blob: afac5267c4866100182fd5f084700056d0a152c2 [file] [log] [blame]
note: External requirements
--> $DIR/
LL | / |_outlives1, _outlives2, x, y| {
LL | | // Only works if 'x: 'y:
LL | | let p = x.get();
LL | | demand_y(x, y, p)
LL | | },
| |_________^
= note: defining type: DefId(0:14 ~ propagate_despite_same_free_region[317d]::supply[0]::{{closure}}[0]) with closure substs [
for<'r, 's> extern "rust-call" fn((std::cell::Cell<&'_#1r &ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed('r)) u32>, std::cell::Cell<&ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed('s)) &'_#2r u32>, std::cell::Cell<&ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed('r)) u32>, std::cell::Cell<&ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed('s)) u32>)),
= note: late-bound region is '_#3r
= note: number of external vids: 4
= note: where '_#1r: '_#2r
note: No external requirements
--> $DIR/
LL | / fn supply<'a>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>) {
LL | | establish_relationships(
LL | | cell_a,
LL | | |_outlives1, _outlives2, x, y| {
... |
LL | | );
LL | | }
| |_^
= note: defining type: DefId(0:12 ~ propagate_despite_same_free_region[317d]::supply[0]) with substs []