blob: d891f88346834ad5e3c552471494ab0eb7aa4766 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Module that implements the public interface to the Stable MIR.
//! This module shall contain all type definitions and APIs that we expect third-party tools to invoke to
//! interact with the compiler.
//! The goal is to eventually move this module to its own crate which shall be published on
//! [](
//! ## Note:
//! There shouldn't be any direct references to internal compiler constructs in this module.
//! If you need an internal construct, consider using `rustc_internal` or `rustc_smir`.
use std::cell::Cell;
use crate::rustc_smir::Tables;
use self::ty::{
Generics, ImplDef, ImplTrait, PredicateKind, Span, TraitDecl, TraitDef, Ty, TyKind,
pub mod mir;
pub mod ty;
/// Use String for now but we should replace it.
pub type Symbol = String;
/// The number that identifies a crate.
pub type CrateNum = usize;
/// A unique identification number for each item accessible for the current compilation unit.
pub type DefId = usize;
/// A list of crate items.
pub type CrateItems = Vec<CrateItem>;
/// A list of trait decls.
pub type TraitDecls = Vec<TraitDef>;
/// A list of impl trait decls.
pub type ImplTraitDecls = Vec<ImplDef>;
/// A list of predicates.
pub struct GenericPredicates {
pub parent: Option<TraitDef>,
pub predicates: Vec<(PredicateKind, Span)>,
/// Holds information about a crate.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Crate {
pub(crate) id: CrateNum,
pub name: Symbol,
pub is_local: bool,
/// Holds information about an item in the crate.
/// For now, it only stores the item DefId. Use functions inside `rustc_internal` module to
/// use this item.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct CrateItem(pub(crate) DefId);
impl CrateItem {
pub fn body(&self) -> mir::Body {
with(|cx| cx.mir_body(self))
/// Return the function where execution starts if the current
/// crate defines that. This is usually `main`, but could be
/// `start` if the crate is a no-std crate.
pub fn entry_fn() -> Option<CrateItem> {
with(|cx| cx.entry_fn())
/// Access to the local crate.
pub fn local_crate() -> Crate {
with(|cx| cx.local_crate())
/// Try to find a crate with the given name.
pub fn find_crate(name: &str) -> Option<Crate> {
with(|cx| cx.find_crate(name))
/// Try to find a crate with the given name.
pub fn external_crates() -> Vec<Crate> {
with(|cx| cx.external_crates())
/// Retrieve all items in the local crate that have a MIR associated with them.
pub fn all_local_items() -> CrateItems {
with(|cx| cx.all_local_items())
pub fn all_trait_decls() -> TraitDecls {
with(|cx| cx.all_trait_decls())
pub fn trait_decl(trait_def: &TraitDef) -> TraitDecl {
with(|cx| cx.trait_decl(trait_def))
pub fn all_trait_impls() -> ImplTraitDecls {
with(|cx| cx.all_trait_impls())
pub fn trait_impl(trait_impl: &ImplDef) -> ImplTrait {
with(|cx| cx.trait_impl(trait_impl))
pub trait Context {
fn entry_fn(&mut self) -> Option<CrateItem>;
/// Retrieve all items of the local crate that have a MIR associated with them.
fn all_local_items(&mut self) -> CrateItems;
fn mir_body(&mut self, item: &CrateItem) -> mir::Body;
fn all_trait_decls(&mut self) -> TraitDecls;
fn trait_decl(&mut self, trait_def: &TraitDef) -> TraitDecl;
fn all_trait_impls(&mut self) -> ImplTraitDecls;
fn trait_impl(&mut self, trait_impl: &ImplDef) -> ImplTrait;
fn generics_of(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> Generics;
fn predicates_of(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> GenericPredicates;
/// Get information about the local crate.
fn local_crate(&self) -> Crate;
/// Retrieve a list of all external crates.
fn external_crates(&self) -> Vec<Crate>;
/// Find a crate with the given name.
fn find_crate(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Crate>;
/// Obtain the representation of a type.
fn ty_kind(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> TyKind;
/// HACK: Until we have fully stable consumers, we need an escape hatch
/// to get `DefId`s out of `CrateItem`s.
fn rustc_tables(&mut self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut Tables<'_>));
// A thread local variable that stores a pointer to the tables mapping between TyCtxt
// datastructures and stable MIR datastructures
scoped_thread_local! (static TLV: Cell<*mut ()>);
pub fn run(mut context: impl Context, f: impl FnOnce()) {
fn g<'a>(mut context: &mut (dyn Context + 'a), f: impl FnOnce()) {
let ptr: *mut () = &mut context as *mut &mut _ as _;
TLV.set(&Cell::new(ptr), || {
g(&mut context, f);
/// Loads the current context and calls a function with it.
/// Do not nest these, as that will ICE.
pub(crate) fn with<R>(f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn Context) -> R) -> R {
TLV.with(|tlv| {
let ptr = tlv.get();
f(unsafe { *(ptr as *mut &mut dyn Context) })