blob: bf5bae6b20c429ef15aaf6abf518c9f59fbea389 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{fmt, env};
use mir;
use middle::const_val::ConstEvalErr;
use ty::{FnSig, Ty, layout};
use ty::layout::{Size, Align};
use super::{
Pointer, Lock, AccessKind
use backtrace::Backtrace;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
pub struct EvalError<'tcx> {
pub kind: EvalErrorKind<'tcx, u64>,
impl<'tcx> From<EvalErrorKind<'tcx, u64>> for EvalError<'tcx> {
fn from(kind: EvalErrorKind<'tcx, u64>) -> Self {
match env::var("MIRI_BACKTRACE") {
Ok(ref val) if !val.is_empty() => {
let backtrace = Backtrace::new();
use std::fmt::Write;
let mut trace_text = "\n\nAn error occurred in miri:\n".to_string();
write!(trace_text, "backtrace frames: {}\n", backtrace.frames().len()).unwrap();
'frames: for (i, frame) in backtrace.frames().iter().enumerate() {
if frame.symbols().is_empty() {
write!(trace_text, "{}: no symbols\n", i).unwrap();
for symbol in frame.symbols() {
write!(trace_text, "{}: ", i).unwrap();
if let Some(name) = {
write!(trace_text, "{}\n", name).unwrap();
} else {
write!(trace_text, "<unknown>\n").unwrap();
write!(trace_text, "\tat ").unwrap();
if let Some(file_path) = symbol.filename() {
write!(trace_text, "{}", file_path.display()).unwrap();
} else {
write!(trace_text, "<unknown_file>").unwrap();
if let Some(line) = symbol.lineno() {
write!(trace_text, ":{}\n", line).unwrap();
} else {
write!(trace_text, "\n").unwrap();
error!("{}", trace_text);
_ => {},
EvalError {
pub type AssertMessage<'tcx> = EvalErrorKind<'tcx, mir::Operand<'tcx>>;
#[derive(Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
pub enum EvalErrorKind<'tcx, O> {
/// This variant is used by machines to signal their own errors that do not
/// match an existing variant
FunctionPointerTyMismatch(FnSig<'tcx>, FnSig<'tcx>),
PointerOutOfBounds {
ptr: Pointer,
access: bool,
allocation_size: Size,
BoundsCheck { len: O, index: O },
AlignmentCheckFailed {
required: Align,
has: Align,
MemoryLockViolation {
ptr: Pointer,
len: u64,
frame: usize,
access: AccessKind,
lock: Lock,
MemoryAcquireConflict {
ptr: Pointer,
len: u64,
kind: AccessKind,
lock: Lock,
InvalidMemoryLockRelease {
ptr: Pointer,
len: u64,
frame: usize,
lock: Lock,
DeallocatedLockedMemory {
ptr: Pointer,
lock: Lock,
ReallocatedWrongMemoryKind(String, String),
DeallocatedWrongMemoryKind(String, String),
IncorrectAllocationInformation(Size, Size, Align, Align),
/// Abort in case type errors are reached
/// Cannot compute this constant because it depends on another one
/// which already produced an error
pub type EvalResult<'tcx, T = ()> = Result<T, EvalError<'tcx>>;
impl<'tcx, O> EvalErrorKind<'tcx, O> {
pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
use self::EvalErrorKind::*;
match *self {
MachineError(ref inner) => inner,
FunctionPointerTyMismatch(..) =>
"tried to call a function through a function pointer of a different type",
InvalidMemoryAccess =>
"tried to access memory through an invalid pointer",
DanglingPointerDeref =>
"dangling pointer was dereferenced",
DoubleFree =>
"tried to deallocate dangling pointer",
InvalidFunctionPointer =>
"tried to use a function pointer after offsetting it",
InvalidBool =>
"invalid boolean value read",
InvalidDiscriminant =>
"invalid enum discriminant value read",
PointerOutOfBounds { .. } =>
"pointer offset outside bounds of allocation",
InvalidNullPointerUsage =>
"invalid use of NULL pointer",
MemoryLockViolation { .. } =>
"memory access conflicts with lock",
MemoryAcquireConflict { .. } =>
"new memory lock conflicts with existing lock",
ValidationFailure(..) =>
"type validation failed",
InvalidMemoryLockRelease { .. } =>
"invalid attempt to release write lock",
DeallocatedLockedMemory { .. } =>
"tried to deallocate memory in conflict with a lock",
ReadPointerAsBytes =>
"a raw memory access tried to access part of a pointer value as raw bytes",
ReadBytesAsPointer =>
"a memory access tried to interpret some bytes as a pointer",
InvalidPointerMath =>
"attempted to do invalid arithmetic on pointers that would leak base addresses, e.g. comparing pointers into different allocations",
ReadUndefBytes =>
"attempted to read undefined bytes",
DeadLocal =>
"tried to access a dead local variable",
InvalidBoolOp(_) =>
"invalid boolean operation",
Unimplemented(ref msg) => msg,
DerefFunctionPointer =>
"tried to dereference a function pointer",
ExecuteMemory =>
"tried to treat a memory pointer as a function pointer",
BoundsCheck{..} =>
"array index out of bounds",
Intrinsic(..) =>
"intrinsic failed",
NoMirFor(..) =>
"mir not found",
InvalidChar(..) =>
"tried to interpret an invalid 32-bit value as a char",
StackFrameLimitReached =>
"reached the configured maximum number of stack frames",
OutOfTls =>
"reached the maximum number of representable TLS keys",
TlsOutOfBounds =>
"accessed an invalid (unallocated) TLS key",
AbiViolation(ref msg) => msg,
AlignmentCheckFailed{..} =>
"tried to execute a misaligned read or write",
CalledClosureAsFunction =>
"tried to call a closure through a function pointer",
VtableForArgumentlessMethod =>
