blob: 59725ce9de0960e986d68557683e9f0beea81b1d [file] [log] [blame]
//! See Rustc Dev Guide chapters on [trait-resolution] and [trait-specialization] for more info on
//! how this works.
//! [trait-resolution]:
//! [trait-specialization]:
use crate::infer::outlives::env::OutlivesEnvironment;
use crate::infer::InferOk;
use crate::solve::inspect::{InspectGoal, ProofTreeInferCtxtExt, ProofTreeVisitor};
use crate::solve::{deeply_normalize_for_diagnostics, inspect};
use crate::traits::select::IntercrateAmbiguityCause;
use crate::traits::NormalizeExt;
use crate::traits::SkipLeakCheck;
use crate::traits::{
Obligation, ObligationCause, PredicateObligation, PredicateObligations, SelectionContext,
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexSet;
use rustc_errors::{Diag, EmissionGuarantee};
use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_infer::infer::{DefineOpaqueTypes, InferCtxt, TyCtxtInferExt};
use rustc_infer::traits::{util, FulfillmentErrorCode};
use rustc_middle::traits::query::NoSolution;
use rustc_middle::traits::solve::{CandidateSource, Certainty, Goal};
use rustc_middle::traits::specialization_graph::OverlapMode;
use rustc_middle::ty::fast_reject::{DeepRejectCtxt, TreatParams};
use rustc_middle::ty::visit::{TypeSuperVisitable, TypeVisitable, TypeVisitableExt, TypeVisitor};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
use rustc_span::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use super::error_reporting::suggest_new_overflow_limit;
use super::ObligationCtxt;
/// Whether we do the orphan check relative to this crate or to some remote crate.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum InCrate {
Local { mode: OrphanCheckMode },
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum OrphanCheckMode {
/// Proper orphan check.
/// Improper orphan check for backward compatibility.
/// In this mode, type params inside projections are considered to be covered
/// even if the projection may normalize to a type that doesn't actually cover
/// them. This is unsound. See also [#124559] and [#99554].
/// [#124559]:
/// [#99554]:
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Conflict {
pub struct OverlapResult<'tcx> {
pub impl_header: ty::ImplHeader<'tcx>,
pub intercrate_ambiguity_causes: FxIndexSet<IntercrateAmbiguityCause<'tcx>>,
/// `true` if the overlap might've been permitted before the shift
/// to universes.
pub involves_placeholder: bool,
/// Used in the new solver to suggest increasing the recursion limit.
pub overflowing_predicates: Vec<ty::Predicate<'tcx>>,
pub fn add_placeholder_note<G: EmissionGuarantee>(err: &mut Diag<'_, G>) {
"this behavior recently changed as a result of a bug fix; \
see rust-lang/rust#56105 for details",
pub fn suggest_increasing_recursion_limit<'tcx, G: EmissionGuarantee>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
err: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
overflowing_predicates: &[ty::Predicate<'tcx>],
) {
for pred in overflowing_predicates {
err.note(format!("overflow evaluating the requirement `{}`", pred));
suggest_new_overflow_limit(tcx, err);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum TrackAmbiguityCauses {
impl TrackAmbiguityCauses {
fn is_yes(self) -> bool {
match self {
TrackAmbiguityCauses::Yes => true,
TrackAmbiguityCauses::No => false,
/// If there are types that satisfy both impls, returns `Some`
/// with a suitably-freshened `ImplHeader` with those types
/// instantiated. Otherwise, returns `None`.
#[instrument(skip(tcx, skip_leak_check), level = "debug")]
pub fn overlapping_impls(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
impl1_def_id: DefId,
impl2_def_id: DefId,
skip_leak_check: SkipLeakCheck,
overlap_mode: OverlapMode,
) -> Option<OverlapResult<'_>> {
// Before doing expensive operations like entering an inference context, do
// a quick check via fast_reject to tell if the impl headers could possibly
// unify.
let drcx = DeepRejectCtxt { treat_obligation_params: TreatParams::AsCandidateKey };
let impl1_ref = tcx.impl_trait_ref(impl1_def_id);
let impl2_ref = tcx.impl_trait_ref(impl2_def_id);
let may_overlap = match (impl1_ref, impl2_ref) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => drcx.args_may_unify(a.skip_binder().args, b.skip_binder().args),
(None, None) => {
let self_ty1 = tcx.type_of(impl1_def_id).skip_binder();
let self_ty2 = tcx.type_of(impl2_def_id).skip_binder();
drcx.types_may_unify(self_ty1, self_ty2)
_ => bug!("unexpected impls: {impl1_def_id:?} {impl2_def_id:?}"),
if !may_overlap {
// Some types involved are definitely different, so the impls couldn't possibly overlap.
