blob: 6636a52da3a164a12a4dfbd240739f871d2e53df [file] [log] [blame]
import cpp17_string_view.*;
public class cpp17_string_view_runme {
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e);
public static void main(String argv[]) throws Throwable
// Checking expected use of %typemap(in) std::string_view {}
// Checking expected result of %typemap(out) std::string_view {}
if (!cpp17_string_view.test_value("Fi").equals("Fi"))
throw new RuntimeException("Test 1 failed");
// Verify type-checking for %typemap(in) std::string_view {}
try {
throw new RuntimeException("Test 2 failed");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// Checking expected use of %typemap(in) const std::string_view & {}
// Checking expected result of %typemap(out) const std::string_view& {}
if (!cpp17_string_view.test_const_reference("Fum").equals("Fum"))
throw new RuntimeException("Test 3 failed");
// Verify type-checking for %typemap(in) const std::string_view & {}
try {
throw new RuntimeException("Test 4 failed");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// Input and output typemaps for pointers and non-const references to
// std::string_view are *not* supported; the following tests confirm
// that none of these cases are slipping through.
SWIGTYPE_p_std__string_view stringPtr = null;
stringPtr = cpp17_string_view.test_pointer_out();
stringPtr = cpp17_string_view.test_const_pointer_out();
stringPtr = cpp17_string_view.test_reference_out();
// Check throw exception specification
try {
throw new Throwable("Test 5 failed");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (!e.getMessage().equals("test_throw message"))
throw new Exception("Test 5 string check: " + e.getMessage());
try {
throw new Throwable("Test 6 failed");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (!e.getMessage().equals("test_const_reference_throw message"))
throw new Exception("Test 6 string check: " + e.getMessage());
// Global variables
if (!cpp17_string_view.getConstGlobalString().equals("const global string"))
throw new Exception("ConstGlobalString test");
// Member variables
Structure myStructure = new Structure();
if (!myStructure.getConstMemberString().equals("const member string"))
throw new Exception("ConstMemberString test");
if (!Structure.getConstStaticMemberString().equals("const static member string"))
throw new Exception("ConstStaticMemberString test");
if (!cpp17_string_view.stdstringview_empty().equals(""))
throw new Exception("stdstringview_empty test");
if (!cpp17_string_view.c_empty().equals(""))
throw new Exception("c_empty test");
if (cpp17_string_view.c_null() != null)
throw new Exception("c_null test");
if (cpp17_string_view.get_null(cpp17_string_view.c_null()) != null)
throw new Exception("get_null c_null test");
if (!cpp17_string_view.get_null(cpp17_string_view.c_empty()).equals("non-null"))
throw new Exception("get_null c_empty test");
if (!cpp17_string_view.get_null(cpp17_string_view.stdstringview_empty()).equals("non-null"))
throw new Exception("get_null stdstringview_empty test");