blob: f71fd9f793438600cd5534f486a7555e1f188aed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// User of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that be be found
// in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fs-management/ramdisk.h>
#include <gpt/gpt.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/device/block.h>
#include <zircon/device/ramdisk.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <installer/installer.h>
#define TABLE_SIZE 6
#define BLOCK_SIZE (uint64_t)512
static int create_test_ramdisk(uint64_t size, char **disk_path_out) {
char *disk_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * PATH_MAX);
if (disk_path == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "No memory to store disk path\n");
return -1;
if (create_ramdisk(BLOCK_SIZE, size / BLOCK_SIZE, disk_path) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "RAM disk could not be created.\n");
return -1;
int fd = open(disk_path, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open new RAM disk\n");
return -1;
*disk_path_out = disk_path;
return fd;
* Generate a "random" GUID. Note that you should seed srand() before
* calling. This is also, by no means, a 'secure' random value being
* generated.
static void generate_guid(uint8_t *guid_out) {
size_t sz;
zx_cprng_draw(guid_out, GPT_GUID_LEN, &sz);
assert(sz == GPT_GUID_LEN);
static void create_partition_table(gpt_partition_t *part_entries_out,
gpt_partition_t **part_entry_table_out,
size_t num_entries, uint64_t part_size,
uint64_t blocks_reserved,
uint64_t *total_size_out) {
// sleep a second, just in case we're called consecutively, this will
// give us a different random seed than any previous call
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_entries; idx++) {
part_entry_table_out[idx] = &part_entries_out[idx];
part_entries_out[idx].first = blocks_reserved + idx * part_size;
part_entries_out[idx].last = part_entries_out[idx].first + part_size - 1;
*total_size_out = num_entries * part_size + 2 * blocks_reserved;
static gpt_device_t *init_gpt(const char *dev, bool warn, int *out_fd) {
int fd = open(dev, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
printf("error opening %s %i %s\n", dev, fd, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
block_info_t info;
ssize_t rc = ioctl_block_get_info(fd, &info);
if (rc < 0) {
printf("error getting block info\n");
return NULL;
gpt_device_t *gpt;
rc = gpt_device_init(fd, info.block_size, info.block_count, &gpt);
if (rc < 0) {
printf("error initializing GPT\n");
return NULL;
*out_fd = fd;
return gpt;
#define check_outputs(rc, dev, path, guid_targ, dir, success) \
({ \
if (success) { \
ASSERT_EQ(rc, ZX_OK, "Disk not found when it was expected"); \
ASSERT_NE(dev, NULL, "Disk found, but gpt_device_t not set."); \
ASSERT_NE(strcmp(path, ""), 0, "Disk found, but path not set"); \
uint8_t guid_actual[GPT_GUID_LEN]; \
gpt_device_get_header_guid(dev, &guid_actual); \
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(guid_targ, guid_actual, GPT_GUID_LEN), 0, \
"Disk found, but GUID does not match target."); \
gpt_device_release(dev); \
dev = NULL; \
} else { \
ASSERT_EQ(rc, ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Disk found, but was not expected"); \
ASSERT_EQ(dev, NULL, "Disk not found, but gpt_device_t is set."); \
ASSERT_EQ(strcmp(path, ""), 0, "Disk not found, but path is set"); \
} \
rewinddir(dir); \
* This test goes through a number of phases, each building on the last. First
* it generates a random GUID and a RAM disk with no GPT. We then verify that
* a search for our random GUID fails. Next we create a second disk and run
* the search again. Then we destroy the second disk and add a GPT to the first
* disk. Now the first disk should have a GUID in its GPT header, which should
* not match our random GUID, we search for the random GUID again to verify it
* isn't found. Next we read the GUID of the first disk and search for it,
* verifying it is found. Then we create a second RAM disk, add a GPT, and
* validate the first disk is found when searching for it. Finally we read the
* GUID of the second disk and search for it, verifying it is found.