debug!("overlapping_impls: fast_reject early-exit");
return None;
let _overlap_with_bad_diagnostics = overlap(
// In the case where we detect an error, run the check again, but
// this time tracking intercrate ambiguity causes for better
// diagnostics. (These take time and can lead to false errors.)
let overlap = overlap(
fn fresh_impl_header<'tcx>(infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>, impl_def_id: DefId) -> ty::ImplHeader<'tcx> {
let tcx = infcx.tcx;
let impl_args = infcx.fresh_args_for_item(DUMMY_SP, impl_def_id);
ty::ImplHeader {
self_ty: tcx.type_of(impl_def_id).instantiate(tcx, impl_args),
trait_ref: tcx.impl_trait_ref(impl_def_id).map(|i| i.instantiate(tcx, impl_args)),
predicates: tcx
.instantiate(tcx, impl_args)
.map(|(c, _)| c.as_predicate())
fn fresh_impl_header_normalized<'tcx>(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
impl_def_id: DefId,
) -> ty::ImplHeader<'tcx> {
let header = fresh_impl_header(infcx, impl_def_id);
let InferOk { value: mut header, obligations } =, param_env).normalize(header);
header.predicates.extend(obligations.into_iter().map(|o| o.predicate));
/// Can both impl `a` and impl `b` be satisfied by a common type (including
/// where-clauses)? If so, returns an `ImplHeader` that unifies the two impls.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(tcx))]
fn overlap<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
track_ambiguity_causes: TrackAmbiguityCauses,
skip_leak_check: SkipLeakCheck,
impl1_def_id: DefId,
impl2_def_id: DefId,
overlap_mode: OverlapMode,
) -> Option<OverlapResult<'tcx>> {
if overlap_mode.use_negative_impl() {
if impl_intersection_has_negative_obligation(tcx, impl1_def_id, impl2_def_id)
|| impl_intersection_has_negative_obligation(tcx, impl2_def_id, impl1_def_id)
return None;
let infcx = tcx
let selcx = &mut SelectionContext::new(&infcx);
if track_ambiguity_causes.is_yes() {
// For the purposes of this check, we don't bring any placeholder
// types into scope; instead, we replace the generic types with
// fresh type variables, and hence we do our evaluations in an
// empty environment.
let param_env = ty::ParamEnv::empty();
let impl1_header = fresh_impl_header_normalized(selcx.infcx, param_env, impl1_def_id);
let impl2_header = fresh_impl_header_normalized(selcx.infcx, param_env, impl2_def_id);
// Equate the headers to find their intersection (the general type, with infer vars,
// that may apply both impls).
let mut obligations =
equate_impl_headers(selcx.infcx, param_env, &impl1_header, &impl2_header)?;
debug!("overlap: unification check succeeded");
[&impl1_header.predicates, &impl2_header.predicates].into_iter().flatten().map(
|&predicate| Obligation::new(infcx.tcx, ObligationCause::dummy(), param_env, predicate),
let mut overflowing_predicates = Vec::new();
if overlap_mode.use_implicit_negative() {
match impl_intersection_has_impossible_obligation(selcx, &obligations) {
IntersectionHasImpossibleObligations::Yes => return None,
IntersectionHasImpossibleObligations::No { overflowing_predicates: p } => {
overflowing_predicates = p
// We toggle the `leak_check` by using `skip_leak_check` when constructing the
// inference context, so this may be a noop.
if infcx.leak_check(ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT, None).is_err() {
debug!("overlap: leak check failed");
return None;
let intercrate_ambiguity_causes = if !overlap_mode.use_implicit_negative() {
} else if infcx.next_trait_solver() {
compute_intercrate_ambiguity_causes(&infcx, &obligations)
} else {
debug!("overlap: intercrate_ambiguity_causes={:#?}", intercrate_ambiguity_causes);
let involves_placeholder = infcx
.any(|c| c.0.involves_placeholders());
let mut impl_header = infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(impl1_header);
// Deeply normalize the impl header for diagnostics, ignoring any errors if this fails.
if infcx.next_trait_solver() {
impl_header = deeply_normalize_for_diagnostics(&infcx, param_env, impl_header);
Some(OverlapResult {
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(infcx), ret)]
fn equate_impl_headers<'tcx>(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
impl1: &ty::ImplHeader<'tcx>,
impl2: &ty::ImplHeader<'tcx>,
) -> Option<PredicateObligations<'tcx>> {
let result =
match (impl1.trait_ref, impl2.trait_ref) {
(Some(impl1_ref), Some(impl2_ref)) => infcx
.at(&ObligationCause::dummy(), param_env)
.eq(DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes, impl1_ref, impl2_ref),
(None, None) =>, param_env).eq(
_ => bug!("equate_impl_headers given mismatched impl kinds"),
};|infer_ok| infer_ok.obligations).ok()
/// The result of [fn impl_intersection_has_impossible_obligation].
enum IntersectionHasImpossibleObligations<'tcx> {
No {
/// With `-Znext-solver=coherence`, some obligations may
/// fail if only the user increased the recursion limit.
