blob: 0dc999083a91a93c88ffcf3f0419657ad0ddc408 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::cfg::*;
use rustc::hir::{self, PatKind};
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::hir::ptr::P;
use rustc::middle::region;
use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc_data_structures::graph::implementation as graph;
struct CFGBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
owner_def_id: DefId,
tables: &'a ty::TypeckTables<'tcx>,
graph: CFGGraph,
fn_exit: CFGIndex,
loop_scopes: Vec<LoopScope>,
breakable_block_scopes: Vec<BlockScope>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct BlockScope {
block_expr_id: hir::ItemLocalId, // ID of breakable block expr node
break_index: CFGIndex, // where to go on `break`
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct LoopScope {
loop_id: hir::ItemLocalId, // ID of `loop`/`while` node
continue_index: CFGIndex, // where to go on a `loop`
break_index: CFGIndex, // where to go on a `break`
pub(super) fn construct(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, body: &hir::Body) -> CFG {
let mut graph = graph::Graph::new();
let entry = graph.add_node(CFGNodeData::Entry);
// `fn_exit` is target of return exprs, which lies somewhere
// outside input `body`. (Distinguishing `fn_exit` and `body_exit`
// also resolves chicken-and-egg problem that arises if you try to
// have return exprs jump to `body_exit` during construction.)
let fn_exit = graph.add_node(CFGNodeData::Exit);
let body_exit;
// Find the tables for this body.
let owner_def_id = tcx.hir().body_owner_def_id(;
let tables = tcx.typeck_tables_of(owner_def_id);
let mut cfg_builder = CFGBuilder {
loop_scopes: Vec::new(),
breakable_block_scopes: Vec::new(),
body_exit = cfg_builder.expr(&body.value, entry);
cfg_builder.add_contained_edge(body_exit, fn_exit);
let CFGBuilder { graph, .. } = cfg_builder;
exit: fn_exit,
impl<'a, 'tcx> CFGBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn block(&mut self, blk: &hir::Block, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
if blk.targeted_by_break {
let expr_exit = self.add_ast_node(blk.hir_id.local_id, &[]);
self.breakable_block_scopes.push(BlockScope {
block_expr_id: blk.hir_id.local_id,
break_index: expr_exit,
let mut stmts_exit = pred;
for stmt in &blk.stmts {
stmts_exit = self.stmt(stmt, stmts_exit);
let blk_expr_exit = self.opt_expr(&blk.expr, stmts_exit);
self.add_contained_edge(blk_expr_exit, expr_exit);
} else {
let mut stmts_exit = pred;
for stmt in &blk.stmts {
stmts_exit = self.stmt(stmt, stmts_exit);
let expr_exit = self.opt_expr(&blk.expr, stmts_exit);
self.add_ast_node(blk.hir_id.local_id, &[expr_exit])
fn stmt(&mut self, stmt: &hir::Stmt, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
let exit = match stmt.node {
hir::StmtKind::Local(ref local) => {
let init_exit = self.opt_expr(&local.init, pred);
self.pat(&local.pat, init_exit)
hir::StmtKind::Item(_) => pred,
hir::StmtKind::Expr(ref expr) |
hir::StmtKind::Semi(ref expr) => {
self.expr(&expr, pred)
self.add_ast_node(stmt.hir_id.local_id, &[exit])
fn pat(&mut self, pat: &hir::Pat, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(.., None) |
PatKind::Path(_) |
PatKind::Lit(..) |
PatKind::Range(..) |
PatKind::Wild => self.add_ast_node(pat.hir_id.local_id, &[pred]),
PatKind::Box(ref subpat) |
PatKind::Ref(ref subpat, _) |
PatKind::Binding(.., Some(ref subpat)) => {
let subpat_exit = self.pat(&subpat, pred);
self.add_ast_node(pat.hir_id.local_id, &[subpat_exit])
PatKind::TupleStruct(_, ref subpats, _) |
PatKind::Tuple(ref subpats, _) => {
let pats_exit = self.pats_all(subpats.iter(), pred);
self.add_ast_node(pat.hir_id.local_id, &[pats_exit])
PatKind::Struct(_, ref subpats, _) => {
let pats_exit = self.pats_all(subpats.iter().map(|f| &f.pat), pred);
self.add_ast_node(pat.hir_id.local_id, &[pats_exit])
PatKind::Or(ref pats) => {
let branches: Vec<_> = pats.iter().map(|p| self.pat(p, pred)).collect();
self.add_ast_node(pat.hir_id.local_id, &branches)
PatKind::Slice(ref pre, ref vec, ref post) => {
let pre_exit = self.pats_all(pre.iter(), pred);
let vec_exit = self.pats_all(vec.iter(), pre_exit);
let post_exit = self.pats_all(post.iter(), vec_exit);
self.add_ast_node(pat.hir_id.local_id, &[post_exit])
/// Handles case where all of the patterns must match.
