blob: e8d98e839d19182f4f47c008417dd95fee35bd4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { Ffx, FfxEventType, FuchsiaDevice } from './ffx';
import * as logger from './logger';
import { COMMAND_TARGET_SELECT_ID } from './common-config';
// Exported so it is accessible in the test module.
export const STATUS_PREFIX = '$(device-desktop)';
* Class that holds quick pick item data for the function showQuickPick(). Each instance is
* presented as a row in a menu created when clicking on the target status bar widget.
export class TargetPickAction implements vscode.QuickPickItem {
label: string;
picked?: boolean | undefined;
device: FuchsiaDevice;
command: string;
constructor(label: string, device: FuchsiaDevice, command: string) {
this.label = label;
this.device = device;
this.command = command;
* Status bar widget to query and send commands to the target (fuchsia device).
export class TargetStatusBarItem {
private ffxTools: Ffx;
private fuchsiaStatusBarItem: vscode.StatusBarItem;
private setBarItemText(targetName: string | undefined) {
let displayName = targetName ?? 'No Target Selected';
this.fuchsiaStatusBarItem.text = `${STATUS_PREFIX} ${displayName}`;
this.fuchsiaStatusBarItem.tooltip = `Fuchsia target device: ${displayName}`;
// Build the list of QuickPickItems for targets.
// The first item in the list is the default target, followed by the actions
// that can be performed on that target.
// Items to set the other targets as the default follow.
private buildTargetQuickPickItems(targetList: { [key: string]: FuchsiaDevice }):
TargetPickAction[] {
let items: TargetPickAction[] = [];
for (let key in targetList) {
let device = targetList[key];
if (device.isDefault) {
// Add items to front of list.
let deviceItem = new TargetPickAction(`Default target: ${key}`, device,
deviceItem.picked = true;
let rebootItem = new TargetPickAction(`Reboot ${key}`, device,
let poweroffItem = new TargetPickAction(`Power off ${key}`, device,
let logItem = new TargetPickAction(`Show log for ${key}`, device,
items = [deviceItem, logItem, rebootItem, poweroffItem, ...items];
} else {
items.push(new TargetPickAction(`Set ${key} as default`, device,
return items;
constructor(readonly contextSubscriptions: { dispose(): any }[], ffxTools: Ffx) {
this.ffxTools = ffxTools;
// Menu for target actions
vscode.commands.registerCommand(COMMAND_TARGET_SELECT_ID, async () => {
// Try to find the ffx path again if it is not set.
if (this.ffxTools.hasValidFfxPath() === false) {
await this.ffxTools.toolFinder?.updateFfxPath(false);
this.ffxTools.getTargetList().then(async targetList => {
let items = this.buildTargetQuickPickItems(targetList);
if (items.length > 0) {
let action = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(items);
if (action === undefined) {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(action.command, action.device);
} else {
logger.warn('No devices found');
void vscode.window.showWarningMessage('No devices found.');
// If there is a problem getting the list, just log it. The quickpick
// will be empty.
.catch(err => {
logger.warn(`Could not build target list: ${err}`);
void vscode.window.showWarningMessage('Failed to retrieve devices.');
// Target status-bar item
this.fuchsiaStatusBarItem = vscode.window
.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left, STATUS_BAR_PRIORITY);
this.fuchsiaStatusBarItem.command = COMMAND_TARGET_SELECT_ID;
this.fuchsiaStatusBarItem.tooltip = 'Fuchsia target device.';
// Clear the default target if there is no ffx found.
this.ffxTools.onDidChangeConfiguration(eventType => {
switch (eventType) {
case FfxEventType.ffxPathReset:
// When the default target is set, update the item text.
this.ffxTools.onSetTarget(target => {