/// We return those obligations here and mention them in the
/// error message.
overflowing_predicates: Vec<ty::Predicate<'tcx>>,
/// Check if both impls can be satisfied by a common type by considering whether
/// any of either impl's obligations is not known to hold.
/// For example, given these two impls:
/// `impl From<MyLocalType> for Box<dyn Error>` (in my crate)
/// `impl<E> From<E> for Box<dyn Error> where E: Error` (in libstd)
/// After replacing both impl headers with inference vars (which happens before
/// this function is called), we get:
/// `Box<dyn Error>: From<MyLocalType>`
/// `Box<dyn Error>: From<?E>`
/// This gives us `?E = MyLocalType`. We then certainly know that `MyLocalType: Error`
/// never holds in intercrate mode since a local impl does not exist, and a
/// downstream impl cannot be added -- therefore can consider the intersection
/// of the two impls above to be empty.
/// Importantly, this works even if there isn't a `impl !Error for MyLocalType`.
fn impl_intersection_has_impossible_obligation<'a, 'cx, 'tcx>(
selcx: &mut SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx>,
obligations: &'a [PredicateObligation<'tcx>],
) -> IntersectionHasImpossibleObligations<'tcx> {
let infcx = selcx.infcx;
if infcx.next_trait_solver() {
let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new(infcx);
let errors_and_ambiguities = ocx.select_all_or_error();
// We only care about the obligations that are *definitely* true errors.
// Ambiguities do not prove the disjointness of two impls.
let (errors, ambiguities): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
errors_and_ambiguities.into_iter().partition(|error| error.is_true_error());
if errors.is_empty() {
IntersectionHasImpossibleObligations::No {
overflowing_predicates: ambiguities
.filter(|error| {
FulfillmentErrorCode::Ambiguity { overflow: Some(true) }
.map(|e| infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(e.obligation.predicate))
} else {
} else {
for obligation in obligations {
// We use `evaluate_root_obligation` to correctly track intercrate
// ambiguity clauses.
let evaluation_result = selcx.evaluate_root_obligation(obligation);
match evaluation_result {
Ok(result) => {
if !result.may_apply() {
return IntersectionHasImpossibleObligations::Yes;
// If overflow occurs, we need to conservatively treat the goal as possibly holding,
// since there can be instantiations of this goal that don't overflow and result in
// success. While this isn't much of a problem in the old solver, since we treat overflow
// fatally, this still can be encountered: <>.
Err(_overflow) => {}
IntersectionHasImpossibleObligations::No { overflowing_predicates: Vec::new() }
/// Check if both impls can be satisfied by a common type by considering whether
/// any of first impl's obligations is known not to hold *via a negative predicate*.
/// For example, given these two impls:
/// `struct MyCustomBox<T: ?Sized>(Box<T>);`
/// `impl From<&str> for MyCustomBox<dyn Error>` (in my crate)
/// `impl<E> From<E> for MyCustomBox<dyn Error> where E: Error` (in my crate)
/// After replacing the second impl's header with inference vars, we get:
/// `MyCustomBox<dyn Error>: From<&str>`
/// `MyCustomBox<dyn Error>: From<?E>`
/// This gives us `?E = &str`. We then try to prove the first impl's predicates
/// after negating, giving us `&str: !Error`. This is a negative impl provided by
/// libstd, and therefore we can guarantee for certain that libstd will never add
/// a positive impl for `&str: Error` (without it being a breaking change).
fn impl_intersection_has_negative_obligation(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
impl1_def_id: DefId,
impl2_def_id: DefId,
) -> bool {
debug!("negative_impl(impl1_def_id={:?}, impl2_def_id={:?})", impl1_def_id, impl2_def_id);
// N.B. We need to unify impl headers *with* intercrate mode, even if proving negative predicates
// do not need intercrate mode enabled.
let ref infcx = tcx.infer_ctxt().intercrate(true).with_next_trait_solver(true).build();
let root_universe = infcx.universe();
assert_eq!(root_universe, ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT);
let impl1_header = fresh_impl_header(infcx, impl1_def_id);
let param_env =
ty::EarlyBinder::bind(tcx.param_env(impl1_def_id)).instantiate(tcx, impl1_header.impl_args);
let impl2_header = fresh_impl_header(infcx, impl2_def_id);
// Equate the headers to find their intersection (the general type, with infer vars,
// that may apply both impls).
let Some(equate_obligations) =
equate_impl_headers(infcx, param_env, &impl1_header, &impl2_header)
else {
return false;
// FIXME(with_negative_coherence): the infcx has constraints from equating
// the impl headers. We should use these constraints as assumptions, not as
// requirements, when proving the negated where clauses below.
