blob: 4b07e6b1c8881f9c430bb7417bdf0689d2b6a751 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "tink/ec_point.h"
#include <utility>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "tink/big_integer.h"
#include "tink/subtle/random.h"
namespace crypto {
namespace tink {
namespace {
using ::testing::Eq;
TEST(EcPointTest, Create) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
ASSERT_THAT(point.GetX(), Eq(x));
ASSERT_THAT(point.GetY(), Eq(y));
TEST(EcPointTest, CopyConstructor) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
EcPoint copy(point);
ASSERT_THAT(copy.GetX(), Eq(x));
ASSERT_THAT(copy.GetY(), Eq(y));
TEST(EcPointTest, CopyAssignment) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
EcPoint copy = point;
ASSERT_THAT(copy.GetX(), Eq(x));
ASSERT_THAT(copy.GetY(), Eq(y));
TEST(EcPointTest, MoveConstructor) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
EcPoint moved(std::move(point));
ASSERT_THAT(moved.GetX(), Eq(x));
ASSERT_THAT(moved.GetY(), Eq(y));
TEST(EcPointTest, MoveAssignment) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
EcPoint moved = std::move(point);
ASSERT_THAT(moved.GetX(), Eq(x));
ASSERT_THAT(moved.GetY(), Eq(y));
TEST(EcPointTest, Equals) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
EcPoint other_point(x, y);
EXPECT_TRUE(point == other_point);
EXPECT_TRUE(other_point == point);
EXPECT_FALSE(point != other_point);
EXPECT_FALSE(other_point != point);
TEST(EcPointTest, DifferentXNotEqual) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger other_x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
EcPoint other_point(other_x, y);
EXPECT_TRUE(point != other_point);
EXPECT_TRUE(other_point != point);
EXPECT_FALSE(point == other_point);
EXPECT_FALSE(other_point == point);
TEST(EcPointTest, DifferentYNotEqual) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
BigInteger other_y = BigInteger(subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(32));
EcPoint point(x, y);
EcPoint other_point(x, other_y);
EXPECT_TRUE(point != other_point);
EXPECT_TRUE(other_point != point);
EXPECT_FALSE(point == other_point);
EXPECT_FALSE(other_point == point);
} // namespace
} // namespace tink
} // namespace crypto