fn pats_all<'b, I: Iterator<Item = &'b P<hir::Pat>>>(
&mut self,
pats: I,
pred: CFGIndex,
) -> CFGIndex {
pats.fold(pred, |pred, pat| self.pat(&pat, pred))
fn expr(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
match expr.node {
hir::ExprKind::Block(ref blk, _) => {
let blk_exit = self.block(&blk, pred);
self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[blk_exit])
hir::ExprKind::Loop(ref body, _, _) => {
// [pred]
// |
// v 1
// [loopback] <---+
// | 4 |
// v 3 |
// [body] ------+
// [expr] 2
// Note that `break` and `loop` statements
// may cause additional edges.
let loopback = self.add_dummy_node(&[pred]); // 1
let expr_exit = self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[]); // 2
self.loop_scopes.push(LoopScope {
loop_id: expr.hir_id.local_id,
continue_index: loopback,
break_index: expr_exit,
let body_exit = self.block(&body, loopback); // 3
self.add_contained_edge(body_exit, loopback); // 4
hir::ExprKind::Match(ref discr, ref arms, _) => {
self.match_(expr.hir_id.local_id, &discr, &arms, pred)
hir::ExprKind::Binary(op, ref l, ref r) if op.node.is_lazy() => {
// [pred]
// |
// v 1
// [l]
// |
// / \
// / \
// v 2 *
// [r] |
// | |
// v 3 v 4
// [..exit..]
let l_exit = self.expr(&l, pred); // 1
let r_exit = self.expr(&r, l_exit); // 2
self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[l_exit, r_exit]) // 3,4
hir::ExprKind::Ret(ref v) => {
let v_exit = self.opt_expr(v, pred);
let b = self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[v_exit]);
self.add_returning_edge(expr, b);
hir::ExprKind::Break(destination, ref opt_expr) => {
let v = self.opt_expr(opt_expr, pred);
let (target_scope, break_dest) =
self.find_scope_edge(expr, destination, ScopeCfKind::Break);
let b = self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[v]);
self.add_exiting_edge(expr, b, target_scope, break_dest);
hir::ExprKind::Continue(destination) => {
let (target_scope, cont_dest) =
self.find_scope_edge(expr, destination, ScopeCfKind::Continue);
let a = self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[pred]);
self.add_exiting_edge(expr, a, target_scope, cont_dest);
hir::ExprKind::Array(ref elems) => {
self.straightline(expr, pred, elems.iter().map(|e| &*e))
hir::ExprKind::Call(ref func, ref args) => {, pred, &func, args.iter().map(|e| &*e))
hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(.., ref args) => {, pred, &args[0], args[1..].iter().map(|e| &*e))
hir::ExprKind::Index(ref l, ref r) |
hir::ExprKind::Binary(_, ref l, ref r) if self.tables.is_method_call(expr) => {, pred, &l, Some(&**r).into_iter())
hir::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref e) if self.tables.is_method_call(expr) => {, pred, &e, None::<hir::Expr>.iter())
hir::ExprKind::Tup(ref exprs) => {
self.straightline(expr, pred, exprs.iter().map(|e| &*e))
hir::ExprKind::Struct(_, ref fields, ref base) => {
let field_cfg = self.straightline(expr, pred, fields.iter().map(|f| &*f.expr));
self.opt_expr(base, field_cfg)
hir::ExprKind::Assign(ref l, ref r) |
