to_update.keys()
-        if updating_2G and updating_5G_1:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Error updating Google WiFi AP. '
-                'One interface can be activated and updated at a time')
-        elif updating_2G:
-            # If updating an interface and not explicitly setting its status,
-            # it is assumed that the interface is to be ENABLED and updated
-            if 'status' not in settings_to_update['2G']:
-                settings_to_update['2G']['status'] = 1
-                settings_to_update['5G_1'] = {'status': 0}
-        elif updating_5G_1:
-            if 'status' not in settings_to_update['5G_1']:
-                settings_to_update['2G'] = {'status': 0}
-                settings_to_update['5G_1']['status'] = 1
-        self.ap_settings, updates_requested, status_toggle_flag = self._update_settings_dict(
-            self.ap_settings, settings_to_update)
-        if updates_requested:
-            self.configure_ap()
-    def configure_ap(self):
-        """Function to configure Google Wifi."""
-        self.log.info('Stopping Google Wifi interfaces.')
-        print(self.ap_settings)
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-        if self.ap_settings['2G']['status'] == 1:
-            interface = '2G'
-            self.log.info('Bringing up 2.4 GHz interface.')
-        elif self.ap_settings['5G_1']['status'] == 1:
-            interface = '5G_1'
-            self.log.info('Bringing up 5 GHz interface.')
-        else:
-            return
-        bss_settings = []
-        ssid = self.ap_settings[interface]['ssid']
-        security_mode = self.ap_settings[interface]['security_type'].lower()
-        if 'wpa' in security_mode:
-            password = self.ap_settings[interface]['password']
-            security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode=security_mode,
-                                                 password=password)
-        else:
-            security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode=None,
-                                                 password=None)
-        channel = int(self.ap_settings[interface]['channel'])
-        bandwidth = self.BW_MODE_MAP[self.ap_settings[interface]['bandwidth']]
-        config = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-            channel=channel,
-            ssid=ssid,
-            security=security,
-            bss_settings=bss_settings,
-            vht_bandwidth=bandwidth,
-            profile_name=self.ap_settings['hostapd_profile'],
-            iface_wlan_2g=self.access_point.wlan_2g,
-            iface_wlan_5g=self.access_point.wlan_5g)
-        config_bridge = self.access_point.generate_bridge_configs(channel)
-        brconfigs = bridge_interface.BridgeInterfaceConfigs(
-            config_bridge[0], 'lan0', config_bridge[2])
-        self.access_point.bridge.startup(brconfigs)
-        self.access_point.start_ap(config)
-        self.set_power(interface, self.ap_settings[interface]['power'])
-        self.set_rate(interface,
-                      mode=self.ap_settings[interface]['mode'],
-                      num_streams=self.ap_settings[interface]['num_streams'],
-                      rate=self.ap_settings[interface]['rate'],
-                      short_gi=self.ap_settings[interface]['short_gi'])
-        self.log.info('AP started on channel {} with SSID {}'.format(
-            channel, ssid))
-    def set_power(self, interface, power):
-        """Function that sets interface transmit power.
-        Args:
-            interface: string containing interface identifier (2G, 5G_1)
-            power: power level in dBm
-        """
-        if power == 'auto':
-            power_string = 'auto'
-        else:
-            if not float(power).is_integer():
-                self.log.info(
-                    'Power in dBm must be an integer. Setting to {}'.format(
-                        int(power)))
-            power = int(power)
-            power_string = 'fixed {}'.format(int(power) * 100)
-        if '2G' in interface:
-            interface_long = self.access_point.wlan_2g
-            self.ap_settings[interface]['power'] = power
-        elif '5G_1' in interface:
-            interface_long = self.access_point.wlan_5g
-            self.ap_settings[interface]['power'] = power
-        self.access_point.ssh.run('iw dev {} set txpower {}'.format(
-            interface_long, power_string))
-    def set_rate(self,
-                 interface,
-                 mode=None,
-                 num_streams=None,
-                 rate='auto',
-                 short_gi=0):
-        """Function that sets rate.
-        Args:
-            interface: string containing interface identifier (2G, 5G_1)
-            mode: string indicating the WiFi standard to use
-            num_streams: number of MIMO streams. used only for VHT
-            rate: data rate of MCS index to use
-            short_gi: boolean controlling the use of short guard interval
-        """
-        if '2G' in interface:
-            interface_long = self.access_point.wlan_2g
-            interface_short = '2.4'
-        elif '5G_1' in interface:
-            interface_long = self.access_point.wlan_5g
-            interface_short = '5'
-        self.ap_settings[interface]['mode'] = mode
-        self.ap_settings[interface]['num_streams'] = num_streams
-        self.ap_settings[interface]['rate'] = rate
-        self.ap_settings[interface]['short_gi'] = short_gi
-        if rate == 'auto':
-            cmd_string = 'iw dev {0} set bitrates'.format(interface_long)
-        elif 'legacy' in mode.lower():
-            cmd_string = 'iw dev {0} set bitrates legacy-{1} {2} ht-mcs-{1} vht-mcs-{1}'.format(
-                interface_long, interface_short, rate)
-        elif 'vht' in mode.lower():
-            cmd_string = 'iw dev {0} set bitrates legacy-{1} ht-mcs-{1} vht-mcs-{1} {2}:{3}'.format(
-                interface_long, interface_short, num_streams, rate)
-            if short_gi:
-                cmd_string = cmd_string + ' sgi-{}'.format(interface_short)
-        elif 'ht' in mode.lower():
-            cmd_string = 'iw dev {0} set bitrates legacy-{1} ht-mcs-{1} {2} vht-mcs-{1}'.format(
-                interface_long, interface_short, rate)
-            if short_gi:
-                cmd_string = cmd_string + ' sgi-{}'.format(interface_short)
-        self.access_point.ssh.run(cmd_string)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7000.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7000.py
deleted file mode 100644
index de950cb..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7000.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import time
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import WifiRetailAP
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import BlockingBrowser
-class NetgearR7000AP(WifiRetailAP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear R7000 AP."""
-    def __init__(self, ap_settings):
-        super().__init__(ap_settings)
-        self.init_gui_data()
-        # Read and update AP settings
-        self.read_ap_settings()
-        self.update_ap_settings(ap_settings)
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        """Function to initialize data used while interacting with web GUI"""
-        self.config_page = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_wireless_dual_band_r10.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_nologin = (
-            '{protocol}://{ip_address}:{port}/'
-            'WLG_wireless_dual_band_r10.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_advanced = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_adv_dual_band2.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116,
-                    120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-                ]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40'],
-                '5G_1': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80']
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'VHT'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {}
-        self.region_map = {
-            '1': 'Africa',
-            '2': 'Asia',
-            '3': 'Australia',
-            '4': 'Canada',
-            '5': 'Europe',
-            '6': 'Israel',
-            '7': 'Japan',
-            '8': 'Korea',
-            '9': 'Mexico',
-            '10': 'South America',
-            '11': 'United States',
-            '12': 'Middle East(Algeria/Syria/Yemen)',
-            '14': 'Russia',
-            '16': 'China',
-            '17': 'India',
-            '18': 'Malaysia',
-            '19': 'Middle East(Iran/Labanon/Qatar)',
-            '20': 'Middle East(Turkey/Egypt/Tunisia/Kuwait)',
-            '21': 'Middle East(Saudi Arabia)',
-            '22': 'Middle East(United Arab Emirates)',
-            '23': 'Singapore',
-            '24': 'Taiwan'
-        }
-        self.config_page_fields = {
-            'region': 'WRegion',
-            ('2G', 'status'): 'enable_ap',
-            ('5G_1', 'status'): 'enable_ap_an',
-            ('2G', 'ssid'): 'ssid',
-            ('5G_1', 'ssid'): 'ssid_an',
-            ('2G', 'channel'): 'w_channel',
-            ('5G_1', 'channel'): 'w_channel_an',
-            ('2G', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode',
-            ('5G_1', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode_an',
-            ('2G', 'power'): 'enable_tpc',
-            ('5G_1', 'power'): 'enable_tpc_an',
-            ('2G', 'security_type'): 'security_type',
-            ('5G_1', 'security_type'): 'security_type_an',
-            ('2G', 'password'): 'passphrase',
-            ('5G_1', 'password'): 'passphrase_an'
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_values = {
-            'g and b': '11g',
-            '145Mbps': 'VHT20',
-            '300Mbps': 'VHT40',
-            'HT80': 'VHT80'
-        }
-        self.power_mode_values = {
-            '1': '100%',
-            '2': '75%',
-            '3': '50%',
-            '4': '25%'
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_text = {
-            '11g': 'Up to 54 Mbps',
-            'VHT20': 'Up to 289 Mbps',
-            'VHT40': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-            'VHT80': 'Up to 1300 Mbps'
-        }
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function to read ap settings."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'status' in key:
-                    browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                             BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                    self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = int(
-                        config_item.first.checked)
-                    browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                             BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-                else:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                    if 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = self.bw_mode_values[
-                            config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'power' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = self.power_mode_values[
-                                config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'region' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings['region'] = self.region_map[
-                            config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'security_type' in key:
-                        for item in config_item:
-                            if item.checked:
-                                self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = item.value
-                    else:
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = config_item.first.value
-        return self.ap_settings.copy()
-    def configure_ap(self, **config_flags):
-        """Function to configure ap wireless settings."""
-        # Turn radios on or off
-        if config_flags['status_toggled']:
-            self.configure_radio_on_off()
-        # Configure radios
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_nologin,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10, self.config_page)
-            # Update region, and power/bandwidth for each network
-            config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                self.config_page_fields['region']).first
-            config_item.select_by_text(self.ap_settings['region'])
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'power' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    config_item.select_by_text(
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    try:
-                        config_item.select_by_text(self.bw_mode_text[
-                            self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]])
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        self.log.warning(
-                            'Cannot select bandwidth. Keeping AP default.')
-            # Update security settings (passwords updated only if applicable)
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'security_type' in key:
-                    browser.choose(value, self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                    if self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] == 'WPA2-PSK':
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                            self.config_page_fields[(key[0],
-                                                     'password')]).first
-                        config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]]['password'])
-            # Update SSID and channel for each network
-            # NOTE: Update ordering done as such as workaround for R8000
-            # wherein channel and SSID get overwritten when some other
-            # variables are changed. However, region does have to be set before
-            # channel in all cases.
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'ssid' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                elif 'channel' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    try:
-                        config_item.select(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                        time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        self.log.warning(
-                            'Cannot select channel. Keeping AP default.')
-                    try:
-                        alert = browser.get_alert()
-                        alert.accept()
-                    except:
-                        pass
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.find_by_name('Apply').first.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            try:
-                alert = browser.get_alert()
-                alert.accept()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            except:
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
-    def configure_radio_on_off(self):
-        """Helper configuration function to turn radios on/off."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            # Turn radios on or off
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'status' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    if self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]:
-                        config_item.check()
-                    else:
-                        config_item.uncheck()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.find_by_name('Apply').first.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
-class NetgearR7000NAAP(NetgearR7000AP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear R7000 NA AP."""
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        """Function to initialize data used while interacting with web GUI"""
-        super().init_gui_data()
-        self.region_map['11'] = 'North America'
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7500.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7500.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d150146..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7500.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import selenium
-import time
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import WifiRetailAP
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import BlockingBrowser
-class NetgearR7500AP(WifiRetailAP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear R7500 AP."""
-    def __init__(self, ap_settings):
-        super().__init__(ap_settings)
-        self.init_gui_data()
-        # Read and update AP settings
-        self.read_ap_settings()
-        self.update_ap_settings(ap_settings)
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        """Function to initialize data used while interacting with web GUI"""
-        self.config_page = ('{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-                            '{ip_address}:{port}/index.htm').format(
-                                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_advanced = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/adv_index.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116,
-                    120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-                ]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40'],
-                '5G_1': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80']
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'VHT'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {}
-        self.config_page_fields = {
-            'region': 'WRegion',
-            ('2G', 'status'): 'enable_ap',
-            ('5G_1', 'status'): 'enable_ap_an',
-            ('2G', 'ssid'): 'ssid',
-            ('5G_1', 'ssid'): 'ssid_an',
-            ('2G', 'channel'): 'w_channel',
-            ('5G_1', 'channel'): 'w_channel_an',
-            ('2G', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode',
-            ('5G_1', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode_an',
-            ('2G', 'security_type'): 'security_type',
-            ('5G_1', 'security_type'): 'security_type_an',
-            ('2G', 'password'): 'passphrase',
-            ('5G_1', 'password'): 'passphrase_an'
-        }
-        self.region_map = {
-            '0': 'Africa',
-            '1': 'Asia',
-            '2': 'Australia',
-            '3': 'Canada',
-            '4': 'Europe',
-            '5': 'Israel',
-            '6': 'Japan',
-            '7': 'Korea',
-            '8': 'Mexico',
-            '9': 'South America',
-            '10': 'United States',
-            '11': 'China',
-            '12': 'India',
-            '13': 'Malaysia',
-            '14': 'Middle East(Algeria/Syria/Yemen)',
-            '15': 'Middle East(Iran/Labanon/Qatar)',
-            '16': 'Middle East(Turkey/Egypt/Tunisia/Kuwait)',
-            '17': 'Middle East(Saudi Arabia)',
-            '18': 'Middle East(United Arab Emirates)',
-            '19': 'Russia',
-            '20': 'Singapore',
-            '21': 'Taiwan'
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_text = {
-            '2G': {
-                '11g': 'Up to 54 Mbps',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 289 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 600 Mbps'
-            },
-            '5G_1': {
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 347 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 800 Mbps',
-                'VHT80': 'Up to 1733 Mbps'
-            }
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_values = {
-            '1': '11g',
-            '2': 'VHT20',
-            '3': 'VHT40',
-            '7': 'VHT20',
-            '8': 'VHT40',
-            '9': 'VHT80'
-        }
-        self.security_mode_values = {
-            '2G': {
-                'Disable': 'security_disable',
-                'WPA2-PSK': 'security_wpa2'
-            },
-            '5G_1': {
-                'Disable': 'security_an_disable',
-                'WPA2-PSK': 'security_an_wpa2'
-            }
-        }
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function to read ap wireless settings."""
-        # Get radio status (on/off)
-        self.read_radio_on_off()
-        # Get radio configuration. Note that if both radios are off, the below
-        # code will result in an error
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED,
-                                     10,
-                                     check_for_element='wireless')
-            wireless_button = browser.find_by_id('wireless').first
-            wireless_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-            with browser.get_iframe('formframe') as iframe:
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = self.bw_mode_values[
-                            config_item.value]
-                    elif 'region' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings['region'] = self.region_map[
-                            config_item.value]
-                    elif 'password' in key:
-                        try:
-                            config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                            self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                                key[1]] = config_item.value
-                            self.ap_settings[
-                                key[0]]['security_type'] = 'WPA2-PSK'
-                        except:
-                            self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                                key[1]] = 'defaultpassword'
-                            self.ap_settings[
-                                key[0]]['security_type'] = 'Disable'
-                    elif ('channel' in key) or ('ssid' in key):
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = config_item.value
-                    else:
-                        pass
-        return self.ap_settings.copy()
-    def configure_ap(self, **config_flags):
-        """Function to configure ap wireless settings."""
-        # Turn radios on or off
-        if config_flags['status_toggled']:
-            self.configure_radio_on_off()
-        # Configure radios
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED,
-                                     10,
-                                     check_for_element='wireless')
-            wireless_button = browser.find_by_id('wireless').first
-            wireless_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-            with browser.get_iframe('formframe') as iframe:
-                # Update AP region. Must be done before channel setting
-                config_item = iframe.find_by_name(
-                    self.config_page_fields['region']).first
-                config_item.select_by_text(self.ap_settings['region'])
-                # Update wireless settings for each network
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'ssid' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                    elif 'channel' in key:
-                        channel = self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]
-                        if int(channel) < 10:
-                            channel_string = '0' + str(channel)
-                        elif int(channel) > 48 and int(channel) < 149:
-                            channel_string = str(channel) + 'DFS'
-                        else:
-                            channel_string = str(channel)
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        try:
-                            config_item.select_by_text(channel_string)
-                        except AttributeError:
-                            self.log.warning(
-                                'Cannot select channel. Keeping AP default.')
-                    elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        try:
-                            config_item.select_by_text(
-                                str(self.bw_mode_text[key[0]][self.ap_settings[
-                                    key[0]][key[1]]]))
-                        except AttributeError:
-                            self.log.warning(
-                                'Cannot select bandwidth. Keeping AP default.')
-                # Update passwords for WPA2-PSK protected networks
-                # (Must be done after security type is selected)
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'security_type' in key:
-                        security_option = browser.driver.find_element_by_id(
-                            self.security_mode_values[key[0]][self.ap_settings[
-                                key[0]][key[1]]])
-                        action = selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains.ActionChains(
-                            browser.driver)
-                        action.move_to_element(
-                            security_option).click().perform()
-                        if self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] == 'WPA2-PSK':
-                            config_item = iframe.find_by_name(
-                                self.config_page_fields[(key[0],
-                                                         'password')]).first
-                            config_item.fill(
-                                self.ap_settings[key[0]]['password'])
-                apply_button = iframe.find_by_name('Apply')
-                apply_button[0].click()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                try:
-                    alert = browser.get_alert()
-                    alert.accept()
-                except:
-                    pass
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                try:
-                    alert = browser.get_alert()
-                    alert.accept()
-                except:
-                    pass
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
-    def configure_radio_on_off(self):
-        """Helper configuration function to turn radios on/off."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED,
-                                     10,
-                                     check_for_element='advanced_bt')
-            advanced_button = browser.find_by_id('advanced_bt').first
-            advanced_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-            wireless_button = browser.find_by_id('wladv').first
-            wireless_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-            with browser.get_iframe('formframe') as iframe:
-                # Turn radios on or off
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'status' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        if self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]:
-                            config_item.check()
-                        else:
-                            config_item.uncheck()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                browser.find_by_name('Apply').first.click()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG)
-                browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                         BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG, 10)
-    def read_radio_on_off(self):
-        """Helper configuration function to read radio status."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED,
-                                     10,
-                                     check_for_element='advanced_bt')
-            advanced_button = browser.find_by_id('advanced_bt').first
-            advanced_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            wireless_button = browser.find_by_id('wladv').first
-            wireless_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-            with browser.get_iframe('formframe') as iframe:
-                # Turn radios on or off
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'status' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = int(
-                            config_item.checked)
-class NetgearR7500NAAP(NetgearR7500AP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear R7500 NA AP."""
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        """Function to initialize data used while interacting with web GUI"""
-        super().init_gui_data()
-        self.region_map['10'] = 'North America'
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7800.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7800.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d89bd6..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r7800.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import NetgearR7500AP
-class NetgearR7800AP(NetgearR7500AP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear R7800 AP.
-    Since most of the class' implementation is shared with the R7500, this
-    class inherits from NetgearR7500AP and simply redefines config parameters
-    """
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        super().init_gui_data()
-        # Overwrite minor differences from R7500 AP
-        self.bw_mode_text_2g['VHT20'] = 'Up to 347 Mbps'
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r8000.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r8000.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 26c4cbe..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_r8000.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import NetgearR7000AP
-class NetgearR8000AP(NetgearR7000AP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear R8000 AP.
-    Since most of the class' implementation is shared with the R7000, this
-    class inherits from NetgearR7000AP and simply redefines config parameters
-    """
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        super().init_gui_data()
-        # Overwrite minor differences from R7000 AP
-        self.config_page = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_wireless_dual_band_r8000.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_nologin = (
-            '{protocol}://{ip_address}:{port}/'
-            'WLG_wireless_dual_band_r8000.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_advanced = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_adv_dual_band2_r8000.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1', '5G_2'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [36, 40, 44, 48],
-                '5G_2': [149, 153, 157, 161, 165]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40'],
-                '5G_1': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80'],
-                '5G_2': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80']
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'VHT'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {}
-        self.config_page_fields = {
-            'region': 'WRegion',
-            ('2G', 'status'): 'enable_ap',
-            ('5G_1', 'status'): 'enable_ap_an',
-            ('5G_2', 'status'): 'enable_ap_an_2',
-            ('2G', 'ssid'): 'ssid',
-            ('5G_1', 'ssid'): 'ssid_an',
-            ('5G_2', 'ssid'): 'ssid_an_2',
-            ('2G', 'channel'): 'w_channel',
-            ('5G_1', 'channel'): 'w_channel_an',
-            ('5G_2', 'channel'): 'w_channel_an_2',
-            ('2G', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode',
-            ('5G_1', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode_an',
-            ('5G_2', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode_an_2',
-            ('2G', 'security_type'): 'security_type',
-            ('5G_1', 'security_type'): 'security_type_an',
-            ('5G_2', 'security_type'): 'security_type_an_2',
-            ('2G', 'password'): 'passphrase',
-            ('5G_1', 'password'): 'passphrase_an',
-            ('5G_2', 'password'): 'passphrase_an_2'
-        }
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax120.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax120.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1b55d..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax120.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import selenium
-import time
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap.netgear_r7500 import NetgearR7500AP
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import BlockingBrowser
-class NetgearRAX120AP(NetgearR7500AP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear RAX120 AP.
-    Since most of the class' implementation is shared with the R7500, this
-    class inherits from NetgearR7500AP and simply redefines config parameters
-    """
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        """Function to initialize data used while interacting with web GUI"""
-        self.config_page = ('{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-                            '{ip_address}:{port}/index.htm').format(
-                                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_advanced = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/adv_index.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116,
-                    120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-                ]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'HE20', 'HE40'],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE20', 'HE40',
-                    'HE80', 'HE160'
-                ]
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'HE'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {}
-        self.config_page_fields = {
-            'region': 'WRegion',
-            'enable_ax': 'enable_ax_chec',
-            ('2G', 'status'): 'enable_ap',
-            ('5G_1', 'status'): 'enable_ap_an',
-            ('2G', 'ssid'): 'ssid',
-            ('5G_1', 'ssid'): 'ssid_an',
-            ('2G', 'channel'): 'w_channel',
-            ('5G_1', 'channel'): 'w_channel_an',
-            ('2G', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode',
-            ('5G_1', 'bandwidth'): 'opmode_an',
-            ('2G', 'security_type'): 'security_type',
-            ('5G_1', 'security_type'): 'security_type_an',
-            ('2G', 'password'): 'passphrase',
-            ('5G_1', 'password'): 'passphrase_an'
-        }
-        self.region_map = {
-            '0': 'Africa',
-            '1': 'Asia',
-            '2': 'Australia',
-            '3': 'Canada',
-            '4': 'Europe',
-            '5': 'Israel',
-            '6': 'Japan',
-            '7': 'Korea',
-            '8': 'Mexico',
-            '9': 'South America',
-            '10': 'United States',
-            '11': 'China',
-            '12': 'India',
-            '13': 'Malaysia',
-            '14': 'Middle East(Algeria/Syria/Yemen)',
-            '15': 'Middle East(Iran/Labanon/Qatar)',
-            '16': 'Middle East(Egypt/Tunisia/Kuwait)',
-            '17': 'Middle East(Turkey)',
-            '18': 'Middle East(Saudi Arabia/United Arab Emirates)',
-            '19': 'Russia',
-            '20': 'Singapore',
-            '21': 'Taiwan',
-            'Australia': 'Australia',
-            'Europe': 'Europe',
-            'Korea': 'Korea',
-            'Singapore': 'Singapore',
-            'Hong Kong': 'Hong Kong',
-            'United States': 'United States',
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_text = {
-            '2G': {
-                '11g': 'Up to 54 Mbps (11g)',
-                'HE20': 'Up to 573.5 Mbps (11ax, HT20, 1024-QAM)',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 1147 Mbps (11ax, HT40, 1024-QAM)',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 481 Mbps (11ng, HT20, 1024-QAM)',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 1000 Mbps (11ng, HT40, 1024-QAM)'
-            },
-            '5G_1': {
-                'HE20': 'Up to 1147 Mbps (11ax, HT20, 1024-QAM)',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 2294 Mbps (11ax, HT40, 1024-QAM)',
-                'HE80': 'Up to 4803 Mbps (80MHz) (11ax, HT80, 1024-QAM)',
-                'HE160': 'Up to 4803 Mbps (160MHz) (11ax, HT160, 1024-QAM)',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 962 Mbps (11ac, HT20, 1024-QAM)',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 2000 Mbps (11ac, HT40, 1024-QAM)',
-                'VHT80': 'Up to 4333 Mbps (80MHz) (11ac, HT80, 1024-QAM)',
-                'VHT160': 'Up to 4333 Mbps (160MHz) (11ac, HT160, 1024-QAM)'
-            }
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_values = {
-            # first key is a boolean indicating if 11ax is enabled
-            0: {
-                '1': '11g',
-                '2': 'VHT20',
-                '3': 'VHT40',
-                '7': 'VHT20',
-                '8': 'VHT40',
-                '9': 'VHT80',
-                '10': 'VHT160'
-            },
-            1: {
-                '1': '11g',
-                '2': 'HE20',
-                '3': 'HE40',
-                '7': 'HE20',
-                '8': 'HE40',
-                '9': 'HE80',
-                '10': 'HE160',
-                '54': '11g',
-                '573.5': 'HE20',
-                '1146': 'HE40',
-                '1147': 'HE20',
-                '2294': 'HE40',
-                '4803-HT80': 'HE80',
-                '4803-HT160': 'HE160'
-            }
-        }
-        self.security_mode_values = {
-            '2G': {
-                'Disable': 'security_disable',
-                'WPA2-PSK': 'security_wpa2'
-            },
-            '5G_1': {
-                'Disable': 'security_an_disable',
-                'WPA2-PSK': 'security_an_wpa2'
-            }
-        }
-    def _set_channel_and_bandwidth(self,
-                                   network,
-                                   channel=None,
-                                   bandwidth=None):
-        """Helper function that sets network bandwidth and channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: desired channel
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = {network: {}}
-        if channel:
-            if channel not in self.capabilities['channels'][network]:
-                self.log.error('Ch{} is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                    channel, network))
-            setting_to_update[network]['channel'] = channel
-        if bandwidth is None:
-            return setting_to_update
-        if 'bw' in bandwidth:
-            bandwidth = bandwidth.replace('bw',
-                                          self.capabilities['default_mode'])
-        if bandwidth not in self.capabilities['modes'][network]:
-            self.log.error('{} mode is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                bandwidth, network))
-        setting_to_update[network]['bandwidth'] = str(bandwidth)
-        setting_to_update['enable_ax'] = int('HE' in bandwidth)
-        # Check if other interfaces need to be changed too
-        requested_mode = 'HE' if 'HE' in bandwidth else 'VHT'
-        for other_network in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            if other_network == network:
-                continue
-            other_mode = 'HE' if 'HE' in self.ap_settings[other_network][
-                'bandwidth'] else 'VHT'
-            other_bw = ''.join([
-                x for x in self.ap_settings[other_network]['bandwidth']
-                if x.isdigit()
-            ])
-            if other_mode != requested_mode:
-                updated_mode = '{}{}'.format(requested_mode, other_bw)
-                self.log.warning('All networks must be VHT or HE. '
-                                 'Updating {} to {}'.format(
-                                     other_network, updated_mode))
-                setting_to_update.setdefault(other_network, {})
-                setting_to_update[other_network]['bandwidth'] = updated_mode
-        return setting_to_update
-    def set_bandwidth(self, network, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(
-            network, bandwidth=bandwidth)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel(self, network, channel):
-        """Function that sets network channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: string or int containing channel
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(network,
-                                                            channel=channel)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel_and_bandwidth(self, network, channel, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: desired channel
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(
-            network, channel=channel, bandwidth=bandwidth)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function to read ap wireless settings."""
-        # Get radio status (on/off)
-        self.read_radio_on_off()
-        # Get radio configuration. Note that if both radios are off, the below
-        # code will result in an error
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED,
-                                     10,
-                                     check_for_element='wireless')
-            wireless_button = browser.find_by_id('wireless').first
-            wireless_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-            with browser.get_iframe('formframe') as iframe:
-                # read if 11ax is enabled first
-                config_item = iframe.find_by_name('enable_ax').first
-                self.ap_settings['enable_ax'] = int(config_item.checked)
-                # read rest of configuration
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = self.bw_mode_values[
-                            self.ap_settings['enable_ax']][config_item.value]
-                    elif 'region' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings['region'] = self.region_map[
-                            config_item.value]
-                    elif 'password' in key:
-                        try:
-                            config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                            self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                                key[1]] = config_item.value
-                            self.ap_settings[
-                                key[0]]['security_type'] = 'WPA2-PSK'
-                        except:
-                            self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                                key[1]] = 'defaultpassword'
-                            self.ap_settings[
-                                key[0]]['security_type'] = 'Disable'
-                    elif ('ssid' in key):
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = config_item.value
-                    elif ('channel' in key):
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = int(
-                            config_item.value)
-        return self.ap_settings.copy()
-    def configure_ap(self, **config_flags):
-        """Function to configure ap wireless settings."""
-        # Turn radios on or off
-        if config_flags['status_toggled']:
-            self.configure_radio_on_off()
-        # Configure radios
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED,
-                                     10,
-                                     check_for_element='wireless')
-            wireless_button = browser.find_by_id('wireless').first
-            wireless_button.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_MED)
-            with browser.get_iframe('formframe') as iframe:
-                # Create action chain
-                action = selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains.ActionChains(
-                    browser.driver)
-                # Configure 11ax on or off
-                curr_ax_enabled = int(
-                    iframe.find_by_name('enable_ax').first.checked)
-                if self.ap_settings['enable_ax'] != curr_ax_enabled:
-                    ax_checkbox = browser.driver.find_element_by_id(
-                        'enable_ax_chec')
-                    action.move_to_element(ax_checkbox).click().perform()
-                # Update AP region. Must be done before channel setting
-                try:
-                    config_item = iframe.find_by_name(
-                        self.config_page_fields['region']).first
-                    config_item.select_by_text(self.ap_settings['region'])
-                except:
-                    self.log.warning('Could not set AP region to {}.'.format(
-                        self.ap_settings['region']))
-                # Update wireless settings for each network
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'ssid' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                    elif 'channel' in key:
-                        channel = self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]
-                        if int(channel) < 10:
-                            channel_string = '0' + str(channel)
-                        elif int(channel) > 48 and int(channel) < 149:
-                            channel_string = str(channel) + 'DFS'
-                        else:
-                            channel_string = str(channel)
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        try:
-                            config_item.select_by_text(channel_string)
-                        except AttributeError:
-                            self.log.warning(
-                                'Cannot select channel. Keeping AP default.')
-                    elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        config_item = iframe.find_by_name(value).first
-                        try:
-                            config_item.select_by_text(
-                                str(self.bw_mode_text[key[0]][self.ap_settings[
-                                    key[0]][key[1]]]))
-                        except AttributeError:
-                            self.log.warning(
-                                'Cannot select bandwidth. Keeping AP default.')
-                # Update passwords for WPA2-PSK protected networks
-                # (Must be done after security type is selected)
-                for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                    if 'security_type' in key:
-                        security_option = browser.driver.find_element_by_id(
-                            self.security_mode_values[key[0]][self.ap_settings[
-                                key[0]][key[1]]])
-                        action = selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains.ActionChains(
-                            browser.driver)
-                        action.move_to_element(
-                            security_option).click().perform()
-                        if self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] == 'WPA2-PSK':
-                            config_item = iframe.find_by_name(
-                                self.config_page_fields[(key[0],
-                                                         'password')]).first
-                            config_item.fill(
-                                self.ap_settings[key[0]]['password'])
-                apply_button = iframe.find_by_name('Apply')
-                apply_button[0].click()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                try:
-                    alert = browser.get_alert()
-                    alert.accept()
-                except:
-                    pass
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                try:
-                    alert = browser.get_alert()
-                    alert.accept()
-                except:
-                    pass
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax200.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax200.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 191dfde..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax200.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import time
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import WifiRetailAP
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import BlockingBrowser
-class NetgearRAX200AP(WifiRetailAP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear RAX200 AP.
-    Since most of the class' implementation is shared with the R7000, this
-    class inherits from NetgearR7000AP and simply redefines config parameters
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ap_settings):
-        super().__init__(ap_settings)
-        self.init_gui_data()
-        # Read and update AP settings
-        self.read_ap_settings()
-        self.update_ap_settings(ap_settings)
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        self.config_page = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_wireless_tri_band.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_nologin = (
-            '{protocol}://{ip_address}:{port}/'
-            'WLG_wireless_tri_band.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_advanced = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_adv_tri_band2.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1', '5G_2'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64],
-                '5G_2': [
-                    100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144,
-                    149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-                ]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'HE20', 'HE40'],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE20', 'HE40',
-                    'HE80', 'HE160'
-                ],
-                '5G_2': [
-                    'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE20', 'HE40',
-                    'HE80', 'HE160'
-                ]
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'HE'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {}
-        self.region_map = {
-            '3': 'Australia',
-            '4': 'Canada',
-            '5': 'Europe',
-            '7': 'Japan',
-            '8': 'Korea',
-            '11': 'North America',
-            '16': 'China',
-            '17': 'India',
-            '21': 'Middle East(Saudi Arabia/United Arab Emirates)',
-            '23': 'Singapore',
-            '25': 'Hong Kong',
-            '26': 'Vietnam'
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_text = {
-            '2G': {
-                '11g': 'Up to 54 Mbps',
-                'HE20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 433 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 1000 Mbps'
-            },
-            '5G_1': {
-                'HE20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-                'HE80': 'Up to 2400 Mbps',
-                'HE160': 'Up to 4800 Mbps',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 433 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 1000 Mbps',
-                'VHT80': 'Up to 2165 Mbps',
-                'VHT160': 'Up to 4330 Mbps'
-            },
-            '5G_2': {
-                'HE20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-                'HE80': 'Up to 2400 Mbps',
-                'HE160': 'Up to 4800 Mbps',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 433 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 1000 Mbps',
-                'VHT80': 'Up to 2165 Mbps',
-                'VHT160': 'Up to 4330 Mbps'
-            }
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_values = {
-            # first key is a boolean indicating if 11ax is enabled
-            0: {
-                'g and b': '11g',
-                '145Mbps': 'VHT20',
-                '300Mbps': 'VHT40',
-                'HT80': 'VHT80',
-                'HT160': 'VHT160'
-            },
-            1: {
-                'g and b': '11g',
-                '145Mbps': 'HE20',
-                '300Mbps': 'HE40',
-                'HT80': 'HE80',
-                'HT160': 'HE160'
-            }
-        }
-        # Config ordering intentional to avoid GUI bugs
-        self.config_page_fields = collections.OrderedDict([
-            ('region', 'WRegion'), ('enable_ax', 'enable_he'),
-            (('2G', 'status'), 'enable_ap'),
-            (('5G_1', 'status'), 'enable_ap_an'),
-            (('5G_2', 'status'), 'enable_ap_an_2'), (('2G', 'ssid'), 'ssid'),
-            (('5G_1', 'ssid'), 'ssid_an'), (('5G_2', 'ssid'), 'ssid_an_2'),
-            (('2G', 'channel'), 'w_channel'),
-            (('5G_1', 'channel'), 'w_channel_an'),
-            (('5G_2', 'channel'), 'w_channel_an_2'),
-            (('2G', 'bandwidth'), 'opmode'),
-            (('5G_1', 'bandwidth'), 'opmode_an'),
-            (('5G_2', 'bandwidth'), 'opmode_an_2'),
-            (('2G', 'power'), 'enable_tpc'),
-            (('5G_1', 'power'), 'enable_tpc_an'),
-            (('5G_2', 'power'), 'enable_tpc_an_2'),
-            (('5G_2', 'security_type'), 'security_type_an_2'),
-            (('5G_1', 'security_type'), 'security_type_an'),
-            (('2G', 'security_type'), 'security_type'),
-            (('2G', 'password'), 'passphrase'),
-            (('5G_1', 'password'), 'passphrase_an'),
-            (('5G_2', 'password'), 'passphrase_an_2')
-        ])
-        self.power_mode_values = {
-            '1': '100%',
-            '2': '75%',
-            '3': '50%',
-            '4': '25%'
-        }
-    def _set_channel_and_bandwidth(self,
-                                   network,
-                                   channel=None,
-                                   bandwidth=None):
-        """Helper function that sets network bandwidth and channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: desired channel
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = {network: {}}
-        if channel:
-            if channel not in self.capabilities['channels'][network]:
-                self.log.error('Ch{} is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                    channel, network))
-            setting_to_update[network]['channel'] = channel
-        if bandwidth is None:
-            return setting_to_update
-        if 'bw' in bandwidth:
-            bandwidth = bandwidth.replace('bw',
-                                          self.capabilities['default_mode'])
-        if bandwidth not in self.capabilities['modes'][network]:
-            self.log.error('{} mode is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                bandwidth, network))
-        setting_to_update[network]['bandwidth'] = str(bandwidth)
-        setting_to_update['enable_ax'] = int('HE' in bandwidth)
-        # Check if other interfaces need to be changed too
-        requested_mode = 'HE' if 'HE' in bandwidth else 'VHT'
-        for other_network in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            if other_network == network:
-                continue
-            other_mode = 'HE' if 'HE' in self.ap_settings[other_network][
-                'bandwidth'] else 'VHT'
-            other_bw = ''.join([
-                x for x in self.ap_settings[other_network]['bandwidth']
-                if x.isdigit()
-            ])
-            if other_mode != requested_mode:
-                updated_mode = '{}{}'.format(requested_mode, other_bw)
-                self.log.warning('All networks must be VHT or HE. '
-                                 'Updating {} to {}'.format(
-                                     other_network, updated_mode))
-                setting_to_update.setdefault(other_network, {})
-                setting_to_update[other_network]['bandwidth'] = updated_mode
-        return setting_to_update
-    def set_bandwidth(self, network, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(
-            network, bandwidth=bandwidth)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel(self, network, channel):
-        """Function that sets network channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: string or int containing channel
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(network,
-                                                            channel=channel)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel_and_bandwidth(self, network, channel, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: desired channel
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(
-            network, channel=channel, bandwidth=bandwidth)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function to read ap settings."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'status' in key:
-                    browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                             BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                    self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = int(
-                        config_item.first.checked)
-                    browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                             BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-                else:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                    if 'enable_ax' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key] = int(config_item.first.checked)
-                    elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = self.bw_mode_values[
-                            self.ap_settings['enable_ax']][
-                                config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'power' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = self.power_mode_values[
-                                config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'region' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings['region'] = self.region_map[
-                            config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'security_type' in key:
-                        for item in config_item:
-                            if item.checked:
-                                self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = item.value
-                    elif 'channel' in key:
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = int(
-                            config_item.first.value)
-                    else:
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = config_item.first.value
-        return self.ap_settings.copy()
-    def configure_ap(self, **config_flags):
-        """Function to configure ap wireless settings."""
-        # Turn radios on or off
-        if config_flags['status_toggled']:
-            self.configure_radio_on_off()
-        # Configure radios
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_nologin,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10, self.config_page)
-            # Update region, and power/bandwidth for each network
-            try:
-                config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                    self.config_page_fields['region']).first
-                config_item.select_by_text(self.ap_settings['region'])
-            except:
-                self.log.warning('Cannot change region.')
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'enable_ax' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    if self.ap_settings['enable_ax']:
-                        config_item.check()
-                    else:
-                        config_item.uncheck()
-                if 'power' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    config_item.select_by_text(
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    try:
-                        config_item.select_by_text(self.bw_mode_text[key[0]][
-                            self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]])
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        self.log.warning(
-                            'Cannot select bandwidth. Keeping AP default.')
-            # Update security settings (passwords updated only if applicable)
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'security_type' in key:
-                    browser.choose(value, self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                    if 'WPA' in self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]:
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                            self.config_page_fields[(key[0],
-                                                     'password')]).first
-                        config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]]['password'])
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'ssid' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                elif 'channel' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    try:
-                        config_item.select(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                        time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        self.log.warning(
-                            'Cannot select channel. Keeping AP default.')
-                    try:
-                        for idx in range(0, 2):
-                            alert = browser.get_alert()
-                            alert.accept()
-                            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                    except:
-                        pass
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.find_by_name('Apply').first.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            try:
-                alert = browser.get_alert()
-                alert.accept()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            except:
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
-    def configure_radio_on_off(self):
-        """Helper configuration function to turn radios on/off."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            # Turn radios on or off
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'status' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    if self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]:
-                        config_item.check()
-                    else:
-                        config_item.uncheck()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.find_by_name('Apply').first.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax80.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax80.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 39de89e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_rax80.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import NetgearR7000AP
-class NetgearRAX80AP(NetgearR7000AP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear RAX AP.
-    Since most of the class' implementation is shared with the R7000, this
-    class inherits from NetgearR7000AP and simply redefines config parameters
-    """
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        super().init_gui_data()
-        # Overwrite minor differences from R7000 AP
-        self.config_page = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_wireless_dual_band_r10.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_nologin = (
-            '{protocol}://{ip_address}:{port}/'
-            'WLG_wireless_dual_band_r10.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_advanced = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_adv_dual_band2.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1', '5G_2'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [36, 40, 44, 48],
-                '5G_2': [149, 153, 157, 161, 165]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40'],
-                '5G_1': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80'],
-                '5G_2': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80']
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'VHT'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {}
-        self.bw_mode_values = {
-            'g and b': '11g',
-            '145Mbps': 'VHT20',
-            '300Mbps': 'VHT40',
-            'HT80': 'VHT80',
-            'HT160': 'VHT160'
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_text = {
-            '11g': 'Up to 54 Mbps',
-            'VHT20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-            'VHT40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-            'VHT80': 'Up to 2400 Mbps',
-            'VHT160': 'Up to 4800 Mbps'
-        }
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_raxe500.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_raxe500.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a3317b..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_retail_ap/netgear_raxe500.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import collections
-import numpy
-import re
-import time
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import WifiRetailAP
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_retail_ap import BlockingBrowser
-class NetgearRAXE500AP(WifiRetailAP):
-    """Class that implements Netgear RAXE500 AP.
-    Since most of the class' implementation is shared with the R7000, this
-    class inherits from NetgearR7000AP and simply redefines config parameters
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ap_settings):
-        super().__init__(ap_settings)
-        self.init_gui_data()
-        # Read and update AP settings
-        self.read_ap_firmware()
-        self.read_ap_settings()
-        self.update_ap_settings(ap_settings)
-    def init_gui_data(self):
-        self.config_page = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_wireless_tri_band.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_nologin = (
-            '{protocol}://{ip_address}:{port}/'
-            'WLG_wireless_tri_band.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.config_page_advanced = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/WLG_adv_tri_band2.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.firmware_page = (
-            '{protocol}://{username}:{password}@'
-            '{ip_address}:{port}/ADVANCED_home2_tri_band.htm').format(
-                protocol=self.ap_settings['protocol'],
-                username=self.ap_settings['admin_username'],
-                password=self.ap_settings['admin_password'],
-                ip_address=self.ap_settings['ip_address'],
-                port=self.ap_settings['port'])
-        self.capabilities = {
-            'interfaces': ['2G', '5G_1', '6G'],
-            'channels': {
-                '2G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116,
-                    120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
-                ],
-                '6G': ['6g' + str(ch) for ch in numpy.arange(37, 222, 16)]
-            },
-            'modes': {
-                '2G': ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'HE20', 'HE40'],
-                '5G_1': [
-                    'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE20', 'HE40',
-                    'HE80', 'HE160'
-                ],
-                '6G': [
-                    'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE20', 'HE40',
-                    'HE80', 'HE160'
-                ]
-            },
-            'default_mode': 'HE'
-        }
-        for interface in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            self.ap_settings[interface] = {}
-        self.region_map = {
-            '3': 'Australia',
-            '4': 'Canada',
-            '5': 'Europe',
-            '7': 'Japan',
-            '8': 'Korea',
-            '11': 'North America',
-            '16': 'China',
-            '17': 'India',
-            '21': 'Middle East(Saudi Arabia/United Arab Emirates)',
-            '23': 'Singapore',
-            '25': 'Hong Kong',
-            '26': 'Vietnam'
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_text = {
-            '2G': {
-                'g and b': 'Up to 54 Mbps',
-                'HE20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 433 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 1000 Mbps'
-            },
-            '5G_1': {
-                'HE20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-                'HE80': 'Up to 2400 Mbps',
-                'HE160': 'Up to 4800 Mbps',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 433 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 1000 Mbps',
-                'VHT80': 'Up to 2165 Mbps',
-                'VHT160': 'Up to 4330 Mbps'
-            },
-            '6G': {
-                'HE20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-                'HE40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-                'HE80': 'Up to 2400 Mbps',
-                'HE160': 'Up to 4800 Mbps',
-                'VHT20': 'Up to 600 Mbps',
-                'VHT40': 'Up to 1200 Mbps',
-                'VHT80': 'Up to 2400 Mbps',
-                'VHT160': 'Up to 4800 Mbps'
-            }
-        }
-        self.bw_mode_values = {
-            # first key is a boolean indicating if 11ax is enabled
-            0: {
-                'g and b': '11g',
-                'HT20': 'VHT20',
-                'HT40': 'VHT40',
-                'HT80': 'VHT80',
-                'HT160': 'VHT160'
-            },
-            1: {
-                'g and b': '11g',
-                'HT20': 'HE20',
-                'HT40': 'HE40',
-                'HT80': 'HE80',
-                'HT160': 'HE160'
-            }
-        }
-        # Config ordering intentional to avoid GUI bugs
-        self.config_page_fields = collections.OrderedDict([
-            ('region', 'WRegion'), ('enable_ax', 'enable_he'),
-            (('2G', 'status'), 'enable_ap'),
-            (('5G_1', 'status'), 'enable_ap_an'),
-            (('6G', 'status'), 'enable_ap_an_2'), (('2G', 'ssid'), 'ssid'),
-            (('5G_1', 'ssid'), 'ssid_an'), (('6G', 'ssid'), 'ssid_an_2'),
-            (('2G', 'channel'), 'w_channel'),
-            (('5G_1', 'channel'), 'w_channel_an'),
-            (('6G', 'channel'), 'w_channel_an_2'),
-            (('2G', 'bandwidth'), 'opmode'),
-            (('5G_1', 'bandwidth'), 'opmode_an'),
-            (('6G', 'bandwidth'), 'opmode_an_2'),
-            (('2G', 'power'), 'enable_tpc'),
-            (('5G_1', 'power'), 'enable_tpc_an'),
-            (('6G', 'security_type'), 'security_type_an_2'),
-            (('5G_1', 'security_type'), 'security_type_an'),
-            (('2G', 'security_type'), 'security_type'),
-            (('2G', 'password'), 'passphrase'),
-            (('5G_1', 'password'), 'passphrase_an'),
-            (('6G', 'password'), 'passphrase_an_2')
-        ])
-        self.power_mode_values = {
-            '1': '100%',
-            '2': '75%',
-            '3': '50%',
-            '4': '25%'
-        }
-    def _set_channel_and_bandwidth(self,
-                                   network,
-                                   channel=None,
-                                   bandwidth=None):
-        """Helper function that sets network bandwidth and channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: desired channel
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = {network: {}}
-        if channel:
-            if channel not in self.capabilities['channels'][network]:
-                self.log.error('Ch{} is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                    channel, network))
-            if isinstance(channel, str) and '6g' in channel:
-                channel = int(channel[2:])
-            setting_to_update[network]['channel'] = channel
-        if bandwidth is None:
-            return setting_to_update
-        if 'bw' in bandwidth:
-            bandwidth = bandwidth.replace('bw',
-                                          self.capabilities['default_mode'])
-        if bandwidth not in self.capabilities['modes'][network]:
-            self.log.error('{} mode is not supported on {} interface.'.format(
-                bandwidth, network))
-        setting_to_update[network]['bandwidth'] = str(bandwidth)
-        setting_to_update['enable_ax'] = int('HE' in bandwidth)
-        # Check if other interfaces need to be changed too
-        requested_mode = 'HE' if 'HE' in bandwidth else 'VHT'
-        for other_network in self.capabilities['interfaces']:
-            if other_network == network:
-                continue
-            other_mode = 'HE' if 'HE' in self.ap_settings[other_network][
-                'bandwidth'] else 'VHT'
-            other_bw = ''.join([
-                x for x in self.ap_settings[other_network]['bandwidth']
-                if x.isdigit()
-            ])
-            if other_mode != requested_mode:
-                updated_mode = '{}{}'.format(requested_mode, other_bw)
-                self.log.warning('All networks must be VHT or HE. '
-                                 'Updating {} to {}'.format(
-                                     other_network, updated_mode))
-                setting_to_update.setdefault(other_network, {})
-                setting_to_update[other_network]['bandwidth'] = updated_mode
-        return setting_to_update
-    def set_bandwidth(self, network, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(
-            network, bandwidth=bandwidth)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel(self, network, channel):
-        """Function that sets network channel.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: string or int containing channel
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(network,
-                                                            channel=channel)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def set_channel_and_bandwidth(self, network, channel, bandwidth):
-        """Function that sets network bandwidth/mode.
-        Args:
-            network: string containing network identifier (2G, 5G_1, 5G_2)
-            channel: desired channel
-            bandwidth: string containing mode, e.g. 11g, VHT20, VHT40, VHT80.
-        """
-        setting_to_update = self._set_channel_and_bandwidth(
-            network, channel=channel, bandwidth=bandwidth)
-        self.update_ap_settings(setting_to_update)
-    def read_ap_firmware(self):
-        """Function to read ap settings."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.firmware_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            firmware_regex = re.compile(
-                r'Firmware Version[\s\S]+V(?P<version>[0-9._]+)')
-            firmware_version = re.search(firmware_regex, browser.html)
-            if firmware_version:
-                self.ap_settings['firmware_version'] = firmware_version.group(
-                    'version')
-            else:
-                self.ap_settings['firmware_version'] = -1
-    def read_ap_settings(self):
-        """Function to read ap settings."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'status' in key:
-                    browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                             BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                    self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = int(
-                        config_item.first.checked)
-                    browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page,
-                                             BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-                else:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                    if 'enable_ax' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key] = int(config_item.first.checked)
-                    elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = self.bw_mode_values[
-                            self.ap_settings['enable_ax']][
-                                config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'power' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = self.power_mode_values[
-                                config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'region' in key:
-                        self.ap_settings['region'] = self.region_map[
-                            config_item.first.value]
-                    elif 'security_type' in key:
-                        for item in config_item:
-                            if item.checked:
-                                self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = item.value
-                    elif 'channel' in key:
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]] = int(
-                            config_item.first.value)
-                    else:
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(value)
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][
-                            key[1]] = config_item.first.value
-        return self.ap_settings.copy()
-    def configure_ap(self, **config_flags):
-        """Function to configure ap wireless settings."""
-        # Turn radios on or off
-        if config_flags['status_toggled']:
-            self.configure_radio_on_off()
-        # Configure radios
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_nologin,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10, self.config_page)
-            # Update region, and power/bandwidth for each network
-            try:
-                config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                    self.config_page_fields['region']).first
-                config_item.select_by_text(self.ap_settings['region'])
-            except:
-                self.log.warning('Cannot change region.')
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'enable_ax' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    if self.ap_settings['enable_ax']:
-                        config_item.check()
-                    else:
-                        config_item.uncheck()
-                if 'power' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    config_item.select_by_text(
-                        self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                elif 'bandwidth' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    try:
-                        config_item.select_by_text(self.bw_mode_text[key[0]][
-                            self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]])
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        self.log.warning(
-                            'Cannot select bandwidth. Keeping AP default.')
-            # Update security settings (passwords updated only if applicable)
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'security_type' in key:
-                    browser.choose(value, self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                    if 'WPA' in self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]:
-                        config_item = browser.find_by_name(
-                            self.config_page_fields[(key[0],
-                                                     'password')]).first
-                        config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]]['password'])
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'ssid' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    config_item.fill(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                elif 'channel' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    try:
-                        config_item.select(self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]])
-                        time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        self.log.warning(
-                            'Cannot select channel. Keeping AP default.')
-                    try:
-                        alert = browser.get_alert()
-                        alert.accept()
-                    except:
-                        pass
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.find_by_name('Apply').first.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            try:
-                alert = browser.get_alert()
-                alert.accept()
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            except:
-                time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
-    def configure_radio_on_off(self):
-        """Helper configuration function to turn radios on/off."""
-        with BlockingBrowser(self.ap_settings['headless_browser'],
-                             900) as browser:
-            # Visit URL
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page_advanced,
-                                     BROWSER_WAIT_MED, 10)
-            # Turn radios on or off
-            for key, value in self.config_page_fields.items():
-                if 'status' in key:
-                    config_item = browser.find_by_name(value).first
-                    if self.ap_settings[key[0]][key[1]]:
-                        config_item.check()
-                    else:
-                        config_item.uncheck()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_SHORT)
-            browser.find_by_name('Apply').first.click()
-            time.sleep(BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG)
-            browser.visit_persistent(self.config_page, BROWSER_WAIT_EXTRA_LONG,
-                                     10)
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_test_utils.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_test_utils.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e512800..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils/wifi/wifi_test_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2835 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import time
-from retry import retry
-from collections import namedtuple
-from enum import IntEnum
-from queue import Empty
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import attenuator
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_ap_preset
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import BAND_2G
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import BAND_5G
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconsts
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.aware import aware_test_utils as autils
-# Default timeout used for reboot, toggle WiFi and Airplane mode,
-# for the system to settle down after the operation.
-# Number of seconds to wait for events that are supposed to happen quickly.
-# Like onSuccess for start background scan and confirmation on wifi state
-# change.
-# Speed of light in m/s.
-SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458
-DEFAULT_PING_ADDR = "https://www.google.com/robots.txt"
-CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_PATH = "/data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag/"
-CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_FILE = "cnss_diag.conf"
-    "AP1_on_AP2_off": [0, 0, 95, 95],
-    "AP1_off_AP2_on": [95, 95, 0, 0],
-    "default": [0, 0, 0, 0]
-class WifiEnums():
-    SSID_KEY = "SSID"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
-    SSID_PATTERN_KEY = "ssidPattern"
-    NETID_KEY = "network_id"
-    BSSID_KEY = "BSSID"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
-    BSSID_PATTERN_KEY = "bssidPattern"
-    PWD_KEY = "password"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
-    frequency_key = "frequency"
-    HIDDEN_KEY = "hiddenSSID"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
-    IS_APP_INTERACTION_REQUIRED = "isAppInteractionRequired"
-    IS_USER_INTERACTION_REQUIRED = "isUserInteractionRequired"
-    IS_SUGGESTION_METERED = "isMetered"
-    PRIORITY = "priority"
-    SECURITY = "security"  # Used for Wifi & SoftAp
-    # Used for SoftAp
-    AP_BAND_KEY = "apBand"
-    AP_CHANNEL_KEY = "apChannel"
-    AP_BANDS_KEY = "apBands"
-    AP_CHANNEL_FREQUENCYS_KEY = "apChannelFrequencies"
-    AP_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_SETTING_KEY = "MacRandomizationSetting"
-    AP_BRIDGED_OPPORTUNISTIC_SHUTDOWN_ENABLE_KEY = "BridgedModeOpportunisticShutdownEnabled"
-    AP_IEEE80211AX_ENABLED_KEY = "Ieee80211axEnabled"
-    AP_MAXCLIENTS_KEY = "MaxNumberOfClients"
-    AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUT_KEY = "ShutdownTimeoutMillis"
-    AP_CLIENTCONTROL_KEY = "ClientControlByUserEnabled"
-    AP_ALLOWEDLIST_KEY = "AllowedClientList"
-    AP_BLOCKEDLIST_KEY = "BlockedClientList"
-    # DO NOT USE IT for new test case! Replaced by WIFI_CONFIG_SOFTAP_BAND_
-    class SoftApSecurityType():
-        OPEN = "NONE"
-        WPA2 = "WPA2_PSK"
-        WPA3_SAE = "WPA3_SAE"
-    class CountryCode():
-        AUSTRALIA = "AU"
-        CHINA = "CN"
-        GERMANY = "DE"
-        JAPAN = "JP"
-        UK = "GB"
-        US = "US"
-        UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"
-    # Start of Macros for EAP
-    # EAP types
-    class Eap(IntEnum):
-        NONE = -1
-        PEAP = 0
-        TLS = 1
-        TTLS = 2
-        PWD = 3
-        SIM = 4
-        AKA = 5
-        AKA_PRIME = 6
-        UNAUTH_TLS = 7
-    # EAP Phase2 types
-    class EapPhase2(IntEnum):
-        NONE = 0
-        PAP = 1
-        MSCHAP = 2
-        MSCHAPV2 = 3
-        GTC = 4
-    class Enterprise:
-        # Enterprise Config Macros
-        EMPTY_VALUE = "NULL"
-        EAP = "eap"
-        PHASE2 = "phase2"
-        IDENTITY = "identity"
-        ANON_IDENTITY = "anonymous_identity"
-        PASSWORD = "password"
-        SUBJECT_MATCH = "subject_match"
-        ALTSUBJECT_MATCH = "altsubject_match"
-        DOM_SUFFIX_MATCH = "domain_suffix_match"
-        CLIENT_CERT = "client_cert"
-        CA_CERT = "ca_cert"
-        ENGINE = "engine"
-        ENGINE_ID = "engine_id"
-        PRIVATE_KEY_ID = "key_id"
-        REALM = "realm"
-        PLMN = "plmn"
-        FQDN = "FQDN"
-        FRIENDLY_NAME = "providerFriendlyName"
-        ROAMING_IDS = "roamingConsortiumIds"
-        OCSP = "ocsp"
-    # End of Macros for EAP
-    # Macros for wifi p2p.
-    class ScanResult:
-        CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ = 0
-        CHANNEL_WIDTH_40MHZ = 1
-        CHANNEL_WIDTH_80MHZ = 2
-        CHANNEL_WIDTH_160MHZ = 3
-    # Macros for wifi rtt.
-    class RttType(IntEnum):
-        TYPE_ONE_SIDED = 1
-        TYPE_TWO_SIDED = 2
-    class RttPeerType(IntEnum):
-        PEER_TYPE_AP = 1
-        PEER_TYPE_STA = 2  # Requires NAN.
-        PEER_P2P_GO = 3
-        PEER_P2P_CLIENT = 4
-        PEER_NAN = 5
-    class RttPreamble(IntEnum):
-        PREAMBLE_LEGACY = 0x01
-        PREAMBLE_HT = 0x02
-        PREAMBLE_VHT = 0x04
-    class RttBW(IntEnum):
-        BW_5_SUPPORT = 0x01
-        BW_10_SUPPORT = 0x02
-        BW_20_SUPPORT = 0x04
-        BW_40_SUPPORT = 0x08
-        BW_80_SUPPORT = 0x10
-        BW_160_SUPPORT = 0x20
-    class Rtt(IntEnum):
-        STATUS_SUCCESS = 0
-        STATUS_FAILURE = 1
-        STATUS_FAIL_NO_RSP = 2
-        STATUS_ABORTED = 8
-        STATUS_INVALID_REQ = 13
-        STATUS_NO_WIFI = 14
-    class RttParam:
-        device_type = "deviceType"
-        request_type = "requestType"
-        BSSID = "bssid"
-        channel_width = "channelWidth"
-        frequency = "frequency"
-        center_freq0 = "centerFreq0"
-        center_freq1 = "centerFreq1"
-        number_burst = "numberBurst"
-        interval = "interval"
-        num_samples_per_burst = "numSamplesPerBurst"
-        num_retries_per_measurement_frame = "numRetriesPerMeasurementFrame"
-        num_retries_per_FTMR = "numRetriesPerFTMR"
-        lci_request = "LCIRequest"
-        lcr_request = "LCRRequest"
-        burst_timeout = "burstTimeout"
-        preamble = "preamble"
-        bandwidth = "bandwidth"
-        margin = "margin"
-        RttBW.BW_80_SUPPORT: 2,
-        RttBW.BW_40_SUPPORT: 5,
-        RttBW.BW_20_SUPPORT: 5
-    }
-    # Macros as specified in the WifiScanner code.
-    WIFI_BAND_UNSPECIFIED = 0  # not specified
-    WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ = 1  # 2.4 GHz band
-    WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ = 2  # 5 GHz band without DFS channels
-    WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ_DFS_ONLY = 4  # 5 GHz band with DFS channels
-    WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ_WITH_DFS = 6  # 5 GHz band with DFS channels
-    WIFI_BAND_BOTH = 3  # both bands without DFS channels
-    WIFI_BAND_BOTH_WITH_DFS = 7  # both bands with DFS channels
-    # US Wifi frequencies
-        2412, 2417, 2422, 2427, 2432, 2437, 2442, 2447, 2452, 2457, 2462
-    ]
-        5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5500, 5520, 5540, 5560, 5580, 5600, 5620, 5640,
-        5660, 5680, 5700, 5720
-    ]
-        5180, 5200, 5220, 5240, 5745, 5765, 5785, 5805, 5825
-    ]
-    band_to_frequencies = {
-    }
-    # TODO: add all of the band mapping.
-    softap_band_frequencies = {
-    }
-    # All Wifi frequencies to channels lookup.
-    freq_to_channel = {
-        2412: 1,
-        2417: 2,
-        2422: 3,
-        2427: 4,
-        2432: 5,
-        2437: 6,
-        2442: 7,
-        2447: 8,
-        2452: 9,
-        2457: 10,
-        2462: 11,
-        2467: 12,
-        2472: 13,
-        2484: 14,
-        4915: 183,
-        4920: 184,
-        4925: 185,
-        4935: 187,
-        4940: 188,
-        4945: 189,
-        4960: 192,
-        4980: 196,
-        5035: 7,
-        5040: 8,
-        5045: 9,
-        5055: 11,
-        5060: 12,
-        5080: 16,
-        5170: 34,
-        5180: 36,
-        5190: 38,
-        5200: 40,
-        5210: 42,
-        5220: 44,
-        5230: 46,
-        5240: 48,
-        5260: 52,
-        5280: 56,
-        5300: 60,
-        5320: 64,
-        5500: 100,
-        5520: 104,
-        5540: 108,
-        5560: 112,
-        5580: 116,
-        5600: 120,
-        5620: 124,
-        5640: 128,
-        5660: 132,
-        5680: 136,
-        5700: 140,
-        5745: 149,
-        5765: 153,
-        5785: 157,
-        5795: 159,
-        5805: 161,
-        5825: 165,
-    }
-    # All Wifi channels to frequencies lookup.
-    channel_2G_to_freq = {
-        1: 2412,
-        2: 2417,
-        3: 2422,
-        4: 2427,
-        5: 2432,
-        6: 2437,
-        7: 2442,
-        8: 2447,
-        9: 2452,
-        10: 2457,
-        11: 2462,
-        12: 2467,
-        13: 2472,
-        14: 2484
-    }
-    channel_5G_to_freq = {
-        183: 4915,
-        184: 4920,
-        185: 4925,
-        187: 4935,
-        188: 4940,
-        189: 4945,
-        192: 4960,
-        196: 4980,
-        7: 5035,
-        8: 5040,
-        9: 5045,
-        11: 5055,
-        12: 5060,
-        16: 5080,
-        34: 5170,
-        36: 5180,
-        38: 5190,
-        40: 5200,
-        42: 5210,
-        44: 5220,
-        46: 5230,
-        48: 5240,
-        50: 5250,
-        52: 5260,
-        56: 5280,
-        60: 5300,
-        64: 5320,
-        100: 5500,
-        104: 5520,
-        108: 5540,
-        112: 5560,
-        116: 5580,
-        120: 5600,
-        124: 5620,
-        128: 5640,
-        132: 5660,
-        136: 5680,
-        140: 5700,
-        149: 5745,
-        151: 5755,
-        153: 5765,
-        155: 5775,
-        157: 5785,
-        159: 5795,
-        161: 5805,
-        165: 5825
-    }
-    channel_6G_to_freq = {4 * x + 1: 5955 + 20 * x for x in range(59)}
-    channel_to_freq = {
-        '2G': channel_2G_to_freq,
-        '5G': channel_5G_to_freq,
-        '6G': channel_6G_to_freq
-    }
-class WifiChannelBase:
-    def band_to_freq(self, band):
-        _band_to_frequencies = {
-            WifiEnums.WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ:
-            self.ALL_2G_FREQUENCIES,
-            WifiEnums.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ:
-            self.NONE_DFS_5G_FREQUENCIES,
-            WifiEnums.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ_DFS_ONLY:
-            self.DFS_5G_FREQUENCIES,
-            WifiEnums.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ_WITH_DFS:
-            self.ALL_5G_FREQUENCIES,
-            WifiEnums.WIFI_BAND_BOTH:
-            self.ALL_2G_FREQUENCIES + self.NONE_DFS_5G_FREQUENCIES,
-            WifiEnums.WIFI_BAND_BOTH_WITH_DFS:
-            self.ALL_5G_FREQUENCIES + self.ALL_2G_FREQUENCIES
-        }
-        return _band_to_frequencies[band]
-class WifiChannelUS(WifiChannelBase):
-    # US Wifi frequencies
-        2412, 2417, 2422, 2427, 2432, 2437, 2442, 2447, 2452, 2457, 2462
-    ]
-        5180, 5200, 5220, 5240, 5745, 5765, 5785, 5805, 5825
-    ]
-        2412, 2437, 2462, 5180, 5200, 5280, 5260, 5300, 5500, 5320, 5520, 5560,
-        5700, 5745, 5805
-    ]
-    def __init__(self, model=None, support_addition_channel=[]):
-        if model in support_addition_channel:
-            self.ALL_2G_FREQUENCIES = [
-                2412, 2417, 2422, 2427, 2432, 2437, 2442, 2447, 2452, 2457,
-                2462, 2467, 2472
-                ]
-        self.DFS_5G_FREQUENCIES = [
-            5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5500, 5520, 5540, 5560, 5580, 5600, 5620,
-            5640, 5660, 5680, 5700, 5720
-            ]
-class WifiReferenceNetworks:
-    """ Class to parse and return networks of different band and
-        auth type from reference_networks
-    """
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        self.reference_networks = obj
-        self.WIFI_2G = "2g"
-        self.WIFI_5G = "5g"
-        self.secure_networks_2g = []
-        self.secure_networks_5g = []
-        self.open_networks_2g = []
-        self.open_networks_5g = []
-        self._parse_networks()
-    def _parse_networks(self):
-        for network in self.reference_networks:
-            for key in network:
-                if key == self.WIFI_2G:
-                    if "password" in network[key]:
-                        self.secure_networks_2g.append(network[key])
-                    else:
-                        self.open_networks_2g.append(network[key])
-                else:
-                    if "password" in network[key]:
-                        self.secure_networks_5g.append(network[key])
-                    else:
-                        self.open_networks_5g.append(network[key])
-    def return_2g_secure_networks(self):
-        return self.secure_networks_2g
-    def return_5g_secure_networks(self):
-        return self.secure_networks_5g
-    def return_2g_open_networks(self):
-        return self.open_networks_2g
-    def return_5g_open_networks(self):
-        return self.open_networks_5g
-    def return_secure_networks(self):
-        return self.secure_networks_2g + self.secure_networks_5g
-    def return_open_networks(self):
-        return self.open_networks_2g + self.open_networks_5g
-def _assert_on_fail_handler(func, assert_on_fail, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Wrapper function that handles the bahevior of assert_on_fail.
-    When assert_on_fail is True, let all test signals through, which can
-    terminate test cases directly. When assert_on_fail is False, the wrapper
-    raises no test signals and reports operation status by returning True or
-    False.
-    Args:
-        func: The function to wrap. This function reports operation status by
-              raising test signals.
-        assert_on_fail: A boolean that specifies if the output of the wrapper
-                        is test signal based or return value based.
-        args: Positional args for func.
-        kwargs: Name args for func.
-    Returns:
-        If assert_on_fail is True, returns True/False to signal operation
-        status, otherwise return nothing.
-    """
-    try:
-        func(*args, **kwargs)
-        if not assert_on_fail:
-            return True
-    except signals.TestSignal:
-        if assert_on_fail:
-            raise
-        return False
-def assert_network_in_list(target, network_list):
-    """Makes sure a specified target Wi-Fi network exists in a list of Wi-Fi
-    networks.
-    Args:
-        target: A dict representing a Wi-Fi network.
-                E.g. {WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: "SomeNetwork"}
-        network_list: A list of dicts, each representing a Wi-Fi network.
-    """
-    match_results = match_networks(target, network_list)
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        match_results, "Target network %s, does not exist in network list %s" %
-        (target, network_list))
-def match_networks(target_params, networks):
-    """Finds the WiFi networks that match a given set of parameters in a list
-    of WiFi networks.
-    To be considered a match, the network should contain every key-value pair
-    of target_params
-    Args:
-        target_params: A dict with 1 or more key-value pairs representing a Wi-Fi network.
-                       E.g { 'SSID': 'wh_ap1_5g', 'BSSID': '30:b5:c2:33:e4:47' }
-        networks: A list of dict objects representing WiFi networks.
-    Returns:
-        The networks that match the target parameters.
-    """
-    results = []
-    asserts.assert_true(target_params,
-                        "Expected networks object 'target_params' is empty")
-    for n in networks:
-        add_network = 1
-        for k, v in target_params.items():
-            if k not in n:
-                add_network = 0
-                break
-            if n[k] != v:
-                add_network = 0
-                break
-        if add_network:
-            results.append(n)
-    return results
-def wait_for_wifi_state(ad, state, assert_on_fail=True):
-    """Waits for the device to transition to the specified wifi state
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        state: Wifi state to wait for.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        If assert_on_fail is False, function returns True if the device transitions
-        to the specified state, False otherwise. If assert_on_fail is True, no return value.
-    """
-    return _assert_on_fail_handler(_wait_for_wifi_state,
-                                   assert_on_fail,
-                                   ad,
-                                   state=state)
-def _wait_for_wifi_state(ad, state):
-    """Toggles the state of wifi.
-    TestFailure signals are raised when something goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        state: Wifi state to wait for.
-    """
-    if state == ad.droid.wifiCheckState():
-        # Check if the state is already achieved, so we don't wait for the
-        # state change event by mistake.
-        return
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    fail_msg = "Device did not transition to Wi-Fi state to %s on %s." % (
-        state, ad.serial)
-    try:
-        ad.ed.wait_for_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED,
-                             lambda x: x["data"]["enabled"] == state,
-                             SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.assert_equal(state, ad.droid.wifiCheckState(), fail_msg)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def wifi_toggle_state(ad, new_state=None, assert_on_fail=True):
-    """Toggles the state of wifi.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        new_state: Wifi state to set to. If None, opposite of the current state.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        If assert_on_fail is False, function returns True if the toggle was
-        successful, False otherwise. If assert_on_fail is True, no return value.
-    """
-    return _assert_on_fail_handler(_wifi_toggle_state,
-                                   assert_on_fail,
-                                   ad,
-                                   new_state=new_state)
-def _wifi_toggle_state(ad, new_state=None):
-    """Toggles the state of wifi.
-    TestFailure signals are raised when something goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        new_state: The state to set Wi-Fi to. If None, opposite of the current
-                   state will be set.
-    """
-    if new_state is None:
-        new_state = not ad.droid.wifiCheckState()
-    elif new_state == ad.droid.wifiCheckState():
-        # Check if the new_state is already achieved, so we don't wait for the
-        # state change event by mistake.
-        return
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    ad.log.info("Setting Wi-Fi state to %s.", new_state)
-    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    # Setting wifi state.
-    ad.droid.wifiToggleState(new_state)
-    time.sleep(2)
-    fail_msg = "Failed to set Wi-Fi state to %s on %s." % (new_state,
-                                                           ad.serial)
-    try:
-        ad.ed.wait_for_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED,
-                             lambda x: x["data"]["enabled"] == new_state,
-                             SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.assert_equal(new_state, ad.droid.wifiCheckState(), fail_msg)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def reset_wifi(ad):
-    """Clears all saved Wi-Fi networks on a device.
-    This will turn Wi-Fi on.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-    """
-    networks = ad.droid.wifiGetConfiguredNetworks()
-    if not networks:
-        return
-    removed = []
-    for n in networks:
-        if n['networkId'] not in removed:
-            ad.droid.wifiForgetNetwork(n['networkId'])
-            removed.append(n['networkId'])
-        else:
-            continue
-        try:
-            event = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_FORGET_NW_SUCCESS,
-                                    SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-        except Empty:
-            logging.warning("Could not confirm the removal of network %s.", n)
-    # Check again to see if there's any network left.
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        not ad.droid.wifiGetConfiguredNetworks(),
-        "Failed to remove these configured Wi-Fi networks: %s" % networks)
-def toggle_airplane_mode_on_and_off(ad):
-    """Turn ON and OFF Airplane mode.
-    ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-    Returns: Assert if turning on/off Airplane mode fails.
-    """
-    ad.log.debug("Toggling Airplane mode ON.")
-    asserts.assert_true(utils.force_airplane_mode(ad, True),
-                        "Can not turn on airplane mode on: %s" % ad.serial)
-    time.sleep(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    ad.log.debug("Toggling Airplane mode OFF.")
-    asserts.assert_true(utils.force_airplane_mode(ad, False),
-                        "Can not turn on airplane mode on: %s" % ad.serial)
-    time.sleep(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-def toggle_wifi_off_and_on(ad):
-    """Turn OFF and ON WiFi.
-    ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-    Returns: Assert if turning off/on WiFi fails.
-    """
-    ad.log.debug("Toggling wifi OFF.")
-    wifi_toggle_state(ad, False)
-    time.sleep(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    ad.log.debug("Toggling wifi ON.")
-    wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
-    time.sleep(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-def wifi_forget_network(ad, net_ssid):
-    """Remove configured Wifi network on an android device.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object for forget network.
-        net_ssid: ssid of network to be forget
-    """
-    networks = ad.droid.wifiGetConfiguredNetworks()
-    if not networks:
-        return
-    removed = []
-    for n in networks:
-        if net_ssid in n[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY] and n['networkId'] not in removed:
-            ad.droid.wifiForgetNetwork(n['networkId'])
-            removed.append(n['networkId'])
-            try:
-                event = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_FORGET_NW_SUCCESS,
-                                        SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-            except Empty:
-                asserts.fail("Failed to remove network %s." % n)
-            break
-def wifi_test_device_init(ad, country_code=WifiEnums.CountryCode.US):
-    """Initializes an android device for wifi testing.
-    0. Make sure SL4A connection is established on the android device.
-    1. Disable location service's WiFi scan.
-    2. Turn WiFi on.
-    3. Clear all saved networks.
-    4. Set country code to US.
-    5. Enable WiFi verbose logging.
-    6. Sync device time with computer time.
-    7. Turn off cellular data.
-    8. Turn off ambient display.
-    """
-    utils.require_sl4a((ad, ))
-    ad.droid.wifiScannerToggleAlwaysAvailable(False)
-    msg = "Failed to turn off location service's scan."
-    asserts.assert_true(not ad.droid.wifiScannerIsAlwaysAvailable(), msg)
-    wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
-    reset_wifi(ad)
-    ad.droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
-    msg = "Failed to enable WiFi verbose logging."
-    asserts.assert_equal(ad.droid.wifiGetVerboseLoggingLevel(), 1, msg)
-    # We don't verify the following settings since they are not critical.
-    # Set wpa_supplicant log level to EXCESSIVE.
-    output = ad.adb.shell(
-        "wpa_cli -i wlan0 -p -g@android:wpa_wlan0 IFNAME="
-        "wlan0 log_level EXCESSIVE",
-        ignore_status=True)
-    ad.log.info("wpa_supplicant log change status: %s", output)
-    utils.sync_device_time(ad)
-    ad.droid.telephonyToggleDataConnection(False)
-    set_wifi_country_code(ad, country_code)
-    utils.set_ambient_display(ad, False)
-def set_wifi_country_code(ad, country_code):
-    """Sets the wifi country code on the device.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        country_code: 2 letter ISO country code
-    Raises:
-        An RpcException if unable to set the country code.
-    """
-    try:
-        ad.adb.shell("cmd wifi force-country-code enabled %s" % country_code)
-    except Exception as e:
-        ad.droid.wifiSetCountryCode(WifiEnums.CountryCode.US)
-def start_wifi_connection_scan(ad):
-    """Starts a wifi connection scan and wait for results to become available.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-    """
-    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    ad.droid.wifiStartScan()
-    try:
-        ad.ed.pop_event("WifiManagerScanResultsAvailable", 60)
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.fail("Wi-Fi results did not become available within 60s.")
-def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_return_status(ad):
-    """
-    Starts a wifi connection scan and wait for results to become available
-    or a scan failure to be reported.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-    Returns:
-        True: if scan succeeded & results are available
-        False: if scan failed
-    """
-    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    ad.droid.wifiStartScan()
-    try:
-        events = ad.ed.pop_events("WifiManagerScan(ResultsAvailable|Failure)",
-                                  60)
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.fail(
-            "Wi-Fi scan results/failure did not become available within 60s.")
-    # If there are multiple matches, we check for atleast one success.
-    for event in events:
-        if event["name"] == "WifiManagerScanResultsAvailable":
-            return True
-        elif event["name"] == "WifiManagerScanFailure":
-            ad.log.debug("Scan failure received")
-    return False
-def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(ad,
-                                                     network_ssid,
-                                                     max_tries=3):
-    """
-    Start connectivity scans & checks if the |network_ssid| is seen in
-    scan results. The method performs a max of |max_tries| connectivity scans
-    to find the network.
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        network_ssid: SSID of the network we are looking for.
-        max_tries: Number of scans to try.
-    Returns:
-        True: if network_ssid is found in scan results.
-        False: if network_ssid is not found in scan results.
-    """
-    start_time = time.time()
-    for num_tries in range(max_tries):
-        if start_wifi_connection_scan_and_return_status(ad):
-            scan_results = ad.droid.wifiGetScanResults()
-            match_results = match_networks({WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: network_ssid},
-                                           scan_results)
-            if len(match_results) > 0:
-                ad.log.debug("Found network in %s seconds." %
-                             (time.time() - start_time))
-                return True
-    ad.log.debug("Did not find network in %s seconds." %
-                 (time.time() - start_time))
-    return False
-def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(
-        ad, network_ssid, max_tries=3):
-    """
-    Start connectivity scans & ensure the |network_ssid| is seen in
-    scan results. The method performs a max of |max_tries| connectivity scans
-    to find the network.
-    This method asserts on failure!
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        network_ssid: SSID of the network we are looking for.
-        max_tries: Number of scans to try.
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Starting scans to ensure %s is present", network_ssid)
-    assert_msg = "Failed to find " + network_ssid + " in scan results" \
-        " after " + str(max_tries) + " tries"
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(
-            ad, network_ssid, max_tries), assert_msg)
-def start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_not_found(
-        ad, network_ssid, max_tries=3):
-    """
-    Start connectivity scans & ensure the |network_ssid| is not seen in
-    scan results. The method performs a max of |max_tries| connectivity scans
-    to find the network.
-    This method asserts on failure!
-    Args:
-        ad: An AndroidDevice object.
-        network_ssid: SSID of the network we are looking for.
-        max_tries: Number of scans to try.
-    """
-    ad.log.info("Starting scans to ensure %s is not present", network_ssid)
-    assert_msg = "Found " + network_ssid + " in scan results" \
-        " after " + str(max_tries) + " tries"
-    asserts.assert_false(
-        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_check_for_network(
-            ad, network_ssid, max_tries), assert_msg)
-def start_wifi_background_scan(ad, scan_setting):
-    """Starts wifi background scan.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        scan_setting: A dict representing the settings of the scan.
-    Returns:
-        If scan was started successfully, event data of success event is returned.
-    """
-    idx = ad.droid.wifiScannerStartBackgroundScan(scan_setting)
-    event = ad.ed.pop_event("WifiScannerScan{}onSuccess".format(idx),
-                            SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-    return event['data']
-def save_wifi_soft_ap_config(ad,
-                             wifi_config,
-                             band=None,
-                             hidden=None,
-                             security=None,
-                             password=None,
-                             channel=None,
-                             max_clients=None,
-                             shutdown_timeout_enable=None,
-                             shutdown_timeout_millis=None,
-                             client_control_enable=None,
-                             allowedList=None,
-                             blockedList=None,
-                             bands=None,
-                             channel_frequencys=None,
-                             mac_randomization_setting=None,
-                             bridged_opportunistic_shutdown_enabled=None,
-                             ieee80211ax_enabled=None):
-    """ Save a soft ap configuration and verified
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device to set soft ap configuration.
-        wifi_config: a soft ap configuration object, at least include SSID.
-        band: specifies the band for the soft ap.
-        hidden: specifies the soft ap need to broadcast its SSID or not.
-        security: specifies the security type for the soft ap.
-        password: specifies the password for the soft ap.
-        channel: specifies the channel for the soft ap.
-        max_clients: specifies the maximum connected client number.
-        shutdown_timeout_enable: specifies the auto shut down enable or not.
-        shutdown_timeout_millis: specifies the shut down timeout value.
-        client_control_enable: specifies the client control enable or not.
-        allowedList: specifies allowed clients list.
-        blockedList: specifies blocked clients list.
-        bands: specifies the band list for the soft ap.
-        channel_frequencys: specifies the channel frequency list for soft ap.
-        mac_randomization_setting: specifies the mac randomization setting.
-        bridged_opportunistic_shutdown_enabled: specifies the opportunistic
-                shutdown enable or not.
-        ieee80211ax_enabled: specifies the ieee80211ax enable or not.
-    """
-    if security and password:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.SECURITY] = security
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.PWD_KEY] = password
-    if hidden is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.HIDDEN_KEY] = hidden
-    if max_clients is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_MAXCLIENTS_KEY] = max_clients
-    if shutdown_timeout_enable is not None:
-        wifi_config[
-            WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUTENABLE_KEY] = shutdown_timeout_enable
-    if shutdown_timeout_millis is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUT_KEY] = shutdown_timeout_millis
-    if client_control_enable is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_CLIENTCONTROL_KEY] = client_control_enable
-    if allowedList is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_ALLOWEDLIST_KEY] = allowedList
-    if blockedList is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_BLOCKEDLIST_KEY] = blockedList
-    if mac_randomization_setting is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_SETTING_KEY
-                ] = mac_randomization_setting
-    if bridged_opportunistic_shutdown_enabled is not None:
-                ] = bridged_opportunistic_shutdown_enabled
-    if ieee80211ax_enabled is not None:
-       wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_IEEE80211AX_ENABLED_KEY]= ieee80211ax_enabled
-    if channel_frequencys is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_FREQUENCYS_KEY] = channel_frequencys
-    elif bands is not None:
-        wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_BANDS_KEY] = bands
-    elif band is not None:
-        if channel is not None:
-            wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_BAND_KEY] = band
-            wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_KEY] = channel
-        else:
-             wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_BAND_KEY] = band
-    if WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_KEY in wifi_config and wifi_config[
-            WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_KEY] == 0:
-        del wifi_config[WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_KEY]
-    if WifiEnums.SECURITY in wifi_config and wifi_config[
-            WifiEnums.SECURITY] == WifiEnums.SoftApSecurityType.OPEN:
-        del wifi_config[WifiEnums.SECURITY]
-        del wifi_config[WifiEnums.PWD_KEY]
-    asserts.assert_true(ad.droid.wifiSetWifiApConfiguration(wifi_config),
-                        "Failed to set WifiAp Configuration")
-    wifi_ap = ad.droid.wifiGetApConfiguration()
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        wifi_ap[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY] == wifi_config[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY],
-        "Hotspot SSID doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.SECURITY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.SECURITY] == wifi_config[WifiEnums.SECURITY],
-            "Hotspot Security doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.PWD_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.PWD_KEY] == wifi_config[WifiEnums.PWD_KEY],
-            "Hotspot Password doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.HIDDEN_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.HIDDEN_KEY] == wifi_config[WifiEnums.HIDDEN_KEY],
-            "Hotspot hidden setting doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_KEY], "Hotspot Channel doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_MAXCLIENTS_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_MAXCLIENTS_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                WifiEnums.AP_MAXCLIENTS_KEY],
-            "Hotspot Max Clients doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUTENABLE_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUTENABLE_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUTENABLE_KEY],
-            "Hotspot ShutDown feature flag doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUT_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUT_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                WifiEnums.AP_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUT_KEY],
-            "Hotspot ShutDown timeout setting doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_CLIENTCONTROL_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_CLIENTCONTROL_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                WifiEnums.AP_CLIENTCONTROL_KEY],
-            "Hotspot Client control flag doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_ALLOWEDLIST_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_ALLOWEDLIST_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                WifiEnums.AP_ALLOWEDLIST_KEY],
-            "Hotspot Allowed List doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_BLOCKEDLIST_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_BLOCKEDLIST_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                WifiEnums.AP_BLOCKEDLIST_KEY],
-            "Hotspot Blocked List doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_SETTING_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_SETTING_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                  WifiEnums.AP_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_SETTING_KEY],
-            "Hotspot Mac randomization setting doesn't match")
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_BRIDGED_OPPORTUNISTIC_SHUTDOWN_ENABLE_KEY] == wifi_config[
-            "Hotspot bridged shutdown enable setting doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_IEEE80211AX_ENABLED_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_IEEE80211AX_ENABLED_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                  WifiEnums.AP_IEEE80211AX_ENABLED_KEY],
-            "Hotspot 80211 AX enable setting doesn't match")
-    if WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_FREQUENCYS_KEY in wifi_config:
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            wifi_ap[WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_FREQUENCYS_KEY] == wifi_config[
-                  WifiEnums.AP_CHANNEL_FREQUENCYS_KEY],
-            "Hotspot channels setting doesn't match")
-def toggle_wifi_and_wait_for_reconnection(ad,
-                                          network,
-                                          num_of_tries=1,
-                                          assert_on_fail=True):
-    """Toggle wifi state and then wait for Android device to reconnect to
-    the provided wifi network.
-    This expects the device to be already connected to the provided network.
-    Logic steps are
-     1. Ensure that we're connected to the network.
-     2. Turn wifi off.
-     3. Wait for 10 seconds.
-     4. Turn wifi on.
-     5. Wait for the "connected" event, then confirm the connected ssid is the
-        one requested.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network: A dictionary representing the network to await connection. The
-                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        If assert_on_fail is False, function returns True if the toggle was
-        successful, False otherwise. If assert_on_fail is True, no return value.
-    """
-    return _assert_on_fail_handler(_toggle_wifi_and_wait_for_reconnection,
-                                   assert_on_fail,
-                                   ad,
-                                   network,
-                                   num_of_tries=num_of_tries)
-def _toggle_wifi_and_wait_for_reconnection(ad, network, num_of_tries=3):
-    """Toggle wifi state and then wait for Android device to reconnect to
-    the provided wifi network.
-    This expects the device to be already connected to the provided network.
-    Logic steps are
-     1. Ensure that we're connected to the network.
-     2. Turn wifi off.
-     3. Wait for 10 seconds.
-     4. Turn wifi on.
-     5. Wait for the "connected" event, then confirm the connected ssid is the
-        one requested.
-    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network: A dictionary representing the network to await connection. The
-                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-    """
-    expected_ssid = network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-    # First ensure that we're already connected to the provided network.
-    verify_con = {WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: expected_ssid}
-    verify_wifi_connection_info(ad, verify_con)
-    # Now toggle wifi state and wait for the connection event.
-    wifi_toggle_state(ad, False)
-    time.sleep(10)
-    wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    try:
-        connect_result = None
-        for i in range(num_of_tries):
-            try:
-                connect_result = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_CONNECTED,
-                                                 30)
-                break
-            except Empty:
-                pass
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            connect_result, "Failed to connect to Wi-Fi network %s on %s" %
-            (network, ad.serial))
-        logging.debug("Connection result on %s: %s.", ad.serial,
-                      connect_result)
-        actual_ssid = connect_result['data'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            actual_ssid, expected_ssid, "Connected to the wrong network on %s."
-            "Expected %s, but got %s." %
-            (ad.serial, expected_ssid, actual_ssid))
-        logging.info("Connected to Wi-Fi network %s on %s", actual_ssid,
-                     ad.serial)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def wait_for_connect(ad,
-                     expected_ssid=None,
-                     expected_id=None,
-                     tries=2,
-                     assert_on_fail=True):
-    """Wait for a connect event.
-    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: An Android device object.
-        expected_ssid: SSID of the network to connect to.
-        expected_id: Network Id of the network to connect to.
-        tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before failing.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        Returns a value only if assert_on_fail is false.
-        Returns True if the connection was successful, False otherwise.
-    """
-    return _assert_on_fail_handler(_wait_for_connect, assert_on_fail, ad,
-                                   expected_ssid, expected_id, tries)
-def _wait_for_connect(ad, expected_ssid=None, expected_id=None, tries=2):
-    """Wait for a connect event.
-    Args:
-        ad: An Android device object.
-        expected_ssid: SSID of the network to connect to.
-        expected_id: Network Id of the network to connect to.
-        tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before failing.
-    """
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    try:
-        connect_result = _wait_for_connect_event(ad,
-                                                 ssid=expected_ssid,
-                                                 id=expected_id,
-                                                 tries=tries)
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            connect_result,
-            "Failed to connect to Wi-Fi network %s" % expected_ssid)
-        ad.log.debug("Wi-Fi connection result: %s.", connect_result)
-        actual_ssid = connect_result['data'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-        if expected_ssid:
-            asserts.assert_equal(actual_ssid, expected_ssid,
-                                 "Connected to the wrong network")
-        actual_id = connect_result['data'][WifiEnums.NETID_KEY]
-        if expected_id:
-            asserts.assert_equal(actual_id, expected_id,
-                                 "Connected to the wrong network")
-        ad.log.info("Connected to Wi-Fi network %s.", actual_ssid)
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.fail("Failed to start connection process to %s" %
-                     expected_ssid)
-    except Exception as error:
-        ad.log.error("Failed to connect to %s with error %s", expected_ssid,
-                     error)
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to %s network" %
-                                  expected_ssid)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def _wait_for_connect_event(ad, ssid=None, id=None, tries=1):
-    """Wait for a connect event on queue and pop when available.
-    Args:
-        ad: An Android device object.
-        ssid: SSID of the network to connect to.
-        id: Network Id of the network to connect to.
-        tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before failing.
-    Returns:
-        A dict with details of the connection data, which looks like this:
-        {
-         'time': 1485460337798,
-         'name': 'WifiNetworkConnected',
-         'data': {
-                  'rssi': -27,
-                  'is_24ghz': True,
-                  'mac_address': '02:00:00:00:00:00',
-                  'network_id': 1,
-                  'BSSID': '30:b5:c2:33:d3:fc',
-                  'ip_address': 117483712,
-                  'link_speed': 54,
-                  'supplicant_state': 'completed',
-                  'hidden_ssid': False,
-                  'SSID': 'wh_ap1_2g',
-                  'is_5ghz': False}
-        }
-    """
-    conn_result = None
-    # If ssid and network id is None, just wait for any connect event.
-    if id is None and ssid is None:
-        for i in range(tries):
-            try:
-                conn_result = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_CONNECTED,
-                                              30)
-                break
-            except Empty:
-                pass
-    else:
-        # If ssid or network id is specified, wait for specific connect event.
-        for i in range(tries):
-            try:
-                conn_result = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.WIFI_CONNECTED,
-                                              30)
-                if id and conn_result['data'][WifiEnums.NETID_KEY] == id:
-                    break
-                elif ssid and conn_result['data'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY] == ssid:
-                    break
-            except Empty:
-                pass
-    return conn_result
-def wait_for_disconnect(ad, timeout=10):
-    """Wait for a disconnect event within the specified timeout.
-    Args:
-        ad: Android device object.
-        timeout: Timeout in seconds.
-    """
-    try:
-        ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event("WifiNetworkDisconnected", timeout)
-    except Empty:
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Device did not disconnect from the network")
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def ensure_no_disconnect(ad, duration=10):
-    """Ensure that there is no disconnect for the specified duration.
-    Args:
-        ad: Android device object.
-        duration: Duration in seconds.
-    """
-    try:
-        ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event("WifiNetworkDisconnected", duration)
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Device disconnected from the network")
-    except Empty:
-        pass
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def connect_to_wifi_network(ad, network, assert_on_fail=True,
-                            check_connectivity=True, hidden=False,
-                            num_of_scan_tries=DEFAULT_SCAN_TRIES,
-                            num_of_connect_tries=DEFAULT_CONNECT_TRIES):
-    """Connection logic for open and psk wifi networks.
-    Args:
-        ad: AndroidDevice to use for connection
-        network: network info of the network to connect to
-        assert_on_fail: If true, errors from wifi_connect will raise
-                        test failure signals.
-        hidden: Is the Wifi network hidden.
-        num_of_scan_tries: The number of times to try scan
-                           interface before declaring failure.
-        num_of_connect_tries: The number of times to try
-                              connect wifi before declaring failure.
-    """
-    if hidden:
-        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_not_found(
-            ad, network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY], max_tries=num_of_scan_tries)
-    else:
-        start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(
-            ad, network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY], max_tries=num_of_scan_tries)
-    wifi_connect(ad,
-                 network,
-                 num_of_tries=num_of_connect_tries,
-                 assert_on_fail=assert_on_fail,
-                 check_connectivity=check_connectivity)
-def connect_to_wifi_network_with_id(ad, network_id, network_ssid):
-    """Connect to the given network using network id and verify SSID.
-    Args:
-        network_id: int Network Id of the network.
-        network_ssid: string SSID of the network.
-    Returns: True if connect using network id was successful;
-             False otherwise.
-    """
-    start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(ad, network_ssid)
-    wifi_connect_by_id(ad, network_id)
-    connect_data = ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
-    connect_ssid = connect_data[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-    ad.log.debug("Expected SSID = %s Connected SSID = %s" %
-                 (network_ssid, connect_ssid))
-    if connect_ssid != network_ssid:
-        return False
-    return True
-def wifi_connect(ad,
-                 network,
-                 num_of_tries=1,
-                 assert_on_fail=True,
-                 check_connectivity=True):
-    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network.
-    Initiate connection to a wifi network, wait for the "connected" event, then
-    confirm the connected ssid is the one requested.
-    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network: A dictionary representing the network to connect to. The
-                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        Returns a value only if assert_on_fail is false.
-        Returns True if the connection was successful, False otherwise.
-    """
-    return _assert_on_fail_handler(_wifi_connect,
-                                   assert_on_fail,
-                                   ad,
-                                   network,
-                                   num_of_tries=num_of_tries,
-                                   check_connectivity=check_connectivity)
-def _wifi_connect(ad, network, num_of_tries=1, check_connectivity=True):
-    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network.
-    Initiate connection to a wifi network, wait for the "connected" event, then
-    confirm the connected ssid is the one requested.
-    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network: A dictionary representing the network to connect to. The
-                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-    """
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        WifiEnums.SSID_KEY in network,
-        "Key '%s' must be present in network definition." % WifiEnums.SSID_KEY)
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    expected_ssid = network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-    ad.droid.wifiConnectByConfig(network)
-    ad.log.info("Starting connection process to %s", expected_ssid)
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.CONNECT_BY_CONFIG_SUCCESS, 30)
-        connect_result = _wait_for_connect_event(ad,
-                                                 ssid=expected_ssid,
-                                                 tries=num_of_tries)
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            connect_result, "Failed to connect to Wi-Fi network %s on %s" %
-            (network, ad.serial))
-        ad.log.debug("Wi-Fi connection result: %s.", connect_result)
-        actual_ssid = connect_result['data'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            actual_ssid, expected_ssid,
-            "Connected to the wrong network on %s." % ad.serial)
-        ad.log.info("Connected to Wi-Fi network %s.", actual_ssid)
-        if check_connectivity:
-            internet = validate_connection(ad, DEFAULT_PING_ADDR)
-            if not internet:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "Failed to connect to internet on %s" % expected_ssid)
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.fail("Failed to start connection process to %s on %s" %
-                     (network, ad.serial))
-    except Exception as error:
-        ad.log.error("Failed to connect to %s with error %s", expected_ssid,
-                     error)
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to %s network" % network)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def wifi_connect_by_id(ad, network_id, num_of_tries=3, assert_on_fail=True):
-    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network using network Id.
-    Start connection to the wifi network, with the given network Id, wait for
-    the "connected" event, then verify the connected network is the one requested.
-    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network_id: Integer specifying the network id of the network.
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        Returns a value only if assert_on_fail is false.
-        Returns True if the connection was successful, False otherwise.
-    """
-    _assert_on_fail_handler(_wifi_connect_by_id, assert_on_fail, ad,
-                            network_id, num_of_tries)
-def _wifi_connect_by_id(ad, network_id, num_of_tries=1):
-    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network using it's network id.
-    Start connection to the wifi network, with the given network id, wait for
-    the "connected" event, then verify the connected network is the one requested.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network_id: Integer specifying the network id of the network.
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-    """
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    # Clear all previous events.
-    ad.ed.clear_all_events()
-    ad.droid.wifiConnectByNetworkId(network_id)
-    ad.log.info("Starting connection to network with id %d", network_id)
-    try:
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(wifi_constants.CONNECT_BY_NETID_SUCCESS, 60)
-        connect_result = _wait_for_connect_event(ad,
-                                                 id=network_id,
-                                                 tries=num_of_tries)
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            connect_result,
-            "Failed to connect to Wi-Fi network using network id")
-        ad.log.debug("Wi-Fi connection result: %s", connect_result)
-        actual_id = connect_result['data'][WifiEnums.NETID_KEY]
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            actual_id, network_id, "Connected to the wrong network on %s."
-            "Expected network id = %d, but got %d." %
-            (ad.serial, network_id, actual_id))
-        expected_ssid = connect_result['data'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-        ad.log.info("Connected to Wi-Fi network %s with %d network id.",
-                    expected_ssid, network_id)
-        internet = validate_connection(ad, DEFAULT_PING_ADDR)
-        if not internet:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to internet on %s" %
-                                      expected_ssid)
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.fail("Failed to connect to network with id %d on %s" %
-                     (network_id, ad.serial))
-    except Exception as error:
-        ad.log.error("Failed to connect to network with id %d with error %s",
-                     network_id, error)
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to network with network"
-                                  " id %d" % network_id)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def wifi_connect_using_network_request(ad,
-                                       network,
-                                       network_specifier,
-                                       num_of_tries=3):
-    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network using network request.
-    Trigger a network request with the provided network specifier,
-    wait for the "onMatch" event, ensure that the scan results in "onMatch"
-    event contain the specified network, then simulate the user granting the
-    request with the specified network selected. Then wait for the "onAvailable"
-    network callback indicating successful connection to network.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network_specifier: A dictionary representing the network specifier to
-                           use.
-        network: A dictionary representing the network to connect to. The
-                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure.
-    Returns:
-        key: Key corresponding to network request.
-    """
-    key = ad.droid.connectivityRequestWifiNetwork(network_specifier, 0)
-    ad.log.info("Sent network request %s with %s " % (key, network_specifier))
-    # Need a delay here because UI interaction should only start once wifi
-    # starts processing the request.
-    time.sleep(wifi_constants.NETWORK_REQUEST_CB_REGISTER_DELAY_SEC)
-    _wait_for_wifi_connect_after_network_request(ad, network, key,
-                                                 num_of_tries)
-    return key
-def wait_for_wifi_connect_after_network_request(ad,
-                                                network,
-                                                key,
-                                                num_of_tries=3,
-                                                assert_on_fail=True):
-    """
-    Simulate and verify the connection flow after initiating the network
-    request.
-    Wait for the "onMatch" event, ensure that the scan results in "onMatch"
-    event contain the specified network, then simulate the user granting the
-    request with the specified network selected. Then wait for the "onAvailable"
-    network callback indicating successful connection to network.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network: A dictionary representing the network to connect to. The
-                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
-        key: Key corresponding to network request.
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        Returns a value only if assert_on_fail is false.
-        Returns True if the connection was successful, False otherwise.
-    """
-    _assert_on_fail_handler(_wait_for_wifi_connect_after_network_request,
-                            assert_on_fail, ad, network, key, num_of_tries)
-def _wait_for_wifi_connect_after_network_request(ad,
-                                                 network,
-                                                 key,
-                                                 num_of_tries=3):
-    """
-    Simulate and verify the connection flow after initiating the network
-    request.
-    Wait for the "onMatch" event, ensure that the scan results in "onMatch"
-    event contain the specified network, then simulate the user granting the
-    request with the specified network selected. Then wait for the "onAvailable"
-    network callback indicating successful connection to network.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        network: A dictionary representing the network to connect to. The
-                 dictionary must have the key "SSID".
-        key: Key corresponding to network request.
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure.
-    """
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        WifiEnums.SSID_KEY in network,
-        "Key '%s' must be present in network definition." % WifiEnums.SSID_KEY)
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    expected_ssid = network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-    ad.droid.wifiRegisterNetworkRequestMatchCallback()
-    # Wait for the platform to scan and return a list of networks
-    # matching the request
-    try:
-        matched_network = None
-        for _ in [0, num_of_tries]:
-            on_match_event = ad.ed.pop_event(
-                wifi_constants.WIFI_NETWORK_REQUEST_MATCH_CB_ON_MATCH, 60)
-            asserts.assert_true(on_match_event,
-                                "Network request on match not received.")
-            matched_scan_results = on_match_event["data"]
-            ad.log.debug("Network request on match results %s",
-                         matched_scan_results)
-            matched_network = match_networks(
-                {WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]},
-                matched_scan_results)
-            ad.log.debug("Network request on match %s", matched_network)
-            if matched_network:
-                break
-        asserts.assert_true(matched_network,
-                            "Target network %s not found" % network)
-        ad.droid.wifiSendUserSelectionForNetworkRequestMatch(network)
-        ad.log.info("Sent user selection for network request %s",
-                    expected_ssid)
-        # Wait for the platform to connect to the network.
-        autils.wait_for_event_with_keys(
-            ad, cconsts.EVENT_NETWORK_CALLBACK, 60,
-            (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, key),
-            (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT, cconsts.NETWORK_CB_AVAILABLE))
-        on_capabilities_changed = autils.wait_for_event_with_keys(
-            ad, cconsts.EVENT_NETWORK_CALLBACK, 10,
-            (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, key),
-            (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
-        connected_network = None
-        # WifiInfo is attached to TransportInfo only in S.
-        if ad.droid.isSdkAtLeastS():
-            connected_network = (
-                on_capabilities_changed["data"][
-                    cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_TRANSPORT_INFO]
-            )
-        else:
-            connected_network = ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
-        ad.log.info("Connected to network %s", connected_network)
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            connected_network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY], expected_ssid,
-            "Connected to the wrong network."
-            "Expected %s, but got %s." % (network, connected_network))
-    except Empty:
-        asserts.fail("Failed to connect to %s" % expected_ssid)
-    except Exception as error:
-        ad.log.error("Failed to connect to %s with error %s" %
-                     (expected_ssid, error))
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to %s network" % network)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def wifi_passpoint_connect(ad,
-                           passpoint_network,
-                           num_of_tries=1,
-                           assert_on_fail=True):
-    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network.
-    Initiate connection to a wifi network, wait for the "connected" event, then
-    confirm the connected ssid is the one requested.
-    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        passpoint_network: SSID of the Passpoint network to connect to.
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-        assert_on_fail: If True, error checks in this function will raise test
-                        failure signals.
-    Returns:
-        If assert_on_fail is False, function returns network id, if the connect was
-        successful, False otherwise. If assert_on_fail is True, no return value.
-    """
-    _assert_on_fail_handler(_wifi_passpoint_connect,
-                            assert_on_fail,
-                            ad,
-                            passpoint_network,
-                            num_of_tries=num_of_tries)
-def _wifi_passpoint_connect(ad, passpoint_network, num_of_tries=1):
-    """Connect an Android device to a wifi network.
-    Initiate connection to a wifi network, wait for the "connected" event, then
-    confirm the connected ssid is the one requested.
-    This will directly fail a test if anything goes wrong.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        passpoint_network: SSID of the Passpoint network to connect to.
-        num_of_tries: An integer that is the number of times to try before
-                      delaring failure. Default is 1.
-    """
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    expected_ssid = passpoint_network
-    ad.log.info("Starting connection process to passpoint %s", expected_ssid)
-    try:
-        connect_result = _wait_for_connect_event(ad, expected_ssid,
-                                                 num_of_tries)
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            connect_result, "Failed to connect to WiFi passpoint network %s on"
-            " %s" % (expected_ssid, ad.serial))
-        ad.log.info("Wi-Fi connection result: %s.", connect_result)
-        actual_ssid = connect_result['data'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            actual_ssid, expected_ssid,
-            "Connected to the wrong network on %s." % ad.serial)
-        ad.log.info("Connected to Wi-Fi passpoint network %s.", actual_ssid)
-        internet = validate_connection(ad, DEFAULT_PING_ADDR)
-        if not internet:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to internet on %s" %
-                                      expected_ssid)
-    except Exception as error:
-        ad.log.error("Failed to connect to passpoint network %s with error %s",
-                     expected_ssid, error)
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to %s passpoint network" %
-                                  expected_ssid)
-    finally:
-        ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-def delete_passpoint(ad, fqdn):
-    """Delete a required Passpoint configuration."""
-    try:
-        ad.droid.removePasspointConfig(fqdn)
-        return True
-    except Exception as error:
-        ad.log.error(
-            "Failed to remove passpoint configuration with FQDN=%s "
-            "and error=%s", fqdn, error)
-        return False
-def start_wifi_single_scan(ad, scan_setting):
-    """Starts wifi single shot scan.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object to initiate connection on.
-        scan_setting: A dict representing the settings of the scan.
-    Returns:
-        If scan was started successfully, event data of success event is returned.
-    """
-    idx = ad.droid.wifiScannerStartScan(scan_setting)
-    event = ad.ed.pop_event("WifiScannerScan%sonSuccess" % idx, SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-    ad.log.debug("Got event %s", event)
-    return event['data']
-def track_connection(ad, network_ssid, check_connection_count):
-    """Track wifi connection to network changes for given number of counts
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object for forget network.
-        network_ssid: network ssid to which connection would be tracked
-        check_connection_count: Integer for maximum number network connection
-                                check.
-    Returns:
-        True if connection to given network happen, else return False.
-    """
-    ad.droid.wifiStartTrackingStateChange()
-    while check_connection_count > 0:
-        connect_network = ad.ed.pop_event("WifiNetworkConnected", 120)
-        ad.log.info("Connected to network %s", connect_network)
-        if (WifiEnums.SSID_KEY in connect_network['data'] and
-                connect_network['data'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY] == network_ssid):
-            return True
-        check_connection_count -= 1
-    ad.droid.wifiStopTrackingStateChange()
-    return False
-def get_scan_time_and_channels(wifi_chs, scan_setting, stime_channel):
-    """Calculate the scan time required based on the band or channels in scan
-    setting
-    Args:
-        wifi_chs: Object of channels supported
-        scan_setting: scan setting used for start scan
-        stime_channel: scan time per channel
-    Returns:
-        scan_time: time required for completing a scan
-        scan_channels: channel used for scanning
-    """
-    scan_time = 0
-    scan_channels = []
-    if "band" in scan_setting and "channels" not in scan_setting:
-        scan_channels = wifi_chs.band_to_freq(scan_setting["band"])
-    elif "channels" in scan_setting and "band" not in scan_setting:
-        scan_channels = scan_setting["channels"]
-    scan_time = len(scan_channels) * stime_channel
-    for channel in scan_channels:
-        if channel in WifiEnums.DFS_5G_FREQUENCIES:
-            scan_time += 132  #passive scan time on DFS
-    return scan_time, scan_channels
-def start_wifi_track_bssid(ad, track_setting):
-    """Start tracking Bssid for the given settings.
-    Args:
-      ad: android_device object.
-      track_setting: Setting for which the bssid tracking should be started
-    Returns:
-      If tracking started successfully, event data of success event is returned.
-    """
-    idx = ad.droid.wifiScannerStartTrackingBssids(
-        track_setting["bssidInfos"], track_setting["apLostThreshold"])
-    event = ad.ed.pop_event("WifiScannerBssid{}onSuccess".format(idx),
-                            SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-    return event['data']
-def convert_pem_key_to_pkcs8(in_file, out_file):
-    """Converts the key file generated by us to the format required by
-    Android using openssl.
-    The input file must have the extension "pem". The output file must
-    have the extension "der".
-    Args:
-        in_file: The original key file.
-        out_file: The full path to the converted key file, including
-        filename.
-    """
-    asserts.assert_true(in_file.endswith(".pem"), "Input file has to be .pem.")
-    asserts.assert_true(out_file.endswith(".der"),
-                        "Output file has to be .der.")
-    cmd = ("openssl pkcs8 -inform PEM -in {} -outform DER -out {} -nocrypt"
-           " -topk8").format(in_file, out_file)
-    utils.exe_cmd(cmd)
-def validate_connection(ad,
-                        ping_addr=DEFAULT_PING_ADDR,
-                        wait_time=15,
-                        ping_gateway=True):
-    """Validate internet connection by pinging the address provided.
-    Args:
-        ad: android_device object.
-        ping_addr: address on internet for pinging.
-        wait_time: wait for some time before validating connection
-    Returns:
-        ping output if successful, NULL otherwise.
-    """
-    android_version = int(ad.adb.shell("getprop ro.vendor.build.version.release"))
-    # wait_time to allow for DHCP to complete.
-    for i in range(wait_time):
-        if ad.droid.connectivityNetworkIsConnected():
-            if (android_version > 10 and ad.droid.connectivityGetIPv4DefaultGateway()) or android_version < 11:
-                break
-        time.sleep(1)
-    ping = False
-    try:
-        ping = ad.droid.httpPing(ping_addr)
-        ad.log.info("Http ping result: %s.", ping)
-    except:
-        pass
-    if android_version > 10 and not ping and ping_gateway:
-        ad.log.info("Http ping failed. Pinging default gateway")
-        gw = ad.droid.connectivityGetIPv4DefaultGateway()
-        result = ad.adb.shell("ping -c 6 {}".format(gw))
-        ad.log.info("Default gateway ping result: %s" % result)
-        ping = False if "100% packet loss" in result else True
-    return ping
-#TODO(angli): This can only verify if an actual value is exactly the same.
-# Would be nice to be able to verify an actual value is one of serveral.
-def verify_wifi_connection_info(ad, expected_con):
-    """Verifies that the information of the currently connected wifi network is
-    as expected.
-    Args:
-        expected_con: A dict representing expected key-value pairs for wifi
-            connection. e.g. {"SSID": "test_wifi"}
-    """
-    current_con = ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
-    case_insensitive = ["BSSID", "supplicant_state"]
-    ad.log.debug("Current connection: %s", current_con)
-    for k, expected_v in expected_con.items():
-        # Do not verify authentication related fields.
-        if k == "password":
-            continue
-        msg = "Field %s does not exist in wifi connection info %s." % (
-            k, current_con)
-        if k not in current_con:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(msg)
-        actual_v = current_con[k]
-        if k in case_insensitive:
-            actual_v = actual_v.lower()
-            expected_v = expected_v.lower()
-        msg = "Expected %s to be %s, actual %s is %s." % (k, expected_v, k,
-                                                          actual_v)
-        if actual_v != expected_v:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(msg)
-def check_autoconnect_to_open_network(
-        ad, conn_timeout=WIFI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT):
-    """Connects to any open WiFI AP
-     Args:
-         timeout value in sec to wait for UE to connect to a WiFi AP
-     Returns:
-         True if UE connects to WiFi AP (supplicant_state = completed)
-         False if UE fails to complete connection within WIFI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT time.
-    """
-    if ad.droid.wifiCheckState():
-        return True
-    ad.droid.wifiToggleState()
-    wifi_connection_state = None
-    timeout = time.time() + conn_timeout
-    while wifi_connection_state != "completed":
-        wifi_connection_state = ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo(
-        )['supplicant_state']
-        if time.time() > timeout:
-            ad.log.warning("Failed to connect to WiFi AP")
-            return False
-    return True
-def expand_enterprise_config_by_phase2(config):
-    """Take an enterprise config and generate a list of configs, each with
-    a different phase2 auth type.
-    Args:
-        config: A dict representing enterprise config.
-    Returns
-        A list of enterprise configs.
-    """
-    results = []
-    phase2_types = WifiEnums.EapPhase2
-    if config[WifiEnums.Enterprise.EAP] == WifiEnums.Eap.PEAP:
-        # Skip unsupported phase2 types for PEAP.
-        phase2_types = [WifiEnums.EapPhase2.GTC, WifiEnums.EapPhase2.MSCHAPV2]
-    for phase2_type in phase2_types:
-        # Skip a special case for passpoint TTLS.
-        if (WifiEnums.Enterprise.FQDN in config
-                and phase2_type == WifiEnums.EapPhase2.GTC):
-            continue
-        c = dict(config)
-        c[WifiEnums.Enterprise.PHASE2] = phase2_type.value
-        results.append(c)
-    return results
-def generate_eap_test_name(config, ad=None):
-    """ Generates a test case name based on an EAP configuration.
-    Args:
-        config: A dict representing an EAP credential.
-        ad object: Redundant but required as the same param is passed
-                   to test_func in run_generated_tests
-    Returns:
-        A string representing the name of a generated EAP test case.
-    """
-    eap = WifiEnums.Eap
-    eap_phase2 = WifiEnums.EapPhase2
-    Ent = WifiEnums.Enterprise
-    name = "test_connect-"
-    eap_name = ""
-    for e in eap:
-        if e.value == config[Ent.EAP]:
-            eap_name = e.name
-            break
-    if "peap0" in config[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY].lower():
-        eap_name = "PEAP0"
-    if "peap1" in config[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY].lower():
-        eap_name = "PEAP1"
-    name += eap_name
-    if Ent.PHASE2 in config:
-        for e in eap_phase2:
-            if e.value == config[Ent.PHASE2]:
-                name += "-{}".format(e.name)
-                break
-    return name
-def group_attenuators(attenuators):
-    """Groups a list of attenuators into attenuator groups for backward
-    compatibility reasons.
-    Most legacy Wi-Fi setups have two attenuators each connected to a separate
-    AP. The new Wi-Fi setup has four attenuators, each connected to one channel
-    on an AP, so two of them are connected to one AP.
-    To make the existing scripts work in the new setup, when the script needs
-    to attenuate one AP, it needs to set attenuation on both attenuators
-    connected to the same AP.
-    This function groups attenuators properly so the scripts work in both
-    legacy and new Wi-Fi setups.
-    Args:
-        attenuators: A list of attenuator objects, either two or four in length.
-    Raises:
-        signals.TestFailure is raised if the attenuator list does not have two
-        or four objects.
-    """
-    attn0 = attenuator.AttenuatorGroup("AP0")
-    attn1 = attenuator.AttenuatorGroup("AP1")
-    # Legacy testbed setup has two attenuation channels.
-    num_of_attns = len(attenuators)
-    if num_of_attns == 2:
-        attn0.add(attenuators[0])
-        attn1.add(attenuators[1])
-    elif num_of_attns == 4:
-        attn0.add(attenuators[0])
-        attn0.add(attenuators[1])
-        attn1.add(attenuators[2])
-        attn1.add(attenuators[3])
-    else:
-        asserts.fail(("Either two or four attenuators are required for this "
-                      "test, but found %s") % num_of_attns)
-    return [attn0, attn1]
-def set_attns(attenuator, attn_val_name, roaming_attn=ROAMING_ATTN):
-    """Sets attenuation values on attenuators used in this test.
-    Args:
-        attenuator: The attenuator object.
-        attn_val_name: Name of the attenuation value pair to use.
-        roaming_attn: Dictionary specifying the attenuation params.
-    """
-    logging.info("Set attenuation values to %s", roaming_attn[attn_val_name])
-    try:
-        attenuator[0].set_atten(roaming_attn[attn_val_name][0])
-        attenuator[1].set_atten(roaming_attn[attn_val_name][1])
-        attenuator[2].set_atten(roaming_attn[attn_val_name][2])
-        attenuator[3].set_atten(roaming_attn[attn_val_name][3])
-    except:
-        logging.exception("Failed to set attenuation values %s.",
-                          attn_val_name)
-        raise
-def set_attns_steps(attenuators,
-                    atten_val_name,
-                    roaming_attn=ROAMING_ATTN,
-                    steps=10,
-                    wait_time=12):
-    """Set attenuation values on attenuators used in this test. It will change
-    the attenuation values linearly from current value to target value step by
-    step.
-    Args:
-        attenuators: The list of attenuator objects that you want to change
-                     their attenuation value.
-        atten_val_name: Name of the attenuation value pair to use.
-        roaming_attn: Dictionary specifying the attenuation params.
-        steps: Number of attenuator changes to reach the target value.
-        wait_time: Sleep time for each change of attenuator.
-    """
-    logging.info("Set attenuation values to %s in %d step(s)",
-                 roaming_attn[atten_val_name], steps)
-    start_atten = [attenuator.get_atten() for attenuator in attenuators]
-    target_atten = roaming_attn[atten_val_name]
-    for current_step in range(steps):
-        progress = (current_step + 1) / steps
-        for i, attenuator in enumerate(attenuators):
-            amount_since_start = (target_atten[i] - start_atten[i]) * progress
-            attenuator.set_atten(round(start_atten[i] + amount_since_start))
-        time.sleep(wait_time)
-def trigger_roaming_and_validate(dut,
-                                 attenuator,
-                                 attn_val_name,
-                                 expected_con,
-                                 roaming_attn=ROAMING_ATTN):
-    """Sets attenuators to trigger roaming and validate the DUT connected
-    to the BSSID expected.
-    Args:
-        attenuator: The attenuator object.
-        attn_val_name: Name of the attenuation value pair to use.
-        expected_con: The network information of the expected network.
-        roaming_attn: Dictionary specifying the attenaution params.
-    """
-    expected_con = {
-        WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: expected_con[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY],
-        WifiEnums.BSSID_KEY: expected_con["bssid"],
-    }
-    set_attns_steps(attenuator, attn_val_name, roaming_attn)
-    verify_wifi_connection_info(dut, expected_con)
-    expected_bssid = expected_con[WifiEnums.BSSID_KEY]
-    logging.info("Roamed to %s successfully", expected_bssid)
-    if not validate_connection(dut):
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Fail to connect to internet on %s" %
-                                  expected_bssid)
-def create_softap_config():
-    """Create a softap config with random ssid and password."""
-    ap_ssid = "softap_" + utils.rand_ascii_str(8)
-    ap_password = utils.rand_ascii_str(8)
-    logging.info("softap setup: %s %s", ap_ssid, ap_password)
-    config = {
-        WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: ap_ssid,
-        WifiEnums.PWD_KEY: ap_password,
-    }
-    return config
-def wait_for_expected_number_of_softap_clients(ad, callbackId,
-                                               expected_num_of_softap_clients):
-    """Wait for the number of softap clients to be updated as expected.
-    Args:
-        callbackId: Id of the callback associated with registering.
-        expected_num_of_softap_clients: expected number of softap clients.
-    """
-    eventStr = wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT + str(
-        callbackId) + wifi_constants.SOFTAP_NUMBER_CLIENTS_CHANGED
-    clientData = ad.ed.pop_event(eventStr, SHORT_TIMEOUT)['data']
-    clientCount = clientData[wifi_constants.SOFTAP_NUMBER_CLIENTS_CALLBACK_KEY]
-    clientMacAddresses = clientData[
-        wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CLIENTS_MACS_CALLBACK_KEY]
-    asserts.assert_equal(
-        clientCount, expected_num_of_softap_clients,
-        "The number of softap clients doesn't match the expected number")
-    asserts.assert_equal(
-        len(clientMacAddresses), expected_num_of_softap_clients,
-        "The number of mac addresses doesn't match the expected number")
-    for macAddress in clientMacAddresses:
-        asserts.assert_true(checkMacAddress(macAddress),
-                            "An invalid mac address was returned")
-def checkMacAddress(input):
-    """Validate whether a string is a valid mac address or not.
-    Args:
-        input: The string to validate.
-    Returns: True/False, returns true for a valid mac address and false otherwise.
-    """
-    macValidationRegex = "[0-9a-f]{2}([-:]?)[0-9a-f]{2}(\\1[0-9a-f]{2}){4}$"
-    if re.match(macValidationRegex, input.lower()):
-        return True
-    return False
-def wait_for_expected_softap_state(ad, callbackId, expected_softap_state):
-    """Wait for the expected softap state change.
-    Args:
-        callbackId: Id of the callback associated with registering.
-        expected_softap_state: The expected softap state.
-    """
-    eventStr = wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT + str(
-        callbackId) + wifi_constants.SOFTAP_STATE_CHANGED
-    asserts.assert_equal(
-        ad.ed.pop_event(eventStr, SHORT_TIMEOUT)['data'][
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACK_KEY],
-        expected_softap_state,
-        "Softap state doesn't match with expected state")
-def get_current_number_of_softap_clients(ad, callbackId):
-    """pop up all of softap client updated event from queue.
-    Args:
-        callbackId: Id of the callback associated with registering.
-    Returns:
-        If exist aleast callback, returns last updated number_of_softap_clients.
-        Returns None when no any match callback event in queue.
-    """
-    eventStr = wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT + str(
-        callbackId) + wifi_constants.SOFTAP_NUMBER_CLIENTS_CHANGED
-    events = ad.ed.pop_all(eventStr)
-    for event in events:
-        num_of_clients = event['data'][
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_NUMBER_CLIENTS_CALLBACK_KEY]
-    if len(events) == 0:
-        return None
-    return num_of_clients
-def get_current_softap_info(ad, callbackId, need_to_wait):
-    """pop up all of softap info changed event from queue.
-    Args:
-        callbackId: Id of the callback associated with registering.
-        need_to_wait: Wait for the info callback event before pop all.
-    Returns:
-        Returns last updated information of softap.
-    """
-    eventStr = wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT + str(
-        callbackId) + wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_CHANGED
-    ad.log.debug("softap info dump from eventStr %s", eventStr)
-    frequency = 0
-    bandwidth = 0
-    if (need_to_wait):
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(eventStr, SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-        frequency = event['data'][
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_FREQUENCY_CALLBACK_KEY]
-        bandwidth = event['data'][
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_BANDWIDTH_CALLBACK_KEY]
-        ad.log.info("softap info updated, frequency is %s, bandwidth is %s",
-                    frequency, bandwidth)
-    events = ad.ed.pop_all(eventStr)
-    for event in events:
-        frequency = event['data'][
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_FREQUENCY_CALLBACK_KEY]
-        bandwidth = event['data'][
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_BANDWIDTH_CALLBACK_KEY]
-    ad.log.info("softap info, frequency is %s, bandwidth is %s", frequency,
-                bandwidth)
-    return frequency, bandwidth
-def get_current_softap_infos(ad, callbackId, need_to_wait):
-    """pop up all of softap info list changed event from queue.
-    Args:
-        callbackId: Id of the callback associated with registering.
-        need_to_wait: Wait for the info callback event before pop all.
-    Returns:
-        Returns last updated informations of softap.
-    """
-    eventStr = wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT + str(
-        callbackId) + wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFOLIST_CHANGED
-    ad.log.debug("softap info dump from eventStr %s", eventStr)
-    if (need_to_wait):
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(eventStr, SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-        infos = event['data']
-    events = ad.ed.pop_all(eventStr)
-    for event in events:
-        infos = event['data']
-    for info in infos:
-        frequency = info[
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_FREQUENCY_CALLBACK_KEY]
-        bandwidth = info[
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_BANDWIDTH_CALLBACK_KEY]
-        wifistandard = info[
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_WIFISTANDARD_CALLBACK_KEY]
-        bssid = info[
-            wifi_constants.SOFTAP_INFO_BSSID_CALLBACK_KEY]
-        ad.log.info(
-                "softap info, freq:%s, bw:%s, wifistandard:%s, bssid:%s",
-                frequency, bandwidth, wifistandard, bssid)
-    return infos
-def get_current_softap_capability(ad, callbackId, need_to_wait):
-    """pop up all of softap info list changed event from queue.
-    Args:
-        callbackId: Id of the callback associated with registering.
-        need_to_wait: Wait for the info callback event before pop all.
-    Returns:
-        Returns last updated capability of softap.
-    """
-    eventStr = wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CALLBACK_EVENT + str(
-            callbackId) + wifi_constants.SOFTAP_CAPABILITY_CHANGED
-    ad.log.debug("softap capability dump from eventStr %s", eventStr)
-    if (need_to_wait):
-        event = ad.ed.pop_event(eventStr, SHORT_TIMEOUT)
-        capability = event['data']
-    events = ad.ed.pop_all(eventStr)
-    for event in events:
-        capability = event['data']
-    return capability
-def get_ssrdumps(ad):
-    """Pulls dumps in the ssrdump dir
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-    """
-    logs = ad.get_file_names("/data/vendor/ssrdump/")
-    if logs:
-        ad.log.info("Pulling ssrdumps %s", logs)
-        log_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, "SSRDUMPS_%s" % ad.serial)
-        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
-        ad.pull_files(logs, log_path)
-    ad.adb.shell("find /data/vendor/ssrdump/ -type f -delete",
-                 ignore_status=True)
-def start_pcap(pcap, wifi_band, test_name):
-    """Start packet capture in monitor mode.
-    Args:
-        pcap: packet capture object
-        wifi_band: '2g' or '5g' or 'dual'
-        test_name: test name to be used for pcap file name
-    Returns:
-        Dictionary with wifi band as key and the tuple
-        (pcap Process object, log directory) as the value
-    """
-    log_dir = os.path.join(
-        context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), 'PacketCapture')
-    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
-    if wifi_band == 'dual':
-        bands = [BAND_2G, BAND_5G]
-    else:
-        bands = [wifi_band]
-    procs = {}
-    for band in bands:
-        proc = pcap.start_packet_capture(band, log_dir, test_name)
-        procs[band] = (proc, os.path.join(log_dir, test_name))
-    return procs
-def stop_pcap(pcap, procs, test_status=None):
-    """Stop packet capture in monitor mode.
-    Since, the pcap logs in monitor mode can be very large, we will
-    delete them if they are not required. 'test_status' if True, will delete
-    the pcap files. If False, we will keep them.
-    Args:
-        pcap: packet capture object
-        procs: dictionary returned by start_pcap
-        test_status: status of the test case
-    """
-    for proc, fname in procs.values():
-        pcap.stop_packet_capture(proc)
-    if test_status:
-        shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(fname))
-def verify_mac_not_found_in_pcap(ad, mac, packets):
-    """Verify that a mac address is not found in the captured packets.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-        mac: string representation of the mac address
-        packets: packets obtained by rdpcap(pcap_fname)
-    """
-    for pkt in packets:
-        logging.debug("Packet Summary = %s", pkt.summary())
-        if mac in pkt.summary():
-            asserts.fail("Device %s caught Factory MAC: %s in packet sniffer."
-                         "Packet = %s" % (ad.serial, mac, pkt.show()))
-def verify_mac_is_found_in_pcap(ad, mac, packets):
-    """Verify that a mac address is found in the captured packets.
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object
-        mac: string representation of the mac address
-        packets: packets obtained by rdpcap(pcap_fname)
-    """
-    for pkt in packets:
-        if mac in pkt.summary():
-            return
-    asserts.fail("Did not find MAC = %s in packet sniffer."
-                 "for device %s" % (mac, ad.serial))
-def start_cnss_diags(ads, cnss_diag_file, pixel_models):
-    for ad in ads:
-        start_cnss_diag(ad, cnss_diag_file, pixel_models)
-def start_cnss_diag(ad, cnss_diag_file, pixel_models):
-    """Start cnss_diag to record extra wifi logs
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        cnss_diag_file: cnss diag config file to push to device.
-        pixel_models: pixel devices.
-    """
-    if ad.model not in pixel_models:
-        ad.log.info("Device not supported to collect pixel logger")
-        return
-    if ad.model in wifi_constants.DEVICES_USING_LEGACY_PROP:
-        prop = wifi_constants.LEGACY_CNSS_DIAG_PROP
-    else:
-        prop = wifi_constants.CNSS_DIAG_PROP
-    if ad.adb.getprop(prop) != 'true':
-        if not int(
-                ad.adb.shell("ls -l %s%s | wc -l" %
-                             (CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_PATH, CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_FILE))):
-            ad.adb.push("%s %s" % (cnss_diag_file, CNSS_DIAG_CONFIG_PATH))
-        ad.adb.shell(
-            "find /data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag/wlan_logs/ -type f -delete",
-            ignore_status=True)
-        ad.adb.shell("setprop %s true" % prop, ignore_status=True)
-def stop_cnss_diags(ads, pixel_models):
-    for ad in ads:
-        stop_cnss_diag(ad, pixel_models)
-def stop_cnss_diag(ad, pixel_models):
-    """Stops cnss_diag
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-        pixel_models: pixel devices.
-    """
-    if ad.model not in pixel_models:
-        ad.log.info("Device not supported to collect pixel logger")
-        return
-    if ad.model in wifi_constants.DEVICES_USING_LEGACY_PROP:
-        prop = wifi_constants.LEGACY_CNSS_DIAG_PROP
-    else:
-        prop = wifi_constants.CNSS_DIAG_PROP
-    ad.adb.shell("setprop %s false" % prop, ignore_status=True)
-def get_cnss_diag_log(ad):
-    """Pulls the cnss_diag logs in the wlan_logs dir
-    Args:
-        ad: android device object.
-    """
-    logs = ad.get_file_names("/data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag/wlan_logs/")
-    if logs:
-        ad.log.info("Pulling cnss_diag logs %s", logs)
-        log_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, "CNSS_DIAG_%s" % ad.serial)
-        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
-        ad.pull_files(logs, log_path)
-LinkProbeResult = namedtuple(
-    'LinkProbeResult',
-    ('is_success', 'stdout', 'elapsed_time', 'failure_reason'))
-def send_link_probe(ad):
-    """Sends a link probe to the currently connected AP, and returns whether the
-    probe succeeded or not.
-    Args:
-         ad: android device object
-    Returns:
-        LinkProbeResult namedtuple
-    """
-    stdout = ad.adb.shell('cmd wifi send-link-probe')
-    asserts.assert_false('Error' in stdout or 'Exception' in stdout,
-                         'Exception while sending link probe: ' + stdout)
-    is_success = False
-    elapsed_time = None
-    failure_reason = None
-    if 'succeeded' in stdout:
-        is_success = True
-        elapsed_time = next(
-            (int(token) for token in stdout.split() if token.isdigit()), None)
-    elif 'failed with reason' in stdout:
-        failure_reason = next(
-            (int(token) for token in stdout.split() if token.isdigit()), None)
-    else:
-        asserts.fail('Unexpected link probe result: ' + stdout)
-    return LinkProbeResult(is_success=is_success,
-                           stdout=stdout,
-                           elapsed_time=elapsed_time,
-                           failure_reason=failure_reason)
-def send_link_probes(ad, num_probes, delay_sec):
-    """Sends a sequence of link probes to the currently connected AP, and
-    returns whether the probes succeeded or not.
-    Args:
-         ad: android device object
-         num_probes: number of probes to perform
-         delay_sec: delay time between probes, in seconds
-    Returns:
-        List[LinkProbeResult] one LinkProbeResults for each probe
-    """
-    logging.info('Sending link probes')
-    results = []
-    for _ in range(num_probes):
-        # send_link_probe() will also fail the test if it sees an exception
-        # in the stdout of the adb shell command
-        result = send_link_probe(ad)
-        logging.info('link probe results: ' + str(result))
-        results.append(result)
-        time.sleep(delay_sec)
-    return results
-def ap_setup(test, index, ap, network, bandwidth=80, channel=6):
-    """Set up the AP with provided network info.
-        Args:
-            test: the calling test class object.
-            index: int, index of the AP.
-            ap: access_point object of the AP.
-            network: dict with information of the network, including ssid,
-                     password and bssid.
-            bandwidth: the operation bandwidth for the AP, default 80MHz.
-            channel: the channel number for the AP.
-        Returns:
-            brconfigs: the bridge interface configs
-        """
-    bss_settings = []
-    ssid = network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-    test.access_points[index].close()
-    time.sleep(5)
-    # Configure AP as required.
-    if "password" in network.keys():
-        password = network["password"]
-        security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode="wpa",
-                                             password=password)
-    else:
-        security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode=None, password=None)
-    config = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(channel=channel,
-                                                ssid=ssid,
-                                                security=security,
-                                                bss_settings=bss_settings,
-                                                vht_bandwidth=bandwidth,
-                                                profile_name='whirlwind',
-                                                iface_wlan_2g=ap.wlan_2g,
-                                                iface_wlan_5g=ap.wlan_5g)
-    ap.start_ap(config)
-    logging.info("AP started on channel {} with SSID {}".format(channel, ssid))
-def turn_ap_off(test, AP):
-    """Bring down hostapd on the Access Point.
-    Args:
-        test: The test class object.
-        AP: int, indicating which AP to turn OFF.
-    """
-    hostapd_2g = test.access_points[AP - 1]._aps['wlan0'].hostapd
-    if hostapd_2g.is_alive():
-        hostapd_2g.stop()
-        logging.debug('Turned WLAN0 AP%d off' % AP)
-    hostapd_5g = test.access_points[AP - 1]._aps['wlan1'].hostapd
-    if hostapd_5g.is_alive():
-        hostapd_5g.stop()
-        logging.debug('Turned WLAN1 AP%d off' % AP)
-def turn_ap_on(test, AP):
-    """Bring up hostapd on the Access Point.
-    Args:
-        test: The test class object.
-        AP: int, indicating which AP to turn ON.
-    """
-    hostapd_2g = test.access_points[AP - 1]._aps['wlan0'].hostapd
-    if not hostapd_2g.is_alive():
-        hostapd_2g.start(hostapd_2g.config)
-        logging.debug('Turned WLAN0 AP%d on' % AP)
-    hostapd_5g = test.access_points[AP - 1]._aps['wlan1'].hostapd
-    if not hostapd_5g.is_alive():
-        hostapd_5g.start(hostapd_5g.config)
-        logging.debug('Turned WLAN1 AP%d on' % AP)
-def turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off(ad):
-    """Turns off wifi location scans."""
-    utils.set_location_service(ad, False)
-    ad.droid.wifiScannerToggleAlwaysAvailable(False)
-    msg = "Failed to turn off location service's scan."
-    asserts.assert_true(not ad.droid.wifiScannerIsAlwaysAvailable(), msg)
-def set_softap_channel(dut, ap_iface='wlan1', cs_count=10, channel=2462):
-    """ Set SoftAP mode channel
-    Args:
-        dut: android device object
-        ap_iface: interface of SoftAP mode.
-        cs_count: how many beacon frames before switch channel, default = 10
-        channel: a wifi channel.
-    """
-    chan_switch_cmd = 'hostapd_cli -i {} chan_switch {} {}'
-    chan_switch_cmd_show = chan_switch_cmd.format(ap_iface, cs_count, channel)
-    dut.log.info('adb shell {}'.format(chan_switch_cmd_show))
-    chan_switch_result = dut.adb.shell(
-        chan_switch_cmd.format(ap_iface, cs_count, channel))
-    if chan_switch_result == 'OK':
-        dut.log.info('switch hotspot channel to {}'.format(channel))
-        return chan_switch_result
-    asserts.fail("Failed to switch hotspot channel")
-def get_wlan0_link(dut):
-    """ get wlan0 interface status"""
-    get_wlan0 = 'wpa_cli -iwlan0 -g@android:wpa_wlan0 IFNAME=wlan0 status'
-    out = dut.adb.shell(get_wlan0)
-    out = dict(re.findall(r'(\S+)=(".*?"|\S+)', out))
-    asserts.assert_true("ssid" in out,
-                        "Client doesn't connect to any network")
-    return out
-def verify_11ax_wifi_connection(ad, wifi6_supported_models, wifi6_ap):
-    """Verify 11ax for wifi connection.
-    Args:
-      ad: adndroid device object
-      wifi6_supported_models: device supporting 11ax.
-      wifi6_ap: if the AP supports 11ax.
-    """
-    if wifi6_ap and ad.model in wifi6_supported_models:
-        logging.info("Verifying 11ax. Model: %s" % ad.model)
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            ad.droid.wifiGetConnectionStandard() ==
-            wifi_constants.WIFI_STANDARD_11AX, "DUT did not connect to 11ax.")
-def verify_11ax_softap(dut, dut_client, wifi6_supported_models):
-    """Verify 11ax SoftAp if devices support it.
-    Check if both DUT and DUT client supports 11ax, then SoftAp turns on
-    with 11ax mode and DUT client can connect to it.
-    Args:
-      dut: Softap device.
-      dut_client: Client connecting to softap.
-      wifi6_supported_models: List of device models supporting 11ax.
-    """
-    if dut.model in wifi6_supported_models and dut_client.model in wifi6_supported_models:
-        logging.info(
-            "Verifying 11ax softap. DUT model: %s, DUT Client model: %s",
-            dut.model, dut_client.model)
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            dut_client.droid.wifiGetConnectionStandard() ==
-            wifi_constants.WIFI_STANDARD_11AX,
-            "DUT failed to start SoftAp in 11ax.")
-def check_available_channels_in_bands_2_5(dut, country_code):
-    """Check if DUT is capable of enable BridgedAp.
-    #TODO: Find a way to make this function flexible by taking an argument.
-    Args:
-        country_code: country code, e.g., 'US', 'JP'.
-    Returns:
-        True: If DUT is capable of enable BridgedAp.
-        False: If DUT is not capable of enable BridgedAp.
-    """
-    set_wifi_country_code(dut, country_code)
-    country = dut.droid.wifiGetCountryCode()
-    dut.log.info("DUT current country code : {}".format(country))
-    # Wi-Fi ON and OFF to make sure country code take effet.
-    wifi_toggle_state(dut, True)
-    wifi_toggle_state(dut, False)
-    # Register SoftAp Callback and get SoftAp capability.
-    callbackId = dut.droid.registerSoftApCallback()
-    capability = get_current_softap_capability(dut, callbackId, True)
-    dut.droid.unregisterSoftApCallback(callbackId)
-    if capability[wifi_constants.
-        capability[wifi_constants.
-        return True
-    return False
-@retry(tries=5, delay=2)
-def validate_ping_between_two_clients(dut1, dut2):
-    """Make 2 DUT ping each other.
-    Args:
-        dut1: An AndroidDevice object.
-        dut2: An AndroidDevice object.
-    """
-    # Get DUTs' IPv4 addresses.
-    dut1_ip = ""
-    dut2_ip = ""
-    try:
-        dut1_ip = dut1.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
-    except IndexError as e:
-        dut1.log.info(
-            "{} has no Wi-Fi connection, cannot get IPv4 address."
-            .format(dut1.serial))
-    try:
-        dut2_ip = dut2.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
-    except IndexError as e:
-        dut2.log.info(
-            "{} has no Wi-Fi connection, cannot get IPv4 address."
-            .format(dut2.serial))
-    # Test fail if not able to obtain two DUT's IPv4 addresses.
-    asserts.assert_true(dut1_ip and dut2_ip,
-                        "Ping failed because no DUT's IPv4 address")
-    dut1.log.info("{} IPv4 addresses : {}".format(dut1.serial, dut1_ip))
-    dut2.log.info("{} IPv4 addresses : {}".format(dut2.serial, dut2_ip))
-    # Two clients ping each other
-    dut1.log.info("{} ping {}".format(dut1_ip, dut2_ip))
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        utils.adb_shell_ping(dut1, count=10, dest_ip=dut2_ip,
-                             timeout=20),
-        "%s ping %s failed" % (dut1.serial, dut2_ip))
-    dut2.log.info("{} ping {}".format(dut2_ip, dut1_ip))
-    asserts.assert_true(
-        utils.adb_shell_ping(dut2, count=10, dest_ip=dut1_ip,
-                             timeout=20),
-        "%s ping %s failed" % (dut2.serial, dut1_ip))
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/acts_import_test_utils_test.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/acts_import_test_utils_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 531db1c..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/acts_import_test_utils_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-class ActsImportTestUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
-    under acts_contrib.test_utils.*
-    """
-    def test_import_successful(self):
-        """ Test to return true if all imports were successful.
-        This test will fail if any import was unsuccessful.
-        """
-        try:
-            from antlion import utils
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import BleEnum
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import BluetoothBaseTest
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import BluetoothCarHfpBaseTest
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import BtEnum
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import GattConnectedBaseTest
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import GattEnum
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import bt_contacts_utils
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import bt_gatt_utils
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import bt_test_utils
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt import native_bt_test_utils
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net import connectivity_const
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_constants
-            from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils
-        except Exception:
-            self.fail('Unable to import all supported test_utils')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/audio_analysis_integrationtest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/audio_analysis_integrationtest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e5e81..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/audio_analysis_integrationtest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Note: This test has been labelled as an integration test due to its use of
-# real data, and the five to six second execution time.
-import logging
-import numpy
-import os
-import unittest
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.audio_analysis as audio_analysis
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.audio_data as audio_data
-class SpectralAnalysisTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Uses the same seed to generate noise for each test."""