(impl1_header.impl_args, impl2_header.impl_args),
let param_env = infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(param_env);
util::elaborate(tcx, tcx.predicates_of(impl2_def_id).instantiate(tcx, impl2_header.impl_args))
.any(|(clause, _)| try_prove_negated_where_clause(infcx, clause, param_env))
fn plug_infer_with_placeholders<'tcx>(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
value: impl TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
) {
struct PlugInferWithPlaceholder<'a, 'tcx> {
infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'tcx>,
universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
var: ty::BoundVar,
impl<'tcx> PlugInferWithPlaceholder<'_, 'tcx> {
fn next_var(&mut self) -> ty::BoundVar {
let var = self.var;
self.var = self.var + 1;
impl<'tcx> TypeVisitor<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for PlugInferWithPlaceholder<'_, 'tcx> {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
let ty = self.infcx.shallow_resolve(ty);
if ty.is_ty_var() {
let Ok(InferOk { value: (), obligations }) =, ty::ParamEnv::empty()).eq(
// Comparing against a type variable never registers hidden types anyway
ty::Placeholder {
universe: self.universe,
bound: ty::BoundTy {
var: self.next_var(),
kind: ty::BoundTyKind::Anon,
else {
bug!("we always expect to be able to plug an infer var with placeholder")
assert_eq!(obligations, &[]);
} else {
fn visit_const(&mut self, ct: ty::Const<'tcx>) {
let ct = self.infcx.shallow_resolve_const(ct);
if ct.is_ct_infer() {
let Ok(InferOk { value: (), obligations }) =, ty::ParamEnv::empty()).eq(
// The types of the constants are the same, so there is no hidden type
// registration happening anyway.
ty::Placeholder { universe: self.universe, bound: self.next_var() },
else {
bug!("we always expect to be able to plug an infer var with placeholder")
assert_eq!(obligations, &[]);
} else {
fn visit_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) {
if let ty::ReVar(vid) = *r {
let r = self
.opportunistic_resolve_var(self.infcx.tcx, vid);
if r.is_var() {
let Ok(InferOk { value: (), obligations }) =, ty::ParamEnv::empty()).eq(
// Lifetimes don't contain opaque types (or any types for that matter).
ty::Placeholder {
universe: self.universe,
bound: ty::BoundRegion {
var: self.next_var(),
kind: ty::BoundRegionKind::BrAnon,
else {
bug!("we always expect to be able to plug an infer var with placeholder")
assert_eq!(obligations, &[]);
value.visit_with(&mut PlugInferWithPlaceholder { infcx, universe, var: ty::BoundVar::ZERO });
fn try_prove_negated_where_clause<'tcx>(
root_infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
clause: ty::Clause<'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
let Some(negative_predicate) = clause.as_predicate().flip_polarity(root_infcx.tcx) else {
return false;
// N.B. We don't need to use intercrate mode here because we're trying to prove
// the *existence* of a negative goal, not the non-existence of a positive goal.
// Without this, we over-eagerly register coherence ambiguity candidates when
// impl candidates do exist.
let ref infcx = root_infcx.fork_with_intercrate(false);
let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new(infcx);
if !ocx.select_all_or_error().is_empty() {
return false;
// FIXME: We could use the assumed_wf_types from both impls, I think,
// if that wasn't implemented just for LocalDefId, and we'd need to do
// the normalization ourselves since this is totally fallible...
let outlives_env = OutlivesEnvironment::new(param_env);
let errors = ocx.resolve_regions(&outlives_env);
if !errors.is_empty() {
return false;
/// Returns whether all impls which would apply to the `trait_ref`
/// e.g. `Ty: Trait<Arg>` are already known in the local crate.
