Auto merge of #65454 - tmandry:rollup-0k6jiik, r=tmandry

Rollup of 14 pull requests

Successful merges:

 - #64603 (Reducing spurious unused lifetime warnings.)
 - #64623 (Remove last uses of gensyms)
 - #65235 (don't assume we can *always* find a return type hint in async fn)
 - #65242 (Fix suggestion to constrain trait for method to be found)
 - #65265 (Cleanup librustc mir err codes)
 - #65293 (Optimize `try_expand_impl_trait_type`)
 - #65307 (Try fix incorrect "explicit lifetime name needed")
 - #65308 (Add long error explanation for E0574)
 - #65353 (save-analysis: Don't ICE when resolving qualified type paths in struct members)
 - #65389 (Return `false` from `needs_drop` for all zero-sized arrays.)
 - #65402 (Add troubleshooting section to PGO chapter in rustc book.)
 - #65425 (Optimize `BitIter`)
 - #65438 (Organize `never_type`  tests)
 - #65444 (Implement AsRef<[T]> for List<T>)

Failed merges:

 - #65390 (Add long error explanation for E0576)

r? @ghost