* In all conditions where the disk is not found, we validate that the
* gpt_device_t out pointer is not set. In all conditions where the disk is
* found we validate that the device pointer is set and by freeing the device
* that it hasn't already been freed. In all conditions where the disk is found
* we validate that the header GUID of the found device matches the requested
bool test_find_disk_by_guid(void) {
DIR *dir = opendir(DEV_DIR_PATH);
ASSERT_NE(dir, NULL, "Could not open block devices path");
char disk_path[PATH_MAX];
strcpy(disk_path, "");
gpt_device_t *target;
uint8_t guid_rand[GPT_GUID_LEN];
// create a random GUID that we'll look for, the chances of random collision
// are such that if it happens, we should probably look at the PRNG
// presumably we have no disks attached, although even if we do, we expect
// not to find a match
zx_status_t rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_rand, &target,
disk_path, PATH_MAX);
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_rand, dir, false);
// create a RAM disk w/o a GPT and search again, should not find
char *disk1;
int fd1 = create_test_ramdisk(((uint64_t)512) * 20000, &disk1);
ASSERT_GT(fd1, -1, "");
rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_rand, &target, disk_path,
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_rand, dir, false);
// create a second RAM disk w/o GPT and search again, should not find
char *disk2;
int fd2 = create_test_ramdisk(((uint64_t)512) * 200000, &disk2);
ASSERT_GT(fd2, -1, "");
rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_rand, &target, disk_path,
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_rand, dir, false);
// kill the second RAM disk to run checks when a single disk has a GPT
// add a GPT to the single attached disk
gpt_device_t *gpt1 = init_gpt(disk1, true, &fd1);
ASSERT_NE(gpt1, NULL, "GPT initialization failed");
ASSERT_GT(fd1, 0, "Invalid file descriptor returned from GPT init");
ASSERT_EQ(gpt_device_sync(gpt1), 0, "Error writing out new GPT");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_rr_part(fd1), 0, "Error rebinding device");
// check that the new disk is not found when search for our random GUID
rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_rand, &target, disk_path,
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_rand, dir, false);
// read the disk's GUID and then search for it, it should be found
uint8_t guid_known[GPT_GUID_LEN];
gpt_device_get_header_guid(gpt1, &guid_known);
rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_known, &target, disk_path,
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_known, dir, true);
// create a second disk
fd2 = create_test_ramdisk(((uint64_t)512) * 200000, &disk2);
ASSERT_GT(fd2, -1, "");
gpt_device_t *gpt2 = init_gpt(disk2, true, &fd2);
ASSERT_NE(gpt2, NULL, "GPT initialization failed");
ASSERT_GT(fd2, 0, "Invalid file descriptor returned from GPT init");
ASSERT_EQ(gpt_device_sync(gpt2), 0, "Error writing out new GPT");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_rr_part(fd2), 0, "Error rebinding device");
// check that no disk is found when searching for the random GUID
rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_rand, &target, disk_path,
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_rand, dir, false);
// check that the first disk can be found by GUID
rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_known, &target, disk_path,
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_known, dir, true);
// read the second disk's GUID and verify it can be found
gpt_device_get_header_guid(gpt2, &guid_known);
rc = find_disk_by_guid(dir, DEV_DIR_PATH, &guid_known, &target, disk_path,
check_outputs(rc, target, disk_path, guid_known, dir, true);
bool test_find_partition_entries(void) {
gpt_partition_t *part_entry_ptrs[TABLE_SIZE];
gpt_partition_t part_entries[TABLE_SIZE];
// const uint16_t tbl_sz = 6;
// all partitions are 4GiB worth of 512b blocks
const uint64_t block_size = 512;
const uint64_t part_size = (((uint64_t)1) << 32) / block_size;
const uint64_t blocks_reserved = SIZE_RESERVED / block_size;
uint64_t total_blocks;
create_partition_table(part_entries, part_entry_ptrs, TABLE_SIZE, part_size,
blocks_reserved, &total_blocks);
uint16_t test_indices[3] = {0, TABLE_SIZE - 1, TABLE_SIZE / 2};
for (uint16_t idx = 0; idx < countof(test_indices); idx++) {
uint16_t found_idx = TABLE_SIZE;
uint16_t targ_idx = test_indices[idx];
zx_status_t rc = find_partition_entries(
part_entry_ptrs, &part_entries[targ_idx].type, TABLE_SIZE, &found_idx);
ASSERT_EQ(rc, ZX_OK, "");
uint8_t random_guid[16];
uint16_t found_idx = TABLE_SIZE;
zx_status_t rc = find_partition_entries(part_entry_ptrs, &random_guid,
TABLE_SIZE, &found_idx);
bool test_find_partition(void) {
gpt_partition_t *part_entry_ptrs[TABLE_SIZE];
gpt_partition_t part_entries[TABLE_SIZE];
const uint64_t block_size = 512;
const uint64_t part_size = ((uint64_t)1) << 32;
const uint64_t blocks_reserved = SIZE_RESERVED / block_size;
uint64_t total_blocks;
create_partition_table(part_entries, part_entry_ptrs, TABLE_SIZE,
part_size / block_size, blocks_reserved,