-        numpy.random.seed(0)
-    def dummy_peak_detection(self, array, window_size):
-        """Detects peaks in an array in simple way.
-        A point (i, array[i]) is a peak if array[i] is the maximum among
-        array[i - half_window_size] to array[i + half_window_size].
-        If array[i - half_window_size] to array[i + half_window_size] are all
-        equal, then there is no peak in this window.
-        Args:
-            array: The input array to detect peaks in. Array is a list of
-                absolute values of the magnitude of transformed coefficient.
-            window_size: The window to detect peaks.
-        Returns:
-            A list of tuples:
-                [(peak_index_1, peak_value_1), (peak_index_2, peak_value_2),
-                ...]
-                where the tuples are sorted by peak values.
-        """
-        half_window_size = window_size / 2
-        length = len(array)
-        def mid_is_peak(array, mid, left, right):
-            """Checks if value at mid is the largest among left to right.
-            Args:
-                array: A list of numbers.
-                mid: The mid index.
-                left: The left index.
-                rigth: The right index.
-            Returns:
-                True if array[index] is the maximum among numbers in array
-                    between index [left, right] inclusively.
-            """
-            value_mid = array[int(mid)]
-            for index in range(int(left), int(right) + 1):
-                if index == mid:
-                    continue
-                if array[index] >= value_mid:
-                    return False
-            return True
-        results = []
-        for mid in range(length):
-            left = max(0, mid - half_window_size)
-            right = min(length - 1, mid + half_window_size)
-            if mid_is_peak(array, mid, left, right):
-                results.append((mid, array[int(mid)]))
-        # Sort the peaks by values.
-        return sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
-    def test_peak_detection(self):
-        array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
-        result = audio_analysis.peak_detection(array, 4)
-        golden_answer = [(12, 5), (4, 4)]
-        self.assertEqual(result, golden_answer)
-    def test_peak_detection_large(self):
-        array = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, 1000000)
-        window_size = 100
-        logging.debug('Test large array using dummy peak detection')
-        dummy_answer = self.dummy_peak_detection(array, window_size)
-        logging.debug('Test large array using improved peak detection')
-        improved_answer = audio_analysis.peak_detection(array, window_size)
-        logging.debug('Compare the result')
-        self.assertEqual(dummy_answer, improved_answer)
-    def test_spectral_analysis(self):
-        rate = 48000
-        length_in_secs = 0.5
-        freq_1 = 490.0
-        freq_2 = 60.0
-        coeff_1 = 1
-        coeff_2 = 0.3
-        samples = length_in_secs * rate
-        noise = numpy.random.standard_normal(int(samples)) * 0.005
-        x = numpy.linspace(0.0, (samples - 1) * 1.0 / rate, samples)
-        y = (coeff_1 * numpy.sin(freq_1 * 2.0 * numpy.pi * x) + coeff_2 *
-             numpy.sin(freq_2 * 2.0 * numpy.pi * x)) + noise
-        results = audio_analysis.spectral_analysis(y, rate)
-        # Results should contains
-        # [(490, 1*k), (60, 0.3*k), (0, 0.1*k)] where 490Hz is the dominant
-        # frequency with coefficient 1, 60Hz is the second dominant frequency
-        # with coefficient 0.3, 0Hz is from Gaussian noise with coefficient
-        # around 0.1. The k constant is resulted from window function.
-        logging.debug('Results: %s', results)
-        self.assertTrue(abs(results[0][0] - freq_1) < 1)
-        self.assertTrue(abs(results[1][0] - freq_2) < 1)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            abs(results[0][1] / results[1][1] - coeff_1 / coeff_2) < 0.01)
-    def test_spectral_snalysis_real_data(self):
-        """This unittest checks the spectral analysis works on real data."""
-        file_path = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../acts/framework/tests/test_data', '1k_2k.raw')
-        binary = open(file_path, 'rb').read()
-        data = audio_data.AudioRawData(binary, 2, 'S32_LE')
-        saturate_value = audio_data.get_maximum_value_from_sample_format(
-            'S32_LE')
-        golden_frequency = [1000, 2000]
-        for channel in [0, 1]:
-            normalized_signal = audio_analysis.normalize_signal(
-                data.channel_data[channel], saturate_value)
-            spectral = audio_analysis.spectral_analysis(normalized_signal,
-                                                        48000, 0.02)
-            logging.debug('channel %s: %s', channel, spectral)
-            self.assertTrue(
-                abs(spectral[0][0] - golden_frequency[channel]) < 5,
-                'Dominant frequency is not correct')
-    def test_not_meaningful_data(self):
-        """Checks that sepectral analysis handles un-meaningful data."""
-        rate = 48000
-        length_in_secs = 0.5
-        samples = length_in_secs * rate
-        noise_amplitude = audio_analysis.MEANINGFUL_RMS_THRESHOLD * 0.5
-        noise = numpy.random.standard_normal(int(samples)) * noise_amplitude
-        results = audio_analysis.spectral_analysis(noise, rate)
-        self.assertEqual([(0, 0)], results)
-    def testEmptyData(self):
-        """Checks that sepectral analysis rejects empty data."""
-        with self.assertRaises(audio_analysis.EmptyDataError):
-            results = audio_analysis.spectral_analysis([], 100)
-class NormalizeTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_normalize(self):
-        y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-        normalized_y = audio_analysis.normalize_signal(y, 10)
-        expected = numpy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5])
-        for i in range(len(y)):
-            self.assertEqual(expected[i], normalized_y[i])
-class AnomalyTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Creates a test signal of sine wave."""
-        # Use the same seed for each test case.
-        numpy.random.seed(0)
-        self.block_size = 120
-        self.rate = 48000
-        self.freq = 440
-        length_in_secs = 0.25
-        self.samples = length_in_secs * self.rate
-        x = numpy.linspace(0.0, (self.samples - 1) * 1.0 / self.rate,
-                           self.samples)
-        self.y = numpy.sin(self.freq * 2.0 * numpy.pi * x)
-    def add_noise(self):
-        """Add noise to the test signal."""
-        noise_amplitude = 0.3
-        noise = numpy.random.standard_normal(len(self.y)) * noise_amplitude
-        self.y = self.y + noise
-    def insert_anomaly(self):
-        """Inserts an anomaly to the test signal.
-        The anomaly self.anomaly_samples should be created before calling this
-        method.
-        """
-        self.anomaly_start_secs = 0.1
-        self.y = numpy.insert(self.y,
-                              int(self.anomaly_start_secs * self.rate),
-                              self.anomaly_samples)
-    def generate_skip_anomaly(self):
-        """Skips a section of test signal."""
-        self.anomaly_start_secs = 0.1
-        self.anomaly_duration_secs = 0.005
-        anomaly_append_secs = self.anomaly_start_secs + self.anomaly_duration_secs
-        anomaly_start_index = self.anomaly_start_secs * self.rate
-        anomaly_append_index = anomaly_append_secs * self.rate
-        self.y = numpy.append(self.y[:int(anomaly_start_index)],
-                              self.y[int(anomaly_append_index):])
-    def create_constant_anomaly(self, amplitude):
-        """Creates an anomaly of constant samples.
-        Args:
-            amplitude: The amplitude of the constant samples.
-        """
-        self.anomaly_duration_secs = 0.005
-        self.anomaly_samples = ([amplitude] *
-                                int(self.anomaly_duration_secs * self.rate))
-    def run_analysis(self):
-        """Runs the anomaly detection."""
-        self.results = audio_analysis.anomaly_detection(
-            self.y, self.rate, self.freq, self.block_size)
-        logging.debug('Results: %s', self.results)
-    def check_no_anomaly(self):
-        """Verifies that there is no anomaly in detection result."""
-        self.run_analysis()
-        self.assertFalse(self.results)
-    def check_anomaly(self):
-        """Verifies that there is anomaly in detection result.
-        The detection result should contain anomaly time stamps that are
-        close to where anomaly was inserted. There can be multiple anomalies
-        since the detection depends on the block size.
-        """
-        self.run_analysis()
-        self.assertTrue(self.results)
-        # Anomaly can be detected as long as the detection window of block size
-        # overlaps with anomaly.
-        expected_detected_range_secs = (
-            self.anomaly_start_secs - float(self.block_size) / self.rate,
-            self.anomaly_start_secs + self.anomaly_duration_secs)
-        for detected_secs in self.results:
-            self.assertTrue(detected_secs <= expected_detected_range_secs[1])
-            self.assertTrue(detected_secs >= expected_detected_range_secs[0])
-    def test_good_signal(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with no noise or anomaly."""
-        self.check_no_anomaly()
-    def test_good_signal_noise(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with noise."""
-        self.add_noise()
-        self.check_no_anomaly()
-    def test_zero_anomaly(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with no noise but with anomaly.
-        This test case simulates underrun in digital data where there will be
-        one block of samples with 0 amplitude.
-        """
-        self.create_constant_anomaly(0)
-        self.insert_anomaly()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_zero_anomaly_noise(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with noise and anomaly.
-        This test case simulates underrun in analog data where there will be
-        one block of samples with amplitudes close to 0.
-        """
-        self.create_constant_anomaly(0)
-        self.insert_anomaly()
-        self.add_noise()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_low_constant_anomaly(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with low constant anomaly.
-        The anomaly is one block of constant values.
-        """
-        self.create_constant_anomaly(0.05)
-        self.insert_anomaly()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_low_constant_anomaly_noise(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with low constant anomaly and noise.
-        The anomaly is one block of constant values.
-        """
-        self.create_constant_anomaly(0.05)
-        self.insert_anomaly()
-        self.add_noise()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_high_constant_anomaly(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with high constant anomaly.
-        The anomaly is one block of constant values.
-        """
-        self.create_constant_anomaly(2)
-        self.insert_anomaly()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_high_constant_anomaly_noise(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with high constant anomaly and noise.
-        The anomaly is one block of constant values.
-        """
-        self.create_constant_anomaly(2)
-        self.insert_anomaly()
-        self.add_noise()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_skipped_anomaly(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with skipped anomaly.
-        The anomaly simulates the symptom where a block is skipped.
-        """
-        self.generate_skip_anomaly()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_skipped_anomaly_noise(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with skipped anomaly with noise.
-        The anomaly simulates the symptom where a block is skipped.
-        """
-        self.generate_skip_anomaly()
-        self.add_noise()
-        self.check_anomaly()
-    def test_empty_data(self):
-        """Checks that anomaly detection rejects empty data."""
-        self.y = []
-        with self.assertRaises(audio_analysis.EmptyDataError):
-            self.check_anomaly()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    logging.basicConfig(
-        level=logging.DEBUG,
-        format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/audio_quality_measurement_integrationtest.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/audio_quality_measurement_integrationtest.py
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index fd156a7..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/audio_quality_measurement_integrationtest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Note: This test has been labelled as an integration test due to its use of
-# real data, and the 12+ second execution time. It also generates sine waves
-# during the test, rather than using data that has been pre-calculated.
-import math
-import numpy
-import unittest
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.audio_quality_measurement as audio_quality_measurement
-class NoiseLevelTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Uses the same seed to generate noise for each test."""
-        numpy.random.seed(0)
-    def test_noise_level(self):
-        # Generates the standard sin wave with standard_noise portion of noise.
-        rate = 48000
-        length_in_secs = 2
-        frequency = 440
-        amplitude = 1
-        standard_noise = 0.05
-        wave = []
-        for index in range(0, rate * length_in_secs):
-            phase = 2.0 * math.pi * frequency * float(index) / float(rate)
-            sine_wave = math.sin(phase)
-            noise = standard_noise * numpy.random.standard_normal()
-            wave.append(float(amplitude) * (sine_wave + noise))
-        # Calculates the average value after applying teager operator.
-        teager_value_of_wave, length = 0, len(wave)
-        for i in range(1, length - 1):
-            ith_teager_value = abs(wave[i] * wave[i] - wave[i - 1] * wave[i +
-                                                                          1])
-            ith_teager_value *= max(1, abs(wave[i]))
-            teager_value_of_wave += ith_teager_value
-        teager_value_of_wave /= float(length * (amplitude**2))
-        noise = audio_quality_measurement.noise_level(
-            amplitude, frequency, rate, teager_value_of_wave)
-        self.assertTrue(abs(noise - standard_noise) < 0.01)
-class ErrorTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_error(self):
-        value1 = [0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
-        value2 = [0.3, 0.3, 0.08, 0.0095, 0.0098, 0.0099]
-        error = [0.5, 0.25, 0.2, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01]
-        for i in range(len(value1)):
-            ret = audio_quality_measurement.error(value1[i], value2[i])
-            self.assertTrue(abs(ret - error[i]) < 0.001)
-class QualityMeasurementTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Creates a test signal of sine wave."""
-        numpy.random.seed(0)
-        self.rate = 48000
-        self.freq = 440
-        self.amplitude = 1
-        length_in_secs = 2
-        self.samples = length_in_secs * self.rate
-        self.y = []
-        for index in range(self.samples):
-            phase = 2.0 * math.pi * self.freq * float(index) / float(self.rate)
-            sine_wave = math.sin(phase)
-            self.y.append(float(self.amplitude) * sine_wave)
-    def add_noise(self):
-        """Adds noise to the test signal."""
-        noise_amplitude = 0.01 * self.amplitude
-        for index in range(self.samples):
-            noise = noise_amplitude * numpy.random.standard_normal()
-            self.y[index] += noise
-    def generate_delay(self):
-        """Generates some delays during playing."""
-        self.delay_start_time = [0.200, 0.375, 0.513, 0.814, 1.000, 1.300]
-        self.delay_end_time = [0.201, 0.377, 0.516, 0.824, 1.100, 1.600]
-        for i in range(len(self.delay_start_time)):
-            start_index = int(self.delay_start_time[i] * self.rate)
-            end_index = int(self.delay_end_time[i] * self.rate)
-            for j in range(start_index, end_index):
-                self.y[j] = 0
-    def generate_artifacts_before_playback(self):
-        """Generates artifacts before playing."""
-        silence_before_playback_end_time = 0.2
-        end_index = int(silence_before_playback_end_time * self.rate)
-        for i in range(0, end_index):
-            self.y[i] = 0
-        noise_start_index = int(0.1 * self.rate)
-        noise_end_index = int(0.1005 * self.rate)
-        for i in range(noise_start_index, noise_end_index):
-            self.y[i] = 3 * self.amplitude
-    def generate_artifacts_after_playback(self):
-        """Generates artifacts after playing."""
-        silence_after_playback_start_time = int(1.9 * self.rate)
-        noise_start_index = int(1.95 * self.rate)
-        noise_end_index = int((1.95 + 0.02) * self.rate)
-        for i in range(silence_after_playback_start_time, self.samples):
-            self.y[i] = 0
-        for i in range(noise_start_index, noise_end_index):
-            self.y[i] = self.amplitude
-    def generate_burst_during_playback(self):
-        """Generates bursts during playing."""
-        self.burst_start_time = [0.300, 0.475, 0.613, 0.814, 1.300]
-        self.burst_end_time = [0.301, 0.476, 0.614, 0.815, 1.301]
-        for i in range(len(self.burst_start_time)):
-            start_index = int(self.burst_start_time[i] * self.rate)
-            end_index = int(self.burst_end_time[i] * self.rate)
-            for j in range(start_index, end_index):
-                self.y[j] = self.amplitude * (3 + numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1))
-    def generate_volume_changing(self):
-        """Generates volume changing during playing."""
-        start_time = [0.300, 1.400]
-        end_time = [0.600, 1.700]
-        for i in range(len(start_time)):
-            start_index = int(start_time[i] * self.rate)
-            end_index = int(end_time[i] * self.rate)
-            for j in range(start_index, end_index):
-                self.y[j] *= 1.4
-        self.volume_changing = [+1, -1, +1, -1]
-        self.volume_changing_time = [0.3, 0.6, 1.4, 1.7]
-    def test_good_signal(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with no noise or artifacts."""
-        result = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(self.y,
-                                                               self.rate)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['burst_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['volume_changes']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(result['equivalent_noise_level'] < 0.005)
-    def test_good_signal_with_noise(self):
-        """Sine wave signal with noise."""
-        self.add_noise()
-        result = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(self.y,
-                                                               self.rate)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['burst_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['volume_changes']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(0.009 < result['equivalent_noise_level'] < 0.011)
-    def test_delay(self):
-        """Sine wave with delay during playing."""
-        self.generate_delay()
-        result = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(self.y,
-                                                               self.rate)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            len(result['volume_changes']) == 2 * len(self.delay_start_time))
-        self.assertTrue(result['equivalent_noise_level'] < 0.005)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback']) ==
-            len(self.delay_start_time))
-        for i in range(len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback'])):
-            delta = abs(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback'][i][0] -
-                        self.delay_start_time[i])
-            self.assertTrue(delta < 0.001)
-            duration = self.delay_end_time[i] - self.delay_start_time[i]
-            delta = abs(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback'][i][1] -
-                        duration)
-            self.assertTrue(delta < 0.001)
-    def test_artifacts_before_playback(self):
-        """Sine wave with artifacts before playback."""
-        self.generate_artifacts_before_playback()
-        result = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(self.y,
-                                                               self.rate)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback']) == 1)
-        delta = abs(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback'][0][0] - 0.1)
-        self.assertTrue(delta < 0.01)
-        delta = abs(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback'][0][1] - 0.005)
-        self.assertTrue(delta < 0.004)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['burst_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['volume_changes']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(result['equivalent_noise_level'] < 0.005)
-    def test_artifacts_after_playback(self):
-        """Sine wave with artifacts after playback."""
-        self.generate_artifacts_after_playback()
-        result = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(self.y,
-                                                               self.rate)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback']) == 1)
-        delta = abs(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback'][0][0] - 1.95)
-        self.assertTrue(delta < 0.01)
-        delta = abs(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback'][0][1] - 0.02)
-        self.assertTrue(delta < 0.001)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['burst_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['volume_changes']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(result['equivalent_noise_level'] < 0.005)
-    def test_burst_during_playback(self):
-        """Sine wave with burst during playback."""
-        self.generate_burst_during_playback()
-        result = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(self.y,
-                                                               self.rate)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['burst_during_playback']) == 5)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['volume_changes']) == 10)
-        self.assertTrue(result['equivalent_noise_level'] > 0.02)
-        for i in range(len(result['artifacts']['burst_during_playback'])):
-            delta = abs(self.burst_start_time[i] - result['artifacts'][
-                'burst_during_playback'][i])
-            self.assertTrue(delta < 0.002)
-    def test_volume_changing(self):
-        """Sine wave with volume changing during playback."""
-        self.generate_volume_changing()
-        result = audio_quality_measurement.quality_measurement(self.y,
-                                                               self.rate)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_before_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['noise_after_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['delay_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(result['artifacts']['burst_during_playback']) == 0)
-        self.assertTrue(result['equivalent_noise_level'] < 0.005)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            len(result['volume_changes']) == len(self.volume_changing))
-        for i in range(len(self.volume_changing)):
-            self.assertTrue(
-                abs(self.volume_changing_time[i] - result['volume_changes'][i][
-                    0]) < 0.01)
-            self.assertTrue(
-                self.volume_changing[i] == result['volume_changes'][i][1])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100755
index 08d284a..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/instrumentation/device/command/instrumentation_command_builder_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.instrumentation.device.command.instrumentation_command_builder import InstrumentationCommandBuilder
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.instrumentation.device.command.instrumentation_command_builder import InstrumentationTestCommandBuilder
-class InstrumentationCommandBuilderTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test__runner_and_manifest_package_definition(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_manifest_package('package')
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('package/runner', call)
-    def test__manifest_package_must_be_defined(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, '.*package cannot be none.*'):
-            builder.build()
-    def test__runner_must_be_defined(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, '.*runner cannot be none.*'):
-            builder.build()
-    def test__output_as_proto(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.set_proto_path()
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('-f', call)
-    def test__proto_flag_with_set_proto_path(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.set_proto_path('/some/proto/path')
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('-f', call)
-        self.assertIn('/some/proto/path', call)
-    def test__set_output_as_text_clears_proto_options(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.set_proto_path('/some/proto/path')
-        builder.set_output_as_text()
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertNotIn('-f', call)
-        self.assertNotIn('/some/proto/path', call)
-    def test__set_nohup(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.set_nohup()
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            call, 'nohup am instrument some.manifest.package/runner >> '
-                  '$EXTERNAL_STORAGE/instrumentation_output.txt 2>&1')
-    def test__key_value_param_definition(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.add_key_value_param('my_key_1', 'my_value_1')
-        builder.add_key_value_param('my_key_2', 'my_value_2')
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('-e my_key_1 my_value_1', call)
-        self.assertIn('-e my_key_2 my_value_2', call)
-    def test__flags(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.add_flag('--flag1')
-        builder.add_flag('--flag2')
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('--flag1', call)
-        self.assertIn('--flag2', call)
-    def test__remove_flags(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.add_flag('--flag1')
-        builder.add_flag('--flag2')
-        builder.remove_flag('--flag1')
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertNotIn('--flag1', call)
-        self.assertIn('--flag2', call)
-class InstrumentationTestCommandBuilderTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test class for
-    acts_contrib/test_utils/instrumentation/instrumentation_call_builder.py
-    """
-    def test__test_packages_can_not_be_added_if_classes_were_added_first(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationTestCommandBuilder()
-        builder.add_test_class('some.tests.Class')
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, '.*only a list of classes.*'):
-            builder.add_test_package('some.tests.package')
-    def test__test_classes_can_not_be_added_if_packages_were_added_first(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationTestCommandBuilder()
-        builder.add_test_package('some.tests.package')
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, '.*only a list of classes.*'):
-            builder.add_test_class('some.tests.Class')
-    def test__test_classes_and_test_methods_can_be_combined(self):
-        builder = InstrumentationTestCommandBuilder()
-        builder.set_runner('runner')
-        builder.set_manifest_package('some.manifest.package')
-        builder.add_test_class('some.tests.Class1')
-        builder.add_test_method('some.tests.Class2', 'favoriteTestMethod')
-        call = builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('some.tests.Class1', call)
-        self.assertIn('some.tests.Class2', call)
-        self.assertIn('favoriteTestMethod', call)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/__init__.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/consume_parameter_test.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/consume_parameter_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9e137..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/consume_parameter_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from unittest import mock
-class ConsumeParameterTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Unit tests for testing the consumption of test name parameters
-      for instances of PowerCellularLabBaseTest
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(self):
-        from antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.cellular.cellular_power_base_test import PowerCellularLabBaseTest as PCBT
-        self.PCBT = PCBT
-        PCBT.log = mock.Mock()
-        PCBT.log_path = ''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tb_key = 'testbed_configs'
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = 'MockTestBed'
-        test_run_config.log_path = '/tmp'
-        test_run_config.summary_writer = mock.MagicMock()
-        test = self.PCBT(test_run_config)
-        self.test = test
-    def test_consume_parameter_typical_case(self):
-        """ Tests the typical case: The parameter is available
-            for consumption and it has enough values
-        """
-        parameters = ['param1', 1, 2, 'param2', 3, 'param3', 'value']
-        expected = ['param2', 3]
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(parameters=parameters)
-        try:
-            result = self.test.consume_parameter('param2', 1)
-            self.assertTrue(
-                result == expected,
-                'Consume parameter did not return the expected result')
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-    def test_consume_parameter_returns_empty_when_parameter_unavailabe(self):
-        """ Tests the case where the requested parameter is unavailable
-            for consumption. In this case, a ValueError should be raised
-        """
-        parameters = ['param1', 1, 2]
-        expected = []
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(parameters=parameters)
-        try:
-            result = self.test.consume_parameter('param2', 1)
-            self.assertTrue(
-                result == expected,
-                'Consume parameter should return empty list for an invalid key'
-            )
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-    def test_consume_parameter_throws_when_requesting_too_many_parameters(
-            self):
-        """ Tests the case where the requested parameter is available
-            for consumption, but too many values are requested
-        """
-        parameters = ['param1', 1, 2]
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(parameters=parameters)
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.test.consume_parameter('param1', 3)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/ensure_valid_calibration_table_test.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/ensure_valid_calibration_table_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 348b3fd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/ensure_valid_calibration_table_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-class EnsureValidCalibrationTableTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Unit tests for exercising the logic of ensure_valid_calibration_table
-        for instances of PowerCellularLabBaseTest
-    """
-    VALID_CALIBRATION_TABLE = {'1': {'2': {'3': 123, '4': 3.14}}, '2': 45.67}
-    INVALID_CALIBRATION_TABLE = invalid = {'1': {'a': 'invalid'}, '2': 1234}
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(self):
-        from antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.cellular.cellular_power_base_test import PowerCellularLabBaseTest as PCBT
-        self.PCBT = PCBT
-        PCBT.log = mock.Mock()
-        PCBT.log_path = ''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tb_key = 'testbed_configs'
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = 'MockTestBed'
-        test_run_config.log_path = '/tmp'
-        test_run_config.summary_writer = mock.MagicMock()
-        test = self.PCBT(test_run_config)
-        self.test = test
-    def _assert_no_exception(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            func(*args, **kwargs)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-    def _assert_calibration_table_passes(self, table):
-        self._assert_no_exception(self.test.ensure_valid_calibration_table, table)
-    def _assert_calibration_table_fails(self, table):
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            self.test.ensure_valid_calibration_table(table)
-    def test_ensure_valid_calibration_table_passes_with_empty_table(self):
-        """ Ensure that empty calibration tables are invalid """
-        self._assert_calibration_table_passes({})
-    def test_ensure_valid_calibration_table_passes_with_valid_table(self):
-        """ Ensure that valid calibration tables throw no error """
-        self._assert_calibration_table_passes(self.VALID_CALIBRATION_TABLE)
-    def test_ensure_valid_calibration_table_fails_with_invalid_data(self):
-        """ Ensure that calibration tables with invalid entries throw an error """
-        self._assert_calibration_table_fails(self.INVALID_CALIBRATION_TABLE)
-    def test_ensure_valid_calibration_table_fails_with_none(self):
-        """ Ensure an exception is thrown if no calibration table is given """
-        self._assert_calibration_table_fails(None)
-    def test_ensure_valid_calibration_table_fails_with_invalid_type(self):
-        """ Ensure an exception is thrown if no calibration table is given """
-        self._assert_calibration_table_fails([])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/init_simulation_test.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/init_simulation_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b07b54e..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/init_simulation_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.LteSimulation import LteSimulation
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.UmtsSimulation import UmtsSimulation
-class InitSimulationTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Unit tests for ensuring the simulation is correctly
-        initialized for instances of PowerCellularLabBaseTest
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(self):
-        from antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.cellular.cellular_power_base_test import PowerCellularLabBaseTest as PCBT
-        self.PCBT = PCBT
-        PCBT.log = mock.Mock()
-        PCBT.log_path = ''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tb_key = 'testbed_configs'
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = 'MockTestBed'
-        test_run_config.log_path = '/tmp'
-        test_run_config.summary_writer = mock.MagicMock()
-        test = self.PCBT(test_run_config)
-        self.test = test
-    def test_init_simulation_reuses_simulation_if_same_type(self):
-        """ Ensure that a new simulation is not instantiated if
-            the type is the same as the last simulation
-        """
-        mock_lte_sim = mock.Mock(spec=LteSimulation)
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(simulation=mock_lte_sim)
-        try:
-            self.test.init_simulation(self.PCBT.PARAM_SIM_TYPE_LTE)
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-        self.assertTrue(self.test.simulation is mock_lte_sim,
-                        'A new simulation was instantiated')
-    def test_init_simulation_does_not_reuse_simulation_if_different_type(self):
-        """ Ensure that a new simulation is instantiated if
-            the type is different from the last simulation
-        """
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(simulation=mock.Mock(spec=LteSimulation),
-                               test_params=mock.Mock())
-        try:
-            with mock.patch.object(UmtsSimulation,
-                                   '__init__',
-                                   return_value=None) as mock_init:
-                self.test.init_simulation(self.PCBT.PARAM_SIM_TYPE_UMTS)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-        self.assertTrue(mock_init.called,
-                        'A new simulation was not instantiated')
-    def test_init_simulation_throws_error_with_invalid_simulation_type(self):
-        """ Ensure that a new simulation is not instantiated if
-            the type is invalid
-        """
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(simulation=mock.Mock(spec=LteSimulation))
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.test.init_simulation('Invalid simulation type')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/initialize_simulator_test.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/initialize_simulator_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f474f91..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/initialize_simulator_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion.controllers.anritsu_lib import md8475_cellular_simulator as anritsu
-from antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib import cmw500_cellular_simulator as cmw
-class InitializeSimulatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Unit tests for ensuring the simulator is correctly
-        initialized for instances of PowerCellularLabBaseTest
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(self):
-        from antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.cellular.cellular_power_base_test import PowerCellularLabBaseTest as PCBT
-        self.PCBT = PCBT
-        PCBT.log = mock.Mock()
-        PCBT.log_path = ''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tb_key = 'testbed_configs'
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = 'MockTestBed'
-        test_run_config.log_path = '/tmp'
-        test_run_config.summary_writer = mock.MagicMock()
-        test = self.PCBT(test_run_config)
-        self.test = test
-    def test_initialize_simulator_md8475_A(self):
-        """ Ensure that an instance of MD8475CellularSimulator
-            is returned when requesting md8475_version A
-        """
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(md8475_version='A', md8475a_ip_address='12345')
-        try:
-            with mock.patch.object(anritsu.MD8475CellularSimulator,
-                                   '__init__',
-                                   return_value=None):
-                result = self.test.initialize_simulator()
-                self.assertTrue(
-                    isinstance(result, anritsu.MD8475CellularSimulator),
-                    'Incorrect simulator type returned for md8475_version A')
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-    def test_initialize_simulator_md8475_B(self):
-        """ Ensure that an instance of MD8475BCellularSimulator
-            is returned when requesting md8475_version B
-        """
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(md8475_version='B', md8475a_ip_address='12345')
-        try:
-            with mock.patch.object(anritsu.MD8475BCellularSimulator,
-                                   '__init__',
-                                   return_value=None):
-                result = self.test.initialize_simulator()
-                self.assertTrue(
-                    isinstance(result, anritsu.MD8475BCellularSimulator),
-                    'Incorrect simulator type returned for md8475_version B')
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-    def test_initialize_simulator_cmw500(self):
-        """ Ensure that an instance of CMW500CellularSimulator
-            is returned when requesting cmw500
-        """
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(md8475_version=None,
-                               md8475a_ip_address=None,
-                               cmw500_ip='12345',
-                               cmw500_port='12345')
-        try:
-            with mock.patch.object(cmw.CMW500CellularSimulator,
-                                   '__init__',
-                                   return_value=None):
-                result = self.test.initialize_simulator()
-                self.assertTrue(
-                    isinstance(result, cmw.CMW500CellularSimulator),
-                    'Incorrect simulator type returned for cmw500')
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.fail('Error thrown: {}'.format(e))
-    def test_initialize_simulator_throws_with_missing_configs(self):
-        """ Ensure that an error is raised when initialize_simulator
-            is called with missing configs
-        """
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(md8475_version=None,
-                               md8475a_ip_address=None,
-                               cmw500_ip='12345',
-                               cmw500_port=None)
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError), mock.patch.object(
-                cmw.CMW500CellularSimulator, '__init__', return_value=None):
-            self.test.initialize_simulator()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/power_tel_traffic_e2e_test.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/power_tel_traffic_e2e_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fe4e81..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/power_tel_traffic_e2e_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.cellular.cellular_traffic_power_test as ctpt
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.LteSimulation import LteSimulation
-from antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib import cmw500_cellular_simulator as cmw
-magic_patch = lambda patched: mock.patch(patched, mock.MagicMock())
-class PowerTelTrafficE2eTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ E2E sanity test for the power cellular traffic tests """
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        cls.PTTT = ctpt.PowerTelTrafficTest
-        cls.PTTT.log = mock.Mock()
-        cls.PTTT.log_path = ''
-    @magic_patch('json.load')
-    @magic_patch('builtins.open')
-    @magic_patch('os.chmod')
-    @magic_patch('os.system')
-    @magic_patch('time.sleep')
-    @magic_patch(
-        'acts_contrib.test_utils.power.cellular.cellular_power_base_test.telutils')
-    @magic_patch('acts_contrib.test_utils.power.PowerBaseTest.wutils')
-    @magic_patch(
-        'acts.metrics.loggers.blackbox.BlackboxMetricLogger.for_test_case')
-    @magic_patch(
-        'acts_contrib.test_utils.power.loggers.power_metric_logger.PowerMetricLogger.for_test_case'
-    )
-    def test_e2e(self, *args):
-        # Configure the test
-        test_to_mock = 'test_lte_traffic_direction_dlul_blimit_0_0'
-        self.tb_key = 'testbed_configs'
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = 'MockTestBed'
-        test_run_config.log_path = '/tmp'
-        test_run_config.summary_writer = mock.MagicMock()
-        test = self.PTTT(test_run_config)
-        mock_android = mock.Mock()
-        mock_android.model = 'coral'
-        test.unpack_userparams(
-            android_devices=[mock_android],
-            monsoons=[mock.Mock()],
-            iperf_servers=[mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()],
-            packet_senders=[mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()],
-            custom_files=[
-                'pass_fail_threshold_coral.json', 'rockbottom_coral.sh'
-            ],
-            simulation=mock.Mock(spec=LteSimulation),
-            mon_freq=5000,
-            mon_duration=0,
-            mon_offset=0,
-            current_test_name=test_to_mock,
-            test_name=test_to_mock,
-            test_result=mock.Mock(),
-            bug_report={},
-            dut_rockbottom=mock.Mock(),
-            start_tel_traffic=mock.Mock(),
-            init_simulation=mock.Mock(),
-            initialize_simulator=mock.Mock(return_value=mock.Mock(
-                spec=cmw.CMW500CellularSimulator)),
-            collect_power_data=mock.Mock(),
-            get_iperf_results=mock.Mock(return_value={
-                'ul': 0,
-                'dl': 0
-            }),
-            pass_fail_check=mock.Mock())
-        # Emulate lifecycle
-        test.setup_class()
-        test.setup_test()
-        test.power_tel_traffic_test()
-        test.teardown_test()
-        test.teardown_class()
-        self.assertTrue(test.start_tel_traffic.called,
-                        'Start traffic was not called')
-        self.assertTrue(test.init_simulation.called,
-                        'Simulation was not initialized')
-        self.assertTrue(test.initialize_simulator.called,
-                        'Simulator was not initialized')
-        self.assertTrue(test.collect_power_data.called,
-                        'Power data was not collected')
-        self.assertTrue(test.get_iperf_results.called,
-                        'Did not get iperf results')
-        self.assertTrue(test.pass_fail_check.called,
-                        'Pass/Fail check was not performed')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/save_summary_to_file_test.py b/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/save_summary_to_file_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 853e4cd..0000000
--- a/src/antlion_contrib/test_utils_tests/power/tel/lab/save_summary_to_file_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-from unittest.mock import mock_open
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion.controllers.cellular_lib.LteSimulation import LteSimulation
-class SaveSummaryToFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Unit tests for testing the save summary functionality for
-        instances of PowerCellularLabBaseTest
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(self):
-        from antlion_contrib.test_utils.power.cellular.cellular_power_base_test import PowerCellularLabBaseTest as PCBT
-        self.PCBT = PCBT
-        PCBT.log = mock.Mock()
-        PCBT.log_path = ''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tb_key = 'testbed_configs'
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = 'MockTestBed'
-        test_run_config.log_path = '/tmp'
-        test_run_config.summary_writer = mock.MagicMock()
-        test = self.PCBT(test_run_config)
-        self.test = test
-    def test_save_summary_to_file(self):
-        """ Ensure that a new file is written when saving
-            the test summary
-        """
-        self.test.unpack_userparams(simulation=mock.Mock(spec=LteSimulation))
-        m = mock_open()
-        with mock.patch('builtins.open', m, create=False):
-            self.test.save_summary_to_file()
-        self.assertTrue(m.called, 'Test summary was not written to output')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/stubs/README.md b/stubs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07ec6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Python typing stubs
+Contains typing stubs for Python packages that do not expose typing of their
+own. Generated initially with [`stubgen`][stubgen] then manually modified to
+satisfy [`mypy`][mypy].
+> TODO(http://b/285005406): Contribute type annotations to Mobly, bump the
+> version of Mobly, then remove these type stubs.
+[stubgen]: https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/stubgen.html
+[mypy]: https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
diff --git a/src/antlion/__init__.py b/stubs/fidl/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/__init__.py
copy to stubs/fidl/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_buildinfo/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_buildinfo/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd53c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_buildinfo/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from typing import Any
+Provider: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_developer_remotecontrol/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_developer_remotecontrol/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec14d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_developer_remotecontrol/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from typing import Any
+RemoteControl: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_diagnostics/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_diagnostics/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c40a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_diagnostics/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from typing import Any
+Severity: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_feedback/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_feedback/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e05fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_feedback/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from typing import Any
+GetSnapshotParameters: Any
+DataProvider: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_hardware_power_statecontrol/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_hardware_power_statecontrol/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fabf415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_hardware_power_statecontrol/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from typing import Any
+Admin: Any
+RebootReason: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_hwinfo/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_hwinfo/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb6f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_hwinfo/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from typing import Any
+Device: Any
+Product: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_io/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_io/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d1ef62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_io/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from typing import Any
+File: Any
+Node1GetAttrResponse: Any
+ReadableReadResult: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_tracing/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_tracing/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be777a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_tracing/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from typing import Any
+BufferDisposition: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_tracing_controller/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_tracing_controller/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..795c9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fidl/fuchsia_tracing_controller/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from typing import Any
+Controller: Any
+TraceConfig: Any
+StartOptions: Any
+BufferDisposition: Any
+StopOptions: Any
+TerminateOptions: Any
diff --git a/stubs/fuchsia_controller_py/__init__.pyi b/stubs/fuchsia_controller_py/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d7098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/fuchsia_controller_py/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from typing import Any
+IsolateDir: Any
+Context: Any
+ZxStatus: Any
+Channel: Any
+Socket: Any
diff --git a/src/antlion/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/__init__.py
copy to stubs/mobly/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/asserts.pyi b/stubs/mobly/asserts.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa0557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/asserts.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import signals as signals
+def assert_equal(
+    first, second, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_not_equal(
+    first, second, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_almost_equal(
+    first,
+    second,
+    places: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    msg: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    delta: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    extras: Incomplete | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_not_almost_equal(
+    first,
+    second,
+    places: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    msg: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    delta: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    extras: Incomplete | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_in(
+    member, container, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_not_in(
+    member, container, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_is(
+    expr1, expr2, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_is_not(
+    expr1, expr2, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_count_equal(
+    first, second, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_less(
+    a, b, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_less_equal(
+    a, b, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_greater(
+    a, b, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_greater_equal(
+    a, b, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_is_none(
+    obj, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_is_not_none(
+    obj, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_is_instance(
+    obj, cls, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_not_is_instance(
+    obj, cls, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_regex(
+    text, expected_regex, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_not_regex(
+    text,
+    unexpected_regex,
+    msg: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    extras: Incomplete | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+def assert_raises(
+    expected_exception, extras: Incomplete | None = ..., *args, **kwargs
+): ...
+def assert_raises_regex(
+    expected_exception, expected_regex, extras: Incomplete | None = ..., *args, **kwargs
+): ...
+def assert_true(expr, msg, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def assert_false(expr, msg, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def skip(reason, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def skip_if(expr, reason, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def abort_class(reason, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def abort_class_if(expr, reason, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def abort_all(reason, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def abort_all_if(expr, reason, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def fail(msg, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def explicit_pass(msg, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class _AssertRaisesContext:
+    expected: Incomplete
+    failureException: Incomplete
+    expected_regexp: Incomplete
+    extras: Incomplete
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        expected,
+        expected_regexp: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        extras: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def __enter__(self): ...
+    exception: Incomplete
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/base_instrumentation_test.pyi b/stubs/mobly/base_instrumentation_test.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b06f307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/base_instrumentation_test.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+from enum import Enum
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import base_test as base_test
+from mobly import records as records
+from mobly import signals as signals
+from mobly import utils as utils
+class _InstrumentationStructurePrefixes:
+    STATUS: str
+    STATUS_CODE: str
+    RESULT: str
+    CODE: str
+    FAILED: str
+class _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys:
+    CLASS: str
+    ERROR: str
+    STACK: str
+    TEST: str
+    STREAM: str
+class _InstrumentationStatusCodes:
+    UNKNOWN: Incomplete
+    OK: str
+    START: str
+    IN_PROGRESS: str
+    ERROR: str
+    FAILURE: str
+    IGNORED: str
+class _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories:
+    TIMING: Incomplete
+    PASS: Incomplete
+    FAIL: Incomplete
+    SKIPPED: Incomplete
+class _InstrumentationKnownResultKeys:
+    LONGMSG: str
+    SHORTMSG: str
+class _InstrumentationResultSignals:
+    FAIL: str
+    PASS: str
+class _InstrumentationBlockStates(Enum):
+    UNKNOWN: int
+    METHOD: int
+    RESULT: int
+class _InstrumentationBlock:
+    state: Incomplete
+    prefix: Incomplete
+    previous_instrumentation_block: Incomplete
+    error_message: str
+    status_code: Incomplete
+    current_key: Incomplete
+    known_keys: Incomplete
+    unknown_keys: Incomplete
+    begin_time: Incomplete
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        state=...,
+        prefix: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        previous_instrumentation_block: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def is_empty(self): ...
+    def set_error_message(self, error_message) -> None: ...
+    def set_status_code(self, status_code_line) -> None: ...
+    def set_key(self, structure_prefix, key_line) -> None: ...
+    def add_value(self, line) -> None: ...
+    def transition_state(self, new_state): ...
+class _InstrumentationBlockFormatter:
+    def __init__(self, instrumentation_block) -> None: ...
+    def create_test_record(self, mobly_test_class): ...
+    def has_completed_result_block_format(self, error_message): ...
+class InstrumentationTestMixin:
+    def parse_instrumentation_options(self, parameters: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+    def run_instrumentation_test(
+        self,
+        device,
+        package,
+        options: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        prefix: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        runner: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ): ...
+class BaseInstrumentationTestClass(
+    InstrumentationTestMixin, base_test.BaseTestClass
+): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/base_suite.pyi b/stubs/mobly/base_suite.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48912a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/base_suite.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import abc
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+class BaseSuite(abc.ABC, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    def __init__(self, runner, config) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def user_params(self): ...
+    def add_test_class(
+        self,
+        clazz,
+        config: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        tests: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        name_suffix: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def setup_suite(self, config): ...
+    def teardown_suite(self) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/base_test.pyi b/stubs/mobly/base_test.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f1d7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/base_test.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import controller_manager as controller_manager
+from mobly import expects as expects
+from mobly import records as records
+from mobly import runtime_test_info as runtime_test_info
+from mobly import signals as signals
+from mobly import utils as utils
+class Error(Exception): ...
+def repeat(count, max_consecutive_error: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+def retry(max_count): ...
+class BaseTestClass:
+    TAG: Incomplete
+    tests: Incomplete
+    root_output_path: Incomplete
+    log_path: Incomplete
+    test_bed_name: Incomplete
+    testbed_name: Incomplete
+    user_params: Incomplete
+    results: Incomplete
+    summary_writer: Incomplete
+    controller_configs: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, configs) -> None: ...
+    def unpack_userparams(
+        self,
+        req_param_names: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        opt_param_names: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def register_controller(
+        self, module, required: bool = ..., min_number: int = ...
+    ): ...
+    def pre_run(self) -> None: ...
+    def setup_generated_tests(self) -> None: ...
+    def setup_class(self) -> None: ...
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None: ...
+    def setup_test(self) -> None: ...
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None: ...
+    def on_fail(self, record) -> None: ...
+    def on_pass(self, record) -> None: ...
+    def on_skip(self, record) -> None: ...
+    def record_data(self, content) -> None: ...
+    current_test_info: Incomplete
+    def exec_one_test(
+        self, test_name, test_method, record: Incomplete | None = ...
+    ): ...
+    def generate_tests(
+        self, test_logic, name_func, arg_sets, uid_func: Incomplete | None = ...
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def get_existing_test_names(self): ...
+    def run(self, test_names: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/config_parser.pyi b/stubs/mobly/config_parser.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f74ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/config_parser.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import keys as keys
+from mobly import utils as utils
+class MoblyConfigError(Exception): ...
+def load_test_config_file(test_config_path, tb_filters: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+class TestRunConfig:
+    log_path: str
+    test_bed_name: Incomplete
+    testbed_name: Incomplete
+    controller_configs: Incomplete
+    user_params: Incomplete
+    summary_writer: Incomplete
+    test_class_name_suffix: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+    def copy(self): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controller_manager.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controller_manager.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e59a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controller_manager.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import expects as expects
+from mobly import records as records
+from mobly import signals as signals
+def verify_controller_module(module) -> None: ...
+class ControllerManager:
+    controller_configs: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, class_name, controller_configs) -> None: ...
+    def register_controller(
+        self, module, required: bool = ..., min_number: int = ...
+    ): ...
+    def unregister_controllers(self) -> None: ...
+    def get_controller_info_records(self): ...
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/controllers/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/controllers/fuchsia_lib/lib_controllers/__init__.py
copy to stubs/mobly/controllers/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a352b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import enum
+import logging
+from collections.abc import Generator
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import runtime_test_info as runtime_test_info
+from mobly import utils as utils
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import adb as adb
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors as errors
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import fastboot as fastboot
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import service_manager as service_manager
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.services import logcat as logcat
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.services import (
+    snippet_management_service as snippet_management_service,
+Error = errors.Error
+DeviceError = errors.DeviceError
+SnippetError = snippet_management_service.Error
+def create(configs): ...
+def destroy(ads) -> None: ...
+def get_info(ads): ...
+def parse_device_list(device_list_str, key): ...
+def list_adb_devices(): ...
+def list_adb_devices_by_usb_id(): ...
+def list_fastboot_devices(): ...
+def get_instances(serials): ...
+def get_instances_with_configs(configs): ...
+def get_all_instances(include_fastboot: bool = ...): ...
+def filter_devices(ads, func): ...
+def get_devices(ads, **kwargs): ...
+def get_device(ads, **kwargs): ...
+def take_bug_reports(
+    ads,
+    test_name: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    begin_time: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    destination: Incomplete | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+class BuildInfoConstants(enum.Enum):
+    BUILD_ID: Incomplete
+    BUILD_TYPE: Incomplete
+    BUILD_FINGERPRINT: Incomplete
+    BUILD_VERSION_SDK: Incomplete
+    BUILD_PRODUCT: Incomplete
+    DEBUGGABLE: Incomplete
+    PRODUCT_NAME: Incomplete
+    HARDWARE: Incomplete
+    build_info_key: Incomplete
+    system_prop_key: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, build_info_key, system_prop_key) -> None: ...
+class AndroidDevice:
+    log: Incomplete
+    adb: Incomplete
+    fastboot: Incomplete
+    services: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, serial: str = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def adb_logcat_file_path(self): ...
+    @property
+    def device_info(self): ...
+    def add_device_info(self, name, info) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def sl4a(self): ...
+    @property
+    def ed(self): ...
+    @property
+    def debug_tag(self): ...
+    @debug_tag.setter
+    def debug_tag(self, tag) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def has_active_service(self): ...
+    @property
+    def log_path(self): ...
+    @log_path.setter
+    def log_path(self, new_path) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def serial(self): ...
+    def update_serial(self, new_serial) -> None: ...
+    def handle_reboot(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]: ...
+    def handle_usb_disconnect(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]: ...
+    @property
+    def build_info(self): ...
+    @property
+    def is_bootloader(self): ...
+    @property
+    def is_adb_root(self): ...
+    @property
+    def is_rootable(self): ...
+    @property
+    def model(self): ...
+    @property
+    def is_emulator(self): ...
+    def load_config(self, config) -> None: ...
+    def root_adb(self) -> None: ...
+    def load_snippet(self, name, package) -> None: ...
+    def unload_snippet(self, name) -> None: ...
+    def generate_filename(
+        self,
+        file_type,
+        time_identifier: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        extension_name: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ): ...
+    def take_bug_report(
+        self,
+        test_name: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        begin_time: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        timeout: int = ...,
+        destination: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ): ...
+    def take_screenshot(self, destination, prefix: str = ...): ...
+    def run_iperf_client(self, server_host, extra_args: str = ...): ...
+    def wait_for_boot_completion(self, timeout=...) -> None: ...
+    def is_boot_completed(self): ...
+    def is_adb_detectable(self): ...
+    def reboot(self) -> None: ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
+class AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+    def process(self, msg, kwargs): ...
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/controllers/adb_lib/__init__.py
copy to stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/adb.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/adb.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473537d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/adb.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import utils as utils
+ADB: str
+ADB_PORT_LOCK: Incomplete
+class Error(Exception): ...
+class AdbError(Error):
+    cmd: Incomplete
+    stdout: Incomplete
+    stderr: Incomplete
+    ret_code: Incomplete
+    serial: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, ret_code, serial: str = ...) -> None: ...
+class AdbTimeoutError(Error):
+    cmd: Incomplete
+    timeout: Incomplete
+    serial: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, cmd, timeout, serial: str = ...) -> None: ...
+def is_adb_available(): ...
+def list_occupied_adb_ports(): ...
+class AdbProxy:
+    serial: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, serial: str = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def current_user_id(self) -> int: ...
+    def connect(self, address) -> bytes: ...
+    def getprop(self, prop_name): ...
+    def getprops(self, prop_names): ...
+    def has_shell_command(self, command) -> bool: ...
+    def forward(self, args: Incomplete | None = ..., shell: bool = ...) -> bytes: ...
+    def instrument(
+        self,
+        package,
+        options: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        runner: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        handler: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ) -> bytes: ...
+    def root(self) -> bytes: ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/callback_handler.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/callback_handler.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb9383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/callback_handler.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import snippet_event as snippet_event
+from mobly.snippet import errors as errors
+MAX_TIMEOUT: Incomplete
+Error = errors.CallbackHandlerBaseError
+TimeoutError = errors.CallbackHandlerTimeoutError
+class CallbackHandler:
+    ret_value: Incomplete
+    def __init__(
+        self, callback_id, event_client, ret_value, method_name, ad
+    ) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def callback_id(self): ...
+    def waitAndGet(self, event_name, timeout=...): ...
+    def waitForEvent(self, event_name, predicate, timeout=...): ...
+    def getAll(self, event_name): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/callback_handler_v2.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/callback_handler_v2.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24f38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/callback_handler_v2.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from mobly.snippet import callback_handler_base as callback_handler_base
+from mobly.snippet import errors as errors
+class CallbackHandlerV2(callback_handler_base.CallbackHandlerBase):
+    def callEventWaitAndGetRpc(self, callback_id, event_name, timeout_sec): ...
+    def callEventGetAllRpc(self, callback_id, event_name): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/errors.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/errors.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..562da05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/errors.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import signals as signals
+class Error(signals.ControllerError): ...
+class DeviceError(Error):
+    def __init__(self, ad, msg) -> None: ...
+class ServiceError(DeviceError):
+    SERVICE_TYPE: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, device, msg) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/event_dispatcher.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/event_dispatcher.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f63d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/event_dispatcher.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+class EventDispatcherError(Exception): ...
+class IllegalStateError(EventDispatcherError): ...
+class DuplicateError(EventDispatcherError): ...
+class EventDispatcher:
+    started: bool
+    executor: Incomplete
+    poller: Incomplete
+    event_dict: Incomplete
+    handlers: Incomplete
+    lock: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, sl4a) -> None: ...
+    def poll_events(self) -> None: ...
+    def register_handler(self, handler, event_name, args) -> None: ...
+    def start(self) -> None: ...
+    def clean_up(self) -> None: ...
+    def pop_event(self, event_name, timeout=...): ...
+    def wait_for_event(self, event_name, predicate, timeout=..., *args, **kwargs): ...
+    def pop_events(self, regex_pattern, timeout): ...
+    def get_event_q(self, event_name): ...
+    def handle_subscribed_event(self, event_obj, event_name) -> None: ...
+    def handle_event(
+        self,
+        event_handler,
+        event_name,
+        user_args,
+        event_timeout: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        cond: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        cond_timeout: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ): ...
+    def pop_all(self, event_name): ...
+    def clear_events(self, event_name) -> None: ...
+    def clear_all_events(self) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/fastboot.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/fastboot.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e734c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/fastboot.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+def exe_cmd(*cmds): ...
+class FastbootProxy:
+    serial: Incomplete
+    fastboot_str: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, serial: str = ...) -> None: ...
+    def args(self, *args): ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/jsonrpc_client_base.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/jsonrpc_client_base.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..550126d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/jsonrpc_client_base.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import abc
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import callback_handler as callback_handler
+from mobly.snippet import errors as errors
+Error = errors.Error
+AppStartError = errors.ServerStartError
+AppRestoreConnectionError = errors.ServerRestoreConnectionError
+ApiError = errors.ApiError
+ProtocolError = errors.ProtocolError
+class JsonRpcCommand:
+    INIT: str
+    CONTINUE: str
+class JsonRpcClientBase(abc.ABC):
+    host_port: Incomplete
+    device_port: Incomplete
+    app_name: Incomplete
+    log: Incomplete
+    uid: Incomplete
+    verbose_logging: bool
+    def __init__(self, app_name, ad) -> None: ...
+    def __del__(self) -> None: ...
+    def start_app_and_connect(self) -> None: ...
+    def stop_app(self) -> None: ...
+    def restore_app_connection(self, port: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def connect(self, uid=..., cmd=...) -> None: ...
+    def disconnect(self) -> None: ...
+    def close_socket_connection(self) -> None: ...
+    def clear_host_port(self) -> None: ...
+    def disable_hidden_api_blacklist(self) -> None: ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
+    def set_snippet_client_verbose_logging(self, verbose) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/jsonrpc_shell_base.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/jsonrpc_shell_base.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6033e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/jsonrpc_shell_base.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers import android_device as android_device
+class Error(Exception): ...
+class JsonRpcShellBase:
+    def load_device(self, serial: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def start_console(self) -> None: ...
+    def main(self, serial: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/service_manager.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/service_manager.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06aad4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/service_manager.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import expects as expects
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors as errors
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.services import base_service as base_service
+class Error(errors.DeviceError): ...
+class ServiceManager:
+    def __init__(self, device) -> None: ...
+    def has_service_by_name(self, name): ...
+    @property
+    def is_any_alive(self): ...
+    def register(
+        self,
+        alias,
+        service_class,
+        configs: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        start_service: bool = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def unregister(self, alias) -> None: ...
+    def for_each(self, func) -> None: ...
+    def list_live_services(self): ...
+    def create_output_excerpts_all(self, test_info): ...
+    def unregister_all(self) -> None: ...
+    def start_all(self) -> None: ...
+    def start_services(self, service_alises) -> None: ...
+    def stop_all(self) -> None: ...
+    def pause_all(self) -> None: ...
+    def resume_all(self) -> None: ...
+    def resume_services(self, service_alises) -> None: ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/devices/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
rename from src/antlion/controllers/relay_lib/devices/__init__.py
rename to stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/base_service.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/base_service.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c99f0e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/base_service.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import abc
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+class BaseService(abc.ABC):
+    def __init__(self, device, configs: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def alias(self): ...
+    @alias.setter
+    def alias(self, alias) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def is_alive(self) -> None: ...
+    def start(self) -> None: ...
+    def stop(self) -> None: ...
+    def pause(self) -> None: ...
+    def resume(self) -> None: ...
+    def create_output_excerpts(self, test_info): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/logcat.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/logcat.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21d22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/logcat.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import utils as utils
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import adb as adb
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors as errors
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.services import base_service as base_service
+class Error(errors.ServiceError):
+    SERVICE_TYPE: str
+class Config:
+    clear_log: Incomplete
+    logcat_params: Incomplete
+    output_file_path: Incomplete
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        logcat_params: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        clear_log: bool = ...,
+        output_file_path: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+class Logcat(base_service.BaseService):
+    adb_logcat_file_path: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, android_device, configs: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def create_output_excerpts(self, test_info): ...
+    @property
+    def is_alive(self): ...
+    def clear_adb_log(self) -> None: ...
+    def update_config(self, new_config) -> None: ...
+    def start(self) -> None: ...
+    def stop(self) -> None: ...
+    def pause(self) -> None: ...
+    def resume(self) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/sl4a_service.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/sl4a_service.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a0f295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/sl4a_service.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import sl4a_client as sl4a_client
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.services import base_service as base_service
+class Sl4aService(base_service.BaseService):
+    def __init__(self, device, configs: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def is_alive(self): ...
+    def start(self) -> None: ...
+    def stop(self) -> None: ...
+    def pause(self) -> None: ...
+    def resume(self) -> None: ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/snippet_management_service.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/snippet_management_service.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ca5056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/services/snippet_management_service.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors as errors
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import snippet_client_v2 as snippet_client_v2
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.services import base_service as base_service
+class Error(errors.ServiceError):
+    SERVICE_TYPE: str
+class SnippetManagementService(base_service.BaseService):
+    def __init__(self, device, configs: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def is_alive(self): ...
+    def get_snippet_client(self, name): ...
+    def add_snippet_client(self, name, package) -> None: ...
+    def remove_snippet_client(self, name) -> None: ...
+    def start(self) -> None: ...
+    def stop(self) -> None: ...
+    def pause(self) -> None: ...
+    def resume(self) -> None: ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/sl4a_client.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/sl4a_client.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b12fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/sl4a_client.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import utils as utils
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import event_dispatcher as event_dispatcher
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import (
+    jsonrpc_client_base as jsonrpc_client_base,
+class Sl4aClient(jsonrpc_client_base.JsonRpcClientBase):
+    ed: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, ad) -> None: ...
+    device_port: Incomplete
+    def start_app_and_connect(self) -> None: ...
+    host_port: Incomplete
+    def restore_app_connection(self, port: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def stop_app(self) -> None: ...
+    def stop_event_dispatcher(self) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_client.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_client.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96f0a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_client.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import utils as utils
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import adb as adb
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors as errors
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import (
+    jsonrpc_client_base as jsonrpc_client_base,
+from mobly.snippet import errors as snippet_errors
+AppStartPreCheckError = snippet_errors.ServerStartPreCheckError
+ProtocolVersionError = snippet_errors.ServerStartProtocolError
+class SnippetClient(jsonrpc_client_base.JsonRpcClientBase):
+    package: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, package, ad) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def is_alive(self): ...
+    @property
+    def user_id(self): ...
+    def start_app_and_connect(self) -> None: ...
+    host_port: Incomplete
+    def restore_app_connection(self, port: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def stop_app(self) -> None: ...
+    def help(self, print_output: bool = ...): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_client_v2.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_client_v2.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fd966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_client_v2.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import enum
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import utils as utils
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import adb as adb
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import (
+    callback_handler_v2 as callback_handler_v2,
+from mobly.snippet import client_base as client_base
+from mobly.snippet import errors as errors
+class ConnectionHandshakeCommand(enum.Enum):
+    INIT: str
+    CONTINUE: str
+class SnippetClientV2(client_base.ClientBase):
+    host_port: Incomplete
+    device_port: Incomplete
+    uid: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, package, ad) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def user_id(self): ...
+    @property
+    def is_alive(self): ...
+    def before_starting_server(self) -> None: ...
+    def start_server(self) -> None: ...
+    def make_connection(self) -> None: ...
+    def create_socket_connection(self) -> None: ...
+    def send_handshake_request(self, uid=..., cmd=...) -> None: ...
+    def check_server_proc_running(self) -> None: ...
+    def send_rpc_request(self, request): ...
+    def handle_callback(self, callback_id, ret_value, rpc_func_name): ...
+    def make_connection_with_forwarded_port(
+        self, host_port, device_port, uid=..., cmd=...
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def stop(self) -> None: ...
+    def close_connection(self) -> None: ...
+    def restore_server_connection(self, port: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def help(self, print_output: bool = ...): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_event.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_event.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d99106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/android_device_lib/snippet_event.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+def from_dict(event_dict): ...
+class SnippetEvent:
+    callback_id: Incomplete
+    name: Incomplete
+    creation_time: Incomplete
+    data: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, callback_id, name, creation_time, data) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07d7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+KEY_PORT: str
+def create(configs): ...
+def destroy(objs) -> None: ...
+class Error(Exception): ...
+class AttenuatorPath:
+    model: Incomplete
+    attenuation_device: Incomplete
+    idx: Incomplete
+    def __init__(
+        self, attenuation_device, idx: int = ..., name: Incomplete | None = ...
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def set_atten(self, value) -> None: ...
+    def get_atten(self): ...
+    def get_max_atten(self): ...
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.py
copy to stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dfa6e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/minicircuits.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers import attenuator as attenuator
+from mobly.controllers.attenuator_lib import telnet_scpi_client as telnet_scpi_client
+class AttenuatorDevice:
+    path_count: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, path_count: int = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def is_open(self): ...
+    properties: Incomplete
+    max_atten: Incomplete
+    def open(self, host, port: int = ...) -> None: ...
+    def close(self) -> None: ...
+    def set_atten(self, idx, value) -> None: ...
+    def get_atten(self, idx: int = ...): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/telnet_scpi_client.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/telnet_scpi_client.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ebb042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/attenuator_lib/telnet_scpi_client.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers import attenuator as attenuator
+class TelnetScpiClient:
+    tx_cmd_separator: Incomplete
+    rx_cmd_separator: Incomplete
+    prompt: Incomplete
+    host: Incomplete
+    port: Incomplete
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        tx_cmd_separator: str = ...,
+        rx_cmd_separator: str = ...,
+        prompt: str = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def open(self, host, port: int = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def is_open(self): ...
+    def close(self) -> None: ...
+    def cmd(self, cmd_str, wait_ret: bool = ...): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/iperf_server.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/iperf_server.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29fd940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/iperf_server.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import utils as utils
+def create(configs): ...
+def destroy(objs) -> None: ...
+class IPerfResult:
+    result: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, result_path) -> None: ...
+    def get_json(self): ...
+    @property
+    def error(self): ...
+    @property
+    def avg_rate(self): ...
+    @property
+    def avg_receive_rate(self): ...
+    @property
+    def avg_send_rate(self): ...
+class IPerfServer:
+    port: Incomplete
+    log_path: Incomplete
+    iperf_str: Incomplete
+    iperf_process: Incomplete
+    log_files: Incomplete
+    started: bool
+    def __init__(self, port, log_path) -> None: ...
+    def start(self, extra_args: str = ..., tag: str = ...) -> None: ...
+    def stop(self) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee9062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+def create(configs): ...
+def destroy(objs) -> None: ...
+class SnifferError(Exception): ...
+class InvalidDataError(Exception): ...
+class ExecutionError(SnifferError): ...
+class InvalidOperationError(SnifferError): ...
+class Sniffer:
+    def __init__(
+        self, interface, logger, base_configs: Incomplete | None = ...
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def get_descriptor(self) -> None: ...
+    def get_type(self) -> None: ...
+    def get_subtype(self) -> None: ...
+    def get_interface(self) -> None: ...
+    def get_capture_file(self) -> None: ...
+    def start_capture(
+        self,
+        override_configs: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        additional_args: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        duration: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        packet_count: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def stop_capture(self) -> None: ...
+    def wait_for_capture(self, timeout: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class ActiveCaptureContext:
+    def __init__(self, sniffer, timeout: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def __enter__(self) -> None: ...
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback) -> None: ...
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.py
copy to stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.py
copy to stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e56926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/local_base.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import logger as logger
+from mobly import utils as utils
+from mobly.controllers import sniffer as sniffer
+class SnifferLocalBase(sniffer.Sniffer):
+    def __init__(
+        self, interface, logger, base_configs: Incomplete | None = ...
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def get_interface(self): ...
+    def get_type(self): ...
+    def get_capture_file(self): ...
+    def start_capture(
+        self,
+        override_configs: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        additional_args: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        duration: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        packet_count: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ): ...
+    def stop_capture(self) -> None: ...
+    def wait_for_capture(self, timeout: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc12b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tcpdump.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers import sniffer as sniffer
+from mobly.controllers.sniffer_lib.local import local_base as local_base
+class Sniffer(local_base.SnifferLocalBase):
+    def __init__(
+        self, config_path, logger, base_configs: Incomplete | None = ...
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def get_descriptor(self): ...
+    def get_subtype(self): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.pyi b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc12b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/controllers/sniffer_lib/local/tshark.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.controllers import sniffer as sniffer
+from mobly.controllers.sniffer_lib.local import local_base as local_base
+class Sniffer(local_base.SnifferLocalBase):
+    def __init__(
+        self, config_path, logger, base_configs: Incomplete | None = ...
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def get_descriptor(self): ...
+    def get_subtype(self): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/expects.pyi b/stubs/mobly/expects.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7aa36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/expects.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from collections.abc import Generator
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import asserts as asserts
+from mobly import records as records
+from mobly import signals as signals
+class _ExpectErrorRecorder:
+    def __init__(self, record: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def reset_internal_states(self, record: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def has_error(self): ...
+    @property
+    def error_count(self): ...
+    def add_error(self, error) -> None: ...
+def expect_true(condition, msg, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def expect_false(condition, msg, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def expect_equal(
+    first, second, msg: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def expect_no_raises(
+    message: Incomplete | None = ..., extras: Incomplete | None = ...
+) -> Generator[None, None, None]: ...
+recorder: Incomplete
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/keys.pyi b/stubs/mobly/keys.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9007329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/keys.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import enum
+class Config(enum.Enum):
+    key_mobly_params: str
+    key_log_path: str
+    key_testbed: str
+    key_testbed_name: str
+    key_testbed_controllers: str
+    key_testbed_test_params: str
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/logger.pyi b/stubs/mobly/logger.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ccf16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/logger.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import logging
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import records as records
+from mobly import utils as utils
+log_line_format: str
+log_line_time_format: str
+log_line_timestamp_len: int
+logline_timestamp_re: Incomplete
+def is_valid_logline_timestamp(timestamp): ...
+def logline_timestamp_comparator(t1, t2): ...
+def epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(epoch_time, time_zone: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+def get_log_line_timestamp(delta: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+def get_log_file_timestamp(delta: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+def kill_test_logger(logger) -> None: ...
+def create_latest_log_alias(actual_path, alias) -> None: ...
+def setup_test_logger(
+    log_path, prefix: Incomplete | None = ..., alias: str = ..., console_level=...
+) -> None: ...
+def sanitize_filename(filename): ...
+def normalize_log_line_timestamp(log_line_timestamp): ...
+class PrefixLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+    _KWARGS_TYPE: Incomplete
+    _PROCESS_RETURN_TYPE: Incomplete
+    extra: _KWARGS_TYPE
+    def process(self, msg: str, kwargs: _KWARGS_TYPE) -> _PROCESS_RETURN_TYPE: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/records.pyi b/stubs/mobly/records.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae6905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/records.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+import enum
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import signals as signals
+from mobly import utils as utils
+class Error(Exception): ...
+def uid(uid): ...
+class TestSummaryEntryType(enum.Enum):
+    TEST_NAME_LIST: str
+    RECORD: str
+    SUMMARY: str
+    USER_DATA: str
+class TestSummaryWriter:
+    def __init__(self, path) -> None: ...
+    def __copy__(self): ...
+    def __deepcopy__(self, *args): ...
+    def dump(self, content, entry_type) -> None: ...
+class TestResultEnums:
+    RECORD_NAME: str
+    RECORD_CLASS: str
+    RECORD_UID: str
+class ControllerInfoRecord:
+    KEY_TEST_CLASS: Incomplete
+    test_class: Incomplete
+    controller_name: Incomplete
+    controller_info: Incomplete
+    timestamp: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, test_class, controller_name, info) -> None: ...
+    def to_dict(self): ...
+class ExceptionRecord:
+    exception: Incomplete
+    type: Incomplete
+    stacktrace: Incomplete
+    extras: Incomplete
+    position: Incomplete
+    is_test_signal: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, e, position: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def to_dict(self): ...
+    def __deepcopy__(self, memo): ...
+class TestResultRecord:
+    test_name: Incomplete
+    test_class: Incomplete
+    begin_time: Incomplete
+    end_time: Incomplete
+    uid: Incomplete
+    signature: Incomplete
+    retry_parent: Incomplete
+    termination_signal: Incomplete
+    extra_errors: Incomplete
+    result: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, t_name, t_class: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def details(self): ...
+    @property
+    def termination_signal_type(self): ...
+    @property
+    def stacktrace(self): ...
+    @property
+    def extras(self): ...
+    def test_begin(self) -> None: ...
+    def update_record(self) -> None: ...
+    def test_pass(self, e: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def test_fail(self, e: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def test_skip(self, e: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def test_error(self, e: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+    def add_error(self, position, e) -> None: ...
+    def to_dict(self): ...
+class TestResult:
+    requested: Incomplete
+    failed: Incomplete
+    executed: Incomplete
+    passed: Incomplete
+    skipped: Incomplete
+    error: Incomplete
+    controller_info: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+    def __add__(self, r): ...
+    def add_record(self, record) -> None: ...
+    def add_controller_info_record(self, controller_info_record) -> None: ...
+    def add_class_error(self, test_record) -> None: ...
+    def is_test_executed(self, test_name): ...
+    @property
+    def is_all_pass(self): ...
+    def requested_test_names_dict(self): ...
+    def summary_str(self): ...
+    def summary_dict(self): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/runtime_test_info.pyi b/stubs/mobly/runtime_test_info.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd1733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/runtime_test_info.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from mobly import utils as utils
+class RuntimeTestInfo:
+    def __init__(self, test_name, log_path, record) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def name(self): ...
+    @property
+    def signature(self): ...
+    @property
+    def record(self): ...
+    @property
+    def output_path(self): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/signals.pyi b/stubs/mobly/signals.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4fbe53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/signals.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+class TestSignalError(Exception): ...
+class TestSignal(Exception):
+    details: Incomplete
+    extras: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, details, extras: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class TestError(TestSignal): ...
+class TestFailure(TestSignal): ...
+class TestPass(TestSignal): ...
+class TestSkip(TestSignal): ...
+class TestAbortSignal(TestSignal): ...
+class TestAbortClass(TestAbortSignal): ...
+class TestAbortAll(TestAbortSignal): ...
+class ControllerError(Exception): ...
diff --git a/src/antlion/event/__init__.py b/stubs/mobly/snippet/__init__.pyi
similarity index 100%
copy from src/antlion/event/__init__.py
copy to stubs/mobly/snippet/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/snippet/callback_event.pyi b/stubs/mobly/snippet/callback_event.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3dfbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/snippet/callback_event.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+def from_dict(event_dict): ...
+class CallbackEvent:
+    callback_id: Incomplete
+    name: Incomplete
+    creation_time: Incomplete
+    data: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, callback_id, name, creation_time, data) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/snippet/callback_handler_base.pyi b/stubs/mobly/snippet/callback_handler_base.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11502d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/snippet/callback_handler_base.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import abc
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.snippet import callback_event as callback_event
+from mobly.snippet import errors as errors
+class CallbackHandlerBase(abc.ABC, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    ret_value: Incomplete
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        callback_id,
+        event_client,
+        ret_value,
+        method_name,
+        device,
+        rpc_max_timeout_sec,
+        default_timeout_sec: int = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    @property
+    def rpc_max_timeout_sec(self): ...
+    @property
+    def default_timeout_sec(self): ...
+    @property
+    def callback_id(self): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def callEventWaitAndGetRpc(self, callback_id, event_name, timeout_sec): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def callEventGetAllRpc(self, callback_id, event_name): ...
+    def waitAndGet(self, event_name, timeout: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+    def waitForEvent(self, event_name, predicate, timeout: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+    def getAll(self, event_name): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/snippet/client_base.pyi b/stubs/mobly/snippet/client_base.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92d4b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/snippet/client_base.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import abc
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly.snippet import errors as errors
+class ClientBase(abc.ABC, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    package: Incomplete
+    log: Incomplete
+    verbose_logging: bool
+    def __init__(self, package, device) -> None: ...
+    def __del__(self) -> None: ...
+    def initialize(self) -> None: ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def before_starting_server(self): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def start_server(self): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def make_connection(self): ...
+    def __getattr__(self, name): ...
+    def set_snippet_client_verbose_logging(self, verbose) -> None: ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def restore_server_connection(self, port: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def check_server_proc_running(self): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def send_rpc_request(self, request): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def handle_callback(self, callback_id, ret_value, rpc_func_name): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def stop(self): ...
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def close_connection(self): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/snippet/errors.pyi b/stubs/mobly/snippet/errors.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c2ac2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/snippet/errors.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors as errors
+class Error(errors.DeviceError): ...
+class ServerRestoreConnectionError(Error): ...
+class ServerStartError(Error): ...
+class ServerStartProtocolError(ServerStartError): ...
+class ServerStartPreCheckError(Error): ...
+class ApiError(Error): ...
+class ProtocolError(Error):
+class ServerDiedError(Error): ...
+class CallbackHandlerBaseError(errors.DeviceError): ...
+class CallbackHandlerTimeoutError(Error): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/suite_runner.pyi b/stubs/mobly/suite_runner.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415ed32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/suite_runner.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import base_suite as base_suite
+from mobly import base_test as base_test
+from mobly import config_parser as config_parser
+from mobly import signals as signals
+from mobly import test_runner as test_runner
+class Error(Exception): ...
+def run_suite_class(argv: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def run_suite(test_classes, argv: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def compute_selected_tests(test_classes, selected_tests): ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/test_runner.pyi b/stubs/mobly/test_runner.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f1c9df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/test_runner.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from collections.abc import Generator
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+from mobly import base_test as base_test
+from mobly import config_parser as config_parser
+from mobly import logger as logger
+from mobly import records as records
+from mobly import signals as signals
+from mobly import utils as utils
+class Error(Exception): ...
+def main(argv: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def parse_mobly_cli_args(argv): ...
+class TestRunner:
+    class _TestRunInfo:
+        config: Incomplete
+        test_class: Incomplete
+        test_class_name_suffix: Incomplete
+        tests: Incomplete
+        def __init__(
+            self,
+            config,
+            test_class,
+            tests: Incomplete | None = ...,
+            test_class_name_suffix: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        ) -> None: ...
+    class _TestRunMetaData:
+        root_output_path: Incomplete
+        def __init__(self, log_dir, testbed_name) -> None: ...
+        def generate_test_run_log_path(self): ...
+        def set_start_point(self) -> None: ...
+        def set_end_point(self) -> None: ...
+        @property
+        def run_id(self): ...
+        @property
+        def time_elapsed_sec(self): ...
+    results: Incomplete
+    def __init__(self, log_dir, testbed_name) -> None: ...
+    def mobly_logger(
+        self, alias: str = ..., console_level=...
+    ) -> Generator[Incomplete, None, None]: ...
+    def add_test_class(
+        self,
+        config,
+        test_class,
+        tests: Incomplete | None = ...,
+        name_suffix: Incomplete | None = ...,
+    ) -> None: ...
+    def run(self) -> None: ...
diff --git a/stubs/mobly/utils.pyi b/stubs/mobly/utils.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7024b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stubs/mobly/utils.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from _typeshed import Incomplete
+ascii_letters_and_digits: Incomplete
+valid_filename_chars: Incomplete
+GMT_to_olson: Incomplete
+class Error(Exception): ...
+def abs_path(path): ...
+def create_dir(path) -> None: ...
+def create_alias(target_path, alias_path) -> None: ...
+def get_current_epoch_time(): ...
+def get_current_human_time(): ...
+def epoch_to_human_time(epoch_time): ...
+def get_timezone_olson_id(): ...
+def find_files(paths, file_predicate): ...
+def load_file_to_base64_str(f_path): ...
+def find_field(item_list, cond, comparator, target_field): ...
+def rand_ascii_str(length): ...
+def concurrent_exec(
+    func, param_list, max_workers: int = ..., raise_on_exception: bool = ...
+): ...
+def run_command(
+    cmd,
+    stdout=...,
+    stderr=...,
+    shell=...,
+    timeout=...,
+    cwd=...,
+    env=...,
+    universal_newlines: bool = ...,
+) -> tuple[int, bytes, bytes] | tuple[int, str, str]: ...
+def start_standing_subprocess(cmd, shell: bool = ..., env: Incomplete | None = ...): ...
+def stop_standing_subprocess(proc) -> None: ...
+def wait_for_standing_subprocess(proc, timeout: Incomplete | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def get_available_host_port(): ...
+def grep(regex, output): ...
+def cli_cmd_to_string(args): ...
+def get_settable_properties(cls): ...
+def find_subclasses_in_module(base_classes, module): ...
+def find_subclass_in_module(base_class, module): ...
diff --git a/tests/BUILD.gn b/tests/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072e58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    "dhcp:e2e_tests",
+    "examples:e2e_tests",
+    "wlan:e2e_tests",
+    "wlan_policy:e2e_tests",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    "examples:e2e_tests_quick",
+    "wlan:e2e_tests_quick",
+    "wlan_policy:e2e_tests_quick",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_manual") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    "wlan:e2e_tests_manual",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/bt/BleFuchsiaAndroidTest.py b/tests/bt/BleFuchsiaAndroidTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d360262..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/BleFuchsiaAndroidTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This script shows simple examples of how to get started with bluetooth
-   low energy testing in acts.
-import pprint
-from antlion.controllers import android_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_advertise_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import adv_succ
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import ble_scan_settings_modes
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import scan_result
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import cleanup_scanners_and_advertisers
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import reset_bluetooth
-class BleFuchsiaAndroidTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
-    default_timeout = 10
-    active_adv_callback_list = []
-    droid = None
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        # Android device under test
-        self.ad = self.android_devices[0]
-        # Fuchsia device under test
-        self.fd = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        self.log.info("There are: {} fuchsia and {} android devices.".format(
-            len(self.fuchsia_devices), len(self.android_devices)))
-    def _start_generic_advertisement_include_device_name(self):
-        self.ad.droid.bleSetAdvertiseDataIncludeDeviceName(True)
-        self.ad.droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsAdvertiseMode(
-            ble_advertise_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-        advertise_data = self.ad.droid.bleBuildAdvertiseData()
-        advertise_settings = self.ad.droid.bleBuildAdvertiseSettings()
-        advertise_callback = self.ad.droid.bleGenBleAdvertiseCallback()
-        self.ad.droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(advertise_callback,
-                                             advertise_data,
-                                             advertise_settings)
-        self.ad.ed.pop_event(adv_succ.format(advertise_callback),
-                             self.default_timeout)
-        self.active_adv_callback_list.append(advertise_callback)
-        return advertise_callback
-    # Basic test for android device as advertiser and fuchsia device as scanner
-    # Returns True if scan result has an entry corresponding to sample_android_name
-    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
-    def test_fuchsia_scan_android_adv(self):
-        sample_android_name = "Pixel1234"
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothSetLocalName(sample_android_name)
-        adv_callback = self._start_generic_advertisement_include_device_name()
-        droid_name = self.ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalName()
-        self.log.info("Android device name: {}".format(droid_name))
-        res = True
-        if not le_scan_for_device_by_name(
-                self.fd, self.log, sample_android_name, self.default_timeout):
-            res = False
-        #Stop android advertising
-        self.ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
-        return res
-    # Test for fuchsia device attempting to connect to android device (peripheral)
-    # Also tests the list_services and discconect to a peripheral
-    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
-    def test_fuchsia_connect_android_periph(self):
-        sample_android_name = "Pixel1234"
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
-        self.ad.droid.bluetoothSetLocalName(sample_android_name)
-        adv_callback = self._start_generic_advertisement_include_device_name()
-        droid_name = self.ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalName()
-        self.log.info("Android device name: {}".format(droid_name))
-        scan_result = le_scan_for_device_by_name(self.fd, self.log,
-                                                 sample_android_name,
-                                                 self.default_timeout)
-        if not scan_result:
-            return False
-        name, did, connectable = scan_result["name"], scan_result[
-            "id"], scan_result["connectable"]
-        connect = self.fd.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(did)
-        self.log.info("Connecting returned status: {}".format(connect))
-        services = self.fd.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(did)
-        self.log.info("Listing services returned: {}".format(services))
-        dconnect = self.fd.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(did)
-        self.log.info("Disconnect status: {}".format(dconnect))
-        #Print clients to validate results are saved
-        self.fd.sl4f.print_clients()
-        #Stop android advertising + cleanup sl4f
-        self.ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
-        return True
-    # Currently, this test doesn't work. The android device does not scan
-    # TODO(): Debug android scan
-    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
-    def test_fuchsia_adv_android_scan(self):
-        #Initialize advertising on fuchsia device with name and interval
-        fuchsia_name = "testADV123"
-        adv_data = {
-            "name": fuchsia_name,
-            "appearance": None,
-            "service_data": None,
-            "tx_power_level": None,
-            "service_uuids": None,
-            "manufacturer_data": None,
-            "uris": None,
-        }
-        scan_response = None
-        connectable = True
-        interval = 1000
-        #Start advertising
-        self.fd.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(adv_data, scan_response,
-                                                    interval, connectable)
-        # Initialize scan on android device which scan settings + callback
-        filter_list = self.ad.droid.bleGenFilterList()
-        self.ad.droid.bleSetScanFilterDeviceName(fuchsia_name)
-        self.ad.droid.bleSetScanSettingsScanMode(
-            ble_scan_settings_modes['low_latency'])
-        scan_settings = self.ad.droid.bleBuildScanSetting()
-        scan_callback = self.ad.droid.bleGenScanCallback()
-        self.ad.droid.bleBuildScanFilter(filter_list)
-        self.ad.droid.bleStartBleScan(filter_list, scan_settings,
-                                      scan_callback)
-        event_name = scan_result.format(scan_callback)
-        try:
-            event = self.ad.ed.pop_event(event_name, self.default_timeout)
-            self.log.info("Found scan result: {}".format(
-                pprint.pformat(event)))
-        except Exception:
-            self.log.error("Didn't find any scan results.")
-            return False
-        finally:
-            self.fd.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-            self.ad.droid.bleStopBleScan(scan_callback)
-        # TODO(): Validate result
-        return True
diff --git a/tests/bt/BleFuchsiaTest.py b/tests/bt/BleFuchsiaTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f7dbe..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/BleFuchsiaTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""This scrip tests various BLE apis for Fuchsia devices.
-import random
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
-class BleFuchsiaTest(BaseTestClass):
-    default_timeout = 10
-    active_scan_callback_list = []
-    active_adv_callback_list = []
-    droid = None
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        if (len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 2):
-            self.log.error("BleFuchsiaTest Init: Not enough fuchsia devices.")
-        self.log.info("Running testbed setup with two fuchsia devices")
-        self.fuchsia_adv = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        self.fuchsia_scan = self.fuchsia_devices[1]
-    def test_fuchsia_publish_service(self):
-        service_primary = True
-        # Random uuid
-        service_type = "0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805fffffff"
-        # Generate a random key for sl4f storage of proxy key
-        service_proxy_key = "SProxy" + str(random.randint(0, 1000000))
-        res = self.fuchsia_adv.sl4f.ble_lib.blePublishService(
-            service_primary, service_type, service_proxy_key)
-        self.log.info("Publish result: {}".format(res))
-        return True
-    def test_fuchsia_scan_fuchsia_adv(self):
-        # Initialize advertising on fuchsia dveice with name and interval
-        fuchsia_name = "testADV1234"
-        adv_data = {
-            "name": fuchsia_name,
-            "appearance": None,
-            "service_data": None,
-            "tx_power_level": None,
-            "service_uuids": None,
-            "manufacturer_data": None,
-            "uris": None,
-        }
-        scan_response = None
-        connectable = True
-        interval = 1000
-        res = True
-        # Start advertising
-        self.fuchsia_adv.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            adv_data, scan_response, interval, connectable)
-        self.log.info("Fuchsia advertising name: {}".format(fuchsia_name))
-        # Start scan
-        scan_result = le_scan_for_device_by_name(self.fuchsia_scan, self.log,
-                                                 fuchsia_name,
-                                                 self.default_timeout)
-        if not scan_result:
-            res = False
-        # Stop advertising
-        self.fuchsia_adv.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-        return res
-    def test_fuchsia_gatt_fuchsia_periph(self):
-        # Create random service with primary, and uuid
-        service_primary = True
-        # Random uuid
-        service_type = "0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805fffffff"
-        # Generate a random key for sl4f storage of proxy key
-        service_proxy_key = "SProxy" + str(random.randint(0, 1000000))
-        res = self.fuchsia_adv.sl4f.ble_lib.blePublishService(
-            service_primary, service_type, service_proxy_key)
-        self.log.info("Publish result: {}".format(res))
-        # Initialize advertising on fuchsia dveice with name and interval
-        fuchsia_name = "testADV1234"
-        adv_data = {
-            "name": fuchsia_name,
-            "appearance": None,
-            "service_data": None,
-            "tx_power_level": None,
-            "service_uuids": None,
-            "manufacturer_data": None,
-            "uris": None,
-        }
-        scan_response = None
-        connectable = True
-        interval = 1000
-        # Start advertising
-        self.fuchsia_adv.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            adv_data, scan_response, interval, connectable)
-        self.log.info("Fuchsia advertising name: {}".format(fuchsia_name))
-        # Start Scan
-        scan_result = le_scan_for_device_by_name(self.fuchsia_scan, self.log,
-                                                 fuchsia_name,
-                                                 self.default_timeout)
-        if not scan_result:
-            self.fuchsia_adv.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-            return False
-        name, did, connectable = scan_result["name"], scan_result[
-            "id"], scan_result["connectable"]
-        connect = self.fuchsia_scan.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(did)
-        self.log.info("Connecting returned status: {}".format(connect))
-        services = self.fuchsia_scan.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(did)
-        self.log.info("Listing services returned: {}".format(services))
-        dconnect = self.fuchsia_scan.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(
-            did)
-        self.log.info("Disconnect status: {}".format(dconnect))
-        # Stop fuchsia advertising
-        self.fuchsia_adv.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-        return True
diff --git a/tests/bt/BluetoothCmdLineTest.py b/tests/bt/BluetoothCmdLineTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 588d095..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/BluetoothCmdLineTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Script for initializing a cmd line tool for PTS and other purposes.
-Required custom config parameters:
-'target_mac_address': '00:00:00:00:00:00'
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from command_input import CommandInput
-class BluetoothCmdLineTest(BaseTestClass):
-    target_device_name = ""
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        dut = self.user_params.get('dut', None)
-        if dut:
-            if dut == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-                self.dut.sl4f.bts_lib.initBluetoothSys()
-                self.dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.init()
-            elif dut == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
-        else:
-            # Default is an Fuchsia device
-            self.dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        if not "target_device_name" in self.user_params.keys():
-            self.log.warning("Missing user config \"target_device_name\"!")
-            self.target_device_name = ""
-        else:
-            self.target_device_name = self.user_params["target_device_name"]
-    def test_cmd_line_helper(self):
-        cmd_line = CommandInput()
-        cmd_line.setup_vars(self.dut, self.target_device_name, self.log)
-        cmd_line.cmdloop()
-        return True
diff --git a/tests/bt/FuchsiaBtMacAddressTest.py b/tests/bt/FuchsiaBtMacAddressTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f069a81..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/FuchsiaBtMacAddressTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This is a test to verify two or more Fuchsia devices don't have the same mac
-This test requires at least two fuchsia devices.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import generate_id_by_size
-class FuchsiaBtMacAddressTest(BaseTestClass):
-    scan_timeout_seconds = 10
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 2:
-            raise signals.TestAbortAll("Need at least two Fuchsia devices")
-        for device in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            device.sl4f.bts_lib.initBluetoothSys()
-    def test_verify_different_mac_addresses(self):
-        """Verify that all connected Fuchsia devices have unique mac addresses.
-        Steps:
-        1. Get mac address from each device
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify duplicate mac addresses don't exist.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
-        TAGS: BR/EDR, BT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        mac_addr_list = []
-        for device in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            mac_addr_list.append(
-                device.sl4f.bts_lib.getActiveAdapterAddress().get("result"))
-        if len(mac_addr_list) != len(set(mac_addr_list)):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Found duplicate mac addresses {}.".format(mac_addr_list))
-        raise signals.TestPass(
-            "Success: All Bluetooth Mac address unique: {}".format(
-                mac_addr_list))
diff --git a/tests/bt/FuchsiaBtScanTest.py b/tests/bt/FuchsiaBtScanTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3acc0a1..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/FuchsiaBtScanTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This is a stress test for Fuchsia GATT connections.
-This test only requires two fuchsia devices as the purpose is to test
-the robusntess of GATT connections.
-import time
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import generate_id_by_size
-class FuchsiaBtScanTest(BaseTestClass):
-    scan_timeout_seconds = 30
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.pri_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        self.sec_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[1]
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.initBluetoothSys()
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.initBluetoothSys()
-    def test_scan_with_peer_set_non_discoverable(self):
-        """Test Bluetooth scan with peer set to non discoverable.
-        Steps:
-        1. Set peer device to a unique device name.
-        2. Set peer device to be non-discoverable.
-        3. Perform a BT Scan with primary dut with enough time to
-        gather results.
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify there are no results that match the unique device
-        name in step 1.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
-        TAGS: BR/EDR, BT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        local_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setName(local_name)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setDiscoverable(False)
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(True)
-        time.sleep(self.scan_timeout_seconds)
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-        discovered_devices = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices()
-        for device in discovered_devices.get("result").values():
-            discoverd_name = device.get("name")
-            if discoverd_name is not None and discoverd_name is local_name:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "Found peer unexpectedly: {}.".format(device))
-        raise signals.TestPass("Successfully didn't find peer device.")
-    def test_scan_with_peer_set_discoverable(self):
-        """Test Bluetooth scan with peer set to discoverable.
-        Steps:
-        1. Set peer device to a unique device name.
-        2. Set peer device to be discoverable.
-        3. Perform a BT Scan with primary dut with enough time to
-        gather results.
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify there is a result that match the unique device
-        name in step 1.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
-        TAGS: BR/EDR, BT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        local_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-        self.log.info("Setting local peer name to: {}".format(local_name))
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setName(local_name)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setDiscoverable(True)
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(True)
-        end_time = time.time() + self.scan_timeout_seconds
-        poll_timeout = 10
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            discovered_devices = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices(
-            )
-            for device in discovered_devices.get("result").values():
-                self.log.info(device)
-                discoverd_name = device.get("name")
-                if discoverd_name is not None and discoverd_name in local_name:
-                    self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-                    raise signals.TestPass("Successfully found peer device.")
-            time.sleep(poll_timeout)
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Unable to find peer device.")
diff --git a/tests/bt/GapSecSemTest.py b/tests/bt/GapSecSemTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c3888b..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/GapSecSemTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-PTS GAP/SEC/SEM Automation
-Optional custom parameter "collect_detailed_pass_logs"
-    Used to collect link keys and extra logs on pass results
-    to be used for certification purposes.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import generate_id_by_size
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import get_link_keys
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import unbond_all_known_devices
-from contextlib import suppress
-import inspect
-class GapSecSemTest(BaseTestClass):
-    gatt_connect_err_message = "Gatt connection failed with: {}"
-    gatt_disconnect_err_message = "Gatt disconnection failed with: {}"
-    ble_advertise_interval = 50
-    scan_timeout_seconds = 60
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.pri_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        # TODO: fxb/57968 Provide Facade for setting secure connections only mode,
-        # for the interim set this manually in the build.
-        self.sec_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[1]
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.sl4f.bts_lib.initBluetoothSys()
-        # Optional user param for collecting enough information for
-        # certification on pass results.
-        self.collect_detailed_pass_logs = self.user_params.get(
-            "collect_detailed_pass_logs", False)
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        # Stop scanning and advertising on all devices at the end of a test.
-        with suppress(Exception):
-            for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-                fd.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-                fd.bleStopBleScan()
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            unbond_all_known_devices(fd, self.log)
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-    def on_pass(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        if self.collect_detailed_pass_logs == True:
-            for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-                fd.take_bt_snoop_log(test_name)
-                fd.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-    def _orchestrate_gatt_connection(self, central, peripheral):
-        """ Orchestrate a GATT connetion from the input Central
-        Fuchsia device to the Peripheral Fuchsia device.
-        Args:
-                central: The central Fuchsia device
-                peripheral: The peripheral Fuchsia device
-                peripheral: The peripheral role Fuchsia device
-        Returns:
-            Dictionary of device info if connection successful.
-        """
-        adv_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-        adv_data = {
-            "name": adv_name,
-            "appearance": None,
-            "service_data": None,
-            "tx_power_level": None,
-            "service_uuids": None,
-            "manufacturer_data": None,
-            "uris": None,
-        }
-        scan_response = None
-        connectable = True
-        peripheral.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            adv_data, scan_response, self.ble_advertise_interval, connectable)
-        scan_filter = {"name_substring": adv_name}
-        central.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleStartBleScan(scan_filter)
-        device = le_scan_for_device_by_name(central,
-                                            self.log,
-                                            adv_name,
-                                            self.scan_timeout_seconds,
-                                            partial_match=False,
-                                            self_manage_scan=False)
-        if device is None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Scanner unable to find advertisement.")
-        connect_result = central.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(
-            device["id"])
-        if connect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                self.gatt_connect_err_message.format(
-                    connect_result.get("error")))
-        self.log.info("Connection Successful...")
-        return device
-    def _orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(self, test_name, central,
-                                               peripheral,
-                                               is_central_pairing_initiator,
-                                               security_level):
-        """ Performs GAP/SEC/SEM/BV-37 to 44 tests.
-            These set of tests deal with varying modes and directions of
-            service level connections with LE secure Connections.
-            Args:
-                test_name: The name of the test for logging purposes
-                central: The central role Fuchsia device
-                peripheral: The peripheral role Fuchsia device
-                is_central_pairing_initiator: True if Central should initiate
-                    the pairing. False if Peripheral should initiate.
-                security_level: 1 for Encrypted, 2 for Authenticated
-            Orchestration Steps:
-                1. Perform GATT connection from Central to Peripheral
-                2. Pair with specified security_level in direction specified
-                    by is_central_pairing_initiator.
-                3. Exchange pairing pins
-                4. Collect link keys if applicable
-                5. Disconnect device
-                6. Forget pairing.
-        """
-        input_capabilities = "NONE"
-        output_capabilities = "NONE"
-        central.sl4f.bts_lib.acceptPairing("KEYBOARD", "DISPLAY")
-        peripheral.sl4f.bts_lib.acceptPairing("KEYBOARD", "DISPLAY")
-        device = self._orchestrate_gatt_connection(central, peripheral)
-        # TODO: fxb/71289 Change once all peer IDs are ints and not strings
-        identifier = int("0x{}".format(device["id"]), 0)
-        bondable = True
-        transport = 2  #LE
-        if is_central_pairing_initiator:
-            pair_result = central.sl4f.bts_lib.pair(identifier, security_level,
-                                                    bondable, transport)
-        if not is_central_pairing_initiator:
-            device_list = peripheral.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices(
-            )['result']
-            print(device_list)
-            for id_dict in device_list:
-                d = device_list[id_dict]
-                name = None
-                if d['connected'] is True:
-                    did = d['id']
-            pair_result = peripheral.sl4f.bts_lib.pair(did, security_level,
-                                                       bondable, transport)
-        pins_transferred = False
-        pairing_pin = central.sl4f.bts_lib.getPairingPin()['result']
-        if pairing_pin != "0" and pairing_pin is not None:
-            peripheral.sl4f.bts_lib.inputPairingPin(pairing_pin)
-            pins_transferred = True
-        if not pins_transferred:
-            pairing_pin = peripheral.sl4f.bts_lib.getPairingPin()['result']
-            if pairing_pin != "0":
-                central.sl4f.bts_lib.inputPairingPin(pairing_pin)
-        if self.collect_detailed_pass_logs == True:
-            save_path = f"{central.log_path}/{test_name}_stash_secure.store"
-            self.log.info(
-                f"Known Link Keys: {get_link_keys(central, save_path)}")
-            save_path = f"{peripheral.log_path}/{test_name}_stash_secure.store"
-            self.log.info(
-                f"Known Link Keys: {get_link_keys(peripheral, save_path)}")
-        disconnect_result = central.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(
-            device["id"])
-        if disconnect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                self.gatt_disconnect_err_message.format(
-                    disconnect_result.get("error")))
-        self.log.info("Disconnection Successful...")
-        central.sl4f.bts_lib.forgetDevice(identifier)
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_37_c(self):
-        central = self.pri_dut
-        peripheral = self.sec_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = True
-        security_level = 1  # Encrypted
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_38_c(self):
-        central = self.pri_dut
-        peripheral = self.sec_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = True
-        security_level = 2  # Authenticated
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_39_c(self):
-        central = self.pri_dut
-        peripheral = self.sec_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = False
-        security_level = 1  # Encrypted
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_40_c(self):
-        central = self.pri_dut
-        peripheral = self.sec_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = False
-        security_level = 2  # Authenticated
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_41_c(self):
-        central = self.sec_dut
-        peripheral = self.pri_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = True
-        security_level = 1  # Encrypted
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_42_c(self):
-        central = self.sec_dut
-        peripheral = self.pri_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = True
-        security_level = 2  # Authenticated
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_43_c(self):
-        central = self.sec_dut
-        peripheral = self.pri_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = False
-        security_level = 1  # Encrypted
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
-    def test_gap_sec_sem_bv_44_c(self):
-        central = self.sec_dut
-        peripheral = self.pri_dut
-        is_central_pairing_initiator = False
-        security_level = 2  # Authenticated
-        test_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
-        self._orchestrate_gap_sec_sem_37_to_44_test(
-            test_name, central, peripheral, is_central_pairing_initiator,
-            security_level)
diff --git a/tests/bt/command_input.py b/tests/bt/command_input.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 26ed8f1..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/command_input.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3050 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Python script for wrappers to various libraries.
-Class CmdInput inherts from the cmd library.
-Functions that start with "do_" have a method
-signature that doesn't match the actual command
-line command and that is intended. This is so the
-"help" command knows what to display (in this case
-the documentation of the command itself).
-For example:
-Looking at the function "do_tool_set_target_device_name"
-has the inputs self and line which is expected of this type
-of method signature. When the "help" command is done on the
-method name you get the function documentation as such:
-(Cmd) help tool_set_target_device_name
-        Description: Reset the target device name.
-        Input(s):
-            device_name: Required. The advertising name to connect to.
-        Usage: tool_set_target_device_name new_target_device name
-          Examples:
-            tool_set_target_device_name le_watch
-This is all to say this documentation pattern is expected.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.audio_analysis_lib.check_quality import quality_analysis
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import audio_bits_per_sample_32
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import audio_sample_rate_48000
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.bluetooth_device import create_bluetooth_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_attribute_values
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import sig_appearance_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import sig_uuid_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.sdp_records import sdp_pts_record_list
-import antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.gatt_test_database as gatt_test_database
-import cmd
-import pprint
-import time
-"""Various Global Strings"""
-BASE_UUID = sig_uuid_constants['BASE_UUID']
-CMD_LOG = "CMD {} result: {}"
-FAILURE = "CMD {} threw exception: {}"
-BASIC_ADV_NAME = "fs_test"
-class CommandInput(cmd.Cmd):
-    ble_adv_interval = 1000
-    ble_adv_appearance = None
-    ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level = False
-    ble_adv_include_name = True
-    ble_adv_include_scan_response = False
-    ble_adv_name = "fs_test"
-    ble_adv_data_manufacturer_data = None
-    ble_adv_data_service_data = None
-    ble_adv_data_service_uuid_list = None
-    ble_adv_data_uris = None
-    bt_control_ids = []
-    bt_control_names = []
-    bt_control_devices = []
-    bt_scan_poll_timer = 0.5
-    target_device_name = ""
-    le_ids = []
-    unique_mac_addr_id = None
-    def setup_vars(self, dut, target_device_name, log):
-        self.pri_dut = dut
-        # Note: test_dut is the start of a slow conversion from a Fuchsia specific
-        # Tool to an abstract_device tool. Only commands that use test_dut will work
-        # Otherwise this tool is primarially targeted at Fuchsia devices.
-        self.test_dut = create_bluetooth_device(self.pri_dut)
-        self.test_dut.initialize_bluetooth_controller()
-        self.target_device_name = target_device_name
-        self.log = log
-    def emptyline(self):
-        pass
-    def do_EOF(self, line):
-        "End Script"
-        return True
-    """ Useful Helper functions and cmd line tooling """
-    def str_to_bool(self, s):
-        if s.lower() == 'true':
-            return True
-        elif s.lower() == 'false':
-            return False
-    def _find_unique_id_over_le(self):
-        scan_filter = {"name_substring": self.target_device_name}
-        self.unique_mac_addr_id = None
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleStartBleScan(scan_filter)
-        tries = 10
-        for i in range(tries):
-            time.sleep(self.bt_scan_poll_timer)
-            scan_res = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleGetDiscoveredDevices(
-            )['result']
-            for device in scan_res:
-                name, did, connectable = device["name"], device["id"], device[
-                    "connectable"]
-                if (self.target_device_name in name):
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id = did
-                    self.log.info(
-                        "Successfully found device: name, id: {}, {}".format(
-                            name, did))
-                    break
-            if self.unique_mac_addr_id:
-                break
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleStopBleScan()
-    def _find_unique_id_over_bt_control(self):
-        self.unique_mac_addr_id = None
-        self.bt_control_devices = []
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(True)
-        tries = 10
-        for i in range(tries):
-            if self.unique_mac_addr_id:
-                break
-            time.sleep(self.bt_scan_poll_timer)
-            device_list = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices(
-            )['result']
-            for id_dict in device_list:
-                device = device_list[id_dict]
-                self.bt_control_devices.append(device)
-                name = None
-                if device['name'] is not None:
-                    name = device['name']
-                did, address = device['id'], device['address']
-                self.bt_control_ids.append(did)
-                if name is not None:
-                    self.bt_control_names.append(name)
-                    if self.target_device_name in name:
-                        self.unique_mac_addr_id = did
-                        self.log.info(
-                            "Successfully found device: name, id, address: {}, {}, {}"
-                            .format(name, did, address))
-                        break
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(False)
-    def do_tool_take_bt_snoop_log(self, custom_name):
-        """
-        Description: Takes the bt snoop log from the Fuchsia device.
-        Logs will show up in your config files' logpath directory.
-        Input(s):
-            custom_name: Optional. Override the default pcap file name.
-        Usage: tool_set_target_device_name new_target_device name
-          Examples:
-            tool_take_bt_snoop_log connection_error
-            tool_take_bt_snoop_log
-        """
-        self.pri_dut.take_bt_snoop_log(custom_name)
-    def do_tool_refresh_unique_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Refresh command line tool mac unique id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            tool_refresh_unique_id
-        """
-        try:
-            self._find_unique_id_over_le()
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to scan or find scan result: {}".format(err))
-    def do_tool_refresh_unique_id_using_bt_control(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Refresh command line tool mac unique id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            tool_refresh_unique_id_using_bt_control
-        """
-        try:
-            self._find_unique_id_over_bt_control()
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Failed to scan or find scan result: {}".format(err))
-    def do_tool_set_target_device_name(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Reset the target device name.
-        Input(s):
-            device_name: Required. The advertising name to connect to.
-        Usage: tool_set_target_device_name new_target_device name
-          Examples:
-            tool_set_target_device_name le_watch
-        """
-        self.log.info("Setting target_device_name to: {}".format(line))
-        self.target_device_name = line
-    def do_tool_set_unique_mac_addr_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the unique mac address id (Specific to Fuchsia)
-        Input(s):
-            device_id: Required. The id to set the unique mac address id to
-        Usage: tool_set_unique_mac_addr_id device_id
-          Examples:
-            tool_set_unique_mac_addr_id 7fb2cae53aad9e0d
-        """
-        self.unique_mac_addr_id = line
-    """Begin BLE advertise wrappers"""
-    def complete_ble_adv_data_include_name(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        roles = ["true", "false"]
-        if not text:
-            completions = roles
-        else:
-            completions = [s for s in roles if s.startswith(text)]
-        return completions
-    def do_ble_adv_data_include_name(self, line):
-        cmd = "Include name in the advertisement."
-        try:
-            self.ble_adv_include_name = self.str_to_bool(line)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_adv_data_set_name(self, line):
-        cmd = "Set the name to be included in the advertisement."
-        try:
-            self.ble_adv_name = line
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def complete_ble_adv_data_set_appearance(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        if not text:
-            completions = list(sig_appearance_constants.keys())
-        else:
-            completions = [
-                s for s in sig_appearance_constants.keys()
-                if s.startswith(text)
-            ]
-        return completions
-    def do_ble_adv_data_set_appearance(self, line):
-        cmd = "Set the appearance to known SIG values."
-        try:
-            self.ble_adv_appearance = line
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def complete_ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level(self, text, line, begidx,
-                                                     endidx):
-        options = ['true', 'false']
-        if not text:
-            completions = list(options)[:]
-        else:
-            completions = [s for s in options if s.startswith(text)]
-        return completions
-    def do_ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level(self, line):
-        """Include the tx_power_level in the advertising data.
-        Description: Adds tx_power_level to the advertisement data to the BLE
-            advertisement.
-        Input(s):
-            value: Required. True or False
-        Usage: ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level bool_value
-          Examples:
-            ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level true
-            ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level false
-        """
-        cmd = "Include tx_power_level in advertisement."
-        try:
-            self.ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level = self.str_to_bool(line)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.info(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def complete_ble_adv_include_scan_response(self, text, line, begidx,
-                                               endidx):
-        options = ['true', 'false']
-        if not text:
-            completions = list(options)[:]
-        else:
-            completions = [s for s in options if s.startswith(text)]
-        return completions
-    def do_ble_adv_include_scan_response(self, line):
-        """Include scan response in advertisement. inputs: [true|false]
-            Note: Currently just sets the scan response data to the
-                Advertisement data.
-        """
-        cmd = "Include tx_power_level in advertisement."
-        try:
-            self.ble_adv_include_scan_response = self.str_to_bool(line)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.info(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_adv_data_add_manufacturer_data(self, line):
-        """Include manufacturer id and data to the advertisment
-        Description: Adds manufacturer data to the BLE advertisement.
-        Input(s):
-            id: Required. The int representing the manufacturer id.
-            data: Required. The string representing the data.
-        Usage: ble_adv_data_add_manufacturer_data id data
-          Examples:
-            ble_adv_data_add_manufacturer_data 1 test
-        """
-        cmd = "Include manufacturer id and data to the advertisment."
-        try:
-            info = line.split()
-            if self.ble_adv_data_manufacturer_data is None:
-                self.ble_adv_data_manufacturer_data = []
-            self.ble_adv_data_manufacturer_data.append({
-                "id": int(info[0]),
-                "data": info[1]
-            })
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.info(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_adv_data_add_service_data(self, line):
-        """Include service data to the advertisment
-        Description: Adds service data to the BLE advertisement.
-        Input(s):
-            uuid: Required. The string representing the uuid.
-            data: Required. The string representing the data.
-        Usage: ble_adv_data_add_service_data uuid data
-          Examples:
-            ble_adv_data_add_service_data 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb test
-        """
-        cmd = "Include manufacturer id and data to the advertisment."
-        try:
-            info = line.split()
-            if self.ble_adv_data_service_data is None:
-                self.ble_adv_data_service_data = []
-            self.ble_adv_data_service_data.append({
-                "uuid": info[0],
-                "data": info[1]
-            })
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.info(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_adv_add_service_uuid_list(self, line):
-        """Include a list of service uuids to the advertisment:
-        Description: Adds service uuid list to the BLE advertisement.
-        Input(s):
-            uuid: Required. A list of N string UUIDs to add.
-        Usage: ble_adv_add_service_uuid_list uuid0 uuid1 ... uuidN
-          Examples:
-            ble_adv_add_service_uuid_list 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
-            ble_adv_add_service_uuid_list 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00001802-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
-        """
-        cmd = "Include service uuid list to the advertisment data."
-        try:
-            self.ble_adv_data_service_uuid_list = line
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.info(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_adv_data_set_uris(self, uris):
-        """Set the URIs of the LE advertisement data:
-        Description: Adds list of String UIRs
-          See (RFC 3986 1.1.2 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986)
-          Valid URI examples:
-            ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt
-            http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
-            ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one
-            mailto:John.Doe@example.com
-            news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
-            tel:+1-816-555-1212
-            telnet://
-            urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
-        Input(s):
-            uris: Required. A list of URIs to add.
-        Usage: ble_adv_data_set_uris uri0 uri1 ... uriN
-          Examples:
-            ble_adv_data_set_uris telnet://
-            ble_adv_data_set_uris tel:+1-816-555-1212
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the appearance to known SIG values."
-        try:
-            self.ble_adv_data_uris = uris.split()
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def start_advertisement(self, connectable):
-        """ Handle setting advertising data and the advertisement
-            Note: After advertisement is successful, clears values set for
-                * Manufacturer data
-                * Appearance information
-                * Scan Response
-                * Service UUIDs
-                * URI list
-            Args:
-                connectable: Bool of whether to start a connectable
-                    advertisement or not.
-        """
-        adv_data_name = self.ble_adv_name
-        if not self.ble_adv_include_name:
-            adv_data_name = None
-        manufacturer_data = self.ble_adv_data_manufacturer_data
-        tx_power_level = None
-        if self.ble_adv_data_include_tx_power_level:
-            tx_power_level = 1  # Not yet implemented so set to 1
-        scan_response = self.ble_adv_include_scan_response
-        adv_data = {
-            "name": adv_data_name,
-            "appearance": self.ble_adv_appearance,
-            "service_data": self.ble_adv_data_service_data,
-            "tx_power_level": tx_power_level,
-            "service_uuids": self.ble_adv_data_service_uuid_list,
-            "manufacturer_data": manufacturer_data,
-            "uris": self.ble_adv_data_uris,
-        }
-        if not self.ble_adv_include_scan_response:
-            scan_response = None
-        else:
-            scan_response = adv_data
-        result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            adv_data, scan_response, self.ble_adv_interval, connectable)
-        self.log.info("Result of starting advertisement: {}".format(result))
-        self.ble_adv_data_manufacturer_data = None
-        self.ble_adv_appearance = None
-        self.ble_adv_include_scan_response = False
-        self.ble_adv_data_service_uuid_list = None
-        self.ble_adv_data_uris = None
-        self.ble_adv_data_service_data = None
-    def do_ble_start_generic_connectable_advertisement(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Start a connectable LE advertisement
-        Usage: ble_start_generic_connectable_advertisement
-        """
-        cmd = "Start a connectable LE advertisement"
-        try:
-            connectable = True
-            self.start_advertisement(connectable)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_start_generic_nonconnectable_advertisement(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Start a non-connectable LE advertisement
-        Usage: ble_start_generic_nonconnectable_advertisement
-        """
-        cmd = "Start a nonconnectable LE advertisement"
-        try:
-            connectable = False
-            self.start_advertisement(connectable)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_stop_advertisement(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Stop a BLE advertisement.
-        Usage: ble_stop_advertisement
-        """
-        cmd = "Stop a connectable LE advertisement"
-        try:
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End BLE advertise wrappers"""
-    """Begin GATT client wrappers"""
-    def complete_gattc_connect_by_id(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        if not text:
-            completions = list(self.le_ids)[:]
-        else:
-            completions = [s for s in self.le_ids if s.startswith(text)]
-        return completions
-    def do_gattc_connect_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Connect to a LE peripheral.
-        Input(s):
-            device_id: Required. The unique device ID from Fuchsia
-                discovered devices.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_connect device_id
-        """
-        cmd = "Connect to a LE peripheral by input ID."
-        try:
-            connection_status = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(
-                line)
-            self.log.info("Connection status: {}".format(
-                pprint.pformat(connection_status)))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_connect(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Connect to a LE peripheral.
-        Optional input: device_name
-        Input(s):
-            device_name: Optional. The peripheral ID to connect to.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_connect
-            gattc_connect eddystone_123
-        """
-        cmd = "Connect to a LE peripheral."
-        try:
-            if len(line) > 0:
-                self.target_device_name = line
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id = None
-            if not self.unique_mac_addr_id:
-                try:
-                    self._find_unique_id()
-                except Exception as err:
-                    self.log.info("Failed to scan or find device.")
-                    return
-            connection_status = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            self.log.info("Connection status: {}".format(
-                pprint.pformat(connection_status)))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_connect_disconnect_iterations(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Connect then disconnect to a LE peripheral multiple times.
-        Input(s):
-            iterations: Required. The number of iterations to run.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_connect_disconnect_iterations 10
-        """
-        cmd = "Connect to a LE peripheral."
-        try:
-            if not self.unique_mac_addr_id:
-                try:
-                    self._find_unique_id()
-                except Exception as err:
-                    self.log.info("Failed to scan or find device.")
-                    return
-            for i in range(int(line)):
-                self.log.info("Running iteration {}".format(i + 1))
-                connection_status = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-                self.log.info("Connection status: {}".format(
-                    pprint.pformat(connection_status)))
-                time.sleep(4)
-                disc_status = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-                self.log.info("Disconnect status: {}".format(disc_status))
-                time.sleep(3)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_disconnect(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Disconnect from LE peripheral.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a peripheral.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_disconnect
-        """
-        cmd = "Disconenct from LE peripheral."
-        try:
-            disconnect_status = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            self.log.info("Disconnect status: {}".format(disconnect_status))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_list_services(self, discover_chars):
-        """
-        Description: List services from LE peripheral.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a peripheral.
-        Input(s):
-            discover_chars: Optional. An optional input to discover all
-                characteristics on the service.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_list_services
-            gattc_list_services true
-        """
-        cmd = "List services from LE peripheral."
-        try:
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            self.log.info("Discovered Services: \n{}".format(
-                pprint.pformat(services)))
-            discover_characteristics = self.str_to_bool(discover_chars)
-            if discover_chars:
-                for service in services.get('result'):
-                    self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                        self.unique_mac_addr_id, service.get('id'))
-                    chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics(
-                    )
-                    self.log.info("Discovered chars:\n{}".format(
-                        pprint.pformat(chars)))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_connect_to_service(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Connect to Peripheral GATT server service.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to peripheral.
-        Input(s):
-            service_id: Required. The service id reference on the GATT server.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_connect_to_service service_id
-        """
-        cmd = "GATT client connect to GATT server service."
-        try:
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, int(line))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_discover_characteristics(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Discover characteristics from a connected service.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_discover_characteristics
-        """
-        cmd = "Discover and list characteristics from a GATT server."
-        try:
-            chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-            self.log.info("Discovered chars:\n{}".format(
-                pprint.pformat(chars)))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_notify_all_chars(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Enable all notifications on all Characteristics on
-            a GATT server.
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_notify_all_chars
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all characteristics from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Reading chars in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    # quick char filter for apple-4 test... remove later
-                    print("found uuid {}".format(char_uuid))
-                    try:
-                        self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.enableNotifyCharacteristic(
-                            char_id)
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        print("error enabling notification")
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_all_chars(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Read all Characteristic values from a GATT server across
-            all services.
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_all_chars
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all characteristics from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Reading chars in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    try:
-                        read_val =  \
-                            self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.readCharacteristicById(
-                                char_id)
-                        print("  Characteristic uuid / Value: {} / {}".format(
-                            char_uuid, read_val['result']))
-                        str_value = ""
-                        for val in read_val['result']:
-                            str_value += chr(val)
-                        print("    str val: {}".format(str_value))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        print(err)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_all_desc(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Read all Descriptors values from a GATT server across
-            all services.
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_all_chars
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all descriptors from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Reading descs in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    descriptors = char['descriptors']
-                    print("  Reading descs in char uuid: {}".format(char_uuid))
-                    for desc in descriptors:
-                        desc_id = desc["id"]
-                        desc_uuid = desc["uuid_type"]
-                    try:
-                        read_val = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.readDescriptorById(
-                            desc_id)
-                        print("    Descriptor uuid / Value: {} / {}".format(
-                            desc_uuid, read_val['result']))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        pass
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_all_desc(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write a value to all Descriptors on the GATT server.
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Input(s):
-            offset: Required. The offset to start writing to.
-            size: Required. The size of bytes to write (value will be generated).
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_all_desc 0 100
-            gattc_write_all_desc 10 2
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all descriptors from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 2:
-                self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            offset = int(args[0])
-            size = args[1]
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(int(size)):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Writing descs in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    descriptors = char['descriptors']
-                    print("  Reading descs in char uuid: {}".format(char_uuid))
-                    for desc in descriptors:
-                        desc_id = desc["id"]
-                        desc_uuid = desc["uuid_type"]
-                    try:
-                        write_val = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeDescriptorById(
-                            desc_id, offset, write_value)
-                        print("    Descriptor uuid / Result: {} / {}".format(
-                            desc_uuid, write_val['result']))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        pass
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_all_long_desc(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Read all long Characteristic Descriptors
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Input(s):
-            offset: Required. The offset to start reading from.
-            max_bytes: Required. The max size of bytes to return.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_all_long_desc 0 100
-            gattc_read_all_long_desc 10 20
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all long descriptors from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 2:
-                self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            offset = int(args[0])
-            max_bytes = int(args[1])
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleListServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Reading descs in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    descriptors = char['descriptors']
-                    print("  Reading descs in char uuid: {}".format(char_uuid))
-                    for desc in descriptors:
-                        desc_id = desc["id"]
-                        desc_uuid = desc["uuid_type"]
-                    try:
-                        read_val = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.readLongDescriptorById(
-                            desc_id, offset, max_bytes)
-                        print("    Descriptor uuid / Result: {} / {}".format(
-                            desc_uuid, read_val['result']))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        pass
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_all_long_char(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Read all long Characteristic
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Input(s):
-            offset: Required. The offset to start reading from.
-            max_bytes: Required. The max size of bytes to return.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_all_long_char 0 100
-            gattc_read_all_long_char 10 20
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all long Characteristics from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 2:
-                self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            offset = int(args[0])
-            max_bytes = int(args[1])
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleListServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Reading chars in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    try:
-                        read_val = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.readLongCharacteristicById(
-                            char_id, offset, max_bytes)
-                        print("    Char uuid / Result: {} / {}".format(
-                            char_uuid, read_val['result']))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        pass
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_all_chars(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write all characteristic values from a GATT server across
-            all services.
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Input(s):
-            offset: Required. The offset to start writing on.
-            size: The write value size (value will be generated)
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_all_chars 0 10
-            gattc_write_all_chars 10 1
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all characteristics from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 2:
-                self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            offset = int(args[0])
-            size = int(args[1])
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(size):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Writing chars in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    try:
-                        write_result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeCharById(
-                            char_id, offset, write_value)
-                        print("  Characteristic uuid write result: {} / {}".
-                              format(char_uuid, write_result['result']))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        print("error writing char {}".format(err))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_all_chars_without_response(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write all characteristic values from a GATT server across
-            all services.
-        Assumptions: Basic GATT connection made.
-        Input(s):
-            size: The write value size (value will be generated).
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_all_chars_without_response 100
-        """
-        cmd = "Read all characteristics from the GATT service."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 1:
-                self.log.info("1 Arguments required: [Size]")
-                return
-            size = int(args[0])
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(size):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            services = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.listServices(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            for service in services['result']:
-                service_id = service['id']
-                service_uuid = service['uuid_type']
-                self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.connectToService(
-                    self.unique_mac_addr_id, service_id)
-                chars = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.discoverCharacteristics()
-                print("Reading chars in service uuid: {}".format(service_uuid))
-                for char in chars['result']:
-                    char_id = char['id']
-                    char_uuid = char['uuid_type']
-                    try:
-                        write_result = \
-                            self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.writeCharByIdWithoutResponse(
-                                char_id, write_value)
-                        print("  Characteristic uuid write result: {} / {}".
-                              format(char_uuid, write_result['result']))
-                    except Exception as err:
-                        pass
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_char_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write char by characteristic id reference.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-            offset: The offset value to use
-            size: Function will generate random bytes by input size.
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_char_by_id char_id 0 5
-            gattc_write_char_by_id char_id 20 1
-        """
-        cmd = "Write to GATT server characteristic ."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 3:
-                self.log.info("3 Arguments required: [Id] [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            id = int(args[0], 16)
-            offset = int(args[1])
-            size = int(args[2])
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(size):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            self.test_dut.gatt_client_write_characteristic_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id, offset, write_value)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_long_char_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write long char by characteristic id reference.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-            offset: The offset value to use
-            size: Function will generate random bytes by input size.
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-            reliable_mode: Optional: Reliable writes represented as bool
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_long_char_by_id char_id 0 5
-            gattc_write_long_char_by_id char_id 20 1
-            gattc_write_long_char_by_id char_id 20 1 true
-            gattc_write_long_char_by_id char_id 20 1 false
-        """
-        cmd = "Long Write to GATT server characteristic ."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) < 3:
-                self.log.info("3 Arguments required: [Id] [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            id = int(args[0], 16)
-            offset = int(args[1])
-            size = int(args[2])
-            reliable_mode = False
-            if len(args) > 3:
-                reliable_mode = self.str_to_bool(args[3])
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(size):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            self.test_dut.gatt_client_write_long_characteristic_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id, offset, write_value,
-                reliable_mode)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_long_desc_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write long char by descrioptor id reference.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-            offset: The offset value to use
-            size: Function will generate random bytes by input size.
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_long_desc_by_id char_id 0 5
-            gattc_write_long_desc_by_id char_id 20 1
-        """
-        cmd = "Long Write to GATT server descriptor ."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 3:
-                self.log.info("3 Arguments required: [Id] [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            id = int(args[0], 16)
-            offset = int(args[1])
-            size = int(args[2])
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(size):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            self.test_dut.gatt_client_write_long_descriptor_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id, offset, write_value)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_char_by_id_without_response(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write char by characteristic id reference without response.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-            size: Function will generate random bytes by input size.
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_char_by_id_without_response char_id 5
-        """
-        cmd = "Write characteristic by id without response."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 2:
-                self.log.info("2 Arguments required: [Id] [Size]")
-                return
-            id = int(args[0], 16)
-            size = args[1]
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(int(size)):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            self.test_dut.gatt_client_write_characteristic_without_response_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id, write_value)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_enable_notify_char_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Enable Characteristic notification on Characteristic ID.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_enable_notify_char_by_id char_id
-        """
-        cmd = "Enable notifications by Characteristic id."
-        try:
-            id = int(line, 16)
-            self.test_dut.gatt_client_enable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_disable_notify_char_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Disable Characteristic notification on Characteristic ID.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_disable_notify_char_by_id char_id
-        """
-        cmd = "Disable notify Characteristic by id."
-        try:
-            id = int(line, 16)
-            self.test_dut.gatt_client_disable_notifiy_characteristic_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_char_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Read Characteristic by ID.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_char_by_id char_id
-        """
-        cmd = "Read Characteristic value by ID."
-        try:
-            id = int(line, 16)
-            read_val = self.test_dut.gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id)
-            self.log.info("Characteristic Value with id {}: {}".format(
-                id, read_val))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_char_by_uuid(self, characteristic_uuid):
-        """
-        Description: Read Characteristic by UUID (read by type).
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_uuid: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_char_by_id char_id
-        """
-        cmd = "Read Characteristic value by ID."
-        try:
-            short_uuid_len = 4
-            if len(characteristic_uuid) == short_uuid_len:
-                characteristic_uuid = BASE_UUID.format(characteristic_uuid)
-            read_val = self.test_dut.gatt_client_read_characteristic_by_uuid(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, characteristic_uuid)
-            self.log.info("Characteristic Value with id {}: {}".format(
-                id, read_val))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_write_desc_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Write Descriptor by characteristic id reference.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            descriptor_id: The Descriptor id reference on the GATT service
-            offset: The offset value to use
-            size: Function will generate random bytes by input size.
-                IE: Input of 5 will send a byte array of [00, 01, 02, 03, 04]
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_write_desc_by_id desc_id 0 5
-            gattc_write_desc_by_id desc_id 20 1
-        """
-        cmd = "Write Descriptor by id."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            id = int(args[0], 16)
-            offset = int(args[1])
-            size = args[2]
-            write_value = []
-            for i in range(int(size)):
-                write_value.append(i % 256)
-            write_result = self.test_dut.gatt_client_write_descriptor_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id, offset, write_value)
-            self.log.info("Descriptor Write result {}: {}".format(
-                id, write_result))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_desc_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Read Descriptor by ID.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            descriptor_id: The Descriptor id reference on the GATT service
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_desc_by_id desc_id
-        """
-        cmd = "Read Descriptor by ID."
-        try:
-            id = int(line, 16)
-            read_val = self.test_dut.gatt_client_read_descriptor_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id)
-            self.log.info("Descriptor Value with id {}: {}".format(
-                id, read_val))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_gattc_read_long_char_by_id(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Read long Characteristic value by id.
-        Assumptions: Already connected to a GATT server service.
-        Input(s):
-            characteristic_id: The characteristic id reference on the GATT
-                service
-            offset: The offset value to use.
-            max_bytes: The max bytes size to return.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gattc_read_long_char_by_id char_id 0 10
-            gattc_read_long_char_by_id char_id 20 1
-        """
-        cmd = "Read long Characteristic value by id."
-        try:
-            args = line.split()
-            if len(args) != 3:
-                self.log.info("3 Arguments required: [Id] [Offset] [Size]")
-                return
-            id = int(args[0], 16)
-            offset = int(args[1])
-            max_bytes = int(args[2])
-            read_val = self.test_dut.gatt_client_read_long_characteristic_by_handle(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, id, offset, max_bytes)
-            self.log.info("Characteristic Value with id {}: {}".format(
-                id, read_val['result']))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End GATT client wrappers"""
-    """Begin LE scan wrappers"""
-    def _update_scan_results(self, scan_results):
-        self.le_ids = []
-        for scan in scan_results['result']:
-            self.le_ids.append(scan['id'])
-    def do_ble_start_scan(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Perform a BLE scan.
-        Default filter name: ""
-        Optional input: filter_device_name
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            ble_start_scan
-            ble_start_scan eddystone
-        """
-        cmd = "Perform a BLE scan and list discovered devices."
-        try:
-            scan_filter = {"name_substring": ""}
-            if line:
-                scan_filter = {"name_substring": line}
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleStartBleScan(scan_filter)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_stop_scan(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Stops a BLE scan and returns discovered devices.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            ble_stop_scan
-        """
-        cmd = "Stops a BLE scan and returns discovered devices."
-        try:
-            scan_results = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleStopBleScan()
-            self._update_scan_results(scan_results)
-            self.log.info(pprint.pformat(scan_results))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_ble_get_discovered_devices(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Get discovered LE devices of an active scan.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            ble_stop_scan
-        """
-        cmd = "Get discovered LE devices of an active scan."
-        try:
-            scan_results = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleGetDiscoveredDevices(
-            )
-            self._update_scan_results(scan_results)
-            self.log.info(pprint.pformat(scan_results))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End LE scan wrappers"""
-    """Begin GATT Server wrappers"""
-    def do_gatts_close(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Close active GATT server.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gatts_close
-        """
-        cmd = "Close active GATT server."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gatts_lib.closeServer()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def complete_gatts_setup_database(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        if not text:
-            completions = list(
-                gatt_test_database.GATT_SERVER_DB_MAPPING.keys())
-        else:
-            completions = [
-                s for s in gatt_test_database.GATT_SERVER_DB_MAPPING.keys()
-                if s.startswith(text)
-            ]
-        return completions
-    def do_gatts_setup_database(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Setup a Gatt server database based on pre-defined inputs.
-            Supports Tab Autocomplete.
-        Input(s):
-            descriptor_db_name: The descriptor db name that matches one in
-                acts_contrib.test_utils.bt.gatt_test_database
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            gatts_setup_database LARGE_DB_1
-        """
-        cmd = "Setup GATT Server Database Based of pre-defined dictionaries"
-        try:
-            scan_results = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gatts_lib.publishServer(
-                gatt_test_database.GATT_SERVER_DB_MAPPING.get(line))
-            self.log.info(scan_results)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End GATT Server wrappers"""
-    """Begin Bluetooth Controller wrappers"""
-    def complete_btc_pair(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        """ Provides auto-complete for btc_pair cmd.
-        See Cmd module for full description.
-        """
-        arg_completion = len(line.split(" ")) - 1
-        pairing_security_level_options = ['ENCRYPTED', 'AUTHENTICATED', 'NONE']
-        bondable_options = ['BONDABLE', 'NON_BONDABLE', 'NONE']
-        transport_options = ['BREDR', 'LE']
-        if arg_completion == 1:
-            if not text:
-                completions = pairing_security_level_options
-            else:
-                completions = [
-                    s for s in pairing_security_level_options
-                    if s.startswith(text)
-                ]
-            return completions
-        if arg_completion == 2:
-            if not text:
-                completions = bondable_options
-            else:
-                completions = [
-                    s for s in bondable_options if s.startswith(text)
-                ]
-            return completions
-        if arg_completion == 3:
-            if not text:
-                completions = transport_options
-            else:
-                completions = [
-                    s for s in transport_options if s.startswith(text)
-                ]
-            return completions
-    def do_btc_pair(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sends an outgoing pairing request.
-        Input(s):
-            pairing security level: ENCRYPTED, AUTHENTICATED, or NONE
-            bondable: BONDABLE, NON_BONDABLE, or NONE
-            transport: BREDR or LE
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_pair NONE NONE BREDR
-            btc_pair ENCRYPTED NONE LE
-            btc_pair AUTHENTICATED NONE LE
-            btc_pair NONE NON_BONDABLE BREDR
-        """
-        cmd = "Send an outgoing pairing request."
-        pairing_security_level_mapping = {
-            "ENCRYPTED": 1,
-            "AUTHENTICATED": 2,
-            "NONE": None,
-        }
-        bondable_mapping = {
-            "BONDABLE": True,
-            "NON_BONDABLE": False,
-            "NONE": None,
-        }
-        transport_mapping = {
-            "BREDR": 1,
-            "LE": 2,
-        }
-        try:
-            options = line.split(" ")
-            result = self.test_dut.init_pair(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id,
-                pairing_security_level_mapping.get(options[0]),
-                bondable_mapping.get(options[1]),
-                transport_mapping.get(options[2]),
-            )
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def complete_btc_accept_pairing(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        """ Provides auto-complete for btc_set_io_capabilities cmd.
-        See Cmd module for full description.
-        """
-        arg_completion = len(line.split(" ")) - 1
-        input_options = ['NONE', 'CONFIRMATION', 'KEYBOARD']
-        output_options = ['NONE', 'DISPLAY']
-        if arg_completion == 1:
-            if not text:
-                completions = input_options
-            else:
-                completions = [s for s in input_options if s.startswith(text)]
-            return completions
-        if arg_completion == 2:
-            if not text:
-                completions = output_options
-            else:
-                completions = [s for s in output_options if s.startswith(text)]
-            return completions
-    def do_btc_accept_pairing(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Accept all incoming pairing requests.
-        Input(s):
-            input: String - The input I/O capabilities to use
-                Available Values:
-                NONE - Input capability type None
-                CONFIRMATION - Input capability type confirmation
-                KEYBOARD - Input capability type Keyboard
-            output: String - The output I/O Capabilities to use
-                Available Values:
-                NONE - Output capability type None
-                DISPLAY - output capability type Display
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_accept_pairing
-            btc_accept_pairing NONE DISPLAY
-            btc_accept_pairing NONE NONE
-            btc_accept_pairing KEYBOARD DISPLAY
-        """
-        cmd = "Accept incoming pairing requests"
-        try:
-            input_capabilities = "NONE"
-            output_capabilities = "NONE"
-            options = line.split(" ")
-            if len(options) > 1:
-                input_capabilities = options[0]
-                output_capabilities = options[1]
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.acceptPairing(
-                input_capabilities, output_capabilities)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_forget_device(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Forget pairing of the current device under test.
-            Current device under test is the device found by
-            tool_refresh_unique_id from custom user param. This function
-            will also perform a clean disconnect if actively connected.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_forget_device
-        """
-        cmd = "For pairing of the current device under test."
-        try:
-            self.log.info("Forgetting device id: {}".format(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id))
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.forgetDevice(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_set_discoverable(self, discoverable):
-        """
-        Description: Change Bluetooth Controller discoverablility.
-        Input(s):
-            discoverable: true to set discoverable
-                          false to set non-discoverable
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_set_discoverable true
-            btc_set_discoverable false
-        """
-        cmd = "Change Bluetooth Controller discoverablility."
-        try:
-            result = self.test_dut.set_discoverable(
-                self.str_to_bool(discoverable))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_set_name(self, name):
-        """
-        Description: Change Bluetooth Controller local name.
-        Input(s):
-            name: The name to set the Bluetooth Controller name to.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_set_name fs_test
-        """
-        cmd = "Change Bluetooth Controller local name."
-        try:
-            result = self.test_dut.set_bluetooth_local_name(name)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_request_discovery(self, discover):
-        """
-        Description: Change whether the Bluetooth Controller is in active.
-            discovery or not.
-        Input(s):
-            discover: true to start discovery
-                      false to end discovery
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_request_discovery true
-            btc_request_discovery false
-        """
-        cmd = "Change whether the Bluetooth Controller is in active."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.requestDiscovery(
-                self.str_to_bool(discover))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_get_known_remote_devices(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Get a list of known devices.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_get_known_remote_devices
-        """
-        cmd = "Get a list of known devices."
-        self.bt_control_devices = []
-        try:
-            device_list = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices(
-            )['result']
-            for id_dict in device_list:
-                device = device_list[id_dict]
-                self.bt_control_devices.append(device)
-                self.log.info("Device found {}".format(device))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_forget_all_known_devices(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Forget all known devices.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_forget_all_known_devices
-        """
-        cmd = "Forget all known devices."
-        try:
-            device_list = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.getKnownRemoteDevices(
-            )['result']
-            for device in device_list:
-                d = device_list[device]
-                if d['bonded'] or d['connected']:
-                    self.log.info("Unbonding deivce: {}".format(d))
-                    self.log.info(
-                        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.forgetDevice(
-                            d['id'])['result'])
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_connect_device(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Connect to device under test.
-            Device under test is specified by either user params
-            or
-                tool_set_target_device_name <name>
-                do_tool_refresh_unique_id_using_bt_control
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_connect_device
-        """
-        cmd = "Connect to device under test."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.connectDevice(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def complete_btc_connect_device_by_id(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        if not text:
-            completions = list(self.bt_control_ids)[:]
-        else:
-            completions = [
-                s for s in self.bt_control_ids if s.startswith(text)
-            ]
-        return completions
-    def do_btc_connect_device_by_id(self, device_id):
-        """
-        Description: Connect to device id based on pre-defined inputs.
-            Supports Tab Autocomplete.
-        Input(s):
-            device_id: The device id to connect to.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_connect_device_by_id <device_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Connect to device id based on pre-defined inputs."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.connectDevice(device_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def complete_btc_connect_device_by_name(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
-        if not text:
-            completions = list(self.bt_control_names)[:]
-        else:
-            completions = [
-                s for s in self.bt_control_names if s.startswith(text)
-            ]
-        return completions
-    def do_btc_connect_device_by_name(self, device_name):
-        """
-        Description: Connect to device id based on pre-defined inputs.
-            Supports Tab Autocomplete.
-        Input(s):
-            device_id: The device id to connect to.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_connect_device_by_name <device_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Connect to device name based on pre-defined inputs."
-        try:
-            for device in self.bt_control_devices:
-                if device_name is device['name']:
-                    result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.connectDevice(
-                        device['id'])
-                    self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_disconnect_device(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Disconnect to device under test.
-            Device under test is specified by either user params
-            or
-                tool_set_target_device_name <name>
-                do_tool_refresh_unique_id_using_bt_control
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_disconnect_device
-        """
-        cmd = "Disconnect to device under test."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.disconnectDevice(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_init_bluetooth_control(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Initialize the Bluetooth Controller.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_init_bluetooth_control
-        """
-        cmd = "Initialize the Bluetooth Controller."
-        try:
-            result = self.test_dut.initialize_bluetooth_controller()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_get_local_address(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Get the local BR/EDR address of the Bluetooth Controller.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_get_local_address
-        """
-        cmd = "Get the local BR/EDR address of the Bluetooth Controller."
-        try:
-            result = self.test_dut.get_local_bluetooth_address()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_input_pairing_pin(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sends a pairing pin to SL4F's Bluetooth Control's
-        Pairing Delegate.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_input_pairing_pin 123456
-        """
-        cmd = "Input pairing pin to the Fuchsia device."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.inputPairingPin(line)['result']
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_btc_get_pairing_pin(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Gets the pairing pin from SL4F's Bluetooth Control's
-        Pairing Delegate.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            btc_get_pairing_pin
-        """
-        cmd = "Get the pairing pin from the Fuchsia device."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.getPairingPin()['result']
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End Bluetooth Control wrappers"""
-    """Begin Profile Server wrappers"""
-    def do_sdp_pts_example(self, num_of_records):
-        """
-        Description: An example of how to setup a generic SDP record
-            and SDP search capabilities. This example will pass a few
-            SDP tests.
-        Input(s):
-            num_of_records: The number of records to add.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            sdp_pts_example 1
-            sdp pts_example 10
-        """
-        cmd = "Setup SDP for PTS testing."
-        attributes = [
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_PROTOCOL_DESCRIPTOR_LIST'],
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_SERVICE_CLASS_ID_LIST'],
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_BLUETOOTH_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR_LIST'],
-            bt_attribute_values['ATTR_A2DP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES'],
-        ]
-        try:
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['AudioSource'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['A/V_RemoteControl'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['PANU'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['SerialPort'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['DialupNetworking'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['OBEXObjectPush'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['OBEXFileTransfer'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['Headset'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['HandsfreeAudioGateway'],
-                                16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['Handsfree'], 16))
-            self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addSearch(
-                attributes, int(sig_uuid_constants['SIM_Access'], 16))
-            for i in range(int(num_of_records)):
-                result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.addService(
-                    sdp_pts_record_list[i])
-                self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_sdp_cleanup(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Cleanup any existing SDP records
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            sdp_cleanup
-        """
-        cmd = "Cleanup SDP objects."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.cleanUp()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_sdp_init(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Init the profile proxy for setting up SDP records
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            sdp_init
-        """
-        cmd = "Initialize profile proxy objects for adding SDP records"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.init()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_sdp_connect_l2cap(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Send an l2cap connection request over an input psm value.
-        Note: Must be already connected to a peer.
-        Input(s):
-            psm: The int hex value to connect over. Available PSMs:
-                SDP 0x0001  See Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)
-                RFCOMM  0x0003  See RFCOMM with TS 07.10
-                TCS-BIN 0x0005  See Bluetooth Telephony Control Specification /
-                    TCS Binary
-                TCS-BIN-CORDLESS    0x0007  See Bluetooth Telephony Control
-                    Specification / TCS Binary
-                BNEP    0x000F  See Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
-                HID_Control 0x0011  See Human Interface Device
-                HID_Interrupt   0x0013  See Human Interface Device
-                UPnP    0x0015  See [ESDP]
-                AVCTP   0x0017  See Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol
-                AVDTP   0x0019  See Audio/Video Distribution Transport Protocol
-                AVCTP_Browsing  0x001B  See Audio/Video Remote Control Profile
-                UDI_C-Plane 0x001D  See the Unrestricted Digital Information
-                    Profile [UDI]
-                ATT 0x001F  See Bluetooth Core Specification​
-                ​3DSP   0x0021​ ​​See 3D Synchronization Profile.
-                ​LE_PSM_IPSP    ​0x0023 ​See Internet Protocol Support Profile
-                    (IPSP)
-                OTS 0x0025  See Object Transfer Service (OTS)
-                EATT    0x0027  See Bluetooth Core Specification
-            mode: String - The channel mode to connect to. Available values:
-                Basic mode: BASIC
-                Enhanced Retransmission mode: ERTM
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            sdp_connect_l2cap 0001 BASIC
-            sdp_connect_l2cap 0019 ERTM
-        """
-        cmd = "Connect l2cap"
-        try:
-            info = line.split()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.sdp_lib.connectL2cap(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, int(info[0], 16), info[1])
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End Profile Server wrappers"""
-    """Begin AVDTP wrappers"""
-    def do_avdtp_init(self, initiator_delay):
-        """
-        Description: Init the A2DP component start and AVDTP service to
-            initiate.
