blob: 89894f7932d79fac161d5673d6b7778d9dd710f4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Regenerate Unicode tables (
# This script uses the Unicode tables as defined
# in the UnicodeFiles class.
# Since this should not require frequent updates, we just store this
# out-of-line and check the file into git.
# Note that the "curl" program is required for operation.
# This script is compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.x.
import argparse
import datetime
import fileinput
import itertools
import os
import re
import textwrap
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
# Python 3
from itertools import zip_longest
from io import StringIO
except ImportError:
# Python 2 compatibility
zip_longest = itertools.izip_longest
from StringIO import StringIO
# Completely optional type hinting
# (Python 2 compatible using comments,
# see:
# This is very helpful in typing-aware IDE like PyCharm.
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
except ImportError:
# We don't use enum.Enum because of Python 2.7 compatibility.
class UnicodeFiles(object):
# ReadMe does not contain any Unicode data, we
# only use it to extract versions.
README = "ReadMe.txt"
DERIVED_CORE_PROPERTIES = "DerivedCoreProperties.txt"
DERIVED_NORMALIZATION_PROPS = "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt"
PROPS = "PropList.txt"
SCRIPTS = "Scripts.txt"
SPECIAL_CASING = "SpecialCasing.txt"
UNICODE_DATA = "UnicodeData.txt"
# The order doesn't really matter (Python < 3.6 won't preserve it),
# we only want to aggregate all the file names.
value for name, value in UnicodeFiles.__dict__.items()
if not name.startswith("_")
assert len(ALL_UNICODE_FILES) == 7, "Unexpected number of unicode files"
# The directory this file is located in.
THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Where to download the Unicode data. The downloaded files
# will be placed in sub-directories named after Unicode version.
FETCH_DIR = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "downloaded")
FETCH_URL_LATEST = "{filename}"
FETCH_URL_VERSION = "{version}/ucd/{filename}"
// NOTE: The following code was generated by "./", do not edit directly
#![allow(missing_docs, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case, clippy::unreadable_literal)]
use crate::unicode::version::UnicodeVersion;
use crate::unicode::bool_trie::{{BoolTrie, SmallBoolTrie}};
# Mapping taken from Table 12 from:
"Lu": ["LC", "L"], "Ll": ["LC", "L"], "Lt": ["LC", "L"],
"Lm": ["L"], "Lo": ["L"],
"Mn": ["M"], "Mc": ["M"], "Me": ["M"],
"Nd": ["N"], "Nl": ["N"], "No": ["N"],
"Pc": ["P"], "Pd": ["P"], "Ps": ["P"], "Pe": ["P"],
"Pi": ["P"], "Pf": ["P"], "Po": ["P"],
"Sm": ["S"], "Sc": ["S"], "Sk": ["S"], "So": ["S"],
"Zs": ["Z"], "Zl": ["Z"], "Zp": ["Z"],
"Cc": ["C"], "Cf": ["C"], "Cs": ["C"], "Co": ["C"], "Cn": ["C"],
# This is the (inclusive) range of surrogate codepoints.
# These are not valid Rust characters.
UnicodeData = namedtuple(
"UnicodeData", (
# Conversions:
"to_upper", "to_lower", "to_title",
# Decompositions: canonical decompositions, compatibility decomp
"canon_decomp", "compat_decomp",
# Grouped: general categories and combining characters
"general_categories", "combines",
UnicodeVersion = namedtuple(
"UnicodeVersion", ("major", "minor", "micro", "as_str")
def fetch_files(version=None):
# type: (str) -> UnicodeVersion
Fetch all the Unicode files from
This will use cached files (stored in `FETCH_DIR`) if they exist,
creating them if they don't. In any case, the Unicode version
is always returned.
:param version: The desired Unicode version, as string.