hir::ExprKind::AssignOp(_, ref l, ref r) => {
self.straightline(expr, pred, [r, l].iter().map(|&e| &**e))
hir::ExprKind::Index(ref l, ref r) |
hir::ExprKind::Binary(_, ref l, ref r) => { // N.B., && and || handled earlier
self.straightline(expr, pred, [l, r].iter().map(|&e| &**e))
hir::ExprKind::Box(ref e) |
hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, ref e) |
hir::ExprKind::Cast(ref e, _) |
hir::ExprKind::Type(ref e, _) |
hir::ExprKind::DropTemps(ref e) |
hir::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref e) |
hir::ExprKind::Field(ref e, _) |
hir::ExprKind::Yield(ref e, _) |
hir::ExprKind::Repeat(ref e, _) => {
self.straightline(expr, pred, Some(&**e).into_iter())
hir::ExprKind::InlineAsm(_, ref outputs, ref inputs) => {
let post_outputs = self.exprs(outputs.iter().map(|e| &*e), pred);
let post_inputs = self.exprs(inputs.iter().map(|e| &*e), post_outputs);
self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[post_inputs])
hir::ExprKind::Closure(..) |
hir::ExprKind::Lit(..) |
hir::ExprKind::Path(_) |
hir::ExprKind::Err => {
self.straightline(expr, pred, None::<hir::Expr>.iter())
fn call<'b, I: Iterator<Item = &'b hir::Expr>>(
&mut self,
call_expr: &hir::Expr,
pred: CFGIndex,
func_or_rcvr: &hir::Expr,
args: I,
) -> CFGIndex {
let func_or_rcvr_exit = self.expr(func_or_rcvr, pred);
let ret = self.straightline(call_expr, func_or_rcvr_exit, args);
let m = self.tcx.hir().get_module_parent(call_expr.hir_id);
if self.tcx.is_ty_uninhabited_from(m, self.tables.expr_ty(call_expr)) {
} else {
/// Constructs graph for `exprs` evaluated in order.
fn exprs<'b, I: Iterator<Item = &'b hir::Expr>>(
&mut self,
exprs: I,
pred: CFGIndex,
) -> CFGIndex {
exprs.fold(pred, |p, e| self.expr(e, p))
/// Constructs graph for `opt_expr` evaluated, if `Some`.
fn opt_expr(
&mut self,
opt_expr: &Option<P<hir::Expr>>,
pred: CFGIndex,
) -> CFGIndex {
opt_expr.iter().fold(pred, |p, e| self.expr(&e, p))
/// Handles case of an expression that evaluates `subexprs` in order.
fn straightline<'b, I: Iterator<Item = &'b hir::Expr>>(
&mut self,
expr: &hir::Expr,
pred: CFGIndex,
subexprs: I,
) -> CFGIndex {
let subexprs_exit = self.exprs(subexprs, pred);
self.add_ast_node(expr.hir_id.local_id, &[subexprs_exit])
fn match_(&mut self, id: hir::ItemLocalId, discr: &hir::Expr,
arms: &[hir::Arm], pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
// The CFG for match expressions is quite complex, so no ASCII
// art for it (yet).
// The CFG generated below matches roughly what MIR contains.
// Each pattern and guard is visited in parallel, with
// arms containing multiple patterns generating multiple nodes
// for the same guard expression. The guard expressions chain
// into each other from top to bottom, with a specific
// exception to allow some additional valid programs
// (explained below). MIR differs slightly in that the
// pattern matching may continue after a guard but the visible
// behaviour should be the same.
// What is going on is explained in further comments.