-        Input(s):
-            initiator_delay: [Optional] The stream initiator delay to set in
-            milliseconds.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_init 0
-            avdtp_init 2000
-            avdtp_init
-        """
-        cmd = "Initialize AVDTP proxy"
-        try:
-            if not initiator_delay:
-                initiator_delay = None
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.init(initiator_delay)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_kill_a2dp(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Quickly kill any A2DP components.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_kill_a2dp
-        """
-        cmd = "Kill A2DP service"
-        try:
-            self.pri_dut.start_v1_component("bt-a2dp")
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_get_connected_peers(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Get the connected peers for the AVDTP service
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_get_connected_peers
-        """
-        cmd = "AVDTP get connected peers"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.getConnectedPeers()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_set_configuration(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: set configuration
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_set_configuration <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP set configuration to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.setConfiguration(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_get_configuration(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: get configuration
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_get_configuration <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP get configuration to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.getConfiguration(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_get_capabilities(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: get capabilities
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_get_capabilities <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP get capabilities to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.getCapabilities(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_get_all_capabilities(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: get all capabilities
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_get_all_capabilities <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP get all capabilities to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.getAllCapabilities(
-                int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_reconfigure_stream(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: reconfigure stream
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_reconfigure_stream <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP reconfigure stream to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.reconfigureStream(
-                int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_suspend_stream(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: suspend stream
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_suspend_stream <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP suspend stream to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.suspendStream(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_suspend_reconfigure(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: suspend reconfigure
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_suspend_reconfigure <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP suspend reconfigure to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.suspendAndReconfigure(
-                int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_release_stream(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: release stream
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_release_stream <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP release stream to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.releaseStream(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_establish_stream(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: establish stream
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_establish_stream <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP establish stream to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.establishStream(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_start_stream(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: start stream
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_start_stream <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP start stream to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.startStream(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_abort_stream(self, peer_id):
-        """
-        Description: Send AVDTP command to connected peer: abort stream
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The specified peer_id.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_abort_stream <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Send AVDTP abort stream to connected peer"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.abortStream(int(peer_id))
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_avdtp_remove_service(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Removes the AVDTP service in use.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            avdtp_establish_stream <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Remove AVDTP service"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.removeService()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End AVDTP wrappers"""
-    """Begin Audio wrappers"""
-    def do_audio_start_output_save(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Start audio output save
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            audio_start_output_save
-        """
-        cmd = "Start audio capture"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.audio_lib.startOutputSave()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_audio_stop_output_save(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Stop audio output save
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            audio_stop_output_save
-        """
-        cmd = "Stop audio capture"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.audio_lib.stopOutputSave()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_audio_get_output_audio(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Get the audio output saved to a local file
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            audio_get_output_audio
-        """
-        cmd = "Get audio capture"
-        try:
-            save_path = "{}/{}".format(self.pri_dut.log_path, "audio.raw")
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.audio_lib.getOutputAudio(save_path)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_audio_5_min_test(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Capture and anlyize sine audio waves played from a Bluetooth A2DP
-        Source device.
-        Pre steps:
-        1. Pair A2DP source device
-        2. Prepare generated SOX file over preferred codec on source device.
-            Quick way to generate necessary audio files:
-            sudo apt-get install sox
-            sox -b 16 -r 48000 -c 2 -n audio_file_2k1k_5_min.wav synth 300 sine 2000 sine 3000
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            audio_5_min_test
-        """
-        cmd = "5 min audio capture test"
-        input("Press Enter once Source device is streaming audio file")
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.audio_lib.startOutputSave()
-            self.log.info(result)
-            for i in range(5):
-                print("Minutes left: {}".format(10 - i))
-                time.sleep(60)
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.audio_lib.stopOutputSave()
-            log_time = int(time.time())
-            save_path = "{}/{}".format(self.pri_dut.log_path,
-                                       "{}_audio.raw".format(log_time))
-            analysis_path = "{}/{}".format(
-                self.pri_dut.log_path,
-                "{}_audio_analysis.txt".format(log_time))
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.audio_lib.getOutputAudio(save_path)
-            channels = 1
-            try:
-                quality_analysis(filename=save_path,
-                                 output_file=analysis_path,
-                                 bit_width=audio_bits_per_sample_32,
-                                 rate=audio_sample_rate_48000,
-                                 channel=channels,
-                                 spectral_only=False)
-            except Exception as err:
-                self.log.error("Failed to analyze raw audio: {}".format(err))
-                return False
-            self.log.info("Analysis output here: {}".format(analysis_path))
-            self.log.info("Analysis Results: {}".format(
-                open(analysis_path).readlines()))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End Audio wrappers"""
-    """Begin HFP wrappers"""
-    def do_hfp_init(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Init the HFP component initiate.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_init
-        """
-        cmd = "Initialize HFP proxy"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.init()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_remove_service(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Removes the HFP service in use.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_remove_service
-        """
-        cmd = "Remove HFP service"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.removeService()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_list_peers(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: List all HFP Hands-Free peers connected to the DUT.
-        Input(s):
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_list_peers
-        """
-        cmd = "Lists connected peers"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.listPeers()
-            self.log.info(pprint.pformat(result))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_active_peer(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the active HFP Hands-Free peer for the DUT.
-        Input(s):
-            peer_id: The id of the peer to be set active.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_active_peer <peer_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the active peer"
-        try:
-            peer_id = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setActivePeer(peer_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_list_calls(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: List all calls known to the sl4f component on the DUT.
-        Input(s):
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_list_calls
-        """
-        cmd = "Lists all calls"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.listCalls()
-            self.log.info(pprint.pformat(result))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_new_call(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Simulate a call on the call manager
-        Input(s):
-            remote: The number of the remote party on the simulated call
-            state: The state of the call. Must be one of "ringing", "waiting",
-                   "dialing", "alerting", "active", "held".
-            direction: The direction of the call. Must be one of "incoming", "outgoing".
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_new_call <remote> <state> <direction>
-            hfp_new_call 14085555555 active incoming
-            hfp_new_call 14085555555 held outgoing
-            hfp_new_call 14085555555 ringing incoming
-            hfp_new_call 14085555555 waiting incoming
-            hfp_new_call 14085555555 alerting outgoing
-            hfp_new_call 14085555555 dialing outgoing
-        """
-        cmd = "Simulates a call"
-        try:
-            info = line.strip().split()
-            if len(info) != 3:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "Exactly three command line arguments required: <remote> <state> <direction>"
-                )
-            remote, state, direction = info[0], info[1], info[2]
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.newCall(remote, state,
-                                                       direction)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_incoming_call(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Simulate an incoming call on the call manager
-        Input(s):
-            remote: The number of the remote party on the incoming call
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_incoming_call <remote>
-            hfp_incoming_call 14085555555
-        """
-        cmd = "Simulates an incoming call"
-        try:
-            remote = line.strip()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.initiateIncomingCall(remote)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_waiting_call(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Simulate an incoming call on the call manager when there is
-        an onging active call already.
-        Input(s):
-            remote: The number of the remote party on the incoming call
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_waiting_call <remote>
-            hfp_waiting_call 14085555555
-        """
-        cmd = "Simulates an incoming call"
-        try:
-            remote = line.strip()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.initiateIncomingWaitingCall(
-                remote)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_outgoing_call(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Simulate an outgoing call on the call manager
-        Input(s):
-            remote: The number of the remote party on the outgoing call
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_outgoing_call <remote>
-        """
-        cmd = "Simulates an outgoing call"
-        try:
-            remote = line.strip()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.initiateOutgoingCall(remote)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_call_active(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the specified call to the "OngoingActive" state.
-        Input(s):
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_outgoing_call <call_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the specified call to active"
-        try:
-            call_id = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setCallActive(call_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_call_held(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the specified call to the "OngoingHeld" state.
-        Input(s):
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_outgoing_call <call_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the specified call to held"
-        try:
-            call_id = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setCallHeld(call_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_call_terminated(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the specified call to the "Terminated" state.
-        Input(s):
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_outgoing_call <call_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the specified call to terminated"
-        try:
-            call_id = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setCallTerminated(call_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_call_transferred_to_ag(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the specified call to the "TransferredToAg" state.
-        Input(s):
-            call_id: The unique id of the call.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_outgoing_call <call_id>
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the specified call to TransferredToAg"
-        try:
-            call_id = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setCallTransferredToAg(call_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_speaker_gain(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the active peer's speaker gain.
-        Input(s):
-            value: The gain value to set. Must be between 0-15 inclusive.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_speaker_gain <value>
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the active peer's speaker gain"
-        try:
-            value = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setSpeakerGain(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_microphone_gain(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the active peer's microphone gain.
-        Input(s):
-            value: The gain value to set. Must be between 0-15 inclusive.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_microphone_gain <value>
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the active peer's microphone gain"
-        try:
-            value = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setMicrophoneGain(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_service_available(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the simulated network service status reported by the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            value: "true" to set the network connection to available.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_service_available <value>
-            hfp_set_service_available true
-            hfp_set_service_available false
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the simulated network service status reported by the call manager"
-        try:
-            value = line.strip() == "true"
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setServiceAvailable(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_roaming(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the simulated roaming status reported by the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            value: "true" to set the network connection to roaming.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_roaming <value>
-            hfp_set_roaming true
-            hfp_set_roaming false
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the simulated roaming status reported by the call manager"
-        try:
-            value = line.strip() == "true"
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setRoaming(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_signal_strength(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the simulated signal strength reported by the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            value: The signal strength value to set. Must be between 0-5 inclusive.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_signal_strength <value>
-            hfp_set_signal_strength 0
-            hfp_set_signal_strength 3
-            hfp_set_signal_strength 5
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the simulated signal strength reported by the call manager"
-        try:
-            value = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setSignalStrength(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_subscriber_number(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the subscriber number reported by the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            value: The subscriber number to set. Maximum length 128 characters.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_subscriber_number <value>
-            hfp_set_subscriber_number 14085555555
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the subscriber number reported by the call manager"
-        try:
-            value = line.strip()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setSubscriberNumber(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_operator(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the operator value reported by the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            value: The operator value to set. Maximum length 16 characters.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_operator <value>
-            hfp_set_operator GoogleFi
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the operator value reported by the call manager"
-        try:
-            value = line.strip()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setOperator(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_nrec_support(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the noise reduction/echo cancelation support reported by the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            value: The nrec support bool.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_nrec_support <value>
-            hfp_set_nrec_support true
-            hfp_set_nrec_support false
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the noise reduction/echo cancelation support reported by the call manager"
-        try:
-            value = line.strip() == "true"
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setNrecSupport(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_battery_level(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the battery level reported by the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            value: The integer battery level value. Must be 0-5 inclusive.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_battery_level <value>
-            hfp_set_battery_level 0
-            hfp_set_battery_level 3
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the battery level reported by the call manager"
-        try:
-            value = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setBatteryLevel(value)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_last_dialed(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the last dialed number in the call manager.
-        Input(s):
-            number: The number of the remote party.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_last_dialed <number>
-            hfp_set_last_dialed 14085555555
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the last dialed number in the call manager."
-        try:
-            number = line.strip()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setLastDialed(number)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_clear_last_dialed(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Clears the last dialed number in the call manager.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_clear_last_dialed
-        """
-        cmd = "Clears the last dialed number in the call manager."
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.clearLastDialed()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_memory_location(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets a memory location to point to a remote number.
-        Input(s):
-            location: The memory location at which to store the number.
-            number: The number of the remote party to be stored.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_memory_location <location> <number>
-            hfp_set_memory_location 0 14085555555
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets a memory location to point to a remote number."
-        try:
-            info = line.strip().split()
-            if len(info) != 2:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "Exactly two command line arguments required: <location> <number>"
-                )
-            location, number = info[0], info[1]
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setMemoryLocation(
-                location, number)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_clear_memory_location(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets a memory location to point to a remote number.
-        Input(s):
-            localtion: The memory location to clear.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_clear_memory_location <location>
-            hfp_clear_memory_location 0
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets a memory location to point to a remote number."
-        try:
-            location = line.strip()
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.clearMemoryLocation(location)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_dial_result(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Sets the status result to be returned when the number is dialed.
-        Input(s):
-            number: The number of the remote party.
-            status: The status to be returned when an outgoing call is initiated to the number.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_battery_level <value>
-        """
-        cmd = "Sets the status result to be returned when the number is dialed."
-        try:
-            info = line.strip().split()
-            if len(info) != 2:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "Exactly two command line arguments required: <number> <status>"
-                )
-            number, status = info[0], int(info[1])
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setDialResult(number, status)
-            self.log.info(pprint.pformat(result))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_get_state(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Get the call manager's complete state
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_get_state
-        """
-        cmd = "Get the call manager's state"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.getState()
-            self.log.info(pprint.pformat(result))
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_hfp_set_connection_behavior(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Set the Service Level Connection (SLC) behavior when a new peer connects.
-        Input(s):
-            autoconnect: Enable/Disable autoconnection of SLC.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            hfp_set_connection_behavior <autoconnect>
-            hfp_set_connection_behavior true
-            hfp_set_connection_behavior false
-        """
-        cmd = "Set the Service Level Connection (SLC) behavior"
-        try:
-            autoconnect = line.strip().lower() == "true"
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.hfp_lib.setConnectionBehavior(
-                autoconnect)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End HFP wrappers"""
-    """Begin RFCOMM wrappers"""
-    def do_rfcomm_init(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Initialize the RFCOMM component services.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            rfcomm_init
-        """
-        cmd = "Initialize RFCOMM proxy"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.rfcomm_lib.init()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_rfcomm_remove_service(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Removes the RFCOMM service in use.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            rfcomm_remove_service
-        """
-        cmd = "Remove RFCOMM service"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.rfcomm_lib.removeService()
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_rfcomm_disconnect_session(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Closes the RFCOMM Session.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            rfcomm_disconnect_session
-            rfcomm_disconnect_session
-        """
-        cmd = "Disconnect the RFCOMM Session"
-        try:
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.rfcomm_lib.disconnectSession(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_rfcomm_connect_rfcomm_channel(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Make an outgoing RFCOMM connection.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            rfcomm_connect_rfcomm_channel <server_channel_number>
-            rfcomm_connect_rfcomm_channel 2
-        """
-        cmd = "Make an outgoing RFCOMM connection"
-        try:
-            server_channel_number = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.rfcomm_lib.connectRfcommChannel(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, server_channel_number)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_rfcomm_disconnect_rfcomm_channel(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Close the RFCOMM connection with the peer
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            rfcomm_disconnect_rfcomm_channel <server_channel_number>
-            rfcomm_disconnect_rfcomm_channel 2
-        """
-        cmd = "Close the RFCOMM channel"
-        try:
-            server_channel_number = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.rfcomm_lib.disconnectRfcommChannel(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, server_channel_number)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_rfcomm_send_remote_line_status(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Send a remote line status for the RFCOMM channel.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            rfcomm_send_remote_line_status <server_channel_number>
-            rfcomm_send_remote_line_status 2
-        """
-        cmd = "Send a remote line status update for the RFCOMM channel"
-        try:
-            server_channel_number = int(line.strip())
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.rfcomm_lib.sendRemoteLineStatus(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, server_channel_number)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    def do_rfcomm_write_rfcomm(self, line):
-        """
-        Description: Send data over the RFCOMM channel.
-        Usage:
-          Examples:
-            rfcomm_write_rfcomm <server_channel_number> <data>
-            rfcomm_write_rfcomm 2 foobar
-        """
-        cmd = "Send data using the RFCOMM channel"
-        try:
-            info = line.strip().split()
-            if len(info) != 2:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "Exactly two command line arguments required: <server_channel_number> <data>"
-                )
-            server_channel_number = int(info[0])
-            data = info[1]
-            result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.rfcomm_lib.writeRfcomm(
-                self.unique_mac_addr_id, server_channel_number, data)
-            self.log.info(result)
-        except Exception as err:
-            self.log.error(FAILURE.format(cmd, err))
-    """End RFCOMM wrappers"""
diff --git a/tests/bt/ep/BtFuchsiaEPTest.py b/tests/bt/ep/BtFuchsiaEPTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d190f75..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/ep/BtFuchsiaEPTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This test only requires two fuchsia devices.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import FuchsiaSSHError
-from antlion.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import generate_id_by_size
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import bredr_scan_for_device_by_name
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import unbond_all_known_devices
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import verify_device_state_by_name
-import time
-class BtFuchsiaEPTest(BaseTestClass):
-    ble_advertise_interval = 50
-    scan_timeout_seconds = 60
-    default_iterations = 1000
-    adv_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-    test_adv_data = {
-        "name": adv_name,
-        "appearance": None,
-        "service_data": None,
-        "tx_power_level": None,
-        "service_uuids": None,
-        "manufacturer_data": None,
-        "uris": None,
-    }
-    test_connectable = True
-    test_scan_response = None
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.sl4f.bts_lib.initBluetoothSys()
-        self.pri_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        self.sec_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[1]
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-        self._unbond_all_known_devices()
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-        self._kill_media_services()
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        self._kill_media_services()
-    def _kill_media_services(self):
-        """Kill any BT services related to A2DP/AVRCP on all Fuchsia devices.
-        """
-        ssh_timeout = 30
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            try:
-                fd.ssh.run("killall bt-a2dp*", timeout_sec=ssh_timeout)
-                fd.ssh.run("killall bt-avrcp*", timeout_sec=ssh_timeout)
-            except FuchsiaSSHError:
-                pass
-    def _unbond_all_known_devices(self):
-        """For all Fuchsia devices, unbond any known pairings.
-        """
-        time.sleep(5)
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            unbond_all_known_devices(fd, self.log)
-    def test_ble_awareness(self):
-        """Verify that Fuchsia devices can advertise and scan each other
-        Verify a Fuchsia device that starts a BLE advertisesement can be
-        found by a Fuchsia BLE scanner.
-        Steps:
-        1. On one Fuchsia device set an advertisement
-        2. On one Fuchsia device, scan for the advertisement by name
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after each GATT connection.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
-        TAGS: BLE
-        Priority: 0
-        """
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            self.test_adv_data, self.test_scan_response,
-            self.ble_advertise_interval, self.test_connectable)
-        device = le_scan_for_device_by_name(self.pri_dut, self.log,
-                                            self.adv_name,
-                                            self.scan_timeout_seconds)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-        if device is None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Scanner unable to find advertisement.")
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
-    def test_gatt_central_peripheral(self):
-        """Verify that Fuchsia devices can perform GATT operations
-        Verify a Fuchsia devices can perform GATT connections and interactions.
-        Steps:
-        1. On one Fuchsia device set an advertisement
-        2. On one Fuchsia device, scan for the advertisement by name
-        3. Perform GATT connection over LE
-        4. Pair both devices.
-        5. Perform GATT read/write operations.
-        6. Perform GATT disconnection.
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after each GATT connection.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
-        TAGS: BLE
-        Priority: 0
-        """
-        self._unbond_all_known_devices()
-        source_device_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setName(source_device_name)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            self.test_adv_data, self.test_scan_response,
-            self.ble_advertise_interval, self.test_connectable)
-        device = le_scan_for_device_by_name(self.pri_dut, self.log,
-                                            self.adv_name,
-                                            self.scan_timeout_seconds)
-        if device is None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Scanner unable to find advertisement.")
-        connect_result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(
-            device["id"])
-        if connect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("GATT Connection failed with: {}".format(
-                connect_result.get("error")))
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(self.pri_dut, self.log,
-                                           self.adv_name, "CONNECTED", None):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to connect to device {}.".format(target_device_name))
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(
-                self.sec_dut, self.log, source_device_name, "CONNECTED", None):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to connect to device {}.".format(source_device_name))
-        security_level = "ENCRYPTED"
-        non_bondable = False
-        transport = 2  #LE
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.pair(device["id"], security_level,
-                                       non_bondable, transport)
-        services = None
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(self.pri_dut, self.log,
-                                           self.adv_name, "BONDED", services):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to pair device {}.".format(target_device_name))
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(self.sec_dut, self.log,
-                                           source_device_name, "BONDED",
-                                           services):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to pair device {}.".format(source_device_name))
-        disconnect_result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(
-            device["id"])
-        if disconnect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "GATT Disconnection failed with: {}".format(
-                    connect_result.get("error")))
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-        # TODO: Setup Proper GATT server and verify services published are found
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
-    def test_pairing_a2dp(self):
-        """Verify that Fuchsia devices can pair to each other and establish
-            an A2DP connection
-            Verify that Fuchsia devices can pair to each other and establish
-            an A2DP connection
-            Steps:
-            1. Clear out all bonded devices
-            2. Stop any A2DP services running on the device
-                Needed to take ownership of the services
-            3. Init sink and source opposite devices
-            4. Start pairing delegate for all Fuchsia devices
-            5. Set sink device to be discoverable
-            6. Discover sink device from source device
-            7. Connect to sink device from source device
-            8. Pair to sink device
-            9. Validate paired devices and services present
-            Expected Result:
-            Verify devices are successfully paired and appropriate a2dp
-            services are running.
-            Returns:
-            signals.TestPass if no errors
-            signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
-            TAGS: BREDR, A2DP
-            Priority: 0
-        """
-        self._unbond_all_known_devices()
-        self._kill_media_services()
-        source_device_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-        target_device_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setName(source_device_name)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setName(target_device_name)
-        input_capabilities = "NONE"
-        output_capabilities = "NONE"
-        # Initialize a2dp on both devices.
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.init()
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.avdtp_lib.init()
-        self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.acceptPairing(input_capabilities,
-                                                output_capabilities)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.acceptPairing(input_capabilities,
-                                                output_capabilities)
-        self.sec_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.setDiscoverable(True)
-        unique_mac_addr_id = bredr_scan_for_device_by_name(
-            self.pri_dut, self.log, target_device_name,
-            self.scan_timeout_seconds)
-        if not unique_mac_addr_id:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to find device {}.".format(target_device_name))
-        connect_result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.connectDevice(
-            unique_mac_addr_id)
-        if connect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect with {}.".format(
-                connect_result.get("error")))
-        # We pair before checking the CONNECTED status because BR/EDR semantics
-        # were recently changed such that if pairing is not confirmed, then bt
-        # does not report connected = True.
-        security_level = "NONE"
-        bondable = True
-        transport = 1  #BREDR
-        pair_result = self.pri_dut.sl4f.bts_lib.pair(unique_mac_addr_id,
-                                                     security_level, bondable,
-                                                     transport)
-        if pair_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to pair with {}.".format(
-                pair_result.get("error")))
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(
-                self.pri_dut, self.log, target_device_name, "CONNECTED", None):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to connect to device {}.".format(target_device_name))
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(
-                self.sec_dut, self.log, source_device_name, "CONNECTED", None):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to connect to device {}.".format(source_device_name))
-        #TODO: Validation of services and paired devices (b/175641870)
-        # A2DP sink: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
-        # A2DP source: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
-        #TODO: Make an easy function for checking/updating devices
-        services = None
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(self.pri_dut, self.log,
-                                           target_device_name, "BONDED",
-                                           services):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to pair device {}.".format(target_device_name))
-        if not verify_device_state_by_name(self.sec_dut, self.log,
-                                           source_device_name, "BONDED",
-                                           services):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to pair device {}.".format(source_device_name))
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
diff --git a/tests/bt/gatt/GattConnectionStressTest.py b/tests/bt/gatt/GattConnectionStressTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff693b1..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/gatt/GattConnectionStressTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This is a stress test for Fuchsia GATT connections.
-Custom Params:
-    Example:
-    "gatt_connect_stress_test_iterations": 10
-This test only requires two fuchsia devices as the purpose is to test
-the robusntess of GATT connections.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import generate_id_by_size
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
-class GattConnectionStressTest(BaseTestClass):
-    gatt_connect_err_message = "Gatt connection failed with: {}"
-    gatt_disconnect_err_message = "Gatt disconnection failed with: {}"
-    ble_advertise_interval = 50
-    scan_timeout_seconds = 60
-    default_iterations = 1000
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.fuchsia_client_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        self.fuchsia_server_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[1]
-        self.default_iterations = self.user_params.get(
-            "gatt_connect_stress_test_iterations", self.default_iterations)
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-    def _orchestrate_single_connect_disconnect(self):
-        adv_name = generate_id_by_size(10)
-        adv_data = {
-            "name": adv_name,
-            "appearance": None,
-            "service_data": None,
-            "tx_power_level": None,
-            "service_uuids": None,
-            "manufacturer_data": None,
-            "uris": None,
-        }
-        scan_response = None
-        connectable = True
-        self.fuchsia_server_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(
-            adv_data, scan_response, self.ble_advertise_interval, connectable)
-        device = le_scan_for_device_by_name(self.fuchsia_client_dut, self.log,
-                                            adv_name,
-                                            self.scan_timeout_seconds)
-        if device is None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Scanner unable to find advertisement.")
-        connect_result = self.fuchsia_client_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(
-            device["id"])
-        if connect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                self.gatt_connect_err_message.format(
-                    connect_result.get("error")))
-        self.log.info("Connection Successful...")
-        disconnect_result = self.fuchsia_client_dut.sl4f.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(
-            device["id"])
-        if disconnect_result.get("error") is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                self.gatt_disconnect_err_message.format(
-                    connect_result.get("error")))
-        self.log.info("Disconnection Successful...")
-        self.fuchsia_server_dut.sl4f.ble_lib.bleStopBleAdvertising()
-    def test_connect_reconnect_n_iterations_over_le(self):
-        """Test GATT reconnection n times.
-        Verify that the GATT client device can discover and connect to
-        a perpheral n times. Default value is 1000.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup Ble advertisement on peripheral with unique advertisement
-            name.
-        2. GATT client scans for peripheral advertisement.
-        3. Upon find the advertisement, send a connection request to
-            peripheral.
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after each GATT connection.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        for i in range(self.default_iterations):
-            self.log.info("Starting iteration {}".format(i + 1))
-            self._orchestrate_single_connect_disconnect()
-            self.log.info("Iteration {} successful".format(i + 1))
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
diff --git a/tests/bt/gatt/GattServerSetupTest.py b/tests/bt/gatt/GattServerSetupTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 035374a..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/gatt/GattServerSetupTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This test exercises basic setup of various GATT server configurations.
-This test only requires one fuchsia device as the purpose is to test
-different configurations of valid GATT services.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-import gatt_server_databases as database
-class GattServerSetupTest(BaseTestClass):
-    err_message = "Setting up database failed with: {}"
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.fuchsia_dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-    def setup_database(self, database):
-        setup_result = self.fuchsia_dut.sl4f.gatts_lib.publishServer(database)
-        if setup_result.get("error") is None:
-            signals.TestPass(setup_result.get("result"))
-        else:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                self.err_message.format(setup_result.get("error")))
-    def test_teardown(self):
-        self.fuchsia_dut.sl4f.gatts_lib.closeServer()
-    def test_single_primary_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Single Primary Service
-        Test a single primary service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.SINGLE_PRIMARY_SERVICE)
-    def test_single_secondary_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Single Secondary Service
-        Test a single secondary service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.SINGLE_SECONDARY_SERVICE)
-    def test_primary_and_secondary_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Primary and secondary service
-        Test primary and secondary service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.PRIMARY_AND_SECONDARY_SERVICES)
-    def test_duplicate_services(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Duplicate service uuids
-        Test duplicate service uuids as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.DUPLICATE_SERVICES)
-    ### Begin SIG defined services ###
-    def test_alert_notification_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Alert Notification Service
-        Test Alert Notification Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.ALERT_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)
-    def test_automation_io_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Automation IO
-        Test Automation IO as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.AUTOMATION_IO_SERVICE)
-    def test_battery_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Battery Service
-        Test Battery Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.BATTERY_SERVICE)
-    def test_blood_pressure_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Blood Pressure
-        Test Blood Pressure as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.BLOOD_PRESSURE_SERVICE)
-    def test_body_composition_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Body Composition
-        Test Body Composition as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.BODY_COMPOSITION_SERVICE)
-    def test_bond_management_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Bond Management Service
-        Test Bond Management Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.BOND_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE)
-    def test_continuous_glucose_monitoring_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Continuous Glucose Monitoring
-        Test Continuous Glucose Monitoring as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.CONTINUOUS_GLUCOSE_MONITORING_SERVICE)
-    def test_current_time_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Current Time Service
-        Test Current Time Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.CURRENT_TIME_SERVICE)
-    def test_cycling_power_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Cycling Power
-        Test Cycling Power as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.CYCLING_POWER_SERVICE)
-    def test_cycling_speed_and_cadence_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Cycling Speed and Cadence
-        Test Cycling Speed and Cadence as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.CYCLING_SPEED_AND_CADENCE_SERVICE)
-    def test_device_information_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Device Information
-        Test Device Information as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.DEVICE_INFORMATION_SERVICE)
-    def test_environmental_sensing_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Environmental Sensing
-        Test Environmental Sensing as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.ENVIRONMENTAL_SENSING_SERVICE)
-    def test_fitness_machine_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Fitness Machine
-        Test Fitness Machine as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.FITNESS_MACHINE_SERVICE)
-    def test_glucose_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Glucose
-        Test Glucose as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.GLUCOSE_SERVICE)
-    def test_health_thermometer_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Health Thermometer
-        Test Health Thermometer as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.HEALTH_THERMOMETER_SERVICE)
-    def test_heart_rate_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Heart Rate
-        Test Heart Rate as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.HEART_RATE_SERVICE)
-    def test_http_proxy_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: HTTP Proxy
-        Test HTTP Proxy as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.HTTP_PROXY_SERVICE)
-    def test_human_interface_device_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Human Interface Device
-    Test Human Interface Device as a GATT server input.
-    Steps:
-    1. Setup input database
-    Expected Result:
-    Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-    Returns:
-      signals.TestPass if no errors
-      signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.HUMAN_INTERFACE_DEVICE_SERVICE)
-    def test_immediate_alert_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Immediate Alert
-        Test Immediate Alert as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.IMMEDIATE_ALERT_SERVICE)
-    def test_indoor_positioning_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Indoor Positioning
-        Test Indoor Positioning as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.INDOOR_POSITIONING_SERVICE)
-    def test_insulin_delivery_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Insulin Delivery
-        Test Insulin Delivery as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.INSULIN_DELIVERY_SERVICE)
-    def test_internet_protocol_support_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Internet Protocol Support Service
-        Test Internet Protocol Support Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.INTERNET_PROTOCOL_SUPPORT_SERVICE)
-    def test_link_loss_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Link Loss
-        Test Link Loss as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.LINK_LOSS_SERVICE)
-    def test_location_and_navigation_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Location and Navigation
-        Test Location and Navigation as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.LOCATION_AND_NAVIGATION_SERVICE)
-    def test_mesh_provisioning_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Mesh Provisioning Service
-        Test Mesh Provisioning Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.MESH_PROVISIONING_SERVICE)
-    def test_mesh_proxy_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Mesh Proxy Service
-        Test Mesh Proxy Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.MESH_PROXY_SERVICE)
-    def test_next_dst_change_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Next DST Change Service
-        Test Next DST Change Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.NEXT_DST_CHANGE_SERVICE)
-    def test_object_transfer_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Object Transfer Service
-        Test Object Transfer Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.OBJECT_TRANSFER_SERVICE)
-    def test_phone_alert_status_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Phone Alert Status Service
-        Test Phone Alert Status Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.PHONE_ALERT_STATUS_SERVICE)
-    def test_pulse_oximeter_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Pulse Oximeter Service
-        Test Pulse Oximeter Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.PULSE_OXIMETER_SERVICE)
-    def test_reconnection_configuration_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Reconnection Configuration
-        Test Reconnection Configuration as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.RECONNECTION_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE)
-    def test_reference_time_update_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Reference Time Update Service
-        Test Reference Time Update Service as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.REFERENCE_TIME_UPDATE_SERVICE)
-    def test_running_speed_and_cadence_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Running Speed and Cadence
-        Test Running Speed and Cadence as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.RUNNING_SPEED_AND_CADENCE_SERVICE)
-    def test_scan_parameters_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Scan Parameters
-        Test Scan Parameters as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.SCAN_PARAMETERS_SERVICE)
-    def test_transport_discovery_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Transport Discovery
-        Test Transport Discovery as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_SERVICE)
-    def test_tx_power_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Tx Power
-        Test Tx Power as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.TX_POWER_SERVICE)
-    def test_user_data_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: User Data
-        Test User Data as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.USER_DATA_SERVICE)
-    def test_weight_scale_service(self):
-        """Test GATT Server Setup: Weight Scale
-        Test Weight Scale as a GATT server input.
-        Steps:
-        1. Setup input database
-        Expected Result:
-        Verify that there are no errors after setting up the input database.
-        Returns:
-          signals.TestPass if no errors
-          signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during setup
-        TAGS: GATT
-        Priority: 1
-        """
-        self.setup_database(database.WEIGHT_SCALE_SERVICE)
-    ### End SIG defined services ###
diff --git a/tests/bt/gatt/gatt_server_databases.py b/tests/bt/gatt/gatt_server_databases.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b50c141..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/gatt/gatt_server_databases.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2491 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-GATT server dictionaries which will be setup in various tests.
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_descriptor
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_service_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_char_types
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_characteristic_value_format
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_char_desc_uuids
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001802-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-    }]
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001802-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['secondary'],
-    }]
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001802-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-    }, {
-        'uuid': '00001803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['secondary'],
-    }]
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001802-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-    }, {
-        'uuid': '00001802-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-    }]
-### Begin SIG defined services ###
-# yapf: disable
-# TODO: Reconcile all the proper security parameters of each service.
-# Some are correct, others are not.
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.alert_notification.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001811-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a47-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a46-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a48-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-            'value': 1,
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a45-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a44-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-            'value': 1,
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.automation_io.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001815-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a56-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '00002904-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['char_user_desc'],
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['char_ext_props']
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '0000290a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '0000290e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '00002909-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'],
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a58-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['write_type_signed'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['property_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['property_write'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '00002904-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['char_user_desc'],
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['char_ext_props']
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '0000290a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '0000290e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '00002909-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'],
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '00002906-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'],
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a5a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-            'value': 1,
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.battery_service.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }, {
-                'uuid': '00002904-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-                'permissions': gatt_descriptor['permission_read'] |
-                gatt_descriptor['permission_write'],
-            }]
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.blood_pressure.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001810-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a35-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a36-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }],
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a49-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.body_composition.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '0000181b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a9b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a9c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }],
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.bond_management.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '0000181e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002aac-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test'
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002aa4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }
-        ]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.continuous_glucose_monitoring.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002aa7-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002aa7-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002aa8-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002aa9-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['property_write'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['permission_write'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002aaa-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002aab-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a52-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002aac-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': gatt_characteristic['permission_read'],
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.current_time.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.cycling_power.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.cycling_speed_and_cadence.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.device_information.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.environmental_sensing.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.fitness_machine.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.glucose.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.health_thermometer.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.http_proxy.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.immediate_alert.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.indoor_positioning.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.insulin_delivery.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.internet_protocol_support.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.link_loss.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.location_and_navigation.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.mesh_provisioning.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.mesh_proxy.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.next_dst_change.xml
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-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.phone_alert_status.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '0000180e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a3f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a41-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a40-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-        },
-        ]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.pulse_oximeter.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001822-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a5e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a5f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a60-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a52-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
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-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }
-        ]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.reconnection_configuration.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001829-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002b1d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002b1e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'] |
-            gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
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-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002b1f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'] |
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-            gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.reference_time_update.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001806-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a16-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a17-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.running_speed_and_cadence.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001814-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a53-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_notify'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['string'],
-            'value': 'test',
-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a54-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a5d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
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-            'uuid': '00002a55-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
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-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.scan_parameters.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001813-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a4f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_write_no_response'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
-            'value_type': gatt_characteristic_value_format['sint8'],
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-            'uuid': '00002a31-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
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-            }]
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.transport_discovery.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '00001824-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002abc-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'] |
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-            'descriptors': [{
-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }
-        ]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.tx_power.xml
-    'services': [{
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-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
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-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
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-            'value': -24,
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.user_data.xml
-    'services': [{
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-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
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-            'value': 10,
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-            'uuid': '00002a9f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'] |
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-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
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-            'uuid': '00002aa2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
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-            'value': 10,
-        }]
-    }]
-# https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.service.weight_scale.xml
-    'services': [{
-        'uuid': '0000181d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-        'type': gatt_service_types['primary'],
-        'characteristics': [{
-            'uuid': '00002a9e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_read'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
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-            'value': 1
-        }, {
-            'uuid': '00002a9d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
-            'properties': gatt_characteristic['property_indicate'],
-            'permissions': 0x0,
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-            'value': 100,
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-                'uuid': gatt_char_desc_uuids['client_char_cfg']
-            }]
-        }
-        ]
-    }]
-# yapf: enable
-### End SIG defined services ###
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deleted file mode 100644
index fcfccf4..0000000
--- a/tests/bt/pts/GATT_PTS_INSTRUCTIONS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Note: Bug in PTS forces GATT operations to be over BR/EDR. To run tests over LE disable BR/EDR in ICS when running tests (ICS Name TSCP_GATT_2_1). To Run over BR/EDR re-enable the same ICS value.
-Note: While using ACTS cmd line tools, if there is ever an issue with connecting to PTS make sure the
-unique ID is properly set by running these commands:
-     tool_set_target_device_name PTS
-     tool_refresh_unique_id
-Cmd Line Tools in use:
-    ACTS:
-        FuchsiaCmdLineTest
-    Fuchsia CLI:
-        ...
-    TBD
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_list_services
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_list_services
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_list_services
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_list_services
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_list_services
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_list_services
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    Bug: BT-764
-    Note: Bug BT-764 would simplify this testcase.
-    Note: If device is already paired, pairing tool instructions are not needed.
-    Fuchsia cmd-line-tool: bt-pairing-tool
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify confirmation
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [Fuchsia interaction] Type 'y' on the bt-pairing-tool
-    [PTS Interaction] Enter pin from bt-pairing-tool to PTS
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    Note: Bug BT-764 would simplify this testcase.
-    Note: If device is already paired, pairing tool instructions are not needed.
-    Fuchsia cmd-line-tool: bt-pairing-tool
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify confirmation
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [Fuchsia interaction] Type 'y' on the bt-pairing-tool
-    [PTS Interaction] Enter pin from bt-pairing-tool to PTS
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    Note: Bug BT-764 would simplify this testcase.
-    Note: If device is already paired, pairing tool instructions are not needed.
-    Fuchsia cmd-line-tool: bt-pairing-tool
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify confirmation
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [Fuchsia interaction] Type 'y' on the bt-pairing-tool
-    [PTS Interaction] Enter pin from bt-pairing-tool to PTS
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_chars
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    Note: Bug BT-764 would simplify this testcase.
-    Note: If device is already paired, pairing tool instructions are not needed.
-    Fuchsia cmd-line-tool: bt-pairing-tool
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_desc
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify confirmation
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_desc
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [Fuchsia interaction] Type 'y' on the bt-pairing-tool
-    [PTS Interaction] Enter pin from bt-pairing-tool to PTS
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_desc
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_real_all_desc
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    Note: Bug BT-451 would simplify this testcase.
-    Note: If device is already paired, pairing tool instructions are not needed.
-    Fuchsia cmd-line-tool: bt-pairing-tool
-    gattc_connect
-    gattc_read_all_chars
-    Fuchsia interaction] Type 'y' on the bt-pairing-tool
-    [PTS Interaction] Enter pin from bt-pairing-tool to PTS
-    [PTS Interaction] Verify values
-    gattc_disconnect
diff --git a/tests/dhcp/BUILD.gn b/tests/dhcp/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3acdd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dhcp/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("dhcpv4_duplicate_address_test") {
+  main_source = "Dhcpv4DuplicateAddressTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("dhcpv4_interop_basic_test") {
+  main_source = "Dhcpv4InteropBasicTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("dhcpv4_interop_combinatorial_options_test") {
+  main_source = "Dhcpv4InteropCombinatorialOptionsTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("dhcpv4_interop_fixture_test") {
+  main_source = "Dhcpv4InteropFixtureTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":dhcpv4_duplicate_address_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":dhcpv4_interop_basic_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":dhcpv4_interop_combinatorial_options_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":dhcpv4_interop_fixture_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4DuplicateAddressTest.py b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4DuplicateAddressTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..661d08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4DuplicateAddressTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import re
+from ipaddress import IPv4Address
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_config
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import ip
+from antlion.test_utils.dhcp import base_test
+class Dhcpv4DuplicateAddressTest(base_test.Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_test()
+        self.extra_addresses: list[IPv4Address] = []
+        self.ap_params = self.setup_ap()
+        self.ap_ip_cmd = ip.LinuxIpCommand(self.access_point.ssh)
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
+        super().teardown_test()
+        for ip in self.extra_addresses:
+            self.ap_ip_cmd.remove_ipv4_address(self.ap_params.id, ip)
+    def test_duplicate_address_assignment(self) -> None:
+        """It's possible for a DHCP server to assign an address that already exists on the network.
+        DHCP clients are expected to perform a "gratuitous ARP" of the to-be-assigned address, and
+        refuse to assign that address. Clients should also recover by asking for a different
+        address.
+        """
+        # Modify subnet to hold fewer addresses.
+        # A '/29' has 8 addresses (6 usable excluding router / broadcast)
+        subnet = next(self.ap_params.network.subnets(new_prefix=29))
+        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
+            subnet=subnet,
+            router=self.ap_params.ip,
+            # When the DHCP server is considering dynamically allocating an IP address to a client,
+            # it first sends an ICMP Echo request (a ping) to the address being assigned. It waits
+            # for a second, and if no ICMP Echo response has been heard, it assigns the address.
+            # If a response is heard, the lease is abandoned, and the server does not respond to
+            # the client.
+            # The ping-check configuration parameter can be used to control checking - if its value
+            # is false, no ping check is done.
+            additional_parameters={"ping-check": "false"},
+        )
+        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
+        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
+        # Add each of the usable IPs as an alias for the router's interface, such that the router
+        # will respond to any pings on it.
+        for ip in subnet.hosts():
+            self.ap_ip_cmd.add_ipv4_address(self.ap_params.id, ip)
+            # Ensure we remove the address in self.teardown_test() even if the test fails
+            self.extra_addresses.append(ip)
+        self.connect(ap_params=self.ap_params)
+        with asserts.assert_raises(ConnectionError):
+            self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
+        # Per spec, the flow should be:
+        # Discover -> Offer -> Request -> Ack -> client optionally performs DAD
+        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
+        if dhcp_logs is None:
+            raise signals.TestError("DHCP logs not found; was the DHCP server started?")
+        for expected_message in [
+            r"DHCPDISCOVER from \S+",
+            r"DHCPOFFER on [0-9.]+ to \S+",
+            r"DHCPREQUEST for [0-9.]+",
+            r"DHCPACK on [0-9.]+",
+            r"DHCPDECLINE of [0-9.]+ from \S+ via .*: abandoned",
+            r"Abandoning IP address [0-9.]+: declined",
+        ]:
+            asserts.assert_true(
+                re.search(expected_message, dhcp_logs),
+                f"Did not find expected message ({expected_message}) in dhcp logs: {dhcp_logs}"
+                + "\n",
+            )
+        # Remove each of the IP aliases.
+        # Note: this also removes the router's address (e.g., so pinging the
+        # router after this will not work.
+        while self.extra_addresses:
+            self.ap_ip_cmd.remove_ipv4_address(
+                self.ap_params.id, self.extra_addresses.pop()
+            )
+        # Now, we should get an address successfully
+        ip = self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
+        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
+        if dhcp_logs is None:
+            raise signals.TestError("DHCP logs not found; was the DHCP server started?")
+        expected_string = f"DHCPREQUEST for {ip}"
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
+            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Requests ("{expected_string}") in logs: '
+            + dhcp_logs
+            + "\n",
+        )
+        expected_string = f"DHCPACK on {ip}"
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
+            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Acks ("{expected_string}") in logs: '
+            + dhcp_logs
+            + "\n",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropBasicTest.py b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropBasicTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f3da59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropBasicTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import re
+import time
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_config
+from antlion.test_utils.dhcp import base_test
+class Dhcpv4InteropBasicTest(base_test.Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
+    """DhcpV4 tests which validate basic DHCP client/server interactions."""
+    def test_basic_dhcp_assignment(self) -> None:
+        self.run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success(
+            dhcp_options={},
+            dhcp_parameters={},
+        )
+    def test_pool_allows_unknown_clients(self) -> None:
+        self.run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success(
+            dhcp_options={},
+            dhcp_parameters={"allow": "unknown-clients"},
+        )
+    def test_pool_disallows_unknown_clients(self) -> None:
+        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
+        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
+            subnet=ap_params.network,
+            router=ap_params.ip,
+            additional_parameters={"deny": "unknown-clients"},
+        )
+        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
+        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
+        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
+        with asserts.assert_raises(ConnectionError):
+            self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
+        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
+        if dhcp_logs is None:
+            raise signals.TestError("DHCP logs not found; was the DHCP server started?")
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            re.search(r"DHCPDISCOVER from .*no free leases", dhcp_logs),
+            "Did not find expected message in dhcp logs: " + dhcp_logs + "\n",
+        )
+    def test_lease_renewal(self) -> None:
+        """Validates that a client renews their DHCP lease."""
+        LEASE_TIME = 30
+        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
+        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(subnet=ap_params.network, router=ap_params.ip)
+        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(
+            subnets=[subnet_conf],
+            default_lease_time=LEASE_TIME,
+            max_lease_time=LEASE_TIME,
+        )
+        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
+        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
+        ip = self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
+        SLEEP_TIME = LEASE_TIME + 3
+        self.log.info(f"Sleeping {SLEEP_TIME}s to await DHCP renewal")
+        time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
+        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
+        if dhcp_logs is None:
+            raise signals.TestError("DHCP logs not found; was the DHCP server started?")
+        # Fuchsia renews at LEASE_TIME / 2, so there should be at least 2 DHCPREQUESTs in logs.
+        # The log lines look like:
+        # INFO dhcpd[17385]: DHCPREQUEST for from f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
+        # INFO dhcpd[17385]: DHCPACK on to f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
+        expected_string = f"DHCPREQUEST for {ip}"
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 2,
+            f'Not enough DHCP renewals ("{expected_string}") in logs: '
+            + dhcp_logs
+            + "\n",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropCombinatorialOptionsTest.py b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropCombinatorialOptionsTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce9af9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropCombinatorialOptionsTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import random
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from antlion.test_utils.dhcp import base_test
+class Test:
+    name: str
+    dhcp_options: dict[str, int | str]
+    dhcp_parameters: dict[str, str]
+class Dhcpv4InteropCombinatorialOptionsTest(base_test.Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
+    """DhcpV4 tests which validate combinations of DHCP options."""
+    def setup_generated_tests(self) -> None:
+        def test_logic(t: Test) -> None:
+            self.run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success(t.dhcp_parameters, t.dhcp_options)
+        def name_func(t: Test) -> str:
+            return f"test_{t.name}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            test_logic=test_logic,
+            name_func=name_func,
+            arg_sets=[
+                (t,)
+                for t in [
+                    Test(
+                        name="domain_name_valid",
+                        dhcp_options={
+                            "domain-name": '"example.test"',
+                            "dhcp-parameter-request-list": OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_NAME,
+                        },
+                        dhcp_parameters={},
+                    ),
+                    Test(
+                        name="domain_name_invalid",
+                        dhcp_options={
+                            "domain-name": '"example.invalid"',
+                            "dhcp-parameter-request-list": OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_NAME,
+                        },
+                        dhcp_parameters={},
+                    ),
+                    Test(
+                        name="domain_search_valid",
+                        dhcp_options={
+                            "domain-name": '"example.test"',
+                            "dhcp-parameter-request-list": OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_SEARCH,
+                        },
+                        dhcp_parameters={},
+                    ),
+                    Test(
+                        name="domain_search_invalid",
+                        dhcp_options={
+                            "domain-name": '"example.invalid"',
+                            "dhcp-parameter-request-list": OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_SEARCH,
+                        },
+                        dhcp_parameters={},
+                    ),
+                    Test(
+                        name="max_sized_message",
+                        dhcp_options=self._generate_max_sized_message_dhcp_options(),
+                        dhcp_parameters={},
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ],
+        )
+    def _generate_max_sized_message_dhcp_options(self) -> dict[str, int | str]:
+        """Generates the DHCP options for max sized message test.
+        The RFC limits DHCP payloads to 576 bytes unless the client signals it
+        can handle larger payloads, which it does by sending DHCP option 57,
+        "Maximum DHCP Message Size". Despite being able to accept larger
+        payloads, clients typically don't advertise this. The test verifies that
+        the client accepts a large message split across multiple ethernet
+        frames. The test is created by sending many bytes of options through the
+        domain-name-servers option, which is of unbounded length (though is
+        compressed per RFC1035 section 4.1.4).
+        Returns:
+            A dict of DHCP options.
+        """
+        typical_ethernet_mtu = 1500
+        long_dns_setting = ", ".join(
+            f'"ns{num}.example"'
+            for num in random.sample(range(100_000, 1_000_000), 250)
+        )
+        # RFC1035 compression means any shared suffix ('.example' in this case)
+        # will be deduplicated. Calculate approximate length by removing that
+        # suffix.
+        long_dns_setting_len = len(
+            long_dns_setting.replace(", ", "")
+            .replace('"', "")
+            .replace(".example", "")
+            .encode("utf-8")
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            long_dns_setting_len > typical_ethernet_mtu,
+            "Expected to generate message greater than ethernet mtu",
+        )
+        return {
+            "dhcp-max-message-size": long_dns_setting_len * 2,
+            "domain-search": long_dns_setting,
+            "dhcp-parameter-request-list": OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_SEARCH,
+        }
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropFixtureTest.py b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropFixtureTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7303052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropFixtureTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_config
+from antlion.test_utils.dhcp import base_test
+class Dhcpv4InteropFixtureTest(base_test.Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
+    """Tests which validate the behavior of the Dhcpv4InteropFixture.
+    In theory, these are more similar to unit tests than ACTS tests, but
+    since they interact with hardware (specifically, the AP), we have to
+    write and run them like the rest of the ACTS tests."""
+    def test_invalid_options_not_accepted(self) -> None:
+        """Ensures the DHCP server doesn't accept invalid options"""
+        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
+        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
+            subnet=ap_params.network,
+            router=ap_params.ip,
+            additional_options={"foo": "bar"},
+        )
+        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
+        with asserts.assert_raises_regex(Exception, r"failed to start"):
+            self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
+    def test_invalid_parameters_not_accepted(self) -> None:
+        """Ensures the DHCP server doesn't accept invalid parameters"""
+        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
+        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
+            subnet=ap_params.network,
+            router=ap_params.ip,
+            additional_parameters={"foo": "bar"},
+        )
+        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
+        with asserts.assert_raises_regex(Exception, r"failed to start"):
+            self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
+    def test_no_dhcp_server_started(self) -> None:
+        """Validates that the test fixture does not start a DHCP server."""
+        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
+        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
+        with asserts.assert_raises(ConnectionError):
+            self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropTest.py b/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09d6ea4..0000000
--- a/tests/dhcp/Dhcpv4InteropTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import random
-import time
-import re
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap, AccessPoint
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_utils import generate_random_password
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands import ip
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-class Dhcpv4InteropFixture(WifiBaseTest):
-    """Test helpers for validating DHCPv4 Interop
-    Test Bed Requirement:
-    * One Android device or Fuchsia device
-    * One Access Point
-    """
-    access_point: AccessPoint
-    def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
-        else:
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-        self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-    def setup_test(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                ad.droid.wakeLockAcquireBright()
-                ad.droid.wakeUpNow()
-        self.dut.wifi_toggle_state(True)
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
-            for ad in self.android_devices:
-                ad.droid.wakeLockRelease()
-                ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
-        self.dut.turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off()
-        self.dut.disconnect()
-        self.dut.reset_wifi()
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-    def connect(self, ap_params):
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            self.dut.associate(ap_params['ssid'],
-                               target_pwd=ap_params['password'],
-                               target_security=ap_params['target_security']),
-            'Failed to connect.')
-    def setup_ap(self):
-        """Generates a hostapd config and sets up the AP with that config.
-        Does not run a DHCP server.
-        Returns: A dictionary of information about the AP.
-        """
-        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_mode = hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING
-        security_profile = Security(
-            security_mode=security_mode,
-            password=generate_random_password(length=20),
-            wpa_cipher='CCMP',
-            wpa2_cipher='CCMP')
-        password = security_profile.password
-        target_security = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
-            security_mode)
-        ap_ids = setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                          profile_name='whirlwind',
-                          mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                          channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                          n_capabilities=[],
-                          ac_capabilities=[],
-                          force_wmm=True,
-                          ssid=ssid,
-                          security=security_profile,
-                          password=password)
-        if len(ap_ids) > 1:
-            raise Exception("Expected only one SSID on AP")
-        configured_subnets = self.access_point.get_configured_subnets()
-        if len(configured_subnets) > 1:
-            raise Exception("Expected only one subnet on AP")
-        router_ip = configured_subnets[0].router
-        network = configured_subnets[0].network
-        self.access_point.stop_dhcp()
-        return {
-            'ssid': ssid,
-            'password': password,
-            'target_security': target_security,
-            'ip': router_ip,
-            'network': network,
-            'id': ap_ids[0],
-        }
-    def device_can_ping(self, dest_ip):
-        """Checks if the DUT can ping the given address.
-        Returns: True if can ping, False otherwise"""
-        self.log.info('Attempting to ping %s...' % dest_ip)
-        ping_result = self.dut.can_ping(dest_ip, count=2)
-        if ping_result:
-            self.log.info('Success pinging: %s' % dest_ip)
-        else:
-            self.log.info('Failure pinging: %s' % dest_ip)
-        return ping_result
-    def get_device_ipv4_addr(self, interface=None, timeout=20):
-        """Checks if device has an ipv4 private address. Sleeps 1 second between
-        retries.
-        Args:
-            interface: string, name of interface from which to get ipv4 address.
-        Raises:
-            ConnectionError, if DUT does not have an ipv4 address after all
-            timeout.
-        Returns:
-            The device's IP address
-        """
-        self.log.debug('Fetching updated WLAN interface list')
-        if interface is None:
-            interface = self.dut.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name
-        self.log.info(
-            'Checking if DUT has received an ipv4 addr on iface %s. Will retry for %s '
-            'seconds.' % (interface, timeout))
-        timeout = time.time() + timeout
-        while time.time() < timeout:
-            ip_addrs = self.dut.device.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
-            if len(ip_addrs['ipv4_private']) > 0:
-                ip = ip_addrs['ipv4_private'][0]
-                self.log.info('DUT has an ipv4 address: %s' % ip)
-                return ip
-            else:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'DUT does not yet have an ipv4 address...retrying in 1 '
-                    'second.')
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError('DUT failed to get an ipv4 address.')
-    def run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success(self, settings):
-        """Starts the AP and DHCP server, and validates that the client
-        connects and obtains an address.
-        Args:
-            settings: a dictionary containing:
-                dhcp_parameters: a dictionary of DHCP parameters
-                dhcp_options: a dictionary of DHCP options
-        """
-        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
-        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
-            subnet=ap_params['network'],
-            router=ap_params['ip'],
-            additional_parameters=settings['dhcp_parameters'],
-            additional_options=settings['dhcp_options'])
-        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
-        self.log.debug('DHCP Configuration:\n' +
-                       dhcp_conf.render_config_file() + "\n")
-        dhcp_logs_before = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs().split('\n')
-        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
-        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
-        # Typical log lines look like:
-        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPDISCOVER from f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
-        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPOFFER on to f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
-        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPREQUEST for ( from f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
-        # dhcpd[26695]: DHCPACK on to f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
-        try:
-            ip = self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
-        except ConnectionError:
-            self.log.warn(dhcp_logs)
-            asserts.fail(f'DUT failed to get an IP address')
-        # Get updates to DHCP logs
-        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
-        for line in dhcp_logs_before:
-            dhcp_logs = dhcp_logs.replace(line, '')
-        expected_string = f'DHCPDISCOVER from'
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string), 1,
-            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Discovers ("{expected_string}") in logs:\n'
-            + dhcp_logs + "\n")
-        expected_string = f'DHCPOFFER on {ip}'
-        asserts.assert_equal(
-            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string), 1,
-            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Offers ("{expected_string}") in logs:\n'
-            + dhcp_logs + "\n")
-        expected_string = f'DHCPREQUEST for {ip}'
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
-            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Requests ("{expected_string}") in logs: '
-            + dhcp_logs + "\n")
-        expected_string = f'DHCPACK on {ip}'
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
-            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Acks ("{expected_string}") in logs: ' +
-            dhcp_logs + "\n")
-        asserts.assert_true(self.device_can_ping(ap_params['ip']),
-                            f'DUT failed to ping router at {ap_params["ip"]}')
-class Dhcpv4InteropFixtureTest(Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
-    """Tests which validate the behavior of the Dhcpv4InteropFixture.
-    In theory, these are more similar to unit tests than ACTS tests, but
-    since they interact with hardware (specifically, the AP), we have to
-    write and run them like the rest of the ACTS tests."""
-    def test_invalid_options_not_accepted(self):
-        """Ensures the DHCP server doesn't accept invalid options"""
-        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
-        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(subnet=ap_params['network'],
-                                         router=ap_params['ip'],
-                                         additional_options={'foo': 'bar'})
-        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
-        with asserts.assert_raises_regex(Exception, r'failed to start'):
-            self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
-    def test_invalid_parameters_not_accepted(self):
-        """Ensures the DHCP server doesn't accept invalid parameters"""
-        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
-        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(subnet=ap_params['network'],
-                                         router=ap_params['ip'],
-                                         additional_parameters={'foo': 'bar'})
-        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
-        with asserts.assert_raises_regex(Exception, r'failed to start'):
-            self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
-    def test_no_dhcp_server_started(self):
-        """Validates that the test fixture does not start a DHCP server."""
-        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
-        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
-        with asserts.assert_raises(ConnectionError):
-            self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
-class Dhcpv4InteropBasicTest(Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
-    """DhcpV4 tests which validate basic DHCP client/server interactions."""
-    def test_basic_dhcp_assignment(self):
-        self.run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success(settings={
-            'dhcp_options': {},
-            'dhcp_parameters': {}
-        })
-    def test_pool_allows_unknown_clients(self):
-        self.run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success(settings={
-            'dhcp_options': {},
-            'dhcp_parameters': {
-                'allow': 'unknown-clients'
-            }
-        })
-    def test_pool_disallows_unknown_clients(self):
-        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
-        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
-            subnet=ap_params['network'],
-            router=ap_params['ip'],
-            additional_parameters={'deny': 'unknown-clients'})
-        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
-        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
-        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
-        with asserts.assert_raises(ConnectionError):
-            self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
-        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            re.search(r'DHCPDISCOVER from .*no free leases', dhcp_logs),
-            "Did not find expected message in dhcp logs: " + dhcp_logs + "\n")
-    def test_lease_renewal(self):
-        """Validates that a client renews their DHCP lease."""
-        LEASE_TIME = 30
-        ap_params = self.setup_ap()
-        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(subnet=ap_params['network'],
-                                         router=ap_params['ip'])
-        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf],
-                                           default_lease_time=LEASE_TIME,
-                                           max_lease_time=LEASE_TIME)
-        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
-        self.connect(ap_params=ap_params)
-        ip = self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
-        dhcp_logs_before = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
-        SLEEP_TIME = LEASE_TIME + 3
-        self.log.info(f'Sleeping {SLEEP_TIME}s to await DHCP renewal')
-        time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
-        dhcp_logs_after = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
-        dhcp_logs = dhcp_logs_after.replace(dhcp_logs_before, '')
-        # Fuchsia renews at LEASE_TIME / 2, so there should be at least 2 DHCPREQUESTs in logs.
-        # The log lines look like:
-        # INFO dhcpd[17385]: DHCPREQUEST for from f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
-        # INFO dhcpd[17385]: DHCPACK on to f8:0f:f9:3d:ce:d1 via wlan1
-        expected_string = f'DHCPREQUEST for {ip}'
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 2,
-            f'Not enough DHCP renewals ("{expected_string}") in logs: ' +
-            dhcp_logs + "\n")
-class Dhcpv4DuplicateAddressTest(Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
-    def setup_test(self):
-        super().setup_test()
-        self.extra_addresses = []
-        self.ap_params = self.setup_ap()
-        self.ap_ip_cmd = ip.LinuxIpCommand(self.access_point.ssh)
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        super().teardown_test()
-        for ip in self.extra_addresses:
-            self.ap_ip_cmd.remove_ipv4_address(self.ap_params['id'], ip)
-    def test_duplicate_address_assignment(self):
-        """It's possible for a DHCP server to assign an address that already exists on the network.
-        DHCP clients are expected to perform a "gratuitous ARP" of the to-be-assigned address, and
-        refuse to assign that address. Clients should also recover by asking for a different
-        address.
-        """
-        # Modify subnet to hold fewer addresses.
-        # A '/29' has 8 addresses (6 usable excluding router / broadcast)
-        subnet = next(self.ap_params['network'].subnets(new_prefix=29))
-        subnet_conf = dhcp_config.Subnet(
-            subnet=subnet,
-            router=self.ap_params['ip'],
-            # When the DHCP server is considering dynamically allocating an IP address to a client,
-            # it first sends an ICMP Echo request (a ping) to the address being assigned. It waits
-            # for a second, and if no ICMP Echo response has been heard, it assigns the address.
-            # If a response is heard, the lease is abandoned, and the server does not respond to
-            # the client.
-            # The ping-check configuration parameter can be used to control checking - if its value
-            # is false, no ping check is done.
-            additional_parameters={'ping-check': 'false'})
-        dhcp_conf = dhcp_config.DhcpConfig(subnets=[subnet_conf])
-        self.access_point.start_dhcp(dhcp_conf=dhcp_conf)
-        # Add each of the usable IPs as an alias for the router's interface, such that the router
-        # will respond to any pings on it.
-        for ip in subnet.hosts():
-            self.ap_ip_cmd.add_ipv4_address(self.ap_params['id'], ip)
-            # Ensure we remove the address in self.teardown_test() even if the test fails
-            self.extra_addresses.append(ip)
-        self.connect(ap_params=self.ap_params)
-        with asserts.assert_raises(ConnectionError):
-            self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
-        # Per spec, the flow should be:
-        # Discover -> Offer -> Request -> Ack -> client optionally performs DAD
-        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
-        for expected_message in [
-                r'DHCPDISCOVER from \S+',
-                r'DHCPOFFER on [0-9.]+ to \S+',
-                r'DHCPREQUEST for [0-9.]+',
-                r'DHCPACK on [0-9.]+',
-                r'DHCPDECLINE of [0-9.]+ from \S+ via .*: abandoned',
-                r'Abandoning IP address [0-9.]+: declined',
-        ]:
-            asserts.assert_true(
-                re.search(expected_message, dhcp_logs),
-                f'Did not find expected message ({expected_message}) in dhcp logs: {dhcp_logs}'
-                + "\n")
-        # Remove each of the IP aliases.
-        # Note: this also removes the router's address (e.g., so pinging the
-        # router after this will not work.
-        while self.extra_addresses:
-            self.ap_ip_cmd.remove_ipv4_address(self.ap_params['id'],
-                                               self.extra_addresses.pop())
-        # Now, we should get an address successfully
-        ip = self.get_device_ipv4_addr()
-        dhcp_logs = self.access_point.get_dhcp_logs()
-        expected_string = f'DHCPREQUEST for {ip}'
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
-            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Requests ("{expected_string}") in logs: '
-            + dhcp_logs + "\n")
-        expected_string = f'DHCPACK on {ip}'
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            dhcp_logs.count(expected_string) >= 1,
-            f'Incorrect count of DHCP Acks ("{expected_string}") in logs: ' +
-            dhcp_logs + "\n")
-class Dhcpv4InteropCombinatorialOptionsTest(Dhcpv4InteropFixture):
-    """DhcpV4 tests which validate combinations of DHCP options."""
-    def setup_generated_tests(self):
-        self._generate_dhcp_options()
-        test_args = []
-        for test in self.DHCP_OPTIONS:
-            for option_list in self.DHCP_OPTIONS[test]:
-                test_args.append(({
-                    'dhcp_options': option_list,
-                    'dhcp_parameters': {}
-                }, ))
-        self.generate_tests(test_logic=self.run_test_case_expect_dhcp_success,
-                            name_func=self.generate_test_name,
-                            arg_sets=test_args)
-    def generate_test_name(self, settings):
-        return settings["dhcp_options"]["test_name"]
-    def _generate_dhcp_options(self):
-        self.DHCP_OPTIONS = {
-            'domain-name-tests': [{
-                'domain-name': '"example.invalid"',
-                'dhcp-parameter-request-list': self.OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_NAME,
-                'test_name': "test_domain_name_invalid_tld"
-            }, {
-                'domain-name': '"example.test"',
-                'dhcp-parameter-request-list': self.OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_NAME,
-                'test_name': "test_domain_name_valid_tld"
-            }],
-            'domain-search-tests': [{
-                'domain-search':
-                '"example.invalid"',
-                'dhcp-parameter-request-list':
-                self.OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_SEARCH,
-                'test_name':
-                "test_domain_search_invalid_tld"
-            }, {
-                'domain-search': '"example.test"',
-                'dhcp-parameter-request-list': self.OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_SEARCH,
-                'test_name': "test_domain_search_valid_tld"
-            }]
-        }
-        # The RFC limits DHCP payloads to 576 bytes unless the client signals it can handle larger
-        # payloads, which it does by sending DHCP option 57, "Maximum DHCP Message Size". Despite
-        # being able to accept larger payloads, clients typically don't advertise this.
-        # The test verifies that the client accepts a large message split across multiple ethernet
-        # frames.
-        # The test is created by sending many bytes of options through the domain-name-servers
-        # option, which is of unbounded length (though is compressed per RFC1035 section 4.1.4).
-        typical_ethernet_mtu = 1500
-        self.DHCP_OPTIONS['max-message-size-tests'] = []
-        long_dns_setting = ', '.join(
-            f'"ns{num}.example"'
-            for num in random.sample(range(100_000, 1_000_000), 250))
-        # RFC1035 compression means any shared suffix ('.example' in this case) will
-        # be deduplicated. Calculate approximate length by removing that suffix.
-        long_dns_setting_len = len(
-            long_dns_setting.replace(', ', '').replace('"', '').replace(
-                '.example', '').encode('utf-8'))
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            long_dns_setting_len > typical_ethernet_mtu,
-            "Expected to generate message greater than ethernet mtu")
-        self.DHCP_OPTIONS['max-message-size-tests'].append({
-            'dhcp-max-message-size':
-            long_dns_setting_len * 2,
-            'domain-search':
-            long_dns_setting,
-            'dhcp-parameter-request-list':
-            self.OPT_NUM_DOMAIN_SEARCH,
-            'test_name':
-            "test_max_sized_message",
-        })
diff --git a/tests/examples/BUILD.gn b/tests/examples/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066d515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("sl4f_sanity_test") {
+  main_source = "Sl4fSanityTest.py"
+  environments = display_envs + [ qemu_env ]
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":sl4f_sanity_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":sl4f_sanity_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/examples/Sl4fSanityTest.py b/tests/examples/Sl4fSanityTest.py
index 5921966..4056e65 100644
--- a/tests/examples/Sl4fSanityTest.py
+++ b/tests/examples/Sl4fSanityTest.py
@@ -14,35 +14,35 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-Script for verifying SL4F is running on a Fuchsia device and
-can communicate to ACTS successfully.
+Test to verify SL4F is running on a Fuchsia device and can communicate with
+antlion successfully.
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion import asserts
+import logging
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from antlion import base_test
+from antlion.controllers import fuchsia_device
 from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
-class Sl4fSanityTest(BaseTestClass):
-    fuchsia_devices: list[FuchsiaDevice]
+class Sl4fSanityTest(base_test.AntlionBaseTest):
     def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        asserts.abort_class_if(
-            len(self.fuchsia_devices) == 0,
-            "Sorry, please try verifying FuchsiaDevice is in your config file and try again."
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_devices: list[FuchsiaDevice] = self.register_controller(
+            fuchsia_device
-        self.log.info(
-            "Congratulations! Fuchsia controllers have been initialized successfully!"
+        asserts.abort_class_if(
+            len(self.fuchsia_devices) == 0, "Requires at least one Fuchsia device"
     def test_example(self):
         for fuchsia_device in self.fuchsia_devices:
             res = fuchsia_device.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
-        self.log.info("Congratulations! You've run your first test.")
-        return True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/flash/FlashTest.py b/tests/flash/FlashTest.py
index 32676d4..f1263b8 100644
--- a/tests/flash/FlashTest.py
+++ b/tests/flash/FlashTest.py
@@ -18,19 +18,28 @@
 the Sponge test result properties. Uses the built in flashing tool for
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
+import logging
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from antlion import base_test
+from antlion.controllers import fuchsia_device, pdu
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.pdu import PduDevice
 from antlion.utils import get_device
-class FlashTest(BaseTestClass):
+class FlashTest(base_test.AntlionBaseTest):
     def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        self.failed_to_get_version = False
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_devices: list[FuchsiaDevice] = self.register_controller(
+            fuchsia_device
+        )
+        self.pdu_devices: list[PduDevice] = self.register_controller(pdu)
+        self.failed_to_get_device_info = False
     def teardown_class(self):
         # Verify that FlashTest successfully reported the DUT version. This is
@@ -40,50 +49,75 @@
         # TODO(http://b/253515812): This has been fixed in Mobly already. Remove
         # teardown_class and change "TestError" to "abort_all" in
         # test_flash_devices once we move to Mobly.
-        if self.failed_to_get_version:
-            asserts.abort_all('Failed to get DUT version')
+        if self.failed_to_get_device_info:
+            asserts.abort_all("Failed to get DUT device information")
         return super().teardown_class()
-    def test_flash_devices(self):
+    def test_flash_devices(self) -> None:
+        """Flashes a Fuchsia device for testing.
+        This method calls the fuchsia_device reboot() with 'flash' argument.
+        This kicks off a flash, not pave, of the fuchsia device. It also soft
+        reboots the device. On error it will attempt to reflash up to
+        MAX_FLASH_ATTEMPTS hard rebooting inbetween each attempt.
+        """
         for device in self.fuchsia_devices:
             flash_counter = 0
             while True:
-                    device.reboot(reboot_type='flash',
-                                  use_ssh=True,
-                                  unreachable_timeout=120,
-                                  ping_timeout=120)
-                    self.log.info(f'{device.orig_ip} has been flashed.')
+                    device.reboot(
+                        reboot_type="flash", use_ssh=True, unreachable_timeout=120
+                    )
+                    self.log.info(f"{device.orig_ip} has been flashed.")
                 except Exception as err:
-                        f'Failed to flash {device.orig_ip} with error:\n{err}')
+                        f"Failed to flash {device.orig_ip} with error:\n{err}"
+                    )
                     if not device.device_pdu_config:
-                            f'Failed to flash {device.orig_ip} and no PDU available for hard reboot'
+                            f"Failed to flash {device.orig_ip} and no PDU"
+                            "available for hard reboot"
                     flash_counter = flash_counter + 1
                     if flash_counter == MAX_FLASH_ATTEMPTS:
-                            f'Failed to flash {device.orig_ip} after {MAX_FLASH_ATTEMPTS} attempts'
+                            f"Failed to flash {device.orig_ip} after"
+                            f"{MAX_FLASH_ATTEMPTS} attempts"
-                        f'Hard rebooting {device.orig_ip} and retrying flash.')
-                    device.reboot(reboot_type='hard',
-                                  testbed_pdus=self.pdu_devices)
+                        f"Hard rebooting {device.orig_ip} and retrying flash."
+                    )
+                    device.reboot(reboot_type="hard", testbed_pdus=self.pdu_devices)
         # Report the new Fuchsia version
-            dut = get_device(self.fuchsia_devices, 'DUT')
+            dut = get_device(self.fuchsia_devices, "DUT")
             version = dut.version()
-            self.record_data({'sponge_properties': {
-                'DUT_VERSION': version,
-            }})
-            self.log.info("DUT version found: {}".format(version))
+            device_name = dut.device_name()
+            product_name = dut.product_name()
+            self.record_data(
+                {
+                    "sponge_properties": {
+                        "DUT_VERSION": version,
+                        "DUT_NAME": device_name,
+                        "DUT_PRODUCT": product_name,
+                    },
+                }
+            )
+            self.log.info(f"DUT version: {version}")
+            self.log.info(f"DUT name: {device_name}")
+            self.log.info(f"DUT product: {product_name}")
         except Exception as e:
-            self.failed_to_get_version = True
-            raise signals.TestError(f'Failed to get DUT version: {e}') from e
+            self.failed_to_get_device_info = True
+            raise signals.TestError(f"Failed to get DUT device information: {e}") from e
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/logging/FuchsiaLoggingTest.py b/tests/logging/FuchsiaLoggingTest.py
index 782a733..f7760a7 100644
--- a/tests/logging/FuchsiaLoggingTest.py
+++ b/tests/logging/FuchsiaLoggingTest.py
@@ -14,35 +14,49 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion import asserts
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from antlion import base_test
+from antlion.controllers import fuchsia_device
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+MESSAGE = "Logging Test"
-class FuchsiaLoggingTest(BaseTestClass):
+class FuchsiaLoggingTest(base_test.AntlionBaseTest):
     def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
+        self.fuchsia_devices: list[FuchsiaDevice] = self.register_controller(
+            fuchsia_device
+        )
+        asserts.abort_class_if(
+            len(self.fuchsia_devices) == 0, "Requires at least one Fuchsia device"
+        )
         self.dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        self.message = "Logging Test"
     def test_log_err(self):
-        result = self.dut.sl4f.logging_lib.logE(self.message)
+        result = self.dut.sl4f.logging_lib.logE(MESSAGE)
         if result.get("error") is None:
     def test_log_info(self):
-        result = self.dut.sl4f.logging_lib.logI(self.message)
+        result = self.dut.sl4f.logging_lib.logI(MESSAGE)
         if result.get("error") is None:
     def test_log_warn(self):
-        result = self.dut.sl4f.logging_lib.logW(self.message)
+        result = self.dut.sl4f.logging_lib.logW(MESSAGE)
         if result.get("error") is None:
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/netstack/NetstackIfaceTest.py b/tests/netstack/NetstackIfaceTest.py
index 5df07c6..27a44c9 100644
--- a/tests/netstack/NetstackIfaceTest.py
+++ b/tests/netstack/NetstackIfaceTest.py
@@ -14,30 +14,37 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
+import logging
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion import asserts
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from antlion import base_test
+from antlion.controllers import fuchsia_device
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
-class NetstackIfaceTest(BaseTestClass):
+class NetstackIfaceTest(base_test.AntlionBaseTest):
     default_timeout = 10
     active_scan_callback_list = []
     active_adv_callback_list = []
     droid = None
     def setup_class(self):
-        super().setup_class()
-        if (len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1):
-            self.log.error(
-                "NetstackFuchsiaTest Init: Not enough fuchsia devices.")
-        self.log.info("Running testbed setup with one fuchsia devices")
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_devices: list[FuchsiaDevice] = self.register_controller(
+            fuchsia_device
+        )
+        asserts.abort_class_if(
+            len(self.fuchsia_devices) == 0, "Requires at least one Fuchsia device"
+        )
         self.dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
     def _enable_all_interfaces(self):
         interfaces = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
         for item in interfaces.get("result"):
-            identifier = item.get('id')
+            identifier = item.get("id")
     def setup_test(self):
@@ -67,12 +74,11 @@
         Priority: 1
         interfaces = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
-        if interfaces.get('error') is not None:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed with {}".format(
-                interfaces.get('error')))
-        if len(interfaces.get('result')) < 1:
+        if interfaces.get("error") is not None:
+            raise signals.TestFailure(f"Failed with {interfaces.get('error')}")
+        if len(interfaces.get("result")) < 1:
             raise signals.TestFailure("No interfaces found.")
-        self.log.info("Interfaces found: {}".format(interfaces.get('result')))
+        self.log.info(f"Interfaces found: {interfaces.get('result')}")
         raise signals.TestPass("Success")
     def test_toggle_wlan_interface(self):
@@ -100,12 +106,12 @@
         def get_wlan_interfaces():
             result = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
-            if (error := result.get('error')):
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    f'unable to list interfaces: {error}')
+            if error := result.get("error"):
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"unable to list interfaces: {error}")
             return [
-                interface for interface in result.get('result')
-                if 'wlan' in interface.get('name')
+                interface
+                for interface in result.get("result")
+                if "wlan" in interface.get("name")
         def get_ids(interfaces):
@@ -113,39 +119,46 @@
         wlan_interfaces = get_wlan_interfaces()
         if not wlan_interfaces:
-            raise signals.TestSkip('no wlan interface found')
+            raise signals.TestSkip("no wlan interface found")
         interface_ids = get_ids(wlan_interfaces)
         # Disable the interfaces.
         for identifier in interface_ids:
             result = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.disableInterface(identifier)
-            if (error := result.get('error')):
+            if error := result.get("error"):
                 raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    f'failed to disable wlan interface {identifier}: {error}')
+                    f"failed to disable wlan interface {identifier}: {error}"
+                )
         # Retrieve the interfaces again.
-        disabled_wlan_interfaces = get_wlan_interfaces()
+        disabled_wlan_interfaces = get_wlan_interfaces()  # noqa
         disabled_interface_ids = get_ids(wlan_interfaces)
         if not disabled_interface_ids == interface_ids:
             raise signals.TestFailure(
-                f'disabled interface IDs do not match original interface IDs: original={interface_ids} disabled={disabled_interface_ids}'
+                f"disabled interface IDs do not match original interface IDs: original={interface_ids} disabled={disabled_interface_ids}"
         # Check the current state of the interfaces.
         for interface in disabled_interfaces:
-            if len(interface_info.get('ipv4_addresses')) > 0:
+            if len(interface_info.get("ipv4_addresses")) > 0:
                 raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    f'no Ipv4 Address should be present: {interface}')
+                    f"no Ipv4 Address should be present: {interface}"
+                )
             # TODO (35981): Verify other values when interface down.
         # Re-enable the interfaces.
         for identifier in disabled_interface_ids:
             result = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.enableInterface(identifier)
-            if (error := result.get('error')):
+            if error := result.get("error"):
                 raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    f'failed to enable wlan interface {identifier}: {error}')
+                    f"failed to enable wlan interface {identifier}: {error}"
+                )
         # TODO (35981): Verify other values when interface up.
         raise signals.TestPass("Success")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/netstack/NetstackIxiaTest.py b/tests/netstack/NetstackIxiaTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1b8d1..0000000
--- a/tests/netstack/NetstackIxiaTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_ap_preset
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_bss_settings
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.net.NetstackBaseTest import NetstackBaseTest
-from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-class NetstackIxiaTest(NetstackBaseTest):
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        NetstackBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)
-    def setup_class(self):
-        self.log.info('Setup {cls}'.format(cls=type(self)))
-        if not self.fuchsia_devices:
-            self.log.error(
-                "NetstackFuchsiaTest Init: Not enough fuchsia devices.")
-        self.log.info("Running testbed setup with one fuchsia devices")
-        self.fuchsia_dev = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        # We want to bring up several 2GHz and 5GHz BSSes.
-        wifi_bands = ['2g', '5g']
-        # Currently AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G is 6
-        # and AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G is 36.
-        wifi_channels = [
-            hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-            hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G
-        ]
-        # Each band will start up an Open BSS (security_mode=None)
-        # and a WPA2 BSS (security_mode=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING)
-        security_modes = [None, hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING]
-        # All secure BSSes will use the same password.
-        wifi_password = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        self.log.info('Wi-Fi password for this test: {wifi_password}'.format(
-            wifi_password=wifi_password))
-        hostapd_configs = []
-        wifi_interfaces = {}
-        bss_settings = {}
-        # Build a configuration for each sub-BSSID
-        for band_index, wifi_band in enumerate(wifi_bands):
-            ssid_name = 'Ixia_{wifi_band}_#{bss_number}_{security_mode}'
-            bss_settings[wifi_band] = []
-            # Prepare the extra SSIDs.
-            for mode_index, security_mode in enumerate(security_modes):
-                # Skip the first SSID because we configure that separately.
-                # due to the way the APIs work.  This loop is only concerned
-                # with the sub-BSSIDs.
-                if mode_index == 0:
-                    continue
-                bss_name = ssid_name.format(wifi_band=wifi_band,
-                                            security_mode=security_mode,
-                                            bss_number=mode_index + 1)
-                bss_setting = hostapd_bss_settings.BssSettings(
-                    name=bss_name,
-                    ssid=bss_name,
-                    security=hostapd_security.Security(
-                        security_mode=security_mode, password=wifi_password))
-                bss_settings[wifi_band].append(bss_setting)
-            # This is the configuration for the first SSID.
-            ssid_name = ssid_name.format(wifi_band=wifi_band,
-                                         security_mode=security_modes[0],
-                                         bss_number=1)
-            hostapd_configs.append(
-                hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-                    profile_name='whirlwind',
-                    iface_wlan_2g='wlan0',
-                    iface_wlan_5g='wlan1',
-                    ssid=ssid_name,
-                    channel=wifi_channels[band_index],
-                    security=hostapd_security.Security(
-                        security_mode=security_modes[0],
-                        password=wifi_password),
-                    bss_settings=bss_settings[wifi_band]))
-            access_point = self.access_points[band_index]
-            # Now bring up the AP and track the interfaces we're using for
-            # each BSSID.  All BSSIDs are now beaconing.
-            wifi_interfaces[wifi_band] = access_point.start_ap(
-                hostapd_configs[band_index])
-            # Disable DHCP on this Wi-Fi band.
-            # Note: This also disables DHCP on each sub-BSSID due to how
-            # the APIs are built.
-            #
-            # We need to do this in order to enable IxANVL testing across
-            # Wi-Fi, which needs to configure the IP addresses per-interface
-            # on the client device.
-            access_point.stop_dhcp()
-            # Disable NAT.
-            # NAT config in access_point.py is global at the moment, but
-            # calling it twice (once per band) won't hurt anything.  This is
-            # easier than trying to conditionalize per band.
-            #
-            # Note that we could make this per-band, but it would require
-            # refactoring the access_point.py code that turns on NAT, however
-            # if that ever does happen then this code will work as expected
-            # without modification.
-            #
-            # This is also required for IxANVL testing.  NAT would interfere
-            # with IxANVL because IxANVL needs to see the raw frames
-            # sourcing/sinking from/to the DUT for protocols such as ARP and
-            # DHCP, but it also needs the MAC/IP of the source and destination
-            # frames and packets to be from the DUT, so we want the AP to act
-            # like a bridge for these tests.
-            access_point.stop_nat()
-        # eth1 is the LAN port, which will always be a part of the bridge.
-        bridge_interfaces = ['eth1']
-        # This adds each bssid interface to the bridge.
-        for wifi_band in wifi_bands:
-            for wifi_interface in wifi_interfaces[wifi_band]:
-                bridge_interfaces.append(wifi_interface)
-        # Each interface can only be a member of 1 bridge, so we're going to use
-        # the last access_point object to set the bridge up for all interfaces.
-        access_point.create_bridge(bridge_name='ixia_bridge0',
-                                   interfaces=bridge_interfaces)
-    def setup_test(self):
-        pass
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        pass
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        self.log.info('Teardown {cls}'.format(cls=type(self)))
-        import pdb
-        pdb.set_trace()
-        for access_point in self.access_points:
-            access_point.remove_bridge(bridge_name='ixia_bridge0')
-    """Tests"""
-    def test_do_nothing(self):
-        return True
diff --git a/tests/netstack/ToggleWlanInterfaceStressTest.py b/tests/netstack/ToggleWlanInterfaceStressTest.py
index 05798fc..f48f899 100644
--- a/tests/netstack/ToggleWlanInterfaceStressTest.py
+++ b/tests/netstack/ToggleWlanInterfaceStressTest.py
@@ -14,27 +14,32 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
+import logging
 import time
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from antlion import base_test
+from antlion.controllers import fuchsia_device
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
-class ToggleWlanInterfaceStressTest(BaseTestClass):
+class ToggleWlanInterfaceStressTest(base_test.AntlionBaseTest):
     def setup_class(self):
-        dut = self.user_params.get('dut', None)
-        if dut:
-            if dut == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif dut == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
-        else:
-            # Default is an Fuchsia device
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_devices: list[FuchsiaDevice] = self.register_controller(
+            fuchsia_device
+        )
+        asserts.abort_class_if(
+            len(self.fuchsia_devices) == 0, "Requires at least one Fuchsia device"
+        )
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY)
     def test_iface_toggle_and_ping(self):
         """Test that we don't error out when toggling WLAN interfaces.
@@ -61,34 +66,37 @@
         for i in range(1000):
             wlan_interfaces = self.dut.get_wlan_interface_id_list()
-            print(wlan_interfaces)
+            self.log.info(wlan_interfaces)
             if len(wlan_interfaces) < 1:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "Not enough wlan interfaces for test")
-            if not self.dut.destroy_wlan_interface(wlan_interfaces[0]):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to destroy WLAN interface")
+                raise signals.TestFailure("Not enough wlan interfaces for test")
+            self.dut.destroy_wlan_interface(wlan_interfaces[0])
             # Really make sure it is dead
-            self.fuchsia_devices[0].ssh.run(
-                f"wlan iface del {wlan_interfaces[0]}")
+            self.fuchsia_devices[0].ssh.run(f"wlan iface del {wlan_interfaces[0]}")
             # Grace period
-            self.fuchsia_devices[0].ssh.run(
-                'wlan iface new --phy 0 --role Client')
+            self.fuchsia_devices[0].ssh.run("wlan iface new --phy 0 --role Client")
             end_time = time.time() + 300
             while time.time() < end_time:
                 if self.dut.is_connected():
-                        ping_result = self.dut.ping("", 10, 1000, 1000,
-                                                    25)
+                        ping_result = self.dut.ping("", 10, 1000, 1000, 25)
                     except Exception as err:
                         # TODO: Once we gain more stability, fail test when pinging fails
-                        print("some err {}".format(err))
-                    time.sleep(2)  #give time for some traffic
+                        print(f"some err {err}")
+                    time.sleep(2)  # give time for some traffic
             if not self.dut.is_connected():
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed at iteration {}".format(i +
-                                                                          1))
-            self.log.info("Iteration {} successful".format(i + 1))
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"Failed at iteration {i + 1}")
+            self.log.info(f"Iteration {i + 1} successful")
         raise signals.TestPass("Success")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/BUILD.gn b/tests/wlan/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a79ca51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    "compliance:e2e_tests",
+    "facade:e2e_tests",
+    "functional:e2e_tests",
+    "misc:e2e_tests",
+    "performance:e2e_tests",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    "compliance:e2e_tests_quick",
+    "functional:e2e_tests_quick",
+    "performance:e2e_tests_quick",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_manual") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    "compliance:e2e_tests_manual",
+    "functional:e2e_tests_manual",
+    "performance:e2e_tests_manual",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/wlan/compliance/BUILD.gn b/tests/wlan/compliance/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98551aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/compliance/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("regulatory_compliance_test") {
+  main_source = "RegulatoryComplianceTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("vape_interop_test") {
+  main_source = "VapeInteropTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_phy_compliance_11ac_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanPhyCompliance11ACTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_phy_compliance_11n_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanPhyCompliance11NTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_phy_compliance_abg_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanPhyComplianceABGTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_security_compliance_abg_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_security_compliance_abg_test_quick") {
+  main_source = "WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+  test_cases = [
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_open_wep_26_hex_ptk_none",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp",
+    "test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp",
+    "test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":vape_interop_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_phy_compliance_11ac_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_phy_compliance_11n_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_phy_compliance_abg_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_security_compliance_abg_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":wlan_security_compliance_abg_test_quick($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_manual") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    # Running RegulatoryComplianceTest is usually only necessary when verifying
+    # new WLAN firmware patches. Take it out of automation; it takes too long
+    # otherwise.
+    ":regulatory_compliance_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/wlan/compliance/RegulatoryComplianceTest.py b/tests/wlan/compliance/RegulatoryComplianceTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6577a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/compliance/RegulatoryComplianceTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from typing import NamedTuple
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import CountryCode
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from antlion import utils
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.regulatory_channels import (
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    SupportsWLAN,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1,
+MAX_2_4_CHANNEL = 14
+class RegulatoryTest(NamedTuple):
+    country_code: str
+    channel: int
+    channel_bandwidth: int
+    expect_association: bool
+class RegulatoryComplianceTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
+    """Tests regulatory compliance.
+    Testbed Requirement:
+    * 1 x Fuchsia device (dut)
+    * 1 x access point
+    """
+    def pre_run(self) -> None:
+        tests: list[RegulatoryTest] = []
+        for country in COUNTRY_CHANNELS.values():
+            for channel in TEST_CHANNELS:
+                for bandwidth in TEST_CHANNELS[channel]:
+                    tests.append(
+                        RegulatoryTest(
+                            country_code=country.country_code,
+                            channel=channel,
+                            channel_bandwidth=bandwidth,
+                            expect_association=(
+                                channel in country.allowed_channels
+                                and bandwidth in country.allowed_channels[channel]
+                            ),
+                        )
+                    )
+        def generate_test_name(code: str, channel: int, channel_bandwidth: int, *_):
+            return f"test_{code}_channel_{channel}_{channel_bandwidth}mhz"
+        self.generate_tests(self.verify_channel_compliance, generate_test_name, tests)
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_class()
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        self.dut: SupportsWLAN = create_wlan_device(
+            self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY
+        )
+        self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
+        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+        self.regulatory_results = [
+            "====CountryCode,Channel,Frequency,ChannelBandwith,Connected/Not-Connected===="
+        ]
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None:
+        super().teardown_class()
+        regulatory_save_path = f"{self.log_path}/regulatory_results.txt"
+        with open(regulatory_save_path, "w") as file:
+            file.write("\n".join(self.regulatory_results))
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_test()
+        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            ad.droid.wakeLockAcquireBright()
+            ad.droid.wakeUpNow()
+        self.dut.wifi_toggle_state(True)
+        self.dut.disconnect()
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            ad.droid.wakeLockRelease()
+            ad.droid.goToSleepNow()
+        self.dut.turn_location_off_and_scan_toggle_off()
+        self.dut.disconnect()
+        self.download_ap_logs()
+        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+        super().teardown_test()
+    def setup_ap(
+        self,
+        channel: int,
+        channel_bandwidth: int,
+    ) -> str:
+        """Start network on AP with basic configuration.
+        Args:
+            channel: channel to use for network
+            channel_bandwidth: channel bandwidth in mhz to use for network,
+        Returns:
+            SSID of the newly created and running network
+        Raises:
+            ConnectionError if network is not started successfully.
+        """
+        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        try:
+            setup_ap(
+                access_point=self.access_point,
+                profile_name="whirlwind",
+                channel=channel,
+                force_wmm=True,
+                ssid=ssid,
+                vht_bandwidth=channel_bandwidth,
+                setup_bridge=True,
+            )
+            self.log.info(
+                f"Network (ssid: {ssid}) up on channel {channel} "
+                f"w/ channel bandwidth {channel_bandwidth} MHz"
+            )
+            return ssid
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise ConnectionError(
+                f"Failed to setup ap on channel: {channel}, "
+                f"channel bandwidth: {channel_bandwidth} MHz. "
+            ) from err
+    def verify_channel_compliance(
+        self,
+        country_code: str,
+        channel: int,
+        channel_bandwidth: int,
+        expect_association: bool,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Verify device complies with provided regulatory requirements for a
+        specific channel and channel bandwidth. Run with generated test cases
+        in the verify_regulatory_compliance parent test.
+        """
+        self.fuchsia_device.wlan_controller.set_country_code(CountryCode(country_code))
+        ssid = self.setup_ap(channel, channel_bandwidth)
+        self.log.info(
+            f'Attempting to associate to network "{ssid}" on channel '
+            f"{channel} @ {channel_bandwidth}mhz"
+        )
+        associated = self.dut.associate(ssid)
+        channel_ghz = "2.4" if channel < 36 else "5"
+        association_code = "c" if associated else "nc"
+        regulatory_result = f"REGTRACKER: {country_code},{channel},{channel_ghz},{channel_bandwidth},{association_code}"
+        self.regulatory_results.append(regulatory_result)
+        self.log.info(regulatory_result)
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            associated == expect_association,
+            f"Expected device to{'' if expect_association else ' NOT'} "
+            f"associate using country code {country_code} for channel "
+            f"{channel} with channel bandwidth {channel_bandwidth} MHz.",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/compliance/VapeInteropTest.py b/tests/wlan/compliance/VapeInteropTest.py
index 33449e1..6ce5e00 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/compliance/VapeInteropTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/compliance/VapeInteropTest.py
@@ -14,16 +14,21 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion import utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class VapeInteropTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class VapeInteropTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests interoperability with mock third party AP profiles.
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -33,28 +38,32 @@
     def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         # Same for both 2g and 5g
         self.ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
-        self.password = utils.rand_ascii_str(
-            hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G)
+        self.password = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G)
         self.security_profile_wpa2 = Security(
-            security_mode=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
+            security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA2,
-            wpa2_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER)
+            wpa2_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER,
+        )
@@ -76,657 +85,816 @@
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
     def test_associate_actiontec_pk5000_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='actiontec_pk5000',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="actiontec_pk5000",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_actiontec_pk5000_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='actiontec_pk5000',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="actiontec_pk5000",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_actiontec_mi424wr_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='actiontec_mi424wr',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="actiontec_mi424wr",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_actiontec_mi424wr_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='actiontec_mi424wr',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="actiontec_mi424wr",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtac66u_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtac66u_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtac66u_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtac66u_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtac86u_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac86u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac86u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtac86u_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac86u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac86u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtac86u_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac86u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac86u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtac86u_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac86u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac86u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtac5300_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac5300',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac5300",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtac5300_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac5300',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac5300",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtac5300_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac5300',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac5300",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtac5300_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtac5300',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtac5300",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtn56u_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn56u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn56u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtn56u_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn56u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn56u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtn56u_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn56u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn56u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtn56u_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn56u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn56u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtn66u_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtn66u_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_asus_rtn66u_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_asus_rtn66u_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='asus_rtn66u',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="asus_rtn66u",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_belkin_f9k1001v5_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='belkin_f9k1001v5',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="belkin_f9k1001v5",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_belkin_f9k1001v5_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='belkin_f9k1001v5',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="belkin_f9k1001v5",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_linksys_ea4500_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea4500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea4500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_linksys_ea4500_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea4500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea4500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_linksys_ea4500_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea4500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea4500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_linksys_ea4500_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea4500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea4500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_linksys_ea9500_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea9500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea9500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_linksys_ea9500_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea9500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea9500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_linksys_ea9500_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea9500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea9500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_linksys_ea9500_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_ea9500',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_ea9500",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_linksys_wrt1900acv2_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_wrt1900acv2',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_wrt1900acv2",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_linksys_wrt1900acv2_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_wrt1900acv2',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_wrt1900acv2",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_linksys_wrt1900acv2_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_wrt1900acv2',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_wrt1900acv2",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_linksys_wrt1900acv2_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='linksys_wrt1900acv2',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="linksys_wrt1900acv2",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_netgear_r7000_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_r7000',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_r7000",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_netgear_r7000_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_r7000',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_r7000",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_netgear_r7000_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_r7000',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_r7000",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_netgear_r7000_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_r7000',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_r7000",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_netgear_wndr3400_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_wndr3400',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_wndr3400",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_netgear_wndr3400_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_wndr3400',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_wndr3400",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_netgear_wndr3400_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_wndr3400',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_wndr3400",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_netgear_wndr3400_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='netgear_wndr3400',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="netgear_wndr3400",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_securifi_almond_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='securifi_almond',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="securifi_almond",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_securifi_almond_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='securifi_almond',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="securifi_almond",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc5_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc5',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc5",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc5_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc5',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc5",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc5_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc5',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc5",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc5_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc5',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc5",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc7_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc7',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc7",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc7_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc7',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc7",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc7_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc7',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc7",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_tplink_archerc7_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_archerc7',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_archerc7",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_tplink_c1200_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_c1200',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_c1200",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_tplink_c1200_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_c1200',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_c1200",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_tplink_c1200_5ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_c1200',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_c1200",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_tplink_c1200_5ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_c1200',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_c1200",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
     def test_associate_tplink_tlwr940n_24ghz_open(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_tlwr940n',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid),
-                            'Failed to connect.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_tlwr940n",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.ssid), "Failed to connect.")
     def test_associate_tplink_tlwr940n_24ghz_wpa2(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='tplink_tlwr940n',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
-                 password=self.password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="tplink_tlwr940n",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile_wpa2,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_pwd=self.password,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_pwd=self.password,
+                target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11ACTest.py b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11ACTest.py
index c5eb58c..ffe87d3 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11ACTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11ACTest.py
@@ -15,14 +15,21 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import itertools
+import logging
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Any
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
 # AC Capabilities
@@ -42,12 +49,13 @@
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454, ''
+    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
+    "",
-RXLDPC = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC, '']
-SHORT_GI_80 = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80, '']
-TX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1, '']
-RX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1, '']
+RXLDPC = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC, ""]
+SHORT_GI_80 = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80, ""]
+TX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1, ""]
+RX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1, ""]
@@ -56,58 +64,54 @@
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7, ''
+    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
+    "",
 # Default 11N Capabilities
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20, hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20,
 # Default wpa2 profile.
-WPA2_SECURITY = Security(security_mode=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                         password=rand_ascii_str(20),
-                         wpa_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER,
-                         wpa2_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER)
+WPA2_SECURITY = Security(
+    security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+    password=rand_ascii_str(20),
+    wpa_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER,
+    wpa2_cipher=hostapd_constants.WPA2_DEFAULT_CIPER,
+SECURITIES: list[Security] = [Security(), WPA2_SECURITY]
-def generate_test_name(settings):
-    """Generates a test name string based on the ac_capabilities for
-    a test case.
-    Args:
-        settings: a dict with the test settings (bandwidth, security, ac_capabs)
-    Returns:
-        A string test case name
-    """
-    chbw = settings['chbw']
-    sec = 'wpa2' if settings['security'] else 'open'
-    ret = []
-    for cap in hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
-        if cap in settings['ac_capabilities']:
-            ret.append(hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
-    return 'test_11ac_%smhz_%s_%s' % (chbw, sec, ''.join(ret))
+class TestParams:
+    security: Security
+    vht_bandwidth_mhz: int
+    # TODO(http://b/290396383): Type AP capabilities as enums
+    n_capabilities: list[Any]
+    ac_capabilities: list[Any]
 # 6912 test cases
-class WlanPhyCompliance11ACTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanPhyCompliance11ACTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests for validating 11ac PHYS.
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -119,28 +123,51 @@
     def setup_generated_tests(self):
-        test_args = self._generate_20mhz_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_40mhz_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_80mhz_test_args()
-        self.generate_tests(test_logic=self.setup_and_connect,
-                            name_func=generate_test_name,
-                            arg_sets=test_args)
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = (
+            self._generate_20mhz_test_args()
+            + self._generate_40mhz_test_args()
+            + self._generate_80mhz_test_args()
+        )
+        def generate_test_name(test: TestParams):
+            ret = []
+            for cap in hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
+                if cap in test.ac_capabilities:
+                    ret.append(hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
+            return (
+                f"test_11ac_{test.vht_bandwidth_mhz}mhz_{test.security}_{''.join(ret)}"
+            )
+        self.generate_tests(
+            test_logic=self.setup_and_connect,
+            name_func=generate_test_name,
+            arg_sets=test_args,
+        )
     def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        if len(self.access_points) < 1:
+            logging.error("At least one access point is required for this test")
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one access point is required")
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.android_devices = getattr(self, 'android_devices', [])
+        self.android_devices = self.android_devices
     def setup_test(self):
@@ -159,104 +186,129 @@
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
-    def setup_and_connect(self, ap_settings):
-        """Uses ap_settings to set up ap and then attempts to associate a DUT.
+    def setup_and_connect(self, test: TestParams):
+        """Setup the AP and then attempt to associate a DUT.
-            ap_settings: a dict containing test case settings, including
-                bandwidth, security, n_capabilities, and ac_capabilities
+            test: Test parameters
         ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security = ap_settings['security']
-        chbw = ap_settings['chbw']
-        password = None
-        target_security = None
-        if security:
-            password = security.password
-            target_security = security.security_mode_string
-        n_capabilities = ap_settings['n_capabilities']
-        ac_capabilities = ap_settings['ac_capabilities']
+        password: str | None = None
+        target_security = SecurityMode.OPEN
+        if test.security:
+            password = test.security.password
+            target_security = test.security.security_mode
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED,
-                 channel=36,
-                 n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                 ac_capabilities=ac_capabilities,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security,
-                 vht_bandwidth=chbw,
-                 password=password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11AC_MIXED,
+            channel=36,
+            n_capabilities=test.n_capabilities,
+            ac_capabilities=test.ac_capabilities,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=test.security,
+            vht_bandwidth=test.vht_bandwidth_mhz,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_pwd=password,
-                               target_security=target_security),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_pwd=password, target_security=target_security
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     # 1728 tests
-    def _generate_20mhz_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
+    def _generate_20mhz_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
         # 864 test cases for open security
         # 864 test cases for wpa2 security
-        for combination in itertools.product(SECURITIES, VHT_MAX_MPDU_LEN,
-                                             RXLDPC, RX_STBC, TX_STBC,
-                                             MAX_A_MPDU, RX_ANTENNA,
-                                             TX_ANTENNA):
-            security = combination[0]
-            ac_capabilities = combination[1:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'chbw': 20,
-                'security': security,
-                'n_capabilities': N_CAPABS_20MHZ,
-                'ac_capabilities': ac_capabilities
-            }, ))
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            SECURITIES,
+            VHT_MAX_MPDU_LEN,
+            RXLDPC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            MAX_A_MPDU,
+            RX_ANTENNA,
+            TX_ANTENNA,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        vht_bandwidth_mhz=20,
+                        security=combination[0],
+                        n_capabilities=N_CAPABS_20MHZ,
+                        ac_capabilities=list(combination[1:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
     # 1728 tests
-    def _generate_40mhz_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
+    def _generate_40mhz_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
         # 864 test cases for open security
         # 864 test cases for wpa2 security
-        for combination in itertools.product(SECURITIES, VHT_MAX_MPDU_LEN,
-                                             RXLDPC, RX_STBC, TX_STBC,
-                                             MAX_A_MPDU, RX_ANTENNA,
-                                             TX_ANTENNA):
-            security = combination[0]
-            ac_capabilities = combination[1:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'chbw': 40,
-                'security': security,
-                'n_capabilities': N_CAPABS_40MHZ,
-                'ac_capabilities': ac_capabilities
-            }, ))
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            SECURITIES,
+            VHT_MAX_MPDU_LEN,
+            RXLDPC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            MAX_A_MPDU,
+            RX_ANTENNA,
+            TX_ANTENNA,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        vht_bandwidth_mhz=40,
+                        security=combination[0],
+                        n_capabilities=N_CAPABS_40MHZ,
+                        ac_capabilities=list(combination[1:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
     # 3456 tests
-    def _generate_80mhz_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
+    def _generate_80mhz_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
         # 1728 test cases for open security
         # 1728 test cases for wpa2 security
-        for combination in itertools.product(SECURITIES, VHT_MAX_MPDU_LEN,
-                                             RXLDPC, SHORT_GI_80, RX_STBC,
-                                             TX_STBC, MAX_A_MPDU, RX_ANTENNA,
-                                             TX_ANTENNA):
-            security = combination[0]
-            ac_capabilities = combination[1:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'chbw': 80,
-                'security': security,
-                'n_capabilities': N_CAPABS_40MHZ,
-                'ac_capabilities': ac_capabilities
-            }, ))
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            SECURITIES,
+            VHT_MAX_MPDU_LEN,
+            RXLDPC,
+            SHORT_GI_80,
+            RX_STBC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            MAX_A_MPDU,
+            RX_ANTENNA,
+            TX_ANTENNA,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        vht_bandwidth_mhz=80,
+                        security=combination[0],
+                        n_capabilities=N_CAPABS_40MHZ,
+                        ac_capabilities=list(combination[1:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11NTest.py b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11NTest.py
index 61ae80e..c60be80 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11NTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyCompliance11NTest.py
@@ -15,62 +15,54 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import itertools
+import logging
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Any
-from antlion import asserts
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion import utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config, hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_utils import generate_random_password
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-FREQUENCY_24 = ['2.4GHz']
-FREQUENCY_5 = ['5GHz']
-SECURITY_WPA2 = 'wpa2'
+FREQUENCY_24 = ["2.4GHz"]
+FREQUENCY_5 = ["5GHz"]
+SECURITY_WPA2 = "wpa2"
 N_MODE = [hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_PURE, hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED]
-LDPC = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, '']
-TX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC, '']
-RX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1, '']
-SGI_20 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20, '']
-SGI_40 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40, '']
-DSSS_CCK = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40, '']
-INTOLERANT_40 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_40_INTOLERANT, '']
-MAX_AMPDU_7935 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935, '']
-SMPS = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SMPS_STATIC, '']
+LDPC = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, ""]
+TX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC, ""]
+RX_STBC = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1, ""]
+SGI_20 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20, ""]
+SGI_40 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40, ""]
+DSSS_CCK = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_DSSS_CCK_40, ""]
+INTOLERANT_40 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_40_INTOLERANT, ""]
+MAX_AMPDU_7935 = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_MAX_AMSDU_7935, ""]
+SMPS = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SMPS_STATIC, ""]
-def generate_test_name(settings):
-    """Generates a string based on the n_capabilities for a test case
-    Args:
-        settings: A dictionary of hostapd constant n_capabilities.
-    Returns:
-        A string that represents a test case name.
-    """
-    ret = []
-    for cap in hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
-        if cap in settings['n_capabilities']:
-            ret.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
-    # '+' is used by Mobile Harness as special character, don't use it in test names
-    if settings['chbw'] == 'HT40-':
-        chbw = "HT40Lower"
-    elif settings['chbw'] == 'HT40+':
-        chbw = "HT40Upper"
-    else:
-        chbw = settings['chbw']
-    return 'test_11n_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s' % (settings['frequency'], chbw,
-                                        settings['security'],
-                                        settings['n_mode'], ''.join(ret))
+class TestParams:
+    frequency: str
+    chbw: str
+    n_mode: str
+    security: SecurityMode
+    # TODO(http://b/290396383): Type AP capabilities as enums
+    n_capabilities: list[Any]
-class WlanPhyCompliance11NTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanPhyCompliance11NTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests for validating 11n PHYS.
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -82,36 +74,62 @@
     def setup_generated_tests(self):
-        test_args = self._generate_24_HT20_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_24_HT40_lower_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_24_HT40_upper_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_5_HT20_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_5_HT40_lower_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_5_HT40_upper_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_24_HT20_wpa2_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_24_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_24_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_5_HT20_wpa2_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_5_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args() + \
-            self._generate_5_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args()
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = (
+            self._generate_24_HT20_test_args()
+            + self._generate_24_HT40_lower_test_args()
+            + self._generate_24_HT40_upper_test_args()
+            + self._generate_5_HT20_test_args()
+            + self._generate_5_HT40_lower_test_args()
+            + self._generate_5_HT40_upper_test_args()
+            + self._generate_24_HT20_wpa2_test_args()
+            + self._generate_24_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args()
+            + self._generate_24_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args()
+            + self._generate_5_HT20_wpa2_test_args()
+            + self._generate_5_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args()
+            + self._generate_5_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args()
+        )
-        self.generate_tests(test_logic=self.setup_and_connect,
-                            name_func=generate_test_name,
-                            arg_sets=test_args)
+        def generate_test_name(test: TestParams):
+            ret = []
+            for cap in hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
+                if cap in test.n_capabilities:
+                    ret.append(hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING[cap])
+            # '+' is used by Mobile Harness as special character, don't use it in test names
+            if test.chbw == "HT40-":
+                chbw = "HT40Lower"
+            elif test.chbw == "HT40+":
+                chbw = "HT40Upper"
+            else:
+                chbw = test.chbw
+            return f"test_11n_{test.frequency}_{chbw}_{test.security}_{test.n_mode}_{''.join(ret)}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            test_logic=self.setup_and_connect,
+            name_func=generate_test_name,
+            arg_sets=test_args,
+        )
     def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        if len(self.access_points) < 1:
+            logging.error("At least one access point is required for this test")
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one access point is required")
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
@@ -134,304 +152,406 @@
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
-    def setup_and_connect(self, ap_settings):
-        """Generates a hostapd config, setups up the AP with that config, then
-           attempts to associate a DUT
+    def setup_and_connect(self, test: TestParams):
+        """Start hostapd and associate the DUT.
                ap_settings: A dictionary of hostapd constant n_capabilities.
         ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = None
-        password = None
-        temp_n_capabilities = list(ap_settings['n_capabilities'])
+        security_profile = Security()
+        password: str | None = None
         n_capabilities = []
-        for n_capability in temp_n_capabilities:
+        for n_capability in test.n_capabilities:
             if n_capability in hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITIES_MAPPING.keys():
-        if ap_settings['chbw'] == 'HT20' or ap_settings['chbw'] == 'HT40+':
-            if ap_settings['frequency'] == '2.4GHz':
+        if test.chbw == "HT20" or test.chbw == "HT40+":
+            if test.frequency == "2.4GHz":
                 channel = 1
-            elif ap_settings['frequency'] == '5GHz':
+            elif test.frequency == "5GHz":
                 channel = 36
-                raise ValueError('Invalid frequence: %s' %
-                                 ap_settings['frequency'])
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid frequence: {test.frequency}")
-        elif ap_settings['chbw'] == 'HT40-':
-            if ap_settings['frequency'] == '2.4GHz':
+        elif test.chbw == "HT40-":
+            if test.frequency == "2.4GHz":
                 channel = 11
-            elif ap_settings['frequency'] == '5GHz':
+            elif test.frequency == "5GHz":
                 channel = 60
-                raise ValueError('Invalid frequency: %s' %
-                                 ap_settings['frequency'])
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid frequency: {test.frequency}")
-            raise ValueError('Invalid channel bandwidth: %s' %
-                             ap_settings['chbw'])
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid channel bandwidth: {test.chbw}")
-        if ap_settings['chbw'] == 'HT40-' or ap_settings['chbw'] == 'HT40+':
+        if test.chbw == "HT40-" or test.chbw == "HT40+":
             if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
                 extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS
             elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
                 extended_channel = hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS
-                raise ValueError('Invalid channel: %s' % channel)
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid channel: {channel}")
-        if ap_settings['security'] == 'wpa2':
+        if test.security is SecurityMode.WPA2:
             security_profile = Security(
-                security_mode=SECURITY_WPA2,
+                security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA2,
-                wpa_cipher='CCMP',
-                wpa2_cipher='CCMP')
+                wpa_cipher="CCMP",
+                wpa2_cipher="CCMP",
+            )
             password = security_profile.password
-        target_security = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
-            ap_settings['security'], None)
-        mode = ap_settings['n_mode']
-        if mode not in N_MODE:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid n-mode: %s' % ap_settings['n-mode'])
+        if test.n_mode not in N_MODE:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid n-mode: {test.n_mode}")
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 mode=mode,
-                 channel=channel,
-                 n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                 ac_capabilities=[],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 password=password)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            mode=test.n_mode,
+            channel=channel,
+            n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
+            ac_capabilities=[],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security_profile,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_pwd=password,
-                               target_security=target_security),
-            'Failed to connect.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid,
+                target_pwd=password,
+                target_security=test.security,
+            ),
+            "Failed to connect.",
+        )
-    def _generate_24_HT20_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_24,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20, N_MODE,
-                                             LDPC, TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20,
-                                             INTOLERANT_40, MAX_AMPDU_7935,
-                                             SMPS):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_mode = combination[2]
-            n_capabilities = combination[3:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': n_mode,
-                'security': SECURITY_OPEN,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities,
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_24_HT20_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_24,
+            CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20,
+            N_MODE,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            INTOLERANT_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=combination[2],
+                        security=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[3:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_24_HT40_lower_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_24,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_LOWER, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20, SGI_40,
-                                             MAX_AMPDU_7935, SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_OPEN,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_24_HT40_lower_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_24,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_24_HT40_upper_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_24,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_UPPER, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20, SGI_40,
-                                             MAX_AMPDU_7935, SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_OPEN,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_24_HT40_upper_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_24,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_5_HT20_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_5, CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20,
-                                             LDPC, TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20,
-                                             INTOLERANT_40, MAX_AMPDU_7935,
-                                             SMPS):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_OPEN,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_5_HT20_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_5,
+            CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            INTOLERANT_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_5_HT40_lower_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_5,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_LOWER, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20, SGI_40,
-                                             MAX_AMPDU_7935, SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_OPEN,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_5_HT40_lower_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_5,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_5_HT40_upper_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_5,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_UPPER,
-                                             N_MODE, LDPC, TX_STBC, RX_STBC,
-                                             SGI_20, SGI_40, MAX_AMPDU_7935,
-                                             SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_mode = combination[2]
-            n_capabilities = combination[3:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': n_mode,
-                'security': SECURITY_OPEN,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_5_HT40_upper_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_5,
+            N_MODE,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=combination[2],
+                        security=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[3:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_24_HT20_wpa2_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_24,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20,
-                                             INTOLERANT_40, MAX_AMPDU_7935,
-                                             SMPS):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_WPA2,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_24_HT20_wpa2_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_24,
+            CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            INTOLERANT_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_24_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_24,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_LOWER, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20, SGI_40,
-                                             MAX_AMPDU_7935, SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_WPA2,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_24_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_24,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_24_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_24,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_UPPER, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20, SGI_40,
-                                             MAX_AMPDU_7935, SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_WPA2,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_24_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_24,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_5_HT20_wpa2_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_5, CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20,
-                                             LDPC, TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20,
-                                             INTOLERANT_40, MAX_AMPDU_7935,
-                                             SMPS):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_WPA2,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_5_HT20_wpa2_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_5,
+            CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            INTOLERANT_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_5_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_5,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_LOWER, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20, SGI_40,
-                                             MAX_AMPDU_7935, SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_WPA2,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_5_HT40_lower_wpa2_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_5,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
-    def _generate_5_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args(self):
-        test_args = []
-        for combination in itertools.product(FREQUENCY_5,
-                                             CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40_UPPER, LDPC,
-                                             TX_STBC, RX_STBC, SGI_20, SGI_40,
-                                             MAX_AMPDU_7935, SMPS, DSSS_CCK):
-            test_frequency = combination[0]
-            test_chbw = combination[1]
-            n_capabilities = combination[2:]
-            test_args.append(({
-                'frequency': test_frequency,
-                'chbw': test_chbw,
-                'n_mode': hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
-                'security': SECURITY_WPA2,
-                'n_capabilities': n_capabilities
-            }, ))
+    def _generate_5_HT40_upper_wpa2_test_args(self) -> list[tuple[TestParams]]:
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for combination in itertools.product(
+            FREQUENCY_5,
+            LDPC,
+            TX_STBC,
+            RX_STBC,
+            SGI_20,
+            SGI_40,
+            MAX_AMPDU_7935,
+            SMPS,
+            DSSS_CCK,
+        ):
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        frequency=combination[0],
+                        chbw=combination[1],
+                        n_mode=hostapd_constants.MODE_11N_MIXED,
+                        security=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                        n_capabilities=list(combination[2:]),
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
         return test_args
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyComplianceABGTest.py b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyComplianceABGTest.py
index a1d4c9f..488a843 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyComplianceABGTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanPhyComplianceABGTest.py
@@ -14,16 +14,19 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class WlanPhyComplianceABGTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanPhyComplianceABGTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests for validating 11a, 11b, and 11g PHYS.
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -33,76 +36,80 @@
     def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         open_network = self.get_open_network(False, [])
         open_network_min_len = self.get_open_network(
-            False, [],
+            False,
+            [],
-            ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_MIN_LENGTH_5G)
+            ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_MIN_LENGTH_5G,
+        )
         open_network_max_len = self.get_open_network(
-            False, [],
+            False,
+            [],
-            ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_MAX_LENGTH_5G)
-        self.open_network_2g = open_network['2g']
-        self.open_network_5g = open_network['5g']
-        self.open_network_max_len_2g = open_network_max_len['2g']
-        self.open_network_max_len_2g['SSID'] = (
-            self.open_network_max_len_2g['SSID'][3:])
-        self.open_network_max_len_5g = open_network_max_len['5g']
-        self.open_network_max_len_5g['SSID'] = (
-            self.open_network_max_len_5g['SSID'][3:])
-        self.open_network_min_len_2g = open_network_min_len['2g']
-        self.open_network_min_len_2g['SSID'] = (
-            self.open_network_min_len_2g['SSID'][3:])
-        self.open_network_min_len_5g = open_network_min_len['5g']
-        self.open_network_min_len_5g['SSID'] = (
-            self.open_network_min_len_5g['SSID'][3:])
+            ssid_length_5g=hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_MAX_LENGTH_5G,
+        )
+        self.open_network_2g = open_network["2g"]
+        self.open_network_5g = open_network["5g"]
+        self.open_network_max_len_2g = open_network_max_len["2g"]
+        self.open_network_max_len_2g["SSID"] = self.open_network_max_len_2g["SSID"][3:]
+        self.open_network_max_len_5g = open_network_max_len["5g"]
+        self.open_network_max_len_5g["SSID"] = self.open_network_max_len_5g["SSID"][3:]
+        self.open_network_min_len_2g = open_network_min_len["2g"]
+        self.open_network_min_len_2g["SSID"] = self.open_network_min_len_2g["SSID"][3:]
+        self.open_network_min_len_5g = open_network_min_len["5g"]
+        self.open_network_min_len_5g["SSID"] = self.open_network_min_len_5g["SSID"][3:]
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g = '2𝔤_𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢'
-        self.utf8_ssid_5g = '5𝔤_𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g = "2𝔤_𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢"
+        self.utf8_ssid_5g = "5𝔤_𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_french = 'Château du Feÿ'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_french = 'du Feÿ Château'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_french = "Château du Feÿ"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_french = "du Feÿ Château"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_german = 'Rat für Straßenatlas'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_german = 'für Straßenatlas Rat'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_german = "Rat für Straßenatlas"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_german = "für Straßenatlas Rat"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_dutch = 'Die niet óúd, is níéuw!'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_dutch = 'niet óúd, is níéuw! Die'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_dutch = "Die niet óúd, is níéuw!"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_dutch = "niet óúd, is níéuw! Die"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_swedish = 'Det är femtioåtta'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_swedish = 'femtioåtta Det är'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_swedish = "Det är femtioåtta"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_swedish = "femtioåtta Det är"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_norwegian = 'Curaçao ØÆ æ å å å'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_norwegian = 'ØÆ Curaçao æ å å å'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_norwegian = "Curaçao ØÆ æ å å å"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_norwegian = "ØÆ Curaçao æ å å å"
-        #Danish and Norwegian has the same alphabet
+        # Danish and Norwegian has the same alphabet
         self.utf8_ssid_2g_danish = self.utf8_ssid_2g_norwegian
         self.utf8_password_2g_danish = self.utf8_password_2g_norwegian
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_japanese = 'あなた はお母さん'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_japanese = 'そっくりね。あな'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_japanese = "あなた はお母さん"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_japanese = "そっくりね。あな"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_spanish = '¡No á,é,í,ó,ú,ü,ñ,¿,¡'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_spanish = 'á,é,í,ó,ú,ü,ñ,¿,¡ ¡No'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_spanish = "¡No á,é,í,ó,ú,ü,ñ,¿,¡"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_spanish = "á,é,í,ó,ú,ü,ñ,¿,¡ ¡No"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_italian = 'caffè Pinocchio è italiano?'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_italian = 'Pinocchio è italiano? caffè'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_italian = "caffè Pinocchio è italiano?"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_italian = "Pinocchio è italiano? caffè"
-        self.utf8_ssid_2g_korean = 'ㅘㅙㅚㅛㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠ'
-        self.utf8_password_2g_korean = 'ㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠㅘㅙㅚㅛ'
+        self.utf8_ssid_2g_korean = "ㅘㅙㅚㅛㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠ"
+        self.utf8_password_2g_korean = "ㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠㅘㅙㅚㅛ"
@@ -124,1375 +131,1796 @@
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
     def test_associate_11b_only_long_preamble(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=False)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            preamble=False,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_short_preamble(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=True)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            preamble=True,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_minimal_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=15)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=15,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_maximum_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=1024)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=1024,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_frag_threshold_430(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 frag_threshold=430)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            frag_threshold=430,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_rts_threshold_256(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_rts_256_frag_430(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_high_dtim_low_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=3,
-                 beacon_interval=100)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=3,
+            beacon_interval=100,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_low_dtim_high_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=1,
-                 beacon_interval=300)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=1,
+            beacon_interval=300,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_with_default_values(self):
-            profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
-            ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
-            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_with_non_default_values(self):
-            profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
-            ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
-            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_VI(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VI(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_VI_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE_VI_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_11B_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_country_code(self):
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['UNITED_STATES'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["UNITED_STATES"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_non_country_code(self):
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['NON_COUNTRY'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["NON_COUNTRY"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_hidden_ssid(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 hidden=True)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            hidden=True,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_correct_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_association_response'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_association_response"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11b_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_zero_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
-                     'zero_length_association_'
-                     'response_without_data'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_association_" "response_without_data"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_long_preamble(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=False)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            preamble=False,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_short_preamble(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=True)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            preamble=True,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_minimal_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=15)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=15,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_maximum_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=1024)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=1024,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_frag_threshold_430(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 frag_threshold=430)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            frag_threshold=430,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_rts_threshold_256(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_rts_256_frag_430(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_high_dtim_low_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=3,
-                 beacon_interval=100)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=3,
+            beacon_interval=100,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_low_dtim_high_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=1,
-                 beacon_interval=300)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=1,
+            beacon_interval=300,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_with_default_values(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_with_non_default_values(self):
-            profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
-            ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
-            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_VI(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VI(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_VI_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE_VI_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_country_code(self):
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['UNITED_STATES'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["UNITED_STATES"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_non_country_code(self):
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['NON_COUNTRY'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["NON_COUNTRY"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_hidden_ssid(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 hidden=True)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            hidden=True,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_correct_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_association_response'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_association_response"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_zero_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
-                     'zero_length_association_'
-                     'response_without_data'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_association_" "response_without_data"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_5g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_long_preamble(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            preamble=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_short_preamble(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            preamble=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_minimal_beacon_interval(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=15,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=15,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_maximum_beacon_interval(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=1024,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=1024,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_frag_threshold_430(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_rts_threshold_256(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_rts_256_frag_430(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_high_dtim_low_beacon_interval(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=3,
-                 beacon_interval=100,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=3,
+            beacon_interval=100,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_low_dtim_high_beacon_interval(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=1,
-                 beacon_interval=300,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=1,
+            beacon_interval=300,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_with_default_values(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_with_non_default_values(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_VI(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_VO(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VI(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VO(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_VI_VO(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE_VI_VO(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO, data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_country_code(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['UNITED_STATES'], data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["UNITED_STATES"]
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_non_country_code(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['NON_COUNTRY'], data_rates)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["NON_COUNTRY"]
+            | data_rates
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_hidden_ssid(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-                                       hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 hidden=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            hidden=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["correct_length_beacon"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["zero_length_beacon_without_data"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_correct_length(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['correct_length_association_response'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["correct_length_association_response"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11g_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_zero_length(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['correct_length_association_response'],
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['zero_length_association_'
-                                        'response_without_data'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        data_rates = (
+            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES
+            | hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["correct_length_association_response"]
+            | hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_association_" "response_without_data"
+            ]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=data_rates,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_only_long_preamble(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=False)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            preamble=False,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_short_preamble(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 preamble=True)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            preamble=True,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_minimal_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=15)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=15,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_maximum_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 beacon_interval=1024)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            beacon_interval=1024,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_threshold_430(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 frag_threshold=430)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            frag_threshold=430,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_threshold_256(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=3,
-                 beacon_interval=100)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=3,
+            beacon_interval=100,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_interval(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 dtim_period=1,
-                 beacon_interval=300)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            dtim_period=1,
+            beacon_interval=300,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_default_values(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_non_default_values(self):
-            profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
-            ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
-            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_VI(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VI(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_BE_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_BK_VI_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BK
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_ACM_on_BE_VI_VO(self):
-        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE, hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        wmm_acm_bits_enabled = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_BE
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VO
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=wmm_acm_bits_enabled,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_country_code(self):
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['UNITED_STATES'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["UNITED_STATES"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_non_country_code(self):
-        country_info = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D,
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING['ALL'],
-            hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE['NON_COUNTRY'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=country_info)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        country_info = (
+            hostapd_constants.ENABLE_IEEE80211D
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_STRING["ALL"]
+            | hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE["NON_COUNTRY"]
+        )
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=country_info,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_only_with_hidden_ssid(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 hidden=True)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            hidden=True,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'])
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
-    def test_associate_11g_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_correct_length(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['correct_length_association_response'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
-    def test_associate_11g_only_with_vendor_ie_in_assoc_zero_length(self):
-        data_rates = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_DATA_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.OFDM_ONLY_BASIC_RATES,
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['correct_length_association_response'],
-            hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE['zero_length_association_'
-                                        'response_without_data'])
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                 additional_ap_parameters=data_rates)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g['SSID']),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ag_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_2g["SSID"]), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_minimum_ssid_length_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_min_len_2g['SSID'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_min_len_2g["SSID"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_min_len_2g['SSID']),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_min_len_2g["SSID"]),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_minimum_ssid_length_5g_11ac_80mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_min_len_5g['SSID'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_min_len_5g["SSID"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_min_len_5g['SSID']),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_min_len_5g["SSID"]),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_maximum_ssid_length_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_max_len_2g['SSID'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_max_len_2g["SSID"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_max_len_2g['SSID']),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_max_len_2g["SSID"]),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_maximum_ssid_length_5g_11ac_80mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.open_network_max_len_5g['SSID'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.open_network_max_len_5g["SSID"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_max_len_5g['SSID']),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(self.open_network_max_len_5g["SSID"]),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_5g_11ac_80mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_5g)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_5g),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_5g,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_5g), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_french_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_french)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_french),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_french,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_french), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_german_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_german)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_german),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_german,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_german), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_dutch_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_dutch)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_dutch),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_dutch,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_dutch), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_swedish_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_swedish)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_swedish),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_swedish,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_swedish), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_norwegian_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_norwegian)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_norwegian),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_norwegian,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_norwegian), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_danish_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_danish)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_danish),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_danish,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_danish), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_japanese_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_japanese)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_japanese),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_japanese,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_japanese), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_spanish_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_spanish)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_spanish),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_spanish,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_spanish), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_italian_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_italian)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_italian),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_italian,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_italian), "Failed to associate."
+        )
     def test_ssid_with_UTF8_characters_korean_2g_11n_20mhz(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_korean)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind_11ab_legacy",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.utf8_ssid_2g_korean,
+        )
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_korean),
-                            'Failed to associate.')
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(self.utf8_ssid_2g_korean), "Failed to associate."
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest.py b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest.py
index 50a1d9f..32e0d7f 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/compliance/WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest.py
@@ -14,19 +14,23 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
 import re
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import utils
 from functools import wraps
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
+from antlion import utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_utils import generate_random_password
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME = 'whirlwind_11ag_legacy'
+AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME = "whirlwind_11ag_legacy"
@@ -57,106 +61,115 @@
             The original function that was called
-        utf8_password_2g = '2𝔤_𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢'
-        utf8_password_2g_french = 'du Feÿ Château'
-        utf8_password_2g_german = 'für Straßenatlas Rat'
-        utf8_password_2g_dutch = 'niet óúd, is níéuw! Die'
-        utf8_password_2g_swedish = 'femtioåtta Det är'
-        utf8_password_2g_norwegian = 'ØÆ Curaçao æ å å å'
-        #Danish and Norwegian has the same alphabet
+        utf8_password_2g = "2𝔤_𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢"
+        utf8_password_2g_french = "du Feÿ Château"
+        utf8_password_2g_german = "für Straßenatlas Rat"
+        utf8_password_2g_dutch = "niet óúd, is níéuw! Die"
+        utf8_password_2g_swedish = "femtioåtta Det är"
+        utf8_password_2g_norwegian = "ØÆ Curaçao æ å å å"
+        # Danish and Norwegian has the same alphabet
         utf8_password_2g_danish = utf8_password_2g_norwegian
-        utf8_password_2g_japanese = 'そっくりね。あな'
-        utf8_password_2g_spanish = 'á,é,í,ó,ú,ü,ñ,¿,¡ ¡No'
-        utf8_password_2g_italian = 'Pinocchio è italiano? caffè'
-        utf8_password_2g_korean = 'ㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠㅘㅙㅚㅛ'
+        utf8_password_2g_japanese = "そっくりね。あな"
+        utf8_password_2g_spanish = "á,é,í,ó,ú,ü,ñ,¿,¡ ¡No"
+        utf8_password_2g_italian = "Pinocchio è italiano? caffè"
+        utf8_password_2g_korean = "ㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠㅘㅙㅚㅛ"
-        security = re.search(r'sec(.*?)ptk_(.*)', test_func.__name__)
-        security_mode = security.group(1)
+        security = re.search(r"sec(.*?)ptk_(.*)", test_func.__name__)
+        if security is None:
+            raise TypeError(
+                f'Test name does not match expected pattern: "{test_func.__name__}"'
+            )
+        security_mode_raw = security.group(1)
         ptk_type = security.group(2)
-        wpa_cipher = None
-        wpa2_cipher = None
-        if '_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_' in security_mode:
-            security_mode = hostapd_constants.WPA_WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING
-        elif '_wpa_wpa2_' in security_mode:
-            security_mode = hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING
-        elif '_wpa2_wpa3_' in security_mode:
-            security_mode = hostapd_constants.WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING
-        elif '_wep_' in security_mode:
-            security_mode = hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING
-        elif '_wpa_' in security_mode:
-            security_mode = hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING
-        elif '_wpa2_' in security_mode:
-            security_mode = hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING
-        elif '_wpa3_' in security_mode:
-            security_mode = hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING
-        if 'tkip' in ptk_type and 'ccmp' in ptk_type:
-            wpa_cipher = 'TKIP CCMP'
-            wpa2_cipher = 'TKIP CCMP'
-        elif 'tkip' in ptk_type:
-            wpa_cipher = 'TKIP'
-            wpa2_cipher = 'TKIP'
-        elif 'ccmp' in ptk_type:
-            wpa_cipher = 'CCMP'
-            wpa2_cipher = 'CCMP'
-        if 'max_length_password' in test_func.__name__:
+        wpa_cipher: str | None = None
+        wpa2_cipher: str | None = None
+        if "_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_" in security_mode_raw:
+            security_mode = SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2_WPA3
+        elif "_wpa_wpa2_" in security_mode_raw:
+            security_mode = SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2
+        elif "_wpa2_wpa3_" in security_mode_raw:
+            security_mode = SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3
+        elif "_wep_" in security_mode_raw:
+            security_mode = SecurityMode.WEP
+        elif "_wpa_" in security_mode_raw:
+            security_mode = SecurityMode.WPA
+        elif "_wpa2_" in security_mode_raw:
+            security_mode = SecurityMode.WPA2
+        elif "_wpa3_" in security_mode_raw:
+            security_mode = SecurityMode.WPA3
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f'Security mode "{security_mode_raw}" not supported')
+        if "tkip" in ptk_type and "ccmp" in ptk_type:
+            wpa_cipher = "TKIP CCMP"
+            wpa2_cipher = "TKIP CCMP"
+        elif "tkip" in ptk_type:
+            wpa_cipher = "TKIP"
+            wpa2_cipher = "TKIP"
+        elif "ccmp" in ptk_type:
+            wpa_cipher = "CCMP"
+            wpa2_cipher = "CCMP"
+        if "max_length_password" in test_func.__name__:
             password = generate_random_password(
-                length=hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PASSWORD_LENGTH)
-        elif 'max_length_psk' in test_func.__name__:
+                length=hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PASSWORD_LENGTH
+            )
+        elif "max_length_psk" in test_func.__name__:
             password = str(
-                    length=hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH,
-                    hex=True)).lower()
-        elif 'wep_5_chars' in test_func.__name__:
+                    length=hostapd_constants.MAX_WPA_PSK_LENGTH, hex=True
+                )
+            ).lower()
+        elif "wep_5_chars" in test_func.__name__:
             password = generate_random_password(length=5)
-        elif 'wep_13_chars' in test_func.__name__:
+        elif "wep_13_chars" in test_func.__name__:
             password = generate_random_password(length=13)
-        elif 'wep_10_hex' in test_func.__name__:
-            password = str(generate_random_password(length=10,
-                                                    hex=True)).lower()
-        elif 'wep_26_hex' in test_func.__name__:
-            password = str(generate_random_password(length=26,
-                                                    hex=True)).lower()
-        elif 'utf8' in test_func.__name__:
-            if 'french' in test_func.__name__:
+        elif "wep_10_hex" in test_func.__name__:
+            password = str(generate_random_password(length=10, hex=True)).lower()
+        elif "wep_26_hex" in test_func.__name__:
+            password = str(generate_random_password(length=26, hex=True)).lower()
+        elif "utf8" in test_func.__name__:
+            if "french" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_french
-            elif 'german' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "german" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_german
-            elif 'dutch' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "dutch" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_dutch
-            elif 'swedish' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "swedish" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_swedish
-            elif 'norwegian' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "norwegian" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_norwegian
-            elif 'danish' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "danish" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_danish
-            elif 'japanese' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "japanese" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_japanese
-            elif 'spanish' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "spanish" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_spanish
-            elif 'italian' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "italian" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_italian
-            elif 'korean' in test_func.__name__:
+            elif "korean" in test_func.__name__:
                 password = utf8_password_2g_korean
                 password = utf8_password_2g
             password = generate_random_password()
-        target_security = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
-            security_mode, None)
-        self.security_profile = Security(security_mode=security_mode,
-                                         password=password,
-                                         wpa_cipher=wpa_cipher,
-                                         wpa2_cipher=wpa2_cipher)
+        self.security_profile = Security(
+            security_mode=security_mode,
+            password=password,
+            wpa_cipher=wpa_cipher,
+            wpa2_cipher=wpa2_cipher,
+        )
         self.client_password = password
-        self.target_security = target_security
+        self.target_security = security_mode
         self.ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(SSID_LENGTH_DEFAULT)
         return test_func(self, *args, *kwargs)
     return security_profile_generator
-class WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests for validating 11a, 11b, and 11g PHYS.
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -166,27 +179,33 @@
     def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.ssid = None
-        self.security_profile = None
-        self.client_password = None
+        self.ssid: str
+        self.target_security: SecurityMode
+        self.security_profile: Security
+        self.client_password: str
     def setup_test(self):
+        super().setup_test()
         if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
             for ad in self.android_devices:
@@ -203,830 +222,1021 @@
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
     def test_associate_11a_sec_open_wep_5_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_open_wep_13_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_open_wep_10_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_open_wep_26_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_shared_wep_5_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_shared_wep_13_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_shared_wep_10_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_shared_wep_26_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -1035,409 +1245,500 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -1447,379 +1748,470 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -1828,1871 +2220,2312 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11a_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_open_wep_5_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_open_wep_13_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_open_wep_10_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_open_wep_26_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['open'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["open"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_shared_wep_5_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_shared_wep_13_chars_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_shared_wep_10_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_shared_wep_26_hex_ptk_none(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH['shared'])
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WEP_AUTH["shared"],
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -3701,375 +4534,467 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -4078,411 +5003,500 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_psk_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and '
-            'PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a '
-            'mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP '
-            'and PMF on Fuchsia.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. This device must support TKIP and "
+            "PMF, which is not supported on Fuchsia. If this device is a "
+            "mainstream device, we need to reconsider adding support for TKIP "
+            "and PMF on Fuchsia.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -4492,644 +5506,797 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_psk_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 force_wmm=True,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            force_wmm=True,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_wpa2_psk_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -5138,264 +6305,329 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa3_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -5404,275 +6636,342 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -5682,267 +6981,334 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -5951,278 +7317,346 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_max_length_password_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_rts_256_frag_430_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 rts_threshold=256,
-                 frag_threshold=430,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            rts_threshold=256,
+            frag_threshold=430,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_high_dtim_low_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.HIGH_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.LOW_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_low_dtim_high_beacon_int_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
-                 beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            dtim_period=hostapd_constants.LOW_DTIM,
+            beacon_interval=hostapd_constants.HIGH_BEACON_INTERVAL,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_WMM_with_default_values_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
+        self,
+    ):
@@ -6232,244 +7666,310 @@
-            password=self.client_password)
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_correct_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['correct_length_beacon'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "correct_length_beacon"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_zero_length_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['zero_length_beacon_without_data'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE[
+                "zero_length_beacon_without_data"
+            ],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_11bg_pmf_with_vendor_ie_in_beacon_similar_to_wpa_ie_sec_wpa_wpa2_wpa3_psk_sae_ptk_tkip_or_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                 VENDOR_IE['simliar_to_wpa'],
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
-                 password=self.client_password)
+        self,
+    ):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=hostapd_constants.VENDOR_IE["simliar_to_wpa"],
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            pmf_support=hostapd_constants.PMF_SUPPORT_REQUIRED,
+            )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_french_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_german_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_dutch_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_swedish_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
-    def test_associate_utf8_norwegian_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(
-            self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+    def test_associate_utf8_norwegian_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_danish_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_japanese_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_spanish_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_italian_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_utf8_korean_password_11bg_sec_wpa2_psk_ptk_ccmp(self):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=self.security_profile,
-                 password=self.client_password,
-                 force_wmm=False)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security_profile,
+            force_wmm=False,
+        )
-            self.dut.associate(self.ssid,
-                               target_security=self.target_security,
-                               target_pwd=self.client_password),
-            'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                self.ssid,
+                target_security=self.target_security,
+                target_pwd=self.client_password,
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/facade/BUILD.gn b/tests/wlan/facade/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c62ce70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/facade/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("wlan_deprecated_configuration_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest.py"
+  environments = display_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_facade_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanFacadeTest.py"
+  environments = display_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_status_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanStatusTest.py"
+  environments = display_envs
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":wlan_deprecated_configuration_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_facade_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_status_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/wlan/facade/WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest.py b/tests/wlan/facade/WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest.py
index 8c4feac..d7e0d8f 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/facade/WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/facade/WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest.py
@@ -14,33 +14,45 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
+import logging
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
 from antlion import utils
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import FuchsiaSecurityType
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_ap_policy_lib import (
+    ConnectivityMode,
+    OperatingBand,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_lib import WlanMacRole
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-AP_ROLE = 'Ap'
-DEFAULT_SSID = 'testssid'
-TEST_MAC_ADDR = '12:34:56:78:9a:bc'
-TEST_MAC_ADDR_SECONDARY = 'bc:9a:78:56:34:12'
+AP_ROLE = "Ap"
+DEFAULT_SSID = "testssid"
+TEST_MAC_ADDR = "12:34:56:78:9a:bc"
+TEST_MAC_ADDR_SECONDARY = "bc:9a:78:56:34:12"
-class WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests for WlanDeprecatedConfigurationFacade"""
     def setup_class(self):
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
     def setup_test(self):
+        super().setup_test()
     def teardown_test(self):
+        super().teardown_test()
     def _get_ap_interface_mac_address(self):
         """Retrieves mac address from wlan interface with role ap
@@ -52,29 +64,13 @@
             ConnectionError, if SL4F calls fail
             AttributeError, if no interface has role 'Ap'
-        wlan_ifaces = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanGetIfaceIdList()
-        if wlan_ifaces.get('error'):
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to get wlan interface IDs: %s' %
-                                  wlan_ifaces['error'])
-        for wlan_iface in wlan_ifaces['result']:
-            iface_info = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanQueryInterface(
-                wlan_iface)
-            if iface_info.get('error'):
-                raise ConnectionError('Failed to query wlan iface: %s' %
-                                      iface_info['error'])
-            if iface_info['result']['role'] == AP_ROLE:
-                if 'mac_addr' in iface_info['result']:
-                    return utils.mac_address_list_to_str(
-                            iface_info['result']['mac_addr'])
-                elif 'sta_addr' in iface_info['result']:
-                    return utils.mac_address_list_to_str(
-                            iface_info['result']['sta_addr'])
-                raise AttributeError(
-                    'AP iface info does not contain MAC address.')
+        for wlan_iface in self.dut.get_wlan_interface_id_list():
+            result = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_lib.query_iface(wlan_iface)
+            if result.role is WlanMacRole.AP:
+                return utils.mac_address_list_to_str(bytes(result.sta_addr))
         raise AttributeError(
-            'Failed to get ap interface mac address. No AP interface found.')
+            "Failed to get ap interface mac address. No AP interface found."
+        )
     def _start_soft_ap(self):
         """Starts SoftAP on DUT.
@@ -82,14 +78,16 @@
             ConnectionError, if SL4F call fails.
-        self.log.info('Starting SoftAP on Fuchsia device (%s).' %
-                      self.dut.device.ip)
-        response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStartAccessPoint(
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to setup SoftAP: %s' %
-                                  response['error'])
+        self.log.info(f"Starting SoftAP on device {self.dut.identifier}")
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStartAccessPoint(
+            DEFAULT_SSID,
+            FuchsiaSecurityType.NONE,
+            None,
+            ConnectivityMode.LOCAL_ONLY,
+            OperatingBand.ANY,
+        )
+        if response.get("error"):
+            raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to setup SoftAP: {response['error']}")
     def _stop_soft_aps(self):
         """Stops SoftAP on DUT.
