blob: ae803ee47a6cb1717bd7439a6cc80322b28557ad [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::cmp;
use crate::io::{Error as IoError, IoSlice, IoSliceMut, Result as IoResult};
use crate::time::Duration;
pub(crate) mod alloc;
pub(crate) mod raw;
use self::raw::*;
/// Usercall `read`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
/// This will do a single `read` usercall and scatter the read data among
/// `bufs`. To read to a single buffer, just pass a slice of length one.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn read(fd: Fd, bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut<'_>]) -> IoResult<usize> {
unsafe {
let total_len = bufs.iter().fold(0usize, |sum, buf| sum.saturating_add(buf.len()));
let mut userbuf = alloc::User::<[u8]>::uninitialized(total_len);
let ret_len = raw::read(fd, userbuf.as_mut_ptr(), userbuf.len()).from_sgx_result()?;
let userbuf = &userbuf[..ret_len];
let mut index = 0;
for buf in bufs {
let end = cmp::min(index + buf.len(), userbuf.len());
if let Some(buflen) = end.checked_sub(index) {
userbuf[index..end].copy_to_enclave(&mut buf[..buflen]);
index += buf.len();
} else {
/// Usercall `read_alloc`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn read_alloc(fd: Fd) -> IoResult<Vec<u8>> {
unsafe {
let userbuf = ByteBuffer { data: crate::ptr::null_mut(), len: 0 };
let mut userbuf = alloc::User::new_from_enclave(&userbuf);
raw::read_alloc(fd, userbuf.as_raw_mut_ptr()).from_sgx_result()?;
/// Usercall `write`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
/// This will do a single `write` usercall and gather the written data from
/// `bufs`. To write from a single buffer, just pass a slice of length one.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn write(fd: Fd, bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>]) -> IoResult<usize> {
unsafe {
let total_len = bufs.iter().fold(0usize, |sum, buf| sum.saturating_add(buf.len()));
let mut userbuf = alloc::User::<[u8]>::uninitialized(total_len);
let mut index = 0;
for buf in bufs {
let end = cmp::min(index + buf.len(), userbuf.len());
if let Some(buflen) = end.checked_sub(index) {
index += buf.len();
} else {
raw::write(fd, userbuf.as_ptr(), userbuf.len()).from_sgx_result()
/// Usercall `flush`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn flush(fd: Fd) -> IoResult<()> {
unsafe { raw::flush(fd).from_sgx_result() }
/// Usercall `close`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn close(fd: Fd) {
unsafe { raw::close(fd) }
fn string_from_bytebuffer(buf: &alloc::UserRef<ByteBuffer>, usercall: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| rtabort!("Usercall {}: expected {} to be valid UTF-8", usercall, arg))
/// Usercall `bind_stream`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn bind_stream(addr: &str) -> IoResult<(Fd, String)> {
unsafe {
let addr_user = alloc::User::new_from_enclave(addr.as_bytes());
let mut local = alloc::User::<ByteBuffer>::uninitialized();
let fd = raw::bind_stream(addr_user.as_ptr(), addr_user.len(), local.as_raw_mut_ptr())
let local = string_from_bytebuffer(&local, "bind_stream", "local_addr");
Ok((fd, local))
/// Usercall `accept_stream`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn accept_stream(fd: Fd) -> IoResult<(Fd, String, String)> {
unsafe {
let mut bufs = alloc::User::<[ByteBuffer; 2]>::uninitialized();
let mut buf_it = alloc::UserRef::iter_mut(&mut *bufs); // FIXME: can this be done
// without forcing coercion?
let (local, peer) = (,;
let fd = raw::accept_stream(fd, local.as_raw_mut_ptr(), peer.as_raw_mut_ptr())
let local = string_from_bytebuffer(&local, "accept_stream", "local_addr");
let peer = string_from_bytebuffer(&peer, "accept_stream", "peer_addr");
Ok((fd, local, peer))
/// Usercall `connect_stream`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn connect_stream(addr: &str) -> IoResult<(Fd, String, String)> {
unsafe {
let addr_user = alloc::User::new_from_enclave(addr.as_bytes());
let mut bufs = alloc::User::<[ByteBuffer; 2]>::uninitialized();
let mut buf_it = alloc::UserRef::iter_mut(&mut *bufs); // FIXME: can this be done
// without forcing coercion?
let (local, peer) = (,;
let fd = raw::connect_stream(
let local = string_from_bytebuffer(&local, "connect_stream", "local_addr");
let peer = string_from_bytebuffer(&peer, "connect_stream", "peer_addr");
Ok((fd, local, peer))
/// Usercall `launch_thread`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub unsafe fn launch_thread() -> IoResult<()> {
/// Usercall `exit`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn exit(panic: bool) -> ! {
unsafe { raw::exit(panic) }
/// Usercall `wait`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn wait(event_mask: u64, timeout: u64) -> IoResult<u64> {
unsafe { raw::wait(event_mask, timeout).from_sgx_result() }
/// Usercall `send`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn send(event_set: u64, tcs: Option<Tcs>) -> IoResult<()> {
unsafe { raw::send(event_set, tcs).from_sgx_result() }
/// Usercall `insecure_time`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn insecure_time() -> Duration {
let t = unsafe { raw::insecure_time() };
Duration::new(t / 1_000_000_000, (t % 1_000_000_000) as _)
/// Usercall `alloc`. See the ABI documentation for more information.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn alloc(size: usize, alignment: usize) -> IoResult<*mut u8> {
unsafe { raw::alloc(size, alignment).from_sgx_result() }
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub use self::raw::free;
fn check_os_error(err: Result) -> i32 {
// FIXME: not sure how to make sure all variants of Error are covered
if err == Error::NotFound as _
|| err == Error::PermissionDenied as _
|| err == Error::ConnectionRefused as _
|| err == Error::ConnectionReset as _
|| err == Error::ConnectionAborted as _
|| err == Error::NotConnected as _
|| err == Error::AddrInUse as _
|| err == Error::AddrNotAvailable as _
|| err == Error::BrokenPipe as _
|| err == Error::AlreadyExists as _
|| err == Error::WouldBlock as _
|| err == Error::InvalidInput as _
|| err == Error::InvalidData as _
|| err == Error::TimedOut as _
|| err == Error::WriteZero as _
|| err == Error::Interrupted as _
|| err == Error::Other as _
|| err == Error::UnexpectedEof as _
|| ((Error::UserRangeStart as _)..=(Error::UserRangeEnd as _)).contains(&err)
} else {
rtabort!("Usercall: returned invalid error value {}", err)
trait FromSgxResult {
type Return;
fn from_sgx_result(self) -> IoResult<Self::Return>;
impl<T> FromSgxResult for (Result, T) {
type Return = T;
fn from_sgx_result(self) -> IoResult<Self::Return> {
if self.0 == RESULT_SUCCESS {
} else {
impl FromSgxResult for Result {
type Return = ();
fn from_sgx_result(self) -> IoResult<Self::Return> {
if self == RESULT_SUCCESS {
} else {