blob: 5423302d76b48843bab9f73a905e9bdc0d9e352c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
assert(is_host, "antlion tests only supported for host testing")
antlion_host_test("beacon_loss_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_envs
antlion_host_test("channel_switch_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_envs
antlion_host_test("connection_stress_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_envs
antlion_host_test("download_stress_test") {
main_source = ""
# Requires external internet access. This is considered bad practice for an
# automated test due to reliance on external services. Will remain an at-desk
# dest until rewritten to remove dependance on external services.
# environments = display_ap_envs
environments = []
antlion_host_test("ping_stress_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_envs
antlion_host_test("soft_ap_test") {
main_source = ""
# Requires one Fuchsia device and one Anddroid device. There are no
# infra-hosted environments to run this test on. Will likely remain an at-desk
# test for as long as it requires an Android device.
environments = []
antlion_host_test("wlan_driver_restart_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = [
test_data_deps =
[ "//src/developer/ffx/plugins/driver:ffx_driver_tool_test_data" ]
antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_ap_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
test_cases = [ "test_.+_ap_.+" ]
antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_ap_test_quick") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
test_cases = [ "test_soft_reboot_dut_5g_open_ipv4" ]
antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_dut_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
test_cases = [ "test_.+_dut_.+" ]
antlion_host_test("wlan_reboot_dut_test_quick") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_iperf_envs
test_cases = [ "test_soft_reboot_ap_5g_open_ipv4" ]
antlion_host_test("wlan_scan_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_envs
# iwlwifi AX201 does not support WPA2 yet.
# TODO(b/328494216): Remove then add nuc11_env to wlan_scan_test.
antlion_host_test("wlan_scan_test_without_wpa2") {
main_source = ""
environments = [ nuc11_ap_env ]
test_cases = [
antlion_host_test("wlan_target_security_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_envs
antlion_host_test("wlan_wireless_network_management_test") {
main_source = ""
environments = display_ap_envs
group("e2e_tests") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
group("e2e_tests_quick") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
# Tests that are disabled in automation
group("e2e_tests_manual") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [