blob: bfc82ad6e8b17318b1272a7dce6ea1c4ac1aa9ef [file] [log] [blame]
//! Basic syntax highlighting functionality.
//! This module uses libsyntax's lexer to provide token-based highlighting for
//! the HTML documentation generated by rustdoc.
//! Use the `render_with_highlighting` to highlight some rust code.
use crate::html::escape::Escape;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use rustc_parse::lexer;
use syntax::token::{self, Token};
use syntax::sess::ParseSess;
use syntax::source_map::SourceMap;
use syntax::symbol::{kw, sym};
use syntax_pos::{Span, FileName};
/// Highlights `src`, returning the HTML output.
pub fn render_with_highlighting(
src: &str,
class: Option<&str>,
extension: Option<&str>,
tooltip: Option<(&str, &str)>,
) -> String {
debug!("highlighting: ================\n{}\n==============", src);
let mut out = Vec::new();
if let Some((tooltip, class)) = tooltip {
write!(out, "<div class='information'><div class='tooltip {}'>ⓘ<span \
class, tooltip).unwrap();
let sess = ParseSess::with_silent_emitter();
let fm = sess.source_map().new_source_file(
let highlight_result = {
let lexer = lexer::StringReader::new(&sess, fm, None);
let mut classifier = Classifier::new(lexer, sess.source_map());
let mut highlighted_source = vec![];
if classifier.write_source(&mut highlighted_source).is_err() {
} else {
match highlight_result {
Ok(highlighted_source) => {
write_header(class, &mut out).unwrap();
write!(out, "{}", highlighted_source).unwrap();
if let Some(extension) = extension {
write!(out, "{}", extension).unwrap();
write_footer(&mut out).unwrap();
Err(()) => {
// If errors are encountered while trying to highlight, just emit
// the unhighlighted source.
write!(out, "<pre><code>{}</code></pre>", src).unwrap();
/// Processes a program (nested in the internal `lexer`), classifying strings of
/// text by highlighting category (`Class`). Calls out to a `Writer` to write
/// each span of text in sequence.
struct Classifier<'a> {
lexer: lexer::StringReader<'a>,
peek_token: Option<Token>,
source_map: &'a SourceMap,
// State of the classifier.
in_attribute: bool,
in_macro: bool,
in_macro_nonterminal: bool,
/// How a span of text is classified. Mostly corresponds to token kinds.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Class {
// Keywords that do pointer/reference stuff.
/// Trait that controls writing the output of syntax highlighting. Users should
/// implement this trait to customize writing output.
/// The classifier will call into the `Writer` implementation as it finds spans
/// of text to highlight. Exactly how that text should be highlighted is up to
/// the implementation.
trait Writer {
/// Called when we start processing a span of text that should be highlighted.
/// The `Class` argument specifies how it should be highlighted.
fn enter_span(&mut self, _: Class) -> io::Result<()>;
/// Called at the end of a span of highlighted text.
fn exit_span(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>;
/// Called for a span of text. If the text should be highlighted differently from the
/// surrounding text, then the `Class` argument will be a value other than `None`.
/// The following sequences of callbacks are equivalent:
/// ```plain
/// enter_span(Foo), string("text", None), exit_span()
/// string("text", Foo)
/// ```
/// The latter can be thought of as a shorthand for the former, which is
/// more flexible.
fn string<T: Display>(&mut self,
text: T,
klass: Class)
-> io::Result<()>;
// Implement `Writer` for anthing that can be written to, this just implements
// the default rustdoc behaviour.
impl<U: Write> Writer for U {
fn string<T: Display>(&mut self,
text: T,
klass: Class)
-> io::Result<()> {
match klass {
Class::None => write!(self, "{}", text),
klass => write!(self, "<span class=\"{}\">{}</span>", klass.rustdoc_class(), text),
fn enter_span(&mut self, klass: Class) -> io::Result<()> {
write!(self, "<span class=\"{}\">", klass.rustdoc_class())
fn exit_span(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
write!(self, "</span>")
enum HighlightError {
impl From<io::Error> for HighlightError {
fn from(err: io::Error) -> Self {
impl<'a> Classifier<'a> {
fn new(lexer: lexer::StringReader<'a>, source_map: &'a SourceMap) -> Classifier<'a> {
Classifier {
peek_token: None,
in_attribute: false,
in_macro: false,
in_macro_nonterminal: false,
/// Gets the next token out of the lexer.
fn try_next_token(&mut self) -> Result<Token, HighlightError> {
if let Some(token) = self.peek_token.take() {
return Ok(token);
let token = self.lexer.next_token();
if let token::Unknown(..) = &token.kind {
return Err(HighlightError::LexError);
fn peek(&mut self) -> Result<&Token, HighlightError> {
if self.peek_token.is_none() {
let token = self.lexer.next_token();
if let token::Unknown(..) = &token.kind {
return Err(HighlightError::LexError);
self.peek_token = Some(token);
/// Exhausts the `lexer` writing the output into `out`.