@@ -97,12 +95,10 @@
             ConnectionError, if SL4F call fails.
-        self.log.info('Stopping SoftAP.')
-        response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAllAccessPoint(
-        )
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to stop SoftAP: %s' %
-                                  response['error'])
+        self.log.info("Stopping SoftAP.")
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAllAccessPoint()
+        if response.get("error"):
+            raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to stop SoftAP: {response['error']}")
     def _suggest_ap_mac_addr(self, mac_addr):
         """Suggests mac address for AP interface.
@@ -113,16 +109,18 @@
             TestFailure, if SL4F call fails.
-            'Suggesting AP mac addr (%s) via wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.'
-            % mac_addr)
-        response = (self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.
-                    wlanSuggestAccessPointMacAddress(mac_addr))
-        if response.get('error'):
-            asserts.fail('Failed to suggest AP mac address (%s): %s' %
-                         (mac_addr, response['error']))
+            f"Suggesting AP mac addr ({mac_addr}) via wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib."
+        )
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib.wlanSuggestAccessPointMacAddress(
+            mac_addr
+        )
+        if response.get("error"):
+            asserts.fail(
+                f"Failed to suggest AP mac address ({mac_addr}): {response['error']}"
+            )
     def _verify_mac_addr(self, expected_addr):
-        """ Verifies mac address of ap interface is set to expected mac address.
+        """Verifies mac address of ap interface is set to expected mac address.
@@ -134,12 +132,11 @@
         set_mac_addr = self._get_ap_interface_mac_address()
         if set_mac_addr != expected_addr:
-                'Failed to set AP mac address '
-                'via wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib. Expected mac addr: %s,'
-                ' Actual mac addr: %s' % (expected_addr, set_mac_addr))
+                f"Failed to set AP mac address via wlan_deprecated_configuration_lib. "
+                f"Expected mac addr: {expected_addr}, Actual mac addr: {set_mac_addr}"
+            )
-            self.log.info('AP mac address successfully set to %s' %
-                          expected_addr)
+            self.log.info(f"AP mac address successfully set to {expected_addr}")
     def test_suggest_ap_mac_address(self):
         """Tests suggest ap mac address SL4F call
@@ -159,9 +156,9 @@
         # Retrieve initial ap mac address
-        self.log.info('Getting initial mac address.')
+        self.log.info("Getting initial mac address.")
         initial_mac_addr = self._get_ap_interface_mac_address()
-        self.log.info('Initial mac address: %s' % initial_mac_addr)
+        self.log.info(f"Initial mac address: {initial_mac_addr}")
         if initial_mac_addr != TEST_MAC_ADDR:
             suggested_mac_addr = TEST_MAC_ADDR
@@ -180,10 +177,13 @@
         # Reset to initial mac address and verify
-        self.log.info('Resetting to initial mac address (%s).' %
-                      initial_mac_addr)
+        self.log.info(f"Resetting to initial mac address ({initial_mac_addr}).")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/facade/WlanFacadeTest.py b/tests/wlan/facade/WlanFacadeTest.py
index be9cac8..42dca63 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/facade/WlanFacadeTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/facade/WlanFacadeTest.py
@@ -18,60 +18,36 @@
 import array
+import logging
-from antlion import asserts, signals
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from mobly import signals, test_runner
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class WlanFacadeTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanFacadeTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     def setup_class(self):
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
             raise signals.TestAbortClass(
                 "Sorry, please try verifying FuchsiaDevice is in your "
-                "config file and try again.")
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
+                "config file and try again."
+            )
+        self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-    def test_get_phy_id_list(self):
-        result = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanPhyIdList()
-        error = result['error']
-        asserts.assert_true(error is None, error)
+    def test_get_phy_id_list(self) -> None:
+        result = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_phy_id_list()
+        self.log.info(f"Got Phy IDs {result}")
-        self.log.info('Got Phy IDs %s' % result['result'])
-        return True
+    def test_get_country(self) -> None:
+        wlan_lib = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_lib
+        phy_id_list = wlan_lib.get_phy_id_list()
+        country_bytes = wlan_lib.get_country(phy_id_list[0])
-    def test_get_country(self):
-        wlan_lib = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib
+        country_string = str(array.array("b", country_bytes), encoding="us-ascii")
+        self.log.info(f"Got country {country_string} ({country_bytes})")
-        result = wlan_lib.wlanPhyIdList()
-        error = result['error']
-        asserts.assert_true(error is None, error)
-        phy_id = result['result'][0]
-        result = wlan_lib.wlanGetCountry(phy_id)
-        error = result['error']
-        asserts.assert_true(error is None, error)
-        country_bytes = result['result']
-        country_string = str(array.array('b', country_bytes),
-                             encoding='us-ascii')
-        self.log.info('Got country %s (%s)', country_string, country_bytes)
-        return True
-    def test_get_dev_path(self):
-        wlan_lib = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib
-        result = wlan_lib.wlanPhyIdList()
-        error = result['error']
-        asserts.assert_true(error is None, error)
-        phy_id = result['result'][0]
-        result = wlan_lib.wlanGetDevPath(phy_id)
-        error = result['error']
-        asserts.assert_true(error is None, error)
-        dev_path = result['result']
-        self.log.info('Got device path: %s', dev_path)
-        return True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/facade/WlanStatusTest.py b/tests/wlan/facade/WlanStatusTest.py
index f9ab2cd..c312c1b 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/facade/WlanStatusTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/facade/WlanStatusTest.py
@@ -17,11 +17,16 @@
 Test to verify that a DUT's client interface's status can be queried.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+import logging
+from mobly import signals, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_lib import WlanFailure
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class WlanStatusTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanStatusTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """WLAN status test class.
     Test Bed Requirements:
@@ -30,15 +35,18 @@
     def setup_class(self):
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy',
-                              preserve_saved_networks=True)
+            fd.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism="policy", preserve_saved_networks=True
+            )
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            super().on_device_fail(fd, test_name, begin_time)
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy',
-                              preserve_saved_networks=True)
+            super().on_device_fail(fd, record)
+            fd.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism="policy", preserve_saved_networks=True
+            )
     def test_wlan_stopped_client_status(self):
         """Queries WLAN status on DUTs with no WLAN ifaces.
@@ -48,14 +56,13 @@
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            status = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanStatus()
-            self.log.debug(status)
-            if not status["error"] or status["result"]:
+            try:
+                _ = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.status()
                 raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "DUT's WLAN client status should be empty")
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
+                    "Calling WLAN status with no WLAN interfaces should throw WlanError"
+                )
+            except WlanFailure:
+                raise signals.TestPass("Success")
     def test_wlan_started_client_status(self):
         """Queries WLAN status on DUTs with WLAN ifaces.
@@ -65,13 +72,11 @@
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy',
-                              preserve_saved_networks=True)
+            fd.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism="policy", preserve_saved_networks=True
+            )
+            _ = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.status()
-            status = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanStatus()
-            self.log.debug(status)
-            if status["error"] or not status["result"]:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "DUT's WLAN client status should be populated")
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/BUILD.gn b/tests/wlan/functional/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5423302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("beacon_loss_test") {
+  main_source = "BeaconLossTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("channel_switch_test") {
+  main_source = "ChannelSwitchTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("connection_stress_test") {
+  main_source = "ConnectionStressTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("download_stress_test") {
+  main_source = "DownloadStressTest.py"
+  # Requires external internet access. This is considered bad practice for an
+  # automated test due to reliance on external services. Will remain an at-desk
+  # dest until rewritten to remove dependance on external services.
+  # environments = display_ap_envs
+  environments = []
+antlion_host_test("ping_stress_test") {
+  main_source = "PingStressTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("soft_ap_test") {
+  main_source = "SoftApTest.py"
+  # Requires one Fuchsia device and one Anddroid device. There are no
+  # infra-hosted environments to run this test on. Will likely remain an at-desk
+  # test for as long as it requires an Android device.
+  environments = []
+antlion_host_test("wlan_driver_restart_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanDriverRestartTest.py"
+  environments = [
+    nuc7_env,
+    nuc11_env,
+  ]
+  test_data_deps =
+      [ "//src/developer/ffx/plugins/driver:ffx_driver_tool_test_data" ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_ap_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanRebootTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_.+_ap_.+" ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_ap_test_quick") {
+  main_source = "WlanRebootTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_soft_reboot_dut_5g_open_ipv4" ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_dut_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanRebootTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_.+_dut_.+" ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_dut_test_quick") {
+  main_source = "WlanRebootTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_soft_reboot_ap_5g_open_ipv4" ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_scan_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanScanTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+# iwlwifi AX201 does not support WPA2 yet.
+# TODO(b/328494216): Remove then add nuc11_env to wlan_scan_test.
+antlion_host_test("wlan_scan_test_without_wpa2") {
+  main_source = "WlanScanTest.py"
+  environments = [ nuc11_ap_env ]
+  test_cases = [
+    "test_basic_scan_request",
+    "test_scan_while_connected_open_network_2g",
+    "test_scan_while_connected_open_network_5g",
+  ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_target_security_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanTargetSecurityTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_wireless_network_management_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":beacon_loss_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":channel_switch_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":ping_stress_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_reboot_ap_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_reboot_dut_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_scan_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_scan_test_without_wpa2($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_target_security_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_wireless_network_management_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":ping_stress_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_driver_restart_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_reboot_ap_test_quick($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_reboot_dut_test_quick($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_scan_test_without_wpa2($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+# Tests that are disabled in automation
+group("e2e_tests_manual") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":download_stress_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":soft_ap_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/BeaconLossTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/BeaconLossTest.py
index 44dba3d..da0b2a2 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/BeaconLossTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/BeaconLossTest.py
@@ -22,20 +22,23 @@
 "beacon_loss_test_iterations": "5"
+import logging
 import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import utils
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-class BeaconLossTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class BeaconLossTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     # Default number of test iterations here.
     # Override using parameter in config file.
     # Eg: "beacon_loss_test_iterations": "10"
@@ -54,44 +57,52 @@
     # given an associate command
     wait_client_connection_setup_s = 15
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         self.ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         self.num_of_iterations = int(
-            self.user_params.get("beacon_loss_test_iterations",
-                                 self.num_of_iterations))
-        self.in_use_interface = None
+            self.user_params.get("beacon_loss_test_iterations", self.num_of_iterations)
+        )
+        self.in_use_interface: str | None = None
-    def teardown_test(self):
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
         # ensure radio is on, in case the test failed while the radio was off
-        self.access_point.iwconfig.ap_iwconfig(self.in_use_interface,
-                                               "txpower on")
+        if self.in_use_interface:
+            self.access_point.iwconfig.ap_iwconfig(self.in_use_interface, "txpower on")
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord) -> None:
+        super().on_fail(record)
-    def beacon_loss(self, channel):
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=channel,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
+    def beacon_loss(self, channel) -> None:
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
         if channel > 14:
             self.in_use_interface = self.access_point.wlan_5g
@@ -103,40 +114,38 @@
         self.log.info("sending associate command for ssid %s", self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), 'Failed to connect.')
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), "Failed to connect.")
         for _ in range(0, self.num_of_iterations):
             # Turn off AP radio
             self.log.info("turning off radio")
-            self.access_point.iwconfig.ap_iwconfig(self.in_use_interface,
-                                                   "txpower off")
+            self.access_point.iwconfig.ap_iwconfig(self.in_use_interface, "txpower off")
             # Did we disconnect from AP?
-            asserts.assert_false(self.dut.is_connected(),
-                                 'Failed to disconnect.')
+            asserts.assert_false(self.dut.is_connected(), "Failed to disconnect.")
             # Turn on AP radio
             self.log.info("turning on radio")
-            self.access_point.iwconfig.ap_iwconfig(self.in_use_interface,
-                                                   "txpower on")
+            self.access_point.iwconfig.ap_iwconfig(self.in_use_interface, "txpower on")
             # Tell the client to connect
-            self.log.info("sending associate command for ssid %s" % self.ssid)
+            self.log.info(f"sending associate command for ssid {self.ssid}")
             # Did we connect back to WiFi?
-            asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(),
-                                'Failed to connect back.')
+            asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), "Failed to connect back.")
-        return True
-    def test_beacon_loss_2g(self):
+    def test_beacon_loss_2g(self) -> None:
-    def test_beacon_loss_5g(self):
+    def test_beacon_loss_5g(self) -> None:
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/ChannelSwitchTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/ChannelSwitchTest.py
index 644e037..df89444 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/ChannelSwitchTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/ChannelSwitchTest.py
@@ -17,19 +17,31 @@
 Tests STA handling of channel switch announcements.
+import logging
 import random
 import time
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
 from typing import Sequence
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import ClientStatusConnected
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
-class ChannelSwitchTest(WifiBaseTest):
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import FuchsiaSecurityType
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_ap_policy_lib import (
+    ConnectivityMode,
+    OperatingBand,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_lib import WlanFailure, WlanMacRole
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
+from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
+class ChannelSwitchTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     # Time to wait between issuing channel switches
@@ -45,34 +57,48 @@
     def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         self.ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
+                raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one Fuchsia device is required")
+            self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            if len(self.android_devices) < 1:
+                raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one Android device is required")
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
+        if len(self.access_points) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one access point is required")
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.in_use_interface = None
+        self.in_use_interface: str | None = None
     def teardown_test(self) -> None:
+        super().teardown_test()
-    # TODO(fxbug.dev/85738): Change band type to an enum.
-    def channel_switch(self,
-                       band: str,
-                       starting_channel: int,
-                       channel_switches: Sequence[int],
-                       test_with_soft_ap: bool = False) -> None:
+    # TODO(fxbug.dev/42166670): Change band type to an enum.
+    def channel_switch(
+        self,
+        band: str,
+        starting_channel: int,
+        channel_switches: Sequence[int],
+        test_with_soft_ap: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
         """Setup and run a channel switch test with the given parameters.
         Creates an AP, associates to it, and then issues channel switches
@@ -95,46 +121,61 @@
             band in [hostapd_constants.BAND_2G, hostapd_constants.BAND_5G],
-            'Failed to setup AP, invalid band {}'.format(band))
+            f"Failed to setup AP, invalid band {band}",
+        )
         self.current_channel_num = starting_channel
         if band == hostapd_constants.BAND_5G:
             self.in_use_interface = self.access_point.wlan_5g
         elif band == hostapd_constants.BAND_2G:
             self.in_use_interface = self.access_point.wlan_2g
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f'Unknown band "{band}"')
             self._channels_valid_for_band([self.current_channel_num], band),
-            'starting channel {} not a valid channel for band {}'.format(
-                self.current_channel_num, band))
+            (
+                f"starting channel {self.current_channel_num} not a valid channel "
+                f"for band {band}"
+            ),
+        )
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=self.current_channel_num,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=self.current_channel_num,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
         if test_with_soft_ap:
-        self.log.info('sending associate command for ssid %s', self.ssid)
+        self.log.info("sending associate command for ssid %s", self.ssid)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), 'Failed to connect.')
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), "Failed to connect.")
-        asserts.assert_true(channel_switches,
-                            'Cannot run test, no channels to switch to')
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            channel_switches, "Cannot run test, no channels to switch to"
+        )
             self._channels_valid_for_band(channel_switches, band),
-            'channel_switches {} includes invalid channels for band {}'.format(
-                channel_switches, band))
+            (
+                f"channel_switches {channel_switches} includes invalid channels "
+                f"for band {band}"
+            ),
+        )
         for channel_num in channel_switches:
             if channel_num == self.current_channel_num:
-            self.log.info('channel switch: {} -> {}'.format(
-                self.current_channel_num, channel_num))
-            self.access_point.channel_switch(self.in_use_interface,
-                                             channel_num)
+            self.log.info(
+                f"channel switch: {self.current_channel_num} -> {channel_num}"
+            )
+            self.access_point.channel_switch(self.in_use_interface, channel_num)
             channel_num_after_switch = self.access_point.get_current_channel(
-                self.in_use_interface)
-            asserts.assert_equal(channel_num_after_switch, channel_num,
-                                 'AP failed to channel switch')
+                self.in_use_interface
+            )
+            asserts.assert_equal(
+                channel_num_after_switch, channel_num, "AP failed to channel switch"
+            )
             self.current_channel_num = channel_num
             # Check periodically to see if DUT stays connected. Sometimes
@@ -142,26 +183,32 @@
             for _ in range(self.WAIT_BETWEEN_CHANNEL_SWITCHES_S):
-                    'Failed to stay connected after channel switch.')
-                client_channel = self._client_channel()
-                asserts.assert_equal(
-                    client_channel, channel_num,
-                    'Client interface on wrong channel ({})'.format(
-                        client_channel))
-                if test_with_soft_ap:
-                    soft_ap_channel = self._soft_ap_channel()
+                    "Failed to stay connected after channel switch.",
+                )
+                status = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_lib.status()
+                if isinstance(status, ClientStatusConnected):
+                    client_channel = status.channel.primary
-                        soft_ap_channel, channel_num,
-                        'SoftAP interface on wrong channel ({})'.format(
-                            soft_ap_channel))
-                time.sleep(1)
+                        client_channel,
+                        channel_num,
+                        f"Client interface on wrong channel ({client_channel})",
+                    )
+                    if test_with_soft_ap:
+                        soft_ap_channel = self._soft_ap_channel()
+                        asserts.assert_equal(
+                            soft_ap_channel,
+                            channel_num,
+                            f"SoftAP interface on wrong channel ({soft_ap_channel})",
+                        )
+                    time.sleep(1)
     def test_channel_switch_2g(self) -> None:
         """Channel switch through all (US only) channels in the 2 GHz band."""
-            channel_switches=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G)
+            channel_switches=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G,
+        )
     def test_channel_switch_2g_with_soft_ap(self) -> None:
         """Channel switch through (US only) 2 Ghz channels with SoftAP up."""
@@ -169,69 +216,58 @@
-            test_with_soft_ap=True)
+            test_with_soft_ap=True,
+        )
     def test_channel_switch_2g_shuffled_with_soft_ap(self) -> None:
         """Switch through shuffled (US only) 2 Ghz channels with SoftAP up."""
         channels = hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G
-        self.log.info('Shuffled channel switch sequence: {}'.format(channels))
+        self.log.info(f"Shuffled channel switch sequence: {channels}")
-            test_with_soft_ap=True)
+            test_with_soft_ap=True,
+        )
-    # TODO(fxbug.dev/84777): This test fails.
+    # TODO(fxbug.dev/42165602): This test fails.
     def test_channel_switch_5g(self) -> None:
         """Channel switch through all (US only) channels in the 5 GHz band."""
-            channel_switches=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G)
+            channel_switches=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G,
+        )
-    # TODO(fxbug.dev/84777): This test fails.
+    # TODO(fxbug.dev/42165602): This test fails.
     def test_channel_switch_5g_with_soft_ap(self) -> None:
         """Channel switch through (US only) 5 GHz channels with SoftAP up."""
-            test_with_soft_ap=True)
+            test_with_soft_ap=True,
+        )
     def test_channel_switch_5g_shuffled_with_soft_ap(self) -> None:
         """Switch through shuffled (US only) 5 Ghz channels with SoftAP up."""
         channels = hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G
-        self.log.info('Shuffled channel switch sequence: {}'.format(channels))
+        self.log.info(f"Shuffled channel switch sequence: {channels}")
-            test_with_soft_ap=True)
+            test_with_soft_ap=True,
+        )
-    # TODO(fxbug.dev/84777): This test fails.
-    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_115(
-            self) -> None:
+    # TODO(fxbug.dev/42165602): This test fails.
+    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_115(self) -> None:
         """Channel switch into, through, and out of global op. class 115 channels.
         Global operating class 115 is described in IEEE 802.11-2016 Table E-4.
-        Regression test for fxbug.dev/84777.
-        """
-        channels = self.GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_115_CHANNELS + [
-        ]
-        self.channel_switch(
-            band=hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-            starting_channel=self.NON_GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_115_CHANNEL,
-            channel_switches=channels)
-    # TODO(fxbug.dev/84777): This test fails.
-    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_115_with_soft_ap(
-            self) -> None:
-        """Test global operating class 124 channel switches, with SoftAP.
-        Regression test for fxbug.dev/84777.
+        Regression test for fxbug.dev/42165602.
         channels = self.GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_115_CHANNELS + [
@@ -240,30 +276,32 @@
-            test_with_soft_ap=True)
+        )
-    # TODO(fxbug.dev/84777): This test fails.
-    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_124(
-            self) -> None:
+    # TODO(fxbug.dev/42165602): This test fails.
+    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_115_with_soft_ap(
+        self,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Test global operating class 124 channel switches, with SoftAP.
+        Regression test for fxbug.dev/42165602.
+        """
+        channels = self.GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_115_CHANNELS + [
+        ]
+        self.channel_switch(
+            band=hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
+            starting_channel=self.NON_GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_115_CHANNEL,
+            channel_switches=channels,
+            test_with_soft_ap=True,
+        )
+    # TODO(fxbug.dev/42165602): This test fails.
+    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_124(self) -> None:
         """Switch into, through, and out of global op. class 124 channels.
         Global operating class 124 is described in IEEE 802.11-2016 Table E-4.
-        Regression test for fxbug.dev/64279.
-        """
-        channels = self.GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_124_CHANNELS + [
-        ]
-        self.channel_switch(
-            band=hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
-            starting_channel=self.NON_GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_124_CHANNEL,
-            channel_switches=channels)
-    # TODO(fxbug.dev/84777): This test fails.
-    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_124_with_soft_ap(
-            self) -> None:
-        """Test global operating class 124 channel switches, with SoftAP.
-        Regression test for fxbug.dev/64279.
+        Regression test for fxbug.dev/42142868.
         channels = self.GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_124_CHANNELS + [
@@ -272,10 +310,27 @@
-            test_with_soft_ap=True)
+        )
-    def _channels_valid_for_band(self, channels: Sequence[int],
-                                 band: str) -> bool:
+    # TODO(fxbug.dev/42165602): This test fails.
+    def test_channel_switch_regression_global_operating_class_124_with_soft_ap(
+        self,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Test global operating class 124 channel switches, with SoftAP.
+        Regression test for fxbug.dev/42142868.
+        """
+        channels = self.GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_124_CHANNELS + [
+        ]
+        self.channel_switch(
+            band=hostapd_constants.BAND_5G,
+            starting_channel=self.NON_GLOBAL_OPERATING_CLASS_124_CHANNEL,
+            channel_switches=channels,
+            test_with_soft_ap=True,
+        )
+    def _channels_valid_for_band(self, channels: Sequence[int], band: str) -> bool:
         """Determine if the channels are valid for the band (US only).
@@ -287,7 +342,7 @@
         elif band == hostapd_constants.BAND_5G:
             band_channels = frozenset(hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G)
-            asserts.fail('Invalid band {}'.format(band))
+            asserts.fail(f"Invalid band {band}")
         channels_set = frozenset(channels)
         if channels_set <= band_channels:
             return True
@@ -300,19 +355,20 @@
             EnvironmentError: if the SoftAP does not start
         ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        security_type = 'none'
-        password = ''
-        connectivity_mode = 'local_only'
-        operating_band = 'any'
+        self.log.info(f'Starting SoftAP on DUT with ssid "{ssid}"')
-        self.log.info('Starting SoftAP on DUT')
-        response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStartAccessPoint(
-            ssid, security_type, password, connectivity_mode, operating_band)
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise EnvironmentError('SL4F: Failed to setup SoftAP. Err: %s' %
-                                   response['error'])
-        self.log.info('SoftAp network (%s) is up.' % ssid)
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStartAccessPoint(
+            ssid,
+            FuchsiaSecurityType.NONE,
+            None,
+            ConnectivityMode.LOCAL_ONLY,
+            OperatingBand.ANY,
+        )
+        if response.get("error"):
+            raise EnvironmentError(
+                f"SL4F: Failed to setup SoftAP. Err: {response['error']}"
+            )
+        self.log.info(f"SoftAp network ({ssid}) is up.")
     def _stop_all_soft_aps(self) -> None:
         """Stops all SoftAPs on Fuchsia Device.
@@ -320,35 +376,11 @@
             EnvironmentError: if SoftAP stop call fails
-        response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAllAccessPoint(
-        )
-        if response.get('error'):
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAllAccessPoint()
+        if response.get("error"):
             raise EnvironmentError(
-                'SL4F: Failed to stop all SoftAPs. Err: %s' %
-                response['error'])
-    def _client_channel(self) -> int:
-        """Determine the channel of the DUT client interface.
-        If the interface is not connected, the method will assert a test
-        failure.
-        Returns: channel number
-        Raises:
-            EnvironmentError: if client interface channel cannot be
-                determined
-        """
-        status = self.dut.status()
-        if status['error']:
-            raise EnvironmentError('Could not determine client channel')
-        result = status['result']
-        if isinstance(result, dict):
-            if result.get('Connected'):
-                return result['Connected']['channel']['primary']
-            asserts.fail('Client interface not connected')
-        raise EnvironmentError('Could not determine client channel')
+                f"SL4F: Failed to stop all SoftAPs. Err: {response['error']}"
+            )
     def _soft_ap_channel(self) -> int:
         """Determine the channel of the DUT SoftAP interface.
@@ -363,17 +395,18 @@
         iface_ids = self.dut.get_wlan_interface_id_list()
         for iface_id in iface_ids:
-            query = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanQueryInterface(iface_id)
-            if query['error']:
+            try:
+                result = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_lib.query_iface(iface_id)
+            except WlanFailure as e:
+                self.log.warn(f"Query iface {iface_id} failed: {e}")
-            query_result = query['result']
-            if type(query_result) is dict and query_result.get('role') == 'Ap':
-                status = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanStatus(iface_id)
-                if status['error']:
-                    continue
-                status_result = status['result']
-                if isinstance(status_result, dict):
-                    if status_result.get('Connected'):
-                        return status_result['Connected']['channel']['primary']
-                    asserts.fail('SoftAP interface not connected')
-        raise EnvironmentError('Could not determine SoftAP channel')
+            if result.role is WlanMacRole.AP:
+                status = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_lib.status()
+                if not isinstance(status, ClientStatusConnected):
+                    raise EnvironmentError("Client not connected")
+                return status.channel.primary
+        raise EnvironmentError("Could not determine SoftAP channel")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/ConnectionStressTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/ConnectionStressTest.py
index 2e70a83..6f56953 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/ConnectionStressTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/ConnectionStressTest.py
@@ -18,201 +18,171 @@
+import logging
 import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
-from antlion import signals
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import (
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-class ConnectionStressTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class TestParams:
+    profile: str
+    channel: int
+    security_mode: SecurityMode
+    ap_ssid: str
+    ap_password: str | None
+    dut_ssid: str
+    dut_password: str | None
+    expect_associated: bool
+class ConnectionStressTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     # Default number of test iterations here.
     # Override using parameter in config file.
     # Eg: "connection_stress_test_iterations": "50"
     num_of_iterations = 10
-    channel_2G = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G
-    channel_5G = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G
+    def pre_run(self):
+        tests: list[TestParams] = []
+        # Successful associate
+        for profile in ["whirlwind", "whirlwind_11ab_legacy", "whirlwind_11ag_legacy"]:
+            for channel in [AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G, AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G]:
+                ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
+                tests.append(
+                    TestParams(
+                        profile=profile,
+                        channel=channel,
+                        security_mode=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        ap_ssid=ssid,
+                        ap_password=None,
+                        dut_ssid=ssid,
+                        dut_password=None,
+                        expect_associated=True,
+                    )
+                )
+        # Wrong SSID
+        for channel in [AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G, AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G]:
+            ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
+            tests.append(
+                TestParams(
+                    profile="whirlwind",
+                    channel=channel,
+                    security_mode=SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                    ap_ssid=ssid,
+                    ap_password=None,
+                    dut_ssid=f"wrong_{ssid}",
+                    dut_password=None,
+                    expect_associated=False,
+                )
+            )
+        # Wrong password
+        for channel in [AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G, AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G]:
+            ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
+            password = rand_ascii_str(20)
+            tests.append(
+                TestParams(
+                    profile="whirlwind",
+                    channel=channel,
+                    security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                    ap_ssid=ssid,
+                    ap_password=password,
+                    dut_ssid=ssid,
+                    dut_password=f"wrong_{password}",
+                    expect_associated=False,
+                )
+            )
+        def test_name(test: TestParams) -> str:
+            channel = "2g" if test.channel == AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G else "5g"
+            if test.expect_associated:
+                return f"test_{test.profile}_{channel}"
+            if test.ap_ssid != test.dut_ssid:
+                return f"test_{test.profile}_{channel}_wrong_ssid"
+            if test.ap_password != test.dut_password:
+                return f"test_{test.profile}_{channel}_wrong_password"
+            raise TypeError(f"Unknown name for {test}")
+        self.generate_tests(self.connect_disconnect, test_name, [(t,) for t in tests])
     def setup_class(self):
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         self.ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
         self.fd = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fd)
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fd, AssociationMode.POLICY)
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         self.num_of_iterations = int(
-            self.user_params.get("connection_stress_test_iterations",
-                                 self.num_of_iterations))
-        self.log.info('iterations: %d' % self.num_of_iterations)
+            self.user_params.get(
+                "connection_stress_test_iterations", self.num_of_iterations
+            )
+        )
+        self.log.info(f"iterations: {self.num_of_iterations}")
     def teardown_test(self):
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
-    def start_ap(self, profile, channel, security=None):
-        """Starts an Access Point
-        Args:
-            profile: Profile name such as 'whirlwind'
-            channel: Channel to operate on
-        """
-        self.log.info('Profile: %s, Channel: %d' % (profile, channel))
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=profile,
-                 channel=channel,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 security=security)
-    def connect_disconnect(self,
-                           ap_config,
-                           ssid=None,
-                           password=None,
-                           negative_test=False):
+    def connect_disconnect(self, test: TestParams):
         """Helper to start an AP, connect DUT to it and disconnect
-            ap_config: Dictionary contaning profile name and channel
+            ap_config: Dictionary containing profile name and channel
             ssid: ssid to connect to
             password: password for the ssid to connect to
-        security_mode = ap_config.get('security_mode', None)
-        target_security = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
-            security_mode, None)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name=test.profile,
+            channel=test.channel,
+            ssid=test.ap_ssid,
+            security=Security(
+                security_mode=test.security_mode, password=test.ap_password
+            ),
+        )
-        if security_mode:
-            security_profile = hostapd_security.Security(
-                security_mode=ap_config['security_mode'],
-                password=ap_config['password'])
-        else:
-            security_profile = None
+        for iteration in range(0, self.num_of_iterations):
+            associated = self.dut.associate(
+                test.dut_ssid,
+                target_pwd=test.dut_password,
+                target_security=test.security_mode,
+            )
+            asserts.assert_equal(
+                associated,
+                test.expect_associated,
+                (
+                    f"Attempt {iteration}/{self.num_of_iterations}: "
+                    f"associated={associated}, want {test.expect_associated}"
+                ),
+            )
-        # Start AP
-        self.start_ap(ap_config['profile'],
-                      ap_config['channel'],
-                      security=security_profile)
-        failed = False
-        # Connect and Disconnect several times
-        for x in range(0, self.num_of_iterations):
-            if not ssid:
-                ssid = self.ssid
-            if negative_test:
-                if not self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                                          target_pwd=password,
-                                          target_security=target_security):
-                    self.log.info(
-                        'Attempt %d. Did not associate as expected.' % x)
-                else:
-                    self.log.error('Attempt %d. Negative test successfully '
-                                   'associated. Fail.' % x)
-                    failed = True
-            else:
-                # Connect
-                if self.dut.associate(ssid, target_pwd=password):
-                    self.log.info('Attempt %d. Successfully associated' % x)
-                else:
-                    self.log.error('Attempt %d. Failed to associate.' % x)
-                    failed = True
-                # Disconnect
-                self.dut.disconnect()
+            self.dut.disconnect()
             # Wait a second before trying again
-        # Stop AP
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-        if failed:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                'One or more association attempt failed.')
-    def test_whirlwind_2g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect({
-            'profile': 'whirlwind',
-            'channel': self.channel_2G,
-            'security_mode': None
-        })
-    def test_whirlwind_5g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect({
-            'profile': 'whirlwind',
-            'channel': self.channel_5G,
-            'security_mode': None
-        })
-    def test_whirlwind_11ab_2g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect({
-            'profile': 'whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-            'channel': self.channel_2G,
-            'security_mode': None
-        })
-    def test_whirlwind_11ab_5g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect({
-            'profile': 'whirlwind_11ab_legacy',
-            'channel': self.channel_5G,
-            'security_mode': None
-        })
-    def test_whirlwind_11ag_2g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect({
-            'profile': 'whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-            'channel': self.channel_2G,
-            'security_mode': None
-        })
-    def test_whirlwind_11ag_5g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect({
-            'profile': 'whirlwind_11ag_legacy',
-            'channel': self.channel_5G,
-            'security_mode': None
-        })
-    def test_wrong_ssid_whirlwind_2g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect(
-            {
-                'profile': 'whirlwind',
-                'channel': self.channel_2G,
-                'security_mode': None
-            },
-            ssid=rand_ascii_str(20),
-            negative_test=True)
-    def test_wrong_ssid_whirlwind_5g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect(
-            {
-                'profile': 'whirlwind',
-                'channel': self.channel_5G,
-                'security_mode': None
-            },
-            ssid=rand_ascii_str(20),
-            negative_test=True)
-    def test_wrong_password_whirlwind_2g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect(
-            {
-                'profile': 'whirlwind',
-                'channel': self.channel_2G,
-                'security_mode': hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                'password': rand_ascii_str(10)
-            },
-            password=rand_ascii_str(20),
-            negative_test=True)
-    def test_wrong_password_whirlwind_5g(self):
-        self.connect_disconnect(
-            {
-                'profile': 'whirlwind',
-                'channel': self.channel_5G,
-                'security_mode': hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                'password': rand_ascii_str(10)
-            },
-            password=rand_ascii_str(20),
-            negative_test=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/DownloadStressTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/DownloadStressTest.py
index be87b98..3bde6dd 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/DownloadStressTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/DownloadStressTest.py
@@ -17,18 +17,23 @@
 Script for testing various download stress scenarios.
+import logging
 import threading
-from antlion import signals
+from mobly import signals, test_runner
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia import utils
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.fuchsia import utils
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-class DownloadStressTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class DownloadStressTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     # Default number of test iterations here.
     # Override using parameter in config file.
     # Eg: "download_stress_test_iterations": "10"
@@ -38,10 +43,10 @@
     download_timeout_s = 60 * 5
     # Download urls
-    url_20MB = 'http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip'
-    url_40MB = 'http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/40MB.zip'
-    url_60MB = 'http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/60MB.zip'
-    url_512MB = 'http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/512MB.zip'
+    url_20MB = "http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip"
+    url_40MB = "http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/40MB.zip"
+    url_60MB = "http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/60MB.zip"
+    url_512MB = "http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/512MB.zip"
     # Constants used in test_one_large_multiple_small_downloads
     download_small_url = url_20MB
@@ -51,17 +56,23 @@
     def setup_class(self):
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         self.ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
+        self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY)
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         self.num_of_iterations = int(
-            self.user_params.get("download_stress_test_iterations",
-                                 self.num_of_iterations))
+            self.user_params.get(
+                "download_stress_test_iterations", self.num_of_iterations
+            )
+        )
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+        )
     def teardown_test(self):
@@ -70,6 +81,7 @@
+        super().teardown_test()
     def test_download_small(self):
         self.log.info("Downloading small file")
@@ -85,18 +97,19 @@
         return True
     def download_file(self, url):
-        self.log.info("Start downloading: %s" % url)
+        self.log.info(f"Start downloading: {url}")
         return utils.http_file_download_by_curl(
-            self.dut.device,
+            self.fuchsia_device,
-            additional_args='--max-time %d --silent' % self.download_timeout_s)
+            additional_args=f"--max-time {self.download_timeout_s} --silent",
+        )
     def download_thread(self, url):
         download_status = self.download_file(url)
         if download_status:
-            self.log.info("Success downloading: %s" % url)
+            self.log.info(f"Success downloading: {url}")
-            self.log.info("Failure downloading: %s" % url)
+            self.log.info(f"Failure downloading: {url}")
         return download_status
@@ -108,8 +121,8 @@
             # Start multiple downloads at the same time
             for index, url in enumerate(download_urls):
-                self.log.info('Create and start thread %d.' % index)
-                t = threading.Thread(target=self.download_thread, args=(url, ))
+                self.log.info(f"Create and start thread {index}.")
+                t = threading.Thread(target=self.download_thread, args=(url,))
@@ -126,13 +139,12 @@
                     is_alive = True
             if is_alive:
-                raise signals.TestFailure('Thread %d timedout' % index)
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"Thread {index} timedout")
         for index in range(0, len(self.download_threads_result)):
             if not self.download_threads_result[index]:
-                self.log.info("Download failed for %d" % index)
-                raise signals.TestFailure('Thread %d failed to download' %
-                                          index)
+                self.log.info(f"Download failed for {index}")
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"Thread {index} failed to download")
                 return False
         return True
@@ -142,15 +154,16 @@
             download_threads = []
                 large_thread = threading.Thread(
-                    target=self.download_thread,
-                    args=(self.download_large_url, ))
+                    target=self.download_thread, args=(self.download_large_url,)
+                )
                 for i in range(self.num_of_small_downloads):
                     # Start small file download
-                    t = threading.Thread(target=self.download_thread,
-                                         args=(self.download_small_url, ))
+                    t = threading.Thread(
+                        target=self.download_thread, args=(self.download_small_url,)
+                    )
                     # Wait for thread to exit before starting the next iteration
@@ -168,16 +181,19 @@
                         is_alive = True
                 if is_alive:
-                    raise signals.TestFailure('Thread %d timedout' % index)
+                    raise signals.TestFailure(f"Thread {index} timedout")
             for index in range(0, len(self.download_threads_result)):
                 if not self.download_threads_result[index]:
-                    self.log.info("Download failed for %d" % index)
-                    raise signals.TestFailure('Thread %d failed to download' %
-                                              index)
+                    self.log.info(f"Download failed for {index}")
+                    raise signals.TestFailure(f"Thread {index} failed to download")
                     return False
             # Clear results before looping again
         return True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/PingStressTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/PingStressTest.py
index 510cfc9..de1ec81 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/PingStressTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/PingStressTest.py
@@ -20,115 +20,163 @@
 communication past the first-hop is not the responsibility of the DUT.
-import threading
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+from typing import Any, Callable, NamedTuple
-from collections import namedtuple
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
-from antlion import signals
 from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint, setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfServerOverSsh
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-LOOPBACK_IPV6 = '::1'
+LOOPBACK_IPV6 = "::1"
-Test = namedtuple(
-    typename='Args',
-    field_names=['name', 'dest_ip', 'count', 'interval', 'timeout', 'size'],
-    defaults=[3, 1000, 1000, 25])
-Addrs = namedtuple(
-    typename='Addrs',
-    field_names=['gateway_ipv4', 'gateway_ipv6', 'remote_ipv4', 'remote_ipv6'])
+class Addrs(NamedTuple):
+    gateway_ipv4: str
+    gateway_ipv6: str
+    remote_ipv4: str
+    remote_ipv6: str
-class PingStressTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class Test(NamedTuple):
+    name: str
+    dest_ip: str | Callable[[Addrs], str]
+    packet_count: int = 3
+    interval: int = 1000
+    timeout: int = 1000
+    size: int = 25
-    def setup_generated_tests(self):
+class PingStressTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
+    def setup_generated_tests(self) -> None:
-            self.send_ping, lambda test_name, *_: f'test_{test_name}', [
+            self.send_ping,
+            lambda test_name, *_: f"test_{test_name}",
+            [
                 Test("loopback_ipv4", LOOPBACK_IPV4),
                 Test("loopback_ipv6", LOOPBACK_IPV6),
                 Test("gateway_ipv4", lambda addrs: addrs.gateway_ipv4),
                 Test("gateway_ipv6", lambda addrs: addrs.gateway_ipv6),
-                Test("remote_ipv4_small_packet",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4),
-                Test("remote_ipv6_small_packet",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6),
-                Test("remote_ipv4_small_packet_long",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
-                     count=50),
-                Test("remote_ipv6_small_packet_long",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
-                     count=50),
-                Test("remote_ipv4_medium_packet",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
-                     size=64),
-                Test("remote_ipv6_medium_packet",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
-                     size=64),
-                Test("remote_ipv4_medium_packet_long",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
-                     count=50,
-                     timeout=1500,
-                     size=64),
-                Test("remote_ipv6_medium_packet_long",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
-                     count=50,
-                     timeout=1500,
-                     size=64),
-                Test("remote_ipv4_large_packet",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
-                     size=500),
-                Test("remote_ipv6_large_packet",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
-                     size=500),
-                Test("remote_ipv4_large_packet_long",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
-                     count=50,
-                     timeout=5000,
-                     size=500),
-                Test("remote_ipv6_large_packet_long",
-                     lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
-                     count=50,
-                     timeout=5000,
-                     size=500),
-            ])
+                Test("remote_ipv4_small_packet", lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4),
+                Test("remote_ipv6_small_packet", lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv4_small_packet_long",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
+                    packet_count=50,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv6_small_packet_long",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
+                    packet_count=50,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv4_medium_packet",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
+                    size=64,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv6_medium_packet",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
+                    size=64,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv4_medium_packet_long",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
+                    packet_count=50,
+                    timeout=1500,
+                    size=64,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv6_medium_packet_long",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
+                    packet_count=50,
+                    timeout=1500,
+                    size=64,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv4_large_packet",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
+                    size=500,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv6_large_packet",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
+                    size=500,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv4_large_packet_long",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv4,
+                    packet_count=50,
+                    timeout=5000,
+                    size=500,
+                ),
+                Test(
+                    "remote_ipv6_large_packet_long",
+                    lambda addrs: addrs.remote_ipv6,
+                    packet_count=50,
+                    timeout=5000,
+                    size=500,
+                ),
+            ],
+        )
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         self.ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-        self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.iperf_server = self.iperf_servers[0]
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=self.ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True,
-                 is_ipv6_enabled=True,
-                 is_nat_enabled=False)
+        if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one Fuchsia device is required")
+        self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
+        if len(self.access_points) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one access point is required")
+        self.access_point: AccessPoint = self.access_points[0]
+        if len(self.iperf_servers) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one iPerf3 server is required")
+        self.iperf_server: IPerfServerOverSsh = self.iperf_servers[0]
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            setup_bridge=True,
+            is_ipv6_enabled=True,
+            is_nat_enabled=False,
+        )
         ap_bridges = self.access_point.interfaces.get_bridge_interface()
-        if len(ap_bridges) != 1:
-            raise signals.TestAbortClass(
-                f'Expected one bridge interface on the AP, got {ap_bridges}')
-        self.ap_ipv4 = utils.get_addr(self.access_point.ssh, ap_bridges[0])
-        self.ap_ipv6 = utils.get_addr(self.access_point.ssh,
-                                      ap_bridges[0],
-                                      addr_type='ipv6_link_local')
-        self.log.info(
-            f"Gateway finished setup ({self.ap_ipv4} | {self.ap_ipv6})")
+        if ap_bridges and len(ap_bridges) > 0:
+            ap_bridge = ap_bridges[0]
+        else:
+            asserts.abort_class(
+                f"Expected one bridge interface on the AP, got {ap_bridges}"
+            )
+        self.ap_ipv4 = utils.get_addr(self.access_point.ssh, ap_bridge)
+        self.ap_ipv6 = utils.get_addr(
+            self.access_point.ssh, ap_bridge, addr_type="ipv6_link_local"
+        )
+        self.log.info(f"Gateway finished setup ({self.ap_ipv4} | {self.ap_ipv6})")
         self.iperf_server_ipv4 = self.iperf_server.get_addr()
         self.iperf_server_ipv6 = self.iperf_server.get_addr(
-            addr_type='ipv6_private_local')
+            addr_type="ipv6_private_local"
+        )
             f"Remote finished setup ({self.iperf_server_ipv4} | {self.iperf_server_ipv6})"
@@ -136,89 +184,102 @@
         # Wait till the DUT has valid IP addresses after connecting.
-        self.dut.device.wait_for_ipv4_addr(
-            self.dut.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name)
-        self.dut.device.wait_for_ipv6_addr(
-            self.dut.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name)
+        self.fuchsia_device.wait_for_ipv4_addr(
+            self.dut.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
+        )
+        self.fuchsia_device.wait_for_ipv6_addr(
+            self.dut.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
+        )
         self.log.info("DUT has valid IP addresses on test network")
     def teardown_class(self):
-        self.dut.disconnect()
-        self.dut.reset_wifi()
-        self.download_ap_logs()
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+        if hasattr(self, "dut"):
+            self.dut.disconnect()
+            self.dut.reset_wifi()
+        if hasattr(self, "access_point"):
+            self.download_ap_logs()
+            self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+        super().teardown_class()
-    def send_ping(self,
-                  _,
-                  get_addr_fn,
-                  count=3,
-                  interval=1000,
-                  timeout=1000,
-                  size=25):
-        dest_ip = get_addr_fn(
-            Addrs(
-                gateway_ipv4=self.ap_ipv4,
-                # IPv6 link-local addresses require specification of the
-                # outgoing interface as the scope ID when sending packets.
-                gateway_ipv6=
-                f'{self.ap_ipv6}%{self.dut.get_default_wlan_test_interface()}',
-                remote_ipv4=self.iperf_server_ipv4,
-                # IPv6 global addresses do not require scope IDs.
-                remote_ipv6=self.iperf_server_ipv6)) if callable(
-                    get_addr_fn) else get_addr_fn
+    def send_ping(
+        self,
+        _: str,
+        get_addr_fn: str | Callable[[Addrs], str],
+        count: int = 3,
+        interval: int = 1000,
+        timeout: int = 1000,
+        size: int = 25,
+    ) -> None:
+        dest_ip = (
+            get_addr_fn(
+                Addrs(
+                    gateway_ipv4=self.ap_ipv4,
+                    # IPv6 link-local addresses require specification of the
+                    # outgoing interface as the scope ID when sending packets.
+                    gateway_ipv6=f"{self.ap_ipv6}%{self.dut.get_default_wlan_test_interface()}",
+                    remote_ipv4=self.iperf_server_ipv4,
+                    # IPv6 global addresses do not require scope IDs.
+                    remote_ipv6=self.iperf_server_ipv6,
+                )
+            )
+            if callable(get_addr_fn)
+            else get_addr_fn
+        )
-        self.log.info(f'Attempting to ping {dest_ip}...')
-        ping_result = self.dut.can_ping(dest_ip, count, interval, timeout,
-                                        size)
+        self.log.info(f"Attempting to ping {dest_ip}...")
+        ping_result = self.dut.can_ping(dest_ip, count, interval, timeout, size)
         if ping_result:
-            self.log.info('Ping was successful.')
+            self.log.info("Ping was successful.")
-            raise signals.TestFailure('Ping was unsuccessful.')
+            raise signals.TestFailure("Ping was unsuccessful.")
-    def test_simultaneous_pings(self):
+    def test_simultaneous_pings(self) -> None:
         ping_urls = [
-            f'{self.ap_ipv6}%{self.dut.get_default_wlan_test_interface()}',
+            f"{self.ap_ipv6}%{self.dut.get_default_wlan_test_interface()}",
-        ping_threads = []
-        ping_results = []
+        ping_processes: list[multiprocessing.Process] = []
+        ping_results: list[Any] = []
-        def ping_thread(self, dest_ip, ping_results):
-            self.log.info('Attempting to ping %s...' % dest_ip)
+        def ping_from_dut(self, dest_ip, ping_results):
+            self.log.info(f"Attempting to ping {dest_ip}...")
             ping_result = self.dut.can_ping(dest_ip, count=10, size=50)
             if ping_result:
-                self.log.info('Success pinging: %s' % dest_ip)
+                self.log.info(f"Success pinging: {dest_ip}")
-                self.log.info('Failure pinging: %s' % dest_ip)
+                self.log.info(f"Failure pinging: {dest_ip}")
             # Start multiple ping at the same time
             for index, url in enumerate(ping_urls):
-                t = threading.Thread(target=ping_thread,
-                                     args=(self, url, ping_results))
-                ping_threads.append(t)
-                t.start()
+                p = multiprocessing.Process(
+                    target=ping_from_dut, args=(self, url, ping_results)
+                )
+                ping_processes.append(p)
+                p.start()
-            # Wait for all threads to complete or timeout
-            for t in ping_threads:
-                t.join(PING_RESULT_TIMEOUT_SEC)
+            # Wait for all processes to complete or timeout
+            for p in ping_processes:
+                p.join(PING_RESULT_TIMEOUT_SEC)
             is_alive = False
-            for index, t in enumerate(ping_threads):
-                if t.is_alive():
-                    t = None
+            for index, p in enumerate(ping_processes):
+                if p.is_alive():
+                    p.terminate()
                     is_alive = True
             if is_alive:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    f'Timed out while pinging {ping_urls[index]}')
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"Timed out while pinging {ping_urls[index]}")
         for index in range(0, len(ping_results)):
             if not ping_results[index]:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(f'Failed to ping {ping_urls[index]}')
-        return True
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"Failed to ping {ping_urls[index]}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/SoftApTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/SoftApTest.py
index baf85e9..ad029b6 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/SoftApTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/SoftApTest.py
@@ -14,124 +14,275 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from mobly import signals
+import logging
 import multiprocessing as mp
 import random
 import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum, StrEnum, auto, unique
+from typing import Any, Mapping, Type, TypeAlias, TypeVar
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
 from antlion import utils
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_server
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_client
-from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap, AccessPoint
+from antlion.controllers import iperf_client, iperf_server
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint, setup_ap
+from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_utils import generate_random_password
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_ap_policy_lib import (
+    ConnectivityMode,
+    OperatingBand,
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
+from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AndroidWlanDevice,
+    AssociationMode,
+    FuchsiaWlanDevice,
+    SupportsWLAN,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-DEFAULT_AP_PROFILE = 'whirlwind'
+DEFAULT_AP_PROFILE = "whirlwind"
-OPERATING_BAND_2G = 'only_2_4_ghz'
-OPERATING_BAND_5G = 'only_5_ghz'
-SECURITY_WPA2 = 'wpa2'
-SECURITY_WPA3 = 'wpa3'
 STATE_UP = True
-TEST_TYPE_ASSOCIATE_ONLY = 'associate_only'
-TEST_TYPE_ASSOCIATE_AND_PING = 'associate_and_ping'
-TEST_TYPE_ASSOCIATE_AND_PASS_TRAFFIC = 'associate_and_pass_traffic'
+ConfigValue: TypeAlias = str | int | bool | list["ConfigValue"] | "Config"
+Config: TypeAlias = dict[str, ConfigValue]
+T = TypeVar("T")
-def get_test_name_from_settings(settings):
-    return settings['test_name']
+def get_typed(map: Mapping[str, Any], key: str, value_type: Type[T], default: T) -> T:
+    value = map.get(key, default)
+    if not isinstance(value, value_type):
+        raise TypeError(f'"{key}" must be a {value_type.__name__}, got {type(value)}')
+    return value
-def get_ap_params_from_config_or_default(config):
-    """Retrieves AP parameters from antlion config, or returns default settings.
+class DeviceRole(Enum):
+    AP = auto()
+    CLIENT = auto()
-    Args:
-        config: dict, from antlion config, that may contain custom ap parameters
-    Returns:
-        dict, containing all AP parameters
-    """
-    profile = config.get('profile', DEFAULT_AP_PROFILE)
-    ssid = config.get(
-        'ssid', utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G))
-    channel = config.get('channel', hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G)
-    security_mode = config.get('security_mode', None)
-    password = config.get('password', None)
-    if security_mode:
-        if not password:
+class TestType(StrEnum):
+    ASSOCIATE_ONLY = auto()
+    ASSOCIATE_AND_PING = auto()
+class TestParams:
+    test_type: TestType
+    security_type: SecurityMode
+    connectivity_mode: ConnectivityMode
+    operating_band: OperatingBand
+    ssid: str
+    password: str
+    iterations: int
+class APParams:
+    profile: str
+    ssid: str
+    channel: int
+    security: Security
+    password: str
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "APParams":
+        security_mode_str = get_typed(d, "security_mode", str, SecurityMode.OPEN.value)
+        security_mode = SecurityMode[security_mode_str]
+        password = get_typed(
+            d, "password", str, generate_random_password(security_mode=security_mode)
+        )
+        return APParams(
+            profile=get_typed(d, "profile", str, DEFAULT_AP_PROFILE),
+            ssid=get_typed(
+                d,
+                "ssid",
+                str,
+                utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
+            ),
+            channel=get_typed(
+                d, "channel", int, hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G
+            ),
+            security=Security(security_mode, password),
+            password=password,
+        )
+    def setup_ap(
+        self, access_point: AccessPoint, timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+    ) -> str:
+        """Setup access_point and return the IPv4 address of its test interface."""
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=access_point,
+            profile_name=self.profile,
+            channel=self.channel,
+            ssid=self.ssid,
+            security=self.security,
+        )
+        interface = access_point.wlan_2g if self.channel < 36 else access_point.wlan_5g
+        end_time = time.time() + timeout_sec
+        while time.time() < end_time:
+            ips = utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(access_point.ssh, interface)
+            if len(ips["ipv4_private"]) > 0:
+                return ips["ipv4_private"][0]
+            time.sleep(1)
+        raise ConnectionError(
+            f"After {timeout_sec}s, device {access_point.identifier} still does not have "
+            f"an ipv4 address on interface {interface}."
+        )
+class SoftAPParams:
+    ssid: str
+    security_type: SecurityMode
+    password: str | None
+    connectivity_mode: ConnectivityMode
+    operating_band: OperatingBand
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        if self.operating_band is OperatingBand.ANY:
+            band = "any"
+        elif self.operating_band is OperatingBand.ONLY_2G:
+            band = "2g"
+        elif self.operating_band is OperatingBand.ONLY_5G:
+            band = "5g"
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f'Unknown OperatingBand "{self.operating_band}"')
+        return f'{band}_{self.security_type.replace("/", "_")}_{self.connectivity_mode}'
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "SoftAPParams":
+        security_type = get_typed(d, "security_type", str, SecurityMode.OPEN.value)
+        security_mode = SecurityMode[security_type]
+        password = d.get("password")
+        if password is None and security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
             password = generate_random_password(security_mode=security_mode)
-        security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode, password)
-    else:
-        security = None
+        if password is not None and not isinstance(password, str):
+            raise TypeError(f'"password" must be a str or None, got {type(password)}')
+        if password is not None and security_mode is SecurityMode.OPEN:
+            raise TypeError(
+                f'"password" must be None if "security_type" is "{SecurityMode.OPEN}"'
+            )
-    return {
-        'profile': profile,
-        'ssid': ssid,
-        'channel': channel,
-        'security': security,
-        'password': password
-    }
+        connectivity_mode = get_typed(
+            d, "connectivity_mode", str, str(ConnectivityMode.LOCAL_ONLY)
+        )
+        operating_band = get_typed(d, "operating_band", str, str(OperatingBand.ONLY_2G))
+        return SoftAPParams(
+            ssid=get_typed(
+                d,
+                "ssid",
+                str,
+                utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
+            ),
+            security_type=security_mode,
+            password=password,
+            connectivity_mode=ConnectivityMode[connectivity_mode],
+            operating_band=OperatingBand[operating_band],
+        )
-def get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(config):
-    """Retrieves SoftAp parameters from antlion config or returns default settings.
+class AssociationStressTestParams:
+    test_type: TestType
+    soft_ap_params: SoftAPParams
+    iterations: int
-    Args:
-        config: dict, from antlion config, that may contain custom soft ap
-            parameters
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{self.soft_ap_params}_{self.test_type}_{self.iterations}_iterations"
-    Returns:
-        dict, containing all soft AP parameters
-    """
-    ssid = config.get(
-        'ssid', utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G))
-    connectivity_mode = config.get('connectivity_mode',
-                                   CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL)
-    operating_band = config.get('operating_band', OPERATING_BAND_2G)
-    security_type = config.get('security_type', SECURITY_OPEN)
-    password = config.get('password', '')
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "AssociationStressTestParams":
+        test_type = get_typed(
+            d, "test_type", str, TestType.ASSOCIATE_AND_PASS_TRAFFIC.value
+        )
+        return AssociationStressTestParams(
+            test_type=TestType[test_type],
+            soft_ap_params=SoftAPParams.from_dict(d.get("soft_ap_params", {})),
+            iterations=get_typed(d, "iterations", int, 10),
+        )
-    # The SoftAP API uses 'open' security instead of None, '' password
-    # instead of None, and security_type instead of security_mode, hence
-    # the difference between ap_params and soft_ap_params
-    if security_type != SECURITY_OPEN and password == '':
-        password = generate_random_password(security_mode=security_type)
-    return {
-        'ssid': ssid,
-        'connectivity_mode': connectivity_mode,
-        'operating_band': operating_band,
-        'security_type': security_type,
-        'password': password
-    }
+class ClientModeAlternatingTestParams:
+    ap_params: APParams
+    soft_ap_params: SoftAPParams
+    iterations: int
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return (
+            f"ap_{self.ap_params.security.security_mode}_"
+            f"soft_ap_{self.soft_ap_params.security_type}_"
+            f"{self.iterations}_iterations"
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "ClientModeAlternatingTestParams":
+        return ClientModeAlternatingTestParams(
+            ap_params=APParams.from_dict(d.get("ap_params", {})),
+            soft_ap_params=SoftAPParams.from_dict(d.get("soft_ap_params", {})),
+            iterations=get_typed(d, "iterations", int, 10),
+        )
+class ToggleTestParams:
+    soft_ap_params: SoftAPParams
+    iterations: int
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{self.soft_ap_params}_{self.iterations}_iterations"
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "ToggleTestParams":
+        return ToggleTestParams(
+            soft_ap_params=SoftAPParams.from_dict(d.get("soft_ap_params", {})),
+            iterations=get_typed(d, "iterations", int, 10),
+        )
+class ClientModeToggleTestParams:
+    ap_params: APParams
+    iterations: int
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{self.ap_params}_{self.iterations}_iterations"
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "ClientModeToggleTestParams":
+        return ClientModeToggleTestParams(
+            ap_params=APParams.from_dict(d.get("ap_params", {})),
+            iterations=get_typed(d, "iterations", int, 10),
+        )
 class StressTestIterationFailure(Exception):
     """Used to differentiate a subtest failure from an actual exception"""
-class SoftApTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class SoftApTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests for Fuchsia SoftAP
     Testbed requirement:
@@ -145,49 +296,118 @@
         skipped if physical AP is not present.
+    def __init__(self, configs: TestRunConfig) -> None:
+        super().__init__(configs)
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.soft_ap_test_params = configs.user_params.get("soft_ap_test_params", {})
+    def pre_run(self):
+        self.generate_soft_ap_tests()
+        self.generate_association_stress_tests()
+        self.generate_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress_tests()
+        self.generate_soft_ap_toggle_stress_tests()
+        self.generate_client_mode_toggle_stress_tests()
+        self.generate_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode_tests()
+        self.generate_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap_tests()
+        self.generate_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress_tests()
+    def generate_soft_ap_tests(self):
+        tests: list[SoftAPParams] = []
+        for operating_band in OperatingBand:
+            for security_mode in [
+                SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                SecurityMode.WEP,
+                SecurityMode.WPA,
+                SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                SecurityMode.WPA3,
+            ]:
+                for connectivity_mode in ConnectivityMode:
+                    if security_mode is SecurityMode.OPEN:
+                        ssid_length = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G
+                        password = None
+                    else:
+                        ssid_length = hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G
+                        password = generate_random_password()
+                    tests.append(
+                        SoftAPParams(
+                            ssid=utils.rand_ascii_str(ssid_length),
+                            security_type=security_mode,
+                            password=password,
+                            connectivity_mode=connectivity_mode,
+                            operating_band=operating_band,
+                        )
+                    )
+        def generate_name(test: SoftAPParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_soft_ap_{test}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.associate_with_soft_ap_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
+    def associate_with_soft_ap_test(self, soft_ap_params: SoftAPParams):
+        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
+        self.associate_with_soft_ap(self.primary_client, soft_ap_params)
+        self.assert_connected_to_ap(self.primary_client, self.dut, check_traffic=True)
     def setup_class(self):
-        self.soft_ap_test_params = self.user_params.get(
-            'soft_ap_test_params', {})
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
+        super().setup_class()
+        if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one Fuchsia device is required")
+        self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
         # TODO(fxb/51313): Add in device agnosticity for clients
         # Create a wlan device and iperf client for each Android client
-        self.clients = []
-        self.iperf_clients_map = {}
+        self.clients: list[SupportsWLAN] = []
+        self.iperf_clients_map: dict[Any, Any] = {}
         for device in self.android_devices:
-            client_wlan_device = create_wlan_device(device)
+            client_wlan_device = create_wlan_device(device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
-                client_wlan_device] = client_wlan_device.create_iperf_client()
+                client_wlan_device
+            ] = client_wlan_device.create_iperf_client()
         self.primary_client = self.clients[0]
         # Create an iperf server on the DUT, which will be used for any streaming.
-        self.iperf_server_config = {
-            'user': self.dut.device.ssh_username,
-            'host': self.dut.device.ip,
-            'ssh_config': self.dut.device.ssh_config
-        }
+        self.iperf_server_settings = settings.from_config(
+            {
+                "user": self.fuchsia_device.ssh_username,
+                "host": self.fuchsia_device.ip,
+                "ssh_config": self.fuchsia_device.ssh_config,
+            }
+        )
         self.iperf_server = iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh(
-            self.iperf_server_config, DEFAULT_IPERF_PORT, use_killall=True)
+            self.iperf_server_settings, DEFAULT_IPERF_PORT, use_killall=True
+        )
         # Attempt to create an ap iperf server. AP is only required for tests
         # that use client mode.
+        self.access_point: AccessPoint | None = None
+        self.ap_iperf_client: iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh | None = None
             self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
             self.ap_iperf_client = iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh(
-                self.user_params['AccessPoint'][0]['ssh_config'])
+                self.access_point.ssh_provider,
+            )
+            self.iperf_clients_map[self.access_point] = self.ap_iperf_client
         except AttributeError:
-            self.access_point = None
-            self.ap_iperf_client = None
-        self.iperf_clients_map[self.access_point] = self.ap_iperf_client
+            pass
     def teardown_class(self):
         # Because this is using killall, it will stop all iperf processes
+        super().teardown_class()
     def setup_test(self):
+        super().setup_test()
         for ad in self.android_devices:
@@ -211,8 +431,9 @@
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def start_soft_ap(self, settings):
+    def start_soft_ap(self, params: SoftAPParams) -> None:
         """Starts a softAP on Fuchsia device.
@@ -226,24 +447,22 @@
                 operating_band: string, band for softAP network
                     - 'any', 'only_5_ghz', 'only_2_4_ghz'
-        ssid = settings['ssid']
-        security_type = settings['security_type']
-        password = settings.get('password', '')
-        connectivity_mode = settings['connectivity_mode']
-        operating_band = settings['operating_band']
+        self.log.info(f"Starting SoftAP on DUT with settings: {params}")
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStartAccessPoint(
+            params.ssid,
+            params.security_type.fuchsia_security_type(),
+            params.password,
+            params.connectivity_mode,
+            params.operating_band,
+        )
+        if response.get("error"):
+            raise EnvironmentError(
+                f"SL4F: Failed to setup SoftAP. Err: {response['error']}"
+            )
+        self.log.info(f"SoftAp network ({params.ssid}) is up.")
-        self.log.info('Starting SoftAP on DUT with settings: %s' % settings)
-        response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStartAccessPoint(
-            ssid, security_type, password, connectivity_mode, operating_band)
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise EnvironmentError('SL4F: Failed to setup SoftAP. Err: %s' %
-                                   response['error'])
-        self.log.info('SoftAp network (%s) is up.' % ssid)
-    def stop_soft_ap(self, settings):
-        """ Stops a specific SoftAP On Fuchsia device.
+    def stop_soft_ap(self, params: SoftAPParams) -> None:
+        """Stops a specific SoftAP On Fuchsia device.
             settings: a dict containing softAP config params (see start_soft_ap)
@@ -252,72 +471,71 @@
             EnvironmentError, if StopSoftAP call fails.
-        ssid = settings['ssid']
-        security_type = settings['security_type']
-        password = settings.get('password', '')
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAccessPoint(
+            params.ssid, params.security_type.fuchsia_security_type(), params.password
+        )
+        if response.get("error"):
+            raise EnvironmentError(
+                f"SL4F: Failed to stop SoftAP. Err: {response['error']}"
+            )
-        response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAccessPoint(
-            ssid, security_type, password)
-        if response.get('error'):
-            raise EnvironmentError('SL4F: Failed to stop SoftAP. Err: %s' %
-                                   response['error'])
-    def stop_all_soft_aps(self):
-        """ Stops all SoftAPs on Fuchsia Device.
+    def stop_all_soft_aps(self) -> None:
+        """Stops all SoftAPs on Fuchsia Device.
             EnvironmentError, if StopAllAps call fails.
-        response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAllAccessPoint(
-        )
-        if response.get('error'):
+        response = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanStopAllAccessPoint()
+        if response.get("error"):
             raise EnvironmentError(
-                'SL4F: Failed to stop all SoftAPs. Err: %s' %
-                response['error'])
+                f"SL4F: Failed to stop all SoftAPs. Err: {response['error']}"
+            )
-    def associate_with_soft_ap(self, device, soft_ap_settings):
+    def associate_with_soft_ap(self, device: SupportsWLAN, params: SoftAPParams):
         """Associates client device with softAP on Fuchsia device.
             device: wlan_device to associate with the softAP
-            settings: a dict containing softAP config params (see start_soft_ap)
-                for details
+            params: soft AP configuration
-            TestFailure, if association fails
+            TestFailure if association fails
-            'Attempting to associate client %s with SoftAP on FuchsiaDevice '
-            '(%s).' % (device.identifier, self.dut.identifier))
+            f'Associating {device.identifier} to SoftAP on {self.dut.identifier} called "{params.ssid}'
+        )
-        check_connectivity = soft_ap_settings[
-            'connectivity_mode'] == CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED
         associated = device.associate(
-            soft_ap_settings['ssid'],
-            target_pwd=soft_ap_settings.get('password'),
-            target_security=hostapd_constants.
-                soft_ap_settings['security_type'], None),
-            check_connectivity=check_connectivity)
+            params.ssid,
+            target_pwd=params.password,
+            target_security=params.security_type,
+            check_connectivity=params.connectivity_mode
+            is ConnectivityMode.UNRESTRICTED,
+        )
-        if not associated:
-            self.log.error('Failed to connect to SoftAp.')
-            return False
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            associated,
+            f'Failed to associate "{device.identifier}" to SoftAP "{params.ssid}"',
+        )
-        self.log.info('Client successfully associated with SoftAP.')
-        return True
-    def disconnect_from_soft_ap(self, device):
+    def disconnect_from_soft_ap(self, device: SupportsWLAN) -> None:
         """Disconnects client device from SoftAP.
             device: wlan_device to disconnect from SoftAP
-        self.log.info('Disconnecting device %s from SoftAP.' %
-                      device.identifier)
+        self.log.info(f"Disconnecting device {device.identifier} from SoftAP.")
-    def get_device_test_interface(self, device, role=None, channel=None):
+    def get_ap_test_interface(self, ap: AccessPoint, channel: int) -> str:
+        if channel < 36:
+            return ap.wlan_2g
+        else:
+            return ap.wlan_5g
+    def get_device_test_interface(
+        self, device: SupportsWLAN | FuchsiaDevice, role: DeviceRole
+    ) -> str:
         """Retrieves test interface from a provided device, which can be the
         FuchsiaDevice DUT, the AccessPoint, or an AndroidClient.
@@ -325,36 +543,34 @@
             device: the device do get the test interface from. Either
                 FuchsiaDevice (DUT), Android client, or AccessPoint.
             role: str, either "client" or "ap". Required for FuchsiaDevice (DUT)
-            channel: int, channel of the ap network. Required for AccessPoint.
             String, name of test interface on given device.
-        if device is self.dut:
-            device.device.wlan_controller.update_wlan_interfaces()
-            if role == INTERFACE_ROLE_CLIENT:
-                return device.device.wlan_client_test_interface_name
-            elif role == INTERFACE_ROLE_AP:
-                return device.device.wlan_ap_test_interface_name
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Unsupported interface role: %s' % role)
-        elif isinstance(device, AccessPoint):
-            if not channel:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'Must provide a channel to get AccessPoint interface')
-            if channel < 36:
-                return device.wlan_2g
-            else:
-                return device.wlan_5g
+        if isinstance(device, FuchsiaDevice):
+            device.update_wlan_interfaces()
+            if role is DeviceRole.CLIENT:
+                if device.wlan_client_test_interface_name is None:
+                    raise TypeError(
+                        "Expected wlan_client_test_interface_name to be str"
+                    )
+                return device.wlan_client_test_interface_name
+            if role is DeviceRole.AP:
+                if device.wlan_ap_test_interface_name is None:
+                    raise TypeError("Expected wlan_ap_test_interface_name to be str")
+                return device.wlan_ap_test_interface_name
+            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported interface role: {role}")
             return device.get_default_wlan_test_interface()
-    def wait_for_ipv4_address(self,
-                              device,
-                              interface_name,
-                              timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
-        """ Waits for interface on a wlan_device to get an ipv4 address.
+    def wait_for_ipv4_address(
+        self,
+        device: SupportsWLAN | AccessPoint,
+        interface_name: str,
+        timeout: int = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
+    ):
+        """Waits for interface on a wlan_device to get an ipv4 address.
             device: wlan_device or AccessPoint to check interface
@@ -362,57 +578,40 @@
             timeout: seconds to wait before raising an error
-            ValueError, if interface does not have an ipv4 address after timeout
+            ConnectionError, if interface does not have an ipv4 address after timeout
+        comm_channel: SshConnection | FuchsiaDevice | AndroidDevice
         if isinstance(device, AccessPoint):
             comm_channel = device.ssh
-        else:
+        elif isinstance(device, FuchsiaWlanDevice):
             comm_channel = device.device
+        elif isinstance(device, AndroidWlanDevice):
+            comm_channel = device.device
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f"Invalid device type {type(device)}")
         end_time = time.time() + timeout
         while time.time() < end_time:
-            ips = utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(comm_channel,
-                                                   interface_name)
-            if len(ips['ipv4_private']) > 0:
-                self.log.info('Device %s interface %s has ipv4 address %s' %
-                              (device.identifier, interface_name,
-                               ips['ipv4_private'][0]))
-                return ips['ipv4_private'][0]
+            ips = utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(comm_channel, interface_name)
+            if len(ips["ipv4_private"]) > 0:
+                self.log.info(
+                    f"Device {device.identifier} interface {interface_name} has "
+                    f"ipv4 address {ips['ipv4_private'][0]}"
+                )
+                return ips["ipv4_private"][0]
         raise ConnectionError(
-            'After %s seconds, device %s still does not have an ipv4 address '
-            'on interface %s.' % (timeout, device.identifier, interface_name))
+            f"After {timeout} seconds, device {device.identifier} still does not have "
+            f"an ipv4 address on interface {interface_name}."
+        )
-    def device_can_ping_addr(self, device, dest_ip, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
-        """ Verify wlan_device can ping a destination ip.
-        Args:
-            device: wlan_device to initiate ping
-            dest_ip: ip to ping from wlan_device
-        Raises:
-            TestFailure, if ping fails
-        """
-        end_time = time.time() + timeout
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            with utils.SuppressLogOutput():
-                ping_result = device.can_ping(dest_ip)
-            if ping_result:
-                self.log.info('Ping successful from device %s to dest ip %s.' %
-                              (device.identifier, dest_ip))
-                return True
-            else:
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Device %s could not ping dest ip %s. Retrying in 1 second.'
-                    % (device.identifier, dest_ip))
-                time.sleep(1)
-        else:
-            self.log.info('Failed to ping from device %s to dest ip %s.' %
-                          (device.identifier, dest_ip))
-            return False
-    def run_iperf_traffic(self, ip_client, server_address, server_port=5201):
+    def run_iperf_traffic(
+        self,
+        ip_client: iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb | iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh,
+        server_address: str,
+        server_port: int = 5201,
+    ) -> None:
         """Runs traffic between client and ap an verifies throughput.
@@ -421,52 +620,56 @@
             server_port: port of the iperf server
-            TestFailure, if no traffic passes in either direction
+            ConnectionError if no traffic passes in either direction
         ip_client_identifier = self.get_iperf_client_identifier(ip_client)
-            'Running traffic from iperf client %s to iperf server %s.' %
-            (ip_client_identifier, server_address))
+            f"Running traffic from iperf client {ip_client_identifier} to "
+            f"iperf server {server_address}."
+        )
         client_to_ap_path = ip_client.start(
-            server_address, '-i 1 -t 10 -J -p %s' % server_port,
-            'client_to_soft_ap')
+            server_address, f"-i 1 -t 10 -J -p {server_port}", "client_to_soft_ap"
+        )
         client_to_ap_result = iperf_server.IPerfResult(client_to_ap_path)
-        if (not client_to_ap_result.avg_receive_rate):
+        if not client_to_ap_result.avg_receive_rate:
             raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to pass traffic from iperf client %s to iperf server %s.'
-                % (ip_client_identifier, server_address))
+                f"Failed to pass traffic from iperf client {ip_client_identifier} to "
+                f"iperf server {server_address}."
+            )
-            'Passed traffic from iperf client %s to iperf server %s with avg '
-            'rate of %s MB/s.' % (ip_client_identifier, server_address,
-                                  client_to_ap_result.avg_receive_rate))
+            f"Passed traffic from iperf client {ip_client_identifier} to "
+            f"iperf server {server_address} with avg rate of "
+            f"{client_to_ap_result.avg_receive_rate} MB/s."
+        )
-            'Running traffic from iperf server %s to iperf client %s.' %
-            (server_address, ip_client_identifier))
+            f"Running traffic from iperf server {server_address} to "
+            f"iperf client {ip_client_identifier}."
+        )
         ap_to_client_path = ip_client.start(
-            server_address, '-i 1 -t 10 -R -J -p %s' % server_port,
-            'soft_ap_to_client')
+            server_address, f"-i 1 -t 10 -R -J -p {server_port}", "soft_ap_to_client"
+        )
         ap_to_client_result = iperf_server.IPerfResult(ap_to_client_path)
-        if (not ap_to_client_result.avg_receive_rate):
+        if not ap_to_client_result.avg_receive_rate:
             raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to pass traffic from iperf server %s to iperf client %s.'
-                % (server_address, ip_client_identifier))
+                f"Failed to pass traffic from iperf server {server_address} to "
+                f"iperf client {ip_client_identifier}."
+            )
-            'Passed traffic from iperf server %s to iperf client %s with avg '
-            'rate of %s MB/s.' % (server_address, ip_client_identifier,
-                                  ap_to_client_result.avg_receive_rate))
+            f"Passed traffic from iperf server {server_address} to "
+            f"iperf client {ip_client_identifier} with avg rate of "
+            f"{ap_to_client_result.avg_receive_rate} MB/s."
+        )
-    def run_iperf_traffic_parallel_process(self,
-                                           ip_client,
-                                           server_address,
-                                           error_queue,
-                                           server_port=5201):
-        """ Executes run_iperf_traffic using a queue to capture errors. Used
+    def run_iperf_traffic_parallel_process(
+        self, ip_client, server_address, error_queue, server_port=5201
+    ):
+        """Executes run_iperf_traffic using a queue to capture errors. Used
         when running iperf in a parallel process.
@@ -476,339 +679,194 @@
             server_port: port of the iperf server
-            self.run_iperf_traffic(ip_client,
-                                   server_address,
-                                   server_port=server_port)
+            self.run_iperf_traffic(ip_client, server_address, server_port=server_port)
         except ConnectionError as err:
-            error_queue.put('In iperf process from %s to %s: %s' %
-                            (self.get_iperf_client_identifier(ip_client),
-                             server_address, err))
+            error_queue.put(
+                f"In iperf process from {self.get_iperf_client_identifier(ip_client)} to {server_address}: {err}"
+            )
-    def get_iperf_client_identifier(self, ip_client):
-        """ Retrieves an indentifer string from iperf client, for logging.
+    def get_iperf_client_identifier(
+        self,
+        ip_client: iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb | iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh,
+    ) -> str:
+        """Retrieves an identifier string from iperf client, for logging.
             ip_client: iperf client to grab identifier from
         if type(ip_client) == iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb:
+            assert hasattr(ip_client._android_device_or_serial, "serial")
+            assert isinstance(ip_client._android_device_or_serial.serial, str)
             return ip_client._android_device_or_serial.serial
-        return ip_client._ssh_settings.hostname
+        if type(ip_client) == iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh:
+            return ip_client._ssh_provider.config.host_name
+        raise TypeError(f'Unknown "ip_client" type {type(ip_client)}')
-    def device_is_connected_to_ap(self,
-                                  client,
-                                  ap,
-                                  channel=None,
-                                  check_traffic=False,
-                                  timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
-        """ Returns whether client device can ping (and optionally pass traffic)
-        to the ap device.
+    def assert_connected_to_ap(
+        self,
+        client: SupportsWLAN,
+        ap: SupportsWLAN | AccessPoint,
+        channel: int | None = None,
+        check_traffic: bool = False,
+        timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Assert the client device has L3 connectivity to the AP."""
+        device_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(client, DeviceRole.CLIENT)
-        Args:
-            client: device that should be associated. Either FuchsiaDevice (DUT)
-                or Android client
-            ap: device acting as AP. Either FuchsiaDevice (DUT) or AccessPoint.
-            channel: int, channel the AP is using. Required if ap is an
-                AccessPoint object.
-            check_traffic: bool, whether to attempt to pass traffic between
-                client and ap devices.
-            timeout: int, time in seconds to wait for devices to have ipv4
-                addresses
-        """
+        if isinstance(ap, AccessPoint):
+            if channel is None:
+                raise TypeError("channel must not be None when ap is an AccessPoint")
+            ap_interface = self.get_ap_test_interface(ap, channel)
+        else:
+            ap_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(ap, DeviceRole.AP)
+        client_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(
+            client, device_interface, timeout=timeout_sec
+        )
+        ap_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(ap, ap_interface, timeout=timeout_sec)
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            client.can_ping(ap_ipv4, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * 1000),
+            "Failed to ping from client to ap",
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            ap.can_ping(client_ipv4, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * 1000),
+            "Failed to ping from ap to client",
+        )
+        if not check_traffic:
+            return
+        if client is self.dut:
+            self.run_iperf_traffic(self.iperf_clients_map[ap], client_ipv4)
+        else:
+            self.run_iperf_traffic(self.iperf_clients_map[client], ap_ipv4)
+    def assert_disconnected_to_ap(
+        self,
+        client: SupportsWLAN,
+        ap: SupportsWLAN | AccessPoint,
+        channel: int | None = None,
+        timeout_sec: int = DEFAULT_NO_ADDR_EXPECTED_TIMEOUT,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Assert the client device does not have ping connectivity to the AP."""
+        device_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(client, DeviceRole.CLIENT)
+        if isinstance(ap, AccessPoint):
+            if channel is None:
+                raise TypeError("channel must not be None when ap is an AccessPoint")
+            ap_interface = self.get_ap_test_interface(ap, channel)
+        else:
+            ap_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(ap, DeviceRole.AP)
-            # Get interfaces
-            client_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(
-                client, INTERFACE_ROLE_CLIENT)
-            ap_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(
-                ap, role=INTERFACE_ROLE_AP, channel=channel)
+            client_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(
+                client, device_interface, timeout=timeout_sec
+            )
+            ap_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(ap, ap_interface, timeout=timeout_sec)
+        except ConnectionError:
+            # When disconnected, IP addresses aren't always available.
+            return
-            # Get addresses
-            client_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(client,
-                                                     client_interface,
-                                                     timeout=timeout)
-            ap_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(ap,
-                                                 ap_interface,
-                                                 timeout=timeout)
-        except ConnectionError as err:
-            self.log.error(
-                'Failed to retrieve interfaces and addresses. Err: %s' % err)
-            return False
+        asserts.assert_false(
+            client.can_ping(ap_ipv4, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * 1000),
+            "Unexpectedly succeeded to ping from client to ap",
+        )
+        asserts.assert_false(
+            ap.can_ping(client_ipv4, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * 1000),
+            "Unexpectedly succeeded to ping from ap to client",
+        )
-        if not self.device_can_ping_addr(client, ap_ipv4):
-            self.log.error('Failed to ping from client to ap.')
-            return False
+    # Runners for Generated Test Cases
-        if not self.device_can_ping_addr(ap, client_ipv4):
-            self.log.error('Failed to ping from ap to client.')
-            return False
-        if check_traffic:
-            try:
-                if client is self.dut:
-                    self.run_iperf_traffic(self.iperf_clients_map[ap],
-                                           client_ipv4)
-                else:
-                    self.run_iperf_traffic(self.iperf_clients_map[client],
-                                           ap_ipv4)
-            except ConnectionError as err:
-                self.log.error('Failed to run traffic between DUT and AP.')
-                return False
-        return True
-    def verify_soft_ap_connectivity_from_state(self, state, client):
-        """Verifies SoftAP state based on a client connection.
-        Args:
-            state: bool, whether SoftAP should be up
-            client: SoftApClient, to verify connectivity (or lack therof)
-        """
-        if state == STATE_UP:
-            return self.device_is_connected_to_ap(client, self.dut)
-        else:
-            with utils.SuppressLogOutput():
-                try:
-                    return not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(
-                        client,
-                        self.dut,
-                        timeout=DEFAULT_NO_ADDR_EXPECTED_TIMEOUT)
-                # Allow a failed to find ap interface error
-                except LookupError as err:
-                    self.log.debug('Hit expected LookupError: %s' % err)
-                    return True
-    def verify_client_mode_connectivity_from_state(self, state, channel):
-        """Verifies client mode state based on DUT-AP connection.
-        Args:
-            state: bool, whether client mode should be up
-            channel: int, channel of the APs network
-        """
-        if state == STATE_UP:
-            return self.device_is_connected_to_ap(self.dut,
-                                                  self.access_point,
-                                                  channel=channel)
-        else:
-            with utils.SuppressLogOutput():
-                try:
-                    return not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(
-                        self.dut,
-                        self.access_point,
-                        channel=channel,
-                        timeout=DEFAULT_NO_ADDR_EXPECTED_TIMEOUT)
-                # Allow a failed to find client interface error
-                except LookupError as err:
-                    self.log.debug('Hit expected LookupError: %s' % err)
-                    return True
-# Test Types
-    def verify_soft_ap_associate_only(self, client, soft_ap_settings):
-        if not self.associate_with_soft_ap(client, soft_ap_settings):
-            asserts.fail('Failed to associate client with SoftAP.')
-    def verify_soft_ap_associate_and_ping(self, client, soft_ap_settings):
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_only(client, soft_ap_settings)
-        if not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(client, self.dut):
-            asserts.fail('Client and SoftAP could not ping eachother.')
-    def verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self, client, settings):
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_only(client, settings)
-        if not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(
-                client, self.dut, check_traffic=True):
-            asserts.fail(
-                'Client and SoftAP not responding to pings and passing traffic '
-                'as expected.')
-# Runners for Generated Test Cases
-    def run_soft_ap_association_stress_test(self, settings):
-        """Sets up a SoftAP, and repeatedly associates and disassociates a
-        client.
-        Args:
-            settings: test configuration settings, see
-                test_soft_ap_association_stress for details
-        """
-        client = settings['client']
-        soft_ap_params = settings['soft_ap_params']
-        test_type = settings['test_type']
-        if not test_type in TEST_TYPES:
-            raise ValueError('Unrecognized test type %s' % test_type)
-        iterations = settings['iterations']
+    def run_soft_ap_association_stress_test(self, test: AssociationStressTestParams):
+        """Sets up a SoftAP, and repeatedly associates and disassociates a client."""
-            'Running association stress test type %s in iteration %s times' %
-            (test_type, iterations))
+            f"Running association stress test type {test.test_type} in "
+            f"iteration {test.iterations} times"
+        )
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
+        self.start_soft_ap(test.soft_ap_params)
         passed_count = 0
-        for run in range(iterations):
+        for run in range(test.iterations):
-                self.log.info('Starting SoftAp association run %s' %
-                              str(run + 1))
+                self.log.info(f"Starting SoftAp association run {str(run + 1)}")
-                if test_type == TEST_TYPE_ASSOCIATE_ONLY:
-                    self.verify_soft_ap_associate_only(client, soft_ap_params)
+                if test.test_type == TestType.ASSOCIATE_ONLY:
+                    self.associate_with_soft_ap(
+                        self.primary_client, test.soft_ap_params
+                    )
-                elif test_type == TEST_TYPE_ASSOCIATE_AND_PING:
-                    self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_ping(
-                        client, soft_ap_params)
+                elif test.test_type == TestType.ASSOCIATE_AND_PING:
+                    self.associate_with_soft_ap(
+                        self.primary_client, test.soft_ap_params
+                    )
+                    self.assert_connected_to_ap(self.primary_client, self.dut)
-                elif test_type == TEST_TYPE_ASSOCIATE_AND_PASS_TRAFFIC:
-                    self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(
-                        client, soft_ap_params)
+                elif test.test_type == TestType.ASSOCIATE_AND_PASS_TRAFFIC:
+                    self.associate_with_soft_ap(
+                        self.primary_client, test.soft_ap_params
+                    )
+                    self.assert_connected_to_ap(
+                        self.primary_client, self.dut, check_traffic=True
+                    )
-                    raise AttributeError('Invalid test type: %s' % test_type)
+                    raise AttributeError(f"Invalid test type: {test.test_type}")
             except signals.TestFailure as err:
-                    'SoftAp association stress run %s failed. Err: %s' %
-                    (str(run + 1), err.details))
+                    f"SoftAp association stress run {str(run + 1)} failed. "
+                    f"Err: {err.details}"
+                )
-                self.log.info('SoftAp association stress run %s successful.' %
-                              str(run + 1))
+                self.log.info(
+                    f"SoftAp association stress run {str(run + 1)} successful."
+                )
                 passed_count += 1
-        if passed_count < iterations:
+        if passed_count < test.iterations:
-                'SoftAp association stress test passed on %s/%s runs.' %
-                (passed_count, iterations))
+                "SoftAp association stress test failed after "
+                f"{passed_count}/{test.iterations} runs."
+            )
-            'SoftAp association stress test passed on %s/%s runs.' %
-            (passed_count, iterations))
+            f"SoftAp association stress test passed after {passed_count}/{test.iterations} "
+            "runs."
+        )
-# Alternate SoftAP and Client mode test
+    # Alternate SoftAP and Client mode test
-    def run_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_test(self, settings):
+    def run_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_test(
+        self, test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams
+    ):
         """Runs a single soft_ap and client alternating stress test.
         See test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress for details.
-        iterations = settings['iterations']
-        pass_count = 0
-        current_soft_ap_state = STATE_DOWN
-        current_client_mode_state = STATE_DOWN
+        if self.access_point is None:
+            raise signals.TestSkip("No access point provided")
-        self.client_mode_toggle_pre_test(settings)
-        for iteration in range(iterations):
-            passes = True
+        test.ap_params.setup_ap(self.access_point)
-            # Attempt to toggle SoftAP on, then off. If the first toggle fails
-            # to occur, exit early.
-            for _ in range(2):
-                (current_soft_ap_state, err) = self.run_toggle_iteration_func(
-                    self.soft_ap_toggle_test_iteration, settings,
-                    current_soft_ap_state)
-                if err:
-                    self.log.error('Iteration %s failed. Err: %s' %
-                                   (str(iteration + 1), err))
-                    passes = False
-                if current_soft_ap_state == STATE_DOWN:
-                    break
+        for _ in range(test.iterations):
+            # Toggle SoftAP on then off.
+            self.toggle_soft_ap(test.soft_ap_params, STATE_DOWN)
+            self.toggle_soft_ap(test.soft_ap_params, STATE_UP)
-            # Attempt to toggle Client mode on, then off. If the first toggle,
-            # fails to occur, exit early.
-            for _ in range(2):
-                (current_client_mode_state,
-                 err) = self.run_toggle_iteration_func(
-                     self.client_mode_toggle_test_iteration, settings,
-                     current_client_mode_state)
-                if err:
-                    self.log.error('Iteration %s failed. Err: %s' %
-                                   (str(iteration + 1), err))
-                    passes = False
-                if current_client_mode_state == STATE_DOWN:
-                    break
+            # Toggle client mode on then off.
+            self.toggle_client_mode(self.access_point, test.ap_params, STATE_DOWN)
+            self.toggle_client_mode(self.access_point, test.ap_params, STATE_UP)
-            if passes:
-                pass_count += 1
+    # Toggle Stress Test Helper Functions
-        if pass_count == iterations:
-            asserts.explicit_pass(
-                'Toggle SoftAP and client mode stress test passed %s/%s times.'
-                % (pass_count, iterations))
-        else:
-            asserts.fail(
-                'Toggle SoftAP and client mode stress test only passed %s/%s '
-                'times.' % (pass_count, iterations))
+    # Stress Test Toggle Functions
-# Toggle Stress Test Helper Functions
-    def run_toggle_stress_test(self, settings):
-        """Runner function for toggle stress tests.
-        Repeats some test function through stress test iterations, logging
-        failures, tracking pass rate, managing states, etc.
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, stress test settings
-        Asserts:
-            PASS: if all iterations of the test function pass
-            FAIL: if any iteration of the test function fails
-        """
-        test_runner_func = settings['test_runner_func']
-        pre_test_func = settings.get('pre_test_func', None)
-        iterations = settings['iterations']
-        if pre_test_func:
-            pre_test_func(settings)
-        pass_count = 0
-        current_state = STATE_DOWN
-        for iteration in range(iterations):
-            (current_state,
-             err) = self.run_toggle_iteration_func(test_runner_func, settings,
-                                                   current_state)
-            if err:
-                self.log.error('Iteration %s failed. Err: %s' %
-                               (str(iteration + 1), err))
-            else:
-                pass_count += 1
-        if pass_count == iterations:
-            asserts.explicit_pass('Stress test passed %s/%s times.' %
-                                  (pass_count, iterations))
-        else:
-            asserts.fail('Stress test only passed %s/%s '
-                         'times.' % (pass_count, iterations))
-    def run_toggle_iteration_func(self, func, settings, current_state):
-        """Runs a toggle iteration function, updating the current state
-        based on what the toggle iteration function raises.
-        Used for toggle stress tests.
-        Note on EnvironmentError vs StressTestIterationFailure:
-            StressTestIterationFailure is raised by func when the toggle occurs
-                but connectivty or some other post-toggle check fails (i.e. the
-                next iteration should toggle to the next state.)
-            EnvironmentError is raise by func when the toggle itself fails (i.e
-                the next iteration should retry the same toggle again.)
-        Args:
-            func: toggle iteration func to run (e.g soft_ap_toggle_iteration)
-            settings: dict, stress test settings
-            current_state: bool, the current state of the mode being toggled
-        Returns:
-            (new_state, err):
-                new_state: bool, state of the mode after toggle attempt
-                err: exception, if any are raise, else None
-        """
-        try:
-            func(settings, current_state)
-        except EnvironmentError as err:
-            return (current_state, err)
-        except StressTestIterationFailure as err:
-            return (not current_state, err)
-        else:
-            return (not current_state, None)
-# Stress Test Toggle Functions
-    def start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(self, client, soft_ap_params):
+    def start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(
+        self, client: SupportsWLAN, soft_ap_params: SoftAPParams
+    ):
         """Sets up SoftAP, associates a client, then verifies connection.
@@ -820,19 +878,10 @@
             is not functioning as expected
         # Change SSID every time, to avoid client connection issues.
-        soft_ap_params['ssid'] = utils.rand_ascii_str(
-            hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        soft_ap_params.ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
-        associated = self.associate_with_soft_ap(client, soft_ap_params)
-        if not associated:
-            raise StressTestIterationFailure(
-                'Failed to associated client to DUT SoftAP. '
-                'Continuing with iterations.')
-        if not self.verify_soft_ap_connectivity_from_state(STATE_UP, client):
-            raise StressTestIterationFailure(
-                'Failed to ping between client and DUT. Continuing '
-                'with iterations.')
+        self.associate_with_soft_ap(client, soft_ap_params)
+        self.assert_connected_to_ap(client, self.dut)
     def stop_soft_ap_and_verify_disconnected(self, client, soft_ap_params):
         """Tears down SoftAP, and verifies connection is down.
@@ -844,15 +893,13 @@
             EnvironmentError, if client and AP can still communicate
-        self.log.info('Stopping SoftAP on DUT.')
+        self.log.info("Stopping SoftAP on DUT.")
+        self.assert_disconnected_to_ap(client, self.dut)
-        if not self.verify_soft_ap_connectivity_from_state(STATE_DOWN, client):
-            raise EnvironmentError(
-                'Client can still ping DUT. Continuing with '
-                'iterations.')
-    def start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(self, ap_params):
+    def start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(
+        self, access_point: AccessPoint, ap_params: APParams
+    ):
         """Connects DUT to AP in client mode and verifies connection
@@ -863,52 +910,47 @@
             StressTestIterationFailure, if DUT associates but connection is not
                 functioning as expected.
-        ap_ssid = ap_params['ssid']
-        ap_password = ap_params['password']
-        ap_channel = ap_params['channel']
-        ap_security = ap_params.get('security')
-        if ap_security:
-            ap_security_mode = ap_security.security_mode_string
-        else:
-            ap_security_mode = None
-        self.log.info('Associating DUT with AP network: %s' % ap_ssid)
+        self.log.info(f"Associating DUT with AP network: {ap_params.ssid}")
         associated = self.dut.associate(
-            target_ssid=ap_ssid,
-            target_pwd=ap_password,
-            target_security=hostapd_constants.
-                ap_security_mode, None))
+            target_ssid=ap_params.ssid,
+            target_pwd=ap_params.password,
+            target_security=ap_params.security.security_mode,
+        )
         if not associated:
-            raise EnvironmentError('Failed to associate DUT in client mode.')
+            raise EnvironmentError("Failed to associate DUT in client mode.")
-            self.log.info('Association successful.')
+            self.log.info("Association successful.")
-        if not self.verify_client_mode_connectivity_from_state(
-                STATE_UP, ap_channel):
-            raise StressTestIterationFailure('Failed to ping AP from DUT.')
+        self.assert_connected_to_ap(self.dut, access_point, channel=ap_params.channel)
-    def stop_client_mode_and_verify_disconnected(self, ap_params):
+    def stop_client_mode_and_verify_disconnected(
+        self, access_point: AccessPoint, ap_params: APParams
+    ):
         """Disconnects DUT from AP and verifies connection is down.
-            ap_params: dict, containing parameters of the AP network
+            ap_params: containing parameters of the AP network
             EnvironmentError, if DUT and AP can still communicate
-        self.log.info('Disconnecting DUT from AP.')
+        self.log.info("Disconnecting DUT from AP.")
-        if not self.verify_client_mode_connectivity_from_state(
-                STATE_DOWN, ap_params['channel']):
-            raise EnvironmentError('DUT can still ping AP.')
+        self.assert_disconnected_to_ap(
+            self.dut, access_point, channel=ap_params.channel
+        )
-# Toggle Stress Test Iteration and Pre-Test Functions
+    # Toggle Stress Test Iteration and Pre-Test Functions
-# SoftAP Toggle Stress Test Helper Functions
+    # SoftAP Toggle Stress Test Helper Functions
-    def soft_ap_toggle_test_iteration(self, settings, current_state):
+    def soft_ap_toggle_test(self, test: ToggleTestParams) -> None:
+        current_state = STATE_DOWN
+        for i in range(test.iterations):
+            self.toggle_soft_ap(test.soft_ap_params, current_state)
+            current_state = not current_state
+    def toggle_soft_ap(self, soft_ap_params: SoftAPParams, current_state: bool):
         """Runs a single iteration of SoftAP toggle stress test
@@ -921,42 +963,45 @@
                 functioning correctly.
             EnvironmentError, if toggle fails to occur at all
-        soft_ap_params = settings['soft_ap_params']
-        self.log.info('Toggling SoftAP %s.' %
-                      ('down' if current_state else 'up'))
+        self.log.info(f"Toggling SoftAP {'down' if current_state else 'up'}.")
         if current_state == STATE_DOWN:
-            self.start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(self.primary_client,
-                                                    soft_ap_params)
+            self.start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(self.primary_client, soft_ap_params)
-            self.stop_soft_ap_and_verify_disconnected(self.primary_client,
-                                                      soft_ap_params)
+            self.stop_soft_ap_and_verify_disconnected(
+                self.primary_client, soft_ap_params
+            )
-# Client Mode Toggle Stress Test Helper Functions
+    # Client Mode Toggle Stress Test Helper Functions
-    def client_mode_toggle_pre_test(self, settings):
-        """Prepares the AP before client mode toggle tests
+    def client_mode_toggle_test(self, test: ClientModeToggleTestParams) -> None:
+        if self.access_point is None:
+            raise signals.TestSkip("No access point provided")
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, stress test settings
+        test.ap_params.setup_ap(self.access_point)
-        Raises:
-            ConnectionError, if AP setup fails
-        """
-        ap_params = settings['ap_params']
-        ap_channel = ap_params['channel']
-        ap_profile = ap_params.pop('profile')
-        self.log.info('Setting up AP with params: %s' % ap_params)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=ap_profile,
-                 **ap_params)
-        # Confirms AP assigned itself an address
-        ap_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(self.access_point,
-                                                      channel=ap_channel)
-        self.wait_for_ipv4_address(self.access_point, ap_interface)
+        current_state = STATE_DOWN
+        for i in range(test.iterations):
+            self.log.info(
+                f"Iteration {i}: toggling client mode {'off' if current_state else 'on'}."
+            )
+            self.toggle_client_mode(self.access_point, test.ap_params, current_state)
+            current_state = not current_state
-    def client_mode_toggle_test_iteration(self, settings, current_state):
+    def toggle_client_mode(
+        self, access_point: AccessPoint, ap_params: APParams, current_state: bool
+    ) -> None:
+        if current_state == STATE_DOWN:
+            self.start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(access_point, ap_params)
+        else:
+            self.stop_client_mode_and_verify_disconnected(access_point, ap_params)
+    # TODO: Remove
+    def client_mode_toggle_test_iteration(
+        self,
+        test: ClientModeToggleTestParams,
+        access_point: AccessPoint,
+        current_state: bool,
+    ):
         """Runs a single iteration of client mode toggle stress test
@@ -969,516 +1014,90 @@
                 functioning correctly.
             EnvironmentError, if toggle fails to occur at all
-        ap_params = settings['ap_params']
-        self.log.info('Toggling client mode %s' %
-                      ('off' if current_state else 'on'))
+        self.log.info(f"Toggling client mode {'off' if current_state else 'on'}")
         if current_state == STATE_DOWN:
-            self.start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(ap_params)
+            self.start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(access_point, test.ap_params)
-            self.stop_client_mode_and_verify_disconnected(ap_params)
+            self.stop_client_mode_and_verify_disconnected(access_point, test.ap_params)
-# Toggle SoftAP with Client Mode Up Test Helper Functions
+    # Toggle SoftAP with Client Mode Up Test Helper Functions
-    def soft_ap_toggle_with_client_mode_pre_test(self, settings):
-        """Sets up and verifies client mode before SoftAP toggle test.
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, stress test settings
+    def soft_ap_toggle_with_client_mode_test(
+        self, test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams
+    ) -> None:
+        if self.access_point is None:
+            raise signals.TestSkip("No access point provided")
-        Raises:
-            ConnectionError, if client mode setup fails
-        """
-        self.client_mode_toggle_pre_test(settings)
-        try:
-            self.start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(settings['ap_params'])
-        except StressTestIterationFailure as err:
-            # This prevents it being treated as a routine error
-            raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to set up DUT client mode before SoftAP toggle test.'
-                'Err: %s' % err)
+        test.ap_params.setup_ap(self.access_point)
+        self.start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(self.access_point, test.ap_params)
-    def soft_ap_toggle_with_client_mode_iteration(
-        self,
-        settings,
-        current_state,
-    ):
-        """Runs single iteration of SoftAP toggle stress with client mode test.
+        current_state = STATE_DOWN
+        for i in range(test.iterations):
+            self.toggle_soft_ap(test.soft_ap_params, current_state)
+            self.assert_connected_to_ap(
+                self.dut, self.access_point, channel=test.ap_params.channel
+            )
+            current_state = not current_state
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, containing test settings
-            current_state: bool, current state of SoftAP (True if up,
-                else False)
+    # Toggle Client Mode with SoftAP Up Test Helper Functions
-        Raises:
-            StressTestIterationFailure, if toggle occurs but mode isn't
-                functioning correctly.
-            EnvironmentError, if toggle fails to occur at all
-        """
-        ap_params = settings['ap_params']
-        ap_channel = ap_params['channel']
-        self.soft_ap_toggle_test_iteration(settings, current_state)
-        if not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(
-                self.dut, self.access_point, channel=ap_channel):
-            raise StressTestIterationFailure(
-                'DUT client mode is no longer functional after SoftAP toggle.')
+    def client_mode_toggle_with_soft_ap_test(
+        self, test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams
+    ) -> None:
+        if self.access_point is None:
+            raise signals.TestSkip("No access point provided")
-# Toggle Client Mode with SoftAP Up Test Helper Functions
+        test.ap_params.setup_ap(self.access_point)
+        self.start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(
+            self.primary_client, test.soft_ap_params
+        )
-    def client_mode_toggle_with_soft_ap_pre_test(self, settings):
-        """Sets up and verifies softap before client mode toggle test.
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, stress test settings
+        current_state = STATE_DOWN
+        for i in range(test.iterations):
+            self.toggle_client_mode(self.access_point, test.ap_params, current_state)
+            self.assert_connected_to_ap(self.primary_client, self.dut)
+            current_state = not current_state
-        Raises:
-            ConnectionError, if softap setup fails
-        """
-        self.client_mode_toggle_pre_test(settings)
-        try:
-            self.start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(self.primary_client,
-                                                    settings['soft_ap_params'])
-        except StressTestIterationFailure as err:
-            # This prevents it being treated as a routine error
-            raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to set up SoftAP before client mode toggle test. Err: %s'
-                % err)
+    # Toggle SoftAP and Client Mode Randomly
-    def client_mode_toggle_with_soft_ap_iteration(self, settings,
-                                                  current_state):
-        """Runs single iteration of client mode toggle stress with SoftAP test.
+    def soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_test(
+        self, test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams
+    ) -> None:
+        if self.access_point is None:
+            raise signals.TestSkip("No access point provided")
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, containing test settings
-            current_state: bool, current state of client mode (True if up,
-                else False)
+        test.ap_params.setup_ap(self.access_point)
-        Raises:
-            StressTestIterationFailure, if toggle occurs but mode isn't
-                functioning correctly.
-            EnvironmentError, if toggle fails to occur at all
-        """
-        self.client_mode_toggle_test_iteration(settings, current_state)
-        if not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(self.primary_client, self.dut):
-            raise StressTestIterationFailure(
-                'SoftAP is no longer functional after client mode toggle.')
-# Toggle SoftAP and Client Mode Randomly
-    def run_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress_test(self, settings):
-        """Runner function for SoftAP and client mode random toggle tests.
-        Each iteration, randomly chooses if a mode will be toggled or not.
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, containing test settings
-        """
-        iterations = settings['iterations']
-        pass_count = 0
         current_soft_ap_state = STATE_DOWN
         current_client_mode_state = STATE_DOWN
-        ap_channel = settings['ap_params']['channel']
-        self.client_mode_toggle_pre_test(settings)
-        for iteration in range(iterations):
-            self.log.info('Starting iteration %s out of %s.' %
-                          (str(iteration + 1), iterations))
-            passes = True
+        for i in range(test.iterations):
             # Randomly determine if softap, client mode, or both should
             # be toggled.
             rand_toggle_choice = random.randrange(0, 3)
             if rand_toggle_choice <= 1:
-                (current_soft_ap_state, err) = self.run_toggle_iteration_func(
-                    self.soft_ap_toggle_test_iteration, settings,
-                    current_soft_ap_state)
-                if err:
-                    self.log.error(
-                        'Iteration %s failed toggling SoftAP. Err: %s' %
-                        (str(iteration + 1), err))
-                    passes = False
+                self.toggle_soft_ap(test.soft_ap_params, current_soft_ap_state)
+                current_soft_ap_state = not current_soft_ap_state
             if rand_toggle_choice >= 1:
-                (current_client_mode_state,
-                 err) = self.run_toggle_iteration_func(
-                     self.client_mode_toggle_test_iteration, settings,
-                     current_client_mode_state)
-                if err:
-                    self.log.error(
-                        'Iteration %s failed toggling client mode. Err: %s' %
-                        (str(iteration + 1), err))
-                    passes = False
+                self.toggle_client_mode(
+                    self.access_point, test.ap_params, current_client_mode_state
+                )
+                current_client_mode_state = not current_client_mode_state
-            soft_ap_verified = self.verify_soft_ap_connectivity_from_state(
-                current_soft_ap_state, self.primary_client)
-            client_mode_verified = self.verify_client_mode_connectivity_from_state(
-                current_client_mode_state, ap_channel)
+            if current_soft_ap_state == STATE_UP:
+                self.assert_connected_to_ap(self.primary_client, self.dut)
+            else:
+                self.assert_disconnected_to_ap(self.primary_client, self.dut)
-            if not soft_ap_verified or not client_mode_verified:
-                passes = False
-            if passes:
-                pass_count += 1
+            if current_client_mode_state == STATE_UP:
+                self.assert_connected_to_ap(
+                    self.dut, self.access_point, channel=test.ap_params.channel
+                )
+            else:
+                self.assert_disconnected_to_ap(
+                    self.dut, self.access_point, channel=test.ap_params.channel
+                )
-        if pass_count == iterations:
-            asserts.explicit_pass('Stress test passed %s/%s times.' %
-                                  (pass_count, iterations))
-        else:
-            asserts.fail('Stress test only passed %s/%s '
-                         'times.' % (pass_count, iterations))
-# Test Cases
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_open_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_OPEN,
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_open_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_OPEN,
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_open_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_OPEN,
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wep_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WEP,
-            'password': generate_random_password(security_mode=SECURITY_WEP),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wep_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WEP,
-            'password': generate_random_password(security_mode=SECURITY_WEP),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wep_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WEP,
-            'password': generate_random_password(security_mode=SECURITY_WEP),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client, )
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wpa_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wpa_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wpa_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wpa2_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA2,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wpa2_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA2,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wpa2_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA2,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wpa3_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA3,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wpa3_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA3,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wpa3_local(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA3,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_LOCAL,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_open_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_OPEN,
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_open_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_OPEN,
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_open_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_OPEN,
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wep_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WEP,
-            'password': generate_random_password(security_mode=SECURITY_WEP),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wep_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WEP,
-            'password': generate_random_password(security_mode=SECURITY_WEP),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wep_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WEP,
-            'password': generate_random_password(security_mode=SECURITY_WEP),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wpa_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wpa_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wpa_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wpa2_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA2,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wpa2_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA2,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_5G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wpa2_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA2,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_2g_wpa3_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA3,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_2G
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_5g_wpa3_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA3,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
-    def test_soft_ap_any_wpa3_unrestricted(self):
-        soft_ap_params = {
-            'ssid': utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G),
-            'security_type': SECURITY_WPA3,
-            'password': generate_random_password(),
-            'connectivity_mode': CONNECTIVITY_MODE_UNRESTRICTED,
-            'operating_band': OPERATING_BAND_ANY
-        }
-        self.start_soft_ap(soft_ap_params)
-        self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_pass_traffic(self.primary_client,
-                                                       soft_ap_params)
+    # Test Cases
     def test_multi_client(self):
         """Tests multi-client association with a single soft AP network.
@@ -1501,82 +1120,77 @@
-        asserts.skip_if(
-            len(self.clients) < 2, 'Test requires at least 2 SoftAPClients')
+        asserts.skip_if(len(self.clients) < 2, "Test requires at least 2 SoftAPClients")
-        test_params = self.soft_ap_test_params.get('multi_client_test_params',
-                                                   {})
-        soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-            test_params.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
+        test_params = self.soft_ap_test_params.get("multi_client_test_params", {})
+        soft_ap_params = SoftAPParams.from_dict(test_params.get("soft_ap_params", {}))
-        associated = []
+        associated: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
         for client in self.clients:
             # Associate new client
-            self.verify_soft_ap_associate_and_ping(client, soft_ap_params)
+            self.associate_with_soft_ap(client, soft_ap_params)
+            self.assert_connected_to_ap(client, self.dut)
             # Verify previously associated clients still behave as expected
             for associated_client in associated:
+                id = associated_client["device"].identifier
-                    'Verifying previously associated client %s still functions correctly.'
-                    % associated_client['device'].identifier)
-                if not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(
-                        associated_client['device'], self.dut,
-                        check_traffic=True):
-                    asserts.fail(
-                        'Previously associated client %s failed checks after '
-                        'client %s associated.' %
-                        (associated_client['device'].identifier,
-                         client.identifier))
+                    f"Verifying previously associated client {id} still "
+                    "functions correctly."
+                )
+                self.assert_connected_to_ap(
+                    associated_client["device"], self.dut, check_traffic=True
+                )
-            client_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(client)
+            client_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(client, DeviceRole.CLIENT)
             client_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(client, client_interface)
             associated.append({"device": client, "address": client_ipv4})
-        self.log.info('All devices successfully associated.')
+        self.log.info("All devices successfully associated.")
-        self.log.info('Verifying all associated clients can ping eachother.')
+        self.log.info("Verifying all associated clients can ping eachother.")
         for transmitter in associated:
             for receiver in associated:
                 if transmitter != receiver:
-                    if not transmitter['device'].can_ping(receiver['address']):
+                    if not transmitter["device"].can_ping(receiver["address"]):
-                            'Could not ping from one associated client (%s) to another (%s).'
-                            % (transmitter['address'], receiver['address']))
+                            "Could not ping from one associated client "
+                            f"({transmitter['address']}) to another "
+                            f"({receiver['address']})."
+                        )
-                            'Successfully pinged from associated client (%s) to another (%s)'
-                            % (transmitter['address'], receiver['address']))
+                            "Successfully pinged from associated client "
+                            f"({transmitter['address']}) to another "
+                            f"({receiver['address']})"
+                        )
-            'All associated clients can ping eachother. Beginning disassociations.'
+            "All associated clients can ping each other. Beginning disassociations."
         while len(associated) > 0:
             # Disassociate client
-            client = associated.pop()['device']
+            client = associated.pop()["device"]
             # Verify still connected clients still behave as expected
             for associated_client in associated:
+                id = associated_client["device"].identifier
-                    'Verifying still associated client %s still functions '
-                    'correctly.' % associated_client['device'].identifier)
-                if not self.device_is_connected_to_ap(
-                        associated_client['device'], self.dut,
-                        check_traffic=True):
-                    asserts.fail(
-                        'Previously associated client %s failed checks after'
-                        ' client %s disassociated.' %
-                        (associated_client['device'].identifier,
-                         client.identifier))
+                    f"Verifying still associated client {id} still functions correctly."
+                )
+                self.assert_connected_to_ap(
+                    associated_client["device"], self.dut, check_traffic=True
+                )
-        self.log.info('All disassociations occurred smoothly.')
+        self.log.info("All disassociations occurred smoothly.")
     def test_simultaneous_soft_ap_and_client(self):
-        """ Tests FuchsiaDevice DUT can act as a client and a SoftAP
+        """Tests FuchsiaDevice DUT can act as a client and a SoftAP
@@ -1585,73 +1199,73 @@
             TestFailure: if DUT fails to pass traffic as either a client or an
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.access_point, 'No access point provided.')
+        if self.access_point is None:
+            raise signals.TestSkip("No access point provided")
-        self.log.info('Setting up AP using hostapd.')
-        test_params = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'soft_ap_and_client_test_params', {})
+        self.log.info("Setting up AP using hostapd.")
+        test_params = self.soft_ap_test_params.get("soft_ap_and_client_test_params", {})
         # Configure AP
-        ap_params = get_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-            test_params.get('ap_params', {}))
+        ap_params = APParams.from_dict(test_params.get("ap_params", {}))
         # Setup AP and associate DUT
-        ap_profile = ap_params.pop('profile')
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name=ap_profile,
-                 **ap_params)
+        ap_params.setup_ap(self.access_point)
-            self.start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(ap_params)
+            self.start_client_mode_and_verify_connected(self.access_point, ap_params)
         except Exception as err:
-            asserts.fail('Failed to set up client mode. Err: %s' % err)
+            asserts.fail(f"Failed to set up client mode. Err: {err}")
         # Setup SoftAP
-        soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-            test_params.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
-        self.start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(self.primary_client,
-                                                soft_ap_params)
+        soft_ap_params = SoftAPParams.from_dict(test_params.get("soft_ap_params", {}))
+        self.start_soft_ap_and_verify_connected(self.primary_client, soft_ap_params)
         # Get FuchsiaDevice test interfaces
-        dut_ap_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(
-            self.dut, role=INTERFACE_ROLE_AP)
+        dut_ap_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(self.dut, role=DeviceRole.AP)
         dut_client_interface = self.get_device_test_interface(
-            self.dut, role=INTERFACE_ROLE_CLIENT)
+            self.dut, role=DeviceRole.CLIENT
+        )
         # Get FuchsiaDevice addresses
         dut_ap_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(self.dut, dut_ap_interface)
-        dut_client_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(self.dut,
-                                                     dut_client_interface)
+        dut_client_ipv4 = self.wait_for_ipv4_address(self.dut, dut_client_interface)
         # Set up secondary iperf server of FuchsiaDevice
-        self.log.info('Setting up second iperf server on FuchsiaDevice DUT.')
+        self.log.info("Setting up second iperf server on FuchsiaDevice DUT.")
         secondary_iperf_server = iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh(
-            self.iperf_server_config, DEFAULT_IPERF_PORT + 1, use_killall=True)
+            self.iperf_server_settings, DEFAULT_IPERF_PORT + 1, use_killall=True
+        )
         # Set up iperf client on AP
-        self.log.info('Setting up iperf client on AP.')
+        self.log.info("Setting up iperf client on AP.")
         ap_iperf_client = iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh(
-            self.user_params['AccessPoint'][0]['ssh_config'])
+            self.access_point.ssh_provider,
+        )
         # Setup iperf processes:
         #     Primary client <-> SoftAP interface on FuchsiaDevice
         #     AP <-> Client interface on FuchsiaDevice
-        process_errors = mp.Queue()
+        process_errors: mp.Queue = mp.Queue()
         iperf_soft_ap = mp.Process(
-                self.iperf_clients_map[self.primary_client], dut_ap_ipv4,
-                process_errors
-            ])
+                self.iperf_clients_map[self.primary_client],
+                dut_ap_ipv4,
+                process_errors,
+            ],
+        )
         iperf_fuchsia_client = mp.Process(
             args=[ap_iperf_client, dut_client_ipv4, process_errors],
-            kwargs={'server_port': 5202})
+            kwargs={"server_port": 5202},
+        )
         # Run iperf processes simultaneously
-        self.log.info('Running simultaneous iperf traffic: between AP and DUT '
-                      'client interface, and DUT AP interface and client.')
+        self.log.info(
+            "Running simultaneous iperf traffic: between AP and DUT "
+            "client interface, and DUT AP interface and client."
+        )
@@ -1662,7 +1276,7 @@
             if proc.is_alive():
-                raise RuntimeError('Failed to join process %s' % proc)
+                raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to join process {proc}")
         # Stop iperf server (also stopped in teardown class as failsafe)
@@ -1670,72 +1284,56 @@
         # Check errors from parallel processes
         if process_errors.empty():
-                'FuchsiaDevice was successfully able to pass traffic as a '
-                'client and an AP simultaneously.')
+                "FuchsiaDevice was successfully able to pass traffic as a "
+                "client and an AP simultaneously."
+            )
             while not process_errors.empty():
-                self.log.error('Error in iperf process: %s' %
-                               process_errors.get())
+                self.log.error(f"Error in iperf process: {process_errors.get()}")
-                'FuchsiaDevice failed to pass traffic as a client and an AP '
-                'simultaneously.')
+                "FuchsiaDevice failed to pass traffic as a client and an AP "
+                "simultaneously."
+            )
-    def test_soft_ap_association_stress(self):
-        """ Sets up a single AP and repeatedly associate/disassociate
-        a client, verifying connection every time
+    def generate_association_stress_tests(self):
+        """Repeatedly associate and disassociate a client.
-        Each test creates 1 SoftAP and repeatedly associates/disassociates
-        client.
+        Creates one SoftAP and uses one client.
-        Example Config
-        "soft_ap_test_params" : {
-            "soft_ap_association_stress_tests": [
-                {
-                    "ssid": "test_network",
-                    "security_type": "wpa2",
-                    "password": "password",
-                    "connectivity_mode": "local_only",
-                    "operating_band": "only_2_4_ghz",
-                    "iterations": 10
-                }
-            ]
-        }
+        Example config:
+        soft_ap_test_params:
+          soft_ap_association_stress_tests:
+          - soft_ap_params:
+              ssid: "test_network"
+              security_type: "wpa2"
+              password: "password"
+              connectivity_mode: "local_only"
+              operating_band: "only_2_4_ghz"
+            iterations: 10
-        tests = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'test_soft_ap_association_stress',
-            [dict(test_name='test_soft_ap_association_stress_default')])
+        test_specs: list[dict[str, Any]] = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
+            "test_soft_ap_association_stress",
+            [],
+        )
-        test_settings_list = []
-        for config_settings in tests:
-            soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
-            test_type = config_settings.get('test_type',
-                                            'associate_and_pass_traffic')
-            iterations = config_settings.get('iterations',
-                                             DEFAULT_STRESS_TEST_ITERATIONS)
-            test_settings = {
-                'test_name':
-                config_settings.get(
-                    'test_name',
-                    'test_soft_ap_association_stress_%s_iterations' %
-                    iterations),
-                'client':
-                self.primary_client,
-                'soft_ap_params':
-                soft_ap_params,
-                'test_type':
-                test_type,
-                'iterations':
-                iterations
-            }
-            test_settings_list.append(test_settings)
+        tests = [AssociationStressTestParams.from_dict(spec) for spec in test_specs]
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.run_soft_ap_association_stress_test,
-                                     test_settings_list,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name_from_settings)
+        if len(tests) == 0:
+            # Add default test
+            tests.append(AssociationStressTestParams.from_dict({}))
-    def test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress(self):
-        """ Runs tests that alternate between SoftAP and Client modes.
+        def generate_name(test: AssociationStressTestParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_association_stress_{test}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.run_soft_ap_association_stress_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
+    def generate_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress_tests(self):
+        """Alternate between SoftAP and Client modes.
         Each tests sets up an AP. Then, for each iteration:
             - DUT starts up SoftAP, client associates with SoftAP,
@@ -1744,286 +1342,192 @@
         Example Config:
-        "soft_ap_test_params": {
-            "toggle_soft_ap_and_client_tests": [
-                {
-                    "test_name": "test_wpa2_client_ap_toggle",
-                    "ap_params": {
-                        "channel": 6,
-                        "ssid": "test-ap-network",
-                        "security_mode": "wpa2",
-                        "password": "password"
-                    },
-                    "soft_ap_params": {
-                        "ssid": "test-soft-ap-network",
-                        "security_type": "wpa2",
-                        "password": "other-password",
-                        "connectivity_mode": "local_only",
-                        "operating_band": "only_2_4_ghz"
-                    },
-                    "iterations": 5
-                }
-            ]
-        }
+        soft_ap_test_params:
+          toggle_soft_ap_and_client_tests:
+          - ap_params:
+              ssid: "test-ap-network"
+              security_mode: "wpa2"
+              password: "password"
+              channel: 6
+            soft_ap_params:
+              ssid: "test-soft-ap-network"
+              security_type: "wpa2"
+              password: "other-password"
+              connectivity_mode: "local_only"
+              operating_band: "only_2_4_ghz"
+            iterations: 5
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.access_point, 'No access point provided.')
-        tests = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress', [
-                dict(test_name=
-                     'test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress_default')
-            ])
+        test_specs: list[dict[str, Any]] = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
+            "toggle_soft_ap_and_client_tests",
+            [],
+        )
-        test_settings_list = []
-        for config_settings in tests:
-            ap_params = get_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('ap_params', {}))
-            soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
-            iterations = config_settings.get('iterations',
-                                             DEFAULT_STRESS_TEST_ITERATIONS)
+        tests = [ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict(spec) for spec in test_specs]
-            test_settings = {
-                'test_name':
-                config_settings.get(
-                    'test_name',
-                    'test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress_%s_iterations'
-                    % iterations),
-                'iterations':
-                iterations,
-                'soft_ap_params':
-                soft_ap_params,
-                'ap_params':
-                ap_params,
-            }
+        if len(tests) == 0:
+            # Add default test
+            tests.append(ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict({}))
-            test_settings_list.append(test_settings)
-        self.run_generated_testcases(
-            test_func=self.run_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_test,
-            settings=test_settings_list,
-            name_func=get_test_name_from_settings)
+        def generate_name(test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_stress_{test}"
-    def test_soft_ap_toggle_stress(self):
-        """ Runs SoftAP toggling stress test.
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.run_soft_ap_and_client_mode_alternating_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
-        Each iteration toggles SoftAP to the opposite state (up or down).
+    def generate_soft_ap_toggle_stress_tests(self):
+        """Toggle SoftAP up and down.
         If toggled up, a client is associated and connection is verified
         If toggled down, test verifies client is not connected
         Will run with default params, but custom tests can be provided in the
-        ACTS config.
+        Mobly config.
         Example Config
-        "soft_ap_test_params" : {
-            "test_soft_ap_toggle_stress": [
-                "soft_ap_params": {
-                    "security_type": "wpa2",
-                    "password": "password",
-                    "connectivity_mode": "local_only",
-                    "operating_band": "only_2_4_ghz",
-                },
-                "iterations": 10
-            ]
-        }
+        soft_ap_test_params:
+          test_soft_ap_toggle_stress:
+            soft_ap_params:
+              security_type: "wpa2"
+              password: "password"
+              connectivity_mode: "local_only"
+              operating_band: "only_2_4_ghz"
+            iterations: 5
-        tests = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'test_soft_ap_toggle_stress',
-            [dict(test_name='test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_default')])
+        test_specs: list[dict[str, Any]] = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
+            "test_soft_ap_toggle_stress",
+            [],
+        )
-        test_settings_list = []
-        for config_settings in tests:
-            soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
-            iterations = config_settings.get('iterations',
-                                             DEFAULT_STRESS_TEST_ITERATIONS)
-            test_settings = {
-                'test_name':
-                config_settings.get(
-                    'test_name',
-                    'test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_%s_iterations' % iterations),
-                'test_runner_func':
-                self.soft_ap_toggle_test_iteration,
-                'soft_ap_params':
-                soft_ap_params,
-                'iterations':
-                iterations
-            }
-            test_settings_list.append(test_settings)
+        tests = [ToggleTestParams.from_dict(spec) for spec in test_specs]
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.run_toggle_stress_test,
-                                     test_settings_list,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name_from_settings)
+        if len(tests) == 0:
+            # Add default test
+            tests.append(ToggleTestParams.from_dict({}))
-    def test_client_mode_toggle_stress(self):
-        """ Runs client mode toggling stress test.
+        def generate_name(test: ToggleTestParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_{test}"
-        Each iteration toggles client mode to the opposite state (up or down).
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.soft_ap_toggle_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
+    def generate_client_mode_toggle_stress_tests(self):
+        """Toggles client mode up and down.
         If toggled up, DUT associates to AP, and connection is verified
         If toggled down, test verifies DUT is not connected to AP
         Will run with default params, but custom tests can be provided in the
-        ACTS config.
+        Mobly config.
         Example Config
-        "soft_ap_test_params" : {
-            "test_client_mode_toggle_stress": [
-                "soft_ap_params": {
-                    'ssid': ssid,
-                    'channel': channel,
-                    'security_mode': security,
-                    'password': password
-                },
-                "iterations": 10
-            ]
-        }
+        soft_ap_test_params:
+          test_client_mode_toggle_stress:
+            soft_ap_params:
+              security_type: "wpa2"
+              password: "password"
+              connectivity_mode: "local_only"
+              operating_band: "only_2_4_ghz"
+            iterations: 10
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.access_point, 'No access point provided.')
-        tests = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'test_client_mode_toggle_stress',
-            [dict(test_name='test_client_mode_toggle_stress_default')])
+        test_specs: list[dict[str, Any]] = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
+            "test_client_mode_toggle_stress",
+            [],
+        )
-        test_settings_list = []
-        for config_settings in tests:
-            ap_params = get_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('ap_params', {}))
-            iterations = config_settings.get('iterations',
-                                             DEFAULT_STRESS_TEST_ITERATIONS)
-            test_settings = {
-                'test_name':
-                config_settings.get(
-                    'test_name',
-                    'test_client_mode_toggle_stress_%s_iterations' %
-                    iterations),
-                'test_runner_func':
-                self.client_mode_toggle_test_iteration,
-                'pre_test_func':
-                self.client_mode_toggle_pre_test,
-                'ap_params':
-                ap_params,
-                'iterations':
-                iterations
-            }
-            test_settings_list.append(test_settings)
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.run_toggle_stress_test,
-                                     test_settings_list,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name_from_settings)
+        tests = [ClientModeToggleTestParams.from_dict(spec) for spec in test_specs]
-    def test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode(self):
+        if len(tests) == 0:
+            # Add default test
+            tests.append(ClientModeToggleTestParams.from_dict({}))
+        def generate_name(test: ClientModeToggleTestParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_client_mode_toggle_stress_{test}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.client_mode_toggle_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
+    def generate_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode_tests(self):
         """Same as test_soft_ap_toggle_stress, but client mode is set up
         at test start and verified after every toggle."""
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.access_point, 'No access point provided.')
-        tests = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode', [
-                dict(test_name=
-                     'test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode_default')
-            ])
-        test_settings_list = []
-        for config_settings in tests:
-            soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
-            ap_params = get_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('ap_params', {}))
-            iterations = config_settings.get('iterations',
-                                             DEFAULT_STRESS_TEST_ITERATIONS)
-            test_settings = {
-                'test_name':
-                config_settings.get(
-                    'test_name',
-                    'test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode_%s_iterations'
-                    % iterations),
-                'test_runner_func':
-                self.soft_ap_toggle_with_client_mode_iteration,
-                'pre_test_func':
-                self.soft_ap_toggle_with_client_mode_pre_test,
-                'soft_ap_params':
-                soft_ap_params,
-                'ap_params':
-                ap_params,
-                'iterations':
-                iterations
-            }
-            test_settings_list.append(test_settings)
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.run_toggle_stress_test,
-                                     test_settings_list,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name_from_settings)
+        test_specs: list[dict[str, Any]] = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
+            "test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode",
+            [],
+        )
-    def test_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap(self):
+        tests = [ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict(spec) for spec in test_specs]
+        if len(tests) == 0:
+            # Add default test
+            tests.append(ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict({}))
+        def generate_name(test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_soft_ap_toggle_stress_with_client_mode_{test}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.soft_ap_toggle_with_client_mode_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
+    def generate_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap_tests(self):
         """Same as test_client_mode_toggle_stress, but softap is set up at
         test start and verified after every toggle."""
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.access_point, 'No access point provided.')
-        tests = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'test_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap', [
-                dict(test_name=
-                     'test_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap_default')
-            ])
+        test_specs: list[dict[str, Any]] = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
+            "test_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap",
+            [],
+        )
-        test_settings_list = []
-        for config_settings in tests:
-            soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
-            ap_params = get_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('ap_params', {}))
-            iterations = config_settings.get('iterations',
-                                             DEFAULT_STRESS_TEST_ITERATIONS)
-            test_settings = {
-                'test_name':
-                config_settings.get(
-                    'test_name',
-                    'test_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap_%s_iterations'
-                    % iterations),
-                'test_runner_func':
-                self.client_mode_toggle_with_soft_ap_iteration,
-                'pre_test_func':
-                self.client_mode_toggle_with_soft_ap_pre_test,
-                'soft_ap_params':
-                soft_ap_params,
-                'ap_params':
-                ap_params,
-                'iterations':
-                iterations
-            }
-            test_settings_list.append(test_settings)
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.run_toggle_stress_test,
-                                     test_settings_list,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name_from_settings)
+        tests = [ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict(spec) for spec in test_specs]
-    def test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress(self):
+        if len(tests) == 0:
+            # Add default test
+            tests.append(ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict({}))
+        def generate_name(test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_client_mode_toggle_stress_with_soft_ap_{test}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.soft_ap_toggle_with_client_mode_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
+    def generate_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress_tests(self):
         """Same as above toggle stres tests, but each iteration, either softap,
         client mode, or both are toggled, then states are verified."""
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.access_point, 'No access point provided.')
-        tests = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
-            'test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress', [
-                dict(
-                    test_name=
-                    'test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress_default'
-                )
-            ])
+        test_specs: list[dict[str, Any]] = self.soft_ap_test_params.get(
+            "test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress",
+            [],
+        )
-        test_settings_list = []
-        for config_settings in tests:
-            soft_ap_params = get_soft_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('soft_ap_params', {}))
-            ap_params = get_ap_params_from_config_or_default(
-                config_settings.get('ap_params', {}))
-            iterations = config_settings.get('iterations',
-                                             DEFAULT_STRESS_TEST_ITERATIONS)
-            test_settings = {
-                'test_name':
-                config_settings.get(
-                    'test_name',
-                    'test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress_%s_iterations'
-                    % iterations),
-                'soft_ap_params':
-                soft_ap_params,
-                'ap_params':
-                ap_params,
-                'iterations':
-                iterations
-            }
-            test_settings_list.append(test_settings)
-        self.run_generated_testcases(
-            self.run_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress_test,
-            test_settings_list,
-            name_func=get_test_name_from_settings)
+        tests = [ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict(spec) for spec in test_specs]
+        if len(tests) == 0:
+            # Add default test
+            tests.append(ClientModeAlternatingTestParams.from_dict({}))
+        def generate_name(test: ClientModeAlternatingTestParams) -> str:
+            return f"test_soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_stress_{test}"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self.soft_ap_and_client_mode_random_toggle_test,
+            generate_name,
+            tests,
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanDriverRestartTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanDriverRestartTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7fa34a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanDriverRestartTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import time
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
+# Time to wait until an interface is recreated after the softmac WLAN driver
+# restarts.
+class WlanDriverRestartTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
+    def __init__(self, configs: TestRunConfig) -> None:
+        super().__init__(configs)
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_class()
+        if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestFailure("Requires at least one Fuchsia device")
+        self.fd = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        # Skip this test suite if the device isn't running a softmac WLAN driver.
+        driver_list_resp = self.fd.ffx.run(["driver", "list"])
+        driver_list = str(driver_list_resp.stdout, "UTF-8")
+        if not driver_list.find("iwlwifi"):
+            raise signals.TestSkip(
+                "No intel WiFi driver found on this device, skipping test"
+            )
+    def test_driver_restart_recreates_interface(self) -> None:
+        """Verify the WLAN interface gets recreated after its driver restarts."""
+        # Store existing phy and interface identifiers.
+        phys = self.fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_phy_id_list()
+        asserts.assert_equal(len(phys), 1, "Expected one phy_id")
+        old_interfaces = self.fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_iface_id_list()
+        asserts.assert_not_equal(old_interfaces, [], "Iface not found.")
+        # Restarting should replace the old interface with a new one.
+        self.fd.ffx.run(
+            [
+                "driver",
+                "restart",
+                "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/iwlwifi#meta/iwlwifi.cm",
+            ]
+        )
+        # Check for new phy and interface identifiers.
+        timeout = time.time() + DELAY_FOR_DRIVER_RESTART_SEC
+        while time.time() < timeout:
+            new_interfaces = self.fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_iface_id_list()
+            if new_interfaces == old_interfaces:
+                # Interface has not been deleted yet. Keep waiting.
+                time.sleep(0.1)
+                continue
+            if len(new_interfaces) == 0:
+                # Interface has not come back up yet. Keep waiting.
+                time.sleep(0.1)
+                continue
+            if len(new_interfaces) == 1:
+                # New interface has been added! All done here
+                break
+            asserts.fail(
+                "More interfaces exist than before! \n"
+                f"Old: {old_interfaces}\n"
+                f"New: {new_interfaces}"
+            )
+        else:
+            asserts.fail(
+                f"New interface not created within {DELAY_FOR_DRIVER_RESTART_SEC}s"
+            )
+        phys = self.fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.get_phy_id_list()
+        asserts.assert_equal(len(phys), 1, "Expected one phy_id")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanRebootTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanRebootTest.py
index 85e5ab8..62ea443 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanRebootTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanRebootTest.py
@@ -15,79 +15,84 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import itertools
+import logging
 import os
 import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum, StrEnum, auto, unique
 from multiprocessing import Process
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import context
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
 from antlion import utils
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_client
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_server
-from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
+from antlion.controllers import iperf_client, iperf_server
+from antlion.controllers.access_point import AccessPoint, setup_ap
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G, BandType
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_utils import generate_random_password
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd import Radvd
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd_config import RadvdConfig
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-# Constants, for readibility
-AP = 'ap'
-DUT = 'dut'
-SOFT = 'soft'
-HARD = 'hard'
-BAND_2G = '2g'
-BAND_5G = '5g'
-IPV4 = 'ipv4'
-IPV6 = 'ipv6'
-DUAL_IPV4_IPV6 = {IPV4: True, IPV6: True}
-IPV4_ONLY = {IPV4: True, IPV6: False}
-IPV6_ONLY = {IPV4: False, IPV6: True}
-INTERRUPTS = [True, False]
-    OPEN_ENCRYPTION_STRING, hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-    hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.net import wait_for_port
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-# Constants for Custom Reboot Tests
-ALL = 'all'
-BOTH = 'both'
-    BAND_2G: [BAND_2G],
-    BAND_5G: [BAND_5G],
-    ALL: [BAND_2G, BAND_5G]
-    IPV4: [IPV4_ONLY],
-    IPV6: [IPV6_ONLY],
-    BOTH: [DUAL_IPV4_IPV6],
-CUSTOM_TEST_INTERRUPTS = {'true': [True], 'false': [False], ALL: [True, False]}
+class DeviceType(StrEnum):
+    AP = auto()
+    DUT = auto()
-class WlanRebootTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class RebootType(StrEnum):
+    SOFT = auto()
+    HARD = auto()
+class IpVersionType(Enum):
+    IPV4 = auto()
+    IPV6 = auto()
+    DUAL_IPV4_IPV6 = auto()
+    def ipv4(self) -> bool:
+        match self:
+            case IpVersionType.IPV4:
+                return True
+            case IpVersionType.IPV6:
+                return False
+            case IpVersionType.DUAL_IPV4_IPV6:
+                return True
+    def ipv6(self) -> bool:
+        match self:
+            case IpVersionType.IPV4:
+                return False
+            case IpVersionType.IPV6:
+                return True
+            case IpVersionType.DUAL_IPV4_IPV6:
+                return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def all() -> list["IpVersionType"]:
+        return [IpVersionType.IPV4, IpVersionType.IPV6, IpVersionType.DUAL_IPV4_IPV6]
+class TestParams:
+    reboot_device: DeviceType
+    reboot_type: RebootType
+    band: BandType
+    security_mode: SecurityMode
+    ip_version: IpVersionType
+class WlanRebootTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests wlan reconnects in different reboot scenarios.
     Testbed Requirement:
@@ -96,174 +101,226 @@
     * One PduDevice
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        super().__init__(controllers)
+    def pre_run(self) -> None:
+        test_params: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        for (
+            device_type,
+            reboot_type,
+            band,
+            security_mode,
+            ip_version,
+        ) in itertools.product(
+            # DeviceType,
+            # RebootType,
+            # BandType,
+            # SecurityMode,
+            # IpVersionType,
+            #
+            # TODO(https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/14688): Replace the code below
+            # with the commented code above once the bug affecting StrEnum resolves.
+            [e for e in DeviceType],
+            [e for e in RebootType],
+            [e for e in BandType],
+            [e for e in SecurityMode],
+            [e for e in IpVersionType],
+        ):
+            test_params.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        device_type,
+                        reboot_type,
+                        band,
+                        security_mode,
+                        ip_version,
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
-    def setup_generated_tests(self):
-        self._read_wlan_reboot_test_params()
-        self.generate_tests(test_logic=self.run_reboot_test,
-                            name_func=self.generate_test_name,
-                            arg_sets=self.generate_test_args())
+        def generate_test_name(t: TestParams) -> str:
+            test_name = (
+                "test"
+                f"_{t.reboot_type}_reboot"
+                f"_{t.reboot_device}"
+                f"_{t.band}"
+                f"_{t.security_mode}"
+            )
+            if t.ip_version.ipv4():
+                test_name += "_ipv4"
+            if t.ip_version.ipv6():
+                test_name += "_ipv6"
+            return test_name
-    def setup_class(self):
+        self.generate_tests(
+            test_logic=self.run_reboot_test,
+            name_func=generate_test_name,
+            arg_sets=test_params,
+        )
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
-        self.android_devices = getattr(self, 'android_devices', [])
-        self.fuchsia_devices = getattr(self, 'fuchsia_devices', [])
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.access_point: AccessPoint = self.access_points[0]
+        self.fuchsia_device: FuchsiaDevice | None = None
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one Fuchsia device is required")
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
-        self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
+        self.iperf_server_on_ap: iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh | None = None
-        self.iperf_server_on_ap = None
-        self.iperf_client_on_dut = None
-        if not self.skip_iperf:
-            if hasattr(self, "iperf_clients") and self.iperf_clients:
-                self.iperf_client_on_dut = self.iperf_clients[0]
-            else:
-                self.iperf_client_on_dut = self.dut.create_iperf_client()
+        if hasattr(self, "iperf_clients") and self.iperf_clients:
+            self.iperf_client_on_dut = self.iperf_clients[0]
-            self.log.info(
-                'Skipping iperf throughput validation as requested by ACTS '
-                'config')
+            self.iperf_client_on_dut = self.dut.create_iperf_client()
-        self.router_adv_daemon = None
-    def setup_test(self):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_test()
-        if self.router_adv_daemon:
-            self.router_adv_daemon.stop()
         for ad in self.android_devices:
-        self.router_adv_daemon = None
-        self.ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        if self.fuchsia_device:
+            self.fuchsia_device.configure_wlan()
-    def teardown_test(self):
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
+        # TODO(b/273923552): We take a snapshot here and before rebooting the
+        # DUT for every test because the persistence component does not make the
+        # inspect logs available for 120 seconds. This helps for debugging
+        # issues where we need previous state.
+        self.dut.take_bug_report(self.current_test_info.record)
-        if self.router_adv_daemon:
-            output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-            full_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, "radvd_log.txt")
-            radvd_log_file = open(full_output_path, 'w')
-            radvd_log_file.write(self.router_adv_daemon.pull_logs())
-            radvd_log_file.close()
-            self.router_adv_daemon.stop()
-            self.router_adv_daemon = None
         for ad in self.android_devices:
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def setup_ap(self,
-                 ssid,
-                 band,
-                 ipv4=True,
-                 ipv6=False,
-                 security_mode=None,
-                 password=None):
+    def setup_ap(
+        self,
+        ssid: str,
+        band: BandType,
+        ip_version: IpVersionType,
+        security_mode: SecurityMode,
+        password: str | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
         """Setup ap with basic config.
-            ssid: string, ssid to setup on ap
-            band: string ('2g' or '5g') of band to setup.
-            ipv4: True if using ipv4 (dhcp), else False.
-            ipv6: True if using ipv6 (radvd), else False.
+            ssid: The ssid to setup on ap
+            band: The type of band to set up the iperf server with ('2g' or '5g').
+            ip_version: The type of ip to use (ipv4 or ipv6)
+            security_mode: The type of security mode.
+            password: The PSK or passphase.
