blob: 30ff35be23d62dcac6c68542766102475dec42cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { Ffx, FfxLog, FuchsiaDevice } from '../ffx';
import * as logger from '../logger';
export const TOGGLE_LOG_VIEW_COMMAND = 'workbench.view.extension.fuchsia-logging';
export class LoggingViewProvider implements vscode.WebviewViewProvider {
public static readonly viewType = 'vscode-fuchsia.loggingView';
private view?: vscode.WebviewView;
private process?: FfxLog;
private currentDevice?: string;
private lastVisibilitySeen: boolean = false;
private readonly extensionUri: vscode.Uri,
private readonly ffx: Ffx,
) {
// NB: we're explicitly using an async closure here
// event tho onSetTarget isn't expecting it. We're doing
// UI operations in response to events, it's fine to run
// "in the background"
this.ffx.onSetTarget(async (device) => {
if (this.currentDevice !== device?.nodeName) {
this.currentDevice = device?.nodeName;
if (this.view?.visible) {
await this.resetView();
public get currentTargetDevice(): string | undefined {
return this.currentDevice;
public resolveWebviewView(
webviewView: vscode.WebviewView,
context: vscode.WebviewViewResolveContext<unknown>,
token: vscode.CancellationToken
): void {
this.view = webviewView;
webviewView.webview.options = {
// Allow scripts in the webview
enableScripts: true,
localResourceRoots: [
webviewView.webview.html = this._getHtmlForWebview(webviewView.webview);
webviewView.webview.onDidReceiveMessage(message => {
switch (message.command) {
case 'pauseLogStreaming':
case 'resumeLogStreaming':
this.lastVisibilitySeen = this.view.visible;
this.view.onDidChangeVisibility(() => {
if (!this.view?.visible) {
// If the view is hidden, we stop ffx.
this.lastVisibilitySeen = false;
} else if (!this.lastVisibilitySeen) {
// If the view was hidden and it becomes visible then we re-run ffx
this.lastVisibilitySeen = true;
public async resetAndShowView(device: FuchsiaDevice | undefined) {
// If the device changed, update it.
if (this.currentDevice !== device?.nodeName) {
this.currentDevice = device?.nodeName;
// If the device changed and the view was already visible, clear it and start
// streaming logs from the new device.
if (this.view?.visible) {
await this.resetView();
// If we don't have a webview, make sure to create one.
if (this.view === undefined) {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(TOGGLE_LOG_VIEW_COMMAND);
// If the view wasn't visible, make it visible. This will result in streaming logs for the
// currently selected device.
if (!this.view?.visible) {
private async addLog(log: Object) {
await this.view?.webview.postMessage({ type: 'addLog', log });
private async resetView() {
await this.view?.webview.postMessage({ type: 'reset' });
private startListeningForLogs(since?: string) {
const args = since ? ['--since', since] : [];
this.process = this.ffx.runFfxJsonStreaming(
['log', ...args],
(data: Object) => {
// this was... not marked async before, but postMessage is an async operation
// so there's not much to do about this here. We've gotta just go async & hope.
this.addLog(data).catch((err) => logger.error('unable to show log line', undefined, err));
private _getHtmlForWebview(webview: vscode.Webview): string {
// Get the local path to main script run in the webview, then convert it to a uri we can use in
// the webview.
const scriptUri = webview.asWebviewUri(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(this.extensionUri, 'dist', 'webviews-logging.js'));
// Do the same for the stylesheet.
const styleResetUri = webview.asWebviewUri(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(this.extensionUri, 'media', 'reset.css'));
const styleVSCodeUri = webview.asWebviewUri(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(this.extensionUri, 'media', 'vscode.css'));
const styleMainUri = webview.asWebviewUri(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(this.extensionUri, 'media', 'webview-logging.css'));
const codiconsCssUri = webview.asWebviewUri(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(this.extensionUri, 'media', 'codicon.css'));
const codiconsUri = webview.asWebviewUri(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(this.extensionUri, 'media', 'codicon.ttf'));
// Use a nonce to only allow a specific script to be run.
const nonce = this.getNonce();
// TODO( remove the unsafe-inline CSP once the global stylesheet has been
// elimiated since everything will be web components.
return `<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Use a content security policy to only allow loading images from https or from our
extension directory, and only allow scripts that have a specific nonce.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'none';
style-src ${webview.cspSource};
script-src 'nonce-${nonce}';
font-src ${webview.cspSource}">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link href="${styleResetUri}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="${styleVSCodeUri}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="${codiconsUri}" rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin/>
<link href="${codiconsCssUri}" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="${styleMainUri}" rel="stylesheet">
<title>Fuchsia Logs</title>
<script nonce="${nonce}" src="${scriptUri}"></script>
private getNonce() {
let text = '';
const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;