/// This both checks whether any downstream or sibling crates could
/// implement it and whether an upstream crate can add this impl
/// without breaking backwards compatibility.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(infcx, lazily_normalize_ty), ret)]
pub fn trait_ref_is_knowable<'tcx, E: Debug>(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
mut lazily_normalize_ty: impl FnMut(Ty<'tcx>) -> Result<Ty<'tcx>, E>,
) -> Result<Result<(), Conflict>, E> {
if orphan_check_trait_ref(infcx, trait_ref, InCrate::Remote, &mut lazily_normalize_ty)?.is_ok()
// A downstream or cousin crate is allowed to implement some
// generic parameters of this trait-ref.
return Ok(Err(Conflict::Downstream));
if trait_ref_is_local_or_fundamental(infcx.tcx, trait_ref) {
// This is a local or fundamental trait, so future-compatibility
// is no concern. We know that downstream/cousin crates are not
// allowed to implement a generic parameter of this trait ref,
// which means impls could only come from dependencies of this
// crate, which we already know about.
return Ok(Ok(()));
// This is a remote non-fundamental trait, so if another crate
// can be the "final owner" of the generic parameters of this trait-ref,
// they are allowed to implement it future-compatibly.
// However, if we are a final owner, then nobody else can be,
// and if we are an intermediate owner, then we don't care
// about future-compatibility, which means that we're OK if
// we are an owner.
if orphan_check_trait_ref(
InCrate::Local { mode: OrphanCheckMode::Proper },
&mut lazily_normalize_ty,
} else {
pub fn trait_ref_is_local_or_fundamental<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
trait_ref.def_id.is_local() || tcx.has_attr(trait_ref.def_id, sym::fundamental)
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum IsFirstInputType {
impl From<bool> for IsFirstInputType {
fn from(b: bool) -> IsFirstInputType {
match b {
false => IsFirstInputType::No,
true => IsFirstInputType::Yes,
pub enum OrphanCheckErr<'tcx, T> {
NonLocalInputType(Vec<(Ty<'tcx>, IsFirstInputType)>),
UncoveredTyParams(UncoveredTyParams<'tcx, T>),
pub struct UncoveredTyParams<'tcx, T> {
pub uncovered: T,
pub local_ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
/// Checks whether a trait-ref is potentially implementable by a crate.
/// The current rule is that a trait-ref orphan checks in a crate C:
/// 1. Order the parameters in the trait-ref in generic parameters order
/// - Self first, others linearly (e.g., `<U as Foo<V, W>>` is U < V < W).
/// 2. Of these type parameters, there is at least one type parameter
/// in which, walking the type as a tree, you can reach a type local
/// to C where all types in-between are fundamental types. Call the
/// first such parameter the "local key parameter".
/// - e.g., `Box<LocalType>` is OK, because you can visit LocalType
/// going through `Box`, which is fundamental.
/// - similarly, `FundamentalPair<Vec<()>, Box<LocalType>>` is OK for
/// the same reason.
/// - but (knowing that `Vec<T>` is non-fundamental, and assuming it's
/// not local), `Vec<LocalType>` is bad, because `Vec<->` is between
/// the local type and the type parameter.
/// 3. Before this local type, no generic type parameter of the impl must
/// be reachable through fundamental types.
/// - e.g. `impl<T> Trait<LocalType> for Vec<T>` is fine, as `Vec` is not fundamental.
/// - while `impl<T> Trait<LocalType> for Box<T>` results in an error, as `T` is
/// reachable through the fundamental type `Box`.
/// 4. Every type in the local key parameter not known in C, going
/// through the parameter's type tree, must appear only as a subtree of
/// a type local to C, with only fundamental types between the type
/// local to C and the local key parameter.
/// - e.g., `Vec<LocalType<T>>>` (or equivalently `Box<Vec<LocalType<T>>>`)
/// is bad, because the only local type with `T` as a subtree is
/// `LocalType<T>`, and `Vec<->` is between it and the type parameter.
/// - similarly, `FundamentalPair<LocalType<T>, T>` is bad, because
/// the second occurrence of `T` is not a subtree of *any* local type.
/// - however, `LocalType<Vec<T>>` is OK, because `T` is a subtree of
/// `LocalType<Vec<T>>`, which is local and has no types between it and
/// the type parameter.
/// The orphan rules actually serve several different purposes:
/// 1. They enable link-safety - i.e., 2 mutually-unknowing crates (where
/// every type local to one crate is unknown in the other) can't implement
/// the same trait-ref. This follows because it can be seen that no such
/// type can orphan-check in 2 such crates.
/// To check that a local impl follows the orphan rules, we check it in
/// InCrate::Local mode, using type parameters for the "generic" types.
/// In InCrate::Local mode the orphan check succeeds if the current crate
/// is definitely allowed to implement the given trait (no false positives).
/// 2. They ground negative reasoning for coherence. If a user wants to
/// write both a conditional blanket impl and a specific impl, we need to
/// make sure they do not overlap. For example, if we write
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// impl<T> IntoIterator for Vec<T>
/// impl<T: Iterator> IntoIterator for T
/// ```
/// We need to be able to prove that `Vec<$0>: !Iterator` for every type $0.