(If None, defaults to latest final release available,
querying the service).
have_version = check_stored_version(version)
if have_version:
return have_version
if version:
# Check if the desired version exists on the server.
get_fetch_url = lambda name: FETCH_URL_VERSION.format(version=version, filename=name)
# Extract the latest version.
get_fetch_url = lambda name: FETCH_URL_LATEST.format(filename=name)
readme_url = get_fetch_url(UnicodeFiles.README)
print("Fetching: {}".format(readme_url))
readme_content = subprocess.check_output(("curl", readme_url))
unicode_version = parse_readme_unicode_version(
download_dir = get_unicode_dir(unicode_version)
if not os.path.exists(download_dir):
# For 2.7 compat, we don't use `exist_ok=True`.
for filename in ALL_UNICODE_FILES:
file_path = get_unicode_file_path(unicode_version, filename)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# Assume file on the server didn't change if it's been saved before.
if filename == UnicodeFiles.README:
with open(file_path, "wb") as fd:
url = get_fetch_url(filename)
print("Fetching: {}".format(url))
subprocess.check_call(("curl", "-o", file_path, url))
return unicode_version
def check_stored_version(version):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> Optional[UnicodeVersion]
Given desired Unicode version, return the version
if stored files are all present, and `None` otherwise.
if not version:
# If no desired version specified, we should check what's the latest
# version, skipping stored version checks.
return None
fetch_dir = os.path.join(FETCH_DIR, version)
for filename in ALL_UNICODE_FILES:
file_path = os.path.join(fetch_dir, filename)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
return None
with open(os.path.join(fetch_dir, UnicodeFiles.README)) as fd:
return parse_readme_unicode_version(
def parse_readme_unicode_version(readme_content):
# type: (str) -> UnicodeVersion
Parse the Unicode version contained in their `ReadMe.txt` file.
# "Raw string" is necessary for \d not being treated as escape char
# (for the sake of compat with future Python versions).
# See:
pattern = r"for Version (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) of the Unicode"
groups =, readme_content).groups()
return UnicodeVersion(*map(int, groups), as_str=".".join(groups))
def get_unicode_dir(unicode_version):
# type: (UnicodeVersion) -> str
Indicate in which parent dir the Unicode data files should be stored.
This returns a full, absolute path.
return os.path.join(FETCH_DIR, unicode_version.as_str)
def get_unicode_file_path(unicode_version, filename):
# type: (UnicodeVersion, str) -> str
Indicate where the Unicode data file should be stored.
return os.path.join(get_unicode_dir(unicode_version), filename)
def is_surrogate(n):
# type: (int) -> bool
Tell if given codepoint is a surrogate (not a valid Rust character).
def load_unicode_data(file_path):
# type: (str) -> UnicodeData
Load main Unicode data.
# Conversions
to_lower = {} # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
to_upper = {} # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
to_title = {} # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
# Decompositions
compat_decomp = {} # type: Dict[int, List[int]]
canon_decomp = {} # type: Dict[int, List[int]]
# Combining characters
# FIXME: combines are not used
combines = defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[str, Set[int]]
# Categories
general_categories = defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[str, Set[int]]
category_assigned_codepoints = set() # type: Set[int]
all_codepoints = {}
range_start = -1
for line in fileinput.input(file_path):
data = line.split(";")
if len(data) != 15:
codepoint = int(data[0], 16)
if is_surrogate(codepoint):
if range_start >= 0:
for i in range(range_start, codepoint):
all_codepoints[i] = data
range_start = -1
if data[1].endswith(", First>"):
range_start = codepoint
all_codepoints[codepoint] = data
for code, data in all_codepoints.items():
(code_org, name, gencat, combine, bidi,
decomp, deci, digit, num, mirror,
old, iso, upcase, lowcase, titlecase) = data
# Generate char to char direct common and simple conversions:
# Uppercase to lowercase
if lowcase != "" and code_org != lowcase:
to_lower[code] = (int(lowcase, 16), 0, 0)
# Lowercase to uppercase
if upcase != "" and code_org != upcase:
to_upper[code] = (int(upcase, 16), 0, 0)
# Title case
if titlecase.strip() != "" and code_org != titlecase:
to_title[code] = (int(titlecase, 16), 0, 0)
# Store decomposition, if given
if decomp:
decompositions = decomp.split()[1:]
decomp_code_points = [int(i, 16) for i in decompositions]
if decomp.startswith("<"):
# Compatibility decomposition
compat_decomp[code] = decomp_code_points
# Canonical decomposition
canon_decomp[code] = decomp_code_points
# Place letter in categories as appropriate.
for cat in itertools.chain((gencat, ), EXPANDED_CATEGORIES.get(gencat, [])):
# Record combining class, if any.
if combine != "0":
# Generate Not_Assigned from Assigned.
general_categories["Cn"] = get_unassigned_codepoints(category_assigned_codepoints)
# Other contains Not_Assigned
grouped_categories = group_categories(general_categories)
# FIXME: combines are not used
return UnicodeData(
to_lower=to_lower, to_upper=to_upper, to_title=to_title,
compat_decomp=compat_decomp, canon_decomp=canon_decomp,
general_categories=grouped_categories, combines=combines,
def load_special_casing(file_path, unicode_data):
# type: (str, UnicodeData) -> None
Load special casing data and enrich given Unicode data.