         # TODO(fxb/63719): Add varying AP parameters
-        security_profile = None
-        if security_mode:
-            security_profile = Security(security_mode=security_mode,
-                                        password=password)
-        if band == BAND_2G:
-            setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                     profile_name='whirlwind',
-                     channel=11,
-                     ssid=ssid,
-                     security=security_profile)
-        elif band == BAND_5G:
-            setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                     profile_name='whirlwind',
-                     channel=36,
-                     ssid=ssid,
-                     security=security_profile)
+        security_profile = Security(security_mode=security_mode, password=password)
+        channel: int
-        if not ipv4:
+        match band:
+            case BandType.BAND_2G:
+                channel = 11
+            case BandType.BAND_5G:
+                channel = 36
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security_profile,
+            is_ipv6_enabled=ip_version.ipv6(),
+        )
+        if not ip_version.ipv4():
-        if ipv6:
-            if band == BAND_2G:
-                self.router_adv_daemon = Radvd(self.access_point.ssh,
-                                               self.access_point.wlan_2g)
-            elif band == BAND_5G:
-                self.router_adv_daemon = Radvd(self.access_point.ssh,
-                                               self.access_point.wlan_5g)
-            radvd_config = RadvdConfig()
-            self.router_adv_daemon.start(radvd_config)
-        self.log.info('Network (SSID: %s) is up.' % ssid)
+        self.log.info(f"Network (SSID: {ssid}) is up.")
-    def setup_iperf_server_on_ap(self, band):
+    def setup_iperf_server_on_ap(
+        self, band: BandType
+    ) -> iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh:
         """Configures iperf server based on the tests band.
-            band: string ('2g' or '5g') of band to setup.
+            band: The type of band to set up the iperf server with ('2g' or '5g').
-        if band == BAND_2G:
-            return iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh(
-                self.user_params['AccessPoint'][0]['ssh_config'],
-                5201,
-                test_interface=self.access_point.wlan_2g)
-        elif band == BAND_5G:
-            return iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh(
-                self.user_params['AccessPoint'][0]['ssh_config'],
-                5201,
-                test_interface=self.access_point.wlan_5g)
+        test_interface: str
-    def get_iperf_server_address(self, iperf_server_on_ap, ip_version):
+        if band is BandType.BAND_2G:
+            test_interface = self.access_point.wlan_2g
+        elif band is BandType.BAND_5G:
+            test_interface = self.access_point.wlan_5g
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f'Unknown band type: "{band}"')
+        return iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh(
+            self.access_point.ssh_settings, 5201, test_interface=test_interface
+        )
+    def get_iperf_server_address(
+        self,
+        iperf_server_on_ap: iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh,
+        ip_version: IpVersionType,
+    ) -> str:
         """Retrieves the ip address of the iperf server.
             iperf_server_on_ap: IPerfServer object, linked to AP
-            ip_version: string, the ip version (ipv4 or ipv6)
+            ip_version: The ip version (ipv4 or ipv6)
-            String, the ip address of the iperf_server
+            The ip address of the iperf_server
+        # TODO(http://b/286449352): Remove this check once iperf_client has been refactored.
+        assert isinstance(
+            self.iperf_client_on_dut,
+            (iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh, iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb),
+        )
         iperf_server_addresses = iperf_server_on_ap.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-            iperf_server_on_ap.test_interface)
-        if ip_version == IPV4:
-            iperf_server_ip_address = (
-                iperf_server_addresses['ipv4_private'][0])
-        elif ip_version == IPV6:
-            if iperf_server_addresses['ipv6_private_local']:
-                iperf_server_ip_address = (
-                    iperf_server_addresses['ipv6_private_local'][0])
+            iperf_server_on_ap.test_interface
+        )
+        if ip_version == IpVersionType.IPV4:
+            iperf_server_ip_address = iperf_server_addresses["ipv4_private"][0]
+        elif ip_version == IpVersionType.IPV6:
+            if iperf_server_addresses["ipv6_private_local"]:
+                iperf_server_ip_address = iperf_server_addresses["ipv6_private_local"][
+                    0
+                ]
                 iperf_server_ip_address = (
-                    '%s%%%s' % (iperf_server_addresses['ipv6_link_local'][0],
-                                self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface))
+                    f"{iperf_server_addresses['ipv6_link_local'][0]}%"
+                    f"{self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface}"
+                )
-            raise ValueError('Invalid IP version: %s' % ip_version)
+            raise TypeError(f"Invalid IP type: {ip_version}")
         return iperf_server_ip_address
-    def verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(self,
-                                          iperf_server_on_ap,
-                                          iperf_client_on_dut,
-                                          ip_version=IPV4):
+    def verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(
+        self,
+        iperf_server_on_ap: iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh,
+        iperf_client_on_dut: iperf_client.IPerfClientBase,
+        ip_version: IpVersionType,
+    ) -> None:
         """Runs IPerf traffic from the iperf client (dut) and the iperf
         server (and vice versa) and verifies traffic was able to pass
@@ -271,55 +328,60 @@
             iperf_server_on_ap: IPerfServer object, linked to AP
             iperf_client_on_dut: IPerfClient object, linked to DUT
-            ip_version: string, the ip version (ipv4 or ipv6)
+            ip_version: The ip version (ipv4 or ipv6)
-            ValueError, if invalid ip_version is passed.
             ConnectionError, if traffic is not passed successfully in both
-        dut_ip_addresses = self.dut.device.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-            iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface)
         iperf_server_ip_address = self.get_iperf_server_address(
-            iperf_server_on_ap, ip_version)
+            iperf_server_on_ap, ip_version
+        )
-            'Attempting to pass traffic from DUT to IPerf server (%s).' %
-            iperf_server_ip_address)
-        tx_file = iperf_client_on_dut.start(iperf_server_ip_address,
-                                            '-i 1 -t 3 -J',
-                                            'reboot_tx',
-                                            timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT)
+            f"Attempting to pass traffic from DUT to IPerf server ({iperf_server_ip_address})."
+        )
+        tx_file = iperf_client_on_dut.start(
+            iperf_server_ip_address,
+            "-i 1 -t 3 -J",
+            "reboot_tx",
+            timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT,
+        )
         tx_results = iperf_server.IPerfResult(tx_file)
         if not tx_results.avg_receive_rate or tx_results.avg_receive_rate == 0:
             raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to pass IPerf traffic from DUT to server (%s). TX '
-                'Average Receive Rate: %s' %
-                (iperf_server_ip_address, tx_results.avg_receive_rate))
+                f"Failed to pass IPerf traffic from DUT to server ({iperf_server_ip_address}). "
+                f"TX average receive rate: {tx_results.avg_receive_rate}"
+            )
-                'Success: Traffic passed from DUT to IPerf server (%s).' %
-                iperf_server_ip_address)
+                f"Success: Traffic passed from DUT to IPerf server ({iperf_server_ip_address})."
+            )
-            'Attempting to pass traffic from IPerf server (%s) to DUT.' %
-            iperf_server_ip_address)
-        rx_file = iperf_client_on_dut.start(iperf_server_ip_address,
-                                            '-i 1 -t 3 -R -J',
-                                            'reboot_rx',
-                                            timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT)
+            f"Attempting to pass traffic from IPerf server ({iperf_server_ip_address}) to DUT."
+        )
+        rx_file = iperf_client_on_dut.start(
+            iperf_server_ip_address,
+            "-i 1 -t 3 -R -J",
+            "reboot_rx",
+            timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT,
+        )
         rx_results = iperf_server.IPerfResult(rx_file)
         if not rx_results.avg_receive_rate or rx_results.avg_receive_rate == 0:
             raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to pass IPerf traffic from server (%s) to DUT. RX '
-                'Average Receive Rate: %s' %
-                (iperf_server_ip_address, rx_results.avg_receive_rate))
+                f"Failed to pass IPerf traffic from server ({iperf_server_ip_address}) to DUT. "
+                f"RX average receive rate: {rx_results.avg_receive_rate}"
+            )
-                'Success: Traffic passed from IPerf server (%s) to DUT.' %
-                iperf_server_ip_address)
+                f"Success: Traffic passed from IPerf server ({iperf_server_ip_address}) to DUT."
+            )
-    def start_dut_ping_process(self, iperf_server_on_ap, ip_version=IPV4):
+    def start_dut_ping_process(
+        self,
+        iperf_server_on_ap: iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh,
+        ip_version: IpVersionType,
+    ) -> None:
         """Creates a  process that pings the AP from the DUT.
         Runs in parallel for 15 seconds, so it can be interrupted by a reboot.
@@ -327,27 +389,27 @@
             iperf_server_on_ap: IPerfServer object, linked to AP
-            ip_version: string, the ip version (ipv4 or ipv6)
+            ip_version: The ip version (ipv4 or ipv6)
-        ap_address = self.get_iperf_server_address(iperf_server_on_ap,
-                                                   ip_version)
+        ap_address = self.get_iperf_server_address(iperf_server_on_ap, ip_version)
         if ap_address:
-                'Starting ping process to %s in parallel. Logs from this '
-                'process will be suppressed, since it will be intentionally '
-                'interrupted.' % ap_address)
-            ping_proc = Process(target=self.dut.ping,
-                                args=[ap_address],
-                                kwargs={'count': 15})
+                f"Starting ping process to {ap_address} in parallel. Logs from this "
+                "process will be suppressed, since it will be intentionally "
+                "interrupted."
+            )
+            ping_proc = Process(
+                target=self.dut.ping, args=[ap_address], kwargs={"count": 15}
+            )
             with utils.SuppressLogOutput():
             # Allow for a few seconds of pinging before allowing it to be
             # interrupted.
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to retrieve APs iperf address.')
+            raise ConnectionError("Failed to retrieve APs iperf address.")
-    def prepare_dut_for_reconnection(self):
+    def prepare_dut_for_reconnection(self) -> None:
         """Perform any actions to ready DUT for reconnection.
         These actions will vary depending on the DUT. eg. android devices may
@@ -358,78 +420,87 @@
         for ad in self.android_devices:
-    def wait_for_dut_network_connection(self, ssid):
+    def wait_for_dut_network_connection(self, ssid: str) -> None:
         """Checks if device is connected to given network. Sleeps 1 second
         between retries.
-            ssid: string of ssid
+            ssid: ssid to check connection to.
             ConnectionError, if DUT is not connected after all timeout.
-            'Checking if DUT is connected to %s network. Will retry for %s '
-            'seconds.' % (ssid, self.dut_network_connection_timeout))
-        timeout = time.time() + self.dut_network_connection_timeout
+            f"Checking if DUT is connected to {ssid} network. Will retry for "
+            f"{DUT_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT} seconds."
+        )
+        timeout = time.time() + DUT_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
         while time.time() < timeout:
                 is_connected = self.dut.is_connected(ssid=ssid)
             except Exception as err:
-                self.log.debug('SL4* call failed. Retrying in 1 second.')
+                self.log.debug(f"SL4* call failed. Retrying in 1 second. Error: {err}")
                 is_connected = False
                 if is_connected:
-                    self.log.info('Success: DUT has connected.')
+                    self.log.info("Success: DUT has connected.")
-                        'DUT not connected to network %s...retrying in 1 second.'
-                        % ssid)
+                        f"DUT not connected to network {ssid}...retrying in 1 second."
+                    )
-            raise ConnectionError('DUT failed to connect to the network.')
+            raise ConnectionError("DUT failed to connect to the network.")
-    def write_csv_time_to_reconnect(self, test_name, time_to_reconnect):
+    def write_csv_time_to_reconnect(
+        self,
+        test_name: str,
+        reconnect_success: bool,
+        time_to_reconnect: float = 0.0,
+    ) -> None:
         """Writes the time to reconnect to a csv file.
             test_name: the name of the test case
+            reconnect_success: whether the test successfully reconnected or not
             time_to_reconnect: the time from when the rebooted device came back
                 up to when it reassociated (or 'FAIL'), if it failed to
-        log_context = context.get_current_context()
-        log_path = os.path.join(log_context.get_base_output_path(),
-                                'WlanRebootTest/')
-        csv_file_name = '%stime_to_reconnect.csv' % log_path
-        self.log.info('Writing to %s' % csv_file_name)
-        with open(csv_file_name, 'a') as csv_file:
-            csv_file.write('%s,%s\n' % (test_name, time_to_reconnect))
+        csv_file_name = os.path.join(self.log_path, "time_to_reconnect.csv")
+        self.log.info(f"Writing to {csv_file_name}")
+        with open(csv_file_name, "a") as csv_file:
+            if reconnect_success:
+                csv_file.write(f"{test_name},{time_to_reconnect}\n")
+            else:
+                csv_file.write(f"{test_name},'FAIL'\n")
-    def log_and_continue(self, run, time_to_reconnect=None, error=None):
+    def log_and_continue(
+        self, ssid: str, time_to_reconnect: float = 0.0, error: Exception | None = None
+    ) -> None:
         """Writes the time to reconnect to the csv file before continuing, used
         in stress tests runs.
             time_to_reconnect: the time from when the rebooted device came back
                 ip to when reassociation occurred.
-            run: the run number in a looped stress tested.,
-            error: string, error message to log before continuing with the test
+            error: error message to log before continuing with the test
         if error:
-                'Device failed to reconnect to network %s on run %s. Error: %s'
-                % (self.ssid, run, error))
-            self.write_csv_time_to_reconnect(
-                '%s_run_%s' % (self.test_name, run), 'FAIL')
+                f"Device failed to reconnect to network {ssid}. Error: {error}"
+            )
+            self.write_csv_time_to_reconnect(f"{self.current_test_info.name}", False)
-                'Device successfully reconnected to network %s after %s seconds'
-                ' on run %s.' % (self.ssid, time_to_reconnect, run))
+                f"Device successfully reconnected to network {ssid} after "
+                f"{time_to_reconnect} seconds."
+            )
-                '%s_run_%s' % (self.test_name, run), time_to_reconnect)
+                f"{self.current_test_info.name}", True, time_to_reconnect
+            )
-    def run_reboot_test(self, settings):
+    def run_reboot_test(self, settings: TestParams) -> None:
         """Runs a reboot test based on a given config.
             1. Setups up a network, associates the dut, and saves the network.
             2. Verifies the dut receives ip address(es).
@@ -441,347 +512,161 @@
                 - Verifies the dut receives ip address(es).
                 - Verifies traffic between DUT and AP (IPerf client and server).
             7. Logs time to reconnect (or failure to reconnect)
-            8. If stress testing, repeats steps 4 - 7 for N iterations.
-            settings: dictionary containing the following values:
-                reboot_device: string ('dut' or 'ap') of the device to reboot.
-                reboot_type: string ('soft' or 'hard') of how to reboot the
-                    reboot_device.
-                band: string ('2g' or '5g') of band to setup.
-                ipv4: True if using ipv4 (dhcp), else False.
-                ipv6: True if using ipv6 (radvd), else False.
-                Optional:
-                    interrupt: if True, the DUT will be pinging the AP in a
-                        parallel process when the reboot occurs. This is used to
-                        compare reconnect times when idle to active.
-                    test_name: name of the test, used when stress testing.
-                    iterations: number of times to perform test, used when stress
-                        testing.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError, if ipv4 and ipv6 are both False
-            ValueError, if band is not '2g' or '5g'
-            ValueError, if reboot_device is not 'dut' or 'ap'
-            ValueError, if reboot_type is not 'soft' or 'hard'
+            settings: TestParams dataclass containing the following values:
+                reboot_device: the device to reboot either DUT or AP.
+                reboot_type: how to reboot the reboot_device either hard or soft.
+                band: band to setup either 2g or 5g
+                security_mode: security mode to set up either OPEN, WPA2, or WPA3.
+                ip_version: the ip version (ipv4 or ipv6)
-        iterations = settings.get('iterations', 1)
-        passed_count = 0
-        ipv4 = settings.get('ipv4', None)
-        ipv6 = settings.get('ipv6', None)
-        reboot_device = settings['reboot_device']
-        reboot_type = settings['reboot_type']
-        band = settings['band']
-        security_mode = settings.get('security_mode', None)
-        password = settings.get('password', None)
-        if security_mode:
-            if security_mode.lower() == 'open':
-                security_mode = None
-            elif not password:
-                password = generate_random_password(
-                    security_mode=security_mode)
-        interrupt = settings.get('interrupt', None)
+        # TODO(b/286443517): Properly support WLAN on android devices.
+        assert (
+            self.fuchsia_device is not None
+        ), "Fuchsia device not found, test currently does not support android devices."
+        # TODO(b/286449352): Remove this check once iperf_client has been refactored.
+        assert isinstance(
+            self.iperf_client_on_dut,
+            (iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh, iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb),
+        )
+        assert isinstance(self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface, str)
+        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        reboot_device: DeviceType = settings.reboot_device
+        reboot_type: RebootType = settings.reboot_type
+        band: BandType = settings.band
+        ip_version: IpVersionType = settings.ip_version
+        security_mode: SecurityMode = settings.security_mode
+        password: str | None = None
+        if security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+            password = generate_random_password(security_mode=security_mode)
         # Skip hard reboots if no PDU present
-            reboot_type == HARD
-            and len(self.user_params.get('PduDevice', [])) < 1,
-            'Hard reboots require a PDU device.')
-        # Skip DUT reboot w/ interrupt tests, since they are not more helpful
-        # and may cause threading issues.
-        asserts.skip_if(
-            (reboot_device == DUT) and interrupt,
-            'Stream interrupts for DUT reboots are prone to threading issues '
-            'and are not supported.')
+            reboot_type is RebootType.HARD and len(self.pdu_devices) == 0,
+            "Hard reboots require a PDU device.",
+        )
-        # Validate test settings.
-        if not ipv4 and not ipv6:
-            raise ValueError('Either ipv4, ipv6, or both must be True.')
-        if reboot_device != DUT and reboot_device != AP:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid reboot device: %s' % reboot_device)
-        if reboot_type != SOFT and reboot_type != HARD:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid reboot type: %s' % reboot_type)
-        if band != BAND_2G and band != BAND_5G:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid band: %s' % band)
+        self.setup_ap(
+            ssid,
+            band,
+            ip_version,
+            security_mode,
+            password,
+        )
-        self.setup_ap(self.ssid, band, ipv4, ipv6, security_mode, password)
         if not self.dut.associate(
-                self.ssid,
-                target_security=hostapd_constants.
-                SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(security_mode),
-                target_pwd=password):
-            raise EnvironmentError('Initial network connection failed.')
+            ssid,
+            target_security=security_mode,
+            target_pwd=password,
+        ):
+            raise EnvironmentError("Initial network connection failed.")
-        if not self.skip_iperf:
-            dut_test_interface = self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface
-            if ipv4:
-                self.dut.device.wait_for_ipv4_addr(dut_test_interface)
-            if ipv6:
-                self.dut.device.wait_for_ipv6_addr(dut_test_interface)
+        # Run iperf to verify traffic between DUT and AP
+        if ip_version.ipv4():
+            self.fuchsia_device.wait_for_ipv4_addr(
+                self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface
+            )
+        if ip_version.ipv6():
+            self.fuchsia_device.wait_for_ipv6_addr(
+                self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface
+            )
+        self.iperf_server_on_ap = self.setup_iperf_server_on_ap(band)
+        self.iperf_server_on_ap.start()
+        wait_for_port(self.iperf_server_on_ap.ssh_settings.hostname, 5201)
+        if ip_version.ipv4():
+            self.verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(
+                self.iperf_server_on_ap,
+                self.iperf_client_on_dut,
+                IpVersionType.IPV4,
+            )
+        if ip_version.ipv6():
+            self.verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(
+                self.iperf_server_on_ap,
+                self.iperf_client_on_dut,
+                IpVersionType.IPV6,
+            )
+        # Ping from DUT to AP during AP reboot. This is interrupt testing that we do not
+        # do for DUT reboots because they are prone to threading issues and not
+        # supported.
+        if reboot_device is DeviceType.AP:
+            if ip_version.ipv4():
+                self.start_dut_ping_process(self.iperf_server_on_ap, IpVersionType.IPV4)
+            if ip_version.ipv6():
+                self.start_dut_ping_process(self.iperf_server_on_ap, IpVersionType.IPV6)
+        # TODO(b/273923552): We take a snapshot here and during test
+        # teardown for every test because the persistence component does not
+        # make the inspect logs available for 120 seconds. This helps for
+        # debugging issues where we need previous state.
+        self.dut.take_bug_report(self.current_test_info.record)
+        # DUT reboots
+        if reboot_device is DeviceType.DUT:
+            if reboot_type is RebootType.SOFT:
+                self.fuchsia_device.reboot()
+            elif reboot_type is RebootType.HARD:
+                self.dut.hard_power_cycle(self.pdu_devices)
+            self.iperf_client_on_dut = self.dut.create_iperf_client()
+        # AP reboots
+        elif reboot_device is DeviceType.AP:
+            self.iperf_server_on_ap.close_ssh()
+            if reboot_type is RebootType.SOFT:
+                self.log.info("Cleanly stopping ap.")
+                self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
+            elif reboot_type is RebootType.HARD:
+                self.access_point.hard_power_cycle(self.pdu_devices)
+            self.setup_ap(ssid, band, ip_version, security_mode, password)
             self.iperf_server_on_ap = self.setup_iperf_server_on_ap(band)
+        # TODO(b/286449352): Remove this check once iperf_client has been refactored.
+        assert isinstance(
+            self.iperf_client_on_dut,
+            (iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh, iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb),
+        )
+        assert isinstance(self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface, str)
+        self.prepare_dut_for_reconnection()
+        uptime = time.time()
+        try:
+            self.wait_for_dut_network_connection(ssid)
+            time_to_reconnect = time.time() - uptime
+            if ip_version.ipv4():
+                self.fuchsia_device.wait_for_ipv4_addr(
+                    self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface
+                )
+            if ip_version.ipv6():
+                self.fuchsia_device.wait_for_ipv6_addr(
+                    self.iperf_client_on_dut.test_interface
+                )
-            if ipv4:
-                self.verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(
-                    self.iperf_server_on_ap, self.iperf_client_on_dut)
-            if ipv6:
+            if ip_version.ipv4():
-                    ip_version=IPV6)
-        # Looping reboots for stress testing
-        for run in range(iterations):
-            run += 1
-            self.log.info('Starting run %s of %s.' % (run, iterations))
-            # Ping from DUT to AP during AP reboot
-            if interrupt:
-                if ipv4:
-                    self.start_dut_ping_process(self.iperf_server_on_ap)
-                if ipv6:
-                    self.start_dut_ping_process(self.iperf_server_on_ap,
-                                                ip_version=IPV6)
-            # DUT reboots
-            if reboot_device == DUT:
-                if not self.skip_iperf and type(
-                        self.iperf_client_on_dut
-                ) == iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSsh:
-                    self.iperf_client_on_dut.close_ssh()
-                if reboot_type == SOFT:
-                    self.dut.device.reboot()
-                elif reboot_type == HARD:
-                    self.dut.hard_power_cycle(self.pdu_devices)
-            # AP reboots
-            elif reboot_device == AP:
-                if reboot_type == SOFT:
-                    self.log.info('Cleanly stopping ap.')
-                    self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-                elif reboot_type == HARD:
-                    if not self.skip_iperf:
-                        self.iperf_server_on_ap.close_ssh()
-                    self.access_point.hard_power_cycle(self.pdu_devices)
-                self.setup_ap(self.ssid, band, ipv4, ipv6, security_mode,
-                              password)
-            self.prepare_dut_for_reconnection()
-            uptime = time.time()
-            try:
-                self.wait_for_dut_network_connection(self.ssid)
-                time_to_reconnect = time.time() - uptime
-                if not self.skip_iperf:
-                    if ipv4:
-                        self.dut.device.wait_for_ipv4_addr(dut_test_interface)
-                    if ipv6:
-                        self.dut.device.wait_for_ipv6_addr(dut_test_interface)
-                    self.iperf_server_on_ap.start()
-                    if ipv4:
-                        self.verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(
-                            self.iperf_server_on_ap, self.iperf_client_on_dut)
-                    if ipv6:
-                        self.verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(
-                            self.iperf_server_on_ap,
-                            self.iperf_client_on_dut,
-                            ip_version=IPV6)
-            except ConnectionError as err:
-                self.log_and_continue(run, error=err)
-            else:
-                passed_count += 1
-                self.log_and_continue(run, time_to_reconnect=time_to_reconnect)
-        if passed_count == iterations:
-            asserts.explicit_pass(
-                'Test Summary: device successfully reconnected to network %s '
-                '%s/%s times.' % (self.ssid, passed_count, iterations))
-        else:
-            asserts.fail(
-                'Test Summary: device failed reconnection test. Reconnected to '
-                'network %s %s/%s times.' %
-                (self.ssid, passed_count, iterations))
-    def generate_test_name(self, settings):
-        """Generates a test case name based on the reboot settings passed.
-        Args:
-            settings: A dictionary of settings related to reboot test.
-        Returns:
-            A string that represents a test case name.
-        """
-        test_name = "test_{reboot_type}_reboot_{reboot_device}_{band}_{security_mode}".format(
-            **settings)
-        if settings.get(IPV4):
-            test_name += "_ipv4"
-        if settings.get(IPV6):
-            test_name += "_ipv6"
-        if settings.get('interrupt'):
-            test_name += "_interrupt"
-        if settings.get('iterations'):
-            test_name += f"_with_{settings['iterations']}_iterations"
-        return test_name
-    def generate_test_args(self):
-        # If custom reboot tests present in ACTS config then run just those
-        test_args = self._generate_custom_reboots_test_args()
-        if test_args:
-            return test_args
-        # Interrupt tests requires using iperf. So do not run interrupt tests
-        # when skip_iperf is True
-        if self.skip_iperf is True:
-            interrupts = [False]
-        else:
-            interrupts = INTERRUPTS
-        for (reboot_device, reboot_type, band, ip_version, interrupt,
-             security_mode) in itertools.product(DEVICES, REBOOT_TYPES, BANDS,
-                                                 IP_VERSIONS, interrupts,
-                                                 SECURITY_MODES):
-            settings = {
-                "reboot_device": reboot_device,
-                "reboot_type": reboot_type,
-                "band": band,
-                "security_mode": security_mode,
-                "ipv4": ip_version["ipv4"],
-                "ipv6": ip_version["ipv6"],
-                "interrupt": interrupt,
-            }
-            test_args.append((settings, ))
-        return test_args
-    def _generate_custom_reboots_test_args(self):
-        """Used to create custom reboot tests from antlion config. Can be
-        individual tests or permutation sets (i.e. setting "all" for a
-        test param will run a test with every permutation).
-        Parameters:
-            reboot_device: string - "ap", "dut", or "all"
-            reboot_type: string - "soft", "hard", or "all"
-            band: string, "2g" - "5g", "all"
-            ip_version: string - "ipv4", "ipv6", "both", or "all"
-            interrupt: bool - whether to have traffic flowing at reboot
-            security_modes: optional, string or list - "open", "wep", "wpa",
-                "wpa2", "wpa/wpa2", "wpa3", "wpa2/wpa3"
-            iterations: int - number of iterations for each test
-        Example:
-        "wlan_reboot_test_params": {
-            "test_custom_reboots": [
-                {
-                    "reboot_device": "dut",
-                    "reboot_type": "soft",
-                    "band": "2g",
-                    "ip_version": "both"
-                },
-                {
-                    "reboot_device": "all",
-                    "reboot_type": "hard",
-                    "band": "all",
-                    "ip_version": ipv4",
-                    "security_modes": "wpa2",
-                    "iterations": 10
-                },
-                {
-                    "reboot_device": "dut",
-                    "reboot_type": "hard",
-                    "band": "5g",
-                    "ip_version": "ipv4",
-                    "security_modes": ["open", "wpa3"]
-                }
-            ]
-        }
-        The first example runs a single DUT soft reboot test with a 2.4GHz
-        network and dual ipv4/ipv6.
-        The second example runs 4 tests, each with 10 iterations. It runs hard
-        reboots with ipv4 for the permutations of DUT/AP and 2.4GHz/5GHz.
-        The third example runs two tests, both hard reboots of the DUT with 5g
-        and ipv4 only, one with open security and one with WPA3.
-        """
-        if 'test_custom_reboots' not in self.wlan_reboot_test_params:
-            self.log.info('No custom reboots provided in ACTS config.')
-            return []
-        test_args = []
-        for test in self.wlan_reboot_test_params['test_custom_reboots']:
-            # Ensure required params are present
-            try:
-                reboot_device = test['reboot_device'].lower()
-                reboot_type = test['reboot_type'].lower()
-                band = test['band'].lower()
-                ip_version = test['ip_version'].lower()
-            except KeyError as err:
-                raise AttributeError(
-                    'Must provide reboot_type, reboot_device, ip_version, and '
-                    'band (optionally interrupt and iterations) in custom test '
-                    'config. See test_custom_reboots docstring for details. '
-                    'Err: %s' % err)
-            security_modes = test.get('security_modes', 'open')
-            interrupt = str(test.get('interrupt', False)).lower()
-            iterations = test.get('iterations', 1)
-            if interrupt == "true" and self.skip_iperf:
-                raise AttributeError(
-                    "Interrupt can't be set to True when iperf is disabled. "
-                    "Update 'skip_iperf' to 'false' in ACTS config and run again"
+                    IpVersionType.IPV4,
+            if ip_version.ipv6():
+                self.verify_traffic_between_dut_and_ap(
+                    self.iperf_server_on_ap,
+                    self.iperf_client_on_dut,
+                    IpVersionType.IPV6,
+                )
+        except ConnectionError as err:
+            self.log_and_continue(ssid, error=err)
+            raise signals.TestFailure(f"Failed to reconnect to {ssid} after reboot.")
+        else:
+            self.log_and_continue(ssid, time_to_reconnect=time_to_reconnect)
-            # Validate parameters and convert to lists (for permutations)
-            try:
-                reboot_devices = CUSTOM_TEST_REBOOT_DEVICES[reboot_device]
-                reboot_types = CUSTOM_TEST_REBOOT_TYPES[reboot_type]
-                bands = CUSTOM_TEST_BANDS[band]
-                ip_versions = CUSTOM_TEST_IP_VERSIONS[ip_version]
-                interrupts = CUSTOM_TEST_INTERRUPTS[interrupt]
-                if isinstance(security_modes, str):
-                    security_modes = [security_modes]
-            except KeyError as err:
-                raise AttributeError(
-                    'Invalid custom test parameter provided. Err: %s' % err)
-            for (reboot_device, reboot_type, band, ip_version, interrupt,
-                 security_mode) in itertools.product(reboot_devices,
-                                                     reboot_types, bands,
-                                                     ip_versions, interrupts,
-                                                     security_modes):
-                settings = {
-                    "reboot_device": reboot_device,
-                    "reboot_type": reboot_type,
-                    "band": band,
-                    "security_mode": security_mode,
-                    "ipv4": ip_version[IPV4],
-                    "ipv6": ip_version[IPV6],
-                    "interrupt": interrupt,
-                    "iterations": iterations,
-                }
-                test_args.append((settings, ))
-        return test_args
-    def _read_wlan_reboot_test_params(self):
-        self.wlan_reboot_test_params = self.user_params.get(
-            'wlan_reboot_test_params', {})
-        self.skip_iperf = self.wlan_reboot_test_params.get('skip_iperf', False)
-        # Times (in seconds) to wait for DUT network connection and assigning an
-        # ip address to the wlan interface.
-        self.dut_network_connection_timeout = self.wlan_reboot_test_params.get(
-            'dut_network_connection_timeout', DUT_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)
-        self.dut_ip_address_timeout = self.wlan_reboot_test_params.get(
-            'dut_ip_address_timeout', IP_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanScanTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanScanTest.py
index a9b2545..fca98b6 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanScanTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanScanTest.py
@@ -19,17 +19,22 @@
 related to wlan scanning
+import logging
 from datetime import datetime
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_ap_preset
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_bss_settings
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from mobly import signals, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import (
+    hostapd_ap_preset,
+    hostapd_bss_settings,
+    hostapd_constants,
+    hostapd_security,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class WlanScanTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanScanTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """WLAN scan test class.
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -40,12 +45,13 @@
     def setup_class(self):
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         self.start_access_point = False
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='drivers')
-        if "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
+            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism="drivers")
+        if self.access_point:
             # This section sets up the config that could be sent to the AP if
             # the AP is needed. The reasoning is since ACTS already connects
             # to the AP if it is in the config, generating the config in memory
@@ -61,69 +67,73 @@
             bss_settings_2g = []
             bss_settings_5g = []
             open_network = self.get_open_network(False, [])
-            self.open_network_2g = open_network['2g']
-            self.open_network_5g = open_network['5g']
+            self.open_network_2g = open_network["2g"]
+            self.open_network_5g = open_network["5g"]
             wpa2_settings = self.get_psk_network(False, [])
-            self.wpa2_network_2g = wpa2_settings['2g']
-            self.wpa2_network_5g = wpa2_settings['5g']
+            self.wpa2_network_2g = wpa2_settings["2g"]
+            self.wpa2_network_5g = wpa2_settings["5g"]
-                    name=self.wpa2_network_2g['SSID'],
-                    ssid=self.wpa2_network_2g['SSID'],
+                    name=self.wpa2_network_2g["SSID"],
+                    ssid=self.wpa2_network_2g["SSID"],
-                        password=self.wpa2_network_2g["password"])))
+                        password=self.wpa2_network_2g["password"],
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
-                    name=self.wpa2_network_5g['SSID'],
-                    ssid=self.wpa2_network_5g['SSID'],
+                    name=self.wpa2_network_5g["SSID"],
+                    ssid=self.wpa2_network_5g["SSID"],
-                        password=self.wpa2_network_5g["password"])))
+                        password=self.wpa2_network_5g["password"],
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
             self.ap_2g = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-                ssid=self.open_network_2g['SSID'],
-                bss_settings=bss_settings_2g)
+                ssid=self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+                bss_settings=bss_settings_2g,
+            )
             self.ap_5g = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-                ssid=self.open_network_5g['SSID'],
-                bss_settings=bss_settings_5g)
+                ssid=self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+                bss_settings=bss_settings_5g,
+            )
         if "wlan_open_network_2g" in self.user_params:
             self.open_network_2g = self.user_params.get("wlan_open_network_2g")
-        elif "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
+        elif self.access_point:
             self.start_access_point_2g = True
-            raise Exception('Missing parameter in config '
-                            '(wlan_open_network_2g)')
+            raise Exception("Missing parameter in config " "(wlan_open_network_2g)")
         if "wlan_open_network_5g" in self.user_params:
             self.open_network_5g = self.user_params.get("wlan_open_network_5g")
-        elif "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
+        elif self.access_point:
             self.start_access_point_5g = True
-            raise Exception('Missing parameter in config '
-                            '(wlan_open_network_5g)')
+            raise Exception("Missing parameter in config " "(wlan_open_network_5g)")
         if "wlan_wpa2_network_2g" in self.user_params:
             self.wpa2_network_2g = self.user_params.get("wlan_wpa2_network_2g")
-        elif "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
+        elif self.access_point:
             self.start_access_point_2g = True
-            raise Exception('Missing parameter in config '
-                            '(wlan_wpa2_network_2g)')
+            raise Exception("Missing parameter in config " "(wlan_wpa2_network_2g)")
         if "wlan_wpa2_network_5g" in self.user_params:
             self.wpa2_network_5g = self.user_params.get("wlan_wpa2_network_5g")
-        elif "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
+        elif self.access_point:
             self.start_access_point_5g = True
-            raise Exception('Missing parameter in config '
-                            '(wlan_wpa2_network_5g)')
+            raise Exception("Missing parameter in config " "(wlan_wpa2_network_5g)")
         # Only bring up the APs that are needed for the test.  Each ssid is
         # randomly generated so there is no chance of re associating to a
@@ -142,25 +152,25 @@
     def teardown_test(self):
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanDisconnect()
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.disconnect()
     def teardown_class(self):
         if self.start_access_point:
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            super().on_device_fail(fd, test_name, begin_time)
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='drivers')
+            super().on_device_fail(fd, record)
+            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism="drivers")
     """Helper Functions"""
     def check_connect_response(self, connection_response):
-        """ Checks the result of connecting to a wlan.
-            Args:
-                connection_response: The response from SL4F after attempting
-                    to connect to a wlan.
+        """Checks the result of connecting to a wlan.
+        Args:
+            connection_response: The response from SL4F after attempting
+                to connect to a wlan.
         if connection_response.get("error") is None:
             # the command did not get an error response - go ahead and
@@ -174,39 +184,39 @@
                 raise signals.TestFailure("Connect call failed, aborting test")
             # the response indicates an error - log and raise failure
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Aborting test - Connect call failed "
-                                      "with error: %s" %
-                                      connection_response.get("error"))
+            raise signals.TestFailure(
+                "Aborting test - Connect call failed with error: "
+                f"{connection_response.get('error')}"
+            )
     def scan_while_connected(self, wlan_network_params, fd):
-        """ Connects to as specified network and initiates a scan
-                Args:
-                    wlan_network_params: A dictionary containing wlan
-                        infomation.
-                    fd: The fuchsia device to connect to the wlan.
+        """Connects to as specified network and initiates a scan
+        Args:
+            wlan_network_params: A dictionary containing wlan
+                infomation.
+            fd: The fuchsia device to connect to the wlan.
-        target_ssid = wlan_network_params['SSID']
+        target_ssid = wlan_network_params["SSID"]
         self.log.info("got the ssid! %s", target_ssid)
         target_pwd = None
-        if 'password' in wlan_network_params:
-            target_pwd = wlan_network_params['password']
+        if "password" in wlan_network_params:
+            target_pwd = wlan_network_params["password"]
-        bss_scan_response = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanScanForBSSInfo().get('result')
+        bss_scan_response = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.scan_for_bss_info().get("result")
         connection_response = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanConnectToNetwork(
-            target_ssid,
-            bss_scan_response[target_ssid][0],
-            target_pwd=target_pwd)
+            target_ssid, bss_scan_response[target_ssid][0], target_pwd=target_pwd
+        )
     def basic_scan_request(self, fd):
-        """ Initiates a basic scan on a Fuchsia device
-            Args:
-                fd: A fuchsia device
+        """Initiates a basic scan on a Fuchsia device
+        Args:
+            fd: A fuchsia device
         start_time = datetime.now()
-        scan_response = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanStartScan()
+        scan_response = fd.sl4f.wlan_lib.scan()
         # first check if we received an error
         if scan_response.get("error") is None:
@@ -215,20 +225,21 @@
             scan_results = scan_response["result"]
             # the response indicates an error - log and raise failure
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Aborting test - scan failed with "
-                                      "error: %s" % scan_response.get("error"))
+            raise signals.TestFailure(
+                f"Aborting test - scan failed with error: {scan_response.get('error')}"
+            )
         self.log.info("scan contained %d results", len(scan_results))
         total_time_ms = (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000
-        self.log.info("scan time: %d ms", total_time_ms)
+        self.log.info(f"scan time: {total_time_ms:.2f} ms")
         if len(scan_results) > 0:
-            raise signals.TestPass(details="",
-                                   extras={"Scan time": "%d" % total_time_ms})
+            raise signals.TestPass(
+                details="", extras={"Scan time": f"{total_time_ms:.2f}"}
+            )
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Scan failed or did not "
-                                      "find any networks")
+            raise signals.TestFailure("Scan failed or did not " "find any networks")
@@ -252,3 +263,7 @@
     def test_scan_while_connected_wpa2_network_5g(self):
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
             self.scan_while_connected(self.wpa2_network_5g, fd)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanTargetSecurityTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanTargetSecurityTest.py
index cc759e1..669c704 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanTargetSecurityTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanTargetSecurityTest.py
@@ -14,18 +14,26 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion import utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import (
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 # TODO(fxb/68956): Add security protocol check to mixed mode tests when info is
 # available.
-class WlanTargetSecurityTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanTargetSecurityTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests Fuchsia's target security concept and security upgrading
     Testbed Requirements:
@@ -34,38 +42,35 @@
     def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params and self.user_params[
-                'dut'] != 'fuchsia_devices':
-            raise AttributeError(
-                'WlanTargetSecurityTest is only relevant for Fuchsia devices.')
+        super().setup_class()
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-        if self.dut.device.association_mechanism != 'policy':
+        if "dut" in self.user_params and self.user_params["dut"] != "fuchsia_devices":
             raise AttributeError(
-                'Must use WLAN policy layer to test target security.')
+                "WlanTargetSecurityTest is only relevant for Fuchsia devices."
+            )
+        fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
     def teardown_class(self):
+        super().teardown_class()
     def teardown_test(self):
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-    def on_exception(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_exception(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
-    def setup_ap(self, security_mode=None):
-        """ Sets up an AP using the provided security mode.
+    def setup_ap(self, security_mode: SecurityMode = SecurityMode.OPEN):
+        """Sets up an AP using the provided security mode.
             security_mode: string, security mode for AP
@@ -74,284 +79,314 @@
                 security, since non-open target securities require a credential
                 to attempt a connection.
-        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G)
+        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G)
         # Length 13, so it can be used for WEP or WPA
         password = utils.rand_ascii_str(13)
-        security_profile = None
+        security_profile = Security(security_mode=security_mode, password=password)
-        if security_mode:
-            security_profile = Security(security_mode=security_mode,
-                                        password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security_profile,
+        )
         return (ssid, password)
     # Open Security on AP
     def test_associate_open_ap_with_open_target_security(self):
         ssid, _ = self.setup_ap()
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), 'Failed to associate.')
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Failed to associate.")
     def test_reject_open_ap_with_wep_target_security(self):
         ssid, password = self.setup_ap()
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WEP, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_reject_open_ap_with_wpa_target_security(self):
         ssid, password = self.setup_ap()
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_reject_open_ap_with_wpa2_target_security(self):
         ssid, password = self.setup_ap()
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_reject_open_ap_with_wpa3_target_security(self):
         ssid, password = self.setup_ap()
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     # WEP Security on AP
     def test_reject_wep_ap_with_open_target_security(self):
-        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING)
-        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid),
-                             'Should not have associated.')
+        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WEP)
+        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Should not have associated.")
     def test_associate_wep_ap_with_wep_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WEP)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WEP, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_reject_wep_ap_with_wpa_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WEP)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_reject_wep_ap_with_wpa2_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WEP)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_reject_wep_ap_with_wpa3_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WEP)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     # WPA Security on AP
     def test_reject_wpa_ap_with_open_target_security(self):
-        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING)
-        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid),
-                             'Should not have associated.')
+        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA)
+        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Should not have associated.")
     def test_reject_wpa_ap_with_wep_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WEP, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa_ap_with_wpa_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_reject_wpa_ap_with_wpa2_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_reject_wpa_ap_with_wpa3_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     # WPA2 Security on AP
     def test_reject_wpa2_ap_with_open_target_security(self):
-        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING)
-        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid),
-                             'Should not have associated.')
+        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2)
+        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Should not have associated.")
     def test_reject_wpa2_ap_with_wep_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WEP, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa2_ap_with_wpa_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa2_ap_with_wpa2_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_reject_wpa2_ap_with_wpa3_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     # WPA/WPA2 Security on AP
     def test_reject_wpa_wpa2_ap_with_open_target_security(self):
-        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING)
-        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid),
-                             'Should not have associated.')
+        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2)
+        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Should not have associated.")
     def test_reject_wpa_wpa2_ap_with_wep_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WEP, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa_wpa2_ap_with_wpa_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa_wpa2_ap_with_wpa2_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_reject_wpa_wpa2_ap_with_wpa3_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     # WPA3 Security on AP
     def test_reject_wpa3_ap_with_open_target_security(self):
-        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING)
-        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid),
-                             'Should not have associated.')
+        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA3)
+        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Should not have associated.")
     def test_reject_wpa3_ap_with_wep_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WEP, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa3_ap_with_wpa_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. WPA credentials for WPA3 was '
-            'temporarily disabled, see https://fxbug.dev/85817 for context. '
-            'If this feature was reenabled, please update this test\'s '
-            'expectation.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. WPA credentials for WPA3 was "
+            "temporarily disabled, see https://fxbug.dev/42166758 for context. "
+            "If this feature was reenabled, please update this test's "
+            "expectation.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa3_ap_with_wpa2_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa3_ap_with_wpa3_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     # WPA2/WPA3 Security on AP
     def test_reject_wpa2_wpa3_ap_with_open_target_security(self):
-        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(hostapd_constants.WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING)
-        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid),
-                             'Should not have associated.')
+        ssid, _ = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3)
+        asserts.assert_false(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Should not have associated.")
     def test_reject_wpa2_wpa3_ap_with_wep_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(
-            hostapd_constants.WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Should not have associated.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WEP, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Should not have associated.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa2_wpa3_ap_with_wpa_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(
-            hostapd_constants.WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password),
-            'Expected failure to associate. WPA credentials for WPA3 was '
-            'temporarily disabled, see https://fxbug.dev/85817 for context. '
-            'If this feature was reenabled, please update this test\'s '
-            'expectation.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Expected failure to associate. WPA credentials for WPA3 was "
+            "temporarily disabled, see https://fxbug.dev/42166758 for context. "
+            "If this feature was reenabled, please update this test's "
+            "expectation.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa2_wpa3_ap_with_wpa2_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(
-            hostapd_constants.WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
     def test_associate_wpa2_wpa3_ap_with_wpa3_target_security(self):
-        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(
-            hostapd_constants.WPA2_WPA3_MIXED_STRING)
+        ssid, password = self.setup_ap(SecurityMode.WPA2_WPA3)
-            self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                               target_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                               target_pwd=password), 'Failed to associate.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3, target_pwd=password
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest.py b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest.py
index b17511f..39c702a 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/functional/WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/functional/WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest.py
@@ -15,87 +15,141 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
 from typing import FrozenSet
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import signals
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion import utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import BssidInformation, BssidInformationCapabilities, NeighborReportElement, PhyType
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import BssTransitionManagementRequest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import (
+    BssidInformation,
+    BssidInformationCapabilities,
+    NeighborReportElement,
+    PhyType,
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import (
+    BssTransitionManagementRequest,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_lib import WlanMacRole
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-# TODO(fxbug.dev/103440) WNM support should be visible/controllable in ACTS.
-# When ACTS can see WNM features that are enabled (through ACTS config) or
-# ACTS can enable WNM features (through new APIs), additional tests should be
-# added to this suite that check that features function properly when the DUT is
-# configured to support those features.
-class WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class TestParams:
+    security_mode: SecurityMode
+# Antlion can see (via the wlan_features config directive) whether WNM features
+# are enabled, and runs or skips tests depending on presence of WNM features.
+class WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests Fuchsia's Wireless Network Management (AKA 802.11v) support.
     Testbed Requirements:
     * One Fuchsia device
     * One Whirlwind access point
-    Existing Fuchsia drivers do not yet support WNM features out-of-the-box, so these
-    tests check that WNM features are not enabled.
+    Existing Fuchsia drivers do not yet support WNM features out-of-the-box, so this
+    suite skips certain tests depending on whether specific WNM features are enabled.
-    def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params and self.user_params[
-                'dut'] != 'fuchsia_devices':
-            raise AttributeError(
-                'WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest is only relevant for Fuchsia devices.'
+    def pre_run(self):
+        test_args: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        SECURITY_MODES = (
+            SecurityMode.OPEN,
+            SecurityMode.WEP,
+            SecurityMode.WPA,
+            SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            SecurityMode.WPA3,
+        )
+        for security_mode in SECURITY_MODES:
+            test_args.append(
+                (
+                    TestParams(
+                        security_mode=security_mode,
+                    ),
+                )
-        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-        if self.dut.device.association_mechanism != 'policy':
-            raise AttributeError('Must use WLAN policy layer to test WNM.')
+        def generate_roam_on_btm_req_test_name(test: TestParams):
+            return f"test_roam_on_btm_req_from_{test.security_mode}_2g_to_{test.security_mode}_5g"
+        self.generate_tests(
+            test_logic=self.setup_connect_roam_on_btm_req,
+            name_func=generate_roam_on_btm_req_test_name,
+            arg_sets=test_args,
+        )
+    def setup_class(self):
+        super().setup_class()
+        if "dut" in self.user_params and self.user_params["dut"] != "fuchsia_devices":
+            raise AttributeError(
+                "WlanWirelessNetworkManagementTest is only relevant for Fuchsia devices."
+            )
+        if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass("At least one Fuchsia device is required")
+        self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+        self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
     def teardown_class(self):
+        super().teardown_class()
     def teardown_test(self):
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def on_fail(self, test_name: str, begin_time: str):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-    def on_exception(self, test_name: str, begin_time: str):
-        super().on_exception(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
     def setup_ap(
         ssid: str,
+        security: Security = None,
+        additional_ap_parameters: dict | None = None,
         channel: int = hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-        wnm_features: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset()):
+        wnm_features: FrozenSet[hostapd_constants.WnmFeature] = frozenset(),
+    ):
         """Sets up an AP using the provided parameters.
             ssid: SSID for the AP.
+            security: security config for AP, defaults to None (open network
+                with no password).
+            additional_ap_parameters: A dictionary of parameters that can be set
+                directly in the hostapd config file.
             channel: which channel number to set the AP to (default is
             wnm_features: Wireless Network Management features to enable
                 (default is no WNM features).
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=channel,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=None,
-                 wnm_features=wnm_features)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=channel,
+            ssid=ssid,
+            security=security,
+            additional_ap_parameters=additional_ap_parameters,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
     def _get_client_mac(self) -> str:
         """Get the MAC address of the DUT client interface.
@@ -104,110 +158,335 @@
             str, MAC address of the DUT client interface.
             ValueError if there is no DUT client interface.
-            ConnectionError if the DUT interface query fails.
+            WlanError if the DUT interface query fails.
-        wlan_ifaces = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanGetIfaceIdList()
-        if wlan_ifaces.get('error'):
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to get wlan interface IDs: %s' %
-                                  wlan_ifaces['error'])
-        for wlan_iface in wlan_ifaces['result']:
-            iface_info = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanQueryInterface(
-                wlan_iface)
-            if iface_info.get('error'):
-                raise ConnectionError('Failed to query wlan iface: %s' %
-                                      iface_info['error'])
-            if iface_info['result']['role'] == 'Client':
-                return utils.mac_address_list_to_str(
-                    iface_info['result']['sta_addr'])
+        for wlan_iface in self.dut.get_wlan_interface_id_list():
+            result = self.fuchsia_device.sl4f.wlan_lib.query_iface(wlan_iface)
+            if result.role is WlanMacRole.CLIENT:
+                return utils.mac_address_list_to_str(bytes(result.sta_addr))
         raise ValueError(
-            'Failed to get client interface mac address. No client interface found.'
+            "Failed to get client interface mac address. No client interface found."
-    def test_bss_transition_ap_supported_dut_unsupported(self):
+    def test_bss_transition_is_not_advertised_when_ap_supported_dut_unsupported(self):
+        if self.dut.feature_is_present("BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT"):
+            raise signals.TestSkip("skipping test because BTM feature is present")
         ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
         wnm_features = frozenset(
-            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT])
+            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT]
+        )
         self.setup_ap(ssid, wnm_features=wnm_features)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), 'Failed to associate.')
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), 'Failed to connect.')
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Failed to associate.")
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), "Failed to connect.")
         client_mac = self._get_client_mac()
+        # Verify that DUT is actually associated (as seen from AP).
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not associated on the 2.4GHz band",
+        )
         ext_capabilities = self.access_point.get_sta_extended_capabilities(
-            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac)
+            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac
+        )
-            'DUT is incorrectly advertising BSS Transition Management support')
+            "DUT is incorrectly advertising BSS Transition Management support",
+        )
-    def test_wnm_sleep_mode_ap_supported_dut_unsupported(self):
+    def test_bss_transition_is_advertised_when_ap_supported_dut_supported(self):
+        if not self.dut.feature_is_present("BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT"):
+            raise signals.TestSkip("skipping test because BTM feature is not present")
+        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        wnm_features = frozenset(
+            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT]
+        )
+        self.setup_ap(ssid, wnm_features=wnm_features)
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Failed to associate.")
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), "Failed to connect.")
+        client_mac = self._get_client_mac()
+        # Verify that DUT is actually associated (as seen from AP).
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not associated on the 2.4GHz band",
+        )
+        ext_capabilities = self.access_point.get_sta_extended_capabilities(
+            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            ext_capabilities.bss_transition,
+            "DUT is not advertising BSS Transition Management support",
+        )
+    def test_wnm_sleep_mode_is_not_advertised_when_ap_supported_dut_unsupported(self):
+        if self.dut.feature_is_present("WNM_SLEEP_MODE"):
+            raise signals.TestSkip("skipping test because WNM feature is present")
         ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
         wnm_features = frozenset([hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.WNM_SLEEP_MODE])
         self.setup_ap(ssid, wnm_features=wnm_features)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), 'Failed to associate.')
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), 'Failed to connect.')
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Failed to associate.")
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.is_connected(), "Failed to connect.")
         client_mac = self._get_client_mac()
+        # Verify that DUT is actually associated (as seen from AP).
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not associated on the 2.4GHz band",
+        )
         ext_capabilities = self.access_point.get_sta_extended_capabilities(
-            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac)
+            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac
+        )
-            'DUT is incorrectly advertising WNM Sleep Mode support')
+            "DUT is incorrectly advertising WNM Sleep Mode support",
+        )
-    def test_btm_req_ignored_dut_unsupported(self):
+    # This is called in generate_tests.
+    def setup_connect_roam_on_btm_req(self, test: TestParams):
+        """Setup the APs, associate a DUT, amd roam when BTM request is received.
+        Args:
+            test: Test parameters
+        """
+        if not self.dut.feature_is_present("BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT"):
+            raise signals.TestSkip("skipping test because BTM feature is not present")
         ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
-        wnm_features = frozenset(
-            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT])
-        # Setup 2.4 GHz AP.
-        self.setup_ap(ssid,
-                      channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                      wnm_features=wnm_features)
+        password = None
+        if test.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+            # Length 13, so it can be used for WEP or WPA
+            password = utils.rand_ascii_str(13)
-        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), 'Failed to associate.')
+        wnm_features = frozenset(
+            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT]
+        )
+        # Setup 2.4 GHz AP.
+        security = Security(test.security_mode, password)
+        wnm_features = frozenset(
+            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT]
+        )
+        # Setup 2.4 GHz AP.
+        self.setup_ap(
+            ssid,
+            security=security,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.associate(
+                ssid, target_pwd=password, target_security=test.security_mode
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate.",
+        )
         # Verify that DUT is actually associated (as seen from AP).
         client_mac = self._get_client_mac()
-            client_mac
-            in self.access_point.get_stas(self.access_point.wlan_2g),
-            'Client MAC not included in list of associated STAs on the 2.4GHz band'
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not associated on the 2.4GHz band",
         # Setup 5 GHz AP with same SSID.
-        self.setup_ap(ssid,
-                      channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                      wnm_features=wnm_features)
+        self.setup_ap(
+            ssid,
+            security=security,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
         # Construct a BTM request.
         dest_bssid = self.access_point.get_bssid_from_ssid(
-            ssid, self.access_point.wlan_5g)
+            ssid, self.access_point.wlan_5g
+        )
         dest_bssid_info = BssidInformation(
-            security=True, capabilities=BssidInformationCapabilities())
+            security=True, capabilities=BssidInformationCapabilities()
+        )
+        neighbor_5g_ap = NeighborReportElement(
+            dest_bssid,
+            dest_bssid_info,
+            operating_class=116,
+            channel_number=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            phy_type=PhyType.VHT,
+        )
+        btm_req = BssTransitionManagementRequest(
+            preferred_candidate_list_included=True,
+            disassociation_imminent=True,
+            candidate_list=[neighbor_5g_ap],
+        )
+        # Sleep to avoid concurrent scan during reassociation, necessary due to a firmware bug.
+        # TODO(fxbug.dev/42068735) Remove when fixed, or when non-firmware BTM support is merged.
+        time.sleep(5)
+        # Send BTM request from 2.4 GHz AP to DUT
+        self.access_point.send_bss_transition_management_req(
+            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac, btm_req
+        )
+        # Give DUT time to roam.
+        ROAM_DEADLINE = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=2)
+        while datetime.now(timezone.utc) < ROAM_DEADLINE:
+            if self.access_point.sta_authorized(self.access_point.wlan_5g, client_mac):
+                break
+            else:
+                time.sleep(0.25)
+        # Verify that DUT roamed (as seen from AP).
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_authenticated(self.access_point.wlan_5g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not authenticated on the 5GHz band",
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_5g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not associated on the 5GHz band",
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_authorized(self.access_point.wlan_5g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not 802.1X authorized on the 5GHz band",
+        )
+    def test_btm_req_ignored_dut_unsupported(self):
+        if self.dut.feature_is_present("BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT"):
+            raise signals.TestSkip("skipping test because BTM feature is present")
+        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        wnm_features = frozenset(
+            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT]
+        )
+        # Setup 2.4 GHz AP.
+        self.setup_ap(
+            ssid,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Failed to associate.")
+        # Verify that DUT is actually associated (as seen from AP).
+        client_mac = self._get_client_mac()
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not associated on the 2.4GHz band",
+        )
+        # Setup 5 GHz AP with same SSID.
+        self.setup_ap(
+            ssid,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
+        # Construct a BTM request.
+        dest_bssid = self.access_point.get_bssid_from_ssid(
+            ssid, self.access_point.wlan_5g
+        )
+        dest_bssid_info = BssidInformation(
+            security=True, capabilities=BssidInformationCapabilities()
+        )
         neighbor_5g_ap = NeighborReportElement(
-            phy_type=PhyType.VHT)
+            phy_type=PhyType.VHT,
+        )
         btm_req = BssTransitionManagementRequest(
-            disassociation_imminent=True, candidate_list=[neighbor_5g_ap])
+            disassociation_imminent=True, candidate_list=[neighbor_5g_ap]
+        )
         # Send BTM request from 2.4 GHz AP to DUT
-            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac, btm_req)
+            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac, btm_req
+        )
-        # Check that DUT has not reassociated.
-        REASSOC_DEADLINE = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=2)
-        while datetime.now(timezone.utc) < REASSOC_DEADLINE:
+        # Check that DUT has not roamed.
+        ROAM_DEADLINE = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=2)
+        while datetime.now(timezone.utc) < ROAM_DEADLINE:
             # Fail if DUT has reassociated to 5 GHz AP (as seen from AP).
-            if client_mac in self.access_point.get_stas(
-                    self.access_point.wlan_5g):
+            if self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_5g, client_mac):
                 raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    'DUT unexpectedly roamed to target BSS after BTM request')
+                    "DUT unexpectedly roamed to target BSS after BTM request"
+                )
         # DUT should have stayed associated to original AP.
-            client_mac
-            in self.access_point.get_stas(self.access_point.wlan_2g),
-            'DUT lost association on the 2.4GHz band after BTM request')
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac),
+            "DUT unexpectedly lost association on the 2.4GHz band after BTM request",
+        )
+    def test_btm_req_target_ap_rejects_reassoc(self):
+        if not self.dut.feature_is_present("BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT"):
+            raise signals.TestSkip("skipping test because BTM feature is not present")
+        ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        wnm_features = frozenset(
+            [hostapd_constants.WnmFeature.BSS_TRANSITION_MANAGEMENT]
+        )
+        # Setup 2.4 GHz AP.
+        self.setup_ap(
+            ssid,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
+        asserts.assert_true(self.dut.associate(ssid), "Failed to associate.")
+        # Verify that DUT is actually associated (as seen from AP).
+        client_mac = self._get_client_mac()
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac),
+            "DUT is not associated on the 2.4GHz band",
+        )
+        # Setup 5 GHz AP with same SSID, but reject all STAs.
+        reject_all_sta_param = {"max_num_sta": 0}
+        self.setup_ap(
+            ssid,
+            additional_ap_parameters=reject_all_sta_param,
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            wnm_features=wnm_features,
+        )
+        # Construct a BTM request.
+        dest_bssid = self.access_point.get_bssid_from_ssid(
+            ssid, self.access_point.wlan_5g
+        )
+        dest_bssid_info = BssidInformation(
+            security=True, capabilities=BssidInformationCapabilities()
+        )
+        neighbor_5g_ap = NeighborReportElement(
+            dest_bssid,
+            dest_bssid_info,
+            operating_class=116,
+            channel_number=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            phy_type=PhyType.VHT,
+        )
+        btm_req = BssTransitionManagementRequest(
+            disassociation_imminent=True, candidate_list=[neighbor_5g_ap]
+        )
+        # Sleep to avoid concurrent scan during reassociation, necessary due to a firmware bug.
+        # TODO(fxbug.dev/42068735) Remove when fixed, or when non-firmware BTM support is merged.
+        time.sleep(5)
+        # Send BTM request from 2.4 GHz AP to DUT
+        self.access_point.send_bss_transition_management_req(
+            self.access_point.wlan_2g, client_mac, btm_req
+        )
+        # Check that DUT has not reassociated.
+        ROAM_DEADLINE = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=2)
+        while datetime.now(timezone.utc) < ROAM_DEADLINE:
+            # Check that DUT has not reassociated to 5 GHz AP (as seen from AP).
+            if self.access_point.sta_associated(self.access_point.wlan_5g, client_mac):
+                raise signals.TestFailure("DUT unexpectedly roamed to 5GHz band")
+            else:
+                time.sleep(0.25)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/misc/BUILD.gn b/tests/wlan/misc/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0250c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/misc/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("wlan_interface_test") {
+  main_source = "WlanInterfaceTest.py"
+  environments = display_envs
+antlion_host_test("wlan_misc_scenario") {
+  main_source = "WlanMiscScenarioTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":wlan_interface_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_misc_scenario($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/wlan/misc/WlanInterfaceTest.py b/tests/wlan/misc/WlanInterfaceTest.py
index d4773a3..864d577 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/misc/WlanInterfaceTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/misc/WlanInterfaceTest.py
@@ -14,28 +14,33 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
+from mobly import test_runner
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class WlanInterfaceTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanInterfaceTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     def setup_class(self):
-        dut = self.user_params.get('dut', None)
-        if dut:
-            if dut == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif dut == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an Fuchsia device
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
     def test_destroy_iface(self):
         """Test that we don't error out when destroying the WLAN interface.
@@ -55,8 +60,8 @@
         Priority: 1
         wlan_interfaces = self.dut.get_wlan_interface_id_list()
-        if len(wlan_interfaces) < 1:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Not enough wlan interfaces for test")
-        if not self.dut.destroy_wlan_interface(wlan_interfaces[0]):
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to destroy WLAN interface")
-        raise signals.TestPass("Success")
+        self.dut.destroy_wlan_interface(wlan_interfaces[0])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/misc/WlanMiscScenarioTest.py b/tests/wlan/misc/WlanMiscScenarioTest.py
index 72be614..24c1fcb 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/misc/WlanMiscScenarioTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/misc/WlanMiscScenarioTest.py
@@ -14,17 +14,24 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
+import logging
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion import utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_utils import generate_random_password
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class WlanMiscScenarioTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanMiscScenarioTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Random scenario tests, usually to reproduce certain bugs, that do not
     fit into a specific test category, but should still be run in CI to catch
@@ -32,18 +39,23 @@
     def setup_class(self):
-        dut = self.user_params.get('dut', None)
-        if dut:
-            if dut == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif dut == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.fuchsia_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an Fuchsia device
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
     def teardown_class(self):
@@ -55,12 +67,8 @@
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
-        self.access_point.stop_all_aps()
-    def on_exception(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_exception(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord):
+        super().on_fail(record)
@@ -72,36 +80,47 @@
         # Setup a WPA3 network
         wpa3_ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=wpa3_ssid,
-                 security=Security(security_mode='wpa3',
-                                   password=generate_random_password('wpa3')))
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=wpa3_ssid,
+            security=Security(
+                security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA3,
+                password=generate_random_password(SecurityMode.WPA3),
+            ),
+        )
         # Attempt to associate with wrong password, expecting failure
-        self.log.info('Attempting to associate WPA3 with wrong password.')
+        self.log.info("Attempting to associate WPA3 with wrong password.")
-            self.dut.associate(wpa3_ssid,
-                               target_pwd='wrongpass',
-                               target_security='wpa3'),
-            'Associated with WPA3 network using the wrong password')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                wpa3_ssid, target_pwd="wrongpass", target_security=SecurityMode.WPA3
+            ),
+            "Associated with WPA3 network using the wrong password",
+        )
         # Setup a WPA2 Network
         wpa2_ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_5G)
-        wpa2_password = generate_random_password('wpa2')
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=wpa2_ssid,
-                 security=Security(security_mode='wpa2',
-                                   password=wpa2_password))
+        wpa2_password = generate_random_password(SecurityMode.WPA2)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            ssid=wpa2_ssid,
+            security=Security(security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA2, password=wpa2_password),
+        )
         # Attempt to associate, expecting success
-        self.log.info('Attempting to associate with WPA2 network.')
+        self.log.info("Attempting to associate with WPA2 network.")
-            self.dut.associate(wpa2_ssid,
-                               target_pwd=wpa2_password,
-                               target_security='wpa2'),
-            'Failed to associate with WPA2 network after a WPA3 rejection.')
+            self.dut.associate(
+                wpa2_ssid, target_pwd=wpa2_password, target_security=SecurityMode.WPA2
+            ),
+            "Failed to associate with WPA2 network after a WPA3 rejection.",
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/performance/BUILD.gn b/tests/wlan/performance/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..123fd1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/performance/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("channel_sweep_test") {
+  main_source = "ChannelSweepTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
+antlion_host_test("channel_sweep_test_quick") {
+  main_source = "ChannelSweepTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
+  test_cases = [
+    "test_US_wpa2_channel_8_20mhz",
+    "test_US_wpa2_channel_40_80mhz", # non-DFS 5GHz channel
+    "test_US_wpa2_channel_100_80mhz", # DFS 5GHz channel
+    "test_US_wpa2_channel_165_20mhz",
+  ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_rvr_test_2g_open") {
+  main_source = "WlanRvrTest.py"
+  test_params = "rvr_settings.yaml"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_attenuator_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_open_.*"]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_rvr_test_2g_wpa2") {
+  main_source = "WlanRvrTest.py"
+  test_params = "rvr_settings.yaml"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_attenuator_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_wpa2_.*"]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_rvr_test_5g_open") {
+  main_source = "WlanRvrTest.py"
+  test_params = "rvr_settings.yaml"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_attenuator_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_open_.*" ]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_rvr_test_5g_wpa2") {
+  main_source = "WlanRvrTest.py"
+  test_params = "rvr_settings.yaml"
+  environments = display_ap_iperf_attenuator_envs
+  test_cases = [ "test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_wpa2_.*"]
+antlion_host_test("wlan_wmm_test") {
+  main_source = "WmmTest.py"
+  # Requires a second station and custom configuration. There are no available
+  # testbeds to support this toplogy. This will remain an at-desk test until an
+  # infra-hosted testbed matching this topology is supported.
+  environments = []
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":wlan_rvr_test_2g_open($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_rvr_test_2g_wpa2($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_rvr_test_5g_open($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_rvr_test_5g_wpa2($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":channel_sweep_test_quick($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_manual") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    # Running ChannelSweepTest is usually only necessary when verifying new WLAN
+    # firmware patches. Take it out of automation; it takes too long otherwise.
+    ":channel_sweep_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":wlan_wmm_test($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/wlan/performance/ChannelSweepTest.py b/tests/wlan/performance/ChannelSweepTest.py
index 893770e..0d9af36 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/performance/ChannelSweepTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/performance/ChannelSweepTest.py
@@ -14,137 +14,199 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import logging
 import os
 import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from pathlib import Path
 from statistics import pstdev
-from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource
-from bokeh.plotting import figure
-from bokeh.plotting import output_file
-from bokeh.plotting import save
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import CountryCode
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
+from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import context
 from antlion import utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfResult
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.regulatory_channels import COUNTRY_CHANNELS
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import IPerfClientOverAdb, IPerfClientOverSsh
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfResult, IPerfServerOverSsh
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI40,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC1
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_MPDU_11454,
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RXLDPC,
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_SHORT_GI_80,
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_TX_STBC_2BY1,
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_STBC_1,
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_MAX_A_MPDU_LEN_EXP7,
-    hostapd_constants.AC_CAPABILITY_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN,
 MAX_2_4_CHANNEL = 14
-def get_test_name(settings):
-    """Retrieves the test_name value from test_settings"""
-    return settings.get('test_name')
+class TestParams:
+    country_code: str
+    """Country code for the DUT to set before running the test."""
+    security_mode: SecurityMode
+    """Security type of the network to create. None represents an open network."""
+    channel: int
+    """Channel for the AP to broadcast on"""
+    channel_bandwidth: int
+    """Channel bandwidth in MHz for the AP to broadcast with"""
+    expect_min_rx_throughput_mbps: float = DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT
+    """Expected minimum receive throughput in Mb/s"""
+    expect_min_tx_throughput_mbps: float = DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT
+    """Expected minimum transmit throughput in Mb/s"""
+    # TODO: Use this value
+    expect_max_std_dev: float = DEFAULT_MAX_STD_DEV
+    """Expected maximum standard deviation of throughput in Mb/s"""
-class ChannelSweepTest(WifiBaseTest):
-    """Tests channel performance and regulatory compliance..
+class ThroughputKey:
+    country_code: str
+    security_mode: SecurityMode
+    channel_bandwidth: int
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_test(test: TestParams) -> "ThroughputKey":
+        return ThroughputKey(
+            country_code=test.country_code,
+            security_mode=test.security_mode,
+            channel_bandwidth=test.channel_bandwidth,
+        )
+class ThroughputValue:
+    channel: int
+    tx_throughput_mbps: float | None
+    rx_throughput_mbps: float | None
+ChannelThroughputMap = dict[ThroughputKey, list[ThroughputValue]]
+class ChannelSweepTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
+    """Tests channel performance.
     Testbed Requirement:
-    * One ACTS compatible device (dut)
-    * One Access Point
-    * One Linux Machine used as IPerfServer if running performance tests
+    * 1 x Fuchsia device (dut)
+    * 1 x access point
+    * 1 x Linux Machine used as IPerfServer
     Note: Performance tests should be done in isolated testbed.
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        super().__init__(controllers)
-        if 'channel_sweep_test_params' in self.user_params:
-            self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr = self.user_params[
-                'channel_sweep_test_params'].get(
-                    'time_to_wait_for_ip_addr',
-                    DEFAULT_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_IP_ADDR)
-        else:
-            self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr = DEFAULT_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_IP_ADDR
+    def __init__(self, configs: TestRunConfig) -> None:
+        super().__init__(configs)
+        self.channel_throughput: ChannelThroughputMap = {}
+    def pre_run(self):
+        tests: list[tuple[TestParams]] = []
+        def generate_test_name(test: TestParams):
+            return f"test_{test.country_code}_{test.security_mode}_channel_{test.channel}_{test.channel_bandwidth}mhz"
+        def test_params(test_name):
+            return self.user_params.get("channel_sweep_test_params", {}).get(
+                test_name, {}
+            )
+        for country_channels in [COUNTRY_CHANNELS["United States of America"]]:
+            for security_mode in [
+                SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                SecurityMode.WEP,
+                SecurityMode.WPA,
+                SecurityMode.WPA2,
+                SecurityMode.WPA_WPA2,
+                SecurityMode.WPA3,
+            ]:
+                for channel, bandwidths in country_channels.allowed_channels.items():
+                    for bandwidth in bandwidths:
+                        test = TestParams(
+                            country_code=country_channels.country_code,
+                            security_mode=security_mode,
+                            channel=channel,
+                            channel_bandwidth=bandwidth,
+                        )
+                        name = generate_test_name(test)
+                        test.expect_min_rx_throughput_mbps = test_params(name).get(
+                            "min_rx_throughput", DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT
+                        )
+                        test.expect_min_tx_throughput_mbps = test_params(name).get(
+                            "min_tx_throughput", DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT
+                        )
+                        test.expect_max_std_dev = test_params(name).get(
+                            "max_std_dev", DEFAULT_MAX_STD_DEV
+                        )
+                        tests.append((test,))
+        self.generate_tests(self.run_channel_performance, generate_test_name, tests)
+    def get_existing_test_names(self) -> list[str]:
+        test_names: list[str] = super().get_existing_test_names()
+        # Verify standard deviation last since it depends on the throughput results from
+        # all other tests.
+        test_names.sort(key=lambda n: n == "test_standard_deviation")
+        return test_names
     def setup_class(self):
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
-        else:
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
-        self.android_devices = getattr(self, 'android_devices', [])
+        self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr = self.user_params.get(
+            "channel_sweep_test_params", {}
+        ).get("time_to_wait_for_ip_addr", DEFAULT_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_IP_ADDR)
+        device_type = self.user_params.get("dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
+        self.android_devices = self.android_devices
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.iperf_server = None
-        self.iperf_client = None
+        self.iperf_server = self.iperf_servers[0]
+        self.iperf_server.start()
-        self.channel_sweep_test_params = self.user_params.get(
-            'channel_sweep_test_params', {})
-        # Allows users to skip the iperf throughput measurements, just verifying
-        # association.
-        if not self.channel_sweep_test_params.get('skip_performance'):
-            try:
-                self.iperf_server = self.iperf_servers[0]
-                self.iperf_server.start()
-            except AttributeError:
-                self.log.warn(
-                    'Missing iperf config. Throughput cannot be measured, so only '
-                    'association will be tested.')
-            if hasattr(self, "iperf_clients") and self.iperf_clients:
-                self.iperf_client = self.iperf_clients[0]
-            else:
-                self.iperf_client = self.dut.create_iperf_client()
-        self.regulatory_results = "====CountryCode,Channel,Frequency,ChannelBandwith,Connected/Not-Connected====\n"
+        if hasattr(self, "iperf_clients") and self.iperf_clients:
+            self.iperf_client = self.iperf_clients[0]
+        else:
+            self.iperf_client = self.dut.create_iperf_client()
     def teardown_class(self):
+        self.write_graph()
-        output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-        regulatory_save_path = '%s/ChannelSweepTest/%s' % (
-            output_path, "regulatory_results.txt")
-        f = open(regulatory_save_path, "w")
-        f.write(self.regulatory_results)
-        f.close()
     def setup_test(self):
+        super().setup_test()
         # TODO(fxb/46417): Uncomment when wlanClearCountry is implemented up any
         # country code changes.
         # for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
@@ -175,126 +237,64 @@
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def set_dut_country_code(self, country_code):
-        """Set the country code on the DUT. Then verify that the country
-        code was set successfully
-        Args:
-            country_code: string, the 2 character country code to set
-        """
-        self.log.info('Setting DUT country code to %s' % country_code)
-        country_code_response = self.dut.device.sl4f.regulatory_region_lib.setRegion(
-            country_code)
-        if country_code_response.get('error'):
-            raise EnvironmentError(
-                'Failed to set country code (%s) on DUT. Error: %s' %
-                (country_code, country_code_response['error']))
-        self.log.info('Verifying DUT country code was correctly set to %s.' %
-                      country_code)
-        phy_ids_response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanPhyIdList()
-        if phy_ids_response.get('error'):
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to get phy ids from DUT. Error: %s' %
-                                  (country_code, phy_ids_response['error']))
-        end_time = time.time() + TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_COUNTRY_CODE
-        while time.time() < end_time:
-            for id in phy_ids_response['result']:
-                get_country_response = self.dut.device.sl4f.wlan_lib.wlanGetCountry(
-                    id)
-                if get_country_response.get('error'):
-                    raise ConnectionError(
-                        'Failed to query PHY ID (%s) for country. Error: %s' %
-                        (id, get_country_response['error']))
-                set_code = ''.join([
-                    chr(ascii_char)
-                    for ascii_char in get_country_response['result']
-                ])
-                if set_code != country_code:
-                    self.log.debug(
-                        'PHY (id: %s) has incorrect country code set. '
-                        'Expected: %s, Got: %s' % (id, country_code, set_code))
-                    break
-            else:
-                self.log.info('All PHYs have expected country code (%s)' %
-                              country_code)
-                break
-            time.sleep(TIME_TO_SLEEP_BETWEEN_RETRIES)
-        else:
-            raise EnvironmentError('Failed to set DUT country code to %s.' %
-                                   country_code)
-    def setup_ap(self, channel, channel_bandwidth, security_profile=None):
+    def setup_ap(
+        self,
+        channel: int,
+        channel_bandwidth: int,
+        security_profile: Security,
+    ) -> str:
         """Start network on AP with basic configuration.
-            channel: int, channel to use for network
-            channel_bandwidth: int, channel bandwidth in mhz to use for network,
-            security_profile: Security object, or None if open
+            channel: channel to use for network
+            channel_bandwidth: channel bandwidth in mhz to use for network,
+            security_profile: security type to use or None if open
-            string, ssid of network running
+            SSID of the newly created and running network
             ConnectionError if network is not started successfully.
-        if channel > MAX_2_4_CHANNEL:
-            vht_bandwidth = channel_bandwidth
-        else:
-            vht_bandwidth = None
-        if channel_bandwidth == hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20MHZ:
-            n_capabilities = N_CAPABILITIES_DEFAULT + [
-                hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
-            ]
-        elif (channel_bandwidth == hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40MHZ or
-              channel_bandwidth == hostapd_constants.CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_80MHZ):
-            if hostapd_config.ht40_plus_allowed(channel):
-                extended_channel = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_PLUS]
-            elif hostapd_config.ht40_minus_allowed(channel):
-                extended_channel = [hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT40_MINUS]
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid Channel: %s' % channel)
-            n_capabilities = N_CAPABILITIES_DEFAULT + extended_channel
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid Bandwidth: %s' % channel_bandwidth)
         ssid = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
-            setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                     profile_name='whirlwind',
-                     channel=channel,
-                     security=security_profile,
-                     n_capabilities=n_capabilities,
-                     ac_capabilities=None,
-                     force_wmm=True,
-                     ssid=ssid,
-                     vht_bandwidth=vht_bandwidth,
-                     setup_bridge=True)
+            setup_ap(
+                access_point=self.access_point,
+                profile_name="whirlwind",
+                channel=channel,
+                security=security_profile,
+                force_wmm=True,
+                ssid=ssid,
+                vht_bandwidth=channel_bandwidth,
+                setup_bridge=True,
+            )
+            self.log.info(
+                f"Network (ssid: {ssid}) up on channel {channel} "
+                f"w/ channel bandwidth {channel_bandwidth} MHz"
+            )
+            return ssid
         except Exception as err:
             raise ConnectionError(
-                'Failed to setup ap on channel: %s, channel bandwidth: %smhz. '
-                'Error: %s' % (channel, channel_bandwidth, err))
-        else:
-            self.log.info(
-                'Network (ssid: %s) up on channel %s w/ channel bandwidth %smhz'
-                % (ssid, channel, channel_bandwidth))
+                f"Failed to setup ap on channel: {channel}, "
+                f"channel bandwidth: {channel_bandwidth} MHz. "
+            ) from err
-        return ssid
-    def get_and_verify_iperf_address(self, channel, device, interface=None):
+    def get_and_verify_iperf_address(
+        self, channel: int, device: FuchsiaDevice | IPerfServerOverSsh, interface: str
+    ) -> str:
         """Get ip address from a devices interface and verify it belongs to
         expected subnet based on APs DHCP config.
-            channel: int, channel network is running on, to determine subnet
+            channel: channel network is running on, to determine subnet
             device: device to get ip address for
-            interface (default: None): interface on device to get ip address.
-                If None, uses device.test_interface.
+            interface: interface on device to get ip address. If None, uses
+                device.test_interface.
-            String, ip address of device on given interface (or test_interface)
+            IP address of device on given interface (or test_interface)
             ConnectionError, if device does not have a valid ip address after
@@ -306,68 +306,71 @@
             subnet = self.access_point._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR
         end_time = time.time() + self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr
         while time.time() < end_time:
-            if interface:
-                device_addresses = device.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
-            else:
-                device_addresses = device.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                    device.test_interface)
-            if device_addresses['ipv4_private']:
-                for ip_addr in device_addresses['ipv4_private']:
+            device_addresses = device.get_interface_ip_addresses(interface)
+            if device_addresses["ipv4_private"]:
+                for ip_addr in device_addresses["ipv4_private"]:
                     if utils.ip_in_subnet(ip_addr, subnet):
                         return ip_addr
-                            'Device has an ip address (%s), but it is not in '
-                            'subnet %s' % (ip_addr, subnet))
+                            f"Device has an ip address ({ip_addr}), but it is not in subnet {subnet}"
+                        )
-                self.log.debug(
-                    'Device does not have a valid ip address. Retrying.')
+                self.log.debug("Device does not have a valid ip address. Retrying.")
-        raise ConnectionError('Device failed to get an ip address.')
+        raise ConnectionError("Device failed to get an ip address.")
-    def get_iperf_throughput(self,
-                             iperf_server_address,
-                             iperf_client_address,
-                             reverse=False):
+    def get_iperf_throughput(
+        self,
+        iperf_server_address: str,
+        iperf_client_address: str,
+        reverse: bool = False,
+    ) -> float:
         """Run iperf between client and server and get the throughput.
-            iperf_server_address: string, ip address of running iperf server
-            iperf_client_address: string, ip address of iperf client (dut)
-            reverse (default: False): If True, run traffic in reverse direction,
-                from server to client.
+            iperf_server_address: IP address of running iperf server
+            iperf_client_address: IP address of iperf client (dut)
+            reverse: If True, run traffic in reverse direction, from server to client.
-            int, iperf throughput OR IPERF_NO_THROUGHPUT_VALUE, if iperf fails
+            iperf throughput or 0 if iperf fails
         if reverse:
-                'Running IPerf traffic from server (%s) to dut (%s).' %
-                (iperf_server_address, iperf_client_address))
+                f"Running IPerf traffic from server ({iperf_server_address}) to "
+                f"dut ({iperf_client_address})."
+            )
             iperf_results_file = self.iperf_client.start(
-                '-i 1 -t 10 -R -J',
-                'channel_sweep_rx',
-                timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT)
+                "-i 1 -t 10 -R -J",
+                "channel_sweep_rx",
+                timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT,
+            )
-                'Running IPerf traffic from dut (%s) to server (%s).' %
-                (iperf_client_address, iperf_server_address))
+                f"Running IPerf traffic from dut ({iperf_client_address}) to "
+                f"server ({iperf_server_address})."
+            )
             iperf_results_file = self.iperf_client.start(
-                '-i 1 -t 10 -J',
-                'channel_sweep_tx',
-                timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT)
+                "-i 1 -t 10 -J",
+                "channel_sweep_tx",
+                timeout=DEFAULT_IPERF_TIMEOUT,
+            )
         if iperf_results_file:
             iperf_results = IPerfResult(
-                iperf_results_file, reporting_speed_units=MEGABITS_PER_SECOND)
-            return iperf_results.avg_send_rate
-        else:
-            return IPERF_NO_THROUGHPUT_VALUE
+                iperf_results_file, reporting_speed_units=MEGABITS_PER_SECOND
+            )
+            return iperf_results.avg_send_rate or 0.0
+        return 0.0
-    def log_to_file_and_throughput_data(self, channel, channel_bandwidth,
-                                        tx_throughput, rx_throughput):
+    def log_to_file_and_throughput_data(
+        self,
+        test: TestParams,
+        tx_throughput: float | None,
+        rx_throughput: float | None,
+    ):
         """Write performance info to csv file and to throughput data.
@@ -376,92 +379,136 @@
             tx_throughput: float, throughput value from dut to iperf server
             rx_throughput: float, throughput value from iperf server to dut
-        test_name = self.throughput_data['test']
-        output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-        log_path = '%s/ChannelSweepTest/%s' % (output_path, test_name)
-        if not os.path.exists(log_path):
-            os.makedirs(log_path)
-        log_file = '%s/%s_%smhz.csv' % (log_path, test_name, channel_bandwidth)
-        self.log.info('Writing IPerf results for %s to %s' %
-                      (test_name, log_file))
-        with open(log_file, 'a') as csv_file:
-            csv_file.write('%s,%s,%s\n' %
-                           (channel, tx_throughput, rx_throughput))
-        self.throughput_data['results'][str(channel)] = {
-            'tx_throughput': tx_throughput,
-            'rx_throughput': rx_throughput
-        }
+        test_name = self.current_test_info.name
+        log_file = Path(os.path.join(self.log_path, "throughput.csv"))
+        self.log.info(f"Writing IPerf results for {test_name} to {log_file}")
+        if not log_file.is_file():
+            with open(log_file, "x") as csv_file:
+                csv_file.write(
+                    "country code,security,channel,channel bandwidth,tx throughput,rx throughput\n"
+                )
+        with open(log_file, "a") as csv_file:
+            csv_file.write(
+                f"{test.country_code},{test.security_mode},{test.channel},{test.channel_bandwidth},{tx_throughput},{rx_throughput}\n"
+            )
+        key = ThroughputKey.from_test(test)
+        if key not in self.channel_throughput:
+            self.channel_throughput[key] = []
+        self.channel_throughput[key].append(
+            ThroughputValue(
+                channel=test.channel,
+                tx_throughput_mbps=tx_throughput,
+                rx_throughput_mbps=rx_throughput,
+            )
+        )
     def write_graph(self):
         """Create graph html files from throughput data, plotting channel vs
         tx_throughput and channel vs rx_throughput.
         # If performance measurement is skipped
-        if not self.iperf_server:
+        if not hasattr(self, "iperf_server") or not self.iperf_server:
-        output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-        test_name = self.throughput_data['test']
-        channel_bandwidth = self.throughput_data['channel_bandwidth']
-        output_file_name = '%s/ChannelSweepTest/%s/%s_%smhz.html' % (
-            output_path, test_name, test_name, channel_bandwidth)
-        output_file(output_file_name)
-        channels = []
-        tx_throughputs = []
-        rx_throughputs = []
-        for channel in self.throughput_data['results']:
-            channels.append(str(channel))
-            tx_throughputs.append(
-                self.throughput_data['results'][channel]['tx_throughput'])
-            rx_throughputs.append(
-                self.throughput_data['results'][channel]['rx_throughput'])
-        channel_vs_throughput_data = ColumnDataSource(
-            data=dict(channels=channels,
-                      tx_throughput=tx_throughputs,
-                      rx_throughput=rx_throughputs))
-        TOOLTIPS = [('Channel', '@channels'),
-                    ('TX_Throughput', '@tx_throughput'),
-                    ('RX_Throughput', '@rx_throughput')]
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph = figure(title='Channels vs. Throughput',
-                                             x_axis_label='Channels',
-                                             x_range=channels,
-                                             y_axis_label='Throughput',
-                                             tooltips=TOOLTIPS)
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph.sizing_mode = 'stretch_both'
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph.title.align = 'center'
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph.line('channels',
-                                         'tx_throughput',
-                                         source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
-                                         line_width=2,
-                                         line_color='blue',
-                                         legend_label='TX_Throughput')
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph.circle('channels',
-                                           'tx_throughput',
-                                           source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
-                                           size=GRAPH_CIRCLE_SIZE,
-                                           color='blue')
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph.line('channels',
-                                         'rx_throughput',
-                                         source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
-                                         line_width=2,
-                                         line_color='red',
-                                         legend_label='RX_Throughput')
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph.circle('channels',
-                                           'rx_throughput',
-                                           source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
-                                           size=GRAPH_CIRCLE_SIZE,
-                                           color='red')
-        channel_vs_throughput_graph.legend.location = "top_left"
-        graph_file = save([channel_vs_throughput_graph])
-        self.log.info('Saved graph to %s' % graph_file)
+        try:
+            from bokeh.plotting import (  # type: ignore
+                ColumnDataSource,
+                figure,
+                output_file,
+                save,
+            )
+        except ImportError:
+            self.log.warn(
+                "bokeh is not installed: skipping creation of graphs. "
+                "Note CSV files are still available. If graphs are "
+                'desired, install antlion with the "bokeh" feature.'
+            )
+            return
-    def verify_standard_deviation(self, max_std_dev):
-        """Verifies the standard deviation of the throughput across the channels
-        does not exceed the max_std_dev value.
+        for key in self.channel_throughput.keys():
+            output_file_name = os.path.join(
+                self.log_path,
+                f"channel_throughput_{key.country_code}_{key.security_mode}_{key.channel_bandwidth}mhz.html",
+            )
+            output_file(output_file_name)
+            channels = []
+            tx_throughputs = []
+            rx_throughputs = []
-        Args:
-            max_std_dev: float, max standard deviation of throughput for a test
-                to pass (in Mb/s)
+            for throughput in sorted(
+                self.channel_throughput[key], key=lambda t: t.channel
+            ):
+                channels.append(str(throughput.channel))
+                tx_throughputs.append(throughput.tx_throughput_mbps)
+                rx_throughputs.append(throughput.rx_throughput_mbps)
+            channel_vs_throughput_data = ColumnDataSource(
+                data=dict(
+                    channels=channels,
+                    tx_throughput=tx_throughputs,
+                    rx_throughput=rx_throughputs,
+                )
+            )
+            TOOLTIPS = [
+                ("Channel", "@channels"),
+                ("TX_Throughput", "@tx_throughput"),
+                ("RX_Throughput", "@rx_throughput"),
+            ]
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph = figure(
+                title="Channels vs. Throughput",
+                x_axis_label="Channels",
+                x_range=channels,
+                y_axis_label="Throughput",
+                tooltips=TOOLTIPS,
+            )
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph.sizing_mode = "stretch_both"
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph.title.align = "center"
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph.line(
+                "channels",
+                "tx_throughput",
+                source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
+                line_width=2,
+                line_color="blue",
+                legend_label="TX_Throughput",
+            )
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph.circle(
+                "channels",
+                "tx_throughput",
+                source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
+                size=GRAPH_CIRCLE_SIZE,
+                color="blue",
+            )
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph.line(
+                "channels",
+                "rx_throughput",
+                source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
+                line_width=2,
+                line_color="red",
+                legend_label="RX_Throughput",
+            )
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph.circle(
+                "channels",
+                "rx_throughput",
+                source=channel_vs_throughput_data,
+                size=GRAPH_CIRCLE_SIZE,
+                color="red",
+            )
+            channel_vs_throughput_graph.legend.location = "top_left"
+            graph_file = save([channel_vs_throughput_graph])
+            self.log.info(f"Saved graph to {graph_file}")
+    def test_standard_deviation(self):
+        """Verify throughputs don't deviate too much across channels.
+        Assert the throughput standard deviation across all channels of the same
+        country, security, and bandwidth does not exceed the maximum specified in the
+        user param config. If no maximum is set, a default of 1.0 standard deviations
+        will be used (34.1% from the mean).
             TestFailure, if standard deviation of throughput exceeds max_std_dev
@@ -469,139 +516,53 @@
         # If performance measurement is skipped
         if not self.iperf_server:
-        self.log.info('Verifying standard deviation across channels does not '
-                      'exceed max standard deviation of %s Mb/s' % max_std_dev)
-        tx_values = []
-        rx_values = []
-        for channel in self.throughput_data['results']:
-            if self.throughput_data['results'][channel][
-                    'tx_throughput'] is not None:
-                tx_values.append(
-                    self.throughput_data['results'][channel]['tx_throughput'])
-            if self.throughput_data['results'][channel][
-                    'rx_throughput'] is not None:
-                rx_values.append(
-                    self.throughput_data['results'][channel]['rx_throughput'])
-        tx_std_dev = pstdev(tx_values)
-        rx_std_dev = pstdev(rx_values)
-        if tx_std_dev > max_std_dev or rx_std_dev > max_std_dev:
+        max_std_dev = self.user_params.get("channel_sweep_test_params", {}).get(
+            "max_std_dev", DEFAULT_MAX_STD_DEV
+        )
+        self.log.info(
+            "Verifying standard deviation across channels does not exceed max standard "
+            f"deviation of {max_std_dev} Mb/s"
+        )
+        errors: list[str] = []
+        for test, throughputs in self.channel_throughput.items():
+            tx_values = []
+            rx_values = []
+            for throughput in throughputs:
+                if throughput.tx_throughput_mbps is not None:
+                    tx_values.append(throughput.tx_throughput_mbps)
+                if throughput.rx_throughput_mbps is not None:
+                    rx_values.append(throughput.rx_throughput_mbps)
+            tx_std_dev = pstdev(tx_values)
+            rx_std_dev = pstdev(rx_values)
+            if tx_std_dev > max_std_dev:
+                errors.append(
+                    f"[{test.country_code} {test.security_mode} "
+                    f"{test.channel_bandwidth}mhz] TX throughput standard deviation "
+                    f"{tx_std_dev} Mb/s exceeds expected max of {max_std_dev} Mb/s"
+                )
+            if rx_std_dev > max_std_dev:
+                errors.append(
+                    f"[{test.country_code} {test.security_mode} "
+                    f"{test.channel_bandwidth}mhz] RX throughput standard deviation "
+                    f"{rx_std_dev} Mb/s exceeds expected max of {max_std_dev} Mb/s"
+                )
+        if errors:
+            error_message = "\n - ".join(errors)
-                'With %smhz channel bandwidth, throughput standard '
-                'deviation (tx: %s Mb/s, rx: %s Mb/s) exceeds max standard '
-                'deviation (%s Mb/s).' %
-                (self.throughput_data['channel_bandwidth'], tx_std_dev,
-                 rx_std_dev, max_std_dev))
-        else:
-            asserts.explicit_pass(
-                'Throughput standard deviation (tx: %s Mb/s, rx: %s Mb/s) '
-                'with %smhz channel bandwidth does not exceed maximum (%s Mb/s).'
-                % (tx_std_dev, rx_std_dev,
-                   self.throughput_data['channel_bandwidth'], max_std_dev))
+                f"Failed to meet standard deviation expectations:\n - {error_message}"
+            )
-    def run_channel_performance_tests(self, settings):
-        """Test function for running channel performance tests. Used by both
-        explicit test cases and debug test cases from config. Runs a performance
-        test for each channel in test_channels with test_channel_bandwidth, then
-        writes a graph and csv file of the channel vs throughput.
+    def run_channel_performance(self, test: TestParams):
+        """Run a single channel performance test
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, containing the following test settings
-                test_channels: list of channels to test.
-                test_channel_bandwidth: int, channel bandwidth to use for test.
-                test_security (optional): string, security type to use for test.
-                min_tx_throughput (optional, default: 0): float, minimum tx
-                    throughput threshold to pass individual channel tests
-                    (in Mb/s).
-                min_rx_throughput (optional, default: 0): float, minimum rx
-                    throughput threshold to pass individual channel tests
-                    (in Mb/s).
-                max_std_dev (optional, default: 1): float, maximum standard
-                    deviation of throughput across all test channels to pass
-                    test (in Mb/s).
-                base_test_name (optional): string, test name prefix to use with
-                    generated subtests.
-                country_name (optional): string, country name from
-                    hostapd_constants to set on device.
-                country_code (optional): string, two-char country code to set on
-                    the DUT. Takes priority over country_name.
-                test_name (debug tests only): string, the test name for this
-                    parent test case from the config file. In explicit tests,
-                    this is not necessary.
-        Writes:
-            CSV file: channel, tx_throughput, rx_throughput
-                for every test channel.
-            Graph: channel vs tx_throughput & channel vs rx_throughput
-        Raises:
-            TestFailure, if throughput standard deviation across channels
-                exceeds max_std_dev
-            Example Explicit Test (see EOF for debug JSON example):
-            def test_us_2g_20mhz_wpa2(self):
-                self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-                        dict(
-                        test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G,
-                        test_channel_bandwidth=20,
-                        test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                        min_tx_throughput=2,
-                        min_rx_throughput=4,
-                        max_std_dev=0.75,
-                        country_code='US',
-                        base_test_name='test_us'))
-        """
-        test_channels = settings['test_channels']
-        test_channel_bandwidth = settings['test_channel_bandwidth']
-        test_security = settings.get('test_security', None)
-        test_name = settings.get('test_name', self.test_name)
-        base_test_name = settings.get('base_test_name', 'test')
-        min_tx_throughput = settings.get('min_tx_throughput',
-                                         DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT)
-        min_rx_throughput = settings.get('min_rx_throughput',
-                                         DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT)
-        max_std_dev = settings.get('max_std_dev', DEFAULT_MAX_STD_DEV)
-        country_code = settings.get('country_code')
-        country_name = settings.get('country_name')
-        country_label = None
-        if country_code:
-            country_label = country_code
-            self.set_dut_country_code(country_code)
-        elif country_name:
-            country_label = country_name
-            code = hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE[country_name]['country_code']
-            self.set_dut_country_code(code)
-        self.throughput_data = {
-            'test': test_name,
-            'channel_bandwidth': test_channel_bandwidth,
-            'results': {}
-        }
-        test_list = []
-        for channel in test_channels:
-            sub_test_name = 'test_%schannel_%s_%smhz_%s_performance' % (
-                '%s_' % country_label if country_label else '', channel,
-                test_channel_bandwidth,
-                test_security if test_security else 'open')
-            test_list.append({
-                'test_name': sub_test_name,
-                'channel': int(channel),
-                'channel_bandwidth': int(test_channel_bandwidth),
-                'security': test_security,
-                'min_tx_throughput': min_tx_throughput,
-                'min_rx_throughput': min_rx_throughput
-            })
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.get_channel_performance,
-                                     settings=test_list,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name)
-        self.log.info('Channel tests completed.')
-        self.write_graph()
-        self.verify_standard_deviation(max_std_dev)
-    def get_channel_performance(self, settings):
-        """Run a single channel performance test and logs results to csv file
-        and throughput data. Run with generated sub test cases in
-        run_channel_performance_tests.
+        Log results to csv file and throughput data.
         1. Sets up network with test settings
         2. Associates DUT
@@ -610,490 +571,94 @@
            log file and throughput data.
         5. Checks throughput values against minimum throughput thresholds.
-        Args:
-            settings: see run_channel_performance_tests
             TestFailure, if throughput (either direction) is less than
                 the directions given minimum throughput threshold.
-        channel = settings['channel']
-        channel_bandwidth = settings['channel_bandwidth']
-        security = settings['security']
-        test_name = settings['test_name']
-        min_tx_throughput = settings['min_tx_throughput']
-        min_rx_throughput = settings['min_rx_throughput']
-        if security:
-            if security == hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING:
+        self.fuchsia_device.wlan_controller.set_country_code(
+            CountryCode(test.country_code)
+        )
+        if test.security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+            if test.security_mode is SecurityMode.WEP:
                 password = utils.rand_hex_str(WEP_HEX_STRING_LENGTH)
-                password = utils.rand_ascii_str(
-                    hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH)
-            security_profile = Security(security_mode=security,
-                                        password=password)
-            target_security = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
-                security)
+                password = utils.rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.MIN_WPA_PSK_LENGTH)
+            security_profile = Security(
+                security_mode=test.security_mode, password=password
+            )
+            target_security = test.security_mode
             password = None
-            security_profile = None
-            target_security = None
-        ssid = self.setup_ap(channel, channel_bandwidth, security_profile)
-        associated = self.dut.associate(ssid,
-                                        target_pwd=password,
-                                        target_security=target_security)
+            security_profile = Security()
+        ssid = self.setup_ap(test.channel, test.channel_bandwidth, security_profile)
+        associated = self.dut.associate(
+            ssid, target_pwd=password, target_security=target_security
+        )
         if not associated:
             if self.iperf_server:
-                self.log_to_file_and_throughput_data(channel,
-                                                     channel_bandwidth, None,
-                                                     None)
-            asserts.fail('Device failed to associate with network %s' % ssid)
-        self.log.info('DUT (%s) connected to network %s.' %
-                      (self.dut.device.ip, ssid))
+                self.log_to_file_and_throughput_data(test, None, None)
+            asserts.fail(f"Device failed to associate to network {ssid}")
+        self.log.info(f"DUT ({self.dut.identifier}) connected to network {ssid}.")
         if self.iperf_server:
+            if not isinstance(self.iperf_server.test_interface, str):
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "For this test, iperf_server is required to specify the "
+                    "test_interface configuration option"
+                )
-                'Getting ip address for iperf server. Will retry for %s seconds.'
-                % self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr)
+                "Getting ip address for iperf server. Will retry for "
+                f"{self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr} seconds."
+            )
             iperf_server_address = self.get_and_verify_iperf_address(
-                channel, self.iperf_server)
+                test.channel, self.iperf_server, self.iperf_server.test_interface
+            )
-                'Getting ip address for DUT. Will retry for %s seconds.' %
-                self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr)
+                "Getting ip address for DUT. Will retry for "
+                f"{self.time_to_wait_for_ip_addr} seconds."
+            )
+            if not isinstance(
+                self.iperf_client, (IPerfClientOverSsh, IPerfClientOverAdb)
+            ):
+                raise TypeError(
+                    f'Unknown iperf_client type "{type(self.iperf_client)}"'
+                )
+            if not isinstance(self.iperf_client.test_interface, str):
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "For this test, iperf_client is required to specify the "
+                    "test_interface configuration option"
+                )
             iperf_client_address = self.get_and_verify_iperf_address(
-                channel, self.dut, self.iperf_client.test_interface)
-            tx_throughput = self.get_iperf_throughput(iperf_server_address,
-                                                      iperf_client_address)
-            rx_throughput = self.get_iperf_throughput(iperf_server_address,
-                                                      iperf_client_address,
-                                                      reverse=True)
-            self.log_to_file_and_throughput_data(channel, channel_bandwidth,
-                                                 tx_throughput, rx_throughput)
-            self.log.info('Throughput (tx, rx): (%s Mb/s, %s Mb/s), '
-                          'Minimum threshold (tx, rx): (%s Mb/s, %s Mb/s)' %
-                          (tx_throughput, rx_throughput, min_tx_throughput,
-                           min_rx_throughput))
-            base_message = (
-                'Actual throughput (on channel: %s, channel bandwidth: '
-                '%s, security: %s)' % (channel, channel_bandwidth, security))
-            if (not tx_throughput or not rx_throughput
-                    or tx_throughput < min_tx_throughput
-                    or rx_throughput < min_rx_throughput):
-                asserts.fail('%s below the minimum threshold.' % base_message)
-            asserts.explicit_pass('%s above the minimum threshold.' %
-                                  base_message)
-        else:
-            asserts.explicit_pass(
-                'Association test pass. No throughput measurement taken.')
+                test.channel, self.fuchsia_device, self.iperf_client.test_interface
+            )
+            tx_throughput = self.get_iperf_throughput(
+                iperf_server_address, iperf_client_address
+            )
+            rx_throughput = self.get_iperf_throughput(
+                iperf_server_address, iperf_client_address, reverse=True
+            )
+            self.log_to_file_and_throughput_data(test, tx_throughput, rx_throughput)
+            self.log.info(
+                f"Throughput (tx, rx): ({tx_throughput} Mb/s, {rx_throughput} Mb/s), "
+                "Minimum threshold (tx, rx): "
+                f"({test.expect_min_tx_throughput_mbps} Mb/s, "
+                f"{test.expect_min_rx_throughput_mbps} Mb/s)"
+            )
+            asserts.assert_greater(
+                tx_throughput,
+                test.expect_min_tx_throughput_mbps,
+                "tx throughput below the minimal threshold",
+            )
+            asserts.assert_greater(
+                rx_throughput,
+                test.expect_min_rx_throughput_mbps,
+                "rx throughput below the minimal threshold",
+            )
-    def verify_regulatory_compliance(self, settings):
-        """Test function for regulatory compliance tests. Verify device complies
-        with provided regulatory requirements.
-        Args:
-            settings: dict, containing the following test settings
-                test_channels: dict, mapping channels to a set of the channel
-                    bandwidths to test (see example for using JSON). Defaults
-                    to hostapd_constants.ALL_CHANNELS.
-                country_code: string, two-char country code to set on device
-                    (prioritized over country_name)
-                country_name: string, country name from hostapd_constants to set
-                    on device.
-                base_test_name (optional): string, test name prefix to use with
-                    generatedsubtests.
-                test_name: string, the test name for this
-                    parent test case from the config file. In explicit tests,
-                    this is not necessary.
-        """
-        country_name = settings.get('country_name')
-        country_code = settings.get('country_code')
-        if not (country_code or country_name):
-            raise ValueError('No country code or name provided.')
-        test_channels = settings.get('test_channels',
-                                     hostapd_constants.ALL_CHANNELS)
-        allowed_channels = settings['allowed_channels']
-        base_test_name = settings.get('base_test_name', 'test_compliance')
-        if country_code:
-            code = country_code
-        else:
-            code = hostapd_constants.COUNTRY_CODE[country_name]['country_code']
-        self.set_dut_country_code(code)
-        test_list = []
-        for channel in test_channels:
-            for channel_bandwidth in test_channels[channel]:
-                sub_test_name = '%s_channel_%s_%smhz' % (
-                    base_test_name, channel, channel_bandwidth)
-                should_associate = (channel in allowed_channels
-                                    and channel_bandwidth
-                                    in allowed_channels[channel])
-                # Note: these int conversions because when these tests are
-                # imported via JSON, they may be strings since the channels
-                # will be keys. This makes the json/list test_channels param
-                # behave exactly like the in code dict/set test_channels.
-                test_list.append({
-                    'country_code': code,
-                    'channel': int(channel),
-                    'channel_bandwidth': int(channel_bandwidth),
-                    'should_associate': should_associate,
-                    'test_name': sub_test_name
-                })
-        self.run_generated_testcases(test_func=self.verify_channel_compliance,
-                                     settings=test_list,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name)
-    def verify_channel_compliance(self, settings):
-        """Verify device complies with provided regulatory requirements for a
-        specific channel and channel bandwidth. Run with generated test cases
-        in the verify_regulatory_compliance parent test.
-        Args:
-            settings: see verify_regulatory_compliance`
-        """
-        channel = settings['channel']
-        channel_bandwidth = settings['channel_bandwidth']
-        code = settings['country_code']
-        should_associate = settings['should_associate']
-        ssid = self.setup_ap(channel, channel_bandwidth)
-        self.log.info(
-            'Attempting to associate with network (%s) on channel %s @ %smhz. '
-            'Expected behavior: %s' %
-            (ssid, channel, channel_bandwidth, 'Device should associate'
-             if should_associate else 'Device should NOT associate.'))
-        associated = self.dut.associate(ssid)
-        regulatory_result_marker = "REGTRACKER: %s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (
-            code, channel, '2.4' if channel < 36 else '5', channel_bandwidth,
-            'c' if associated else 'nc')
-        self.regulatory_results += regulatory_result_marker + "\n"
-        self.log.info(regulatory_result_marker)
-        if associated == should_associate:
-            asserts.explicit_pass(
-                'Device complied with %s regulatory requirement for channel %s '
-                ' with channel bandwidth %smhz. %s' %
-                (code, channel, channel_bandwidth,
-                 'Associated.' if associated else 'Refused to associate.'))
-        else:
-            asserts.fail(
-                'Device failed compliance with regulatory domain %s for '
-                'channel %s with channel bandwidth %smhz. Expected: %s, Got: %s'
-                % (code, channel, channel_bandwidth, 'Should associate'
-                   if should_associate else 'Should not associate',
-                   'Associated' if associated else 'Did not associate'))
-    # Helper functions to allow explicit tests throughput and standard deviation
-    # thresholds to be passed in via config.
-    def _get_min_tx_throughput(self, test_name):
-        return self.user_params.get('channel_sweep_test_params',
-                                    {}).get(test_name,
-                                            {}).get('min_tx_throughput',
-                                                    DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT)
-    def _get_min_rx_throughput(self, test_name):
-        return self.user_params.get('channel_sweep_test_params',
-                                    {}).get(test_name,
-                                            {}).get('min_rx_throughput',
-                                                    DEFAULT_MIN_THROUGHPUT)
-    def _get_max_std_dev(self, test_name):
-        return self.user_params.get('channel_sweep_test_params',
-                                    {}).get(test_name,
-                                            {}).get('min_std_dev',
-                                                    DEFAULT_MAX_STD_DEV)
-    # Channel Performance of US Channels: 570 Test Cases
-    # 36 Test Cases
-    def test_us_20mhz_open_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G,
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20MHZ,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 35 Test Cases
-    def test_us_40mhz_open_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40MHZ,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 24 Test Cases
-    def test_us_80mhz_open_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_80MHZ,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 36 Test Cases
-    def test_us_20mhz_wep_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G,
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 35 Test Cases
-    def test_us_40mhz_wep_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 24 Test Cases
-    def test_us_80mhz_wep_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_80MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WEP_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 36 Test Cases
-    def test_us_20mhz_wpa_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G,
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 35 Test Cases
-    def test_us_40mhz_wpa_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 24 Test Cases
-    def test_us_80mhz_wpa_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_80MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 36 Test Cases
-    def test_us_20mhz_wpa2_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G,
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 35 Test Cases
-    def test_us_40mhz_wpa2_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 24 Test Cases
-    def test_us_80mhz_wpa2_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_80MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA2_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 36 Test Cases
-    def test_us_20mhz_wpa_wpa2_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G,
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 35 Test Cases
-    def test_us_40mhz_wpa_wpa2_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 24 Test Cases
-    def test_us_80mhz_wpa_wpa2_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_80MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA_MIXED_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 36 Test Cases
-    def test_us_20mhz_wpa3_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G,
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_20MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 35 Test Cases
-    def test_us_40mhz_wpa3_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_2G +
-                 hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_40MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    # 24 Test Cases
-    def test_us_80mhz_wpa3_channel_performance(self):
-        self.run_channel_performance_tests(
-            dict(test_channels=hostapd_constants.US_CHANNELS_5G[:-1],
-                 test_channel_bandwidth=hostapd_constants.
-                 CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH_80MHZ,
-                 test_security=hostapd_constants.WPA3_STRING,
-                 base_test_name=self.test_name,
-                 min_tx_throughput=self._get_min_tx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 min_rx_throughput=self._get_min_rx_throughput(self.test_name),
-                 max_std_dev=self._get_max_std_dev(self.test_name)))
-    def test_channel_performance_debug(self):
-        """Run channel performance test cases from the ACTS config file.
-        Example:
-        "channel_sweep_test_params": {
-            "debug_channel_performance_tests": [
-                {
-                    "test_name": "test_123_20mhz_wpa2_performance"
-                    "test_channels": [1, 2, 3],
-                    "test_channel_bandwidth": 20,
-                    "test_security": "wpa2",
-                    "base_test_name": "test_123_perf",
-                    "min_tx_throughput": 1.1,
-                    "min_rx_throughput": 3,
-                    "max_std_dev": 0.5
-                },
-                ...
-            ]
-        }
-        """
-        asserts.skip_if(
-            'debug_channel_performance_tests'
-            not in self.user_params.get('channel_sweep_test_params', {}),
-            'No custom channel performance tests provided in config.')
-        base_tests = self.user_params['channel_sweep_test_params'][
-            'debug_channel_performance_tests']
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.run_channel_performance_tests,
-                                     settings=base_tests,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name)
-    def test_regulatory_compliance(self):
-        """Run regulatory compliance test case from the ACTS config file.
-        Note: only one country_name OR country_code is required.
-        Example:
-        "channel_sweep_test_params": {
-            "regulatory_compliance_tests": [
-                {
-                    "test_name": "test_japan_compliance_1_13_36"
-                    "country_name": "JAPAN",
-                    "country_code": "JP",
-                    "test_channels": {
-                        "1": [20, 40], "13": [40], "36": [20, 40, 80]
-                    },
-                    "allowed_channels": {
-                        "1": [20, 40], "36": [20, 40, 80]
-                    },
-                    "base_test_name": "test_japan"
-                },
-                ...
-            ]
-        }
-        """
-        asserts.skip_if(
-            'regulatory_compliance_tests'
-            not in self.user_params.get('channel_sweep_test_params', {}),
-            'No custom regulatory compliance tests provided in config.')
-        base_tests = self.user_params['channel_sweep_test_params'][
-            'regulatory_compliance_tests']
-        self.run_generated_testcases(self.verify_regulatory_compliance,
-                                     settings=base_tests,
-                                     name_func=get_test_name)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/performance/WlanRvrTest.py b/tests/wlan/performance/WlanRvrTest.py
index 2ee500e..f281de0 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/performance/WlanRvrTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/performance/WlanRvrTest.py
@@ -13,37 +13,72 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import itertools
+import logging
 import os
 import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import StrEnum, auto, unique
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import context
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
+from mobly.records import TestResultRecord
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_constants import BandType
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd import Radvd
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd_constants
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd_config import RadvdConfig
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security
-from antlion.controllers.attenuator import get_attenuators_for_device
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfResult
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.attenuator import Attenuator, get_attenuators_for_device
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfResult, IPerfServerOverSsh
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
+from antlion.validation import MapValidator
-from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource
-from bokeh.plotting import figure
-from bokeh.plotting import output_file
-from bokeh.plotting import save
+AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME = "whirlwind_11ag_legacy"
-AP_11ABG_PROFILE_NAME = 'whirlwind_11ag_legacy'
-RVR_GRAPH_SUMMARY_FILE = 'rvr_summary.html'
+RVR_GRAPH_SUMMARY_FILE = "rvr_summary.html"
-def create_rvr_graph(test_name, graph_path, graph_data):
+class TrafficDirection(StrEnum):
+    RX = auto()
+    TX = auto()
+class IPVersion(StrEnum):
+    V4 = "ipv4"
+    V6 = "ipv6"
+class GraphData:
+    relative_attn: list[str]
+    throughput: list[int]
+    x_label: str
+    y_label: str
+class TestParams:
+    band: BandType
+    security: Security
+    ip_version: IPVersion
+    direction: TrafficDirection
+def create_rvr_graph(
+    test_name: str, graph_path: str, graph_data: GraphData
+) -> list[object]:
     """Creates the RvR graphs
         test_name: The name of test that was run.  This is the title of the
@@ -52,54 +87,69 @@
         graph_data: A dictionary of the data to be graphed.
         A list of bokeh graph objects.
-        """
-    output_file('%srvr_throughput_vs_attn_%s.html' % (graph_path, test_name),
-                title=test_name)
-    throughput_vs_attn_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
-        relative_attn=graph_data['throughput_vs_attn']['relative_attn'],
-        throughput=graph_data['throughput_vs_attn']['throughput']))
-    TOOLTIPS = [("Attenuation", "@relative_attn"),
-                ("Throughput", "@throughput")]
+    """
+    try:
+        from bokeh.plotting import (  # type: ignore
+            ColumnDataSource,
+            figure,
+            output_file,
+            save,
+        )
+    except ImportError:
+        logging.warn(
+            "bokeh is not installed: skipping creation of graphs. "
+            "Note CSV files are still available. If graphs are "
+            'desired, install antlion with the "bokeh" feature.'
+        )
+        return []
+    output_file(f"{graph_path}rvr_throughput_vs_attn_{test_name}.html", title=test_name)
+    throughput_vs_attn_data = ColumnDataSource(
+        data={
+            "relative_attn": graph_data.relative_attn,
+            "throughput": graph_data.throughput,
+        }
+    )
+    TOOLTIPS = [("Attenuation", "@relative_attn"), ("Throughput", "@throughput")]
     throughput_vs_attn_graph = figure(
-        title="Throughput vs Relative Attenuation (Test Case: %s)" % test_name,
-        x_axis_label=graph_data['throughput_vs_attn']['x_label'],
-        y_axis_label=graph_data['throughput_vs_attn']['y_label'],
-        x_range=graph_data['throughput_vs_attn']['relative_attn'],
-        tooltips=TOOLTIPS)
-    throughput_vs_attn_graph.sizing_mode = 'stretch_width'
-    throughput_vs_attn_graph.title.align = 'center'
-    throughput_vs_attn_graph.line('relative_attn',
-                                  'throughput',
-                                  source=throughput_vs_attn_data,
-                                  line_width=2)
-    throughput_vs_attn_graph.circle('relative_attn',
-                                    'throughput',
-                                    source=throughput_vs_attn_data,
-                                    size=10)
+        title=f"Throughput vs Relative Attenuation (Test Case: {test_name})",
+        x_axis_label=graph_data.x_label,
+        y_axis_label=graph_data.y_label,
+        x_range=graph_data.relative_attn,
+        tooltips=TOOLTIPS,
+    )
+    throughput_vs_attn_graph.sizing_mode = "stretch_width"
+    throughput_vs_attn_graph.title.align = "center"
+    throughput_vs_attn_graph.line(
+        "relative_attn", "throughput", source=throughput_vs_attn_data, line_width=2
+    )
+    throughput_vs_attn_graph.circle(
+        "relative_attn", "throughput", source=throughput_vs_attn_data, size=10
+    )
     return [throughput_vs_attn_graph]
-def write_csv_rvr_data(test_name, csv_path, csv_data):
+def write_csv_rvr_data(test_name: str, csv_path: str, graph_data: GraphData) -> None:
     """Writes the CSV data for the RvR test
         test_name: The name of test that was run.
         csv_path: Where to put the csv file.
         csv_data: A dictionary of the data to be put in the csv file.
-    csv_file_name = '%srvr_throughput_vs_attn_%s.csv' % (csv_path, test_name)
-    throughput = csv_data['throughput_vs_attn']['throughput']
-    relative_attn = csv_data['throughput_vs_attn']['relative_attn']
-    with open(csv_file_name, 'w+') as csv_fileId:
-        csv_fileId.write('%s,%s\n' %
-                         (csv_data['throughput_vs_attn']['x_label'],
-                          csv_data['throughput_vs_attn']['y_label']))
+    csv_file_name = f"{csv_path}rvr_throughput_vs_attn_{test_name}.csv"
+    throughput = graph_data.throughput
+    relative_attn = graph_data.relative_attn
+    with open(csv_file_name, "w+") as csv_fileId:
+        csv_fileId.write(f"{graph_data.x_label},{graph_data.y_label}\n")
         for csv_loop_counter in range(0, len(relative_attn)):
-            csv_fileId.write('%s,%s\n' % (int(relative_attn[csv_loop_counter]),
-                                          throughput[csv_loop_counter]))
+            csv_fileId.write(
+                f"{int(relative_attn[csv_loop_counter])},{throughput[csv_loop_counter]}\n"
+            )
-class WlanRvrTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanRvrTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests running WLAN RvR.
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -109,72 +159,96 @@
     * One Linux iPerf Server
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        super().__init__(controllers)
-        self.rvr_graph_summary = []
+    def __init__(self, configs: TestRunConfig) -> None:
+        super().__init__(configs)
+        self.rvr_graph_summary: list[object] = []
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def pre_run(self) -> None:
+        test_params: list[TestParams] = []
+        for (
+            band,
+            security_mode,
+            ip_version,
+            direction,
+        ) in itertools.product(
+            [e for e in BandType],
+            [SecurityMode.OPEN, SecurityMode.WPA2],
+            [e for e in IPVersion],
+            [e for e in TrafficDirection],
+        ):
+            password: str | None = None
+            if security_mode is not SecurityMode.OPEN:
+                password = rand_ascii_str(20)
+            security = Security(security_mode, password)
+            test_params.append(
+                TestParams(
+                    band,
+                    security,
+                    ip_version,
+                    direction,
+                )
+            )
+        def generate_test_name(t: TestParams) -> str:
+            # TODO(http://b/303659781): Keep mode in sync with hostapd.
+            mode = "11n" if t.band is BandType.BAND_2G else "11ac"
+            frequency = "20mhz" if t.band is BandType.BAND_2G else "80mhz"
+            return (
+                f"test_rvr_{mode}_{t.band}_{frequency}_{t.security}_"
+                f"{t.direction}_{t.ip_version}"
+            )
+        self.generate_tests(
+            self._test_rvr, generate_test_name, [(p,) for p in test_params]
+        )
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
-        if 'dut' in self.user_params:
-            if self.user_params['dut'] == 'fuchsia_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_devices[0])
-            elif self.user_params['dut'] == 'android_devices':
-                self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('Invalid DUT specified in config. (%s)' %
-                                 self.user_params['dut'])
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fuchsia_device: FuchsiaDevice | None = None
+        params = MapValidator(self.user_params["rvr_settings"])
+        device_type = params.get(str, "dut", "fuchsia_devices")
+        if device_type == "fuchsia_devices":
+            self.fuchsia_device = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.fuchsia_device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
+        elif device_type == "android_devices":
+            self.dut = create_wlan_device(
+                self.android_devices[0], AssociationMode.POLICY
+            )
-            # Default is an android device, just like the other tests
-            self.dut = create_wlan_device(self.android_devices[0])
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Invalid "dut" type specified in config: "{device_type}".'
+                'Expected "fuchsia_devices" or "android_devices".'
+            )
-        self.starting_attn = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'starting_attn', 0))
+        self.starting_attn = params.get(int, "starting_attn", 0)
+        self.ending_attn = params.get(int, "ending_attn", 95)
+        self.step_size_in_db = params.get(int, "step_size_in_db", 1)
+        self.dwell_time_in_secs = params.get(int, "dwell_time_in_secs", 10)
-        self.ending_attn = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'ending_attn', 95))
+        self.reverse_rvr_after_forward = params.get(
+            bool, "reverse_rvr_after_forward", False
+        )
+        self.iperf_flags = params.get(str, "iperf_flags", "-i 1")
+        self.iperf_flags += f" -t {self.dwell_time_in_secs} -J"
+        self.debug_loop_count = params.get(int, "debug_loop_count", 1)
-        self.step_size_in_db = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'step_size_in_db', 1))
-        self.dwell_time_in_secs = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'dwell_time_in_secs', 10))
-        self.reverse_rvr_after_forward = bool(
-            (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get('reverse_rvr_after_forward',
-                                                  None)))
-        self.iperf_flags = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'iperf_flags', '-i 1'))
-        self.iperf_flags = '%s -t %s -J' % (self.iperf_flags,
-                                            self.dwell_time_in_secs)
-        self.debug_loop_count = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'debug_loop_count', 1))
-        self.debug_pre_traffic_cmd = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'debug_pre_traffic_cmd', None))
-        self.debug_post_traffic_cmd = (self.user_params['rvr_settings'].get(
-            'debug_post_traffic_cmd', None))
-        self.router_adv_daemon = None
-        if self.ending_attn == 'auto':
-            self.use_auto_end = True
-            self.ending_attn = 100
-            if self.step_size_in_db > 2:
-                asserts.fail('When using an ending attenuation of \'auto\' '
-                             'please use a value < 2db.  Larger jumps will '
-                             'break the test reporting.')
+        self.router_adv_daemon: Radvd | None = None
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         self.attenuators_2g = get_attenuators_for_device(
-            self.controller_configs['AccessPoint'][0]['Attenuator'],
-            self.attenuators, 'attenuator_ports_wifi_2g')
+            self.controller_configs["AccessPoint"][0]["Attenuator"],
+            self.attenuators,
+            "attenuator_ports_wifi_2g",
+        )
         self.attenuators_5g = get_attenuators_for_device(
-            self.controller_configs['AccessPoint'][0]['Attenuator'],
-            self.attenuators, 'attenuator_ports_wifi_5g')
+            self.controller_configs["AccessPoint"][0]["Attenuator"],
+            self.attenuators,
+            "attenuator_ports_wifi_5g",
+        )
         self.iperf_server = self.iperf_servers[0]
@@ -185,7 +259,8 @@
-    def setup_test(self):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_test()
         if self.iperf_server:
         if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
@@ -194,40 +269,43 @@
-    def teardown_test(self):
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def teardown_class(self):
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None:
         if self.router_adv_daemon:
-            output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-            test_class_name = context.get_current_context().test_class_name
+            from bokeh.plotting import output_file, save  # type: ignore
-            output_file(f'{output_path}/{test_class_name}/rvr_summary.html',
-                        title='RvR Sumamry')
+            output_file(f"{self.log_path}/rvr_summary.html", title="RvR Summary")
+        except ImportError:
+            logging.warn(
+                "bokeh is not installed: skipping creation of graphs. "
+                "Note CSV files are still available. If graphs are "
+                'desired, install antlion with the "bokeh" feature.'
+            )
         except Exception as e:
-            self.log.error(f'Unable to generate RvR summary file: {e}')
+            self.log.error(f"Unable to generate RvR summary file: {e}")
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        super().on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
+    def on_fail(self, record: TestResultRecord) -> None:
+        super().on_fail(record)
-    def cleanup_tests(self):
+    def cleanup_tests(self) -> None:
         """Cleans up all the dangling pieces of the tests, for example, the
         iperf server, radvd, all the currently running APs, and the various
         clients running during the tests.
         if self.router_adv_daemon:
-            output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-            full_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, "radvd_log.txt")
-            radvd_log_file = open(full_output_path, 'w')
-            radvd_log_file.write(self.router_adv_daemon.pull_logs())
-            radvd_log_file.close()
+            full_output_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, "radvd_log.txt")
+            with open(full_output_path, "w") as file:
+                file.write(self.router_adv_daemon.pull_logs())
         if hasattr(self, "android_devices"):
             for ad in self.android_devices:
@@ -241,12 +319,12 @@
-    def _wait_for_ipv4_addrs(self):
+    def _wait_for_ipv4_addrs(self) -> str:
         """Wait for an IPv4 addresses to become available on the DUT and iperf
-           A string containing the private IPv4 address of the iperf server.
+           The private IPv4 address of the iperf server.
             TestFailure: If unable to acquire a IPv4 address.
@@ -255,38 +333,44 @@
         ip_address_checker_max_attempts = 3
         while ip_address_checker_counter < ip_address_checker_max_attempts:
-            iperf_server_ip_addresses = (
-                self.iperf_server.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                    self.iperf_server.test_interface))
-            dut_ip_addresses = self.dut.device.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface)
+            iperf_server_ip_addresses = self.iperf_server.get_interface_ip_addresses(
+                self.iperf_server.test_interface
+            )
+            assert self.fuchsia_device is not None
+            assert self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface is not None
+            dut_ip_addresses = self.fuchsia_device.get_interface_ip_addresses(
+                self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface
+            )
-            self.log.info(
-                'IPerf server IP info: {}'.format(iperf_server_ip_addresses))
-            self.log.info('DUT IP info: {}'.format(dut_ip_addresses))
+            self.log.info(f"IPerf server IP info: {iperf_server_ip_addresses}")
+            self.log.info(f"DUT IP info: {dut_ip_addresses}")
-            if not iperf_server_ip_addresses['ipv4_private']:
-                self.log.warn('Unable to get the iperf server IPv4 '
-                              'address. Retrying...')
+            if not iperf_server_ip_addresses["ipv4_private"]:
+                self.log.warn(
+                    "Unable to get the iperf server IPv4 " "address. Retrying..."
+                )
                 ip_address_checker_counter += 1
-            if dut_ip_addresses['ipv4_private']:
-                return iperf_server_ip_addresses['ipv4_private'][0]
+            if dut_ip_addresses["ipv4_private"]:
+                return iperf_server_ip_addresses["ipv4_private"][0]
-            self.log.warn('Unable to get the DUT IPv4 address starting at '
-                          'attenuation "{}". Retrying...'.format(
-                              self.starting_attn))
+            self.log.warn(
+                "Unable to get the DUT IPv4 address starting at "
+                f'attenuation "{self.starting_attn}". Retrying...'
+            )
             ip_address_checker_counter += 1
-        asserts.fail(
-            'IPv4 addresses are not available on both the DUT and iperf server.'
+        raise signals.TestFailure(
+            "IPv4 addresses are not available on both the DUT and iperf server."
     # TODO (b/258264565): Merge with fuchsia_device wait_for_ipv6_addr.
-    def _wait_for_dad(self, device, test_interface):
+    def _wait_for_dad(
+        self, device: FuchsiaDevice | IPerfServerOverSsh, test_interface: str
+    ) -> str:
         """Wait for Duplicate Address Detection to resolve so that an
         private-local IPv6 address is available for test.
@@ -308,30 +392,31 @@
             addrs = device.get_interface_ip_addresses(test_interface)
             now = time.time()
             elapsed = now - start
-            if addrs['ipv6_private_local']:
+            if addrs["ipv6_private_local"]:
                 # DAD has completed
-                addr = addrs['ipv6_private_local'][0]
-                self.log.info('DAD resolved with "{}" after {}s'.format(
-                    addr, elapsed))
+                addr = addrs["ipv6_private_local"][0]
+                self.log.info(f'DAD resolved with "{addr}" after {elapsed}s')
                 return addr
-        else:
-            asserts.fail(
-                'Unable to acquire a private-local IPv6 address for testing '
-                'after {}s'.format(elapsed))
-    def run_rvr(self,
-                ssid,
-                security_mode=None,
-                password=None,
-                band='2g',
-                traffic_dir='tx',
-                ip_version=4):
+        raise signals.TestFailure(
+            "Unable to acquire a private-local IPv6 address for testing "
+            f"after {elapsed}s"
+        )
+    def run_rvr(
+        self,
+        ssid: str,
+        security: Security | None,
+        band: BandType,
+        traffic_dir: TrafficDirection,
+        ip_version: IPVersion,
+    ) -> GraphData:
         """Setups and runs the RvR test
             ssid: The SSID for the client to associate to.
-            password: Password for the network, if necessary.
+            security: Security of the AP
             band: 2g or 5g
             traffic_dir: rx or tx, bi is not supported by iperf3
             ip_version: 4 or 6
@@ -339,18 +424,19 @@
             The bokeh graph data.
-        throughput = []
-        relative_attn = []
-        if band == '2g':
+        throughput: list[int] = []
+        relative_attn: list[str] = []
+        if band == "2g":
             rvr_attenuators = self.attenuators_2g
-        elif band == '5g':
+        elif band == "5g":
             rvr_attenuators = self.attenuators_5g
-            raise ValueError('Invalid WLAN band specified: %s' % band)
-        if ip_version == 6:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid WLAN band specified: {band}")
+        if ip_version is IPVersion.V6:
             self.router_adv_daemon = Radvd(
-                self.access_point.interfaces.get_bridge_interface()[0])
+                self.access_point.interfaces.get_bridge_interface()[0],
+            )
             radvd_config = RadvdConfig()
@@ -362,43 +448,56 @@
             associate_max_attempts = 3
             while associate_counter < associate_max_attempts:
                 if self.dut.associate(
-                        ssid,
-                        target_pwd=password,
-                        target_security=hostapd_constants.
-                            security_mode),
-                        check_connectivity=False):
+                    ssid,
+                    target_pwd=security.password if security else None,
+                    target_security=security.security_mode
+                    if security
+                    else SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                    check_connectivity=False,
+                ):
                     associate_counter += 1
-                asserts.fail('Unable to associate at starting '
-                             'attenuation: %s' % self.starting_attn)
+                asserts.fail(
+                    f"Unable to associate at starting attenuation: {self.starting_attn}"
+                )
-            if ip_version == 4:
+            if ip_version is IPVersion.V4:
                 iperf_server_ip_address = self._wait_for_ipv4_addrs()
-            elif ip_version == 6:
+            elif ip_version is IPVersion.V6:
-                self.log.info('Waiting for iperf server to complete Duplicate '
-                              'Address Detection...')
+                self.log.info(
+                    "Waiting for iperf server to complete Duplicate "
+                    "Address Detection..."
+                )
                 iperf_server_ip_address = self._wait_for_dad(
-                    self.iperf_server, self.iperf_server.test_interface)
+                    self.iperf_server, self.iperf_server.test_interface
+                )
-                self.log.info('Waiting for DUT to complete Duplicate Address '
-                              'Detection for "{}"...'.format(
-                                  self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface))
-                _ = self._wait_for_dad(self.dut.device,
-                                       self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface)
+                self.log.info(
+                    "Waiting for DUT to complete Duplicate Address Detection "
+                    f'on interface "{self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface}"...'
+                )
+                assert self.fuchsia_device is not None
+                assert self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface is not None
+                _ = self._wait_for_dad(
+                    self.fuchsia_device, self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface
+                )
-                raise ValueError('Invalid IP version: {}'.format(ip_version))
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid IP version: {ip_version}")
-            throughput, relative_attn = (self.rvr_loop(
+            throughput, relative_attn = self.rvr_loop(
+                ssid,
+                security=security,
+                reverse=False,
-                relative_attn=relative_attn))
+                relative_attn=relative_attn,
+            )
             if self.reverse_rvr_after_forward:
                 throughput, relative_attn = self.rvr_loop(
@@ -406,33 +505,32 @@
-                    security_mode=security_mode,
-                    password=password,
+                    security=security,
-                    relative_attn=relative_attn)
+                    relative_attn=relative_attn,
+                )
-        throughput_vs_attn = {
-            'throughput': throughput,
-            'relative_attn': relative_attn,
-            'x_label': 'Attenuation(db)',
-            'y_label': 'Throughput(%s)' % REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS
-        }
-        graph_data = {'throughput_vs_attn': throughput_vs_attn}
-        return graph_data
+        return GraphData(
+            relative_attn=relative_attn,
+            throughput=throughput,
+            x_label="Attenuation(db)",
+            y_label=f"Throughput({REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS})",
+        )
-    def rvr_loop(self,
-                 traffic_dir,
-                 rvr_attenuators,
-                 iperf_server_ip_address,
-                 ip_version,
-                 ssid=None,
-                 security_mode=None,
-                 password=None,
-                 reverse=False,
-                 throughput=None,
-                 relative_attn=None):
+    def rvr_loop(
+        self,
+        traffic_dir: TrafficDirection,
+        rvr_attenuators: list[Attenuator],
+        iperf_server_ip_address: str,
+        ip_version: IPVersion,
+        ssid: str,
+        security: Security | None,
+        reverse: bool,
+        throughput: list[int],
+        relative_attn: list[str],
+    ) -> tuple[list[int], list[str]]:
         """The loop that goes through each attenuation level and runs the iperf
         throughput pair.
@@ -451,10 +549,10 @@
             throughput: The list of throughput data for the test.
             relative_attn: The list of attenuation data for the test.
-            """
+        """
         iperf_flags = self.iperf_flags
-        if traffic_dir == 'rx':
-            iperf_flags = '%s -R' % self.iperf_flags
+        if traffic_dir is TrafficDirection.RX:
+            iperf_flags = f"{self.iperf_flags} -R"
         starting_attn = self.starting_attn
         ending_attn = self.ending_attn
         step_size_in_db = self.step_size_in_db
@@ -469,103 +567,114 @@
             except ValueError as e:
-                    f'{step} is beyond the max or min of the testbed '
-                    f'attenuator\'s capability. Stopping. {e}')
+                    f"{step} is beyond the max or min of the testbed "
+                    f"attenuator's capability. Stopping. {e}"
+                )
-            self.log.info('Set relative attenuation to %s db' % step)
+            self.log.info(f"Set relative attenuation to {step} db")
             associated = self.dut.is_connected()
             if associated:
-                self.log.info('DUT is currently associated.')
+                self.log.info("DUT is currently associated.")
-                self.log.info('DUT is not currently associated.')
+                self.log.info("DUT is not currently associated.")
             if reverse:
                 if not associated:
-                    self.log.info('Trying to associate at relative '
-                                  'attenuation of %s db' % step)
+                    self.log.info(
+                        f"Trying to associate at relative attenuation of {step} db"
+                    )
                     if self.dut.associate(
-                            ssid,
-                            target_pwd=password,
-                            target_security=hostapd_constants.
-                            SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
-                                security_mode),
-                            check_connectivity=False):
+                        ssid,
+                        target_pwd=security.password if security else None,
+                        target_security=security.security_mode
+                        if security
+                        else SecurityMode.OPEN,
+                        check_connectivity=False,
+                    ):
                         associated = True
-                        self.log.info('Successfully associated.')
+                        self.log.info("Successfully associated.")
                         associated = False
-                            'Association failed. Marking a 0 %s for'
-                            ' throughput. Skipping running traffic.' %
-                            REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS)
+                            f"Association failed. Marking a 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} "
+                            "for throughput. Skipping running traffic."
+                        )
             attn_value_inserted = False
             value_to_insert = str(step)
             while not attn_value_inserted:
                 if value_to_insert in relative_attn:
-                    value_to_insert = '%s ' % value_to_insert
+                    value_to_insert = f"{value_to_insert} "
-                    attn_value_inserted = True
-            dut_ip_addresses = self.dut.device.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface)
-            if ip_version == 4:
-                if not dut_ip_addresses['ipv4_private']:
-                    self.log.info('DUT does not have an IPv4 address. '
-                                  'Traffic attempt to be run if the server '
-                                  'is pingable.')
+            assert self.fuchsia_device is not None
+            assert self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface is not None
+            dut_ip_addresses = self.fuchsia_device.get_interface_ip_addresses(
+                self.dut_iperf_client.test_interface
+            )
+            if ip_version is IPVersion.V4:
+                if not dut_ip_addresses["ipv4_private"]:
+                    self.log.info(
+                        "DUT does not have an IPv4 address. "
+                        "Traffic attempt to be run if the server "
+                        "is pingable."
+                    )
-                    self.log.info('DUT has the following IPv4 address: "%s"' %
-                                  dut_ip_addresses['ipv4_private'][0])
-            elif ip_version == 6:
-                if not dut_ip_addresses['ipv6_private_local']:
-                    self.log.info('DUT does not have an IPv6 address. '
-                                  'Traffic attempt to be run if the server '
-                                  'is pingable.')
+                    ipv4_private = dut_ip_addresses["ipv4_private"][0]
+                    self.log.info(
+                        f'DUT has the following IPv4 address: "{ipv4_private}"'
+                    )
+            elif ip_version is IPVersion.V6:
+                if not dut_ip_addresses["ipv6_private_local"]:
+                    self.log.info(
+                        "DUT does not have an IPv6 address. "
+                        "Traffic attempt to be run if the server "
+                        "is pingable."
+                    )
-                    self.log.info('DUT has the following IPv6 address: "%s"' %
-                                  dut_ip_addresses['ipv6_private_local'][0])
+                    ipv6_private_local = dut_ip_addresses["ipv6_private_local"][0]
+                    self.log.info(
+                        f'DUT has the following IPv6 address: "{ipv6_private_local}"'
+                    )
             server_pingable = self.dut.can_ping(iperf_server_ip_address)
             if not server_pingable:
-                self.log.info('Iperf server "%s" is not pingable. Marking '
-                              'a 0 %s for throughput. Skipping running '
-                              'traffic.' %
-                              (iperf_server_ip_address, REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS))
-            else:
-                self.log.info('Iperf server "%s" is pingable.' %
-                              iperf_server_ip_address)
-            if self.debug_pre_traffic_cmd:
-                self.log.info('\nDEBUG: Sending command \'%s\' to DUT' %
-                              self.debug_pre_traffic_cmd)
-                    '\n%s' % self.dut.send_command(self.debug_pre_traffic_cmd))
+                    f'Iperf server "{iperf_server_ip_address}" is not pingable. '
+                    f"Marking a 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} for throughput. "
+                    "Skipping running traffic."