/// We can observe that this holds in the current crate, but we need to make
/// sure this will also hold in all unknown crates (both "independent" crates,
/// which we need for link-safety, and also child crates, because we don't want
/// child crates to get error for impl conflicts in a *dependency*).
/// For that, we only allow negative reasoning if, for every assignment to the
/// inference variables, every unknown crate would get an orphan error if they
/// try to implement this trait-ref. To check for this, we use InCrate::Remote
/// mode. That is sound because we already know all the impls from known crates.
/// In InCrate::Remote mode the orphan check succeeds if a foreign crate
/// *could* implement the given trait (no false negatives).
/// 3. For non-`#[fundamental]` traits, they guarantee that parent crates can
/// add "non-blanket" impls without breaking negative reasoning in dependent
/// crates. This is the "rebalancing coherence" (RFC 1023) restriction.
/// For that, we only a allow crate to perform negative reasoning on
/// non-local-non-`#[fundamental]` only if there's a local key parameter as per (2).
/// Because we never perform negative reasoning generically (coherence does
/// not involve type parameters), this can be interpreted as doing the full
/// orphan check (using InCrate::Local mode), instantiating non-local known
/// types for all inference variables.
/// This allows for crates to future-compatibly add impls as long as they
/// can't apply to types with a key parameter in a child crate - applying
/// the rules, this basically means that every type parameter in the impl
/// must appear behind a non-fundamental type (because this is not a
/// type-system requirement, crate owners might also go for "semantic
/// future-compatibility" involving things such as sealed traits, but
/// the above requirement is sufficient, and is necessary in "open world"
/// cases).
/// Note that this function is never called for types that have both type
/// parameters and inference variables.
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(infcx, lazily_normalize_ty), ret)]
pub fn orphan_check_trait_ref<'tcx, E: Debug>(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
in_crate: InCrate,
lazily_normalize_ty: impl FnMut(Ty<'tcx>) -> Result<Ty<'tcx>, E>,
) -> Result<Result<(), OrphanCheckErr<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>>, E> {
if trait_ref.has_param() {
bug!("orphan check only expects inference variables: {trait_ref:?}");
let mut checker = OrphanChecker::new(infcx, in_crate, lazily_normalize_ty);
Ok(match trait_ref.visit_with(&mut checker) {
ControlFlow::Continue(()) => Err(OrphanCheckErr::NonLocalInputType(checker.non_local_tys)),
ControlFlow::Break(residual) => match residual {
OrphanCheckEarlyExit::NormalizationFailure(err) => return Err(err),
OrphanCheckEarlyExit::UncoveredTyParam(ty) => {
// Does there exist some local type after the `ParamTy`.
checker.search_first_local_ty = true;
let local_ty = match trait_ref.visit_with(&mut checker).break_value() {
Some(OrphanCheckEarlyExit::LocalTy(local_ty)) => Some(local_ty),
_ => None,
Err(OrphanCheckErr::UncoveredTyParams(UncoveredTyParams {
uncovered: ty,
OrphanCheckEarlyExit::LocalTy(_) => Ok(()),
struct OrphanChecker<'a, 'tcx, F> {
infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'tcx>,
in_crate: InCrate,
in_self_ty: bool,
lazily_normalize_ty: F,
/// Ignore orphan check failures and exclusively search for the first local type.
search_first_local_ty: bool,
non_local_tys: Vec<(Ty<'tcx>, IsFirstInputType)>,
impl<'a, 'tcx, F, E> OrphanChecker<'a, 'tcx, F>
F: FnOnce(Ty<'tcx>) -> Result<Ty<'tcx>, E>,
fn new(infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'tcx>, in_crate: InCrate, lazily_normalize_ty: F) -> Self {
OrphanChecker {
in_self_ty: true,
search_first_local_ty: false,
non_local_tys: Vec::new(),
fn found_non_local_ty(&mut self, t: Ty<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<OrphanCheckEarlyExit<'tcx, E>> {
self.non_local_tys.push((t, self.in_self_ty.into()));
fn found_uncovered_ty_param(
&mut self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> ControlFlow<OrphanCheckEarlyExit<'tcx, E>> {
if self.search_first_local_ty {
return ControlFlow::Continue(());
fn def_id_is_local(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
match self.in_crate {
InCrate::Local { .. } => def_id.is_local(),
InCrate::Remote => false,
enum OrphanCheckEarlyExit<'tcx, E> {
impl<'a, 'tcx, F, E> TypeVisitor<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for OrphanChecker<'a, 'tcx, F>
F: FnMut(Ty<'tcx>) -> Result<Ty<'tcx>, E>,
type Result = ControlFlow<OrphanCheckEarlyExit<'tcx, E>>;
fn visit_region(&mut self, _r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> Self::Result {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Self::Result {
let ty = self.infcx.shallow_resolve(ty);
let ty = match (self.lazily_normalize_ty)(ty) {
Ok(norm_ty) if norm_ty.is_ty_var() => ty,
Ok(norm_ty) => norm_ty,
Err(err) => return ControlFlow::Break(OrphanCheckEarlyExit::NormalizationFailure(err)),
let result = match *ty.kind() {
| ty::Char
| ty::Int(..)