for line in fileinput.input(file_path):
data = line.split("#")[0].split(";")
if len(data) == 5:
code, lower, title, upper, _comment = data
elif len(data) == 6:
code, lower, title, upper, condition, _comment = data
if condition.strip(): # Only keep unconditional mappins
code = code.strip()
lower = lower.strip()
title = title.strip()
upper = upper.strip()
key = int(code, 16)
for (map_, values) in ((unicode_data.to_lower, lower),
(unicode_data.to_upper, upper),
(unicode_data.to_title, title)):
if values != code:
split = values.split()
codepoints = list(itertools.chain(
(int(i, 16) for i in split),
(0 for _ in range(len(split), 3))
assert len(codepoints) == 3
map_[key] = codepoints
def group_categories(mapping):
# type: (Dict[Any, Iterable[int]]) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]]
Group codepoints mapped in "categories".
return {category: group_codepoints(codepoints)
for category, codepoints in mapping.items()}
def group_codepoints(codepoints):
# type: (Iterable[int]) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]
Group integral values into continuous, disjoint value ranges.
Performs value deduplication.
:return: sorted list of pairs denoting start and end of codepoint
group values, both ends inclusive.
>>> group_codepoints([1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 3, 4])
[(1, 4), (10, 12)]
>>> group_codepoints([1])
[(1, 1)]
>>> group_codepoints([1, 5, 6])
[(1, 1), (5, 6)]
>>> group_codepoints([])
sorted_codes = sorted(set(codepoints))
result = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, int]]
if not sorted_codes:
return result
next_codes = sorted_codes[1:]
start_code = sorted_codes[0]
for code, next_code in zip_longest(sorted_codes, next_codes, fillvalue=None):
if next_code is None or next_code - code != 1:
result.append((start_code, code))
start_code = next_code
return result
def ungroup_codepoints(codepoint_pairs):
# type: (Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[int]
The inverse of group_codepoints -- produce a flat list of values
from value range pairs.
>>> ungroup_codepoints([(1, 4), (10, 12)])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12]
>>> ungroup_codepoints([(1, 1), (5, 6)])
[1, 5, 6]
>>> ungroup_codepoints(group_codepoints([1, 2, 7, 8]))
[1, 2, 7, 8]
>>> ungroup_codepoints([])
return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
range(lo, hi + 1) for lo, hi in codepoint_pairs
def get_unassigned_codepoints(assigned_codepoints):
# type: (Set[int]) -> Set[int]
Given a set of "assigned" codepoints, return a set
of these that are not in assigned and not surrogate.
return {i for i in range(0, 0x110000)
if i not in assigned_codepoints and not is_surrogate(i)}
def generate_table_lines(items, indent, wrap=98):
# type: (Iterable[str], int, int) -> Iterator[str]
Given table items, generate wrapped lines of text with comma-separated items.
This is a generator function.
:param wrap: soft wrap limit (characters per line), integer.
line = " " * indent
first = True
for item in items:
if len(line) + len(item) < wrap:
if first:
line += item
line += ", " + item
first = False
yield line + ",\n"
line = " " * indent + item
yield line
def load_properties(file_path, interesting_props):
# type: (str, Iterable[str]) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]]
Load properties data and return in grouped form.
props = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]]
# "Raw string" is necessary for `\.` and `\w` not to be treated as escape chars
# (for the sake of compat with future Python versions).
# See:
re1 = re.compile(r"^ *([0-9A-F]+) *; *(\w+)")
re2 = re.compile(r"^ *([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+) *; *(\w+)")
for line in fileinput.input(file_path):
match = re1.match(line) or re2.match(line)
if match:
groups = match.groups()
if len(groups) == 2:
# `re1` matched (2 groups).
d_lo, prop = groups
d_hi = d_lo
d_lo, d_hi, prop = groups
if interesting_props and prop not in interesting_props:
lo_value = int(d_lo, 16)
hi_value = int(d_hi, 16)
props[prop].append((lo_value, hi_value))
# Optimize if possible.
for prop in props:
props[prop] = group_codepoints(ungroup_codepoints(props[prop]))
return props
def escape_char(c):
# type: (int) -> str
Escape a codepoint for use as Rust char literal.
