blob: 6192bcc3a897144d63b1361a710fa1edd88630ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as esbuild from 'esbuild';
import * as fs from 'fs/promises';
import {
peggyPlugin, syntaxPlugin, testsPlugin, generateFlags,
allSyntax, formatMachineOutput, makeWatch, resultsToXML
} from './build-helpers.mjs';
/// determines if we generate sourcemaps & such
const IS_DEV = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
if (process.argv.length > 3 || (process.argv.length == 3 && process.argv[2] !== 'watch')) {
console.error("usage: node build.mjs [watch]");
console.error(`(saw "${process.argv}")`);
const IS_MACHINE = process.env.MACHINE === 'true';
const logLevel = IS_MACHINE ? 'silent' : undefined;
// our configs
// notice that we catch errors -- we don't want to bail the entire script if
// we fail, since we want to be able to convert to test xml
let syntaxFiles = await allSyntax();
const hostCfg ={
bundle: true,
platform: 'node',
format: 'cjs',
entryPoints: ['./src/extension.ts'],
outfile: 'dist/extension.js',
external: ['vscode'],
sourcemap: IS_DEV ? 'linked' : '',
minify: !IS_DEV,
watch: makeWatch("host"),
}).catch((res) => res);
const resCfg ={
entryPoints: syntaxFiles,
entryNames: 'resources/[dir]/[name]',
plugins: [syntaxPlugin],
outbase: '.',
outdir: 'dist',
watch: makeWatch("res"),
}).catch((res) => res);
const viewCfg ={
bundle: true,
platform: 'browser',
entryPoints: ['./webviews/logging'],
outdir: 'dist',
outbase: '.',
plugins: [peggyPlugin],
entryNames: '[dir]-[name]',
sourcemap: IS_DEV ? 'linked' : '',
loader: {
'.ttf': 'file',
'.css': 'text',
minify: !IS_DEV,
watch: makeWatch("view"),
}).catch((res) => res);
// Export the logging view component as a re-usable UI module that can be used
// by any external project.
const viewModuleCfg ={
bundle: true,
platform: 'node',
entryPoints: ['./webviews/logging/module.ts'],
outdir: 'dist',
outbase: '.',
plugins: [peggyPlugin],
entryNames: '[dir]-[name]',
sourcemap: IS_DEV ? 'linked' : '',
loader: {
'.ttf': 'file',
'.css': 'text',
minify: !IS_DEV,
watch: makeWatch("view"),
}).catch((res) => res);
const testCfg ={
bundle: true,
platform: 'node',
external: [
'canvas' /* conditional import, not in use */,
'mocha' /* does funky things */,
'jsdom' /* does funky things */,
'vscode-oniguruma', /* we import files from it via require.resolve */
entryPoints: ['./src/test/run_test.ts', './src/test/suite/index.ts', 'all-tests'],
outdir: 'test-dist',
sourcemap: true,
plugins: [peggyPlugin, testsPlugin('./src/**/*.test.ts')],
watch: makeWatch("test"),
}).catch((res) => res);
const webviewTestCfg = (async () => {
return await{
bundle: true,
platform: 'browser',
entryPoints: ['all-tests'],
external: [],
outdir: 'test-webview-dist',
sourcemap: true,
loader: {
'.ttf': 'file',
plugins: [peggyPlugin, testsPlugin('./webviews/**/*.test.ts')],
watch: makeWatch('test-webview'),
// awaiting will print the results, but we want the results as objects (mapped
// to their names) in case we need to write test xml for CI
let mainPromises = [
['host', hostCfg],
['view', viewCfg],
['viewModule', viewModuleCfg],
['resources', resCfg],
['test', testCfg],
['webview-test', webviewTestCfg]
let resultsWithoutName = await Promise.all([_name, prom]) => prom));
// do the flags plugin afterwards, because it messes with package.json and
// doing it in paralell can cause issues. It doesn't generate any files,
// so it's not gonna cause bundling issues to do it later.
let flagsRes = await generateFlags()
.then(() => ({errors: [], warnings: []}))
.catch((res) => {
let wrapper = new Error("unable to convert flags to settings");
wrapper.errors = [{
text: res.toString(),
detail: res,
wrapper.warnings = [];
return wrapper;
// write the results as test XML if on CI
let results =[name, _p], i) => [name, resultsWithoutName[i]]);
results.push(['flags', flagsRes]);
if (!!process.env.BUILD_XML_OUTPUT) {
console.debug('writing build results to test XML');
await fs.writeFile(process.env.BUILD_XML_OUTPUT, resultsToXML(results));
for (const [name, res] of results) {
const out = formatMachineOutput(res, name);
if (!out) continue;
if (res instanceof Error) { console.error(out); }
else { console.log(out); }
// finally, check if we need to exit as unsuccesful
// (since swallow exceptions above)
if (results.some(([_n, res]) => res instanceof Error)) {