// Visit the discriminant expression.
let discr_exit = self.expr(discr, pred);
// Add a node for the exit of the match expression as a whole.
let expr_exit = self.add_ast_node(id, &[]);
// Keep track of the previous guard expressions.
let mut prev_guard = None;
let match_scope = region::Scope { id, data: region::ScopeData::Node };
for arm in arms {
// Add an exit node for when we've visited all the
// patterns and the guard (if there is one) in the arm.
let bindings_exit = self.add_dummy_node(&[]);
for pat in &arm.pats {
// Visit the pattern, coming from the discriminant exit
let mut pat_exit = self.pat(&pat, discr_exit);
// If there is a guard expression, handle it here.
if let Some(ref guard) = arm.guard {
// Add a dummy node for the previous guard
// expression to target.
let guard_start = self.add_dummy_node(&[pat_exit]);
// Visit the guard expression.
let guard_exit = match guard {
hir::Guard::If(ref e) => (&**e, self.expr(e, guard_start)),
// #47295: We used to have very special case code
// here for when a pair of arms are both formed
// solely from constants, and if so, not add these
// edges. But this was not actually sound without
// other constraints that we stopped enforcing at
// some point.
if let Some((prev_guard, prev_index)) = prev_guard.take() {
self.add_exiting_edge(prev_guard, prev_index, match_scope, guard_start);
// Push the guard onto the list of previous guards.
prev_guard = Some(guard_exit);
// Update the exit node for the pattern.
pat_exit = guard_exit.1;
// Add an edge from the exit of this pattern to the exit of the arm.
self.add_contained_edge(pat_exit, bindings_exit);
// Visit the body of this arm.
let body_exit = self.expr(&arm.body, bindings_exit);
let arm_exit = self.add_ast_node(arm.hir_id.local_id, &[body_exit]);
// Link the body to the exit of the expression.
self.add_contained_edge(arm_exit, expr_exit);
fn add_dummy_node(&mut self, preds: &[CFGIndex]) -> CFGIndex {
self.add_node(CFGNodeData::Dummy, preds)
fn add_ast_node(&mut self, id: hir::ItemLocalId, preds: &[CFGIndex]) -> CFGIndex {
self.add_node(CFGNodeData::AST(id), preds)
fn add_unreachable_node(&mut self) -> CFGIndex {
self.add_node(CFGNodeData::Unreachable, &[])
fn add_node(&mut self, data: CFGNodeData, preds: &[CFGIndex]) -> CFGIndex {
let node = self.graph.add_node(data);
for &pred in preds {
self.add_contained_edge(pred, node);
fn add_contained_edge(
&mut self,
source: CFGIndex,
target: CFGIndex,
) {
let data = CFGEdgeData {exiting_scopes: vec![] };
self.graph.add_edge(source, target, data);
fn add_exiting_edge(
&mut self,
from_expr: &hir::Expr,
from_index: CFGIndex,
target_scope: region::Scope,
to_index: CFGIndex,
) {
let mut data = CFGEdgeData { exiting_scopes: vec![] };
let mut scope = region::Scope {
id: from_expr.hir_id.local_id,
data: region::ScopeData::Node
let region_scope_tree = self.tcx.region_scope_tree(self.owner_def_id);
while scope != target_scope {
scope = region_scope_tree.encl_scope(scope);
self.graph.add_edge(from_index, to_index, data);
fn add_returning_edge(
&mut self,
_from_expr: &hir::Expr,
from_index: CFGIndex,
) {
let data = CFGEdgeData {
exiting_scopes: self.loop_scopes.iter()
.map(|&LoopScope { loop_id: id, .. }| id)
self.graph.add_edge(from_index, self.fn_exit, data);
fn find_scope_edge(
expr: &hir::Expr,
destination: hir::Destination,
scope_cf_kind: ScopeCfKind,
) -> (region::Scope, CFGIndex) {
match destination.target_id {
Ok(loop_id) => {
for b in &self.breakable_block_scopes {
if b.block_expr_id == loop_id.local_id {
let scope = region::Scope {
id: loop_id.local_id,
data: region::ScopeData::Node
return (scope, match scope_cf_kind {
ScopeCfKind::Break => b.break_index,
ScopeCfKind::Continue => bug!("can't continue to block"),
for l in &self.loop_scopes {
if l.loop_id == loop_id.local_id {
let scope = region::Scope {
id: loop_id.local_id,
data: region::ScopeData::Node
return (scope, match scope_cf_kind {
ScopeCfKind::Break => l.break_index,
ScopeCfKind::Continue => l.continue_index,
span_bug!(expr.span, "no scope for ID {}", loop_id);
Err(err) => span_bug!(expr.span, "scope error: {}", err),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum ScopeCfKind {