Outputs are OK to use as Rust source code as char literals
and they also include necessary quotes.
>>> escape_char(97)
>>> escape_char(0)
return r"'\u{%x}'" % c if c != 0 else r"'\0'"
def format_char_pair(pair):
# type: (Tuple[int, int]) -> str
Format a pair of two Rust chars.
return "(%s,%s)" % (escape_char(pair[0]), escape_char(pair[1]))
def generate_table(
name, # type: str
items, # type: List[Tuple[int, int]]
decl_type="&[(char, char)]", # type: str
is_pub=True, # type: bool
format_item=format_char_pair, # type: Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], str]
# type: (...) -> Iterator[str]
Generate a nicely formatted Rust constant "table" array.
This generates actual Rust code.
pub_string = ""
if is_pub:
pub_string = "pub "
yield " %sconst %s: %s = &[\n" % (pub_string, name, decl_type)
data = []
first = True
for item in items:
if not first:
first = False
for table_line in generate_table_lines("".join(data).split(","), 8):
yield table_line
yield "\n ];\n\n"
def compute_trie(raw_data, chunk_size):
# type: (List[int], int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]
Compute postfix-compressed trie.
See: for more details.
>>> compute_trie([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3)
([0, 0, 1], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
>>> compute_trie([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6], 3)
([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6])
root = []
childmap = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[int, ...], int]
child_data = []
assert len(raw_data) % chunk_size == 0, "Chunks must be equally sized"
for i in range(len(raw_data) // chunk_size):
data = raw_data[i * chunk_size : (i + 1) * chunk_size]
# Postfix compression of child nodes (data chunks)
# (identical child nodes are shared).
# Make a tuple out of the list so it's hashable.
child = tuple(data)
if child not in childmap:
childmap[child] = len(childmap)
return root, child_data
def generate_bool_trie(name, codepoint_ranges, is_pub=False):
# type: (str, List[Tuple[int, int]], bool) -> Iterator[str]
Generate Rust code for BoolTrie struct.
This yields string fragments that should be joined to produce
the final string.
See: ``.
chunk_size = 64
rawdata = [False] * 0x110000
for (lo, hi) in codepoint_ranges:
for cp in range(lo, hi + 1):
rawdata[cp] = True
# Convert to bitmap chunks of `chunk_size` bits each.
chunks = []
for i in range(0x110000 // chunk_size):
chunk = 0
for j in range(chunk_size):
if rawdata[i * chunk_size + j]:
chunk |= 1 << j
pub_string = ""
if is_pub:
pub_string = "pub "
yield " %sconst %s: &super::BoolTrie = &super::BoolTrie {\n" % (pub_string, name)
yield " r1: [\n"
data = ("0x%016x" % chunk for chunk in chunks[:0x800 // chunk_size])
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
# 0x800..0x10000 trie
(r2, r3) = compute_trie(chunks[0x800 // chunk_size : 0x10000 // chunk_size], 64 // chunk_size)
yield " r2: [\n"
data = map(str, r2)
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
yield " r3: &[\n"
data = ("0x%016x" % node for node in r3)
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
# 0x10000..0x110000 trie
(mid, r6) = compute_trie(chunks[0x10000 // chunk_size : 0x110000 // chunk_size],
64 // chunk_size)
(r4, r5) = compute_trie(mid, 64)
yield " r4: [\n"
data = map(str, r4)
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
yield " r5: &[\n"
data = map(str, r5)
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
yield " r6: &[\n"
data = ("0x%016x" % node for node in r6)
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
yield " };\n\n"
def generate_small_bool_trie(name, codepoint_ranges, is_pub=False):
# type: (str, List[Tuple[int, int]], bool) -> Iterator[str]
Generate Rust code for `SmallBoolTrie` struct.
