blob: b55e6bc54bc5ff25b0576695a41c82ac3afed240 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use crate::mir;
use crate::ty::layout::{self, HasDataLayout, Size};
use rustc_macros::HashStable;
use super::{AllocId, InterpResult};
/// Used by `check_in_alloc` to indicate context of check
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, HashStable)]
pub enum CheckInAllocMsg {
impl Display for CheckInAllocMsg {
/// When this is printed as an error the context looks like this
/// "{test name} failed: pointer must be in-bounds at offset..."
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", match *self {
CheckInAllocMsg::MemoryAccessTest => "Memory access",
CheckInAllocMsg::NullPointerTest => "Null pointer test",
CheckInAllocMsg::PointerArithmeticTest => "Pointer arithmetic",
CheckInAllocMsg::InboundsTest => "Inbounds test",
// Pointer arithmetic
pub trait PointerArithmetic: layout::HasDataLayout {
// These are not supposed to be overridden.
fn pointer_size(&self) -> Size {
/// Helper function: truncate given value-"overflowed flag" pair to pointer size and
/// update "overflowed flag" if there was an overflow.
/// This should be called by all the other methods before returning!
fn truncate_to_ptr(&self, (val, over): (u64, bool)) -> (u64, bool) {
let val = val as u128;
let max_ptr_plus_1 = 1u128 << self.pointer_size().bits();
((val % max_ptr_plus_1) as u64, over || val >= max_ptr_plus_1)
fn overflowing_offset(&self, val: u64, i: u64) -> (u64, bool) {
let res = val.overflowing_add(i);
// Overflow checking only works properly on the range from -u64 to +u64.
fn overflowing_signed_offset(&self, val: u64, i: i128) -> (u64, bool) {
// FIXME: is it possible to over/underflow here?
if i < 0 {
// Trickery to ensure that i64::min_value() works fine: compute n = -i.
// This formula only works for true negative values, it overflows for zero!
let n = u64::max_value() - (i as u64) + 1;
let res = val.overflowing_sub(n);
} else {
self.overflowing_offset(val, i as u64)
fn offset<'tcx>(&self, val: u64, i: u64) -> InterpResult<'tcx, u64> {
let (res, over) = self.overflowing_offset(val, i);
if over { throw_panic!(Overflow(mir::BinOp::Add)) } else { Ok(res) }
fn signed_offset<'tcx>(&self, val: u64, i: i64) -> InterpResult<'tcx, u64> {
let (res, over) = self.overflowing_signed_offset(val, i128::from(i));
if over { throw_panic!(Overflow(mir::BinOp::Add)) } else { Ok(res) }
impl<T: layout::HasDataLayout> PointerArithmetic for T {}
/// Pointer is generic over the type that represents a reference to Allocations,
/// thus making it possible for the most convenient representation to be used in
/// each context.
/// Defaults to the index based and loosely coupled AllocId.
/// Pointer is also generic over the `Tag` associated with each pointer,
/// which is used to do provenance tracking during execution.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd,
RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
pub struct Pointer<Tag=(),Id=AllocId> {
pub alloc_id: Id,
pub offset: Size,
pub tag: Tag,
static_assert_size!(Pointer, 16);
impl<Tag: fmt::Debug, Id: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Pointer<Tag, Id> {
default fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}.{:#x}[{:?}]", self.alloc_id, self.offset.bytes(), self.tag)
// Specialization for no tag
impl<Id: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Pointer<(), Id> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}.{:#x}", self.alloc_id, self.offset.bytes())
/// Produces a `Pointer` which points to the beginning of the Allocation
impl From<AllocId> for Pointer {
fn from(alloc_id: AllocId) -> Self {
Pointer::new(alloc_id, Size::ZERO)
impl Pointer<()> {
pub fn new(alloc_id: AllocId, offset: Size) -> Self {
Pointer { alloc_id, offset, tag: () }
pub fn with_tag<Tag>(self, tag: Tag) -> Pointer<Tag>
Pointer::new_with_tag(self.alloc_id, self.offset, tag)
impl<'tcx, Tag> Pointer<Tag> {
pub fn new_with_tag(alloc_id: AllocId, offset: Size, tag: Tag) -> Self {
Pointer { alloc_id, offset, tag }
pub fn offset(self, i: Size, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Self> {
Size::from_bytes(cx.data_layout().offset(self.offset.bytes(), i.bytes())?),
pub fn overflowing_offset(self, i: Size, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> (Self, bool) {
let (res, over) = cx.data_layout().overflowing_offset(self.offset.bytes(), i.bytes());
(Pointer::new_with_tag(self.alloc_id, Size::from_bytes(res), self.tag), over)
pub fn wrapping_offset(self, i: Size, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> Self {
self.overflowing_offset(i, cx).0
pub fn signed_offset(self, i: i64, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Self> {
Size::from_bytes(cx.data_layout().signed_offset(self.offset.bytes(), i)?),
pub fn overflowing_signed_offset(self, i: i128, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> (Self, bool) {
let (res, over) = cx.data_layout().overflowing_signed_offset(self.offset.bytes(), i);
(Pointer::new_with_tag(self.alloc_id, Size::from_bytes(res), self.tag), over)
pub fn wrapping_signed_offset(self, i: i64, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> Self {
self.overflowing_signed_offset(i128::from(i), cx).0
pub fn erase_tag(self) -> Pointer {
Pointer { alloc_id: self.alloc_id, offset: self.offset, tag: () }
/// Test if the pointer is "inbounds" of an allocation of the given size.
/// A pointer is "inbounds" even if its offset is equal to the size; this is
/// a "one-past-the-end" pointer.
pub fn check_inbounds_alloc(
allocation_size: Size,
msg: CheckInAllocMsg,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ()> {
if self.offset > allocation_size {
throw_unsup!(PointerOutOfBounds { ptr: self.erase_tag(), msg, allocation_size })
} else {