| ty::Uint(..)
| ty::Float(..)
| ty::Str
| ty::FnDef(..)
| ty::Pat(..)
| ty::FnPtr(_)
| ty::Array(..)
| ty::Slice(..)
| ty::RawPtr(..)
| ty::Never
| ty::Tuple(..) => self.found_non_local_ty(ty),
ty::Param(..) => bug!("unexpected ty param"),
ty::Placeholder(..) | ty::Bound(..) | ty::Infer(..) => {
match self.in_crate {
InCrate::Local { .. } => self.found_uncovered_ty_param(ty),
// The inference variable might be unified with a local
// type in that remote crate.
InCrate::Remote => ControlFlow::Break(OrphanCheckEarlyExit::LocalTy(ty)),
ty::Alias(kind @ (ty::Projection | ty::Inherent | ty::Weak), ..) => {
if ty.has_type_flags(ty::TypeFlags::HAS_TY_PARAM) {
bug!("unexpected ty param in alias ty");
if ty.has_type_flags(
| ty::TypeFlags::HAS_TY_BOUND
| ty::TypeFlags::HAS_TY_INFER,
) {
match self.in_crate {
InCrate::Local { mode } => match kind {
ty::Projection if let OrphanCheckMode::Compat = mode => {
_ => self.found_uncovered_ty_param(ty),
InCrate::Remote => {
// The inference variable might be unified with a local
// type in that remote crate.
} else {
// For fundamental types, we just look inside of them.
ty::Ref(_, ty, _) => ty.visit_with(self),
ty::Adt(def, args) => {
if self.def_id_is_local(def.did()) {
} else if def.is_fundamental() {
} else {
ty::Foreign(def_id) => {
if self.def_id_is_local(def_id) {
} else {
ty::Dynamic(tt, ..) => {
let principal = tt.principal().map(|p| p.def_id());
if principal.is_some_and(|p| self.def_id_is_local(p)) {
} else {
ty::Error(_) => ControlFlow::Break(OrphanCheckEarlyExit::LocalTy(ty)),
ty::Closure(did, ..) | ty::CoroutineClosure(did, ..) | ty::Coroutine(did, ..) => {
if self.def_id_is_local(did) {
} else {
// This should only be created when checking whether we have to check whether some
// auto trait impl applies. There will never be multiple impls, so we can just
// act as if it were a local type here.
ty::CoroutineWitness(..) => ControlFlow::Break(OrphanCheckEarlyExit::LocalTy(ty)),
ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ..) => {
// This merits some explanation.
// Normally, opaque types are not involved when performing
// coherence checking, since it is illegal to directly
// implement a trait on an opaque type. However, we might
// end up looking at an opaque type during coherence checking
// if an opaque type gets used within another type (e.g. as
// the type of a field) when checking for auto trait or `Sized`
// impls. This requires us to decide whether or not an opaque
// type should be considered 'local' or not.
// We choose to treat all opaque types as non-local, even
// those that appear within the same crate. This seems
// somewhat surprising at first, but makes sense when
// you consider that opaque types are supposed to hide
// the underlying type *within the same crate*. When an
// opaque type is used from outside the module
// where it is declared, it should be impossible to observe
// anything about it other than the traits that it implements.
// The alternative would be to look at the underlying type
// to determine whether or not the opaque type itself should
// be considered local. However, this could make it a breaking change
// to switch the underlying ('defining') type from a local type
// to a remote type. This would violate the rule that opaque
// types should be completely opaque apart from the traits
// that they implement, so we don't use this behavior.
// A bit of a hack, the `OrphanChecker` is only used to visit a `TraitRef`, so
// the first type we visit is always the self type.
self.in_self_ty = false;
/// All possible values for a constant parameter already exist
/// in the crate defining the trait, so they are always non-local[^1].
/// Because there's no way to have an impl where the first local
/// generic argument is a constant, we also don't have to fail
/// the orphan check when encountering a parameter or a generic constant.
/// This means that we can completely ignore constants during the orphan check.
/// See `tests/ui/coherence/` for examples.
/// [^1]: This might not hold for function pointers or trait objects in the future.