uint16_t test_indices[3] = {0, TABLE_SIZE - 1, TABLE_SIZE / 2};
for (uint16_t idx = 0; idx < countof(test_indices); idx++) {
uint16_t targ_idx = test_indices[idx];
uint16_t found_idx = TABLE_SIZE;
gpt_partition_t *part_info;
zx_status_t rc = find_partition(
part_entry_ptrs, &part_entry_ptrs[targ_idx]->type, part_size,
block_size, "TEST", TABLE_SIZE, &found_idx, &part_info);
ASSERT_EQ(rc, ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(targ_idx, found_idx, "");
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ((uint8_t *)part_entry_ptrs[targ_idx], (uint8_t *)part_info,
sizeof(gpt_partition_t), "");
// need to pass part_size in bytes, not blocks
uint16_t found_idx = TABLE_SIZE;
gpt_partition_t *part_info = NULL;
zx_status_t rc =
find_partition(part_entry_ptrs, &part_entry_ptrs[0]->type, part_size + 1,
block_size, "TEST", TABLE_SIZE, &found_idx, &part_info);
bool verify_sort(gpt_partition_t **partitions, int count) {
bool ordered = true;
for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++) {
if (partitions[idx - 1]->first > partitions[idx]->first) {
ordered = false;
printf("Values are not ordered, index: %i--%" PRIu64 "!\n", idx,
return ordered;
bool do_sort_test(int test_size, uint64_t val_max) {
gpt_partition_t *values = malloc(test_size * sizeof(gpt_partition_t));
gpt_partition_t **value_ptrs = malloc(test_size * sizeof(gpt_partition_t *));
if (values == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for test\n");
return false;
for (int idx = 0; idx < test_size; idx++) {
bool unique = false;
while (!unique) {
double rando = ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX;
uint64_t val = rando * val_max;
(values + idx)->first = val;
// check the uniqueness of the value since our sort doesn't handle
// duplicate values
unique = true;
for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < idx; idx2++) {
if ((values + idx2)->first == val) {
unique = false;
value_ptrs[idx] = values + idx;
gpt_partition_t **sorted_values = sort_partitions(value_ptrs, test_size);
ASSERT_EQ(verify_sort(sorted_values, test_size), true, "");
// sort again to test ordered data is handled properly
sorted_values = sort_partitions(sorted_values, test_size);
ASSERT_EQ(verify_sort(sorted_values, test_size), true, "");
return true;
bool test_sort(void) {
// run 20 iterations with 20K elements as a stress test. We also think
// this should hit all possible code paths
for (int count = 0; count < 20; count++) {
do_sort_test(256, 10000000);
bool test_find_available_space(void) {
gpt_device_t test_device;
gpt_partition_t part_entries[TABLE_SIZE];
memset(test_device.partitions, 0,
sizeof(gpt_partition_t *) * PARTITIONS_COUNT);
const uint64_t block_size = 512;
const uint64_t blocks_reserved = SIZE_RESERVED / block_size;
const uint64_t part_blocks = (((uint64_t)1) << 32) / block_size;
uint64_t total_blocks;
// create a full partition table
create_partition_table(part_entries, test_device.partitions, TABLE_SIZE,
part_blocks, blocks_reserved, &total_blocks);
part_location_t hole_location;
find_available_space(&test_device, 1, total_blocks, block_size,
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_offset, (size_t)0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_len, (size_t)0, "");
// "expand" the disk by the required size, we should find there is space
// at the end of the disk
find_available_space(&test_device, part_blocks, total_blocks + part_blocks,
block_size, &hole_location);
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_offset, part_entries[TABLE_SIZE - 1].last + 1,
// "expand" the disk by not quite enough
find_available_space(&test_device, part_blocks + 1,
total_blocks + part_blocks, block_size, &hole_location);
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_len, part_blocks, "");
// remove the first partition, but hold a reference to it
gpt_partition_t *saved = test_device.partitions[0];
for (int idx = 0; idx < TABLE_SIZE - 1; idx++) {
test_device.partitions[idx] = test_device.partitions[idx + 1];
test_device.partitions[TABLE_SIZE - 1] = NULL;
// check that space is reported at the beginning of the disk, after the
// reserved area
find_available_space(&test_device, part_blocks, total_blocks, block_size,
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_offset, blocks_reserved, "");
// make the requested partition size just larger than available
find_available_space(&test_device, part_blocks + 1, total_blocks, block_size,
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_len, part_blocks, "");
// restore the original first partition, overwriting the original second
// partition in the process
test_device.partitions[0] = saved;
find_available_space(&test_device, part_blocks, total_blocks, block_size,
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_offset, test_device.partitions[0]->last + 1, "");
// again make the requested space size slightly too large
find_available_space(&test_device, part_blocks + 1, total_blocks, block_size,
ASSERT_EQ(hole_location.blk_len, part_blocks, "");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return unittest_run_all_tests(argc, argv) ? 0 : -1;