See: ``.
last_chunk = max(hi // 64 for (lo, hi) in codepoint_ranges)
n_chunks = last_chunk + 1
chunks = [0] * n_chunks
for (lo, hi) in codepoint_ranges:
for cp in range(lo, hi + 1):
assert cp // 64 < len(chunks)
chunks[cp // 64] |= 1 << (cp & 63)
pub_string = ""
if is_pub:
pub_string = "pub "
yield (" %sconst %s: &super::SmallBoolTrie = &super::SmallBoolTrie {\n"
% (pub_string, name))
(r1, r2) = compute_trie(chunks, 1)
yield " r1: &[\n"
data = (str(node) for node in r1)
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
yield " r2: &[\n"
data = ("0x%016x" % node for node in r2)
for fragment in generate_table_lines(data, 12):
yield fragment
yield "\n ],\n"
yield " };\n\n"
def generate_property_module(mod, grouped_categories, category_subset):
# type: (str, Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]], Iterable[str]) -> Iterator[str]
Generate Rust code for module defining properties.
yield "pub(crate) mod %s {\n" % mod
for cat in sorted(category_subset):
if cat in ("Cc", "White_Space"):
generator = generate_small_bool_trie("%s_table" % cat, grouped_categories[cat])
generator = generate_bool_trie("%s_table" % cat, grouped_categories[cat])
for fragment in generator:
yield fragment
yield " pub fn %s(c: char) -> bool {\n" % cat
yield " %s_table.lookup(c)\n" % cat
yield " }\n\n"
yield "}\n\n"
def generate_conversions_module(unicode_data):
# type: (UnicodeData) -> Iterator[str]
Generate Rust code for module defining conversions.
yield "pub(crate) mod conversions {"
yield """
pub fn to_lower(c: char) -> [char; 3] {
match bsearch_case_table(c, to_lowercase_table) {
None => [c, '\\0', '\\0'],
Some(index) => to_lowercase_table[index].1,
pub fn to_upper(c: char) -> [char; 3] {
match bsearch_case_table(c, to_uppercase_table) {
None => [c, '\\0', '\\0'],
Some(index) => to_uppercase_table[index].1,
fn bsearch_case_table(c: char, table: &[(char, [char; 3])]) -> Option<usize> {
table.binary_search_by(|&(key, _)| key.cmp(&c)).ok()
decl_type = "&[(char, [char; 3])]"
format_conversion = lambda x: "({},[{},{},{}])".format(*(
escape_char(c) for c in (x[0], x[1][0], x[1][1], x[1][2])
for fragment in generate_table(
items=sorted(unicode_data.to_lower.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]),
yield fragment
for fragment in generate_table(
items=sorted(unicode_data.to_upper.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]),
yield fragment
yield "}\n"
def parse_args():
# type: () -> argparse.Namespace
Parse command line arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", default=None, type=str,
help="Unicode version to use (if not specified,"
" defaults to latest release).")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
# type: () -> None
Script entry point.
args = parse_args()
unicode_version = fetch_files(args.version)
print("Using Unicode version: {}".format(unicode_version.as_str))
# All the writing happens entirely in memory, we only write to file
# once we have generated the file content (it's not very large, <1 MB).
buf = StringIO()
unicode_version_notice = textwrap.dedent("""
/// The version of [Unicode]( that the Unicode parts of
/// `char` and `str` methods are based on.
#[unstable(feature = "unicode_version", issue = "49726")]
pub const UNICODE_VERSION: UnicodeVersion = UnicodeVersion {{
major: {version.major},
minor: {version.minor},
micro: {version.micro},
_priv: (),
get_path = lambda f: get_unicode_file_path(unicode_version, f)
unicode_data = load_unicode_data(get_path(UnicodeFiles.UNICODE_DATA))
load_special_casing(get_path(UnicodeFiles.SPECIAL_CASING), unicode_data)
want_derived = {"Alphabetic", "Lowercase", "Uppercase",
"Cased", "Case_Ignorable", "Grapheme_Extend"}
derived = load_properties(get_path(UnicodeFiles.DERIVED_CORE_PROPERTIES), want_derived)
props = load_properties(get_path(UnicodeFiles.PROPS),
{"White_Space", "Join_Control", "Noncharacter_Code_Point"})
# Category tables
for (name, categories, category_subset) in (
("general_category", unicode_data.general_categories, ["N", "Cc"]),
("derived_property", derived, want_derived),
("property", props, ["White_Space"])
for fragment in generate_property_module(name, categories, category_subset):
for fragment in generate_conversions_module(unicode_data):
tables_rs_path = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "")
# Actually write out the file content.
# Will overwrite the file if it exists.
with open(tables_rs_path, "w") as fd:
if __name__ == "__main__":