/// As these should be quite rare as const arguments and especially rare as impl
/// parameters, allowing uncovered const parameters in impls seems more useful
/// than allowing `impl<T> Trait<local_fn_ptr, T> for i32` to compile.
fn visit_const(&mut self, _c: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> Self::Result {
/// Compute the `intercrate_ambiguity_causes` for the new solver using
/// "proof trees".
/// This is a bit scuffed but seems to be good enough, at least
/// when looking at UI tests. Given that it is only used to improve
/// diagnostics this is good enough. We can always improve it once there
/// are test cases where it is currently not enough.
fn compute_intercrate_ambiguity_causes<'tcx>(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
obligations: &[PredicateObligation<'tcx>],
) -> FxIndexSet<IntercrateAmbiguityCause<'tcx>> {
let mut causes: FxIndexSet<IntercrateAmbiguityCause<'tcx>> = Default::default();
for obligation in obligations {
search_ambiguity_causes(infcx, obligation.clone().into(), &mut causes);
struct AmbiguityCausesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
causes: &'a mut FxIndexSet<IntercrateAmbiguityCause<'tcx>>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> ProofTreeVisitor<'tcx> for AmbiguityCausesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
fn span(&self) -> Span {
fn visit_goal(&mut self, goal: &InspectGoal<'_, 'tcx>) {
let infcx = goal.infcx();
for cand in goal.candidates() {
// When searching for intercrate ambiguity causes, we only need to look
// at ambiguous goals, as for others the coherence unknowable candidate
// was irrelevant.
match goal.result() {
Ok(Certainty::Maybe(_)) => {}
Ok(Certainty::Yes) | Err(NoSolution) => return,
let Goal { param_env, predicate } = goal.goal();
// For bound predicates we simply call `infcx.enter_forall`
// and then prove the resulting predicate as a nested goal.
let trait_ref = match predicate.kind().no_bound_vars() {
Some(ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Trait(tr))) => tr.trait_ref,
if matches!(
DefKind::AssocTy | DefKind::AssocConst
) =>
_ => return,
// Add ambiguity causes for reservation impls.
for cand in goal.candidates() {
if let inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate {
source: CandidateSource::Impl(def_id),
result: Ok(_),
} = cand.kind()
if let ty::ImplPolarity::Reservation = infcx.tcx.impl_polarity(def_id) {
let message = infcx
.get_attr(def_id, sym::rustc_reservation_impl)
.and_then(|a| a.value_str());
if let Some(message) = message {
self.causes.insert(IntercrateAmbiguityCause::ReservationImpl { message });
// Add ambiguity causes for unknowable goals.
let mut ambiguity_cause = None;
for cand in goal.candidates() {
if let inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate {
source: CandidateSource::CoherenceUnknowable,
result: Ok(_),
} = cand.kind()
let lazily_normalize_ty = |mut ty: Ty<'tcx>| {
if matches!(ty.kind(), ty::Alias(..)) {
let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new(infcx);
ty = ocx
.structurally_normalize(&ObligationCause::dummy(), param_env, ty)
.map_err(|_| ())?;
if !ocx.select_where_possible().is_empty() {
return Err(());
infcx.probe(|_| {
match trait_ref_is_knowable(infcx, trait_ref, lazily_normalize_ty) {
Err(()) => {}
Ok(Ok(())) => warn!("expected an unknowable trait ref: {trait_ref:?}"),
Ok(Err(conflict)) => {
if !trait_ref.references_error() {
// Normalize the trait ref for diagnostics, ignoring any errors if this fails.
let trait_ref =
deeply_normalize_for_diagnostics(infcx, param_env, trait_ref);
let self_ty = trait_ref.self_ty();
let self_ty = self_ty.has_concrete_skeleton().then(|| self_ty);
ambiguity_cause = Some(match conflict {
Conflict::Upstream => {
IntercrateAmbiguityCause::UpstreamCrateUpdate {
Conflict::Downstream => {
IntercrateAmbiguityCause::DownstreamCrate {
} else {
match cand.result() {
// We only add an ambiguity cause if the goal would otherwise
// result in an error.
// FIXME: While this matches the behavior of the
// old solver, it is not the only way in which the unknowable
// candidates *weaken* coherence, they can also force otherwise
// sucessful normalization to be ambiguous.
Ok(Certainty::Maybe(_) | Certainty::Yes) => {
ambiguity_cause = None;
Err(NoSolution) => continue,
if let Some(ambiguity_cause) = ambiguity_cause {
fn search_ambiguity_causes<'tcx>(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
goal: Goal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>,
causes: &mut FxIndexSet<IntercrateAmbiguityCause<'tcx>>,
) {
infcx.probe(|_| infcx.visit_proof_tree(goal, &mut AmbiguityCausesVisitor { causes }));