"tried to call a vtable function without arguments",
ModifiedConstantMemory =>
"tried to modify constant memory",
AssumptionNotHeld =>
"`assume` argument was false",
InlineAsm =>
"miri does not support inline assembly",
TypeNotPrimitive(_) =>
"expected primitive type, got nonprimitive",
ReallocatedWrongMemoryKind(_, _) =>
"tried to reallocate memory from one kind to another",
DeallocatedWrongMemoryKind(_, _) =>
"tried to deallocate memory of the wrong kind",
ReallocateNonBasePtr =>
"tried to reallocate with a pointer not to the beginning of an existing object",
DeallocateNonBasePtr =>
"tried to deallocate with a pointer not to the beginning of an existing object",
IncorrectAllocationInformation(..) =>
"tried to deallocate or reallocate using incorrect alignment or size",
Layout(_) =>
"rustc layout computation failed",
UnterminatedCString(_) =>
"attempted to get length of a null terminated string, but no null found before end of allocation",
HeapAllocZeroBytes =>
"tried to re-, de- or allocate zero bytes on the heap",
HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment(_) =>
"tried to re-, de-, or allocate heap memory with alignment that is not a power of two",
Unreachable =>
"entered unreachable code",
Panic =>
"the evaluated program panicked",
ReadFromReturnPointer =>
"tried to read from the return pointer",
PathNotFound(_) =>
"a path could not be resolved, maybe the crate is not loaded",
UnimplementedTraitSelection =>
"there were unresolved type arguments during trait selection",
TypeckError =>
"encountered constants with type errors, stopping evaluation",
ReferencedConstant(_) =>
"referenced constant has errors",
Overflow(mir::BinOp::Add) => "attempt to add with overflow",
Overflow(mir::BinOp::Sub) => "attempt to subtract with overflow",
Overflow(mir::BinOp::Mul) => "attempt to multiply with overflow",
Overflow(mir::BinOp::Div) => "attempt to divide with overflow",
Overflow(mir::BinOp::Rem) => "attempt to calculate the remainder with overflow",
OverflowNeg => "attempt to negate with overflow",
Overflow(mir::BinOp::Shr) => "attempt to shift right with overflow",
Overflow(mir::BinOp::Shl) => "attempt to shift left with overflow",
Overflow(op) => bug!("{:?} cannot overflow", op),
DivisionByZero => "attempt to divide by zero",
RemainderByZero => "attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero",
GeneratorResumedAfterReturn => "generator resumed after completion",
GeneratorResumedAfterPanic => "generator resumed after panicking",
impl<'tcx> fmt::Display for EvalError<'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.kind)
impl<'tcx, O: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for EvalErrorKind<'tcx, O> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::EvalErrorKind::*;
match *self {
PointerOutOfBounds { ptr, access, allocation_size } => {
write!(f, "{} at offset {}, outside bounds of allocation {} which has size {}",
if access { "memory access" } else { "pointer computed" },
ptr.offset.bytes(), ptr.alloc_id, allocation_size.bytes())
MemoryLockViolation { ptr, len, frame, access, ref lock } => {
write!(f, "{:?} access by frame {} at {:?}, size {}, is in conflict with lock {:?}",
access, frame, ptr, len, lock)
MemoryAcquireConflict { ptr, len, kind, ref lock } => {
write!(f, "new {:?} lock at {:?}, size {}, is in conflict with lock {:?}",
kind, ptr, len, lock)
InvalidMemoryLockRelease { ptr, len, frame, ref lock } => {
write!(f, "frame {} tried to release memory write lock at {:?}, size {}, but cannot release lock {:?}",
frame, ptr, len, lock)
DeallocatedLockedMemory { ptr, ref lock } => {
write!(f, "tried to deallocate memory at {:?} in conflict with lock {:?}",
ptr, lock)
ValidationFailure(ref err) => {
write!(f, "type validation failed: {}", err)
NoMirFor(ref func) => write!(f, "no mir for `{}`", func),
FunctionPointerTyMismatch(sig, got) =>
write!(f, "tried to call a function with sig {} through a function pointer of type {}", sig, got),
BoundsCheck { ref len, ref index } =>
write!(f, "index out of bounds: the len is {:?} but the index is {:?}", len, index),
ReallocatedWrongMemoryKind(ref old, ref new) =>
write!(f, "tried to reallocate memory from {} to {}", old, new),
DeallocatedWrongMemoryKind(ref old, ref new) =>
write!(f, "tried to deallocate {} memory but gave {} as the kind", old, new),
Intrinsic(ref err) =>
write!(f, "{}", err),
InvalidChar(c) =>
write!(f, "tried to interpret an invalid 32-bit value as a char: {}", c),
AlignmentCheckFailed { required, has } =>
write!(f, "tried to access memory with alignment {}, but alignment {} is required",
has.abi(), required.abi()),
TypeNotPrimitive(ty) =>
write!(f, "expected primitive type, got {}", ty),
Layout(ref err) =>
write!(f, "rustc layout computation failed: {:?}", err),
PathNotFound(ref path) =>
write!(f, "Cannot find path {:?}", path),
MachineError(ref inner) =>
write!(f, "{}", inner),
IncorrectAllocationInformation(size, size2, align, align2) =>
write!(f, "incorrect alloc info: expected size {} and align {}, got size {} and align {}", size.bytes(), align.abi(), size2.bytes(), align2.abi()),
_ => write!(f, "{}", self.description()),