/// The general structure for this method is to iterate over each token,
/// possibly giving it an HTML span with a class specifying what flavor of token
/// is used. All source code emission is done as slices from the source map,
/// not from the tokens themselves, in order to stay true to the original
/// source.
fn write_source<W: Writer>(&mut self,
out: &mut W)
-> Result<(), HighlightError> {
loop {
let next = self.try_next_token()?;
if next == token::Eof {
self.write_token(out, next)?;
// Handles an individual token from the lexer.
fn write_token<W: Writer>(&mut self,
out: &mut W,
token: Token)
-> Result<(), HighlightError> {
let klass = match token.kind {
token::Shebang(s) => {
out.string(Escape(&s.as_str()), Class::None)?;
return Ok(());
token::Whitespace | token::Unknown(..) => Class::None,
token::Comment => Class::Comment,
token::DocComment(..) => Class::DocComment,
// If this '&' or '*' token is followed by a non-whitespace token, assume that it's the
// reference or dereference operator or a reference or pointer type, instead of the
// bit-and or multiplication operator.
token::BinOp(token::And) | token::BinOp(token::Star)
if self.peek()? != &token::Whitespace => Class::RefKeyWord,
// Consider this as part of a macro invocation if there was a
// leading identifier.
token::Not if self.in_macro => {
self.in_macro = false;
// Operators.
token::Eq | token::Lt | token::Le | token::EqEq | token::Ne | token::Ge | token::Gt |
token::AndAnd | token::OrOr | token::Not | token::BinOp(..) | token::RArrow |
token::BinOpEq(..) | token::FatArrow => Class::Op,
// Miscellaneous, no highlighting.
token::Dot | token::DotDot | token::DotDotDot | token::DotDotEq | token::Comma |
token::Semi | token::Colon | token::ModSep | token::LArrow | token::OpenDelim(_) |
token::CloseDelim(token::Brace) | token::CloseDelim(token::Paren) |
token::CloseDelim(token::NoDelim) => Class::None,
token::Question => Class::QuestionMark,
token::Dollar => {
if self.peek()?.is_ident() {
self.in_macro_nonterminal = true;
} else {
// This might be the start of an attribute. We're going to want to
// continue highlighting it as an attribute until the ending ']' is
// seen, so skip out early. Down below we terminate the attribute
// span when we see the ']'.
token::Pound => {
// We can't be sure that our # begins an attribute (it could
// just be appearing in a macro) until we read either `#![` or
// `#[` from the input stream.
// We don't want to start highlighting as an attribute until
// we're confident there is going to be a ] coming up, as
// otherwise # tokens in macros highlight the rest of the input
// as an attribute.
// Case 1: #![inner_attribute]
if self.peek()? == &token::Not {
self.try_next_token()?; // NOTE: consumes `!` token!
if self.peek()? == &token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket) {
self.in_attribute = true;
out.string("#", Class::None)?;
out.string("!", Class::None)?;
return Ok(());
// Case 2: #[outer_attribute]
if self.peek()? == &token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket) {
self.in_attribute = true;
out.string("#", Class::None)?;
return Ok(());
token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket) => {
if self.in_attribute {
self.in_attribute = false;
out.string("]", Class::None)?;
return Ok(());
} else {
token::Literal(lit) => {
match lit.kind {
// Text literals.
token::Byte | token::Char | token::Err |
token::ByteStr | token::ByteStrRaw(..) |
token::Str | token::StrRaw(..) => Class::String,
// Number literals.
token::Integer | token::Float => Class::Number,
token::Bool => panic!("literal token contains `Lit::Bool`"),
// Keywords are also included in the identifier set.
token::Ident(name, is_raw) => {
match name {
kw::Ref | kw::Mut if !is_raw => Class::RefKeyWord,
kw::SelfLower | kw::SelfUpper => Class::Self_,
kw::False | kw::True if !is_raw => Class::Bool,
sym::Option | sym::Result => Class::PreludeTy,
sym::Some | sym::None | sym::Ok | sym::Err => Class::PreludeVal,
_ if token.is_reserved_ident() => Class::KeyWord,
_ => {
if self.in_macro_nonterminal {
self.in_macro_nonterminal = false;
} else if self.peek()? == &token::Not {
self.in_macro = true;
} else {
token::Lifetime(..) => Class::Lifetime,
token::Eof | token::Interpolated(..) |
token::Tilde | token::At| token::SingleQuote => Class::None,
// Anything that didn't return above is the simple case where we the
// class just spans a single token, so we can use the `string` method.
out.string(Escape(&self.snip(token.span)), klass)?;
// Helper function to get a snippet from the source_map.
fn snip(&self, sp: Span) -> String {
impl Class {
/// Returns the css class expected by rustdoc for each `Class`.
fn rustdoc_class(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Class::None => "",
Class::Comment => "comment",
Class::DocComment => "doccomment",
Class::Attribute => "attribute",
Class::KeyWord => "kw",
Class::RefKeyWord => "kw-2",
Class::Self_ => "self",
Class::Op => "op",
Class::Macro => "macro",
Class::MacroNonTerminal => "macro-nonterminal",
Class::String => "string",
Class::Number => "number",
Class::Bool => "bool-val",
Class::Ident => "ident",
Class::Lifetime => "lifetime",
Class::PreludeTy => "prelude-ty",
Class::PreludeVal => "prelude-val",
Class::QuestionMark => "question-mark"
fn write_header(class: Option<&str>, out: &mut dyn Write) -> io::Result<()> {
write!(out, "<div class=\"example-wrap\"><pre class=\"rust {}\">\n", class.unwrap_or(""))
fn write_footer(out: &mut dyn Write) -> io::Result<()> {
write!(out, "</pre></div>\n")