+                )
+            else:
+                self.log.info(f'Iperf server "{iperf_server_ip_address}" is pingable.')
             if server_pingable:
-                if traffic_dir == 'tx':
-                    self.log.info('Running traffic DUT to %s at relative '
-                                  'attenuation of %s' %
-                                  (iperf_server_ip_address, step))
-                elif traffic_dir == 'rx':
-                    self.log.info('Running traffic %s to DUT at relative '
-                                  'attenuation of %s' %
-                                  (iperf_server_ip_address, step))
+                if traffic_dir is TrafficDirection.TX:
+                    self.log.info(
+                        f"Running traffic DUT to {iperf_server_ip_address} at relative "
+                        f"attenuation of {step}"
+                    )
+                elif traffic_dir is TrafficDirection.RX:
+                    self.log.info(
+                        f"Running traffic {iperf_server_ip_address} to DUT at relative "
+                        f"attenuation of {step}"
+                    )
-                    raise ValueError('Invalid traffic direction')
+                    raise ValueError("Invalid traffic direction")
-                    iperf_tag = 'decreasing'
+                    iperf_tag = "decreasing"
                     if reverse:
-                        iperf_tag = 'increasing'
+                        iperf_tag = "increasing"
                     iperf_results_file = self.dut_iperf_client.start(
-                        '%s_%s_%s' %
-                        (iperf_tag, traffic_dir, self.starting_attn),
-                        timeout=(self.dwell_time_in_secs * 2))
+                        f"{iperf_tag}_{traffic_dir}_{self.starting_attn}",
+                        timeout=(self.dwell_time_in_secs * 2),
+                    )
                 except TimeoutError as e:
                     iperf_results_file = None
-                        f'Iperf traffic timed out. Marking 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} for '
-                        f'throughput. {e}')
+                        f"Iperf traffic timed out. Marking 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} for "
+                        f"throughput. {e}"
+                    )
                 if not iperf_results_file:
@@ -573,12 +682,13 @@
                         iperf_results = IPerfResult(
-                            reporting_speed_units=REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS)
+                            reporting_speed_units=REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS,
+                        )
                         if iperf_results.error:
-                                f'Errors in iperf logs:\n{iperf_results.error}'
+                                f"Errors in iperf logs:\n{iperf_results.error}"
                         if not iperf_results.avg_send_rate:
@@ -588,393 +698,60 @@
-                            f'No data in iPerf3 file. Marking 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} '
-                            f'for throughput: {e}')
+                            f"No data in iPerf3 file. Marking 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} "
+                            f"for throughput: {e}"
+                        )
                     except Exception as e:
-                            f'Unknown exception. Marking 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} for '
-                            f'throughput: {e}')
+                            f"Unknown exception. Marking 0 {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} for "
+                            f"throughput: {e}"
+                        )
-                    'Iperf traffic complete. %s traffic received at '
-                    '%s %s at relative attenuation of %s db' %
-                    (traffic_dir, throughput[-1], REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS,
-                     str(relative_attn[-1]).strip()))
+                    f"Iperf traffic complete. {traffic_dir} traffic received at "
+                    f"{throughput[-1]} {REPORTING_SPEED_UNITS} at relative attenuation "
+                    f"of {str(relative_attn[-1]).strip()} db"
+                )
-                self.log.debug('DUT Associated: %s' % associated)
-                self.log.debug('%s pingable: %s' %
-                               (iperf_server_ip_address, server_pingable))
+                self.log.debug(f"DUT Associated: {associated}")
+                self.log.debug(f"{iperf_server_ip_address} pingable: {server_pingable}")
-            if self.debug_post_traffic_cmd:
-                self.log.info('\nDEBUG: Sending command \'%s\' to DUT' %
-                              self.debug_post_traffic_cmd)
-                self.log.info(
-                    '\n%s' %
-                    self.dut.send_command(self.debug_post_traffic_cmd))
         return throughput, relative_attn
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_open_tx_ipv4(self):
+    def _test_rvr(self, t: TestParams) -> None:
         ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
+        setup_ap(
+            access_point=self.access_point,
+            profile_name="whirlwind",
+            channel=t.band.default_channel(),
+            ssid=ssid,
+            setup_bridge=True,
+        )
+        graph_data = self.run_rvr(
+            ssid,
+            security=t.security,
+            band=t.band,
+            traffic_dir=t.direction,
+            ip_version=t.ip_version,
+        )
         for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
+            self.current_test_info.name,
+            self.current_test_info.output_path(),
+            graph_data,
+        ):
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
+            self.current_test_info.name,
+            self.current_test_info.output_path(),
+            graph_data,
+        )
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_open_rx_ipv4(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_open_tx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_open_rx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_wpa2_tx_ipv4(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_wpa2_rx_ipv4(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_wpa2_tx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11ac_5g_80mhz_wpa2_rx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='5g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_open_tx_ipv4(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_open_rx_ipv4(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_open_tx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_open_rx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_wpa2_tx_ipv4(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_wpa2_rx_ipv4(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=4)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_wpa2_tx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='tx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
-    def test_rvr_11n_2g_20mhz_wpa2_rx_ipv6(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(20)
-        security_profile = Security(security_mode='wpa2', password=password)
-        setup_ap(access_point=self.access_point,
-                 profile_name='whirlwind',
-                 channel=hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-                 ssid=ssid,
-                 security=security_profile,
-                 setup_bridge=True)
-        graph_data = self.run_rvr(ssid,
-                                  security_mode='wpa2',
-                                  password=password,
-                                  band='2g',
-                                  traffic_dir='rx',
-                                  ip_version=6)
-        for rvr_graph in create_rvr_graph(
-                self.test_name,
-                context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(),
-                graph_data):
-            self.rvr_graph_summary.append(rvr_graph)
-        write_csv_rvr_data(
-            self.test_name,
-            context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path(), graph_data)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/performance/WlanWmmTest.py b/tests/wlan/performance/WlanWmmTest.py
index 72049ae..453ecd2 100644
--- a/tests/wlan/performance/WlanWmmTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan/performance/WlanWmmTest.py
@@ -14,36 +14,36 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import logging
 import operator
 import time
-from bokeh.palettes import Category10
-from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, figure, output_file, save
-from bokeh.models import Span, Label
+from mobly import asserts, test_runner
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import context
-from antlion import utils
+from antlion import context, utils
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices import wmm_transceiver
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.fuchsia import wmm_test_cases
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import create_wlan_device
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants, hostapd_security
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices import wmm_transceiver
+from antlion.test_utils.abstract_devices.wlan_device import (
+    AssociationMode,
+    create_wlan_device,
+from antlion.test_utils.fuchsia import wmm_test_cases
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC, hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_LDPC,
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_SGI20,
-    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20
+    hostapd_constants.N_CAPABILITY_HT20,
-    'profile_name': 'whirlwind',
-    'channel': hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
-    'n_capabilities': DEFAULT_N_CAPABILITIES_20_MHZ,
-    'ac_capabilities': None
+    "profile_name": "whirlwind",
+    "channel": hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_2G,
+    "n_capabilities": DEFAULT_N_CAPABILITIES_20_MHZ,
+    "ac_capabilities": None,
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
-    '>': operator.gt,
-    '>=': operator.ge,
-    '<': operator.lt,
-    '<=': operator.le,
-    '==': operator.eq
+    ">": operator.gt,
+    ">=": operator.ge,
+    "<": operator.lt,
+    "<=": operator.le,
+    "==": operator.eq,
@@ -63,13 +63,15 @@
-def eval_operator(operator_string,
-                  actual_value,
-                  expected_value,
-                  max_bw,
-                  rel_tolerance=0,
-                  abs_tolerance=0,
-                  max_bw_rel_tolerance=0):
+def eval_operator(
+    operator_string,
+    actual_value,
+    expected_value,
+    max_bw,
+    rel_tolerance=0,
+    abs_tolerance=0,
+    max_bw_rel_tolerance=0,
     Determines if an inequality evaluates to True, given relative and absolute
@@ -97,12 +99,13 @@
         return True
     error = abs(actual_value - expected_value)
-    accepted_error = max(expected_value * rel_tolerance, abs_tolerance,
-                         max_bw * max_bw_rel_tolerance)
+    accepted_error = max(
+        expected_value * rel_tolerance, abs_tolerance, max_bw * max_bw_rel_tolerance
+    )
     return error <= accepted_error
-class WlanWmmTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class WlanWmmTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests WMM QoS Functionality (Station only)
     Testbed Requirements:
@@ -115,68 +118,71 @@
     def setup_class(self):
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
-            self.wmm_test_params = self.user_params['wmm_test_params']
-            self._wmm_transceiver_configs = self.wmm_test_params[
-                'wmm_transceivers']
+            self.wmm_test_params = self.user_params["wmm_test_params"]
+            self._wmm_transceiver_configs = self.wmm_test_params["wmm_transceivers"]
         except KeyError:
-            raise AttributeError('Must provide at least 2 WmmTransceivers in '
-                                 '"wmm_test_params" field of ACTS config.')
+            raise AttributeError(
+                "Must provide at least 2 WmmTransceivers in "
+                '"wmm_test_params" field of ACTS config.'
+            )
         if len(self._wmm_transceiver_configs) < 2:
-            raise AttributeError(
-                'At least 2 WmmTransceivers must be provided.')
+            raise AttributeError("At least 2 WmmTransceivers must be provided.")
-        self.android_devices = getattr(self, 'android_devices', [])
-        self.fuchsia_devices = getattr(self, 'fuchsia_devices', [])
+        self.android_devices = self.android_devices
+        self.fuchsia_devices = self.fuchsia_devices
         self.wlan_devices = [
-            create_wlan_device(device)
+            create_wlan_device(device, AssociationMode.POLICY)
             for device in self.android_devices + self.fuchsia_devices
         # Create STAUT transceiver
-        if 'staut' not in self._wmm_transceiver_configs:
+        if "staut" not in self._wmm_transceiver_configs:
             raise AttributeError(
-                'Must provide a WmmTransceiver labeled "staut" with a '
-                'wlan_device.')
+                'Must provide a WmmTransceiver labeled "staut" with a ' "wlan_device."
+            )
         self.staut = wmm_transceiver.create(
-            self._wmm_transceiver_configs['staut'],
-            identifier='staut',
-            wlan_devices=self.wlan_devices)
+            self._wmm_transceiver_configs["staut"],
+            identifier="staut",
+            wlan_devices=self.wlan_devices,
+        )
         # Required to for automated power cycling
         self.dut = self.staut.wlan_device
         # Create AP transceiver
-        if 'access_point' not in self._wmm_transceiver_configs:
+        if "access_point" not in self._wmm_transceiver_configs:
             raise AttributeError(
                 'Must provide a WmmTransceiver labeled "access_point" with a '
-                'access_point.')
+                "access_point."
+            )
         self.access_point_transceiver = wmm_transceiver.create(
-            self._wmm_transceiver_configs['access_point'],
-            identifier='access_point',
-            access_points=self.access_points)
+            self._wmm_transceiver_configs["access_point"],
+            identifier="access_point",
+            access_points=self.access_points,
+        )
         self.wmm_transceivers = [self.staut, self.access_point_transceiver]
         # Create secondary station transceiver, if present
-        if 'secondary_sta' in self._wmm_transceiver_configs:
+        if "secondary_sta" in self._wmm_transceiver_configs:
             self.secondary_sta = wmm_transceiver.create(
-                self._wmm_transceiver_configs['secondary_sta'],
-                identifier='secondary_sta',
-                wlan_devices=self.wlan_devices)
+                self._wmm_transceiver_configs["secondary_sta"],
+                identifier="secondary_sta",
+                wlan_devices=self.wlan_devices,
+            )
             self.secondary_sta = None
-        self.wmm_transceiver_map = {
-            tc.identifier: tc
-            for tc in self.wmm_transceivers
-        }
+        self.wmm_transceiver_map = {tc.identifier: tc for tc in self.wmm_transceivers}
     def setup_test(self):
+        super().setup_test()
         for tc in self.wmm_transceivers:
             if tc.wlan_device:
@@ -193,16 +199,13 @@
             if tc.access_point:
+        super().teardown_test()
     def teardown_class(self):
         for tc in self.wmm_transceivers:
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for wlan_device in self.wlan_devices:
-            super().on_device_fail(wlan_device.device, test_name, begin_time)
     def start_ap_with_wmm_params(self, ap_parameters, wmm_parameters):
         """Sets up WMM network on AP.
@@ -214,39 +217,39 @@
             String, subnet of the network setup (e.g. '')
         # Defaults for required parameters
-        ap_parameters['force_wmm'] = True
-        if 'ssid' not in ap_parameters:
-            ap_parameters['ssid'] = utils.rand_ascii_str(
-                hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
+        ap_parameters["force_wmm"] = True
+        if "ssid" not in ap_parameters:
+            ap_parameters["ssid"] = utils.rand_ascii_str(
+                hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G
+            )
-        if 'profile_name' not in ap_parameters:
-            ap_parameters['profile_name'] = 'whirlwind'
+        if "profile_name" not in ap_parameters:
+            ap_parameters["profile_name"] = "whirlwind"
-        if 'channel' not in ap_parameters:
-            ap_parameters['channel'] = 6
+        if "channel" not in ap_parameters:
+            ap_parameters["channel"] = 6
-        if 'n_capabilities' not in ap_parameters:
-            ap_parameters['n_capabilities'] = DEFAULT_N_CAPABILITIES_20_MHZ
+        if "n_capabilities" not in ap_parameters:
+            ap_parameters["n_capabilities"] = DEFAULT_N_CAPABILITIES_20_MHZ
-        if 'additional_ap_parameters' in ap_parameters:
-            ap_parameters['additional_ap_parameters'].update(wmm_parameters)
+        if "additional_ap_parameters" in ap_parameters:
+            ap_parameters["additional_ap_parameters"].update(wmm_parameters)
-            ap_parameters['additional_ap_parameters'] = wmm_parameters
+            ap_parameters["additional_ap_parameters"] = wmm_parameters
         # Optional security
-        security_config = ap_parameters.get('security_config', None)
+        security_config = ap_parameters.get("security_config", None)
         if security_config:
-            ap_parameters['security'] = hostapd_security.Security(
-                **security_config)
-            ap_parameters.pop('security_config')
+            ap_parameters["security"] = hostapd_security.Security(**security_config)
+            ap_parameters.pop("security_config")
         # Start AP with kwargs
-        self.log.info('Setting up WMM network: %s' % ap_parameters['ssid'])
+        self.log.info(f"Setting up WMM network: {ap_parameters['ssid']}")
         setup_ap(self.access_point_transceiver.access_point, **ap_parameters)
-        self.log.info('Network (%s) is up.' % ap_parameters['ssid'])
+        self.log.info(f"Network ({ap_parameters['ssid']}) is up.")
         # Return subnet
-        if ap_parameters['channel'] < hostapd_constants.LOWEST_5G_CHANNEL:
+        if ap_parameters["channel"] < hostapd_constants.LOWEST_5G_CHANNEL:
             return self.access_point_transceiver.access_point._AP_2G_SUBNET_STR
             return self.access_point_transceiver.access_point._AP_5G_SUBNET_STR
@@ -260,25 +263,27 @@
         if not wmm_transceiver.wlan_device:
             raise AttributeError(
-                'Cannot associate a WmmTransceiver that does not have a '
-                'WlanDevice.')
-        ssid = ap_params['ssid']
+                "Cannot associate a WmmTransceiver that does not have a WLAN device."
+            )
+        ssid = ap_params["ssid"]
         password = None
         target_security = None
-        security = ap_params.get('security')
+        security = ap_params.get("security")
         if security:
             password = security.password
-            target_security = hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
-                security.security_mode_string)
+            target_security = (
+                hostapd_constants.SECURITY_STRING_TO_DEFAULT_TARGET_SECURITY.get(
+                    security.security_mode_string
+                )
+            )
         associated = wmm_transceiver.wlan_device.associate(
-            target_ssid=ssid,
-            target_pwd=password,
-            target_security=target_security)
+            target_ssid=ssid, target_pwd=password, target_security=target_security
+        )
         if not associated:
-            raise ConnectionError('Failed to associate WmmTransceiver %s.' %
-                                  wmm_transceiver.identifier)
-        self.log.info('WmmTransceiver %s associated.' %
-                      wmm_transceiver.identifier)
+            raise ConnectionError(
+                f"Failed to associate WmmTransceiver {wmm_transceiver.identifier}."
+            )
+        self.log.info(f"WmmTransceiver {wmm_transceiver.identifier} associated.")
     def validate_streams_in_phase(self, phase_id, phases, max_bw):
         """Validates any stream in a phase that has validation criteria.
@@ -295,106 +300,138 @@
         pass_val = True
         for stream_id, stream in phases[phase_id].items():
-            if 'validation' in stream:
-                transmitter = stream['transmitter']
-                uuid = stream['uuid']
+            if "validation" in stream:
+                transmitter = stream["transmitter"]
+                uuid = stream["uuid"]
                 actual_bw = transmitter.get_results(uuid).avg_rate
                 if not actual_bw:
                     raise ConnectionError(
-                        '(Phase: %s, Stream: %s) - Stream results show '
-                        'bandwidth: None' % (phase_id, stream_id))
-                for check in stream['validation']:
-                    operator_str = check['operator']
-                    rel_tolerance = check.get('rel_tolerance', 0)
-                    abs_tolerance = check.get('abs_tolerance', 0)
-                    max_bw_rel_tolerance = check.get('max_bw_rel_tolerance', 0)
-                    expected_bw_percentage = check.get('bandwidth_percentage',
-                                                       DEFAULT_BW_PERCENTAGE)
+                        "(Phase: %s, Stream: %s) - Stream results show "
+                        "bandwidth: None" % (phase_id, stream_id)
+                    )
+                for check in stream["validation"]:
+                    operator_str = check["operator"]
+                    rel_tolerance = check.get("rel_tolerance", 0)
+                    abs_tolerance = check.get("abs_tolerance", 0)
+                    max_bw_rel_tolerance = check.get("max_bw_rel_tolerance", 0)
+                    expected_bw_percentage = check.get(
+                        "bandwidth_percentage", DEFAULT_BW_PERCENTAGE
+                    )
                     # Explicit Bandwidth Validation
-                    if 'bandwidth' in check:
-                        comp_bw = check['bandwidth']
+                    if "bandwidth" in check:
+                        comp_bw = check["bandwidth"]
                         log_msg = (
-                            'Expected Bandwidth: %s (explicit validation '
-                            'bandwidth [%s] x expected bandwidth '
-                            'percentage [%s])' %
-                            (expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw, comp_bw,
-                             expected_bw_percentage))
+                            "Expected Bandwidth: %s (explicit validation "
+                            "bandwidth [%s] x expected bandwidth "
+                            "percentage [%s])"
+                            % (
+                                expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw,
+                                comp_bw,
+                                expected_bw_percentage,
+                            )
+                        )
                     # Stream Comparison Validation
-                    elif 'phase' in check and 'stream' in check:
-                        comp_phase_id = check['phase']
-                        comp_stream_id = check['stream']
+                    elif "phase" in check and "stream" in check:
+                        comp_phase_id = check["phase"]
+                        comp_stream_id = check["stream"]
                         comp_stream = phases[comp_phase_id][comp_stream_id]
-                        comp_transmitter = comp_stream['transmitter']
-                        comp_uuid = comp_stream['uuid']
-                        comp_bw = comp_transmitter.get_results(
-                            comp_uuid).avg_rate
+                        comp_transmitter = comp_stream["transmitter"]
+                        comp_uuid = comp_stream["uuid"]
+                        comp_bw = comp_transmitter.get_results(comp_uuid).avg_rate
                         log_msg = (
-                            'Expected Bandwidth: %s (bandwidth for phase: %s, '
-                            'stream: %s [%s] x expected bandwidth percentage '
-                            '[%s])' %
-                            (expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw, comp_phase_id,
-                             comp_stream_id, comp_bw, expected_bw_percentage))
+                            "Expected Bandwidth: %s (bandwidth for phase: %s, "
+                            "stream: %s [%s] x expected bandwidth percentage "
+                            "[%s])"
+                            % (
+                                expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw,
+                                comp_phase_id,
+                                comp_stream_id,
+                                comp_bw,
+                                expected_bw_percentage,
+                            )
+                        )
                     # Expected Bandwidth Validation
-                        if 'bandwidth' in stream:
-                            comp_bw = stream['bandwidth']
+                        if "bandwidth" in stream:
+                            comp_bw = stream["bandwidth"]
                             log_msg = (
-                                'Expected Bandwidth: %s (expected stream '
-                                'bandwidth [%s] x expected bandwidth '
-                                'percentage [%s])' %
-                                (expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw, comp_bw,
-                                 expected_bw_percentage))
+                                "Expected Bandwidth: %s (expected stream "
+                                "bandwidth [%s] x expected bandwidth "
+                                "percentage [%s])"
+                                % (
+                                    expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw,
+                                    comp_bw,
+                                    expected_bw_percentage,
+                                )
+                            )
                             max_bw_percentage = stream.get(
-                                'max_bandwidth_percentage',
-                                DEFAULT_BW_PERCENTAGE)
+                                "max_bandwidth_percentage", DEFAULT_BW_PERCENTAGE
+                            )
                             comp_bw = max_bw * max_bw_percentage
                             log_msg = (
-                                'Expected Bandwidth: %s (max bandwidth [%s] x '
-                                'stream bandwidth percentage [%s] x expected '
-                                'bandwidth percentage [%s])' %
-                                (expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw, max_bw,
-                                 max_bw_percentage, expected_bw_percentage))
+                                "Expected Bandwidth: %s (max bandwidth [%s] x "
+                                "stream bandwidth percentage [%s] x expected "
+                                "bandwidth percentage [%s])"
+                                % (
+                                    expected_bw_percentage * comp_bw,
+                                    max_bw,
+                                    max_bw_percentage,
+                                    expected_bw_percentage,
+                                )
+                            )
-                        'Validation criteria - Stream: %s, '
-                        'Actual Bandwidth: %s, Operator: %s, %s, '
-                        'Relative Tolerance: %s, Absolute Tolerance: %s, Max '
-                        'Bandwidth Relative Tolerance: %s' %
-                        (stream_id, actual_bw, operator_str, log_msg,
-                         rel_tolerance, abs_tolerance, max_bw_rel_tolerance))
+                        "Validation criteria - Stream: %s, "
+                        "Actual Bandwidth: %s, Operator: %s, %s, "
+                        "Relative Tolerance: %s, Absolute Tolerance: %s, Max "
+                        "Bandwidth Relative Tolerance: %s"
+                        % (
+                            stream_id,
+                            actual_bw,
+                            operator_str,
+                            log_msg,
+                            rel_tolerance,
+                            abs_tolerance,
+                            max_bw_rel_tolerance,
+                        )
+                    )
                     if eval_operator(
-                            operator_str,
-                            actual_bw,
-                            comp_bw * expected_bw_percentage,
-                            max_bw,
-                            rel_tolerance=rel_tolerance,
-                            abs_tolerance=abs_tolerance,
-                            max_bw_rel_tolerance=max_bw_rel_tolerance):
+                        operator_str,
+                        actual_bw,
+                        comp_bw * expected_bw_percentage,
+                        max_bw,
+                        rel_tolerance=rel_tolerance,
+                        abs_tolerance=abs_tolerance,
+                        max_bw_rel_tolerance=max_bw_rel_tolerance,
+                    ):
-                            '(Phase: %s, Stream: %s) - PASSES validation check!'
-                            % (phase_id, stream_id))
+                            "(Phase: %s, Stream: %s) - PASSES validation check!"
+                            % (phase_id, stream_id)
+                        )
-                            '(Phase: %s, Stream: %s) - Stream FAILS validation '
-                            'check.' % (phase_id, stream_id))
+                            "(Phase: %s, Stream: %s) - Stream FAILS validation "
+                            "check." % (phase_id, stream_id)
+                        )
                         pass_val = False
         if pass_val:
-                '(Phase %s) - All streams\' validation criteria were met.' %
-                phase_id)
+                f"(Phase {phase_id}) - All streams' validation criteria were met."
+            )
             return True
-                '(Phase %s) - At least one stream validation criterion was not '
-                'met.' % phase_id)
+                "(Phase %s) - At least one stream validation criterion was not "
+                "met." % phase_id
+            )
             return False
     def graph_test(self, phases, max_bw):
-        """ Outputs a bokeh html graph of the streams. Saves to ACTS log
+        """Outputs a bokeh html graph of the streams. Saves to ACTS log
@@ -404,9 +441,23 @@
+        try:
+            from bokeh.models import Label, Span
+            from bokeh.palettes import Category10
+            from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, figure, output_file, save
+        except ImportError:
+            self.log.warn(
+                "bokeh is not installed: skipping creation of graphs. "
+                "Note CSV files are still available. If graphs are "
+                'desired, install antlion with the "bokeh" feature.'
+            )
+            return
         output_path = context.get_current_context().get_base_output_path()
-        output_file_name = '%s/WlanWmmTest/%s.html' % (output_path,
-                                                       self.test_name)
+        output_file_name = "%s/WlanWmmTest/%s.html" % (
+            output_path,
+            self.current_test_info.name,
+        )
         start_time = 0
@@ -419,113 +470,127 @@
         for phase_id, phase in phases.items():
             longest_stream_time = 0
             for stream_id, stream in phase.items():
-                transmitter = stream['transmitter']
-                uuid = stream['uuid']
+                transmitter = stream["transmitter"]
+                uuid = stream["uuid"]
-                if 'bandwidth' in stream:
-                    stream_bw = "{:.3f}".format(stream['bandwidth'])
-                    stream_bw_formula_str = '%sMb/s' % stream_bw
-                elif 'max_bandwidth_percentage' in stream:
-                    max_bw_percentage = stream['max_bandwidth_percentage']
-                    stream_bw = "{:.3f}".format(max_bw * max_bw_percentage)
-                    stream_bw_formula_str = '%sMb/s (%s%% of max bandwidth)' % (
-                        stream_bw, str(max_bw_percentage * 100))
+                if "bandwidth" in stream:
+                    stream_bw = f"{stream['bandwidth']:.3f}"
+                    stream_bw_formula_str = f"{stream_bw}Mb/s"
+                elif "max_bandwidth_percentage" in stream:
+                    max_bw_percentage = stream["max_bandwidth_percentage"]
+                    stream_bw = f"{max_bw * max_bw_percentage:.3f}"
+                    stream_bw_formula_str = "%sMb/s (%s%% of max bandwidth)" % (
+                        stream_bw,
+                        str(max_bw_percentage * 100),
+                    )
                     raise AttributeError(
-                        'Stream %s must have either a bandwidth or '
-                        'max_bandwidth_percentage parameter.' % stream_id)
+                        "Stream %s must have either a bandwidth or "
+                        "max_bandwidth_percentage parameter." % stream_id
+                    )
-                stream_time = stream.get('time', DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME)
+                stream_time = stream.get("time", DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME)
                 longest_stream_time = max(longest_stream_time, stream_time)
                 avg_rate = transmitter.get_results(uuid).avg_rate
-                instantaneous_rates = transmitter.get_results(
-                    uuid).instantaneous_rates
-                highest_stream_bw = max(highest_stream_bw,
-                                        max(instantaneous_rates))
-                lowest_stream_bw = min(lowest_stream_bw,
-                                       min(instantaneous_rates))
+                instantaneous_rates = transmitter.get_results(uuid).instantaneous_rates
+                highest_stream_bw = max(highest_stream_bw, max(instantaneous_rates))
+                lowest_stream_bw = min(lowest_stream_bw, min(instantaneous_rates))
                 stream_data = ColumnDataSource(
-                    dict(time=[
-                        x for x in range(start_time, start_time + stream_time)
-                    ],
-                         instantaneous_bws=instantaneous_rates,
-                         avg_bw=[avg_rate for _ in range(stream_time)],
-                         stream_id=[stream_id for _ in range(stream_time)],
-                         attempted_bw=[
-                             stream_bw_formula_str for _ in range(stream_time)
-                         ]))
+                    dict(
+                        time=[x for x in range(start_time, start_time + stream_time)],
+                        instantaneous_bws=instantaneous_rates,
+                        avg_bw=[avg_rate for _ in range(stream_time)],
+                        stream_id=[stream_id for _ in range(stream_time)],
+                        attempted_bw=[
+                            stream_bw_formula_str for _ in range(stream_time)
+                        ],
+                    )
+                )
                 line = {
-                    'x_axis': 'time',
-                    'y_axis': 'instantaneous_bws',
-                    'source': stream_data,
-                    'line_width': GRAPH_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH,
-                    'legend_label': '%s:%s' % (phase_id, stream_id)
+                    "x_axis": "time",
+                    "y_axis": "instantaneous_bws",
+                    "source": stream_data,
+                    "line_width": GRAPH_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH,
+                    "legend_label": f"{phase_id}:{stream_id}",
             start_time = start_time + longest_stream_time
-        TOOLTIPS = [('Time', '@time'),
-                    ('Attempted Bandwidth', '@attempted_bw'),
-                    ('Instantaneous Bandwidth', '@instantaneous_bws'),
-                    ('Stream Average Bandwidth', '@avg_bw'),
-                    ('Stream', '@stream_id')]
+        TOOLTIPS = [
+            ("Time", "@time"),
+            ("Attempted Bandwidth", "@attempted_bw"),
+            ("Instantaneous Bandwidth", "@instantaneous_bws"),
+            ("Stream Average Bandwidth", "@avg_bw"),
+            ("Stream", "@stream_id"),
+        ]
         # Create and scale graph appropriately
         time_vs_bandwidth_graph = figure(
-            title=('Bandwidth for %s' % self.test_name),
-            x_axis_label='Time',
-            y_axis_label='Bandwidth',
+            title=f"Bandwidth for {self.current_test_info.name}",
+            x_axis_label="Time",
+            y_axis_label="Bandwidth",
-            y_range=(lowest_stream_bw -
-                     (0.5 * (highest_stream_bw - lowest_stream_bw)),
-                     1.05 * max_bw))
-        time_vs_bandwidth_graph.sizing_mode = 'stretch_both'
-        time_vs_bandwidth_graph.title.align = 'center'
+            y_range=(
+                lowest_stream_bw - (0.5 * (highest_stream_bw - lowest_stream_bw)),
+                1.05 * max_bw,
+            ),
+        )
+        time_vs_bandwidth_graph.sizing_mode = "stretch_both"
+        time_vs_bandwidth_graph.title.align = "center"
         colors = Category10[GRAPH_COLOR_LEN]
         color_ind = 0
         # Draw max bandwidth line
-        max_bw_span = Span(location=max_bw,
-                           dimension='width',
-                           line_color='black',
-                           line_dash='dashed',
-                           line_width=GRAPH_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH)
-        max_bw_label = Label(x=(0.5 * start_time),
-                             y=max_bw,
-                             text=('Max Bandwidth: %sMb/s' % max_bw),
-                             text_align='center')
+        max_bw_span = Span(
+            location=max_bw,
+            dimension="width",
+            line_color="black",
+            line_dash="dashed",
+            line_width=GRAPH_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH,
+        )
+        max_bw_label = Label(
+            x=(0.5 * start_time),
+            y=max_bw,
+            text=f"Max Bandwidth: {max_bw}Mb/s",
+            text_align="center",
+        )
         # Draw stream lines
         for line in graph_lines:
-            time_vs_bandwidth_graph.line(line['x_axis'],
-                                         line['y_axis'],
-                                         source=line['source'],
-                                         line_width=line['line_width'],
-                                         legend_label=line['legend_label'],
-                                         color=colors[color_ind])
-            time_vs_bandwidth_graph.circle(line['x_axis'],
-                                           line['y_axis'],
-                                           source=line['source'],
-                                           size=GRAPH_DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE,
-                                           legend_label=line['legend_label'],
-                                           color=colors[color_ind])
+            time_vs_bandwidth_graph.line(
+                line["x_axis"],
+                line["y_axis"],
+                source=line["source"],
+                line_width=line["line_width"],
+                legend_label=line["legend_label"],
+                color=colors[color_ind],
+            )
+            time_vs_bandwidth_graph.circle(
+                line["x_axis"],
+                line["y_axis"],
+                source=line["source"],
+                size=GRAPH_DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE,
+                legend_label=line["legend_label"],
+                color=colors[color_ind],
+            )
             color_ind = (color_ind + 1) % GRAPH_COLOR_LEN
         time_vs_bandwidth_graph.legend.location = "top_left"
         time_vs_bandwidth_graph.legend.click_policy = "hide"
         graph_file = save([time_vs_bandwidth_graph])
-        self.log.info('Saved graph to %s' % graph_file)
+        self.log.info(f"Saved graph to {graph_file}")
-    def run_wmm_test(self,
-                     phases,
-                     ap_parameters=DEFAULT_AP_PARAMS,
-                     wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.
-                     WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-                     stream_timeout=DEFAULT_STREAM_TIMEOUT):
+    def run_wmm_test(
+        self,
+        phases,
+        ap_parameters=DEFAULT_AP_PARAMS,
+        wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
+        stream_timeout=DEFAULT_STREAM_TIMEOUT,
+    ):
         """Runs a WMM test case.
@@ -542,20 +607,18 @@
             FAIL, otherwise
         # Setup AP
-        subnet_str = self.start_ap_with_wmm_params(ap_parameters,
-                                                   wmm_parameters)
+        subnet_str = self.start_ap_with_wmm_params(ap_parameters, wmm_parameters)
         # Determine transmitters and receivers used in test case
         transmitters = set()
         receivers = set()
         for phase in phases.values():
             for stream in phase.values():
-                transmitter = self.wmm_transceiver_map[
-                    stream['transmitter_str']]
+                transmitter = self.wmm_transceiver_map[stream["transmitter_str"]]
-                stream['transmitter'] = transmitter
-                receiver = self.wmm_transceiver_map[stream['receiver_str']]
+                stream["transmitter"] = transmitter
+                receiver = self.wmm_transceiver_map[stream["receiver_str"]]
-                stream['receiver'] = receiver
+                stream["receiver"] = receiver
         transceivers = transmitters.union(receivers)
         # Associate all transceivers with wlan_devices
@@ -564,45 +627,47 @@
                 self.associate_transceiver(tc, ap_parameters)
         # Determine link max bandwidth
-        self.log.info('Determining link maximum bandwidth.')
+        self.log.info("Determining link maximum bandwidth.")
         uuid = self.staut.run_synchronous_traffic_stream(
-            {'receiver': self.access_point_transceiver}, subnet_str)
+            {"receiver": self.access_point_transceiver}, subnet_str
+        )
         max_bw = self.staut.get_results(uuid).avg_send_rate
-        self.log.info('Link maximum bandwidth: %s Mb/s' % max_bw)
+        self.log.info(f"Link maximum bandwidth: {max_bw} Mb/s")
         # Run parallel phases
         pass_test = True
         for phase_id, phase in phases.items():
-            self.log.info('Setting up phase: %s' % phase_id)
+            self.log.info(f"Setting up phase: {phase_id}")
             for stream_id, stream in phase.items():
-                transmitter = stream['transmitter']
-                receiver = stream['receiver']
-                access_category = stream.get('access_category', None)
-                stream_time = stream.get('time', DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME)
+                transmitter = stream["transmitter"]
+                receiver = stream["receiver"]
+                access_category = stream.get("access_category", None)
+                stream_time = stream.get("time", DEFAULT_STREAM_TIME)
                 # Determine stream type
-                if 'bandwidth' in stream:
-                    bw = stream['bandwidth']
-                elif 'max_bandwidth_percentage' in stream:
-                    max_bw_percentage = stream['max_bandwidth_percentage']
+                if "bandwidth" in stream:
+                    bw = stream["bandwidth"]
+                elif "max_bandwidth_percentage" in stream:
+                    max_bw_percentage = stream["max_bandwidth_percentage"]
                     bw = max_bw * max_bw_percentage
                     raise AttributeError(
-                        'Stream %s must have either a bandwidth or '
-                        'max_bandwidth_percentage parameter.' % stream_id)
+                        "Stream %s must have either a bandwidth or "
+                        "max_bandwidth_percentage parameter." % stream_id
+                    )
                 stream_params = {
-                    'receiver': receiver,
-                    'access_category': access_category,
-                    'bandwidth': bw,
-                    'time': stream_time
+                    "receiver": receiver,
+                    "access_category": access_category,
+                    "bandwidth": bw,
+                    "time": stream_time,
                 uuid = transmitter.prepare_asynchronous_stream(
-                    stream_params, subnet_str)
-                stream['uuid'] = uuid
+                    stream_params, subnet_str
+                )
+                stream["uuid"] = uuid
             # Start all streams in phase
             start_time = time.time() + 5
@@ -615,8 +680,9 @@
                 while transmitter.has_active_streams:
                     if time.time() > end_time:
                         raise ConnectionError(
-                            'Transmitter\'s (%s) active streams are not finishing.'
-                            % transmitter.identifier)
+                            "Transmitter's (%s) active streams are not finishing."
+                            % transmitter.identifier
+                        )
             # Cleanup all streams
@@ -625,19 +691,20 @@
             # Validate streams
             pass_test = pass_test and self.validate_streams_in_phase(
-                phase_id, phases, max_bw)
+                phase_id, phases, max_bw
+            )
         self.graph_test(phases, max_bw)
         if pass_test:
-                'Validation criteria met for all streams in all phases.')
+                "Validation criteria met for all streams in all phases."
+            )
-            asserts.fail(
-                'At least one stream failed to meet validation criteria.')
+            asserts.fail("At least one stream failed to meet validation criteria.")
-# Test Cases
+    # Test Cases
-# Internal Traffic Differentiation
+    # Internal Traffic Differentiation
     def test_internal_traffic_diff_VO_VI(self):
@@ -657,186 +724,181 @@
     def test_internal_traffic_diff_BE_BK(self):
-# External Traffic Differentiation
+    # External Traffic Differentiation
     """Single station, STAUT transmits high priority"""
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_VI(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_VI)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_VI)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BE(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BE)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BE)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BK(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BK)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VO_ap_BK)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BE(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BE)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BE)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BK(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BK)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_BK)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_BK(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_BK)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_BK)
     """Single station, STAUT transmits low priority"""
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_VO(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_VO)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_VI_ap_VO)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VO(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VO)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VO)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VO(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VO)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VO)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VI(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VI)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BE_ap_VI)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VI(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VI)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_VI)
     def test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_BE(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_BE)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_external_traffic_diff_staut_BK_ap_BE)
-# # Dual Internal/External Traffic Differentiation (Single station)
+    # # Dual Internal/External Traffic Differentiation (Single station)
     def test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI)
     def test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BE_ap_BE(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BE_ap_BE)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BE_ap_BE)
     def test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BK_ap_BK(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BK_ap_BK)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VO_BK_ap_BK)
     def test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE)
     def test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BK_ap_BK(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BK_ap_BK)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_VI_BK_ap_BK)
     def test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK(self):
-        self.run_wmm_test(
-            wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK)
+        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_dual_traffic_diff_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK)
-# ACM Bit Conformance Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
+    # ACM Bit Conformance Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
     def test_acm_bit_on_VI(self):
-        wmm_params_VI_ACM = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_acm_bit_on_VI,
-                          wmm_parameters=wmm_params_VI_ACM)
+        wmm_params_VI_ACM = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        self.run_wmm_test(
+            wmm_test_cases.test_acm_bit_on_VI, wmm_parameters=wmm_params_VI_ACM
+        )
-# AC Parameter Modificiation Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
+    # AC Parameter Modificiation Tests (Single station, as WFA test below uses two)
     def test_ac_param_degrade_VO(self):
-            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_DEGRADED_VO_PARAMS)
+            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_DEGRADED_VO_PARAMS,
+        )
     def test_ac_param_degrade_VI(self):
-            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_DEGRADED_VI_PARAMS)
+            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_DEGRADED_VI_PARAMS,
+        )
     def test_ac_param_improve_BE(self):
-            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_IMPROVE_BE_PARAMS)
+            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_IMPROVE_BE_PARAMS,
+        )
     def test_ac_param_improve_BK(self):
-            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_IMPROVE_BK_PARAMS)
+            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_IMPROVE_BK_PARAMS,
+        )
-# WFA Test Plan Tests
+    # WFA Test Plan Tests
     """Traffic Differentiation in Single BSS (Single Station)"""
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_ap_VI_BE(self):
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_ap_VI_BE)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_ap_VI_BE
+        )
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE(self):
-            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE
+        )
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE(self):
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VI_BE_ap_BE
+        )
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK(self):
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_BE_BK_ap_BK
+        )
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI(self):
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_single_station_staut_VO_VI_ap_VI
+        )
     """Traffic Differentiation in Single BSS (Two Stations)"""
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BE_secondary_VI_BE(self):
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, 'No secondary station.')
+        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, "No secondary station.")
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BE_secondary_VI_BE)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BE_secondary_VI_BE
+        )
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_BE(self):
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, 'No secondary station.')
+        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, "No secondary station.")
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_BE)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_BE
+        )
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BK_secondary_BE_BK(self):
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, 'No secondary station.')
+        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, "No secondary station.")
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BK_secondary_BE_BK)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_BK_secondary_BE_BK
+        )
     def test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_VO_VI(self):
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, 'No secondary station.')
+        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, "No secondary station.")
-            wmm_test_cases.
-            test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_VO_VI)
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_traffic_diff_two_stations_staut_VI_secondary_VO_VI
+        )
     """Test ACM Bit Conformance (Two Stations)"""
     def test_wfa_acm_bit_on_VI(self):
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, 'No secondary station.')
-        wmm_params_VI_ACM = utils.merge_dicts(
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS,
-            hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI)
-        self.run_wmm_test(wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_acm_bit_on_VI,
-                          wmm_parameters=wmm_params_VI_ACM)
+        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, "No secondary station.")
+        wmm_params_VI_ACM = (
+            hostapd_constants.WMM_PHYS_11A_11G_11N_11AC_DEFAULT_PARAMS
+            | hostapd_constants.WMM_ACM_VI
+        )
+        self.run_wmm_test(
+            wmm_test_cases.test_wfa_acm_bit_on_VI, wmm_parameters=wmm_params_VI_ACM
+        )
     """Test the AC Parameter Modification"""
     def test_wfa_ac_param_degrade_VI(self):
-        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, 'No secondary station.')
+        asserts.skip_if(not self.secondary_sta, "No secondary station.")
-            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_DEGRADED_VI_PARAMS)
+            wmm_parameters=hostapd_constants.WMM_DEGRADED_VI_PARAMS,
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan/performance/rvr_settings.yaml b/tests/wlan/performance/rvr_settings.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..620a48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan/performance/rvr_settings.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  starting_attn: 10
+  ending_attn: 61
+  step_size_in_db: 3
+  dwell_time_in_secs: 10
+  reverse_rvr_after_forward: true
+  iperf_flags: "-i 1"
diff --git a/tests/wlan_policy/BUILD.gn b/tests/wlan_policy/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f757a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wlan_policy/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
+antlion_host_test("hidden_networks_test") {
+  main_source = "HiddenNetworksTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("hidden_networks_test_hd") {
+  main_source = "HiddenNetworksTest.py"
+  environments = [vim3_ap_env]
+  enable_honeydew = true
+antlion_host_test("policy_scan_test") {
+  main_source = "PolicyScanTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("policy_scan_test_hd") {
+  main_source = "PolicyScanTest.py"
+  environments = [vim3_ap_env]
+  enable_honeydew = true
+antlion_host_test("regulatory_recovery_test") {
+  main_source = "RegulatoryRecoveryTest.py"
+  environments = display_envs
+antlion_host_test("regulatory_recovery_test_hd") {
+  main_source = "RegulatoryRecoveryTest.py"
+  environments = [vim3_env]
+  enable_honeydew = true
+antlion_host_test("saved_networks_test") {
+  main_source = "SavedNetworksTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("saved_networks_test_hd") {
+  main_source = "SavedNetworksTest.py"
+  environments = [vim3_ap_env]
+  enable_honeydew = true
+antlion_host_test("start_stop_client_connections_test") {
+  main_source = "StartStopClientConnectionsTest.py"
+  environments = display_ap_envs
+antlion_host_test("start_stop_client_connections_test_hd") {
+  main_source = "StartStopClientConnectionsTest.py"
+  environments = [vim3_ap_env]
+  enable_honeydew = true
+group("e2e_tests") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":hidden_networks_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":policy_scan_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":regulatory_recovery_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":saved_networks_test($host_toolchain)",
+    ":start_stop_client_connections_test($host_toolchain)",
+    # TODO(http://b/336559254): Uncomment when TypeError is fixed.
+    #
+    # ":hidden_networks_test_hd($host_toolchain)",
+    # ":policy_scan_test_hd($host_toolchain)",
+    # ":regulatory_recovery_test_hd($host_toolchain)",
+    # ":saved_networks_test_hd($host_toolchain)",
+    # ":start_stop_client_connections_test_hd($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
+group("e2e_tests_quick") {
+  testonly = true
+  public_deps = [
+    ":hidden_networks_test($host_toolchain)",
+    # TODO(http://b/336559254): Uncomment when TypeError is fixed.
+    #
+    # ":hidden_networks_test_hd($host_toolchain)",
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/wlan_policy/HiddenNetworksTest.py b/tests/wlan_policy/HiddenNetworksTest.py
index e4a2f6c..5c671ba 100644
--- a/tests/wlan_policy/HiddenNetworksTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan_policy/HiddenNetworksTest.py
@@ -14,13 +14,20 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import logging
 import time
-from antlion import signals
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import ConnectionState, WlanClientState
+from mobly import signals, test_runner
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_policy_controller import (
+    WlanPolicyControllerError,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_policy_lib import WlanPolicyError
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
 # These tests should have a longer timeout for connecting than normal connect
@@ -30,138 +37,151 @@
-CONNECTIONS_ENABLED = "ConnectionsEnabled"
-CONNECTIONS_DISABLED = "ConnectionsDisabled"
-WPA2 = "wpa2"
-class HiddenNetworksTest(WifiBaseTest):
-    """ Tests that WLAN Policy will detect hidden networks
+class HiddenNetworksTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
+    """Tests that WLAN Policy will detect hidden networks
     Test Bed Requirement:
     * One or more Fuchsia devices
     * One Access Point
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         # Start an AP with a hidden network
         self.hidden_ssid = rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.hidden_password = rand_ascii_str(
-            hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G)
-        self.hidden_security = WPA2
-        security = hostapd_security.Security(
-            security_mode=self.hidden_security, password=self.hidden_password)
+        self.hidden_password = rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G)
+        self.hidden_security = SecurityMode.WPA2.fuchsia_security_type()
+        security = Security(
+            security_mode=SecurityMode.WPA2,
+            password=self.hidden_password,
+        )
-        setup_ap(self.access_point,
-                 'whirlwind',
-                 hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 self.hidden_ssid,
-                 hidden=True,
-                 security=security)
+        setup_ap(
+            self.access_point,
+            "whirlwind",
+            hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            self.hidden_ssid,
+            hidden=True,
+            security=security,
+        )
         if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
             raise EnvironmentError("No Fuchsia devices found.")
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy',
-                              preserve_saved_networks=True)
+            fd.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism="policy", preserve_saved_networks=True
+            )
-    def setup_test(self):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks():
-                raise EnvironmentError(
-                    "Failed to remove all networks in setup")
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
-    def teardown_class(self):
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None:
-    def test_scan_hidden_networks(self):
-        # Scan a few times and check that we see the hidden networks in the
-        # results at least once. Even if hidden networks are scanned
-        # probabilistically, we should see it after a few tries.
+    # Tests
+    def test_scan_hidden_networks(self) -> None:
+        """Probabilistic test to see if we can see hidden networks with a scan.
+        Scan a few times and check that we see the hidden networks in the results at
+        least once. We stop client connections to not trigger a connect when saving,
+        which would interfere with requested scans.
+        Raises:
+            TestFailure if we fail to see hidden network in scans before timing out.
+        """
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # A hidden network must be saved to be found in scan results.
-            # Stop client connections to not trigger a connect when saving,
-            # which would interfere with requested scans.
-            fd.wlan_policy_controller.stop_client_connections()
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    self.hidden_ssid,
-                    self.hidden_security,
-                    password=self.hidden_password):
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to save network")
-            fd.wlan_policy_controller.start_client_connections()
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_DISABLED
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.hidden_ssid, self.hidden_security, self.hidden_password
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
             start_time = time.time()
             num_performed_scans = 0
             while time.time() < start_time + TIME_ATTEMPT_SCANS:
                 num_performed_scans = num_performed_scans + 1
-                scan_result = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanScanForNetworks()
-                if scan_result["error"] != None:
-                    self.log.warn("Failed to scan for networks with error %s" %
-                                  scan_result["error"])
+                try:
+                    scan_result = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.scan_for_networks()
+                except WlanPolicyError:
-                else:
-                    scans = scan_result["result"]
-                if self.hidden_ssid in scans:
+                if self.hidden_ssid in scan_result:
-                        "SSID of hidden network seen after %d scans" %
-                        num_performed_scans)
+                        f"SSID of hidden network seen after {num_performed_scans} scans"
+                    )
                 # Don't overload SL4F with scan requests
-            self.log.error("Failed to see SSID after %d scans" %
-                           num_performed_scans)
+            self.log.error(f"Failed to see SSID after {num_performed_scans} scans")
             raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to see hidden network in scans")
-    def test_auto_connect_hidden_on_startup(self):
-        """ Test that if we are not connected to anything but have a hidden
-            network saved, we will eventually actively scan for it and connect."""
+    def test_auto_connect_hidden_on_startup(self) -> None:
+        """Test auto connect on startup.
+        This test checks that if we are not connected to anything but have a hidden
+        network saved, we will eventually actively scan for it and connect.
+        Raises:
+            TestFailure if the client fails to auto connect to the hidden network.
+        """
         # Start up AP with an open network with a random SSID
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # Test that we will auto connect without anything being triggered by
-            # saving a new network.
-            fd.wlan_policy_controller.stop_client_connections()
-            # Save the network.
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    self.hidden_ssid,
-                    self.hidden_security,
-                    password=self.hidden_password):
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to save network")
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.hidden_ssid, self.hidden_security, self.hidden_password
+            )
             # Reboot the device and check that it auto connects.
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_connect(
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
-                    self.hidden_security,
-                    timeout=TIME_WAIT_FOR_CONNECT):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to network")
-    def test_auto_connect_hidden_on_save(self):
-        """ Test that if we save a hidden network and are not connected to
-            anything, the device will connect to the hidden network that was
-            just saved. """
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections():
-                self.log.info(
-                    "Failed to get into a disconnected state to start the test"
+                    ConnectionState.CONNECTED,
+                    timeout_sec=TIME_WAIT_FOR_CONNECT,
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to disconnect all")
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure(
+                    "Failed to auto connect to hidden network on startup"
+                ) from e
-            # Save the network and make sure that we see the device auto connect to it.
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    self.hidden_ssid,
-                    self.hidden_security,
-                    password=self.hidden_password):
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to save network")
+    def test_auto_connect_hidden_on_save(self) -> None:
+        """Test auto connect to hidden network on save.
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_connect(
+        This test checks that if we save a hidden network and are not connected to
+        anything, the device will connect to the hidden network that was just saved.
+        Raises:
+            TestFailure if client fails to auto connect to a hidden network after saving
+            it.
+        """
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.hidden_ssid, self.hidden_security, self.hidden_password
+            )
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
-                    self.hidden_security,
-                    timeout=TIME_WAIT_FOR_CONNECT):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to network")
+                    ConnectionState.CONNECTED,
+                    timeout_sec=TIME_WAIT_FOR_CONNECT,
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure(
+                    "Failed to auto connect to hidden network on save"
+                ) from e
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan_policy/PolicyScanTest.py b/tests/wlan_policy/PolicyScanTest.py
index e38cdfe..fd2a445 100644
--- a/tests/wlan_policy/PolicyScanTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan_policy/PolicyScanTest.py
@@ -14,39 +14,49 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-"""This test exercises the Scan functionality for the WLAN Policy API."""
-from datetime import datetime
+import logging
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import (hostapd_ap_preset, hostapd_bss_settings,
-                                     hostapd_constants, hostapd_security)
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import ConnectionState
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import (
+    hostapd_ap_preset,
+    hostapd_bss_settings,
+    hostapd_constants,
+    hostapd_security,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class PolicyScanTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class PolicyScanTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """WLAN policy scan test class.
+    This test exercises the scan functionality for the WLAN Policy API.
     Test Bed Requirement:
     * One or more Fuchsia devices
     * One Whirlwind Access Point
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
             raise signals.TestFailure("No fuchsia devices found.")
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy',
-                              preserve_saved_networks=True)
+            fd.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism="policy", preserve_saved_networks=True
+            )
         if len(self.access_points) < 1:
             raise signals.TestFailure("No access points found.")
         # Prepare the AP
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
         # Generate network params.
-        bss_settings_2g = []
-        bss_settings_5g = []
+        bss_settings_2g: list[hostapd_bss_settings.BssSettings] = []
+        bss_settings_5g: list[hostapd_bss_settings.BssSettings] = []
         open_network = self.get_open_network(False, [])
         self.open_network_2g = open_network["2g"]
         self.open_network_5g = open_network["5g"]
@@ -59,30 +69,38 @@
-                    password=self.wpa2_network_2g["password"])))
+                    password=self.wpa2_network_2g["password"],
+                ),
+            )
+        )
-                    password=self.wpa2_network_5g["password"])))
+                    password=self.wpa2_network_5g["password"],
+                ),
+            )
+        )
         self.ap_2g = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-            bss_settings=bss_settings_2g)
+            bss_settings=bss_settings_2g,
+        )
         self.ap_5g = hostapd_ap_preset.create_ap_preset(
-            bss_settings=bss_settings_5g)
+            bss_settings=bss_settings_5g,
+        )
         # Start the networks
-        # Save the SSIDs
+        # List of test SSIDs started by APs
         self.all_ssids = [
@@ -90,146 +108,123 @@
-    def setup_test(self):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        super().setup_test()
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # stub for setting up all the fuchsia devices in the testbed.
-            return fd.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks_and_wait_for_no_connections(
-            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
-    def teardown_test(self):
+    def teardown_test(self) -> None:
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
             # stub until policy layer has something useful to use here.
+        self.download_ap_logs()
+        super().teardown_test()
-    def teardown_class(self):
-        pass
-    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            try:
-                fd.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
-                fd.get_log(test_name, begin_time)
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-            try:
-                if fd.device.hard_reboot_on_fail:
-                    fd.hard_power_cycle(self.pdu_devices)
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
-    """Helper Functions"""
-    def perform_scan(self, fd):
-        """ Initiates scan on a Fuchsia device and returns results
+    def _assert_network_is_in_results(self, scan_results: list[str], ssid: str) -> None:
+        """Verified scan results contain a specified network
-            fd: A fuchsia device
+            scan_results: Scan results from a fuchsia Policy API scan.
+            ssid: SSID for network that should be in the results.
-            signals.TestFailure: if an error is reported by the device during
-            the scan
-        Returns:
-            A list of scan results
+            signals.TestFailure: if the network is not present in the scan results
-        start_time = datetime.now()
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            ssid in scan_results,
+            f'Network "{ssid}" was not found in scan results: {scan_results}',
+        )
-        scan_response = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanScanForNetworks()
-        # first check if we received an error
-        if scan_response.get("error") is not None:
-            # the response indicates an error - log and raise failure
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Aborting test - scan failed with "
-                                      "error: %s" % scan_response.get("error"))
-        # the scan command did not get an error response - go ahead
-        # and check for scan results
-        scan_results = scan_response["result"]
-        total_time_ms = (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000
-        self.log.info("scan contained %d results", len(scan_results))
-        self.log.info("scan time: %d ms", total_time_ms)
-        return scan_results
-    def connect_to_network(self, wlan_network_params, fd):
-        """ Connects the Fuchsia device to the specified network
-        Args:
-            wlan_network_params: A dictionary containing wlan information.
-            fd: A fuchsia device
-        Raises:
-            signals.TestFailure: if the device fails to connect
-        """
-        target_ssid = wlan_network_params["SSID"]
-        target_pwd = wlan_network_params.get("password")
-        target_security = wlan_network_params.get("security")
-        # TODO(mnck): use the Policy version of this call, when it is available.
-        connection_response = fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_and_connect(
-            target_ssid, target_security, password=target_pwd)
-        if not connection_response:
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Aborting test - Connect call failed")
-        self.log.info("Network connection successful.")
-    def assert_network_is_in_results(self, scan_results, *, ssid):
-        """ Verified scan results contain a specified network
-        Args:
-            scan_results: Scan results from a fuchsia Policy API scan
-            ssid: SSID for network that should be in the results
-        Raises:
-            signals.TestFailure: if the network is not present in the scan
-            results
-        """
-        if ssid not in scan_results:
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                'Network "%s" was not found in scan results: %s', ssid,
-                scan_results)
-    """Tests"""
-    def test_basic_scan_request(self):
+    def test_basic_scan_request(self) -> None:
         """Verify a scan returns all expected networks"""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            scan_results = self.perform_scan(fd)
+            scan_results = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.scan_for_networks()
             if len(scan_results) == 0:
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Scan failed or did not "
-                                          "find any networks")
+                raise signals.TestFailure("Scan did not find any networks")
             for ssid in self.all_ssids:
-                self.assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid=ssid)
+                self._assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid)
-    def test_scan_while_connected_open_network_2g(self):
+    def test_scan_while_connected_open_network_2g(self) -> None:
         """Connect to an open 2g network and perform a scan"""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            self.connect_to_network(self.open_network_2g, fd)
-            scan_results = self.perform_scan(fd)
-            for ssid in self.all_ssids:
-                self.assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid=ssid)
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+                self.open_network_2g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+                self.open_network_2g["password"],
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.connect(
+                self.open_network_2g["SSID"],
+                self.open_network_2g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+            )
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                self.open_network_2g["SSID"], ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+            )
-    def test_scan_while_connected_wpa2_network_2g(self):
+            scan_results = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.scan_for_networks()
+            for ssid in self.all_ssids:
+                self._assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid)
+    def test_scan_while_connected_wpa2_network_2g(self) -> None:
         """Connect to a WPA2 2g network and perform a scan"""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            self.connect_to_network(self.wpa2_network_2g, fd)
-            scan_results = self.perform_scan(fd)
-            for ssid in self.all_ssids:
-                self.assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid=ssid)
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.wpa2_network_2g["SSID"],
+                self.wpa2_network_2g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+                self.wpa2_network_2g["password"],
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.connect(
+                self.wpa2_network_2g["SSID"],
+                self.wpa2_network_2g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+            )
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                self.wpa2_network_2g["SSID"], ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+            )
-    def test_scan_while_connected_open_network_5g(self):
+            scan_results = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.scan_for_networks()
+            for ssid in self.all_ssids:
+                self._assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid)
+    def test_scan_while_connected_open_network_5g(self) -> None:
         """Connect to an open 5g network and perform a scan"""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            self.connect_to_network(self.open_network_5g, fd)
-            scan_results = self.perform_scan(fd)
-            for ssid in self.all_ssids:
-                self.assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid=ssid)
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+                self.open_network_5g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+                self.open_network_5g["password"],
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.connect(
+                self.open_network_5g["SSID"],
+                self.open_network_5g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+            )
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                self.open_network_5g["SSID"], ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+            )
-    def test_scan_while_connected_wpa2_network_5g(self):
+            scan_results = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.scan_for_networks()
+            for ssid in self.all_ssids:
+                self._assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid)
+    def test_scan_while_connected_wpa2_network_5g(self) -> None:
         """Connect to a WPA2 5g network and perform a scan"""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            self.connect_to_network(self.wpa2_network_5g, fd)
-            scan_results = self.perform_scan(fd)
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.wpa2_network_5g["SSID"],
+                self.wpa2_network_5g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+                self.wpa2_network_5g["password"],
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.connect(
+                self.wpa2_network_5g["SSID"],
+                self.wpa2_network_5g["security"].fuchsia_security_type(),
+            )
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                self.wpa2_network_5g["SSID"], ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+            )
+            scan_results = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.scan_for_networks()
             for ssid in self.all_ssids:
-                self.assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid=ssid)
+                self._assert_network_is_in_results(scan_results, ssid)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan_policy/RegulatoryRecoveryTest.py b/tests/wlan_policy/RegulatoryRecoveryTest.py
index e5b770c..260e5c3 100644
--- a/tests/wlan_policy/RegulatoryRecoveryTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan_policy/RegulatoryRecoveryTest.py
@@ -14,11 +14,22 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import CountryCode, WlanClientState
+from mobly import signals, test_runner
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import FuchsiaSecurityType
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_policy_controller import (
+    WlanPolicyControllerError,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_ap_policy_lib import (
+    ConnectivityMode,
+    OperatingBand,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
-class RegulatoryRecoveryTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class RegulatoryRecoveryTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """Tests the policy layer's response to setting country code.
     Test Bed Requirements:
@@ -33,44 +44,43 @@
     toggling between WW and US.
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
         if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
             raise EnvironmentError("No Fuchsia devices found.")
         self.config_test_params = self.user_params.get(
-            "regulatory_recovery_test_params", {})
+            "regulatory_recovery_test_params", {}
+        )
         self.country_code = self.config_test_params.get("country_code", "US")
-        self.negative_test = self.config_test_params.get(
-            "negative_test", False)
+        self.negative_test = self.config_test_params.get("negative_test", False)
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy')
+            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism="policy")
-    def teardown_class(self):
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None:
         if not self.negative_test:
             for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-    def setup_test(self):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
+        """Set PHYs to world-wide mode and disable AP and client connections."""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # Remove all network configs.  These tests do not require
-            # connecting to a network, they merely verify whether or not client
-            # mode is functional.
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks():
-                raise EnvironmentError(
-                    "Failed to remove all networks in setup")
-            # To ensure that DUTs are initially in a known state, set all of
-            # their PHYs to world-wide mode.  Also disable client and AP
-            # functionality so that there is no automated WLAN behavior.
-            fd.wlan_controller.set_country_code("WW")
-            fd.wlan_policy_controller.stop_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_controller.set_country_code(CountryCode.WORLDWIDE)
-    def set_country_code(self, fd):
+    def _set_country_code_check(self, fd: FuchsiaDevice) -> None:
+        """Set the country code and check if successful.
+        Args:
+            fd: Fuchsia device to set country code on.
+        Raises:
+            EnvironmentError on failure to set country code or success setting country
+                code when it should be a failure case.
+        """
         except EnvironmentError as e:
@@ -86,89 +96,103 @@
             # The negative test case should have failed to set the country
             # code and the positive test case should succeed.
             if self.negative_test:
-                raise EnvironmentError(
-                    "Setting invalid country code succeeded.")
+                raise EnvironmentError("Setting invalid country code succeeded.")
-    def test_interfaces_not_recreated_when_initially_disabled(self):
-        """This test ensures that after a new regulatory region is applied
-        while client connections and access points are disabled, no new
-        interfaces are automatically recreated.
+    def test_interfaces_not_recreated_when_initially_disabled(self) -> None:
+        """Test after applying new region no new interfaces are automatically recreated.
+        We start with client connections and access points disabled. There should be no
+        state change after applying a new regulatory region.
+        Raises:
+            TestFailure if client or AP are in unexpected state.
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # Set the region code.
-            self.set_country_code(fd)
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_DISABLED
+            )
-            # Reset the listeners and verify the current state.
-            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
+            self._set_country_code_check(fd)
+            # Verify that the client is still stopped.
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                    WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_DISABLED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("Client policy layer is in unexpected state")
+            # Verify that the AP is still stopped.
-            # Verify that the client and AP are still stopped.
-            client_state = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate()
-            if client_state["error"]:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "error querying client state: {}".format(
-                        client_state["error"]))
-            elif client_state["result"]["state"] != "ConnectionsDisabled":
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "client connections in unexpected state: {}".format(
-                        client_state["result"]["state"]))
             ap_state = fd.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate()
             if ap_state["error"]:
-                raise signals.TestFailure("error querying AP state: {}".format(
-                    ap_state["error"]))
+                raise signals.TestFailure(
+                    f"error querying AP state: {ap_state['error']}"
+                )
             ap_updates = ap_state["result"]
             if ap_updates:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "AP in unexpected state: {}".format(ap_updates))
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"AP in unexpected state: {ap_updates}")
-    def test_interfaces_recreated_when_initially_enabled(self):
-        """This test ensures that after a new regulatory region is applied
-        while client connections and access points are enabled, all
-        interfaces are recreated.
+    def test_interfaces_recreated_when_initially_enabled(self) -> None:
+        """Test after applying new region interfaces are automatically recreated.
+        After enabling client connections and access points we check that all interfaces
+        are recreated.
+        Raises:
+            TestFailure if client or AP are in unexpected state.
         test_ssid = "test_ssid"
-        test_security_type = "none"
+        security_type = FuchsiaSecurityType.NONE
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # Start client connections and start an AP before setting the
-            # country code.
-            fd.wlan_policy_controller.start_client_connections()
+            # Start client connections and start an AP before setting the country code.
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+            )
-                test_ssid, test_security_type, "", "local_only", "any")
+                test_ssid,
+                security_type,
+                None,
+                ConnectivityMode.LOCAL_ONLY,
+                OperatingBand.ANY,
+            )
             # Set the country code.
-            self.set_country_code(fd)
+            self._set_country_code_check(fd)
-            # Reset the listeners and verify the current state.
-            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
+            # Verify that the client connections are enabled.
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                    WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("Client policy layer is in unexpected state")
+            # Verify that the AP is brought up again.
-            # Verify that client connections are enabled and the AP is brought
-            # up again.
-            client_state = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate()
-            if client_state["error"]:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "error querying client state: {}".format(
-                        client_state["error"]))
-            elif client_state["result"]["state"] != "ConnectionsEnabled":
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "client connections in unexpected state: {}".format(
-                        client_state["result"]["state"]))
             ap_state = fd.sl4f.wlan_ap_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate()
             if ap_state["error"]:
-                raise signals.TestFailure("error querying AP state: {}".format(
-                    ap_state["error"]))
+                raise signals.TestFailure(
+                    f"error querying AP state: {ap_state['error']}"
+                )
             ap_updates = ap_state["result"]
             if len(ap_updates) != 1:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "No APs are running: {}".format(ap_updates))
+                raise signals.TestFailure(f"No APs are running: {ap_updates}")
-                if ap_updates[0]["id"]["ssid"] != test_ssid or ap_updates[0][
-                        "id"]["type_"].lower() != test_security_type:
+                if (
+                    ap_updates[0]["id"]["ssid"] != test_ssid
+                    or ap_updates[0]["id"]["type_"].lower() != security_type
+                ):
                     raise signals.TestFailure(
-                        "AP in unexpected state: {}".format(ap_updates[0]))
+                        f"AP in unexpected state: {ap_updates[0]}"
+                    )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan_policy/SavedNetworksTest.py b/tests/wlan_policy/SavedNetworksTest.py
index 8b174c2..c903e28 100644
--- a/tests/wlan_policy/SavedNetworksTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan_policy/SavedNetworksTest.py
@@ -13,345 +13,432 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-A test that saves various networks and verifies the behavior of save, get, and
-remove through the ClientController API of WLAN policy.
-from antlion import signals
+import logging
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import (
+    ConnectionState,
+    NetworkConfig,
+    SecurityType,
+    WlanClientState,
+from mobly import asserts, signals, test_runner
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
 from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import Security, SecurityMode
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_policy_controller import (
+    WlanPolicyControllerError,
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.wlan_policy_lib import WlanPolicyError
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str, rand_hex_str
 PSK_LEN = 64
-STATE_CONNECTED = "Connected"
-STATE_CONNECTING = "Connecting"
-CONNECTIONS_ENABLED = "ConnectionsEnabled"
-CONNECTIONS_DISABLED = "ConnectionsDisabled"
-WEP = "wep"
-WPA = "wpa"
-WPA2 = "wpa2"
-WPA3 = "wpa3"
-PASSWORD = "password"
-PSK = "psk"
-class SavedNetworksTest(WifiBaseTest):
+class SavedNetworksTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
     """WLAN policy commands test class.
+    A test that saves various networks and verifies the behavior of save, get, and
+    remove through the ClientController API of WLAN policy.
     Test Bed Requirement:
     * One or more Fuchsia devices
     * One Access Point
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         # Keep track of whether we have started an access point in a test
         if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
             raise EnvironmentError("No Fuchsia devices found.")
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy',
-                              preserve_saved_networks=True)
+            fd.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism="policy", preserve_saved_networks=True
+            )
-    def setup_test(self):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks():
-                raise EnvironmentError(
-                    "Failed to remove all networks in setup")
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
-    def teardown_class(self):
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None:
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks()
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
-    def save_bad_network(self, fd, ssid, security_type, password=""):
-        """ Saves a network as specified on the given device and verify that we
-        Args:
-            fd: The Fuchsia device to save the network on
-            ssid: The SSID or name of the network to save.
-            security_type: The security type to save the network as, ie "none",
-                        "wep", "wpa", "wpa2", or "wpa3"
-            password: The password to save for the network. Empty string represents
-                    no password, and PSK should be provided as 64 character hex string.
-        """
-        if fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(ssid,
-                                                  security_type,
-                                                  password=password):
-            self.log.info(
-                "Attempting to save bad network config %s did not give an error"
-                % ssid)
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to get error saving bad network")
+    def _has_saved_network(self, fd: FuchsiaDevice, network: NetworkConfig) -> bool:
+        """Verify that the network is present in saved networks.
-    def check_get_saved_network(self, fd, ssid, security_type, credential_type,
-                                credential_value):
-        """ Verify that get saved networks sees the single specified network. Used
-            for the tests that save and get a single network. Maps security types of
-            expected and actual to be case insensitive.
             fd: Fuchsia device to run on.
-            ssid: The name of the network to check for.
-            security_type: The security of the network, ie "none", "wep", "wpa",
-                        "wpa2", or "wpa3".
-            credential_type: The type of credential saved for the network, ie
-                            "none", "password", or "psk".
-            credential_value: The actual credential, or "" if there is no credential.
+            network: Network to check for.
+        Returns:
+            True if network is found in saved networks, otherwise False.
-        expected_networks = [{
-            "ssid": ssid,
-            "security_type": security_type,
-            "credential_type": credential_type,
-            "credential_value": credential_value
-        }]
-        self.check_saved_networks(fd, expected_networks)
-    def check_saved_networks(self, fd, expected_networks):
-        """ Verify that the saved networks we get from the device match the provided
-            list of networks.
-        Args:
-            fd: The Fuchsia device to run on.
-            expected_networks: The list of networks we expect to get from the device,
-                            unordered and in the same format as we would get:
-                            [{"credential_type": _, "credential_value": _,
-                            "security_type": _, "ssid": _}, ...] There should be
-                            no duplicates in expected networks.
-        """
-        actual_networks = list(
-            map(self.lower_case_network,
-                fd.wlan_policy_controller.get_saved_networks()))
-        expected_networks = list(
-            map(self.lower_case_network,
-                fd.wlan_policy_controller.get_saved_networks()))
-        if len(actual_networks) != len(expected_networks):
-            self.log.info(
-                "Number of expected saved networks does not match the actual number."
-                "Expected: %d, actual: %d" %
-                (len(actual_networks), len(expected_networks)))
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to get the expected number of saved networks")
-        for network in actual_networks:
-            if network not in expected_networks:
-                self.log.info(
-                    "Actual and expected networks do not match. Actual: %s,\n"
-                    "Expected: %s" % (actual_networks, expected_networks))
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Got an unexpected saved network")
-    def lower_case_network(self, network):
-        if "security_type" not in network:
-            self.log.error("Missing security type in network %s" % network)
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Network is missing security type")
-        if "credential_type" not in network:
-            self.log.error("Missing credential type in network %s" % network)
-            raise signals.TestFailure("Network is missing credential type")
-        {"ssid": network["ssid"], "security_type": network["security_type"]}
-    def save_and_check_network(self, ssid, security_type, password=""):
-        """ Perform a test for saving, getting, and removing a single network on each
-            device.
-        Args:
-            ssid: The network name to use.
-            security_type: The security of the network as a string, ie "none",
-                        "wep", "wpa", "wpa2", or "wpa3" (case insensitive)
-            password: The password of the network. PSK should be given as 64
-                    hexadecimal characters and none should be an empty string.
-        """
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    ssid, security_type, password=password):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to save network")
-            self.check_get_saved_network(fd, ssid, security_type,
-                                         self.credentialType(password),
-                                         password)
-    def start_ap(self, ssid, security_type, password=None, hidden=False):
-        """ Starts an access point.
-        Args:
-            ssid: the SSID of the network to broadcast
-            security_type: the security type of the network to be broadcasted. This can be
-                None, "wep" "wpa", "wpa2", or "wpa3" (or from hostapd_constants.py)
-            password: the password to connect to the broadcasted network. The password is ignored
-                if security type is none.
-        """
-        # Put together the security configuration of the network to be
-        # broadcasted. Open networks are represented by no security.
-        if security_type == None or security_type.upper() == SECURITY_NONE:
-            security = None
+        networks: list[NetworkConfig] = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.get_saved_networks()
+        if network in networks:
+            return True
-            security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode=security_type,
-                                                 password=password)
+            return False
+    def _start_ap(
+        self, ssid: str, security_type: SecurityMode, password: str | None = None
+    ) -> None:
+        """Starts an access point.
+        Args:
+            ssid: The SSID of the network to broadcast
+            security_type: The security type of the network to be broadcasted
+            password: The password to connect to the broadcasted network. The password
+                is ignored if security type is none.
+        Raises:
+            EnvironmentError if it fails to set up AP for test.
+        """
+        # Put together the security configuration of the network to be broadcasted.
+        security = Security(security_mode=security_type, password=password)
         if len(self.access_points) > 0:
             # Create an AP with default values other than the specified values.
-            setup_ap(self.access_points[0],
-                     'whirlwind',
-                     hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                     ssid,
-                     security=security)
+            setup_ap(
+                self.access_points[0],
+                "whirlwind",
+                hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+                ssid,
+                security=security,
+            )
-            self.log.error(
-                "No access point available for test, please check config")
+            self.log.error("No access point available for test, please check config")
             raise EnvironmentError("Failed to set up AP for test")
-    def credentialType(self, credentialValue):
-        """ Returns the type of the credential to compare against values reported """
-        if len(credentialValue) == PSK_LEN:
-            return PSK
-        elif len(credentialValue) == 0:
-            return "none"
-        else:
-            return PASSWORD
+    def test_open_network_with_password(self) -> None:
+        """Save an open network with a password and verify that it fails to save."""
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+            SecurityType.NONE,
+            rand_ascii_str(8),
+        )
-    def same_network_identifier(self, net_id, ssid, security_type):
-        """ Returns true if the network id is made of the given ssid and security
-            type, and false otherwise. Security type check is case insensitive.
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            try:
+                fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                    test_network.ssid,
+                    test_network.security_type,
+                    test_network.credential_value,
+                )
+                asserts.fail("Unexpectedly succeeded to save network")
+            except WlanPolicyError:
+                networks = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.get_saved_networks()
+                if test_network in networks:
+                    asserts.fail("Got an unexpected saved network")
+                # Successfully failed to save network.
+                return
+            asserts.fail("Failed to get error saving bad network")
+    def test_open_network(self) -> None:
+        """Save an open network and verify presence."""
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+            SecurityType.NONE,
+        )
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network not present")
+    def test_network_with_psk(self) -> None:
+        """Save a network with a PSK and verify presence.
+        PSK are translated from hex to bytes when saved, and when returned by
+        get_saved_networks it will be lower case.
-        return net_id["ssid"] == ssid and net_id["type_"].upper(
-        ) == security_type.upper()
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(11),
+            SecurityType.WPA2,
+            rand_hex_str(PSK_LEN).lower(),
+        )
-    """Tests"""
-    def test_open_network_with_password(self):
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # Save an open network with a password and verify that it fails to
-            # save.
-            self.save_bad_network(fd, rand_ascii_str(10), SECURITY_NONE,
-                                  rand_ascii_str(8))
-            self.check_saved_networks(fd, {})
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network not present")
-    def test_open_network(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        self.save_and_check_network(ssid, SECURITY_NONE)
+    def test_wep_network(self) -> None:
+        """Save a wep network and verify presence."""
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(12),
+            SecurityType.WEP,
+            rand_ascii_str(13),
+        )
-    def test_network_with_psk(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(11)
-        # PSK are translated from hex to bytes when saved, and when returned
-        # by get_saved_networks it will be lower case.
-        psk = rand_hex_str(PSK_LEN).lower()
-        self.save_and_check_network(ssid, WPA2, psk)
-    def test_wep_network(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(12)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(13)
-        self.save_and_check_network(ssid, WEP, password)
-    def test_wpa2_network(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(9)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(15)
-        self.save_and_check_network(ssid, WPA2, password)
-    def test_wpa_network(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(16)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(9)
-        self.save_and_check_network(ssid, WPA, password)
-    def test_wpa3_network(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(9)
-        password = rand_ascii_str(15)
-        self.save_and_check_network(ssid, WPA3, password)
-    def test_save_network_persists(self):
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        security = WPA2
-        password = rand_ascii_str(10)
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    ssid, security, password=password):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to save network")
-            # Reboot the device. The network should be persistently saved
-            # before the command is completed.
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network not present")
+    def test_wpa2_network(self) -> None:
+        """Save a wpa2 network and verify presence."""
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(9),
+            SecurityType.WPA2,
+            rand_ascii_str(15),
+        )
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network not present")
+    def test_wpa_network(self) -> None:
+        """Save a wpa network and verify presence."""
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(16),
+            SecurityType.WPA,
+            rand_ascii_str(9),
+        )
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network not present")
+    def test_wpa3_network(self) -> None:
+        """Save a wpa3 network and verify presence."""
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(9),
+            SecurityType.WPA3,
+            rand_ascii_str(15),
+        )
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network not present")
+    def test_save_network_persists(self) -> None:
+        """Save a network and verify after reboot network is present."""
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+            SecurityType.WPA2,
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+        )
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network not present")
-            self.check_get_saved_network(fd, ssid, security, PASSWORD,
-                                         password)
-    def test_same_ssid_diff_security(self):
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            saved_networks = fd.wlan_policy_controller.get_saved_networks()
-            ssid = rand_ascii_str(19)
-            password = rand_ascii_str(12)
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    ssid, WPA2, password=password):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to save network")
-            saved_networks.append({
-                "ssid": ssid,
-                "security_type": WPA2,
-                "credential_type": PASSWORD,
-                "credential_value": password
-            })
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(ssid, SECURITY_NONE):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to save network")
-            saved_networks.append({
-                "ssid": ssid,
-                "security_type": SECURITY_NONE,
-                "credential_type": CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NONE,
-                "credential_value": CREDENTIAL_VALUE_NONE
-            })
-            actual_networks = fd.wlan_policy_controller.get_saved_networks()
-            # Both should be saved and present in network store since the have
-            # different security types and therefore different network identifiers.
-            self.check_saved_networks(fd, actual_networks)
+            if not self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network):
+                asserts.fail("Saved network did not persist through reboot")
-    def test_remove_disconnects(self):
-        # If we save, connect to, then remove the network while still connected
-        # to it, we expect the network will disconnect. This test requires a
-        # wpa2 network in the test config. Remove all other networks first so
-        # that we can't auto connect to them
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        security = WPA2
-        password = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        self.start_ap(ssid, security, password)
+    def test_same_ssid_diff_security(self) -> None:
+        """Save two networks with the same ssids but different security types.
+        Both networks should be saved and present in network state since they have
+        different security types and therefore different network identifiers.
+        """
+        ssid = rand_ascii_str(19)
+        test_network_wpa2 = NetworkConfig(
+            ssid,
+            SecurityType.WPA2,
+            rand_ascii_str(12),
+        )
+        test_network_open = NetworkConfig(
+            ssid,
+            SecurityType.NONE,
+        )
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network_wpa2.ssid,
+                test_network_wpa2.security_type,
+                test_network_wpa2.credential_value,
+            )
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_and_connect:
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "Failed to saved and connect to network")
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network_open.ssid,
+                test_network_open.security_type,
+                test_network_open.credential_value,
+            )
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks_and_wait_for_no_connections(
+            if not (
+                self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network_wpa2)
+                and self._has_saved_network(fd, test_network_open)
-                raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "Failed to disconnect from removed network")
+                asserts.fail("Both saved networks not present")
-    def test_auto_connect_open(self):
-        # Start up AP with an open network with a random SSID
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        self.start_ap(ssid, None)
+    def test_remove_disconnects(self) -> None:
+        """Connect to network, remove it while still connected, and verify disconnect.
+        This test requires a wpa2 network. Remove all other networks first so that we
+        don't auto connect to them.
+        """
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+            SecurityType.WPA2,
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+        )
+        self._start_ap(
+            test_network.ssid, SecurityMode.WPA2, test_network.credential_value
+        )
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            # Make sure client connections are enabled
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+            )
+            # Save and verify we connect to network
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
-            # Save the network and make sure that we see the device auto connect to it.
-            security = SECURITY_NONE
-            password = CREDENTIAL_VALUE_NONE
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    ssid, security, password=password):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to save network")
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_connect(
-                    ssid, security, timeout=TIME_WAIT_FOR_CONNECT):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to network")
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                test_network.ssid, ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+            )
+            # Remove network and verify we disconnect
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_network(
+                test_network.ssid,
+                test_network.security_type,
+                test_network.credential_value,
+            )
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                    test_network.ssid, ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("network not in disconnected state") from e
-    def test_auto_connect_wpa3(self):
-        # Start up AP with an open network with a random SSID
-        ssid = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        security = WPA3
-        password = rand_ascii_str(10)
-        self.start_ap(ssid, security, password)
+    def test_auto_connect_open(self) -> None:
+        """Save an open network and verify it auto connects.
+        Start up AP with an open network and verify that the client auto connects to
+        that network after we save it.
+        """
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+            SecurityType.NONE,
+        )
+        self._start_ap(
+            test_network.ssid, SecurityMode.OPEN, test_network.credential_value
+        )
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            # Make sure client connections are enabled
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+            )
             # Save the network and make sure that we see the device auto connect to it.
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    ssid, security, password=password):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to save network")
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_connect(
-                    ssid, security, timeout=TIME_WAIT_FOR_CONNECT):
-                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to network")
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid, test_network.security_type
+            )
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                    test_network.ssid, expected_state=ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("network is not in connected state") from e
+    def test_auto_connect_wpa3(self) -> None:
+        """Save an wpa3 network and verify it auto connects.
+        Start up AP with a wpa3 network and verify that the client auto connects to
+        that network after we save it.
+        """
+        test_network = NetworkConfig(
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+            SecurityType.WPA3,
+            rand_ascii_str(10),
+        )
+        self._start_ap(
+            test_network.ssid, SecurityMode.WPA3, test_network.credential_value
+        )
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
+            # Make sure client connections are enabled
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+            )
+            # Save the network and make sure that we see the device auto connect to it.
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                test_network.ssid, SecurityType.WPA3, test_network.credential_value
+            )
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                    test_network.ssid, expected_state=ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("network is not in connected state") from e
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/tests/wlan_policy/StartStopClientConnectionsTest.py b/tests/wlan_policy/StartStopClientConnectionsTest.py
index c80e5b8..509bec1 100644
--- a/tests/wlan_policy/StartStopClientConnectionsTest.py
+++ b/tests/wlan_policy/StartStopClientConnectionsTest.py
@@ -14,25 +14,28 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-import time
+import logging
-from antlion import signals
+from honeydew.typing.wlan import (
+    ConnectionState,
+    DisconnectStatus,
+    RequestStatus,
+    SecurityType,
+    WlanClientState,
+from mobly import signals, test_runner
 from antlion.controllers.access_point import setup_ap
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
-from antlion_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants, hostapd_security
+from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.lib_controllers.wlan_policy_controller import (
+    WlanPolicyControllerError,
+from antlion.test_utils.wifi import base_test
 from antlion.utils import rand_ascii_str
-DISCONNECTED = "Disconnected"
-CONNECTION_STOPPED = "ConnectionStopped"
-CONNECTIONS_ENABLED = "ConnectionsEnabled"
-CONNECTIONS_DISABLED = "ConnectionsDisabled"
-WPA2 = "wpa2"
-class StartStopClientConnectionsTest(WifiBaseTest):
-    """ Tests that we see the expected behavior with enabling and disabling
+class StartStopClientConnectionsTest(base_test.WifiBaseTest):
+    """Tests that we see the expected behavior with enabling and disabling
         client connections
     Test Bed Requirement:
@@ -40,156 +43,133 @@
     * One Access Point
-    def setup_class(self):
+    def setup_class(self) -> None:
+        self.log = logging.getLogger()
         # Start an AP with a hidden network
         self.ssid = rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_SSID_LENGTH_2G)
         self.access_point = self.access_points[0]
-        self.password = rand_ascii_str(
-            hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G)
-        self.security_type = WPA2
-        security = hostapd_security.Security(security_mode=self.security_type,
-                                             password=self.password)
+        self.password = rand_ascii_str(hostapd_constants.AP_PASSPHRASE_LENGTH_2G)
+        self.security_type = SecurityType.WPA2
+        security = hostapd_security.Security(
+            security_mode=hostapd_security.SecurityMode.WPA2, password=self.password
+        )
         # TODO(63719) use varying values for AP that shouldn't affect the test.
-        setup_ap(self.access_point,
-                 'whirlwind',
-                 hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
-                 self.ssid,
-                 security=security)
+        setup_ap(
+            self.access_point,
+            "whirlwind",
+            hostapd_constants.AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_5G,
+            self.ssid,
+            security=security,
+        )
         if len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1:
             raise EnvironmentError("No Fuchsia devices found.")
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            fd.configure_wlan(association_mechanism='policy',
-                              preserve_saved_networks=True)
+            fd.configure_wlan(
+                association_mechanism="policy", preserve_saved_networks=True
+            )
-    def setup_test(self):
+    def setup_test(self) -> None:
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.remove_all_networks():
-                raise EnvironmentError(
-                    "Failed to remove all networks in setup")
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.remove_all_networks()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_no_connections()
-    def teardown_class(self):
+    def teardown_class(self) -> None:
-    def connect_and_validate(self, fd, ssid, security_type, expected_response):
-        """ Sends a connect request to the device and verifies we get a response
-            without error. This does not validate that a connection will be
-            attempted. This will fail the test if there is an error sending the
-            connect request, or if we don't get the expected connect response."""
-        result_connect = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanConnect(
-            ssid, security_type)
-        if result_connect.get("error") != None:
-            self.log.error("Error occurred requesting a connection: %s" %
-                           result_connect.get("error"))
-            raise EnvironmentError("Failed to send connect request")
-        response = result_connect.get("result")
-        if response != expected_response:
-            self.log.error(
-                "Incorrect connect request response. Expected: \"%s\", Actual: %s"
-                % (expected_response, response))
-            raise signals.TestFailure(
-                "Failed to get expected connect response")
+    def test_stop_client_connections_update(self) -> None:
+        """Test that we can stop client connections.
-    def await_state_update(self, fd, desired_state, timeout):
-        """ This function polls the policy client state until it converges to
-            the caller's desired state.
-        Args:
-            fd: A FuchsiaDevice
-            desired_state: The expected client policy state.
-            timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the policy state to become
-                     the desired_state.
-        Returns:
-            None assuming the desired state has been reached.
-        Raises:
-            TestFailure if the desired state is not reached by the timeout.
+        The fuchsia device always starts client connections during configure_wlan. We
+        verify first that we are in a client connections enabled state.
-        start_time = time.time()
-        curr_state = None
-        while time.time() < start_time + timeout:
-            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanSetNewListener()
-            curr_state = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.wlanGetUpdate()
-            if curr_state.get("error"):
-                self.log.error("Error occurred getting status update: %s" %
-                               curr_state.get("error"))
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to get update")
-            if curr_state.get("result") and curr_state.get(
-                    "result") == desired_state:
-                return
-            time.sleep(1)
-        self.log.error(
-            "Client state did not converge to the expected state in %s "
-            "seconds. Expected update: %s Actual update: %s" %
-            (timeout, desired_state, curr_state))
-        raise signals.TestFailure("Client policy layer is in unexpected state")
-    def test_stop_client_connections_update(self):
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.stop_client_connections():
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to stop client connecions")
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                    WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_DISABLED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to stop client connections.") from e
-            # Check that the most recent update says that the device is not
-            # connected to anything and client connections are disabled
-            expected_update = {"networks": [], "state": CONNECTIONS_DISABLED}
-            self.await_state_update(fd, expected_update, UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SEC)
-    def test_start_client_connections_update(self):
+    def test_start_client_connections_update(self) -> None:
+        """Test that we can start client connections."""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.start_client_connections():
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to start client connecions")
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_DISABLED
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                    WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to start client connections.") from e
-            # Check that the most recent update says that the device is not
-            # connected to anything and client connections are disabled
-            expected_update = {"networks": [], "state": CONNECTIONS_ENABLED}
-            self.await_state_update(fd, expected_update, UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SEC)
-    def test_stop_client_connections_rejects_connections(self):
-        # Test that if we turn client connections off, our requests to connect
-        # are rejected.
+    def test_stop_client_connections_rejects_connections(self) -> None:
+        """Test that if client connections are disabled connection attempts fail."""
         for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.stop_client_connections():
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to stop client connecions")
-            # Save the network, otherwise connecting may fail because the
-            # network is not saved instead of client connections being off
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    self.ssid, self.security_type, password=self.password):
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to save network")
-            expected_response = "RejectedIncompatibleMode"
-            self.connect_and_validate(fd, self.ssid, self.security_type,
-                                      expected_response)
-    def test_start_stop_client_connections(self):
-        # Test that if we turn client connections on the device will connect,
-        # and if we turn of client connections the device will disconnect.
-        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
-            # Start client connections and check that we can
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.save_network(
-                    self.ssid, self.security_type, password=self.password):
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to save network")
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.start_client_connections():
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to start client connections")
-            expected_response = "Acknowledged"
-            self.connect_and_validate(fd, self.ssid, self.security_type,
-                                      expected_response)
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_connect(
-                    self.ssid, self.security_type):
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.ssid, self.security_type, self.password
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_DISABLED
+            )
+            request_status = fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.connect(
+                self.ssid, self.security_type
+            )
+            if request_status is not RequestStatus.REJECTED_INCOMPATIBLE_MODE:
                 raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "Failed to connect after starting client connections")
+                    "Connection request not rejected as incompatible."
+                )
-            # Stop client connections again and check that we disconnect
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.stop_client_connections():
-                raise EnvironmentError("Failed to stop client connecions")
-            if not fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_disconnect(
-                    self.ssid, self.security_type, DISCONNECTED,
-                    CONNECTION_STOPPED):
+    def test_start_stop_client_connections(self) -> None:
+        """Test automated behavior when starting/stoping client connections.
+        When starting and stopping the client connections the device should connect and
+        disconnect from the saved network.
+        """
+        for fd in self.fuchsia_devices:
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.save_network(
+                self.ssid, self.security_type, self.password
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.start_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_ENABLED
+            )
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.connect(self.ssid, self.security_type)
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                    self.ssid, ConnectionState.CONNECTED
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
                 raise signals.TestFailure(
-                    "Failed to disconnect after client connections stopped")
+                    "network not in connected state after client connections started"
+                ) from e
+            fd.sl4f.wlan_policy_lib.stop_client_connections()
+            fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_client_state(
+                WlanClientState.CONNECTIONS_DISABLED
+            )
+            try:
+                fd.wlan_policy_controller.wait_for_network_state(
+                    self.ssid,
+                    ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
+                    DisconnectStatus.CONNECTION_STOPPED,
+                )
+            except WlanPolicyControllerError as e:
+                raise signals.TestFailure(
+                    "network not in disconnected state after client connections stopped"
+                ) from e
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_runner.main()
diff --git a/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/BUILD.gn b/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/BUILD.gn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0f0dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/BUILD.gn
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+python_library("tenacity") {
+  source_root = "//third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/src/tenacity"
+  sources = [
+    "__init__.py",
+    "_asyncio.py",
+    "_utils.py",
+    "after.py",
+    "before.py",
+    "before_sleep.py",
+    "nap.py",
+    "retry.py",
+    "stop.py",
+    "tornadoweb.py",
+    "wait.py",
+  ]
diff --git a/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/OWNERS b/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f83792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/README.fuchsia b/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/README.fuchsia
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0076d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/github.com/jd/tenacity/README.fuchsia
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Name: tenacity
+License: Apache 2.0
+License File: LICENSE
+Upstream Git: https://github.com/jd/tenacity
+Tenacity is an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose retrying library,
+written in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to
+just about anything.
diff --git a/unit_tests/AttenuatorSanityTest.py b/unit_tests/AttenuatorSanityTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0864cbb..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/AttenuatorSanityTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import random
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-class AttenuatorSanityTest(BaseTestClass):
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
-        self.tests = ("test_attenuator_validation",
-                      "test_attenuator_get_max_value", )
-        self.number_of_iteration = 2
-    def test_attenuator_validation(self):
-        """Validate attenuator set and get APIs works fine.
-        """
-        for atten in self.attenuators:
-            self.log.info("Attenuator: {}".format(atten))
-            try:
-                atten_max_value = atten.get_max_atten()
-            except ValueError as e:
-                self.log.error(e)
-                self.log.info("Using conservative max value.")
-                atten_max_value = CONSERVATIVE_MAX_ATTEN_VALUE
-            atten_value_list = [MIN_ATTEN_VALUE, atten_max_value]
-            for i in range(0, self.number_of_iteration):
-                atten_value_list.append(
-                    int(random.uniform(0, atten_max_value)))
-            for atten_val in atten_value_list:
-                self.log.info("Set atten to {}".format(atten_val))
-                atten.set_atten(atten_val)
-                current_atten = int(atten.get_atten())
-                self.log.info("Current atten = {}".format(current_atten))
-                assert atten_val == current_atten, "Setting attenuator failed."
-        return True
-    def test_attenuator_get_max_value(self):
-        """Validate attenuator get_max_atten APIs works fine.
-        """
-        for atten in self.attenuators:
-            try:
-                atten_max_value = atten.get_max_atten()
-            except ValueError as e:
-                self.log.error(e)
-                return False
-        return True
diff --git a/unit_tests/IntegrationTest.py b/unit_tests/IntegrationTest.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0dff5f2..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/IntegrationTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import base_test
-from antlion import test_runner
-import mock_controller
-class IntegrationTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-    def setup_class(self):
-        self.register_controller(mock_controller)
-    def test_hello_world(self):
-        asserts.assert_equal(self.user_params["icecream"], 42)
-        asserts.assert_equal(self.user_params["extra_param"], "haha")
-        self.log.info("This is a bare minimal test to make sure the basic ACTS"
-                      "test flow works.")
-        asserts.explicit_pass("Hello World")
diff --git a/unit_tests/Sl4aSanityTest.py b/unit_tests/Sl4aSanityTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a651b78..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/Sl4aSanityTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-class Sl4aSanityTest(BaseTestClass):
-    """Tests for sl4a basic sanity.
-    Run these tests individually with option -r 100.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
-        self.tests = ("test_bring_up_and_shutdown",
-                      "test_message_then_shutdown_stress")
-    def test_bring_up_and_shutdown(self):
-        """Constantly start and terminate sl4a sessions.
-        Verify in log that the "manager map key" is always empty before a
-        session starts.
-        Verify in log by looking at timestamps that after the test finishes, no
-        more message regarding sl4a happens.
-        """
-        ad = self.android_devices[0]
-        for i in range(100):
-            self.log.info("Iteration %d, terminating." % i)
-            ad.terminate_all_sessions()
-            self.log.info("Iteration %d, starting." % i)
-            droid, ed = ad.get_droid()
-        return True
diff --git a/unit_tests/SnifferSanityTest.py b/unit_tests/SnifferSanityTest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ae89b..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/SnifferSanityTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import base_test
-from antlion.controllers.sniffer import Sniffer
-class SnifferSanityTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-    def setup_class(self):
-        self._channels = [6, 44]
-        # capture (sniff) for 30 seconds or 10 packets - whichever comes first
-        self._capture_sec = 30
-        self._packet_count = 10
-        self._filter = {"tcpdump": "type mgt subtype beacon",
-                        "tshark": "type mgt subtype beacon"}
-    def test_sniffer_validation_using_with(self):
-        """Validate sniffer configuration & capture API using the 'with' clause.
-        This is the standard example - this syntax should typically be used.
-        """
-        index = 0
-        for sniffer in self.sniffers:
-            for channel in self._channels:
-                with sniffer.start_capture(
-                        override_configs={Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL: channel},
-                        duration=self._capture_sec,
-                        packet_count=self._packet_count):
-                    self.log.info("Capture: %s", sniffer.get_capture_file())
-    def test_sniffer_validation_manual(self):
-        """Validate sniffer configuration & capture API using a manual/raw
-        API mechanism.
-        The standard process should use a with clause. This demonstrates the
-        manual process which uses an explicit wait_for_capture() call.
-        Alternatively, could also use a sleep() + stop_capture() process
-        (though that mechanism won't terminate early if the capture is done).
-        """
-        index = 0
-        for sniffer in self.sniffers:
-            for channel in self._channels:
-                sniffer.start_capture(
-                    override_configs={Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL: channel},
-                    packet_count=self._packet_count)
-                self.log.info("Capture: %s", sniffer.get_capture_file())
-                sniffer.wait_for_capture(timeout=self._capture_sec)
-    def test_sniffer_validation_capture_3_beacons(self):
-        """Demonstrate the use of additional configuration.
-        """
-        index = 0
-        for sniffer in self.sniffers:
-            for channel in self._channels:
-                with sniffer.start_capture(
-                        override_configs={Sniffer.CONFIG_KEY_CHANNEL: channel},
-                        duration=self._capture_sec,
-                        packet_count=3,
-                        additional_args=self._filter[sniffer.get_subtype()]):
-                    self.log.info("Capture: %s", sniffer.get_capture_file())
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_adb_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_adb_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index dcaa91b..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_adb_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers import adb
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-class MockJob(object):
-    def __init__(self, exit_status=0, stderr='', stdout=''):
-        self.exit_status = exit_status
-        self.stderr = stderr
-        self.stdout = stdout
-class MockAdbProxy(adb.AdbProxy):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-class ADBTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """A class for testing antlion/controllers/adb.py"""
-    def test__exec_cmd_failure_old_adb(self):
-        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1, stderr='error: device not found')
-        cmd = ['adb', '-s', '"SOME_SERIAL"', 'shell', '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run', return_value=mock_job):
-            with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
-                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
-    def test__exec_cmd_failure_new_adb(self):
-        mock_job = MockJob(
-            exit_status=1, stderr='error: device \'DEADBEEF\' not found')
-        cmd = ['adb', '-s', '"SOME_SERIAL"', 'shell', '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run', return_value=mock_job):
-            with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
-                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
-    def test__exec_cmd_pass_basic(self):
-        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=0, stderr='DEADBEEF', stdout='FEEDACAB')
-        cmd = ['adb', '-s', '"SOME_SERIAL"', 'shell', '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run', return_value=mock_job):
-            result = MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
-        self.assertEqual(result, 'FEEDACAB')
-    def test__exec_cmd_ignore_status(self):
-        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=0, stderr='DEADBEEF', stdout='')
-        cmd = ['adb', '-s', '"SOME_SERIAL"', 'shell', '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run', return_value=mock_job):
-            result = MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd, ignore_status=True)
-        self.assertEqual(result, 'DEADBEEF')
-    def test__exec_cmd_pass_grep(self):
-        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1, stderr='', stdout='foo')
-        cmd = ['adb', '-s', '"SOME_SERIAL"', 'shell', '"grep foo"']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run', return_value=mock_job):
-            result = MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
-        self.assertEqual(result, 'foo')
-    def test__exec_cmd_failure_ret_nonzero(self):
-        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1, stderr='error not related to adb')
-        cmd = ['adb', '-s', '"SOME_SERIAL"', 'shell', '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run', return_value=mock_job):
-            with self.assertRaises(AdbCommandError):
-                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
-    def test__exec_cmd_raises_on_bind_error(self):
-        """Tests _exec_cmd raises an AdbError on port forwarding failure."""
-        mock_job = MockJob(exit_status=1,
-                           stderr='error: cannot bind listener: '
-                                  'Address already in use',
-                           stdout='')
-        cmd = ['adb', '-s', '"SOME_SERIAL"', 'shell', '"SOME_SHELL_CMD"']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run', return_value=mock_job):
-            with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
-                MockAdbProxy()._exec_cmd(cmd)
-    def test__get_version_number_gets_version_number(self):
-        """Tests the positive case for AdbProxy.get_version_number()."""
-        proxy = MockAdbProxy()
-        expected_version_number = 39
-        proxy.version = lambda: ('Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.%s\nblah' %
-                                 expected_version_number)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_version_number, proxy.get_version_number())
-    def test__get_version_number_raises_upon_parse_failure(self):
-        """Tests the failure case for AdbProxy.get_version_number()."""
-        proxy = MockAdbProxy()
-        proxy.version = lambda: 'Bad format'
-        with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
-            proxy.get_version_number()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_android_device_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_android_device_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b8591fd..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_android_device_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import mock
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion.controllers import android_device
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import errors
-# Mock log path for a test run.
-MOCK_LOG_PATH = "/tmp/logs/MockTest/xx-xx-xx_xx-xx-xx/"
-# Mock start and end time of the adb cat.
-MOCK_ADB_LOGCAT_BEGIN_TIME = logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(
-    logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(MOCK_ADB_EPOCH_BEGIN_TIME))
-MOCK_ADB_LOGCAT_END_TIME = "1970-01-02 21:22:02.000"
-MOCK_RELEASE_BUILD_ID = "ABC1.123456.007"
-def get_mock_ads(num):
-    """Generates a list of mock AndroidDevice objects.
-    The serial number of each device will be integer 0 through num - 1.
-    Args:
-        num: An integer that is the number of mock AndroidDevice objects to
-            create.
-    """
-    ads = []
-    for i in range(num):
-        ad = mock.MagicMock(name="AndroidDevice", serial=i, h_port=None)
-        ad.ensure_screen_on = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
-        ads.append(ad)
-    return ads
-def mock_get_all_instances():
-    return get_mock_ads(5)
-def mock_list_adb_devices():
-    return [ad.serial for ad in get_mock_ads(5)]
-class MockAdbProxy(object):
-    """Mock class that swaps out calls to adb with mock calls."""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 serial,
-                 fail_br=False,
-                 fail_br_before_N=False,
-                 build_id=MOCK_RELEASE_BUILD_ID,
-                 return_value=None):
-        self.serial = serial
-        self.fail_br = fail_br
-        self.fail_br_before_N = fail_br_before_N
-        self.return_value = return_value
-        self.return_multiple = False
-        self.build_id = build_id
-    def shell(self, params, ignore_status=False, timeout=60):
-        if params == "id -u":
-            return "root"
-        elif params == "bugreportz":
-            if self.fail_br:
-                return "OMG I died!\n"
-            return "OK:/path/bugreport.zip\n"
-        elif params == "bugreportz -v":
-            if self.fail_br_before_N:
-                return "/system/bin/sh: bugreportz: not found"
-            return "1.1"
-        else:
-            if self.return_multiple:
-                return self.return_value.pop(0)
-            else:
-                return self.return_value
-    def getprop(self, params):
-        if params == "ro.build.id":
-            return self.build_id
-        elif params == "ro.build.version.incremental":
-            return "123456789"
-        elif params == "ro.build.type":
-            return "userdebug"
-        elif params == "ro.build.product" or params == "ro.product.name":
-            return "FakeModel"
-        elif params == "sys.boot_completed":
-            return "1"
-    def devices(self):
-        return "\t".join([str(self.serial), "device"])
-    def bugreport(self, params, timeout=android_device.BUG_REPORT_TIMEOUT):
-        expected = os.path.join(
-            logging.log_path, "AndroidDevice%s" % self.serial,
-            "AndroidDevice%s_%s.txt" %
-            (self.serial,
-             logger.normalize_log_line_timestamp(MOCK_ADB_LOGCAT_BEGIN_TIME)))
-        assert expected in params, "Expected '%s', got '%s'." % (expected,
-                                                                 params)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """All calls to the none-existent functions in adb proxy would
-        simply return the adb command string.
-        """
-        def adb_call(*args, **kwargs):
-            arg_str = ' '.join(str(elem) for elem in args)
-            return arg_str
-        return adb_call
-class MockFastbootProxy():
-    """Mock class that swaps out calls to adb with mock calls."""
-    def __init__(self, serial):
-        self.serial = serial
-    def devices(self):
-        return "xxxx\tdevice\nyyyy\tdevice"
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        def fastboot_call(*args):
-            arg_str = ' '.join(str(elem) for elem in args)
-            return arg_str
-        return fastboot_call
-class ActsAndroidDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
-    under antlion.controllers.android_device.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Set log_path to logging since acts logger setup is not called.
-        if not hasattr(logging, "log_path"):
-            setattr(logging, "log_path", "/tmp/logs")
-        # Creates a temp dir to be used by tests in this test class.
-        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Removes the temp dir.
-        """
-        shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
-    # Tests for android_device module functions.
-    # These tests use mock AndroidDevice instances.
-    @mock.patch.object(
-        android_device, "get_all_instances", new=mock_get_all_instances)
-    @mock.patch.object(
-        android_device, "list_adb_devices", new=mock_list_adb_devices)
-    def test_create_with_pickup_all(self):
-        pick_all_token = android_device.ANDROID_DEVICE_PICK_ALL_TOKEN
-        actual_ads = android_device.create(pick_all_token)
-        for actual, expected in zip(actual_ads, get_mock_ads(5)):
-            self.assertEqual(actual.serial, expected.serial)
-    def test_create_with_empty_config(self):
-        expected_msg = android_device.ANDROID_DEVICE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MSG
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError,
-                                    expected_msg):
-            android_device.create([])
-    def test_create_with_not_list_config(self):
-        expected_msg = android_device.ANDROID_DEVICE_NOT_LIST_CONFIG_MSG
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceConfigError,
-                                    expected_msg):
-            android_device.create("HAHA")
-    def test_get_device_success_with_serial(self):
-        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
-        expected_serial = 0
-        ad = android_device.get_device(ads, serial=expected_serial)
-        self.assertEqual(ad.serial, expected_serial)
-    def test_get_device_success_with_serial_and_extra_field(self):
-        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
-        expected_serial = 1
-        expected_h_port = 5555
-        ads[1].h_port = expected_h_port
-        ad = android_device.get_device(
-            ads, serial=expected_serial, h_port=expected_h_port)
-        self.assertEqual(ad.serial, expected_serial)
-        self.assertEqual(ad.h_port, expected_h_port)
-    def test_get_device_no_match(self):
-        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
-        expected_msg = ("Could not find a target device that matches condition"
-                        ": {'serial': 5}.")
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, expected_msg):
-            ad = android_device.get_device(ads, serial=len(ads))
-    def test_get_device_too_many_matches(self):
-        ads = get_mock_ads(5)
-        target_serial = ads[1].serial = ads[0].serial
-        expected_msg = "More than one device matched: \[0, 0\]"
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, expected_msg):
-            ad = android_device.get_device(ads, serial=target_serial)
-    def test_start_services_on_ads(self):
-        """Makes sure when an AndroidDevice fails to start some services, all
-        AndroidDevice objects get cleaned up.
-        """
-        msg = "Some error happened."
-        ads = get_mock_ads(3)
-        ads[0].start_services = mock.MagicMock()
-        ads[0].clean_up = mock.MagicMock()
-        ads[1].start_services = mock.MagicMock()
-        ads[1].clean_up = mock.MagicMock()
-        ads[2].start_services = mock.MagicMock(
-            side_effect=errors.AndroidDeviceError(msg))
-        ads[2].clean_up = mock.MagicMock()
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceError, msg):
-            android_device._start_services_on_ads(ads)
-        ads[0].clean_up.assert_called_once_with()
-        ads[1].clean_up.assert_called_once_with()
-        ads[2].clean_up.assert_called_once_with()
-    # Tests for android_device.AndroidDevice class.
-    # These tests mock out any interaction with the OS and real android device
-    # in AndroidDeivce.
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_AndroidDevice_instantiation(self, MockFastboot, MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's basic attributes are correctly
-        set after instantiation.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        self.assertEqual(ad.serial, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(ad.model, "fakemodel")
-        self.assertIsNone(ad.adb_logcat_process)
-        expected_lp = os.path.join(logging.log_path,
-                                   "AndroidDevice%s" % MOCK_SERIAL)
-        self.assertEqual(ad.log_path, expected_lp)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_AndroidDevice_build_info_release(self, MockFastboot,
-                                              MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's basic attributes are correctly
-        set after instantiation.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=1)
-        build_info = ad.build_info
-        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_id"], "ABC1.123456.007")
-        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_type"], "userdebug")
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, build_id=MOCK_DEV_BUILD_ID))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_AndroidDevice_build_info_dev(self, MockFastboot, MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's basic attributes are correctly
-        set after instantiation.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=1)
-        build_info = ad.build_info
-        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_id"], "123456789")
-        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_type"], "userdebug")
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, build_id=MOCK_NYC_BUILD_ID))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_AndroidDevice_build_info_nyc(self, MockFastboot, MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies the AndroidDevice object's build id is set correctly for
-        NYC releases.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=1)
-        build_info = ad.build_info
-        self.assertEqual(build_info["build_id"], MOCK_NYC_BUILD_ID)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.utils.exe_cmd')
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.device_log_path',
-        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    def test_AndroidDevice_take_bug_report(self, mock_log_path, exe_mock,
-                                           mock_makedirs, FastbootProxy,
-                                           MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies AndroidDevice.take_bug_report calls the correct adb command
-        and writes the bugreport file to the correct path.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        mock_log_path.return_value = os.path.join(
-            logging.log_path, "AndroidDevice%s" % ad.serial)
-        ad.take_bug_report("test_something", 234325.32)
-        mock_makedirs.assert_called_with(mock_log_path(), exist_ok=True)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, fail_br=True))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.utils.exe_cmd')
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.device_log_path',
-        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    def test_AndroidDevice_take_bug_report_fail(self, mock_log_path, *_):
-        """Verifies AndroidDevice.take_bug_report writes out the correct message
-        when taking bugreport fails.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        mock_log_path.return_value = os.path.join(
-            logging.log_path, "AndroidDevice%s" % ad.serial)
-        expected_msg = "Failed to take bugreport on 1: OMG I died!"
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.AndroidDeviceError, expected_msg):
-            ad.take_bug_report("test_something", 4346343.23)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL, fail_br_before_N=True))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.utils.exe_cmd')
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.device_log_path',
-        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    def test_AndroidDevice_take_bug_report_fallback(
-            self, mock_log_path, exe_mock, mock_makedirs, FastbootProxy,
-            MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies AndroidDevice.take_bug_report falls back to traditional
-        bugreport on builds that do not have bugreportz.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        mock_log_path.return_value = os.path.join(
-            logging.log_path, "AndroidDevice%s" % ad.serial)
-        ad.take_bug_report("test_something", MOCK_ADB_EPOCH_BEGIN_TIME)
-        mock_makedirs.assert_called_with(mock_log_path(), exist_ok=True)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.process.Process')
-    def test_AndroidDevice_start_adb_logcat(self, proc_mock, FastbootProxy,
-                                            MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies the AndroidDevice method start_adb_logcat. Checks that the
-        underlying logcat process is started properly and correct warning msgs
-        are generated.
-        """
-        with mock.patch(('antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat.'
-                         'create_logcat_keepalive_process'),
-                        return_value=proc_mock) as create_proc_mock:
-            ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-            ad.start_adb_logcat()
-            # Verify start did the correct operations.
-            self.assertTrue(ad.adb_logcat_process)
-            log_dir = "AndroidDevice%s" % ad.serial
-            create_proc_mock.assert_called_with(ad.serial, log_dir, '-b all')
-            proc_mock.start.assert_called_with()
-            # Expect warning msg if start is called back to back.
-            expected_msg = "Android device .* already has a running adb logcat"
-            proc_mock.is_running.return_value = True
-            with self.assertLogs(level='WARNING') as log:
-                ad.start_adb_logcat()
-                self.assertRegex(log.output[0], expected_msg)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat.'
-                'create_logcat_keepalive_process')
-    def test_AndroidDevice_start_adb_logcat_with_user_param(
-            self, create_proc_mock, FastbootProxy, MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies that start_adb_logcat generates the correct adb logcat
-        command if adb_logcat_param is specified.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb_logcat_param = "-b radio"
-        ad.start_adb_logcat()
-        # Verify that create_logcat_keepalive_process is called with the
-        # correct command.
-        log_dir = "AndroidDevice%s" % ad.serial
-        create_proc_mock.assert_called_with(ad.serial, log_dir, '-b radio')
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.process.Process')
-    def test_AndroidDevice_stop_adb_logcat(self, proc_mock, FastbootProxy,
-                                           MockAdbProxy):
-        """Verifies the AndroidDevice method stop_adb_logcat. Checks that the
-        underlying logcat process is stopped properly and correct warning msgs
-        are generated.
-        """
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb_logcat_process = proc_mock
-        # Expect warning msg if stop is called before start.
-        expected_msg = (
-            "Android device .* does not have an ongoing adb logcat")
-        proc_mock.is_running.return_value = False
-        with self.assertLogs(level='WARNING') as log:
-            ad.stop_adb_logcat()
-            self.assertRegex(log.output[0], expected_msg)
-        # Verify the underlying process is stopped.
-        proc_mock.is_running.return_value = True
-        ad.stop_adb_logcat()
-        proc_mock.stop.assert_called_with()
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_get_apk_process_id_process_cannot_find(self, fastboot_proxy,
-                                                    adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb.return_value = "does_not_contain_value"
-        self.assertEqual(None, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_get_apk_process_id_process_exists_second_try(self, fastboot_proxy,
-                                                          adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb.return_multiple = True
-        ad.adb.return_value = ["", "system 1 2 3 4  S com.some_package"]
-        self.assertEqual(1, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_get_apk_process_id_bad_return(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb.return_value = "bad_return_index_error"
-        self.assertEqual(None, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_get_apk_process_id_bad_return(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb.return_value = "bad return value error"
-        self.assertEqual(None, ad.get_package_pid("some_package"))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_ensure_verity_enabled_only_system_enabled(self, fastboot_proxy,
-                                                       adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        root_user_id = '0'
-        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
-        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[
-            '',  # system.verified
-            '2'
-        ])  # vendor.verified
-        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.ensure_verity_enabled()
-        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
-        ad.adb.ensure_user.assert_called_with(root_user_id)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_ensure_verity_enabled_only_vendor_enabled(self, fastboot_proxy,
-                                                       adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        root_user_id = '0'
-        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
-        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[
-            '2',  # system.verified
-            ''
-        ])  # vendor.verified
-        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.ensure_verity_enabled()
-        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
-        ad.adb.ensure_user.assert_called_with(root_user_id)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_ensure_verity_enabled_both_enabled_at_start(self, fastboot_proxy,
-                                                         adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        root_user_id = '0'
-        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
-        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[
-            '2',  # system.verified
-            '2'
-        ])  # vendor.verified
-        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.ensure_verity_enabled()
-        assert not ad.reboot.called
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_ensure_verity_disabled_system_already_disabled(
-            self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        root_user_id = '0'
-        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
-        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[
-            '2',  # system.verified
-            ''
-        ])  # vendor.verified
-        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.ensure_verity_disabled()
-        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_ensure_verity_disabled_vendor_already_disabled(
-            self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        root_user_id = '0'
-        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
-        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[
-            '',  # system.verified
-            '2'
-        ])  # vendor.verified
-        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.ensure_verity_disabled()
-        ad.reboot.assert_called_once()
-        ad.adb.ensure_user.assert_called_with(root_user_id)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_ensure_verity_disabled_disabled_at_start(
-            self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        root_user_id = '0'
-        ad.adb.get_user_id = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.get_user_id.return_value = root_user_id
-        ad.adb.getprop = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[
-            '',  # system.verified
-            ''
-        ])  # vendor.verified
-        ad.adb.ensure_user = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.reboot = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.ensure_verity_disabled()
-        assert not ad.reboot.called
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_push_system_file(self, fastboot_proxy, adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.ensure_verity_disabled = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.remount = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.push = mock.MagicMock()
-        ret = ad.push_system_file('asdf', 'jkl')
-        self.assertTrue(ret)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_push_system_file_returns_false_on_error(self, fastboot_proxy,
-                                                     adb_proxy):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.ensure_verity_disabled = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.remount = mock.MagicMock()
-        ad.adb.push = mock.MagicMock(return_value='error')
-        ret = ad.push_system_file('asdf', 'jkl')
-        self.assertFalse(ret)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_get_my_current_focus_window_return_empty_string(self, *_):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb.return_value = ''
-        ret = ad.get_my_current_focus_window()
-        self.assertEqual('', ret)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-        return_value=MockAdbProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-        return_value=MockFastbootProxy(MOCK_SERIAL))
-    def test_get_my_current_focus_window_return_current_window(self, *_):
-        ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=MOCK_SERIAL)
-        ad.adb.return_value = 'mCurrentFocus=Window{a247ded u0 NotificationShade}'
-        ret = ad.get_my_current_focus_window()
-        self.assertEqual('NotificationShade', ret)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_asserts_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_asserts_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5fbfe5b..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_asserts_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import signals
-MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION = "This is an expected exception."
-class ActsAssertsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Verifies that asserts.xxx functions raise the correct test signals.
-    """
-    def test_assert_false(self):
-        asserts.assert_false(False, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(signals.TestFailure,
-                                     MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION):
-            asserts.assert_false(True, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_base_class_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_base_class_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 18c989a..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_base_class_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1132 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import mock
-import mock_controller
-from antlion import asserts
-from antlion import base_test
-from antlion import signals
-from mobly import base_test as mobly_base_test
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION = 'This is an expected exception.'
-MSG_EXPECTED_TEST_FAILURE = 'This is an expected test failure.'
-MSG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = 'Unexpected exception!'
-MOCK_EXTRA = {'key': 'value', 'answer_to_everything': 42}
-def never_call():
-    raise Exception(MSG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-class SomeError(Exception):
-    """A custom exception class used for tests in this module."""
-class ActsBaseClassTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.tb_key = 'testbed_configs'
-        self.test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        self.test_run_config.testbed_name = 'SampleTestBed'
-        self.test_run_config.controller_configs = {
-            self.tb_key: {
-                'name': self.test_run_config.testbed_name,
-            },
-        }
-        self.test_run_config.log_path = self.tmp_dir
-        self.test_run_config.user_params = {'some_param': 'hahaha'}
-        self.test_run_config.summary_writer = mock.MagicMock()
-        self.mock_test_name = 'test_something'
-    def tearDown(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
-    def test_current_test_case_name(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.assert_true(
-                    self.current_test_name == 'test_func',
-                    'Got unexpected test name %s.' % self.current_test_name)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.details)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-    def test_self_tests_list(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def __init__(self, controllers):
-                super(MockBaseTest, self).__init__(controllers)
-                self.tests = ('test_something', )
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-            def test_never(self):
-                # This should not execute it's not on default test list.
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_something')
-    def test_cli_test_selection_match_self_tests_list(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def __init__(self, controllers):
-                super(MockBaseTest, self).__init__(controllers)
-                self.tests = ('test_star1', 'test_star2', 'test_question_mark',
-                              'test_char_seq', 'test_no_match')
-            def test_star1(self):
-                pass
-            def test_star2(self):
-                pass
-            def test_question_mark(self):
-                pass
-            def test_char_seq(self):
-                pass
-            def test_no_match(self):
-                # This should not execute because it does not match any regex
-                # in the cmd line input.
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        test_names = [
-            'test_st*r1', 'test_*2', 'test_?uestion_mark', 'test_c[fghi]ar_seq'
-        ]
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=test_names)
-        passed_names = [p.test_name for p in bt_cls.results.passed]
-        self.assertEqual(len(passed_names), len(test_names))
-        for test in [
-                'test_star1', 'test_star2', 'test_question_mark',
-                'test_char_seq'
-        ]:
-            self.assertIn(test, passed_names)
-    def test_default_execution_of_all_tests(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-            def not_a_test(self):
-                # This should not execute its name doesn't follow test case
-                # naming convention.
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_something')
-    def test_setup_class_fail_by_exception(self):
-        call_check = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def setup_class(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                # This should not execute because setup_class failed.
-                never_call()
-            def on_skip(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                call_check('haha')
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_something')
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-        call_check.assert_called_once_with('haha')
-    def test_setup_test_fail_by_exception(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def setup_test(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                # This should not execute because setup_test failed.
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_something'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_setup_test_fail_by_test_signal(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def setup_test(self):
-                raise signals.TestFailure(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                # This should not execute because setup_test failed.
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_something'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 0,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 1,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_setup_test_fail_by_return_False(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def setup_test(self):
-                return False
-            def test_something(self):
-                # This should not execute because setup_test failed.
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_something'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        expected_msg = 'Setup for %s failed.' % self.mock_test_name
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, expected_msg)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 0,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 1,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_teardown_test_assert_fail(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                asserts.assert_true(False, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_teardown_test_raise_exception(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_teardown_test_executed_if_test_pass(self):
-        my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                my_mock('teardown_test')
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        my_mock.assert_called_once_with('teardown_test')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.details)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 0,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 1,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_teardown_test_executed_if_setup_test_fails(self):
-        my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def setup_test(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                my_mock('teardown_test')
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        my_mock.assert_called_once_with('teardown_test')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_teardown_test_executed_if_test_fails(self):
-        my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                my_mock('teardown_test')
-            def test_something(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        my_mock.assert_called_once_with('teardown_test')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_on_exception_executed_if_teardown_test_fails(self):
-        my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def on_exception(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                my_mock('on_exception')
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        my_mock.assert_called_once_with('on_exception')
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_on_fail_executed_if_test_fails(self):
-        my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                my_mock('on_fail')
-            def test_something(self):
-                asserts.assert_true(False, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        my_mock.assert_called_once_with('on_fail')
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 0,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 1,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_on_fail_executed_if_test_setup_fails_by_exception(self):
-        my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def setup_test(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                my_mock('on_fail')
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        my_mock.assert_called_once_with('on_fail')
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_on_fail_executed_if_test_setup_fails_by_return_False(self):
-        my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def setup_test(self):
-                return False
-            def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                my_mock('on_fail')
-            def test_something(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        my_mock.assert_called_once_with('on_fail')
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details,
-                         'Setup for test_something failed.')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 0,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 1,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_failure_to_call_procedure_function_is_recorded(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            # Wrong method signature; will raise exception
-            def on_pass(self):
-                pass
-            def test_something(self):
-                asserts.explicit_pass(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertIn('_on_pass', actual_record.extra_errors)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_failure_in_procedure_functions_is_recorded(self):
-        expected_msg = 'Something failed in on_pass.'
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def on_pass(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                raise Exception(expected_msg)
-            def test_something(self):
-                asserts.explicit_pass(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_both_teardown_and_test_body_raise_exceptions(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                asserts.assert_true(False, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                raise Exception('Test Body Exception.')
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, 'Test Body Exception.')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extra_errors['teardown_test'].details,
-                         'This is an expected exception.')
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_explicit_pass_but_teardown_test_raises_an_exception(self):
-        """Test record result should be marked as UNKNOWN as opposed to PASS.
-        """
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def teardown_test(self):
-                asserts.assert_true(False, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                asserts.explicit_pass('Test Passed!')
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, 'Test Passed!')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extra_errors['teardown_test'].details,
-                         'This is an expected exception.')
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_on_pass_raise_exception(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def on_pass(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                asserts.explicit_pass(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                                      extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 1,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 0,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_on_fail_raise_exception(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-            def test_something(self):
-                asserts.fail(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION, extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.error, [])
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, self.mock_test_name)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 0,
-            'Executed': 1,
-            'Failed': 1,
-            'Passed': 0,
-            'Requested': 1,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_abort_class(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_1(self):
-                pass
-            def test_2(self):
-                asserts.abort_class(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-                never_call()
-            def test_3(self):
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_1', 'test_2', 'test_3'])
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.passed[0].test_name, 'test_1')
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.failed[0].details,
-                         MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        expected_summary = {
-            'Error': 0,
-            'Executed': 2,
-            'Failed': 1,
-            'Passed': 1,
-            'Requested': 3,
-            'Skipped': 0
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(bt_cls.results.summary_dict(), expected_summary)
-    def test_uncaught_exception(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                raise Exception(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-    def test_fail(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.fail(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION, extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_assert_true(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.assert_true(False,
-                                    MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                                    extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_assert_equal_pass(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.assert_equal(1, 1, extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.details)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-    def test_assert_equal_fail(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.assert_equal(1, 2, extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertIn('1 != 2', actual_record.details)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_assert_equal_fail_with_msg(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.assert_equal(1,
-                                     2,
-                                     msg=MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                                     extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        expected_msg = '1 != 2 ' + MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION
-        self.assertIn(expected_msg, actual_record.details)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_assert_raises_pass(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                with asserts.assert_raises(SomeError, extras=MOCK_EXTRA):
-                    raise SomeError(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.details)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-    def test_assert_raises_regex_pass(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                with asserts.assert_raises_regex(
-                        SomeError,
-                        expected_regex=MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                        extras=MOCK_EXTRA):
-                    raise SomeError(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.details)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-    def test_assert_raises_fail_with_noop(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                with asserts.assert_raises_regex(
-                        SomeError,
-                        expected_regex=MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                        extras=MOCK_EXTRA):
-                    pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, 'SomeError not raised')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_assert_raises_fail_with_wrong_regex(self):
-        wrong_msg = 'ha'
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                with asserts.assert_raises_regex(
-                        SomeError,
-                        expected_regex=MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                        extras=MOCK_EXTRA):
-                    raise SomeError(wrong_msg)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.failed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        expected_details = ('"This is an expected exception." does not match '
-                            '"%s"') % wrong_msg
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, expected_details)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_assert_raises_fail_with_wrong_error(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                with asserts.assert_raises_regex(
-                        SomeError,
-                        expected_regex=MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                        extras=MOCK_EXTRA):
-                    raise AttributeError(MSG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run()
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.error[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-    def test_explicit_pass(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.explicit_pass(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                                      extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_implicit_pass(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                pass
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.passed[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.details)
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_record.extras)
-    def test_skip(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.skip(MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION, extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.skipped[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_skip_if(self):
-        class MockBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-            def test_func(self):
-                asserts.skip_if(False, MSG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-                asserts.skip_if(True,
-                                MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
-                                extras=MOCK_EXTRA)
-                never_call()
-        bt_cls = MockBaseTest(self.test_run_config)
-        bt_cls.run(test_names=['test_func'])
-        actual_record = bt_cls.results.skipped[0]
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.test_name, 'test_func')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.details, MSG_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_record.extras, MOCK_EXTRA)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_required(self):
-        """Missing a required param should raise an error."""
-        required = ['some_param']
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(required)
-        expected_value = self.test_run_config.user_params['some_param']
-        self.assertEqual(bc.some_param, expected_value)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_required_missing(self):
-        """Missing a required param should raise an error."""
-        required = ['something']
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        expected_msg = ('Missing required user param "%s" in test '
-                        'configuration.') % required[0]
-        with self.assertRaises(mobly_base_test.Error, msg=expected_msg):
-            bc.unpack_userparams(required)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_optional(self):
-        """If an optional param is specified, the value should be what's in the
-        config.
-        """
-        opt = ['some_param']
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(opt_param_names=opt)
-        expected_value = self.test_run_config.user_params['some_param']
-        self.assertEqual(bc.some_param, expected_value)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_optional_with_default(self):
-        """If an optional param is specified with a default value, and the
-        param is not in the config, the value should be the default value.
-        """
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(optional_thing='whatever')
-        self.assertEqual(bc.optional_thing, 'whatever')
-    def test_unpack_userparams_default_overwrite_by_optional_param_list(self):
-        """If an optional param is specified in kwargs, and the param is in the
-        config, the value should be the one in the config.
-        """
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(some_param='whatever')
-        expected_value = self.test_run_config.user_params['some_param']
-        self.assertEqual(bc.some_param, expected_value)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_default_overwrite_by_required_param_list(self):
-        """If an optional param is specified in kwargs, the param is in the
-        required param list, and the param is not specified in the config, the
-        param's alue should be the default value and there should be no error
-        thrown.
-        """
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(req_param_names=['a_kwarg_param'],
-                             a_kwarg_param='whatever')
-        self.assertEqual(bc.a_kwarg_param, 'whatever')
-    def test_unpack_userparams_optional_missing(self):
-        """Missing an optional param should not raise an error."""
-        opt = ['something']
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(opt_param_names=opt)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_basic(self):
-        """Required and optional params are unpacked properly."""
-        required = ['something']
-        optional = ['something_else']
-        configs = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        configs.user_params['something'] = 42
-        configs.user_params['something_else'] = 53
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(configs)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(req_param_names=required,
-                             opt_param_names=optional)
-        self.assertEqual(bc.something, 42)
-        self.assertEqual(bc.something_else, 53)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_default_overwrite(self):
-        default_arg_val = 'haha'
-        actual_arg_val = 'wawa'
-        arg_name = 'arg1'
-        configs = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        configs.user_params[arg_name] = actual_arg_val
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(configs)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(opt_param_names=[arg_name], arg1=default_arg_val)
-        self.assertEqual(bc.arg1, actual_arg_val)
-    def test_unpack_userparams_default_None(self):
-        bc = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        bc.unpack_userparams(arg1='haha')
-        self.assertEqual(bc.arg1, 'haha')
-    def test_register_controller_no_config(self):
-        base_cls = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(signals.ControllerError,
-                                     'No corresponding config found for'):
-            base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller)
-    def test_register_optional_controller_no_config(self):
-        base_cls = base_test.BaseTestClass(self.test_run_config)
-        self.assertIsNone(
-            base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller, required=False))
-    def test_register_controller_third_party_dup_register(self):
-        """Verifies correctness of registration, internal tally of controllers
-        objects, and the right error happen when a controller module is
-        registered twice.
-        """
-        mock_test_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        mock_ctrlr_config_name = mock_controller.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        mock_test_config.controller_configs[mock_ctrlr_config_name] = [
-            'magic1', 'magic2'
-        ]
-        base_cls = base_test.BaseTestClass(mock_test_config)
-        base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller)
-        registered_name = 'mock_controller'
-        controller_objects = base_cls._controller_manager._controller_objects
-        self.assertTrue(registered_name in controller_objects)
-        mock_ctrlrs = controller_objects[registered_name]
-        self.assertEqual(mock_ctrlrs[0].magic, 'magic1')
-        self.assertEqual(mock_ctrlrs[1].magic, 'magic2')
-        expected_msg = 'Controller module .* has already been registered.'
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(signals.ControllerError, expected_msg):
-            base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller)
-    def test_register_optional_controller_third_party_dup_register(self):
-        """Verifies correctness of registration, internal tally of controllers
-        objects, and the right error happen when an optional controller module
-        is registered twice.
-        """
-        mock_test_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        mock_ctrlr_config_name = mock_controller.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        mock_test_config.controller_configs[mock_ctrlr_config_name] = [
-            'magic1', 'magic2'
-        ]
-        base_cls = base_test.BaseTestClass(mock_test_config)
-        base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller, required=False)
-        expected_msg = 'Controller module .* has already been registered.'
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(signals.ControllerError, expected_msg):
-            base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller, required=False)
-    def test_register_controller_builtin_dup_register(self):
-        """Same as test_register_controller_third_party_dup_register, except
-        this is for a builtin controller module.
-        """
-        mock_test_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        mock_ctrlr_config_name = mock_controller.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        mock_ref_name = 'haha'
-        setattr(mock_controller, 'ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME',
-                mock_ref_name)
-        try:
-            mock_ctrlr_ref_name = mock_controller.ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME
-            mock_test_config.controller_configs[mock_ctrlr_config_name] = [
-                'magic1', 'magic2'
-            ]
-            base_cls = base_test.BaseTestClass(mock_test_config)
-            base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller, builtin=True)
-            self.assertTrue(hasattr(base_cls, mock_ref_name))
-            self.assertTrue(mock_controller.__name__ in
-                            base_cls._controller_manager._controller_objects)
-            mock_ctrlrs = getattr(base_cls, mock_ctrlr_ref_name)
-            self.assertEqual(mock_ctrlrs[0].magic, 'magic1')
-            self.assertEqual(mock_ctrlrs[1].magic, 'magic2')
-            expected_msg = 'Controller module .* has already been registered.'
-            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(signals.ControllerError,
-                                         expected_msg):
-                base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller, builtin=True)
-        finally:
-            delattr(mock_controller, 'ACTS_CONTROLLER_REFERENCE_NAME')
-    def test_register_controller_no_get_info(self):
-        mock_test_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        mock_ctrlr_config_name = mock_controller.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        mock_ref_name = 'haha'
-        get_info = getattr(mock_controller, 'get_info')
-        delattr(mock_controller, 'get_info')
-        try:
-            mock_test_config.controller_configs[mock_ctrlr_config_name] = [
-                'magic1', 'magic2'
-            ]
-            base_cls = base_test.BaseTestClass(mock_test_config)
-            base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller)
-            self.assertEqual(base_cls.results.controller_info, [])
-        finally:
-            setattr(mock_controller, 'get_info', get_info)
-    def test_register_controller_return_value(self):
-        mock_test_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        mock_ctrlr_config_name = mock_controller.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        mock_test_config.controller_configs[mock_ctrlr_config_name] = [
-            'magic1', 'magic2'
-        ]
-        base_cls = base_test.BaseTestClass(mock_test_config)
-        magic_devices = base_cls.register_controller(mock_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(magic_devices[0].magic, 'magic1')
-        self.assertEqual(magic_devices[1].magic, 'magic2')
-    def test_handle_file_user_params_does_not_overwrite_existing_params(self):
-        test_run_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        test_run_config.user_params = {
-            'foo': ['good_value'],
-            'local_files': {
-                'foo': ['bad_value']
-            }
-        }
-        test = base_test.BaseTestClass(test_run_config)
-        self.assertEqual(test.user_params['foo'], ['good_value'])
-    def test_handle_file_user_params_dumps_files_dict(self):
-        test_run_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        test_run_config.user_params = {
-            'my_files': {
-                'foo': ['good_value']
-            }
-        }
-        test = base_test.BaseTestClass(test_run_config)
-        self.assertEqual(test.user_params['foo'], ['good_value'])
-    def test_handle_file_user_params_is_called_in_init(self):
-        test_run_config = self.test_run_config.copy()
-        test_run_config.user_params['files'] = {
-            'file_a': ['/some/path']
-        }
-        test = base_test.BaseTestClass(test_run_config)
-        self.assertEqual(test.user_params['file_a'], ['/some/path'])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_context_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_context_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f634c2..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_context_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from functools import partial
-from unittest import TestCase
-from antlion import context
-from antlion.context import RootContext
-from antlion.context import TestCaseContext
-from antlion.context import TestClassContext
-from antlion.context import TestContext
-from antlion.context import _update_test_case_context
-from antlion.context import _update_test_class_context
-from antlion.context import get_context_for_event
-from antlion.context import get_current_context
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseBeginEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseEndEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestCaseEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassBeginEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassEndEvent
-from antlion.event.event import TestClassEvent
-from mock import Mock
-from mock import patch
-LOGGING = 'antlion.context.logging'
-def reset_context():
-    context._contexts = [RootContext()]
-TEST_CASE = 'test_case_name'
-class TestClass:
-    pass
-class ModuleTest(TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for the context module."""
-    def test_get_context_for_event_for_test_case(self):
-        event = Mock(spec=TestCaseEvent)
-        event.test_class = Mock()
-        event.test_case = Mock()
-        context = get_context_for_event(event)
-        self.assertIsInstance(context, TestCaseContext)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, event.test_class)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_case, event.test_case)
-    def test_get_context_for_event_for_test_class(self):
-        event = Mock(spec=TestClassEvent)
-        event.test_class = Mock()
-        context = get_context_for_event(event)
-        self.assertIsInstance(context, TestClassContext)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, event.test_class)
-    def test_get_context_for_unknown_event_type(self):
-        event = Mock()
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, partial(get_context_for_event, event))
-    def test_update_test_class_context_for_test_class_begin(self):
-        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
-        event.test_class = Mock()
-        _update_test_class_context(event)
-        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), TestClassContext)
-        reset_context()
-    def test_update_test_class_context_for_test_class_end(self):
-        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
-        event.test_class = Mock()
-        event2 = Mock(spec=TestClassEndEvent)
-        event2.test_class = Mock()
-        _update_test_class_context(event)
-        _update_test_class_context(event2)
-        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), RootContext)
-        reset_context()
-    def test_update_test_case_context_for_test_case_begin(self):
-        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
-        event.test_class = Mock()
-        event2 = Mock(spec=TestCaseBeginEvent)
-        event2.test_class = Mock()
-        event2.test_case = Mock()
-        _update_test_class_context(event)
-        _update_test_case_context(event2)
-        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), TestCaseContext)
-        reset_context()
-    def test_update_test_case_context_for_test_case_end(self):
-        event = Mock(spec=TestClassBeginEvent)
-        event.test_class = Mock()
-        event2 = Mock(spec=TestCaseBeginEvent)
-        event2.test_class = Mock()
-        event2.test_case = Mock()
-        event3 = Mock(spec=TestCaseEndEvent)
-        event3.test_class = Mock()
-        event3.test_case = Mock()
-        _update_test_class_context(event)
-        _update_test_case_context(event2)
-        _update_test_case_context(event3)
-        self.assertIsInstance(get_current_context(), TestClassContext)
-        reset_context()
-class TestContextTest(TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for the TestContext class."""
-    @patch(LOGGING)
-    def test_get_base_output_path_uses_default(self, logging):
-        context = TestContext()
-        self.assertEqual(context.get_base_output_path(), logging.log_path)
-    @patch(LOGGING)
-    def test_add_base_path_overrides_default(self, _):
-        context = TestContext()
-        mock_path = Mock()
-        context.add_base_output_path('basepath', mock_path)
-        self.assertEqual(context.get_base_output_path('basepath'), mock_path)
-    def test_get_subcontext_returns_empty_string_by_default(self):
-        context = TestContext()
-        self.assertEqual(context.get_subcontext(), '')
-    def test_add_subcontext_sets_correct_path(self):
-        context = TestContext()
-        mock_path = Mock()
-        context.add_subcontext('subcontext', mock_path)
-        self.assertEqual(context.get_subcontext('subcontext'), mock_path)
-    @patch(LOGGING)
-    @patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_get_full_output_path_returns_correct_path(self, *_):
-        context = TestClassContext(TestClass())
-        context.add_base_output_path('foo', 'base/path')
-        context.add_subcontext('foo', 'subcontext')
-        full_path = 'base/path/TestClass/subcontext'
-        self.assertEqual(context.get_full_output_path('foo'), full_path)
-    def test_identifier_not_implemented(self):
-        context = TestContext()
-        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: context.identifier)
-class TestClassContextTest(TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for the TestClassContext class."""
-    def test_init_attributes(self):
-        test_class = Mock()
-        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, test_class)
-    def test_get_class_name(self):
-        class TestClass:
-            pass
-        test_class = TestClass()
-        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_class_name, TestClass.__name__)
-    def test_context_dir_is_class_name(self):
-        class TestClass:
-            pass
-        test_class = TestClass()
-        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
-        self.assertEqual(context._get_default_context_dir(), TestClass.__name__)
-    def test_identifier_is_class_name(self):
-        class TestClass:
-            pass
-        test_class = TestClass()
-        context = TestClassContext(test_class)
-        self.assertEqual(context.identifier, TestClass.__name__)
-class TestCaseContextTest(TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for the TestCaseContext class."""
-    def test_init_attributes(self):
-        test_class = Mock()
-        test_case = TEST_CASE
-        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, test_case)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_class, test_class)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_case, test_case)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_case_name, test_case)
-    def test_get_class_name(self):
-        test_class = TestClass()
-        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, TEST_CASE)
-        self.assertEqual(context.test_class_name, TestClass.__name__)
-    def test_context_dir_is_class_and_test_case_name(self):
-        test_class = TestClass()
-        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, TEST_CASE)
-        context_dir = TestClass.__name__ + '/' + TEST_CASE
-        self.assertEqual(context._get_default_context_dir(), context_dir)
-    def test_identifier_is_class_and_test_case_name(self):
-        test_class = TestClass()
-        context = TestCaseContext(test_class, TEST_CASE)
-        identifier = TestClass.__name__ + '.' + TEST_CASE
-        self.assertEqual(context.identifier, identifier)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_error_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_error_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 737000d..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_error_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion import error
-class ActsErrorTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_assert_key_pulled_from_acts_error_code(self):
-        e = error.ActsError()
-        self.assertEqual(e.error_code, 100)
-    def test_assert_description_pulled_from_docstring(self):
-        e = error.ActsError()
-        self.assertEqual(e.error_doc, 'Base Acts Error')
-    def test_error_without_args(self):
-        e = error.ActsError()
-        self.assertEqual(e.details, '')
-    def test_error_with_args(self):
-        args = ('hello', )
-        e = error.ActsError(*args)
-        self.assertEqual(e.details, 'hello')
-    def test_error_with_kwargs(self):
-        e = error.ActsError(key='value')
-        self.assertIn(('key', 'value'), e.extras.items())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_host_utils_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_host_utils_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 17e389c..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_host_utils_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import socket
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib import host_utils
-class ActsHostUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
-    under antlion.controllers.adb.
-    """
-    def test_detects_udp_port_in_use(self):
-        test_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-        test_s.bind(('localhost', 0))
-        port = test_s.getsockname()[1]
-        try:
-            self.assertFalse(host_utils.is_port_available(port))
-        finally:
-            test_s.close()
-    def test_detects_tcp_port_in_use(self):
-        test_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        test_s.bind(('localhost', 0))
-        port = test_s.getsockname()[1]
-        try:
-            self.assertFalse(host_utils.is_port_available(port))
-        finally:
-            test_s.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_import_unit_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_import_unit_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index adbddde..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_import_unit_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import uuid
-if sys.version_info < (3, ):
-    import warnings
-    with warnings.catch_warnings():
-        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
-        import imp
-    import importlib
-    import unittest2 as unittest
-    def import_module(name, path):
-        return imp.load_source(name, path)
-    def import_acts():
-        return importlib.import_module('antlion')
-    import importlib.machinery
-    import unittest
-    def import_module(name, path):
-        return importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, path).load_module()
-    def import_acts():
-        return importlib.import_module('antlion')
-PY_FILE_REGEX = re.compile('.+\.py$')
-    'antlion/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/contest.py',
-    'antlion/controllers/native.py',
-    'antlion/controllers/native_android_device.py',
-    'antlion/controllers/packet_sender.py',
-    'antlion/controllers/buds_lib/dev_utils/proto/gen/nanopb_pb2.py'
-    'antlion/controllers/buds_lib'
-class ActsImportUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test that all acts framework imports work."""
-    def test_import_acts_successful(self):
-        """Test that importing ACTS works."""
-        acts = import_acts()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(acts)
-    # TODO(b/190659975): Re-enable once permission issue is resolved.
-    @unittest.skip("Permission error: b/190659975")
-    def test_import_framework_successful(self):
-        """Dynamically test all imports from the framework."""
-        acts = import_acts()
-        if hasattr(acts, '__path__') and len(antlion.__path__) > 0:
-            acts_path = antlion.__path__[0]
-        else:
-            acts_path = os.path.dirname(antlion.__file__)
-        for root, _, files in os.walk(acts_path):
-            for f in files:
-                full_path = os.path.join(root, f)
-                if (any(full_path.endswith(e) for e in DENYLIST)
-                        or any(e in full_path
-                               for e in DENYLIST_DIRECTORIES)):
-                    continue
-                path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), os.getcwd())
-                if PY_FILE_REGEX.match(full_path):
-                    with self.subTest(msg='import %s' % path):
-                        fake_module_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
-                        module = import_module(fake_module_name, path)
-                        self.assertIsNotNone(module)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_job_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_job_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 84d5c7f..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_job_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Import the python3 compatible bytes()
-from builtins import bytes
-import mock
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-if os.name == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
-    import subprocess32 as subprocess
-    import subprocess
-class FakePopen(object):
-    """A fake version of the object returned from subprocess.Popen()."""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 stdout=None,
-                 stderr=None,
-                 returncode=0,
-                 will_timeout=False):
-        self.returncode = returncode
-        self._stdout = bytes(stdout,
-                             'utf-8') if stdout is not None else bytes()
-        self._stderr = bytes(stderr,
-                             'utf-8') if stderr is not None else bytes()
-        self._will_timeout = will_timeout
-    def communicate(self, timeout=None):
-        if self._will_timeout:
-            raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(
-                -1, 'Timed out according to test logic')
-        return self._stdout, self._stderr
-    def kill(self):
-        pass
-    def wait(self):
-        pass
-class JobTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen',
-        return_value=FakePopen(stdout='TEST\n'))
-    def test_run_success(self, popen):
-        """Test running a simple shell command."""
-        result = job.run('echo TEST')
-        self.assertTrue(result.stdout.startswith('TEST'))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen',
-        return_value=FakePopen(stderr='TEST\n'))
-    def test_run_stderr(self, popen):
-        """Test that we can read process stderr."""
-        result = job.run('echo TEST 1>&2')
-        self.assertEqual(len(result.stdout), 0)
-        self.assertTrue(result.stderr.startswith('TEST'))
-        self.assertFalse(result.stdout)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen',
-        return_value=FakePopen(returncode=1))
-    def test_run_error(self, popen):
-        """Test that we raise on non-zero exit statuses."""
-        self.assertRaises(job.Error, job.run, 'exit 1')
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen',
-        return_value=FakePopen(returncode=1))
-    def test_run_with_ignored_error(self, popen):
-        """Test that we can ignore exit status on request."""
-        result = job.run('exit 1', ignore_status=True)
-        self.assertEqual(result.exit_status, 1)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen',
-        return_value=FakePopen(will_timeout=True))
-    def test_run_timeout(self, popen):
-        """Test that we correctly implement command timeouts."""
-        self.assertRaises(job.Error, job.run, 'sleep 5', timeout=0.1)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen',
-        return_value=FakePopen(stdout='TEST\n'))
-    def test_run_no_shell(self, popen):
-        """Test that we handle running without a wrapping shell."""
-        result = job.run(['echo', 'TEST'])
-        self.assertTrue(result.stdout.startswith('TEST'))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.libs.proc.job.subprocess.Popen',
-        return_value=FakePopen(stdout='TEST\n'))
-    def test_job_env(self, popen):
-        """Test that we can set environment variables correctly."""
-        test_env = {'MYTESTVAR': '20'}
-        result = job.run('printenv', env=test_env.copy())
-        popen.assert_called_once()
-        _, kwargs = popen.call_args
-        self.assertTrue('env' in kwargs)
-        self.assertEqual(kwargs['env'], test_env)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_logger_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_logger_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2b6eeed..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_logger_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion import logger
-import os
-import time
-class ActsLoggerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Verifies code in antlion.logger module.
-    """
-    def test_epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(self):
-        os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'
-        time.tzset()
-        actual_stamp = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(1469134262116)
-        self.assertEqual("2016-07-21 13:51:02.116", actual_stamp)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_records_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_records_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8280f27..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_records_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from mobly.records import ControllerInfoRecord
-from antlion import records
-from antlion import signals
-class ActsRecordsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test class tests the implementation of classes in antlion.records.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tn = "test_name"
-        self.details = "Some details about the test execution."
-        self.float_extra = 12345.56789
-        self.json_extra = {"ha": "whatever"}
-    def verify_record(self, record, result, details, extras):
-        # Verify each field.
-        self.assertEqual(record.test_name, self.tn)
-        self.assertEqual(record.result, result)
-        self.assertEqual(record.details, details)
-        self.assertEqual(record.extras, extras)
-        self.assertTrue(record.begin_time, "begin time should not be empty.")
-        self.assertTrue(record.end_time, "end time should not be empty.")
-        # UID is not used at the moment, should always be None.
-        self.assertIsNone(record.uid)
-        # Verify to_dict.
-        d = {}
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_NAME] = self.tn
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_RESULT] = result
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_DETAILS] = details
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRAS] = extras
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_BEGIN_TIME] = record.begin_time
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_END_TIME] = record.end_time
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.
-          RECORD_LOG_BEGIN_TIME] = record.log_begin_time
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_LOG_END_TIME] = record.log_end_time
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_UID] = None
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_CLASS] = None
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_EXTRA_ERRORS] = {}
-        d[records.TestResultEnums.RECORD_STACKTRACE] = record.stacktrace
-        actual_d = record.to_dict()
-        self.assertDictEqual(actual_d, d)
-        # Verify that these code paths do not cause crashes and yield non-empty
-        # results.
-        self.assertTrue(str(record), "str of the record should not be empty.")
-        self.assertTrue(repr(record), "the record's repr shouldn't be empty.")
-        self.assertTrue(record.json_str(), ("json str of the record should "
-                                            "not be empty."))
-    """ Begin of Tests """
-    def test_result_record_pass_none(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        record.test_pass()
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS,
-            details=None,
-            extras=None)
-    def test_result_record_pass_with_float_extra(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record.test_pass(s)
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS,
-            details=self.details,
-            extras=self.float_extra)
-    def test_result_record_pass_with_json_extra(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.json_extra)
-        record.test_pass(s)
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS,
-            details=self.details,
-            extras=self.json_extra)
-    def test_result_record_fail_none(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        record.test_fail()
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
-            details=None,
-            extras=None)
-    def test_result_record_fail_with_float_extra(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestFailure(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record.test_fail(s)
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
-            details=self.details,
-            extras=self.float_extra)
-    def test_result_record_fail_with_json_extra(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestFailure(self.details, self.json_extra)
-        record.test_fail(s)
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
-            details=self.details,
-            extras=self.json_extra)
-    def test_result_record_skip_none(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        record.test_skip()
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP,
-            details=None,
-            extras=None)
-    def test_result_record_skip_with_float_extra(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestSkip(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record.test_skip(s)
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP,
-            details=self.details,
-            extras=self.float_extra)
-    def test_result_record_skip_with_json_extra(self):
-        record = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestSkip(self.details, self.json_extra)
-        record.test_skip(s)
-        self.verify_record(
-            record=record,
-            result=records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP,
-            details=self.details,
-            extras=self.json_extra)
-    def test_result_add_operator_success(self):
-        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record1.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record1.test_pass(s)
-        tr1 = records.TestResult()
-        tr1.add_record(record1)
-        device1 = ControllerInfoRecord('TestClass', 'MockDevice', 'device1')
-        tr1.add_controller_info_record(device1)
-        record2 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record2.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.json_extra)
-        record2.test_pass(s)
-        tr2 = records.TestResult()
-        tr2.add_record(record2)
-        device2 = ControllerInfoRecord('TestClass', 'MockDevice', 'device2')
-        tr2.add_controller_info_record(device2)
-        tr2 += tr1
-        self.assertTrue(tr2.passed, [tr1, tr2])
-        self.assertTrue(tr2.controller_info, [device1, device2])
-    def test_result_add_operator_type_mismatch(self):
-        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record1.test_begin()
-        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record1.test_pass(s)
-        tr1 = records.TestResult()
-        tr1.add_record(record1)
-        expected_msg = "Operand .* of type .* is not a TestResult."
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, expected_msg):
-            tr1 += "haha"
-    def test_is_all_pass(self):
-        s = signals.TestPass(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record1.test_begin()
-        record1.test_pass(s)
-        s = signals.TestSkip(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record2 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record2.test_begin()
-        record2.test_skip(s)
-        tr = records.TestResult()
-        tr.add_record(record1)
-        tr.add_record(record2)
-        tr.add_record(record1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(tr.passed), 2)
-        self.assertTrue(tr.is_all_pass)
-    def test_is_all_pass_negative(self):
-        s = signals.TestFailure(self.details, self.float_extra)
-        record1 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record1.test_begin()
-        record1.test_fail(s)
-        record2 = records.TestResultRecord(self.tn)
-        record2.test_begin()
-        record2.test_error(s)
-        tr = records.TestResult()
-        tr.add_record(record1)
-        tr.add_record(record2)
-        self.assertFalse(tr.is_all_pass)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_relay_controller_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_relay_controller_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f1d066d..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_relay_controller_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import copy
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import antlion.controllers.relay_lib.fugu_remote as fugu_remote
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayConfigError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.errors import RelayDeviceConnectionError
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.generic_relay_device import GenericRelayDevice
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import Relay
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import RelayDict
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import RelayState
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay import SynchronizeRelays
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay_board import RelayBoard
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay_device import RelayDevice
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.relay_rig import RelayRig
-from antlion.controllers.relay_lib.sain_smart_board import SainSmartBoard
-from mock import patch
-class MockBoard(RelayBoard):
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.relay_states = dict()
-        self.relay_previous_states = dict()
-        RelayBoard.__init__(self, config)
-    def get_relay_position_list(self):
-        return [0, 1]
-    def get_relay_status(self, relay_position):
-        if relay_position not in self.relay_states:
-            self.relay_states[relay_position] = RelayState.NO
-            self.relay_previous_states[relay_position] = RelayState.NO
-        return self.relay_states[relay_position]
-    def set(self, relay_position, state):
-        self.relay_previous_states[relay_position] = self.get_relay_status(
-            relay_position)
-        self.relay_states[relay_position] = state
-        return state
-class ActsRelayTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        Relay.button_press_time = 0
-        self.config = {
-            'name': 'MockBoard',
-            'relays': [{
-                'name': 'Relay',
-                'relay_pos': 0
-            }]
-        }
-        self.board = MockBoard(self.config)
-        self.relay = Relay(self.board, 'Relay')
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .2
-        Relay.button_press_time = .25
-    def test_turn_on_from_off(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.relay.set_nc()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_turn_on_from_on(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.relay.set_nc()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_turn_off_from_on(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.relay.set_no()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_turn_off_from_off(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.relay.set_no()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_toggle_off_to_on(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.relay.toggle()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_toggle_on_to_off(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.relay.toggle()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_set_on(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.relay.set(RelayState.NC)
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_set_off(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.relay.set(RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_set_foo(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.relay.set('FOO')
-    def test_set_nc_for(self):
-        # Here we set twice so relay_previous_state will also be OFF
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.relay.set_nc_for(0)
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.relay_previous_states[self.relay.position],
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_set_no_for(self):
-        # Here we set twice so relay_previous_state will also be OFF
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.relay.set_no_for(0)
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(self.relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NC)
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.relay_previous_states[self.relay.position],
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_get_status_on(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.assertEqual(self.relay.get_status(), RelayState.NC)
-    def test_get_status_off(self):
-        self.board.set(self.relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(self.relay.get_status(), RelayState.NO)
-    def test_clean_up_default_on(self):
-        new_relay = Relay(self.board, 0)
-        new_relay._original_state = RelayState.NO
-        self.board.set(new_relay.position, RelayState.NO)
-        new_relay.clean_up()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(new_relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_clean_up_default_off(self):
-        new_relay = Relay(self.board, 0)
-        new_relay._original_state = RelayState.NO
-        self.board.set(new_relay.position, RelayState.NC)
-        new_relay.clean_up()
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(new_relay.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_clean_up_original_state_none(self):
-        val = 'STAYS_THE_SAME'
-        new_relay = Relay(self.board, 0)
-        # _original_state is none by default
-        # The line below sets the dict to an impossible value.
-        self.board.set(new_relay.position, val)
-        new_relay.clean_up()
-        # If the impossible value is cleared, then the test should fail.
-        self.assertEqual(self.board.get_relay_status(new_relay.position), val)
-class ActsSainSmartBoardTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    STATUS_MSG = ('<small><a href="{}"></a>'
-                  '</small><a href="{}/{}TUX">{}TUX</a><p>')
-    RELAY_ON_PAGE_CONTENTS = 'relay_on page'
-    RELAY_OFF_PAGE_CONTENTS = 'relay_off page'
-    def setUp(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        Relay.button_press_time = 0
-        self.test_dir = 'file://' + tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/'
-        # Creates the files used for testing
-        self._set_status_page('0000000000000000')
-        with open(self.test_dir[7:] + '00', 'w+') as file:
-            file.write(self.RELAY_OFF_PAGE_CONTENTS)
-        with open(self.test_dir[7:] + '01', 'w+') as file:
-            file.write(self.RELAY_ON_PAGE_CONTENTS)
-        self.config = ({
-            'name':
-            'SSBoard',
-            'base_url':
-            self.test_dir,
-            'relays': [{
-                'name': '0',
-                'relay_pos': 0
-            }, {
-                'name': '1',
-                'relay_pos': 1
-            }, {
-                'name': '2',
-                'relay_pos': 7
-            }]
-        })
-        self.ss_board = SainSmartBoard(self.config)
-        self.r0 = Relay(self.ss_board, 0)
-        self.r1 = Relay(self.ss_board, 1)
-        self.r7 = Relay(self.ss_board, 7)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.test_dir[7:])
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .2
-        Relay.button_press_time = .25
-    def test_get_url_code(self):
-        result = self.ss_board._get_relay_url_code(self.r0.position,
-                                                   RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(result, '00')
-        result = self.ss_board._get_relay_url_code(self.r0.position,
-                                                   RelayState.NC)
-        self.assertEqual(result, '01')
-        result = self.ss_board._get_relay_url_code(self.r7.position,
-                                                   RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(result, '14')
-        result = self.ss_board._get_relay_url_code(self.r7.position,
-                                                   RelayState.NC)
-        self.assertEqual(result, '15')
-    def test_load_page_status(self):
-        self._set_status_page('0000111100001111')
-        result = self.ss_board._load_page(SainSmartBoard.HIDDEN_STATUS_PAGE)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            result.endswith(
-                '0000111100001111TUX">0000111100001111TUX</a><p>'))
-    def test_load_page_relay(self):
-        result = self.ss_board._load_page('00')
-        self.assertEqual(result, self.RELAY_OFF_PAGE_CONTENTS)
-        result = self.ss_board._load_page('01')
-        self.assertEqual(result, self.RELAY_ON_PAGE_CONTENTS)
-    def test_load_page_no_connection(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayDeviceConnectionError):
-            self.ss_board._load_page('**')
-    def _set_status_page(self, status_16_chars):
-        with open(self.test_dir[7:] + '99', 'w+') as status_file:
-            status_file.write(
-                self.STATUS_MSG.format(self.test_dir[:-1], self.test_dir[:-1],
-                                       status_16_chars, status_16_chars))
-    def _test_sync_status_dict(self, status_16_chars):
-        self._set_status_page(status_16_chars)
-        expected_dict = dict()
-        for index, char in enumerate(status_16_chars):
-            expected_dict[
-                index] = RelayState.NC if char == '1' else RelayState.NO
-        self.ss_board._sync_status_dict()
-        self.assertDictEqual(expected_dict, self.ss_board.status_dict)
-    def test_sync_status_dict(self):
-        self._test_sync_status_dict('0000111100001111')
-        self._test_sync_status_dict('0000000000000000')
-        self._test_sync_status_dict('0101010101010101')
-        self._test_sync_status_dict('1010101010101010')
-        self._test_sync_status_dict('1111111111111111')
-    def test_get_relay_status_status_dict_none(self):
-        self._set_status_page('1111111111111111')
-        self.ss_board.status_dict = None
-        self.assertEqual(self.ss_board.get_relay_status(self.r0.position),
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_get_relay_status_status_dict_on(self):
-        self.r0.set(RelayState.NC)
-        self.assertEqual(self.ss_board.get_relay_status(self.r0.position),
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_get_relay_status_status_dict_off(self):
-        self.r0.set(RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(self.ss_board.get_relay_status(self.r0.position),
-                         RelayState.NO)
-    def test_set_on(self):
-        patch_path = 'antlion.controllers.relay_lib.sain_smart_board.urlopen'
-        with patch(patch_path) as urlopen:
-            board = SainSmartBoard(self.config)
-            board.status_dict = {}
-            board.set(self.r0.position, RelayState.NC)
-        urlopen.assert_called_once_with('%s%s' %
-                                        (self.ss_board.base_url, '01'))
-    def test_set_off(self):
-        patch_path = 'antlion.controllers.relay_lib.sain_smart_board.urlopen'
-        with patch(patch_path) as urlopen:
-            board = SainSmartBoard(self.config)
-            board.status_dict = {}
-            board.set(self.r0.position, RelayState.NO)
-        urlopen.assert_called_once_with('%s%s' %
-                                        (self.ss_board.base_url, '00'))
-    def test_connection_error_no_tux(self):
-        default_status_msg = self.STATUS_MSG
-        self.STATUS_MSG = self.STATUS_MSG.replace('TUX', '')
-        try:
-            self._set_status_page('1111111111111111')
-            self.ss_board.get_relay_status(0)
-        except RelayDeviceConnectionError:
-            self.STATUS_MSG = default_status_msg
-            return
-        self.fail('Should have thrown an error without TUX appearing.')
-class ActsRelayRigTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        Relay.button_press_time = 0
-        self.config = {
-            'boards': [{
-                'type': 'SainSmartBoard',
-                'name': 'ss_control',
-                'base_url': ''
-            }, {
-                'type': 'SainSmartBoard',
-                'name': 'ss_control_2',
-                'base_url': ''
-            }],
-            'devices': [{
-                'type': 'GenericRelayDevice',
-                'name': 'device',
-                'relays': {
-                    'Relay00': 'ss_control/0',
-                    'Relay10': 'ss_control/1'
-                }
-            }]
-        }
-    def tearDown(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .2
-        Relay.button_press_time = .25
-    def test_init_relay_rig_missing_boards(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.config)
-        del flawed_config['boards']
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayRig(flawed_config)
-    def test_init_relay_rig_is_not_list(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.config)
-        flawed_config['boards'] = self.config['boards'][0]
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayRig(flawed_config)
-    def test_init_relay_rig_duplicate_board_names(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.config)
-        flawed_config['boards'][1]['name'] = (self.config['boards'][0]['name'])
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayRigMock(flawed_config)
-    def test_init_relay_rig_device_gets_relays(self):
-        modded_config = copy.deepcopy(self.config)
-        del modded_config['devices'][0]['relays']['Relay00']
-        rig = RelayRigMock(modded_config)
-        self.assertEqual(len(rig.relays), 4)
-        self.assertEqual(len(rig.devices['device'].relays), 1)
-        rig = RelayRigMock(self.config)
-        self.assertEqual(len(rig.devices['device'].relays), 2)
-    def test_init_relay_rig_correct_device_type(self):
-        rig = RelayRigMock(self.config)
-        self.assertEqual(len(rig.devices), 1)
-        self.assertIsInstance(rig.devices['device'], GenericRelayDevice)
-    def test_init_relay_rig_missing_devices_creates_generic_device(self):
-        modded_config = copy.deepcopy(self.config)
-        del modded_config['devices']
-        rig = RelayRigMock(modded_config)
-        self.assertEqual(len(rig.devices), 1)
-        self.assertIsInstance(rig.devices['device'], GenericRelayDevice)
-        self.assertDictEqual(rig.devices['device'].relays, rig.relays)
-class RelayRigMock(RelayRig):
-    """A RelayRig that substitutes the MockBoard for any board."""
-    _board_constructors = {
-        'SainSmartBoard': lambda x: MockBoard(x),
-        'FuguMockBoard': lambda x: FuguMockBoard(x)
-    }
-    def __init__(self, config=None):
-        if not config:
-            config = {
-                "boards": [{
-                    'name': 'MockBoard',
-                    'type': 'SainSmartBoard'
-                }]
-            }
-        RelayRig.__init__(self, config)
-class ActsGenericRelayDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        Relay.button_press_time = 0
-        self.board_config = {'name': 'MockBoard', 'type': 'SainSmartBoard'}
-        self.board = MockBoard(self.board_config)
-        self.r0 = self.board.relays[0]
-        self.r1 = self.board.relays[1]
-        self.device_config = {
-            'name': 'MockDevice',
-            'relays': {
-                'r0': 'MockBoard/0',
-                'r1': 'MockBoard/1'
-            }
-        }
-        config = {
-            'boards': [self.board_config],
-            'devices': [self.device_config]
-        }
-        self.rig = RelayRigMock(config)
-        self.rig.boards['MockBoard'] = self.board
-        self.rig.relays[self.r0.relay_id] = self.r0
-        self.rig.relays[self.r1.relay_id] = self.r1
-    def tearDown(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .2
-        Relay.button_press_time = .25
-    def test_setup_single_relay(self):
-        self.r0.set(RelayState.NC)
-        self.r1.set(RelayState.NC)
-        modified_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        del modified_config['relays']['r1']
-        grd = GenericRelayDevice(modified_config, self.rig)
-        grd.setup()
-        self.assertEqual(self.r0.get_status(), RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(self.r1.get_status(), RelayState.NC)
-    def test_setup_multiple_relays(self):
-        self.board.set(self.r0.position, RelayState.NC)
-        self.board.set(self.r1.position, RelayState.NC)
-        grd = GenericRelayDevice(self.device_config, self.rig)
-        grd.setup()
-        self.assertEqual(self.r0.get_status(), RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(self.r1.get_status(), RelayState.NO)
-    def test_cleanup_single_relay(self):
-        self.test_setup_single_relay()
-    def test_cleanup_multiple_relays(self):
-        self.test_setup_multiple_relays()
-    def change_state(self, begin_state, call, end_state, previous_state=None):
-        self.board.set(self.r0.position, begin_state)
-        grd = GenericRelayDevice(self.device_config, self.rig)
-        call(grd)
-        self.assertEqual(self.r0.get_status(), end_state)
-        if previous_state:
-            self.assertEqual(
-                self.board.relay_previous_states[self.r0.position],
-                previous_state)
-    def test_press_while_no(self):
-        self.change_state(RelayState.NO, lambda x: x.press('r0'),
-                          RelayState.NO, RelayState.NC)
-    def test_press_while_nc(self):
-        self.change_state(RelayState.NC, lambda x: x.press('r0'),
-                          RelayState.NO, RelayState.NC)
-    def test_hold_down_while_no(self):
-        self.change_state(RelayState.NO, lambda x: x.hold_down('r0'),
-                          RelayState.NC)
-    def test_hold_down_while_nc(self):
-        self.change_state(RelayState.NC, lambda x: x.hold_down('r0'),
-                          RelayState.NC)
-    def test_release_while_nc(self):
-        self.change_state(RelayState.NC, lambda x: x.release('r0'),
-                          RelayState.NO)
-class ActsRelayDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        Relay.button_press_time = 0
-        self.board_config = {
-            'name': 'MockBoard',
-            'relays': [{
-                'id': 0,
-                'relay_pos': 0
-            }, {
-                'id': 1,
-                'relay_pos': 1
-            }]
-        }
-        self.board = MockBoard(self.board_config)
-        self.r0 = Relay(self.board, 0)
-        self.r1 = Relay(self.board, 1)
-        self.board.set(self.r0.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.board.set(self.r1.position, RelayState.NO)
-        self.rig = RelayRigMock()
-        self.rig.boards['MockBoard'] = self.board
-        self.rig.relays[self.r0.relay_id] = self.r0
-        self.rig.relays[self.r1.relay_id] = self.r1
-        self.device_config = {
-            "type": "GenericRelayDevice",
-            "name": "device",
-            "relays": {
-                'r0': 'MockBoard/0',
-                'r1': 'MockBoard/1'
-            }
-        }
-    def tearDown(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .2
-        Relay.button_press_time = .25
-    def test_init_raise_on_name_missing(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        del flawed_config['name']
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayDevice(flawed_config, self.rig)
-    def test_init_raise_on_name_wrong_type(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        flawed_config['name'] = {}
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayDevice(flawed_config, self.rig)
-    def test_init_raise_on_relays_missing(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        del flawed_config['relays']
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayDevice(flawed_config, self.rig)
-    def test_init_raise_on_relays_wrong_type(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        flawed_config['relays'] = str
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayDevice(flawed_config, self.rig)
-    def test_init_raise_on_relays_is_empty(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        flawed_config['relays'] = []
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayDevice(flawed_config, self.rig)
-    def test_init_raise_on_relays_are_dicts_without_names(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        flawed_config['relays'] = [{'id': 0}, {'id': 1}]
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayDevice(flawed_config, self.rig)
-    def test_init_raise_on_relays_are_dicts_without_ids(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.device_config)
-        flawed_config['relays'] = [{'name': 'r0'}, {'name': 'r1'}]
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayDevice(flawed_config, self.rig)
-    def test_init_pass_relays_have_ids_and_names(self):
-        RelayDevice(self.device_config, self.rig)
-class TestRelayRigParser(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        Relay.button_press_time = 0
-        self.board_config = {
-            'name': 'MockBoard',
-            'relays': [{
-                'id': 'r0',
-                'relay_pos': 0
-            }, {
-                'id': 'r1',
-                'relay_pos': 1
-            }]
-        }
-        self.r0 = self.board_config['relays'][0]
-        self.r1 = self.board_config['relays'][1]
-        self.board = MockBoard(self.board_config)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .2
-        Relay.button_press_time = .25
-    def test_create_relay_board_raise_on_missing_type(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayRigMock().create_relay_board(self.board_config)
-    def test_create_relay_board_valid_config(self):
-        config = copy.deepcopy(self.board_config)
-        config['type'] = 'SainSmartBoard'
-        RelayRigMock().create_relay_board(config)
-    def test_create_relay_board_raise_on_type_not_found(self):
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.board_config)
-        flawed_config['type'] = 'NonExistentBoard'
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            RelayRigMock().create_relay_board(flawed_config)
-    def test_create_relay_device_create_generic_on_missing_type(self):
-        rig = RelayRigMock()
-        rig.relays['r0'] = self.r0
-        rig.relays['r1'] = self.r1
-        config = {
-            'name': 'name',
-            'relays': {
-                'r0': 'MockBoard/0',
-                'r1': 'MockBoard/1'
-            }
-        }
-        device = rig.create_relay_device(config)
-        self.assertIsInstance(device, GenericRelayDevice)
-    def test_create_relay_device_config_with_type(self):
-        rig = RelayRigMock()
-        rig.relays['r0'] = self.r0
-        rig.relays['r1'] = self.r1
-        config = {
-            'type': 'GenericRelayDevice',
-            'name': '.',
-            'relays': {
-                'r0': 'MockBoard/0',
-                'r1': 'MockBoard/1'
-            }
-        }
-        device = rig.create_relay_device(config)
-        self.assertIsInstance(device, GenericRelayDevice)
-    def test_create_relay_device_raise_on_type_not_found(self):
-        rig = RelayRigMock()
-        rig.relays['r0'] = self.r0
-        rig.relays['r1'] = self.r1
-        config = {
-            'type':
-            'SomeInvalidType',
-            'name':
-            '.',
-            'relays': [{
-                'name': 'r0',
-                'pos': 'MockBoard/0'
-            }, {
-                'name': 'r1',
-                'pos': 'MockBoard/1'
-            }]
-        }
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            rig.create_relay_device(config)
-class TestSynchronizeRelays(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_synchronize_relays(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .1
-        with SynchronizeRelays():
-            self.assertEqual(Relay.transition_wait_time, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(Relay.transition_wait_time, .1)
-class FuguMockBoard(MockBoard):
-    def get_relay_position_list(self):
-        return range(4)
-class TestFuguRemote(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = 0
-        self.mock_rig = RelayRigMock(
-            {"boards": [{
-                'name': 'MockBoard',
-                'type': 'FuguMockBoard'
-            }]})
-        self.mock_board = self.mock_rig.boards['MockBoard']
-        self.fugu_config = {
-            'type': 'FuguRemote',
-            'name': 'UniqueDeviceName',
-            'mac_address': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
-            'relays': {
-                'Power': 'MockBoard/0',
-                fugu_remote.Buttons.BACK.value: 'MockBoard/1',
-                fugu_remote.Buttons.HOME.value: 'MockBoard/2',
-                fugu_remote.Buttons.PLAY_PAUSE.value: 'MockBoard/3'
-            }
-        }
-        Relay.button_press_time = 0
-    def tearDown(self):
-        Relay.button_press_time = .25
-        Relay.transition_wait_time = .2
-    def test_config_missing_button(self):
-        """FuguRemote __init__ should throw an error if a relay is missing."""
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.fugu_config)
-        del flawed_config['relays']['Power']
-        del flawed_config['relays'][fugu_remote.Buttons.BACK.value]
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            fugu_remote.FuguRemote(flawed_config, self.mock_rig)
-    def test_config_missing_mac_address(self):
-        """FuguRemote __init__ should throw an error without a mac address."""
-        flawed_config = copy.deepcopy(self.fugu_config)
-        del flawed_config['mac_address']
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            fugu_remote.FuguRemote(flawed_config, self.mock_rig)
-    def test_config_no_issues(self):
-        """FuguRemote __init__ should not throw errors for a correct config."""
-        fugu_remote.FuguRemote(self.fugu_config, self.mock_rig)
-    def test_power_nc_after_setup(self):
-        """Power should be NORMALLY_CLOSED after calling setup if it exists."""
-        fugu = fugu_remote.FuguRemote(self.fugu_config, self.mock_rig)
-        fugu.setup()
-        self.assertEqual(self.mock_board.get_relay_status(0), RelayState.NC)
-    def press_button_success(self, relay_position):
-        self.assertEqual(self.mock_board.relay_states[relay_position],
-                         RelayState.NO)
-        self.assertEqual(self.mock_board.relay_previous_states[relay_position],
-                         RelayState.NC)
-    def test_press_play_pause(self):
-        fugu = fugu_remote.FuguRemote(self.fugu_config, self.mock_rig)
-        fugu.press_play_pause()
-        self.press_button_success(3)
-    def test_press_back(self):
-        fugu = fugu_remote.FuguRemote(self.fugu_config, self.mock_rig)
-        fugu.press_back()
-        self.press_button_success(1)
-    def test_press_home(self):
-        fugu = fugu_remote.FuguRemote(self.fugu_config, self.mock_rig)
-        fugu.press_home()
-        self.press_button_success(2)
-    def test_enter_pairing_mode(self):
-        fugu = fugu_remote.FuguRemote(self.fugu_config, self.mock_rig)
-        fugu_remote.PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_TIME = 0
-        fugu.enter_pairing_mode()
-        self.press_button_success(2)
-        self.press_button_success(1)
-class TestRelayDict(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_init(self):
-        mock_device = object()
-        blank_dict = dict()
-        relay_dict = RelayDict(mock_device, blank_dict)
-        self.assertEqual(relay_dict._store, blank_dict)
-        self.assertEqual(relay_dict.relay_device, mock_device)
-    def test_get_item_valid_key(self):
-        mock_device = object()
-        blank_dict = {'key': 'value'}
-        relay_dict = RelayDict(mock_device, blank_dict)
-        self.assertEqual(relay_dict['key'], 'value')
-    def test_get_item_invalid_key(self):
-        # Create an object with a single attribute 'name'
-        mock_device = type('', (object, ), {'name': 'name'})()
-        blank_dict = {'key': 'value'}
-        relay_dict = RelayDict(mock_device, blank_dict)
-        with self.assertRaises(RelayConfigError):
-            value = relay_dict['not_key']
-    def test_iter(self):
-        mock_device = type('', (object, ), {'name': 'name'})()
-        data_dict = {'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3'}
-        relay_dict = RelayDict(mock_device, data_dict)
-        rd_set = set()
-        for key in relay_dict:
-            rd_set.add(key)
-        dd_set = set()
-        for key in data_dict:
-            dd_set.add(key)
-        self.assertSetEqual(rd_set, dd_set)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_test_decorators_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_test_decorators_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d7bc12d..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_test_decorators_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import mock
-from mobly import config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion import base_test
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion import test_decorators
-from antlion import test_runner
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-def return_true():
-    return True
-def return_false():
-    return False
-def raise_pass():
-    raise signals.TestPass('')
-def raise_failure():
-    raise signals.TestFailure('')
-def raise_sl4a():
-    raise rpc_client.Sl4aException('')
-def raise_generic():
-    raise Exception('')
-class MockTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-    TEST_CASE_LIST = 'test_run_mock_test'
-    TEST_LOGIC_ATTR = 'test_logic'
-    def test_run_mock_test(self):
-        getattr(MockTest, MockTest.TEST_LOGIC_ATTR, None)()
-class TestDecoratorIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        cls.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        cls.MOCK_CONFIG = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        cls.MOCK_CONFIG.testbed_name = 'SampleTestBed'
-        cls.MOCK_CONFIG.log_path = cls.tmp_dir
-        cls.MOCK_TEST_RUN_LIST = [(MockTest.__name__,
-                                   [MockTest.TEST_CASE_LIST])]
-    @classmethod
-    def tearDownClass(cls):
-        shutil.rmtree(cls.tmp_dir)
-    def _run_with_test_logic(self, func):
-        if hasattr(MockTest, MockTest.TEST_LOGIC_ATTR):
-            delattr(MockTest, MockTest.TEST_LOGIC_ATTR)
-        setattr(MockTest, MockTest.TEST_LOGIC_ATTR, func)
-        self.test_runner = test_runner.TestRunner(self.MOCK_CONFIG,
-                                                  self.MOCK_TEST_RUN_LIST)
-        self.test_runner.run(MockTest)
-    def _validate_results_has_extra(self, result, extra_key, extra_value):
-        results = self.test_runner.results
-        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(results.executed), 1,
-                                'Expected at least one executed test.')
-        record = results.executed[0]
-        self.assertIsNotNone(record.extras,
-                             'Expected the test record to have extras.')
-        self.assertEqual(record.extras[extra_key], extra_value)
-    def test_mock_test_with_raise_pass(self):
-        self._run_with_test_logic(raise_pass)
-    def test_mock_test_with_raise_generic(self):
-        self._run_with_test_logic(raise_generic)
-class RepeatedTestTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_all_error_types_count_toward_failures(self):
-        def result_selector(results, _):
-            self.assertIsInstance(results[0], AssertionError)
-            self.assertIsInstance(results[1], signals.TestFailure)
-            self.assertIsInstance(results[2], signals.TestError)
-            self.assertIsInstance(results[3], IndexError)
-            raise signals.TestPass('Expected failures occurred')
-        @test_decorators.repeated_test(1, 3, result_selector)
-        def test_case(_, attempt_number):
-            if attempt_number == 1:
-                raise AssertionError()
-            elif attempt_number == 2:
-                raise signals.TestFailure('Failed')
-            elif attempt_number == 3:
-                raise signals.TestError('Error')
-            else:
-                # Note that any Exception that does not fall into another bucket
-                # is also considered a failure
-                raise IndexError('Bad index')
-        with self.assertRaises(signals.TestPass):
-            test_case(mock.Mock())
-    def test_passes_stop_repeating_the_test_case(self):
-        def result_selector(results, _):
-            self.assertEqual(len(results), 3)
-            for result in results:
-                self.assertIsInstance(result, signals.TestPass)
-            raise signals.TestPass('Expected passes occurred')
-        @test_decorators.repeated_test(3, 0, result_selector)
-        def test_case(*_):
-            raise signals.TestPass('Passed')
-        with self.assertRaises(signals.TestPass):
-            test_case(mock.Mock())
-    def test_abort_signals_are_uncaught(self):
-        @test_decorators.repeated_test(3, 0)
-        def test_case(*_):
-            raise signals.TestAbortClass('Abort All')
-        with self.assertRaises(signals.TestAbortClass):
-            test_case(mock.Mock())
-    def test_keyboard_interrupt_is_uncaught(self):
-        @test_decorators.repeated_test(3, 0)
-        def test_case(*_):
-            raise KeyboardInterrupt()
-        with self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt):
-            test_case(mock.Mock())
-    def test_teardown_and_setup_are_called_between_test_cases(self):
-        mock_test_class = mock.Mock()
-        @test_decorators.repeated_test(1, 1)
-        def test_case(*_):
-            raise signals.TestFailure('Failed')
-        with self.assertRaises(signals.TestFailure):
-            test_case(mock_test_class)
-        self.assertTrue(mock_test_class.setup_test.called)
-        self.assertTrue(mock_test_class.teardown_test.called)
-    def test_result_selector_returned_value_gets_raised(self):
-        def result_selector(*_):
-            return signals.TestPass('Expect this to be raised.')
-        @test_decorators.repeated_test(3, 0, result_selector=result_selector)
-        def test_case(*_):
-            raise signals.TestFailure('Result selector ignores this.')
-        with self.assertRaises(signals.TestPass):
-            test_case(mock.Mock())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_test_runner_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_test_runner_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c9132ad..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_test_runner_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
-from antlion import keys
-from antlion import test_runner
-import acts_android_device_test
-import mock_controller
-import IntegrationTest
-class ActsTestRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
-    under antlion.test_runner.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.base_mock_test_config = TestRunConfig()
-        self.base_mock_test_config.testbed_name = 'SampleTestBed'
-        self.base_mock_test_config.log_path = self.tmp_dir
-        self.base_mock_test_config.controller_configs = {
-            'testpaths': [os.path.dirname(IntegrationTest.__file__)]
-        }
-        self.base_mock_test_config.user_params = {
-            'icecream': 42,
-            'extra_param': 'haha'
-        }
-        self.mock_run_list = [('SampleTest', None)]
-    def tearDown(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
-    def test_run_twice(self):
-        """Verifies that:
-        1. Repeated run works properly.
-        2. The original configuration is not altered if a test controller
-           module modifies configuration.
-        """
-        mock_test_config = self.base_mock_test_config.copy()
-        tb_key = keys.Config.key_testbed.value
-        mock_ctrlr_config_name = mock_controller.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        my_config = [{
-            'serial': 'xxxx',
-            'magic': 'Magic1'
-        }, {
-            'serial': 'xxxx',
-            'magic': 'Magic2'
-        }]
-        mock_test_config.controller_configs[mock_ctrlr_config_name] = my_config
-        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(mock_test_config,
-                                    [('IntegrationTest', None)])
-        tr.run()
-        tr.run()
-        tr.stop()
-        results = tr.results.summary_dict()
-        self.assertEqual(results['Requested'], 2)
-        self.assertEqual(results['Executed'], 2)
-        self.assertEqual(results['Passed'], 2)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy',
-                return_value=acts_android_device_test.MockAdbProxy(
-                    1, return_value=''))
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy',
-                return_value=acts_android_device_test.MockFastbootProxy(1))
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.android_device.list_adb_devices',
-                return_value=['1'])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.android_device.get_all_instances',
-                return_value=acts_android_device_test.get_mock_ads(1))
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.ensure_screen_on',
-        return_value=True)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.exit_setup_wizard',
-        return_value=True)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.android_device.AndroidDevice.start_services')
-    def test_run_two_test_classes(self, *_):
-        """Verifies that running more than one test class in one test run works
-        properly.
-        This requires using a built-in controller module. Using AndroidDevice
-        module since it has all the mocks needed already.
-        """
-        mock_test_config = self.base_mock_test_config.copy()
-        tb_key = keys.Config.key_testbed.value
-        mock_ctrlr_config_name = mock_controller.MOBLY_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAME
-        my_config = [{
-            'serial': 'xxxx',
-            'magic': 'Magic1'
-        }, {
-            'serial': 'xxxx',
-            'magic': 'Magic2'
-        }]
-        mock_test_config.controller_configs[mock_ctrlr_config_name] = my_config
-        mock_test_config.controller_configs['AndroidDevice'] = [{
-            'serial':
-            '1',
-            'skip_sl4a':
-            True
-        }]
-        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(mock_test_config,
-                                    [('IntegrationTest', None),
-                                     ('IntegrationTest', None)])
-        tr.run()
-        tr.stop()
-        results = tr.results.summary_dict()
-        self.assertEqual(results['Requested'], 2)
-        self.assertEqual(results['Executed'], 2)
-        self.assertEqual(results['Passed'], 2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/acts_utils_test.py b/unit_tests/acts_utils_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index bf55ec6..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/acts_utils_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import subprocess
-import time
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion import utils
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device import FuchsiaDevice
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f import SL4F
-from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh import SSHConfig, SSHProvider, SSHResult
-from antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection import SshConnection
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-    'id':
-    '1',
-    'result': [
-        {
-            'id': 1,
-            'name': 'lo',
-            'ipv4_addresses': [
-                [127, 0, 0, 1],
-            ],
-            'ipv6_addresses': [
-                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
-            ],
-            'online': True,
-            'mac': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-        },
-        {
-            'id':
-            2,
-            'name':
-            'eno1',
-            'ipv4_addresses': [
-                [100, 127, 110, 79],
-            ],
-            'ipv6_addresses': [
-                [
-                    254, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 198, 109, 60, 117, 44, 236, 29,
-                    114
-                ],
-                [
-                    36, 1, 250, 0, 4, 128, 122, 0, 141, 79, 133, 255, 204, 92,
-                    120, 126
-                ],
-                [
-                    36, 1, 250, 0, 4, 128, 122, 0, 4, 89, 185, 147, 252, 191,
-                    20, 25
-                ],
-            ],
-            'online':
-            True,
-            'mac': [0, 224, 76, 5, 76, 229],
-        },
-        {
-            'id':
-            3,
-            'name':
-            'wlanxc0',
-            'ipv4_addresses': [],
-            'ipv6_addresses': [
-                [
-                    254, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 255, 93, 96, 52, 253, 253,
-                    243
-                ],
-                [
-                    254, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 7, 11, 255, 254, 118, 126,
-                    192
-                ],
-            ],
-            'online':
-            False,
-            'mac': [68, 7, 11, 118, 126, 192],
-        },
-    ],
-    'error':
-    None,
-    'ipv4_private': [],
-    'ipv4_public': [''],
-    'ipv6_link_local': ['fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d72'],
-    'ipv6_private_local': [],
-    'ipv6_public': [
-        '2401:fa00:480:7a00:8d4f:85ff:cc5c:787e',
-        '2401:fa00:480:7a00:459:b993:fcbf:1419'
-    ]
-    'ipv4_private': [],
-    'ipv4_public': [],
-    'ipv6_link_local': [],
-    'ipv6_private_local': [],
-    'ipv6_public': []
-class ByPassSetupWizardTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test class for unit testing antlion.utils.bypass_setup_wizard."""
-    def test_start_standing_subproc(self):
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(utils.ActsUtilsError,
-                                    'Process .* has terminated'):
-            utils.start_standing_subprocess('sleep 0', check_health_delay=0.1)
-    def test_stop_standing_subproc(self):
-        p = utils.start_standing_subprocess('sleep 0')
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(utils.ActsUtilsError,
-                                    'Process .* has terminated'):
-            utils.stop_standing_subprocess(p)
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_no_complications(self, _):
-        ad = mock.Mock()
-        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
-            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.NO_COMPLICATIONS,
-            # Return value for device_provisioned
-        ]
-        ad.adb.return_state = BypassSetupWizardReturn.NO_COMPLICATIONS
-        self.assertTrue(utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad))
-        self.assertFalse(
-            ad.adb.root_adb.called,
-            'The root command should not be called if there are no '
-            'complications.')
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_unrecognized_error(self, _):
-        ad = mock.Mock()
-        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
-            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.UNRECOGNIZED_ERR,
-            # Return value for device_provisioned
-        ]
-        with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
-            utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad)
-        self.assertFalse(
-            ad.adb.root_adb.called,
-            'The root command should not be called if we do not have a '
-            'codepath for recovering from the failure.')
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_need_root_access(self, _):
-        ad = mock.Mock()
-        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
-            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ROOT_ADB_NO_COMP,
-            # Return value for rooting the device
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.NO_COMPLICATIONS,
-            # Return value for device_provisioned
-        ]
-        utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            ad.adb.root_adb_called,
-            'The command required root access, but the device was never '
-            'rooted.')
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_need_root_already_skipped(self, _):
-        ad = mock.Mock()
-        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
-            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ROOT_ADB_SKIPPED,
-            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity after root
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ALREADY_BYPASSED,
-            # Return value for device_provisioned
-        ]
-        self.assertTrue(utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad))
-        self.assertTrue(ad.adb.root_adb_called)
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    def test_bypass_setup_wizard_root_access_still_fails(self, _):
-        ad = mock.Mock()
-        ad.adb.shell.side_effect = [
-            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.ROOT_ADB_FAILS,
-            # Return value for SetupWizardExitActivity after root
-            BypassSetupWizardReturn.UNRECOGNIZED_ERR,
-            # Return value for device_provisioned
-        ]
-        with self.assertRaises(AdbError):
-            utils.bypass_setup_wizard(ad)
-        self.assertTrue(ad.adb.root_adb_called)
-class BypassSetupWizardReturn:
-    # No complications. Bypass works the first time without issues.
-        'Starting: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/'
-        '.SetupWizardExitActivity }')
-    # Fail with doesn't need to be skipped/was skipped already.
-    ALREADY_BYPASSED = AdbError('', 'ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0', 'Error type 3\n'
-                                'Error: Activity class', 1)
-    # Fail with different error.
-    UNRECOGNIZED_ERR = AdbError('', 'ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:0', 'Error type 4\n'
-                                'Error: Activity class', 0)
-    # Fail, get root access, then no complications arise.
-    ROOT_ADB_NO_COMP = AdbError(
-        '', 'ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255', 'Security exception: Permission Denial: '
-        'starting Intent { flg=0x10000000 '
-        'cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/'
-        '.SetupWizardExitActivity } from null '
-        '(pid=5045, uid=2000) not exported from uid '
-        '10000', 0)
-    # Even with root access, the bypass setup wizard doesn't need to be skipped.
-    ROOT_ADB_SKIPPED = AdbError(
-        '', 'ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255', 'Security exception: Permission Denial: '
-        'starting Intent { flg=0x10000000 '
-        'cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/'
-        '.SetupWizardExitActivity } from null '
-        '(pid=5045, uid=2000) not exported from '
-        'uid 10000', 0)
-    # Even with root access, the bypass setup wizard fails
-    ROOT_ADB_FAILS = AdbError(
-        '', 'ADB_CMD_OUTPUT:255',
-        'Security exception: Permission Denial: starting Intent { '
-        'flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/'
-        '.SetupWizardExitActivity } from null (pid=5045, uid=2000) not '
-        'exported from uid 10000', 0)
-class ConcurrentActionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.utils.run_concurrent_actions and related functions."""
-    @staticmethod
-    def function_returns_passed_in_arg(arg):
-        return arg
-    @staticmethod
-    def function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(exception_type):
-        raise exception_type
-    def test_run_concurrent_actions_no_raise_returns_proper_return_values(
-            self):
-        """Tests run_concurrent_actions_no_raise returns in the correct order.
-        Each function passed into run_concurrent_actions_no_raise returns the
-        values returned from each individual callable in the order passed in.
-        """
-        ret_values = utils.run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(
-            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg(
-                'ARG1'), lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg('ARG2'),
-            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg('ARG3'))
-        self.assertEqual(len(ret_values), 3)
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[0], 'ARG1')
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[1], 'ARG2')
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[2], 'ARG3')
-    def test_run_concurrent_actions_no_raise_returns_raised_exceptions(self):
-        """Tests run_concurrent_actions_no_raise returns raised exceptions.
-        Instead of allowing raised exceptions to be raised in the main thread,
-        this function should capture the exception and return them in the slot
-        the return value should have been returned in.
-        """
-        ret_values = utils.run_concurrent_actions_no_raise(
-            lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(IndexError),
-            lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError))
-        self.assertEqual(len(ret_values), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[0].__class__, IndexError)
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[1].__class__, KeyError)
-    def test_run_concurrent_actions_returns_proper_return_values(self):
-        """Tests run_concurrent_actions returns in the correct order.
-        Each function passed into run_concurrent_actions returns the values
-        returned from each individual callable in the order passed in.
-        """
-        ret_values = utils.run_concurrent_actions(
-            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg(
-                'ARG1'), lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg('ARG2'),
-            lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg('ARG3'))
-        self.assertEqual(len(ret_values), 3)
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[0], 'ARG1')
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[1], 'ARG2')
-        self.assertEqual(ret_values[2], 'ARG3')
-    def test_run_concurrent_actions_raises_exceptions(self):
-        """Tests run_concurrent_actions raises exceptions from given actions."""
-        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
-            utils.run_concurrent_actions(
-                lambda: self.function_returns_passed_in_arg('ARG1'), lambda:
-                self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError))
-    def test_test_concurrent_actions_raises_non_test_failure(self):
-        """Tests test_concurrent_actions raises the given exception."""
-        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
-            utils.test_concurrent_actions(
-                lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError
-                                                                      ),
-                failure_exceptions=signals.TestFailure)
-    def test_test_concurrent_actions_raises_test_failure(self):
-        """Tests test_concurrent_actions raises the given exception."""
-        with self.assertRaises(signals.TestFailure):
-            utils.test_concurrent_actions(
-                lambda: self.function_raises_passed_in_exception_type(KeyError
-                                                                      ),
-                failure_exceptions=KeyError)
-class SuppressLogOutputTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests SuppressLogOutput"""
-    def test_suppress_log_output(self):
-        """Tests that the SuppressLogOutput context manager removes handlers
-        of the specified levels upon entry and re-adds handlers upon exit.
-        """
-        handlers = [
-            logging.NullHandler(level=lvl)
-            for lvl in (logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.ERROR)
-        ]
-        log = logging.getLogger('test_log')
-        for handler in handlers:
-            log.addHandler(handler)
-        with utils.SuppressLogOutput(log, [logging.INFO, logging.ERROR]):
-            self.assertTrue(
-                any(handler.level == logging.DEBUG
-                    for handler in log.handlers))
-            self.assertFalse(
-                any(handler.level in (logging.INFO, logging.ERROR)
-                    for handler in log.handlers))
-        self.assertCountEqual(handlers, log.handlers)
-class IpAddressUtilTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_positive_ipv4_normal_address(self):
-        ip_address = ""
-        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
-    def test_positive_ipv4_any_address(self):
-        ip_address = ""
-        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
-    def test_positive_ipv4_broadcast(self):
-        ip_address = ""
-        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
-    def test_negative_ipv4_with_ipv6_address(self):
-        ip_address = "fe80::f693:9fff:fef4:1ac"
-        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
-    def test_negative_ipv4_with_invalid_string(self):
-        ip_address = "fdsafdsafdsafdsf"
-        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
-    def test_negative_ipv4_with_invalid_number(self):
-        ip_address = "192.168.500.123"
-        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(ip_address))
-    def test_positive_ipv6(self):
-        ip_address = 'fe80::f693:9fff:fef4:1ac'
-        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
-    def test_positive_ipv6_link_local(self):
-        ip_address = 'fe80::'
-        self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
-    def test_negative_ipv6_with_ipv4_address(self):
-        ip_address = ''
-        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
-    def test_negative_ipv6_invalid_characters(self):
-        ip_address = 'fe80:jkyr:f693:9fff:fef4:1ac'
-        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
-    def test_negative_ipv6_invalid_string(self):
-        ip_address = 'fdsafdsafdsafdsf'
-        self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6_address(ip_address))
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_local_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(self, job_mock):
-        job_mock.side_effect = [
-            job.Result(stdout=bytes(MOCK_ENO1_IP_ADDRESSES, 'utf-8'),
-                       encoding='utf-8'),
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(job, 'eno1'),
-                         CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_local_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(self, job_mock):
-        job_mock.side_effect = [
-            job.Result(stdout=bytes(MOCK_WLAN1_IP_ADDRESSES, 'utf-8'),
-                       encoding='utf-8'),
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(job, 'wlan1'),
-                         CORRECT_EMPTY_IP_LIST)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection.SshConnection.run')
-    def test_ssh_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(self, ssh_mock):
-        ssh_mock.side_effect = [
-            job.Result(stdout=bytes(MOCK_ENO1_IP_ADDRESSES, 'utf-8'),
-                       encoding='utf-8'),
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(SshConnection('mock_settings'),
-                                             'eno1'), CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.connection.SshConnection.run')
-    def test_ssh_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(self, ssh_mock):
-        ssh_mock.side_effect = [
-            job.Result(stdout=bytes(MOCK_WLAN1_IP_ADDRESSES, 'utf-8'),
-                       encoding='utf-8'),
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(SshConnection('mock_settings'),
-                                             'wlan1'), CORRECT_EMPTY_IP_LIST)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy')
-    @mock.patch.object(AndroidDevice, 'is_bootloader', return_value=True)
-    def test_android_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(self, is_bootloader,
-                                                     adb_mock):
-        adb_mock().shell.side_effect = [
-            MOCK_ENO1_IP_ADDRESSES,
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(AndroidDevice(), 'eno1'),
-            CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy')
-    @mock.patch.object(AndroidDevice, 'is_bootloader', return_value=True)
-    def test_android_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(self, is_bootloader,
-                                                      adb_mock):
-        adb_mock().shell.side_effect = [
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(AndroidDevice(), 'wlan1'),
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.sl4f',
-                new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.ffx',
-                new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.utils_lib.wait_for_port')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh.SSHProvider.run')
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f.SL4F._verify_sl4f_connection')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.'
-                'FuchsiaDevice._set_control_path_config')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.'
-                'fuchsia_lib.netstack.netstack_lib.'
-                'FuchsiaNetstackLib.netstackListInterfaces')
-    def test_fuchsia_get_interface_ip_addresses_full(
-            self, list_interfaces_mock, control_path_mock,
-            verify_sl4f_conn_mock, ssh_run_mock, wait_for_port_mock,
-            ffx_mock, sl4f_mock):
-        # Configure the log path which is required by ACTS logger.
-        logging.log_path = '/tmp/unit_test_garbage'
-        ssh = SSHProvider(SSHConfig('', 22, '/dev/null'))
-        ssh_run_mock.return_value = SSHResult(
-            subprocess.CompletedProcess([], 0, stdout=b'', stderr=b''))
-        # Don't try to wait for the SL4F server to start; it's not being used.
-        wait_for_port_mock.return_value = None
-        sl4f_mock.return_value = SL4F(ssh, '')
-        verify_sl4f_conn_mock.return_value = None
-        list_interfaces_mock.return_value = FUCHSIA_INTERFACES
-        self.assertEqual(
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                FuchsiaDevice({'ip': ''}), 'eno1'),
-            CORRECT_FULL_IP_LIST)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.sl4f',
-                new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.FuchsiaDevice.ffx',
-                new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.utils_lib.wait_for_port')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.ssh.SSHProvider.run')
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.sl4f.SL4F._verify_sl4f_connection')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fuchsia_device.'
-                'FuchsiaDevice._set_control_path_config')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.'
-                'fuchsia_lib.netstack.netstack_lib.'
-                'FuchsiaNetstackLib.netstackListInterfaces')
-    def test_fuchsia_get_interface_ip_addresses_empty(
-            self, list_interfaces_mock, control_path_mock,
-            verify_sl4f_conn_mock, ssh_run_mock, wait_for_port_mock,
-            ffx_mock, sl4f_mock):
-        # Configure the log path which is required by ACTS logger.
-        logging.log_path = '/tmp/unit_test_garbage'
-        ssh = SSHProvider(SSHConfig('', 22, '/dev/null'))
-        ssh_run_mock.return_value = SSHResult(
-            subprocess.CompletedProcess([], 0, stdout=b'', stderr=b''))
-        # Don't try to wait for the SL4F server to start; it's not being used.
-        wait_for_port_mock.return_value = None
-        sl4f_mock.return_value = SL4F(ssh, '')
-        verify_sl4f_conn_mock.return_value = None
-        list_interfaces_mock.return_value = FUCHSIA_INTERFACES
-        self.assertEqual(
-            utils.get_interface_ip_addresses(
-                FuchsiaDevice({'ip': ''}), 'wlan1'),
-class GetDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    class TestDevice:
-        def __init__(self, id, device_type=None) -> None:
-            self.id = id
-            if device_type:
-                self.device_type = device_type
-    def test_get_device_none(self):
-        devices = []
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_device, devices, 'DUT')
-    def test_get_device_default_one(self):
-        devices = [self.TestDevice(0)]
-        self.assertEqual(utils.get_device(devices, 'DUT').id, 0)
-    def test_get_device_default_many(self):
-        devices = [self.TestDevice(0), self.TestDevice(1)]
-        self.assertEqual(utils.get_device(devices, 'DUT').id, 0)
-    def test_get_device_specified_one(self):
-        devices = [self.TestDevice(0), self.TestDevice(1, 'DUT')]
-        self.assertEqual(utils.get_device(devices, 'DUT').id, 1)
-    def test_get_device_specified_many(self):
-        devices = [self.TestDevice(0, 'DUT'), self.TestDevice(1, 'DUT')]
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_device, devices, 'DUT')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/abstract_inst_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/abstract_inst_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7952f11..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/abstract_inst_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Python unittest module for GNSS Abstract Instrument Library."""
-import socket
-import unittest
-from unittest.mock import Mock
-from unittest.mock import patch
-import antlion.controllers.abstract_inst as pyinst
-class SocketInstrumentTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """A class for unit-testing antlion.controllers.gnssinst_lib.abstract_inst"""
-    @patch('socket.create_connection')
-    def test__connect_socket(self, mock_connect):
-        """test socket connection normal completion."""
-        mock_connect.return_value.recv.return_value = b'Dummy Instrument\n'
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._connect_socket()
-        mock_connect.assert_called_with(('', '5050'), timeout=120)
-    @patch('socket.create_connection')
-    def test__connect_socket_timeout(self, mock_connect):
-        """test socket connection with timeout."""
-        mock_connect.side_effect = socket.timeout
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        with self.assertRaises(pyinst.SocketInstrumentError):
-            test_inst._connect_socket()
-    @patch('socket.create_connection')
-    def test__connect_socket_error(self, mock_connect):
-        """test socket connection with socket error."""
-        mock_connect.side_effect = socket.error
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        with self.assertRaises(pyinst.SocketInstrumentError):
-            test_inst._connect_socket()
-    def test__send(self):
-        """test send function with normal completion."""
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._socket = Mock()
-        test_inst._send('TestCommand')
-        test_inst._socket.sendall.assert_called_with(b'TestCommand\n')
-    def test__send_timeout(self):
-        """test send function with timeout."""
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._socket = Mock()
-        test_inst._socket.sendall.side_effect = socket.timeout
-        with self.assertRaises(pyinst.SocketInstrumentError):
-            test_inst._send('TestCommand')
-    def test__send_error(self):
-        """test send function with error."""
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._socket = Mock()
-        test_inst._socket.sendall.side_effect = socket.error
-        with self.assertRaises(pyinst.SocketInstrumentError):
-            test_inst._send('TestCommand')
-    def test__recv(self):
-        """test recv function with normal completion."""
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._socket = Mock()
-        test_inst._socket.recv.return_value = b'TestResponse\n'
-        mock_resp = test_inst._recv()
-        self.assertEqual(mock_resp, 'TestResponse')
-    def test__recv_timeout(self):
-        """test recv function with timeout."""
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._socket = Mock()
-        test_inst._socket.recv.side_effect = socket.timeout
-        with self.assertRaises(pyinst.SocketInstrumentError):
-            test_inst._recv()
-    def test__recv_error(self):
-        """test recv function with error."""
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._socket = Mock()
-        test_inst._socket.recv.side_effect = socket.error
-        with self.assertRaises(pyinst.SocketInstrumentError):
-            test_inst._recv()
-    @patch('socket.create_connection')
-    def test__close_socket(self, mock_connect):
-        """test socket close normal completion."""
-        mock_connect.return_value.recv.return_value = b'Dummy Instrument\n'
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._connect_socket()
-        test_inst._close_socket()
-        mock_connect.return_value.shutdown.assert_called_with(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
-        mock_connect.return_value.close.assert_called_with()
-    def test__query(self):
-        """test query function with normal completion."""
-        test_inst = pyinst.SocketInstrument('', '5050')
-        test_inst._socket = Mock()
-        test_inst._socket.recv.return_value = b'TestResponse\n'
-        mock_resp = test_inst._query('TestCommand')
-        test_inst._socket.sendall.assert_called_with(b'TestCommand;*OPC?\n')
-        self.assertEqual(mock_resp, 'TestResponse')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/logcat_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/logcat_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd0c57f..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/logcat_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import logcat
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat import TimestampTracker
-BASE_TIMESTAMP = '2000-01-01 12:34:56.789   123 75348 '
-class LogcatTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat"""
-    @staticmethod
-    def patch(patched):
-        return mock.patch('antlion.controllers.android_lib.logcat.%s' % patched)
-    def setUp(self):
-        self._get_log_level = logcat._get_log_level
-    def tearDown(self):
-        logcat._get_log_level = self._get_log_level
-    # TimestampTracker
-    def test_read_output_sets_last_timestamp_if_found(self):
-        tracker = TimestampTracker()
-        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'D message')
-        self.assertEqual(tracker.last_timestamp, '2000-01-01 12:34:56.789')
-    def test_read_output_keeps_last_timestamp_if_no_new_stamp_is_found(self):
-        tracker = TimestampTracker()
-        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'D message')
-        tracker.read_output('--------- beginning of main')
-        self.assertEqual(tracker.last_timestamp, '2000-01-01 12:34:56.789')
-    def test_read_output_updates_timestamp_to_first_in_results(self):
-        tracker = TimestampTracker()
-        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'D 9999-99-99 12:34:56.789')
-        self.assertEqual(tracker.last_timestamp, '2000-01-01 12:34:56.789')
-    # _get_log_level
-    def test_get_log_level_verbose(self):
-        """Tests that Logcat's verbose logs make it to the debug level."""
-        level = logcat._get_log_level(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'V')
-        self.assertEqual(level, logging.DEBUG)
-    def test_get_log_level_debug(self):
-        """Tests that Logcat's debug logs make it to the debug level."""
-        level = logcat._get_log_level(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'D')
-        self.assertEqual(level, logging.DEBUG)
-    def test_get_log_level_info(self):
-        """Tests that Logcat's info logs make it to the info level."""
-        level = logcat._get_log_level(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'I')
-        self.assertEqual(level, logging.INFO)
-    def test_get_log_level_warning(self):
-        """Tests that Logcat's warning logs make it to the warning level."""
-        level = logcat._get_log_level(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'W')
-        self.assertEqual(level, logging.WARNING)
-    def test_get_log_level_error(self):
-        """Tests that Logcat's error logs make it to the error level."""
-        level = logcat._get_log_level(BASE_TIMESTAMP + 'E')
-        self.assertEqual(level, logging.ERROR)
-    def test_get_log_level_markers(self):
-        """Tests that Logcat's marker logs make it to the error level."""
-        level = logcat._get_log_level('--------- beginning of main')
-        self.assertEqual(level, logging.ERROR)
-    # _log_line_func
-    def test_log_line_func_returns_func_that_logs_to_given_logger(self):
-        logcat._get_log_level = lambda message: logging.INFO
-        tracker = mock.Mock()
-        log = mock.Mock()
-        message = 'MESSAGE'
-        logcat._log_line_func(log, tracker)(message)
-        self.assertEqual(log.log.called, True)
-        log.log.assert_called_once_with(logging.INFO, message)
-    def test_log_line_func_returns_func_that_updates_the_timestamp(self):
-        logcat._get_log_level = lambda message: logging.INFO
-        tracker = mock.Mock()
-        log = mock.Mock()
-        message = 'MESSAGE'
-        logcat._log_line_func(log, tracker)(message)
-        self.assertEqual(tracker.read_output.called, True)
-        tracker.read_output.assert_called_once_with(message)
-    # _on_retry
-    def test_on_retry_returns_func_that_formats_with_last_timestamp(self):
-        tracker = TimestampTracker()
-        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP)
-        new_command = logcat._on_retry('S3R14L', 'extra_params', tracker)(None)
-        self.assertIn('-T "%s"' % tracker.last_timestamp, new_command)
-    def test_on_retry_func_returns_string_that_contains_the_given_serial(self):
-        tracker = TimestampTracker()
-        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP)
-        new_command = logcat._on_retry('S3R14L', 'extra_params', tracker)(None)
-        self.assertTrue('-s S3R14L' in new_command)
-    def test_on_retry_func_returns_string_that_contains_any_extra_params(self):
-        tracker = TimestampTracker()
-        tracker.read_output(BASE_TIMESTAMP)
-        new_command = logcat._on_retry('S3R14L', 'extra_params', tracker)(None)
-        self.assertTrue('extra_params' in new_command)
-    # create_logcat_keepalive_process
-    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_creates_a_new_logger(self):
-        with self.patch('log_stream') as log_stream, self.patch('Process'):
-            logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process('S3R14L', 'dir')
-        self.assertEqual(log_stream.create_logger.call_args[0][0],
-                         'adblog_S3R14L')
-        self.assertEqual(log_stream.create_logger.call_args[1]['subcontext'],
-                         'dir')
-    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_creates_a_new_process(self):
-        with self.patch('log_stream'), self.patch('Process') as process:
-            logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process('S3R14L', 'dir')
-        self.assertIn('S3R14L', process.call_args[0][0])
-    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_sets_output_callback(self):
-        with self.patch('log_stream'), self.patch('Process'):
-            process = logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process('S3R14L', 'dir')
-        self.assertEqual(process.set_on_output_callback.called, True)
-    def test_create_logcat_keepalive_process_sets_on_terminate_callback(self):
-        with self.patch('log_stream'), self.patch('Process'):
-            process = logcat.create_logcat_keepalive_process('S3R14L', 'dir')
-        self.assertEqual(process.set_on_terminate_callback.called, True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/services_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/services_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 709d6e5..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/android_lib/services_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib import services
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib.events import AndroidStartServicesEvent
-from antlion.controllers.android_lib.events import AndroidStopServicesEvent
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-class ServicesTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.android_lib.services"""
-    # AndroidService
-    def test_register_adds_both_start_and_stop_methods(self):
-        """Test that both the _start and _stop methods are registered to
-        their respective events upon calling register().
-        """
-        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
-        service = services.AndroidService(mock.Mock())
-        service.register()
-        subscriptions = event_bus._event_bus._subscriptions
-        self.assertTrue(
-            any(subscription._func == service._start for subscription in
-                subscriptions[AndroidStartServicesEvent]))
-        self.assertTrue(
-            any(subscription._func == service._stop for subscription in
-                subscriptions[AndroidStopServicesEvent]))
-    @unittest.mock.patch.object(services.AndroidService, '_start')
-    def test_event_deliver_only_to_matching_serial(self, start_fn):
-        """Test that the service only responds to events that matches its
-        device serial.
-        """
-        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
-        service = services.AndroidService(mock.Mock())
-        service.ad.serial = 'right_serial'
-        service.register()
-        wrong_ad = mock.Mock()
-        wrong_ad.serial = 'wrong_serial'
-        wrong_event = AndroidStartServicesEvent(wrong_ad)
-        event_bus.post(wrong_event)
-        start_fn.assert_not_called()
-        right_ad = mock.Mock()
-        right_ad.serial = 'right_serial'
-        right_event = AndroidStartServicesEvent(right_ad)
-        event_bus.post(right_event)
-        start_fn.assert_called_with(right_event)
-    def test_unregister_removes_both_start_and_stop_methods(self):
-        """Test that both the _start and _stop methods are unregistered from
-        their respective events upon calling unregister().
-        """
-        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
-        service = services.AndroidService(mock.Mock())
-        service.register()
-        service.unregister()
-        subscriptions = event_bus._event_bus._subscriptions
-        self.assertFalse(
-            any(subscription._func == service._start for subscription in
-                subscriptions[AndroidStartServicesEvent]))
-        self.assertFalse(
-            any(subscription._func == service._stop for subscription in
-                subscriptions[AndroidStopServicesEvent]))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f63ea5c..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/dhcp_config_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import ipaddress
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.dhcp_config import DhcpConfig, Subnet, StaticMapping
-class DhcpConfigTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        # These config files may have long diffs, modify this setting to
-        # ensure they're printed.
-        self.maxDiff = None
-    def test_basic_dhcp_config(self):
-        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig()
-        expected_config = ('default-lease-time 600;\n' 'max-lease-time 7200;')
-        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
-    def test_dhcp_config_with_lease_times(self):
-        default_lease_time = 350
-        max_lease_time = 5000
-        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig(default_lease_time=default_lease_time,
-                               max_lease_time=max_lease_time)
-        expected_config = (f'default-lease-time {default_lease_time};\n'
-                           f'max-lease-time {max_lease_time};')
-        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
-    def test_dhcp_config_with_subnets(self):
-        default_lease_time = 150
-        max_lease_time = 3000
-        subnets = [
-            # addresses from -
-            Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network('')),
-            # 4 addresses from -
-            Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network('')),
-            # 6 addresses from -
-            Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network(''),
-                   start=ipaddress.ip_address(''),
-                   end=ipaddress.ip_address(''),
-                   router=ipaddress.ip_address(''),
-                   lease_time=60)
-        ]
-        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig(subnets=subnets,
-                               default_lease_time=default_lease_time,
-                               max_lease_time=max_lease_time)
-        # Unless an explicit start/end address is provided, the second
-        # address in the range is used for "start", and the second to
-        # last address is used for "end".
-        expected_config = (f'default-lease-time {default_lease_time};\n'
-                           f'max-lease-time {max_lease_time};\n'
-                           'subnet netmask {\n'
-                           '\tpool {\n'
-                           '\t\toption subnet-mask;\n'
-                           '\t\toption routers;\n'
-                           '\t\trange;\n'
-                           '\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n'
-                           '\t}\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           'subnet netmask {\n'
-                           '\tpool {\n'
-                           '\t\toption subnet-mask;\n'
-                           '\t\toption routers;\n'
-                           '\t\trange;\n'
-                           '\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n'
-                           '\t}\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           'subnet netmask {\n'
-                           '\tpool {\n'
-                           '\t\toption subnet-mask;\n'
-                           '\t\toption routers;\n'
-                           '\t\trange;\n'
-                           '\t\tdefault-lease-time 60;\n'
-                           '\t\tmax-lease-time 60;\n'
-                           '\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n'
-                           '\t}\n'
-                           '}')
-        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
-    def test_additional_subnet_parameters_and_options(self):
-        default_lease_time = 150
-        max_lease_time = 3000
-        subnets = [
-            Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network(''),
-                   additional_parameters={
-                       'allow': 'unknown-clients',
-                       'foo': 'bar'
-                   },
-                   additional_options={'my-option': 'some-value'}),
-        ]
-        dhcp_conf = DhcpConfig(subnets=subnets,
-                               default_lease_time=default_lease_time,
-                               max_lease_time=max_lease_time)
-        # Unless an explicit start/end address is provided, the second
-        # address in the range is used for "start", and the second to
-        # last address is used for "end".
-        expected_config = (f'default-lease-time {default_lease_time};\n'
-                           f'max-lease-time {max_lease_time};\n'
-                           'subnet netmask {\n'
-                           '\tpool {\n'
-                           '\t\toption subnet-mask;\n'
-                           '\t\toption routers;\n'
-                           '\t\trange;\n'
-                           '\t\tallow unknown-clients;\n'
-                           '\t\tfoo bar;\n'
-                           '\t\toption my-option some-value;\n'
-                           '\t\toption domain-name-servers,;\n'
-                           '\t}\n'
-                           '}')
-        self.assertEqual(expected_config, dhcp_conf.render_config_file())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c8cb6..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radio_measurement_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import BssidInformation, BssidInformationCapabilities, NeighborReportElement, PhyType
-EXPECTED_BSSID = '01:23:45:ab:cd:ef'
-EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP = BssidInformationCapabilities(
-    spectrum_management=True, qos=True, apsd=True, radio_measurement=True)
-                                       high_throughput=True)
-class RadioMeasurementTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_bssid_information_capabilities(self):
-        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.spectrum_management)
-        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.qos)
-        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.apsd)
-        self.assertTrue(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP.radio_measurement)
-        # Must also test the numeric representation.
-        self.assertEqual(int(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP), 0b111100)
-    def test_bssid_information(self):
-        self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO.capabilities,
-                         EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO_CAP)
-        self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO.high_throughput, True)
-        # Must also test the numeric representation.
-        self.assertEqual(int(EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO),
-                         0b10001111000100000000000000000000)
-    def test_neighbor_report_element(self):
-        element = NeighborReportElement(bssid=EXPECTED_BSSID,
-                                        bssid_information=EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO,
-                                        operating_class=EXPECTED_OP_CLASS,
-                                        channel_number=EXPECTED_CHAN,
-                                        phy_type=EXPECTED_PHY)
-        self.assertEqual(element.bssid, EXPECTED_BSSID)
-        self.assertEqual(element.bssid_information, EXPECTED_BSSID_INFO)
-        self.assertEqual(element.operating_class, EXPECTED_OP_CLASS)
-        self.assertEqual(element.channel_number, EXPECTED_CHAN)
-        self.assertEqual(element.phy_type, EXPECTED_PHY)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 001ee8d..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/radvd_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import unittest
-from unittest.mock import patch
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib import radvd_constants
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd import Error
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd import Radvd
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd_config import RadvdConfig
-SEARCH_FILE = ('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.'
-               'ShellCommand.search_file')
-DELETE_FILE = ('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.'
-               'delete_file')
-CORRECT_COMPLEX_RADVD_CONFIG = ("""interface wlan0 {
-    IgnoreIfMissing on;
-    AdvSendAdvert off;
-    UnicastOnly on;
-    MaxRtrAdvInterval 60;
-    MinRtrAdvInterval 5;
-    MinDelayBetweenRAs 5;
-    AdvManagedFlag off;
-    AdvOtherConfigFlag on;
-    AdvLinkMTU 1400;
-    AdvReachableTime 3600000;
-    AdvRetransTimer 10;
-    AdvCurHopLimit 50;
-    AdvDefaultLifetime 8000;
-    AdvDefaultPreference off;
-    AdvSourceLLAddress on;
-    AdvHomeAgentFlag off;
-    AdvHomeAgentInfo on;
-    HomeAgentLifetime 100;
-    HomeAgentPreference 100;
-    AdvMobRtrSupportFlag off;
-    AdvIntervalOpt on;
-    prefix fd00::/64
-    {
-        AdvOnLink off;
-        AdvAutonomous on;
-        AdvRouterAddr off;
-        AdvValidLifetime 86400;
-        AdvPreferredLifetime 14400;
-        Base6to4Interface NA;
-    };
-    clients
-    {
-        fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d72;
-        fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d73;
-    };
-    route fd00::/64 {
-        AdvRouteLifetime 1024;
-        AdvRoutePreference high;
-    };
-    RDNSS 2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e29 2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e30 {
-        AdvRDNSSPreference 8;
-        AdvRDNSSOpen on;
-        AdvRDNSSLifetime 1025;
-    };
-};""".replace("    ", "\t"))
-CORRECT_SIMPLE_RADVD_CONFIG = ("""interface wlan0 {
-    AdvSendAdvert on;
-    prefix fd00::/64
-    {
-        AdvOnLink on;
-        AdvAutonomous on;
-    };
-};""".replace("    ", "\t"))
-def delete_file_mock(file_to_delete):
-    if os.path.exists(file_to_delete):
-        os.remove(file_to_delete)
-def write_configs_mock(config_file_with_path, output_config):
-    with open(config_file_with_path, 'w+') as config_fileId:
-        config_fileId.write(output_config)
-class RadvdTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.kill')
-    def test_radvd_ikill(self, kill):
-        kill.return_value = True
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        self.assertIsNone(radvd_mock.stop())
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.is_alive')
-    def test_radvd_is_alive_True(self, is_alive_mock):
-        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        self.assertTrue(radvd_mock.is_alive())
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.is_alive')
-    def test_radvd_is_alive_False(self, is_alive_mock):
-        is_alive_mock.return_value = False
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        self.assertFalse(radvd_mock.is_alive())
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd._scan_for_errors')
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive')
-    def test_wait_for_process_process_alive(self, is_alive_mock,
-                                            _scan_for_errors_mock):
-        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
-        _scan_for_errors_mock.return_value = True
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        self.assertIsNone(radvd_mock._wait_for_process(timeout=2))
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive')
-    @patch(SEARCH_FILE)
-    def test_scan_for_errors_is_dead(self, search_file_mock, is_alive_mock):
-        is_alive_mock.return_value = False
-        search_file_mock.return_value = False
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        with self.assertRaises(Error) as context:
-            radvd_mock._scan_for_errors(True)
-        self.assertTrue('Radvd failed to start' in str(context.exception))
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive')
-    @patch(SEARCH_FILE)
-    def test_scan_for_errors_exited_prematurely(self, search_file_mock,
-                                                is_alive_mock):
-        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
-        search_file_mock.return_value = True
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        with self.assertRaises(Error) as context:
-            radvd_mock._scan_for_errors(True)
-        self.assertTrue('Radvd exited prematurely.' in str(context.exception))
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radvd.Radvd.is_alive')
-    @patch(SEARCH_FILE)
-    def test_scan_for_errors_success(self, search_file_mock, is_alive_mock):
-        is_alive_mock.return_value = True
-        search_file_mock.return_value = False
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        self.assertIsNone(radvd_mock._scan_for_errors(True))
-    @patch(DELETE_FILE)
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.write_file')
-    def test_write_configs_simple(self, write_file, delete_file):
-        delete_file.side_effect = delete_file_mock
-        write_file.side_effect = write_configs_mock
-        basic_radvd_config = RadvdConfig()
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        radvd_mock._write_configs(basic_radvd_config)
-        radvd_config = radvd_mock._config_file
-        with open(radvd_config, 'r') as radvd_config_fileId:
-            config_data = radvd_config_fileId.read()
-            self.assertTrue(CORRECT_SIMPLE_RADVD_CONFIG == config_data)
-    @patch(DELETE_FILE)
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.utils_lib.commands.shell.ShellCommand.write_file')
-    def test_write_configs_complex(self, write_file, delete_file):
-        delete_file.side_effect = delete_file_mock
-        write_file.side_effect = write_configs_mock
-        complex_radvd_config = RadvdConfig(
-            clients=['fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d72', 'fe80::c66d:3c75:2cec:1d73'],
-            route=radvd_constants.DEFAULT_PREFIX,
-            rdnss=[
-                '2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e29',
-                '2401:fa00:480:7a00:4d56:5373:4549:1e30',
-            ],
-            ignore_if_missing=radvd_constants.IGNORE_IF_MISSING_ON,
-            adv_send_advert=radvd_constants.ADV_SEND_ADVERT_OFF,
-            unicast_only=radvd_constants.UNICAST_ONLY_ON,
-            max_rtr_adv_interval=60,
-            min_rtr_adv_interval=5,
-            min_delay_between_ras=5,
-            adv_managed_flag=radvd_constants.ADV_MANAGED_FLAG_OFF,
-            adv_other_config_flag=radvd_constants.ADV_OTHER_CONFIG_FLAG_ON,
-            adv_link_mtu=1400,
-            adv_reachable_time=3600000,
-            adv_retrans_timer=10,
-            adv_cur_hop_limit=50,
-            adv_default_lifetime=8000,
-            adv_default_preference=radvd_constants.ADV_DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_OFF,
-            adv_source_ll_address=radvd_constants.ADV_SOURCE_LL_ADDRESS_ON,
-            adv_home_agent_flag=radvd_constants.ADV_HOME_AGENT_FLAG_OFF,
-            adv_home_agent_info=radvd_constants.ADV_HOME_AGENT_INFO_ON,
-            home_agent_lifetime=100,
-            home_agent_preference=100,
-            adv_mob_rtr_support_flag=radvd_constants.
-            adv_interval_opt=radvd_constants.ADV_INTERVAL_OPT_ON,
-            adv_on_link=radvd_constants.ADV_ON_LINK_OFF,
-            adv_autonomous=radvd_constants.ADV_AUTONOMOUS_ON,
-            adv_router_addr=radvd_constants.ADV_ROUTER_ADDR_OFF,
-            adv_valid_lifetime=86400,
-            adv_preferred_lifetime=14400,
-            base_6to4_interface='NA',
-            adv_route_lifetime=1024,
-            adv_route_preference=radvd_constants.ADV_ROUTE_PREFERENCE_HIGH,
-            adv_rdnss_preference=8,
-            adv_rdnss_open=radvd_constants.ADV_RDNSS_OPEN_ON,
-            adv_rdnss_lifetime=1025)
-        radvd_mock = Radvd('mock_runner', 'wlan0')
-        radvd_mock._write_configs(complex_radvd_config)
-        radvd_config = radvd_mock._config_file
-        with open(radvd_config, 'r') as radvd_config_fileId:
-            config_data = radvd_config_fileId.read()
-            self.assertTrue(CORRECT_COMPLEX_RADVD_CONFIG == config_data)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d7aa7..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/ap_lib/wireless_network_management_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.radio_measurement import BssidInformation, NeighborReportElement, PhyType
-from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.wireless_network_management import BssTransitionCandidateList, BssTransitionManagementRequest
-EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_1 = NeighborReportElement(
-    bssid='01:23:45:ab:cd:ef',
-    bssid_information=BssidInformation(),
-    operating_class=81,
-    channel_number=1,
-    phy_type=PhyType.HT)
-EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_2 = NeighborReportElement(
-    bssid='cd:ef:ab:45:67:89',
-    bssid_information=BssidInformation(),
-    operating_class=121,
-    channel_number=149,
-    phy_type=PhyType.VHT)
-class WirelessNetworkManagementTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_bss_transition_management_request(self):
-        request = BssTransitionManagementRequest(
-            disassociation_imminent=True,
-            abridged=True,
-            candidate_list=EXPECTED_NEIGHBORS)
-        self.assertTrue(request.disassociation_imminent)
-        self.assertTrue(request.abridged)
-        self.assertIn(EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_1, request.candidate_list)
-        self.assertIn(EXPECTED_NEIGHBOR_2, request.candidate_list)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_client_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_client_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8acdbe7..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_client_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from datetime import datetime
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.proc import job
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_client
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_service_config
-import mock
-    'Monsoon': {'serial_num': 1234, 'monsoon_voltage': 4.2}
-MONSOONED_CONFIG = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig(
-    CONTROLLER_CONFIG_WITH_MONSOON, lvpm_monsoon_bin='lvpm.par')
-NON_MONSOONED_CONFIG = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig(
-KIBBLES_CONFIG = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig(
-    {
-        'Kibbles': [{
-            'board':     'board',
-            'connector': 'connector',
-            'serial':    'serial',
-        }],
-    },
-    kibble_bin='bin',
-    kibble_board_file='file.board',
-    virtual_metrics_file='file.vm')
-class BitsClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        self.mock_service = mock.Mock()
-        self.mock_service.port = '42'
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_execute_generic_command(self, mock_run):
-        mock_service = mock.Mock()
-        mock_service.port = '1337'
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', mock_service,
-                                        service_config=KIBBLES_CONFIG)
-        client.run_cmd('-i', '-am', '-not', '-a', '-teapot', timeout=12345)
-        expected_final_command = ['bits.par',
-                                  '--port',
-                                  '1337',
-                                  '-i',
-                                  '-am',
-                                  '-not',
-                                  '-a',
-                                  '-teapot']
-        mock_run.assert_called_with(expected_final_command, timeout=12345)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_start_collection__without_monsoon__does_not_disconnect_monsoon(
-        self,
-        mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=NON_MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.start_collection('collection')
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        non_expected_call = list(
-            filter(lambda call: 'usb_disconnect' in call.args[0],
-                   args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(non_expected_call), 0,
-                         'did not expect call with usb_disconnect')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_start_collection__frecuency_arg_gets_populated(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.start_collection('collection', default_sampling_rate=12345)
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_calls = list(
-            filter(lambda call: '--time' in call.args[0], args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_calls), 1, 'expected 1 calls with --time')
-        self.assertIn('--default_sampling_rate', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('12345', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_start_collection__sampling_rate_defaults_to_1000(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.start_collection('collection')
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_calls = list(
-            filter(lambda call: '--time' in call.args[0], args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_calls), 1, 'expected 1 calls with --time')
-        self.assertIn('--default_sampling_rate', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('1000', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_stop_collection__usb_not_automanaged__does_not_connect_monsoon(
-        self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.stop_collection('collection')
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        non_expected_call = list(
-            filter(lambda call: 'usb_connect' in call.args[0], args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(non_expected_call), 0,
-                         'did not expect call with usb_connect')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_export_ignores_dataseries_gaps(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.export('collection', '/path/a.7z.bits')
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_call = list(
-            filter(
-                lambda call: '--ignore_gaps' in call.args[0] and '--export' in
-                             call.args[0], args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_call), 1,
-                         'expected a call with --ignore_gaps and --export')
-        self.assertIn('--ignore_gaps', expected_call[0].args[0])
-    def test_export_path_must_end_in_bits_file_extension(self):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        self.assertRaisesRegex(
-            bits_client.BitsClientError,
-            r'collections can only be exported to files ending in .7z.bits',
-            client.export, 'collection', '/path/')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_export_as_csv(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        output_file = '/path/to/csv'
-        collection = 'collection'
-        client.export_as_csv([':mW', ':mV'], collection, output_file)
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        cmd = mock_run.call_args_list[0].args[0]
-        self.assertIn(collection, cmd)
-        self.assertIn(output_file, cmd)
-        self.assertIn(':mW,:mV', cmd)
-        self.assertNotIn('--vm_file', cmd)
-        self.assertNotIn('default', cmd)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_export_as_csv_with_virtual_metrics_file(self, mock_run):
-        output_file = '/path/to/csv'
-        collection = 'collection'
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=KIBBLES_CONFIG)
-        client.export_as_csv([':mW', ':mV'], collection, output_file)
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        cmd = mock_run.call_args_list[0].args[0]
-        self.assertIn(collection, cmd)
-        self.assertIn(':mW,:mV', cmd)
-        self.assertIn('--vm_file', cmd)
-        self.assertIn('default', cmd)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_add_markers(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.add_markers('collection', [(1, 'ein'),
-                                          (2, 'zwei'),
-                                          (3, 'drei')])
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_calls = list(
-            filter(lambda call: '--log' in call.args[0], args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_calls), 3, 'expected 3 calls with --log')
-        self.assertIn('--log_ts', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('1', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('ein', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--log_ts', expected_calls[1][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('2', expected_calls[1][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('zwei', expected_calls[1][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--log_ts', expected_calls[2][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('3', expected_calls[2][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('drei', expected_calls[2][0][0])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_add_markers_with_datetimes(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.add_markers('collection',
-                           [(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1), 'ein'),
-                            (2e9, 'zwei'),
-                            (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(3), 'drei')])
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_calls = list(
-            filter(lambda call: '--log' in call.args[0], args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_calls), 3, 'expected 3 calls with --log')
-        self.assertIn('--log_ts', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn(str(int(1e9)), expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('ein', expected_calls[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--log_ts', expected_calls[1][0][0])
-        self.assertIn(str(int(2e9)), expected_calls[1][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('zwei', expected_calls[1][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--log_ts', expected_calls[2][0][0])
-        self.assertIn(str(int(3e9)), expected_calls[2][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('drei', expected_calls[2][0][0])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_get_metrics(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.get_metrics('collection', 8888, 9999)
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_call = list(
-            filter(lambda call: '--aggregates_yaml_path' in call.args[0],
-                   args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_call), 1,
-                         'expected a call with --aggregates_yaml_path')
-        self.assertIn('8888', expected_call[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--ignore_gaps', expected_call[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--abs_stop_time', expected_call[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('9999', expected_call[0][0][0])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_get_metrics_with_datetime_markers(self, mock_run):
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=MONSOONED_CONFIG)
-        client.get_metrics('collection',
-                           datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1),
-                           datetime.utcfromtimestamp(2))
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_call = list(
-            filter(lambda call: '--aggregates_yaml_path' in call.args[0],
-                   args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_call), 1,
-                         'expected a call with --aggregates_yaml_path')
-        self.assertIn(str(int(1e9)), expected_call[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--ignore_gaps', expected_call[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('--abs_stop_time', expected_call[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn(str(int(2e9)), expected_call[0][0][0])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_get_metrics_with_virtual_metrics_file(self, mock_run):
-        service_config = mock.Mock()
-        service_config.has_virtual_metrics_file = True
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=service_config)
-        client.get_metrics(8888, 9999)
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        args_list = mock_run.call_args_list
-        expected_call = list(
-            filter(lambda call: '--aggregates_yaml_path' in call.args[0],
-                   args_list))
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected_call), 1,
-                         'expected a call with --aggregates_yaml_path')
-        self.assertIn('--vm_file', expected_call[0][0][0])
-        self.assertIn('default', expected_call[0][0][0])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run',
-                return_value=job.Result(stdout=bytes('device', 'utf-8')))
-    def test_list_devices(self, mock_run):
-        service_config = mock.Mock()
-        client = bits_client.BitsClient('bits.par', self.mock_service,
-                                        service_config=service_config)
-        result = client.list_devices()
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        cmd = mock_run.call_args_list[0].args[0]
-        self.assertIn('--list', cmd)
-        self.assertIn('devices', cmd)
-        self.assertEqual(result, 'device')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_config_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_config_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 497239e..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_config_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_service_config
-class BitsServiceConfigTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_basic_config(self):
-        config_dic = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig({}).config_dic
-        self.assertIn('devices', config_dic)
-        self.assertIn('default_device', config_dic['devices'])
-        self.assertIn('collectors', config_dic['devices']['default_device'])
-    def test_bits_service_config_has_an_enabled_default_device(self):
-        config_dic = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig({}).config_dic
-        self.assertEqual(1, config_dic['devices']['default_device']['enabled'])
-class BitsServiceConfigWithMonsoonTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_monsoon_with_serial_less_than_20000_is_configured_as_non_hv(self):
-        config = bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig(
-            {'serial_num': 19999, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin='lvpm_bin', hvpm_monsoon_bin='hvpm_bin')
-        self.assertEqual(0, config.config_dic['hv_monsoon'])
-        self.assertEqual('lvpm_bin', config.config_dic['monsoon_binary_path'])
-    def test_lvpm_monsoon_requires_lvpm_binary(self):
-        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
-                               r'lvpm_monsoon binary is needed but was None.',
-                               bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig,
-                               {'serial_num': 19999, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-                               hvpm_monsoon_bin='hvpm_bin')
-    def test_monsoon_with_serial_greater_than_20000_is_configured_as_hv(self):
-        config = bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig(
-            {'serial_num': 20001, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin='lvpm_bin', hvpm_monsoon_bin='hvpm_bin')
-        self.assertEqual(1, config.config_dic['hv_monsoon'])
-        self.assertEqual('hvpm_bin', config.config_dic['monsoon_binary_path'])
-    def test_hvpm_monsoon_requires_hvpm_binary(self):
-        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
-                               r'hvpm_monsoon binary is needed but was None.',
-                               bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig,
-                               {'serial_num': 20001, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-                               lvpm_monsoon_bin='hvpm_bin')
-    def test_monsoon_config_fails_without_voltage(self):
-        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
-                               r'Monsoon voltage can not be undefined.',
-                               bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig,
-                               {'serial_num': 1},
-                               lvpm_monsoon_bin='lvpm_bin')
-    def test_monsoon_config_fails_without_serial(self):
-        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
-                               r'Monsoon serial_num can not be undefined.',
-                               bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig,
-                               {'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-                               lvpm_monsoon_bin='lvpm_bin')
-    def test_monsoon_config_is_always_enabled(self):
-        config = bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig(
-            {'serial_num': 1, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin='bin')
-        self.assertEqual(1, config.config_dic['enabled'])
-    def test_monsoon_config_disables_monsoon_reseting(self):
-        config = bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig(
-            {'serial_num': 1, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin='bin')
-        self.assertEqual(0, config.config_dic['monsoon_reset'])
-    def test_monsoon_config_type_is_monsooncollector(self):
-        config = bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig(
-            {'serial_num': 1, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin='bin')
-        self.assertEqual('monsooncollector', config.config_dic['type'])
-    def test_bits_service_config_without_monsoon(self):
-        service_config = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig({})
-        self.assertFalse(service_config.has_monsoon)
-    def test_bits_service_config_with_a_monsoon(self):
-        service_config = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig(
-            {'Monsoon': {'serial_num': 1, 'monsoon_voltage': 1}},
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin='bin')
-        config_dic = service_config.config_dic
-        self.assertTrue(service_config.has_monsoon)
-        self.assertIn('Monsoon',
-                      config_dic['devices']['default_device'][
-                          'collectors'])
-        monsoon_config = bits_service_config._BitsMonsoonConfig(
-            {'serial_num': 1, 'monsoon_voltage': 1},
-            lvpm_monsoon_bin='bin').config_dic
-        self.assertEqual(monsoon_config,
-                         config_dic['devices']['default_device'][
-                             'collectors']['Monsoon'])
-class BitsServiceConfigWithKibblesTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_bits_service_config_without_kibbles(self):
-        service_config = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig({})
-        self.assertFalse(service_config.has_kibbles)
-    def test_bits_service_config_with_kibbles_but_no_vm_files(self):
-        service_config = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig({'Kibbles': [
-            {'board': 'BOARD', 'connector': 'CONNECTOR', 'serial': 'SERIAL'}]},
-            kibble_bin='bin',
-            kibble_board_file='file.board')
-        self.assertFalse(service_config.has_virtual_metrics_file)
-    def test_bits_service_config_with_kibbles_and_vm_files(self):
-        service_config = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig({'Kibbles': [
-            {'board': 'BOARD', 'connector': 'CONNECTOR', 'serial': 'SERIAL'}]},
-            kibble_bin='bin',
-            kibble_board_file='file.board',
-            virtual_metrics_file='some_file.vm')
-        config_dic = service_config.config_dic
-        self.assertTrue(service_config.has_virtual_metrics_file)
-        self.assertIn('some_file.vm',
-                      config_dic['devices']['default_device']['vm_files'])
-    def test_bits_service_config_with_kibbles(self):
-        service_config = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig({'Kibbles': [
-            {'board': 'BOARD', 'connector': 'CONNECTOR', 'serial': 'SERIAL'}]},
-            kibble_bin='bin',
-            kibble_board_file='file.board')
-        config_dic = service_config.config_dic
-        self.assertTrue(service_config.has_kibbles)
-        self.assertIn('BOARD',
-                      config_dic['devices']['default_device']['collectors'])
-        boards_config = bits_service_config._BitsKibblesConfig([
-            {'board': 'BOARD', 'connector': 'CONNECTOR', 'serial': 'SERIAL'}],
-            kibble_bin='bin', kibble_board_file='file.board').boards_configs
-        self.assertEqual(boards_config['BOARD'],
-                         config_dic['devices']['default_device'][
-                             'collectors']['BOARD'])
-    def test_kibbles_get_grouped_by_board(self):
-        boards_config = bits_service_config._BitsKibblesConfig([
-            {'board': 'BOARD1', 'connector': 'A', 'serial': 'SERIAL1'},
-            {'board': 'BOARD2', 'connector': 'B', 'serial': 'SERIAL2'},
-            {'board': 'BOARD2', 'connector': 'C', 'serial': 'SERIAL3'}],
-            kibble_bin='bin',
-            kibble_board_file='file.board').boards_configs
-        self.assertIn('BOARD1', boards_config)
-        board1 = boards_config['BOARD1']
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(board1['attached_kibbles']))
-        self.assertIn('SERIAL1', board1['attached_kibbles'])
-        self.assertIn('BOARD2', boards_config)
-        board2 = boards_config['BOARD2']
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(board2['attached_kibbles']))
-        self.assertIn('SERIAL2', board2['attached_kibbles'])
-        self.assertIn('SERIAL3', board2['attached_kibbles'])
-    def test_kibble_config_type_is_kibblecollector(self):
-        board_config = bits_service_config._BitsKibblesConfig([
-            {'board': 'BOARD', 'connector': 'CONNECTOR', 'serial': 'SERIAL'}],
-            kibble_bin='bin',
-            kibble_board_file='file.board').boards_configs['BOARD']
-        self.assertEqual('kibblecollector', board_config['type'])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c0f405..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_lib/bits_service_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_service
-from antlion.controllers.bits_lib import bits_service_config
-import mock
-SERVICE_CONFIG = bits_service_config.BitsServiceConfig(
-    {'Monsoon': {'serial_num': 538141, 'monsoon_voltage': 4.2}},
-    hvpm_monsoon_bin='hvpm.par')
-class BitsServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_output_log_opens_on_creation(self, mock_open, *_):
-        bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary', 'log_path')
-        mock_open.assert_called_with('log_path', 'w')
-    @mock.patch.object(bits_service.BitsService, '_write_extra_debug_logs')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_output_log_gets_closed_on_cleanup(self, _, __, mock_open, *___):
-        mock_log = mock.Mock()
-        mock_open.return_value = mock_log
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        service._cleanup()
-        mock_log.close.assert_called_with()
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    def test_monsoons_usb_gets_connected_on_cleanup(self, mock_run, *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        service._cleanup()
-        mock_run.assert_called()
-        self.assertIn('--usbpassthrough', mock_run.call_args[0][0])
-        self.assertIn('on', mock_run.call_args[0][0])
-    def test_service_can_not_be_started_twice(self, *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        service.service_state = bits_service.BitsServiceStates.STARTED
-        with self.assertRaises(bits_service.BitsServiceError):
-            service.start()
-    def test_service_can_not_be_stoped_twice(self, *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        service.service_state = bits_service.BitsServiceStates.STOPPED
-        with self.assertRaises(bits_service.BitsServiceError):
-            service.stop()
-    def test_stopped_service_can_not_be_started(self, *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        service.service_state = bits_service.BitsServiceStates.STOPPED
-        with self.assertRaises(bits_service.BitsServiceError):
-            service.start()
-    def test_service_output_changes_service_reported_state(self, *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        self.assertEqual(bits_service.BitsServiceStates.NOT_STARTED,
-                         service.service_state)
-        service.port = '1234'
-        service._output_callback('Started server!')
-        self.assertEqual(bits_service.BitsServiceStates.STARTED,
-                         service.service_state)
-    def test_service_output_defines_port(self, *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        service._output_callback('Server listening on ...:6174.')
-        self.assertIsNotNone(service.port)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.context.get_current_context')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.process.Process')
-    def test_top_level_call_is_timeout_if_timeout_is_defined(self, mock_process,
-                                                             *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path',
-                                           timeout=42)
-        def side_effect(*_, **__):
-            service.service_state = bits_service.BitsServiceStates.STARTED
-            return mock.Mock()
-        mock_process.side_effect = side_effect
-        service.start()
-        args, kwargs = mock_process.call_args
-        self.assertEqual('timeout', args[0][0])
-        self.assertEqual('--signal=SIGTERM', args[0][1])
-        self.assertEqual('--kill-after=60', args[0][2])
-        self.assertEqual('42', args[0][3])
-        self.assertEqual('binary', args[0][4])
-    @mock.patch.object(bits_service.BitsService, '_write_extra_debug_logs')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.context.get_current_context')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.process.Process')
-    def test_top_level_call_is_binary_if_timeout_is_not_defined(self,
-                                                                mock_process,
-                                                                *_):
-        service = bits_service.BitsService(SERVICE_CONFIG, 'binary',
-                                           'log_path')
-        def side_effect(*_, **__):
-            service.service_state = bits_service.BitsServiceStates.STARTED
-            return mock.Mock()
-        mock_process.side_effect = side_effect
-        service.start()
-        args, kwargs = mock_process.call_args
-        self.assertEqual('binary', args[0][0])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/bits_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b026ac..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/bits_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers import bits
-from antlion.controllers import power_metrics
-class BitsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_metric_name_transformation_for_legacy_support(self):
-        avg_current = bits._transform_name('default_name.Monsoon.Monsoon:mA')
-        avg_power = bits._transform_name('default_name.Monsoon.Monsoon:mW')
-        self.assertEqual('avg_current', avg_current)
-        self.assertEqual('avg_power', avg_power)
-    def test_metric_name_transformation(self):
-        avg_current = bits._transform_name('default_name.slider.XYZ:mA')
-        avg_power = bits._transform_name('default_name.slider.ABCD:mW')
-        unknown_unit = bits._transform_name('default_name.aaaaa.QWERTY:unknown')
-        self.assertEqual('XYZ_avg_current', avg_current)
-        self.assertEqual('ABCD_avg_power', avg_power)
-        self.assertEqual('QWERTY', unknown_unit)
-    def test_raw_data_to_metrics(self):
-        raw_data = {'data': [
-            {'name': 'default_device.Monsoon.Monsoon:mA',
-             'avg': 21,
-             'unit': 'mA'},
-            {'name': 'default_device.Monsoon.Monsoon:mW',
-             'avg': 91,
-             'unit': 'mW'}]}
-        metrics = bits._raw_data_to_metrics(raw_data)
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(metrics))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            power_metrics.Metric(21, 'current', 'mA', 'avg_current'),
-            metrics[0])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            power_metrics.Metric(91, 'power', 'mW', 'avg_power'),
-            metrics[1])
-    def test_raw_data_to_metrics_messages_are_ignored(self):
-        raw_data = {'data': [
-            {'name': 'default_device.Log.UserInputs',
-             'avg': float('nan'),
-             'unit': 'Msg'},
-            {'name': 'default_device.Log.Warnings',
-             'avg': float('nan'),
-             'unit': 'Msg'}]}
-        metrics = bits._raw_data_to_metrics(raw_data)
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(metrics))
-    def test_get_single_file_get_first_element_of_a_list(self):
-        registry = {'some_key': ['first_element', 'second_element']}
-        result = bits._get_single_file(registry, 'some_key')
-        self.assertEqual('first_element', result)
-    def test_get_single_file_gets_string_if_registry_contains_string(self):
-        registry = {'some_key': 'this_is_a_string'}
-        result = bits._get_single_file(registry, 'some_key')
-        self.assertEqual('this_is_a_string', result)
-    def test_get_single_file_gets_none_if_value_is_undefined_or_empty_list(self):
-        registry = {'some_key': []}
-        result1 = bits._get_single_file(registry, 'some_key')
-        result2 = bits._get_single_file(registry, 'key_that_is_not_in_registry')
-        self.assertEqual(None, result1)
-        self.assertEqual(None, result2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/data/sample_monsoon_data b/unit_tests/controllers/data/sample_monsoon_data
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a70273..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/data/sample_monsoon_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-0s    3.67
-1s    3.69
-2s    0.95
-3s    3.06
-4s    2.17
-5s    1.62
-6s    3.95
-7s    2.47
-8s    1.11
-9s    0.47
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_client_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_client_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bf20000..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_client_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import unittest
-import mock
-import os
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_client
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import IPerfClient
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import IPerfClientBase
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import IPerfClientOverAdb
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_client import IPerfClientOverSsh
-# The position in the call tuple that represents the args array.
-ARGS = 0
-# The position in the call tuple that represents the kwargs dict.
-class IPerfClientModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the antlion.controllers.iperf_client module functions."""
-    def test_create_can_create_client_over_adb(self):
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            iperf_client.create([{'AndroidDevice': 'foo'}])[0],
-            IPerfClientOverAdb,
-            'Unable to create IPerfClientOverAdb from create().'
-        )
-    def test_create_can_create_client_over_ssh(self):
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            iperf_client.create([{'ssh_config': {'user': '', 'host': ''}}])[0],
-            IPerfClientOverSsh,
-            'Unable to create IPerfClientOverSsh from create().'
-        )
-    def test_create_can_create_local_client(self):
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            iperf_client.create([{}])[0],
-            IPerfClient,
-            'Unable to create IPerfClient from create().'
-        )
-class IPerfClientBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClientBase."""
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_get_full_file_path_creates_parent_directory(self, mock_makedirs):
-        # Will never actually be created/used.
-        logging.log_path = '/tmp/unit_test_garbage'
-        full_file_path = IPerfClientBase._get_full_file_path(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            mock_makedirs.called,
-            'Did not attempt to create a directory.'
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            os.path.dirname(full_file_path),
-            mock_makedirs.call_args[ARGS][0],
-            'The parent directory of the full file path was not created.'
-        )
-class IPerfClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClient."""
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('subprocess.call')
-    def test_start_writes_to_full_file_path(self, mock_call, mock_open):
-        client = IPerfClient()
-        file_path = '/path/to/foo'
-        client._get_full_file_path = lambda _: file_path
-        client.start('', 'IPERF_ARGS', 'TAG')
-        mock_open.assert_called_with(file_path, 'w')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            mock_call.call_args[KWARGS]['stdout'],
-            mock_open().__enter__.return_value,
-            'IPerfClient did not write the logs to the expected file.'
-        )
-class IPerfClientOverSshTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClientOverSshTest."""
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_start_writes_output_to_full_file_path(self, mock_open):
-        client = IPerfClientOverSsh({'host': '', 'user': ''})
-        client._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
-        file_path = '/path/to/foo'
-        client._get_full_file_path = lambda _: file_path
-        client.start('', 'IPERF_ARGS', 'TAG')
-        mock_open.assert_called_with(file_path, 'w')
-        mock_open().__enter__().write.assert_called_with(
-            client._ssh_session.run().stdout
-        )
-class IPerfClientOverAdbTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test antlion.controllers.iperf_client.IPerfClientOverAdb."""
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_start_writes_output_to_full_file_path(self, mock_open):
-        client = IPerfClientOverAdb(None)
-        file_path = '/path/to/foo'
-        expected_output = 'output'
-        client._get_full_file_path = lambda _: file_path
-        with mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_client.'
-                        'IPerfClientOverAdb._android_device') as adb_device:
-            adb_device.adb.shell.return_value = 'output'
-            client.start('', 'IPERF_ARGS', 'TAG')
-        mock_open.assert_called_with(file_path, 'w')
-        mock_open().__enter__().write.assert_called_with('output')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_server_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_server_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e9fc810..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/iperf_server_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import unittest
-import mock
-import os
-from antlion.controllers import iperf_server
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfServer
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfServerOverAdb
-from antlion.controllers.iperf_server import IPerfServerOverSsh
-# The position in the call tuple that represents the args array.
-ARGS = 0
-# The position in the call tuple that represents the kwargs dict.
-MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH = '/path/to/foo'
-class IPerfServerModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the antlion.controllers.iperf_server module."""
-    def test_create_creates_local_iperf_server_with_int(self):
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            iperf_server.create([12345])[0], IPerfServer,
-            'create() failed to create IPerfServer for integer input.')
-    def test_create_creates_local_iperf_server_with_str(self):
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            iperf_server.create(['12345'])[0], IPerfServer,
-            'create() failed to create IPerfServer for integer input.')
-    def test_create_cannot_create_local_iperf_server_with_bad_str(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            iperf_server.create(['12345BAD_STRING'])
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.utils')
-    def test_create_creates_server_over_ssh_with_ssh_config_and_port(self, _):
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            iperf_server.create([{
-                'ssh_config': {
-                    'user': '',
-                    'host': ''
-                },
-                'port': ''
-            }])[0], IPerfServerOverSsh,
-            'create() failed to create IPerfServerOverSsh for a valid config.')
-    def test_create_creates_server_over_adb_with_proper_config(self):
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            iperf_server.create([{
-                'AndroidDevice': '53R147',
-                'port': 0
-            }])[0], IPerfServerOverAdb,
-            'create() failed to create IPerfServerOverAdb for a valid config.')
-    def test_create_raises_value_error_on_bad_config_dict(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            iperf_server.create([{
-                'AndroidDevice': '53R147',
-                'ssh_config': {}
-            }])
-    def test_get_port_from_ss_output_returns_correct_port_ipv4(self):
-        ss_output = ('tcp LISTEN  0 5<PORT>  *:*'
-                     ' users:(("cmd",pid=<PID>,fd=3))')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            iperf_server._get_port_from_ss_output(ss_output, '<PID>'),
-            '<PORT>')
-    def test_get_port_from_ss_output_returns_correct_port_ipv6(self):
-        ss_output = ('tcp LISTEN  0 5 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:<PORT>  *:*'
-                     ' users:(("cmd",pid=<PID>,fd=3))')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            iperf_server._get_port_from_ss_output(ss_output, '<PID>'),
-            '<PORT>')
-class IPerfServerBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServerBase."""
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_get_full_file_path_creates_parent_directory(self, mock_makedirs):
-        # Will never actually be created/used.
-        logging.log_path = '/tmp/unit_test_garbage'
-        server = IPerfServer('port')
-        full_file_path = server._get_full_file_path()
-        self.assertTrue(mock_makedirs.called,
-                        'Did not attempt to create a directory.')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            os.path.dirname(full_file_path), mock_makedirs.call_args[ARGS][0],
-            'The parent directory of the full file path was not created.')
-class IPerfServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServer."""
-    PID = 123456
-    def setUp(self):
-        iperf_server._get_port_from_ss_output = lambda *_: IPerfServerTest.PID
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job')
-    def test_start_makes_started_true(self, mock_job, __, ___):
-        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
-        server = IPerfServer('port')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server.start()
-        self.assertTrue(server.started)
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job')
-    def test_start_stop_makes_started_false(self, _, __, ___):
-        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
-        server = IPerfServer('port')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server.start()
-        server.stop()
-        self.assertFalse(server.started)
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job')
-    def test_start_sets_current_log_file(self, _, __, ___):
-        server = IPerfServer('port')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server.start()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            server._current_log_file, MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
-            'The _current_log_file was not received from _get_full_file_path.')
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess')
-    def test_stop_returns_current_log_file(self, _, __):
-        server = IPerfServer('port')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._current_log_file = MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
-        log_file = server.stop()
-        self.assertEqual(log_file, MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
-                         'The _current_log_file was not returned by stop().')
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.subprocess')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.job')
-    def test_start_does_not_run_two_concurrent_processes(
-            self, start_proc, _, __):
-        server = IPerfServer('port')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
-        server.start()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            start_proc.called,
-            'start() should not begin a second process if another is running.')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.utils.stop_standing_subprocess')
-    def test_stop_exits_early_if_no_process_has_started(self, stop_proc):
-        server = IPerfServer('port')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_process = None
-        server.stop()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            stop_proc.called,
-            'stop() should not kill a process if no process is running.')
-class IPerfServerOverSshTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh."""
-    INIT_ARGS = [{'host': 'TEST_HOST', 'user': 'test'}, 'PORT']
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection')
-    def test_start_makes_started_true(self, _):
-        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
-        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
-        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
-        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server.start()
-        self.assertTrue(server.started)
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection')
-    def test_start_stop_makes_started_false(self, _, __):
-        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
-        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
-        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
-        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server.start()
-        server.stop()
-        self.assertFalse(server.started)
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection')
-    def test_stop_returns_expected_log_file(self, _, __):
-        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
-        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
-        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_pid = mock.Mock()
-        log_file = server.stop()
-        self.assertEqual(log_file, MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
-                         'The expected log file was not returned by stop().')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection')
-    def test_start_does_not_run_two_concurrent_processes(self, _):
-        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
-        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
-        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_pid = mock.Mock()
-        server.start()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            server._ssh_session.run_async.called,
-            'start() should not begin a second process if another is running.')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.utils.stop_standing_subprocess')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.connection')
-    def test_stop_exits_early_if_no_process_has_started(self, _, __):
-        server = IPerfServerOverSsh(*self.INIT_ARGS)
-        server._ssh_session = mock.Mock()
-        server._cleanup_iperf_port = mock.Mock()
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_pid = None
-        server.stop()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            server._ssh_session.run_async.called,
-            'stop() should not kill a process if no process is running.')
-class IPerfServerOverAdbTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.iperf_server.IPerfServerOverSsh."""
-    ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP = ('antlion.controllers.iperf_server.'
-                           'IPerfServerOverAdb._android_device')
-    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
-    def test_start_makes_started_true(self, mock_ad):
-        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
-        server = IPerfServerOverAdb('53R147', 'PORT')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        mock_ad.adb.shell.return_value = '<PID>'
-        server.start()
-        self.assertTrue(server.started)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
-    def test_start_stop_makes_started_false(self, mock_ad, _, __):
-        """Tests calling start() without calling stop() makes started True."""
-        server = IPerfServerOverAdb('53R147', 'PORT')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        mock_ad.adb.shell.side_effect = ['<PID>', '', '', '']
-        server.start()
-        server.stop()
-        self.assertFalse(server.started)
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
-    def test_stop_returns_expected_log_file(self, mock_ad, _, __):
-        server = IPerfServerOverAdb('53R147', 'PORT')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
-        server._iperf_process_adb_pid = '<PID>'
-        mock_ad.adb.shell.side_effect = ['', '', '']
-        log_file = server.stop()
-        self.assertEqual(log_file, MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH,
-                         'The expected log file was not returned by stop().')
-    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
-    def test_start_does_not_run_two_concurrent_processes(self, android_device):
-        server = IPerfServerOverAdb('53R147', 'PORT')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_process = mock.Mock()
-        server.start()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            android_device.adb.shell_nb.called,
-            'start() should not begin a second process if another is running.')
-    @mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run')
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    @mock.patch(ANDROID_DEVICE_PROP)
-    def test_stop_exits_early_if_no_process_has_started(
-            self, android_device, _, __):
-        server = IPerfServerOverAdb('53R147', 'PORT')
-        server._get_full_file_path = lambda _: MOCK_LOGFILE_PATH
-        server._iperf_pid = None
-        server.stop()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            android_device.adb.shell_nb.called,
-            'stop() should not kill a process if no process is running.')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/monsoon_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/monsoon_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b22831b..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/hvpm/monsoon_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.hvpm.monsoon import Monsoon
-ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT = ('antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.hvpm.monsoon'
-                        '.AssemblyLineBuilder')
-DOWNSAMPLER_IMPORT = ('antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.hvpm.monsoon'
-                      '.DownSampler')
-TEE_IMPORT = 'antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.hvpm.monsoon.Tee'
-# The position in the call tuple that represents the args array.
-ARGS = 0
-class BaseMonsoonTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.monsoon.Monsoon."""
-    SERIAL = 534147
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.sleep_patch = mock.patch('time.sleep')
-        self.sleep_patch.start()
-        self.mp_manager_patch = mock.patch('multiprocessing.Manager')
-        self.mp_manager_patch.start()
-        proxy_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        proxy_mock.Protocol.getValue.return_value = 1048576 * 4
-        self.monsoon_proxy = mock.patch(
-            'Monsoon.HVPM.Monsoon', return_value=proxy_mock)
-        self.monsoon_proxy.start()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.sleep_patch.stop()
-        self.monsoon_proxy.stop()
-        self.mp_manager_patch.stop()
-    def test_status_fills_status_packet_first(self):
-        """Tests fillStatusPacket() is called before returning the status.
-        If this is not done, the status packet returned is stale.
-        """
-        def verify_call_order():
-            if not self.monsoon_proxy().fillStatusPacket.called:
-                self.fail('fillStatusPacket must be called first.')
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        monsoon._mon.statusPacket.side_effect = verify_call_order
-        status_packet = monsoon.status
-        self.assertEqual(
-            status_packet, monsoon._mon.statusPacket,
-            'monsoon.status MUST return '
-            'MonsoonProxy.statusPacket.')
-    @mock.patch(DOWNSAMPLER_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_downsample_skipped_if_hz_unset(
-            self, _, downsampler):
-        """Tests the DownSampler transformer is skipped if it is not needed."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'output_path': None, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, hz=5000, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        self.assertFalse(
-            downsampler.called,
-            'A Downsampler should not have been created for a the default '
-            'sampling frequency.')
-    @mock.patch(DOWNSAMPLER_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_downsamples_immediately_after_sampling(
-            self, assembly_line, downsampler):
-        """Tests """
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'output_path': None, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, hz=500, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        downsampler.assert_called_once_with(int(round(5000 / 500)))
-        # Assert Downsampler() is the first element within the list.
-        self.assertEqual(assembly_line().into.call_args_list[0][ARGS][0],
-                         downsampler())
-    @mock.patch(TEE_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_tee_skipped_if_ouput_path_not_set(self, _, tee):
-        """Tests the Tee Transformer is not added when not needed."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'hz': 5000, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, output_path=None, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        self.assertFalse(
-            tee.called,
-            'A Tee Transformer should not have been created for measure_power '
-            'without an output_path.')
-    @mock.patch(TEE_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_tee_is_added_to_assembly_line(
-            self, assembly_line, tee):
-        """Tests Tee is added to the assembly line with the correct path."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'hz': 5000, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, output_path='foo', **unimportant_kwargs)
-        tee.assert_called_once_with('foo', 0)
-        # Assert Tee() is the first element within the assembly into calls.
-        self.assertEqual(assembly_line().into.call_args_list[0][ARGS][0],
-                         tee())
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_transformers_are_added(self, assembly_line):
-        """Tests additional transformers are added to the assembly line."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'hz': 5000, 'output_path': None}
-        expected_transformers = [mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()]
-        monsoon.measure_power(
-            1, transformers=expected_transformers, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_transformers[0],
-                         assembly_line().into.call_args_list[-2][ARGS][0])
-        self.assertEqual(expected_transformers[1],
-                         assembly_line().into.call_args_list[-1][ARGS][0])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/monsoon_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/monsoon_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 90cbadb..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/lvpm_stock/monsoon_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon import Monsoon
-ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT = ('antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon'
-                        '.AssemblyLineBuilder')
-DOWNSAMPLER_IMPORT = ('antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon'
-                      '.DownSampler')
-TEE_IMPORT = 'antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon.Tee'
-MONSOON_PROXY_IMPORT = ('antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon'
-                        '.MonsoonProxy')
-# The position in the call tuple that represents the args array.
-ARGS = 0
-class BaseMonsoonTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.monsoon.Monsoon."""
-    SERIAL = 534147
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.sleep_patch = mock.patch('time.sleep')
-        self.sleep_patch.start()
-        self.mp_manager_patch = mock.patch('multiprocessing.Manager')
-        self.mp_manager_patch.start()
-        proxy_mock = mock.MagicMock()
-        proxy_mock.get_voltage.return_value = 4.2
-        self.monsoon_proxy = mock.patch(
-            MONSOON_PROXY_IMPORT, return_value=proxy_mock)
-        self.monsoon_proxy.start()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.sleep_patch.stop()
-        self.monsoon_proxy.stop()
-        self.mp_manager_patch.stop()
-    @mock.patch(DOWNSAMPLER_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_downsample_skipped_if_hz_unset(
-            self, _, downsampler):
-        """Tests the DownSampler transformer is skipped if it is not needed."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'output_path': None, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, hz=5000, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        self.assertFalse(
-            downsampler.called,
-            'A Downsampler should not have been created for a the default '
-            'sampling frequency.')
-    @mock.patch(DOWNSAMPLER_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_downsamples_immediately_after_sampling(
-            self, assembly_line, downsampler):
-        """Tests """
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'output_path': None, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, hz=500, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        downsampler.assert_called_once_with(int(round(5000 / 500)))
-        # Assert Downsampler() is the first element within the list.
-        self.assertEqual(assembly_line().into.call_args_list[0][ARGS][0],
-                         downsampler())
-    @mock.patch(TEE_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_tee_skipped_if_ouput_path_not_set(self, _, tee):
-        """Tests the Tee Transformer is not added when not needed."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'hz': 5000, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, output_path=None, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        self.assertFalse(
-            tee.called,
-            'A Tee Transformer should not have been created for measure_power '
-            'without an output_path.')
-    @mock.patch(TEE_IMPORT)
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_tee_is_added_to_assembly_line(
-            self, assembly_line, tee):
-        """Tests Tee is added to the assembly line with the correct path."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'hz': 5000, 'transformers': None}
-        monsoon.measure_power(1, output_path='foo', **unimportant_kwargs)
-        tee.assert_called_once_with('foo', 0)
-        # Assert Tee() is the first element within the assembly into calls.
-        self.assertEqual(assembly_line().into.call_args_list[0][ARGS][0],
-                         tee())
-    @mock.patch(ASSEMBLY_LINE_IMPORT)
-    def test_measure_power_transformers_are_added(self, assembly_line):
-        """Tests additional transformers are added to the assembly line."""
-        monsoon = Monsoon(self.SERIAL)
-        unimportant_kwargs = {'hz': 5000, 'output_path': None}
-        expected_transformers = [mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()]
-        monsoon.measure_power(
-            1, transformers=expected_transformers, **unimportant_kwargs)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_transformers[0],
-                         assembly_line().into.call_args_list[-2][ARGS][0])
-        self.assertEqual(expected_transformers[1],
-                         assembly_line().into.call_args_list[-1][ARGS][0])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/monsoon_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/monsoon_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d40f467..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/api/monsoon_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import MonsoonError
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import PASSTHROUGH_STATES
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.common import PassthroughStates
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.monsoon import BaseMonsoon
-# The position in the call tuple that represents the args array.
-ARGS = 0
-OUT_OF_TIME = 9001
-class MonsoonImpl(BaseMonsoon):
-    MIN_VOLTAGE = 1.5
-    MAX_VOLTAGE = 3.0
-    set_voltage = mock.Mock()
-    release_monsoon_connection = mock.Mock()
-    establish_monsoon_connection = mock.Mock()
-    def _set_usb_passthrough_mode(self, value):
-        self.__usb_passthrough_mode = value
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.__usb_passthrough_mode = None
-    @property
-    def status(self):
-        class StatusPacket(object):
-            def __init__(self, passthrough_mode):
-                self.usbPassthroughMode = (
-                    passthrough_mode
-                    if passthrough_mode in PASSTHROUGH_STATES.values() else
-                    PASSTHROUGH_STATES.get(passthrough_mode, None))
-        return StatusPacket(self.__usb_passthrough_mode)
-class BaseMonsoonTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.monsoon.Monsoon."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.sleep_patch = mock.patch('time.sleep')
-        self.sleep_patch.start()
-        MonsoonImpl.set_voltage = mock.Mock()
-        MonsoonImpl.release_monsoon_connection = mock.Mock()
-        MonsoonImpl.establish_monsoon_connection = mock.Mock()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.sleep_patch.stop()
-    def test_get_closest_valid_voltage_returns_zero_when_low(self):
-        voltage_to_round_to_zero = MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE / 2 - 0.1
-        self.assertEqual(
-            MonsoonImpl.get_closest_valid_voltage(voltage_to_round_to_zero), 0)
-    def test_get_closest_valid_voltage_snaps_to_min_when_low_but_close(self):
-        voltage_to_round_to_min = MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE / 2 + 0.1
-        self.assertEqual(
-            MonsoonImpl.get_closest_valid_voltage(voltage_to_round_to_min),
-            MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE)
-    def test_get_closest_valid_voltage_snaps_to_max_when_high(self):
-        voltage_to_round_to_max = MonsoonImpl.MAX_VOLTAGE * 2
-        self.assertEqual(
-            MonsoonImpl.get_closest_valid_voltage(voltage_to_round_to_max),
-            MonsoonImpl.MAX_VOLTAGE)
-    def test_get_closest_valid_voltage_to_not_round(self):
-        valid_voltage = (MonsoonImpl.MAX_VOLTAGE + MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE) / 2
-        self.assertEqual(
-            MonsoonImpl.get_closest_valid_voltage(valid_voltage),
-            valid_voltage)
-    def test_is_voltage_valid_voltage_is_valid(self):
-        valid_voltage = (MonsoonImpl.MAX_VOLTAGE + MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE) / 2
-        self.assertTrue(MonsoonImpl.is_voltage_valid(valid_voltage))
-    def test_is_voltage_valid_voltage_is_not_valid(self):
-        invalid_voltage = MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE - 2
-        self.assertFalse(MonsoonImpl.is_voltage_valid(invalid_voltage))
-    def test_validate_voltage_voltage_is_valid(self):
-        valid_voltage = (MonsoonImpl.MAX_VOLTAGE + MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE) / 2
-        MonsoonImpl.validate_voltage(valid_voltage)
-    def test_validate_voltage_voltage_is_not_valid(self):
-        invalid_voltage = MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE - 2
-        with self.assertRaises(MonsoonError):
-            MonsoonImpl.validate_voltage(invalid_voltage)
-    def test_set_voltage_safe_rounds_unsafe_voltage(self):
-        invalid_voltage = MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE - .1
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        monsoon.set_voltage_safe(invalid_voltage)
-        monsoon.set_voltage.assert_called_once_with(MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE)
-    def test_set_voltage_safe_does_not_round_safe_voltages(self):
-        valid_voltage = (MonsoonImpl.MAX_VOLTAGE + MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE) / 2
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        monsoon.set_voltage_safe(valid_voltage)
-        monsoon.set_voltage.assert_called_once_with(valid_voltage)
-    def test_ramp_voltage_sets_vout_to_final_value(self):
-        """Tests the desired end voltage is set."""
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        expected_value = monsoon.MIN_VOLTAGE
-        monsoon.ramp_voltage(0, expected_value)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            MonsoonImpl.set_voltage.call_args_list[-1][ARGS][0],
-            expected_value, 'The last call to setVout() was not the expected '
-            'final value.')
-    def test_ramp_voltage_ramps_voltage_over_time(self):
-        """Tests that voltage increases between each call."""
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        difference = (MonsoonImpl.VOLTAGE_RAMP_RATE *
-                      MonsoonImpl.VOLTAGE_RAMP_TIME_STEP * 5)
-        monsoon.ramp_voltage(MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE,
-                             MonsoonImpl.MIN_VOLTAGE + difference)
-        previous_voltage = 0
-        for set_voltage_call in MonsoonImpl.set_voltage.call_args_list:
-            self.assertGreaterEqual(
-                set_voltage_call[ARGS][0], previous_voltage,
-                'ramp_voltage does not always increment voltage.')
-            previous_voltage = set_voltage_call[ARGS][0]
-    def test_usb_accepts_passthrough_state_sets_with_str(self):
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        state_string = 'on'
-        monsoon.usb(state_string)
-        self.assertEqual(monsoon.status.usbPassthroughMode,
-                         PASSTHROUGH_STATES[state_string])
-    def test_usb_accepts_passthrough_state_sets_with_int_value(self):
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        monsoon.usb(1)
-        self.assertEqual(monsoon.status.usbPassthroughMode, 1)
-    def test_usb_raises_on_invalid_str_value(self):
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            monsoon.usb('DEADBEEF')
-    def test_usb_raises_on_invalid_int_value(self):
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            monsoon.usb(9001)
-    @mock.patch('time.time')
-    def test_usb_raises_timeout_error(self, time):
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        time.side_effect = [STILL_TIME_LEFT, OUT_OF_TIME]
-        with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError):
-            monsoon.usb(1)
-    def test_usb_does_not_set_passthrough_mode_if_unchanged(self):
-        """Tests that the passthrough mode is not reset if it is unchanged."""
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        existing_state = PassthroughStates.ON
-        monsoon._set_usb_passthrough_mode(existing_state)
-        monsoon._set_usb_passthrough_mode = mock.Mock()
-        monsoon.usb(existing_state)
-        self.assertFalse(
-            monsoon._set_usb_passthrough_mode.called,
-            'usbPassthroughMode should not be called when the '
-            'state does not change.')
-    def take_samples_always_reestablishes_the_monsoon_connection(self):
-        monsoon = MonsoonImpl()
-        assembly_line = mock.Mock()
-        assembly_line.run.side_effect = Exception('Some Terrible error')
-        monsoon.take_samples(assembly_line)
-        self.assertTrue(monsoon.establish_monsoon_connection.called)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/assembly_line_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/assembly_line_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7afd5ae..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/assembly_line_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import AssemblyLineBuilder
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import DevNullBufferStream
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import IndexedBuffer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ProcessAssemblyLine
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import ThreadAssemblyLine
-    'antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line')
-def mock_import(full_module_name, import_name):
-    return mock.patch('%s.%s' % (full_module_name, import_name))
-class ProcessAssemblyLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the basic functionality of ProcessAssemblyLine."""
-    @mock.patch('multiprocessing.Pool')
-    def test_run_no_nodes(self, pool_mock):
-        """Tests run() with no nodes does not spawn a new process."""
-        empty_node_list = []
-        assembly_line = ProcessAssemblyLine(empty_node_list)
-        assembly_line.run()
-        self.assertFalse(pool_mock().__enter__().apply_async.called)
-    @mock.patch('multiprocessing.Pool')
-    def test_run_spawns_new_process_for_each_node(self, pool_mock):
-        """Tests run() with a node spawns a new process for each node."""
-        node_list = [mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()]
-        assembly_line = ProcessAssemblyLine(node_list)
-        assembly_line.run()
-        apply_async = pool_mock().apply_async
-        self.assertEqual(len(node_list), apply_async.call_count)
-        for node in node_list:
-            apply_async.assert_any_call(node.transformer.transform,
-                                        [node.input_stream])
-class ThreadAssemblyLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the basic functionality of ThreadAssemblyLine."""
-    @mock_import(ASSEMBLY_LINE_MODULE, 'ThreadPoolExecutor')
-    def test_run_no_nodes(self, pool_mock):
-        """Tests run() with no nodes does not spawn a new thread."""
-        empty_node_list = []
-        assembly_line = ThreadAssemblyLine(empty_node_list)
-        assembly_line.run()
-        self.assertFalse(pool_mock().__enter__().submit.called)
-    @mock_import(ASSEMBLY_LINE_MODULE, 'ThreadPoolExecutor')
-    def test_run_spawns_new_thread_for_each_node(self, pool_mock):
-        """Tests run() with a node spawns a new thread for each node."""
-        node_list = [mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()]
-        assembly_line = ThreadAssemblyLine(node_list)
-        assembly_line.run()
-        submit = pool_mock().__enter__().submit
-        self.assertEqual(len(node_list), submit.call_count)
-        for node in node_list:
-            submit.assert_any_call(node.transformer.transform,
-                                   node.input_stream)
-class AssemblyLineBuilderTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the basic functionality of AssemblyLineBuilder."""
-    def test_source_raises_if_nodes_already_in_assembly_line(self):
-        """Tests a ValueError is raised if a node already exists."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        first_source = mock.Mock()
-        second_source = mock.Mock()
-        builder.source(first_source)
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
-            builder.source(second_source)
-        self.assertIn('single source', context.exception.args[0])
-    def test_source_sets_input_stream_from_given_stream(self):
-        """Tests source() sets input_stream from args."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        input_stream = mock.Mock()
-        dummy_source = mock.Mock()
-        builder.source(dummy_source, input_stream=input_stream)
-        self.assertEqual(input_stream, builder.nodes[-1].input_stream)
-    def test_source_creates_a_new_input_stream(self):
-        """Tests source() takes in DevNullBufferStream when None is provided."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        dummy_source = mock.Mock()
-        builder.source(dummy_source)
-        self.assertIsInstance(builder.nodes[-1].input_stream,
-                              DevNullBufferStream)
-    def test_source_returns_self(self):
-        """Tests source() returns the builder."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        return_value = builder.source(mock.Mock())
-        self.assertEqual(return_value, builder)
-    def test_into_raises_value_error_if_source_not_called_yet(self):
-        """Tests a ValueError is raised if into() is called before source()."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        dummy_transformer = mock.Mock()
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
-            builder.into(dummy_transformer)
-        self.assertIn('source', context.exception.args[0])
-    def test_into_raises_value_error_if_already_built(self):
-        """Tests a ValueError is raised into() is called after build()."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        dummy_transformer = mock.Mock()
-        # Build before trying to add more nodes.
-        builder.source(dummy_transformer).build()
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
-            builder.into(dummy_transformer)
-        self.assertIn('built', context.exception.args[0])
-    def test_into_appends_transformer_to_node_list(self):
-        """Tests into() appends the transformer to the end of the node list."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        dummy_transformer = mock.Mock()
-        dummy_source = mock.Mock()
-        builder.source(dummy_source)
-        builder.into(dummy_transformer)
-        self.assertEqual(dummy_transformer, builder.nodes[-1].transformer)
-    def test_into_sets_output_stream_to_newly_created_stream(self):
-        """Tests into() sets the input_stream queue to the newly created one."""
-        queue_generator = mock.Mock()
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(queue_generator, mock.Mock())
-        dummy_transformer = mock.Mock()
-        dummy_source = mock.Mock()
-        builder.source(dummy_source)
-        builder.into(dummy_transformer)
-        self.assertEqual(queue_generator(),
-                         builder.nodes[-1].input_stream._buffer_queue)
-    def test_into_returns_self(self):
-        """Tests into() returns the builder."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        builder.source(mock.Mock())
-        return_value = builder.into(mock.Mock())
-        self.assertEqual(return_value, builder)
-    def test_build_raises_if_already_built(self):
-        """Tests build() raises ValueError if build() was already called."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        builder.source(mock.Mock()).build()
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
-            builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('already built', context.exception.args[0])
-    def test_build_raises_if_no_source_has_been_set(self):
-        """Tests build() raises when there's nothing to build."""
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
-            builder.build()
-        self.assertIn('empty', context.exception.args[0])
-    def test_build_properly_sets_output_stream(self):
-        """Tests build() passes the output_stream to the AssemblyLine."""
-        given_output_stream = 1
-        assembly_line_generator = mock.Mock()
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), assembly_line_generator)
-        builder.source(mock.Mock())
-        builder.build(output_stream=given_output_stream)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            assembly_line_generator.call_args[0][0][-1].output_stream,
-            given_output_stream)
-    def test_build_generates_dev_null_stream_by_default(self):
-        """Tests build() uses DevNullBufferStream when no output_stream."""
-        assembly_line_generator = mock.Mock()
-        builder = AssemblyLineBuilder(mock.Mock(), assembly_line_generator)
-        builder.source(mock.Mock())
-        builder.build()
-        self.assertIsInstance(
-            assembly_line_generator.call_args[0][0][-1].output_stream,
-            DevNullBufferStream)
-class IndexedBufferTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the IndexedBuffer class."""
-    def test_create_indexed_buffer_uses_existing_list(self):
-        my_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-        self.assertEqual(IndexedBuffer(0, my_list).buffer, my_list)
-    def test_create_indexed_buffer_creates_buffer_when_given_a_size(self):
-        buffer_len = 10
-        self.assertEqual(len(IndexedBuffer(0, buffer_len).buffer), buffer_len)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/calibration_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/calibration_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9122d6b..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/calibration_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import statistics
-import unittest
-from collections import deque
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationError
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationScalars
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationSnapshot
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.calibration import CalibrationWindows
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Channel
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Granularity
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.enums import Origin
-# These values don't really matter.
-C = Channel.MAIN
-O = Origin.ZERO
-G = Granularity.FINE
-C2 = Channel.USB
-O2 = Origin.REFERENCE
-G2 = Granularity.COARSE
-class CalibrationWindowsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the CalibrationWindows class."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Here, we set up CalibrationWindows with a single dict entry so we can
-        # add values to the window. Normally, a child class is responsible for
-        # setting the keys of the CalibrationWindows object.
-        self.calibration_windows = CalibrationWindows(
-            calibration_window_size=5)
-        self.calibration_windows._calibrations[(C, O, G)] = deque()
-    def test_add_adds_new_value_to_end_of_window(self):
-        """Tests add() appends the new value to the end of the window."""
-        self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, 0)
-        self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, 1)
-        self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, 2)
-        expected_value = 3
-        self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, expected_value)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_value,
-                         self.calibration_windows._calibrations[(C, O, G)][-1])
-    def test_add_removes_stale_values(self):
-        """Tests add() removes values outside of the calibration window."""
-        value_to_remove = 0
-        new_values = range(1, 6)
-        self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, value_to_remove)
-        for new_value in new_values:
-            self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, new_value)
-        self.assertNotIn(value_to_remove,
-                         self.calibration_windows._calibrations[(C, O, G)])
-    def test_get_averages_items_within_window(self):
-        """tests get() returns the average of all values within the window."""
-        values = range(5)
-        expected_value = statistics.mean(values)
-        for value in values:
-            self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, value)
-        self.assertEqual(self.calibration_windows.get(C, O, G), expected_value)
-    def test_get_raises_error_when_calibration_is_not_complete(self):
-        """Tests get() raises CalibrationError when the window is not full."""
-        values = range(4)
-        for value in values:
-            self.calibration_windows.add(C, O, G, value)
-        with self.assertRaises(CalibrationError):
-            self.calibration_windows.get(C, O, G)
-class CalibrationScalarsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the CalibrationScalars class."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Here, we set up CalibrationScalars with a single dict entry so we can
-        # add values to the window. Normally, a child class is responsible for
-        # setting the keys of the CalibrationScalars object.
-        self.calibration_scalars = CalibrationScalars()
-        # Use a non-integer value so unit tests will fail when a bug occurs.
-        self.calibration_scalars._calibrations[(C, O, G)] = None
-    def test_get_returns_last_added_scalar(self):
-        """Tests the value added is the value returned from get()."""
-        ignored_value = 2.71828
-        expected_value = 3.14159
-        self.calibration_scalars.add(C, O, G, ignored_value)
-        self.calibration_scalars.add(C, O, G, expected_value)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_value, self.calibration_scalars.get(C, O, G))
-class CalibrationSnapshotTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the CalibrationSnapshot class."""
-    def test_all_keys_are_copied_to_snapshot(self):
-        """Tests that all keys from passed-in collection are copied."""
-        base_calibration = CalibrationScalars()
-        base_calibration._calibrations = {
-            (C, O, G): 2.71828,
-            (C2, O2, G2): 3.14159,
-        }
-        calibration_snapshot = CalibrationSnapshot(base_calibration)
-        self.assertSetEqual(
-            set(base_calibration.get_keys()),
-            set(calibration_snapshot.get_keys()))
-    def test_init_raises_value_error_upon_illegal_arguments(self):
-        """Tests __init__() raises ValueError if the argument is invalid."""
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            CalibrationSnapshot({'illegal': 'dictionary'})
-    def test_calibration_error_surfaced_on_get(self):
-        """Tests get() raises a CalibrationError if the snapshotted collection
-        had a CalibrationError.
-        """
-        base_calibration = CalibrationScalars()
-        base_calibration._calibrations = {
-            (C, O, G): CalibrationError('raise me')
-        }
-        calibration_snapshot = CalibrationSnapshot(base_calibration)
-        with self.assertRaises(CalibrationError):
-            calibration_snapshot.get(C, O, G)
-    def test_calibration_copied_upon_snapshot_created(self):
-        """Tests the calibration value is snapshotted."""
-        expected_value = 5
-        unexpected_value = 10
-        base_calibration = CalibrationScalars()
-        base_calibration._calibrations = {(C, O, G): expected_value}
-        calibration_snapshot = CalibrationSnapshot(base_calibration)
-        base_calibration.add(C, O, G, unexpected_value)
-        self.assertEqual(calibration_snapshot.get(C, O, G), expected_value)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformer_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformer_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index dafa1e1..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformer_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import BufferList
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import BufferStream
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.assembly_line import IndexedBuffer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import ParallelTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import SequentialTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import SourceTransformer
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformer import Transformer
-# The indexes of the arguments returned in Mock's call lists.
-ARGS = 0
-class TransformerImpl(Transformer):
-    """A basic implementation of a Transformer object."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.actions = []
-    def on_begin(self):
-        self.actions.append('begin')
-    def on_end(self):
-        self.actions.append('end')
-    def _transform(self, _):
-        self.actions.append('transform')
-def raise_exception(tipe=Exception):
-    def exception_raiser():
-        raise tipe()
-    return exception_raiser
-class TransformerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the Transformer class."""
-    def test_transform_calls_functions_in_order(self):
-        """Tests transform() calls functions in the correct arrangement."""
-        my_transformer = TransformerImpl()
-        my_transformer.transform(mock.Mock())
-        self.assertEqual(['begin', 'transform', 'end'], my_transformer.actions)
-    def test_transform_initializes_input_stream(self):
-        """Tests transform() initializes the input_stream before beginning."""
-        input_stream = mock.Mock()
-        transformer = TransformerImpl()
-        # Purposely fail before sending any data
-        transformer.on_begin = raise_exception(Exception)
-        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
-            transformer.transform(input_stream)
-        # Asserts initialize was called before on_begin.
-        self.assertTrue(input_stream.initialize.called)
-    def test_transform_initializes_output_stream(self):
-        """Tests transform() initializes the output_stream before beginning."""
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        transformer = TransformerImpl()
-        transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        # Purposely fail before sending any data
-        transformer.on_begin = raise_exception(Exception)
-        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
-            transformer.transform(mock.Mock())
-        # Asserts initialize was called before on_begin.
-        self.assertTrue(output_stream.initialize.called)
-class SourceTransformerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the SourceTransformer class."""
-    def test_transform_ends_on_buffer_stream_end(self):
-        """Tests transformation ends on stream end."""
-        source_transformer = SourceTransformer()
-        source_transformer.set_output_stream(mock.Mock())
-        transform_buffer = mock.Mock(side_effect=[BufferStream.END])
-        source_transformer._transform_buffer = transform_buffer
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        source_transformer.transform(output_stream)
-        self.assertFalse(output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.called)
-    def test_transform_adds_transformed_index_buffer(self):
-        source_transformer = SourceTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        source_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        expected_buffer = [0, 1, 2]
-        transform_buffer = mock.Mock(
-            side_effect=[expected_buffer, BufferStream.END])
-        source_transformer._transform_buffer = transform_buffer
-        source_transformer.transform(mock.Mock())
-        self.assertEqual(
-            expected_buffer,
-            output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.call_args[ARGS][0].buffer)
-    def test_transform_increases_buffer_index_each_call(self):
-        source_transformer = SourceTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        source_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        buffer = [0, 1, 2]
-        transform_buffer = mock.Mock(
-            side_effect=[buffer, buffer, buffer, BufferStream.END])
-        source_transformer._transform_buffer = transform_buffer
-        source_transformer.transform(mock.Mock())
-        self.assertEqual([0, 1, 2], [
-            output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.call_args_list[i][ARGS][0].index
-            for i in range(output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.call_count)
-        ])
-    def test_transform_calls_end_stream(self):
-        source_transformer = SourceTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        source_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        transform_buffer = mock.Mock(side_effect=[BufferStream.END])
-        source_transformer._transform_buffer = transform_buffer
-        source_transformer.transform(mock.Mock())
-        self.assertTrue(output_stream.end_stream.called)
-class SequentialTransformerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the SequentialTransformer class."""
-    def test_send_buffers_updates_next_index_on_buffer_list(self):
-        sequential_transformer = SequentialTransformer()
-        sequential_transformer._next_index = 10
-        expected_next_index = 15
-        sequential_transformer._send_buffers(BufferList([[]] * 5))
-        self.assertEqual(expected_next_index,
-                         sequential_transformer._next_index)
-    def test_send_buffers_updates_next_index_on_single_buffer(self):
-        sequential_transformer = SequentialTransformer()
-        sequential_transformer._next_index = 10
-        expected_next_index = 11
-        sequential_transformer._send_buffers([])
-        self.assertEqual(expected_next_index,
-                         sequential_transformer._next_index)
-    def test_send_buffers_sends_buffer_list_with_correct_indexes(self):
-        buffers_to_send = [
-            [1],
-            [1, 2],
-            [1, 2, 3],
-            [1, 2, 3, 4],
-            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
-        ]
-        sequential_transformer = SequentialTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        sequential_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        sequential_transformer._send_buffers(BufferList(buffers_to_send))
-        for expected_index, expected_buffer in enumerate(buffers_to_send):
-            call = output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.call_args_list[
-                expected_index]
-            self.assertEqual(expected_index, call[ARGS][0].index)
-            self.assertEqual(expected_buffer, call[ARGS][0].buffer)
-    def test_transform_breaks_upon_buffer_stream_end_received(self):
-        sequential_transformer = SequentialTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        input_stream = mock.Mock()
-        sequential_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        input_stream.remove_indexed_buffer.side_effect = [BufferStream.END]
-        sequential_transformer._transform(input_stream)
-        self.assertFalse(output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.called)
-    def test_transform_closes_output_stream_when_finished(self):
-        sequential_transformer = SequentialTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        input_stream = mock.Mock()
-        sequential_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        input_stream.remove_indexed_buffer.side_effect = [BufferStream.END]
-        sequential_transformer._transform(input_stream)
-        self.assertTrue(output_stream.end_stream.called)
-class ParallelTransformerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the ParallelTransformer class."""
-    def test_transform_breaks_upon_buffer_stream_end_received(self):
-        parallel_transformer = ParallelTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        input_stream = mock.Mock()
-        parallel_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        input_stream.remove_indexed_buffer.side_effect = [BufferStream.END]
-        parallel_transformer._transform(input_stream)
-        self.assertFalse(output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.called)
-    def test_transform_closes_output_stream_when_finished(self):
-        parallel_transformer = ParallelTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        input_stream = mock.Mock()
-        parallel_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        input_stream.remove_indexed_buffer.side_effect = [BufferStream.END]
-        parallel_transformer._transform(input_stream)
-        self.assertTrue(output_stream.end_stream.called)
-    def test_transform_passes_indexed_buffer_with_updated_buffer(self):
-        expected_buffer = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
-        expected_index = 12345
-        parallel_transformer = ParallelTransformer()
-        output_stream = mock.Mock()
-        input_stream = mock.Mock()
-        parallel_transformer.set_output_stream(output_stream)
-        input_stream.remove_indexed_buffer.side_effect = [
-            IndexedBuffer(expected_index, []), BufferStream.END
-        ]
-        parallel_transformer._transform_buffer = lambda _: expected_buffer
-        parallel_transformer._transform(input_stream)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            expected_buffer,
-            output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.call_args_list[0][ARGS][0].buffer)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            expected_index,
-            output_stream.add_indexed_buffer.call_args_list[0][ARGS][0].index)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformers_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformers_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 56d34e3..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_lib/sampling/engine/transformers_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import statistics
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import DownSampler
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import PerfgateTee
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import SampleAggregator
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.engine.transformers import Tee
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.sampling.hvpm.transformers import HvpmReading
-ARGS = 0
-class TeeTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the transformers.Tee class."""
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_begin_opens_file_on_expected_filename(self, open_mock):
-        expected_filename = 'foo'
-        Tee(expected_filename).on_begin()
-        open_mock.assert_called_with(expected_filename, 'w+')
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_end_closes_file(self, open_mock):
-        tee = Tee('foo')
-        tee.on_begin()
-        tee.on_end()
-        self.assertTrue(open_mock().close.called)
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_transform_buffer_outputs_correct_format(self, open_mock):
-        tee = Tee('foo')
-        tee.on_begin()
-        expected_output = [
-            '0.010000000 1.414213562370\n', '0.020000000 2.718281828460\n',
-            '0.030000000 3.141592653590\n'
-        ]
-        tee._transform_buffer([
-            HvpmReading([1.41421356237, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0.01),
-            HvpmReading([2.71828182846, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0.02),
-            HvpmReading([3.14159265359, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0.03),
-        ])
-        for call, out in zip(open_mock().write.call_args_list,
-                             expected_output):
-            self.assertEqual(call[ARGS][0], out)
-class PerfgateTeeTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the transformers.PerfgateTee class."""
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_begin_opens_file_on_expected_filename(self, open_mock):
-        expected_filename = 'foo'
-        PerfgateTee(expected_filename).on_begin()
-        open_mock.assert_called_with(expected_filename, 'w+')
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_end_closes_file(self, open_mock):
-        tee = PerfgateTee('foo')
-        tee.on_begin()
-        tee.on_end()
-        self.assertTrue(open_mock().close.called)
-    @mock.patch('builtins.open')
-    def test_transform_buffer_outputs_correct_format(self, open_mock):
-        tee = PerfgateTee('foo')
-        tee.on_begin()
-        expected_output = [
-            '1596149635552503296,0.000223,4.193050\n',
-            '1596149635562476032,0.000212,4.193190\n',
-            '1596149635572549376,0.000225,4.193135\n',
-        ]
-        tee._transform_buffer([
-            HvpmReading([0.000223, 0, 0, 4.193050, 0], 1596149635.552503296),
-            HvpmReading([0.000212, 0, 0, 4.193190, 0], 1596149635.562476032),
-            HvpmReading([0.000225, 0, 0, 4.193135, 0], 1596149635.572549376),
-        ])
-        for call, out in zip(open_mock().write.call_args_list,
-                             expected_output):
-            self.assertEqual(call[ARGS][0], out)
-class SampleAggregatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the transformers.SampleAggregator class."""
-    def test_transform_buffer_respects_start_after_seconds_flag(self):
-        sample_aggregator = SampleAggregator(start_after_seconds=1.0)
-        sample_aggregator._transform_buffer([
-            HvpmReading([1.41421356237, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0.00),
-            HvpmReading([2.71828182846, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0.99),
-            HvpmReading([3.14159265359, 0, 0, 0, 0], 1.00),
-        ])
-        self.assertEqual(sample_aggregator.num_samples, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(sample_aggregator.sum_currents, 3.14159265359)
-    def test_transform_buffer_sums_currents(self):
-        sample_aggregator = SampleAggregator()
-        sample_aggregator._transform_buffer([
-            HvpmReading([1.41421356237, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0.01),
-            HvpmReading([2.71828182846, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0.99),
-            HvpmReading([3.14159265359, 0, 0, 0, 0], 1.00),
-        ])
-        self.assertEqual(sample_aggregator.num_samples, 3)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(sample_aggregator.sum_currents, 7.27408804442)
-class DownSamplerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests the DownSampler class."""
-    def test_transform_buffer_downsamples_without_leftovers(self):
-        downsampler = DownSampler(2)
-        buffer = [
-            HvpmReading([2, 0, 0, 0, 0], .01),
-            HvpmReading([4, 0, 0, 0, 0], .03),
-            HvpmReading([6, 0, 0, 0, 0], .05),
-            HvpmReading([8, 0, 0, 0, 0], .07),
-            HvpmReading([10, 0, 0, 0, 0], .09),
-            HvpmReading([12, 0, 0, 0, 0], .011),
-        ]
-        values = downsampler._transform_buffer(buffer)
-        self.assertEqual(len(values), len(buffer) / 2)
-        for i, down_sample in enumerate(values):
-            self.assertAlmostEqual(
-                down_sample.main_current,
-                ((buffer[2 * i] + buffer[2 * i + 1]) / 2).main_current)
-    def test_transform_stores_unused_values_in_leftovers(self):
-        downsampler = DownSampler(3)
-        buffer = [
-            HvpmReading([2, 0, 0, 0, 0], .01),
-            HvpmReading([4, 0, 0, 0, 0], .03),
-            HvpmReading([6, 0, 0, 0, 0], .05),
-            HvpmReading([8, 0, 0, 0, 0], .07),
-            HvpmReading([10, 0, 0, 0, 0], .09),
-        ]
-        downsampler._transform_buffer(buffer)
-        self.assertEqual(len(downsampler._leftovers), 2)
-        self.assertIn(buffer[-2], downsampler._leftovers)
-        self.assertIn(buffer[-1], downsampler._leftovers)
-    def test_transform_uses_leftovers_on_next_calculation(self):
-        downsampler = DownSampler(3)
-        starting_leftovers = [
-            HvpmReading([2, 0, 0, 0, 0], .01),
-            HvpmReading([4, 0, 0, 0, 0], .03),
-        ]
-        downsampler._leftovers = starting_leftovers
-        buffer = [
-            HvpmReading([6, 0, 0, 0, 0], .05),
-            HvpmReading([8, 0, 0, 0, 0], .07),
-            HvpmReading([10, 0, 0, 0, 0], .09),
-            HvpmReading([12, 0, 0, 0, 0], .011)
-        ]
-        values = downsampler._transform_buffer(buffer)
-        self.assertEqual(len(values), 2)
-        self.assertNotIn(starting_leftovers[0], downsampler._leftovers)
-        self.assertNotIn(starting_leftovers[1], downsampler._leftovers)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(
-            values[0].main_current,
-            statistics.mean([
-                starting_leftovers[0].main_current,
-                starting_leftovers[1].main_current,
-                buffer[0].main_current,
-            ]))
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(
-            values[1].main_current,
-            statistics.mean([
-                buffer[1].main_current,
-                buffer[2].main_current,
-                buffer[3].main_current,
-            ]))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 858ac3a..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/monsoon_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers import monsoon
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.hvpm.monsoon import Monsoon as HvpmMonsoon
-from antlion.controllers.monsoon_lib.api.lvpm_stock.monsoon import Monsoon as LvpmStockMonsoon
-class MonsoonTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the antlion.controllers.iperf_client module functions."""
-    def test_create_can_create_lvpm_from_id_only(self, *_):
-        monsoons = monsoon.create([12345])
-        self.assertIsInstance(monsoons[0], LvpmStockMonsoon)
-    def test_create_can_create_lvpm_from_dict(self, *_):
-        monsoons = monsoon.create([{'type': 'LvpmStockMonsoon', 'serial': 10}])
-        self.assertIsInstance(monsoons[0], LvpmStockMonsoon)
-        self.assertEqual(monsoons[0].serial, 10)
-    def test_create_can_create_hvpm_from_id_only(self, *_):
-        monsoons = monsoon.create([23456])
-        self.assertIsInstance(monsoons[0], HvpmMonsoon)
-    def test_create_can_create_hvpm_from_dict(self, *_):
-        monsoons = monsoon.create([{'type': 'HvpmMonsoon', 'serial': 10}])
-        self.assertIsInstance(monsoons[0], HvpmMonsoon)
-        self.assertEqual(monsoons[0].serial, 10)
-    def test_raises_error_if_monsoon_type_is_unknown(self, *_):
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            monsoon.create([{'type': 'UNKNOWN', 'serial': 10}])
-    def test_raises_error_if_monsoon_serial_not_provided(self, *_):
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            monsoon.create([{'type': 'LvpmStockMonsoon'}])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd0b85..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/pdu_lib/synaccess/np02b_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Python unittest module for pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b"""
-import unittest
-from unittest.mock import patch
-from antlion.controllers.pdu import PduError
-from antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b import _TNHelperNP02B, PduDevice
-# Test Constants
-HOST = ''
-VALID_RESPONSE_BYTE_STR = b'\n\r\r\n\r\n'
-    'Port | Name    |Status   1 |    Outlet1 |   OFF|   2 |    Outlet2 |   ON |'
-    b'Port | Name    |Status   1 |    Outlet1 |   OFF|   2 |    Outlet2 |   '
-    b'ON |\n\r\r\n\r\n')
-INVALID_COMMAND_OUTPUT_BYTE_STR = b'Invalid Command\n\r\r\n\r\n>'
-VALID_STATUS_DICT = {'1': False, '2': True}
-INVALID_STATUS_DICT = {'1': False, '2': False}
-class _TNHelperNP02BTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for _TNHelperNP02B."""
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep')
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib')
-    def test_cmd_is_properly_written(self, telnetlib_mock, sleep_mock):
-        """cmd should strip whitespace and encode in ASCII."""
-        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
-        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = (
-        res = tnhelper.cmd(VALID_COMMAND_STR)
-        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().write.assert_called_with(
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep')
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib')
-    def test_cmd_valid_command_output_is_properly_parsed(
-            self, telnetlib_mock, sleep_mock):
-        """cmd should strip the prompt, separators and command from the
-        output."""
-        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
-        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = (
-        res = tnhelper.cmd(VALID_COMMAND_STR)
-        self.assertEqual(res, VALID_RESPONSE_STR)
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep')
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib')
-    def test_cmd_status_output_is_properly_parsed(self, telnetlib_mock,
-                                                  sleep_mock):
-        """cmd should strip the prompt, separators and command from the output,
-        returning just the status information."""
-        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
-        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = (
-        res = tnhelper.cmd(STATUS_COMMAND_STR)
-        self.assertEqual(res, STATUS_RESPONSE_STR)
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time.sleep')
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.telnetlib')
-    def test_cmd_invalid_command_raises_error(self, telnetlib_mock,
-                                              sleep_mock):
-        """cmd should raise PduError when an invalid command is given."""
-        tnhelper = _TNHelperNP02B(HOST)
-        telnetlib_mock.Telnet().read_until.return_value = (
-        with self.assertRaises(PduError):
-            res = tnhelper.cmd('Some invalid command.')
-class NP02BPduDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for NP02B PduDevice implementation."""
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b._TNHelperNP02B.cmd')
-    def test_status_parses_output_to_valid_dictionary(self, tnhelper_cmd_mock):
-        """status should parse helper response correctly into dict."""
-        np02b = PduDevice(HOST, None, None)
-        tnhelper_cmd_mock.return_value = STATUS_RESPONSE_STR
-        self.assertEqual(np02b.status(), VALID_STATUS_DICT)
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b._TNHelperNP02B.cmd')
-    def test_verify_state_matches_state(self, tnhelper_cmd_mock):
-        """verify_state should return true when expected state is a subset of
-        actual state"""
-        np02b = PduDevice(HOST, None, None)
-        tnhelper_cmd_mock.return_value = STATUS_RESPONSE_STR
-        self.assertTrue(np02b._verify_state(VALID_STATUS_DICT))
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b.time')
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.pdu_lib.synaccess.np02b._TNHelperNP02B.cmd')
-    def test_verify_state_throws_error(self, tnhelper_cmd_mock, time_mock):
-        """verify_state should throw error after timeout when actual state never
-        reaches expected state"""
-        time_mock.time.side_effect = [1, 2, 10]
-        np02b = PduDevice(HOST, None, None)
-        tnhelper_cmd_mock.return_value = STATUS_RESPONSE_STR
-        with self.assertRaises(PduError):
-            self.assertTrue(np02b._verify_state(INVALID_STATUS_DICT))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/power_metrics_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/power_metrics_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ba47b2f..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/power_metrics_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import statistics
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-from unittest.mock import patch
-from antlion.controllers import power_metrics
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import CURRENT
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import END_TIMESTAMP
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import HOUR
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import Metric
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import MILLIAMP
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import MINUTE
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import PowerMetrics
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import START_TIMESTAMP
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import TIME
-from antlion.controllers.power_metrics import WATT
-FAKE_UNIT_TYPE = 'fake_unit'
-class MeasurementTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for the Measurement class."""
-    def test_init_with_valid_unit_type(self):
-        """Test that a Measurement is properly initialized given a valid unit
-        type.
-        """
-        measurement = Metric(2, CURRENT, MILLIAMP)
-        self.assertEqual(measurement.value, 2)
-        self.assertEqual(measurement.unit, MILLIAMP)
-    def test_init_with_invalid_unit_type(self):
-        """Test that __init__ raises an error if given an invalid unit type."""
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'valid unit type'):
-            measurement = Metric(2, FAKE_UNIT_TYPE, FAKE_UNIT)
-    def test_unit_conversion(self):
-        """Test that to_unit correctly converts value and unit."""
-        ratio = 1000
-        current_amps = Metric.amps(15)
-        current_milliamps = current_amps.to_unit(MILLIAMP)
-        self.assertEqual(current_milliamps.value / current_amps.value, ratio)
-    def test_unit_conversion_with_wrong_type(self):
-        """Test that to_unit raises and error if incompatible unit type is
-        specified.
-        """
-        current_amps = Metric.amps(3.4)
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'Incompatible units'):
-            power_watts = current_amps.to_unit(WATT)
-    def test_comparison_operators(self):
-        """Test that the comparison operators work as intended."""
-        # time_a == time_b < time_c
-        time_a = Metric.seconds(120)
-        time_b = Metric(2, TIME, MINUTE)
-        time_c = Metric(0.1, TIME, HOUR)
-        self.assertEqual(time_a, time_b)
-        self.assertEqual(time_b, time_a)
-        self.assertLessEqual(time_a, time_b)
-        self.assertGreaterEqual(time_a, time_b)
-        self.assertNotEqual(time_a, time_c)
-        self.assertNotEqual(time_c, time_a)
-        self.assertLess(time_a, time_c)
-        self.assertLessEqual(time_a, time_c)
-        self.assertGreater(time_c, time_a)
-        self.assertGreaterEqual(time_c, time_a)
-    def test_arithmetic_operators(self):
-        """Test that the addition and subtraction operators work as intended"""
-        time_a = Metric(3, TIME, HOUR)
-        time_b = Metric(90, TIME, MINUTE)
-        sum_ = time_a + time_b
-        self.assertEqual(sum_.value, 4.5)
-        self.assertEqual(sum_.unit, HOUR)
-        sum_reversed = time_b + time_a
-        self.assertEqual(sum_reversed.value, 270)
-        self.assertEqual(sum_reversed.unit, MINUTE)
-        diff = time_a - time_b
-        self.assertEqual(diff.value, 1.5)
-        self.assertEqual(diff.unit, HOUR)
-        diff_reversed = time_b - time_a
-        self.assertEqual(diff_reversed.value, -90)
-        self.assertEqual(diff_reversed.unit, MINUTE)
-class PowerMetricsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Unit tests for the PowerMetrics class."""
-    SAMPLES = [0.13, 0.95, 0.32, 4.84, 2.48, 4.11, 4.85, 4.88, 4.22, 2.2]
-    RAW_DATA = list(zip(range(10), SAMPLES))
-    VOLTAGE = 4.2
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.power_metrics = PowerMetrics(self.VOLTAGE)
-    def test_import_raw_data(self):
-        """Test that power metrics can be loaded from file. Simply ensure that
-        the number of samples is correct."""
-        imported_data = power_metrics.import_raw_data(
-            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                         'data/sample_monsoon_data')
-        )
-        count = 0
-        for _, __ in imported_data:
-            count = count + 1
-        self.assertEqual(count, 10)
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.power_metrics.PowerMetrics')
-    def test_split_by_test_with_timestamps(self, mock_power_metric_type):
-        """Test that given test timestamps, a power metric is generated from
-        a subset of samples corresponding to the test."""
-        timestamps = {'sample_test': {START_TIMESTAMP: 3500,
-                                      END_TIMESTAMP:   8500}}
-        mock_power_metric = mock.Mock()
-        mock_power_metric_type.side_effect = lambda v: mock_power_metric
-        power_metrics.generate_test_metrics(self.RAW_DATA,
-                                            timestamps=timestamps,
-                                            voltage=self.VOLTAGE)
-        self.assertEqual(mock_power_metric.update_metrics.call_count, 5)
-    def test_incomplete_timestamps_are_ignored(self):
-        """Test that given incomplete timestamps, a power metric is generated from
-        a subset of samples corresponding to the test."""
-        sample_test = 'sample_test'
-        test_end = 13500
-        test_timestamps = {sample_test: {
-            END_TIMESTAMP: test_end}}
-        # no error expected
-        metrics = (
-            power_metrics.generate_test_metrics(self.RAW_DATA,
-                                                timestamps=test_timestamps,
-                                                voltage=self.VOLTAGE))
-    def test_numeric_metrics(self):
-        """Test that the numeric metrics have correct values."""
-        timestamps = {'sample_test': {START_TIMESTAMP: 0,
-                                      END_TIMESTAMP:   10000}}
-        metrics = power_metrics.generate_test_metrics(self.RAW_DATA,
-                                                      timestamps=timestamps,
-                                                      voltage=self.VOLTAGE)
-        metrics_as_dic = {m.name: m for m in metrics['sample_test']}
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(metrics_as_dic['avg_current'].value,
-                               statistics.mean(self.SAMPLES) * 1000)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(metrics_as_dic['max_current'].value,
-                               max(self.SAMPLES) * 1000)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(metrics_as_dic['min_current'].value,
-                               min(self.SAMPLES) * 1000)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(
-            metrics_as_dic['stdev_current'].value,
-            statistics.stdev(self.SAMPLES) * 1000)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(
-            self.power_metrics.avg_power.value,
-            self.power_metrics.avg_current.value * self.VOLTAGE)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/power_monitor_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/power_monitor_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f62e6fa..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/power_monitor_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers import power_monitor
-class PowerMonitorTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_registry_gets_updated(self):
-        power_monitor.update_registry({'a_key': 'a_value'})
-        self.assertTrue('a_key' in power_monitor.get_registry())
-        self.assertEqual('a_value', power_monitor.get_registry()['a_key'])
-    def test_registry_disallows_mutation(self):
-        power_monitor.update_registry({'a_key': 'a_value'})
-        with self.assertRaises(power_monitor.ResourcesRegistryError):
-            power_monitor.update_registry({'a_key': 'another_value'})
-    def test_registry_allows_updates_with_same_values(self):
-        power_monitor.update_registry({'a_key': 'a_value'})
-        power_monitor.update_registry({'a_key': 'a_value'})
-    def tearDown(self):
-        super().tearDown()
-        power_monitor._REGISTRY = {}
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/__init__.py b/unit_tests/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/contest_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/contest_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 05d57d7..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/contest_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from antlion import logger
-from antlion import asserts
-import unittest
-from unittest import mock
-import socket
-import time
-from contextlib import closing
-# TODO(markdr): Remove this hack after adding zeep to setup.py.
-import sys
-sys.modules['zeep'] = mock.Mock()
-from antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib import contest
-def find_free_port():
-    """ Helper function to find a free port.
-    https://stackoverflow.com/a/45690594
-    """
-    with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s:
-        s.bind(('', 0))
-        s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
-        return s.getsockname()[1]
-class ContestTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Unit tests for the contest controller."""
-    LOCAL_HOST_IP = ''
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(self):
-        self.log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger('contest_test')
-    def test_automation_server_end_to_end(self):
-        """ End to end test for the Contest object's ability to start an
-        Automation Server and respond to the commands sent through the
-        socket interface. """
-        automation_port = find_free_port()
-        # Instantiate the mock Contest object. This will start a thread in the
-        # background running the Automation server.
-        with mock.patch('zeep.client.Client') as zeep_client:
-            # Create a MagicMock instance
-            zeep_client.return_value = mock.MagicMock()
-            controller = contest.Contest(
-                logger=self.log,
-                remote_ip=None,
-                remote_port=None,
-                automation_listen_ip=self.LOCAL_HOST_IP,
-                automation_port=automation_port,
-                dut_on_func=None,
-                dut_off_func=None,
-                ftp_pwd=None,
-                ftp_usr=None)
-            # Give some time for the server to initialize as it's running on
-            # a different thread.
-            time.sleep(0.01)
-            # Start a socket connection and send a command
-            with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
-                s.connect((self.LOCAL_HOST_IP, automation_port))
-                s.sendall(b'AtTestcaseStart')
-                s.settimeout(1.0)
-                data = s.recv(1024)
-                asserts.assert_true(data == b'OK\n', "Received OK response.")
-        controller.destroy()
-    def test_automation_protocol_calls_dut_off_func_for_on_command(self):
-        """ Tests the AutomationProtocol's ability to turn the DUT off
-        upon receiving the requests."""
-        dut_on_func = mock.Mock()
-        protocol = contest.AutomationServer.AutomationProtocol(
-            mock.Mock(), dut_on_func, mock.Mock())
-        protocol.send_ok = mock.Mock()
-        protocol.data_received(b'DUT_SWITCH_ON')
-        asserts.assert_true(dut_on_func.called, 'Function was not called.')
-        asserts.assert_true(protocol.send_ok.called, 'OK response not sent.')
-    def test_automation_protocol_calls_dut_on_func_for_off_command(self):
-        """ Tests the Automation server's ability to turn the DUT on
-        upon receiving the requests."""
-        dut_off_func = mock.Mock()
-        protocol = contest.AutomationServer.AutomationProtocol(
-            mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), dut_off_func)
-        protocol.send_ok = mock.Mock()
-        protocol.data_received(b'DUT_SWITCH_OFF')
-        asserts.assert_true(dut_off_func.called, 'Function was not called.')
-        asserts.assert_true(protocol.send_ok.called, 'OK response not sent.')
-    def test_automation_protocol_handles_testcase_start_command(self):
-        """ Tests the Automation server's ability to handle a testcase start
-        command."""
-        protocol = contest.AutomationServer.AutomationProtocol(
-            mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), None)
-        protocol.send_ok = mock.Mock()
-        protocol.data_received(b'AtTestcaseStart name_of_the_testcase')
-        asserts.assert_true(protocol.send_ok.called, 'OK response not sent.')
-    def test_automation_protocol_handles_testplan_start_command(self):
-        """ Tests the Automation server's ability to handle a testplan start
-        command."""
-        protocol = contest.AutomationServer.AutomationProtocol(
-            mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), None)
-        protocol.send_ok = mock.Mock()
-        protocol.data_received(b'AtTestplanStart')
-        asserts.assert_true(protocol.send_ok.called, 'OK response not sent.')
-    def test_automation_protocol_handles_testcase_end_command(self):
-        """ Tests the Automation server's ability to handle a testcase end
-        command."""
-        protocol = contest.AutomationServer.AutomationProtocol(
-            mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), None)
-        protocol.send_ok = mock.Mock()
-        protocol.data_received(b'AfterTestcase')
-        asserts.assert_true(protocol.send_ok.called, 'OK response not sent.')
-    def test_automation_protocol_handles_testplan_end_command(self):
-        """ Tests the Automation server's ability to handle a testplan start
-        command."""
-        protocol = contest.AutomationServer.AutomationProtocol(
-            mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), None)
-        protocol.send_ok = mock.Mock()
-        protocol.data_received(b'AfterTestplan')
-        asserts.assert_true(protocol.send_ok.called, 'OK response not sent.')
-    # Makes all time.sleep commands call a mock function that returns
-    # immediately, rather than sleeping.
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    # Prevents the controller to try to download the results from the FTP server
-    @mock.patch('antlion.controllers.rohdeschwarz_lib.contest'
-                '.Contest.pull_test_results')
-    def test_execute_testplan_stops_reading_output_on_exit_line(
-            self, time_mock, results_func_mock):
-        """ Makes sure that execute_test plan returns after receiving an
-        exit code.
-        Args:
-            time_mock: time.sleep mock object.
-            results_func_mock: Contest.pull_test_results mock object.
-        """
-        service_output = mock.Mock()
-        # An array of what return values. If a value is an Exception, the
-        # Exception is raised instead.
-        service_output.side_effect = [
-            'Output line 1\n', 'Output line 2\n',
-            'Testplan Directory: \\\\a\\b\\c\n'
-            'Exit code: 0\n',
-            AssertionError('Tried to read output after exit code was sent.')
-        ]
-        with mock.patch('zeep.client.Client') as zeep_client:
-            zeep_client.return_value.service.DoGetOutput = service_output
-            controller = contest.Contest(logger=self.log,
-                                         remote_ip=None,
-                                         remote_port=None,
-                                         automation_listen_ip=None,
-                                         automation_port=None,
-                                         dut_on_func=None,
-                                         dut_off_func=None,
-                                         ftp_usr=None,
-                                         ftp_pwd=None)
-        controller.execute_testplan('TestPlan')
-        controller.destroy()
-    # Makes all time.sleep commands call a mock function that returns
-    # immediately, rather than sleeping.
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    # Prevents the controller to try to download the results from the FTP server
-    @mock.patch.object(contest.Contest, 'pull_test_results')
-    def test_execute_testplan_detects_results_directory(
-            self, time_mock, results_func_mock):
-        """ Makes sure that execute_test is able to detect the testplan
-        directory from the test output.
-        Args:
-            time_mock: time.sleep mock object.
-            results_func_mock: Contest.pull_test_results mock object.
-        """
-        results_directory = 'results\directory\\name'
-        service_output = mock.Mock()
-        # An array of what return values. If a value is an Exception, the
-        # Exception is raised instead.
-        service_output.side_effect = [
-            'Testplan Directory: {}{}\\ \n'.format(contest.Contest.FTP_ROOT,
-                                                   results_directory),
-            'Exit code: 0\n'
-        ]
-        with mock.patch('zeep.client.Client') as zeep_client:
-            zeep_client.return_value.service.DoGetOutput = service_output
-            controller = contest.Contest(logger=self.log,
-                                         remote_ip=None,
-                                         remote_port=None,
-                                         automation_listen_ip=None,
-                                         automation_port=None,
-                                         dut_on_func=None,
-                                         dut_off_func=None,
-                                         ftp_usr=None,
-                                         ftp_pwd=None)
-        controller.execute_testplan('TestPlan')
-        controller.pull_test_results.assert_called_with(results_directory)
-        controller.destroy()
-    # Makes all time.sleep commands call a mock function that returns
-    # immediately, rather than sleeping.
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
-    # Prevents the controller to try to download the results from the FTP server
-    @mock.patch.object(contest.Contest, 'pull_test_results')
-    def test_execute_testplan_fails_when_contest_is_unresponsive(
-            self, time_mock, results_func_mock):
-        """ Makes sure that execute_test plan returns after receiving an
-        exit code.
-        Args:
-            time_mock: time.sleep mock object.
-            results_func_mock: Contest.pull_test_results mock object.
-        """
-        service_output = mock.Mock()
-        # An array of what return values. If a value is an Exception, the
-        # Exception is raised instead.
-        mock_output = [None] * contest.Contest.MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_READ_RETRIES
-        mock_output.append(
-            AssertionError('Test did not failed after too many '
-                           'unsuccessful retries.'))
-        service_output.side_effect = mock_output
-        with mock.patch('zeep.client.Client') as zeep_client:
-            zeep_client.return_value.service.DoGetOutput = service_output
-            controller = contest.Contest(logger=self.log,
-                                         remote_ip=None,
-                                         remote_port=None,
-                                         automation_listen_ip=None,
-                                         automation_port=None,
-                                         dut_on_func=None,
-                                         dut_off_func=None,
-                                         ftp_usr=None,
-                                         ftp_pwd=None)
-        try:
-            controller.execute_testplan('TestPlan')
-        except RuntimeError:
-            pass
-        controller.destroy()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1714233..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_client_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-class BreakoutError(Exception):
-    """Thrown to prove program execution."""
-class RpcClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the rpc_client.RpcClient class."""
-    def test_terminate_warn_on_working_connections(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.terminate().
-        Tests that if some connections are still working, we log this before
-        closing the connections.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        client._log = mock.Mock()
-        client._working_connections = [mock.Mock()]
-        client.terminate()
-        self.assertTrue(client._log.warning.called)
-    def test_terminate_closes_all_connections(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.terminate().
-        Tests that all free and working connections have been closed.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        client._log = mock.Mock()
-        working_connections = [mock.Mock() for _ in range(3)]
-        free_connections = [mock.Mock() for _ in range(3)]
-        client._free_connections = free_connections
-        client._working_connections = working_connections
-        client.terminate()
-        for connection in working_connections + free_connections:
-            self.assertTrue(connection.close.called)
-    def test_get_free_connection_get_available_client(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._get_free_connection().
-        Tests that an available client is returned if one exists.
-        """
-        def fail_on_wrong_execution():
-            self.fail('The program is not executing the expected path. '
-                      'Tried to return an available free client, ended up '
-                      'sleeping to wait for client instead.')
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        expected_connection = mock.Mock()
-        client._free_connections = [expected_connection]
-        client._lock = mock.MagicMock()
-        with mock.patch('time.sleep') as sleep_mock:
-            sleep_mock.side_effect = fail_on_wrong_execution
-            connection = client._get_free_connection()
-        self.assertEqual(connection, expected_connection)
-        self.assertTrue(expected_connection in client._working_connections)
-        self.assertEqual(len(client._free_connections), 0)
-    def test_get_free_connection_continues_upon_connection_taken(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._get_free_connection().
-        Tests that if the free connection is taken while trying to acquire the
-        lock to reserve it, the thread gives up the lock and tries again.
-        """
-        def empty_list():
-            client._free_connections.clear()
-        def fail_on_wrong_execution():
-            self.fail('The program is not executing the expected path. '
-                      'Tried to return an available free client, ended up '
-                      'sleeping to wait for client instead.')
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        client._free_connections = mock.Mock()
-        client._lock = mock.MagicMock()
-        client._lock.acquire.side_effect = empty_list
-        client._free_connections = [mock.Mock()]
-        with mock.patch('time.sleep') as sleep_mock:
-            sleep_mock.side_effect = fail_on_wrong_execution
-            try:
-                client._get_free_connection()
-            except IndexError:
-                self.fail('Tried to pop free connection when another thread'
-                          'has taken it.')
-        # Assert that the lock has been freed.
-        self.assertEqual(client._lock.acquire.call_count,
-                         client._lock.release.call_count)
-    def test_get_free_connection_sleep(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._get_free_connection().
-        Tests that if the free connection is taken, it will wait for a new one.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        client._free_connections = []
-        client.max_connections = 0
-        client._lock = mock.MagicMock()
-        client._free_connections = []
-        with mock.patch('time.sleep') as sleep_mock:
-            sleep_mock.side_effect = BreakoutError()
-            try:
-                client._get_free_connection()
-            except BreakoutError:
-                # Assert that the lock has been freed.
-                self.assertEqual(client._lock.acquire.call_count,
-                                 client._lock.release.call_count)
-                # Asserts that the sleep has been called.
-                self.assertTrue(sleep_mock.called)
-                # Asserts that no changes to connections happened
-                self.assertEqual(len(client._free_connections), 0)
-                self.assertEqual(len(client._working_connections), 0)
-                return True
-        self.fail('Failed to hit sleep case')
-    def test_release_working_connection(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient._release_working_connection.
-        Tests that the working connection is moved into the free connections.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        connection = mock.Mock()
-        client._working_connections = [connection]
-        client._free_connections = []
-        client._release_working_connection(connection)
-        self.assertTrue(connection in client._free_connections)
-        self.assertFalse(connection in client._working_connections)
-    def test_future(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.future.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        self.assertEqual(client.future, client._async_client)
-    def test_getattr(self):
-        """Tests rpc_client.RpcClient.__getattr__.
-        Tests that the name, args, and kwargs are correctly passed to self.rpc.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        client = rpc_client.RpcClient(session.uid, session.adb.serial,
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock(),
-                                      lambda _: mock.Mock())
-        client.rpc = mock.MagicMock()
-        fn = client.fake_function_please_do_not_be_implemented
-        fn('arg1', 'arg2', kwarg1=1, kwarg2=2)
-        client.rpc.assert_called_with(
-            'fake_function_please_do_not_be_implemented',
-            'arg1',
-            'arg2',
-            kwarg1=1,
-            kwarg2=2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 35a3425..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/rpc_connection_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client, rpc_connection
-MOCK_RESP = b'{"id": 0, "result": 123, "error": null, "status": 1, "uid": 1}'
-MOCK_RESP_UNKNOWN_UID = b'{"id": 0, "result": 123, "error": null, "status": 0}'
-MOCK_RESP_WITH_ERROR = b'{"id": 0, "error": 1, "status": 1, "uid": 1}'
-class MockSocketFile(object):
-    def __init__(self, resp):
-        self.resp = resp
-        self.last_write = None
-    def write(self, msg):
-        self.last_write = msg
-    def readline(self):
-        return self.resp
-    def flush(self):
-        pass
-class RpcConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
-    under antlion.controllers.android, which is the RPC client module for sl4a.
-    """
-    @staticmethod
-    def mock_rpc_connection(response=MOCK_RESP,
-                            uid=rpc_connection.UNKNOWN_UID):
-        """Sets up a faked socket file from the mock connection."""
-        fake_file = MockSocketFile(response)
-        fake_conn = mock.MagicMock()
-        fake_conn.makefile.return_value = fake_file
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        ports = mock.Mock()
-        return rpc_connection.RpcConnection(
-            adb, ports, fake_conn, fake_file, uid=uid)
-    def test_open_chooses_init_on_unknown_uid(self):
-        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection.open().
-        Tests that open uses the init start command when the uid is unknown.
-        """
-        def pass_on_init(start_command):
-            if not start_command == rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT:
-                self.fail(
-                    'Must call "init". Called "%s" instead.' % start_command)
-        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection()
-        connection._initiate_handshake = pass_on_init
-        connection.open()
-    def test_open_chooses_continue_on_known_uid(self):
-        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection.open().
-        Tests that open uses the continue start command when the uid is known.
-        """
-        def pass_on_continue(start_command):
-            if start_command != rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.CONTINUE:
-                self.fail('Must call "continue". Called "%s" instead.' %
-                          start_command)
-        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(uid=1)
-        connection._initiate_handshake = pass_on_continue
-        connection.open()
-    def test_initiate_handshake_returns_uid(self):
-        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._initiate_handshake().
-        Test that at the end of a handshake with no errors the client object
-        has the correct parameters.
-        """
-        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection()
-        connection._initiate_handshake(
-            rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT)
-        self.assertEqual(connection.uid, 1)
-    def test_initiate_handshake_returns_unknown_status(self):
-        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._initiate_handshake().
-        Test that when the handshake is given an unknown uid then the client
-        will not be given a uid.
-        """
-        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(MOCK_RESP_UNKNOWN_UID)
-        connection._initiate_handshake(
-            rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT)
-        self.assertEqual(connection.uid, rpc_client.UNKNOWN_UID)
-    def test_initiate_handshake_no_response(self):
-        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._initiate_handshake().
-        Test that if a handshake receives no response then it will give a
-        protocol error.
-        """
-        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(b'')
-        with self.assertRaises(
-                rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError,
-                msg=rpc_client.Sl4aProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE):
-            connection._initiate_handshake(
-                rpc_connection.Sl4aConnectionCommand.INIT)
-    def test_cmd_properly_formatted(self):
-        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection._cmd().
-        Tests that the command sent is properly formatted.
-        """
-        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(MOCK_RESP)
-        connection._cmd('test')
-        self.assertIn(
-            connection._socket_file.last_write,
-            [b'{"cmd": "test", "uid": -1}\n', b'{"uid": -1, "cmd": "test"}\n'])
-    def test_get_new_ticket(self):
-        """Tests rpc_connection.RpcConnection.get_new_ticket().
-        Tests that a new number is always given for get_new_ticket().
-        """
-        connection = self.mock_rpc_connection(MOCK_RESP)
-        self.assertEqual(connection.get_new_ticket() + 1,
-                         connection.get_new_ticket())
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 459f9a7..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_manager_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import unittest
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import sl4a_manager
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-class Sl4aManagerFactoryTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the sl4a_manager module-level functions."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Clears the Sl4aManager cache."""
-        sl4a_manager._all_sl4a_managers = {}
-    def test_create_manager(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager().
-        Tests that a new Sl4aManager is returned without an error.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.serial = 'SERIAL'
-        sl4a_man = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertEqual(sl4a_man.adb, adb)
-    def test_create_sl4a_manager_return_already_created_manager(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager().
-        Tests that a second call to create_sl4a_manager() does not create a
-        new Sl4aManager, and returns the first created Sl4aManager instead.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.serial = 'SERIAL'
-        first_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        adb_same_serial = mock.Mock()
-        adb_same_serial.serial = 'SERIAL'
-        second_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertEqual(first_manager, second_manager)
-    def test_create_sl4a_manager_multiple_devices_with_one_manager_each(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager().
-        Tests that when create_s4l4a_manager() is called for different devices,
-        each device gets its own Sl4aManager object.
-        """
-        adb_1 = mock.Mock()
-        adb_1.serial = 'SERIAL'
-        first_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb_1)
-        adb_2 = mock.Mock()
-        adb_2.serial = 'DIFFERENT_SERIAL_NUMBER'
-        second_manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb_2)
-        self.assertNotEqual(first_manager, second_manager)
-class Sl4aManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager class."""
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        # Copy all module constants before testing begins.
-        Sl4aManagerTest.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL = \
-            sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL
-        Sl4aManagerTest.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS = \
-            sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
-        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD = \
-            sl4a_manager._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD
-        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD = \
-            sl4a_manager._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD
-        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = \
-            sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD
-        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD = \
-            sl4a_manager._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD
-        Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD = \
-            sl4a_manager._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Restore all module constants at the beginning of each test case.
-        sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL = \
-            Sl4aManagerTest.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL
-        sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS = \
-            Sl4aManagerTest.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD = \
-            Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_LAUNCH_SERVER_CMD
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD = \
-            Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = \
-            Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD = \
-            Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD = \
-            Sl4aManagerTest._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD
-        # Reset module data at the beginning of each test.
-        sl4a_manager._all_sl4a_managers = {}
-    def test_sl4a_ports_in_use(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.sl4a_ports_in_use
-        Tests to make sure all server ports are returned with no duplicates.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
-        session_1 = mock.Mock()
-        session_1.server_port = 12345
-        manager.sessions[1] = session_1
-        session_2 = mock.Mock()
-        session_2.server_port = 15973
-        manager.sessions[2] = session_2
-        session_3 = mock.Mock()
-        session_3.server_port = 12345
-        manager.sessions[3] = session_3
-        session_4 = mock.Mock()
-        session_4.server_port = 67890
-        manager.sessions[4] = session_4
-        session_5 = mock.Mock()
-        session_5.server_port = 75638
-        manager.sessions[5] = session_5
-        returned_ports = manager.sl4a_ports_in_use
-        # No duplicated ports.
-        self.assertEqual(len(returned_ports), len(set(returned_ports)))
-        # One call for each session
-        self.assertSetEqual(set(returned_ports), {12345, 15973, 67890, 75638})
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep', return_value=None)
-    def test_start_sl4a_server_uses_all_retries(self, _):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_server().
-        Tests to ensure that _start_sl4a_server retries and successfully returns
-        a port.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: ''
-        side_effects = []
-        expected_port = 12345
-        for _ in range(int(sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS /
-                           sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL) - 1):
-            side_effects.append(None)
-        side_effects.append(expected_port)
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        manager._get_open_listening_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=side_effects)
-        try:
-            found_port = manager.start_sl4a_server(0)
-            self.assertTrue(found_port)
-        except rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError:
-            self.fail('start_sl4a_server failed to respect FIND_PORT_RETRIES.')
-    @mock.patch('time.sleep', return_value=None)
-    def test_start_sl4a_server_fails_all_retries(self, _):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_server().
-        Tests to ensure that start_sl4a_server throws an error if all retries
-        fail.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: ''
-        side_effects = []
-        for _ in range(int(sl4a_manager.MAX_WAIT_ON_SERVER_SECONDS /
-                           sl4a_manager.ATTEMPT_INTERVAL)):
-            side_effects.append(None)
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        manager._get_open_listening_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=side_effects)
-        try:
-            manager.start_sl4a_server(0)
-            self.fail('Sl4aConnectionError was not thrown.')
-        except rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError:
-            pass
-    def test_get_all_ports_command_uses_root_cmd(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_all_ports_command().
-        Tests that _get_all_ports_command calls the root command when root is
-        available.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.is_root = lambda: True
-        command = 'ngo45hke3b4vie3mv5ni93,vfu3j'
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = command
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertEqual(manager._get_all_ports_command(), command)
-    def test_get_all_ports_command_escalates_to_root(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._call_get_ports_command().
-        Tests that _call_get_ports_command calls the root command when adb is
-        user but can escalate to root.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.is_root = lambda: False
-        adb.ensure_root = lambda: True
-        command = 'ngo45hke3b4vie3mv5ni93,vfu3j'
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_ROOT_FIND_PORT_CMD = command
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertEqual(manager._get_all_ports_command(), command)
-    def test_get_all_ports_command_uses_user_cmd(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._call_get_ports_command().
-        Tests that _call_get_ports_command calls the user command when root is
-        unavailable.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.is_root = lambda: False
-        adb.ensure_root = lambda: False
-        command = 'ngo45hke3b4vie3mv5ni93,vfu3j'
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_USER_FIND_PORT_CMD = command
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertEqual(manager._get_all_ports_command(), command)
-    def test_get_open_listening_port_no_port_found(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_open_listening_port().
-        Tests to ensure None is returned if no open port is found.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = lambda _: ''
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertIsNone(manager._get_open_listening_port())
-    def test_get_open_listening_port_no_new_port_found(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_open_listening_port().
-        Tests to ensure None is returned if the ports returned have all been
-        marked as in used.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = lambda _: '12345 67890'
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        manager._sl4a_ports = {'12345', '67890'}
-        self.assertIsNone(manager._get_open_listening_port())
-    def test_get_open_listening_port_port_is_avaiable(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager._get_open_listening_port().
-        Tests to ensure a port is returned if a port is found and has not been
-        marked as used.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = lambda _: '12345 67890'
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        manager._sl4a_ports = {'12345'}
-        self.assertEqual(manager._get_open_listening_port(), 67890)
-    def test_is_sl4a_installed_is_true(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.is_sl4a_installed().
-        Tests is_sl4a_installed() returns true when pm returns data
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: 'asdf'
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertTrue(manager.is_sl4a_installed())
-    def test_is_sl4a_installed_is_false(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.is_sl4a_installed().
-        Tests is_sl4a_installed() returns true when pm returns data
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = lambda _, **kwargs: ''
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        self.assertFalse(manager.is_sl4a_installed())
-    def test_start_sl4a_throws_error_on_sl4a_not_installed(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_service().
-        Tests that a MissingSl4aError is thrown when SL4A is not installed.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        manager.is_sl4a_installed = lambda: False
-        try:
-            manager.start_sl4a_service()
-            self.fail('An error should have been thrown.')
-        except rpc_client.Sl4aNotInstalledError:
-            pass
-    def test_start_sl4a_starts_sl4a_if_not_running(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.start_sl4a_service().
-        Tests that SL4A is started if it was not already running.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = mock.Mock(side_effect=['', '', ''])
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        manager.is_sl4a_installed = lambda: True
-        try:
-            manager.start_sl4a_service()
-        except rpc_client.Sl4aNotInstalledError:
-            self.fail('An error should not have been thrown.')
-        adb.shell.assert_called_with(sl4a_manager._SL4A_START_SERVICE_CMD)
-    def test_create_session_uses_oldest_server_port(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.create_session().
-        Tests that when no port is given, the oldest server port opened is used
-        as the server port for a new session. The oldest server port can be
-        found by getting the oldest session's server port.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        # Ignore starting SL4A.
-        manager.start_sl4a_service = lambda: None
-        session_1 = mock.Mock()
-        session_1.server_port = 12345
-        session_2 = mock.Mock()
-        session_2.server_port = 67890
-        session_3 = mock.Mock()
-        session_3.server_port = 67890
-        manager.sessions[3] = session_3
-        manager.sessions[1] = session_1
-        manager.sessions[2] = session_2
-        with mock.patch.object(
-                rpc_client.RpcClient, '__init__', return_value=None):
-            created_session = manager.create_session()
-        self.assertEqual(created_session.server_port, session_1.server_port)
-    def test_create_session_uses_random_port_when_no_session_exists(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.create_session().
-        Tests that when no port is given, and no SL4A server exists, the server
-        port for the session is set to 0.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        manager = sl4a_manager.create_sl4a_manager(adb)
-        # Ignore starting SL4A.
-        manager.start_sl4a_service = lambda: None
-        with mock.patch.object(
-                rpc_client.RpcClient, '__init__', return_value=None):
-            created_session = manager.create_session()
-        self.assertEqual(created_session.server_port, 0)
-    def test_terminate_all_session_call_terminate_on_all_sessions(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.terminate_all_sessions().
-        Tests to see that the manager has called terminate on all sessions.
-        """
-        called_terminate_on = list()
-        def called_on(session):
-            called_terminate_on.append(session)
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
-        session_1 = mock.Mock()
-        session_1.terminate = lambda *args, **kwargs: called_on(session_1)
-        manager.sessions[1] = session_1
-        session_4 = mock.Mock()
-        session_4.terminate = lambda *args, **kwargs: called_on(session_4)
-        manager.sessions[4] = session_4
-        session_5 = mock.Mock()
-        session_5.terminate = lambda *args, **kwargs: called_on(session_5)
-        manager.sessions[5] = session_5
-        manager._get_all_ports = lambda: []
-        manager.terminate_all_sessions()
-        # No duplicates calls to terminate.
-        self.assertEqual(
-            len(called_terminate_on), len(set(called_terminate_on)))
-        # One call for each session
-        self.assertSetEqual(
-            set(called_terminate_on), {session_1, session_4, session_5})
-    def test_terminate_all_session_close_each_server(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.terminate_all_sessions().
-        Tests to see that the manager has called terminate on all sessions.
-        """
-        closed_ports = list()
-        def close(command):
-            if str.isdigit(command):
-                closed_ports.append(command)
-            return ''
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        adb.shell = close
-        sl4a_manager._SL4A_CLOSE_SERVER_CMD = '%s'
-        ports_to_close = {'12345', '67890', '24680', '13579'}
-        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
-        manager._sl4a_ports = set(ports_to_close)
-        manager._get_all_ports = lambda: []
-        manager.terminate_all_sessions()
-        # No duplicate calls to close port
-        self.assertEqual(len(closed_ports), len(set(closed_ports)))
-        # One call for each port
-        self.assertSetEqual(ports_to_close, set(closed_ports))
-    def test_obtain_sl4a_server_starts_new_server(self):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.obtain_sl4a_server().
-        Tests that a new server can be returned if the server does not exist.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
-        manager.start_sl4a_server = mock.Mock()
-        manager.obtain_sl4a_server(0)
-        self.assertTrue(manager.start_sl4a_server.called)
-    @mock.patch(
-        'antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.sl4a_ports_in_use',
-        new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
-    def test_obtain_sl4a_server_returns_existing_server(
-            self, sl4a_ports_in_use):
-        """Tests sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager.obtain_sl4a_server().
-        Tests that an existing server is returned if it is already opened.
-        """
-        adb = mock.Mock()
-        manager = sl4a_manager.Sl4aManager(adb)
-        manager.start_sl4a_server = mock.Mock()
-        sl4a_ports_in_use.return_value = [12345]
-        ret = manager.obtain_sl4a_server(12345)
-        self.assertFalse(manager.start_sl4a_server.called)
-        self.assertEqual(12345, ret)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session_test.py b/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index efa7073..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/controllers/sl4a_lib/sl4a_session_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import errno
-import mock
-from socket import timeout
-from socket import error as socket_error
-import unittest
-from mock import patch
-from antlion.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import sl4a_ports
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.rpc_client import Sl4aStartError
-from antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.sl4a_session import Sl4aSession
-class Sl4aSessionTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the Sl4aSession class."""
-    def test_is_alive_true_on_not_terminated(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession.is_alive.
-        Tests that the session is_alive when it has not been terminated.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._terminated = False
-        session.is_alive = Sl4aSession.is_alive
-        self.assertNotEqual(session._terminated, session.is_alive)
-    def test_is_alive_false_on_terminated(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession.is_alive.
-        Tests that the session is_alive when it has not been terminated.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._terminated = True
-        session.is_alive = Sl4aSession.is_alive
-        self.assertNotEqual(session._terminated, session.is_alive)
-    @patch('antlion.controllers.sl4a_lib.event_dispatcher.EventDispatcher')
-    def test_get_event_dispatcher_create_on_none(self, _):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher.
-        Tests that a new event_dispatcher is created if one does not exist.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._event_dispatcher = None
-        ed = Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher(session)
-        self.assertTrue(session._event_dispatcher is not None)
-        self.assertEqual(session._event_dispatcher, ed)
-    def test_get_event_dispatcher_returns_existing_event_dispatcher(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher.
-        Tests that the existing event_dispatcher is returned.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._event_dispatcher = 'Something that is not None'
-        ed = Sl4aSession.get_event_dispatcher(session)
-        self.assertEqual(session._event_dispatcher, ed)
-    def test_create_client_side_connection_hint_already_in_use(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
-        Tests that if the hinted port is already in use, the function will
-        call itself with a hinted port of 0 (random).
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
-        with mock.patch('socket.socket') as socket:
-            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
-            error = OSError()
-            error.errno = errno.EADDRINUSE
-            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.bind = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.bind.side_effect = error
-            socket.return_value = socket_instance
-            Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
-                session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(1, 2, 3))
-        fn = session._create_client_side_connection
-        self.assertEqual(fn.call_count, 1)
-        # Asserts that the 1st argument (Sl4aPorts) sent to the function
-        # has a client port of 0.
-        self.assertEqual(fn.call_args_list[0][0][0].client_port, 0)
-    def test_create_client_side_connection_catches_timeout(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
-        Tests that the function will raise an Sl4aConnectionError upon timeout.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
-        error = timeout()
-        with mock.patch('socket.socket') as socket:
-            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
-            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.connect = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.connect.side_effect = error
-            socket.return_value = socket_instance
-            with self.assertRaises(rpc_client.Sl4aConnectionError):
-                Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
-                    session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 2, 3))
-    def test_create_client_side_connection_hint_taken_during_fn(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
-        Tests that the function will call catch an EADDRNOTAVAIL OSError and
-        call itself again, this time with a hinted port of 0 (random).
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
-        error = socket_error()
-        error.errno = errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL
-        with mock.patch('socket.socket') as socket:
-            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
-            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.connect = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.connect.side_effect = error
-            socket.return_value = socket_instance
-            Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
-                session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 2, 3))
-        fn = session._create_client_side_connection
-        self.assertEqual(fn.call_count, 1)
-        # Asserts that the 1st argument (Sl4aPorts) sent to the function
-        # has a client port of 0.
-        self.assertEqual(fn.call_args_list[0][0][0].client_port, 0)
-    def test_create_client_side_connection_re_raises_uncaught_errors(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection().
-        Tests that the function will re-raise any socket error that does not
-        have errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._create_client_side_connection = mock.Mock()
-        error = socket_error()
-        # Some error that isn't EADDRNOTAVAIL
-        error.errno = errno.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT
-        with mock.patch('socket.socket') as socket:
-            # Throw an error when trying to bind to the hinted port.
-            socket_instance = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.connect = mock.Mock()
-            socket_instance.connect.side_effect = error
-            socket.return_value = socket_instance
-            with self.assertRaises(socket_error):
-                Sl4aSession._create_client_side_connection(
-                    session, sl4a_ports.Sl4aPorts(0, 2, 3))
-    def test_terminate_only_closes_if_not_terminated(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession.terminate()
-        Tests that terminate only runs termination steps if the session has not
-        already been terminated.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._terminate_lock = mock.MagicMock()
-        session._terminated = True
-        Sl4aSession.terminate(session)
-        self.assertFalse(session._event_dispatcher.close.called)
-        self.assertFalse(session.rpc_client.terminate.called)
-    def test_terminate_closes_session_first(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession.terminate()
-        Tests that terminate only runs termination steps if the session has not
-        already been terminated.
-        """
-        session = mock.Mock()
-        session._terminate_lock = mock.MagicMock()
-        session._terminated = True
-        Sl4aSession.terminate(session)
-        self.assertFalse(session._event_dispatcher.close.called)
-        self.assertFalse(session.rpc_client.terminate.called)
-    def test_create_forwarded_port(self):
-        """Tests Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port returns the hinted port."""
-        mock_adb = mock.Mock()
-        mock_adb.get_version_number = lambda: 37
-        mock_adb.tcp_forward = lambda hinted_port, device_port: hinted_port
-        mock_session = mock.Mock()
-        mock_session.adb = mock_adb
-        mock_session.log = mock.Mock()
-        self.assertEqual(8080,
-                         Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port(
-                             mock_session, 9999, 8080))
-    def test_create_forwarded_port_fail_once(self):
-        """Tests that _create_forwarded_port can return a non-hinted port.
-        This will only happen if the hinted port is already taken.
-        """
-        mock_adb = mock.Mock()
-        mock_adb.get_version_number = lambda: 37
-        mock_adb.tcp_forward = mock.Mock(
-            side_effect=AdbError('cmd', 'stdout', stderr='cannot bind listener',
-                                 ret_code=1))
-        mock_session = mock.MagicMock()
-        mock_session.adb = mock_adb
-        mock_session.log = mock.Mock()
-        mock_session._create_forwarded_port = lambda *args, **kwargs: 12345
-        self.assertEqual(12345,
-                         Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port(mock_session, 9999,
-                                                            8080))
-    def test_create_forwarded_port_raises_if_adb_version_is_old(self):
-        """Tests that _create_forwarded_port raises if adb version < 37."""
-        mock_adb = mock.Mock()
-        mock_adb.get_version_number = lambda: 31
-        mock_adb.tcp_forward = lambda _, __: self.fail(
-            'Calling adb.tcp_forward despite ADB version being too old.')
-        mock_session = mock.Mock()
-        mock_session.adb = mock_adb
-        mock_session.log = mock.Mock()
-        with self.assertRaises(Sl4aStartError):
-            Sl4aSession._create_forwarded_port(mock_session, 9999, 0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/event/decorators_test.py b/unit_tests/event/decorators_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2cb1dfc..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/event/decorators_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import TestCase
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.event.decorators import register_instance_subscriptions
-from antlion.event.decorators import register_static_subscriptions
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
-from antlion.event.event import Event
-from antlion.event.subscription_handle import SubscriptionHandle
-from mock import Mock
-class DecoratorsTest(TestCase):
-    """Tests the decorators found in antlion.event.decorators."""
-    def test_subscribe_static_return_type(self):
-        """Tests that the subscribe_static is the correct type."""
-        mock = Mock()
-        @subscribe_static(type)
-        def test(_):
-            return mock
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, SubscriptionHandle))
-    def test_subscribe_static_calling_the_function_returns_normally(self):
-        """Tests that functions decorated by subscribe_static can be called."""
-        static_mock = Mock()
-        @subscribe_static(type)
-        def test(_):
-            return static_mock
-        self.assertEqual(test(Mock()), static_mock)
-    class DummyClass(object):
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.mock = Mock()
-        @subscribe(type)
-        def test(self, _):
-            return self.mock
-    def test_subscribe_return_type(self):
-        """Tests that subscribe returns the correct type."""
-        dummy_class = DecoratorsTest.DummyClass()
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(dummy_class.test, SubscriptionHandle))
-    def test_subscribe_calling_the_function_returns_normally(self):
-        """tests that functions decorated by subscribe can be called."""
-        dummy_class = DecoratorsTest.DummyClass()
-        self.assertEqual(dummy_class.test(''), dummy_class.mock)
-class DummyEvent(Event):
-    """A dummy event used for testing registered functions."""
-class RegisterStaticSubscriptionsTest(TestCase):
-    def test_register_static_subscriptions_returns_passed_in_object(self):
-        obj = Mock()
-        returned_value = register_static_subscriptions(obj)
-        self.assertEqual(obj, returned_value,
-                         'register_static_subscriptions returned a value other'
-                         'than the object passed in.')
-    def test_register_static_subscriptions_registers_properly(self):
-        @register_static_subscriptions
-        class RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass(object):
-            captured_event = None
-            @staticmethod
-            @subscribe_static(DummyEvent)
-            def on_static_event(evt):
-                RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass.captured_event = evt
-        event = DummyEvent()
-        event_bus.post(event)
-        self.assertEqual(event, RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass.captured_event,
-                         'register_static_subscriptions did not subscribe '
-                         'RegisterStaticSubscriptionsClass.on_static_event.')
-class RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsTest(TestCase):
-    def test_register_instance_subscriptions_returns_passed_in_object(self):
-        class SomeClass(object):
-            pass
-        returned_value = register_instance_subscriptions(SomeClass)
-        self.assertEqual(SomeClass, returned_value,
-                         'register_instance_subscriptions returned a value '
-                         'other than the object passed in.')
-    def test_register_instance_subscriptions_registers_properly(self):
-        @register_instance_subscriptions
-        class RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsClass(object):
-            def __init__(self):
-                self.captured_event = None
-            @subscribe(DummyEvent)
-            def on_instance_event(self, evt):
-                self.captured_event = evt
-        instance = RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsClass()
-        event = DummyEvent()
-        event_bus.post(event)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            event, instance.captured_event,
-            'register_instance_subscriptions did not subscribe the instance '
-            'function RegisterInstanceSubscriptionsClass.on_instance_event.')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/event/event_bus_integration_test.py b/unit_tests/event/event_bus_integration_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 04f5e20..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/event/event_bus_integration_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from unittest import TestCase
-import mobly.config_parser as mobly_config_parser
-from antlion.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from antlion.event import event_bus, subscription_bundle
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe, subscribe_static
-from antlion.event.event import Event
-from antlion.test_runner import TestRunner
-class TestClass(BaseTestClass):
-    instance_event_received = []
-    static_event_received = []
-    def __init__(self, configs):
-        import mock
-        self.log = mock.Mock()
-        with mock.patch('mobly.utils.create_dir'):
-            super().__init__(configs)
-    @subscribe(Event)
-    def subscribed_instance_member(self, event):
-        TestClass.instance_event_received.append(event)
-    @staticmethod
-    @subscribe_static(Event)
-    def subscribed_static_member(event):
-        TestClass.static_event_received.append(event)
-    def test_post_event(self):
-        event_bus.post(Event())
-class EventBusIntegrationTest(TestCase):
-    """Tests the EventBus E2E."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Clears the event bus of all state."""
-        self.called_event = False
-        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
-        TestClass.instance_event_received = []
-        TestClass.static_event_received = []
-    def test_test_class_subscribed_fn_receives_event(self):
-        """Tests that TestClasses have their subscribed functions called."""
-        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
-            test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-            test_run_config.testbed_name = 'SampleTestBed'
-            test_run_config.log_path = tmp_dir
-            TestRunner(test_run_config, [('TestClass', [])]).run(TestClass)
-        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(TestClass.instance_event_received), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(TestClass.static_event_received), 0)
-    def test_subscribe_static_bundles(self):
-        """Tests that @subscribe_static bundles register their listeners."""
-        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_static(TestClass)
-        bundle.register()
-        event_bus.post(Event())
-        self.assertEqual(len(TestClass.instance_event_received), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(len(TestClass.static_event_received), 1)
-    def test_subscribe_instance_bundles(self):
-        """Tests that @subscribe bundles register only instance listeners."""
-        test_run_config = mobly_config_parser.TestRunConfig()
-        test_run_config.testbed_name = ''
-        test_run_config.log_path = ''
-        test_object = TestClass(test_run_config)
-        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_instance(test_object)
-        bundle.register()
-        event_bus.post(Event())
-        self.assertEqual(len(TestClass.instance_event_received), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(TestClass.static_event_received), 0)
-    def test_event_register(self):
-        """Tests that event.register()'d functions can receive posted Events."""
-        def event_listener(_):
-            self.called_event = True
-        event_bus.register(Event, event_listener)
-        event_bus.post(Event())
-        self.assertTrue(self.called_event)
-    def test_event_unregister(self):
-        """Tests that an event can be registered, and then unregistered."""
-        def event_listener(_):
-            self.called_event = False
-        registration_id = event_bus.register(Event, event_listener)
-        event_bus.unregister(registration_id)
-        event_bus.post(Event())
-        self.assertFalse(self.called_event)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/event/event_bus_test.py b/unit_tests/event/event_bus_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2352ea7..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/event/event_bus_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import TestCase
-from mock import Mock
-from mock import patch
-from antlion.event import event_bus
-from antlion.event.event import Event
-from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
-class EventBusTest(TestCase):
-    """Tests the event_bus functions."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Clears all state from the event_bus between test cases."""
-        event_bus._event_bus = event_bus._EventBus()
-    def get_subscription_argument(self, register_subscription_call):
-        """Gets the subscription argument from a register_subscription call."""
-        return register_subscription_call[0][0]
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.register_subscription')
-    def test_register_registers_a_subscription(self, register_subscription):
-        """Tests that register creates and registers a subscription."""
-        mock_event = Mock()
-        mock_func = Mock()
-        order = 43
-        event_bus.register(mock_event, mock_func, order=order)
-        args, _ = register_subscription.call_args
-        subscription = args[0]
-        # Instead of writing an equality operator for only testing,
-        # check the internals to make sure they are expected values.
-        self.assertEqual(subscription._event_type, mock_event)
-        self.assertEqual(subscription._func, mock_func)
-        self.assertEqual(subscription.order, order)
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.register_subscription')
-    def test_register_subscriptions_for_list(self, register_subscription):
-        """Tests that register_subscription is called for each subscription."""
-        mocks = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
-        subscriptions = [
-            EventSubscription(mocks[0], lambda _: None),
-            EventSubscription(mocks[1], lambda _: None),
-            EventSubscription(mocks[2], lambda _: None),
-        ]
-        event_bus.register_subscriptions(subscriptions)
-        received_subscriptions = set()
-        for index, call in enumerate(register_subscription.call_args_list):
-            received_subscriptions.add(self.get_subscription_argument(call))
-        self.assertEqual(register_subscription.call_count, len(subscriptions))
-        self.assertSetEqual(received_subscriptions, set(subscriptions))
-    def test_register_subscription_new_event_type(self):
-        """Tests that the event_bus can register a new event type."""
-        mock_type = Mock()
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        subscription = EventSubscription(mock_type, lambda _: None)
-        reg_id = event_bus.register_subscription(subscription)
-        self.assertTrue(mock_type in bus._subscriptions.keys())
-        self.assertTrue(subscription in bus._subscriptions[mock_type])
-        self.assertTrue(reg_id in bus._registration_id_map.keys())
-    def test_register_subscription_existing_type(self):
-        """Tests that the event_bus can register an existing event type."""
-        mock_type = Mock()
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        bus._subscriptions[mock_type] = [
-            EventSubscription(mock_type, lambda _: None)
-        ]
-        new_subscription = EventSubscription(mock_type, lambda _: True)
-        reg_id = event_bus.register_subscription(new_subscription)
-        self.assertTrue(new_subscription in bus._subscriptions[mock_type])
-        self.assertTrue(reg_id in bus._registration_id_map.keys())
-    def test_post_to_unregistered_event_does_not_call_other_funcs(self):
-        """Tests posting an unregistered event will not call other funcs."""
-        mock_subscription = Mock()
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        mock_type = Mock()
-        mock_subscription.event_type = mock_type
-        bus._subscriptions[mock_type] = [mock_subscription]
-        event_bus.post(Mock())
-        self.assertEqual(mock_subscription.deliver.call_count, 0)
-    def test_post_to_registered_event_calls_all_registered_funcs(self):
-        """Tests posting to a registered event calls all registered funcs."""
-        mock_subscriptions = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        for subscription in mock_subscriptions:
-            subscription.order = 0
-        mock_event = Mock()
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = mock_subscriptions
-        event_bus.post(mock_event)
-        for subscription in mock_subscriptions:
-            subscription.deliver.assert_called_once_with(mock_event)
-    def test_post_with_ignore_errors_calls_all_registered_funcs(self):
-        """Tests posting with ignore_errors=True calls all registered funcs,
-        even if they raise errors.
-        """
-        def _raise(_):
-            raise Exception
-        mock_event = Mock()
-        mock_subscriptions = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
-        mock_subscriptions[0].deliver.side_effect = _raise
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        for i, subscription in enumerate(mock_subscriptions):
-            subscription.order = i
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = mock_subscriptions
-        event_bus.post(mock_event, ignore_errors=True)
-        for subscription in mock_subscriptions:
-            subscription.deliver.assert_called_once_with(mock_event)
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.unregister')
-    def test_unregister_all_from_list(self, unregister):
-        """Tests unregistering from a list unregisters the specified list."""
-        unregister_list = [Mock(), Mock()]
-        event_bus.unregister_all(from_list=unregister_list)
-        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, len(unregister_list))
-        for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list:
-            subscription = args[0]
-            self.assertTrue(subscription in unregister_list)
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.unregister')
-    def test_unregister_all_from_event(self, unregister):
-        """Tests that all subscriptions under the event are unregistered."""
-        mock_event = Mock()
-        mock_event_2 = Mock()
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        unregister_list = [Mock(), Mock()]
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event_2)] = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = unregister_list
-        for sub_type in bus._subscriptions.keys():
-            for subscription in bus._subscriptions[sub_type]:
-                subscription.event_type = sub_type
-                bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
-        event_bus.unregister_all(from_event=type(mock_event))
-        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, len(unregister_list))
-        for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list:
-            subscription = args[0]
-            self.assertTrue(subscription in unregister_list)
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus._event_bus.unregister')
-    def test_unregister_all_no_args_unregisters_everything(self, unregister):
-        """Tests unregister_all without arguments will unregister everything."""
-        mock_event_1 = Mock()
-        mock_event_2 = Mock()
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        unregister_list_1 = [Mock(), Mock()]
-        unregister_list_2 = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event_1)] = unregister_list_1
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event_2)] = unregister_list_2
-        for sub_type in bus._subscriptions.keys():
-            for subscription in bus._subscriptions[sub_type]:
-                subscription.event_type = sub_type
-                bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
-        event_bus.unregister_all()
-        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count,
-                         len(unregister_list_1) + len(unregister_list_2))
-        for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list:
-            subscription = args[0]
-            self.assertTrue(subscription in unregister_list_1
-                            or subscription in unregister_list_2)
-    def test_unregister_given_an_event_subscription(self):
-        """Tests that unregister can unregister a given EventSubscription."""
-        mock_event = Mock()
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        subscription = EventSubscription(type(mock_event), lambda _: None)
-        bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = [subscription]
-        val = event_bus.unregister(subscription)
-        self.assertTrue(val)
-        self.assertTrue(subscription not in bus._registration_id_map)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            subscription not in bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)])
-    def test_unregister_given_a_registration_id(self):
-        """Tests that unregister can unregister a given EventSubscription."""
-        mock_event = Mock()
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        subscription = EventSubscription(type(mock_event), lambda _: None)
-        registration_id = id(subscription)
-        bus._registration_id_map[id(subscription)] = subscription
-        bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)] = [subscription]
-        val = event_bus.unregister(registration_id)
-        self.assertTrue(val)
-        self.assertTrue(subscription not in bus._registration_id_map)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            subscription not in bus._subscriptions[type(mock_event)])
-    def test_unregister_given_object_that_is_not_a_subscription(self):
-        """Asserts that a ValueError is raised upon invalid arguments."""
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            event_bus.unregister(Mock())
-    def test_unregister_given_invalid_registration_id(self):
-        """Asserts that a false is returned upon invalid registration_id."""
-        val = event_bus.unregister(9)
-        self.assertFalse(val)
-    def test_listen_for_registers_listener(self):
-        """Tests listen_for registers the listener within the with statement."""
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        def event_listener(_):
-            pass
-        with event_bus.listen_for(Event, event_listener):
-            self.assertEqual(len(bus._registration_id_map), 1)
-    def test_listen_for_unregisters_listener(self):
-        """Tests listen_for unregisters the listener after the with statement.
-        """
-        bus = event_bus._event_bus
-        def event_listener(_):
-            pass
-        with event_bus.listen_for(Event, event_listener):
-            pass
-        self.assertEqual(len(bus._registration_id_map), 0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/event/event_subscription_test.py b/unit_tests/event/event_subscription_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1bdeb8f..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/event/event_subscription_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import TestCase
-from mock import Mock
-from antlion.event.event_subscription import EventSubscription
-class EventSubscriptionTest(TestCase):
-    """Tests the EventSubscription class."""
-    @staticmethod
-    def filter_out_event(_):
-        return False
-    @staticmethod
-    def pass_filter(_):
-        return True
-    def test_event_type_returns_correct_value(self):
-        """Tests that event_type returns the correct event type."""
-        expected_event_type = Mock()
-        subscription = EventSubscription(expected_event_type, lambda _: None)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_event_type, subscription.event_type)
-    def test_deliver_dont_deliver_if_event_is_filtered(self):
-        """Tests deliver does not call func if the event is filtered out."""
-        func = Mock()
-        subscription = EventSubscription(Mock(), func,
-                                         event_filter=self.filter_out_event)
-        subscription.deliver(Mock())
-        self.assertFalse(func.called)
-    def test_deliver_deliver_accepted_event(self):
-        """Tests deliver does call func when the event is accepted."""
-        func = Mock()
-        subscription = EventSubscription(Mock(), func,
-                                         event_filter=self.pass_filter)
-        subscription.deliver(Mock())
-        self.assertTrue(func.called)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/event/subscription_bundle_test.py b/unit_tests/event/subscription_bundle_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 654c26e..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/event/subscription_bundle_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from unittest import TestCase
-import sys
-from antlion.event import subscription_bundle
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe
-from antlion.event.decorators import subscribe_static
-from antlion.event.event import Event
-from antlion.event.subscription_bundle import SubscriptionBundle
-from mock import Mock
-from mock import patch
-class SubscriptionBundleTest(TestCase):
-    """Tests the SubscriptionBundle class."""
-    def test_add_calls_add_subscription_properly(self):
-        """Tests that the convenience function add() calls add_subscription."""
-        event = object()
-        func = object()
-        event_filter = object()
-        order = object()
-        package = SubscriptionBundle()
-        package.add_subscription = Mock()
-        package.add(event, func, event_filter=event_filter, order=order)
-        self.assertEqual(package.add_subscription.call_count, 1)
-        subscription = package.add_subscription.call_args[0][0]
-        self.assertEqual(subscription._event_type, event)
-        self.assertEqual(subscription._func, func)
-        self.assertEqual(subscription._event_filter, event_filter)
-        self.assertEqual(subscription.order, order)
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus.register_subscription')
-    def test_add_subscription_registers_sub_if_package_is_registered(
-            self, register_subscription):
-        """Tests that add_subscription registers the subscription if the
-        SubscriptionBundle is already registered."""
-        package = SubscriptionBundle()
-        package._registered = True
-        mock_subscription = Mock()
-        package.add_subscription(mock_subscription)
-        self.assertEqual(register_subscription.call_count, 1)
-        register_subscription.assert_called_with(mock_subscription)
-    def test_add_subscription_adds_to_subscriptions(self):
-        """Tests add_subscription adds the subscription to subscriptions."""
-        mock_subscription = Mock()
-        package = SubscriptionBundle()
-        package.add_subscription(mock_subscription)
-        self.assertTrue(mock_subscription in package.subscriptions.keys())
-    def test_remove_subscription_removes_subscription_from_subscriptions(self):
-        """Tests remove_subscription removes the given subscription from the
-        subscriptions dictionary."""
-        mock_subscription = Mock()
-        package = SubscriptionBundle()
-        package.subscriptions[mock_subscription] = id(mock_subscription)
-        package.remove_subscription(mock_subscription)
-        self.assertTrue(mock_subscription not in package.subscriptions.keys())
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus.unregister')
-    def test_remove_subscription_unregisters_subscription(self, unregister):
-        """Tests that removing a subscription will also unregister it if the
-        SubscriptionBundle is registered."""
-        mock_subscription = Mock()
-        package = SubscriptionBundle()
-        package._registered = True
-        package.subscriptions[mock_subscription] = id(mock_subscription)
-        package.remove_subscription(mock_subscription)
-        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, 1)
-        unregistered_obj = unregister.call_args[0][0]
-        self.assertTrue(unregistered_obj == id(mock_subscription) or
-                        unregistered_obj == mock_subscription)
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus.register_subscription')
-    def test_register_registers_all_subscriptions(self, register_subscription):
-        """Tests register() registers all subscriptions within the bundle."""
-        mock_subscription_list = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
-        package = SubscriptionBundle()
-        package._registered = False
-        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
-            package.subscriptions[subscription] = None
-        package.register()
-        self.assertEqual(register_subscription.call_count,
-                         len(mock_subscription_list))
-        args = {args[0] for args, _ in register_subscription.call_args_list}
-        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
-            self.assertTrue(subscription in args or id(subscription) in args)
-    @patch('antlion.event.event_bus.unregister')
-    def test_register_registers_all_subscriptions(self, unregister):
-        """Tests register() registers all subscriptions within the bundle."""
-        mock_subscription_list = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
-        package = SubscriptionBundle()
-        package._registered = True
-        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
-            package.subscriptions[subscription] = id(subscription)
-        package.unregister()
-        self.assertEqual(unregister.call_count, len(mock_subscription_list))
-        args = {args[0] for args, _ in unregister.call_args_list}
-        for subscription in mock_subscription_list:
-            self.assertTrue(subscription in args or id(subscription) in args)
-class SubscriptionBundleStaticFunctions(TestCase):
-    """Tests the static functions found in subscription_bundle.py"""
-    @staticmethod
-    @subscribe_static(Event)
-    def static_listener_1():
-        pass
-    @staticmethod
-    @subscribe_static(Event)
-    def static_listener_2():
-        pass
-    @subscribe(Event)
-    def instance_listener_1(self):
-        pass
-    @subscribe(Event)
-    def instance_listener_2(self):
-        pass
-    def test_create_from_static(self):
-        """Tests create_from_static gets all StaticSubscriptionHandles."""
-        cls = self.__class__
-        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_static(cls)
-        self.assertEqual(len(bundle.subscriptions), 2)
-        keys = bundle.subscriptions.keys()
-        self.assertIn(cls.static_listener_1.subscription, keys)
-        self.assertIn(cls.static_listener_2.subscription, keys)
-    def test_create_from_instance(self):
-        """Tests create_from_instance gets all InstanceSubscriptionHandles."""
-        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_instance(self)
-        self.assertEqual(len(bundle.subscriptions), 2)
-        keys = bundle.subscriptions.keys()
-        self.assertIn(self.instance_listener_1.subscription, keys)
-        self.assertIn(self.instance_listener_2.subscription, keys)
-def static_listener_1():
-    pass
-class SubscribeStaticModuleLevelTest(TestCase):
-    def test_create_from_static(self):
-        """Tests create_from_static gets all StaticSubscriptionHandles."""
-        bundle = subscription_bundle.create_from_static(
-            sys.modules[self.__module__])
-        self.assertEqual(len(bundle.subscriptions), 1)
-        keys = bundle.subscriptions.keys()
-        self.assertIn(static_listener_1.subscription, keys)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/logging/log_stream_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/logging/log_stream_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e1fc78..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/logging/log_stream_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion import context
-from antlion.libs.logging import log_stream
-from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import AlsoToLogHandler
-from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import InvalidStyleSetError
-from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import LogStyles
-from antlion.libs.logging.log_stream import _LogStream
-class TestClass(object):
-    """Dummy class for TestEvents"""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.test_name = self.test_case.__name__
-    def test_case(self):
-        """Dummy test case for test events."""
-class LogStreamTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the _LogStream class in antlion.libs.logging.log_stream."""
-    @staticmethod
-    def patch(imported_name, *args, **kwargs):
-        return mock.patch('antlion.libs.logging.log_stream.%s' % imported_name,
-                          *args, **kwargs)
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        # logging.log_path only exists if logger._setup_test_logger is called.
-        # Here we set it to a value that is likely to not exist so file IO is
-        # not executed (an error is raised instead of creating the file).
-        logging.log_path = '/f/a/i/l/p/a/t/h'
-    def setUp(self):
-        log_stream._log_streams = dict()
-    # __init__
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_init_adds_null_handler(self, *_):
-        """Tests that a NullHandler is added to the logger upon initialization.
-        This ensures that no log output is generated when a test class is not
-        running.
-        """
-        debug_monolith_log = LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
-        with self.patch('MovableFileHandler'):
-            log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                           log_styles=debug_monolith_log)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[0], logging.NullHandler))
-    # __validate_style
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_same_location_set_multiple_times(
-            self, *_):
-        """Tests that a style is invalid if it sets the same handler twice.
-        If the error is NOT raised, then a LogStream can create a Logger that
-        has multiple LogHandlers trying to write to the same file.
-        """
-        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
-            log_stream.create_logger(
-                self._testMethodName,
-                log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG,
-                            LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'has been set multiple' in catch.exception.args[0],
-            msg='__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message')
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_multiple_file_outputs_set(self, *_):
-        """Tests that a style is invalid if more than one of MONOLITH_LOG,
-        TESTCLASS_LOG, and TESTCASE_LOG is set for the same log level.
-        If the error is NOT raised, then a LogStream can create a Logger that
-        has multiple LogHandlers trying to write to the same file.
-        """
-        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
-            log_stream.create_logger(
-                self._testMethodName,
-                log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
-                            LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'More than one of' in catch.exception.args[0],
-            msg='__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message')
-        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
-            log_stream.create_logger(
-                self._testMethodName,
-                log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
-                            LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'More than one of' in catch.exception.args[0],
-            msg='__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message')
-        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
-            log_stream.create_logger(
-                self._testMethodName,
-                log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCASE_LOG,
-                            LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG,
-                            LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG | LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'More than one of' in catch.exception.args[0],
-            msg='__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message')
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_no_level_exists(self, *_):
-        """Tests that a style is invalid if it does not contain a log level.
-        If the style does not contain a log level, then there is no way to
-        pass the information coming from the logger to the correct file.
-        """
-        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
-            log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                     log_styles=[LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'log level' in catch.exception.args[0],
-            msg='__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message')
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_no_location_exists(self, *_):
-        """Tests that a style is invalid if it does not contain a log level.
-        If the style does not contain a log level, then there is no way to
-        pass the information coming from the logger to the correct file.
-        """
-        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
-            log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                     log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_INFO])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'log location' in catch.exception.args[0],
-            msg='__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message')
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_validate_styles_raises_when_rotate_logs_no_file_handler(self, *_):
-        """Tests that a LogStyle cannot set ROTATE_LOGS without *_LOG flag.
-        If the LogStyle contains ROTATE_LOGS, it must be associated with a log
-        that is rotatable. TO_ACTS_LOG and TO_STDOUT are not rotatable logs,
-        since those are both controlled by another object/process. The user
-        must specify MONOLITHIC_LOG or TESTCASE_LOG.
-        """
-        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStyleSetError) as catch:
-            log_stream.create_logger(
-                self._testMethodName,
-                # Added LOG_DEBUG here to prevent the no_level_exists raise from
-                # occurring.
-                log_styles=[LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG + LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'log type' in catch.exception.args[0],
-            msg='__validate_styles did not raise the expected error message')
-    # __handle_style
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_handle_style_to_acts_log_creates_handler(self, *_):
-        """Tests that using the flag TO_ACTS_LOG creates an AlsoToLogHandler."""
-        info_acts_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG
-        log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                       log_styles=info_acts_log)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[1], AlsoToLogHandler))
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_handle_style_to_acts_log_creates_handler_is_lowest_level(self, *_):
-        """Tests that using the flag TO_ACTS_LOG creates an AlsoToLogHandler
-        that is set to the lowest LogStyles level."""
-        info_acts_log = (LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG + LogStyles.LOG_INFO +
-                         LogStyles.TO_ACTS_LOG)
-        log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                       log_styles=info_acts_log)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[1], AlsoToLogHandler))
-        self.assertEqual(log.handlers[1].level, logging.DEBUG)
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_handle_style_to_stdout_creates_stream_handler(self, *_):
-        """Tests that using the flag TO_STDOUT creates a StreamHandler."""
-        info_acts_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TO_STDOUT
-        log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                       log_styles=info_acts_log)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(log.handlers[1], logging.StreamHandler))
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_handle_style_creates_file_handler(self, *_):
-        """Tests handle_style creates a MovableFileHandler for the MONOLITH_LOG."""
-        info_acts_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
-        expected = mock.MagicMock()
-        with self.patch('MovableFileHandler', return_value=expected):
-            log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                           log_styles=info_acts_log)
-        self.assertEqual(log.handlers[1], expected)
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_handle_style_creates_rotating_file_handler(self, *_):
-        """Tests handle_style creates a MovableFileHandler for the ROTATE_LOGS."""
-        info_acts_log = (LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS +
-                         LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG)
-        expected = mock.MagicMock()
-        with self.patch('MovableRotatingFileHandler', return_value=expected):
-            log = log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                           log_styles=info_acts_log)
-        self.assertEqual(log.handlers[1], expected)
-    # __create_rotating_file_handler
-    def test_create_rotating_file_handler_does_what_it_says_it_does(self):
-        """Tests that __create_rotating_file_handler does exactly that."""
-        expected = mock.MagicMock()
-        with self.patch('MovableRotatingFileHandler', return_value=expected):
-            # Through name-mangling, this function is automatically renamed. See
-            # https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#private-variables
-            fh = _LogStream._LogStream__create_rotating_file_handler('')
-        self.assertEqual(expected, fh,
-                         'The function did not return a MovableRotatingFileHandler.')
-    # __get_file_handler_creator
-    def test_get_file_handler_creator_returns_rotating_file_handler(self):
-        """Tests the function returns a MovableRotatingFileHandler when the log_style
-        has LogStyle.ROTATE_LOGS."""
-        expected = mock.MagicMock()
-        with self.patch('_LogStream._LogStream__create_rotating_file_handler',
-                        return_value=expected):
-            # Through name-mangling, this function is automatically renamed. See
-            # https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#private-variables
-            fh_creator = _LogStream._LogStream__get_file_handler_creator(
-                LogStyles.ROTATE_LOGS)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, fh_creator('/d/u/m/m/y/p/a/t/h'),
-                         'The function did not return a MovableRotatingFileHandler.')
-    def test_get_file_handler_creator_returns_file_handler(self):
-        """Tests the function returns a MovableFileHandler when the log_style does NOT
-        have LogStyle.ROTATE_LOGS."""
-        expected = mock.MagicMock()
-        with self.patch('MovableFileHandler', return_value=expected):
-            # Through name-mangling, this function is automatically renamed. See
-            # https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#private-variables
-            handler = _LogStream._LogStream__get_file_handler_creator(
-                LogStyles.NONE)()
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(handler, mock.Mock))
-    # __get_lowest_log_level
-    def test_get_lowest_level_gets_lowest_level(self):
-        """Tests __get_lowest_level returns the lowest LogStyle level given."""
-        level = _LogStream._LogStream__get_lowest_log_level(
-            LogStyles.ALL_LEVELS)
-        self.assertEqual(level, LogStyles.LOG_DEBUG)
-    # __get_current_output_dir
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_get_current_output_dir_gets_correct_path(self, *_):
-        """Tests __get_current_output_dir gets the correct path from the context
-        """
-        info_monolith_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
-        base_path = "BASEPATH"
-        subcontext = "SUBCONTEXT"
-        with self.patch('MovableFileHandler'):
-            logstream = log_stream._LogStream(
-                self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_monolith_log,
-                base_path=base_path, subcontext=subcontext)
-        expected = os.path.join(base_path, subcontext)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            logstream._LogStream__get_current_output_dir(), expected)
-    # __create_handler
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_create_handler_creates_handler_at_correct_path(self, *_):
-        """Tests that __create_handler calls the handler creator with the
-        correct absolute path to the log file.
-        """
-        info_monolith_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
-        base_path = 'BASEPATH'
-        with self.patch('MovableFileHandler') as file_handler:
-            log_stream.create_logger(
-                self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_monolith_log,
-                base_path=base_path)
-            expected = os.path.join(
-                base_path, '%s_%s.txt' % (self._testMethodName, 'info'))
-            file_handler.assert_called_with(expected)
-    # __remove_handler
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_remove_handler_removes_a_handler(self, *_):
-        """Tests that __remove_handler removes the handler from the logger and
-        closes the handler.
-        """
-        dummy_obj = mock.Mock()
-        dummy_obj.logger = mock.Mock()
-        handler = mock.Mock()
-        _LogStream._LogStream__remove_handler(dummy_obj, handler)
-        self.assertTrue(dummy_obj.logger.removeHandler.called)
-        self.assertTrue(handler.close.called)
-    # update_handlers
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_update_handlers_updates_filehandler_target(self, _):
-        """Tests that update_handlers invokes the underlying
-        MovableFileHandler.set_file method on the correct path.
-        """
-        info_testclass_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.TESTCLASS_LOG
-        file_name = 'FILENAME'
-        with self.patch('MovableFileHandler'):
-            log = log_stream.create_logger(
-                self._testMethodName, log_styles=info_testclass_log)
-            handler = log.handlers[-1]
-            handler.baseFilename = file_name
-            stream = log_stream._log_streams[log.name]
-            stream._LogStream__get_current_output_dir = (
-                lambda: 'BASEPATH/TestClass'
-            )
-            stream.update_handlers(context.NewTestClassContextEvent())
-            handler.set_file.assert_called_with('BASEPATH/TestClass/FILENAME')
-    # cleanup
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    def test_cleanup_removes_all_handlers(self, *_):
-        """ Tests that cleanup removes all handlers in the logger, except
-        the NullHandler.
-        """
-        info_testcase_log = LogStyles.LOG_INFO + LogStyles.MONOLITH_LOG
-        with self.patch('MovableFileHandler'):
-            log_stream.create_logger(self._testMethodName,
-                                     log_styles=info_testcase_log)
-        created_log_stream = log_stream._log_streams[self._testMethodName]
-        created_log_stream.cleanup()
-        self.assertEqual(len(created_log_stream.logger.handlers), 1)
-class LogStreamModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        # logging.log_path only exists if logger._setup_test_logger is called.
-        # Here we set it to a value that is likely to not exist so file IO is
-        # not executed (an error is raised instead of creating the file).
-        logging.log_path = '/f/a/i/l/p/a/t/h'
-    def setUp(self):
-        log_stream._log_streams = {}
-    # _update_handlers
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_new_context_event():
-        return context.NewContextEvent()
-    def test_update_handlers_delegates_calls_to_log_streams(self):
-        """Tests _update_handlers calls update_handlers on each log_stream.
-        """
-        log_stream._log_streams = {
-            'a': mock.Mock(),
-            'b': mock.Mock()
-        }
-        log_stream._update_handlers(self.create_new_context_event())
-        self.assertTrue(log_stream._log_streams['a'].update_handlers.called)
-        self.assertTrue(log_stream._log_streams['b'].update_handlers.called)
-    # _set_logger
-    def test_set_logger_overwrites_previous_logger(self):
-        """Tests that calling set_logger overwrites the previous logger within
-        log_stream._log_streams.
-        """
-        previous = mock.Mock()
-        log_stream._log_streams = {
-            'a': previous
-        }
-        expected = mock.Mock()
-        expected.name = 'a'
-        log_stream._set_logger(expected)
-        self.assertEqual(log_stream._log_streams['a'], expected)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b82d23..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_factory_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import logging
-import mock
-from antlion.controllers import android_device
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner_factory
-from antlion import config_parser
-class OtaRunnerFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests all of the functions in the ota_runner_factory module."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.device = mock.MagicMock()
-        self.device.serial = 'fake_serial'
-    def test_get_ota_value_from_config_no_map_key_missing(self):
-        acts_config = {}
-        with self.assertRaises(config_parser.ActsConfigError):
-            ota_runner_factory.get_ota_value_from_config(
-                acts_config, 'ota_tool', self.device)
-    def test_get_ota_value_from_config_with_map_key_missing(self):
-        acts_config = {'ota_map': {'fake_serial': 'MockOtaTool'}}
-        with self.assertRaises(config_parser.ActsConfigError):
-            ota_runner_factory.get_ota_value_from_config(
-                acts_config, 'ota_tool', self.device)
-    def test_get_ota_value_from_config_with_map_key_found(self):
-        expected_value = '/path/to/tool'
-        acts_config = {
-            'ota_map': {
-                'fake_serial': 'MockOtaTool'
-            },
-            'ota_tool_MockOtaTool': expected_value
-        }
-        ret = ota_runner_factory.get_ota_value_from_config(
-            acts_config, 'ota_tool', self.device)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_value, ret)
-    def test_create_from_configs_raise_when_non_default_tool_path_missing(
-            self):
-        acts_config = {
-            'ota_tool': 'FakeTool',
-        }
-        try:
-            ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(acts_config, self.device)
-        except config_parser.ActsConfigError:
-            return
-        self.fail('create_from_configs did not throw an error when a tool was'
-                  'specified without a tool path.')
-    def test_create_from_configs_without_map_makes_proper_calls(self):
-        acts_config = {
-            'ota_package': 'jkl;',
-            'ota_sl4a': 'qaz',
-            'ota_tool': 'FakeTool',
-            'FakeTool': 'qwerty'
-        }
-        function_path = 'antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners.ota_runner_factory.create'
-        with mock.patch(function_path) as mocked_function:
-            ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(acts_config, self.device)
-            mocked_function.assert_called_with('jkl;', 'qaz', self.device,
-                                               'FakeTool', 'qwerty')
-    def test_create_from_configs_with_map_makes_proper_calls(self):
-        acts_config = {
-            'ota_map': {
-                'fake_serial': "hardwareA"
-            },
-            'ota_package_hardwareA': 'jkl;',
-            'ota_sl4a_hardwareA': 'qaz',
-            'ota_tool_hardwareA': 'FakeTool',
-            'FakeTool': 'qwerty'
-        }
-        function_path = 'antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners.ota_runner_factory.create'
-        with mock.patch(function_path) as mocked_function:
-            ota_runner_factory.create_from_configs(acts_config, self.device)
-            mocked_function.assert_called_with('jkl;', 'qaz', self.device,
-                                               'FakeTool', 'qwerty')
-    def test_create_raise_on_ota_pkg_and_sl4a_fields_have_different_types(
-            self):
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create'):
-            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-                ota_runner_factory.create('ota_package', ['ota_sl4a'],
-                                          self.device)
-    def test_create_raise_on_ota_package_not_a_list_or_string(self):
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create'):
-            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-                ota_runner_factory.create({'ota': 'pkg'}, {'ota': 'sl4a'},
-                                          self.device)
-    def test_create_returns_single_ota_runner_on_ota_package_being_a_str(self):
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create'):
-            ret = ota_runner_factory.create('', '', self.device)
-            self.assertEqual(type(ret), ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner)
-    def test_create_returns_multi_ota_runner_on_ota_package_being_a_list(self):
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create'):
-            ret = ota_runner_factory.create([], [], self.device)
-            self.assertEqual(type(ret), ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner)
-    def test_create_returns_bound_ota_runner_on_second_request(self):
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create'):
-            first_return = ota_runner_factory.create([], [], self.device)
-            logging.disable(logging.WARNING)
-            second_return = ota_runner_factory.create([], [], self.device)
-            logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
-            self.assertEqual(first_return, second_return)
-    def test_create_returns_different_ota_runner_on_second_request(self):
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools.ota_tool_factory.create'):
-            first_return = ota_runner_factory.create([], [],
-                                                     self.device,
-                                                     use_cached_runners=False)
-            second_return = ota_runner_factory.create([], [],
-                                                      self.device,
-                                                      use_cached_runners=False)
-            self.assertNotEqual(first_return, second_return)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f51368..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_runners/ota_runner_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-import os
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
-from antlion.controllers import android_device
-class MockOtaTool(ota_tool.OtaTool):
-    def __init__(self, command):
-        super(MockOtaTool, self).__init__(command)
-        self.update_call_count = 0
-        self.cleanup_call_count = 0
-    def update(self, unused):
-        self.update_call_count += 1
-    def cleanup(self, unused):
-        self.cleanup_call_count += 1
-    def reset_count(self):
-        self.update_call_count = 0
-        self.cleanup_call_count = 0
-    def assert_calls_equal(self, test, number_of_expected_calls):
-        test.assertEqual(number_of_expected_calls, self.update_call_count)
-        test.assertEqual(number_of_expected_calls, self.cleanup_call_count)
-class OtaRunnerImpl(ota_runner.OtaRunner):
-    """Sets properties to return an empty string to allow OtaRunner tests."""
-    def get_sl4a_apk(self):
-        return ''
-    def get_ota_package(self):
-        return ''
-    def validate_update(self):
-        pass
-class OtaRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the OtaRunner class."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.prev_sl4a_service_setup_time = ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME
-        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = 0
-    def tearDown(self):
-        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = self.prev_sl4a_service_setup_time
-    def test_update(self):
-        device = mock.MagicMock()
-        device.skip_sl4a = False
-        tool = MockOtaTool('mock_command')
-        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
-        runner.android_device.adb.getprop = mock.Mock(side_effect=['a', 'b'])
-        runner.get_post_build_id = lambda: 'abc'
-        runner._update()
-        self.assertTrue(device.stop_services.called)
-        self.assertTrue(device.wait_for_boot_completion.called)
-        self.assertTrue(device.start_services.called)
-        self.assertTrue(device.adb.install.called)
-        tool.assert_calls_equal(self, 1)
-    def test_update_fail_on_no_change_to_build(self):
-        device = mock.MagicMock()
-        tool = MockOtaTool('mock_command')
-        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
-        runner.android_device.adb.getprop = mock.Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a'])
-        runner.get_post_build_id = lambda: 'abc'
-        try:
-            runner._update()
-            self.fail('Matching build fingerprints did not throw an error!')
-        except ota_runner.OtaError:
-            pass
-    def test_init(self):
-        device = mock.MagicMock()
-        tool = MockOtaTool('mock_command')
-        runner = ota_runner.OtaRunner(tool, device)
-        self.assertEqual(runner.ota_tool, tool)
-        self.assertEqual(runner.android_device, device)
-        self.assertEqual(runner.serial, device.serial)
-    def test_get_post_build_id_grabs_valid_data(self):
-        device = mock.MagicMock()
-        tool = MockOtaTool('mock_command')
-        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
-        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
-            'dummy_ota_package.zip')
-        runner.get_ota_package = lambda: ota_package_path
-        self.assertEqual(runner.get_post_build_id(), 'post-build_information')
-    def test_get_ota_package_metadata_value_does_not_exist(self):
-        device = mock.MagicMock()
-        tool = MockOtaTool('mock_command')
-        runner = OtaRunnerImpl(tool, device)
-        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
-            'dummy_ota_package.zip')
-        runner.get_ota_package = lambda: ota_package_path
-        self.assertEqual(runner.get_ota_package_metadata('garbage-data'), None)
-class SingleUseOtaRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the SingleUseOtaRunner class."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.device = mock.MagicMock()
-        self.tool = MockOtaTool('mock_command')
-    def test_update_first_update_runs(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, '', '')
-        try:
-            with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-                runner.update()
-        except ota_runner.OtaError:
-            self.fail('SingleUseOtaRunner threw an exception on the first '
-                      'update call.')
-    def test_update_second_update_raises_error(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, '', '')
-        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-            runner.update()
-            try:
-                runner.update()
-            except ota_runner.OtaError:
-                return
-        self.fail('SingleUseOtaRunner did not throw an exception on the second'
-                  'update call.')
-    def test_can_update_no_updates_called(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, '', '')
-        self.assertEqual(True, runner.can_update())
-    def test_can_update_has_updated_already(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, '', '')
-        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-            runner.update()
-        self.assertEqual(False, runner.can_update())
-    def test_get_ota_package(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, 'a',
-                                               'b')
-        self.assertEqual(runner.get_ota_package(), 'a')
-    def test_get_sl4a_apk(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, 'a',
-                                               'b')
-        self.assertEqual(runner.get_sl4a_apk(), 'b')
-class MultiUseOtaRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the MultiUseOtaRunner class."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.device = mock.MagicMock()
-        self.tool = MockOtaTool('mock_command')
-    def test_update_first_update_runs(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device, [''],
-                                              [''])
-        try:
-            with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-                runner.update()
-        except ota_runner.OtaError:
-            self.fail('MultiUseOtaRunner threw an exception on the first '
-                      'update call.')
-    def test_update_multiple_updates_run(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device,
-                                              ['first_pkg', 'second_pkg'],
-                                              ['first_apk', 'second_apk'])
-        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-            runner.update()
-            try:
-                runner.update()
-            except ota_runner.OtaError:
-                self.fail('MultiUseOtaRunner threw an exception before '
-                          'running out of update packages.')
-    def test_update_too_many_update_calls_raises_error(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device,
-                                              ['first_pkg', 'second_pkg'],
-                                              ['first_apk', 'second_apk'])
-        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-            runner.update()
-            runner.update()
-            try:
-                runner.update()
-            except ota_runner.OtaError:
-                return
-        self.fail('MultiUseOtaRunner did not throw an exception after running '
-                  'out of update packages.')
-    def test_can_update_no_updates_called(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device,
-                                              ['first_pkg', 'second_pkg'],
-                                              ['first_apk', 'second_apk'])
-        self.assertEqual(True, runner.can_update())
-    def test_can_update_has_more_updates_left(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device,
-                                              ['first_pkg', 'second_pkg'],
-                                              ['first_apk', 'second_apk'])
-        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-            runner.update()
-        self.assertEqual(True, runner.can_update())
-    def test_can_update_ran_out_of_updates(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device,
-                                              ['first_pkg', 'second_pkg'],
-                                              ['first_apk', 'second_apk'])
-        with mock.patch.object(ota_runner.OtaRunner, '_update'):
-            runner.update()
-            runner.update()
-        self.assertEqual(False, runner.can_update())
-    def test_get_ota_package(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device,
-                                              ['first_pkg', 'second_pkg'],
-                                              ['first_apk', 'second_apk'])
-        self.assertEqual(runner.get_ota_package(), 'first_pkg')
-    def test_get_sl4a_apk(self):
-        runner = ota_runner.MultiUseOtaRunner(self.tool, self.device,
-                                              ['first_pkg', 'second_pkg'],
-                                              ['first_apk', 'second_apk'])
-        self.assertEqual(runner.get_sl4a_apk(), 'first_apk')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3816157..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/adb_sideload_ota_tool_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import unittest
-import os
-from antlion.controllers import android_device
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import adb_sideload_ota_tool
-def get_mock_android_device(serial='', ssh_connection=None):
-    """Returns a mocked AndroidDevice with a mocked adb/fastboot."""
-    with mock.patch('antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy') as adb_proxy, (
-            mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy')) as fb_proxy:
-        fb_proxy.return_value.devices.return_value = ""
-        ret = mock.Mock(
-            android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=serial,
-                                         ssh_connection=ssh_connection))
-        fb_proxy.reset_mock()
-        return ret
-class AdbSideloadOtaToolTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the OtaTool class."""
-    def test_init(self):
-        expected_value = 'commmand string'
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ota_tool.OtaTool(expected_value).command, expected_value)
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.sl4a_service_setup_time = ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME
-        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = 0
-    def tearDown(self):
-        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = self.sl4a_service_setup_time
-    @staticmethod
-    def test_start():
-        # This test could have a bunch of verify statements,
-        # but its probably not worth it.
-        device = get_mock_android_device()
-        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
-            'dummy_ota_package.zip')
-        tool = adb_sideload_ota_tool.AdbSideloadOtaTool(ota_package_path)
-        runner = ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(tool, device, ota_package_path,
-                                               '')
-        runner.android_device.adb.getprop = mock.Mock(side_effect=['a', 'b'])
-        runner.update()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 700e6b2..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_factory_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool_factory
-class MockOtaTool(object):
-    def __init__(self, command):
-        self.command = command
-class OtaToolFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        ota_tool_factory._constructed_tools = {}
-    def test_create_constructor_exists(self):
-        ota_tool_factory._CONSTRUCTORS = {
-            MockOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: MockOtaTool(command),
-        }
-        ret = ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, 'command')
-        self.assertEqual(type(ret), MockOtaTool)
-        self.assertTrue(ret in ota_tool_factory._constructed_tools.values())
-    def test_create_not_in_constructors(self):
-        ota_tool_factory._CONSTRUCTORS = {}
-        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
-            ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, 'command')
-    def test_create_returns_cached_tool(self):
-        ota_tool_factory._CONSTRUCTORS = {
-            MockOtaTool.__name__: lambda command: MockOtaTool(command),
-        }
-        ret_a = ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, 'command')
-        ret_b = ota_tool_factory.create(MockOtaTool.__name__, 'command')
-        self.assertEqual(ret_a, ret_b)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc8784..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/ota_tool_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import ota_tool
-class OtaToolTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the OtaTool class."""
-    def test_init(self):
-        expected_value = 'commmand string'
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ota_tool.OtaTool(expected_value).command, expected_value)
-    def test_start_throws_error_on_unimplemented(self):
-        obj = 'some object'
-        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
-            ota_tool.OtaTool('').update(obj)
-    def test_end_is_not_abstract(self):
-        obj = 'some object'
-        try:
-            ota_tool.OtaTool('').cleanup(obj)
-        except:
-            self.fail('End is not required and should be a virtual function.')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eddf02d..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_tools/update_device_ota_tool_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import unittest
-import os
-from antlion.controllers import android_device
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_tools import update_device_ota_tool
-def get_mock_android_device(serial='', ssh_connection=None):
-    """Returns a mocked AndroidDevice with a mocked adb/fastboot."""
-    with mock.patch('antlion.controllers.adb.AdbProxy') as adb_proxy, (
-            mock.patch('antlion.controllers.fastboot.FastbootProxy')) as fb_proxy:
-        fb_proxy.return_value.devices.return_value = ""
-        ret = mock.Mock(
-            android_device.AndroidDevice(serial=serial,
-                                         ssh_connection=ssh_connection))
-        fb_proxy.reset_mock()
-        return ret
-class UpdateDeviceOtaToolTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for UpdateDeviceOtaTool."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.sl4a_service_setup_time = ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME
-        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = 0
-    def tearDown(self):
-        ota_runner.SL4A_SERVICE_SETUP_TIME = self.sl4a_service_setup_time
-    def test_update(self):
-        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
-            'dummy_ota_package.zip')
-        with mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp') as mkdtemp, (
-                mock.patch('shutil.rmtree')) as rmtree, (
-                    mock.patch('antlion.utils.unzip_maintain_permissions')):
-            mkdtemp.return_value = ''
-            rmtree.return_value = ''
-            device = get_mock_android_device()
-            tool = update_device_ota_tool.UpdateDeviceOtaTool(ota_package_path)
-            runner = mock.Mock(
-                ota_runner.SingleUseOtaRunner(tool, device, '', ''))
-            runner.return_value.android_device = device
-            with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run'):
-                tool.update(runner)
-            del tool
-    def test_del(self):
-        ota_package_path = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
-            'dummy_ota_package.zip')
-        with mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp') as mkdtemp, (
-                mock.patch('shutil.rmtree')) as rmtree, (
-                    mock.patch('antlion.utils.unzip_maintain_permissions')):
-            mkdtemp.return_value = ''
-            rmtree.return_value = ''
-            tool = update_device_ota_tool.UpdateDeviceOtaTool(ota_package_path)
-            del tool
-            self.assertTrue(mkdtemp.called)
-            self.assertTrue(rmtree.called)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_updater_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_updater_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b6cad1a..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/ota/ota_updater_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.ota import ota_updater
-from antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners import ota_runner
-class MockAndroidDevice(object):
-    def __init__(self, serial):
-        self.serial = serial
-        self.log = mock.Mock()
-        self.take_bug_report = mock.MagicMock()
-class MockOtaRunner(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.call_count = 0
-        self.should_fail = False
-        self.can_update_value = 'CAN_UPDATE_CALLED'
-    def set_failure(self, should_fail=True):
-        self.should_fail = should_fail
-    def update(self):
-        self.call_count += 1
-        if self.should_fail:
-            raise ota_runner.OtaError
-    def can_update(self):
-        return self.can_update_value
-    def validate_update(self):
-        pass
-class OtaUpdaterTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the methods in the ota_updater module."""
-    def test_initialize(self):
-        user_params = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
-        android_devices = ['x', 'y', 'z']
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.ota.ota_runners.ota_runner_factory.'
-                        'create_from_configs') as fn:
-            ota_updater.initialize(user_params, android_devices)
-            for i in range(len(android_devices)):
-                fn.assert_any_call(user_params, android_devices[i])
-            self.assertSetEqual(
-                set(android_devices), set(ota_updater.ota_runners.keys()))
-    def test_check_initialization_is_initialized(self):
-        device = MockAndroidDevice('serial')
-        ota_updater.ota_runners = {
-            device: ota_runner.OtaRunner('tool', device)
-        }
-        try:
-            ota_updater._check_initialization(device)
-        except ota_runner.OtaError:
-            self.fail(
-                '_check_initialization raised for initialized runner!')
-    def test_check_initialization_is_not_initialized(self):
-        device = MockAndroidDevice('serial')
-        ota_updater.ota_runners = {}
-        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
-            ota_updater._check_initialization(device)
-    def test_update_do_not_ignore_failures_and_failures_occur(self):
-        device = MockAndroidDevice('serial')
-        runner = MockOtaRunner()
-        runner.set_failure(True)
-        ota_updater.ota_runners = {device: runner}
-        with self.assertRaises(ota_runner.OtaError):
-            ota_updater.update(device)
-    def test_update_ignore_failures_and_failures_occur(self):
-        device = MockAndroidDevice('serial')
-        runner = MockOtaRunner()
-        runner.set_failure(True)
-        ota_updater.ota_runners = {device: runner}
-        try:
-            ota_updater.update(device, ignore_update_errors=True)
-        except ota_runner.OtaError:
-            self.fail('OtaError was raised when errors are to be ignored!')
-    def test_can_update(self):
-        device = MockAndroidDevice('serial')
-        runner = MockOtaRunner()
-        ota_updater.ota_runners = {device: runner}
-        self.assertEqual(ota_updater.can_update(device),
-                         'CAN_UPDATE_CALLED')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/proc/process_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/proc/process_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fd6985..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/proc/process_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import subprocess
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.proc.process import Process
-from antlion.libs.proc.process import ProcessError
-import mock
-class FakeThread(object):
-    def __init__(self, target=None):
-        self.target = target
-        self.alive = False
-    def _on_start(self):
-        pass
-    def start(self):
-        self.alive = True
-        if self._on_start:
-            self._on_start()
-    def stop(self):
-        self.alive = False
-    def join(self):
-        pass
-class ProcessTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the antlion.libs.proc.process.Process class."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self._Process__start_process = Process._Process__start_process
-    def tearDown(self):
-        Process._Process__start_process = self._Process__start_process
-    @staticmethod
-    def patch(imported_name, *args, **kwargs):
-        return mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.process.%s' % imported_name,
-                          *args, **kwargs)
-    # set_on_output_callback
-    def test_set_on_output_callback(self):
-        """Tests that set_on_output_callback sets on_output_callback."""
-        callback = mock.Mock()
-        process = Process('cmd').set_on_output_callback(callback)
-        process._on_output_callback()
-        self.assertTrue(callback.called)
-    # set_on_terminate_callback
-    def test_set_on_terminate_callback(self):
-        """Tests that set_on_terminate_callback sets _on_terminate_callback."""
-        callback = mock.Mock()
-        process = Process('cmd').set_on_terminate_callback(callback)
-        process._on_terminate_callback()
-        self.assertTrue(callback.called)
-    # start
-    def test_start_raises_if_called_back_to_back(self):
-        """Tests that start raises an exception if it has already been called
-        prior.
-        This is required to prevent references to processes and threads from
-        being overwritten, potentially causing ACTS to hang."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        # Here we need the thread to start the process object.
-        class FakeThreadImpl(FakeThread):
-            def _on_start(self):
-                process._process = mock.Mock()
-        with self.patch('Thread', FakeThreadImpl):
-            process.start()
-            expected_msg = 'Process has already started.'
-            with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, expected_msg):
-                process.start()
-    def test_start_starts_listening_thread(self):
-        """Tests that start starts the _exec_popen_loop function."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        # Here we need the thread to start the process object.
-        class FakeThreadImpl(FakeThread):
-            def _on_start(self):
-                process._process = mock.Mock()
-        with self.patch('Thread', FakeThreadImpl):
-            process.start()
-        self.assertTrue(process._listening_thread.alive)
-        self.assertEqual(process._listening_thread.target, process._exec_loop)
-    # wait
-    def test_wait_raises_if_called_back_to_back(self):
-        """Tests that wait raises an exception if it has already been called
-        prior."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process.wait(0)
-        expected_msg = 'Process is already being stopped.'
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, expected_msg):
-            process.wait(0)
-    @mock.patch.object(Process, '_kill_process')
-    def test_wait_kills_after_timeout(self, *_):
-        """Tests that if a TimeoutExpired error is thrown during wait, the
-        process is killed."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process._process.wait.side_effect = subprocess.TimeoutExpired('', '')
-        process.wait(0)
-        self.assertEqual(process._kill_process.called, True)
-    @mock.patch('os.getpgid', side_effect=lambda id: id)
-    @mock.patch('os.killpg')
-    def test_sends_signal(self, mock_os, *_):
-        """Tests that signal is sent to process.."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        mock_process = mock.Mock()
-        mock_process.pid = -1
-        process._process = mock_process
-        process.signal(51641)
-        mock_os.assert_called_with(-1, 51641)
-    def test_signal_raises_error_on_windows(self, *_):
-        """Tests that signaling is unsupported in windows with appropriate
-        error msg."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        mock_inner_process = mock.Mock()
-        mock_inner_process.pid = -1
-        process._process = mock_inner_process
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.process._on_windows', True):
-            with self.assertRaises(ProcessError):
-                process.signal(51641)
-    @mock.patch.object(Process, '_kill_process')
-    def test_wait_sets_stopped_to_true_before_process_kill(self, *_):
-        """Tests that stop() sets the _stopped attribute to True.
-        This order is required to prevent the _exec_loop from calling
-        _on_terminate_callback when the user has killed the process.
-        """
-        verifier = mock.Mock()
-        verifier.passed = False
-        def test_call_order():
-            self.assertTrue(process._stopped)
-            verifier.passed = True
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process._process.poll.return_value = None
-        process._process.wait.side_effect = subprocess.TimeoutExpired('', '')
-        process._kill_process = test_call_order
-        process.wait()
-        self.assertEqual(verifier.passed, True)
-    def test_wait_joins_listening_thread_if_it_exists(self):
-        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        mocked_thread = mock.Mock()
-        process._listening_thread = mocked_thread
-        process.wait(0)
-        self.assertEqual(mocked_thread.join.called, True)
-    def test_wait_clears_listening_thread_if_it_exists(self):
-        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists.
-        Threads can only be started once, so after wait has been called, we
-        want to make sure we clear the listening thread.
-        """
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process._listening_thread = mock.Mock()
-        process.wait(0)
-        self.assertEqual(process._listening_thread, None)
-    def test_wait_joins_redirection_thread_if_it_exists(self):
-        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        mocked_thread = mock.Mock()
-        process._redirection_thread = mocked_thread
-        process.wait(0)
-        self.assertEqual(mocked_thread.join.called, True)
-    def test_wait_clears_redirection_thread_if_it_exists(self):
-        """Tests wait() joins _listening_thread if it exists.
-        Threads can only be started once, so after wait has been called, we
-        want to make sure we clear the listening thread.
-        """
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process._redirection_thread = mock.Mock()
-        process.wait(0)
-        self.assertEqual(process._redirection_thread, None)
-    # stop
-    def test_stop_sets_stopped_to_true(self):
-        """Tests that stop() sets the _stopped attribute to True."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process.stop()
-        self.assertTrue(process._stopped)
-    def test_stop_sets_stopped_to_true_before_process_kill(self):
-        """Tests that stop() sets the _stopped attribute to True.
-        This order is required to prevent the _exec_loop from calling
-        _on_terminate_callback when the user has killed the process.
-        """
-        verifier = mock.Mock()
-        verifier.passed = False
-        def test_call_order():
-            self.assertTrue(process._stopped)
-            verifier.passed = True
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process._process.poll.return_value = None
-        process._kill_process = test_call_order
-        process._process.wait.side_effect = subprocess.TimeoutExpired('', '')
-        process.stop()
-        self.assertEqual(verifier.passed, True)
-    def test_stop_calls_wait(self):
-        """Tests that stop() also has the functionality of wait()."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process.wait = mock.Mock()
-        process.stop()
-        self.assertEqual(process.wait.called, True)
-    # _redirect_output
-    def test_redirect_output_feeds_all_lines_to_on_output_callback(self):
-        """Tests that _redirect_output loops until all lines are parsed."""
-        received_list = []
-        def appender(line):
-            received_list.append(line)
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        process.set_on_output_callback(appender)
-        process._process = mock.Mock()
-        process._process.stdout.readline.side_effect = [b'a\n', b'b\n', b'']
-        process._redirect_output()
-        self.assertEqual(received_list[0], 'a')
-        self.assertEqual(received_list[1], 'b')
-        self.assertEqual(len(received_list), 2)
-    # __start_process
-    def test_start_process_returns_a_popen_object(self):
-        """Tests that a Popen object is returned by __start_process."""
-        with self.patch('subprocess.Popen', return_value='verification'):
-            self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process('cmd'),
-                             'verification')
-    # _exec_loop
-    def test_exec_loop_redirections_output(self):
-        """Tests that the _exec_loop function calls to redirect the output."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
-        with self.patch('Thread', FakeThread):
-            process._exec_loop()
-        self.assertEqual(process._redirection_thread.target,
-                         process._redirect_output)
-        self.assertEqual(process._redirection_thread.alive, True)
-    def test_exec_loop_waits_for_process(self):
-        """Tests that the _exec_loop waits for the process to complete before
-        returning."""
-        process = Process('cmd')
-        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
-        with self.patch('Thread', FakeThread):
-            process._exec_loop()
-        self.assertEqual(process._process.wait.called, True)
-    def test_exec_loop_loops_if_not_stopped(self):
-        process = Process('1st')
-        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
-        process._on_terminate_callback = mock.Mock(side_effect=[['2nd'], None])
-        with self.patch('Thread', FakeThread):
-            process._exec_loop()
-        self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process.call_count, 2)
-        self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process.call_args_list[0][0],
-                         (['1st'],))
-        self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process.call_args_list[1][0],
-                         (['2nd'],))
-    def test_exec_loop_does_not_loop_if_stopped(self):
-        process = Process('1st')
-        Process._Process__start_process = mock.Mock()
-        process._on_terminate_callback = mock.Mock(
-            side_effect=['2nd', None])
-        process._stopped = True
-        with self.patch('Thread', FakeThread):
-            process._exec_loop()
-        self.assertEqual(Process._Process__start_process.call_count, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            Process._Process__start_process.call_args_list[0][0],
-            (['1st'],))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/__init__.py b/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/all_tests_decorator_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/all_tests_decorator_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 87fb3e5..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/all_tests_decorator_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.test_binding.all_tests_decorator import for_all_tests
-class AllTestDecoratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_add_to_all_tests(self):
-        def decorator(decorated):
-            def inner(*args, **kwargs):
-                return 3
-            return inner
-        @for_all_tests(decorator)
-        class TestTest(object):
-            def test_a_thing(self):
-                return 4
-            def not_a_test(self):
-                return 4
-        test = TestTest()
-        self.assertEqual(test.test_a_thing(), 3)
-        self.assertEqual(test.not_a_test(), 4)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/binding_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/binding_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e76969b..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/test_bindings/binding_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-import mock
-from antlion import signals
-from antlion.libs.test_binding.binding import Binding
-class BindingTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_instance_binding(self):
-        instance = object()
-        binding = Binding(object)
-        instance_binding = binding.__get__(instance, None)
-        self.assertEqual(instance_binding.instance_args, [instance])
-    def test_call_inner(self):
-        self.inner_args = []
-        self.inner_kwargs = {}
-        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
-            self.inner_args = args
-            self.inner_kwargs = kwargs
-        binding = Binding(inner, instance_args=['test'])
-        try:
-            binding('arg', v=2)
-        except signals.TestSignal:
-            pass
-        self.assertEqual(self.inner_args, ('test', 'arg'))
-        self.assertEqual(self.inner_kwargs, {'v': 2})
-    def test_call_inner_pass_on_none(self):
-        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
-            pass
-        binding = Binding(inner)
-        try:
-            binding()
-        except signals.TestPass:
-            pass
-    def test_call_inner_pass_on_true(self):
-        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
-            return True
-        binding = Binding(inner, instance_args=['test'])
-        try:
-            binding()
-        except signals.TestPass:
-            pass
-    def test_call_inner_fail_on_false(self):
-        def inner(*_, **__):
-            return False
-        binding = Binding(inner, instance_args=['test'])
-        try:
-            binding()
-        except signals.TestFailure:
-            pass
-    def test_call_inner_pass_through_signal(self):
-        def inner(*_, **__):
-            raise signals.TestPass('DETAILS')
-        binding = Binding(inner, instance_args=['test'])
-        try:
-            binding()
-        except signals.TestPass as signal:
-            self.assertEqual(signal.details, 'DETAILS')
-    def test_arg_modifier(self):
-        self.inner_args = []
-        self.inner_kwargs = {}
-        def arg_modifier(_, *args, **kwargs):
-            new_args = list(args) + ['new arg']
-            new_kwargs = dict(kwargs, kw='value')
-            return new_args, new_kwargs
-        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
-            self.inner_args = args
-            self.inner_kwargs = kwargs
-        binding = Binding(inner, arg_modifier=arg_modifier)
-        try:
-            binding('arg', v=2)
-        except signals.TestSignal:
-            pass
-        self.assertEqual(self.inner_args, ('arg', 'new arg'))
-        self.assertEqual(self.inner_kwargs, {'v': 2, 'kw': 'value'})
-    def test_call_before(self):
-        self.has_called_before = False
-        def before(*_, **__):
-            self.has_called_before = True
-        def inner(*_, **__):
-            self.assertTrue(self.has_called_before)
-        binding = Binding(inner, before=before)
-        try:
-            binding()
-        except signals.TestSignal:
-            pass
-        self.assertTrue(self.has_called_before)
-    def test_call_after(self):
-        self.has_called_after = False
-        def after(*_, **__):
-            self.has_called_after = True
-        def inner(*_, **__):
-            self.assertFalse(self.has_called_after)
-        binding = Binding(inner, after=after)
-        try:
-            binding()
-        except signals.TestSignal:
-            pass
-        self.assertTrue(self.has_called_after)
-    def test_signal_modify(self):
-        def inner(*_, **__):
-            raise signals.TestPass('DETAILS')
-        def signal_modifier(_, signal, *__, **___):
-            raise signals.TestFailure(signal.details)
-        binding = Binding(inner, signal_modifier=signal_modifier)
-        try:
-            binding()
-        except signals.TestFailure as signal:
-            self.assertEqual(signal.details, 'DETAILS')
-    def test_inner_attr_proxy_test(self):
-        def some_func():
-            pass
-        inner = some_func
-        inner.x = 10
-        binding = Binding(inner)
-        self.assertEqual(binding.x, inner.x)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/uicd/__init__.py b/unit_tests/libs/uicd/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/uicd/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/uicd/uicd_cli_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/uicd/uicd_cli_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b2ac4c3..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/uicd/uicd_cli_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-import unittest
-from antlion.libs.uicd.uicd_cli import UicdCli
-from antlion.libs.uicd.uicd_cli import UicdError
-_MOCK_WALK = {'/dir1': [('/dir1', (), ('file1', 'file2'))],
-              '/dir2': [('/dir2', ('dir3',), ('file3',)),
-                        ('/dir2/dir3', (), ())],
-              '/dir3': [('/dir3', (), ('file1',))]}
-def _mock_walk(path, **_):
-    return _MOCK_WALK.get(path, [])
-class UicdCliTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the antlion.libs.uicd.uicd_cli.UicdCli class."""
-    # _set_workflows
-    @mock.patch('os.walk', _mock_walk)
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp')
-    @mock.patch('shutil.rmtree')
-    @mock.patch.object(UicdCli, '_setup_cli')
-    def test_set_workflows_sets_correct_file_path(self, *_):
-        """Tests that the workflow name is mapped correctly to its path."""
-        nc = UicdCli('', '/dir1')
-        self.assertIn('file1', nc._workflows,
-                      'Workflow file not added to dictionary.')
-        self.assertEqual(nc._workflows['file1'], '/dir1/file1',
-                         'Workflow name does not point to the correct path.')
-    @mock.patch('os.walk', _mock_walk)
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp')
-    @mock.patch('shutil.rmtree')
-    @mock.patch.object(UicdCli, '_setup_cli')
-    def test_set_workflows_adds_workflows_from_directories(self, *_):
-        """Tests that providing a directory name adds all files from that
-        directory. Also tests that no directories are added to the dictionary.
-        """
-        nc = UicdCli('', ['/dir1', '/dir2'])
-        for file_name in ['file1', 'file2', 'file3']:
-            self.assertIn(file_name, nc._workflows,
-                          'Workflow file not added to dictionary.')
-        for dir_name in ['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3']:
-            self.assertNotIn(dir_name, nc._workflows,
-                             'Directories should not be added to dictionary.')
-    @mock.patch('os.walk', _mock_walk)
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp')
-    @mock.patch('shutil.rmtree')
-    @mock.patch.object(UicdCli, '_setup_cli')
-    def test_set_workflows_rejects_duplicate_workflow_names(self, *_):
-        """Tests that _set_workflows raises an exception if two or more
-        workflows of the same name are provided.
-        """
-        expected_msg = 'Uicd workflows may not share the same name.'
-        with self.assertRaisesRegex(UicdError, expected_msg):
-            nc = UicdCli('', ['/dir1', '/dir3'])
-    # run
-    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
-    @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', return_value='/base')
-    @mock.patch('shutil.rmtree')
-    @mock.patch.object(UicdCli, '_setup_cli')
-    @mock.patch.object(UicdCli, '_set_workflows')
-    def test_run_generates_correct_uicd_cmds(self, *_):
-        """Tests that the correct cmds are generated upon calling run()."""
-        nc = UicdCli('', [])
-        nc._workflows = {'test': '/workflows/test'}
-        # No log path set
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run') as job_run:
-            nc.run('SERIAL', 'test')
-            expected_cmd = 'java -jar /base/uicd-commandline.jar ' \
-                           '-d SERIAL -i /workflows/test'
-            job_run.assert_called_with(expected_cmd.split(), timeout=120)
-        # Log path set
-        nc._log_path = '/logs'
-        with mock.patch('antlion.libs.proc.job.run') as job_run:
-            nc.run('SERIAL', 'test')
-            expected_cmd = 'java -jar /base/uicd-commandline.jar ' \
-                           '-d SERIAL -i /workflows/test -o /logs'
-            job_run.assert_called_with(expected_cmd.split(), timeout=120)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/libs/version_selector_test.py b/unit_tests/libs/version_selector_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a4879f..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/libs/version_selector_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import os
-import sys
-# A temporary hack to prevent tests/libs/logging from being selected as the
-# python default logging module.
-sys.path[0] = os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../')
-import mock
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from antlion import base_test
-from antlion.libs import version_selector
-from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
-def versioning_decorator(min_sdk, max_sdk):
-    return version_selector.set_version(lambda ret, *_, **__: ret, min_sdk,
-                                        max_sdk)
-def versioning_decorator2(min_sdk, max_sdk):
-    return version_selector.set_version(lambda ret, *_, **__: ret, min_sdk,
-                                        max_sdk)
-def test_versioning(min_sdk, max_sdk):
-    return version_selector.set_version(lambda *_, **__: 1, min_sdk, max_sdk)
-@versioning_decorator(1, 10)
-def versioned_func(arg1, arg2):
-    return 'function 1', arg1, arg2
-@versioning_decorator(11, 11)
-def versioned_func(arg1, arg2):
-    return 'function 2', arg1, arg2
-@versioning_decorator(12, 20)
-def versioned_func(arg1, arg2):
-    return 'function 3', arg1, arg2
-@versioning_decorator(1, 20)
-def versioned_func_with_kwargs(_, asdf='jkl'):
-    return asdf
-def class_versioning_decorator(min_sdk, max_sdk):
-    return version_selector.set_version(lambda _, ret, *__, **___: ret,
-                                        min_sdk, max_sdk)
-class VersionedClass(object):
-    @classmethod
-    @class_versioning_decorator(1, 99999999)
-    def class_func(cls, arg1):
-        return cls, arg1
-    @staticmethod
-    @versioning_decorator(1, 99999999)
-    def static_func(arg1):
-        return arg1
-    @class_versioning_decorator(1, 99999999)
-    def instance_func(self, arg1):
-        return self, arg1
-class VersionedTestClass(base_test.BaseTestClass):
-    @mock.patch('mobly.utils.create_dir')
-    def __init__(self, configs, _):
-        super().__init__(configs)
-    @test_versioning(1, 1)
-    def test_1(self):
-        pass
-    @test_versioning(1, 1)
-    def test_2(self):
-        pass
-class VersionSelectorIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the antlion.libs.version_selector module."""
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        cls.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    @classmethod
-    def tearDownClass(cls):
-        shutil.rmtree(cls.tmp_dir)
-    def test_raises_syntax_error_if_decorated_with_staticmethod_first(self):
-        try:
-            class SomeClass(object):
-                @versioning_decorator(1, 1)
-                @staticmethod
-                def test_1():
-                    pass
-        except SyntaxError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('Placing the @staticmethod decorator after the '
-                      'versioning decorator should cause a SyntaxError.')
-    def test_raises_syntax_error_if_decorated_with_classmethod_first(self):
-        try:
-            class SomeClass(object):
-                @versioning_decorator(1, 1)
-                @classmethod
-                def test_1(cls):
-                    pass
-        except SyntaxError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('Placing the @classmethod decorator after the '
-                      'versioning decorator should cause a SyntaxError.')
-    def test_overriding_an_undecorated_func_raises_a_syntax_error(self):
-        try:
-            class SomeClass(object):
-                def test_1(self):
-                    pass
-                @versioning_decorator(1, 1)
-                def test_1(self):
-                    pass
-        except SyntaxError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('Overwriting a function that already exists without a '
-                      'versioning decorator should raise a SyntaxError.')
-    def test_func_decorated_with_2_different_versioning_decorators_causes_error(
-            self):
-        try:
-            class SomeClass(object):
-                @versioning_decorator(1, 1)
-                def test_1(self):
-                    pass
-                @versioning_decorator2(2, 2)
-                def test_1(self):
-                    pass
-        except SyntaxError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('Using two different versioning decorators to version a '
-                      'single function should raise a SyntaxError.')
-    def test_func_decorated_with_overlapping_ranges_causes_value_error(self):
-        try:
-            class SomeClass(object):
-                @versioning_decorator(1, 2)
-                def test_1(self):
-                    pass
-                @versioning_decorator(2, 2)
-                def test_1(self):
-                    pass
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('Decorated functions with overlapping version ranges '
-                      'should raise a ValueError.')
-    def test_func_decorated_with_min_gt_max_causes_value_error(self):
-        try:
-            class SomeClass(object):
-                @versioning_decorator(2, 1)
-                def test_1(self):
-                    pass
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail(
-                'If the min_version level is higher than the max_version '
-                'level, a ValueError should be raised.')
-    def test_calling_versioned_func_on_min_version_level_is_inclusive(self):
-        """Tests that calling some versioned function with the minimum version
-        level of the decorated function will call that function."""
-        ret = versioned_func(1, 'some_value')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, ('function 1', 1, 'some_value'),
-            'Calling versioned_func(1, ...) did not return the '
-            'versioned function for the correct range.')
-    def test_calling_versioned_func_on_middle_level_works(self):
-        """Tests that calling some versioned function a version value within the
-        range of the decorated function will call that function."""
-        ret = versioned_func(16, 'some_value')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, ('function 3', 16, 'some_value'),
-            'Calling versioned_func(16, ...) did not return the '
-            'versioned function for the correct range.')
-    def test_calling_versioned_func_on_max_version_level_is_inclusive(self):
-        """Tests that calling some versioned function with the maximum version
-        level of the decorated function will call that function."""
-        ret = versioned_func(10, 'some_value')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, ('function 1', 10, 'some_value'),
-            'Calling versioned_func(10, ...) did not return the '
-            'versioned function for the correct range.')
-    def test_calling_versioned_func_on_min_equals_max_level_works(self):
-        """Tests that calling some versioned function with the maximum version
-        level of the decorated function will call that function."""
-        ret = versioned_func(11, 'some_value')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, ('function 2', 11, 'some_value'),
-            'Calling versioned_func(10, ...) did not return the '
-            'versioned function for the correct range.')
-    def test_sending_kwargs_through_decorated_functions_works(self):
-        """Tests that calling some versioned function with the maximum version
-        level of the decorated function will call that function."""
-        ret = versioned_func_with_kwargs(1, asdf='some_value')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, 'some_value',
-            'Calling versioned_func_with_kwargs(1, ...) did not'
-            'return the kwarg value properly.')
-    def test_kwargs_can_default_through_decorated_functions(self):
-        """Tests that calling some versioned function with the maximum version
-        level of the decorated function will call that function."""
-        ret = versioned_func_with_kwargs(1)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, 'jkl', 'Calling versioned_func_with_kwargs(1) did not'
-            'return the default kwarg value properly.')
-    def test_staticmethod_can_be_called_properly(self):
-        """Tests that decorating a staticmethod will properly send the arguments
-        in the correct order.
-        i.e., we want to make sure self or cls do not get sent as the first
-        argument to the decorated staticmethod.
-        """
-        versioned_class = VersionedClass()
-        ret = versioned_class.static_func(123456)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, 123456, 'The first argument was not set properly for calling '
-            'a staticmethod.')
-    def test_instance_method_can_be_called_properly(self):
-        """Tests that decorating a method will properly send the arguments
-        in the correct order.
-        i.e., we want to make sure self is the first argument returned.
-        """
-        versioned_class = VersionedClass()
-        ret = versioned_class.instance_func(123456)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, (versioned_class, 123456),
-            'The arguments were not set properly for an instance '
-            'method.')
-    def test_classmethod_can_be_called_properly(self):
-        """Tests that decorating a classmethod will properly send the arguments
-        in the correct order.
-        i.e., we want to make sure cls is the first argument returned.
-        """
-        versioned_class = VersionedClass()
-        ret = versioned_class.class_func(123456)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ret, (VersionedClass, 123456),
-            'The arguments were not set properly for a '
-            'classmethod.')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/test_runner_test.py b/unit_tests/test_runner_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 032b36a..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/test_runner_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from mobly.config_parser import TestRunConfig
-from mock import Mock
-from mock import patch
-from antlion import test_runner
-class TestRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.base_mock_test_config = TestRunConfig()
-        self.base_mock_test_config.testbed_name = 'SampleTestBed'
-        self.base_mock_test_config.log_path = self.tmp_dir
-        self.base_mock_test_config.controller_configs = {'testpaths': ['./']}
-        self.base_mock_test_config.user_params = {
-            'icecream': 42,
-            'extra_param': 'haha'
-        }
-    def tearDown(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_test_classes(class_names):
-        return {class_name: Mock() for class_name in class_names}
-    @patch('antlion.records.TestResult')
-    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, '_write_results_to_file')
-    def test_class_name_pattern_single(self, *_):
-        class_names = ['test_class_1', 'test_class_2']
-        pattern = 'test*1'
-        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config,
-                                    [(pattern, None)])
-        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
-        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
-        tr.run()
-        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
-        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
-    @patch('antlion.records.TestResult')
-    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, '_write_results_to_file')
-    def test_class_name_pattern_multi(self, *_):
-        class_names = ['test_class_1', 'test_class_2', 'other_name']
-        pattern = 'test_class*'
-        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config,
-                                    [(pattern, None)])
-        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
-        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
-        tr.run()
-        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
-        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
-        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[2]].called)
-    @patch('antlion.records.TestResult')
-    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, '_write_results_to_file')
-    def test_class_name_pattern_question_mark(self, *_):
-        class_names = ['test_class_1', 'test_class_12']
-        pattern = 'test_class_?'
-        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config,
-                                    [(pattern, None)])
-        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
-        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
-        tr.run()
-        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
-        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
-    @patch('antlion.records.TestResult')
-    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, '_write_results_to_file')
-    def test_class_name_pattern_char_seq(self, *_):
-        class_names = ['test_class_1', 'test_class_2', 'test_class_3']
-        pattern = 'test_class_[1357]'
-        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config,
-                                    [(pattern, None)])
-        test_classes = self.create_test_classes(class_names)
-        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value=test_classes)
-        tr.run()
-        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[0]].called)
-        self.assertFalse(test_classes[class_names[1]].called)
-        self.assertTrue(test_classes[class_names[2]].called)
-    @patch('antlion.records.TestResult')
-    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, 'dump_config')
-    @patch.object(test_runner.TestRunner, '_write_results_to_file')
-    @patch('antlion.test_runner.logger')
-    def test_class_logpath_contains_proper_directory(self, logger_mock, *_):
-        expected_timestamp = '1970-01-01_00-00-00-00-000000'
-        logger_mock.get_log_file_timestamp.return_value = expected_timestamp
-        tr = test_runner.TestRunner(self.base_mock_test_config,
-                                    [('MockTest', None)])
-        mock_class = Mock()
-        tr.import_test_modules = Mock(return_value={'MockTest': mock_class})
-        tr.run()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            mock_class.call_args_list[0][0][0].log_path,
-            os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, self.base_mock_test_config.testbed_name,
-                         expected_timestamp))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/unit_tests/test_suite.py b/unit_tests/test_suite.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d2d1ca..0000000
--- a/unit_tests/test_suite.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-class TestResult(object):
-    """
-    Attributes:
-        failures_future: The list of failed test cases during this test.
-        output_file: The file containing the stderr/stdout for this test.
-        test_suite: The unittest.TestSuite used. Useful for debugging.
-        test_filename: The *_test.py file that ran in this test.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test_result, output_file, test_suite, test_filename):
-        self.test_result = test_result
-        self.output_file = output_file
-        self.test_suite = test_suite
-        self.test_filename = test_filename
-def run_all_unit_tests():
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    test_files = []
-    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-    for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
-        for filename in files:
-            if filename.endswith('_test.py'):
-                test_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
-                try:
-                    suite.addTest(loader.discover(root, filename))
-                except ImportError as e:
-                    if 'Start directory is not importable' not in e.args[0]:
-                        raise
-                    message = '. Did you forget to add an __init__.py file?'
-                    raise ImportError(e.args[0] + message)
-    output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    results = []
-    for index, test in enumerate(suite._tests):
-        output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'test_%s.output' % index)
-        test_result = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, test_files[index]],
-                                       stdout=open(output_file, 'w+'),
-                                       stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        results.append(
-            TestResult(test_result, output_file, test, test_files[index]))
-    all_failures = []
-    for index, result in enumerate(results):
-        try:
-            failures = result.test_result.wait(timeout=60)
-            if failures:
-                print('Failure logs for %s:' % result.test_filename,
-                      file=sys.stderr)
-                with open(result.output_file, 'r') as out_file:
-                    print(out_file.read(), file=sys.stderr)
-                all_failures.append(result.test_filename + ' (failed)')
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
-            all_failures.append(result.test_filename + ' (timed out)')
-            print('The following test timed out: %r' % result.test_filename,
-                  file=sys.stderr)
-            with open(result.output_file, 'r') as out_file:
-                print(out_file.read(), file=sys.stderr)
-    # Prints a summary over all unit tests failed.
-    if all_failures:
-        print('The following tests failed:', file=sys.stderr)
-        for failure in all_failures:
-            print('    ', failure, file=sys.stderr)
-    exit(bool(all_failures))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    run_all_unit_tests()